
Wiki / AndrewCohen





Problematischer spiritueller Lehrer / Problematic spiritual teacher

Andrew Cohen
(*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Erleuchtungsguru




Andrew Cohen
Teaching session, Paris, France, spring 2012



Kurzbeschreibung Andrew Cohen

Andrew Cohen ist ein seit 2013 zurückgetretener spiritueller Lehrer und kultureller Visionär, der eine Revolution des menschlichen Bewusstseins anstrebte. Sein Einsatz galt der Idee, die Grenzen des menschlichen Potenzials auszuweiten und zur Evolution beizutragen. Mit seinen SchülerInnen, in öffentlichen Vorträgen und Retreats und im Dialog mit führenden Denkern, Mystikern und Aktivisten unserer Zeit setzte Cohen radikal neue Impulse, um das menschliche Bewusstsein für eine ethisch und spirituell gereifte Kultur der Zukunft zu befreien.

Zitate zum Thema Andrew Cohen und sein Werk

Zitate von Andrew Cohen

  • Es gibt noch eine weitere Ebene, die über der des Welt-Bewusstseins liegt – diese ist kosmozentrisch. Auf ihr sehen
    und verstehen wir uns als Bürger des Universums, als Bürger des Kosmos, noch bevor wir uns als Mitglieder der glo-
    balen Zivilisation, einer bestimmten Nation, eines Stammes oder einer Familie fühlen. Wir betrachten unser eigenes
    Leben in dem Zusammenhang einer 14 Milliarden Jahre währenden kosmischen Evolution. Zu diesem Kontext möch-
    te ich die Menschen mit meiner Arbeit als Lehrer wirklich erwecken, indem ich spirituelle Transformation und ihr Ziel
    der Erleuchtung in einem evolutionären Kontext neu definiere. Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass der wichtigste Faktor
    bei dem Erwachen zu einen neuen moralischen Kontext für unsere Zeit das Verständnis unserer eigenen Entste-
    hung innerhalb eines evolutionären Zusammenhangs ist. Er kann uns helfen ein neuen moralischen und ethischen
    Rahmen zu definieren, den wir heutzutage so dringend benötigen. Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-ameri-
    kanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / Enlighten
    Next, Autor, Quelle unbekannt


  • Du bist der Prozess: Evolutionäre Philosophie und evolutionäre Spiritualität basieren auf der Erkenntnis, dass wir
    Teil eines wunderbaren Prozesses sind, der seit Milliarden von Jahren existiert und sich ständig entwickelt hat. Da-
    durch erkennen wir, dass unsere eigene persönliche Erfahrung dieses Prozesses in seinen vielen inneren und äu-
    ßeren, gröberen und subtileren Dimensionen lediglich ein sehr kleiner Teil eines unendlichen Entwicklungsprozes-
    ses ist. Gedanken und Gefühle, die im individuellen Bewusstsein auftauchen, reflektieren emotionale und psycho-
    logische Strukturen oder Gewohnheiten, die sich langsam über Jahrtausende hinweg entwickelt haben.
    Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufge-
    lösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Quelle unbekannt


  • Manche Menschen interpretieren das Wort Prozess als etwas Unmenschliches. Aber es ist in Wirklichkeit genau
    das Gegenteil. Ich verstehe diesen Prozess nicht in einem flachen, mechanischen und materialistischen Sinn. Die-
    ser Prozess ist lebendig. Du bist es. Du bist der Prozess. Diese Veränderung der Perspektive ist so bedeutend, da
    du beginnst, dein eigenes Selbstgefühl als Teil eines gewaltigen, sich entfaltenden Entwicklungsstromes zu sehen.
    Dein Verständnis, was es bedeutet ein menschliches Wesen zu sein, erweitert sich nahezu ins Unendliche. Du be-
    ginnst, deine eigene Menschlichkeit und dein Potenzial für eine größere Menschlichkeit als Ergebnis dieses Prozes-
    ses zu verstehen – als ein dem Prozess innewohnender Teil und, soweit uns bekannt ist, der am weitesten entwik-
    kelte Ausdruck dieses Prozesses.
    Dadurch vergrößert und erweitert eine evolutionäre Spiritualität dein Verständnis, was es bedeutet ein Mensch zu
    sein, nahezu ins Unendliche. Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Grün-
    der und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Quelle unbekannt


  • In diesem Zustand jenseits von Dualität erlebst du gleichzeitig die Befreiung deiner Schöpferkraft und Autonomie,
    und das Wegfallen dieser Empfindung, von den anderen getrennt zu sein; das Gefühl von Grenzen zwischen dir
    und anderen fällt einfach weg.
    So ist es, wenn das Eine und die Vielen EINS werden, aber wenn sie das tun, werden sie paradoxerweise nicht
    unterscheidbar – das ist das Wunderbare an diesem Zustand.
    Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufge-
    lösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Quelle unbekannt


  • Ich finde es interessant, wenn man zu verstehen beginnt, dass der spirituelle Impuls auch ein Impuls hin zu einer
    höheren Verbundenheit ist, speziell für diejenigen Individuen, die sich schon weiter entwickelt haben. Zuerst wird die-
    ser Impuls als der Wunsch nach der Erfahrung tieferer Zustände empfunden, nach einer Verbundenheit mit dem Le-
    ben, dem tiefsten Teil von einem selbst, nach Ganzheit. Beginnen wir jedoch zu diesem tiefsten Teil unserer selbst
    und der ihm innewohnenden Ganzheit und Fülle zu erwachen, dann stellen wir fest, dass ein Teil dieses spirituellen
    Impulses in dem Verlangen besteht, sich miteinander zu verbinden und mit anderen Menschen zusammenzukom-
    men – im Kontext der tieferen Ganzheit, die wir erkannt und erfahren haben und zu der wir erwacht sind. Ich glaube
    nicht, dass man das eine vom anderen trennen kann; es ist, mit anderen Worten, nicht möglich, den Wunsch nach
    der Erfahrung höherer Zustände von dem Wunsch zu trennen, sich mit anderen Menschen auf einer tieferen Ebene
    zu treffen und zu verbinden. Und daran liegt es, denke ich, dass Menschen, die spirituell erwachen, oft neue Be-
    ziehungen schaffen möchten, weil sie sich im Kontext von etwas Tieferem begegnen möchten, dessen sie sich
    vorher vielleicht nicht bewusst waren.
    Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufge-
    lösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Quelle unbekannt

Quotes by Andrew Cohen

Personal avowal ◊ apology ◊ resignation


After years of public exposure cult leader Andrew Cohen was supposedly forced by five of his senior students to step down (temporarily) from his leading position at EnlightenNext. Cohen's public apology may be considered as a PR move.

  • I’ve understood this simple truth – that we all have egos no matter how enlightened we may be – and even taught it to thousands of people all over the world through-
    out my career. But when I was being asked to face my own ego by those who were nearest and dearest to me, I resisted. And I often made their lives dif-
    ficult as a result.

    I'm aware that many of my students over the years have also been affected by my lack of awareness of this part of myself. And for those of you who are reading this, I apologize. […]
    I'm going to embark upon a sabbatical for an extended period of time. […] My intention is to become a better teacher, and more importantly, a better man. Withdrawal note issued by Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlighten-
    ment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, An Apology,
    26. June 2013  
    Link removed ~2 months after publishing, page terminated


Reference: ► Blog article THE "A" LIST: A Catalog of Trauma and Abuse, presented by whatenlightenment.blogspot.com, posted by Hal Blacker, US American senior editor of magazine WIE (1994-E/1996), founder of whatenlightenment blog, 18. July 2013
Version 2.0-7/26/13 of above entry lists 50 types of abuses committed by guru Andrew Cohen
♦ Physical abuse
♦ Financial exploitation
♦ Violation of sexual and reproductive rights and privacy
♦ Interference with family and personal relationships
♦ Emotional and psychological abuse and ostracizing
♦ Denying and discouraging students' freedom to leave the community


  • I was asked to step down, which I reluctantly agreed to. Ever since that moment, I have wanted to find out what happe-
    ned. I have understandably been desperate to find out why this has all occurred. Why did this terrible destruction have
    to happen? To be honest, for a long time I have simply not been able to take in the unbearable truth that I some-
    how actually caused this collapse to occur.
    [...] I gradually lost sight of people's humanity, including my own, and
    only saw all of us as the living Self Aware consciousness that, in an evolutionary context, was going somewhere. [...]
    As I was losing touch with my own simple humanity and everyone else's, I also was simultaneously not paying at-
    tention to the gradual growing of my spiritual ambition, of my spiritual ego.
    Second open letter of apology issued by Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013),
    musician, founder of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, An open letter to all my former
    students upon return from my sabbatical
    , 12. May 2015
    Link removed ~2 months after publishing, page terminated


  • Question: Do you consider yourself enlightened?
    Answer AC: Well, that's a trick question. If I say I'm enlightened it's not politically correct. And then if I say I'm not, then [...] why should anyone listen to me speak about it? So what I like to do is basically let everybody make up their own minds [laughs]. Ever since I started teaching I realized that saying I was enlightened didn't serve me and saying I
    wasn't didn't either. So, I thought it was better maybe just to let everyone else make up their own mind.
    Interview with Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissol-
    ved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, Meet the 'Rude Boy of Enlightenment' , presented by the English speaking lifestyle website Beliefnet, S. 3, June 2005

A Doubtless Conviction

  • Fourteen billion years ago, something came from nothing. The energy and intelligence that initiated that explosion is the same energy that is driving this whole process right now. It is what I call the evolutionary impulse or creative principle. And at the leading edge of development, that same evolutionary impulse emerges in human awareness as the spiritual impulse, the urge to become more conscious. It is experienced as the mysterious longing to develop spiritually, the ecstatic compulsion to become more awake and more aware. That impulse is what I call the authentic self. And any-
    body who experiences this authentic self will realize, upon reflection, that it is a completely different part of the self
    than the ego. The ego and the authentic self are parallel lines that never meet.
The ego is full of unresolved issues and unfulfilled desires, deeply fearful and ambivalent about the very fact of being alive. But the authentic self is only interested in creating the future. And that part of your self and that part of my self
is not self-conscious and is not afraid of life. In the authentic self, there's not a trace of ambivalence. There's no hesi-
tation. There's no doubt. There's no existential confusion. And it's not a choice that needs to be made. The authentic
self, in you and in me, once we awaken to it, is already completely committed. Absolute conviction is inherent in the
nature of the authentic self, and that is why when any one of us awakens to that self, we experience an intoxicating
joy and confidence, a fearless passion and pure doubtless conviction about being here and doing things right in or-
der to create a better future. Why? Because we recognize that that is the very reason we are here. Deleted video lec-
ture by Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved ma-
gazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, Creating the Future: Evolutionary Enlightenment in Action, date unknown



Alone With God

  • When you experience pure consciousness, you will discover that one of its qualities is the sense that "I could stay here forever." There is no impetus, no desire to do anything. And yet there is more to it than that. If there was simply no desire, that would be the absence of a certain quality. But the desirelessness of consciousness is connected to its fullness, to the overwhelming presence of a knowing that is everything and nothing at once. This pure knowing is so profound that we could use the word God as a metaphor for its absolute nature. When we begin to meditate upon consciousness and become compelled by this mysterious sense of absolute fullness that is empty, we can have the experience of being aware of or in touch with God. When you are giving your attention to this experience and you feel the sense that "I could stay here forever," you will begin to understand why men and women throughout history have spent years, even lifetimes, meditating in caves. When you directly experience the nature of consciousness, it is so compelling that you will understand that mysterious longing to be alone with God forever.
    Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved magazine
    What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, cited in: Evolutionary Enlightenment Intensives, Montserrat, Spain 2005



Put to the test

Siehe auch: Artikel Was ist das Ego?. Bericht aus den Schützengräben, eine provokative Einleitung zum Thema Was ist Ego, Freund oder Feind, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Heft 4, ~2000

  • Who we are and how we perceive our own experience and the world around us depends upon where our allegiance lies. The perspective of the individual who has surrendered the will of their own ego to their spiritual heart is drastically different from the perspective of one who has not. But it is important to understand that because the ego can usurp any calling of the human soul in order to remain in control – even the longing for liberation – it's usually impossible to tell exactly who it is who is claiming they want to be free until that moment when their faith and love for truth alone are put to the test. It is only then that we can actually find out who we really are and what part of our self is pulling the strings of our own destiny. Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, What Is Ego? Friend Or Foe... A Report from The Trenches, introduction, classical quote, issue 17, spring-summer 2000


  • For a long time I've been instinctively attempting […] to hold my students to a standard in all these areas of life
    that reflects the degree of revelation
    that they have actually experienced. But this is the first time I've tried to make
    it concrete in such a way that objective observers would be able to appreciate. I'm sure the rest of my life will be dedi-
    cated largely to this endeavor, together with others who are committed to making enlightenment really mean some-
    thing in the twenty-first century! Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, presented by the dissolved Andrew Cohen's Blog, date unknown


  • The authentic self is the best part of a human being. It's the part of you that already cares, that is already passionate about evolution. When your authentic self miraculously awakens and becomes stronger than your ego, then
    you will truly begin to make a difference in this world.
    You will literally enter into a partnership with the creative principle. Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, cited in: Andrew Cohen Quotes, presented by AZ Quotes

⚡ Kritische Zitate von anderen Quellen


Schattenseite der "Egotötung"

  • So berichtet André van der Braak:
    "Andrew begann immer mehr darüber zu reden, dass wir "das Ego töten müssten". Der Fokus ging immer mehr darauf, unser Verhalten zu ändern, uns zu reinigen und Erleuchtung im Leben auszudrücken."
Damit einhergehend entwickelte sich eine äußerst destruktive Gruppendynamik, bei der sich die Mitglieder unterein-
ander mehr und mehr – unter dem Deckmäntelchen der Egozerstörung – auf der psychischen Ebene zerfleischten:
"Später hatten wir immer häufiger Treffen, in denen wir uns gegenseitig angingen, uns gegenseitig anschrien,
nur um unser Ego zu zerstören."
Artikel Gemeinsam auf dem Weg zur Erleuchtung, präsentiert von der Publikation Yoga aktuell, Doris Iding, Heft 6, S. 4, 1. De-
zember 2004

⚡ Critical quotes on Andrew Cohen from various other sources

Critique on Andrew Cohen and associates
Personal avowals

  • I personally think Andrew Cohen is in deep need of long term therapy... He should apologize first to his mother and then to every student he has ever taken under his wing. David Lane (*1955) US American political activist promoting social conservative values and political strength of religious groups on the Christian right in the United States, Sepember 2009


  • I felt that I was in the presence of an individual with such tremendous willpower that I had to be constantly vigilant in
    order not to abandon the most basic premises of my own experience. Even more strangely, I suddenly had the pro-
    found intuition that he was utterly devoid of conscience, that he [Andrew Cohen] lacked any authentic ability to
    care for or about another human being.
    It was clear that his deluded agenda took absolute precedence over every-
    thing. He was perfectly singleminded. Feeling his hand on my knee suddenly made my skin crawl.
    Testimonial of former student S. A., My Dinner With Andrew, posted by What Enlightenment??!, 7. July 2013



Abandoned by his PR team, Andrew Cohen remains out
of sight.

[Status March 2015]

  • Initially it was unclear whether his seeming contrition was for real or merely a political necessity. Many to whom he apologized said that he seemed robotic, as if begrud-
    gingly doing what was required of him to salvage his reputation. Even more telling, an email from his P.R. team was leaked at the time of his demise, letting his inner circle know how they intended to "spin" his humble retreat from public life and possibly pave the way for his return in the spring of 2014.
    But that never happened, and I've since learned that the P.R. team itself abandoned ship soon after that first email circulated. Article What Happens When Your Guru Disappears?, presented by Eliezer Sobel (*1956) US American publisher,
    editor, journalist-blogger, author, 27. March 2015

Critique on Andrew Cohen and associates

  • Many, even most, of Andrew’s former students, at least those who spent significant time in his company, have lost faith
    in themselves, in their own aspiration and capacity, in the possibility of a healthy student-teacher relationship, in the
    whole enterprise. [...]
    When his students leave him, rather than wishing them well and hoping that they are able to make good use of their
    experience with him, his community, and his teachings, Andrew scorns them, heaps abuse upon them, calls them
    "pigs" and "monsters," and asserts that they have "sold their souls to the devil." Rather than hoping that they will go
    on to use what they've learned in living fruitful lives, continuing their spiritual paths, and doing good work to relieve
    suffering in the world, he responds gleefully when he hears news of former students who are struggling to find their
    way. [...]
    Maybe he will be able to adjust course regarding some of the matters discussed on this blog. That is my hope.
    Blog article A Legacy of Scorched Earth. Reflections of a former student by Susan Bridle, presented by the dissolved US American magazine What is Enlightenment? / Enlightennext, Susan Bridle, US American student of Andrew Cohen (1992-2002), WIE editor,
    2. June 2005



Change-making triggered by "outsiders" ⇔ Status quo held by the dominant group

  • It's a basic tenet of change-making that the dominant group is neither motivated to change the power dynamics nor are they able to see what needs to change clearly […]. Only an "outsider" – women vis a vis men, people of color vis a vis whites, working class people vis a vis the rich – can see and feel where another's habits of identity shape larger dynamics of inequality and injustice. […]
    [I]n the culture at large, women, as outsiders to the various levers of power, went first in breaking open the old status
    quo. But that didn't and doesn't mean that men don't have a hell of a lot of work to do. Nor that women don't have
    further to go, too. Deleted testimony by Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, former senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, An Open Letter to My Former Spiritual Teacher, presented by the Artemis Forum, 12. July 2015

Critique on Andrew Cohen's former senior students

  • Picasso made great art. He was also (allegedly) an asshole and a womanizer. Perhaps [Andrew] Cohen makes for intense spiritual experiences, but has also (allegedly) abused his students. This is easy to conceive for someone with
    an integral perspective.
    My conclusion – I think [Terry Patten] your questioning of Cohen is great, very appropriate. But I also think you and Wilber and others continue to enable abuse with your criticism of Cohen's ex-students as simply being "nega-
    tive" or not appreciating his evolutionary vision
    which requires breaking a few eggs to make a spiritual omelet.
    Justice has still not taken place, and restoration for past harms is still incomplete.
    The missing component here is the lack of any admission of wrongdoing. […] [T]he lack of a simple and straightforward admission of such (e.g. "what I did was wrong and I am terribly sorry") is the problem. Unfortunately, the notion of guru as absolutely perfect makes such human admissions of imperfection impossible.
    Reader's comment by Duff McDuffee, 26. January 2011 – in response to Terry Patten, US American integral evolutionary leader,
    coach, author, On Outrageous Teaching and Charges of Enabling Abuse Submitted by Terry, 5. June 2010



Witnessing Cohen's Jekyll-and-Hyde qualities (disjuncture between "highly evolved spirituality" and extremely predatory conduct), Orwellian strategies, and NPD


  • I believe there are fundamental flaws in Craig Hamilton's perspective; flaws that serve to perpetuate the existence of 'Asshole-Guru Syndrome' rather than countering it as he intends.2 There are two key areas that he fails to consider
    that contribute to this weakness. These are...
    ⚑ The lack of any analysis as to how and why spiritual 'luminaries' come to be defined as such and accorded
    socio-spiritual status.
    ⚑ The lack of any adequate socio-cultural positioning of 'spiritual knowledge', particularly within a gendered
By exploring these points in the light of my own experience as both an academic and psychic I hope to illustrate my
own belief that...
'Guru-ism' is a specific socio-spiritual construct that reflects the mores of masculine-dominated cultures, both East and West.
Spirituality and Enlightenment are our natural birthright and we require neither intermediaries nor experts to access them.
⚑ Centuries' worth of epistemological elitism have spiritually disempowered ordinary individuals via an ideo-
logy of expert intermediary as the only path to the Divine.
Gaia Charis, 'Asshole-Guru Syndrome'...a response to Craig Hamilton, March 2010
  • Why was it [...] that (male) gurus of every stripe [...] at the moment of their alleged enlightenment, became enlightened in every respect but that of the true identity and worth of women? Luna Tarlo, Canadian major in English literature, mother
    of the failed guru Andrew Cohen, author, The Mother of God, S. 250, Plover Press, New York, 1997


  • 46. Andrew Cohen repeatedly telling students that if they left the community it would be the equivalent of "literally committing spiritual suicide" and that they "can never escape me" as "I am their direct connection to the Absolute."
    Blog article THE "A" LIST: A Catalog of Trauma and Abuse, presented by whatenlightenment.blogspot.com, posted by Hal Blacker, US American senior editor of magazine WIE (1994-E/1996), founder of whatenlightenment blog, 18. July 2013


Links zum Thema Andrew Cohen und sein Werk

Literatur und Medien von Andrew Cohen


⚡ Literature (engl.) on Andrew Cohen's cultic behavior

Critical literature disclosing on Andrew Cohen

  • Luna Tarlo, Canadian major in English literature, mother of failed guru Andrew Cohen, author, The Mother of God, Plover
    Press, New York, 1997

Confessions of a mother and her struggle to free herself from being controlled by her son, the US American guru Andrew Cohen. themotherofgod.com

Chapter XXI "Sometimes I Feel Like a God" – Andrew Cohen

Cohen went from spiritual guide to master manipulator. His students became willing partners in that scheme.
For years after his departure in 2001 Yenner remained silent. Like others he was pressured under "extreme psychological distress and in an emotionally crushed state of mind" into giving his $80,000 and a few years after he finally broke with Cohen he wanted it back. Cohen agreed but made Yenner sign a five-year non-judicial but binding gag order to not speak about his experiences at Foxhollow or with Cohen. The gag order expired in 2008, hence Yenner was free to publish his disclosure book.

  • Blog review by David Christopher Lane, Ph.D. (*1956) US American professor of philosophy and sociology, Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, California, lecturer in religious studies, author of Exposing Cults – When the Skeptical Mind Confronts the Mystical, Garland Publishers, New York and London, 1994, Andrew Cohen Exposed, presented by the
    online publication integralworld.net, September 2009

Externe Weblinks

  • Magazin "What Is Enlightenment? (WIE)", Hauptpublikation in englischer und deutscher Sprache, gegründet von A. Cohen 1992, aufgelöst 2013
  • What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext (engl.)

Von Andrew Cohen gegründet Internationale Organisation, die sich der Entwicklung einer erleuchteteren globalen Kultur verpflichtet hat mit öffentliche Zentren in New York, Boston, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Kopenhagen und Rishikesh in Indien. Der Hauptsitz von EnlightenNext
ist ein 110 Hektar umfassendes Retreat-Zentrum im westlichen Massachusetts, wo Cohen und die größte Gruppe seiner Schüler leben.

Linklose Artikel

⚡ Kritische Webseiten – Kultgebaren von Andrew Cohen

Linklose Artikel

  • Buchbetrachtung André van der Braak: Liegestütz zur Erleuchtung. Vom Sinn und Unsinn der Selbstüberwindung, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Monatszeitschrift Connection, Christian Salvesen (*1951) deutscher Philosoph, freier Journalist, Autor, November 2004

See also: ► Kulte

External weblinks (engl.)

  • Andrew Cohen's website
  • Dissolved magazine "What Is Enlightenment? (WIE)", portal to the WIE media world, international organisation to develop a more enlightened global culture with public centers in New York, Boston, London, Amsterdam, Paris, Kopenhagen and Rishikesh in India. The main center of EnlightenNext is a 110 acres big retreat centrum in Western Massachusetts where Cohen and the biggest group of his students live.

⚡ Critical weblinks on Andrew Cohen's cultic behavior

On June 26, 2013 Andrew Cohen resigned from office apologizing for his ego deficits.

Chapter XXI places Cohen in context of his guru Poonjaji and provides a short history of his life. This book draws attention to the phenomenon
of cults, gurus and spiritual abuse. Startling revelations about Krishnamurti, Osho, Trungpa, Sai Baba and Yogi Amrit Desai.
Note on the author's style: The book is badly written and poorly edited.

Critical essays by Martin Erdmann (*1941) Polish German interpreter and translator, lecturer at University of Heidelberg, cofounder
of the German Spiritual Emergence Network (S.E.N.), poet, writer, presented by the online publication integralworld.net

From a no longer Crazy Cohen to a Confused Cohen
Visiting the Wilberian hell, together with Messiah Cohen and the great Zen Master
Andrew in hell and in divine love with Poonjaji
Andrew Cohen's enslavement and the Zen master's liberation

Ken Wilber's disparate ego-theories
How André [van der Braak] broke from Andrew's paralyzing control
Wiber's ill-conceived Ego Theory as the Deeper Cause of the Dilemma
How the Andrewites, intent on demolishing an inimical ego, destroy themselves

  • Deleted retrieval of Andrew Cohen's Apologies, presented by the website "American Guru", William Yenner, undated
    Apology #1, June 2013
    Apology #2, An open letter to all my former students upon return from my sabbatical, 12. May 2015

Linkless articles

  • Interview with Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, Andrew Cohen's 'Evolutionary Enlightenment'... and a Buried Interview with Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, undated
  • Interview Interview with Andrew Cohen, presented by the dissolved website Enlightenment.com, host Jordan Gruber, 23. December 2000
  • Resigning statement of Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder
    of the dissolved magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, An Apology, 26. June 2013
  • Second open letter of apology issued by Andrew Cohen (*1955) resigned US American enlightenment guru (1986-2013), musician, founder of magazine What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, author, An open letter to all my former students upon re-
    turn from my sabbatical
    , 12. May 2015

Audio and video links (engl.)

Post cult media sources

Cults – groups with a high degree of manipulation, control, coercion, exploitation, abuse
Cult leaders – on a mission stating grandiose goals, aiming for self-aggrandizement
Cult exiters – their cultic dissociation is broken, while their cultic personality is still lingering

Linkless offerings

Educational documentary on psychopaths (engl.)


Interne Links


Englisch Hawkins



1 Deceptive apologist for Cohen, yet confirming his abuses and serious ethical violations, Craig Hamilton left his position as managing editor of the magazine WIE which he held for eight years in December 2005. In 2007 Hamilton re-created himself as a "graduate" of Cohen's community, and the founder of his own "enlightenment" school, Integral Enlightenment, who had "figured out how to monetize" the englightenment business. See: WIE Editor Craig Hamilton Leaves Magazine, Cohen Group, posted by What Enlightenment??!, 14. December 2005

2 Reference: Deleted article by Craig Hamilton, Integral Enlightenment: Why Authentic Spirituality Must Transform our Humanity, presented by the dissolved outlet integralenlightenment, 2009   Link deleted

3 André van der Braak, Liegestütz zur Erleuchtung. Lehrjahre bei einem amerikanischen Guru, Edition Spuren, Winterthur September 2004

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