Wiki / Aura
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Ammonite, Pearson Scott Foresman |
Quelle (engl.): ► Gelöschter Artikel Practical Magic(k): Secret of the Five Pranas [Praktische Magie: Geheimnis der fünf Pranas], präsentiert von der Publikation Evolve and Ascend, 22. April 2016 |
Referenz: ► Artikel Die fünf Grundfähigkeiten des Menschen – im Wettstreit, präsentiert von der Plattform für Schreibende Pubikum, Elfriede Ammann, 27. Oktober 2020 |
Buchempfehlung (engl.): ► Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), Gods, Sages and Kings. Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization [Götter, Weisen und Könige. Vedische Geheimnisse der antiken Zivilisation], Lotus Brands, 4. April 2001 |
See also: ► Essential prana and ► Body parts contest – Who's on top? |
Quelle (engl.): ► Artikel Secrets of the Five Pranas, präsentiert von dem American Institute of Vedic Studies, erstveröffentlicht 13. Juni 2012, neu aufgelegt 9. Januar 2019 |
Touch deprivation during the Covid plandemic 2020
"Justified resentments"
Touch comes before sight, before speech. Margaret Atwood (*1939) Canadian writer, novel The Blind Assassin, McClelland and Stewart, 2. September 2000 |
Source: ► Deleted article Practical Magic(k): Secret of the Five Pranas, presented by the publication Evolve and Ascend, 22. April 2016 |
Reference: ► Q&A contribution Which are the five main faculties of human nature?, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 459 views, 20. November 2019 |
Book reference: ► Dr. David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri), Gods, Sages and Kings. Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization, Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civil, 4. April 2001 |
See also: ► Body parts contest – Who's on top? |
Siehe auch: ► Die fünf Hauptfähigkeiten eines Menschen – Ohne Prana läuft nichts. |
Source: ► Article Secrets of the Five Pranas, presented by the American Institute of Vedic Studies, first issued 13. June 2012, reissued 9. January 2019 |
[T]he Urim and Thummim [...] shall be upon Aaron's heart when he goeth before the Lord: and Aaron shall |
Urim and Thummim are described as flat crystals or transparent gems. High priests of the Hebrew Temples held the red
Studies of psychedelics have confirmed that red and green (or else pink and chartruse) colors are perceived as super- Viewing the faces of other people in the room, the subject observed red and green glowing lines crossing their faces horizontally but following the contours of the face. […] Whenever the subject closed his eyes, he was presented with a dazzling array of colours and patterns. Most of the patterns were of a repetitive nature, resembling mandalas. The predominant colours were red and green and the predominant patterns were formed from circles and octagons. |
References: ► Article Scientists studying psychoactive drugs accidentally proved the self is an illusion, presented by the US American online portal Quartz, Ephrat Livni, 9. February 2018 ► Article What the Heck are Seer Stones?, presented by the publication The Restoration of Christ's Church, 15. May 2019 |
Referenz: ► Videopräsentation von George Pennington (*1947) amerikanisch-deutscher Psychologe, Berater, Trainer, psychologischer Forscher, TV-Psychologe, Buchautor, Meditation 6 – Die Tafeln von Chartes, YouTube Film, 11:24 Minuten Dauer, 11. May 2018 |
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Prof. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov ist Erfinder, Informatiker und Biophysiker an der Technischen Universität von St. Petersburg. Er entwickelte die GDV-Technik (Gasentladungs-Visualisationstechnik), eine Weiterentwicklung der Kirlian-Fotografie. Sie ermöglicht, mit einer GDV-Kamera die physische, emotionale, mentale und spirituelle Energie zu messen.
Audio and video links (engl.)
The aura is the carrier of what one has learned – energy transmission via teacher/spiritual aspirant
1 Scientific article by Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., US American professor of biophysics, University of California at Berkeley (UCB), researcher of biofield science and energy medicine, founder of the Institute for Frontier Science (IFS), David Muehsam, Richard Hammerschlag, Shamini Jain, Ph.D., Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts, presented by the publication Global Advances in Health and Medicine (GAHM), Suppl. 8-14, 4. November 2015 ⇑