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Okkulte historisch-symbolische Forschung
Geheimwissenschaften – Astrotheologie







Der Mensch im Pentagramm
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim
(1486-1535) deutscher humanistischer Gelehrter,
Theologe, Astrologe, Alchemist, Okkultist


Unless men work at occultism as
they work for the prizes of their
professions they will not achieve.

Dion Fortune (1890-1946) British occultist, author, Esoteric Orders and Their Work and The Training
and Work of the Initiate
, 1928,
Red Wheel Weiser, 2nd edition May 1995



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Hermes Trismegistos (Mitte) mit den Personifikationen
von Orient (links) und Okzident (ganz links)
Bodenbild am Eingang des Doms von Siena, Italien
  • Die magische Wissenschaft, der so viele Kräfte zu Gebot stehen, und die eine Fülle der erhabensten Mysterien besitzt, umfasst die tiefste Betrachtung der verborgensten Dinge, das Wesen, die Macht, die Beschaffenheit, den Stoff, die Kraft und die Kenntnis der ganzen Na-
    tur. Sie lehrt uns die Verschiedenheit und die Übereinstimmung der Dinge kennen. Daraus folgen ihre wunderbaren Wirkungen; indem sie die verschiedensten Kräfte miteinander vereinigt und überall das entsprechende Untere mit den Gaben und Kräften des Oberen ver-
    bindet und vermählt. Die Wissenschaft ist daher die vollkommendste und höchste, sie ist eine erhabene und heilige Philosophie, ja sie ist die absolute Vollendung der edelsten Philosophie.
    Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) deutscher humani-
    stischer Gelehrter, Theologe, Jurist, Arzt, Astrologe, Alchemist, Okkultist, Autor, De Occulta Philosophia, Buch I, Kapitel 2, S. 13, geschrieben 1510, veröffenticht 1533



  • Helena Petrowna Blavatsky (1831-1891)
    Die auffälligste und einflussreichste Exponentin der ersten Generation (des Okultismus) war zweifelsohne die Russin Helena Petrowna Blavatsky (1831-1891), die die Bewegung der "Theosophie" ins Leben rief und zwei monumentale Werke veröffentlichte: Isis entschleiert (1879) und Die Geheimlehre, die 1888 erschien, drei Jahre vor ihrem Tod in London. […]
    In Band II der Geheimlehre, im Abschnitt mit der Überschrift "Der heilige Satan", führt die Verfasserin Verse an, die stark an eine freimaurerische Quelle erinnern:
    20. Satan ist der Türhüter des Tempels des Königs; er steht in Salomons Vorhalle; er hält die Schlüssel des Heiligtums; 21. Damit niemand darein eintreten könne außer der Gesalbte, der das Geheimnis des Hermes hat. [...]
    Es ist "Satan, welcher der Gott ist unseres Planeten und der Einzige Gott", und dies ohne irgendwelche metaphorische Anspielung auf ihre Schlechtigkeit und Verkommenheit. Denn er ist eins mit dem Logos. [...] Wenn daher die Kirche den Satan verflucht, so verflucht sie den kosmischen Widerschein Gottes; sie tut Gott in Bann, der in der Materie und im Gegenständlichen offenbar geworden ist; sie schmäht Gott, oder die ewig unfaßbare Weisheit, die sich selbst als Licht und Schatten, als Gutes und Böses, in der Natur offenbart. [...]
    Blavatsky nannte "den Glauben an einen personifizierten Teufel" dann auch "das grausamste und gefährlichste aller theologischen Dogmas" und "das größte Übel und den größten Fluch auf Erden". [...]
    "Aber wenn man schon einen Teufel wolle", sagt Blavatsky, "dann sei der alttestamentarische Gott der beste Kandidat für diese Bezeichnung. Und der als "Satan" verteufelte "Luzifer" sei der wahre Lichtbringer und Überwinder von "Sün-
    de" und "Finsternis". Wie bereits erwähnt, ist diese Ansicht nicht neu. Blavatsky war einfach die erste, die sie unverhoh-
    len vor aller Öffentlichkeit aussprach. [...] 
    Aus der Biographie von Helena Blavatsky geht hervor, dass sie einen intensiven Umgang und Gedankenaustausch mit Geheimlogen hatte, insbesondere mit Mitgliedern des Freimaurertums. Ihr bewegtes Leben ist eine typische Illustration für den Freund-Feind-Dualismus des Okkultismus. Sie verbrüderte sich mit verschiedenen Logenmännern auf der Grundlage des Prinzips "Die Gegner meiner Gegner sind meine Freunde". [...]
    Dass die Theosophie eng mit freimaurerischen Kreisen zusammenarbeitete, zeigt sich auch darin, dass Alice Bailey, eine der namhaftesten Theosophie-Exponen­tinnen in Blavatskys Nachfolge, in der Freimaurer-Bewegung einen hohen Rang bekleidete. Es gibt ein Foto, auf der sie mit den Abzeichen ihrer Logenmitgliedschaft zu sehen ist. [...]
    Rudolf Steiner, der für zehn Jahre ein führendes, aber kritisches Mitglied der Theosophischen Gesellschaft war und später die "Anthroposophie" gründete, diagnostizierte sogar, Frau Blavatsky sei in den späteren Jahren ihres Lebens
    in eine "okkulte Gefangenschaft" geraten. [...]
    Es ist z.B. bekannt, dass der junge Adolf Hitler ein gebannter Leser von Blavatskys Geheimlehre war. Man kann sich unschwer vorstellen, welche Wirkung die angeführten Zitate auf ihn hatten.
Armin Risi (*1962) Schweizer Veda-Philosoph, Dichter, Sachbuchautor, Licht wirft keinen Schatten. Ein spirituell-philosophisches Handbuch, Auszüge S. 105-109, 1. Auflage September 2004, Govinda / Mare-Versand, 2. Auflage August 2005, 3. Auflage 2011

General quotes

Whoever drinks from my mouth will become as I am; I myself shall become that person,
and the hidden things will be revealed to him.
Gospel of Thomas, verse 108, 50-140 AD (1945)


1913The Federal Reserve Banking System was installed. Thirteen is an occulted number.
1933First appearance of the "Eye in the Triangle" symbol on the
Federal Reserve Notes.
Thirty three is an occultic number.
1933First appearance of the Latin inscription "Annuit Coeptus: Novus Ordo Seclorum." Transl.: Our Enterprise is Crowned With Success:
A New World Order.



  • The ancients, who were superior to us and dwelt nearer to the Gods, have handed down a tradition that all things that are said to exist consist of a One and Many and contain in themselves the connate Principles of Limit and Unlimi-
    . Plato (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian philosopher, Philebus, 16c, 360-347 BC, cited in: Fidler, S. 20


  • Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990), a mystic and a 33rd degree mason, taught that each of the three Abrahamic faiths has a planet that governs that religion.
    Judaism is Saturn: the symbol of Judaism is a hexagram symbol of Saturn, and the day of worship is on Saturday, day of Saturn.
    Christianity is the Sun: the symbol of Christianity is the cross symbol of the Sun, and the day of worship is Sunday, day of the Sun.
    Islam is Venus: the symbol of Islam is the star and crescent (the star commonly thought to represent Venus), and the day of worship is on Friday.
Wikipedia entry Astrolatry [Status December 2013]


  • To practice magic is to be a quack,
    to know magic is to be a sage. […]
    Magic is the divinity of man achieved in union with faith.
    Eliphas Levi [Alphonse Louis] (1810-1875) French mystic, ceremonial magician, occult author, The Threshold of Magical Science, Kessinger Publishing, 23. May 2010


  • Man is himself the creator of his heaven or hell, and there are no demons except his own follies.
    Eliphas Levi [Alphonse Louis] (1810-1875) French mystic, ceremonial magician, occult author, Transcendental Magic. Its Doctrine and Ritual, "The Ritual of Transcendent Magic'', S. 386, S. 192, G. Redway, London, 1896, Martino Fine Books, paperback,
    19. February 2011


  • Regardless of their exoteric objects, the esoteric aims of most societies are all directed toward the same end, namely: the concentration of political, economic and intellectual power into the hands of a small group of individuals, each of whom controls a branch of the International life, material and spiritual, of the world today.
    Edith Starr Miller [Lady Queenborough] (1887-1933) New York socialite, anti-Mormon agitator, researcher of secret societies, author, Occult Theocracy, S. 661, Imprimerie F. Paillart, Abbeville, France, 1933, Createspace Independent Publishing Platform, paperback 13. May 2009


  • Considering the universal polarity rules of good and evil, active and passive, light and shadow, each science can serve good as well as bad purposes. Let us take the example of a knife, an object that virtually ought to be used for cutting bread only, which, however, can become a dangerous weapon in the hands of a murderer. All depends on the charac-
    ter of the individual. This principle goes just as well for all the spheres of the occult sciences.
    Franz Bardon (1909-1958) Czech occultist, student and teacher of Hermetics, Initiation into Hermetics [Der Weg zum Wahren Adepten], Verlag Hermann Bauer, 1956], Osiris Verlag, 1962


  • Those without the gate frequently question the wisdom and right of the occultist to guard his knowledge by the impo-
    sition of oaths of secrecy. We are so accustomed to see the scientist give his beneficent discoveries freely to all man-
    kind that we feel that humanity is wronged and defrauded if any knowledge be kept secret by its discoverers and not
    at once made available for all who desire to share in it.
    The knowledge is reserved in order that humanity may be protected from its abuse at the hands of the unscrupulous.
    Dion Fortune [Violet Mary Firth Evans] (1890-1946) British occultist, author, Esoteric Orders and Their Work and The Training and Work of the Initiate, 1928, Red Wheel Weiser, 2nd edition May 1995


  • The critic of the Adepts would form a truer opinion of their attitude if he did not look upon them as guardians of a trea-
    sure, grudgingly doling it out to applicants whose rights it was impossible to ignore or defy, but rather as trainers of racehorses, patiently trying beast after beast in the hope that one may ultimately be found that will win the Grand National. The Adept who accepts an unsuitable pupil is guilty of cruelty just as much as the rider who sends a horse
    at a fence it cannot take. Dion Fortune [Violet Mary Firth Evans] (1890-1946) British occultist, author, Esoteric Orders and
    Their Work and The Training and Work of the Initiate
    , 1928, Red Wheel Weiser, 2nd edition May 1995



Christian fanatics wiped out the wisdom of the mystery schools.

  • The rise of Christianity began actually with the Zadokites cult in Palestine around 150 BC before [the appearance of] the supposed historical Jesus. So there is a period of ~150 BC up until ~450 AD, more than five hundred years, when Christianity had to gradually take over. There was an enormous resistance in the pagan world at that time. A number of the pagan intellectuals who were the teachers and highly respected figures at that time totally rejected Christianity as a pestilence. They called it a virus and the plague. They said it was a despi-
    cable faith. Why? Mainly for one reason. Christianity glorifies the redemptive value of suffering. And that is totally contrary to pagan beliefs. A pagan is a person who does not believe that human suffering has a divine purpose. That
    is a very perverted idea from a pagan point of view. So there was a great resistance to this belief system of Christianity
    and to the supernaturalism of the messiah. There's no messiah in any pagan religions. There's no equivalent to the messiah. […]
    The [early] Christian monks were so fanatical they were like stormtroopers. They went into the ancient sanctuaries of mystery knowledge in Egypt, the temples of Luxor, the temples of Dendera which is close to Nag Hammadi, and the temples of Memphis around Cairo and they fanatically destroyed and burned all these books. They didn't need the military to do it. The religious converts did it themselves. The history of the rise of Christianity is a history of a cultural genocide of an enormous magnitude. One of the reasons why we have lost our way in this world and why we have become a species that can be manipulated and controlled by a small psychotic group of our own members is becau-
    se the mysteries and the wisdom in the mysteries was destroyed and we lost the foundation of our species vision.
    Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism, the Occult & the Globalist Elite, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 7. January 2010, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism and The Antichrist, YouTube film, minute 26:29 and minute 20:59, 1:11:59 minutes duration, posted 20. December 2011


Jacob's Ladder
English painter William Blake (1757-1827), 1805
  • When you look at the record of the historical process by which Gnosticism was recovered and investigated something very interesting comes to light. The earliest scholars of Gnosticism beginning at the end of the 19th century and coming into the 20th century had very limited materials to consider. For instance, they didn't have the Nag Hammadi Library which was discovered in 1945. But they had some other materials free Nag Hammadi. And these early scholars, one of them was a British scholar G. R. S. Mead (1863-1933), made some observations that at that time were very valuable and have not had followed by subsequent scholars. And one of the things they observed was that there was a very close connect between Gnosticism and the mystery schools. And in fact, the Gnostics were the teachers and founders of the mystery schools. So that's a very important fact which is not ever discussed today by well known Gnostic scholars such as Elaine Pagels and so forth.
    Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Direct Access to The Divine, presented by the radio show The Stench of Truth, host Ted Torbich, recorded 16. December 2011, YouTube film, minute 8:37, 1:46:41 duration, posted 12. July 2012


  • Zoroastrianism is the Persian philosophy of dualism which was not held by the Gnostics. It's a dualism in which both the good and the evil in the world come from God. And this is a formula for schizophrenia, a crazy proposition that can drive people insane. The Gnostics of course saw this and created such an outrage when they came out in public and argued with the early Christian philosophers called the church fathers who had adopted this view. They said, 'This dualism that you are proposing that good and evil come from the same source is a sick, demented idea. And if you make this a part of your religion then your religion will
    drive people insane.' They paid very heavily for being so honest and so brutal in refuting this view.
They had their own entirely different explanation of evil which was much more common sense and grounded and human scale.
  1. First of all God and the route of the universe, the source of all creation, is totally and absolutely good. And it cannot possibly produce evil. Satan in the Jewish Hebrew tradition was hired by god to test Job to see if
    he was a righteous man. They said that the idea that god would test you by putting evil into the world is absolutely insane. Would someone who loves you test you by subjecting you to evil and harm? Obviously
    not. So why would god do that if he loves you infinitely more than any person can.
  2. Evil is a behavior that human beings fall into, purely a human affair. The reason why we fall into evil on
    this planet is because of error, because we mistake things, we mistake our own mind.
    And if we don't correct these errors they accumulate and they lead us into evil behaviors. It's our responsi-
    bility to face evil.
  3. To assume or propose that God produces evil in order to test us or in some way to make us suffer that we
    become better human beings is an sick and perverse idea.
Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Direct Access to The Divine, presented by the radio show The Stench of Truth, host Ted Torbich, recorded
16. December 2011, YouTube film, minute 24:40, 1:46:41 duration, posted 12. July 2012



Christ = Anointed One = oiling the penis of the king, Lord = Lard

  • Christ is merely oil, and oil was used to anoint kings and princes. […] All of the ancient world put it on the head of the kings and princes. And therefore you were anointed. The word 'anoint' was a word that was used in relation to sex. The king always represented the penis head. The king was always the big cock in town. […] He was the major penis head. He was the major man. He represented the male fertility. And all the women belonged
    to him. He was the king. So he represented the male phallic. And in the ancient world they always lubricated the head of the male phallic in sex. That's why you would anoint the head of the king. The head of the king represents the head of the penis. The whole concept of men ruling the world is a sexual thing. It's been around for thousands of years –
    the war between male and female. That's a war going on between male and female.
    Video presentation by and Q&A with Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Jordan Maxwell The Inner World Of The Occult Full Length, sponsored by The Republic Forum, recorded December 2002, YouTube film,
    minute 2:41:12, 2:53:40 duration, posted 14. September 2021



Trinity of the sun

  • Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is nothing more than the triune God. The triune God is nothing more than the sun in the rising, the sun at 12 noon, and the sun in the evening, the newborn, the fullgrown, and the man that dies. It is still the sun, the sun in the morning, at noon and at night. The one God is a sun in its three points in his life.
    Video presentation by and Q&A with Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Jordan Maxwell The Inner World Of The Occult Full Length, sponsored by The Republic Forum, recorded December 2002, YouTube film,
    minute 2:49:30, 2:53:40 duration, posted 14. September 2021


  • Occultism is in its essence man's effort to arrive at a knowledge of secret truths and potentialities of Nature which
    will lift him out of slavery to his physical limits of being, an attempt in particular to possess and organise the mys-
    terious, occult, outwardly still undeveloped direct power of Mind upon Life and of both Mind and Life over Matter.
    There is at the same time an endeavour to establish communication with worlds and entities belonging to the su-
    praphysical heights, depths and intermediate levels of cosmic Being and to utilise this communion for the maste-
    ry of a higher Truth and for a help to man in his will to make himself sovereign over Nature's powers and forces.
    What seems to us supernatural is in fact either a spontaneous irruption of the phenomena of other-Na-
    ture into physical Nature
    or, in the work of the occultist, a possession of the knowledge and power of the
    higher orders or grades of cosmic Being and Energy and the direction of their forces and processes towards
    the production of effects in the physical world by seizing on possibilities of interconnection and means for a
    material effectuality. [...]
    Occult science is, essentially, the science of the subliminal, the subliminal in ourselves and the subliminal in world-
    nature, and of all that is in connection with the subliminal, including the subconscient and the superconscient, and
    the use of it as part of self-knowledge and world-knowledge and for the right dynamisation of that knowledge.
    William Mcintire Lisle (1842-1910) US American author, The Evolution of the Spiritual Man, Facsimile Publisher, 1894,
    S. 906-910, Forgotten Books, paperback edition 31. July 2018


  • You cannot have the chemical wedding without first experiencing what's known as a chemical divorce. As Krishnamurti said, 'Until the false is seen as false, you will never see the truth.' It's also deconstructive, it's cata-
    bolic, and it's what's called apophatic. You must see the lie as the lie. You must see the falses as false, and only
    then the truth MAY reveal itself. But you are never going to see the truth directly – through an act of will.
    Video interview with Michael Tsarion (*1968) Irish macrohistorian, symbolist, sidereal astrologer, mythologist, occultist, investiga-
    tive 'conspiracy' reseacher, public speaker, author, Disciples of the Mysterium, presented by the publication disciplesofthemys-
    , YouTube film, minute 1:27:55, 1:36:38 duration, posted 19. April 2015



Humans are cocreators in God's creation.



  • Civilization should be redefined as humanity's discovery that there was more to this reality than meets the eye
    – the birth of encountering the divine and incorporating it within everyday existence. […]
    Civilization is far older than we assume.
    Europe did not begin with the Greeks or Romans in the Eight Century BC, but at least in 9000 BC, as underlined
    by the work of Barry Cunliffe.
    In the Sahara, we can push back civilization to that same period, 9000 BC.
    But in the Middle East, the sites of Gobekli Tepe and Catal Hüyük show that civilizations, capable of building extra-
    ordinary towns, manufacturing tools and jewelry, already existed in 10,000 BC.
Philip Coppens (1971-2012) Belgian radio host, investigative journalist, author, The Lost Civilization Enigma. A New Inquiry
Into the Existence of Ancient Cities, Cultures, and Peoples Who Pre-Date Recorded History
, New Page Books, 1st edition
31. October 2012

Quotes featuring ⚡ George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

  • Moreover, it happens fairly often that essence dies in a man while his personality and his body are still alive. A con-
    siderable percentage of the people we meet in the streets of a great town are people who are empty inside, that is, they are actually already dead.

    It is fortunate for us that we do not see and do not know it. If we knew what a number of people are actually dead
    and what a number of these dead people govern our lives, we should go mad with horror. And indeed people often
    do go mad because they find out something of this nature without the proper preparation, that is, they see something they are not supposed to see. In order to see without danger one must be on the way. If a man who can do nothing sees the truth he will certainly go mad. Only this rarely happens. Usually everything is so arranged that a man can
    see nothing prematurely. Personality sees only what it likes to see and what does not interfere with its life. It never sees what it does not like. This is both good and bad at the same time. It is good if a man wants to sleep, bad if he wants to awaken. George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer, cited in: Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, author, cited in: Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, Harcourt, 1949


  • There are a thousand things which prevent a man from awakening, which keep him in the power of his dreams. In order to act consciously with the intention of awakening, it is necessary to know the nature of the forces which keep man in a state of sleep. First of all it must be realized that the sleep in which man exists is not normal but hypnotic sleep. Man is hypnotized and this hypnotic state is continually maintained and strengthened in him. One would think that there are forces for whom it is useful and profitable to keep man in a hypnotic state and prevent him from seeing the truth and understanding his position. George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, com-
    poser, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer, cited in: Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, Harcourt, 1949



Relationship between teacher/elder and pupil/younger

  • On the fourth way there is not one teacher. Whoever is the elder, he is the teacher. And as the teacher is indispensable to the pupil, so also is the pupil indispensable to the teacher. The pupil cannot go on without the teacher, and the teacher cannot go on without the pupil or pupils. And this is not a general consideration but an indispensable and quite concrete rule on which is based the law of a man's ascending. As has been said before, no one can ascend onto a higher step until he places another man in his own place. What a man
    has received he must immediately give back; only then can he receive more. Otherwise from him will be taken even
    what he has already been given.
    George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer, cited in: Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, S. 279, Harcourt, 1949


  • In order to awaken, first of all one must realize that one is in a state of sleep. And in order to realize that one is indeed in a state of sleep, one must recognize and fully understand the nature of the forces which operate to keep one in the state of sleep, or hypnosis. [Media, programmers, educators] It is absurd to think that this can be done by see-
    king information from the very source which induces the hypnosis. […]
    One thing alone is certain, that man's slavery grows and increases.
    Man is becoming a willing slave. He no longer needs chains.
    He begins to grow fond of his slavery, to be proud of it.
    And this is the most terrible thing that can happen to a man.
George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer, Meetings with Remarkable Men, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, E. P. Dutton, New York City, 1963




Three types of love

  • Conscious love evokes the same in response.
    Emotional love evokes the opposite.
    Physical love depends on type and polarity.
    George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer, Gurdjieff’s Aphorisms, 1924



Unnessecary speaking:

  • A man can keep silence in such a ways that no one will even notice it. The whole point is that we say a good deal too much. If we limited ourselves to what is actually necessary, this alone would be keeping the silence. And it is the same with everything else, with food, with pleasures, with sleep; with everything there is a limit to what is necessary. After this
    'sin' begins. This is something that must be grasped, a 'sin' is something which is not necessary.
    George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949) Greek Armenian metaphysician, composer, choreograph, spiritual teacher of the "Fourth Way", writer, cited in: Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, Harcourt, 1949

Waking sleepers ⇔ supermen via the "Fourth Way" enforced by a strong awaited leader

  • Also promoting the origin of shamanism as the source of ancient wisdom was the chief propagandist for the popularization of Sufism within the New Age, George Gurdjieff (1866-1949), a charismatic hypnotist, carpet trader and spy of Armenian origin. Gurdjieff’s teaching claimed that human beings were helplessly caught in a "waking sleep" unable to fully perceive reality, but that it is possible for them to transcend to a higher state of consciousness and achieve their full human potential. He developed a method for doing so called "The Work" or "the Method." Because his method for awakening one's consciousness was different from that of the fakir, monk or yogi, his discipline is also called the "Fourth Way." As Gurdjieff explained,
    "The way of the development of hidden possibilities is a way against nature and against God."1
George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866-1949)
Gurdjieff's deceptive and tyrannical ways led to his reputation as a "rascal guru." He was widely referred to as a black magician, and Rasputin was so fearful of him that he was quoted to have said,
"I had been especially careful not to look at Gurdjieff and not to allow him to look into my eyes [...]."2
He was criticized by many of his former students as being slovenly, gluttonous and was notorious for seducing his female students and fathering several illegitimate children. P. D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Gurdjieff's leading student, finally broke with him, claiming that he was "a very extraordinary man," but that it was "dangerous to be near him."3 Another of his famous students, J. G. Bennett (1897-1974), warned that
Gurdjieff "is far more of an enigma than you can imagine. I am certain that he is deeply good, and that he is wor-
king for the good of mankind. But his methods are often incomprehensible."
Louis Pauwels (1920-1997) former student of Gurdjieff, in his book Monsieur Gurdjieff, asserts that one of the "Searchers After Truth" that Gurdjieff speaks of in his book Meetings with Remarkable Men (1963) was Karl Haushofer, "the magi-
cian, the secret master," who through his student Rudolf Hess, influenced the development of Adolf Hitler's geo-
political strategies. Haushofer was also a leading member of the Thule Society, from which evolved the Nazi Party, and founded by Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, who had stu-
died Kabbalah in Turkey under Bektashi Sufis who were also Freemasons. Haushofer was apparently influenced by Gurdjieff's teaching that men are asleep and waiting for a strong leader to force them to wake up and become supermen. Haushofer was supposed to have been with Gurdjieff in Tibet, and it was then that Gurdjieff supposedly advised Haushofer to adopt the symbol of the swastika.5
There has also often been the suggestion that Gurdjieff and Joseph Dzhugashvili, later known as Stalin (1878-1953), met as young students while attending the same seminary in Tiflis in the Caucasus. Gurdjieff's family records contain information that Stalin lived in his family's house for a while.6 There are also suggestions that Stalin belonged to an occult "eastern brotherhood," which consisted of Gurdjieff and his followers.7
Gurdjieff's thought is an amalgam of Theosophy, Neopythagoreanism, Rosicrucianism and alchemy. According to James Webb, author of The Harmonious Circle (1980) The Anatomy of a Myth (1991), the first comprehensive book on Gurdjieff and his movement, Blavatsky's (1831-1891) Theosophy was his single most important source. Additionally, as K. Paul Johnson notes,
"a comparison of the teachings of Blavatsky and Gurdjieff leads to the conclusion that both are equally indebted to another source, "Ismaili Shi'ism"" [branch of Shia Islam].8 / 9
According to Johnson, Blavatsky's likely source for this Ismaili influence would have been Jamal ud Din al Afghani (1838/1839-1897) who was simultaneously the Grand Master of Freemasonry in Egypt, as well as founder of the fundamentalist reform group, known as Salafism.
Having studied with the Bektashi Sufis, Gurdjieff also adopted the belief in shamanism as the source of the Sufi tradi-
tion. Gurdjieff's Fourth Way teachings mentioned a "Universal Brotherhood" and also a mysterious group of monks called
the Sarmoung (also: Sarman, Sarmouni). Both groups were described as in possession of advanced knowledge and po-
wers, and as being open to suitable candidates from all creeds. In the account of Gurdjieff's wanderings, Meetings with
Remarkable Men
(1963), he describes encounters in many parts of the world, including Central Asia, Egypt and Rome.
Gurdjieff then ventures to Central Asia to search out and locate the mysterious Sarmoung Brotherhood. The chief mo-
nastery of the society was said to be located somewhere in the heart of Asia, about twelve days' journey by horse and
donkey from Bukhara in Uzbekistan.
From the Sarmoung, Gurdjieff learns the sacred dances, much like those of the Whirling Dervishes, which constitute an
integral part of his "the work." According to Gurdjieff's leading student J. G. Bennett, who was head of British Military Intelligence in Istanbul and his friend Idries Shah (1924-1996), the popular author of Sufism, Gurdjieff's "Fourth Way" originated with the Khwajagan, a chain of Naqshbandi Sufi Masters from the tenth to the sixteenth century influenced by Central Asian shamanism. According to Bennett, the Sufis are the descendants and spiritual heirs of the old master magicians of Altai, where Central Asia has been their heartland for forty thousand years or more.
As Bennett relates, the Sarmoun became active in the rise of Zoroastrianism, and he connects the influence of the
Magi to the Essenes
.10 Gurdjieff believed that the true teachings of Jesus Christ were corrupted by the Christian Church, but that a small group of initiates called the "Brotherhood of the Essenes" were able to secretly preserve them. Likewise, Gurdjieff believed that Islam as well had deviated from the original teachings of the Prophet Mohammed. Gurdjieff believed that the esoteric teachings of Islam were in Bokhara, in Central Asia, which Bennett believes was associated with the Naqshbandi Sufis [major spiritual order of Sunni Islam] who had preserved the true teachings of Islam, and which represented a synthesis of the inner meaning of all religions.
In 1953, Bennett had undertaken a long journey to the Middle East, which included a mysterious visit to Abdullah Faizi ad Daghestani (1891-1973), Shaykh of the Naqshbandi Haqqani Sufi order, in Damascus.11 Ad Daghestani initiated Gurdjieff and allowed him through a dream to "ascend to the knowledge of the power of the nine points," which became the basis of his Enneagram.12 The enneagram is a nine-pointed figure usually inscribed within a circle. Gurdjieff is quoted by Ouspensky as claiming that it was an ancient secret and was now being partly revealed for the first time, though hints of the symbol could be found in esoteric literature. It has been proposed that it may derive from the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, as used in Renaissance Hermeticism, which used an enneagram of three interlocking triangles, also called a nonagram or a nine-pointed figure used by the Christian medieval philosopher Raymond Llull (1232-1315).13


Through the influence of the Romanian traditionalist historian, Mircea Eliade (1907-1986), Gurdjieff brought forward the idea that the mystical feats of the shamans of Central Asia were achieved through the use of drugs, often referred to as "entheogens." In 1954, Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), who studied Eliade, wrote the The Doors of Perception (1954), which also reflected the ideas of Gurdjieff, and claimed that hallucinogenic drugs "expand consciousness." Like many of the leading LSD evangelists of the CIA's MK-Ultra program, Huxley, including Gerald Heard (1889-1971) and Alan Watts (1915-1973), Timothy Leary (1920-1996), was strongly influenced by Gurdjieff.
Gurdjieff believed that the ascetic practices of monks, fakirs and yogis resulted in the production of psychological substances that produced their religious or mystical experiences. Instead of the torturous practices of these mystics, Gurdjieff proposed that the man who knows the Fourth Way
"simply prepares and swallows a little pill which contains all the substances he wants.
And in this way, without loss of time, he obtains the required result."
Leary later remarked about receiving a copy of the Fourth Secret Teaching of Gurdjieff:
"For the past twenty years, we Gurdjieff fans had been titillated by rumors of this Fourth Book, which supposedly listed secret techniques and practical methods for attaining the whimsical, post-terrestrial levels obviously inha-
bited by the jolly Sufi Master [Gurdjieff]. We had always assumed, naturally, that the secret methods involved
drugs. So it was a matter of amused satisfaction to read in this newly issued text that not only were brain-acti-
vating drugs the keys to Gurdjieff's wonderful, whirling wisdom, but also that the reason for keeping the alka-
loids secret was to avoid exactly the penal incarceration which I was enjoying when the following essay was


Source: ► Blog essay by David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history,
                   author, The Sufi Conspiracy, presented by the blogspot survivorbb.rapeutation.com, 17. August 2013
References: ► Compilation of articles by David Livingstone
Robert Moore, Ph.D. [Red Hawk] US American professor of English, University of Arkansas,
     Self Observation. The Awakening of Conscience. An Owner's Manual, Hohm Press, 1. September 2009
Basic concepts taught by G. I. Gurdjieff to students from Russia, Europe, and the Americas during the first half of the 20th century
► P. T. Mistlberger, The Three Dangerous Magi. Osho, Gurdjieff, Crowley, O-Books, 2010, John Hunt Publishing, 11. November 2010
Written references:
Article by Jacob Needleman, Ph.D. jacobneedleman.com (1934-2022) US American professor of philosophy and religion, UCSF,
     author, Gurdjieff International Review. G. I. Gurdjieff and His School, presented by gurdjieff.org, 1992, 1999
Deleted Article George Gurdjieff: Teacher or Deceiver?, presented by Henry Makow, Ph.D. (*1949) Swiss-Canadian investigative researcher,
    columnist, inventor, author, 18. August 2013
Video documentary: ► Gurdjieff An Epic Life, Vimeo film, 20:29 minutes duration, posted 18. October 2015
See also:
Quotes by ⚡ H.G. Wells and brothers ⚡ Aldous Huxley and ⚡ Julian Huxley
⚡ Disclosure on the abusive guru Bhagwan/Osho – Hugh Milne et al.

Quotes by Jay Weidner

Personal avowals


Ethymology of Archons and anarchy

  • Archon is translated from the Greek into ruler or king. The people who rule us are these archons. Anarchy is a Greek word which means 'against archons'. What anarchy is is to still confusion to bring down the archons. I think everyone today who is a good guy would have to also be an anarchist.
    Audio interview with Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, Archons, Nazis,Tolkien, 911, Rennes-le-Chateau, presented via the broadcaster Blogtalkradio, podcast show Shattering The Matrix, host Ari Kopel, minute 32:14, 1:15:25 duration, YouTube version 1:54:13 duration, aired 17. August 2013


There are three aspects to the Archons.
  1. The Archons are off planet.
  2. What we call demons are actually the Archons.
  3. The people that rule the secret societies and have orgies and rule the world are also Archons.
Audio interview with Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, Archons, Nazis,Tolkien, 911, Rennes-le-Chateau, presented via the US American broadcaster Blogtalkradio, podcast Shattering The Matrix, host Ari Kopel, minute 34:04, 1:15:25 duration, YouTube version 1:54:13 duration, aired
17. August 2013



Invented figure Moses and invented religion of the Old testament was worshipping the Lord of the Rings, with his holy day on Saturday.


  • The Gnostics believed that there were advanced beings who actually care for us and that there was a bet or forecast made that the advanced beings' creation i.e. human beings, would one day stop falling for the tricks of the Arch-
    ons and wake up
    and they provided avenues for this to happen. One thing that is certain is that the Archons hate more than anything after love is courage. They cannot stand up to courage or a clear, articulate debate because their own premises are built entirely on falsity. It's all false and so we can begin deconstructing history by seeing through the lies. By observing outside the box, outside the norm, you can see the tricks of the Archons. Everything they do is fake, it is not real and has no history, no veracity. It is always a parasitical living off of others. Anyone who is follo-
    wing this mad, insane god, Jehovah, will be lead to their death for certain. If you think there's a reward for you for serving the Archons, I assure you there is not. As they hate courage, stand up to them. They will try to destroy, try to tear you down and do everything they can but nothing makes them shudder in fear more than someone standing up
    to them and they always overreact to it because they are cowards and terrified themselves.
    Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, cited in: Article Rise of the Archons. An interview with Jay Weidner, produced by the US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense,
    US American independent researcher, journalist, summarized by Sacred Mysteries, aired 8. April 2011



Shifting from the squared mechanized paradigm into the circular storytelling paradigm

  • When we went from storytelling around the campfire we were living in a world of the circular logic of our ancestors of day-to-day living. When we switched to writing suddenly we now had a future. We began seeing the world from left to right, top to bottom, as the way we read. Now with computers and the Internet we're moving away from a literate society back to a kind of a cross between gathering around camp fire and storytelling (which is what the Internet is providing to people now) to symbolic. We are returning back to a symbolic world. When we suc-
    cessfully make that turn which we are right now then we are going to see the world the way our ancestors did. And
    the mechanized way of seeing the world through the written word will disappear and we will begin going back into
    the cyclic nature of reality, which is the true reality of nature.
    Video Skype interview with Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, located in Oregon, Jay Weidner interviewed by Gerry Fialka 2012/10/13, presented by the host
    Gerry Fialka, East Oakland, minute 3:30, 1:3:09 duration, aired 13. October 2012



Hephaistos ♦ Zeus ♦ Athena myth

  • Here we have a famous alchemical symbol. The alchemist is chopping the head open of an old man – right where the pineal gland is [located]. And then Athena, or this woman, this Goddess, comes out. What it is saying is when you free your pineal gland your inner power is revealed. And it's strange because the inner power is not masculine. It's feminine, because men actually can't create anything. It's women who create everything. Men create culture for women, but
    it's women who told me to create culture. […]
    When we understand the secret of the pineal gland then we're going to be liberated. We're going to first understand what a terrible predicament we're in. And then we're going to have an extended life span which is going to stop the freaky kind of life that we're living now where we're trying to get everything done at once, because they're so afraid we're going to die. When we're liberated from this idea of death no one can control us. […]
    In the Iron Age we worshipped death, because the men are in charge in the Iron Age. And uninitiated men worship death. That's the problem with this world right now. Women have abrogated their responsibility and allowed male energy to run rampant across the earth – uninitiated, uncontrolled. And it doesn't matter if it's the gang in the neigh-
    borhood or the gang next door. They're all males running around destroying everything. […] In the old days all males when they reached puberty [underwent a socializing initiation].
    Video presentation by Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alche-
    mical traditions, author, sponsored by The New Beginning Conference, Washington DC, March 2009, filmed by Sacred Mysteries TV, YouTube film, Hyperdimensional Alchemy, part 7 of 13, minute 11:15, 14:49 minutes duration, posted 4. March 2012

Englische Texte – English section on Occult research

Seven evolutionary stages of leadership – expediency ⇒ alchemy

Evolutionary stages – Transformation in leadership
Vertical action-logic
Soul age
Time AwarenessPerspectiveOrder of consciousnessExpression of powerEnergetic flow
1.OpportunistWeeks to monthsUnaware of time 1st person Dependent
Socialised mind
Might makes right.
Power motivated by personal needs
2.DiplomatMonths to 1 yearAware of time 2nd person Dependent
Socialised mind
Diplomatic Social norms ruling personal needs
3.Expert1-2 yearsDurational time 3rd person Dependent
Socialised mind
System is right.
Craft-logic ruling social norms
4.Achiever2-5 yearsOne-dimensional
Linear time
3rd person
Self-authoring mind
Systematic-productive System effectiveness ruling craft-logic
5.Individualist5-10 yearsPresent time
Here and now
4th person Independent
Self-authoring mind
Visionary Relativism ruling systematic effectiveness of any single system
6.Strategist10-20 yearsTwo-dimensional
Nonlinear time
4th person
Self-transforming mind
Practice Most valuable principles ruling relativism
7.AlchemistUp to100 years, multigenerationalThree-dimensional
Nonlinear time
5th to nth person Interdependent
Self-transforming mind
Mutually transforming Deep processes and inter-systemic evolution ruling principles
William R. Torbert, Ph.D., US American teacher, consultant, artist, author, Seven vertical action-logic stages of
     development (of mental complexity)
, 2004
Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning,
     Harvard University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, Three Orders of Consciousness, 1994
Inspired by: ► Article Transformation in Leadership, Part 1: A Developmental Study of Warren Buffett,
presented by the Integral Leadership Review, Edward J. Kelly, ~2012
See also: ► Alchemy und ► Leadership and ► Relativism and ► Domination/coercion and ► Vision

Cult of Saturn – pillar of patriarchy – Jordan Maxwell

Saturn(El) worship is the basis for the Abrahamic book religions.
The deity El is the origin of words such as Elite, Elders, election, elevation, the Elect and temple (house of El).
Saturn worship is still very important to the secret societies, the powers that were.

Kronus [Chronos] is the Greek correspondent of the later Roman god SATURN, and the Semitic Phoenician and Canaan god EL,
the KING of Phoenicia, which gives our words Corona, Corone, the CROWN, who is the GRAIN HARVEST LORD,
the god of agriculture who REAPS the golden crops such as the CORN or maize and wheat at the death of the season.




The three revelatory book religions worship Sun, Moon, Saturn and Venus.

  • [At winter solstice on December 25th the Christians] celebrate God's sun's birthday. And [90 days later, a square 90° angle further] as it passes over the Equator we celebrate the spring equinox we call it a passover, because the sun is passing the Equator coming back to the Northern hemisphere. [...] The Jews call it Passover [celebrating Easter]. [...] We Christians have an Easter sun rise service. Christianity is sun worship. […] Christianity is worshipping the sun [the risen sun aka Son of God], while Jews are worshipping Saturn and the Moon, while the Islamic world is worshipping Isis or worshipping Venus. And Venus [Morning and evening star] is called Lucifer.
    Audio interview with Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Jordan Maxwell: The Human Decep-
    , presented by the US American Truth Frequency Radio, hosts Chris and Sheree Geo, recorded 4. March 2010, YouTube film, minute
    1:55:11, 2:23:37 duration, posted 7. August 2014


༺༺༺ Focus ༻༻༻MinuteQuoting Maxwell Jordan
Saturn15:14The great generals from around the world who are planning wars and violence and bloodshed can be traced
back to the planet Saturn. The planet Saturn is very important in world affairs and in theology.
Saturn15:48The holy city of Mecca which is in Saudi Arabia has a Masonic circle. And within the Masonic circle is a square. The planet Saturn is called the black square, it's called the dark sun, the black sun.
Saturn as God17:30Saturn was the god of chaos and destruction. He will take your life if you don't listen to him.
Saturn as God17:51The most important God of the ancient world [the old Phoenecian ancient Canaanite religion in the Middle East] was the planet Saturn.
Saturn as God18:3998 percent of all Judaism is a worship of the planet Saturn.
Saturn as God30:17Saturn was the god of banking. That's why the judge [in a black Saturnian robe] rules for the bank. He sits on a bench [the Latin word for a bank]. The whole idea is that you are in court to play ball back and forth on the court with a racket. The whole thing is a racket.
Saturn/El as God20:26Saturn was referred to as EL. El was the god Saturn in the old Phoenecian Canaanite system [religion]. Consequently anyone that promoted the worship of EL became an ELder. Now that you have been ELected to become an ELder you are one of the ELites. Now you have moved up in society like in an ELevator.
Saturn / Venus22:01Saturn's color was black. Green was associated with [the planet] Venus. The crescent on the Islamic flags is the crescent of the planet Venus. And the star represents Venus. It is a religion that is based on the worship Venus but which has incorporated the Saturnalian philosophy it it. Like all the other religions it is also a very ecclectic religion.
Saturn's symbols11:30Black square Square academic cap/Mortarboard when graduating from college
Saturn's symbols18:08[Saturn's] symbol in Canaan was a six pointed star. Today we call that star the Star of David.
Saturn's symbols16:56Why black robes? Darth Vader wears a black robe. The judges [Gestapo, priests] wear black robes. The Supreme Court judges wear black robes. Black robes represent the priesthood of the planet Saturn, the Saturnalian Brotherhood.
Saturn's symbols24:32The ancient Phoenecian Canaanites always knew Saturn had rings. [Women were to wear earrings, men were
to wear wedding ring, kings were to wear round crowns (corona).]
Symbolism26:50Why do we call God the father? It's because of rain. Rain is why we call God the father. And consequently the idea was that the earth was our mother, Mother Nature. And mother nature gets impregnated with God the father's sacred fluid that falls on the earth and impregnates Mother Nature so everything grows. Once a year there was a celebration in Phoenicia, Cana, when the spring rains would come. It was called the marriage
feast of Canaan.
If the sun doesn't come up we're dead. So consequently the sun was [called] our "risen savior". [At the marriage feast of Cana] Mother Earth asked God's Sun [son], our risen savior, to draw water. The water is drawn by the sun so it can fall on the grapes. And the grapes can be made into wine. So it [the sun/son] changes water into wine. And this goes back to the old Phoenecian Canaanites. And even the Jewish rabbis will tell you that. And this is [hidden] in the Bible [in plain sight for the attentive reader].
In the Bible there are included messages.
The Old Testament is filled with encoded messages.
Encoded message13:46Christianity is probably the most powerful encoded message the world's ever had. It's one of the oldest
messages in the world. And I believe that the Christian teachings in the original scriptural understanding is the
most important volatile story of the world has ever known. And it's sitting right in front of you are most people don't even see it.
History of abuse13:16The real truth is that that the people who are in power who have put this system together have been in power for thousands of years this has been going on from day one.
Vatican's role29:22Most people don't know that the international banking cartels which control finance and organize and direct all of this corruption, wars and bloodshed go back to the Vatican. The Vatican as far back as a fifth, sixth and seventh century was the power of Europe. The Vatican dominated Europe. And Europe dominated the world. Even the Uniform Commercial Code, the international banking codes of the world, are based on Vatican Canon Law.
Yahweh23:04We hear that God's name is Yahweh. Yahweh in Hebrew is an expressive term. It's not a formal name of God. In the ancient Hebrew the release of dynamic energy was called Yahweh. And it was always associated with sex. It's the building up of the sexual urge and the releasing of sperm in the sex act was referred to in the ancient Phoenecian Canaanite system as being one with Yahweh, the explosion of divine creativity. That's why our Jewish physicists have told us the universe came into existence by a Big Bang.
Druids25:36The Celtic Druidic system had its origins of the old Phoenecian Canaanite system. One of the most important symbols in the old Celtic Druidic system was the magic wand [ref. Merlin the magician]. Magic wands were always made out of holly wood. And they're still working their magic on us in Hollywood.
Judas' betrayal33:33Many Christians think Judas went out and kissed Jesus to identify him. Logic alone will tell you that's not true. [Scripture] says that he went out to kiss Jesus to betray him not identify [him]. Even the Mafia today when they're going to kill you they give you the kiss of death. They kissed you off. The scorpions in the Middle East have two stings, one on top of the other. And when they bite you they leave a cut in your skin that looks just like human lips. Consequently the ancient people said that you just got the kiss of death. He just kissed you off. Consequently that's what Judas was doing giving him [Jesus] the kiss of death.
Solomon41:45Sol-Om-On represents three words for the sun in the three esoteric languages of the world: Latin Sol = Sun; Hindu = Om priest chant to the "Sun"; On = city of the Sun in Egypt
Solomon's temple40:49 "The pillars at the entrance of the Temple, one toward the south and one toward the north. He named the one
on the south Jakin, and the one on the north Boaz."
  1 Kings 7:21 (OT)
[Jakin and Boaz are symbols of male power (erected penis).] The temple of Solomon represented sex.
Ark of the covenant35:41[Tie to Tibet/Buddhism; Goes back to the ancient Egyptian Arc of the contract with Sirian gods] 


See also:
Biblical astrotheology – Jordan Maxwell
Astrology and ► Symbolism and ► Bible and ► Religion and ► World religions

Occult-Luciferian roots of US space defense agency NASA

Magicians, Freemasons, and Nazi occult practitioners incubating NASA (*1958)
Since the inception of the independent civilian space program/defense agency of the United States federal government
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 1958 the truth of its occult origins has been discretely hidden
from public awareness. The biographies of the individuals that incubated that US American institution are being whitewashed.
In November 1943 the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), created by Jack Parsons in Pasadena in 1939, formally became
an US Army facility to emerge as the primary planetary spacecraft center of NASA in December 1958.
༺༻Influential figure of NASALifespanOccult background
1.Jack Parsons1914-1952 US American founder of SS-NASA, rocket rocket engineer, rocket propulsion researcher, chemist, Thelemite occultist, black magician, satanist, head of Ordo Templi Orientis California Agape Lodge, idolizing Aleister Crowley, appointed as Crowley's successor, issued manifestos exalting Satan, died of
an accidental explosion
2. Aleister Crowley
[Beast 666]
1875-1947 English influential occultist, astrologer, ceremonial magician, Luciferian cohort of Parsons, 33rd degree Freemason, leader of Ordo Templi Orientis, black magician, layman satanist, Pan worshipper, hedonistic pervert, author of The Book of The Law (1909), dictated by ill-willed alien entity Aiwass, conside-
red to be the most evil man ever conceived, died of Heroin addiction
3.Lafayette Ron Hubbard1911-1986 US American science fiction writer, founder and leader of the Church of Scientology, mass mindcontroller, black magician, idolizing Aleister Crowley
4a.Wernher von Braun1912-1977 German US American rocket scientist, director of the German V-2 Rocket pro-
gram, aerospace engineer, space architect, leading figure in developing rocket technology in Nazi Germany during World War II, ex-Nazi, recruited into the United States under Operation Paperclip, NASA's engineering program manager, chief architect of NASA's Saturn V rocket of the Apollo manned lunar missions
4b.Adolf Heusinger1897-1982 German chief of German army general staff under Adolf Hitler (1940-1045),
head of the West German military (1957-1961), chairman of the NATO military committee (1961-1964)
5.Walt Disney1901-1966 US American business magnate in the animation industry, cartoonist, producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, founder of Hollywood's Magic Kingdom, 33rd degree Freemason, occultist, mass mindcontroller, black magician, Illuminati-pedophile, related to The Order of DeMolay, providing vast resources and sound stages for fake movie productions, Disney brought Hollywood into the fold.
6.John Glenn, Gordo Cooper, Edgar Mitchell[*], Buzz Aldrin, Donn Eisele, Gus Grissom, James Irwin, Walter Shirra, Thomas Stafford, Paul Weitz1930-2016][*] Confirmed Freemasonic astronauts
Written source: ► Richard C. Hoagland (*1945) US American investigative researcher on NASA, civilizations on the Moon and on Mars,
     lecturer, author, Mike Bara, US American engineering designer/consultant for major aerospace companies, lecturer, co-author,
     Dark Mission. The Secret history of NASA, Feral House, 16. October 2007, revised edition 1. September 2009
Video sources:
► Narrated video documentary AEON of HORUS: The Occult History of NASA, produced by Jim Nichols & UFOTV The Disclosure Network,
     13. August 2014, YouTube film, 48:26 minutes duration, posted 14. September 2014
► Video presentation by Richard C. Hoagland (*1945) US American investigative researcher on NASA, civilizations on the Moon and on Mars,
     lecturer, author, The Occult History of NASA: Star Secrets, unknown delivery date, YouTube film, 58:09 minutes duration, 6. June 2015
NASA's history of Luciferian occultism, shadow pupeteers designing, supplying, and funding occult ritual projects within their mystery religious systems
(end-times agenda)

► Video presentation by Mike Bara, US American engineering designer/consultant for major aerospace companies, lecturer, co-author,
     Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA, sponsored by CE4 Research, filmed by Squared Productions, 5. July 2008, YouTube film,
     1:30:25 duration, posted 29. October 2015
Secret society magicians, freemasons, and SS-Nazis dedicated to the occult study and worship of Isis, Osiris and Horus
► Narrated video documentary NASA Astronauts Perform Satanic Ritual – Hitler – Disney – Werner Von Braun – Felix Baumgartner Hoax,
     YouTube film, 22:35 minutes duration, posted 5. February 2016
► Video interview with Dr. Deborah Tavares, US American 3rd generation land developer, activist, whistleblower, Hidden secret found,
     NASA the end of mankind leaked document
, host Trevor Coppola, US American actor, manager of the Coppola Group, YouTube film,
     35:56 minutes duration, 16. July 2017
NASA War Document: Smart meters, social engineering, food war, massive fluoridation, silent frequencies weapons with multiple purposes incarceration,
enslavement, depopulation, massive mind control
Crowley-related video references:
► Video documentary Homosexuality/Sodomy Truth. Aleister Crowley Satanic Agenda, excerpt "Satanic Roots of the Gay Movement", first
     availed by Chrilsama, ~February 2013, deleted YouTube film, 10:05 minutes duration, posted 4. April 2015
Sexologist Alfred Kinsey was influenced by Aleister Crowley, occultist, Aldous Huxley, philosopher, Norman Hare, sexologist, eugenicist, Harry Hay, leader of
the Gay Movement, Robert Anton Wilson, sci-fi author, Timothy Leary, LSD promoter, Kenneth Anger, Satanist, and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology.

► Removed video interview with Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent Bible scholar, investigative researcher, author, Joe Atwill on Alfred
     Kinsey, Aleister Crowley, the Frankfurt School and MK Ultra
, presented by the US American host Timothy Fitzpatrick, YouTube film,
     1:25:10 duration, posted 4. August 2016
Alfred Kinsey was linked to the occultist Aleister Crowley, the Rockefellers, the American Jewish Committee and CIA's MKUltra mindcontrol program. By studying the network of secret societies, think tanks, corporations, foundations and intelligence agencies "the Combine" (spiderweb spanning the world) can be identified that is engaged in high-level criminality and malevolence.
► Audio interview with Christopher Everard, British documentary filmmaker, radio host, author, Demons of the Goetia and Aleister Crowley –
     Christopher Everard
MP3, presented by Truth Frequency Radio, hosts Chris and Sheree Geo, YouTube film, starting minute 10:20,
     3:15:50 duration, posted 24. October 2016
Ties between Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology), Aleister Crowley, and Helena Blavatsky
See also:
Timeline and origins of D. Hawkins' Map of Consciousness
Timeline of long-term mass mind control administered by the parallel government
⚡ Kinsey's K-bomb unleashed "sexual liberation" brutalization and political control
NASA space shuttle disasters 1986 and 2003 – a field effect of rankism
Siehe auch: ► NASA Columbia Weltraumunglück 2003 – ein Feldeffekt

Occult puppet masters of the New World Order – Crowley and LaVey

⚑ My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the blue and gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them that love me.
Aleister Crowley [Beast 666] (1875-1947) influential English occultist, astrologer, ceremonial magician, The Book of the Law, chapter I, Thelema, 1904

⚑ [Paraphrased] And Satan is worshipped by men under the name of Jesus; and Lucifer is worshipped by men under the name of
Brahma; and Leviathan is worshipped by men under the name of Allah; and Belial is worshipped by men under the name of Buddha.
Aleister Crowley [Beast 666] (1875-1947) influential English occultist, astrologer, ceremonial magician, The Book of the Law, chapter III, Thelema, 1904

⚑ Before leaving the subject of Black Magic, one may touch lightly on the question of Pacts with the Devil.
The Devil does not exist. It is a false name invented by the Black Brothers to imply a Unity in their ignorant muddle of dispersions.
A devil who had unity would be a God.
"The Devil" is, historically, the God of any people that one personally dislikes. This has led to so much confusion of thought that THE BEAST 666 has preferred to let names stand as they are, and to proclaim simply that AIWAZ – the solar-phallic-hermetic "Lucifer" is His own Holy Guardian Angel, and "The Devil", SATAN or HADIT of our particular unit of the Starry Universe. This serpent, SATAN, is not the enemy of Man, but He who made Gods of our race, knowing Good and Evil; He bade "Know Thyself!" and taught Initiation. He is "the Devil" of the Book of Thoth, and His emblem is BAPHOMET, the Androgyne who is the hieroglyph of arcane perfection. The number of His Atu is XV, which is Yod He, the Monogram of the Eternal, the Father one with the Mother, the Virgin Seed one with all-containing Space. He is therefore Life, and Love. But moreover his letter is Ayin, the Eye; he is Light, and his Zodiacal image is Capricornus, that leaping goat whose attribute is Liberty. (Note that the "Jehovah" of the Hebrews is etymologically connected with these. The classical example of such antinomy, one which has led to such disastrous misunderstandings, is that between NU and HAD, North and South, Jesus and John. The subject is too abstruse and complicated to be discussed in detail here. The student should consult the writings of Sir R. Payne Knight, General Forlong, Gerald Massey, Fabre d'Olivet; etc. etc., for the data on which these considerations are ultimately based.)
Aleister Crowley [Beast 666] (1875-1947) influential English occultist, astrologer, ceremonial magician, Magick In Theory And Practice, chapter 21, Castle Books, 6th edition 1. March 1992

⚑ There is a Magical operation of maximum importance: the Initiation of a New Aeon. When it becomes necessary to utter a Word, the whole Planet must be bathed in blood. Before man is ready to accept the Law of Thelema, the Great War must be fought. This Bloody Sacrifice is the critical point of the World-Ceremony of the Proclamation of Horus, the Crowned and conquering Child, as Lord of the Aeon.
Aleister Crowley [Beast 666] (1875-1947) influential English occultist, astrologer, ceremonial magician, The Book of the Law, chapter XII "Of the Bloody Sacrifice: And Matters Cognate", Thelema, 1904

The Book of the Law was given to mankind chiefly in order to provide it with an impeccable principal of practical politics […].
Aleister Crowley [Beast 666] (1875-1947) influential English occultist, astrologer, ceremonial magician, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. An autohagiography, 849f., 1969, Penguin
(Non-Classics), reprint edition 5 December 1989

⚑ We should have no compunction in utilising the natural qualities of the bulk of mankind. […] We do not insist on trying to train sheep
to hunt foxes or lecture on history; we look after their physical well being and enjoy their wool and mutton. In this way we shall have a contented class of slave who will accept the conditions of existence as they really are, and enjoy life with the quiet wisdom of the cattle.
It is our duty to see to it that this class of people lack for nothing. The patriarchal system is better for all classes than for any other; the objections to it come from the abuses of it.
Aleister Crowley [Beast 666] (1875-1947) influential English occultist, astrologer, ceremonial magician, Louis Marlow, author, Hymenaeus Beta, author, The Law Is For All. The Authorized Popular Commentary of Liber Al Vel Legis Sub Figura CCXX, the Book of the Law, S. 199-200, New Falcon, Phoenix, Arizona, 1996, Thelema Media, paperback 1. December 1996


⚑ We don't worship Satan, we worship ourselves using the metaphorical representation of the qualities of Satan. Satan is the name used
by Judeo-Christians for that force of individuality and pride within us. But the force itself has been called by many names. We embrace Christian myths of Satan and Lucifer, along with Satanic renderings in Greek, Roman, Islamic, Sumerian, Syrian, Phrygian, Egyptian, Chinese, or Hindu mythologies, to name but a few. We are not limited to one deity, but encompass all the expressions of the accuser or
the one who advocates free thought and rational alternatives by whatever name he is called in a particular time and land.
Anton LaVey (1930-1997) US American founder of the Church of Satan, Blanche Barton (*1961) US American Magistra Templi Rex within the Church of Satan, The Secret Life of a Satanist. The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey, Feral House, new edition 1. September 1992, 10. July 2001

⚑ I felt a culmination of that whole episode in my life many years later, shortly after The Satanic Bible (Avon Books, 1969) came out.
I met with Assaf Dayan, actor son of Israel’s legendary Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, and he was glowing about the book, agreed
with every in it. He said it was exactly the philosophy they practiced, were forced to practice, in modern Israel.
Anton LaVey (1930-1997) US American founder of the Church of Satan, Blanche Barton (*1961) US American Magistra Templi Rex within the Church of Satan, The Secret Life of a Satanist. The Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey, Feral House, new edition 1. September 1992, 10. July 2001

⚑ Satanism has been defined in four levels (Simandl, 1997):
(1) the experimental-dabbler, typically a teenager;
(2) non-traditional, self-styled satanists, individuals or small groups obsessed with satanic themes;
(3) organized traditional satanists, organized religious groups that are protected by religious freedom under American law, such as the
     Church of Satan; and
(4) occultic networking or transgenerational cults, SRA groups perpetuated through family generations and the focus of this article.
Paper by Daniel Ryder, CCDC, LSW, Minneapolis, Maine, Breaking the circle of satanic ritual abuse: Recognizing and recovering from the hidden trauma, CompCare Publishing, 1992, published by the "Journal of Traumatic Stress", volume 6, Issue 3, July 1993; quoting: W. Edward Craighead, Charles B. Nemeroff, editors, "The Concise Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology and Behavioral Science"


See also: ► New World Order takeover plans as revealed by NWO agents, insiders and whistleblowers
Siehe auch: ► Der Weltengeist und die Neue Weltordnung (NWO)

Questions concerning the occult and occultism

General questions about the Occult

  • What is the occult?
  • What is the difference between Wicca, Witchcraft, and the Occult?
  • Why is so much occult knowledge kept secret?
  • Can I get rich through the occult?
  • Can I get power through the occult?
  • Is it possible to predict the future by occult means?
  • Is the occult evil?
  • Can you be Christian and an occultist?
  • What is sin?
  • Is it wrong to commit suicide?
  • If God is good why does he allow evil?
  • Is there a right way and a wrong way to pray?
  • What is the best way to meditate?
  • Can I find the meaning of life in the occult?
  • How do I learn the occult?
  • What are the best occult books to read?
  • Can occult books harm me?
  • How do I learn how to read occult writings and understand mystic symbols?
  • Did Atlantis exist and where can I find out more about it?


Occult teachers and teaching

  • Are occult Teachings dangerous?
  • How do I tell the difference between good and bad teachers?
  • Is it wrong to charge for occult teaching?
  • How do I find a true Teacher?
  • Why don't you say anything about Aleister Crowley?
  • What do you think of Samael Aun Weor?
  • Was H. P. Blavatsky a fraud?
  • How does occult science regard the psychology of Carl Jung?
  • Is there any value in modern psychology?
  • Is there any truth in Freemasonry?
  • Conspiracy theories, ETs and 'Ascension'
  • Is the world really controlled by the Illuminati Conspiracy?
  • What is the New World Order?
  • Do we live on some kind of prison planet which is covertly controlled by an elite group of devil-worshippers?
  • Are evil ET's occupying this planet?
  • Is a planetary Ascension taking place right now?
  • Do UFOs exist?
  • Is the earth flat?
  • Karma, reincarnation and the astral world
  • What is Karma?
  • If reincarnation is true why is the world population increasing?
  • What is Cosmic Consciousness and how can I attain it?
  • What is an initiate and how do I become one?
  • Is there life after death and what happens when we die?
  • Do our loved ones watch over us after they have died?
  • Do they know about us and our lives? If they do, why don't they don't make themselves known to us?
  • Where do the dead go?
  • Does Hell exist?
  • What is the astral world or plane?
  • Where can I find a description of the astral world? What is it like?
  • Are the descriptions of heaven by Swedenborg true?
  • How do I explore the astral world?
  • What are elementals? What are elves?
  • Are there such beings as devils and demons?
  • What are Nature spirits and Fairies?
  • Magic, alchemy, etc.
  • What is Magic? What is Black Magic and the LHP?
  • How do I protect myself from black magicians?
  • What is Alchemy?
  • Is Alchemy black magic?
  • Where can I find books in which the secrets of magic are revealed?
  • Is spiritualism dangerous?
  • Is New Age Shamanism dangerous?
  • Is channeling dangerous?
  • Is Tibetan Buddhism dangerous?
  • Is the Tibetan Book of the Dead true?
  • Are Tibetan singing bowls dangerous?
  • Are you against New Age teachings?


Health, drugs and dreams

  • Is vegetarianism necessary for spiritual progress?
  • Are sexual abstinence and asceticism necessary for spiritual progress?
  • Is homosexuality wrong?
  • Are psychoactive drugs harmful?
  • Are prescription drugs harmful?
  • Is it wrong to have fun?
  • Is it wrong to get drunk?
  • What are Dreams?
  • What about dream interpretation?


Source and answers: ► Article Occult Mysteries FAQ. Frequently asked questions about the Occult answered,
presented by occult-mysteries.org, last updated 30. March 2018


Links zum Thema Okkulte Forschung und Astrotheologie / Occult research


Literature (engl.)

  • Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. (1904-1987) US American mythologist, expert in comparative mythology and comparative religion, author, The Mythic Image,
  • Graham Hancock grahamhancock.com (*1950) British archeo-astronomist, shamanic seeker, journalist, writer, The Message
    of the Sphinx. A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind
  • Charles H. Hapgood, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age,
  • Giorgio de Santillana, Hamlet's Mill. An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth,
  • John Michell, The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth,
  • David Hatcher Childress, Technology of the Gods. The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients,
  • Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell. In Search of Atlantis,
  • Peter Lemesurier, Decoding the Great Pyramid,

Referring to French alchemist Fulcanelli [Pseudonym] (*1877) spurring a revival of interest in the occult during the 1960s and '70s

Freemasons, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Assassins, Thulists, Order of the Black Hand

Darwin's evolutionism and model of macro evolution (Cro-Magnon man descended from the homonids) is an unfounded fiction. Lloyd maintains
that humans were genetically engineered by an extraterrestrial race (Nefilim/Annunaki) to serve as their slaves. References made to Biblical Creationism, Bigfoot creatures, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010), Earth Chronicles series, Robert K. G. Temple, Nommo and The Sirius Mystery, Cremo and Thompson, Forbidden Archeology, Graham Hancock, William Bramley, the Pleiadians, Murray Hope and the Pschats.

Blending Pythagorean geometry, hermetic wisdom, and secrets of Freemasonry

Most comprehensive works on the Serpent Race

Alternative History (General)
Ancient Scriptures
Astro-Theology, Religion
Atlantis, Pre-Diluvian Civilization
British Israelite
Celtic, Irish, Aryans
Christianity, Bible, Gnosticism
History (official)
Masonry, Templars, Illuminati, Secret Societies
Rome, Vatican, Jesuits
Movies & Webstream
Relevant Websites (on all subjects)
Rare Book Find Sites

Gobekli Tepe, Catal Hayak, Cayonu, Neveli Core in Turkey, Calanish in the Hebrides, the Tassili paintings and carvings in the western Sahara, Doggerland in the North Sea, the pyramids of Caral in Peru, the copper mines in Michigan dating back 3,000 BC, Southern African mines
dating back 100,000 to 150,000 years17

Literature (engl.) – Maurice M. Cotterell

Literature (engl.) – Michael Tsarion

Michael Tsarion (*1968) Irish macrohistorian, symbolist, sidereal astrologer, mythologist, occultist, "conspiracy" researcher, public speaker, author ––– Amazon book list

  • Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation, Angels at Work Publishing, 6th printing edition 1. August 2006
  • The Suppressed History of America: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Kindle edition 20. May 2011
  • Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology, Kindle edition, 29. January 2012
  • The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume One, Unslaved Media,
    27. February 2012
  • The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume Two. Akhenaton, the Cult of Aton & Dark Side of the Sun, Kindle edition, 27. February 2012
  • The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume Two, Unslaved Media, 5. March 2012
  • The Trees of Life. Exposing the Art of Holy Deception, Vol 1, Kindle edition, 24. March 2012
  • The Trees of Life. Exposing the Art of Holy Deception, Vol 2, Kindle edition, 24. March 2012
  • Disciples of the Mysterium. An Inquiry into Selfhood, Kindle edition, 21. December 2012
  • Path of the Fool. Meanings of the Major and Minor Arcana, Kindle edition, 7. February 2013
  • Schelling. Understanding German Idealism, Kindle edition, 5. July 2016
  • Cards on Houses. Constructing Your Taroscopic Natal and Year Charts, 5. July 2016
  • Dragon Mother. A New Look at the Female Psyche, Kindle edition, 24. July 2017
See also: ► Audio and video links (engl.) – Michael Tsarion

Externe Weblinks

  • Abraham von Worms (~1362-15. Jht.) [Abraham ben Rabbi Shimon bar Jehuda ben Rabbi Shimon], Buch der wahren
    Praktik in der uralten göttlichen Magie
    , Peter Hammer Verlag, Köln am Rhein, 1725

External web links (engl.)

Linkless articles

  • Article by David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, Occult Secrets of the Dalai Lama, presented by the dissolved blospot conspiracyschool.com, 23. March 2014

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Fernsehdokumentation und Diskussionsrunde zum Thema Mythos Verschwörung?, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender 3Sat, Sendung Scobel, Gastgeber Gert Scobel (*1959) deutscher Philosoph, Fernsehmoderator, Journalist, Autor, Gastdiskutierende: Andreas von Bülow, deutscher Jurist, ehemaliger Teilnehmer einer Bilderberg-Konferenz, Autor, Dr. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER), Dr. Thomas Grüter (*1957) deutscher Mediziner, Softwareunternehmer, Gesichtserkennungsforscher, Universität Wien, Universität Bamberg, Autor, Erstsendetermin 6. September 2012, YouTube Film, 58:03 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 16. April 2016
  • Audiointerview mit Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor, Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Webradiosender CropFM, Gastgeber
    Tarek Al-Ubaidi, ~90 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 7. Februar 2014

Orthodoxe (offiziell herausgegebene und anerkannte) und heterodoxe (allgemein verworfene) Verschwörungstheorien (am Beispiel der Anschläge des 11. September 2001), Überzeugungssystemen und den Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit in
modernen Gesellschaften

Audio- und Videolinks – Jordan Maxwell

Audios und Videos über Astrotheologie, religiöse Symbolik, systemische Versklavung von und mit Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022)
US-amerikanischer esoterischer Gelehrter, Radioshow-Moderator, Dozent, Autor
TypAngebotTitelVeranstalter ♦ OrtDauerErscheinungsdatum
YouTube VideoPräsentationDer UCC – Uniform Commercial Code (Einheitliches Handelsgesetz) … erklärt von Jordan Maxwell"
[UCC – Uniform Commercial Code]'' 
Deutsche ÜbersetzungUnbekanntUnbekannt
Kurze Erkläurung des Vatikanischen Römischen kanonischen Gesetzes

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Articles and audio interviews with Robert Bruce Baird, US American multidisciplinary researcher

  • Video presentation by John Anthony West (1932-2018) US American Pythagorean scholar, proponent of Sphinx water erosion hypothesis in geology, guide, lecturer, author of The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt and Serpent in the Sky. The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, John Anthony West on Early Egyptian Civilizations, sponsored by the Binary Research Institute, CPAK Conference, University of California, Irvine, 2006, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 26:03 minutes duration, posted November 2006   Subject to fee

Referring to the work of French mathematician and orientalist R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz

Referring to the French mathematician and Orientalist R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz' work

Neolithic Earth Goddess agrarian mythology into Medieval knighthood

The first civilisation on Earth was not in Sumer some 6000 years ago. Scientific archaeological discoveries by Michael Tellinger show that the Sumerians and Egyptians inherited their knowledge from an earlier vanished civilization in southern Africa more than 200,000 years ago
mining gold. See: ubuntuparty.org

Linkless media offerings

  • Anunnaki Secret History on Earth, featuring Michael Cremo (*1948) US American Hindu creationist, archeologist, YouTube film, 10:48 minutes duration, posted 16. March 2009

Audio and video links (engl.) – Santos Bonacci

  • Video presentation by Santos Bonacci, Australian astrotheologist of the Universal Truth School, lecturer, Prisca Theologia (The Ancient Theology) The Ancient Theology Occult Science, part 1 of 22, series 3/3, YouTube film, 1:44:44 duration, posted 25. January 2012

Audio and video links (engl.) – Maurice M. Cotterell

The Ardagh Chalice and the Tara Brooch, kept in the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin, is the Holy Grail.

Future science, Maya, sunspots, Velikovsky

Audio and video links (engl.) – Joseph P. Farrell

Joseph P. Farrell's YouTube video playlist

  • Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Scott D. de Hart, Ph.D., US American philosopher, scholar in theology, author, Yahweh The TWO FACED God Of The Bible J P Farrell 1 of 2, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma, YouTube film, 3:12:55 duration, aired 26. January 2012, posted 2. December 2017
  • Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Fantastic Interview with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Hour One – TRUST YOUR OWN MIND – 10/11/2012, presented by the Canadian website theworldwasmeanttobefree, host Senseidave82, martial artist, Altcensored film, 1:10:57 duration, aired 11. October 2012, posted 15. October 2012
  • Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Scott D. de Hart, Ph.D., US American philosopher, scholar in theology, author, Transhumanism,
    presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma, YouTube film, 2:02:04 duration, aired and
    posted 28. October 2012
  • Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Cultural Transitions Part 5, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †,
    Talihina, Oklahoma, YouTube film, 2:24:10 duration, aired 21. March 2013, posted 23. March 2013

Linkless media offerings

Audio and video links (engl.) – Manly Palmer Hall

Audio and video links (engl.) – John Lash

Alternative source in 7 parts, YouTube film, posted 13. October 2016
  • Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Encounters with The Supernatural, presented by the Atlantis3D Radio, host Jason Thompson, recorded
    14. May 2011, 1:40:54 duration, posted 20. July 2012
  • Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Judy Wood, Ph.D., wheredidthetowersgo.com, US American former professor of mechanical engineering, Virginia Tech, Dr. Judy Wood and John Lash. The quintessential talk on 911, presented by the Blogtalkradio show Grok The Talk, host Thomas Malone, Japan, aired 6. September 2011, 2:11:08 duration, posted 18. September 2011
  • Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Direct Access to The Divine, presented by the radio show The Stench of Truth, host Ted Torbich, recorded
    16. December 2011, YouTube film, 1:46:41 duration, posted 12. July 2012
  • Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, The Archons and Gnosticism, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, 22. November 2012, YouTube film, 58:29 minutes duration, aired 16. December 2012

Ancient Gnostic texts state that Jehovah is the "Lord Archon," the commander of the Archon species. He is a reptilian type of alien predator who dominates the Grey aliens. Gnostics called Jehovah Yaldabaoth. Dwelling in the planetary system, Jehovah is a demented alien with certain superhuman or deific powers. He is not more evolved than humans, yet has infected humanity with the belief that he is their creator god. The Archons, extra-dimensional entities, interacted with the Elites controlling this planet. The Vatican sought the complete and utter destruction of the Gnostics and their scriptures.

"The resonance of truth is preserved in the oral teachings [transmitted through the voice of people who embody them]." Minute 13:21

Linkless media offerings

  • Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Nag Hammadi, Sophia Myth, Archons, Sumerian and Annunaki Dis-Info, presented by the Blogtalkradio show Grok The Talk, episode 1, host Thomas Malone, Japan, aired 10. January 2011, 2:08:10 duration, posted 1. October 2011

Audio and video links (engl.) – Jordan Maxwell

Audios and videos on astrotheology, religious symbology and systemic enslavement by Jordan Maxwell
(1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author
Jordan Maxwell Channel YouTube video playlist
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-DateMinutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoPresentationGnosis – Ancient Belief Systems – Jordan MaxwellLightworks Audio & Video, IRES International Research and Educational Society51:07
Starting 11:15
19. June 2014
Biblical lore is based on astrotheology, the worship of Sun (God's Son) in the heavens. Christianity and other religions are a derivative of
1) a stellar cult, 2) a lunar (Hebrew) cult, 3) a solar cult (derived from Egyptian Mystery Schools).
YouTube videoInterviewWhat is the Illuminati – Jordan Maxwell, Anthony J. Hilder 1993
Millennium 2000 video playlist
Xendrius channel, host Terry Cook, recorded 199348:028. January 2018
13. February 2021
YouTube videoPresentationThe Inner World Of The Occult (2001) – The Cult of SaturnThe Republic Forum, Los Angeles, California, 3. January 20013:00:10[1. September 2012]
5. November 2019
Saturn (El) worship is the basis for the Abrahamic book religions. The deity El is the origin of words such as Elite, Elders, the Elect and temple. Saturn worship is still very important to the secret societies, the powers that were.
"98% of all Judaism is a worship of the planet Saturn." Minute 18 Saturn was called EL, from which is derived TempEL, ELements, ELders, ELection, ELevation, ELectricity.
"Christ is merely oil, and oil was used to anoint kings and princes. […] All of the ancient world put it on the head of the kings and princes. And therefore you were anointed. The word 'anoint' was a word that was used in relation to sex. The king always represented the penis head. The king was always the big cock in town. […] He was the major penis head. He was the major man. He represented the male fertility. And all the women belonged to him. He was the king. So he represented the male phallic. And in the ancient world they always lubricated the head of the male phallic in sex. That's why you would anoint the head of the king. The head of the king represents the head of the penis. The whole concept of men ruling the world is a sexual thing. It's been around for thousands of years – the war between male and female. That's a war going on between male and female." Minute 2:41:12
Christ = Anointed One = oiling the penis of the king, Lord = Lard
"Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is nothing more than the triune God. The triune God is nothing more than the sun in the rising, the sun at 12 noon, and the sun in the evening, the newborn, the fullgrown, and the man that dies. It is still the sun, the sun in the morning, at noon and at night. The one God is a sun in its three points in his life." Minute 2:49:30
YouTube videoPresentation / Q&AJordan Maxwell The Inner World of the OccultThe Republic Forum, December 20023:00:10[22. May 2013]
19. October 2022
YouTube videoInterviewThe Chief Cornerstone – Jordan MaxwellThe Republic Forum,
Los Angeles, California,
recorded early 2000s
2:27:07[8. April 2012]
3. November 2019
YouTube videoPresentationJordan Maxwell – Astro-Theology (The Root of All Religions) 09/30/2018
YouTube query
The Republic Forum,
Los Angeles, California
recorded early 2000s
starting 42:50
[2. February 2010]
1. October 2018
Jordan Maxwell: "It was from these meager, distressful conditions of the human race that our long history of the search for God and meaning has come. Any evolution, at its most accelerated rate, is always agonizingly slow. But from the beginning, man's profound questions demanded answers. When no clear answers were forthcoming from the universe, man turned inward, and developed his own. Keep in mind that all the theological teachings of the Western World were developed in the Northern Hemisphere. The study of this subject is properly called – Astrotheology, or "The Worship of the Heavens"."
YouTube videoPresentationMagic Dominates the World – Jordan Maxwell'Ancient Mysteries and Lost Arts Media, recorded 20031:29:40
9. January 2019
12. July 2022
Saturn(El) worship is the basis for the Abrahamic book religions. The deity El is the origin of words such as Elite, Elders, the Elect and temple. Saturn worship is still very important to the secret societies, the powers that were.
YouTube videoInterviewJordan Maxwell: The Human Deception.US American Truth Frequency Radio, hosts Chris and Sheree Geo, recorded 4. March 20102:23:377. August 2014
YouTube videoInterviewUS Corporation, UCC Maritime Admiralty Law, Occult Symbolism – Jordan MaxwellCOTO Report, host Megan Kargher, Los Angeles, recorded ~20101:27:448. December 2016
YouTube audioRadio interviewVatican Secrets by Jordan MaxwellTruth Frequency Radio, hosts Chris and Sheree Geo1:38:5318. January 2012
Dailymotion videoInterviewJeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell – The Whole Human Race Is Under ArrestUS American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense, US American independent investigative researcher, journalist15:09[7. May 2013 ]
YouTube audioRadio interviewJordan Maxwell Islam, Christianity & JudaismBritish podcast The Richie Allen Show, host Richie Allen1:30:25Aired 20. October 2015
Posted 25. September 2019
YouTube videoInterviewThe Zombie's Awakening – Jordan Maxwell – Toxic ReligionProjectgaia 11:12:561. August 2017
26. October 2019
YouTube videoInterviewIlluminati & The Black Magic UnderworldDanish TV network and online community Age Of Truth TV, host Lucas Alexander, filmed in Boulder, Denver, Colorado, 20. January 20181:45:5015. October 2018
YouTube videoPresentation
Jordan Maxwell: "The Book of Enoch is NOT What You Think. Decoding Banned Texts" (full explanation)Vision Unveil1:34:3824. September 2024
YouTube videoPresentationJordan Maxwell: "The Bible HIDES The Real Story Of Jesus (Yeshua).. SHOCKING" (full explanation)Vision Unveil1:47:5618. September 2024


See also:
Gnosticism: Audio and video links (engl.) – Jordan Maxwell
Justice: Audio and video links (engl.) – Jordan Maxwell

Audio and video links (engl.) – Lloyd Pye

  • Video seminal lecture by Lloyd Pye (1946-2013) US American paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull, author, Everything You Know Is Wrong, sponsored by the International UFO Congress, winter seminar 1999, YouTube film, 1:58:34 duration, posted 23. April 2014

Human origins and enslavement as a species 200,000 to 250,000 years ago

Age of the Sphinx? Builders of the Pyramids? Origin of Aswan Obelisk and other megaliths? Lloyd Pye scientifically refutes the ability of
stone age humans to create such structures 15,000 years ago.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Sepehr

Audios and videos by Robert Sepehr, US American producer, anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, paleobiology (archeogenetics), producer, author, presented by tolerancethroughknow and the YouTube channel Atlantean Gardens
TypeOfferingTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
YouTube videoDocumentary shortThe Lurianic Kabbalah5:0626. May 2016
Facebook videoDocumentary shortInner Earth38:253. July 2016
According to certain Buddhist and Hindu traditions, secret tunnels connect the surface with a subterranean paradise. This legendary underworld ['place of tranquility'] is called Agartha or Shamballah Sanskrit name. Mythologies throughout the world, from South America to the Arctic, describe numerous entrances to these fabled inner kingdoms. Operation Highjump, largely classified, have been shrouded in secrecy, while scientific revelations validate the rumors.
Facebook videoDocumentary shortBook of Enoch: the Watchers5:48[24. July 2016]
6. February 2017
Enoch is a very important and revered figure in Biblical literature, described as the seventh generation from Adam, and the great-grandfather of Noah. See: The Book of Enoch
Deleted YouTube videoDocumentary shortSecrets of Vril and Neuschwabenland, Antarctica17:1030. June 2016
The Philadelphia Experiment is said to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy to test invisibility and manipulate space-time. Possibly Nikola Tesla helped create the worlds first time machine? Free energy technology has been suppressed.
YouTube videoDocumentary shortJesuits and Occult Secret Societies6:201. August 2016
YouTube videoDocumentary shortAstro-theology and Great Cycles of Time6:494. August 2016
YouTube videoDocumentary shortSacred Temple Prostitution and Ancient Goddess Cult Worship8:099. August 2016
Facebook videoDocumentary shortAn old Irish legend about an ancient Egyptian princess9:3816. August 2016
Ireland's long history is riddled with folklore, ancient mythology, and ancient societies, such as the Druids. Scota, in Irish legend, is the name given to the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh.
YouTube videoDocumentary shortOccult History of the Ages16:5118. August 2016
Facebook videoDocumentary shortOccult History of the Ages17:4218. August 2016
Lama is the Sumerian Goddess of intercession and protection, acting as an intermediary between the people and the Gods.
YouTube videoDocumentary shortAncient Sumerian History and Anunnaki Culture8:1223. August 2016
Deleted YouTube videoDocumentary shortBlack Magick, Babylonian Cults, and Occult Secret Societies29:279. September 2016
YouTube videoDocumentary shortGnosis, Sophia, and the Knights Templar6:0015. September 2016
YouTube videoDocumentary shortAncient Secrets Hidden In Buddhist Caves3:5112. October 2016
YouTube videoDocumentary shortAtlantean Gardens – Atlantis, Inner Earth3:34:1716. October 2016
YouTube videoDocumentary shortSnakes, Serpents, and the Dragon Mythology9:1510. March 2017
YouTube videoDocumentary shortWise as Serpents34:252. April 2017
YouTube videoDocumentary shortBavarian Fairy Tales9:2515. September 2017
YouTube videoDocumentary shortQueens of Heaven14:5911. December 2017
YouTube videoDocumentary shortGreen Man Mythology and Symbolism8:2618. December 2017
Removed YouTube videoDocumentary shortInterracial Cross-Species Hybridization and Human Racial Variation12:3620. March 2018
9. October 2020
YouTube videoDocumentary shortA Brief History of Witches10:539. April 2018
YouTube videoDocumentary shortBaphomet and Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom13:2325. May 2018
YouTube videoDocumentary shortSaturn and the Black Sun23:3620. July 2018
YouTube videoDocumentary shortThe Tribe of Dan12:039. August 2018
Vimeo videoDocumentary shortForbidden History Barry Chamish Robert Sepehr36:034. September 2018
Lecture by Barry Chamish about the Sabbateans, their covert influence on world events, the Illuminati and their connection to the Rothschilds
YouTube videoDocumentary shortThe Hidden Hand of the Rothschild (✡) Banking Family16:067. September 2018

Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Stanley

Audios and videos with and by Robert M. Stanley (*1959) US American corporate journalist for HONDA research and development, researcher of UFOs and ETs, owner, operator and radio host of dissolved Unicus Radio Network, author
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-DateMinutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoInterviewElite controllers, ET-UFOs in Washington DC, and disclosure  
Death of Osama bin Laden
Recorded ~9. May 2011
Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author1:08:45Recorded May 2011
17. May 2011
YouTube videoInterviewArchons the Parasitic Mind Flyers Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author30:4615. December 2013
YouTube audioExcerpted interviewEnki's Luciferian AgendaUS American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host, aired 24. November 201418:0326.·November·2014
A rogue extraterrestrial, Lucifer usurped control of planet Earth from his brethren at the dawn of human civilization. This maneuver led to a civil war within Lucifer's race of ETs and shattered peace accords with other aliens living throughout the galaxy. Lucifer [Enki] and his minions created humans as a slave race and purposely kept them ignorant of their celestial origins by deactivating the ET genetic material found within them.
YouTube audioInterviewMonuments of the Archons – Robert StanleyFreeman TV, host Freeman, film maker, TV producer, radio talk show host, lecturer, author1:11:0425. October 2015
YouTube videoInterviewGoogle false ET Disclosure manipulating images on Google Earth-Moon-Mars?Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author1:40:204. April 2016
Google-AI creating a false "Disclosure" by manipulating images on Google Earth, Google Moon and Google Mars as part of Secret Space Program.
YouTube audioInterview w/ Dr. J181st Interview w/Dr. J on Schizophrenics, Voices, Demonic Possessions, ArchonsThe Unicus Radio Network (dissolved)
guest Dr. Jerry Marzinsky
host Robert Stanley, August 2016
1:57425. August 2018
YouTube audioInterviewAI AND THE ALIEN AGENDAProject Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, US American documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter1:53:5118. August 2016
25 November 2021
Deeted YouTube videoInterviewArchons, Anunnaki & The Controller of Everything,False Light Soul Trap'US American The Leak Project,
host Rex Bear
2:08:4721. September 2016
YouTube videoInterviewRobert Stanley: Good ETs, Bad ETs, Luciferian Agenda, Antiquity, & MoreBlogtalkradio, podcast Nature Of Reality Radio, host Andrew Fisher1:59:4813. October 2016
YouTube videoInterviewArchon Parasites Infected Anunnaki – Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ra, Orion DynastyUS American The Leak Project, host Rex Bear4:54:2112. December 2017
Controlled by the soul parasites (Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ra, Orion Dynasty, Isis Connection)
YouTube audioRadio interviewLuciferians, Sitchin, Possession, EOD 10US American Internet broadcast End of Days Radio, host Daniel Decon2:38:3810. January 2017
YouTube videoInterviewRobert Stanley – The Man Who Met Enki & Lives to Tell About it!!US American The Leak Project, host Rex Bear2:08:471. March 2017
YouTube videoInterviewRobert Stanley with Marc Gray Project Camelot TV 2017Project Camelot Portal, host Mark Gray2:20:321. April 2017
Energy control grid imprinted by the Archons and mental parasites created by Lucifer-Enki influencing human DNA and human minds since millennia, the antidote to Enki’s control scheme harvesting soul food.
Deleted YouTube audioInterviewEnki's Prison Planet |Zecharia Sitchin |A.I., EOD 50End Of Days Radio, founder, host Daniel Decon2:09:1623. July 2017
Bitchute audioRadio interviewThe dark side is real | Robert Stanley KGRA | Jerry Marzinsky 05 11 18The Unicus Radio Network (dissolved),
guest Jerry Marzinsky
host Robert Stanley
1:59:2012. May 2018
YouTube videoInterviewRobert Stanley | Lucifers Matrix of Insanity, EODR 71US American Internet broadcast End of Days Radio, founder, host Daniel Decon3:23:347. June 2018
Stanley had a real life encounter with Lucifer Morningstar himself. He compares Enki from ancient Sumer and Lucifer. Lucifer is likely many different characters from history and mythology.
YouTube videoInterviewEscaping our Simulation / Anunnaki are hereForbidden Knowledge News, host Chris Matthew52:0731. July 2018

Audio and video links (engl.) – Michael Tsarion

Audios and videos with and by Michael Tsarion (*1968) Irish macrohistorian, symbolist, sidereal astrologer, mythologist, occultist, "conspiracy" researcher, public speaker, author

TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-DateMinutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoPresentationThe Destruction of Atlantis
The Destruction Of Atlantis
Bay Area UFO Expo 20011:59:56
17. September 2013
28. July 2017
YouTube videoPresentationThe Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the MediaConspiracy Conference 20031:42:1611. November 2014
YouTube videoPresentationThe Origins of EvilConspiracy Conference, 20051:50:581. September 2018
YouTube videoInterviewAkhenaton, the Cult of Aton – Jews, Zionists, Monotheism, Egyptian Dynasties, part 1
part 2
West Swedish web radio/TV station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 22. June 20069:59
2. August 2014
3. August 2014
Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (18th dynasty) (†1336/1334 BC)) ruled for 17 years. Abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism, he introduced monotheistic or henotheistic Aten worship. Aten was likened to the sun as compared to stars. Official language avoided calling Aten a god, giving the solar deity a status above mere gods.
YouTube TV videoPresentationFreemasonary, Illuminati, Secret SocietiesDissolved Current Issues TV, host Hesham Tillawi, aired June 200655:484. August 2012
YouTube videoInterviewSubversive Use of Sacred Symbolism, part 1, part 2Technology Trends, host Dr. Patrick Bailey, aired ~200711:33
13. April 2011
YouTube videoInterviewSymbol Literacy and the Age of Manipulation, part 1, part 2former Spectrum Radio Network, host James Haarp, aired 29. March 201152:07
17. April 2011
YouTube videoInterviewSymbolism & ControlThe Higherside Chats host Greg Carlwood #111:57:5427. April 2012
YouTube videoPresentationAge of Manipulation, part 3Lexxtex 3184:06:4612. June 2012
YouTube videoInterviewDisciples of the Mysteriumdisciplesofthemysterium1:36:3819. April 2015
YouTube videoPresentationMichael Tsarion – Taroscopes Tour (Collection)The MTSAR Forum1:19:3022. September 2015
YouTube videoPresentationMichael Tsarion – Architects of Control The Black Lodge,
Update 2017
TruthFrequency.com3:28:5724. March 2020
See also: ► Literature (engl.) – Michael Tsarion

Audio and video links (engl.) – Jay Weidner

Documentaries and movies

  • Controversial one-hour video TV special documentary The Mysterious Origins of Man, presented by the US American broadcast network NBC, basic cable and satellite television program The History Channel, first broadcasted 25. February 1996, narrated by Charlton Heston (1923-2008), referring to the research of Michael Cremo (*1948) US American Hindu creationist, archeologist, author
    of Forbidden Archeology, YouTube film, 46:50 minutes duration, posted 25. May 2020

Confirmed by Courtney Brown, Ph.D. (*1952) US American mathematician, professor of social science, department of political science,
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, founder and director of nonprofit research and educational organization The Farsight Institute dedicated
to the study of a phenomenon of nonlocal consciousness known as remote viewing

Celestial planetary dramas a few thousand years ago provoked spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears.

Linkless media offerings

  • Video documentary MIRRORED: The Occult Agenda & Hollywood's War Against God, produced by Adullam Films, Joseph Schimmel, US American pastor of Good Fight Ministries, Crowley historian, documentarian, YouTube film, 2:45:09 duration,
    posted 20. June 2018


Interne Links




1 Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, S. 47, Harcourt, 1949

2 Colin Wilson (1931-2013) English philosopher, novelist, prolific writer on true crime, mysticism and the paranormal, Rasputin and the Fall of the Romanovs, S. 103, Farrar Straus & Company, 1964

3 J. G. Bennett (1897-1974), Witness. The Autobiography of John G. Bennett, S. 126, Omen Press, Tucson, 1974

4 Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, S. 244, Harcourt, 1949

5 Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult, Politics and the Occult. The Left, the Right, and the Radically Unseen, Quest Books, 1st edition 1. November 2008; James Webb (1946-1980) Scottish historian, biographer, The Harmonious Circle. The Lives and Work of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky, and Their Followers, Putnam, New York, 1st edition 1980, Thames and Hudson, London, 2001

6 Luba Gurdjieff, A Memoir with Recipes, S. 3, Ten Spead Press, Berkeley, California, 1993; cited in: Paul Beekman Taylor, Gurdjieff and Orage. Brothers in Elysium, Weiser, 2001

7 Margarita Troitsyna, Joseph Stalin's occult knowledge and experiments, Pravda, 23. June 2011

8 K. Paul Johnson, US American retired public library director, scholar of modern Western esotericism (Theosophy, Edgar Cayce), Initiates of Theosophical Masters, S. 141, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1995

9 The Society of Jesus (SJ) (*1540) is very much based upon the system of the Nizari Ismailis and the Nizari Ismaili doctrine. Crypto-Jewish cofounder of the Jesuits Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) spent time in Jerusalem, from where he brought much of the Assassins' network into the Jesuit order. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) is the modern continuation of the original medieval order of Saint John of Jerusalem ["Fraternitas Hospitalaria"] founded at the first Crusade in Jerusalem (*~1050), later known as the Knights Hospitaller. Jesuits control the Vatican and the Vatican Bank that again controls the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (*1952), the international banking codes of the world, are based on Canon law issued by the Catholic Church. Jesuits wrote the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and control high-level Freemasonry worldwide. At the time of the Dreyfus affair (1894-1906) the Jesuits authored the false flag document The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, composed as a false flag conspiracy to "frame" the Jews for their own actions. The Jesuits control the Zionists (who are Masonic, yet not authentic Jews) and hence the Israelian Secret Service Mossad. The New World (Jesuit) Order and world tyranny: The Jesuit Order, excerpted from the book Torah Zone, presented by fossilizedcustoms.com

10 Victoria Lepage, G.I. Gurdjieff and the Hidden History of the Sufis, New Dawn, 1. March 2008

11 A New World Sufi Order?, Islamic Party of Britain, Autumn 1993

12 Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, The Naqshbandi Sufi Way. History and Guidebook of the Saints of the Golden Chain, KAZI, 1995

13 James Webb (1946-1980) Scottish historian, biographer, The Harmonious Circle. The Lives and Work of G. I. Gurdjieff, P. D. Ouspensky, and Their Followers, Thames and Hudson, London, 2001, Putnam, New York, 1st edition 1980

14 Peter D. Ouspensky (1878-1947) Russian esotericist, student of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous. Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, S. 50, Harcourt, 1949

15 Timothy Leary (1920-1996) US American influential psychologist, writer, advocate for research of psychedelic drugs, CIA government agent, Changing my mind among others, S. 192-193, Prentice-Hall, 1982

16 Poddtoppen 6-part audio interview series The Kubrick Series Uncut: Jay Weidner, presented by Movie Geeks United original series, various length, posted 21. September 2013

17 Article This 200,000 Year-Old City in South Africa Could Rewrite Human History, 22. March 2016

18 Dr. Jerry Marzinsky [Dr. J] US American licensed psychotherapist

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