Wiki / HumanDesignSystem
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Ra Uru Hu (1948-2011) Canadian developer of the Human Design System, teacher, author, presented by Jovian |
Die Lehre des Human Design Systems (HDS) kam zustande auf der Grundlage eines 8-tägigen Übertragungserlebnis des ka-
nadischen Physikers und Künstlers Robert Allen Krakower (1948-2011) auf der Insel Ibiza im Jahr 1987. Nach zweijährigem Studium von alten und modernen Weisheitslehren fing Ra Uru Hu (sein neuer Name) an, HDS weltweit zu unterrichten.
Eine Persönlichkeitsanalyse (ein so genanntes Human Design Rave Chart) wird anhand der Geburtsdaten berechnet.
Im April 2000 werteten die US-amerikanische Sozialwissenschaftlerin und Psychotherapeutin Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner und ihr Ehemann Dr. med. Marvin Portner eine Reihe der zentralen Aspekte des Human Design System aus und fanden sie bestätigt.
Weitere Quellen (deutsch) | Weitere Quellen (engl.) |
► Human Design Austria, offizielle HDS-Vertretung im deutschsprachigen Raum ► Human Design System Deutschland | Videos featuring Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author ► An Introduction to the Human Design System, YouTube film, 15:49 minutes duration, posted by Loki S. K-R 12. May 2011 ► The Four Aura Types – Human Design System, YouTube film, 7:09 minutes duration, posted by Loki S. K-R 9. January 2012 ► Website: |
Siehe auch: ► Vier Seinsebenen – Hartmann • Gebser • Heim | |
See also: ► Pyramidal structure of the four basic types of humans – Human Design System ► Four cyclical stages – 8-fold expression of the Santa Claus myth |
Schriftliche Referenzartikel: ► Human Design System – Die 36 Kanäle, präsentiert von der Webseite, David Peters, undatiert ► Die 36 Kanäle, PDF, präsentiert von Holger Markgraf, Coaching für Vielbegabte, undatiert |
Written references: ► Human Design Profiles ► Human Design – The Life Force Channels, presented by Genetic Matrix, undated |
Personal avowals
Fractal Lines
The Human Design System (HDS) was "given" to the Canadian physicist Robert Allen Krakower (1948-2011) on the island of Ibiza, Spain in August 1987. During an eight-day long mystical experience which coincided with the death of a star, known as Supernova 1987A, Ra Uru Hu (his new name since then) was instructed by a "voice" to write down the basis of the Human Design chart which is a new typology synthesizing eight different teachings of ancient wisdom and modern science.
A personality analysis (so called Human Design Rave chart) is calculated from one's personal birth data.
After two years of studying the inspired material Ra Uru Hu started to teach "The Human Design System" and interpreted individual charts.
Social scientist and psychotherapist, Eleanor Haspel-Portner Ph.D. and her husband Marvin Portner M.D., statistically
validated some central aspects of the Human Design system in April 2000.
Sources presented by the Jovian Archive, narrated by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, undated ► Audio Lectures: Generator Signature ♦ Projector Signature ♦ Manifestor Signature ♦ Reflector Signature ♦ Love and the Not-Self ► Human Design Type: Not-Self ► The 64 Material Ways ► Raising Children According to Their Design ► Rave History 3: The Return to Eden 1960-2027 |
Reference: ► Human Design Types |
Source: ► Deleted overview "Human Design NW Homepage Summary of Human Design Parameters", presented by, undated |
Reference: ► Human Design Gates |
Deutsche Beschreibung der Tore: ► 64 Hexagramme – Tore |
Reference: ► Human Gate Descriptions |
Source: ► The three types of Energy – Tribal, Collective and Individual, presented by |
Reference: ► Human Design Circuitry Images – Human Design Circuitry |
Source: ► Audio The Definition Series, presented by the Jovian Archive, narrated by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, undated |
YouTube video presentations ► John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 02 Human Design Aura Types: Generator / Manifesting Generator (a Deeper Look), 7:52 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009 ► Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Generators , 2:27 minutes duration, posted 13. December 2011 ► John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 04 Human Design: Projector Entering the Experiment, 3:13 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009 ► Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Projectors, 2:39 minutes duration, posted 16. December 2011 |
YouTube videos ► John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, Human Design: Manifestor Entering the Experiment, 2:27 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009 ► John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 13 Human Design Manifestor Aura Type, 5:39 minutes duration, posted 19. February 2008 ► Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Manifestors , 2:06 minutes duration, posted 13. December 2011 ► John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 05 Human Design: Reflector Entering the Experiment, 1:35 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009 ► John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 16 Human Design Reflector Aura Type, 4:15 minutes duration, posted 19. February 2008 ► Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Reflectors , 2:35 minutes duration, posted 16. December 2011 |
YouTube video sources – general overview featuring Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, presented by the Jovian Archive, ► An Introduction to the Human Design System, 15:50 minutes duration, posted 12. May 2011 ► The four Aura Types – Ra Uru Hu – Human Design System, 7:07 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2012 |
Video source: ► Randy Richmond (†2017), Theresa Blanding, Can Human Design help recognize an old soul in a current incarnation?, YouTube film, 14:26 minutes duration, posted 20. February 2011 |
Resource: ► |
Resource (German): ► Human Design System, |
Original video and audio presentations featuring Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author ► An Introduction to the Human Design System, YouTube film, 15:49 minutes duration, posted by Loki S. K-R 12. May 2011 ► The Four Aura Types – Human Design System, YouTube film, 7:09 minutes duration, posted by Loki S. K-R 9. January 2012 |
Quelle: ► Ilse Sendler, Österreich, [German/deutsch] Einführungsvideo – Human Design System, präsentiert von, 15:50 Minuten Dauer, posted 21. März 2011 |
Additional sources: ► Free Rave Chart Free of charge without registration ► Human Design System ► Audio typology explanations by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Free Audio Library, presented by ► Audio presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Introduction to Human Design, presented by, MP3 |
See also: ► From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof |
See also: ► Various four quadrant typologies – Outlining the Human Design System ► Four-stage composition of ancient Egyptian temples – Model of mystery schools |
Links zum Thema Human Design SystemLiteraturBasis- und Einsteiger Bücher für das Human Design System (HDS)
Weitere HDS-Buchempfehlungen
Literature (engl.)
Externe Weblinks
Google-Suche zum Stichwort Human Design System: 141.000 Ergebnisse [Stand Ende Januar 2011]
External web links (engl.)
The Generator is here to do (the manual and or creative) work.
Audio- und Videolinks
Die HDS-Kosmologie ist nicht nur eine individuelle "Bedienungsanleitung" sondern auch eine umfassende Kosmologie, die wissenschaftliche und philosophische Hypothesen umfasst. Derzeit befindet sich die Menschheit in einem Übergangsstadium von einer Kultur, die sich von der Betonung der Sippe und Solidarität (Kreuz der Planung, 1615-2027) zu der Betonung der Individualität und Selbstbestimmung (Kreuz des Schlafenden Phönix, ab 2027) bewegt. Die damit verbundenen Umwandlungen betreffen auch die Spezies Mensch, sowohl was die soziale Ausrichtung betrifft als auch, was die menschliche Genetik und Biologie betrifft.
Audio and video links (engl.)
Forty years of neutrino research resulting in the understanding: Neutrinos carry mass.
Audio and video links (engl.) – J. Randolph (Randy) RichmondVideo and audio sources featuring J. Randolph (Randy) Richmond (†2017) US American publisher, Human Design System consultant, recovered addict, mentored by Dr. David Hawkins, ACIM teacher, author
Reflecting on Ra's death and memorial on the Isle of Ibiza, Spain
Randy Richmond was a teacher of the abstract ACiM teachings together with Dr. David R. Hawkins in Sedona, Arizona. Minute 3:18
On projectors, invitations, different 6th line mutative processes, 2027, being one's own authority, seeing through the illusion
Englisch Wiki
1 Übersicht Human Design System – Die 6 Schaltkreise ⇑
2 Human Design 43 23 The Channel of Structuring ⇑
3 Human Design Chart: Barack Obama Birthdate: 4. August 1961, Angelic BluePrint ⇑
4 The Emotional Authority: The Solar Plexus system is the ultimate authority in a Design, and it's also the ultimate authority on the planet. Human Design Network Newsletter, 16 June 1998 ⇑
5 Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Dilemmas of the Heart – Manifestor Musings'', YouTube film, 5:42 minutes duration, posted 2. September 2011 ⇑
8 Human Design 14 2 The Channel of the Beat ⇑
11 59 6 Human Design Channel of Mating ⇑
12 13 33 Human Design Channel of the Prodigal^]/[^[[|13-33 Prodigal Son Channel Potential in Human Design ⇑
14 Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Empowered in the Now – Channel of Charisma 20-34 – Manifestor Musings, YouTube film, 5:12 minutes duration, posted 16. October 2011 ⇑
15 Law of excluded middle of Mahāyāna Buddhism ⇑
16 Franz Hartmann, M.D. (1838-1912) German physician, author, The Life & the Doctrines of Paracelsus, chapter 8 "Alchemy and Astrology", S. 135, 1887, 1891, KSheeta Books, Theosophical Publishing House, John W. Lovell Company, New York, 3rd edition 1910, reprint 3. November 2016 ⇑
17 All that the intellect can conceive of comes from the stars. ⇑
18 Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, general occultist, author, Paracelsus. Selected Writings, Princeton University Press, 18. September 1995 ⇑
19 Die vier Eckpfeiler der Gesundheit – Salutogenese ⇑
20 John Martin, Hawaii, 02 Human Design Aura Types: Generator / Manifesting Generator (a Deeper Look), YouTube film, 7:52 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009 ⇑
21 John Martin, Hawaii, 04 Human Design: Projector Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 3:13 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009 ⇑
22 John Martin, Hawaii, Human Design: Manifestor Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 2:27 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009 ⇑
23 John Martin, Hawaii, 13 Human Design Manifestor Aura Type, YouTube film, 5:39 minutes duration, posted 19. Feb 2008 ⇑
24 Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Manifestor Musings – Dilemmas of the Heart, Facebook video, 5:41 minutes duration, undated ⇑
25 John Martin, Hawaii, 05 Human Design: Reflector Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 1:35 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009 ⇑
26 John Martin, Hawaii, 16 Human Design Reflector Aura Type, YouTube film, 4:15 minutes duration, posted 19. Feb 2008 ⇑
27 Numerology ⇑
29 Ken Wilber ⇑
30 Psychology ⇑
31 Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud ⇑
32 Human development thus proceeds [...] from unconscious Heaven to conscious Hell to conscious Heaven. Ken Wilber, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter 1, 1998 ⇑
33 You go from unconscious Hell to conscious Hell, and being conscious of Hell, of samsara, of lacerating existence, is what makes growing up – and being an adult – such a nightmare of misery and alienation. ⚡ Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter 1 The Spectrum of Consciousness: Integral Psychology and the Perennial Philosophy, Shambhala Publications, 1998 ⇑
34 Hindu philosophy, modern biology ⇑
36 Philosophy of Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) ⇑
37 Levels of the mystery schools ⇑
39 Time and Four-stroke cycles of generations ⇑
42 Philosophy of the Dakota Sioux, presented by medicine elder Wallace Black Elk (1921-2004) ⇑
44 Archetypes ⇑