
Hawkins / Aussagen





Kalibrierte Aussagen



Herbstlandschaft, Queenstown, Neuseeland



Wahrhafte Aussagen (BW-Wert-Angabe)

Aufbauende Aussagen – Bewusstseinswerte
Unendlich Letztendlich ist der Mensch rechenschaftspflichtig gegenüber Gott für das, was er mit dem Geschenk des Lebens getan hat. FU Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man,
S. 335, 2008
1000 Die Wahrheit ist nur nachzuweisen durch Identität mit ihr ist, nicht indem man etwas über sie weiß. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 24, 2003
1000 Bewusstsein ist die nicht reduzierbare ursprüngliche Beschaffenheit all dessen, was existiert. Truth vs. Falsehood, S. xxiv, 2005
1000 Die Möglichkeit der Umwandlung des Potentials zur stofflichen Verwirklichung wird von der unendlichen Wirkmacht des uranfänglichen Trägermaterials der gesamten Existenz geboten, welche allein über die Kraft verfügt, das Unmanifeste in das Reich des Manifesten zu bewegen. Truth vs. Falsehood, S. xxvii, 2005
1000 Schöpfung und Evolution sind in Wirklichkeit ein und derselbe Prozess. Truth vs. Falsehood, S. xxviii, 2005
1000 Leben kann nicht zerstört werden, es kann nur die Form ändern. Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 28, 2005
1000 Der spirituelle Wille ist das uranfängliche Ruder, das den Kurs des eignen Bewusstseins bestimmt, nicht nur in diesem Leben, sondern über eine weit ausgedehnte Zeitspanne hinweg. Traditionsgemäß wird er als Karma bezeichnet. (Kalibriert auf BW 1000.) FU Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 250, 2005
1000 Das Leben kann nicht vernichtet werden, sondern nur seine Form verändern. (Kalibriert auf BW 1000.) FU Truth vs. Falsehood, Kapitel 13 "Truth: The Pathway to Freedom", S. 253, 2005
1000 Das Leben ist ein göttliches Geschenk. FU Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man,
S. 37, 2008
1000 Irdisches menschliches Leben ist die optimale Umgebung für das Fortschreiten von Bewusstsein und die Entdeckung spiritueller Realität, durch die alles Leben transformiert wird, um die innewohnende Vollkommenheit von Existenz selbst zu enthüllen. FU Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man,
S. 41, 2008
1000 Human events represent the outcome of a multiplicity of unknown factors as though they are the final outcome of a series of fields of influence similar to banks of step-down transformers. Thus, without Divine Grace, life would come to a total standstill. (Calibrates as true, LoC 1000). FU Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man,
S. 69, 2008
1000 Jedes Haar auf deinem Kopf ist gezählt. Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man,
S. 223, 2008
999 Nichts hat eine Ursache.
Es gibt keine Ursache für irgendetwas.
Zutreffendes Postulat
Licht des Alls, S. 350, 2006
999 Das Jüngste Gericht findet täglich statt. Es ist bereits hier und ein Festwert und endlos. (Der Messwert dieser Aussage beträgt BW 999.) FU I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 268, 2003
998 Anhand von Forschung enthüllte sich die erstaunliche Tatsache […], dass die Umstände unserer Geburt und unseres Lebens aus karmischer Sicht hochgradig vollkommen sind. Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 178, 2005
995 Die Forschung [durch Muskeltest] ergibt: Der 'Sündenfall' ist das Auftauchen des dualistischen Denkens (siehe dazu den Baum der Erkenntnis des Guten und Bösen), das die Versuchung war, welcher der durch Neugier verführte Mensch erlegen ist. (Diese Erklärung schwingt bei 995.) Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 335, 2005
985 Keine Religion hat eine ausschließliche Wahrheit, und dieser Anspruch an sich ist ein begrenzender Trugschluss. Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 332, 2005
940 Jesus' Aussage: Niemand kommt zum Vater denn durch mich. Johannes 14, 6 (NT); Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 3 DVD set,
28. Juni 2003
850Gebet: "Dein [göttlicher] Wille geschehe!" Vater Unser
850Alles versus Nichts Frage: Sein oder Nicht-Sein? William Shakespeare [BW 465] (1564-1616), Hamlet, ~1602
740 Om (Gottesname) Buddhistisches Mantra
750 Liebe und Frieden ist das endgültige Gesetz des Universums. Vortrag Map of Consciousness, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, veranstaltet von der "Celebrate Your Life" Konferenz, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010
710 'Menschenrechte:
Vor dem Gesetz sind alle gleich und genießen Schutz und die Unantastbarkeit ihrer Menschenwürde.
Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten
[BW 710]
700 Unveräußerliche Menschenrechte wie das Recht auf Leben, das Recht auf Freiheit und das Recht auf Streben nach Glück. Unabhängigkeitserklärung der Vereinigten Staaten
700 Ich bin mir selbst Himmel und Hölle. Truth vs. Falsehood, Kapitel 13, 2005
700 Om mani padme hum
ÜS: "Mögen alle Wesen befreit werden!"
Tibetisches Mantra
650 Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
"Shanti" bedeutet 3 x "Frieden"
Hinduistisches Mantra
 Om namaha shivaya ÜS: "Dein Wille geschehe!" oder "Meine Zuflucht ist Gott." Vedisch-hinduistisches Mantra
645 Wenn die Wahrnehmung ausgeschaltet ist, leuchtet die Strahlkraft der Gottheit als erlesene Schönheit und Vollkommenheit der Welt. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
600+ Sobald der innere Prozessor aufhört zu verarbeiten, sieht man die Gegebenheiten wie sie sind. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
580 Herr, mache mich zum Werkzeug deines Friedens! (Friedensgebet) Franz von Assisi zugeschrieben
575 Die irdische Welt ist ein geeigneter Ort für Wiedergutmachung und Erlösung.
The world is an opportune place for redemption and salvation.
Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
570 Spirituelle [Bewusstsein]sevolution veranlasst durch das menschliche Leben ermöglicht schließlich die Entdeckung und das menschliche Gewahrsein der Göttlichkeit als ihre Quelle. Somit enthüllt der Verzicht auf Ego/Selbst die spirituelle Wirklichkeit des SELBSTES, durch das die Wirklichkeit Gottes manifest wird und subjektiv als SELBST (immanenter Gott) erlebt wird.
Spiritual evolution occasioned by human life allows for the eventual discovery and human awareness of Divinity as its Source. Thus, the relinquishment of the ego/self reveals the Spiritual Reality of the Self by which the Reality of God becomes manifest and subjectively experienced as Self (God Immanent).
Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
560 Das menschliche Leben ist ein Ausdruck des Göttlichen Willens, wodurch die Göttlichkeit die Erfüllung des unendlichen Potentials verwirklicht.
Human life is an expression of God's will by which the Godhead fulfills the actualization of infinite potentiality.
Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
545Die irdische Welt und die Menschheit wurden von Gott erschaffen, weshalb sie göttlich inspiriert und an sich heilig sind. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
525 Jesusgebet, das den Geist von "Betet ohne Unterlass!" widerspiegelt 1. Thessalonicherbrief 5,17 (NT)
520 Die irdische Welt bietet das Geschenk des Lebens selbst durch Dasein und Existenz, wobei das Bewusstsein erfahrungsmäßig verfügbar wird und somit als die Letztendliche Wirklichkeit verdinglicht wird, aus der die Fähigkeit für Existenz/Gewahrsein aufsteigt. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
510 Die irdische Welt ist eine seltene Gelegenheit für maximales spirituelles Wachstum und Evolution durch die Auflösung von schlechtem Karma und dem Erwerb von spirituellen Verdiensten. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
505 "Was man im Bewusstsein hält, neigt dazu, sich zu verwirklichen."
"What is held in mind tends to manifest."
"Was du im Geist trägst, neigt dazu, sich zu verwirklichen."
"What you hold in mind tends to manifest."
In the World But Not of It, CD series, Nightingale-Conant
Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 397, 2005
499Gipfelpunkt der Idee: Realität ist beweisbar und messbar. Naturwissenschaftliches Postulat der Beweisführung
499Umschlagpunkt des irrigen Konzepts der "beweisbaren" äußeren Objektivität; Tatsächlich sind das Subjektive und das Objektive ein und dasselbe. The Eye of the I, S. 179, 2001
485 Die irdische Welt bildet die Verschmelzung des Linearen und des Nichtlinearen, und sie existiert tatsächlich jenseits der Gültigkeitsbereiche von Zeit und Kausalität. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
485 Die jeweilige Wahrnehmung der Welt ist die Folge des Bewusstseinsniveaus? des Beobachters. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
480Umgedrehte paraphrasierte kartesianische Denkformel:
Ich bin, also denke ich.
Truth vs. Falsehood, 2005
480 Wirkmacht (Kraft) ist die Antriebskraft. Wissenschaftliche These des griechischstämmigen Ingenieurs Efthimios Harokopos, 2005
465 Der Beobachter beeinflusst das Testresultat, der Kontext bestimmt den Inhalt. Heisenbergsche Unschärferelation, auch Unbestimmtheitsrelation genannt
460 Kategorischen Imperativ: Handle so, dass die Maxime deines Willens jederzeit zugleich als Prinzip einer allgemeinen Gesetzgebung gelten könnte! Immanuel Kant [BW 460] (1724-1804) deutscher Philosoph der Aufklärung
460Formel der Relativitätstheorie: E = MC2 Albert Einstein [BW 499] deutscher Physiker
455 Mensch zu sein, ist selten, glückbringend und die Folge von gutem Karma. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
450 Die wahrgenommene Welt ist das Ergebnis einer Projektion des menschlichen Bewusstseins und ähnelt deshalb einer Rorschach-Testkarte. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
450 Die wirkliche Realität der Welt ist aufgrund der beschränkten menschlichen Intelligenz nicht erkennbar. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
450 Die irdische Welt und die Menschen auf ihr sind nur eine Dimension der Existenz unter vielen Dimensionen. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
405 Was du nicht willst, das man dir tu', das füg' auch keinem Anderen zu. Die Goldene Regel, freundlicher Umgang mit Mitwesen
400Klassische Kartesianische Denkformel: "Ich denke, also bin ich."
Sie basiert auf der Idee der Getrenntheit von Körper und Geist; umgedrehte Aussage bei 480
René Descartes [BW 490] (1564-1650) französischer Philosoph, Wissenschaftler
Truth vs. Falsehood, 2005
370 Der Versuch, die Welt zu retten, ist fruchtlos; die Welt, die du siehst, existiert nicht einmal. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
350 "Die Welt, die ich sehe, habe ich erfunden."
("Was man sieht" schwingt in BW 300ern.)
Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
350 Dies ist eine Welt der Läuterung mit Mühsal und Leiden. Trachte deshalb nach dem Himmelreich.
[This is a purgatorial world of hardship and suffering; therefore, seek heaven.]
Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
350 Karma ist Gottes Bürgschaftsprogramm und Rettungspaket. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
265 Die Welt der Menschen ist ein spirituelles Krankenhaus und eine Rehaklinik. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
255 Der Mensch ist ein Mischwesen aus tierischen bis engelhaften Bestandteilen. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
240 Die irdische Welt ist eine Tragödie, ein politisches Brettspiel und mehr. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
210 A-U-M, verändertes Mantra (Gottesname); große Abweichung zum Originalmantra OM mit BW 740 Buddhistisches Mantra
209Firmenmotto: Sei nicht böse! google.com, US-amerikanische Online Suchmaschine, gegründet 1998

Irrtümliche Aussagen (BW-Wert-Angabe)

Energiezehrende Aussagen – Bewusstseinswerte
190These: Jesus war mit Maria Magdalena verheiratet und hatte Kinder. Dan Brown (*1964) US-amerikanischer Thriller-Autor, Erfolgsroman Sakrileg, 2004
190 Die irdische Welt ist die Folge des Sündenfalls, der aufgrund von Ungehorsam geschah und weil Eva der Versuchung der Neugier erlag. Deshalb ist das irdische Leben die Buße für die Ursünde. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
190 Die Welt ist nichts weiter als ein physisches Produkt des physischen Universums. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
180 Der Verräter eines Menschen ist der Freiheitskämpfer eines anderen. FU Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 11, S. 202, 2008
170 Ich bin der Meister meines Schicksals, ich bin der Kapitän meiner Seele. Idee der Eigenmächtigkeit des Egos William Ernest Henley (1849-1903), Schlusszeilen des Prosagedichts Invictus (Unbezwungen), 1875
140 Das gesellschaftliche Sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein.
Irriges Konzept der "objektiven Realität", verdrehte Hegelsche Dialektik
Karl MarxDialektischer Materialismus
140Nationalsozialistische Formel: Deutschland über alles! Einflussgeber: Adolf Hitler damals: BW 140, Sedona Seminar Perception and Illusion: Distortions of Reality, DVD 3 von 3, 4. Mai 2002
140Irrtümliche Theorie: Bewusstsein entspringt neuronalen Aktivitäten. Francis Crick
120 Der Zweck heiligt die Mittel. Problematische Grundhaltung
Truth versus Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, Problematic Issues, S. 209, 2005
105 Das Klima der Erde erwärmt sich aufgrund von menschlich erzeugten Gasen. Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD-Set, 28. Februar 2009
10Osama bin Laden: "Wir verehren den Tod, nicht das Leben." Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Kapitel 11,
S. 209, 2008

Zitate zum Thema Aussagen / Statements

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Konzepte haben Kraftebenen, die gemessen werden können. Je höher die Wahrheitsebene, desto größer die Kraft. Die Energie des Konzeptes ergibt sich aus der Wahrheit der Aussage plus der Ebene des Bewusstseins des Sprechers. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 289, 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013



Circumstances of birth are suitable at level 998.

  • Research reveals the astonishing fact (which calibrates at consciousness level 998) that the circumstances of our birth and life are precisely karmically perfect. All that we face and endure – the obstacles, the challenges – serves the evolution of consciousness in which we simultaneously undo the negative consequences of the past and derive advancement for spiritually positive choices. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 161, 2005

Englische Texte – English section on Statements

Statements calibrated as true

Statements calibrated as true – above LoC 200
1000When it is said that no person can be enlightened, it means that personhood is filtered out by the screening and cannot pass beyond. (This statement calibrates at 600.) The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 262, 2001
1000 Truth is verifiable only by identity with it, not by knowing about it. (Calibrated at LoC 1000.) I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 24, 2003
1000The conscious awareness of the Self as Divinity manifests as Christ Consciousness. (Calibrated at 1000.) I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 283-284, 2003
1000Consciousness is the irreducible, primary quality of all existence. (Calibrates at level 1000.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. xxiv, 2005
1000[T]he spiritual will is the primordial rudder that determines not only this lifetime, but also the course of one’s consciousness over great expanses of time, classically termed karma. (Calibrated at LoC 1000.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 13 "Truth: The Pathway to Freedom", S. 250, 2005
1000Life cannot be extinguished but can only change form. (Calibrated LoC 1,000.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 13 "Truth: The Pathway to Freedom", S. 253, 2005
1000Every word, deed, and intention creates a permanent record; every thought is known and recorded forever. There are no secrets, nothing is hidden, nor can it be. Everyone lives in the public domain. Our spirits stand naked in time for all to see. Everyone's life finally is accountable to the universe. (Calibrated at LoC 1000.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 13 "Truth: The Pathway to Freedom", S. 259, 2005
1000Like matter and energy, life cannot be destroyed but can only change form. (This statement calibrates at 1,000.) Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 14 Spiritual Pathways, Temporality, S. 284, 2008
1000Death is actually only the leaving of the body. The sense of identity is, however, unbroken. The state of 'me' (self) is constant and continues after it separates from the physical expiration, that is there has to be a 'who' that goes on to heaven or other realms or chooses to reincarnate. (This statement calibrates at 1,000.) Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 14 Spiritual Pathways, Temporality, S. 284, 2008
999Judgment Day is every day; it is already here and a constant and unending. (The calibrated level of this statement is 999.) I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 268, 2003
998Research reveals the astonishing fact that the circumstances of our birth and life are precisely karmically perfect. (Calibrated at LoC 998.) I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 267, 2003
998Research reveals the astonishing fact (which calibrates at consciousness level 998) that the circumstances of our birth and life are precisely karmically perfect. All that we face and endure – the obstacles, the challenges – serves the evolution of consciousness in which we simultaneously undo the negative consequences of the past and derive advancement for spiritually positive choices. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 161, 2005
995Each one, individually, is following a powerful magnetic-like field that in turn is subject to the next higher attractor field, and so on up to Divinity. (The above passage calibrates at 995.) Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 2 Guilt and Vindictive Hate, S. 58, 2006
995[T]he 'fall of man' is the emergence of dualistic thinking (i.e. the tree of good and evil) which was the trap man fell into out of a seduction of curiosity. (This explanation calibrates at 995). Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005
995Each one, individually, is following a powerful magnetic-like field that in turn is subject to the next higher attractor field, and so on up to Divinity. (Calibrates at 995.) Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 2 Guilt and vindictive hate, S. 58, 2006
985No religion has an exclusive on truth, and the claim itself is a limiting fallacy. (This statement calibrates at 985.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 332, 2005
965The Buddha's Law of Dependent Origination or Interdependent Co-Creation calibrates at LoC 965. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 256, 2003
945The term "Christ" generically denotes the state of incarnation of Divinity or Christed consciousness. Thus, Jesus, the Christ, is the incarnation of Divinity as man through which Christianity recognizes the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Calibrated at LoC 945.)1 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005
850[T]he Buddha state, which, like space, is unsullied by transitory content. The Pure, formless silence is the Ultimate Context and beyond all names, although historically sometimes referred to as the 'Buddha Nature'. Even though devoid of form, the ultimate state is all-inclusive as Allness in contrast to the Nothingness of the Void. (Calibrated at 850.) Source unknown
750Love is the ultimate law of the universe. Prescott Seminar Love, 3 DVD set,
17. September 2011
570The world is an opportune place for redemption and salvation. (Calibrated at 570.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?, DVD 2 of 3, 28. February 2009
560Human life is an expression of God's will – an EXPRESSION of GOD! – by which the Godhead fulfills the actualization of It's potentiality. (Calibrated at 560.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD set, 28. February 2009
555The surrendering of all limiting beliefs, positionalities, doubts, and attachments allows for the inflow of spiritual energy which is the concomitance of devotion. (Calibrated at 555.) Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, S. 263-264, 2006
545The world and humanity were created by God and are therefore divinely inspired and intrinsically holy. (Calibrated at 545.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?,
3 DVD set, 28. February 2009
505 What is held in mind tends to manifest. (Calibrated at LoC 505.) Source unknown
450It is likely that private enterprise can outperform [incompetent] governments in about every department at much lower cost. (This statement calibrates at 450.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 321, 2005
425[N]ow the focus of society is integrity [LoC 200+] and what is the truth. (Calibrated at 425.) Deleted interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the US American magazine New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004
425You can't solve poverty with money. The basis of poverty is lack of responsibility which can be relieved by education. (Calibrated at LoC 425.) Audio series Truth vs. Falsehood. The Art of Spiritual Discernment, Nightingale-Conant, Discerning how to make the right choices, CD 3 of 6, track 5, 2006
350Karma is God's own bail-out plan and rescue package. (Calibrated at 350.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?, DVD 2 of 3, 28. February 2009
265The human world is a spiritual hospital and rehab unit. (Calibrated at 265.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?, DVD 2 of 3, 28. February 2009


TrueSurvival fear is eliminated by the knowledge that one's ongoing survival is already determined and guaranteed by the Self and one's karmic inheritance. The exact time of death was already set at birth. (This statements tests "true" with kinesiology.) Realize also that no 'accidents' are possible in the universe. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 200, 2003
True[T]he consciousness of mankind prevailed for many centuries at 190 and only very recently jumped to 207, this signals the beginning appearance of the dominion of Christ Consciousness on Earth. (Calibrated as true.) I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 283-284, 2003
TrueLife itself cannot be killed. (Calibrated as true.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 13 "Truth: The Pathway to Freedom", S. 33, 2005
True[K]armic evolutionary patterns develop below consciousness level 200, they do so in the collective field of consciousness that dominates the levels below 200. They actually do not become individualized as such until the consciousness level reach 200. (Calibrated as true.) Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 68, 2005
TrueThe influence of spiritual intention can […] be over one thousand times stronger than ordinary intellectual effort. (Calibrated as true.) Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Section V, "Spiritual Transformation", S. 310, 2006
True[T]he rare persons who are actually attracted to Enlightenment as a life goal are attracted because that is already their destiny (Calibrates as true). Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 54, 2007
TrueAll that what is manifest arises out of that which is unmanifest. (Calibrated as true.) Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, seminar snippets, CD 4 of 6, track 10, Nightingale-Conant, January 2003
TrueReality has no beginning or end, beyond time and dimension. (Calibrated as true.) Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, seminar snippets, CD 4 of 6, track 10, Nightingale-Conant, January 2003
TrueAll that is manifest arises out of that which is unmanifest. (Calibrated as true.) Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, collection of seminar snippets, CD 4 of 6, track 10, Nightingale-Conant, 2005
TrueThe evolution of mankind is progressing and partly its nervous system is changing. (Calibrates as true.) Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, 3 DVD set,
27. September 2002
TrueIn order to be able to handle higher energies mankind up to now could only handle an energy of up to 1000. (Calibrates as true.) Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, 3 DVD set,
27. September 2002
TrueNow, very rarely, but on occasion, it [the human nervous system] can go over 1000. (Calibrates as true.) That's the first time in history. (Calibrates as true.) Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, 3 DVD set,
27. September 2002
TrueThere are entities that do not return to God. (Calibrates as true.) Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, minute 38:14, October 2002
TrueYou never have to return to God. (Calibrates as true.) Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, minute 38:14, October 2002
TrueYou never have to become enlightened. (Calibrates as true.) Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, minute 38:14, October 2002
TrueYou can just keep going like this forever. (Calibrates as true.) Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, 3 DVD set, minute 38:14, October 2002
TrueThere's multiple heavens, and the heaven that you go to is aligned with your calibrated level of your consciousness. (Calibrated as true). Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, DVD 1 of 3, track 1, 14. December 2002
TrueA man has to be somewhat more evolved to give himself permission to call upon his intuitive side. In our culture the woman is more free to be intuitive. And therefore she perfects that side before the man does. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set,
14. December 2002
TrueSpiritual intention changes the brain's physiology – spiritually oriented people experience things differently than "ordinary” people. The change occurs in the prefrontal cortex, creating an "etheric brain." (Calibrated as a fact.) Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self and the "I", 3 DVD set,
1. November 2003
TrueThere is no such thing as First Cause. (Calibrated as true.)
Acausality of God: The First Cause concept is the attempt to project the Newtonian paradigm [below 500] of cause and effect to the Infinite and nonlinear. Alwaysness has no beginning. Everything is what it is, and it unfolds out of Divinity.
Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, DVD 3 of 3, minute 6:33, 28. February 2004
TrueAs we sacrifice [i.e. liberate] our personal lives for the sake of the world, we sanctify the life of the world. This is personified in the life of Jesus Christ. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004
TrueIt is my understanding that the disciples (who calibrated in the 900s at the time) saw Jesus' etheric body. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A, Creative Life Center, 2 CD set,
10. May 2006
TrueWomen are more nonlinear than men! (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006
TrueIt is safe to die. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set,
10. January 2007
TrueDiscretion of speech is a higher good than freedom of speech. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar What is Truth? The Absolute, 3 DVD set, 21. July 2007
TrueWhatever problem you have in life, if you apply the 12 Steps to it, that will solve it. (Calibrates as true.) Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, 3 DVD set, 26. January 2008
TrueThe purpose of this human life is to undo negative karma and gain positive karma. That is the sole purpose of human life. (Calibrated as true.) Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment,
3 DVD set, 8. March 2008
TrueLess than one in 10 milliion people will say, "My primary goal in life is to become enlightened." (Calibrated as a fact.) Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment, 3 DVD set, 8. March 2008
TrueAll living things are aware as you walk by. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality,
3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TrueWe are NOT seeing the fall and decline of Western civilization. (Calibrated as true.) We are only seeing a bump. Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TrueThe number of causes for any event is infinite. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TrueAt any age, the brain is constantly producing new neurons. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TrueThe alloted angels can lift out a person's etheric body of their physical body. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008
TrueConsciousness is the Mind of God. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008
TrueAll things are God. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TrueThe Light of God is Consciousness. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008
TrueIt is NOT already determined which lifetime someone will become enlightened in. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008
TrueIt is safe to pray for the sources of hate. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008
TrueThat anything has EXISTENCE is the first stunning thing! By our mere existence we are – all is – Divine! Prescott Seminar What is the World?, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2009
True Meditating with a picture of a teacher is almost as good as being in the physical presence of a teacher. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2009
TruePraying is beneficial. It benefits yourself, loved ones, the world, all of humanity. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Happiness, 3 DVD set, 25. April 2009
TrueThere are angels in [human] bodies. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Happiness, 3 DVD set, 25. April 2009
True "God’s will for you is happiness. To be happy is pleasing to God." (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Happiness, 3 DVD set, 25. April 2009
TrueIt is possible to come up from lower regions of hell – with the exception of blasphemy. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar Peace [LoC 565]
3 DVD set, 8. August 2009
TrueFree will is an illusion. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set,
9. September 2009
TrueStigmata are real phenomenons. (Calibrated as true.)2 Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set,
9. September 2009


* * * ༺ ❄ ༻ * * *


TRUE statements

  • TRUE – Reincarnation
  • TRUE – Karma
  • TRUE – Chi energy exists.
  • TRUE – Humans can live on prana energy.
  • TRUE – The etheric body exists.
  • TRUE – Name and form are one unit [in correspondence to each other].
  • TRUE – One's consciousness level is set at birth.
  • TRUE – One's exact time of death [leaving the body] is set at birth.
  • TRUE – Wait three days before burial or cremation.

FALSE statements

True statements without LoC

Statements calibrated as true
TRUE The Light of God is Consciousness. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A,
2 CD set, 8. November 2006
TRUE Consciousness is the Mind of God. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A,
2 CD set, 8. November 2006
TRUE It is NOT already determined which lifetime someone will become enlightened in. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A,
2 CD set, 8. November 2006
TRUE The allotted angels can lift out a person's etheric body of their physical body. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A,
2 CD set, 8. November 2006
TRUE At any age, the brain is constantly producing new neurons. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality,
3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TRUE It is safe to pray for the sources of hate. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Satsang Q&A,
2 CD set, 8. November 2006
TRUE All things are God. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality,
3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TRUE All living things are aware as you walk by. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality,
3 DVD set, 25. October 2008
TRUE The number of causes for any event is infinite. (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Practical Spirituality,
3 DVD set, 25. October 2008

I myself am heaven and hell

I sent my soul into the invisible
Some glimpse of that afterlife to spell.
And by and by my soul returned to me
And answered, "I myself am heaven and hell."


Source: ► Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, poet,
Rubaiyat devotional scripture of Omar Khayyam
See also: ► Poems

Interne Links




1 ⚠ Misleading Trinity concept Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author of Caesar's Messiah. The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, 2005

2 Blog article What Do You Really Know About the Mystery of the Stigmata?, presented by The Mystical Humanity of Christ Publishing, Charles Kaupke, 15. November 2016

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