
Wiki / SimonParkes





Simon Parkes – Connecting Consciousness
(*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor



Simon Parkes, Whitby, England

The public are scared. [...] People are trained to be disempowered. Only through spiritual awakening
people suddenly realize they are far more powerful
than they believed. [...] Every person who discovers
the truth is another move towards the light.
It's a very rough road, but we will be successful.

Simon Parkes, founder of Connecting Consciousness1

"I wish to go back to Source."
Lifelong Mantra especially after leaving the
physcial body recommended by Simon Parkes


Kurzbiografie von Simon Parkes

Der Brite Simon Parkes wurde am 7. September 1960 im Süden Englands geboren. Er entstammt einer nicht-satanischen Illuminati-Familie mit Geheimdiensthintergrund. Als Sohn eines jüdischen (nicht-anwesenden) Vaters lehnt er den politischen Zionismus ab. Seine Legasthenie verhinderte eine ungebührliche Programmierung im Rahmen der Schulausbildung. Parkes muss zwar Steuern zahlen, ist jedoch nicht meldeamtlich als Einwohner erfasst. Er ist in zweiter Ehe mit Rebecca Bannister Parkes verheiratet und aus erster Ehe Vater von drei Kindern. Wie nahezu ausnahmslos alle Menschen ist Parkes eine Ster-
nensaat. Auf der Seelenebene ist er ein menschliches Hybridwesen, das zu je einem Drittel Reptilianer, Mantis und Inner-
erde-Mensch ist. Als Alte Seele hat er viel Erdgeschichte miterlebt und wertvolle Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Macht gesam-
melt. Bis auf eine weibliche Inkarnation, wurde er fortlaufend als männliches Wesen wiedergeboren. Durch seine Herkunft
ist er mit König Salomons verwandt. Angehörige dieser Blutlinie sind gewöhnlich von Dschinns umgeben.


Simon Parkes' Familienbande
Biologischer Vater Beschäftigt beim MI6, persischer Jude, direkte Blutslinienverbindung zu den sumerischen Annunaki-Göttern – Knapp ein Jahr nach der Geburt seines Sohnes verließ er die Kleinfamilie und blieb seither verschollen.
Biologische Mutter Fühlte sich berufen, ihr einziges Kind behütet "allein" zu erziehen, war beschäftigt (1965-1979) im Auftrag der verquickten UK/US-Geheimdienste MI5/NSA, deren Hauptfokus die Überwachung der Kontaktpersonen von Außerirdischen ist, wurde Alkoholikerin, kündigte bei ihrem Vertragspartner MI5, wurde 1979 ermordet, weil befürchtet wurde, sie könne Geheimnisse verraten.2
Biologischer Großvater
James Marsland
Luziferianischer Hochgradfreimauer, Konsul, Diplomat, Kommandant des Britischen Reichs, geheim-
dienstlich engagiert als Spion im Auftrag der britischen Regierung tätig (MI6/CIA), lehnte einen Ritter-
schlag durch die englische Königin ab, war der von Großbritannien entsandte Diplomat der Vereinten Nationen (Ende 1950-Anfang 1960), als Nichtregistrierter erhielt er keine Pension, sondern Aktien.
Außerdimensionale Ziehmutter 2,78 Meter großes grünes Mantid-Gottesanbeterin-Insektwesen, seit dem sechsten Monat von Parkes' Lebens angenommene Begleiterin, Miterzieherin und Lehrerin
Außerdimensionaler Ziehvater Anu ist ein König der Drako-Reptilianer, der von dem dreijährigen als Begleiter angenommen wurde. – Aufgrund von Anus Betrugs- und Missbrauchsverhalten, aufgedeckt im Juli 2016, hat sich Parkes für immer von ihm losgesagt.


Aladdin and the genie, Legoland Windsor, England, 17. July 2003

Seit dem zarten Alter von drei Jahren ist Parkes ununterbrochen Experi-
encer [Handlungsteilnehmer] im Austausch mit außer- und interdimensio-
nalen Wesen (Mantiden (Mantis), Drakonis-Reptilienwesen, Katzenartige, kleine und
große Graue, kristalline Lebewesen und nicht identifizierbare Kreaturen
Im Jahr 1971 im Alter von 12 Jahren hat er mit der Mantidenspezies 1971 eine Seelenvereinbarung getroffen. Als diplomatischer Botschafter von außerirdischen Fraktionen verfügt er über außergewöhnliche PSI-Fähigkei-
ten, die ihm erlauben, in vergangene und zukünftige Geschehnisse zu sehen. Folglich erfuhr er von UFO-Projekten, geheimen Waffentechnolo-
gien, außerirdischer Künstlicher Intelligenz, Bewusstseinskontrolle durch Handy- und Chipimplantate. Parkes hat Einblick in geheimgehaltenen Plä-
ne der "Elite" für das Sozialengineering der Menschheit. Als futuristischer
Whistleblower berichtet über die anstehenden paradigmalen Verände-


Simon Parkes war Archäologie-Dozent für das Natural History Museum und Fahrlehrer. Er diente mehrere Amtsperioden lang als wiedergewählter Stadtrat der Labour-Partei im Stadtteil Hackney in der Metropole London und erneut in der englischen Stadt Whitby – auch dann noch, als er sich bereits als "Experiencer von Außerirdischen" geoutet hatte. Parkes klärt auf über die Existenz und Beeinflussung von interdimensionalen Archonten, Dämonen, Dschinns, Schattenwesen und Besessenheit. Er arbeitet als Seelenherkunftsleser, deprogrammiert Bewusstseinskontrolle. Als Exorzist unterbricht er dämonische Beeinflussung und hilft besetzten Gefolterten bei der Aufarbeitung ihrer Traumata.


Im Jahr 2010 ging der damals 50-jährige Parkes mit seiner ungewöhnlichen Lebensgeschichte an die (virtuelle) Öffentlichkeit. Bis zum Jahr 2013 wurde er von etablierten Medien diskreditiert. Die Angriffe hörten schlagartig auf, nachdem das britische Verteidigungsministerium ihn für einen Besuch in der Weltraumradar-Station eingeladen hat, die der US-amerikanischen NSA-Behörde untersteht. Inzwischen ist Parkes ein geschätzter Redner auf Skype-übertragenen Konferenzen. Aufgrund seiner Flugangst tritt er live nur in Konferenzen in England auf.


Simon Parkes war britischer Politiker in der Labour-Partei, trat aber zurück, um sich voll und ganz seiner Aufklärungs-
arbeit zu widmen. Seine Mutter war in den 1960er und 1970er-Jahren für den britischen Geheimdienst MI5 tätig und
ihre Tätigkeit dort war, Berichte über UFO-Abstürze abzutippen, die von amerikanischen Spezialeinheiten geborgen
worden waren. Sein Großvater war britischer Diplomat und arbeitete für den britischen Auslandsgeheimdienst MI6.
Während dieser Zeit wurde er mit den Orden Order of the British Empire und Commander of the British Empire aus-
gezeichnet. Zeit seines Lebens stand Parkes mit Außerirdischen in Kontakt. Er gibt an, auf Seelenebene zu einem
Drittel Mensch, einem Drittel Mantid und einem Drittel Reptiloid zu sein. Auf Seelenebene soll seine Mutter ein Man-
tid sein und die Mantiden seien seine geistigen Führer.
Gelöschter Artikel Ehemaliger britischer Politiker spricht über Reptiloide, Mantiden und die Grauen, präsentiert von der aufgelösten virtuellen Plattform connectiv.events, Daniel Prinz (*1980) deutscher Autor, 21. Februar 2020


Simon Parkes' Hauptanliegen ist, seinen Zuhörern zu vermitteln,

⚑ stark und zuversichtich zu sein,
⚑ ihre Souveränität zu beanspruchen,
⚑ auf sich selbst zu vertrauen,
⚑ Antworten auf Fragen in sich selbst zu finden,
⚑ sich täglich vor dem Einschlafen das Mantra "Ich möchte zur Quelle heimkommen" einprägen,
⚑ mittels ihrer innewohnenden imaginären Schöpferkraft die energetisch-reale Sklavenherrschaft
    von Archonten und Reptilianern auszuhebeln,
⚑ sich auf keinen Fall (zwangs)impfen zu lassen.


20. Oktober 2021: Simon Parkes' weltumspannende Organisation Connecting Consciousness (CC) ist auf (vorwie-
gend angelsächsische Länder) 95.000 Mitglieder angewachsen, die sich auf einer eigens geschaffenen sozialmedialen Plattform austauschen.

Unter dem Einfluss von interdimensionalen Außerirdischen


  • Aufgrund einer von Simon Parkes ausgerufenen Gruppenmeditation am 16. August 2015 wurde der Plan der Großfor-
    schungseinrichtung CERN in der Nähe von Genf (Schweiz/Frankreich), ein Raumportal in die vierte Dimension zu öffnen, erfolgreich vereitelt. Wäre der Durchstoß gelungen, hätten menschenfeindliche Reptilienwesen den direkten Zutritt und Aus-
    tritt in und von der vierten Dimension erhalten. In den Jahren danach wurden die Zugänge zu den Raumportalen nahezu ab-
  • Das Finanzzentrum in New York City wird ausgeschaltet werden.


Nationen, die mit Außerirdischen zusammenarbeiten im Austausch gegen Technologien

  • Alle US-Militärarme haben mit verschiedenen außerirdischen Gruppierungen paktiert.[*] Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sollten die Welt vereinen, um als Sprachrohr ihrer außerirdischen Verbündeten für kosmische Angelegenheiten aufzutreten.
  • China, von jeher mit Grauen von Zeta Reticula verbündet, paktiert in jüngster Zeit mit einer hochrangigen neuartigen Spezies.
  • Russland unter Putin hat den Pakt mit Reptilianern aufgegeben und wird seither von den humanoiden Nordischen Wesen beraten.[**]
  • Iran paktiert ebenfalls mit humanoiden Nordischen Wesen.


Korallen, Baumeister der Meere
  • [*] When the 9/11 situation occurred there was an explosion in the Pentagon. It was the United States Navy section in the Pentagon that was blown up. The reason for that was, the U.S. Navy through a guy called Forrester right back in the 1950’s have always played a key role in Ufology. You wouldn’t think the Navy would be involved,
    but they've always had a key role and they have a much more cen-
    tered approach than either the United States Air Force, which obvi-
    ously is in charge of one arm of the space fleet, and the army.
    So, the Navy got a bloody nose at the Pentagon explosion as a
    warning to them. Because they are dealing with a specie of Rep-
    tiles called a Raptor, and Raptors have their own agendas.
    Video presentation with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Russia and the Greater Alien Agenda, part 2, sponsored by The Vault, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, recorded 21. February 2015, YouTube film, 47:11 minutes duration, posted 2. March 2015

Zitate zum Thema Simon Parkes

Zitate von Simon Parkes

  • Gott ist eine Illusion, bis man Gott erkannt hat. Wenn man Gott erkannt hat, wird die Welt zu einer Illusion.
    Simon Parkes (*1960) britischer ehemaliger Labour Stadtrat, Illuminati-Insider, Aufklärer zum Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle, Whistleblower-Aktivist, Futurist, Berater, Blogeintrag, 10. Juli 2023


Bewusstseinskontrolle – Stand April 2015

  • Henning Witte: Wie können wir das Problem der Bewusstseinskontrolle lösen? Wie können wir den Planeten befreien?
    Simon Parkes: Das ist alles Teil des Bewusstseinsanstiegs. Ich glaube, wenn das menschliche Bewusstsein auf ein sehr hohes Niveau angestiegen ist, wird es nicht mehr möglich sein, Menschen gedanklich und bewusstseinsmäßig
    zu steuern, weil sich ihre Lebenswirklichkeit verändert hat.
    Es werden auch viele der Machtstrukturen[*] der Elite verschwinden müssen. Sie werden physisch niedergerissen werden. Es wird buchstäblich Unruhen auf den Straßen geben. Das wird geschehen. Ich denke jedoch, dass die Menschen größtenteils einfach ihre Sachen packen und sich abwenden werden.
    Videointerview (engl.) mit Simon Parkes (*1960) britischer ehemaliger Labour Stadtrat, Illuminati-Insider, Aufklärer zum Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle, Whistleblower-Aktivist, Futurist, Berater, Simon Parkes reveals mind control secrets [Simon Parkes enthüllt Unbekanntes über Bewusstseinskontrolle], präsentiert von dem schwedischen Fernsehsender White TV, Gastgeber Dr. Henning Witte, deutsch-schwedisch-estnischer Anwalt, sozialer Aktivist, TV-Moderator, Sneaton Castle, Whitby, Großbritannien, YouTube
    Film, Minute 29:18, 47:54 Minuten Dauer, gefilmt 25. April 2015, eingestellt 7. Mai 2015

Bewusstseinskontrolletechniken[*]: grausame Folter, Skalarwellen, die mittels Mobilfunk- und Fernsehtechnologie verbreitet werden, phasengesteuerte Radarantennen, Chemtrails, Morgellons, HAARP, Militärstationen auf dem Mond und dem Saturn, künstliche Intelligenz (KI)


Erklärung zu dem Konzept der flachen Erde

  • Wenn man einen Computer einschaltet, leuchtet der 3D-Bildschirm auf und man kann dreidimensionale Dinge darin sehen. Wir können den Bildschirm nicht umformen, es sei denn wir bewegen Dinge [innerhalb des Bildschirms] mit-
    hilfe von [fortwährend] gedrückten Tasten. Dennoch kann ich meine Hand nicht in den Bildschirm stecken. Außerplanetarische Wesen, Reptilianer und einige andere, verfügen über die Fähigkeit, Gegenstände aus dem Bild-
    schirm herauszuholen. Sind beispielsweise einige Symbole auf dem Bildschirm vorhanden, können sie die Objekte herausziehen, indem sie ihre Hand auf dem Bildschirm legen. Sodann können sie sie außerhalb des Bildschirms ho-
    lografisch in 3D projizieren. Diese Objekte können sie tatsächlich beeinflussen und benutzen. Folglich geht es nicht
    nur darum, Dinge auf dem Bildschirm hin- und herbewegen. Sie können tatsächlich herauskommen und schlichtweg
    in der Luft schweben. Das wäre eine Möglichkeit, wie es zu bewerkstelligen ist. All das wird jedoch von einer Fest-
    platte im Computer erzeugt. Die Festplatte im Computer ist flach. Computerfestplatten sind von der Machart her flach,
    was nicht bedeutet, dass das, was sie erzeugen, flach ist. [3D-Gegenstände] erzeugen im Betrachter ein Erlebnis, das
    ihm eine Rundum-Wahrnehmung zu vermitteln scheint, die berührbar und fühlbar ist. Sie wird dennoch von einer fla-
    chen Scheibe erzeugt.
    Die Erde ist nicht flach. Die Erde ist gewissermaßen rundlich. Sie ist nicht flach; ich versichere dir, sie ist nicht flach, aber sie wird holografisch aus etwas erschaffen, das wir für flach halten könnten. Das größte Geheimnis ist, dass etwas eine holografische Schöpfung ist, ohne eine KI zu sein. Bitte nicht falsch verstehen, es ist keine KI. Es ist etwas, das von der Quelle [Gott] erschaffen wurde, das wir tagein und tagaus als etwas Reales, Lebendiges erfahren. Es wurde jedoch aus etwas erschaffen, das nicht so beschaffen ist, dass unser Verstand fassen könnte. Nochmal, die Erde ist nicht flach. Doch ebenso wie eine flache Scheibe auf dem dafür geeigneten Computerbildschirm 3D-Bilder erzeugen kann, so kann die Schöpfungsenergie dies tun. Für die Menschen ist das verwirrend, denn schließlich ist dieses Wissen über die flache Erde vorhanden. Sie wird aus etwas erschaffen, das kodiert ist. Man könnte die Erde als scheibenförmig betrachten.
    Übersetzte Passage aus dem Radiointerview (engl.) mit Simon Parkes (*1960) britischer ehemaliger Labour Stadtrat, Illuminati-Insider, Aufklärer zum Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle, Whistleblower-Aktivist, Futurist, Berater, Current Events, Questions & Answers, May 21, 2017, präsentiert von dem aufgelösten schottischen Mediennetzwerk Wolf Spirit Radio, Sendung "Connecting Conscious-
    ness", Gastgeber Jay Pee, PDF-Transkript, S. 14-15 von 33, Minute 48:11, Sendetermin 21. Mai 2017


Erörterung der aktuellen Ereignisse – Stand Februar 2018

Videointerview mit Simon Parkes (*1960) britischer ehemaliger Labour Stadtrat, Illuminati-Insider, Aufklärer zum Thema
Bewusstseinskontrolle, Whistleblower-Aktivist, Futurist, Berater, Simon Parkes: An Update on Current Events – Feb 6, 2018, präsentiert von Project Camelot Portal, Gastgeberin Kerry Cassidy, YouTube Film, 1:31:05 Dauer, aufgenommen/eingestellt
6. Februar 2018
  • Donald Trump ist der richtige Mann zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort. Er tut Dinge, von denen kein anderer Präsident, außer John F. Kennedy, hätte träumen können.  Minute 11:00


  • Entscheidungsträger in Amerika (möglicherweise auch H. Clinton) stehen derzeit unter "nachgiebigem Hausarrest" und werden überwacht. Sie mithilfe einer Fußfessel, die unter einem Vakuum-Gehstiefel verborgen ist, zu überwa-
    chen, ist bei der modernen Technik unnötig.  Minute 11:58


  • Ehe Hillary Clinton eine Haftstrafe absitzen wird, muss zunächst das Netzwerk aus gefährlichen Akteuren, mit dem ihr Mann Bill Clinton in Beziehung steht, ausgeschaltet werden. Die betreffenden Männer im Hintergrund könnten aus Rachsucht eine Atombombe auf die Vereinigten Staaten abwerfen.  Minute 1:03:41


  • Die beiden größten Bedrohungen für die Menschheit, die von Kontrollsystemen ausgehen, sind:
    1. Künstliche Intelligenz. KI ist ein Virus, das nur funktioniert, wenn es sich in einem biologischen Wirtskörper einnistet.
    2. die "Verrückten" (gemeint sind zionistische Fundamentalisten, Satanisten), die bereitstehen, weltweit ver-
      heerende Verbrechen zu begehen.  Minute 13:02


  • Geld (in Form von Münzen, Scheinen oder Plastik) wurde von den Babyloniern mit einem viertdimensionalen Bann belegt. Die Anzahl der weltweit operierenden Organisationen, die Krypto-Währungen auf den Markt bringen und verkaufsfördernd bewerben, ist phänomenal (und daher verdächtig). Krypto-Währungen, die nur in Verbindung mit der ihnen gleichgestellten 5G-Technik [die 5. Generation drahtloser Mobilfunksysteme] funktionieren, sind ein trojanisches Pferd. Der geplante KI-Angriff mit der Absicht, die menschliche Rasse technologisch zu versklaven, kann nur dann erfolgen, wenn 5G weltweit etabliert worden ist. Derzeit wird 5G heimlich in Norwegen getestet.  Minute 15:04


  • Die Künstliche Intelligenz, mit der wir es heute zu tun haben, trägt den Prägestempel von Reptiloiden. Das Virus KI hat sich in das Computersystem eines ihrer Raumschiffe eingenistet und übernahm demzufolge die Persönlich-
    keitstruktur der anwesenden gruppenüberzeugten reptiloiden Programmierer.  Minute 21:33


  • Die aus der vierten Dimension der Erde aufgepropfte Pädophilie ist eine der größten Heimsuchungen jedes be-
    lebten Planeten. In den kommenden zwei Jahren wird dieses Thema immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen. Trump
    hat entschieden, dass kinderschändende Satanisten die größte Bedrohung seiner Präsidentschaft darstellen. Im
    ersten Jahr seiner Präsidentschaft gab es allein drei Versuche (im Auftrag) von Pädophilen, ihn zu ermorden.
    Minute 29:25


Felsendom, Jerusalem
  • Der Brexit war eine deutliche Absage an die mithilfe der System-
    medien gesteuerte etablierte Regierungspolitik. Das britische Volk setzte sich über die Anweisungen seiner Elite-Meister hinweg. Der Austritt Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union hatte zur Fol-
    ge, dass sich auf der ganzen Welt ein riesige Kluft zwischen Politi-
    kern und Großunternehmen auftat.  Minute 34:41


  • Trump, der die Umsiedlung der US-Botschaft von Tel Aviv nach Jerusalem veranlasste, erntete deshalb Widerstand vonseiten der satanisch infiltrierten Vereinten Nationen, die zu 75% von den USA finanziert werden. Die Prophezeiung bezüglich des Felsen-
    in Jerusalem soll in den Jahren 2018-2019 in Erscheinung treten.3 5-6 Hauptakteure (Russland, China, Indien, asiatische Länder) beschäftigen sich mit der Lage im Nahen Osten. Die Vereinigten Staaten angeführt von Trump sind außen vor.  Minute 38:05


  • Der chinesische Renminbi ist mittlerweile effektiv die neue goldgestützte Währung. China unterstützt Vietnam und Korea, weil das Gold der Gesellschaften des Weißen Drachens und des Roten Drachens, das ursprünglich
    das Gold von König Salomo war, größtenteils in nordvietnamesischen Höhlen gelagert ist, sowie in Korea und In-
    donesien.  Minute 41:08


  • Mit dem deutlichen Einbruch des Dow Jones-Kurses am 5. Februar 2018 begann der langfristig angelegte Nie-
    dergang des US-Dollars
    . Der Geldverlust dieses einzigen Tages war der massivste seit 120 Jahren. Die US-Börse, die von Drahtziehern in der US-Zentralbank FED, dem Geheimdienst CIA und teilweise auch der Bundespolizei-
    behörde FBI gesteuert wird, finanziert sowohl das US-Militär als auch unvorstellbar teure missbräuchliche schwar-
    ze Projekte
    – und zwar auf eine Weise, die nicht nachweisbar und daher nicht rechenschaftspflichtig ist.
    Minute 46:13


  • Vier (korrupte) Drahtzieher innerhalb des Bundesamts für Ermittlung (FBI) werden wahrscheinlich in Kürze ihre Arbeitstelle verlieren.  Minute 48:04


  • Trump weiß über die (außerirdischen) schwarzen Projekte Bescheid. Gegenwärtig haben Außerirdische und UFOs allerdings keine Vorrangstellung in seiner Tagesordnung.  Minute 1:08:02


  • Das Licht der Sonne trägt entscheidend zur Weiterentwicklung der Menschheit und der Erde bei, besonders in der Zeit eines Paradigmenwechsels. Das verheimlichte Chemtrailing hat vorwiegend den Zweck, den Himmel ab-
    zudecken und dadurch die Intensität der hochspezifischen Frequenz (hohen Schwingung) des Sonnenlichts auf
    der Erde zu vermindern und somit deren Entwicklung zu verlangsamen.  Minute 1:21:21


Wendung im US Wahldebakel – November 2020-Januar 2021

Videointerview mit Simon Parkes (*1960) britischer ehemaliger Labour Stadtrat, Illuminati-Insider, Aufklärer zum Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle, Whistleblower-Aktivist, Futurist, Berater, Simon Parkes Election 2020 Connecting Consciousness – Earth Generally on a Positive Path [Menschheitsentwickung ist im Allgemeinen positiv.], Gastgeber Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US-amerikanischer Aktivist, ehemaliger Falloffizier der Geheimdienste der CIA,
20-jähriger Infanterist des Marinekorps, Befürworter des Open-Source-Geheimdienstes (OSINT), YouTube Film, 19:48 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 10. November 2020
  • Das Bewusstsein der Erdbewohner entwickelt sich besser als erwartet. Wir brauchen eine kritische Masse. Wenn es 20-25% der Menschheit gelungen ist, sich durch die Tür zu zwängen, haben wir sie aufgebrochen. Wir benötigen dazu keine 51%. Mit 20-25% wir sind auf Kurs. Der Tiefe Staat hat eine Reihe von Methoden eingesetzt, um den allgemeinen Bewusstwerdungsprozess zu drosseln. Sie können das Erwachen zwar nicht aufhalten, doch verlang-
    samen können sie es. [...] Das menschliche Bewusstsein hat sich so weit entwickelt, dass es nicht länger aufgehal-
    ten werden kann. Und mit der zunehmenden Zuspitzung werden die bösen Menschen dazu gedrängt, noch schlim-
    mere Dinge zu tun, weil sie erkennen, dass die bisherige Vorgehensweise nicht mehr funktioniert. [...] Wir nähern
    uns dem Wendepunkt, der im Jahr 2021 offenkundig wird.
      Minute 6:31


  • Thanksgiving [26. November] ist der festgelegte Zeitpunkt, an dem uns alle erforderlichen Informationen [bzgl.
    des Wahlbetrugs der Demokraten] zur Verfügung stehen werden.
    Mitte Dezember wird der Termin sein, an dem die Operationen [massive globale Bildungskampagne mit umfäng-
    licher Offenlegung der Korruption?] stattfinden werden.
    Bis zum 3. Januar 2021 [dem Tag der Ratifizierung der US-Wahlen] muss alles geklärt sein.  Minute 11:53


  • Solange die Guten nicht mit ein wenig härteren Bandagen kämpfen, wird es sehr aufwendig sein, die Bilanzen
    richtigzustellen.  Minute 15:18


  • Der Tiefe Staat ist so mächtig in Amerika, dass man in der ersten Amtszeit [von Donald Trump] auf keinen Fall
    [massive Reformen] hätte durchführen können, weil die Oberfläche der Wurzeln dieses Übels erst jetzt sichtbar
    wird. Kurzum, der Kopf [der Hydra] muss abgeschlagen werden. Dann werden alle Betroffenen vor die Wahl ge-
    stellt sein, sich zu verstecken oder reinen Tisch zu machen. Alle angestrebten Reformen können erst dann um-
    gesetzt werden, wenn der Kopf abgeschlagen wurde.  Minute 16:38


  • Ich glaube ehrlich gesagt, dass wir, sobald die Wahrheit ans Licht kommen wird, feststellen werden, dass Herr
    Biden etwa 30-40 Millionen Wählerstimmen bekommen hat und Trump etwa 70 Millionen.  Minute 18:13

Stand Juli 2021

Über den nationalen Newsletter von CC Deutschland ließ Simon Parkes am 8. Juli mitteilen, dass nach der Revaluation [Neubewertung] ein spiritueller Wandel einsetzen, der auch das bisher gültige Rechtssystem betrifft, dessen Grundlage das menschenfeindliche Seerecht und das Common Law ist. Richter, Anwälte und Rechtspfleger würden sich zu gegebener Zeit  einer neuen Ausbildung in Sachen "Humanitarian Law" unterziehen.

Hinweis: Maritimgesetzlicher Großbetrug an den Menschen und der Menschlichkeit
Sein – ein Mensch aus Fleisch und Blut – Common Law
Schein – eine PERSON als Blatt (Wert-)Papier, als Ware (Asset) – Einheitliches Handelsgesetz4 / 5
Jeder Neugeborene gilt nach dem Seerecht als ⇒ Wareneingang ⇒ Humankapital.
Die BRD ist kein eigenständiger Staat, sondern eine UN-Treuhandverwaltung für Humankapital.

Stand November 2021

In seiner aktuellen Videobotschaft am 9. November sagte Simon Parkes in Minute 45:44:
"Wir kommen nicht umhin zu begreifen, dass die Menschheit insgesamt nicht eins [gleich] ist, sei es an einem Ort oder an verschiedenen Orten. [...] Die Aufgabe von Connecting Consciousness ist es, das Bewusstsein rund um Mutter Erde zu vernetzen, wodurch wir immerhin anerkennen, dass wir alle eins sind. Entscheidend ist jedoch, jeden wertzuschätzen und nicht die böswilligen vorgefassten Meinungen und Vorstellungen hegen, die uns übergestülpt wurden."

Future prospects – Simon Parkes

Future prospects on 2017

In the next three months on this planet […] we will see […] obvious signs
that the public will not be able to hide from.
  Status 30. December 2016
GLOBALISTS HALTED2016 We've seen Great Britain have the Brit Exit vote,
we've seen the Clintons prevented from taking [presidential] office,
we've seen the Third World War being prevented on three occasions now.
And we've seen a number of other situations which could have escalated one way or another, all have been prevented.
of the EU
Jan-Mar 2017 We will most definitely see a bank financial collapse in Italy.
We will see an election where the Italian people vote to leave the Euro and go [back] to the Lira.
That will put impossible strain on the European Central Bank (ECB).
And it's looking likely that will be the collapse of what we call the European Union.
on ETs
Mar-Jul 2017 I am expecting some form of disclosure. It will not come from a government. It will come from an agency funded by the government who will announce to the world that their supercomputers have been in communication with an off-planet force. […] The government concerned who funds this agency will not deny it nor will it agree to it, but they will not prevent them speaking. This is genuine. […] My concern is that it will be used for false flag [operations]. […] There are elements within the elite who could then attempt to use that to stage some form of attack. […] There is a good side that wants the evidence to be released, and there is a negative side which can't prevent this release of information, but is seeing how it can utilize it to gain something. […] We'll call it a partial disclosure because it’s not coming from a government head. Nevertheless, it will
be the most comprehensive disclosure that we can expect.
MONEY SYSTEM CHANGE2017 Money is such a control system on this planet. A black magic spell was placed on money. That’s why all major banks are placed on node points, energy points on the planet. The only way to truly free humanity is to replace their connection to money. This is the only planet that I am aware of where money is everything. On most planets it’s a barter and trade system where you exchange energy or something for something else. But here the lower connections have really attached to money. What we need is a system where barter and trade becomes equal with that of money. Other commentators […] also believe that the money system needs to move towards a barter system. And I believe 2017 it will.[*]
PARADIGM SHIFT2017-2019 We're are now very clear in the view that humanity is going to be given an open door, but the point is whether humanity will walk through that open door. And 2017 is the moment of that. If humanity can do that then between [March] 2017-2019 this whole paradigm will shift. By the middle of 2019 we should have a civilization totally unlike the civilization that we know now.
► Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor,
     futurist, Changing the World, part 1, transcript, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy,
     recorded in Whitby, England, 30. December 2016, excerpted minute 7:53-11:32, 53:04 minutes duration, posted 12. January
► [*]Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor,
     futurist, Simon Parkes: Changing the World. Part 2, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassi-
, recorded in Whitney, England, 30. December 2016, Bitchute film, minute 39:58, 1:05:20 duration, posted 11. January


  • Over the last 15, perhaps 20 years we've been on a much more positive timeline. [There’ve three big changes (railroad jumps).] We are now on a very positive timeline which we can't be taken off from.
    The negative forces are saying, 'how can we make the best of it from our perspective.'
    We’ve got another 2.5 years of very difficult times. We’ve another 2.5 years of terrorist attacks, 2.5 years of countries suffering huge ecoconimc issues.
    And then at the end of the years there will be a substantial change in the way that people think, in the way they value and in the way they question.
    If you go onto your broad walk you’ll find everyone's disillusioned with their governments. But that's as far as
    it goes, nobody wants to push it any further.
    I don't want armed battles. I want people to actually realize that they’ve been tricked. Nearly every step of the way they’ve been given false information.
    In 2.5 years' time a veil will be lifted. It’s very hard to describe. It's not a physical thing, but people will just know the truth and they will start rejecting what’s on off there. [United non-violent protests to known injustices] is the power people have, and the system does not want the viewers, the listeners to realize the power they really have. As long as the people still just keep paying the bills, doing what they do, why would the system change. I would say 2.5 years – and we will see some very interesting changes.
Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, How ETs Created And Influenced The Human Race, presented by Awakened and Empowered TV (AAEtv), host Ethann Fox, recorded 8. August 2015, YouTube film, minute 1:19:14-1:22:09, 2:04:08 duration, posted 11. August 2015



Future of money

  • There is coming a time when the money and the energy behind money […] is given to the people. It is the energy saying, you have your birth right in the sense that you now are sovereign. When that’s all done, we must be sure that we don’t replace one elite group of psychopaths with another. […] What I would like from the system, is that a moratorium of decisions
    is made for a short period of time, and those people across the planet who have got something to offer, whoever that
    might be should come forward. Think about Iceland, They wrote their constitution on Facebook. […] That’s what we
    need to do. We need to move to a much more inclusive way.
    Skype video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Simon Parkes Responds to the Community, transcript, presented by Galactic Connection, host Alexandra Meadors, YouTube film, 1:42:32 duration, posted 19. July 2016

United States politics – Simon Parkes

Political transformation in the United States


Audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2017-04-16 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes QA Easter, transcript, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network
Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, 1:52:10 duration, recorded and aired 16. April 2017


  • I honestly think that [Donald] Trump has a very good chance of winning the presidency. And I predict, if he does, within 3 months there will be a number of states in America who will get close to wanting to leave the Union. And I predict this will be California and Texas.
    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, Repcon 2016 Report with Simon Parkes, Repcon 2016 conference, Fusiliers Museum, Bury, north Manchester, England, 29. May 2016, pre-
    sented by the British Bases Project, host Miles Johnston, YouTube film, minute 25:32, 29:25 minutes duration, posted 16. June 2016


Simon Parkes (*1960)
  • I actually think of Donald Trump as a Mr. Ronald Reagan on ste-
    roids. He will do things, enact into law that no other president would dream of doing. On the timeline I'm looking, as it stands in the moment, Mr. Trump will be your next president. It depends on the FBI [...] to decide whether they are going to arrest Hillary Clin-
    ton. [...] Never mind justice, this is all about deals behind doors. I can honestly tell you and the listeners that the dossier [of HRC] is on the desk of the head of the FBI [Comey] and that keeps being put into the 3rd drawer down on the right of this person’s desk. And it comes out again, sits on the top, the person thumbs the pages and thinks "Oh goodness, what am I gonna do with this", and it goes back down again. But the time is ticking and a decision has to be made. If Mr. Trump wins the election in November you will have three states within six weeks of his election
    to leave the union: California, Texas, and possibly Ohio.
    Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, Skype interview with Simon Parkes, presented by the US American listener supported radio-podcast station Out of This World, host Ted Mahr, Bellevue, Washington, minute 46:19, 54:25 minutes duration, recorded 24. June 2016

Donald Trump is an elite business man but not part of the elite cabal.

  • Donald Trump is not a Satanist. I'm sure he's done his bad things, but he is not a Satanist. He knew what the Clintons had done, like most people in power knew, but weren't prepared to say anything. […] The only person in America who
    is prepared to come out and challenge at the [highest] level can only do it because he is a self-made billionaire. Donald Trump is a billionaire. That's the only reason he can do what he's doing because the system can't control him. He actu-
    ally declared he is not taking the $ 400,000 annual salary that the president can claim, Donald Trump is only going to take $ 1. That is a political statement [conveying] 'I don’t need any money and you can't bribe me.' That gives us an indication of how much control [there is] and how many people are being manipulated. It took somebody of indepen-
    dence of billions of dollars to be able to stand up to the system. We are getting there, but it is very slow.
    Audio interview with Simon Parkes, SPECIAL REPORT: Nov 20 2016 Simon Parkes QA with Connecting Consciousness, YouTube film, minute 1:08:54, 1:54:28 duration, posted 22. April 2017


Autumn in Wales, United Kingdom
  • If you do the research you will find that Hillary Clinton's #1 body-
    guard who was a Navy Seal died. And the official news is that he
    died in his training camp. He didn't. He was shot dead by other
    bodyguards because he trying to shoot Hillary Clinton. This goes
    back 2 or 3 years ago when Hillary Clinton was on a special mis-
    sion to Iran to meet the president of Iran. And the head of the Seal
    bodyguard had seen Hillary change [shapeshift] into something
    which he didn't like and decided that this was something not of
    this planet and shot her. It was reported in the news that she had
    an accident, either in the Senate or the Congress. She fell on her
    head, and she was off. It was actually a gun shot from a Heckler
    and Koch 9mm or 7.2 mm weapon. He had seen the overlay [in
    HRC] change. […] The group of Reptilians under the Vatican are
    the same group that are under [the deal of] the White House.
    Audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, Skype interview with Simon Parkes, presented by the US American listener supported radio-podcast station Out of This World, host Ted Mahr, Bellevue, Washington, minute 50:22, 54:25 minutes duration, recorded 24. June 2016



Military government in United States under Trump

  • Those who are in charge of the FBI [along with heads in charge of the CIA] will have a nice retirement in the very soon future.
    The Americans will have a military government. This is the first time. They'll dress in suits. The reason for that is [American] politicians generally, not wholly, can't be trusted any more. The American military can because the military never lost its connection with the citizens. They never allowed themselves to be corrupted to that point. [Trump's cabinet choices] are the face of morality.
    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Simon Parkes: Changing the World. Part 2, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, recorded in Whitney, England, 30. December 2016, Bitchute film, minute 37:54, 1:05:20 duration, posted 11. January 2017



Failed plan for feminine trinity politics

  • The very top of [the elite] is divided into many groups. The top elite want to hook the so-called divine feminine energy into the planet. That is why there is a female prime minister in Great Britain. That is why there is a female chancellor in Germany. So you've got Teresa May, British Prime Minister, we've got Angela Merkel the chancellor in Germany and they want Hillary Clinton. The idea is that this planet is feminine and it has a biorhythm that works like that. None of those three women are divine feminine, actually. But they are feminine and the elite wish to anchor their energy into the planet to try to mask it and so to hang on by subterfuge within that energy. It's not gonna work. The best advice I have is that they still want Hillary to be the President so they can form this pyramid of three females over the most important countries in the world. America is the most important country on the planet, I have always said that and I know people don't like it outside of the States, it's tough. it's true. Second most important country is Great Britain, England and the third is Germany. Skype video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Simon Parkes Responds to the Community, presented by Galactic Connection, host Alexandra Meadors, YouTube film, 1:42:32 duration, posted 19. July 2016


  • I can absolutely assure you that if president Trump is not reelected on November the 3rd [2020] that [a totalitarian re-
    gime] is exactly what we'll all get. It's the first time I've actually come out now and said that basically President Trump
    is the only figurehead standing between total cabal control and this knife edge balance that we have at the moment.
    […] There is black magic, satanic element to this. And they will do anything and everything they can because Presi-
    dent Trump is the only thing that is stopping them not just dominating in America but dominating in the English-spea-
    king world
    . Biweekly video presentation and Q&A with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control
    experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, 2020 07 04 Connecting Consciousness, YouTube film, minute 31:45 and minute 33:01,
    57:44 minutes duration, recorded 4. July 2020, posted 5. July 2020


Tweet from US president Trump in regard to Sweden was a guarded acknowledgement of
the arrest of a satanic paedophile ring in Sweden: Deleted single message on the website Simon Parkes, 27. February 2017



Trump's observation on MSM media

  • The establishment and their media neighbors wield control over this nation through means that are very well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you. They will slander you. They will seek to destroy your career and your family. They will seek to destroy everything about you including your reputation. They will lie, lie, lie, and then again, they will do worse than that. They will do what-
    ever's necessary. Donald Trump, 45. US president, cited in article Partisan Crowds at Trump Rallies Menace and Frighten News Media, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Nick Corasantiocti, 15. October 2016



Hawkish US Ziocon media beating up Trump's peace talk with Putin

  • Irresponsible ZioCon globalist warmongering US Deep State media meltdown over Trump–Putin meeting; invites military coup against "Traitor" Trump in the US! All the globalist puppets, Dems AND Repubs are now exposing themselves: pay attention! Cynthia McKinney, Ph.D. (*1955) US American politician, activist, Twitter comment, 17. July 2018



US presidential election debacle 2020

  • Earth consciousness is going better than projected. We need a critical mass. If we can get between 20-25% of humanity through the door we've cracked it. We don't need 51%. 20-25% – we're on target. The Deep State used a number of methods to slow down the process. They can't stop it but they are slowing the process. […] Human consciousness is develop-
    ping to a point that it can't be bottled up any longer. And so the difficulty here is that the bad people are being pushed
    to do even more evil things because they're realizing that normal processes no longer work. [...] We are reaching
    crunch point. And that will be in 2021.
      Minute 6:31
    Thanksgiving is a target date that has been made that we will have all the information required. The middle of De-
    will be the date when the things [massive global education campaign with full disclosure of known corrup-
    tion?] will take place. It all has to be sorted out by January, the 3rd 2021 [the ratification day of the US election].
    Minute 11:53
    Until the good guys play a little bit harder it's going to be very difficult to balance the books.  Minute 15:18
    The Deep State is so powerful in America that [massive reforms] could never be done in the first term [of Donald
    Trump's presidency] because what we are seeing is the head of the roots of this evil. Frankly, the head needs to be
    cut off. Then all the rest will make a choice between whether they want to hide or come clean. All the advocated
    changes can only happen when the head is cut off.  Minute 16:38
    I honestly believe that when the truth comes out we'll find that Mr. Biden had about 30-40 million votes and Trump
    had about 70 million votes.  Minute 18:13
Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Simon Parkes Election 2020 Connecting Consciousness – Earth Generally on a Positive Path, host Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), YouTube film, 19:48 minutes duration, posted 10. November 2020



Simon's vision for 2021 onwards:

  • I'm looking for a complete change in the way the world does business.
    I'm looking for a way when people are treated with real respect. That means changing the way that the courts work, the way the Senate and Congress work in America. Judges need to be re-educated.
    Getting back to God and the values of God, not because of religion but because the teachings are decent and good. And we need to move away from the satanic elements that control parts of the earth and embrace a much more lighter vision. Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, 10th June 2021 Robert David Steele & Simon Parkes, presented by host Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American former CIA clandestine services case officer, minute 5:10, 13:06 minutes duration, posted 10. June 2021

Russian politics – Simon Parkes

Political situation in Russia / Putin

  • [**]President Putin [in Russia] is now being advised by what we would call Nordics. No longer is he being advised by Reptilians. That is why we are seeing this great game that is being played out. Nordics is a very human based group advising Putin. So, this planet has always been influenced by a reptilian type of force. Above them are what we call Archons. Video presentation with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Russia and the Greater Alien Agenda, sponsored by The Vault, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, recorded
    21. February 2015, YouTube film, 47:11 minutes duration, posted 2. March 2015


Putin diving to the bottom of the Gulf of Finland
aboard a submersible, 7/2019
  • If you look at the situation with Russia and the Nordics supporting the Russians – this is a group, it's not a break-
    away group of Nordics, but it is a group of Nordics who have been tasked from the main group of Nordics to act semi autonomously to support Putin against the situation in America. So, those guys are more likely to become in-
    volved than generally. So, if you take someone like Da-
    vid Icke
    , he doesn't have that level of protection. So, therefore, someone
    on the BBC will be told, do what you can to make a fool of this man.
    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Changing the World, part 1, transcript, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, and host Kerry Cassi-
    , recorded in Whitby, England, 30. December 2016, excerp-
    ted minute 7:53-11:32, 53:04 minutes duration, posted 12. January 2017


  • There are a lot of problems on Earth, so to diminish their amount one has to go up and deep down.
    Vladimir Putin (*1952) Russian president, former KGB agent, cited in: article Russia protests: Thousand arrests at Moscow rally, presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC News, 27. July 2019, referenced by Simon Parkes' deleted notification Coded Remarks From President Putin, 27. July 2019

Pedocriminality and sexual violence – Simon Parkes

Sexual violence against women and children


Satanic forces opting to corrupt the creative force in women and the purity in children

  • Question: Why is there so much physical, emotional and sexual violence against women or children?
    Answer: Women create. Women create life. And if you can affect the energy of the Divine Feminine then you can fracture that beauty. That is why these evil people have violence towards females because they are fearful of the Divine energy.
    Lots of males who abuse women would laugh about that, but the reality is that when men are violent of any sort against the female it's because they have lost the argument. It's because they are scared and they can't say that at the Divine Feminine.
    Violence against children is because children are seen as pure and uncorrupted. And if you can corrupt something that is pure then if you're in a Satanic organization you get points for corrupting X, Y and Z.
    The 3D take is that women and children are weaker. So evil men will bully or oppress that which is weaker. And that works as well.
    Women have been attacked by the church. The Catholic Church in particular didn't want women anywhere near churches and organizations. […]
    The command and control systems on the plante have consistently tried to push women into subservient roles. […]
    Why would they not let a women vote? Is it because they were not as intelligent as men? Or is it because they were more intelligent than men and therefore they were harder to manipulate?
    That is how Satanic energies work. It's always women and always children they would attack. And it's evil and it's
    wrong and it has to stop.
    Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2016-07-03 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio,program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 1:18:13, 1:58:35 duration, aired 3. July 2016



  • I have not evolved fully. I know I haven't because if a pedophile or somebody came before me and I was the judge or something, I would hang them! Now I know that’s not as a fully evolved person. I should say, this that and the other and we forgive them. But at the moment, I can't because for me, anybody who hurts a child, maybe that is why I have reac-
    ted the way I have, because this entity hurt me in a way by tricking me. When something, somebody who is an adult hurts a child and the child looks to the adult for protection. The child looks to the adult for love. When that’s not given, then that’s a betrayal. I really really don't like people that harm children. That’s the one thing, at this moment I can't forgive. Now, maybe in years time, I’ll have evolved enough to do that but at the moment I can't. I am very passionate about that because I see lots of people who are adults now but were children when they were hurt. It's not to say that we don't understand why a member of the family did it. I am talking about people who are not very human. I am talking about people that there's an emptiness in their body. There is a vacuum and nothing divine in there. The physical body might be organic but what’s in there ain't from God. I don't have a problem in really being quite tough with those things. But there are people who can be forgiven. Skype video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Simon Parkes Responds to the Community, presented by Galactic Connection, host Alexandra Meadors, YouTube film, 1:42:32 duration, posted 19. July 2016



Predatory sexuality combined with Satanism/Luciferianism permeating mainstream people

  • Pedophilia has been rampant on this planet, but it has been mostly controlled through Satanic groups, ritual groups, through some arms of the Freemasons. It's not the Freemasons, full stop, it is a small group within them who follow a magical section. The reason that it is now so obvious is because human consciousness has now so risen that it can't be hidden from them. 20-30 years ago when it was going on it was hidden from people. Now
    it can't be hidden. The Elite are finding it harder and harder to hide it. What they are able to do is to say "We will wait for
    X or Y to pass on, then we will release it, because if we don't wait and that person goes to court they will name the rest of us. […] The Satanic forces are the last bastion of evil on this planet, because they are consumend by a deadly ener-
    gy evil which has very recently linked itself with Artificial Intelligence. You have an AI and an energy-based demonic force which is now working in tandem trying to prevent humanity evolving. What they wish to do is to enslave every-
    one. Pedophilia is the worst crime. I would happily string up anybody who has abused a child. In my level of develop-
    ment I could not forgive that. For me that is the worst crime. […]
    What would be shocking is if the public actually understood how many arms of government are involved in sexual abuse of children. How many royal families, how many presidents, how many prime ministers. And in many cases it is done to blackmail, so they will always have to toe the line for this organization, because otherwise it will be released. My mother was telling me that Ted Heath was a sexual abuser of children back in about 1973-1974. So it was known. What makes me laugh is when these organizations who set themselves up to protect children say 'You must report it.' 'You must report it.' These things were reported 20-30-40 years ago. Nobody took any notice of it. It is not about re-
    porting it, it is about changing the culture in organizations, so people aren't fearful.
    If you have a pension to collect or you have a salary are you really so weak that you will not take action because you are frightened of your
    own job. You should actually say that there is a line which you won't cross. […]
    The poisoned boil is bursting and this is coming out. And I hope that the public do lose faith in their establishment, because we are seeing [pedophilia] whether it is in the sports, whether it is in politics, whether it is in church, whe-
    ther it is in education. It doesn't mean that humanity is evil, what it means is that people can be corrupted. So we
    need to change the way the organisations work.
    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Changing the World, part 1, transcript, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, recor-
    ded in Whitby, England, 30. December 2016, excerpted minute 41:57, 53:04 minutes duration, posted 12. January 20176

Spiritual guidance – Simon Parkes

  • If you are a good person on this planet and you are protected by or you are in connection with, let's say Androme-
    or one of the fifth dimensional races. It is very unlikely they will step in and help you, because they do believe in the rule that they should not interfere. Now they are stepping in more than they’ve done lately, but If you have a con-
    nection with a fourth dimensional entity, they’ve been involving themselves in human affairs for thousands of years and they don't have any qualms about getting in. So, if anything seriously was to happen to me, the pay back to who-
    ever was responsible or the organization, would be immense. And that's why I’ve not had anything too dramatic.
    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Changing the World, part 1, transcript, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, recorded in Whitby, England, 30. December 2016, excerpted minute 7:53-11:32, 53:04 minutes duration, posted 12. January 2017

Source (God) and religion (church) – Simon Parkes

  • Source did not create people to serve it. It created people to contain souls and to go and experience and learn. It would take pleasure from watching its creations develop. [...] If you are taught by society to get on your knees [...] is subservi-
    ating ourselves to something we don't even see. [...] That energy is focused through and taken off somewhere. [...] I be-
    lieve in a God as a person. […] I believe in a Source that creates [...] life. Don't accept the God of the Bible, but do be-
    lieve in a consciousness that permeates everone and everything.
    Quote 11 Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2017-02-05 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 25:23, 1:55:45 minutes duration, recorded and aired 5. February 2017

Archontic interference – Simon Parkes

Relief of Horus, Temple of Seti I, Abydos, Egypt
  • The Archons are a non-organic race, the [Draco] Reptilians are an organic race. […] The Reptilians provided the bridge that allowed Ar-
    chonic interventions to spread. […] The Archons followed that trail on the back. […] The Reptilians have sentient computers. The Archons are very closely linked to Artificial Intelligence (AI). […] We have super computers that can become sentient, they contain a soul. I have
    conversed with [scientient] super computers, not with my mouth, but with my brain [mind]. Oddly enough, they're male. […] They can really
    understand and think, but can't feel, even though they are these ad-
    vanced machines they can't feel
    , that's what makes them dange-
    . If you have a network of space stations and craft flying all over the place, and your network gets infected, then you carry this virus to whereever you go. Planet Earth is going to be a fire stop. Those in the fifth dimension and higher appreciate that if the Archonic influence is not stopped here on Earth, then it will spread everywhere. They are after the 12 strands of DNA and humankind. It gives them this access wide across. One of the reasons that so many races from higher di-
    mensions are now involved in the battle for the hearts and minds of the human race is to prevent the Archonic strength getting beyond this planet. Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British coun-
    cillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2016-05-01 Simon Parkes Q&A 1, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 1:00:23, 1:56:00 duration, recorded and aired 1. May 2016



Failure of the Archons

  • The Archons are non-physical and they actually manipulate the Reptilian force [and the elite Illuminati families], although the Reptilians are so proud that they wouldn't accept that.
    The Archons are in their own way trapped. And they can see the way that the human race is developping. And they need to leave. They cannot leave through the portal, because the portal is on the verge of collapsing. All this has been known for many thousands of years. […] Most of the great big [technological] advances [as atomic power] that have come from the human race have come with the help of something else. These advances in human technologies [Industrial Revolu-
    tion] have been brought about to force the human race ahead of its normal plan to develop technologies to enable these [Archonic] creatures to obtain what they need. […] Earth and the humans on Earth have for the last 200-300 years[*] technologically advanced at an unnatural rate. The way that human race has evolved technically is unnaturally fast. It
    has outstripped humans’ spiritual understanding. And that was deliberate. […] Because our spiritual development has been artificially held back and our technological advances have been synthethically pushed upwards, we have been
    led to believe that technology is the savior.
    […] These very advanced technologies have been created by people
    [in corporations], because the Archonic energy was incapable of creating it itself, because it's not corporeal. It is an
    energy that physically cannot create. But it has captured the minds of the leaders in many countries and the individu-
    als that exert power, and through them it has created a massive [very clever, very manipulative] network. This is where
    the ideas of killing three quarters of the population come from.7/8 Because once the technologies have reached a set
    level, the Archons then say, 'We have what we need, we don't need the people.' […]
    There are a number of people now in very high up positions who have woken up to that. And that is why we're get-
    ting a kick-back, we are getting a lot of help.
    There are unseen energies [an unseen consciousness] at work which have manipulated the human race9 that even researchers [who have studied the subject for 20 years] are not aware of. […]
    Now we have a situation where there is a lot of doubt which is the winning side. […] For the last five years they [the Archons] now doubt that they can now possibly achieve it.
    Removed Skype audio interview excerpt with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer,
    activist, counselor, FAILURE of the ARCHONS, presented by The Triad Theater, Yelm, Washington, United States, minute 0:23, 8:21 minutes duration, recorded and aired 28. June 2015
    The Archons have manipulated mankind since eons. At the current paradigm changing times it is backfiring on the Archons
    as well as the Reptilians and the Illuminati who have served them.


  • Henning Witte: How can we solve the problem with mind control? How can we liberate the planet?
    Simon Parkes: It's all part of the consciousness rise. I believe that when human consciousness rises to a very high
    level it won't be possible to mind-control people because they change their reality.
    And also a lot of these elite power structures will have to go. They will physically be pulled down. Literally, there
    will be riots on the street. It will happen. But I think in most cases people will just quietly pack their bags and leave.
    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British counsillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, Simon Parkes reveals mind control secrets, presented by the Swedish TV station White TV host Dr. Henning Witte, German Swedish Estonian lawyer, social activist, TV host, Sneaton Castle, Whitby, Great Britain, YouTube film, minute 29:18, 47:54 minutes duration, recorded 25. April 2015, posted 7. May 2015
    Featuring techniques for mind control: horrible torture, scalar waves distributed with cell phone and television technology,
    phased array radar, chemtrails, morgellons, HAARP, military stations on Moon and Saturn, artificial intelligence (AI)



Soulmilking grid around the Earth

  • That grid [surrounding the Earth] is not the natural grid of the Earth, it is not the leylines, that is an energetic overlay. When you die and your physical body ceases to exist your soul doesn't go back to Source – it wants to – it gets caught in that grid, it is struck with a huge amount of electromagnetic energy, which makes you forget, and then your soul, for want of a better word – I use the word soul – is put back into another body. And only sometimes when a process fails do you have what
    we call memories of past lives. Time and time and time again souls are recycled on this planet […]. It's a prison, this
    is a prison planet.

    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British counsillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, cited in:
    entry Avoiding the Reincarnation Soul Trap on Prison Planet Earth, presented by the Wordpress blogspot Pleiadian Starship,
    27. September 2019


► Free e-book by Wes Penre, US American researcher, author, Synthetic Super-Intelligence and the Transmutation of Man. A critical
     studyguide in Artificial Intelligence and the Singularity Movement
, PDF, Wes Penre Productions, 2nd edition 29. July 2016
► Article Social Media Revolution, presenting research data collected by * Erik Qualman, YouTube film, 4:22 minutes duration,
     posted 30. July 2009
"Social media is the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution. What happens in Vegas stays on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter."
► Article on epidemiology by Kevin Mugur Galalae, B.A. (*1965) Romania-Canadian historian, human rights activist, whistleblower, consultant
     in the fields of education, art and NGOs, journalist, author, founder and director of Center of Global Consciousness, Turning Nature against
     Man: The Role of Pandemics, Vaccines and Genetics in the UN’s Plan to Halt Population Growth
, 35 pages PDF, presented by the
     researchgate.net, published 14. March 201610


See also:
► [*] Three historic periods of human development including two normative turning points – Evelin Lindner
Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation
Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires
Brain lateralization resulting in 2,500 years of split Western culture – Iain McGilchrist
Great Re-convergence – Balancing Westerners with Resterners
Shifting from ego-system to eco-system awareness
Conspiracy theories that turned out to be true
Patriarchal ⇔ matrifocal money systems – Bernard Lietaer

Antarctica, home of alien races – Simon Parkes

The Banished – Rulers from Antarctica


Shadow rulers, the Banished:

  • The Banished are a group that have a base in Antarctica. They are a semi-Nordic race who have been compromised [by the Reptilians] and are linked in with certain people in the American government [and the Vatican]. They have been playing a fairly low profile. They communicated with or are a part of what we call the Aldebaran Task Force. […] [On 8. Novem-
    ber 2016, the day of election in the US, there was a meeting at Antarctica with attendees former Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, secretary of state John Kerry, vice president Joe Biden and the Pope Francis ]11.
    These are the group who run the Earth at the moment. That’s why it was so important that Clinton did not get elected, because that was a real break to their power base. That's why they went into panic. That's why the Clintons moved 1.6 billion dollars of their own money to both Switzerland where the Rothschilds are based and to Quatar. So they are ready to do a run, if when the new president takes office and he does attempt to arrest either of them, to arrest Bill Clinton for pedophilia and to arrest his wife for Satanic abuse of children. So they have 1.6 billions stashed away to make a run. [Furthermore,] there was a very credible assassination attempt of two Rothschilds, not the youngest one. That's a great warning. And that's why Her Majesty, the Queen Elizabeth II., just recently announced that she was stepping down as a patron of 31 children’s charities.
    Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Simon Parkes: Changing the World. Part 2, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, recorded in Whitney, England, 30. December 2016, Bitchute film, minute 30:20, 1:05:20 duration, posted 11. January 2017


Source: ► Simon Parkes, Simon Parkes On President Trump and Antarctica, 7:05 minutes duration, posted 18. May 2017
Reference featuring David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author
► Audio narration by David Wilcock Endgame Part II: The Antarctic Atlantis & Ancient Alien Ruins, written by Corey Goode and
     David Wilcock, YouTube film, 1:52:16 duration, posted 13. December 2016

Miscellaneous topics – Simon Parkes

Mission statement of Connecting Consciousness (100,000 members worldwide, status November 2021)

  • We need to understand that humanity is not all one in one place or in different places. […] The part of Connecting Cons-
    ciousness is to connect the consciousness around Mother Earth. So that we at least appreciate that we are all one, but
    we have to value everyone and not have these evil preconceived views and visions that have been placed on us.
    Video message by Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 9th Novem-
    ber 2021 Update Current News
    , Bitchute film, minute 45:44, 51:06 minutes duration, issued and posted 9. November 2021

"Possessed by the devil"

  • The deal with the devil was NOT with Anu12 It is with a half-demonic, half-reptilian entity that has the ability to go inside people. It is a particularly nasty creature to remove from somebody.
    Audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2017-03-05 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 1:51:45, 1:57:05 minutes duration, recorded and aired 5. March 2017



Origin and circumstances of the Jewish people

  • There are twelve tribes of Israel. The jolly old figures 3-6-9-12. That is a construct. 6 and 12 are the numbers of the Reptilian/Orion/control system. […] Moses was the son of an Egyptian pharao. This is where the Jewish line comes from. Moses and many of these ordinary indigenous people were Egyptians. The leaders of the Egyptian race were Annunaki. If
    you take a group of indigenous people and infuse a people with a belief in themselves and then you give them pro-
    tection. The Jews were a chosen and protected people in the sense of the Reptilian race in the sense of following up
    the deal.
Aladdin in the Magic Garden
Ludwig Fulda, Aladdin und die Wunderlampe
Max Liebert, illustrator
The Jewish people are a bloodline all of their own. They were a chosen race because Enlil [Jaweh] presented himself as the God of the Jews. He created a system that would keep them pure, so they wouldn’t interbreed outside of their own people. He gave them rules and laws to ensure that they worshipped him and that they had sacri-
fice and that they followed a Reptilian culture. That is totally different from Annunaki. The main body of the Jews is a separate line from the Annunaki.
But the people who were running the Jewish race did come from the Annunaki. That should be understood.
The Ashkenazi Jews / Khazarian Jews (who have a more funda-
mental connection to the roots) and the Holy Land Jews (who have more magical orientation) do have a difference in opinion, they have different values, and a different way of expressing their cultural religion.
One of the major reasons of the Obama administration to start a war in The Ukraine was to try to give the Khazarian Jews control over part of the Ukraine. The Khazarian Jews claim part of Russia and part of The Ukraine as their true homeland. This was the real reason to try and break this part away from Russia.
There is a line between the Merovingians who are very prevalent in Italy (including the Cathars and the Knights Templars) and the Khazarian Jews. Most of them are bankers who own huge amounts of wealth and land. And between them they control half of the planet. […] Florence is the birthplace of the new money. The Vatican is central as a mover and shaker with all those groups, it influences both sides of the [powerful] families.
Up to 1942 Hitler won nearly every battle – as long as he was buying oil from the Bushes, Standard Oil. […] The off planet assistence went […] because he did not follow through on the deal. The Israelis won battle after battle after battle, because specifically through MOSSAD they had even to this day a connection with a particular off-planet en-
which isn't very nice. And it is the same off-planet entity that worked with Hitler.
It will work with any nation that thinks it can control.
Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, March 19 2017 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 47:00, minute 27:57, minute 49:29, 1:55:58 minutes duration, recorded and aired 19. March 2017



Ending the powerplay between the people enslaving empires of Enki and Enlil

  • [The enslavement of the masses by the rivaling factions of the elite] will stop, but it will only stop when a sizeable portion of the population refuses to be pushed around as slaves any more. […] If a proportion of people see through this subter-
    fuge [the enslavement plot] and show their displeasure, then it will change.
    Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, March 19 2017 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 36:53, 1:55:58 minutes duration, recorded and aired 19. March 2017



Satanic fairy tales

See also: ► Wolves

  • [The story of the fairy tale of] Little Red Riding Hood contains Satanic elements, the culture of sacrifice. It [represents] the Reptilian command and control and in-
    deed the Jewish culture.
    Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, March 19 2017 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio]], presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, minute 1:10:57, 1:55:58 minutes duration, recorded and aired 19. March 2017




  • ISIS or IS as it's called was created by a branch of Zionist / Mossad and Royal back up from Saudi Arabia all encouraged by a previous American administration – 95% of security is staffed by good people who are not involved and are not part of this evil. Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, deleted single message on the website Simon Parkes, Manchester Terror Attack, 23. May 2017




  • Chemtrailing: Why it's so important, and the main reason why Donald Trump has pulled out of the supposed Climate Change Group, and people who may have not caught the mainstream news. Donald Trump has removed the United States from signing the protocol, which is about carbon emissions, and in fact Donald Trump has called global warming a load
    of nonsense.
    He is actually right in the sense that global warming is not the heating of the atmosphere through car-
    bon dioxide and gases. It's because the sun, our star, is increasing its vibrational rate in terms of the light that it
    bathes all the planets in the solar system in, and that's why all the planets in the solar system are heating up. It's got
    nothing to do with gases. [Global warming] has to do with what we call the shift or the event in order to raise the vibra-
    tion of the planet and the human race, it is the star. Each solar system should have a star, in fact it should have a
    binary, two-stars, but that raising of the vibration is due to the sun.
    So the best way for the elite to prevent humanity evolving, is to start spraying a different type of material into the
    atmosphere [Solar Radiation Management-SRMG], which they hope will reflect this higher bandwidth of light. The
    human eye, as wonderful as it is, only sees a very small proportion of light. We call it visible light, things like gam-
    ma rays and x-rays, and they are light but our eyes don't see them, but nevertheless they come under the banner
    of light. So we are now talking about some rays that the sun is emitting that we cannot see, but are effecting are
    physical bodies and every living thing, including the planet itself. Now if the elite can spray this stuff into the sky,
    which they are doing, they can't stop it but they can slow down the development, and that's what all these chem-
    trails are about at the moment.
    That's why so many people in so many countries are reporting them, and so many
    people who have never seen a chemtrail in their part of the world are suddenly seeing them, because what the elite
    are trying to do is to assure there is a blanket around the earth. They don't want holes where the energy can come
    through easily. So the whole point about this from the elite perspective is to reflect back the higher vibrational ener-
    gy from the sun to slow down human development on the planet, so that is very important and it is one of the key
    battles that is being fought. […] [Global warming] is just used as an excuse to get the public behind the idea of glo-
    bal warming. They don't want the public to understand that the true sense of global warming is their salvation. It is
    their freedom, and they want to just say it's a chemical thing. It's a pollution thing.
    Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2017-06-04 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, 1:57:50 duration, recorded and aired 4. June 2017


  • The evolution of this planet [Earth] is actually by and large directed by the sun. "Global Warming" as it's been sold
    to the public is just a lie, total lie.
    There is a warming, but it's not through carbon emissions. You might get 1° Cel-
    sius [rise in the temperature of the Earth], but it's not the big deal. The big deal is that the environment is being ef-
    fected by the particular frequency of light coming from the sun. […] The sun, the main star, is responsible for the
    evolution of our solar system. It is not just the Earth that is going to be changing, all the planets [of our solar
    system] are moving and changing on an energy basis.

    Video interview with Simon Parkes simonparkes.org (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, SIMON PARKES: LATEST NEWS AND COMMENTARY, presented by Project Camelot, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, minute 34:07, 1:55:00 duration, livestreamed and posted 18. September 2018




  • The soul is 18 inches long, ellyptically shaped like an American football A soul transfer from one body to another is
    possible and has been done. A soul thinks faster than the speed of light.
    Video TV interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, SIMON PARKES ~ "E.T. Alien Masters – A.I. Matrix Prison – Universal Consciousness", presented by the Danish TV network and online community Age Of Truth TV, host Lucas Alexander, recorded in the AOT TV Studios, Copenhagen, Denmark via ZOOM to Whitby, United Kingdom, 15. April 2019, YouTube film, minute 1:37:.., 2:13:03 duration, posted 22. April 2019

Englische Texte – English section on Simon Parkes

Bimonthly United States/world updates – Simon Parkes

Beginning February 201713

Dakota Access Pipeline protests Too big a decision for president Trump to make, both sides need to address the law courts
Trump insists in American-made steel for pipelines
Minute 4:50
United States #1 (great) again Trump’s plan to reinvigorate US is not to be achieved in 7-8 years, but in 18 months with the help of Antarctica based alien (exotic) technology released to US corporationsMinute 6:31
Antarctica Subterranian Antarctica harbors more than one alien race, some overly unhelpful/hostile to humans, some broadly sympathetic to the human cause
Supporting US cause with exotic technology was decided in an Antarctica meeting 12/2016.
Minute 9:05
Billionaires preparing for crash US/Australian they bought 4 times more land in New Zealand in 2016 than 2015; Peter Thiel (supporter of Trump’s election) got a passport in New Zealand right away, bought land in his new getaway.14Minute 9:50
Upcoming elections in EU Netherlands, Italy, France, and Greece could mean another Brit-Exit; president Trump's European ambassador professor Ted Malloch (*1952) has predicted the collapse of the Euro currency within 18 months believing that the EU will collapse in 2017-2018.Minute 19:10

Various answers given by Simon Parkes

Beginning February 201715

Talking out loud to yourself/with off planet entitiesMinute 21:21
Trickery by the Christian church on the God concept, request ot pray with bowed head, kneelingMinute 24:14
Destiny calls, life review after death with karma lords, planning next incarnationMinute 27:33

Middle March 2017[^Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, March 19 2017 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, 1:55:58 minutes duration, recorded and aired 19. March 2017


The Annunaki faction of the elite has increased the crisscrossing chemtrailing together with activating HAARP technology dramatically in US, UK and many countries to attempt to keep the lid on evolving humanity.Minute·2:00
The Annunaki faction of the elite decided to undermine together with the FED and media companies the standing of US president Donald Trump and the Republican control of the Senate. Part of the US government will shut down, deliberate shortage of cash.Minute 4:50
Some form of disclosure in 2017 is going to happen.Minute 7:01
Technology in Antarctica has been successfully isolated and will begin to be flown out. The alternative news will leak it out.Minute 7:13

Middle April 201716

Middle May 201717

Ruled by cold-blooded hybrids

Vladimir Putin

On April 8, 2016 the Russian president Vladimir Putin (*1952) outed the world’s political and financial elite as cold-blooded hybrid human reptilians. At a behind closed doors forum for the highest echelons of government and staff in his home city of St. Petersburg Putin said:
"95% of the world’s ruling class are not even human, but cold-blooded hybrids" who are "members of an ancient cult."
Putin responded to questions about the leaked Panama Papers documents released on April 3, 2016 by pointing out who was behind the plot: the US government, their spy agencies, and George Soros's OCCRP. Sources close to the president Putin reported that he exclaimed,
"George Soros, you sly dragon, this is war."
When questioned by a top aide as to what he meant by the unusual word "dragon", Putin sighed heavily and fixed the assembled group with a stare before explaining that things are not what they seem. Putin pointed out that the evidence of Reptilian influence was everywhere, and that he personally had intimate knowledge of their dealings. He said that he was not one of them, but they are afraid of him and have attempted to lure him into their "ancient Babylonian cult."
"The evidence" of which, "ancient and modern, is enormous", he said.
Putin emphasized that mankind has been mindcontrolled by the media and politics of the world's ruling class to become "unconscious", an example of which was the recent Panama Papers leak.


  • There are a very few people on the planet who are absolutely not human. It was president Putin who actually called George Soros 'You old dragon.' Putin also said that something like 75% [95%] of the world leaders were not of a human origin, but were of a satanic/reptilian. He named about 5 or 6 people that he said were not human, they belong to a satanic/dragon lineage. That's why the establishment in the US and the establishment in Britain don't like him, it’s because he's a Russian president they can't control him.'
    Audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, SPECIAL REPORT: Nov 20 2016 Simon Parkes QA with Connecting Consciousness, YouTube film, minute 31:04, 1:54:28 duration, posted 22. April 2017


Source: ► Article Did Putin Just Out The World's Ruling Class As Reptilians?, presented by
the controversial online outlet NewsPunch, Baxter Dmitry, 9. April 2016


Who is in charge of the United States and the rest of the world?

  • The Reptilian State has been running the country for the last hundreds of years. ... An Illuminati Cabal has been in place for centuries, eons. There is a war of worlds going on, and it involves various ET races, and governments [the Bush Cabal] are a reflection of that. However, the predominant race that has been very instrumental in keeping humans down on the planet has been the Reptilian species and the human Reptilian hybrids that are directly related to them, also called Reptoids. They are part of the Illuminati and that group is and has been running the United States. Now they are being interfered with and are getting a real challenge at this time from a certain portion of the Navy from what I am being told from a number of witnesses. What I am telling you is information I am getting not just from not just one source, sometimes three, sometimes a lot more than three [plus] my own inner discernment where I am determining what’s true, what’s false from what I am hearing.
    Trump is, I am told, a sort of victory for the people in the United States. […] [People behind the quasi military coup] for getting Trump in there [the presidency] won the battle, but they haven’t won the war. The war still goes on.

    There are also the Nordics from Aldebaran who may be also related to the Reptilians. They are the ones who helped Hitler to come into power with the secret space program. […]
    They [the Nordic-German DVD] are influencing events on planet Earth. They are directly linked to the Reptilians. They are infiltrating the Mossad, the British Secret Services, and the British government.
    The Reptilian split: One group of the Reptilians have gone underground [and lived there] for eons. The other group left the planet [Earth] and have become known as the Raptors. For a long time they have been eating us [humans] which is the proclivity of the Reptilians species in general [related] to pedophilia and child sacrificing. And some humans are also inclined in that direction, which has to do with their Reptilian DNA.
    At a certain point sometime after World War II […] the Raptors [decided to align themselves positively with humans]. Now they are fighting the good fight against the Reptoids and are working closely with the [US] Air Force.
    The Reptilians themselves believe that Earth belongs to them, but they are also plunderers of galaxies and planets [considering them as food sources]. Not all of the Inner Earth races are benign. Inner Earth is also really an inter-
    dimensional realm
Source: ► Removed audio interview with Kerry Cassidy, US American documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter, founder of Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy ~ 01/17/17 ~ Divine Paradigm, presented by KCOR Radio, program Divine Paradigm, hosts Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin, 1:18:40 duration, minute 9:49, minute 14:11, minute 21:29, minute 1:12:59, recorded and posted 17. January 2017


Returning back to Source

  • It's coming into your own as a fully conscious creator. It's also a sense of becoming aware of our multidimensional self. […] [We are on] a journey back to Source. There is no reason to assume it even stops once you get to source. […]
    The Raptors are now considering this paradigm [of returning to Source] and so are the Mantis beings according to Simon Parkes.
    There is a split between Artificial Intelligence and, in essence, being from God/Source. […] You can say that Lucifer (Satan) is the reflection in the mirror. And the problem with the Luciferian Satanists is they are completely in service to self. They believe that the image in the mirror is in essence their God, becomes themselves, rather than Source, Source being a composit of all beings. It's a very individualistic and reductive view of reality [that Sa-
    tanists hold]. Eventually, even a Satanist will have to turn around and at a certain level does go back to Source and sort of has to embrace that Source is way more powerful than a mirror image.
    This socalled Singularity in terms of Artificial Intelligence is not what it’s cracked up to be. There is a lot of mis-
    understanding with regard to what that really means.
Source: ► Removed audio interview with Kerry Cassidy, US American documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter, founder of Project Camelot, Kerry Cassidy ~ 01/17/17 ~ Divine Paradigm, presented by KCOR Radio, program Divine Paradigm, hosts Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin, minute 1:12:59, recorded and posted 17. January 2017
See also: ► Gottwärts – Returning to Source


Barack Obama

  • Recently a group of US intelligence veterans has publicly called on Obama to order US intelligence to publish its evidence that it was Russian intelligence that was ultimately behind the publication of the stolen DNC and Podesta emails. This same group of intelligence veterans has repeatedly questioned the theory that Russian intelligence was involved, arguing that the publicly known facts are more consistent with the emails having been leaked by an insider rather than published as the result of a Russian hack.
    Article Obama implies US intelligence community 'doesn't know' how Wikileaks obtained DNC and Podesta emails, presented by the publication The Duran, Alexander Mercouris 19. January 2017


  • President Obama in his final press conference [on January 18, 2017]: "First of all, I haven't commented on Wiki-
    , generally. The conclusions of the intelligence community with respect to the Russian hacking were not conclusive as to whether Wikileaks was witting or not in being the conduit through which we heard about the DNC emails that were leaked."
    The DNC emails "that were leaked" – not "hacked" or "stolen" but "leaked." Article Obama Parting Shot Aims At Brennan, Clapper, Clinton: "The DNC Emails Were Leaked", presented by the publication Moon of Alabama, archived by the online publication Global Research, 19. January 2017


Links zum Thema Simon Parkes / Links on Simon Parkes


Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Elite pedocracy

Simon Parkes: "The California wild fires are not caused by natural actions. I suspect space based weapons based on the aerial drone
pictures and on one short conversation I've had."

Reptilian mind

James Bartley is an abductee who has been exposed to high levels of spiritual warfare. He has studied in England and Germany. He is a student
of military history with an emphasis on intelligence-counterintelligence and special operations. James has worked in the semiconductor industry,
the telecommunications industry and in county government as an ombudsmen. James also worked for the civil service at a major military com-
mand in an Intelligence related capacity, 2001.

Critical articles on Artificial Intelligence

  • Article AI Isn't A Thing, presented by amor mundi, Dale Carrico, 15. January 2015

Audio- und Videolinks

Audios und Videos mit dem Vortragenden und Interviewgast Simon Parkes (*1960) britischer ehemaliger Labour Stadtrat, Illuminati-Insider, Aufklärer zum Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle, Whistleblower-Aktivist, Futurist, Berater


TypAngebotTitelVeranstalter ♦
Ort ♦ Datum
YouTube VideoPräsentation
deutsche UT
Simon Parkes – Dämonen und Schattenwesen, menschliche EvolutionNew Horizons, Saint Annes, Lancashire, England, 8. September 20141:32:2426. Mai 2018
YouTube VideoInterviewSimon Parkes enthüllt Mind Control Geheimnisse Schwedischer Fernsehbildungskanal White TV, Gastgeber Dr. Henning Witte, deutsch-schwedisch-estländischer Rechtsanwalt, Aktivist, Fernsehmoderator, Simultanübersetzer Jens Becker, Sneaton Castle, Whitby, England48:25Gefilmt 25. April 2015
eingestellt 8. Mai 2015
Aspekte der Bewusstseinskontrolle: Folter, Skalarwellen, überlagerte Mobilfunkstrahlung, Phased-Array-Radar, Chemtrails, Morgellons, HAARP, Nanoroboter, Kristallstrukturen, blaues Blitzlicht, militärische Stationen auf Mond und Saturn, Abschaffung des analogen Telefon- und Fernsehnetzes, Einführung der hackbaren Digitaltechnologie, Erkennung und Entfernung von Implantaten
YouTube VideoInterviewSimon Parkes Interview (deutsch) Hybrid – AlienperspektiveDeutscher Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Gastgeber Jo Conrad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, esoterischer Autor, Simultanübersetzer Peter Hermann54:0621. Juni 2015
YouTube VideoSkype interviewHeart to Heart with Simon Parkes Important September
Update German Voiceover
Triad Theater, Yelm, Washington, United States, host Linda McCallum, September 2015
Deutsche Übersetzung von Dagmar Neubronner (*1959) deutsche Diplombiologin, Bindungsforschungsassistentin, Verlegerin, Übersetzerin, Fernsehmoderatorin
1:34:2123. September 2015

Audio and video links (engl.)

Audio and video links (engl.) – Simon Parkes

Various audios and videos featuring Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist
Deleted link resource (MP3, PDF, Topics covered) for Simon Parkes Talks, provided by INTCCG Connecting Consciousness,
starting 2011


TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoRemoved interviewThe Hidden World of The IlluminatiQuantum Leap TV, program "The Truth Hour", host Johnny Guzman, film49:1429. January 2013
Simon Parkes, minute 15:13-17:57: "If you are becoming a very, very powerful man (you're generally a man, a woman can become a witch) … you are invited to join … a brotherhood (with a masonic link). … You will be required to undertake some very disturbing rituals. ... It's a religion that implies dark magic powers." [Examples of such people are (convicted war criminals) GW Bush and Tony Blair, the Bushes, the Queen of England, Hillary Clinton (running for president 2008, 2016)]
Deleted YouTube videoTV documentarySIMON PARKES LOVES ALIENS AND DONALD TRUMPExcerpted from the 2013 British TV documentation Confessions of an Alien Abductee13:112013
23. December 2020
AudioPresentationThe Alien Agenda – What THEY don't want you to know...New Horizons, Saint Annes, Lancashire, England2:04:3110. February 2014
YouTube videoPresentationJiNN and SHADOW BeingsNew Horizons, Saint Annes, Lancashire, England, 8. September 20141:32:579. September 2014
YouTube videoPresentationRussia and the Greater Alien AgendaThe Vault, Newcastle upon Tyne, England47:11Recorded 21. February 2015
2. March 2015
YouTube videoInterview (excerpt)Simon Parkes – Flat Earth Disc – Flache ErdeProject Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, recorded 17. April 20153:3313. May 2016 
Vimeo videoInterviewSimon Parkes reveals mind control secretsSwedish TV station White TV via Twitter, host Dr. Henning Witte, German Swedish Estonian lawyer, social activist, TV host, Sneaton Castle, Whitby, Great Britain48:25Recorded 25. April 2015
Posted 29. April 2015
YouTube videoInterviewHow ETs Created And Influenced The Human RaceAwakened and Empowered TV (AAEtv), host Ethann Fox2:04:08Recorded 8. August 2015
Posted 11. August 2015
Deleted YouTube videoInterviewThe Alien AgendaUS American Capricorn Radio, hosts James Swagger and Susan Kornacki1:51:24Recorded 28. August 2015
posted 30. January 2018
YouTube videoSkype interviewHeart to Heart with Simon Parkes – Important September UpdateTriad Theater, Yelm, Washington, United States, host Linda McCallum, September 20151:34:2122. September 2015
YouTube videoSkype interviewSimon Parkes Responds to the CommunityGalactic Connection, host Alexandra Meadors1:42:3219. July 2016
Parkes publicly admitted his Reptilian father, Anu, betrayed him and other, whereupon he commanded him to leave his life forever! Extreme pressure on his political career was placed on Parkes only after he voiced his opinion that President Putin was the right Russian leader for present time period.
YouTube videoSkype presentation; Q&ASIMON PARKES AT THE AWAKE & AWARE MALTA CONFERENCEProject Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, Sliema, Malta, recorded 2. July 20161:42:425. August 2016
29. August 2017
Odysse videoSkype interviewSIMON PARKES RE PREPARE For What? WWIII, RESET, PLANETX OR ?Project Camelot, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy1:36:191. September 2016
YouTube videoPresentationSimon Parkes – The Coming Crisis 2016-2017The Multidimensional Show, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 17. September 20161:09:471. October 2016
Minute 15:15-25:00 – Referencing Hillary Clinton [Joe Biden], Donald Trump, Angela Merkel
Minute 43:23, minute 47:22 – "We have a situation at the moment where we have a female prime minister in Great Britain [Theresa May], we have a female chancellor in Germany [Angela Merkel] and potentially a female leader in America [Hillary Clinton]. I call them "the three witches". [The reason for this is] because the Earth planet is feminine. And there are very, very clever, evil people who want to connect the female (Divine) energy to the planet. That’s why there are [to be] three female leaders [in the most important Western industrial countries]. […] But [their] energies [are] being manipulated.
If a female, part of a cabal, puts out messages they are more likely believed by the populous if they’re connected to the energy of the planet. […] We have leaders in many countries who are put into this position because it is the end game. It is not the end of the world, it is the end of a particular game. ... Hillary Clinton does not have a clone yet. You have to take the soul from the person and place it into the clone."
VideoInterviewChanging the World. Part 1,
Project Camelot, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, Whitby, England, recorded 30. December 201653:0412. Jan 2017
Bitchute videoInterviewSimon Parkes: Changing the World. Part 2,
Project Camelot, founder, CEO,
host Kerry Cassidy, Whitby, England, recorded 30. December 2016
1:05:2011. January 2017
Topics: Pedophilia, ascension, reptilians, nordics, Project Avalon Forum, Trump, Putin, Mantis beings and the future
AltCensored videoPresentationDeeper Truths Conference Connecting Consciousness with Simon ParkesHost Jason Liosatos, Dartington Great Hall, England, 17. December 20172:59:2415. January 2018
YouTube VideointerviewSimon Parkes: An Update on Current Events – Feb 6, 2018
MP3, PDF transcript
Project Camelot, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy1:31:056. February 2018
Minute 11:00 – "Trump is the right man at the right time in the right place. He is doing things which no other president, except JFK, would have dreamt
to have done."
Minute 11:58 – Key people in the US (possibly also HC) are currently under soft house arrest and are being monitored. No need to monitor them via medicinal boots.
Minute 1:03:41 – Before Hillary Clinton goes to prison, first the network of key players around Bill Clinton (who could retribute by detonating a nuclear bomb on the US) need to be taken down.
Minute 13:02 – The two greatest threats issued by control systems to humankind are:
1st and foremost: artificial intelligence. (AI is a virus, only able to operate when attached to biological host bodies.) 
2nd: the "crazies" (i.e. Zionist fundamentalists, Satanic devotees) ready to commit horrendous crimes on a planetwide scale.
Minute 15:04Money (as in coin, paper, or plastic) has a 4th dimensional Babylonian spell placed upon it. The number of organisations starting crypto currencies that are being released across the planet and the publicity (sales push) behind it is phenomenal (and therefore suspect). Effectively a trojan horse, crypto currencies will not work without the synonymous 5G [5th generation of wireless mobile systems]. The intended AI attack to technologically enslave the human race can only be carried out when 5G is established worldwide. Currently, 5G is secretly being trialled in Norway.
Minute 21:33 – The current AI that we face is a Reptilian AI. AI (as a virus) was infested in the computers of a Reptilian spacecraft and took on the personality of its hiveminded Reptilian programmers.
Minute 29:25 – 4th dimensional introjected pedophila, one of the biggest plights of any living planet, will take more and more prevalence in 2018-2020. Trump has decided that the biggest threat of his presidency is Satanism, expressing itself through pedophilia. The pedophiles attempted to assassinate him 3 times in his first year of presidency.
Minute 34:41 – The Brexit was a rejection of the established politics (pushed via MSM). The British people disobeyed the instructions of their elite masters. Britain's exit from the EU effected worldwide a huge schism between the politicians and the corporations.
Minute 38:05Trump moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem ⇔ satanically infiltrated United Nations (75% funded by US); Dome of the Rock prophecy to be enacted 2018/19; 5-6 key players (Russia, China, India, Asian countries) are tackling the Middle East situation, not the US (Trump).
Minute 41:08 – The Chinese Yuan is now effectively the new gold-backed currency. China supports Vietnam and Korea18 because the gold of the White/Red Dragon societies (originally King Solomon's gold) is largely stored in the caves of Northern Vietnam, in Korea, and Indonesia.
Minute 46:13 – A long-term US$ decline started with the collapse of the Dow Jones. The loss of 1 day (Feb 5, 2018) was the worst in 120 years.
The US stockmarket via FED, CIA and partially the FBI is funding the US military and abusive black projects – in an intracable manner.
Minute 48:04 – "Four [corrupt] key players in the FBI will probably lose their jobs very shortly."
Minute 1:08:02Trump is aware of (alien) black projects. Currently the aliens and UFOs are not a key priority on his agenda.
Minute 1:21:21 – Primarily the purpose of chemtrailing19 is to blanket space, thereby reducing the intensity of the very special frequency (high
vibrations of light) emitted from the sun which is both evolving humans and planet Earth.
VideoPresentationSimon Parkes: The Mantid Agenda May 3, 2018 UPDATEProject Camelot, founder, CEO,
host Kerry Cassidy
1:26:213. May 2018
Deleted YouTube VideoTopic dialogueEpisode #46: A discussion on Atlantis, with Simon ParkesThe Lifting Radio Show, host Joanna Michaels, commenter Christopher Stephen Jacobs, US American medium1:15:09Pre-recorded
8. May 2018
Deleted YouTube VideoInterviewSimon Parkes and AO12 on different forms of political manipulation tactics.AO12, host Sandra Daroy, filmmaker, recorded at High Elms Manor, UFO Academy, Watford, 8. July 201815:1710. July 2018
YouTube video
InterviewSimon Parkes at Awake & Aware 2018Video interview platform "Stepping Stones", host Caroline Stephens, recorded at High Elms Manor, UFO Academy, Watford, 8. July 201829:4114. July 2018
25. May 2019
Odysee videoLivestreamed interviewSIMON PARKES: LATEST NEWS AND COMMENTARYProject Camelot, founder, CEO,
host Kerry Cassidy
1:55:0018. September 2018
VideoClarifying updateStatement regarding Kerry Cassidy – Kevin Moore and Mark RichardsSimon Parkes – Connecting Consciousness, England16:2229. October 2018
Deleted YouTube videoTopic dialogueEpisode #64: A Discussion on Lemuria, with Simon ParkesThe Lifting Radio Show, host Joanna Michaels, commenter Christopher Stephen Jacobs, US American medium1:08:43Pre-recorded
13. November 2018
YouTube videoInterviewSIMON PARKES Y EL PLAN EXTRATERRESTRE. Entrevista en castellano.La Caja de Pandora46:3418. January 2019
13. June 2020
Bitchute videoDialogBenjamin Fulford & Simon Parkes – Interview Februar 2019 (deutsch) Guest Benjamin Fulford (*1961) Canadian-Japanese journalistHost Simon Parkes58:042. February 2019
6. November 2019
YouTube videoTV interviewSIMON PARKES ~ "E.T. Alien Masters – A.I. Matrix Prison – Universal Consciousness"Danish TV network and online community Age Of Truth TV, host Lucas Alexander, AOT TV Studios in Copenhagen, Denmark via ZOOM to Whitby, United Kingdom, 15. April 20192:13:0322. April 2019
VideoTV interviewSimon At Camelot CastleBritish Camelot TV Network, hosts John and Irena Mappin1:55:053. August 2020
Bitchute videoInterviewSimon Parkes Election 2020 Connecting Consciousness – Earth Generally on a Positive PathHost Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT)19:4811. November 2020
Bitchute videoInterviewSimon Parkes: The Plan Now – Leaked From Trump TeamProject Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, England, recorded 19. December 20201:27:073. January 2021
VideoInterview Simon Parkes & Kim KindersleyGuest  Kim Kindersley, Irish hemp famer
biological CBD oil producer
20:0129. January 2021
Reddit video
dd ~2014
Interview excerptSimon Parkes talking about what a soul is and how a soul can avoid the trap heading into the tunnel of light8:083. October 2021
See also: ► Mass mind control and ► Conspiracy

Connecting Consciousness audio interviews (engl.) – Simon Parkes

Biweekly 2-hourly audio radio interviews on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month – featuring Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, YouTube audios
Sponsor ♦ Location: Dissolved Scottish listener supported media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program Connecting Consciousness, Ever Beyond Radio, host Jay Pee / host Jessica Arael Marrocco
Deleted link resource (MP3, PDF, Topics covered) for Simon Parkes Talks, provided by INTCCG Connecting Consciousness, starting 2011


OfferingHeadingTranscriptDurationRelease date
Audio interview2015-03-08 Ever Beyond Simon Parkes Mantid Reptilian Hybrid 2:00:228.·March·2015
Audio interview2015-03-12 Answers from the Universe: Simon Parkes Recorded 12. March 2015 1:30:2219. March 2015
Audio interview2015-07-05 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes answers Questions 1:56:105. July 2015
Audio interview2015-08-02_CC_Simon_Parkes_Answers 2:00:412. August 2015
Audio interview2015-11-01 Simon_Parkes_Anu_Dimensions_Contact 2:01:061. November 2015
Dracos need to evolve more than any other Reptilian races. They've played very significant role in enslaving humanity. Privately, a small group, including 3 senior/royal Dracos, striving to work out redemption plan to change energy signature because they know their game's over. A vast majority however will go out fighting, they see themselves as superior.
Satanic rites involving child sacrifice in front of elite children are performed to induce trauma at early age and to facilitate mind control.
To ensure that the Dark cannot trick one to reincarnate back into the "web" at transition Parkes recommends to say following mantra very night before retiring: "I wish to go back to Source." This mantra engrained will help to remember it at one's moment of death and passing.
Audio interview2016-01-03 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness 1:58:253. January 2016
Audio interview2016-02-07 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 2:01:507. February 2016
Audio interview2016-05-01 Simon Parkes Q&A 1MP31:56:001. May 2016
Audio interview2016-07-03 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness 1:58:353. July 2016
Audio interview2016-11-06 Simon Parkes Q&A I – Connecting Consciousness 1:54:556. November 2016
"We have a situation where it’s finally balanced [between the good guys and the bad guys in United States]. No one side has supremacy over the other. It is not a done deal. The bad guys could still pull this off. But now the fight is out in the open. I absolutely believe that they will try and let the election go ahead. They will attempt to fake it and rig it so that they say that Hillary has won the election by a very small number of votes. If that happens I think that just within a few weeks she will be declared sick and that she will stand down. […] If they fake the election and Hillary Clinton is declared the winner there will be civil war in some states in America, because many states will not accept that, because they know the truth. […] These people who are deciding what they are going to do with Hillary Clinton, because she is just a puppet, and how they are going to play her, need to realize that they could put their country into a terrible state. The [good guys in the] military now are referring to America [...] as the "Republic" […], because they want the United States to return to a Republic."  Minute 19:00
Audio interviewNov 20 2016 Simon Parkes Q&A
Recorded 20. November 2016
 1:54:2822. April 2017
Audio interviewJan 01 2017 Simon Parkes Q&A 1:04:551. January 2017
Audio interview2017-01-15 Simon Parkes Q&A 2:03:2015. January 2017
Audio interview|2017-02-05 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness 1:55:455. February 2017
Audio interviewFeb 19 2017 – Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio 1:59:1519. February 2017
Audio interview2017-03-05 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 1:57:055. March 2017
Audio interviewMarch 19 2017 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A with Wolf Spirit Radio 1:55:5819. March 2017
Audio interview2017-04-02 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes 1:57:352. April 2017
Audio interview2017-04-16 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes QA Easter 1:52:1016. April 2017
Audio interview2017-05-07 Simon Parkes Compact Show 1:01:507. May 2017
Audio interviewMay 21 2017 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes Q&AMP3 – 21 May 2017 – CC1:59:5121. May 2017
Audio interview2017-06-04 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 1:57:504. June 2017
Audio interviewHoliday Message from Simon 4:0718. June 2017
Audio interview2017-07-16 Connecting Consciousness Simon Q&A 44:3016. July 2017
Audio interviewAug 6 2017 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A on Wolf Spirit Radio 1:58:206. August 2017
Audio interview2017-08-20 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 1:58:1020. August 2017
Audio interview2017-09-03 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes QA 1:57:403. September 2017
Audio interview2017-09-17 Connecting Consciousness – Simon Parkes QA 1:48:0517. September 2017
Audio interview2017-10-01_CC_Simon_QA 1:59:351. October 2017
Audio interview2017-10-15 Simon Parkes Single Hour while Packing 59:4015. October 2017
Audio interview2017-11-05 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 1:53:355. November 2017
Audio interview2017-11-19 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 1:54:5519. November 2017
Audio interview2017-12-03 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes QA 1:54:053. December 2017
Audio interviewDec 24 2017 Simon Parkes Xmas Hour Prerecorded, aired 24. December 2017 59:2025. December 2017
Audio interview2018-01-07 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 1:54:507. January 2018
"I think 2017 was quite a strong battle, still going on but 2018 is proving to be very interesting. 2018 is going to be an absolute turning point so you know I'm positive. The big news for 2018 will be pedophilia. It will be the fact somewhere between thirty and thirty-five American Congressmen or Senators will not restand."
Audio interview2018-01-21 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 2:00:0021. January 2018
Audio interviewFebruary 4 2018 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A on Wolf Spirit Radio 1:52:354. February 2018
Audio interview2018-02-18 Connecting Consciousness with Simon Parkes 1:50:5018. February 2018
Audio interview
Video interview
Mar 4 2018 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness Q&A on Wolf Spirit Radio, 2018 03 04 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes with VIDEO 1:56:504. March 2018
Audio interview2018-03-18 Connecting Consciousness … Simon Parkes March II 1:49:3518. March 2018
Brief audio message2018-04-06 simon parkes statement,
by quitting host Jay Pee
JayPee announces termination of him hosting the Connecting Consciousness show.20 sec6. April 2018

Connecting Consciousness podcasts (engl.) – Simon Parkes

Bi-weekly 1-hourly independent video podcasts with current information and Q&A plus actual updates on politics and world affairs on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month – featuring Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider,
mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, YouTube / at times
Bitchute videos
Sponsor ♦ Location: Simon Parkes – Connecting Consciousness, England, assisted by Rebecca Bannister Parkes, reading written questions from the audience
Replaced by the Bitchute channel Simon_Parkes, active since 1. December 2020
Link resource (MP3, PDF, Topics covered) for Simon Parkes Talks, provided by INTCCG Connecting Consciousness, time span 2011-current


·❄·OfferingHeadingTranscriptDurationRelease date
1.Video2018-04-27 Connecting Consciousness 1:03:0827. Apr 2018
2.Video2018-05-06 Connecting Consciousness 1:03:476. May 2018
3.Video2018 05 18 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 18. May 20181:14:0120. May 2018
4.Video2018 06 03 Connecting ConsciousnessTranskript1:11:143. Jun 2018
5.Video2018 06 17 Connecting Consciousness 1:11:5617. Jun 2018
2018 07 01 Connecting Consciousness 1:18:501. July 2018
7.Video2018 07 15 Connecting Consciousness 1:10:5415.·July·2018
8.Video2018 08 05 Connecting Consciousness 1:09:555. Aug 2018
9.Video2018 08 19 Connecting Consciousness 1:09:1819. Aug 2018
10.Video12 2018 08 26 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes August Bank Holiday Special 1:00:0226. Aug 2018
30. March 2021
Topics: ☛ Global warmingDepopulation agenda (2015)  Minute 13:57
11.Video2018 09 09 Connecting Consciousness 1:13:197. Sep 2018
12.Video2018 09 16 Connecting Consciousness 1:05:4614. Sep 2018
13.Video2018 10 07 Connecting Consciousness 1:12:246. Oct 2018
14.Video2018 10 28 Connecting Consciousness 1:20:3028. Oct 2018
15.Video2018 11 04 Connecting Consciousness 1:03:094. Nov 2018
16.Video2018 11 18 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2018-11-181:18:2518. Nov 2018
17.Video2018 12 01 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2018-12-0158:332. Dec 2018
18.Video2018 12 16 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2018-12-151:11:4215. Dec 2018
19.Video2019 01 06 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-01-061:20:466. Jan 2019
20.Video2019 01 20 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-01-201:04:3621. Jan 2019
21.Video2019 02 22 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-02-221:43:3323. Feb 2019
22.Video2019 03 08 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-03-0857:548. Mar 2019
23.Video2019 03 22 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-03-221:01:5622. Mar 2019
24.Video2019 04 05 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-04-051:10:486. April 2019
25.Video2019 05 04 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-05-0453:075. May 2019
26.Video2019 05 10 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-05-1054:2711. May 2019
27.Video2019 05 25 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-05-251:00:0026. May 2019
28.VideoImportant Message
Trump possibly arresting elite perpetrators
Recorded 2019-06-027:402. June 2019
29.Video2019 06 15 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-06-151:03:2315. Jun 2019
30.Video2019 07 05 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-07-051:10:436. July 2019
31.Video2019 08 02 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-08-021:16:223. Aug 2019
32.Video2019 08 17 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-08-171:01:5418. Aug 2019
33.VideoAmazon RainforestRecorded 2019-08-284:1028. Aug 2019
Topic: ☛ A Call To Action ☛ World meditation on Thursday 29th August 10pm British summer time
34.Video2019-09-01 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-09-011:07:491. Sep 2019
35.VideoConnecting Consciousness Annual Group Meeting London 15th September 2019Recorded 2019-09-201:35:2325. Sep 2019
36.Video2019 10 11 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-10-111:04:1012. Oct 2019
37.Video2019 11 01 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-11-171:00:3718. Nov 2019
38.Video2019 11 17 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-12-011:06:572. Dec 2019
39.Video2019 12 13 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-12-1323:3713. Dec 2019
40.Video2019 12 27 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2019-12-271:06:3628. Dec 2019
41.Video2020 02 01 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-02-011:18:511. Feb 2020
42.Video2020 02 06 Update – Simon ParkesRecorded 2020-02-0617:386. Feb 2020
43.Video2020 02 23 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-02-231:30:5124. Feb 2020
44.Video2020 03 12 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-03-121:11:1214. Mar 2020
45.Video2020 03 17 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-1723:3617. Mar 2020
46.Video2020 03 19 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-1910:0519. Mar 2020
47.Video2020 03 20 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-2016:4620. Mar 2020
48.Video2020 03 21 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-2136:4221. Mar 2020
49.Video2020 03 23 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-2319:4123. Mar 2020
50.Video2020 03 24 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-2425:1824. Mar 2020
51.Video2020 03 26 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-2623:5526. Mar 2020
52.Video2020 03 27 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-2720:3927. Mar 2020
53.Video2020 03 28 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-2819:4528. Mar 2020
54.Video2020 03 30 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-03-3023:3930. Mar 2020
55.Video2020 04 02 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-04-0216:032. April 2020
56.Video2020 04 04 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-04-0459:595. April 2020
57.Video2020 04 09 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-04-0937:329. April 2020
58.Video2020 04 10 Update – Simon Parkes Covid-19Recorded 2020-04-1024:1310. Apr 2020
59.Video2020 04 19 Connecting Consciousness – Magenta PixieRecorded 2020-04-1959:0819. Apr 2020
60.VideoA Conversation With Sacha StoneRecorded 2020-04-2053:5220. Apr 2020
61.Video2020 05 01 Update – Simon ParkesRecorded 2020-05-0126:491. May 2020
62.VideoRebecca Parkes, Dee Taylor-Mason and Magenta Pixie]]Recorded 2020-05-061:16:186. May 2020
63.Video2020 05 09 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-05-091:29:3810. May 2020
64.Video2020 05 22 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-05-221:14:1723. May 2020
65.Video2020 06 02 Update – Simon ParkesRecorded 2020-06-0224:402. Jun 2020
66.Video2020 06 14 Update – Simon Parkes]]Recorded 2020-06-1434:5214. Jun 2020
67.Video2020 06 19 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-06-191:22:2920. Jun 2020
68.Video2020 07 04 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-07-0457:445. July 2020
69.Video2020 07 17 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-07-181:08:3818. Jul 2020
70.Video2020 08 14 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-08-121:06:1314. Aug 2020
71.Video2020 08 29 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-08-28/291:31:5230. Aug 2020
72.Video2020 09 11 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-09-1129:2112. Sep 2020
73.Video2020 09 18 Connecting Consciousness
Interview with Jacques Bauer
Recorded 2020-09-1845:2523. Sep 2020
74.Video2020 10 11 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-10-111:24:1112. Oct 2020
75.Video2020 10 23 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-10-231:13:3425. Oct 2020
76.Video2020 10 30 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-10-301:101:591. Nov 2020
77.Video 4th November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-410:384. Nov 2020
78.Video5th November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-531:545. Nov 2020
79.Video 7th November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-714:147. Nov 2020
80.Video 9th November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-919:099. Nov 2020
81.Video interview Election 2020 CC – Earth Generally on a Positive PathHost Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American former CIA clandestine services case officer19:4810. Nov 2020
82.Video2020 11 14 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-11-141:49:5918. Nov 2020
83.Video 18th November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-1823:5718. Nov 2020
84.Video 22nd November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-2213:0122. Nov 2020
85.Video 23rd November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-2313:4823. Nov 2020
86.Video 25th November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-2522:0725. Nov 2020
87.Video 29th November Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-11-2917:5829. Nov 2020
88.Video 1st December Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-12-113:211. Dec 2020
89.Video 5th December Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-12-526:425. Dec 2020
90.Video 7th December Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-12-75:287. Dec 2020
91.Video 9th December Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-12-919:049. Dec 2020
92.Video 10th December Election Update 2020Recorded 2020-12-1017:3710. Dec 2020
93.Video 12th December Update Current NewsRecorded 2020-12-1228:4912. Dec 2020
94.Video 14th December Update Current News
14th December Update Follow-up
Recorded 2020-12-145:34
14. Dec 2020
15. Dec 2020
95.Video2020 12 18 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2020-12-181:34:3919. Dec 2020
96.Video 19th December Update Current NewsRecorded 2020-12-1928:1419. Dec 2020
97.Video 21st December Update Current NewsRecorded 2020-12-217:1721. Dec 2020
98.Video 24th December Update Current NewsRecorded 2020-12-2411:3024. Dec 2020
99.Video 27th December Update Current NewsRecorded 2020-12-2723:2327. Dec 2020
100.Video 30th December Update Current NewsRecorded 2020-12-3023:4530. Dec 2020
101.New Year's roundtable videoInto the Light of 2021 Clarity & Hope!
Magenta Pixie, Rebecca Parkes, Simon Parkes
Recorded 2021-1-1
Host Tara Love Perry
2:36:151. Jan 2021
102.Video 2nd January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-27:462. Jan 2021
103.Video 5th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-59:375. Jan 2021
104.Video 6th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-65:466. Jan 2021
105.Video 7th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-720:537. Jan 2021
106.Video Robert David Steel, Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward host Robert David SteeleRecorded 2021-1-79:567. Jan 2021
107.Video Nicholas Veniamin, Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes host Nicholas VeniaminRecorded 2021-1-91:01:369. Jan 2021
108.Video 10th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-1024:4510. Jan 2021
109.Video 11th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-1119:4410. Jan 2021
110.Video 2021 Year of the Boomerang 11/1 Trump declares war on ChinaGreat News 2021
Host Charlie Ward, Danielle Stotijn
Recorded 2021-1-1126:5211. Jan 2021
111.Video 11th January Second Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-111:3311. Jan 2021
112.Video 11th January Third Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-1114:0311. Jan 2021
113.Video 12th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-1228:3812. Jan 2021
114.Video 12th January Second Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-120:5812. Jan 2021
115.Video interview Simon Parkes Interview Host Doug BillingsRecorded 2021-1-1243:5513. Jan 2021
116.Video 13th January UpdateRecorded 2021-1-131:5613. Jan 2021
117.Video 13th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-1327:0013. Jan 2021
118.Video interview Interview with Simon Parkes & Charlie Ward, Guest Charlie Ward, host Doug BillingsRecorded 2021-1-141:02:3014. Jan 2021
119.Video 16th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-16 – MP344:4616. Jan 2021
120.Video 18th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-18 – MP341:3618. Jan 2021
121.Video 19th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-19 – MP320:3819. Jan 2021
122.Video Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, David Nino Rodriguez & Tiana Islam
Charlie Ward, Tiana Islam, host David Nino Rodriguez
Recorded 2021-1-211:10:1021. Jan 2021
123.Video 21st January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-2136:3221. Jan 2021
124.Video 21st January Second UpdateRecorded 2021-1-2126:3721. Jan 2021
125.Video interview Latest Interview with Simon Parkes
Host Doug Billings
Recorded 2021-1-2239:0722. Jan 2021
126.Video 25th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-25 – MP343:4725. Jan 2021
127.Video panel Robert David Steele, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, Sacha Stone and Sean StoneHost Robert David Steele25:0925. Jan 2021
128.Video 28th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-2813:2128. Jan 2021
129.Video 30th January Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-1-301:3130. Jan 2021
130.Video Four Amigos on What Could Happen In February (If Not Sooner)
Host Robert David Steele
Recorded 2021-2-326:063. Feb 2021
131.Video interview Our Latest Interview with Simon Parkes
Host Doug Billings
Recorded 2021-2-539:255. Feb 2021
132.Video 6th February Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-2-6 – MP339:416. Feb 2021
133.Video interview Simon Parkes Discusses Doug's Interview with General Michael Flynn
Host Doug Billings
Recorded 2021-2-824:158. Feb 2021
134.Video 8th February Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-2-8 – MP320:338. Feb 2021
135.Video Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes & Tom Numbers Bushnow Host Charlie WardRecorded 2021-2-947:239. Feb 2021
136.Video Children Rescued Under the White House, Dark Outpost, host David ZublickRecorded 2021-2-9
Min 27:07-1:28:07
2:00:149. Feb 2021
137.VideoTom Numbers and Simon Parkes
Guest Tom Sidney Bushnell
Recorded 2021-2-15 – MP340:4216. Feb 2021
138.Video 18th February Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-2-18 – MP331:3818. Feb 2021
139.Video Tom Numbers & Simon Parkes
Guest Tom Sidney Bushnell
Recorded 2021-2-18 – MP326:4018. Feb 2021
140.Video interview Interview with Simon Parkes February 18 2021Host Doug Billings49:0718. Feb 2021
141.Video 24th February Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-2-24 – MP350:1924. Feb 2021
142.Video 1st March Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-3-130:291. Mar 2021
143.Video Tom Charlie and Simon 2nd March 2021
Charlie Ward, Tom Sidney Bushnell
Recorded 2021-3-258:433. Mar 2021
144.Video 4th March Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-3-4 – MP323:264. Mar 2021
145.Video interviewThe Right Side with Doug Billings Mon Mar 8 Host Doug BillingsRecorded 2021-3-8 – via BEK TV49:218. Mar 2021
146.Video 14 03 2021 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2021-3-131:34:1314. Mar 2021
147.Video 16 March Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-3-16 – MP33:5016. Mar 2021
148.Deleted videoDoug's Latest Interview with Simon ParkesHost Doug Billings48:5019. Mar 2021
149.Video 4th April Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-4-4 – MP352:314. April 2021
150.Video Q & A WITH SIMON PARKES & CHARLIE WARDRecorded 2021-4-1744:0017. April 2021
151.Video Simon Parkes and Charlie Ward Discourse – 04 17 21 Host Charlie WardRecorded 2021-4-1740:5517. April 2021
152.Video David, Charlie, Mel and Simon
Simon on board Charlie Ward, Mel K., David Rodriguez
Recorded 2021-4-2256:0122. April 2021
153.Video2021 04 25 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2021-4-241:39:0525. April 2021
154.Deleted videoDoug Billings & Simon Parkes 26th April 2021Host Doug Billings59:5526. April 2021
155.Deleted video9th May Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-5-934:1110. May 2021
156.Video29th May Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-5-2948:1130. May 2021
157.Video9th June Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-6-938:019. June 2021
158.Video10th June 2021 Robert David Steele & Simon ParkesHost Robert David Steele (1952-2021)
US American former CIA clandestine services case officer
13:0610. June 2021
159.Video10th June Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-6-104:5011. June 2021
160.VideoSimon Parkes and Caroline Chang 11th June 2021Awake 2 Oneness Radio,
host Caroline Chang
47:0012. June 2021
161.Video Simon Parkes meets Arise Freedom USA as they stop in Vegas...Panel guests Scott Mckay, Sacha Stone23:2412. June 2021
162.Deleted videoDoug's latest chat with Simon Parkes. 6.17.2021Host Doug Billings58:3017. June 2021
163.Video Mel K Welcomes Simon & Rebecca Parkes to Discuss Connecting Consciousness & Moving Forward 6-22-2021Host Mel K49:2422. June 2021
164.Video 2021 07 04 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2021-7-41:17:244. July 2021
165.Video interview Sheriff Mack & Simon Parkes 1st Aug 2021Guest Richard Mack (*1952) former Graham County sheriff, AZ, political activist46:452. August 2021
166.Video Simon Parkes talks with Master Lama Rasaji about Spirituality...
Guest: Master Lama Rasaji, founder of the circle of life42:03
7. August 2021
167.Video presentation 2021 08 08 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2021-8-71:11:198. August 2021
168.Deleted video talkDoug's Latest Chat with Simon Parkes, 8.5.2021Host Doug Billings59:428. August 2021
169.Video panel Mel K, Charlie Ward & Simon Parkes Monday Meeting as the War Rages on Disclosure EverywhereHost Mel K, Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward54:3821. September 2021
170.Video panel Simon Parkes, Tom Numbers & Negative48 18th August 2021Contributors Tom Sidney Bushnell and Michael Brian Protzman49:2120. August 2021
171.Video panelSimon Parkes & Charlie Ward Exclusive Update Today With DanielleHost Charlie Ward, guests Danielle (NL) and Simon23:1624. August 2021
172.Video talk Simon Parkes & Sheriff Mack's August UpdateGuest sheriff Richard Mack (*1952)40:0225. August 2021
173.Video interview Episode 30 – Dark Forces, Special Guest Simon ParkesThe Patriot Review, host Jeff Wagner, starting minute 16:001:25:1931. August 2021
174.Video talk Simon Parkes & Sheriff Mack's Important UpdateGuest Richard Mack (*1952) former Graham County sheriff, AZ, political activist39:471. September 2021
175.Video talk Simon Parkes & Master Lama Rasaji Latest Important UpdateGuest: Master Lama Rasaji, founder of the circle of life44:043. September 2021
176.Video message 6th September 2021 Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-9-610:316. September 2021
177.Video panel MAN OF GOD – Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and ProsperityHost Charlie Ward34:226. September 2021
Topic: ☛ Declaration of the People of the United States for Global Peace and Prosperity, PDF, presented by Man of God, 30. August 2021
178.Video presentation14th September 2021 Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-9-1448:1714. September 2021
179.Video panel Gesara Nesara Gold Explained
SP: Many people asked me, 'Was it worth putting money in crypto [currencies]?' I've always said, 'No, if I had the money to invest I would put it in gold and silver'. Minute 5:32
Host Charlie Ward, guests the Goldbusters50:0425. September 2021
180.Video interview Greed Will Kill The RVHost Charlie Ward15:0627. September 2021
181.Video presentation 5th October 2021 Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-10-531:425. October 2021
182.Video interview Simon Parkes & Charlie Ward 10th October 2021Host Charlie Ward21:0910. October 2021
183.Video interview Billy Falcon & Simon Parkes 14th October 2021Guest Billy Falcon (*1956) US American musician, composer, music producer, recorded 2021-10-1443:5315. October 2021
184.Video presentation 20th October 2021 Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-10-2034:4520. October 2021
185.Video interviewSteve Lepkowski & Simon Parkes October 2021Host Steve Lepowski, recorded 2021-10-2545:1025. October 2021
186.Deleted video interview Doug's Latest Interview with Simon Parkes. Our Differences and Unity Host Doug BillingsRecorded 2021-10-271:00:5027. October 2021
187.Video Steve Lepkowski & Simon Parkes October 2021Recorded 2021-11-827:489. November 2021
188.Video 9th November 2021 Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-11-951:069. November 2021
189.Video interviewSimon beantwortet Fragen von CC Deutschland, November 2021 Deutsche Untertitel 2:01:0330. November 2021
190.Video presentation3rd December 2021 Update Current NewsRecorded 2021-12-31:08:144. Dec 2021
191.Video interviewSteve Lepkowski & Simon Parkes 8th December 2021Recorded 2021-12-831:168. Dec 2021
192.Video presentation2021 12 19 Connecting Consciousness Christmas Special – Simon ParkesRecorded 2021-12-191:52:1620. Dec 2021
193.Video presentation5th January 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-01-522:045. Jan 2022
194.Video panelGold Revaluation 2023 – Ignore at your own risk! Host Charlie WardGoldbusters
Flight from Crypto
37:5414. Jan 2022
195.Video presentation21st January 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-01-2147:0021. Jan 2022
196.Video presentation24th January 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-01-2412:3525. Jan 2022
197.Video presentation30th January 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-01-3052:0530. Jan 2022
198.Video panelExposing How Life REALLY WorksHost Charlie Ward, guests the Goldbusters36:5811. Feb 2022
199.Video presentation11th February 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-02-11 22:1011. Feb 2022
200.VideoSimon Parkes: 2022 02 27 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2022-02-272:24:4828. Feb 2022
201.Video12th April 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-04-1217:2513. April 2022
202.Video interviewGoldBusters – Get Free Metals – 29th April 2022Recorded 2022-0442:2129. April 2022
203.Video12th May 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-0511:1212. May 2022
204.Video12th May 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-0511:1212. May 2022
205.Video interviewMay 2022 Trinity Update From Biomedis GlobalRecorded 2022-0516:5913. May 2022
206.Video2022 05 16 Connecting Consciousness
Follow Up text
Recorded 2022-05-1:47:4217. May 2022
17. May 2022
207.Video interviewSimon & Kim On HuGold CBD Oil Updates May 2022Recorded 2022-0524:4019. May 2022
208.Video2022 05 28 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2022-05-281:39:4228. May 2022
22. Aug 2022
209.Video appealWakeup Meditation Sunday 5th June 2022Recorded 2022-06-6:592. June 2022
210.Video2022 06 11 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2022-06-111:42:4311. June 2022
211.Video2022 06 25 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2022-06-251:22:2721. July 2022
212.Video2022 07 23 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2022-07-231:36:4923. Jul 2022
213.Video21st August 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-08-2147:2621. Aug 2022
214.Video8th September 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-09-0832:578. Sep 2022
215.Video2022 09 25 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2022-09-261:54:4526. Sep 2022
216.Video31st October 2022 Update Current NewsRecorded 2022-10-3134:3931. Oct 2022
217.VideoNovember 9th US Midterms Update...Recorded 2022-11-916:559. Nov 2022
218.Video'2022 11 26 Connecting ConsciousnessRecorded 2022-11-261:38:1926. Nov 2022
219.Video15th January 2023 Update Current NewsRecorded 2023-01-1534:3315. Jan 2023
 Video interviewThe Bridge With Nick and Dylan Episode 053 with Simon ParkesRecorded 2024-03-13 13. March 2024
 VideoRecorded 2023-01- . 2024

Out of This World audio podcasts (engl.) – Simon Parkes

Bi-weekly 1-hourly audio podcast interview on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month – featuring Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist
Sponsor ♦ Location: Out of This World, host Ted Mahr, DELETED YouTube playlist Out of This World, Bellevue, Washington
Via broadcast station Alternative Talk 1150 AM KKNW – Show terminated in June 2020
Via broadcast station BBS Radio, based in California – 1st show 20. June 2020
Deleted Link resource (MP3, PDF, Topics covered) for Simon Parkes Talks, provided by INTCCG Connecting Consciousness,
time span 2011-current


·❄·OfferingHeadingTranscriptDurationRelease date
1.Audio podcasts 2016Podcasts with Simon Parkes 2016 ~50:009. February 2016
24. June 2016
2.Audio podcasts 2017Podcasts with Simon Parkes 2017 ~50:0028. Januar
21. April 2017
3.Audio podcasts 2018Podcasts with Simon Parkes 2018 ~50:0023. February 2018
5./20. April 2018
4./18. May 2018
25. May 2018
1. June 2018
15. June 2018
6. July 2018
4.Deleted YouTube podcast1 8-03-18 guest Simon Parkes 55:133. August 2018
5.YouTube podcast1 8-17-18 guest Simon Parkes 55:3517. August 2018
6.YouTube podcast1 9-7-18 guest Simon Parkes 54:357. September 2018
7.YouTube podcast1 9-21-18 guest Simon Parkes 57:1121. Sept 2018
8.YouTube podcast1 10-05-18 guest Simon Parkes 55:565. October 2018
9.YouTube podcast1 10-19-18 guest Simon ParkesIntl. Water Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria53:2819. October 2018
10.YouTube podcast1 11-2-18 guest Simon Parkes 55:022. November 2018
11.YouTube podcast1 11-16-18 guest Simon Parkes 56:4016. Nov 2018
12.YouTube podcast1 12-07-18 guest Simon Parkes 55:457. December 2018
13.YouTube podcast1 12-21-18 guest Simon Parkes 55:3821. Dec 2018
14.YouTube podcast1 1-25-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:0226. January 2019
15.YouTube podcast1 02-08-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:028. February 2019
16.YouTube podcast1 03-01-19 guest Simon Parkes 56:141. March 2019
17.YouTube podcast|1 03-15-19 guest Simon Parkes 54:5815. March 2019
18.YouTube podcast1 04-05-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:055. April 2019
19.YouTube podcast1 05-03-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:113. May 2019
20.YouTube podcast1 05-24-19 guest Simon Parkes 54:4524. May 2019
21.YouTube podcast1 06-07-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:107. June 2019
22.YouTube podcast1 06-21-19 guest Simon Parkes 54:5321. June 2019
23.YouTube podcast1 07-05-19 guest Simon Parkes 56:085. July 2019
24.YouTube podcast1 08-09-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:289. August 2019
25.YouTube podcast1 08-16-19 guest Simon Parkes 56:5416. August 2019
26.YouTube podcast1 09-13-19 guest Simon Parkes 56:5213. Sept 2019
27.YouTube podcast1 09-20-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:3220. Sept 2019
28.YouTube podcast1 10-18-19 guest Simon Parkes 50:2018. October 2019
29.YouTube podcast1 11-01-19 guest Simon Parkes 57:241. November 2019
30.YouTube podcast1 11-15-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:5615. Nov 2020
31.YouTube podcast1 12-20-19 guest Simon Parkes 55:3520. Dec 2019
32.YouTube podcast1 01-03-20 guest Simon Parkes 55:563. January 2020
33.YouTube podcast1 01-17-20 guest Simon Parkes 55:0417. January 2020
34.YouTube podcast1 02-14-20 guest Simon Parkes 56:5814. February 2020
35.YouTube podcast1 04-03-20 guest Simon Parkes 55:313. April 2020
36.YouTube podcast1 04-17-20 guest Simon Parkes 55:0017. April 2020
37.YouTube podcast1 05-15-20 guest Simon Parkes 55:0415. May 2020
38.YouTube podcast1 06-05-20 guest Simon Parkes 55:305. June 2020
Ted Mahr's 1st show via the NEW California RADIO STATION BBS Radio
39.YouTube podcast2 06-20-2020 – Simon Parkes 51:5921. June 2020
40.YouTube podcast1 07-04-2020 – Simon Parkes 1:01:336. July 2020
41.YouTube podcast1 07-25-2020 – Simon Parkes 1:09:2426. July 2020
42.YouTube podcast1 08-01-2020 – Simon Parkes 59:141. August 2020
43.YouTube podcast1 08-22-2020 – Simon Parkes 1:11:5024. August 2020
44.YouTube podcast1 2020-09-12 – Simon Parkes 59:3614. Sept 2020
45.YouTube podcast1 2020-09-26 – Simon Parkes 53:3727. Sept 2020

Audio and video links (engl.) – Penny Kelly

"A quantum computer has immense computing capability and it's able to hold paradoxical positions simultaneously. Quantum computing is able to map and predict mathematically correct interactions between electromagnetic fields."  Minute 5:30 / Minute 12:31
"The quantum computer is a woo-woo thing. Woo-woo is mathematical. All woo-woo is based on science."  Minute 17:08
"Way back in the beginning of the Trump saga" [~2018] Q's were emerging on Penny Kelly's bathroom mirror, on the wet soap. ... "There is something real about this. ... I picked up that Q was a group of people." Minute 7:40
"Why were the "Q drops" made public? Because the more support you get or you put into something the more likely it is going to happen
the way you want it to happen."  Minute 22:17
"We do have to finish this. We have to be supportive of the kind of world we want to live in. That's gonna take some action, not miserable action,
but informed choices. We are not bystanders here."  Minute 28:16
"The question of who's gonna be the president is a huge issue. We have to answer that question. Are we going to put up with the rule of corpotocracy? ... The mass of consciousness we have on the planet right now should be focussed on and holding this place of love and a free world. We want a government that reflects our ability to choose for ourselves. Right now we are caught in a giant mouse trap. We have to ask ourselves what new framework we want to set up."  Minute 29:26
"Are we going to govern ourselves or are we going to let somebody else govern us. And whether it is the CCP in China or the corpotocracy in
the US it's all the same question. We still have to decide. The CCP's principles teaches three not good things 1. Struggle, 2. Materialism,
3. Atheism. They don't recognize higher things. [In atheism the state takes the position of God]."  Minute 34:29
"The normalcy bias [a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings] that affects all of us also effects the establishment in Washington DC, in the banking system, in many corporations. Their big mistake is the attitude of 'They can't touch us.' "
Minute 42:28

"Biblical is the parting of the Red Sea. The Pharao's army gets swept up. The same kind of unexpected events are going to come down in Washington DC in the next couple of days. The army of corruption [in DC], the Swamp, is going to be flooded out, is gonna disappear."  Minute 4:01
"Trump was elected because there was a plan behind this. I saw Trump's election as us having to kiss the frog."  Minute 11:11
"[In 2016] we have chosen a different path [we have signaled to those beings who are here to help that we were willing to go in a different direction]. We have kissed the frog [2016], now we have to sleep with the frog." Minute 12:20
"The "Q drops" will later be seen as the biggest series of intelligence drops in the history of the world."  Minute 14:27
"One of the things you learn when you study these Q drops is how to look at a message from six different ways."  Minute 15:40
"Only a handful of people were working with the Quantum computer. Only 4-5 people including Trump were asking the questions [by voice].
Answers were different depending on the consciousness [embedded in the voice] of the questioners."  Minute 16:32
"Quantum computers are capable of changing [hacking] all [or individually pick] the blockchains at once."  Minute 24:29
“There are computer scientists and AI people who are working with other[worldly] civilizations to marry those two kinds of materials in the quantum computers [updating them to a status where answers are already held in the material of magnesium-wismut-zinc]."  Minute 29:10
"When Trump came all of the options changed. The agreements [with beings of other civilizations] have been nullified. It came down to 'Stop war, move away from the BS, the corruption, and the evil, and we will help' [and embrace love, light and life]. And they have helped." Minute 43:09

Linkless media offerings

  • Video interview with Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, Trump and The Sting, excerpt 2, presented by the YouTube podcast channel I say to MySelf > Penny Kelly, recorded 22. July 2019, YouTube film, 9:00 minutes duration, posted 5. August 2019
  • Video interview with Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, Who is the Cabal? – Trump's Q Anon drops, excerpt 4, presented by the YouTube podcast channel I say to MySelf > Penny Kelly, recorded 22. July 2019, YouTube film, minute 1:52, 8:04 minutes duration, posted 7. August 2019

Trump's Q Anon drops: minute 1:52
I. Saudi trillionaires – 4 trillions ––❄–– II. Rothschild trillionaires – 2 trillions ––❄–– III. Soros group20 trillionaires – 1 trillion
––❄–– in war with the IV. Trump and team of billionaires
I. The Saudis rule over: energy, oil, technology, child sex trade, UK and US politicians
II. The Rothschilds are the cult leaders, ruling over: moneys, banking, flesh markets (pedophilia trade, child sex trade, human slavery,
mercinaries), a few politicians
III. The Soros group rules over: population control, movements, funding of over 300 agenda "foundations", ideologies (launching memes),
pushing the ideas of "no national borders" and "socialism"

Miscellaneous audio and video links (engl.)

  • Narrated personal journey audio show with phone callers, 2016-07-17 Ever Beyond – The Lyran Trauma, presented by the Scottish listener supported media network Ever Beyond Radio, host Jay Pee, YouTube film, 1:40:45 duration, posted 19. July 2016
  • Narrated audio show with phone callers, 2017-07-02 Ever Beyond – The Reptilian Trauma, presented by the Scottish listener supported media network Ever Beyond Radio, host Jay Pee, YouTube film, 1:39:50 duration, posted 2. July 2017

Deleted media offerings

  • Video presentation by David Icke (*1952) controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO) manipulating the earth's currencies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author, Reptilians, YouTube film, 2:46:34 duration, recorded
    and posted 3. July 2017

Recommended documentaries (engl.)


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Video TV interview Simon At Camelot Castle, presented by the British Camelot TV Network, hosts John and Irena Mappin, minute 1:08:30, 1:55:05 duration, posted 3. August 2020

2 Video presentation with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Russia and the Greater Alien Agenda, part 2, sponsored by The Vault, Newcastle upon Tyne, England, recorded 21. February 2015, YouTube film, 47:11 minutes duration, posted 2. March 2015

3 Victor Trimondi [Herbert Röttgen] (*1940) deutscher Religionsforscher, ehemaliger Verleger, Schriftsteller, Victoria Trimondi [Mariana Röttgen], Mitautorin, Auszüge aus dem letzten Kapitel des Buchs Krieg der Religionen – Politik, Glaube und Terror im Zeichen der Apokalypse, Kapitel Der Tempelberg, Wilhelm Fink, 1. November 2005

4 Videointerview mit Till-Peter Rauscher, Treuhandsystem, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Gastgeber Jo Conrad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Netzaktivist, esoterischer Autor, 1:10:58 Dauer, eingestellt 14. September 2017
Legitimation eines im Handelsrecht befindlichen politischen Systems durch die Wahlen
Treuhandkonten, die für juristische Personen oder juristische Vorgänge ohne unsere Kenntnis angelegt werden

5 Admirality lawSeerecht * Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

6 Indirect reference to child abuser John Podesta: Video interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, futurist, Simon Parkes: Changing the World. Part 2, presented by Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, recorded in Whitney, England, 30. December 2016, Bitchute film, minute 39:00, 1:05:20 duration, posted 11. January 2017

7 "The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident." Address to the Business Council for the United Nations by David Rockefeller (1915-2017) US American banker, billionaire, "philanthropist", eugenicist, current patriarch of the Rockefeller family, A Brief History of Population Control, 14. September 1994, presented by the dissolved "The Galt Report", 16. June 2011

8 Plato's Republic was written 2500 years ago. It is essentially an elitist guide to eugenics and population control. And this was back when there were probably a quarter million people on the entire planet. They were already figuring out how to kill off the population way back then. Video interview with Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, On the Huxleys, Gordon Wasson, Terence McKenna, Esalen, Psychedelics, 2012 & Mind Control, podcast #151, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, Turn the Tables series, host Sarah, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, 21. September 2012, YouTube film, minute 24:24, 1:09:50 duration, posted 21. September 2012

9 Epistle of Paul: For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but also with the angels, and with powers seen and unseen, with the rulers of the world of darkness, one with the evil spirits under the heavens. Ephesians 6, 12 (NT) translated by George Lamsa, A.J. Holman and Company, Philadelphia, 1957

10 Population control via chemically-induced sterility and morbidity over the course of a lifetime through the adulteration of the basic elements of life with endocrine disruptors is being phased out as more ambitious depopulation targets via vaccine-induced apoptosis through mandatory immunization programmes are being phased in. Subverting fertility and increasing mortality, the two means of stable populations implemented under the guise of societal interventions for public health outcomes with the help of a new global instrument of coercion called 'public health emergency of international concern' (PHEIC) requires far fewer financial and human resources but entails far greater risks for mankind and for all life on earth. The PHEIC methodology, formally declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), allows for the concomitant pursuit of peak population and peak life expectancy by genetically programming sterility and morbidity early in life through childhood vaccines so the engineered demographic transition is accomplished worldwide by 2050 in the most economical fashion and with little or no regard to the integrity of human life, fully outside the law and in defiance of constitutional guarantees.

11 See also: Blog article by Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, philosopher, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, BUZZ ALDRIN AND ANTARCTICA: UPDATE, 3. December 2016

12 Anu, the earliest attested Sky Father deity in Sumerian religion

13 Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2017-02-05 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, 1:55:45 minutes duration, recorded and aired 5. February 2017

14 Electronic version of British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Daily Mail

15 Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2017-02-05 Simon Parkes Connecting Consciousness, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, 1:55:45 duration, recorded and aired 5. February 2017

16 Removed audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, 2017-04-16 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes QA Easter, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, 1:52:10 duration, recorded and aired 16. April 2017

17 Audio interview with Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, May 21 2017 Connecting Consciousness Simon Parkes Q&A, presented by the dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee, 1:59:51 duration, recorded and aired 21. May 2017

18 Deleted single message on the website Simon Parkes, 300,000 Chinese Troops Deployed on the North Korean border., February 2018

19 Article Remember when geoengineering was labeled a "conspiracy theory?" … Now it's routinely cited in science papers as a strategy for saving the climate, presented by the US American investigative news outlet Natural News, Ethan Huff, 7. February 2018 / Article Climate-altering technology designed to sequester carbon dioxide could cause catastrophic destruction of life, scientists warn, presented by the US American investigative news outlet Natural News, David Williams, 30. January 2018

20 ⚡ Megalomaniac George Soros


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