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Zitate zum Thema Dunkelheit / Darkness

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Gott schied das Licht von der Finsternis und er nannte das Licht Tag und die Finsternis Nacht.
Genesis 1, 4-5 (AT)


Das Dichten und Trachten des menschlichen Herzens ist böse von Jugend auf.
Genesis 8, 21 (AT)


Meide das Böse und tu das Gute; suche Frieden und jage ihm nach! Ps 34, 15 (AT)


Denn auch Finsternis ist nicht finster bei dir, und die Nacht leuchtet wie der Tag, Finsternis ist wie das Licht.
Psalm 139, 12 (AT)  [Polarität]


Wer auf Böses sinnt, betrügt sich selbst, wer heilsamen Rat gibt, erntet Freude. Sprüche 12, 20 (AT)


Er sprach aber zu ihnen: Ich sah wohl den Satanas vom Himmel fallen als einen Blitz.
Sehet, ich habe euch Macht gegeben, zu treten auf Schlangen und Skorpione,
und über alle Gewalt des Feindes; und nichts wird euch beschädigen.
Doch darin freuet euch nicht, dass euch die Geister untertan sind.
Freuet euch aber, dass eure Namen im Himmel geschrieben sind.
Lukas 10, 18-20 (NT)


Drum beugt euch nicht mit den Ungläubigen unter das gleiche Joch. Korinther 6, 14 (NT)
Fremdes Joch = Satanismus


Darum: Zieht weg aus ihrer Mitte und sondert euch ab, spricht der Herr, und habt keine Berührung
mit dem Unreinen; so werde ich euch aufnehmen.
2. Korinther 6, 17 (NT)


Prüft, was dem Herrn wohlgefällig ist, und habt nicht Gemeinschaft mit den unfruchtbaren Werken der Finster-
nis; deckt sie vielmehr auf. Denn man muss sich schämen, von dem, was sie heimlich tun, auch nur zu reden.
Alles, was aufgedeckt ist, wird vom Licht erleuchtet.
Brief an die Epheser, Kapitel 5, Vers 11-13 (NT) Lutherbibel


Denn wir haben nicht mit Fleisch und Blut zu kämpfen, sondern mit Fürsten und Gewaltigen, nämlich mit den
Herren der Welt, die in der Finsternis dieser Welt herrschen, mit den bösen Geistern unter dem Himmel.
Brief an die Epheser, Kapitel 6, Vers 12 (NT)




Wenn das Daimonische ins Dämonische umschlägt

  • [Das Daimonische ist] jede natürliche Funktion, der die Macht innewohnt, den gan-
    zen Menschen [oder die ganze Nation] zu übernehmen. [...] das Daimonische kann
    entweder schöpferisch oder zerstörerisch [d.h. dämonisch] sein, doch im Normal-
    fall ist es beides [...]. Ist Gewalt im Spiel, so ist das Daimonische aus dem Ruder gelaufen. [...] In Zeitaltern [wie dem unsrigen] kommt das Daimonische eher in seiner destruktivsten Form zum Ausdruck. Das Daimonische ist offensicht-
    lich keine Entität, sondern bezieht sich auf eine grundlegende, archetypische Funktion der menschlichen Erfahrung – eine existentielle Realität1.
    Dr. Rollo May (1909-1994) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Vertreter der Existenziellen Psychotherapie, Autor, Liebe und Wille
    [ Love and Will, 1969], S. 123-124, Edition Humanistische Psychologie (EHP), 2. unveränderte Auflage 1. Januar 1988


  • Es ist besser, ein einziges kleines Licht anzuzünden, als die Dunkelheit zu verfluchen.
    Konfuzius (551-479 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


  • Dunkelheit ist ein Mangel an Licht, so wie die Sünde ein Mangel an Liebe ist. Sie hat keine speziellen, ihr eigenen Qualitäten. Sie ist ein Beispiel für den Glauben an »Mangel«, aus dem nur Irrtum hervorgehen kann.
    Ein Kurs in Wundern, Übungsbuch, S. 11, T.1.IV.3, 1994


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Dunkelheit


  • Die Dunkelheit bringt die Gefahr mit sich, und unter ihrem Schutzmantel machen sogar normale Menschen Dinge, die sie bei Tageslicht nie tun würden, da ihre Phantasie dem Verstand Streiche spielt und die Vernunft ihr nachgibt. Die Untergrabung der Obrigkeit hat der Versuchung allerorten Tür und Tor geöffnet. William und Lisa Toel, Elspeth, Constan-
    zes Kind
    , S. 251, ICA Press, Juni 2022




  • Es liebt die Welt, das Strahlende zu schwärzen
    Und das Erhabne in den Staub zu ziehn,
    Doch fürchte nicht! Es gibt noch schöne Herzen,
    Die für das Hohe, Herrliche entglühn.
    Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805) deutscher Arzt, Historiker, Philosoph, Dichter, Schriftsteller, Gedichte, "Das Mädchen von Orleans", 1801; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Im Nebel
    Seltsam, im Nebel zu wandern!
    Einsam ist jeder Busch und Stein,
    Kein Baum sieht den andern,
    Jeder ist allein.
    Voll von Freunden war mir die Welt,
    Als noch mein Leben licht war;
    Nun, da der Nebel fällt,
    Ist keiner mehr sichtbar.
    Wahrlich, keiner ist weise,
    Der nicht das Dunkel kennt,
    Das unentrinnbar und leise
    Von allen ihn trennt.
    Seltsam, Im Nebel zu wandern!
    Leben ist Einsamsein.
    Kein Mensch kennt den andern,
    Jeder ist allein.
    Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) deutsch-schweizerischer Dichter, Schriftsteller, November 1905, Erzählband Diesseits, 1907, Erzählungen. Eine Flussreise im Herbst, S. 57-58, Berlin 1954

General quotes

The light shines on in the dark and the darkness understands it not. John 1, 5 (NT)


Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Ephesians 5, 11 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • When I am in that darkness, I do not remember anything about anything human, or the God-man, or anything which has a form. Nevertheless, I see all and I see nothing. As what I have spoken of withdraws and stays with me, I see the God-man. Angela of Foligno (1248-1309) Italian Franciscan tertiary, mystic, writer, complete works The Memorial and Instructions, S. 205, Paulist Press, 1993


  • I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid
    of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multi-
    plies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. [...] The chain re-
    action of evil – hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars – must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of anni-
    hilation. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, collection of sermons Strength To Love, 1963


  • The feeling of Jewishness remains in me something dark, abysmal, and above all, unstable. Both powerful and labile. Nothing is as important to me as my Jewishness which, however, in many respects, has so little importance in my life. Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) Algerian French postmodern philosopher, founder of deconstructionism, developer of post-structura-
    , atheist, cited in: Hervé Ryssen, Les Espérances planétariennes, S. 183, Éditions Baskerville, 2005



Call for dehumanization followed by genocide

  • Palestinians are not human beings, they don't deserve to live and they are nothing but animals. Eli Ben-Dahan (*1954) Maroccan-Israeli rabbi, politician, member of the Knesset for the Jewish Home, deputy minister of religious affairs, Israeli hatred, presented by the English-language Pakistani newspaper Daily Times (DT), 23. July 2014




  • We should not try to 'get rid' of a neurosis, but rather to experience what it means, what it has to teach, what its pur-
    pose is. We should even learn to be thankful for it, otherwise we pass it by and miss the opportunity of getting to know ourselves as we really are. A neurosis is truly removed only when it has removed the false attitude of the ego. We do not cure it – it cures us. A man is ill, but the illness is nature's attempt to heal him. From the illness itself we can learn so much for our recovery, and what the neurotic flings away as absolutely worthless contains the true
    gold we should never have found elsewhere. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of
    a new school of depth psychology, author, Gerhard Adler, translator,‎ R. F. C. Hull, translator, Civilization in Transition – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 10, 1928, S. 170, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2nd edition 1. August 1970



  • All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience.
    Henry Miller (1891-1980) US American painter, writer, The Wisdom of the Heart, S. 80, 1941, New Directions Publishing Corporation, 20. December 2016



  • The great problem of our time is that we don’t understand what is happening to the world. We are confronted with
    the darkness of our soul, the unconscious. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a
    new school of depth psychology, author, Letters, Vol. 2. 1951-1961, S. 590, Princeton University Press, 1. April 1976



  • The devil is a preliminary stage of individuation, in the negative it has the same goal as the divine quaternity, name-
    ly, wholeness.
    Although it is still darkness, it already carries the germ of light within itself. Its activities are still dangerous and dead-
    ly, but at the same time it is like the darkness of earth in which the seed germinates.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Maria Meyer-
    Grass, editor, Lorenz Jung, editor, Ernst Falzeder and Tony Woolfson, translators, Children's Dreams. Notes from the Seminar Given in 1936-1940, S. 372, Princeton University Press, paperback 2010


  • Suffering is archetypal and collective, it can be taken as a sign that [we are] no longer suffering from [ourselves], but rather from the spirit of the age. [We suffer from an] [...] impersonal cause, from [our] collective unconscious which
    [we have] in common with all [humanity]. [words in brackets have been changed from singular, masculine to gender neutral]. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author,
    cited in: Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, The Wounded Healer, part 1, 2007


Good-Evil dichotomy

  • Therefore the ancients said that after Adam had eaten the apple, the tree of paradise withered. Your life needs the dark. But if you know that it is evil, you can no longer accept it and you suffer anguish and you do not know why. Nor can you accept it as evil, else your good will reject you. Nor can you deny it since you know good and evil. Because
    of this the knowledge of good and evil was an insurmountable curse.
    But if you return to primal chaos and if you feel and recognize that which hangs stretched between the two unbear-
    able poles of fire, you will notice that you can no longer separate good and evil conclusively, neither through feeling
    nor through knowledge, but that you can discern the direction of growth only from below to above. You thus forget
    the distinction between good and evil, and you no longer know it as long as your tree grows from below to above.
    But as soon as growth stops, what was united in growth falls apart and once more you recognize good and evil.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Sonu Shamdasani, Indian historian, editor, The Red Book [Liber Novus], 205-page illustrated manuscript, Kindle Location 6956,
    Philemon Series, The Philemon Foundation and W.W. Norton & Company, 9. October 2009


  • The ancient Romans built their greatest masterpieces of architecture, for wild beasts to fight in. Letter by Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet] (1694-1778) French philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment, social critic, proponent of the French Revolution, advocate of civil liberties, freedom of religion, free trade, deist, writer, addressed to an unnamed "un premier commis", 20. June 1733, excerpted from Oeuvres Complètes de Voltaire. Correspondance, volume I, letter #343, S. 354, Garnier frères, Paris, 1880; cited in: Daniel J. Boorstin, The Creators. A History of Heroes of the Imagination, S. 107, 1992, Vintage Books, 1st edition October 1993



  • In the Christian context, we do not mean by a "mystery" merely that which is baffling and mysterious, an enigma or insoluble problem. A mystery is, on the contrary, something that is revealed for our understanding, but which we never understand exhaustively because it leads into the depth or darkness of God. The eyes are closed – but they are also opened. Kallistos Ware (*1934) English metropolitan bishop within the Eastern Orthodox Church under the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, author, The Orthodox Way, St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, United States, 1979, revised edition 1. September 1995


Eiskristalle, Lajoux, Jura, Frankreich
  • While nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer, nothing is more difficult than to understand him. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881) Russian writer of novels, short stories and essays, cited in: Peter J. DiDomenica, Thomas G. Robbins, Journey from Genesis to Genocide. Hate, Empathy, and the Plight of Humanity, S. 63, Dorrance Publishing, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 2013


  • Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical vio-
    lence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, cited in: Nonviolence, presented by U.N. International Day of Peace, 21. September


  • These places of possibility within ourselves are dark because they are ancient and hidden; they have survived and grown strong through darkness. Within these deep places, each one of us holds an incredible reserve of creati-
    and power, of unexamined and unrecorded emotion and feeling. The woman's place of power within each of us is neither white nor surface; it is dark, it is ancient, and it is deep. Audre Lorde (1934-1992) Caribbean-American activist, poet, writer, Sister Outsider. Essays and Speeches, S. 36, Crossing Press, Trumansburg, New York, 1984, reprint edition 1. August 2007




The daemonic turned demonic

  • [The daemonic is] any natural function which has the power to take over the whole person [or whole nation] […] the daemonic can either be creative or destructive [i.e., demonic], but it is normally both […]. Violence is the daemonic gone awry […] ages [such as ours] tend to be times when the daemonic is expressed in its most destructive form. The daimonic is obviously not an entity but refers to a fundamental, archetypal function of human experience – an existential reality. Rollo May may-rollo (1909-1994) US American existential psychologist, author, Love and Will, S. 123-124, W. W. Norton & Company, 1969; cited also in: Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013



Jacob wrestling God/angel/daemon

  • Jacob was wrestling with the angel in the first place because he would have been killed otherwise. The more powerful archetypal forces that wound us and become activated in us through our wounding literally challenge us to the core of our being to connect with, become intimately acquainted with, and step into more empowered aspects of ourselves, or else. Talking about his own personal experience of living out this deeper, archetypal pattern, Jung said
    "I would wrestle with the dark angel until he dislocated my hip. For he is also the light and the blue sky which
    he withholds from me."
The dark angel who wounds us is at the same time the Luciferian agent who is the bringer of the light. There is a se-
cret tie between the powers that wound us by seemingly obstructing our true nature and the very true nature that they appear to be obstructing.
Blog article by Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, The wounded healer, part 1, 2007


  • In the myth, the angel then changes Jacob's name to "Israel," "he who has wrestled with God," which symbolizes that Ja-
    cob's identity has been changed in the process of his encoun-
    ter with the numinosum. Our wounding is a "numinous" event,
    in that its source is transpersonal and archetypal, which is to
    say that our wound is the very way by which the divine is ma-
    king contact with us. The origin of both our wounding AND the
    healing that precipitates out of our wound comes from beyond
    ourselves, as it is beyond our own personal contrivance. Our wounding activates a deeper, transpersonal process of potential healing and illumination that we could not have initiated by ourselves.
    Blog article by Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, The wounded healer, part 1, 2007


  • The ability to hold Light is directly proportional to the courage to see darkness. Choosing to see just one creates distortions and illusions. It amazes me that something so simple and common sense can be so difficult to even discuss with 'spiritual' people who insist on remaining 'positive'. Actually, this avoidance is based on unacknowledged fear that their inner light might be somewhat 'dispersed' by seeing darkness and therefore not giving the light much credit at all. I think there's also fear that they might somehow become 'tainted' or the darkness might 'manifest' in some form in their lives. But the opposite is true; it is the fear, especially unacknowledged, that has much more chance to manifest than darkness exposed to daylight and investigation. Just like we must be fearless about our own inner shadow, we must also be fearless about seeing this huge shadow of humanity. Or we will have the power to transform pre-
    cisely nothing, within or without. Anis Springate, US American blogger, cited in: deleted article Don't be Afraid of the Dark, presented
    by the publication DMT Times, 14. March 2019


  • It's not accidental that our gravest social ills, ranging from drugs and alcoholism to crime and child abuse, arise from diseases of the spirit, damaged self-esteem, and lack of mutual respect. There is no way we can resolve these pro-
    blems without making the leap into acknowledging our spiritual illnesses and dealing first with them.
    Tom Bender, US American architect, visionary thinker of the green architecture and sustainability movements, strategic planner,
    feng-shui practitioner, editor, writer, The Heart of Place, 168 pages, December 1993



Battle between service to self ⇔ service to others

  • And as we have learned from Jesus, Gurdjieff and the Gnostic Sufis, Castaneda, and the Cassiopaeans, the rules of this World in which we live were set up and are controlled by this STS [Service-to-Self] hierarchy and have been for a very long time. Each and every time the revelation of this Control System is attempted, the Matrix goes into overdrive to destroy it. And it is clear that this is the present situation […]. It is in "seeing the unseen" that we become aware of higher le-
    vels of being; it is in ordinary human interactions that we experience the "battles" between the forces of STS and STO
    And it is most definitely this factor that the Matrix Control System vigorously attempts to conceal! […] In other words,
    we are not just talking about a "petty dispute," we are talking about a battle of forces at other levels, manifesting –
    as ALWAYS – in human dynamics.
    Laura Knight-Jadczyk (*1952) US American alternative multidisciplinary researcher, medium, editor, author, Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown, The Wave Volume 5, Red Pill Press, paperback issue 1. September 2011


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Darkness

Literary quotes


  • Teach the ignorant as much as you can; society is culpable in not providing a free education for all and it must ans-
    wer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he
    who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.
    Victor Hugo (1802-1885) French statesman, human rights activist, exponent of the Romantic movement in France, visual artist, playwright, poet, essayist, novelist, historical epic fiction novel Les Misérables, A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & Cie, 1862


Tree with apotropaion eyes, Pigeon Valley
near Uçhisar, Cappadocia, Turkey, January 2008
  • I am a forest and a night of dark trees:
    but he who is not afraid of my darkness,
    will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, philologist, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism, writer, Thus Spoke Zarathustra [Also sprach Zarathustra], Ernst Schmeitzner, Chemnitz, 1883-1891, Viking Press, 1954


  • One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
    One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
    J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973) English professor of philology, poet, writer, epigraph
    to The Lord of the Rings, 3 volumes (1937-1949), Allen & Unwin, United Kingdom,
    29. July 1954, 11. November 1954, 20. October 1955


Ring-Verse – Elven-lore

  • Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
    Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
    Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
       One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
       One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
    J. R. R. Tolkien (1892-1973) English professor of philology, poet, writer, The Fellowship of the Ring, chapter "The Shadow of the Past", S. 50, George Allen & Unwin, 29. July 1954


  • The most vicious terrorists [...] are the influential leaders who fuel hatred among the desperate masses, inspiring their foot soldiers to commit acts of violence. It takes only one powerful dark soul to wreak havoc in the world by inspiring spiritual intolerance, nationalism, or loathing in the minds of the vulnerable. Dan Brown (*1964) US American bestselling author of thriller fiction, mystery thriller Origen, S. 456, Doubleday, 27. September 2017



  • You, Darkness
    You, darkness, of whom I am born –
    I love you more than the flame
    that limits the world
    to the circle it illumines
    and excludes all the rest.
    But the darkness embraces everything:
    shapes and shadows, creatures and me,
    people, nations – just as they are.
    It lets me imagine
    a great presence stirring beside me.
    I believe in the night.
    Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist, translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy,
    cited in: Anita Barrows, Rilke's Book of Hours. Love Poems to God, Riverhead Books, 1. November 2005

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Unconscious psychic imprint: Weighing the sinner's heart on the scales

  • In Egyptian mythology, the soul goes to Hades [Duat], where the Lord of the Underworld (Osiris) sits in judgment and weighs the sinner's heart on the scales, whose destiny then hangs in the balance. To understand this depiction (which operates quite mightily in the human psyche) we first note that it is referring to the 'underworld'. This is the judge in the unconscious mind that is self-judging and hands out sentences of guilt, suffering, and self-hatred. This myth is an accurate depiction of the dark side of the unconscious.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 331, 2003



Darkness is the absence of goodness.

  • Darkness ist not the opposite of goodness, it's the absence of goodness.
    Untitled audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 13. July 2004

Englische Texte – English section on evil (darkness)

Evil history, evil people, evil deeds (11th-21st century)

Timeline and agents of evil
Evil historyEvil people Century
Evil historyEvil people
1.First centuryFlavius Josephus (St Luke)
St Paul (of Tarsus)
11.11th century 
2.Second centurySt. Clement of Alexandria
Titus Flavius Josephus Clemens
12.12th centuryBernard of Clairvaux
Richard the Lion Heart
3.Third century 13.13th centuryFrancis of Assisi
4.Fourth century 14.14th century 
5.Fifth centurySt Augustine of Hippo15.15th century 
6.|Sixth century 16.16th centuryIgnatius Loyola S.J.
John Calvin
Martin Luther
Sir Francis Drake
William Shakespeare
7.Seventh centuryCharles Martel17.17th centuryCardinal Richelieu
Sir Francis Bacon
8.Eigth centurySt Boniface
18.18th centuryBenjamin Franklin
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
9.Nineth century 19.19th centuryNapoleon I Bonaparte
10.Tenth century 20.20th centuryDwight D. Eisenhower
Joseph P. Kennedy
Theodore Roosevelt Jr
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Pope John XXIII
Mao Zedong
   21.21th century 
Sources featuring Frank O'Collins ucadia.org Australian philosopher, knowledge architect, developer of open-model of Ucadia systems based on historic truth – Email access required
► Article Evil People, unknown date
► Article Almanac of Evil History (by Century), unknown date

Systemic acts of evil

Systemic acts of evil
༺༻Evil toolComment
1.Vatican Holocaust (part 1-8) 
2.Great Vatican-Jesuit Global depression
(part 1-5)
Part 1: Global financial crisis of 2008
Part 2: Global credit collapse 2009
Part 3: Great leap to socialism 2009-2010,
Part 4: Emergence of police state 2010-2011
Part 5: The great liberty riots 2011-2012
3.Ritual sexual human sacrifice 
4.Cultural genocide 
5.Slave trade 
6.Cultural parasitism "The Jesuits are the most successful
cultural parasitism organization.
7.Child molestation 
8.Ritual mass human sacrifice 
9.Murder (serial killing) 
10.Political mass murder 
11.Sexual assault 
12.Cultural sabotage 
13.Acts of forgery 
14.Supreme pious duplicity 
15.Economic rationalism 
Source: ► Frank O'Collins ucadia.org Australian philosopher, knowledge architect, developer of open-
model of Ucadia systems based on historic truth, article Acts of Evil, unknown date  
Email access required

Forty divine wisdoms – Frank O'Collins

List of divine wisdoms
༺༻_______Headline_______Summary – Legend
1.Universal MindDivision of reality and unreality (paradox). Life is a dream, reality is mind.
2.Connected MindThe universe and the Universal Mind is inter-connected and unique collective awareness.
3.Rules of the dreamThe Universal Mind as a dream operates according to well defined and consistent rules.
4.Rules of existenceExistence is both observer and the observed.
The Universal Mind as a dream depends on rules for existence.
5.Neutrality of MindThe Universal Mind, Unique Collective Awareness, is morally neutral.
6.Wisdom and ethicsWisdom is distinct from ethics.
7.Laws of physicsThe laws of physics (the universal dream) cannot be broken. Focused mind and skill can "bend" them.
8.Immortal MindThe human mind (soul) is immortal. The body is mortal.2
9.Divinely inspiredHuman mind can receive divine inspiration from the Universal Mind.
10.First beings on earthAkkadian and Sumerian creation stories describe layers of hierarchy of preexisting gods. The first higher beings on Earth were exiled alien prisoners.3
11.Engineered humansHumans were genetically engineered by the exiled alien prisoners as biological workforce.
12.Slain godsSlain alien prisoner god's DNA was mixed with primate DNA to create first humans (Lu.lu, the "worker" apes).
13.Created in likenessThe alien gods created the second humans to be in their likeness. [Genesis, OT]
14.Greater skillsThe second humans possess divine skills beyond their creators. [Genesis 3, 15-23, OT]
15.Creator second soulAlien exiled creator gods gave a second (evil) soul to humans.
16.Powerful demonsThe most powerful demons [more than 72-less than 1000] are the spirits of the exiled alien prisoner gods. [Zoroastrianisn, Akkadianism and Judaism]
17.Demons hating humansThe arch-demons alien (creators) have historically hated humankind.
18.Human blood as foodHuman blood is the food of the demon gods. [Texts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam state that a "jealous god" demanded blood atonement.]
19.Human blood soulLiving human blood is a natural transmitter of knowledge and medicine and the seat of the soul (mind).
20.Evil creatorsMisbehaving humans are imitating their genetic creators.
21.Holy ancestorsWell behaving humans are imitating the creators of the exiled alien creator gods/demons.
22.BeliefBelief is the greatest weapon for both good and evil.
23.RitualRitual is an important aid to strengthening belief. It does not supersede belief itself. It can help stimulate the experience of divine revelation.
24.Wise beliefThe strongest belief is based on wise understanding.
25.True namingThe true naming of a thing is its power.
26.Ritual evilEvil rituals performed by for ignorant and weak minds are the short path to divine inspiration.
27.Ritual goodGood rituals performed by wise and strong minds are the short path to the strongest inspiration.
28.Belief effecting the soulBelief can entrap souls in the hereafter.
29.Curse and doomCurse and evil spells doom the speaker.
30.BlessingsBlessings are the most powerful spells. They empower the speaker.
31.Ritual human sacrificeRitual human sacrifice is historically the most powerful evil act to the short path.
32.Humans as demonsMost demons are human spirits pretending to be demons. Most possessions are angry human spirits.
33.Powerful angerThe most powerful spirit is an angry soul recently departed.
34.Powerful forceThe most powerful living force is unresolved negativity of a pure soul.
35.Useless ritualRitual is useless unless it is believed by the living and spirits being contacted.
36.Worthless magicAlmost all magic books are completely false and have no value.
37.Worthless spellsAlmost all magic spells are made up and worthless.
38.Religious iconsReligious icons and symbols have no power unless they are believed at the time to hold power.
39.Foolish ignoranceThe most common fault of magic is foolish ignorance.
40.Lucifer treatyThe Treaty of Lucifer alters the relationship between humanity and the arch-demon gods forever.
Source: ► Frank O'Collins ucadia.org Australian philosopher, knowledge architect, developer of open-model of Ucadia systems
of language and information based on historic truth, article 40 Divine Wisdoms, unknown date  
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Links zum Thema Dunkelheit / Darkness


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Audio- und Videolinks

Der Mensch ist. Er ist weder gut noch böse. Er ist aber der Liebe bedürftig und zum Hass befähigt. Das "Böse" ist immer reaktiv, Folge von…

Audio and video links (engl.)

Energy vampirism explained

  • Video presentation by Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Awakened by Darkness by
    Paul Levy
    , sponsored by bookshop Powell's City of Books, Portland, Oregon, 18. January 2016, YouTube film, 49:13 minutes duration, posted 1. February 2016


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1 Das Daimonische ist sozusagen eine undifferenzierte, unpersönliche Urkraft

2 "Man is not by any means of fixed and enduring form. He is nothing else than the narrow and perilous bridge between nature and spirit. His innermost destiny drives him on to the spirit and to God. His innermost longing draws him back to nature, the mother. Between the two forces his life hangs tremulous and irresolute." Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss poet, novelist, autobiographical novel Steppenwolf, S. Fischer Verlag, Berlin, 1927

3 Enuma Elish (3000 BC), Marduk, Tiamat's conqueror: "Let the fallen gods day after day serve us; and as we enforce your will let no one else usurp our office. […] They will perform this service, day after day, and you shall enforce my will as law."

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