
Wiki / Wirtschaft-Ego





Ego in der Wirtschaft / Korruption





Money, money, money


Angesichts mancher Wirtschaftsprognosen
liegt die Vermutung nahe, Kaffeesatzlesen
den exakten Wissenschaften zuzuordnen.






Die alten und neuen Herren der Welt

Vom militärisch-industriellen Komplex (MIK) zum digital-finanziellen Komplex (DFK)
1.Mitte 1943-
Anfang 1946
Im Auftrag der Westalliierten tüftelte eine Lebensgemeinschaft von etwa 140 in Bewusstseinskontrolle geschulten Hyperakademikern in Bletchley Park (Nähe London) eine hochgeheime konzertierte Strategie (PsyOp) aus, um das besiegte Nazi-Deutschland über Generationen umzuerziehen und zu entdeutschen.
2.Mai 1945Inszenierte PsyOp ohne Fluchtweg am Weltkriegsverlierer Deutschland
3.1950er Jahre Der US-amerikanische Präsident Eisenhower prägte den Begriff "militärisch-industrieller Komplex" (MIK).
4.Bis in die 1980er JahreDer MIK bestimmte über weite Strecken das internationale Geschehen.
5.Mitte der 1970er JahreDer Finanzsektor wurde immer mächtiger und hat sich in ein Casino verwandelt.
6.Ende der 1970er JahreBeginn der neoliberalen Konterrevolution Erfolgreiche PsyOps (psychologische Manipulationen) unterwerfen Zielländer.
7.1989Fall der MauerTreuhandvermögensverwaltung – Plünderungen der Rentenkassen
8.Ab den 1990er JahrenEntscheidende Entwicklungen zur Etablierung des "digital-finanziellen Komplexes" (DFK)(1) Deregulierung
(2) Digitalisierung
(3) Zentralbanken
9.2007/08er JahreLehman-Bank-Crash und Finanzkrise Zentralbanken FED und EZB wenden sich zur Systemstabilisierung umgehend an BlackRock.
10.2019Weltgeld am Ende
11.März 2020Corona-Crash / PsyOp-Plandemie Zentralbanken FED und EZB wenden sich zur Systemstabilisierung umgehend an BlackRock.
12.2020/21Kollaps der Gewaltenteilung Die Exekutive hat die Macht an sich gerissen mithilfe von Notstandsverordnungen und -gesetzen.
Quellen von und mit Ernst Wolff (*1950) deutscher Finanzexperte, freier Journalist, Drehbuchautor, Autor:
Videointerview Ernst Wolff – Die Herrschaft des digital-finanziellen Komplexes und das drohende Zwangsgeldsystem, YouTube Film,
     10:38 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 29. Januar 2021
Artikel Die neue Weltmacht: Der digital-finanzielle Komplex. Finanzmacht & Digitalmacht = globale Supermacht, präsentiert von der
     Netzzeitung Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, 8. August 2020
Videointerview Ernst Wolff: Das neue Geld kommt!, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen deutschen Internet-Fernsehsender
     Eingeschenkt.TV, Gastgeber Alex Quint, YouTube Film, 59:15 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 25. März 2021
Quelle mit Ullrich Mies (*1951) deutscher Sozial- und Politikwissenschaftler, Unternehmer, Herausgeber, Autor:
Videointerview Narrative #41 – Ullrich Mies. Das Ende der "westlichen Demokratien?, präsentiert von Ovalmedia, Gründer und
     Gastgeber Robert Cibis (*1973) deutscher Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, 3:12:05 Dauer, eingestellt 7. April 2021
Videointerview mit William Toel (*1945) US-amerikanischer germanophiler Professor für Ökonomie, Finanzwirtschaft und Marketing,
     Übersetzung Nancy Mandody Liebe Deutschland, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Gastge-
     ber Jo Conrad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Netzaktivist, esoterischer Autor, 38:51 Minuten Dauer, aufgenommen 30 März
     2021, eingestellt 1. April 2021
Video Dokumentation Wer beherrscht die Welt? Blackrock and Vanguard Lew Rockwell?, präsentiert vom Videoarchiv DT64Rundfunk
     Bregenz, GORF Tube Film, 47:02 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 6. August 2021
Referenzen: Wikipedia
Siehe auch:
DeutschlandDer Weltengeist und die Neue Weltordnung (NWO) und ► GeldInternetReset-2020Paradigmenwechsel


"Die Regierungen haben für sich entschieden, sie arbeiten als adminstrative Außenstellen der Reichen und Super-
reichen, der Kapitalsammelstellen, der Großkonzerne, definieren sich als solche. Und dann schließt sich auch argu-
mentativ der Kreis, dass sie überhaupt kein Problem damit haben, den Klein- und Mittelstand abzuräumen."
Ullrich Mies (*1951) deutscher Sozial- und Politikwissenschaftler, Unternehmer, Herausgeber, Autor1


Auftritt des digital-finanziellen Komplex seit den 90-iger Jahren
"Die meisten Leute gehen ja heute leider noch fälschlicherweise davon aus, dass unser Schicksal von der Politik be-
stimmt wird. Das letzte Jahr [2020] hat ganz eindeutig gezeigt, dass das nicht der Fall ist. Unser Schicksal wird vom digital-finanziellen Komplex entschieden. Und dazu zähle ich die ganz großen Digitalkonzerne. Das sind Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook und Netflix. Auf der finanziellen Seite sind das heute nicht mehr wie früher die Investmentbanken oder die Hedgefonds, sondern die ganz großen Vermögensverwaltungen. Das sind BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street und Fidelity. Diese zehn großen Konzerne stehen an der Spitze des digital-finanziellen Komplexes. Und der setzt heute die Regeln, der entscheidet heute alles. Die Politiker sind nichts mehr als Marionetten, die das durchziehen, was ihnen schon von diesem finanziell-digitalen Komplex aufoktroyiert wird. [...]
Heute wird die Meinungsfreiheit nicht mehr nur noch von den Staaten eingeschränkt, sondern von den Großkonzernen, die eine Macht an sich gerissen haben wie wir das bisher in der Geschichte noch nicht erlebt haben. […]
Gegen die Zerstörung der Meinungsfreiheit durch diese großen Konzerne hat sich niemand mehr wehren können.
Ernst Wolff (*1950) deutscher Finanzexperte, freier Journalist, Drehbuchautor, Autor2


"Das gegenwärtige Regime in Deutschland ist nicht dazu geeignet, euch zu regieren, sondern euch zu kontrollieren. Die meisten [nichtschlafenden] Deutschen wissen das. Es gibt in Deutschland Menschen, die aufwachen. Angela Mer-
kel hat heute etwa 24 Prozent der Deutschen hinter sich, und dennoch regiert sie, als sei sie eine Königin. Ihr erlaubt ihr das. Die Nation Deutschland gehört den Deutschen und nicht Angela Merkel.
Die südamerikanische Riesenschlange Anaconda umschlingt ihr Opfer und presst zu. Dann schwächt sie den Druck
ein wenig, um erneut zuzupressen. Das erinnert mich an Angela Merkel. Irgendwann drückt sie euch die Luft ab. Und
sie macht euch zu einem Bestandteil der Schlange, sie verleibt euch ein. Ihr seid dann keine eigenständige Einheit
mehr. Im derzeitigen [politischen] System, das von anderen geplant wird, haben die Deutschen keine wirkliche Zukunft,
außer als Goldesel. Genau deshalb müsst ihr die Kontrolle übernehmen und ein souveränes Deutschland aufbauen,
das weder Teil ihres Regimes noch Teil ihres Besatzungssystems noch Teil ihres Weltbankensystems ist, weil ihr darin
nicht die Oberhand gewinnen könnt. Euch wird gewährt, mit Mühe zu überleben, ihr habt noch Atemluft, doch kein Le-
ben. Gott kommt nach Deutschland, um euch [als Folge des kommenden perfekten Sturms] zu befreien, denn ihr
lebt in einem System, das euch ungerecht behandelt. Seid ihr selbst als Deutsche, und das wird nicht einfach sein.
Prof. William Toel (*1945) US-amerikanischer germanophiler Professor für Ökonomie, Finanzwirtschaft und Marketing, Seher, Starthelfer der Deutschen3

Geldgierige Manager und Egomanen

Das archetypisch geladene Bild des vom Ego bestimmten Menschen ging öfters durch die Presse:
der geldgierige Manager mit seinem goldenen Fallschirm.

  • Er bedenkt sich selbst mit großzügigen Boni und
  • entlässt gleichzeitig große Teile der Belegschaft.
  • Er versteigt sich in gefährliche Spekulationen und
  • verlässt, wie die Ratte, das Schiff, noch bevor es gesunken ist.
  • Er streicht stattliche Gelder ein und meint, darauf einen Anspruch zu haben, ohne jedoch bereit zu sein,
    Verantwortung für seine Handlungen zu übernehmen.
  • Seine Handlungsmaxime ist aus den Augen, aus dem Sinn und Nach mir die Sintflut!


Es steht außer Frage, dass es tatsächlich egomane Menschen tatsächlich gibt, die für das Wohlergehen vieler Menschen außerordentlich gefährlich sein können, vor allem dann, wenn sich Wirtschafts-Egoismus mit rücksichtsloser Intelligenz paart. Diesen Menschenschlag bezeichnet Fredmund Malik in seinem Buch Führen, Leisten, Leben als "Drei-Jahres-Wunder":


Oder aber es liegt ein ganz anderer, viel gefährlicherer Fall vor: das multiple Drei-Jahres-Wunder. Das sind Leute, die scheinbar eine glanzvolle Karriere machen und manchmal bis in die Spitzenpositionen von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft kommen. Untersucht man ihre Lebensläufe aber etwas genauer, dann zeigt sich, dass sie nur eine Fähigkeit haben, diese aber perfekt beherrschen: Sie wissen, wann sie gehen müssen – und sie gehen immer genau ein halbes Jahr, bevor der "Mist" zu riechen beginnt, den sie hinterlassen. Nach außen hin haben sie glanzvolle Karrieren, in Wahrheit aber bleibt
überall ein Scherbenhaufen zurück und oft auch eine "Blutspur". Das sind keine Führungskräfte, schon gar nicht gute –
oder gar Führer, sondern es sind Karrieristen.

Fredmund Malik (*1944) österreichischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler mit Forschungsschwerpunkt Managementlehre, Managementberater, Autor, Führen Leisten Leben. Wirksames Management für eine neue Zeit, S. 71, München, 1992

Reptilienmarketing – Josef Ackermann

Eine Personifikation des Ego-Archetyps ist der Schweizer Bankier Josef "Joe" Ackermann, der als Chef der Deutschen Bank im Jahr 2004 eine hohe Rendite bekannt gab und im gleichen Atemzug ankündigte, die Rendite im Jahr 2005 um 25% steigern und 6.400 MitarbeiterInnen entlassen zu wollen. Dass er diesen Plan ausgerechnet einen Tag nach der Überschreitung der trau-
rigen Rekordmarke bekannt gegeben hatte, bei dem die Arbeitslosenrate in Deutschland die 5-Millionen-Grenze überschritten hatte, machte die Sache noch pikanter – ein Schrei der Empörung schallte durch ganz Deutschland. Und Ackermann wurde zur Symbolfigur des geldgierigen, menschenfeindlichen und rücksichtslosen Managers.


Wieviel das tatsächlich mit seiner Persönlichkeit zu tun hat, oder wie sehr er zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort war und zur Projektionsfläche für einen lange angestauten kollektiven Ärger wurde, sei dahingestellt.


Quelle: ► Gelöschter Artikel mit einem Portrait zu Josef Ackermann (*1948) Schweizer Bankmanager, Ein Mann ackert für
, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Wochenmagazin Die Weltwoche, Margrit Sprecher, Ausgabe 42/2005
Videoreferenz: ► TV Video Interview mit Hans-Jürgen Jakobs (*1956 in Wiesbaden) deutscher Volkswirt, Wirtschaftsjournalist, Autor,
"Die Welt gehört einer unsichtbaren Gruppe", präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF,
wöchentliches Kulturmagazin Aspekte, 8:43 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 18. November 2016, eingestellt 2. Dezember 2016

Zitate zum Thema Wirtschaftshaie und Raubtierwirtschaft / Predatory economy and fascism

Zitate allgemein

Wenn die Gerechten zahlreich sind, freut sich das Volk;
wenn aber ein Gottloser herrscht, seufzt das Volk.
Sprüche 29, 2 (AT)


Da trat herzu, der fünf Zentner empfangen hatte, und legte weitere fünf Zentner dazu und sprach:
"Herr, du hast mir fünf Zentner anvertraut; siehe da, ich habe damit weitere fünf Zentner gewonnen."
Evangelium nach Matthäus 25, 20 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse / Geständnisse



Der Plan der Neuen Weltordnung zugunsten der Schattenelite

Gerüchten zufolge beruht der Roman Coningsby auf dem massiven Einflussnehmer Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836).

  • Die Welt wird von ganz anderen Personen regiert als diejenigen es sich vorstellen, die nicht hinter den Kulissen stehen.
    Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) britischer Premierminister, konservativer Staatsmann, Parlamentarier, zionistischer Rothschild-Agent, Initiator von zwei Weltkriegen, Literat, Aussage der Romanfigur Sidonia, zitiert in: Coningsby, the New Generation, Buch 4, Kapitel 15, 1844


  • Ich war kein normaler Befehlsempfänger, dann wäre ich ein Trottel gewesen, sondern ich habe mitgedacht, ich war ein Idealist gewesen.
    Adolf Eichmann (1906-1962) deutscher SS-Obersturmbannführer während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und des Zweiten Welt-
    kriegs, zitiert in: Irmtrud Wojak, Eichmanns Memoiren. Ein kritischer Essay, S. 195, Fischer Taschenbuch, Frankfurt, 2004



  • Das Geld ist der Gott unserer Zeit, und Rothschild ist sein Prophet.
    Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) deutscher bekehrter Skeptiker, Spötter, Journalist, Dichter, Erzähler, Romancier, Hans Kaufmann,
    Herausgeber, Lutetia. Erster Teil, aus: Werke und Briefe in zehn Bänden, Band 6, S. 378, Aufbau, Berlin und Weimar, 2. Auflage


  • Die 'invisible hand' hatte, schon im 17. Jahrhundert, eine Fortschrittsgarantie symbolisiert. Nachdem sie zuneh-
    mend unter Arthrose zu leiden begann, übernahm das Desiderat des wirtschaftlichen Wachstums selbst diese Funk-
    tion. […] Den Politikern und der öffentlichen Meinung wird folglich suggeriert, Wirtschaftswachstum sei notwendig,
    sei eine Bedingung gesellschaftlicher Stabilität. Niklas Luhmann (1927-1998) deutscher Soziologe, transdisziplinärer So-
    zialwissenschaftler, Gesellschaftstheoretiker, Begründer der soziologischen Systemtheorie, Autor, Die Wirtschaft der Gesellschaft,
    Kapitel 3, Abschnitt IV, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1988, 7. Auflage 25. September 1994


  • Nur der narzisstisch Gestörte kommt in die Machtpolitik.
    Gelöschtes Video-Fernsehinterview mit Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Hans-Joachim Maaz: "Wir dürfen nicht sein, wie wir sein möchten", präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernseh-
    sender MDR / ARD, wöchentliche Kultursendung ttt – titel, thesen, temperamente, Gastgeber Carsten Tesch, gesendet
    26. März 2017, YouTube Film, 25:24 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 15. August 2017


  • Jeder der glaubt, dass exponentielles Wachstum in einer endlichen Welt für immer weitergehen kann, ist entweder verrückt oder ein Wirtschaftswissenschaftler.
    Kenneth Ewart Boulding (1910-1993) britisch-US-amerikanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Systemtheoretiker, interdisziplinärer Philosoph, religiöser Mystiker, Quäker, Lehrer, Friedensaktivist, Dichter, zitiert in: Artikel (engl.) von Mancur Olson, No-Growth Society, Introduction, presented by the academic journal Daedalus, Band 102, Ausgabe 4, S. 3, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts im Auftrag der American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Herbst 1973



US Wahlkampf: von den Medien inszeniertes Scheingefecht

  • Der gegenwärtige Wahlkampf in den USA [2016] ist nichts als ein für die Medien inszeniertes Scheingefecht, bei dem der Sieger bereits feststeht: Die US-Finanz-
    industrie. Hillary Clinton ist die von ihr in schamloser Weise direkt bezahlte Marionette, Donald Trump dient ihr als Rückversicherung für den Fall, dass das parlamentarische System zusammenbricht, ein totalitäres Regime errichtet werden soll und jemand aus den Reihen des Big Money die Kontrolle über die Massen behalten muss. Auch hier ist alles bereits beschlossene Sache – lange, bevor das amerikanische Volk ahnungslos zu den Urnen schreitet.
    Gelöschter Gastkommentar von Ernst Wolff (*1950) deutscher Finanzexperte, freier Journalist, Drehbuchautor, Autor des Buchs "Weltmacht IWF. Chronik eines Raubzugs", Tectum-Verlag, Marburg, zitiert in: Artikel Wikileaks-Enthüllung räumt letzte Zweifel aus, präsentiert von dem deutschen Onlinemagazin Telepolis des Heise Zeitschriften Verlags, 16. Oktober 2016
Ohrenqualle (Aurelia aurita), 13. August 2015
  • Die Produktion und der Verkauf eines sozial nützlichen Gutes mit Gewinn gehört in den Bereich der Oikono-
    , der natürlichen Erwerbskunst; der Produzent hat eine gesellschaftlich anerkannte Leistung vollbracht, für die er entschädigt wird. Dagegen könne man die reine Spekulation, das Vergrößern einer Geldmenge, ohne eine gesellschaftlich anerkannte Leistung zu erbringen, als Chrematistik [widernatürliche Erwerbskunst] bezeichnen. […]
    Viele Regierungen machen den Fehler, den Reichen zuviel Macht zu geben. Es kommt eine Zeit, da aus etwas nicht wirklich Gutem etwas wirklich Böses wird, denn die Eingriffe der Reichen sind von zerstörenderer Wirkung für den Staat als die Taten des Volkes. Aristoteles (384-322 v. Chr.) altgriechischer Philosoph, Arzt, Wissenschaftler, Frauenhasser, zitiert in: EWR und EG. Irrwege in der Gestaltung Europas. Ein theoretischer und historischer Essay zu den europäischen Integrationsbewegungen, S. 64, Academic Press Fribourg, Taschenbuch, Fribourg, Schweiz, 1992



Prägnante Analyse des raubkapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystems

Verkürzt: Der Kapitalismus trägt den Krieg in sich wie die Wolke den Regen.

  • Immer trägt eure gewalttätige und chaotische Gesellschaft – selbst wenn sie Frieden will, selbst wenn sie scheinbar in Ruhe ist – in sich den Krieg; sie trägt ihn in sich wie eine schwarze, noch ruhige Wolke das Gewitter.
    Es gibt nur ein Mittel, den Krieg zwischen den Völkern abzuschaffen, nämlich Schluss zu machen mit dem ökonomischen Krieg, mit der Unordnung der heutigen Gesellschaft, nämlich den allgemeinen Kampf ums Leben – der in den allgemeinen Kampf auf den Schlachtfeldern mündet – durch eine Ordnung der sozialen Eintracht und der Einheit zu ersetzen. Jean Jaurès (1859-1914) französischer Historiker, sozialistischer Politiker, Vertreter
    des Reformsozialismus, französisches Parlament, Zuruf an die bürgerlichen Abgeordneten gerichtet, 1895


  • Die Zensur ist das lebendige Geständnis der Großen, dass sie nur verdummte Sklaven treten, aber keine freien Völ-
    ker regieren können. Die Zensur ist etwas, was tief unter dem Henker steht, denn derselbe Aufklärungsstrahl, der vor sechzig Jahren dem Henker zur Ehrlichkeit verholfen, hat der Zensur in neuester Zeit das Brandmal der Verachtung aufgedrückt. Johann Nestroy (1801-1862) österreichischer Dramatiker, Schauspieler, Opernsänger, Autor, zitiert in: Egon Friedell, Herausgeber, Das ist klassisch! Nestroy-Worte, 1922; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Der Kapitalismus selber ist ein permanenter Krieg gegen den Rest der Welt. Das ist keine Demokratie, das ist Oligarchie von etwa 200 Multimilliardären, die glauben, ihnen gehört die Welt und deren Interessen sind scheinbar jedes Opfer wert. Videovortrag von Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter
    Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Eugen Drewermann über den Mainstream – Mainstreammedien lügen wie gedruckt!, YouTube Film, 0:54 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 23. Dezember 2014



Die Problematik des Geldes bei Jesus von Nazareth (Matthäus 6, 25) vermittelt durch Dostojewskij

  • Geld […] ist die Macht der Ohnmächtigen, die Schönheit der Hässlichen, der Ver-
    dienst der Parasiten. Das ist die Intelligenz der Geistesschwachen, das ist die
    Stärke der Skrupellosen, das ist der Spielraum, der in jeglicher Empfindung Ab-
    gestumpften. […]
    Die Macht des Geldes gründet sich darin, dass sie einem Menschen verspricht, etwas zu sein, was er nicht ist.
    Die Macht des Geldes ist gebrochen, wenn wir begreifen, dass wir alles sind, etwas unendlich Kostbares in dieser
    Welt, etwas buchstäblich Unbezahlbares. Videovortrag von Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Eugen Drewermann – Dostojewskij und die Macht des Geldes, produziert 2005, YouTube Film, 43:08 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. Dezember 2011



  • 4. In der modernen Kultur preist die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft den Dissens als ein Mittel zur Vermehrung des Wissens. Für den Ur-Faschismus ist Dissens Verrat. 5. Der Ur-Faschismus wächst und sucht sich Konsens, indem
    er die natürliche Angst vor dem Andersartigen ausbeutet und vertieft. Umberto Eco (1932-2016) italienischer Medien-
    wissenschaftler, Semiotiker, Philosoph, Literaturkritiker, Kolumnist, mittelalterlich orientierter Romanschriftsteller, Burkhard Kroeber, Übersetzung, Vier moralische Schriften, Hanser, München, S. 22-43, 1998, dtv Verlagsgesellschaft, 1. Dezember 1999


  • Der kritische Geist trifft Unterscheidungen, und zu unterscheiden ist ein Zeichen von Modernität. In der modernen Kultur preist die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft den Dissens als ein Mittel zur Vermehrung des Wissens. Für den
    Ur-Faschismus ist Dissens ein Verrat.
    Essay von Umberto Eco (1932-2016) italienischer Medienwissenschaftler, Semio-
    tiker, Philosoph, Literaturkritiker, Kolumnist, mittelalterlich orientierter Romanschriftsteller, Der ewige Faschismus, 80 Seiten, italienisches Original erschienen 1995, Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 5. Auflage 27. Januar 2020



Siehe 2011 Studie der ETH Zürich (James Glattfelder):

737 Spitzenaktionäre/Korporationen (die oberen 70 bis 80 Haupteigentümer der Erde) etwa ein Drittel des Weltsozialproduktes kontrollieren. Neben der Vermögensmachtkonzentration war die reale Kontrollmacht der Top-Eigentümer in Wirklichkeit zehnmal größer. [Stand 2011]

  • Milliardäre bestimmen – mittels eines Geflechts von Stiftungen und Organisatio-
    nen und durch die Informationsindustrie – das Bildungswesen ganzer Länder; ih-
    nen gehören Privatuniversitäten, große Teile des Gesundheitswesens, die wichtig-
    sten Zeitungs-, Fernseh- und Filmkonzerne. Sie verfügen über Privatarmeen. Wis-
    senschaftliche Berater, Kunst- und Kulturstrategen, Politiker werden ohne große Unterschiede "eingekauft". Hans-Jürgen Krysmanski (1935-2016) deutscher Soziologe, Hochschullehrer, Autor, 0,1 Prozent. Das Imperium der Milliardäre, Westend Verlag,
    10. September 2012, erweiterte Auflage 2015


  • Wir können hinschauen wo wir wollen, in allen westlichen Ländern, ob in Amerika oder Europa, gewinnen die Faschisten immer mehr Macht (und die Linken helfen ihnen dabei) und verwandeln die Länder in Überwachungs- und Polizeistaaten.
    Der Faschismus von heute hat äußerlich nichts mit dem aus der Vergangenheit zu tun. Keine Uniformen, Stechschritt und erhobener Gruß. Nein, er ist modern, raffiniert verpackt und wird mit PR verkauft ... aber der Geist, der dahinter steckt, die totale Kontrolle und Ausbeutung, die Zensur, die Mediengleichschaltung, die Lügen, der selbstgemachte Terror, der Sicherheitswahn, die Unterdrückung von Andersdenkenden, die Militarisierung der Gesellschaft und die Angriffskriege ... die Resultate sind dieselben.
    Die meisten Menschen sehen das nicht und sind durch die Propaganda völlig geblendet. [...]
    Die Minderheit hat die Pflicht zu protestieren.
Offener Brief an die Teilnehmer der Protestaktion auf der Piazza Navona in Rom gegen Silvio Berlusconis Regierung von Umberto Eco (1932-2016) italienischer Medienwissenschaftler, Semiotiker, Philosoph, Literaturkritiker, Kolumnist, mittelalterlich orientierter Romanschriftsteller, veröffentlicht in der größten italienischen Zeitung "La Repubblica", 2. Juli 2008; zitiert in: Blogeintrag Umberto Eco – Die Demokratie ist in Gefahr, präsentiert von dem Blogspot Alles Schall und Rauch, Freeman, 3. Juli 2008


Chinesische Mauer
  • Wenn ihr weiterhin die Sklaven der Banken sein wollt und für eure eigene Versklavung bezahlen wollt, dann lasst die Ban-
    ken weiterhin das Geld erschaffen und die Kredite kontrol-
    lieren. Sir Josiah Charles Stamp (1880-1941) britischer Beam-
    ter, Industrieller, Direktor der Bank of England (1928-1941), Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Statistiker, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Silas Walter Adams, The legalized crime of banking and a constitutional remedy, S. 13, 30, 58, 90, 246, Meador, Boston, 1958; zitiert in: Gelöschter Artikel Einige Zitate zum Nachdenken, präsentiert von dem deutschen Onlinemagazin Telepolis des Heise Zeitschriften Verlags, 21. März 2013


  • Der 'Kampf gegen Rechts' ist ein Fake-Kampf, der inszeniert wird, um die neoliberalen Kartellparteien zu stabilisieren.  Minute 5:03
  • Rechts und Links sind sozusagen beide die Extreme. Den größten Extremismus haben wir im Moment in der Mitte.
    Der Neoliberalismus ist eine extrem extremistische Position, die es geschafft hat, sich zur Mitte zu deklarieren.
    Dieser Trick führt natürlich dazu, dass eine massive Verrohung des Bürgertums, eingetreten ist. Sich sozusagen [aufgrund von Statusängsten] abzukapseln, führt zu einer extremen Verrohung der Haltungen. Die Verwerfung, die dieser Trick erzeugt, zu sagen, 'Wir grenzen alles, was nicht neoliberale Mitte ist, und schränken den öffentlichen Debattenraum nur noch auf [unsere Themen] ein', hat ganz gewaltige Konsequenzen.  Minute 6:41

Der Bielefelder Soziologe Prof. Wilhelm Heitmeyer (*1945) hat diese Entwicklung untersucht, die er 'rohe Bürgerlichkeit' nennt.

  • Machtstrukturen hängen heute weitgehend nicht mehr an einzelnen Personen. Das ist das alte feudalistische Königs-
    modell. Im Neoliberalismus sind Machtstrukturen so abstrakt. Deswegen ist es auch so schwer zu verstehen, wen
    wir denn eigentlich bekämpfen. [...] Sieht man es umgekehrt, dann verstehen wir auch wie Propaganda funktioniert.
    […] Wenn ich die Bevölkerung darauf ausrichten will, jemand zum Feind zu haben, dann darf ich nicht abstrakt den-
    ken, dann brauche ich eine Person. Jeder Krieg oder Angriff wurde eingeleitet, indem man für die Bevölkerung einen
    Schurken definiert hat. Das war Hitler. Danach waren sie auch alle Hitler. [Außenminister] Fischer hat ja dann auch
    jeden, den er bombardieren wollte, zu Hitler erklärt. Gaddafi [in Lybien]. Das war im Irak. Das war Putin, als würde
    Russland gar keine Struktur haben, sondern wenn man Putin rausnimmt, ist die ganze Struktur weg ist. Russland ist
    ein hochkomplexer Staat. Das Gleiche gilt jetzt auch für den Iran. […] Sobald ich einen [Bösewicht] habe, aktiviert
    das meine Affekte. Deswegen braucht man für einen Krieg einen Schurken. […] Das ist genau der Trick, wie man die
    Bevölkerung kriegsbereit stimmen kann. Ich muss erst mal einen bösen Charakter aufbauen.  Minute 15:10
  • Sie können als Einzelner gar nichts machen. Sie können sich natürlich wie Diogenes in die Tonne verziehen und keine
    Zeitung lesen, nicht fernsehen und mit niemandem mehr sprechen. [...] Das kann nicht die Lösung sein. Wir müssen
    uns erst mal klar machen: die Asymmetrie zwischen denen, die Macht haben, und denen, die einer Macht unterworfen
    sind, war in der Zivilisationsgeschichte noch nie so groß wie heute. Insofern haben alle emanzipatorischen Bewegun-
    gen ein ganz ernsthaftes Problem. Sie kämpfen gegen einen Feind, der ihnen so haushoch überlegen ist, dass sie als
    Einzelne natürlich gar keine Chance haben, zumal dieser Feind ja auch den strategischen Vorteil hat, dass er sich be-
    liebig Intelligenz kaufen kann.  Minute 17:21
  • Die Asymmetrie der Machtverhältnisse ist gigantisch.  Minute 19:11
  • Die Friedensbewegung muss mit der ökologischen und der antikapitalistischen zusammengeführt werden, damit diese
    Bewegungen überhaupt wieder in einen Rahmen integriert werden, der ihm Kontinuität gibt. Sonst sind sie eher flüch-
    tig, sie zerfallen ja sofort wieder. […] Wie können wir ihnen eine Kontinuität und eine Festigkeit geben? Das kann man
    nur, wenn man eine gemeinsame Rahmengeschichte hinkriegt. […] Wenn da jemand Vorgaben macht, dann ist es der
    falsche Weg. Das muss aus uns allen gemeinsam entstehen. Und wenn es nicht entsteht, ... dann wird es schwierig.
    Dann müssen wir die nächste Schleife durch die Geschichte laufen.  Minute 21:06
  • Die Hoffnung ist das kreative Potenzial des Menschen. Auch die Thinktanks können das nicht vorausberechnen, dass
    in der Geschichte immer etwas entstanden ist, womit keiner gerechnet hat [wie beispielsweise die Abschaffung der
    Sklaverei]. Die Dinge sind plötzlich entstanden, indem sich Normen, moralische Werte, irgendetwas, was da war, ver-
    selbständigt haben.  Minute 25:32
  • Wir haben eine Chance, dass aus diesen kleinen Samenkörnern, die im Moment keine große Wirkung haben, viel-
    leicht durch eine günstige Fügung der Geschichte wieder mehr entsteht. Ich bin nicht so pessimistisch wie ich manch-
    mal klinge. Minute 30:49
  • Wir können nicht einfach sagen, 'Wir sind für Frieden, aber im Kapitalismus', denn diesen militärisch-industriellen
    Komplex können wir ohne eine radikale Änderung des Systems nicht beseitigen. Deswegen kann es nicht gehen,
    isoliert für den Frieden zu kämpfen.  Minute 35:48
  • Keiner hat eine Lösung. Wir müssen aber zügig in den nächsten Jahren kollektiv irgendwelche Lösungen finden. Das
    kreative kollektive Potenzial ist sehr, sehr groß, kollektiv Lösungen zu finden. Wir müssen alle Dinge nutzen – Frie-
    densbewegung, ökologische Bewegung oder auch beispielsweise das bedingungslose Grundeinkommen.  Minute 40:04
  • Wenn Dissens politisch wirksam wird, zeigt der Staat auch sein repressives Gesicht.  Minute 51:04
Videointerview mit Prof. Rainer Mausfeld (*1949) deutscher Professor für Allgemeine Psychologie, Kognitionsforscher, Hochschul-
lehrer, Autor, Rainer Mausfeld: Gibt es Hoffnung für die Lämmer?, Teil 1, präsentiert von dem online Fernsehsender Weltnetz.tv, Gastgeber Pascal Luig, YouTube Film, 51:54 Minuten Dauer, gefilmt 4. Juni 2019, eingestellt 12. Juni 2019

Moderne Demokratien sind Wahloligarchien ökonomischer und politischer Eliten, bei der insbesondere die Wirtschaft der demo-
kratischen Kontrolle und Rechenschaftspflicht entzogen ist.





Der Begriff "Komitee der 300" stammt von Walter Rathenau. 6 Monate nach dieser Äußerung wurde der Insider ermordet.

Angebliche Mitgliederliste des Komitees der 300, präsentiert von politaia.org, 5. April 2012 – Link gelöscht März 2014

  • Dreihundert Männer, von denen jeder jeden kennt, leiten die wirtschaftlichen Ge-
    schicke des Kontinents und suchen sich Nachfolger aus ihrer Umgebung. Die selt-
    samen Ursachen dieser seltsamen Erscheinung, die in das Dunkel der künftigen
    sozialen Entwicklung einen Schimmer wirft, stehen hier nicht zur Erwägung.
    Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) deutscher Industrieller, liberaler Politiker (DDP), Reichsau-
    ßenminister, Opfer eines politischen Attentats der Organisation Consul, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Artikel, präsentiert von der Wiener Zeitung Neue Freie Presse, Wien, Weihnachtsausgabe 24. Dezember 1921


  • Satanische Verhandlungskunst besteht aus unberechnenbarer schwarzer Rhetorik, die scheinbar positiv/neutral überbracht wird. Sie bedient sich folgender Strategien:
    • Tatsachenbestreitung
    • Unwahrheiten und Täuschung
    • "Dagegensein"
    • Verunsicherung – Verwirrung – Abbruch
    • Provokationen
    • "Hindernisrennen"
    • Widersprüche aufdecken
    • Das gleiche Argument
    • Fachausdrücke / Fremdwörter / Wortschwall
    • Extreme Forderungen – "Mein letztes Wort"
    • Drohungen und Konkurrenz
    • Salamitaktik oder Gesamtergebnis
    • Streßsituationen
    • Bestechung – Korruption – Erpressung – Preisabsprachen
    • Gerüchte und Verleumdungen
Dr. Dr. Wolf Ruede-Wissmann, deutscher Theoretiker des Streitgesprächs, Autor, Satanische Verhandlungskunst und wie man sich dagegen wehrt, Langen-Müller, 9. Auflage 1. Januar 2010


  • Da schrieb die Frau Professorin [Amy Chua (*1962)] sachlich und nüchtern, dass im Zuge der radikalen Umwälzun-
    gen in Russland nach 1990, 7 Oligarchen das Land wirtschaftlich beherrschten. Davon waren 6 Juden. Als sie ihren
    jüdischen Ehemann fragte, woran das liege, fragte der nur verwundert: Warum nur 6? Wer war der siebte? […] Wie
    können 6 Juden ein Land von 143 Millionen Russen wirtschaftlich beherrschen?
    Professor Chuas Buch trägt den Untertitel: Wie der Export der freien Marktdemokratie ethnischen Hass und globale Instabilität erzeugt. Der Mechanismus ist einfach: Wenn eine Gruppe von Menschen Zugang zu unbegrenztem Kapital hat und die andere Gruppe (die 99,9999%) hat das nicht, dann kann die erste Gruppe alles kaufen, was es billig zu kaufen gibt, vor allem im Augenblick einer Krise, einer Revolution oder eines Umsturzes. Man muss nur so eine Krise herbeizaubern. So wie damals in Russland. Einige Juden hatten Geld und kauften den Laden auf. Woher die das Geld hatten? Ich weiß es nicht. Fragen: Hat das irgend etwas mit Fairness oder gar mit Gerechtigkeit zu tun? Meinen
    Sie, die Russen fanden und finden das ganz toll? Putin zumindest fand das nicht toll.
    Übrigens haben es die Chinesen ähnlich gemacht: Fahren Sie mal nach Indonesien, in die Philippinen, nach Malaysia, Thailand oder Vietnam oder... Überall herrschen Chinesen über die Wirtschaft. Diese Aussagen haben nichts mit Rassismus zu tun. Das sind Fakten. Sonst würde Professor Chua sich nicht an dieses Thema heranwagen. Als ich in Asien arbeitete, egal in welchem Land, waren meine Geschäftspartner meistens Chinesen.
    Interview mit Hans-Jürgen Geese (*1952) deutscher Verkaufsdirektor, Autor, Der totale Krieg gegen ein ganzes Volk, präsentiert
    von der Online Publikation des AnderweltVerlags, 12. Januar 2023


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Kapitalismus



Vergleiche mit dem Buchtitel:

William K. Black, US-amerikanischer Bankenprüfer, The Best Way to Rob a Bank is To Own a Bank, 2005

  • Was ist ein Dietrich gegen eine Aktie?
    Was ist ein Einbruch in eine Bank gegen die Gründung einer Bank?
    Was ist die Ermordung eines Mannes gegen die Anstellung eines Mannes?
    Alternative: Bankraub: eine Initiative von Dilettanten. Wahre Profis gründen eine Bank.
Bertolt Brecht (1898-1956) deutscher Theaterdirektor, Lyriker, Dramatiker, einflussreicher Bühnenschriftsteller, Die Dreigroschen-
, Druckfassung 1931, III, 9 (Mac); in: Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden. Erster Band: Stücke 1, S. 267, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1997


Schwarzhumorige Wahrheit


"Die eigentlichen Besitzer"

  • Die wahren Eigentümer sind die stinkreichen bedeutenden Geschäftsmänner. Sie kontrollieren alles, was läuft und treffen alle wichtigen Entscheidungen treffen. Du hast Patrone.
        ⚑ Du gehörst ihnen.
        ⚑ Sie besitzen alles.
        ⚑ Ihnen gehört das gesamte wertvolle Land.
        ⚑ Sie besitzen und kontrollieren die Unternehmen.
        ⚑ Sie haben längst den Senat, den Kongress, die Landesregierungen, die Rathäuser gekauft und bezahlt.
        ⚑ Sie haben die Richter in der Hinterhand.
        ⚑ Und sie besitzen alle großen Medienunternehmen, so dass sie nahezu alle Nachrichten und Informationen kontrollieren, die du zu hören bekommst.
    ♦ Sie wollen in der Bevölkerung keine Bürger, die kritisch denken können. Sie sind gegen gut informierte, gut ausgebildete Menschen, die kritisch denken können.
    ♦ Sie wollen gehorsame Arbeiter, Leute, die gerade mal gescheit genug sind, Maschinen zu bedienen und Papier-
    kram zu erledigen, aber eben doch dumm genug, [ihre sich verschlechternde Lage] ohne zu murren zu akzeptieren. Audiopräsentation von George Carlin (1937-2008) umstrittener US-amerikanischer Bühnenkomiker, Gesellschaftskritiker, Schau-
    spieler, Autor, George Carlin's Illuminati Speech [George Carlins Illuminati-Rede], entnommen aus dem Programm "The American Dream", (Transkript), YouTube Film, Minute 0:30, 3:14 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. Januar 2012



  • Die Fäulnis in der Oberschicht kommt allerliebst ans Tageslicht.
    Julius Dörr (1850-1930) deutscher Leiter der örtlichen Sparkasse, brandenburgisches Heimatdichter,
    zitiert in: Kleine Literaturgeschichte der Mark, präsentiert von der Webseite Zeitstimmen

Zitate von Franz Hörmann

  • Korruption ist, wenn man für [verzinstes Schulden erzeugendes] Geld arbeitet. Wer für Geld arbeitet, ist korrupt – zwangsläufig. Videopräsentation von Prof. Dr. Franz Hörmann (*1960) österreichischer visionärer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, außerordentlicher Professor für Unternehmensrechnung, Institut für Revisions-, Treuhand- und Rechnungswesen, Wirtschaftsuniver-
    sität Wien, Dozent, Autor, Das Ende des Geldes, veranstaltet von der Volkshochschule Linz, Wissensturm Linz, 8. November 2011, YouTube Film, Minute 1:09:12, 2:12:20 Dauer, eingestellt 5. Februar 2012


Animation Intercpunetfull 4
  • Sinnvolle Tätigkeit und Lebensstandard [erwerbbar durch Kaufkraft, nicht durch verzinstes Schuldgeld] dürfen nie etwas miteinander zu tun haben. […] Solange wir beides miteinander verkrampft verlinkt haben, haben wir Konjunk-
    turzyklen, Neid, Verteilungskämpfe [Hunger und Armut].
    Videopräsentation von Dr. Franz Hörmann (*1960) österreichischer visionärer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, außerordentlicher Professor für Unternehmensrechnung, Institut für Revisions-, Treuhand- und Rechnungswesen, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Dozent, Autor,
    Das Ende des Geldes, veranstaltet von der Volkshochschule Linz, Wissensturm Linz, 8. November 2011, YouTube Film, Minute 1:10:24, 2:12:20 Dauer, eingestellt 5. Februar 2012


  • Dass Konkurrenz einen Vorteil schafft, dass der Wettbewerb zu Fortschritt führt, ist der größte Denkfehler der Menschheit.
    Videopräsentation von Dr. Franz Hörmann (*1960) österreichischer visionärer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, außerordentlicher Professor für Unternehmensrechnung, Institut für Revisions-, Treuhand- und Rechnungswesen, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Dozent, Autor, Das Ende des Geldes, veranstaltet von der Volkshochschule Linz, Wissensturm Linz, 8. November 2011, YouTube Film, Minute 1:16:51, 2:12:20 Dauer, eingestellt 5. Februar 2012


  • Die, ursprünglich nur als theoretische Grundlage angenommene, Existenz des "Homo Oeconomicus" (der streng logisch bloß seinen Individualnutzen maximierende Mensch) wurde nicht nur niemals praktisch bestätigt, sondern inzwischen auch von Gehirnforschern eindeutig widerlegt.
    Dr. Franz Hörmann franzhoermann.com (*1960) österreichischer visionärer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, außerordentlicher Professor für Unternehmensrechnung, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Dozent, Autor, Otmar Pregetter, Das Ende des Geldes. Wegweiser in eine ökosoziale Gesellschaft, PDF, Kapitel 1, S. 7, Galila, 1. Auflage 1. März 2011


Siehe auch: ► Franz Hörmann und ► Geld

General quotes

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked beareth rule,
the people mourn.
Proverbs 29, 2 (OT)


Your rulers are rebels and companions of thieves; everyone loves a bribe and chases after
rewards. They do not defend the orphan, nor does the widow’s plea come before them.
Isaiah 1, 23 (OT)


Personal avowals

  • The money power preys on the nation in times of peace, and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more des-
    potic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies,
    all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves
    me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned
    and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its
    reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic
    is destroyed.
    I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.
    Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) assassinated 16th US President (1861-1865), abolisher of slavery, letter written to William Elkin
    less than five months before Lincoln's death by assassination, cited in: Gurudas [Ronald Lee Garman], US American author,
    Treason. The New World Order, S. 25, DP, 1. October 2012


The Lower Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our li-
    berties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by in-
    flation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers
    conquered. [...] The issuing power should be taken from the
    banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.
    [...] The modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating.
    Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) third US president (1801-1809), prin-
    cipal author of the Declaration of Independence, 4. July 1776, 1802


  • Long ago, I made a promise that I would never act against the best interests or the excellence of my own people – that
    I would do my best to ensure that we were worthy of the stewardship of our world and that we did our best to leave a better world for generations yet to come. To make and keep such a promise is to understand that money and position are tools, not goals, and that death is not the worst thing that can happen. Some would probably accuse me of 'fighting the tape' and not being 'good at the game.' I would tell those people that now is not the time in the history of our people for a failure of imagination. Catherine Austin Fitts (*1950) US American former assistant secretary of housing under George H.W. Bush, managing a 300 billion dollar portfolio, whistleblower on financial terrorism, president of the Solari Report, ~2012-2015



A psychopath's NWO confession

  • For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spec-
    trum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro
    to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield
    over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part
    of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'inter-
    nationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will.
    If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
    David Rockefeller (1915-2017) current US American patriarch of the Rockefeller family, autobiography Memoirs, chapter 27,
    S. 404-405, Random House, New York, 1st Trade edition 15. October 2002, reprinted edition 28. October 2003


  • We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times TIME Magazine and other great publications
    whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It
    would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright
    lights of publicity during those years
    . But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march
    towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely
    preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
    David Rockefeller (1915-2017) US American banker, billionaire, "philanthropist", eugenicist, current patriarch of the Rocke-
    feller family, purportedly at a meeting of the Trilateral Commission, June 1991, cited in: Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US Ameri-
    can esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Matrix of Power. How the World Has Been Controlled by Powerful Men Without
    Your Knowledge
    , first issued 2000, The Book Tree, 6. May 2003


  • You want to be greedy when others are fearful. You want to be fearful when others are greedy. It's that simple. […] They're pretty fearful. In fact, in my adult lifetime, I don't think I've ever seen people as fearful economically as they
    are right now.
    Interview show with Warren Buffett (*1930) US American billionaire investor, industrialist, Wall Street billionaire, philanthropist, Warren Buffett: I Haven't Seen As Much Economic Fear In My Adult Lifetime, presented by the US American TV station PBS, interview show Charlie Rose, host Charlie Rose, print version offered by the news outlet CNBC, 1. October 2008


  • I go to bed every night dreaming of another recession. Governments don't rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules
    the world.
    Live interview with Alessio Rastani (*1977) British financial markets trading veteran, trading mentor, presented by the
    British news outlet BBC News, host Sir David Frost (1939-2013) English media personality, television host, comedian, journa-
    list, writer, 2011



Churchill's 75th birthday:

His reply to a reporter's question whether he was afraid of dying

  • I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is ready for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter. Of course I'm an egoist. Where do you get if you aren't? Megalomania is the only form of sanity.
    Winston Churchill (1874-1965) British prime minister of the United Kingdom during the 2nd World War (1940-1945) and (1951-1955), racist war criminal, cited in: Article The wicked wit of Winston Churchill, presented by Exoress, Dominique Enright, 23. May 2011


  • The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets. Attributed to John D. Rockefeller Jr. (1874-
    1960) US American businessman, Standard Oil industrialist, philanthropist, pivotal member of the prominent Rockefeller dynasty,
    cited in: Robert Byrne, The Fourth – And by Far the Most Recent 637 Best Things Anybody Ever Said, 1990



Disclosure Warning

  • Money is the god of our times, and Rothschild is his prophet.
    Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) German converted skeptic, journalist, poet, writer, Lutetia, 1st part, 1853



  • An armed conflict between nations horrifies us. But the economic war is no better than an armed conflict. This is like a surgical operation. An economic war is prolonged torture. And its ravages are no less terrible than those depicted in
    the literature on war properly so called. We think nothing of the other because we are used to its deadly effects. [...]
    The movement against war is sound. I pray for its success. But I cannot help the gnawing fear that the movement
    will fail if it does not touch the root of all evil – man's greed. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: Non-Violence – The Greatest Force, presented by the US American political magazine The World Tomorrow, 5. October 1926



Encyclical "Charity in Truth", July 2009:

Pope Benedict called for a new world financial order ( "a profoundly new way of understanding business enterprise") respecting the dignity of workers and looks out for the common good by prioritizing ethics and social responsibility over dividend returns.
He denounced the outsourcing work to the cheapest bidder thereby endangering the rights of workers. He demanded that workers be allowed to organize in unions to protect their rights and guarantee steady, decent employment. Pope urges financial order guided by ethics 7. July 2009

  • Profit is useful if it serves as a means toward an end. Once profit becomes the exclusive goal, if it is produced by improper means and without the common good as its ultimate end, it risks destroying wealth and creating poverty. […]
    One of the greatest challenges facing the economy is to achieve the most efficient use – not abuse – of natural resources, based on a realization that the notion of 'efficiency' is not value-free. Pope Benedict XVI (1927-2022) German theologian, 265th head
    of the Roman Catholic Church (2005-2013), third encyclical of his pontificate "Charity in Truth", July 2009


  • The economy doesn't function with market self-regulation, but needs an ethical rationale to work for mankind. Man
    must be at the center of the economy, and the economy cannot be measured only by maximization of profit but rather according to the common good. Pope Benedict XVI (1927-2022) German theologian, 265th head of the Roman Catholic Church (2005-2013), visit to crisis-hit Spain, 18. August 2011


  • Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist. Kenneth Ewart Boulding (1910-1993) British US American economist, systems scientist, cofounder of General Systems Theory, religious mystic, Quaker, interdisciplinary philosopher, educator, peace activist, poet, cited in: article by Mancur Olson, No-Growth Society, Introduction, presented by the academic journal Daedalus, volume 102, number 4, S. 3, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts on behalf of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, fall 1973



Indigenous right-brained model of sharing and sustainability ⇔ poverty

  • As long as our economic system is based on chasing economic growth above all else, we are heading for environmental, and economic, disaster. To avoid this fate, we must switch our focus from quantitative growth to qualitative development, and set strict limits on the rate at which we consume the Earth's resources. In such a "steady-state" economy, the value of goods produced can still increase […] but the physical scale of our economy must be kept at a level the planet is able to sustain. Herman Daly (*1938) US American professor of ecological economics, school
    of public policy, University of Maryland, College Park, senior environmental economist, World Bank, cited in: Tony Stebbing, A Cyber-
    netic View of Biological Growth. The Maia Hypothesis
    , S. 393, Cambridge University Press, 2011




Corporatism / Power elite capitalism

  • The essence of capitalism is to turn nature into commodities and commodities into capital. The live green earth is transformed into dead gold bricks, with luxury items for the few and toxic slag heaps for the many. The glittering mansion overlooks a vast sprawl of shanty towns, wherein a desperate, demoralized humanity is kept in line with drugs, television, and armed force. Michael Parenti (*1933) US American historian, culture critic, activist, political writer
    on scholarly and popular subjects, Against Empire, City Lights Publishers, reprint edition 1. May 1995


  • The guiding principle of ruling elites was – and still is: When change threatens to rule, then the rules are changed. Michael Paré (*1958) US American actor, cited in: AZ Quotes



The Warren Buffet Rule:

75% of the US Americans support Buffet's rule which is millionaires and billionaires are to pay taxes as everybody else. The people who believe in ranking not linking are losing control.

  • No wonder corporations became legal persons in the 1800s with the right to make contracts while living breathing female human beings couldn't make contracts without their husband's written permission. Last year with a conservative Supre-
    me Court
    [...] corporations became such legal paper people that they gained an unlimited right to fund independent political ads all under the right of First Amend-
    Free Speech. Well, if corporations are people, then some of them should be in prison. Though I oppose corporeal punishment for actual people I wouldn't mind putting a lot of them on Death Row.
    Video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, When Women Are People… and Corporations Are Not: Why the First Inequality Will Also Be the Last, presented by Bioneers Live, host Nina Simons, Bioneers Conference 2011, San Rafael, California, 14. October 2011, Vimeo video, minute 24:20, 35:27 minutes duration, 10. November 2011


Lower Antelope Canyon, Arizona, 16. April 2005
  • In 1879, American economist Francis Walker tried to ex-
    plain why members of his profession were in such "bad odor
    amongst real people". He blamed it on their inability to under-
    stand why human behavior fails to comply with economic
    We do not always act the way economists think we
    should, mainly because we're both less selfish and less rational than economists think we are. Economists are being indoctrinated into a cardboard version of human nature, which they hold true to such a degree that their own behavior has begun to resemble it. Psychological tests have shown that economics majors are more egoistic than the average college student. Exposure in class after class to the capita-
    list self-interest model apparently kills off whatever prosocial tendencies these students have to begin with.
    They give up trusting others, and conversely others give up trusting them. Hence the bad odor.
    Frans de Waal, Ph.D. (*1948) Dutch US American Candler professor of psychology and primate behavior, director of Living Links, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, biologist, ethologist, speaker, author, The Age of Empathy. Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society, S. 243, Crown, 1st edition 22. September 2009


  • All successful conquests go through three stages.
    1. First the defeated are dispossessed.
    2. Then they adopt the habits and the outlook of the conquerors.
    3. Finally, they thank their new masters for their dispossession.
Corporate power has entered the third stage of conquest. And everywhere we are told how grateful we should be. Article Privatising Our Minds. Cause-Related Marketing is a new form of social control, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, George Monbiot (*1963) English environmental and political activist, writer, 31. July 2001


  • The people with wealth and power have diverted our attention from [...] [the] real issues. It is a clever ploy on behalf
    of the rich nations and multinational corporations to change the agenda. They have successfully removed the subject
    of community, equity, justice, sustainability, and sharing from public discourse. If they were to discuss these matters, then they themselves would have to live simply, use the resources of the Earth more frugally and share food, land, and housing equitably. They don’t want to do this. It suits them to talk about poverty. They use the excuse of poverty in
    order to increase their profits. Satish Kumar (*1936) Indian Jain monk, activist, nuclear disarmament advocate, environmentalist, pacifist, editor of the environmental magazine Resurgence & Ecologist, cited in: removed article Poverty and Progress, presented by the British bi-monthly environmental magazine Resurgence & Ecologist, issue 196, S. 6, 1999




Catherine Fitts estimates 40 trillion dollars of public funds are invested in satellite and space technologies (via economic sub-systems) but the profits and 40 trillion itself is not returning to the public, instead they amass as privately owned.

  • The American government […] is running the central banking warfare model global-
    ly, and it depends heavily on criminal profits. If you look at the general population,
    the general population supports that. […] The general population supports that as
    long as they can pretend they don’t have responsibility for that. If you look at the
    drug trafficking, the mortgage fraud, stuffing innocent people into prison, that is being implemented one county at a time in 3,100 counties. There are millions of Americans getting paid to put a pretty face to it. […] The party with the debt growth model is over, and that means the party is over for a lot of people who are unproductive. […]
    Our country has turned into, we've all turned into […] is being run as a criminal enterprise. I think the secrecy and privilege is tearing us apart […] if trillions of dollars had been stolen I think that should be on the table before we try
    and balance the budget on the backs of the people it's been stolen from. […]
    If you read the book Clinton Cash (2015) there is two things you can say about America once you understand what the Clintons have been up to for their whole career: 1) It's a miracle that they are not in prison now. And it shows you how corrupt America is that they are not in prison. […]
    If enough people would write in [for the presidency], it would make an enormous difference. […] With [Hillary] Clinton there is no hope. You are talking about a criminal enterprise, leaving millions of people in this country unproteced, and just harvested. Video interview with Catherine Austin Fitts (*1950) US American former assistant secretary of housing under George H.W. Bush, managing a 300 billion dollar portfolio, whistleblower on financial terrorism, president of the Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts – Criminals Running US Government, presented by Greg Hunter, recorded 6. March 2016, removed
    YouTube film, minutes 12:38, 25:30, 27:30, 36:43 minutes duration, posted 6. March 2016




A variance of this quote is falsely attributed to John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) British economist, fellow of King's College, University of Cambridge, England, expert in modern macroeconomy

  • But by far the strongest resistance to drastic action comes from those who would say, if they sought at all to express their motives, that inequality of incomes is inevitable and even desirable in a world in which individual are born with unequal talents. You must leave the efficient man as well as the inefficient the motive to exert himself to the utmost. The great merit of the capitalist system, it has been said, is that it succeeds in using the nastiest motives of nasty people for the ultimate benefit of society. Austin Robinson (1897-1993) British economist, University of Cambridge, close colleague of John Maynard Keynes, Monopoly, part of a series called the "Cambridge Economic Handbooks", chapter "Future Policy", pg. 276, Nisbet & Company, London, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, April 1941, reprint 1948


  • Only three hundred men, each of whom knows all others, govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State, which they find unreasonable. Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) German industrialist, assassinated politician, Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic, writer, presented by the "Neue Freie Presse", Vienna, Christmas issue 1909



The world financial system is a legalized gargantuan Ponzi scheme.

  • The world financial system is a total fraud. It is one gargantuan Ponzi scheme, no better than the one Bernie Madoff used to swindle his friends and neighbors, and thousands of times worse if you add up the total number of victims it has ripped off over countless generations. The principal difference between the two schemes is that Madoff was acting outside the law while the international banking cartel has persuaded generation after generation of monarchs, presidents and prime ministers to provide legislative protection for their larceny.
    Video keynote speech by Paul Hellyer, PC FRSA (1923-2021) Canadian engineer, entrepreneur, politician, minister of defence (1963-1967), commentator, writer, sponsored by International UFO Congress 2011, 26. February 2011, Global Financial Fraud, Global Hope, presented by the online publication Global Research, 28. February 2011; Video Hon. Paul Hellyer Exposes Global Financial System as Fraud, part 1 of 3, YouTube film, 24:26 minutes duration, posted 6. July 2011



Said to be from an informal talk at the University of Texas in the 1920s, but as yet unverified

  • Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.
    Josiah Charles Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp (1880-1941) British civil servant, industrialist, director of the Bank of England (1928-1941), economist, statistician, writer, cited in: Silas Walter Adams, The legalized crime of banking and a constitutional remedy,
    S. 13, 30, 58, 90, 246, Meador, Boston, 1958, Omnia Veritas Ltd., 23. March 2015



Invisible government – true ruling power

  • The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.
    Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.
    This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is
    they who pull the wires that control the public mind. Edward Bernays (1891-1995) US American nephew of psycho-
    analysis pioneer Sigmund Freud, founder of the public institutional propaganda, pioneer of public relations and political marketing, Propaganda, PDF, S. 9-10, 1st edition 1928, new edition 2005


  • Corporations are legal fictions created by the State to shield executives from liability [...]. It's like if I had a little hand-puppet, and I went to rob a bank, and the hand-puppet held the little gun and told people to hand over all the money, and then the hand-puppet grabbed the money and ran out, and then I got caught and I handed the hand-puppet over the police and then the police tried the hand-puppet, put the hand-puppet in jail, and I get to keep all the money. Stefan Molyneux (*1966) Irish-born Canadian blogger/vlogger, podcaster on anarcho-capitalism, politics, secular ethics, atheism, right-libertarianism, cryptocurrencies, self-published author, cited in: Sensei Ono Northey, This is Everything I Know, S. 235, 2015


  • Nobody wants to acknowledge that Google has grown big and bad.
    Julian Assange (*1971) controversial Australian computer programmer, Internet activist, founder of editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks (*2006), journalist, publisher, When Google Met Wikileaks, OR Books, New York, 25. September 2014, paperback 11. October 2016


  • Women are a Third World where ever we are.  S. xii
    • I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.‎  S. xxii
  • Male workers are now capitalists, […] the property imbued in them is womankind.  Gloria Steinem, "Preface", S. 5, 1999
    • In the late twentieth century, the greater number of the casualties and victims of war are not the military but 'civilians' – that is, overwhelmingly, women and children. In the late twentieth century, the greater number of casualties and victims of the market are not the workers but the "economically inactive" – that is, overwhel-
      mingly, women and children.  S. 146
  • Female sexual slavery is present in ALL situations where women or girls cannot change the immediate conditions
    of their existence; where regardless of how they got into those conditions they cannot get out; and where they are
    subject to sexual violence and exploitation.  S. 199
    • Of course as long as men rule women there can be no real expectation of change. […] The women in elected and bureaucratic office would be empowered in their lobbying and work. And the information would empower
      the powerless – to change governments, leaders, and the nature of economic power.  S. 231
  • Our global ecosystem, our environment, all other species, our Mother Earth was still exposed to rape and exploitation by the national accounts, and the creation of visibility for women changed nothing here.  S. 233
    • When more than half of the elected representatives are women, the institutional structure of government will change: the impact of women's culture in those numbers will see the hierarchy transformed. We don't know precisely how, and that's not really important. We know that the notion of power and its use would be transformed; we know that the substance of what is valued would be transformed.  "Epilogue", S. 256
Marilyn Waring (*1952) New Zealand academic, politician, activist for female human rights and environmental issues, develop-
ment consultant United Nations expert, feminist author, known as a principal founder of the discipline of feminist economics,
author, Counting for Nothing. What Men Value and What Women are Worth, Harper & Row, Macmillan‚ Allen & Unwin, 1988,
University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, 2nd paperback edition, 15. December 1999


  • White feminists today like to identify with the 'witches.' That's what I mean, we don't know who we are. We aren't the 'witches.' We are the ones on the other side: the loyal sisters and wives of the euro-men doing the policing and bur-
    ning. The sisters of patriarchy trying to protect themselves from the terrorism by submitting, trying to be the unthreatening helpers. Butch Lee, author, The Military Strategy of Women and Children, Kersplebedeb, 1. January 2003

It is often the most privileged women, who are objectively offering the least resistance to capitalist-patriarchy, who feel the most pressure to "prove" the existence of a homogonous "class of women" with an identical "women's interest". The Women's Liberation movement itself had been taken over by a careerist, pro-capitalist species.


  • All wars are banker's wars. All wars are about making a profit for the 1% by consuming the 99%. Iraq was a ban-
    ker's war. All wars also have a very strong Zionist component. [...] Everything we are being told today is a lie. Banks
    lie, governments lie, corporations lie, religions lie. […] The time has come to nationalize all Central Banks and put
    them in the service of the public, not the service of the Rothshields, and the Vatican, and the Chabad Jews.
    Video interview with Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services
    case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Robert David Steele on Zionism, the Middle East and Central Banks, presented by PanOrient News TV, host YouTube film, minutes 1:10, 2:24, and 16:44,
    28:47 minutes duration, posted 7. April 2018



Differentiating Deep StateShadow Government

  • The Deep State is above governments. The Deep State essentially consists of the Rotshields, and the Vatican, including both the Black Pope and the White Pope, as well as the Chabad Jews.
    • They use the Freemasons and the Knights of Malta at the highest levels as their fixers. And they use world
      banks as their managers.
    • Most governments have two parties that are elected by 30% of the public, the other 70% of the public is disenfranchised.
The politicians and the military leaders and the bankers at the national level are the best of the servant class. They comprise the Shadow Government, but they are not the Deep State. They are the servants of the Deep State.
Video interview with Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services
case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Robert David Steele on Zionism, the Middle East and Central Banks, presented by PanOrient News TV, host YouTube film, minute 17:47, 28:47 minutes duration,
posted 7. April 2018


  • The time has come to nationalize all Central Banks and put them in the service of the public, not the service of the Rothshields, and the Vatican, and the Chabad Jews. The Central Banks in the world are under the control of the Rothshields, and the Vatican, and the Chabad Jews. The leaders of these Central Banks are handpicked and approved by the Rothshields. The same is true of most bankers. For instance, the major leaders of Morgan Guarantee, and City Bank, and Goldman Sachs – these people are all approved by the Rothshields, the Vatican and the Chabad Jews.
    They are not elected, the are not selected on merit. They are selected on the basis of being loyal to the Deep State.
    Video interview with Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Robert David Steele on Zionism, the Middle East and Central Banks, presented by PanOrient News TV, host YouTube film, minute 16:44, 28:47 minutes duration,
    posted 7. April 2018


  • The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of
    the world as a whole.
    This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world ac-
    ting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.
    Carroll Quigley, Ph.D. (1910-1977) US American professor of history, theorist of the evolution of civilizations, Georgetown
    University, researcher on secret societies, author, Tragedy and Hope, chapter 20, The Macmillan Company, 1966



  • [The state is] an institution run by gangs of murderers, plunderers, and thieves, surrounded by willing executioners, propagandists, sycophants, crooks, liars, clowns, charlatans, dupes, and useful idiots – an institution that dirties and taints everything it touches. Hans-Hermann Hoppe (*1949) German-born American Austrian School economist, professor emeritus of economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), paleolibertarian anarcho-capitalist philosopher, founder of the Property and Freedom Society, author, 10. June 2010|The Property And Freedom Society – Reflections After Five Years,
    published first 10. June 2010



Ego and profit driven business styles – adverse to sustainability

  • In the business of global war, there is no profit in peaceful communities.
    In the business of global food, there is no profit in sustainable communities.
    In the business of toxins and drugs, there is no profit in healthy communities.
    In the business of lies and misinformation there is no profit in critical-thinking communities.


  • The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.
William Paterson (1658-1719) Scottish trader, banker, cofounder of the (then privately owned) Bank of England, 1694



The term "Committee of 300" was coined by Rathenau.

  • Three hundred men,4 all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves.
Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) German industrialist, assassinated politician, Foreign Minister of Germany during the Weimar Republic, writer, presented by the Austrian newspaper "Neue Freie Presse", Vienna, 1909


  • When you see
    ➢ that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion,
    ➢ when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing,
    ➢ when you see money flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors,
    ➢ when you see that men get richer by graft and pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them,
    but protect them against you,
    ➢ when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice,
    you may know that your society is doomed.
    Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Russian-American philosopher, utilitarian ideologe, playwright, screenwriter, novelist, Atlas Shrugged, 19575


  • Engineers do engineering, i.e. they build bridges. So engineering needs engineers. The economy does NOT need economists. Economists do not make economy, but they try it and that is why we have so much problems with some financial models. Steve Keen, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian critic of neoclassical economics, author, cited in: Peterson K. Ozili, Central Bank of Nigeria, 100 Quotes from the Global Financial Crisis. Lessons for the Future, 31. December 2019, revised 21. January 2020


  • Economics also has to become a fundamentally monetary discipline – from the consideration of how individuals make market decisions through to our understanding of macroeconomics. The myth of "the money illusion" (which can only be true in a world without debt) has to be immediately dispelled, while our macroeconomics have to reflect a monetary economy in which nominal magnitudes matter, precisely because they are the link between the value of current output and the financing of accumulated debt. The dangers of excessive debt and deflation simply cannot
    be comprehended from a neoclassical perspective. Steve Keen, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian
    critic of neoclassical economics, author, paper Mad, bad, and dangerous to know, alternative source, 2009


  • Neoclassical economics has effectively insulated itself from the great advances made in science and engineering over the last 40 years. This self-imposed isolation must come to an end. For while the concepts of neoclassical economics appear difficult, they are actually quaint in comparison to the sophistication evident in today's mathe-
    matics, engineering, computing, evolutionary biology and physics. In order to advance, economics must humbly submit to learning from disciplines that it has studiously ignored for so long. Some researchers in outside fields
    have called for the wholesale replacement of standard economics curricula, using at least the building blocks of modern thought inherent in other disciplines. Steve Keen, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian critic of neoclassical economics, author, Adbusters #84 Pop Nihilism, 1. July 2009


  • The discipline must also become fundamentally empirical, in contrast to the faux empiricism of econometrics. By
    this I mean basing itself on the economic and financial data first and foremost – the collection and interpretation
    of which has been the hallmark of contributions by econophysicists – and by respecting economic history, a topic
    which has been systematically expunged from economics departments around the world. Steve Keen, Ph.D.
    (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian critic of neoclassical economics, author, Adbusters #84 Pop Nihilism, 1. July 2009


  • Fortunately, behavioral economics provides the beginnings of an alternative vision of how individuals operate in a market environment, while multi-agent modelling and network theory give us foundations for understanding group dynamics in a complex society. These approaches explicitly emphasize what neoclassical economics has evaded: that aggregation of heterogeneous individuals results in emergent properties of the group, which cannot be reduced to the behavior of any "representative individual." These approaches should replace neoclassical microeconomics completely. Steve Keen, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian critic of neoclassical economics, author, Adbusters #84 Pop Nihilism, 1. July 2009


  • The fallacy that dynamic processes must be modeled as if the system is in continuous equilibrium is probably the most important reason for the intellectual failure of neoclassical economics. Mathematics, science and engineering developed tools long ago to model outside of equilibrium processes. This dynamic approach to thinking about the economy should become second nature to economists. Steve Keen, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian critic of neoclassical economics, author, Adbusters #84 Pop Nihilism, 1. July 2009


  • The position I now favor is that economics is a pre-science, rather like astronomy before Copernicus, Brahe and Galileo. I still hold out hope of better behavior in the future, but given the travesties of logic and anti-empiricism that have been committed in its name, it would be an insult to the other sciences to give economics even a tentative membership of that field. Steve Keen, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian critic of neoclassical economics, author, Debunking Economics. The Naked Emperor Dethroned?, Zed Books, 1. July 2001, revised, expanded edition
    15. October 2011


  • Have you heard the joke about the chemist, physicist and economist who get wrecked on a desert isle, with a huge supply of canned baked beans as their only food? The chemist says that he can start a fire using the neighbouring palm trees, and calculate the temperature at which a can will explode. The physicist says that she can work out the trajectory of each of the baked beans, so that they can be collected and eaten. The economist says, "Hang on guys, you're doing it the hard way. Let's assume we have a can opener." Steve Keen, Ph.D. (*1953) Australian economist, post-Keynesian critic of neoclassical economics, author, Debunking Economics. The Naked Emperor Dethroned?, Zed Books,
    1. July 2001, revised, expanded edition 15. October 2011


References: en.Wikiquote entries George Soros and ► Neoliberalism

Black humored truth


"The real owners"

  • The real owners are the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. You have owners.
    ⚑ They own you.
    ⚑ They own everything.
    ⚑ They own all the important land.
    ⚑ They own and control the corporations.
    ⚑ They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls.
    ⚑ They've got the judges in their back pockets.
    ⚑ And they own all the big media companies, so that they control just about all of the news and information you hear.
♦ They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
♦ [They want] [o]bedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork but just dumb enough to passively accept [their worsening situation]. Audio presentation by George Carlin (1937-2008) controversial US American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, author, George Carlin's Illuminati Speech, excerpted from The American Dream program, (Transcript), YouTube film, minute 0:30, 3:14 minutes duration, 17. January 2012

Capitalism is a religion.
Banks are churches.
Bankers are priests.
Wealth is heaven.
Poverty is hell.
Rich people are saints.
Poor people are sinners.
Commodities are blessings.
Money is God.


Source: ► Miguel D. Lewis, revolutionary philosopher, cited in: article A god called capitalism,
presented by the Pakistani newspaper Daily Times, Nirvaan Nadeem, 8. June 2018

If I were rich, I'd have the time that I lack
To sit in the synagogue and pray.
And maybe have a seat by the Eastern wall.
And I'd discuss the holy books with the learned men,
several hours every day.
That would be the sweetest thing of all.


Source: ► Cast lyrics If I Were a Rich Man, posted 2001
excerpted from the US American musical Fiddler on the Roof, 1964

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Psychopaths who have come from higher socio-economic levels often are more socially adept and become white-collar embezzlers or unethical CEOs of large corporations and get involved with stock fraud. Some learn how to set up shell corporations, Ponzi schemes, and pseudocharities, or they become manipulators of the stock or commodities markets. Some become adept at politics and enter government where they become corrupt officials.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 191, 2005



Stewardship [LoC 415] and truth [LoC 425]

  • When we were at [LoC of mankind] 190 one could get away with non-integrity, which is the Old Boys way of doing business. And now at 205 or 207, you see Enron fall and Martha Stewart called on the carpet; so the new paradigm of success is integrity. Making money [LoC 200] was sufficient during the early part of the last century through this century; success was money and fame, and all those things. And now the focus of society is integrity [LoC 200+] and what is the truth [LoC 425]. Deleted interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the
    US American magazine New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004

Reorganization of the current money system based on values

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6, 10 New Living Translation, 2007 (NT)

  • Anytime there’s a shift of consciousness from one level to another, there's a disruption. […] What’s happening with our economy is a reorganization based
    on values other than just making money. The economy is really based on greed: every product is an effort to make money [LoC 200]. And making money doesn’t infer anything having to do with responsibility. [LoC 475] […] As citizens, we're asking, "Should these companies reveal [LoC 425] what they know?” So there's disorganization based on a current lack of clarity about values. […]
    […] Integrity is the current headline – people testifying about the integrity of a company, its executives and whether their compensation is within expectations of financial integrity – and the fact that some are well outside the expected norms is causing a great upset in the media: excessive compensation for executives who not only didn't do a good job but did a bad job. […]
    We have instant reporting […] So as an executive is testifying in Washington, the country is listening. We're far more involved in world affairs that once were abstract. And the fact that [some corruption] involves taxpayer money and people’s personal investments, as in the case of Bernie Madoff, that makes it very personal. Accountability and personal responsibility [LoC 475] are becoming quite primary." Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.,
    presented by the US American magazine Holistic Networker, Gina Mazza Hillier, 17. June 2009



Making profit and guilt feelings thereof

  • Recontextualize yourself as a steward of the gifts of business, in integrity. You can calibrate things in business because you have a responsibility [LoC 425], a stewardship [LoC 415] of your skills to use them for the benefit of others. Then you don't have to worry about profit. You align yourself with integrity, willing to face God for the responsibilities of your actions and decisions.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Sedona Seminar Perception & Positionality|Perception and Positionality]], Audio set, 19. June 2004

Englische Texte – English section on Predatory economics

Four developmental stages in ecosystems, brains, western economy, capitalism – Principle of 3:1

Biologic ecosystems
༺༻EvolutionStageLife formAction focusMind frame
1.ANIMALISTIC ParasiticViruses Appropriation and monopolizationFractioned mindset
2.ANIMALISTIC PredatoryPredators"Eating and being eaten" / "Fuck or kill"Fractioned mindset
3.ANIMALISTIC CompetitiveMammalians6"Survival of the fittest"Fractioned mindset
4. HUMAN Symbiotic
Cooperating cell aggregates
Biotope, habitat Beginning of field consciousness
Source: ► Video lecture by Watts Wacker (1953-2017) US American futurist, speaker, author, annual meeting "Sodexho"
"On futurism · Difference between futuring and visioning", minute 19, 53:33 minutes duration, Paris, France, 6. June 2006
See also:
Quotes by Elisabet Sahtouris
Analogous animal and human evolution – Bruce H. Lipton


Brain development
༺༻EvolutionStageBrainBrain wavePsycheTaboo
1.ANIMALISTIC Parasitic Reptilian brain
UnconsciousDelta brain wavesEstablishing taboos
2.ANIMALISTIC Predatory Limbic System
Mammalian brain
SubconsciousTheta brain wavesEstablishing taboos
3.ANIMALISTIC Competitive NeocortexDaytime consciousnessBeta brain wavesMaintaining taboos
4. HUMAN Symbiotic
Prefrontal CortexSuperconsciousnessAlpha brain waves Breaking taboos
See also:
Four basic brains and the ethical brain
Passage from
force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self


Economic systems
༺༻Take⇔giveStageMoney structure
1.ENERGY-CONSUMING ParasiticMonetary system based on Interest and compound interest
2.ENERGY-CONSUMING PredatoryPrivate banking based on systematic debt creation
3.ENERGY-CONSUMING CompetitiveInternational stock corporations (in western/industrial societies run by nearly only white male CEOs and board members) engaged in "legalized" food speculation
4. NURTURING Symbiotic
[Local] Cooperative social economics interlaced in Global networking
Source: ► Video lecture by Watts Wacker (1953-2017) US American futurist, speaker, author, annual meeting "Sodexho"
"On futurism · Difference between futuring and visioning", minute 19, 53:33 minutes duration, Paris, France, 6. June 2006
See also: ► Conventional Banking (Me) ⇔ Social Banking (No-me / Other)Muhammad Yunus


Western capitalism – Power carriers and institutions – Otto Scharmer
Stages of
Stages of
Economic Evolution
Primary coordination mechanism
New Primary
Source of Power
17-18th centuries Pre-capitalism7Mercantilist /
StabilityRegulation /
1. State / government Sticks
18-19th centuries Capitalism·1.08Capital /
GrowthMarket / competition 1. State / government
2. Capital / business
19-20th centuries Capitalism·2.09Stakeholder
Social free market
ExternalitiesNegotiation / dialog 1. State / government
2. Capital / business
3. Civil society / NGO
21st century Capitalism·3.010Shared ecosystem‐awareness‐driven Global externalitiesCollective action arising from shared awareness and common will 1. State / government
2. Capital / business
3. Civil society / NGOs
4. Cross‐sector productive communities
Actions arising
by presencing the emerging whole
Wall Street capitalism of "too big to fail" institutions → short-term financial profitability
Heads I win, tails you lose.  Paul Krugman (*1953) US American professor of economics, Nobel laureate in economics, 2008
"I win" = The average annual compensation for the top 50 Wall Street investment bankers was $590 million. [Status 2007]
"You lose" = Taxpayers worldwide covered a multi-trillion bailout bills. [Status 2008/2009]
Sources engl./German featuring Otto Scharmer ottoscharmer.com (*1961) German American senior lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founding chair of the "Presencing Institute", core faculty member of the of the United Nations leaders program
Article Seven Acupuncture Points for Shifting Capitalism to Create a Regenerative Ecosystem Economy, Table 1, 8.-9. June 2009,
     21. September 2009
► German: Videovortrag von Otto Scharmer (*1951) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Green Hub und Presencing Institute,
     Eröffnung der deutschen Niederlassung der Triodos Bank Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main, 2. Dezember 2009, YouTube Film
     ♦ Kapitalismus 3.0 – Wie wirtschaften wir heute für morgen?, Teil 1 von 2, 1:01:47 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 8. Dezember 2009
     ♦ Kapitalismus 3.0 – Wie wirtschaften wir heute für morgen?, Teil 2 von 2, 31:34 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. Dezember 2009
See also – compare to:
Low Ground ⇔ High Ground Interpretations of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory
Adolescent Self-interest-driven Reduced Darwinism (1859) ⇔ Darwinism rediscovered based on Mature Mutuality (2007)


Note also:

Evolutionary theories: Darwinism – reduced and rediscovered
Darwin's Evolutionary Theory
reviewed by
David Loye11
Reduced Darwinism
Domination – Competition (1859)
19-20th century human mindset
Rediscovered Darwinism
Partnership – Cooperation (2007)
21st century human mindset
Socially Subhuman, inhuman, and inhumane evolution Fully human evolution
Politically Adaptation and accommodation Assertion and aspiration
Economically Selfishness and greed as the key to wealth for the privileged Caring and sharing to spread the global wealth
to the many
Scientifically Truncated theory and story oriented to the deep past, applied spuriously to the present Fully human, action-animating theory and story oriented to today and the future.
Moral drive of human evolution "Survival of the fittest" and selfishness über alles Love and moral sensitivity
Spiritually Original sin12, a ferocious God of my people versus your people who has to be obeyed No God at all or original blessing, merciful God of all people, good will from on high and below, favoring an abundant life for all
Written source: ► David Loye, Ph.D. (1925-2022) US American social psychologist, evolutionary
systems-theorist, founder of the The Darwin Project, author, Darwin's Second Revolution, book I of the trilogy
Darwin and the Battle for 21st Century Mind, epilogue, last quote, Benjamin Franklin Press, 30. October 2010
See also:
Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye
Women's leadership superseding men's leadership
Evaluating male and female leadership qualities – Pew Survey 2008
Innate goodness ⇔ innate badness


See also: ► Principle 3:1 and ► Separative mindset ⇔ Field consciousness – Four (3:1) developmental phases and ► Kosmologie

Features and warning signs of fascism – Laurence Britt

Fourteen signs of advanced domination aka fascism
1.Powerful and continuing nationalism Constant public use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, flags, songs, paraphernalia
2.Disdain for the recognition of human rights Due to fear of enemies and the "need" for security human rights are denied to others. People look the other way or approve openly of torture, summary executions, assassinations, long incarcerations of prisoners.
3.Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause Unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial, ethnic or religious minorities, liberals, communists, socialists, terrorists.
4.Supremacy of the military The military is glamorized and given a disproportionate amount of government funding, and the domestic agenda is neglected.
5.Rampant sexism Governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy.
6.Controlled mass media Media is directly or indirectly controlled by the government; the media is controlled by government regulation, or sympathetic with media spokespeople and executives. Censorship in wartimes.
7.Obsession with national security Fear is used as a motivational tool by the government.
8.Religion and government intertwined Fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation and twisted
religious rhetoric and terminology as a tool to manipulate public opinion.
9.Protection of corporate power The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship
and a power elite.
10.Suppression of labor power Labor unions are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed in fascist nations.
11.Disdain for intellectuals and the Arts Fascist nations tend to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. The arts is openly attacked and not funded.
12.Obsession with crime and punishment The police are given almost limitless power to enforce laws.
Police abuses are overlooked.13/14
13.Rampant cronyism and corruption Groups of friends and associates appoint each other to government positions and use governmental power and authority to protect their friends from accountability.
14.Fraudulent elections Elections are a sham or manipulated by smear campaigns against or even assassination of opposition candidates.
► Article by Dr. Laurence Britt, political scientist, Fascism Anyone?, presented by the magazine Secular Humanism,
     volume 23, no. 2, spring 2003
► Article by Dr. Laurence Britt, political scientist, Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism By Dr. Lawrence Britt, originally
     presented by the bi-monthly journal of secular humanist opinion and commentary Free Inquiry, reissued by the publication
     Rense.com, 28. May 2003
References: en.Wikipedia entries Fasces, Fascism, Fascist symbolism, Inverted Totalitarianism, Oligarchy, Totalitarianism
See also: ► Assessments on fascism and totalitarianism


[I]n the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.
Adolf Hitler [Führer / Reichskanzler] (1889-1945) Austrian-German fascist leader of the Nazi Party during the Third Reich (1933-1945), Mein Kampf, volume I, chapter X "Why The Second Reich Collapsed", Franz Eher Nachfolger, 18. July 1925, cited in: Peter Charles Hoffer, The Historians’ Paradox: The Study of History in Our Time, S. 88, New York University Press, New York, 2008

Systematic subversion of social liberty – Naomi Wolf

Ten indispensable incisions for a fascist group/government to subvert
the social/political liberty of democratic nations
༺༻FeatureExamplary cases in United States
1.Invoking a terrifying internal and external enemyInstigated islamophobia, fear of Weapons of mass destruction, Patriot Act, 2001
2.Creating secret prisons where torture takes placeGuantanamo torture prison, Waterboarding,
Enhanced interrogation techniques
3.Developing a thug caste or paramilitary force
not answerable to citizens
Academi (former Blackwater) mercenaries,
Blackshirts, Sturmabteilung (SA) Brownshirts
4.Setting up an internal surveillance apparatus
to spy on every ordinary citizens
Worldwide NSA surveillance, intimidation via Stasi files,
air passengers listed on watch lists
5.Increased infiltration and harassing of citizens' groupsFBI spying on anti-death penalty
and anti-war protesters
6.Arbitrarily arrest, detain and release ordinary citizensHeld in solitary confinement for 14 days, detained to an off-shore prison and tortured,
book burnings, suppression of Dan Rather, the music of Dixie Chicks
7.Targeting key individualsValerie Plame affair15
8.Restrict and control the pressApplying the Espionage Act of 1917, good reporters tried for treason, Amy Goodman
(*1957) US American broadcast journalist, columnist, investigative reporter, executive producer and host of the TV, radio and internet news program Democracy Now! under prison
charges for reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline protests, September 201616
9.Recast criticism as espionage and dissent as treason
Treating all political dissidents as traitors
Mass arrest of citizens 2008 Republican National Convention, Saint Paul, Minnesota,
1-4 September 2008
10.Subversion of the rule of lawContempt of congress by the White House, intimidation of opposition,
National Defense Authorization Act, Section 1078 – HR 4310, 2013


Sources featuring Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political campaign consultant to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, political activist, social critic, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author
Article Fascist America, in 10 Easy Steps, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 24. April 2007
Referencing Naomi Wolf's book: The End of America. Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, Chelsea Green Publishing, September 2007

Video presentation The End of America revisited, sponsored by the Liberty Forum, Free State Project, New Hampshire,
     New England, 20.-23. February 2014, recorded by Red Pill Recording, YouTube film, 1:45:36 duration, posted 18. March 2014
       ☛ Video presentation Naomi Wolf Exposes Fake News / False Flags, sponsored by the Liberty Forum, 2014 Free State Project,
            YouTube film, 8:53 minutes duration, 23. June 2015
"We’ve entered an era in which it is not crazy to access news events to see if they’re real or not, and in the United States as well as overseas […] and in fact, its kind of crazy not to.  Minute 1:50
Anyone talking about this can become a "conspiracy theorist." All over the world intelligence agencies are conspiring to create outcomes. Now that its legal to propagandize the United States its not surprising that there are more and more events coming up in the news media that seem to be subsidized.  Minute 2:25

     Video presentation The End of America, YouTube film, 47:46 minutes duration, posted 17. January 2016
Full documentary The End of America, directed by Annie Sundberg and Ricki Stern, produced by Katahdin Productions and
     Impact Partners, Prometheus Consulting, 2008, YouTube film, 1:13:13 duration, posted 28. January 2016
The End of America, adapted from Naomi Wolf's book The End of America. Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, 2007
See also: ► Assessments on fascism and totalitarianism



Participatory democracy had existed on Turtle Island for over 500 years, before white settlers seized and re-formed it to corporate America.

The Founding Fathers were inspired by the wisdom of the Iroquois.

  • Haudenosaunee fundamental law, the Great Law of Peace, stipulates to this day that sachems' (chiefs') skins must be thick to withstand the criticism of their constituents: sachems should take pains not to become angry when people scrutinize their conduct in governmental affairs. Such a point of view pervades the writings of Jefferson and Franklin, although it was not fully codified into U.S. law until the Supreme Court decision The New York Times vs. Sullivan (1964) made it virtually impossible for public officials to sue successfully for libel.  Article Native American Ideas of Governance and U.S. Constitution, presented by the publication daily.jstor.org, Bruce E. Johansen, 1. June 2009



Revered Abraham Lincoln was possibly the founding father of the Corporate State of America.

  • Martial Law is declared by President Lincoln on April 24th, 1863, with General Orders No. 100; under martial law authority, Congress and President Lincoln institute continuous martial law by ordering the states to either conscribe troops and or provide money in support of the North or be recognized as enemies of the nation; this martial law Act of Congress is still in effect today. This martial law authority gives the President (with or without Congress) the dictatorial authority to do anything that can be done by government in accord with the Constitution of the United States of America. This conscription act remains in effect to this very day and is the foundation of "Presidential Executive Orders" authority; it was magnified in 1917 with The Trading with the Enemy Act (Public Law 65-91, 65th Congress, Session I, Chapters 105, 106, 6. October 1917). And again in 1933 with the Emergency War Powers Act, which is ratified and enhanced almost every year to this date by Congress. Today, these Acts address the people of the United States themselves as their enemy.  General Orders No. 100: The Lieber Code. Instructions for the Government of ARMIES of the United States in the Field, prepared by Francis Lieber, promulgated as General Orders No. 100 by President Lincoln, 24. April 1863
    The Shocking Origin of the Federal Government, compiled by Jim Jester, posted by Cathleen, 2. January 2014


  • Fasces from the Latin word fascis, meaning "bundle", is a bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe with its blade emerging. The fasces had its origin in the Etruscan civilization and was passed on to ancient Rome, where it symbolized a magistrate's power and jurisdiction. The axe originally associated with the symbol, the Labrys, the double-bitted axe, originally from Crete, is one of the oldest symbols of Greek civilization. To the Romans, it was known as a bipennis. Commonly, the symbol was associated with female deities, from pre-
    historic through historic times. The image has survived in the modern world as a repre-
    sentation of magisterial or collective power, law and governance. The fasces frequently occurs as a charge in heraldry: it is present on the reverse of the U.S. Mercury dime coin and behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives; and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived).
    en.Wikipedia entry, status 2018


  • Though in 2008, I did not explicitly foresee that a medical pandemic would be the vehicle for moving the entire globe into "Step Ten,"
    I have at various points warned of the dangers of medical crises as vehicles that tyranny can exploit to justify suppressions of civil rights.
        1. Emergency measures in many states, which suspend due process of law [Step 10 on the way to fascism].
        2. The closures of schools.
        3. Bills being passed for "vaccine passports."
        4. Forced closures of businesses.
        5. Restrictions on assembly.
        6. Forced face coverings.
        7. Suppression of free speech. (censoring of critics)
        8. Science being hijacked in the interests of "biofascism."
        9. Data being hijacked to serve the interests of this biofascism. (Covid Tracking Project)
      10. Attacks on religious minorities.
      11. Policies that weaken bonds between human beings.
This time we do not just face a war on freedom. This time we face a war on human beings, and on all that makes us human.
Article by Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political campaign consultant to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, political activist, social critic, leading
spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, Naomi Wolf: We've Reached 'Step Ten' of the 10 Steps to Fascism, presented by
the US American publication the Defender, 5. March 2021

Required ingredients for a fascist state – John Whitehead

Ten governmental procedures to introduce fascism – Battlefield America
༺༻         Ten fascist governmental actions         
1.The government is managed by a powerful leader (even if he or she assumes office by way of the electoral process). This is the fascistic leadership principle (or father figure).
2.The government assumes it is not restrained in its power. This is authoritarianism, which eventually
evolves into totalitarianism.
3.The government ostensibly operates under a capitalist system while being undergirded by an immense bureaucracy.
4.The government through its politicians emits powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
5.The government has an obsession with national security while constantly invoking terrifying
internal and external enemies.
6.The government establishes a domestic and invasive surveillance system and develops a
paramilitary force that is not answerable to the citizenry.
7.The government and its various agencies (federal, state, and local) develop an obsession with crime and punishment. This is overcriminalization.
8.The government becomes increasingly centralized while aligning closely with corporate powers
to control
all aspects of the country’s social, economic, military, and governmental structures.
9.The government uses militarism as a center point of its economic and taxing structure.
10.The government is increasingly imperialistic in order to maintain the military-industrial corporate forces.
Literature: ► John W. Whitehead, US American constitutional attorney, founder of the The Rutherford Institute,
author, Battlefield America. The War on the American People, SelectBooks, 14. April 2015
See also: ► Assessments on fascism and totalitarianism

Fourteen common features of fascism – Umberto Eco

Listing features of Ur-fascism
༺༻Key phrase Legend
1.Cult of tradition "One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements."
2.Rejection of modernism "The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity.
In this sense Ur-fascism can be defined as irrationalism."
3.Cult of action for
action's sake
"Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection.
Thinking is a form of emasculation."
4.Disagreement is treason "The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern
culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge."
5.Fear of difference "The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders.
Thus Ur-fascism is racist by definition."
6.Appeal to social frustration "One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated
middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation,
and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups."
7.The obsession with a plot "The followers must feel besieged.
The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia."
8.The enemy is both
strong and weak
"By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time
too strong and too weak."
9.Pacifism is trafficking
with the enemy
"For Ur-fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle."
10.Contempt for the weak "Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology."
11.Everybody is educated
to become a hero
"In Ur-fascist ideology, heroism is the norm.
This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death."
12.Machismo and weaponry "Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of
nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality."
13.Selective populism "There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a
selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People."
14.Ur-fascism speaks Newspeak. "All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an
elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning."
Source: ► Article by Umberto Eco (1932-2016) Italian media scientist, semiotician, philosopher, literary critic, medievalist novelist,
Ur-Fascism, presented by the US American semi-monthly magazine The New York Review of Books, 22. June 1995
► Blog article by Jason Kottke, The 14 Features of Eternal Fascism, presented by the website Kottke.org, 16. November 2016
► Article Umberto Eco Makes a List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism, presented by the publication Open Culture,
     22. November 2016
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Newspeak
See also: ► Assessments on fascism and totalitarianism

Assessments on fascism and totalitarianism

         Definitions/mindsets of totalitarianism / fascism according to various sources       
Jeremy Jennings Unique to Fascism is that it makes violence not just a political strategy but a philosophical principle.
George Orwell The much-abused word Fascism is almost entirely meaningless. 'Bully' is a synonym for 'Fascist'.
Wilhelm Reich Fascism is the basic emotional attitude of the suppressed man of the authoritarian machine civilization.
Wilhelm ReichFascism gives the impulse to murder free rein.
Franklin·D.·Roosevelt Fascism is the ownership of government by controlling private powers.
Stephen J. Gould The mindset of fascism (nazism) correlates with the Social Darwinism slogan "survival of the fittest."
Giovanni Gentile Fascism is availed by a merger of corporations and government.
Benito Mussolini The decadence of capitalism coincides with the decadence of socialism.
Corporative solutions can be applied anywhere.
"The man of fascism is [not merely] an individual, he is nation and fatherland."
Primo Levi "It happened, so it can happen again."
Henry A. Wallace "Fascism is a worldwide disease." Fascism captures both politics and the market to keep common people
in eternal subjection.
"The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact."
Hannah Arendt "The big lie – most notorious characteristic of totalitarianism – takes hold when the line between fact and fiction becomes overridden as a matter of normalized routine."
Hannah Arendt "The true goal of totalitarian propaganda is not persuasion, but organization of the polity. [...] What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part."18
Roger D. Griffin Fascism is more related to the behaviors of fascist governments than to the nature of fascism as a doctrine.
Eric Hoffer In a free society totalitarianism is not imposed from without but is implanted within the individual.
Bertram Gross There is no national democratic institution left. Citizens are permitted a meaningless participatory fascism.
Ronald Reagan On behalf of The Heritage Foundation, Reagan practiced "friendly fascism" by introducing
neoconservative/neoliberal "trickle down" economics.19
Susan Sontag Fascism is institutionalized violence.
Robert Paxton Fascism is political behavior and compensatory cults of unity, and purity preoccupied with
community decline, humiliation, or victimhood.
Matthew Fox Fascism is always patriarchal and anti-women, insists on a commitment to obedience.
Eustace Mullins The Rothshields invented Zionism, Fascism, Nazism and Communism in the 1830s.
Eustace Mullins Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Zionism, and Reformed Judaism are all the same thing.
Karl Popper A dictatorship can happen anywhere.
Huey P. Long Sure, we'll have fascism, but it will come disguised as Americanism.
G. Edward Griffin 'Americanism' is another word for communism, and nazism, and fascism.
Kevin Passmore Fascist nationalism is reactionary, entails implacable hostility to socialism and feminism.
Fascism is a movement of the extreme right and the radical right.
Chris Hedges "Fascist movements build their base not from the politically active but the politically inactive,
the 'losers' who feel, often correctly, they have no voice or role to play in the political establishment."20
Neil Kramer Mass culture is a control mechanism that [...] is the very heart of socialism, communism, fascism and totalitarianism.
Sheldon Wolin Corporate tyranny, termed "friendly fascism" is "inverted totalitarianism."
John W. Whitehead Transgenerational fear, trauma and compliance grease the wheels of the transition to fascism.
Daniel Shaw Traumatic narcissists create totalitarian systems.
Robert David Steele Certainly the Nazi culture is deeply embedded in the US elite and the US government –
we are living in a fascist state now – banking control of everything.21 


Differentiating Fascist expressions:
❄ Secular philosophy ❄ theocratic (cultic) philosophy ❄ militant philosophy
Classic fascism: Germany, Italy, Japan (Third Reich era)
Reactionary oppression: Spain (Franko era)
Deep State engaging the shadow government: Rotshields, Vatican, Chabad Jews
Agents of the British Empire: United States of America, Singapore, Hong Kong (*1815)22
Vasall states of the United States of America: Germany, Italy, Japan (*1945) Korea (*1948)
American EMPIRE • Rogue regime • Corporate government • Oligarchy: United States of America (*1945)
Rogue nondemocratic corporate organisation: European Union (EU)
Rogue aggressor organisation: NATO
US subsidized dependent fascism • Racist apartheid state: Israel23, El Salvador, Haiti, Argentina, Chile, South Korea, Philippines
"Friendly fascism" aka Inverted totalitarianism: United States of America, Western NATO nations, Russia24

Slowly dying democracies run by democratically elected autocrats: Peru: Alberto Fujimori 1990;
    Venezuela, Hugo Chávez 2000; Russia, Vladimir Putin 2000; Turkey, Recep Erdoğan 2003;
    United States of America, Donald Trump, 2017; Poland; Hungary; (Italy), (Austria)

Features of dying democracies: 1. Rejection of democratic rules of the game; 2. Denying the legitimacy of political opponents;
                                         3. Tolerating or encouraging violence; 4. Willingness to curtail freedoms (attacks on civil society, media)

Politicised bullying of the vulnerable: Trumpism25 / 26
Strategic superpower: China (*3rd millennium)27


  • In fact, the Rothshields invented Zionism, Fascism, Nazism and Communism – all in the 1830s in Germany.
    And there is not a dime's worth of difference between any of them.
    Radio interview with Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) US American historian, biographer, investigative political writer, Why The Rothschilds Invented Nazism Eustace Mullins, presented by the radio channel French Connection, host Daryl Bradford Smith, recorded 25. January 2006, altcensored film, minute 29:44, 32:01 minutes duration, posted 7. July 2017


  • [Fascism requires] a philosophical valuing of violence, of Sorelian violence.
    [Fascists believe] that violence is really good for you, that it's the sort of thing that makes you a vital, alive,
    dedicated person, that it creates commitment.
    You make violence not just a political strategy but a philosophical principle. That's unique to fascism.
Jeremy Jennings, English political theorist, professor of political theory, King's College, London, introduction to the latest edition
of Georges Sorel (1847-1922) French philosopher, theorist of revolutionary syndicalism, author, Reflections on Violence, 1908



Personal avowal on modern relativism by Benito Mussolini.

  • Everything I have said and done is these last years is relativism, by intuition. From the fact that all ideologies are of equal value, that all ideologies are mere fictions, the modern relativist infers that everybody has the right to create for himself his own ideology, and to attempt to enforce it with all the energy of which he is capable. If relativism signifies contempt for fixed categories, and men who claim to be the bearers of an objective immortal truth, then there is nothing more relativistic
    than fascism. Benito Mussolini [Il Duce] (1883-1945) Italian key figure in the creation of fascism, leader of the National Fascist
    Party, 40th prime minister of Italy (1922-1943), Diuturna [The Lasting], 1921, Milano, 1924, cited in: H. B. Veatch, Rational Man.
    A Modern Interpretation of Aristotelian Ethics
    , 1962



Famous quote is often misattributed to Benito Mussolini.

  • Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger
    of state and corporate power.

    Giovanni Gentile (1875-1944) Italian neo-Hegelian idealist philosopher, self-styled "philosopher of Fascism", educator, fascist politician, ghostwriter of the first section of the political essay The Doctrine of Fascism with Benito Mussolini, published in 35 volume series Enciclopedia Treccani [Italian Encyclopedia], (1929-1935), lengthy entry on "Fascismo" [Fascism], pages 847-884, 1st edition 1932



Corporationism, the door to fascism

  • Corporationism is above socialism and above liberalism. A new synthesis is created. It is a symptomatic fact that the deca-
    dence \\of capitalism coincides with the decadence of socialism. [...] Corporative solutions can be applied anywhere.
    Speech by Benito Mussolini [Il Duce] (1883-1945) Italian key figure in the creation of fascism, leader of the National Fascist Party,
    40th prime minister of Italy (1922-1943), Capitalism and the Corporate State, November 1933, cited in translation in: George Seldes, Sawdust Caesar, S. 426, 1935



Government owned and controlled by private power

  • The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism – ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.
    Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) 32nd US president during World War II (1933-1945), 32nd degree Freemason, war criminal,
    59 – Message to Congress on Curbing Monopolies., 29. April 1938



Authoritarian machine civilization

  • Fascism is only the organized political expression of the structure of the average man's character. It is the basic emotional attitude of the suppressed man of our authoritarian machine civilization and its mechanistic-mystical conception of life. […]
    Fascism is the vampire leeched to the body of the living, the impulse to murder given free rein.
    Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1897-1957) Austrian-American psychoanalyst, member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after
    Sigmund Freud, most radical figure in the history of psychiatry, The Mass Psychology of Fascism [Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus], Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1933



The brand of American fascism

  • American fascists […] claim to be superpatriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective […] is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection. […]
    The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information.
    With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive
    the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power. Henry A. Wallace (1888-1965) 33rd US American
    vice president (1941-1945), secretary of agriculture (1933-1940), secretary of commerce (1945-1946), Russell Lord, editor, Democracy Reborn, S. 259, Reynal & Hitchcock, 1st edition, New York, 1944, cited in: article "The Danger of American Fascism," Henry Wallace (1944), PDF, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, 9. April 1944



Totalitarianism in "free" societies is implanted within the individual.

  • There is a large measure of totalitarianism even in the freest of free societies. But in a free society totalitarianism is not imposed from without but is implanted within the individual. There is a totalitarian regime inside every one of us. We are ruled by a ruthless politburo which sets our norms and drives us from one five-year plan to an-
    other. The autonomous individual who has to justify his existence by his own efforts is in eternal bondage to himself.
    Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) US American social writer, philosopher, The Passionate State Of Mind, and Other Aphorisms, S. 28, Harper, 1954, 1955, Hopewell, 11. May 2006



Keeping up the fiction of the democratic state

  • We, like the natural world, have become mere commodities in the hands of corpora-
    tions to exploit until exhaustion or collapse. Elected officials are manufactured perso-
    nalities and celebrities. We vote based on how we are made to feel about corporate
    political puppets. The puppets, Democrat and Republican, engage in hollow acts of political theater keep the fiction of the democratic state alive. There is, however, no national institution left that can accurately be described
    as democratic.
    Citizens, rather than participate in power, are permitted virtual opinions to preordained questions, a kind
    of participatory fascism as meaningless as voting on "American Idol." Bertram Gross (1912-1997) US American professor
    of political science, Hunter College (CUNY), social scientist, Federal bureaucrat, Friendly Fascism. The New Face of Power in America, Quotations, South End Press, 1. June 1980, Black Rose Books, 30. June 1986, Canadian edited edition 18. Februar 1993



Fascist = bully

  • [T]he word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else [...]. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathisers, almost
    any English person would accept 'bully' as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come. George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) English journalist, essayist, writer, essay What is Fas-
    , first published by the democratic socialist fortnightly magazine Tribune, London (1937-2018), 1944, reprinted as The Col-
    lected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell
    , 1968, retrieved 17. February 2017


  • Fascism is a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism. Roger D. Griffin (*1948) British professor of modern history, political theorist, Oxford Brookes University, England, The Nature of Fascism, S. 26, Palgrave, 15. September 1991, 1993



Definition of fascism

  • [F]ascism is best defined as a revolutionary form of nationalism, one that sets out to be a political, social and ethical revolution, welding the 'people’ into a dynamic national community under new elites infused with heroic values. The core myth that inspires this project is that only a populist, trans-class movement of purifying, cathartic national rebirth (palingenesis)
    can stem the tide of decadence. Roger D. Griffin (*1948) British professor of modern history, political theorist, Oxford Brookes
    University, England, expert on the socio-historical and ideological dynamics of fascism, The Nature of Fascism, Palgrave, 15. Sep-
    tember 1991, Routledge, revised paperback edition 13. May 1993


Darwinian evolution had been twisted into a rationale for Nazi genocide.

  • I can rattle off lists of such misuses [of evolutionary theory], collectively called "Social Darwinism." […] But until the fiftieth anniversary of the Wannsee Conference piqued my curiosity and led me to read Eichmann's Protocol for the first time, I had not known about the absolute ultimate in all conceivable misappropriation – and the discovery hit me as a sudden, visceral haymaker, especially since I had steeled myself to supposed unshockability before reading the document. Natürliche Auslese is the standard German translation of Darwin's "natural selection." To think that the key phrase of my professional world lies so perversely violated in the very heart of the chief operative paragraph of the most evil document ever written! Stephen J. Gould (1941-2002) Darwinian paleontologist, Dinosaur in a Haystack. Reflections in Natural History, S. 315, Harmony, New York, 1996



Definition of fascism

  • Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive pre-
    occupation with community decline, humiliation, or victimhood and by compen-
    satory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion.
    Robert O. Paxton, Ph.D. (*1932) US American political scientist, historian, Columbia University, New York, author, The Anatomy of Fascism, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2004, Vintage, reprint edition 8. March 2005, S. 218, Vintage, reprint edition 8. March 2005



Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Zionism, and Reformed Judaism

  • Americans do not understand that Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Zionism, and Reformed Judaism are all the same thing. There is actually no difference between the so-called ideologists.  Minute 43:48
    Freemasonry is an extension of the Jewish religion.  Minute 45:35
Radio interview with Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) US American historian, biographer, investigative political writer, Eustace Mullins: The Crimes of Israel, presented by the radio channel French Connection, host Daryl Bradford Smith, recorded 8. December 2005, Bitchute film, 1:12:29 duration, posted 8. April 2018



Americanism is a form of fascism.

  • Unfortunately, what is being sold to the American people today, as 'Americanism' [...]
    If you peel off the label, you'd find so much similarity to what we were fighting against when we were fighting Communism, and Nazism, and Fascism.
    G. Edward Griffin (*1931) US American film producer, certified financial planner, political lecturer, founder of Freedom Force International, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island, cited in: Trailer of the feature film America. From Freedom to Fascism, directed and produced by Aaron Russo (1943-2007) US American entertainment businessman, film producer and director, political activist, recorded 28. July 2006, YouTube film, 1:47:46 duration, posted 10. May 2011



Government alienated from the people ⇒ Police State, totalitarian state

  • All the power is in the people. And to the extent that government becomes alienated from the people, does things the people don't want, power is transferred until you finally come to a Police State, totalitarian state, whatever word you want to give it – where the desires of the people really have no consequence. They go out and they vote, doesn't make any difference which candidate they elect. Dr. Edwin Viera, Jr., Ph.D., J.D., US American professor of constitutional law, constitutional attorney, cited in: Trailer of the feature film America. From Freedom to Fascism, directed and produced by Aaron Russo (1943-2007) US American entertainment businessman, film producer and director, political activist, recorded 28. July 2006, YouTube film, 1:47:46 duration, posted 10. May 2011



Mass culture and collectivism crushing individualism

  • Mass culture is a control mechanism that devalues the individual. It is aimed solely at promoting collectivism. It seeks to enforce the dependence of the individual human on a collective group and the priority of group ideologies over individual life paths. It is, at the base level, the very heart of socialism, communism, fascism and totalitarianism. It employs nationalistic impulses to setup polarities of antagonism that exclusively benefits a set of ruling elites. At the top level, the elites fully comprehend that there are no distinct nations, ideologies or cultural imperatives to speak of. To them, there is only power and no power. Neil Kramer (*1972) British spiritual philosopher, teacher specializing in
    the fields of consciousness, metaphysics, and mysticism, speaker, author, blog article Reality, Simulation & Culture, 24. December 2010



Personal avowal by an ex-cult member of Tibetan lamaism

  • I am an ex-cult member of Tibetan lamaism and a retired licensed psychologist, and I was fooled, just like these people were, anyone can be seduced into these cults of spirituality, that are so dangerous to the critical thinking and intelligence of Westerners. They are here to dumb us down further, that is what is the disconnect that people feel when they go to a
    Mind-Life program and can't believe the blathering of these so-called scientists, they are probably already cult members
    of the cult of lamaism, just because they have a Ph.D. doesn't mean they can't be a cult member of these fundamenta-
    list, feudal and medieval occult organizations. […]
    This is called 'splitting and compartmentalizing', a common feature of people in cults. […] These lamas run million dollar
    corporations. This is a weaving of Spiritual consumerism, to get people to accept austerity programs for the future, as
    we are turned into a serfdom corporate fascism, with eastern religions keeping us 'content' and happy and not protes-
    ting the corporate takeover of our world.
    Entry by Christine A. Chandler, Adbusters and Sogyal Rinpoche. Really?, posted by M. Steingass, 26. April 2013



Referring to a form of national exceptionalism – exercised by US president George W. Bush in the US American Iraq War II

  • Traumatic narcissists create totalitarian systems in which their malignant envy, interred in fears, defended against with delusional omnipotence, bolstered by selfrighteous rage and hatred, merge to shape a contemptuous agenda to enslave, control, and annihilate others. The narcissist is convinced that his selfish cruel agenda is in fact a generous, compassionate offer of enlightenment and liberation conducted under his superior auspices for benefit of the rest of the inferior world. Daniel Shaw, LCSW, US American certified psycho-
    analyst, former cult spokesperson, author, Traumatic Narcissism. Relational Systems of Subjugation, S. 55, Routledge, 1st edition
    19. September 2013



Fascism achieved by cultivating fearful, controlled, pacified, cowed citizens.

  • Not only does fear grease the wheels of the transition to fascism by cultivating fearful, controlled, pacified, cowed citizens, but it also embeds itself in our very DNA so that we pass on our fear and compliance to our offspring. It's called epigenetic inheritance, the transmission through DNA of traumatic experiences.
    In other words, fear, trauma and compliance can be passed down through the generations. Article Does Fear Lead to Fas-
    cism? A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror
    , presented by The Rutherford Institute, John W. Whitehead, 7. December 2015



Statistics on (state) terrorism

  • Statistics show that
    ➤ you are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a
         terrorist attack.
    ➤ You are 11,000 times more likely to die from an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane.
    ➤ You are 1,048 times more likely to die from a car accident than a terrorist attack.
    ➤ You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack.
    ➤ You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocating in bed than from a terrorist attack.
    ➤ And you are 9 more times likely to choke to death in your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack.
    ➤ Indeed, those living in the American police state are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer
         than by a terrorist.
    Thus, the government’s endless jabbering about terrorism amounts to little more than propaganda – the propaganda
    of fear – a tactic used to terrorize, cower and control the population.
    Article Does Fear Lead to Fascism? A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror, presented by The Rutherford Institute,
    John W. Whitehead, US American attorney, founder of the The Rutherford Institute, author, 7. December 2015



Classical totalitarian ⇔ inverted totalitarianism

  • Unlike the Nazis, who made life uncertain for the wealthy and privileged while providing social programs for the working class and poor, inverted totalitarianism exploits the poor, reducing or weakening health programs and social services, regimenting mass education for an insecure workforce threatened by the importation of low-wage workers. Employment
    in a high-tech, volatile, and globalized economy is normally as precarious as during an old-fashioned depression. The
    result is that citizenship, or what remains of it, is practiced amidst a continuing state of worry. Hobbes had it right: when
    citizens are insecure and at the same time driven by competitive aspirations, they yearn for political stability rather than
    civic engagement, protection rather than political involvement. Sheldon Wolin, Ph.D. (1922-2015) US American professor emeritus of politics, political philosopher, writer, Democracy Incorporated. Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted…, S. 27, Princeton University Press, 2008, paperback edition 21. February 2010



Classical totalitarian ⇔ inverted totalitarianism

  • In classical totalitarian regimes, such as those of Nazi fascism or Soviet commu-
    nism, economics was subordinate to politics. Under inverted totalitarianism the reverse is true. Economics dominates politics – and with that domination comes different forms of ruthlessness. Inverted totalitarianism, unlike classical totalitarianism, does not revolve around a dema-
    gogue or charismatic leader. It finds expression in the anonymity of the corporate state. It purports to cherish democracy, patriotism, a free press, parliamentary systems and constitutions while manipulating and corrupting internal levers to subvert and thwart democratic institutions. Sheldon Wolin, Ph.D. (1922-2015) US American professor emeritus of politics, political philosopher, writer, cited in: article Sheldon Wolin and Inverted Totalitarianism, presented by the progressive US American news website Truthdig, Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, 2. November 2015


  • Noam Chomsky's 11 principles (bullet points) of oligarchy:
    1. Reduce democracy.
    2. Shape ideology.
    3. Redesign the economy.
    4. Shift the burden.
    5. Attack solidarity.
    6. Run the regulators.
    7. Engineer elections.
    8. Keep the rabble in line.
    9. Manufacture consent.
    10. Marginalize the population.
    11. Dump massive funding into militarism.
    Article Noam Chomsky Wants You to Wake Up From the American Dream. 10 principles of oligarchy., presented by the
    US American publication Alternet, "Let's Try Democracy", David Swanson, 27. February 2016


Four historical stages of governmental evolution
༺༻Forms of governmentTyranny typeIssuer/Triggerer
1. Monarchy One·tyrant·tyranny King / emperor
2. Fascism Group tyranny Nobility / upstages
3. Communism People tyranny Middle classes /
Interlaced corpotocracists
4a. DemocratorshipFractioned mindset
Prestage pseudo democracy
Neoliberal casino capitalism
Greed tyranny Propaganda/Advertisement
4b. Dignitarian
democratic culture
Beginning of field consciousness Movement waves
in social media
Active power posters


References: en.Wikipedia entries Definitions of fascism and ► America: Freedom to Fascism and ► Russian under Vladimir Putin
Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1897-1957) Austrian-American psychoanalyst, member of the second generation of psychoanalysts after
     Sigmund Freud, most radical figure in the history of psychiatry, author, The Mass Psychology of Fascism [ Massenpsychologie des
, September 1933, KiWi-Taschenbuch, 1. January 1971], Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1933
Bertram Gross (1912-1997) US American professor of political science, Hunter College (CUNY), social scientist, Federal bureaucrat,
     Friendly Fascism. The New Face of Power in America, Quotations, South End Press, 1. June 1980, Black Rose Books, 30. June 1986,
     Canadian edited edition 18. Februar 1993
Roger D. Griffin (*1948) British professor of modern history, political theorist, Oxford Brookes University, England, expert on the
     socio-historical and ideological dynamics of fascism, The Nature of Fascism, Palgrave, 15. September 1991, Routledge, revised
     paperback edition 13. May 1993
► Kevin Passmore, British professor of history, Cardiff University, Fascism. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2002,
     revised paperback edition 29. May 2014
Glen Yeadon, US American expert on fascism in America, activist, author, The Nazi Hydra in America. Wall Street and the Rise of the
     Fourth Reich. Suppressed History of a Century
, Full PDF text, 2014-01-01, Progressive Press, paperback, 11. September 2002,
     Kindle issue, 1. January 2012
    ☛ Review by Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer,
        20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Review: The Nazi Hydra in America –
        Suppressed History of a Century
, 3. March 2012
Robert O. Paxton, Ph.D. (*1932) US American political scientist, historian, Columbia University, New York, author, The Anatomy
     of Fascism
, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2004, Vintage, reprint edition 8. March 2005
Sheldon Wolin, Ph.D. (1922-2015) US American professor emeritus of politics, political philosopher, writer, Democracy Incorpo-
     rated. Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted…
, Princeton University Press, 2008, paperback edition 21. February 2010
Steven Levitsky (*1968) US-amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler, professor of government, Harvard University, author, Daniel Ziblatt,
     US American professor of government, Harvard University, author, How Democracies Die, Crown, 16. January 2018
► John W. Whitehead, Does Fear Lead to Fascism? A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror, presented by
     The Rutherford Institute, 7. December 2015
► Article I asked 5 fascism experts whether Donald Trump is a fascist. Here's what they said., presented by the US American news
     and opinion website Vox owned by Vox Media, Dylan Matthews, 19. May 2016
Roger Griffin referring to Donald Trump: "You can be a total xenophobic racist male chauvinist bastard and still not be a fascist."
Donald Trump isn’t a fascist, presented by the US American news and
     opinion website Vox owned by Vox Media, Sheri Berman, Ph.D., US American professor of political science, Barnard College,
     Columbia University, 3. January 2017
Classic fascists were nationalists, shared a deep suspicion of capitalism, were deeply anti-liberal and anti-democratic,
embraced violence as a means to the end to destroy the modern world.
Media offerings:
Feature film: America. From Freedom to Fascism, directed and produced by Aaron Russo (1943-2007) US American entertainment
     businessman, film producer and director, political activist, recorded 28. July 2006
See also:
Features and warning signs of fascism – Laurence Britt
Systematic subversion of social liberty – Naomi Wolf
Required ingredients for a fascist state – John Whitehead
Fourteen common features of fascism – Umberto Eco
Leadership and ► Assessments of the leadership phenomenon Donald Trump
Conflicts and wars of aggression for resources by the United States empire (1945-2016)
⚡ Imperialist aggressor nation United States – List of attacks (illegal wars) 1945-2016
The fourth turning (American history) – Strauss, Howe, Weidner
Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation

⚡ Megalomaniac George Soros

 George Soros

George Soros was born in Hungary in 1930 as the son of a prominent conniving Jewish lawyer Tivadar Schwartz.28
In his mid twenties Soros emigrated to the United States, where he married three times and sired five children. Founder of the very first hedge fund in 1969, he became the most successful hedge fund manager ever – until 2011.
Philosopher, currency speculator, financier, stock investor, business magnate, chairman of Soros Fund Management, political activist, and author, Soros is one of the 30 richest people in the world. Keen-
ly aiming for instabilities, world speculant, government blaster, no-
table "philanthropic" globalist, depopulationist, atheist, neocon-neo-
liberal puppet master, economic hitman for the British Empire, and ruthless New World Order henchman for both the Rothschild and Rockefeller dynasties, megalomaniacal George Soros is con-
vinced he controls America and the former Soviet Union is the "Soros Empire".29 Soros is described "as the only private citizen with his own foreign policy".30


1992 George Soros became known as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of Pound sterling, making him a profit of $1 billion during the Black Wednesday UK currency crisis.31


1990s/1994 George Soros helped destroy the Russian economy, pouring enormous sums in the Russian education system to brainwash young people and teachers.32


1993-present George Soros founded the Open Society Institute (OSI) to help fund color revolutions in Eastern Europe, Arabia and finally America. The Soros Open Society Foundations have spent more than US$1.6 billion in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (1986-present).
2000 Bulldozer Revolution, overthrow of Slobodan Milošević in Serbia
2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia33
2004-2005 Orange Revolution in Ukraine (receiving major funding from Soros)
2005 Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan
2011 Arab Spring Revolution in Egypt (receiving major funding from Soros)34
2011-2013 Catholic Spring in the Vatican, Rome – Sudden resigning of Pope Benedict XVI (2005-2013)
Overthrow coup planned by the Soros-Obama-Clinton-Podesta collusion35
(2012)/January 2015 Black Lives Matter movement in United States – George Soros spent $33 million to bankroll violent
BLM protesters of the to go into Ferguson, Milwaukee, and Baltimore to stir things up.
2016 Color revolution in AmericaGeorge Soros paid the bill for the rent-a-thug protesters at Donald Trump rallies in California and New York. In response to underdog Trump's surprising president-elect victory MoveOn.org organized post-election "sour grapes" protests. Complicit
and deceitful crime partner mainstream media spinned these top down, billionaire driven "Not My President" riots as a spontaneous, grassroots
populist uprising against the "racist dictator".
21. January 2017 Pink colored non-violent Women's marches (1) on Washington, the United States and worldwide
More than 50 'partnering' organisations funded by Soros were involved in prepping the well stuffed women's marches to protest newly inaugurated
US president Trump.38

21. January 2018 Pink colored non-violent Women's marches (2) across the United States


George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management, US
1998-2017 George Soros, funder and "owner" of MoveOn.org (since 2004), indirectly organizes protests to induce civil unrest in the United States.
Similarly, other tax-exempt foundations as the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace are known to fund "social activism" which
is to "mess stuff up and wreak havoc."


2003 German Deutsche Bank, George Soros, Donald Trump and others joined in collusive bidding to win the General Motors Building in Manhattan. 2004 Soros invested US$ 160 million to build the Trump Tower in Chicago.39


2006 George Soros funded Al Gore's climate change campaign to encourage "Americans to push for aggressive reductions in green-
house gas emissions.


2007-2016 Top donor of the US American Democratic Party, George Soros both funded and hence controlled the Democrat US president Barack Obama and secretary of state and twice running presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.


2012 George Soros attempted to depose Vladimir Putin.41
2014 Soros and his NGO executives held detailed and extensive meetings with the actors involved in the Maidan coup. Putin issued an international arrest warrant for Soros.
2015 Soros attempted to destabilize Russia, whereupon Putin banned Soros and all of his organizations from Russia.
April 2016 WikiLeaks revealed that the US government and Soros funded the Panama Papers to attack Putin.


October 2015 Gerald Knaus, director of the Soros-funded think tank European Stability Initiative (ESI), advisor German chancellor Angela Merkel, submitted the Knaus-Obama-Erdogan-Merkel-Soros-Malta plan on the European migrant crisis.42


2016 George Soros was exposed in a massive hack for manipulating elections in Europe via his non-government organizations. The messianic billionaire is versed in hijacking US government policy – by the Soros-Obama-Clinton collusion – in Ukraine, Egypt, Albania.


January 2017 Hungarian president Viktor Orban, Budapest, essentially declared war on George Soros/OSF-funded more than 60 Hungarian NGOs, saying they "serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments."43/44


2018-2019 Fridays for Future – Schoolstriking youth movement "for saving the climate"45


June 2020 SCOTUS ruled that any organizations affiliated to the “Open Society” lose the protection of the #1A and
can be treated as international threats.


Confessions by George Soros

  • I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance – to put it bluntly, I fancied myself
    as some kind of god or an economic reformer like Keynes or, even better, a scientist like Einstein. […]
    My sense of reality was strong enough to make me realize that these expectations were excessive and I kept them hidden as a guilty secret. […] As I made my way in the world, reality came close enough to my fantasy to allow me to admit my secret, at least to myself. […] I have been fortunate enough to be able to act out some of my fantasies. […]
    I never dared to expose myself before, but I feel I can afford it: my success in business protects me. GS, 198747


  • It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out. GS, 199348


  • I am fascinated by chaos. That's how I make my money: understanding the revolutionary process in financial markets. GS, 199749


At age 14 Jewish teen George Soros helped his father to deliver Jewish families to the Nazis; no survivor's guilt.

  • Well, of course I could be on the other side [Jews] or I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away.
    But there was no sense that I shouldn't be there, because that was – well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets – that if I weren't there – of course, I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would – would – would be taking it away anyhow. And it was the – whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator, the property was being taken away.
    So the – I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt. GS, 199850


Soros' conclusion on his speculative market attacks

  • I don’t feel guilty. I’m engaged in an amoral activity which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt. […]
    I am basically there to make money. I cannot, and do not, look at the social consequences of what I do. GS, 199851



  • I don't give any weight to the social consequences of my actions, because in an efficient market there's always somebody else who is ready to take your place at only a marginally different price. GS, 200253


Paranoia and madness running in the Soros' bloodline

  • Next to my fantasies about being God, I also have very strong fantasies of being mad. In fact, my grandfather was actually paranoid. I have a lot of madness in my family. So far I have escaped it. GS on British television
  • I fancied myself as some kind of god … If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble. GS, 200454
  • I am sort of a deus ex machina. I am something unnatural. I'm very comfortable with my public persona because
    it is one I have created for myself. It represents what I like to be as distinct from what I really am. You know, in my personal capacity I'm not actually a selfless philanthropic person. I've very much self-centered. GS, 2004
  • I do not accept the rules imposed by others […]. And in periods of regime change, the normal rules don't apply.
    GS, 2004 55


  • I am not a Zionist, nor am I a practicing Jew, but I have a great deal of sympathy for my fellow Jews and a deep concern for the survival of Israel. GS, 200756


Soros' food speculations deprived 100s of millions.

  • Every speculation is also rooted in reality [however] speculators create the bubble that lies above everything. Their expectations, their gambling on futures help drive up prices, and their business distorts prices, which is especially
    true for commodities. It is like hoarding food in the midst of a famine, only to make profits on rising prices.
    That should not be possible. GS, 201057


Soros' reasoning

  • The global crisis is caused by pathologies inherent in the global financial system itself. GS, 199858


Political aim

  • The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States. This is a harsh indeed, for me, painful – thing to say, but unfortunately I am convinced it is true. […] Changing the attitude and policies of the United States remains my top priority. GS, 200659

Quotes concerning George Soros


  • Basically George Soros is another tool for economic and political warfare in the hands of the Rothschilds. […] He is the public face of the Rothschild bankers. Jan van Helsing, 1994/199560


  • Soros has been identified as a front man of the Anglo-French Rothschild banking group. Understandably neither he nor the Rothschilds want this important fact to be public, so the tight links to his friends in the London 'City', in the British foreign ministry, in the state of Israel and to his mighty friends in the American Establishment would stay concealed. […] Soros’ connection to the ultra-secret international finance circles of the Rothschilds is not just an ordinary or accidental banking connection. The extraordinary success Soros has on the high-risk financial markets cannot simply be explained with "gambler's luck". F. William Engdahl, ~199361


  • Whenever Soros writes about "humanitarian crisis" or "human rights" or even "democracy" or "freedom," he is using the media to cover his subversive and essentially diabolical tracts, which even the Daily Mail itself has found surprising. Karl West, 201062


The three sins of the interest based fiat money system: 1. Interest, 2. Derivatives, 3. Food speculation

  • When you harbor the idea, there was something like value behind money, then you are consumed by an Illusion, which will be straightly disappointed in times of crises. The substance of money is trust.
    1. Interest is the first abuse of confidence.
    2. Derivatives are an abuse of confidence of a higher order.
    3. Food speculation as practiced within the current modern monetary usury is fraudulence of the third order. Karl-Heinz Brodbeck, 201263

Soros funds well organized MoveOn political protest series to disrupt.

  • The gatherings – organized by MoveOn.org and allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump's bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible. Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow.
    Article Soros Exposed as Hidden Hand Behind Trump Protests, November 201664


Vladimir Putin considers Soros as a Repto-hybrid human.

  • There are a very few people on the planet who are absolutely not human. It was [Russian] president Putin who actually called
    George Soros
    'You old dragon.' Putin also said that something like 75% [95%] of the world leaders were not of a human origin,
    but were of a satanic/reptilian. He named about 5 or 6 people that he said were not human, they belong to a satanic/dragon lineage.
    That's why the establishment in the US and the establishment in Britain don't like him, it's because he's a Russian president they
    can't control him.  Simon Parkes, 21. November 201665


  • Finance, according to Soros, does not come from true labor but from cheating the system. It comes from living
    in an "amoral" universe
    and bludgeon everyone else to economic death. Jonas E. Alexis, 201666


Left-wing billionaires financed a media "echo chamber" counting on sycophants.

  • A September 27, 2007 e-mail from John Podesta to Soros, Peter Lewis, Steve Bing, and other left-wing billionaires outlined his plans for parlaying the vast network they had financed into a media "echo chamber" that would "control the political discourse." At the time, Podesta was president of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress. He went from that post to be Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman. William F. Jasper, senior editor, 2017
  • Has the delusional billionaire [Soros] really escaped the madness? He told his biographer, Michael T. Kaufman, that he views himself as "the conscience of the world." And he is spending billions of dollars to remake the world to fit his fantasies. If a homeless derelict were to declare himself God and the conscience of the world, he would be ignored, shunned, or locked up; madmen with wealth and power are praised and sycophantically courted. […] After years of operating with impunity, he has become so brazen that he appears not to worry about doing the illegal, as well as the immoral. William F. Jasper, senior editor, 201767


Convicted of insider trading – Dystopian and opportunistic social agitation

  • Soros has been accused – and even convicted – of insider trading. A French court found him guilty of that crime and levied a fine of $2.3 million. In the parlance of the billionaires' club, that was small change.
  • Soros's global reach and influence far outstrip those of the Koch brothers or other liberal bogeymen. Underlying it
    all is a vision both dystopian and opportunistic.
  • [Soros'] political activism portfolio is well diversified. Backing organizations dedicated to social agitation and change-for-change's-sake, Soros has caused tsunamis of upheaval, in the United States and around the world.68


On April 8, 2016 the Russian president Vladimir Putin (*1952) outed the world’s political and financial elite as cold-blooded hybrid human reptilians. At a behind closed doors forum for the highest echelons of government and staff in his home city of St. Petersburg Putin said: "95% of the world’s ruling class are not even human, but cold-blooded hybrids" who are "members of an ancient cult."
Putin responded to questions about the leaked Panama Papers documents released on April 3, 2016 by pointing out who was behind the plot: the US govern-
ment, their spy agencies, and George Soros's OCCRP. Sources close to the president Putin reported that he exclaimed,
"George Soros, you sly dragon,
this is war."

When questioned by a top aide as to what he meant by the unusual word "dragon", Putin sighed heavily and fixed the assembled group with a stare before explaining that things are not what they seem. Putin pointed out that the evidence of Reptilian influence was everywhere, and that he personally had intimate knowledge of their dealings. He said that he was not one of them, but they are afraid of him and have attempted to lure him into their "ancient Babylonian cult."
"The evidence" of which, "ancient and modern, is enormous" , he said.
Putin emphasized that mankind has been mindcontrolled by the media and politics of the world's ruling class to become "unconscious", an example of which was the recent Panama Papers leak.69


English references:
► Blog article The Globalists, presented by The Global Elite, undated
► Article The Great Hunger Lottery. How banking speculation causes food crises, presented by World Development
     Movement (WDM), London, UK, reposted by readkong.com, July 2010
► Article The speculator's bread: what is behind rising food prices?, archived by the US American National Library of Medicine (NLM) /
     National Institutes of Health (NIH PMC), presented by EMBO Reports, Markus Henn, 1. April 2011
► Article Soros Loses Challenge to Insider Trading Conviction, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times
     along with the publication Deal Book, Nicola Clark, 6. October 2011
► Deleted overview Open Society Institute Top 150 Grantees, presented by The Soros Files, Tina Trent, 19. October 2011
► Blog article Soros Criminal Conviction Exposes "Human Rights" Scam. Soros leverages "human rights" for personal gain – as does his
     global NGO empire.
, presented by Tony Cartalucci, 28. March 2012
► Article The Arab Spring: Made in the USA, presented by the publication Dissident Voice, Stuart Jeanne Bramhall, 28. October 2015,
     archived by the online publication Global Research, 22. March 2018
► Article Unmasked. The Mastermind behind the Mass Invasion of Europe and His Plan in 8 Steps, presented by the publication
     Gloria.tv, reposted 19. April 2016
► Blog article LIST OF ORGANIZATIONS FUNDED BY GEORGE SOROS, presented by the Investment Watch Blog, 17. July 2016
► Article George Soros 60 Minutes unearthed: "I don't look at the social consequences of what I do", presented by the online publication
     Sott.net, Alex Christoforou, 15. November 2016
► Article George Soros: I carry potent messianic fantasies, presented by the US American independent media Veterans Today,
     Jonas E. Alexis, 26. November 2016
► Deleted article George Soros Bribed Al Gore Millions to Lie About Global Warming. Leaked documents reveal $10M per year for fabricated
, presented by NeonNettleon, Jay Greenberg, 25. January 2017
► Article Connoisseur of Chaos. The dystopian vision of George Soros, billionaire funder of the Left, presented by conservative quarterly
     US American magazine City Journal, Stefan Kanfer, winter 2017
► Article The complete list of 200 U.S. organizations that have financial ties to George Soros, presented by Soros.News, Mike Adams,
     13. April 2017
► Deleted article George Soros is Buying a Bunch of Local Elections – Here’s the Disturbing Reason Why, presented by Silence Is Consent,
     Victor Medina Victor Medina, 9. September 2017
► Q&A contribution Why does George Soros have a bad reputation?', presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora,
     Elfriede Ammann, 4.9k views · 27 upvotes, 5. November 2018
► Article George Soros is backing 'climate activist' Greta Thunberg, presented by the publication Europe Reloaded, Pam Barker,
     25. April 2019
► Article Justice Kavanaugh Delivered George Soros a Huge SCOTUS Defeat Yesterday, presented by the publication Wayne Dupree,
     Missy Crane, 29. June 2020
en.Wikipedia entries: George Soros conspiracy theories and ► List of projects supported by George Soros
MoveOn.org, ACORN, Center for American Progress, Tides Foundation, Open Society Institute, National Council of La Raza
and ► Open Society Foundations and ► Philanthropy in the United States
Articles on "robber baron" David Rockefeller (1915-2021):
The Real Story of David Rockefeller That the Media Isn't Telling, presented by the blogspot infiniteunknown.net, first published
     March 2017, 3. January 2018
► [Archived] The True Legacy Of David Rockefeller, presented by the English-language financial blog Zero Hedge, Tyler Durden,
     21. March 2017
► Article by George Lombardi, former executive director of the International Economic Council for Development, author, George SOROS
     a truly EVIL man.
, 2021
Wikiquote: Quotes by George Soros
Books by George Soros:
The Alchemy of Finance. Reading the Mind of the Market, S. 362-363, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987, 1994, 2003, 200770
The Crisis Of Global Capitalism. Open Society Endangered, PublicAffairs, 11. December 1998
The Age of Fallibility. The Consequences of the War on Terror, Prologue, S. xvi, PublicAffairs, 2006, new edited edition 26. June 2007
On Israel, America and AIPAC, 2007
Soros on Soros. Staying Ahead of the Curve, Wiley, 1st edition 2. May 2008
The Tragedy of the European Union. Disintegration or Revival?, Hardcover, 11. March 2014
Biographies on Soros:
Robert Slater (1944-2014) US American journalist, author, Soros. The Unauthorized Biography, the Life, Times and Trading Secrets
     of the World's Greatest Investor
, Life, Times and Trading Secret, 22. Mai 1997, revised edition 1. July 1997
► Michael T. Kaufman, authorized biography Soros. The Life and Times of a Messianic Billionaire 2002, Knopf, 19. February 2002
► Audio presentation Episode 113 – Meet George Soros, presented by the US American The Corbett Report, hosted and narrated
     by James Corbett, 59:57 minutes duration, aired 17. January 2010
► Video report I Am A God I Created Everything George Soros EXPOSED, YouTube film, 32:23 minutes duration, posted 9. December 2016
► Videocast Soros Money is Everywhere – What's Going On?, presented by David Icke Dot-Connector, Bitchute film, 17:07 minutes duration,
     posted 28. October 2018
The Great Speculator – The Mysterious Life of George Soros, YouTube film, 30:00 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2021


Deutsche Referenzen
Schriftliche Referenzen (deutsch):
► Matthias Rude, Die gekaufte Revolution, zitiert in: Ronald Thoden, Sabine Schiffer, Ukraine im Visier. Russlands Nachbar als Zielscheibe
     geostrategischer Interessen
, S. 108-120, Frankfurt, 2014
► Artikel George Soros finanzierte den Maidan und verdient nun einen Millionenbetrag an der Ukraine-Krise, präsentiert von dem
     deutschsprachigen kommerziell-journalistischen Weblog NeoPresse, Wilhelm von Pax, 7. April 2015
► Gelöschter Artikel Dicke Feinde: Die Trump-Soros-Connection, präsentiert von der deutschen Netzzeitung Kopp Report, Andreas
     von Rétyi
(*1963) deutscher Publizist, Autor populär- und parawissenschaftlicher Bücher zu NWO und Ufologie, 23. März 2016
► Gelöschter Artikel Knaus-Merkel-Soros-Malta-Plan: Dauerhafte Flüchtlingsansiedlung im Focus, präsentiert von |NPR.News – Network
     Portal of Resistance, Gruppe der informierten Bürger, 21. September 2018
► Gelöschter Artikel Soros' öffentlicher Angriff gegen Deutschland und Europa – der "no-return-point"?, präsentiert von |NPR.News – Network
     Portal of Resistance]], 24. Februar 2017
► Artikel George Soros finanziert Correctiv-Projekt. Das gemeinnützige Recherchebüro Correctiv will im Netz Falschnachrichten
     kennzeichnen – finanziert wird die Arbeit zunächst von Stiftungen des Milliardärs George Soros.
, präsentiert von dem deutschen
     Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 4. April 2017
► Gelöschter Artikel George Soros finanziert Correctiv-Projekt, präsentiert von der Publikation Metropolico, 5. April 2017
[ARD kooperiert
     mit correctiv.]

► Gelöschter Artikel Die Welt des George Soros geht unter – und die Schuld gibt er Merkel, präsentiert von Community WorldFriends.de,
     10. April 2017
► Artikel über die Sorokratie mit 2 Videobeiträgen Gegen Klimawandel und Diktatoren: Soros pumpt eine Milliarde Dollar
     in "globales Bildungsnetzwerk"
, präsentiert von der Printausgabe des vom russischen Staat finanzierten Auslandsfernsehsenders
     Russia Today (RT) Deutsch, 25. Januar 2020
► Artikel
Gekaufte Richter? George Soros und Bill Gates sind zwei der größten Geldgeber des Europarats, präsentiert von der
     mehrsprachigen, internationalen Zeitschrift Epoch Times, 8. April 2021, Radio Qfm, 9. April 2021, aktualisiert 20. April 2021,
► Artikel
George Soros Interventionen in der Ukraine: 500 Milliarden Investments in Gefahr'', präsentiert von dem unabhängigen
     österreichischen Nachrichtenportal Report 24, 7. April 2022
Kritische Biographie über Soros:
Andreas von Rétyi (*1963) deutscher Publizist, investigativer Autor, George Soros, Kopp Verlag, 1. Auflage 27. Januar 2016
► Buchbesprechung George Soros: Sprengmeister mit globaler Wirkung, präsentiert von dem vierteljährlich erscheinenden
     Schweizerischen Magazin ZeitenSchrift, Nr. 86, 2. Quartal 2016
Collin McMahon (*1968) US-amerikanischer Übersetzer, Drehbuchautor, Autor, George Soros' Krieg. Wie die Open Society
     Foundations die Welt an den Rand des Dritten Weltkriegs gebracht haben
, Kopp Verlag, 27. April 2023
► Videointerview mit Andreas von Rétyi (*1963) deutscher Publizist, investigativer Autor, Buchvorstellung Andreas von Retyi zum Buch
, präsentiert von dem deutschen Kopp Verlag, Gastgeber Jochen Kopp (*1966) deutscher Verleger, ehemaliger Polizist,
     YouTube Film, 19:45 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 18. Februar 2016
► Video Dokumentation Der Angela MERKEL Plan ist der George SOROS Plan für Europa 2018, Übersetzung Markus Noack, Hagen
, YouTube Flim, 14:43 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. Juli 2016, neu eingestellt 3. Februar 2018
► Video Fernsehinterview mit George Soros (*1930) ungarisch-US-amerikanischer Investor, Multimilliardär, politischer Aktivist,
     "Philanthropist", beeinflusst von Karl Popper, Autor, Das selbstentlarvende George Soros Interview – Deutsche Untertitel [The Self-
     Disclosing George Soros Interview], präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender CBS, Nachrichtensendung 60 Minutes,
     Gastgeber Steve Kroft (*1945) US-amerikanischer Journalist und langjähriger Korrespondent von 60 Minutes, YouTube Film, 13:51 Mi-
     nuten Dauer, eingestellt 15. November 2019
► Videointerview mit Wolfgang Effenberger (*1946) deutscher Zeitsoldat, Pionieroffizier, Bauingenieur, Politikwissenschaftler, Dozent, Autor,
     Wolfgang Effenberger: Die Welt im Zangengriff der Milliardäre? Trump versus Soros. – Teil 1, präsentiert von dem Online Fernsehsender
     Quer-Denken TV, Gastgeber Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations,
     Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement, Publizist, YouTube Film, 2:04:54 Dauer, eingestellt 22. November 2017
► Videopräsentation Coronakrise & schockierendes Rockefeller-Papier! Elite (Bill Gates, George Soros ...) entlarvt sich!, präsentiert von
     Thorsten Schulte [ Der Silberjunge ] (*1973) deutscher Unternehmensberater, Investmentbanker (1999-2008), Kritiker der Geldpolitik
     der EZB, YouTube Film, 24:44 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 2. April 2020

Pathocracy resulting from undue influence of a psychopathic elite


The term pathocracy stems from the Greek pathos ["feeling, pain, suffering"] and kratos ["rule"].

Pathocracy = governmental systems run by psychopaths


  • One phenomenon all ponerogenic groups and associations have in common is the fact that their members lose
    (or have already lost) the capacity to perceive pathological individuals as such, interpreting their behavior in fascinated, heroic, or melodramatic ways.
    When the habits of subconscious selection and substitution of thought-
    data spread to the macrosocial level, a society tends to develop contempt for factual criticism and to humiliate anyone sounding an alarm.
    Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski (1921-2007) Polish clinical psychologist, co-researcher and synthesizer of an interdisciplinary scientific study
    of pathocracy [political regimes run by psychopaths], Laura Knight-Jadczyk (*1952) US American editor, alternative multidisciplinary researcher, medium, author, Political Ponerology. A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, Red Pill Press, April 2006, 2nd edition 4. April 2007


Totalitarian governments held by a psychopathic elite
༺༻Pathocratic feature
1.Suppression of individualism and creativity.
2.Impoverishment of artistic values.
3.Impoverishment of moral values; a social structure based on self-interest and one-upmanship, rather than altruism.
4.Fanatical ideology; often a corrupted form of a valid viable 'trojan' ideology which is perverted into a pathological form, bearing little resemblance to the substance of the original.
5.Intolerance and suspicion of anyone who is different, or who disagrees with the state.
6.Centralized control.
7.Widespread corruption.
8.Secret activities within government, but surveillance of the general population. (In contrast, a healthy society would have transparent government processes, and respect for privacy of the individual citizen).
9.Paranoid and reactionary government.
10.Excessive, arbitrary, unfair and inflexible legislation; the power of decision making is reduced/removed from the citizens’ everyday lives.
11.An attitude of hypocrisy and contempt demonstrated by the actions of the ruling class, towards the ideals they claim
to follow, and towards the citizens they claim to represent.
12.Controlled media, dominated by propaganda.
13.Extreme inequality between the richest and poorest.
14.Endemic use of corrupted psychological reasoning such as paramoralisms, conversive thinking and doubletalk.
15.Rule by force and/or fear of force.
16.People are considered as a 'resource' to be exploited (hence the term "human resources"), rather than as individuals with intrinsic human worth.
17.Spiritual life is restricted to inflexible and indoctrinare schemes. Anyone attempting to go beyond these boundaries is considered a heretic or insane, and therefore dangerous.
18.Arbitrary divisions in the population (class, ethnicity, creed) are inflamed into conflict with one another.
19.Suppression of free speech – public debate, demonstration, protest.
20.Violation of basic human rights, for example: restriction or denial of basic life necessities such as food, water, shelter; detainment without charge; torture and abuse; slave labour.
Note: Totalitarianism insinuates itself covertly into any seemingly just system or ideology like democracy, theocracy
and more openly oppressive regimes creates a society which is motivated and ruled by pathological values.
Source: ► Blog article Definition of Pathocracy, presented by Pathocracy Blog, September 2010
Reference: ► Video interview with Andrew Lobaczewski (1921-2007) Polish psychiatrist, researcher and synthesizer of an interdiscipli-
nary scientific study of pathocracy, Sott.net Interview with Andrew Lobaczewski Author of Political Ponerology, presented by the online
publication Sott Radio Network, host Henry See, US American editor, YouTube film, 45:19 minutes duration, posted 26. November 2011
See also: ► Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages

List of experts interviewed in the documentary Zeitgeist III: Moving Forward

The Zeitgeist movie is the largest non-profit independent film release in history.
NameLife spanProfessional details
Adrian Bowyer1952 British engineer, mathematician, inventor of the RepRap Project
Colin J. Campbell1931 English geologist
Jacque Fresco1916-2017 US American industrial designer, self-educated architectural designer, inventor, social engineer, futurist, creator of The Venus Project, partnered with Roxanne Meadows, author71
Jeremy Gilbert  US American professor B.S. Engineering Science, S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
James Gilligan  US American professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, violence expert, author
Gabor Maté1944 Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, public speaker, author
Max Keiser1960 US American TV presenter, radio host, entrepeneur, broadcaster, journalist
Berok Khoshnevis  US resident professor of industrial and systems engineering, civil and environmental engineering
John McMurtry  Canadian moral philosopher, ethicist, University University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Michael Ruppert1951-2014 US American founder and former editor of newsletter and website From The Wilderness, CEO and president of Collapse Network
Robert·M.·Sapolsky1957 US American professor of neurology, neurological sciences, neurosurgery and biological sciences, Stanford University
Daniel J. Siegel1957 US American pediatrist, psychiatrist, mind researcher
See also: Audio and video links (engl.) – Daniel Siegel and Dr. Dan Siegel's Audio clips and Video clips
Richard Wilkinson1943 Retired British professor of social epidemiology, University of Nottingham, founder of the
Equality Trust                 
See also: Audio and video links (engl.) – Wilkinson and Pickett
► Featured experts and interview partners in the video documentary Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, presented by
     Zeitgeistmovingforward.com, released 15. January 2011, YouTube film, 2:41:25 duration, posted 25. January 2011
Video interviews and documentations excerpted from the Zeitgeist movie 3: Moving Forward
     ☛ Featured speakers Robert Maurice SapolskyJames GilliganGabor MatéRichard Wilkinson:
     ☛ Video The Genetics Myth, YouTube film, 13:57 minutes duration, posted 25. January 2011
     ☛ Video Human Nature talk with Robert Sapolsky, Gabor Mate, James Gilligan, Richard Wilkinson, YouTube film,
         32:54 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2011
  Written source: ► Acharya S [Dorothy Milne Murdock] (1961-2015) US American independent mythological researcher, supporter
     of the Christ myth theory, writer, Peter Joseph, The Zeitgeist Sourcebook – Part 1: The Greatest Story Ever Told, PDF, 2011
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Zeitgeist film series
See also: ► Gabor Maté

Homo economicus

  • Homo economicus – His mind is wired to prioritize the bad (the toxic food, hidden snake, cuckolding friend, backstabbing peer) over the good.

A businessman dumbfounded by a fisherman – an economic tale

An American businessman was at the pier of a Mexican fishing village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked.
Inside the small boat were several large yellow fin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.


The Mexican replied,

"Only a little while."

The American then asked why he didn't stay out longer and catch more fish.
The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs.
The American then asked,

"But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

The Mexican fisherman said,

"I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, senor."


Shrimps trawler hauling nets

The American scoffed,

"I am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."


The fisherman asked,

"But senor, how long will this all take?"

To which the American replied,

"15-20 years."
"But what then, senor?"

The American laughed and said,

"That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become
very rich, you would make millions."
"Millions, senor? Then what?"

The American said,

"Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, and stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."


Animated movieMore Than Money – What Is "The Good Life" Parable, produced by Dr. Mark Albion, US American author,
presented by Berrett Koehler, YouTube film, 3:06 minutes duration, posted 8. August 2008
Source: ► Stories


Links zum Thema Wirtschaftshaie und Raubtierwirtschaft / Predatory economy and fascism


Die erste Veröffentlichung von Eustace Mullins Untersuchung erfolgte 1954 in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die erste deutsche Ausgabe
erschien 1956 und wurde beschlagnahmt.

Offizieller Verlagstext
"Das Interesse an den Reichen und Mächtigen dieser Welt wächst, je mehr Globalisierung und Privatisierung Hand in Hand gehen. Dennoch
sind die Oberschichten – längst die wichtigsten Geldgeber und 'Kunden' – von den Sozialwissenschaften immer noch weitgehend unerforscht.
Andererseits gibt es in den USA seit dem 19. Jahrhundert eine Tradition der kritischen Beobachtung der Machenschaften 'derer da oben'. Im Zusammenhang mit den Aktivitäten der Bush-Administration und den Diskussionen um ein amerikanisches Imperium nimmt diese Form der Herrschaftsstrukturforschung einen neuen Aufschwung und regt WissenschaftlerInnen und JournalistInnen in vielen Ländern zu eigenen
Recherchen an. Fast schon ist es eine intellektuelle Graswurzelbewegung. Das Buch breitet Ergebnisse dieser Forschungen des Power
Structure Research aus. Es ist zugleich Werkstattbericht, Ressource und Aufforderung, sich selbst an dieser Bewegung zu beteiligen."

"Wer immer die Nase vorn hat im Beruf, im Privatleben, in der Politik, in der Wirtschaft, in der Gesellschaft: er beherrscht die Geheimnisse der dialektischen Rabulistik." "Mit satanischer Verhandlungskunst geht´s unaufhaltsam nach oben!" Wolf Ruede-Wissmann

Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF) handelt im Auftrag von Wallstreet und Megabanken/-versicherungen. Er handelt global eher als
Kredithai, indem er armen Ländern mit sogenannten Strukturanpassungsprogrammen Schaden zufügt.

Laut Oxfam besitzen 8 Männer so viel wie die ärmere Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung, Nettovermögen von 420+ Milliarden. 60 Personen, haupt-
sächlich unbekannte Männer, sind vermögender als 99% der gesamten Menschheit: Larry Fink von Blackrock, Stephen Schwarzman von Blackstone, Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Saud Al-Thani von Qatar Investment.
200 der mächtigsten Weltfinanzjongleure besitzen zusammen mehr als 40 Billionen US Dollar, sprich 60% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts
der Welt, fast das Dreifache der Wirtschaftsleistung der EU. "Streubesitz" ist Blockbildung.

Gratisbuch als PDF

BlackRock ist der weltgrößte Vermögensverwalter mit einem Volumen von 7,4 Billionen US-Dollar (7.400 Milliarden US-Dollar !) und mit knapp 66 Milliarden Dollar der größte Investor im Dax. Und dabei ist das von Larry Fink erst 1988 gegründete Unternehmen nur wenigen ein Begriff. Trotz
der immensen Größe und Einflusses ist es dem New Yorker Unternehmen gelungen, weitgehend unter dem öffentlichen Radar zu bleiben.

Literature (engl.)

  • Marilyn Waring (*1952) New Zealand academic, politician, activist for female human rights and environmental issues, develop-
    ment consultant United Nations expert, feminist author, known as a principal founder of the discipline of feminist economics, author, Counting for Nothing. What Men Value and What Women are Worth, Harper & Row, Macmillan‚ Allen & Unwin, 1988, University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division, 2nd paperback edition, 15. December 1999

In conventional economics money counts. What doesn't count is unpaid work, the environment, quality of society and community.
This leads to a really bad economic policy.
Waring is demanding to include women's unpaid labour on national censuses, to include environmental damage and military production
as negative growth (which in 2017 they are obscenely counted in the same way as socially useful work and production), and for women
to refuse to answer the census questions as told, until this requirements are met.

Externe Weblinks

Referenz: Jahresbericht 2015, Seite 31 (S. 16 im PDF)

External web links (engl.)

14 Points of fascism: The warning signs
Correspondences among the regimes of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Suharto, and Pinochet
14 common characteristics of fascist regimes are listed and found in United States

Applied neuroeconomics (neurofinance) study (using neurodiagnostic systems such as brain imaging and genetic analysis), Carnegie Mellon University, Stanford Graduate School of Business, University of Iowa, published in the Journal of Psychological Science, June 2005
People with brain damage (impaired ability to experience fear) outperformed other testpersons in an investment game. Risk-aversion can
impede "rational investment decisions". 3 of the 4 brain damaged test investors had experienced personal bankruptcy in real life.

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Kanadischer Video Dokumentationsfilm mit deutschen Untertiteln Doku The Corporation Der Konzern Deutsch, geschrieben von Joel Bakan (*1959) kanadischer Professor für Rechtswissenschaft, Autor von The Corporation. The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, Regisseure Mark Achbar und Jennifer Abbott, produziert mit Hilfe von Canadian Television Fund Telefilm Canada, 2003, YouTube Film, 2:24:01 Dauer, eingestellt 30. Dezember 2011, neu eingestellt 9. August 2016

de.Wikipedia The Corporation; Vierzig Insider (Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva, Michael Moore) enthüllen Hintergründe und die erstaunlichen Zwänge der Großwirtschaft.

Die Alternativlosigkeit und mediale Verschleierung des "rationalen" reduktiven Neoliberalismus (Ökonomiereligion)

Neoliberalismus ist Krebs im Endstadium.

  • Videopräsentation von Peter König, Schweizer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, geopolitischer Analytiker, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der Weltbank, Kritiker von Korruption und Ausbeutung, Autor, G 20 – Wahre Ziele – Ökonomische Eroberung der Welt, PDF, Veranstaltung "Zukunft möglich Machen!", präsentiert von der Organisation "Ärzte für den Frieden", Jette Limberg-Diers, Hamburg, 1. Juli 2017, YouTube Film, 2:31:48 Dauer, eingestellt 7. Juli 2017
  • Videointerview mit Ullrich Mies (*1951) deutscher Sozial- und Politikwissenschaftler, Unternehmer, Herausgeber, Autor, KenFM im Gespräch mit Ullrich Mies "Der Tiefe Staat schlägt zu", präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Gastgeber Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, seit 2011 freischaffender Reporter, YouTube Film, 1:47:05 Dauer, eingestellt 9. Dezember 2017, neu eingestellt 23. Juni 2019
  • Videovortrag von Eugen Drewermann (*1940) ehemals deutscher katholischer Theologe, suspendierter Priester, Kirchenkritiker, Psychoanalytiker, tiefenpsychologischer Exeget, Referent, Schriftsteller, Wie der Kapitalismus uns ruiniert und die jesuanische Alternative, veranstaltet von der Sophie-Scholl-Gemeinde und dem Evangelischen Kreisbildungswerk, Schwäbisch Hall, 20. Februar 2018, gefilmt von dem gemeinnützigen Kanal VAKUUM Journal, YouTube Film, 1:26:15 Dauer, eingestellt 23. Februar 2018

Rückbezug auf Drewermanns Buchtrilogie zu Kapitalismus und Christentum: "Geld, Gesellschaft und Gewalt" (2016), "Finanzkapitalismus" (2017) und "Von Krieg zu Frieden" (2017) – Folgen des Wachstumszwangs und der Gier im Kapitalismus

Die bisherigen drei Lösungsansätze: 1) Revolution, 2) Reformen 3) Weltflucht (in eine Parallelgesellschaft) sind innerhalb des neoliberalistischen Schnürkorsetts allesamt nicht zielführend.
Das Modell Neoliberalismus hat keine Zukunft, denn es lebt auf Kosten künftiger Generationen und verursacht implizit den Rechts(ruck)populismus.
Minute 19:40 – Eliten und Machteliten
Minute 25:45 – Täter und Opfer – Wer entscheidet?
Minute 57:00 – Migration und der Neoliberalismus
Minute 1:04:44 – Rechtspopulismus, Heimat und Nation
Minute 1:10:30 – Neoliberalismus
Minute 1:38:10 – Mausfelds "Utopie" (Kollektive Weisheit)

"Es war die Art zu allen Zeiten, […] Irrtum statt Wahrheit zu verbreiten. Mephistopheles, Figur in Goethes "Faust"

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videointerview (Studio Talk) mit Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Narzisstisch kranke Politiker, präsentiert von dem deutschen alternativen online Fernsehsender NuoViso.TV, Gastgeber Hagen Grell, YouTube Film, 41:14 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. Mai 2016
  • Video Fernsehinterview mit Hans-Jürgen Jakobs (*1956) deutscher Volkswirt, Journalist, Autor, "Die Welt gehört einer unsicht-
    baren Gruppe"
    , präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF, wöchentliches Kulturmagazin Aspekte, 8:44 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 18. November 2016

Dokumentafilme, Fernsehserien

Der Aufklärungsfilm verdeutlicht die Spielregeln des Kapitalismus, den Zusammenhang zwischen Wirtschaftswachstum, Verschuldung und Vermögenskonzentration.

  • Video Dokumentation mit Beiträgen von Eugen Drewermann (Theologe, Schriftsteller und Psychotherapeut), Jeannette Fischer (Psychoanalytikerin), Gwendolin Walter-Kirchhoff (Philosophin), Christian Kreiß (Volkswirtschaftslehre), "Tiefgang" – Eine Gesellschaft muss auf die Couch, produziert von Victoria Film Production, Victoria Knobloch, YouTube Film, 1:49:49 Dauer, eingestellt 22. Oktober 2022

Der Selbstoptimierungszwang und die Fortschrittsideologie des Wirtschaftssystems der westlichen Gesellschaft führt zu Entfremdung und Gefühlsarmut und erzeugt den mechanisch agierenden Homo oeconomicus.

Video and audio links (engl.)

en.Wikipedia: The Corporation; Forty insiders like Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore reveal backgrounds of corporatism.

The Economic Agenda: Nationalized banking as part of the New World Order agenda, suggesting reevalution of success

Exposing the Federal Reserve Bank as a privately owned banking cartel, exposing the IRS and unconstitutional income tax; Russo died of
cancer on 24. August 2007.

Forecasting the financial and economic times ahead

On population control, crop circles, forbidden archeology, religious and political cover ups

  • Video interview with James Martinez, US American moderator of a regular web radio show "Cash Flow", financial meltdown expert, James Martinez on the Burden of Debt, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 55:54 minutes duration, posted November 2008   Subject to fee

Up until 2008 Martinez has helped to eliminate $700 million in credit card debt for those not feint of heart.

Largest non-profit independent film release in history

Psychologist Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933), leading expert on psychopathy Robert D. Hare, C.M., Ph.D. (*1934), Nicholas A. Christakis, M.D., Ph.D., MPH (*1962) Greek American professor of social and natural science, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachussetts, Yale University (*2013), New Haven, Connecticut, physician, author, James H. Fowler, Ph.D. (*1970) US American social scientist specializing in social networks, cooperation, political participation, and genopolitics, professor of medical genetics, professor of political science, University of California, San Diego, Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) Czech dissident, first postcommunist President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003) and during the Velvet Revolution (1989-1992), poet, playwright, essayist, authors Gary Greenberg and Christopher Lane

Poverty is not only the lack of income and wealth but also the poverty of power.

  • Narrated short video documentary series Stefan Verstappen (*1957) Canadian world traveler, martial artist, writer, 3 part series Paradise Stolen, YouTube videos

Anti-War video showing another side to the cost of war

Arguments against the idea that small sustainable communities are impractical

  • Part 3 The Myth of Overpopulation, 8:19 minutes duration, posted 17. March 2015
    The myth of overpopulation is a cause of poverty.

Linkless media offerings

  • Video interview with Catherine Austin Fitts (*1950) US American former Assistant Secretary of Housing under George H.W. Bush, whistleblower on financial terrorism, president of the Solari Report, on Socio-Economics, The Leveraged Buyout of
    the US
    , presented by the Prison Planet TV, host Alex Jones (*1974) US American radio host on New World Order topics,
    documentary filmmaker, author, aired 22. October 2010, YouTube film, 56:22 minutes duration, posted 23. December 2010

Deleted video on socio-economics: Catherine Austin Fitts: The Looting Of America, presented by the Prison Planet.TV, host Paul Joseph Watson, aired 2. November 2010
Übersetzung: leverage = Fremdfinanzierungsgrad; overleveraged = überschuldet, übermäßig fremdfinanziert

Movies, documentaries and TV series


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Videointerview Narrative #41 – Ullrich Mies. Das Ende der "westlichen Demokratien?, präsentiert von Ovalmedia, Gründer und Gastgeber Robert Cibis (*1973) deutscher Filmregisseur, Filmproduzent, 3:12:05 Dauer, eingestellt 7. April 2021

2 Videointerview Ernst Wolff: Das neue Geld kommt!, präsentiert von dem unabhängigen deutschen Internet-Fernsehsender Eingeschenkt.TV, Gastgeber Alex Quint, YouTube Film, 59:15 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 25. März 2021

3 Videovortrag und Fragestunde mit William Toel, Gespräche mit William Toel – Gespräch Nr. 4, aufgezeichnet von dem YouTube-Podcast-Kanal Cosmo Radiocafe, 16. März 2021, YouTube Film, ♦ Minute 31:50, ❁ Minute 1:08:02, 1:25:17 Dauer, eingestellt 19. März 2021

4 The families related to the Committee of 300 include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Huxley, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson.

5 Article Revisiting John Todd (1950-2007): "Rothschilds Rule with Druid Witches", 7. August 2013: Philippe de Rothschild (1902-1988) gave the plan to his mistress Ayn Rand for her novel Atlas Shrugged.
"[Ayn Rand's] writings are intellectually shallow econo-porn, part Krafft-Ebing and part Horatio Alger, possessing neither coherence nor philosophical depth. Rand's heroes [sociopath Ragnar, rapist Francisco, rough-trade cruiser Rearden] aren’t just rapists, woman-beaters and thieves. They’re also terrorists who freely blow up or burn properties for ideological reasons." Article What Happened When Some Libertarians Went Off to Build Ayn Rand's Vision of Paradise, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Richard Eskow, 11. September 2014

6 See also: Analogous animal and human evolution – Bruce H. Lipton

7 BW-Werte des sich wandelnden Menschheitsbewusstseins

8 BW-Werte des sich wandelnden Menschheitsbewusstseins

9 BW-Werte des sich wandelnden Menschheitsbewusstseins

10 BW-Werte des sich wandelnden Menschheitsbewusstseins

11 Evolution

12 Quotes on indebtedness (original sin) – Joseph P. Farrell

13 Article 117 Countries Slam American Police Brutality at UN Human Rights Council, presented by Popular Resistance, 5. June 2015

14 Video TV interview with Michael A. Wood Jr., US American Marine Corp veteran, retired Baltimore police seargant, whistleblower, author, Police Mentality & What To Do About It, presented by the US American "The Jimmy Dore Show", host Jimmy Dore (*1965) US American comedian, political commentator, YouTube film, 47:06 minutes duration, posted 20. June 2016

15 Valerie Wilson Plame, Fair Game. How a Top CIA Agent Was Betrayed by Her Own Government, Simon & Schuster, reprint edition 10. June 2008

16 Article Amy Goodman Is Facing Prison for Reporting on the Dakota Access Pipeline. That Should Scare Us All., presented by the US American weekly journal of progressive political and cultural news, opinion, and analysis The Nation, Lizzy Ratner, 15. October 2016

17 In 2013 President Obama has signed the National Defense Authorization Act, Section 1078 – HR 4310 into law. It permits the use of Propaganda inside the United States, which had been forbidden in 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed.
Siehe auch: ► Blogartikel Medien Falschmeldungen – Naomi Wolf zeigt, wie falsche Storys erschaffen werden, präsentiert von lupocattivoblog.com, Maria Lourdes,
24. März 2015

18 Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) German-Jewish political theorist, philosopher, specialized in analyzing the rise of totalitarianism, author, The Origins of Totalitarianism [Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft, 1951], Schocken Books, 1951

19 The US American (neo)conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, based in Washington, D.C., was co-founded by Paul Weyrich (1942-2008) and Friedrich August von Hayek [F. A. Hayek] (1899-1992). Hayek argued (The Road to Serfdom, 1944) that government planning, by crushing individualism, would lead inexorably to totalitarian control. An America-adverse Zionist group, The Heritage Foundation is merging Right and Left of the power elites. Financed by the billionaire oil barons David H. Koch (1940-2019) and Charles G. Koch (*1935), the so called 'Koch Brothers', it promoted deregulated capitalism and invented the neoconservative "trickle down" economics. It has ties to the Tavistock Institute and is in service of the NWO think tank Club of Rome.

20 Article The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism, presented by the progressive US American news website Truthdig, 9. August 2016

21 Reddit entry 2017

22 Historiography of the British Empire

23 Oped article In Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism, presented by the Israelian newspaper Hareetz, Zeev Sternhell, 19. January 2018

24 en.Wikipedia: In September 2007, American economist Richard W. Rahn called Putinism "a Russian nationalistic authoritarian form of government that pretends to be a free market democracy" and which "owes more of its lineage to fascism than communism" noting that "Putinism depended on the Russian economy growing rapidly enough that most people had rising standards of living and, in exchange, were willing to put up with the existing soft repression".   Articles by Richard W. Rahn (*1942) US American economist, From Communism to Putinism, presented by The Brussels Journal, 21. September 2007 and Putinism The Washington Times, 20. September 2008

25 Removed blog article by Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Concept for a Post-Western Economic-Engineering Paradigm. How Putin-Modi and Xi-Trump Can Save Humanity with Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), presented by the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), 5. April 2017

26 Transcripted audio interview with Seymour Hersh (*1937) US American investigative journalist, political writer, Seymour Hersh on America’s Capacity for Fascist Brutality (Audio and Transcript), presented by the progressive US American news website Truthdig, Scheer Intelligence, host Robert Scheer (*1936) US American investigative journalist, editor in chief, 20. July 2018

27 Article by Major H.A. Hynes China: the Emerging Superpower, presented by "Ex New Horizons", 1997-1998

28 Buchbesprechung George Soros: Sprengmeister mit globaler Wirkung, präsentiert von dem vierteljährlich erscheinenden Schweizerischen Magazin ZeitenSchrift, Nr. 86, 2. Quartal 2016

29 Article George Soros: The 'God' Who Carries Around Some Dangerous Demons, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Shawn Macomber, 4. October 2004

30 Audio interview presented by the non-commercial US American media organization National Public Radio (NPR), host Steve Inskeep, 2005

31 Article George Soros 'retires' as hedge fund manager, blaming US regulations. The man who broke the Bank of England has finally been subjugated himself., presented by the English daily newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Louise Armitstead, 26. July 2011

32 Article U.S. Billionaire Donates Millions to Russian Causes. Aid: George Soros has already sponsored scientists. Now he's giving $250 million for teacher training and textbook writers]], presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times, Richard Boudreaux, 17. March 1994

33 Video interview with F. William Engdahl williamengdahl.com (*1944) US American German geopolitical analyst, historian, economic researcher, lecturer, freelance journalist, author, Can the Vagina-Coloured Revolution Be Far Behind?, presented by Free Spirits, owner and editor Jo Conrad, host Cara St.Louis, US American activist, former producer, teacher, speaker, writer, YouTube film, minute 4:18, 59:34 minutes duration, recorded March 2014, posted 29. January 2017

34 Article The Arab Spring: Made in the USA, presented by the publication Dissident Voice, Stuart Jeanne Bramhall, 28. October 2015, archived by the online publication Global Research, 22. March 2018

35 Article WikiLeaks: Clinton, Obama, Soros Overthrew Pope Benedict In Vatican Coup, presented by the controversial online outlet NewsPunch, Baxter Dmitry,
1. February 2017

36 The Washington Times reported that "humanitarian" Soros just wanted to help the civil rights movement.

37 Article MoveOn "activists" march against Trump: George Soros begins his color revolution in America, presented by the publication The Duran, via the publication Sott.net, Alex Christoforou, 10. November 2016

38 Article Pro-abort billionaire George Soros gave nearly $90 million to feminist anti-Trump protest groups, presented by Life Site, Claire Chretien, 16. January 2018

39 Blog article Did George Soros free Donald Trump of a $312 million debt?, presented by the blogspot trumpsoroschicago.wordpress, 19. March 2016

40 Al Gore co-founded Alliance for Climate Protection (ACP) which was established in 2006. It became The Climate Reality Project in July 2011. In 2008, the Alliance launched a $300.

41 Deleted article Leaked memo proves George Soros ruled Ukraine in 2014, minutes from "Breakfast with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt", presented by the publication The Duran, Alex Christoforou, 20. August 2016

42 Blog article ''Soros-Obama-Merkel-Erdogan Win Control of Europe’', presented by the publication Washington's Blog, Eric Zuesse, 18. March 2016

43 Article Hungary Is at War with George Soros, Explains Foreign Minister (Video), referencing video interview with Péter Szijjártó (*1978) Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade, Soros-funded NGOs aiming to bring down our govt – Hungarian Foreign Minister, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), host Sophie Shevardnadze (*1978) Russian correspondent, presented by the Russian news website Russia Insider, Simon North,
31. January 2017

44 Article George Soros has been interfering in Hungary’s politics for years. Now, they're fed up., presented by LifeSite News, Natalia Dueholm, 16. January 2017

45 George Soros is backing 'climate activist' Greta Thunberg, presented by the publication Europe Reloaded, Pam Barker, 25. April 2019

46 Article Justice Kavanaugh Delivered George Soros a Huge SCOTUS Defeat Yesterday, presented by the publication Wayne Dupree, Missy Crane, 29. June 2020

47 George Soros (*1930) Hungarian-American speculator, financier, stock investor, business magnate, notable "philanthropist", political activist, disrupter of currencies and nation states, author, The Alchemy of Finance, S. 362-363, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987, 1994, 2003, 2007

48 Article The billionaire who built on chaos: Gail Counsell charts the rise of a speculator who considers himself 'some kind of god' , presented by the centre-left British national morning newspaper The Independent, Gail Counsell, 3. June 1993

49 Robert Slater (1944-2014) US American journalist, author, Soros. The Unauthorized Biography, the Life, Times and Trading Secrets of the World's Greatest Investor, Life, Times and Trading Secret, S. 49, 22. Mai 1997, revised edition 1. July 1997

50 TV interview with George Soros (*1930) Hungarian-American currency speculator, financier, stock investor, businessman, notable "philanthropist", political activist, presented by the US American television news program CBS News, program 60 Minutes, aired 20. December 1998, cited in: article George Soros in Forgotten Interview: "I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do", presented by the publication Activist Post, Daisy Luther, 17. November 2016

51 TV interview with George Soros (*1930) Hungarian-American currency speculator, financier, stock investor, businessman, notable "philanthropist", political activist, presented by the US American television news program CBS News, program 60 Minutes, aired 20. December 1998, cited in: article George Soros in Forgotten Interview: "I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do", presented by the publication Activist Post, Daisy Luther, 17. November 2016

52 Interview with George Soros (*1930) Hungarian-American currency speculator, financier, stock investor, businessman, notable "philanthropist", political activist, Interview with George Soros, Chairman, Soros Fund Management, presented by State of The World Forum, Simulconference, 4.-10. September 2000, Mark Schapiro,
5. September 2000

53 Deleted TV interview with George Soros (*1930) Hungarian-American currency speculator, financier, stock investor, businessman, notable philanthropist, political activist, influenced by Karl Popper, Dangers of an unfettered market, presented by the US American TV station PBS, co-host Geoff Colvin, Wall Street Week with the multinational US American business magazine Fortune, 20. September 2002

54 "Um ehrlich zu sein, hatte ich von Kindheit an einige ziemlich starke messianische Phantasien in mir, die ich unter Kontrolle halten musste, da ich sonst in der Klapsmühle gelandet wäre. Als ich jedoch meinen Weg in der Welt machte, wollte ich mich meinen Fantasien in dem Maße hingeben, wie ich es mir leisten konnte."  George Soros, Underwriting Democracy, PublicAffairs 1. April 2004; zitiert in: Artikel "Starke messianische Phantasien", Junge Freiheit, Thomas Kirchner, 12. August 2020

55 Article George Soros: The 'God' Who Carries Around Some Dangerous Demons, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times, Rachel Ehrenfeld, Shawn Macomber, 4. October 2004

56 Book review On Israel, America and AIPAC, presented by the US American semi-monthly magazine The New York Review of Books, George Soros, 12. April 2007

57 Interview with George Soros (*1930) Hungarian-American currency speculator, financier, stock investor, businessman, notable "philanthropist", political activist, The Great Hunger Lottery. How banking speculation causes food crises, S. 10, presented by the World Development Movement (WDM), London, United Kingdom, July 2010

58 The Crisis Of Global Capitalism. Open Society Endangered, PublicAffairs, 11. December 1998

59 The Age of Fallibility. The Consequences of the War on Terror, Prologue, S. xvi, PublicAffairs, 2006, new edited edition 26. June 2007

60 Jan Udo Holey [Jan van Helsing] (*1967) controversial German author, investigative researcher, Secret Societies and Their Power in The 20th Century, Ewertverlag,
1. January 1995

61 F. William Engdahl williamengdahl.com (*1944) US American German geopolitical analyst, historian, economic researcher, lecturer, freelance journalist, author, cited in: Jan Udo Holey [Jan van Helsing] (*1967) controversial German author, investigative researcher, Secret Societies and Their Power in The 20th Century, Ewertverlag,
1. January 1995

62 Article Man who broke the Bank of England, George Soros, 'at centre of hedge funds plot to cash in on fall of the euro', presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Mail Online, Karl West, 27. February 2010  

63 TV interview with Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Brodbeck (*1948) German professor of macroeconomics and statistics, creativity researcher, Buddhist philosopher, expert on economic ethics, Geld, Die große Illusion [Money. The Big Illusion], presented by the German TV station 3Sat, program Scobel, host Gert Scobel (*1959),
YouTube film, 5:50 minutes duration, posted 23. September 2011

64 Article Billionaire Globalist Soros Exposed as Hidden Hand Behind Trump Protests – Provoking US 'Color Revolution', presented by the publication The Good News Today, Jay Syrmopoulos, December 2016

65 Audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, SPECIAL REPORT: Nov 20 2016 Simon Parkes QA with Connecting Consciousness, YouTube film, minute 31:04, 1:54:28 duration, posted 22. April 2017

66 Article George Soros: I carry potent messianic fantasies, presented by the US American independent media Veterans Today, Jonas E. Alexis, 26. November 2016

67 Article George Soros: The "God" Who Should Be Jailed, presented by the biweekly US American magazine The New American (TNA) of the far-right anti-communist, anti-environmental, anti-governmental political organization John Birch Society (JBS), William F. Jasper, senior editor, 24. January 2017

68 Article Connoisseur of Chaos. The dystopian vision of George Soros, billionaire funder of the Left, presented by the conservative quarterly US American magazine City Journal, Stefan Kanfer, winter 2017

69 Article Did Putin Just Out The World's Ruling Class As Reptilians?, presented by the controversial online outlet NewsPunch, Baxter Dmitry, 9. April 2016

70 Through rapacious usury, Soros has been able to do "awe inspiring" magic.

71 Audio interview with Thomas Sheridan (*1964) Irish alternative artist, musician, independent researcher, broadcaster, public speaker, author, The Psychopathic Control Grid, The Venus Project & Trans humanism H2, hour 2 of 2, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 26. June 2011, DELETED YouTube film, 56:07 minutes duration, posted 14. October 2013


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