
Hawkins / Erfolg





BW 300er




Pfauenblume (Tigerblume, Tigridia Pavonia)





Zitate zum Thema Erfolg / Success

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Als das durchschnittliche Bewusstseinsniveau [der Menschheit] auf BW 190 war, konnte man mit Unlauterkeit, mit der Amigo-Mentalität unter Geschäftsleuten, durchkommen. Nun, wo das Gesamtbewusstsein auf 205 oder 207 gestiegen ist, sieht man [den Konzern] Enron fallen und Martha Stewart vor Gericht stehen. Daher ist das neue Paradigma des Erfolgs Integrität. Geld zu verdienen, genügte seit Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts bis ins heutige. Erfolg war Geld, Ruhm und dergleichen. Inzwischen liegt der Fokus der Gesellschaft auf Integrität und darauf, was die Wahrheit ist. Gelöschtes Interview mit D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Magazin New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004


  • 85 Prozent der Erdbewohner leben unterhalb der Bewusstseinsschwelle 200.
    Jetzt, wo das durchschnittliche Bewusstseinsniveau [der Menschheit] oberhalb der Integritätsschwelle [bei 207] liegt, hat sich das Denkmodell geändert. Das neue Paradigma ist nicht mehr "Erfolg", sondern statt-
    dessen Integrität. Für das, wofür man früher mit einem Zwinkern bedacht wurde, werden wir mittlerweile
    zur Rechenschaft gezogen.
Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, 11. Oktober 2003

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Success isn't something you have to get, it's just the automatic consequence of integrity. If you're the best carpenter around, you don't have to advertise. Source unknown, Motivational Quotes, Bestmotivation.com


  • Humility is the recognition and acknowledgement, whether spoken or unspoken, of the true Source of all understan-
    ding, inspiration and success. Source unknown


  • To be a success, it’s necessary to embrace and operate from the principles that produce success, not just imitate the actions of successful people. Source unknown


  • Success elevates us or destroys us, depending not on the success itself, but on how we integrate it in our personalities. If we are proud or humble; if we are egotistical or thankful; if we consider ourselves better than others because of our talents or we consider our talents a gift, and for them we are thankful – these are the determining factors.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, Hay House, February 2002



Noblesse oblige – among equals.

Original version, 1995: Truly successful people are not inclined to act arrogantly, because they do not consider themselves better than others, only more lucky. They see their position as a responsibility, an obligation to exert their influence for the greater benefit of all.



Three steps of the ladder of success

  • [Paraphrased summary.]
    1. HAVING – "Status depends on visible signs of material wealth."
    2. DOING – "One's position and activities bring significant social status." Important are accomplishments.
    3. HAVING BECOME (BEING) – Outer manifestation of the grace of inherent power of charismatic people.
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 16 "Surviving Success", S. 206, Hay House, February 2002





  • It is the will of every truly enlightened sage that every spiritual seeker succeeds, and not just the members of some specific or exclusive group. Just as the individual seeker of spiritual advancement benefits all mankind, thus also
    does the enlightenment of the Teachers benefit the seeker. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 109-110, 2003


  • It is not the successful activity or position that is the hinderance but the underlying pride and attachment. One can transcend these aspects by surrendering and dedicating all action to God. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 191, 2003




Integrity in business wins out:

Hiring honest managers with integrity is essential to picking winning stocks.



Chris Davis, US American CEO of Davis Advisors, The Culture Club's Good Karma. Chris Davis of Davis Advisors judges companies by their value systems – and makes money doing it, presented by the multinational US American business magazine Fortune, David Rynecki, 13. October 2003

  • "Events" emerge as a consequence of the inner qualities of content and field, and the explanatory principle of one-to-one causation that dominates our current so-
    ciety is an insufficient explanation for events. The accident involving the insulation of the space shuttle led initially to a search for singular cause or a responsible individual, but none was found. Then, with a brilliant jump of consciousness, the researchers deduced that the event was the impersonal consequence of the "climate" of NASA at the time. Similar insights have emerged in the world of business in which success is understood to be a product of a culture and its values. Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 56, 2005



Demonizing the US American success story

  • All of the theories that demonize success, the big corporations, and the country of America are examples of dualistic mentations based on the perpetrator/victim fallacy of an external "cause" (demonized) of a lamented, selected condition. Therefore, the "cause" of poverty is wealth and America is the evil cause of the world’s poverty stricken, etc. All such postulations ignore the historical reality that war, poverty, and cruelty preexisted before the country of America or the concept
    of capitalism [LoC 340].
    If nature is the basis of earthly life, then by what aspect does all this "injustice" arise?
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 12 "Problematic Issues", S. 216, 2005




Desparate vulnerable millionaires hooked by the meme of success

  • I used to live on the East Coast near a community of millionaires, and despite their affluence, occasionally someone committed suicide or took a drug overdose. They were not at all immune to the human vulnerabilities. Therefore, worldly success (e.g. celebrity status) does not bring immunity. What we need to be angry at is what caused us to sell ourselves out and then learn how we do it. Then we can take pride in the fact that we are wil-
    ling to look at this now and move up to the level of Courage to tell the truth about it. The truth is that something with-
    in our consciousness sets us up to be vulnerable.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 12 "Depression", S. 375-376, 2009




  • It becomes more important to succeed than to win. Anybody can win. It doesn't mean anything. It's success.
    Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz
    and Elena Young, aired 10. February 2004


  • When we were at [LoC of mankind] 190 one could get away with non-integrity, which is the Old Boys way of doing business. And now at 205 or 207, you see Enron fall and Martha Stewart called on the carpet; so the new paradigm
    of success is integrity. Making money was sufficient during the early part of the last century through this century; success was money and fame, and all those things. And now the focus of society is integrity and what is the truth. Deleted interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012), Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the US American magazine
    New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004




Democracy and human dignity ⇔ dictatorships

  • People tend to envy and become hostile towards success. That's the way you defeat yourself. The way to success is to find out what is the source of success and imitate it. Countries that imitate free enterprise and freedom in a democratic government tend to become successively more powerful. Those that are based on dictatorship and the denial of human dignity are temporary. They work for a number of years but then they go down in flames. Removed audio interview with David R. Hawkins, Radio Interview, presented by the US American web radio station Contact Talk Radio, host Cameron Steele and Lucie Minetti, aired 13. May 2003, YouTube film, minute 37:54, 41:15 minutes duration, aired 13. May 2003, posted 24. März 2011


  • Eighty-five percent of people on the planet live below a location of consciousness of 200. Now that the average [LoC
    of mankind] is 207, above the level of integrity, the paradigm has changed. The new paradigm is no longer "suc-
    cess", but instead is integrity.
    Things that were formerly winked at, we are now held accountable for.
    Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, Unity Church, 11. October 2003


  • You need to be right, you need to make money, you need to be successful – it's the neediness that’s the problem. Instead, become that which attracts those things. Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD set, 14. August 2004


  • Question: Success and goals, and where do they fit in with spirituality?
    Answer: You want to fulfill the potential of your creation. You were created with certain gifts. You want to fulfill the love
    of God by utilization of those gifts for the good of others. Those goals are not necessarily contradictory to spiritual growth. It shows respect for Divinity and thankfulness for your creation to become that which you can become to the
    greatest degree. No matter what you are doing, do it to the greatest potential you are capable of. You are re-
    specting the grace and gift of life […] to be the perfect expression of your own potentiality.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 13. September 2006


  • The 300s are worldly success, and things that are really successful are very often in the high 300s.
    Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Pro-
    ductions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010

Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Erfolg ist keiner der Namen Gottes. Martin Buber [BW 530] (1878-1965) österreichisch-jüdischer Religionsforscher und -philosoph, präsentiert von der deutschen linksliberalen Zeitung Frankfurter Hefte Ausgabe 6, S. 195f., 1951


  • Wir neigen dazu, Erfolg eher nach der Höhe unserer Gehälter oder nach der Größe unserer Autos zu bestimmen
    als nach dem Grad unserer Hilfsbereitschaft und dem Maß unserer Menschlichkeit. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor, Aktivist, afro-amerikanischer Bürgerrechtler, zitiert in: Gutzitiert



Original Lateinisch

Sequi enim gloria, non appeti debet.

  • Ruhm nämlich muss folgen, er darf nicht erstrebt werden. Plinius der Jüngere [Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus] (61/62-112/115 n. Chr.) altrömischer Rechtsanwalt, Amtsrichter, Senator, Schriftsteller, Plinius-Briefe [Epistulae Epistel] 1, 8, 14


  • Zusammenkommen ist ein Beginn,
    zusammenbleiben ein Fortschritt,
    zusammenarbeiten ein Erfolg!
    Henry Ford [BW 380] (1863-1947) US-amerikanischer Industrieller, Automobilhersteller Ford Motor Company, zitiert in:


  • Der Sieg gehört immer dem, der sogar vor der Schlacht nicht an sich selbst denkt, sondern in der Leere des
    "Großen Ursprungs" ruht und aufgeht.
    Bruce Lee (1940-1973) sinoamerikanischer Kampfkünstler, Kampfkunst-Ausbilder, Schauspieler, zitiert in: 1000 Zitate


  • Die drei Säulen des Erfolgs:
    1. etwas Sein,
    2. etwas Schein und
    3. ganz viel Schwein.
Ferdinand Piëch (1937-2019) österreichischer Manager, Großaktionär der Porsche Automobil Holding SE, zitiert in: Lebens-


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Erfolg

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals / Plea

  • 1988: Somewhere I have always known that I was born for greatness in my life.
    2010: Boy, didn't I get beat up for that.
    Video interview with Oprah Winfrey [LoC 500] (*1954) US American talk show host, actress, visionary, billionaire, philanthropist,
    host Barbara Walters (1929- 2022) US American broadcast journalist, presented by bittenandbound.com, part 1, minute 10:54,
    posted 10. December 2010



  • Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.
    Nelson Mandela [LoC 505] (1918-2013) South African anti-apartheid activist, 27 years imprisoned during apartheid, first black
    president of South Africa (1994-1999), cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



  • Success does not necessarily involve great intellect, or great position, or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity. Remember that. Jane Roberts (1929-1984) US American psychic, spirit medium, poet, author, Seth Speaks. The Eternal Validity
    of the Soul
    , Session 421, Amber-Allen Publishing, 1972, New World Library, reprint edition 23. May 1994



  • We understand it still that there is no easy road to freedom. We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success. Nelson Mandela [LoC 505] (1918-2013) South African anti-apartheid activist, 27 years imprisoned during apartheid, first black president of South Africa (1994-1999), cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote
  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
    Falsely attributed to Winston Churchill [LoC 510, influence LoC 500] (1874-1965) British prime minister of the United Kingdom during the 2nd World War (1940-1945) and (1951-1955), racist war criminal, cited in: QuoteInvestigator



Individual and group effort

  • The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. Barack Obama (*1961) 44th US president, campaign event in Roanoke, Virginia, 13. July 2012


  • Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. John Wooden [Wizard of Westwood] (1910-2010) US American basketball coach, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
    Flexibility is the key to stability.
    Be quick, but don't hurry.
    John Wooden [Wizard of Westwood] (1910-2010) US American basketball coach, cited in: website The Best American Poetry



The difference between winning and succeeding

  • You can lose when you outscore somebody in a game. And you can win [succeed] when you're outscored. Video presentation by John Wooden [Wizard of Westwood] (1910-2010) US American basketball coach, The difference between winning and succee-
    , presented by TED Talks 2001, Monterey California, minute 12:16, 17:40 minutes duration, filmed in February 2001 posted March 2009


  • For the first time in history [1970] it is now possible to take care of everybody at a higher standard of living than any have ever known. Only ten years ago the 'more with less' technology reached the point where this could be done.
    All humanity now has the option to become enduringly successful.
    Buckminster Fuller [LoC 445] (1895-1983) US American architect, constructor, designer, philosopher, author, Grunch of Giants,
    St Martin's Press, paperback issue 1. April 1984



  • Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. Bill Gates (*1955) US American multibillionaire, co-founder and owner of the company Microsoft, "philanthropist", cited in: GoodReads


  • A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.
    Wayne Gretzky, US American hockey player, cited in: Quotable Quote


  • According to Socrates, the successful tyrant who is able to do great wrong for many years without ever being held accountable, was the most terribly harmed of all human beings. Socrates believed that doing injustice made us less
    just and diminished our character. For Socrates, harm to character, or the soul, is the greatest harm of all. Since Socrates believed that all wrongdoing harmed the wrongdoer, he believed that all people never choose to harm them-
    selves and thus never choose to do wrong. When we see people knowingly doing wrong to others, they are not cog-
    nizant of the harm that their wrongdoing brings upon themselves. So it is that even the most flagrant examples of
    willful human wrongdoing, which may seem to contradict Socrates’ belief, actually confirm Socrates belief by being
    examples of our instinct to benefit ourselves misguided by ignorance. If all wrongdoing harms the wrongdoer and all
    people make decisions only to benefit themselves, then all people commit wrongdoing through ignorance and
    not through a will to do wrong.
    Essay by Max Maxwell, A Socratic Perspective on The Nature of Human Evil, presented
    by the publication Socraticmethod.net, 2008


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Success

Englische Texte – English section on Success

Key words on success

  • Key phrases on success
    • Succeeding is more important than winning.
    • The new paradigm of success is integrity.


  • Success
    • originates from within.

The best local carpenter doesn't advertise.

  • is the intrinsic consequence of integrity.
  • is independent of external circumstances.
  • is considered as a sign of evolutionary progression beyond lethargy.
  • is a result of willingness to commit to participate in life.
  • is a result of having overcome the inner resistance to life.
  • elevates or destroys depending on how wisely or poorly it is being integrated.
  • is understood as a product of culture and societal values.
  • is best achieved by hiring honest integrous managers.



Challenge of repeated choice:

Pride and superiority ⇔ humility
Egotism gratefulness
Better than others
more fortunate, gifted than others

  • are respecting the grace and gift of life.
  • humbly recognize and acknowledge the true Source of success.
  • embrace and operate from the principles that produce success.
  • are willing to fulfill their potential and exercize their talents.
  • have become what attracts success.
  • use their position as a stewardship [LoC 415] and influence.
  • treat their fellow humans as equals.
  • are notable, courteous, and considerate towards others and situations.
  • are not needy of the attributes of success.


  • Three stages of success
    1. HAVING – Visible attributes of material wealth reward them with a higher social status.
    2. DOING – Positions, activities, and achievements grant a higher social status.
    3. HAVING BECOME – The power and grace inherent in them gets manifested outwardly.


  • Ego in ordinary life desires status and success

Three temptations:

Chasing money, fame, and power

  • as a normal ambition (rajas).
  • by choosing illusory goals of gain.
  • is straining hard and harder to achieve its goals.
  • hinders personal success by its underlying pride and attachment.

BW-Werte: Erfolg / Success

  • LoC high 300s – Extensive worldly success1
  • LoC 300s – Worldly success2

Index: Erfolg / Success – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • Power vs. Force: The true power base of successful business, the marketplace and commerce, S. 132

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Long Beach, California, Seminar Success, 3 DVD set, 3. October 2009


Links zum Thema Erfolg / Success


Literature (engl.)

Referring to a amous study on the effect of praise on a child's development: It is more beneficial to praise kids on effort rather than intelligence.

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki



1 Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010

2 Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010


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