Wiki / Gewalt
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
The Nix as a white brook horse, 1909 |
The mechanism of tyranny always has to have both an external and an internal enemy to thrive. And it doesn't matter how contrived the internal enemy is or for that matter the external one. Tyranny is always the last refuge of a culture, civilization, or nation in decline. It never ever works. […] It's an epistomological warfare [between the Hermetic/Platonic view
Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Cultural Transitions, part 5, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma, |
Quelle (engl.): ► Videoseminar von und mit Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934-2015) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut, Entwickler und Förderer der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation, The Basics of Non Violent Communication, YouTube Film, eingestellt 5. April 2010 |
Siehe auch: ► Kommunikation |
See also: ► Quotes by Marshall Rosenberg |
Quelle: ► Artikel (engl.) How to Handle a Workplace Bully, [Umgang mit Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz] nach den Angaben des Workplace Bullying Institute, präsentiert von der Publikation PrideStaff Financial, 30. Mai 2017 [erster Artikel vom 28. Mai 2015] |
Siehe auch: ► ⚡Zitate über firmenimmanente Amtswillkür und Zensur durch die Q&A-Plattform Quora ► Aufdeckung und Entzauberung von prominenten spirituellen Straftätern |
See also: ► Workplace bullying ► Established sexual predation at the workplace – Alfred Hitchcock (60ties) • Clarence Thomas (90ties) • Roger Ailes (2016) • Harvey Weinstein (2017) ► ⚡Web links featuring rankist management and censorship on the Q&A platform Quora |
Es gibt insgesamt 5,33 Millionen erwachsene weibliche Opfer von Sexualdelikten in Deutschland.
Ungefähr 8000 Anzeigen von Vergewaltigung und sexueller Nötigung erfolgen jährlich in Deutschland.9
Aufklärungsquote von sexuellen Gewaltverbrechen: 83% [Zeitraum: 2007-2006]
Gemessen an den ermittelten Tatverdächtigen, liegt die Verurteilungsquote bei ~15,7% (statt 13%),
In Deutschland kommt es jährlich zu rund 3% Falschbezichtigungen bei sexuellen Straftaten.14
Weltweit |
Referenz: en.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Häufigkeit und Ablauf von Vergewaltigungen |
Siehe auch: ► Statistik |
See also: ► Statistics on sexual crimes, especially rapes – Germany |
Vergewaltigungsstatistiken belegen, dass Südafrika die höchste Vergewaltigungsrate der Welt aufweist.
Für eine in Südafrika geborene Frau ist es wahrscheinlicher, im Lauf ihres Lebens vergewaltigt zu werden als lesen zu lernen.
Eine Studie des Medical Research Councils (veröffentlicht im Juni 2009) befragte 1.738 Männer aus allen Bevölkerungsgrup-
pen Südafrikas. 27,6% der befragten Männer in Südafrika bestätigten mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben eine Frau oder ein
Mädchen vergewaltigt zu haben.
Drei Viertel davon gaben an, sie hätten mit weniger als 20 Jahren erstmals vergewaltigt. Beinahe jeder zehnte Vergewaltiger
war zum Zeitpunkt seines ersten Verbrechens jünger als zehn Jahre. Unter den über 30-Jährigen gab es 1,9% Vergewaltiger.
Die Hälfte der Vergewaltiger gestand mehrere Vergewaltigungen ein.
Unter den Vergewaltigern, die Frauen missbraucht haben, waren 20% zum Zeitpunkt der Vergewaltigung HIV-positiv.
2,9% der Befragten gaben an, Männer oder Knaben vergewaltigt zu haben, wovon 27,8% HIV-Positiv waren.
Die südafrikanische Polizeistatistik für das Jahr 2007 notiert 36.190 Anzeigen wegen Vergewaltigung.
Im Jahr 2002 waren laut Polizeistatistik 15% aller Vergewaltigungsopfer Kinder unter 11 Jahren.
Stand 2008: Von insgesamt 23.562.600 südafrikanischen Männern sind 112.835 (0,48% der männlichen Bevölkerung) im Gefängnis,
um für ein Verbrechen zu büßen.
Quellen: ► Artikel Studie zu Vergewaltigung in Südafrika. Jeder Vierte ein Vergewaltiger, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal des Kölner Nachrichtensenders der RTL Group n-tv, Sendung Panorama, 19. Juni 2009 ► Artikel Jeder vierte Südafrikaner ist ein Vergewaltiger, präsentiert von der kostenlosen Schweizer Pendlerzeitung 20 Minuten, 19. Juni 2009 ► Artikel Die unaussprechliche Katastrophe. Vergewaltigung von Männern in Kriegsgebieten, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, Arne Perras, Kampala, 12. Januar 2012 Bericht über Studie von US-Wissenschaftlerin Lara Stemple von der Universität Los Angeles in Kongo und Liberia |
Source: ► Statistics Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country, presented by the website, 2003-2020 |
Frauen zwischen 15 und 44 Jahren sind schwerer durch sexuelle Gewalt bedroht als durch Krebs, Krieg und Autounfälle zusammen genommen. Jede vierte Frau in Deutschland zwischen 16 und 85 Jahren wird wenigstens einmal in ihrem Leben von ihrem Partner oder ihrem Expartner körperlich und sexuell angegriffen.18 Rund 39% aller Frauen [weltweit] werden mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben Opfer sexueller Gewalt.19
Vergewaltigung – jegliches Eindringen in den Körper einer Person gegen ihren Willen – ist die extremste Form sexualisierter Gewalt. Sie missachtet das sexuelle Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Frau und ist Ausdruck männlicher Übermacht durch Unterwerfung und Demütigung von Frauen und Mädchen.
Eine Studie zur Vergewaltigungsmythenakzeptanz20 ergab, dass es gesamtgesellschaftlich eine relativ hohe Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen gibt.
Die gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe besteht darin
Statistik |
Schriftliche Quellen: ► Dissertation von Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen, PDF, Medizinische Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 16. Dezember 2004 ► Artikel von PD Dr. Heiko Rauhut, Schweizer Soziologe, Universität Zürich, Dr. Ivar Krumpal, Leipzig, Rechtfertigungen und sexuelle Gewalt. Eine experimentelle Studie, PDF, präsentiert von der Publikation "Soziale Probleme", 19. Jahrgang, 2008 ► Buch von Beatrice Weber, Die soziale Wirklichkeitskonstruktion von Vergewaltigungsmythen und der Realitätsbezug, Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, 1. Auflage 6. August 2010 |
See also: ► ⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial |
Referenzen: de.Wikipedia-Einträge ► Gewaltloser Widerstand und ► Vergewaltigungsmythos |
Siehe auch: ► Tabu und ► Gesetz 3:1 und ► Vergewaltigungsmythen und ► Evolution und ► Fünf Lernstationen |
See also: ► Taboo and ► Principle 3:1 and ► Evolution ► Four collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos and ► Four basic brains and their role in breaking taboos |
Sexsucht dominiert das Internet und untergräbt die Bindungsfähigkeit. [Status 2010-2011]
Geschätzte Einnahmen der Pornoindustrie [Stand 2009]
Artikel: ► Zehn Fakten über Web-Pornos, präsentiert von der deutschen Bild-Zeitung, 15. Januar 2010 |
Gegeninitiative (engl.): ► Videopräsentation Cindy Gallop (*1960) englische Werbeexpertin, Make love, not porn [Macht Liebe, nicht Pornografie], präsentiert von TEDBlog, YouTube version Make love, not porn (Adult content), 4:28 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 2. Dezember 2009 |
The constant novelty-at-a-click of Internet pornography can lead to Internet addiction in some users' brains. Research on Internet porn addiction reveals the same addiction-related brain changes and severe behavioral and chemical symptoms seen
in other addicts.
Rates of Internet-addicted male and female test subjects range from 8-21%, depending upon who performed the research.
One study on university students broke addiction rates by gender.
Former addicts are showing evidence of reversal of symptoms and brain change.
Source: ► Online Education |
Referencing studies: ► Data collection Relevant Research and Articles About the Studies, presented by the publication Your Brain On Porn, undated |
Strafrechtsrelevante den Körper bedrohende und verletzende Gewalt wird überwiegend von jüngeren Männern ausgeübt.
Entwicklungs- und hormonphysiologisch bedingt begehen im wesentlichen männliche Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene (vorwiegend Vierzehn- bis Zwanzigjährige) Gewaltverbrechen.
Der Hypothalamus von Männern und Frauen weist einen deutlichen Sexualdimorphismus auf. Nur bei Männern liegt
eine Koppelung von sexueller Erregung, Aggressivität und Dominanzverhalten vor. In Verbindung mit einem signifikant erhöhten Testosteronspiegel und einem deutlich gesenkten Serotoninspiegel verüben prädisponierte Männer Gewalttaten. Serotonin, Oxytocin und das Neuropeptid Y tragen zur Beruhigung und zur Aggressionskontrolle bei.
Quelle: ► Videointerview mit Prof. Gerhard Roth (*1942) deutscher Biologe, Verhaltensphysiologe, Hirnforscher, Universität Bremen, Autor, The difference between men's and women's brains [Der Unterschied zwischen den Gehirnen von Männern und Frauen], YouTube Film, Minute 1:11, 1:45 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. Oktober 2007 |
Referenz: ► Prof. Gerhard Roth (*1942) deutscher Biologe, Verhaltensphysiologe, Hirnforscher, Universität Bremen, Autor, Freier Wille, Verantwortlichkeit und Schuld, PDF, 14. März 2007 Prof. Gerhard Roth: "The hypothalamus (saturated with testosterone) – ONLY in men – is the agent of sexual arousal AND for violence." ["'NUR bei Männern – ist der Hypothalamus das Agens von sexueller Erregung UND Gewalt."] |
Siehe auch: ► Wut und ► Vertrauen und ► Statistik |
See also: ► Expressions of anger and ► Alarming rape record – South Africa and Congo |
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Desensibilisiert durch Hardcore-Pornografie und Alkohol war Bundy "besessen" von "einem eigenständigen Wesen im Inneren", als er vergewaltigte und mordete.
Schlussfolgerungen (allgemein)
Schlussfolgerungen von Marshall Rosenberg
Anonymität von erwachsenen Vergewaltigungsopfern gewährleistet den Fortbestand des Tabus und Tätern Straffreiheit.
Wenn 3,5%-5% der Bevölkerung gewaltfrei, engagiert und anhaltend protestieren, bewirken sie einen Kurswechsel des Regimes.
Zeitraum 1946-2014
3677 Opfer von sexuellem Missbrauch an Kindern und Jugendlichen.
1670 Täter haben mutmaßlich missbraucht. Beschuldigte sind Priester, Ordensmänner und Diakone.
4,4 Prozent aller Kleriker der deutschen Bistümer waren mutmaßlich Missbrauchstäter.
Bei 566 Beschuldigten (33,9 Prozent) wurden kirchenrechtliche Verfahren wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs Minderjähriger eingeleitet,
bei 53 Prozent nicht, bei 13,1 Prozent fehlten entsprechende Angaben. Rund ein Viertel aller eingeleiteten kirchenrechtlichen Ver-
fahren endete ohne Sanktionen. Aus dem Klerikerstand entlassen wurden 41 Beschuldigte, 88 wurden exkommuniziert, also aus
der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen.
Ergebnis der im Jahr 2002 durchgeführten deutschen Gewaltstudie an insgesamt 50.000 Probanden mit 286 Einzeluntersuchungen
Personal avowals
Years later Mann renounced his support of the war in his novels The Magic Mountain and Dr. Faustus depicting wartime Europe gripped by a mass psychosis.
Bill Clinton considers his scandalized affair with Monica Lewinsky as his "personal failure". Nearly two decades later he has not extended a public apology to his former intern.
Lewinsky scandal, 1998
Superb role modeling
Aung San Suu Kyi (*1945) is a Burmese opposition politician, leader of Myanmar's democracy movement, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.
Valerie M. Hudson, Ph.D. et al., Sex and World Peace, April 2012
Organized nonviolent resistance
Compensated on nonintegrous outlets
In the 1970s, young psychiatrist Gilligan interviewed murderous inmates of the Massachusetts's prisons and mental hospitals.
Here his heartbreaking observation:
Even the most violent of criminals can be rehabilitated.
In 1999 Sweden passed a sex equality law criminalising the buying but not the selling of sex. That way Sweden contextualizes prostitution not as men's right but as 'violence against women.
Shaming of masculinity triggers violence, shaming of femininity silences women.
Article 5 dangerous myths about sexual assault perpetuated by the Jian Ghomeshi trial, presented by PressProgress, 11. February 2016
Valerie Hudson and Chad Emmett: Women’s Well-Being Is the Best Predictor of State Stability, presented by Newsecurity Beat, Kate Diamond, 22. May 2012
WomanStats Database, the world's most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of women
Ending male dominated social control and culture of shame
Literary quotes
Excerpts from: Exclusive video interview with Ted Bundy (1946-1989) US American kidnapper, rapist, serial killer of 30 women and girls, necrophile, What was Ted Bundy planning one day before his execution? (serial killer interview analysis), host Dr. James Dobson (*1936) US American psy- chologist, founder of Focus on the Family (FOTF) (*1977), evangelical Christian author, Florida State Prison, evening of his execution on 23. January 1989, Transcript of Ted Bundy's Final Interview, YouTube film, 55:47 minutes duration, posted 9. July 2020, reposted 6. January 2022 |
Desensitized by hard core pornography and alcohol Bundy was "possessed" by "a separate entity inside" when he raped and murdered and engaged in necrophilia.
Addiction to sexual violence induced by pornography and alcohol had Bundy commit capital crimes.
More statements (defiant and mellowed): Ted Bundy (1946-1989) US American kidnapper, rapist, serial killer, necrophile, first claiming innocence then confessing to 30 homicides (1974-1978), executed in 1989, cited in: Article These Quotes From Ted Bundy Are Absolutely Chilling, presented by the international fashion and entertainment magazine Cosmopolitan, Amanda Lundgren, 13. May 2019 |
Video references: ► Audio presentation (excerpt) by David Icke (*1952) controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO) manipulating the earth's currencies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author, Demonic Possession & Pedophile Vampirism, YouTube film, 6:29 minutes duration, posted 2. January 2011 |
Written reference: ► Article Ted Bundy: Criminal Life, presented by the US American web hosting service Weebly, undated ► Article These Quotes From Ted Bundy Are Absolutely Chilling, presented by the international fashion and entertainment magazine Cosmopolitan, Amanda Lundgren, 13. May 2019 |
See also: ► Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages ► ⚡ Entity attachments via sexual intercourse – Love bite interference |
Siehe auch: ► Beitrag Welche Eigenschaften haben viele Serienmörder gemeinsam?, präsentiert von der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 4. Juli 2019 |
Childhood sexual abuse memories: US American psychoanalyst and critical author on Sigmund Freud's theoretical concepts and psychoanalysis Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D. (*1941) debunked Freud's seduction theory in his book The Assault on Truth. Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory, 1984.
See also: Confabulation
After the 1985 leak of Reisman's Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report, "Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler", which fully documents Playboy's child rape jokes, cartoons and photographs by strangers and kin, the post-1977 photographs of children disappeared temporarily.
YouTube video excerpts – Lecture by Marshall B. Rosenberg, The Basics of Non Violent Communication, posted 5. April 2010
Unclear request to be loved
Natural ⇔ habitual
⚡ Critical videos on NVC: ► Deleted 2-part video interviews with Bill Joslin, US American private investigator, From the Fabians, thru MKULTRA, to Today, presented by Logos Media, host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, YouTube films, recorded 18. May 2015 ☛ Nonviolent Communication. Is NVC Consistent with the Trivium Method?, part 1, podcast #229, 2:07:41 duration, posted 24. May 2015 ☛ Nonviolent Communication, part 2, podcast #230, 1:09:06 duration, posted 30. May 2015 Jan Irvin, Gnostic Media, traced Rosenberg's development of NVC to psychologist Carl Rogers, an MK-ULTRA agent on behalf of the CIA. |
⚡ Critical articles on NVC: ► The Hidden Violence in Non-Violent, New-Age Communication, presented by the US American Elephant Journal, Keith Artisan, 19. July 2014 ► Article Jackals and Giraffes: The Weapon of Non-Violent Communication, presented by the US American Renegade Tribune, James Bronson, 16. August 2015 |
1) More US soldiers have committed suicide than were killed in wars (2001-2010). The suicide rate in the US military is nearly double the national average of the US population.
2) The amount of drugs (antidepressants, antipsychoticsm, anticonvulsants) "causing" suicide/murder prescribed to military personnel before, during and after deployment has quadrupled. [Status 2013]
1) Article A Sign of Empire Pathology, presented by the online publication Global Research, 12. January 2010
2) Article Military and Press "Baffled" by Suicide Facts a 12-year-old Could Discern, presented by the publication OpEd News, Martha Rosenberg, 16. May 2013
See also: ► Quotes by Gloria Steinem on female issues and ► Women: Quotes by Gloria Steinem |
Personal avowals
Wikipedia entry: ► Anti-pornography feminism |
References: en.Wikipedia entries ► Nonviolent resistance and ► Rape myth |
See also: ► Taboo and ► Principle 3:4 and ► Consciousness-Tables and ► Evolution ► Four basic brains and their role in breaking taboos |
Siehe auch: ► Kollektive tabuwahrende Verleugnungsmatrix |
Around 90% of the victims of sex related crimes are women, 10% are men.
There are around 8000 complaints of rape and sexual assault in Germany annually. (Status: Germany, 1. decade, 3rd millennium)
In 83% of the violent sex crimes the perpetrator is identified. [Time period: 2007 und 2006]
In Germany around 3% of accusations of sex crimes are false.43
Siehe auch: ► Vergewaltigungsstatistik in Deutschland |
United States of America
Canada ➤ Of every 100 incidents of sexual assault, only 6 are reported to the police.
➤ 1-2% of "date rape" sexual assaults are reported to the police.
➤ 1 in 4 North American women will be sexually assaulted during their lifetime.
➤ 11% of women have physical injury resulting for sexual assault.
➤ Only 2-4% of all sexual assaults reported are false reports.
➤ 60% of sexual abuse/assault victims are under the age of 17.
➤ Over 80% of sex crime victims are women.
➤ 80% of sexual assault incidents occur in the home.
➤ 17% of girls under 16 have experienced some form of incest.
➤ 83% of disabled women will be sexual assaulted during their lifetime.
➤ 15% of sexual assault victims are boys under 16.
➤ Half of all sexual offenders are married or in longterm relationships.
➤ 57% of aboriginal women have been sexually abused 1/5th of all sexual assaults involve a weapon of some sort.
➤ 80% of assailants are friends and family of the victim.
Source: Sexual Assault Statistics in Canada, presented by SexAssault Canada, undated
A study conducted by the South African Medical Research Council on 1,738 sampled South African men from different race and age backgrounds, from urban and rural areas, revealed the following results [status June 2009]:
Rapists are men who have predominantly been traumatized in childhood by experiencing severe physical violence or sexual abuse, emotional and physical abuse and neglect. Patriarchy and apartheid created a mindset according to which (mostly black) men are NOBODIES, subhuman beings. Their anger and pain thereof is translated into violent behavior or violent tendencies.
Sources: ► Statistics Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country, presented by, undated ► Article SOUTH AFRICA: One in four men rape, presented by IRIN humanitarian news and analysis, 18. June 2009 ► Article Sexual Violence as Male Bonding, presented by The Grumpy Sociologist, 20. June 2009 ► Article More than 1,100 rapes daily in DRCongo, presented by the publication, 11. May 2011 ► Deleted article South Africa Violence Against Women Rate Hightest In The World, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Michelle Faul, 8. March 2013 |
References: en.Wikipedia entries ► Sexual violence in South Africa and ► Rape statistics |
See also: ► Statistics and ► Taboo and ► Trauma and ► Taming violent young elephants |
Source: ► Article The 5 Hidden Reasons Men Become Violent and What We Can Do to Make the World Safer, presented by the blogspot Men Alive, Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, 5. October 2013 |
See also: ► Empathy and ► Friendship and ► Shame and ► Humiliation and ► Aggression and ► Pride and ► Depression |
Worldwide, the suicide rate of men is 4 times higher than with females. In the U.S.A. the ratio is 4 to 18 times higher than it is
for females, increasing dramatically with age.
Dabbs studied 4,462 men. About 10% of these test persons were high-T men.
Online pornography portraying sexual aggression as pleasurable for the victim misleads young men.
Sources: ► Mark Kastleman, US American co-founder of Candeo, recovered from 25 years of pornography addiction, author of The Drug of the New Millennium. The Science of How Internet Pornography Radically Alters the Human Brain and Body, Granite Publications, 2nd edition August 2001 ► John Hamlin, Ph.D., US American sociologist, anthropologist, List of Rape Myths. Sociology of Rape, University of Minnesota, Duluth, 2001 ► Janet Anderson, US American editor of WCSAP, Rape Myths. Letters from the Editor, PDF, presented by the publication Research and Advocacy Digest, volume 9/3, 1. May 2007, reissued 6. December 2016 ► Dr Jessica Taylor, British forensic psychology graduate, author, Why Women Are Blamed For Everything. Exposing the Culture of Victim-Blaming, Constable, 27. August 2020 |
See also: ► Collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos |
Siehe auch: ► Vergewaltigungsmythen |
Source: ► Article/videos on Myths about Violence against Women, presented by the suspended Australian website BeThe Hero, issued (past) 2008 |
Source: ► Article 5 dangerous myths about sexual assault perpetuated by the Jian Ghomeshi trial, presented by PressProgress, 11. February 2016 |
Source: ► Video presentation by Matt Fradd, British Catholic apologist, speaker, Porn and Sexual Violence: 10 Facts from the Experts, transcript, YouTube film, 2:44 minutes duration, posted 13. November 2015 |
References: ► 1. Shawn Corne, John Briere, Lillian Esses, college-age study Women’s attitudes and fantasies about rape as a function of early exposure to pornography, presented by Journal of Interpersonal Violence, issue 7, S. 454-461, 1992 ► 2. Ken-Ichi Ohbuchi, Tatsuhiko Ikeda, Goya Takeuchi, Japanese study Effects of violent pornography upon viewer's rape myth beliefs: A study of Japanese males, presented by Psychology, Crime & Law 1, S. 71-81, 1994 ► 3. Martin Monto, Focusing on the Clients of Street Prostitutes: A Creative Approach to Reducing Violence Against Women, report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice, 30. October 1999 ► 4. Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, Mark Genuis, Claudio Violato, A meta-analysis of the published research on the effects of pornography, presented by The Changing Family and Child Development, S. 48-59, January 2000 ► 5. Janet Hinson Shoppe, study on women involved in a battered women’s program When words are not enough: The search for the effect of pornography on abused women, presented in Violence Against Women, issue 10, S. 56-72, 2004 ► 6. E. Timothy Bleecker, Sarah K. Murnen, college-age study Fraternity membership, the display of degrading sexual images of women, and rape myth acceptance, presented by Sex Roles, issue 53, S. 487-493, 2005 ► 7. Silvia Bonino, Silvia Ciarirano, Emanuela Rabaglietti, Elna Cattelino, study on Italian teens Use of pornography and self-reported engage- ment in sexual violence among adolescents, presented by European Journal of Developmental Psychology, issue 3, S. 265-288, 2006 |
See also: ► ⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial |
Source: ► Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American social theorist, educator, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, creator and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), social theorist, filmmaker, author, 1999 |
See also: ► Courage and ► Gender research |
Gender binary cultures based on a gender hierarchy are fueling moral twists and violence. The psychology of abusive patriarchal societies favors rankism which forms pseudo relationships subjected to the power-and-control model. Rankist societies preclude
For roughly 5,000 years marriage used to be an institution where women and minorities were seen and treated as property of the state and their husbands. Living in a male dominated rape culture people are accustomed to view mainly women’s sexuality as
➢ 1 out of 5 American women has survived an attempted or completed rape. ➢ Two thirds of rape cases are not being reported. ➢ If a survivor does report, police might not investigate. ➢ Prosecutors often refuse to take up cases that the police DO recommend. ➢ If a rape case does go to trial, survivors are often re-traumatized by the process. ➢ People think rape survivors are making their claims up. ➢ Even if a rapist is convicted, he can receive an extraordinarily light sentence. ➢ Women who report sexual assault/rape to HR lose their job, whereas harrassers keep their position.
For millennia sex was the only currency women had to trade for their survival. Given no choice, women adopted the idea
![]() Providing "out there" men (i.e. somebodies) became imprinted by the idea that women (i.e. nobodies) somehow owe (submissive) sex and compliance to them. Sometimes the sheltering "superiors" become the ones second class-gender-nobodies need shelter from. Shielded men, lacking proper initiation into a heart-centered culture of dignity, adopted a misrepresented model of masculinity that shamed and turned off their own feelings of vulnerability and compassion.
Rape culture, ingrained for millennia, has it that women and men fail to notice how much they actively or passively partake in severe damage. Since Western men and women are nominally equal, wo-
╰⊰✿ Women, listen for your internal "no". Speak it.
╰⊰✿ Men, cherish her spoken "no". It means that she trusts you.
Men, you may not know it yet, that you want women to be real in their yes. When a woman trusts you enough to say "no" following her inner guidance, men tell her, "I love you and respect your sovereign choice." Mean it and show it – every time. Regain your heart*81 which you have lost at age 5-7.
That way men and women heal the relational sex wound on both sides and give birth to a more authentic world. |
Wounds of patriarchy: Shaming of masculinity triggers violence, shaming of femininity silences women.
Learning dignity ⇒ empathy ⇒ love ⇒ truth – Outphasing the domination/subordination dynamic of existing hierarchies
References: ► Video statement by James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, Violence Objects / Sex Objects, excerpted from a DVD documentary Matter of Respect by Lauren Hatvany, YouTube film, 3:11 minutes duration, posted 30. June 2011 ► Video presentation by Colin Stokes, US American director of communications of non-profit Citizen Schools, How movies teach manhood, presented by TEDx BeaconStreet Talks, 12:56 minutes duration, filmed November 2012, posted January 2013 ► Video presentation by Gail Dines, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography campaigner, author Growing Up in a Pornified Culture, presented by TEDx Navesink Talks, Navesink, New Jersey, YouTube film, 13:47 minutes duration, posted 28. April 2015 ► Video presentation by Pamela Haag, Ph.D. US American historian, feminist, author, Women's Sexual Consent, Under Attack, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, 18. March 2013 ► Video presentation by Kat Alano (*1985) English-Filipino model, actress, television presenter, Is rape culture the new social cancer?, presented by TEDx ADMU Talks, YouTube film, 20:22 minutes duration, posted 22. April 2016 |
Watch also: ► Music video of My Fair Lady, 1964, My Fair Lady "Without You", dubbed by Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) US American actress and Rex Harrison (1908-1990) British actor, YouTube film, 2:52 minutes duration, posted 19. January 2013 |
Appeasing the demons is an ancient Buddhist practice.
Female US American Lama Tsultrim Allione was recognized in Tibet as an incarnation of Machig Lapdrön, the eleventh century yogini. She is the author of Feeding your demons. Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict
"Take the paradigm of feeding rather than fighting our own inner demons."
Allione adapted the wisdom of Tibet's greatest female spiritual master Machig Lapdrön, who lived in the 11th century. "Not only will we not harm you, but we will become your protectors and we will protect all of those who follow you."
The controversial and extremely successful teacher of her time Machig Lapdrön differentiated four types of demons: |
The process of appeasing the inner demons
The protocol of appeasing the inner and outer demons is:
Sources featuring Tsultrim Allione (*1947) first American woman ordained as a Tibetan nun and Lama ► Audio interview Nurturing our demons [Dämonenfütterung (Auflösung innerer Störenergien)], presented by the US American web radio station New Dimensions, program #3253, host Justine Willis-Toms, minute 28:40, 60 minutes duration, aired 27. March 2008 ► Video presentation "Feeding Your Demons" with Lama Tsultrim Allione, sponsored by Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado, YouTube film, 59:12 minutes duration, posted 13. November 2014 ► Article How to Feed Your Demons, presented by the Buddhist magazine Lion's Roar, 24. September 2017 |
See also: ► Hell and ► Narcissism and ► Duality ► Four stages of wrestling with inner demons ► Catch phrases corresponding to various levels of consciousness (LoC) |
Taming wild young elephants with ear flapping elders
Young bull elephants in South Africa's largest conservation area, Kruger National Park were acting strangely out of character – antisocial and aimlessly violent; they were stomping on VWs, pushing over trees for no reason, and even killing other small animals and baby elephants. [*] Park rangers came in to study the problem [...] they discovered that there were no older bull elephants in that area. By some accident, all the older bulls had either died or been poached for their ivory, which left the teenage males to roam and forage out of control.
Their solution?92
They brought in some older bulls from other areas by helicopter, lowered them onto the scene, and in a matter of weeks, amazingly, the whole situation had chan- ged. Apparently, all the old bulls did was wave their ears and make various sounds or small charges, and somehow the younger male elephants understood through these communications that their behavior was not exactly the way growing up elephant boys should act. It seemed to be just that simple. Things soon returned to normal once the elders operated as elders.
[*] The violent acting out of young elephant bulls is due to the so called musth. |
Source: ► Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, author, Adam's Return. The Five Promises of Male Initiation, Crossroad Publishing Company, 1. October 2004 |
Reference: ► Article The Delinquents. A Spate Of Rhino Killings, presented by the US American television news program CBS News, program 60 Minutes, 22. August 2000 |
Literature: ► Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, John Gray (*1951) US American relationship counselor, lecturer, author, The Boy Crisis. Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It, BenBella Books, 29. March 2018 |
See also: ► Psychology and ► Stories and ► Fairy tales and ► Men and ► Health ► Men's health within the domination system |
Siehe auch: ► Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) |
Source: ► |
Source: ► Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D., MFT, US American psychotherapist, marriage and family consultant, educator, founder and director of Men's Center of Los Angeles, What's the Best Way to Deal with a Bully?, 29. July 2013 |
Source: ► Article How to Handle a Workplace Bully, referring to the data of the Workplace Bullying Institute, presented by PrideStaff Financial, 30. May 2017 [first article dd 28. May 2015] |
See also: ► ⚡Web links featuring rankist management and censorship on the Q&A platform Quora ► Established sexual predation at the workplace – Alfred Hitchcock (60ties) • Clarence Thomas (90ties) • Roger Ailes (2016) • Harvey Weinstein (2017) ► Dismantling and unmasking prominent perpetrators and spiritual leaders |
Siehe auch: ► Mobbing und rankistischer Amtsmissbrauch am Arbeitsplatz ► Aufdeckung und Entzauberung von prominenten spirituellen Straftätern |
Various studies found that the activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis with bullying victims tends to be altered.
The altered cortisol response thereof increased the risk for developing depression.
Copeland's 2012 study Adult Psychiatric Outcomes of Bullying and Being Bullied by Peers in Childhood and Adolescence concluded that the effects of being bullied are direct, long-lasting, and pleiotropic [genetic].
Sources: ► Article Effects of Bullying Don't End When School Does, presented by Psychiatric News at American Psychiatric Association, volume 48, no. 7, S. 12-175, Joan Arehart-Treichel, US American senior staff writer of Psychiatric News, April 2013 ► Abstract Adult Psychiatric Outcomes of Bullying and Being Bullied by Peers in Childhood and Adolescence, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Medical Association JAMA Psychiatry, 20. February 2013 |
The Bystander effect also called Genovese syndrome is a social psychological phenomenon.94
Good, passive people – programmed to the bystander effect "The reason that most people do nothing is that they respect every mother in the world who tells their child: "Mind your own business. Don't get involved." People get programmed not to look at evil, to mind their own business, not to get involved, not to take the heroic action. And essentially what it is we're also being programmed to be egocentric. Expert comment by Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author, cited in: documentary I Am Fishhead – Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?, produced by, Misha Votruba Vaclav Dejcmar, 2011, YouTube film, minute 56:34, 1:1816 duration, posted 23. May 2013 |
Sources: ► Article The Bystander Effect. What is the Bystander Effect?, presented by Very Well, Kendra Cherry, US American board-certified physician, updated 4. October 2016 ► Audio presentation What Really Happened The Night Kitty Genovese Was Murdered?, presented by the non-commercial US American media organization National Public Radio (NPR), 8:09 minutes duration, posted 3. March 2014 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Murder of Kitty Genovese |
Reference: ► Emily Bazelon (*1971) US American journalist, author, Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Character and Empathy, Random House Trade Paperbacks, reprint 11. February 2014 |
Reference: ► Article Finland is really good at stopping bullying. Here's how they're doing it., presented by the website for viral content Upworthy, James Gaines, 1. July 2016 |
A study on victims of bullying showed "blunted cortisol responses to stress in bullied twins in comparison with their non-bullied co-twins."
Source: medical journal Psychological Medicine, December 2012
Violence expert and psychiatrist James Gilligan, M.D., Ph.D. screened 107 years of US American rulership given the
two party system consisting of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.
To his own surprise he discovered that the Republican periods had consistently added to poverty and violence in the United
States whereas the periods ruled by Democratic president consistently lowered the unemployment and homicide rates. His
book Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others, published in 2011, sheds light on his findings.
Note: Conservative (authoritarian) personalities tend to block distracting information i.e. tend to be in denial. |
* Stress – Brain scan studies show decreased activity in different parts of the frontal lobes when exposed to different forms of stress. Mental and physical activities (meditation, unfocussing, focussing, intense cognitive work, exercise) that increase frontal brain activity decrease stress. Continued stress shrinks the size of the frontal lobe. Source: ► Brain study on stress conducted by J. L. Hanson, M. K. Chung, B. B. Avants, K. D. Rudolph, E. A. Shirtcliff, J. C. Gee, R. J. Davidson, S. D. Pollak, department of psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Structural variations in prefrontal cortex mediate the relationship between early childhood stress and spatial working memory, presented by the weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience, issue 32(23), S. 7917-7925, 6. June 2012 |
Written sources: ► Article Study finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times, Denise Gellene, 10. September 2007 ► Book Paul Zak, Ph.D. (*1962) US American professor of (neuro)economics and neurology, mathematician, oxytocin researcher, Claremont Graduate University, The Center for Neuroeconomics Studies (CNS), Southern California, author, The Moral Molecule. The Source of Love and Prosperity, Dutton Adult, 10. May 2012 ► Article New Studies Show Liberals and Conservatives Have Different Brain Structures, presented by the US American lelf-leaning website AlterNet, Alexandra Rosenmann, 6. June 2016 |
Audio interview: ► Gabor Maté, M.D. (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Failed War on Drugs, drug decriminalization, and addiction, presented by the US American broadcasting station Citizen Radio, aired 2. November 2012 |
Video source: ► Presentation by Gail Saltz, US American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, television commentator, columnist, author, Liberal vs. Conservative: A Neuroscientific Analysis with Gail Saltz, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, Reference, YouTube film, 14:24 minutes duration, posted 29. May 2016 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Biology and political orientation |
See also: ► Culture and ► Neuroscience and ► Politics and ► Politics |
US American psychiatrist and violence/prison expert James Gilligan, Ph.D. provided an overview of two longterm fatal decisions of the US penal system:
Treatment of mentally ill people
The rate of imprisonment in the US was mostly unchanged for the three quarters of the 20th century.
Beginning mid-1970s US steadily raised her incarceration rate:
In less than half a century the ethnic composition in the US prison system reversed itself:
~35% of the "felonies" are a non-violent and victimless violation of the existing drug laws.
Yet nearly four million colored and poor white Americans were deprived the right to vote, often for life.
The benefactor of this strategy is the Republican party.
Direct source: ► Blog article by James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, The Beginning of the End of Mass Imprisonment and the Misuse of Prisons as Our De Facto Mental Health Care System, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, 29. June 2011, updated 29. August 2011 |
Related book / Articles: ► Terry Kupers, M.D. Ph.D., US American professor of psychiatry, Prison Madness. The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars and What We Must Do About It, Jossey-Bass, 1st edition 5. February 1999 ► Article Prison Rape Widely Ignored by Authorities, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation ABC News, Dan Harris, 16. April 2013 ► Article by Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, America's Slave Empire, presented by the progressive US American news website Truthdig, 22. June 2015 ► Article To Reduce Prison Population, Invest in Public Mental Health, New Study Says, presented by Truth Theory, Luke Miller, content manager, 19. June 2017 Every dollar spent annually on inpatient mental health by a state would yield a positive spillover benefit of a quarter dollar for the jail system by reducing the number of inmates according to study published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Social Science & Medicine, December 2016 |
Norway's reoffending rates of former prisoners are the lowest in Europe: less than 30%.
Note 1: In 2007, 14 prisons in England and Wales had reconvictions rates of more than 70%. Tendency rising since 2001.
Note 2: Prison guards in Norway train for three years, whereas in England they train for six weeks only.
Bastøy Prison is a minimum-security prison on Bastøy Island, Norway, about 75 kilometres south of Oslo. Called both "holiday camp" and the world's first "human ecological prison", this island prison is housing 115 prisoners.
The main requirement for its inmates is the determination to live a crime-free life on release.
Bastoy's rules are: no violence, no alcohol and no drugs.
Its reoffending rate for released prisoners is 16% (lowest record of any prison in Europe).
Note 3: Norway coined the unique term Likeverd, which does not exist in other languages. "Likeverd" means "equality in dignity". The concepts of human dignity and equality have had a chance to develop organically in Norway's past history due to the circumstance that this formerly very poor country was never conquered by neighboring nations. Hence, her people were saved from prolonged subjugation.
Source: ► Article The Norwegian prison where inmates are treated like people, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Erwin James, 25. February 2013 |
Written references: ► Article Reoffending rates reach record level, presented by the British news outlet BBC News, United Kingdom, 24. May 2012 ► Article Proven reoffending statistics, presented by the Ministry of Justice, Government United Kingdom, 20. August 2013 |
Video reference: ► Presentation by Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author, HumanDHS lecture 2013: Dignity and Humiliation: Norway and the Concept of likeverd, 1:23:48 duration, recorded 8. February 2013 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Recidivism |
Sadomasochism – 50 Shades of Grey
Sadomasochism is the sexual expression of despotism/tyranny. This violent, humiliating, pain-lust form of sexuality requires two "consenting" players: a dominator and a submissive. Same way despotism requires the cruel rules class and the "consenting" dumbed-down desensitized massminded people.
In the beginning of the Aquarian age women are being empowered to win both more influence and standing in public life, while at the same time they are more "oppressed" in even more sinister approaches.
In the 60ties the English actress Diana Rigg (1938-2020) was given the movie name "Mrs. Emma Peel". It was deliberately chosen by movie producers along with their culture building/destroying backers and financiers. Pronounced as "Miss SM-Appeal", it calls upon the violent streak in viewers.
A forerunner of designing BDSM and punk attire, Diana Rigg played both the roles of the dominatrix and the sex sklave in movies. That way she indeed influenced the modern image of women in a de-
grading sense.
The 2011 novel trilogy 50 Shades of Grey (70 million sold copies) followed by the 2015 movie with the same title are corporatist mainstream media hyped culture destroying and human degrading trash. It is not a "love"story, but a continued story of abuse with an irreal happy end bet-
ween a superrich psychopath and a minor, a schoolgirl. It mirrors the way how the archetypes Pluto and Persephone
(Wolf and Red Riding Hood) were engaged in an imbalanced relationship.
American professor of family studies Amy E. Bonomi found the book Fifty Shades of Grey "a glaring glamorization
![]() Amy Bonomi
In two consecutive studies concerning the "50 Shades of Grey" phenomenon Dr. Bonomi concluded: The problematic abuse message in "Fifty Shades" creates an underlying context that normalizes abuse. 2
In her first study Dr. Bonomi found that 36% of the female readers of the bestselling Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy liked
Those who read all three books in the series were
➤ 65 percent more likely than nonreaders to binge drink – or drink five or more drinks on a single occasion
on six or more days per month – and
➤ 63 percent more likely to have five or more intercourse partners during their lifetime. 2
Sources: ► 1 Article Is Fifty Shades Triumphant for Women? Or Further Entrapping Them?, presented by the US American online newspaper Huffington Post, Amy E. Bonomi, Ph.D., US American professor of family studies, chair of human development, Michigan State University, 12. August 2013, updated 12. October 2013 ► 2 Article The foremost academic expert on 'Fifty Shades of Grey' tells us why the movie is truly horrible, presented by the United Kingdom business news website Business Insider, Lauren F. Friedman, 17. February 2015 |
Fifty Shades of Grey, the book and the movie, is a celebration of the sadism that dominates nearly every aspect of American culture and lies at the core of pornography and global capitalism. It glorifies our dehumanization of women. It champions a world devoid of compassion, empathy and love. It eroticizes hypermasculine power that carries out the abuse, degradation, humiliation and torture of women whose personalities have been removed, whose only desire is to debase themselves in the service of male lust. The film, like [the 2014 produced American biographical war drama film] American Sniper, unquestioningly accepts a predatory world where the weak and the vulnerable are objects to exploit while the powerful are narcissistic and violent demigods. It blesses this capitalist hell as natural and good. |
50 Shades is pornography. Like most pornography, the storyline is weak, the characters one-dimensional, while the sex itself graphic, detailed, but formulaic. The underlying theme to 50 Shades is something far more sinister and appalling though than your mere run-of-the-mill porn. It is pedophilia. Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conserva- |
BDSM novels trilogy: ► Erica Mitchell [E. L. James] (*1963) English author, Fifty Shades of Grey, Vintage Books, 20. June 2011 |
Review: ► Blog article Too Many Shades of Grey, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost, Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, 27. April 2012 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Fifty Shades of Grey (film), 2015 |
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Fifty Shades of Grey (Film), 2015 |
See also: ► Encountering and integrating four layers of generational shadow – RHH ♦ Mother ♦ Grandmother ♦ Goddess ► ⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control ► Psychopathically obsessed director Alfred Hitchcock ► Quotes on female masochism – Maria Marcus and Paula Caplan ► Humiliation and ► Dignity and ► Narcissism |
Links zum Thema Gewalt / ViolenceLiteratur
Wegweisende Studie/Buch zum Thema sexuelle Gewalt
Bekenntnis und Erkenntnis einer ehemaligen sexuelle Masochistin
Literature (engl.)
The role of shame in the etiology of murder; Disrespected, indignified and humiliated (mainly male) murderers in a shame-pride culture symbolically attempt to punish others for their sense of shame; guilt feelings inhibits violence; punishment tends to generate violence; both in parenting and in the dysfunctional U.S. penal system.
When a trauma that is experienced as humiliation is not mourned, it may lead to the feeling of entitlement to revenge and, under the pressure of fear/anxiety, to collective regression.
United Nations report: "Most poor people do not live under the shelter of the law, but far from the law's protection." In today's world 2.5 billion people are not safe and in need of help. "Sadly, the public justice systems in the developing world not only fail to protect the poor from violence, but they actually perpetrate violence, protect perpetrators, and make poor people less safe." Every part of the criminal justice system pipeline is broken. Police. Prosecutors. The Courts. Every bit of it.
Tracing the historical impact of polarized thinking from ancient Greece and Rome down to Hitler, Stalin and Bush. The damage and destruction
Misogyny as a debilitating process is policed, enforced, upheld, rationalized, and justified, whether overtly or covertly, in order to subordinate women and uplift men as a dominant, privileged and entitled gender.
Externe Weblinks
Bericht über Studie von US-Wissenschaftlerin Lara Stemple von der Universität Los Angeles in Kongo und Liberia
Linklose Artikel
Weblinks zum Thema Gewalt und Mobbing – QuoraBeiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
External web links (engl.)
1. Non-disclosure agreements in sexual misconduct cases violate public policy and should be made unenforceable.
Critique on NVC
Linkless articles
Date rape example
1-2% of "date rape" sexual assaults are reported to the police. Audio- und Videolinks
Die Pharma-Psychiatrie begann mit der Beteiligung des Chemie-Pharma-Konzerns IG-Farben im Dritten Reich (Menschenversuche in Auschwitz, 220.000 Morde, 400.000 Zwangssterilisierungen, Nürnberger Kriegsverbrechertribunal). Krieg (Faschismus) und Krankheit (Pharmazie) sind die lukrativsten Profitquellen der westlichen Hochfinanz. Rockefeller finanzierte das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut im Dritten Reich. Psychische Störungen, wie ausgeschrieben im DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), dem Handbuch der Psychiatrie der APA, des amerikanischen Fachverbands für Psychologie, sind nicht messbar, Diagnosen medizinisch nicht belegbar.
Dokumentationen und Filme
Audio and video links (engl.)
Though it seems illogical and even obscene, given Iraq and Darfur, we are living in the most peaceful time in our species' existence. Charting the decline of violence from Biblical times to the present
5 stages of a domestic violence relationship:
Chenoweth researched 323 campaigns concerning the relative success of violent efforts versus nonviolent efforts. Her historical studies of social change movements in the 20th century proved that between 1900-2006, nonviolent civil resistance was twice as successful as violent campaigns. Civil resistance is ten times as likely to lead to democratic outcomes as violence. The so-called "3.5% rule" claims that no government can withstand a challenge of 3.5% of its population without either accommodating the movement or (in extreme cases) disintegrating it.
Organized shadow elite child abuse and child sacrifice
A Q&A with Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger, posted by the TED staff, 7. February 2017
Linkless media offerings
Bully syndrome – understanding how bullies are made and unmade
Audio ebook links (engl.) – Lloyd deMause
Audio and video links (engl.) – James Gilligan
Currently the United States has the highest rates of violence in the developed world.
Explaining the reasons why the United States has the highest rates of violence in the developed world today.
Solving the most serious public health problem of the human species
Capital punishment is murder in return.
The morality of revenge=punishment is destructive and self-feeding.
The African Americans and the Native Americans have been treated as inferior people by the white population who rationalized it.
Drawing on a century of evidence, American psychiatrist James Gilligan's theory has implications for every country that calls itself democratic Audio and video links (engl.) – Jackson KatzAudios and videos by Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American social theorist, educator, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, creator and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), filmmaker, author
Audio and video links (engl.) – Marshall Rosenberg
Celebration of life, no blame – no praise, no punishment – no rewards
Expressing and receiving appreciation and gratitude; false humility
Linkless media offering
Audio and video links (engl.) – David Livingstone Smith
Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem
The U.S. Department of State estimates that every year 600,000-800,000 people, mostly women, are transported among international borders in the worldwide illegal sex trade. After drug trafficking human trafficking is the second-most lucrative illegal industry globally followed by labor trafficking.
Audio and video links (engl.) – Sex addiction – Patrick Carnes
Audio and video links (engl.) – Internet pornography addiction – Gail Dines, Robert Jensen
Social and cultural impact of pornography in American society. Boys first view porn at the average age of 11.5 years resulting in an unhealthy understanding of sexuality.
The global reach of explicit pornography via the internet creates addicts, desensitizes men and degrades, debases, dehumanizes and objectifies women.
Linkless media offering
The impact of pornography and its impact on men, discussing pornography in terms of morality and religion, Jensen's discussion of his personal history and relationship with pornography and masculinity
Impact of watching pornography as a researcher and feminist critic; pornography, sexuality and male domination as a form of media literacy
Difficulties in confronting the realities of patriarchy, and how men and women respond to the notion of moving beyond dominating masculinity and feminity roles
The challenges of bringing the feminist anti-pornography movement into the same level of immediacy in the left as the anti-racist, anti-imperialist, and anti-capitalist movements
Audio and video links (engl.) – Internet pornography addiction – Fradd, Kastleman, Schneider, Reisman, Wilson, Zimbardo
Internet pornography is NOT harmless. Interviews with sociologists, psychologists, scientists and law enforcement officials detail the negative side effects of pornography consumption.
Discussing the relationship between pornography and brain circuits
Discussing the physiology of erections, ED, virtual overstimulation, recovery from Internet porn
In response to Philip Zimbardo's TED talk The Demise of Guys?
Wilson explains the science behind the effects of pornography on the brain and body, how addiction is developed, and the widely published! misleading idea of "perceived addiction."
Movies and documentaries
Linkless media offering
The Jewish role in the porn industry
Englisch Wiki
1 Artikel Vergewaltigung – Anschlag auf Körper und Seele, präsentiert von der Webseite e110, 28. Mai 2005 ⇑
2 Ergebnis der ersten Studie Nationale Repräsentativuntersuchung zu Gewalt gegen Frauen in Deutschland. Offizieller Titel "Lebenssituation, Sicherheit und Gesundheit von Frauen in Deutschland" i. A. des bundesdeutschen Bundesministeriiums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Laufzeit: 3/2002 – 10/2004, 2004 ⇑
3 P. Wetzels und C. Pfeiffer, Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Frauen im öffentlichen und privaten Raum (Materialien zur Frauenpolitik, 48). Bonn: BMFSFJ, 1995 ⇑
4 D.G.Kilpatrick and C.L. Best, Sexual assault victims: data from a random national probability sample, presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1990 ⇑
5 Gelöschter Artikel von Petra Hildenbrandt, Psychische und psychosomatische Folgen sexualisierter Gewalt und damit zusammenhängende Mängel in der gesundheitlichen Versorgung, 2003 ⇑
6 Artikel Vergewaltigung. Mord an der Seele, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 3. August 1981 ⇑
7 Artikel Vergewaltigung. Mord an der Seele, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 3. August 1981 ⇑
8 Deutschland, Stand 2010 ⇑
9 Stand: Deutschland, im 1. Jahrzehnt des dritten Jahrtausends ⇑
10 Zeitraum: 2001-2006 ⇑
11 Deutschland, deutsche Polizeistatistik, 2007 ⇑
12 Stand: Deutschland, 2006 ⇑
13 Gelöschte Statistik zu "Vergewaltigungen in Deutschland", PDF, bereit gestellt von Frauen gegen Gewalt (BV-FGG) ⇑
14 Vergleichsstudie zur sexueller Gewalt in Europa, Different systems, similar outcomes?: Tracking attrition in reported rape cases in eleven countries,, April 2009 ⇑
15 Katja Goedelt, Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung. Untersuchung der Strafverfahrenswirklichkeit, Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften, Band 8, S. 73, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010 ⇑
16 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 2000
Siehe: Frauenstatuskommission der Vereinten Nationen ⇑
17 Dissertation von Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen, Medizinische Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 16. Dezember 2004 ⇑
18 Studie des Bundesfamilienministeriums ⇑
19 Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen, 2004 ⇑
20 LMU München, Medizinische Fakultät, durchgeführt von Nicola Brosi, Dezember 2004 ⇑
21 Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen, Dissertation, Medizinische Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 16. Dezember 2004 ⇑
22 Siehe Studie von Dr. Hans Morschitzky, Wien, an über 1500 Vergewaltigungsopfern ⇑
23 Von 7789 Frauen "träumten" nicht einmal 0,7 Prozent von Vergewaltigung. Kinsey-Befragung, ~1952 ⇑
24 Groth, 1979 ⇑
25 Martha R. Burt, Rape myths and acquaintance rape, In: A. Parrot und L. Bechhofer, Herausgeber, Acquaintance Rape. The Hidden Crime, New York. S. 28ff (26-40) 1991 ⇑
26 Bohner, 1998 ⇑
27 Koss, Leonard, Beezley und Oros, 1985 ⇑
28 Malamuth, 1981 ⇑
29 Ogi Jonathan Ogas US American cognitive neuroscientist, Sainath Gaddam, M.D., Bachelor of Technology Boston University, A Billion Wicked Thoughts. What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire, Dutton Adult, 5. May 2011 ⇑
30 Umfrageergebnis bei mehr als 1000 Befragten im Auftrag von BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat, veröffentlicht in, 22. April 2011 ⇑
31 Survey for BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat with more than 1000 respondents, Men view 2 hours of porn a week, presented by the publication The Indian Express, London, 22. April 2011 ⇑
32 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1999 ⇑
33 Review Kiss daddy goodnight. People prefer to think of incest as rare. But in every fourth family, a girl is sexually abused by a trusted adult. Debbie Taylor uncovers the dangerous truth behind the 'safe' family facade., presented by New Internationalist, #138, 5. August 1984 ⇑
34 Alessandra H. Rellini, Ph.D., University of Vermont and Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D. (*1960) US American director of The Sexual Psychophysiology Laboratory, University of Texas, Austin ⇑
35 Burke S. Richmond, M.D., University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health ⇑
36 "This dopamine effect explains why pornography tends to become more and more extreme over time: ordinary sexual images eventually lose their power, leading consumers to need images that break other taboos in other kinds of ways, in order to feel as good. Moreover, some men (and women) have a "dopamine hole" – their brains' reward systems are less efficient – making them more likely to become addicted to more extreme porn more easily.
As with any addiction, it is very difficult, for neurochemical reasons, for an addict to stop doing things – even very self-destructive things – that enable him to get that next hit of dopamine." Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, Is pornography driving men crazy? Could the widespread availability and consumption of pornography in recent years actually be rewiring the male brain?, presented by, 2. Jul 2011 ⇑
37 Dr. James Dobson, Life on the Edge, S. 189, Word Publishing, Nashville, 1995 ⇑
38 Vimeo video presentation by Gloria Steinem (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Common Hour: Gloria Steinem on Vimeo, sponsored by the Franklin & Marshall College, Mayser Gymnasium, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, recorded 9. September 2010, minute 52:03, 53:51 minutes duration, posted 16. February 2015 ⇑
40 See also: Video interview with Gloria Steinem (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Cooperation Beats Submission – In Bed, transcript included, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, host Max Miller, 2:37 minutes duration, recorded 28. October 2010, posted 4. November 2010 ⇑
41 Result of the first representative study on violence against women Forschungsprojekt:Nationale Repräsentativuntersuchung zu Gewalt gegen Frauen in Deutschland in Germany on behalf of the German Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend [Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth]], 2004 ⇑
42 Rapes in Germany; Statistics, ⇑
43 Comparative study on sexual violence in Europe, London Metropolitan University, 2009 ⇑
44 Katja Goedelt, Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften. Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung. Untersuchung der Straverfahrenswirklichkeit'', Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010 ⇑
45 BJS: Bureau of Justice StatisticsHomicide Trends in the U.S.Homicide trends in the United States ⇑
46 Article Women far less likely to kill than men; no one sure why., presented by the US American daily newspaper The Boston Globe, A. Bass, S. 27, 24. February 1992 ⇑
47 Treatise Rethinking homicide: Violence, race, and the politics of gender, presented by the International Journal of Health and Services, E. Stark, 20(1): 18, 1990 ⇑
48 Writing "Violence Against Women, A Majority Staff Report, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate", 102nd Congress, S. 2, October 1992 ⇑
49 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online ⇑
50 Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Research ⇑
51 Article Assessing violent couples, presented by Families in Society, volume 72, issue 9, S. 525-535, H. Douglas, 1991 ⇑
52 Article Violent no more: Helping men end domestic abuse, presented by Hunter House Publications, Alameda, California, M. Paymar, 2000 ⇑
53 National Crime Statistics, United States of America ⇑
54 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics ⇑
55 Thoringer, D., Krivackska, J., Laye-McDonough, M., Jarrison, L., Vincent, O., & Hedlund, A. (1988). Prevention of child sexual abuse: An analysis of issues, educational programs and research findings. School Psychology Review, 17(4): 614-636]] ⇑
56 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justic Statistics ⇑
57 Study result on "Aggressive Driving" Nearly 80 percent of drivers express significant anger, aggression or road rage, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, presented by Science Daily, 14. July 2016 ⇑
58 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Population Data, SAMHDA ⇑
59 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ⇑
60 Justice Department, November 1997 ⇑
61 National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1993 ⇑
62 Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2010. National Estimates of Drug-RelatedEmergency Department Visits, 2010 ⇑
63 The Statistics Canada Homicide in Canada 2000 ⇑
64 Police and Crime Summary Statistics for B.C. in 2000 ⇑
65 Canadian Crime Statistics, 2000 report ⇑
66 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 2000 ⇑
67 National Victim Center and Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, 1992 ⇑
68 National Victim Center and Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center ⇑
69 Thoringer, School Psychology Review, 17 (4):614-636) ⇑
70 U.S. Department of Justice, 1991 ⇑
71 FBI crime statistics ⇑
72 Alfred Kinsey, Ph.D. (1894-1956) US American professor of entomology and zoology, biologist, sexologist, founder of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, 1947, Indiana University, author, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 1953 ⇑
73 The Orange County Rape Crisis Center has worked with victims from infancy to ninety-two years of age and from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds. ⇑
74 According to statistics of study Rape in America, 1992, National Victim Center, The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the ''National Crime Survey ⇑
75 44% of the rapes reported to the Orange County Rape Crisis Center occurred in the victim's home in 1991. ⇑
76 Orange County Rape Crisis Center ⇑
77 As reported to the Orange County Rape Crisis Center ⇑
78 Termed by Noreen Connell (*1947) US American feminist organizer, editor, writer, Cassandra Wilson, US American member of the New York Radical Feminists (NYRF), Rape. The first sourcebook for women, New American Library (Plume Books), 1974 ⇑
81 ⚡ Quotes by Frederick Philip Lenz [Rama] – Men, women, gender, sex ⇑
82 Tsultrim Allione (*1947) first American woman ordained as a Tibetan nun and Lama, Feeding your demons. Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict, Little, Brown and Company, 1st edition 8. April 2008 ⇑
83 Tsultrim Allione (*1947) first American woman ordained as a Tibetan nun and Lama, Women of Wisdom, Snow Lion Publications, revised 25. September 2000 ⇑
84 Beginning (1497-1583)
"Second" British Empire (1783–1815) ⇑
85 Article Johann Hari: The truth? Our empire killed millions, presented by the centre-left British online newspaper The Independent, 19. June 2006 ⇑
86 Seeblockade ⇑
87 "Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people." Blog article The Greatest Mass Murderers Of All Time Were / are Jews, Says Jewish Columnist, presented by Nairaland, reissuing Steven Plocker's opinion on "Stalin's Jews", 21. December 2006, 16. May 2021 ⇑
88 (6.8+3.5+4.0) million German civilians died during and after WW2. See: Quotes by William Toel ⇑
89 "God, I hate the Germans [...]." ⚡ Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) 34th US president (1953-1961), five-star general in the United States Army, war criminal, letter to his wife, September 1944, cited in: article Eisenhower's Holocaust – His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans, presented by the US American publication, unknown author, 22. June 2008 ⇑
90 Article US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II, presented by the online publication Global Research, first published November 2015 ⇑
91 Obama is the only US president who has waged continuous illegal wars, predominantly in seven Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq and Syria, throughout his term of office.
☛ He dropped 100,000 bombs on 8 different countries in 8 years,
☛ thereby displacing millions of men, women and children.
☛ He dropped 26,171 bombs on seven Arab countries in the last year of his term.
☛ He has carried out most of the deportations of all US presidents.
☛ He has carried out the most drone murders of all US presidents.
☛ He has carried out the largest arms exports of any US president. [Status: January 2009-November 2016] ⇑
92 Ear flapping elders ⇑
93 Gretchen Carlson, who won a spectacular lawsuit against media mogul Roger Ailes cautions not contact HR, when the bullying boss controls HR. ⇑
94 Der Zuschauereffekt, auch bekannt als Genovese-Syndrom, ist ein sozialpsychologisches Phänomen.
13. März 1964 – Mordfall Kitty Genovese:
Zwei aufeinanderfolgende Angriffe auf das ermordete Opfer Kitty Genovese.
Niemand hat einen Notruf abgesetzt, zumal es die Nothilfenummer damals noch nicht gab.
Zwei Wochen lang gab es keine Presseberichte über dieses Verbrechen.
Sechs anwesende Augenzeugen und 32 indirekt beteiligte Zeugen waren außerstande, die Polizei nicht rufen.
Viele der Zeugen berichteten, dass sie nicht wussten, dass Kitty Genovese tatsächlich ermordet wurde. Sie glaubten, es habe sich um einen "Beziehungskrach" gehandelt. Es gibt auch Nachbarschaftswache und die Auswirkung einer aufgebrachten Menschenmenge.
Zwei wesentliche Faktoren spielen hier eine Rolle:
1. Die Anwesenheit anderer Menschen erzeugt eine Durchmischung von Verantwortung. Der Handlungsdruck ist für Einzelnen weniger stark.
2. Die Notwendigkeit, sich korrekt und sozialverträglich zu verhalten. Wenn Mitbeobachter nicht reagieren, nehmen Einzelpersonen dies oft als Signal, dass zivilcouragiertes Eingreifen nicht erforderlich oder angemessen ist.
Zudem ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit geringer, dass die Anwesende eingreifen, wenn die Situation nicht eindeutig ist. ⇑
95 VDR = Yearly Violent Death Rates i.e. murders and suicides per 100,000 citizens ⇑
96 Deleted English Wikipedia entry ⇑
97 Function of the amygdala brain region in anxiety and fear: Video presentation by Paul Whalen, Ph.D., US American physiological psychologist, associate professor of the department of psychological and brain sciences (DBIC), Dartmouth College, The Uncertainty of it All: Brain Lessons for Anxious Times, presented by Ted Talks TEDxDartmouth, 17. April 2010, YouTube film, 20:00 minutes duration, posted 27. April 2010 ⇑
98 Video presentation by Russell Barkley, Ph.D., US American clinical psychologist, ADHD Emotional Regulation, YouTube film, 6:04 minutes duration, posted 15. June 2011
An underdeveloped anterior cingulate cortex in the brain of an ADHD patient results in poor emotional regulation of conflictuous social interaction. ⇑
99 Reference to professor Paul Zak's primary research thesis ⇑
100 Healing individual trauma and transforming culture and society – Peter Levine ⇑