
Hawkins / Judentum-BW





(Bewusstseinswerte nach der BW-Skala)




Stein mit Menora
Archäologische Ausgrabung, Magdala





Eldrige-Street-Synagogue, Manhattan




Kalibrierte Bewusstseinswerte des Judentums

BW-Werte des Judentums
BW-WertJüdisch relevante Themen
UnendlichGott von Abraham und Moses
1000Urlehre des Judentums
600Messianisches Judentum
550Rekonstruktionistisches Judentum
550Konservatives Judentum
550Reformiertes Judentum
550Orthodoxes Judentum

Heilige, Mystiker und Theologen des Judentums

BW-Werte von jüdischen Heiligen
910 Moses
850 Abraham
720 Rabbi Moses de Leon von Granada
Siehe auch: ► de.Wikipedia-Eintrag: Liste von Mystikern

Jüdisches Schrifttum

Jüdische heilige Schriften
905 / 730Zohar
495Altes Testament

Sakrale Bauten und Kraftorte des Judentums

BW-Werte von jüdischen Sakralbauten / Pilgerorten
BW-WertNamen von sakralen Orten und Bauwerken
540Besuch der Klagemauer
505Jüdischer Tempel
495Jüdische Synagoge

Jüdische Mystik

BW 605 Kabbala3. Jht.
n. Chr.
Die Kabbala (auch Kabbalah) ist die mystische Traditon des Judentums. Sie wird seit Pico della Mirandola auch in mystischen nichtjüdischen Kreisen fortgeführt. Die Wurzeln der Kabbala finden sich in der Tora, der Heiligen Schrift des Judentums. Neben jahrhunderte-
langer mündlicher Überlieferung dokumentiert die reichhaltige schriftliche kabbalistische Überlieferung verschiedene Elemente, darunter gnostische, neuplatonische und christliche.
Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia1240-~1292Geboren in Saragossa; einer der Gründer der spanischen Kabbala. Abraham ben Samuel Abulafia war einer der bedeutendsten spanischen Kabbalisten, Schwärmer und Mystiker des 13. Jahrhunderts, ein jüdischer Exponent der sogenannten "ekstatischen" Strömung,
die sich der herrschenden Meinung der Theosophen entgegenstellte.
BW 720
Moshe ben Shem Tov de Leon
~1250-1305Geboren in León, gestorben in Arevalo; "Zohar" [ Das Buch der Pracht]. Moshe ben Shem Tov de Leon war der bedeutendste Autor des wichtigsten kabbalistischen Dokuments. Er
war ursprünglich ein Anhänger des jüdischen Philosophen Moses Maimonides und wurde später Kabbalist. Er lebte unter anderem in Guadalajara und Ávila. Ihm wird der größte Teil des Werks Zohar zugeschrieben. Obgleich dies das Hauptwerk der Kabbalah ist, weiß man über ihn recht wenig. Bekannt ist seine Freundschaft mit Josef Gikatilla; beide haben das Werk des jeweils anderen stark beeinflusst.
Moses Cordovero1522-
27. Mai 1570
Geboren in Jerusalem, gestorben in Safed in Galiläa; jüdisch-spanischer Kabbalist, Werke: "Pardes Rimmonim", "Elimah Rabbati", "Der Palmbaum der Deborah". Cordovero legte den Grundstein für die kabbalistische ethische Literatur, die sich im 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert
ausbreitete. Moses Cordovero war einer der wichtigsten jüdischen Mystiker und Kabba-
listen. Cordovero, dessen vollständiger Name Rabbi Mose ben Jakob Cordovero (kurz: RaMaK) lautet, lehrte von 1540 bis zu seinem Tode im galiläischen Ort Safed (hebräisch "Zefat"), das als bedeutendstes Zentrum der spirituellen Tradition des Judentums gilt.
Isaak Luria1534-1572Gründer der lurianischen Lichtmystik [Interpretation der Kabbalah nach Luria]. Die meisten Kabbalisten der Neuzeit halten sich an Lurias Auslegung.
Hinweis: ► Prof. Gershom Scholem (1897-1982) deutsch-jüdischer Religionshistoriker, Hebräische Universität Jerusalem, Wiederentdecker der jüdischen Mystik, Autor
Scholem ist vor allem für seine Vortragssammlung Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism (1941) und für seine Biografie Sabbatai Zevi. The Mystical Messiah (1957) bekannt. Seine gesammelten Reden und Essays, die unter dem Titel On Kabbalah and its Symbolism [Über die Kabbala und ihre Symbolik] (1965) veröffentlicht wur-
den, trugen dazu bei, das Wissen über die jüdische Mystik sowohl unter Juden als auch unter Nichtjuden zu verbreiten. Er glaubte, die messianische Bewegung des
17. Jahrhunderts, der sogenannte Sabbatianismus, sei aus der lurianischen Kabbala entstanden. Um den Sabbatianismus zu neutralisieren, sei der Chassidismus als hegelianische Synthese entstanden. Viele Anhänger der chassidischen Bewegung, die in ihr eine orthodoxe Gemeinde gesehen hatten, hielten es für einen Skandal, dass ihre Gemeinschaft mit einer ketzerischen Bewegung in Verbindung gebracht wurde. Scholem stellte die Hypothese auf, dass die Quelle der Kabbala aus dem
13. Jahrhunderts ein jüdischer Gnostizismus war, der dem christlichen Gnostizismus vorausging.
Im Jahr 1666 erklärte sich ein außergewöhnlich charismatischer Rabbiner und Kabbalist namens Schabbtai Zvi (1626-1676) zum Messias. Seine außerordentliche Popularität resultierte weitgehend aus der Veröffentlichung und Verfügbarkeit des heute als Lurianische Kabbala bekannten Werks, der nach Rabbi Isaak Luria benannten Kabbala. Jacob Frank (1726-1791), der polnisch-jüdische Religionsführer des 18. Jahrhunderts, behauptete, die Reinkarnation des selbsternannten Messias Schabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) und des biblischen Patriarchen Jakob gewesen zu sein.
Hinweis: ► Artikel von Dr. Jonathan Garb (*1967) israelischer Kabbala-Gelehrter, Dozent an der Abteilung für Jüdisches Denken, Hebräische Universität, Jerusalem, Stephen Hazan Arnoff, Übersetzer, The Power and the Glory: A Critique of "New Age" Kabbalah [Die Macht und die Herrlichkeit: Eine Kritik der "New Age"-Kabbala], präsentiert von der zweimonatlich erscheinenden hebräischen Zeitschrift Eretz acheret, Januar-Februar 2005
In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts haben Tora und Kabbala eine Schlüsselrolle in der Bewegung des Neuen Zeitalters (New Age) gespielt. Einerseits haben kabbalistische Gruppen, vor allem Anhänger von Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag (1885-1954), dem Autor des "Sulam"-Kommentars über den Zohar, Werte und Praktiken aus allgemeinen Strömungen der Mystik aufgenommen. Andererseits haben diese Schulen die kabbalistischen Lehren in einem noch nie da gewesenen Ausmaß verbreitet und letztlich eine internationale kabbalistische Bewegung, das Kabbalah Centre International, geschaffen, die weit über die Grenzen
der jüdischen Welt hinaus Anhänger gefunden hat, deren berühmteste Vertreterin natürlich die Popsängerin Madonna ist.
Die Betonung der "persönlichen Macht" ist ein Teil der Verschmelzung dieser Schulen der zeitgenössischen Kabbala mit dem Neuen Zeitalter, eine Verwässerung der jüdischen Kernelemente der Kabbala.
Der Glaube, "Frieden beginne im Innern", kann bisweilen dazu führen, dass man sich ausschließlich auf die innere, individualistische Harmonie konzentriert, im Gegensatz zu einem Gespür für Mitverantwortung für soziale oder politische Veränderungen. Gerade weil sich die Betonung auf die persönliche Macht und Erfüllung
im New Age so nahtlos mit den Ideologien des Spätkapitalismus deckt, habe ich mich entschieden, die New Age-Lehre über individuelle Macht als "Privatisierung der Macht" zu beschreiben.
Die Privatisierung der Macht auf individueller Ebene geht Hand in Hand mit dem Missbrauch der Bewegung, die kommerziell Produkte vermarktet, die spirituell Suchenden den Zugang zur Macht erleichtern sollen. Die New-Age-Bewegung hat sich zu einem wichtigen Wirtschaftszweig mit einer großen Vielfalt an Produkten entwickelt – Festivals, Bücher, Kosmetika, Medikamente, Seminare und vieles mehr.
Siehe auch: ► Mystik
Siehe auch / See also: ► Freud's shadow [Freuds Schatten]
Der Atheist Sigmund Freud glaubte, dass die konventionelle Moral, die den Kindern auferlegt wird, eine unnatürliche Unterdrückung ihres sexuellen Triebs sei. In seinem Buch Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition [Sigmund Freud und die jüdische Mystische Tradition] hat der Professor für Psychologie Dr. David Bakan (1921-2004) nachgewiesen, dass Freud ein "Krypto-Sabbatäer" war. Als er die lurianische Kabbalah entdeckte, bekundete er: "Das ist Gold!" Er wunderte
sich, weshalb er nicht schon eher darauf aufmerksam gemacht worden war. Bakan beschreibt die Freudsche Psychoanalyse als Derivat der lurianischen Kabbala, die
ein gnostisches Werk aus dem 2. Jahrhundert ist. Sie wurde von dem jüdischen Ketzer Schabbtai Zvi gegründet und gefördert, der Sexualmagie lehrte und sich 1666
zum Messias erklärt hatte, um sich danach zum Islam und zum Zohar bekehren.


Sie werden euch aus der Synagoge ausstoßen. Es kommt sogar die Stunde, dass jeder, der euch tötet, meint,
Gott einen Dienst zu tun. Sie tun das, weil sie weder mich noch den Vater erkannt haben.
Johannes 16, 2-3 (NT)
Rabbi Israel ben Elieser
[Genannt Ba'al Schem-Tov – abgekürzt BeSchT: Herr des guten Namens]
1700-1760Baal Schem Tov [abgekürzt Bescht] war der russische Begründer der chassidischen Bewegung innerhalb des religiösen Judentums, jener jüdischen Sekte, die während der letzten Stadien der Entwicklung der Kabbalah auftauchte. Der heutige Begriff "Chassidim" bezieht sich ausschließlich auf den Gründer und die Mitglieder, die aus der von Israel ben Elieser begründeten Bewegung und derer Nachfolgerschaft entstammen.
Rabbi Nachman von Breslau1772-16. Oktober 1810Geboren in Medschybisch in der Ukraine gestorben in Uman
Martin Buber, der Autor von Das dialogische Prinzip und Ich und Du, bezeichnet Rabbi Nachman von Breslau, ein chassidischer Zaddik, als den letzten jüdischen Mystiker. Mütterlicherseits war er der Urgroßenkel von Baal Schem Tow, dem Begründer des Chassidismus. Väterlicherseits war er der Enkel von Rabbi Nachman von Horodenka, einem Schüler des Baal Schem Tow. Nachman wuchs in der chassidischen Atmosphäre seines Elternhauses auf, heiratete früh und lebte im Hause seines Schwiegervaters. Spä-
ter ließ er sich in Mewedewka, einem Dorf in der Provinz Kiew nieder, wo er einen Kreis
von Chassidim um sich versammelte.
Literatur: ► Martin Buber (1878-1965) österreichisch-jüdischer Religionsforscher und -philosoph, Pädagoge, Übersetzer, Autor, Das dialogische Prinzip. Ich und Du. Zwiesprache. Die Frage an den Einzelnen. Elemente des Zwischenmenschlichen. Zur Geschichte des dialogischen Prinzips, Verlag Lambert Schneider, Heidelberg, 1923, Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 4. September 2001, 10. Auflage 2006
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Chassidismus
Siehe auch: ► Mystik

Zitate zum Thema BW-Werte des Judentums / Judaism

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


  • Judaism The teachings of Abraham calibrated at 985; the practice current at the time of Moses, at 770, which is the level of truth of the Thorah. The Kabbalah is 720; the Zohar is 730. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 23 "The Search for Truth", S. 273-274, Hay House, February 2002

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Ich kenne alle deine Leiden und weiß, in welcher Armut du lebst; doch in Wirklichkeit bist du reich.
Mir ist auch nicht entgangen, wie bösartig euch die Leute verleumden, die sich als fromme Juden
ausgeben, in Wirklichkeit aber Gehilfen des Satans sind.
Offenbarung des Johannes 2, 9 (NT)


[S]ondern der ist ein Jude, der es innerlich ist, und Beschneidung ist die des Herzens, im Geiste,
nicht im Buchstaben; dessen Lob nicht von Menschen, sondern von Gott ist.
Paulus in Römer 2, 29 (NT)


Persönliches Bekenntnis

  • Lass mich fallen, wenn es sein muss. Jener, der ich werde, wird mich auffangen.
    Rabbi Israel ben Elieser [Baal Schem Tov, abgekürzt BeSchT] (1700-1760) russischer Begründer der chassidischen Bewegung innerhalb des religiösen Judentums, Wiederbegründer der jüdischen Mystik, Quelle unbekannt

Drei Weltkriege – die Strategie der Rothschilds ⇒ Weltherrschaft

  • Die Weltkriege dienten als die vorrangigen Katalysatoren des NWO-Plans der Rothschild-Dynastie.
    1. Der erste Weltkrieg (1914-1918) bildete die erste Stufe auf dem Weg zu einer Weltregierung: den Völkerbund, die Balfour-Deklaration [und die Sowjetunion], welche die britische Regierung [durch Außenminister Arthur James Balfour] an Lord Walter Rothschild ausfertigte. Darin sicherte sie ihm ein "jüdisches Heimatland" in Palästina zu.
    2. Der Zweite Weltkrieg (1939-1945) schuf einen solideren Rahmen zugunsten einer Weltregierung: die Verein-
      ten Nationen (VN)
      und den israelischen Staat [zuzüglich Weltbank, Internationaler Währungsfonds (IWF) und der Ausbreitung des Kommunismus über die halbe Welt].
    3. Doch die Erfüllung des Plans zur Errichtung einer unumschränkten Weltregierung mit Sitz in Jerusalem [mit
      einer Weltwährung auf der Basis eines Weltpolizeistaats] dürfte voraussichtlich einen Dritten Weltkrieg
Artikel von James Perloff, US-amerikanischer investigativer Journalist, Autor, To 9/11 and Beyond: The Rothschild-Israeli Obses-
sion with Nuclear Weapons
[Von 9/11 und darüber hinaus: Die Zwangsvorstellung der Rothschilds und der Israelis mit Atomwaffen], 22. November 2016



Abgründe von obrigkeitsstaatlicher Denke

  • ☛ Obrigkeitskritik ist gefährlich für die Demokratie.
    ☛ Kritik an Bestrebungen, das Bargeld abzuschaffen ist extremistisch,
         antidemokratisch und latent antisemitisch (jedenfalls wenn sie von
         Regierungskritikern geäußert wird).
    ☛ Alle, die gegen Corona-Maßnahmen demonstrieren, sind ein Fall für den Verfassungsschutz.
    [Nach Ansicht der Amadeu Antonio Stiftung hat jede Verschwörungstheorie] immer ein antisemitisches Betriebssystem, weil nämlich der Antisemitismus die älteste Verschwörungstheorie überhaupt [ist]. Da Demonstranten gegen Corona-Maßnahmen nun Verschwörungsglaube vorgeworfen wird, [meint man ihnen also noch Antisemitismus unterstellen zu können. Das ist Blödsinn], ein offenkundig unzulässiger Umkehrschluss, ganz abgesehen davon, dass es Verschwö-
    rungen und den Glauben daran mit ziemlicher Sicherheit schon ein paar Tausend Jahre länger gibt als den jüdischen Glauben. Blogartikel von Norbert Häring (*1963) deutscher Wirtschaftsjournalist, Wer vor Bargeldabschaffung warnt, ist ein anti-
    semitischer Demokratiegefährder
    , 5. Dezember 2020


  • Wir Juden sind die Vernichter und wir werden immer die Vernichter bleiben. Egal was ihr auch tun werdet, unsere Wünsche könnt ihr nie befriedigen. Wir werden daher immer vernichten, denn wir wollen unsere eigene Welt.
    Maurice Samuel (1895-1972) rumänisch-jüdisch-stämmiger US-amerikanischer Übersetzer, You Gentiles, 1924, S. 155,
    Ostara Publications, 30. August 2018


  • Dass die Geschichte um die Chasaren [Khasaren] umstritten ist, hat aber auch ein paar gute Gründe. Es gibt da tat-
    sächlich einige recht unglaubwürdige Überlieferungen vom Übertritt des Chasarenreiches zum jüdischen Glauben.
    So soll der Khan der Chasaren einer Legende zufolge einfach einen christlichen und einen muslimischen Gelehrten
    an seinen Hof geladen haben, um sie zu fragen, welche Religion denn nun die bessere sei. Die beiden waren sich
    offenbar in nichts einig, außer darin, dass das Judentum der jeweils anderen Religion immer noch vorzuziehen war.
    Und so entschied sich der Khan kurzerhand fürs Judentum. Blogartikel / Podcast von Ralf Grabuschnig, deutscher Historiker, Podcaster, Chasaren und das Judentum. Warum es kompliziert ist, 4. April 2022


  • Antisemitismus ist ein Trick. Wir benutzen ihn durchwegs. Wenn jemand aus Europa Israel kritisiert, bringen wir
    immer den Holocaust  zur Sprache. Wenn Leute in diesem Land [Vereinigte Staaten] Israel kritisieren, dann sind sie antisemitisch. Und die (jüdischen) Organisationen sind stark, sie haben viel Geld. Und die Bindungen zwischen Israel und dem jüdischen Establishment der USA sind sehr stark. Und sie sind stark in diesem Land, wie Sie ja wissen. Und sie haben Macht, was in Ordnung ist, denn sie sind talentierte Leute, und ihre Einstellung gegenüber Israel ist: 'Mein Land, richtig oder falsch' Sie identifizieren sich damit. Und sie sind nicht bereit, Kritik zu hören. Es ist sehr einfach, Menschen, die bestimmte Handlungen der israelischen Regierung kritisieren, als 'Antisemiten' anzuprangern und den Holocaust und das Leiden des jüdischen Volkes zu hervorzubringen und damit alles zu rechtfertigen, was wir den Palästinensern antun. Fernsehinterview (engl.) mit Schulamit Aloni (1928-2014) israelische Politikerin, Parteigründerin, Bildungsministerin, Rechtsanwältin, Menschenrechtsaktivistin, Feministin, Schriftstellerin, Trägerin des Israel-Preises, Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust", präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender Demo-
    cracy Now!
    , Gastgeberin Amy Goodman (*1957) US-amerikanische investigative Reporterin, Fernsehjournalistin, Kolumnistin, Au-
    torin, YouTube Film, 1:46 Minute Dauer, eingestellt 4. Juli 2010
    • Im Gespräch mit Goodman erklärt Aloni den "Antisemitismus"- bzw. "Holocaust"-Trick, den Israelis, Juden und Philosemiten anwenden, um jene anzuprangern, die sich trauen, Israel öffentlich zu kritisieren. Aloni galt als scharfe Kritikerin der israelischen Politik gegenüber den Palästinensern. Außerdem unterstützte sie die Aus-
      sage des ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Jimmy Carter, wonach Israel gegenüber den Palästinensern eine Apart-
      heidspolitik praktiziere. Notiz Holocaust-Keule: Israelische Ministerin Aloni erklärt den Antisemitismus-Trick, präsentiert
      von der Webseite zaronews, 26. Februar 2017


  • Most Zionists don't believe that God exists, but they do believe that he promised them Palestine. Ilan Pappé (*1954) Israeli professor of history, director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies, University of Exeter, socialist activist, author,


  • Der israelische Gelehrte Ilan Pappé brachte es ironisch auf den Punkt: "Die meisten Zionisten glauben nicht, dass Gott existiert, aber sie glauben, dass er ihnen Palästina versprochen hat." Viele Westler, auch Ungläubige, vertreten eine ähnliche Ansicht. Doch welches Gericht würde die Bibel als Eigentumsnachweis akzeptieren? Palästina: trotz aller Widrigkeiten immer noch Widerstand, präsentiert von der Zeitschrift Le Monde diplomatique, Alain Gresh, Leiter der Online-Zeit-
    schriften Orient XXI und Afrique XXI., Journalist, September 2022

⚡ Problematische Zitate

Denn es gibt viele Ungehorsame, Schwätzer und Schwindler, besonders unter denen, die aus
dem Judentum kommen. Diese Menschen muss man zum Schweigen bringen, denn aus übler
Gewinnsucht zerstören sie ganze Familien mit ihren falschen Lehren.
Titus 1, 10-11


Sabbatäischer politischer Zionismus



  • Der Katalog der den Juden unterstellten Vergehen ist lang und in der Tat vielgestaltig, und gänzlich überzogen, es sei denn, wir erkennen die offenkundige Tatsache aus mittelalterlicher Sicht an, dass es als Mittelspersonen Satans nichts jenseits der verkommenen und bösartigen Natur der Juden gibt. Joshua Trachtenberg (1904-1959) US-amerikanischer jüdi-
    scher Reformrabbi, Autor, The Devil and the Jews. The Medieval Conception of the Jew and Its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism
    [Der Teufel und die Juden], Yale Universität, S. 43, 1943, Jewish Publication Society, 31. August 1995


  • Der Holocaust ist eine erfolgreiche geschichtliche Erfindung.
    Moishe Arye Friedman (*1972) US-amerikanischer in Belgien lebender ultraorthodoxer Jude, Antizionist, vorgeblich Oberrabbiner
    von Wien, Österreich, zitiert in: Artikel, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, S. 7, Dezember 2006



Heilger Moses, 1638
José de Ribera (1591-1652) spanischer Maler
  • Die Illuminaten repräsentieren eine jahrhundertealte Ehe zwischen dem
    jüdischen Finanzwesen und
    ➤ der nichtjüdischen Aristokratie, die auf Geld, Macht und dem Okkul-
    beruht. Diese Banker haben sich der Kontrolle über Staatskredite bemächtigt und haben somit unbegrenzte Mittel, um ihre schändliche Agenda voranzutreiben. Sie haben alles und jeden gekauft und bedie-
    nen sich der Androhung von Erpressung, um ihre Marionetten zu lenken (die unsere "Führer" sind). Die meisten Juden und Nicht-Juden wissen nicht, dass das Judentum durch zwei Lehren definiert wird:
    ➤ den xenophoben Talmud und
    ➤ die auf der Idee rassischer Überlegenheit begründete Kabbala.
    Sein geheimes Ziel ist die Weltherrschaft, was bedeutet, dass das Kreditmonopol der Banker auf ein Monopol auf alles, also spirituell, politisch, kulturell und materiell, ausgeweitet werden soll. Die Kabbala ist satanisch, da in ihr behauptet wird, dass Gott formlos und noch nicht einmal im Universum wahrnehmbar ist. Der kabbalistische Jude ist Gottes Sprachrohr. Die Essenz von Religion ist aber, dass Gott erfahr-
    bar ist.
    Wie sonst können wir Ihm gehorchen, anstatt irgendeinem Kab-
    balisten? Der zweite Weltkrieg war eine Falle, um Deutschland zu zer-
    stören. [...] Hitler ein Handlanger der Illuminaten und der Zweite Welt-
    krieg eine Farce. Der Vorwurf des "Antisemitismus" ist ein hinter-
    hältiger Trick
    , der angewandt wird, um jeglichen Widerstand gegen
    die freimaurerische jüdische Agenda zu entkräften. Diese Agenda be-
    inhaltet die Umwandlung des Menschseins in ein Sklavendasein durch
    die Zerstörung unserer menschlichen Identität, die auf Rasse, Religion (Gott), Nation und Familie (Geschlechterrollen) beruht. Sie wollen eine Rasse (Rassenmischung), eine Religion (Luziferianismus), ein Ge-
    schlecht (Bisexualität) und eine Nation (Weltstaat). Die Beschuldigung des Antisemitismus ist ein Ablenkungsmanöver, denn sowohl Juden als auch Nicht-Juden – tatsächlich die Menschheit
    als Ganzes – wurden in diesen satanischen Kult eingeweiht, ohne sich dessen bewusst zu sein.
    Wir sind alle Opfer die-
    ser Verschwörung. Millionen von nichtjüdischen Freimaurern kontrollieren Regierungen, Medien, Militär, Unternehmen und Bildung als Marionetten des Zentralbankenkartells. Um heutzutage im öffentlichen Leben Erfolg zu haben, muss
    man Rasse, Religion, Nation und Familie verraten, oder sich zumindest dieser bösartigen Agenda nicht entgegenstellen.
    Diese Verschwörung schürt Terror als Vorwand, um Tag für Tag ihren Einfluss zu vergrößern. Das Schicksal der Mensch-
    heit hängt am seidenen Faden. So bizarr und unglaublich es klingt, wurde die Menschheit von einem satanischen Kult,
    der als die Illuminaten bekannt ist, kolonialisiert.
    Dieser Kult repräsentiert freimaurerische und jüdische Banker, die sich
    ein Monopol auf Staatskredite erschlichen haben, das ihnen ermöglicht, ein Zahlungsmittel in Form von Schulden bei ih-
    nen zu schaffen und dafür Zinsen zu erheben. Selbstverständlich wollen sie diese Trophäe schützen, indem sie von ih-
    nen in ein politisches und kulturelles Monopol umgewandelt wird. Dieses tritt in Gestalt einer totalitären Weltregierung
    in Erscheinung, die Luzifer gewidmet ist, der ihre Missachtung von Gott verkörpert. Demzufolge verschwören sich die
    Personen gegen uns, die uns finanziell unter Kontrolle haben. Um uns abzulenken und zu steuern, bedienen sie sich
    eines ausgedehnten okkulten Netzwerks (Freimaurerei), um die meisten Einrichtungen zu unterwandern, insbesondere
    die Regierung, die Geheimdienste, das Bildungswesen und die Massenmedien. Wir werden umprogrammiert, um den Illuminaten zu dienen. Sie untergraben Institutionen wie die Ehe und Religion und fördern Verdorbenheit, Persönlich-
    keitsstörungen, Korruption und Spaltungen. Sie inszenierten zwei Weltkriege und planen den 3. Weltkrieg.
    Klappentext des Erfolgsbuchs von Harald Kautz (*1966) deutscher Physiker, Geologe, unabhängiger investigativer Forscher, Refe-
    rent, Übersetzer, Verleger, Autor, Zitat von Dr. Henry Makov, ethnischer Jude, Forscher, Autor, Illuminati. Der Kult, der die Welt
    gekapert hat
    , Silas Green, 1. Ausgabe 6. September 2015


  • Die dem Illuminatenorden angehörenden (und Kabbala-gläubigen) Juden und ihre freimaurerischen Handlanger wollen nicht, dass Juden oder andere den verborgenen subversiven und okkulten Charakter des kollektiven jüdischen Unter-
    nehmens erkennen.
    Sie wollen nicht, dass Juden sich darüber bewusst werden, dass der Antisemitismus durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch nicht irrational war. Diese Erkenntnis würde die Nichtjuden ermächtigen und den "geringeren Brüdern" ermöglichen,
    ihrer Rolle als Dummköpfe, Sündenböcke, menschliche Schutzschilde und Menschenopfer für ihre wahnsinnige Füh-
    zu entkommen.
    Die der kabbalistischen Lehre anhängenden Juden glauben, dass sie Gottes Willen definieren. Anders ausgedrückt
    tritt Gott durch sie in der Welt in Erscheinung. Anderenfalls ist Er "formlos und unerfahrbar". (Das ist satanisch, da Gott
    unser Navigationssystem ist. Der Mensch ist durch seine Seele und spirituelle Ideale – Liebe, Frieden, Wahrheit, Schön-
    heit und Gerechtigkeit – mit Gott verbunden.)
    Die Kabbalisten sind überzeugt, dass sie die Wirklichkeit nach Satan umdefinieren können: Böse ist gut, Unwahrheiten
    entsprechen der Wahrheit und krank ist gesund (und umgekehrt). Sie zersetzen jede andere kollektive Identität: Nation,
    Religion, Rasse und Familie. Sie müssen die christliche Ordnung zerschlagen, um die NWO aufzubauen. […]
    Die Essenz der NWO besteht darin, dass die der kabbalistischen Lehre anhängenden Juden und ihre freimaurerischen
    Lakaien die natürliche und spirituelle Ordnung umstürzen und die Menschheit geistig, wenn nicht sogar körperlich, ver-
    sklaven werden. Blogartikel von Dr. Henry Makov, ethnischer Jude, Forscher, Autor, Der Teufel und die Juden, 3. Juli 2016

Kol Nidre – Jahwe – Chabad – Messianismus – auserwähltes Volk


  • Wissen Sie, was Juden am Versöhnungstag tun, der ihnen angeblich so heilig ist? Ich war einer von ihnen. Das ist kein Hörensagen. Ich bin nicht hier als Volksverhetzer. Ich bin hier, um Ihnen Fakten zu liefern.
    Wenn Sie am Versöhnungstag eine Synagoge betreten, dann sprechen Sie das allererste Gebet stehend – es ist das einzige Gebet, bei dem Sie stehen – und Sie wiederholen dreimal ein kurzes Gebet. Das "Kol Nidre". In diesem Gebet treffen Sie eine Vereinbarung mit Gott dem Allmächtigen, wonach jeder Eid, jedes Gelübde und jedes Versprechen, wel-
    ches Sie in den nächsten zwölf Monaten ablegen ... null und nichtig sein soll.
    Der Eid soll kein Eid sein, das Gelöbnis soll kein Gelöbnis sein, das Versprechen soll kein Versprechen sein. Sie sollen keine Kraft und keine Wirkung haben und so weiter und so fort.
    Und darüber hinaus lehrt der Talmud: "Vergiss nicht – wann immer du einen Eid, ein Gelübde oder ein Versprechen ab-
    legst – erinnere dich an das Kol Nidre-Gebet, das du am Versöhnungstag gesprochen hast, und das befreit dich von der Erfüllung dessen.
    Audiopräsentation von Benjamin H Freedman (1890-1984) US-amerikanischer ehemals jüdischer antizionistischer Aktivist, Rede Benjamin H. Freedman im Jahr 1961, Washington D.C., 1961, YouTube Film, 49:30 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. August 2021



Jahwitische Religion – Chassidismus

vom überwiegenden Teil der Bevölkerung abgelehnt

  • Unbestreitbar aber besitzt der theologische Überbau der Synagoge mit seinem Auserwähltheitsgedanken und dem Messianismus fragwürdige Pfeiler, die eine Splittergruppe – der Chassidismus – zur Basis ihres Handelns erhebt. Es geht hier um die politischen Übergriffe dieser Sekte, in der sich vergangenheitsorientierter Fundamentalismus und endzeitlicher Okkultismus die Hand reichen. Da es dem Chassidismus im Lauf der Jahrtausende offen oder versteckt gelungen ist, tief in die Belange des Judentums einzudrin-
    gen und für eigene Zielsetzungen zu instrumentalisieren, ist eine klare Interessentrennung innerhalb des hebräischen
    Volkes nur sehr schwer möglich. Letztlich und maßgeblich auch im Interesse der Masse jener leidgeprüften Israeliten,
    die bis heute Objekt der Zeitgeschichte geblieben sind.
    Wolfgang Eggert (*1962) deutscher Historiker, Journalist, Autor, Israels Geheimvatikan als Vollstrecker biblischer Prophetie, Band 1, Vorwort "Eine notwendige Vorbemerkung ", S. 13, Edition Hermetika 1. Auflage Sommer 2001 2. Auflage Oktober 2002



Judenkritik von einem Juden

  • Man muss wissen, dass sämtliche angeblichen "jüdischen Charaktereigenschaften" (von unkundigen sogenannten Intellektuellen im Westen "den Juden" angedichtet) neue Merkmale sind, die während des größten Teils der jüdischen Geschichte unbe-
    kannt waren und erst hervortraten, als die Macht der totalitären jüdischen Gemeinde zu schwinden begann. Nehmen
    wir z.B. den bekannten jüdischen Humor. […] Vor dem 19. Jahrhundert ist dieser Humor in der hebräischen Literatur
    nicht nur selten zu finden, sondern .. sogar durch die jüdische Religion strikt verboten, mit der bezeichnenden Aus-
    nahme von Witzen über andere Religionen. Gegen die Rabbiner und die Führer der Gemeinde gerichtete Satire war
    nie Thema beim Judaismus, auch nicht in ganz geringem Maße wie beim lateinischen Christentum. Es gab keine jü-
    dischen Komödien, wie auch die antiken Spartaner keine Komödien schreiben, und das aus ähnlichen Gründen.
    Oder nehmen wir die Liebe zum Lernen. Mit Ausnahme eines rein religiös motivierten Lernens, das sich selbst in ei-
    nem minderwertigen und degenerierten Zustand befand, beherrschte die Juden in Europa .. vor etwa 1780 tiefe Ver-
    achtung und tiefer Hass gegenüber allem Lernen (mit Ausnahme des Talmud und der jüdischen Mystik). Große Teile
    des Alten Testaments, die gesamte nicht-liturgische hebräische Poesie und die meisten Bücher über jüdische Philo-
    sophie wurden nicht gelesen, sondern mit dem Bann belegt. Strikt verboten war das Studium der Sprachen, ebenso
    wie das der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften. Völlig unbekannt waren Geographie und Geschichte, beson-
    ders die jüdische Geschichte. Der kritische Verstand, dieser angeblich singuläre Charakterzug der Juden, war über-
    haupt nicht zu finden, und nichts war so verboten, so gefürchtet und deshalb so verfolgt, wie die geringste Neuerung
    oder die harmloseste Kritik.
    (Auch in Hannah Arendts umfangreichen Schriften über den Totalitarismus oder über Juden oder über beide findet man
    [da sie verblendet den Splitter im Auge aller anderen, den Balken im eigenen nicht sieht] nicht den geringsten Hinweis
    darauf, wie es in der jüdischen Gemeinschaft im 18. Jahrhundert wirklich aussah: Bücherverbrennung, Kontroversen
    über die magischen Kräfte von Amuletten, Verbot der elementarsten "nichtjüdischen" Ausbildung (wie der Deutschun-
    terricht im korrekten Gebrauch der Sprache oder im Schreiben mit lateinischen Buchstaben).)
    Es war eine in verachtenswertestem Aberglauben, Fanatismus und Unwissenheit abgeglittene Welt, eine Welt, in der
    sich das Vorwort zum ersten in hebräisch abgefassten geographischen Werk (veröffentlicht 1803 in Russland) darüber
    beklagte, dass viele bedeutende Rabbiner die Existenz des amerikanischen Kontinents deswegen leugnen, weil er "un-
    möglich" sei. Zwischen diesem jüdischen Milieu und dem, was der Westen oft als "typisch jüdisch" betrachtet, besteht
    mit Ausnahme des unrichtigen Adjektivs keine Gemeinsamkeit.
Israel Shahak (1933-2001) israelischer Professor für Organische Chemie, Hebräische Universität von Jerusalem, Autor, Jüdische Geschichte, Jüdische Religion. Der Einfluss von 3000 Jahren (Internationale Literatur zur Erforschung politischer Hintergrundmächte),
S. 60, Lühe, Neuauflage 1. Januar 1999 (auf archive.org zu finden)


  • In dem grundlegenden Buch Hatanya der Chabad-Bewegung, das der "Ljubawitscher Rabbi" Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1878-1944), bekannt für seine schwarzenfeindliche Haltung, weiterverbreitet, werden alle Nichtjuden ausnahmslos bezeichnet als satanische Kreaturen, in denen absolut nichts Gutes ist, bezeichnet.
Israel Shahak (1933-2001) israelischer Professor für Organische Chemie, Hebräische Universität von Jerusalem, Autor, Jüdische Geschichte, Jüdische Religion. Der Einfluss von 3000 Jahren (Internationale Literatur zur Erforschung politischer Hintergrundmächte),
S. 72, Lühe, Neuauflage 1. Januar 1999


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Judentum

Quotes by various other sources

In love is found the secret of divine unity; it is love that unites the higher and lower stages,
and that lifts every thing to that stage where all must be one.
Zohar [LoC 720]


Personal avowal

  • But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It
    is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand flo-
    rins, they ex-tort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.
    Martin Luther (1483-1546) [LoC 580] German professor of theology, Protestant reformer, translator of the Bible, William Hazlet, translator, Table Talk of Martin Luther, S. 43, Bell & Daldy. London, 1872, cited in: Quotes about Jews by Jewish Expert


Sacred Jewish texts

  • The Hebrew theology was divided into three distinct parts.
    1. The first was the law, [Thora LoC 550]
    2. the second was the soul of the law, [Mishna LoC 665]
    3. and the third was the soul of the soul of the law. [Qabalah LoC 720]
    • The law was taught to all the children of Israel;
    • the Mishna, or the soul of the law, was revealed to the Rabbis and teachers;
    • but the Qabalah, the soul of the soul of the law, was cunningly concealed, and only the highest initiates among the Jews were instructed in its secret principles.
Manly Palmer Hall (LoC 485) (1901-1990) Canadian-born mystic, author, The Secret Teachings of All Ages. An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, originally published 1928, version of the free
Internet archive Sacred Texts, Philosophical Research Society, revised edition June 1978



The real purpose of Judaism and all secret societies is to advance the agenda of the super rich.



Gender equality is based in God.

  • The equality of men and women begins at the highest possible level: G-d. In Judaism, unlike traditional Christianity, G-d has never been viewed as exclusively male or masculine. Judaism has always maintained that G-d has both masculine and feminine qualities. As one Chassidic rabbi explained it to me, G-d has no body, no genitalia, there-
    fore the very idea that G-d is male or female is patently absurd.
    We refer to G-d using masculine terms simply for convenience's sake, because Hebrew has no neutral gender; G-d is no more male than a table is. Both man and woman were created in the image of G-d. According to most Jewish scholars, "man" was created in Genesis 1, 27 (OT) with dual gender, and was later separated into male and female.
    Article The Role of Women, presented by JewFAQ.org, 1995-2011


  • Basic points about the Mid-East crisis:
    1. The Arab nations are said to originate from Abraham's first-born son, Ishmael, born of Hagar, the handmaid
      of Abraham’s wife, Sarah. In the Old Testament, it states that Sarah offered her maid, Hagar, as a concu-
      bine, because an heir was needed and Sarah seemed unable to procreate.
    2. The Jewish nation is said to originate from Abraham's second son, Isaac, born of Sarah, who, it turned out,
      was able to conceive.
    3. Historically, at the core of the Mid-East conflict has been the issue of Abraham's first son, Ishmael, and Abraham's second son, Isaac, both of whom had rightful claims as first-born son of Abraham.
    4. After the death of the Prophet Mohammed in the eighth century, his followers split into Sunni and Shiite
      Muslims, further complicating the original 'firstborn' issue.
Rodger Hyodo (*1957) Canadian miraculous brain injury healee, personal coach, author, Adjusting Thought Reflex. Peak Perfor-
mance in High Pressure Moments
, AuthorHouse, 4. February 2010


  • The great Name of God in His creative unfolding is Adam. Gershom Scholem, Ph.D. (1897-1982) German-born Israeli philosopher, religious historian, founder of the modern, academic study of Kabbalah, first professor of Jewish Mysticism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, author, On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism, Schocken, revised edition 30. January 1996


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Judaism



Note: The Portrait of Moses in Talmudic literature

  • The whole world was shaken and enthralled by the miracle of the Exodus. The name of Moses was on everyone's lips. Tidings of the great miracle reached also the wise king of Arabistan. The king summoned his best painter and bade him to go to Moses, to paint his portrait and bring it back to him. When the painter returned, the king gathered together all his sages, wise in physiognomy, and asked them to define by the portrait the character of Moses, his qualities, inclinations, habits, and the source of his miraculous power.
    "King," answered the sages,
    "this is the portrait of a man cruel, haughty, greedy of gain, possessed by desire for power, and by all the vices which exist in the world."
These words roused the king's indignation.
"How can it be possible," he exclaimed,
"that a man whose marvelous deeds ring through the whole world should be of such a kind?"
A dispute began between the painter and the sages. The painter affirmed that the portrait of Moses had been painted by him quite accurately, while the sages maintained that Moses' character had been unerringly determined by them accor-
ding to the portrait. The wise king of Arabistan decided to verify which of the disputing parties was right, and he himself
set off for the camp of Israel. At the first glance the king became convinced that the face of Moses had been faultless-
ly portrayed by the painter. On entering the tent of the man of God he knelt down, bowed to the ground, and told Moses
of the dispute between the artist and the sages.
"Until I saw thy face," said the king,
"I thought it must be that the artist had painted thy image badly, for my sages are men very much experienced in
the science of physiognomy. Now I am convinced that they are quite worthless men and that their wisdom is vain and worthless."
"No," answered Moses,
"it is not so; both the painter and the physiognomists are men highly skilled, and both parties are right. Be it known to thee that all the vices of which the sages spoke have indeed been assigned to me by nature and perhaps to an even higher degree than was found by them from my portrait. But I struggled with my vices by long and intense efforts of the will and gradually overcame and transcended them within myself until all opposed to them became
my second nature. And in this lies my greatest pride."
Note: The Exodus is an allegory of Evolution, as The Genesis is an allegory of Involution/Creation. The Bible is
full of characters who are flawed and yet rise up to momentous occasions to accomplish heroic deeds.
Yasuhiko Genku Kimura, Japanese founder and CEO of Vision-In-Action Leadership Institute, Facebook entry, 23. October 2018


  • The body of a Jewish person is of totally different quality from the body of all nations of the world. A non Jewish soul comes from three Satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.
    Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1878-1944), one of the most influential Jewish leaders of the 20th century, referencing the
    early work of Hasidic philosophy The Book of Tanya [Tanya, the Book of Charad], English translation, chapter 19, S. 77-79, referencing Shneur Zalman of Liadi (1745-1812) orthodox rabbi, founder, first rebbe of the chabad, a branch of Hasidic Judaism, first published in 1797

Quotes by Simon Parkes


Origin and circumstances of the Jewish people

  • There are twelve tribes of Israel. The jolly old figures 3-6-9-12. That is a construct. 6 and 12 are the numbers of the Reptilian/Orion/control system. […] Moses was the son of an Egyptian pharao. This is where the Jewish line comes from. Moses and many of these ordinary indigenous people were Egyptians. The leaders of the Egyptian race were Annunaki. If
    you take a group of indigenous people and infuse a people with a belief in themselves and then you give them protec-
    tion. The Jews were a chosen and protected people in the sense of the Reptilian race in the sense of following up the
    The Jewish people are a bloodline all of their own. They were a chosen race because Enlil [Jaweh] presented
    himself as the God of the Jews. He created a system that would keep them pure, so they wouldn’t interbreed outside
    of their own people. He gave them rules and laws to ensure that they worshipped him and that they had sacrifice and
    that they followed a Reptilian culture. That is totally different from Annunaki. The main body of the Jews is a sepa-
    rate line from the Annunaki.

    But the people who were running the Jewish race did come from the Annunaki. That should be understood.
    The Ashkenazi Jews / Khazarian Jews (who have a more fundamental connection to the roots) and the Holy Land Jews (who have more magical orientation) do have a difference in opinion, they have different values, and
    a different way of expressing their cultural religion.
    One of the major reasons of the Obama administration to start a war in The Ukraine was to try to give the Khazarian Jews control over part of the Ukraine. The Khazarian Jews claim part of Russia and part of The Ukraine as their true homeland. This was the real reason to try and break this part away from Russia.
    There is a line between the Merovingians who are very prevalent in Italy (including the Cathars and the Knights Templars) and the Khazarian Jews. Most of them are bankers who own huge amounts of wealth and land. And bet-
    ween them they control half of the planet. […] Florence is the birthplace of the new money. The Vatican is central
    as a mover and shaker with all those groups, it influences both sides of the [powerful] families.
    Up to 1942 Hitler won nearly every battle – as long as he was buying oil from the Bushes, Standard Oil. […] The
    off planet assistence went […] because he did not follow through on the deal. The Israelis won battle after battle after battle, because specifically through MOSSAD they had even to this day a connection with a particular off-planet en-
    which isn't very nice. And it is the same off-planet entity that worked with Hitler. It will work with any nation that thinks it can control.
    Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, March 19 2017 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio, PDF transcript, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 47:00, minute 27:57, minute 49:29, 1:55:58 minutes duration, recorded and aired 19. March 2017

⚡ Problematic Zionism ⇔ ethical Judaism – Hajo Meyer

Personal insights of an Auschwitz survivor

  • An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews.
    I am not anti-Jew.
    I am anti-Zionist.
    Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism.
    Hajo Meyer (1924-2014) Jewish German-Dutch physicist, Auschwitz concentration camp survivor, anti-Zionist political activist, author, cited in: Article Manufactured anti-Semitism and the dark side of Jewish consciousness, presented by the independent news website Mondoweiss, Lillian Rosengarten, 29. October 2016, reissued by Sott.net, 1. November 2016


  • Large parts of the Jewish population don't want to talk about the Palestinians. They cannot get out of their role of the victim. They have forgotten about Jewish ethics as laid down in the Golden Rule by Hillel,
    "What is hateful to you, do not do unto others."
I was educated to put inter-human ethics central in religion. This is so obviously contrary to the daily practice of Zionism. In Zio-
nism they practice a dogmatic Holocaust religion
  • there is only one people which knows about suffering, that is the Jewish people [and that] any suffering Zionists inflict on Palestinians is negligible as compared to Jewish suf-
  • Secondly, according to high priest Elie Wiesel, the only event with which Auschwitz must be compared is the
    Sinai experience, when Moses got from God’s own hands the five books of the Torah and the ten command-
This religion has for many taken the place of the former ethical Judaism. It gives the Zionists the freedom to do any-
thing they want without feeling guilty.
If we want to stay really human beings, we must get up and call the Zionists what they are: Nazi criminals. [The hate of
the Jews by the Germans] was less deeply rooted than the hate of the Palestinians by the Israeli Jews. The brainwas-
hing of the Jewish Israeli populations is going on for over sixty years.
They cannot see a Palestinian as a human being. Interview with Hajo Meyer (1924-2014) Jewish German-Dutch physicist, Auschwitz concentration survivor, anti-Zionist political activist, author, In last interview, Auschwitz concentration camp survivor urged Palestinians‚ "not to give up their fight", presented by
The Electronic Intifada, Adri Nieuwhof, Swiss consultant and human rights advocate, 25. August 2014


  • Since 1967 it has become obvious that political Zionism has one monolithic aim: Maximum land in Palestine with a minimum of Palestinians on it. This aim is pursued with an inexcusable cruelty as demonstrated during the assault on Gaza. The cruelty is explicitly formulated in the Dahiye doctrine of the military and morally supported by the Holocaust religion.
    I am pained by the parallels I observe between my experiences in Germany prior to 1939 and those suffered by Palesti-
    nians today. I cannot help but hear echoes of the Nazi mythos of "blood and soil" in the rhetoric of settler fundamenta-
    lism which claims a sacred right to all the lands of biblical Judea and Samaria. The various forms of collective punish-
    ment visited upon the Palestinian people – coerced ghettoization behind a "security wall"; the bulldozing of homes and
    destruction of fields; the bombing of schools, mosques, and government buildings; an economic blockade that deprives
    people of the water, food, medicine, education and the basic necessities for dignified survival – force me to recall the
    deprivations and humiliations that I experienced in my youth. This century-long process of oppression means unima-
    ginable suffering for Palestinians. Blog article by Hajo Meyer (1924-2014) Jewish German-Dutch physicist, Auschwitz concen-
    tration camp survivor, anti-Zionist political activist, author, An Ethical Tradition Betrayed, presented by the US American liberal-orien-
    ted online newspaper Huffington Post, 29. March 2010, updated 25. May 2011


  • If we Jews were to opt for an ethically compromised meaning to be gleaned from the Holocaust, according to which it would now be our turn to get revenge for all that was done to us – if we came to believe that now that we were in the driver's seat we could discriminate against those who didn’t see things our way – then we would have sunk to the level
    of our former persecutors. We would, in effect, be proving them right. No, it would be appropriate here to practice a classical Jewish concept, the teshuva, which means the return from the wrong road.
    Hajo Meyer (1924-2014) Jewish German-Dutch physicist, Auschwitz concentration camp survivor, anti-Zionist political activist, author, The End of Judaism, G. Meyer Books, 2007, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 7. July 2013


  • Dislike of the Jew in business springs from the feeling that we regard all your play-conventions with amusement — or
    even contempt. Our abominable seriousness breaks jarringly into your life,mood. But you feel our disruptive influence
    most keenly, most resentfully, in our deliberate efforts to change your social system. We dream of a world of utter jus-
    tice and God-Spirit, a world that would be barren for you, devoid of all nourishment, bleak, unfriendly, unsympathetic.
    You do not want such a world: you are unapt for it. Seen in the dazzling lights of your desires and needs our ideal is
    repellently morose. — We do wrong to thrust these ideals upon you, who are not for justice and peace, but for play-
    living. Maurice Samuel (1895-1972) Romanian-born British and American translator, lecturer, novelist of Jewish heritage, You Gentiles, 1924, S. 148, Ostara Publications, 30. August 2018, cited in: Hermann Keyserling, Das Erbe der Schule der Weisheit,
    13. Heft, 1927


See also: ► Quotes on political Zionism – Ilan Pappé, Albert Pike, Thomas Barnett

⚡ Quotes by Oliver Stone and Michael Hudson

Oliver Stone

  • Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr Frankenstein. German industrialists, the Americans and the British.
    He had a lot of support […] Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than [to] the Jewish people, 25 or 30 [million
    killed]. [Speaking of Adolf Hitler] He's the product of a series of actions. It's cause and effect […] People in America
    don't know the connection between World War I and World War II. [Walk in Stalin's shoes and Hitler's shoes to under-
    stand their point of view.]
    [Asked to explain why this was not well-known, Stone responded]: The Jewish domination of the media […] There's a
    major lobby in the United States. They are hard workers. They stay on top of every comment, the most powerful lobby
    in Washington. Israel has fucked up United States foreign policy for years.
    Interview with Oliver Stone (*1946) US American film director, producer, screenwriter, author, presented by the British national "qua-
    lity" Sunday newspaper The Sunday Times, London, 25. July 2010


Stone's above comment drew immediate criticism from US groups such as The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants. Only one day later he was forced to apologize. Here is his subsequent apology statement:

  • In trying to make a broader historical point about the range of atrocities the Germans committed against many people, I made a clumsy association about the Holocaust, for which I am sorry and I regret. Jews obviously do
    not control media or any other industry. The fact that the Holocaust is still a very important, vivid and current matter
    today is, in fact, a great credit to the very hard work of a broad coalition of people committed to the remembrance
    of this atrocity – and it was an atrocity. Article Oliver Stone apologises for 'antisemitic' remarks, presented by the British
    daily newspaper The Guardian, 26. July 2010


Reference: ► Video interview with Oliver Stone (*1946) US American film director, producer, screenwriter, author,
Oliver Stone On Hardtalk 2/2, presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC News,
program "Hardtalk", Cambridge Union, YouTube film, 8:54 minutes duration, posted 10. August 2010

Michael Hudson

  • Prophet after prophet described the Lord as being so displeased with Israel on so many occasions for deviating from his commandments that he withdrew his protection and condemned the land to which Moses had led his followers to be con-
    quered as punishment. The Biblical prophets attributed Israel’s defeat by Sargon in 722 BC to the Lord’s punishment for
    its falling away from the covenant the Lord had offered. Israel’s punishment fit the crime: Just as its wealthy creditor elite
    had dispossessed their brethren from the land, so the ten tribes of Israel were deported to Mesopotamia and Media, and
    Judah's size was reduced to only the region surrounding Jerusalem.


  • What was the covenant at Horeb near Mount Sinai? Simply put, the Lord gave Moses the Ten Commandments, which
    had a moral focus on economic justice, and made a bargain binding all future Jews to obey these commandments (Exo-
    dus 19-23 and Deuteronomy 5:2 and 28:43). From the very beginning the Lord threatened to punish the Jews if they
    broke this covenant. The prophets are quoted as citing the many ways in which succeeding generations broke it.




Polarization of wealth by the wealthiest Hebrews

Ezekiel, prophet of the exile, military hostage to Babylonia in 597 BC

The end is now upon you and I will unleash my anger against you. I will judge you according to your conduct and repay you for all your detestable practices.
Ezekiel 7, 3 (OT)


If you do not obey the Lord, and if you rebel against his commands, his hand will be against you, as it was against your ancestors. 1 Samuel 12, 15 (OT)


Yet if you persist in doing evil, both you and your king will perish. 1 Samuel 12, 25 (OT)


The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you
one way and flee before you seven ways.
Deuteronomy 28, 7 (OT)
The Lord will plague you with diseases until he has destroyed you from the land you are entering to possess.
Deuteronomy 28, 21 (OT)


It is because this people abandoned the covenant of the Lord, the God of their fathers, the covenant he made with them
when he brought them out of Egypt.
Deuteronomy 29, 24-25 (OT)



Economic inequality as the greatest woe, blaming the elders and leaders

It is you who have ruined my vineyard; the plunder from the poor is in your houses. Isaiah 5, 3 (OT)


Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field, till no space is left alone in the land. Isaiah 5, 8 (OT)


Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and rob
my oppressed people of justice, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from afar?
Isaiah 10, 1-3 (OT)


The Lord says: 'These people come to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men. … Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the Lord.' Isaiah 29, 13-15 (OT)


Listen, O house of Jacob, you who are called by the name of Israel … and invoke the God of Israel – but not in truth or righteousness. Isaiah 48, 1 (OT)


Well, I know how treacherous you are; you were called a rebel from birth. Isaiah 48, 8 (OT)


I gave faithless Israel her certificate of divorce and sent her away because of all her adulteries. Yet I saw that her un-
faithful sister Judah had no fear; she also went out and committed adultery.
Jeremiah 3, 8 (OT)


Surely as a wife treacherously departeth from her husband, so have ye dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, saith the Lord. A voice was heard upon the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel: for they
have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the Lord their God.
Jeremiah 3, 20-21 (OT)


Through your own fault you will lose the inheritance I gave you. I will enslave you to your enemies in a land you do not know, for you have kindled my anger, and it will burn forever. Jeremiah 17, 4 (OT)



The Lord's anger at unfaithful Jerusalem

You trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. Ezekiel 16, 15 (OT)


Woe to you shepherds of Israel who only take care of yourselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock?
Ezekiel 34, 2 (OT)



Israel accused of numerous sins

They sell the innocent for silver, and the needy for a pair of sandals. They trample on the heads of the poor as on the dust of the ground and deny justice to the oppressed. Amos 2, 6-7 (OT)


Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds! At morning's light they carry it out because it is in
their power to do it. They covet fields and seize them, and houses, and take them.
Micah 2, 2 (OT)


Both hands are skilled in doing evil; the ruler demands gifts, the judge accepts bribes, the powerful dictate what they desire – they all conspire together. Micah 7, 3 (OT)


You must not follow the crowd in doing wrong. When you are called to testify in a dispute, do not be swayed by the
crowd to twist justice.
Exodus 23, 2 (OT)


Lay down the law of justice and mercy: Do not oppress an alien [foreign neighbor]; you yourselves know how it feels
to be aliens, because you were aliens in Egypt.
Exodus 23, 21 (OT)


'All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,' says the LORD Almighty. [...]
'Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel.'
Malachi 4, 1-4 (OT)


Source: ► Article Were the Biblical Prophets Anti-Semitic?, Michael Hudson, Ph.D. (*1939) US American historian,
professor of economics, University of Missouri, Kansas City, research associate, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College,
former Wall Street analyst, 17. November 2023

⚡ Quotes on Sabbatean political Zionism

Then he said to me, this is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: Not by might,
nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.
Zechariah 4, 6


Personal avowals

  • Well, I myself am a 100% atheist. And I am increasingly worried that the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, which dominates our entire life, is assuming a more and more religious character. Uri Avnery (1923-2018) Israeli founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement, former terrorist, speaker, member of the Knesset (1965-1974) and (1979-1981), journalist, writer, A War of Religions? God Forbid!, presented by the publication Gush Shalom, Uri Avnery's Column, 19. February 2006



Exposing Zionist genocide of Palestine

  • I became an "anti-semite" when I observed that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians resembled the Union Army’s treatment, under Sherman and Sheridan, of the Ameri-
    can Plains Indians. Wholesale genocide.
    Currently the Israel Lobby is at work destroying anyone associated with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, which is an effort to sanction Israel for its genocide against Palestine. […]
    There is no doubt whatsoever that the Palestinians have had their country stolen. Now they, like native Indians in the
    US in the 19th century, have been confined to ghetto reservations. This is a simple fact. But anyone who states the
    fact is declared by the Israel Lobby to be an anti-semite who wants to kill all the Jews.In other words, it is Zionist Is-
    rael that is committing genocide, but if a person mentions that fact that person is accused of wanting to do to the
    Jews what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.
    Article by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts paulcraigroberts.org (*1939) US American assistant secretary of the US Treasury for Economic
    Policy during the Reagan administration, associate editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal, columnist for Bloomberg Busi-
    , whistleblowing blogger, Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers, presented by the publication
    Counter Punch, 13. May 2016


  • Prophetic Judaism is my religion. The essence of Prophetic Judaism – universal and ethical Judaism – is: 'Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not steal; Thou shalt not covet … Love thy fellow-man as thyself … What thou dost not like to be done to thee, do not do to thy fellow-man … Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit … In the place where the repentant stands, even the completely righteous man cannot stand.'
    A Jew who practices, or at least tries hard to practice the above noble teachings, is my fellow Jew. Moshe Menuhin (1893-1983) Jewish great great grandson of Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Hassidism, passionate anti-Zionist, author, The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, Exposition Press, 1965, Institute of Palestine Studies, Beirut, 1969, retitled as Ebook Not by Might, nor by Power. The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism, S. 770, Forbidden Bookshelf, 2017


  • I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us. What you don’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet,
    far from it. Ariel Sharon (1928-2014) Israeli general, politician, 11th prime minister of Israel, 1982


  • If the Holocaust were publicly exposed as a shameless fraud, if people all over the world learned that, while the Jews undoubtedly were [...] persecuted during the Second World War, there was no attempt to exterminate them, that the
    death factories, gas chambers and gas vans were a Jewish swindle, and that the six million figure was a fantastic exag-
    geration, the Zionist-led "New World Order" would be all but finished. Jürgen Graf (*1951) Schweizer Holocaustrevisionist, Holocaust Revisionism and its Political Consequences, Scribd, written in exile, Tehran, Iran, January 2001


  • I mourn genocide in Gaza because I am the granddaughter of a family half wiped out in the holocaust and I know geno-
    cide when I see it. People are asking why I am taking this ‘side.’ There are no sides. I mourn all victims. But every law
    of war and international law is being broken in the targeting of civilians in Gaza. I stand with the people of Gaza exact-
    ly because things might have turned out differently if more people had stood with the Jews in Germany. I stand with
    the people of Gaza because no one stood with us.
    Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American political activist, social critic, former informal political consultant to Bill Clinton and Al Gore,
    leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, Facebook comment, 22. July 2014


  • The feeling of Jewishness remains in me something dark, abysmal, and above all, unstable. Both powerful and labile. Nothing is as important to me as my Jewishness which, however, in many respects, has so little importance in my life. Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) Algerian French postmodern philosopher, founder of deconstructionism, developer of post-structuralism, atheist, cited in: Hervé Ryssen, Les Espérances planétariennes, S. 183, Éditions Baskerville, 2005



  • We must particularly and thoroughly understand how a small but militant group from among the persecuted and bedeviled East European Jews cleverly managed to captivate the unsophisticated West European and American Jews, who were
    on the road to becoming fully integrated nationals of their adopted or native countries […] behind a cloak of simulated philanthropy and innocuous-sounding "togetherness".
    Moshe Menuhin (1893-1983) Jewish great great grandson of Shneur Zalman of Liadi, founder of Chabad Hassidism, passionate anti-Zionist, author, The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, Exposition Press, 1965, Institute of Palestine Studies, Beirut, 1969, retitled as Ebook Not by Might, nor by Power. The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism, S. 61-62, Forbidden Bookshelf, 2017

Clandestine Jews destroying Jews

  • Of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were:
    ➤ the Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf Hitler;
    ➤ his representatives the Reichsminister Rudolf Heß;
    ➤ the Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring;
    ➤ the Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser,
    ➤ Dr. Josef Goebbels,
    ➤ Alfred Rosenberg,
    ➤ Hans Frank,
    Heinrich Himmler;
    ➤ the Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who pledged close friendship with the famous Zionist Chaim Weizmann,
         the first head of the State of Israel who died in 1952);
    ➤ von Keudell;
    ➤ field commanders Globocnik (the Jewish destructor);
    ➤ Jordan and Wilhelm Hube;
    ➤ the great SS-Leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and von Keudell II, who also were active
         in the destruction of Jews.
    (All of them were members of the secret Thule Order / Thule Society.)
    Heineke Kardel, German author, Adolf Hitler. Founder of Israel, 1974, cited in: Dietrich Bronder, German Jew, author, Before Hitler
    , 1964



Conscience driving question

  • If opposing Israel is anti-semitic then what doyou call supporting a state that has been engaged in brutal ethnic cleansing for seven decades? What does that make you? Deleted article by Miko Peled (*1961) Israeli-American activist, Jewish son of an Israeli general Matti Peled (1923-1995) engaged in the 48' and 67' wars, karate instructor, speaker, author, If opposing Israel is anti-semitism then what do you call supporting a state that has been engaged in brutal ethnic cleansing for seven decades? What does that make you, Miko Peled?, 10. August 2014

The term 'anti-Semitism' is used by the Israel lobby in the United States to restrict criticism of Israel's violent and inhumane policies against the Palestinian people and Israel's domination over the US government.
Images From Palestine, Facebook comment, 9. January 2016



Two-state-solution between Israel and Palestine

1897 the Zionist Federation decided to colonize Palestine and charge Jewish settlers interest on the loans that put them on the front line.

  • Israel is faced with two options:
    1. Continue to exist as a Jewish state while controlling the Palestinians through military force and racist laws, or
    2. undertake a deep transformation into a real democracy where Israelis and Palestinians live as equals in a shared state, their shared homeland.
For Israelis and Palestinians alike, the latter path promises a bright future.
Op-ed article by Miko Peled (*1961) Israeli-American activist, Jewish son of an Israeli general Matti Peled (1923-1995) engaged in the 48' and 67' wars, karate instructor, speaker, author, Six Days in Israel, 45 Years Age, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times, 6. June 2012


  • Critics of the war plans (including myself) have pointed to the disastrous political results that must be expected: Iraq
    would break into three parts (Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the center, Shi'ites in the south), the Middle East would be
    exposed to the onslaught of Iranian fanaticism, pro-Western Arab regimes would collapse. Israel would be surroun-
    ded by aggressive Islamic fundamentalism, like the Crusader kingdom with the advent of Saladin.
    Uri Avnery (1923-2018) Israeli founder of the Gush Shalom peace movement, former terrorist, speaker, member of the Knesset (1965-1974) and (1979-1981), journalist, writer, article Uri Avnery: War Now!, 11. September 2002


  • Violence is part of the resistance to occupation. The basic fact is not the violence; the basic fact is the occupation. Violence is a symptom; the occupation is the disease – a mortal disease for everybody concerned, the occupied and
    the occupiers.
    Uri Avnery (1923-2018) Israeli founder of the "Gush Shalom" peace movement, former terrorist, speaker, member of the Knesset (1965-1974) and (1979-1981), journalist, writer, Uri Avnery Interview, presented by The Progressive, Jon Elmer, 31. March 2004




The plan of the NWO was hidden in the Jewish Kaballah.

  • [Y]ou will learn how the diabolical Kaballah was started in the days of Moses, more than five thousand years ago by men who rebelled against God. This secret religion among the twelve tribes of Israel burned like a smoldering fire under the surface and it was King Solomon who fanned the fire some 900 years before Christ and made it into the refined system we see today. As we are approaching the coming of the Anti-
    and the Mark of the Beast, it should be of utmost importance to know about the religion of this coming world dictator. John Torell, Swedish US American pastor, The Kabbalah Booklets. Exposing the hidden secrets of the future World Govern-
    , Book 1: Sabbatai Sevi, Book 2: Jacob Frank, Book 3: The Rothschild Family, Book 4: The Stealth Takeover of the United States, 1970s


  • From its beginnings, political Zionism faced opposition within the Jewish world. The Zionist identification of a
    people with a state is incompatible with the real position of most Jews as freely chosen citizens of other countries. Long
    before Roman times, Jews formed widely dispersed religious, cultural and ethnic groups whose commonality was not
    based on geography or politics. Only their spiritual practices were centred on Palestine. Article Zionism doesn't define Jews – it divides us, presented by the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail, published 12. December 2002, updated 21. March 2009



  • Anti-Semitism is "hostility and prejudice directed against Jewish people" (OED).
    Zionism refers to the movement to create a Jewish state in the Middle East, roughly corresponding to the historical
    land of Israel, and thus support for the modern state of Israel. Anti-Zionism opposes that.
But some say
  • "Zionist" can be used as a coded attack on Jews,
while others say
  • the Israeli government and its supporters are deliberately confusing anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism to avoid criticism.
Article What's the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism?, presented by the British news outlet of the British Broad-
casting Corporation (BBC) BBC News, 29. April 2016


  • Anti-semitism is a trick. We always use it when from Europe somebody is critisizing Israel, then we always bring up
    the Holocaust. When in this country [United States] people are critisizing Israel, then they are anti-semitic. And the orga-
    nisation is strong and has a lot of money. [...] It is very easy to blame people who critisize certain acts of the Israeli go-
    vernment as anti-semitics and to bring up the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jewish people and that is to justify
    everything we do to the Palestians. TV video interview (snippet) with Shulamit Aloni (1928-2014) Israeli politician, founder of
    the Ratz party, leader of the Meretz party, leader of the opposition (1988-1990), minister of education (1992-1993), Israeli Minister
    "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust"
    , presented by the US American non-profit TV, radio and internet
    news program Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investiga-
    tive reporter, author, YouTube film, 1:46 minute duration, posted 4. July 2010

Shulamit Aloni admits that the Holocaust and the "antisemite" accusation are used to manipulate those who criticize political Zionists.



Three World Wars Rothschild strategy

  • World Wars have been the primary catalysts of the Rothschild [NWO] plan.
    1. World War I generated the first [step] at world government, the League of Nations, as well as the Balfour Declaration [and the Soviet Union], which the British government issued to Lord Walter Rothschild, pledging a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine.
    2. World War II produced a stronger framework for world government – the United Nations (UN) – and the
      Israeli state [and the World Bank, IMF, the spreading Communism over half the world].
    3. But the plan's culmination (total world government, seated in Jerusalem) [with a world currency and a world
      Police State] would probably require a World War III.
Article by James Perloff, US American alternative researcher, journalist, author, To 9/11 and Beyond: The Rothschild-Israeli
Obsession with Nuclear Weapons
, 22. November 2016


Anniversaries for the Rothschild elite to celebrate
YearRothschild instigated historical eventAnniversay
1517Catholic-Protestant split – Protestant Reformation
Divide and conquer policy
500th year
1717Founding of the first Freemasonic Grand Lodge
Premier Grand Lodge of England
300th year
1917Birth of Christian Zionism1Scofield Reference Bible 100th year
1917United States being deceived into World War I 100th year
1917Bolshevik October Revolution 100th year
1917Balfour Declaration 100th year
1967Attack of USS Liberty 50th year
1967Zionist seizure of Jerusalem 50th year
2017xxx 50th year
Source: ► Article by James Perloff, US American alternative researcher, journalist, author,
To 9/11 and Beyond: The Rothschild-Israeli Obsession with Nuclear Weapons, November 2016


  • No lobby has managed to divert U.S. foreign policy as far from what the American national interest would otherwise suggest, while simultaneously convincing Americans that U.S. and Israeli interests are essentially identical. In its basic operations, it is no different from interest groups like the Farm Lobby, steel and textile workers, and other ethnic lobbies. What sets the Israel Lobby apart is its extraordinary effectiveness. [The Israel Lobby has] significant leverage over the Executive branch [as well as the ability to make sure that the] Lobby's perspective on Israel is widely reflected in the mainstream media. John Mearsheimer, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of political science, University of Chicago, Stephen Walt, Ph.D. (*1955) US American professor of international relations, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 27. August 2007


  • Let's dump this silly term [anti-semitism] and replace it by a simple and straightforward one: judeophobia. Just like
    any other phobia (say, for example, russophobia) the phobia of X is the 1) fear and/or hatred of X. Some people hate
    Jews, others fear them (think of the "fear of the Jews" in the Scripture), some do both.
    Judeophobia has its roots in the demonic teachings of the sect of the Pharisees whose religiously-sanctio-
    ned racism
    has, unfortunately, permeated the worldview of many secular Jews. […] The root causes of antisemitism
    are to be found […] in the teachings of Pharisaic Talmudism.
    [It] is a misnomer, if by "Judaism" you refer the faith of the Old Testament, the faith of the Ancient Israel, the "God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our forefathers." Modern "Judaism" which was created well after the destruc-
    tion of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70AD. Modern "Judaism" ought be to called "Pharisaic Talmudism" and its true crea-
    tors are Shimon bar Yochia, Maimonides, Joseph Karo and Isaac Luria. The reason why this religion ought to be refer-
    red to as Pharisaic Talmudism is modern Judaism is the continuation of the sect of the Pharisees (the only Jewish sect
    which survived the destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple – all modern forms of "Judaism" trace their roots to the
    Pharisees) and that it's main source of authority is the Talmud, a collection of writings based on the ideas of the sect
    of the Pharisees and complied from the beginning of the 2nd century. To separate them from non-religious Jews, some
    authors have offered the term "Judaic" to describe a person adhering to this faith.
    While many modern Jews are non-religious and really members of a self-described Jewish tribe, there is no such thing
    in history as a "Jewish culture" distinct from Pharisaic Talmudism. National categories are recent creations from the
    18th and 19th centuries. For most of history people defined them in reference to 1) their place of residence or birth
    2) their religious affiliation and 3) the identity of the ruler they were subjects of.
    According to Pharisaic Talmudists, all Christians deserve to be killed for the sin of idolatry [Avoda Zara].
    Jews are not a race or ethnicity, they are a tribe. Article A Crash Course on the True Causes of "Anti-Semitism", pre-
    sented by The Saker, reissued by the news outlet The Unz Review, 28. September 2017


  • Zionism can be seen as a strange twist on the Spanish philosopher George Santayana's warning that "those who
    cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." The Zionists certainly remember the persecutions suffered
    by European Jews. But they forget that this mistreatment was most often organized by racist states that sought to
    ethnically cleanse the Jews. […]
    Having forgotten about this state-based aspect of their own past, the Zionist state now commits this same offense
    against the Palestinians. It also needs the rest of us to forget the sins of past racism if it is to carry on its effort to
    ethnically cleanse the Palestinians. Our response should be to embrace the motto, "Never Again!" It is time to di-
    rect this demand to the shameful behavior of Israel and the Zionists. Article The Dark Inevitability of Zionism, pre-
    sented by the news outlet Consortium News, Lawrence Davidson, 26. November 2017


  • The infamous Kabbalist Sabbatai Zevi announced in Smyrna in 1666 that he was the Messiah. Over a million Jews worldwide became his followers. Sabbatai Zevi preached the satanic doctrine, "Praised be He who permits the for-
    Not everyone who studies Kabbalah becomes a Satanist. But, Kabbalah is a prerequisite for ALL Luciferian prac-
    Freemasonry rides on Kabbalah, the 19th century "Pope of Freemasonry" Albert Pike said, "The masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the higher degrees, maintained in the Purity of the Luciferian doctrine. If
    Lucifer were not God, would Adonay and his priests calumniate him?"

    Article by Richard Evans The Kabbalah is a Hoax, presented by the website henrymakow.com, 5. September 2010



  • Israel is doing everything it can to destroy the Middle East including Syria.
    • It has stolen the Golan Heights from Syria, which have oil under them.
    • It has stolen water from Jordan for the last 30 or 40 years. […]
People need to understand that the Zionist policy is not the policy of the people of Israel, nor is it the policy of the people
of the United States of America. […] There are a lot of lies in Israel's history [invention of the land of Israel, invention of
the Jewish religion], to include the fact that Israel was not there before Palestine. Video interview with Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Robert David Steele on Zionism, the Middle East and Central Banks, presented
by PanOrient News TV, host YouTube film, minutes 1:24, 7:24, and 8:11, 28:47 minutes duration, posted 7. April 2018

⚡ Quotes on 9-11 political Zionism – Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author,
Solving 9-11. The Deception That Changed the World, PDF, 265 pages, 12. April 2012



9/11 attacks linked to Zionism

Christopher Bollyn's thesis

9-11 is a false-flag terror crime committed by Israelis and high-level Zionist
    agents in the United States and Britain.
⚑ Senior officers from Israeli military intelligence agencies were the chief architects of 9/11.
⚑ The terror plot to destroy the World Trade Center had been planned for more than 20 years and was being dis-
    cussed by senior Israeli intelligence figures in 1980.
⚑ The false flag terror plan for 9/11 required having high-level Zionist agents connected to the Mossad occupying
    positions from which they could directly control the cover up.
⚑ Agents of Israeli military intelligence or people devoted to the Zionist cause occupied every key position in the
    9/11 cover-up.2
⚑ The Twin Towers were demolished with a extremely powerful explosive called super-thermite.


Personal background

  • I had also studied the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and seen how the U.S. government and military had covered
    up the truth of the Israeli military attack on the unarmed Navy vessel off the coast of Egypt in 1967. With this back-
    ground I approached the events of 9-11. Well aware of the history of false-flag terror, the overwhelming Zionist influ-
    ence in government and media, and dishonest official investigations into recent mass disasters, I was a natural
    skeptic from the start. Chapter I "9-11 Through the Eyes of an American Skeptic"



"War on terror" strategy

  • I cannot abide mass murder, occupation, and genocidal wars of aggression. Nor can I accept the corruption of our values and destruction of our basic American rights to suit an artificially imposed "War on Terror". With the passage of time, it has become quite clear that 9-11 was carried out in order to kick-start the perverse Zionist Zeitgeist known as the glo-
    bal "War on Terror" with its pre-planned wars of aggression, conquest, and occupation. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


Future outlook


9/11 attacks linked to Zionism

  • 9-11 will never be solved by the federal government, politically appointed investi-
    gators, law enforcement agencies, or the corrupt courts. These controlled agen-
    cies, like the Zionist-controlled media, are only interested in controlling the infor-
    mation and preventing the real truth from being revealed. This crime will only be solved by concerned and dedicated independent researchers. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"



Distorted discourse on Zionist violent nationalism

Insider knowledge that comes with a price

  • After spending several years in Europe, Israel, and the Middle East, I returned to the United States in the late 1970s and found the discourse in the media about Zionism to be extremely one-sided and distorted. Zionism, a racist ideology if ever there was one, was grossly mis-
    represented in the U.S. mass media as being a progressive and democratic movement of national liberation, while
    the state of Israel was depicted as being a kosher slice of America in the Middle East. It was very clear that the peo-
    ple providing the distorted view of the Middle East were themselves Jews devoted to a very un-American political
    and racial agenda called Zionism, the violent and chauvinistic nationalism of Eastern European Jews who have
    occupied Palestine since 1948.3 Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"


  • As an independent journalist and researcher of 9/11, I have seen how Zionist-controlled media outlets are actively engaged in covering up the evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag attacks of 9/11 and the Zionist-planned
    "War on Terror."
    I have personally been subjected to slander and defamation from a host of Zionist-controlled news
    outlets, including CNN and FOX News, simply because I have investigated and written about the evidence of
    Israeli involvement in 9/11. Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"



Harrassment and silencing attempts by ADL

  • I have paid a very high price for investigating and writing about the evidence that contradicts the government's version of what happened on 9/11. The first attack came from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) in November 2001. The ADL, an organization of Jewish Freemasonry dedicated to supporting Zionist and Israeli interests, first smeared
    the American Free Press, the newspaper I wrote for, as a "conspiratorial and anti-Semitic weekly newspaper,"
    which it said had "repeatedly turned to the subject of the 9/11 attacks as grist for its mill."
    The ADL then singled me out for my article, "Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded Inside WTC" in which, the ADL said, "Bollyn suggests that the 'mainstream media' is ignoring eyewitness accounts of bombs that exploded inside
    the World Trade Center before the collapse of the Twin Towers." Chapter VIII "The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up"



9-11 Journalism: Complicity or career suicide

  • Having spent several years in Israel and the Middle East and having studied the history of Zionism (i.e. Jewish nationalism), I know something about the many crimes committed by Zionists during the past century. From this perspective I approach the evidence of Israeli and Zionist involvement in the major crimes of our time, such as 9/11. My investi-
    gations have uncovered a great deal of evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and
    other crimes.
    For journalists working in the controlled media, pursuing such investigations would be "career suicide," as many lear-
    ned after 9/11. I have paid a very high price for my research and writing. I learned that Jewish Zionists control even
    small so-called nationalist newspapers. Most journalists, lawyers, and politicians are primarily interested in advan-
    cing their own careers and learn early on to accept the yoke of their Zionist masters – or sacrifice their careers.
    Chapter IX "Who Really Controls Our Political Parties?"



Concerted cover-up by corporate Zionist mass media

  • The so-called "mainstream media," outlets such as the The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, CNN, and FOX News, however, will never investigate the connections of the Zionist corporate network with 9/11 or the financial crisis because they are part of the same network. This is how the Zionist-controlled media works:
    they shield Zionist crooks by blaming others. This is also why CNN and FOX sought to smear me as an anti-Semite
    rather than discuss the evidence of 9/11.
    The situation with the Zionist bankers and corrupt Israeli banks like Israel Discount Bank of New York is exactly like
    that depicted in The International, the [2009] film about a corrupt bank which profits from Middle East weapons deals and war debt. As the Italian weapons dealer turned politician said: "It's not about the profits from the weapon deals;
    it's about control." Debt is the banker's instrument of control.
    It is a fairly daunting undertaking for an independent journalist to investigate the sprawling criminal network behind
    such huge crimes. Apart from the very real dangers it presents, it requires a great deal of research. I have paid
    a very high price for my 9/11 research and activism
    and seen the lives and careers of fellow truth seekers de-
    stroyed because they dared to challenge the audacious lies imposed on the public mind.
    Chapter XII "The Nexus Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis"

Building a monument to a falsehood

  • The plan to build a mosque at Ground Zero is a sophisticated propaganda ploy by the Rothschild/Zionist-controlled U.S. government and media, designed to underline and cement in the public mind the blatant falsehood that Muslims were responsible for the terror attacks of 9-11. This project is founded on the false premise of Muslim guilt and is meant to create a permanent monument to the falsehood that 9-11 was carried out by Islamic terrorists. The people behind this project are the high-level Rothschild agents involved in the Zionist false-flag terrorism and cover-up of 9-11, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, whose sprawling media empire has pushed the
    lies about 9-11and the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author, 4. September 2010


Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author,
Solving 9-11. The Deception That Changed the World, PDF, 265 pages, 12. April 2012


New York City fire fighter looking up at what remained of the
World Trade Center after its collapse during the September 11
terrorist attack, 13. September 2001
  • The FBI [...] under the command of the Israeli dual-national Michael Chertoff, is responsible for the confiscation of the crucial evidence from 9-11, evidence which has been withheld
    to this day. This evidence includes video tapes of the Pentagon attack and physical pieces from the different aircraft involved.
    This evidence is critical to prove what happened and which air-
    craft were involved in the attacks – but the FBI has refused to release this evidence. Neither President George W. Bush nor the U.S. Congress demanded that they do so. Under President Barack Obama the 9/11 cover up and the war in Afghanistan continued. The destruction and suppression of crucial evidence from 9-11 and the lack of a real investigation indicate that a cul-
    ture of corruption and lack of transparency exist at all levels of government.
    Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


  • 9-11 was a very sophisticated operation [...] which required the "fixed frame" of a state intelligence organization. It was carefully planned years in advance and carried out for one strategic pur-
    pose: to kick-start the Zionist-planned "War on Terror."
    The rabid Zionist Neo-Cons who dominated the Bush administra-
    tion pushed the "War on Terror" with its criminal wars of aggres-
    sion, occupation, and Balkanization in the Middle East as the stra-
    tegic response to 9-11. Likewise, the Zionist media moguls, who dominate the U.S. mass media, promoted the "War on Terror" as the suitable and proper response to the terror atrocity, a crime of mass murder which they refused to investigate.
    An Israeli official named Oded Yinon revealed the Zionist strategy to Balkanize the entire Middle East into ethnic mini-states in the
    early 1980s. The plan for a global "War on Terror" to accomplish this goal has been articulated since the mid-1980s
    ad nauseam by Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister of the extreme right-wing Likud party. The Israeli
    military's plans to realize these strategic goals had evidently been in the works for at least three decades before
    9/11. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


  • Dedicated Zionists will either deny or defend these acts of Israeli false flag terrorism as the "pragmatic" thing to do – and attack those who disagree as anti-Semitic. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


  • The highest Israeli intelligence official at the time of the Lavon Affair, Isser Harel, was evidently aware of the long-term planning of 9-11 – more than twenty years before it happened. In 1980, twenty-one years before September 11, 2001, Isser Harel, the former director of Haganah intelligence, the Shin Bet (internal) and the Mossad (foreign) intel-
    ligence services, predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 9-11 to Michael D. Evans, an American supporter
    of Zionist extremists of the Jabotinsky sort.4 Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"


  • The extent of Zionist control over the U.S. mass media, including the Internet, is astounding. The mass media has effectively prevented most Americans from understanding who is really behind the false flag terror attacks of 9-11,
    and, by extension, the illegal and genocidal wars in Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq. The controlled me-
    has also left Americans with an extremely distorted view of the Middle East, Zionism, and the history of the Zio-
    nist state, Israel. Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"



Zionists involved in 9-11 attacks

  • While the evidence indicates that the Israelis had prior knowledge of 9-11, commonly-held misconceptions about Israel and a general lack of understanding of Zionism's brutal history of terrorism prevent most people from comprehending the Israeli connection. An ignorance of Zionist history, cultivated by the controlled media, prevents people from under-
    standing reality in the Middle East. It is essential to have a grasp of the history of previous Israeli attacks on the
    United States to understand 9/11. Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"


Tribute in two beams of light representing the former
Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, 2004 memorial
  • Netanyahu is the son of Ben Zion Netanyahu (born Mileikowsky in Warsaw, Poland). Ben Zion was the former senior aide of Vla-
    dimir "Ze'ev" Jabotinsky, the militant extremist founder of Revisi-
    onist Zionism and the Irgun. His son, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is also a leading advocate of the teachings of Jabotinsky. On July 8, 2007, Netanyahu was the keynote speaker at an event at the Jabotinsky Institute to mark the 67th anniversary of the death of the founder of the Irgun.
    The Irgun, a Zionist terrorist organization dedicated to creating Greater Israel, is the political parent of Israel's extreme right-wing Likud party, which Benjamin Netanyahu currently heads. The Irgun was the "armed expression" of Revisionist Zionism, which was expressed by Jabotinsky as follows, according to Howard M. Sachar (1928-2018), author of A History of Israel. From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time:
    1. Every Jew has the right to enter Palestine;
    2. Only active retaliation [i.e. terrorism] would deter the Arabs and the British;
    3. Only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state.
Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"


  • Zionists and Israelis have long employed terrorism as a tool and a tactic. Senior officials of the Israeli government, the Mossad, and AMAN (Israeli military intelligence) have long histories of using terror as a tool. Zionist immigrants from Poland and Russia used terrorism to drive the native Palestinians from their land, homes, and villages during the war
    of 1947-1948. Some 400 Palestinian villages and towns were obliterated and their populations killed or sent into exile
    as refugees. Many of the Palestinian houses and villages were taken over by Jewish immigrants; others were razed to
    the ground. Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"



Planned "war OF terror"

  • The ultimate goal of creating U.S. animosity toward the Arab world is the Zionist mega-fraud known as the "War on Terror." With its U.S.-led invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the "War on Terror" is the realization of an important strategic goal for Israeli military planners.
    To have the armies of the U.S. and European nations occupying Iraq, the most powerful and advanced Arab nation,
    has always been the dream of Zionist strategic planners. Benjamin Netanyahu, for example, has explicitly called
    for such a global "War on Terror" since the early 1980s. Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False
    Flag Terrorism"



Historic illiteracy of US citizens

  • So many Americans know so little about the Middle East. The most obvious symp-
    tom of this television-induced ignorance is that most Americans know nothing
    about the real history of Zionism and the State of Israel. They are completely un-
    aware, for example, of the long history of Zionist terrorism against Palestinians, Americans, Jews, and even Israelis. Raised on Hollywood television and movies, many Americans don't have the slightest clue about the real nature of Zionism. Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City
View of the World Trade Center and the Statue of Liberty
  • Apart from [the 1983 spy novel] The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carré (1931-2020), I have never seen a film in which Israelis were anything but heroes or victims, usually both. The Little Drummer Girl, which is a film worth watching, shows how false-flag terror attacks are frequently committed by Israeli intel-
    ligence agents to be blamed on their enemies. Such false-flag
    Zionist terror attacks were carried out against synagogues in Europe in the movie, and in Baghdad in real life during the late 1940s.
    In the usual Hollywood films about terrorists, such as the Die Hard films and others produced by Zionist media moguls, the bad guys are always Arabs, Germans, or corrupt members of the U.S. mili-
    tary. For many decades the Zionists who control Hollywood have defined who the "bad guys" are for most Americans.
    Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


  • The B'nai B'rith is a secretive, but extremely powerful and influential order of Freemasonry. It is, for example, the parent organization of the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (ADL), which has a great deal of influence
    with legislators and law enforcement agencies across America. It is also the parent of Hillel, an organization for Je-
    wish students found on virtually every college campus in the United States. The New York Times can be called a
    B'nai B'rith newspaper due to its ownership by the Sulzberger family, one of the leading families of B'nai B'rith Lodge
    No. 1 in New York City. Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


  • More than 4,500 American men and women have died during the occupation stage of the nearly two-decade-long war against Iraq. The U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, an illegal war of aggression, is clearly a Zionist-planned war in which Americans and other mercenaries actually do the fighting – and dying. Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


  • If Olmert's visit to New York City [on September 10, 2001] was innocent and only involved the transfer of an Israeli soccer club, why has it been kept so secret? Why did Rudy Giuliani and the New York Police Department conspire
    to keep it secret? It is impossible that the authorities in New York did not know that Ehud Olmert, Israel's deputy
    prime minister at the time, was in their city. Mayor Olmert's visit was certainly no secret to the city or federal autho-
    rities – or high-level Zionists of New York City.
    Why has the controlled media kept it secret? Olmert, who was raised in the Betar militia in a founding family of the
    Irgun (the Zionist terror group of the 1930s and 40s which later became the Likud party), became the prime minister
    of Israel after Ariel Sharon fell (or was thrown) into a coma. Chapter VI A "The Florida Connection"


  • As in the Soviet Union, Jewish criminals in America used the "holocaust" and the slanderous charge of anti-Semitism as a shield to protect their criminal network and extortion rackets by intimidating and silencing those who would dare
    to expose the monstrous crimes they were involved in. A secret "combination" or Zionist network was clearly at work pulling the strings at the highest level behind the scenes.
    Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"



9/11: a sophisticated false flag operation

  • Andreas von Bülow (*1937), the former head of the parliamentary commission that oversaw the German intelligence agencies, told me that a sophisticated false-flag operation like 9/11 has an organizational structure with three basic levels: architectural, operational, and working. Atta and the nineteen Arabs blamed as the "hijackers" of 9/11 were part
    of the working level, von Bülow said, and were simply part of the deception. That is, after all, how false-flag terror
    works. Von Bülow said that he believed that the Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, was behind the terror
    attacks of 9/11. These attacks, he said, were designed to turn public opinion against the Arabs, and to boost mili-
    tary and security spending. Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"


  • There is evidence of an Israeli military intelligence matrix connecting every key player and entity behind 9/11.
    At the most crucial position in U.S. law enforcement, for example, where executive decisions were made concerning
    the federal non-investigation, sat Michael Chertoff, an Israeli whose mother was one of the first agents of Israeli in-
    telligence. Having the devoted Zionist Michael Chertoff in the key position as Assistant Attorney General controlling
    the criminal division of the Department of Justice gave the Israelis the operational security to carry out this massive
    crime without fear of exposure or prosecution. It should be noted that Chertoff also played a key role in the prosecu-
    tion of the 1993 false-flag terror bombing at the World Trade Center.
    Likewise, two federal judges, Alvin K. Hellerstein and Michael B. Mukasey, both dedicated Zionists, have over-
    seen virtually all the litigation from the massive death and destruction of 9/11 as well as the 1993 false-flag incident
    at the WTC. Small wonder there has yet to be a single trial for any of the ninety-six families who chose to seek justice
    through the courts rather than accept the government pay-out for the loss of their loved ones.
    Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"


  • My discovery in 2005 that the Ptech software company from Quincy, Massachusetts, was actually a disguised Is-
    raeli intelligence operation is key to understanding the role of Israeli military intelligence in the crimes of 9/11. This
    is a discovery that has helped reveal other key people in the Israeli network behind the crime. Michael Goff was
    the key person at Ptech when it was founded in 1994. Goff, a young Zionist lawyer from Worcester, Massachusetts,
    subsequently worked for Guardium, an Israeli software company tied to military intelligence. This is the crucial con-
    nection that has helped expose the larger Israeli military intelligence network working behind the 9/11 scene. […]
    Goff [...] was Ptech's original marketing director, and that he was the person responsible for "procuring" software
    for Ptech should have demolished the Arab myth. My revelation that Goff was working for Guardium, a software
    company run by Israeli military intelligence officers, was ignored by the "whistle blowers" who had pushed the Arab
    myth, as well as by supposedly non-partisan investigators of 9/11. The Ptech-Guardium connection through Michael
    Goff, however, is a key link to the terror structure behind 9/11. Ptech enterprise software, which has spy, surveillan-
    ce, and intervention capabilities, […] was running on nearly all of U.S. government computer networks at the time
    of 9/11. Goff, who had procured all software for the "Arab-owned" Ptech and who had been responsible for marke-
    ting Ptech's enterprise software, went on to work for Guardium, a company that is a branch of the research and
    development department of the Israeli Air Force.
    Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"



Three fundamental Zionist deceptions related to 9/11

  • Many Americans willingly accept the extremely one-sided and abusive relationship with Israel because they have internalized
    three fundamental Zionist deceptions, which have been forced into their brains by the controlled mass media.
    1. The first deception is the religious hoax [successfully foisted onto millions of extremely naïve and gullible Christians, often
      referred to as Christian Zionists] that equates the modern state of Israel with the Israel of the Bible. This
      religious fraud elevates modern-day Israelis, regardless of their actual ethnicity, to being the rightful heirs
      of the Promised Land.
    2. The second fundamental Zionist deception [only shared by those who believe in Jewish racism and
      supremacism – the central pillar of the Zionist world] is that Israel is a "sister democracy" of the United
      States and that Israelis and Americans share the same "democratic" values.
    3. The third Zionist deception is that nineteen Arab Muslims under the leadership of Khalid Sheikh
      Mohammed and Osama Bin Laden were behind the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center and the
      Pentagon. This deception has been used to usher in the Zionist-planned "War on Terror," which has
      brought U.S. and European troops into an extensive long-term Middle Eastern war. […]
The first deception, the religious hoax of the Zionist state's connection to the biblical Israel, is doctrine to television
evangelists like Pat Robertson and his Christian Coalition, while the second and third have become "conventional
wisdom" for the U.S. news and entertainment media. Because millions of Americans have accepted and internali-
zed these Zionist-created falsehoods, they are unable to understand the actual realities of the Middle East or the
massive fraud of the "War on Terror." Chapter VIII "The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up"


  • If the [US] government had real evidence that would conclusively prove its case for waging war, why has it not pre-
    sented the evidence in a federal court after 10 years? The only logical explanation for this failure is that the govern-
    ment does not have any solid evidence to support its allegations. Vice President Dick Cheney admitted as much
    in an interview with Tony Snow on 29 March 2006: "We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow
    Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming."

    It has been argued that Cheney made a slip of the tongue, but it is a fact that not a single piece of evidence
    linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11 has ever been presented.
    Although there were clearly a number of serious problems with the explanation that Al Qaida was behind the attacks,
    such as the unexplained explosive demolitions of the three towers at the World Trade Center, these issues were
    never discussed in the mainstream media. By ignoring the many unanswered questions about 9/11 the masters of
    the controlled media sought to marginalize those who pointed out the glaring problems with the "politically correct"
    explanation that blamed Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida. Chapter XV "The Destruction of the Evidence"


  • The discovery of fragments of unexploded super thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center by Dr. Steven E. Jones […] explains both the pulverization of the concrete floors and the abundance of molten iron droplets in the dust. Conventional thermite cutter charges were apparently also used to slice the massive core columns that held up the towers. Numerous eyewitnesses, including a reporter from the BBC, reported powerful explosions at the base of
    the towers long before the collapses occurred. None of this evidence of explosions, even from reporters on the scene,
    has been taken into account by the government or the controlled media. Chapter XV "The Destruction of the Evidence"


Reference: ► Video presentation by Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author, "Solving 9-11 Ends the War", sponsored by Richard Gage, AIA of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Northwest Grassroots,
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 7. March 2016, YouTube film, 1:45:42 duration, posted 29. March 2016
See also: ► 11. September 2001

State of Israel along with United States' policy devastating Palestinians and the world

The state of Israel was founded out of terrorism on May 15th, 1948 on much of the land that was Palestine. About
80% of the Palestinians became refugees fleeing to the West Bank, Gaza and surrounding countries. The rest stayed be-
hind, where they lived under military rule without rights until they were given Israelian citizenship in 1967. That year, Israel
occupied the rest of historic Palestine during the Six Day War taking over the West Bank and Gaza from Jordan and


In 2016 there are about 12 million of Palestinians worldwide.

  • About 1 million Palestinians have Israeli passports but they complain as being treated as second class citizens.
  • Close to 5 million live under occupation or siege in the West Bank and Gaza where they have no political repre-
  • About 6 million Palestinians are spread around the world, many of whom still in refugee camps having never been allowed to return.


While Israelis celebrate May 15th as their Independence Day Palestinians call it the Nakba – the Arabic word for Cata-


Personal avowal

  • I believe that Donald Trump, in order to protect himself from being driven to war by the neo-conservatives that are in
    the pocket of Israel, I believe he needs to close all 1,000 of our military bases oversees. As long as our army is statio-
    ned oversees, it belongs to someone else not us. […] The reason we have a thousand (military) bases all over the world
    is not to project military power, it's to give the CIA lily pads through which it can smuggle gold, guns, drugs, cash, and
    small children. We have to close those thousand military bases, bring our army home and we need to spend as Colo-
    nel Doctor Doug MacGregor has written in his wonderful book, Margin of Victory, "we have to spend the next 10 years
    building a military that can actually win wars." Video interview with Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, for-
    mer Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence
    (OSINT), The Deep State, episode 639, presented by the US American radio station Fade to Black, host Jimmy Church, YouTube film, minute 1:39:53, 2:58:49 duration, aired 10. April 2017, posted 11. April 2017


  • U.S. political orthodoxy has not only funded, fueled, and protected [the Jewish] apartheid state, but has attemp-
    ted to render illegitimate all forms of resistance to it.
    Just as it did with the African National Congress and Nelson
    , the U.S. denounces as "terrorism" all groups and individuals that use force against Israel’s occupying armies.
    It has formally maligned non-violent programs against the occupation – such as the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement – as bigotry and anti-Semitism (a position [Hillary] Clinton has advocated with particular vehemence), and that boycott movement has been increasingly targeted throughout the West with censorship and even criminalization. Under U.S. political orthodoxy, the only acceptable course for Palestinians and supporters of their right to be free of occupation is complete submission. […] The most aggressive and consistent enablers of this Israel apartheid state
    are found at the top of the U.S. political class.
    Article U.S. Admits Israel Is Building Permanent Apartheid Regime – Weeks After Giving It $38 Billion, presented by The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald (*1967) US American lawyer, investigative journalist, columnist, author, 6. October 2016


  • Quite frankly, Israel didn't teach Hamas a harsh enough lesson last year. True to form, Obama was too hard on our
    democratic ally, and too soft on our Islamofascist foe. As president, I will give the Jewish state all the necessary military,
    diplomatic, economic and moral support it needs to truly vanquish Hamas – and if that means killing 200,000 Gazans,
    then so be it
    . [...] I will [not] flinch even one iota in allowing Israel to obliterate every last school-cum-rocket launching
    pad in Gaza. Those who allow their children to be used as human shields for terrorists deserve to see them buried un-
    der one-ton bombs.
    Suppressed letter by Hillary Clinton (*1947) 67th United States Secretary of State under president Barack Obama, US senator for New York (2001-2009), wife of the 42nd US president Bill Clinton to one of her major Jewish donors, cited
    in: Article Hillary's Secret Letter and the Whole Matter of Endless War and the Almost Complete Corruption of America's Government, presented by the Readers' Supported News, John W. Chuckman, 29. February 2016


  • We cannot understand Israel's ongoing genocide against the Palestinians without looking at its ideological roots and justification in the Jewish religion. To talk about the discriminatory and supremacist teachings at the core of Judaic tea-
    ching does not mean that all individuals who identify as Jewish are as equally influenced by such doctrine. Discourse
    about the justification of violence in the context of other religions such as Buddhism, Christianity and Islam has taken
    place without any problem for many years now, so why not full academic recognition of a critical discourse on questions
    related to Jewish identity, Jewish thinking and Jewish power as well? Any scholar of integrity will understand that not
    only is a discourse on Critical Jewish Studies not anti-Semitism, any attempt to silence such an urgently needed dis-
    course on such grounds would be a violation of principles of free intellectual inquiry that any true academic should
    seek to defend, as well as of our right to freedom of speech.
    Article by John Carville, Serious question: What is Zionism?, presented by the blogspot run by Gilad Atzmon (*1963) Israelean-
    British jazz saxophonist, political activist, novelist, writer, 1. April 2019


Reference: ► en.Wikipedia entry Jewish state

Sephirot in the Jewish Kaballah

Ten Sefirot arranged in three columns,
with 22 paths of connection of three types

Ten Sefirot as process of Creation


The medieval Lurianic cosmology of Jewish mysticism of the 16th century presents the ten sefirot as principles, emanating like cascades from the Creator into the Four Worlds. The purpose of these ways to reveal the Divine will is to create the universe. Transformation as in evolution is not directly issued by God but by the ability/grace of man to become aware of God.


The ten Sephirot and the indwelling Shechinah Presence are related to the energy of the Divine Male and Female, represented in the union of Jewish marriage.
The metaphor for Divine interrelationships on High represented by the 10 Sephirots (ex-
pressed as 11 principles) and the 22 connective channels resulting in "32 Paths of Wisdom" is imprinted in man's soul. The task of Adam-Man is to eventually embody all harmonised forces which is to perform Yichud-"Union" of Male and Female Divinity on High and to re-
deem exiled Sparks of Holiness of the Shechinah from material Kelipot.


1.Keter including Daat(*)Supernatural crown,
representing above-conscious will
Conscious and unconscious dimensions of ONE principle
2.ChochmahHighest potential of thought 
3.BinahUnderstanding of the potential 
4.Daat(*)Intellect of knowledgeUnconscious dimension of the ONE principle
5.ChesedLoving-kindnessAlso known as Gedolah-greatness
6.GevurahSeverity/strengthAlso known as Din-justice or Pachad-fear
7.RachamimMercyAlso known as Tiphereth
References: ► en.Wikipedia entries Sephirot and ► Jewish Kaballah
See also: ► Step models

⚡ Problematic quotes in the Talmud and the Quabbalah

Facts of the caseSource
Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice to God. Zohar (II, 43a)
A Jew shedding the blood of a Christian is offering a sacrifice to God. Alkut Simoni (245c)
A Jew who kills a Christian commits no sin, but offers an acceptable sacrifice to God. Abhodah Zarah (26b, Tosephoth)
How do we fight against our enemies: We do so by deception. Zohar (I, 160a)
A Jew may lie and perjure himself to condemn a Christian. Babha Kama (113a)
It is permitted for a Jew to deceive Christians. Babha Kama (113b)
When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing. Kethuboth (11a-11b)
A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. Sanhedrin (54b)

Evolutionary cycles in the Judeo-Christian history – Carl Johan Calleman

Development of the Judeo-Christian religion of humanity
DayProgressionDurationBaktun / Aztek Deity / StageInitiatory eventHistorical date
1 Sowing3115-2721 BC1. Stage – The god of Fire and TimeWorship of Anu (Sumeria) 
2 Germination2326-1932·BC3. Stage – The goddess of WaterAbraham's move from Ur to Israel~ 2300 BC
3 Sprouting1538-1144 BC5. Stage – The goddess of Love and ChildbirthMoses – 18th Dynasty~ 1400 BC
4 Proliferation749-355 BC7. Stage – The god of FlowersIsaiah748 BC
5 Budding40-434 AD9. Stage – The lord of the LightJesus / Saul/Paul of Tarsus
/ Constantine
30-50 AD
6 Flowering829-1223 AD11. Stage – The goddess of BirthExpansion of Christianity, Crusades 
7 Fruition1617-2011 AD13. Stage – The dual Creator godEstablishment of Protestantism
The Pilgrims
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author,
Development of the Judeo-Christian religion of humanity, ~2000
See also: ► 2012 and ► Step models

Index: Judentum / Judaism – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke


Links zum Thema Judentum / Judaism


  • Martin Buber [BW 530] (1878-1965) österreichisch-jüdischer Religionsforscher und -philosoph, Pädagoge, Übersetzer, Die Erzählungen der Chassidim, Zürich, 1949
  • * Erich Kern (1906-1991) österreichischer nationalsozialistischer Funktionär, Publizist, Die Tragödie der Juden. Schicksal zwischen Propaganda und Wahrheit, K. W. Schütz Preussisch Oldendorf, 1. Januar 1979
  • Friedrich Weinreb (1910-1988) österreichisch-ungarischer jüdisch-chassidischer Erzähler, Schriftsteller, Vom Geheimnis der mystischen Rose, Weinreb-Stiftung, München, 1983
  • Walter N. Sanning, Die Auflösung des osteuropäischen Judentums, Grabert, Tübingen, Taschenbuch 1983 (Vergriffen)

Aus amtlichen Statistiken und jüdischen Quellen werden die Bevölkerungszahlen der Juden in Europa während der letzten 50 Jahre analysiert. Die hochinteressanten Ergebnisse verlangen, dass manche bisherigen Ansichten geändert werden. So ergaben sich die größten jüdischen Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Roten Armee und in den sibirischen Arbeitslagern, in welche die Sowjets die meisten Juden kurz vor der deutschen Erobe-
rung des westlichen Rußlands deportiert hatten. 1945 standen den 16 Millionen Vorkriegsjuden 14,7 Millionen Überlebende gegenüber, von denen allerdings Millionen aus Ost- und Mitteleuropa nach Westen und Israel ausgewandert oder geflohen waren. Die bis zur Gegenwart fortgesetzte Analyse beweist die gewaltige Westbewegung des früher zahlenmäßig überwiegend in Osteuropa beheimateten Judentums. Die sachlich begrün-
deten und überall mit Quellen exakt belegten Darlegungen bringen wissenschaftliche Klarheit in ein oftmals noch durch Emotionen oder Propaganda belastetes Kapitel europäischer und deutscher Geschichte und sollten nach dem Wunsch des Verfassers weitere Detailanalysen nach sich ziehen.

Das Judentum ist eine religiöse, keine ethnische Gemeinschaft. Wenn überhaupt, sind eher die Palästinenser als die aus Europa eingewanderten Juden ethnische Nachkommen der biblischen Israeliten.

Delegitimierung des Zionismus. Der andauernde Kampf der Palästinenser gegen den zionistischen Siedlerkolonialismus führt zu einer fort-
schreitenden Erosion des Zionismus.

Literature (engl.)

  • Zohar, including links to online Aramaic texts of each volume of The Zohar, Pritzker edition

Menuhin was vilified as a "self-hating Jew", a pejorative to describe anti-Zionist Jews. Original publisher Exposition Press refused to promote the
first edition or print a second one, in spite of high demand post the six-day war in 1967.

  • New retitled edition Not by Might, nor by Power. The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism, Forbidden Bookshelf, Ebook, 2017

Zionism as an un-Jewish aberration cannot be transformed in a friendlier system of oppression, it needs to be abdicated.

Book review A Jewish atonement for Zionism, Yoav Litvin, 29. September 2017

Novelized biography of Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who led a Satanic heresy against orthodox Judaism. Frank claimed to be the Messiah and reincarnation of another Satanic impostor, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676). The German nazis along with the "sexual liberation" were created by Sabbatean-Frankists (namely the Rothschilds). Their aim was to destroy the social order (nation, family, race, religion, property) and turn Torah morality on its head. What had been prohibited would be allowed: adultery, incest, pedophilia. Inspired by the Cabala, they practiced "holiness through sin." Good would come through the annihilation of Western civilization and the triumph of Evil. Sabbatean-Frankist "Jews" hate/d Torah
Jews and constantly plot/ted to destroy them. This Satanic movement gave birth to the Illuminati, Communism and the NWO.
Foreword by Elie Wiesel, S. 13: "[Plaut] offers an interpretation of another personage [i.e. Hitler] who on a different level allied himself with the
Evil one to destroy our people." See reference by Henry Makov, Ph.D.

  • Kevin B. MacDonald, Ph.D. kevinmacdonald.net (*1944) US American professor of psychology, biobehavioural scientist, California State University-Long Beach, author, A People That Shall Dwell Alone, 1994 · Separation and Its Discontents, 1998 ·
    The Culture of Critique, 1998

Jewish guru syndrome · proposition: Judaism is a group evolutionary strategy to enhance the ability of Jews to out-compete non-Jews for resources.

Exploding the myth that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hands of the Romans; most modern Jews descended from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe.

Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen’s connection to MKUltra mind control program, Satanic impostor, Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676),
and Nathan of Gaza

Externe Weblinks

Christliche Theokratien in Europa (1050-1650) betrachteten den Judaismus als satanischen Kult und Juden als Mittelspersonen des Teufels.

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit Rabbi David Edelman, Und Gott sagte: "Die Welt ist gut", präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Er-
    leuchtung? (WIE)", Amy Edelstein, Heft 5, ~2000
  • Artikel Eine Volksrevolution der Erleuchtung: die Kabbala. Eine alte Geheimlehre kommt im Kabbalah Centre ganz groß raus, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Maura R. O'Connor, Heft 15, 2004
  • Artikel Umfrage: Weltbevölkerung sieht USA als größte Bedrohung an, präsentiert von der gelöschten Publikation Bürgerstimme, Ausgabe 3, 29. März 2014
  • Artikel Die Deutschen sehen die USA als größte Bedrohung für den Frieden. Die Deutschen haben weniger persönliche Sorgen – doch jeder fünfte fühlt sich unsicher. Die Entwicklung der Gesellschaft beschäftigt viele Bundesbürger., präsentiert von der deutschen Wirtschafts- und Finanzzeitung Handelsblatt Online, 13. Februar 2019

External web links (engl.)

  • Mishneh Torah, a modern English translation and commentary, a digest of the centuries of Torah scholars

Listing more than 160 Jewish critics of Zionism

Ohad Ezrahi [Marc Gafni’s friend and co-author] speaks explicitly about Shabbatai Zevi and his follower Yaacov Frank as a model. But apparently the others are also persuaded to follow this course, even without explicitly championing it. In truth, all those who ignore moral distortion in the name of spiritual exaltation are active partners in this worldview.

Developing a new school of Jewish Thought (to be called "The School of Personal Myth"), expelled! Rabbi and neo-Sabbatean Marc Gafni is reformulating and extending the core constructs of Post-Lurianic thought in a modern Neo-Hasidic context.

In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies, in 2011, 90% of American media was owned by 6 companies [GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS].

These five conglomerates are Time Warner, Disney, Murdochs' News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS).

Listing Jewish critics of Zionism and Israel's treatment of the Palestinians: French politician Silvain Levi, political philosopher Hannah Arendt, German poet Erich Fried, academic and expert on nationalism Hans Kohn, Chancellor of Austria Bruno Kreisky, Rabbi Elmer Berger, founding executive director of the American Council for Judaism, author Jack Bernstein author, Moshe Menuhin and his son Yehudi Menuhin, violinist and conductor, writer, Alfred Lilienthal, French political science professor and author Maxine Rodinson

91-year-old man who claimed for years that he was a former Holocaust survivor and prisoner at Auschwitz has admitted he made the story up.

Israel may be small, but so was Britain when it controlled India. Israel doesn't need to control everything in the US, just the important things: AIPAC (with the help of Christian Zionists) controls Middle East policy and keeps aid money flowing by controlling all branches of government; the label "anti-Semite" is used as a weapon; media is kept from any meaningful criticism of Israel; and "exceptionalism" allows the Jewish State to waive
rules that every other country on the planet must obey.

Paraphrased assigned quote on Twitter, 25. May 2018: Two groups conflate Zionism and Judaism: 1. Zionists who want to legitimize Zionism
by pretending it is Judaism; and 2. Anti-Semites, who want to delegitimize Judaism by pretending it is Zionism.  Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro

Linkless articles

  • Article Did You Know. Citizens of Israel Run Our Country [the United States]?, presented by "The Christian Solution", 4. March

Audio- und Videolinks

Apartheid hat keine Zukunft mehr. – Die Gründung Israels: Was ist Zionismus? Und die Suche nach einem Land  Minute 16:38

  • Videointerview mit Ivan Ivanji (1929-2024) jugoslawisch-serbischer Diplomat, Überlebender von Nazi-Konzentrationslagern, Übersetzer, Journalist, Schriftsteller, KenFM im Gespräch mit: Ivan Ivanji ("Titos Dolmetscher"), präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), KenTube Film, 1:40:06 Dauer, eingestellt 8. Februar 2017

Minute 32:12: Die Arbeit des Dolmetschers, die Beziehung zu Geheimdiensten und die ersten Begegnungen mit Tito
Minute 39:59-42:11: Wie übersetzt man Beleidigungen? Man schweigt die Peinlichkeit aus.
Minute 47:10: Die Tragweite von falschen Übersetzungen: Hiroshima/Nagasaki
Minute 1:09:50 Wissen, Anekdoten und Erfahrungen eines Dolmetschers

Ivan Ivanji: "Man sieht seine Klienten intellektuell in Unterwäsche."

Alternative Lesung: Die Geschichte der Khasaren Mafia Jan van Helsing, YouTube Film, 36:10 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 3. Juli 2019
"In Wahrheit ist der Weltzionismus eine verdeckte Form des babylonischen Talmudismus oder des Luziferismus,
was den meisten normalen Gläubigen nicht bekannt ist."
  Minute 20:42

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videointerview mit Harald Kautz (*1966) deutscher Physiker, Geologe, unabhängiger investigativer Forscher, Referent, Über-
    setzer, Verleger, Autor, TA KI und Harald Kautz-Vella – "Die" Deutsche und "Der" Jude, präsentiert von Der Honigmann, Gastge-
    berin Ta Ki, YouTube Film, 1:10:55 Dauer, eingestellt 5. Mai 2015

Von Amts wegen wurde obiges Videointerview gelöscht. Themen: Juden-Deutsche-Dilemma, Auslöser des letzten Weltkriegs, weshalb Juden die Nichtjuden als Gojim bezeichnen, weshalb Gott G*tt heißt, Beendigung des Hasses, Annäherung von Juden und Deutschen. Sowohl das deutsche als auch das jüdische Volk wurden fehlgeleitet und missbraucht.

  • Videointerview mit Evelyn Hecht-Galinski (*1949) deutsche Publizistin und Gründerin der deutschen Abteilung der Organisation Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost, KenFM am Telefon: Evelyn Hecht-Galinski über zionistischen Antisemitismus, präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM betrieben von dem Berliner Medienunternehmen sector_b und Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), YouTube Film, 24:24 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 31. März 2017

Schleichende Abschaffung der Meinungsfreiheit der (jüdischen) Kritiker des Staates Israel im wiedervereinigten Deutschland

Audio and video links (engl.) – ⚡ Zionism, Holocaust myth revisioned

Major figure in 17th-century Jewish History Sabbetai Zevi

  • Video interview with Prof. Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903-1994) Israeli Jewish public intellectual, polymath, professor of biochemistry, organic chemistry and neurophysiology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Prof. Leibowitz: There are Judeo-Nazis. Israel Represents the Darkness of a State Body., YouTube film, 8:50 minutes duration, posted 8. January 2014
    "The State of Israel represents the darkness of a state body, where a creature of a human form who was the president of
    the Supreme Court decides that the use of torture is permitted in the interest of the state."

Existence and dominance of Judeo-Nazis and of a Nazi-like mentality

Going over the history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, breaking the misconceptions about that conflict

YouTube censored video in 28 countries [status 12/2018]

On the myth of 6 million Jews killed by Nazi Germany. Listen to minute 23:36: The database archive of the International Red Cross5 collected and released data on the Holocaust up to 1990. As to the question how many people died in German labor camps? Status 1990: 290,000 people died in all 15 German labour camps. ~70,000 people died in Auschwitz camp, of whom 40,000 were Jews. After 1990 no more exact numbers were availed.
Note Minute 38:24! – The English traditionalist Catholic bishop Richard Williamson (1940-2025) stated in 2008 (and was damned for saying so): Not more than 200,000-300,000 Jews died in German concentration camps. They didn't die by gasing. Judeo-Messianic elements were responsible for the 9/11 attacks. See: Jews and Holocaust denial

Details of the numbers and causes of deaths at Auschwitz that were recorded daily and then published, figures that are staggeringly less than the 6 million number that has been seared into the 'official' storyline. Outbreak of typhus in 1942, the delousing chambers [ordinary hygiene technology] to deal with the disease infestation. Lack of any documents or intercepted communications indicating orders to exterminate prisoners. Reconstruction of history that has created an undebatable transcendental mythos of death by gas chambers. Motivations for perpetuating the Holocaust myth and who has come to benefit from what was certainly the worst collective experience for European Jews. Academic world dismissing evidence multiplied by Hollywood's mythologizing of events. Persecution of truth seekers

Who has the right to the land called Palestine?
Are the genetic descendants of Abraham still recipients of the biblical promises for the land?
Are they actually the genetic descendants?
Was the Scofield Bible, a primary shaper of Christian Zionism, funded and orchestrated by Zionist Jews?
Do today's Jews follow the Old Testament or something very different?
What is the historic Christian view on all these issues?

The Balfour Declaration: a letter from the United Kingdom's Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour to Walter Rothschild! NWO elitist Rothschild talks about Zionism, Israel and his family rule in the shaping of the world from the beginning, and until 2018.

Linkless media offerings

  • Video presentation by Miko Peled (*1961) Israeli-American activist, Jewish son of an Israeli general Matti Peled (1923-1995) engaged in the 48' and 67' wars, karate instructor, speaker, author, Jewish General's son explain the truth of Palestine, sponsored by the "Bildungswerk Berlin der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung" and "AK Nahost Berlin", Berlin, 30. June 2015, YouTube film, 1:00:22 duration, posted 5. January 2016
  • Audio interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Norwegian researcher, author, Jew Christopher Jon Bjerknes – Secrets of the Satanic Sabbatean Frankists, YouTube/Bitchute film, 1:02:13 duration, posted 1. November 2015
  • Audio interview with Henry Makov, Ph.D., Canadian ethnic Jew, independent researcher, author, The Illuminati & Homosexuality, presented by The Power Hour, host Joyce Riley, recorded 10. October 2013
  • Audio interview with James Perloff, US American alternative researcher, speaker, journalist, author, James Perloff on JFK, Israeli Nukes and 9/11, presented by Our Interesting Times, YouTube film, 1:41:45 duration, recorded and posted 22. December 2016

History and intrigues of Israel's nuclear weapons program, its relation to the JFK assassination, evidence indicating the 9/11 attacks as being a nuclear event with the Zionist state as the key player

  • Video assessment The Truth About Jewish Zionist Control Over America, presented by the "Blackstone Intelligence Network", Jake Morphonios, YouTube film, 14:07 minutes duration, posted 16. September 2017

Jews make up only 2% of the population of America, yet they control vast influence over our key institutions.

  • Deleted audio interview with Christopher Jon Bjerknes, Norwegian researcher, author, Christopher Jon Bjerknes Zionist Massa-
    cres 1913 2016
    , presented by the US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense, US American independent
    investigative researcher, journalist, aired 9. February 2016, YouTube film, 26:27 minutes duration, posted 6. July 2017
  • Video assessment ✡ Zionism Has Taken Power Away From the American People, presented by the "Blackstone Intelligence Network", Jake Morphonios, YouTube film, 20:26 minutes duration, posted 24. September 2017

Audio and video links (engl.) – ⚡ Religious deception – Jordan Maxwell

Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ Zionist Jewish identity – Naomi Wolf and Gabor Maté

Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Sepehr

Audios and videos by Robert Sepehr, US American anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, paleobiology (archeogenetics), producer, author, presented by tolerancethroughknow –––  Links von YouTube gelöscht
TypeOfferingTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
Dailymotion videoPresentation1666 Redemption Through Sin by Robert Sepehr13:5416. November 2016
Dailymotion videoDocumentary shortBanned History of Sabbatai Zevi and 166641:1811. August 2017
Barry Chamish on Sabbateans, Frankists, and the Illuminati Messiah of 1666 – Referenced literature: 1666 Redemption Through Sin. Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance, Kindle Ebook, Atlantean Gardens, 16. May 2015
Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) declared himself the Messiah in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies. After Zevi's death, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank (1726-1791), expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Frank joined an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) called the Order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world's religions and power structures, in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism, which they would covertly rule by their hidden hand: the New World Order. Using secret societies, such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. The Illuminati handle opposition by a near total control of the world's media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and financiers.
YouTube videoDeleted documentary shortHollywood is Run by Sabbatean Frankist Jews11:1821. August 2015
Dailymotion videoDocumentarySecrets of Kabbalah – Documentary45:136. September 2015
YouTube videoDocumentary short1666 Redemption Through Sin3:5413. May 2016
Dailymotion videoDocumentaryJacob Rothschild and the New World Order59:0014. March 2017
Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies.
YouTube videoPresentationA Jewish Messiah: Tale of a Convincing Imposter, 16661:10:2015. May 2017
Deleted YouTube videoDocumentary shortZionism, Satanism, Communism, and Globalization10:0017. May 2017
In 1666, an exceptionally charismatic Rabbi and Kabbalist by the name of Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) declared himself to be the Messiah. His extraordinary popularity, according to historians such as professor Gershom Scholem (1897-1982), resulted largely from the publication and availability of what is today called the Lurianic Kabbalah, named after Rabbi Isaac Luria. Jacob Frank (1726-1791) 18th-century Polish-Jewish religious leader, claimed to be the reincarnation of the self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) and the biblical patriarch Jacob.
YouTube videoDocumentaryThe satanisation of Judaism. (The Left Hand Path)1:02:598. January 2020

Movies and documentaries on Gnosis – Kabbalah

Lurianic Kabbalah (Sabbatai Zvi)

Movies and documentaries on political Zionism

Joint investigation by Four Corners and The Australian Newspaper (John Lyons)

Linkless media offering

  • Short video documentary How ((( they ))) manipulate your psyche & your mind by the porn industry, produced by Mark Collett, YouTube film, 29:48 minutes duration, posted 8. September 2018

The Jewish role in the porn industry


Interne Links




1 While Dispensationalism had considerable influence through the Scofield Bible, Christian lobbying for the restoration of the Jews preceded the publication of the Scofield Reference Bible (first published by OUP, 1909) for over a century, and many prominent Christian Zionists and Christian Zionist organizations such as the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem do not subscribe to dispensationalism. Many non dispensationalist Protestants were also strong advocates of a Jewish return to their homeland, C H Spurgeon, both Horatius and Andrew Bonar, Robert Murray M'Chyene, and J C Ryle were among a number of prominent proponents of both the importance and significance of a Jewish return to Israel.

2 "It's very good."  Benjamin Netanyahu, on 9/11 when asked what the bombings meant for U.S.-Israeli relations; New York Times, 12. September 2001
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the TwinTowers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq."  '-Benjamin Netanyahu, as quoted in Ma'ariv, 16. April 2008

3 "I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry about American pressure on
Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America and the Americans know it." Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to foreign minister Shimon Peres (1923-2015), October 2001

4 Interview with Michael D. Evans, Is America in Bible Prophecy?, hosted by Deborah Caldwell, presented by the English speaking lifestyle website Beliefnet, first featured in August 2004

5 Report of the International Committee of the Red Cross on the Holocaust


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