Wiki / Kontrolle
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Referenzen: ► G. Krampen, IPC-Fragebogen zu Kontrollüberzeugungen, Hogrefe, Göttingen, 1981 ► U. Klages, Fragebogen irrationaler Einstellungen (FIE), Hogrefe, Göttingen, 1989 ► D. Beckmann, E. Brähler, H.-E. Richter, Der Gießen-Test (GT), 4. überarbeitete Auflage Verlag Hans Huber, Bern, 1990 ► Diagnostisches und Statistisches Manual Psychischer Störungen. DSM IV, 2. verbesserte Auflage Hogrefe, Göttingen, Herausgeber American Psychiatric Association, 1998 |
Source: ► Article by Carol Giambalvo, Post-Cult Problems: An Exit Counselor's Perspective, published by "AFF News", volume 1, #2, 1995, cited in: Michael Langone, Ph.D., US American counseling psychologist specialized in research about "cultic" groups and psychological manipulation, executive director of the International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA), editor of the journal Cultic Studies Review, Recovery from Cults. Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1st edition 17. June 1995 |
Quelle: ► de.Wikipedia Eintrag Liste der klassischen Experimente in der Psychologie |
Siehe auch: ► Psychologie und ► Kulte |
See also: ► Classic psychology experiments |
Der 1993 veröffentlichte Roman Die Prophezeiungen von Celestine von dem US-amerika- nischen Soziologen James Redfield (*1950) wurde weltweit über 20 Millionen mal verkauft. [Stand: Mai 2005]. Redfield erläutert in seinem Erfolgsroman vier Problematiken im mensch- lichen Leben, die er Kontrolldramen nennt.
Die Akteure der Kontrolldramen sind:
Autor James Redfield postuliert, dass jeder Mensch unbewusst eines dieser Verhaltens- |
Siehe auch: ► Die zwölf Celestine-Erkenntnisse – Romane von James Redfield |
Quelle: ► Prof. Friedrich Glasl (*1941) österreichischer Ökonom, Organisationsberater, Konfliktforscher, Autor, Konfliktmanagement. Ein Handbuch für Führungskräfte, Beraterinnen und Berater, Freies Geistesleben, 8. unveränderte Auflage 2004 |
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Konflikteskalation |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Friedrich Glasl's model of conflict escalation |
Siehe auch: ► Konflikt und ► Stufenmodelle |
See also: ► Model of conflict escalation – Friedrich Glasl |
Adams Wiederkehr. Initiation und Männerspiritualität, engl. Original erschienen 2004, Überschriften von fünf Kapiteln (Inhaltsverzeichnis), Claudius Verlag, 1. Auflage 1. Juli 2013
► David R. Hawkins Skala des Bewusstseins (genauer: Vier Entwicklunggsstadien der menschlichen Erfahrung)
► Dr. David Logan Fünf Stammbildungen in der Gesellschaft – Langzeitstudie von David Logan – Stamm 4 und 5
Einsteins Problemlösungsmodell, Umschlagspunkt-Faktor "Tipping point"
Massenmanipulationstechniken der Medien
Personal avowals
See also the findings of
► ⚡ David R. Hawkins, US American psychiatrist, teacher of enlightenment, Map of Consciouness (more explicitely: Vier Entwicklunggsstadien der menschlichen Erfahrung
► Dr. David Logan, US American management researcher, counselor, Five types of clusterings in companies and society – Tribe 4 and 5.
Article The Secret History of Magic Mushrooms,
presented by the platform Logos Media, 2012, March 2013
Personal avowals
1. Self-preservation [aka narcissism]
2. Moral relativism
3. Social Darwinism
4. Eugenics
See also: ► Crowd manipulation ► Correcting common New Age misconceptions ► Grassroots cultural transformation ► Audio and video links (engl.) – Mark Passio |
References featuring Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D. (*1963) US American professor of social, cultural and moral psychology and ethical leadership, New York University Stern School of Business, author ► Video TV interview Jonathan Haidt Explains Our Contentious Culture, presented by the US American TV show Moyers & Company, host Bill Moyers (*1934) US American political commentator, journalist, YouTube film, 47:09 minutes duration, posted by TheEthanwashere 13. June 2012 ► Followup book: The Righteous Mind. Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion,, Pantheon, 1st edition 13. March 2012, reprint edition 12. February 2013 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Moral Foundations Theory |
See also: ► Culture and ► Ethics and ► Politics |
Siehe auch: ► Sechs Säulen der Ethik – Jonathan Haidt |
Source: ► Video presentation What On Earth Is Happening? by Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the church of Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker, Occult Influence, Mind Control and Astrotheology – WOEIH, part 2 of 4, recorded by Top Girl Productions, Karen DeBiasse and David Simmons, December 2008, YouTube film, minute 32:55, 2:59:40 duration, posted 21. March 2012 |
See also: ► Cognitive dissonance |
Sources: ► Blog article Common New Age Misconceptions You Need To Understand, presented by Erin Janus, 25. March 2015, via the blogspot authenticnumerology, 24. April 2015 ► Audio presentation Mark Passio speaks to the New Age, the Naive, the Misinformed and the Trolls, podcast WhatonEarthisHappening, aired 2. February 2013, YouTube film, 1:37:26 duration, posted 15. April 2013 ► Extended YouTube podcast, animated video presentation New Age Bullshit And The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine, sponsored by the "Free Your Mind 2" conference, Philadelphia, 27. April 2013, YouTube film, 7:03:33 duration, posted 11. August 2013, reposted 21. September 2020 10 "New" Age deceptions promoting slave think and inhibiting understanding of Natural Law |
Reference: ► Blog chart 25 NEW AGE DECEPTIONS, presented by Ines Radman, 3. January 2015 |
༺༻ | New Age deception | Correction |
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2. | ![]() | |
3. | ![]() |
Source: ► Video presentation by Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the church of Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker, What On Earth Is Happening?, part 4 of 4, recorded by the Top Girl Productions, Karen DeBiasse and David Simmons, December 2008, YouTube film, minute 0:36:08, 1:48:56 duration, posted 24. September 2012 |
Links zum Thema Kontrolle / ControlLiteratur
Literature (engl.)
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
Audio- und Videolinks – Bewusstseinskontrolle
Audio- und Videolinks – UFO Enthüllung (Disclosure)
Audio and video links (engl.)
The games of Monopoly and Musical Chairs illustrate the system of white supremacist privilege and unhealthy domination of straight
The so called New World Order is "the aristocracy of purpose between North American and European elites" connected with the Black Eagle
Testing the dark side of authority-obedience: Milgram experiment and other harm-inducing human behavior experiments
Audio and video links (engl.) – Mind control
Warning: This interview is recommended for mature listeners only.
Warning: This interview is recommended for mature listeners only.
Warning: This interview is recommended for mature listeners only.
Audio and video links (engl.) – UFO Disclosure
Anonymous affirms that some of the Blue Book cases were completely fictitious. He and his CIA superior were allowed inside the secretive |
Englisch Wiki
1 Merton, R.K., The self-fulfilling prophecy, presented by the US American literary magazine The Antioch Review, # 8, S. 193-210, 1948 ⇑
2 Leon Festinger (1919-1989) US American social psychologist, known for cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory, Stanley Schachter (1922-1997) US American social psychologist, Henry Riecken, classic work of social psychology When Prophecy Fails. A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World, Harper-Torchbooks, New York, 1. January 1956 ⇑
3 Solomon E. Asch (1907-1996) polnisch-US-amerikanischer Gestaltpsychologe, Pionier der Sozialpsychologie, Studies of independence and conformity. A minority of one against a unanimous majority, presented by the journal Psychological Monographs, Themenheft, issue 70, 1956 ⇑
4 Leon Festinger (1919-1989) US American social psychologist, known for cognitive dissonance and social comparison theory, James M. Carlsmith, Cognitive consequences of forced compliance, presented by the peer-reviewed academic APA journal Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, # 58, S. 203-210, 1959 ⇑
5 Lifton, R.J., Thought reform and the psychology of totalism, Norton & Company, New York, 1963 ⇑
6 Julian B. Rotter (1916-2014) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Entwickler der sozialen Lerntheorie und der Theorie der Kontrollüberzeugungen, Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement, presented by the journal Psychological Monographs, Themenheft, issue 80, 1966 ⇑
7 R. Hernandez-Peon, Physiological mechanisms in attention, cited in: R.W. Russel, editor, Frontiers in physiological psychology, Academic Press, New York, 1966 ⇑
8 Artikel von Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo (*1933) US-amerikanischer Professor Emeritus für Sozialpsychologie, Stanford University, Autor, The human choice. Individuation, reason, and order versus deindividuation, impulse and chaos; zitiert in: W.D. Arnold, D. Levine, Herausgeber, Nebraska symposum on motivation, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1969 ⇑
9 B. Weiner, Herausgeber, Achievement motivation and attribution theory, General Learning Press, Morristown, 1974 ⇑
10 S. Milgram, Obedience to authority, Harper & Row, New York, 1974 ⇑
11 Martin Seligman, Ph.D. (*1942) US-amerikanischer Professor für Psychologie, Universität von Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Autor, Helplessness. On Depression, Development, and Death, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1975, Neudruck Juni 1992 ⇑