Links zum Thema Kundalini-Phänomene / Kundalini emergencies
- Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Rande Brown, Chakra Physiologie. Die subtilen Organe des Körpers und die Chakra-Maschine, Aurum Verlag, Freiburg, 1980
- Prof. Dr. Stanislav Grof (*1931) tschechisch-US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Medizinphilosoph, Mitbegründer der transpersonalen Psychologie, Lehrer, Autor und Dr. Christina Grof (1941-2014) US-amerikanische Psychotherapeutin, Grün-
derin des Spiritual Emergence Network (SEN), Mitbegründerin von Holotropic Breathwork, Künstlerin, Lehrerin, Autorin, Jenseits des Todes. An den Toren des Bewußtseins, Kösel, 1984, 1986
Stanislav und Christina Grof sind die Gründer des Spiritual Emergence Networks (SEN).
- Dr. Lee Sannella, Kundalini-Erfahrung und die neuen Wissenschaften, Synthesis-Verlag, Essen, 1989
- Genevieve Lewis Paulson, Das Kundalini Handbuch, Windpferd-Verlag, Aitrang, 1992
- Swami Sivananda Radha (1911-1995) deutsche Yogini, Autorin, Kundalini Praxis. Verbindung mit dem inneren Selbst, Hermann Bauer Verlag, Freiburg, 1992
- Prof. Dr. Stanislav Grof (*1931) tschechisch-US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Medizinphilosoph, Mitbegründer der transpersonalen Psychologie, Lehrer, Autor, Das Abenteuer der Selbstentdeckung. Heilung durch veränderte Bewußtseins-
zustände. Ein Leitfaden, S. 43, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 8. Auflage 2. April 1994
- Dr. Gabriel Cousens (*1943), Ganzheitliche Ernährung und ihre spirituelle Dimension, Edition Sternenprinz, Frankfurt, 1995
- Liane Hofmann, Diplomarbeit zum Thema: Spirituelle Krisen und Kundalini-Erfahrung, Freiburg, 1995
- Gerhard Eggetsberger, Geheime Lebensenergien, Droemer-Knaur Verlag, München, 1998
- Dr. Bonnie L. Greenwell (1941-2022) US-amerikanische transpersonale Psychotherapeutin, Gründerin des Kundalini Research Network, Dharmalehrerin, Autorin, Kundalini. Erfahrungen mit der geheimnisvollen Urkraft der Erleuchtung, Gustav Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach, 1. Januar 1998
Literature (engl.)
- Gopi Krishna (1903-1984) Indian yogi, mystic, teacher, social reformer, writer, autobiography Kundalini. The Evolutionary Energy in Man, 1967, Shambala Books, 1970, revised edition 4. February 1997
- Kundalini. The Evolutionary Energy in Man, introduction by Frederic Spiegelberg (1897-1994) US American professor
of religion, Stanford University, psychological commentary by James Hillman (1926-2013) Jewish-European US Ame- rican archetypal Jungian psychologist, author, PDF of 89 pages, Stuart & Watkins, London, 1970, Shambala, 1. January 1971
- Gopi Krishna (1903-1984) Indian mystic, yogi, teacher, social reformer, writer, The Real Nature of Mystical Experience, New Concepts Publishing, New York, 1978
- John White, US American educator, editor and author in consciousness research and parascience, Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment, Omega series, Paragon House, 1979, 2nd revised paperback edition 31. December 1993
- Stanislav Grof, Ph.D. (*1931) Czech US American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, co-developer of transpersonal psychology, teacher, author, Beyond the Brain. Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy, State University of New York Press, 1. August 1985
- Gopi Krishna (1903-1984) Indian mystic, yogi, teacher, social reformer, writer, The Wonder of the Brain, Institute for Consciousness Research, 1. January 1987
- Dr. Lee Sannella, The Kundalini Experience. Psychosis or Transcendence, Integral Publishing, revised edition June 1987
- James Hillman (1926-2013) Jewish-European US American archetypal Jungian psychologist, author, A Blue Fire,
Harper & Row, New York City, New York, 1989, HarperPerennial, paperback 1997
- Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D. (1941-2022) US American transpersonal psychotherapist, founder of Kundalini Research Network, dharma teacher, author, Energies of Transformation. A Guide to the Kundalini Process, Shakti River Press, revised edition February 1995
- Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, The Evolving Human. A Story of Awakened Kundalini, Lily Hill Publishing, June 2005, paper-
back issue 5. Februar 2017
- Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D. (1941-2022) US American transpersonal psychotherapist, founder of Kundalini Research Network,
dharma teacher, author, The Kundalini Guide. A Companion for the Inward Journey (Volume 1), Shakti River Press, 1st edi- tion 26. April 2014
- Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D. (1941-2022) US American transpersonal psychotherapist, founder of Kundalini Research Network, dharma teacher, author, The Awakening Guide. A Companion for the Inward Journey (Volume 2), Shakti River Press, 1st edition
29. May 2014
- L. Ron Gardner, US American mystic-philosopher, astrologer, author, Amazon book review A Flawed but Worthwhile Kunda-
lini Guide, 25. September 2014
- Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D. (1941-2022) US American transpersonal psychotherapist, founder of Kundalini Research Network,
dharma teacher, author, When Spirit Leaps. Navigating the Process of Spiritual Awakening, Non-Duality Press, 28. June 2018
Externe Weblinks
- European Transpersonal Association Eurotas
External web links (engl.)
- David Lukoff, Ph.D., US American professor of clinical psychology, Loyola University of Chicago, Sofia University, From Spiritual Emergency to Spiritual Problem, The Transpersonal Roots of the New DSM-IV Category, written by the Spiritual Competency Resource Center, presented by the peer-reviewed academic Journal of Humanistic Psychology, volume 38, issue 2, S. 21-50, 1998
- Coursebook written and instructed by David Lukoff, Ph.D., US American professor of clinical psychology, Loyola University of Chicago, DSM IV Religious & Spiritual Problems, PDF, originally presented by Wisdom University, 2000
- Article Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D. (1941-2022) US American transpersonal psychotherapist, founder of Kundalini Research Network, dharma teacher, author, 10 Things You Can Do to Help Your Kundalini Process, presented by the website, 2015
Audio and video links (engl.)
- Video TV interview with Lee Sannella, M.D. US American kundalini expert, author, Lee Sannella: What is Kundalini? (excerpt), episode #S062, What Is Kundalini?, presented by the non-profit organization The Intuition Network and the US American in-
dependent public television series Thinking Allowed (PBS) (1988-2002), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube film, 8:49 minutes duration, posted 3. February 2012
- List of videos and articles on the kundalini phenomenon compiled by Glenn J. Morris, Ph.D. (1944-2006) US American commu-
nication expert, psychologist, Videos and articles about Kundalini and Dr. Glenn J. Morris's Improved Kundalini Awakening Pro- cess, 2016