
Wiki / KI





Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) – Transhumanismus
Artificial Intelligence (AI)









Zitate zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz / Artificial intelligence

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Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Die befreiende Kraft der Technologie – die Instrumentalisierung der Dinge – verkehrt sich in eine Fessel der Befreiung, sie wird zur Instrumentalisierung des Menschen. Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) deutsch-amerikanischer Philosoph, Politologe, Soziologe, Autor, Der eindimensionale Mensch, Ersterscheinung in den USA, 1964


  • Die ernsthaften Forscher in unserer materialistisch eingestellten Zeit sind die einzigen, tief religiösen Menschen.
    Max Planck (1858-1947) deutscher theoretischer Physiker, Begründer der Quantentheorie, Nobelpreisträger für Physik, 1918, zitiert in: Michael Teubert, Um Himmels Willen. Gedanken zum Leben und über den Tod, S. 115, tredition, 2017


Hybridisierung des Menschen

  • Die Gefahr der künstlichen Intelligenz liegt nicht darin, dass Maschinen mehr und mehr wie Menschen denken, sondern dass Menschen mehr und mehr wie Maschinen denken.
    Joseph Weizenbaum (1923-2008) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Informatiker, Kybernetiker, Wissenschafts- und Gesellschaftskritiker, Ketzer der Informatik, Die Macht der Computer und die Ohnmacht der Vernunft, W. H. Freeman and Company, 1976, Suhrkamp Verlag, 14. Taschenbuchbuchauflage 5. Dezember 1978


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag (frz.) Intelligence artificielle und ►


General quotes

Personal avowals

  • There is no such thing as artificial intelligence. There is only software (it has been accurately said that today's "artifici-
    al intelligence" is tomorrow's outdated software). Only software which marketing strategists have decided to name "ar-
    tificial intelligence" in order to boost sales. (Ever heard of a magic sponge? Sorry, but there is nothing magical about
    abrasive melamine foam.) And software – even the world's most advanced even the most advanced software even
    theoretically possible in the "quantum computers" of the future – is nothing but an amalgamation of a large number
    of logic gates. […] All technology – all of it – is purely material fundamentally predictable entirely algorithmic. […]
    No robot, no computer, no new technology, no "AI" will ever have a soul. Only life created by God can have a soul.
    And only human beings have spiritual souls. Only human beings will ever have spiritual souls. No piece of technolo-
    gy must ever be considered as an end in and of itself, as enjoying personhood ,as demanding obedience, as having
    a free will, as having rights, as being legitimately creative, as having real emotions. No robot, no machine, no "AI", no
    computer or whatever else will ever "become aware", or "develop free will", or "acquire judgment" or anything of the
    sort. No "AI" must ever be considered to have wisdom of any type much less any wisdom to give that is worthy of hee-
    ding. So-called "AI" can do two and only two things: calculate algorithms and regurgitate what its human programmer
    has put into it. Video presentation by Daniel O'Connor, US American adjunct philosophy professor, State University of New York, Roman Catholic theologian, engineer, author, RESIST The "AI" Deception. ChatGPT Exposed (It's not what you've been told it is), YouTube film, minute 13:01, 43:32 minutes duration, posted 18. February 2023


  • I want to expose ChatGPT right now for what it really is. Open AI's ChatGPT is nothing but an automated plagia-
    rism machine
    combined with plagiarism evasion software and a spell check and a grammar check. In other words it's
    basically a Google search that doesn't provide a bunch of results in front of you so that you as a human can actually
    choose which one is helpful. Instead
    1. it searches the internet as well as built-in databases using what you input as your question
    2. it grabs selections from the results from various sources that you know it would have come up in front of you
      that in better days you would have been able to choose from and
    3. it runs those results through a plagiarism detection evasion algorithm that swaps out some of the words and
      with synonyms and it changes the ordering of phrases and clauses and other such simple techniques.
That's it, that's what the world is going crazy about right now.
Video presentation by Daniel O'Connor, US American adjunct philosophy professor, State University of New York, Roman Catholic theologian, engineer, author, RESIST The "AI" Deception. ChatGPT Exposed (It's not what you've been told it is), YouTube film, minute 17:36, 43:32 minutes duration, posted 18. February 2023


References: en.Wikiquote entries Artificial intelligence (AI) and ►

Literary quotes

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Persönliche Bekenntnisse

Quotes by

Personal avowals

Kismet robot, MIT Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts


Englische Texte – English section on Artificial intelligence




Links zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz / Artificial intelligence


Literature (engl.)

The Devil now seeks to deceive mankind not in the form of a speaking serpent, but rather by employing today's prevailing myth – science fiction – and he is empowered by increasingly sensational but patently false claims masquerading as nonfictional. These contemporary lies – regarding aliens, UFOs, and superintelligent AI – provide still more alluring disguises for him to yet again beguile the human race into entering into dialogue with him, even while failing to discern the cloven hoof. Thus, the Biblically foretold
"Strong Delusion" (2 Thessalonians 2) is heralded as
men "wander into myths" and heed "demonic instructions." (2 Timothy 4)

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Systemische Irrtümer liegen dem technokratischen Regierungssystem zugrunde. In H.G. Wells' berüchtigtem Buch Das Weltengehirn aus dem
Jahr 1939 beschreibt das moderne Szenario der Philosophie von Yuval Noah Harari.


  • Filmdokumentation mit Beitragenden Prof. Dr. Claudia von Werlhof (*1943) deutsche Soziologin, Politologin, internationale Frauenforscherin, Universität Innsbruck, Autorin, Philosophen: Jochen Kirchhoff, Gunnar Kaiser, Roland Ropers, DIE
    , produziert von Victoria Film Production, Victoria Knobloch, YouTube Film, 1:30:59 Dauer, eingestellt 21. August 2021; DVD/Buch Arun-Verlag, Februar 2022

Audio and video links (engl.)

ChatGPT exposed starting at minute 17:35

Video and audio links – Penny Kelly


Interne Links





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