Links zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz / Artificial intelligence
Literature (engl.)
- Dr. Jobst Landgrebe (*1970) German physician, mathematician, AI entrepreneur, author, Barry Smith, coauthor, Why Machines Will Never Rule the World. Artificial Intelligence without Fear [Warum Maschinen nie die Welt beherrschen werden], Routledge, paperback issue 12. August 2022
- Daniel O'Connor, US American adjunct philosophy professor, State University of New York, Roman Catholic theologian, engineer, author, The First and Last Deception. Aliens, UFOS, AI, and the Return of Eden's Demise, St. Joseph's Solutions, 1. January 2025
The Devil now seeks to deceive mankind not in the form of a speaking serpent, but rather by employing today's prevailing myth – science fiction – and he is empowered by increasingly sensational but patently false claims masquerading as nonfictional. These contemporary lies – regarding aliens, UFOs, and superintelligent AI – provide still more alluring disguises for him to yet again beguile the human race into entering into dialogue with him, even while failing to discern the cloven hoof. Thus, the Biblically foretold "Strong Delusion" (2 Thessalonians 2) is heralded as men "wander into myths" and heed "demonic instructions." (2 Timothy 4)
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
Audio- und Videolinks
- Audiobeitrag Die Geschichte vom denkenden Computer, MP3, SWR Wissen, 18. Juli 2020
- Audiobeitrag DIGITALE BEZIEHUNGS KISTEN, MP3, SWR Wissen, 25. Juli 2020
- Audiobeitrag EUROPAS KI OFFENSIVE, MP3, SWR Wissen, 1. August 2020
- Audiobeitrag KOLLEGE ALOGORITHMUS, 8. August 2020
- Audiobeitrag SELBSTGESTEUERTER VERKEHR, MP3, SWR Wissen, 15. August 2020
- Audiobeitrag DER AUTOMATISIERTE KRIEG, MP3, SWR Wissen, 22. August 2020
- Audiobeitrag AUFKÄRUMG MIT ALGORITHMEN, MP3, SWR Wissen, 29. August 2020
- Audiobeitrag LERNEN FÜRS ROBOTER ZEITALTER, MP3, SWR Wissen, 5. September 2020
- Videointerview mit Dr. Jobst Landgrebe (*1970) deutscher Arzt, Mathematiker, KI-Unternehmer, Dr. Jobst Landgrebe | NARRATIVE by Robert Cibis #132, präsentiert von Ovalmedia, Gründer und Gastgeber Robert Cibis (*1973) deutscher Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, 1:33:40 Dauer, Sendetermin 16. Februar 2023
- Videopräsentation von Cynthia Chung, Chefredakteurin und Mitbegründerin der «Rising Tide Foundation», Autorin, Cynthia Chung: H.G. Wells' "Weltenhirn" wird scheitern!, YouTube Film, 1:01:26 Dauer, eingestellt von 5. Juni 2023
Systemische Irrtümer liegen dem technokratischen Regierungssystem zugrunde. In H.G. Wells' berüchtigtem Buch Das Weltengehirn aus dem Jahr 1939 beschreibt das moderne Szenario der Philosophie von Yuval Noah Harari.
- Filmdokumentation mit Beitragenden Prof. Dr. Claudia von Werlhof (*1943) deutsche Soziologin, Politologin, internationale Frauenforscherin, Universität Innsbruck, Autorin, Philosophen: Jochen Kirchhoff, Gunnar Kaiser, Roland Ropers, DIE
TECHNOKRATISCHE DIKTATUR, produziert von Victoria Film Production, Victoria Knobloch, YouTube Film, 1:30:59 Dauer, eingestellt 21. August 2021; DVD/Buch Arun-Verlag, Februar 2022
Audio and video links (engl.)
- Video interview with Robert M. Stanley (*1959) US American corporate journalist for HONDA research and development, re-
searcher of UFOs and ETs, radio host of the dissolved Unicus Radio Network, author, ROBERT STANLEY – AI & THE ALIEN AGENDA, presented by the Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, US American documentary film- maker, investigative reporter, Bitchute film, 1:51:58 duration, posted 17. August 2016
- Video interview with David Adair, US American rocket scientist, expert in the field of space technology spinoff, David Adair: Nano AI Covid19 And Our Future, presented by the Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, US Ame-
rican documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter, Odysee film, 1:46:36 duration, posted 12. May 2021
- Video presentation by Daniel O'Connor, US American adjunct philosophy professor, State University of New York, Roman Catholic theologian, engineer, author, RESIST The "AI" Deception. ChatGPT Exposed (It's not what you've been told it is), YouTube film, 43:32 minutes duration, posted 18. February 2023
ChatGPT exposed starting at minute 17:35
Video and audio links – Penny Kelly
- Video interview with Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, E.T. Talks P2#07: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) What is it? Why understand it?, presented by the YouTube platform Penny Kelly, host Daphne Edwards, YouTube film, 17. May 2021