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Nachhaltigkeit – Umweltverträglichkeit / Sustainability





Arumlilie (Zantedeschia aethiopica)
Mai 2007



Zitate zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit / Sustainability

Zitate allgemein

Persönliche Bekenntnisse



  • Die Natur ist ein völlig effizientes, selbst-generierendes System. Wenn wir die Gesetze entdecken, welche dieses System regeln und synergetisch mit ihnen leben, wird daraus Nachhaltigkeit resultieren und die Menschheit wird ein Erfolg. R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US-amerikanischer Systemtheoretiker, Architekt, Ingenieur, Konstrukteur, Designer, Erfinder, Futurologe, Philosoph, Autor, zitiert in: Artikel R. Buckminster Fuller: On the Wisdom and the Purpose of Life, präsentiert von der
    US-amerikanischen Publikation Excellence Reporter, 20. January 2020


  • Die Erde braucht keine erfolgreichen Menschen mehr. Die Erde braucht dringend mehr Friedensstifter, Heiler, Erneuerer, Geschichtenerzähler und Liebende aller Art. Sie braucht Menschen, die sich wohl fühlen an ihrem Wohnort. Sie braucht Menschen mit Zivilcourage, die bereit sind, sich da-
    für einzusetzen, die Welt lebensgerechter und menschlicher zu gestalten. Diese Eigenschaften haben wenig mit der Form von Erfolg zu tun wie er hierzulande definiert wird.
    David Orr, Ph.D., US-amerikanischer Professor für Umweltwissenschaften, Oberlin College, Universität von Vermont, Ecological Literacy. Educating Our Children for a Sustainable World , Sierra Club Books, 1. Ausgabe 1. Oktober 2005


  • Das Wort «Nachhaltigkeit» ist vor einem Vierteljahrhundert in den Wortschatz der Consulting-Industrie und von dort in die Selbstdarstellung der Firmen eingesickert. Alle Dax-Unternehmen beschäftigen Nachhaltigkeitsoffiziere [lacht], alle sind jetzt von dieser neuen, quasi evangelischen Kategorie ergriffen. Die Wahrheit ist aber, dass in derselben Zeit die nicht nachhaltigen Prozesse exponentiell gestiegen sind. Seit wir über die Schädlichkeit der Treibhausgase reden, haben sie sich ver-
    Interview mit Peter Sloterdijk (*1947) deutscher Professor für Philosophie, Universität Karlsruhe, Fernsehmoderator, Kultur-
    wissenschaftler, Essayist, Der Zeitgeist ist heute grün, und der ist in mir auch am Werk, präsentiert von der überregionalen
    Schweizer Tageszeitung Tages-Anzeiger, 14. März 2015


Eigenschaften und Verhalten von würdevollen Menschen

  • Würdevolle Menschen
    ❄ sind nachhaltige Konsumenten, die auf die Einhaltung von Sozialstandards und ökologische
        Herstellungsprozesse achten.
    ❄ Sie haben die Vorstellung von einem würdevollen Leben in ihr Bewusstsein gehoben, sind sich
        ihrer Würde bewusst – und nicht (mehr) verführbar.
    ❄ Sie haben ein inneres Bild davon entwickelt, wer sie sein wollen.
    ❄ Sie möchten im gesellschaftlichen Leben Orientierung und Sicherheit gewinnen.
    ❄ Sie sind achtsam und umsichtig.
    ❄ Sie nehmen von anderen Menschen nichts an, was die Würde anderer verletzen würde.
    ❄ Sie erleben sich aus sich selbst heraus als wertvoll und leiden nicht an einem Mangel an Bedeutsamkeit.
Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther gerald-huether.de (*1951) deutscher Neurobiologe, Professor für neurobiologische Grundlagenfor-
schung, Universität Göttingen, wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Referent, Autor, Uli Hauser, Mitwirkende, Würde. Was uns stark macht – als Einzelne und als Gesellschaft, Albrecht Knaus Verlag, 5. März 2018, zitiert in: Gelöschter Blogartikel von Dr. Alexandra Hildebrandt, deutsche Wirtschaftspsychologin, Nachhaltigkeitsexpertin, Publizistin, Wirtschaft braucht Würde: Wie wir unseren inneren Kompass finden, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen linksliberalen Onlinezeitung HuffPost, 19. April 2018


  • Die Darwinsche Geschichtsschreibung bezieht sich nur auf die jugendliche Wachstumsphase. [...] Nachhaltige Zukunftsfähigkeit tritt in Kraft, sobald Spezies lernen, einander zu nähren, statt einander zu bekämpfen. Eigeninteresse ist gut, so lange es sich innerhalb des Eigeninteresses der Gemeinschaft bewegt. Was wir
    nun benötigen, ist Glokalisierung. Miteinander können wir es in die Tat umsetzen.
    Gelöschter Videovortrag von Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. sahtouris.com (*1950) griechisch-amerikanische post-Darwinsche kreationistische Evolutionsbiologin, Fördererin des Intelligent Design (ID), Pastistin/Futuristin, ehemalige UN-Beraterin,
    After Darwin, Teil 1 von 3, YouTube Film 9:26 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 30. August 2012


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Nachhaltigkeit

General quotes

Personal avowal

  • After more than two decades of work on this subject, I have no doubt of one truth about contemporary pornography:
    It is one way that men's capacity for empathy can be dramatically diminished.
    Empathy is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the work that challenges the domination/subordination dyna-
    mic of existing hierarchies, and transcending that dynamic is crucial if there is to be a just and sustainable future.
    Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, author, Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like, presented by the men's initiative The Good Men Project, 11. August 2011




The end of economic growth has been reached in wealthy nations.

  • The rich developed countries have reached a turning point in human history. Politics should now be about the quality of social relations and how we can develop harmonious and sustainable societies.
    Richard Wilkinson, Ph.D. (*1943) British retired social epidemiologist, University of Notting-
    ham, cited in: article Epidemiologists find link between social ills and inequality. Review of The Spirit Level: New book uncovers connections between economic disparities and social ills, presented by Street Speech, August 2010, posted 1. February 2011





Systems harbor network patterns.


  • Agenda 21 is not about sustainability, that is just the buzz, it's all about control. Video interview with Penny Kelly,
    US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, Penny Kelly – The Future of Money & Consciousness, presented by ConnectEconomy, founder and host Anja Schuetz, Berlin, Germany, YouTube film, minute 1:14:17, 1:26:48 duration, posted 10. September 2018


Future prospects

  • Nature is a totally efficient, self-regenerating system. If we discover the laws that govern this system and live synergistically within them, sustainability will follow and humankind will be a success. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)
    US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author, cited in: article R. Buckminster Fuller: On the Wisdom and the Purpose of Life, presented by the publication Excellence Reporter, 20. January 2020


  • The people with wealth and power have diverted our attention from [...] [the] real issues. It is a clever ploy on behalf
    of the rich nations and multinational corporations to change the agenda. They have successfully removed the subject
    of community, equity, justice, sustainability, and sharing from public discourse. If they were to discuss these matters, then they themselves would have to live simply, use the resources of the Earth more frugally and share food, land,
    and housing equitably. They don’t want to do this. It suits them to talk about poverty. They use the excuse of poverty
    in order to increase their profits.
    Satish Kumar (*1936) Indian Jain monk, activist, nuclear disarmament advocate, environmentalist, pacifist, editor of the environ-
    mental magazine Resurgence & Ecologist, Poverty and Progress, presented by the British bi-monthly environmental magazine Resurgence & Ecologist, issue 196, S. 6, 1999  
    Link deleted


  • The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacema-
    kers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have
    little to do with success as we have defined it.
    David Orr, Ph.D., US American professor of environmental studies, Oberlin College, University of Vermont, Ecological Literacy. Educating Our Children for a Sustainable World , Sierra Club Books, 1st edition 1. October 2005


  • All patriarchal societies have a monopoly of a centralizing currency with positive interest rates which is a concentration device to the top. People who have resources get more resources. That model made the Industrial Revolution possible. The Boom and Bust Cycles are directly related to the money system. It leads to concentration of wealth, unsustainable behavior, short-term thinking.  Minute 2:56
    Dual [complementary] currency systems created economic stability. In Ancient Egypt it lasted for 1,600 years. In the Middle Ages in Europe it produced longlasting cathedrals.  Minute 6:56
5-parts video keynote presentation and conversation with Bernard Lietaer, Ph.D. (1942-2019) Belgian economist, co-designer of the European € currency, Central Bank of Belgium, professor of International Finance, University, Louvain, Belgium, research fellow Center for Sustainable Resources, UCB, co-founder of the ACCESS Foundation, author, Monetary blind spots and structural solutions, part 2
of 5, 9:36 minutes duration, playlist Monetary blind spots and structural solutions, sponsored by the conference Covering the Crisis, topic The New Paradigm of Money, Brussels, 9.-10. November 2009 by European Journalism Centre (EJC), 2009, YouTube film, posted by ejcinterface 13. November 2009



Errors of modern economy

The misguided, unnatural approach toward its systemic self, the planet, and humanity of Western economy is justified with four shortsighted scientific publications by biologist Charles Darwin and physicist Rudolf Clausius.

  • Capitalism tends to sacrifice community to individual interests while communism tended to sacrifice indi-
    interests to community.
    That's why it fell apart first. Neither is a sustainable system. It only works when we have healthy living economies that ensure self-
    interest at all levels of holarchy.

    Crisis has always been opportunity for nature. In fact, nature doesn't do our either-ors. It's either this way or that way. Nature is both-and. It's competitive AND it's cooperative. It's profoundly conservative when things are working well
    and gets radically creative when they don't work. [...]
    Nature has been doing economics [resources, production, distribution, consumption, recycling] for billions of years
    and may have something to teach us about it. Unfortunately, our economic theory is based more on a kind of Dar-
    winian psychology of selfinterest only in the form of selfishness. My gain at your expense, win-loose economics. We
    need to get over that and integrate the two sides of competition and cooperation keeping the creativity, even keeping
    friendly competition as long as it isn't hostile. We cannot separate ecology [interest of group, bigger whole] from eco-
    nomy [selfinterest] because they are both about how you run the household. What we really need now is ecosophy
    […] wisdom economics. Video key note presentation by Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, for-
    mer UN consultant, sponsored by the "Ethical Fashion Symposium", Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2010, YouTube film, Nature's ecosophy,
    part 1, minute 13:45, 14:44 minutes, Nature's ecosophy, part 2, minute 0:00, 13:05 minutes duration, posted 7. June 2011


  • Empathy is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the work that challenges the domination/subordination
    of existing hierarchies, and transcending that dynamic is crucial
    if there is to be a just and sustainable
    future. Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, author, Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like, presented by the US American men's initiative The Good Men Project,
    11. August 2011



Since 10,000 years sadistic drawdown entitled imperialist societies continually overpowered peaceful "good examples".

  • By their nature agricultural societies are imperialist, they're based on drawdown. Civilization follows that same pattern over and over, where
    ➤ they conquer the region,
    ➤ they gut the colonies,
    ➤ they extract what they want,
    ➤ they leave the place a desert.
    That's being going on for 10,000 years. What that means is: for 10,000 years these invading, sadistic cultures of drawdown and entitlement have come into contact with other cultures that, many of which were egalitarian, peaceful, sustainable cultures. This is the pattern for 10,000 years. In all of that time, the living example of a culture that is egalitarian and sustainable, has never once stopped the invaders. It has never once worked as a strategy. They've seen the good example. It does not change the invaders.
    History is literally the story of [those] invasions wiping out the nice people, […] [leaving] the sociopaths
    on top.
    We just need to really say this out loud. Personal example has never worked. We've gotta give this one
    up. There's too much at stake. Video presentation titled "Culture of Resistance" by Lierre Keith (*1964) US American outspo-
    ken feminist, food activist, radical environmentalist, writer, Deep Green Resistance – Strategy to Save the Planet, part 2 of 7, pre-
    sented by the US American organisation Deep Green Resistance, San Francisco, California, May 2011, YouTube film, minute 7:02-8:03, 8:06 minutes duration, posted 11. August 2011


  • The Darwinian story only goes to the adolescent part. [...] Sustainability happens when species learn to feed
    each other instead of to fight each other.

    Deleted YouTube video presentation by Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. sahtouris.com (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian crea-
    tionist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former
    UN consultant, After Darwin [Nach Darwin], part 1 of 3, 9:26 minutes duration, posted 30. August 2012



Interconnectedness and sustainability

  • Organizations are not separate from society, they are part of society. And in fact, I would say that it's only important for organizations to pay attention to the environmental conditions that we live in. Because if the environment crashes our society will crash. And if the society crashes our business will crash. So therefore, it is in the best interest of every organization to think about their global impact, to think about sustainability, to think about the local community and
    to do good in the world. Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Conscious Capitalism, sponsored by the Italian company Asterys, Rome, YouTube
    film, minute 2:35, 3:15 minutes duration, posted 27. November 2012


  • [Paraphrased] The most successful sustainably transformed organizations follow these principles:
    1. Higher purpose (beyond making money) supported by employees linking them to the common good of society
    2. Equal treatment of all stakeholders (employers, suppliers, customers, shareholders, local community and society)
    3. Conscious leadership (self-aware leaders living their values)
    4. Conscious (company) culture (that can be measured)
Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society, Conscious Capitalism, sponsored by the Italian company Asterys, Rome, YouTube film, minute 0:11,
3:15 minutes duration, posted 27. November 2012



  • The problem of sustainability is simple enough to state. It requires that the fertility cycle of birth, growth, maturity, death, and decay – what Albert Howard called "the Wheel of Life" – should turn continuously in place, so that the law of return is kept and nothing is wasted. For this to happen in the stewardship of humans, there must be a cultural cycle, in harmony with the fertility cycle, also continuously turning in place. The cultural cycle is an unending conversation between old people and young people, assuring the survival of local memory, which has, as long as it remains local, the greatest practical urgency and value. This is what is meant, and is all that is meant, by "sustainability." The fertility cycle turns by the law of nature. The cultural cycle turns on affection.
    Wendell Berry (*1934) US American academic, cultural and economic critic, farmer, man of letters, Jefferson Lecture for the National Endowment for the Humanities It All Turns on Affection, delivered in 2012, published in Jack Shoemaker, editor, Wendell Berry. Essays 1993-2017, S. 382, Library of America, 2. April 2019



Indigenous right-brained model of sharing and sustainability ⇔ poverty

  • As long as our economic system is based on chasing economic growth above all else, we are heading for environmental, and economic, disaster. To avoid this fate, we must switch our focus from quantitative growth to qualitative development, and set strict limits on the rate at which we consume the Earth's resources. In such a "steady-state" economy, the value of goods produced can still increase […] but the physical scale of our economy must be kept at a level the planet is able to sustain. Herman Daly (*1938) US American professor of ecological economics, school of public policy, University of Maryland, College Park, senior environmental economist, World Bank, Beyond Growth. The Economics of Sustainable Development, Beacon Press, 1st edition 1. October 1996



Ego and profit driven business styles – adverse to sustainability

  • In the business of global war, there is no profit in peaceful communities.
    In the business of global food, there is no profit in sustainable communities.
    In the business of toxins and drugs, there is no profit in healthy communities.
    In the business of lies and misinformation there is no profit in critical-thinking communities.


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Sustainability

Literary quotes

  • I would say that there exist a thousand unbreakable links between each of us and everything else, and that our
    dignity and our chances are one. The farthest star and the mud at our feet are one family; and there is no decency
    or sense in honoring one thing, or a few things, and then closing the list. The pine tree, the leopard, the Platte River,
    and ourselves – we are at risk together, or we are on our way to a sustainable world together. We are each
    other's destiny.

    Mary Oliver (1935-2019) US American poet, Upstream. Selected Essays, Penguin Press, 11. October 2016


Wisdom quotes

  • The man of superior character is not (conscious of his) character. Hence he has character.
    The man of inferior character (is intent on) not losing character. Hence he is devoid of character.
    The man of superior character never acts, nor ever (does so) with an ulterior motive.
    The man of inferior character acts, and (does so) with an ulterior motive.
    The man of superior kindness acts, but (does so) without an ulterior motive.
    The man of superior justice acts, and (does so) with an ulterior motive.
    (But when) the man of superior lie acts and finds no response, he rolls up his sleeves to force it on others.
    After Tao is lost, then (arises the doctrine of) humanity.
    After humanity is lost, then (arises the doctrine of) justice.
    After justice is lost, then (arises the doctrine of) lie.
    Now lie is the thinning out of loyalty and honesty of heart and the beginning of chaos.
    The [false] prophets are the flowering of Tao and the origin of folly.
    Therefore the noble man dwells in the heavy (base), and not in the thinning (end).
    He dwells in the fruit, and not in the flowering (expression).
    Therefore he rejects the one and accepts the other.
Lao Tzu (604-531 BC) Chinese sage, philosopher, founder of Daoism, Lin Yutang, translator, Tao Te Ching [The Book of the Way], verse 38, 800-200 BC

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Persönliche Bekenntnisse


Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals

Englische Texte – English section on Sustainability


Scheme of sustainable development: at the confluence of three constituent parts, 2006


Links zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit / Sustainability


  • Professor Dr. Michael Braungart (*1958) deutscher Chemiker, Verfahrenstechniker, Erasmus-Universität Rotterdam, Geschäftsführer der "Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency Internationale Umweltforschung (EPEA)", Hamburg, wissenschaftlicher Leiter des Hamburger Umweltinstituts (HUI), Autor,‎ William McDonough (*1951) US-amerikanischer Architekt, Designer, Autor, Cradle to Cradle. Einfach intelligent produzieren [C2C, Von der Wiege bis zur Wiege], Piper Taschenbuch,
    17. Februar 2014

Ökoeffektivität / Cradle-to-cradle-Konzept Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

New paradigm for civilization, philosophy, politics resting on the these four pillars:
1. decentralisation, 2. democratisation, 3. education, and 4. sustainability

Movies and documentaries

Shifting the common goal of MORE economy to a BETTER economy (enhancing sustainability, democracy, and justice)


Interne Links



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