Links zum Thema Judentum / Judaism
- Martin Buber [BW 530] (1878-1965) österreichisch-jüdischer Religionsforscher und -philosoph, Pädagoge, Übersetzer, Die Erzählungen der Chassidim, Zürich, 1949
- * Erich Kern (1906-1991) österreichischer nationalsozialistischer Funktionär, Publizist, Die Tragödie der Juden. Schicksal zwischen Propaganda und Wahrheit, K. W. Schütz Preussisch Oldendorf, 1. Januar 1979
- Friedrich Weinreb (1910-1988) österreichisch-ungarischer jüdisch-chassidischer Erzähler, Schriftsteller, Vom Geheimnis der mystischen Rose, Weinreb-Stiftung, München, 1983
- Walter N. Sanning, Die Auflösung des osteuropäischen Judentums, Grabert, Tübingen, Taschenbuch 1983 (Vergriffen)
Aus amtlichen Statistiken und jüdischen Quellen werden die Bevölkerungszahlen der Juden in Europa während der letzten 50 Jahre analysiert. Die hochinteressanten Ergebnisse verlangen, dass manche bisherigen Ansichten geändert werden. So ergaben sich die größten jüdischen Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Roten Armee und in den sibirischen Arbeitslagern, in welche die Sowjets die meisten Juden kurz vor der deutschen Erobe- rung des westlichen Rußlands deportiert hatten. 1945 standen den 16 Millionen Vorkriegsjuden 14,7 Millionen Überlebende gegenüber, von denen allerdings Millionen aus Ost- und Mitteleuropa nach Westen und Israel ausgewandert oder geflohen waren. Die bis zur Gegenwart fortgesetzte Analyse beweist die gewaltige Westbewegung des früher zahlenmäßig überwiegend in Osteuropa beheimateten Judentums. Die sachlich begrün- deten und überall mit Quellen exakt belegten Darlegungen bringen wissenschaftliche Klarheit in ein oftmals noch durch Emotionen oder Propaganda belastetes Kapitel europäischer und deutscher Geschichte und sollten nach dem Wunsch des Verfassers weitere Detailanalysen nach sich ziehen.
Das Judentum ist eine religiöse, keine ethnische Gemeinschaft. Wenn überhaupt, sind eher die Palästinenser als die aus Europa eingewanderten Juden ethnische Nachkommen der biblischen Israeliten.
- Gilad Atzmon (*1963) israelisch-stämmiger britischer Jazzsaxophonist, politischer Aktivist, antizionistischer Autor, Andreas Schmidt, deutscher Übersetzer, Der wandernde – Wer? Eine Studie jüdischer Identitätspolitik, Zambon Verlag, 20. Juni 2012
- Matthias Köpke, deutscher YouTube-Aufklärer, Autor, Der jüdische Sinn von Beschneidung und Taufe. Eine Betrachtung zur Bedeutung von Satan, Teufel, Beschneidung und Taufe im Judentum, Christentum, Islam und in der Freimaurerei, Eigenverlag, 2014, 2. erweiterte Auflage 2015
- Petra Wild (*1963) deutsche freiberufliche Islamwissenschaftlerin, Publizistin, Die Krise des Zionismus und die Ein-Staat-Lösung, Promedia, 3. März 2015, März 2017
Delegitimierung des Zionismus. Der andauernde Kampf der Palästinenser gegen den zionistischen Siedlerkolonialismus führt zu einer fort- schreitenden Erosion des Zionismus.
- Gerard Menuhin (*1948) Schweizer Geschichtsrevisionist, Sohn des Violinisten Yehudi Menuhin, Filmproduzent, Autor, Wahrheit sagen Teufel jagen [Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil], Lühe-Verlag, 1. Januar 2016, PDF, epubli, englischsprachige Erstausgabe 17. Juli 2017
- Moshe Zuckermann (*1949) israelischer zionismuskritischer Soziologe, Professor für Geschichte und Philosophie, Universität
Tel Aviv, wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Sigmund-Freud-Privatstiftung Wien seit 2009, Autor, Der allgegenwärtige Antisemit oder die Angst der Deutschen vor der Vergangenheit, Westend Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 4. September 2018
- Germar Rudolf (*1964) deutscher Diplom-Chemiker, Herausgeber, Der Holocaust auf dem Seziertisch. Die wachsende Kritik
an "Wahrheit" und "Erinnerung", Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, Vereinigtes Königreich, November 2019
Literature (engl.)
- Zohar, including links to online Aramaic texts of each volume of The Zohar, Pritzker edition
- Ernest Van Den Haag (1914-2002) Dutch-born American sociologist, professor of jurisprudence and public policy, Fordham University, social critic, author, The Jewish Mystique, Stein and Day, New York City, New York, 1969, Delta, First Dell Printing paperback edition 1971
- Joshua Trachtenberg (1904-1959) US American Jewish reform rabbi, The Devil and the Jews. The Medieval Conception of the Jew and Its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism, Yale University, 1943, Jewish Publication Society, 31. August 1995
- Moshe Menuhin (1893-1983) Jewish great great grandson of Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Hassidism, passio-
nate anti-Zionist, author, The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, Exposition Press, 1965, Institute of Palestine Studies, Beirut, 1969
Menuhin was vilified as a "self-hating Jew", a pejorative to describe anti-Zionist Jews. Original publisher Exposition Press refused to promote the first edition or print a second one, in spite of high demand post the six-day war in 1967.
- New retitled edition Not by Might, nor by Power. The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism, Forbidden Bookshelf, Ebook, 2017
Zionism as an un-Jewish aberration cannot be transformed in a friendlier system of oppression, it needs to be abdicated.
- Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, Jewish researcher, whistleblower, To Eliminate the Opiate Vol. 1. An In-Depth Study of Communist
and Conspiratorial Group Efforts to Destroy Jews and Judaism, Zahavia, 1974, Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, paperback issue 1. January 2004
- Moshe Menuhin (1893-1983) Jewish great great grandson of Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Hassidism, passio-
nate anti-Zionist, author, Jewish Critics of Zionism and the Stifling and Smearing of a Dissenter, Association of Arab University Graduates, Belmont, Massachusetts, 1976
- Gunther Plaut (1912-2012) Canadian reform rabbi, president of the Canadian Jewish Congress, author, The Man Who Would Be Messiah. A Biographical Novel, 1988, Mosaic Press, March 1991
Novelized biography of Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who led a Satanic heresy against orthodox Judaism. Frank claimed to be the Messiah and reincarnation of another Satanic impostor, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). The German nazis along with the "sexual liberation" were created by Sabbatean-Frankists (namely the Rothschilds). Their aim was to destroy the social order (nation, family, race, religion, property) and turn Torah morality on its head. What had been prohibited would be allowed: adultery, incest, pedophilia. Inspired by the Cabala, they practiced "holiness through sin." Good would come through the annihilation of Western civilization and the triumph of Evil. Sabbatean-Frankist "Jews" hate/d Torah Jews and constantly plot/ted to destroy them. This Satanic movement gave birth to the Illuminati, Communism and the NWO. Foreword by Elie Wiesel, S. 13: "[Plaut] offers an interpretation of another personage [i.e. Hitler] who on a different level allied himself with the Evil one to destroy our people." See reference by Henry Makov, Ph.D.
- Kevin B. MacDonald, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of psychology, biobehavioural scientist, California State University-Long Beach, author, A People That Shall Dwell Alone, 1994 · Separation and Its Discontents, 1998 ·
The Culture of Critique, 1998
Jewish guru syndrome · proposition: Judaism is a group evolutionary strategy to enhance the ability of Jews to out-compete non-Jews for resources.
- Gershom Scholem, Ph.D. (1897-1982) German-born Israeli philosopher, religious historian, founder of the modern, academic study of Kabbalah, first professor of Jewish Mysticism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, author, Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism [Wesentliche Trends in der jüdischen Mystik], Google books, Schocken, revised edition, 2. May 1995
- Howard Sachar (1928-2018) US American professor emeritus of history and international affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.C., author, A History of Israel. From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time, Alfred A. Knopf, 3rd revised and updated edition, 15. May 2007
- John Mearsheimer, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of political science, University of Chicago, Stephen Walt, Ph.D. (*1955) US American professor of international relations, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 27. August 2007
- Greg Felton, The Host and the Parasite. How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America, Dandelion Books, 7. March 2007
- Shlomo Sand (*1946) Israeli emeritus professor of history, Tel Aviv University, author, The Invention of the Jewish People, Verso, 14. June 2010
Exploding the myth that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hands of the Romans; most modern Jews descended from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
- Shlomo Sand (*1946) Israeli emeritus professor of history, Tel Aviv University, author, The Invention of the Land of Israel, Kinneret Zmora-Bitan Dvir, 2013
- Alison Weir, US American human rights activist and speaker, former editor and journalist, free lance reporter, author, Against Our Better Judgment. The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st edition 21. February 2014
- Memoir by Ann Diamond (*1951) Canadian MKUltra mindcontrol survivor out of Montreal Quebec, intimate friend of Leonard Cohen, novelist, The Man Next Door,, paperback issue 29. April 2014
Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen’s connection to MKUltra mind control program, Satanic impostor, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), and Nathan of Gaza
- Robert Sepehr, US American producer, anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, paleobiology (archeogenetics), author, 1666 Redemption Through Sin. Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance, Kindle Ebook, Atlantean Gardens, 16. May 2015
- Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Norwegian researcher, author, Racial Zionism. A Source Book of Essential Texts from Noah to Herzl and Beyond, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1 st paperback edition 26. January 2016
- Ilan Pappé (*1954) Israeli professor of history, director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter,
socialist activist, author, Ten Myths About Israel, Verso, 2. May 2017
- * Rolf Vogel (1921-1994) German editor, journalist, The German path to Israel. A documentation, Dufour Editions; 1st US edition 1. January 1969
- * Nicholas W. Balabkins (1926-2023) Lativian professor of economics, economic theorist, author, West German Reparations to Israel, Rutgers University Press, 15. January 1971
- * Nahum Goldmann (1895-1982) Belarussian founder and president of the World Jewish Congress (1951-1978), president of the World Zionist Organization (1956-1968), author, The Jewish Paradox, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 8th edition 1. January 1978
- * Edwin Black (*1950) US American historian, talk show host, syndicated columnist, investigative journalist, author, The Transfer Agreement. The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine, Dialog Press, 1984
- * Francis R. Nicosia (1944-2023) US American historian, University of Vermont, Holocaust researcher, author, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, I. B. Tauris, London, 1985, Routledge, new edited paperback edition 30. July 2000
- * Tom Segev (*1945) Israeli historian, journalist, author, The Seventh Million. The Israelis and the Holocaust, Hill & Wang,
1. February 1993, Picador, 1993, reprint edition 14. November 2000
Externe Weblinks
- Artikel EU distanziert sich von eigener Umfrage. Peinlich, peinlich: Eine von der EU-Kommission in Auftrag gegebene Umfrage ergab, dass die EU-Bürger in Israel die größte Gefahr für den Weltfrieden sehen. Rang zwei geht an eine etwas andere Achse des Bösen bestehend aus Iran, Nordkorea – und den USA. Nachdem aus Israel scharfe Kritik kam, distanzierte sich Brüssel rasch., präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 3. November 2003
- Blogartikel von Paul Eisen, Paul Eisen (Jude): Warum ich mich Holocaust-Leugner nenne, präsentiert von dem Wordpress-Blogspot Morbus Ignorantia, UBasser, 13. Februar 2013
- Artikel von Omri Boehm (*1979) deutsch-israelischer Professor für Philosophie, New School für Sozialforschung, New York, Zionismuskritiker, freier Autor, Theologie des Ungehorsams. Israels Konservative berufen sich gern auf das Alte Testament und die Opferung Isaaks. Doch welchen Gott meinen sie eigentlich?, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, 21. November 2013
- Interview mit Omri Boehm (*1979) deutsch-israelischer Professor für Philosophie, New School für Sozialforschung, New York, Zionismuskritiker, freier Autor, Zionismus nicht vereinbar mit humanistischen Werten, präsentiert von dem deutschen Radio-
sender Deutschlandfunk, Moderatorin Natascha Freundel, 8. Februar 2015
- Blogartikel von Dr. Henry Makov, ethnischer Jude, unabhängiger Forscher, Autor, Der Teufel und die Juden, 3. Juli 2016
Christliche Theokratien in Europa (1050-1650) betrachteten den Judaismus als satanischen Kult und Juden als Mittelspersonen des Teufels.
- Blogartikel von Dr. Henry Makov, ethnischer Jude, Forscher, Autor, Australischer Adept legte satanische Beherrschung
der Welt offen, 17. August 2016
- Blogartikel "Der Holocaust ist eine erfolgreiche historische Fiktion. … Das Land Palästina gehört nicht den Juden." – Oberrab-
biner Moishe Ayre Friedman, präsentiert von dem Blogspot matrixchange, 21. Januar 2015
- Interview [vorgelesen] mit Moshe Zuckermann (*1949) israelischer zionismuskritischer Soziologe, Professor für Geschichte
und Philosophie, Universität Tel Aviv, wissenschaftlicher Leiter der Sigmund-Freud-Privatstiftung Wien seit 2009, Autor, "Der allgegenwärtige Antisemit" (Moshe Zuckermann), präsentiert von dem alternativen online Magazin Manova, Gastgeber Florian Ernst Kirner, 3. November 2018
- Artikel Deutsche sehen in den USA größere Bedrohung als in China oder Russland, präsentiert von der überregionalen deut-
schen Abonnement-Tageszeitung Frankfurter Rundschau (FR), Yannick Wenig, 5. Mai 2021
- Blogartikel / Podcast von Ralf Grabuschnig, deutscher Historiker, Podcaster, Chasaren und das Judentum. Warum es kompliziert ist, 4. April 2022
- Artikel Jüdische Beteiligung an der Auslösung des Zweiten Weltkriegs, präsentiert von dem Blog, 8. März 2024
Linklose Artikel
- Interview mit Rabbi David Edelman, Und Gott sagte: "Die Welt ist gut", präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Er-
leuchtung? (WIE)", Amy Edelstein, Heft 5, ~2000
- Artikel Eine Volksrevolution der Erleuchtung: die Kabbala. Eine alte Geheimlehre kommt im Kabbalah Centre ganz groß raus, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Maura R. O'Connor, Heft 15, 2004
- Artikel Umfrage: Weltbevölkerung sieht USA als größte Bedrohung an, präsentiert von der gelöschten Publikation Bürgerstimme, Ausgabe 3, 29. März 2014
- Artikel Die Deutschen sehen die USA als größte Bedrohung für den Frieden. Die Deutschen haben weniger persönliche Sorgen – doch jeder fünfte fühlt sich unsicher. Die Entwicklung der Gesellschaft beschäftigt viele Bundesbürger., präsentiert von der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Finanzzeitung Handelsblatt Online, 13. Februar 2019
External web links (engl.)
- Mishneh Torah, a modern English translation and commentary, a digest of the centuries of Torah scholars
Listing more than 160 Jewish critics of Zionism
- Opinion article by Gabor Maté, M.D. (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker,
author, Zionism doesn't define Jews – it divides us, presented by the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail, published 12. December 2002, updated 21. March 2009
- Artikel Die Partnerschaft Israels mit der Hamas. Die Hamas – gegründet und finanziert durch Israel, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Magazin ZeitenSchrift, Paul Joseph Watson, englischer unabhängiger investigativer Journalist, Autor, ~2004
- Blog article by Henry Makov, Ph.D., Canadian ethnic Jew, independent researcher, author, Zionism: A Conspiracy Against
Jews, 27. June 2004
- Article A Factual Appraisal Of The 'Holocaust' By The Red Cross. The Jews And The Concentration Camps: No Evidence Of Genocide, presented by the US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense, US American independent researcher, journalist, 12. December 2005
- Article The New Sabbateans 'New Age' rabbis exhibits behavior reminiscent of Shabbatai Zevi who believed that spiritual elevation released him from the mitzvot, and particularly from the sexual prohibitions., presented by the Israelian newspaper Hareetz, Yair Sheleg, 31. May 2006
Ohad Ezrahi [Marc Gafni’s friend and co-author] speaks explicitly about Shabbatai Zevi and his follower Yaacov Frank as a model. But apparently the others are also persuaded to follow this course, even without explicitly championing it. In truth, all those who ignore moral distortion in the name of spiritual exaltation are active partners in this worldview.
- ⚡ Blog article Case of Sabbatai Zevi, presented by "The Awareness Center", 2. May 2007
- Article by Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author, Exposing the Zionist Hidden Hand Ruling Britain and the United States, first presented 2007, reposted by the publication Political Jack, 7. October 2015
- ⚡ Blog article Case of Rabbi Marc Gafni, presented by "The Awareness Center", 13. July 2008
Developing a new school of Jewish Thought (to be called "The School of Personal Myth"), expelled! Rabbi and neo-Sabbatean Marc Gafni is reformulating and extending the core constructs of Post-Lurianic thought in a modern Neo-Hasidic context.
In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies, in 2011, 90% of American media was owned by 6 companies [GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS].
These five conglomerates are Time Warner, Disney, Murdochs' News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS).
Listing Jewish critics of Zionism and Israel's treatment of the Palestinians: French politician Silvain Levi, political philosopher Hannah Arendt, German poet Erich Fried, academic and expert on nationalism Hans Kohn, Chancellor of Austria Bruno Kreisky, Rabbi Elmer Berger, founding executive director of the American Council for Judaism, author Jack Bernstein author, Moshe Menuhin and his son Yehudi Menuhin, violinist and conductor, writer, Alfred Lilienthal, French political science professor and author Maxine Rodinson
- Article by Paul Eisen, How I Became a Holocaust Denier, presented by the publication "Righteous Jews", 3. November 2012
- Article The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1, presented by the quarterly journal for free historical inquiry Inconvenient History, Thomas Dalton, volume 5, number 2, 2013
- Article The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 2, presented by the quarterly journal for free historical inquiry Inconvenient History, Thomas Dalton, volume 6, number 2, 2014
- Opinion article by Gabor Maté, M.D. (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Beautiful Dream of Israel has Become a Nightmare, originally presented by the Canadian broadsheet daily newspaper Toronto Star, Opinion, 22. July 2014, reissued by, Clare Day, 28. July 2014
- Blog article by Philip Weiss, Gaza is a concentration camp, and it's an American delusion not to recognize that – Weschler, presented by the indepen-
dent news website Mondoweiss, 19. July 2014
- Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, article Why Israel Lies, presented by the progressive US American news website Truthdig, 4. August 2014
- Article featuring Shlomo Sand (*1946) Israeli emeritus professor of history, Tel Aviv University, author, Shlomo Sand: 'I wish
to resign and cease considering myself a Jew' , presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 10. October 2014
- Article The Scofield Bible – The Book That Made Zionists of America's Evangelical Christians, presented by the magazine Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Maidhc Ó Cathail, S. 45-46, 24. September 2015
- Article We wasted 40 years talking about nothing, doing nothing – Pappe demolishes peace process, presented by indepen-
dent news website Mondoweiss, Philip Weiss, 4. March 2016
- Article Ashkenazi Jews descended from ancient Turkey: New research, presented by the publication Middle East Eye,
25. April 2016
- Article Auschwitz Prisoner Says His Story Was A Lie, presented by the controversial online outlet NewsPunch, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, 24. June 2016
91-year-old man who claimed for years that he was a former Holocaust survivor and prisoner at Auschwitz has admitted he made the story up.
Israel may be small, but so was Britain when it controlled India. Israel doesn't need to control everything in the US, just the important things: AIPAC (with the help of Christian Zionists) controls Middle East policy and keeps aid money flowing by controlling all branches of government; the label "anti-Semite" is used as a weapon; media is kept from any meaningful criticism of Israel; and "exceptionalism" allows the Jewish State to waive rules that every other country on the planet must obey.
- Article by James Perloff, US American alternative researcher, speaker, journalist, author, To 9/11 and Beyond: The Rothschild-Israeli Obsession with Nuclear Weapons, November 2016
- Opinion article Liberal Zionism in the Age of Trump, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Omri Boehm (*1979) German Israeli professor of philosophy, New School for Social Research, New York, critic of Zionism, independent author, 20. December 2016
- Article by Ilan Pappé (*1954) Israeli professor of history, director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, socialist activist, No, Israel Is Not a Democracy, presented by the US American left-wing quarterly magazine Jacobin, May 2017
- Article by John "Birdman" Bryant, History & Scriptural Origin of the Six Million Number, presented by the publication The Exodus Myth, Red Johnson, 1. June 2017
- Article A Crash Course on the True Causes of "Anti-Semitism", presented by the publication The Saker, reissued by the alternative media selection The Unz Review, 28. September 2017
- Article Liberal Israeli leaders were contemplating genocide in Gaza already in 1967, presented by the independent news web-
site Mondoweiss, Jonathan Ofir, 17. November 2017
- Essay by Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Zionism in America. Seven Strikes & Counting...., Earth Intelligence Network, 14. December 2017
- Article Struggle for Equal Rights for Palestinians Is 'right Choice,' and Will Lead to 'significant Exodus of Jews' – Henry Siegman, presented by the alternative media selection The Unz Review, Philip Weiss, 27. January 2018
- Article American Pravda: The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath, presented by The Unz Review. An Alternative Media Selection, Ron Unz, 23. July 2018
- Article Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro: Zionism Has Nothing to Do with Judaism, presented by the publication Living Islam - Islamic Tradition, Adriel Kasonta, 3. July 2018
Paraphrased assigned quote on Twitter, 25. May 2018: Two groups conflate Zionism and Judaism: 1. Zionists who want to legitimize Zionism by pretending it is Judaism; and 2. Anti-Semites, who want to delegitimize Judaism by pretending it is Zionism. Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
Linkless articles
- Article Did You Know. Citizens of Israel Run Our Country [the United States]?, presented by "The Christian Solution", 4. March
Audio- und Videolinks
- Audiopräsentation von Benjamin H Freedman (1890-1984) US-amerikanischer ehemals jüdischer antizionistischer Aktivist, Rede Benjamin H. Freedman im Jahr 1961, Washington D.C., 1961, YouTube Film, 49:30 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. August 2021
- Video Betrachtung von und mit Matthias Köpke, deutscher YouTube-Aufklärer, Autor, Dämon Jahweh?, präsentiert von Esausegen, YouTube Film, 29:11 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 28. September 2015
- Video Betrachtung von und mit Matthias Köpke, deutscher YouTube-Aufklärer, Autor, Ist der Bibelgott Jahweh der Moloch?, YouTube Film, 19:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt von Esausegen 16. August 2015
- Videointerview mit Petra Wild (*1963) deutsche freiberufliche Islamwissenschaftlerin, Publizistin, KenFM im Gespräch mit: Petra Wild ("Die Krise des Zionismus und die Ein-Staat-Lösung"), präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investi-
gativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffen- der Reporter (*2011), YouTube Film, 2:24:21 Dauer, eingestellt 21. Februar 2017
Apartheid hat keine Zukunft mehr. – Die Gründung Israels: Was ist Zionismus? Und die Suche nach einem Land Minute 16:38
- Videointerview mit Ivan Ivanji (1929-2024) jugoslawisch-serbischer Diplomat, Überlebender von Nazi-Konzentrationslagern, Übersetzer, Journalist, Schriftsteller, KenFM im Gespräch mit: Ivan Ivanji ("Titos Dolmetscher"), präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), KenTube Film, 1:40:06 Dauer, eingestellt 8. Februar 2017
Minute 32:12: Die Arbeit des Dolmetschers, die Beziehung zu Geheimdiensten und die ersten Begegnungen mit Tito Minute 39:59-42:11: Wie übersetzt man Beleidigungen? Man schweigt die Peinlichkeit aus. Minute 47:10: Die Tragweite von falschen Übersetzungen: Hiroshima/Nagasaki Minute 1:09:50 Wissen, Anekdoten und Erfahrungen eines Dolmetschers
Ivan Ivanji: "Man sieht seine Klienten intellektuell in Unterwäsche."
- Videopräsentation von Die 13 Stämme Israels – Einleitung, präsentiert von dem YouTube-Kanal YHVH Deutschland, YouTube Film, 16:37 Minuten Dauer, eingestelt 3. Oktober 2017
- Audiopäsentation Die khasarischen Juden, ihr Vatikan und Jan van Helsing. – Die verborgene Geschichte der Rothschild/Khasa-
ren Mafia., Lesung aus dem Buch: Jason Mason, Jan van Helsing, Mein Vater war ein MiB (Men in Black), Amadeus-Verlag, 29. März 2017, präsentiert von herzzeitgalerie, vorgelesen von Schwaben-Mädle, YouTube Film, 38:29 Minuten Dauer, einge- stellt 26. Oktober 2018
Alternative Lesung: Die Geschichte der Khasaren Mafia Jan van Helsing, YouTube Film, 36:10 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 3. Juli 2019
"In Wahrheit ist der Weltzionismus eine verdeckte Form des babylonischen Talmudismus oder des Luziferismus, was den meisten normalen Gläubigen nicht bekannt ist." Minute 20:42
Linklose Medienangebote
- Videointerview mit Harald Kautz (*1966) deutscher Physiker, Geologe, unabhängiger investigativer Forscher, Referent, Über-
setzer, Verleger, Autor, TA KI und Harald Kautz-Vella – "Die" Deutsche und "Der" Jude, präsentiert von Der Honigmann, Gastge- berin Ta Ki, YouTube Film, 1:10:55 Dauer, eingestellt 5. Mai 2015
Von Amts wegen wurde obiges Videointerview gelöscht. Themen: Juden-Deutsche-Dilemma, Auslöser des letzten Weltkriegs, weshalb Juden die Nichtjuden als Gojim bezeichnen, weshalb Gott G*tt heißt, Beendigung des Hasses, Annäherung von Juden und Deutschen. Sowohl das deutsche als auch das jüdische Volk wurden fehlgeleitet und missbraucht.
- Videointerview mit Evelyn Hecht-Galinski (*1949) deutsche Publizistin und Gründerin der deutschen Abteilung der Organisation Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, KenFM am Telefon: Evelyn Hecht-Galinski über zionistischen Antisemitismus, präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), YouTube Film, 24:24 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 31. März 2017
Schleichende Abschaffung der Meinungsfreiheit der (jüdischen) Kritiker des Staates Israel im wiedervereinigten Deutschland
Audio and video links (engl.) – ⚡ Zionism, Holocaust myth revisioned
- Audio interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Norwegian researcher, author, Why Frankist Jews promote anti-Semitism and Wars, presented by the free Internet The French Connection Radio, host Daryl Bradford Smith, recorded 18. July 2006, Bit-
chute film, 57:32 minutes duration, posted 22. August 2018
- Video interview with Oliver Stone (*1946) US American film director, producer, screenwriter, author, Oliver Stone On Hardtalk 2/2, presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC News, program "Hardtalk", Cambridge Union, YouTube film, 8:54 minutes duration, posted 10. August 2010
- Audio interview with Rabbi Dr. Marvin Antelman (†2012), Jewish whistleblower, The satanic law of reversal Sabbatai Zevi & Jacob Frank, presented by the broadcasting station "Israel National Radio", program T-T show, host Tamar Jona, YouTube film, 40:12 minutes duration, recorded before Antelman's death in 2012, posted 22. May 2014
- Video lecture (part of Jewish History Series) by Dr. Henry Abramson, Who Was Shabbetai Zevi? False Messiah of the 17th century, YouTube film, 55:38 minutes duration, posted 27. February 2012
Major figure in 17th-century Jewish History Sabbetai Zevi
Existence and dominance of Judeo-Nazis and of a Nazi-like mentality
- Video TV interview with Dr. Fredrick Töben (*1944) German-born Australian historian, founder and director of the Adelaide Institute (1994-2009), Holocaust revisionary group in Australia, author, Dr. Fredrick Toben on the Holocaust and Oliver Stone on Jew, presented by dissolved Current Issues TV, host Dr. Hesham Tillawi, recorded ~ March 2014, altcensored film, 56:34 minutes duration, posted 11. January 2018
- Video interview with Alison Weir, US American human rights activist and speaker, former editor and journalist, free lance re-
porter, author, True Roots of Israel/Palestine Conflict, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), host Abby Martin (*1984) US American journalist, YouTube film, 13:16 minutes duration, posted 24. July 2014
Going over the history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, breaking the misconceptions about that conflict
- Video interview with Max Blumenthal (*1977) US American blogger, journalist, author, Jewish-American on Israel's Fascism:
"No Hope For Change From Within" (CENSORED BY YOUTUBE), presented by the Venezuela-based, multi-state funded, Latin American terrestrial and satellite television network Telesur, host Abby Martin (*1984) US American journalist, Dailymotion film, 28:09 minutes duration, first posted 16. November 2015, reposted 6. April 2018
YouTube censored video in 28 countries [status 12/2018]
On the myth of 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany. Listen to minute 23:36: The database archive of the International Red Cross collected and released data on the Holocaust up to 1990. As to the question how many people died in German labor camps? Status 1990: 290,000 people died in all 15 German labour camps. ~70,000 people died in Auschwitz camp, of whom 40,000 were Jews. After 1990 no more exact numbers were availed. Note Minute 38:24! – The English traditionalist Catholic bishop Richard Williamson (1940-2025) stated in 2008 (and was damned for saying so): Not more than 200,000-300,000 Jews died in German concentration camps. They didn't die by gasing. Judeo-Messianic elements were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. See: Jews and Holocaust denial
- Audio narration JEWS 103: When Jewish Chameleons Boast..., presented by the History Reviewed Channel (HRC), film, 47:02 minutes duration, originally posted 22. August 2015, view to channel is restricted in Germany
- Video interview with Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ph.D. (*1946) English historian, professor of science and technology, political activist, writer, Nicholas Kollerstrom – Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust Myth and Reality, presented by the West Swedish web radio/TV station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded ~28. January 2016, film, 2:12:59 duration, posted 4. November 2018
Details of the numbers and causes of deaths at Auschwitz that were recorded daily and then published, figures that are staggeringly less than the 6 million number that has been seared into the 'official' storyline. Outbreak of typhus in 1942, the delousing chambers [ordinary hygiene technology] to deal with the disease infestation. Lack of any documents or intercepted communications indicating orders to exterminate prisoners. Reconstruction of history that has created an undebatable transcendental mythos of death by gas chambers. Motivations for perpetuating the Holocaust myth and who has come to benefit from what was certainly the worst collective experience for European Jews. Academic world dismissing evidence multiplied by Hollywood's mythologizing of events. Persecution of truth seekers
- Video interview with Nicholas Kollerstrom, Ph.D. (*1946) English historian, professor of science and technology, political activist, writer, Nick Kollerstrom On The Myths And The Realities Of The Holocaust & The British Memorial, presented by the British pod-
cast The Richie Allen Show, host Richie Allen, recorded ~28. January 2016, altcensored film, 47:52 minutes duration, posted 9. March 2018
- Video interview with Uri Avnery [Helmut Ostermann] (1923-2018) Israeli founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement, former Zionist Irgun paramilitary terrorist, writer, Uri Avnery on Gaza Crisis, His Time in a Zionist Terrorist Group and Becoming a Peace Activist, presented by the US American non-profit TV, radio and internet news program Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, author, YouTube film, 49:45 minutes duration, posted 2. September 2016
- Video interview with James Perloff, US American alternative researcher, speaker, journalist, author, The true Israel – Wrong views of prophecies on the Jews, presented by host Dean Arnold, YouTube film, 1:51:19 duration, posted 27. September 2016
Who has the right to the land called Palestine? Are the genetic descendants of Abraham still recipients of the biblical promises for the land? Are they actually the genetic descendants? Was the Scofield Bible, a primary shaper of Christian Zionism, funded and orchestrated by Zionist Jews? Do today's Jews follow the Old Testament or something very different? What is the historic Christian view on all these issues?
The Balfour Declaration: a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild! NWO elitist Rothschild talks about Zionism, Israel and his family rule in the shaping of the world from the beginning, and until 2018.
Linkless media offerings
- Video presentation by Miko Peled (*1961) Israeli-American activist, Jewish son of an Israeli general Matti Peled (1923-1995) engaged in the 48' and 67' wars, karate instructor, speaker, author, Jewish General's son explain the truth of Palestine, sponsored by the "Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung" and "AK Nahost Berlin", Berlin, 30. June 2015, YouTube film, 1:00:22 duration, posted 5. January 2016
- Audio interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Norwegian researcher, author, Jew Christopher Jon Bjerknes – Secrets of the Satanic Sabbatean Frankists, YouTube/Bitchute film, 1:02:13 duration, posted 1. November 2015
- Audio interview with Henry Makov, Ph.D., Canadian ethnic Jew, independent researcher, author, The Illuminati & Homosexuality, presented by The Power Hour, host Joyce Riley, recorded 10. October 2013
- Audio interview with James Perloff, US American alternative researcher, speaker, journalist, author, James Perloff on JFK, Israeli Nukes and 9/11, presented by Our Interesting Times, YouTube film, 1:41:45 duration, recorded and posted 22. December 2016
History and intrigues of Israel's nuclear weapons program, its relation to the JFK assassination, evidence indicating the 9/11 attacks as being a nuclear event with the Zionist state as the key player
- Video assessment The Truth About Jewish Zionist Control Over America, presented by the "Blackstone Intelligence Network", Jake Morphonios, YouTube film, 14:07 minutes duration, posted 16. September 2017
Jews make up only 2% of the population of America, yet they control vast influence over our key institutions.
- Deleted audio interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Norwegian researcher, author, Christopher Jon Bjerknes Zionist Massa-
cres 1913 2016, presented by the US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense, US American independent investigative researcher, journalist, aired 9. February 2016, YouTube film, 26:27 minutes duration, posted 6. July 2017
- Video assessment ✡ Zionism Has Taken Power Away From the American People, presented by the "Blackstone Intelligence Network", Jake Morphonios, YouTube film, 20:26 minutes duration, posted 24. September 2017
Audio and video links (engl.) – ⚡ Religious deception – Jordan Maxwell
- Video interview with Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Jordan Maxwell
Islam, Christianity & Judaism, presented by the British podcast The Richie Allen Show, host Richie Allen, YouTube film, 1:30:25 duration, aired 20. October 2015, posted 25. September 2019
Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ Zionist Jewish identity – Naomi Wolf and Gabor Maté
- Video presentations by Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American political activist, social critic, leading spokesperson of the third wave
of the feminist movement, author, Jewish Identity Crisis and Human Rights Abuses in Palestine – Full Address, sponsored by debate society The Oxford Union, Oxford, England, 27. November 2014, recorded by Calibrate Films, Zoe & Carolina, YouTube film, 31:15 minutes duration, posted 27. April 2015
- Video interview with Gabor Maté, M.D. (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Gabor Maté on the misuse of anti-Semitism and why fewer Jews identify with Israel, presented by the YouTube channel
of the Canadian independent investigative news website and analysis on politics and empire The Grayzone, host Aaron Maté, Canadian producer, journalist, YouTube film, 33:57 minutes duration, posted 6. November 2019
Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Sepehr
Audios and videos by Robert Sepehr, US American anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, paleobiology (archeogenetics), producer, author, presented by tolerancethroughknow ––– Links von YouTube gelöscht
Type | Offering | Title ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location | Duration | Release date |
Dailymotion video | Presentation | 1666 Redemption Through Sin by Robert Sepehr | 13:54 | 16. November 2016 |
Dailymotion video | Documentary short | Banned History of Sabbatai Zevi and 1666 | 41:18 | 11. August 2017 |
Barry Chamish on Sabbateans, Frankists, and the Illuminati Messiah of 1666 – Referenced literature: 1666 Redemption Through Sin. Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance, Kindle Ebook, Atlantean Gardens, 16. May 2015 |
Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) declared himself the Messiah in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies. After Zevi's death, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank (1726-1791), expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frank joined an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers. |
YouTube video | Deleted documentary short | Hollywood is Run by Sabbatean Frankist Jews | 11:18 | 21. August 2015 |
Dailymotion video | Documentary | Secrets of Kabbalah – Documentary | 45:13 | 6. September 2015 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | 1666 Redemption Through Sin | 3:54 | 13. May 2016 |
Dailymotion video | Documentary | Jacob Rothschild and the New World Order | 59:00 | 14. March 2017 |
Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies. |
YouTube video | Presentation | A Jewish Messiah: Tale of a Convincing Imposter, 1666 | 1:10:20 | 15. May 2017 |
Deleted YouTube video | Documentary short | Zionism, Satanism, Communism, and Globalization | 10:00 | 17. May 2017 |
In 1666, an exceptionally charismatic Rabbi and Kabbalist by the name of Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) declared himself to be the Messiah. His extraordinary popularity, according to historians such as professor Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), resulted largely from the publication and availability of what is today called the Lurianic Kabbalah, named after Rabbi Isaac Luria. Jacob Frank (1726-1791) 18th-century Polish-Jewish religious leader, claimed to be the reincarnation of the self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and the biblical patriarch Jacob. |
YouTube video | Documentary | The satanisation of Judaism. (The Left Hand Path) | 1:02:59 | 8. January 2020 |
Movies and documentaries on Gnosis – Kabbalah
Lurianic Kabbalah (Sabbatai Zvi)
Movies and documentaries on political Zionism
Joint investigation by Four Corners and The Australian Newspaper (John Lyons)
Linkless media offering
- Short video documentary How ((( they ))) manipulate your psyche & your mind by the porn industry, produced by Mark Collett, YouTube film, 29:48 minutes duration, posted 8. September 2018
The Jewish role in the porn industry