Wiki / Schatten
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Tempel in der Ebene von Bagan, Myanmar |
Quelle: ► Artikel Spiritual Bypassing – 10 Wege, die Realität zu vermeiden, englisches Original 10 Ways to Bypass the Real, 20. März 2014, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Elephant Journal, Jeff Brown, M.A., kanadischer Rechtsanwalt, Psychologe, körper- zentrierter Psychotherapeut, Autor, 10. März 2014, übersetzt und nachgedruckt von der Schweizer Zeitschrift Sein, November 2014 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Spiritual bypass |
Siehe auch: ► Wirklichkeit und ► Fallen und ► Prüfungen und ► Weg |
Wiki-Referenzen: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Fanatismus und ► de.Wikiquote-Eintrag ► Fanatismus |
Referenz: ► Beitrag Was ist für Dich fanatisch?, präsentiert von der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 13. November 2019 |
See also: ► Fan – fanatic – fandom – fanaticism – fascination |
Inspiriert durch: ► Clarissa Pinkola Estes (*1945) US-amerikanische Jungsche Psychoanalytikerin, Posttraumaspezialistin, Dichterin, Die Wolfsfrau. Die Kraft der weiblichen Urinstinkte, Heyne Verlag, 8. Auflage 1. September 1997 |
Siehe auch: ► Dankbarer Dichter ► Geschichtensammlung ► Zynismus ► Glück ► Gnade ► Gott ► Verrückt ► Kulte ► Dankbarkeit |
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Personal avowals
Collective avowal
Looking at one's own projection of God
Manifestions of the US shadow: imperialism, corruption, materialistic obsession, "throwaway culture"
See also: The Corporation, Canadian documentary film written by Joel Bakan, 2003
Quotes on the shadow by Carl Jung
Masculine split-mindedness
Literary quotes
The shadow is |
See also: ► Unconscious |
Written sources: ► en.Wikipedia entry Shadow (psychology) |
Movie/DVD: ► Documentary The Shadow Effect Documentary, produced by Debbie Ford (1955-2013) US American coach, lecturer, self-help author, seconded by Deepak Chopra, M.D. (*1946) Indian US American physician, public speaker, self-help writer, Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, produced 26. June 2009, YouTube film, 1:10:32 duration, posted 29. November 2017 |
See also: ► Trauma and ► Separative Mindset ⇔ Field consciousness – Four (3:1) developmental phases |
Siehe auch: ► Befreiung von Großmutter und Rotkäppchen aus dem Wolfsbauch |
In the middle decades of the 19th century the English novelist Charles Dickens was keen-
In December 1843 Dickens' published his novel A Christmas Carol. Its main character Ebenezer Scrooge said the infamous line scorning the holiday of love:
He repeatedly turned down a couple of businessmen who were engaged to collect money from him for the poor at Christmas. Scrooge pointed out that the poor were undeserving of
That same night Scrooge was visited by four entitities. The first ghost that appeared before him was his former colleague. The other three represented the archetypes of the past,
༺·༺·༺ ♦◊♦ ༻·༻·༻
Reference: ► FAIRY TALES by The Brothers Grimm, Little Red-Cap [Little Red Riding Hood], presented by University of Pittsburgh, revised 3. March 2015 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Red Riding Hood |
The Ancient Egyptians ascribed the following five parts to a human soul:
The temporal human body was called
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Ancient Egyptian concept of the soul |
See also: ► Soul and ► Soul |
Cultic features and God complex
Bibliography in Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 435, 2005
See also: ► Cults |
Written references: ► Article Exploring Consumer Fanaticism: A Fresh Perspective On The Concept Of Loyalty, presented by the social networking site for scientists and researchers ResearchGate, January 2005 ► Blog article Fanaticism Is a Disease Like Alcoholism, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, Jeremy E Sherman Ph.D., biophilosopher, social science researcher, 4. November 2014 ► Article The beginning of the fan movement: brief history of the first fandoms, presented by the publication MedKult, 8. March 2016 ► Blog article by Joshua Leland, "Fascinating": Towards the Deeper Meaning of Words, presented by Circle Institute, 17. April 2017 |
Siehe auch: ► Fan – Fanatisch – Fangemeinde – Fanatismus – Faszination |
Present-day people are mostly unaware of the meaning and the contemporary charge of certain words they use. Life experiences may sensitize one to pay more close attention to language and languaging.
In stardom and fandom – lies glamor. A star on stage may greet all his "fans" in the audience. A star most likely prefers involved fans, whereas a sincere teacher may prefer a spiritually aligned audience, committed listeners.
Former cult members or followers may object words like "following", "fandom", "fascination", not minding terms like "intensity", "aligned intention", and "sincere studentship."
Traumatized people need to be asked – diligently and straightly – to come out of paralysis. Their programmed inner code forbids them to speak and reveal on their own. One has to name the taboo for them, which allows them to nod. Most people shy away from entering the forbidden TABOO land that is filled with explosive tread mines.
See also: ► Building conscience and ► Differentiating sheep from sheepdogs and wolves ► Students and ► Taboo and ► Maturity |
A scorpion and a frog are sitting on the bank of a river, and both need to get to the other side.
The frog immediately becomes suspicious.
The scorpion, who has anticipated the frog’s objections, counters thus:
The frog agrees, reluctantly, that the scorpion has a point. So he allows the fast-talking arthropod to scramble atop his back and hops, without further ado, into
the water.
At first all is well. Everything goes exactly according to plan. But halfway across, the frog suddenly feels a sharp pain in his back – and sees, out of the corner of
his eye, the scorpion withdraw his stinger from his hide. A deadening numbness begins to creep into his limbs.
The scorpion shrugs and does a little jig on the drowning frog’s back.
With that, the scorpion and the frog both disappear beneath the murky, muddy waters of the swiftly flowing current. And neither of them is seen again.
Source: ► ⚡ Kevin Dutton, Ph.D. (*1967) British professor of experimental psychology, expert on the science of social influence, University of Oxford, author, The Wisdom of Psychopaths. What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success, chapter 1 "Scorpio Rising", William Heinemann, 20. September 2012; Scientific American / Farrar, Straus and Giroux, reprint edition 3. September 2013 |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Animal fable of The Scorpion and the Frog (~1950) |
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag ► Die Fabel vom Skorpion und der Frosch (~1950) |
See also: ► Narcissism and ► Stories |
Source: ► Clarissa Pinkola Estés (*1945) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, poet, writer, Women Who Run With the Wolves. Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, Ballantine Books, 1st edition November 1992, updated with new material 1996 |
See also: ► Grateful poet and ► Stories and ► Circles and ► Grace and ► God and ► Madness ► Cults and ► Dignity and ► Cynicism and ► Gratefulness and ► Heart and ► Poems |
Literature: ► Dr. Sharif Abdullah [Sherwood James Sanders] (*1951) US American attorney, academic, advocate for social-cultural-spiritual transformation, writer, Creating a World That Works for All, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, paperback, 1st edition 1. May 1999 |
Inspirational video: ► The emergence of the butterfly: Ideopsis similis, YouTube film, 5:40 minutes duration, posted 23. July 2007 |
See also: ► Paradigm shift ► Solution ► Dignity ► Empathy ► Humiliation ► Violence ► Depression ► Greed |
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1 Turning a personal inferiority into a perceived moral deficiency in a fellow human; rankism, 'us vs. them' syndrome, racism, persecution of 'non-believers' ⇑
2 Rankism, 'us vs. them' syndrome, racism, persecution of 'non-believers' ⇑
3 Individuation expressed in the New Testament as 'You shall have life and shall have it more abundantly.' Being 'born again' via baptism represents the first step of individuation. ⇑
4 Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) Scottish novelist, poet, essayist, travel writer, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Longmans, Green & Company, United Kingdom, 5 January 1886 ⇑