
Wiki / Gewalt





Gewalt – Gewaltlosigkeit – Trauma – Traumaheilung


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)




The Nix as a white brook horse, 1909
Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914) German artist


Macht ohne Liebe macht gewalttätig.
Laotse (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser,
Philosoph, Begründer des Taoismus




The mechanism of tyranny always has to have both an external and an internal enemy to thrive. And it doesn't matter how contrived the internal enemy is or for that matter the external one. Tyranny is always the last refuge of a culture, civilization, or nation in decline. It never ever works. […] It's an epistomological warfare [between the Hermetic/Platonic view
or the materialistic/Asristotelean view].


Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Cultural Transitions, part 5, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma,
YouTube film, 2:24:10 duration aired
21. March 2013, posted 24. March 2013


Violence is almost always the outgrowth of powerlessness not power. People become criminals when they experience
powerlessness not power.

Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell (*1943)
US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard,
YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008




Grundsätze der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation – Marshall Rosenberg

Empfehlungen für gewaltfreies Kommunizieren
Höre anderen empathisch [zugewandt und freundlich] zu. 
Verbinde dich empathisch mit anderen, ehe du sie informierst [ihnen erklärst, sie erziehst]. 
Formuliere klare Bitten, stelle keine Forderungen. 
Höre die Bedürfnisse [nicht die Wünsche] und Gefuehle, die den Gedanken zugrundeliegen. 
Überhöre die Gedanken, gehe nicht auf Erwartungen von anderen ein. 
Gehe keine Kompromisse ein. 
Alle Bedürfnisse können erfüllt werden. Die Bedürfnisse der Mitmenschen können ohne dich erfüllt werden.
Niemand ist falsch. Korrekte Übersetzung: Niemand hat unrecht.
Niemand kann die schmerzlichen Gefühle eines anderen verursachen. 
Quelle (engl.): ► Videoseminar von und mit Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934-2015) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut,
Entwickler und Förderer der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation, The Basics of Non Violent Communication, YouTube Film, eingestellt 5. April 2010
Siehe auch: ► Kommunikation
See also: ► Quotes by Marshall Rosenberg

Mobbing und rankistischer Amtsmissbrauch am Arbeitsplatz

Studienergebnisse des Workplace Bullying Institute [Institut für Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz]
96% der amerikanischen Mitarbeiter erleben Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz.
Bis zu 85% der Arbeitgeber ignorieren Beschwerden über Mobbing.
Mehr als 35% der Frauen am Arbeitsplatz sind häufig Zielpersonen für Mobbing.
1976 – 90% der US-amerikanischen Frauen wurden am Arbeitsplatz sexuell belästigt.
2017 – 80% der US-amerikanischen Frauen werden nach wie vor am Arbeitsplatz sexuell belästigt.
Täter von Mobbing und Amtsmissbrauch am Arbeitsplatz:
In kleinen Unternehmen sind es häufig die Chefs oder Geschäftsführer, die als die Tyrannen agieren.
Der Grund dafür: Es besteht fast keine Rechenschaftspflicht und gibt praktisch niemanden, der die Autorität der amtsmissbrauchenden Akteure in der Chefetage in Frage stellt (öffentlich thematisiert).
Opfer von Mobbing und Amtsmissbrauch am Arbeitsplatz:
◊ Stereotypischerweise nicht schüchtern oder hilflos, sondern die respektiertesten Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen
◊ die nachhaltig arbeiten, ◊ sich freimütig äußern und ◊ einen gewissen Einflussradius innerhalb des Unternehmens
◊ Sie sind proaktive Macher, eigenständig-unabhängige Denker und selbstbewusst, was amtsmissbrauchende Tyrannen
   als bedrohlich empfinden.
Empfohlene Interventionen gegen Mobbing und rankistischen Amtsmissbrauch am Arbeitsplatz
♦ Erstellen Sie eine Liste aller Übergriffe [Fehlentscheidungen, Amtsanmaßungen], die ein tyrannisierender Mitarbeiter
   [oftmals der Chef selbst] begangen hat, um Ungemach auszulösen beziehungsweise die korrekte Firmenvorgehensweise
   zu übertreten.
   Dokumentieren Sie kalendarisch was, wie und wann vorgefallen ist.
♦ Vereinbaren Sie ein Treffen mit der Personalabteilung oder der für die Bearbeitung von Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz
   zuständigen (Schied)Stelle.
       Achtung: Gretchen Carlson, die einen spektakulären Gerichtsprozess gegen den Medienmogul Roger Ailes gewonnen hat,
        empfiehlt, das Personalbüro nicht einzuschalten, da es der Kontrolle des amtsmissbrauchenden Chefs untersteht.
♦ Informieren Sie Ihren Gewerkschaftsvertreter und vereinbaren Sie, dass er an der Besprechung mit der Personalabteilung
♦ Sofern es im Unternehmen keine Null-Toleranz-Verfahrensweise gibt, ist möglicherweise ein externer gerichtlicher
   Rechtsstreit in Erwägung zu ziehen.
Quelle: ► Artikel (engl.) How to Handle a Workplace Bully, [Umgang mit Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz] nach den Angaben des
Workplace Bullying Institute, präsentiert von der Publikation PrideStaff Financial, 30. Mai 2017 [erster Artikel vom 28. Mai 2015]
Siehe auch:
⚡Zitate über firmenimmanente Amtswillkür und Zensur durch die Q&A-Plattform Quora
Aufdeckung und Entzauberung von prominenten spirituellen Straftätern
See also:
Workplace bullying
Established sexual predation at the workplace – Alfred Hitchcock (60ties) • Clarence Thomas (90ties) • Roger Ailes (2016) • Harvey Weinstein (2017)
⚡Web links featuring rankist management and censorship on the Q&A platform Quora

Vergewaltigungsstatistik in Deutschland

  • In Deutschland finden täglich etwa 400 Vergewaltigungen statt. [Stand 2005]1
  • 13% der Frauen und Mädchen zwischen 16-85 Jahren in Deutschland haben sexualisierte Gewalt erlebt,
    die nach der engen juristischen Definition als Straftat gilt.2
  • 14,5% aller Frauen wurden mindestens einmal im Leben Opfer eines sexuellen Übergriffs. Deutschland, Stand 19953
  • 15-25% aller Frauen werden mindestens einmal im Lauf ihres Lebens vergewaltigt.4 und 5


Es gibt insgesamt 5,33 Millionen erwachsene weibliche Opfer von Sexualdelikten in Deutschland.
Jährlich kommt es zu 70.000 bis 140.000 Vergewaltigungen in Deutschland, die zu knapp 10% angezeigt werden.6

  • Es wurden rund 8000 sexuelle Straftaten jährlich angezeigt. [BRD, Stand 2004]
    • Es wurden rund 7000 (versuchte) Vergewaltigungen jährlich angezeigt. [BRD, Stand 1981]7
  • Rund 1000 (13%) der angezeigten Sexualstraftäter wurden verurteilt. [BRD, Stand 2004]
    • Rund 700 (10%) der angezeigten Sexualstraftäter wurden verurteilt. [BRD, Stand 1981]


Laut Dunkelfeldstudien ist die Anzahl der Opfer von sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch erheblich.
Nur etwa 10% der angezeigten Fälle enden mit einer Verurteilung.8


Ungefähr 8000 Anzeigen von Vergewaltigung und sexueller Nötigung erfolgen jährlich in Deutschland.9

  • Von etwa 8000 Anzeigen gibt es jährlich 1040 verurteilte Täter.10
    • 7511 Fälle von Vergewaltigung oder schwerer sexueller Nötigung wurden angezeigt.11
    • Die Verurteilungsquote etwa 13% – in Fällen von Vergewaltigung und sexueller Nötigung.
  • Es kommt jährlich zu 1365 Anklagen / Gerichtsverhandlungen mit insgesamt 1053 Verurteilungen.12
    • Bei etwa 77% der verhandelten Sexualdeliktsfällen wurde der Täter verurteilt.13


Aufklärungsquote von sexuellen Gewaltverbrechen: 83% [Zeitraum: 2007-2006]

  • Bei ~6640 von 8000 Anzeigen ist der Täter ermittelbar.
    • Von 7.475 der Vergewaltigung Verdächtigen waren 98,8% männlich und 1,2 % weiblich.
      Der Anteil deutscher Tatverdächtiger beträgt 69,4%, der der ausländischen Verdächtigen 30,6%
      [Deutschland, 2004]
  • Etwa 1360 = 17% der Anzeigen sind nicht strafverfolgbar, da kein Tatverdächtiger (Fremdtäter)
    ermittelt werden kann.

Gemessen an den ermittelten Tatverdächtigen, liegt die Verurteilungsquote bei ~15,7% (statt 13%),
wenn 1040 Tatverdächtige verurteilt wurden.


In Deutschland kommt es jährlich zu rund 3% Falschbezichtigungen bei sexuellen Straftaten.14

  • Etwa 240 der in Deutschland angezeigten Sexualstrafdelikte jährlich sind bewusste Falschverdächtigungen.
  • Gegen 4,8% der "Opfer" bzw. Anzeigenden wurde wegen des Straftatbestands der falschen Verdächtigung ermittelt, meist ohne dass der Ausgang der Ermittlungen bekannt gegeben wurde.15



  • Weltweit werden mindestens eine von drei Frauen und Mädchen im Lauf ihres Lebens geschlagen
    oder sexuell missbraucht.
  • Rund 39% aller Frauen werden mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben Opfer sexueller Gewalt.17


  1. Ein sexuelles Gewaltverbrechen anzuzeigen und vor Gericht zu bringen, bedeutet, das Trauma wieder
    zu durchleben.
  2. 2% der Anzeigen von Sexualdelikten sind Falschbezichtigungen.
  3. Sobald sich das Opfer auf den Weg der öffentlichen Instanzen begibt, kann der Prozess heilsam sein.
    Gelöschtes YouTube Video mit Debbie Fox, US-amerikanische Pressesprecherin der "Oregon Coalition against domestic and sexual violence" [Koalition gegen häusliche und sexuelle Gewalt, Oregon, Vereinigte Staaten], Audio of Al Gore sex assault
    victim released
    , 2:00 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 25. Juni 2010


  • "Hätte ich eine Tochter und sie würde vergewaltigt, ich würde ihr abraten zur Polizei zu gehen. Für die Frau ist
    das eine Tortur. [...] Meine berufliche Erfahrung lehrt: Letztlich zahlen die Frauen immer die Zeche."
    Hans-Jürgen Karge (69) deutscher Ex-Generalstaatsanwalt, zitiert in: Gelöschte ARD-Talkshow Anne Will zum "Justizfall Jörg Kachelmann", Der Fall Kachelmann – Justiz-Alltag oder Promi-Pranger?, Gastgeberin Anne Will, Minute 47, 58:54 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 1. August 2010


  • "Zwischen 70 000 und 140 000 Vergewaltigungen geschehen nach Schätzungen von Kriminologen pro Jahr in der Bundesrepublik, angezeigt wird allenfalls jede zehnte."
    Artikel Vergewaltigung. Mord an der Seele, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 3. August 1981



Mythos: Falschbezichtigungen bei Vergewaltigungen

  • "Entgegen bestehender Stereotype sind Falschanschuldigungen bei Vergewaltigung eher selten." (Anteil von 3% in Deutschland; in den anderen europäischen Ländern zwischen 1-9%). Frauennotruf Hamburg



Mythos: Wunsch nach Vergewaltigung

  • Der Bielefelder Soziologe Rolf Butzmühlen errechnete aus den Zahlen einer Kinsey-Befragung [~1952] von 7789 Frauen, dass nicht einmal 0,7% aller Interviewten von Vergewaltigung träumten.
    Kinsey interpretierte, dass es sich eher um Alpträume handelt als um etwas, das der Frau im Schlafen oder im Wachen willkommen wäre.
    Artikel Vergewaltigung. Mord an der Seele, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel,
    Heft 32, 3. August 1981



Referenz: en.Wikipedia-Eintrag Häufigkeit und Ablauf von Vergewaltigungen
Siehe auch: ► Statistik
See also: ► Statistics on sexual crimes, especially rapes – Germany

Schockierender Vergewaltigungsrekord in Südafrika

Vergewaltigungsstatistiken belegen, dass Südafrika die höchste Vergewaltigungsrate der Welt aufweist.
Für eine in Südafrika geborene Frau ist es wahrscheinlicher, im Lauf ihres Lebens vergewaltigt zu werden als lesen zu lernen.


Eine Studie des Medical Research Councils (veröffentlicht im Juni 2009) befragte 1.738 Männer aus allen Bevölkerungsgrup-
pen Südafrikas. 27,6% der befragten Männer in Südafrika bestätigten mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben eine Frau oder ein
Mädchen vergewaltigt zu haben.
Drei Viertel davon gaben an, sie hätten mit weniger als 20 Jahren erstmals vergewaltigt. Beinahe jeder zehnte Vergewaltiger
war zum Zeitpunkt seines ersten Verbrechens jünger als zehn Jahre. Unter den über 30-Jährigen gab es 1,9% Vergewaltiger.
Die Hälfte der Vergewaltiger gestand mehrere Vergewaltigungen ein.
Unter den Vergewaltigern, die Frauen missbraucht haben, waren 20% zum Zeitpunkt der Vergewaltigung HIV-positiv.
2,9% der Befragten gaben an, Männer oder Knaben vergewaltigt zu haben, wovon 27,8% HIV-Positiv waren.


Die südafrikanische Polizeistatistik für das Jahr 2007 notiert 36.190 Anzeigen wegen Vergewaltigung.
Im Jahr 2002 waren laut Polizeistatistik 15% aller Vergewaltigungsopfer Kinder unter 11 Jahren.
Stand 2008: Von insgesamt 23.562.600 südafrikanischen Männern sind 112.835 (0,48% der männlichen Bevölkerung) im Gefängnis,
um für ein Verbrechen zu büßen.


Kriminalstatistiken sowie neuro/biologische und anthropologische Gutachten belegen:
Junge Männer im Alter von 14-23 sind Angehörige des gewalttätigsten Geschlechts auf Erden.


► Artikel Studie zu Vergewaltigung in Südafrika. Jeder Vierte ein Vergewaltiger, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal des
      Kölner Nachrichtensenders der RTL Group n-tv, Sendung Panorama, 19. Juni 2009
► Artikel Jeder vierte Südafrikaner ist ein Vergewaltiger, präsentiert von der kostenlosen Schweizer Pendlerzeitung 20 Minuten,
      19. Juni 2009
► Artikel Die unaussprechliche Katastrophe. Vergewaltigung von Männern in Kriegsgebieten, präsentiert von der deutschen
      Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, Arne Perras, Kampala, 12. Januar 2012
Bericht über Studie von US-Wissenschaftlerin Lara Stemple von der Universität Los Angeles in Kongo und Liberia
Source: ► Statistics Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country,
presented by the website nationmaster.com, 2003-2020


Vergewaltigung und sexueller Missbrauch – Vorurteile und Tatsachen

Frauen zwischen 15 und 44 Jahren sind schwerer durch sexuelle Gewalt bedroht als durch Krebs, Krieg und Autounfälle zusammen genommen.

Jede vierte Frau in Deutschland zwischen 16 und 85 Jahren wird wenigstens einmal in ihrem Leben
von ihrem Partner oder ihrem Expartner körperlich und sexuell angegriffen.
Rund 39% aller Frauen [weltweit] werden mindestens einmal in ihrem Leben Opfer sexueller Gewalt.19


Vergewaltigung – jegliches Eindringen in den Körper einer Person gegen ihren Willen – ist die extremste Form sexualisierter Gewalt. Sie missachtet das sexuelle Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Frau und ist Ausdruck männlicher Übermacht durch Unterwerfung und Demütigung von Frauen und Mädchen.


Eine Studie zur Vergewaltigungsmythenakzeptanz20 ergab, dass es gesamtgesellschaftlich eine relativ hohe Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen gibt.
818 Befragten wurde ein Fragebogen nach Gerd Bohners 20-Punkte-Vergewaltigungsmythenakzeptanzskala (VMAS) vorgelegt. Die Ergebnisse sind:

  • Männer glauben stärker an Vergewaltigungsmythen als Frauen.
  • Ältere und weniger gebildete MitbürgerInnen glauben stärker an Vergewaltigungsmythen als jüngere.

Die gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe besteht darin

  • Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen NICHT als Kavaliersdelikt zu bagatellisieren,
  • ihre körperlichen und psychologischen Folgen in der Frauenheilkunde zu berücksichtigen und
  • vergewaltigten Frauen und Männern KEINE Mitschuld bei sexuellen Gewaltverbrechen zuzuschreiben.21


༺༻ Fehleinschätzung T A T S A C H E
1. Vis-haud-ingrata-Theorie / Typ C Eine Vergewaltigung ist aggressiver Geschlechtsverkehr. Manche Frauen empfinden ihn als "luststeigernd" oder als besonders "männlich".Vergewaltigung ist eine existenzielle Bedrohung, kein sexueller Akt. Sie ist ein massiver Angriff auf die psychische und physische Integrität der missbrauchten Person.
2. Abwehrtheorie / Typ C Frauen und Mädchen wollen hart genommen werden. Sie genießen es, vergewaltigt werden, sonst würden sie sich wehren.Eine Vergewaltigung erfolgt immer gegen den Willen einer Frau. Sie wird nicht als lustvoll sondern als lebensgefährliche Bedrohung mit akuter Todesangst erlebt.22 Meist führt dies zu einem Schockzustand, in dem eine körperliche Gegenwehr unmöglich ist. Ein NEIN und Gegenwehr wird vom Vergewaltiger übergangen.23
3. Typ C / D Nur junge, attraktive Frauen oder solche, die sich aufreizend kleiden oder verhalten, werden vergewaltigt.Jedes Mädchen und jede Frau kann unabhängig von ihrem Alter, ihrem Aussehen, ihrer Kleidung, Nationalität oder Religion Opfer einer Vergewaltigung werden. Kein Verhalten kann eine Vergewaltigung ausschließen. Kein Verhalten von Mädchen und Frauen, das eine Vergewaltigung rechtfertigt.
4. Opferabwertung / Typ B Einer vergewaltigten Frau sieht man den Missbrauch an.
Sie erzählt sofort von der Tat.
Es gibt kein typisches Opferverhalten. Vergewaltigte reagieren individuell (verzweifelt, ruhig, aggressiv). Das jeweilige Verhalten ist
kein Maßstab für Glaubwürdigkeit. Aus Scham, Angst und möglichen Schuldzuweisungen reden nur wenige Vergewaltigte mit nahestehen-
den oder fremden Personen über das Verbrechen oder erstatten Anzeige.
5. Überfalltheorie Typ D Vergewaltigungen geschehen meist nachts, überfallartig durch Fremdtäter im Freien.Vergewaltigungen sind zu 70-80% geplant und geschehen rund um die Uhr. Nur 11-22% der Sexualopfer werden von Unbekann-
ten angegriffen. Zwei Drittel aller Vergewaltigungen finden im sozialen Umfeld der Opfer statt.
Überwiegend kennen sich Täter und Opfer (zumindest flüchtig). Freunde, Bekannte, Väter, Brüder, Ehemänner, Partner überwältigen in der Familie, im Freundeskreis, am Arbeitsplatz, in der Wohnung des Opfers.
6. Triebtätertheorie Eine Vergewaltigung ist eine sexuell motivierte Triebtat.Eine Vergewaltigung ist eine aggressiv, nicht sexuell, motivierte Gewalttat. Dieses Verbrechen geschieht aus Wut, Kontrolle und Dominationsmacht. Sie ängstigen, erniedrigen und beschämen.
7. Triebtätertheorie Vergewaltiger sind anormal, psychisch krank oder sexuell ausgehungert und gestört.Vergewaltiger sind zu über 90% nicht psychopathologisch auffällig.24 Keine biologische, psychische oder physische Voraus-
setzung untersagt es einem Mann, sein Sexualverhalten zu kontrol-
lieren. Seriöse wissenschaftliche Angaben zu "triebgesteuerten" Männern liegen nicht vor.
8. Typ B Vergewaltigte Frauen sind mitschuldig an der Tat.Vergewaltiger missachten die Würde und das Selbstbestim-
mungsrecht ihres Gegenübers.
Ein körperlich gesunder und geistig zurechnungsfähiger Mensch ist befähigt, jederzeit und in allen Situationen abzuweisen. Sein NEIN gilt auch, wenn das Opfer zuvor zärtlich oder sexuell mit Täter verkehrte. Die rechtliche Verantwortung für den Missbrauch liegt aufseiten des Täters. Angesichts aller Verbrechen trägt die ganze Gesellschaft Mitverantwortung.
9. Opferabwertung / Typ A Viele Anzeigen wegen Vergewaltigung sind Falschbezichtigungen aus Rache.In Deutschland sind 3% der Anzeigen gegen Vergewaltiger Falschbeschuldigungen, in den Vereinigten Staaten 2%. Aus Angst und Scham verzichten Missbrauchte auf eine Anzeige. Je näher sie mit dem Täter bekannt oder verwandt sind, desto seltener zeigen Frauen eine Vergewaltigung an.
10. Opferabwertung / Typ D Theorien, wie sich Frauen zu verhalten haben, um der Vergewaltigung zu entgehen.Eine Vergewaltigte befindet sich in Lebensgefahr. Hier empfiehlt sich, dem eigenen Instinkt zu folgen. Erfolg ist, mit dem Leben davon-
11. Omnipotenz-Theorie Theorie, dass Männer sich stets gegen sexuelle Gewalt wehren können.Ein Vergewaltigter befindet sich in Lebensgefahr. Hier empfiehlt sich, dem eigenen Instinkt zu folgen.


༺༻ Zentrale Mythen Verleugnung, Cliche, Rechtfertigung
Typ-A Es ist nichts passiert.25Verleugnung des sexuellen Kontakts zwischen Täter und Opfer.
Umkehrung des Täter-Opfer-Verhältnisses [Falschbezichtigung] – Projektion männlicher Phantasien (femme fatale) auf Frauen
Nur rund 1% der Gewalttäter werden verurteilt. Demnach hat auch keine Vergewaltigung stattgefunden.
Folge: Bei Gerichtsverhandlungen wird die Glaubwürdigkeit des Opfers stärker als bei anderen Delikten thematisiert. Vergewaltigungsstudie Susan Brownmiller (*1935), 1975
Typ-B Die Vergewaltigung hat keinen Schaden angerichtet.Verleugnung des Schadens durch Vergewaltigung.
Durch Übernahme der männlichen Perspektive [Frauen als Besitz des Mannes] wird Vergewaltigung als "normale" sexuelle Interaktion betrachtet. Vergewaltigungsstudie Susan Brownmiller (*1935), 1975
Rechtfertigung: Nur "schlechte Frauen" können vergewaltigt werden.
Typ-C Die Frau wollte vergewaltigt werden.Cliché: Frauen meinen "ja" wenn sie "nein" sagen.
Schlussfolgerung: Sie zieren sich, wollen jedoch "hart angepackt werden".
Wenn Frauen die Abwehr nicht gelingt, haben sie eingewilligt, vergewaltigt zu werden.
Typ-D Die Frau hat es verdient, vergewaltigt zu werden.Rechtfertigung: Frauen sind verantwortlich für die Folgen, wenn sie sich aufreizend verhalten und in "riskante" Situationen begeben.
Folge: Mildere Beurteilung der Tat vor Gericht. Vergewaltigungsstudie Susan Brownmiller (*1935), 1975
Mythos: Wer die Macht besitzt, Normen zu prägen, ist im Recht. Wenn Frauen den
patriarchalen Verhaltenskodex nicht befolgen, werden sie zu "legitimen Opfern".
Prostituierte könnten nicht vergewaltigt werden.


Männer Triebtätermythos Die meisten Vergewaltiger haben einen ausgeprägten Sexualtrieb, den sie nicht kontrollieren können.
Männer Triebtätermythos Die meisten Männer, die vergewaltigen, wurden als Kind lange sexuell missbraucht.
Männer OpferabwertungTyp·DEin Mann ist berechtigt, eine Frau zu vergewaltigen als Strafe für ihr
provokatives Verhalten (Gestik, Mimik, Sprache, Kleidung) zu bestrafen.
Frauen OpferabwertungTyp·AEine Ehefrau kann von ihrem Mann nicht vergewaltigt werden, da sie dem Beischlaf im Rahmen ihres Eheversprechens ein für allemall zugestimmt hat.
Frauen OpferabwertungTyp BEine sexuell aktive Frau, die mit mehreren Männern verkehrt, findet eine Vergewaltigung nicht schlimm.
Frauen OpferabwertungTyp BWenn eine Frau vergewaltigt wird, verhält sie sich richtig, wenn sie sich entspannt und es genießt.
Frauen OpferabwertungTyp BWenn eine vergewaltigte Frau die Tat nicht unmittelbar danach anzeigt,
erlitt sie kein Verbrechen.
Frauen Vis-haud-ingrata-TheorieTyp CFrauen wünschen sich insgeheim, vergewaltigt zu werden.
Frauen BestrafungsmythosTyp DEine Frau, die Männer anmacht, ohne ihm Sex zu gewähren, legt es
darauf an vergewaltigt zu werden.
Porno Triebtätermythos Da die zunehmende Pornografisierung in den Medien den Sexualtrieb potentieller Täter weckt, wird die Vergewaltigungsneigung von Männern
allgemein verstärkt.

⚑ 26% aller befragten Männer haben versucht, eine Frau zum sexuellen Verkehr zu zwingen.
⚑ 15% aller befragten Männer gestanden, den Sexualverkehr erzwungen zu haben.26
⚑ 4,6% der männlichen Studenten hatten einmal vergewaltigt.27
⚑ Ein Drittel aller befragten College-Studenten halten es für möglich, zu vergewaltigen, wenn sie dafür nicht bestraft werden.28


Schriftliche Quellen:
Dissertation von Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen,
     PDF, Medizinische Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 16. Dezember 2004
Artikel von PD Dr. Heiko Rauhut, Schweizer Soziologe, Universität Zürich, Dr. Ivar Krumpal, Leipzig, Rechtfertigungen und sexuelle
     Gewalt. Eine experimentelle Studie
, PDF, präsentiert von der Publikation "Soziale Probleme", 19. Jahrgang, 2008
Buch von Beatrice Weber, Die soziale Wirklichkeitskonstruktion von Vergewaltigungsmythen und der Realitätsbezug, Verlag für
     Polizeiwissenschaft, 1. Auflage 6. August 2010
See also: ► ⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial

Kollektive tabuwahrende Verleugnungsmatrix

Vierstufiger Abbau von kulturell gewahrten Tabus
EvolutionGewaltloser Widerstand
Nicholas Klein
Reaktion der Standardwissenschaft
auf Neuentdeckungen
Extrakt von
Reaktion auf [das
Narrativ] von NS-Vernichtungslagern
1. Stunde Sehr schnell Widerstand
wird bekannt.
"Erst ignorieren sie dich." "Das trifft wahrscheinlich
nicht zu."
Es ist nichts passiert. Das kann
gar nicht sein.
2. Tag Schnell Widerstand
"Dann verhöhnen
sie dich."
"Das mag wohl zutreffen,
ist aber nicht wichtig."
Keiner kam zuschaden. Wir haben nichts
davon gewusst.
3. Monat Langsam Widerstand
gewinnt an Boden.
"Dann kämpfen sie gegen dich." "Gewiss ist diese Entdeckung wichtig, aber
sie ist nicht mehr neu."
Sie wollte es doch. Wir haben nur
Befehle befolgt.
4. Jahr Sehr langsam Widerstand
ist etabliert.
siegst du."
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
Es geschah ihr recht. Sie waren
selbst schuld.
Referenzen: de.Wikipedia-Einträge Gewaltloser Widerstand und ► Vergewaltigungsmythos
Siehe auch: ► Tabu und ► Gesetz 3:1 und ► Vergewaltigungsmythen und ► Evolution und ► Fünf Lernstationen
See also:
Taboo and ► Principle 3:1 and ► Evolution
Four collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos and ► Four basic brains and their role in breaking taboos


Alle Wahrheit durchläuft drei Stufen.
Zuerst wird sie lächerlich gemacht oder verzerrt.
Dann wird sie bekämpft.
Und schließlich wird sie als selbstverständlich angenommen.

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) deutscher Philosoph, Hochschullehrer, Schriftsteller, paraphrasiertes Zitat aus: Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, unsigniertes Vorwort,
Dresden, August 1818, S. xvi, erste Auflage, Leipzig 1819

Statistische Daten zur Internet-Pornographie

         Sexsucht dominiert das Internet und untergräbt die Bindungsfähigkeit. [Status 2010-2011]         


  • Es gibt 400 Millionen pornografische Webseiten, täglich kommen 300 weitere dazu.
  • 89% der Pornografie-Webseiten stammen aus den Vereinigten Staaten [auf Platz 1], 4% aus Deutschland [auf Platz 2].
  • 35% des Internet-Datenverkehrs ist pornografischen Ursprungs.
  • Nur 3% der Sex-Seiten verlangen eine Altersangabe des Nutzers.
  • Ein Viertel aller Suchanfragen (Google) im Netz dreht sich um Sex, sprich Pornografie.
  • 'Sex' und 'Porn' zählen zu den fünf meistgefragtesten Suchbegriffen bei Kindern unter 18 Jahren.
  • 43% aller Internet-User schauen sich online Pornoflme an.
  • 72% Männer und 28% Frauen (Tendenz steigend) rufen pro Sekunde etwa 30.000 (frei) zugängliche Porno-Streams ab.
    • 98% der bezahlten Internet-Pornoinhalte werden von Männern betrachtet.29
  • Durchschnittlich schauen Männer zwischen 18 und 24 Jahren zwei Stunden pro Woche Pornofilme an.
  • Durchschnittlich schauen (junge) Frauen 15 Minuten pro Woche Pornofilme an.
  • 70% der Männer, die überdurchschnittlich viele Pornofilme anschauen, haben deshalb Beziehungsprobleme,
    weil sie von ihrer Partnerin erwarten, sich wie ein Pornostar zu verhalten.30 31


Geschätzte Einnahmen der Pornoindustrie [Stand 2009]

  • 13 Milliarden jährlich in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
  • 97 Milliarden jährlich weltweit
  • Mit Online-Pornofilmen wurden weltweit mehr als eine Milliarde US-Dollar verdient.


Artikel: ► Zehn Fakten über Web-Pornos, präsentiert von der deutschen Bild-Zeitung, 15. Januar 2010
Gegeninitiative (engl.): ► Videopräsentation Cindy Gallop (*1960) englische Werbeexpertin, Make love, not porn
[Macht Liebe, nicht Pornografie], präsentiert von TEDBlog, YouTube version Make love, not porn (Adult content),
4:28 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 2. Dezember 2009

The constant novelty-at-a-click of Internet pornography can lead to Internet addiction in some users' brains. Research on Internet porn addiction reveals the same addiction-related brain changes and severe behavioral and chemical symptoms seen
in other addicts.
Rates of Internet-addicted male and female test subjects range from 8-21%, depending upon who performed the research.
One study on university students broke addiction rates by gender.

  • A quarter of the young men met the criteria for Internet addiction.
  • Less than one in ten females met the criteria for Internet addiction.

Former addicts are showing evidence of reversal of symptoms and brain change.


Source: ► Online Education
Referencing studies: ► Data collection Relevant Research and Articles About the Studies,
presented by the publication Your Brain On Porn, undated

Gewalttätiges Verhalten ist geschlechtsspezifisch.

Strafrechtsrelevante den Körper bedrohende und verletzende Gewalt wird überwiegend von jüngeren Männern ausgeübt.
Entwicklungs- und hormonphysiologisch bedingt begehen im wesentlichen männliche Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene (vorwiegend Vierzehn- bis Zwanzigjährige) Gewaltverbrechen.
Der Hypothalamus von Männern und Frauen weist einen deutlichen Sexualdimorphismus auf. Nur bei Männern liegt
eine Koppelung von sexueller Erregung, Aggressivität und Dominanzverhalten vor.
In Verbindung mit einem signifikant erhöhten Testosteronspiegel und einem deutlich gesenkten Serotoninspiegel verüben prädisponierte Männer Gewalttaten. Serotonin, Oxytocin und das Neuropeptid Y tragen zur Beruhigung und zur Aggressionskontrolle bei.


Im Jahr 1997 gab es in Deutschland Verurteilungen wegen folgender Verbrechen32:
VerbrechenVerhältnis Männer ⇔ Frauen
Gewaltverbrechen658.943 Männer ⇔ 121.587 Frauen
Gefährliche und schwere Körperverletzung16.338 Männer ⇔ 1.255 Frauen
Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern2.179 Männer ⇔ 28 Frauen
Vergewaltigung1.002 Männer ⇔ 7 Frauen
Mord und Totschlag (schwere Gewaltdelikte)734 Männer ⇔ 70 Frauen


► Videointerview mit Prof. Gerhard Roth (*1942) deutscher Biologe, Verhaltensphysiologe, Hirnforscher, Universität Bremen, Autor,
     The difference between men's and women's brains [Der Unterschied zwischen den Gehirnen von Männern und Frauen],
     YouTube Film, Minute 1:11, 1:45 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. Oktober 2007
Prof. Gerhard Roth (*1942) deutscher Biologe, Verhaltensphysiologe, Hirnforscher, Universität Bremen, Autor, Freier Wille,
     Verantwortlichkeit und Schuld
, PDF, 14. März 2007
Prof. Gerhard Roth: "The hypothalamus (saturated with testosterone) – ONLY in men – is the agent of sexual arousal AND for violence."
["'NUR bei Männern – ist der Hypothalamus das Agens von sexueller Erregung UND Gewalt."]
Siehe auch: ► Wut undVertrauen und ► Statistik
See also: ► Expressions of anger and ► Alarming rape record – South Africa and Congo

Zitate zum Thema Gewalt / Violence

Zitate allgemein

Jesus: Siehe, ich sende euch wie Schafe mitten unter die Wölfe; darum seid klug wie die Schlangen
und ohne Falsch wie die Tauben.
Matthäus 10, 16 und Paulus, 1. Korinther 14, 20 (NT)


Da sprach Jesus zu ihm [dem gewaltbereiten Apostel Petrus]: Stecke dein Schwert an seinen Ort;
denn wer das Schwert nimmt, der soll durchs Schwert umkommen.
Matthäus 26, 52 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • In dieser Zeit, wo Gewalttätigkeit, in Lüge gekleidet, so unheimlich wie noch nie auf dem Throne der Welt sitzt, bleibe ich dennoch überzeugt, dass Wahrheit, Liebe, Friedfertigkeit, Sanftmut und Gütigkeit die Gewalt sind, die über aller Gewalt ist. Ihnen wird die Welt gehören, wenn nur genug Menschen die Gedanken der Liebe, der Wahrheit, der Friedfertigkeit und der Sanftmut rein und stark und streng genug denken und leben.
    Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) deutsch-elsässischer Arzt, evangelischer Theologe, medizinischer Missionar, Kulturphilosoph, Humanist, Organist, Friedensnobelpreisträger, 1952, Autor, Albert Schweitzer: Selbstzeugnisse. Aus meiner Kindheit und Jugendzeit. Zwischen Wasser und Urwald. Briefe aus Lambarene, S. 64, Deutscher Bücherbund, 1. Januar 1960



'Serienmörder Bundy'

Desensibilisiert durch Hardcore-Pornografie und Alkohol war Bundy "besessen" von "einem eigenständigen Wesen im Inneren", als er vergewaltigte und mordete.

  • Auch nach all den Jahren fällt es mir schwer, darüber zu sprechen. Es strengt mich an, es wieder aufleben zu lassen, wenn ich darüber rede, doch ich möchte, dass Sie verstehen, was passiert ist. Es war, als erwachte man aus einer schrecklichen Trance oder einem Traum. Ohne es überaus dramatisieren zu wollen, ist es so als ob man von etwas dermaßen Schrecklichem und Außerirdischem beses-
    sen war
    , und am nächsten Morgen aufzuwachen und sich daran zu erinnern, was passiert ist, und zu erkennen, dass ich im Sinne des Gesetzes und sicherlich in den Augen Gottes dafür verantwortlich bist. Morgens aufzuwachen und mir bewusst zu werden, was ich bei klarem Verstand getan hatte, während meine wesentlichen moralischen und ethischen Gefühlen intakt waren, hat mich ab-
    solut entsetzt.
    Aus meiner schwerbelasteten realen persönlichen Erfahrung sage ich, dass bei der schädlichsten Hardcore-Porno-
    grafie Gewalt und sexuelle Gewalt einbegriffen sind. Die Vermählung dieser beiden Kräfte – wie ich nur zu gut weiß
    – führt zu einem Verhalten, das zu schrecklich ist, um es zu beschreiben.
    Ich gebe nicht der Pornografie die Schuld. Ich sage nicht, dass sie es war, die mich veranlasst hat, aus dem Haus zu
    gehen und bestimmte Dinge zu tun. Ich übernehme die volle Verantwortung für all die Dinge, die ich getan habe. Das
    ist unbestritten hier. Die Frage ist, inwieweit pornografische Literatur dazu beigetragen hat, die Art von gewalttätigem
    Verhalten auszubilden.
    In Verbindung mit meinem Pornografiekonsum minderte der Alkohol meine Hemmungen, und die Pornografie höhlte
    sie noch mehr aus. Pornografie kurbelt den [gewaltträchtigen, mörderischen] Denkprozess an. Wenn dann der Augen-
    blick [der Gewalttat] gekommen ist, ist sie maßgeblich daran beteiligt, ihn die kreisenden Gedanken zu kristallisieren
    und zu etwas zu machen, das quasi eine eigenständig Wesenheit in der Psyche ist.
    Exklusives gelöschtes Videointerview mit Ted Bundy (1946-1989) US-amerikanischer Entführer, Vergewaltiger, Serienmörder von 30 Frauen und Mädchen, Leichenschänder, Ted Bundy FULL final interview with Dr. James Dobson from 23rd January 1989 [Ted Bundys letztes Interview mit Dr. James Dobson, 23. Januar 1989], Gastgeber Dr. James Dobson (*1936) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Gründer von Focus on the Family (FOTF) (*1977), konservativer christlich-evangelistischer Autor, Staatsgefängnis von Florida, am Vorabend vor Bundys Hinrichtung auf dem elektrischen Stuhl, 23. Dezember 1989, Transcript of Ted Bundy's Final Interview [Originalabschrift von Ted Bundys letztem Interview], YouTube Film, 55:40 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 9. Juli 2020


  • Ich lebe seit langem im Gefängnis, und ich habe viele gewaltbereite Männer getroffen. Jeder von ihnen war aus-
    nahmslos ein langjähriger Pornografiekonsument, der zutiefst von der Sucht aufgezehrt war. Eine eigens vom FBI
    durchgeführte Studie über Serienmord weist aus, Serienmörder sind am allermeisten daran interessiert, Pornogra-
    fie konsumieren. Es ist wahr. Aussage von Ted Bundy (1946-1989) US-amerikanischer Entführer, Vergewaltiger, Serienmörder von 28 Frauen und Mädchen, Leichenschänder, zitiert in: Dr. James Dobson (*1936) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Gründer von Focus on the Family (FOTF) (*1977), konservativer christlich-evangelistischer Autor, Staatsgefängnis von Florida,
    Life on the Edge, S. 189, Word Publishing, Nashville, 1995


Schlussfolgerungen (allgemein)




Schlussfolgerungen von Marshall Rosenberg

  • Kein anderer kann Gefühle in dir verursachen. Ein anderer kann Gefühle auslösen. Es ist jedoch dein Denken darüber, was er tun sollte oder müsste beziehungsweise, was man tut, was korrekt oder richtig ist, das deine Ge-
    fühle von Wut, Schmerz oder Ärger verursacht. Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934-2015) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Psychotherapeut, Entwickler der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation, Quelle unbekannt




  • Gewalt kann nur durch eine Lüge verborgen werden, und die Lüge kann nur durch Gewalt aufrechterhalten werden, und die Lüge kann nur durch Gewalt aufrecht erhalten werden. Wer Gewalt zu seiner Methode erkoren hat, ist un-
    weigerlich gezwungen, die Lüge als sein Prinzip anzuerkennen.
    Alexander Issajewitsch Solschenizyn (1918-2008) russisch-sowjetischer Romanschriftsteller, Dramatiker, Literaturnobelpreisträger, Dankesrede anlässlich der Entgegennahme des Nobelpreises für Literatur, Oslo, Norwegen, 10. Dezember 1970



  • Gewalt hat ein Geschlecht: das männliche. Artikel Gewalt hat ein Geschlecht, präsentiert von der deutschsprachigen feministischen Publikumszeitschrift Emma, Januar/Februar 2000


  • Leid, das Erwachsene einander im Bereich mitmenschlicher Beziehungen und gesellschaftlicher Verhältnisse auf zu-
    weilen grausame Weise zufügen, ruft bei dem Untersucher, der sich mit menschlichen Verhaltensweisen beschäftigt,
    das Verlangen hervor, leiderzeugende Umstände zu verändern und ihre Ursachen wegzunehmen. Neben den Re-
    gungen des Entsetzens und der Trauer über die Unvollkommenheit der menschlichen Natur, die auch sein Teil ist,
    und gesellschaftlicher Ordnungen, an denen er Anteil hat, wird ihn hierbei nie das Bewusstsein verlassen, dass es
    zugleich auch gilt, bis zu einem gewissen Grad Unvollkommenheit zu ertragen. Leid jedoch, Kindern angetan, ist
    schlechthin unerträglich. Hans Keilson (1909-2011) niederländischer Arzt, Psychoanalytiker, Psychiater, Traumaforscher,
    KZ-Überlebender, deutschsprachiger Dichter, Autor, 1979


  • Gewaltlosigkeit bedeutet nicht nur, auf externe physische Gewalt zu verzichten, sondern auch die interne Gewaltbe-
    reitschaft unseres Geistes zu vermeiden. Man weigert sich nicht nur, einen anderen Menschen zu erschießen, man
    weigert sich auch, ihn zu hassen. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor, Aktivist,
    afro-amerikanischer Bürgerrechtler, (engl.) zitiert in: quotepark.com


  • Die Evolution der Menschheit wird durch Gewalt charakterisiert, etwas das Erich Fromm "bösartige Aggression" nannte. Es ist grundsätzlich anders als die Art von Aggression, die man in der Natur sieht: Überleben, Beschaf-
    fung von Nahrung oder sexueller Wettbewerb. […] Diese bösartige Aggression bedeutet nach Fromms Verständnis auch eine Art unstillbare Gier, die Tendenz, immer mehr haben zu wollen, mehr Macht, mehr Geld, mehr Besitz,
    mehr Territorium. Das ist charakteristisch für die menschliche Geschichte.
    Interview mit Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) tschechisch-US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Medizinphilosoph, Mitbegründer der transpersonalen Psychologie, Die Welt ist perfekt, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Publikation Trans-
    personale Perspektiven, Kareem van Gennip, Logos-Verlag-Berlin, Heft 4/98, Juli 1998


Pali Küste, Kauai, Hawaii


  • Der Ursprung von Gewalt und Zerstörerischem liegt in unserem Umgang mit unseren Kindern. Durch die sechstausend Jahre alte Geschichte der Kindheit in den sogenannten Hochkulturen zieht sich wie ein roter Faden die Ablehnung der Lebendigkeit und des Eigen-
    lebens der Kinder. Arno Gruen (1923-2015) deutsch-schweizerischer Psychologe, Psychoanalytiker, Zivilisations-
    kritiker, Schriftsteller, Der Verlust des Mitgefühls. Über die Politik der Gleichgültigkeit, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv), 1. Oktober 1997, 11. Auflage 2016


  • Die Gewalt fängt nicht an, wenn einer einen erwürgt. Sie fängt an, wenn einer sagt: Ich liebe dich: Du gehörst mir!
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Einleitung
    des Gedichts Die Gewalt, zitiert in: Zitate.eu





  • So etwas wie "internationalen Terrorismus" gibt es nicht. Dem "internationalen Terrorismus" den Krieg erklären ist Unsinn. Politiker, die das tun, sind entweder Narren oder Zyniker und wahrscheinlich sind sie beides. Terrorismus ist eine Waffe. Wie eine Kanone. Wir würden über einen, der der "internationalen Artillerie" den Krieg erklärt, lachen. Eine Kanone gehört zu einer Armee und dient den Zielen dieser Armee. Die Kanone der einen Seite schießt auf die Ka-
    none der anderen Seite. Terrorismus ist eine Vorgehensweise. Sie wird oft von unterdrückten Völkern eingesetzt,
    wie zum Beispiel von der französischen Resistance gegen die Nazis im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Wir würden über jeden,
    der der "internationalen Resistance" den Krieg erklärt, lachen.
    Artikel Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln. Die Herrschaft der Absurdiotie, übersetzt von Ellen
    Rohlfs, präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Uri Avnery [Helmut Ostermann] (1923-2018) israelischer Friedensaktivist, jugendlicher Irgun-Terrorist, Parlamentsabgeordneter in der Knesset (1965-1974) und (1979-1981), Journalist, Publizist, 2. Dezember 2015




  • Ich habe den Verdacht, dass sich alle Terrorismen, egal, ob die deutsche RAF, die italienischen Brigate Rosse, die Franzosen, Iren, Spanier oder Araber, in ihrer Menschenverachtung wenig nehmen. Sie werden übertroffen von bestimmten Formen von Staatsterrorismus. Ich meine wirklich, was ich sage.
    Interview mit Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015) deutscher sozialdemokratischer Politiker, fünfter Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1974-1982), "Ich bin in Schuld verstrickt", PDF, Die Zeit, Ausgabe 36, 30. August 2007


  • Das Ziel dieser Energien, die sich von spiritueller Wahrheit bedroht fühlen, liegt darin, Wahrheit zu besiegen, indem
    sie sie untergraben und zerrütten. In der heutigen Zeit liegt das größte Einfallstor für niedere Astralkräfte auf diesem
    Planeten in den Medien – Fernsehen, Filme, Musik und ganz besonders Videospiele – die ganz offen das Böse in
    Form von Gewalt und Verführung verherrlichen. Auch durch die Verunglimpfung spiritueller Symbole, über die man
    sich absichtlich lustig macht, um zu schockieren, wird Unheil angerichtet.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel 23 "Homo Spiritus", S. 547, 2006




  • Aufgrund von Erhebungen geht man heute in Deutschland von mindestens 90.000 Vergewaltigungen im Jahr aus. Jede zweite Vergewaltigung passiert zu Hause [...] Der Täter ist der eigene Mann oder Freund bzw. Ex-Mann.
    Doch nur acht Prozent aller Vergewaltigungen werden überhaupt angezeigt. Und nur bei jeder siebten Anzeige steht am Ende die Verurteilung des Täters. Gleichzeitig signalisieren die Statistiken, dass Vergewaltigung das Verbrechen mit den geringsten Falschanschuldigungen ist: Nur in drei von hundert Fällen lügt die Frau.
    Was bedeutet: Nur jeder hundertste Vergewaltiger muss auch dafür büßen. Vergewaltigung ist also ein quasi straf-
    loses Verbrechen.

    Alice Schwarzer (*1942) führende deutsche Feministin, Herausgeberin der Zeitschrift EMMA, Journalistin, Autorin, zitiert in:
    Artikel Warum Millionen Frauen betroffen sind, präsentiert von der deutschen Bild-Zeitung, 17. September 2010



Anonymität von erwachsenen Vergewaltigungsopfern gewährleistet den Fortbestand des Tabus und Tätern Straffreiheit.

  • [D]ie patronisierende viktorianische Gepflogenheit, Frauen nicht zu identifizieren, die Anklage wegen Sexualverbrechen erheben [ist uns geblieben]. Diese Konven-
    tion stellt nicht nur eine Beleidigung der Frauen dar, sondern erschwert die Straf-
    verfolgung wegen Vergewaltigung erheblich. Überwiegend erweist Anonymität
    Institutionen einen Dienst, die Vergewaltiger oder Personen, denen sexuelle Be-
    lästigung vorgeworfen wird, nicht strafrechtlich verfolgen wollen.
    So hält etwa das US-amerikanische Militär die Identität von Personen geheim, die Anklage wegen Vergewaltigung erheben und Vergewaltigung ist bei den US-Streitkräften heutzutage weit verbreitet. Durch das Festhalten an ano-
    nymisierten Beschuldigungen können es die Militärbehörden vermeiden umfassende Aufzeichnungen zu führen,
    was es den Zuständigen wiederum erlaubt, die Verantwortung zu umgehen, für eine transparente Berichterstattung
    über Übergriffe und strafrechtliche Maßnahmen zu sorgen – und Sexualverbrechen ernsthaft und systematisch zu verfolgen. Das Gleiche gilt für Universitäten [und Kirchen].
    Es ist schon längst überfällig, Anonymität für Personen, die Anklage wegen Vergewaltigung erheben, ad acta zu
    legen. Naomi Wolf (*1962) US-amerikanische Literaturwissenschaftlerin, Politaktivistin, Sozialkritikerin, führende Sprecherin
    der Dritten Welle des Feminismus, Schriftstellerin, Warum ist Vergewaltigung etwas anderes?, präsentiert von der Publikation project-syndicate.org, 31. Dezember 2010



Ehe ist das historische Produkt von "legitimer" Vergewaltigung.

  • Die Ehe als Institution hat sich aus der Vergewaltigung als Praxis entwickelt. Ver-
    gewaltigung, ursprünglich als Entführung definiert, wurde durch Gefangennahme
    zur Ehe. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US-amerikanische Soziologin, radikale Femi-
    nistin, Anti-Krieg-Aktivistin, Schriftstellerin, Pornographie. Männer beherrschen Frauen, Emma-Verlag, 1987



Pornographie: - Frauen; + Männer

  • Pornographie erzählt Lügen über Frauen, doch sie sagt die Wahrheit über Männer. John Stoltenberg (*1944) US-amerikanischer radikal-feministischer Aktivist, Herausgeber von Zeitschriften, Autor, zitiert in: Qwiki



Pornodarstellerinnen verkaufen ihre Seele und entmenschlichen sich.

  • Die Darsteller können mit einem machen, was sie wollen. Und die Produzenten genau so. Man bespricht zwar vorher, was man macht, aber im Vertrag steht, dass man sich allem zur Verfügung stellt, was der Produzent verlangt. Und so sehen die Verträge alle aus. Im Moment des Unterschreibens gibt man das Menschsein ab. Man ist einfach nur noch ein Stück. Ein Loch.
    Kim, deutsche Ex-Pornodarstellerin, Der Traum vom Porno-Star, präsentiert von der deutschsprachigen feministischen Publikums-
    zeitschrift Emma, Winter 2011



Analyse der Hauptfiguren im Film Fifty Shades Darker:

  • Das, was Christian und Ana haben, eine Mischung aus psychischen Störungen, Grenzenverletzungen und emotionalen Bindungsproblemen. Kurz gesagt: Christian Grey ist ein gefährlicher, traumatisierter, bindungsgestörter Egomane, der Frauen als Spielzeug behandelt und sie emotional und finanziell abhängig machen will. Stalking ist bei ihm ganz normal. Allein die Tatsache, dass er sich mit Ana eine Jungfrau als Partnerin ausgesucht hat und versucht, ihr sein sexuelles Skript aufzudrücken, ist beunruhigend. Er weiß ja überhaupt nicht, ob es ihrer sexuellen Neigung entspricht. Das zeigt, dass es ihm letztendlich ziemlich egal ist, was sie will. Und er sie einfach wie ein Tier dressieren will und schauen, wie weit er gehen kann.
    Geduld heilt keine Persönlichkeitsstörungen. Dass ein Narzisst allein durch die aufrichtige Liebe einer Jungfrau
    eine positive Verwandlung durchmacht, ist auch der Plot von Die Schöne und das Biest. Ich mache mir Sorgen um
    junge und eher lebensunerfahrene Menschen, die dann einen gestörten Partner wie Christian treffen und glauben,
    ihn alleine durch die Kraft der Liebe ändern zu können. Eine Beziehung kann zwar zusätzlich zu einer Therapie un-
    terstützend wirken, nur ist sie eben kein Ersatz dafür.
    Lydia Benecke (*1982) polnisch-deutsche Kriminalpsychologin, Therapeutin im Strafvollzug, Sachbuchautorin, zitiert in: Interview Warum 'Fifty Shades Darker' gefährlich ist – erklärt von einer Kriminalpsychologin, die zu Sadisten forscht, präsentiert von dem kanadischen Lifestyle- und Jugendmagazin Vice, Wlada Kolosowa, 24. Februar 2017




Gene ⇔ Aggression

  • Heutzutage ist eines ganz klar: Menschen sind sehr viel komplexer als nur Umwelt oder nur Gene. In Wirklichkeit sind wir das Produkt von komplexen Wechselwirkungen aus biologischen Faktoren und Umweltfaktoren. Lydia Benecke (*1982) polnisch-deutsche Kriminalpsychologin, Therapeutin im Strafvollzug, Sachbuchautorin, zitiert in: Artikel Böse geboren? – Wie ein Mensch zum Verbrecher wird, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Radiosender SWR3, Marlene Mogk, 2. Juni 2021




  • Wenn man nach biologischen Grundlagen für aggressives Verhalten googlet, dann stößt man auf verschiedene Begriffe, die mal Thema waren. Einmal das "MAOA"-Gen, auch als Krieger-Gen bekannt geworden, das Doppel-Y-Chromosom und das ganz große Themenfeld Testosteron, das männliche Sexualhormon. Man hat jedes Mal gedacht: Jetzt haben wir's, jetzt haben wir den entscheidenden Faktor für aggressives Verhalten gefunden. Und dann bei genaueren weiteren Untersuchungen stellte sich eigentlich immer heraus: So einfach ist es nicht. Lydia Benecke (*1982) polnisch-deutsche Kriminalpsychologin, Therapeutin im Strafvollzug, Sachbuchautorin, zitiert in: Artikel Böse geboren? – Wie ein Mensch zum Verbrecher wird, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Radiosender SWR3, Marlene Mogk, 2. Juni 2021



Wenn 3,5%-5% der Bevölkerung gewaltfrei, engagiert und anhaltend protestieren, bewirken sie einen Kurswechsel des Regimes.

  • Früher meinten die Forscher, Regierungen könnten sich nicht halten, wenn sich nur 5 Prozent der Bevölkerung gegen sie erheben. Unsere Daten belegen, dass die erforderliche Teilnehmerzahl möglicherweise noch niedriger liegt. In den 70iger und 80iger Jahren scheiterte keine einzige Protestbewegung, sobald sie die engagierte und anhaltende Beteiligung von nur 3,5 Prozent der Bevölkerung erreicht hatte. Bedenkenswert ist jedoch, das jede einzelne Bewegung, welche die kritische 3,5-Prozent-Marke überschritten hatte, gewaltfrei verlief. Die gewaltfreien Protestbewegungen waren im Allgemein vier-
    mal so umfangreich wie die herkömmlichen gewalttätigen Kampagnen.
    Prof. Erica Chenoweth (*1980) US-amerikanische Politikwissenschaftlerin, Assistenzprofessorin für internationale Beziehungen, Expertin für zivilen Widerstand, Herausgeberin, Autorin, zitiert in: Artikel (engl.) Peaceful protest is much more effective than vio-
    lence for toppling dictators
    [Friedlicher Protest ist wesentlich erfolgreicher als Gewalt, um Diktatoren zu stürzen], präsentiert von
    der US-amerikanischen Tageszeitung The Washington Post, Max Fisher, 5. November 2013



Wendepunkt bei 3,5% Protestbewegten aus einer Bevölkerung

  • [A]uch in der Gegenwart lässt sich ein Umsturz eines gesamten Systems herbei-
    führen, wenn nur ein geringer Anteil der Bevölkerung ihn unterstützt. In der grund-
    legenden Studie The Success of Nonviolent Civil Resistance [Der Erfolg des ge-
    waltfreien zivilen Widerstandes] hat Erica Chenoweth, Politikwissenschaftlerin an der Harvard University, Erhebungen und Proteste zwischen 1900 und 2006 untersucht. Anders als man vielleicht denken könnte, haben nicht die radikalsten und gewalttätigsten Bewegungen Erfolg gehabt. Die erstaunliche Erkenntnis der Forscherin:
    Gewaltfreie Proteste sind doppelt so erfolgreich wie bewaffnete Konflikte. Wem es gelingt, einen Schwellenwert von 3,5 Prozent der Bevölkerung zu mobilisieren, hat immer auch Veränderungen herbeigeführt.
Chenoweth fokussiert sich auf Prozesse, die einen Regimewechsel zum Ziel hatten. Insgesamt gingen 323 gewalt-
tätige und gewaltfreie Kampagnen in ihre Untersuchung ein. Gewaltfreie Bewegungen führten in 53 Prozent zu po-
litischen Veränderungen, verglichen mit nur 26 Prozent bei den gewalttätigen Protesten. Gewaltfreiheit ist also nicht
nur moralisch besser, sie zahlt sich auch noch aus. Artikel Gesetz der 3,5 Prozent: Wie wenige Aktivisten Regierungen
in die Knie zwingen können
, präsentiert von der deutschen Wochenzeitschrift Stern, Gernot Kramper, 14. Dezember 2020



2-4% (350-700) aller deutschen Kleriker missbrauchen Jugendliche sexuell.

  • Der Psychologe Wunibald Müller, der das Recollectio-Haus Münsterschwarzach leitet und sich seit Jahren mit dem Thema befasst, geht davon aus, dass sich die Situation in Deutschland nicht wesentlich von der in anderen Ländern unterschei-
    det. Er schätzt den Anteil der katholischen Priester in Deutschland, die Kinder oder Jugendliche sexuell missbrauchen, auf etwa zwei bis vier Prozent aller Kleriker – also auf 350 bis 700.
    Artikel, präsentiert von der Berliner Tageszeitung Der Tagesspiegel, 31. Januar 2010


  • Im Auftrag der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz (DBK) haben sieben deutsche Forscher, fünf wissenschaftliche Mit-
    arbeiter und Hilfskräfte 4,5 Jahre lang zum Thema sexuelle Gewalt in der Kirche systematisch recherchiert. "Das
    Forschungsprojekt hatte keinen Zugriff auf Originalakten der katholischen Kirche. Alle Archive und Dateien der Diö-
    zesen wurden von Personal aus den Diözesen oder von diesen beauftragten Rechtsanwaltskanzleien durchgesehen."
    (S. 1) "In einigen Fällen fanden sich eindeutige Hinweise auf Aktenmanipulation." Außerdem habe es "explizit die
    Information" aus zwei Bistümern gegeben, "dass Akten- oder Aktenbestandteile mit Bezug auf sexuellen Missbrauch
    Minderjähriger in früherer Zeit vernichtet wurden." Neben der Aktenvernichtung wird auch das Blockieren einer un-
    abhängigen Einsicht in die vorhandenen Bistumsakten belegt.

Zeitraum 1946-2014
3677 Opfer von sexuellem Missbrauch an Kindern und Jugendlichen.
1670 Täter haben mutmaßlich missbraucht. Beschuldigte sind Priester, Ordensmänner und Diakone.
4,4 Prozent aller Kleriker der deutschen Bistümer waren mutmaßlich Missbrauchstäter.
Bei 566 Beschuldigten (33,9 Prozent) wurden kirchenrechtliche Verfahren wegen sexuellen Missbrauchs Minderjähriger eingeleitet,
bei 53 Prozent nicht, bei 13,1 Prozent fehlten entsprechende Angaben. Rund ein Viertel aller eingeleiteten kirchenrechtlichen Ver-
fahren endete ohne Sanktionen. Aus dem Klerikerstand entlassen wurden 41 Beschuldigte, 88 wurden exkommuniziert, also aus
der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen.

Artikel Das Ausmaß des Verbrechens, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Die Zeit, Evelyn Finger und Veronika Völlinger, Nr. 38, 12./13 September 2018
  • Eine neue Studie, beauftragt von der katholischen Kirche offenbart: Mindestens 1670 Kleriker haben sich im Zeitraum 1946 bis 2014 an 3677 Schutzbefohlenen vergangen.


  • Frage: Sobald man über Killerspiele spricht, bekommt man im Netz immer ein enormes Feedback und wird auch beschimpft. Killerspiele machen Menschen nicht aggressiv und gewaltbereit, aber Sie sagen, dass jemand, der auf diesem Gebiet schon eine Vorbelastung hat, der bekommt durch Killerspiele weitere Impulse. Da wird die Tötungs-
    hemmung weiter heruntergefahren. Viele wissen nicht, dass Killerspiele nicht von Spieleerfindern erfunden wurden, sondern da steckt das Militär dahinter.
    R. Lenz: Militärpsychologen haben in den 60er Jahren angefangen, solche Spiele zu entwickeln. Sie haben versucht haben, die Tötungshemmung über solche Spiele, in das Verhalten, vor allem von Jungs, hineinzubrennen. Die Idee dabei ist 'Wenig emotional zu sein, ist gut, ist besser'. […] Normale Emotionen werden [durch die Nutzung von Killer-
    spielen] heruntergefahren.
    Videointerview mit Rüdiger Lenz (*1962) deutscher Selbstentwickler, Freiheits- und Friedensaktivist, systemischer Therapeut, Sach-
    buchautor, KenFM im Gespräch mit: Rüdiger Lenz ("Die Fratze der Gewalt"), präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM, Gastgeber Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaf-
    fender Reporter (*2011), KenTube Film, Minute 45:25, 1:20:41 Dauer, eingestellt 26. Juli 2020



Ergebnis der im Jahr 2002 durchgeführten deutschen Gewaltstudie an insgesamt 50.000 Probanden mit 286 Einzeluntersuchungen

  • Es gibt einen Zusammenhang von gewalthaltigem Medienkonsum und tatsäch-
    licher Gewaltbereitschaft. [...] Jugendkriminalität steigt stetig. 1992 wurden
    3% der Gewaltkriminalität von Kindern unter 14 Jahren verübt, heute liegt dieser
    Prozentsatz bei 7%. Die Hälfte aller Gewaltdelikte, also gefährliche Körperverlet-
    zung, Mord und Totschlag und Vergewaltigung, die in Deutschland verübt werden, werden heute von Jugendlichen unter 21 Jahren verübt, also genau von der Generation, die aktiv mit Ego-Shooter-
    befasst ist. Das sind in absoluten Zahlen fast 80.000 Fälle pro Jahr.
    Gelöschtes Interview mit Bruno Sandkühler, deutscher Unternehmer, Waldorflehrer, Autor, präsentiert von dem deutschen Lebens-
    magazin a tempo, S. 5, Ausgabe 1, Januar 2003


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Gewalt


  • Gewalt und List, der Männer höchster Ruhm,
    Wird durch die Wahrheit dieser hohen Seele
    Beschämt, und reines kindliches Vertrauen
    Zu einem edlen Manne wird belohnt.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Schriftsteller, Figur Orest in: Bühnenstück Iphigenie auf Tauris, 5. Aufzug, 6. Auftritt, uraufgeführt 6. April 1779




  • Die Gewalt fängt nicht an, wenn einer einen erwürgt.
    Sie fängt an, wenn einer sagt: "Ich liebe Dich: Du gehörst zu mir."
    Die Gewalt fängt nicht an, wenn Kranke getötet werden.
    Sie fängt an, wenn einer sagt, "Du bist krank, du musst tun, was ich sage."
Erich Fried (1921-1988) österreichischer Übersetzer, Essayist, politischer Lyriker, Um Klarheit. Gedichte gegen das Vergessen/Am Rand unserer Lebenszeit. Gedichte. 2 Bände, Gedicht "Die Gewalt", Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin, 1. Januar 1985, 1. Januar 1997


  • Selig die Gewaltlosen, die nicht nach Macht hungern. Sie wissen, daß am Menschen Hände wachsen, um zu ver-
    geben, und keine Fäuste, um zu schlagen.
    Selig die Gewaltlosen, die Widerstand leisten gegen die Befehle der Technokratie und gegen die Normen einer maß-
    losen Konsumgesellschaft.
    Selig die Gewaltlosen, die dort stehen, wo die Schwachen sind, wo Menschen Opfer von Menschen werden, und
    die unermüdlich eintreten gegen den Missbrauch der Macht.
    Selig die Gewaltlosen, die die Spirale der Gewalt umbiegen zu einer Spirale der Freundschaft und Liebe. Sie sind
    wie das Wasser im Fluss, das die harten Steine rund und glatt macht, so dass sie im Strom der Güte mitrollen. Mit
    sanfter Gewalt erobern sie die Herzen der Menschen.
    Phil Bosmans SMM (1922-2012) belgischer katholischer Ordensgeistlicher, Telefonseelsorger, Verfasser geistlicher Schriften,
    Werke veröffentlicht im Herder Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de

General quotes

Jesus: I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Therefore,
be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
Matthew 10, 16 (NT)


Then said Jesus unto him [violence prone apostle Peter]: Put your sword
back in its place. All those that take up the sword shall perish by the sword.
Matthew 26, 52 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, but not my obedience. Attributed to Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: ilm clip excerpted from the biographical film Gandhi, 1982, Gandhi's non-violence speech,
    South Africa, YouTube film, minute 3:38, 5:26 minutes duration, posted 28. August 2008


  • When there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advice violence.  South Africa, 1920
  • Let no one say when I am gone that I taught the people to be cowards.  1924
Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: article Gandhi Jayanti: Why non-violent Mahatma Gandhi preferred violence to cowardice, presented
by the weekly Indian English-language news magazine India Today, Sourabh Gupta, 2. October 2013


  • I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves. Fake quote
    attributed to Harriet Tubman (1822-1913) African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, Union spy, during the American Civil War



Years later Mann renounced his support of the war in his novels The Magic Mountain and Dr. Faustus depicting wartime Europe gripped by a mass psychosis.



Bill Clinton considers his scandalized affair with Monica Lewinsky as his "personal failure". Nearly two decades later he has not extended a public apology to his former intern.

  • Dan Rather: The central question, if I may, and I know this is difficult, the central question is why?
    Bill Clinton: I think I did something for the worst possible reason – just be-
    cause I could.
    I think that's the most, just about the most morally indefensible
    reason that anybody could have for doing anything. When you do something just because you could […]. I've thought about it a lot. And there are lots of more sophisticated explanations, more complicated psychological explanations. But none of them are an excuse […]. Only a fool does not look to explain his mistakes.
Exclusive televised interview "My Life" with Bill Clinton (*1946) US American politician, 42nd US president (1993-2001), presented by the US American television news program CBS News, program 60 Minutes, host Dan Rather (*1931) US American news anchor, journalist, aired 20. June 2004, cited in: Clinton Cheated 'Because I Could', presented
by the US American television news program CBS News, David Hancock, 16. June 2004




Meditation taught in school is the tool to end violence.

  • If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation. H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1989, cited in the publication The Responsive Universe, 20. November 2012



  • Rape culture propaganda – otherwise known as fashion and beauty advertizing – will squash you [women] further
    and further into dullness. When everything everywhere tells you that you're the wrong shape/weight/color/height/abledness/age to be considered beautiful, you believe it. Culture tells us that our worth is in our beauty while simultaneously telling us that we aren't beautiful, while also showing us that if we're too beautiful, men hurt
    Caitlin Johnstone, Australian utopia prepper, feminist blogger, poet, rogue journalist, Rape Culture: Four Things Every
    Woman Needs To Know
    , presented by the stories outlet Medium, 22. November 2017


Superb role modeling


How to deal with a bully without becoming a thug?

Aung San Suu Kyi (*1945) is a Burmese opposition politician, leader of Myanmar's democracy movement, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.

  • [M]y heroine […] is Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. She was leading a group of students on a protest in the streets of Rangoon. They came around a corner faced with a row of machine guns. And she realized straight away that the soldiers with their fingers shaking on the triggers were more scared than the student protesters behind her. But she told the students to sit down. And she walked forward with such calm and such clarity and such total lack of fear that she could walk right up to the first gun, put her hand on it and lower it. And no one got killed. Video presentation by Scilla Elworthy (*1943) Scottish peace builder, founder of the NGO Oxford Research Group for effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers worldwide and their critics, 1982, executive director of the ORG (1982-2003), member of
    the World Future Council, Fighting with non-violence, presented by TEDx Exeter Talks, Exeter, Devon, England, minute 4:32,
    15:48 minutes duration, filmed April 2012, posted August 2012


Tornado, Central Oklahoma


  • The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience. It would be easy, however, to destroy that good conscience by shouting to them: if you want the happiness of the people, let them speak out and tell what kind of happiness they want and what kind they don't want! But, in truth, the very ones who make use of such alibis know they are lies; they leave to their intellectuals on duty the chore of believing in them and of proving that religion, patriotism, and justice need for their survival the sacrifice of freedom.
    Albert Camus (1913-1960) French Algeria-born French philosopher, journalist, author, Nobel laureate in literature, 1957, speech "Homage to an Exile" delivered at a banquet in honor of president Eduardo Santos, editor of El Tiempo, driven out of Colombia by the dictatorship, 7. December 1955, published in the collection of essays Resistance, Rebellion, and Death, Alfred A. Knopf, 1960, 1961


  • The mechanism of tyranny always has to have both an external and an internal enemy to thrive. And it doesn't matter how contrived the internal enemy is or for that matter the external one. Tyranny is always the last refuge of a culture, civilization, or nation in decline. It never ever works. […] It's an epistomological warfare [between the Hermetic/Platonic view or the materialistic/Asristotelean view].
    Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Cultural Transitions, part 5, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma, YouTube
    film, 2:24:10 duration aired 21. March 2013, posted 24. March 2013



Good, passive people – programmed to the bystander effect

  • The reason that most people do nothing is that they respect every mother in the world who tells
    their child: "Mind your own business. Don't get involved." People get programmed not to
    look at evil, to mind their own business, not to get involved, not to take the heroic action. And essentially what it is
    we're also being programmed to be egocentric. Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author, commenting as expert in the documentary I Am Fishhead – Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?, produced by FHmovie.com, Misha Votruba Vaclav Dejcmar, 2011, YouTube film, minute 56:34, 1:1816 duration, posted 23. May 2013


  • The alternative to the myth of pure evil is that most of the harm that people visit on one another comes from motives that are found in every normal person. And the corollary is that much of the decline in violence comes from people exercising these motives less often, less fully, or in fewer circumstances.
    Steven Pinker, Ph.D. (*1954) Canadian-born US American Johnstone professor of experimental psychology, Harvard University, cognitive scientist, linguist, popular science author, The Better Angels of Our Nature. Why Violence Has Declined, S. 569, Viking, 2011, Penguin Books, reprint edition 25. September 2012



  • I consider [Humanistic Psychology] to be transitional, a preparation for still 'higher' psychology, transpersonal, transhuman, centered in the cosmos rather than in human needs and interest, going beyond humanness, identity, self-actualization, and the like. Without the transcendent and the transpersonal, we get sick, violent, and nihilistic, or else hopeless and apathetic. We need something 'bigger than we are' to be awed by and to commit ourselves to in a new, naturalistic, empirical, non-churchy sense.
    Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) US American transpersonal psychologist, happiness researcher, Toward a Psychology of Being, S. iv, Wiley, 1st edition 1962, 3rd edition 9. November 1998


  • When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself
    by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not be-
    long to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding
    of mankind. Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) Indian spiritual teacher, declined member of the Theosophical Society, philosopher, author, Freedom from the Known, 1969, HarperOne, new edition 10. March 2009


  • From the crises in the Middle East to mass shootings in U.S. schools to the reckless striving for wealth and world domination, there is one overarching theme that almost never gets media coverage – the sense of insignificance that drives destructive acts. As a depth psychologist with many years of experience, I can say emphatically that the sense
    of being crushed, humiliated and existentially unimportant are the main factors behind so much that we call psychopa-
    . Article Why Are Humans Violent? The Psychological Reason We Hurt Each Other, presented by the US American left-leaning website AlterNet, Kirk J. Schneider, Ph.D., US American depth psychologist, existential-humanistic psychotherapist, author, 30. July 2014



Most men are not violent but afraid to challenge other men in support of women.

  • The truth is most men are not violent, overwhelmingly most men are not violent. But many men are afraid to speak up or afraid to support women, and are afraid to
    challenge other men. And I have great admiration for those men who do.
    Ads don't directly cause violence against women, but they normalize dangerous attitudes, and they create a climate in which women are often seen as things, as objects. And certainly, turning a hu-
    man being into a thing is almost always the first step towards justifying violence against that person, and that step is constantly taken with women and girls. Video presentation by Jean Kilbourne (*1943) US American feminist cultural theorist, activist, filmmaker, speaker, author, The dangerous ways ads see women, presented by TEDx Lafayette College Talks, YouTube film, minute 13:39, 15:50 minutes duration, posted 8. May 2014
  • The roots of violence are:
    ⚑ Wealth without work,
    ⚑ Pleasure without conscience,
    ⚑ Knowledge without character,
    ⚑ Commerce without morality,
    ⚑ Science without humanity,
    ⚑ Worship without sacrifice,
    ⚑ Politics without principles.
Frederick Lewis Donaldson, English Anglican priest, originally referring the "7 Deadly Social Evils" in his sermon delivered in West-
minster Abbey, 20. March 1925, reissued as citation by Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, presented by the Indian weekly newspaper Young India,
22. October 1925



See also:

  • The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women. […]
    There is no chance for the welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. […]
    Woman has suffered for aeons, and that has given her infinite patience and infinite preserverance. Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) Indian Hindu saint, monk, scholar, The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, volume 4, S. 176, 1863-1902



  • Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
    Albert Einstein (1879-1955) German-born US American theoretical physicist, developer of the theory of general relativity, Nobel laureate in physics, 1921, letter to Morris Raphael Cohen, professor emeritus of philosophy at the College of the City of New York, defending the appointment of Bertrand Russell to a teaching position, 19. March 1940


Organized nonviolent resistance

  • Organized nonviolent resistance is the most powerful weapon that oppressed people can use in breaking aloose from the bondage of oppression. Video TV interview with Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, Dr. King: Nonviolence is the Most Powerful Weapon, presented by the US Ame-
    rican commercial broadcast television network NBC, weekly television program "Look Here", host Martin Agronsky, Montgomery, Alabama, aired 27. October 1957, YouTube film, minute 2:41, 8:13 minutes duration, posted 3. April 2008


St. Bartholomew's Day massacre of
French Protestants, 1572
François Dubois (1529-1584) French Huguenot painter
  • The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes.
    Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. [...] The chain reaction of evil – hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars – must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, collection of sermons Strength To Love, 1963


  • Violence never brings permanent peace. It solves no social problem: it merely creates new and more complicated ones. Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding: it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survi-
    vors and brutality in the destroyers.
    Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, Nobel Lecture, 11. December 1964


  • The choice is not between violence and nonviolence but between nonviolence and nonexistence.
    Last speech delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, I've Been to the Mountaintop, Mason Temple, Memphis, Tennessee, 3. April 1968


  • We all have the potential to be killers. We found that the people who are the most violent are those who are inca-
    pable of embracing their own potential for evil. By projecting their shadow, their evil, onto the other, they justify their violence. They think they're emphasizing their purity, or restoring their purity, by destroying someone else.
    Article by Robert Thurman, Ph.D. (*1941) US American college professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, Columbia University, president of the US Tibet House, theologian, philosopher, educator, civil rights leader, author, named among the 25 most influential people by TIME in 1997, Rising to the Challenge: Cool Heroism, presented by the US American quarterly magazine Tricycle.
    The Buddhist Review
    , spring 2003



Loss of soul

Compensated on nonintegrous outlets



Crusaders glorify Christ and themselves by violence and murder of pagans.

  • The Christian who slays the unbeliever in the Holy War is sure of his reward, the more sure if he himself is slain. The Christian glories in the death of the pagan, because Christ is thereby glorified. St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153) French abbot, primary builder of the reforming Cistercian order, letter to the Templars, preaching on the merits and necessity of the Second Crusade, Vézelay, France, 31. March 1146



In the 1970s, young psychiatrist Gilligan interviewed murderous inmates of the Massachusetts's prisons and mental hospitals.

Here his heartbreaking observation:

  • They [murderous prisoners] would all say that they themselves had died before they started killing other people […]. They felt dead inside. They had no capacity for feelings. No emotional feelings. Or even physical feelings.
    Universal among the violent criminals was the fact that they were keeping a secret. A central secret. And that secret was that they felt ashamed – deeply ashamed, chronically ashamed, acutely ashamed. It was shame, every time. I have yet to see a serious act of violence that was not provoked by the experience of feeling shamed or humiliated, disrespected and ridiculed. As children, these men were shot, axed, scalded, beaten, strangled, tortured, drugged, starved, suffocated, set on fire, thrown out of the window, raped, or prostituted by mothers who were their pimps. For others, words alone shamed and rejected, insulted and humiliated, dishonored and disgraced, tore down their self-esteem, and murdered their soul. For each of them, the shaming occurred on a scale so extreme, so bizarre, and so frequent that one cannot fail to see that the men who occupy the extreme end of the continuum of violent behavior in adulthood occupied an equally extreme end of the continuum of violent child abuse earlier in life.
    James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, cited in: Jon Ronson (*1967) British documentary filmmaker, screenwriter, radio presenter, journalist, author, So You've Been Publicly Shamed, S. 237, Riverhead Books (US),
    31. March 2015; Pan Macmillan (UK), 3. September 2015



Result of 25 years of research on violent prisoners at Harvard Medical School :

Even the most violent of criminals can be rehabilitated.

  • There is no human being that cannot be reached. [Violent criminals are] "love-starved."
    Without love, the soul cannot survive. It dies. That's what these men [violent crimi-
    nals] were telling me. Their souls had died. That's why they were capable of killing other people. [...] I have seen the most violent people we have. When I first started out with many of them, I thought they were hopeless. I thought there was nothing we could do. They were untreatable, incurable. [...] I was wrong. I've known some of these men for 25 or 30 years now, people who were off the scale, who were mute, paranoid, multiple murderers, who'd been killing people even after they got into prison or jail – we were able to work with [them], and turn [them] around, so that they haven't harmed a hair on anybody's head for the last 25 years, and in fact are engaged in constructive work. Interview with James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, A New Approach to Violence Treatment, presented by the psychology channel PsychAlive, undated


  • The first lesson that tragedy teaches (and that morality plays miss) is that all violence is an attempt to achieve justice, or what the violent person perceives as justice, for himself or for whomever it is on whose behalf he is being violent [...] Thus, the attempt to achieve and maintain justice, or to undo or prevent injustice, is the one and only uni-
    versal cause of violence. James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, former director of the Center for the Study of Vio-
    lence, Harvard Medical School, author, Violence. Reflections on a National Epidemic, Vintage, 1st edition 29. April 1997


  • Objectification is a critical reason why an abuser tends to get worse over time. As his conscience adapts to one
    level of cruelty – or violence – he builds to the next. By depersonalizing his partner, the abuser protects himself from
    the natural human emotions of guilt and empathy, so that he can sleep at night with a clear conscience. He distances himself so far from her humanity that her feelings no longer count, or simply cease to exist.
    Lundy Bancroft, US American consultant on domestic abuse and child maltreatment, workshop leader, author, Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men, Berkley Books, reprint edition 2. September 2003



Three types of violence

  • Bullies use violence in three ways. They use
    political violence to intimitate
    ➢ physical violence to terrorize, and
    ➢ mental or emotional violence to undermine.
    And only very rarely in very few cases does it work to use more violence.
    Video presentation by Scilla Elworthy (*1943) Scottish peace builder, founder of the NGO Oxford Research Group for effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers worldwide and their critics, 1982, executive director of the ORG (1982-2003), member of the World Future Council, Fighting with non-violence, presented by TEDx Exeter Talks, Exeter, Devon, England, minute 2:20, 15:48 minutes duration, filmed April 2012, posted August 2012



In 1999 Sweden passed a sex equality law.

In 1999 Sweden passed a sex equality law criminalising the buying but not the selling of sex. That way Sweden contextualizes prostitution not as men's right but as 'violence against women.

  • Sweden made purchasing sex [by men] a crime and then they enforced it together with extending some help, yet not enough, to those [women] who want to leave [prostitution]. Eliminating her criminality raises her status and penalizing him [the buyer as well as third party profiteers] lowers his privilege. Now Sweden arrests or surveils buyers [of prostitution]. And the results have been cutting street prostitution in half or more and they have the lowest trafficking rate in Europe. The stigma of prostitution may be shifting to the John. […] That [sex equality law] is the only legal approach to prostitution that has ever even partly worked in the history of the world. In contrast, when prostitution is legalized, trafficking goes through the roof. And illegal prostitution [for a range of reasons] escalates dramatically. […] Legalized prostitution [as introduced in Ger-
    many in 2002] is a failed experiment. Visiting lecture to University of Chicago Law School by Catharine MacKinnon, Ph.D.,
    US American professor of law, University of Michigan, feminist, author, Trafficking, Prostitution and Inequality: A Public Lecture by Catharine MacKinnon, YouTube film, minute 1:02:06, 1:27:34 duration, posted 14. December 2011



Satanic forces opting to corrupt the creative force in women and the purity in children

  • Question: Why is there so much physical, emotional and sexual violence against women or children?
    Answer: Women create. Women create life. And if you can affect the energy of the Divine Feminine then you can fracture that beauty. That is why these evil people have violence towards females because they are fearful of the Divine energy.
    Lots of males who abuse women would laugh about that, but the reality is that when men are violent of any sort against the female it's because they have lost the argument. It's because they are scared and they can't say that at the Divine Feminine.
    Violence against children is because children are seen as pure and uncorrupted. And if you can corrupt something that is pure then if you're in a Satanic organization you get points for corrupting X, Y and Z.
    The 3D take is that women and children are weaker. So evil men will bully or oppress that which is weaker. And that works as well.
    Women have been attacked by the church. The Catholic Church in particular didn’t want women anywhere near churches and organizations. […]
    The command and control systems on the plante have consistently tried to push women into subservient roles. […]
    Why would they not let a women vote? Is it because they were not as intelligent as men? Or is it because they were
    more intelligent than men and therefore they were harder to manipulate?
    That is how Satanic energies work. It's always women and always children they would attack.
    And it's evil and it's wrong and it has to stop.
    Audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2016-07-03 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 1:18:13, 1:58:35 duration, recorded and aired 3. July 2016



Modern day slavery

  • [Status 2016] Today [sex] trafficking [of women and children] has become the number 1 crime far exceeding drug trafficking and weapons trafficking.
    Video TV interview with Conchita Sarnoff, US American executive director at The Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, commentator, editor, investigative journalist, Pedophile Empire Exposed, presented by the deplatformed The Alex Jones Show InfoWars.com, host Jakari Jackson, deleted YouTube film, minute 15:11, 20:16 minutes duration, posted 20. May 2016



Falsely gendered his-story

  • We have been wedded to a false story of human nature. And it's a falsely gendered story. It's a wrong story about men, and boys, it's a wrong story about girls and women. And if you think about it for one nanosecond, you know it's wrong. Because to say that men think and women feel – in other words that men don’t feel and women don't think, or that men have selves, and women have relationships. […] Because if you don't have a self, then who is in relationship? Or that our minds are separated from our bodies. In other words it's something that's so obviously wrong as a description of human experience, that the interesting question is: How come people keep talking about it?
    Video presentation by / Q&A with Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, Learning to See in the Dark: The Roots of Ethical Resistance, sponsored by The Dalai Lama Center For Ethics and Transformative Values MIT World, minute 28:14, 1:10:34 duration, recorded 24. April 2009, uploaded 23. December 2011



Wounds of patriarchy:

Shaming of masculinity triggers violence, shaming of femininity silences women.


  • What we have come to know as patriarchy and abusive masculinity and the rapist male culture is not masculinity,
    it is a parody of masculinity, it is a [deformed] 'monster boy' masculinity. [...] If you go really deeply into rape psycho-
    , rape culture, uninitiated masculinity is at the heart of that. And you are never going to get rid of it without helping men with this problem. Audio interview with Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant, theorist, bestselling author of King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, Masculine Spirituality and Initiation: The Global Challenge, presented by The Shift Network, series "The Ultimate Men's Summit", host Lion Goodman,
    minute 28:12, 56:40 minutes duration, recorded 19. June 2011, posted 23. March 2019


  • 1. Consent can be implied, retroactively.
    2. Survivors go directly to police after an assault.
    3. Survivors never go back to their abuser.
    4. Women lie about being sexually assaulted for fame and attention.
    5. The stereotype of the "perfect" victim.
Article 5 dangerous myths about sexual assault perpetuated by the Jian Ghomeshi trial, presented by PressProgress,
11. February 2016


  • We start boys off at a very early age. When the worst thing we say to a boy in sports is that he throws 'like a girl,'
    we teach boys to disrespect the feminine and disrespect women. That's the cultural undercurrent of rape.
    [Referring to Bob Filner's misnamed "sex scandal". The mayor of San Diego was exposed for groping his female
    staff members.] They're violence scandals. If I hit you over the head with a frying pan, I don't call that cooking. Christopher Kilmartin, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, gender researcher, Mary Washington College, Virginia,
    cited in: deleted article Environmental factors explain rape and workplace abuse and bullying, Workplace Bullying Institute,
    13. August 2013



  • The downturn of violent crime in the U.S. in the 1990s is very deceptive. Violent crime is still about five times greater today, per capita, than it was in 1957. The biggest factor for the lower crime rates is that we are lying about
    the data. Dave Grossman (*1956) US American West Point professor of military science, Arkansas State University, retired lieu-
    tenant colonel, US Army, killologist, author specialized in the study of the psychology of killing, Gloria Degaetano (coauthor), Stop Teaching Our Kids to Kill. A Call to Action Against TV, Movie and Video Game Violence, Harmony, 1st edition 5. October 1999



5 stages of domestic violence:

1. Seduction (idolizing) ⇒ 2. Isolation ⇒ 3. Threat of violence ⇒ 4. Domestic violence ⇒ 5. Killing the victim (after it ended the relationship)
Solution: Breaking the silence




  • When it gets down to having to use violence, then you’re playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you, pull your beard, flick your face to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle in non-violence and humor. John Lennon John Lennon (1940-1980) English musician, singer-songwriter, founding member of the British music band The Beatles, Bed-In, Amsterdam Hilton Hotel, room 902, 25-31 March 1969



See also article / video:

Valerie Hudson and Chad Emmett: Women’s Well-Being Is the Best Predictor of State Stability, presented by Newsecurity Beat, Kate Diamond, 22. May 2012 https://www.womanstats.org/research.html
WomanStats Database, the world's most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of women

  • [T]he very best predictor of how insecure and unstable a nation
    ➤ is not its level of democracy,
    ➤ it's not its level of wealth,
    ➤ it's not what ‘Huntington civilization’ it belongs to,
    ➤ but is in fact best predicted by the level of violence against women in the society.
Valerie M. Hudson, Ph.D., US American professor of political science, The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, since January 2012, co-author of Sex and World Peace, book launch, Wilson Center, 26. April 2012




  • Violence is almost always the outgrowth of powerlessness not power. People become criminals when they experience powerlessness not power. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted
    10. July 2008


  • There is a vagina-brain connection. What happens to the vagina happens to the brain. [...] When you traumatize a woman's vagina [...] you are traumatizing her brain, even if there is no violence. [...] This new neuroscience shows
    that any rape which always involves fear is traumatic to a woman's brain and body for years.
    Video TV interview with Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, Jeremy Paxman debates Naomi Wolf on Rape and the Vagina, presented by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), host Jeremy Paxman (*1950) English broadcaster, journalist, author, YouTube film, minute 7:14, 8:44 minutes duration, posted 4. September 2012



All rape incidents and sexual assaults are violent.

  • Science has established a deep audit evidence that there is no such thing as non-violent rape. Rape stays in the female brain, it stays in the female body in measurable ways that are very different from anything we have understood about sexual assault. […] The autonomic nervous systems of [sexually assaulted] women react differently with significant [bodily] measurable differences [...] to both exercise and erotic videos as opposed to the control group.
    Video presentation by Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, political activist, social critic, leading spokes-
    person of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, On "Vagina: A New Biography", sponsored by Intelligence Squared
    at Royal Institution of Great Britain, London, 6. September 2012, YouTube film, minute 24:27, 1:33:18 minutes duration, posted
    10. September 2012


  • All the pornography in the world won't make a sex addict out of a person who isn't one. There is a biological predis-
    position to all addictions, and we need to educate people to the dangers. The brain must adjust to the possibilities that
    come with new technology. Helen Fisher, Ph.D. (*1945) Canadian-American research professor of biological anthropology and human behavior, Center for Human Evolutionary Studies, Rutgers University, expert on romantic interpersonal attraction, chief scientific adviser to Chemistry.com, author, cited in: In the Digital World, We're All Cavemen When It Comes to Love, presented by
    the US American magazine Wired, James Daly, August 2008



Online matchmaking: addictive danger of infinite choice

  • Tech sometimes gives us far too many options. Consider online matchmaking. We know that the more you look and look and look for a partner the more likely it is that you'll end up with nobody.
    It's called cognitive overload. There is a natural human predisposition to keep looking – to find something better. And with so many alternatives and opportunities for better mates in the online world, it's easy to get into an addictive mode. But after you’ve met nine people stop the search. Get to know one of them. Helen Fisher, Ph.D. (*1945) Canadian-Ame-
    rican research professor of biological anthropology and human behavior, Center for Human Evolutionary Studies, Rutgers University,
    expert on romantic interpersonal attraction, chief scientific adviser to Chemistry.com, author, cited in: In the Digital World, We're All Cavemen When It Comes to Love, presented by the US American magazine Wired, James Daly, August 2008



  • Women aged 15 through 44 [worldwide] are more likely to be maimed or die from male violence than from cancer, malaria, traffic accidents, and war combined. Nicholas D. Kristof (*1959) US American journalist, The New York Times
    op-ed columnist, author, two-fold Pulitzer prize laureate, Sheryl WuDunn (*1959) US American business executive, philanthropy
    expert, lecturer, writer, Pulitzer Prize laureate, Half the Sky. Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, Alfred A.
    Knopf, 8. September 2009, Vintage, reprint edition 1. June 2010
    See also related book: "The Locust Effect. Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence", April 2009



Dopamine effect on male brains


  • Porn[ography] tells you that material inequality between women and men is not the result of an economic system. It is biologically based. And women, being whores and bitches and only good for sex, don't deserve full equality. Porn is the ideological mouthpiece that legitimizes our material system of inequality. Porn is to patriarchy what the media is to capitalism. […]
    Pornography has socialized a generation of men into watching sexual torture. You are not born with that capacity. You have to be trained into it. Just like you train soldiers to kill. If you are going to carry out violence against a group you have to dehumanize them. It is an old method. Jews become kikes. Blacks become niggers. Women become cunts. And no one turns women into cunts better than porn.
    Women are told in our society they have two choices. They are either fuckable or invisible. To be fuckable means to conform to the porn culture, to look hot, be submissive and do what the man wants. That's the only way you get visibility. You cannot ask adolescent girls, who are dying for visibility, to choose invisibility.
    Gail Dines, Ph.D., US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography cam-
    paigner, cited in: Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like, presented by the progressive US American news
    website Truthdig, Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle
    Eastern politics and societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, S. 1of 3, 15. February 2015


  • Pornography takes violence against women and it sexualises it, and when you sexualise violence against women,
    you render the violence invisible. Gail Dines, Ph.D., US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography campaigner, documentary The Price of Pleasure, 2014, referenced in: ceaseuk.ok


  • Online mainstream pornography overwhelmingly centered on acts of violence and degradation toward women, the sexual behaviors exemplified in pornography skew away from intimacy and tenderness and typify patriarchal con-
    structions of masculinity and femininity. Study by Chyng Sun, Ana Bridges, Jennifer A. Johnson, Matthew B. Ezzell, Porno-
    graphy and the Male Sexual Script: An Analysis of Consumption and Sexual Relations
    , first online 3. December 2014, presented
    by peer-reviewed academic journal in sexology Archives of Sexual Behavior, volume 45, issue 4, S. 983-994, May 2016



  • I draw a line down the middle of a chalkboard, sketching a male symbol on one side and a female symbol on the
    other. Then I ask just the men: What steps do you guys take, on a daily basis, to prevent yourselves from being sex-
    ually assaulted? At first there is a kind of awkward silence as the men try to figure out if they've been asked a trick
    question. The silence gives way to a smattering of nervous laughter. Occasionally, a young a guy will
    raise his hand and say,
    ☛ 'I stay out of prison.' This is typically followed by another moment of laughter, before someone finally rai-
    ses his hand and soberly states, ☛ 'Nothing. I don't think about it.'
    Then I ask the women the same question. What steps do you take on a daily basis to prevent yourselves from being
    sexually assaulted? Women throughout the audience immediately start raising their hands. As the men sit in stunned
    silence, the women recount safety precautions they take as part of their daily routine.
    ☛ Hold my keys as a potential weapon.
    ☛ Look in the back seat of the car before getting in.
    ☛ Carry a cell phone.
    ☛ Don't go jogging at night.
    ☛ Lock all the windows when I sleep, even on hot summer nights.
    ☛ Be careful not to drink too much.
    ☛ Don't put my drink down and come back to it; make sure I see it being poured.
    ☛ Own a big dog.
    ☛ Carry Mace or pepper spray.
    ☛ Have an unlisted phone number.
    ☛ Have a man's voice on my answering machine.
    ☛ Park in well-lit areas.
    ☛ Don't use parking garages.
    ☛ Don't get on elevators with only one man, or with a group of men.
    ☛ Vary my route home from work.
    ☛ Watch what I wear.
    ☛ Don't use highway rest areas.
    ☛ Use a home alarm system.
    ☛ Don't wear headphones when jogging.
    ☛ Avoid forests or wooded areas, even in the daytime.
    ☛ Don't take a first-floor apartment.
    ☛ Go out in groups.
    ☛ Own a firearm.
    ☛ Meet men on first dates in public places.
    ☛ Make sure to have a car or cab fare.
    ☛ Don't make eye contact with men on the street.
    ☛ Make assertive eye contact with men on the street.
    Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American social theorist, educator, filmmaker, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, author, The Macho Paradox. Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help, Sourcebooks, 16. April 2006


  • Around the world, poor women and girls between the ages of 15 and 44, they are – when victims of the everyday violence of domestic abuse and sexual violence – those two forms of violence account for more death and disability than malaria, than car accidents, than war combined. The truth is, the poor of our world are trapped in whole systems of violence. Video presentation by Gary Haugen (*1964) US American social scientist, international lawyer, founder, CEO, and former president of the global human rights agency International Justice Mission (*1997), The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now , transcript, presented by TED Talks, minute 7:50, 22:06 minutes duration, filmed and posted 21. April 2015



"The Locust Effect" – the plague of violence

  • In fact, half a century of anti-poverty programs have left more poor people in slavery than in any other time in human history. […] In South Asia, if you enslave a poor person, you're at greater risk of being struck by lightning than ever being sent to jail for that crime. And so the epidemic of everyday violence, it just rages on. […]
    [Y]ou can give all manner of goods and services to the poor, but if you don't restrain the hands of the violent bullies
    from taking it all away, you're going to be very disappointed in the long-term impact of your efforts. […] The problem
    is not that the poor don't get laws, it's that they don't get law enforcement.
    In the developing world, basic law
    enforcement systems are so broken that recently the U.N. issued a report that found that "most poor people live
    outside the protection of the law."
    Video presentation by Gary Haugen (*1964) US American social scientist, international lawyer, founder, CEO, and former president of the global human rights agency International Justice Mission (*1997), The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now , transcript, presented by TED Talks, 22:06 minutes duration, filmed and posted 21. April 2015



"Real" Christian masculinity



Restaging early childhood traumas

  • The formula for restaging early traumas is:
    1. Fuse with your persecutory alter ("Terrifying Mommy"),
    2. find a savior alter ("Grandiose Self") whom you follow
    3. to kill the victim alter ("Bad Child").
Empathy for victim scapegoats is lost because they are so full of our negative projections and are seen as bad chil-
dren – growing, striving, wanting too much.
The larger the success and new freedoms a society must face – the more its progress overreaches its childrearing evolution – the larger the historical punishment it must stage.
Lloyd deMause psychohistory.com (1931-2020) US American social thinker, lay psychoanalyst, director of The Association for Psychohistory, president of the International Psychohistorical Association, editor of The Journal of Psychohistory, The Emotional Life Of Nations, chapter 5 "The Psychogenic Theory of History", Other Press, 17. June 2002



  • From 1900 to 2006, nonviolent campaigns worldwide were twice as likely to succeed outright as violent insurgencies. And there’s more. This trend has been increasing over time – in the last fifty years civil resistance has become increa-
    singly frequent and effective, whereas violent insurgencies have become increasingly rare and unsuccessful. This is
    true even in extremely brutal [repressive] authoritarian conditions where we might expect nonviolent resistance to fail.
    Video presentation by Erica Chenoweth, Ph.D. (*1980) US American political scientist, assistant professor of international relations, expert on civil resistance, editor, author, The success of nonviolent civil resistance, presented by the independently produced TEDx Boulder Talks, YouTube film, minute 3:47, 12:33 minutes duration, posted 4. November 2013


  • When security forces beat up, arrest, or even shoot unarmed activists, there is, indeed, safety in numbers. Large and well-coordinated campaigns can switch from concentrated methods (like protests) to dispersed methods, where people stay away from places they were expected to go. They do strikes, they do stay-at-home demonstrations, they bang on pots and pans, they shut off the electricity at a coordinated time of day – these tactics are much less risky. They're very hard or at least very costly to suppress, while the movement stays just as disruptive.
    Video presentation by Erica Chenoweth, Ph.D. (*1980) US American political scientist, assistant professor of international relations, expert on civil resistance, editor, author, The success of nonviolent civil resistance, presented by the independently produced TEDx Boulder Talks, YouTube film, minute 8:34, 12:33 minutes duration, posted 4. November 2013



3.5%-5% of population at nonviolent protests they cause the regime to change course.

  • Researchers used to say that no government could survive if just 5 percent of the population rose up against it. Our data shows the number may be lower than that. No single campaign in that period [70s and 80s] failed after they'd achieved the active and sustained participation of just 3.5 percent of the population. But get this: every single campaign that exceeded that 3.5 percent point was a nonviolent one. The nonviolent campaigns were on average four times larger than the average violent campaigns. Erica Chenoweth, Ph.D. (*1980) US American political scientist, assistant professor of international relations, expert on civil resistance, editor, author, cited in: Article Peaceful protest is much more effective than violence for toppling dictators, presented by the American daily newspaper The Washington Post, Max Fisher, 5. November 2013



Neuroscientific research will change the way rape is perceived and prosecuted.

Ending male dominated social control and culture of shame

  • [A] strong body of data now show that the harm or injury of "nonviolent" rape goes far beyond what we (or the courts) have realized. Rape or sexual abuse that women may have experienced can change minute aspects of their bodies' and minds' very functions. It can alter, for example, the operation of their baseline autonomic nervous systems, so that raped women in one study (by Rellini and Meston34) have different physiological responses to erotic videos and even to physical exercise than a control group of women who have not been so traumatised. Further, a researcher named Dr Burke Richmond35 has found a constellation of seemingly unrelated medical symptoms – from "phobic postural sway", which allows a woman literally to be more easily pushed over, to tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and perceptual problems such as vertigo – which last for years after a "nonviolent" rape. Video presentation by Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, political activist, social critic, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, The brain science of the vagina heralds a new sexual revolution, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian,
    8. September 2012


  • There's a statistical truth here – men commit 12 times as many homicides than women, 75% men admit to the occa-
    sional homicidal thought, which means 25% are lying! Men consume more violent entertainment, have more violent
    fantasies. Most of the world's bloodiest mass murderers, Hitler to Stalin, were men. A woman head of state is more
    likely to look at the costs and benefits of violence. Societies that empower women are less violent in every way.
    Steven Pinker, Ph.D. (*1954) Canadian-born US American Johnstone professor of experimental psychology, Harvard University, cognitive scientist, linguist, popular science author, cited in: article Ours is the most peaceful time in history: Steven Pinker, pre-
    sented by the daily newspaper The Times of India (TOI), Vikas Singh and Srijana Mitra, 22. January 2012


  • Rape is a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear.
    Susan Brownmiller (*1935) US American feminist, social activist, journalist, author, cited in: Kathryn Cullen-DuPont, Encyclo-
    pedia of Women's History in America
    , S. 6-7, Infobase Publishing, 1. August 2000, 1. January 2009




The myth of supremacist ‘real men’

  • The capacity for control is a cultural standard against which all men are measured and judged, especially by other men, who authorize their standing as 'real men' among men, a status that sets them apart from and above women who are presumed to lack a manly capacity for control, especially over their emotions. Men are presumed to be superior to women because of men’s supposed ability always to be in control – to be tough, logical, dispassionate, objective,
    and decisive; to be in charge of themselves and whatever situation they're in; to always be right, to never quit, give
    in, back down, accept defeat, admit a mistake, or in any other way be vulnerable. And, if necessary, to be violent.
    Allan G. Johnson, Ph.D., US American sociologist, public speaker, novelist, writer on social inequality, Men's Silence about
    Men's Violence
    , press conference Purple Tie Day, State Capitol, Hartford, Connecticut, 26. October 2010


  • Violence may not be overcome by violence but maybe also not always without violence.
    Erich Fried (1921-1988) Austrian English politically-minded poet, broadcaster, translator, essayist, translated by Viola Raheb from Vorübung für ein Wunder. Gedichte vom Zorn und von der Liebe (German), S. 356, Wagenbachs Taschenbuch, 1999



The daemonic turned demonic

  • [The daemonic is] any natural function which has the power to take over the whole person [or whole nation] […] the daemonic can either be creative or destructive [i.e., demonic], but it is normally both […]. Violence is the daemonic gone awry […] ages [such as ours] tend to be times when the daemonic is expressed in its most destructive form. The daimonic is obviously not an entity but refers to a fundamental, archetypal function of human experience – an existential reality. Rollo May may-rollo (1909-1994) US American existential psychologist, author, Love and Will, S. 123-124, W. W. Norton & Company, 1969


  • Testosterone is not destiny; despite what the peddlers of third-rate evolutionary psychology sometimes insist. Manhood, as we practice it in America, traditionally expects violence as an initiation ritual of some sort. But manhood (as opposed to maleness) is an artificial construct. As a construct, it can be altered – if we want it.
    Hugo Schwyzer (*1967) US American professor of gender studies, speaker, author, cited in: article Are Men Inherently Violent?, presented by the US American men's initiative The Good Men Project, Tom Matlack, 7. January 2011


  • In mainstream American culture, we teach boys and men that they should be violent, or at least ready to be violent
    if it becomes necessary. Among other things, we tell them that
    ➢ "a man never backs down from a fight,"
    ➢ "men protect others (especially women and children),"
    ➢ and that we can "step outside and settle it like men."
    When a guy doesn't follow these dictates, we call him a wimp.
    Article by Andrew P. Smiler, Ph.D., US American research psychologist, focusing on masculinity and young men's sex lives,
    president of Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity (SPSMM), Are You Man Enough?, presented by
    the US American men's initiative The Good Men Project, 9. September 2010




Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Violence

Literary quotes

  • I must be cruel only to be kind;
    Thus bad begins, and worse remains behind.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English actor, playwright, dramatist, lyricist, tragedy Hamlet, act 3, scene 5, ~1602



Note: Nietzsche understood warriordom as a virtue of thinkers not fighters.

  • Man should be raised for war, and women for the recreation of the warrior, all else is folly. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philosopher of nihilism, writer, Thus Spoke Zarathustra [Also sprach Zarathustra], Ernst Schmeitzner, 1883-1891, Viking Press, 1954



  • Violence does not start with one person strangling another. It begins when one person says:
    "I love you: You belong to me!"

    The violence does not start when sick people are killed.
    It starts when someone says, "You're sick, you have to do what I say."
Erich Fried (1921-1988) Austrian English broadcaster, translator, politically-minded poet, essayist, Um Klarheit. Gedichte
gegen das Vergessen
, poem "Violence", Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, Berlin, 1. January1985

Last words from serial murderer ⚡Ted Bundy (1989)

Excerpts from:
Exclusive video interview with Ted Bundy (1946-1989) US American kidnapper, rapist, serial killer of 30 women and girls, necrophile, What was Ted Bundy planning one day before his execution? (serial killer interview analysis), host Dr. James Dobson (*1936) US American psy-
chologist, founder of Focus on the Family (FOTF) (*1977), evangelical Christian author, Florida State Prison, evening of his execution
on 23. January 1989, Transcript of Ted Bundy's Final Interview, YouTube film, 55:47 minutes duration, posted 9. July 2020, reposted
6. January 2022



Bundy's emotional response the morning after his first murder

Desensitized by hard core pornography and alcohol Bundy was "possessed" by "a separate entity inside" when he raped and murdered and engaged in necrophilia.

  • Even all these years later, it is difficult to talk about. Reliving it through talking about it is difficult to say the least, but I want you to understand what happened. It was like coming out of some horrible trance or dream. I can only liken it to (and I don't want to overdramatize it) being possessed by something so awful and alien, and the next morning waking up and remembering what happened and realizing that in the eyes of the law, and certainly in the eyes of God, you're responsible. To wake up in the morning and realize what I had done with a clear mind, with all my essential moral and ethical feelings intact, absolutely horrified me. The most da-
    maging kind of pornography – and I’m talking from hard, real, personal experience – is that that involves violence and sexual violence. The wedding of those two forces – as I know only too well – brings about behavior that is too terrible to describe.
Hands at the Cuevas de las Manos upon Río Pinturas,
near the town of Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz Province,
Argentina, 12. August 2005
I'm not blaming pornography. I’m not saying it caused me to go out and do certain things. I take full responsibility for all the things that I've done. That's not the question here. The issue is how this kind of [pornography] literature contributed and helped mold and shape the kinds of violent behavior.
In conjunction with my exposure to pornography, alcohol re-
duced my inhibitions and pornography eroded them further.
[Pornography] fuels this kind of thought process.36 Then, at a certain time, it is instrumental in crystallizing it, making it into something that is almost a separate entity inside.
I've lived in prison for a long time now, and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence. Without excep-
tion, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography – deeply consumed by the addiction.
The FBI's own study on serial homicide shows that the most common interest among serial killers is pornography. It's true.37



Addiction to sexual violence induced by pornography and alcohol had Bundy commit capital crimes.

  • My experience with pornography […] is once you become addicted to it, (and I look at this as a kind of addiction like other kinds of addiction), I would keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. Like an addiction, you keep craving something that is harder, something which gives you a greater sense of excitement. Until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far, you reach that jumping off point where you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it would give you that which
    is beyond just reading or looking at it.



Beware of media-transmitted sexual violence

  • Those of us who have been so much influenced by violence in the media, in parti-
    cular pornographic violence, are not some kinds of inherent monsters. We are your sons, and we are your husbands. And we grew up in regular families. And porno-
    graphy can reach out and snatch a kid out of any house today.
    It snatched me out of my home 20, 30 years ago. I'll tell you, there are lots of other kids playing in streets around the country who are going to be dead tomorrow and the next day and the next day and next month, because other young people are rea-
    ding the kinds of things and seeing the kinds of things that are available in the media today.
    Those of us who have been so influenced by violence in the media, particularly pornographic violence, are not
    some kind of inherent monsters. We are your sons and husbands. We grew up in regular families.
    There are those loose in their towns and communities, like me, whose dangerous impulses are being fueled, day in
    and day out, by violence in the media in its various forms – particularly sexualized violence. What scares me is when
    I see what's on cable TV. Some of the violence in the movies that come into homes today is stuff they wouldn't show
    in X-rated adult theatres 30 years ago.
    There are forces at loose in this country, especially this kind of violent pornography, where, on one hand, well-mea-
    ning people will condemn the behavior of a Ted Bundy while they're walking past a magazine rack full of the very
    kinds of things that send young kids down the road to being Ted Bundys. That's the irony.
    That is the most graphic violence on screen, especially when children are unattended or unaware that they could
    be a Ted Bundy; that they could have a predisposition to that kind of behavior.


More statements (defiant and mellowed):
Ted Bundy (1946-1989) US American kidnapper, rapist, serial killer, necrophile, first claiming innocence then confessing to 30 homicides (1974-1978), executed in 1989, cited in: Article These Quotes From Ted Bundy Are Absolutely Chilling, presented by the international fashion and entertainment magazine Cosmopolitan, Amanda Lundgren, 13. May 2019


  • I don't feel guilty for anything. I feel sorry for people who feel guilt.
  • What's one less person on the face of the earth, anyway?
  • I deserve, certainly, the most extreme punishment society has. [...] I think society deserves to be protected from
    me and others like me.
  • Murder is not just a crime of lust or violence. It becomes possession. They are part of you […] [the victim] becomes
    a part of you and you [two] are forever one […] and the grounds where you kill them or leave them become sacred
    to you, and you will always be drawn back to them.
    The ultimate possession was, in fact, the taking of the life. And then […] the physical possession of the remains.
  • Society wants to believe it can identify evil people or bad or harmful people, but it's not practical. There are no stereotypes.
  • We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children
    dead tomorrow.


Video references:
► Audio presentation (excerpt) by David Icke (*1952) controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO)
     manipulating the earth's currencies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author, Demonic Possession
     & Pedophile Vampirism
, YouTube film, 6:29 minutes duration, posted 2. January 2011
Written reference:
► Article Ted Bundy: Criminal Life, presented by the US American web hosting service Weebly, undated
► Article These Quotes From Ted Bundy Are Absolutely Chilling, presented by the international fashion and entertainment magazine
     Cosmopolitan, Amanda Lundgren, 13. May 2019
See also:
Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages
⚡ Entity attachments via sexual intercourse – Love bite interference
Siehe auch: ► Beitrag Welche Eigenschaften haben viele Serienmörder gemeinsam?,
präsentiert von der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 4. Juli 2019


Wetiko spirit/demons possessing those who are committing capital crimes
Prisoners [say they] never committed a crime. And you know what? They didn't. If you work with them for very long you can see a second aura hanging out over them. And if you make them mad enough then the second aura replaces the first aura. And that's who you deal with. And when they calm them back down again then they are [their first aura comes] back.  Audio presentation by Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere (*1946) US American energy healer, aura reader, spiritual teacher, white honorary medicine woman, founder of "The Healing Light Center Church", Sierra Madre, California, presented by "The Asilomar Conference Center", Pacific Grove, California, deleted MP3, minute 28:04, 83:18 minutes duration, 7. August 1988

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


The spiritual non-violent approach

  • Violence is force, but since [Mahatma] Gandhi was aligned with power instead of force, he forbade all use of violence in his cause. And because he expressed universal principles (which calibrate at 700) he was able to unite. When the will of the people is so united by and aligned with universal principle, it’s virtually unconquerable. Colonialism (calibrated at 175) is founded in the self-interest of the ruling country, Gandhi demonstrated, for the world to witness, the power of selflessness versus the force of self-interest. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 10 "Power in Politics", S. 152, Hay House, February 2002





Childhood sexual abuse memories: US American psychoanalyst and critical author on Sigmund Freud's theoretical concepts and psychoanalysis Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Ph.D. (*1941) debunked Freud's seduction theory in his book The Assault on Truth. Freud's Suppression of the Seduction Theory, 1984.
See also: Confabulation

  • Childhood sexual abuse memories are false 80% of the time. They're mostly unconscious fantasies. Freudian theories are closer to the truth about it than modern pop psychology. Video presentation demonstrating muscle testing
    by Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, Volume Series I, 2 DVD set, 11. November 1995

Quotes by Judith Reisman

  • The pornography addict soon forgets about everything and everyone else in favor of an ever more elusive sexual jolt. He […] will place at risk his career, his friends, his family.
    • Satinover compared pornography to heroin, saying, "Only the delivery system […] and the sequence of steps" differ.
Jeffrey Satinover, M.D., Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of psychiatry, Princeton University, psychoanalyst, physicist, controversial public-policy writer, cited in: Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author of "Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences", The impotence pandemic, presented by the politically conservative American news and opinion website and online news aggregator WorldNetDaily (WND), 27. September 2007




After the 1985 leak of Reisman's Department of Justice, Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention report, "Images of Children, Crime & Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler", which fully documents Playboy's child rape jokes, cartoons and photographs by strangers and kin, the post-1977 photographs of children disappeared temporarily.

  • Playboy started in December 1953. […] At the end our study in 1984 Playboy stopped producing its child pornography cartoons and its child pornography photo-
    graphs not because they were so honorable but because they got exposed. So they backed down. […] "The Playboy Advisor was the United States most widely read sex education resource." [Article, presented by the US American daily midd-
    le-market newspaper USA Today, 27. September 1985]
    Video presentation by Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of com-
    munications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author, Media representation of children: Crime, vio-
    lence and pornography in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler
    , presented to academics, journalists and politcians in Croatia, recorded by Croation Vigilare TV, 29. January 2013, YouTube film, minute 0:7:42 and minute 0:13:56, 1:00:23 minutes duration, posted 6. February 2013
    • By 1986, Reisman concluded her investigation of "372 issues of Playboy, 184 issues of Penthouse and 125 issues of Hustler" that found "2,016 cartoons that included children apparently under the age of 17 and 3,988 other pictures, photographs and drawings that depict infants or youths," the details of which were collected
      into "a three-volume report running to 1,600 pages" titled "Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler." James J. Kilpatrick (1920-2010) US American editorial columnist, grammarian, Nude Women, Mud Pies, And The Deficit, presented by The Blade, 26 September 1986, retrieved 16 November 2010


  • Alfred Kinsey, Ph.D. (1894-1956) – On April 15, 1998, the Discovery Channel joined the British Broadcasting Company in declaring Indiana University zoologist Alfred C. Kinsey the "father of the sexual revolution." Gore Vidal intoned to the camera, "Kinsey was the most famous man in the world for a decade." From 1948 to 1958 a man many young people have never heard of dramatically coarsened our world, our sexual experiences, and the attitudes and conduct of most post-1948 Americans. Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conservative author, paper Implications of the Kinsey Reportson Child Custody Cases. How Junk Sex Science Created a Paradigm Shift in Society, Legislation
    and the Judiciary
    , undated

Quotes by Marshall Rosenberg





YouTube video excerpts – Lecture by Marshall B. Rosenberg, The Basics of Non Violent Communication, posted 5. April 2010

1. Hear others empathically.
2. Connect empathically before you educate.
3. Make clear requests, not demands.
4. Hear the needs [not wants] and feelings behind thoughts.
5. Do not hear thoughts and expectations.
6. Do not make compromises.
7. All needs can be met. Other people's needs can be met without you.
8. Nobody is wrong.
9. Nobody can cause the psychological pain of others.


  • Anger – we are making moralistic judgements about somebody else.
    Depression, guilt, and shame – we are putting that game upon ourselves. But we are not alive [...] which is connected with our needs. Deleted video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 2.1, YouTube film, minute 1:11,
    9:01 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • All human beings have the same needs. What differs immensely is the strategies that we have been educated in
    for meeting the needs. Different cultures educate people to meet the needs in a different way. Deleted video presentation
    The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 2.1, YouTube film, minute 4:40, 9:01 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010



Jackal speak:

Unclear request to be loved

  • It's embarrassing to get clear. I want you to guess what I want before even I know what it is and I want you to always be willing to do it.
    Most jackals that carry that definition of love around with them find out how impossible it is at about their fifth divorce. Deleted video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 2.2, YouTube film, minute 7:30, 9:11 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • Jackals want to control by guilt and shame. Deleted video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 2.4, YouTube film, minute 2:10, 9:11 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • Jackals try to fix people in pain. They try to give reassurance. They try to make it better. They can't stand pain. They immediately make matters worse by trying to get rid of the pain. Deleted video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.3, YouTube film, minute 0:57, 9:11 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • [Situation: A phony OK given on a request]:
    Jackal language: "Bullshit!"
    Giraffe language: I'm feeling uneasy with your OK. I wish I could trust it, but I don't. I'd really like you to take a moment and really tell me whether it would meet your needs as I requested.
    Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.2, YouTube film, minute 5:59, 9:10 minutes duration, posted
    5. April 2010



How do giraffes make requests?

  • When we do make a request we want to be sure that the person trusts that it's a request and not a demand.
    If you were a giraffe hand your request with a card:
    ➤ Please do as I requested only if you can do so with the joy of a little child feeding a hungry duck.
    ➤ Please do not do as I request if there is any fear of punishment motivating you.
    ➤ Please do not do as I request out of the hopeful reward that I will like you if you do.
    ➤ Please do not do as I request out of guilt, shame, duty, obligation.
    Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication 1.1, YouTube film, minute 4:00, 9:00 minutes duration, posted
    5. April 2010


Sunrise over Placida Harbor
Little Gasparilla Island, Florida, January 2014
  • How to differentiate a REQUEST from a DEMAND?
    There has been so much coercion in the world that even if we are making a sincere request the other person might hear a demand. [...] We can't tell from how nicely it was asked. We need to see how the person treats us when we don't do what they want. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication 1.1, YouTube film, minute 7:48, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • As long as people hear our request as a demand they have only two choices: submission or rebellion. And neither of them are gonna connect us with people that is good for anybody. The main thing that is the difference is not how nicely we say it but how we treat people when they don't do what we want. Deleted video presentation ''The Basics of Non Violent Communication', part 2.4, YouTube film, minute 5:20, 9:11 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • With giraffe ears all you can hear are feelings and needs. You can hear no criticism. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.1, YouTube film, minute 4:50, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • Giraffes are not nice. As much as I think the violence in the world is created by nice people. Don't mistake the word nonviolence as being nice. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.2, YouTube film, minute 6:31, 9:10 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • The cardinal Giraffe rule is:
    Never put your butt in the face of an angry person. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.4, YouTube film, minute 6.44, 9:10 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • No compromising in Giraffe. [...]
    Everybody's needs can be met. [...] If you do anything that involves giving in both people pay for it. Nothing is getting resolved. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.6, YouTube film, minute 4:07, 7:42 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • Labels lead to self-fulfilling prophecies. When you label people that way they're gonna behave that way.
    Deleted video presentation ''The Basics of Non Violent Communication', part 2.4, YouTube film, minute 2:24, 9:11 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • There are only two things that human beings are ever saying: Please and Thank you. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.1, YouTube film, minute 0:11, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • Do not hear thoughts. Only use the thoughts as a window. Hear the needs behind thoughts. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.1, YouTube film, minute 7:31, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


Lobster meal, Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • Leave yourself out of other people's needs. They can be met without you. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.2, YouTube film, minute 7:04, 9:10 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010


  • If you're giving you're giving out of selffulness not out of selflessness. Deleted video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.3, YouTube film, minute 2:50, 9:11 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010



  • The solution will find us when the connection is there. [...] When you hear X needs without hearing any criticism or demand and when X hears your needs without hearing any criticism or demand the solution will find you when the connection is there. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication,
    part 3.4, YouTube film, minute 0:31, 9:10 minutes duration, posted
    5. April 2010





  • Never use the following words when you say No in Giraffe: No. I can't. I don't want to. I don't have time. It's not poss-
    To say No in Giraffe you need to be conscious that a No is a poor expression of a need. So say the need that
    keeps you from saying Yes.
    Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 3.6, YouTube film, minute 1:05, 7:42 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010




Natural ⇔ habitual

  • Quoting Mahatma Gandhi: "It's very dangerous to mix up the words natural and habitual. We have been trained to be quite habitual at communicating in ways that are quite unnatural." Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication,
    part 4.1, YouTube film, minute 7:24, 9:01 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010





  • Buddha's advice: Don't do something. Stand there. […] You can't fix people. […] Empathy requires presence. […] When we start to give advice we make it worse. […] That precious connection does the healing. Video presentation The Basics of Non Violent Communication, part 4.3, YouTube film, minute 4:24, 9:10 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2010



Expressing and receiving appreciation and gratitude vs. false humility.


Critical videos on NVC:
► Deleted 2-part video interviews with Bill Joslin, US American private investigator, From the Fabians, thru MKULTRA, to Today,
     presented by Logos Media, host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst,
     blogger, lecturer, author, YouTube films, recorded 18. May 2015
     ☛ Nonviolent Communication. Is NVC Consistent with the Trivium Method?, part 1, podcast #229, 2:07:41 duration, posted
          24. May 2015
     ☛ Nonviolent Communication, part 2, podcast #230, 1:09:06 duration, posted 30. May 2015
Jan Irvin, Gnostic Media, traced Rosenberg's development of NVC to psychologist Carl Rogers, an MK-ULTRA agent on behalf of the CIA.
Critical articles on NVC:
The Hidden Violence in Non-Violent, New-Age Communication, presented by the US American Elephant Journal, Keith Artisan,
     19. July 2014
► Article Jackals and Giraffes: The Weapon of Non-Violent Communication, presented by the US American Renegade Tribune,
     James Bronson, 16. August 2015

Quotes by Gloria Steinem


Difference between pornography and erotica

  • We still have not explained the difference between pornography and erotica. The words are useful.
    [The Greek word] "pornea" [sexual immorality, sexual misconduct] means female slavery. It means writing about female slavery or men playing the role of female slaves.
    And erotica comes from eros, and has an idea of mutuality, free choice, mutual pleasure.
Video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, An Evening with Gloria Steinem – Prevailing barriers to equality, sponsored by Vassar Chapel, Poughkeepsie, New York, 19. September 2012, YouTube film, minute 14:51, 44:51 minutes duration, posted 28. September 2012


  • The goal of ancient games was cooperation, not competition. The most respected art was healing, not wounding. Violence was present, but only in self-defense. Deleted article by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Remember Our Power!, presented by the Ms. Magazine, June 2003

1) More US soldiers have committed suicide than were killed in wars (2001-2010). The suicide rate in the US military is nearly double the national average of the US population.
2) The amount of drugs (antidepressants, antipsychoticsm, anticonvulsants) "causing" suicide/murder prescribed to military personnel before, during and after deployment has quadrupled. [Status 2013]

1) Article A Sign of Empire Pathology, presented by the online publication Global Research, 12. January 2010
2) Article Military and Press "Baffled" by Suicide Facts a 12-year-old Could Discern, presented by the publication OpEd News, Martha Rosenberg, 16. May 2013




  • Pornography is a function of injustice. And you can see how racist it is, how subject to class […] Whereever men and women are more equal there is less prostitution and whereever we are less equal there is more prostitution. […] Pimps and brothels are very repressive institutions. The sex industry worldwide is very repressive. Prostitutes worldwide have
    a PTSD rate of 65%.
    It's 5% for the normal population. For Vietnam veterans it's between 35% and 40%. Body in-
    vasion is very, very traumatizing. I discovered that [...] these women have been sexually abused as children. Body invasion causes people to dissociate from their bodies, dissociate from their lives.
    Video dialogue and Q&A with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, The Essential Gloria Steinem (D1_CB_08), sponsored by Jaipur Literature Festival, India, host Ruchira Gupta, Indian feminist activist, January 2014, YouTube film, minute 0:03, 4:02, 47:45, 51:46 minutes duration, posted 17. January 2014


We've discovered in the United States that the average rapist has raped 14 times.Minute 4:24
Rape is an addiction of some men, a perversion of masculinity that depends on conquering women.Minute 4:51
Rape is not an inevitable part of human nature. It's a compulsion to prove a false superiority to females.Minute 5:03
Pornography comes from the [ancient Greek] word porne and means female [sex] slaves.38/39Minute 11:00
From finally focussing on the market we know that prostitution and sex trafficking are neither natural nor inevitable. They are functions of inequality, of unequal power.Minute 17:36
Prostitution is not the oldest profession. There have been many cultures without prostitution. It is one of the oldest oppressions, but not the oldest profession.Minute 17:45
The overall rate of trauma and life expectancy for all prostituted women is comparable and sometimes more than men in combat.Minute 21:37
Body invasion is uniquely traumatizing, it is even more traumatizing than beating and torture.40Minute 21:54
Whereever some groups of women are sexually restricted in order to perpetuate and keep pure a particular race or class or caste [...] the less valuable women are [sexually] exploited. Everyone, everyone looses.Minute·27:33
Source: ► Vimeo video keynote address Trafficking Sex: Politics, Policy, Personhood revealing study results on rape culture
by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem Speaks about Women’s Empowerment, sponsored by the two-day symposium "Human Trafficking: Perspectives & Activism", sponsored by the Global Studies Center, Meridians, The Program for the Study of Woman and Gender, The Project for Women and Social Change, Afro-American Studies Department, and the Office of the Provost, Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, 18. April 2013,
29:42 minutes duration, posted by Apne Aap 19. April 2013
See also: ► Video topic clip Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer,
Human Trafficking, presented by Makers.com, 00:57 minutes duration, date unknown


  • What has been eroticized by male dominant systems of all kinds is dominance and passivity. We need to eroticize equality. Video interview with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Cooperation Beats Submission – In Bed, transcript included, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, host Max Miller, 2:37 minutes duration, recorded 28. October 2010, posted 4. November 2010


See also: ► Quotes by Gloria Steinem on female issues and ► Women: Quotes by Gloria Steinem

Quotes on pornography and male violence – Andrea Dworkin et al.

Personal avowals

  • I don't believe rape is inevitable or natural. If I did, I would have no reason to be here [...] Have you ever wondered why we are not just in armed combat against you? It's not because there's a shortage of kitchen knives in this country. It is because we believe in your humanity, against all the evidence. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US American sociologist, radical feminist, anti war activist, writer, most vilified of US American feminists, 1983
Wikipedia entry: ► Anti-pornography feminism


  • Men characterize pornography as something mental because their minds, their thoughts, their dreams, their fantasies, are more real to them than women's bodies or lives; in fact, men have used their social power to characterize a $10-billion-a-year trade in women as fantasy. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US American sociologist, radical feminist, anti war activist, writer, Pornography, Men Possessing Women, Plume, 1981, 1. November 1991



Poster warning German women and girls about
the danger of human trafficking in the United States, ~1900-1910
  • Pornography incarnates male supremacy. It is the DNA of male dominance. Every rule of sexual abuse, every nuance of sexual sadism, every highway and byway of sexual exploita-
    tion, is encoded in it. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US Ameri-
    can sociologist, radical feminist, anti war activist, writer, Pornography, Men Possessing Women, Plume, 1981, 1. November 1991


  • Men are rewarded for learning the practice of violence in virtually any sphere of activity by money, admiration, recog-
    nition, respect, and the genuflection of others honoring their sacred and proven masculinity.
    Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US American sociologist, radical feminist, anti war activist, writer, Pornography, Men Possessing Women, pg. 53, Plume, 1981, 1. November 1991


  • Pornography reveals that male pleasure is inextricably tied to victimizing, hurting, exploiting; that sexual fun and sexual passion in the privacy of the male imagination are inseparable from the brutality of male history. The private world of sexual dominance that men demand as their right and their freedom is the mirror image of the public world of sadism and atrocity that men consistently and self-righteously deplore. It is in the male experience of pleasure that one finds the meaning of male history. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US American sociologist, radical feminist, anti war activist, writer, Pornography, Men Posses-
    sing Women
    , S. 69, Plume, 1981, 1. November 1991


  • The pornographers actually use our bodies as their language. We are their speech. [...] Protecting what they 'say' means protecting what they do to us, how they do it. It means protecting their sadism on our bodies, because that is how they write: not like a writer at all; like a torturer. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) US American sociologist, radical feminist, anti war activist, writer, Women Transforming Communications. Global Intersections, SAGE Publications, 16. July 1996




Painful, fearladen sex with fallen god entities, origin of pornography

  • The Anunnaki created great stigma in humanity by punishing us. We still do this with our own children when we don't know better – we punish them to get our will instead of having them work with us to create effects on a higher, more positive level. […] self way of manipulating reality, and in our usual manner, we copied what the gods did and we got hierarchies on Earth as well to control and punish those we thought were less worthy. Pain
    got into the picture, and because no one wants to experience pain we became afraid of being punished, and when the gods started using humans for sexual pleasure which included pain, we have the following three attributes; pain, sex, and fear. Branching out from this we now have pornography, child pornography, sodomy and sadism/masochism. Sex, which was originally the stargate to the cosmos and the tight connection between two human beings, spiritually and physically, has now become perverted and associated with pain and something "bad". In certain religions they are even telling us that sex is very sinful and should only be done in dark rooms, under the cover, with the purpose to create children. This is very destructive thinking, instigated by very sick and degraded people.
    Free e-book (PDF) by Wes Penre, US American researcher, author, 1. First Level of Learning: A Journey Through the Multiverse, chapter 12 "Pain and Sex and Pornography Addiction", S. 574-575, Wes Penre Productions, 16. February 2011, 1st edition
    13. October 2011


  • Most importantly, it's young people themselves demanding change. Josie, 18, is quoted in the Plan Australia/Our
    Watch report:
    "We need some sort of crack down on the violent pornography that is currently accessible to boys and men.
    This violent pornography should be illegal to make or view in Australia as we clearly have a problem with vio-
    lence and boys are watching a lot of pornography which can be very violent … This is influencing men's attitude
    towards women and what they think is acceptable. Violent pornography is infiltrating Australian relationships."
Article Sex Before Kissing: How 15-Year-Old Girls Are Dealing With Porn-Addicted Boys, presented by the publication Fight The New Drug, Melinda Tankard Reist, Australia, 1. April 2016, 10. November 2017

Englische Texte – English section on Violence

Four collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos

Four-stage dismantling of culturally upheld taboos
StageRoundSpeed EvolutionNon-violent resistance
Mahatma Gandhi
Standard science
faced with new discoveries
Rape myths
Existence of
death camps
during the Nazi era
1. Hour Very·fast Resistance /
Discovery /
becomes known.
"First they
ignore you."
"It is probably not true." "Nothing has happened." "That cannot be."
2. Day Fast Resistance /
Discovery /
gets confirmed.
"Then they
laugh at you."
"Yes, it may be true,
but it is not important."
"Nobody was damaged." "We didn't know anything."
3. Month Slow Resistance /
Discovery /
is succeeding.
"Then they
fight you."
"Yes, surely it is important,
but it is no longer new."
"She wanted it." "We did only
follow orders."
4. Year Very·slow Resistance /
Discovery /
is established.
"Then you succeed." N/A
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
"She deserved it." "It was their fault anyway."
References: en.Wikipedia entries Nonviolent resistance and ► Rape myth
See also:
Taboo and ► Principle 3:4 and ► Consciousness-Tables and ► Evolution
Four basic brains and their role in breaking taboos
Siehe auch: ► Kollektive tabuwahrende Verleugnungsmatrix

Statistics on sexual crimes, especially rapes – Germany

Around 90% of the victims of sex related crimes are women, 10% are men.

  • 13% of the women and girls between age 16-85 in Germany have experienced sexualized violence, which is defined as a crime by law standards.41


  • All in all there are 5.33 million adult female victims of sex crimes (amounting to roughly 90,000 per year) in Germany:
  • Annually 8000 complaints on sexual assaults are filed in Germany.
    • 13% of the sexual offenders = around 1000 are criminally convicted per year in Germany.


  • The suspected number of the victims of sexual child abuse is enormous.
    Only about 10% of the reported cases are being convicted. (Germany, status 2010)


There are around 8000 complaints of rape and sexual assault in Germany annually. (Status: Germany, 1. decade, 3rd millennium)

  • From 8000 complaints per year there are 1040 convicted perpetrators. [Time period: Germany, 2001-2006]
    • The rate of convictions is around 13% – in cases of rape and sexual assault.
  • There are 1365 accusals followed by a trial, out of which 1053 perpetrators are convicted. (Status: Germany, 2006)
    • 77% of the trials on sex crimes lead to reprobation.42


In 83% of the violent sex crimes the perpetrator is identified. [Time period: 2007 und 2006]

  • In around 6640 of 8000 complaint cases the perpetrator can be identified.
  • Around 1360 = 17% of the complaint cases cannot be prosecuted, as no alleged criminal (unknown perpetrator)
    can be identified.


In Germany around 3% of accusations of sex crimes are false.43

  • Around 240 of the annually reported sex crimes in Germany are deliberate wrong suspicions.
  • 4.8% of the "victims" or plaintiffs were investigated against false accusation. In most cases the result was not


  • Contrary to the existing stereotypes in cases of rape false accusations are rather rare.
    (The rate is 3% in Germany; in other European countries between 1-9%). Frauennotruf Hamburg


  1. Bringing a case to court often means reliving the trauma.
  2. 2% of reported sexual assaults are false accusations.
  3. Once a victim does come forward the process can be healing.
    Deleted video television interview with Debbie Fox, US American spokesperson of "Oregon Coalition against domestic and
    sexual violence, Audio of Al Gore sex assault victim released, YouTube film, 2:00 minutes duration, posted 25. June 2010


  • I would not advise my daughter [In a case of rape] to report to the police. [...] My professional experience shows:
    In the final analysis women always suffer the consequences.
    Hans-Jürgen Karge (69) German former attorney general, cited in: deleted German television talk show Anne Will on the "court case Jörg Kachelmann", Der Fall Kachelmann – Justiz-Alltag oder Promi-Pranger?, presented by the German public-service television broadcaster ARD, host Anne Will, minute 47, 58:54 minutes duration, aired 1. August 2010


Siehe auch: ► Vergewaltigungsstatistik in Deutschland

Statistical data on violence predominantly against women – United States and Canada

United States of America

  • Males are most often both the victims and the perpetrators in 90% of homicides.45
  • Over 85% of the people who commit murder are men and the majority of the women who commit murder
    usually do so as a defense against men who have been battering them for years.

    90% of the women in jail for murder are there for killing male batterers.46
  • Women commit about 15% of all homicides.47
  • More than 90 women were murdered every week in 1991. 9 out of 10 women were murdered by men.48
  • 90% of people who commit violent physical assault are men. Males perpetrate 95% of all serious domestic violence.49
    • "In 92% of all reported domestic violence incidents, crimes are
      committed by men against women."

      [Status 28. June 2013]50
  • The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 95% of reported assaults on spouses or ex-spouses are
    committed by men against women.
  • It is estimated that 1 in 4 men will use violence against his partner in his lifetime.52
  • 99.8% of the people in prison convicted of rape are men.53
  • 81% of men who beat their wives watched their fathers beat their mothers or were abused themselves.54
  • Studies have found that men are responsible for 80% to 95% of child sexual abuse cases whether the
    child is male or female.
  • The majority of victims of men’s violence are other men (76% M, 24% F).56
  • Out of 10,000 cases of road rage over 95% of them were committed by men.57
  • 76% of binge drinkers are young males.58
  • Males cause 86% of all drinking and driving incidents.59
  • One in 12, or 8.2 million women, will be stalked at some point in their lifetime.
    80% of the women stalked by intimates had also been physically assaulted by them.60
  • Every day, 15 children [in the United States] are killed by guns.61
  • The ratio of drug abuse of males to females is 2 to 1.62



➤ Of every 100 incidents of sexual assault, only 6 are reported to the police.
➤ 1-2% of "date rape" sexual assaults are reported to the police.
➤ 1 in 4 North American women will be sexually assaulted during their lifetime.
➤ 11% of women have physical injury resulting for sexual assault.
➤ Only 2-4% of all sexual assaults reported are false reports.
➤ 60% of sexual abuse/assault victims are under the age of 17.
➤ Over 80% of sex crime victims are women.
➤ 80% of sexual assault incidents occur in the home.
➤ 17% of girls under 16 have experienced some form of incest.
➤ 83% of disabled women will be sexual assaulted during their lifetime.
➤ 15% of sexual assault victims are boys under 16.
➤ Half of all sexual offenders are married or in longterm relationships.
➤ 57% of aboriginal women have been sexually abused 1/5th of all sexual assaults involve a weapon of some sort.
➤ 80% of assailants are friends and family of the victim.
Source: Sexual Assault Statistics in Canada, presented by SexAssault Canada, undated


  • One-half of all Canadian women have experienced at least one incident of violence since the age of 16. (1993)
  • One in three Canadian women were victims of assault by a spouse or partner. (1993)
  • Four in ten Canadian women were victims of sexual assault (1993).
  • Of all the provinces, the highest rate of violence was reported by women in B.C. (59%) (1993).
  • 16% of all Canadian women (1.7 million) have been involved in at least one incident of sexual or physical assault
    by a date or boyfriend since the age of 16 (1993).
  • Half of all women who reported an incident of dating violence were between the ages of 18-34 (1993).
  • 24% of women 18-24 years had been sexually and/or physically assaulted by a date or boyfriend.
    This figure is 50 per cent higher than the national figure of 16 per cent. (1993)
  • In Canada, almost 75 women are murdered by their partner each year (2006).
  • 98% of sex offenders are men and 82% of the survivors of these assaults are girls and women (1999).
  • Women were the victims in three of four spousal murders.63
  • 10,121 incidents of spousal assault were reported.64
    • 78.2% of the accused were males.
    • 12.9% of the accused were females.
    • 8.9% of reports involved both spouses assaulting each other.
  • Male on female violence accounted for the majority (46.5%) of all violent crime in Canada.65
    • 37.8% was attributed to male on male violence.
    • Female on female crime – where women were both the accused and the victim – accounted for 8.1% of the total.
    • Female on male violence accounted for the lowest percentage of all violent crime in Canada at 7.6%.



  • Globally at least one in three women and girls is beaten or sexually abused in her lifetime.66

Alarming rape record – South Africa and Congo

A study conducted by the South African Medical Research Council on 1,738 sampled South African men from different race and age backgrounds, from urban and rural areas, revealed the following results [status June 2009]:



Aftermath of childhood trauma and humiliation in a racist mysogynist culture

Rapists are men who have predominantly been traumatized in childhood by experiencing severe physical violence or sexual abuse, emotional and physical abuse and neglect. Patriarchy and apartheid created a mindset according to which (mostly black) men are NOBODIES, subhuman beings. Their anger and pain thereof is translated into violent behavior or violent tendencies.

  • 27.6% of the questioned men admitted to having raped a woman or girl in their lifetime.
    • 23.2% of the rapists had raped two to three women.
    • 8.4% of the rapists had raped four to five women.
    • 7.1% of the rapists had raped six to 10 women.
    • 7.7% of the rapists had raped more than 10 women or girls.
  • 9.8% of the rapists were under 10 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 16.4% of the rapists were 10-14 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 46.5% of the rapists were 15-19 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 18.6% of the rapists were 20-24 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 6.9% of the rapists were 25-29 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 1.9% were 30 years old or older when they committed their first sex crime.


Biologists and anthropologists found out that young human males belong to the most dangerous species on Earth.
Young men at age 14-23 are the most violent and most dangerous among the human males.


► Statistics Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country, presented by nationmaster.com, undated
► Article SOUTH AFRICA: One in four men rape, presented by IRIN humanitarian news and analysis, 18. June 2009
► Article Sexual Violence as Male Bonding, presented by The Grumpy Sociologist, 20. June 2009
► Article More than 1,100 rapes daily in DRCongo, presented by the publication allvoices.com, 11. May 2011
► Deleted article South Africa Violence Against Women Rate Hightest In The World, presented by the US American liberal-oriented
     online newspaper Huffington Post, Michelle Faul, 8. March 2013
References: en.Wikipedia entries Sexual violence in South Africa and ► Rape statistics
See also: ► Statistics and ► Taboo and ► Trauma and ► Taming violent young elephants

Reasons for men's leaning to violence

Five constitutions of violence prone males
1.The male brain is not wired for empathy. Men can learn to become more empathic.
2.Males have higher levels of testosterone. Strengthening of family ties;
encouraging fathers to stay involved with their children
3.Males generate lower levels of oxytocin. Get a good massage regularly.
4.Males have fewer friends than females. Engage in close friendships. Join a men's group.
5.Men react more violently to shame than women. Address shame. Accept it rather than denying it.
Source: ► Article The 5 Hidden Reasons Men Become Violent and What We Can Do to Make the World Safer, presented by the blogspot
Men Alive, Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, 5. October 2013
See also: ► Empathy and ► Friendship and ► Shame and ► Humiliation and ► Aggression and ► Pride and ► Depression


Worldwide, the suicide rate of men is 4 times higher than with females. In the U.S.A. the ratio is 4 to 18 times higher than it is
for females, increasing dramatically with age.

  • There are more than one million people who die by suicide each year in the world, which is more people than those
    who die from war, terrorist attacks and homicides every year.
    Lanny Berman, Ph.D. (*1943) US American professor of psycho-
    logy, American University (1969-1991), executive director of the American Association of Suiciology (AAS)


  • [Paraphrased] Men have much higher suicide rates than women do and that suicide rates increase dramatically as men age. Men between the ages of 65 and 85 killed themselves almost 10 times more frequently than do women of the same age. Further, unlike women, men often "act out" their depression and become more aggressive and sometimes violent. The comedian Elayne Boosler captured these male/female differences when she observed, "When women
    are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking."

    Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, The Irritable Male Syndrome. Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression, Rodale Books, 11. August 2005



Male brains are more wired for systemizing than for empathizing.



  • While there is no direct tie between testosterone and human criminality, there is an indirect tie. Testosterone leads toward violence, and violence is often criminal. James Dabbs, Ph.D. (1937-2004) US American professor of social psychology, Georgia State University, world expert on testosterone, author, Mary Godwin Dabbs, Heroes, Rogues, and Lovers. Testosterone and Behavior, McGraw-Hill Companies, 1st edition 25. July 2000


Dabbs studied 4,462 men. About 10% of these test persons were high-T men.

  • The overall picture among the high-testosterone men is one of delinquency, substance abuse and a tendency toward excess. [High-T men] have more trouble with people like teachers while they are growing up, have more sexual partners, are more likely to have gone AWOL in the service and to have used hard drugs, particularly if they had poor educations and low incomes. James Dabbs, Ph.D. (1937-2004) US American professor of social psychology, Georgia State University, world expert on testosterone, author, Mary Godwin Dabbs, Heroes, Rogues, and Lovers. Testosterone and Behavior, McGraw-Hill
    Companies, 1st edition 25. July 2000


  • The male has paid a heavy price for his masculine 'privilege' and power. He is out of touch with his emotions and his body. He is playing by the rules of the male game plan and with lemming-like purpose he is destroying himself – emo-
    tionally, psychologically and physically.
    Herb Goldberg, Ph.D. (*1937) US American professor emeritus of psychology, California State University, Los Angeles, The Hazards of Being Male. Surviving the Myth of Masculine Privilege, Signet, original issue 1975,
    10th anniversary edition 1. October 1987


  • I have yet to see a serious act of violence that was not provoked by the experience of feeling shamed and humiliated, disrespected and ridiculed, and that did not represent the attempt to prevent or undo that "loss of face" – no matter how severe the punishment, even if it includes death. James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, former director of the Center for the Study of Violence, Harvard Medical School, author, Violence. Our Deadly Epidemic and its Causes, S. 110, Diane Publishing, February 1996



Shame – the most highly guarded secret of men

  • The secret is that they feel ashamed – deeply ashamed, chronically ashamed, acutely ashamed, over matters that are so trivial that their very triviality makes it even more shameful to feel ashamed about them, so they are ashamed even to reveal what shames them. […] Often violent men will hide this secret behind a defensive mask of bravado, arrogance, 'machismo',
    self-satisfaction, insouciance, or studied indifference.
    James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, former director of the Center for the Study of Violence, Harvard Medical School,
    author, Violence. Our Deadly Epidemic and its Causes, Diane Publishing, February 1996

⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial


  • Rape myths are attitudes and beliefs that are generally false, yet widely held, and that serve to justify male sexual violence against women. Abstract of the study by Kimberly A. Lonsway, Louise F. Fitzgerald, Rape Myths: In Review, presented by the SAGE Journal Review Psychology of Women Quarterly, 18 pages, 133-164, 1. June 1994, reissued by 24. June 2016


Online pornography portraying sexual aggression as pleasurable for the victim misleads young men.

  • Summing up the "Rape Myth:" After examining all of the facts, former US American surgeon general Dr. C. Everett Koop (1916-2013) said, "I am certain that pornography that portrays sexual aggression as pleasurable for the victim is at the root of much of the rape that occurs today. Impressionable men, many of them still in adolescence, see this material
    and they get the impression that women like to be hurt, humiliated and forced to do things that they do not want to do.
    It is a false and vicious stereotype that leads to much pain and even death for victimized women."

    Mark Kastleman, US American co-founder of Candeo, recovered from 25 years of pornography addiction, author of The Drug of the New Millennium. The Science of How Internet Pornography Radically Alters the Human Brain and Body, Granite Publications, 2nd edition August 2001, reissued in: meanwhile deleted article Just a 'Harmless Hobby' and Other Myths, presented by the website Net Nanny, 2001-2014


  • We live in a rape culture, which means that the relationships we have with each other and as members of a society
    are all relationships that are predicated on a power-and-control model.

    Interview with Theryn Kigvamasud'Vashti, US American co-director of CARA, Communities Against Rape and Abuse (CARA), Seattle, Washing-
    ton, cited in: Janet Anderson, US American editor of WCSAP, Rape Myths. Letters from the Editor, PDF, presented by the publication Research and Advocacy Digest, volume 9/3, 1. May 2007, reissued 6. December 2016
Rape and sexual assault – fiction ⇔ faction
༺༻      Rape myths               F A C T S         
1. Rape is unwanted sex. Rape is a violent, life-threatening crime. The vast majority of rapists are driven by motives of domination, control, and anger along with sexual attraction. Gratification is temporary.
2. Rape is a minor crime affecting only a few women. It is estimated that 1 in 8 women in United States has been or will be forcibly raped in her lifetime.67 Because of low reporting rates, it is not known how many adult men are assaulted. It is also estimated that 1 out of every 4 girls, and 1 out of every 8 boys are sexually assaulted in some way before they reach adulthood. Rape is the most frequently committed violent crime in the United States.
3. Rape is not violent. Rape is a violent crime. Many rapists carry a weapon and threaten the victim with violence or death.
4. Women incite men to rape. More than 70% of rapes are planned in advance for which the rapist is accountable.
Opportunity determines the deed.
5. Rape is an impulsive, spontaneous, uncontrollable act of sexual gratification. Rapes are a premeditated act of violence [71%], not a spontaneous act of passion. The vast majority of rapists are driven by force, anger, and control, not by sexual gratification. 60% of convicted rapists were married or had regular sexual partners at the time of the assault.
6. Most rapists only rape one time. Most rapists carefully plan the crime and repeat it again and again, usually in the same area of town and in the same way – until caught.
7. Rape is a crime of passion. Rape is an act of VIOLENCE, not passion. Sex crimes hurt and humiliate.
8. The assailant cannot control him/herself. Men can control their sexual impulses.
9. There is a "right way" to respond to a rape situation. Exposed to a life-threatening crime the raped woman is best advised to follow her instincts to simply stay alive.
10. A raped woman should not dwell on the rape experience but "forget it". Victims are best served when they can talk about the assault with intimate relations and knowledgeable professionals. Those who are denied to talk about the abuse take longer
to recover form it.
11. Family members support the recovery of raped woman best. When the victim's surroundings behave unsupportively or negatively [worrying about one's reputation, blaming the recoverer, withdrawal, hostility, stigmatizing, demanding secrecy] the recovery is more difficult.
12. Rape trauma syndrome is transient. Rape is a life changing experience, devastating for the mental health of victims. 31% of all raped women develop Rape-related Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (RR-PTSD) for a prolonged time.68
13. Rapists are non-white, foreigners, lower class, "criminal types." Such rapists are more likely to be prosecuted. Rapists come from all professions, classes and races.
14. One may perceive a rapist by the way he looks. Rapists may appear friendly, normal, and non-threatening. Many are young, married and have children. Rapist types and traits can be categorized.
15. Incest is rare. Incest is common on all levels. An estimated 77% of reported sexual abusers are parents (57% of which natural parents), 16% are other relatives, and 6% are non-related. The abusers are male in 60 to 95% of the cases.69
16. You cannot be assaulted against your will. Assailants overpower their victims with the threat of violence or with actual violence. Especially in cases of acquaintance rape or incest, an assailant often uses the victim's trust in
him to isolate her.
17. Sexual assaults are rare deviations and concern only few people. Sexual assaults are common. Every 4th woman worldwide has been sexually assaulted once in her lifetime. Victims rarely discuss their assaults, many block them from conscious memory. The trauma may surface at another crisis or in the presence of a sympathetic person.
An estimated 155,000 women in the United States were raped each year between 1973 and 1987.70
18. Rapists are sick or insane men, or abnormal perverts. In a study of 1300 convicted offenders most were well-adjusted, few were diagnosed as mentally or emotionally ill. All had a greater tendency to express their anger through
violence and rage.
19. Women often make false reports of rape. Women frequently "cry" rape. Eight percent of forcible rape complaints were "unfounded," while the average of false rape and related sex offenses reports was 2 percent. [Status 1996]71 Many cases are dropped because
of insufficient evidence for conviction.
20. Women fantasize about being raped. No woman fantasizes about being raped. Less than 0.7% out of 7789 questioned women phantasize of being raped.72 Fantasies about aggressive sex may be controlled and turned off if they become threatening. A person being actually raped is unable to counter the violence and end it.
21. Women secretly enjoy being raped. No woman, man, child enjoys being raped. It is a brutal intrusion on the mind, body and spirit
that can result in lasting trauma.
22. Women "ask for it" by their provocative clothing or actions. Rapists look for victims they perceive as vulnerable, not for women who dress provocatively. Assuming that women provoke attacks by where they are or the way they dress is victim-blaming. No person, whatever their behavior, "deserves" to be raped.
23. Only "bad" women
get raped.
Of all crimes rape victims are faced with the highest suspicion and doubt. According to studies
a major reason for blaming the victim of being out late at night, drinking alcohol, dress sexily, leading on
is motivated by unconscious self-protection.
24. Rape only happens to young attractive women. Rape can happen to anyone at anytime. Age, social class, ethnic group and has no bearing on the person a rapist chooses to attack. Survivors range in age from infancy to old age, and their appearance is seldom a consideration.73 The rapist chooses available and most vulnerable targets [old persons, children, physically or emotionally disabled persons, substance abusers and street persons] who can easily be intimidated.74 Men are also attacked.
25. Rape only occurs outside and at night by strangers. Rape does occur anytime and anyplace, mostly during the day and at home. Over 50% of reported rapes occur in the home.75
80% of the sexual assaults reported by college age women and adult women were perpetrated by close friends or family members. There is no common profile of a rapist. Rapes are committed by people from all economic levels, all races, all occupations.
26. Sexual assaults usually occur between strangers. Over 70% of rape victims know their attackers [relatives, friends, co-workers, dates or acquaintances]. Assaults by assailants the victim knows are often not reported so the statistics do not reflect the actual numbers of acquaintance rapes.
27. Only women and gay men get raped. The vast majority of male rape victims, as well as their rapists, are heterosexual. Male rape victims represent 8% of the primary victims.76 Rapists are driven by the desire to overpower and control another person, not by sexual attraction. Male rape is not homosexual rape. Many male victims do not report the assault because they fear further humiliation.
28. Gang rape is rare. In 43% of all reported cases, more than one assailant was involved.
29. No woman or man can be raped against her or his will. In 1991, 14% of the rapes77 involved the use of a weapon. 74% involved physical force and/or threats of force. Women are often physically weaker than men and are not taught to defend themselves or to be physically aggressive. Some women are unwilling to hurt another person, especially if the offender is someone they know.
30. If the assailant, victim, or both are drunk, the assailant cannot be charged with rape. Forcing sex on someone who is too drunk to give consent is second degree rape in North Carolina.
[It carries a prison sentence of up to 17 years.] People who commit crimes like rape while under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not considered free from guilt.
31. Women who are drunk are willing to engage in any kind of sexual activity. The fact that a woman has been drinking does not imply consent.
Alcohol and drugs can render a woman incapable of consent.
32. Husbands don't rape their wives. Laws against spousal rape were being installed in the 80s and 90s. Most battered wives have experienced spousal sexual abuse. Estranged or ex-spouses may use rape as a form of retaliation.
33. A husband can't sexually assault his wife. Regardless of marital or social relationship, if a woman does not consent to sexual activity,
she is being sexually assaulted.
14% of women are victims of rape committed by their husband.
34. Raped persons who do not report the act immediately do not consider it as a crime. There is no typical correct victim behavior. Rape victims may react desperately, calmly, aggres-
sively. Individual behavior is no standard for credibility. Only few rape victims reveal the crime immediately to close or unknown relations or report it to the police. They choose to remain silent out of shame, fear, and to avoid possible blame. If the rape is reported to a law enforcement agency within one year of its commission it can be prosecuted years later. Most rape victims do not report, others prepare themselves up to 3-6 years to report the crime to a law enforcement agency.
Mark Kastleman, US American co-founder of Candeo, recovered from 25 years of pornography addiction, author of The Drug of
     the New Millennium. The Science of How Internet Pornography Radically Alters the Human Brain and Body
, Granite Publications,
     2nd edition August 2001
► John Hamlin, Ph.D., US American sociologist, anthropologist, List of Rape Myths. Sociology of Rape, University of Minnesota, Duluth, 2001
► Janet Anderson, US American editor of WCSAP, Rape Myths. Letters from the Editor, PDF, presented by the publication Research
     and Advocacy Digest
, volume 9/3, 1. May 2007, reissued 6. December 2016
Dr Jessica Taylor, British forensic psychology graduate, author, Why Women Are Blamed For Everything. Exposing the Culture of
, Constable, 27. August 2020
See also: ► Collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos
Siehe auch: ► Vergewaltigungsmythen

Misconstruing violence against women

Culturally held lies about violence against women
Myth 1Violence against women is not a common problem.
Myth 2She deserved it.
Myth 3Alcohol or drugs caused the violence.
Myth 4Violent men lose their temper and cannot control themselves.
Myth 5It's a man's right to have sex if he is in a relationship.
Myth 6Sexual assault happens because men lose control.
Myth 7Abuse against women is only a problem in some communities.
Myth 8She could have just left.
Source: ► Article/videos on Myths about Violence against Women,
presented by the suspended Australian website BeThe Hero, issued (past) 2008


Five perpetuated myths on sexual assault at criminal courts – 2016
The paramount purpose of due process in the criminal courts is to protect the accused from abuse of power by the state.
1.Consent can be implied, retroactively.
2.Survivors go directly to police after an assault.
3.Survivors never go back to their abuser. Post-incident conduct
4.Women lie about being sexually assaulted for fame and attention.
5.The stereotype of the "perfect" victim is upheld.
Source: ► Article 5 dangerous myths about sexual assault perpetuated by the Jian Ghomeshi trial,
presented by PressProgress, 11. February 2016

Effects of long-term exposure to Internet pornography

Meta-analysis of 46 different studies on the detrimental effects
of long-term exposure to Internet pornography
1.Those who watch Internet pornography have a 31% increased risk of accepting rape myths
which reduces their empathy for rape victims or has them possibly blame them for being assaulted.
2.The prevalence of objectifying images of women in dorm rooms or fraternity houses significantly correlates
to having attitudes that are hostile to rape victims.
3.When women are exposed early to pornography in life, they are more likely to have rape fantasies and
they're more likely to have attitudes that support sexual violence against women.
4.The use of pornography by the partners of battered women significantly increased
the odds of the women being sexually abused by their partners.
5.Watching porn is correlated with a 22% increase risk of committing sexual offenses.4
6.Watching porn is correlated to a 31% increase of developing sexually deviant tendencies.4
7.Men arrested for visiting prostitutes are at least twice as likely to be porn users than a
random national sample of men.
8.Viewing pornography was significantly correlated with committing acts of sexual violence
and engaging in unwanted sex
9.Men exposed to rape pornography where the victims show pleasure in the act of rape are significantly
more likely to believe that higher percentages of rape cases are simply invented by victims.
10.Men exposed to rape pornography were also significantly more likely to believe women could enjoy rape.2
Source: ► Video presentation by Matt Fradd, British Catholic apologist, speaker, Porn and Sexual Violence:
10 Facts from the Experts
, transcript, YouTube film, 2:44 minutes duration, posted 13. November 2015


1. Shawn Corne, John Briere, Lillian Esses, college-age study Women’s attitudes and fantasies about rape as a function of early exposure
        to pornography
, presented by Journal of Interpersonal Violence, issue 7, S. 454-461, 1992
2. Ken-Ichi Ohbuchi, Tatsuhiko Ikeda, Goya Takeuchi, Japanese study Effects of violent pornography upon viewer's rape myth beliefs:
        A study of Japanese males
, presented by Psychology, Crime & Law 1, S. 71-81, 1994
3. Martin Monto, Focusing on the Clients of Street Prostitutes: A Creative Approach to Reducing Violence Against Women, report submitted
        to the U.S. Department of Justice, 30. October 1999
4. Elizabeth Oddone Paolucci, Mark Genuis, Claudio Violato, A meta-analysis of the published research on the effects of pornography,
        presented by The Changing Family and Child Development, S. 48-59, January 2000
5. Janet Hinson Shoppe, study on women involved in a battered women’s program When words are not enough: The search for the effect
        of pornography on abused women
, presented in Violence Against Women, issue 10, S. 56-72, 2004
6. E. Timothy Bleecker, Sarah K. Murnen, college-age study Fraternity membership, the display of degrading sexual images of women,
        and rape myth acceptance
, presented by Sex Roles, issue 53, S. 487-493, 2005
7. Silvia Bonino, Silvia Ciarirano, Emanuela Rabaglietti, Elna Cattelino, study on Italian teens Use of pornography and self-reported engage-
        ment in sexual violence among adolescents
, presented by European Journal of Developmental Psychology, issue 3, S. 265-288, 2006
See also: ► ⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial

Preventing domestic and gender violence – ten attitudes of aware men

Ten appeasing attitudes of aware men
༺༻Attitude of aware menLegend
1. Approach gender violence as a MEN'S issue involving men of all ages and socioeconomic, racial and ethnic backgrounds.View men not only as perpetrators or possible offenders, but as empowered bystanders who can confront abusive peers.
2. If a brother, friend, classmate, or teammate is abusing his female partner – or is disrespectful or abusive to girls and women in general – don't look the other way.If you feel comfortable doing so, try to talk to him about it. Urge him to seek help. Or if you don't know what to do, consult a friend, a parent, a professor, or a counselor. DON'T REMAIN SILENT.
3. Have the courage to look inward. Question your own attitudes.Don't be defensive when something you do or say ends up hurting someone else. Try hard to understand how your own attitudes and actions might inadvertently perpetuate sexism [misogyny] and violence, and work toward changing them.
4. If you suspect that a woman close to you is being abused or has been sexually assaulted,
gently ask if you can help.
5. If you are emotionally, psychologically, physically, or sexually abusive to women,
or have been in the past, seek professional help NOW.
6. Be an ally to women who are working to end all forms of gender violence.
7. Recognize and speak out against homophobia and gay-bashing.Discrimination and violence against lesbians and gays are wrong in and of themselves. This abuse also has direct links to sexism (eg. the sexual orientation of men who speak out against sexism is often questioned, a conscious or unconscious strategy intended to silence them. This is a key reason few men do so).
8. Attend programs, take courses, watch films, and read articles and books about multicultural masculinities, gender inequality, and the root causes of gender violence.Educate yourself and others about how larger social forces affect
the conflicts between individual men and women.
9. Don't fund sexism [misogyny].Refuse to purchase any magazine, rent any video, subscribe to any web site, or buy any music that portrays girls or women in a sexually degrading or abusive manner. Protest sexism in the media.
10. Mentor and teach young boys about how to be men in ways that don't involve degrading or abusing girls and women.Lead by example.
Source: ► Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American social theorist, educator, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic
and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, creator and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP),
social theorist, filmmaker, author, 1999
See also: ► Courage and ► Gender research

Transforming rankist rape culture into digntiarian consent culture

Rape is the symptom of a larger social disease.
Rape is the violation of an individual's right to bodily integrity and autonomy.
Rape culture78 encourages, condones and teaches sexual violence.
Rape culture is the systematically rooted judgment towards
rape victims and society's acceptance of sexual assault.

Rape culture is so pervasive that people have become numb to it.
[Marital] rape is not about sex but about violence against women.
Most miseducated rapists behave normal within a deviant culture.
Toxic concepts of masculinity define masculinity as sexual conquest.
Who believes rape is a problem of honor or deserved punishment is complicit to rape culture.

Rape culture pyramid


Gender binary cultures based on a gender hierarchy are fueling moral twists and violence. The psychology of abusive patriarchal societies favors rankism which forms pseudo relationships subjected to the power-and-control model. Rankist societies preclude

  • human dignity that allows a sense of self and
  • free speech expression that encourages and
  • love between equal partners that unites.


For roughly 5,000 years marriage used to be an institution where women and minorities were seen and treated as property of the state and their husbands. Living in a male dominated rape culture people are accustomed to view mainly women’s sexuality as

Sin resulting in "expulsion of paradise"
Risk factor resulting in unwanted pregnancy or disease
Danger resulting in death
Marketable good resulting in attention and survival.


➢ 1 out of 5 American women has survived an attempted or completed rape.
➢ Two thirds of rape cases are not being reported.
➢ If a survivor does report, police might not investigate.
➢ Prosecutors often refuse to take up cases that the police DO recommend.
➢ If a rape case does go to trial, survivors are often re-traumatized by the process.
➢ People think rape survivors are making their claims up.
➢ Even if a rapist is convicted, he can receive an extraordinarily light sentence.
➢ Women who report sexual assault/rape to HR lose their job, whereas harrassers keep their position.


For millennia sex was the only currency women had to trade for their survival. Given no choice, women adopted the idea
that sex is a commodity for attention, status gain, love, care, and security. In underdeveloped societies women have still
no choice than to feed the longstanding rape culture resulting in the humiliating deep-seated sex barter wound.
A true culture of consent requires an overhaul of longstanding gender roles. It takes into account that women are sexual beings with developmentally-appropriate and positive desire.



Providing "out there" men (i.e. somebodies) became imprinted by the idea that women (i.e. nobodies) somehow owe (submissive) sex and compliance to them. Sometimes the sheltering "superiors" become the ones second class-gender-nobodies need shelter from. Shielded men, lacking proper initiation into a heart-centered culture of dignity, adopted a misrepresented model of masculinity that shamed and turned off their own feelings of vulnerability and compassion.


Rape culture, ingrained for millennia, has it that women and men fail to notice how much they actively or passively partake in severe damage. Since Western men and women are nominally equal, wo-
men no longer subscribe to sex trade concepts consciously. Nevertheless, imprinted and programmed, women subconsciously think, "I must please the man first" not minding their own standards. In subtle or gross ways women allow and comply to submission that is expected and wanted of them. They find it hard to say "no" to a man's wishes. To be real in their yes women need to be honored, supported and loved – in their no.


╰⊰✿ Women, listen for your internal "no". Speak it.
Regain your voice*79 which you have lost at age 11-12.80


╰⊰✿ Men, cherish her spoken "no". It means that she trusts you.
Men, you may not know it yet, that you want women to be real in their yes.
When a woman trusts you enough to say "no" following her inner guidance,
men tell her, "I love you and respect your sovereign choice."
Mean it and show it – every time.
Regain your heart*81 which you have lost at age 5-7.


That way men and women heal the relational sex wound on both sides and give birth to a more authentic world.



A husband surrenders to the NO of his wife and transforms into a new man.

  • Ross Woodman: It's a different masculine that can take that No [from his wife] . It's a different masculine.
    Marion Woodman: I had to have my freedom to make my feminine choice.
    RW: And when I realized that what I was in love with was your free soul that could stand to its own truth I began to see what you meant by the masculine as not power [domination], not patriarchy, but the new masculine. And I would say that was its birth.
    MW: Masculinity and patriarchy are not synonymous. The true masculine is not the enemy of the feminine. It's not into power [domination], the way patriarchy is into power. […]
    The masculine [...] is the protector of the feminine in himself as well as in the woman. And she [the woman] has also to develop her masculinity. You have a foursome relating: a developed conscious masculine and feminine in both man and woman, but reconciling those opposites is the key to a new birth.
    Video documentary featuring Marion Woodman (1928-2018) Canadian Jungian analyst, women's movement figure, mythopoetic author, Dancing in the Flames, interviewed by Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher
    of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, presented by the FilmFestival TV Culture Unplugged, directed by Adam Reid, produced by Robin Crumley, minute 63:11, 83:04 minutes duration, produced 2009



Wounds of patriarchy: Shaming of masculinity triggers violence, shaming of femininity silences women.



Fathering resolves the cult of masculinity.

[Paraphrased] As long as there is male dominance some sex will be violent, violence will be sexualized, and children will be victimized. […] If you [men] can't get the proper dominance from grown-ups you [they] turn to [sexual abuse of] children. […] We need to understand the whole cult of masculinity. […] The way out of this cult of masculinity is men raising children as it causes them to become whole human beings. […] The fathering revolution is partly here.
The task ahead is to humanize the traditional gender roles rooted in the deepest source of violence required by masulinity and supported by femininity. Video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, The Future of Feminism, presented at "The Power of Women's Voices" Conference for the 65th Anniversary of the Sophia Smith Collection Women's History Archive, sponsored by Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, minute 43:47, 54:32 minutes duration, 28. September 2007



Learning dignity ⇒ empathy ⇒ love ⇒ truth – Outphasing the domination/subordination dynamic of existing hierarchies

Pornography has always presented women as objectified bodies for male sexual pleasure, but each year pornography does that with more overt cruelty toward women. The "gonzo" genre of pornography, where the industry pushes the culture's limits with the most intense sexual degradation, encourages men to see women as vehicles for their sexual pleasure, even depicting women as eager to participate in their own degradation.
After more than two decades of work on this subject, I have no doubt of one truth about contemporary pornography: It is one way that men’s capacity for empathy can be dramatically diminished.
Empathy is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the work that challenges the domination/subordination dyna-
of existing hierarchies, and transcending that dynamic is crucial
if there is to be a just and sustainable future.
Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, author, Pornography
Is What the End of the World Looks Like
, presented by the US American men's initiative The Good Men Project, 11. August 2011


► Video statement by James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, Violence Objects / Sex Objects, excerpted
     from a DVD documentary Matter of Respect by Lauren Hatvany, YouTube film, 3:11 minutes duration, posted 30. June 2011
► Video presentation by Colin Stokes, US American director of communications of non-profit Citizen Schools, How movies teach manhood,
     presented by TEDx BeaconStreet Talks, 12:56 minutes duration, filmed November 2012, posted January 2013
► Video presentation by Gail Dines, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston,
     anti-pornography campaigner, author Growing Up in a Pornified Culture, presented by TEDx Navesink Talks, Navesink, New Jersey,
     YouTube film, 13:47 minutes duration, posted 28. April 2015
► Video presentation by Pamela Haag, Ph.D. pamelahaag.com US American historian, feminist, author, Women's Sexual
     Consent, Under Attack
, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, 18. March 2013
► Video presentation by Kat Alano (*1985) English-Filipino model, actress, television presenter, Is rape culture the new social cancer?,
     presented by TEDx ADMU Talks, YouTube film, 20:22 minutes duration, posted 22. April 2016
Watch also:
► Music video of My Fair Lady, 1964, My Fair Lady "Without You", dubbed by Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993) US American actress and
     Rex Harrison (1908-1990) British actor, YouTube film, 2:52 minutes duration, posted 19. January 2013
See also:
Rape myths – a result of cultural denial
Established sexual predation at the workplace – Hitchcock (60ties), Thomas (90ties) Ailes (2016) Weinstein (2017)
Key phrases describing the hyperdimensional cultural psychosis spanning ages
Shifting paradigms from domination to partnership – Evelin Lindner
Shifting from ambition to meaning and purpose
Four steps of reconciliation and release
Downward evolution from dignity ⇒ empathy ⇒ love ⇒ truth – Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell
Note *: Potency 1 = women's regained VOICE – Potency 10 = men's regained HEART

Appeasing the demons – as practiced by Tsultrim Allione

Appeasing the demons is an ancient Buddhist practice.
Continually feeding of the outer and inner demons and the elated and egocentric demons with wisdom nectar
will eventually transform them for the better


Female US American Lama Tsultrim Allione was recognized in Tibet as an incarnation of Machig Lapdrön, the eleventh century yogini. She is the author of Feeding your demons. Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict
82 and Women of Wisdom83
As an expert in transforming demons she suggests:

"Take the paradigm of feeding rather than fighting our own inner demons."


Allione adapted the wisdom of Tibet's greatest female spiritual master Machig Lapdrön, who lived in the 11th century.
The story of Machig goes that the demons were so moved by her fearlessness and by her generosity, compassion, and the stability of her meditation that they said to her,

"Not only will we not harm you, but we will become your protectors and we will protect all of those who follow you."


The controversial and extremely successful teacher of her time Machig Lapdrön differentiated four types of demons:

StageType of demonWhat
1. Outer demons StrategyObject related, perceived by the senses, one's own reaction to itReaction to a car accident, a mean relative, a boss; feeling threatened by
a wild animal
2. Inner demons StrategyNot object related, no sensous contact.
They keep running like the mind does.
Depression, overeating, (serious) illness, addiction, fear of abandonment, anxiety, anger, greed, envy, obsession
3. Demon of elation StrategyAbuse of power by achieved successful peopleAmazing dreams, ego inflation, pride, abuse of power, fame, megalomania, self-centeredness
4. Core demon of egocentricity StrategizerArrogance, self-centeredness (at the core of all demons, most difficult to transpire its pervasiveness, normality)Amazing dreams, ego inflation, pride, abuse of power, fame, megalomania, self-centeredness
Demons (disturbed aspects) are blocking the full presence in the moment.


The process of appeasing the inner demons

  • Meet your demon. Locate it in your body, sense it in color and in texture.
  • Intensify it and see your demon as impersonated.
  • Let it arise unedited, be it in humanoid or monstrous form.
  • Notice its details.
  • Look into your demon's eyes once you have it in front of your mind's eye and ask it:
    1. What do you want?Addiction (demands)
    2. What do you need?Deficiency mode (requests)
    3. How will you feel if you get what you need?Sense of relief (redemption)


  • Change places with where you saw the demon.
  • Adopt the shape and size and the emotional quality of the demon.
  • Now answer the questions raised above.
    1. What do you want? Icecream!
    2. What do you need? Security, comfort, relaxation
    3. How will you feel if you get what you need? Sense of security and relief
    Wisdom nectar qualifies as an answer to the third question.


The protocol of appeasing the inner and outer demons is:

  1. Feed the demon with wisdom nectar to the point of its satisfaction until the demon morphs or even dissolves completely. The remaining figure will be your ally.
  2. Now meet the ally. Or call in the ally in to appear.
  3. Ask the ally how it will protect you and how you can contact it.
  4. Then ask the ally the series of three questions as above.
  5. Change places, the seat of the ally, and answer the series of questions posed to the ally.
  6. Come back to your original seat.
  7. Then the ally will dissolve into you.
  8. Feed the ally with wisdom nectar to the point of its satisfaction.
  9. Both you and the ally will dissolve into awareness.
Sources featuring Tsultrim Allione taramandala.org (*1947) first American woman ordained as a Tibetan nun and Lama
Audio interview Nurturing our demons [Dämonenfütterung (Auflösung innerer Störenergien)], presented by the US American
     web radio station New Dimensions, program #3253, host Justine Willis-Toms, minute 28:40, 60 minutes duration, aired
     27. March 2008
Video presentation "Feeding Your Demons" with Lama Tsultrim Allione, sponsored by Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado,
     YouTube film, 59:12 minutes duration, posted 13. November 2014
Article How to Feed Your Demons, presented by the Buddhist magazine Lion's Roar, 24. September 2017
See also:
Hell and ► Narcissism and ► Duality
Four stages of wrestling with inner demons
Catch phrases corresponding to various levels of consciousness (LoC)


Often people attempt to live their lives backwards. They try to have more things or more money in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse.
   ⚑ You must first
be who you really are
   ⚑ then
do what you need to do
   ⚑ in order to
have what you want.
Aphorism by Margaret Young (1891-1969) US American singer, comedienne

Incomplete list of historical mass murderers

List of dictators and presidents engaging in illegal wars killing millions of people
༺༻           Dictator          CountryDuration·of·dictatorship
empire abuse
People killed
1.Leopold II of Belgium (1835-1909)Belgium1865-1909 15 million
2. British Empire84
Earl of Lytton, Viceroy of India
British India
Killing Indian civilians
1876-1878 29 million
Deliberate starvation85
3.Ismail Enver Pasha (1881-1922)Turkey1913-19192.5 million
4.British naval blockade of Germany86Great Britain
Starving German civilians
1914-summer 1919763.000
5.Josef Stalin (1941-1953)
Genrikh Yagoda (1891-1938)87
The Sovjet Union1922-1953 23 million
10 million
6.Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)Germany1934-1945 17 million
7.Hideki Tojo (1884-1948)Japan1941-19445 million
8.Allies of World War IIKilling German civilians1944-1949 14.3 million88
9. Winston Churchill (1874-1965)British IndiaBengal famine of 1943~2.1-3 million
10.Mao Zedong (1893-1976)China1943-1976 78 million
11. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969)Killing German civilians
Rheinwiesenlager 89
1.7-3 million
3.5 million
Deliberate starvation of PoWs
12.Kim Il Sung (1912-1994)North Korea1948-19941.6 million
13.Pol Pot (1925-1998)Cambodia1963-19811.7 million
14.Yakubu Gowon (*1934)Nigeria1966-19751.1 million
15.Mengistu Haile Mariam (*1937)Ethiopia1974-19911.5 million
16. United States of America (1776-2020)US Empire
1945-2020 20-30 million90
17. Barack Obama (*1961)United States of America2009-2016Top·presidential·war·criminal91
Peace Nobel Prize laureate
Written references:
► Article Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?, presented by the publication
     Standford News, Cynthia Haven, 23. September 2010
► Article Remembering the biggest mass murder in the history of the world, presented by the US American daily newspaper
     The Washington Post, Ilya Somin, contributor of The Volokh Conspiracy, 3. August 2016
► Article The 15 Worst Genocides Aside From The Holocaust, presented by the publication The Clever, Melanie Green,
     9. June 2017
Referenzen (deutsch):
► Videointerview mit Prof. Rainer Mausfeld (*1949) deutscher Professor für Allgemeine Psychologie, Kognitionsforscher,
     Hochschullehrer, Autor, KenFM im Gespräch mit Prof Rainer Mausfeld Warum schweigen die Lämmer, präsentiert von der
     deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM, Gastgeber Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh-
     und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), YouTube Film, Minute 52:45, Minute 50:08ff, 1:38:19 Dauer, eingestellt
     2. Oktober 2018, 15. Dezember 2020
► Interview mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser danieleganser.ch (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner,
     Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for
     Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), "Auch Barack Obama ist ein Kriegsverbrecher", PDF, präsentiert von dem
     Wochenmagazin Pepper, Ausgabe 8, 7. Dezember 2019


Grafik von Earthlymission, April 2017





Taming violent young elephants

         Taming wild young elephants with ear flapping elders         


Young bull elephants in South Africa's largest conservation area, Kruger National Park were acting strangely out of character – antisocial and aimlessly vio­lent; they were stomping on VWs, pushing over trees for no reason, and even killing other small animals and baby elephants. [*]

African elephant with ears spread in a threat or attentive position
Park rangers came in to study the problem [...] they discovered that there were no older bull elephants in that area. By some accident, all the older bulls had either died or been poached for their ivory, which left the teenage males to roam and forage out of control.


Their solution?92


They brought in some older bulls from other areas by helicopter, lowered them onto the scene, and in a mat­ter of weeks, amazingly, the whole situation had chan-
ged. Apparently, all the old bulls did was wave their ears and make various sounds or small charges, and somehow the younger male elephants understood through these com­munications that their behavior was not exactly the way growing up elephant boys should act. It seemed to be just that simple. Things soon returned to normal once the elders operated as elders.


[*] The violent acting out of young elephant bulls is due to the so called musth.

Source: ► Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, author, Adam's Return.
The Five Promises of Male Initiation
, Crossroad Publishing Company, 1. October 2004
Reference: ► Article The Delinquents. A Spate Of Rhino Killings, presented by the US
American television news program CBS News, program 60 Minutes, 22. August 2000
Literature: ► Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, John Gray (*1951) US American relationship counselor, lecturer, author, The Boy Crisis. Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It, BenBella Books, 29. March 2018
See also:
Psychology and ► Stories and ► Fairy tales and ► Men and ► Health
Men's health within the domination system
Siehe auch: ► Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS)

Facts, myths, and signs of bullying at school, at the workplace, in the cyberworld

Features of bullying

FACT or MYTHStatements made on bullyingLegend
FACT People who bully have power over (apply force unto, dominate) those they bully.Bullies usually pick on those who have less social power (peer status), psychological power (know how to harm others), or physical power (size, strength).
Some bullies also have been bullied by others. People who both bully and are bullied by others are at the highest risk for problems (such as depression and anxiety) and are more likely to become involved in risky or delinquent behavior.
FACT Spreading rumors is a form of bullying.Spreading rumors, name-calling, excluding others, and embarrassing them are all forms of social bullying that can cause serious and lasting harm.
MYTH Only boys bully.Verbal, social, and physical bullying happens among both boys and girls, especially as they grow older.
MYTH People who bully are insecure and have low self-esteem.Many people who bully are popular and have average or better-than-average self-esteem. They often take pride in their aggressive behavior and control over others. They may be part of a group that deems bullying okay. Some people who bully may also have poor social skills and experience anxiety or depression. They may use bullying as a way to gain social status.
MYTH Bullying usually occurs when there are no other students around.Students witness about four out of every five bullying incidents at school. Bystanders give the bullying students positive attention or join in about three-quarters of the time. Although 9 out of 10 students say there is bullying in their schools, adults rarely see bullying, even if they are looking for it.
MYTH Bullying often resolves itself when you ignore it.Bullying reflects an imbalance of power. Ignoring the bullying teaches bullies that they can bully others without consequences. Adults and other students need to stand up for children who are bullied, and to ensure they are protected and safe.
MYTH All children will outgrow bullying.For some, bullying continues as they become older. Unless someone intervenes, the bullying will likely continue and, in some cases, grow into violence and other serious problems. Children who consistently bully others often continue their aggressive behavior through adolescence and into adulthood.
MYTH Reporting bullying will make the situation worse.Research shows that children who report bullying to an adult are less likely to experience bullying in the future. It is beneficial for adults to encourage school children to help keep their school safe and to tell an adult when they see bullying.
MYTH Teachers often intervene to stop bullying.Adults often do not witness bullying despite their good intentions. Teachers intervene in only 14 percent of classroom bullying episodes and in 4 percent of bullying incidents that happen outside
the classroom.
MYTH Nothing can be done at schools to reduce bullying.School initiatives to prevent and stop bullying have reduced bullying by 15 to 50 percent. The most successful initiatives involve the entire school community of teachers, staff, parents, students, and community members.
MYTH Parents are usually aware that their children are bullying others.Parents play a critical role in bullying prevention, but they often do not know if their children bully or are bullied by others. To help prevent bullying, parents need to talk with their children about what is happening at school and in the community.


Signs of (a child) being bullied Signs of (a child) bullying others
Comes home with damaged or missing clothing or other belongings Becomes violent with others
Reports losing items such as books, electronics, clothing, or jewelry Gets into physical or verbal fights with others
Has unexplained injuries Gets sent to the principal’s office or detention a lot
Complains frequently of headaches, stomachaches, or feeling sick Has extra money or new belongings that cannot be explained
Has trouble sleeping or has frequent bad dreams Is quick to blame others
Has changes in eating habits Will not accept responsibility for their actions
Hurts themselves Has friends who bully others
Are very hungry after school from not eating their lunch Needs to win or be best at everything
Runs away from home 
Is afraid of going to school or other activities with peers 
Loses interest in school work or begins to do poorly in school 
Appears sad, moody, angry, anxious or depressed when they come home Signs of cyberbullying
Feels helpless Sending threatening, taunting or teasing emails to someone
Blames themselves for their problems Using a computer or any other technology to spread gossip or rumors or to make someone's private information public
Loses interest in visiting or talking with friends Pretending to be another person online to post or e-mail things that will embarrass or get that person in trouble
Avoids certain places Being a "pretend friend" online with the intention of later hurting or humiliating someone
Talks about suicide "Ganging up" on someone in a chat room or on a message board
Often feels like they are not good enough "Griefing" new or inexperienced players in an online video game by constant picking comments
Suddenly has fewer friends Texting hurtful or rude comments to someone’s phone
Acts differently than usual Using chat, instant messaging or a blog to exclude people, pick on people or divide the "populars" from the "unpopulars"
Source: ► Stopbullying.gov


Ways to deal with a bully
1.Act brave.Take a firm, commanding and non-belligerent stand to let the bully know
that you will not allow him to continue his actions.
2.Ignore.Neutralize the bully’s attempts by not resisting or paying attention.
Don't feed energy to the bully’s efforts.
3.Tell an adult.Speak to someone who is an ally like a parent, friend, teacher, coach, etc.
4.Don't resort to bullying-back.Avoid aggression and violence.
5.Seek the help and support of friends. 
Source:Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D., MFT, US American psychotherapist, marriage and family consultant, educator,
founder and director of Men's Center of Los Angeles, What's the Best Way to Deal with a Bully?, 29. July 2013

Workplace bullying

Study results offered by the Workplace Bullying Institute
96% of American employees experience bullying in the workplace.
Up to 85% of employers ignore bullying complaints.
⚑ Upwards of 35% of women in the workplace are frequent targets of bullying.
1976 – 90% of American women have experienced sexual harrassment in the workplace.
2017 – 80% of American women are experiencing sexual harrassment in the workplace.
Perpetrators of workplace bullying:
In small companies, many times bosses or CEOs are the bullies.
Reason: There is little accountability and no one to challenge that person's authority.
Victims of workplace bullying:
◊ Stereotypically not timid, defenseless, but most respected co-workers at the company
◊ who work hard, ◊ are outspoken, and ◊ show a sense of influence within the company.
◊ They are doers, independent thinkers and confident, which bullies find threatening.
Countermeasures to workplace bullying
♦ Catalogue all discretions, what the bully [often the boss himself] is doing to cause distress or violation of policy.
   Document dates and times, and the what, how and when.
♦ Schedule a meeting with the HR office, the designated party to deal with workplace bullying.93
♦ If a zero-tolerance policy is NOT in place, then outside litigation can be an option.
♦ Call the union representative to sit in on the meeting with HR.
Source: ► Article How to Handle a Workplace Bully, referring to the data of the
Workplace Bullying Institute, presented by PrideStaff Financial, 30. May 2017 [first article dd 28. May 2015]
See also:
⚡Web links featuring rankist management and censorship on the Q&A platform Quora
Established sexual predation at the workplace – Alfred Hitchcock (60ties) • Clarence Thomas (90ties) • Roger Ailes (2016) • Harvey Weinstein (2017)
Dismantling and unmasking prominent perpetrators and spiritual leaders
Siehe auch:
Mobbing und rankistischer Amtsmissbrauch am Arbeitsplatz
Aufdeckung und Entzauberung von prominenten spirituellen Straftätern

Childhood bullying resulting in psychiatric illness in early adulthood

Various studies found that the activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis with bullying victims tends to be altered.
The altered cortisol response thereof increased the risk for developing depression.
Copeland's 2012 study Adult Psychiatric Outcomes of Bullying and Being Bullied by Peers in Childhood and Adolescence concluded that the effects of being bullied are direct, long-lasting, and pleiotropic [genetic].


in childhood
of 1,420 subjects
age 19, 21, 24-26
Mental illness
Psychiatric dysfunction
Increased likelyhood for illness
Compared to 68% peers not exposed to bullying
Bully 5%Antisocial personality disorder4 times more likely
Bullied victim 22%Agoraphobia
Generalized anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
5 times more likely
3 times more likely
3 times more likely
Both bully and bullied victim 5%Suicidality
Panic disorder
Major depressive disorder
19 times more likely only males
15 times more likely
5 times more likely
Control group
Neither bully nor bullied victim
68%./.Basis [Control group]
► Article Effects of Bullying Don't End When School Does, presented by Psychiatric News at American Psychiatric Association,
     volume 48, no. 7, S. 12-175, Joan Arehart-Treichel, US American senior staff writer of Psychiatric News, April 2013
► Abstract Adult Psychiatric Outcomes of Bullying and Being Bullied by Peers in Childhood and Adolescence, presented by the
     monthly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Medical Association JAMA Psychiatry, 20. February 2013


Note: The resulting psychiatric ailments did not significantly differ given that
the exposure to and/or the exertion of bullying occurred once or multiple times.


Bullying is not just a harmless rite of passage or an inevitable part of growing up.
Victims of bullying are at increased risk for emotional disorders in adulthood.

William Copeland, Ph.D., US American epidemiologist, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, Duke University,
report on The first study to explore prospectively the association between peer victimization in childhood and adult psychiatric diagno-
ses and suicidality
, presented by the monthly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Medical Association JAMA Psychiatry, 20. February 2013

Bystander effect – withheld intervention due to diffusion of responsibility

The Bystander effect also called Genovese syndrome is a social psychological phenomenon.94

13. March 1964
Murder case
of Kitty Genovese
♦ Two consecutive attacks on the murdered victim Kitty Genovese.
♦ Nobody initiated a 911 call (the service did not exist then).
♦ Story went unreported for 2 weeks.
♦ Six eye witnesses present
♦ 32 indirect bystanding witnesses failed to call the police.
   Many of the witnesses reported that they did not realize that Kitty Genovese was actually
   being murdered.
They believed that they were witnessing a "lover's quarrel".
   There is also neighborhood watch and the "mad mob effect".
Major factors
are at play:
1. The presence of other people creates a diffusion of responsibility. Individuals do not feel
    as much pressure to take action.
2. The need to behave in correct and socially acceptable ways. When other observers fail to
    react, individuals often take this as a signal that a response is not needed or not appropriate.
3. Onlookers are less likely to intervene if the situation is ambiguous.
Good, passive people – programmed to the bystander effect
"The reason that most people do nothing is that they respect every mother in the world who tells their child: "Mind your own business. Don't get involved." People get programmed not to look at evil, to mind their own business, not to get involved, not to take the heroic action. And essentially what it is we're also being programmed to be egocentric.
Expert comment by Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author, cited in: documentary I Am Fishhead – Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths?, produced by FHmovie.com, Misha Votruba Vaclav Dejcmar, 2011, YouTube film, minute 56:34, 1:1816 duration, posted 23. May 2013
Article The Bystander Effect. What is the Bystander Effect?, presented by Very Well, Kendra Cherry, US American board-certified
     physician, updated 4. October 2016
Audio presentation What Really Happened The Night Kitty Genovese Was Murdered?, presented by the non-commercial US American
     media organization National Public Radio (NPR), 8:09 minutes duration, posted 3. March 2014
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Murder of Kitty Genovese


Seven factors that can help to overcome the Bystander Effect
༺༻Civic courage behavior
1.Witnessing helping behavior
2.Being observant
3.Being skilled and knowledgeable
5.Having a personal relationship
6.Seeing others as deserving of help
7.Feeling good
Source: ► Article How to Overcome the Bystander Effect. 7 Factors That Increase Helping Behavior, presented by Very Well, Kendra Cherry, US American board-certified physician, 5. May 2016

Statistical data on school bullying – Canada

Results of the Study on bullying, Winter 1999
Conducted by University of British Columbia
490 students (half female, half male) in grades 8-10 in a B.C. city
Perpetrators13% bullied other students regularly (once or more a week).
Victims64% of the children had been bullied at school.
12 % were bullied regularly (once or more a week).
Bystanders (witnesses)72% observed bullying at school at least once in a while.
Intervention – Civil courage40% tried to intervene.
Justifications64% considered bullying a normal part of school life.
25-33% said bullying is sometimes OK and/or that it is OK to pick on losers.
20-50% said bullying can be a good thing [i.e. makes one tougher, problem solving].
Status gain61-80% said bullies are often popular and enjoy high status among their peers.
Reference:Emily Bazelon (*1971) US American journalist, author, Sticks and Stones: Defeating the Culture of Bullying and Rediscovering the Power of Character and Empathy, Random House Trade Paperbacks, reprint 11. February 2014
Reference: ► Article Finland is really good at stopping bullying. Here's how they're doing it.,
presented by the website for viral content Upworthy, James Gaines, 1. July 2016



A study on victims of bullying showed "blunted cortisol responses to stress in bullied twins in comparison with their non-bullied co-twins."

Source: medical journal Psychological Medicine, December 2012

  • Bullying is a serious matter, not only on the short term consequences, but it also leaves kind of a physiological change that could affect (the victim's) mental health later on.
    The victims [of bullying] were not reacting physiologically to stress. The non-bullied twins showed the normal response, which is secreting the stress hormone while under stress. […] If we accept the idea suggested by this study, that social environment can change DNA manipulation that is important for stress reactivity and mood regulation, then if we change that environment, if we make sure the victims are not victimized anymore, or if we give them the proper resources to cope better with the situation and get on with their lives, then we have the possibility of reversing what we are observing right now. […] This hypothesis is consistent with accumu-
    lating evidence, mainly derived from animal studies, showing that epigenetic remodeling represents a mechanism by
    which adverse experiences disrupt reactivity to stress and health.
    Isabelle Ouellet-Morin, Ph.D., Canadian assistant professor of clinical psychology, School of Criminology University of Montreal,
    Canada, cited in: Bullying Changes Genes in Children's DNA, Scientists Say, presented by tth US American television network
    ABC World News, column by Lee Dye, 21. December 2012

Politics of poverty and violence – Pride-guilt-shame culture of socio-economic status in the United States

Violence expert and psychiatrist James Gilligan, M.D., Ph.D. screened 107 years of US American rulership given the
two party system consisting of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party.
To his own surprise he discovered that the Republican periods had consistently added to poverty and violence in the United
States whereas the periods ruled by Democratic president consistently lowered the unemployment and homicide rates. His
book Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others, published in 2011, sheds light on his findings.


The political process of the two party system in the U.S.
Consistent trend within a time period of 107 years (1900-2007)

Based on data from the nonpartisan National Center for Health Statistics of the US Public Health Service
Presidential reignTime period
Systemic trend
Wealth-poverty in U.S.
Systemic trend
Homicide rate in U.S.
Republicans59 years of U.S. politicsIncrease in:
unemployment rate
Rise to VDR 51
The most vulnerable and
emotionally illiterate "snapped."
Democrats48 years of U.S. politicsDecrease in:
unemployment rate
Reduction to VDR to 44


"According to the most objective and reliable data that we have concerning prosperity and public safety, the Republican party is the party of poverty and violent death." S. 69
"Republican voters were far more likely than Democratic ones to see the use of violence as both an effective and an acceptable means of resolving social problems and conflicts." S. 126
Source: ► James Gilligan, M.D., Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others, Polity, 1st edition 2. August 2011
Two U.S. party systemIdeological characteristicsAltitude – meme
Republicans► Adhere to a culture of shame
► Believes in superior and inferior people
► Is more closely wired/programmed to a shame-pride based moral frame
► Associates (inter)dependence with dishonour and shame
► Accepting violent retaliations to loss of masculine strength
♦◊♦ Absolutism / fundamentalism
SD96: Blue/Orange/Red meme
Democrats► Subscribe to a culture of guilt
► Espouses equality and compassion
► Favors non-violent solutions.
♦◊♦ Postmodernism
SD: Green/Orange meme
See also:
Shame ethics ↔ guilt ethics – James Gilligan
Income and status gap in 23 of the rich developed countries worldwide – Wilkinson und Pickett
Rankism, humiliation and indignity ⇔ 'Dignity for all, always' – Robert W. Fuller
► Red-Blue-Orange-Green altitudes: Spiral Dynamics map – Clare Graves, Don Beck and Chris Cowan (1996-2006)


  • The degree to which a person experiences feelings of shame depends on two variables:
    1. the way other people are treating him (with admiration and respect, or with contempt and disdain),
    2. and the degree to which he himself already feels proud or ashamed. […]
The more a person is shamed by others, from childhood by parents or peers who ridicule or reject him, the more he is likely to feel chronically shamed, and hypersensitive to feelings and experiences of being shamed, sometimes to the point of feeling that others are treating him with contempt or disdain even when they are not. For such people, and they are the rule among the violent, even a minor sign of real or imagined disrespect can trigger a homicidal reaction.
James Gilligan, M.D., Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, Preventing Violence (Prospects for Tomorrow),
S. 35, Thames & Hudson, July 2001



Lack of respect and self-respect drives violence.

  • The purpose of violence is to force respect from other people. The less self-respect people feel, the more they are dependent on respect from others; for without a certain minimal amount of respect, from others of the self, the self begins to feel dead inside, numb and empty. […]
    When people lack self-respect, and feel they are incapable of eliciting respect from others in the form of admiration for their achievements or their personalities, they may see no way to get respect except in the form of fear, an ersatz, substitute for admiration; and violence does elicit fear, as it is intended to.
    James Gilligan, M.D., Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, Preventing Violence (Prospects for Tomorrow),
    S. 36, Thames & Hudson, July 2001


Comparative neuropolitics stress / brain study results – conservatives and liberals

In 2011 cognitive neuroscientist Ryota Kanai performed MRI scans on
the brains of 90 British male and female students at University College London.
Results of his brain study were published in the scientific journal Current Biology, volume 21(8), S. 677-680, 2011


Differences in the brains of conservatives and liberals
Brain statusConservatives
Memory of (anxiety-based) emotions
Larger in size
Increased amount of gray matter
Normal in size
Normal amount of gray matter
Threat-fearExposure to stress*
Threatening images
Greater skin conductance response
Greater sympathetic nervous system response
Lesser skin conductance response
Lesser sympathetic nervous system response
FrightExposure to stress*
Unexpected noise
Stronger startle reflex
As measured by strength of eyeblink
Less strong startle reflex
As measured by strength of eyeblink
Handling conflicting information
Anterior cingulate cortex98 (ACC)
Monitoring uncertainty  (Stress*)
Normal in size
(Normal amount of gray matter)
Larger in size
(Increased amount of gray matter)
Accuracy of perception
Dealing with conflicting situations
Activity rate in the brain circuits  (Stress*)2.2 times higher4.9 times higher
Moral behavior
Oxytocin is a key ingredient to moral development.99
Oxytocin (hormone) levelLess oxytocinMore oxytocin
Including Independents
Note: Conservative (authoritarian) personalities tend to block distracting information i.e. tend to be in denial.
* Stress Brain scan studies show decreased activity in different parts of the frontal lobes when exposed to different forms of stress. Mental and physical activities (meditation, unfocussing, focussing, intense cognitive work, exercise) that increase frontal brain activity decrease stress. Continued stress shrinks the size of the frontal lobe.
Source: ► Brain study on stress conducted by J. L. Hanson, M. K. Chung, B. B. Avants, K. D. Rudolph, E. A. Shirtcliff, J. C. Gee, R. J. Davidson, S. D. Pollak, department of psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Structural variations in prefrontal cortex mediate the relationship between early childhood stress and spatial working memory, presented by the weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal The Journal of Neuroscience, issue 32(23), S. 7917-7925, 6. June 2012


Written sources:
Article Study finds left-wing brain, right-wing brain, presented by the US American daily newspaper Los Angeles Times,
    Denise Gellene, 10. September 2007
Book Paul Zak, Ph.D. (*1962) US American professor of (neuro)economics and neurology, mathematician, oxytocin researcher,
    Claremont Graduate University, The Center for Neuroeconomics Studies (CNS), Southern California, author,
    The Moral Molecule. The Source of Love and Prosperity, Dutton Adult, 10. May 2012
Article New Studies Show Liberals and Conservatives Have Different Brain Structures, presented by the US American lelf-leaning
     website AlterNet, Alexandra Rosenmann, 6. June 2016
Audio interview: ► Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author,
Failed War on Drugs, drug decriminalization, and addiction, presented by the US American
broadcasting station Citizen Radio, aired 2. November 2012
Video source: ► Presentation by Gail Saltz, US American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, television commentator, columnist, author,
Liberal vs. Conservative: A Neuroscientific Analysis with Gail Saltz, presented by the US American web portal Big Think,
Reference, YouTube film, 14:24 minutes duration, posted 29. May 2016
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Biology and political orientation
See also: ► Culture and ► Neuroscience and ► Politics and ► Politics

Exploitative rankist US criminal justice system – James Gilligan

Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

Justice that love gives is a surrender, justice that law gives is a punishment. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, cited in: Brainyquote

People with childhood histories of trauma, abuse and neglect make up almost the entire criminal justice population in the United States. Bessel van der Kolk, Ph.D. (*1943) Dutch-American professor of psychiatry, researcher in post-traumatic stress, Boston University, educator, author, 2005100


US American psychiatrist and violence/prison expert James Gilligan, Ph.D. provided an overview of two longterm fatal decisions of the US penal system:

  1. War on drugs (people suffering trauma-based addiction),
  2. War on crime (people subject to trauma-based deviation).


Both wars were declared by running president Richard Nixon (1913-1994) in 1968. Campaigning he succeeded in exploiting the anti-black (i.e. anti-Democratic) sentiment in US. His coined language "War on Crime" and "War on Drugs" were code words for "War on Blacks" plus "War on the Poor" (including poor whites).
Institutionalized racism/rankism legalized the era of mass incarceration. After slavery, lynching, segregation, poll taxes
had been declared illegal it was a means to re-institute white supremacy.

The Beginning of the End of Mass Imprisonment and the Misuse of Prisons as Our De Facto Mental Health Care System, presen-
ted by the psychology channel PsychAlive, S. 3, status January 2021



Devastating 'Three Strikes' Law in the United States

Bill and Hillary [Clinton] have been very verbal in criticizing racial profiling as a 'morally indefensible, deeply corrosive practice'. [Bill] Clinton's crime bill, the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, was dubbed the 'three strikes' law and is one which has incarcerated over 2.5 million people, predominately poor people of color who could not afford lawyers during their trials. The 'three strikes' rule sent people to jail for a petty crime or a major felony. It meant prison for life
on the third offense, whatever that happened to be. Clinton's solution was to 'lock 'em up and throw away the key'.
Now he could claim credit for less unemployment.
Dolly Kyle, US American childhood friend and mistress of Bill Clinton, novelist, Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle has published
claims about the Clinton couple's racial politics in her new book
, presented by the radio network Air America, Thom Hartmann Show,
host Thom Hartmann (*1951) US American former psychotherapist and entrepreneur, progressive political commentator, journalist,
author, aired 5. July 2016


  • The US "prison-industrial complex" proceeded with mass incarceration i.e. a Western form of gulagization.
  • Mentally ill people were deinstitutionalized. Living on the streets they ended up in prison, de facto "substitute" mental hospitals without proper care facilities.


Treatment of mentally ill people

  • In the early 19th century social reformer on behalf of the indigent insane Dorothea Dix (1802-1887) concluded that prison inmates were largely mentally ill people, not criminals. Her activism resulted in an era of humane treatment for
    the mentally ill.
  • In the late 19th century the ethnocentric and xenophobic WASP majority pressured against the moral treatment of men-
    tally ill people. Hence, the "snake pit" era resumed.
  • Starting in the mid-1970s the "trans-institutionalization" era began. Prisons became the last resorts of the "mental health system".
  • At the beginning of the 3rd milliennium violence expert James Gilligan repeated the same conclusion as was given by
    Ms. Dix two centuries earlier.
1950s 75% of the institutionalized mentally ill were in mental hospitals. 25% in prisons and jails.
·2011 Only 5% of the mentally ill are in mental hospitals. 95% of the mentally ill are in prisons/jails.


The rate of imprisonment in the US was mostly unchanged for the three quarters of the 20th century.
Beginning mid-1970s US steadily raised her incarceration rate:

1975 100 prisoners (+/- 20) per 100,000 US population
·2011 More than 700 prisoners per 100,000 US population


In less than half a century the ethnic composition in the US prison system reversed itself:

1950s 70% whites 30% blacks, Latinos and others
·2000 70% blacks and Latinos 30% whites and others
Note: There was no fundamental change in the patterns of criminal activity among those ethnic groups.


~35% of the "felonies" are a non-violent and victimless violation of the existing drug laws.
Yet nearly four million colored and poor white Americans were deprived the right to vote, often for life.
The benefactor of this strategy is the Republican party.


It is not in the vested interest of the ruling class to pursue those social policies that would cut down on crime; on the contrary, it is in their interests to keep the crime rate as high as possible. The ruling class (all of whom are white, in America) is responsible, in large part, for the way in which we, as a community, have chosen to distribute our collective wealth (since they, or those who represent their interests, write the laws that constitute these choices), which is, in turn responsible for the social inequities that lead to crime and violence. At the same time, it is the ruling class that wages the so-called 'war on crime', which is really a war on the poor.
James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, former director of the Center for the Study of Violence, Harvard Medical School, author, Violence. Reflections on a National Epidemic, Vintage, 1st edition 29. April 1997

Before our white brothers arrived to make us civilized men,
➤ we didn't have any kind of [no] prison. Because of this, we had no delinquents. Without a prison, there can be no delinquents.
➤ We had no locks nor keys and therefore among us there were no thieves.
➤ When someone was so poor that he couldn't afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, he would, in that case, receive it all as a gift.
➤ We were too uncivilized to give great importance to private property.
➤ We didn’t know any kind of [no] money and consequently, the value of a human being was not determined by his wealth.
➤ We had no written laws laid down, no lawyers, no politicians, therefore we were not able to cheat and swindle one another.
➤ We were really in bad shape before the white men arrived and I don't know how to explain how we were able to manage without these fundamental things that (so they tell us) are so necessary for a civilized society.

John Fire Lame Deer [The Old Man] (1900/1903-1976) North American Mineconju-Lakota Sioux holy man, member of the Heyoka society, father of Archie Fire Lame Deer (1935-2001), Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions, recorded interviews with Richard Erdoes (1912-2008) Hungarian German artist, illustrator, author first published 1972, Simon & Schuster, 1. October 1994


Direct source:
► Blog article by James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, The Beginning of the End of Mass Imprisonment
     and the Misuse of Prisons as Our De Facto Mental Health Care System
, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper
     Huffington Post, 29. June 2011, updated 29. August 2011
Related book / Articles:
Terry Kupers, M.D. Ph.D., US American professor of psychiatry, Prison Madness. The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars and What We
     Must Do About It
, Jossey-Bass, 1st edition 5. February 1999
► Article Prison Rape Widely Ignored by Authorities, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation ABC News, Dan Harris,
     16. April 2013
► Article by Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and
     societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, America's Slave Empire, presented by the progressive US American news website Truthdig,
     22. June 2015
► Article To Reduce Prison Population, Invest in Public Mental Health, New Study Says, presented by Truth Theory, Luke Miller,
     content manager, 19. June 2017
Every dollar spent annually on inpatient mental health by a state would yield a positive spillover benefit of a quarter dollar for the jail system by reducing the number of inmates according to study published in the peer-reviewed academic journal Social Science & Medicine, December 2016


See also:
Rankism, humiliation and indignity ⇔ "Dignity for all, always" – Robert W. Fuller
Quotes on Dignity ⇔ Rankism by Robert W. Fuller
Healing individual trauma and transforming culture and society – Peter Levine

Norway's humane penal system

Norway's reoffending rates of former prisoners are the lowest in Europe: less than 30%.
Note 1: In 2007, 14 prisons in England and Wales had reconvictions rates of more than 70%. Tendency rising since 2001.
Note 2: Prison guards in Norway train for three years, whereas in England they train for six weeks only.


Captives at the United States military prison Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Bastøy Prison is a minimum-security prison on Bastøy Island, Norway, about 75 kilometres south of Oslo. Called both "holiday camp" and the world's first "human ecological prison", this island prison is housing 115 prisoners.
The main requirement for its inmates is the determination to live a crime-free life on release.
Bastoy's rules are: no violence, no alcohol and no drugs.
Its reoffending rate for released prisoners is 16% (lowest record of any prison in Europe).


Note 3: Norway coined the unique term Likeverd, which does not exist in other languages. "Likeverd" means "equality in dignity". The concepts of human dignity and equality have had a chance to develop organically in Norway's past history due to the circumstance that this formerly very poor country was never conquered by neighboring nations. Hence, her people were saved from prolonged subjugation.


Source: ► Article The Norwegian prison where inmates are treated like people,
presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Erwin James, 25. February 2013
Written references:
► Article Reoffending rates reach record level, presented by the British news outlet BBC News, United Kingdom, 24. May 2012
► Article Proven reoffending statistics, presented by the Ministry of Justice, Government United Kingdom, 20. August 2013
Video reference:
Presentation by Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social
     sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS),
     author, HumanDHS lecture 2013: Dignity and Humiliation: Norway and the Concept of likeverd, 1:23:48 duration, recorded
     8. February 2013
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Recidivism

Culture degrading and women debasing BDSM – 50 Shades of Grey

Sadomasochism – 50 Shades of Grey


Diana Rigg as Emma Peel
TV series The Avengers (1965-1968)

Sadomasochism is the sexual expression of despotism/tyranny. This violent, humiliating, pain-lust form of sexuality requires two "consenting" players: a dominator and a submissive. Same way despotism requires the cruel rules class and the "consenting" dumbed-down desensitized massminded people.


In the beginning of the Aquarian age women are being empowered to win both more influence and standing in public life, while at the same time they are more "oppressed" in even more sinister approaches.

When young girls at their 18th birthday accept the gift of a torte decorated with SM symbols in order to allow themselves to be beaten and humiliated by Mr. Supercool-Cruel, only because it has become a supposedly liberating "fashion" to do so, then they have fallen for a debasing trend and agreed to their own degradation and exploitation and that of their gender as a whole.


In the 60ties the English actress Diana Rigg (1938-2020) was given the movie name "Mrs. Emma Peel". It was deliberately chosen by movie producers along with their culture building/destroying backers and financiers. Pronounced as "Miss SM-Appeal", it calls upon the violent streak in viewers.
A forerunner of designing BDSM and punk attire, Diana Rigg played both the roles of the dominatrix and the sex sklave in movies. That way she indeed influenced the modern image of women in a de-
grading sense.


The 2011 novel trilogy 50 Shades of Grey (70 million sold copies) followed by the 2015 movie with the same title are corporatist mainstream media hyped culture destroying and human degrading trash. It is not a "love"story, but a continued story of abuse with an irreal happy end bet-
ween a superrich psychopath and a minor, a schoolgirl. It mirrors the way how the archetypes Pluto and Persephone
(Wolf and Red Riding Hood) were engaged in an imbalanced relationship.


Submissive character Anastasia Steele to dominating character Christian Grey:
"Please don't hit me. I don't want you to spank me, not here, not now. Please don't."


American professor of family studies Amy E. Bonomi found the book Fifty Shades of Grey "a glaring glamorization
of violence against women."


 Amy Bonomi
  • Our systematic analysis of Fifty Shades of Grey, the first novel in the trilogy, reveals pervasive emotional and sexual violence in Christian and Anastasia's relationship. Our analysis also shows Anastasia suffers significant harm as a result – including constant perceived threat, managing/altering her behaviors to keep peace in the relationship, lost identity and disempowerment and entrapment as her behaviors become mechanized in response to Christian's abuse. Christian uses an interlocking pattern of emotional abuse strategies – stalking, intimidation, isolation, and humiliation – to manipulate and control every aspect of Anastasia's behavior. These strategies are consistent with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's definitions of intimate partner violence. 1


In two consecutive studies concerning the "50 Shades of Grey" phenomenon Dr. Bonomi concluded:

The problematic abuse message in "Fifty Shades" creates an underlying context that normalizes abuse. 2


In her first study Dr. Bonomi found that 36% of the female readers of the bestselling Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy liked
it whereas two thirds DID NOT.
As a result of her second study on the "50 Shades of Grey" phenomenon Bonomi concluded:

  • Compared to participants who didn't read the book, those who read the first 'Fifty Shades' novel were
    ➤ 25 percent more likely to have a partner who yelled or swore at them;
    ➤ 34 percent more likely to have a partner who demonstrated stalking tendencies; and
    ➤ more than 75 percent more likely to have used diet aids or fasted for more than 24 hours.
Those who read all three books in the series were
➤ 65 percent more likely than nonreaders to binge drink – or drink five or more drinks on a single occasion
on six or more days per month – and
➤ 63 percent more likely to have five or more intercourse partners during their lifetime. 2


  • BI: Some people argue that "Fifty Shades" is just fantasy.
    Amy Bonomi: People have been making that argument about porn for a long time, but the empirical studies show
    that those who are interacting with porn are much more likely to hold attitudes that support violence against women
    and more likely to be violent against women in their own relationships.
1 Article Is Fifty Shades Triumphant for Women? Or Further Entrapping Them?, presented by the US American online newspaper
     Huffington Post, Amy E. Bonomi, Ph.D., US American professor of family studies, chair of human development, Michigan State
     University, 12. August 2013, updated 12. October 2013
2 Article The foremost academic expert on 'Fifty Shades of Grey' tells us why the movie is truly horrible, presented by the United
     Kingdom business news website Business Insider, Lauren F. Friedman, 17. February 2015


Fifty Shades of Grey, the book and the movie, is a celebration of the sadism that dominates nearly every aspect of American culture and lies at the core of pornography and global capitalism. It glorifies our dehumanization of women. It champions a world devoid of compassion, empathy and love. It eroticizes hypermasculine power that carries out the abuse, degradation, humiliation and torture of women whose personalities have been removed, whose only desire is to debase themselves in the service of male lust. The film, like [the 2014 produced American biographical war drama film] American Sniper, unquestioningly accepts a predatory world where the weak and the vulnerable are objects to exploit while the powerful are narcissistic and violent demigods. It blesses this capitalist hell as natural and good.
Article by Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics
and societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like, presented by the progressive
US American news website Truthdig, 15. February 2015


50 Shades is pornography. Like most pornography, the storyline is weak, the characters one-dimensional, while the sex itself graphic, detailed, but formulaic. The underlying theme to 50 Shades is something far more sinister and appalling though than your mere run-of-the-mill porn. It is pedophilia. Judith Reisman, Ph.D. (1935-2021) US American professor of communications, social critic of the work and legacy of Alfred Kinsey, president of the Institute for Media Education, cultural conserva-
tive author, 50 Shades of Grey – Pedophilia Hiding In Plain Sight, March 2013


"Whoever debases others is debasing themselves. That is not a mystical statement but a most realistic one, which is proved by the eyes of any Alabama sheriff."  James Baldwin (1924-1987) US afroamerican social critic, playwright, essayist, short story writer, novelist, The Fire Next Time, S. 73, Dial Press, 1963


"Sadomasochism is an institutionalized celebration of dominant/subordinate relationships. And, it prepares us either to accept subordination or to enforce dominance. Even in play, to affirm that the exertion of power over powerlessness is erotic, is empowering, is to set the emotional and social stage for the continuation of that relationship, politically, so-
cially, and economically. Sadomasochism feeds the belief that domination is inevitable and legitimately enjoyable."

Audre Lorde (1934-1992) Caribbean-American activist, poet, writer, I Am Your Sister. Collected and Unpublished Writings, Transgressing Boundaries. Studies in Black Politics and Black Communities, Oxford University Press, 1st edition 12. August 2011


BDSM novels trilogy: ► Erica Mitchell [E. L. James] (*1963) English author, Fifty Shades of Grey, Vintage Books, 20. June 2011
► Blog article Too Many Shades of Grey, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost, Elizabeth Debold, Ed.D., US American gender
     researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE /
     EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, 27. April 2012
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Fifty Shades of Grey (film), 2015
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Fifty Shades of Grey (Film), 2015
See also:
Encountering and integrating four layers of generational shadow – RHH ♦ Mother ♦ Grandmother ♦ Goddess
⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control
Psychopathically obsessed director Alfred Hitchcock
Quotes on female masochism – Maria Marcus and Paula Caplan
Humiliation and ► Dignity and ► Narcissism


Links zum Thema Gewalt / Violence


  • Susan Brownmiller (*1935) US-amerikanische radikalfeministische Aktivistin, Journalistin Autorin, Gegen unseren Willen. Vergewaltigung und Männerherrschaft, 1975, Fischer Taschenbuch, Frankfurt am Main, 2000

Wegweisende Studie/Buch zum Thema sexuelle Gewalt

Bekenntnis und Erkenntnis einer ehemaligen sexuelle Masochistin

Literature (engl.)

The role of shame in the etiology of murder; Disrespected, indignified and humiliated (mainly male) murderers in a shame-pride culture symbolically attempt to punish others for their sense of shame; guilt feelings inhibits violence; punishment tends to generate violence; both in parenting and in the dysfunctional U.S. penal system.

When a trauma that is experienced as humiliation is not mourned, it may lead to the feeling of entitlement to revenge and, under the pressure of fear/anxiety, to collective regression.

United Nations report: "Most poor people do not live under the shelter of the law, but far from the law's protection." In today's world 2.5 billion people are not safe and in need of help. "Sadly, the public justice systems in the developing world not only fail to protect the poor from violence, but they actually perpetrate violence, protect perpetrators, and make poor people less safe." Every part of the criminal justice system pipeline is broken. Police. Prosecutors. The Courts. Every bit of it.
See also related book: "Half the Sky. Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide", September 2009

Tracing the historical impact of polarized thinking from ancient Greece and Rome down to Hitler, Stalin and Bush. The damage and destruction
to civilization because of "I'm right, you are wrong" thinking is staggering.

Misogyny as a debilitating process is policed, enforced, upheld, rationalized, and justified, whether overtly or covertly, in order to subordinate women and uplift men as a dominant, privileged and entitled gender.

Externe Weblinks

Bericht über Studie von US-Wissenschaftlerin Lara Stemple von der Universität Los Angeles in Kongo und Liberia

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit Dr. Robert Jensen Am Ende angekommen: Pornografie und männliche Normalität, präsentiert von der Frauenbiografien-Datenbank FemBio, Brigitta Huhnke, 16. März 2009
  • Artikel Wie Pornographie langfristig unsere Gehirne schädigt und unsere Leistung verschlechtert, präsentiert von dem online Informationsprojekt Alpha Mann, Frank Kern, November 2014

Weblinks zum Thema Gewalt und Mobbing – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

  • Gail Dines, US American professor of sociology and women's studies and others, Boston, promoter of the international feminist anti-porn organization Stop Porn Culture campaign, originally issued in the 70s

1. Non-disclosure agreements in sexual misconduct cases violate public policy and should be made unenforceable.
2. Eliminate the statutes of limitation for sex abuse, assault, and harassment.
3. Insurance companies (and Congress) need to institute workplace rules with teeth that are a pre-condition to coverage and/or service that halt the secrecy spiral.
4. The defamation laws need to be rewritten to protect the victim who goes public.

Critique on NVC

Linkless articles

  • Article List of Rape Myths. Sociology of Rape, presented by the University of Minnesota, Duluth, John Hamlin, Ph.D., © 2001

Date rape example

1-2% of "date rape" sexual assaults are reported to the police.
99.3% of all criminal rape cases do not have any legal consequences.

Audio- und Videolinks

Die Pharma-Psychiatrie begann mit der Beteiligung des Chemie-Pharma-Konzerns IG-Farben im Dritten Reich (Menschenversuche in Auschwitz, 220.000 Morde, 400.000 Zwangssterilisierungen, Nürnberger Kriegsverbrechertribunal). Krieg (Faschismus) und Krankheit (Pharmazie) sind die lukrativsten Profitquellen der westlichen Hochfinanz. Rockefeller finanzierte das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut im Dritten Reich. Psychische Störungen, wie ausgeschrieben im DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual), dem Handbuch der Psychiatrie der APA, des amerikanischen Fachverbands für Psychologie, sind nicht messbar, Diagnosen medizinisch nicht belegbar.
Siehe auch: profit-over-life.org

  • Videointerview mit Rüdiger Lenz (*1962) deutscher Selbstentwickler, Freiheits- und Friedensaktivist, systemischer Therapeut, Sachbuchautor, KenFM im Gespräch mit: Rüdiger Lenz ("Die Fratze der Gewalt"), präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM, Gastgeber Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radiomoderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), KenTube Film, 1:20:41 Dauer, eingestellt 26. Juli 2020


Dokumentationen und Filme

  • Video Fernsehdokumentation Die Wissenschaft der Pornografie, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender WDR, wöchentliches Wissenschafts-Fernsehmagazin Quarks, Sendetermin 14. März 2017, YouTube Film, 42:34 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. März 2017

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video television interview with Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, Dr. King: Nonviolence is the Most Powerful Weapon, presented by the US American commercial broadcast television network NBC, weekly program "Look Here", host Martin Agronsky, Montgomery, Alabama, aired 27. October 1957, YouTube film, 8:13 minutes duration, posted 3. April 2008
  • Video presentation by Steven Pinker, Ph.D. (*1954) Canadian-born US American Johnstone professor of experimental psychology, Harvard University, cognitive scientist, linguist, popular science author, The surprising decline in violence, presented by TEDx Talks, transcript, 19:11 minutes duration, filmed March 2007

Though it seems illogical and even obscene, given Iraq and Darfur, we are living in the most peaceful time in our species' existence. Charting the decline of violence from Biblical times to the present

5 stages of a domestic violence relationship:
1. Seducing/charming/idolizing the victim
2. Isolating the victim
3. Threatening the victim with acts of violence
4. Violently abusing the victim
5. Killing the victim (especially after ending the relationship)
༺♥༻ Solution: Breaking the silence

Chenoweth researched 323 campaigns concerning the relative success of violent efforts versus nonviolent efforts. Her historical studies of social change movements in the 20th century proved that between 1900-2006, nonviolent civil resistance was twice as successful as violent campaigns. Civil resistance is ten times as likely to lead to democratic outcomes as violence. The so-called "3.5% rule" claims that no government can withstand a challenge of 3.5% of its population without either accommodating the movement or (in extreme cases) disintegrating it.

  • Video interview with Neil Sanders, British psychologist, expert on media productions, mind control researcher, qualified hypnotherapist, author, Was Saville part of an MI5 child sex entrapment operation?, presented by the British web TV station Richplanet TV, host Richard D. Hall, British electrical and electronic engineer, North London, YouTube film, 21. December 2012

Organized shadow elite child abuse and child sacrifice

A Q&A with Thordis Elva and Tom Stranger, posted by the TED staff, 7. February 2017

Linkless media offerings

  • Video TV interview with Conchita Sarnoff, US American executive director at The Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, commentator, editor, investigative journalist, Pedophile Empire Exposed, presented by the The Alex Jones Show InfoWars,
    host Jakari Jackson, deleted YouTube film, 20:16 minutes duration, posted 20. May 2016
  • Video presentation by Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D. (*1946) Canadian clinical developmental psychologist, author, What Makes a
    , sponsored by the KMT Child Development and Community conference, Toronto, Canada, 13.-14. April 2012, filmed by
    TVO Parents, YouTube film, 1:09:19 minutes duration, posted 25. April 2012

Bully syndrome – understanding how bullies are made and unmade

"I exploited their naivety to show and to demonstrate personal dominance and superiority [alpha instincts gone awry].
That makes a bully."
Minute 57:39
"We need to be able to feel, to have a soft heart. You won't have a bully with a soft heart." Minute 58:10

Audio ebook links (engl.) – Lloyd deMause

Audio and video links (engl.) – James Gilligan

Currently the United States has the highest rates of violence in the developed world.

  • Video presentation by James Gilligan, Ph.D., US American psychiatrist, violence expert, author, Violence, YouTube film,
    4:00 minutes duration, posted 20. October 2010

Explaining the reasons why the United States has the highest rates of violence in the developed world today.

Solving the most serious public health problem of the human species
DVD documentary Matter of Respect by Lauren Hatvany, posted 30. June 2011

Capital punishment is murder in return.

The morality of revenge=punishment is destructive and self-feeding.

The African Americans and the Native Americans have been treated as inferior people by the white population who rationalized it.

Drawing on a century of evidence, American psychiatrist James Gilligan's theory has implications for every country that calls itself democratic
and humane.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Jackson Katz

Audios and videos by Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American social theorist, educator, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, creator and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), filmmaker, author
TypeOfferingTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
YouTube videoDocumentary trailer
Tough Guise. Violence, Media and the Crisis in Masculinity, presented by Mediaed.org, recorded 2000, excerpt
full movie
4. October 2006
25. March 2020
Tough Guise is the first educational video geared toward college and high school students to systematically examine the relationship between pop-cultural imagery and the social construction of masculine identities in the U.S. at the dawn of the 21st century.
YouTube videoPresentationWrestling With Manhood:
Boys, Bullying and Battering
, presented by Mediaed.org, recorded 2002
4:554. October 2006
YouTube videoPresentationSchool Shootings, sponsored by Challenge and Change Awards Celebration, Men's Resource Center, 22. April 2007, presented by ChallengingMedia8:191. May 2007
YouTube videoTV interviewPenn State Sexual Abuse Analysis, presented by the David Pakman Show, host David Pakman (*1984) US American television and radio host, political commentator12:2223. November 2011
YouTube videoPresentationDr Jackson Katz presentation at 'Be the Hero' premiere event, sponsored by Australian The Victorian Women's Trust, BE THE HERO conference, Storming Against Violence Week of Action Premier Event Melbourne Town Hall, 16. February 201231:4629. March 2012
YouTube videoFour part interview seriesSexual Violence is a Man's Issue, part 1 of 4
Sexism, Racism and Homophobia, part 2 of 4
The Language of Sexual Assault, part 3 of 4
A Leadership Role for Police in Ending Sexual Violence, part 4 of 4
sponsored and interviewed by Office on Violence Against Women,
US Department of Justice, ACASAFayetteville
20. December 2012
YouTube videoPresentationViolence and Silence, sponsored by TEDxFiDiWomen19:0711. February 2013
YouTube videoTV interviewReshaping Masculinity: In Conversation with Jackson Katz, presented by Stylelikeu, host Elisa Goodkind6:5729. November 2013
YouTube videoTV interviewWhy Males Are Responsible for 90% of Murders, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), host Abby Martin (*1984) US American journalist8:5819. December 2013
Discussing the underlying forces of gender politics and the role of masculinity when it comes to violent crime
YouTube videoTV interviewThe Macho Paradox, presented by the US American broadcasting station "CCTV America", host Mike Walters12:1418. April 2015
YouTube videoPresentationJackson Katz at the 2015 National Sexual Assault Conference, sponsored by National Sexual Assault Conference, California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA), 2.-4. September 201524:164. September 2015
YouTube videoTV interviewMore 2016 Gender Politics Than Just "Playing the Woman Card", presented by David Pakman Show, host David Pakman (*1984) US American political commentator, aired 25. May 201614:0725. May 2016
AudioRadio interview MP3Jackson Katz – Weinstein: Do men look the other way?, presented by the New Zealand public service radio broadcaster RNZ (Radio New Zealand)19:3014. October 2017
See also: ► Men: Audio and video links (engl.) – Jackson Katz

Audio and video links (engl.) – Marshall Rosenberg

  • Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934-2015) US American psychologist, psychotherapist, developer of Nonviolent Communication, cited in: "Don’t do anything that isn’t play.", presented by the website happilyfamily.com, Cecilia Hilkey, 2013
    Translating 'Have to' into 'to Choose'
    MR invited the audience to insult him. Someone shouted out 'dumb-ass'. He jokingly replied,
    "This could make me feel like a PPPPPT –
    pretty poor protoplasm poorly put together. When in 'jackal' mode (which most people are) we can respond to verbal abuse:
    1. taking it personally, feel hurt, feel guilty, feel confused, become depressed.
    2. judge the other person for judging us, feel angry.
    When in 'giraffe' mode we listen moment by moment to what's alive in us and in the other person."

Celebration of life, no blame – no praise, no punishment – no rewards

Expressing and receiving appreciation and gratitude; false humility

Linkless media offering

  • Video interview with Marshall B. Rosenberg (1934-2015) US American psychologist, psychotherapist, developer of Nonviolent Communication, What are the real roots of violence?, part 1 of 2, presented by the dissolved online TV station Bigpicture.tv,
    9:35 minutes duration, no date advised
    "Every criticism, judgment, diagnosis, and expression of anger is the tragic expression of an unmet need."
    "All violence is the result of people tricking themselves into believing that their pain derives from other people and that consequently those people deserve to be punished."

Audio and video links (engl.) – David Livingstone Smith

See also: ► Conflict: Audio and video links (engl.) – David Livingstone Smith

Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem

The U.S. Department of State estimates that every year 600,000-800,000 people, mostly women, are transported among international borders in the worldwide illegal sex trade. After drug trafficking human trafficking is the second-most lucrative illegal industry globally followed by labor trafficking.


See also:
► Women: Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem
► Women's literature: Audio and video links (engl.) – Gloria Steinem

Audio and video links (engl.) – Sex addiction – Patrick Carnes

  • Video workshop for therapists by Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. C.A.S. drpatrickcarnes.com (*1944) leading US American sex addiction specialist and therapist on "addictive society, sex addiction, Internet porn", Minneapolis, creator of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (ITAAP), author, Why Treatment Works, YouTube film, 40:53 minutes duration, posted 24. March 2017

Audio and video links (engl.) – Internet pornography addiction – Gail Dines, Robert Jensen

Social and cultural impact of pornography in American society. Boys first view porn at the average age of 11.5 years resulting in an unhealthy understanding of sexuality.

  • Video interview with Gail Dines, US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography campaigner, The pitfalls of porn, presented by the international state-funded 24-hour English-language news
    TV channel Al Jazeera English, host Riz Khan, YouTube film, 22:33 minutes duration, posted 16. September 2010

The global reach of explicit pornography via the internet creates addicts, desensitizes men and degrades, debases, dehumanizes and objectifies women.

Linkless media offering

  • Video presentation by Gail Dines, Ph.D., US American professor of sociology and women's studies, Wheelock College, Boston, anti-pornography campaigner, author, How Porn Creates the John: Porn, Trafficking and the Social Construction of Masculinity, sponsored by and delivered at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 19. December 2012, YouTube film, 54:57 minutes duration, posted by SPC organization 13. February 2013

The impact of pornography and its impact on men, discussing pornography in terms of morality and religion, Jensen's discussion of his personal history and relationship with pornography and masculinity

Im­pact of watching por­no­gra­phy as a re­se­ar­cher and fe­mi­nist cri­tic; por­no­gra­phy, se­xua­li­ty and ma­le do­mi­na­ti­on as a form of me­dia li­ter­a­cy

Difficulties in confronting the realities of patriarchy, and how men and women respond to the notion of moving beyond dominating masculinity and feminity roles

The chal­len­ges of brin­ging the fe­mi­nist an­ti-​por­no­gra­phy mo­ve­ment in­to the sa­me le­vel of im­me­di­a­cy in the left as the an­ti-​ra­cist, an­ti-​im­pe­ria­list, and an­ti-​ca­pi­ta­list mo­ve­ments

Audio and video links (engl.) – Internet pornography addiction – Fradd, Kastleman, Schneider, Reisman, Wilson, Zimbardo

  • Video documentation Pornography addiction, a health hazard that western culture, written and directed by Jonathan Schneider, YouTube film, posted 12. November 2007

Internet pornography is NOT harmless. Interviews with sociologists, psychologists, scientists and law enforcement officials detail the negative side effects of pornography consumption.

  • Animated video series by Gary Wilson, US American science teacher, presented by BodyWisdomVideos, YouTube animation, posted 6. June 2010

Discussing the relationship between pornography and brain circuits

Discussing the physiology of erections, ED, virtual overstimulation, recovery from Internet porn

"Love is an addiction based on porn."

In response to Philip Zimbardo's TED talk The Demise of Guys?

Wilson explains the science behind the effects of pornography on the brain and body, how addiction is developed, and the widely published! misleading idea of "perceived addiction."

Movies and documentaries

Linkless media offering

  • Short video documentary How ((( they ))) manipulate your psyche & your mind by the porn industry, produced by Mark Collett, YouTube film, 29:48 minutes duration, posted 8. September 2018

The Jewish role in the porn industry


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Artikel Vergewaltigung – Anschlag auf Körper und Seele, präsentiert von der Webseite e110, 28. Mai 2005

2 Ergebnis der ersten Studie Nationale Repräsentativuntersuchung zu Gewalt gegen Frauen in Deutschland. Offizieller Titel "Lebenssituation, Sicherheit und Gesundheit von Frauen in Deutschland" i. A. des bundesdeutschen Bundesministeriiums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Laufzeit: 3/2002 – 10/2004, 2004

3 P. Wetzels und C. Pfeiffer, Sexualisierte Gewalt gegen Frauen im öffentlichen und privaten Raum (Materialien zur Frauenpolitik, 48). Bonn: BMFSFJ, 1995

4 D.G.Kilpatrick and C.L. Best, Sexual assault victims: data from a random national probability sample, presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1990

5 Gelöschter Artikel von Petra Hildenbrandt, Psychische und psychosomatische Folgen sexualisierter Gewalt und damit zusammenhängende Mängel in der gesundheitlichen Versorgung, 2003

6 Artikel Vergewaltigung. Mord an der Seele, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 3. August 1981

7 Artikel Vergewaltigung. Mord an der Seele, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 3. August 1981

8 Deutschland, Stand 2010

9 Stand: Deutschland, im 1. Jahrzehnt des dritten Jahrtausends

10 Zeitraum: 2001-2006

11 Deutschland, deutsche Polizeistatistik, 2007

12 Stand: Deutschland, 2006

13 Gelöschte Statistik zu "Vergewaltigungen in Deutschland", PDF, bereit gestellt von Frauen gegen Gewalt (BV-FGG)

14 Vergleichsstudie zur sexueller Gewalt in Europa, Different systems, similar outcomes?: Tracking attrition in reported rape cases in eleven countries, researchgate.net, April 2009

15 Katja Goedelt, Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung. Untersuchung der Strafverfahrenswirklichkeit, Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften, Band 8, S. 73, Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010

16 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 2000
Siehe: Frauenstatuskommission der Vereinten Nationen

17 Dissertation von Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen, Medizinische Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 16. Dezember 2004

18 Studie des Bundesfamilienministeriums

19 Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen, 2004

20 LMU München, Medizinische Fakultät, durchgeführt von Nicola Brosi, Dezember 2004

21 Nicola Brosi, Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz von Vergewaltigungsmythen in verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen, Dissertation, Medizinische Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 16. Dezember 2004

22 Siehe Studie von Dr. Hans Morschitzky, Wien, an über 1500 Vergewaltigungsopfern

23 Von 7789 Frauen "träumten" nicht einmal 0,7 Prozent von Vergewaltigung. Kinsey-Befragung, ~1952

24 Groth, 1979

25 Martha R. Burt, Rape myths and acquaintance rape, In: A. Parrot und L. Bechhofer, Herausgeber, Acquaintance Rape. The Hidden Crime, New York. S. 28ff (26-40) 1991

26 Bohner, 1998

27 Koss, Leonard, Beezley und Oros, 1985

28 Malamuth, 1981

29 Ogi Jonathan Ogas US American cognitive neuroscientist, Sainath Gaddam, M.D., Bachelor of Technology Boston University, A Billion Wicked Thoughts. What the World's Largest Experiment Reveals about Human Desire, Dutton Adult, 5. May 2011

30 Umfrageergebnis bei mehr als 1000 Befragten im Auftrag von BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat, veröffentlicht in DNews.de, 22. April 2011

31 Survey for BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat with more than 1000 respondents, Men view 2 hours of porn a week, presented by the publication The Indian Express, London, 22. April 2011

32 Statistisches Jahrbuch der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1999

33 Review Kiss daddy goodnight. People prefer to think of incest as rare. But in every fourth family, a girl is sexually abused by a trusted adult. Debbie Taylor uncovers the dangerous truth behind the 'safe' family facade., presented by New Internationalist, #138, 5. August 1984

34 Alessandra H. Rellini, Ph.D., University of Vermont and Cindy M. Meston, Ph.D. (*1960) US American director of The Sexual Psychophysiology Laboratory, University of Texas, Austin

35 Burke S. Richmond, M.D., University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

36 "This dopamine effect explains why pornography tends to become more and more extreme over time: ordinary sexual images eventually lose their power, leading consumers to need images that break other taboos in other kinds of ways, in order to feel as good. Moreover, some men (and women) have a "dopamine hole" – their brains' reward systems are less efficient – making them more likely to become addicted to more extreme porn more easily.
As with any addiction, it is very difficult, for neurochemical reasons, for an addict to stop doing things – even very self-destructive things – that enable him to get that next hit of dopamine." Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American former political consultant, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, Is pornography driving men crazy? Could the widespread availability and consumption of pornography in recent years actually be rewiring the male brain?, presented by Aljazeera.net, 2. Jul 2011

37 Dr. James Dobson, Life on the Edge, S. 189, Word Publishing, Nashville, 1995

38 Vimeo video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Common Hour: Gloria Steinem on Vimeo, sponsored by the Franklin & Marshall College, Mayser Gymnasium, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, recorded 9. September 2010, minute 52:03, 53:51 minutes duration, posted 16. February 2015

39 See reference

40 See also: Video interview with Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Cooperation Beats Submission – In Bed, transcript included, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, host Max Miller, 2:37 minutes duration, recorded 28. October 2010, posted 4. November 2010

41 Result of the first representative study on violence against women Forschungsprojekt:Nationale Repräsentativuntersuchung zu Gewalt gegen Frauen in Deutschland in Germany on behalf of the German Bundesministerin für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend [Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth]], 2004

42 Rapes in Germany; Statistics, statista.com

43 Comparative study on sexual violence in Europe, London Metropolitan University, 2009

44 Katja Goedelt, Göttinger Studien zu den Kriminalwissenschaften. Vergewaltigung und sexuelle Nötigung. Untersuchung der Straverfahrenswirklichkeit'', Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010

45 BJS: Bureau of Justice StatisticsHomicide Trends in the U.S.Homicide trends in the United States

46 Article Women far less likely to kill than men; no one sure why., presented by the US American daily newspaper The Boston Globe, A. Bass, S. 27, 24. February 1992

47 Treatise Rethinking homicide: Violence, race, and the politics of gender, presented by the International Journal of Health and Services, E. Stark, 20(1): 18, 1990

48 Writing "Violence Against Women, A Majority Staff Report, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate", 102nd Congress, S. 2, October 1992

49 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online

50 Source: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Research

51 Article Assessing violent couples, presented by Families in Society, volume 72, issue 9, S. 525-535, H. Douglas, 1991

52 Article Violent no more: Helping men end domestic abuse, presented by Hunter House Publications, Alameda, California, M. Paymar, 2000

53 National Crime Statistics, United States of America

54 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics

55 Thoringer, D., Krivackska, J., Laye-McDonough, M., Jarrison, L., Vincent, O., & Hedlund, A. (1988). Prevention of child sexual abuse: An analysis of issues, educational programs and research findings. School Psychology Review, 17(4): 614-636]]

56 U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justic Statistics

57 Study result on "Aggressive Driving" Nearly 80 percent of drivers express significant anger, aggression or road rage, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, presented by Science Daily, 14. July 2016

58 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). Population Data, SAMHDA

59 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

60 Justice Department, November 1997

61 National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1993

62 Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2010. National Estimates of Drug-RelatedEmergency Department Visits, 2010

63 The Statistics Canada Homicide in Canada 2000

64 Police and Crime Summary Statistics for B.C. in 2000

65 Canadian Crime Statistics, 2000 report

66 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 2000

67 National Victim Center and Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center, 1992

68 National Victim Center and Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center

69 Thoringer, School Psychology Review, 17 (4):614-636)

70 U.S. Department of Justice, 1991

71 FBI crime statistics

72 Alfred Kinsey, Ph.D. (1894-1956) US American professor of entomology and zoology, biologist, sexologist, founder of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, 1947, Indiana University, author, Sexual Behavior in the Human Female, 1953

73 The Orange County Rape Crisis Center has worked with victims from infancy to ninety-two years of age and from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.

74 According to statistics of study Rape in America, 1992, National Victim Center, The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the ''National Crime Survey

75 44% of the rapes reported to the Orange County Rape Crisis Center occurred in the victim's home in 1991.

76 Orange County Rape Crisis Center

77 As reported to the Orange County Rape Crisis Center

78 Termed by Noreen Connell (*1947) US American feminist organizer, editor, writer, Cassandra Wilson, US American member of the New York Radical Feminists (NYRF), Rape. The first sourcebook for women, New American Library (Plume Books), 1974

79 Quotes by Lucia René

80 Quotes by Carol Gilligan

81 ⚡ Quotes by Frederick Philip Lenz [Rama] – Men, women, gender, sex

82 Tsultrim Allione taramandala.org (*1947) first American woman ordained as a Tibetan nun and Lama, Feeding your demons. Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict, Little, Brown and Company, 1st edition 8. April 2008

83 Tsultrim Allione taramandala.org (*1947) first American woman ordained as a Tibetan nun and Lama, Women of Wisdom, Snow Lion Publications, revised 25. September 2000

84 Beginning (1497-1583)
"Second" British Empire (1783–1815)

85 Article Johann Hari: The truth? Our empire killed millions, presented by the centre-left British online newspaper The Independent, 19. June 2006

86 Seeblockade

87 "Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people."  Blog article The Greatest Mass Murderers Of All Time Were / are Jews, Says Jewish Columnist, presented by Nairaland, reissuing Steven Plocker's opinion on "Stalin's Jews", 21. December 2006, 16. May 2021

88 (6.8+3.5+4.0) million German civilians died during and after WW2. See: Quotes by William Toel

89 "God, I hate the Germans [...]."   Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) 34th US president (1953-1961), five-star general in the United States Army, war criminal, letter to his wife, September 1944, cited in: article Eisenhower's Holocaust – His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans, presented by the US American publication Rense.com, unknown author, 22. June 2008

90 Article US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II, presented by the online publication Global Research, first published November 2015

91 Obama is the only US president who has waged continuous illegal wars, predominantly in seven Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Iraq and Syria, throughout his term of office.
☛ He dropped 100,000 bombs on 8 different countries in 8 years,
☛ thereby displacing millions of men, women and children.
☛ He dropped 26,171 bombs on seven Arab countries in the last year of his term.
☛ He has carried out most of the deportations of all US presidents.
☛ He has carried out the most drone murders of all US presidents.
☛ He has carried out the largest arms exports of any US president. [Status: January 2009-November 2016]

92 Ear flapping elders

93 Gretchen Carlson, who won a spectacular lawsuit against media mogul Roger Ailes cautions not contact HR, when the bullying boss controls HR.

94 Der Zuschauereffekt, auch bekannt als Genovese-Syndrom, ist ein sozialpsychologisches Phänomen.
13. März 1964 – Mordfall Kitty Genovese:
Zwei aufeinanderfolgende Angriffe auf das ermordete Opfer Kitty Genovese.
Niemand hat einen Notruf abgesetzt, zumal es die Nothilfenummer damals noch nicht gab.
Zwei Wochen lang gab es keine Presseberichte über dieses Verbrechen.
Sechs anwesende Augenzeugen und 32 indirekt beteiligte Zeugen waren außerstande, die Polizei nicht rufen.
Viele der Zeugen berichteten, dass sie nicht wussten, dass Kitty Genovese tatsächlich ermordet wurde. Sie glaubten, es habe sich um einen "Beziehungskrach" gehandelt. Es gibt auch Nachbarschaftswache und die Auswirkung einer aufgebrachten Menschenmenge.
Zwei wesentliche Faktoren spielen hier eine Rolle:
1. Die Anwesenheit anderer Menschen erzeugt eine Durchmischung von Verantwortung. Der Handlungsdruck ist für Einzelnen weniger stark.
2. Die Notwendigkeit, sich korrekt und sozialverträglich zu verhalten. Wenn Mitbeobachter nicht reagieren, nehmen Einzelpersonen dies oft als Signal, dass zivilcouragiertes Eingreifen nicht erforderlich oder angemessen ist.
Zudem ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit geringer, dass die Anwesende eingreifen, wenn die Situation nicht eindeutig ist.

95 VDR = Yearly Violent Death Rates i.e. murders and suicides per 100,000 citizens

96 Deleted English Wikipedia entry

97 Function of the amygdala brain region in anxiety and fear: Video presentation by Paul Whalen, Ph.D., US American physiological psychologist, associate professor of the department of psychological and brain sciences (DBIC), Dartmouth College, The Uncertainty of it All: Brain Lessons for Anxious Times, presented by Ted Talks TEDxDartmouth, 17. April 2010, YouTube film, 20:00 minutes duration, posted 27. April 2010

98 Video presentation by Russell Barkley, Ph.D., US American clinical psychologist, ADHD Emotional Regulation, YouTube film, 6:04 minutes duration, posted 15. June 2011
An underdeveloped anterior cingulate cortex in the brain of an ADHD patient results in poor emotional regulation of conflictuous social interaction.

99 Reference to professor Paul Zak's primary research thesis

100 Healing individual trauma and transforming culture and society – Peter Levine


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