
Hawkins / ZitateBuch8




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David R. Hawkins

Zitate aus Heilung und Genesung (Buch 8)


⚠ Achtung
Siehe Power vs. Truth, Januar 2013


Quotes by D. Hawkins – Healing and Recovery

Quotes from D. Hawkins' eigth book Healing and Recovery, Veritas Publishing, 2009

  • Consciousness work has to do with the truth of our inner experience. It does not have anything to do with theory, hypothesis, scientific reasoning, or logic. It has to do with the experiencing of the truth within us. Page unknown


  • Being healthy means we have re-owned our power as source and are not giving away the source of the body’s
    health to the world. Page unknown


  • The healthy enjoyment of the body is the effect of the mental attitude, of looking at it as something pleasurable,
    and therefore, we come to a lovingness of the body. Page unknown


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