
Wiki / Narzissmus





Narzissmus (Selbstverliebtheit) ✣ Soziopathie ✣ Psychopathie


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)







Narziss von Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio
(1571-1610) italienischer Maler







'''Der Narzissmus liegt allen schweren
psychischen Erkrankungen zugrunde.
Der Narzisst kann die Welt zwar intellek-
tuell, aber nicht emotional als eigen-
ständige Welt wahrnehmen.'
Erich Fromm (1900-1980),
Die Kraft der Liebe'',
Diogenes, 3. Auflage 26. März 2014





Wortherkunft und Beschreibung von Narzissmus

Echo und Narziss, 1903
John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) englischer Maler, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool


Der griechische Mythos von Narziss
Der schöne, begehrte Jüngling Narziss weckte in den Menschen die Liebe, ohne sie selbst erwidern zu können. Einer der Zurückgewiesenen, der sich selbst umbrachte, hatte Narziss verflucht und gewünscht, dass auch er die Qual der unerwider-
ten Liebe erleiden müsse. Die schöne Bergnymphe Echo verschmähte er, worauf sie sich in den Wald flüchtete, sich in einer Höhle verkroch, wo sie dem Siechtum verfiel und zugrunde ging. Nemesis, die Göttin des gerechten Zorns, bestrafte den kaltherzigen, liebesunfähigen Narziss. Unstillbare Selbstverliebtheit ins eigene Abbild (Image) und die Entfremdung vom wahren Selbst mündeten in Narziss' Tod, der Tag und Nacht an einem Quellenteich gelegen hatte, verliebt in sein eigenes Spiegelbild, das er unentwegt betrachtete. Er, der aufgehört hatte zu essen, war gekränkt als nur ein heruntergefallenes Blatt sein Spiegelbild verzerrt und die Schimäre entlarvt hatte.
Die Götter wollten nicht, dass Narziss in Vergessenheit geriete, weshalb sie ihn in eine Blume, die Narzisse, verwandelten.

  • Im Jahr 1919 prägte Sigmund Freud den Begriff Narzissmus (gemeint die "libidinöse Besetzung des Ich") in Bezug auf den griechischen Mythos um Narziss. Er schrieb den Narzissmus vorrangig dem 'Weibe' beziehungsweise dem 'weibischen Manne' zu. Moderne psychologische Studien weisen den Narzissmus vor zu zwei Dritteln als männliches Phänomen aus.
  • Als Persönlichkeitsstörung, tatsächlich eine Bindungsstörung, wurde der Narzissmus 1982 in das Klassifikations-
    system der American Psychiatric Association (APA) aufgenommen. Bei der WHO rangiert Narzissmus unter dem diagnostischen Kürzel F60.8 als Restkategorie der sonstigen Persönlichkeitsstörungen.

Narzissmus drückt sich als Egoismus, Selbstgefälligkeit, Geltungsbedürfnis aus. Ein Narzisst hat übermäßiges Interesse an der eigenen Person, der eigenen Bedeutung und Größe, den eigenen Fähigkeiten; er lebt egozentrisch. Die emotionale Grundstimmung des Narzissten ist "Niemand-hat-mir-zu-sagen-was-ich-tun-soll!"
Die innere Befindlichkeit des Narzissmus beruht auf einem leeren beziehungsweise fragmentierten Selbst, das versucht,
die Leere zu füllen, indem es sich selbst erhöht, sich von anderen bewundern lässt und andere entwürdigt oder erniedrigt.
In seiner frühesten Kindheit wurde der Narzisst schwer missbraucht, weswegen seine seelische Entwicklung auf dem Stand des "verwundeten Kleinkindes" eingefroren ist.
Die drei hauptsächlichen Verteidigungsmechanismen gegen die verinnerlichte Scham des narzisstisch gestörten Menschen, der weder die Stimme seines Gewissens vernehmen kann noch Empathie (für seine Opfer) empfinden kann, sind:
   1. Narzisstische Flucht,
   2. Tadelnde / aufgebrachte Wut,
   3. Verachtung.
Ein pathologischer oder bösartiger Narzisst ist ein parasitärer Menschenkonsument, der seine Beziehungspartner und Mit-
menschen als Applaus-Lieferanten benutzt. Liebesunfähig und unter Minderwertigkeitskomplexen leidend, schämt er sich
und hasst sich insgeheim.
Nicht alle Narzissten sind dissozial (ehemals Psychopathen), während jedoch alle dissozial Persönlichkeitsgestörten Narzissten sind. Unfähig Trauer, Angst, Schuld oder Reue zu empfinden, können sie, wenn sie gestellt werden, mit
massiven Wutanfällen reagieren.

Kriterien der Narzisstischen Persönlichkeitsstörung (NPS)
Laut den Angaben des US-amerikanischen psychiatrischen Handbuchs "Diagnostische und Statistische Manual psychischer Störungen" DSM-IV müssen bei einer NPS mindestens fünf folgender neun Verhaltenskriterien vorhanden sein:
  1. Grandiosität (Realitätsverlust), übertriebene Vorstellung der eigenen Wichtigkeit, Eitelkeit, Imagepflege
  2. Phantasien von grenzenlosem Erfolg, Einfluss, idealisierter Liebe mit Komplementärnarzissten
  3. Besonderssein, Betonung der eigenen Einzigartigkeit
  4. Strebt exzessive Bewunderung an, Selbstverliebtheit
  5. Anspruchsdenken, die übertriebene Erwartung, bevorzugt zu werden
  6. Ausbeutung in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen, um gesellschaftlichen Einfluss zu gewinnen
  7. Mangel an Empathie
  8. Neid auf andere oder die Unterstellung, andere seien neidisch auf ihn
  9. Stolz, Arroganz, Überheblichkeit, Hochmut

Zusatzkriterien der NPS
  ➤ Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Kritik, Streben nach Dominationsmacht, Herrschaftsanspruch
  ➤ Charismatisch, charmant, kontrollierend, selbstgefällig
  ➤ Aufgeblähte Selbstwahrnehmung, agiert dramatisch, agiert phrasendrescherisch
  ➤ Steht gern im Rampenlicht, Aufmerksamkeit heischend, gibt an mit seinen Leistungen
  ➤ Fordert ständige Bewunderung, nutzt andere aus, zwanghafter Lügner, kann nicht mit Kritik umgehen
  ➤ Leicht zu verletzen, extrem eifersüchtig, auffällig oberflächlich
  ➤ Machthungrig, tut sich schwer, das zwischenmenschliche Gefühlsspektrum nachzuvollziehen
  ➤ Fehlende Empathie, Bedürftigkeit, unecht, sehr dominant

Begriffssammlung – Kollektive Zivilisationsneurose

           Schlagwortgeber und Schlagworte hinsichtlich der kollektiven Zivilisationsneurose           
UrheberZeitraumBegriff für die westliche GesellschaftsneuroseVeröffentlicht
Robert·Louis·Stevenson1850-1894"Der Leichenräuber"1885
Sigmund Freud1856-1939"Psychopathologie des Alltagslebens"
☛ "Narzissmus"1
"Es, Ich, Überich"2, "Das Ich und das Es"
☛ "Menschheitsneurose", "Das Unbehagen in der Kultur"
1909 / 1914
1927 · 1930
Aurobindo Ghose1872-1950☛ "Feindliche Kräfte", "Ungöttliche Kräfte", "Irrlichter"31927-1938
Carl Gustav Jung1875-1961"Unbewusstes", "Kollektives Unbewusstes"4
"Schatten", "Kollektiver Schatten", "Autonomome Komplexe"
1928 · 1929
1928 · 1949
Oswald Spengler1880-1936"Der Untergang des Abendlandes"1918
Alice A. Bailey1880-1949☛ "Verblendung. Ein Weltproblem" – ("Glamour. A World Problem")1950 (1986)
Hermann Oberth1894-1989☛ "Kakokratie", "Gesellschaftsneurose"1976 · 1983
Wilhelm Reich1897-1957☛ "Biopathie", "Emotionale Pest", "Neurotische Pest"
☛ "Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus"
Erich Fromm1900-1980"Wege aus einer kranken Gesellschaft"
☛ "Kollektive Neurose", "Anatomie der menschlichen Destruktivität"
☛ "Schleichende Schizophrenie", "Die Pathologie der Normalität"
1977 · 2005
Albert von Haller1903-2000☛ "Gefährdete Menschheit"1980
Hervey M. Cleckley1903-1984☛ "Psychopathische Persönlichkeit", "Die Maske der Plausibilität"1941
Wilhelm Kütemeyer1904-1972☛ "Die Krankheit der Gesellschaft"1951
Viktor Frankl1905-1997☛ "Noogene Neurose", "Das Leiden am sinnlosen Leben"1977
Hannah Arendt1906-1975"Die Banalität des Bösen"51963
Leopold Kohr1909-1994☛ "Das Ende der Großen"1986
Heinz von Foerster1911-2002☛ "Dysgnosie", "Wissen und Gewissen"1993
Robert Monroe1915-1995☛ "Loosh (menschliche Lebenskraft) kultivieren und absaugen"61985
Hans Jürgen Eysenck1916-1997☛ "Normalneurose", "Neurose ist heilbar"1978
Andrew Lobaczewski1921-2007☛ "Pathokratie", "Politische Ponerologie" [Lehre vom Bösen]2007 (2012)
Martti Olavi Siirala1922-2008☛ "Die Schizophrenie des Einzelnen und der Allgemeinheit"1961
Alice Miller1923-2010"Schwarze Pädagogik"; "Am Anfang war Erziehung"
☛ "Du sollst nicht merken"
Arno Gruen1923-2015☛ "Normopathische Gesellschaft", "Der Wahnsinn der Normalität"7
"Der Verrat an Selbst"
1987 / 1992
1988 / 1992
Arthur Janov1924-2017☛ "Anatomie der Neurose"1974
Christa Meves1925☛ "Neurotische Verwahrlosung", "Manipulierte Maßlosigkeit"1974
Erich Wulff1926-2010"Normopathie"1972
Robert Bly1926"Giftige hegemoniale Männlichkeit", "Problematische Kerle"81990 (1993)
Wolfgang Schiesches1931-2010☛ "Massenneurose", "Soziose"~2000
Colin Wilson1931-2013"Parasiten des Bewusstseins"1967
Riane Eisler1931"Dominator-Kultur"1987 (1993)
Christopher Lasch1932-1994☛ "Das Zeitalter des Narzissmus"1979
Philip G. Zimbardo1933"Der Luzifer-Effekt"2007 (2008)
Jack D. Forbes1934-2011"Die Wétiko-Seuche"1981
Robert D. Hare1934☛ "Gewissenlose Psychopathen"1993 (2005)
Anne Wilson Schaef1934-2020☛ "Suchtgesellschaft", "Im Zeitalter der Sucht"1989
Robert W. Fuller1936☛ "Rankismus", "Jemande und Niemande"2000
M. Scott Peck1936-2005"Die Lügner" – ("People of the lie")1983 (1990)
Florian Sartorio1940☛ "Die entgleiste Menschheit"1992
Eugen Drewermann1940"Neoliberalismus – Krebs im Endstadium", "Fetisch Geld"92016
Jordan Maxwell1940-2022☛ "Seelenlosigkeit"2013
Katharina Rutschky1941-2010"Schwarze Pädagogik"1977
Dieter Duhm1942☛ "Angst im Kapitalismus"1974
Hans-Joachim Maaz1943☛ "Narzisstische Gesellschaft"
☛ "Normopathische Gesellschaft" (Narzisstische Normopathie)
Mike Lofgren1946"Tiefer Staat" Staat im Staat2014
Noreen Connell1947"Vergewaltigungsmythos"10, "Opferbeschuldigung"1974
Jessica Murray1951☛ "Seelenkrankes Volk" – ("Soulsick Nation")2008
Laura Knight-Jadczyk1952☛ "Beinah menschlich"11
☛ "Matrixkontrollsystem", "Kleingeistige Tyrannen"12
Sigrun Preuss ☛ "Umweltkatastrophe Mensch"1991
Iain McGilchrist1953"Das gespaltene Gehirn"2009
Martha Stout1953☛ "Gespaltenes Bewusstsein"
☛ "Der Soziopath von nebenan"
2006 (2010)
Evelin Gerda Lindner1954☛ "Demütigung", "Herabsetzung", "Entwürdigung"2006
Paul Levy1956☛ "Kollektive Zivilisationspychose", "Maligne Egophrenie"
☛ "Fluch des Bösen"13
Joseph P. Farrell1957"Der zweigesichtige Gott Jahwe"2012
Kate Manne~1983"Misogynie"14, "IHMpathie", "Steht-mir-zu-Einstellung"2017 · 2019
Franz Ruppert1957"Traumatisierte Gesellschaft"152019
Siehe auch: ► Psychologie und ► Bibelzitate zum Thema Narzissmus
See also: ► Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages

Verschiedene Arten von Narzissten

           Subtypen der narzisstischen Persönlichkeitsstörung
(der defizitären Selbstwertregulation)
NPS-SubtypBeschreibungZeitraum / Zusatz
Grandioser Narzisst

Offener Narzisst


Arrogantes, anspruchstellendes, überhebliches, auch aggressives oder antisoziales und vor allem ausbeuterisches Verhalten, unkritisches Anspruchsdenken, fehlende Empathie (Mitgefühl), Verleugung von Scham und geringem Selbstwert, positives Selbstbild, verhält sich tyrannisch und rachsüchtig, erlebt deswegen im zwischenmenschlichen Bereich angeblich keinen Stress
Aufgeblähte, grandiose Selbstwahrnehmung, geht davon aus, dass seine Grandiosität von anderen gespiegelt/reflektiert wird. Menschen, die ihn nicht bewundern, wertet er einfach ab.
Vulnerabler Narzisst
verletzlich, (hoch)sensibel

Seelische Verwundbarkeit

Verdeckter Narzisst
Verdrängter Narzissmus

Weiblicher Narzissmus
Zerebraler Narzissmus
Negatives Selbstbild, mangelnde Selbstwahrnehmung, Hemmungen, chronisches Gefühl von Scham und Demütigung/Kränkung, nach außen verleugnetes geringes Selbstwertgefühl, übersteigerte Gegenreaktion auf Kritik, unkritische Größenphantasien, fühlt sich im zwischenmenschlichen Alltag vor allem gestresst, tritt tyrannisch, rachsüchtig und kalt auf, vermeidet generell den Kontakt zu anderen, hält sich häufig bedeckt, lebt bescheiden und angepasst; neigt zur Täter-Opfer-Umkehr und Schulderzeugung; Maskierung: freundlich, sympathisch, schmeichelnd, lobend, empathisch, vertritt die Opferrolle
Verdeckter Narzissmus ist schwierig zu diagnostizieren, wird am häufigsten als ängstlich-vermeidende Persönlichkeitsstörung diagnostiziert, Verleugnung von Bedürfnissen
Ernüchterte, inadäquate Selbstwahrnehmung, fühlt sich chronisch erniedrigt und zurückgewiesen. Die Verwundbarkeit steht im Vordergrund.
Maligner Narzisst
Pathologischer (krankhafter) Narzissmus, benötigt narzisstische Abwehr, um sich nicht inadäquat (unpassend, unangemessen, unwert), wechselnde Allmachtsgefühle und Verwundbarkeit und Hilflosigkeit, reagiert mit antisozialem Verhalten auf seine Selbstwert-Dysregulation, um sein aufgeblähtes Selbstbild zu bewahren
Auftreten: wütend, zornig, aggressiv, gewalttätig, hasserfüllt, psychisch manipulierend (Gaslighting, Triangulation), neidisch, sadistisch, gezielter Machiavellismus
Der Schweregrad der NPS hängt vom Ausprägungsgrad des innerseelischen Aggressionsniveaus ab, teilweise auch gepaart mit antisozialer Persönlichkeitsstörung oder Psychopathie.
Unangepasster·Narzissmus Leerheitsgefühl, Depression, Sinnkrise, Suchtprobleme
Arroganter Narzisst Fällt durch Grandiosität auf, reagiert auf seine Selbstwert-Dysregulation16 mit übertriebener Überlegenheit und Einzigartigkeit sowie Größenphantasien, überzogenes Anspruchsdenken, ausbeuterisches Verhalten, Empathiemangel, reagieren ausgeprägt neidisch auf andere, aggressiv
Amouröser Narzisst Manipuliert mittels gespielter Freundlichkeit, Nettsein, Aufmerksamkeit, Schmeicheleien, Lob, Anerkennung, Hilfsbereitschaft, "Liebe"sbeweise, Romantik, Exklusivität, Verführung, Überreden, Hineinziehen Möglichkeit: Kombiniert mit somatischem/offenem Narzissmuss: Körperlichkeit, Sexualität
Zerebraler Narzisst Manipuliert mittels psychischer Manipulation; Einsatz von Intellektualität, Triangulation, Verwirrung; Folgen: subtile, schleichende Veränderung des Weltbilds, des Glaubens, der Persönlichkeit, )
Vulnerabler Narzisst Selbstbezogen sensibel, nach außen eher schwach, weiche Stimme, erzeugt bei anderen Mitleid und Mitgefühl, gespielte Opferrolle; Möglichkeit (bei Veranlagung): Narzisstisch Gekränkte schlagen um in malignen Narzissmus; Folgen: Schuldzuweisung, Bösartigkeit, Gewalt, Dominanz, Rache, Triangulation, Verwirrung, Neid, Machiavellismus (Zielorientierung), Sadismus U.U. Pseudo-Alpha-Mann (destruktiv ausgelebte männliche Alphaenergie)
Psychopathischer Narzisst
Fällt ebenfalls durch Grandiosität auf, reagiert mit antisozialem Verhalten auf seine Selbstwert-Dysregulation, um sein aufgeblähtes Selbstbild zu bewahren; möchte für Gewaltdelikte von anderen bewundert werden, reagiert mit extremen Rachegefühlen auf Kritik, verhält sich sadistisch gegenüber Mitmenschen, ohne Reue oder Empathie
Explosiver Narzisst
Extremes Schwarz­weiß­-Denken, extreme Rachephantasien, angeheizt durch religi­ös­-politischen Fanatismus, bewältigt die verstörende Realität weder mit Bezie­hungen zu anderen Menschen, noch mit tröstenden Phantasien, sondern mit grandios überlegenen Allmachts-
ideen, stellt die eigene Rechthaberei über das Leben anderer und über die Gesetze, wird zur menschlichen Bombe.
Die narzisstisch gestörte, traumatisierte Psyche eines Selbstmord­attentäters ist unverstehbar.
Scheuer Narzisst Fällt durch Vulnerabilität auf, reagiert auf seine Selbstwert-Dysregulation mit Flucht in Größen-
phantasien, empfindet intensive Scham, vermeidet zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen aufgrund seiner Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Zurückweisung und Kritik
Die Scham steht bei ihm anstelle von Neid und Aggressionen.
Korreliert mit Selbstsicherheit, Aufsässigkeit und Angeberei
(Merkmale von grandiosem und offenem Narzissmus)
Krankhafteste Form
Korreliert mit Depression, nach innen gewandter Introvertiertheit, Aufsässigkeit und Feindseligkeit
(Merkmale von vulnerablem und verdecktem Narzissmus)
Gesunde Form des Narzissmus
Korreliert mit Kreativität, Empathie, Leistungsorientierung und Individualismus, mit positiven, am Gemeinwohl orientierten Lebensläufen
Quellen: Essays von Prof. Dr. med. Volker Faust (*1941) deutscher Nervenarzt, Medizinaldirektor i. R., emeritierter außerplanmäßiger Professor der Universität Ulm, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Psychosoziale Gesundheit mit dem Dachtitel "Psychiatrie Heute. Seelische Störungen erkennen, verstehen, verhindern, behandeln"
Narzissmus. Kurz gefasste Übersicht, PDF, S. 15-17, 19 Seiten, undatiert
Narzissmus. Von der zeit-typischen egoistischen Selbstverliebtheit bis zur narzisstischen Persönlichkeitsstörung, PDF, S. 45, undatiert
Reference (engl.):
► Q&A contribution by Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D., US American psychologist, expert on personlity disorders, Gestalt therapist, trainer, author,
    How many levels or kinds of narcissists are there?, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, 17. March 2017

Zitate zum Thema Narzissmus / Narcissism

Zitate allgemein

Einsicht und Besonnenheit beschützen dich. Sie bewahren dich davor, etwas Falsches zu tun. Sie halten dich fern von denen, die
die Wahrheit verdrehen, die den geraden Weg verlassen haben und auf finsteren Abwegen sind. Es macht ihnen Spaß, Unrecht
zu tun, über die schlimmsten Verirrungen anderer freuen sie sich.
Sprüche 2, 11-14 (AT)


Richte dich nicht nach dem Vorbild gewissenloser Menschen, folge nicht dem Beispiel der Unheilstifter! Hab nichts mit ihnen zu
tun, geh nicht auf ihren Wegen! Wende dich vom Unrecht ab, lass dich nicht darauf ein! Schlechte Menschen können nicht ein-
schlafen, wenn sie nicht vorher etwas angestellt haben. Sie finden erst Ruhe, wenn sie jemand zu Schaden gebracht haben.
Unrecht ist ihr tägliches Brot und Gewalttätigkeit der Wein, an dem sie sich berauschen. Sie kommen zu Fall und wissen nicht,
worüber sie gestolpert sind.
Sprüche 4, 13-19 (AT)


Wer einen Eingebildeten belehren will, macht sich lächerlich. Und wer einen Unheilstifter zurechtweist, tut es zu seinem eigenen
Schaden. Tadle keinen Eingebildeten, er wird dich hassen. Zeige dem Gebildeten seine Fehler und er wird dich dafür lieben.
Sprüche 9, 7-8 (AT)


Hochmütiger Blick, überheblicher Geist – einem bösen Menschen etwas sagen zu wollen führt zu nichts. Sprüche 21, 4 (AT)


Wie ein Irrer, der mit Brandpfeilen und Waffen spielt, ist einer der seinen Freund betrügt und dann sagt: "Es war nur ein Scherz."
Sprüche 26, 18-19 (AT)


Ein böser Mensch ist voller Falschheit, aber er versteckt sie hinter Schmeichelworten. Und wenn er noch so freundlich redet,
glaub ihm nicht. Er hat alle erdenklichen Teufeleien im Sinn.
Sprüche 26, 24 (AT)


Eine Lügenzunge hasst die von ihr Zermalmten; und ein glatter Mund bereitet Sturz. Sprüche 26, 28 (AT)


Schamlose Schurken stellen den Armen nach und fangen sie in heimtückischen Fallen. Sie geben auch noch damit an, dass
sie so unersättlich sind. Nichts zählt bei ihnen – nur ihr Gewinn. In ihrem Größenwahn reden sie sich ein: "Wie sollte Gott uns
zur Rechenschaft ziehen? Wo er doch gar nicht existiert!" Weiter reicht ihr vermessenes Denken nicht. Sie tun, was sie wollen,
und alles gelingt. Sie lachen spöttisch über jeden Gegner. "Was soll uns erschüttern?", sagen sie. "An uns geht jedes Unglück
vorüber; so war es immer, so bleibt es auch!" Sie fluchen, sie lügen und drohen – was sie reden, bringt Verderben und Unheil.
Psalm 10, 1-7 (AT)


Überleg dir genau, wen du in dein Haus einlädst; denn ein hinterhältiger Mensch findet viele Gelegenheiten, dir zu schaden. Ein
böser Mensch ist gefährlich wie ein Lockvogel im Käfig; wie ein Späher lauert er auf eine Gelegenheit, dich zu Fall zu bringen.
Er verdreht Gutes in Böses, sogar an der selbstlosesten Tat findet er noch etwas auszusetzen. Ein kleiner Funke setzt einen
ganzen Haufen Kohlen in Brand und ein Schurke wartet nur darauf, Blut zu vergießen. Nimm dich in Acht vor Unheilstiftern, sie
planen nichts als Unheil und können deinen guten Ruf für immer ruinieren. Hol einen solchen Menschen in dein Haus und er
bringt alles durcheinander; er entfremdet dich deiner eigenen Familie.
Sirach 11, 29-34 (AT)


Wenn dein Bruder – und das gilt entsprechend für die Schwester – ein Unrecht begangen hat, dann geh hin und stell ihn unter
vier Augen zur Rede. Wenn er mit sich reden lässt, hast du ihn zurückgewonnen.
Wenn er aber nicht auf dich hört, dann geh wieder hin, diesmal mit ein oder zwei anderen; denn jede Sache soll ja aufgrund der
Aussagen von zwei oder drei Zeugen entschieden werden.
Wenn er immer noch nicht hören will, dann bring die Angelegenheit vor die Gemeinde. Wenn er nicht einmal auf die Gemeinde
hört, dann behandle ihn wie einen Ungläubigen oder Betrüger.
Matthäus 18,15-17 (NT)


Ihr habt den Teufel zum Vater und ihr wollt das tun, wonach es euren Vater verlangt. Er war ein Mörder von Anfang an.
Er steht nicht in der Wahrheit; denn es ist keine Wahrheit in ihm. Wenn er lügt, sagt er das, was aus ihm selbst kommt;
denn er ist ein Lügner und ist der Vater der Lüge.
Johannes 8, 44 (NT)



Petrus warnt vor falschen Lehrern, die Bewunderung suchen.

Diese Menschen sind wie Quellen, die kein Wasser geben, wie Nebelschwaden, die der Sturm vor sich hertreibt. Sie reden hochtrabende, leere Worte und ziehen durch die Verlockungen eines ausschweifen-
den Lebens Menschen an sich, die eben erst mit knapper Not dem Leben im Irrtum entkommen sind.
Freiheit versprechen sie ihnen – wo sie doch selbst Sklaven sind.
2. Petrus, 2, 17-19 (NT)


Persönliches Bekenntnis
Nach 45 Tagen Sexsucht-Therapie: Öffentliche Beichte wegen fortgesetzten Ehebruchs [einer milliardenschweren Sportikone]

  • Charakter und Anständigkeit zählen. […]
    Ich habe aufgehört, nach den Grundwerten [des Buddhismus, meiner Religion] zu leben, an die zu glauben mir beigebracht wurde. […]
    Ich bedaure meinen Egoismus zutiefst. Ich muss vieles wiedergutmachen. Ich habe noch einen langen Weg vor mir.
    Ich war untreu, ich hatte Affären, ich habe [meine Frau] betrogen und ich war unehrlich. Ich habe Schande über mich gebracht. [...]
    Ich bin der Einzige, der Schuld trägt.
Ich dachte, ich könnte alles machen, was ich wollte. Ich dachte, ich habe mein gesamtes Leben hart gearbeitet und dachte, dass es mir zusteht, all die Versuchungen um mich herum zu genießen. Ich dachte, ich hätte das ver-
dient. Dank meines Geldes und meiner Berühmtheit
te ich nicht weit gehen, um sie zu finden. Ich lag falsch. Ich war töricht. Ich darf nicht nach anderen Regeln spielen. Dieselben Regeln, die für jeden gelten, gelten auch für mich.
Ich habe viele Menschen enttäuscht und vor allem meiner Frau und meinen Kindern große Schmerzen zugefügt. Es tut mir leid. […] Sie [seine Frau Elin Nordegren] wird meine Ent-
schuldigung nicht an Worten, sondern an Taten in der Zeit messen. [...]
Ich habe viel Zeit gehabt, darüber nachzudenken, was ich getan habe. Mein Scheitern brachte mich dazu, mich zu erforschen, in einer Weise, die ich bisher vermieden hatte. [...] Ich erkenne, dass ich mich ändern muss. Ich bemühe mich, ein besserer Mann zu werden. […]
Es ist schwer einzugestehen, dass ich Hilfe brauche. Es ist jedoch so. Tiger Woods (*1975) US-amerikanischer Profigolfer, erfolgreichster Golfspieler der Sportgeschichte, Tiger Woods: Öffentliche Beichte "Ich dachte, das steht mir zu", präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, Michael König, 19. Februar 2010



  • Sie müssen deutlich machen, dass sie sich dem emotionalen Klammergriff des Narzissten entwunden haben. Sie
    müssten deutlich machen, dass sie nicht mehr ansprechbar sind für seine Komplimente, nicht mehr ansprechbar
    für seine Drohungen. Die Narzissten haben natürlich Angst vor Menschen, die sich ihrer Steuerung entziehen,
    weil sie dann auf eigenen Beinen stehen und sich ein eigenes Urteil bilden, womöglich negativ. Und genau das
    können Sie mit diesem Satz erreichen. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie in einem ernsten sachlichen Ton sagen und nicht
    kommentieren oder gar abschwächen. Sagen Sie zu dem Narzissten: "Ich habe durchschaut, was du hier ab-
    ziehst. Und ich kann dir nur sagen, du kannst mich beschenken oder bedrohen, in den Himmel heben
    oder in die Hölle wünschen, du wirst bei mir nichts mehr damit erreichen. Ich bin durch mit dir!"
    Geben Sie dem Narzissten das Gefühl, dass er durchschaut ist, und zwar ohne Begründung. Das ist besonders
    stark, denn er könnte einer Begründung widersprechen. Bei einer generellen Aussage ist das viel schwieriger für
    ihn, zumal er weiß, dass es bei ihm sehr viel zu durchschauen gibt. Videovortrag von Martin Wehrle, deutscher Coach, Narzissten hassen diesen Satz: Sag ihn!, YouTube Film, Minute 12:44, 16:01 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 5. November 2024



  • Wir Deutschen leiden mehrheitlich an einer narzisstischen Störung. Sehr knapp gesagt: Unsere Eltern haben uns
    zu wenig Bestätigung gegeben, das müssen wir als Erwachsene kompensieren. Interview mit Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, "Viele Ostdeutsche sind nicht geheilt", präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Stefan Berg und Michael Sontheimer, 14. August 2009


  • Es ist Narzissmus, wenn Menschen keine Verantwortung für die charakteristischen Eigenschaften ihres Persönlich-
    keitsstils übernehmen, andere Menschen leiden lassen, sich selbst absolut nie in Frage stellen und sich absolut da-
    rin treu sind, sich niemals zu verändern.
    Videopräsentation von Julia Krawitz, deutsche Psychologin, Schauspielerin, Narzissmus ist keine Krankheit und keine Persönlich-
    , YouTube Film, Minute 10:10, 13:07 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 15. November 2024
  • [Die] Hauptkennzeichen narzisstischer Persönlichkeiten [sind vor allem deren] Größenideen [und] extrem egozen-
    trische Einstellung [sowie der auffällige] Mangel an Einfühlung und Interesse für ihre Mitmenschen, so sehr sie doch
    andererseits nach deren Bewunderung und Anerkennung gieren.
    Otto Kernberg (*1928) österreichisch-US-amerikanischer Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Borderline-Störungen und pathologischer Narzißmus, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, S. 262f., 1978, 1991, 18. Auflage 2009



  • New Age war – trotz der berechtigten Grundintuition nach Ganzheitlichkeit – ein Missverständnis. Es war eine Verwechslung von prä-rational mit trans-rational und von magischem Narzissmus mit transzendentalem Bewusstsein. Aber New Age war auch ein Missverständnis, das letztlich den Boden bereitet hat dafür, dass wir heute eine echte Wissenschaft des Geistes für das 21. Jahrhundert aufbauen können. Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, zitiert in: Artikel Drei Avantgarde-Strömungen des heutigen US-Geisteslebens und ihre Beziehung zu Europa, PDF, präsentiert von der Publikation "Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft", Roland Benedikter, S. 335, Ausgabe 55, Jahrgang 2006


  • Warum bloß steigt Narziss aus dem Fluß seiner Lebendigkeit aus? Die Antwort des Mythos auf diese Frage ist fol-
    gende: Narziss wurde in der Vergewaltigung einer Nymphe durch einen Flußgott gezeugt. So trägt er in sich das traumatische Vorurteil, dass Lebendigkeit destruktiv sei. In ihm stoßen die Triebkraft des Flussgottes und die Panik
    der Nymphe aufeinander. In Identifizierung mit dieser, seiner Nymphe, bedeutet Lebendigkeit für ihn Überwältigung, Autonomieverlust und Demütigung. Sein Lebensschoß verschließt sich aus Lebensangst. – Auch narzisstische Menschen gehen auf der traumatischen Spur einer alten Vergewaltigung. Früh zerstörte rücksichtsloses Eindringen fremder Übermacht ihre Lebendigkeit: Bezugspersonen, die das Kind überwältigten, statt es zu fördern.
    Gleichzeitig mit der Nymphenmutter schlummert in Narziss auch sein Vater, der alte Flußgott. Dessen Befreiung,
    das heißt der Lösung des Triebflusses, gilt die Sehnsucht narzisstischer Menschen. Diese kann sich nicht erfüllen,
    ehe in Narziss keine neue Vereinigung zwischen dem Flußgott und der Nymphe, keine innere Zeugung in Liebe
    stattfindet. Peter Schellenbaum (1939-2018) Schweizer Psychoanalytiker, Sachbuchautor, Nimm deine Couch und geh! Heilung mit Spontanritualen, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), Frankfurt am Main, 1. Oktober 1994



Vereitelte Sicht auf das "big picture"

  • Psychopathen und Bürokraten festigen und fördern gemeinsam die Zerstük-
    kelung unserer Sicht und Wahrnehmungen, weil ihre eigene persönliche Kohäsion die Gespaltenheit benötigt. […] Zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts sind wir vom Ende der Natur und damit der Welt selbst bedroht, weil sich eine Technik, die scheinbar volle Herrschaft über den Planeten Erde ermöglicht, in der Hand von Psychopathen und Bürokraten befindet.
    Arno Gruen (1923-2015) deutsch-schweizerischer Psychologe, Psychoanalytiker, Zivilisationskritiker, Schriftsteller, Verratene Liebe – Falsche Götter, ECON Verlag, 1991, Klett-Cotta, 2. Auflage November 2003



  • Nach allem, was ich über das Wesen der Liebe gesagt habe, ist die Hauptvoraussetzung für die Fähigkeit,
    lieben zu können, dass man seinen Narzissmus überwindet.

    Da die Fähigkeit zu lieben davon abhängt, dass unser Narzissmus relativ gering ist, verlangt diese Kunst die Entwicklung von Demut, Objektivität und Vernunft. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Autor, Die Kunst des Liebens, Deutscher Taschenbuch
    Verlag (dtv), Frankfurt am Main, 1956, 60. Auflage 2003, Ullstein Taschenbuch, 12. April 2005


  • Man kann einen narzisstischen Menschen daran erkennen, dass er äußerst empfindlich auf jede Kritik reagiert. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Autor,
    Rainer Funk, Herausgeber, Die Seele des Menschen. Ihre Fähigkeit zum Guten und zum Bösen, Deutscher Taschenbuch
    Verlag (dtv), Frankfurt am Main, 1. April 1992




  • Der Narzissmus ist eine Orientierung, in der jedes Interesse und jede Leiden-
    schaft auf die eigene Person – auf den eigenen Körper, den eigenen Geist, die
    eigenen Gefühle und Interessen – gelenkt ist. […] Für den narzisstischen Men-
    schen ist nur er und was ihn betrifft ganz real; was außerhalb ist, was andere
    anbelangt, erscheint ihm nur oberflächlich für seine Wahrnehmung als real. Anders gesagt: Die Außenwelt ist nur
    für seine Sinne und für seinen Verstand real, aber nicht in einem tieferen Sinne, für sein Fühlen oder für sein Ver-
    stehen. Das, was außerhalb ist, interessiert ihn nur insofern, als es ihn betrifft. Er hat keine Liebe, kein Mitgefühl,
    kein rationales, objektives Urteil.
    Der sehr narzisstische Mensch hat eine unsichtbare Mauer um sich erstellt; er
    ist alles, die Welt ist nichts – oder vielmehr: Er ist die Welt.

    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Autor,
    Rainer Funk, Herausgeber, Vom Haben zum Sein. Wege und Irrwege der Selbsterfahrung, Erich-Fromm-Gesamtausgabe (GA) Band XI, S. 481, Beltz, deutsche Ausgabe [1974-1975] 21. November 1989


  • Was für den Selbstsüchtigen gilt, gilt auch für den narzisstischen Menschen. Dessen allgegenwärtiges Interesse ist
    es weniger sich Dinge anzueignen als vielmehr sich selbst zu bewundern. Oberflächlich betrachtet scheinen diese
    Menschen in sich selbst verliebt zu sein; in Wirklichkeit können sie sich aber selbst nicht leiden und mit dem Narzis-
    smus wie mit der Selbstsucht kompensieren sie einen grundlegenden Mangel an Selbstliebe.
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Autor,
    Rainer Funk, Herausgeber, Die Antwort der Liebe. Die Kunst des richtigen Lebens, Verlag Herder, 2. Auflage 16. April 2003


  • Der narzisstische Mensch ist außerstande, sich in einen anderen Menschen hineinzuversetzen, der anders ist als
    er. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Autor,
    Rainer Funk, Herausgeber, Die Seele des Menschen. Ihre Fähigkeit zum Guten und zum Bösen, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), Frankfurt am Main, 1. April 1992




  • Genau besehen, geht es also bei jeder Kränkung um den Versuch, der eigenen Selbstabwertung zu entkommen. [...] Im Zeitalter der narzisstischen Schäden ist bei uns allen, diese Bereitschaft, gekränkt zu reagieren und zu kränken, stärker, als wir wahrhaben wollen. [...] Am schlimmsten erscheint es den meisten, wenn sie [...] bei sich selbst die kontinuierliche 'Abwertungswut' entdecken. Michael Lukas Moeller (1937-2002) deutscher Professor für Seelische Gesundheit (1973-1983), Psychoanalytiker, Paartherapeut, Autor, Die Wahrheit beginnt zu zweit. Das Paar im Gespräch, S. 137, Rowohlt Sachbuch, Erst-
    auflage 1988, 26. Auflage Januar 1997, 29. Auflage Februar 2008, 31. Auflage 2010


  • Unsere narzisstische Schädigung kann als Ergebnis eines Mangels an bestätigenden Spiegeln in der Kindheit ange-
    sehen werden. Zwiegespräche sind "nachholende Soziali-
    sation". Der Partner "validiert meine Selbstdarstellung". So verstehe ich, wer ich bin.
    Michael Lukas Moeller (1937-2002) deutscher Professor für Seelische Gesundheit (1973-1983), Psychoanalytiker, Paarthe-
    rapeut, Autor, Die Wahrheit beginnt zu zweit. Das Paar im Ge-
    , S. 273, Rowohlt Sachbuch, Erstauflage 1988, 26. Auf-
    lage Januar 1997, 29. Auflage Februar 2008, 31. Auflage 2010


  • [I]m "Zeitalter des Narzissmus" ist Narziss in aller Munde und Gedanken. Als "neuer Sozialisationstyp" geführt, ist er Gegenstand unzähliger Abhandlungen: Ob "Der narziss-
    tische Persönlichkeitsstil" oder die "Narzisstische Kompe-
    tenz" des postmodernen Menschen verhandelt wird, ob "Narzisstische Persönlichkeitsstörungen" und "Narzissti-
    sche Krisen" im allgemeinen oder "Weiblicher Narzissmus" im besonderen erörtert werden – das "Spektrum des Narzissmus" gilt als derart breit, dass man sogar die Anstrengung unternommen hat, ein "Narzissmusinventar" zu erstellen. Prof. Dr. phil. Almut-Barbara Renger, deutsche Professorin für Antike Religion und Kultur, Freie Universität Berlin, Mythos Narziss, "Vorwort", S. 14, Reclam Leipzig, 1999


  • Traditionell wird unter Narzissmus Selbstliebe und Ich-Bezogenheit verstanden. […] Der Narzissmus thematisiert das Grundbedürfnis, von anderen Menschen gesehen, beachtet, anerkannt und geliebt zu werden. Der Narzissmus ist gerade nicht die einsame Selbstbespiegelung. Im Spiegel der Umwelt bildet sich das Selbst. Wir wissen, dass der primäre Narzissmus des Säuglings auf die Haltefunktion der Mutter und das Lächeln in ihrem Blick angewiesen ist.
    Wir erleben, dass das narzisstische Kind Aufmerksamkeit und Bewunderung sucht. Wir sehen, dass die Selbstins-
    zenierung des Medienstars den Beifall des Publikums braucht. Und wir ahnen, dass auch die narzisstische Störung
    einen stillen oder lärmenden, aber immer verzweifelten Kampf um intersubjektive Anerkennung bedeutet.

    Martin Altmeyer (*1948) deutscher Psychologe, Publizist, Autor zur Modernisierung der Psychoanalyse, Narzißmus und Objekt.
    Ein intersubjektives Verständnis der Selbstbezogenheit
    , Klappentext, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1. August 2000, Brill Deutschland, 2. Auflage 2004


  • Das Narzissmus-Konzept Freuds wurzelte in der Vorstellung, dass der Säugling völlig auf sich bezogen sei. Die mo-
    derne Forschung hat das widerlegt. "Bereits der Säugling sucht den Blick der Mutter, um in ihrem Gesicht eine erste
    Ahnung davon zu erhalten, wer er ist"
    , schreibt Altmeyer. "Wenn er sie anlächelt, erlebt er im Spiegel ihrer mimi-
    schen Reaktionen etwas von sich."
    Das Verhalten Erwachsener in sozialen Netzwerken docke an dieser Urerfahrung an.
    Der Narzissmus ermuntert sie dazu, aus sich herauszugehen, sich darzustellen – und so eine Identität zu erwerben. "Selbstbewusstsein braucht Bestätigung. Identität wächst nicht im Stillen." […] Altmeyer diagnostiziert einen "narziss-
    tischen Futterneid ausgerechnet bei jenen öffentlichen Intellektuellen, die in der digitalen Moderne um ihre privilegierte Rolle in der Medienwelt fürchten müssen und ihre angestammte Bühne gegen den Ansturm der Jugend verteidigen."
    Sie schreien Narzissmus, weil sie narzisstisch gekränkt sind. Artikel Die größte Liebe unseres Lebens. Narzisst ist das Schimpfwort der Stunde, Narzissmus gilt als Leitneurose der emanzipierten Gesellschaft. Doch nicht jeder, der stört, ist auch gestört., präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Tobias Becker, 25. Juni 2016


  • Narzissmus ist kein Nebenprodukt der Prominenz, sondern eine primär motivierende Kraft, die Menschen
    dazu anstachelt, berühmt die werden.

    Studienergebnis über Narzissmus unter Prominenten, präsentiert von dem Journal of Research in Personality, Oktober 2006


  • Typische Kennzeichen von narzisstischen Partnern:
       1. Narzissten kennen keine Empathie.
       2. Narzissten haben einen niedrigen Selbstwert.
       3. Narzissten lassen sich keine Grenzen aufzeigen.
       4. Narzissten sehen die Welt in schwarz und weiß.
       5. Narzissten benötigen ununterbrochen Aufmerksamkeit.
       6. Narzissten streben nach Dominanz.
Artikel Narzisstische Persönlichkeitsstörung: Ist mein Partner Narzisst?, präsentiert von dem Online-Magazin beziehungsweise, Eric Hegmann, deutscher Autor, 2017-2019


Die sieben Todsünden, 1500 und 1525
Hieronymus Bosch (~1450-1516) niederländischer Maler
  • Prominente Narzissten sind keine Egomanen mit hoher Selbstachtung. Vielmehr sind sie traumati-
    Individuen, die unfähig sind, auf bodenständige Weise Bindungen mit ihren Mitmenschen einzugehen. Sie sind getrieben, einen Status von Berühmtheit zu erlangen verbunden mit einem unaufhörlichem Zu-
    strom von Aufmerksamkeit, Schmeichelei und Ver-
    stärkung, weil sie die ständige Berieselung mit be-
    wundernder Anerkennung als Ersatz brauchen für
    verschiedene Arten von aufrichtiger Selbstliebe beziehungsweise Selbstachtung.
    Dr. med. Drew Pinsky (*1958) US-amerikanischer Privatdozent für Innere Medizin und Suchtmedizin, Keck USC, Narzissmusforscher, Radio- und Fernsehmoderator, Autor, Dr. S. Mark Young, US-amerikanischer Professor der Unterhaltungsindustrie, Marshall Business School, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, Harper, 1. Auflage 17. März 2009


  • Kindheitstraumata machen den einzelnen Menschen am anfälligsten für unzuträgliche narzisstische Charakteristiken und ermöglichen es, dass narzisstisches Verhalten an Einfluss gewinnt und gedeiht. Die Häufigkeit von Kindheitstraumata ist in den letzten zwanzig Jahren um mehr als 40 Prozent gestiegen und folglich bekommen wir alle die Auswirkungen einer Generation mit tiefen narzisstischen Wun-
    den zu spüren. Dr. med. Drew Pinsky (*1958) US-amerikanischer Privatdozent für Innere Medizin und Suchtmedizin, Keck USC, Narzissmusforscher, Radio- und Fernsehmoderator, Autor, Dr. S. Mark Young, US-amerikanischer Professor für Unterhaltung, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, [Der Spiegelungseffekt. Wie der Narzissmus von Prominenten Amerika verführt], S. 143, Harper, 1. Auflage 17. März 2009


  • Ein Narzisst ist
        ➤ abgespalten von seinem wahren Selbst,
        ➤ wird von chronischen Gefühlen der Einsamkeit, Leere und des Selbsthasses geplagt
        ➤ und bemüht sich, seine Dissoziation durch ein Gefühl des Wertseins und der Wichtigkeit zu ersetzen, das von anderen geschürt wird.
    Dr. med. Drew Pinsky (*1958) US-amerikanischer Privatdozent für Innere Medizin und Suchtmedizin,
    Keck USC, Narzissmusforscher, Radio- und Fernsehmoderator, Autor, Dr. S. Mark Young, US-amerikanischer Professor für Unter-
    haltung, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America [Der Spiegelungseffekt. Wie der Narzissmus von Prominenten Amerika verführt], Harper, 1. Auflage 17. März 2009


  • Ein narzisstischer Mensch ist ähnlich einem Schauspieler, der aus der fiktiven Rolle nicht mehr herauskommt und sie für Wirklichkeit hält.
    Blogartikel Narzissmus auf dem Vormarsch?, präsentiert von dem Blogspot Wie-funktioniert.com, 27. Mai 2017


  • Die Selbstliebe wird leider oft mit den falschen Begriffen wie Egoismus und Narzissmus assoziiert. Diese treffen aber eher auf die Eigenliebe zu, die nicht das Selbst zum Ziel der Liebe hat, sondern das Bild, das man von sich, zum Beispiel über Statussymbole, vermittelt. Selbstliebe entspricht eher dem idealen Entwurf einer zwischenmenschlichen Liebe, bei der man das Gegenüber mit all seinen Facetten, positiven wie negativen, in seiner Gesamtheit zu schätzen weiß. Wer diese Einstellung auch zu sich selbst findet, ist gegenüber Herabsetzungen und Demütigungen sicherlich
    um einiges resistenter und somit auch im Rankism-Gerangel stabiler.
    Interview mit Dr. Dieter Thomä (*1959) deutscher Professor für Philosophie, Universität St. Gallen, Autor, Das tägliche Machtspiel, präsentiert von der monatlich erscheinenden deutschen Wirtschaftszeitschrift brand eins, April 2005


  • Der narzisstisch bestätigte Mensch ruht in sich und schwingt im Kommen und Gehen der eigenen Bedürfnisse, die er angemessen zu befriedigen, zu modifizieren oder zu verschieben versteht; hingegen bleibt der narzisstisch gestörte Mensch in ständiger Unruhe, Spannung und Unzufriedenheit, getrieben vom Wunsch nach echter Erfüllung, die schon längst auf immer verloren ist. Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor,
    Die narzisstische Gesellschaft. Ein Psychogramm, S. 21, Verlag C.H.Beck, München, 4. Auflage 28. Januar 2013



Conarzisstische Fans und Verehrer des Narzissten

  • Meistens sind Narzissten mit Conarzissten verbunden, die [problematischerweise] einen Gefallen darin finden, wenn sie Fan sein können, wenn sie jemanden verehren können und sich dadurch, dass sie jemanden haben, den sie für verehrungswürdig halten, sich nun selbst wieder stabilisieren. Videointerview mit Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Interview mit dem Psychoanalytiker Hans-Joachim Maaz, präsentiert von der Initiative Berufung Mami, Gastgeberin Jeniffer (*1979) Mütteraktivistin, Bloggerin, YouTube Film, Minute 54:31, 1:09:55 Dauer, eingestellt 23. Februar 2019


  • Idealisierung und Entwertung sind das Geschwisterpaar narzisstischer Lebenskultur. Das Eigene hochloben oder ein Idol – bis zur kreischenden Verblödung – verehren, dabei aber alle Kritik abwehren und alle Gegner und Konkurrenten abwerten – das ist die Dynamik, in der alles Geschehen in Gut und Schlecht eingeteilt wird.
    Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Die narzisstische Gesellschaft.
    Ein Psychogramm
    , S. 26, Verlag C.H.Beck, München, 4. Auflage 28. Januar 2013



Narzisstisches Beuteschema



Werkzeuge des bewusstseinskontrollierenden Narzissten:

1. Liebesüberschüttung, 2. Traumabindung 3. Abwertung und Missbrauch


  • Es ist ein nicht bestreitbares Faktum, dass sich die Masse von Borderlinern, Narzissten und Manikern angezogen
    fühlt. Wer jedoch näher mit denen zu tun hat, erfährt am eigenen Leib das Elend, das sich dahinter verbirgt.
    Leserbrief von C. Hesselkamp-Wiese, Borderliner, Narzissten, Maniker, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin
    Der Spiegel, S. 11, Heft Nr. 49/2009, 14. Dezember 2009



Das Gehirn eines Psychopathen ist im "Raubtier-Modus".

Der kanadische Professor für Kriminalpsychologie Robert D. Hare (*1934) entwickelte eine Checkliste zur Ermittlung von Psychopathie an der University of British Columbia.
1% Psychopathen – in der normalen Bevölkerung
4% Psychopathen – in den Führungsetagen von Firmen
25% Psychopathen – in den Gefängnissen

  • "Aus der Sicht eines Psychopathen sind wir es, die eine Fehlfunktion haben", sagt Hare. "Emotionen machen uns angreifbar." Wir setzen grundsätzlich ein gewisses Maß an Empathie voraus, ein Leben ohne Mitgefühl ist für uns schwer vorstellbar. Psychopathen dagegen macht es nichts aus, einem Kollegen oder Freund direkt in die Augen zu schauen, obwohl sie ihn hintergehen. Sie sind skrupellos, verfolgen ihre Ziele ohne Wenn und Aber. […]
    Psychopathen sind nicht verrückt. Ihr Verstand, sagt Hare, ist völlig in Ordnung. Sie sind mitunter sehr intelligent, sie wissen, was richtig und was falsch ist. Sie können sich auch rein rational in ihr Gegenüber hineinversetzen und dessen Perspektive übernehmen. Was ihnen fehlt, ist also nicht die sogenannte "Theory of Mind". Was ihnen fehlt, ist Empathie. Weil sie selbst Gefühle wie Liebe oder Angst vermindert wahrzunehmen scheinen, ist ihre Fähigkeit, Mitgefühl, Schuldbewusstsein oder Reue zu empfinden, eingeschränkt, erklärt Hare. Sie wirken zunächst charmant, sind tatsächlich jedoch seltsam kalt. Laut Robert Hare sind sie "perfekt angepasste Raubtiere". Geradezu instinktiv finden sie die Schwächen ihrer Mitmenschen und nutzen sie aus.
    ♦ Weil Psychopathen Emotionen wie Liebe und Angst vermindert empfinden, fehlt das Mitgefühl für andere. So können sie ihre Ziele skrupellos verfolgen.
    ♦ Ob ein Psychopath kriminell wird, hängt von psychosozialen Einflussfaktoren ab.
    ♦ Während in den Gefängnissen der Anteil der Psychopathen bei 25 Prozent zu liegen scheint, wird er in der normalen Bevölkerung immer noch auf etwa ein Prozent geschätzt.
    ♦ "Erfolgreiche Psychopathen" finden sich in allen Bereichen des Lebens. Besonders attraktiv sind für sie jedoch die Führungsetagen großer Unternehmen. Hier ist der Anteil der Psychopathen einer Studie zufolge viermal so hoch wie in der normalen Bevölkerung.


  • Wenn sich die Egozentrik, der Mangel an Empathie und das Überlegenheitsgefühl der Narzissten mit der Impulsivität, der Täuschung und den kriminellen Tendenzen des Asozialen überschneiden, ist das Ergebnis ein Psychopath, ein Individuum, das die Befriedigung selbstsüchtiger Impulse mit allen Mitteln sucht ohne Empathie oder Reue.
    Millon Theodore (1928-2014) US-amerikanischer emeritierter Professor für Psychologe, Harvard Medical School und University of Miami, Gründungsredakteur des Journal of Personality Disorders, erster Präsident der International Society for the Study of Perso-
    nality Disorders
    , Autor, Personality Disorders in Modern Life [Persönlichkeitsstörungen im modernen Leben], John Wiley and
    Sons, 1999, 2000, 2. Auflage 6. August 2004


  • Die Unterscheidung zwischen Soziopathie und Psychopathie war historisch relevant, ist heutzutage aber angesichts der Forschungslage als obsolet zu betrachten.
    ☛ Unterschiede zwischen Psychopathie-Subtypen werden erforscht, diese sind der aktuellen Fachliteratur zufolge definiert als "Primary Psychopathy" und "Secondary Psychopathy".
    ☛ Die "antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung", wie im DSM-5 definiert, ist nicht gleichbedeutend mit dem wissenschaftlichen Konstrukt der "Psychopathy", welches weiterhin umfassend erforscht wird.
Ergänzende Kurz-Infos zum Thema Psychopathie
☛ Psychopathie steht nicht in den Krankheitenkatalogen ICD und DSM. Dort stehen allerdings Persönlich-
keitsstörungen. Psychopathie ist aber keine für sich allein stehende Persönlichkeitsstörung.
☛ Inhaltlich ist Psychopathie eine Mischung mehrerer sogenannter "Cluster B Persönlichkeitsstörungen".
Nur wenn mehrere dieser Störungen innerhalb einer Person auf eine spezifische Weise gleichzeitig deutlich ausgeprägt vorhanden sind, weist diese Person auch einen erhöhten Psychopathiewert auf.
☛ Das Konstrukt Psychopathie wird am häufgisten mittels der "Psychopathie Checkliste", entwickelt von Robert Hare, gemessen. Er hat es für Gefängnisstichproben entwickelt, um besonders rückfallgefährdete
und in der Behandlung schwierige Straftäter als solche zu identifizieren. Inzwischen gibt es auch Messin-
strumente für das Konstrukt Psychopathie, die für nicht kriminelle Stichproben geeignet sind. Da geht es
dann sehr vereinfacht gesagt um die Ermittlung besonders egozentrischer und risikoreicher Persönlich-
keitseigenschaften, die sich häufiger in unsozialem Verhalten niederschlagen
Lydia Benecke (*1982) polnisch-deutsche Kriminalpsychologin, Therapeutin im Strafvollzug, Sachbuchautorin, Facebook Kommentar, 30. Dezember 2017



1 aus 25 ist ein Psychopath. 4 Prozent Psychopathen kontrollieren die Gesellschaft.

  • Es gibt einen psychologischen Zustand, der 4% der Menschheit vom Rest der Menschheit unterscheidet. Er macht sie zu genetisch geborenen Mördern, Lügnern und natürlich Führern.
    Die anderen 96%, die saumseligerweise keine Ahnung davon haben, dass jemand überhaupt so abscheuliche, eiskalte und berechnende Gedanken hegen könnte wie es Psychopathen tun und außer-
    stande sind, sich ansatzweise vorzustellen, es existierte tatsächlich ein solches System, sitzen der großen Lüge auf und lassen sich daher leicht zur Schlachtbank führen.
    Audiovortrag Our Leaders Are Psychopaths [Unsere Führungspersonen sind Psychopathen], Episode 090, präsentiert von The Corbett Report, Gründer und Sprecher James Corbett, Minute 1:01:23, 1:05:10 Dauer, ausgestrahlt 14. Juni 2009



Erfolgreiche Psychopathen sind "Sozialstraftäter".

  • Die britische Wissenschaftlerin Belinda Board nennt sie die "erfolgreichen Psychopathen". Sie stehen nicht im Fokus, weil sie eben nicht kriminell werden, so der Tübinger Neurobiologe Niels Birbaumer. "Sie sind nicht gewalttätig, und deshalb kennen wir sie nicht. Der Schaden, den sie aber in unserer Gesellschaft anrichten, ist immens."
    Dr. Robert D. Hare, ein kanadischer Wissenschaftler, der das Instrumentarium entwickelt hat, mit dem Polizeidienste auf der ganzen Welt Psychopathen identifizieren, nennt sie "Sozialstraftäter". Er hat 30 Jahre in Hochsicherheitsge-
    fängnissen Datenmaterial über Psychopathen gesammelt und ist heute der Meinung, dass er an den Börsen dieser Welt vermutlich mehr über seine Lieblingsstudienobjekte gelernt hätte. "Attraktive, intelligente gebildete Psychopa-
    then, die in einer wohlhabenden Familie groß geworden sind, rauben keine Bank aus, sie werden Bankenvorstand."

    Artikel Psychopathen in der Chefetage. Zeitbomben mit Schlips, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel. Karriere, Heiner Thorborg, deutscher Personalberater, 9. April 2015



Robert Hare, Martha Strout und Kevin Dutton statuieren, dass 4% der Männer und 1% der Frauen, die Psychopathen seien. In asiatischen Gesellschaften ist der Prozentsatz geringer. Zudem müssen Europäer eine höhere Punktzahl als Amerikaner erreichen, um als Psychopathen zu gelten.

  • Psychopathen sind kalt, aber sie können anderen Gefühle vorspielen. Sie sind sehr gut im Lügen. Darum sind sie oft auch sozial erfolgreich. Sie können Netz-
    werke aufbauen, andere stark und schnell begeistern. Besonders intelligente Psychopathen machen oft Karriere. Sie können andere extrem gut manipulieren. Sie ziehen die Strippen hinter den Kulissen. Oft merken die Manipulierten das überhaupt nicht. Menschen mit einer psychopathischen Persönlichkeit über-
    schätzen sich und lieben in der Regel den Nervenkitzel. Sie gehen allerdings keine echten, engen Bindungen ein. Auch für sie sind andere Menschen eher Werkzeu-
    ge. Und wenn sie angegriffen werden, schlagen sie massiv zurück. Oft endet das in der Zerstörung des Angreifers, beruflich, finanziell oder auch sozial und persönlich. […]
    Neueren Untersuchungen zufolge sind Menschen mit einer narzisstischen oder psychopathischen Persönlichkeit etwa drei- bis viermal häufiger in Machtpositionen vertreten als im Bevölkerungsdurchschnitt. Man geht davon aus, dass etwa vier Prozent der Bevölkerung Narzissten sind und etwa ein bis zwei Prozent Psychopathen. Deren Anteil in Führungspositionen beträgt etwa sechs Prozent. […]
    Wir schätzen, dass viele der charismatischen Führer in der Geschichte psychopathisch waren. Das war wahrschein-
    lich in der Evolution durchaus sinnvoll, weil solche starken, angstfreien Persönlichkeiten die Gruppe angeführt haben und oft auch für die Weiterentwicklung oder das Überleben einer Gruppe wichtig waren. […]
    Oft zeigt sich gerade bei Banken, dass manchmal die besten Trader psychopathische Merkmale aufweisen – und
    der Arbeitgeber keine Ahnung hat, was diese Mitarbeiter genau machen.
    Interview mit Jens Hoffmann (*1968) deutscher Kriminalpsychologe, Fallanalytiker, Berater am Institut Psychologie und Bedroh-
    ungsmanagement, Sachbuchautor, "Auffällig viele Psychopathen werden Chef". Sie manipulieren andere, sind erfolgreich – und gefährlich. Überdurchschnittlich viele Psychopathen schaffen es ins höchste Management, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Tina Groll, 26. Mai 2014


  • Narzissten sind extrem ich-bezogen. Sie erzählen gerne und viel von sich – immer nur sehr positiv. Sie halten sich
    für grandios. Sie sind charmant, können andere oft mitreißen. Auf der anderen Seite sind sie extrem kränkbar. Auch
    sachliche Kritik verletzt sie zutiefst, dann reagieren sie meist sehr aggressiv. Narzissten liegt sehr viel an ihrer Außen-
    wahrnehmung. Sie wollen im Mittelpunkt stehen und bewundert werden. Darum sind sie oft auch sehr leistungsbereit.
    Zugleich sind sie nur wenig empathisch. Die anderen sind für sie oft nur Instrumente. Allerdings sind sie durchaus in
    der Lage, Bindungen einzugehen und Gefühle zu entwickeln. […]
    Man geht davon aus, dass sich der Narzissmus in der Kindheit entwickelt. Oft werden Kinder später zu Narzissten,
    die schon früh wie ein kleiner Prinz behandelt werden und denen das Gefühl vermittelt wird, etwas ganz Besonderes
    zu sein – und auch sein zu müssen. Offenbar ist Narzissmus stärker bei Männern ausgeprägt, was vermutlich mit
    den unterschiedlichen Erwartungen an Männer und Frauen zu tun hat.
    Interview mit Jens Hoffmann (*1968) deutscher Kriminalpsychologe, Fallanalytiker, Berater am Institut Psychologie und Bedroh-
    ungsmanagement, Sachbuchautor, "Auffällig viele Psychopathen werden Chef". Sie manipulieren andere, sind erfolgreich – und gefährlich. Überdurchschnittlich viele Psychopathen schaffen es ins höchste Management, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Tina Groll, 26. Mai 2014



Funktionale Psychopathen ⇔ Dysfunktionale Psychopathen

  • [Zusammenfassung, nicht zitiert] Funktionale Psychopathen mit einem rational gesteuerten "Wertesystem" können nutzbringend für andere sein, selbst wenn sie ihre Emotionen nur vortäuschen. Sie kennen keine Schuldgefühle und werden selten depressiv.
    Dumme Psychopathen hingegen fallen schnell auf, weil sie andere nicht glaubhaft täuschen können.
    Perverse oder paranoide dysfunktionale Psychopathen (Diktatoren, Gewohnheitsverbrecher und Serienmörder) können sehr gefährlich sein. Dr. Kevin Dutton (*1967) britischer Professor für Psychologie, Psychopathieexperte, Universität von Oxford, Autor, Psychopathen. Was man von Heiligen, Anwälten und Serienmördern lernen kann, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), Erstauflage 1. Mai 2013


  • [E]ine krankhafte Eifersucht hat nichts mit dem Partner zu tun hat, sondern allein mit der Unsicherheit des Narzissten in Bezug auf den eigenen Wert als Person. […] Narzissten entwickeln häufig eine pathologische Form der Eifersucht, die in extremen Wahnvorstellungen und einen erhöhten Kontrollzwang mündet. Blogartikel Die krankhafte Eifersucht des Narzissten, präsentiert von dem Blogspot Umgang mit Narzissten, Sven Grüttefien, 26. Oktober 2015


  • Wer von Narzissten verletzt wurde, hat mit den Erscheinungsformen des "Bösen" zu tun und es stellt sich vielleicht manchmal die existenzielle Frage nach dessen Ursprung. Ich setze das Wort hier bewusst in Anführungszeichen,
    denn ob es das "Böse" als eigenständige Macht gibt oder nicht, darüber gehen die Meinungen auseinander und
    sind oft ideologisch oder kulturell eingefärbt. […]
    Ebenso wenig wird der "Teufel" als Gegenspieler Gottes gesehen. Der Luzifer war gemäß Ezechiel (Ezechiel 28, 17) und Johannes (Offenbarung 12, 7ff) ursprünglich ein Engel, der überaus schön und stark war. Das war ihm aber zu Kopf gestiegen und er wollte, dass die anderen Engel und auch Gott ihn selber anbeten sollten. Das war ein Schuss
    in den eigenen Fuß, wie Luzifer bald merken sollte. Denn er und die, die sich von ihm blenden ließen, wurden kurzer-
    hand aus dem Himmel rausgeschmissen (und landeten auf der Erde gemäß der Legende). Sein Name wurde ihm
    weggenommen und er erhielt einen anderen Namen – "Satan". In der Volksfrömmigkeit wird Satan häufig als Gegen-
    spieler zu Gott gesehen. Das stimmt nur bedingt, denn er ist immer noch ein Engel – ein Ex-Engel um genau zu sein
    – selber aber ein Geschöpf – nicht ein Schöpfer. Wenn schon der Ex-Engel Luzifer ein himmlisches Gegenstück ha-
    ben soll, dann wäre das der Erzengel Michael.
    So weit der Mythos vom Ursprung des Bösen. Narzissmus auf kosmischer Ebene sozusagen – narzisstische Beleidi-
    gung als Ursprung einer metaphysischen Katastrophe. Luzifers Anspruchshaltung und Selbstvergottung wird in
    den alten Mythen vielleicht schon deutlich.
    Blogartikel Bereits in der Bibel wird Narzissmus beschrieben, präsentiert
    von dem Blogspot Umgang mit Narzissten, Gastbeitrag von Sonja Wieland, Schweizer Pfarrerin, 6. Juni 2017


  • Zwei bis drei Prozent meiner Patienten haben eine ausgeprägte narzisstische Störung. Insgesamt rund 20 Prozent meiner Patienten haben zumindest eine narzisstische Persönlichkeitsakzentuierung. Gelegentlich versteckt sich auch hinter einem Burn-out ein narzisstisches Problem – wenn die Betroffenen ihre eigenen Fähigkeiten und Chan-
    cen überschätzen, was dann zu einem beruflichen Scheitern führt. Narzissmus ist schwierig zu behandeln. Michael
    (*1963) deutscher Psychologe, Institut für Psychotherapie, Schön Klinik, Prien am Chiemsee, zitiert in: Artikel Narzissmus. Im Sog des Selbst, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Focus, Nr. 7, Frank Gerbert, 18. Februar 2017



Narzissmusentwicklung in Deutschland



  • Der waschechte Narzisst zeigt einen völligen Mangel an Reue und eine Vorliebe für Manipulation;
    Menschen, die nur zu gern ihre Meinung kundtun oder das Sagen haben, unterscheiden sich deutlich von Narzissten, die nur zu gern manipulieren und lügen;
    nur Menschen, die sich nie besonders fühlen oder sich stets besonders fühlen, stellen eine Bedrohung für sich und
    die Welt dar. Dr. Craig Malkin, US-amerikanischer klinischer Psychologe, Dozent an der Harvard Medical School, Autor, Rethin-
    king Narcissism. The Secret to Recognizing and Coping with Narcissists
    [Narzissmus in neuem Licht], Harper Perennial, 7. Juli
    2015, Taschenbuchausgabe 5. Juli 2016


  • Der Begriff "Echoist" ist auf die Geschichte der Bergnymphe Echo aus der griechischen Mythologie zurückzuführen. Die Nymphe verliebte sich in den Hirten Narziss, der sie zurückwies. Echo zog sich daraufhin verletzt in die Berge zurück, wo ihr Körper nach und nach verschwand, bis schließlich nur noch ihre Stimme übrig blieb. Narziss hingegen wurde von der Göttin Nemesis für seine Überheblichkeit verflucht: In einer Quelle erblickte er sein Spiegelbild und verliebte sich in es. Er blieb so lange am Ufer, bis er starb und sich in eine schöne Blume verwandelte. […]
    Besonders kritisch wird es, wenn ein Echoist auf einen Narzissten trifft — oder noch schlimmer, der Narzisst der Chef oder der Partner ist. "Das ist eine unheilvolle Mischung. Narzissten geht es vor allem um Macht und um das Erleben der eigenen Größe, weil sie tief im Inneren an dem zweifeln und selbst unsicher sind. Darunter leiden Echoisten ex-
    trem — sie werden im extremen Maße ausgenutzt." Genau das, was Echoisten brauchen – die Anerkennung und
    Liebe anderer — können Narzissten nicht bieten. "Für die sind Echoisten nur Mittel zum Zweck."
    Artikel "Echoisten" sind das Gegenteil von Narzissten — und das ist nicht unbedingt besser, präsentiert von der online Wirt-
    schaftszeitung Business Insider Deutschland, Nathalie Gaulhiac, 25. Februar 2019


  • In den Märchen von Schneewittchen und Aschenputtel wird von einer bösen Stiefmutter erzählt, die ein unschul-
    diges Stiefkind psychisch und physisch misshandelt und zu töten versucht. Sie wird als eine arrogante, kalte Person
    dargestellt, die sich mit dem äußeren Erscheinungsbild, ihrer Schönheit und dem Bedürfnis beschäftigt, andere zu
    beeindrucken. Sie besitzt keine Reue für ihre bösen Taten. Sie ist loyal zu ihren leiblichen Kindern, die sie mit An-
    spruch behandelt. Ihren Hass und ihre Wut richtet sie auf die Stiefkinder.
    Ihre schwarz-weiße Welt ist aufgeteilt in das, was ihr gehört und zu gehören hat, das "Vollkommene", und das,
    was nicht zu ihr gehört, was schlecht ist und daher gedemütigt und zerstört werden darf und muss.
    Die Vaterfigur in den Märchen ist häufig abwesend oder passiv. Er ist "gehandicapt" in seiner Beziehung mit der Stiefmutter, weil er sein eigenes Kind hat. Die grausame Frau ist nicht seine erste Wahl, aber sie ist schön und
    mächtig. Er ist von diesem äußeren Bild angezogen, weil er sich selbst unzureichend fühlt durch den Verlust der
    ersten Frau und möchte dadurch als fähig und anerkannt angesehen werden. Sein Hauptinteresse gilt nicht dem
    Schutz seines Kindes.
    Am Ende der Märchen wird die böse Stiefmutter verbannt. Sie wird nicht bestraft, sie existiert einfach nicht mehr,
    ihre Untaten lösen sich durch den Sieg über das Böse in Nichts auf. Die böse Stiefmutter verkörpert die klassi-
    sche bösartige Narzisstin. Vortrag von Dr. Laurie Jo Moore, Universität von Auckland, Dr. Mila Goldner-Vukov, Queensland
    Health, Malignant Narcissism: From the Snow White Syndrome to modern neurobiology [Bösartiger Narzissmus: Vom Schnee-
    wittchensyndrom zur modernen Neurobiologie], 44. International Neuropsychiatric Pula Symposium, präsentiert von Neurologia
    , Ausgabe 84, No. 53, S. 84-89, 2004


  • Wie Narzissten sich selbst einschätzen
    1. Ich liebe mich selbst und weiß, dass du mich auch liebst.
    2. Ich habe keinen Grund, mich zu entschuldigen.
    3. Nur wenige Menschen auf der Welt sind mir ebenbürtig, und bisher habe ich noch nie einen getroffen.
    4. Die meisten Leute können sich nicht mit mir messen.
    5. Ich verstehe, dass es Regeln und Vorschriften gibt. Sie gelten jedoch hauptsächlich für dich, denn ich habe weder Zeit noch Lust, sie einzuhalten.
    6. So wunderbar und fehlerfrei wie ich bin, hoffe ich, du schätzt alles, was ich bin und auch alles, was ich für
      dich geschaffen habe.
    7. Ich wünschte, wir könnten gleichrangig sein, doch das ist nicht der Fall und wird es auch nie sein.
    8. Ich bin einverstanden damit, mitunter als arrogant und hochmütig zu erscheinen, denn ich will nicht als
      0815-Mensch wie du angesehen werden.
    9. Ich erwarte von dir, dass du mir gegenüber stets ergeben bist, was auch immer ich tue. Erwarte aller-
      dings nicht, dass ich dir gegenüber in irgendeiner Hinsicht loyal bin.
    10. Ich werde dich kritisieren und ich rechne damit, dass du meine Zurechtweisungen annimmst. Solltest
      du es wagen, mich zu tadeln, besonders in der Öffentlichkeit, werde ich wütend auf dich losgehen.
    11. Ich erwarte, dass du dich dafür interessierst, was ich erreicht habe und was ich zu sagen habe.
    12. Ich bin nicht manipulativ; ich schätze es nur, wenn man die Dinge nach meinen Vorgaben erledigt,
      egal wie sehr es andere belastet oder wie sie sich dabei fühlen.
    13. Für meine Leistungen, seien sie auch noch so gering, erwarte ich jederzeit Dankbarkeit.
    14. Ich verkehre nur mit den besten Leuten, und offen gesagt, die meisten deiner Freunde spielen nicht
      in meiner Liga.
    15. Wenn du nur das befolgen würdest, was ich verlange, ginge es uns besser.
Artikel Inside the Mind of a Narcissist. Knowing how the narcissist thinks can help you understand toxic individuals. [Im Kopf
eines Narzissten], präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift Psychology Today, Joe Navarro (*1953), gebürtiger Ku-
baner, US-amerikanischer ehemaliger FBI-Agent und Aufsichtsbeamter, Experte für nonverbale Kommunikation und Körper-
sprache, Dozent, Autor, 1. September 2017


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Narzissmus



Das Abwehr"gebet" eines Narzissten
Es ist gar nichts passiert.
Und wenn doch, war es nicht so schlimm.
Wenn's so war, ist eine Bagatelle.
Und wenn doch, dann ist es nicht meine Schuld.
Wenn's wirklich passiert ist, habe ich es nicht böse gemeint.
Und hätte ich's getan, hast du es nicht anders verdient!

Zitate von David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Erst durch Erfahrung muss man feststellen, dass man in das eigene Denken und Selbst verliebt ist, und dass die spi-
    rituelle Arbeit im Wesentlichen darin besteht, die Anhaftung an Gedanken und liebgewordene Meinungen, Stand-
    punkte und Erinnerungen loszulassen, deren Wert durch narzisstische Identifikation aufgeblasen und überbewertet
    wird. Das innerste Wesen des Egos ist Narzissmus.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, OU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 91, 2006


May Day
British illustrator Kate Greenaway (1846-1901)
  • Das kindische, narzisstische Ego […] entdeckt, dass Überleben und Erfolg von der Aufgabe [der] Infantilität und dem Erlernen von Kooperation abhängen. Im Gegen-
    zug erhält das Ego nun Liebe und Anerkennung, indem
    es lernt, zu teilen und geduldig zu sein. […] Wenn diese
    Art [verantwortungsvoller] Elternschaft fehlt, bleibt der In-
    fantilismus zusammen mit daraus erwachsenem Groll,
    Ärger und Selbstmitleid bestehen.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, OU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 322, 2006


  • Aus der Sicht der Bewusstseinsevolution ist Atheismus die Folge der Weigerung oder Unfähigkeit, die illu-
    Vorstellung aufzugeben, der narzisstische Kern des Egos sei souverän [herrschend] und die Quelle des eigenen Lebens und der Existenz.
    Ein Grund, weshalb Computerspiele so beliebt sind, ist, weil sie die Täuschung verstärken, die "Kontrolle zu haben" und folglich auch der Herrscher und "Kapitän der eigenen Seele" zu sein.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, FU Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 356, 2005



Zitate von Sam Vaknin

Eigenschaften von Narzissten

  • Die meisten Narzissten – etwa drei Viertel – sind Männer.
  • Narzissten – egal ob Männer oder Frauen – sind chauvinistisch und konservativ eingestellt.
  • Die meisten Narzissten sind zwangsgestört.
  • Narzissten verhalten sich tölpelhaft, taktlos, verletzend, ätzend, aggressiv, grobschlächtig und gefühllos.


Selbstzerstörerische Eigenschaften

Atomarer Feuerball, Nevada Testgebiet, 18. April 1953
  • Narzissten konsumieren Drogen und Substanzen in einem zerstö-
    rerischen Ausmaß. Sie schockieren [andere] zwanghaft. Sie sind rücksichtslose Fahrzeuglenker.
  • Gelegentlich fühlt sich ein Narzisst schlecht. Er gerät manchmal in Panik. Es ist kein Zuckerschlecken, ein Narzisst zu sein.
  • Die Bösartigkeit des Narzissten ist zweckdienlich.
  • Narzissten verhalten sich dann böse, wenn ihnen das Bösesein Vorteile verschafft.


Chronische Unreife, Überlegensanspruch und Grandiosität

  • Wenn ein Narzisst sich überlegen und grandios fühlen will, muss er ein Kind bleiben, denn anders klappt es nicht.
  • Narzissmus ist ein depressiver Zustand. Narzissmus ist nicht – wie allgemein behauptet wird – eine Persönlichkeitsstörung, sondern ein posttraumatischer Zustand, der einen "Entwicklungsstopp" zur Folge hatte.
  • Narzissten glauben an Magie und Phantasie.
  • Das Einzige, was ein Narzisst nicht kontrollieren kann, ist sein zwanghafter Hang zu grandiosen Phantasien.
  • Das falsche Selbst des Narzissten ist unrealistisch, seine Erwartungen an sich selbst sind überzogen.
    Sein Überich [die ihn kritisierenden inneren Stimmen] ist sadistisch.
  • Sowohl das unechte Selbst als auch die Maske des Wunderkindes ziehen [die Zufuhrenergie durch] Bewunderung
    und Aufmerksamkeit der Liebe vor.
  • Der Narzisst ist ein emotionaler Krüppel, der auf ständiges Bewundertwerden angewiesen ist.
  • Der Narzisst ist nur eingeschränkt empathiefähig.
  • Aufgrund ihrer mangelnden Empathiefähigkeit scheren sich Narzissten nicht um die Gefühle, Bedürfnisse, Prioritäten, Wünsche, Vorlieben und Grenzen ihrer Mitmenschen.


Narzissten nutzen Menschen als Werkzeuge und Zufuhrquellen.

  • Narzissten haben keine Feinde, sondern lediglich Lieferanten der narzisstischen Versorgung. Ein Feind bedeutet Aufmerksamkeit,
    und Aufmerksamkeit bedeutet Energiezufuhr.
  • Narzissten praktizieren den Wiederholungskomplex der Annäherung-Vermeidung.
  • Ein Narzisst wertet alle Interaktionen mit anderen entweder als Konflikte oder als Wettrennen, die er gewinnen will.


Unfähigkeit, eine Partnerschaft einzugehen

  • Ein Narzisst sieht in dir nicht den Partner, sondern den Gegner, den er unterwerfen will.
  • Narzissten sind frauenfeindlich. Narzissten verachten Frauen, sie hassen und fürchten Frauen.
  • Die Einschätzung eines Narzissten über Frauen ist letztlich eine Projektion [seines eigenen Mutterbildes].
  • Der Narzisst glaubt emotional, Frauen seien die Zweitausgabe seiner Mutter.
  • Der Narzisst teilt alle Frauen in Heilige oder Huren ein.
    Der Narzisst wertet die ehrlichen Frauen in seinem Leben ausschließlich als Heilige, während er mit Huren
    (Prostituierten) sexuell verkehrt.
  • Narzissten haben Angst vor Nähe.
  • Der Narzisst verkehrt nur intim mit seinem falschen Selbst.
  • Das unechte Selbst isoliert den Narzissten, um der Gefahr der emotionalen Ansteckung und Nähe zu entgehen.
  • Es ist nicht möglich, eine Beziehung mit einem Narzissten zu führen, die dem Narzissten etwas bedeutet.
  • In einer Beziehung benutzt der Narzisst drei Werkzeuge in manipulativer Absicht: vorgetäuschte Nähe, Eifersucht
    und Verstoßung.
  • Um die eigene psychische Gesundheit zu sichern, muss man sich von dem Narzissten lösen.


Unfähigkeit, eine abschließende Aussprache zu gewähren

  • Narzissten verweigern abschließende Aussprachen.
  • Entgegen den vorherrschenden Mythen – funktioniert die Impulskontrolle des Narzissten.
  • Als notorische Gestaltwandler und Schauspieler [ihres changierenden unechten Selbstes] fühlen sich viele Narzissten nicht verantwortlich für ihre Taten.


Unfähigkeit, sich zu entschuldigen

  • Es ist wichtig, alle Narzissten zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen im Hinblick auf die überwältigenden Folgen der meisten ihrer Handlungen.
  • Narzissten sind unverbesserlich und notorisch veränderungsresistent. Folglich sind Bemühungen, sie umzukrempeln, zu kurieren, mit Liebe zu heilen, zum Scheitern verurteilt. Akzeptiere den Narzissten entweder so wie er ist oder meide
    ihn konsequent.
  • Stellenbeschreibungen von Wall Street-Firmen [Goldman Sachs] geben bildgetreu die Eigenschaften von Narzissmus
    und Psychopathie wider. Konzerne haben sie verinnerlicht und fordern sie [von ihrem Personal] ein.


Narzisstische Typen

  • Offene klassische Narzissten heischen unverhohlen nach Aufmerksamkeit (mittels manipulativer Wut, Skandalen)
         und agieren als Clowns und Darsteller.
    Verdeckte Narzissten sind passiv-aggressiv, widersetzlich, insgeheim bösartig agierende Giftspritzen, die andere
         zweckorientiert manipulieren.
    Psychopathische bösartige Narzissten sind zielorientiert, unersättlich getrieben, an Geld, Sex und Macht zu
         kommen. Sie sind antisozial und gefährlich, da sie nicht vor der Zerstörung des Umfeldes ihrer Zufuhrquellen zu-
    ☛ Es gibt intellektuelle Narzissten und somatische Narzissten.
  • Psychopathische bösartige Narzissten haben die Welt erobert. Sie beherrschen 70% der Landflächen der Erde und 80% der Weltbevölkerung. [Status 2019]


Widersinniger Umgebungsmissbrauch – Verunsichernder Psychoterror
Im Falle des Umgebungsmissbrauchs werden die Rollen vertauscht. Das Opfer wird von den Umgebenden als geistig gestört und labil eingeschätzt, während der strippenziehende Täter allgemein als der Leidtragende und als Opfer "gefeiert" wird.
Fünf Aktionsschritte des verunsichernden Psychoterrors (Gaslighting):
  1. Das Opfer allmählich desorientieren
  2. Das Opfer invalidisieren
  3. Gemeinsam geteilte Psychose
  4. Vertrauensbrüchige Weitergabe von vertraulichen Informationen
  5. Dritte werden dahingehend manipuliert, als Stellvertreter das ultimative Opfer in Schach zu halten.
Videopräsentation von Sam Vaknin (*1961) israelisch-mazedonischer Journalist, Chefredakteur des politischen Online-Magazins Global Politician, Verleger, Autor, What is Ambient Abuse i.e. Gaslighting?, YouTube Film, Minute 2:14, 8:22 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. August 2010


Siehe auch: ► Quotes on narcissism – Sam Vaknin

General quotes

The ruler of this world has already been judged. John 16, 11 (NT)


On the root of evil: It masters us. We are its slaves. It takes us captive. The Gnostic Gospel of Phillip II, 3, 83.5-30


Personal confessionals

  • I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did was not acceptable. I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in. […]
    Character and decency count. […] I stopped living by the core values that I was taught to believe in. I knew my actions were wrong, but I convinced myself that normal rules didn't apply. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead I thought only about myself. I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptati-
    ons around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame. I didn't have to go far to find them. I was wrong, I was foolish. I don't get to play by different rules. The same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. I brought this shame on myself. […] I've had a lot of time to think about what I've done. My failures have made me
    look at myself in a way I never wanted to before.

    Tiger Woods (*1975) US American professional golfer worldwide, in sex addiction rehabilitation, Apology statement, before continuing his sex addiction rehab, presented by the US American TV channel CNN, news outlet CNN edition, 19. February 2010



Striving for somebodiness – position, status, money – vulnerability to corruption

  • He [Newt] was impressed easily by position, status, money. He grew up poor and always wanted to be somebody, to make a difference, to prove himself, you know. He has to be historic to justify his life. […]
    Newt always wanted to be somebody. That was his vulnerability, do you under-
    stand? Being treated important. Which means he was gonna associate with people who would stroke him, and were important themselves. And in that vulnerability, once you go down that path and it
    goes unchecked, you add to it. Like, 'Oh, I'm drinking, who cares?' Then you start being a little whore, 'cause that
    comes with drinking. That's what corruption is – when you're too exhausted, you're gonna go with your weakness.
    So when we see corruption, we shouldn't say, 'They're all corrupt.' Rather, we should say, 'At what point did you de-
    cide that? And why? Why were you vulnerable?'
    Marianne Gingrich on her marriage (1981-2000) with husband Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich (*1943) US American politician, historian, 58th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives (1995-1999), political consultant, candidate for the 2012 Republican
    Party presidential nomination, author, cited in: Newt Gingrich. The Indispensable Republican, presented by the US American
    men's fashion and lifestyle magazine Esquire, John H. Richardson, 10. August 2010


  • Stardom is all about rhinestones. My life there was about moonshine and real stars sparkling on you. How could
    you compare the two? I went to the real thing.
    Feature interview with Kim Novak (*1933) retired US American film and television actress, visual artist, Kim Novak tells all, presented by the English daily newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Richard Rushfield, 3. March 2014



  • Don't attempt to do something about your striving ego. Don't fight it, subdue it, control it or destroy it. That would just make the ego real. You must remember that your ego is not real. Ego is a false belief that you have about yourself being separate from your higher self.
    Dr. Wayne Dyer (1940-2015) US American self-help advocate, spiritual lecturer, author, source unknown


Symptoms of the narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)

  • The DSM-5 indicates that persons with NPD usually display some or all of the following symptoms, typically without the commensurate qualities or accomplishments:
    1. Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
    2. Constantly demeans, bullies and belittles others
    3. Exploitation of others to achieve personal gain
    4. Fixation on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
    5. Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
    6. Need for continual admiration from others
    7. Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
    8. Unwillingness to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
    9. Intense envy of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
en.Wikipedia entry, status September 2019


Obsolete diagnostic criteria for 301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  • A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
    1. has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
    2. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
    3. believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
    4. requires excessive admiration
    5. has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
    6. is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
    7. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
    8. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her
    9. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Diagnostic criteria for 301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder excerpted from: the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, 1994




Self-reflective survivors vs. exploiting narcissists

  • One of the most common character traits I have witnessed among survivors is their ability and desire to be self-reflective. As a generalization, most survivors are able to critically look at their own behaviors and motives. They are willing to fix character defects within themselves. These personal strengths are precisely what narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths exploit. A toxic person knows if they hurl accusations at a survivor, those words will pierce deep and cause the survivor to look inward to see if the accusations are true. Quite the clever diversion tactic. It is the toxic person who needs to do more self-reflection but that will never, ever, happen.
    Shannon Thomas, LCSW-S, US American therapist, Facebook comment, posted 10. January 2016

Statistics on personality disorders

  • According to the largest study ever conducted on personality disorders (PD) by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), 5.9% of the U.S. population has Borderline Personality Disorder (Grant et
    al. 2008) and 6.2% has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Stinson et al. 2008).
    Of the people meeting the criteria for a BPD diagnosis, 53 percent were women and 47 percent were men (Grant et
    al. 2008).
    Of the people meeting the criteria for NPD, 62 percent were men and 38 percent were women (Stinson et al. 2008).
    Your partner could have either disorder – or both. Almost 40 percent of people with one of these disorders also have
    the other, according to the NIH study (Grant et al. 2008; Stinson et al. 2008).
    Many more people have traits of a PD, but not the full disorder. Therefore, the number of people with some of these problems may be even higher. Overview on personality disorders Questions on personality disorders – How common are borderline and narcissistic personality disorders?, presented by BPD Central, undated


Treble, alto and bass clefs




Risking confrontation with oneself

  • Whoever looks into the mirror of the water will see first of all his own face. Whoever goes to himself risks a confrontation with himself. The mirror does not flatter, it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely, the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor. But the mirror lies behind the mask and shows the true face. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Gerhard Adler, editor, R. F. C. Hull, translator, Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 1). The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious, S. 43, Princeton University Press, 1935, 2nd revised edition 1. August 1981


Alternative translation: "There was never a genius without a tincture of madness." cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

  • No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness. Aristotle (384-322 BC) classical Greek pre-Christian philosopher, physician, scientist, misogynist, attributed by Seneca Moral Essays, "De Tranquillitate Animi" On Tranquility of Mind, sct. 17, subsct.
    10; cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own impor-
    tance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other
    people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest crit-
    icism. Definition by the Mayo Clinic, cited in: Christine Arylo, Madly in Love with Me. The Daring Adventure of Becoming Your Own
    Best Friend
    , S. 38, New World Library, Novato, California, 2012


  • But leaders have to do more than ask for the counsel of others. They have to hear it. All of us would do well to reflect
    on how receptive we are to the suggestions and opinions of others and alternate points of view. One motive for tur-
    ning a deaf ear to what others have to say seems to be sheer hubris: leaders often believe they are wiser than all
    those around them. The literature on executive narcissism tells us that the self-confidence top executives need can
    easily blur into a blind spot, an unwillingness to turn to others for advice. Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American
    scholar, professor of business administration, organizational consultant, pioneer of contemporary leadership studies, author, Daniel
    (*1946) US American psychologist, science journalist, James O'Toole, US American journalist, Patricia Ward Biederman, US American writer, Creating a Transparent Culture, presented by the publication Leader To Leader, No. 50, 4. September 2008



Healing the anger within

  • Humility doesn't come easily to selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed, narcissistic men. Video interview with Newton Hightower, US American psychotherapist, director of the "Center for Anger Resolution" (for Men), Anger Resolution for Men, presented by the broadcaster Houston Public Media, program "Living Smart", #202, host Patricia Gras (*1960) US American television anchor, reporter, journalist, recorded ~July 2006, YouTube film, minute 13:23, 26:50 minutes duration, posted 21. March 2011


  • When in group narcissism the object is not the individual but the group to which he belongs. […] The assertion that "my country" (or nation, or religion) is the most wonderful, the most cultural, the most powerful, the most peace-loving, etc. does not sound crazy at all; on the contrary, it sounds like an expression of patriotism, faith and loyalty.
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) US American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, author, The Heart of Man. Its Genius for Good and Evil, Harper Collins, June 1980, S. 75, Lantern Books, 1. October 2010, revised edition
    15. August 2011


  • The narcissistic orientation is one in which one experiences as real only that which exists within oneself, while the phenomena in the outside world have no reality in themselves, but are experienced only from the viewpoint of their being useful or dangerous to one. The opposite pole to narcissism is objectivity; it is the faculty to see people and things as they are, objectively, and to be able to separate this objective picture from a picture which is formed by
    one's desires and fears. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) US American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, author, The Art of Loving, Harper & Row, New York, 1956


Momiji, Temple of Ginkaku-ji, Kyoto
  • Narcissism as a psychological definition is typically seen as self-involved attitudes and behavior where there is little or no empathy for others. Narcissistic wounding starts early in life to children whose parents are insecure, abusive, addictive or have narcissistic patterns themselves.
    Narcissistic injury happens to the child when his or her emotio-
    nal needs are not met. The narcissistic parent has unresolved needs for attention and caretaking because his or her needs were not met in their early life. Neglect, physical, mental and sexual abuse, being spoiled and not given structure and limits create the wounding. Narcissism can be an inflated ego sub part or the trait can take over the personality. Narcissistic attitudes and behavior come from the ego defenses that function as smoke screens to hide the deep shame and fractures that came from being hurt emotionally or physically as a child.
    The child who was not allowed to have boundaries becomes energetically and developmentally arrested at this level with beliefs of not being safe in the world and being unworthy and unlovable. Thus the Shadow is born with the defen-
    ses and negative core beliefs becoming set in the child's repertoire. The child carries this primitive, self-defense core
    of fear even into adulthood. This is called the "Core Script" or Core Identity, which is like a big lens of perception by
    which the world is viewed. The defenses remain lurking in the unconscious mind ready to be called into action at any
    resemblance of threat.
    Article Selfishness and Narcissism in Family Relationships, Lynne Namka, Ed.D., US American psychologist, 2005


  • Underneath the so-called narcissistic personality is definitely shame and the paralyzing fear of being ordinary. Often it's hard for people to believe that someone in their life who is critical and rejecting of them is really suffering from their own shame. Both shame and grandiosity come from the same feeling that "if I'm not above the rest, I'm not enough." Interview with Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW (*1965) US American shame, vulnerability, empathy researcher, Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston, public speaker, author, Author Brené Brown Discusses Embracing Our Ordinariness, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Martha Rosenberg, 21. February 2011, updated
    17. November 2011


  • Our secrets definitely keep us addicted, which is probably why there are online sites where people can divest themselves of their secrets, anonymously. But because shame happens between people, there is no substitute for telling on ourselves, so to speak, to someone else and making ourselves vulnerable. Vulnerability is the birthplace of connection and the path to the feeling of worthiness. If it doesn't feel vulnerable, the sharing is probably not con-
    structive. Interview with Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW (*1965) US American shame, vulnerability, empathy researcher, Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston, public speaker, author, Author Brené Brown Discusses Embracing Our Ordinariness, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Martha Rosenberg, 21. February 2011, updated
    17. November 2011


  • Covert-Aggressive Personalities are the archetypal wolves in sheep’s clothing. […] These individuals are not openly aggressive in their interpersonal style. In fact, they do their best to keep their aggressive intentions and be-
    haviors carefully masked. They can often appear quite charming and amiable, but underneath their civil facade they
    are just as ruthless as any other aggressive personality. They are devious, underhanded, and subtle in the ways they
    abuse and exploit others. They have usually amassed an arsenal of interpersonal maneuvers and tactics that have
    enabled them to effectively manipulate and control those in relationships with them. The tactics they use are effective
    because they simultaneously accomplish two objectives very effectively:
    • The tactics conceal obvious aggressive intent. When the covert-aggressive is using the tactics, the other person has little objective reason to suspect that he is simply attempting to gain advantage over them.
    • The tactics covert-aggressive personalities use effectively play on the sensitivity, conscientiousness, and other vulnerabilities of most persons – especially neurotic individuals — and therefore effectively squash any resis-
      tance another person might have to giving-in to the demands of the aggressor.
Blog article by George K. Simon, Ph.D. (*1948) US American self-help author, Beware the Covert-Aggressive Personality, presen-
ted by the blogspot Councelling Resource, undated; excerpted from: In Sheep's Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Mani-
pulative People
, A. J. Christopher & Company, 19. December 1996, Parkhurst Brothers, revised paperback edition 1. April 2010


  • The epidemiology statistics on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) put the rate somewhere between one and six percent. That's people who are diagnosed with this. Tthey've gone into research. Most people aren't diagnosed be-
    cause they would never come in and do these sessions. This is my number. I'm going with 20-25 percent of the world or of the U.S. One in five to one in four. I'm saying adults – 18 and above. 20 percent that would make it 1 in 5. In a major metro like Los Angeles I'm going to 25 percent.
    Video interview with Ramani Durvasula (*1965) US American professor of psychology, UCLA, licensed clinical psychologist, media expert, author, BIG SIGNS You're Dating A NARCISSIST! (Watch Out For This), presented by podcaster and host Lewis Howes, YouTube film, minute 1:09:53, 1:47:25 duration, posted 6. December 2021


  • These are the real qualities that make a person not narcissistic. It's authenticity, humility, empathy, kindness, respect, flexibility, self-awareness, the capacity to reflect on their impact on other people, emotional regulation like managing negative states like frustration and disappointment, genuine curiosity about others, setting goals from an internal
    space rather than what they think the world expects of them, having a strong sense of identity, a sense of who they are, having a solid sense of values, conscientiousness, agreeableness. It's nice to be around these people.
    Video interview with Ramani Durvasula (*1965) US American professor of psychology, UCLA, licensed clinical psychologist, media expert, author, BIG SIGNS You're Dating A NARCISSIST! (Watch Out For This), presented by podcaster and host Lewis Howes, YouTube film, minute 1:11:13, 1:47:25 duration, posted 6. December 2021


  • If you're dealing with a narcissist don't defend, don't engage, don't explain, don't personalize.
    Video interview with Ramani Durvasula (*1965) US American professor of psychology, UCLA, licensed clinical psychologist, media expert, author, BIG SIGNS You're Dating A NARCISSIST! (Watch Out For This), presented by podcaster and host Lewis Howes, YouTube film, minute 31:02, 1:47:25 duration, posted 6. December 2021


  • For a long time, it was unclear why narcissists engage in unpleasant behaviors, such as self-congratulation, as it
    actually makes others think less of them. This has become quite prevalent in the age of social media – a behavior
    that's been coined 'flexing.' Narcissists are insecure, and they cope with these insecurities by flexing. This makes
    others like them less in the long run, thus further aggravating their insecurities, which then leads to a vicious cycle
    of flexing behaviors.
    More specifically, the results suggest that narcissism is better understood as a compensatory adaptation to over-
    come and cover up low self-worth. [Mary Kowalchyk] Pascal Wallisch, US American clinical associate professor, psychology department, New York University, senior author of the paper in the journal "Personality and Individual Differences", cited in: article Narcissism comes from insecurity, not inflated sense of self, presented by the nonprofit website that aggregates news articles about scientific research Futurity, James Devitt, NYU, 26. March 2021



Individualism ⇔ collectivism

Narcissism ⇔ totalitarianism

  • Individualism is very good for the immune system because the individual is allowed to be praised in a job or to [just] be praised. [T]he US is a very indivi-
    dualistic country as opposed to Japan, which is a very collectivist country.
    In Japan, you have to say, in essence, "I'm nothing without my group." That's not good for the immune system. You have to disown whatever action you took and give it to your group.
    When shaming occurs in the US, you feel ashamed because of something you did. In Japan or [other] Asian countries, you feel the shame for your group, not for yourself, and it's even worse because you're disowning the process. That's even worse. If you take individualism too far, then it becomes narcissistic. If you take collectivism too far, then
    it becomes totalitarian.
    Those are examples of how a culture can actually help or hurt an immune system.
    Audio interview with Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuroimmu-
    nologist, author, Empowerment and 'Navigating the Drift', podcast MP3, presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, Insights at the Edge, host Tami Simon (*1953) US American founder and director of Sounds True, minute 55:14, 1:07:30 duration, aired 2. October 2012



Motivation to become a cult leader


  • [W]hat you want from a cult leader is very different from what you want from a political leader. [...]
    The followers want the cult leader to be omnipotent. You want them to be able to break all the rules, because you identify with them to such an extent that their increase in power is an increase of your own power. You believe that that fealty to the cult leader means that you are protected. [...]
    The homophobia and Islamophobia, overt racism and other vile behavior will become much more pronounced. All cults are personality cults. All cults are really extensions of whoever the cult leader is. So, whatever the prejudices, the worldview and the ideas of the cult leader are they will be chanted back at him by the crowd. Until massive social and economic inequality as well as the betrayal of the country by the elite are confronted and remedied, this yearning for a cult leader will not go away. Desperate people are looking for somebody to save them. Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, cited in: article (based on audio interview) Chris Hedges: Democrats may well lose to Trump again, and Bernie Sanders is "naive", presented by the US American news and opinion website Salon, MP3, minute 29:05, Chauncey Devega, 14. March 2019




Exemplified behavior of narcissists

  • Anyone who wants to rule men first tries to humiliate them, to trick them out of their rights and their capacity for resistance, until they are as powerless before him as animals. He uses them like animals and, even if he does not tell them so, in himself he always knows quite clearly that they mean just as little to him; when he speaks to his intimates he will call them sheep or cattle. His ultimate aim is to incorporate them into himself and to suck the substance out of them. What re-
    mains of them afterwards does not matter to him. The worse he has treated them, the more he despises them. When they are no more use at all, he disposes of them as he does of his excrement, simply seeing to it that they do not poison the air of his house. Elias Canetti (1905-1994) Bulgarian-born Swiss-British memoirist, modernist playwright, novelist,
    non-fiction writer, Nobel laureate in literature, 1981, Crowds and Power, Gollancz, United Kingdom edition 1962



1 in 25 = 4 percent of psychopaths [sociopaths] in society

  • There is a psychological condition which separates 4% of humanity from the rest of humanity and which makes them natural born killers, natural born liars, and natural born leaders.
    The other 96%, blissfully unaware that anyone could possibly harbor such horrific and cold and calculating thoughts as the psychopath does, can’t even imagine that such a system could actually exist and therefore is easily led along to slaughter by the big lie. Audio presentation Our Leaders Are Psychopaths, episode 090, presented by The Corbett Report, founder and host James Corbett, minute 1:01:23, 1:05:10 duration, aired 14. June 2009



4 percent of the population are guiltless people due to an anti-social personality disorder

  • Many mental health professionals refer to the condition of little or no conscience as "anti-social personality disorder," a non-correctable disfigurement of character that is now thought to be present in about 4 percent of the population – that is to say, one in twenty-five people. This condition of missing conscience is called by other names, too, most often "sociopathy," or the somewhat more familiar term psychopathy. Guiltlessness was in fact the first personality disorder to be recognized by psychiatry, and terms that have been used at times over the past century include manie sans délire, psychopathic inferiority, moral insanity, and moral imbecility.
    Martha Stout, Ph.D. (*1953) US American psychologist, author, The Sociopath Next Door. The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us, Broadway Books, New York, 2005, Harmony, 14. March 2006



Since 10,000 years sadistic draw-down entitled imperialist societies continually overpowered "good examples".

  • By their nature agricultural societies are imperialist, they're based on draw-down. Civilization follows that same pattern over and over, where
    ➤ they conquer the region,
    ➤ they gut the colonies,
    ➤ they extract what they want,
    ➤ they leave the place a desert.
    That's being going on for 10,000 years. What that means is: for 10,000 years these invading, sadistic cultures of
    draw-down and entitlement have come into contact with other cultures that, many of which were egalitarian, peaceful, sustainable cultures. This is the pattern for 10,000 years. In all of that time, the living example of a culture that is egalitarian and sustainable, has never once stopped the invaders. It has never once worked as a strategy. They've seen the good example. It does not change the invaders.
    History is literally the story of [those] invasions wiping out the nice people, […] [leaving] the sociopaths on
    We just need to really say this out loud. Personal example has never worked. We've gotta give this one up. There's too much at stake. Video presentation titled "Culture of Resistance" by Lierre Keith (*1964) US American outspoken feminist, food activist, radical environmentalist, writer, Deep Green Resistance – Strategy to Save the Planet, part 2 of 7, presented
    by the US American organisation Deep Green Resistance, San Francisco, California, May 2011, YouTube film, minute 7:02-8:03,
    8:06 minutes duration, posted 11. August 2011



Grandiosity-Exhibitionism ⇔ Vulnerability-Sensitivity

  • While Grandiosity-Exhibitionism was associated with extraversion, aggressiveness, self-assuredness, and the need to be admired by others, Vulnerability-Sensitivity was associated with introversion, hypersensitivity, defensiveness, anxiety, and vulnerability.
    [A]s far back as 1938, Harvard psychologist Henry Murray noticed another breed of narcissist among his undergra-
    duates: the covert narcissist. While the "overt" narcissists tended to be aggressive, self-aggrandizing, exploitative, and have extreme delusions of grandeur and a need for attention, "covert" narcissists were more prone to feelings of neglect or belittlement, hypersensitivity, anxiety, and delusions of persecution. In the 90s, psychologist Paul Wink analyzed a variety of narcissism scales and confirmed that there are indeed two distinct faces of narcissism, which
    they labeled "Grandiosity-Exhibitonism" and "Vulnerability-Sensitivity". He found that both shades of narcissism shared a common core of conceit, arrogance, and the tendency to give in to one's own needs and disregard others.
    Article 23 Signs You're Secretly a Narcissist Masquerading as a Sensitive Introvert, presented by the US American monthly magazine Scientific American, Scott Barry Kaufman (*1979) US American humanistic psychologist, scientific director of the Imagination Institute in the Positive Psychology Center, University of Pennsylvania, science writer researching intelligence, personality, and creativity, 26. August 2013



Racism, sexism, eugenics – found immanent in white male "cosmic consciousness" teachers

  • By definition [Richard Maurice] Bucke was racist and sexist. He openly claims in Cosmic Consciousness [1901] that over the last few millennia the "Aryan race" has developed their mental faculties much more rapidly than the other races, which he refers to as "backward and stationary peoples" and as "savages and semi-savages".  pg. 58
    [Referring to Walt Whitman himself Bucke wrote] a ridiculous and racist book identifying "the best [male] specimens
    of the [Aryan] race” who possess “exceptional physique – exceptional beauty of build and carriage, exceptionally hand-
    some features, exceptional health, exceptional sweetness of temper, exceptional magnetism".  pg. 61
    Bucke thought that a new mental faculty like cosmic consciousness would first appear in "only ... the best specimens
    of the [Aryan] race," which would naturally be "individuals mostly of the male sex, who are otherwise highly developed – men of good intellect, of high moral qualities, of superior physique".  pg. 65
Article by Gary Stogsdill, US American wisdom teacher, blogger, Cosmic Consciousness, Maurice Bucke, and Walt Whitman. An Adventure in Narcissism, presented by the online publication integralworld.net, 25. July 201917



Referring to a form of national exceptionalism – exercised by US president George W. Bush in the US American Iraq War II


  • It is possible to obtain so-called esoteric results that are im-
    pure, but they are false and thus transitory. Here we refer to the vast realm of occultism, where the children of this century, more capable than the children of light, seek to apply their abilities beyond the visible world. This occurs in what we call 'mysticism of phenomena'.
    It is curious to see how much these false prophets, magicians and 'christs' impressed themselves on the imagination of the men and even more of the women of the past. It is the same today. For there is a type of human being who declines all moral responsibility for himself or for those to whom he is in duty bound. One comes across this type quite often, always trying to find someone else to shoulder his responsibilities as long as this someone else possesses some kind of authority, earned or otherwise. These people are open to any form of hypnotic suggestion and practically ask to be hypnotized. They are of good faith, but they search for the 'marvelous' because they are too weak or too lazy to undertake esoteric work successfully.
    And the 'wolves' devour them finding justification in the fact that they are only the 'scourings of humanity.' But this is not true; for 'scourings' who are converted can become key figures on the esoteric chess-board. Mental apathy and emotional inertia are responsible for tipping man down the slope of least resistance even when armed with the best intentions. Boris Mouravieff (1890-1966) French historian, Christian esotericist, author, trilogy of 3 volumes Gnosis, Exoteric Cycle. Study and Commentaries on the Esoteric Tradition of Eastern Orthodoxy, Praxis Institute Press, 1st edition June 1990


  • The psychopath carefully selects the most indifferent and heartbreaking way imaginable to abandon you. They want you to self-destruct, cleaning up any loose end as they begin the grooming process with their latest victim. They destroy you as a way to reassure themselves that their new target is better. But most importantly, they destroy you because they hate you. They despise your empathy and love – qualities they must pretend to feel every single day. To destroy you is to temporarily silence the nagging reminder of the emptiness that consumes their soul.
    Jackson MacKenzie, US American co-founder of the online support community PsychopathFree, author, Psychopath Free. Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People, PsychopathFree,
    4th edition 20. March 2013, Berkley, expanded edition 1. September 2015


  • [The true narcissist displays] a complete lack of remorse and a penchant for manipulation; people who simply enjoy speaking their mind or being in charge are clearly different from narcissists who enjoy manipulation and lies; only people who never feel special or feel special all the time pose a threat to themselves and the world.
    Dr. Craig Malkin, US American clinical psychologist, lecturer for Harvard Medical School, author, Rethinking Narcissism. The Secret to Recognizing and Coping with Narcissists, Harper Perennial, 7. July 2015, reprint paperback issue 5. July 2016


  • Narcissistic families operate in an atmosphere of enmeshment and secrecy.
    These families lack healthy boundaries and open dialogue. Communication will be unclear, perhaps tangential. Those who ask for what they want will soon learn that this is not welcome.
    Emotions will not be verbalised, but will be acted out (or "behaved") sometimes with violence or verbal abuse. At times, addictive behaviours will be used to mask the pain of underlying feelings, making the parent even less available to their children. Blog article on narcissism by Amanda Robins, US American psychotherapist, blogger, Healing The Wounds of Childhood, 19. April 2019



The importance of learning to regulate the feeling of shame in order to socialize

  • It is not until a child is developmentally ready to experience the feeling of shame that socialization can begin to take place. Shame has a place in our emotional repertoire. […] Actually shame is a very functional feeling to have, even though it's very painful and difficult to deal with. [...] Shame is a very potent feeling. When parents resort to shame in order to teach their children how to function socially they need to do it carefully. If shame is evoked in a context of a relationship with a trusted adult who is empathically attuned - that's an adult who serves as an accurate mirror of the child's sense of self - the child not only survives the experience of shame, but also begins to regulate and tolerate that experience shame. One important task of parenting is to build emotional muscle in the child including the emotional muscle that allows them to handle shame.
    Narcissists are people across the board who have no ability to regulate shame in healthy ways, instead they resort to the defenses and postures that protect them from otherwise instructive feelings. […]
    A whole world of humanity opens up to those who have learned humility and self-acceptance, something a narcissist does not know. Video interview with Sandy Hotchkiss, PsyD, LCSW, US American psychoanalyst, author, "Knowledge Is Power: Recognizing Narcissism in the Workplace", presented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, "Understanding Narcissism Summit", host Dr. Jeffrey Rutstein, US American clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, expert in the treatment of trauma, minute 16:00, 56:22 minutes duration, aired 7. November 2019


  • In the fairy tales of Snow White and Cinderella an evil stepmother is presented who humiliates and tries to psychologically and physically kill an innocent stepchild. She is presented as an aloof, arrogant, cold, person with high social status and power who is preoccupied with external beauty and the need to impress others. She has no remorse for her evil actions. She is loyal to her biological children whom she treats with entitlement and projects all her hatred and anger onto her stepchildren.
    The world is divided into that which is hers, which is perfect, and that which is not hers, which includes bad objects she believes should be humiliated and destroyed. The father figure is frequently absent or passive in fairy tales. He is ‘handicapped’ in his relationship with the stepmother because he has a child. The cruel woman is not his first choice, but she is beautiful and powerful. He may be attracted to this image because he feels inadequate for loosing his first wife and wants to be seen as a success. His primary interest is not in protecting his child. In the end of the fairy tales, the evil stepmother is banished and disappears into the void. She is never punished or asked to redeem herself. The evil stepmother portrays a classical malignant narcissist.
    Presentation by Dr. Laurie Jo Moore, University of Auckland, Dr. Mila Goldner-Vukov, Queensland Health, Malignant Narcissism: From the Snow White Syndrome to modern neurobiology, sponsored by the 44th International Neuropsychiatric Pula Symposium, presented by the publication Neurologia Croatica, Volume 84, No. 53, S. 84-89, 2004


  • One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic ways. Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski (1921-2007) Polish clinical psychologist, co-researcher and synthesizer of an interdisciplinary scientific study of pathocracy [political regimes run by psychopaths], Laura Knight-Jadczyk (*1952) US American editor, alternative multidisciplinary researcher, medium, author, Political Ponerology. A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Red Pill Press, April 2006, 2nd edition, 4. April 2007


  • Narcissism isn't merely an issue of having an inflated ego. It is the condition of being enamored with one's idealized projection of oneself to the exclusion of reality and of one's real self. Contemporary culture has taken classic nar-
    cissism and turned it into a new moralism.
    What we deem goodness now is that everyone else affirms the delu-
    sions of one's wishful thinking as objective truth. […]
    So, positive reinforcement of self delusion is now a social good. The individual and society reject what is objectively
    real and instead embrace infantile narcissism, where the self's fantasy of its own perfection is reaffirmed by the uncri-
    tical and unconditional love of a universal parent. Article The Attack on Beauty, presented by the Australian online magazine on science, technology, news, culture, and politics Quillette, Marilyn Simon, 1. December 2020


  • You will never get the truth out of a narcissist. The closest you will ever come is a story that either makes them the victim or the hero, but never the villain.
    Shannon L. Alder, US American inspirational author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Narcissists are consumed with maintaining a shallow false self to others. They're emotionally crippled souls that are addicted to attention. Because of this they use a multitude of games, in order to receive adoration. Sadly, they are the most ungodly of God's creations because they don't show remorse for their actions, take steps to make amends or have empathy for others. They are morally bankrupt.
    Shannon L. Alder, US American inspirational author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Narcissists will never tell you the truth. They live with the fear of abandonment and can't deal with facing their own shame. Therefore, they will twist the truth, downplay their behavior, blame others and say what ever it takes to remain the victim. They are master manipulators and conartists that don't believe you are smart enough to figure out the depth of their disloyalty. Their needs will always be more important than telling you any truth that isn't in their favor.
    Shannon L. Alder, US American inspirational author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • How narcissists see themselves
    1. I love myself, and I know you do, too.
    2. I have no need to apologize.
    3. I have few equals in this world, and so far, I have yet to meet one.
    4. Most people don’t measure up.
    5. I appreciate that there are rules and obligations, but those apply mostly to you, because I don't have the time or the inclination to abide by them.
    6. I hope you appreciate all that I am and everything that I have achieved for you — because I am wonderful and faultless.
    7. I do wish we could be equals, but we are not and never will be.
    8. I may seem arrogant and haughty, and that's OK with me; I just don't want to be seen as being like you.
    9. I expect you to be loyal to me at all times, no matter what I do. Don't expect me to be loyal to you in any way.
    10. I will criticize you, and expect you to accept it, but if you criticize me, especially in public, I will come at you with rage.
    11. I expect you to be interested in what I have achieved and what I have to say.
    12. I am not manipulative; I just like to have things done my way, no matter how much it inconveniences others or how it makes them feel.
    13. I expect gratitude at all times, for even the smallest things I do.
    14. I only associate with the best people, and frankly, most of your friends don't measure up.
    15. If you would just do what I say, things would be better.
Article Inside the Mind of a Narcissist. Knowing how the narcissist thinks can help you understand toxic individuals., presented by
the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, Joe Navarro M.A. (*1953) Cuban-born American former FBI agent
and supervisor, expert on nonverbal communication and body language, public speaker, author, 1. September 2017


Narcissist ⇔ empath / co-narcissist
Projective identification is the most powerful psychological mechanism in a narcissist's arsenal. It is what creates the toxic chemistry that psychologically chains an empath to a narcissist. [...] In couples counseling, for example, I often hear the narcissist in the relationship “diagnose” their partner as
the narcissist.
Identification is the second component and is the empath's role. […] As the narcissist projects his or her shameful qualities onto the empath, the empath instantly feels shame, insignificance, and incompetence.
It's truly amazing how unfair, underhanded and malicious a narcissist can be, but rarely do they feel true re-
morse for their deeds. Readily deflecting, distorting, and projecting, they alter their perception of reality, freeing
themselves from accountability while simultaneously projecting blame onto another. Their line of unconscious defense mechanisms operates like a force field around their ego, excusing them from deep and sincere feelings of remorse, insight, introspection, and accountability. Thus, they feel like they are never wrong.
Source: ► Article How Narcissists Conduct Psychological Warfare, presented by the US American
bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, Erin Leonard, Ph.D., US American psychotherapist, 31. January 2019


  • Brutal characteristics and features of narcissists
    1. They're often super-attractive.
    2. They mistake kindness for weakness.
    3. They say you're perfect ... until you're not.
    4. They're incredibly jealous of others.
    5. They're prone to cheating.
    6. They use sex as a weapon.
    7. They're big on triangulating.
    8. They're Einstein and you're an idiot.
    9. They're all about control.
    10. They rage — a lot.
    11. They lie. About everything.
    12. They often have this weird giggle.
    13. They're obsessed with their reputation.
    14. There is no such thing as boundaries.
    15. They have a cognitive inability to empathize.
    16. They're innately abusive.
    17. They project.
    18. They can be brutally honest.
    19. They don't change.
    20. They re-live your relationship with someone else.
    Blog article by Brenda Della Casa, blogger, 20 Extremely Brutal Signs You're In Love With A Narcissist, presented by the blogspot Your Tango, 18. July 2019


  • There is no room for God in him that is full of himself. Hassidic proverb


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Narcissism

Literary quotes

  • Grief saps my strength, the sands of life are run,
    and in my early youth am I cut off;
    but death is not my bane – it ends my woe.
    I would not death for this that is my love,
    as two united in a single soul
    would die as one.
    Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso] (43 BC-17/18 AD) Roman poet, mythological epic Metamorphoses, episode Echo and Narcissus, Augustan period, 8 AD


A narcissist's prayer
That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did … You deserved it.

Quotes on psychopathy

Personal avowals


A psychopath's confession

  • I have no compassion for those whom I operate on. That is a luxury I simply cannot afford. In the theater I am reborn: as a cold, heartless machine, totally at one with scalpel, drill and saw. When you're cutting loose and cheating death high above the snowline of the brain, feelings aren't fit for purpose. Emotion is entropy, and seriously bad for business.
    I've hunted it down to extinction over the years.
    Dr. James Geraghty, British top neurosurgeon, cited in: Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University of Oxford, author, The Wisdom of Psychopaths. What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, chapter 1 "Scorpio Rising", William Heinemann, 20. September 2012; Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, reprint 3. September 2013



A psychopath's NWO confession

  • For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.
    If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
    David Rockefeller (1915-2017) current US American patriarch of the Rockefeller family, autobiography Memoirs, chapter 27,
    S. 404-405, Random House, New York, Trade, 1st edition 15. October 2002, reprint 28. October 2003
  • Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist, Without Conscience. The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, The Guilford Press, 1st edition 8. January 1999


  • Too many people hold the idea that psychopaths are essentially killers or convicts. The general public hasn't been educated to see beyond the social stereotypes to understand that psychopaths can be entrepreneurs, politicians, CEOs and other success-
    ful individuals who may never see the inside of a prison.
    Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor in experimen-
    tal psychology, researcher in psychopatho-
    logy, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, cited in: AZ Quotes



  • Too many people hold the idea that psychopaths are essentially killers or convicts. The general public hasn't been edu-
    cated to see beyond the social stereotypes to understand that psychopaths can be entrepreneurs, politicians, CEOs and other successful individuals who may never see the inside of a prison. […] Psychopaths have what it takes to defraud and bilk others: They are fast-talking, charming, self-assured, at ease in social situations, cool under pressure, unfazed by the possibility of being found out, and totally ruthless. The psychopath can actually put themselves inside your skin intellectually, not emotionally. They can tell what you're thinking, in a sense, they can look at your body language, they listen to what you're saying, but what they don't really do is feel what you feel. What this allows them to do is to use the words to manipulate and con and interact with you, without the baggage of this 'I really feel your pain'. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopath-
    ology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist, Without Conscience. The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, The Guilford Press, 1st edition 8. January 1999


Differentiating between sociopaths and psychopaths

  • Compared with other major clinical disorders, little systematic research has been devoted to psychopathology, even though it is responsible for far more social distress and disruption than all other psychriatrical disorders combined. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psycho-
    pathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, source unknown


Wolf in sheep's clothing
  • For most people, the confusion and uncertainty surrounding this subject begin with the word psychopathy itself. Literally it means "mental illness" (from psyche, "mind"; and pathos, "disease"), and this is the meaning of the term still found in some dictionaries. The confusion is compounded by the media use of the term as the equivalent of "insane" or "crazy". […]
    Most clinicians and researchers don't use the term in this way; they know that psychopathy cannot be understood in terms of traditional views of mental illness. Psychopaths are not disoriented or out of touch with reality, nor do they experience the delusions, halluci-
    nations, or intense subjective distress that characterize most other mental disorders. Unlike psychotic individuals, psychopaths are rational and aware of what they are doing and why. Their behavior is the result of choice, freely exercised. […]
    Many researchers, clinicians, and writers use the terms psychopath and sociopath interchangeably […] Sometimes the term sociopathy is used because it is less likely than is psychopathy to be confused with psychoticism or insanity. […]
    In many cases the choice of term reflects the user's views on the origins and determinants of the clinical syndrome or disorder […]. Thus, some clinicians and researchers – as well as most sociologists and criminologists – who believe that the syndrome is forged entirely by social forces and early experiences prefer the term sociopath, whereas those – including this writer – who feel that psychological, biological, and genetic factors also contribute to development of the syndrome generally use the term psychopath. The same individual therefore could be diagnosed as a sociopath by one expert and as a psychopath by another. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist, Without Conscience. The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, The Guilford Press, 1st edition 8. January 1999


Effect that the psychopath has on the normal human mind

  • When the human mind comes into contact with this new reality so different from any experiences encountered by a person raised in a society dominated by normal people, it releases psychophysiological shock symptoms in the hu-
    man brain with a higher tonus of cortex inhibition and a stifling of feelings, which then sometimes gush forth uncontrol-
    lably. Human minds work more slowly and less keenly because the associative mechanisms have become inefficient. Especially when a person has direct contact with psychopathic representatives of the new rule, who use their specific experience so as to traumatize the minds of the "others" with their own personalities, his mind succumbs to a state of short-term catatonia. Their humiliating and arrogant techniques, brutal paramoralizations, and so forth deaden his thought processes and his self-defense capabilities, and their divergent experiential method anchors in his mind. In
    the presence of this kind of phenomenon, any moralizing evaluation of a person's behavior in such a situation thus becomes inaccurate at best. Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski (1921-2007) Polish clinical psychologist, researcher and synthesizer of
    an interdisciplinary scientific study of pathocracy [political regimes run by psychopaths], Laura Knight-Jadczyk (*1952) US American editor, alternative multidisciplinary researcher, medium, author, Political Ponerology. A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Red Pill Press, April 2006, 2nd edition 4. April 2007


Differentiating between sociopaths, psychopaths and antisocial personalities

  • Many people are confused about the differences among psychopathy, sociopathy, and antisocial personality disorder. Although the terms frequently are treated as if they are interchangeable – by the general public and profes-
    sionals alike – they refer to related but not identical conditions.
    Psychopathy is a personality disorder […] Psychopaths are without conscience and incapable of empathy, guilt,
    or loyalty to anyone but themselves.
    Sociopathy is not a formal psychiatric condition. It refers to patterns of attitudes and behaviors that are considered antisocial and criminal by society at large, but are seen as normal or necessary by the subculture or social environment in which they developed. Sociopaths may have a well-developed conscience and a normal capacity for empathy, guilt and loyalty, but their sense of right and wrong is based on the norms and expectations of their subculture or group.
    Many criminals might be described as sociopaths.
    Antisocial personality disorder (APD) is a broad diagnostic category found in the American Psychiatric Associa-
    tion's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV). Antisocial and criminal behaviors
    play a major role in its definition and, in this sense, APD is similar to sociopathy. Some of those with APD are psycho-
    paths, but many are not. The difference between psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder is that the former includes personality traits such as lack of empathy, grandiosity, and shallow emotion that are not necessary for a dia-
    gnosis of APD. APD is three or four times more common than psychopathy in the general population and in prisons.
    The prevalence of those we would describe as sociopathic is unknown but likely considerably higher than that of APD. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist, Snakes in Suits. When Psychopaths Go to Work, ReganBooks, 2006


Koi, Himeji Koko-en Garden
Japan, 22. November 2008


  • Several abilities – skills, actually – make it difficult to see psychopaths for who they are.
    1. First, they are motivated to, and have a talent for, 'reading people' and for sizing them up quickly. They identify
      a person's likes and dislikes, motives, needs, weak spots, and vulnerabilities […]
    2. Second, many psychopaths come across as having excellent oral communication skills. In many cases, these skills are more apparent than real because of their readiness to jump right into a conversation without the social inhibitions that hamper most people […]
    3. Third, they are masters of impression management; their insight into the psyche of others combined with a superficial – but convincing – verbal fluency allows them to change their situation skillfully as it suits the situation and their game plan. […]
Some do not have enough social or communication skill or education to interact successfully with others, relying instead on threats, coercion, intimidation, and violence to dominate others and to get what they want. Typically, such individuals are manifestly aggressive and rather nasty, and unlikely to charm victims into submission, relying on their bullying approach instead. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist, Snakes in Suits. When Psychopaths Go to Work, ReganBooks, 2006


  • Violence is not uncommon among offender populations, but psychopaths still manage to stand out. They commit more than twice as many violent and aggressive acts, both in and out of prison, as do other criminals. The recidivism rate of psychopaths is about double that of other offenders. The violent recidivism rate of psychopaths is about triple that of other offenders. Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, Without Conscience. The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us, The Guilford Press, 1993, reissued
    edition 8. January 1999


Delta brain waves – normally produced in deep sleep – are consciously operative at trauma healing, meditation, within sages and psychopaths.

  • There are four different kinds of brain waves ranging from beta waves during periods of high alertness, through alpha and theta waves, to delta waves, which accompany deep sleep. These waves reflect the fluctuating levels of electrical activity in the brain at various times. In normal members of the population, theta waves are associated with drowsy, meditative, or sleeping states. Yet in psychopaths they occur during normal waking states – even sometimes during states of increased arousal […]
    Language, for psychopaths, is only word deep. There’s no emotional contouring behind it. A psychopath may say
    something like 'I love you,' but in reality, it means about as much to him as if he said 'I'll have a cup of coffee.' […] This
    is one of the reasons why psychopaths remain so cool, calm, and collected under conditions of extreme danger, and why they are so reward-driven and take risks. Their brains, quite literally, are less 'switched on' than the rest of ours.
    Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia, cited in: Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University of Oxford, author, The Wisdom of Psychopaths. What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, chapter 1 "Scorpio Rising", William Heinemann, 20. September 2012; Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, reprint
    3. September 201318
Video presentations featuring Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia
► Video psychopath mri (S.P.E.C.T. images) – general psychology, YouTube film, 7:13 minutes duration, posted 21. August 2007
► Radio Interview Robert Hare – Psychopath/Sociopath – The Difference, YouTube film, 8:11 minutes duration, posted 20. February 2013


CRITIQUE: Article by Martha Stout, Ph.D. (*1953) US American psychologist, author, In Praise of Empty Souls – Can We Learn From Psychopaths?, presented by the US American liberal magazine on politics and arts The New Republic, reissued as
Martha Stout demolishes Kevin Dutton's book on the 'wisdom' of psychopaths, presented by the online publication Sott.net,
14. December 2012

D. Bristow et al., Blinking suppresses the neural response to unchanging retinal stimulation., University College London, archived by the free MEDLINE database PubMed, published in the US American scientific journal Current Biology, issue 15, 26. July 2005



Definition of psychopathy


Sorakuen, Hyogo prefecture
Kobe, Japan, 29. April 2008
  • Psychopaths, undeniably are fascinating. But the plain unvarnished truth is that there is nothing funny about them. They can be dangerous, destructive, and deadly – and any serious writer has a duty of care to handle them as judiciously on the printed page as they would were they to encounter them in real life.
    Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University of Oxford, author, The Wisdom of Psychopaths. What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, William Heinemann, 20. September 2012, Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, reprint edition 3. September 2013




  • Dr. Tara Swart: "Psychopaths thrive on chaos, and they know other people find it very stressful. They will purposefully create chaos in the environment because they find it easier to cope than other people."19
Psychopaths make up roughly 1% of the population, but this is very much an estimate due to the complexity of the diagnosis. What is known is that they are found among a range of people, from con-men to world leaders, and up to 90% of prisoners show signs of psychopathy. […] The brain of a psychopath is also very im-
In fact, Swart showed a photo of the neuropathways of a typical psychopathic brain, and it functions similarly to a very immature, adolescent one. The limbic system – the part of the brain associated with bonding, emotion, and memory – in particular is damaged, and not at the stage it should. […] Rather than pausing in situations to think about other people, psychopaths are more likely to make rash, impulsive decisions.
Article Here's why CEOs often have the traits of a psychopath, presented by the German-owned American business, celebrity and technology news website Business Insider, Lindsay Dodgson, United Kingdom, 7. Juli 2017


  • The asshole
    1. allows himself to enjoy special advantages and does so systematically;
    2. does this out of an entrenched sense of entitlement; and
    3. is immunized by his sense of entitlement against the complaints of other people.
Aaron James, Ph.D., US American professor of philosophy, School of Humanities, University of California Irvine, Assholes. A Theory, Anchor, 2012, reprint edition 22. April 2014

Linguistics: 'ass' comes from the Latin assinus, for "donkey," while the 'hole' is in the arras, the Hittite word for "buttocks."
Above definition sounds "almost identical" to academic psychology's definition of narcissism. In their 2007 study of Donald Hambrick, professor of management, Penn State University and Arijit Chatterjee, Ph.D., Indian professor of business administration, Pennsylvania State University, University Park measured narcissim in CEOs and then plotted against the performance of their companies.



  • These individuals [psychopaths] can't be "healed", comprise at least 6% of humanity and are often to be found in positions of power. This is hard for most people to accept and understandably so considering all the cultural, religi-
    ous and spiritual/new age programming and corruption that posits "we are all one" meme. This also has nothing to do
    with "us vs. them" in the way some people like to argue. […]
    [N]ormal people can become ponerized, meaning they take on psychopathological traits through upbringing and condi-
    tioning, trying to adapt to a pathological society that has lost the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such.
    It means that the person or group can no longer make the distinction between healthy and pathological thought pro-
    cesses and logic. One is no longer able to draw a line between correct thinking and deviate thinking. Genetic psy-
    chopaths make up about 6% of humanity while ponerization has a much higher number.

    A lot of psychopathological traits have become normalized in human societies. Billions of people have been fed psy-
    chopathic belief systems and world views as the "way of life" through media, government, religion, entertainment and
    education. Our culture puts a lot of emphasis on image, status and appearance. Psychopaths have actually personali-
    ty traits that many common people aspire to. The untroubled self-confidence of the psychopath is very alluring and
    is generally what "normal" people seek to acquire.
    The virus of psychopathy will infect any new system, community or change in power until it is brought to awareness
    and looked at for what it is. Then the solutions will present themselves based on the knowledge and understanding
    we have gained. […]
    [I]f the topic of psychopathy is not fully understood and applied in "screenings" [law enforcement personnell] we have
    psychopaths and authoritarian followers with guns in their hands, authorized to shoot and arrest people at will, and
    with increasing impunity. Blog article by Bernhard Guenther, US American bodyworker, independent researcher, blogger,
    essayist, Psychopaths in Power – The Elephant in the Living Room, original title: Marianne Williamson and the Elephant in the
    Living Room
    , presented by the publication veilofreality, 7. February 2014


Any publicity is good publicity. US American adage


Better bad publicity than no publicity. US American expression

Literary quotes

  • "It's not that I don't understand, I just don't care." Homer Simpson, US American comic character
    • "I couldn't care less for you or anyone else." Attitude so typical of psychopaths

Quotes by David Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • "People hate me" stems from one's own inner hatreds.
    "People don't care about me" stems from one's narcissistic absorption with one's happiness and gain instead of others.
    "I don't get enough love" stems from not giving love to others. Dr. David R. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 22, 2003




Aggression hormone testosterone

  • Tribal war becomes nuclear war, teeth and claws become mine fields, and guns become the tools for robbery and murder. Instead of sticks, stones, and arrows ballistic missiles subserve the pack mentality, territorial aggression, and the competitive dominance of the alpha males. Thus, humanity has been the victim of the unbridled oppression of ego-
    centricity in its expression as megalomania (fueled by testosterone) which has killed more people than any factor
    in history. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 41, 2005




Psychopathic CEOs and politicians corrupting society

  • Psychopaths who have come from higher socio-economic levels often are more socially adept and become white-collar embezzlers or unethical CEOs of large corporations and get involved with stock fraud. Some learn how to set up shell corporations, Ponzi schemes, and pseudocharities, or they become manipulators of the stock or commodities markets. Some become adept at politics and enter government where they become corrupt officials.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 191, 2005



Social Narcissism [LoC 180]:

Caveat D. Hawkins was a dissociated "avatar"/cult leader. This paragraph reflects his right-wing fervor and his own cognitive dissonance.

  • Social narcissism as a new, purportedly "progressive," standard of acceptable behavior results in social distortion, with major negative consequences to oneself and society: Inflated egotism results in "sensitivity" by which personal responsibility is projected in paranoid style to cultural discourse. The perceived "offender" is de-
    picted as a perpetrator from whom apology is now extorted by the demand of indignant self-righteousness and declaration of victimhood. To further add to the social distortion, the hypothetical perpetrator is brainwashed into guilty self-recrimination for being the cause and thus ignominiously wallows in guilty obeisance. Thus, the supposed perpetrator is now actually the victim of moral black-
    mail as well as extortion. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 228, 2005



Societal meme of slanderous propaganda

  • In a society where anyone can frivolously be declared a guilty perpetrator on a whim, nobody is safe and everyone is at risk without protection by logic, reason, and balance of the traditional rule of law. Thus victimology becomes operationally a social racket with extorted benefits plus artificially sanctioned, inflated egotism of "pseudo-importance."
    Unlike an iron filing that has no say as to where it will be pulled within a magnetic field, the human spirit is gifted with the option of choice, and by its own hand (spiritual will) determines its fate. By comprehending the nature of the evo-
    lution of consciousness itself, forgiveness and compassion arise at the witnessing of human suffering and anguish that are the consequences of ignorance and naivete.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 229, 2005


  • The public in general tends to be naive about mental disorders, even when blatently displayed. People commonly believe that other people are basically just like they are. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There are many people who are the diametric opposite of normalcy and all that is perceived to go with the idealized state. The world is full of people who hate love, integrity, peace, and truth; in fact, it infuriates them. (M. Scott Peck [LoC 475] (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, People of the Lie. The Hope for Healing Human Evil [LoC 450] Touchstone Press, 1st edition 1983, 2nd edition December 1997)
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 292, 2005



Malignant narcissism, the ultimate severe psychopathology

  • Malignant messianic narcissism […] is a combination of composite pathologies of an extremely low level of consciousness (cal. 30), plus the deficits of reason; an absence of conscience, the inability to identify with or value other human life; the disdain for human, moral, disdain for ethical values; disdain for women; greed for power; infatuation and aggrandizement of the self, and ego inflation to messianic grandiosity.
The disorder […] occurs in two distinct forms:
  1. early onset (childhood bully type), and
  2. adult life onset after some years of normalcy subsequent to the gaining of power (i.e., "Power corrupts; abso-
    lute power corrupts absolutely.") […] (Nero, Caesar, Hussein, Khomeini, Napoleon, Hitler, Ivan the Terrible, etc.)
It also afflicts top, highly paid executives who "lose their sense of reality" and feel "entitled" to help themselves to the
company's cash and assets.20
Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 11 "The Downside of Society", S. 292, 2005



"Hate the Leader Syndrome"





Compilation on toxic managers:

Article Authoritarians and Corporate Psychopaths as Toxic Managers, presented by softpanorama.org, Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov, service to the UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP), updated 3. December 2011



  • As a consequence to the relinquishment of the narcissistic ego, there is a reduction of distortions of perception that
    are the result of self-seeking positionalities. It is easier to accept the imperfections of humanness, which, at the level
    of Pride, would have been handled with anger, denial, guilt, or projected externally. With a benign conscience, mis-
    and errors can be acknowledged and corrected without defensiveness or loss of self-esteem. There is a con-
    comitant increase in the capacity for humor and the ability to laugh at oneself and human foibles (i.e., "To err is hu-
    man, to forgive divine".
    ). Dr. David R. Hawkins, Transcending The Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment,
    chapter 11 "Ego Dynamics of Willingness", S. 208, 2006



Thriving on scandals



Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies, 1899, Metropolitan
Museum of Art, Claude Monet (1840-1926) French painter
  • A study of Western civilization indicates that its current overall level of consciousness is currently in decline for the reasons that have been succinctly stated by Pope Benedict (relativism plus Islamic aggression and 'cultural Jihad'; see Burton and Stewart, 2007). The decline is the result of social and intellectual influen-
    ces via the media, academia and politicalization from lower cons-
    ciousness levels which have been heavily financed from sources
    that calibrate below the critical consciousness level of 200 ('power
    brokers'). The net result is the progressive dominance of narcis-
    sism, which is aggrandized as 'progressive', 'free speech', or hu-
    man 'rights' and appeals to egocentricity.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 162, 2008




  • The narcisistic core of the ego concludes that anything it cannot comprehend must be wrong, rather than grasping,
    via humility, that the subject is beyond it. Open letter by Dr. David R. Hawkins, titled as "Dr. Hawkins voices his personal objections", presented by the dissolved discussion site published on the Talk:David R. Hawkins on en.Wikipedia, July 2007 – Dr. Hawkins addressed the critic expressed by Robert Todd Carroll in his Newsletter #58, published by Scepdic.com, September 2005, and in the article Applied Kinesiology, published by Skepdic.com, ~2005, updated 27. October 2015



NOTE: Hawkins was driven to achieve false titles and cheat his readers with fabricated endorsements of celebrities.

  • People will do anything to get a moment of fame [glamor]. It just amazes me the extent that people will go 'to be somebody'. The narcissistic core of 'being somebody' is overwhelming at times. It is amazing what people will do to get a moment of the world's attention. I guess that would be the ego's dream that the whole world gets to know you're a somebody. I find it that life is better the other way, being a nobody, being anonymous.21 / 22
    Podcast audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Differentiating truth from falsehood – November 18th 2010, episode 331, presented by the US American web radio station podcast Theatre of the Mind, host Kelly Howell, aired 18. November 2010, minute 18:53, 50:47 minutes duration, posted 9. December 2012



  • We have to get over narcissistic sensitivity. [...] The best advice is to get over it.
    All negative reactions are not caused from outside; it's how you choose.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, CD 1 of 4, minute 45:00, 17. April 2004



The core of the ego believes to be God.

  • The ego, the core of the ego, the narcissistic core of the ego believes that it is God. You can see that in politics all of the time. [Laughter.] […] [W]hat you're asking is not such a minor thing; therefore, the ego puts up quite a resistance. It provides arguments and all kinds of things. Alright, so […] don't go with the ego. Don't listen to reason because that's its play-
    ground. It plays with your head. Don't let it play with your head. Say "I don't want to go there." It's a matter of witnes-
    sing. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Vision, DVD 1 of 3, minute 7:00+, 25. February 2005



Correcting grandiosity

  • So, with sort of a deep humility, you begin to witness that everything is happening spontaneously on its own because there is potentiality. Potentiality then manifests as actuality; and it does so by the power of the field, not by the power of you. Minor little correction [Laughter.] makes the difference between heaven and hell. [Laughter.] Minor little correction to withdraw the illusion of grandiosity.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Vision, DVD 1 of 3, minute 7:00+, 25. February 2005


  • It's really a narcissistic grandiosity because the ego, the core of the ego, the narcissistic core of the ego believes that it is God. You can see that in politics all of the time (laughter). Alright, so...what you're asking is not such a minor thing; therefore, the ego puts up quite a resistance. It provides arguments and all kinds of things. Alright, so..don't go with the ego. Don't listen to reason because that's its playground. It plays with your head. Don't let it play with your head. Say "I don't want to go there." It's a matter of withdrawing.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Vision, DVD 1 of 3, minute 7:00+, 25. February 2005



Quotes by Drew Pinsky

Personal avowals

Bridge in the Japanese Garden, Tully, County Kildare
  • I can't help but conclude that there are many more individuals suffe-
    ring from unhealthy levels of narcissism than there are patients dia-
    gnosed with narcissism as a psychological disorder. Another reason
    NPD can be difficult to diagnose is that narcissism, even at NPD levels, doesn't stop people from attaining positions of power, wealth, or prestige. Narcissists often develop attractive or persuasive social skills to help them maintain the persona they have constructed to get what they want from the world. […] Finally, diagnosis can be challen-
    ging simply because it's extraordinarily difficult to convince a narcissist that he needs psychological help. Any challenge to a narcissist's unrealistic self-image is likely to provoke rage, disdain, denial or other protective behaviors, as the individual struggles to protect the pseudo-self at all costs. Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young,
    US American professor of entertainment, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, S. 100, Harper, 1st edition
    17. March 2009
  • Celebrity narcissism is seducing America [referring to the Mirror Effect].
    Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, source unknown



Appearance: being somebody:

The Somebody : Nobody mystique is fueling rankism.

  • Men go into positions of power to BE SOMEBODY [appear as a somebody].
    Women in power often go into power [postions] to DO SOMETHING different.
    Men that need to be be somebody often have narcisisstic liabilities. They lead a very empty life. They need to be buttressed by these external features around them.
    Video interview with Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. Drew on what's next for Weiner, presented by the US American TV channel CNN, program "360°", host Anderson Cooper, minute 3:17, 4:18 minutes duration, aired 16. June 2011


  • A narcissist is
    dissociated from his or her true self;
    ➤ he feels haunted by chronic feelings of loneliness, emptiness and self-loathing
    ➤ and seeks to replace that disconnection with a sense of worth and importance fueled by others.
Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young, US American professor of entertainment, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, Harper, 1st edition 17. March 2009


In the Wild North, 1891
Russian painter Ivan Shishkin (1831-1898)
  • Narcissism is a deep sense of emptiness (that has always to be filled) and shame and a lack of empathy.
Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, source unknown


  • Studies have shown a decline in religious affiliation and beliefs, especially among America's youth, who have become increasingly disenchanted with church doctrine and the perceived hypocrisy of high-ranking church officials. […] According to research by John Maltby and his colleagues, as the level of religious devotion decreases, the degree of celebrity worship increases.
    Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young, US American professor of entertainment, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, S. 139, Harper, 1st edition 17. March 2009


  • It is childhood trauma that makes individuals most vulnerable to unhealthy levels of narcissistic traits, and that allows narcissistic behavior to take hold and flourish. The incidence of childhood trauma has increased by more than 40 percent over the past twenty years, and as a result, we are all feeling the effects of a generation with deep narcissistic wounds.
    Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young, US American professor of entertainment, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, S. 143, Harper, 1st edition 17. March 2009


  • Celebrity narcissists aren't egomaniacs with high self-esteem. Rather, they are traumatized individuals who are unable to connect in any real way with other people. They are driven to attain fame, with its constant stream of attention, flattery, and empowerment, because they need the steady trickle of adoring recognition to take the place of any kind of real self-love or self-respect. Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young, US American professor of entertainment, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, Harper, 1st edition 17. March 2009


  • The mirror of celebrity reinforces every narcissist’s belief that a world of constant admiring attention is possible: All you need to do is
    • act sexy,
    • play the diva,
    • demand privileges and
    • party with abandon.
Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young, US American professor of entertainment, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, Harper, 1st edition 17. March 2009

Study results

  • Narcissism is not a byproduct of celebrity, but a primary motivating force that drives people to become celebrities.
    Study result on Celebrity Narcissism, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal covering the field of personality psychology Journal of Research in Personality, October 2006

Quotes on narcissism – Sam Vaknin

Characteristics of narcissists

⚠ Note: Sam Vaknin was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and is an attested psychopath.23
༺༻Quote by Sam Vaknin
Most narcissists – about three quarters – are male.
Narcissists – both men and women – are chauvinistic and conservative.
Most narcissists are obsessive compulsive.
Narcissists are awkward, tactless, painful, toxicant, abrasive and insensitive.
Narcissists abuse drugs and substances. They shock compulsively. They drive recklessly.
The narcissist sometimes feels bad. He sometimes experiences panic. It is not pleasant to be a narcissist.
The narcissist's alleged evilness is utilitarian.
Narcissists are evil only when being malevolent secures a favorable outcome.
Chronic immaturity, need to feel superior and grandiose
The narcissist must remain a child if he is to feel superior and grandiose, because that is the only way it can work.
Narcissism is a depressive state.
It is not – as claimed – a personality disorder but a post-traumatic condition resulting in "development arrest".
Narcissists believe in magic and in phantasy.
The only things a narcissist cannot control are his grandiose phantasies.
The narcissist's false self is unrealistic, his expectations of himself are way out there. His superego [the inner voices that critisize him] is sadistic.
The false self and the Wunderkind mask both prefer adulation and attention to love.
The narcissist is an emotional cripple. He needs constant adulation.
The narcissist has a diminished capacity to empathize.
People are used as instruments and sources of supply.
Lacking empathy, narcissists don't care about other peoples feelings, needs, priorities, wishes, preferences and boundaries.
Narcissists have no enemies. They only have sources of narcissist supply.
An enemy means attention. Attention means supply.
Narcissists apply the approach-avoidance repetition complex.
The narcissist casts all interactions with other people in terms of conflicts or competitions to be won.
Inabilitiy to form a partnership
He does not regard you as a partner but as an adversary to be subjugated.
Narcissists are misogynous. Narcissists hold women in contempt. They loathe and fear women.
The narcissist's view of women is actually a projection [of the mother image].
The narcissist emotionally believes that women are the continuation of his mother.
The narcissist divides all women into saints and whores.
In the narcissist's mind there are the honest women of his life, only saints and whores, the prostitutes that he is having sex with.
Narcissists are terrified of intimacy.
[The narcissist] is intimate only with his false self.
The false self insulates the narcissist from the risks of emotional contamination and intimacy.
It is impossible to have a relationship with a narcissist that is meaningful to the narcissist.
The narcissist has three management tools in relationship: (fake) intimacy, jealousy, and abandonment.
To preserve one's mental health one must abandon the narcissist.
Inability to provide closure
Narcissists do not provide closure.
The narcissist's impulse control – contrary to prevailing myths – is unimpaired.
Many narcissists don't feel responsible for their actions […] because they are shapeshifters, actors [of their changing false selves].
Inability to apologize
All narcissists should be held accountable [to the effects] of the vast and overwhelming majority of their actions.
Narcissists are incorrigeably and notoriously difficult to change. Thus, trying to modify them, to heal them,
to cure them with love is doomed to failure. Either accept them as they are or avoid them altogether.
Job descriptions of Wall Street corporations [Goldman Sachs] perfectly describe traits of narcissism and psychopathy.
They incorporate and require them.
Types of narcissists
Overt classic narcissists are open attention seekers (via tamper tantrums, scandals), clowning showmen.
Covert narcissists are passive-aggressive, obstructive, maliciously poisoning from behind, manipulating others on their behalf.
Psychopathic malignant narcissists are goal oriented, insatiably driven for money, sex, and power.
      They are antisocial and dangerous to the point of ruining their feeding environment.
☛ There are intellectual narcissists and somatic narcissists.
Psychopathic malignant narcissists have taken over the world.
They command 70% of the globe's territory and 80% of the globe's population. [Status 2019]
Source featuring Sam Vaknin samvak (*1961) Israeli Macedonian journalist, editor-in-chief of the online magazine of politics
Global Politician, publisher, author
Book: Malignant Self-love. Narcissism Revisited, Narcissus Publications, Narcissus Publications, North Macedonia, revised edition
     July 2001, unabridged paperback issue 1. May 2015
Quotes: Excerpted from various YouTube video presentations, posted 2010-2019
See also: ► Video links (engl.) – Sam Vaknin and ► Extending genuine apologies to reestablish trust
Siehe auch: ► Zitate von Sam Vaknin


Paradox of ambient abuse
In ambient abuse the roles are reversed. The victim is considered by everyone to be mentally deranged and unstable. And the abuser is universally acclaimed as the suffering soul and victim.
[Paraphrased] Five strategies of ambient abuse:
   1. Inducing disorientation in the victim
   2. Incapacitating the victim
   3. Shared psychosis
   4. Abuse/misuse of [intimate] information
   5. Third parties are manipulated as proxies to control the ultimate prey.
Video presentation by Sam Vaknin samvak (*1961) Israeli Macedonian journalist, editor-in-chief of the online magazine of politics Global Politician, publisher, author, What is Ambient Abuse i.e. Gaslighting?, YouTube film, minute 2:14, 8:22 minutes duration, posted 20. August 2010


The sexual mindset of narcissists
Narcissists are misogynists. They hold women in contempt, they loathe and fear them. They seek to torment and frustrate them (either by debasing them sexually, or by withholding sex from them). They harbour ambiguous feelings towards the sexual act.
  ➤ The Somatic Narcissist uses sex to "conquer" and "secure" new sources of narcissistic supply. Consequently, the
       Somatic rarely gets emotionally involved with his "targets". His is a mechanical act, devoid of intimacy and com-
  ➤ The Cerebral Narcissist feels that sex is demeaning and degrading. Acting on one's sex drive is a primitive, basic,
       and common impulse. The Cerebral Narcissist convinces himself that he is above all that, endowed as he is
       with superior intelligence and superhuman self-control.
Still, sex for both types of narcissists is an instrument designed to increase the number of sources of narcissistic supply. Sam Vaknin samvak (*1961) Israeli Macedonian journalist, editor-in-chief of the online magazine of politics Global Politician, publisher, author, Lidija Rangelovska, editor, Malignant Self-love. Narcissism Revisited, Narcissus Publications, North Macedonia, revised edition July 2001, unabridged paperback issue 1. May 2015

Englische Texte – English section on Narcissism

Key phrases describing the ages old hyperdimensional cultural psychosis

Wetiko ♦ Archons ♦ Matrix ♦ Soulsickness
Domination system ♦ Multi-addictive society ♦ Rankism

༺༻Name of
teaching / proponent
Time frame ProfessionKey phrase for
a cultural disease
1.Gnostic movement
5500-5000 BCCollection of ancient religions shunning the material world
Rediscovered in Nag Hammadi in 1945
♦ "Beings of the likeness"
♦ "Shadow-creatures"
♦ Interdimensional cyborgs
♦ Redeemer complex
♦ Salvationist Abrahamic religions

♦ Corrupt Demiurge Yaldabaoth
2.Ancient Mesopotamian religion Enuma Elish4th millennium BC Sumerian, East Semitic Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Aramean and Chaldean religionNephilim Higher Gods
♦ Sky People ♦ Fallen angels

Anunnaki Lesser Gods
3.Ancient Egypt2500 BC-400 ADSeth
Eye of Horus symbol
4.Judaism1500 BCAbrahamitic religionSnakes
♦ Vipers
♦ Serpents25
Beelzebub Demonic fly
♦ "Lord of the Flies"
5.Buddhism6th-4th century BCMara
♦ The Evil One ♦ The Dark One26
Hungry ghostsAvidya
6.Hinduism500 BC-300 ADMayaAvidya
7.Book of Enoch~300 BC-100 BCEvil spirits on earth
Spirits of the giants27
8.Jesus of Nazareth4 BC-30-33 ADCentral figure of ChristianitySatan Embodied by disciple Peter28
Fallen angels
Demons (named "Legion")
9.Paul the Apostle
[Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul]
5-67 ADInfluential Turkish Greek Jewish pharisee, early Christian missionaryPrincipalities
Rulers of the world of darkness30
10.John the Apostle6-100 ADJewish Galilean member of the twelve apostles of Jesus ChristDevil
Father of lies31
11.Apocryphon of John~180 ADSethian Gnostic Christian text
of secret teachings
Antimimon pneuma
Apocryphia John III, 36:17
Founder Mani
216-276 ADPersian Gnostic religion
Iranian prophet
13.Pistis Sophia~3rd-~4th centuries AD
Gnostic textAntimimon pneumatos
Counterfeiting spirit; evil spiritual substance surrounding the soul
14.Arabian mythology
570-632 AD
Monotheistic Abrahamic religion
Central figure of Islam
15.Sufism661 ADInner mystical dimension of IslamShaitanIblis
16.Hopi12th-14th centuriesSnake brothers
17.Far East
Central America
 Serpent gods
18.Liu Hua-Yang16th-17th centuriesTaoist School of Immortals and BuddhasShadowy monsters33
19. Sigmund Freud1856-1939
Neurologist, deep psychologist, founder of psychoanalysisId, ego and super-ego34
20.Rudolf Steiner1861-1925Cultural philosopher, social reformer, architect, mysticThe Luciferic
The Ahrimanic
Spirits of darkness35
21.Sri Aurobindo
[Aurobindo Ghose]
1872-1950Indian British philosopher, yogi, guruHostile forces
False lights
22.Carl Gustav Jung1875-1961Swiss psychiatristShadow
Demon of sickness36
Sublunary nature
   Imitator and evil principle/spirit37
23.Robert Louis Stevenson*1885
Scottish poet, essayist, novelistThe Body Snatcher
Short story
24.Hervey M. Cleckley1903-1984US American psychiatristMask of sanity
25.Hannah Arendt1906-1975Political theorist, philosopher analyzing the rise of totalitarianismBanality of evil38
26.Robert Monroe
The Monroe Institute
1915-1995US American researcher into altered consciousnessSomeone from somewhere
Loosh farming
27.Andrew Lobaczewski1921-2007Polish clinical psychologistPathocracy
Political ponerology39
28.Zulu tradition40
Credo Mutwa
1921-2020South African Zulu SangomaChitahuri
Lizards coming from the sky
29.Arno Gruen1923-2015Swiss-German psychoanalystBetrayal of the self
30.Jack D. Forbes1934-2011Native-American scholarWetiko
Cultural mental illness
Collective psychosis
Wendigo psychosis
resulting in cannibalism
31.Hawaiian/Polynesian tradition
Hale Makua
†2004Hawaiian kahuna elder, wisdom keeper of an ancient Polynesian lineage'e'pa
32.Philip G. Zimbardo*1933
Social psychologistLucifer effect41
33.Robert D. Hare*1934Canadian experimental psychologistPsychopaths without conscience
34.M. Scott Peck1936-2005US American psychiatristPeople of the lie
35.Robert W. Fuller*1936US American dignity researcherRankism42
Backdrop of all acknowledged spilt-isms
36.Riane Eisler*1931Austrian-American macrohistorian
social scientist
Dominator culture
Domination system
37.Jordan Maxwell1940-2022US American esoteric scholar, lecturerSoullessness
38.Eugen Drewermann*1940German theologian, pastor, psychoanalyst, humanistCapitalism
Fetish money43
39.Katharina Rutschky1941-2010German essayist, publicistPoisonous pedagogy44
40. Anne Wilson Schaef(1934-2020)US American former psychotherapistFirst:White male syndrome (WMS)
Later:Multi-addictive society
Addiction behind the addiction
41.John Lash*1945US American metahistorian, mythologistMental virus of salvationism
42.Mike Lofgren*1946GOP congressional stafferDeep state45
43.Noreen Connell
Cassandra Wilson
*1947Radical feminists, organizers, writersRape culture46
44.Emilie Buchwald
Andrea Dworkin
40s, 1946-2005Activists, feminists, authorsRape culture47
45.Eckhart Tolle*1948Canadian teacher on spiritualityPain-body48/49
46.Jessica Murray*1951US American astrologerSoul-sick nation
47. Laura Knight-Jadczyk*1952US American alternative multidisciplinary researcher, medium, authorPetty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown
Almost Human50
48.Don Miguel Ruiz*1952Mexican Toltec master, founder of the Sixth Sun Foundation, author of spiritualist and neoshamanistic textsUnseen beings
♦ Allies
49.Iain McGilchrist*1953British psychiatristDivided brain
Making of the western world52
50.Martha Stout*1953US American psychologistMind of the sociopath
51.Evelin Lindner*1954German psychologist,
dignity researcher
Security dilemma
52.Paul Levy*1956US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author of Dispelling WetikoME disease
Malignant egophrenia
♦ Collective psychosis
53.Joseph P. Farrell*1957US American patristic theologistPower play of Yahwism
Yahweh, the two-faced god
54.Drew Pinsky*1958US American addiction expert,
narcisissm researcher
Mirror effect
Celebrity narcissism
55.Gail Dines*1958Professor of sociology and women's studiesPornified culture54
56. Thomas Sheridan*1964Irish artist, independent whistleblowerPsychopathic mind-control grid
57.Colin Wilson*1967
English philosopher, novelist, writer on true crime, mysticism and the paranormalThe Mind Parasites
Science fiction horror novel55
58.Eve LorgenBernhard·Guenther
◊ James Bartley ◊ Tom Montauk
Carissa ContiLauda Leon
60s / 70sWetiko researcher groupLove Bite
Hyper-dimensional interference
Matrix control system56
59.Kat Alano*1985Model, actress, television presenterSocial cancer57


Satanic influence since more than 6000 years
Satan or Beelzebub or Azazel or by whatever name you wish to call this being is clearly a Sumerian [Babylonian] god having the powers of suggestion and the powers of telepathic communication which can cause great havoc. This personage is given credit in the Book of Enoch for the reason why the gods had not rescued human beings because he had messed us up so badly. The idea is that this Azazel survived the flood and is still giving us problems.
The good news is that the gods are just like us, and the bad news is that the gods are just like us. If we can be Angelic, we can be diabolical. If they can be Angelic, they can be diabolical, and they are.
Audio interview with Father Charles L. Moore (1927-2007) US American Roman Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher, scholar, historian, district attorney, spiritual teacher, modern mystic, Father Charles Moore – Biblical History, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host Art Bell (1945-2018) US American founder of C2C, broadcaster, author, recorded 16. November 1999, YouTube film, minute 2:46:03, 3:08:39 duration, posted
24. June 2016


Possessed by the demons of sickness
The processes in the unconscious influence us just as much as they do primitives; we are possessed by the demons of sickness no less than they, our psyche is just as much in danger of being struck by some hostile influence, we are just as much the prey of malevolent spirits of the dead, or the victims of a magic spell cast by a strange personality.  Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Gerhard Adler, translator,‎ R. F. C. Hull, translator, Civilization in Transition – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 10, paragraph 14, 1928, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2nd edition 1. August 1970


Video overview Seeing Wetiko (English subtitles), presented by therules.org/seeingwetiko, YouTube film, 4:06 minutes duration,
     posted 21. July 2016
Article Alien Archons Are Ruling the Earth Since the Dawn of Time, presented by the publication Humans Be Free, Jerry Wizman,
     7. October 2017
See also:
Wetiko – symptons of the Me-disease – Paul Levy
Quotes on "hostile forces" by Sri Aurobindo
Archontic interference – Simon Parkes
Last words from serial murderer ⚡Ted Bundy (1989)
Rankism, humiliation and indignity ⇔ 'Dignity for all, always' – Robert W. Fuller
Three historic periods of human development including two normative turning points – Evelin Lindner
Punishment ⇔ reciprocation
Differentiating mature from immature people
Mature undivided love ⇔ immature divided romance
Appeasing the demons – as practiced by Tsultrim Allione
Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye
     Reduced Darwinism – Domination (1859) ⇔ Rediscovered Darwinism – Partnership (2007) by David Loye
Siehe auch: ► Begriffssammlung – Kollektive Zivilisationsneurose und ► Bibelzitate zum Thema Narzissmus

Wetiko – symptons of the Me-disease – Paul Levy

Wetiko is a term used by the Native tribes Ojibwa, Eastern Cree, Westmain Swampy Cree, and Innu/Naskapi/Montag-
nais. Native-American scholar Jack D. Forbes, Ph.D. (1934-2011) introduced the concept of the wétiko disease as the sickness of cannibalism, a mental illness. It turned into a socio-cultural epidemic of which colonizer and enslaver Chris-
topher Columbus
(1451-1506) was a major carrier. The settlers who first came to America expressed cannibalism as slavers who forced blacks or Native Americans to lose their lives in the slave-trade or who drained away their lives in a slave system.
Note: Columbus is a key figure as the slaver who initiated the transatlantic slave trade by taking Native Americans to Southern Europe.


This disease, this wetiko (cannibal) psychosis, is the greatest epidemic sickness known to man. pg. xvi
Cannibalism is the consuming of another’s life for one’s own private purpose or profit. pg. 24
The overriding characteristic of the wetiko is that he consumes other human beings, that is, he is a predator and a cannibal. This is the central essence of the disease. Jack D. Forbes, Ph.D. (1934-2011) Native American professor of anthropology and native American studies, political activist, writer, Columbus and Other Cannibals. The Wetiko Disease of Exploi-
tation, Imperialism, and Terrorism
, S. 49, Seven Stories Press, revised edition 4. November 2008

They [the Arawak men and women of the Bahama Islands] [...] brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned [...]. They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features. [...] They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane [...]. They would make
fine servants. [...] With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. […]
As soon as I arrived in the Indies, on the first Island which I found, I took some of the natives by force in order that they might learn and might give me information of whatever there is in these parts.
  Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer, misogynist, racist, cited in: Howard Zinn, Ph.D. (1922-2010) US American professor of political science, Boston University (1964-1988), progressive historian, social activist, playwright, author, A Real People's History of the United States. 1492-Present, Harper Collins, chapter 1, 1st edition 1980, 2010

Imperialism is a disease. I call it a form of cannibalism, a wetiko psychosis. It brutalizes people. […]
No one claims that Marco Polo discovered China. They don't celebrate Marco Polo Day in China or Europe or Hongkong. One of the reasons for that is because the Chinese are still in possession of their own country and the Europeans didn't get a good foothold there. […] Columbus Day is part of the ritual of colonialism, it’s part of the ritual of imperialism. […] They wanted to call the United States Columbia at one time. That's where the District of Columbia [D.C.] comes from. The whole idea of calling a country Columbia [see Latin America] is a gesture to the conquest. It's a recognition and applauding the conquest – or the genocide.
  TV video compilation
of 3 or 4 interviews with Jack D. Forbes, Ph.D. (1934-2011) Native American professor of anthropology and native American studies, political activist, writer, Who was Columbus? The Conquest told by a Native American, presented by the US American TV station South Carolina Educational Television SCETV, program "For the People", host Listervelt Middleton, 1990-1992, YouTube film, minute 4:12 and minute 1:19:30 (54:08), 1:21:42 duration, posted 22. October 2015
Source: ► Article Here are 5 Christopher Columbus quotes to help you 'celebrate' the holiday appropriately,
presented by the US American online news organization The Raw Story, Katie Halper, 10. October 2015


Wendigo psychosis is a culture-bound disorder.
It involves an intense craving for human flesh and the fear of turning into a cannibal.


  • Wetiko refers to a diabolically wicked person or spirit who terrorizes others.
    Wetiko/malignant egophrenia is nonlocal, in that it is an inner disease of the spirit, soul and psyche that explicates it-
    self through the canvas of the outside world.
    Wetiko/malignant egophrenia is a ‘psychosis’ in the true sense of the word as being a 'sickness of the soul or spirit.'
    Wetiko/malignant egophrenia is a disease of civilization, or lack thereof.
    The wetiko virus is the root cause of the inhumanity in human nature, or shall we say, our seemingly inhuman nature.
    Many of us can't fathom the level of evil to which full-blown wetikos have fallen prey, and of which they are capable.
    Article by Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Hu-
    , part 1, presented by Awakeninthedream.com, 2010, retrieved by the US American online magazine Reality Sandwich,
    3. January 2011


  • The wetiko germ is a psychic tapeworm, a parasite of the mind. Just like certain computer viruses or malware infect and program a computer to self-destruct, mind-viruses like wetiko can program the human bio-computer to think, believe and behave in ways that result in our self-destruction. Wetiko is a virulent, psychic pathogen that insinuates thought-forms into our mind which, when unconsciously en-acted, feed it, and ultimately kills its host (us). It doesn’t want to kill us too quickly however, for to successfully implement its agenda of reproducing and propagating itself throughout the field, it must let the host live long enough to spread the virus. If the host dies too soon, the bug would be prematurely evicted and would suffer the inconvenience of having to find a new residence.
    Like a cancer of the mind that metastasizes, in wetiko disease, a pathological part of the psyche co-opts and subsumes
    all of the healthy parts of the psyche into itself so as to serve its pathology. […] In a psychic coup d’etat, the wetiko bug
    can usurp and displace the person, who becomes its puppet and marionette. Like a parasite, the wetiko virus can take
    over the will of an animal more evolved than itself, enlisting that creature into serving its nefarious agenda. Once the
    parasite becomes sufficiently entrenched within the psyche, the prime directive coordinating a person’s behavior comes
    from the disease, as it is now the one calling the shots. Just as someone infected with the rabies virus will resist drinking
    water, which would flush out the infection, someone taken over by the wetiko parasite will have nothing to do with any-
    thing that will help them get rid of the disease. Wetikos are phobic towards the light of truth, which they avoid like
    the plague.
    In advanced stages, this process takes over the person so completely that we could rightfully say the per-
    son is no longer there; they are just an empty shell carrying the disease. In a sense there is just the disease, operating
    through what appears to be a human being. The person becomes fully identified with their mask, their persona, but it
    is as if there is no one behind the mask. Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Wetiko, the Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity, Awaken In The Dream Publishing, 1. January 2011


Source: Resilience.org
  • [Spiritual people] are focused just on the light, but they're avoiding the darkness. They don't want to even give it any energy, they don't want to look at it. And by avoiding evil you're unwittingly feeding it. But if you get fascinated by it too much you're also unwittingly feeding it. And I point out there is a third way. There is this middle way. You actually are able to see wetico and how it operates and how it's nonlocal. It operates inside all of us, it operates in the unconscious. Instead of not looking at it you see it and then – as a sovereign being – we have a choice of where we want to invest our attention. And then we can invest our attention in creating a world we want to live in. That doesn't feed wetiko, that dispells it. And that goes back to the creativy question. Video TV interview with Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Paul Levy being interviewed on TV, presented by the US American Portland Communty Media (TV), hosts Jim Wrathall, Sally Stepath, Diane Tierney, Portland, Oregon, 3. November 2013, YouTube film, minute 45:58, 58:58 minutes duration, posted 20. November 2013


  • We're projecting our shadow, our own darkness [...] and just remember this is a dream, if I project out my own darkness [...] well then what's going to happen is the dream is then going to offer me somebody who is going to embody the very shadow that I am projecting. So now I have evidence that the shadow really is out there, so I become even more entren-
    ched in that viewpoint, of like the shadow, the evil, is not in me. There look, that person's playing it out, I have all the
    proof I need so then that's the vicious cycle where I actually dream up this world to actually enact an inner process, because the whole process is a reflection of my being dissociated from my own darkness.
    And of course, what do I do when I see somebody who is embodying my shadow, I try to destroy them, which is the
    very reflection of what I was doing to my own inner darkness in the beginning is to try get rid of it and by then trying to destroy the person who is embodying the evil, I become possessed by the very evil that I am trying to destroy. And
    so I've unwittingly, actually, I'm investing more evil into my attempt to try to eradicate evil and that whole process,
    behind the scenes, the wetiko bug, is gorging off of the polarization.
Video TV interview with Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Paul Levy being interviewed on TV, presented by the US American Portland Communty Media (TV), hosts Jim Wrathall, Sally Stepath, Diane Tierney, Portland, Oregon,
3. November 2013, YouTube film, minute 49:31, 58:58 minutes duration, posted 20. November 2013


  • The wetiko epidemic is self-evident for all who have eyes to see. To not look at what's happening, to turn away and ignore it, is to be lying to ourselves and to be colluding with and unknowingly feeding the disease.
    Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


  • Humanity isn't just asleep; it loves its sleep, and has abandoned itself to sleep. The ignorance is not a neutral passive state, not merely an absence of knowledge, but is a counter-reaction to knowledge, actively induced and maintained
    so as to prevent the arising of knowledge of humanity's true origin and situation.
    Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


  • The wetiko virus paralyzes the ego into an immobilized, powerless state, in which the life force and energetic potential are vampirically drained away. Zombielike, we are pushed around like figures on a chessboard, played and manipulated like marionettes on a string. We are held in check by these impersonal, intangible forces, which, unbeknownst to us, are gaming us from a hidden position within our own unillumined psyches. As compared to existing "by virtue" of something, the wetiko bug can only exist by the "lack of virtue" of our own obscured and unexamined minds. Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


  • One way wetiko works is to keep us in our heads, stuck in our intellects and conceptual minds, resulting in the world transforming from a living experience into something purely conceptual and abstract. This is a place many people
    go to avoid and escape the pain of incarnation, of being fully embodied. And yet, wetiko can work just as well in the op-
    posite way – inspiring people to get out of their heads, to connect with their sensuality, sexuality, bodies, feelings, emo-
    , and so forth, which are all wonderful things with which to connect. However, in certain circumstances, these ex-
    periences can be indulged in such that they amount to little more than stimulating chemicals in the body which results
    in a "feel-good experience," but has little to do with integration, healing, or expansion of consciousness, and can wind
    up feeding their attachments, which become addictions. […] True healing comes when we connect our heads and
    hearts in a truly embodied way. Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


Group of flying agarics
  • We are currently in the midst of the greatest epidemic sick-
    known to humanity. Like a fish in water who doesn't recognize water because it is everywhere, both outside and within the fish itself, many of us don't realize the collective insanity in our midst, as our madness is so pervasive that it has become normalized.
    People taken over by the wetiko virus usually don't suspect a thing about how they have been "conned," or more accurately, how they have conned themselves. The wetiko culture offers no incentive for them to self-reflectingly speculate upon their increasingly depraved condition; on the contrary, the nonlocal field configures itself to enable, further cultivate, and deepen their psychosis. When someone is a full-blown, unrecognized wetiko, the field around them torques so as to protect, collude with, and feed into their psychosis in a way that entrances those around them. Similar to how an octopus squirts ink in order to hide, a psychic field gets conjured up around full-blown wetikos which obfuscates their malfeasance.
    Once under the wetiko spell, people lose the capacity to recognize the wetiko pathology in others. In a situation of "group narcissism," wetikos at different stages of the disease assume particular postures and roles relative to each other that protect and shield themselves from their own insanity and darkness. They feed and reinforce each other's narcissism because it enhances their own.
    Anyone who doesn't buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and called either crazy, a conspiracy theorist, or even a terrorist. Such a group consensus about the nature of reality gets increasingly hard to sustain as time passes, however, as, like a house of cards ready to collapse at any moment, its vision of the world is based on the fundamental error of not being true. Strangely enough, people under the collective enchantment of wetiko become fanatically attached to supporting an agenda that oftentimes is diametrically opposed to serving their own best interests.This is an outer behavioral reflection of the inner state of being under the sway of the self-destructive wetiko parasite.
    All of the mainstream, culturally sanctioned, corporatized institutions are in the business of indoctrination, telling us what to think and not think, as well as how to think. Our mind is continually being massaged into shape by the prevai-
    ling culture, our true face lifted as our spiritual pockets are picked. Our civilization has become the mouthpiece for the propaganda organ of the disease, entrancing us to "buy" into its viewpoint as we are bled to death of what really counts. The culture that informs and forms around wetiko illness is itself a channel of its transmission and growth. If we sign on
    the dotted line and subscribe to its viewpoint, its life-denying culture will gradually subsume us into itself, enlisting us as
    its agents who unwitingly do its bidding. This is how the ever-expanding, self-generating psychic empire of collective psychosis works, as it increasingly takes over and approaches "full-employment."
    We are truly in a war. It is not the war we imagine we are in, which is the way our true adversaries want it. It is ultimately and actually not a foreign war against a foreign enemy. It is a war on consciousness, a war on our own minds.
    Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


  • Wetiko disables our ability for discernment. Being a spiri-
    tual warrior, however, requires, embraces, and includes the most extreme discernment, which is the capacity to differenti-
    ate and tell one thing from another, and is related to our ability for naming things. Etymologically speaking, the word "discern" means "to distinguish between, to detect or discover that which is hidden or obscure." Discernment is radically different from when we are unconsciously caught in judgment, which is a reaction to and contraction against something. Discernment is the ability to make distinctions and see clearly, which is an expression of an expanded and evolved consciousness. It requires an ability to see through and beyond the outer plane of appearances and penetrate to the deeper, essential dyna-
    mics at play beneath the surface. As our consciousness develops, so does our facility of discernment. The faculty of discrimination and discernment is the sine qua non of all consciousness. Wielding the wisdom of discernment is an essential function of an awakening consciousness and is an expression of genuine compassion. The primary factor deter-
    mining whether a daemonic energy like wetiko will move in
    mainly destructive or constructive and creative directions is whether or not our capability for discernment in-forms our actions in the world. Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013


  • Wetiko is an archetypal, transpersonal, daimonic energy. It's greater than the ego or just a person. […] One's daimon is the guiding spirit or the inner voice. [...] The word 'genius' is etymologically related to the word daimon and calling and inner voice and vocation. […] We all have a particular daimon or inner voice or guiding spirit or calling or
    genius or vocation. When you have that shamanic descent [are opened by the wound]m if you cooperate with that
    energy then it will support you in accomplishing the journey, but if you resist then that same energy that was that daimon, that genius, and that calling becomes negative and becomes a demon.
    Video interview with Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, A Conversation with Paul Levy – Awaken in the Dream [the curse of evil], presented by "More than Astrology", host Gemini Brett, YouTube film, minute 52:23, 1:49:28 duration, posted 21. October 2015


  • Wetiko [from a mythological point of view] is operating through the archetype of the negative father, Saturn, which has to do with domination, power-over others. […] Split-off "autonomous complexes" in modern psychology
    are exactly what the indigenous ancient people called demons.
    When you are in touch with your own darkness you begin to see how wetiko operates in your own mind, in relationships,
    in family structures, in the collective. […] All the levels are interpenetrating.
    Video interview with Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, A Conversation with Paul Levy – Awaken in the Dream [the curse of evil], presented by "More than Astrology", host Gemini Brett, YouTube film, minute 59:31, 1:49:28 duration, posted 21. October 2015


  • It can be traumatizing for people to recognize their own complicity in the evil that's playing out. And sometimes it's just being silent – as a secretary in a multi-level corporation and yet you're [turning] the wheel that is perpetrating genocide, eventually. Video interview with Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, A Conversation with Paul Levy – Awaken in the Dream [the curse of evil], presented by "More than Astrology", host Gemini Brett, YouTube film, minute 1:14:07, 1:49:28 duration, posted 21. October 2015


  • Wetiko is an archetypal energy, a higher dimensional energy that is formless. It's a shapeshifting bug. It shapeshifts and assumes your form and my form. And if we're not awake in that moment we will just identify with that form, a limiting belief, a thought form or whatever the phenomena is. [...] All over sudden we've identified with who we're not and we've given away who we are, simultaneously. And then we've become an instrument for wetiko to act itself out in the world.
    And we become a secret agent of it, even secret to ourselves.
    Video interview with Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, A Conversation with Paul Levy – Awaken in the Dream [the curse of evil], presented by "More than Astrology", host Gemini Brett, YouTube film, minute 1:15:56, 1:49:28 dura-
    tion, posted 21. October 2015


  • Wetiko can't steal our soul but it can trick us to give it away. [...] The way to heal wetiko is to connect with who we actually are [our true nature], to connect with the part of us that is not possessible. Video interview with Paul Levy (*1956)
    US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, A Conversation with Paul Levy – Awaken in the Dream [the curse of evil],
    presented by "More than Astrology", host Gemini Brett, YouTube film, minute 1:18:48, 1:49:28 duration, posted 21. October 2015



Times are a'changin'.

  • This is a historic time, a time when the gods in the unconscious are transforming. We are living in a time that the Greeks called the "Kairos" – the right moment – for a "metamorphosis of the gods," that is, a transformation in and of the collective unconscious itself. The peculiarity of our time, which is certainly not of our conscious choosing, is that the timeless unconscious within us is transforming itself in unprecedented, dramatic ways. […]
    As a species we are experiencing an undeniable uprising of the dark, destructive forces of the collective unconscious. As thinking, reflective, conscious human beings, we can no longer deny the dark stirrings of the unconscious as it plays itself out ever more conspicuously on the world stage. These overwhelming psychic forces are active powers that cannot be fitted into our rational world order, explained away by our reason, nor argued out of existence. If we are not in denial, it is obvious that the powers of the underworld, as if they have a severe "control process," are attempting to centralize power and global control over our entire species in a way that is devoid of any pretense of democratic legitimacy, compassion, or redeeming charm whatsoever.
    We are being confronted with the naked darkness of the soul, and asked, make that demanded, to come to terms with and face up to this darkness. The dark side of our nature, or we could even say the shadow of God, is revealing Itself and incarnating through the unconscious of humanity. In these apocalyptic times we live in, the dark God, the "deus abscon-
    – which is an essential element of the psychological self – is incarnating. This hidden God is paradoxically pre-
    sent in its apparent absence.
    Something is being revealed to us in the process. The times in which we are living are
    truly initiatory. Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013



Colonialists assessing indigenous people

  • I consider all these poor savages, whom we commiserate, to be very happy; for pale Envy doth not emaciate them, neither do they feel the inhumanity of those who serve God hypocritically, harassing their fellow-creatures under this mask: nor are they subject to the artifices of those who, lacking virtue and goodness wrap themselves up in a mantle of false piety to nourish their ambition. […] Nor do they understand the art of poisoning, or of corrupting chastity by devilish artifice. There are no poor nor beggars among them. All are rich, because all labor and live. But among us it is very different, for more than half of us live from the labors of the others, having no trades which serve to the support of human life.
    Unnamed author of various authors, The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. Volume I. Acadia, 1610-1613, written annually, printed (1632-1673), HardPress Publishing, 23. June 2016


Sources featuring Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author
Book: Wetiko, the Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity, Awaken In The Dream Publishing, 1. January 2011
Article: Wetiko: The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity, presented by the US American online magazine Reality Sandwich,
     3. January 2011
Book: Dispelling Wetiko. Breaking the Curse of Evil, North Atlantic Books, 15. January 2013
Article: Let's Spread the Word: Wetiko, presented by the US American online magazine Reality Sandwich, 28. February 2011
Article: Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil, presented by Quest Magazine, issue 102.4, S. 146-151, Theosophical Society
     in America, fall issue 2014
Article: When the Most Awake Among Us Fall Asleep: Marc Gafni, His Supporters and Wetiko, presented by awakeninthedream,
     11. August 2016
Article: Healing Our Collective Sickness, presented by awakeninthedream, March 2017
Video presentation Paul Levy's Book Release of Dispelling Wetiko, sponsored by Powell's Books, Portland, Oregon, 22. February 2013,
     YouTube film, 59:34 minutes duration, posted 14. August 2013
Video TV interview Paul Levy being interviewed on TV, presented by the US American Portland Communty Media (TV), hosts Jim Wrat-
     hall, Sally Stepath, Diane Tierney, Portland, Oregon, 3. November 2013, YouTube film, 58:58 minutes duration, posted 20. November 2013
Video presentation Awakened by Darkness by Paul Levy, sponsored by Powell's Books, Portland, Oregon, 18. January 2016,
     YouTube film, 49:13 minutes duration, posted 1. February 2016
See also: ► Quotes by M. Scott Peck – My Lai Massacre (case study)
Siehe auch: ► Christoph Komlumbus – Schlächter und Kolonisator der Neuen Welt

Literary quotes

  • [There are] strange creatures of other planes. Creatures, many of us would be frightened to death of if we could actual-
    ly see them. We seldom realize that our passions and hates create these demonical beings in the superphysical world,
    but this is one of the secrets to black magic. Every evil or debased thought and emotion of man helps build these tea-
    ring, rending creatures, the innate qualities of which become in the hands of those who know, agencies for the destruc-
    tion of light. It also seems part of plan, that those who chain these demons shall themselves fall victims to their own
    slaves, for one after another, the black magicians are sucked into a maelstrom of the astral hell. [...]
    The terms incubus and succubus have been applied indiscriminately by the Church Fathers to elementals. The incu-
    bus and succubus, however, are evil and unnatural creations, whereas elementals is a collective term for all the inha-
    bitants of the four elemental essences.
    According to Paracelsus, the incubus and succubus (which are male and female respectively) are parasitical
    creatures subsisting upon the evil thoughts and emotions of the astral body. These terms are also applied to the su-
    perphysical organisms of sorcerers and black magicians. While these larvæ are in no sense imaginary beings, they
    are, nevertheless, the offspring of the imagination. By the ancient sages they were recognized as the invisible cause
    of vice because they hover in the ethers surrounding the morally weak, and continually incite them to excesses of a
    degrading nature.
    For this reason they frequent the atmosphere of the dope den, the dive, and the brothel, where they attach themsel-
    ves to those unfortunates who have given themselves up to iniquity. By permitting his senses to become deadened
    through indulgence in habit-forming drugs or alcoholic stimulants, the individual becomes temporarily en rapport with
    these denizens of the astral plane. The houris seen by the hasheesh or opium addict and the lurid monsters which
    torment the victim of delirium tremens are examples of submundane beings, visible only to those whose evil practi-
    ces are the magnet for their attraction.
    Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) Canadian-born mystic, occultist, 33rd degree Freemason, author, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, originally published 1928, version
    of the free Internet archive Sacred Texts, Philosophical Research Society, revised edition June 1978


  • Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico. pg. 219 […]
    They took over because we are food for them. […] we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, gallineros, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. pg. 219 […]
    The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. pg. 220 […]
    Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them [the predators]. pg. 220
    Don Juan Matus, major figure in the books on Nagual 'Sorcery', cited in: Carlos Castaneda (1925-1998) Peruvian US American anthropologist, diplomat, author, The Active Side of Infinity, Harper Perennial, 22. December 1999


  • The flyers' mind flees forever when a sorcerer succeeds in grabbing on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields. If a sorcerer maintains that pressure long enough, the flyers' mind flees in defeat. And that's exactly what you are going to do: hold on to the energy that binds you together. […]
    You're being torn by an internal struggle. Down in the depths of you, you know that you are incapable of refusing the agreement that an indispensable part of you, your glowing coat of awareness, is going to serve as an incomprehensible source of nourishment to, naturally, incomprehensible entities. And another part of you will stand against this situation with all its might.
    The sorcerers' revolution is that they refuse to honor agreements in which they did not participate. Nobody ever asked me if I would consent to be eaten by beings of a different kind of awareness. My parents just brought me into this world to be food, like themselves, and that's the end of the story. Don Juan Matus, major figure in the books on Nagual 'Sorcery', cited in: Carlos Castaneda (1925-1998) Peruvian US American anthropologist, diplomat, author, The Active Side of Infinityy, "Mud Shadows", S. 217, 1998, Harper Perennial, 22. December 1999


  • Humans are not the only beings with powerful minds. Attached to humanity are unseen beings that also are an organ of the earth. They share the metabolism of the earth, just as humans do. These beings form a spectrum from benevolent to harmful. They have been present alongside the human race from the beginning. The destiny of these beings and that of humans is intertwined. The Toltec’s call them Allies. The Allies lack a brain, which means they have no factory to create emotions, but they need the ethereal energy of emotions to sustain their life. Allies push humans
    to create traumas in order to create fear, which they feed upon.
    Don Miguel Ruiz miguelruiz.com (*1952) Mexican Toltec master, founder of the Sixth Sun Foundation, author of spiritualist and neoshamanistic texts, cited in: Beyond Fear. A Toltec Guide to Freedom and Joy, Council Oak Books, 1. August 1997

Psychopathy check list (revised) (PCL-R) – Robert Hare

Twenty characterics of psychopaths
༺༻FactorFacetTraits of psychopathy
1.Factor 158 InterpersonalGlibness/superficial charm
2.Factor 1 InterpersonalGrandiose sense of self-worth
3.Factor 1 InterpersonalPathological lying
4.Factor 1 InterpersonalCunning/manipulative
5.Factor 1 AffectiveLack of remorse or guilt
6.Factor 1 AffectiveShallow affect [superficial experience and expression of emotions]
7.Factor 1 AffectiveCallous/lack of empathy
8.Factor 1 LifestyleNeed for stimulation/proneness to boredom
9.Factor 259Sex/RelatingPromiscuous sexual behaviour
10.Factor 2Relating/sexMany short term marital relationships
11.Factor 2 Affective Poor behavioural controls
12.Factor 2 Lifestyle Parasitic lifestyle
13.Factor 2 Lifestyle Lack of realistic long-term goals
14.Factor 2 Lifestyle Impulsivity
15.Factor 2 Lifestyle Irresponsibility
16.Factor 2 Antisocial Early behaviour problems
17.Factor 2 Antisocial Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
18.Factor 2 Antisocial Juvenile delinquency
19.Factor 2 Antisocial Revocation of conditional release
20.Factor 2 Antisocial Criminal versatility


Scoring key
♦ Score 0 – Doesn't apply.
♦ Score 1 – Applies somewhat. (The trait is not highly dominant in the person.)
♦ Score 2 – Fits perfectly, defining dominant traits in character and/or behavior.

PCL-R scores
⚑   3 - 6 – Average neurotypical (normal) person (average estimate at score 4)
16-22 – Average non-psychopathic criminal
22-26 – Average criminal sociopath and/or antisocial personality disordered individual
26-29 – Serious criminal sociopath and/or antisocial personality disordered individidual
30-34 – Non-criminal psychopath
30-40 – Criminal psychopath60
The highest possible PCL-R score a person can get is 40.


Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology, researcher in psychopathology,
     psychophysiology, criminal psychology, developer of Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), University of British Columbia,
     Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist, Without Conscience. The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us,
     The Guilford Press, 1st edition 8. January 1999
► Video presentation and article Could Donald Trump Pass a Sanity Test?, presented by the US American magazine of popular culture,
     fashion, and current affairs Vanity Fair, Keith Olbermann (*1959) US American sports and political commentator, writer, 21. July 2016
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Revised psychopathy checklist
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Revidierte Psychopathie-Überprüfungsliste nach Robert Hare (PCL-R)
See also: ► Quotes on psychopathy


Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) – University of British Columbia
Most commonly used psychological assessment to rate psychopathy
Factor / ItemFacetCharacteristicsFacetCharacteristics
Factor 1Facet 1
Glibness/superficial charm, grandiose
sense of self-worth, pathological lying, cunning/
Facet 2
Lack of remorse/guilt, callous/lack of warm empathy, emotionally shallow, failure to accept responsibility for one's actions
Factor 2Facet 3
Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom, parasitic lifestyle, lack of realistic, long-term goals, impulsivity, irresponsibilityFacet 4
Poor behavioral controls, early behavioral problems, juvenile delinquency, revocation of conditional release, criminal versatility
Other·items Many short-term marital relationships, promiscuous sexual behavior
Developer:Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. hare.org (*1934) Canadian professor of experimental psychology,
researcher in psychopathology, psychophysiology, criminal psychology
Reference: ► Link collection Links Related to the Study of Psychopathy and Forensics, presented by the web site of Robert Hare, undated

⚡ Psychopathological rating (via PPI/PCL-R) of US American presidents

Questionnaire Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI)
Assessment to evaluate three psychological domains of psychopathy
I. Fearless dominance61Fearlessness, social influence, stress immunity
II. Impulsive antisociality/selfishness62'Machiavellian' egocentricity, rebellious nonconformity,
blame externalization, carefree lack of planning
III.ColdheartednessLack of empathy and remorse
Developers: ► US American psychologists Scott Lilienfeld (*1960) US American professor of psychology, Emory University, and Brian Andrews


In 2010 a group of psychologists handed out the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) questionnaire to the respective biographers
of all former U.S. presidents asking them to fill out the form on behalf of their subjects. Below league table shows the results of presiden-
tial psychopathology.
The numbers in the right hand column refer to the average ranking position of each president across the two main dimensions of the PPI: fearless dominance (I) and impulsive antisociality/selfishness (II).

Out of 42 John F. Kennedy ranked second highest on "Fearless Dominance" and sixth highest on "Impulsive Antisociality" dimension.
Bill Clinton scored top on "Impulsive Antisociality" and seventh highest on "Fearless Dominance".


  • You might well think there'd be safeguards against psychopaths rising to power in a constitutional democracy such as ours, but
    you'd be mistaken. Lilienfeld and his coauthors report on a personality analysis of the first 42 presidents, which found that suc-
    in the White House was strongly correlated with the traits of the successful psychopath.
    These traits can also be
    found among current [2016] contenders for the presidency [Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump], especially those high in the polls. […]
    The research on successful psychopathy is scant. In part this is because many in the field consider the concept an oxymoron.
    How can you be successful and pathological at the same time? Research instead has focused on the unsuccessful psychopath,
    in particular those convicted of heinous crimes. To a certain degree, this is due to a legitimate desire to better understand criminali-
    ty and its causes. They're also easy to find, since there are plenty to be studied in any given prison.
    Article Psychopath for President?, presented by the US American online magazine Waking Times, David Ludden, Ph.D., 20. July 2016


League table of psychopathic traits of US presidents
༺༻Name of US presidentTime frameAverage PPI rank63 References
1.John F. Kennedy1917-1963 4 Multiple adulterous affairs
2.William J. Clinton *1946 4 Womanizing, Monica Lewinski affair
3.Andrew Jackson1767-1845 6.5 
4.Theodore Roosevelt1858-1919 7 
5.Franklin Delano Roosevelt1933-1945 7.5 
6.Lyndon B. Johnson1908-1973 8.5 Gulf of Tonkin deception
7.Chester A. Arthur1829-1886 9.5 
8.George W. Bush *1946 9.5 Lie of "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in Iraq
9.Ronald Reagan1911-2004 14 
10.John Tyler1790-1862 15.5 
11.Richard Nixon1913-199417.5 Watergate, manipulated peace talks to win the 1968 election
12.Martin Van Buren1782-186218.5 
13.Andrew Johnson1808-187519 
14.James K. Polk1795-184919 
15.Woodrow Wilson1856-192419.5 
16.Warren G. Harding1865-192319.5 
17.William Henry Harrison1773-184119.5 
18.Benjamin Harrison1833-190120 
19.George Washington1732-179921.5 
20.Zachary Taylor1784-185022 
21.John Quincy Adams1767-184822.5 
22.James Earl Carter *192423 
23.Thomas Jefferson1743-182623 
24.Rutherford B. Hayes1822-189323.5 
25.Ulysses S. Grant1822-188524 
27.Dwight D. Eisenhower1890-196924.5 
28.James A. Garfield1831-188125 
29.Herbert Hoover1874-196425.5 
30.Gerald Ford1913-200625.5 
31.Abraham Lincoln1809-186527 
32.Franklin Pierce1804-186928 
33.William Howard Taft1857-193028 
34.James Madison1751-183629 
35.Calvin Coolidge1872-193330.5 
36.George H. W. Bush1924-201832 
37.Harry S. Truman1884-197233 
38.Grover Cleveland1837-190833.5 
39.Millard Fillmore1800-187433.5 
40.James Buchanan1791-186834.5 
41.James Monroe1758-183135.5 
42.William McKinley1843-190139.5 


Written and media references:
Study of Duke University Scott Lilienfeld (*1960) US American professor of psychology, Emory University, Irwin D. Waldman, Kristin Landfield,
     Ashley L. Watts, Steven J. Rubenzer, and Thomas R. Faschingbauer, Fearless Dominance and the U.S. Presidency: Implications of Psychopathic
     Personality Traits for Successful and Unsuccessful Political Leadership
, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed APA scientific Journal of
     Personality and Social Psychology
, Volume 103, No. 3, S. 489-505, September 2012
Article Psychopathic boldness tied to U.S. presidential success, eScience Commons, Emory University, 6. September 2012
Article The psychopathic trait successful presidents have in common, presented by the US American news outlet CNN edition, Health, Maia
     Szalavitz, 13. September 2012
Article Congrats USA: Oxford Scientists Declare BOTH Trump & Clinton Likely Psychopathic, presented by the controversial online news outlet
     The Free Thought Project, Claire Bernish, 26. August 2016
Video TV interview with Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University
     of Oxford, author, Are You Working With a Psychopath?, presented by the breakfast programme on British television network ITV Good Morning
, YouTube film, 5:54 minutes duration, posted 25. May 2018


Reference: en.Wikipedia entry List of Presidents of the United States
Reference: ► Article: Psychopath for President?, presented by the US American online magazine Waking Times, David Ludden, Ph.D., 20. July 2016
Referenz (German): ► Artikel Gibt es Psychopathen in der Politik? Ein US-Präsident muss auch Psychopath sein!,
präsentiert von Eggetsberger-Info, 3. März 2014


See also:
Characteristics of psychopathy and sociopathy
⚡ List of sex addicted US American presidents
Presidential death cycle in United States
List of US presidents and their religious affiliations

Traits of psychopathy – Kevin Dutton

             Features of psychopathy             


           Features of psychopaths of high intelligence           
Lack of conscience Lack of remorse Lack of feeling warm empathy
Exaggerated expectation of rewards Emotional predation (acute ability to read cognitively
and dispassionately the emotions in other people)
Reptilian stare
Habitual lying Callousness Mind-set of the "warrior hawk"
Coolness under pressure Embracing new experiences
(driven by Dopamine)
Persuasiveness (manipulate others easily) Tolerate and thrive on risks Grandiose sense of importance
Intense personality Promiscuous, amoral Shameless
Adaptive, determined Curios, insensitive Materially successful


            Seven core principles of psychopathy [Paraphrased]            
1. Ruthlessness
2. Superficial charm (charisma) in public
3. Intense capacity to focus
4. Mental toughness (mental resilience)
5. Fearlessness (of punishment or loss), excluding distractions
6. Mindfulness (full attention to the present moment), practicing detachment
7. Disposition to action
In 2011 Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. performed on online survey of psychopathy (Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale) on his own website addressing British readers. Results: "Functional psychopaths" are predominantly found in specific professions:
1. CEOs (politicians),
2. TV, radio and movie workers,
3. lawyers,
4. salespeople (market and financial traders),
5. surgeons (not medical doctors),
6. journalists,
7. police officers (law enforcement),
8. clergy

See also: bomb-disposal experts, detectives, spies, firemen, special-forces soldiers, military personnel


Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University of
     Oxford, author, The Wisdom of Psychopaths. What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, chapter 6 The Seven
     Deadly Wins
, William Heinemann, 20. September 2012; Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, reprint 3. September 2013
CRITIQUE: Article by Martha Stout, Ph.D. (*1953) US American psychologist, author, In Praise of Empty Souls – Can We Learn From Psychopaths?, presented by the liberal US American magazine The New Republic, Martha Stout demolishes Kevin Dutton's book on the 'wisdom' of psychopaths, reissued by the online publication Sott.net, 14. December 2012
Further reference:
► Article One in five CEOs are psychopaths, new study finds. Proportion of psychopath corporate executives 'similar to prison population',
     presented by the centre-left British online newspaper The Independent, Harriet Agerholm, 13. September 2016
See also: ► Quotes on psychopathy

Features of psychopathy – Stefan Verstapen


Five absolute traits of psychopaths

1.No remorse Lacks conscience, shows no genuine guilt for their actions
2.Invoking pity in others to manipulate and control Sob stories of past sexual/other abuse – claims nearly all their exes are insane/alcoholics
3.Mysterious past
Vague personal history
Life story seems to make no sense, contradictory past, missing periods in their lives
4.Invented personas Actors who'll play the role 'one' requires from them – until they change the performance/role as they learn a new script
5.High levels of the hormone testosterone Impulsive, sexually intense, upper body strength, poor hair growth

Relative secondary psychopathic traits

Invented personas to manipulate others
Highly unreliable, broken promises
Sudden goodbye
Idealisation followed by cold rejection
Becomes obsessed with a hobby, cause, or individual and then loses interest instantly
Phony altruism buying into either secular and non-secular belief systems to appear superior or enlightened
Nothing real behind the persona
1.Sexual promiscuity, asexuality,
one night stands
Appears to have learned all they know about sex from watching pornography
2.Staggering levels of double standards and hypocrisy / projection Projects their own faults onto others, accuses the target of doing to the psychopath what the psychopath is doing to them. Never says 'SORRY'.
3.Narcissism / boastfulness and a sense of being born for a special purpose Expects to be praised constantly and will praise themselves if they do not get it from others
4.History of brief or failed relationships ending badly Gets engaged or married on impulse, always blames the other person for the relationship failing; if the relationship is long-term, they have joined with the perfect enabler.
5.Fight or flight response Poor stress tolerance, can't debate, insults and lashes out
6.Camera persona(s) Sneers, poses or smirks or 'looks away' when being photographed
7.Eyes sometimes dead and lifeless Coupled with a hypnotic stare, when scheming eyes may dart around from
left to right; often a disturbing intense predatory stare when challenged or
refused a request
8.Needs at most 4-5 hours of night's sleep Sleeping aids, prescriptions, and alcohol used to extend their sleeping periods or to avoid boredom
9.Faking cancer or other serious illness Shaving their heads, eyebrows and body hair to fool people; will set up charities and fund-raising events – harvesting pity – looking for heroic recognition
10.Does not dream
Fabricates unrealistic dream stories
Reduced complex cognitive processes in and around the frontal areas of the brain
11.Constantly looking and acting busy
for no apparent reason
Moving around, traveling here and there for no apparent reason; busy, busy, busy
12.Leaves their target abandoned
and alone for hours on end
Will bring target to a party in a room full of strangers and then leave them on their own
13.Highly unreliable
Broken promises
Makes highly ambitious plans, then changes them, makes promises and never follows through
14.Constantly trying to
correct others' opinions
Font of all knowledge, arrogant 'know it all', has to have the last word, usually an insult; VERY passive aggressive
15.Crocodile tears and unconvincing
emotional responses, superficial laughter
'Gentle Soul' acting, pretending to wipe/dry their eyes, rooted in frustration, not sorrow
16.Extreme and obvious flattery, emulating and sycophantic behavior When targeting/scheming: whatever they think you want to hear and see, they will say and do
17.Lovebombing Releases large amounts of dopamine and norepinephrine, while reducing serotonin within the target's brain
18.Word salad Overly complex speech and writing in order to look clever, often gobbledygook, contradictory from one sentence to the next
19.Claims to be the only person who really relates to target In order to begin socially isolating them from their support network of family/friends
20.Sets the agenda
Never meets anyone halfway
Announces, never discusses, gives orders, never asks, dictates, both overtly and subtly
21.Hypochondriac, obsessed with
the latest pharmaceuticals
Can adopt healthy eating obsessions which never last
22.Has no real creative talent Can only copy, can’t innovate or be original
23.Energy vampirism64 In a long-term working or living relationship will drain the life energy out of their partner who age faster and develop serious health issues
24.Claims to be independent
Claims to be a maverick
Actually completely dependent on enablers to supply him/her with basic living needs
25.Predatory instincts Excellent at reading people and social situations in order to exploit them, finds and uses emotional 'triggers'
26.Easily takes offence Will often harbor a grudge for years to produce it out of the blue in order to confuse the target, often as a deflective tactic during an argument
27.Can't handle criticism When confronted with their own behavior they become highly defensive, because they are perfect
28.Gifts designed to 'buy you'
or to mould one in a certain way
Pleasing their personal taste in clothes, uses gifts to 'improve' their partner
29.Easily bored Cured with con-artistry, promiscuity, alcoholism and/or drug abuse to alleviate the boredom
30.Does not 'get' clever satire,
complex humor
Laughs when they see others laugh, child-like sense of humor at best
31.Pathological lying Lies instinctually, can't accept blame, will say 'sorry' that the target is hurt, but not actually be sorry for hurting them
32.Feels they are entitled to the best of everything, expects to be indulged Only says 'thank you' to make a good impression on potential targets, soon afterwards stops and complains they are not being indulged or waited upon quick enough
33.Exploits friends, parents,
the elderly or handicapped
Money, free rent, altering of wills
34.Spiritual narcissism: Claims a special relationship with God, or be an extreme atheist Both beliefs being packages the psychopath used to impress others
35.Claims to be a spy, assassin, special forces personnel or other clandestine agent Collect military and/or similar memorabilia, fake medals and combat awards
36.Twists conversations and meanings of things to suit agenda Diverts conversation to gain moral or intellectual higher ground; when stumped, changes the subject or gets angry
37.Often uses dysfluencies Does not listen to what others say after the idealisaton stage because the psychopath does not care
Source: ► Blog entry by Thomas Sheridan (*1964) Irish alternative artist, musician, independent researcher, broadcaster, public speaker, author, How to Identify a Possible Socialised Psychopath (Sociopath) Who May Be Present in Your Life, 19. April 2013


References featuring Stefan Verstappen (*1957) Canadian world traveler, martial artist, writer
Book: The Art of Urban Survival. A Family Safety and Self Defense Manual, chapter 1, Woodbridge Press, 1. January 2011
Full length video educational documentary: Defense Against the Psychopath, presented by the YouTube platform Stefan Verstappen,
     excerpted from chapter 1 of The Art of Urban Survival, YouTube film, 37:37 minutes duration, posted 14. December 2010
See also: ► Quotes on psychopathy

Characteristics of psychopathy and sociopathy

Features of psychopaths

1.Aggressive, callous, and cunning.
2.Complete absence of conscience and empathy.
3.Very adept at manipulating others, especially emotionally.
4.Willing to engage in immoral, criminal conduct.
5.Willing to take what they want and do as they please, regardless of who is hurt or wronged.
6.Deceptive ability to appear outwardly benevolent.
7.Deceptive ability to behave in superficially charming ways to hide purely selfish motives.
8.Willingness to use intimidation and violence to control others to satisfy their own needs.
9.Willingness to intentionally violate the basic inherent human rights of others.
10.Complete absence of any sense of guilt or remorse.
11.Rationalization of their own immoral behavior.
12.Will attempt to lay blame upon someone else for their own conduct.
13.Denial – will deny their own wrongdoing outright.
14.Utter contemptuousness towards the feelings or desires of their fellow beings.
15.Pathological lying – will say anything without any concern for truth to advance their own hidden agendas.
16.Ability to feign normal human emotions and empathy.
17.Severely distorted sense of the consequences of their own actions.
18.Total failure to accept responsibility for any their own socially irresponsible ways.
19.Strong belief that they will never be brought to justice for their criminal behavior.
Reference: ► Article How to Tell a Sociopath from a Psychopath. Understanding important distinctions between criminal sociopaths and psychopaths, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, Scott A. Bonn, Ph.D., 22. January 2014
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Psychopathy
See also: ► Quotes on psychopathy

Features of sociopaths

1.Sociopaths are charming.
2.Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people.
3.Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse.
4.Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences.
5.Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs.
6.Sociopaths tend to be highly intelligent, but they use their brainpower to deceive others rather than empower them.
7.Sociopaths are incapable of love and are entirely self-serving.
8.Sociopaths are master wordsmiths. Speaking poetically, they can deliver an intriguing and hypnotic
running "stream of consciousness" monologue.
9.Sociopaths never apologize.
10.Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Source: ► Article How to spot a sociopath – 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence
of a charismatic nut job
, presented by the US American conspiratorial news outlet Natural News,
Mike Adams, US American health ranger, editor, 8. June 2012
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Sociopathy

Characteristics of sociopathic behaviors

1.Superficial charm and good intelligence
2.Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
3.Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations
5.Untruthfulness and insincerity
6.Lack of remorse and shame
7.Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
8.Willingness to use intimidation and violence to control others to satisfy their own needs.
9.Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
10.Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
11.General poverty in major affective reactions i.e. appropriate emotional responses
12.Specific loss of insight
13.Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
14.Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without
15.Suicide threats rarely carried out
16.Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
17.Failure to follow any life plan
Source: ► Article How to Spot a Sociopath. 17 key behavioral characteristics that define sociopaths/psychopaths
and others with antisocial disorders.
, presented by the US American bi-monthly magazine Psychology Today,
M.E. Thomas, 7. May 2013, reviewed 9. June 2016

Thirteen rules for dealing with sociopaths in everyday life – Martha Stout

Precautionary steps to cope with antisocial people in the neighborhood
༺༻Precaution to stay clear from antisocial personalities
1.Accept that some people literally have no conscience.
2.Go with your instinct. Intuition ⇔ implied impact of the person's role as educator,
doctor, leader, animal lover, humanist, parent
3.Make the rule of threes your personal policy.When considering a new relationship of any kind
4.Question authority.
5.Suspect flattery.
6.If necessary, redefine your concept of respect.
7.Do not join the game.
8.Avoid the sociopath.
Refuse any kind of contact or communication.
Best way to protect yourself from a sociopath
9.Question your tendency to pity too easily.
10.Forego your impulse to redeem the unredeemable.
11.Never agree, out of pity or for any other reason, to help a sociopath conceal his or her true character.
12.Defend your psyche.
13.Living well is the best revenge.
Source: ► Martha Stout, Ph.D. (*1953) US American psychologist, author, The Sociopath Next Door.
The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us
, pages 156-162, Broadway Books, New York, 2005, Harmony, 14. March 2006
Reference: ► Blog article Martha Stout's Thirteen Rules for Dealing with Sociopaths in Everyday Life,
presented by Integral Options Cafe, William Harryman, 4. February 2016


"At present, sociopathy is "incurable"; furthermore, sociopaths almost never wish to be "cured". In fact, it is likely that,
building on the neurobiological configuration of sociopathy, certain cultures, notably our Western one, actively encou-
rage antisocial behaviors, including violence, murder and warmongering.
These facts are difficult for most people to accept. They are offensive, nonegalitarian, and frightening."
Martha Stout, Ph.D. (*1953) US American psychologist, author, The Sociopath Next Door. The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us,
S. 156, Broadway Books, New York, 2005, Harmony, 14. March 2006

"After listening for almost twenty-five years to the stories my patients tell me about sociopaths who have invaded and injured their lives, when I am asked, "How can I tell whom not to trust?" the answer I give usually surprises people.
The natural expectation is that I will describe some sinister-sounding detail of behavior
or snippet of body language or threatening use of language that is the subtle giveaway. Instead, I take people aback
by assuring them that the tip-off is none of these things, for none of these things is reliably present. Rather, the best
clue is, of all things, the pity play. The most reliable sign, the most universal behavior of unscrupulous people is not directed, as one might imagine, at our fearfulness. It is, perversely, an appeal to our sympathy."
Martha Stout, Ph.D. (*1953) US American psychologist, author, The Sociopath Next Door. The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us,
S. 107, Broadway Books, New York, 2005, Harmony, 14. March 2006

Misconceptions about psychopathy – Dean Haycock

Misconceptions about psychopaths
1.Psychopaths are insane. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) considers psychopathy (identical with sociopathy and antisocial personality disorder) to be a personality disorder. Some people regard it as a personality type. Both agree that psychopaths know the difference between right and wrong. Legally, psychopaths are not insane. They do not hear voices or experience other hallucinations. Their thoughts are not disordered or skewed by delusions. In other words, they are not psychotic, a feature of mental illness.
2.All mass murderers are psychopaths. Most mentally ill people are not violent. Psychiatrists and forensic psychologists determined that mass murderers are not psychopathic, but suffering from psychosis. They have a history of psychiatric illness. Exception: Columbine shooter Eric Harris.
3.All psychopaths are violent. Psychopathy is a risk factor, yet leaves plenty of room for nonviolent lifestyles. Psychopaths combine reckless risk-taking with lack of empathy and guilt, and an inability to form deep emotional bonds with
other human beings.
4.Prisons are full of psychopaths. Although the APA still equates psychopathy with antisocial personality disorder, the majority of psycho-
pathy experts do not. Prisons are not full of psychopaths, but 75% of the prisoners have antisocial personality disorder (based on antisocial acts and behaviors). Psychologists estimate ~20-25% of prisoners are psychopaths.
5.Boardrooms and Wall Street are teeming with psychopaths. 4% (four times the number found in the general population) of the people active in the financial district of New York and the offices of corporate America are psychopaths. A preliminary study by Paul Babiak, Ph.D., US American industrial psychologist and his co-authors found that 8 of 203 corporate professionals taking part in management development programs scored high enough to be classified as psychopaths. Psychologists who study corporate psychopaths do not downplay the damage a relatively small number
of psychopaths can do in their organizations and to society.
6.Experts agree on
the nature of the psychopath.
Experts agree on the presence of psychopathy in certain individuals (mean, callous, remorseless, coldblooded, aggressive) scoring high on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. Experts disagree concerning the concept of psychopathy extended to other populations and when newer, different measuring tools are used to identify them. Differentiating successful vs. unsuccessful psychopaths, primary vs. secondary psychopaths is poorly handled. More exploration is needed.
Source: ► Blog article by Dean A. Haycock, Ph.D., US American freelance science and medical writer,
6 Incredibly Common Misconceptions About Psychopaths, presented by the US American
liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost, 3. April 2014, updated 3. June 2014

Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) – Drew Pinsky, Mark Young

Questionnaire: Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI)
Scoring 200 US based undisclosed celebrities
Sigmund Freud came up with the term "narcissism" based on the Greek myth of Narcissus
who fell in love with his own image reflected on a pool of water.
Narcissism: egotism / fixation for oneself based on one's self image.
༺༻AQuestion ABQuestion BTrait
1.AI have a natural talent for influencing people.BI am not good at influencing people. Authority
2.AModesty doesn't become me.BI am essentially a modest person. Exhibitionism
3.AI would do almost anything on a dare.BI tend to be a fairly cautious person. Exhibitionism
4.AWhen people compliment me I sometimes get embarrassed.BI know that I am good because everybody keeps telling me so. Superiority
5.AThe thought of ruling the world frightens the hell out of me.BIf I ruled the world it would be a better place. Entitlement
6.AI can usually talk my way out of anything.BI try to accept the consequences of my behavior. Exploitativeness
7.AI prefer to blend in with the crowd.BI like to be the center of attention. Exhibitionism
8.AI will be a success.BI am not too concerned about success. Authority
9.AI am no better or worse than most people.BI think I am a special person. Superiority
10.AI am not sure if I would make a good leader.BI see myself as a good leader. Authority
11.AI am assertive.BI wish I were more assertive. Authority
12.AI like to have authority over other people.BI don't mind following orders. Authority
13.AI find it easy to manipulate people.BI don't like it when I find myself manipulating people. Exploitativeness
14.AI insist upon getting the respect that is due me.BI usually get the respect that I deserve. Entitlement
15.AI don't particularly like to show off my body.BI like to show off my body. Vanity
16.AI can read people like a book.BPeople are sometimes hard to understand. Exploitativeness
17.AIf I feel competent I am willing to take responsibility for making decisions.BI like to take responsibility for making decisions. Self-sufficiency
18.AI just want to be reasonably happy.BI want to amount to something in the eyes of the world. Entitlement
19.AMy body is nothing special.BI like to look at my body. Vanity
20.AI try not to be a show off.BI will usually show off if I get the chance. Exhibitionism
21.AI always know what I am doing.BSometimes I am not sure of what I am doing. Self-sufficiency
22.AI sometimes depend on people to get things done.BI rarely depend on anyone else to get things done. Self-sufficiency
23.ASometimes I tell good stories.BEverybody likes to hear my stories. Exploitativeness
24.AI expect a great deal from other people.BI like to do things for other people. Entitlement
25.AI will never be satisfied until I get all that I deserve.BI take my satisfactions as they come. Entitlement
26.ACompliments embarrass me.BI like to be complimented. Superiority
27.AI have a strong will to power.BPower for its own sake doesn't interest me. Entitlement
28.AI don't care about new fads and fashions.BI like to start new fads and fashions. Exhibitionism
29.AI like to look at myself in the mirror.BI am not particularly interested in looking at myself in the mirror. Vanity
30.AI really like to be the center of attention.BIt makes me uncomfortable to be the center of attention. Exhibitionism
31.AI can live my life in any way I want to.BPeople can't always live their lives in terms of what they want. Self-sufficiency
32.ABeing an authority doesn't mean that much to me.BPeople always seem to recognize my authority. Authority
33.AI would prefer to be a leader.BIt makes little difference to me whether I am a leader or not. Authority
34.AI am going to be a great person.BI hope I am going to be successful. Self-sufficiency
35.APeople sometimes believe what I tell them.BI can make anybody believe anything I want them to. Exploitativeness
36.AI am a born leader.BLeadership is a quality that takes a long time to develop. Authority
37.AI wish somebody would someday write my biography.BI don't like people to pry into my life for any reason. Superiority
38.AI get upset when people don't notice how I look when I go out in public.BI don't mind blending into the crowd when I go out in public. Exhibitionism
39.AI am more capable than other people.BThere is a lot that I can learn from other people. Self-sufficiency
40.AI am much like everybody else.BI am an extraordinary person. Superiority
Take the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, presented by the US American daily middle-market newspaper USA Today, Sharon Jayson, updated 16. March 2009
Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical professor, Keck USC School of
    Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young, US American professor of entertainment, Marshall Business
    School, The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism Is Seducing America, Harper, 1st edition 17. March 2009
Reference: ► Blog article What Is a Narcissist? 8 Key Traits of Narcissism Everyone Should Know,
presented by the blogspot goodhousekeeping, Lisa Bain, 14. August 2019


Answer all 40 questions in a single sitting without asking for help or clarification.


A – 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39
B – 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28, 32, 35, 40
Attribute one point for each response matching the above key.

Nonalarming signs for Narcissism: points on authority, self-sufficiency and superiority
Alarming signs for Narcissism: points on vanity, entitlement, exhibitionism and exploitiveness

Average score for the general population: 15.3
Average score for celebrities: 17.8
(Pinsky scores at 16.)

General population: Men are more likely than women to evince narcissistic traits.
Celebrities: Females [i.e. party girls] are more narcissistic than their male counterparts.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) ⇔ Borderline personality disorder (NPD)

Shared and different features of people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
and people with Borderline Personality Disorder (NPD)
Main issues Unstable self-esteem with underlying shame about the self; searching for narcissistic supplies that raise their self-esteem; lack of emotional empathy Unstable sense of identity with underlying fear of being inherently unlovable; searching for unconditional love and reparenting; feels inadequate to deal with adult responsibilities
Fears Loss of status, being exposed as a fake, public humiliation Loss of love, rejection, being abandoned or engulfed by the emotional needs of the other person
Desires Success and high status Unconditional love and reparenting
Splitting Special ⇔ worthless All-good ⇔ all-bad
Behavior Like a giant toddler Like a giant enfant
Identical characteristics Lack of whole object relations
Lack of object constancy
Extreme emotional reactions when triggered
Difficulty maintaining stable, normal intimate relationships
Intense fear of abandonment
Lack of whole object relations
Lack of object constancy
Extreme emotional reactions when triggered
Difficulty maintaining stable, normal intimate relationships
Intense fear of abandonment
Source: ► Article What are the similarities and differences between NPD and BPD?, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, Elinor Greenberg, US American psychologist, lecturer on borderline disorders, author, 27. November 2018
Literature: ► Elinor Greenberg, US American psychologist, lecturer on borderline disorders, author,
Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations. The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety,
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st paperback edition 12. September 2016

Gasligthing phrases and their translation

Exposing the gaslighter's toolkit
༺༻Gaslighting phraseTranslation
1. "You're so sensitive.""You're reacting too visibly to the feeling of pain."
2. "You're overreacting." / "You’re being dramatic.""You're shining a light on something I want to be kept hidden."
3. "You sound crazy.""Check yourself before you speak."
4. "You're twisting things.""You're contorting the reality that's already in my head."
5. "You're imagining things.""I tell you what's real."
6. "You're paranoid.""You're seeing bad things that I don't want you to see."
7. "You have terrible memory.""Don't rely on your own mind."
8. "I never said that.""I decide what happened."
9. "We talked about this. You don’t remember?""I want you to doubt yourself and not me."
10. "You always jump to the wrong conclusion.""Don’t trust your cognitive skills."
11. "You're taking things the wrong way again.""I dictate how you perceive what happened."
12. "Why do you always have to argue with me?""You're clashing with my narrative too much."
13. "Why do you always bring up the past?""I don't want you to see patterns."
14. "You need to let it go.""I decide what's valid."
15. "I really don't know what I've done.""I'll make you explain this over and over again
until it starts looking silly."
16. "You're the only person I have these problems with."
"Nobody else feels this way." / "Nobody else thinks that."
"You're all alone. And confused."
Source: ► Article The Gaslighter's Dictionary: 16 Common Phrases,
presented by the stories outlet Medium, Martina Petkova, 16. February 2021

How to spot a narcissist?

Characteristic behaviors and strategies of narcissists
༺༻Behavior • FeatureBehavior • FeatureNeed • Abuse • Lack • Obsession
1.Love bombingLies and cheatingExcessive need for adoration
2.Smear campaignControllingExcessive need for validation
3.Silent treatmentPossessivenessFinancial abuse
4.WithholdingGaslightingEmotional abuse
5.IntimidatesInconsistencyLacks empathy
6.Word saladsConstant dramaLacks boundaries
7.Creates confusionEmotionally unavailableNo conscience
8.TriangulationViolates boundariesNo remorse
9.Isolates their partner(s)Disregard for othersNot accountable
10.Flying monkeysDouble standardsNeeds constant supply
11.JealousStonewallingObsessed with looks
12.Crazy exesHoovers exesObsessed with Social Media
13.Unhealed traumaTrauma bondingAddict (sex/drugs)
14.Future faking 


Cycle of narcissist abuse: 1. Idealize 2. Devalue 3. Discard 4. Hoover

The scorpion and the frog – notorious psychopath and seducible co-player

A scorpion and a frog are sitting on the bank of a river, and both need to get to the other side.

Asian forest scorpion, Khao Yai National Park, Thailand
"Hello, Mr. Frog!" calls the scorpion through the reeds. "Would you be so kind as to give me a ride on your back across the water? I have impor-
tant business to conduct on the other side. And I cannot swim in such a strong current."

The frog immediately becomes suspicious.

"Well, Mr. Scorpion," he replies, "I appreciate the fact that you have im-
portant business to conduct on the other side of the river. But just take
a moment to consider your request. You are a scorpion. You have a
large stinger at the end of your tail. As soon as I let you onto my back,
it is entirely within your nature to sting me."

The scorpion, who has anticipated the frog’s objections, counters thus:

"My dear Mr. Frog, your reservations are perfectly reasonable. But it is clearly not in my interest to sting you. I really do need to get to the other side of the river. And I give you my word that no harm will come to you."

The frog agrees, reluctantly, that the scorpion has a point. So he allows the fast-talking arthropod to scramble atop his back and hops, without further ado, into
the water.
At first all is well. Everything goes exactly according to plan. But halfway across, the frog suddenly feels a sharp pain in his back – and sees, out of the corner of
his eye, the scorpion withdraw his stinger from his hide. A deadening numbness begins to creep into his limbs.

"You fool!" croaks the frog. "You said you needed to get to the other side
to conduct your business. Now we are both going to die!"

The scorpion shrugs and does a little jig on the drowning frog’s back.

"Mr. Frog," he replies casually, "you said it yourself. I am a scorpion.
It is in my nature to sting you.

With that, the scorpion and the frog both disappear beneath the murky, muddy waters of the swiftly flowing current. And neither of them is seen again.


Source: ► Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University
of Oxford, author, The Wisdom of Psychopaths. What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, chapter 1 "Scorpio Rising",
William Heinemann, 20. September 2012; Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, reprint edition 3. September 2013
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Animal fable of The Scorpion and the Frog (~1950)
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Die Fabel vom Skorpion und der Frosch (~1950)
See also: ► Shadow and ► Stories

Conversation between an ordinary guy and a TV known nameless futurist

Hey, you're somebody.
No, I'm nobody.
I saw you on TV.
What's your name?
My name is Watts Wacker.
You're right. You are a nobody.


><)))°> <°(((><

Source: ► Video presentation by Watts Wacker (1953-2017) US American futurist, speaker, author,
Watts Wacker, Speaker Demo Video, minute 0:44, 8:46 minutes duration, December 2008
See also: ► Dignity

Waiting for the world to rotate

Question: How does a narcissist change a light bulb?
Answer: He hangs under the light bulb and waits
for the rest of the world to rotate around him.


><)))°> <°(((><


Links zum Thema Narzissmus / Narcissism


Klassiker – Hinweis: Miller, selbst eine Narzisstin, das Leid der Opfer des Narzissmus ausgezeichnet-detaillierte entschlüsselt.

Narzissmus ist die Grundlage des Bösen.

Dr. Hare ermittelte die Verteilungsrate von Psychopathen (Menschen eingerastet im "Raubtiermodus"):
1% Psychopathen – in der normalen Bevölkerung
4% Psychopathen – in den Führungsetagen von Firmen
25% Psychopathen – in den Gefängnissen

"Narzissmus die Leitneurose unserer Zeit."

Unter anderem wird der Niedergang folgender öffentlicher Personen vorgestellt: Lance Armstrong, Sepp Blatter, Joe Ackermann, Franz Becken-
bauer, Jörg Kachelmann, Steve Jobs, Thomas Middelhoff, Pablo Escobar, David Petraeus. "Das Internet ist die technologische Weiterentwicklung der Geschichte von Narziss. Anstelle eines Spiegelbilds in einem nahen See hat man heute sein Spiegelbild immer und überall zur Hand und will sich unzählige Male bewundern lassen."

Bonellis Modell des Narzissmus beruft sich auf die neurobiologischen und genetischen Forschungen des US-amerikanischen Psychiaters und Genetikers C. Robert Cloninger (*1944), insbesondere die "drei Dimensionen des Charakters" (Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness, Self-Transcendence). Narzissmus ist der Dreischritt
1. Selbstidealisierung – überhöhtes Selbstwertgefühl und überzogene Selbsteinschätzung
2. Fremdabwertung – Verachtung und aktive Herabsetzung von Mitmenschen
3. Selbstimmanenz – im Gegensatz zur Selbsttranszendenz vertreten von Victor Frankl und Robert Cloninger.

Der in der expandierenden »Narzisssphäre« allgegenwärtige unscharfe Vorwurf »Narzisst« ist ein Synonym für »Idiot«. Dombek dekonstruiert den Hype um die Selbstsuchtepidemie und fügt der Liste der Persönlichkeitsstörungen die Narziphobie hinzu.

70 Prozent der etwa 5000 Briefe und Mails, die Haller nach der Veröffentlichung von "Narzissmusfalle" erreichten, wurden von Frauen verfasst, die überzeugt waren: "Sie beschreiben genau meinen Partner!" Nur fünf Prozent der Männer schrieben: "Das ist meine Partnerin." Die restlichen 25 Prozent waren weibliche und männliche Arbeitnehmer, die ihren meist männlichen Chef zu erkennen glaubten.
Haller: "Männer neigen tatsächlich eher zu narzisstischen Reaktionen. Sie sind eher in Machtpositionen, in denen sie sich das erlauben können."65

Übungen zur Befreiung von narzisstischem Missbrauch
1. Verbündete finden: Stärken Sie Ihr Selbstwertgefühl durch limbische Resonanz.
2. Das wahre Selbst entfesseln: Entdecken Sie verdrängte Teile Ihres Selbst, um Zerrissenheit zu überwinden und Ganzheitlichkeit
3. Neue Fähigkeiten entwickeln: Erweitern Sie Ihre Kompetenzen auf diversen Lebensfeldern.
4. Muskeln spielen lassen: Fordern Sie die Grenzen des psychologischen Käfigs heraus und wagen Sie sich aus Ihrem Versteck.
5. Für Ausgleich sorgen: Stellen Sie in Ihren Beziehungen wieder das Gleichgewicht her.
6. Grenzen setzen: Kultivieren Sie eine starke Selbstwahrnehmung und lernen Sie, diese entschlossen zu verteidigen.
7. Verbrannte Erde: Distanzieren Sie sich effektiv von anderen, die Sie manipulieren wollen.


► Literatur- und Filmliste Literatur und Medien zum Thema Narzissmus, präsentiert von der Publikation Umgang mit Narzissten, undatiert
► Artikel Literatur zum Thema Narzissmus, präsentiert von der Plattform für Schreibende Pubikum, Elfriede Ammann, 28. Februar 2021

Literature (engl.)

See also: Lloyd deMause, Personality types, parenting styles, historical-cultural-political manifestations – Lloyd deMause


Exploring the roots and ramifications of the normalizing of pathological narcissism in 20th century American culture using psychological, cultural, artistic and historical synthesis

Presenting examples from historical figures such as Cleopatra, Giacomo Casanova, Duke Ellington and John F. Kennedy

The brain of a psychopath rests in the "predator mode." Robert D. Hare's check list on psychopathy was developed at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Hare evaluated the ratio of psychopaths (people set in "predator mode"):
1% psychopaths – normal population
4% (functional) psychopaths – CEOs/board members of companies
25% (dysfunctional) psychopaths – prison inmates

Neurological and social factors contributing to chronic antisocial behavior

Twenge and her team noted a rise in narcissist personality traits.

CRITIQUE: In Praise of Empty Souls – Can We Learn From Psychopaths?, presented by the US American liberal magazine on politics and
arts The New Republic, Martha Stout demolishes Kevin Dutton's book on the 'wisdom' of psychopaths by Martha Stout, Ph.D.
(*1953) US American psychologist, author, presented by the online publication Sott.net, 14. December 2012

Foreword: "My search to understand evil and its transformation is what attracted me to Paul Levy’s invaluable work. […] In helping us understand and face the lies that weave through our lives, Paul Levy’s work leads us to our extraordinary opportunity. […] It is a rare philosopher and spiritual leader who can help us to look into the mirror of our collective participation and denial. Yet, Paul Levy accomplishes this and more. He helps us find a way to explore the most intimate connections between our spiritual and material lives and the wider psychic storm and power lines in which we struggle. He makes a way through our madness, our "spiritual starvation," to invoke our imagination to literally "change our mind." […] As you read Dispelling Wetiko, you will be challenged. You will savor moments of "ah ha." When you have finished, you will find that something has shifted. There are fewer spiritual calluses between your imagination and your daily life. You will see a way forward that you had not seen before. You will feel less isolated, more hopeful. You will never quite look at the world in exactly the same way again."  Foreword by Catherine Austin Fitts (*1950) US American former assistant secretary of housing under George H.W. Bush, managing a 300 billion dollar portfolio, whistleblower on financial terrorism, president of the Solari Report

Celebrity narcissists named by Martinez-Lewi: Armand Hammer, Ayn Rand, Frank Lloyd Wright, Pablo Picasso

Even among those who do leave cults, a common feeling is shame, at their own blindness, their hunger to believe, and grief at getting it wrong.
Featuring "intergenerational generation of narcissistic personalities" and the relational dynamics that sustain "systems of subjugation"

Offers a research-derived test, which measures both healthy narcissism and subtler forms of unhealthy narcissism; Echoism: understanding – 
and breaking – the attraction to narcissists; common traits of the three types of narcissists: introverted, extroverted, and communal

Layman's guide

Externe Weblinks

Die im obigen Artikel dargestellte Unterscheidung – Soziopathie ⇔ Psychopathie (Soziopathen = umweltbedingt; Psychopathen = anlagebedingt) ist überholt. Sie entspricht nicht der aktuellen Forschungslage.
Die jüngste Fachliteratur nennt die Begriffe "Primary Psychopathy" (primäre Psychopathie oder "Psychopathie ersten Ranges") und "Secondary Psychopathy" (ehemals "Soziopathie", sekundäre Psychopathie oder "Psychopathie zweiten Ranges"). Die Annahme, dass Psychopathie dasselbe sei wie die im DSM-5 definierte "antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung" ist widerlegt. Menschen mit hohem Psychopathiewert haben häufig, jedoch nicht immer, auch eine "antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörung", jedoch haben die meisten Menschen mit einer "antisozialen Persönlichkeitsstörung“ nicht zugleich einen hohen Psychopathiewert.

Untertitelt mit: Jede Zeit sucht sich die Krankheit, die zu ihr passt: Nach dem Ausgebrannten betritt nun der Narzisst die Bühne.

1. Beeindruckende Menschen, sei es durch ihre Karriere, ihre Hobbys und Begabungen, ihren Freundeskreis oder ihre Familie.
2. Menschen, die den Narzissten dazu bringen, sich durch Komplimente oder Gesten selbst gut zu fühlen.
3. Jeder, der den Narzissten in den Augen anderer gut dastehen lässt.
4. Menschen, die die Gefühlswelt des Narzissten bestätigen, über ihre Fehler hinwegsehen und sie trotz ihrer narzisstischen Beleidigungen
    wahrscheinlich nicht verlassen.

Linklose Artikel

  • Artikel Fies ist sexy, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD, tägliches Nachrichtenprogramm Tagesschau, ausgestrahlt 21. Juni 2008

Die "dunkle Triade" sozial unerwünschter Charaktereigenschaften – Gewinnsucht, Narzissmus und psychopathische Kaltherzigkeit – bei Männern kommt laut Studie der New Mexico State Universität in 2008 bei Frauen kurzfristig und zu Zeugungszwecken besser an.

Weblinks zum Thema Narzissmus und Persönlichkeitsstörungen – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

  1. Beitrag Welche berühmte Person der Geschichte wird verehrt, obwohl sie eigentlich eine schreckliche Person ist?, Referenz zu dem Psychopathen Pablo Picasso, 14.1k-113, 9. Januar 2019
  2. Kurzbeitrag Gibt es Bewältigungstechniken, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, glücklich zu sein, während Sie in einer Beziehung zu einem Narzissten bleiben?, 193-12, 22. Januar 2019
  3. Beitrag Laut des Psychologen Maaz ist Narzissmus in der Regel die Folge einer gestörten Mutter-Kind Bindung. Spielen Väter bei der Entstehung von Narzissmus eine untergeordnete Rolle?, 1.3k-4, 28. Januar 2019
  4. Beitrag Warum werden Narzissten von empathischen Menschen angezogen?, Referenz Enneagrammtypen: Choleriker/Narzissten und Melancholiker/Empathen, 2.9k-63-4, 14. Februar 2019
  5. Beitrag Was mögen Narzissten nicht?, 3.1k-22-1, 6. März 2019
  6. Übersetzter Beitrag von Leah S. Woods Wie bricht ein Narzisst zusammen und warum tut er das?, 6.9k-56-1, 10. März 2019
  7. Übersetzter Beitrag von Barry McGuinness Welches Verhaltensmuster zeigt am allerdeutlichsten, dass man einen Narzissten vor sich hat?, 4.6k-46-1, 17. März 2019
  8. Beitrag Wie kann ich nach narzisstischem Missbrauch meinen Stolz und meine Würde zurückerlangen?, Referenz zu
    Mario Martinez, 1.1k-14-1, 13. April 2019
  9. Übersetzter Beitrag von Mark Williams, Wie und weshalb wird man das Opfer von narzisstischem Missbrauch?, 881-51-2,
    15. April 2019
  10. Beitrag Haben Narzissten jemals Bedauern, wenn sie andere misshandeln?, Referenz zu Pablo Picasso, 2.5k-52-3,
    16. April 2019
  11. Beitrag Welches sind die am häufigsten auftretenden Persönlichkeitsstörungen in der heutigen Gesellschaft?, 986-10,
    5. Mai 2019
  12. Beitrag Was ist der übliche Zyklus eines Narzissten?, 1.2k-22-0, 20. Mai 2019
  13. Beitrag Welche Bücher und Filme verdeutlichen die Thematik der narzisstischen Persönlichkeitsstörung?, 626-4-1, 5. Juni 2019
  14. Beitrag Kennst Du psychologisch-soziologische Begriffe und Schlagwörter, welche die kollektive Zivilisationsneurose skizzieren (die neuerdings als "Narzissmus" in aller Munde ist)?, 164-2-0, 5. Juni 2019
  15. Übersetzter Beitrag von Kris Harpster Weshalb gelingt es nur wenigen Menschen, einen Narzissten zu erkennen?, 1.9k-26-0,
    7. Juni 2019
  16. Beitrag Welche missbräuchlichen Erziehungsmaßnahmen an Kleinkindern haben einerseits Persönlichkeitsstörungen ausgelöst und andererseits in der gesamtgesellschaftlichen Entwicklung historische Abdrücke hinterlassen?, 258-3,
    7. Juni 2019
  17. Beitrag Sam Vaknin ist ein diagnostizierter Narzisst, der als Erster zum Thema Narzissmuss online Aufklärungsvideos erstellt und verbreitet hat. Wie definiert Sam Vaknin den Narzissmus?, 3k-39-4, 9. Juni 2019
  18. Übersetzter Beitrag von Serenity Pratt Weshalb bestehen Narzissten darauf, die Menschen zu verletzen, die sie angeblich lieben?, 2,2k-83-5, 16. Juni 2019
  19. Beitrag Wie hoch ist der Bevölkerungsanteil der narzisstisch gestörten Menschen?, 412-4-0, 19. Juni 2019
  20. Übersetzter Beitrag von Kat Stevenson Weshalb glauben die meisten eher dem Narzissten als dem Opfer?, 296-28-0,
    19. Juni 2019
  21. Übersetzter Beitrag von Karen Arlucks Welche Menschentypen ziehen Narzissten magisch an?, 4.3k-33-2, 20. Juni 2019
  22. Beitrag Gibt es ein Heilmittel gegen Narzissmus?, 411-2-0, 27. Juni 2019
  23. Übersetzter Beitrag von Sara Rosseels Weshalb verübeln Narzissten so lange?, 2.6k-32-0, 29. Juni 2019
  24. Übersetzter Beitrag von Serenity Pratt Was fühlt ein Narzisst, der sich vor dir fürchtet?, 3.1k-49-1, 1. Juli 2019
  25. Übersetzter Beitrag von Jennifer DeLucy Wie betreibt ein Narzisst Gehirnwäsche an seinem Beziehungspartner?, 11.3k-139-5, 5. Juli 2019
  26. Übersetzter Beitrag von Elinor Greenberg Wieso weigert sich ein Narzisst, der dich terrorisiert und mithilfe von Komplizen verleumdet hat, sich mit dir auszusprechen, nachdem du ihn als Narzissten bezeichnet hast, selbst wenn es ihm von Nutzen wäre, den Konflikt beizulegen?, 111-2-0, 14. Juli 2019
  27. Beitrag Sollten Psychotherapeuten besonders zurückhaltend darin sein, persönlichkeitssgestörte Klienten zu umarmen?, 446-13-0, 15. Juli 2019
  28. Übersetzter Beitrag von Phyllis Antebi Wie verhält sich ein Narzisst, der unter Stress steht?, 6.6k-50-1, 17. Juli 2019
  29. Übersetzter Beitrag von Todd Skyler Endet ein Streit mit einem Narzissten jemals mit einem beiderseits einvernehmlichen Ausgang oder einer Problemlösung?, 686-17-1, 18. Juli 2019
  30. Übersetzter Beitrag von Christian Gunnerson Weshalb ist Scham das zentrale Gefühl eines Narzissten?, 2.5k-41-5, 22. Juli
  31. Beitrag Was bedeutet der Begriff "Narzissten-Gebet"?, 1.6k-29-4, 25. Juli 2019
  32. Übersetzter Beitrag von Todd Skyler Endet ein Streit mit einem Narzissten jemals mit einem beiderseits einvernehmlichen Ausgang oder einer Problemlösung?, 687-17-1, 28. Juli 2019
  33. Beitrag Gibt es ein Zuwenig an Narzissmus?, 273-3-0, 3. August 2019
  34. Beitrag Was zeichnet einen Narzissten aus?, 910-17-1, 9. August 2019
  35. Noch zu erweiternder Beitrag Welche Märchen erzählen vom narzisstischen Missbrauch und veranschaulichen das typische Verhalten von bösartigen Narzissten?, 399-8-0, 10. August 2019
  36. Beitrag War Klaus Kinski ein Narzisst?, 18.8k-70-2, 11. August 2019
  37. Übersetzter Beitrag von Dr. Elinor Greenberg, US-amerikanische Psychologin spezialisiert auf Persönlichkeitsstörungen, Gestalttherapeutin, Trainerin, Autorin, Wie behandelt die amerikanische Psychologin Elinor Greenberg Klienten mit narzisstischer Persönlichkeitsstörung?, PT-Artikel 2.3k-35-5, 12. August 2019 66
    Stufe 1 – Symptomlinderung oder Beschwichtigung
    Stufe 2 – Künftiges Leid vermeiden
    Stufe 3 – Vorhandene Bewältigungsmechanismen identifizieren
    Stufe 4 – Neue Bewältigungsmechanismen einüben
    Stufe 5 – Neue Gewohnheiten etablieren
    Stufe 6 – Die eigene negative Wirkung auf die Mitmenschen erfassen
    Stufe 7 – Sich den eigenen Kindheitstraumata zuwenden
    Stufe 8 – Die eigene verinnerlichte Leitstimme aktualisieren
    Stufe 9 – Empathie für andere Menschen aufbringen
    Stufe 10 – Authentizität / Echtsein leben
  38. Übersetzter Beitrag von Veronica Welles Sind Narzissten fähig zur echten Selbstreflexion?, 63-1-0, 12. August 2019
  39. Übersetzter Beitrag von Elinor Greenberg Was passiert, wenn man einen Narzissten kritisiert? Wie wird er darauf reagieren?, 181-2-0, 12. August 2019
  40. Beitrag (Querverweis) Was macht es so schwer, einen Narzissten zu entlarven?, 96-4-0, 13. August 2019
  41. Beitrag Kennst Du Zitate aus der Bibel oder anderen althergebrachten heiligen Schriften, in denen die Aspekte von Narzissmus beschrieben werden?, 137-2, 13. August 2019
  42. Beitrag (Querverweis) Welche Filme zeigen am besten narzisstische Persönlichkeiten?, 771-3, 16. August 2019
  43. Übersetzter Beitrag von Brenda Massey Wie kommt es, dass ein Narzisst eine gut aussehende, gebildete, selbständige Frau verlässt, um ihr andere Frauen vorzuziehen, die weit unter ihrem Niveau liegen?, 581-42-0, 25. August 2019
  44. Übersetzter Beitrag von Todd Skyler Handeln Narzissten eher nach den Vorgaben des Reptiliengehirns (Hirnstamms)?, 775-12-0, 26. August 2019
  45. Übersetzter Beitrag von Todd Skyler Ist ein Narzisst gefährlich?, 4,2k-57-3, 27. August 2019
  46. Übersetzter Beitrag von Todd Skyler Kann ein Narzisst es wirklich bedauern, eine Beziehung mit einem guten Menschen zerstört zu haben?, 229-12, 3. September 2019
  47. Übersetzter Beitrag von Kiersten Pressefeld Welche spirituellen Einsichten hast du während deiner Heilung von narzisstischem Missbrauch gewonnen?, 87-1-0, 8. September 2019
  48. Beitrag In welcher Beziehung stehen Narzissmus und mangelnde emotionale Reife?, Referenz zu Babyseelen, Kindseelen, junge Seelen, reife Seelen, <4% alte Seelen, 536-6-0, 10. September 2019
  49. Übersetzter Beitrag von Tami McConnell Was geschieht im Kopf eines bösartigen Narzissten? Was treibt ihn um und an?, 2.3k-32-1, 15. September 2019
  50. Übersetzter Beitrag von Kris Harpster Selbst nach gründlicher Recherche – was ist am Verhalten von Narzissten am schwersten zu fassen?, 2,3k-61-0, 22. September 2019
  51. Beitrag Wie denkt und fühlt ein Narzisst in sich?, 1,5k-24-0, 24. September 2019
  52. Übersetzter Beitrag von Rob Leone Was muss sich ein Narzisst beibringen, um sich ändern zu können?, 226-3-0,
    9. Oktober 2019
  53. Beitrag Ist es Selbstschutz oder Unmenschlichkeit, wenn man einen Narzissten verlässt, dem man die Liebe versprochen hat und ihm nun nicht hilft, seinen Lebenskampf und seine Unfähigkeit, sich zu ändern zu verstehen?, 203-11-0, 11. Oktober 2019
  54. Beitrag In welchen Branchen und Berufen sind Menschen mit narzisstischer Persönlichkeitsstörung am häufigsten anzutreffen, und warum?, 422-9-2, 6. November 2019
  55. Beitrag Sind wir nicht ohne Ausnahme alle Narzissten unserer Like-Button-, Selfie- und Social-Media-Gesellschaft, von der Werbeindustrie mit ihrer Sehnsuchtsstimulierung nach Erfolg, Ruhm und Reichtum geradezu wie Vieh herangezüchtet? Nun:
    Bist Du Narzisst?
    , 235-12, 19. November 2019
  56. Beitrag (3 Querverweise) Wie gehst du dagegen an, wenn dein ehemaliger narzisstischer Partner Unwahres über dich verbreitet und dessen "Anhänger" dich deswegen ausschließen, ohne die Intrige hinterfragt zu haben?, 186-2, 15. Dezember 2019
  57. Beitrag Das Thema Narzissmus wird bei Quora "mit heißer Nadel gestrickt". Welche Beiträge dazu hast Du verfasst
    oder übersetzt und auf Quora eingestellt oder andernorts veröffentlicht?
    , 289-7, 16. Dezember 2019
  58. Beitrag Weshalb sind sich emotional instabile Borderlinerinnen und Narzissten so zugetan, so dass sie sich vorzugsweise ineinander verlieben?, 180-10, 1. Januar 2020

External web links (engl.)


☛ A narcissist's life revolves around him.
☛ A narcissist expects compliments to get his attention or approval.
☛ A narcissist constantly steers the conversation back to himself.
☛ A narcissist downplays the feelings or interests of others.
☛ A narcissist reacts cold or withholding when met with disagreement or disapproval.

Five major studies have examined the prevalence and type of personality disorders in community samples in the United States. [Status 2011]

1. Idealization-devaluation-discard phase 2. Gaslighting 3. Smear campaigns 4. Triangulation 5. The false self and the true self (Jekyll-Hyde]

An Australian study has found that about one in five corporate executives are psychopaths – roughly the same rate as among prisoners.
Nathan Brooks, forensic psychologist: "Typically psychopaths create a lot of chaos and generally tend to play people off against each other."

Sent for reprint to Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, Harper's Magazine, The Atlantic, this article got rejected by all.

1. Children are taught that someone must be blamed for the mistakes that occur.
2. The narcissist always gets his or her way during decision making.
3. The narcissist is allowed to have his or her feelings and "dump" them on other family members.
4. Family members other than the narcissist must justify why they feel the way they do and the narcissist will never validate the others' emotions.
5. "Discipline" of children is harsh, shame-filled, destructive, inappropriately expressed, and hurtful.
6. Family members are conditioned to meet the needs of the narcissist.
7. Children are taught, not to look within themselves, but to constantly scan the horizon in order to determine the narcissist's mood
    prior to making a decision.
8. Everyone in the family learns that making mistakes is shameful.
9. Narcissistic homes have rigid rules.
10. Image is the highest priority.

Exhibitionist narcissists represent the stereotype.
Closet narcissists have different personas.
Toxic narcissists crave chaos and destruction.
Relationships with narcissists can be risky.

Dr. John Leach: "Psychogenic death is real. It isn't suicide, it isn't linked to depression, but the act of giving up on life and dying usually within days, is a very real condition often linked to severe trauma. Severe trauma might trigger some people's anterior cingulate circuit to malfunction. Motivation is essential for coping with life and if that fails, apathy is almost inevitable."
Stages of psychogenic death: 1. Social withdrawal ✣ 2. Apathy ✣ 3. Aboulia 4. Psychic akinesia ✣ 5. Psychogenic death

1. You're crazy/you have mental health issues/you need help.
2. You’re just insecure and jealous.
3. You're too sensitive / you're overreacting.
4. It was just a joke. You have no sense of humor.
5. You need to let it go. Why are you bringing this up?
6. You're the problem here, not me.
7. I never said or did that. You're imagining things.

1. Emotional appeals
2. Bandwagon
3. Black-and-white / Either-or
4. Burden of proof
5. False flattery
6. Incredulity
7. Labeling
8. False compromise
9. Empty promises
11. Ridicule
12. Slippery Slope
13. Dehumanizing
14. Slogans

Basic guide to terms like "gaslighting", "love bombing", "hoovering", and "flying monkeys"

Web links on the topics narcissim and borderline – Quora

Q&A contributions issued by Elfriede Ammann, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora EN

Audio- und Videolinks

Werbung und Propaganda tragen zum Züchtungsprogramm für Egoismus bei. Egoismus als der ultimative Konsummotivator ⇔ altruistisch-kooperatives Verhalten, das soziale Anerkennung verspricht

Stetiges Streben nach Konsum, Besitz, Animation und Aktion sind der Ausdruck einer narzisstischen Störung.

Kränkung (offense) ist ein Angriff auf persönliche Werte, Gefühle und Vorstellungen, eine psychische Verletzung. Sie führt zu einer "anhaltenden Erschütterung des Selbst und seiner Werte".

Analyse der normopathischen Gesellschaftskrise; multipler kollektiver Wahn bezogen auf Corona, Klima, Kriege; narzisstisches Zusammenspiel von Machtelite ("Größenselbst") und verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen ("Größenklein")

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Audiointerview mit Suzanne Grieger-Langer profilersuzanne.com (*1972) deutsche Diplom-Pädagogin, therapeutische Führungskraftrainerin, Profilerin, Dozentin, Sachbuchautorin, Psychopathen im Unternehmen. Wie erkennt man Psychopathen? Sie sind die Meister der Manipulation und der Intrige., präsentiert von PodCast Gastgeber Bernd Geropp, 23:05 Minuten Dauer, 19. Dezember 2013

Psychopathen stellen (nach europäischer Erhebung) 1%, (nach US-amerikanischer Erhebung 3-4%) der Weltbevölkerung, und schaffen 99% der Schäden in der Wirtschaft. Die Verteilung von Männern und Frauen unter den Psychopathen ist 50/50. 14.5% der Top-Manager (vorwiegend Männer) sind Psychopathen.  Minute 8:20

Spielfilme und Dokumentationen zum Thema Narzissmus

  • Britisches Theaterstück Gaslicht (Gas Light) des britischen Dramatikers Patrick Hamilton, 1938
    Fokus auf die Thematik des Gaslightings = Bewusst inszenierte desorientierende Irreführung des Opfers
    • Adaptierter britischer Thriller und Kriminalfilm Gaslight mit Adolf Wohlbrück, Diana Wynyard, Regisseur Thorold Dickinson, 1940
    • Neuverfilmter US-amerikanischer Mystery-Thriller Film Das Haus der Lady Alquist, mit Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer, Regisseur George Cukor, 1944
  • US-amerikanisches Filmdrama Die Faust im Nacken, mit Marlon Brando, Karl Malden, Regisseur Elia Kazan, 1954
  • US-amerikanisches Filmmusical Die Oberen Zehntausend, mit Grace Kelly, Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Filmproduzent MGM, 1956
  • US-amerikanischer Thriller Ein Mann für gewisse Stunden, mit Richard Gere, Lauren Hutton, Regisseur Paul Schrader, 1980
  • US-amerikanischer Thriller Eine verhängnisvolle Affäre [Fatal Attraction] mit Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Regisseur
    Adrian Lyne, 1987
  • US-amerikanischer Spielfilm Wall Street, mit Michael Douglas, Charlie Sheen, Regisseur Oliver Stone, 1987
  • US-amerikanischer Spielfilm Das Rußland-Haus, mit Sean Connery, Michelle Pfeiffer, Klaus Maria Brandauer, Regisseur
    Fred Schepisi, 1990
  • US-amerikanischer Spielfilm Der Feind in meinem Bett [Sleeping with the enemy] mit Julia Roberts, Patrick Bergin, Regisseur Joseph Ruben, 1991
  • US-amerikanischer Spielfilm (Familie) Aus der Mitte entspringt ein Fluss, Regisseur Robert Redford, 1992
  • US-amerikanisch-französischer Erotikthriller Basic Instinct mit Sharon Stone, Michael Douglas, Paul Verhoeven, niederländischer Regisseur, 1992
  • US-amerikanischer Actionfilm Stirb langsam [Die Hard] mit Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Regisseur John McTiernan, 1998
  • US-amerikanisches Filmdrama Eiskalte Engel [Cruel Intentions], Regisseur Roger Kumble, 1999
  • US-amerikanischer-kanadischer satirisch-psychologischer Horrorfilm American Psycho, Regisseurin Mary Harron, 2000
  • Neuverfilmtes US-amerikanisches Filmdrama Vanilla Sky mit Tom Cruise, Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Regisseur
    Cameron Crowe, 2001
  • US-amerikanisches Filmdrama Weißer Oleander, Regisseur Peter Kosminsky, 2002
  • US-amerikanische Filmkomödie Was das Herz begehrt, mit Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Regisseurin und Drehbuchautorin Nancy Meyers, 2003
  • US-amerikanisches Filmdrama Hautnah [Closer], Drehbuch Patrick Marber, Regisseur Mike Nichols, 2004 [2005]
  • US-amerikanische Fernsehserie (Krimi, Drama, Thriller) Criminal Minds, Drehbuchautor Jeff Davis, 2005
  • US-amerikanische Filmkomödie Der Teufel trägt Prada, mit Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Regisseur David Frankel, 2006
  • US-amerikanische Fernsehkrimi- und Dramaserie Dexter, 2006-2013
  • US-amerikanische Tragikomödie Das Beste kommt zum Schluss, mit Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman, Regisseur Rob Reiner, 2007
  • US-amerikanischer Independent-Liebesfilm (500) Days of Summer, Drehbuch von Scott Neustadter und Michael H. Weber, Regisseur Marc Webb, [2005] 2009
  • Britischer Spielfilm Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray, Regisseur Oliver Parker, 2009
    Dieser Film über das Dorian Gray Motiv ist der letzte von insgesamt neun Verfilmungen angefangen 1915.
  • Adaptierte schwarze Komödie Der Gott des Gemetzels [Carnage], Regisseur Roman Polański, 2011
  • US-amerikanisches Filmdrama Der große Gatsby, mit Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maquire, australischer Regisseur Baz Luhrmann, 2013
  • US-amerikanische Fernsehserie (Politthriller und Drama) House of Cards, über Netflix, 2013
  • US-amerikanisches Familiendrama Im August in Osage Country, Regisseur John Wells, Hauptrollenfigur Meryl Streep, 2013 [2014]
  • US-amerikanische Filmbiografie, The Wolf of Wall Street, Regisseur Martin Scorsese, 2013 [2014]
  • US-amerikanisches Krimidrama Gone Girl – Das perfekte Opfer, Regisseur David Fincher, 2014
  • Britischer Spielfilm (Roboter) Ex Machina, Regisseur Alex Garland, 2015
  • US-amerikanischer Erotikfilm (BDSM) Fifty Shades of Grey mit Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan, Regisseur Sam Taylor-Johnson, 2015
    See also the evaluation: ► Culture degrading and women debasing BDSM – 50 Shades of Grey
  • Französisches Filmdrama Mein ein, mein alles, mit Vincent Cassel, Emmanuelle Bercot, Regisseur Maïwenn, 2015
  • Deutsches Fernsehfilmdrama (häusliche Gewalt) Die Ungehorsame mit Felicitas Woll, Marcus Mittermeier, Regisseur
    Holger Haase, via Sat1, 2015
  • US-amerikanisches Filmdrama Der seidene Faden [Phantom Thread] mit Daniel Day-Lewis, Drehbuchautor und Regisseur
    Paul Thomas Anderson, 2017
  • Spanischer Horrorfilm Verónica – Spiel mit dem Teufel [Verónica], Regisseur Paco Plaza, 2017


► Literatur- und Filmliste Literatur und Medien zum Thema Narzissmus, präsentiert von der Publikation Umgang mit Narzissten, undatiert
► Artikel Filme zum Thema Narzissmus, präsentiert von der Plattform für Schreibende Pubikum, Elfriede Ammann, 28. Februar 2021

Audio and video links (engl.)

Referencing an older study. Meanwhile it is known that the amygdala of many psychopaths is generally smaller than average. They also seem to have reduced connections between the ventromedial prefrontal cortex and the amygdala. In addition, there is possibly some correlation with a
large cavum septum pellucidum (particularly in aggressive/violent psychopaths) which indicates a maldevelopment of the limbic system. These differences are merely statistically correlational and they can be found in other disorders as well as normally behaved people.

Psychologist Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933), leading expert on psychopathy Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. (*1934), Nicholas A. Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., MPH (*1962) Greek American professor of social and natural science, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachussetts, Yale University (*2013), New Haven, Connecticut, physician, author, James H. Fowler, Ph.D. (*1970) US American social scientist specializing in social networks, cooperation, political participation, and genopolitics, professor of medical genetics, professor of political science, University of California, San Diego, Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) Czech dissident, first postcommunist President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003) and during the Velvet Revolution (1989-1992), poet, playwright, essayist, authors Gary Greenberg and Christopher Lane

For the last seven years, Boddy has studied the evidence and effects of toxic leadership, and the social influence of the presence of corporate psychopaths on various workplace outcomes, including on levels of conflict and bullying at work. In Australia psychopaths are responsible for
26% corporate bullying.

  • Video interview with Ramani Durvasula, Ph.D. (*1965) US American licensed clinical psychologist, professor of psychology, California State University, Los Angeles, media expert, author, Chatting with an Expert on Narcissism, presented by the channel LAHWF, host Andrew Hales (*1990) YouTube vlogger, YouTube film, 39:24 minutes duration, posted 19. May 2018
    "Narcissism is a recipe for success. You show me a single CEO or world leader who is not a narcissist and
    I'll give you a buck."
      Minute 5:31
    "Narcisissm is a reflex, you might have to fight againt. ... Narcissists are empty inside."  Minute 29:07

"Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes. The term originated from Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Narcissism is a concept in psychoanalytic theory, which was popularly introduced in Sigmund Freud's essay On Narcissism (1914). The American Psychiatric Association has listed the classification narcissistic personality disorder in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) since 1968, drawing on the historical concept of megalomania."  en.Wikipedia

Linkless media offering

  • Audio presentation by Drew Pinsky, M.D. (*1958) US American internist, addiction medicine specialist, assistant clinical profes-
    sor, Keck USC School of Medicine, radio and television personality, author, Dr. S. Mark Young, US American professor of en-
    tertainment, Marshall Business School, authors of The Mirror Effect. How Celebrity Narcissism is Seducing America, Narcissism and Celebrity, eye-opening analysis of celebrity-crazed US culture, obsessed with the rich and famous, presented by Skirball Cultural Center in association with Book Soup, 24. March 2009, podcast, 40 minutes duration, posted 18. August 2009

Audio and video links (engl.) – Paul Levy

Wetiko = collective psychosis

Audio and video links (engl.) – David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

The narcisstic ego is convinced to be God.
Malignant Messianic Narcissism; referenced in Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 292, 2005; Transcending Levels of Consciousness, S. 63, 83, 123, 140, 281, 2006

Audio and video links (engl.) – Thomas Sheridan ⚠ Caveat

Audios and videos featuring Thomas Sheridan (*1964) Irish alternative artist, musician, independent researcher, broadcaster, public speaker, author
[*] John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author
TypeOfferingTitleSponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
YouTube videoPresentationPainting Yourself Out of a Corner4th ARC Convention, Bath, United Kingdom, March 20121:32:0615. June 2012
Quotes by Thomas Sheridan: "You are, therefore you think."  Minute 27:44
"The brainwave state of a psychopath is always in the same alpha wave mode that a TV puts a normal person in."  Minute 1:13:03
YouTube audioInterviewThe Psychopathic Control Grid. Profiling Psychopaths, hour 1 of 2
The Psychopathic Control Grid, The Venus Project & Trans humanism, hour 2 of 2
West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 26. June 201152:49
16. October 2013
14. October 2013
YouTube videoInterviewEnlightening Times Interview with Thomas Sheridan, part 1 of 2
Enlightening Times Interview with Thomas Sheridan, part 2 of 2
Enlightening Times, sponsored by ICAN event Esoteric Agenda, Manchester June 201210:15
16. April 2013
YouTube audioInterviewHandling Psychopaths Human Predators, part 1 of 2
Handling Psychopaths Human Predators, part 2 of 2
[*] Together with John Lash
Blogtalkradio show Grok The Talk, host Thomas Malone, Japan1:10:12
25. June 2012
YouTube videoPresentationConsciousness Parasites and Psychopathic Society
Neutralizing the worldwide Psychopathic Control Grid via consciousness empowerment, creative intention
 1:13:04Recorded 10. July 2012
Posted 29. April 2013
YouTube videoPresentationFinancial Terrorism Exposed!!
(Psychopaths in Public Life)
Alternative View by Ian R. Crane, CarlMB Productions59:0829. August 2012
YouTube videoPresentationWhy Are Psychopaths So Relevant to Understanding Today's SocietyAwakened State, Teviot, Edinburgh1:07:00Recorded 13. October 2012
Posted 9. April 2013
YouTube audioInterviewElite PsychopathologyUS American web radio station Truth Connections Radio, host Kathrin Buckalew2:00:10Recorded 16. October 2012
Posted 18 October 2012
YouTube videoInterviewInterview with Thomas Sheridan on Tour in NorwaySiv Harestad, interviewer, Norway, January 201318:112. February 2013
YouTube audioInterviewThe Anvil of the Psyche, part 1 of 2
The Anvil of the Psyche, part 2 of 2
legalise-freedom, host Greg Moffitt43:44
Recorded 11. February 2013
29 April 2013
30 April 2013
YouTube videoPresentationHeretics and HysteriaNew Horizons, St. Annes, Lancashire, Manchester Video Productions2:05:57Recorded 13. May 2013
Posted 16 May 2013
YouTube audioPresentationIt is Now Time to Walk Out of Hell 59:4520. May 2013
YouTube videoPresentationTruthJuice Leicester 24.06.2013Truth Juice, The Music Cafe, Leicester, United Kingdom, 24. June 20132:06:1127. June 2013
YouTube audioInvestigative ReportJimmy Savile the 666 Serial Killer
Warning For mature listeners only
 32:4615. July 2013
YouTube videoPresentationThe 'Right' Hand of God by Thomas SheridanSample chapter from the DVD Breaking the Babylon Mind15:5926. September 2013
YouTube audioInterviewPsychopathsWeb radio HARDLINE, host Susanne Posel, US American integral investigative journalist1:12:2413. October 2013
List of living celebrity psychopaths: Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
List of past celebrity psychopaths: Sigmund Freud, Colonel Parker
List of unnamed psychopaths: Jesuits, skeptical professional debunkers on the Internet, esp. females diagnosed with "borderline personality disorder", Transhumanist movement
⚠ Caveat CRITIQUE From Internet Troll to Psychopathy Expert: The Con-Artistry of Thomas Sheridan, presented by the online publication Sott.net, Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley, 19. August 2012
YouTube videoPresentationHitler and IG Farben – Obama and Monsanto. Is The Same Philosophical Construct. 7:4819. December 2014
YouTube videoPresentationThomas Sheridan explains the Psychopathic Control GridCapricorn Radio, Disclosure Nation3:00:4530. July 2017

See also: ► Audio and video links (engl.) – Thomas Sheridan

Video links (engl.) – Sam Vaknin

Documentary about Psychopathy
⚠ Note: Sam Vaknin was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and is an attested psychopath.67


  • Video I, Psychopath, produced by Australian Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Fibro Majestic films, coproduced with ZDF and arte, writer and director Ian Walker, extended version, YouTube film, part 1-8, each 10:00 minutes duration, part 9, 2:49 minutes duration, posted 29. September 2010

47-year-old convicted corporate criminal Sam Vaknin, and his long-suffering but ever-loyal wife, Lidija, embark on a diagnostic road trip into the mind and life of a psychopath, an uncharted territory. Meeting the world’s experts in psychopathy, Vaknin and Lidija were put through a battery of rigorous psychological tests and neuro-scientific experiments.

  • Video presentations by Sam Vaknin samvak (*1961) Israeli Macedonian journalist, editor-in-chief of the online magazine of politics Global Politician, publisher, author

Infos on narcissistic abuse by narcissists and psychopaths: Narcissistic Abuse Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited, Healthyplace.com
See also: Lloyd deMause, Personality types, parenting styles, historical-cultural-political manifestations

Narcissists apply the approach-avoidance-repetition complex.

"Narcissists are terrified of intimacy."  Minute 6:04
"The narcissist's alleged evilness is utilitarian. Narcissists are evil only when being malevolent secures a favorable outcome."  Minute 2:41

What is narcissism? Is narcissism a natural reaction to trauma? Is it a post-traumatic condition? A positive adaptation? Are narcissists the new elite? A form of artificial intelligence? A new faith? A conspiracy against the masses? Narcissistic and psychopathic leaders throughout history: biology or mere coincidence?

  • Sam Vaknin Analyzes Barack Obama, part 1 of 3, broadcasted by the "Israel National Radio", Tamar Yonah Show, aired 4. August 2009, YouTube film, 9:55 minutes duration, posted 22. January 2010
  • Sam Vaknin Analyzes Barack Obama, part 2 of 3, broadcasted by Israel National Radio, Tamar Yonah Show, aired
    4. August 2009, YouTube film, 4:32 minutes duration, posted 22. January 2010
  • Sam Vaknin Analyzes Barack Obama, part 3 of 3, broadcasted by Israel National Radio, Tamar Yonah Show, aired
    4. August 2009, YouTube film, 7:51 minutes duration, posted 22. January 2010


See also: ► Quotes on narcissism – Sam Vaknin

Educational movie links (engl.) on narcissism / psychopathy

  • All About Eve, part 12/13, YouTube Film, 10:35 minutes duration, 6. August 2008

Excerpted from Verstappen's book The Art of Urban Survival. A Family Safety and Self Defense Manual, chapter 1, Woodbridge Press,
1. January 2011


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki


Single pages exposing cult leaders



1 Zur Einführung des Narzissmus, 1914

2 Drei-Instanzen-Modell der Psyche

3 Siehe dazu (engl.) Quotes on 'hostile forces' by Sri Aurobindo

4 Die Beziehungen zwischen dem Ich und dem Unbewußten, Otto Reichl, 1928

5 Eichmann in Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil, Viking Press, 1963

6 Far Journeys (Journeys Trilogy), 1985, Harmony 1987, 1. December 1992

7 Zitate über Normopathie durch Selbstentfremdung – E. Fromm, A. Gruen, H-J Maaz

8 Eisenhans. Ein Buch über Männer, Kindler Verlag München, 1993

9 Videopräsentation von Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Geld, Gesellschaft und Gewalt, Urania, Berlin, 11. April 2016, YouTube Film, 1:35:32 Dauer, eingestellt 29. Mai 2016

10 Rape. The first sourcebook for women, New American Library (Plume Books), 1974

11 Almost Human. A Stunning Look at the Metaphysics of Evil, 2009

12 Petty Tyrants & Facing the Unknown, 2012

13 Dispelling Wetiko

14 Down Girl. The Logic of Misogyny, Oxford University Press, 2017

15 Videointerview mit Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert (*1957) führender deutscher Psychotraumatologe, Psychotherapeut, Autor, Die traumatisierte Gesellschaft – Prof. Dr. Franz Ruppert, präsentiert von dem deutschen alternativen online Fernsehsender NuoFlix / SteinZeit TV, Leipzig, Gastgeber Robert Stein (*1970), Odysee Film, 1:02:56 Dauer, eingestellt 29. Juli 2020

16 Selbstwert-Dysregulation = gestörte Steuerung aller bewussten und unbewussten Anteile der Seele

17 See also: Article Psychiatrists believed the ovaries caused insanity, presented by bible.ca, undated

18 The brain waves of the sage operate predominantly in the slow theta frequency of approximately four to seven cycles per second (4-7 cps), or even slower. The alpha waves of ordinary meditation are in the frequency range of 8-13 cps, and the brain waves of a normal person are predominantly in the fast beta frequencies of 13+ cps. Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 144, 2003

19 Presentation by Dr. Tara Swart, The Dark Side of Leadership. Psychopaths, imposter syndrome and the boardroom’s greatest untapped resource, 14. June 2017

20 Reference article Executive privilege. Where do they get the nerve? They have money, power, prestige. Yet some top executives have felt authorized to cross the line and use company funds for personal extravagances, presented by the daily US American newspaper Chicago Tribune, Susan Chandler, 5. September 2004

21 D. Hawkins: "Sharer of knowledge" ⇒ "mystic" ⇒ "Avatar"

22 Hawkins wrote on the final page of Power vs. Force, "The author was knighted for this work by the Danish Crown."8 This is untrue and a deliberate distortion of the facts. Hawkins was knighted for submitting a paper on low-cost mental health clinics to Fernando Flores for entry into the order – not for his "consciousness research." Second, the order that knighted him, the Sovereign Order of Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem in the Americas, is not a legitimate order, but a self-styled order with questionable intentions.9 Hawkins is aware of the credibility issues within this order, but still keeps it in his author biography, in his books, and on his website. Additionally, it was a gross exaggeration for Hawkins to say that he was knighted "by the Danish Crown."10
The socalled "Sovereign Order of Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem in the Americas" is a self-styled order and associated with the United States, not Denmark. 22. September 2012
Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 1 Knighthood and More Firepower, S. 18, Kindle locations 422-433, Creative Crayon Publishers, Kindle edition 14. January 2013

23 I, Psychopath, produced by Australian Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Fibro Majestic films, coproduced with ZDF and arte, writer and director Ian Walker, extended version, YouTube film, part 1-8, each 10:00 minutes duration, part 9, 2:49 minutes duration, posted 29. September 2010

24 See Problematic complex of the Redeemer◊Messiah◊Savior

25 "They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper." Isaiah 59, 5 (OT)
Cockatrice is a mythical creature
From the root of that snake will spring up a viper, its fruit will be a darting, venomous serpent. Isaiah 14, 29 (OT) New International Version

26 When Buddha awakened to the dreamlike nature Mara exclaimed with the utmost dismay and despair, "The Exalted One [Buddha] knows me!"

27 And now the giants, who have been begotten from body and flesh, will be called evil spirits on earth, and their dwelling-places will be upon the earth. Evil spirits proceed from their bodies; because they are created from above, their beginning and first basis being from the holy watchers, they will be evil spirits upon the earth, and will be called evil spirits. But the spirits of heaven have their dwelling-places in heaven, and the spirits of the earth, who were born on the earth, have their dwelling-places on earth. And the spirits of the giants, who cast themselves upon the clouds, will be destroyed and fall, and will battle and cause destruction on the earth, and do evil; they will take no kind of food, nor will they become thirsty, and they will be invisible. And these spirits will not rise up against the children of men and against the women, because they have proceeded from them, in the days of murder and destruction. Book of Enoch, ancient Jewish religious scripture, chapter 15, verses 8-12, ~300 BC-100 BC

28 Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns." Matthew 16, 23 (NT) New International Version

29 Ye serpents, ye generation (race or nation) of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Matthew 23, 33 (NT)

30 Epistle of Paul: For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but also with the angels, and with powers seen and unseen, with the rulers of the world of darkness, one with the evil spirits under the heavens. Therefore put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to meet the evil one, and being prepared you shall prevail. Ephesians 6, 12-13 (NT) translated by George Lamsa, A.J. Holman and Company, Philadelphia, 1957

31 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. [[https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8:44|John 8, 44 (NT) New International Version (NIV)

32 Quran, 72nd sura, Sūrat al-Jinn

33 The shadowy monsters in the body are the dark vapors of untransformed energy […]. The dark vapors are dangerous because they can dissipate life energy and harm the seed of the Buddha. Cultivating the Energy of Life. A Translation of the Hui-Ming Ching and Its Commentaries, Shambhala, 1st edition 17. February 1998

34 The Ego and the Id, 1923

35 Juxtaposing the Luciferic ⇔ the Ahrimanic – Rudolf Steiner

36 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, General problems of psychotherapy. The aims of psychotherapy – Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 16, paragraph 163, Princeton University Press, 2nd edition 1. June 1966

37 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Psychology and Alchemy – Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 12, 1944, S. 371, Routledge, London, 2nd edition 1968

38 Eichmann in Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil, Viking Press, 1963

39 Animated edu-movie The Pathocrats, YouTube film, 4:27 minutes duration, posted 27. June 2010

40 Izulu, Weduzulu = interplanetary space traveling in Amazulu (sky)

41 Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author, The Lucifer Effect. Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Random House, 1st edition 27. March 2007

42 See Rankism, humiliation and indignity

43 Videopräsentation von Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Geld, Gesellschaft und Gewalt, Urania, Berlin, 11. April 2016, YouTube Film, 1:35:32 Dauer, eingestellt 29. Mai 2016

44 Schwarze Pädagogik. Quellen zur Naturgeschichte der bürgerlichen Erziehung, Ullstein, 1977

45 Essay Anatomy of the Deep State'', presented by the publication Bill Moyers, 21. February 2014

46 Rape. The first sourcebook for women, New American Library (Plume Books), 1974

47 Emilie Buchwald, publisher emeritus, author, Pamela Fletcher, author, Martha Roth, author, Transforming a Rape Culture, Milkweed Editions, 1993, reprint 30. December 1994

48 The Power of Now, Namaste Publishing, 1997

49 Article Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, presented by the US American magazine Science of Mind, host Kathy Juline, September 1994, cited in: The Power of Now. A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment, Namaste Publishing, 1997, New World Library, 1999
Video narration by Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, Eckhart Tolle – Pain Body, YouTube film, 6:21 minutes duration, posted 20. October 2011
Video Q&A with Eckhart Tolle (*1948) German-born Canadian teacher on spirituality, bestselling author, How Do I Respond To Another's Pain-Body?, YouTube film, 7:03 minutes duration, posted 9. May 2013

50 Almost Human. A Stunning Look at the Metaphysics of Evil

51 Beyond Fear. A Toltec Guide to Freedom and Joy, Council Oak Books, 1. August 1997

52 See Brain lateralization resulting in 2,500 years of split Western culture

53 humiliationstudies.org

54 Video presentation by Gail Dines, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography campaigner, author Growing Up in a Pornified Culture, presented by TEDx Talks Navesink, Navesink, New Jersey, YouTube film, 13:47 minutes duration, posted 28. April 2015

55 Colin Wilson (1931-2013) English philosopher, novelist, prolific writer on true crime, mysticism and the paranormal, science fiction horror novel The Mind Parasites, Arkham House, 1967
Based on the shared fictional universe called Cthulhu Mythos as introduced by H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) US American horror fiction author
See also: article by Paul Levy (*1956) US American psycho-activating healer, artist, author, The Mind Parasites of Colin Wilson: Fiction or Reality?, presented by Awaken In The Dream, 21. June 2016
Before committing suicide, the character Karel Weissman, a psychologist, wrote, "It has been my conviction for several months now that the human race is being attacked by a sort of mind-cancer. […] I knew why it was so important to them that no one should suspect their existence. Man possesses more than enough power to destroy them all. But so long as he is unaware of them, they can feed on him, like vampires, sucking away his energy."

56 Panel discussion on Love Bite+ Paranormal Interferences in Human Love Relationships, YouTube film, 3:22:22 duration, recorded 24. October 2015, posted 27. October 2015
Panel discussion via Skype on the ubiquitous WETIKO virus Hyper-Dimensional Interference and the Keys to Discernment, YouTube film, 3:17:06 duration, posted 25. May 2016

57 Video presentation by Kat Alano (*1985) English-Filipino model, actress, television presenter, Is rape culture the new social cancer?, presented by TEDx ADMU Talks, YouTube film, 20:22 minutes duration, posted 22. April 2016, 24. April 2016

58 'False psychopathy characteristics' (aggressive/antisocial/criminal conduct, demeanor, activities)

59 'Classic psychological, mental or emotional psychopathy characteristics' (emotional make-up, feelings, thought process and general mindset

60 Approximately 1 in 45 criminal psychopaths receives a score of 40.

61 Predominant leader qualities

62 Predominant criminal qualities

63 Scoring the scales of "Fearless Dominance" and "Impulsive Antisociality/Selfishness"

64 Article by Dr. Lawrence Wilson, Wilson Consultants, Energetic Vampirism, December 2017

65 Artikel Die größte Liebe unseres Lebens. Narzisst ist das Schimpfwort der Stunde, Narzissmus gilt als Leitneurose der emanzipierten Gesellschaft. Doch nicht jeder, der stört, ist auch gestört., präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Tobias Becker, 25. Juni 2016

66 Published first: Article by Elinor Greenberg, Ph.D., US American psychologist, expert on personality disorders, Gestalt therapist, trainer, author, If personality disorders are learned behavior, why can't a narcissist unlearn what they have learned and relearn? Does that mean the capacity was never there to begin with?, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, 25. October 2018

67 I, Psychopath, produced by Australian Screen Australia, New South Wales Film and Television Office and Fibro Majestic films, coproduced with ZDF and arte, writer and director Ian Walker, extended version, YouTube film, part 1-8, each 10:00 minutes duration, part 9, 2:49 minutes duration, posted 29. September 2010


Anhand der Skala des Bewusstseins (Gradeinteilung von 1-1000), erarbeitet von Dr. David R. Hawkins, hat Narzissmus einen Bewusstseinswert von 140. Innerhalb von Hawkins' System rangiert der Themenbereich Narzissmus im Bereich der Nichtintegrität.
Quelle: Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 202, 2005



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