
Wiki / HumanDesignSystem





Human Design System
Neue Typologie – Synthese aus acht verschiedenen Diszipinen





The emotional wave in the tribe is about need.
The emotional wave in the individual
is about passion. The emotional wave
in the collective is about desire.
Whether you're emotionally defined or
undefined, the moment you're here in the
world, you're in the emotional environment.


Ra Uru Hu (1948-2011) Canadian developer of the Human Design System, teacher, author, presented by Jovian
Archive Media, Facebook comment, 7. February 2016


Entstehung und Elemente des Human Design Systems

Die Lehre des Human Design Systems (HDS) kam zustande auf der Grundlage eines 8-tägigen Übertragungserlebnis des ka-
nadischen Physikers und Künstlers Robert Allen Krakower (1948-2011) auf der Insel Ibiza im Jahr 1987. Nach zweijährigem Studium von alten und modernen Weisheitslehren fing Ra Uru Hu (sein neuer Name) an, HDS weltweit zu unterrichten.


HDS ist eine pyramidale Typologie, welche die Elemente aus acht verschiedenen östlichen und westlichen Weisheitslehren und moderner Wissenschaftszweige synthetisiert. Es kombiniert vier alte und vier neue Lehrsysteme:
ALT: Östliche und westliche
Chinesisches I Ging Kabbalah
[Baum des Lebens]
NEU: Astronomie Genetik Biochemie [DNS] Quantenphysik


Die vier HDS-Typen, die gemäß ihrer jeweiligen Strategien mit anderen und der Welt interagieren sind:
8,88% Anteil
Manifestierende (32%) / Reine Generatoren (38%)
70% Gesamtanteil
20% Anteil
1,2% Anteil


Eine Persönlichkeitsanalyse (ein so genanntes Human Design Rave Chart) wird anhand der Geburtsdaten berechnet.


Im April 2000 werteten die US-amerikanische Sozialwissenschaftlerin und Psychotherapeutin Dr. Eleanor Haspel-Portner und ihr Ehemann Dr. med. Marvin Portner eine Reihe der zentralen Aspekte des Human Design System aus und fanden sie bestätigt.

Vier menschliche Haupttypen – Human Design System

Vierer-Typologie des Human Design Systems
91% ♦ Mehrheit ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰      Generatoren ✰ ✰ ✰      Projektoren
Größenanteil 70% der Weltbevölkerung 21% der Weltbevölkerung
Kennzeichen Quellen der irdischen Lebenskraft Spiegel
Aura Offen und umhüllend Fokussierend und aufnehmend
Erste Person Einzahl – ICH Zweite Person Einzahl – DU
Modus SOLAR-Modus – WARM
StrategieReagieren YINWarten, bis sie engagiert werden ♦ YIN
LernaufgabeMensch, erkenne dich selbst.Verstehe die anderen.
Kernfrage Wer bin ich? – Mittelpunkt Wer bist du? – Umkreis
Frustration Verbitterung
Aufgabe ♦ Signatur
des Selbst
Befriedigung Erfolg
Konzentration auf die Nabe Konzentration auf die Speichen
PastoralmetapherWeiße Schafe – persönlichSchwarze Schafe – zwischenmenschlich
Philosophie Du glaubst an den Nikolaus. Du glaubst nicht (mehr) an den Nikolaus.
Video (engl.)
John Martin, US American
HDS teacher
02 Human Design Aura Types: Generator / Manifesting Generator (Deeper Look), 7:52 Minuten, 17. Dezember 200904 Human Design: Projector Entering the Experiment, 3:13 Minuten, 17. Dezember 2009


10% ♦ Minderheit ✰ ✰      Manifestoren ✰      Reflektoren
Größenanteil 9% der Weltbevölkerung 1% der Weltbevölkerung
Kennzeichen Initiator ♦ Beweger ♦ Auslöser Verwandler ♦ Beobachter
Aura Geschlossen und abweisend Widerstehend und erkundend
Erste und zweite Person Plural – UNS Dritte Person Einzahl / Mehrzahl – ES
Modus SOLAR-Modus – WARM
ErscheinungSelten ♦ fremdartigSehr selten ♦ radikal ♦ vielseitig
Strategie(Andere darüber) informieren,
bevor sie handeln ♦ YANG
Einen Mondumlauf innehalten, ehe sie wichtige Entscheidungen treffen ♦ YIN
LernaufgabeVerstehe, wie du auf andere wirkst.Differenziere. Erkenne die Unterschiede.
Kernfrage Wen beeinflusse ich? – Interaktion Wer (was) ist anders? – Geschehen lassen
Zorn Enttäuschung
Aufgabe ♦ Signatur
Frieden Überraschung / Wunder
Das Rad drehen (Alternativ: am Rad drehen) Die Räder des Lebens betrachten
PastoralmetapherHütehund – überpersönlichSchäfer – transpersönlich
Philosophie Du erscheinst als Nikolaus. Du siehst aus wie ein Nikolaus.
Video (engl.)
John Martin, US American
HDS teacher
Human Design: Manifestor Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 2:27 Minuten Dauer, 17. Dezember 2009
13 Human Design Manifestor Aura Type,
5:39 Minuten Dauer, 19. Februar 2008
05 Human Design: Reflector Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 1:35 Minuten Dauer, 17. Dezember 2009
16 Human Design Reflector Aura Type, YouTube film,
4:15 Minuten Dauer, 19. Februar 2008
Weitere Quellen (deutsch)Weitere Quellen (engl.)
Human Design Austria,
     offizielle HDS-Vertretung
     im deutschsprachigen Raum
Human Design System
Videos featuring Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the
Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author
An Introduction to the Human Design System, YouTube film, 15:49 minutes duration,
     posted by Loki S. K-R 12. May 2011
The Four Aura Types – Human Design System, YouTube film, 7:09 minutes duration,
     posted by Loki S. K-R 9. January 2012
► Website: Loveyourhumandesign.com
Siehe auch: ► Vier Seinsebenen – Hartmann • Gebser • Heim
See also:
Pyramidal structure of the four basic types of humans – Human Design System
Four cyclical stages – 8-fold expression of the Santa Claus myth

Übersicht der aktivierten Kanäle – Human Design System

36 aktivierte Kanäle in Stichworten
   Tore   Kanal    Schaltkreis     1Design
64-47Abstraktion  Sinnfinden  Geistige Aktivität und Klarheit
61-24Bewusstheit  Individuell  Denker
63-4Logik  Logisch  Geistige von Zweifeln geplagte Ausgeglichenheit
17-62Akzeptieren  Logisch  Organisationstalent, bereit, sich organisieren zu lassen
43-232Strukturierung  Individuell  Individualität (Genie bis Freak)
11-56Neugier SinnfindenSucher
20-10Erwachen  Integration  Hingabe an weitergreifende Prinzipien
31-7Alpha-Tier/Leittier  Logisch  Führungspersönlichkeit (ob im Guten oder Bösen)
8-1Inspiration  Individuell  Schöpferisches Rollenvorbild
33-13Verlorener Sohn  Sinnfinden  Zeuge
16-48Wellenlänge  Logisch  Talent
20-57Geistesblitz  Individuell  Durchdringende Bewusstheit
20-34Charisma  Integration  Auf Wahrnehmung müssen Taten folgen
35-36Vergänglichkeit  Sinnfinden  Hansdampf in allen Gassen
12-22Offenheit  Individuell  Geselliger Mensch
10-34Erforschung  Zentrieren  Bereit, für Überzeugungen einzustehen
15-5Rhythmus  Logisch  Im Fluss sein
2-14Beat  Individuell  Schlüsselverwahrer, Entdeckung
46-29Entdeckung  Sinnfinden  Erfolgreich, wo andere versagen
10-57Vollendete Form  Integration  Überleben, Einweihung
25-51Einweihung  Zentrieren  Drang, der Erste sein zu müssen
40-37Gemeinschaft  Stamm  Teil auf der Suche nach dem Ganzen
26-44Hingebung  Stamm  Übermittler
21-45Geld-Linie  Stamm  Materialist
42-53Reifung  Sinnfinden  Ausgewogene zyklische Entwicklung
3-60Mutation  Individuell  Initiatorische Energie, Pulsierende Konzentration
9-52Konzentration  Logisch  Entschlossenheit / Fokus
59-6Paarung  Schützen  Fokus auf Fortpflanzung konzentriert auf Macht
34-57Macht  Integration  Archetyp
27-50Erhaltung  Schützen  Treuhänder
32-54Umwandlung  Stamm  Getriebensein
28-38Lebenskampf  Individuell  Hartnäckigkeit
18-58Urteilsvermögen  Logisch  Unzufriedensein
49-19Synthese  Stamm  Feinfühliges Reagieren
55-39Emotionen freisetzen  Individuell  Launenhaftigkeit
30-41Erkennen  Sinnfinden  Fokussierte Energie
Schriftliche Referenzartikel:
Human Design System – Die 36 Kanäle, präsentiert von der Webseite humandesignsystem.cc, David Peters, undatiert
Die 36 Kanäle, PDF, präsentiert von Holger Markgraf, Coaching für Vielbegabte, undatiert
Written references:
Human Design Profiles
Human Design – The Life Force Channels, presented by Genetic Matrix, undated

Zitate zum Thema Human Design System

Zitate allgemein

General quotes

Personal avowals

  • I was thought to be 'stuck up.' I wasn't. I was just sure of myself. This is and always has been an unforgivable quality to the unsure. Bette Davis (1908-1989) US American actress of film, television and theater, manifestor, autobiography The Lonely Life. An Autobiography, G.P. Putman's Sons, 1st edition 1962



Describing herself in five words

  • I am just too much. Video interview with Bette Davis (1908-1989) US American actress of film, television and theater, manifestor, Bette Davis 1987 Barbara Walters – Interviews Of A Lifetime, presented by the US American television network ABC, program "Interviews Of A Lifetime", host Barbara Walters (1929-2022) US American host of morning television shows, the television newsmagazine "20/20", former co-anchor of the ABC Evening News, broadcast journalist, author, YouTube film, minute 21:05, 1:03:57 duration, originally
    aired in 1987, posted 23. November 2017

Fractal Lines

  • The word "fractal" has an interesting appeal, doesn't it? From the moment that I began using that expression for the connection of human beings to each other, there have always been these determined questions as to what it really is. I talk about fractal lines and fractal lines go back to the beginning, because there is no other place to look for as a start. And something to realize about the nature of the fractal is that it is along that fractal that you are always going to have either your deepest receptive or your deepest externalized impact on the other. It‘s something interesting to think about.

    And when we are looking at fractals within the context of this knowledge we‘re talking about crystals of consciousness, that the crystals of consciousness are, in fact, the source of how we discover or how we first get to see, in that sense, the development of what a fractal line actually is. Within the cosmology of Human Design there are the originating crystals and the thematic of the shattering of these crystals. It is the shattering that is the real Big Bang in a sense, except the bang isn't because they bang into each other, it's because they separate, which is quite a different thing. Nonetheless, it results in shattering. And it is this shattering of these so-called prime crystals; it is where we first
    come to grips with the fractal.

    What that means literally […] is that the beings that are wandering around on this plane right now, we're nearly 7 billion of us on Earth, humans anyway, that there are beings that are endowed with crystals that you have a specific con-
    nection to along a line of connectivity.
    And that line of connectivity is caught in the movement in space. And the way in which that connectivity gets to be lived out, in terms of personalizing that, is that first of all it starts with the base. Ebook by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, History of Geometry. Fractals, Nodes and Bases, presented by the Jovian Archive Corporation, 2006


Neutrino meme, Jovian Archive
  • A fundamental aspect of Human Design is based on what is scientifically known as the Neutrino.
    Neutrinos are unusual particles that carry an infinite-
    simal amount of mass. About 3 trillion neutrinos, and
    the material information they carry, pass through eve-
    ry square inch of the planet per second. Our Sun pro-
    duces about 70 percent of all neutrinos that travel
    through our solar system, with the remaining 30 per-
    cent emitted by other stars in our Galaxy, and a small
    amount from the planet Jupiter.
    In 2015, the scientists Takaaki Kajita (Super-Kamio-
    kande Collaboration) and Arthur B. McDonald (Sudbury
    Neutrino Observatory Collaboration) were awarded a
    Nobel Prize for the discovery of neutrino oscillations,
    which shows that neutrinos have mass. Ra Uru Hu
    published this as the science behind the Human De-
    sign System as early as 1991.
    Blurb How does the Human Design System work?, presented by the Jovian Archive, ~2016
    • Neutrino, the Moon Neutrino and the Tau Neutrino. They posess an infinitesimally small amount of mass and
      are manufactured in stars. Three trillion Neutrinos penetrate ...
      Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011), New Sun Services, Ibiza, 1991


  • The Human Design System stated that the neutrino have mass, but still moved close to the speed of light, and that therefore was the equivalent of chi or prana, the vast stellar information feed that influences us and nourishes us all
    the time. However, the system remained "just" a Revelation.
    On June 5, 1998 the first strong actual scientific evidence came that neutrinos actually have mass. The result was announced at the Neutrino ‘98 Conference in Takayama, Japan.
    As Human Design revealed and science is now proving, neutrinos imprint us instantly with the information of the
    last body of matter they have been in contact precisely because they travel at almost the speed of light. Therefore,
    if a neutrino passes through the planet Neptune and the next body of matter it hits is you as you are born,
    the neutrino leaves the frequency of Neptune in that millisecond in your body.

    Most neutrinos are produced by stars, but 70% of the neutrinos that pass through us come from our Sun. The very
    high proportion of neutrinos in the energy that makes up our universe means that we live in a universe that is ac-
    tually in large part vast stellar information feed containing comparatively little physical matter.
    Blog article It All Begins With Neutrinos, presented by Josette, 10. April 2016


  • Most of what is called the Human Design System is just an 'explanation' about how the universe works.
    The child's version of it, if you will, so our very limited human mind can understand it. It's still a vast science, but because it's only intellectual and not existential, it becomes a trap for so many people who have been studying it
    for the last 25 years.
    What I find hilarious is that it actually becomes a huge distraction and an excuse not to transform yourself.
    People are always so busy, and I always wonder... what for? Don't they already suffer enough? And, still they go
    looking and looking for more, as if 'more' is the answer.
    They haven't found the right thing, but still want 'more' of everything. They want to know this and they want to know
    that when in reality it is all about... less. Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, cited in: Facebook comment by the Jovian Archive, 2. March 2020

Englische Texte – English section on Human Design System

Basics of the Human Design System

The Human Design System (HDS) was "given" to the Canadian physicist Robert Allen Krakower (1948-2011) on the island of Ibiza, Spain in August 1987. During an eight-day long mystical experience which coincided with the death of a star, known as Supernova 1987A, Ra Uru Hu (his new name since then) was instructed by a "voice" to write down the basis of the Human Design chart which is a new typology synthesizing eight different teachings of ancient wisdom and modern science.


The four old elements and the four new elements of the HDS are:
ANCIENT Elements: Eastern and Western Astrology Chinese I'Ching Kabalah (Tree of Life) Hindu Chakra system
NEW Elements: Astronomy Genetics Biochemistry [DNA] Quantum physics


A personality analysis (so called Human Design Rave chart) is calculated from one's personal birth data.


After two years of studying the inspired material Ra Uru Hu started to teach "The Human Design System" and interpreted individual charts.


Social scientist and psychotherapist, Eleanor Haspel-Portner Ph.D. and her husband Marvin Portner M.D., statistically
validated some central aspects of the Human Design system in April 2000.

Keywords of the five human types – Human Design System

Five HDS types interacting with others and the world according to their specific strategies
Fluctuation %
of Not-Self
Pure Generator38%33.54%29.33%
Do manual and creative work Wait for something to inspire you to act.
Watch when you were not asked for response or when you do not accurately perceive your inner response.
Manifesting Generator32%32.83%31.31%
Do manual and creative workYour strategy is multi-faceted:
Wait receptively and responsively for an internal affirmation of your response.
Imagine the response as manifesting. Revise it where and when appropriate. Inform others and be informed. Watch when you do not feel honored.
Manage, guide, direct and lead Wait until you are invited to act.
Watch when you do not feel seen and are not being invited.
Initiate, create and manifest You are not required to ask permission.
Inform others before you take action. Watch when you feel resisted and not respected or honored.
Mirror energies and actions within society Wait out the cycle of the moon before taking action.
After having contemplated a possible action for a period of 28 days you can proceed.
Strategy is the way one's vehicle works genetically. One's advisable behavior supports the process of becoming oneself and helps
to eliminate resistance. Whoever doesn't live one's strategy, will feel unfulfilled.
Sources presented by the Jovian Archive, narrated by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, undated
► Audio Lectures: Generator Signature ♦ Projector Signature ♦ Manifestor Signature ♦ Reflector Signature ♦ Love and the Not-Self
Human Design Type: Not-Self
The 64 Material Ways
Raising Children According to Their Design
Rave History 3: The Return to Eden 1960-2027
Reference: ► Human Design Types



Keywords of six possible profiles – Human Design System

The six possible profiles of a HDS chart represent a different archetype or style of behavior
in their conscious and unconscious expressions.
LineSix profile linesTwelve profile combinations
Line 1Investigator
Caveman, quitter
1/3 –  Investigator / Martyr
Audio, keywords: Right Angle Profile - 1/3
1/4 –  Investigator / Opportunist
Audio, keywords: Right Angle Profile - 1/4
Line 2Hermit
The redeemed one seeks harmony
through aloneness.
2/4 Hermit / Opportunist
Audio, keywords: Right Angle Profile - 2/4
2/5 –  Hermit / Heretic
Audio, keywords: Right Angle Profile - 2/5
Line 3Martyr
Tenacious trial and error
3/5 Martyr / Heretic
Audio, keywords: Right Angle Profile - 3/5
3/6 –  Martyr / Role Model
Audio, keywords: Right Angle Profile - 3/6
Line 4Opportunist
Friend, friendly visionary, loyal mediators
In need of benefactors
4/6 –  Opportunist / Role Model
Audio, keywords: Right Angle Profile - 4/6
4/1 –  Opportunist / Investigator
Audio, keywords: Juxtaposition Profile - 4/1
Line 5Heretic5/1 Heretic / Investigator
Audio, keywords: What it Means to Have a 5/1 Profile in Human Design
5/2 Heretic / Hermit
Audio, keywords: Left Angle Profile - 5/2
Line 6Role Model
Before age 50: Martyr
6/2 –  Role Model / Hermit3
Audio, keywords: Left Angle Profile - 6/2
6/3 –  Role Model / Martyr
Subject to early death
Audio, keywords: Left Angle Profile - 6/3
  ♦◊♦  Right Angles: Personal destiny  ♦◊♦  
♦◊♦  Juxtaposition: Fixed fate  ♦◊♦
♦◊♦ Left Angles: Transpersonal karma  ♦◊♦


Note: The second line of two profile lines is often unconscious and more hidden then the first more conscious line.


12 Human Design Profiles, presented by humandesigntools.com
Human Design Profiles, presented by Jovian the Archive, narrated by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist,
     developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, undated
Quelle (deutsch):
► Seitengestaffelter Artikel Die 12 Profile – Das Kostüm deiner Bestimmung & deine Rolle im Leben,
     präsentiert von Human Design System, Angelina Fabian, 24. Februar 2019
1/3 Profil – Experimentierender Forscher und ► 1/4 Profil – Beeinflussender Forscher
2/4 Profil – Beeinflussender Eremit und ► 2/5 Profil – Ketzerischer Eremit
3/5 Profil – Ketzerischer Experimentierender und ► 3/6 Profil – Vorbildhafter Experimentierender
4/6 Profil – Vorbildhafter Beeinflusser und ► 4/1 Profil – Forschender Beeinflusser (zwischen persönlich/transpersönlich)
5/1 Profil – Forschender Ketzer und ► 5/2 Profil- Zurückgezogener Ketzer
6/2 Profil – Zurückgezogenes Vorbild und ► 6/3 Profil – Experimentierendes Vorbild

Chakra centers, authorities and gates – Human Design System

Nine chakras – Human Design System
ChakraName of chakraLegendGland, organ
1.Head centerInspiration, anxiety, mental pressurePineal gland
2.Ajna centerMental awareness, thinking, conceptualizationPituitary gland
3.Throat centerCommunication, action, expression, metabolismThyroid,
parathyroid gland
4.G centerSense of Self, identity, love, direction in lifeLiver
5.Heart centerEgo, willpower, courage, willfulness, Heart ItselfGall bladder, stomach
6.Splenic centerImmune system, intuition, instinct, taste, fear for survivalSpleen, lymph system
7.Sacral centerLife force, generative and creative energy, sexualitySex organs
8.Solar Plexus centerEmotions, pleasure, feelings, sexinessKidney, bladder, pancreas
9.Root centerStress, pressure, fuel for life, depressionAdrenal glands
  Source: ► Deleted overview "Human Design NW Homepage Summary of Human Design Parameters", presented by humandesignnw.com/summary, undated


Centers (authorities) and gates
LegendNumber of gatesRelated gates
1.Head Mental processes3 gates#64 Confusion, #61 Mystery, #63 Doubt
2.Mind Ajna
Awareness center
 Cognitive inspirations6 gatesIncoming response to the pressure of the head: #47 Realization, #24 Rationalization, #4 Formulization
Outgoing methods of expressing thought: #17 Opinions, #43 Insights, #11 Ideas
3.Throat Behavioral expression11 gates#62 Detail, #23 Assimilation, #56 Stimulation, #16 Enthusiasm/Skill, #35 Progress/Change, #20 The Now, #12 Caution, #31 Influence/Leading, #8 Contribution, #33 Retreat/Privacy, #45 The Gatherer
4.Root Behavioral fuel9 gates# 53 Beginnings, # 60 Limitation, # 52 Inaction, #54 Ambition, #19 Approach/Wanting, #38 Fighter, #39 Provocation, #58 Vitality/Aliveness, # 41 Contraction
5. Inner authority
Solar Plexus4
Emotional Authority
Emotional behavior
Motor and awareness, seat of emotions and feelings, desire, passion, romance and pleasure
7 gates#6 Conflict, #36 Crisis, #37 Family, #22 Grace, #49 Revolution/Rejection, # 56 Stimulation, #30 Recognition
The Emotional Waves of the Solar Plexus, presented by loveyourhumandesign.com
6. Inner authority
Sacral Authority
Fundamental life energy
Seat of sexuality, reproduction, nurturing and life force, most powerful motor of the body
9 gates#5 Fixed Patterns, #14 Power Skills, #29 Perseverance, #34 Power, #27 Nourishment, #59 Sexuality, #42 Growth/Endings, #3 Ordering, #9 Focus
7. Inner authority
Splenic Authority
Survival behaviors
Seat of bodily awareness, intuition, instinct, survival, and well being
7 gates#48 Depth, #57 Intuitive Clarity, #44 Alertness, #50 Values, #32 Duration, #28 Risk Taking, #18 Correction
Ego Authority
Ownership behaviors
Seat of the ego, willpower and self-esteem
4 gates#21 Hunter/Huntress, #51 Shock, #26 Egoist, # 40 Aloneness
9.G-Center Self behaviors
Driver of the body, seat of the self, center of love
8 gates#1 Creative expression, #7 Role of Self, #13 The Listener, #10 Behavior of Self, #25 Innocence the Spirit of Self, #15 Extremes, #46 Determination #2 Direction of Self
Reference: ► Human Design Gates healthmanifested.com


"If you're an emotional being in the wave, what you feel about someone when you meet them and what you will feel about that person a week later or two weeks later or three weeks later, at the emotional level, you are going to go through your wave. If you want them when you're up, that's understandable. They want you too because you're bringing them up along with you. If you still want them when you're down and they still want you because you bring them down, then you know that they're really for you. That's emotional clarity – to wait, to see through the wave what the continuity is or not.
If it's OK for them to be with you when you're up but not OK when you're down, there is not a decision to be made there because there is no clarity there. It is about the consistency of response, regardless of the chemistry, regardless of the emotional state.
It's one thing to want to be able to do work when you're up emotionally – the excitement, the hopefulness of what it may bring. But what are you going to do, are you still going to want to do that work when you go down at the other end? What happens to most emotional people is that in the moment that they identify with any place in the wave as being their truth, well, it's like an idea – it's interesting but it will not hold up. It's like being high and taking somebody into your life and you have a moment of intimacy with them and then you wake up the next day and your mood has changed and everything is terrible because it's not what you wanted. The emotional motor has an enormous impact in the world.
Be clear that these waves are not simple in the sense that there's a complexity of waves. There are six different kinds of waves as archetypes. There are more actually. They operate in different ways but they all operate within the same law of hope to pain as a cycle.
1. The emotional wave in the tribe is about need.
The emotional wave in the individual is about passion.
The emotional wave in the collective is about desire.
Whether you're emotionally defined or undefined, the moment you're here in the world, you're in the emotional environment. It's so important to understand this."
Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician,
teacher, storyteller, poet, author, presented by the Jovian Archive Media, Facebook comment, 7. February 2016

Keynotes: 36 defined channels and 64 gates – Human Design System

Key words of the 64 gates
Click on the Gate number to reveal the gate details.
༺༻Name of gateLegend
2.Higher Knowledge / Receptive 
4.Fixed Rhythms 
6.The Role of the Self 
9.Behavior of the Self 
12.Voice of Caution 
13.The Fellowship With Man 
14.Possession in Great Measure 
18.Correction / Work on What Has Been Spoilt 
19.Approach / WantingOverly sensitive, easily disturbed and distracted
20.The Now 
21.Hunter/Huntress / Biting Through 
22.Openness / Potential magic, graceful communicationMutation through art, poetry and song
23.Assimilation / Splitting ApartTranslator or metamorphic action, inner voice
26.The Taming Power of the Great 
28.Game Player / Preponderance of the Great 
29.Saying Yes / The Abysmal(the deep of the deep)
30.Recognition of Feelings / The Clinging 
31.Influence / Leading 
32.Duration / Continuity 
33.Privacy / Retreat 
34.PowerStrongly empowering behavior
35.Change / Progress / "Jack of All Trades"The wheel turning
36.Crisis / The Darkening of the LightAdventurous spirit, the shared experiential human way via the emotional initiative manifestor self
37.Family / Friendship 
38.Fighter / Opposition 
39.Provocateur / Obstruction 
40.Deliverance / Aloneness 
41.Contraction / Pressure of decrease, lackRhythmic expanding energy to fuel expansion, may feel like melancholy
42.Increase / Growth 
43.Breakthrough / Insight 
44.Coming to Meet / AlertnessOldest instinctual memory in the bones
45.Gathering Together / Gatherer 
46.Pushing Upward to the Kingdom of Heaven / Determination of the Self 
47.Realization / Realizing 
49.Principles / RevolutionRealm of belonging
50.Cauldron / Values 
51.Arousing / Shock 
52.Keeping Still (Focus) / InactionAssessment, understanding
53.Beginnings / Development 
54.Marrying Maiden / Ambition 
55.Abundance / Spirit 
56.Stimulation / WandererCompulsive seeker, historian, story teller par excellence:
"You shall seek and never find – God."
57.Intuitive Insight / Clarity 
58.Joyous / Aliveness 
59.Dispersion / Sexuality 
60.Acceptance / Limitations 
61.Truth and MysteryKnowing by understanding the Big Picture
64.ConfusionAbility to identify all the pieces, struggling to put them together
Deutsche Beschreibung der Tore: ► 64 Hexagramme – Tore
Reference: ► Human Gate Descriptions

Activated channels – Human Design System

List of activated channels
Three energy types: Tribal, Collective, Individual
Name of channelCircuitTwo chakrasTwo gates
1.8/1Inspiration Individual knowingThroat ∞
G Center
Gate 8: Holding Together ∞
Role Gate 1: The Creative Role Model
Expression of the unique creativity of the self
2.2/14The (Heart)Beat
The Keeper of the Keys
Individual knowingSacral ∞ G CenterGate 14: Possession in Great Measure,
of the driver
Gate 2: The Receptive
Driving one's body through space
3.3/60Mutation Individual knowing
Format energies
Sacral ∞
Gate 60: Limitations ∞
Gate 3: Order
Physical ability to impose new limits or remove old ones creating a radically different order and empowering others mutatively
4.63/4Logic Collective logic and understandingHead ∞ AjnaGate 63: Doubt ∞
Gate 4: Formulization
"The answer", evaluating patterns, hypothesis, Youthful Folly
5.5/15Rhythm Collective logic and understandingSacral ∞
G center
Gate 5: Waiting ∞
Gate 15: Modesty
Foundation of biological life
6.59/6Mating and Reproduction9/10/11 Tribal defenseSacral ∞
SP Emotional
Role Gate 59: Dispersion
Gate 6: Conflict
Fundamental genetic drive in humans
The Alpha
Collective logic and understanding
Collective authoritarianism
G Center ∞
Role Gate 7: The Alpha ∞
Gate 31: Influence
Based in logic and sharing: "I will share leadership with you as long as you are doing what I tell you to do."
8.9/52Concentration Collective sensingSacral ∞
Gate 9: Focus ∞
Gate 52: Keeping Still (Focus)
9.20/10Awakening IntegrationSelf ∞
Role Gate 10: Personal behavior patterns
Gate 20: Now
10.10/34Exploration Individual centering G Center ∞
Role Gate 10: Treading/Behavior ∞
Gate 34: Power Strongly empowering behavior
11.10/57Perfected Form
10-57, 10-57
IntegrationSpleen ∞
G Center
Gate 57: Intuitive Clarity ∞
Role Gate 10: Behavior of the Self
12.11/56Curiosity Collective abstract and sensingAjna ∞
Gate 11: Peace ∞
Gate 56: Wanderer Compulsive seeker, historian, story teller par excellence: "You shall seek and never find – God."
13.12/22Openness Individual knowing
Throat ∞
SP Emotional
Gate 12: Voice of caution "It will happen in my own time and way."
Gate 22: Potential magic, graceful communication
Mutation through art, poetry and song
14.33/13The Prodigal12/13 Collective abstract and sensing
History taking after the experience
G Center ∞
Role Gate 13: The Fellowship With Man ∞
Gate 33: Retreat
15.16/48Talent – Wavelength Collective logic and understandingSpleen ∞
Gate 48: Depth ∞
Gate 16: Skills
Organizing people
Collective logic and understandingAjna ∞
Gate 17: Opinions ∞
Gate 62: Detail
17.18/58Judgement Collective logic and understandingRoot ∞
Gate 58: Joyous ∞
Gate 18: Work on What Has Been Spoilt
Insatiability, "more and better, more and better", impulse that is keeping alive and healthy
Butchering, sacrifice, basic needs
Tribal egoRoot ∞
SP Emotional
Gate 19: Approach ∞
Gate 49: Revolution Realm of belonging
"Classic" Manifesting Generator
Integration Sacral ∞
Gate 34: Power ∞
Gate 20: Now
Busy for oneself about oneself out of fear of death
20.20/57Brainwave – Intuition Individual knowingSpleen ∞
Gate 57: Intuitive Clarity ∞
Gate 20: Now
21.21/45Materialism – Money Tribal egoThroat ∞
Gate 45: Gathering Together ∞
Gate 21: Biting Through
Freak to genius
Individual channelThroat ∞
Gate 23: Splitting Apart ∞
Gate 43: Breakthrough
Empowerment through more efficiency, input of freakness is not necessarily looked for
23.61/24Awareness – Thinker Individual knowingHead ∞
Gate 61: Truth and Mystery
Gate 24: Returning
25-51, 25-51
Empowerment of competitiveness
Individual centering Heart ∞
G Center
Gate 51: Arousing ∞
Gate 25: Innocence
25.26/44Surrender Tribal egoSpleen ∞
Gate 44: Coming to Meet Oldest instinctual memory in the bones
Gate 26: The Taming Power of the Great
26.27/50Preservation Tribal defenseSpleen ∞
Gate 50: Cauldron ∞
Role Gate 27: Nourishment
27.28/38Struggle Individual knowingRoot ∞
Gate 38: Opposition ∞
Gate 28: Preponderance of the Great
28.46/29Discovery Collective abstract and sensingSacral ∞
G Center
Gate 46: Pushing Upward to the Kingdom of Heaven
Gate 29: The Abysmal (the deep of the deep)
29.30/41Recognition Collective abstract and sensing
Shared desire, prayers, deep feeling
Root ∞
SP Emotional
Gate 41: Pressure of Decrease, lack ∞
Gate 30: The Clinging
Sharing abstract, sensing and experience, need to get in motion toward experience
Material transformation
Tribal egoRoot ∞
Gate 54: Marrying Maiden ∞
Gate 32: Duration
33.34/57Archetype – PowerIntegrationSpleen ∞
Gate 34: Power ∞
Gate 57: Intuitive Clarity
34.35/36Transitoriness/Crisis Collective abstract and sensingThroat ∞
SP Emotional
Gate 35: Progress / "Jack of All Trades" ∞
Gate 36: "Crisis" / The Darkening of the Light
Adventurous spirit, the shared experiential human way via the emotional initiative manifestor self
37/40 community and aloneness
Tribal egoHeart ∞
SP Emotional
Gate 40: Deliverance ∞
Gate 37: Family
Bargain (flesh, relationship not money) is the tribal impetus.
36.55/39Emoting – Moodiness Individual knowingRoot ∞
SP Emotional
Gate 39: Obstruction ∞
Gate 55: Abundance
37.42/53Maturation Collective logic, abstract and sensing
Format energies
Sacral ∞
Gate 42: Increase ∞
Gate 53: Development
47-64, 47-64
Collective abstract and sensingHead ∞
Gate 64: Confusion ∞
Gate 47: Realization
Source: ► The three types of Energy – Tribal, Collective and Individual, presented by loveyourhumandesign.com
Reference: ► Human Design Circuitry Images – Human Design Circuitry

Incarnation crosses – Human Design System

List of incarnation crosses – presented by loveyourhumandesign.com
Incarnation Cross of Prevention 
Incarnation Cross of UncertaintyGate 8 Contribution, Holding Together, individual possibly mutative creative energy connected to the throat (self expression)
Gate 14 Power Skills, Possession in great measure, energy of self empowerment, to do empowering things
Gate 55 Spirit, Abundance, emotional energy and expression of spirit
Gate 59 Sexuality, Dispersion, energy of sexuality, drive to continue the species
Incarnation Cross of Obscuration 
Incarnation Cross of Wishes 
Incarnation Cross of Separation 
Incarnation Cross of the Plane 
Incarnation Cross of Demands 
Incarnation Cross of Eden 
Incarnation Cross of Rulership 
Incarnation Cross of Healing 
Incarnation Cross of Service 
Incarnation Cross of Cycles 
Incarnation Cross of Tension 
Incarnation Cross of Defiance Gate 1 The creative role model
Gate 2
Gate 4
Gate 49
Incarnation Cross of Consciousness 
Incarnation Cross of Explanation Gate 4 Fixed Rhythms
Gate 23 Assimilation / Splitting Apart Translator or metamorphic action, inner voice
Gate 43 Breakthrough / Insight
Gate 49 Principles / Revolution Realm of belonging
Incarnation Cross of the Four Ways 
Incarnation Cross of Laws 
Incarnation Cross of the Maya 
Incarnation Cross of Penetration 
Incarnation Cross of the Unexpected Gate 27 Caring / Nourishing Loving energy to care for and sustain body and life
Gate 28 Game Player/Preponderance of the Great, fear-based digging a deeper meaning of physical reality
Gate 31 Leading / Influence Voicing leadership to the collective
Gate 41 Contraction / Decrease Rhythmic expanding energy to fuel expansion, may feel like melancholy
Juxtaposition Cross of Vitality  
Left Angle Cross of Industry Gate 30 Recognition of Feelings / The Clinging
Gate 29 Saying Yes / The Abysmal (the deep of the deep)
Gate 34 Power Strongly empowering behavior
Gate 20 The Now
Right Angle Cross of The Vessel of Love Gate 25 Spirit of Self, Universal Love, Unconditional Love (experience that deepens innocence)]
Gate 46 Determination, correct Timing (trusting the instinctual responses to give correct results)
Gate 10 Self-love
Gate 15 Diversity of rhythm, magnetic aura, universal acceptance
Human Design The Right Angle Cross of the Sphinx 1.3 1.4 Gate 13 The Fellowship With Man
Gate 7 Contribution
Gate 1 Self-Expression
Gate 2 Higher Knowledge / Receptive
Left Angle Incarnation Cross of Refinement
Human design left angle cross of individualism 5.1--5.2
Gate 1 Self-Expression
Gate 2 Higher Knowledge / Receptive
Gate 19 Approach / Wanting
Gate 33 Privacy / Retreat
Right Angle Cross of Maya (32/42 | 62/61)
Gate 32 Duration
Gate 42 Increase
Gate 62 Detail
Gate 61 Truth and Mystery

Definitions – Human Design System

༺༻Type of definition Percentage
of the population
1.Single Definition41%All centers are connected with each other.
2.Single Split Definition45%  Two groups of centers that are split off from each other causing a lack of inner communication. Focus is on finding people who join the split (hot spots).
3.Triple Split Definition10%Very fixed and very fragile at the same time.
4.Quadruple Split Definition1%Very fixed and very fragile at the same time.
5.No DefinitionLess than 2%To be found with rare and very unusual reflector types
Source: ► Audio The Definition Series, presented by the Jovian Archive, narrated by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011)
Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, undated

Pyramidal structure of the four basic types of humans – Human Design System

90% Majority ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
✰ ✰ ✰
Ratio 70% of the global population 20% of the global population
Basic trait Driving force in material life Mirror
Aura Open and enveloping Focusing and absorbing
Person First person singular – ME Second person singular – YOU
Energy YIN Energetic YIN Non-energetic
Question Who am I? Who are you?
StrategyRespond. (YIN)Wait before you are invited. (YIN)
LearningKnow thyself.Understand other people.
Signature Finding Self in Satisfaction Finding Self in Success
Notself theme
Frustration Bitterness
YouTube video presentations
John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 02 Human Design Aura Types: Generator / Manifesting
(a Deeper Look)
, 7:52 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009
Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher,
     storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Generators , 2:27 minutes duration, posted 13. December 2011
John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 04 Human Design: Projector Entering the Experiment,
     3:13 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009
Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher,
     storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Projectors, 2:39 minutes duration, posted 16. December 2011
10% Minority ✰ ✰

Ratio 8.8% of the global population 1.2% of the global population
Basic trait Initiator Transformer
Aura Closed and repelling Resistant and sampling
Person First and second person plural – US Third person singular / plural – IT
Energy YANG Energetic YIN Non-energetic
AppearanceRare ♦ IssuingShape shifting ♦ Radical
Question Who do I impact? Who (what) is different?
StrategyInform (others) before you act. (YANG)Wait a full cycle of a moon
before making a major decision. (YIN)
LearningUnderstand your impact on others.Differentiate. Note the differences.
Signature Finding Self in Peace Finding Self in Surprise / miracle
Notself theme
Anger Disappointment
YouTube videos
John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, Human Design: Manifestor Entering the Experiment,
     2:27 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009
John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 13 Human Design Manifestor Aura Type, 5:39 minutes
     duration, posted 19. February 2008
Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher,
     storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Manifestors , 2:06 minutes duration, posted 13. December 2011
John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 05 Human Design: Reflector Entering the Experiment,
     1:35 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2009
John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, 16 Human Design Reflector Aura Type, 4:15 minutes
     duration, posted 19. February 2008
Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher,
     storyteller, poet, author, RaZen – Reflectors , 2:35 minutes duration, posted 16. December 2011
YouTube video sources – general overview featuring Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, presented by the Jovian Archive,
An Introduction to the Human Design System, 15:50 minutes duration, posted 12. May 2011
The four Aura Types – Ra Uru Hu – Human Design System
, 7:07 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2012
Video source: ► Randy Richmond (†2017), Theresa Blanding, Can Human Design help recognize an old soul in a current incarnation?,
YouTube film, 14:26 minutes duration, posted 20. February 2011
Resource: ► Loveyourhumandesign.com
Resource (German): ► Human Design System, humandesignsystem.info

                The four basic types of the Human Design System, jovianarchive.com                

Fourfold nature of the psyche and various fourfold constellations

Metaphors – 3:1 principle ❄ Four stages of mystery schools and fairy tales


Mystery school stages · ✰ ·
· ✰✰ ·
· ✰✰✰ ·
· ✰✰✰✰ ·
Human Design System types Generators70%
Projectors21% Manifestors9% Reflectors1%
Pastoral metaphor White·sheep. Workers
White powered sheep
Black sheep
Spies, future guides
Surveyors, former kings
Mistaken for the wolf
Mystery man
Wheel metaphor Focused on
the hub
Focused on
the spokes
the wheel
Car metaphor Sitting motor
Starting the motor
House metaphor My own house
Yet someone else
in my house

Not my house
Only ONE house which is everyone's home.
Church metaphor Stairway
3 steps – Outside
Inside the building
Location of consecration
Inside the gated realm
Scene of transformation
Inside the Sanctum
Authority metaphor Believer
in Santa Claus
of Santa Claus
of Santa Claus
of Santa Claus
Perspectives Things are done
Things are done
Things are done
Things are done
Pregnancy stages Womb
from paradise
Birth channel
Life/death struggle
Cutting the cord
Free, new beginning
Four basic brains Reptilian brain
Delta – Unconscious
Limbic system
Theta – Subconscious
Beta – Conscious
Prefrontal cortex
Alpha – Superconscious
Evolution Wake up
Grow up
Clean up
Shadow work
Show Up
Astrological evolution Projection
Medium Coeli
Sun sign
Pillars of
dignity politics
French Revolution
French Revolution
French Revolution
Dignity consciousness
Four steps of reconciliation
and release
Individual – Women
5th chakra
Relationship – Men
4th and 6th chakra
Conscious collective – Grandmother spirit
Shifting society by embracing new
healthy myths
Unconscious collective – Grandfather spirit
Reawakening the Sacred Feminine in the soul realm, cocreating with Sophia
Christopher's quest
Saint Christopher
Wise elder
Rüdiger Dahlke
Minor goal
Major goal
of all things

Four worlds
William Irwin Thompson
World of

World of
images and symbols

World of
cosmic sound

World of

Mystical absorption
Levels of speech
Martin Buber
Life with nature
Threshold of speech
Life with men
Human speech
Life with intelligible forms Speechless
yet speech begetting
Life as such
Telepathic transmission
Robert Sternberg
Analytical intelligence
3rd mental chakra
Creative intelligence
2nd emotional chakra
Practical intelligence
1st sensing chakra
Sucessful heart intelligence
4th heart chakra
Gaining wisdom
By reflection
By imitation
By experience
Srimad Bhagavatam
For their highest good
For their highest good
For their highest good
Tao Te Ching
The Tao
gave birth to
The One
gave birth to
The Two
gave birth to
The Three gave birth
all of creation.
Hermes Trismegistos
I am One who
I am Two who
I am Four who
I am the One
after that.
Natures of mind
Hermes Trismegistos
Carrier of the Will
of the
Great One
Arbitrator of
cause and effect in life
Formed to the
threefold being
Directed transpiringly by the power of four
God 3:1
Walter Russell
God – Imaginer/effect
Three – moving lights
Rest and action
God – Imaginer/effect
Three – moving lights
Space and matter
God – Imaginer/effect
Three – moving lights
Equilibrium and motion
God – Knower/cause
One – still light
Marty Leeds
One point
infinitely large and small
Two points
creating a line
Three sides forming a
3-dimensional pyramid
Hebrew theology
Manly Palmer Hall
Tora – Folk of Israel
Soul of the law
Mishna – Rabbi/teachers
Soul of the soul
of the law

Qabalah – Initiates
Eco-soulcentric cycles
Bill Plotkin
Luminous presenceWonder
Innocent Explorer
Fire ◊ Mystery/darkness
Thespian Wanderer
WellspringWild Orchard Visionary
action/inspirationCultural renaissance
Apprentice Artisan
Grove of EldersMountain Cave
Master Sage
Change of mind

Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol
1st visitation of Ebenezer Scrooge
Ghost of Jacob Marley
2nd visitation of E.S.
Ghost of
Christmas Past
3rd visitation of E.S.
Ghost of
Christmas Present
4th visitation of E.S.
Ghost of
Christmas Yet to Come
Character building
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Youthful intoxicated success
Feeling infallible, cruel
Surfeit of power
Murderous, oppressing
Most evil moments
Convinced of doing good, supplied with systematic arguments
Lying on prison straw
Sensing the first stirrings of good
Analytical psychotherapy
Dictionary of Psychology
1. Confession
2. Elucidation
3. Education
Adaptation to social demands
4. Transformation
Facing extreme hardship
Sociological tripartition formula

Bruno Bettelheim
Ordinary people feel incapable without bread. 1st third – Survival
Cannot – Giving up
Ordinary people are unwilling without games.
2nd third – Play
Won't – Drying up
With hardly any bread and games tough people endure hardship.
3rd third – Endurance
Keeping it up trustingly
When the Tipping Point
is reached,
shift happens.

Grace emerging
Healing trauma
Peter A. Levine
1. Tertiary emotions: Youngest·brain
2. Secondary emotions:
Middle brain

3. Primary emotions: Oldest brain
4. Primary emotions: WHOLE brain
Core Self
of man

Rosicrucian Fundamentals
Deep, trance-like consciousness
Mineral stage
Dreamless sleep consciousness
Vegetable stage
Dream sleep consciousness
Animal stage
Full waking consciousness
Human stage
Classes of humanity
Benjamin Franklin
Immovables Movables Those that move Slow movements of human history and grace
Lever long enough Fulcrum
to place it on
I shall move... the world.
Three perspectives
Leonardo da Vinci, Codex Atlanticus
Size of objects diminishes according to distance.
Size: 1st perspective
Colors change the farther away they are from the eye.
Colors: 2nd perspective
The farther away objects are the less carefully they need to be finished.
Distance: 3rd perspective
Holistic view
Unified perspective
Something CAN be
true (and only true).
Something CAN be
false (and only false).
Something CAN be
both true nor false.
Something CAN be
neither true nor false.
Three in One16
The body comes
from the elements.
The soul comes from the stars.17 The spirit comes from God.
Four pillars of medicine18
Philosophical knowledge of
earth and water

Full understanding of that which is of fiery and airy nature
Explaining the whole cosmos (four elements); learning the art of their transformations
Lifelong virtues to support and complete the three other pillars
Four pillars of salutogenesis19 Comprehensibility Manageability Meaningfulness Sense of coherence
Living wine Mechthild of Magdeburg White wine of
sublime consolation

Red wine of suffering
Drinking both
white and red wine

Given with
divine love
Breaking Taboos
Mahatma Gandhi
1. First they
ignore you.
2. Then they
laugh at you.
3. Then they
fight you.
4. Then
you succeed.
Matthew 18, 20 (NT)
For where two... or three... are gathered
in my name
I am there
among them.
Introducing new concepts
George Bernard Shaw
1. Jokes and fancies2. Blasphemies
and treason
3. Questions
open to discussion
Established truths
Chaos patterning
Katya Walter
Order in the midst of apparent disorder Cycling that repeats with continual slight variation Scaling that fits one level into another like nesting boxes Universal applicability
See also:
Principle 3:1 and ► Human Design System
Various four quadrant typologies – Outlining the Human Design System
General quotes – Principle 3:1
Four levels of consciousness – Michael Beckwith
Four-step prayer insights – Richard Rohr
Levels of relationships and speech – ratio 3:1
Four perspectives of the wheel – 8-fold expression
Four stages of life – exemplified on Santa Claus
Four cyclical stages – 8-fold expression of the Santa Claus myth
Differentiating sheep from sheepdogs and wolves
From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof
Four steps of reconciliation and release
Three mating drives Helen Fisher ∞ Three Daoist types of integration of Yin and Yang
Cultivating wholeness and community in a fragmented world – Bill Plotkin
Rankism, humiliation and indignity ⇔ 'Dignity for all, always' – Robert W. Fuller
Four basic brains and their role in breaking taboos
Journey of transformation – Healed from stuttering
Friendliness and the willingness to help are cascading 1:3.
Four collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos
Transformation of a cynical old miser after a series of visitations
Healing individual trauma and transforming culture and society – Peter Levine
Resilience ratio: Two thirds unconscious ⇔ one third awakening
Four-stage composition of ancient Egyptian temples – Model of mystery schools
There's a hole in my sidewalk
Siehe auch: ► Vier Arten der Intelligenz – Robert Sternberg


Human Design: Aura, humandesignhawaii.com

Chart: Four basic types (raves) of humans – Human Design System

Overview: Four basic human types and their expressions
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Four Types
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
✰ ✰ ✰
✰ ✰

Main qualityDriving forces
in the material world
of population

70 %
Big majority
21 %
Small majority
8 %
Big minority

1 %
Small minority

Backed by 90%
Resisted by 80%
Hardly noticed
3.Key question Who am I?
Who are you?
Who do I impact?
Who (what) is different?
4.Aura Open and
Focusing and absorbing Closed and repelling Resistant [Teflon]
and sampling
5.Appearance Normal Different Rare Radical
6.Characteristics – Yielding – – Yielding – + Following
inner guidance +
O Allowing O
before being invited
Inform (others)
before you act
To mitigate resistance
for a full moon cycle
before making
a major decision
8.Activity Reaction Patience Issuing Shape shifting
9.Karma Former slave Observer Former king Servant of awakening
10.Calling Natural giver Future guide Natural leader Signpost
11.Talent Physical builder Therapist Energetic builder Magician
12.Mode SOLAR Yin
Energy type
Non-energy type
Energy type
Non-energy type
13. Find Self-SELF
Satisfaction Success Peace
Surprise / miracle
14.PurposeSurrenderRaise questionsInitiateNatural grace
15. Avoid
Notself theme
Frustration Bitterness Anger Disappointment
16.Danger Complacency
Being overlooked Defeat ♦ Burnout
17.Action call Wake up Grow up Clean up Show up
18.Activated planet
Dreaming, idealizing
Sudden change, reformation
P. Generators
M. Generators
Pure Generators:
Dalai Lama, Oprah Winfrey, Carl Gustav Jung, Albert Einstein, Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Elvis Presley, John Lennon, George Harrison, Meryl Streep, Madonna, Judy Garland, Timothy Leary, James Dean, Meg Ryan, Greta Garbo, Thomas Mann, Deepak Chopra, Vladimir Lenin
Manifesting Generators:
Mahatma Gandhi, Pope John Paul ii, Mikhail Gorbachev, Marie Curie, Sigmund Freud, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Hillary Clinton, Richard Nixon, Marie Antoinette, Jacqueline Onassis, Vincent van Gogh, Frederic Chopin, Steffi Graf, Clint Eastwood, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Yoko Ono, Prince, Friedrich Nietzsche
Ramana Maharshi, George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, Queen Elisabeth II, Princess Diana, Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Mick Jagger, Henry Miller, Woody Allen, Salvador Dali, Elizabeth Taylor, Shirley MacLaine, Barbra Streisand, James Joyce, Rudolph Nureyev, Ulysses S. Grant, Douglas MacArthur, Demi Moore, Osho, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joseph StalinParamahansa Yogananda, J. R. R. Tolkien, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Hermann Hesse, George Orwell, Karl-Heinz Böhm, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986), Bette Davis (1908-1989), Jack Nicholson, Robert DeNiro, Richard Burton, '' Orson Welles, Julio Iglesias, Reinhold Messner, Sophia Loren, Frida Kahlo, Joanne K. Rowling, Josephine Baker, Susan Sarandon, Vanessa Redgrave, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg, Helmut Kohl, George W. Bush, Al Gore, Vladimir Putin, Mao Tse Tung, J. Edgar Hoover, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler H.G. Wells, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, Vladimir Horowitz, Uri Geller, Rosalyn Carter, Michael Jackson, Sandra Bullock, '' Mata Amritanandamayi [Amma, Ammaji, "Hugging Saint"]
  202122 and 23 and 2425 and 26
Original video and audio presentations featuring Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author
An Introduction to the Human Design System, YouTube film, 15:49 minutes duration, posted by Loki S. K-R 12. May 2011
The Four Aura Types – Human Design System, YouTube film, 7:09 minutes duration, posted by Loki S. K-R 9. January 2012
Quelle: ► Ilse Sendler, Österreich, [German/deutsch] Einführungsvideo – Human Design System,
präsentiert von Humandesignsystem.info, 15:50 Minuten Dauer, posted 21. März 2011


Additional sources:
Free Rave Chart
Free of charge without registration
Human Design System
► Audio typology explanations by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design
     System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Free Audio Library, presented by Jovianarchive.com
► Audio presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System,
     musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Introduction to Human Design, presented by Humandesignsystem.cc, MP3
See also: ► From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof

Various four quadrant typologies – Outlining the Human Design System

Four basic HDS types correlated with the 3:1 principle
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Four HDS

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
✰ ✰
✰ ✰ ✰
✰ ✰ ✰
✰ ✰
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Main focus
Distribution %
Energy carrier
1.Potency27 1 10 100 1000
ME ♦ YOU ♦ US ♦ IT
First person
Second person
First and second person
Third person
Singular / Plural
ITS ♦ IT ♦ I ♦ WE
4.Consciousness type30 Unconscious Subconscious Half conscious Conscious
5.Archetype31 Unconscious
Unconscious heaven Unconscious hell Conscious hell33 Conscious [emerging] heaven
Deep sleep Dream state Awake state Altered state
9.Imprint36 Creation Procreation Cocreation Neocreation
10.Paradigm Either or As well as Neither nor All that is
11.Stage37 Literal realistic Symbolic Paradoxical Transformational
12.Focus Content Analogy
13.Wheel metaphor Focusing
on the hub
on the spokes
Turning the wheel Contemplating
life's wheelings
14.Narrative Facts
Story ♦ Myth
4 matrices
Paradise Paradise Lost Life/Death struggle (Purgatory) Release (Salvation)
16.Incarnating Conception
Growing in the womb
Opening of
the amnion sac
Through the birth canal
Cutting the umbilical cord
18.Planets activated
Neptun Saturn Pluto Uranus
19.Speed / Cycle39 Very fast Fast Slow Very very slow
20.Cycle Hour Day Month Year
21.Principle Simple Split Complex Simple again
a spiral ahead
Assertiveness Empathy
Thoughts, feelings, inquiry
RespectDignity Silence
23.Learning Know thyself! Understand your
fellow others.
Understand your IMPACT on others. Differentiate. See
the differences.
24.Pillar40 Executive Legislative Judiciary Contemplative
25.Animal41Flight animal
Very many
Standstill animal
Fight animal
Very few
Shapeshifting animal
Pegasus – Phoenix
Under the radar
26.Acute stress response
in physiology/brain
Flight Freeze Fight Survival
Stress reduction
27.Profession42 Science Psychology Law Theology
28.Task Building Connecting Principles Magic
Idealistic prophet Reactive nomad Civic hero Adaptive artist
30.Archetype44 Warrior Healer Teacher
31.Impressionability Believes in
Santa Claus
Doesn't believe in
Santa Claus
Is acting as
Santa Claus
Looks like
Santa Claus
See also: ►
Fourfold nature of the psyche and various fourfold constellations
Four perspectives of the wheel – 8-fold expression
Four cyclical stages – 8-fold expression of the Santa Claus myth
Four stages of life – exemplified on Santa Claus
Differentiating sheep from sheepdogs and wolves
Four-stroke cycles of generations – Strauss and Howe
Objectivity ⇔ subjectivity
Siehe auch:
Vierer-Zyklus von aufeinanderfolgenden Generationen – Strauss und Howe
Vier Denkweisen – Bewusstseinsstufen und Wandlung und ► Vier Seinsebenen – Hartmann • Gebser • Heim

Four basic tasks of each of the four Human Design System types

✰   Know thyself   ✰   Know others   ✰   Know your impact   ✰   Differentiate   
"Know thyself" is the most popular recommendation for those who entered the Ancient mystery schools.
This motto is directed to the majority of the majority – to 70% of generator types of the global population.
The other Human Desgin types represent the consecutive stages of learning in mystery schools
by following their respective imprint and calling.
༺༻Learning taskPerspectiveAura%Calling in
the population
SpreadLocation of operation
1. Know thyself. Real, haptic
rational, linear

70%Illiterate workers Major majorityOutside the temple
2. Understand
other people.
Symbolic, analogue
21%Literate therapists
Mirroring guides
Minor majorityInside the temple
3. Understand your
impact on others.
Paradoxical, irrational, nonlinear
8.8%Initiating priests Major minorityInside the
magic circle
Performing the ritual
4. Differentiate.
Note the differences.
Miraculous, renewing
1.2%Transforming 'saints' Minor minorityInside the magic / tabernacle
Mystery revealed
See also:
Various four quadrant typologies – Outlining the Human Design System
Four-stage composition of ancient Egyptian temples – Model of mystery schools

Notable characteristics of Manifestor types (HDS)

 ༺༻             Notable basics concerning manifestors             
1.The aura of manifestors is dense.
2.Manifestors often don’t get to choose what they manifest.
3.It is basically futile to try to control manifestors.
4.Manifestors are always doing stuff – in a different manner.
5.Manifestors need time to recharge.
6.Manifestors need alone time to recuperate.
7.Manifestors need (to be reminded) to inform others what their next steps are going to be.
8.The traditional manifestor model is outdated. They are no more kings or slave drivers.
9.The role of the manifestor is counter-intuitive. Most people don't get them.
10.Manifestors can often be intimidating.
11.Manifestors belong to the minority of 9%, they are NOT generators (the majority of 70%).
12.Despite all the resistance (80%) they reap manifestors are here to develop equanimity and to experience deep peace.
Source: Article Manifestor (Human Design) – Ten Things You Need to Know About Manifestors,
presented by the blogspot Align Mentality, 17. May 2015


"There is a sweetness about a manifestor that's just being authentic. When you combine the dense and hard aura of a manifestor with their genuine sweetness, you end up creating a beautiful harmony that can create
a massive positive resonance in the world."
  John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System


Links zum Thema Human Design System


Basis- und Einsteiger Bücher für das Human Design System (HDS)

Weitere HDS-Buchempfehlungen

Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

Google-Suche zum Stichwort Human Design System: 141.000 Ergebnisse [Stand Ende Januar 2011]

External web links (engl.)

The Generator is here to do (the manual and or creative) work.
The Projector is here to manage, guide, direct and lead.
The Manifestor is here to create, initiate, and manifest.
The Reflector is the mirror of the energies and actions within society.


Audio- und Videolinks

Die HDS-Kosmologie ist nicht nur eine individuelle "Bedienungsanleitung" sondern auch eine umfassende Kosmologie, die wissenschaftliche und philosophische Hypothesen umfasst. Derzeit befindet sich die Menschheit in einem Übergangsstadium von einer Kultur, die sich von der Betonung der Sippe und Solidarität (Kreuz der Planung, 1615-2027) zu der Betonung der Individualität und Selbstbestimmung (Kreuz des Schlafenden Phönix, ab 2027) bewegt. Die damit verbundenen Umwandlungen betreffen auch die Spezies Mensch, sowohl was die soziale Ausrichtung betrifft als auch, was die menschliche Genetik und Biologie betrifft.

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Collection of audio presentations Free Audio Library (lectures), covering the 5 Types/Signatures, ~1:40:00 duration each, presented by Jovianarchive.com
    Audio presentation Introduction to Human Design, presented by Humandesignsystem.cc, MP3, issuing date unknown
  • Collection of video presentations by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the
    Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, and various teachers Design Perspectives Archive, presented by jovianarchive.com, issuing date unknown

  • Video TV documentation The Ghost Particle PBS NOVA S33E12, presented by the US American TV channel PBS and Nova, produced 2006, YouTube film, 44:00 minutes duration, posted 23. January 2016

Forty years of neutrino research resulting in the understanding: Neutrinos carry mass.

We are descendant from neutrinos. It's true.  Minute 42:49
  • Video presentation The First Look at your Human Design chart, presented by the YouTube channel ZenHumanDesign, YouTube film, 6:47 minutes duration,
    posted 9. February 2010
  • Video interview with Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Q & A with Ra Uru Hu: Family, presented by the Jovian Archive, host Nayla Nasra, Amsterdam, recorded October 2010, YouTube film, 2:08 minutes duration, posted 20. May 2011
  • Various video presentations by John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, Entering the Experiment: Aura Types, presented by Human Design Hawaii, 2013-2019
  • Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Human Design ENCOUNTER with the VOICE, YouTube film,
    1:26:11 duration, posted 5. September 2014
  • Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, The Four Transformations – Ra Uru Hu, YouTube film, 3:04 minutes
    duration, posted 24. November 2016
  • Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, 2027 Global Cycles and the Great Mutation, presented by the Jovian Archive, recorded at unknown date, 58:55 minutes duration, posted 3. January 2022

Audio and video links (engl.) – J. Randolph (Randy) Richmond

Video and audio sources featuring J. Randolph (Randy) Richmond (†2017) US American publisher, Human Design System consultant, recovered addict, mentored by Dr. David Hawkins, ACIM teacher, author

Reflecting on Ra's death and memorial on the Isle of Ibiza, Spain

  • Video interview How Human Design Works, presented by the host Loki Krakower-Riley (Ra's Uru Hu's son), YouTube film,
    16:52 minutes duration, posted 8. June 2011

Randy Richmond was a teacher of the abstract ACiM teachings together with Dr. David R. Hawkins in Sedona, Arizona. Minute 3:18

  • Audio interview The End of the World as You Know It, part 1, presented by "The Randy Show", Sedona, Arizona, host John Martin, US American HDS teacher, founder of Human Design System, YouTube film, 40:18 minutes duration, posted
    7. March 2017

On projectors, invitations, different 6th line mutative processes, 2027, being one's own authority, seeing through the illusion


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Übersicht Human Design System – Die 6 Schaltkreise

2 Human Design 43 23 The Channel of Structuring

3 Human Design Chart: Barack Obama Birthdate: 4. August 1961, Angelic BluePrint

4 The Emotional Authority: The Solar Plexus system is the ultimate authority in a Design, and it's also the ultimate authority on the planet. Human Design Network Newsletter, 16 June 1998

5 Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Dilemmas of the Heart – Manifestor Musings'', YouTube film, 5:42 minutes duration, posted 2. September 2011

6 2-14 Heartbeat Channel

7 02 – 14 – The Beat

8 Human Design 14 2 The Channel of the Beat

9 6-59 Intimacy Channel

10 06 – 59 – Intimacy

11 59 6 Human Design Channel of Mating

12 13 33 Human Design Channel of the Prodigal^]/[^[[https://humdes.info/13-33-prodigal-son-channel/|13-33 Prodigal Son Channel Potential in Human Design

13 13 – 33 – The Prodigal''

14 Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Empowered in the Now – Channel of Charisma 20-34 – Manifestor Musings, YouTube film, 5:12 minutes duration, posted 16. October 2011

15 Law of excluded middle of Mahāyāna Buddhism

16 Franz Hartmann, M.D. (1838-1912) German physician, author, The Life & the Doctrines of Paracelsus, chapter 8 "Alchemy and Astrology", S. 135, 1887, 1891, KSheeta Books, Theosophical Publishing House, John W. Lovell Company, New York, 3rd edition 1910, reprint 3. November 2016

17 All that the intellect can conceive of comes from the stars.

18 Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, general occultist, author, Paracelsus. Selected Writings, Princeton University Press, 18. September 1995

19 Die vier Eckpfeiler der Gesundheit – Salutogenese

20 John Martin, Hawaii, 02 Human Design Aura Types: Generator / Manifesting Generator (a Deeper Look), YouTube film, 7:52 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009

21 John Martin, Hawaii, 04 Human Design: Projector Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 3:13 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009

22 John Martin, Hawaii, Human Design: Manifestor Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 2:27 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009

23 John Martin, Hawaii, 13 Human Design Manifestor Aura Type, YouTube film, 5:39 minutes duration, posted 19. Feb 2008

24 Video presentation by Ra Uru Hu [Robert Allen Krakower] (1948-2011) Canadian physicist, developer of the Human Design System, musician, teacher, storyteller, poet, author, Manifestor Musings – Dilemmas of the Heart, Facebook video, 5:41 minutes duration, undated

25 John Martin, Hawaii, 05 Human Design: Reflector Entering the Experiment, YouTube film, 1:35 minutes duration, posted 17. Dec 2009

26 John Martin, Hawaii, 16 Human Design Reflector Aura Type, YouTube film, 4:15 minutes duration, posted 19. Feb 2008

27 Numerology

28 Western Astrology

29 Ken Wilber

30 Psychology

31 Carl Gustav Jung and Sigmund Freud

32 Human development thus proceeds [...] from unconscious Heaven to conscious Hell to conscious Heaven. Ken Wilber, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter 1, 1998

33 You go from unconscious Hell to conscious Hell, and being conscious of Hell, of samsara, of lacerating existence, is what makes growing up – and being an adult – such a nightmare of misery and alienation. Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, author, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter 1 The Spectrum of Consciousness: Integral Psychology and the Perennial Philosophy, Shambhala Publications, 1998

34 Hindu philosophy, modern biology

35 Sociology

36 Philosophy of Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019)

37 Levels of the mystery schools

38 Biologie

39 Time and Four-stroke cycles of generations

40 Politics

41 Biologie

42 Philosophy of the Dakota Sioux, presented by medicine elder Wallace Black Elk (1921-2004)

43 Time

44 Archetypes


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