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--hellgelb grünstichig (kräftig)
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--paleolivegreen #FFFFEE yellowolivegreen #F6FAD7 sehr hell #EEF5B0 #F5FBEF
--hellgrün (selbe farbe) #5A9D53 mittelgrün #D5FAE3 mediumgrün
hellgrün (selbe farbe)
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--kräftiges schmuddelgrün
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--kräftiges hellgrün
--orange #FCF3E3 hellorange
--türkis lightcyan
--tomatenrot/lightsalmon #FBF2EF zarthellrot
--hellgrau lightgrey
-- dunkelbraun
-beige #fafae4 hellbeige #FCFFF4 heller beige #F8ECE0 mittelbeige
--mittellila / lavender, #F6CECE altrosa #F6E3CE leichtbraun burlywood (mittelbraun)
, präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte
Nachrichtensendung Arte Journal
, presented by the French German TV station Arte
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Wochennachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel --- Spiegel Online
, presented by the German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehnachrichtenmagazin Spiegel TV
, präsentiert von der monatlich erscheinenden deutschen Wirtschaftszeitschrift brand eins
, präsentiert von der kostenlosen Schweizer Pendlerzeitung Blick am Abend
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Wirtschaftszeitung Finanz und Wirtschaft
, präsentiert von der deutschsprachigen Schweizer Boulevardzeitung Blick
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Tageszeitung Aargauer Zeitung
, präsentiert von der deutschen regionalen Tageszeitung Fuldaer Zeitung
, präsentiert von der Münchner Boulevardzeitung tz
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Regionalzeitung Luzerner_Zeitung
, bereitgestellt von dem digitalen Konferenzveranstalter re:publica
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Kulturmagazin Aurora ✓
, präsentiert von der deutschen populärwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift [[wp:P.M._Magazin|P.M. Magazin]
, präsentiert von der deutschen Münchner Boulevardzeitung Abendzeitung
, präsentiert von der bayerischen Abonnement-Zeitung Augsburger Allgemeine
, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Zeitung Die Tageszeitung (taz)
, präsentiert von der überregionalen österreichischen Tageszeitung Kurier
, präsentiert von der überregionalen bürgerlich-liberalen österreichischen Tageszeitung Die Presse
, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Sächsische Zeitung
, presented by the French newspaper France-Soir
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Wochenzeitung TagesWoche
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatszeitschrift Bild der Wissenschaft
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatszeitschrift Spektrum der Wissenschaft
, präsentiert von dem deutschen online Wissenschaftsportal Spektrum
präsentiert von dem Blogportal Scilogs von Spektrum der Wissenschaft
, präsentiert von dem Magazin für Psychologie und Hirnforschung Gehirn und Geist
, präsentiert von dem populärwissenschaftlichen Informationsportal
, präsentiert von der deutschen Webplattform Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN)
, presented by the science news website Live Science
, presented by the French multilingual news television channel Euronews
, presented by the British public-service television broadcaster Channel 4
, präsentiert von der britischen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender Channel 4 News
, presented by the European commercial social networking site ResearchGate
, presented by the US American news and opinion website Salon
, presented by the multinational US American business magazine Fortune
, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift [[wp:Fortune_%28Zeitschrift%29|Fortune]
, presented by the English-language financial blog Zero Hedge, Tyler Durden
, presented by the US American weekly news magazine Newsweek
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Wochenmagazin Newsweek
, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Berliner Zeitung
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Tageszeitung Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Sonntagszeitung NZZ am Sonntag
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Wochenzeitung SonntagsZeitung
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Monatsmagazin der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Folio
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Wochenmagazin Die Weltwoche
, presented by the Swiss weekly magazine Die Weltwoche
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Video Nachrichten Kanal NZZ Standpunkte
, präsentiert von der Monatsbeilage der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung NZZ Folio
, präsentiert von der britischen nationalkonservativen Boulevardzeitung Daily Express
, presented by the monthly British cultural and political magazine Standpoint
, presented by the independent news website Mondoweiss *
, presented by the US American daily newspaper Mail Tribune *
, presented by the Stanford student-run, independent daily newspaper The Stanford Daily
, presented by the US American email news service Stanford Report
, presented by the academic journal Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology
, presented by the quarterly magazine on mythology and religious/cultural traditions Parabola
, presented by the British daily newspaper The Times
, presented by the British national "quality" Sunday newspaper The Sunday Times
, presented by the US American news and opinion website Independent Journal Review
, presented by the international peer-reviewed journal Philosophy Today
, presented by the US American literary magazine The Antioch Review
, presented by the monthly independent socialist magazine Monthy Review
, presented by the international news organization Reuters
, presented by the business magazine Strategy+Business
, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Tageszeitung Die Welt
Welt am Sonntag
, presented by the German nationwide daily newspaper Die Welt
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehsender für Nachrichten und Zeitgeschehenpräsentiert Welt (Fernsehsender) (ehemals Welt N24)
, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift für Kultur und Lebensart Das Magazin
, präsentiert von dem deutschen online Fernsehsender COMPACTTV, Gastgeber
Jürgen Elsässer (*1957) deutscher politischer Aktivist, Journalist, Publizist
presented by the German online TV station COMPACTTV
, presented by quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal Mind, published since 1876 by Oxford University Press
, präsentiert von der größten Schweizer Wirtschaftszeitung Handelszeitung
, presented by the free weekly digest Brain Pickings, host Maria Popova (*1984) Bulgarian critic, blogger, writer
, presented by the British bimonthly environmental magazine Resurgence & Ecologist
, präsentiert von der britischen Tageszeitung The Guardian
, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian
, präsentiert von der deutschen regionalen Tageszeitung Nordkurier
, präsentiert von der überregionalen österreichischen Tageszeitung Kurier
, präsentiert von der überregionalen Abonnement-Tageszeitung Oberösterreichische Nachrichten
, presented by the publication Activist Post
, presented by the United States government-funded broadcasting organization Radio Liberty
, präsentiert von dem US-finanzierten Rundfunksender Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
, präsentiert von der Publikation der Informations- und Bildungssendung Planet Wissen
, presented by the British Sunday newspaper The Observer
, presented by the US American daily middle-market newspaper USA Today
, presented by the publication The Duran, Alex Christoforou
, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator
, presented by the private nonprofit scientific foundation Mind Science Foundation
, präsentiert von dem Onlinemagazin der Süddeutschen Zeitung Jetzt
, presented by the weekly US American Sunday news program Full Measure, host Sharyl Attkisson (*1961) US American investigative correspondent in the Washington bureau for CBS News (1993-2014), journalist, author
, presented by the US American television news program CBS News, program 60 Minutes
, presented by the US American radio broadcasting company CBS Radio (2005-2017)
, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet The Conversation
, presented by the US American financial and business news website Business Insider
, presented by the US American news website Insider
, präsentiert von der online Wirtschaftszeitung Business Insider Deutschland
, presented by the US American large-distribution newspaper New York Herald (1835-1924)
, presented by the US American newspaper New York Herald Tribune (1924-1966)
, presented by the British democratic socialist fortnightly magazine Tribune (1937-2018)
, presented by the New Zealand public service radio broadcaster RNZ (Radio New Zealand)
, presented by the US American independent non-profit journalism outlet The Trace
, presented by the English language newspaper International Herald Tribune
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal The Neuroscientist
, presented by the US American daily newspaper The Boston Globe
, präsentiert von der regionalen deutschen Tageszeitung Nürnberger Nachrichten
, präsentiert von der zweiwöchentlich erscheinenden deutschen Frauenzeitschrift Brigitte
, presented by the US American liberal Catholic newspaper National Catholic Reporter
, presented by the monthly news magazine U.S. News & World Report
, presented by the Indian daily newspaper The Hindu
, presented by the Canadian news and current affairs publication Global News
, präsentiert von dem Blogspot My Monk
, presented by the US American monthly Christian magazine Sojourners
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen christlichen Monatsmagazin Sojourners
Rev. Jim Wallis (*1948) US American political activist, editor-in-chief of the magazine Sojourners, evangelical Christian writer
God's Politics. Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It, HarperOne, 11. January 2005
Rev. Jim Wallis (*1948) US-amerikanischer politischer Aktivist, Chefredakteur des Magazins Sojourners, evangelikalischer christlicher Autor
, präsentiert von der Publikation ExtremeNews
, presented by the US American magazine MIT Technology Review
, presented by the weekly British conservative magazine The Spectator
, presented by replicas website Mirror
, presented by the bimonthly US American magazine Mindful
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal des Kölner Nachrichtensenders der RTL Group n-tv
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal t-online
, präsentiert von der kostenlosen Schweizer Pendlerzeitung 20 Minuten
, präsentiert von der Frauenbiografien-Datenbank FemBio
, präsentiert von dem aufgelösten österreichischen Magazin Alles Roger?
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Multipolar Magazin
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Tageszeitung [[wp:Oltner_Tagblatt|Oltner Tagblatt]
Dr. iur. Hans Derendinger (1920-1996) schweizerischer Anwalt, Notar, Fürsprecher, Redakteur des Oltner Tagblatts, Autor
, presented by the independent mental health social network PsychCentral
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Nachrichtenmagazin profil
, presented by the publication Washington's Blog
, presented by the US American daily evening television news program PBS NewsHour *
, presented by the US American public broadcaster Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
, presented by the US American TV channel PBS, interview show Charlie Rose, host Charlie Rose
, präsentiert von dem nichtkommerziellen US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
, presented by the US American premium cable and satellite television network HBO
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Fernsehprogrammanbieter HBO
, presented by the online archive outlet ✓
, presented by the US American men's fashion and lifestyle magazine Esquire
, presented by the weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal Journal of Management Studies
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic APA journal Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology
, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed medical journal Nature Medicine
, präsentiert von der medizinischen monatlich erscheinenden Fachzeitschrift Nature Medicine
, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed APA scientific journal Journal of Personality and Social Psychology *
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal covering the field of personality psychology Journal of Research in Personality
, presented by the online publication
, presented by the English scientific journal Journal of the Chemical Society
, präsentiert von der deutschen wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift Psychologische Rundschau
, presented by the US American magazine The Atlantic
, presented by the philosophical and cultural online magazine Aeon
, presented by the progressive Jewish interfaith magazine Tikkun
Michael Lerner (*1943) US American rabbi, visionary political activist, editor of the progressive Jewish interfaith magazine Tikkun, author
, presented by the free of charge monthly magazine The Philadelphia Trumpet, published by the Philadelphia Church of God
, presented by Russian news website Russia Insider
, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Hamburger Abendblatt
, presented by the Californian news website SFGate
, presented by the US American online women's magazine Bustle
, präsentiert von dem YouTube-Podcastmedium Exomagazin.TV, Gastgeber Robert Fleischer
, präsentiert von der YouTube-Plattform Beyond Perception, Gastgeber Simon Rilling
, präsentiert von der deutschen Filmproduktion OVALmedia, Gründer ...
Robert Cibis (*1973) deutscher Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, Gründer von Ovalmedia, Gastgeber
, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen österreichischen Nachrichtenportal Report 24
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Web-Fernsehsender Welt im Wandel TV
Gastgeber Robert Fleischer, deutscher Geschäftsführer von Exopolitics Deutschland, Übersetzer, Journalist
Gastgeberin Dr. med. Sabine Helmbold, deutsche Medizinjournalistin ✓
Gastgeber Wulfing von Rohr (*1948) deutsch-österreichischer Astrologe, Übersetzer, Fernsehjournalist, Sachbuchautor
, präsentiert von der Initiative Ärzte für Aufklärung
, presented by the independent webcastFreeman TV, host Freeman, US American film maker, TV producer, radio talk show host, lecturer, author
host Freeman
, präsentiert von dem privaten bayerischen Radiosender Radio München
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association American Psychologist
, präsentiert von der lokalen Tageszeitung Berliner Morgenpost
, präsentiert von dem Fachzeitungen Verlag, Journal Das Friedensreich
urchristliche Fachzeitschrift Das Weisse Pferd
, presented by the independent mental health social network Psych Central
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Non-Profit-Internet-Fernsehen Free Spirit-TV ✓
, präsentiert von der englischen Boulevardzeitung The Sun
, presented by the English tabloid newspaper The Sun
, präsentiert von der oberösterreichischen regionalen Wochenzeitung und Onlinemedium Wochenblick
, präsentiert von der niederländischen politischen Zeitschrift Elsevier
, presented by the US American radio station Fade to Black, host Jimmy Church
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Zeitschrift Spuren
, presented by the US American peer-reviewed academic journal Journal of the American Academy of Religion, published by the American Academy of Religion
, presented by the British source of biographical data Who's Who
, präsentiert von dem Personenlexikon Who's Who
, präsentiert von dem einflussreichen englischsprachigen Management-Magazin Harvard Business Review (HBR)
, presented by the bimonthly management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), published by Harvard Business Publishing (HBR)
, presented by the MIT Sloan Management Review
, presented by the US American US American YouTube channel OffPlanet TV, host Randy Maugans
, presented by the US American monthly business publication Inc. magazine
, presented by the German monthly business magazine Manager Magazin
, präsentiert von dem monatlich erscheinenden Manager Magazin
, presented by the quarterly US American magazine Utne Reader
, presented by the US American TV station KMVT15, Mountain View, Los Altos Hills, Los Altos, and Cupertino, California, program Present!, host and producer Mel Van Dusen
, presented by the New Zealand online radio show The Vinny Eastwood Show, host Vinny Eastwood (*1984)
, presented by the volunteer-based public domain LibriVox
, presented by the nonprofit open access scientific publishing project Public Library of Science (PLOS)
, presented by the British online TV station London Real, founder and host Brian Rose
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Web-TV Kanal Mystica TV, Gründer und Moderator Thomas Schmelzer
, präsentiert von dem deutschen online Fernsehportal Neue Horizonte.TV via Nuoflix, Gastgeber Götz Wittneben, Gastgeber Alexander Kühn
, archived by the US American National Library of Medicine (NLM) / National Institutes of Health (NIH PMC)
, presented by the US American web radio program A Fireside Chat, host Lance White [Zany Mystic]
, veranstaltet von der Anti Zensur Koalition, Gastgeber Ivo Sasek (*1956) schweizerischer Laienprediger, Gründer der AZK, Autor
, presented by the conservative quarterly US American magazine City Journal
, presented by the US American magazine Men's Health
, presented by the US American weekly magazine of celebrity and human-interest stories People
, presented by the website for viral content Upworthy
, presented by the US American peer-reviewed medical journal Psychological Medicine
, presented by the group blog and internet forum focused on liberal American politics Daily Kos
, presented by the independent, bimonthly Buddhist magazine Lion's Roar previously named Shambhala Sun
, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen buddhistischen Magazin Lion's Roar, ehemals
, presented by the US American non-profit educational retreat center Omega Institute for Holistic Studies *
, presented by the US American podcast Theatre of the Mind, host Kelly Howell
, presented by the non-profit educational and harm-reduction resource The Vaults of Erowid
, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Popkultur-Zeitschrift Rolling Stone
, presented by the US American biweekly magazine on popular culture Rolling Stone
, presented by the US American monthly men's lifestyle magazine Men's Journal
, presented by the US American news website ThinkProgress
, präsentiert von der deutschen Wochenzeitung Deutsches Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt
, presented by the US American monthly magazine of literature, politics, culture, finance, and the arts Harper's Magazine
, presented by the US American women's fashion magazine Haarper's Bazaar
, präsentiert von dem international erscheinenden Modemagazin Haarper's Bazaar
, presented by the The Alex Jones Show Prison Planet.TV ✓, host Alex Jones (*1974) US American radio host on New World Order topics, documentary filmmaker, author
Alex Jones (*1974) US-amerikanischer rechtsgerichteter Radiomoderator, Unternehmer
, presented by the US American monthly magazine Wired
, presented by the independent online publication Quanta Magazine
, presented by the nonprofit, progressive news organization Truthout
, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed medical journal American Journal of Psychiatry
, presented by the monthly, peer-reviewed scientific journal American_Journal_of_Physics
, presented by the quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal The Review of Politics
, presented by the US American nonprofit, non-governmental organization ⚡ National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
, presented by the independent, nonprofit theoretical research institute Santa Fe Institute (SFI)
, presented by the US American Truth Frequency Radio, host Chris Geo
American Political Science Association (APSA)
, presented by the monthly presentation series Nerd Nite
, presented by the Book TV, produced by the US American cable television network C-SPAN
, presented by the worldwide lifestyle magazine of French origin Elle
, präsentiert von dem internationalen französischen Lifestyle-Magazin Elle
, presented by the publication, host Henry See, US American editor
, presented by the Sott Radio Network, host
, presented by the decentralized direct action group's website US Uncut
, presented by the independent Swiss news portal Uncut-News
, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen Schweizer Nachrichtenportal Uncut-News
, presented by the Canadian-American print magazine Vice
, präsentiert von dem kanadischen Lifestyle- und Jugendmagazin Vice
, presented by the Russian government-controlled English speaking news agency Sputnik News Service
, presented by the Soviet magazine Sputnik (1967-1991)
, präsentiert von dem Nachrichtenportal des staatlich-russischen Medienunternehmen Rossija Sewodnja Sputnik
, presented by the PsyBlog, Jeremy Dean
, presented by the US American liberal magazine on politics and arts The New Republic
, presented by the One Radio Network, host Patrick Timpone
, presented by the project Legacy of Wisdom
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal Leonardo published by the MIT Press
, recorded by the event video production company
, gefilmt von der US-amerikanischen Videoproduktionsfirma
, sponsored by the Book Passage, Corte Madera, California
, sponsored by the Science And Nonduality (SAND) conference
, sponsored by The Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colerado
, sponsored by the World Economic Forum (WEF), host Klaus Schwab (*1938)
, presented by the publication of the Swiss nonprofit foundation World Economic Forum
Klaus Schwab (*1938) World Economic Forum (WEF)
, sponsored by the non-profit educational organization Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, California
, presented by the location-based social networking and dating application and website Skout
, presented by the online publication Collective Evolution, Arjun Walia, Joe Martino
, presented by the independent Canadian campus newspaper McGill Tribune
, presented by the US American monthly trade publication IndustryWeek
, presented by the US American basic cable and satellite television station The History Channel, renamed History
digitaler deutscher Bezahlfernsehkanal, Spartensender The History Channel
, präsentiert von dem online Fernsehsender Weltkanal – Salve TV, Weimar
Gunnar Kaiser (1976-2023) deutscher Philosoph, Lehrer, Vlogger, Schriftsteller
, präsentiert von der YouTube-Plattform Gunnar Kaiser, Gründer und Sprecher Gunnar Kaiser (1976-2023) deutscher Philosoph, Vlogger, Schriftsteller
, präsentiert von dem YouTube Fernsehkanal Achtung, Reichelt!, Gastgeber Julian Reichelt (*1980) deutscher Boulevard-Journalist, Kriegsreporter, Vorsitzender der Chefredaktionen und Chefredakteur von "Digital Bild" (2017-2021), Webvideoproduzent
, präsentiert von dem YouTube-Podcastkanal Liberty News Berlin, Gastgeber Max Kittan
, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender Phoenix
politische Talkshow Phoenix Runde
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ORF
, präsentiert von dem zweiten Fernsehprogramm ORF 2 des österreichischen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsenders ORF
, präsentiert von dem ersten Radioprogramm des Österreichischen Rundfunks (ORF) Österreich 1 (Ö1)
Oprah Winfrey [BW 500] (*1954) US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, Unternehmerin, Multimilliardärin, Talkshowmoderatorin, visionäre Philanthropin
Oprah Winfrey [LoC 500] (*1954) US American actress, talk show host, billionaire entrepreneur, visionary philanthropist
Super Soul Sunday
, presented by the US American daytime self-help talk show Super Soul Sunday
, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift für philosophische, gesellschaftliche, politische und lebensweltliche Themen Philosophie Magazin
, präsentiert von der deutschsprachigen feministischen Publikumszeitschrift Emma
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatszeitschrift Eltern
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatszeitschrift für Politik und Kultur Konkret
, presented by the German activist TV station acTVism Munich
, veranstaltet und gefilmt
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehsender acTVism Munich, Gastgeber und leitender Redakteur Zain Raza
, presented by the US American quarterly academic journal Social Research
, presented by the quarterly peer-reviewed scientific Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora
, präsentiert von der Wissensorganisation Quora
, präsentiert von der ersten deutschen Programmzeitschrift Hörzu
, presented by the bimonthly astrology magazine The Mountain Astrologer
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Elephant Journal
, presented by the US American Elephant Journal
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Zeitschrift Sein
, presented by the Australian cable and satellite channel Fox8
, presented by the US American basic cable and satellite news television channel ⚡ Fox News [LoC 380/330]
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Kabel- und Satellit-Nachrichtensender ⚡ Fox News Channel [BW 380/330]
, präsentiert von der Fernsehstation Fox News Channel, politische Talkshow "Tucker Carlson Tonight"
Gastgeber Tucker Carlson (*1969) US-amerikanischer politischer Kommentator, Fernsehmoderator
, presented by the US American weekly journal of progressive political and cultural news, opinion, and analysis The Nation
, presented by the free alternative weekly newspaper San Francisco Weekly
, presented by the monthly magazine of the National Geographic Society National Geographic
, präsentiert von dem populärwissenschaftlichen Monatsmagazin National Geographic Deutschland
, presented by the publication WantToKnow, Fred Burks
, presented by the American educational cable television network ResearchChannel (1996-2010)
, presented by the news outlet Consortium News
, presented by the interdisciplinary research center Greater Good Science Center, UC Berkeley
, presented by the free online publication Greater Good magazine
, presented by peer-reviewed academic journal Quarterly Journal of Economics published by Oxford University Press
, presented by the 26-volume work International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences published by Elsevier
, presented by the peer-reviewed journal Behavioral Sciences & the Law
, presented by the morning daily newspaper The Philadelphia Inquirer
, presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Daily Mail
bzw. Mail Online
, präsentiert von dem öffentlich-rechtlichen, werbefreien Rundfunksender Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Programm Deutschlandradio Kultur
, presented by the English daily newspaper The Daily Telegraph
, presented by the English daily online broadsheet The Telegraph
founded 1855, The Sunday Telegraph, Sunday printed edition, founded 1961
, presented by the independently edited magazine and separately incorporated affiliate of Harvard University Harvard Magazine
, presented by the free Internet archive Sacred Texts
, presented by peer-reviewed academic journal in sexology Archives of Sexual Behavior
, presented by the academic journal The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
, presented by the digital media website Mashable
, presented by the British illustrated history magazine History Today
, presented by the US American general-interest family magazine Reader's Digest
, presented by the publication Research and Advocacy Digest
, presented by the politically conservative US American news and opinion website and online news aggregator WorldNetDaily (WND)
, presented by the US American conservative Christian organization Traditional Values Coalition
, presented by the Catholicism-centered news agency Catholic News Agency (CNA)
, presented by the British political and cultural magazine New Statesman
, presented by the Canadian English-language newspaper National Post
, presented by the independent scientific SAGE Journal
, presented by the US American men's initiative The Good Men Project
, presented by the US American conservative opinion magazine [[wpe:The_Weekly_Standard|The Weekly Standard]
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatszeitschrift Bild der Wissenschaft
, präsentiert von der ältesten österreichischen Tageszeitung der Welt Wiener Zeitung
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Lifestyle-Magazin für Männer Wiener
, presented by the US American broadcast network NBC News
, presented by the US American commercial broadcast television network NBC
, presented by the US American television network ABC
, presented by the bimonthly US American magazine Current Affairs
, presented by the US American magazine of popular culture, fashion, and current affairs Vanity Fair
, presented by the US American Veritas Radio Show, host Mel Fabregas, Puerto Rican executive producer, parapolitical researcher
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Basler Zeitung
, präsentiert von dem Basler Psi-Verein, Basel, Schweiz
, präsentiert von der Schweizer öffentlich-rechtlichen Nachrichten- und Informationsplattform SWI swissinfo
, presented by the US American political magazine The World Tomorrow
, presented by the controversial online outlet NewsPunch, Sean Adl-Tabatabai
, presented by the controversial online news outlet The Free Thought Project ✓
, presented by the Australian daily tabloid newspaper The Courier-Mail
, presented by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC Radio National, host Natasha Mitchell
, presented by the news service of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC News
, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation ABC News
, presented by the Canadian broadcasting corporation CBC News
, presented by the US American basic cable, internet and satellite business news television channel CNBC
, presented by the US American government-funded multimedia news source and broadcasting institution Voice of America
, presented by the US American newspaper The Seattle Times
, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen Privatsender der RTL Group mit Sitz in Köln VOX
, presented by the US American news and opinion website Vox owned by Vox Media
, presented by the US American digital, print, and e-commerce media company Mental Floss?
, presented by the peer-reviewed scientific journal Neuropsychopharmacology
, presented by the publication OpEd News, host
, presented by The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, host Rob Kall, US American radio host
, presented by the quarterly journal Review of Religious Research
, presented by the British weekly peer-reviewed medical journal The BMJ (formerly the "British Medical Journal")
, presented by the discontinued US American bimonthly magazine Science & Spirit
, präsentiert von dem Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wirtschaft, Expertengespräche HORIZONTE
, präsentiert von der deutschen Bild-Zeitung
, präsentiert von dem deutschen YouTube-Fernsehkanal Bild.TV
, präsentiert von der österreichischen Boulevardtageszeitung Kronen Zeitung
, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen kommerziell-journalistischen Weblog NeoPresse
, präsentiert von dem von Ivo Sasek gegründeten Schweizer Online-Videokanal
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Online-Printmedium
, presented by the Swiss-founded online video channel
, presented by the satellite television channel University of California Television (UCTV), UC Santa Barbara
, presented by the Canadian English-language broadcast television network CTV Television Network (CTV)
, präsentiert von dem größten kanadischen Privatfernsehsender CTV Television Network
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Privatfernsehsender QS24, Gastgeber Alexander Glogg,
Sendereihe Naturmedizin, Sinn des Lebens, Gastgeber Michael Segl
, präsentiert von der unzensierten Nachrichtenseite Pressecop 24
, presented by the blogspot Auticulture, Jasun Horsley (*1967) English cultural commentator, podcaster, author
, presented by the Canadian TV station Sun News Network
, presented by the Indian weekly newspaper Young India
, presented by the biannual academic journal published by the Johns Hopkins University Press Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality
, presented by the Internet-based video streaming network HuffPost Live
, presented by the international liberal-left commentary outlet HuffPost
, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost
, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen linksliberalen Onlinezeitung The Huffington Post
, presented by the US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense, US American independent investigative researcher, journalist
, presented by the US American publication
, presented by the stories outlet Medium
, präsentiert von der Geschichten-Publikation Medium
, presented by the British scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B
, presented by the British scientific journal Proceedings of the Royal Society
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Blogspot Netzfrauen
, präsentiert von der wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift herausgegeben von der britischen Royal Society Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
, presented by the British scientific journal published by the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society
, presented by syndicated television show Connie Martinson Talks Books ✓ , host Connie Martinson (*1932) US American television personality, member of the National Book Critics Circle, writer
, presented by the non-commercial US American media organization National Public Radio (NPR)
Shankar Vedantam, Indian US American science correspondent for the US American media organization NPR NPR News
, presented by the publication Mediate
, presented by the publication The Century Illustrated Magazine
, presented by the British Conscious.TV ✓, host Iain McNay, British chairman of the independent record label Cherry Red Records
, presented by the centre-left British online newspaper The Independent
, präsentiert von der deutschen Frauenzeitschrift [[wp:Petra_%28Zeitschrift%29|Petra]
, präsentiert von der deutschen evangelischen Vierteljahreszeitschrift Quatember
, presented by the US American web radio station Shrink Rap Radio, psychology podcast #..., host David Van Nuys, Ph.D., US American professor emeritus of psychology Sonoma State University, California
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Webradiosender Shrink Rap Radio, Psychologie-Podcast #
, präsentiert von der überregionalen konservativen Wochenzeitung Rheinischer Merkur
, präsentiert von der bayerischen Abonnement-Zeitung Münchner Merkur
, presented by the English-language radio operations of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC Radio
, presented by the Canadian web radio station CBC Radio Tapestry, host Mary Hynes, Canadian journalist
Fernsehdokumentation und Diskussionsrunde zum Thema
, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender 3Sat, Sendung Scobel, Gastgeber Gert Scobel (*1959) deutscher Philosoph, Fernsehmoderator, Journalist, Autor ... Gastdiskutierende: Erstsendetermin
Sendung delta (bis 2008)
Sendung Nano
Zukunftssendung über-morgen
, presented by the German TV station 3Sat, program Scobel, host Gert Scobel (*1959)
, präsentiert von der deutschen Fach- und Verbandszeitschrift Report Psychologie
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Weiterbildungsmagazin ManagerSeminare
, presented by the US American "social cataloging" website Goodreads
, presented by the US American web radio station New Dimensions, host Michael Toms Justine Willis-Toms
, presented by the Venezuela-based, multi-state funded, Latin American terrestrial and satellite television network Telesur
, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatsfachzeitschrift Psychologie Heute
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatsschrift für Psychoanalyse Psyche
, präsentiert von dem kostenlosen fränkischen Monatsmagazin Metropol News
, presented by the bimonthly US American magazine Pacific Standard
, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift Lichtfokus
, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift Buddhismus Heute
, presented by the US American monthly magazine O, The Oprah Magazine
, presented by the Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, US American documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter
Media Project Camelot Portal
, presented by the US American daily newspaper New York Post
, presented by the bimonthly US American magazine The Saturday Evening Post
, presented by the psychology channel PsychAlive
, presented by the US American liberal feminist quarterly magazine Ms.
, präsentiert von dem populärwissenschaftlichen US-amerikanischen Magazin Popular Science
Popular Science
, presented by the US American independent socialist magazine Monthly Review
, archived by the free MEDLINE database PubMed
, presented by the biweekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Physiology
, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal Journal of Neurophysiology
, presented by the daily US American newspaper Chicago Tribune
, presented by the medical journal Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
, presented by the US American metaphysical, spiritual, holistic publication In Light Times
, presented by the US American science magazine Science
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Wissenschaftsmagazin Science
, presented by the US American peer-reviewed scientific journal Physical Review
, presented by the US American scientific journal Psychological Review
, presented by the US American investigative news outlet Natural News
, presented by the pan-Arab journalism portal Al-Araby Al-Jadeed (The New Arab) based in London
, presented by the byweekly US American magazine The New American (TNA) of the John Birch Society (JBS), William F. Jasper, senior editor
, presented by the monthly US American business magazine Fast Company
, presented by the scientific journal Current Biology
, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine covering international relations World Affairs
, presented by the BBC's weekly children's magazine Fast Forward
, presented by the US American independent media Veterans Today
Gordon Duff, US American Marine Vietnam veteran, senior editor of Veterans Today
Gordon Duff, US-amerikanischer Marine Vietnam-Veteran, Hauptherausgeber der Publikation Veterans Today
, presented by the bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal Psychological Bulletin
, presented by the US American magazine The Occidental Quarterly
, presented by the nonprofit online magazine Edge
, presented by television channel broadcast in the UK and Ireland, On The Edge, host Theo Chalmers
, presented by the US American web radio station KBOO, Portland, program Radiozine, host Ralph Coulson
program Pathways Radio, host Tom Park
, presented by the fortnightly British journal of literary essays London Review of Books
, presented by the US American semi-monthly magazine The New York Review of Books
, presented by the traditionalist Catholic newspaper The Remnant
, presented by the The Heritage Foundation's conservative flagship journal Policy Review (1977-2013)
, presented by the British web TV station Richplanet TV, host Richard D. Hall, British electrical and electronic engineer, North London
, presented by the US American radio show For Good Reason ✓, in association with the skeptic James Randi Association, host D. J. Grothe (*1973) US American speaker, writer
, presented by the David Pakman Show, host David Pakman (*1984) US American television and radio host, political commentator
, presented by the US American Public Radio Exchange (PRX)
, presented by the US American news cable and satellite television network MSNBC
, presented by the website MSNBC
, präsentiert von der mehrsprachigen, internationalen Zeitschrift Epoch Times
, präsentiert von dem YouTube-Infokanal Epoch Radar
, presented by the multi-language international newspaper Epoch Times
, presented by the online publication Thought Catalog
, presented by the US American podcast Spirit Matters Talk, host Philip Goldberg
, presented by the monthly, peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Medical Association JAMA Psychiatry
, presented by the peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author
, präsentiert von der Webplattform Logos Media, Gründer und Gastgeber Jan Irvin, US-amerikanischer Ethnomykologe, investigativer Forscher, politischer Beobachter, Dozent, Blogger, Autor
, presented by the British pro-EU weekly newspaper The New European
, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Die Zeit Zeit Online
, präsentiert von der deutschen Wochenzeitung der Freitag
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Wirtschaftsmagazin Wirtschaftswoche
, presented by the conservative American political news and analysis website Human Events
, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Gnosis
, presented by the nonpartisan US American fact tank Pew Research Center
, präsentiert von dem vom russischen Staat finanzierten Auslandsfernsehsender Russia Today (RT)
, präsentiert von dem russischen Nachrichtenportal Russia Today (RT) Deutsch
Sendeformat Der Fehlende Part
, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), host Abby Martin (*1984) US American journalist,
host Sophie Shevardnadze (*1978) Russian correspondent
Russian international television network funded by the Russian government Russia Today (RT), host Afshin Rattansi
, presented by the progressive US American news website Truthdig
, presented by the international socialist news site World Socialist Web Site (WSWS)
, presented by the US American blog site Belle Jar
, presented by the US American online magazine Reality Sandwich
Smithonian Institution
, presented by the US American journal Smithsonian
, presented by Future Primitive podcasts, host Joanna Harcourt-Smith (1946-2020) Swiss-born British psychedelic activist, lover of Timothy Leary, founder of Future Primitive Podcast, poet, author
, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Tricycle. The Buddhist Review
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Zweimonats-Wissenschaftsmagazin Raum & Zeit
, präsentiert von der deutschen anthroposophischen Zeitschrift info3
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Reportagemagazin Geo
, präsentiert von dem Geschichtsmagazin Geo Epoche Kollektion
, präsentiert von der Datensammlung Astrowiki
, präsentiert von der Corona-Ausschuss-Publikation 2020 News
, presented by the Swedish web radio station Radio 3Fourteen, host Lana Lokteff ✓, Swedish physicist, philosopher, bridge-builder
, presented by the West Swedish web radio/TV station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren
, presented by the US American The Corbett Report, hosted and narrated by James Corbett
, presented by the online right-wing political website FrontPage Magazine
, presented by the Canadian TV station TVO, program "BIG Ideas", Ontario
host Steve Paikin (*1960) Canadian journalist, author, documentary producer
host Allan Gregg (*1952) Canadian political advisor, pollster, pundit
, presented by the US American political journalism company Politico
, presented by [[|PFV]
, presented by the US American mass circulation monthly magazine Parents
, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma
, presented by RSA Animate RSA Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce,
, presented by the state-owned television network of New Zealand Television New Zealand (TVNZ)
, präsentiert von der deutschen kulturkreativen Zeitschrift oya online
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Kopp Verlag
, präsentiert von der deutschen Netzzeitung Kopp Report
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Internet-Fernsehkanal des Kopp Verlags
, präsentiert von der YouTube-Infokanal Kopp Verlag
, presented by the international weekly newspaper The Economist
, presented by the digital news, news analysis and opinion publication The Fiscal Times (TFT)
, presented by the biweekly US American magazine New York Magazine
, presented by the New York-based monthly magazine High Times
, presented by the US American weekly news magazine TIME
, präsentiert von dem wöchentlich erscheinendem US-amerikanischen Nachrichtenmagazin TIME
, presented by the media outlet Timeline
, presented by the official journal published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Smithsonian
, presented by the NCBI journal Frontiers of Human Neuroscience
, presented by the US American online magazine Waking Times
, presented by the national weekly magazine published by the Jesuits of the United States America
, präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM, Gastgeber Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011)
, präsentiert von der unabhängigen deutschen Multimedia-Wissensplattform apolut
Ken Jebsen (*1966) Iranian-German TV and radio moderator (*2011), non-embedded self-employed reporter
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, Gastgeberin, Regina Meredith ✓ Gebührenpflichtig
, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith Subject to fee
, presented by the free video streaming site Regina Meredith, host Regina Meredith, television journalist ✓
, presented by the daily newspaper The Times of India (TOI)
, presented by the listener-funded Californian radio station KPFA
, präsentiert von dem kalifornischen Rundfunksender KPFA
, präsentiert dem journalistisch unabhängigen Podcast-Anbieter Club der klaren Worte, Gründer, Redakteur und Gastgeber Markus Langemann
Langemann Medien (YT)
, presented by the weekly Indian English-language news magazine India Today
, presented by the listener-funded Californian radio station KPFA, program Guns & Butter, host Bonnie Faulkner
, presented by the US American newspaper New York Daily News
, presented by the international daily newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) [LoC 435]
, präsentiert von der internationalen Tageszeitung The Wall Street Journal
, presented by the publication of the Context Institute
Celedra Gildea, Ph.D., US American psychotherapist
, presented by the US American/Canadian daily video news and documentary service The Real News Network (TRNN), host Paul Jay, Canadian filmmaker, journalist
, presented by the progressive US American magazine Mother Jones
, presented by the US American weekly medical journal The New England Journal of Medicine
, presented by the US American radio network Air America
, präsentiert von der Monatszeitschrift €URO
, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (KStA)
, presented by the peer-reviewed scientific journal of neuroscience Brain Research Bulletin
, presented by the large database of scientific and medical research ScienceDirect
, presented by the US American TV talk/news show The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann, host Thom Hartmann... s.u.
, presented by the TV station RT America, TH Program The Big Picture, host Thom Hartmann (*1951) US American former psychotherapist and entrepreneur, progressive political commentator, journalist, author
, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD
tägliches Nachrichtenprogramm Tagesschau
, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Bildungskanal im Fernsehen ARD alpha
, presented by the German public-service television broadcaster ARD
, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
Nachrichtensendung Rundschau
, presented by the Bavarian public-service radio and television broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR)
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernseh-Bildungskanal BR-alpha
WDR, Fernsehmagazin Frau tv
NDR – Live-Talksendung des Norddeutschen Rundfunks Das Rote Sofa (DAS!)
wöchentliche Kultursendung ttt – titel, thesen, temperamente
Fernsehdiskussion Beckmann, Gastgeber Reinhold Beckmann (*1956) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Sänger
Sendung ZAPP
wöchentliche Talkshow Menschen bei Maischberger, Gastgeberin Sandra Maischberger (*1966) deutsche Talkshow-Gastgeberin, Journalistin, Autorin
Sendung Weltspiegel
Wirtschaftsmagazin Plusminus
Fernsehtalkshow Anne Will
, präsentiert von dem zweiten Hörfunkprogramm Bayern 2 des deutschen Fernsehsenders Bayerischen Rundfunk
, präsentiert von dem werbefreien Hörfunkprogramm des Westdeutschen Rundfunks Köln WDR 5
, präsentiert von dem ersten Hörfunkprogramme des Südwestfunks SWR1, Sendung Leute, Gastgeber Wolfgang Heim, Gastgeberin Nicole Köster
, präsentiert von dem zweiten Hörfunk-Kulturprogramm des Südwestfunks SWR2
, präsentiert von dem von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender SWR, Talkshow Nachtcafé, Gastgeber Michael Steinbrecher (*1965) deutscher Professor für Fernseh- und Videojournalismus, Fernsehmoderator, Journalist
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Privatsender ProSieben
Sendung Galileo
Gastgeber Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations, Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Web-Fernsehsender Alpenparlament.TV
, präsentiert von online Fernsehsender nexworld.TV
, präsentiert von dem online Fernsehsender Quer-Denken TV
, präsentiert von dem online Fernsehsender Michael Vogt.TV
, presented by the online TV station Quer-Denken TV, host Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) German historian, former honorary professor for public relations, media and communication management, documentarian, political activist
, präsentiert von der Plattform nexworld.TV, Sendung Meinungsbilder, Gastgeberin Vesna Kerstan
, presented by Australian based bimonthly alternative news magazine Nexus
, präsentiert von der deutschen grenzwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift NEXUS Magazin
, präsentiert von dem vierteljährlich erscheinenden Schweizer Magazin ZeitenSchrift
, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney ✓
News for the Soul Broadcasting
, präsentiert von dem kanadischen Webradiosender News for the Soul, Vancouver, Gastgeberin Nicole Whitney ✓
, presented by the US American business magazine Forbes
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Wirtschaftsmagazin Forbes
, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Tageszeitung The New York Times
, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times
, presented by the Sunday edition of The New York Times Magazine
, presented by the Sunday Review, opinion section of The New York Times
, presented by the US American weekly The New York Times Magazine
The New York Times Book Review *
, presented by the US American daily newspaper Chicago Tribune
, presented by the US American media website CNET
, presented by the Indian publication Hinduism Today
, presented by the Israelian newspaper Hareetz
, presented by the Israelian magazine Haaretz
, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times
, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Tageszeitung Los Angeles Times
, presented by the US American online portal Quartz
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Webradiosender CropFM, Gastgeber Tarek Al-Ubaidi
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Focus Focus online
, presented by the German-language news magazine Focus
, presented by the British monthly magazine about science and technology BBC Science Focus
, präsentiert von der deutschen Fachzeitschrift für Anomalistik und Parawissenschaften Zeitschrift für Anomalistik
, presented by the business community website Business 2 Community
, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen Privatsender der RTL Group RTL mit Sitz in Köln
Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader, coach, author
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal Journal of Nietzsche Studies
, präsentiert von der deutschen börsentäglich erscheinenden Wirtschaftszeitung Financial Times Deutschland (FTD)
, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), host Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D. (*1957) US American medical anthropologist, senior research scientist, Research Institute of California Pacific Medical Center, co-founder of the Integral Health Network, president and CEO of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) (2009-2012), writer on consciousness, healing, and consciousness-based healthcare
Dr. Marilyn Schlitz (*1957) US-amerikanische medizinische Anthropologin, wissenschaftliche Forscherin des menschlichen Potentials, Mitgründerin von Integral Health Network, Präsidentin und Geschäftsführerin von Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) (2009-2012), Autorin
, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host
host Art Bell (1945-2018) US American founder of C2C, broadcaster, author
Ian Punnett (*1960) US American radio broadcaster, Episcopalian deacon
host John B. Wells, US American radio talk show host
, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Radio Talkshow Coast to Coast AM
, presented by the biweekly non-profit Christian news magazine WORLD
, presented by the US American television network ABC, talk show The View
, presented by host Amy Costello
, presented by the US American publication MenAlive
, presented by the Irish daily newspaper Irish Examiner
, presented by the quarterly US American digital digest Utne Reader
, presented by the US American web radio station KKUP, program Vibrational Voyage, host Anthony J. McGettigan ✓
, präsentiert von dem umbenannten deutschen alternativen online Fernsehsender NuoViso.TV AUFGELÖST
, präsentiert von dem deutschen alternativen online Fernsehsender Nuoflix
, presented by the German online TV station NuoViso.TV
, präsentiert von der deutsch-russischen online Publikation Anti-Spiegel, Thomas Röper (*1971) deutscher Experte für Osteuropa, Journalist
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Wirtschaftsmagazin Enorm
, presented by the US American conservative online magazine and podcast The Federalist
, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF
Fernsehkanal des ZDF ZDFkultur (2011-2016)
Dokukanal ZDF Info
Polittalkshow Markus Lanz, Gastgeber Markus Lanz
Sendung Frontal21
Nachrichtensendung Heute
Nachrichtenmagazin heute-journal
, presented by the US American cable and satellite television channel truTV (formerly Court TV)
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Fernsehsender ORF 2, Diskussionssendung Club 2 zum Thema , Gastgeber Michael Köhmleier
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Hörfunksender Österreichischen Rundfunk (ORF)
, präsentiert von dem deutschen online Fernsehsender nexworld.TV, Sendung Gegen den Strom, Gastgeber Robert Stein (*1970) deutscher Referent, TV-Moderator, Journalist
, präsentiert von dem deutschen alternativen online Fernsehsender NuoFlix / SteinZeit TV, Leipzig, Gastgeber Robert Stein (*1970) deutscher Referent, online TV-Moderator, investigativer Journalist
, präsentiert von dem deutschen unabhängigen Wirtschaftsmagazin enorm
, präsentiert von dem deutschen politischen Monatsmagazin Cicero
, presented by the online publication Information Clearing House ✓
, presented by the US American general audience science magazine Discover
, presented by the international fashion and entertainment magazine Cosmopolitan
, presented by the US American multinational pay television network Discovery Channel
, presented by the online publication on empirical research and data Our World in Data (OWID)
, presented by the invitation-only blog network ScienceBlogs
, präsentiert von den mehrsprachigen Blog-Portalen ScienceBlogs
, präsentiert von der deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Landesrundfunkanstalt Radio Bremen
, präsentiert von der deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Landesrundfunkanstalt des Saarlands Saarländischer Rundfunk (SR), SR 2 Kulturradio
, presented via the US American broadcaster Blogtalkradio, show ..., host
, präsentiert über den US-amerikanischen Webradiosender Blogtalkradio
Shattering The Matrix, host Ari Kopel
, presented by the US American daily newspaper The Washington Post
, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet
, presented by the US American nonprofit, progressive daily online newsletter Truthout
, presented by the US American radio station Wisconsin Public Radio, host Steve Paulson
, presented by science and science fiction magazine Omni
, presented by the academic journal Clinical Psychology Review
, presented by the United Kingdom's highest-circulation print newspaper Metro
, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed medical journal Psychiatric Services
, presented by the US American magazine Science of Mind
, presented by the US American web radio station The Omni Art Salon. Conversations in Consciousness, host Jeffrey Milburn (*1955) US American artist
, präsentiert von dem privaten Schweizer online Fernsehsender Schweiz 5
, Sendung Time To Do, Gastgeber Norbert Brakenwagen
, präsentiert von der Schweizer Tageszeitung Der Bund
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic Journal of Humanistic Psychology
, presented by the publication Counter Punch
, presented by the quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal of social science Social Forces
, presented by the Canadian broadsheet daily newspaper Toronto Star
, presented by the Canadian Internet news service Digital Journal
, präsentiert von der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalt des Vereinigten Königreichs British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
, presented by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
, presented by the British publication BBC News Online
, presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC News
BBC News Health, James Gallagher, British science reporter
, presented by the British flagship television channel BBC One
, presented by the second British flagship television channel of the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC Two
, presented by the British free-to-air television channel BBC Four
BBC Wales Production
, presented by the British radio station owned and operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC Radio 4
, presented by long-running British documentary television series on the TV station BBC Horizon
, presented by the US American magazine The New Yorker
, presented by the United Kingdom-based political website openDemocracy
, presented by The Science Network (TSN)
, präsentiert von The Science Network (TSN)
The Science Network (TSN)
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Meinungs- und Debatten-Magazin The European
, präsentiert von dem alternativen online Magazin Manova
ehemals Zeitschrift Rubikon
, presented by the FilmFestival TV Culture Unplugged
, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen deutschen Internet-Fernsehsender Eingeschenkt.TV, Gastgeber Alex Quint
, präsentiert von der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Finanzzeitung Handelsblatt Online
, präsentiert von der Publikation und dem Podcastanbieter Achgut
, presented by the scientific journal on physics Annalen der Physik
, präsentiert von der physikalischen Fachzeitschrift Annalen der Physik
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Privatfernsehsender ServusTV
Talkshow Talk im Hangar-7, Gastgeber Ruprecht Eser, Salzburg, Österreich
Gastgeber Michael Fleischhacker (*1969) österreichischer Fernsehmoderator, Journalist
Gastgeber Fritz Pleitgen
, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Tageszeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)
, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Abonnement-Tageszeitung Frankfurter Rundschau (FR)
, präsentiert von der Berliner Tageszeitung Der Tagesspiegel
, presented by the German daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel
, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung
Wochenbeilage SZ-Magazin
, präsentiert von der überregionalen Schweizer Tageszeitung Tages-Anzeiger
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin evolve
, präsentiert von der Plattform
, presented by the US American conservative evangelical religious television network The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) News
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen evangelikal-christlichen Fernsehsender CBN
, presented by the nonprofit positive futures journal YES!, Bainbridge Island, Washington, host and editor Sarah van Gelder, Jen Angel
, presented by the Private Matters TV Productions, host Max J. Van Praag, San Rafael
, presented by the US American non-profit TV, radio and internet news program Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, author
host Juan González (*1947) US American investigative reporter, progressive broadcast journalist
, präsentiert von dem Non-Profit US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender Democracy Now!, Gastgeberin Amy Goodman (*1957) US-amerikanische investigative Reporterin, Fernsehjournalistin, Kolumnistin, Autorin
, presented by the US American publication The Good Men Project
Good Men Project
founded by Tom Matlack, US American entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author
, präsentiert von dem monatlich erscheinenden deutschen Wirtschaftsmagazin Capital
, presented by the scholarly online encyclopedia Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
, presented by the US American free web audio channel Personal Life Media, program Living Dialogues, host Duncan Campbell (*1952) British television producer, freelance investigative journalist, author
, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine The Believer
, presented by the US American web radio station KPFK, program The Aware Show, host Lisa Garr
, presented by the Australian online magazine on science, technology, news, culture, and politics Quillette
, presented by the US American media company Yoga Journal
, presented by the international state-funded 24-hour English-language news TV channel Al Jazeera English
, presented by the bimonthly journal of secular humanist opinion and commentary Free Inquiry
, präsentiert von der britischen medizinischen Fachzeitschrift The Lancet
, presented by the United Kingdom-based medical magazine The Lancet
, presented by the Canadian daily newspaper Vancouver Sun
, presented by the peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of Pathology
, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal Contemporary Educational Psychology
, präsentiert von der monatlich erscheinenden deutschen Wirtschaftszeitschrift brand eins
, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Monatszeitschrift Connection
, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung für Ärzte Ärzte Zeitung
, präsentiert von der deutschen Monatszeitschrift Neon
, präsentiert von der deutschen Wochenzeitschrift Stern
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtensender RTL, Reportagemagazin Stern TV, Gastgeber Steffen Hallaschka
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal des Kölner Nachrichtensenders RTL
, präsentiert von der Publikation Freenet
, presented by the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)"
, presented by the US American web radio station Truth Connections Radio, host Kathrin Buckalew
, präsentiert von der österreichischen Tageszeitung Der Standard
, präsentiert von dem Onlinebranchendienst zu Medienthemen MEEDIA
, präsentiert von dem Internetportal der römisch-katholischen Kirche in Deutschland
, presented by the quarterly literary magazine of the Phi Beta Kappa Society The American Scholar
, presented by the US American The Joyce Keller Show, WGBB AM 1240, Long Island, New York, host Joyce Keller, US American television and radio host, psychic medium, author
, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, Insights at the Edge, host Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Multimediaverlag Sounds True, Insights at the Edge, Verlegerin und Gastgeberin Tami Simon (*1953)
, presented by the educational podcast service Learn out Loud
, presented by the quarterly journal about the social, ethical, political, and policy dimensions of modern science and technology The New Atlantis
, presented by the US American news and opinion website The Daily Beast
, presented by the publication UC Berkeley News
, presented by TED Talks, minutes duration, filmed , posted
, presented by the TEDx program
, presented by TEDxKC Talks
TEDx Constitution Drive
, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour ✓
host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American webTV host, video blogger (*2005), speaker, author
, sponsored by the platform Authors@Google, Google Campus, Mountain View, California
, sponsored by the platform Talks at Google, Los Angeles, California
, sponsored by the platform Google TechTalks, Google Campus, Mountain View, California
präsentiert von der Plattform Google TechTalks, Google Campus, Mountain View, Kalifornien
presented by the Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author
, presented by weekly free online publication The Space Review
, präsentiert von der deutschen online Plattform Thanatos.TV
Gastgeber Werner Huemer, österreichischer Journalist, Filmemacher, Talkshowmoderator, Autor
, presented by the German online broadcaster Thanatos.TV
, presented by the nonprofit website that aggregates news articles about scientific research Futurity
, presented by the US American daily broadsheet The Washington Times
, presented by the US American not-for-profit news agency Associated Press (AP)
Associated Press News AP News
, presented by the centre-left British online newspaper The Independent
, presented by the English-language Indian daily newspaper The Economic Times
, presented by the triannual peer-reviewed academic journal Feminist Review
, presented by the US American TV channel CNN, talk show Larry King Live, host Larry King (1933-2021)
, presented by the US American TV channel Ora TV, program Politicking, host Larry King (1933-2021)
, presented by the US American news outlet CNN edition, Health
, presented by the bi-monthly online and print science magazine Nautilus
, presented by the multidisciplinary journal Cognitive Science, Wiley Online Library
, presented by the publication Leader To Leader
, presented by the membership magazine of the American Institute of Physics Physics Today
, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, minutes duration, posted
Big Think
, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Webportal Big Think
excerpted from DVD, presented by the weekly public television series Thinking Allowed (PBS) (1988-2002), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author
, presented by the US American New Thinking Allowed TV
, presented by the Canadian alternative news magazine Briarpatch
, presented by the UK/US based weekly news magazine The Week
, präsentiert von der Bundesärztekammer-Publikation Deutsches Ärzteblatt
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF
, präsentiert von dem ersten Fernsehprogramm des Schweizer Radio und Fernsehens (SRF) SRF 1
wöchentliche Diskussionsrunde Sternstunde Philosophie
wöchentliche Dokumentarfilmsendung Sternstunde Kunst, Gastgeberin Barbara Bleisch, Gastgeberin Monika Maria Trost
wöchentliche Sendung Sternstunde Religion
, presented by the Swiss television channel SRF 1
, veranstaltet von der Agentur GEDANKENTanken
, presented by Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist
, präsentiert von dem schwedischen Fernsehbildungskanal White TV, Gastgeber Dr. Henning Witte, deutsch-schwedisch-estländischer Rechtsanwalt, Aktivist, Fernsehmoderator ✓
, presented by the Swedish TV station White TV, host Dr. Henning Witte, German-Swedish-Estonian laywer, activist, TV host ✓
, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Nachrichten-Website Netzeitung
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Gastgeber Jo Conrad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Netzaktivist, esoterischer Autor
Gastgeberin Dagmar Neubronner (*1959) deutsche Diplombiologin, Bindungsforschungsassistentin, Verlegerin, Übersetzerin, Fernsehmoderatorin
, presented by the broadcaster Houston Public Media, program "Living Smart", #?, host Patricia Gras (*1960) US American television anchor, reporter, journalist
, presented by the US radio station KPFA Coyote Network, host Caroline Casey (*1971) US American visionary activist astrologer
, presented by the US American leftist, liberal or progressive Progressive Radio Network PRN.FM, program Gary Null Show, host Gary Null (*1945) US American talk radio host, author on alternative and complementary medicine and nutrition
, presented by the alternative news outlet The Unz Review
, presented by the blogspot Uplift Connect
, presented by the US American magazine LIFE (1883-2000)
, presented by the US American magazine Collier's (1888-1957)
, presented by the US American far-right news website Breitbart News
, presented by the US American Internet media company BuzzFeed
, präsentiert von dem liberal-konservativen Online-Meinungsmagazin Tichys Einblick
der YouTube-Plattform des liberal-konservativen Online-Meinungsmagazins Tichys Einblick, Gastgeber Roland Tichy (*1955) deutscher Journalist, Publizist
, presented by the US American The Lip TV, program "Buzzsaw", host Sean Stone (*1984) US American actor, film director, producer, cinematographer, TV show host, screenwriter, author
, presented by the publication Integral Life, Corey W. deVos, US American webmaster and senior editor of, writer
, präsentiert von der Publikation Integral Life, Corey W. deVos, US-amerikanischer Webseitenverwalter, Cheflektor von, Schriftsteller
host Stuart Davis, US American managing editor of, actor, comedian, director, songwriter, writer
, presented by the US American left-wing quarterly magazine Jacobin
, presented by Jeff Salzman, US American integralist, public commentator of Daily Evolver
, presented by the triannual peer-reviewed academic journal New Formations
, presented by the US American weekly business magazine Bloomberg Businessweek
, presented by the pay television network Bloomberg Television
, presented by the non-commercial US American satellite television network Link TV
, presented by the public policy magazine and website City Journal
, presented by the Danish TV network and online community Age Of Truth TV, host Lucas Alexander
, presented by the US American libertarian think tank The Cato Institute
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Onlinemagazin Telepolis des Heise Zeitschriften Verlags
, presented by the British free global internet television and radio station The People's Voice, program Dot-Connector, host Richie Allen
, presented by the British podcast The Richie Allen Show, host Richie Allen
, presented by the US American online publication A Voice For Men (AVFM)
, presented by the daily Australian newspaper The Age
, produced by the YouTube channel After Skool
, produziert von dem YouTube-Bildungskanal After Skool
, presented by web series Conversations with History via the satellite television channel University of California Television (UCTV), UC Santa Barbara, host Harry Kreisler, US American historian, Institute of International Studies
, presented by the US American Freedomain Podcasts, A Voice for Men, founder and host Stefan Molyneux (*1966) Irish-born Canadian blogger/vlogger, podcaster on anarcho-capitalism, politics, secular ethics, atheism, right-libertarianism, cryptocurrencies, self-published author
, presented by the publication
, presented by the English speaking lifestyle website Beliefnet
, presented by the US American online news organization The Raw Story
, presented by the design, technology, science and science fiction website Gizmodo
, präsentiert von der englischsprachigen Fachzeitschrift Nature
, presented by the English multidisciplinary scientific journal Nature
, presented by Alliance for Natural Health USA (ANH-USA)
, presented by the British podcast "Under The Skin", host wpe:Russell_BrandRussell Brand (*1975) English comedian, actor, activist, radio host, author
, presented by the UK-based weekly English-language international science magazine New Scientist
, präsentiert von der internationalen populärwissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschrift New Scientist
, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen österreichischen Webradiosender OkiTalk, Gründer Klaus Glatzl
, präsentiert von der online Plattform Blaupause.TV, Gastgeber Patrick Schönerstedt
, präsentiert von dem online Fernsehkanal AUF1, Gründerin und Gastgeberin Elsa Mittmannsgrub
Stefan Magnet (*1984) österreichischer Werbeunternehmer, Chefredakteur von AUF1, freier Journalist, Autor
, presented by the US American podcast Buddha at the Gas Tank. Conversations with "Ordinary" Spiritually Awakening People, host and founder of Batgap Rick Archer, US American former TM meditator
, presented by the social networking site for scientists and researchers ResearchGate
, presented by the US American popular science magazine Scientific American
, präsentiert von dem staatlichen Auslandsrundfunk der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Mitglied der ARD Deutsche Welle
, präsentiert von dem YouTube-Kanal Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss
, präsentiert von dem österreichischen AnthroWiki, undatiert
, presented by the American Public Media, radio program On Being, founder and host Krista Tippett (*1960) US American entrepreneur, journalist, author
Krista Tippett (*1960) US American entrepreneur, founder and host of the American Public Media, radio program and podcast On Being, journalist, author
, presented by The Corporate Propaganda Antidote podcast SGT Report, host Jean Perier
, episode #xxx, presented by the US American web radio station Skeptiko Science at the tipping point, founder and host Alex Tsakiris
, präsentiert von der GWUP-Zeitschrift Skeptiker
, presented by the petition website
, presented via the US American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website Reddit
Amnesty International
Amnesty International
Sarah Vowell (*1969) US American social commentator, essayist, journalist, author
Rosalyn Yalow (1921-2011) US American medical physicist, Nobel Prize co-laureate in physiology or medicine, 1977
Gary Renard, US American author
The Disappearance of the Universe, Fearless Books, 2003, Hay House, 2004
Roger Williams (1603-1683) English Protestant theologian, early proponent of religious freedom and the separation of church and state, provider of refuge for religious minorities, 1636, initiator of the first Baptist church in America
Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor
Michael Schetsche, Herausgeber, Michael K. Walter, Herausgeber, Konspiration. Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens, Springer VS, 30. November 2013
Unwirkliche Wirklichkeiten. Zur Wissenssoziologie von Verschwörungstheorien, Logos Berlin, 28. Februar 2011
Andreas von Bülow (*1937) deutscher SPD-Politiker, Autor von politischen Sachbüchern
Daniel Kehlmann (*1975) Austrian-German writer
novel Fame, Rowohlt Verlag, 2009, English version, 2010
David DeSteno, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, Northeastern University, author
Susan Joy Rennison, B.Sc., British physicist, geophysicist ✓
Tuning the Diamonds. Electromagnetism and Spiritual Evolution, Joyfire Publishing, 2nd edition 15. September 2006
Sheena Iyengar, Ph.D. (*1969) US American professor of business, Columbia Business School, choice researcher
Robert Maurice Sapolsky, Ph.D. (*1957) US American professor of neurology, neurological sciences, neurosurgery and biological sciences, Stanford University
Michael Merzenich, Ph.D., US American professor emeritus of neuroscience, University of California, San Francisco, leading pioneer in brain plasticity research, author
James Mark Baldwin (1861-1934) US American philosopher, psychologist
James Baldwin (1924-1987) US afroamerican social critic, playwright, essayist, short story writer, novelist
Amartya Kumar Sen, CH (*1933) Indian philosopher, economist, Nobel Memorial Prize laureate in economic sciences, 1998
Morton Deutsch (1920-2017) US American social psychologist, researcher in conflict resolution
A. J. Muste (1885-1967) Dutch-born American clergyman, pacifist, social activist involved in US labor and civil rights movements
Dr. Inga Bostad (*1963) Norwegian philosopher, educator, prorector of the University of Oslo (2009-2013), director of the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (2014-2017), writer
Kenneth Roman (*1930) US American former CEO of advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, author
Martha Nussbaum, Ph.D. (*1947) US American law and ancient Greek/Roman philosophy professor, University of Chicago, specialized in political philosophy, feminism, ethics, animal rights, author
Dr. Martha Nussbaum (*1947) US-amerikanische Professorin für Philosophie, vergleichende Literaturwissenschaften, Altphilologie, Rechtswissenschaften und Ethik, Universität von Chicago, Aristotelikerin, Feministin, Tierrechtlerin, Autorin
André Stern (*1971) französischer Musiker, Komponist, Gitarrenbaumeister, Referent, Journalist, Autor
Edward Edinger (1922-1998) US American medical psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, writer
Glenn Greenwald (*1967) US American lawyer, journalist who published on global surveillance programs disclosed by Edward Snowden, columnist, author
Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author
Penny Kelly, US-amerikanische Ingenieurin, Naturheilärztin, kundalinierweckte Hellsichtige, Dozentin, spirituelle Beraterin, wissenschaftliche Übersetzerin, Autorin
Thomas P. M. Barnett (*1962) US-amerikanischer Militär- und Geostratege, Chefanalyst bei Wikistrat
Thomas P. M. Barnett (*1962) US American military geostrategist, former chief analyst at Wikistrat
William Blum (1933-2018) Jewish-American historian, critic of United States foreign policy, former State Department computer related employee (mid-1960s-1967), opposed to the Vietnam War, journalist, author
Rogue State. A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, Common Courage Press, 2000, third edition 2006
Edward Snowden (*1983) US American whistleblower, computer professional, former system administrator for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), leaker of classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) to the mainstream media, starting in June 2013
Edward Snowden (*1983) US-amerikanischer Whistleblower, ehemalige technische Fachkraft für die US-amerikanischen Geheimdienste CIA und DIA, Systemadministrator der NSA (†Mai 2013)
William Colby (1920-1996) US American director of central intelligence (CIA) (1973-1976)
David Jay Brown (*1961) US American parapsychologist, consciousness researcher, interviewer, writer
Jonas Gahr Store (*1960) Norwegian Labour Party politician, minister of foreign affairs, 2005-2012, minister of health and care services, 2012
Jürgen Habermas (*1929) German sociologist, philosopher (critical theory and pragmatism)
Joachim von Fiore (1135-1202) italienischer Geschichtstheologe, Esoteriker, Mystiker, Abt und Ordensgründer in Kalabrien
Joachim of Fiore (1135-1202) Italian theologian, esoteric, mystic, founder of the monastic order of San Giovanni in Fiore
Yanis Varoufakis (*1961) Greek economist, academic, politician, Greek minister of finance (January-July 2015), blogger, author
Yanis Varoufakis (*1961) griechischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Finanzminister im Kabinett Alexis Tsipras (Januar-Juli 2015), Blogger, Sachbuchautor
Cato the Elder [The Censor, Wise, Ancient] (234-149 BC) Roman statesman, known for his conservatism and opposition to Hellenization
James Perloff, US American alternative researcher, speaker, journalist, author
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer (*1952) deutscher Lehrstuhlinhaber für Radiologie und Mikrotherapie, Universität Witten/Herdecke bis 2012, Medizinunternehmer, gemeinnütziger Stifter, Autor
Prof. Dr. Dietrich Grönemeyer (*1952) German professor of medicine, co-inventor of Microtherapy, author
Gerard Menuhin (*1948) britisch-Schweizer Sohn des Violinisten Yehudi Menuhin, Umweltschützer, Filmproduzent, Journalist, Publizist, Schriftsteller
Gerard Menuhin (*1948) British-Swiss son of the violinist Yehudi Menuhin, conservationist, journalist, novelist, writer
Baron Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999) jüdischer US-amerikanischer-schweizerischer-britischer Violinist, größter Geigenvirtuose des 20. Jahrhunderts, Dirigent
Baron Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999) Russian Jewish US American violinist, conductor
Chip Berlet (*1949) US American senior analyst at Political Research Associates (PRA), former vice president of the National Lawyers Guild, co-chair of Civil Liberties Committee, activist, specializing in the study of right-wing movements (religious right, white supremacists, homophobic groups, paramilitary organizations), investigative journalist, author ✓
Matthew N. Lyons, US American independent historian focusing on social movements and systems of oppression
Prof. Ian Morris (*1960) britischer Althistoriker, Polyhistoriker, Archäologe, Stanford Universität, Kalifornien, Autor
Ian Morris, Ph.D. (*1960) British professor of archeology and history, Stanford University, California, author
Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., US American professor of biophysics, University of California at Berkeley (UCB), researcher of biofield science and energy medicine, founder of the Institute for Frontier Science (IFS)
Jacek Kugler, Ph.D., US American professor of political science, scholar of international relations, former chair of the department of politics and policy, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California, president of International Studies Association (2004-2005) and Peace Science Society (1995-1996), editor of International Interactions professor of political science
Stewart Swerdlow, US American linguist, hyperspace intuitive, "recruited" for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Project Montauk, lecturer, author
Prof. Dieter Otten (*1943) deutscher Professor für Soziologie, Universität Osnabrück, Vorstand der Stiftung Internetforschung
Anatoly Fomenko, Ph.D. (*1945) Russian professor of mathematics, Moscow State University, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, topologist, supporter of revising historical chronology
Eve Lorgen, US American UFO/alien abduction researcher, consultant in anomalous trauma, hypnotherapist, coach, author
Dr. Matthias Burchardt, deutscher Anthropologe, Bildungsphilosoph, Pädagoge, Universität Köln
Morten Tolboll, Danish philosopher, globetrotter, blogger
Dr. med. Joachim Bauer (*1951) deutscher Internist, Neurobiologe, Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Molekularbiologe, Universitätsprofessor, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Sachbuchautor
Jordan Peterson, Ph.D. (*1962) Canadian clinical psychologist, professor of psychology, University of Toronto, political scientist, author
Prof. Jordan Peterson (*1962) kanadischer klinischer Psychologe, Influencer in sozialen Netzwerken, Vortragsreisender, Autor
Don F. Jordan (*1941) US-amerikanischer Korrespondent, Moderator für Deutsche Welle-TV (1994-2001), Publizist
Louis Sass, US American professor of clinical psychology, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University, expert in severe psychopathology, philosophy and psychology
Dr. Thomas Steininger (*1968) österreichischer Philosoph, Kulturaktivist, Hörfunkmoderator von evolve Radio, Journalist, ehemals WIE-Chefredakteur, Herausgeber des deutschen Magazins evolve
Dr. Thomas Steininger (*1968) Austrian philosopher, cultural activist, moderator of evolve Radio, former senior editor of WIE magazine, founder of the German magazine evolve
Richard L. Day, Ph.D. (1905-1989) US American professor of pediatrics, insider of the Rockefeller dynasty, author
Jules Feiffer (*1929) US American syndicated cartoonist
Thorwald Dethlefsen (1946-2010) deutscher esoterischer Autor
Schicksal als Chance. Das Urwissen zur Vollkommenheit des Menschen, Goldmann Verlag, 49. Auflage 1. Dezember 1980
Ödipus der Rätsellöser. Der Mensch zwischen Schuld und Erlösung, Goldmann Verlag, 1992
Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke (*1951) deutscher Psychotherapeut, Ganzheitsmediziner, Dozent, Autor
Thorwald Dethlefsen (1946-2010) (1946-2010) deutscher esoterischer Autor
Klassiker der Körper- und Krankheitssymbolik Krankheit als Weg. Deutung und Be-deutung der Krankheitsbilder, Mosaik Verlag bei Goldmann Verlag, 1. Auflage 1983, Bassermann Verlag, 3. Auflage 14. Juli 2008
Konstantin Meyl (*1952) deutscher Professor für Leistungselektronik, Hochschule Furtwangen, seit 1986, Elektroniker, Energietechniker
Konstantin Meyl (*1952) German professor of power electronics, University Furtwangen, since 1986, electronics engineer, energy technician
Phil Donahue (*1935) US American media personality, film producer, creator and host of
The Phil Donahue Show, writer
Bob Altemeyer (*1940) Canadian retired professor of psychology, University of Manitoba, producer of the scale for Right-wing authoritarianism, author
The Authoritarians, PDF, 2006
John Dean (*1938) US American White House counsel for US president Richard Nixon (1970-1973), columnist, author
Conservatives Without Conscience, Viking Press, July 2006
Linda Moulton Howe (*1942) US American Regional Emmy award-winning documentary producer-writer-director-editor, investigative journalist
Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the "Institute for Media Education", cultural conservative author
Dr. Judith Reisman (1935-2021) US-amerikanische Professorin der Kommunikationswissenschaft, Gastprofessorin, Liberty University, Virginia, Kritikerin der Person und des Werk des Sexualforschers Alfred Kinsey und der Pornographisierung der westlichen Gesellschaft
Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893-1979) influential English literary critic, rhetorician
The Meaning of Meaning, Principles of Literary Criticism, Practical Criticism, 1923 Triangle of reference
Semiotisches Dreieck Relation zwischen Symbol, dem Begriff und dem damit gemeinten realen Ding
Firsthand Report on B4U-ACT Conference for 'Minor-Attracted Persons' – Aims at Normalizing Pedophilia, presented by the website, 22. August 2011
Featuring sexologist Fred Berlin presided over pro-pedophile conference
Fred Berlin, US American psychiatrist, sexologist specializing in sex offenses, consultant to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Abuse
John Money, Ph.D. (1921-2006) US American professor of psychology, Johns-Hopkins University, controversioal sexologist, author
Peter R. Breggin, M.D. (*1936) US American psychiatrist, critic of biological psychiatry and psychiatric medication
Adam Winkler, Ph.D., US American professor of constitutional law, University of California, Los Angeles
Gunfight. The Battle over the Right to Bear Arms in America, W.W. Norton & Company, 1st edition 19. September 2011
Robert J. Shiller, Ph.D. (*1946) US American professor of economics, Yale School of Management's International Center for Finance, Yale University, Nobel laureate in economics, 2013, academic, author
George A. Akerlof, Ph.D. (*1940) US American professor of economics, University of California, Berkeley, Nobel laureate in economics, 2001
Susanne Posel, US American integral investigative journalist, radio host
Dr. Frances Vaughan (†2017) US-amerikanische transpersonale Psychologin, Erzieherin, spirituelle Autorin
Frances Vaughan, Ph.D. (†2017) US American transpersonal psychologist, educator, spiritual author
PhD Dr. Roger Walsh (*1946) australischer Professor für Psychiatrie, Philosophie und Anthropologie, Universität von Kalifornien, Irvine, Autor
Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D. (*1946) Australian professor of psychiatry, philosophy and anthropology, University of California, Irvine, author
[editors]: Paths Beyond Ego, Tarcher, 15. September 1993
Raik Garve, deutscher Arzt, Gesundheitslehrer, Dozent
Robert Emmons, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of psychology, UC Davis, California, specialized in psychology of personality, emotion, and religion
Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) Japanese entrepreneur, water researcher, author
Dr. Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) japanischer Unternehmer, Alternativmediziner, Parawissenschaftler, Wasserforscher, Autor
Joseph Banks Rhine [J. B. Rhine] (1895-1980) US American botanist, founder of scientific research in parapsychology, Duke University, founder of the Journal of Parapsychology, the Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man, and the Parapsychological Association
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee (*1953) English psychologist, dream researcher, Sufi teacher, lineage successor in the Naqshbandiyya-Mujaddidiyya Sufi Order, lecturer, author
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee (*1953) englischer Psychologe, Traumforscher, Lehrer der Naqschbandiyya-Mudschaddidiyya-Sufi-Linie (Nebenlinie der Naqschbandi-Tariqa), Redner, Autor
Douglas Thomas, Ph.D. (*1966) US American associate professor, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Southern California, cultural historian, journalist, author
Marc Lewis, Ph.D. (*1951) US American professor of developmental neuroscience, expert in dynamic systems approaches to understanding the development of emotions and personality, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Dr. Kenneth Wapnick (1942-2013) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut, Gründer von Foundation for A Course in Miracles (FACIM), EKiW-Lehrer, Autor
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. (1942-2013) US American psychologist, psychotherapist, founder of Foundation for A Course in Miracles (FACIM), ACIM teacher, author
Stephen S. Hall, Ph.D., US American professor of science journalism and explanatory journalism, Columbia University, award-winning science writer ✓
Peter Hahne (*1952) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Evangelist, Autor
Jason Reza Jorjani (*1981) Iranian-American philosopher, former New Jersey Institute of Technology lecturer, former editor-in-chief of alt-right publisher Arktos Media, author
Julian Assange (*1971) australischer politischer Aktivist, ehemaliger Computerhacker, Programmierer, Sprecher der Enthüllungsplattform WikiLeaks, investigativer Journalist
Karlfried Graf Dürckheim (1896-1988) deutscher Diplomat, Psychotherapeut, Zen-Lehrer, Autor
Arianna Stassinopoulos-Huffington (*1950) Greek-American syndicated columnist, founder of the news aggregator Huffington Post, ex-wife of former Republican congressman Michael Huffington, conservative (until mid-1990s), liberal author (late 1990s)
Arianna Huffington (*1950) griechisch-US-amerikanische Journalistin, Mitbegründerin und Chefredakteurin der Online-Zeitung Huffington Post, politische Blog-Autorin, Sachbuchautorin
Prof. Michael Linden (*1948) deutscher Facharzt für Neurologie, Psychiatrie und Psychosomatische Medizin, Psychologe, Psychotherapeut
Frederic Vester (1925-2003) deutscher Professor für Biochemie, Systemforscher, Umweltexperte, populärwissenschaftlicher Autor
Wolfgang Wiedergut (1961-2008) österreichischer Physiker, Freie-Energie-Forscher, Esoteriker
Geraint Straker (*1989) British philosopher
Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) British first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales
Bill Moyers (*1934) US American political commentator, journalist
Bill Moyers (*1934) US-amerikanischer politischer Kommentator, Journalist
Max Born (1882-1970) German mathematician, physicist, instrumental in the development of quantum mechanics
Lord Robert Winston, Ph.D. (*1940) British professor of British professor of science and society, University of Wolverhampton, physician, politician, television presenter
Boris Mouravieff (1890-1966) French historian, Christian esotericist, author
trilogy of 3 volumes Gnosis, Exoteric Cycle. Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy, Praxis Institute Press, 1st edition June 1990
Lizz Winstead (*1961) US American commedienne, co-creator of The Daily Show
Andreas Popp (*1961) deutscher Wirtschaftsforscher, Gesellschaftspolitiker, Mitglied der Wissensmanufaktur, Autor
Betty J. Kovacs, Ph.D., US American professor emerita of comparative literature and theory of symbolic language, Pasadena City College, author
Alexander Marshack (1918-2004) US American independent scholar, Paleolithic archaeologist, journalist, author
Peter Orban (*1944) deutscher Psychologe, Astrologe, Therapeut, Familienaufsteller, Autor
Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940) schwedische Schriftstellerin
Marco Bischof (*1947) schweizerischer Wissenschaftshistoriker und -journalist, Autor der Grenzwissenschaft
Biophotonen. Das Licht in unseren Zellen, Verlag Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt, 522 Seiten, 1995, 13. Auflage 2000
Abraham Flexner (1866-1959) US American educator, producer of the Flexner Report to reform medical education in the United States, 1910, cofounder of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, member and secretary of the Rockefeller Foundation's General Education Board (1912-1925)
Matthew Henry (1662-1714) English Presbyterian minister, commentator on the Bible
Thomas Sheridan (*1964) Irish alternative artist, musician, independent researcher, broadcaster, public speaker, author
Kay Redfield Jamison (*1946) US American professor of psychiatry, John's Hopkins School of Medicine, clinical psychologist, struggling lifelong with manic-depressive illness
Anne Baring (1931-2020) British historian, Jungian psychoanalyst, feminist author
Jules Cashford, British professor of philosophy, psychologist, Jungian psychoanalyst, author
The Myth of The Goddess. Evolution of an Image, Viking 1991, Penguin Arkana, 1992, Penguin, reprint edition 1. June 1993
Dr. med. Larry Dossey (*1940) US-amerikanischer Internist, spiritueller Referent, visionärer Autor
Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine
Recovering the Soul. A Scientific and Spiritual Search, Bantam Books, November 1989
Healing Words. The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine, HarperOne, 1st edition 19. January 1995
Reinventing Medicine. Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing, HarperOne, 1st edition 8. September 1999, 5. September 2000
Healing Beyond the Body. Medicine and the Infinite Reach of the Mind, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 2001, 1st edition 11. February 2003
The Power of Premonitions. How Knowing the Future Can Shape Our Lives, Dutton Adult, 1st edition 30. April 2009
Martin Gilens, Ph.D., US American professor of politics, Princeton University
Benjamin I. Page, Ph.D., US American professor of politics, Northwestern University
Sam Parnia, M.D., British associate professor of medicine, Langone Medical Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, director of research into cardiopulmonary resuscitation, leader of the AWARE Study of near-death experiences, author
Dr. med. Sam Parnia, britischer Kardiologe, Intensivmediziner an der Universität Southampton, Nahtodforscher, Leiter der AWARE Study, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York
Prof. Michael Hudson (*1939) US-amerikanischer Professor der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Historiker, Universität von Missouri-Kansas City, ehemaliger Wall Street-Analyst, Autor
Michael Hudson, Ph.D. (*1939) US American historian, professor of economics, University of Missouri, Kansas City, research associate, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, former Wall Street analyst, author
The Bubble and Beyond. Fictitious Capital, Debt Deflation and Global Crisis, Islet, 1. July 2012
Neil Crofts, US American promoter of authentic leadership, author
Johannes Czwalina (*1952) deutscher Theologe, Unternehmensberater, Autor
Andreas Exner (*1973) österreichischer Ökologe, wertkritischer Publizist, Gewerkschafter in der Arbeiterkammer Kärnten
Jürgen Rose (*1958) ehemaliger deutscher Oberstleutnant der Bundeswehr, Vorstandsmitglied des pazifistischen Arbeitskreises Darmstädter Signal, deutscher Publizist
Peter Gold, US American professor of anthropology, California Institute of Integral Studies, research associate at the Laboratory of Anthropology, Museum of New Mexico, director of the Ancient Ways Project, tibetologist, practitioner of Tibet's Buddhist philosophy and musical traditions, author of four books on Tibetan culture
Konrad Lorenz, Ph.D. (1903-1989) Austrian zoologist, ethologist, ornithologist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate in physiology or medicine, 1973
Prof. Dr. Konrad Lorenz (1903-1989) österreichischer Professor für Psychologie, Zoologe, Tierpsychologe, Hauptvertreter der klassischen vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung (Ethologie), Nobelpreisträger für Physiologie oder Medizin, 1973
Die acht Todsünden der zivilisierten Menschheit, Serie Piper, München, 1. Auflage 1973, 29. Auflage 2002, 34. Auflage 2009
Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986) Hungarian-born US American physiologist, biochemist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate in physiology or medicine, 1937
William Henry, US American investigative mythologist, television presenter, author
Sir William Henry Bragg (1862-1942) British physicist, chemist, mathematician, sportsman, Nobel Peace Prize laureate in physics, 1915
Bessel van der Kolk, Ph.D. (*1943) Dutch-American professor of psychiatry, researcher in post-traumatic stress, Boston University, educator, author
Amory Lovins (*1947) US American physicist, environmental scientist, chairman/chief scientist of the Rocky Mountain Institute, writer
L. Hunter Lovins (*1950) US American promoter of sustainable development, president of Natural Capitalism Solutions, author
Jerry I. Porras, US American professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Lane professor emeritus of Organizational Behavior and Change, business and management analyst
Built to Last. Successful Habits of Visionary Companies, 26. October 1994
June Campbell (*1945) schottische Religionswissenschaftlerin, akademische Feministin, ehemalige Kagyu-Nonne, persönliche Übersetzerin des tibetischen Lamas Kalu Rinpoche (70iger Jahre)
June Campbell (*1945) Scottish religious scholar, academic feminist, Kagyu nun and personal translator of the Tibetan Lama Kalu Rinpoche (70ties) ✓
Traveller in Space. Gender, Identity and Tibetan Buddhism, Continuum International Publishing Group, 1996, revised edition May 2002, rerevised edition 31. May 2018
Joseph Atwill (*1950) US-amerikanischer unabhängiger Bibelgelehrter, Autor
Das Messias-Rätsel. Die Geheimsache Jesus, Allegria, 11. September 2008
Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent Bible scholar, investigative researcher, author
Caesar's Messiah. The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, Ulysses Press, 15. April 2005
Robert Axelrod, Ph.D. (*1943) US American professor of political science and public policy, University of Michigan, consultant and speaker on behalf of the United Nations, the World Bank, and the U.S. Department of Defense, author
The Complexity of Cooperation. Agent-Based Models of Competition and Collaboration, Princeton University Press, 7. September 1997
Dr. Robert Axelrod (*1943) US-amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler, Vertreter der Theorie der rationalen Entscheidung, Autor
Eric Karlstrom, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor emeritus of geography, California State University
Scilla Elworthy (*1943) Scottish peace builder, founder of the NGO Oxford Research Group for effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers worldwide and their critics, 1982, executive director of the ORG (1982-2003), member of the World Future Council
Dieter Rohmann, deutscher Diplompsychologe, Kult-Ausstiegsberater ✓
Deena Metzger (*1936) US American teacher, storyteller, medicine woman, healer, poet, essayist, novelist
Anne Michaels (*1958) Canadian novelist, poet
Fugitive Pieces, Vintage, 26. May 1998
John Dryden (1631-1700) English literary critic, translator, poet, playwright
Charles Wright Mills (1916-1962) US American professor of sociology, Columbia University (1946-1962), author
The Power Elite, 1956
Rauni Kilde, M.D. (1939-2015) Finnish physician, lecturer on parapsychology, ufology and mind control since 1982, author
Dr. med. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015) finnische Ärztin, ehemalige Gesundheitsministerin, Referentin zu Parapsychologie, Ufologie und Bewusstseinskontrolle seit 1982, Autorin
William Stafford (1914-1993) US American poet
The Way It Is. New and Selected Poems, Graywolf Press, 1st edition 1. March 1999
OM Cedric Parkin (*1962) deutscher Advaita-Lehrer, Mystiker, Geschäftsmann, mystischer Buchautor
Dr. Peter C. Gøtzsche (*1949) dänischer Medizinforscher, Professor für klinisches Forschungsdesign und Analyse, Mitbegründer und gechasster Direktor des Nordic Cochrane Centers, Rigshospitalet, Kopenhagen, Dänemark, Autor
Peter C. Gøtzsche, M.D. (*1949) Danish physician, medical researcher, former leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, author
David Graeber, Ph.D. (1961-2020) US American associate professor of social anthropology, philosophical-political activist, author
Dr. David Graeber (1961-2020) US-amerikanischer Professor für soziale Ethnologie und Wirtschaft, London School of Economics and Political Science, philosophisch-politischer-anarchistischer Aktivist, Autor
Henry Corbin (1903-1978) French professor of Islamic Studies, Sorbonne in Paris, France, theologian, philosopher, author
Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia ✓
Dr. Robert D. Hare (*1934) kanadischer emeritierter Professor für Kriminalpsychologie, Entwickler der Checkliste zur Ermittlung von Psychopathie, Universität von British Columbia
Edwin Hubbell Chapin (1814-1880) US American Universalist minister, orator, poet, editor of the Christian Leader
Edwin H. Chapin (1814-1880) US-amerikanischer Prediger, Dichter, Herausgeber der Zeitschrift Christian Leader
J. R. R. Tolkien [Work LoC 390] (1892-1973) English professor of philology, poet, writer TvF 124
The Lord of the Rings [LoC 350] 3 volumes (1937-1949), Allen & Unwin, United Kingdom, 29. July 1954, 11. November 1954, 20. October 1955
J. R. R. Tolkien [Werk BW 390] (1892-1973) englischer Professor für Philologie, Dichter, Fantasy-Literat
Der Herr der Ringe [BW 350] 3 Bände (1937-1949), Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, 1969/1970, 8. Auflage, 1980
Garth Nix (*1963) Australian author, mostly of children's and young adult fantasy novels
Peter Bishop, Australian associate professor of communication and cultural studies, University of South Australia, author
Dreams of Power. Tibetan Buddhism and the Western Imagination, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, January 1993
Peter C. Bishop, US American retired associate professor of strategic foresight, professional futurist, author
Dick Gregory (1932-2017) US American comedian, social critic, social activist, entrepreneur, writer
Peter Block (*1940) US American consultant, speaker in the areas of organization development, community building, and civic engagement, author
Lucian of Samosata (125-past 180 AD) Roman rhetorician, satirist who wrote in the Greek language during the Second Sophistic
Kenneth O'Keefe (*1969) Irish-Palestinian citizen, humanitarian peace activist, former United States Marine and Gulf War veteran, renounced US citizenship in 2001
David Chalmers (*1966) Australian professor of philosophy, Australian National University, cognitive scientist on mind and language
Suzanne Segal (1955-1997) US American teacher about awakening, author
Collision With the Infinite. A Life Beyond the Personal Self, Blue Dove Press, 2nd edition November 1996
Suzanne Segal (1955-1997) US-amerikanische Lehrerin über das Erwachen, Autorin
Kollision mit der Unendlichkeit. Ein Leben jenseits des persönlichen Selbst, Heiner Siegelmann, Übersetzer, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 3. Auflage März 2005
William Duncan Silkworth, M.D. (1873-1951) US American medical doctor specialised in the treatment of alcoholism, director of the Charles B. Towns Hospital for Drug and Alcohol Addictions in New York City in the 1930s
Saint Christopher [LoC 550]
Christophorus [BW 550]
Nicholas D. Kristof (*1959) US American journalist, The New York Times op-ed columnist, author, two-fold Pulitzer prize laureate
Sheryl WuDunn (*1959) US American business executive, philanthropy expert, lecturer, writer, Pulitzer Prize laureate
Half the Sky. Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, Vintage, reprint edition 1. June 2010
Dorothea Dix (1802-1887) US American activist on behalf of the indigent insane
Robert Lawlor (*1938) US American mythographer, symbologist, translator, metaphysical author
Edward Leedskalnin (1887-1951) Latvian amateur sculptor, developer of theories on magnetism
William Irwin Thompson (1938-2020) US American cultural historian, social philosopher, cultural critic, mythologist, poet, writer
William Irwin Thompson (1938-2020) US-amerikanischer Sozialphilosoph, Kulturwissenschaftler und -kritiker, Dichter, Schriftsteller
Dirk C. Fleck (*1943) freier deutscher Journalist, Autor
Fulcanelli [Pseudonym] (*1877) French alchemist, esoteric author
Fulcanelli. Master Alchemist: Le Mystere des Cathedrales, Esoteric Intrepretation of the Hermetic Symbols of The Great Work, 1926, Brotherhood of Life, 1st edition 15. January 1984
Fulcanelli [Pseudonym] (*1877) französischer Alchemist, esoterischer Autor des 20. Jahrhunderts
Donna Hicks, Ph.D., US American psychologist, facilitator during international conflicts, associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, public educator, author
Reginald McKenna (1863-1943) British banker, chairman of the board, Midlands Bank of England, Liberal politician, Home Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer during the premiership of H. H. Asquith
William Lyon Mackenzie King [Mackenzie King] (1874-1950) Canadian political leader (1920s-1940s), tenth Liberal prime minister of Canada
Jackson MacKenzie, US American co-founder of the online support community PsychopathFree, author
Pier Luigi Ighina (1908-2004) Italian free energy researcher
Stanley Allen Meyer (1940-1998) US American inventor of a free energy device
Louis Nizer (1902-1994) noted British American trial lawyer, senior partner of a law firm
William Sargant (1907-1988) controversial British psychiatrist, atheist, life-long depressive, drug-tester, promoter of psychosurgery, deep sleep treatment, electroconvulsive therapy and insulin shock therapy, consultant of British Secret Service MI5
Battle for the Mind. A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing – How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians, and Medicine Men Can Change Your Beliefs and Behavior, Heinemann, London, 1957, Malor Books, Cambridge, Massachusetts, reprint edition 1. October 1997
Wayne Teasdale (1945-2004) US American Catholic monk, educator, proponent of interspirituality, social justice campaigner, author
Bruder Wayne Teasdale (1945-2004) US-amerikanischer katholischer Mönch, interspiritueller Lehrer, interreligiöser Autor
Andrea Rossi (*1950) Italian entrepreneur, inventor of the Energy Catalyzer (cold fusion thermal power source)
Viktor Grebennikov (1927-2001) Russian scientist, entomologist, naturalist
Rev. Kevin D. Annett (*1956) Canadian anthropologist, political scientist, defrocked minister, whistleblower, secretary of International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), filmproducer, author ✓
Albert Bandura, Ph.D. (1925-2021) Canadian psychologist, David Starr Jordan professor emeritus of social science in psychology, Stanford University
Alexis Carrel (1873-1944) French surgeon, biologist, pioneer of vascular suturing techniques, Nobel laureate in physiology/medicine, 1912
Robert Provine, Ph.D. (1943-2019) US-amerikanischer Professor für Neuropsychologie, Universität von Maryland (UMBC), Lachwissenschaftler (Gelotologe)
⚡ John D. Rockefeller Jr. (1874-1960) US American businessman, Standard Oil industrialist, philanthropist, pivotal member of the prominent Rockefeller dynasty
⚡ David Rockefeller (1915-2017) US American banker, billionaire, "philanthropist", eugenicist, current patriarch of the Rockefeller family
autobiography Memoirs, Random House, New York, 2002
⚡ David Rockefeller, Sr. (1915-2017) US-amerikanischer Bankier, Milliardär, "Philanthrop", Staatsmann, Patriarch der Rockefeller-Familie
Autobiografie Erinnerungen eines Weltbankiers
⚡ Marc Gafni (*1960) controversial US American "spiritual teacher", serial sexual offender, former orthodox rabbi associated with the Jewish renewal movement, speaker, author
Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) Spanish knight, hermit, theologian, priest since 1537, crypto-Jewish co-founder of the Society of Jesus (SJ), 1540, first Superior General of the Jesuits, 1541
Ignatius von Loyola (1491-1556) spanischer Ritter, Offizier, Theologe, Einsiedler, kryptojüdischer Mitbegründer und erster Superior des Jesuitenordens, Heiligsprechung 1622
Prof. Arvid Kappas deutscher Professor für Emotionspsychologie, Jacobs Universität Bremen, Intuitionsforscher ✓
Colman McCarthy (*1938) US American pacifist, progressive, anarchist, long-time peace activist, director of the Center for Teaching Peace, Washington, D.C. (1969-1997), teacher, lecturer, journalist
Ivan Illich (1926-2002) Austrian US American theologian, Roman Catholic priest, philosopher, social critic of the Western culture, author
Ivan Illich (1926-2002) österreichisch-US-amerikanischer Theologe, katholischer Priester, Philosoph, sozialkritischer Autor
Peter Hans Kolvenbach, SJ (1928-2016) 29th Superior General of the largest male Catholic religious order [[wpe:Society_of_Jesus|Society of Jesus (SJ)] (1981-2008)
Wilfred Trotter, British head and neck surgeon, University College Hospital, London, author
Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War, 1st edition 1916, 2nd edition 1942
Peter König (*1956) deutscher Professor für Philosophie an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Peter König, Schweizer Ökonom, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Weltbank, Kritiker von Korruption und Ausbeutung, Autor
Eric Jon Phelps (*1953) US American protagonist in the Truth Seeker movement, author
The Jesuits, closely related to the Knights of Malta, authored the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, control all secret agencies including KGB, CIA, Mossad, BND and SIS.
Rima E. Laibow, M.D. (*1943) US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation ✓
Dr. med. Rima E. Laibow (*1943) US-amerikanische Ärztin, Aktivistin, medizinische Direktorin von Natural Solutions Foundation ✓
William Poundstone, US American columnist, skeptic, author
Dr. Dr. Raphael M. Bonelli (*1968) österreichischer Neurowissenschaftler, Dozent an der Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien, Psychiater, systemischer Psychotherapeut, Autor
Charles Duhhig (*1974) US American journalist business section of The New York Times, Pulitzer prize laureate
John Hajnal (1924-2008) Hungarian-British academic in the fields of mathematics and economics (statistics)
Bruce Bueno de Mesquita (*1946) US American professor of political science, New York University, senior fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Antony C. Sutton, Ph.D. (1925-2002) British-US American professor of economics, California State University Los Angeles, opposed research fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), historian, writer
Dr. Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002) britischer Ökonomie-Professor, California State University Los Angeles, angefeindeter Forschungsstipendiat der ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), Historiker, Schriftsteller
Thomas Van Flandern (1940-2009) US American astronomer, lateral thinker, proponent of extra-terrestrial life, author specializing in celestial mechanics
Thomas Van Flandern (1940-2009) US-amerikanischer Astronom, Querdenker
Albertus Magnus, O.P. [Albert the Great, Albert of Cologne] (1193/1206-1280) German Dominican friar, bishop, Roman Catholic Doctor of the Church, saint, 1931
Albertus Magnus, O.P. [Albert der Große] (~1200-1280) deutscher Gelehrter, Bischof, Wegbereiter des christlichen Aristotelismus des Hochmittelalters war, römisch-katholischer Kirchenlehrer und Heiliger, 1931
Ursula K. Le Guin (1929-2018) US American author of short stories, children's books, novels, mainly in the genres of fantasy and science fiction
science fiction novel The Lathe of Heaven, Avon Books, 1971
Ursula Le Guin (1929-2018) US-amerikanische Autorin von Science-Fiction und Fantasy-Literatur
Rita Mae Brown (*1944) US American feminist, activist, screenwriter, mystery writer
novel Sudden Death, Bantam, 1983
Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998) japanischer Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent
Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998) Japanese film director, screenwriter, producer, editor
C. Sue Carter, Ph.D., US American professor of psychiatry, biologist, zoologist, behavioral neuroendocrinologist
Robert Reich, Ph.D. (*1946) US American professor of economics and public politics, University of California, Berkeley, 22nd US secretary of labor (1993-1997), political commentator, author
Prof. Robert B. Reich (*1946) US-amerikanischer Professor für öffentliche Politik, UCB, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, US-Arbeitsminister (1993-1997), politischer Kommentator, Autor
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) irischer Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur, 1969
Samuel Beckett (1906-1989) Irish writer, Nobel laureate in literature, 1969
absurdist play Waiting for Godot, premiered 5. January 1953
Orhan Pamuk (*1952) Turkish academic, screenwriter, novelist, Nobel laureate in literature, 2006
William Golding (1911-1993) English playwright, poet, novelist, Nobel laureate in literature, 1983
dystopian novel Lord of the Flies, Faber and Faber, United Kingdom, 17. September 1954
William Golding (1911-1993) englischer Dichter, Bühnenschriftsteller, Romanautor, Literaturnobelpreisträger, 1983
dytopischer Roman Herr der Fliegen,1954, Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, München, 2008
Halldòr Laxness (1902-1998) isländischer Schriftsteller, Literaturnobelpreisträger
SJohn Dee (1527-1608/1609) Welsh mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, alchemist, master occultist, Hermetic philosopher, creator of Enochian magic, navigator, imperialist, consultant to Elizabeth I of England, first head of MI5
Edward Kelley (1555-1597) English Renaissance occultist, clairvoyant, self-declared spirit medium working with John Dee in his magical investigations
Rev. Dr. James W. Moore, US American former senior pastor, St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Houston, Texas, author
Jeffrey Wolf Green (*1946) US-amerikanischer Astrologe, Begründer von Evolutionary Astrology
Jeffrey Wolf Green (*1946) US American astrologer, founder of Evolutionary Astrology
Johann Friedrich Schweitzer [John Frederick Helvetius] (1625-1709) Dutch physician of German extraction, alchemical writer
David Richo, Ph.D., M.F.T. (*1940) US American psychotherapist, teacher, workshop leader, writer
Dr. David Richo (*1940) US-amerikanischer Psychotherapeut, Lehrer, Seminarleiter, Autor
Reif werden füreinander. Wie man in Beziehungen erwachsen wird – Die fünf Dimensionen authentischer Liebe, Windpferd, 1. Auflage 1. Februar 2009
Naomi Klein (*1970) Canadian social activist, political analyst of corporate globalization, author
The Shock Doctrine. The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, critical analysis of the history of neoliberal economics, Knopf Canada, 1st edition 2007
Thomas Norton (1433-1513) English alchemist, poet
Ordinal of Alchemy, 1477
Thomas Norton (1532-1584) English lawyer, politician, writer of verse
Michał Sędziwój [Michael Sendivogius] (1566-1636) Polish medical doctor, pioneer of chemistry, alchemist, philosopher
Russell Blaylock, M.D., Ph.D., US American retired neurosurgeon, author
Artephius (~*1130/1150) Jewish or Arabic hermetic philosopher, writer of alchemical texts
Anthony Daniels [Theodore Dalrymple] (*1949) English psychiatrist, retired prison physician, Kinsey biographer, author
James H. Jones, Kinsey biographer
Basil Valentine [Basilius Valentinus] Benedictian monk, alchemist, German speaking author
Basilius Valentinus, Benediktiner-Mönch, deutschsprachiger Autor alchemistischer Schriften, veröffentlichte Drucke seit 1599, Handschriften seit dem frühen 17. Jahrhundert
Count Bernard Trevisan (1406-1490) Italian alchemist
Bernhardus Trevisanus [Graf Bernhard von Tresne und Naygen, Bernadus Comes] (1406-1490) italienischer Alchemist
David Meerman Scott (*1961) US American online marketing strategist, author
David E. Nichols, Ph.D. (*1944) US American pharmacologist, medicinal chemist, Purdue University
Hesiod (~750-~650 BC) Greek poet
Hypatia (351/370-415 AD) Greek female Neoplatonist philosopher in Roman Egypt, mathematician, head of the Platonist school at Alexandria, Egypt, teacher of philosophy and astronomy
Hypathia (~355-415 n. Chr.) griechische spätantike Mathematikerin in Alexandria, Ägypgten, Astronomin, neuplatonische Philosophin, gnostische Lehrerin
Eugene Mallove, BS, MS (1947-2004) US American scientist, science writer, editor, publisher of Infinite Energy magazine, founder of the non-profit organization New Energy Foundation
John Bedini, US American engineer, inventor of free energy devices
Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) populist US American political writer, biographer
James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) German-born American banker, financial adviser to US president Franklin D. Roosevelt, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) deutsch-stämmiger US-amerikanischer Bankier, finanzieller Berater von US-Präsident, Mitglied des Rats für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten (RAB)
Peter Lindemann (*1951) US American engineer, free energy researcher, lecturer ✓
Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018)) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author
Adrian Bejan, Ph.D., Romanian-American professor of mechanical engineering, Duke University, discoverer of the constructal law of design and evolution in nature
Hans Jürgen Krysmanski (1935-2016) deutscher emeritierter Professor für Soziologie, Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Autor
Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971) US American inventor, early exponent of high-magnification time-lapse cine-micrography
Arnold Keyserling (1922-2005) deutsch-österreichischer Professor für Philosophie, Religionswissenschaftler, Mathematiker, Redner, Schriftsteller
Arnold Keyserling (1922-2005) German professor of philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria, religious scholar, mathematician, great-grandson of Otto von Bismarck, speaker, author
Andrija Puharich (1918-1995) US American medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor, author
Brian Todd O'Leary, Ph.D. (1940-2011) US American scientist, former NASA astronaut, free energy researcher, author
Dr. Brian Todd O'Leary (1940-2011) US-amerikanischer Wissenschaftler, ehemaliger NASA-Astronaut, Autor
William Dean A. Garner, US American biophysicist, US Army Ranger, corporate mercenary, literary agent, editor, independent parapolitical researcher, author ✓
John Keel (1930-2009) US American journalist, influential UFOlogist
John Keely (1827-1898) US American inventor, expert in electromagnetic technologies, student of Nikola Tesla [LoC 460]
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) Italian inventor, pioneer on long distance radio transmission and the radio telegraph system
Dr. Gerda Lerner (1920-2013) österreichisch-US-amerikanische emeritierte Professorin für Geschichte österreichischer Herkunft, Universität von Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Pionierin der Frauengeschichte, Autorin
Die Entstehung des Patriarchats, Campus Verlag, 1991, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), 1997
Gerda Lerner, Ph.D. (1920-2013) Austrian US American professor emeritus of history, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, pioneer of women's history, teacher, author
The Creation of Patriarchy, Oxford University Press, 1986, 1st paperback edition 22. October 1987
George A. Bonanno, Ph.D., US American professor of clinical psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, trauma researcher, author
The Other Side of Sadness. What the New Science of Bereavement Tells Us About Life After Loss, Basic Books, 1st edition 28. December 2010
Eric Paul Dollard (*1952) US American professor of electrical aetheric engineering, duplicator of Tesla's wireless power research
Carol Graham (*1962) US American professor of public policy, University of Maryland, senior fellow, Brookings Institution, research fellow, Institute for the Study of Labor
Jean-Claude Duvalier [Baby Doc] (1951-2014) Haitian dictatorial president (1971-1986), overthrown by a popular uprising
David van Biema, US American magazine TIME journalist, religious author
Joi Ito (*1966) Japanese-American activist, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, director of the MIT Media Lab
David Ray Griffin (1939-2022) retired American professor of philosophy of religion and theology, political writer (editor)
Peter Dale Scott (*1929) Canadian-born diplomat, English professor, University of California, Berkeley, poet (editor)
9/11 and American Empire. Intellectuals Speak Out, Olive Branch Press, 23. August 2006
Carolyn Baker, Ph.D., US American life coach, radio host, author
Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) Austrian forest caretaker, naturalist, biomimicry experimenter, inventor, philosopher
David Neville, Ph.D., MS, US American professor of German language and literature, Elon University, Elon, North Carolina
Thomas E. Bearden, MS, BS (1930-2022) US American nuclear and minor electronic engineer, mathematician
Simon Singh (*1964) britischer Produzent, freier Wissenschaftsjournalist, Autor
Simon Singh (*1964) British producer, popular science journalist, author
Walter Russell Walter Russell (1871-1963) US American polymath, natural philosopher, mystic, architect, painter, sculptor, builder, author (unified theory in physics and cosmogony)
Lao Russell (1904-1988) English visionary philosopher, coauthor
Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness (27 books, 3 CDs) 1950, revised edition 2001, 4th edition
A New Concept of the Universe, University of Science and Philosophy, revised edition June 1989
The Message of the Divine Iliad Vol. 1, University of Science and Philosophy, June 1971
Message of the Divine Iliad Vol. 2, University of Science and Philosophy, June 1971
The Universal One, University of Science and Philosophy, June 1974
A New Concept of the Universe, University of Science and Philosophy, revised edition June 1989
The Secret of Light, University of Science and Philosophy, 3rd edition 1994
Walter Russell (1871-1963) US-amerikanisches Universalgenie, Kosmologe, Naturphilosoph, Mystiker, Architekt, Maler, Bildhauer, Autor
Lao Russell (1904-1988) englische visionäre Philosophin, Mitautorin
Alfred Russel Wallace OM FRS (1823-1913) British naturalist, explorer, geographer, anthropologist, biologist
Alfred Russel Wallace OM (1823-1913) britischer Naturforscher, Erdkundler, Anthropologe, Biologe
James Van Praagh (*1958) US American clairvoyant, spiritual medium, television personality, coproducer of the CBS primetime series The Ghost Whisperer (2005-2010), author
James Van Praagh (*1958) US-amerikanischer hellsichtiges spirituelles Medium, Fernsehpersönlichkeit, Koproduzent der CBS Fantasy-Mystery-Fernsehserie Stimmen aus dem Jenseits (2005-2010), Autor
Joseph Mercola, M.D. (*1954) US American alternative medicine proponent, osteopathic physician, web entrepreneur
John Heywood (1497-1580) English writer of plays, poems, and proverbs
David Simon (*1960) US American journalist, writer and producer of television series, author
Mathias Bröckers (*1954) deutscher freier Journalist, Sachbuchautor
Dave Grossman (*1956) US American West Point professor of military science, Arkansas State University, retired lieutenant colonel, US Army, killologist, author specialized in the study of the psychology of killing
Gloria Degaetano, coauthor, Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill. A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence, Harmony, 1st edition 5. October 1999
Will Durant (1885-1981) US American historian, philosopher, writer (on behalf of the Rockefeller Foundation)
Karen Horney (1885-1952) German psychoanalyst
François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) zeitweise politisch aktiver französischer Adeliger und Militär, Moralist, Schriftsteller
Henry P. Stapp, Ph.D. [LoC ~high 400s] (*1928) US American quantum physicist, UC Berkeley, California
Mindful Universe. Quantum Mechanics and the Participating Observer, Springer-Verlag Publishing, New York, 1st edition 30. January 2007, 2nd edition 28. June 2011
Prof. Henry P. Stapp (*1928) [BW hohe 400?] US-amerikanischer Quantenphysiker, UC Berkeley, Kalifornien
Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) US American physicist, historian, philosopher of science, introduced the notion of "paradigm shift" to describe scientific revolutions
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1962, 4th edition 2012
Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996) US-amerikanischer Wissenschaftstheoretiker, Wissenschaftshistoriker
Die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Revolutionen, International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1962, 4. Auflage 2012
Ernst Jünger (1895-1998) deutscher Offizier, Dandy, Insektenkundler, Schriftsteller
Ernst Jünger (1895-1998) German entomologist, soldier and officer, dandy, author
Tara Moss (*1973) Canadian-Australian former model, feminist, television presenter, UNICEF goodwill ambassador, 2007, journalist, novelist
Catharine MacKinnon, Ph.D., US American professor of law, University of Michigan, feminist
Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, First Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1989
Paul Karl Feyerabend (1924-1994) Austrian professor of philosophy, University of California, Berkeley (1958-1989), philosopher of science
Paul Karl Feyerabend (1924-1994) österreichischer Professor der Philosophie, Universität von Kalifornien in Berkeley (1958-1989), Wissenschaftstheoretiker
Gabrielle Roth (1941-2012) US American dancer, musician, developer of the 5Rhythms approach
Matt Taibbi (*1970) US American journalist, author
Julian B. Rotter (1916-2014) US American psychologist, developer of theories of social learning and locus of control
Julian B. Rotter (1916-2014) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Entwickler der sozialen Lerntheorie und der Theorie der Kontrollüberzeugungen
Nadine J. Kaslow, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, Emory University, 2014 president of the US American American Psychological Association (APA), editor of the Journal of Family Psychology
Charlotte Iserbyt, US American whistleblower, senior policy advisor of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education und president ⚡ Ronald Reagan (1981-1984), freelance writer
John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018) US American public school teacher in New York City, recipient of the New York State Teacher of the Year award, author
John Taylor Gatto (1935-2018) US-amerikanischer Lehrer an staatlichen Schulen in New York City, ausgezeichnet mit dem Lehrer des Jahres-Preises des Staates New York, Autor
Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Ph.D. (*1951) Indian neuroscientist specialised in behavioral neurology and visual psychophysics, director of Center for Brain and Cognition, Psychology Department and the Neurosciences Program, University of California, San Diego
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., US American depth psychologist, founding president of Pacifica Graduate Institute
Sam Levenson (1911-1980) US American comedian, television host, teacher, journalist, writer
Richard Restak, M.D. (*1942) US American professor of neurology and neuropsychiatry, author ✓
Andrew Delbanco (*1952) US American humanities professor, Columbia University, director of American Studies
Gregg Easterbrook (*1953) US American lecturer, senior editor of The New Republic, writer
The Progress Paradox. How Life Gets Better While People Feel Worse, Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2003, 9. November 2004
Sonic Boom. A Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the New Global Economy, Random House Trade Paperbacks, reprint edition 11. January 2011
Ted Gunderson (1928-2011) US American special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Los Angeles, California, private investigator of systemic abuse by the CIA
Michael Savage (*1942) US American radio host of The Savage Nation, political commentator, author
Dan Ariely, Ph.D. (*1967) Israeli American professor of psychology and behavioral economics
Franz Boas (1858-1942) German-American anthropologist, pioneer of modern anthropology
Richard Feynman (1918-1988) US American physicist known for integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, Nobel laureate in physics, 1965
Richard Feynman (1918-1988) US-amerikanischer Physiker, Nobelpreisträger für Physik, 1965
Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) deutscher Soziologe, transdisziplinärer Sozialwissenschaftler, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, Begründer der soziologischen Systemtheorie, Autor
Ökologische Kommunikation, 1986, Springer-Verlag, 2004
Humberto Maturana (1928-2021) Chilean biologist, neurobiologist, University of Santiago, Chile, co-developer of concept of autopoiesis to biology, philosopher, constructivist, second-wave cybernetician
coauthor: Francisco Varela (1946-2001) Chilean biologist, neuroscientist, philosopher, constructivist, co-developer of concept of autopoiesis to biology, co-founder of the Mind and Life Institute
Autopoiesis and Cognition. The Realization of the Living, Boston Studies, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal Philosophy of Science, Vol. 42, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1st edition 1980
Humberto Maturana (1928-2021) chilenischer Biologe, Mitentwickler des Konzepts der Autopoiesis, Philosoph, radikaler Konstruktivist, Autor
Siegfried J. Schmidt, Herausgeber, Der Diskurs des Radikalen Konstruktivismus, Frankfurt am Main, 1987
Reza Aslan (*972) Iranian-American scholar of religions, associate professor of creative writing, University of California, Riverside, writer
No god but God. The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, Random House, 15. March 2006
Zealot. The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, Random House, 16. July 2013
Rubin Naiman, Ph.D., US American psychologist, clinical assistant professor of integrative medicine, sleep and dream researcher, University of Arizona, teacher, author
Andreas von Rétyi (*1963) deutscher Publizist, Autor populär- und parawissenschaftlicher Bücher zu NWO und Ufologie
Maja Storch (*1958) deutsche Projektleiterin am Lehrstuhl für pädagogische Psychologie, Universität Zürich, Trainerin, Psychodramatherapeutin, Autorin
Dr. José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado (1915-2011) spanischer Physiologe, Bewusstseins-Manipulator im Auftrag der US-Regierung/CIA Programm MKUltra
José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado, Ph.D. (1915-2011) Spanish professor of physiology, Medical School, Yale University, researcher on mind control on behalf of the CIA Program MKUltra through electrical stimulation of regions in the brain
Tertullian [Father of Latin Christianity, Founder of Western theology] (160-225 AD) Tunesian-Roman early Christian author, Christian apologist and a polemicist
John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author
Not in His Image. Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief, Chelsea Green Publishing, 1. November 2006
Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Ph.D. (*1973) Swedish US American professor of Integral Studies, John F. Kennedy University, California, integral theorist, founding member of the Integral Institute
Susanne Cook-Greuter, Ed.D., Swiss-American independent education scholar, coach, consultant, cofounder of the think tank Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado, 1998, author
Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter, Schweiz-stämmige US-amerikanische unabhängige Bildungswissenschaftlerin, Beraterin, Mitgründerin des Denktanks Integral Institute, Denver, Colorado, 1998, Autorin
Sam Vaknin samvak (*1961) Israeli Macedonian journalist, editor-in-chief of the online magazine of politics Global Politician, publisher, author
Malignant Self-love. Narcissism Revisited, Narcissus Publications, Czech Republic, revised edition July 2001
Jungfrau Maria, galiläische Jüdin, Mutter Jesu, Mk 1,9 (NT)
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) deutscher protestantischer Pastor, Nazi-Widerständler
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German anti-Nazi theologian, Lutheran pastor
Wilhelm Raabe (1831-1910) deutscher Erzähler, Romanschriftsteller des poetischen Realismus
Kate Chopin (1851-1904) US American author of short stories and novels
Norman O. Brown (1913-2002) Mexican US American emeritus professor of humanities, classicist, University of California, Santa Cruz, author
Life Against Death. The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History, 1959
Love's Body, University of California Press, 1966, reprint edition 12. September 1990
Whitley Strieber (*1945) US American podcast talk show host of Dreamland, writer of horror/sci-fi novelist, non-fiction ✓
Maria Montessori (1870-1952) Italian physician, educator, philosopher of education, author on scientific pedagogy
The Secret of Childhood, 1936, Ballantine Books, 1st edition 12. January 1982
Stanley Monteith (1929-2014) US American retired orthopedic surgeon, radio host of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, author
Elmar Kupke (1942-2018) deutscher Aphoristiker, Stadtphilosoph, Amorismen 1, 1985
Robert Evan Ornstein, Ph.D. (1942-2018) US American professor of psychology, consciousness researcher, author on wisdom traditions (Sufism)
The Psychology of Consciousness, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1972, Arkana, 2nd revised sub edition 27. Juni 1996
The Right Mind. Making Sense of the Hemispheres, Mariner Books, 5. September 1998
New World New Mind. Moving Toward Conscious Evolution, Malor Books, September 2000
Dr. Robert Evan Ornstein (1942-2018) US-amerikanischer Professor für Psychologie, Bewusstseinsforscher, Autor zu Weisheitstraditionen
Psychologie der Meditation, Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1980
⚡ Carl Rogers, Ph.D. (1902-1987) influential American professor of psychology and psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, CIA MKUltra agent, co-founder of the humanistic approach to psychology, president of the American Psychological Association (APA) (1947), author
On Becoming a Person. A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy, Mariner Books, 1st edition 7. September 1995
⚡ B.F. Skinner (1904-1990) US American professor of psychology, Harvard University (1958-1974), behaviorist, social philosopher, MKUltra agent, inventor, author
Paul D. MacLean, M.D. (1913-2007) US American physician, neuroscientist
Wim Hof [Der Eismann] (*1959) niederländischer Extremsportler, Rekordhalter in Eisbaden
Lynn Margulis, Ph.D. (1938-2011) US American cell biologist, department of geosciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst, developer of the theory on the origin of eukaryotic organelles
Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) German philosopher, Deist Freemason, founder of the Order of the Illuminati, author
Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) deutscher Philosoph, Hochschullehrer, Deist, Freimaurer, Gründer des Illuminatenordens, Befürworter von Republikanismus, Autor
Oscar Miro-Quesada, Peruvian curandero, shamanic adept, originator of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism, founder of "The Heart of the Healer Foundation (THOTH)"
Rahm Emanuel (*1959) US American Democratic Party politician, 55th mayor of Chicago, 2011
Rahm Emanuel (*1959) US-amerikanischer Politiker der Demokratischen Partei, Stabschef des Weißen Hauses unter US-Präsident Barack Obama (2009-2010), 55. Bürgermeisters von Chicago, 2011
Bruce R. Powers, US American educator, consultant, writer
The Global Village. Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century (Communication and Society), Oxford University Press, United States, reprint edition 17. September 1992
The Global Village
Michael R. Trimble, M.D. Ph.D., British professor of behavioural neurology, psychiatrist, author
The Soul in the Brain. The Cerebral Basis of Language, Art, and Belief, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1st edition 16. April 2007
Michel Quoist (1918-1997) French Catholic priest, theologian, writer
bestselling book Prayers of Life, French edition first published 1954
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) Scottish historical novelist, playwright, poet, popular throughout much of the world in the 19th century
Xi Jinping (*1953) general secretary, Communist Party of China, chairman of the Party Central Military Commission
Barbara Sher (1935-2020) US-amerikanische Karriere- und Lifestyle-Coach, Dozentin und Autorin zum Thema Zielerfüllung
Barbara Sher (1935-2020) US American career/lifestyle coach, speaker and author on goal achievement
Nick Begich, US American independent researcher in the sciences and politics, political activist, speaker, author
Michael H. Hart (*1932) US American astrophysicist, history researcher, author of controversial articles and books
Ellen Hodgson Brown Web of Debt (*1945) US American attorney, advocate of alternative medicine and financial reform, public speaker, author
Web of Debt. The Shocking Truth About Our Money System. The Sleight of Hand That Has Trapped Us in Debt and How We Can Break Free, Third Millennium Press, 1st edition 25. July 2007
Craig Hamilton, US-amerikanischer Pionier in emergierender evolutionärer Spiritualität, Chefredakteur des WIE-Magazins (1998-12/2006)
Craig Hamilton, US American pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality, senior editor of magazine WIE (1998-12/2006)
Andrew Solomon, US American writer on politics, culture and psychology
Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. (*1945) US American Regents’ professor emeritus of psychology and marketing, Arizona State University, author
Influence. The Psychology of Persuasion, HarperBusiness, revised edition 26. December 2006
Robert B. Cialdini (*1945) US-amerikanischer Professor emeritus für Psychologie und Marketing, Arizona State Universität, Autor
George Vaillant, Ph.D. (*1934) US American professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Triumphs of Experience. The Men of the Harvard Grant Study, Belknap Press, 1st edition 29. November 2012
Herman Daly (*1938) US American professor of ecological economics, school of public policy, University of Maryland, College Park, senior environmental economist, World Bank
David Duke (*1950) US American White nationalist, right-wing politician, former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, former Republican Louisiana State Representative, writer
John Mohawk (1945-2006) North American Native Seneca tribe historian, social activist, journalist, specialist on economic development and cultural survival of indigenous peoples, lecturer, writer
Morihei Ueshiba [Great Teacher] (1883-1969) Japanese philosopher, martial artist, creator of the martial art of aikido
John Stevens (translator), The Art of Peace, 10. November 1992
Karen Hudes (1948-2022) US-amerikanische Rechtswissenschaftlerin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin, US Export Import Bank (1980-1985), Rechtsabteilung der Weltbank (1986-2007), Whistleblower
Karen Hudes (1948-2022) US American lawyer, economist, US Export Import Bank (1980-1985), senior counsel for the legal department of the World Bank (1986-2007), whistleblower
Walter Mischel, Ph.D. (1930-2018) US American professor of psychology specializing in personality theory and social psychology, Columbia University
Harry Harlow (1905-1981) US American psychologist, known for his maternal-separation and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Solomon Asch (1907-1996) US American Gestalt psychologist, pioneer in social psychology
Elliot Aronson (*1932) US American psychologist, author
Carol Tavris, Ph.D. (*1944) US American social psychologist, author
Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) Russian physiologist, Nobel laureate in physiology/medicine, 1904
Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev [Political influence LoC 500] (1931-2022) Russian general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1985-1991), last head of state of the USSR due to Glasnost policy, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1990 TvsF 264
Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow [Pol. Einfluss BW 500] (1931-2022) russischer Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees der Kommunistischen Partei der Sowjetunion, letzter Präsident der Sowjetunion infolge der Glasnost- und Perestroika-Politik, Friedensnobelpreisträger, 1990
Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin [BW 405⇒80] (1870-1924) russischer Rechtsanwalt, marxistischer Theoretiker, kommunistischer Politiker, Begründer der Sowjetunion, Führer der Kommunistischen Partei TvF 264
Vladimir Lenin [LoC 405⇒80] (1870-1924) Russian lawyer, economic theorist, Marxist political philosopher, revolutionary, creator of the Soviet Communist Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution, founder of the USSR, author
Joseph Stalin [BW 70, Einfluss 90] (1878-1953) sowjetischer Politiker, Diktator während des Zweiten Weltkriegs (1941-1953) TvF 264, 287
Joseph Stalin [LoC 70, Influence 90] (1878-1953) premier of the Soviet Union, dictator (1941-1953)
Wladimir Putin [BW 190] (*1952) russischer Staatspräsident, ehemaliger KGB-Agent
Vladimir Putin [LoC 190] (*1952) Russian president, former KGB agent TvsF 265
Steve Pavlinka, US American personal development blogger
Jack Canfield (*1944) US American motivational speaker, author
George Monbiot (*1963) English environmental and political activist, writer
Hugh Crichton-Miller (1877-1959) Scottish psychiatrist, founder of the Tavistock Clinic, London
Lord Alfred Milner (1854-1925) British statesman, colonial administrator influential in the formulation of foreign and domestic policy (mid-1890s-early 1920s), High Commissioner of the British Empire around the Anglo-Boer War (1899-1902)
Camille Paglia, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of arts, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, since 1984, social critic, dissident feminist, author
Sexual Personae. Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson, 1990
Walter Lippmann (1889-1974) US American public intellectual, political commentator who coined the concept of Cold War, reporter, writer, Pulitzer prize laureate, 1958 and 1962
The Phantom Public, Transaction Publishers, 1925
Walter Lippmann (1889-1974) US-amerikanischer Intellektueller, politischer Kommentator, Journalist, Publizist
Enno Schmidt (*1958) deutscher Künstler, Maler, Filmemacher, Initiator der Initiative Grundeinkommen
Frederick Forsyth (*1938) britischer Spion für den britischen Auslandsgeheimdienst MI6, konservativer Journalist, Schriftsteller
Micheal Langone, Ph.D., US American counseling psychologist specialized in research about "cultic" groups and psychological manipulation, executive director of the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), editor of the journal Cultic Studies Review
Andreas Müller (*1976) Kommunikationsdesigner, Kornkreisforscher, seit 1993, Gründer des "ICCA – The International Crop Circle Archive" Deutschland ✓
Pamela Jaye Smith, US American international consultant/speaker, producer/director with over thirty years experience in features, TV, music videos, commercials, documentaries, corporate, and military films, and web series, author ✓
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) böhmisch-österreichischer Dichter, Lyriker
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter (1903-1908), veröffentlicht 1929
dreiteiliger Gedichtzyklus Das Stunden-Buch (1899-1903), Insel Verlag, Leipzig, 1905
Werke in drei Bänden, Insel Verlag, Leipzig, 1. Auflage 1966
Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist
Duino Elegies, Insel Verlag, Leipzig, 1923
Letters to a Young Poet, written 1903-1908, published 1929
To Mister Kappus, chapter 7, Rome, 14. May 1904
The Book of Hours [Das Stunden-Buch], Insel Verlag, Leipzig, April 1905
Rilke's Book of Hours. Love Poems to God, Das Stunden-Buch, April 1905, Riverhead Trade, 8th edition 1. April 1997
The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, Vintage, English and German reissue edition 13. March 1989
Kofi Annan (1938-2018) Ghanaian diplomat, seventh United Nations secretary-general (1997-2006), founder of the Global AIDS and Health Fund, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2001
Kofi Annan (1938-2018) ghanaischer Diplomat, siebter Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen (1997-2006), Friedensnobelpreisträger, 2001
Ban Ki-moon (*1944) South Korean career diplomat, eighth United Nations secretary-general (2007-2016)
Ban Ki-moon (*1944) südkorenischer Diplomat, achter UN-Generalsekretär (2007-2016)
Brendan Simms (*1967) irischer Historiker, Professor für die Geschichte der internationalen Beziehungen, Centre of International Studies, Universität Cambridge
Brendan Simms (*1967) Irish professor of the History of International Relations, University of Cambridge
Herbert Agar (1897-1980) US American journalist, editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, Pulitzer prize for history laureate, 1934
Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) US American abolitionist, author
|Uncle Tom's Cabin, or, Life Among the Lowly (in two volumes), John P. Jewett and Company, 1852
Oscar Lukefahr, US American Catholic priest, theologian, writer
Michael Tellinger South African songwriter, researcher, speaker, author
Malcolm X (1925-1965) US-amerikanischer Führer der Bürgerrechtsbewegung
Malcolm X (1925-1965) African-American Muslim minister, human rights activist
Thomas L. Thompson (*1939) US American-Danish biblical scholar, professor of theology associated with the Copenhagen School, University of Copenhagen (1993-2009)
Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) US American social psychologist
Obedience to Authority. An Experimental View, 1974, Harper Perennial Modern Classics, reprint edition 30. June 2009
Ernesto Cardenal (1925-2020) Nicaraguan suspended Catholic priest, known liberation theologian, socialist politician, poet
Ernesto Cardenal (1925-2020) nicaraguanischer suspendierter katholischer Priester, bekannter Vertreter der Befreiungstheologie, sozialistischer Politiker, Dichter
Christiane Northrup, M.D. (*1949) US American obstetrician, advocate for women's health, speaker, author
Ananya Roy, Ph.D. (*1970) Indian scholar of international development, global poverty/urbanism, University of California, Berkeley, philosopher
Michael Harner (1929-2018) US American anthropologist, founder of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, formulator of "core shamanism", educator, author
R. Gordon Wasson (1898-1986) US American ethnomycologist, ethnobotany researcher, vice president of J.P. Morgan & Company, author
J.P. Morgan [Field LoC 420] TvsF S. 129
Alexander Graham Bell [Field LoC 495, social impact 450] TvsF S. 129, 110
Carl A. P. Ruck, Ph.D. (*1935) US American professor of mythology and religion, classical studies, Boston University, expert on ancient Greek ethnobotany, author
Louis Jolyon West, Ph.D. (1924-1999) US American psychiatrist, expert on brainwashing, mind control, torture, substance abuse, post traumatic stress disorder and violence
Sterling Seagrave (1937-2017) American historian, biographer, author of eleven non-fiction histories
Sean Martin (*1966) Anglo-Irish film director, writer
Günter Grass (1927-2015) German illustrator, graphic artist, sculptor, playwright, poet, novelist, Nobel laureate in literature, 1999
novel Dog Years [1963] Danzig Trilogy, Harcourt, Brace and World, 1965
Lord Pacal [K'inich Janaab' Pakal] (603-683) ruler of the Maya polity of Palenque, Mexico, in the Late Classic period of pre-Columbian Mesoamerican chronology
Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D. (*1938) US American psychologist, clinical councelor, author
Qin Shi Huang [Zhao Zheng] (259-210 BC) Chinese king of the Chinese State of Qin (246-221 BC) during the warring states period
Dr Vandana Shiva (*1952) Indian environmental activist, scientific advisor, pioneer of the alter-globalization movement, board member of the International Forum on Globalization, author
Vandana Shiva (*1952) promovierte indische Physikerin, Aktivistin für Umwelt, biologische Vielfalt, Nachhaltigkeit, Frauenrechte, Autorin
John A. Rush, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, Sierra College, Rocklin, California, medical hypnotherapist, author
Entheogens and the Development of Culture. The Anthropology and Neurobiology of Ecstatic Experience, North Atlantic Books, 1st edition 30. July 2013
Daniel Estulin (*1966) Lithuanian investigative journalist specialized in the Bilderberg Group, public speaker, author
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, Walterville, Oregon, Trine Day, 2007, 2nd edition 14. February 2009
Daniel Estulin (*1966) litauischer investigativer Journalist, spezialisiert auf Bilderberg-Konferenzen, Dozent, Autor
Prof. Harald Welzer (*1958) deutscher Soziologe, Sozialpsychologe, Autor
Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) Greek philosopher, writer
Robin de Ruiter (*1951) niederländischer katholischer Fundamentalist, investigativer Autor
Mary C. Neal, M.D., US American orthopaedic surgeon, neardeather, author
Mary Chadwick (*1943) British psychoanalyst, nurse
Eliphas Levi (1810-1875) French mystic, ceremonial magician, occult author
Éliphas Lévi [Alphonse Louis Constant] (1810-1875) französischer Diakon, Wegbereiter des modernen Okkultismus, Schriftsteller
Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942) British scholarly mystic, co-creator of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, writer on occult and esoteric matters
Pictorial Key to the Tarot Part I, "The Veil and Its Symbols", 1911
Pictorial Key to the Tarot Part II, "The Doctrine of the Veil", 1911
Arthur Edward Waite (1857-1942) angloamerikanischer Miterfinder der Tarotkarten, Autor von okkultistischen Schriften über Hellsehen, Freimaurerei, Rosenkreuzertum, Kabbala, Alchemie
Dr. David Lewis Anderson, US-amerikanischer Physiker, Zeit(reisen)forscher, Leiter des Anderson Institutes
Dr. David Lewis Anderson, US American physicist, time travel researcher, director of the Anderson Institute on Time-Control Technology
David Lewis Anderson, US American physicist, time travel researcher
Peter Moon, US American publisher of Sky Books, editor, investigative and occult writer on history, mindcontrol and timetravel
Pauline Gedge (*1945) Canadian novelist (science fiction, fantasy and horror)
historical fiction trilogies, Lords of the Two Lands and ''The King’s Men
The Twice Born, Penguin Canada, 4. September 2007
Michael Klonovsky (*1962) deutscher Journalist, Schriftsteller
Prof. William Toel (*1945) US-amerikanischer germanophiler Professor für Ökonomie, Finanzwirtschaft und Marketing, Seher, Sendbote Gottes
William Toel (*1945) US American germanophile professor of economics, finance and marketing, messenger of God
Rebecca Costa, US American sociobiologist, radio talk show host, public speaker, author
The Watchman's Rattle. A Radical New Theory of Collapse, Vanguard Press, 1st trade paper edition 13. November 2012
Bob Sullivan (*1968) award winning US American online journalist, founding member of MSNBC, senior writer of the blog "The Red Tape Chronicles", bestselling author
Photios I of Constantinople [St. Photios the Great] (810-893) Turkish Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople (858-867 and 877-886)
Linda Kohanov (*1950) US American riding instructor, horse trainer, speaker, author
Linda Kohanov (*1950) US-amerikanische Reitlehrerin, Pferdetrainerin, Dozentin, Autorin
Stephanus (~1 n. Chr. - †~36/40 n. Chr.) Diakon der Jerusalemer Urgemeinde, erster christlicher Märtyrer, gesteinigt von Pharisäern
Chrystia Freeland (*1968) Canadian politician, journalist, global editor-at-large at Reuters, writer
Edward FitzGerald (1809-1883) English poet, writer, translator of The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Theo Waigel (*1939) deutscher CSU-Vorsitzender (1988-1999), Bundesminister der Finanzen (1989-1998)
Marty Leeds, US American song writer, numerlogist, author
The Peacock's Tales. The Alchemical Writings of Claudia Pavonis, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Paperback, 27. January 2014
Walter Wink (1935-2012) US American biblical scholar, theologian, nonviolent activist in Progressive Christianity
Ruth Cohn (1912-2010) deutsche humanistische und psychodynamische Psychotherapeutin, Begründerin der Themenzentrierten Interaktion (TZI), Dichterin, Autorin
Ruth Cohn (1912-2010) German psychotherapist, educator, creator ot theme-centered interaction (TCI), poet, author
Jeremy Rifkin (*1945) US American economist, political advisor and activist, founder and president of the Foundation On Economic Trends, public speaker, author
The End of Work. The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era, Putnam Publishing Group, 1995
Jeremy Rifkin (*1945) US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, politischer Berater und Aktivist, Gründer und Leiter der Foundation On Economic Trends, Referent, Autor
Das Ende der Arbeit und ihre Zukunft. Neue Konzepte für das 21. Jahrhundert, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 2005, 3. Auflage 8. Juni 2011
Frank O'Collins Australian philosopher, knowledge architect, developer of open-model of Ucadia systems of language and information based on historic truth
James Dabbs, Ph.D. (1937-2004) US American professor of social psychology, Georgia State University
Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (*1957) führender deutscher Psychotraumatologe, Psychotherapeut, Autor
Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Autor
Nato-Geheimarmeen in Europa. Inszenierter Terror und verdeckte Kriegsführung, Orell Fuessli, 1. April 2009
Daniele Ganser, Ph.D. (*1972) Swiss historian, University of St. Gallen, researcher on energy, geostrategic secret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011)
NATO's Secret Armies. Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, Routledge, 5. February 2005
Sheldon Wolin, Ph.D. (1922-2015) US American professor emeritus of political theory, Princeton University, writer on contemporary politics
Nicco Mele (*1977) US American academic, businessman, adjunct lecturer in public policy, leading expert in the integration of social media and Web 2.0 with politics, business, and communications, writer
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann (1916-2010) deutsche Professorin für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Mainz, Gründerin des Instituts für Demoskopie Allensbach?
Renate Köcher, Die verletzte Nation, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt (DVA), Stuttgart, 1987
Jean Piaget (1896-1980) schweizerischer Entwicklungspsychologe, Epistemologe, Entwickler der genetischen Epistemologie
Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Swiss developmental psychologist, philosopher, genetic epistemologist
The Psychology Of Intelligence, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1953, Routledge, 2nd edition 26. June 2001
Alfred Adler (1870-1937) Austrian medical doctor, psychotherapist, founder of the school of individual psychology
Understanding Human Nature, Garden City Publishing Company, 1927
Jennifer Aaker, Ph.D. (*1967) US American professor of marketing, Stanford Graduate School of Business, social psychologist, author
Robert Powell, Ph.D., US American mathematician, eurythmist, movement therapist, cofounder of the Sophia Foundation of North America, lecturer, author
Lloyd Pye (1946-2013) US American paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull, author
Stephen Prothero, Ph.D., US American professor, department of religion, Boston University, author
Religious Literacy. What Every American Needs to Know – And Doesn't, HarperOne, 1st edition 13. March 2007, reprint edition 11. March 2008
John Hagel III, US American consultant, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, speaker and author on the intersection of business strategy and information technology
..., John Seely Brown, Lang Davison, The Power of Pull. How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, Basic Books, April 2010, Trade Paper, 2nd edition 4. December 2012
Prof. Dr. Axel Honneth (*1949) deutscher Sozialphilosoph, Direktor des Instituts für Sozialforschung (IfS), Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
Jon Ronson (*1967) Welsh documentary filmmaker, radio presenter, journalist, nonfiction author
James Forrestal (1892-1949) US American last Cabinet-level United States secretary of the Navy, first United States secretary of defense (194-1947), politically murdered
Hadewijch (Hadewych) von Antwerpen, belgische Begarde, Mystikerin
Richard Rolle [Richard Rolle of Hampole] (1290/1300-end September 1349) English religious writer, Bible translator, hermit
Mac Tonnies (1975-2009) US American blogger focusing on futurology, transhumanism and paranormal topics, author
Prahlad Jani (1929-2020) Indian sadhu, who lived without food and water since 1940
Prahlad Jani (1929-2020) indischer Asket, der seit 1940 ohne Nahrung und Trinkwasser lebt
Peter-Arthur Straubinger (*1970) österreichischer Filmregisseur, Fernsehjournalist, Autor
Rita M. Gross, Ph.D. (1943-2015) US American Buddhist scholar and lopön, professor of comparative studies in religion, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, feminist theologian, speaker, author
Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling (1775-1854) German philosopher
philosophical work Ages of the World, 1811
Ralph Boes (*1957) deutscher Philosoph, Ergotherapeut, Aktivist gegen Hartz IV-Gesetzgebung und Vollzug, Gründungs- und Vorstandsmitglied der Bürgerinitiative bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen, Berlin, Leiter der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Geistesschulung, Autor ✓
Gedanken vom Kosmos. Die Welt im Lichte idealischer Naturwissenschaft, Möllmann, Schweiz, März 1998
Kenneth R. Miller, Ph.D. (*1948) US American professor of cell biology and molecular biology, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Jared Diamond, Ph.D. (*1937) US American professor of geography and physiology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), anthropologist, author
The Third Chimpanzee, 1991
transdisciplinary nonfiction book Guns, Germs, and Steel, W. W. Norton, 1997
Collapse, 2005
The World Until Yesterday, 2012
Dr. Jared Diamond (*1937) US-amerikanischer Professor für Geographie und Physiologie, UCLA, Anthropologe, Autor, Pulitzer-Preisträger
Karl V. von Frankreich [Der Weise] (1338-1380) französischer König aus dem Haus Valois (1364-1380)
Charles V of France [The Wise] (1338-1380) French king of the House of Valois (1364-1380)
Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller touring with project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author
My Year of Beds, Annette Jahnel (BoD), 20. January 2013
Searching for Galileo, Annette Jahnel (BoD), 18. January 2017
Maurice Nicoll (1884-1953) British psychiatrist, Fourth Way teacher, author
Richard M. Dolan (*1962) US American historian, ufologist, television personality
Dr. Annette Cramer, deutsche Musikpsychologin, Musiktherapeutin, Hör- und Stimmtherapeutin, Autorin
Bart D. Ehrman, Ph.D. (*1955) US American professor of religious studies, New Testament scholar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, historian, author
Robert M. Price (*1954) US American theologist, Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary, professor of biblical criticism, Center for Inquiry Institute, philosopher, writer
Harald Kautz (*1966) deutscher Physiker, Geologe, unabhängiger investigativer Forscher, Referent, Übersetzer, Verleger, Autor
Harald Kautz (*1966) German physicist, geologist, independent investigative researcher, educator, speaker, translator, publisher, author
Roger D. Nelson, Ph.D., US American experimental psychologist, director of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP), an international, multi-laboratory collaboration founded in 1997 to study collective consciousness
PhD Roger D. Nelson, US-amerikanischer Professor für Psychologie, Direktor des internationalen Multilab-Forschungsprojekts Global Consciousness Project (GCP) zum Studium des kollektiven Bewusstseins, gegründet 1997
Joshua Greene, Ph.D., US American professor of the social sciences, experimental psychologist, Harvard University, neuroscientist, philosopher, author
F. William Engdahl (*1944) US American German geopolitical analyst, historian, economic researcher, lecturer, freelance journalist, author ✓
F. William Engdahl (*1944) deutsch-US-amerikanischer geopolitischer Analyst, Historiker, Wirtschaftsjournalist, Dozent, Publizist
Nichiren (1222-1282) Japanese Buddhist monk during the Kamakura period (1185-1333), who taught devotion to the Lotus Sutra [LoC 780]
Rev. Janet Regina Hyland (1933-2007) US American evangelical minister championing rights of humans and animals
Sexism Is a Sin. The Biblical Basis of Female Equality, Viatoris Publications, January 1995
⚡ Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873) English politician, leading member of the Oxford Movement, "Great Patron" of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), playwright, poet, novelist
Rosicrucian and Martinist-themed novels Zanoni, The Coming Race, Vril. The Power of the Coming Race, 1871
coined the phrases "the great unwashed", "pursuit of the almighty dollar", "the pen is mightier than the sword", "dweller on the threshold", opening line "It was a dark and stormy night"
equivalent of Aldous Huxley in the 19th century
[[wpe:Cyril_of_Alexandria|Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) Egyptian Roman Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria (412-444)
Richard Carrier, Ph.D. (*1969) US American professor of ancient history, Columbia University, philosopher, public speaker, autho
Proving History. Bayes's Theorem and the Quest for the Historical Jesus, Prometheus Books, 24. April 2012
Benjamin Zablocki, Ph.D. (1941-2020) US American professor of sociology of religion and social psychology, Rutgers University, author on charismatic religious movements, cults, and brainwashing
Thomas Robbins, Ph.D. (1943-2015) US American professor of sociology, independent scholar of sociology of religion, author
Misunderstanding Cults. Searching for Objectivity in a Controversial Field, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1. December 2001
Maureen Caudill, US American physicist, former non-believing university scholar trained in physics, computer sciences and research in artificial intelligence
Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, University of California, Riverside
Joseph Dillard, Ph.D., US American psychotherapist, developer of dreamwork method Integral Deep Listening (IDL), author ✓
Jimmy Wales (*1966) US American Internet entrepreneur, co-founder and promoter of the online non-profit encyclopedia Wikipedia
Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D., US American psychologist, author
John P. Holdren (*1944) US American professor of environmental policy, senior advisor to US president Barack Obama on science and technology issues, co-chair of the president’s council of advisors on science and technology (PCAST)
Simon Baron-Cohen, Ph.D. (*1958) British professor of developmental psychopathology, departments of psychiatry and psychology, University of Cambridge, author
Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen (*1958) britischer Professor für Entwicklungspsychopathologie, Direktor des Autismus-Forschungszentrums (ARC), Universität von Cambridge, Autor
Donald L. Hilton Jr, M.D., US American neurological surgeon, Health Sciences Center, University of Texas, San Antonio
Penney Peirce (*1949) US American former art director, designer, intuitive empath, psychic medium ✓
Thomas Hübl (*1971) österreichischer Medizinstudent, spiritueller Lehrer, Gründer der "Academy of Inner Science"
Neil deGrasse Tyson (*1958) US American astrophysicist
Laura Chinchilla (*1959) Costa Rican politician, first female president of Costa Rica (*2010)
Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski (1921-2007) Polish clinical psychologist, co-researcher and synthesizer of an interdisciplinary scientific study of pathocracy [political regimes run by psychopaths]
... Laura Knight-Jadczyk (*1952) US American editor, alternative multidisciplinary researcher, medium, author, Political Ponerology. A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Red Pill Press, April 2006, 2nd edition 4. April 2007
Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski (1921-2007) polnischer Psychiater, Mitforscher und letzter Verfasser einer interdisziplinären wissenschaftlichen Studie über Pathokratie [politische Regime beherrscht von Psychopathen]
... Laura Knight-Jadczyk (*1952) US-amerikanische Herausgeberin, Politische Ponerologie [Kindle Edition], Les Editions Pilule Rouge, 1. Auflage 13. März 2012
John Welwood, Ph.D. (1943-2019) US American clinical and transpersonal psychologist, psychotherapist, teacher, author
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (1921-2021) German husband of ⚡ Queen Elizabeth II
Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor
⚡ Queen Elizabeth II. (1926-2022) English Queen of the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (*1952)
⚡ Königin Elizabeth II. (1926-2022) konstitutionelle englische Monarchin des Vereinigten Königreichs, von Kanada, Australien und Neuseeland (*1952)
Charles, Prince of Wales (*1948) British heir to the throne, eldest son of ⚡ Queen Elizabeth II
Margaret J. Wheatley, Ed.D. (*1944) US American associate professor of management, researcher on organizational behavior, leadership consultant, co-founder and president emerita of the global charitable foundation The Berkana Institute, speaker, author ✓
Deborah Frieze
So Far from Home- Lost and Found in Our Brave New World, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1st edition 8. October 2012
Margaret Thaler Singer, Ph.D. (1921-2003) US American adjunct professor of clinical psychology, University of California, Berkeley
Hans Jellouschek (1939-2021) deutsch-österreichischer Psychologe, Paartherapeut, Theologe, Autor
Frank Visser (*1958) Dutch psychologist of religion, former theosophist, Internet advertiser, author
Frank Visser (*1958) niederländischer Religionspsychologe, ehemaliger Theosoph, Internet-Werbungsstratege, Autor
Thomas Bernhard Seiler (*1925) schweizerischer emeritierter Professor, Fachbereich Psychologie, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Autor
Patricia Aburdene, US American trend forecaster, management speaker, author
Peter Spiegel (*1953) deutscher Unternehmensgründer, Gründer und Geschäftsführer des WeQ Instituts, Sachbuchautor
Peter Spiegel (*1953) German entrepreneur, founder and CEO of the WeQ Institute, author
Jon Rappoport (*1938) US American philosopher, investigative journalist, author on alternative medicine
Burkhard Heim (1925-2001) German theoretical physicist, developer of the Heim theory, a unified field theory
Burkhard Heim (1925-2001) deutscher theoretischer Physiker, Entwickler der Einheitlichen Feldtheorie ("Hyperraum", "Weltformel")
Katie Couric (*1957) US American talk show host, anchor journalist, author
Katie Couric (*1957) US-amerikanische Talkshow-Moderatorin, Fernsehjournalistin, Autorin
Jane Goodall (*1934) British primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, UN Messenger of Peace
Jane Goodall (*1934) 1934 britische Primatologin, Anthropologin, Verhaltensforscherin (von Schimpansen in Tansania), Friedensbotschafterin der UNO
Rene Guenon [Shaykh 'Abd al-Wahid Yahya] (1886-1951) French intellectual, author of metaphysics, "sacred science", symbolism and initiation
Catherine Austin Fitts (*1950) US American former assistant secretary of housing under George H.W. Bush, whistleblower on financial terrorism, president of the Solari Report
former managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Company
Steve Silberman (*1957) US American journalist, writer
Steve Silberman (*1957) US-amerikanischer Journalist, Autor
Temple Grandin (*1947) US American professor of animal science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, consultant to the livestock industry on animal behavior, autism spokesperson, author
Temple Grandin (*1947) US-amerikanische Dozentin für Tierwissenschaften, Colorado State University, Spezialistin für kommerzielle Viehhaltungsanlagen, Wortführerin zum Thema Autismus, Autorin
Elizabeth Loftus (*1944) US American cognitive psychologist, expert on human memory
Thomas W. Malone, Ph.D., US American professor of management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founding director of the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence
Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author
A Dignity Economy. Creating an Economy that Serves Human Dignity and Preserves Our Planet, Dignity Press, 28. December 2011
DDr. Evelin Gerda Lindner (*1954) deutsche Ärztin, Psychologin, Würde- und Erniedrigungsforscherin, Gründerin und Präsidentin des Forschungsnetzwerks Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), Autorin
Linda M. Hartling, Ph.D., US American director of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, editor of the "Journal of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies" (JHDHS)
William Isaacs, Ph.D., US American senior lecturer, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), co-founder of Center for Organizational Learning, expert in collective leadership, dialogue, design and implementation of organizational learning ✓
David Boje, Ph.D., US American professor of management, School of Business, New Mexico State University
Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994) Austrian-born philosopher of science, professor of philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
Peter Watson (*1943) British cultural historian, research associate, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (*1997), journalist, author
A Terrible Beauty. The People and Ideas That Shaped the Modern Mind. A History, Weidenfeld & Nicolson History, 15. November 2001
The Great Divide. Nature and Human Nature in the Old World and the New, 2012
Peter Watson (*1943) britischer Journalist, Kulturhistoriker, Autor
Das Lächeln der Medusa. die Geschichte des modernen Wissens, Goldmann Verlag, 1. November 2003 Geistesgeschichte des 20 Jahrhunderts
Frère Roger Schutz (1915-2005) schweizerischer Mönch, Gründer und lebenslanger Prior des internationalen ökumenischen Männerordens Gemeinschaft von Taizé in Frankreich (*1940)
Brother Roger (1915-2005) Swiss Christian leader, monastic founder of the ecumenical monastic community Taizé Community (*1940) in Burgundy, France
Prof. Dr. Helmut Renner, deutscher Klinikleiter für Strahlenmedizin, Klinikum Nürnberg, Initiator und Teilnehmer eines Gebetskreises
Wolfgang Wickler (*1931) deutscher Zoologe, Verhaltensforscher, Direktor der Ethologischen Abteilung, Max-Planck-Instituts für Verhaltensphysiologie, Seewiesen bei Starnberg, Publizist
Dean Hamer (*1951) US-amerikanischer Genetiker, Direktor der Genstruktur und -regulierungsabteilung, Nationales Krebs-Institut der Vereinigten Staaten (*2005)
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hamer, deutscher Finanzwissenschaftler, Rechtsanwalt, Begründer der Mittelstandsökonomie, Mittelstandsinstitut Hannover
Svenja Flaßpöhler (*1975) deutsche Philosophin, Journalistin, Autorin
Manuel Lima (*1978) Portuguese-born senior UX designer, Microsoft Bing, researcher, founder of, lecturer, author ✓
Clement Attlee (1883-1967) British politician, prime minister of the United Kingdom (1945-1951), leader of the Labour Party (1935-1955)
John Micklethwait (*1962) British editor-in-chief of The Economist, author
Alison Weir, US American human rights activist and speaker, former editor and journalist, free lance reporter, author
Juan Enríquez, Mexican futurist, founding director of the Harvard Business School Life Sciences Project
Hazel Henderson, Ph.D. (1933-2022) British futurist, economic iconoclast, social activist
Dr. Hazel Henderson (1933-2022) britisch-amerikanische Zukunftsforscherin und Expertin für alternative Ökonomie
James (Sákéj) Youngblood Henderson, Native American elder, international human rights lawyer, research fellow, Native Law Centre of Canada, University of Saskatchewan College of Law, advocate, educator
Fridtjof Nansen (1861-1930) Norwegian researcher, explorer, diplomat, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, crucial player in the peaceful dissolution of the "union" between Norway and Sweden
Philip Clayton, Ph.D. (*1955) US American theologian, philosopher, Dean of Faculty, Claremont School of Theology, Provost, Claremont Lincoln University
Dr. Philip Clayton (*1955) US-amerikanischer Theologe, Philosoph, Dekan der Claremont School of Theology, Hochschulleiter, Claremont Lincoln University
Clayton Christensen, Ph.D. (*1952) US American Kim B. Clark professor of business administration, Harvard Business School
Neil Douglas-Klotz, Ph.D. (*1951) English philosopher, scholar of Middle Eastern religious studies and psychology, musician, poet, lecturer, author
Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz (*1951) Religionswissenschaftler, Psychologe, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor
Thomas J. Scheff (*1929) US American professor emeritus on the sociology of emotions/relations, mental illness, restorative justice, and collective violence, UCSB
Wendy Walsh, Ph.D. (*1962) Canadian-American adjunct assistant professor of clinical psychology, California State University, Channel Islands, psychotherapist, actress, television commentator, author
Robert Pfaller (*1962) österreichischer Professor für Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaft, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien
Bärbel Wardetzki (*1952) deutsche Psychotherapeutin, Supervisorin, Coach, Referentin, Autorin
James W. Fowler (1940-2015) US-amerikanischer Professor für Theologie und Entwicklungsychologie, Politik- und Sozialwissenschaftler, methodistischer Pastor, Autor
Stufen des Glaubens. Die Psychologie der menschlichen Entwicklung und die Suche nach Sinn, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2000
James W. Fowler (1940-2015) US American professor of theology and human developmental psychology, Emory University, political and social scientist, Methodist minister, author
Stages of Faith. The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for Meaning, 1981, HarperOne, new edition 15. September 1995
Nicholas A. Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., MPH (*1962) Greek American professor of social and natural science, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachussetts, Yale University (*2013), New Haven, Connecticut, physician, author
Prof. Dr. Nicholas A. Christakis (*1962) griechisch-amerikanischer Sozialwissenschaftler, Harvard Universität, Boston, Yale University (*2013), New Haven, Connecticut, Arzt, Autor
James H. Fowler, Ph.D. (*1970) US American social scientist specializing in social networks, cooperation, political participation, and genopolitics, professor of medical genetics, professor of political science, University of California, San Diego
Dr. James H. Fowler (*1970) US-amerikanischer Sozialwissenschaftler, spezialisiert auf soziale Netzwerke, Kooperation, politisches Engagement und Genopolitik, Universität von Kalifornien, San Diego
D. Stephenson Bond, US American psychoanalyst, lecturer, author ✓
Zoltan Istvan (*1973) US American-Hungarian futurist, philosopher, transhumanist, journalist, writer
selfpublished philosophical science fiction novel The Transhumanist Wager, 2013
Paul Weyrich (1942-2008) US American religious conservative political activist and commentator, figurehead of the New Right, cofounder of the neoconserative think tank Heritage Foundation, 1979
Friedrich August von Hayek [F. A. Hayek] (1899-1992) Austrian-Hungarian-British economist, philosopher known for defense of classical liberalism, cofounder of the neoconserative think tank Heritage Foundation, 1979
Martha Beck (*1962) US American sociologist, therapist, life coach, author
Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) German industrialist, assassinated politician, Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic, writer
Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) deutscher Industrieller, liberaler Politiker (DDP), Reichsaußenminister, Opfer eines politischen Attentats der Organisation Consul, Schriftsteller
Dr. Alexander Berzin, US-amerikanischer Orientalist, Übersetzer tibetisch-buddhistischer Schriften
Robert Lustig, M.D., US American professor of clinical pediatrics, neuroendocrinologist, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Julian Nida-Rümelin, Ph.D. (*1954) German philosopher, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
Prof. Dr. Julian Nida-Rümelin (*1954) deutscher Professor für Philosophie spezialisiert auf theoretische und angewandte Ethik, Entscheidungs- und Rationalitätstheorie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
Charles Kimball, Ph.D., US American presidential professor and director of religious studies, University of Oklahoma, Norman
When Religion Becomes Evil, HarperOne, 1st edition 3. September 2002
James Low, British Dzogchen teacher of the Byangter and Khordong lineages of the late Chhimed Rigdzin Lama
Simply Being. Texts in the Dzogchen Tradition, CPI Antony Rowe, 3rd edition 2010
James Low (deutsch)
Paul Hellyer (1923-2021) kanadischer Unternehmer, Ingenieur, Politiker (Abgeordneter von drei Parteien), mehrfach Minister, Verteidigungsminister (1963-1967), Autor
Paul Hellyer, PC FRSA (1923-2021) Canadian engineer, entrepreneur, politician, minister of defence (1963-1967), commentator, writer
Hervey M. Cleckley, M.D. (1903-1984) US American psychiatrist, pioneer in the field of psychopathy
The Mask of Sanity. An Attempt to Clarify Some Issues About the So-Called Psychopathic Personality, 1941, 1982
Jonah Lehrer (*1981) US American speaker, blogger, journalist, author specialized on psychology, humanity, neuroscience
Shelley Elizabeth Taylor, Ph.D. (*1946) US American professor of psychology, University of California, Los Angeles
The Tending Instinct. Women, Men, and the Biology of Relationships, Times Books, 2002, Holt Paperbacks, 1. May 2003
Eleanor Maccoby, Ph.D. (1917-2018) US American professor of developmental psychology and sex differences, Stanford University
John O. Lyons, US American professor emeritus of English, University of Wisconsin
The Invention of the Self. The Hinge of Consciousness in the Eighteenth Century, Southern Illinois University Press, 1st edition 1. June 1978
Vicki Noble (*1947) US American feminist historian, wisdom teacher, shamanic healer, author
Scientific Underpinnings of Matriarchal Social Organization and Gift Economy Behaviors, YouTube film, 11:10 minutes duration, posted 10. May 2012
David Lowry, Ph.D., British research consultant with specialist knowledge of UK and EU nuclear and environment policy
Glenn D. Wilson, Ph.D. (*1942) New Zealand professor of evolutionary psychology, expert on attitude and personality measurement, sexual attraction, deviation and dysfunction, partner compatibility
Marilyn Joy Waring, Ph.D., CNZM (*1952) New Zealand theorist of economic policy, member of parliament, activist for women's human rights and environmental issues, development consultant, United Nations expert, feminist author
If Women Counted. A New Feminist Economics [Counting for Nothing], University of Toronto Press, 1988, Harper Collins, November 1990
Dr. Marilyn Joy Waring, CNZM (*1952) neuseeländische Wirtschaftspolitikerin, Parlamentarierin, Sozial- und Umweltaktivistin, Feministin, Autorin
Marianne Gronemeyer (*1941) deutsche Erziehungswissenschaftlerin, Autorin
George Mikes (1912-1987) ungarisch-britischer Schriftsteller von humoristisch-satirischen Werken
David C. Korten (*1937) US American professor of economics, Harvard Business School, political activist, critic of corporate globalization, expert in psychology and behavioral systems, author
When Corporations Rule the World, Mcgraw-Hill Professional, 2nd ediction, May 2001
When Corporations Rule the World, Kumarian Press, 1995, 2nd edition 2001
The Great Turning. From Empire to Earth Community, Kumarian Press, 1. October 2007
Richard Heinberg (*1950) US American environmentalist, educator, journalist, author
The End of Growth. Adapting to Our New Economic Reality, New Society Publishers, 1st edition 9. August 2011
Bill McKibben (*1960) US American environmentalist, journalist, author
Bill Nye [Science Guy] (*1955) US American scientist, science educator, television host, actor, comedian, writer
Neil Postman (1931-2003) US American media theorist, cultural critic, author
The End of Education. Redefining the Value of School, Vintage, 29. October 1996
Jeffrey Sachs, Ph.D. (*1954) US American professor of economics, director of The Earth Institute, Columbia University, NYC
The End of Poverty. Economic Possibilities for Our Time, Penguin Books, 30. December 2005, reprint edition 28. February 2006
Richard Susskind OBE (*1961) British independent adviser to international professional firms and national governments, speaker, author
The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the nature of legal services, Oxford University Press, 2008, revised edition 17. September 2010
Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT)
Ian Bremmer (*1969) US American political scientist on US foreign policy, states in transition, and global political risk, founder and president of Eurasia Group
The End of the Free Market. Who Wins the War Between States and Corporations?, Portfolio Hardcover, 13. May 2010
John Horgan (*1953) US American science journalist, contributing to Scientific American
The End of War McSweeney's, San Francisco, 17. January 2012
Wayne Hale, BS (*1954) US American NASA mechanical engineer, flight director and space shuttle program manager, Deputy Associate Administrator for Strategic Partnerships at NASA (2003-2005)
David Wolman, US American journalist, contributing editor of the magazine Wired, author
The End of Money. Counterfeiters, Preachers, Techies, Dreamers – and the Coming Cashless Society, Da Capo Press, 14. February 2012
Vince Lombardi (1913-1970) US American football player, coach, executive
Michael Kimmel, Ph.D. (*1951) US American professor of sociology, gender researcher, Stony Brook University, New York, founder and editor of the academic journal Men and Masculinities, author
Shaun Rein, US American managing director of CMR, thought leader on strategy consulting
The End of Cheap China. Economic and Cultural Trends that Will Disrupt the World, Wiley, 1st edition 27. March 2012
Oliver Stone (*1946) US American film director, producer, screenwriter, author
Oliver Stone (*1946) US-amerikanischer Regisseur, Produzent, Drehbuchautor von vorwiegend politischen Filmen, dreifacher Oscarpreisträger
Hanna Rosin (*1970) US American journalist, contributing editor, author
The End of Men. And the Rise of Women, Riverhead Hardcover, 1st edition 11. September 2012
David Agus, M.D. (*1965) US American professor of medicine and engineering, University of Southern California, co-founder of Navigenics, and
The End of Illness, Free Press Division of Simon & Schuster, New York, January 2012, reprint edition 16. October 2012
Jim Hightower (*1943) US American syndicated columnist, progressive political activist, commissioner of the Texas Department of Agriculture (1983-1991), author
Moises Naim (*1952) Libyan commentator on globalization, international politics, and economics, senior associate in the International Economics Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
The End of Power. From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States. Why Being In Charge Isn't What It Used to Be, Basic Books, 5. March 2013
US American anthropologist, negotiation and mediation specialist, co-founder of Program on Negotiation, Harvard University, director of the Project on Preventing War, Harvard University, speaker, author
William L. Ury, US American anthropologist, negotiation and mediation specialist, co-founder of "Program on Negotiation", Harvard University, director of the "Project on Preventing War", Harvard University, speaker, author
Getting to Peace. Transforming Conflict at Home, at Work, and in the World, Viking Adult, New York City, New York, 27. September 1999
Donna Freitas, US American author
The End of Sex. How Hookup Culture is Leaving a Generation Unhappy, Sexually Unfulfilled, and Confused About Intimacy, Basic Books, 1st edition 2. April 2013
Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the church of Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker
Barbara Kellerman Ph.D., US American professor of public leadership, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
The End of Leadership, HarperBusiness, 3. April 2012
Youngme Moon, Ph.D., US American professor of business administration, Harvard Business School
Tony Hsieh (1973-2020) US American internet entrepreneur, venture capitalist, CEO of the online shoe and clothing shop
Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt (*1950) deutscher Arzt, Erfinder von kinesiologisch-medizinischen Verfahren, Gründer der Klinghardt Academy, Vereinigte Staaten
Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D. (*1950) German physician, kinesiologist, healer, founder of the Klinghardt Academy, United States
Clay Shirky (*1964) US American consultant, teacher on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies, assistant arts professor of New Media (Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP)), New York University, distinguished writer in residence at Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute
David P. Barash, Ph.D. (*1946) US American professor of psychology, University of Washington, evolutionary biologist specialized on human aggression, sexual behavior of animals and people, peace studies, author
Alain de Botton (*1969) Swiss-British philosopher, television presenter, entrepreneur, author
Status Anxiety, Pantheon, 1st edition 25. May 2004
Status Anxiety, Hamish Hamilton, 2004
Robert M. Stanley (*1959) US American corporate journalist for HONDA research and development, researcher of UFOs and ETs, radio host of the dissolved Unicus Radio Network, author
Mark Hyman, M.D. (*1959) US American family physician, founder and medical director of the UltraWellness Center, advocate of functional medicine, educative speaker, author
Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck (*1951) deutscher Professor für Mathematik, visionärer Dozent, weltanschaulich-philosophischer Sachbuchautor
Topothesie. Der Mensch in artgerechter Haltung Springer, 1. Auflage 27. September 2004
Abschied vom Homo Oeconomicus. Warum wir eine neue ökonomische Vernunft brauchen, Eichborn Verlag, Februar 2008, 25. Januar 2010
Professionelle Intelligenz. Worauf es morgen ankommt, Eichborn Verlag, 23. August 2011, 2. Auflage 2013
Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck (*1951) German professor of mathematics, futurist, visionary speaker, omniphilosophic non-fiction author
Lean Brain Management, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1st Kindle edition 15. March 2008
Dr. Franz Hörmann (*1960) österreichischer visionärer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, außerordentlicher Professor für Unternehmensrechnung, Institut für Revisions-, Treuhand- und Rechnungswesen, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (2001-2013), Dozent, Autor ✓
Dr. Franz Hörmann (*1960) Austrian visionary economist, assistant professor, department for business taxation and tax planning, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, lecturer, author
Karl Hörmann (1915-2004) österreichischer Theologe
Sera Beak, US American scholar of comparative world religions, spiritual activist (redvolutionary), mentor, speaker, author
Harold Evans (1928-2020) British-born journalist, editor, writer
Éliphas Lévi [Alphonse Louis] (1810-1875) French mystic, ceremonial magician, occult author
Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult
William J. J. Gordon (1919-2003) US American inventor, psychologist
Martin Jacques (*1945) British academic, former magazine editor
Semir Osmanagić, Ph.D. [Sam Osmanagich] (*1960) Bosnian archeologist, principal investigator, founder and director of the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun Foundation, owner of a metalworking company in Houston, Texas ✓
Grant McCracken, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, Harvard Business School, director of the Institute of Contemporary Culture, blogger, author
Atul Gawande, M.D. (*1965) Indian US American surgeon, journalist, author
Dan Roam, US American founder and president of management-consulting firm Digital Roam, author
Steven Pinker, Ph.D. (*1954) Canadian-born US American Johnstone professor of experimental psychology, Harvard University, cognitive scientist, linguist, popular science author
Steven Pinker (*1954) kanadisch-US-amerikanischer Johnstone Professor für experimentelle Psychologie, Harvard University, Erkenntnistheoretiker, Linguist, populärwissenschaftlicher Autor
Gary Haugen, US American social scientist, international lawyer, president and CEO of International Justice Mission (*1997)
Bas Kast (*1973) deutscher Biologe, Psychologe, Wissenschaftsjournalist, Sachbuchautor
Arthur Osborne (1906-1970) English writer on spirituality and mysticism, disciple and biographer of Ramana Maharshi
Ramana Maharshi and the Path of Self-Knowledge, Sri Ramanasramam, 1. January 2006
John Eldredge (*1960) US American lecturer on Christianity, councelor, author
John Eldredge (*1960) US-amerikanischer Dozent im Bereich Christentum, Berater, Autor
Alexander von Suchten (~1520-1575) berühmter deutscher Alchemist, Arzt, Dichter
Alexander von Suchten (~1520-1575) German alchemist, physician, poet
Eirenaeus Philalethes [Nom de plume of George Starkey] (1628-1665) British physician, alchemist, author
Benedictus Figulus (1567-nach 1619 verschollen) deutscher Alchemist, Vertreter des Paracelsismus, Pfarrer, Dichter, Herausgeber im frühen 17. Jahrhundert
Benedictus Figulus (1567-missing since 1619) German alchemist, proponent of Paracelsism, pastor, poet, publisher in the early 17th century
James Lovelock (1919-2022) British independent scientist, environmentalist, futurist
Nicolas Flamel (~1330-~1413/1418) French alchemist, manuscript-seller, scrivener, author
Nicolas Flamel (~1330-~1413/1418) französischer Alchemist, Handschriften- und Immobilienhändler, Schreiber, Schriftsteller
Petrus Bonus of Ferrara fourteenth century Italien physician, writer on alchemy
Margarita preciosa novella, ~1330
The Epistle of Bonus of Ferrara, 14th century
Introductio In Divinam Chemicae Artem, 1572
The New Pearl Of Great Price. A Treatise Concerning the Treasure and Most Precious Stone of the Philosopher, ~1330, Kessinger Publishing, 8. December 2005
Marsilio Ficino [Marsilius Ficinus] (1433-1499) Italian Renaissance humanist philosopher, astrologer, first translator of Plato's complete extant works into Latin, reviver of Neoplatonism
Martin Altmeyer (*1948) deutscher Psychologe, Publizist, Autor zur Modernisierung der Psychoanalyse
George Ripley (1415-1490) English alchemist, author
Dr. Gary E. Schwartz (*1944) US-amerikanischer Professor für Parapsychologe, Universtät Tucson, Arizona, Biofeldforscher, Autor
Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of medicine and parapsychology, University Tucson, Arizona, biofield researcher, author
The AfterLife Experiments, 2002
The Energy Healing Experiments, Atria Books, 2007
Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900) English utilitarian philosopher, economist, cofounder and first president of the Society for Psychical Research, member of the Metaphysical Society
Matthew Lieberman, Ph.D. (*1970) US American professor of social cognitive neuroscience (SCN), lab director of department of psychology, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences, UCLA
Heinrich Seuse (1295/1297-1366) deutscher mittelalterlicher Mystiker, Seelsorger, Theologe, Schüler von Meister Eckhart, Seliger der katholischen Kirche
Jan van Ruysbroek (1293/1294-1381) flämischer Mystiker, katholischer Theologe, Schriftsteller in mittelniederländischer Sprache
John of Ruysbroeck (1293/1294-1381) Flemish Catholic mystic, Catholic theologian, writer
The Kingdom of the Divine Lovers
The Twelve Beguines
The Spiritual Espousals
A Mirror of Eternal Blessedness
The Little Book of Enlightenment
The Sparkling Stone
Gerda Weiler (1921-1994) deutsche Psychologin, Pädagogin, Matriarchatsforscherin, Autorin
Das Matriarchat im Alten Israel, Kohlhammer, 1989, 9. Februar 2006
Ich brauche die Göttin. Zur Kulturgeschichte eines Symbols, Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 1997
Condoleezza Rice [LoC 480] (*1954) US American political scientist, diplomat, 66th United States Secretary of State
Franz Marc (1880-1916) deutscher Maler, Zeichner, Grafiker
Luisa Francia (*1949) deutsche Filmemacherin, Malerin, feministische Autorin
Eine Göttin für jeden Tag, Verlag Frauenoffensive, München, 1996
Richard Schwartz, Ph.D., US American professor of marriage and family therapy, author
Dr. Stephan A. Schwartz, US-amerikanischer Kognitionswissenschaftler, Trend- und Zukunftsforscher, Samueli Institute, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Autor
Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author
saschwartz @
Richard Davidson, Ph.D. (*1951) US American Vilas professor of psychology and psychiatry, Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior, University of Wisconsin-Madison, named among the 100 most influential people by TIME in 2006
Dr. Richard J. Davidson (*1951) US-amerikanischer Vilas Professor für Psychologie und Psychiatrie, Hirnforscher, Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior, Universität von Wisconsin-Madison
Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS)
Justin Martyr [Saint Justin] (~100-165 AD) Palestine early Christian church father, apologist, foremost interpreter of the theory of the Logos in the 2nd century
Justin der Märtyrer (~100-165 n. Chr.) palästinischer christlicher Märtyrer, Apologet, Kirchenvater, Kirchenlehrer des 2. Jahrhunderts, Philosoph
Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) französischer Romancier, Schriftsteller
Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) French novelist, author
Thomas Metzinger, Ph.D. (*1958) German philosopher, director of the department of philosophy, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, adjunct fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt
Prof. Thomas Metzinger (*1958) deutscher Professor für theoretische Philosophie, Universität Mainz
Steven Strogatz, Ph.D. (*1959) US American professor of applied mathematics, pioneer of the science of synchrony, Cornell University, Ithaca, author
Dr. Dieter Broers (*1951) deutscher Biophysiker, interdisziplinärer Forscher, Autor
Dr. Dieter Broers (*1951) German biophysicist, interdisciplinarian researcher, author
James H. Fetzer [Jim Fetzer] (*1940) US American professor emeritus of philosophy of science, investigative researcher, author
Prof. Bernd Rabehl (*1938) deutsches bekanntes Mitglied des Sozialistischen Deutschen Studentenbunds (SDS), Vordenker der APO bzw. des SDS, ehemals engster Vertrauter von Rudi Dutschke, Autor
Joseph von Eichendorff (1788-1857) deutscher romantischer Lyriker, Schriftsteller
Maria die Jüdin [Maria Prophetissa] (~1.-3. Jht. n. Chr.) ägyptische Erfinderin, Begründerin der Alchemie, bedeutendste Alchemistin der antiken westlichen Welt
Magic square, Maria the Jewess [Maria Prophetissa, Miriam the Prophetess] (~1st-3rd centuries AD) Egyptian inventor, first nonfictitious alchemist in the Western world
Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) Martinique-born Afro-French psychiatrist, philosopher, political radical, existentialist humanist, revolutionary, writer on post-colonial studies, critical theory, and Marxism
Black Skin, White Masks, Éditions du Seuil, France, 1952, Grove Press, United States, 1967
Iyanla Vanzant [Rhonda Eva Harris] (*1953) US-amerikanische Rechtsanwältin, Neugeist-Lehrerin, Yoruba-Priesterin, Referentin, Coach-Beraterin, Fernsehpersönlichkeit, Autorin
Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., US American teacher of courses on women and religion, Dominican University of California, Institute of Integral Studies, Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, author
Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (1891-1967) US American secretary of the treasury during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, co-designer and financier of the New Deal
Hans Joachim Morgenthau (1904-1980) promoter of studies of international politics, contributor to international relations theory and international law
political science book Politics Among Nations. The Struggle for Power and Peace, 1948
Robert von Ranke-Graves [Robert Graves] (1895-1985) English scholar/translator/writer of antiquity specializing in Classical Greece and Rome, poet, novelist
The White Goddess, Farrar Straus & Giroux, reprint edition January 1997
Robert von Ranke-Graves (1895-1985) britischer Gelehrter und Übersetzer der altgrieschischen und altrömischen Geschichte, Dichter, Schriftsteller
Die Weiße Göttin. Sprache des Mythos, original erschienen 1948, Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 1985, 7. Auflage 2002
Patricia Monaghan (1946-2012) US American spiritual activist in the contemporary women's spirituality movement, poet, writer
Patricia Monaghan (1946-2012) US-amerikanische spirituelle Aktivistin in der zeitgenössischen Bewegung der weiblichen Spiritualität, Dichterin, Autorin
Lexikon der Göttinnen. Ein Standardwerk der Mythologie, O. W. Barth, München, 1. Auflage Januar 2000
Sylvia Brinton Perera, M.A. (*1932) US American Jungian analyst, teacher, writer
Sylvia Brinton Perera, M.A. (*1932) US-amerikanische Jungsche Analytikerin, Lehrerin, Autorin
Michael Coe, Ph.D. (1929-2019) US American archaeologist, anthropologist, epigrapher, CIA agent, inventor of the 2012 meme, author
Edward C. Whitmont, M.D. (1912-1998) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, homeopathic physician, author
Return of the Goddess, 1983, Continuum International Publishing Group, revised edition 1. March 1997
Dr. med. Edward C. Whitmont (1912-1998) US-amerikanischer homöopathischer Arzt, Jungscher Psychoanalytiker, Autor
Die Rückkehr der Göttin. Von der Kraft des Weiblichen in Inividuum und Gesellschaft, Kösel Verlag, 1982, 1989
Thabo Mbeki (*1942) South African politician, second post-apartheid president of South Africa (1999-2008)
Louis Brandeis (1856-1941) US American associate justice on the Supreme Court of the United States (1916-1939)
Louis Brandeis (1856-1941) US-amerikanischer Jurist, erster jüdischer Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten (1916-1939)
Paul Anthony Wallis, speaker, researcher, author on topics of spirituality and mysticism
, produced and presented by The 5th Kind TV – YouTube channel Paul Wallis
Howard S. Friedman, Ph.D., US American professor of social psychology, UC Riverside, Leslie R. Martin, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, La Sierra University and UC Riverside
The Longevity Project. Surprising Discoveries for Health and Long Life from the Landmark Eight-Decade Study, Plume, 28. February 2012
Dr. Howard S. Friedman, US-amerikanischer Professor für Sozialpsychologie, UC Riverside, Dr. Leslie R. Martin, US-amerikanische Professorin für Psychologie, La Sierra University und UC Riverside ✓
Howard Friedman (*1972) US American associate professor of statistics, Columbia University, health economist, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), artist, writer
The Measure of a Nation. How to Regain America's Competitive Edge and Boost Our Global Standing, Prometheus Books, 1st edition 19. June 2012
Walter Cruttenden, US American amateur theoretical archaeo-astronomer, author of the binary theory of precession
Lost Star of Myth and Time, St. Lynn's Press, 2006
Herbert A. Simon (1916-2001) US American political scientist, interdisciplinary computational and social scientist, economist, sociologist, cognitive psychologist, professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Anthony Sutich (1907-1976) Mitbegründer der Transpersonalen Psychologie, Ende der 1960er Jahre
Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921-2020) South African Zulu Sangoma (shaman)
Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (1921-2020) südafrikanischer Zulu Sangoma (Schamane)
Jacque Fresco (1916-2017) US American industrial designer, self-educated architectural designer, inventor, social engineer, futurist, creator of The Venus Project, partnered with Roxanne Meadows, author
Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) konservativer deutscher Staatsmann, Ministerpräsident von Preußen (1862-1890), Bundeskanzler des Norddeutschen Bundes (1867-1871), erster Reichskanzler des Deutschen Reiches (1871-1890), dessen Gründung er maßgeblich vorangetrieben hat
Otto of Bismarck (1815-1898) conservative German statesman, minister president of Prussia (1862-1890), chancellor of the North German Confederation (1867-1871), first chancellor architect and creator of the German Empire (1871-1890)
Gerd Gigerenzer, M.D., Ph.D. (*1947) German psychologist specialized in the use of bounded rationality and heuristics in decision making, director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, director of the Harding Center for Risk Literacy in Berlin, author
Prof. Dr. Gerd Gigerenzer (*1947) deutscher Psychologe, Direktor des Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition (ABC), Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, München und Berlin (seit 1997), Autor
Bauchentscheidungen. Die Intelligenz des Unbewussten und die Macht der Intuition, Verlag Bertelsmann, München, März 2007
Alan Gauld (*1932) British psychologist, parapsychologist, author
T. Colin Campbel (*1934) US-amerikanischer emeritierter Hochschulprofessor der Biochemie, Cornell Universität, Ernährungsforscher
Colin Goldner (*1953) deutscher Psychologe, Wissenschaftsjournalist, Sachbuchautor
Daniel J. Benor, M.D. (1941-2022) Canadian psychiatric physician, wholistic psychotherapist, educator
Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D. (1925-2020) US American physician, psychiatrist, UCSF, inspirational speaker, author on forgiveness and healing
Love Is Letting Go of Fear, 1970, Celestial Arts, 3rd paperback edition 28. Dezember 2010
Teach Only Love. The Twelve Principles of Attitudinal Healing, Atria Books/Beyond Words, 1st edition 1. May 2000
Dr. med. Gerald G. Jampolsky (1925-2020) US-amerikanischer Arzt, Psychiater, UCSF, Seminarleiter, Autor von Heilungs- und Vergebungsliteratur
⚡ Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University of Oxford, author
⚡ Dr. Kevin Dutton (*1967) britischer Professor für Psychologie, Psychopathieexperte, Universität von Oxford, Autor
Russell Targ (*1934) US-amerikanischer Physiker, Parapsychologe, ASW-Forscher, Autor zu Psi-Themen und Fernwahrnehmung
Russell Targ (*1934) US American physicist, ESP researcher, developer of Remote viewing, co-founder of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) federally-funded program investigating psychic abilities in humans, 1972, author
Miracles of Mind. Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing, 1998
The End of Suffering
Colin C. Tipping (1942-2019) britischer professioneller Ausbilder, Sprecher, Autor,
Ich vergebe. Der radikale Abschied vom Opferdasein, J. Kamphausen Verlag, 2. Auflage 16. Februar 2004
David Frost (1939-2013) English media personality, television host, comedian, journalist, writer
Lenny Bruce (1925-1966) Jewish-American sardonic comedian, satirist, social critic
Tom Peters (*1942) US American writer on business management practices
Eric Ries (*1978) US American Silicon Valley entrepreneur, pioneer of the Lean Startup movement, author
Sheryl Sandberg (*1969) US American businesswoman, chief operating officer COO of Facebook, author
Sugata Mitra, Ph.D. (*1952) Indian polymath, professor of educational technology, School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, England
Dr. Sugata Mitra (*1952) indischer Universalgelehrter, Professor der pädagogischen Verfahrenskunde, Newcastle Universität, England
Seth Godin (*1960) US American entrepreneur, public speaker, author
Jose Ferreira, MBA (*1968) US American entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Knewton
Martin Nowak, Ph.D. (*1965) Austrian professor of biology and mathematics, director of the program for evolutionary dynamics, Harvard University
Daphne Koller (*1968) Israeli-American professor of computer science, Stanford University, MacArthur Fellowship recipient, co-founder of online education platform Coursera
John Ruskin (1819-1900) English prominent social thinker, philanthropist, art critic of the Victorian era, art patron, draughtsman, watercolourist
Stephen Heppell, British educator specialised in ICT in education, professor of media environments, Bournemouth University, Anglia Ruskin University
Don Tapscott (*1947) Canadian entrepreneur, business executive in the digital age, consultant, speaker, specialized in business strategy, organizational transformation, chairman of business strategy think tank New Paradigm (now nGenera Insight), founded 1993, author
Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D., MFT, US American psychotherapist, marriage and family consultant, educator, founder and director of Men's Center of Los Angeles
The Sacred Path. The Way of the Spiritual Warrior. Journey of Mindful Manhood, Sacred Path Press, 1. October 2012
Eknath Easwaran (1910-1999) Indian spiritual teacher of Passage Meditation, translator, interpreter of spiritual literature, author
Thomas d'Ansembourg (*1957) French psychotherapist, author
Being Genuine. Stop Being Nice, Start Being Real, Puddledancer Press, 1st edition 28. May 2007
Ezra T. Benson (1811-1869) US American apostle, member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church)
John Holt (1923-1985) US American educator, proponent of homeschooling or unschooling, pioneer in youth rights theory, author
John Marks Templeton (1912-2008) britisch-amerikanischer Geschäftsmann, Börseninvestor, Philanthrop
Sir John Templeton (1912-2008) British US American stock investor, businessman, philanthropist, founder of the Templeton Foundation, 1987
Templeton Prize
Sir Martin Rees, OM, Kt, FRS (*1942) British cosmologist, astrophysicist
Peter Krassa (1938-2005) Austrian parascientific author
Peter Krassa (1938-2005) österreichischer Autor parawissenschaftlicher Literatur
Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) 30th US president (1923-1929), Republican lawyer
Henry Gray (1827-1861) English anatomist, surgeon, author
human anatomy textbook Gray's Anatomy, Churchill-Livingstone, Elsevier, 40th edition 2008
Sergius Golowin (1930-2006) schweizerischer Mythenforscher, Publizist, Autor
David Kirkpatrick (*1953) US American technology journalist, organizer of technology-oriented conferences, author
Dr. Judith Hand (*1940) US American evolutionary biologist, animal ethologist, pioneer in the emerging field of peace ethology, novelist
Judith Lewis Herman, M.D.''' (*1942) US American psychiatrist, researcher, teacher, author
Kay Pollak (*1938) schwedischer Regisseur
Martti Olavi Siirala (1922-2008) finnische Psychiaterin, Psychoanalytikerin, Philosophin, Autorin
Martti Olavi Siirala (1922-2008) Finnish psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, philosopher, author
Christopher Booker (1937-2019) English journalist, author
The Seven Basic Plots. Why We Tell Stories, Continuum International Publishing Group, 736 pages, January 2006
Christopher Booker (1937-2019) englischer Journalist, Autor
J. Z. Knight (*1946) US American founder of the neoreligious movement Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, mystic teacher, channel of the entity Ramtha, author
JZ Knight (*1946) US-amerikanische Gründerin einer neureligiösen Bewegung, seit 1978 Medium der geistigen Entität Ramtha
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) German painter, engraver, printmaker, mathematician, theorist from Nuremberg
Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) deutscher Maler, Grafiker, Mathematiker, Kunsttheoretiker von europäischem Rang
Jill Purce, British musical healer, author
The Mystic Spiral. Journey of the Soul (Art and Imagination)'', Thames & Hudson, 17. June 1980
John Bowlby, M.D. (1907-1990) British pediatrician, psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, expert in child development, pioneer in attachment theory, cofounder of the Tavistock Clinic, author
Dr. med. John Bowlby (1907-1990) britischer Kinderarzt, Psychologe, Psychoanalytiker, Kinderpsychiater, Pionier der Bindungsforschung, Mitgründer der Tavistock-Klinik, Autor
Dr. Pamela Gerloff (*1955) US American rankism and dignity researcher, "Project on Civic Reflection", co-author
Dr. Pamela Gerloff (*1955) US-amerikanischer Rankismus und Würdeforscherin, Project on Civic Reflection, Mitautorin
Carmen Boulter, Ph.D. (1954-2022) Canadian professor of linguistics, Educational Research, University of Calgary, Canada, researcher on the sacred feminine in ancient Egypt and Greece, educator, author
Angels and Archetypes. An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness, Swan Raven & Company, March 1997
⚡ Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) US American nurse, sex educator, birth control activist, eugenicist, racist, founder of the American Birth Control League [Planned Parenthood]
John Stossel (*1947) US American investigative journalist, libertarian columnist, consumer reporter, author
William Walker Atkinson (1862-1932) US American attorney, merchant, occultist, pioneer of the American New Thought movement, publisher, author
Rebecca Saxe, US American associate professor of cognitive neuroscience, MIT, associate member of the McGovern Institute for Brain Research
Prof. Thomas Nagel (*1937) US-amerikanischer Professor für Philosophie, School of Law, New York Universität (seit 1980)
Thomas Nagel, Ph.D. (*1937) US American philosopher, University professor of philosophy and law, New York University (since 1980)
Larken Rose, US American liberty activist, tax protester, voluntary/anarchist speaker and author ✓
Kicking the Dragon. Confessions of a Tax Heretic, IT Publishing, 2008
The Most Dangerous Superstition, Iron Web Publications, 2011
Joseph Chilton Pearce (1926-2016) US American author on human potential and child development
Joseph Chilton Pearce (1926-2016) US-amerikanischer Autor zu Themen der Kindesentwicklung und Potenzialentfaltung
Adora Svitak (*1997) US American child prodigy, author
Philipp Lersch (1898-1972) deutscher Psychologe, Autor
Dawson Church (*1956) British US American doctor in Integrative Healthcare, Holos University, clinically certificied energy psychologist (C.EHP), researcher in the field of energy medicine, editor, author
Stewart Levine, US American practicing lawyer, creative problem solver, author
Getting to Resolution. Turning Conflict Into Collaboration, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1st edition 1998, 2nd edition 1. November 2009
Dominic Barter, German founder of Restorative Circles (2000), crime and violence conflict resolver in conjunction with Brazilian Department of Justice (2004-)
Dr. Abd'el Hakim Awyan, Egyptian, archeologist, wisdom-keeper
Edith Hamilton [Greatest woman classicist] (1867-1963) German US American educator, author
Mythology. Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, Little, Brown and Company, 1942, Grand Central Publishing, reissue edition 1. May 2013
Eileen Workman, US American political scientist, economist, biologist, stockbroker and financial advisor at Wall Street (1991-2007), co-founder of the Universe Project, author
Dr. Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller
Jesus von Nazareth. Befreiung zum Frieden, Band 1, Band 2, Walter Verlag, Zürich, Düsseldorf, 1997
Alfred Kinsey, Ph.D. (1894-1956) US American professor of entomology and zoology, biologist, sexologist, founder of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, 1947, Indiana University, author
Dr. Alfred Charles Kinsey (1894-1956) US-amerikanischer Professor für Entomologie und Zoologie, Indiana Universität, Biologe, betrügerischer Sexualforscher, Autor
Kinsey-Report – The Kinsey Institute
Hugh Hefner (1926-2017) US-amerikanischer Verleger, Gründer und Chefredakteur des Männermagazins ⚡ Playboy, Pamphletist der irreführenden Theorien des kriminellen US-amerikanischen Sexualforschers Alfred Charles Kinsey, Ph.D. (1894-1956)
Hugh Hefner (1926-2017)
McKinsey & Company – McKinsey & Company
Eric D. Beinhocker (*1968) US-amerikanischer leitender Mitarbeiter im McKinsey Global Institute, Forscher im Bereich Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft und öffentliche Ordnung
Eric D. Beinhocker (*1968) US American senior fellow, McKinsey Global Institute, researcher of business and political economics and Public Policy
Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt (1928-2018) österreichischer Verhaltensforscher
Prof. Dr. Jens Rowold (*1972) deutscher Professor für Personalentwicklung und Veränderungsmanagement, Zentrum für Weiterbildung, Technische Universität Dortmund
Jens Rowold, Ph.D. (*1972) German professor of personnel development and change management, Technical University Dortmund
Leon Eisenberg, M.D., D.Sc. [Scientific father of ADHD] (1922-2009) US American child psychiatrist, social psychiatrist, medical educator
Dr. med. Leon Eisenberg (1922-2009) US-amerikanischer Kinder- und Sozialpsychiater, medizinischer Dozent, Erfinder des psychiatrischen Krankheitsbilds Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätssyndrom (ADHS)
Eva Herman (*1958) deutsche Fernsehmoderatorin, Autorin
Strephon Kaplan-Williams (1934-2009) US-amerikanischer Jungscher Traumforscher, Autor
Strephon Kaplan-Williams (1934-2009) US American Jungian dream researcher, author
Robert M. Kaplan, Ph.D., Australian associate professor of forensic psychiatry, graduate school of medicine, University of Wollogong, historian, author
Maria V. Snyder US American meteorologist, novelist ✓
Touch of Power, Mira, 20. December 2011
Michael Baigent (1948-2013) New Zealand speculative theorist, author
Richard Leigh (1943-2007) US American short story writer, novelist
Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999) US American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer, editor
Rick Hanson, Ph.D. (*1949) US American neuropsychologist, co-founder of The Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, author
Buddha’s Brain. The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom, New Harbinger, Oakland, California, 1st edition 1. November 2009
Rick Mendius, M.D., US American neurologist, teacher, author ✓
Erik Erikson (1902-1994) German-born American developmental psychologist, psychoanalyst, developer o the theory on psychosocial development of human beings
Erik H. Erikson (1902-1994) deutsch-amerikanischer Psychoanalytiker, Vertreter der psychoanalytischen Ich-Psychologie, Neofreudianer
Jane Loevinger (1918-2008) US American developmental psychologist, developer of a theory of personality and maturing conscience
Jane Loevinger (1918-2008) US-amerikanische Entwicklungspsychologin, Erforscherin von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen, familiären Interaktionsmustern und Gewissensbildung
Elizabeth Kucinich (*1977) US American director of public affairs for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, wife of the U.S. Congressman and former Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich
John Bargh, Ph.D. (*1955) US American social psychologist, motivation and cognition researcher, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, author
Dr. John A. Bargh (*1955) US-amerikanischer Pschologe, Kognitions- und Motivationsforscher, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Autor
Robin Morgan (*1941) US American child actor, political theorist, activist, feminist, lecturer, journalist, poet, author
Sisterhood is Powerful. An Anthology of Writings From The Women's Liberation Movement, Random House, 1970
Anatomy of Freedom. Feminism, Physics, and Global Politics, W.W. Norton & Company, 1st edition 1982, 2nd edition 1. January 1990
Stanton Peele, Ph.D., J.D. (*1946) US American licensed psychologist, practicing psychotherapist, attorney, expert on alcoholism, addiction and addiction treatment, author
The Diseasing of America, Jossey-Bass, reissued paper edition 22. January 1999
Dr. Stanton Peele (*1946) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut, Rechtsanwalt, Suchtexperte, Autor
Archie Brodsky, US American research associate, Department of Psychiatry, Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, coauthor
Joe Biden (*1942) 47th US vice president
Steve Biddulph (*1953) britisch-australischer Familienpsychologe- und therapeut, Männerforscher und -aktivist
Neil Howe (*1951) US American historian, sociologist, economist, demographer, president of LifeCourse Associates, author
William Strauss (1947-2007) US American historian, playwright, theater director, lecturer, author
Strauss and Howe
Generations, 1991
Generations. The History of America's Future, 1584 to 2069, Harper Perennial, 30. September 1992
/dp/0767900464?tag=spiritualwi04-21|The Fourth Turning]], Broadway Books, reprint edition September 1997
William Strauss, Neil Howe und R.J. Matson, Millennials Rising. The Next Great Generation, Vintage, 5. September 2000
Jeff Jarvis (*1954) US American associate professor of journalism, Graduate School of Journalism, City University of New York, public speaker, former television critic
Steven Johnson (*1968) US American media theorist, popular science author
Donald James Wheal [Thomas Dresden] (1931-2008) British scriptwriter, television writer, non-fiction writer, novelist
Michael Mauboussin (*1964) US American adjunct professor of finance, Columbia Business School, managing director and head of Global Financial Strategies, Credit Suisse
Diotima of Mantinea, Greek-Arcadian female philosopher, Socrates' mentor
Diotima, altgriechisch-arkadische Philosophin, Sokrates Lehrerin
Steven Hassan (*1954) US-amerikanischer Ex-Moonie, Sektenausstiegsberater, psychologischer Berater, Autor
Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American ex-Moonie, cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author
Freedom of Mind. Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs, Freedom of Mind Press, 14. June 2012
Peter D. Kramer (*1948) US American psychiatrist specializing in the area of depression, former Marshall scholar, faculty member of Brown Medical School author
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) Chilean politician, poet, writer, Nobel laureate in literature, 1971
Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) chilenischer Politiker, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur, 1971
Laurence Gardner (1943-2010) British researcher, lecturer, writer focusing on alternative history
Francesco Cossiga (1928-2010) Italian professor of constitutional law, University of Sassari, politician, 42nd Italian prime minister (1979-1980), 8th Italian president (1985-1992)
Alexander Lauterwasser (*1951) German cymatics researcher, photographer, author
Alexander Lauterwasser (*1951) deutscher Wasserforscher, Kymatik-Medienkünstler, Autor ✓
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) US-amerikanischer Theologe, Philosoph, Politologe
Gelassenheits-Gebet bei den Treffen der AA-Selbsthilfegruppen (1941-1942)
Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) US American professor of theology, Union Theological Seminary, ethicist, public intellectual, commentator on politics and public affairs
The Structure of Nations and Empires, 1959
Moral Man and Immoral Society. A Study in Ethics and Politics , Charles Scribner's Sons, 1932, Westminster John Knox Press, 2002, 2nd edition 18. January 2013
Marc Sautet (1947-1998) französischer Philosoph, Lehrer, Übersetzer (hauptsächlich Nietzsche), Autor
Ein Cafe für Sokrates. Philosophie für jedermann, btb Verlag, Düsseldorf/Zürich, 1999
Marc Sautet (1947-1998) French philosopher, teacher, translator (mainly of Nietzsche), writer
Dr. Hans Jenny (1904-1972) Swiss physician, natural scientist, father of cymatics
Heinrich Schmidt (1874-1935) deutscher Philosoph, Archivar
Philosophisches Wörterbuch, 19. Auflage 1943, Kröner Verlag Stuttgart, 23. vollständig neu bearbeitete Auflage 2009
Parker J. Palmer (*1939) US American educator, activist on education, community, leadership, spirituality and social change, author
Let Your Life Speak. Listening for the Voice of Vocation, Jossey Bass, 1st edition 10. September 1999
Paul Hawker, New Zealand US American TV series producer, author
Secret Affairs of the Soul. Ordinary people's extraordinary experiences of the sacred, Northstone Publishing, 1. November 2000
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984) britischer Physiker, Mitbegründer der Quantenphysik, Nobelpreisträger, 1933
Paul Dirac
Dr. Stephen H. Wolinsky, US-amerikanischer Lehrer für Selbsterforschung und den Kaschmirischen Shivaismus
Stephen H. Wolinsky, Ph.D., US American teacher of self-enquiry and Kashmir Shaivism
Secret Affairs of the Soul. Ordinary People's Extraordinary Experiences of the Sacred, Northstone Publishing, 1. November 2000
Albert Pike (1809-1891) US American attorney, Confederate officer, 33rd degree Freemason, writer
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Supreme Council, Thirty Third Degree, of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction of the United States, 1871, 1872
Catherine Crier (*1954) US American Emmy, du-Pont-Columbia, and Gracie Allen Award-winning journalist, CNN newscast co-anchor, youngest state judge to ever be elected in Texas, author
Nansook Hong (*1966) koreanisch-US-amerikanische Ex-Moonie, geschiedene Frau von Hyo Jin Moon (†2008), dem ältesten Sohn des Kultführers Sun Myung Moon, Autorin
Ich schaue nicht zurück. 14 Jahre Hölle: Ein Opfer der Mun-Sekte berichtet, Lübbe, 1. Februar 2000
Nansook Hong (*1966) Korean-American ex-Moonie, divorced wife of Hyo Jin Moon (†2008) eldest son and heir-apparent of cult leader Sun Myung Moon
In the Shadow of the Moons. My Life in the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Family, autobiography, Little, Brown & Company, 1st edition 2. September 1998
Daniel Schacter, Ph.D. (*1952) US American professor of psychology, Harvard University, expert on psychological and biological aspects of human memory and amnesia
Felicitas Heyne (*1966) deutsche Psychologin, Autorin
Ashok Gangadean, Ph.D. (*1953) Indian professor of philosophy, department chair, Haverford College, co-convenor of the World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality
Friedrich Delitzsch (1850-1922) son of Lutheran theologian Franz Delitzsch (1813-1890), German Assyriologist, lecturer of Semitic languages, co-founder of the Deutsche Orientgesellschaft [German Oriental Society]
The Great Deception, 2 parts, 1920s
Friedrich Delitzsch (1850-1922) deutscher Assyriologe, Dozent für semitische Sprachen, Mitgründer der Deutschen Orientgesellschaft
Die große Täuschung. Kritische Betrachtungen zu den alttestamentlichen Berichten über Israels Eindringen in Kanaan, die Gottesoffenbarung vom Sinai und die Wirksamkeit der Propheten, 1920/1921, Neuauflage 1934
Die große Täuschung. Fortgesetzte kritische Betrachtungen zum Alten Testament, vornehmlich den Prophetenschriften und Psalmen, nebst Schlußfolgerungen, Zweiter Teil, 1921, Neuauflage 1926
Be Scofield, US American activist, web designer, DJ, producer, blogger for magazine Tikkun, writer
, presented by the publication The Guru
Michael Persinger (1945-2018) kanadischer Professor für kognitive Neurowissenschaft, Forscher der Neurotheologie, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Naturphilosoph
Michael Persinger (*1945) Canadian professor of cognitive neuro science, researcher in neurotheology, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, natural philosopher
Mary Anne Atwood (1817-1910) English writer on hermeticism and spiritual alchemy
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) deutscher humanistischer Gelehrter, Theologe, Jurist, Arzt, Astrologe, Alchemist, Okkultist, Autor
De Occulta Philosophia, 3 Bände, geschrieben 1510, veröffenticht 1533 ✓
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) German humanist scholar, theologian, astrologer, lawyer, physician, alchemist, occult writer
Three Books of Occult Philosophy, 3 volumes, published in Cologne, 1533
Peter A. Levine, Ph.D. (*1942) US American therapist specializing in the treatment and understanding of chronic stress, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD, tonic immobility), developer of Somatic Experiencing®, educator, author
In an Unspoken Voice. How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness, North Atlantic Books, 1st edition 28. September 2010
Piero Ferrucci (*1946) italienischer Philosoph, Psychotherapeut, ausgebildet in Psychosynthese
Unermeßlicher Reichtum, Rowohlt Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1994
⚡ Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, former community cult leader, author
Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007) US American polymath, philosopher, psychologist, futurist, civil libertarian, self-described agnostic mystic, editor, playwright, essayist, novelist, poet, author
Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2007) US-amerikanischer Philosoph, Anarchist, agnostischer Mystiker, Erfolgsautor
Romantrilogie Illuminatus!, 1969-1971
Michael Gurian US American family therapist, corporate consultant, social philosopher, global pioneer in the gender effectiveness movement, author
Roland Freisler (1893-1945) notorious Nazi lawyer and judge, State Secretary of the Reich Ministry of Justice, President of the People's Court (Volksgerichtshof)
Marko Rodin, US American mathematician, researcher
Bernard Jakoby (*1957) deutscher Sterbeforscher, Nahtodexperte, Literaturwissenschaftler, Autor
Alexander Nevzorov (*1958) former Russian and Soviet TV journalist, former member of the Russian parliament, film director, founder of the horsemanship school, Nevzorov Haute Ecole
Mark Rashid, US American horse trainer, clinician
Arthur Burt (1912-2012) US American preacher
Stuart Chase (1888-1985) US American economist, engineer trained at MIT, author
Franz Werfel (1890-1945) Austrian-Bohemian poet, playwright, novelist
Geronimo (1829-1909) Native American leader of the Bedonkohe Apache, war chief
Stephen LaBerge (*1947) US American psychophysiologist, researcher scientific study of lucid dreaming
Genghis Khan (1162?-1227) founder and Great Khan (emperor) of the Mongol Empire
Nicolas de Condorcet (1743-1794) French philosopher, mathematician, early political scientist, developer of the Condorcet method in voting tally selects
Leuren Moret (*1945) US American scientific geologist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Nuclear Weapons Lab, Livermore, international radiation specialist, whistleblower on illegal depleted uranium munitions, advisor of the United Nations' subcommission, governments and communities ✓
James J. Hurtak, Ph.D. (*1940) US American anthropologist, comparative religious scientist, scholar, founder and director of The Academy for Future Science, author
Dr. James J. Hurtak (*1940) US-amerikanischer Anthropologe, vergleichender Religionswissenschaftler, Gelehrter, Gründer und Leiter der Academy for Future Science, Autor
Die Schlüssel des Enoch
Dr. Ron Smothermon, US-amerikanischer Arzt, Therapeut, Seminarleiter, Autor
Drehbuch für Meisterschaft im Leben, Context Verlag, 1986, J. Kamphausen Verlag, Bielefeld, Taschenbuch 11. Auflage 1. Januar 1996, 2002
Drehbuch 2 – Das Mann/Frau Buch. Die Transformation der Liebe, J. Kamphausen, 1992, 1. Januar 1994
Karl Rove (*1950) US American Republican political consultant and policy advisor, senior advisor and deputy chief of staff during the George W. Bush administration (2000-2007)
Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of clinical psychology, coach, leadership consultant, author
Archibald Joseph Cronin (1896-1981) schottischer Arzt, Schriftsteller
Die Zitadelle, 1937
A. J. Cronin (1896-1981) Scottish physician, novelist
The Citadel, 1937
William R. Miller, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology and psychiatry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, author
S. M. Miller, US American emeritus professor of sociology, Boston University, co-founder and long-time board member of UFE
Susan Brownmiller (*1935) US American feminist, social activist, journalist, author
Against Our Will. Men, Women, and Rape, Ballantine Books, 1. January 1975
Susan Brownmiller (*1935) US-amerikanische radikalfeministische Aktivistin, Journalistin Autorin
Thomas L. Friedman (*1953) US American Zionist journalist, columnist for The New York Times, 3-fold Pulitzer prize laureate
Ashleigh Brilliant (*1933) English syndicated cartoonist, author
Adam Hartung (*1957) US American entrepreneur, executive in three Fortune 100 companies, business consultant, speaker, columnist, author
Create Marketplace Disruption. How to Stay Ahead of the Competition, FT Press, 1st edition 7. August 2008
Thomas Frey thomas-frey-bio (*1954) US American executive director and senior futurist, DaVinci Institute
Rüdiger Lenz (*1962) deutscher Selbstentwickler, Freiheits- und Friedensaktivist, systemischer Therapeut, Sachbuchautor
Marie D. Jones, US American researcher, radio host, author
Carl Amery [Christian Anton Mayer] (1922-2005) German environmental activist, writer
Carl Amery [Christian Anton Mayer] (1922-2005) deutscher Umweltaktivist, Schriftsteller
Die ökologische Chance
Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, independent researcher, author
The Tutankhamun Prophecies. The Sacred Secret of the Mayas, Egyptians and Freemasons, Headline Book Publishing, 1st edition 28. January 1999
Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) englischer Elektro- und Kommunikationsinginieur, Mathematiker, Wissenschaftler, Autor
Die ersten Götter – Kulturgründer von jenseits des Himmels, Heyne, München, 1999
Alison Armstrong, US American men researcher, seminar leader, author
Making Sense of Men. A Woman's Guide to a Lifetime of Love, Care and Attention from All Men, Pax Programs, 15. February 2008
Anthony of Padua, O.F.M. [Anthony of Lisbon] (1195-1231) Portuguese Catholic priest, friar of the Franciscan Order
Antonius von Padua (1195-1231) [Antonius von Lissabon] portugiesischer Franziskaner, Prediger, Theologe, Heiliger der römisch-katholischen Kirche
Valerie V. Hunt, Ed.D. (1916-2014) US American neurophysiological research scientist, bioengineer, healer, lecturer, author, professor emeritus of physiological science, University of California, Los Angeles ✓
Valerie M. Hudson, Ph.D., US American professor of political science, The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, since January 2012
Dr. Seuss [Theodor Seuss Geisel] (1904-1991) US American cartoonist, poet, writer of children's books
Lloyd deMause (1931-2020) US American social thinker, lay psychoanalyst, director of The Association for Psychohistory, president of the International Psychohistorical Association, editor of the The Journal of Psychohistory ✓
The History of Childhood, 1974
[[|''The History of Childhood Jason Aronson, Northvale, New Jersey, 1. June 1995
Foundations of Psychohistory, Creative Roots Publisher, 1st edition January 1982
History of Childhood. The Untold Story of Child Abuse, Peter Bedrick Books, April 1988
Foundations of Psychohistory, "Preface", Creative Roots Publisher, 1st edition January 1982 ✓
The Emotional Life Of Nations, "Preface", Other Press, 17. June 2002
Lloyd deMause] (1931-2020) US-amerikanischer Sozialwissenschaftler, Laienpsychoanalytiker, Leiter der Association for Psychohistory, Präsident der Internationalen Psychohistorischen Vereinigung, Herausgeber des [[wpe:Journal_of_Psychohistory|Journal of Psychohistory
Aurel Ende, Herausgeber, Grundlagen der Psychohistorie. Psychohistorische Schriften, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 1989
Selma Fraiberg (1918-1981) US American child psychoanalyst, social worker, author
Pamela Haag, Ph.D. US American historian, feminist, author
Hans Dieter Leuenberger (1931-2007) schweizerischer Pfarrer, Psychotherapeut, Esoteriker
Peter Scholl-Latour (1924-2014) deutsch-französischer Publizist, Journalist
Philip Greven, Ph.D. (*1935) US American assistant professor of early American history, University of British Columbia
The Protestant Temperament. Patterns of Child-Rearing, Religious Experience, and the Self in Early America, University Of Chicago Press, 15. September 1988
Allan G. Johnson, Ph.D., US American sociologist, public speaker, novelist, writer on social inequality ✓
The Gender Knot. Unraveling Our Patriarchal Legacy, Temple University Press, 1st revised edition 29. April 2005
G. R. S. Mead [George Robert Stowe Mead] (1863-1933) English influential member of the Theosophical Society, founder of the Quest Society, translator, editor, author
Karlheinz Deschner (1924-2014) deutscher Religions- und Kirchenkritiker, Schriftsteller
Abermals krähte der Hahn. Eine kritische Kirchengeschichte, 4 Bände, Verlag H.E. Günther, Stuttgart 1962, Edition Enfer, Lahnstein, 2010 Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums, zehnbändiges Hauptwerk, 1986-März 2013
René Girard (1923-2015) French-born American historian, anthropological philosopher of social science, literary critic, author
René Girard (1923-2015) französisch-amerikanischer Kulturanthropologe, Historiker, Literaturwissenschaftler, Religionsphilosoph, Autor
Robert Kiyosaki (*1947) US American investor, businessman, motivational speaker, financial literacy activist, financial commentator, self-help author
Siri Hustvedt (*1955) US American essayist, novelist
Jaak Panksepp, Ph.D. (1943-2017) Estonian-born American professor of psychology, Bowling Green State University, psychobiologist, neuroscientist, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, author
Dr. Jaak Panksepp (1943-2017) estnisch-amerikanischer emeritierter Professor für Psychologie, Bowling Green State University, Ohio, Psychobiologe, Neurowissenschaftler spezialisiert auf des Spiel- und Sozialverhalten, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Autor
Arvid Leyh (*1968) deutscher Wissenschaftsjournalist, Redaktionsleiter der Publikation, Podcaster, Autor
Arvid Leyh (*1968) German science journalist, editor-in-chief of, podcaster, author
Robert Eisenman, US American professor of Middle East religions, archaeology, and Islamic law, director of the Institute for the Study of Judaeo-Christian Origins, California State University, Long Beach, biblical scholar, historian, "road" poet, theoretical writer
James the Brother of Jesus. The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls, 1997
Norman Dodd (1899-1987) US American banker/bank manager, financial advisor, chief investigator for the 1953 United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations initiated by US congressman B. Carroll Reece
Martin Bernal (1937-2013) British scholar of modern Chinese political history, professor emeritus of government and Near Eastern studies, Cornell University, Ithaca
Black Athena. The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization. The Fabrication of Ancient Greece 1785-1985, Volume 1, 1986, Rutgers University Press, 1. February 1991
Stan Gooch (1932-2010) British psychologist, author
Cities of Dreams. When Women Ruled the Earth, 1989, Aulis Publishers, 2nd edition 1. December 1995
Neil Kramer (*1972) British spiritual philosopher, teacher specializing in the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, and mysticism, speaker, author
Dr. med. Colin Ross (*1950) kanadischer Psychiater, Gründer des Colin Ross Instituts für psychologisches Trauma, Referent, Autor
Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author
W. H. Auden (1907-1973) Anglo-American poet, famous writer of the 20th century
Nathan S. Kline, M.D. (1916-1983) US American psychiatrist, researcher on psychopharmacologic drugs
Hugh J. Schonfield (1901-1988) British Bible scholar specializing in the New Testament and the early development of the Christian religion and church
The Passover Plot. New Light on the History of Jesus, 1965
Michael Parenti (*1933) US American historian, culture critic, activist, political writer on scholarly and popular subjects
Dr. Howard Zinn [BW 200] (1922-2010) einflussreicher US-amerikanischer emeritierter Professor für Politikwissenschaft, Boston Universität (1964-1988), progressiver Historiker, akademischer Linker, Aktivist, Autor
Howard Zinn, Ph.D. [LoC 200] (1922-2010) US American professor of political science, Boston University (1964-1988), progressive historian, social activist, playwright, author TvsF S. 209, 2005
A Real People's History of the United States. 1492-Present, Harper Collins, 1st edition 1980, 2010
chapter 1 ✓
You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train. A Personal History of Our Times, Beacon Press, 5. September 2002
Dieter Wunderlich, deutscher Psychologe, Autor
Barbara G. Walker (*1930) US American cultural anthropology researcher, journalist, feminist author
The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1st edition 30. November 1983
Barbara G. Walker (*1930) US-amerikanische kulturanthropologische Forscherin, Journalistin, feministische Autorin
Das geheime Wissen der Frauen, Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt am Main, 1993, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), 1995, Arun-Verlag, 3. Auflage 17. Dezember 2007
Andre Vltchek (*1963) US American philosopher, filmmaker, photographer, investigative journalist, playwright, novelist
Noam Chomsky [BW 135-185] (*1928) US-amerikanischer Professor für Linguistik, Kognitionswissenschaftler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), sozialer Aktivist, Autor
Sprache und Politik, Philo Verlag, 1999, 2. Auflage 2000
Noam Chomsky [LoC 135-185] (*1928) US American professor emeritus of linguistics, philosopher, cognitive scientist, social activist, author TvsF S. 209, 2005
Hopes and Prospects, Haymarket Books, 1st edition 1. June 2010
Jacques Lacan [LoC 180] (1901-1981) controversial French psychoanalyst, psychiatrist, philosopher, post-structuralist, author
Jacques Lacan [BW 180] (1901-1981) umstrittener französischer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Poststrukturalist, Autor TvsF S. 209, 2005
Edmund Husserl [LoC 195] [LoC 499] TvsF S. 209, TvsF S. 254
Edmund Husserl [BW 195] [BW 499]
Michel Foucault [LoC 190] (1926-1984) French philosopher, historian of ideas, social theorist, philologist, literary critic, author
Michel Foucault [BW 190]
Jean-Francois Lyotard [LoC 185]
Jean-Francois Lyotard [BW 185]
Rigoberta Menchú Tum [LoC 180] (*1959) indigenous Guatemalan K'iche', UNESCO goodwill ambassador, politician, author on the plight of Guatemala's indigenous peoples during and after the Guatemalan Civil War (1960-1996), promoter of indigenous rights, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1992
Rigoberta Menchú Tum [BW 180] TvsF S. 209, 2005
Shirin Ebadi (*1947) Iranian lawyer, former judge, human rights activist, founder of Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2003
Gore Vidal [LoC 180] (1925-2012) US American political left advocate, author
Gore Vidal [BW 180] (1925-2012) US-amerikanischer Verfechter der politischen Linken, Autor TvsF S. 209, 2005
Webster Tarpley (*1946) US American historian, economist, political analyst, critic of U.S. foreign and domestic policy, journalist, lecturer, conspiracy author
Petrarch [Francesco Petrarca, Father of Humanism] (1304-1374) Italian scholar, one of the earliest humanists, poet
Luce Irigaray [LoC 155] (*1930) Belgian philosopher, linguist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, cultural theorist, feminist
Speculum of the Other Woman, 1974
This Sex Which Is Not One, 1977
Luce Irigaray [BW 155] (*1930) TvsF S. 209, 2005
Julia Kristeva [LoC 150] (*1941) Bulgarian-French professor of philosophy, University Paris Diderot, literary critic, psychoanalyst, sociologist, cultural theorist, critical analyst, feminist, novelist
Julia Kristeva [BW 150] (*1941) TvsF S. 209, 2005
Herbert Marcuse [LoC 150] (1898-1979) German-American philosopher, sociologist, political theorist, associated with the Frankfurt School TvsF S. 209, 2005
Herbert Marcuse [BW 150]
John D. Caputo [BW 185] TvsF S. 209, 2005
John D. Caputo [LoC 185]
Jean Baudrillard [BW 175] TvsF S. 209, 2005
Jean Baudrillard [LoC 175]
Ernst Fehr (*1956) Austrian economist, professor of microeconomics and experimental economic research (on fairness, reciprocity and bounded rationality), chairman of the department of economics, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Ernst Fehr (*1956) österreichischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Professor für Mikroökonomik und Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung, Erforscher der Verhaltensökonomie, Direktor des Instituts für Volkswirtschaftslehre, seit 2011, Universität Zürich
Harald Schumann (*1957) deutscher investigativer Wirtschaftsjournalist, Diplom-Ingenieur, Sachbuchautor
Dr. med. John Virapen [John Rengen] (1943-2015) indischer ehemaliger Manager der Pharmakonzerne Eli Lilly (1980-1988) und Novo Nordisk, Whistleblower, Enthüllungsautor
Nebenwirkung Tod. Korruption in der Pharma-Industrie. Ein Ex-Manager packt aus, Mazaruni Publishing, 4. Auflage 21. November 2008
John Virapen, M.A. [John Rengen] (1943-2015) former Indian manager of pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly (1980-1988) and Novo Nordisk, whistleblower, author
Ō no Yasumaro (?-723) Japanese nobleman, bureaucrat, chronicler
Kojiki [Record of Ancient Matters] oldest Japanese extant chronicle, 711-712 AD
Ō no Yasumaro (?-723) japanischer adliger Hofbeamter, Gelehrter
Kojiki, 711-712 n. Chr.
Guru Grath Sahib, heilige Schrift der Sikhs, Ang 1299, 1469-1708
Message of Guru Granth Sahib, living Guru of Sikhism, Shabad, 1469-1708
Guru Granth Sahib [Adi Granth]
Der Adigranth [Buch des Uranfänglichen], 1469-1708 ✓
Vardhamāna Mahāvīra (~497-425 v. Chr.) Indian 24th and last tirthankara of Jainism – (599-527 BC) older estimate
Sutrakritanga Sutra
Mahavira [Großer Held] (~497-425 v. Chr.) indischer Begründer der indischen Religion Jainismus, letzter der 24 Tirthankaras (Furtbereiter)
Alan Butler, British engineer, historical researcher and writer
Ilchi Lee (*1950) South Korean founder of mind-body training methods and Dahn yoga, author
Steven L. Hairfield, B.A., M.A., US American psychologist, theologian, metaphysician, author ✓
Christian M. Kamerer (editor), Return to Innocence. Messages from the Ancients, Innercircle Publishing, 30. December 2003
... Donald S. Moore, editor, The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma, InnerCircle Publishing, 21. June 2009
Jim Carrey (*1962) Canadian-American actor, comedian, producer
William Bengston, Ph.D., US American professor of sociology, St. Joseph's College, New York, "failed skeptic", experimental researcher in energy healing arts
Sam Harris (*1967) US American neuroscientist, philosopher, public intellectual, co-founder and CEO of Project Reason, atheist, author
The End of Faith, 2004
Michael Shermer (*1954) US American historian of science, founder of The Skeptics Society, founding publisher of its magazine Skeptic, science writer
Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson (*1943) fünfter isländischer Staatspräsident
Cleve Backster (1924-2013) US American polygraph scientist experimenting with biocommunication in plant and animal cells in the 1960s, developer of the theory of primary perception, director of the Backster School of Lie Detection in San Diego, California
James Twyman, US-amerikanischer Filmproduzent, Musiker, Autor
James Twyman, US American filmmaker, musician, author
Anwar El Sadat (1918-1981) assassinated third president of Egypt (1970-1981)
Moshe Dayan (1915-1981) Israeli military leader, politician, fourth Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (1953-1958)
⚡ Louis Pasteur [Father of microbiology] [LoC 465/485] (1822-1895) French chemist, physician, microbiologist RSMM 87, TvF 139
⚡ Louis Pasteur [Vater der Mikrobiologie] [BW 465/485] (1822-1895) französischer Arzt, Chemiker, Mikrobiologe
Robert Koch (1843-1910) German physician, founder of microbiology, Nobel Peace Prize laureate in physiology for his tuberculosis findings, 1905
Stephen Larsen, US American psychologist, founder of the Center for Symbolic Studies, author
The Fundamentalist Mind. How Polarized Thinking Imperils Us All, Quest Books, 1. January 2007
The Little Shaman's Book of Dreams
Fortune 500 companies
Dion Fortune [Violet Mary Firth Evans] (1890-1946) British occultist, author
Richard Branson (*1950) English business magnate, founder and chairman of Virgin Group
Richard Boyd, Ph.D. (*1942-2021) US American philosopher
⚡ Terence McKenna (1946-2000) US American ethnobotanist, philosopher, psychonaut, multidisciplinary researcher, lecturer, author on cyclical historic waves, MKUltra agent
Food of the Gods. The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution, Bantam, reprint edition 1. January 1993
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist
Prof. Dr. med. Abram Hoffer (1917-2009) kanadischer Biochemiker, Psychiater
Anodea Judith (*1952) US American psychotherapist, historian, mythologist, lecturer on body/mind integration, author
The Global Heart Awakens. Humanity's Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love, Energy Psychology Press, 1. January 2010, Shift Books, 2nd edition 18. July 2013
Prof. Klaus Buchner (*1941) deutscher Professor für Physik, Politiker der (ÖDP), Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments
Edward Young (1683-1765) englischer Geistlicher, Dichter
J. Randolph (Randy) Richmond (†2017) US American publisher, Human Design System consultant, recovered alcoholism addict, author
Karl Ove Knausgård (*1968) Norwegian author
Dr. Candace Pert (1946- 2013) US-amerikanische Neuropharmakologin, Neuropsychoimmunologin, Autorin
Candace Pert (1946- 2013) US American neuropharmacologist, neuropsychoimmunologist, author
Molecules of Emotion. The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine. Why You Feel the Way You Feel, Scribner, 1st Touchstone edition, 17. February 1999
Jean-Claude Juncker (*1954) luxemburgischer christlich-sozialer Politiker, Finanzminister (1989-2009), Premierminister (1995-2013), Vorsitzender der Euro-Gruppe (2005-2013), Präsident der Europäischen Kommission (2014-2019), Mitglied des NWO-orientierten Kommittees der 300
Jean-Claude Juncker (*1954) Luxembourgish politician, minister for finances (1989-2009), prime minister of Luxembourg (1995-2013), president of the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union (EU) (2014-2019), member of the NWO focussed Committee of 300
Mary Elizabeth Lease (1850-1933) US American political activist, advocate of the suffrage and temperance movement, lecturer, writer
speech History Is A Weapon, ~1890 ✓
Moses Maimonides [Moses ben Maimon] (1135/38-1204) Spanish preeminent medieval Sephardic Jewish philosopher, astronomer, physician, prolific and influential Torah scholar of the Middle Ages
Moses Maimonides [Moses ben Maimon] (1135/38-1204) spanischer Philosoph des Mittelalters, Rechtsgelehrter, Astronom, Arzt, bedeutender jüdischer Torah-Gelehrter
Christa Meves (*1925) deutsche Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin, Schriftstellerin
⚡ Bill Griffith Wilson [Bill W.] [LoC 540] (1895-1971) US American co-founder of the international mutual aid fellowship Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
A.A. Big Book, step 3
Alcoholics Anonymous – The Big Book online, 1st edition 1939, 4th edition 2001
Language of the Heart. Bill W's Grapevine Writings, Grapevine, October 1988
Spiritual Awakenings. Journeys of The Spirit, A.A. Grapevine, 2003
Alcoholics Anonymous, Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, AA World Services, 1st edition 10. February 2002
⚡ Bill Griffith Wilson [Bill W.] [BW 540] (1895-1971) US-amerikanischer Mitgründer der internationalen Selbsthilfevereinigung [[wp:Anonyme Alkoholiker|Anonyme Alkoholiker] (AA)
Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author
Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013
Paul Levy (*1956) US-amerikanischer Künstler, Heiler, Autor
Thomas Becket (†1170) (†1170) englischer Lordkanzler, Erzbischof von Canterbury
Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899) US-amerikanischer Erweckungsprediger
Allan G. Hunter, Ph.D., British-born US American professor of literature, counselor, personal development workshop leader
Dr. William Hunter (1718-1783) schottischer Mediziner
Marshall Vian Summers (*1949) US American religious leader, founder of The Society – The New Message from God, author
Octavio Paz (1914-1998) Mexican diplomat, poet, writer, Nobel laureate in literature, 1990
Rodney Collin (1909-1956) British student of Peter D. Ouspensky, writer in the area of spiritual development
Peter D. Ouspensky [LoC 335] (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, author
In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, Harcourt, 1949
John G. Bennett (1897-1974) britischer Mathematiker, Wissenschaftler, Philosoph, Bewusstseinsforscher, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor
John G. Bennett (1897-1974) British mathematician, scientist, technologist, industrial research director, philosopher, consciousness researcher, spiritual teacher, author
Witness. The Autobiography of John G. Bennett, Omen Press, Tucson, 1974
⚡ Georges I. Gurdjeff (1866-1949) griechisch-armenischer Esoteriker, Komponist, Choreograph, Lehrer des "Vierten Wegs", Schriftsteller
⚡ George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer
John C. Lilly (1915-2001) US-amerikanischer Delfin- und Bewusstseinsforscher, Neurowissenschaftler, Philosoph, Psychoanalytiker, Psychonaut, Schriftsteller
seine Frau Antonietta Lena Lilly
Dr. John C. Lilly (1915-2001) US American physician, neuroscientist, psychoanalyst, psychonaut, philosopher, writer
Antonietta Lena Lilly (wife)
The dyadic cyclone. The autobiography of a couple, Paladin, 1978
E. J. Gold, co-author, Tanks for the Memories. Floatation Tank Talks, Gateways, Nevada City, 1995
⚡ E. J. Gold (*1941) US American artist, jazz musician, spiritual teacher in the "Fourth Way" tradition of G.I. Gurdjieff, author
Life In the Labyrinth, book 2 of Labyrinth Trilogy, Gateways Books, 2nd edition 1. March 1991
Willis Harman (1918-1997) US American engineer, social scientist, visionary futurist, director of the Educational Policy Research Center, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), consultant to the White House in matters of CIA driven LSD research, president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), California, author
Dr. Willis Harman (1918-1997) US-amerikanischer Ingenieur, Sozialwissenschaftler, visionärer Futurist, Direktor des Educational Policy Research Centers, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), Berater des Weißen Hauses bezüglich der CIA-gesteuerten LSD-Forschung, Leiter des Instituts der Noetischen Wissenschaften (IONS), Kalifornien, Autor
Thelma Moss, Ph.D. (1918-1997) US American psychologist, parapsychologist researching Kirlian photography and the human aura
Alfred Matthew Hubbard [Johnny Appleseed of LSD] (1901-1982) US American early proponent for the drug LSD during the 1950s
Myron Stolaroff (1920-2013) US American researcher of psychedelic psychotherapy with LSD, mescaline, and other drugs
Owsley Stanley [Bear] (1935-2011) US American figure of the San Francisco Bay Area counter-culture of the 1960s, LSD underground chemist
Ken Kessey (1935-2001) US American counter-cultural figure, CIA government agent, novelist, author
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Viking Press & Signet Books, 1962
Gerald Heard (1889-1971) Anglo-Irish historian, mystical philosopher, mentor to ⚡ Bill Griffith Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, educator, science writer
Carroll Quigley, Ph.D. (1910-1977) US American professor of history, theorist of the evolution of civilizations, Georgetown University, researcher on secret societies, author
Tragedy and Hope, The Macmillan Company, 1966
Dr. Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) US-amerikanischer Professor für Geschichte, Zivilisationstheoretiker, Georgetown University, Erforscher von Geheimgesellschaften, Autor
Emily Esfahani Smith, Swiss-Canadian instructor in positive psychology, University of Pennsylvania, journalist, writer ✓
Arno Gruen (1923-2015) German-Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst, critic of civilization, author
The Betrayal of the Self. Fear of Autonomy in Men and Women, Grove Press, New York, 1st edition March 1988
... Hildegarde and Hunter Hannum, translators, The Insanity of Normality. Realism As Sickness. Toward Understanding Human Destructiveness, Grove/Atlantic, 1st English edition July 1992
Arno Gruen (1923-2015) deutsch-schweizerischer Psychologe, Psychoanalytiker, Zivilisationskritiker, Schriftsteller
Der Verrat am Selbst. Die Angst vor Autonomie bei Mann und Frau, 1986, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, Neuauflage 1. Januar 1992
Der Wahnsinn der Normalität. Realismus als Krankheit. Eine Theorie der menschlichen Destruktivität: Realismus als Krankheit: eine grundlegende Theorie zur menschlichen Destruktivität, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), 1989, 1. Januar 1992
Der Verlust des Mitgefühls. Über die Politik der Gleichgültigkeit, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1. Oktober 1997
Verratene Liebe – Falsche Götter, ECON Verlag, 1991, Klett-Cotta, 2. Auflage November 2003
Der Kampf um die Demokratie. Der Extremismus, die Gewalt und der Terror, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1. Oktober 2004
Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) German-American psychologist, modern pioneer of social, organizational, and applied psychology
Alan Watt (1965-2021) Scottish researcher, radio show host, alternative media publicist, author
Cutting Throught the Matrix on the Republic Broadcasting Network
John B. Watson (1878-1958) US American psychologist, founder of the psychological school of behaviorism, researcher on animal behavior, child rearing, and advertising
G. Brock Chisholm, M.D. (1896-1971) Canadian physician, psychiatrist, First World War veteran, first director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), 1948, co-founder of World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH), 1948, president of WFMH (1957-1958)
Dr. med. Brock Chisholm (1896-1971) kanadischer Psychiater, erster Generaldirektor der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) (1948-1953)
Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1897-1957) Austrian-American psychoanalyst, member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after Sigmund Freud, most radical figure in the history of psychiatry
The Mass Psychology of Fascism [Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus], Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1933
Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) deutscher politischer Philosoph, Begründer des deutschen Idealismus, Vater des deutschen Nationalismus, Autor
Sämtliche Werke Band I, 1965
Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) German political philosopher, founding figure of German idealism, father of German nationalism, author
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) Hungarian-British renegade of the Communist Party, journalist, author
Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) österreichisch-ungarischer Renegat der Kommunistischen Partei, Journalist, Schriftsteller
Thomas Drake (*1957) US-amerikanischer ehemaliger Angestellter der National Security Agency (NSA), Experte für Softwaretests, Whistleblower
Thomas Andrews Drake (*1957) US American former senior executive of the National Security Agency (NSA), US Air Force and Navy veteran, whistleblower
Susan Lindauer (*1963) US American journalist, antiwar activist, former Congressional staffer, U.S. Intelligence asset
Nigel Nicolson OBE (1917-2004) British politician, publisher, writer
Thomas M. Schmidt (*1960) deutscher Philosoph, römisch-katholischer Theologe
Dr. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) German-Alsatian theologian, physician, medical missionary, philosopher, humanist, organist, author
The Philosophy of Civilization, Prometheus Books, 1. March 1987
cited in: Viktor Frankl, The Unconscious God. Psychotherapy and Theology, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1975
Dr. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) deutsch-elsässischer Arzt, evangelischer Theologe, medizinischer Missionar, Kulturphilosoph, Humanist, Organist, Friedensnobelpreisträger, 1952, Autor
Albert Schweitzer. Selbstzeugnisse. Aus meiner Kindheit und Jugendzeit. Zwischen Wasser und Urwald. Briefe aus Lambarene, Deutscher Bücherbund, 1. Januar 1960
Kultur und Ethik, C.H.Beck, 1. Auflage 1996, Kulturphilosophie 1. Verfall und Wiederaufbau der Kultur / Kultur und Ethik, C.H. Beck, Neuauflage 23. August 2007
Das Albert Schweitzer Lesebuch, Verlag C.H.Beck, München, 4. Auflage, 25. August 2009
Robert Gass (*1948) US American leadership coach, organizational consultant, seminar leader, rock musician
Joanne K. Rowling (*1965) britische Erfolgsautorin
Weltbestseller Phantasy-Jugendroman-Serie Harry Potter, 2001-2011
Harry Potter (Filmserie) (2001-2011)
Joanne K. Rowling (*1965) British bestselling author
phantasy series, bestselling youth novel Harry Potter, Bloomsbury Publishing, 1997-2007
⚡ Aldous Huxley [LoC 485, work LoC 425] (1894-1963) English US American visionary "humanist", pacifist, counterculture hero, poet, dystopian essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism TvF 124, 376
collection of essays Music at Night, 1931
dystopian novel Brave New World, Chatto & Windus, United Kingdom, 1932
The Perennial Philosophy, Chatto & Windus, United Kingdom, Harper & Row, New York City, New York, 1945
Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Harper, New York, 1952
The Devils of Loudun, 1952
The Doors of Perception, Chatto & Windus, United Kingdom, Harper & Row, United States, 1954
Brave New World Revisited, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1st edition 1. January 1957, 1958, Chatto & Windus, United Kingdom, 1959
The Devils of Loudan, non-fiction novel, 1952
⚡ Aldous Huxley [BW 485, Werk BW 425] (1894-1963) britisch-US-amerikanischer Kulturkritiker, Humanist, Pazifist, Visionär, parapsychologisch-philosophischer dystopischer Schriftsteller TvF 124, 376
dystopischer Roman Schöne neue Welt, Insel Verlag, 1932, Verlag Das Neue Berlin, 1978, S. Fischer Verlag, 2018
D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) englischer Literaturkritiker, Maler, Dichter, Roman- und Bühnenschriftsteller
D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930) English literary critic, painter, poet, playwright, essayist, novelist
Aldous Huxley's homosexual lover
partially cencored pornographic novel Lady Chatterley's Lover, 1928
Laura Huxley (1911-2007) Italian-American wife of Aldous Huxley, musician, psychological counselor, lecturer, author
Francis Galton (1822-1911) English Victorian polymath (anthropologist, eugenicist, tropical explorer, geographer, inventor, meteorologist, proto-geneticist, psychometrician, statistician), cousin of Charles Darwin
⚡ Julian Huxley (1887-1975) English evolutionary biologist, eugenicist, proponent of natural selection, internationalist, secretary of the Zoological Society of London (1935-1942), first director of UNESCO (1946-1948), founding member of the World Wildlife Fund, author
⚡ Sir Julian Huxley (1887-1975) englischer Evolutionsbiologe, Eugeniker, Internationalist, Transhumanist, erster Direktor von UNESCO (1946-1948), Gründungsmitglied von World Wildlife Fund, Schriftsteller
Charles Galton Darwin (1887-1962) English physicist (Manhattan Project), grandson of Charles Darwin, director of the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) during World War II, top eugenicist
The Next Million Years, 1952, Praeger, 20. August 1973
Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) British-Canadian psychiatrist, inventor of the term word 'psychedelic', researcher on psychedelic drugs
Humphry Osmond (1917-2004) britischer Psychiater, Wortgeber des Begriffs 'psychedelisch', Erforscher der Wirkung von halluzinogenen Drogen auf die menschliche Psyche
Isabel Allende (*1942) Chilean American storyteller, novelist, writer of the "magic realist" tradition
Germaine Greer (*1939) Australian academic, major feminist, journalist, author
The Female Eunuch, Harper Perennial, London, October 1970, 2006
Germaine Greer (*1939) australische Intellektuelle, wichtigste Feministin des 20. Jahrhunderts, Anarchistin, Publizistin, Autorin
Howard Gardner, Ph.D. (*1943) US American assistant professor of developmental psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education, author
Changing Minds. The Art and Science of Changing Our Own and Other People's Minds, Original, Harvard Business Review Press, 1. March 2004
Dr. Howard Gardner (*1943) US-amerikanischer Assistenzprofessor der Entwicklungspsychologie, Graduate School of Education, Harvard Universität, Autor
Abschied vom IQ. Die Rahmen-Theorie der vielfachen Intelligenzen, Klett-Cotta, 4. Auflage September 2005
Avraham Burg (*1955) Israeli politician, businessman, member and speaker of the Knesset, chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, interim president of Israel, author
Avraham Burg (*1955) israelischer Sozialwissenschaftler, Geschäftsmann, hochrangiger Politiker der Arbeitspartei Awoda, Autor
Richard Florida, Ph.D. (*1957) US American professor of urban studies theory, developer of a new social and economic theory, Martin Prosperity Institute, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
Aung San Suu Kyi (*1945) Burmese opposition politician (2012-2016), leader of Myanmar's democracy movement, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1991
Marion Woodman (1928-2018) Canadian Jungian analyst, women's movement figure, mythopoetic author
Marion Woodman (1928-2018) kanadische Jungsche Analytikerin, frauenbewegte mythopoetiche Autorin
Connie Zweig, Ph.D. (*1949) US American Jungian-oriented therapist, nondenominational minister, bestselling author (editor)
Jeremiah Abrams, US American psychotherapist (editor)
Meeting the Shadow. The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, Tarcher, 1st edition 1. April 1991
Norman Doidge, M.D. (*1950) Canadian US American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, brain researcher, essayist
The Brain That Changes Itself. Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science, Viking Adult, 1st edition 15. March 2007
Dr. med. Norman Doidge (*1950) kanadisch-US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Hirnforscher, Autor
Rudolf Otto [BW 485] (1869-1937) einflussreicher deutscher Religionswissenschaftler, evangelischer Theologe TvF 376
Das Heilige. Über das Irrationale in der Idee des Göttlichen und sein Verhältnis zum Rationalen, Trewendt & Granier, Breslau, 1917, 4. Auflage 1920 online, Beck, München, Nachdruck 18. März 2004
Rudolf Otto [LoC 485] (1869-1937) eminent German Lutheran theologian, scholar of comparative religion
The Idea of the Holy, Oxford University Press, 1923
Georg Simmel (1858-1918) deutscher Kulturphilosoph, Begründer der Formalen Soziologie, Konfliktsoziologe, Neukantianianer
Philosophie des Geldes, Duncker & Humblot Verlag, Berlin, 1900, Anaconda Verlag, 31. March 2009
Dr. rer. nat. John-Dylan Haynes (*1971) deutscher Professor für Theorie und Analyse weiträumiger Hirnsignale, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Berlin (*2006)
Andrew Newberg, M.D. (*1966) US American neuro-scientist, adjunct professor of religious studies, radiologist, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine ✓
Dr. med. Andrew Newberg (*1966) US-amerikanischer Hirnforscher, außerordentlicher Professor für Religionswissenschaft, Pionier der Neurotheologie, Physiker der Nuklearmedizin, medizinische Fakultät der Universität von Pennsylvania
Mark Robert Waldman, US-amerikanischer Hirnforscher, Psychotherapeut, Center for Spirituality and the Mind, Universität von Pennsylvania, Autor
Mark Robert Waldman, US American brain researcher, psychotherapist, associate fellow, Center for Spirituality and the Mind, University of Pennsylvania, author
Words Can Change Your Brain. 12 Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase Intimacy Hudson Street Press, 14. June 2012
James B. Glattfelder, Ph.D. (*1972) Swiss physicist, complexity scientist, data scientist, philosopher, former Swiss chair of systems design, empirical analyst of ownership relations of a large database of international companies, ETH, Zürich, independent author
Information―Consciousness―Reality. How a New Understanding of the Universe Can Help Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence, Springer, 1st edition 24. April 2019
Dr. James Glattfelder (*1972) Schweizer Physiker, Komplexitätsforscher, Philosoph, Autor über Realität, Emergenz, Selbstorganisation und die Grenzen des Wissens
Susan Cain (*1968) US American former corporate lawyer, negotiations consultant, self-described introvert, lecturer, author
Quiet. The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, Crown Publishing Group, 24. January 2012
Susan Cain (*1968) US-amerikanische ehemaliger Unternehmensanwältin, Verhandlungsberaterin, Introvertierte, Sprecherin, Autorin
Albert Camus (1913-1960) algerisch-französischer Philosoph, Schriftsteller, Nobelpreisträger für Literatur, 1957
Albert Camus (1913-1960) French Algeria-born French philosopher, journalist, author, Nobel laureate in literature, 1957
Benjamin Bloom, Ph.D. (1913-1999) US American professor of educational psychology, developer of the taxonomy of educational objectives, theorist of mastery-learning
Wilhelm Wundt, M.D. [Father of experimental psychology] (1832-1920) German physician, physiologist, professor of psychology, founding figure of modern mechanistic psychology, philosopher, associated to the Leipzig School
James Earl Russell (1864-1945) US American developer of Teachers College leading into the advanced training of elementary and secondary school teachers, administrators, and supervisors in the United States (1897-1927)
Edward Thorndike, Ph.D. (1874-1949) US American professor of educational psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, developer of the theory of connectionism, member of the board of the Psychological Corporation, president of the American Psychological Association (APA)
⚡ John Dewey [BW 455] (1859-1952) US-amerikanischer Philosoph, Begründer der funktionalen Psychologie, progressiver 'Pseudo'-Pädagoge, Sozialreformator
⚡ John Dewey [LoC 455] (1859-1952) US American founder of functional psychology, 'progressive' pseudo educational and social reformer, influential in education and social reform, pragmatist, co-founder of functional psychology, representative of progressive populist philosophies of schooling
Dewey was an early developer of the philosophy of pragmatism, the conformist education model adverse to critical thinking. It serves for cultural dumbing down via standardized tests in the US school system.
Human Nature and Conduct, 1922
The Public and its Problems, Holt Publishers, 1927
Thomas Malthus [LoC 480] (1766-1834) English scholar, influential in political economy and demography, popularizer of the economic theory of rent and theories about population RSMM 87
An Essay on the Principle of Population, six editions (1798-1826)
Thomas Robert Malthus [BW 480] (1766-1834) britischer Ökonom, Vertreter der klassischen Nationalökonomie, Gelehrter RSMM 87 BW 204, Werk Sozialdarwinismus
Julia Butterfly Hill (*1974) US American environmental activist, tax redirection advocate
Julia Butterfly Hill (*1974) US-amerikanische Umweltaktivistin
James F. Masterson (1926-2010) prominent US American psychiatrist
Milton Glaser (1929-2022) US American graphic designer
Robert B. Laughlin, Ph.D. (*1950) US American professor of physics and applied physics, Stanford University, Nobel laureate in physics, 1998, author
A Different Universe. Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down, ?
Dr. Robert B. Laughlin (*1950) US-amerikanischer Professor für Physik, Nobelpreisträger für Physik, 1998, Autor
Gerhard Wisnewski (*1959) deutscher Filmautor, investigativer Enthüllungsjournalist, Schriftsteller
Prof. Peter Lösche (1939-2016) deutscher Professor für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Göttingen
Betty J. Kovacs, Ph.D., US American professor emerita of comparative literature and theory of symbolic language, Pasadena City College, author
The Miracle of Death, Kamlak Center, 3. February 2003
Patrick O'Brian (1914-2000) English translator, novelist
Emmanuel Rosen (*1960) Israeli media personality, political analyst, journalist, author
Tom Rath US American senior scientist and advisor to Gallup, researcher, speaker, non-fiction author ✓
Patrick Lencioni (*1965) US American writer on business and team management
Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, philosopher, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics
Scott D. de Hart, Ph.D., US American philosopher, scholar in theology, author
The Philosopher's Stone. Alchemy and the Secret Research for Exotic Matter, Feral House, 7. Februar 2009
Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US-amerikanischer Privatdozent für patristische Theologie und Apologetik, California Graduate School of Theology, Philosoph, Autor zu Themen alternative Geschichte, Geschichtsrevisionismus, Archäologie und Wissenschaft/Physik
Gerald Rosen, Ph.D. (1939-2010) US American professor of English literature, educator, novelist
Randi Gunther, Ph.D., US American marriage counsellor, author Randi Gunther, US-amerikanische Eheberaterin, Autorin
Winfried Otto Schumann (1888-1974) German physicist, researcher of Schumann resonances
Winfried Otto Schumann, deutscher Physiker, Erforscher der Schumann-Resonanz
Moshé Feldenkrais (1904-1984) ukrainisch-jüdischer Physiker, Judolehrer, Entwickler der Feldenkrais-Methode
Jim Tucker (1934-2013) US American journalist, author
Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary
Jim Tucker, Ph.D., US American medical director of the Child and Family Psychiatry Clinic, associate professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, reincarnation researcher, School of Medicine, University of Virginia
Dr. Jim Tucker, US-amerikanischer Professor der Psychiatrie und Neurowissenschaft, Universität Virginia, Reinkarnations- und Wahrnehmungsforscher
Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813) deutscher Übersetzer, Herausgeber zur Zeit der Aufklärung, Dichter
"Der Teutsche Merkur"
Lothar Wieler (*1961) deutscher Tierarzt, Fachtierarzt für Mikrobiologie, Präsident des Robert Koch-Instituts (2015-)
Christian Drosten (*1972) deutscher Virologe, Universität Bonn (2007-2017), einziger "Pandemie"-Berater der Bundesregierung (Schweinegrippe, 2009; Covid-19, 2020)
Wilfred Bion, DSO (1897-1979) British psychoanalyst, president of the British Psychoanalytical Society (1962-1965)
Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author
Dr. John Coleman (*1935) ehemaliger britisch-amerikanischer Spion des Geheimdienstes MI6, Erforscher der systemischen Massenbewusstseinskontrolle, Autor
Verena Kast (*1943) schweizerische Professorin für Psychologie, Universität Zürich, Dozentin und Lehranalytikerin, C. G. Jung-Institut, Zürich
Courtney Brown, Ph.D.? (*1952) US American mathematician, professor of social science, department of political science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, founder and director of nonprofit research and educational organization
The Farsight Institute dedicated to the study of a phenomenon of nonlocal consciousness known as remote viewing ✓
Remote Viewing. The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception, Farsight Press, 28. March 2005
Che Guevara (1928-1967) argentinischer marxistischer Politiker, Guerillaführer, Autor
Timothy McVeigh (1968-2001) US American domestic terrorist, detonator of a truck bomb at the Oklahoma City Bombing, killing 168 people, injuring over 800 people
Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow [Werk BW 460] (1860-1904) russischer Arzt, Dramatiker, Novellist, Schriftsteller TvF 124
Anton Chekhov [Work LoC 460] (1860-1904) Russian physician, dramatist, author
Jane Austen [Work LoC 440] TvF 124
Jane Austen [Werk BW 440]
Charles Baldwin [Work LoC 420] TvF 124
Charles Baldwin [Werk BW 420]
L. Frank Baum [Work LoC 220] (1856-1919) US American author of fantasy novels TvF 124
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz [LoC 220] children's novel, George M. Hill Company, Chicago, 17. May 1900
Lyman Frank Baum (1856-1919) [Werk BW 220] US-amerikanischer Romanschriftsteller
Der Zauberer von Oz [BW 220]
Das zauberhafte Land [BW 445] Musical- und Kinderfilm mit Judy Garland
The Wizard of Oz [LoC 445] one of the first US American color movies, directed by Victor Fleming, 1939
Elizabeth Browning [Work LoC 460] TvF 124
Elizabeth Browning [Werk BW 460]
Bill Bryson [Work LoC 420] (*1951) US American humorist, science and language author TvF 124
Robert Browning [Work LoC 450] (1812-1889) English Victorian playwright, poet TvF 124
Andrea del Sarto, 1855
Robert Browning [Werk BW 450] (1812-1889) englischer Dichter, Bühnenschriftsteller der viktorianischen Zeit
Truman Capote [Work LoC 200] TvF 124
Truman Capote [Werk BW 200] (1924-1984) US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor, Schriftsteller
Ferdinand Sauerbruch
Ferdinand Sauerbruch
Salvador Allende Gossens, Sozialreformer
Kemal Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal Pascha) türkischer Sozialreformer
Robert Owen Sozialreformer
Tom Clancy [Work LoC 405] (1947-2013) US American author on detailed espionage, military science, and techno thriller storylines TvF 124
Harry Fielding [LoC 440, Work LoC 430] TvF 124 RSMM 86
Harry Fielding [BW 440, Werk BW 430]
Jack London [Work LoC 420] TvF 124
Jack London [Werk BW 420]
John Grisham [Work LoC 405] TvF 124
John Grisham [Werk BW 405]
Lewis Sinclair [Work LoC 400] TvF 124
Lewis Sinclair [Werk BW 400]
William Woodsworth [Work LoC 430] (1770-1850) English Romantic poet, major proponent of the Romantic Age
TvF 124
William Woodsworth [Werk BW 430]
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [Work LoC 465] (1807-1882) US American educator, poet TvF 124
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [Werk BW 465] (1807-1882) US-amerikanischer Pädagoge, Dichter
Ajahn Brahm (*1951) British Theravada Buddhist monk
Norman Mailer [Work LoC 400] (1923-2007) US American film maker, actor, political candidate, journalist, essayist, playwright, novelist TvF 124
Norman Mailer [Werk BW 400] (1923-2007) US-amerikanischer Filmproduzent, Schauspieler, politischer Kandidat, Journalist, Essayist, Bühnenschriftsteller, Romanautor
James Michener [Work LoC 420] TvF 124
James Michener [Werk BW 420]
Margaret Mitchell [Work LoC 400] TvF 124
Margaret Mitchell [Werk BW 400]
Ronn Owens [Work LoC 405] (*1945) US American top-rated talk radio host on KGO TvF 124
Alice Walker [Werk BW 440] (*1944) US-amerikanische Feministin, politische Aktivistin, Dichterin, Autorin, Pulitzerpreisträgerin, 1983 TvF 124
Roman Im Tempel meines Herzens, 1989, Rowohlt, September 2000
Alice Walker [Work LoC 440] (*1944) US American feminist, political activist, poet, author, recipient of the Pulitzer Prize (1983) and the National Book Award
Jeremy Paxman (*1950) English broadcaster for the British TV station BBC since 1977, journalist, author
Rebecca Walker (*1969) US American third wave feminist, writer, named as one of the 50 future leaders of America by Time magazine daughter of Alice Walker
Debbie Ford (1955-2013) US American coach, lecturer, self-help author
Al Gore (*1948) 45th US American vice president (1993-2001), presenter of the documentary film An inconvenient truth, 2006
Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American political activist, social critic, former informal political consultant to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author
The Beauty Myth, William Morrow and Company, 1991
Vagina. A New Biography, Ecco, 1st edition 11. September 2012
Naomi Wolf (*1962) US-amerikanische Literaturwissenschaftlerin, politische Aktivistin, Feministin, Schriftstellerin
Wie zerstört man eine Demokratie. Das 10-Punkte-Programm, Goldmann Verlag, 14. Juni 2010
Vagina. Eine Geschichte der Weiblichkeit, Rowohlt Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 2. Mai 2013
Max Heindel (1865-1919) dänisch-US-amerikanischer Ingenieur, Theosoph, Rosenkreuzer, Begründer der rosenkreuzerischen Schule Rosicrucian Fellowship, Autor
Rosenkreuzer-Philosophie in Frage und Antwort, Band II, Rosenkreuzer Philosophie, verbesserte Neuauflage 1. Mai 1999
Die Rosenkreuzer-Weltanschauung oder Mystisches Christentum, The Rosicrucian Fellowship, Oceanside, California, 92049, Internetausgabe Stand Dezember 1992
Max Heindel (1865-1919) Danish US American engineer, Christian occultist, astrologer, mystic, theosophist, Rosicrucian, founder of the Rosicrucian school Rosicrucian Fellowship, author
Otto Kernberg (*1928) österreichisch-US-amerikanischer Professor für Psychiatrie, Weill Cornell Medical College, Psychoanalytiker
Otto F. Kernberg (*1928) Austrian American professor of psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College, psychoanalyst
Robert Penn Warren [Work LoC 435] (1905-1989) US American poet, novelist, literary critic, founder of New Criticism TvF 124
Edith Wharton [Werk BW 405]
Edith Wharton [Work LoC 405]
Virginia Woolf [Work LoC 415] (1882-1941) English publisher, essayist, writer of short stories TvF 124
Mary Shelley [Work LoC 360] TvF 124
Mary Shelley [Werk BW 360]
Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) major English Romantic lyric poet
true author (falsely attributed to his 2nd wife Mary Shelley), Frankenstein. The Modern Prometheus, novel, 1818
main character Victor Frankenstein
transhuman experiment Frankenstein's monster
Prometheus Unbound, C. and J. Ollier, London, 1820
Apollonius of Tyana [LoC 420] (~40-~120 AD) Greek Neopythagorean philosopher from the town of Tyana, Roman province of Cappadocia in Asia Minor, orator
Apollonios von Tyana [BW 420] (~40-~120 n. Chr.), Stadt Tyana in Kappadokien und griechischer Philosoph der neopythagoräischen Tradition, Redner RSMM 86
Aristophanes [LoC 455] (~446-~386 BC) Greek comic playwright, director of Old Comedy, ancient Athens RSMM 86
Aristophanes [BW 455] (~446-~386 v. Chr.) griechischer Komödiendichter, bedeutender Vertreter der griechischen Komödie und des griechischen Theaters RSMM 86
Michael Faraday [LoC 440, works 415] (1791-1867) TvF 139, RSMM 86
Michael Faraday [BW 440, Werk 415] (1791-1867) englischer Experimentalphysiker, Chemiker, Naturforscher, nach dem die Maßeinheit Farad benannt wurde
Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson, OM, FRS [LoC 450] (1871-1937) New Zealand-born British chemist, physicist, father of nuclear physics TvF 139
Ernest Becker (1924-1974) Jewish-American cultural anthropologist, interdisciplinary scientific thinker, writer, Pulitzer prize laureate, 1974
The Denial of Death, first published 1973, Free Press, New York, 1st edition 8. May 1997
Ernest Becker (1924-1974) US-amerikanischer Sozialanthropologe, interdisziplinärer Denker, Schriftsteller, Pulitzerpreisträger, 1974
Dynamik des Todes. Die Überwindung der Todesfurcht, Bertelsmann, 1976, Goldmann Wilhelm, Neuauflage Juni 1991
Edward Gibbon [LoC 445] (1737-1794) English historian, Member of Parliament
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, published in six volumes (between 1776-1788) RSMM 86
Edward Gibbon [BW 445] (1737-1794)
William Gilbert [LoC 450] (1544-1603) English physician, physicist, astronomer, natural philosopher RSMM 86
William Gilbert [BW 450] (1544-1603) englischer Arzt, Physiker, Wegbereiter der modernen naturwissenschaftlichen Forschung (Elektrizität)
Antoine Lavoisier [LoC 425] (1743-1794) [Father of modern chemistry"] French nobleman prominent in the histories of chemistry and biology RSMM 86
Antoine Lavoisier [LoC 425] (1743-1794)
Lucretius [Titus Lucretius Carus] [LoC 420] (~97-~55 BC) Roman poet, philosopher RSMM 86
Lukrez [Titus Lucretius Carus] [BW 420] (~97-~55 v. Chr.) römischer Dichter, Philosoph
Suetonius (69-122 AD) Roman historian of the equestrian order during the early Imperial era of the Roman Empire
Virius Nicomachus Flavianus [LoC 435] (~334-394) Roman historian, politician of the Roman Empire, grammarian RSMM 86
Virius Nicomachus Flavianus [BW 435] (~334-394) spätantiker römischer Historiker, Politiker des Römischen Reichs, Schriftsteller
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier [LoC 410, works LoC 405] (1768-1830) French mathematician, physicist, investigator of the Fourier series (heat transfer and vibrations) RSMM 86
Joseph Fourier [BW 410, Werk BW 405] (1768-1830) französischer Mathematiker und Physiker
Jürgen Todenhöfer (*1940) deutscher Jurist, Bundestagsabgeordneter der CDU (1972-1990), Vorstandsmitglied und Medienmanager des Burda-Konzerns (1987-2008), Publizist
show|Laurence Sterne [LoC 430] (1713-1768) Anglo-Irish novelist, Anglican clergyman RSMM 86
show|Laurence Sterne [BW 430] (1713-1768) englischer Schriftsteller der Aufklärung, Vikar (Pfarrer) der Anglikanischen Kirche
Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Gaius] [LoC 420] (56-~120 AD) historian, senator of the Roman Empire RSMM 86
Histories (Year of Four Emperors: downfall of Nero, rise of Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, rule of the Flavian Dynasty [69-96 AD]), 100-110 AD
Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Gaius] [BW 420] (58-~120 n. Chr.) bedeutender römischer Historiograph, Senator des Römischen Reichs RSMM 86
Annalen, 16 Bücher, 1. Jahrhundert n.Chr.
Thucydides [LoC 420] (~460-399/396 BC) Greek strategist, historian, author RSMM 86
Thukydides [BW 420] (vor 454-399/396 v. Chr.) griechischer Stratege, herausragender antiker Historiker, Schriftsteller
Luther Burbank [LoC 450] (1849-1926) US American botanist, horticulturist, pioneer in agricultural science TvF 139, RSMM 87
Luther Burbank [BW 450] (1849-1926) US-amerikanischer Botaniker, Pflanzenzüchter
Richard Evelyn Byrd, USN, Jr. [LoC 420] (1888-1957) US American naval admiral, polar explorer, pioneering aviator RSMM 87
Richard Evelyn Byrd [BW 420] (1888-1957) US-amerikanischer Admiral der Marine, Polarforscher, Pionier der Luftfahrt
Sir Alexander Fleming, FRSE, FRS, FRCS [LoC 460] (1881-1955) Scottish biologist, pharmacologist, botanist, bacteriologist, discoverer of penicillin, 1928, Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine, 1945 RSMM 87
Sir Alexander Fleming [BW 460] (1881-1955) schottischer Botaniker, Bakteriologe, Pharmakologe, Entdecker des Antibiotikums Penicillin, Nobelpreisträger, 1945
Luigi Aloisio Galvani [LoC 450] (1737-1798) Italian physician, anatomist, biophysicist RSMM 87
Luigi Aloisio Galvani [BW 450] (1737-1798) italienischer Arzt, Anatom, Biophysiker
Joachim Ringelnatz [Hans Gustav Bötticher] (1883-1934) deutscher Kabarettist, Maler, Erzähler, Lyriker
Hermann von Helmholtz [LoC 460] (1821-1894) German physician, physicist, polymath, significant contributor to modern science RSMM 87
Hermann von Helmholtz [Reichskanzler der Physik"] [BW 460] (1821-1894) deutscher Physiologe, Physiker, Universalgelehrter RSMM 87
Thomas H. Huxley [LoC 460] RSMM 87 TvsF 134
Thomas Huxley [BW 460]
⚡ Edward Jenner [LoC 450] (1749-1823) English physician, scientist, pioneer of smallpox vaccine RSMM 87
⚡ Edward Jenner [BW 450] (1749-1823) englischer Landarzt, Entwickler der modernen Pockenschutzimpfung
Prof. Harald Lesch (*1960) deutscher Professor für Physik, Astrophysiker, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Lehrbeauftragter für Naturphilosophie, Fernsehmoderator, Wissenschaftsjournalist
Prof. Harald Lesch (*1960) German professor of physics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), professor of natural philosophy, astronomer, television presenter, author
Wilhelm Vossenkuhl (*1945) deutscher Professor für Philosophie, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Philosoph der Gegenwart, Autor
Friedrich August Kekulé [LoC 440] (1829-1896) deutscher Chemiker, Naturwissenschaftler, definierte die Basis der modernen Strukturtheorie der organischen Chemie RSMM 87
Friedrich August Kekulé [BW 440] (1829-1896) prominent German organic chemist, principal founder of the theory of chemical structure
William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin [Lord Kelvin] [LoC 450] (1824-1907) Irish-born British mathematical physicist, engineer, University of Glasgow RSMM 87
William Thomson, 1. Baron Kelvin [Lord Kelvin] [BW 450] (1824-1907) irisch-britischer mathematischer Physiker, Ingenieur, Universität von Glasgow
Lorimer Moseley, Ph.D., Australian professor of neuroscience, University of South Australia, pain researcher, International Association for the Study of Pain
Mary Oliver (1935-2019) US American poet
New and Selected Poems, Volume One, Beacon Press, reprint edition 15. April 2004
Tamar Kron, Ph.D., Israelian professor of behavioral sciences, Jungian analyst
Solomon Asch (1907-1996) Polish US American Gestalt psychologist, pioneer in social psychology
Solomon Asch (1907-1996) polnisch-US-amerikanischer Gestaltpsychologe, Pionier der Sozialpsychologie
Johannes Stobaios (5. Jht.) Sammler antiker philosophischer Aufzeichnungen und Lehrmeinungen, Autor
Leon Festinger (1919-1989) US American social psychologist, known for cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory
A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Stanford University Press, 1963
Jed McKenna, US-amerikanischer Herausgeber spiritueller Literatur, Autor
Jed McKenna, US American publisher of spiritual literature, author
Leonard Wibberley (1915-1983) Irish-born US American writer who spent most of his life in the United States
Cold War satirical novel The Mouse That Roared, Little, Brown and Company, London, 1955
Ignaz Semmelweis, M.D. [LoC 460] (1818-1865) Hungarian physician, pioneer of antiseptic procedures RSMM 87
Dr. med. Ignaz Semmelweis [BW 460] (1818-1865) ungarischer Arzt in Österreich-Ungarn, Pionier der Antisepsis, erste Studie von evidenzbasierter Medizin in Österreich (1847-1948)
Julian Jaynes (1920-1997) US American psychologist, author, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Bicameralism (psychology), 1976, Mariner Books, 15. August 2000
Semmelweis-Reflex, unmittelbare Ablehnung einer Information oder wissenschaftlichen Entdeckung ohne weitere Überlegung oder Überprüfung des Sachverhalts
Iain McGilchrist, M.D. (*1953) British psychiatrist, physician, literary scholar, New College, Oxford, neuroimaging researcher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, writer
The Master and His Emissary. The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World, Yale University Press Publication, 30. October 2009, November 2010, Paperback, 6. August 2012
Dr. med. Iain McGilchrist (*1953) britischer Psychiater, Arzt, Literaturwissenschaftler, New College, Oxford, Neuroimaging-Forscher, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Schriftsteller
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) Italian humanist, Renaissance philosopher
classical text Oration on the Dignity of Man, 1486
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) italienischer Humanist, Philosoph der Renaissance
klassische Rede Oratio de hominis dignitate [Rede über die Würde des Menschen]
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg [BW 440] (1907-1944) deutscher Offizier der deutschen Wehrmacht, katholischer Aristokrat, zentrale Figur des militärischen Widerstandes gegen den Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland TvF, S. 287, 2005
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg [LoC 440] (1907-1944) German Wehrmacht army officer, Catholic aristocrat, central figure of the German Resistance movement, shot at a failed plot to assassinate dictator Adolf Hitler [LoC 430⇒40] (20. July 1944)
Lee Oswald Harvey [Social impact LoC 180] TVF 111
Jack Ruby [Social impact LoC 180] TVF 111
Harriet Tubman [Social impact LoC 350] (1822-1913) African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, Union spy, during the American Civil War TVF 111
Jessica Utts, Ph.D. (*1952) US American professor of statistics, University of California at Davis, world’s leading statistician of consciousness research
Wright brothers Orville (1871-1948) and Wilbur (1867-1912) US American brothers, inventors, aviation pioneers
Gebrüder Orville und Wilbur Wright [Einfluss BW 455] Buch6 Hingabe an Gott, 2009
Booker Taliaferro Washington [Social impact LoC 460] (1856-1915) African-US American educator, orator, advisor to Republican presidents, author TVF 111
Sitting Bull [Social impact LoC 420] (1831-1890) Native American Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux holy man and tribal chief, leader of the resistance to United States government policies TVF 111
Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr. [Social impact LoC 460] (1915-2011) US American statesman, activist TVF 111
Babe Ruth [Influence LoC 440] (1895-1948) US American baseball player in Major League Baseball (MLB) TVF 111
Knute Rockne [Influence LoC 455] (1888-1931) influential US American football player, coach, University of Notre Dame TVF 111
Florence Nightingale [Influence LoC 465] (1820-1910) celebrated English nurse, statistician, writer, pioneer in nursing during the Crimean War
Florence Nightingale [Einfluss BW 465] (1820-1910) englische Begründerin der modernen westlichen Krankenpflege, einflussreiche Reformerin des Sanitätswesens und der Gesundheitsfürsorge in Großbritannien und Britisch-Indien, Autorin TVF 111
Carrie Amelia Moore Nation (1846-1911) [Social impact LoC 235] radical member of the temperance movement opposing alcohol in pre-Prohibition America TVF 111
Lewis and Clark Expedition [Social impact LoC 440] (1804-1806) led by Ohio Valley, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark TVF 110
Geronimo [Social impact LoC 445] (1829-1909) prominent Native American leader of the Bedonkohe Apache, fighting against Mexico and the United States TVF 110
Martha Graham [Social impact LoC 420] (1894-1991) influential US American modern dancer, choreographer TVF 110
Dame Alicia Markova, DBE [Social impact LoC 475] (1910-2004) English ballerina, choreographer, director, teacher of classical ballet TVF 111
Fiorello La Guardia [Social impact LoC 460] (1882-1947) US American Republican Mayor of New York (1934-1945) TVF 110
Bruce Lee [Social impact LoC 480] TVF 110
Bobby Jones [Social impact LoC 485] (1902-1971) most successful US American amateur golfer, lawyer
Amelia Earhart [Social impact LoC 395] (1897-1937) US American aviation pioneer, author TvF 110
Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000) US American cartoonist
Thomas Jefferson [US Founding Father] (1743-1826) third US president (1801-1809), principal author of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705], 4. July 1776 TvF 110
Benjamin Franklin (Erster Amerikaner, Gründervater) [Einfluss BW 480] (1706-1790) nordamerikanischer Staatsmann, Okkultist, Universalgenie, Diplomat, Naturwissenschaftler, Erfinder, Aktivist, Drucker, Verleger, Schriftsteller TvF 110
Benjamin Franklin [The First American, Founding Father] [Influence LoC 480] (1706-1790) US American statesman, political theorist, occultist, polymath, diplomat, civic activist, author
TvF 110
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, written 1771-1790, J. Parson's, London, 1st English reprint edition 1793
E. O. Wilson (1929-2021) US American biologist, researcher on sociobiology, biodiversity, island biogeography, theorist of consilience and biophilia, naturalist, conservationist, author
James Madison [Father of the Constitution, US Founding Father] (1751-1836) US American chief architect and author of the United States Bill of Rights [LoC 640], fourth US president (1809-1817) TvF 110
Document 23, chapter 16 Property, 29. March 1792
James Madison [[Vater der Verfassung, Gründervater] (1751-1836) US-amerikanischer Chefarchitekt und Verfasser der Bill of Rights der Vereinigten Staaten [BW 640], Dokument der ersten zehn Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten, vierter US-Präsident (1809-1817)
United States Bill of Rights [LoC 640], 25. September 1789
Bill of Rights (Vereinigte_Staaten) [BW 640], 25. September 1789
Bestehend aus den ersten zehn Zusatzartikeln zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten
1791: Trennung von Staat und Kirche, Religionsfreiheit, Meinungsfreiheit, Pressefreiheit, Versammlungsfreiheit, Recht auf Petitionen
Thomas Paine [US Founding Father] (1737-1809) British US American Enlightenment philosopher, intellectual, inventor, atheist, radical, revolutionary, pamphleteer, author TVF ?
Thomas_Paine, presented by
The American Crisis, series of pre-revolutionary pamphlets (1776-1783)
Common Sense, bestselling pamphlet, blueprint of modern democracy, 1776
The Age of Reason. Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology'', deistic pamphlet, published in three parts in 1794, 1795, and 1807
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) britisch-US-amerikanischer einflussreicher politisch-radikaler Intellektueller, Erfinder, atheistischer Revolutionär, Gründervater der Vereinigten Staaten im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, Schriftsteller TVF =
Samuel Adams [US 'Founding Father'] (1722-1803) US American statesman, political philosopher, architect of the principles of American republicanism TVF 110
Alexander Hamilton [US 'Founding Father'] (1755-1804) US American, soldier, economist, political philosopher, constitutional lawyer, first United States secretary of the treasury TVF 110
Dr. phil. Rudolf Sponsel (*1944) deutscher klinischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut
James Wilson [US Founding Father] (1742-1798) signer of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776), legal theorist, original justice of the US Supreme Court TVF 110
George Washington [US 'Founding Father'] [Influence LoC 455] (1732-1799) US American dominant military and political leader (1775-1799), presiding co-author of the U.S. Constitution [LoC 710] in 1787, first US president (1789-1797), Freemason TVF 111
John Adams [US Founding Father] (1735-1826) US American statesman, diplomat, political theorist, champion of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776), second US president (1797-1801) TVF 110
Philip Livingston [US 'Founding Father'] (1716-1778) US American merchant, statesman from New York City, New York delegate to the Continental Congress (1775-1778), signer of the Declaration of Independence [LoC 700/705] (4. Juli 1776) TVF 110
Patrick Henry [US 'Founding Father'] [Social impact LoC 455] (1736-1799) US American attorney, planter, orator, politician, governor of Virginia (1776-1779) and (1784-1786) TVF 110
J. Edgar Hoover [Social impact LoC 255] (1895-1972) US American first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States (1924-1972), 33rd° Freemason TVF 110
J. Edgar Hoover [Sozialer Einfluss BW 255] (1895-1972) US-amerikanischer Begründer und Direktor des Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (1924-1972), 33. Grad Freimaurer
Nelson Bunker Hunt (1926-2014) US American oil company executive, former billionaire whose fortune collapsed as a result of silver speculation
Josephine Baker [Social impact LoC 445] TVF 110
George Balanchine [Social impact LoC 430] TVF 110
John Wilkes Booth [Social impact LoC 135] TVF 110
Anthony Comstock [Social impact LoC 250] TvF 110
Clarence Darrow [Social impact LoC 455] TvF 110
Agnes de Mille [Social impact LoC 425] TvF 110
Joe DiMaggio [Social impact LoC 480] TvF 110
Manfred von Richthofen [Red Baron] [LoC 385] German pilot for the Luftwaffe in World War I military TvF 100
Betty Eadie [LoC 590] (*1942) US American author on near-death experiences (NDEs), Curtis Taylor
Embraced By The Light, Bantam, 1. September 1994
Seymour Hersh (*1937) US American investigative journalist, political writer
Seymour Martin Lipset, Ph.D. (1922-2006) Canadian political sociologist, senior fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Hazel professor of public policy, George Mason University, American Exceptionalism. A Double Edged Sword, W.W. Norton & Company, 17. April 1997
Charles Krauthammer (1950-2018) US American physician, syndicated columnist, political commentator, contributing editor of The Weekly Standard [LoC 440], 1983, The New Republic, 1981-present, The Washington Post, 1985-present, Pulitzer prize laureate
Ann Hart Coulter (*1961) US American lawyer, controversial conservative social and political commentator, syndicated columnist, author
Pierre Lévy (*1956) French philosopher, cultural theorist, media scholar researching cultural and cognitive impacts of digital technologies
Collective Intelligence. Mankind's Emerging World in Cyberspace, Perseus Book Group, 2000
Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich (*1943) US American politician, historian, 58th speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1995-1999), political consultant, candidate for the 2012 Republican Party presidential nominee, author
Dennis Prager (*1948) US American syndicated conservative radio talk show host and columnist, public speaker, author on Judeo-Christian and American values (E Pluribus Unum, In God We Trust, Liberty)
Michael Medved (*1948) US American syndicated radio host of The Michael Medved Show, political commentator and film critic, author
William Bennett (*1943) US American politician, US secretary of education (1985-1988), conservative pundit, political theorist
Mona Charen US American columnist, political analyst, bestselling author
Useful Idiots. How Liberals Got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First, 2003
Do-Gooders. How Liberals Harm Those They Claim to Help – and the Rest of Us, 2005
Dinesh D'Souza (*1961) Indian US American president of The King's College, New York City, conservative political commentator, public intellectual speaker, author on Christian apologetics
Dinesh D'Souza (*1961) indisch-amerikanischer Präsident des King's College, New York City, konservativer politischer Kommentator, Autor über christliche Apologetik
Mark Reed Levin (*1957) US American lawyer, conservative commentator, syndicated host of the radio show The Mark Levin Show, author
Victor Davis Hanson (*1953) US American military historian, scholar of ancient warfare, political essayist, columnist, former classics professor
Pol Pot [LoC 35] (1925-1998) Cambodian Maoist revolutionary, leader of the Khmer Rouge (1963-1998) TvsF 265
Jassir Arafat [BW 440⇒65] Gründungsmitglied der palästinensischen Befreiungsbewegung Fatah, Vorsitzender und Gründer der Partei PLO TvF, S. 264, 2005
Mustafa Kemal Atarurk [LoC 250] TvsF 264
Leon Trotsky [LoC 205] (1879-1940) Russian Marxist, intellectual, revolutionary, founder of the Politburo in the early Soviet Union, people's commissar for foreign affairs, leader of the Red Army TvsF 264
Leo Trotzki [BW 205] (1879-1940) russischer Revolutionär, kommunistischer Politiker, marxistischer Theoretiker, Volkskommissar des Auswärtigen, für Kriegswesen, Ernährung, Transport, Verlagswesen, Gründer der Roten Armee
Justinian [BW 435] römischer Kaiser
Justinian [LoC 435] Roman Emperor
TvF 264
Mary Queen of Scots [LoC 340] TvF 264
Oliver Cromwell [BW 208]
Oliver Cromwell [LoC 208]
TvF 264
englischer König Heinrich VIII. [BW 170]
King Henry VIII of England [LoC 170] British king
TvF 264
Iwan der Schreckliche [BW 55]
Ivan Vlad the Terrible [LoC 55]
TvF 264
Conquistadors [LoC 40] TvF 264
Christoph Kolumbus [BW 320, Einfluss BW 375] (1451-1506) italienischer Seefahrer in spanischen Diensten, Entdecker Amerikas, 1492, Kolonisator, Frauenfeind, Rassist
Christopher Columbus [LoC 320, influence Loc 375] (1451-1506) Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer, misogynist, racist TvF 110, 264
Charlemagne [Charles the Great] [Fallen ⇒LoC 230] (747/748-814) King of the Franks (768-814) who united most of Western Europe during the Middle Ages and laid the foundations for modern France and Germany, self-crowned West European emperor (12/800), grandson of Karl Martell TvF 264
Karl der Große [Karolus Magnus] [Gefallen ⇒BW 230] (747/748-814) König des Fränkischen Reichs (768-814), selbstgekrönter westeuropäischer Kaiser (12/800), Enkel von Karl Martell
Friedrich der Große [BW 325] deutscher Kaiser
Frederick the Great [LoC 325] German Emperor
TvF 264
Francisco Franco [LoC 190] TvsF 264
Gestapo [LoC 35] TvsF 264
Heinrich Himmler [LoC 35] (1900-1945) German Reichsführer of the Schutzstaffel (SS), military commander, leading member of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) of Nazi Germany TvsF 264
Nefertiti [LoC 205] TvsF 264
Nofretete [Nefertiti] [BW 205] Hauptgemahlin des Pharao Echnaton im Alten Ägypten
Montezuma [LoC 45] TvsF 264
Asklepios, altgriechischer Gott der Medizin und Heilkunst
Asclepius, god of medicine and healing in ancient Greek religion
Z'ev ben Shimon Halevi [Warren Kenton] (1933-2020) British teacher on the Toledano Tradition of Kabbalah, founding member of the Kabbalah Society, author
Pope Leo I [Leo the Great] [LoC 475] (~400-461) Italian aristocrat Bishop of Rome, head of the Christian Church (440-461), Doctor of the Church
Leo der Große [Papst Leo I.] [BW 475] (~400-461) italienischer Bischof von Rom (440-461), bedeutendes Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche, Kirchenlehrer, Verteidiger der Lehre der römischen Reichskirche
Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903) Italian theologian, 256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church (1878-1903), intellectual, developer of social teachings (encyclical Rerum Novarum)
Pope Gregory I [Gregory the Great] [LoC 475] (540-604) Italian Doctor of the Church, Latin Father, head of the Roman Catholic Church (590-604), prolific writer TvsF 264
Gregor der Große [Gregorius, Papst Gregor I.]] [BW 475] (540-604) bedeutendes Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche ab 590, jüngster der vier großen lateinischen Kirchenlehrer der Spätantike, Schriftsteller
Pope Leo [LoC 475] TvsF 264
Queen Victoria [LoC 230] TvsF 264
Russian Czars [LoC 55-385] TvsF 264
Attila the Hun [LoC 90] TvF 264
Vikings, Huns, Goths [LoC 55-85] TvF 264
Barbarian hordes [LoC 35-85] TvF 264
Mongol hordes [LoC 70] TvF 264
Dschingis Khan [BW 140]
Ghenghis Khan [LoC 140]
TvF 264
Ramses I. [LoC 205] TvsF 264
Ramses I. [BW 205] kinderreicher Pharao der 19. Dynastie im Alten Ägypten
Ramses II. [LoC 210] TvsF 264
Rasputin [LoC 120] TvsF 264
Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794) French lawyer, politician, influential figure associated with the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror [LoC 405] TvsF 264
François Duvalier [Papa Doc] [LoC 25] (1907-1971) haitianischer Politiker, Diktator von Haiti (1957-1971) TvsF 264
Tutankhamun [Son/Sun of God] [King Tut] [LoC 200] (1341-1323 BC) Egyptian pharaoh of the 18th dynasty (1332-1323 BC) during the period of the New Kingdom TvsF 264
Tutanchamun [Tutenchamun] [Sohn/Sonne Gottes] [BW 200] (1341-1323 v. Chr.) altägyptischer Pharao der 18. Dynastie (Neues Reich) (1332-1323 v. Chr.)
Manuel Noriega [LoC 60] TvsF 264
Omar Kadafi [LoC 160-190], son of Muhammar Gaddafi TvsF 265
Muammar al-Gaddafi
Muammar Gaddafi
Mahmud Abbas [BW 210+; Stand Januar 2005] [BW 230; Stand 2004] palästinensischer Staatspräsident, Nachfolger von Arafat TvF 265
Europäische Union (EU) [BW 205] aus 27 europäischen Staaten bestehender Staatenverbund mit einer halben Milliarde Einwohner [Stand 2004] TvF 265
Osama bin Laden [BW 40/70] (1957-2011) saudi-arabischer Gründer des lose weltweit operierenden Terrornetzwerks Al-Qaida, bestehend aus großteils sunnitischen dschihadistischen Organisationen TvF [BW 40]
Ali Hasan al-Madschid [Chemie-Ali] [BW 160] (1941-2010) irakischer Politiker, General, der Giftgas-Einsätze befahl, Vetter von Saddam Hussein, wegen Völkermordes viermal zum Tode verurteilt und hingerichtet TvF 265
Hamid Karzai [LoC 415] Afghanistan TvF 265
Mohammad Khatami [LoC 200] (*1943) Iranian scholar, Shiite theologian, Reformist politician, fifth president of Iran (1997-2005) TvsF 265
Kim Jong-il [LoC 160] (1941-2011) supreme leader of North Korea (DPRK) (1994-2011) TvsF 265
Kim Jong-il [BW 160] (1941-2011) oberster diktatorischer Machthaber der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Nordkoreas, Generalsekretär der Partei der Arbeit von Korea (PdAK), Vorsitzender der Nationalen Verteidigungskommission der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea, Oberster Befehlshaber der Koreanischen Volksarmee (KVA) [Stand 2004] TvsF 265
Slobodan Milošević [BW 130] (1941-2006) Parteivorsitzender des Bundes der Kommunisten Serbiens (1986-1989), Präsident Serbiens (1989-1997) und Jugoslawiens (1997-2000), Gründer und langjähriger Parteichef der Sozialistischen Partei Serbiens (1990-2006)
Pervez Musharraf [LoC 425] (*1943) retired Pakistanian politician, four-star general, tenth president of Pakistan (2001-2008) TvsF 265
Pervez Musharraf [LoC 425] (*1943) zehnter Präsident Pakistans (2001-2008) durch einem unblutigen Militärputsch, pflegte einen USA-freundlichen diktatorischen Regierungsstil
Augusto Pinochet [LoC 155] TvsF 265
Augusto Pinochet [BW 155] (1915-2006) chilenischer General, Diktator TvsF 265
Ariel Sharon [LoC 205] TvsF 265
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Marco Polo (1254-1324) Italian merchant traveller from Venice
... Rustichello da Pisa, Italian romance writer, Polo's autobiography introducing Europeans to Central Asia and China The Travels of Marco Polo, 1300
Julius Gordon, US American rabbi
George Berkeley, Bischof von Cloyne, 18. Jht.
Yogi Berra (1925-2015) US-amerikanischer Baseballspieler und -manager, bekannt für seine humoristisch-provokativen Zitate ("Yogiismen")
Yogi Berra (1925-2015) former US American Major League Baseball catcher, outfielder, manager, humorist
Ken Keyes (1921-1995) US American creator of the self-help system Living Love method, personal growth lecturer, author
The Handbook to Higher Consciousness, Love Line Books, 5th edition 1. January 1993
Paul Claudel (1868-1955) French diplomat, devout Catholic, younger brother of the sculptor Camille Claudel, dramatist, poet
Peter D'Adamo, M.D., US American naturopathic physician, author
co-author Catherine Whitney, Eat Right 4 Your Type. The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight, Putnam Adult, 1st edition 6. January 1997
Dunbar's number
Robin MacDonald Dunbar, Ph.D. (*1947) British anthropologist, specialist in primate behaviour, professor of evolutionary psychology, University of Oxford
research on village and tribe sizes, band-level tribal groups past 150 members
150 is the estimated size of a Neolithic farming village, the splitting point of Hutterite settlements, the basic unit size of professional armies in Roman antiquity and in modern times since the 16th century, appropriate company size
200 is the upper bound on the number of academics in a discipline's sub-specialization
Dr. Robin Dunbar (*1947) britischer Professor für Evolutionspsychologie, Universität von Oxford, Professor für Anthropologie, University College, London (1994-2007)
Dunbar-Zahl, theoretische kognitive Gruppengöße von 150 Menschen, mit denen eine Einzelperson infolge der Größe und Funktion des Neocortex stabile soziale Beziehungen unterhalten kann
Lyndon B. Johnson (1908-1973) 36th US president (1963-1969)
Kelly Bryson, MA, MFT, US American licensed therapist, trainer for the International Center for Nonviolent Communication, consultant, lecturer, author ✓
Don't Be Nice, Be Real. Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others, Elite Books, 2nd edition 1. January 2010
Dorothee Sölle (1929-2003) deutsche evangelische feministische Befreiungstheologin, Pazifistin, Referentin, Schriftstellerin
Dorothee Sölle (1929-2003) German liberation theologian, pacifist, speaker, writer
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1964
Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution, speech delivered at the National Cathedral, Washington, DC, 31. March 1968, Congressional record, 9. April 1968
Letter from Birmingham Jail, 16. April 1963
collection of sermons Strength to Love, Harper & Row, 1963, Fortress Press, 10. January 2010
Why We Can't Wait, 1963
Where Do We Go from Here. Chaos or Community?, Beacon Press, 1967, 2010
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor, Aktivist, afro-amerikanischer Bürgerrechtler, Friedensnobelpreisträger, 1964
Leonardo Boff (*1938) brasilianischer katholischer Theologe, Hauptvertreter der Befreiungstheologe, Verteidiger der Menschenrechte für Arme
James Cook (1728-1779) englischer Seefahrer, Entdecker
Paul Johnson (1928-2023) English Jesuit, popular historian, speechwriter, journalist, author
K. Paul Johnson, US American retired public library director, scholar of modern Western esotericism like Theosophy and Edgar Cayce
Initiates of Theosophical Masters, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995
Marie E. P. König [Marie Emilie Paula Schwager] (1899-1988) deutsche autodidaktische Prähistorikerin, Höhlenforscherin, Münzforscherin
Johann Jakob Bachofen (1815-1887) Swiss professor for Roman law, University of Basel (1841-1845), jurist, anthropologist, antiquarian
Johann Jakob Bachofen (1815-1887) schweizerischer Professor des römischen Rechts, Universität von Basel (1841-1845), Rechtshistoriker, Altertumsforscher, Anthropologe
Das Mutterrecht. Eine Untersuchung über die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiösen und rechtlichen Natur, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Verlag, 6. Januar 1975, 1982
Heide Göttner-Abendroth (*1941) German feminist advocating Modern Matriarchal Studies on matrilineal societies
Heide Göttner-Abendroth (*1941) deutsche Philosophin, Matriarchatsforscherin
Die Göttin und ihr Heros, W. Kohlhammer, 1980, Frauenoffensive, 1997, Neuerscheinung 2011
Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) deutsch-russische Okkultistin, spiritistisches Medium, Mitgründerin der Theosophischen Gesellschaft, 1875, Schriftstellerin
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) Russian-German occultist, spiritualist medium, 32° co-Freemason, cofounder of the Theosophical Society, 1875, author
The Secret Doctrine. The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy, Volume 1 and 2, Theosophical University Press, 1888
James Webb (1946-1980) Scottish historian, biographer
Raymond Llull (1232-1315) Majorcan philosopher, logician, Franciscan tertiary, writer of the first major work of Catalan literature
Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) Canadian musician, depressive, singer-songwriter, poet, novelist
Leonard Cohen (1934-2016) kanadischer Singer-Songwriter, Maler, Dichter, Romanschriftsteller
Hideki Yukawa (1907-1981) Japanese theoretical physicist, first Japanese Nobel laureate, 1949
Colonel Henry Steele Olcott (1832-1907) US American military officer, lawyer, journalist, lawyer co-founder and first president of the Theosophical Society, 1875, journalist
Anthony T. Padovano (*1934) US American professor of theology and literature, speaker, author
Anthony T. Padovano (*1934) US-amerikanischer römisch-katholischer Theologe, Autor
H. Ross Perot (1930-2019) US American businessman
Jim Bakker (*1940) US American televangelist, convicted for rape and accounting fraud
Curt Goetz (1888-1960) deutscher Schriftsteller
Curtis E. LeMay (1906-1990) US American Air Force General
Dr. med. O. Carl Simonton (1942-2009) US-amerikanischer Radiologe, Onkologe, Pionier der Psychoonkologie, Gründer des Simonton Cancer Centers (SCC)
O. Carl Simonton, M.D. (1942-2009) US American radiologist, oncologist, pioneer of psycho-oncology, founder of the Simonton Cancer Center (SCC)
Sir Josiah Charles Stamp (1880-1941) britischer Beamter, Industrieller, Direktor der Bank of England (1928-1941), Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Statistiker, Schriftsteller
Josiah Charles Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp (1880-1941) British civil servant, industrialist, director of the Bank of England (1928-1941), economist, statistician, writer
Rodney King (1965- 2012) black US American subjected to police brutality by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAP), 3. March 1991
Max Bazerman, Ph.D., US American professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Paul Kohtes (*1945) deutscher PR-Spezialist [Ketchum Pleon], Zen-Meditationslehrer, Führungskräfte-Coach, Autor
Pat Kane (*1964) Scottish musician, author
The Play Ethic. A Manifesto For a Different Way of Living, Macmillan, illustrated edition 3 September 2004
Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. (*1926) US American psychiatrist, researcher of the psychological causes and effects of war and political violence, developer of the theory of thought reform, author
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, Norton, New York, 1st edition 1961
Eight Criteria ...
Dr. med. Robert Jay Lifton (*1926) US-amerikanischer Psychiater
James P. Carse, US-amerikanischer Professor der Theologie und Kirchengeschichte, New York University
Endliche und unendliche Spiele. Die Chancen des Lebens, Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart, Erstauflage 1986, 2. Auflage Oktober 1999
James P. Carse, US American professor emeritus of theology, literature of religion, history, New York University
Finite and Infinite Games, Ballantine Books, New York, 1987, Free Press, 5. January 2013
Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975) prominent Greek shipping magnate
Jorge Semprún Maura (1923-2011) spanischer Politiker, Schriftsteller, Drehbuchautor
Karl Pillemer, Ph.D., US American professor of human development and gerontology, Cornell University, Ithaca, Weill Cornell Medical College, director of Cornell Institute for Translational Research on Aging (CITRA) and the Legacy Project
John McCarthy (*1956) British broadcaster, hostage in the Lebanon hostage crisis, 1986, journalist, writer
Harriet Lerner, Ph.D. (*1944) US American clinical psychologist, feminist, relationship expert, author
Marriage Rules. A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up, Avery Gotham, reprint edition 31. December 2012
Courtney E. Martin (*1980) US American editor emeritus,, speaker, 3rd wave feminist writer
Marjorie Kelly (*1953) US American fellow, Tellus Institute, corporate reformer, journalist
Silvio Gesell (1862-1930) deutscher Kaufmann, Finanztheoretiker, Sozialreformer, Begründer der Freiwirtschaftslehre
William K. Black (*1951) US American academic, lawyer, former bank regulator, author
Wesley Clark (*1944) US American retired general of the United States Army, Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO (1997-2000)
Ted Nace (*1956) US American environmentalist objecting corporate personhood, publisher, writer
Reinhard K. Sprenger, deutscher Unternehmensberater
Vertrauen führt, Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2. Auflage 2004
Robert Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S (*1960) US American therapist, founding director of "The Sexual Recovery Institute", author
Jennifer P. Schneider, M.D., Ph.D., US American internal physician, expert in addiction medicine ✓
Kirk J. Schneider, Ph.D., US American psychologist, existential-humanistic psychotherapist, author
The Polarized Mind. Why It's Killing Us and What We Can Do about It, University Professors Press, 17. April 2013
William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) US American Union general during the Civil War, address to the graduating class of the Michigan Military Academy, 19. June 1879
William Tecumseh Sherman (1820-1891) US-amerikanischer Union General während des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges
Ansprache vor Absolventen der Michigan Militärakademie, 19. Juni 1879
Robert Aron (1898-1975) French writer on politics and history
Robert Aron (1898-1975) französischer Autor zu politischen und historischen Themen
Elga Sorge (*1940) deutsche feministische Theologin
Raphael Patai [Ervin György Patai] (1910-1996) Hungarian-Jewish ethnographer, historian, Orientalist, anthropologist, author
Raphael Patai [Ervin György Patai] (1910-1996) ungarisch-jüdischer Ethnograph, Historiker, Orientalist, Anthropologe, Autor
June Singer, Ph.D. (1920-2004) US American Jungian analyst, member of the Jung Institute, San Francisco
Robert Edward Lee (1807-1870) US American career military officer, best known for having commanded the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War
Francis Edward Smedley (1818-1864) English novelist
Smedley Butler (1881-1940) US American US Marine Corps major general, outspoken critic of U.S. military adventurism
War is a Racket, 1935
Richard St. John, US American success expert ✓
Bernard Malamud (1914-1986) US American Jewish author of novels and short stories
Arundhati Roy (*1961) Indian political activist, social critic, essayist, novelist, Sydney Peace Prize recipient, 2004
Arundhati Roy (*1961) indische politische Aktivistin, Globalisierungskritikerin, Schriftstellerin
Malala Yousafzai (*1997) Pakistani human rights and education activist, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2014
Malala Yousafzai (*1997) pakistanische Kinderrechts- und Bildungsaktivistin, Friedensnobelpreisträgerin, 2014
Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. (*1938) US American clinical professor of family and community medicine, UCSF School of Medicine, co-founder and medical director of the Commonweal Cancer Help Program, storyteller, author
Kitchen Table Wisdom. Stories That Heal, Riverhead Trade, 10th anniversary edition 1. August 2006,_SantoslSantos Bonacci, Australian astrotheologist of the Universal Truth School, lecturer
Rob A. Okun, US American publisher and editor of the Voice Male Magazine, executive director of the Men's Resource Center for Change, activist and chronicler of the profeminist men's movement
Ben Abba, US American security consultant, remote reviewer, longevity researcher, author
Grigory Grabovoy, Russian mathematician, researcher in projects Noosfera and SIGOR
Grigori Petrowitsch Grabowoi (*1963) russischer Mathematiker, Geistheiler und Gründer einer neuen religiösen Bewegung
Mark Merriman, M.D., US American anesthesiologist
Antony Flew (1923-2010) British philosopher of religion, recoverd atheist
William Arthur Ward (1921-1994) US American writer
Aaron Antonovsky (1923-1994) US-amerikanischer Professor der Medizinsoziologie, Vater der Salutogenese
Edward T. Hall (1914-2009) US American anthropologist, cross-cultural researcher, developer of the concept of social cohesion
Stendhal (1783-1842) französischer Schriftsteller
Stendhal (1783-1842) 19th-century French writer
Erich Kästner (1899-1974) deutscher Schriftsteller
Paul Shepard (1925-1996) US-amerikanischer Umweltschützer, Autor über Tiefenökologie
Paul Shepard (1925-1996) US American environmentalist, author on deep ecology ("Pleistocene paradigm")
Hans Jürgen Eysenck, Ph.D. (1916-1997) German-British professor of psychology, University of London, researcher on intelligence and personality types
Learning Theory and Behavior Therapy. In Behavior Therapy and the Neuroses, Pergamon Press, 1960
Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire, Viking, 1985
Prof. Hans Eysenck (1916-1997) deutsch-britischer Professor für Psychologie, Typenforscher
Sigmund Freud. Niedergang und Ende der Psychoanalyse, List, München, 1985
Tobias Brocher (1917-1998) deutscher Professor für Sozialpsychologie, Frankfurt /M. und Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (1962-1970), Psychoanalytiker, Leiter der Akademie für Psychotherapie in Stuttgart, stellvertretender Direktor des Sigmund-Freund-Instituts in Frankfurt
Von der Schwierigkeit zu lieben, Kreuz-Verlag, 12. Auflage 2002
Michael Ende (1929-1995) deutscher Schriftsteller
Märchenroman, Momo. oder Die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte, K. Thienemann Verlag, 1973, Piper, München, November 2010
Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist
Simon Parkes (*1960) britischer ehemaliger Labour Stadtrat, Illuminati-Insider, Aufklärer zum Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle, Whistleblower-Aktivist, Futurist, Berater
George M. Lamsa (1892-1975) Assyrian native Aramaic speaker, translator of the Aramaic Peshitta Old and New Testaments into English, author
George M. Lamsa (1892-1975) assyrischer Bibelübersetzer aus dem Aramäischen ins Englische, Schriftsteller
Erhard Blanck (*1942) deutscher Heilpraktiker, Maler, Schriftsteller
Johannes Rau (1931-2006) deutscher Politiker, achter Bundespräsident der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1999-2004)
Volker Dietzel (*1955) deutscher Regisseur, Autor
André Brie (*1950) deutscher Politiker (Die Linke), inoffizieller Mitarbeiter der DDR-Staatssicherheit, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments (1999-2009)
Laura Kipnis, Ph.D. (*1956) US American professor of media studies, Northwestern University, cultural and media critic, video artist, author
Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D. (*1957) US American professor of geology and geophysics, associate professor of natural science, College of General Studies, Boston University, developer of the Sphinx water erosion hypothesis
Forgotten Civilization. The Role of Solar Outbursts in our Past and Future, Inner Traditions, 1st edition 22. August 2012
Timothy Leary (1920-1996) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Protagonist für die Erforschung psychedelischer Drogen, CIA-Agent, Autor
Timothy Leary (1920-1996) US American psychologist, influential figure of the 60s counterculture, advocate for research of psychedelic drugs, CIA agent, writer
counterculture phrase in the 1960s: Turn on, tune in, drop out. [LoC 180], opening speech, press conference, New York City, 19. September 1966
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D. (1936-2019) German-British US American philosopher, psychologist, psychedelic researcher with Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert in the early 1960s, Harvard University, writer
Jill Tarter (*1944) US American astronomer, director of the Center for SETI Research
Stephen Dinan, US American CEO of The Shift Network
Richard Moss, US American visionary thinker, teacher, author on transformation, awareness and self-healing
TLoC S. 220 (Chart: Calibrations of the Great Books of the Western World)
William Harvey [LoC 470]
Christian Huygens [LoC 465]
James Boswell, 9th Laird of Auchinleck [LoC 460] (1740-1795) Scottish lawyer, biographer of Samuel Johnson, diarist, author
Herman Melville [LoC 460]
William Gilbert [LoC 450]
Aristophanes [LoC 445]
Edward Gibbon [LoC 445]
Nicomachus of Gerasa [LoC 435]
Ptolemy [LoC 435]
Ptolemäus [LoC 435]
Laurence Sterne [LoC 430]
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier [LoC 425]
Apollonius [LoC 420]
Thukydides [BW 420] (460-395 v. Chr.) griechischer Historiker, Schriftsteller
Thucydides [LoC 420] (460-395 BC) Greek historian, author
History of the Peloponnesian War
Lucretius [LoC 420] (99-~55 BC) Roman philosopher, poet
Lukrez [Titus Lucretius Carus] (99-~55 v. Chr.) römischer Philosoph, Dichter
Michael Faraday [LoC 415]
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier [LoC 405]
Charles Fourier ?
Ward Churchill [Below LoC 200] TLoC S. 226
Harris Mirkin [Below LoC 200] TLoC S. 226
Akhenaten [LoC 220] TvF 264
Echnaton [LoC 220] TvF 264
Gebrüder Orville und Wilbur Wright
Gary Smalley, US American family counselor, president and founder of the Smalley Relationship Center, author of books on family relationships from a Christian perspective
Wilhelm Weischedel (1905-1975) deutscher Philosoph
Philosophische Grenzgänge, Kohlhammer, 1967
Francis Crick (1916-2004) English molecular biologist, co-discoverer (with James Watson) of the double helix structure of the gene [LoC 440], 1953, Nobel laureate in medicine, 1962
Francis Crick (1916-2004) englischer Molekularbiologe, Entdecker des räumlichen DNS-Doppelhelix-Modells [BW 440] des Gens mit James Watson, 1953, Nobelpreisträger für Medizin, 1962
Robert O. Becker, Ph.D. (1923-2008) US American orthopedic surgeon, researcher in electrophysiology/electromedicine, Upstate Medical Center in State University of New York, Syracuse and Veterans Administration Hospital, Syracuse, New York
pioneer in the field of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body
The Body Electric. Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life, William Morrow Paperbacks, 22. Juli 1998
Great Books of the Western World
Great Books of the Western World [LoC 468] single package of originally 54 volumes of books to present the western canon, published by Encyclopædia Britannica, 1952
compiled by Mortimer Adler (1902-2001) US American philosopher of the Aristotelian and Thomistic traditions, educator, author
Dr. Dr. Annica Dahlström (*1941) schwedische Ärztin Genderforscherin, Universität von Göteborg
Dr. Dr. Annica Dahlström (*1941) Swedish physician, professor emerita of histology and neuroscience, Gothenburg University
Great White Brotherhood [LoC 560+/-] Theosophical spiritual community known as Ascended Masters
Große Weiße Bruderschaft [BW 560+/-] theosophische spirituelle Gemeinschaft von so genannten Aufgestiegenen Meistern
White Plum Asanga [LoC 505] Zen school in the Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi lineage, founded by Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher Taizan Maezumi [LoC 505]
Judith Horstman, US American professor of journalism, Fulbright scholar, author
Barbara Annis, US American expert on gender intelligence, leadership, and cultural intelligence
Vera F. Birkenbihl (1946-2011) deutsche Psychologin, Managementtrainerin, Sachbuchautorin
Hordur Torfason (*1945) Icelandic persecuted non grata human rights and democracy activist, leader of the Iceland political revolution, homosexual actor, singer, songwriter
Prof. Dr. Manfred Spitzer (*1958) deutscher Professor für Psychiatrie und Neurodidaktik, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik, Ulm, Psychologe, Autor
Vint Cerf [Father of the Internet] (*1943) US American computer scientist
⚡ Mooji (*1954) Jamaican satsang teacher, lineage holder of Indian guru
Sri Poonja-Ji HWI [Poonjaji, Papaji] [BW 370/520] (1910-1997) indischer hinduistischer spiritueller Advaita Vedanta-Lehrer, Schüler von Ramana Maharshi
Sri H. W. L. Poonja [Poonjaji, Papaji] [LoC 370/520] (1910-1997) Indian Hindu teacher of the Advaita Vedanta and Bhakti traditions, disciple of Ramana Maharshi, nephew of Swami Rama Tirtha
⚡ Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell [LoC 525] (1857-1941) British lieutenant-general in the British Army, authoritarian imperialist, appropriating "founder" and Chief Scout of the international Scout Movement [LoC 450], writer
⚡ Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, 1. Baron Baden-Powell OM, GCMG, GCVO, KCB [BW 525] (1857-1941) britischer Kavallerie-Offizier, autoritärer Imperialist, vereinnahmender "Gründer" der internationalen Pfadfinderbewegung [BW 450], Autor
, narrated by Morgan Freeman (*1937) US American actor, narrator, producer
Bob Dylan [Work LoC 500] (*1941) US American singer-songwriter, painter, poet, lyricist, Nobel laureate in literature, 2016
Bob Dylan [Werk BW 500] (*1941) US-amerikanischer Rocksänger, Liedermacher, Maler, Dichter, Lyiker, Nobelpreisträger in Literatur, 2016
George Harrison [Werk BW 540] (1943-2001) englischer Musiker, Songschreiber, Sänger, Bandmitglied der Beatles [BW 460]
George Harrison [Work LoC 540] (1943-2001) English musician, singer-songwriter, member of the British music band The Beatles [LoC 460]
John Lennon (1940-1980) English musician, singer-songwriter, founding member of the British music band The Beatles [LoC 460]
song Imagine, issued 1971
Yoko Ono (*1933) Japanese peace activist, multimedia artist, singer
⚡ Pablo Picasso [Werke BW 365] (1881-1973) spanischer Maler, Grafiker, Bildhauer
⚡ Pablo Picasso [Works LoC 365] (1881-1973) Spanish painter, graphic artist, sculptor
M. C. Escher (1898-1972) niederländischer Künstler, Grafiker
M. C. Escher (1898-1972) Dutch graphic artist
Ivan Shishkin (1831-1898) Russian landscape painter
Francisco Goya (1746-1828)
Andrea Mantegna (1431-1506) Italian painter, student of Roman archeology
Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) 19th-century German Romantic landscape painter
Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) bedeutendster deutscher Maler und Zeichner der deutschen Früh-Romantik
Emma Watson (*1990) British actress, model, activist
Carrie Fisher (1956-2016) US American actress, novelist, screenwriter, lecturer
autobiography Wishful Drinking, 2008
Wellesley Tudor Pole O.B.E. (1884-1968) British spiritualist, early British Bahá'í, working on behalf of ⚡ Winston Churchill
Janis Joplin [Musik BW 495] (1943-1970) US-amerikanische MKUltra bewusstseinskontrollierte Sängerin, Liedermacherin, Tänzerin, Musikarrangeurin
Janis Joplin [Music LoC 495] (1943-1970) US American MKUltra mind-controlled singer, songwriter, painter, dancer, music arranger
Gabriel Barylli (*1957) österreichischer Schriftsteller, Schauspieler, Regisseur
Louis Armstrong [BW 590] (1901-1971) US-amerikanischer Jazztrompeter, Jazzsänger
Chris Rea (*1951) italienisch-irisch-gebürtiger britischer Bluessänger, Musiker, Komponist, Gitarrist, besiegte Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs mit 50-%iger Überlebenschance nach einer Duodenopankreatektomie, 2001
Chris Rea (*1951) British Blues singer, musician, survivor of a severe pancreatitis, was predicted a 50% chance of survival after an operation (pancreaticoduodenectomy) in 2001
Tom Bender, US American architect, visionary thinker of the green architecture and sustainability movements, strategic planner, feng-shui practitioner, editor, writer
Karl Valentin [Valentin Ludwig Fey] (1882-1948) deutscher Komiker, Volkssänger, Filmproduzent, Autor
Margaret Young (1891-1969) US American singer, comedienne
Margaret Young (1891-1969) US-amerikanische Sängerin, Komikerin
Barry Manilow, US-amerikanischer Sänger
Johnny Cash [BW 504] (1932-2003) US-amerikanischer Countrysänger
Johnny Cash [LoC 504] (1932-2003) US American Country singer
Nat King Cole [BW 470] (1919-1965) US-amerikanischer Sänger, Pianist und Jazzmusiker
Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) französischer Komponist, Musikkritiker
Giacomo Puccini [BW 550] (1858-1924) italienischer Komponist
Neil Peart (*1952) Canadian musician, drummer of the rock band Rush, author
Mendelson Joe (*1944) Canadian mixed-media artist, singer-songwriter, guitarist, painter, outspoken political activist, railer, raconteur
Alien. The Strange Life and Times of Mendelson Joe, 2000
Marian Anderson (1897-1993) US African-American contralto, celebrated singer of the twentieth century, first black person to perform at the Metropolitan Opera, New York City
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Werk BW 540] (1756-1791) österreichischer Komponist zur Zeit der Wiener Klassik
Oper in zwei Aufzügen Zauberflöte, Wien, 30. September 1791
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [Works LoC 540] (1756-1791) influential Austrian composer of the Classical era
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky [Works LoC 550] (1840-1893) influential Russian composer
Peter Ilitsch Tschaikowsky [Werk BW 550] (1840-1893) bedeutender russischer Komponist
William von Hippel (*1963) US-amerikanisch-australischer Professor für Sozialpsychologe, University of New South Wales, Autor
William von Hippel (*1963) US American Australian professor of social psychology, University of New South Wales, author
Richard Wagner (1813-1883) German composer, conductor, theater director, polemicist, playwright, writer
Wilhelm Richard Wagner (1813- 883) deutscher Komponist, Dirigent, Theaterregisseur, Dramatiker, Schriftsteller
Malwida Freiin von Meysenbug (*1816-1903) deutsche politisch Aktive, Förderin von Friedrich Nietzsche und Richard Wagner, Schriftstellerin
Arvo Pärt (*1935) estnischer klassischer Komponist, Komponist zeitgenössischer Musik, zitiert in Harenberg Komponistenlexikon, Mannheim, 2004
Arvo Pärt (*1935) Estonian classical composer, prominent living composers of sacred music
⚡ Miles Davis (1926-1991) US American jazz musician, trumpeter, composer, bandleader
Johann Sebastian Bach [Work LoC 530] (1685-1750) influential German composer, organist, harpsichordist, violist of the Baroque Period
Johann Sebastian Bach [Werk BW 530] (1685-1750) bedeutender deutscher Musiker, Komponist, Orgel- und Klaviervirtuose des Barock
Henri Matisse [Henri Émile Benoît Matisse] [Work LoC 525] (1869-1954) französischer Maler, Grafiker, Zeichner, Bildhauer
Henri Matisse [Henri Émile Benoît Matisse] [Werk BW 525] (1869-1954) French artist, painter, draughtsman, printmaker, sculptor
Ludwig van Beethoven [Werk BW 510] (1770-1827) deutscher Komponist, Pianist
Ludwig van Beethoven [Works LoC 510] (1770-1827) German composer, pianist
George Frideric Handel [Works LoC 510] (1685-1759) German-British Baroque composer of operas, oratorios, anthems and organ concertos
Georg Friedrich Händel [Werk BW 510] (1685-1759) deutsch-britischer Barock-Komponist von 42 Opern und 25 Oratorien
Frédéric Chopin [Werk BW 500] (1810-1849) bedeutender Polnisch-französischer Pianist, Klavierkomponist
Frédéric Chopin [Work LoC 500] (1810-1849) Polish-French composer, virtuoso pianist, masters of Romantic music
Dieter Hildebrandt (1927-2013) deutscher Kabarettist, Schauspieler, Buchautor
Ernst Stankovski (1928-2022) österreichischer Schauspieler, Regisseur, Quizmaster, Chansonnier, Kabarettist
Hildegard Knef (1925-2002) deutsche Schauspielerin
Hape Kerkeling (*1964) deutscher Entertainer, Komiker, Moderator, Schauspieler, Sänger, Synchronsprecher, Autor
Ich bin dann mal weg, 22. Mai 2006
Dolly Parton (*1946) US American country singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, actress, philanthropist, author
Dolly Parton (*1946) US-amerikanische Country-Sängerin, Songschreiberin, Schauspielerin, Philanthropin, Autorin
Loretta Graziano Breuning, Ph.D. (*1953) US American professor emerita of International Management, California State University, East Bay, founder of the Inner Mammal Institute
Beyond Cynical. Transcend Your Mammalian Negativity, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2. September 2013
Molière (1622-1673) French playwright, actor, the greatest masters, comedy in Western literature
Molière (1622-1673) französischer Schauspieler, Theaterdirektor, Dramatiker
Der Geizige, 1668
Liza Donnelly, American cartoonist at the US magazine The New Yorker since 1982
James Thurber (1894-1961) US American cartoonist, wit, author
Sophia Loren (*1934) italienische Filmschauspielerin
Sophia Loren (*1934) world class Italian actress
Hanna Schygulla (*1943) deutsche Schauspielerin, Sängerin
Theo Lingen (1903-1978) deutscher Schauspieler, Regisseur, Buchautor
Vicco von Bülow [Loriot] (1923-2011) deutscher Humorist, Karikaturist, Regisseur, Schauspieler, Bühnen- und Kostümbildner
Til Schweiger (*1963) deutscher Schauspieler, Drehbuchautor, Regisseur, Filmroduzent
André Heller (*1947) österreichischer Chansonnier, Aktionskünstler, Kulturmanager, Autor, Schauspieler
Sigourney Weaver (*1949) US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, weiblicher Actionstar
Gino Cervi (1901-1974) italienischer Filmschauspieler
Elvis Presley [BW 430] (1935-1977) US-amerikanischer Sänger, Schauspieler
Elvis Presley [LoC 430] (1935-1977) US American singer, actor
Malachy McCourt (*1931) Irish-American politician, actor, writer
Clint Eastwood (*1930) US American film actor, director, producer, composer, politician
movie Magnum Force
Clint Eastwood (*1930) US-amerikanischer Filmschauspieler, Filmregisseur und -produzent, Komponist, Politiker
David Bowie [David Robert Jones] (1947-2016) English popular musician, actor, record producer and arranger
David Bowie [David Robert Jones] (1947-2016) britischer Popmusiksänger, Musiker, Schauspieler, Musikproduzent und -arrangeur
David Lukoff, Ph.D., US American professor of clinical psychology, Loyola University of Chicago, Sofia University
Michael Jackson [King of Pop] (1958-2009) US American singer-songwriter, musician, recording artist, entertainer, dancer, philanthropist
George Carlin (1937-2008) controversial US American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, author
George Carlin (1937-2008) umstrittener US-amerikanischer Bühnenkomiker, Gesellschaftskritiker, Schauspieler, Autor
Woody Allen (*1935) US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur, Schauspieler, Musiker, Komiker, Autor
Woody Allen (*1935) US American director, actor, comedian, jazz musician, screenwriter, playwright, author
JP Sears (*1981) US American life coach, internet comedian
Arnold Schwarzenegger [Mr. Universe] (*1947) Austrian-American 38th governor of California (2003-2011), former professional bodybuilder, actor, model, businessman
Bill Cosby (*1937) US American comedian, actor, activist, educator, television producer, author
Konstantin Wecker (*1947) deutscher Musiker, Liedermacher, Komponist, Schauspieler, Autor
Hannity and Colmes [Program LoC 460] TvF 113
Donald Trump (*1946) US American business magnate, television personality, politician, 45th US president
Donald Trump (*1946) US-amerikanischer Unternehmer, Fernsehpersönlichkeit, Politiker, 45. US-Präsident
Graf Folke Bernadotte
Xavier Naidoo (*1971) deutscher Soul- und R&B-Sänger, Gründungsmitglied der deutschen Musikgruppe Söhne Mannheims, Mitinitiator und Dozent an der Mannheimer Popakademie
Steven Wright (*1955) US American comedian, actor, writer
Edward Bellamy (1850-1898) US American socialist, author
Looking Backward. 2000-1887, utopian science fiction novel, Houghton Mifflin, 1888
Ingrid Bergmann (1915-1982) schwedische Schauspielerin
Ingrid Bergmann (1915-1982) Swedish actress
Jon Stewart (*1962) US American political satirist, actor, media critic, television host, stand-up comedian of The Daily Show, writer
Fox Mulder, fictional character in the TV series The X-Files
Fox Mulder, Filmfigur aus der US-amerikanischen Fernsehserie Akte X
Lily Tomlin [LoC 460] (*1939) American actress, comedian, producer, writer
Lily Tomlin [BW 460] (*1939) US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, Kömodiantin, Produzentin, Schriftstellerin
Nicolas Cage (*1964) US American actor, producer, director
Ringo Starr (*1940) English musician, drummer for the Beatles [LoC 460], actor
Frank Crane (1873-1948) US American stage and film actor, director
Frank Crane (1873-1948) US-amerikanischer Bühnen- und Filmschauspieler, Filmregisseur
Robert Powell [LoC 575] (*1944) English television and film actor, famous for his title role in the TV miniseries Jesus of Nazareth, 1977
Robert Powell [BW 575] (*1944) britischer Fernseh- und Filmschauspieler, berühmt für die Titelrolle in der Bibelverfilmung Jesus of Nazareth, 1977
Christopher Reeve (1952-2004) US American actor, film director, producer, activist, screenwriter, author
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) englischstämmiger US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Filmregisseur
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) English-born US American comedic actor, director
David Lynch (*1946) US American filmmaker, television director, visual artist, comic book artist, musician, occasional actor
Peter Alexander (1926-2011) österreichischer Sänger, Schauspieler
Pablo Casals (1876-1973) spanischer Cellist, Komponist, Dirigent
Bobby Goldsboro (*1941) US American pop and country singer-songwriter
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) englischstämmiger US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Filmregisseur
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) English-born US American comedic actor, director
Ken Burns (*1953) US American film director, producer of documentary films
Jerry Seinfeld (*1954) US American stand-up comedian, actor, writer, television and film producer
Tippi Hedren (*1930) US American actress, former fashion model
Anne Hathaway (*1982) US American actress
Sidney Poitier (1927-2022) Bahamian American actor, film director, diplomat, author
The Measure of a Man. A Spiritual Autobiography, Oprah's Book Club, Harper San Francisco, 26. January 2007
Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970) US American guitarist, singer-songwriter
Sting (*1951) English musician, singer-songwriter, activist, philanthropist, actor
Jeff Bridges (*1949) US American actor, musician, Academy Award winner for best actor for his role in the drama film Crazy Heart, 2009
Bill Maher (*1956) US American stand-up comedian, satirist, actor, political commentator, television host, author
Sir Peter Ustinov (1921-2004) britischer Schauspieler, Regisseur, Komiker, Dramatiker, Schriftsteller
Achtung! Vorurteile, Hoffmann und Campe, 1. Auflage 10. Februar 2003
Sir Peter Ustinov (1921-2004) British actor, writer, director, comedian, dramatist, writer
Martin Scorsese (*1942) US American film historian, film director, screenwriter, producer, actor, non-profit organization founder of The Film Foundation, 1990
Douglas Fairbanks (1883-1939) US American actor, screenwriter, director, producer
Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957) US American actor, regarded as a cultural icon
Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957) US-amerikanischer Schauspieler, Kulturikone
Bing Crosby (1903-1977) US American singer, actor, golf lover
Daphne Merkin (*1954) US American literary critic, essayist, novelist, battling with depression
Patty Duke (1946-2016) US American actress, diagnosed with bipolar disorder [manic depression] in 1982, educator on mental health issues
Britney Spears (*1981) US American recording artist, entertainer
Bono [Paul David Hewson] (*1960) Irish singer (rock band U2), musician, venture capitalist, humanitarian
Werner Herzog (*1942) German film director, producer, screenwriter, actor, opera director
Jay Leno (*1950) US American comedian, actor, voice actor, producer, television host, writer
Jay Leno (*1950) US-amerikanischer Komiker, Fernsehmoderator
Jürgen von der Lippe (*1948) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Entertainer, Schauspieler, Komiker, und Monika Cleves
Norman Mailer (1923-2007) US American political candidate, film maker, actor, journalist, essayist, playwright, novelist
Norman Mailer (1923-2007) US-amerikanischer politischer Kandidat, Journalist, Filmemacher, Schauspieler, Schriftsteller
Darryl F. Zanuck [Social impact LoC 425] (1902-1979) US American producer, director, major Hollywood studio executive, actor, writer TVF 111
Stephen Colbert (*1964) US American satirist, comedian on The Daily Show and The Colbert Report (2005-2014), actor, writer
Jesse Ventura (*1951) US American politician, 38th governor of Minnesota (1999-2003), veteran, wrestler, actor, author
Nathan Lee Chasing His Horse (*1976) US American actor, Lakota spiritual leader, member of the Rosebud Lakota Sioux Nation
Douglas Rushkoff (*1961) US American media theorist, writer, columnist, lecturer, graphic novelist, documentarian
Douglas Rushkoff (*1961) US-amerikanischer Medientheoretiker, Kolumnist, Referent, Autor, Dokumentarfilmer
Bon Jovi, US American rock band, Sayreville, New Jersey
Paul Simon (*1941) US American singer-songwriter, guitarist, poet
Sharon Stone (*1958) US American actress, film producer, former fashion model
Carol Leifer (*1956) US American stand-up comedian, film producer, actress, writer
Cheri Oteri (*1962) US American comic actress, cast member on Saturday Night Live (1995-2000)
Joan Crawford (1905-1977) US-amerikanische Filmschauspielerin
Gino Cervi (1901-1974) italienischer Filmschauspieler
Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) britisch-niederländische Schauspielerin, UNICEF-Sonderbotschafterin
Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) British-Dutch actress, humanitarian, special ambassador for UNICEF
Music video of My Fair Lady, 1964
Rex Harrison (1908-1990) British actor
Judy Collins (*1939) US American social activist, folk and standards singer, songwriter
Katharine Hepburn (1907-2003) US American actress of film, stage, and television
middle-aged spinster, US American movie The African Queen, 1951
Susan Boyle [LoC 550] (*1961) Scottish singer
Susan Boyle [BW 550] (*1961) schottische Sängerin
Steven Spielberg (*1946) US American film director
Steven Spielberg (*1946) US-amerikanischer Filmregisseur
Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) US American actress, singer, (presidential) model
Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, Sängerin, Modell
Andy Rooney (1919-2011) US American radio and television writer
Lee Grant (*1927) US American actress
Sandra Bullock (*1964) US American actress, movie producer
Nat King Cole [BW 470] (1919-1965) US-amerikanischer Sänger, Pianist und Jazzmusiker
Janis Joplin [Musik BW 495]
Carlos Santana [Musik BW 515]
Kate Bush (*1958) britische Sängerin, Pianistin, Songwriterin
Kate Bush (*1958) British singer, pianist, songwriter
Walt Disney (1901-1966) US American business magnate in the animation industry, cartoonist, producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, 33rd degree Freemason
Filmfigur Jedi-Meister Yoda in dem US-amerikanischen Film wp:Krieg_der_SterneKrieg der Sterne, produziert von 20th Century Fox, 1977 ✓
character Jedi master, Yoda in the US American movie Star Wars, produced by 20th Century Fox, 1977
Max Scheler
Herbert Wehner, SPD-Politiker
Alexander Roda Roda (1872-1945) österreichischer Publizist, Schriftsteller
Johnny Carson [LoC 480] (unconfirmed)
Aenne Perl, deutsche Aphoristikerin
Elvis Presley [BW 430] (1935-1977) US-amerikanischer Sänger, Schauspieler
Anthony Hopkins (*1937) Welsh actor of film, stage, and television, composer
James C. Collins, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of biomedical engineering, Boston University, investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), author
Deepak Malhorta, Ph.D., US American professor of business administration, Harvard Business School
Morten T. Hansen, Ph.D., US American management professor, University of California, Berkeley, INSEAD, France
Jeffrey Ford, Ph.D., US American professor of management, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University
⚡ Adam Grant, Ph.D. (*1981) US American professor of organizational psychology, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, author
Chris Anderson (*1961) English-American entrepreneur, editor-in-chief, author
Susan Scott (*1944) US American leadership development architect, public speaker, author
Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, political activist, philanthropist, speaker, author
Jane Fonda (*1937) US-amerikanische Schauspielerin, zweifache Oscar-Preisträgerin, politische Aktivistin, Philanthropin, Referentin, Autorin
Hall & Oates, US American musical duo
Bob Marley (1945-1981) Jamaican singer-songwriter, musician
Alec Baldwin III (*1958) US American actor
Groucho Marx (1890-1977) US American comedian, entertainer, actor
Groucho Marx (1890-1977) US-amerikanischer Komödiant, Entertainer, Schauspieler
Roseanne Barr (*1952) US American actress, comedienne, television producer, director, 2012 presidential nominee of the California-based Peace and Freedom Party, writer
Anthony Zerbe (*1936) US American stage, film and Emmy-winning television actor, Omega Man
Roberta Ossana, US American publisher and editor of the journal "Dream Network"
Brigitte Bardot (*1934) former French actress singer, animal rights activist, fashion model, bestknown sex-symbol of the 1960s
Brigitte Bardot (*1934) französische Filmschauspielerin, Sängerin, Tierschutzaktivistin
Will Smith (*1968) US American producer, rapper, actor, CHILD ABUSER
Marlon Brando (1924-2004) US-amerikanischer Aktivist, Filmregisseur, Schauspieler
Der Pate, Film-Trilogie, 1972
Marlon Brando (1924-2004) US American activist, film director, actor
Hans Clarin (1929-2005) deutscher Schauspieler, Synchronsprecher
Axel von Ambesser (1910-1988) deutscher Schauspieler, Filmregisseur, Autor
Ella Fitzgerald [First Lady of Song] [Work LoC 465] (1917-1996) US American jazz and song vocalist
Shirley MacLaine (*1934) US American film and theater actress, singer, dancer, activist, author
Shirley MacLaine (*1934) US-amerikanische Film- und Theaterschauspielerin, Sängerin, Tänzerin, Aktivistin, Autorin
Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand (*1942) US-amerikanische Sängerin, Schauspielerin, Musicalschauspielerin
Volker Pispers (*1958) deutscher politischer Kabarettist
Meryl Streep (*1949) US-amerikanische Schauspielerin
Film Adaption
Meryl Streep (*1949) US American award winning actress
movie Adaptation, 2002
Goldfinger (1964) third spy, movie of the James Bond film series
COMMENTATORS / EXPERTS of I AM documentary by Tom Shadyac
HeartMath Institute [LoC 455/460] nonprofit research and education organization for reducing stress, self-regulating emotions and building energy, Boulder Creek, California, 1991
Field Notes on the Compassionate Life. A Search for the Soul of Kindness, Rodale Books, 1st edition 10. March 2005
novel Ishmael
The Story of B, 1996