
Wiki / Kontrolle













Klassische psychologische Experimente

Liste der klassischen Experimente in der Psychologie
༺༻JahrPsychologisches ExperimentExperimentator / StudienleiterLebenszeit
1.1948Selbsterfüllende ProphezeiungRobert K. Merton1910-20031
2.1956Kognitive DissonanzLeon Festinger et al.1919-19892
3.1956Theorie der KonformitätSolomon Asch1907-19963
4.1959Theorie der Zwangserfüllung
Forced Compliance
Leon Festinger
James M. Carlsmith
5.1963Theorie der BewusstseinskontrolleRobert Jay Lifton*19265
6.1966Behavioristische Verstärkerpläne:
Theorie der Kontrollüberzeugungen
Julian B. Rotter1916-20146
7.1966Selektive WahrnehmungRaul Hernandez-Peon1924-19687
8.1969DeindividuationPhilip G. Zimbardo*19338
Zuverlässigkeit der psychiatrischen Diagnose von Patienten
David Rosenhan1929-2012
10.1974AttributionstheorienIrving B. Weiner*19339
11.1974Gehorsamkeitsbereitschaft gegenüber AutoritätenStanley Milgram1933-198410
12.1975Experiment der erlernten HilflosigkeitMartin Seligman, Ph.D.*194211
13.1979Libet-ExperimentBenjamin Libet1916-2007
► G. Krampen, IPC-Fragebogen zu Kontrollüberzeugungen, Hogrefe, Göttingen, 1981
► U. Klages, Fragebogen irrationaler Einstellungen (FIE), Hogrefe, Göttingen, 1989
► D. Beckmann, E. Brähler, H.-E. Richter, Der Gießen-Test (GT), 4. überarbeitete Auflage Verlag Hans Huber, Bern, 1990
Diagnostisches und Statistisches Manual Psychischer Störungen. DSM IV, 2. verbesserte Auflage Hogrefe, Göttingen,
     Herausgeber American Psychiatric Association, 1998
► Article by Carol Giambalvo, Post-Cult Problems: An Exit Counselor's Perspective, published by "AFF News", volume 1, #2, 1995, cited in:
     Michael Langone, Ph.D., US American counseling psychologist specialized in research about "cultic" groups and psychological
     manipulation, executive director of the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), editor of the journal Cultic Studies Review,
     Recovery from Cults. Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1st edition 17. June 1995
Quelle: ► de.Wikipedia Eintrag Liste der klassischen Experimente in der Psychologie
Siehe auch: ► Psychologie und ► Kulte
See also: ► Classic psychology experiments

Kontrolldramen – Roman Die Prophezeiungen von Celestine

Kalenderblatt August,
Herzog de Berry (1412-1416)
Der 1993 veröffentlichte Roman Die Prophezeiungen von Celestine von dem US-amerika-
nischen Soziologen James Redfield (*1950) wurde weltweit über 20 Millionen mal verkauft. [Stand: Mai 2005]. Redfield erläutert in seinem Erfolgsroman vier Problematiken im mensch-
lichen Leben, die er Kontrolldramen nennt.


Die Akteure der Kontrolldramen sind:

  • Vernehmungsbeamter,
  • Einschüchterer,
  • Unnahbarer und
  • Armes Ich oder Opfer.


Autor James Redfield postuliert, dass jeder Mensch unbewusst eines dieser Verhaltens-
muster vorwiegend übernimmt, um an die Energie der Mitmenschen zu kommen. In der
vierten Erkenntnis, genannt Der Kampf um Macht, führte er aus: um die Kontrollmuster zu kontrollieren oder in Schach zu halten, besser noch zu überwinden, ist es unumgänglich, sich die göttliche Energie, die universelle Energiequelle, bewusstzumachen und sie in sich fließen zu lassen.

Siehe auch: ► Die zwölf Celestine-Erkenntnisse – Romane von James Redfield

Modell der Konflikteskalation nach Friedrich Glas

Die neun Stufen der Konflikteskalation (~ des Rosenkriegs ~) nach Friedrich Glas
VerhandungsebeneStadiumBeschreibung Verständigungs-
I.Stufe 1 ModerationVerhärtung Spannungen, Aufeinanderprallen
von Meinungen
I.Stufe 2 ModerationPolarisation und Debatte Konfliktpartner überlegen argumentative Strategien; Streit; Druck Win-Win
I.Stufe 3 ModerationTaten statt Worte Druck nimmt zu; Gesprächsabbruch; Stillstand der Kommunikation, Konfliktverschärfung Win-Win
II.Stufe 4 Sozio-therapeutische ProzessbegleitungSorge um Image – Koalitionen Sympathisantensuche; Denunziation des Anderen; Sachebene verlagert sich auf Personenebene (Ad hominem-Angriff) Win-Lose
II.Stufe 5 Sozio-therapeutische Prozessbegleitung
Vermittlung / Mediation
Gesichtsverlust Identitätsvernichtung, Verlust des Gesichts und der moralischen Glaubwürdigkeit des Gegners; vollständiger Vertrauensverlust Win-Lose
II.Stufe 6 Sozio-therapeutische Prozessbegleitung
Vermittlung / Mediation
Schiedsverfahren / Gerichtliches Verfahren
Drohstrategien Kontrolle durch Drohungen
vonseiten der Konfliktparteien
III.Stufe 7 Vermittlung / Mediation
Schiedsverfahren / Gerichtliches Verfahren
Begrenzte Vernichtungsschläge Massive Schädigung des entmenschlicht wahrgenommenen Gegners; Hinnahme eines begrenzten eigenen Schadens Lose-Lose
III.Stufe 8 Schiedsverfahren / Gerichtliches Verfahren
Zersplitterung Zerstörung des Gegners durch Vernichtungsaktionen Lose-Lose
III.Stufe 9 MachteingriffGemeinsam in den Abgrund Die eigene Vernichtung wird in Kauf genommen, um den Gegner zu beseitigen Lose-Lose
Quelle: ► Prof. Friedrich Glasl (*1941) österreichischer Ökonom, Organisationsberater, Konfliktforscher, Autor, Konfliktmanagement.
Ein Handbuch für Führungskräfte, Beraterinnen und Berater
, Freies Geistesleben, 8. unveränderte Auflage 2004
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Konflikteskalation
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Friedrich Glasl's model of conflict escalation
Siehe auch: ► Konflikt und ► Stufenmodelle
See also: ► Model of conflict escalation – Friedrich Glasl

Zitate zum Thema Kontrolle / Control

Zitate allgemein


  • Du hast die Wahl, doch nicht die Kontrolle.
    Mündliche Aussage von Dr. phil. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) hawaiianischer Meisterlehrer von "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), präsentiert in einem Internet-Rundfunkinterview, Quelle und Datum unbekannt

Siehe auch:

Adams Wiederkehr. Initiation und Männerspiritualität, engl. Original erschienen 2004, Überschriften von fünf Kapiteln (Inhaltsverzeichnis), Claudius Verlag, 1. Auflage 1. Juli 2013

  • Der ganze Prozess der Einweihung ermöglicht dem Menschen, fünf fundamentale Wahrheiten zu erfahren.
    1. Das Leben ist hart.
    2. Du bist nicht so wichtig.
    3. Dein Leben dreht sich nicht um dich.
    4. Du hast keine Kontrolle.
    5. Du wirst sterben.
Interview mit Richard Rohr (*1943) US-amerikanischer Franziskanerpater, Prediger, Enneagrammlehrer, Autor, An Interview With
Fr. Richard Rohr. Eight Times Blessed
, präsentiert von Reid Baer, 2005


  • Den Strom des Lebens trägt keiner in der Tasche.
    Matthias Varga von Kibéd (*1950) deutscher Logiker, Wissenschaftstheoretiker, Insa Sparrer, Ganz im Gegenteil. Tetralemmaarbeit und andere Grundformen Systemischer Strukturaufstellungen – für Querdenker und solche, die es werden wollen, S. 94, Carl-Auer Verlag, 10. Auflage 2018




Einsteins Problemlösungsmodell, Umschlagspunkt-Faktor "Tipping point"


  • Auf die Frage eines Journalisten, was sie aus dem Holocaust gelernt habe, antwortete Susan Sontag (1933-2004) in einem Fernsehinterview mit einer für mich verblüffenden Botschaft:
    • 10 Prozent jeder beliebigen Bevölkerung sind grausam, egal was auch immer passiert,
    • 10 Prozent sind mitfühlend, ungeachtet der Umstände, und
    • die restlichen 80 Prozent kann man in beide Richtungen dirigieren.
Artikel von Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (1922-2007) US-amerikanischer Künstler, Humanist, Kriegsveteran, einflussreicher Schriftsteller
des 20. Jahrhunderts, Susan Sontag and Arthur Miller, präsentiert von
der US-amerikanischen politisch progressiven Monatszeitschrift In These Times, 3. März 2005
  • [Paraphrasiert] 15% der Menschheit sind resistent gegen Manipulation durch Bewusstseinskontrolle. Sie weisen eine leicht veränderte DNS-Struktur auf und sind in jeder Rasse zu finden. Dr. Pete Peterson (†2019)
  • 15% der Menschheit halten Ausschau nach neuen Lösungswegen.
Clif High, US-amerikanischer Linguist, Webbot-Prognostiker, zitiert in: Videointerview Creativity versus Control, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Conscious Media Network, Gastgeberin, Regina Meredith, 35:57 Minuten Dauer, November 2009
  • Die große Masse der Menschen wird stets von einigen wenigen geführt. Schon immer wurde die menschliche Ge-
    schichte von 1% der Bevölkerung geschrieben und von 3-15% in die Tat umgesetzt. Die restlichen 85% sitzen auf
    der Zuschauerbank, um zu sehen, wer sich letzten Endes durchsetzen wird. 1% sind die Vordenker, 3% die wirkli-
    chen Vorkämpfer und 15% die Unterstützer. Die Kerngruppe von 15% der Bevölkerung sind ein realistisches Ziel,
    das wir womöglich bereits überschritten haben. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, sie zu mobilisieren und zur Zusammenar-
    beit zu bewegen, um den Grund zurückzuerobern, der uns verloren gegangen ist.
    Videointerview mit G. Edward Griffin (*1931) US-amerikanischer politischer Redner, Dokumentarfilmer, Schriftsteller, Mirror: There
    is no Virus – The Enslavement of Mankind: G. Edward Griffin
    , präsentiert von dem Podcast-Anbieter World Alternative Media,
    Gastgeber Josh Sigurdson, Bitchute Film, Minute 29:14, 46:24 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. Mai 2021


  • Trotz der prinzipiellen Unvorhersagbarkeit spielen Sicherheitsstrategien und internationale Think-Tanks seit einigen Jahren geradezu obsessiv diverse Weltuntergangsszenarien durch, in der Hoffnung, Wege zu finden, um das System noch kontrollieren zu können. Sie haben noch nicht begriffen, dass die Epoche der Kontrolle vorbei ist. Die Vision ei-
    nes globalen Systemmanagements – einer 'global governance' – zerfällt vor unseren Augen und weicht panischen ad
    hoc-Maßnahmen: hier eine Militäraktion gegen 'Rebellen' und 'Terroristen', dort ein Rettungspaket für Zombie-Banken;
    hier die Jubelmeldung über ein neues Ölfeld in der schmelzenden Arktis, dort ein abstruser Geo-Engineering-Plan aus
    dem Kabinett des Dr. Seltsam.
    Fabian Scheidler (*1968) deutscher Mitbegründer des unabhängigen Fernsehmagazins Kontext TV, freischaffender Autor für Printmedien, Fernsehen, Theater und Oper, Das Ende der Megamaschine. Geschichte einer scheiternden Zivilisation, Promedia,
    6. Auflage 16. November 2015


  • In der nächsten oder übernächsten Generation wird es eine pharmakologische Methode geben, um Menschen da-
    zu zu bringen, ihre Knechtschaft zu lieben und Diktaturen ohne Tränen hervorzubringen, die Entwicklung einer Art
    schmerzloser Konzentrationslager für ganze Gesellschaften, so dass der Menschheit ihre Freiheiten genommen
    werden und sie es sogar genießen wird.
    Zugeschrieben Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) britisch-US-amerikanischer Kulturkritiker, Humanist, Pazifist, Visionär, parapsycho-
    logisch-philosophischer Schriftsteller, Tavistock Gruppen-Rede im Symposium Man and Civilization: Control of the Mind, veran-
    staltet von dem Medical Center der University of California in San Francisco, 28.-30. Januar 1961, laut CORRECTIV Faktencheck veröffentlicht auf der Webseite der "European Graduate School", Zusammenfassung von Huxleys Roman Schöne neue Welt


  • Die größten Triumphe der Propaganda wurden nicht durch
    Handeln, sondern durch Unterlassung erreicht. Groß ist die
    Wahrheit, größer aber, vom praktischen Gesichtspunkt, ist
    das Verschweigen von Wahrheit.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) britisch-US-amerikanischer Kulturkritiker, Humanist, Pazifist, Visionär, parapsychologisch-philosophischer dystopischer Schriftsteller, Herbert E. Herlitschka, Übersetzer, dystopischer Roman Schöne neue Welt, Insel Verlag, 1932, "Vorwort", 1946, Verlag Das Neue Berlin, 1978, S. Fischer Verlag, 2018


  • Die bewusste und intelligente Manipulation der organisierten Gewohnheiten und Meinungen der Massen ist ein wichtiges Element in der demokratischen Gesellschaft. Wer die unge-
    sehenen Gesellschaftsmechanismen manipuliert, bildet eine unsichtbare Regierung, welche die wahre Herrschermacht unseres Landes ist. Wir werden regiert, unser Verstand geformt, unsere Geschmäcker gebildet, unsere Ideen größtenteils von Männern suggeriert, von denen wir nie gehört haben. Dies ist ein logisches Ergebnis der Art wie unsere demokratische Gesellschaft organisiert ist. Große Menschenzahlen müssen auf diese Weise kooperieren, wenn sie in einer ausgeglichen funktionierenden Gesellschaft zusammenleben sollen. In beinahe jeder Handlung unseres Lebens, ob in der Sphäre der Politik oder bei Geschäften, in unserem sozialen Verhalten und unserem ethischen Denken werden wir durch eine relativ geringe Zahl an Personen dominiert, welche die mentalen Prozesse und Verhaltensmuster der Massen verstehen. Sie sind es, die die Fäden ziehen, welche das öffentliche Denken kontrollieren.
    Edward Bernays (1891-1995) US-amerikanischer Cheftheoretiker des Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London, Pionier der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und politischen Propaganda, Public Relations-Berater, Neffe des Begründer der Psychoanalyse Sigmund Freud, Propaganda, Kapitel 1, S. 9-10, 1928



Big Pharma-Kartell und der Überwachungsstaat

  • Die Pharmakonzerne
    * haben unsere Demokratie ausgehöhlt,
  • sie machen unsere Kinder zu Opfern,
  • sie haben die Behörden vereinnahmt, deren Auftrag es ist, die amerikanischen Bürger vor den mächtigen Industriekonzernen zu schützen,
  • sie haben den politischen Prozess korrumpiert,
  • sie haben die Presse unterwandert,
    und sie verfügen tatsächlich über vollumfängliche Kontrolle.
    Und jetzt benutzen sie diese Covid-19-Pandemie, einige nannten sie ja "Plandemie" ..., um die Schlinge noch fester um unseren Hals zu ziehen und Amerika in einen Überwachungsstaat zu verwandeln, in dem die Menschen aus Angst vor einem Virus diese Freiheitsbeschneidungen, den Angriff auf ihre bürgerlichen Rechte, hinnehmen. Sie werden un-
    entwegt von 5G-Satelliten und einer Million von Antennen überwacht werden, die soeben installiert werden. [...]
    Ihr Plan sieht vor, uns Chips zu implantieren. Wir kennen die Patente. Wir wissen, in welche Firmen Bill Gates investiert – es handelt sich um sechs verschiedene Chip-Systeme, um eine [unsichtbare medizinische] Tätowierung und einen Sensor. [...]
    Jeder Lebensbereich wird der Kontrolle unterliegen. Der SARSCoV-Virus dient dazu, uns zur Unterwürfigkeit zu erziehen, uns zu drangsalieren, den Verordnungen Folge zu leisten:
    ➢ nicht an den Strand zu gehen, es sei denn, es wurde genehmigt;
    ➢ unsere Freundin nicht zu küssen, jedenfalls nicht ohne deren Erlaubnis. [...]
    Sie verwandeln uns in Produktionseinheiten und Konsumenten. Sie wollen nicht nur unsere Demokratie und unsere Bürgerrechte wegnehmen, sondern haben es auch auf unsere Seele abgesehen. Sie werden uns beliebige Impfstoffe (Medikamentencocktails) spritzen und uns die Folgeerkrankungen, die sie uns beschert haben, in Rechnung stellen. Sie werden jeden Winkel unseres Lebens kontrollieren. [...]
    Wir, die Aktiven der Children's Health Defense, wenden uns an die Gerichte. Die Gerichtsbarkeit ist die letzte Bas-
    tion der Demokratie, die uns noch zur Verfügung steht, um sie [die Pharma/Techno-Riesen] zu bekämpfen. […]
    Wir befinden uns in der Endzeitschlacht – inmitten der Apokalypse. Wir kämpfen für die Rettung der Menschheit.
    Wir alle wussten, dass diese Auseinandersetzung kommen würde, auch wenn ich niemals vermutet habe, dass
    dies zu meinen Lebzeiten geschehen würde. Doch nun ist sie da.
    Schlusswort von Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (*1954) irisch-amerikanischer Anwalt, spezialisiert auf Umweltrecht, Umweltaktivist, Radiomoderator, Autor, zitiert in: Video Expertentalk TTAV2020 | "Vaccine Roundtable" (Part 2), präsentiert von The Truth About Vaccines, gelöschter YouTube Film, Minute 1:20:53, Minute 1:25:25, Minute 1:29:11, 1:47:11 Dauer, eingestellt am 4. Mai 2020



Mechanismen von Herrschaftsmacht und Formen des friedlichen Widerstands

  • Wenn es Diktatoren gelingt, unabhängigen Körperschaften (wie Familien, religiö-
    sen Organisationen, Kulturverbänden, Sportvereinen, Wirtschaftseinrichtungen, Gewerkschaften, Studentenvereinigungen, politische Parteien, Dörfern, Nachbar-
    schaftsvereinen, Gartenvereinen, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, Musikgrup-
    pen, literarischen Gesellschaften und anderen) die Autonomie und die Freiheit zu nehmen, wird die Bevölkerung folglich relativ hilflos sein. Wenn diese Institutionen ihrerseits von der Zentralregierung diktatorisch kontrolliert oder durch neue, streng reglementierte ersetzt werden, können sie dazu dienen, sowohl die individuellen Mitglieder als
    auch die entsprechenden Gesellschaftsbereiche unter Kontrolle zu bringen.
    Wenn hingegen die Autonomie und Freiheit dieser unabhängigen Bürgerinstitutionen (außerhalb staatlicher Kon-
    trolle) gewahrt oder wiedererlangt werden können, sind sie enorm wichtig, um politischen Widerstand leisten zu
    können. Gemeinsames Merkmal der genannten Beispielfälle, in denen Diktaturen gestürzt oder geschwächt wur-
    den, war, dass von seiten der Bevölkerung und ihrer Institutionen couragiert und massenhaft politischer Wider-
    stand geleistet wurde. Wie erwähnt, bilden diese Machtzentren die institutionellen Fundamente, von denen aus
    die Bevölkerung Druck ausüben oder sich diktatorischer Kontrolle widersetzen kann. Künftig werden sie zur un-
    verzichtbaren Grundlage einer freien Gesellschaft gehören. Ihre dauerhafte Unabhängigkeit und ihr Gedeihen
    sind somit oftmals Voraussetzung für ein Gelingen des Befreiungskampfes.
Gene Sharp (1928-2018) US-amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler, "Von der Diktatur zur Demokratie. Ein Leitfaden für die Befreiung'', Beck, München 2008, Taschenbuchauflage 16. Juni 2011



Techniken zur Lenkung der Bevölkerung

Massenmanipulationstechniken der Medien

  1. Deklariere Fakten als Meinungen. In der Haltung, mit Tatsachen so umzugehen, als handele es sich um bloße Meinungen, liegt, wie Hannah Arendt bemerkte, einer der erschreckendsten Aspekte totalitärer Denksysteme.
  2. Fragmentiere die Darstellung eigentlich zusammenhängender Fakten so, dass der Sinnzusammenhang verloren geht.
  3. Dekontextualisiere Fakten, löse sie aus ihrem eigentlichen Zusammenhang, sodass sie als isolierte Einzelfälle erscheinen.
  4. Rekontextualisiere Fakten, bette sie so in einen neuen, mit »positiven« Begleitvorstellungen versehenen Kontext
    ein, dass sie ihren ursprünglichen Sinnzusammenhang und ein damit möglicherweise verbundenes moralisches Empörungspotential verlieren.
Prof. Rainer Mausfeld (*1949) deutscher Professor für Allgemeine Psychologie, Kognitionsforscher, Hochschullehrer, Autor,
Warum schweigen die Lämmer? Wie Elitendemokratie und Neoliberalismus unsere Gesellschaft und unsere Lebensgrundlagen zerstören, Westend, Frankfurt am Main, 2015, S. 34, 3. Auflage 2018, 1. erweiterte Studienausgabe 4. Juni 2019


  • [Henry] Kissinger schrieb in seiner Doktorarbeit »Das grundlegendste Problem der Politik ist nicht, das Böse unter Kontrolle zu halten, sondern die Rechtschaffenheit einzudämmen.« Artikel (engl.) über Henry Kissinger (1923-2023) deutschstämmiger amerikanischer Politologe, Diplomat, US Präsidentenberater, Ex-Außenminister, Bilderberger, Friedensnobelpreis-
    träger, 1973, Henry Kissinger Reminds Us Why Realism Matters [Henry Kissinger erklärt uns, weshalb Realismus entscheidend ist], präsentiert von dem wöchentlich erscheinendem US-amerikanischen Nachrichtenmagazin TIME, Walter Isaacson, 6. September 2014


  • Fortschritt findet man meist dort, wo Menschen in einer bestimmten Situation beschließen, den Gehorsam zu ver-
    weigern. Halldór Laxness (1902-1998) isländischer Schriftsteller, Literaturnobelpreisträger (*1955), zitiert in: Zitate über Zitate


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Kontrolle

General quotes

No human soul shall control another soul and everything shall be in the hands of God.
Shakir (translation): The day on which no soul shall control anything for (another) soul;
and the command on that day shall be entirely Allah's.
Koran, Surah 82, 19 – Al-Infitar


Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul] (5-67 AD): For this reason, and because
the angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is
under authority.
1 Corinthians 11, 10 New Living Translation, 2007 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • My work with patients over decades as well as my understanding of historical developments have led me to the conviction that all "high" cultures are built on power and violence and are driven by psychological mechanisms that determine human behavior. Underpinning our "high" culture are our efforts to control the world, to possess, to domi-
    nate, and simultaneously to create mechanisms that allow us to deny and disguise our real motives.
    Article by Arno Gruen (1923-2015) German-Swiss psychologist, psychoanalyst, critic of civilization, author, The Need to Punish.
    The Political Consequences of Identifying with the Aggressor
    , presented at Martti Siirala's 80th birthday deminar, Helsinki, Finland, 30. November 2002; The Journal of Psychohistory, New York, Band 27, Ausgabe 2, S. 136, Herbst 1999


  • I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me. Now, at the end
    of three years struggle the nation's condition is not what either party, or any man devised, or expected.
    God alone can claim it.

    Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) assassinated 16th US President (1861-1865), abolisher of slavery, cited in: David Herbert
    Donald, We Are Lincoln Men. Abraham Lincoln and His Friends, S. 514, Simon & Schuster, 2003



Secret cabal pulling the strings

  • Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that
    they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
    Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th US American president during World War I (1913-1921), The New Freedom. A
    Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People
    , section I "The Old Order Changeth", S. 13, Doubleday, 1913


  • We [the United States] have restricted credit, we have restricted opportunity, we have controlled development,
    and we have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Govern-
    ments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and
    the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.
    Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) 28th US American president during World War I (1913-1921), The New Freedom. A
    Call for the Emancipation of the Generous
    , S. 201, 1913





  • He who endeavors to control the mind by force is a tyrant, and he who submits is a slave.
    Robert Green Ingersoll (1883-1899) US American lawyer, civil war veteran, political leader, free thought orator, writer,
    Some Mistakes of Moses , 1879, Prometheus Books, 1st edition 1. September 1986
  • When we are on cruise control we lose control, until we choose control. Because what takes over are the hidden dimensions of reality. Removed video presentation by Dr. Victor Vernon Woolf, US American physicist, founder of the method Holodynamics, The Life Changing Workshop – Vancouver Seminar, 28. November 2009, presented by Holodynamics.com, YouTube film, minute 1:19, 9:48 minutes duration, posted 5. November 2009


  • To repress rebellion is to maintain the status quo, a condition which binds the mortal creature in a state of intellectual or physical sla-
    very. But it is impossible to chain man merely by slaving his body; the mind also must be held, and to accomplish this, fear is the accepted weapon. The common man must fear life, fear death, fear God, fear the Devil, and fear most the overlords, the kee-
    pers of his destiny.
    Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) Canadian-born mystic, occultist, 33rd degree Freemason, author, cited in: AZ Quotes



  • The unconscious appearance of an intention to act could not be controlled consciously. Only it's final consummation
    in a motor act could be consciously controlled. Benjamin Libet (1916-2007) US American physiologist, pioneering human
    consciousness researcher, University of California (UCSF), San Francisco, Mind time. The temporal factor in consciousness,
    Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 28. October 2005



  • In the realm of sexuality, the two prevalent ways control is exerted are through promulgating either celibacy or pro-
    . [...] both serve the same function: they minimize the possibilities of people bonding deeply with each other,
    thus reducing factors that compete with the guru for attention. Joel Kramer (*1937) and Diana Alstad, US American au-
    thor couple, The Guru Papers. Masks of Authoritarian Power, S. 92, Frog Books / North Atlantic Books, 1st edition 20. May 1993


  • The difference between the way the red man does science and the way the white man does science is interesting.
➢ The white man isolates a piece of nature and takes it into the laboratory to study it because he wants to control it.
➢ The red man goes into nature because his purpose is to integrate with it. Gregory Cajete, Ph.D., US American Tewa Indian, professor of philosophy and social science education, sociologist, biologist, intermediary between indigenous and Western scientific perspectives, Look to the Mountain. An Ecology of Indigenous Education, in a private conversation with Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. sahtouris.com (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former UN consultant, date unknown


  • The sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. The whole culture is geared to this
    kind of pathology. The result is that the average individual does not experience the separateness and isolation the
    fully schizophrenic person feels. He feels at ease among those who suffer from the same deformation; in fact, it
    is the fully sane person who feels isolated in the insane society
    – and he may suffer so much from the incapa-
    city to communicate that it is he who may become psychotic. Erich Fromm (1900-1980) German US American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, author, Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, 1973, Holt Pa-
    perbacks, 15. February 1992


  • When in group narcissism the object is not the individual but the group to which he belongs. […] The assertion that
    "my country" (or nation, or religion) is the most wonderful, the most cultural, the most powerful, the most peace-lo-
    ving, etc. does not sound crazy at all; on the contrary, it sounds like an expression of patriotism, faith and loyalty.
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) US American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, author, The
    Heart of Man. Its Genius for Good and Evil
    , Harper Collins, June 1980, S. 75, Lantern Books, revised edition 1. October 2010


  • Organizations of all kinds are cluttered with control mechanisms that paralyze employees and leaders alike. Where have all these policies, procedures, protocols, laws, and regulations come from? And why is it so difficult to avoid creating more, even as we suffer from the terrible confines of over-control? These mechanisms seem to derive from
    our fear, our fear of one another, of a harsh competitive world, and of the natural processes of growth and change
    that confront us daily. Years of such fear have resulted in these byzantine systems. We never effectively control
    people with these systems, but we certainly stop a lot of good work from getting done.

    Article by Margaret J. Wheatley, Ed.D. (*1944) US American associate professor of management, researcher on organizational behavior, leadership consultant, co-founder and president emerita of the global charitable foundation The Berkana Institute, spea-
    ker, author, Goodbye, Command and Control. Leader to Leader, July 1997



The myth of supremacist ‘real men’

  • The capacity for control is a cultural standard against which all men are measured and judged, especially by other men, who authorize their standing as ‘real men’ among men, a status that sets them apart from and above women who are presumed to lack a manly capacity for control, especially over their emotions. Men are presumed to be superior to women because of men’s supposed ability always to be in control – to be tough, logical, dispassionate, objective,
    and decisive; to be in charge of themselves and whatever situation they’re in; to always be right, to never quit, give
    in, back down, accept defeat, admit a mistake, or in any other way be vulnerable. And, if necessary, to be violent.
    Allan G. Johnson, Ph.D., US American sociologist, public speaker, novelist, writer on social inequality, Men’s Silence about Men's Violence, sponsored by press conference Purple Tie Day, State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut, 26. October 2010


  • The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important ele-
    ment in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible govern-
    ment which is the real driving force of our country.
    We are governed, our minds are forged, dictated our tastes, our ideas suggested largely by men we have never
    heard of. […] [I]n almost all our activities of daily life, whether in politics or business our social conduct or our ethi-
    cal thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small portion of people […] who understand the mental processes
    and patterns of social masses. It is they who are pulling the strings that control public mind [opinion], who harness
    old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.
    Edward Bernays (1891-1995) US American pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, forerunner of political mar-
    keting, founder of the public institutional propaganda, Propaganda, PDF, chapter 1, S. 9-10, 1st edition 1928, new edition 2005



Said to be from an informal talk at the University of Texas in the 1920s, but as yet unverified

  • Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let
    them continue to create money.
    Josiah Charles Stamp, 1st Baron Stamp (1880-1941) British civil servant, industrialist, director of the Bank of England (1928-
    1941), economist, statistician, writer, cited in: Silas Walter Adams, The legalized crime of banking and a constitutional remedy,
    S. 13, 30, 58, 90, 246, Meador, Boston, 1958, Omnia Veritas Ltd., 23. March 2015


  • Whenever you find that you are afraid to tell your truth then you are in a system that is trying to control you.
    Christiane Northrup, M.D. (*1949) US American obstetrician, advocate for women's health, speaker, author, video message
    Day 5 The Great Awakening, presented via Facebook, minute 4:45, 9:33 minutes duration, posted 10. April 2020



Hinweise auf Entsprechungen:

See also the findings of
► ⚡ David R. Hawkins, US American psychiatrist, teacher of enlightenment, Map of Consciouness (more explicitely: Vier Entwicklunggsstadien der menschlichen Erfahrung
► Dr. David Logan, US American management researcher, counselor, Five types of clusterings in companies and society – Tribe 4 and 5.

  • [Paraphrased] 15% of mankind cannot be manipulated by mind control. They exist in every race with a slightly different DNA. Dr. Pete Peterson (†2019)
  • 15% of mankind are looking for new solutions. (Tipping point factor) Clif High, US American linguist, webbot prognostician, cited in: Video interview Creativity versus Control, presented by Regina Meredith, US American founder and execu-
    tive producer of Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, 35:57 minutes duration, November 2009
  • The great masses are always led by a few. History has always been written by 1% of the population, and has been carried out by 3-15%. And the other 85% are just waiting around to see who is going to win. 1% will be the thought leaders, 3% will be the real fighters, 15% will be the support. There you have a nucleus of 15% of the population,
    which is a realistic goal. We might have already surpassed the 15% or more. Our job now is just to get them mobilized and get them all working together and recapture our lost ground.
    Video interview with G. Edward Griffin (*1931) US American film producer, certified financial planner, political lecturer, founder of Freedom Force International, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island, Mirror: There is no Virus – The Enslavement of Mankind: G. Edward Griffin, presented by the podcast platform World Alternative Media, host Josh Sigurdson, Bitchute film, minute 29:14, 46:24 minutes duration, posted 4. May 2021


  • Objectification is a critical reason why an abuser tends to get worse over time. As his conscience adapts to one
    level of cruelty – or violence – he builds to the next. By depersonalizing his partner, the abuser protects himself
    from the natural human emotions of guilt and empathy, so that he can sleep at night with a clear conscience. He distances himself so far from her humanity that her feelings no longer count, or simply cease to exist.
    Lundy Bancroft, US American consultant on domestic abuse and child maltreatment, workshop leader, author, Why Does
    He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
    , Berkley Books, reprint edition 2. September 2003



Male superiority as a God given right



Pressuring uniformity

  • The nail that sticks up will be hammered down. Japanese proverb


  • Who controls the energy controls nations,
    who controls the food supply controls the people,
    who controls money controls the world.
Interview about his autobiography Years of Upheaval with Henry Kissinger (1923-2023) German-born US American political scientist, diplomat, US secretary of state (1969-1977), Nobel Peace Prize recipient, 1973, presented by the British Sunday newspaper
The Observer, 1983


  • Kissinger became an exemplar of the realist, as opposed to idealist, school of diplomacy, someone who believed that a foreign policy that is overly guided by moral impulses and crusading ideals was likely to be dangerous. "The most fundamental problem of politics," he wrote in his dissertation, "is not the control of wickedness but the limitation of righteousness." Article featuring Henry Kissinger (1923-2023) German-born US American political scientist, diplomat, US secretary of state (1969-1977), Nobel Peace Prize recipient, 1973, Henry Kissinger Reminds Us Why Realism Matters, presented by the US American weekly news magazine TIME, Walter Isaacson, 6. September 2014


  • Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grate-
    ful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that
    threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from
    this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be
    willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.
    Henry Kissinger (1923-2023) German-born US American political scientist, diplomat, US secretary of state (1969-1977), Nobel
    Peace Prize
    recipient, 1973, address to the Bilderberg Group meeting, as transcribed from tape by a Swiss delegate, Evian,
    France, 21. May 1992, cited in: Michael A. Kirchubel, Vile Acts of Evil. Banking in America, Volume 1, S. 221, 2009


  • Die Kontrolle ist kurzfristig und auf schnellen Umsatz gerichtet, aber auch kontinuierlich und unbegrenzt, während die Disziplin von langer Dauer, unendlich und diskontinuierlich war. Der Mensch ist nicht mehr der eingeschlossene, sondern der verschuldete Mensch. Allerdings hat der Kapitalismus als Konstante beibehalten,
    dass drei Viertel der Menschheit in äußerstem Elend leben: zu arm zur Verschuldung und zu zahlreich zur Einsper-
    rung. Die Kontrolle wird also nicht nur mit der Auflösung der Grenzen konfrontiert sein, sondern auch mit dem Ex-
    plodieren von Slums und Ghettos. Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) französischer Philosoph, Autor, Unterhandlungen 1972-1990, Passage Postskriptum über die Kontrollgesellschaften, S. 260, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 7. Auflage 25. Oktober 1993; zitiert
    in: Artikel Die Pandemie in Zeiten der ‘Kontrollgesellschaften’, präsentiert von der Publikation die bresche, Christoph Hubatschke,
    10. April 2020



  • Pharmaceutical companies have subverted our democracy, they are victimizing our children, they've captured the agencies that are supposed to protect American citizens from powerful industries, they have corrupted the political process, they have subverted the press, and they have really a complete control. And now they are using this
    pandemic, some people called it a "planned demic" [...] to tighten the nouse on us and to turn America into a sur-
    veillance state where people because they are scared of a virus will accept these intrusions on their liberties,
    on their civil rights, and to be constantly be surveilled by the 5G satellites and a million of antennas that are
    currently being put up. […] Their plan is to put chips in us. We know the patents. We've seen the investments
    by Bill Gates – six different chip systems, tatoos, and a sensor […]
    Every part of our lives will be subject to control. This virus [Covid-19] is about training us for submission,
    training us to do what we're told. To not go to the beach unless we're told, to not kiss our girlfriend without their
    permission. […] They're turning us into production units and consuming entities. […] They are going to rob us
    not only of our democracy and our liberties, but our souls. They are going to inject us with the medicines they
    want and they're going to charge us for the diseases they give us. They are going to control every part of our
    lives. […] What we are doing at Children's Health Defense is using the last instruments of democracy we
    have left – the Courts – to fight them. […]
    We are in the last battle. This is the apocalypse. We are fighting for the salvation of humanity. We all knew
    that this was coming, though I never believed it would come in my lifetime. But here it is.
    Closing remarks of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (*1954) Irish American attorney specializing in environmental law, environmental
    activist, radio host, author, cited in: video roundtable panel TTAV2020 "Vaccine Roundtable" (Part 2), presented by The Truth
    About Vaccines, deleted YouTube film, minute 1:20:53, minute 1:25:25, minute 1:29:11, 1:47:11 duration, posted 4. May 2020


References: en.Wikiquote entries Control and ► Social control

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

Caveat: See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Man thinks he lives by virtue of the forces he can control, but in fact he is governed by power from unrevealed sources, power over which he has no control. Because power is effortless, it goes unseen and unsuspected. Force is experien-
    ced through the senses; power can be recognized only through inner awareness. Man is immobilized in his present condition by his alignment with enormously powerful attractor energy patterns, which he himself unconsciously sets in motion. Moment by moment, he is suspended at this state of evolution, restrained by the energies of force, impelled by the energies of power. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Veritas Publishing issue, "Preface", S. 12; "Introduction", S. 37-38, Hay House, February 2002


  • Whereas ordinary mental functioning could be typified as a constant effort to 'get', spiritual realization is totally effort-
    less, passive, and spontaneous. It is received rather than gotten. By analogy, when sound stops, the silence reveals itself. It cannot be gotten by effort or endeavor. With mentation, there is the capacity to control, but with revelation,
    there is no control at all. No control is possible where there is nothing to control and there is no means to apply con-
    trol, even if it were possible. That which is formless cannot be manipulated.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 338, 2003



  • When you sit down to meditate, you notice that the mind is constantly racing and running around and a lot of teachings try to teach you have to control it. You can't control it. You don't have any control over the mind. The mind exists of its own nature and it just runs about and does its own thing, just like the body does. There's no point to try to control it.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego’s Foundation, 3 DVD set, January 2002


  • Fear has to do with not knowing that you're safe at all times. The mind will try to justify that fear as a rational decision. It's based on control, trying to control the future. As you get more sophisticated, you realize that survival is a function of the spirit, not of the ego. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004



  • Question: Am I in control of my body and my healing?
    Answer: Yes and No. […] The fact that you are created as a human is subject to the laws / karma of protoplasm. […] You can control, you can transcend things within a certain context. […] Within a certain context and to a certain degree all things are possible. At the same time they are not. […] It's the error of mixing levels. […] You can walk on water at this level, if you try it on that level you are drowned. What's true at one level is not true on another level. […] The spiritual sophistication is the discernment of levels. At the [consciousness] level of 600 you stop mixing levels. […]
    You see what applies to the abstract level may not necessarily apply to the concrete. […] It is true but only within a certain context. [Limitations are humanness, protoplasm, gender, age, space and time.]
    […] Your capacity to control or change things is quite limited actually. On the one hand the miraculous is possible and yet at the same time you're not really limited either. They seem like conflicting statements, but actually they are not. They are two different contexts. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 7. January 2009


  • The first thing to develop a peaceful nature is to give up and let go of wanting to change and control other people. […] You can let go wanting to get even if you understand Divine Justice. […] All things have their own karmic pay-off and you don't have to do anything. It's not necessary to bring down your enemies because they will bring themselves down by their own hand. [...] The minute you get even with them or conquer them you now have the karma of that.
    Video presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Peace [LoC 565], lecture 3, 3 DVD set, 8. August 2009 – Let go of wanting to change other people, YouTube film, minute 0:17 and 1:49, 2:57 minutes duration, 22. December 2020

Quotes by Aldous Huxley



Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms,
presented by the platform Logos Media, 2012, March 2013

Personal avowals


  • My own belief is that, though they may start by being something of an embarrassment, these new mind changers (psychedelic drugs) will tend in the long run to deepen the spiritual life of the communities in which they are available. […] From being an activity
    mainly concerned with symbols, religion will be transformed into an activity concerned mainly with experience and intuition.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, 1958
  • Never before have so few been in a position to make fools, maniacs, or criminals of so many.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, The Devils of Loudan, non-fiction novel, 1952


Illustration of "The Scorpion and the Turtle",
Persian fables of Bidpai, Kalilah and Dimna, 1847
  • The twenty-first century will be the era of the World Controllers. […] The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles, and mysteries. Under a scientific dictatorship, education will really work. […] most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, Brave New World Revisited, Harper & Brothers, US, 1958; Chatto & Windus, United Kingdom, 1959


  • It is perfectly possible for a man to be out of prison, and yet not free – to be under no physical constraint and yet to be a psychological captive, compelled to think, feel and
    act as the representatives of the national state, or of some private interest within the nation, wants him to think, feel
    and act.
    The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the im-
    pression that they are acting on their own initiative.
    The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he
    is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is
    apparent only to other people.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, Brave New World Revisited, Harper & Brothers, US, 1958; Chatto & Windus, United Kingdom, 1959


  • Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hyp-
    are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can
    be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them
    into obedience.
    Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, in a letter, 1949, to George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) English journalist, essayist, writer;
    cited in: article In the future, I’m right: Letter from Aldous Huxley to George Orwell over 1984 novel sheds light on their different
    , presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Mail Online, Rob King, 7. March 2012

Quotes by Mark Passio


Four main ideological tenets of prevalent Satanism

1. Self-preservation [aka narcissism]
2. Moral relativism
3. Social Darwinism
4. Eugenics

  • Satanism has four main tenets or overarching principles of belief.
    1. And that is that self-preservation is the highest goal. And you should do whatever you can to advance your personal power and influence in the world no matter who you really have to walk all over, step on, or hurt to get what you want. That’s really the number-one tenet and if you look at society, most of society is stuck in that cut-throat, dog-eat-dog mentality.  Minute 7:41
    2. Moral relativism is the second major tenet which is that there is really no such thing as objective standards of right and wrong behavior. That we as human beings can get to decide upon our whims what right and wrong are and base our actions accordingly. And if you look at most of society I would say more people than not are moral relativists than moral objectivists who think that there is an objective standard of right and wrong behavior. So that’s also very pervasive in society.
    3. The third major tenet is Social Darwinism, the idea that the most ruthless in society have some sort of a prede-
      termined idea or pre-destined right to basically rule over everybody else in society because their genetics got
      them there, and made them fit for rulership. And many people will actually think like that and think that that's ok,
      that that's just the natural order or the way things are. You know, and so that’s also very pervasive in our society.
      Minute 8:02
    4. And finally the fourth main pillar of Satanism is eugenics, the idea that those who are socially fit to rule, and
      they're the fittest in society, therefore they’ve come out on top and they’re ruling the roost, well… they can get to
      decide who basically propagates their genes and who does not, or in other words, who gets to live and who dies.
      Who must die.  Minute 8:33
Deleted video interview with Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the
church of Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker, Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets, partial transcript,
presented by The Alex Jones Channel (Info Wars), host Lee Ann McAdoo, YouTube film, 34:29 minutes duration, posted 21. January 2015


Key phrases exemplifying the four ideological tenets of Satanism
༺༻Satanic tenetKey phrases
1.Narcissism (NPD)
"Me and my needs are the only thing that matters, even at the cost of everyone else."
"No one else and their personal suffering matter unless I am affected."
2.Moral relativism "There is no such thing as truth, I make up what right and wrong are, based on what I want.
If I can get away with it, then it is 'right' and I should; it is only 'wrong' if I get caught."
Solipsism is "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist."
"What I believe is the only thing that matters, and if I don’t believe it – it doesn’t exist."
New Age doctrine "Ignore the negative, and it will magically go away."
3.Social·Darwinism "I focus on my survival and personal needs only; by any means necessary. What gets the job done, whatever I need to do to survive, is the only thing that matters. If someone else can’t do the same, they are weak and deserve what they get."
4.Eugenics "I get to decide who lives and dies, what their value is only in relation to my own self-interest.
If you're not with me, you're against me. I am superior, you are inferior."
"Keep the population at a "workable level."
"Humans are just animals – morality, compassion and empathy are just human inventions – only might is right."
"There is no God, no organizing force in the universe; only entropy-scientific atheism."


  • It is very important to understand Satanism has existed for tens of thousands of years. It was not invented by Anton LaVey.  Minute 8:33
    The ideology of Satanism is Selfishnessism.  Minute 18:00
    They've turned society into a satanic culture, in effect.  Minute 19:59
    Society has been conditioned, has been manipulated, has been mindcontrolled into a Satanic mindset, without most people even realizing that they are espousing, that they are holding Satanic beliefs.  Minute 27:26
    People have come to believe that life is all about just selfish pursuit of pleasure, they have come to believe that free-
    dom is just doing whatever you want without the restriction of morality, and without any responsibility to understand
    what is going on in life and to choose the difference between right and wrong behavior for themselves.  Minute 29:54
Video interview with Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the church of
Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker, Satanism, Ritual & Relative Morality with Mark Passio, presented
by the US American The Lip TV, program "Buzzsaw", host Sean Stone (*1984) US American actor, film director, producer, cinema-
tographer, TV show host, screenwriter, author, YouTube film, 46:16 minutes duration, posted 8. March 2015


See also:
Crowd manipulation
Correcting common New Age misconceptions
Grassroots cultural transformation
Audio and video links (engl.) – Mark Passio

Englische Texte – English section on Control

Six pillars of morality – Jonathan Haidt

The former associate professor of Positive Psychology at University of Virginia Jonathan Haidt was the winner of the
Templeton Prize in Positive Psychology in 2001 and the winner of the Virginia "Outstanding Faculty Award" in 2004.
Building on the work of cultural anthropologist Richard Shweder, the results of a survey via a questionnaire
completed by 23.000 Americans
were published in his book The Happiness Hypothesis.
Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
, Perseus Books, 1st edition 31. October 2005
Six foundations of ethics and morality
Jonathan Haidt and Craig Joseph
PillarFocusEthical values
and their antagonists
LegendPolitical orientations/tendencies /
U.S. parties
1. Community Care HarmCherishing and protecting others70% interest Liberals Conservatives
2. Community Fairness
CheatingRendering justice according to shared rules30% interest Liberals Conservatives
3. Community Liberty⇔·OppressionLoathing of Rankismus/tyranny  Liberals Conservatives
4. Family Loyalty
SubversionStanding with your group, family, nationTribal psychology N/A Conservatives
5. Family Authority
BetrayalObeying tradition and legitimate authority  N/A Conservatives
6. Religion Purity
Abhorrence for disgusting things, foods, actions  N/A Conservatives
References featuring Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D. (*1963) US American professor of social, cultural and moral psychology and ethical
leadership, New York University Stern School of Business, author
Video TV interview Jonathan Haidt Explains Our Contentious Culture, presented by the US American TV show Moyers & Company,
     host Bill Moyers (*1934) US American political commentator, journalist, YouTube film, 47:09 minutes duration, posted by
     TheEthanwashere 13. June 2012
Followup book: The Righteous Mind. Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion, righteousmind.com, Pantheon,
     1st edition 13. March 2012, reprint edition 12. February 2013
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Moral Foundations Theory
See also: ► Culture and ► Ethics and ► Politics
Siehe auch: ► Sechs Säulen der Ethik – Jonathan Haidt



Religious conservatives are happier.

Crowd manipulation

Methods of manipulation
༺༻Manipulation toolRemark
2.Worldview poisoning
3.Exploitation of primal fears Four primal fears: fear of darkness, predators, abandonment, chaos
4.Divide and conquer tactic
5.Indoctrination Western education is almost entirely left-brained.
6.Controlled opposition Two-party illusion, two wings of the same bird
7.Financial system
8.Control of mass media
9.Sickening "food" and "medicine"
10.Illusion of time
11.Denial Hassle Ridicule (D-H-R factor) Civil cowardness, cognitive dissonance
12.Binding religion Organized cultural religions, money, scientism, politics-government, New Age movement
13.Subversive symbolism
14.Chaos sorcery
► Video presentation What On Earth Is Happening? by Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former
     awakened priest in the church of Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker, Occult Influence, Mind Control and
     Astrotheology – WOEIH
, part 2 of 4, recorded by Top Girl Productions, Karen DeBiasse and David Simmons, December 2008,
     YouTube film, minute 32:55, 2:59:40 duration, posted 21. March 2012
See also: ► Cognitive dissonance

Correcting common New Age misconceptions

Reorienting one's manipulated mindset
༺༻New Age deceptionCorrection
Do not judge.
Seeing the negative for what it is creates the ability to prepare oneself against its harmful affects, and possibly even avert those affects entirely. Refusing to look at critical information just because it makes you feel scared or uncomfortable is willfully choosing to remain in a state of ignorance, and therefore to remain un-conscious.
2.Never get angry! We have a moral guidance system for a reason. Watching an innocent person be tortured, or seeing animals being abused will naturally evoke anger in a morally sound individual, not to be mistaken for something that needs to be shut out, but something to be channeled productively. Righteous indignation (when one senses injustice) can be a major motivation to create positive change in the world.
3.There Is no right
and wrong!
There most certainly is objective right and wrong, and although we share unity as beings on the same planet or similar spiritual journeys, everything is NOT okay. This way of thinking, known as moral relativism, is not only delusional but dangerous. This makes people feel comfortable and justified in
failing to take responsibility for their actions (or lack of actions) and the effects that has on others.
4.There is no truth!
Perception is reality.
While the solipsistic ideology is often confused for a high-minded philosophical outlook, it is really nothing more than a way for one to be vastly disconnected from reality. Objective reality DOES exist. The truth CAN be known. One's perception and actual reality are not one in the same. How one perceives reality only changes how they perceive it – it can not and will never change what is actually taking place.
5.What you resist persists.
So don't resist!
Resistance itself is not a bad thing. In fact, it is necessary if we want to take back our power and control over our lives, and ensure the safety of the planet and future generations. If we do not resist evil that is destroying the good in the world, freedom, health, happiness – it will continue to, then nothing will change or improve.
6.Watered-down law of attraction The Secret variant of the Law of Attraction is largely based in the modality of service-to-self. The REAL Law of Attraction is a system of universal, non-man-made, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior. It is service to truth, not self. We co-create our reality in harmony with Natural Law.
7.Unconditional forgiveness
Turning the other cheek
True forgiveness does NOT mean continuing to excuse the willful commission of wrong-doing an infinite number of times. That is naiveté at best, and complicity with evil at worst. We must stand up for our beliefs and NOT tolerate the harmful actions of others.
8.Chaos should be feared.
Death of imagination
Bridging the Divide: True freedom includes infinite possibility, which, by definition, includes the possibility of chaos. Embrace it without fear if you are to be truly free. "Anarchy" does not mean chaos: it means
"No rulers, no masters." Stop believing in "authority."
9.We must feel good all the time. The truth of the current human condition makes us feel uncomfortable, given awareness, consciousness. Use that discomfort to motivate yourself to create real change in the world through human actions.
10.Truth doesn't need to be defended. Humans are the vehicles by which truth operates in the world. Wrongdoers must be held to account.
A different reality can be spoken into existence by humans, if they care enough to learn the truth, and
then develop the courage and the will to defend it at all costs.
► Blog article Common New Age Misconceptions You Need To Understand, presented by Erin Janus, 25. March 2015, via the blogspot authenticnumerology, 24. April 2015
► Audio presentation Mark Passio speaks to the New Age, the Naive, the Misinformed and the Trolls, podcast WhatonEarthisHappening,
     aired 2. February 2013, YouTube film, 1:37:26 duration, posted 15. April 2013
► Extended YouTube podcast, animated video presentation New Age Bullshit And The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine, sponsored
     by the "Free Your Mind 2" conference, Philadelphia, 27. April 2013, YouTube film, 7:03:33 duration, posted 11. August 2013, reposted
     21. September 2020
10 "New" Age deceptions promoting slave think and inhibiting understanding of Natural Law
Reference: ► Blog chart 25 NEW AGE DECEPTIONS, presented by Ines Radman, 3. January 2015


༺༻New Age deceptionCorrection
1.  Bild
2.  Bild
3.  Bild

Grassroots cultural transformation

Grassroots solutions of change
༺༻Transformative actionRemark
1.Healing one's adopted worldview. Overcoming apathy. Caring. Shamans and medicine men are world view healers.
2.Changing one's quality of attention. Getting in-formed via the Internet to become re-formed.
Hyp-Gnosis and Fascination◊Fasci-nation◊Fascist nation and TranceFormation
3.Developing one's true present moment awareness. Being in the moment and seeing the big picture.
Two thieves at Golgatha: regret of the past, anxiety of the future
4.Changing one's diet. Organic food intake. No GMO food.
5.Detaching oneself from the monetary system. Practicing local barter. Defying unconstitutional income tax.
6.Practicing non-support of dominators and dominator culture. Predominantly dominator-oppressors are most imbalanced, brain-damaged, oppressed. Control by external authority is not the answer. Defying of wars i.e. human sacrifice rituals. War is a scam to make the rich richer. Women's dialog with and support of men is essential.
7.Developing mindfulness. Relinquishing control, meditating-contemplating, and living in harmony with the truth
8.Using entheogens in conscious context. Respectfully and consciously communing with natural (illegal) psychoactive compounds that alter consciousness; Taking a sacrament is an active communion with another consciousness.
En-Theo-Gen: to create Divine within; Sacrament: making the mind whole
9.Practicing positive thinking. Knowing change is possible.
10.Helping others to their awakening. Re-specting (self-inspection), self-remembering, taking response-ability for other=self
(being born in con-science = common sense, to con-verse=changing together)
Coming back to Oneness = A-tone-ment: breaking away from making mental noise
► Video presentation by Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the church of Satan,
     conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker, What On Earth Is Happening?, part 4 of 4, recorded by the Top Girl Productions,
     Karen DeBiasse and David Simmons, December 2008, YouTube film, minute 0:36:08, 1:48:56 duration, posted 24. September 2012


Links zum Thema Kontrolle / Control



Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

  • Wikipedia-Einträge Kontrolle, Kontrollüberzeugung nach Julian B. Rotter
    Das Konstrukt der Lokation der Kontrolle (Locus of control) von Julian B. Rotter (1966) entpricht der Überzeugung, dass das eigene Handeln den Erhalt eines Verstärkers beeinflusst bzw. nicht beeinflusst. Aufgrund dessen werden Kontrollüberzeugungen als eine der Determinanten der Erfolgserwartung gesehen. Es handelt sich um die Überzeugung, die Erfüllung eines Zieles durch das eigene Handeln beeinflussen zu können, unabhängig von der spezifischen Natur des Zieles bzw. des Verstärkers.

  • Artikel Ehemaliger Verteidigungsminister Kanadas zur Geheimhaltung außerirdischer Technologien, präsentiert von der Publikation Extreme News, Manuel Schmidt, 19. Juli 2012
    Paul Hellyer (1923-2021) kanadischer Unternehmer, ehemaliger internationaler Banker, Ingenieur, Politiker (Abgeordneter von drei Par-
    teien), mehrfach Minister, Verteidigungsminister (1963-1967), Autor:
    : "Wenn wir sie [Außerirdische] wie freundliche Nachbarn und
    Partner im Kosmos anstatt als Feinde behandeln würden [...], dann gibt es keinen Zweifel, dass wir das System in 10 Jahren verändern könnten – was wir auch müssen – WENN wir auch das Geldsystem [Zins- und Zinseszinsproblematik] verändern,
    damit wir das Geld haben, um dies zu tun!"

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks – Bewusstseinskontrolle

  • Videointerview mit Dr. med. Rauni Kilde (1939-2015) finnische Ärztin, ehemalige Gesundheitsministerin, Referentin zu Themen der Parapsychologie, Ufologie und Bewusstseinskontrolle seit 1982, Autorin, MindControl, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fern-
    sehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Gastgeber Jo Conrad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Netzaktivist, esoterischer Autor, YouTube Film, 14:50 Minuten Dauer, 16. März 2012

Audio- und Videolinks – UFO Enthüllung (Disclosure)

Audio and video links (engl.)

The games of Monopoly and Musical Chairs illustrate the system of white supremacist privilege and unhealthy domination of straight
white men and relationship between individuals and social systems.

The so called New World Order is "the aristocracy of purpose between North American and European elites" connected with the Black Eagle
Trust consortium of 700 world banks.

Testing the dark side of authority-obedience: Milgram experiment and other harm-inducing human behavior experiments

Stanley Milgram (1933-1984) US American social psychologist: "How was it possible that ordinary people [...] can act callously, inhumanely without any limitations of conscience? Under what conditions would a person obey authority who commanded
actions that went against conscience?"
  Minute 2:10

Audio and video links (engl.) – Mind control

  • Video interview with Sholmo Shoham, raised in strict Jewish traditions, Israelian youngest ever judge in Israel's history, leader
    of the Commission for Future Generations in the Knesset, Zen practitioner, peace lover, Shlomo Shoham on Peace for Future Generations, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 47:59 minutes duration, February 2006   Subject to fee

Warning: This interview is recommended for mature listeners only.

Warning: This interview is recommended for mature listeners only.

  • Video interview with Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House, "presidential model", mind-control slave (MK Ultra
    Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author of TRANCE Formation of America Cathy O’Brien on the Trance Formation of America, part 2 of 2, presented by the US Ameri-
    can Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 48:09 minutes duration, October 2007   Subject to fee

Warning: This interview is recommended for mature listeners only.

  • Video interview with David Icke (*1952) controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO) manipulating the earth's curren-
    cies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author, David Icke on Hacking the Matrix, presented by the US Ameri-
    can Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, recorded at Red Rock, Sedona, 58:46 minutes duration,
    April 2009   Subject to fee

Audio and video links (engl.) – UFO Disclosure

Anonymous affirms that some of the Blue Book cases were completely fictitious. He and his CIA superior were allowed inside the secretive
Area 51 in Nevada to gather intel and report back to presidents Eisenhower and Nixon. They witnessed several alien spacecraft, including
the craft that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. At the S-4 facility southwest of Area 51 they observed live extraterrestrials.
Source: Above testimony will be included in an upcoming documentary titled Truth Embargo.


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Merton, R.K., The self-fulfilling prophecy, presented by the US American literary magazine The Antioch Review, # 8, S. 193-210, 1948

2 Leon Festinger (1919-1989) US American social psychologist, known for cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory, Stanley Schachter (1922-1997) US American social psychologist, Henry Riecken, classic work of social psychology When Prophecy Fails. A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World, Harper-Torchbooks, New York, 1. January 1956

3 Solomon E. Asch (1907-1996) polnisch-US-amerikanischer Gestaltpsychologe, Pionier der Sozialpsychologie, Studies of independence and conformity. A minority of one against a unanimous majority, presented by the journal Psychological Monographs, Themenheft, issue 70, 1956

4 Leon Festinger (1919-1989) US American social psychologist, known for cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory, James M. Carlsmith, Cognitive consequences of forced compliance, presented by the peer-reviewed academic APA journal Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, # 58, S. 203-210, 1959

5 Lifton, R.J., Thought reform and the psychology of totalism, Norton & Company, New York, 1963

6 Julian B. Rotter (1916-2014) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Entwickler der sozialen Lerntheorie und der Theorie der Kontrollüberzeugungen, Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement, presented by the journal Psychological Monographs, Themenheft, issue 80, 1966

7 R. Hernandez-Peon, Physiological mechanisms in attention, cited in: R.W. Russel, editor, Frontiers in physiological psychology, Academic Press, New York, 1966

8 Artikel von Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo (*1933) US-amerikanischer Professor Emeritus für Sozialpsychologie, Stanford University, Autor, The human choice. Individuation, reason, and order versus deindividuation, impulse and chaos; zitiert in: W.D. Arnold, D. Levine, Herausgeber, Nebraska symposum on motivation, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1969

9 B. Weiner, Herausgeber, Achievement motivation and attribution theory, General Learning Press, Morristown, 1974

10 S. Milgram, Obedience to authority, Harper & Row, New York, 1974

11 Martin Seligman, Ph.D. (*1942) US-amerikanischer Professor für Psychologie, Universität von Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Autor, Helplessness. On Depression, Development, and Death, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1975, Neudruck Juni 1992

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