Links zum Thema Okkulte Forschung und Astrotheologie / Occult research
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) englischer Elektro- und Kommunikationsinginieur, Mathematiker, Wissenschaftler, Autor,
Die ersten Götter – Kulturgründer von jenseits des Himmels, Heyne, München, 1999
- John Anthony West (1932-2018) US-amerikanischer Pythagorasgelehrter, Befürworter der Sphinx-Wassererosionshypothese in der Geologie, Vortragsredner, Autor, Die Schlange am Firmament. Die Weisheit des alten Ägypten, Zweitausendeins, 1. Auflage 1. Januar 2000
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) englischer Elektro- und Kommunikationsinginieur, Mathematiker, Wissenschaftler, Autor,
Adrian G. Gilbert, Die Prophezeiungen der Maya. Das geheime Wissen einer untergegangenen Zivilisation, Econ, 2000
- U. G. Krishnamurti (1918-2007) indischer Philosoph, Hinterfrager des Erleuchtungszustands, Referent, Autor, Mythos Mind – Märchenhafter Verstand: Beunruhigende Gespräche mit einem beunruhigenden Menschen, Noumenon, 12. Februar 2010
- Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor, Unwirkliche Wirklichkeiten. Zur Wissenssoziologie von Verschwörungstheorien, Logos Berlin, 28. Februar 2011
- David Wilcock (*1973) US-amerikanischer Bewusstseinsforscher, mystischer Filmproduzent, Dozent, Autor, Die Urfeld-Forschungen, Kopp Verlag, 1. Juni 2012
- Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor, Michael Schetsche, Herausgeber, Michael K. Walter, Herausgeber, Konspiration. Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens, Springer VS,
30. November 2013
- Dieter Broers (*1951) deutscher Biophysiker, interdisziplinärer Forscher, Autor, Der verratene Himmel. Rückkehr nach Eden, Dieter Broers Verlag, 5. ergänzte Auflage 4. Oktober 2014
Literature (engl.)
- Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. (1904-1987) US American mythologist, expert in comparative mythology and comparative religion, author, The Mythic Image,
- Graham Hancock (*1950) British archeo-astronomist, shamanic seeker, journalist, writer, The Message
of the Sphinx. A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind,
- Charles H. Hapgood, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age,
- Giorgio de Santillana, Hamlet's Mill. An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge And Its Transmission Through Myth,
- John Michell, The Dimensions of Paradise: Sacred Geometry, Ancient Science, and the Heavenly Order on Earth,
- David Hatcher Childress, Technology of the Gods. The Incredible Sciences of the Ancients,
- Rand and Rose Flem-Ath, When the Sky Fell. In Search of Atlantis,
- Peter Lemesurier, Decoding the Great Pyramid,
Referring to French alchemist Fulcanelli [Pseudonym] (*1877) spurring a revival of interest in the occult during the 1960s and '70s
- Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) Canadian-born mystic, occultist, 33rd degree Freemason, author, most important work: The Secret Teachings of All Ages. An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, 1928, version of the free Internet archive Sacred Texts, Philosophical Research Society,
new edition June 1978, Dover Publication, new edition 28. January 2011
- John Anthony West (1932-2018) US American Pythagorean scholar, proponent of Sphinx water erosion hypothesis in geology, guide, lecturer, author, Serpent in the Sky. The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Quest Books, 1979, 2nd edtion 1. May 1993
- David Wood, English author, Genisis. The First Book of Revelations, The Baton Press, 1st edition 1. January 1985
Alternative source: Genisis
- Michael Howard (1948-2015) was an English practitioner of Luciferian Witchcraft, editor of The Cauldron magazine (1976-2015), author on esoteric topics, The Occult Conspiracy. Secret Societies – Their Influence and Power in World History, Destiny Books, 1. August 1989
Freemasons, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Assassins, Thulists, Order of the Black Hand
Darwin's evolutionism and model of macro evolution (Cro-Magnon man descended from the homonids) is an unfounded fiction. Lloyd maintains that humans were genetically engineered by an extraterrestrial race (Nefilim/Annunaki) to serve as their slaves. References made to Biblical Creationism, Bigfoot creatures, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010), Earth Chronicles series, Robert K. G. Temple, Nommo and The Sirius Mystery, Cremo and Thompson, Forbidden Archeology, Graham Hancock, William Bramley, the Pleiadians, Murray Hope and the Pschats.
- Steve Quayle, US American radio host, photographer, author, Genesis 6. Giants Master Builders of Prehistoric and Ancient Civilizations, End Time Thunder Publications, April 2002
- George W. Carey (1845-1924) US American physician, author on the ‘chemistry of life’, Inez Eudora Perry, Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation, Kessinger Publishing, reprint issue 29. January 2003
- Tom Cheetham, Ph.D., US American associate professor of biology and environmental studies, Wilson College, Pennsylvania, systematic entomologist, philosopher, author, Green Man, Earth Angel. The Prophetic Tradition and the Battle for the Soul of the World, State University of New York Press (SUNY series in Western Esoteric Traditions), Kindle edition 4. November 2004
- Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult,
A Dark Muse. A History of the Occult, Dedalus, United Kingdom, September 2003, Thunder's Mouth Press, US, 29. December 2004
- William F. Mann, Canadian author, The Knights Templar in the New World.
How Henry Sinclair Brought the Grail to Acadia, Destiny Books, 1st edition 3. March 2004
Blending Pythagorean geometry, hermetic wisdom, and secrets of Freemasonry
- Susanna Clarke, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, Bt Bloomsbury Taschenbuch Verlag, 1st black edition 1. October 2005
- William F. Mann, Canadian author, The Templar Meridians. The Secret Mapping of the New World, Destiny Books, 1st edition
23. January 2006
- John Lawrence Reynolds (*1939) Canadian author of fiction and non-fiction books, Secret Societies. Inside the World's Most Notorious Organizations, Arcade Publishing, 7. September 2006
- Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult, Politics and the Occult. The Left, the Right, and the Radically Unseen, Quest Books, 1st edition 1. November 2008
- Mac Tonnies (1975-2009) US American blogger focused on futurology, transhumanism and paranormal topics, author,
The Cryptoterrestrials. A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us, Anomalist Books, 1. March 2010
- Pierre Sabak, US American researcher, illustrator, author, The Murder of Reality. Hidden Symbolism of the Dragon (Serpentigena), Serpentigena Publications, 1st edition March 2010
Most comprehensive works on the Serpent Race
- Deborah E. Harkness, US American historian, novelist, A Discovery of Witches. A Novel, All Souls Trilogy, Book 1,
Viking Adult, 1st edition 8. February 2011
- Deborah E. Harkness, US American historian, novelist, Shadow of Night. A Novel, All Souls Trilogy (Book 2), Viking Adult,
1st edition 10. July 2012
- Michael Tsarion, Reading List and Sources, presented by the website
Alternative History (General) Ancient Scriptures Astro-Theology, Religion Atlantis, Pre-Diluvian Civilization British Israelite Celtic, Irish, Aryans Christianity, Bible, Gnosticism Egypt History (official) Judaism Masonry, Templars, Illuminati, Secret Societies Rome, Vatican, Jesuits Movies & Webstream Relevant Websites (on all subjects) Rare Book Find Sites
- David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, The Source Field Investigations. The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies, Dutton Adult, 1st hardcover edition
23. August 2011, Plume, reprint edition 31. July 2012
- Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult, Mysterious Universe. Madame Helena Blavatsky, Tarcher, 25. October 2012
- Philip Coppens (1971-2012) Belgian radio host, investigative journalist, author, The Lost Civilization Enigma. A New Inquiry Into the Existence of Ancient Cities, Cultures, and Peoples Who Pre-Date Recorded History, New Page Books, 1st edition
31. October 2012
Gobekli Tepe, Catal Hayak, Cayonu, Neveli Core in Turkey, Calanish in the Hebrides, the Tassili paintings and carvings in the western Sahara, Doggerland in the North Sea, the pyramids of Caral in Peru, the copper mines in Michigan dating back 3,000 BC, Southern African mines dating back 100,000 to 150,000 years
- Peter Levenda, US American author on occult history and esoteric nazism, The Hitler Legacy. The Nazi Cult in Diaspora.
How it was Organized, How it was Funded, and Why it Remains a Threat to Global Security in the Age of Terrorism, Ibis Press, 8. November 2014
- David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, The Ascension Mysteries: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil, Dutton, 30. August 2016
Literature (engl.) – Maurice M. Cotterell
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author, Adrian G. Gilbert, The Mayan Prophecies. Unlocking the Secrets of a Lost Civilisation, Element, new edition 5. September 1996
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author, The Supergods. They came on a mission to save mankind, Thorsons, 16. June 1997
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author, The Tutankhamun Prophecies. The Sacred Secret of the Mayas, Egyptians and Freemasons, Headline Book Publishing,
1st edition 28. January 1999, new edition, 2. March 2000
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author, The Lost Tomb of Viracocha. Unlocking the Secrets of the Peruvian Pyramids, Headline Book Publishing, 1st edition 25. January 2001
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author, The Terracotta Warriors. The Secret Codes of the Emperor's Army, Headline Book Publishing, new edition 2. February 2004
- Maurice M. Cotterell (*1951) British electrical and communications engineer, mathematician, scientist, author
Literature (engl.) – Michael Tsarion
Michael Tsarion (*1968) Irish macrohistorian, symbolist, sidereal astrologer, mythologist, occultist, "conspiracy" researcher, public speaker, author ––– Amazon book list
- Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation, Angels at Work Publishing, 6th printing edition 1. August 2006
- The Suppressed History of America: The Murder of Meriwether Lewis and the Mysterious Discoveries of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Kindle edition 20. May 2011
- Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology, Kindle edition, 29. January 2012
- The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume One, Unslaved Media,
27. February 2012
- The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume Two. Akhenaton, the Cult of Aton & Dark Side of the Sun, Kindle edition, 27. February 2012
- The Irish Origins of Civilization, Volume Two, Unslaved Media, 5. March 2012
- The Trees of Life. Exposing the Art of Holy Deception, Vol 1, Kindle edition, 24. March 2012
- The Trees of Life. Exposing the Art of Holy Deception, Vol 2, Kindle edition, 24. March 2012
- Disciples of the Mysterium. An Inquiry into Selfhood, Kindle edition, 21. December 2012
- Path of the Fool. Meanings of the Major and Minor Arcana, Kindle edition, 7. February 2013
- Schelling. Understanding German Idealism, Kindle edition, 5. July 2016
- Cards on Houses. Constructing Your Taroscopic Natal and Year Charts, 5. July 2016
- Dragon Mother. A New Look at the Female Psyche, Kindle edition, 24. July 2017
Externe Weblinks
- Abraham von Worms (~1362-15. Jht.) [Abraham ben Rabbi Shimon bar Jehuda ben Rabbi Shimon], Buch der wahren
Praktik in der uralten göttlichen Magie, Peter Hammer Verlag, Köln am Rhein, 1725
External web links (engl.)
- Wikipedia entries Astrolatry, Esoteric Hitlerism, Hermeticism, Isaac Newton's occult studies, Magic square, Hypostasis of the Archons, Occult, Occultism, The Book of the Sacred Magic by Abramelin the Mage [Abraham von Worms]
- Personalities Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Maria the Jewess [Maria Prophetissa, Miriam the Prophetess] (~1st-3rd centuries AD) Egyptian inventor, first nonfictitious alchemist in the Western world, Eliphas Levi (1810-1875)
- Five interviews with Dr. Jamisson Neruda, The Neruda Interviews. The back-story of the WingMakers. The reality of The Grand Portal. Everywhere in-between., PDF, presented by the website, journalist named Sarah, (1-3) 1999, (4) November 2002, (5) April 2014
- George Green (†2017) US American former Neocon insider, Beware the Ides of March, 24. January 2006
- Article Eliphas Levi. The Man Behind Baphomet, presented by the website Templar Mysteries, 1. April 2010
- Article and video Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World Documents the Life of the Bizarre Occultist, Poet & Mountaineer, presented by the publication Open Culture, 20. March 2014
- Article Ghost in the Cloud. Transhumanism's simulation theology, presented by the magazine N+1, Meghan O'Gieblyn,
issue 28, spring 2017
- Article Occult Mysteries FAQ. Frequently asked questions about the Occult answered, presented by,
last updated 30. March 2018
Linkless articles
- Article by David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, Occult Secrets of the Dalai Lama, presented by the dissolved blospot, 23. March 2014
Audio- und Videolinks
- Fernsehdokumentation und Diskussionsrunde zum Thema Mythos Verschwörung?, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender 3Sat, Sendung Scobel, Gastgeber Gert Scobel (*1959) deutscher Philosoph, Fernsehmoderator, Journalist, Autor, Gastdiskutierende: Andreas von Bülow, deutscher Jurist, ehemaliger Teilnehmer einer Bilderberg-Konferenz, Autor, Dr. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER), Dr. Thomas Grüter (*1957) deutscher Mediziner, Softwareunternehmer, Gesichtserkennungsforscher, Universität Wien, Universität Bamberg, Autor, Erstsendetermin 6. September 2012, YouTube Film, 58:03 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 16. April 2016
- Audiointerview mit Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor, Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Webradiosender CropFM, Gastgeber
Tarek Al-Ubaidi, ~90 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 7. Februar 2014
Orthodoxe (offiziell herausgegebene und anerkannte) und heterodoxe (allgemein verworfene) Verschwörungstheorien (am Beispiel der Anschläge des 11. September 2001), Überzeugungssystemen und den Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit in modernen Gesellschaften
Audio- und Videolinks – Jordan Maxwell
Audios und Videos über Astrotheologie, religiöse Symbolik, systemische Versklavung von und mit Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US-amerikanischer esoterischer Gelehrter, Radioshow-Moderator, Dozent, Autor
Audio and video links (engl.)
- Articles and audio interviews with Robert Bruce Baird, US American multidisciplinary researcher
- Video presentation by John Anthony West (1932-2018) US American Pythagorean scholar, proponent of Sphinx water erosion hypothesis in geology, guide, lecturer, author of The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt and Serpent in the Sky. The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, John Anthony West on Early Egyptian Civilizations, sponsored by the Binary Research Institute, CPAK Conference, University of California, Irvine, 2006, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 26:03 minutes duration, posted November 2006 Subject to fee
Referring to the work of French mathematician and orientalist R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
- Video interview with John Anthony West (1932-2018) US American Pythagorean scholar, proponent of Sphinx water erosion hypothesis in geology, guide, lecturer, author, John Anthony West on Alternative Egypt, sponsored by the Binary Research Institute, CPAK Conference, 2007, presented by the
US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 30:50 minutes duration, posted December 2007 Subject to fee
Referring to the French mathematician and Orientalist R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz' work
- 3 part video series produced by Manxgrail, host by John Shimmin, YouTube film, December 2007
Neolithic Earth Goddess agrarian mythology into Medieval knighthood
- Video presentation by Graham Hancock (*1950) British archeo-astronomist, shamanic seeker, journalist, writer, Graham Hancock, his fact findings views on our Ancient past, YouTube film, 25:49 minutes duration, posted
27. December 2010
- Video presentation by Michael Tellinger South African songwriter, scientist, explorer, speaker, author, Michael Tellinger – Ancient Technology & The Ubuntu Movement (EN,NL Subs), sponsored by non-profit volunteer-powered organization The Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM), "Breakthrough Energy Movement" conference, Holland, recorded 2012, YouTube film, 2:02:35 duration, posted 13. March 2017
The first civilisation on Earth was not in Sumer some 6000 years ago. Scientific archaeological discoveries by Michael Tellinger show that the Sumerians and Egyptians inherited their knowledge from an earlier vanished civilization in southern Africa more than 200,000 years ago mining gold. See:
- Audio interview with Philip Coppens (1971-2012) Belgian radio host, investigative journalist, author, The Enigma of Ancient Civilizations, presented by US web radio station Just Energy Radio, host Dr. Rita Louise, US American soul healer, YouTube film, 55:42 minutes duration, posted 9. September 2012
- Video interview with Mac Tonnies (1975-2009) US American blogger focused on futurology, transhumanism and paranormal topics, author, The Cryptoterrestrials – Archons, presented by host Paul Kimball, Kansas City, May 2006, YouTube film,
3:25 minutes duration, posted 30. October 2012
- Audio radio interview with James C. Horak (*1943) US American independent researcher, radio host, Napoleon in the Great Pyramid. Changing History through Time Manipulation, presented by the US American web radio station, host Crystal Clark, aired 19. July 2013, YouTube film, 1:18:37 duration, posted 23. July 2013
In 1798 Napoleon spent a staged night alone in the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. Emerged from it he looked visibly shaken. He refused to ever comment on the event. Unsubstantiated legends say he was given some vision of his destiny during his stay in the King's Chamber. Having been implanted with a micro chip, the ardent supporter of the French Revolution turned into an egomaniac who crowned himself as emperor. See also: Text Alien intervention throughout human history? Scientists stumble on possible proof., Gregory Brewer, Sacramento UFO Examiner, 19. February 2010
- Audio interview with Courtney Brown, Ph.D. (*1952) US American mathematician, professor of social science, department of political science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, founder and director of nonprofit research and educational organization The Farsight Institute dedicated to the study of a phenomenon of nonlocal consciousness known as remote viewing, presented by the podcaster, host Greg Moffitt, YouTube film, September 2013
- Video interview with Freddy Silva, Portugese-British researcher of ancient systems of knowledge and the interaction between temples and consciousness, director of the documentaries, author, First Templar Nation with Freddy Silva, presented by Miriam Knight, publisher and host British broadcast station New Consciousness Review, YouTube film, 52:20 minutes duration, posted 28. November 2013
- Audio interview with Randy Mabe, US American astrotheology researcher, Astrotheology Fact or Fiction w Randy Mabe, edition #188, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, YouTube film, 2:15:01 duration, recorded 27. December 2013, posted 29. January 2020
- Audio interview with Philip Coppens (1971-2012) Belgian radio host, investigative journalist, author, Philip Coppens Ancient Aliens Interview, presented by the US American webcast hub Lotus Guide, host Rahasya Poe, YouTube film, 40:51 minutes duration, recorded 2012, posted 16. November 2016
- Audio interview with David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, Author David Livingstone discusses his new work Ordo Ab Chao., presented by the YouTube podcast channel William Ramsey Investigates, host William Ramsey, YouTube film, 51:40 minutes duration, posted 11. December 2020
Linkless media offerings
- Anunnaki Secret History on Earth, featuring Michael Cremo (*1948) US American Hindu creationist, archeologist, YouTube film, 10:48 minutes duration, posted 16. March 2009
Audio and video links (engl.) – Santos Bonacci
- Video presentation by Santos Bonacci, Australian astrotheologist of the Universal Truth School, lecturer, Prisca Theologia (The Ancient Theology) The Ancient Theology Occult Science, part 1 of 22, series 3/3, YouTube film, 1:44:44 duration, posted 25. January 2012
Audio and video links (engl.) – Maurice M. Cotterell
Audio and video links (engl.) – Joseph P. Farrell
Joseph P. Farrell's YouTube video playlist
- Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Scott D. de Hart, Ph.D., US American philosopher, scholar in theology, author, Yahweh The TWO FACED God Of The Bible J P Farrell 1 of 2, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma, YouTube film, 3:12:55 duration, aired 26. January 2012, posted 2. December 2017
- Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Fantastic Interview with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Hour One – TRUST YOUR OWN MIND – 10/11/2012, presented by the Canadian website theworldwasmeanttobefree, host Senseidave82, martial artist, Altcensored film, 1:10:57 duration, aired 11. October 2012, posted 15. October 2012
- Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Scott D. de Hart, Ph.D., US American philosopher, scholar in theology, author, Transhumanism,
presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †, Talihina, Oklahoma, YouTube film, 2:02:04 duration, aired and posted 28. October 2012
- Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, Cultural Transitions Part 5, presented by the dissolved The Byte Show, host GeorgeAnn Hughes †,
Talihina, Oklahoma, YouTube film, 2:24:10 duration, aired 21. March 2013, posted 23. March 2013
Linkless media offerings
- Audio interview with Joseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics, The Grid of the Gods, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, 1:01:50 duration, aired 16. October 2011
Audio and video links (engl.) – Manly Palmer Hall
- Audio lecture by Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) Canadian-born mystic, occultist, 33rd degree Freemason, author, Atlantis and the Gods of Antiquity | AGE OF ICHOR, location and delivery date unknown, YouTube film, 1:16:43 duration, posted 20. July 2011, reposted 14. February 2020
- Audio lecture by Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) Canadian-born mystic, occultist, 33rd degree Freemason, author, Jacobs Ladder that Leads to the Stars – Manly P. Hall, location and delivery date unknown, YouTube film, 1:16:08 duration, posted 30. August 2021
Audio and video links (engl.) – John Lash
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Artificial Technomania of the Archons, Gnosticism and Artificial Technomania of the Archons, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 10. February 2008, YouTube film, 56:25 minutes duration, posted 18. February 2011
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Origin of Religion, Entheogens, Wasson and Black Magic Pharmacology, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 18. May 2008
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism, the Occult & the Globalist Elite, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 7. January 2010, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism and The Antichrist, YouTube film, 1:11:59 minutes duration, posted 20. December 2011
Alternative source in 7 parts, YouTube film, posted 13. October 2016
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Encounters with The Supernatural, presented by the Atlantis3D Radio, host Jason Thompson, recorded
14. May 2011, 1:40:54 duration, posted 20. July 2012
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Judy Wood, Ph.D.,, US American former professor of mechanical engineering, Virginia Tech, Dr. Judy Wood and John Lash. The quintessential talk on 911, presented by the Blogtalkradio show Grok The Talk, host Thomas Malone, Japan, aired 6. September 2011, 2:11:08 duration, posted 18. September 2011
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Direct Access to The Divine, presented by the radio show The Stench of Truth, host Ted Torbich, recorded
16. December 2011, YouTube film, 1:46:41 duration, posted 12. July 2012
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, The Archons and Gnosticism, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, 22. November 2012, YouTube film, 58:29 minutes duration, aired 16. December 2012
Ancient Gnostic texts state that Jehovah is the "Lord Archon," the commander of the Archon species. He is a reptilian type of alien predator who dominates the Grey aliens. Gnostics called Jehovah Yaldabaoth. Dwelling in the planetary system, Jehovah is a demented alien with certain superhuman or deific powers. He is not more evolved than humans, yet has infected humanity with the belief that he is their creator god. The Archons, extra-dimensional entities, interacted with the Elites controlling this planet. The Vatican sought the complete and utter destruction of the Gnostics and their scriptures.
"The resonance of truth is preserved in the oral teachings [transmitted through the voice of people who embody them]." Minute 13:21
Linkless media offerings
- Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric researcher, mystic, author, Nag Hammadi, Sophia Myth, Archons, Sumerian and Annunaki Dis-Info, presented by the Blogtalkradio show Grok The Talk, episode 1, host Thomas Malone, Japan, aired 10. January 2011, 2:08:10 duration, posted 1. October 2011
Audio and video links (engl.) – Jordan Maxwell
Audios and videos on astrotheology, religious symbology and systemic enslavement by Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Presentation | Gnosis – Ancient Belief Systems – Jordan Maxwell | Lightworks Audio & Video, IRES International Research and Educational Society | 51:07 Starting 11:15 | 1991 19. June 2014 |
Biblical lore is based on astrotheology, the worship of Sun (God's Son) in the heavens. Christianity and other religions are a derivative of 1) a stellar cult, 2) a lunar (Hebrew) cult, 3) a solar cult (derived from Egyptian Mystery Schools). |
YouTube video | Interview | What is the Illuminati – Jordan Maxwell, Anthony J. Hilder 1993 Millennium 2000 video playlist | Xendrius channel, host Terry Cook, recorded 1993 | 48:02 | 8. January 2018 13. February 2021 |
YouTube video | Presentation | The Inner World Of The Occult (2001) – The Cult of Saturn | The Republic Forum, Los Angeles, California, 3. January 2001 | 3:00:10 | [1. September 2012] 5. November 2019 |
Saturn (El) worship is the basis for the Abrahamic book religions. The deity El is the origin of words such as Elite, Elders, the Elect and temple. Saturn worship is still very important to the secret societies, the powers that were. |
"98% of all Judaism is a worship of the planet Saturn." Minute 18 Saturn was called EL, from which is derived TempEL, ELements, ELders, ELection, ELevation, ELectricity. |
"Christ is merely oil, and oil was used to anoint kings and princes. […] All of the ancient world put it on the head of the kings and princes. And therefore you were anointed. The word 'anoint' was a word that was used in relation to sex. The king always represented the penis head. The king was always the big cock in town. […] He was the major penis head. He was the major man. He represented the male fertility. And all the women belonged to him. He was the king. So he represented the male phallic. And in the ancient world they always lubricated the head of the male phallic in sex. That's why you would anoint the head of the king. The head of the king represents the head of the penis. The whole concept of men ruling the world is a sexual thing. It's been around for thousands of years – the war between male and female. That's a war going on between male and female." Minute 2:41:12 Christ = Anointed One = oiling the penis of the king, Lord = Lard |
"Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is nothing more than the triune God. The triune God is nothing more than the sun in the rising, the sun at 12 noon, and the sun in the evening, the newborn, the fullgrown, and the man that dies. It is still the sun, the sun in the morning, at noon and at night. The one God is a sun in its three points in his life." Minute 2:49:30 |
YouTube video | Presentation / Q&A | Jordan Maxwell The Inner World of the Occult | The Republic Forum, December 2002 | 3:00:10 | [22. May 2013] 19. October 2022 |
YouTube video | Interview | The Chief Cornerstone – Jordan Maxwell | The Republic Forum, Los Angeles, California, recorded early 2000s | 2:27:07 | [8. April 2012] 3. November 2019 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Jordan Maxwell – Astro-Theology (The Root of All Religions) 09/30/2018 YouTube query | The Republic Forum, Los Angeles, California recorded early 2000s | 3:14:12 starting 42:50 | [2. February 2010] 1. October 2018 |
Jordan Maxwell: "It was from these meager, distressful conditions of the human race that our long history of the search for God and meaning has come. Any evolution, at its most accelerated rate, is always agonizingly slow. But from the beginning, man's profound questions demanded answers. When no clear answers were forthcoming from the universe, man turned inward, and developed his own. Keep in mind that all the theological teachings of the Western World were developed in the Northern Hemisphere. The study of this subject is properly called – Astrotheology, or "The Worship of the Heavens"." |
YouTube video | Presentation | Magic Dominates the World – Jordan Maxwell' | Ancient Mysteries and Lost Arts Media, recorded 2003 | 1:29:40 23:25 | 9. January 2019 12. July 2022 |
Saturn(El) worship is the basis for the Abrahamic book religions. The deity El is the origin of words such as Elite, Elders, the Elect and temple. Saturn worship is still very important to the secret societies, the powers that were. |
YouTube video | Interview | Jordan Maxwell: The Human Deception. | US American Truth Frequency Radio, hosts Chris and Sheree Geo, recorded 4. March 2010 | 2:23:37 | 7. August 2014 |
YouTube video | Interview | US Corporation, UCC Maritime Admiralty Law, Occult Symbolism – Jordan Maxwell | COTO Report, host Megan Kargher, Los Angeles, recorded ~2010 | 1:27:44 | 8. December 2016 |
YouTube audio | Radio interview | Vatican Secrets by Jordan Maxwell | Truth Frequency Radio, hosts Chris and Sheree Geo | 1:38:53 | 18. January 2012 |
Dailymotion video | Interview | Jeff Rense & Jordan Maxwell – The Whole Human Race Is Under Arrest | US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense, US American independent investigative researcher, journalist | 15:09 | [7. May 2013 ] 2015 |
YouTube audio | Radio interview | Jordan Maxwell Islam, Christianity & Judaism | British podcast The Richie Allen Show, host Richie Allen | 1:30:25 | Aired 20. October 2015 Posted 25. September 2019 |
YouTube video | Interview | The Zombie's Awakening – Jordan Maxwell – Toxic Religion | Projectgaia 1 | 1:12:56 | 1. August 2017 26. October 2019 |
YouTube video | Interview | Illuminati & The Black Magic Underworld | Danish TV network and online community Age Of Truth TV, host Lucas Alexander, filmed in Boulder, Denver, Colorado, 20. January 2018 | 1:45:50 | 15. October 2018 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Lloyd Pye
- Video seminal lecture by Lloyd Pye (1946-2013) US American paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull, author, Everything You Know Is Wrong, sponsored by the International UFO Congress, winter seminar 1999, YouTube film, 1:58:34 duration, posted 23. April 2014
Human origins and enslavement as a species 200,000 to 250,000 years ago
Age of the Sphinx? Builders of the Pyramids? Origin of Aswan Obelisk and other megaliths? Lloyd Pye scientifically refutes the ability of stone age humans to create such structures 15,000 years ago.
Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Sepehr
Audios and videos by Robert Sepehr, US American producer, anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, paleobiology (archeogenetics), producer, author, presented by tolerancethroughknow and the YouTube channel Atlantean Gardens
Type | Offering | Title ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location | Duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Documentary short | The Lurianic Kabbalah | 5:06 | 26. May 2016 |
Facebook video | Documentary short | Inner Earth | 38:25 | 3. July 2016 |
According to certain Buddhist and Hindu traditions, secret tunnels connect the surface with a subterranean paradise. This legendary underworld ['place of tranquility'] is called Agartha or Shamballah Sanskrit name. Mythologies throughout the world, from South America to the Arctic, describe numerous entrances to these fabled inner kingdoms. Operation Highjump, largely classified, have been shrouded in secrecy, while scientific revelations validate the rumors. |
Facebook video | Documentary short | Book of Enoch: the Watchers | 5:48 | [24. July 2016] 6. February 2017 |
Enoch is a very important and revered figure in Biblical literature, described as the seventh generation from Adam, and the great-grandfather of Noah. See: The Book of Enoch |
Deleted YouTube video | Documentary short | Secrets of Vril and Neuschwabenland, Antarctica | 17:10 | 30. June 2016 |
The Philadelphia Experiment is said to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy to test invisibility and manipulate space-time. Possibly Nikola Tesla helped create the worlds first time machine? Free energy technology has been suppressed. |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Jesuits and Occult Secret Societies | 6:20 | 1. August 2016 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Astro-theology and Great Cycles of Time | 6:49 | 4. August 2016 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Sacred Temple Prostitution and Ancient Goddess Cult Worship | 8:09 | 9. August 2016 |
Facebook video | Documentary short | An old Irish legend about an ancient Egyptian princess | 9:38 | 16. August 2016 |
Ireland's long history is riddled with folklore, ancient mythology, and ancient societies, such as the Druids. Scota, in Irish legend, is the name given to the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh. |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Occult History of the Ages | 16:51 | 18. August 2016 |
Facebook video | Documentary short | Occult History of the Ages | 17:42 | 18. August 2016 |
Lama is the Sumerian Goddess of intercession and protection, acting as an intermediary between the people and the Gods. |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Ancient Sumerian History and Anunnaki Culture | 8:12 | 23. August 2016 |
Deleted YouTube video | Documentary short | Black Magick, Babylonian Cults, and Occult Secret Societies | 29:27 | 9. September 2016 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Gnosis, Sophia, and the Knights Templar | 6:00 | 15. September 2016 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Ancient Secrets Hidden In Buddhist Caves | 3:51 | 12. October 2016 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Atlantean Gardens – Atlantis, Inner Earth | 3:34:17 | 16. October 2016 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Snakes, Serpents, and the Dragon Mythology | 9:15 | 10. March 2017 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Wise as Serpents | 34:25 | 2. April 2017 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Bavarian Fairy Tales | 9:25 | 15. September 2017 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Queens of Heaven | 14:59 | 11. December 2017 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Green Man Mythology and Symbolism | 8:26 | 18. December 2017 |
Removed YouTube video | Documentary short | Interracial Cross-Species Hybridization and Human Racial Variation | 12:36 | 20. March 2018 9. October 2020 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | A Brief History of Witches | 10:53 | 9. April 2018 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Baphomet and Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom | 13:23 | 25. May 2018 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | Saturn and the Black Sun | 23:36 | 20. July 2018 |
YouTube video | Documentary short | The Tribe of Dan | 12:03 | 9. August 2018 |
Vimeo video | Documentary short | Forbidden History Barry Chamish Robert Sepehr | 36:03 | 4. September 2018 |
Lecture by Barry Chamish about the Sabbateans, their covert influence on world events, the Illuminati and their connection to the Rothschilds |
YouTube video | Documentary short | The Hidden Hand of the Rothschild (✡) Banking Family | 16:06 | 7. September 2018 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Stanley
Audios and videos with and by Robert M. Stanley (*1959) US American corporate journalist for HONDA research and development, researcher of UFOs and ETs, owner, operator and radio host of dissolved Unicus Radio Network, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview | Elite controllers, ET-UFOs in Washington DC, and disclosure Death of Osama bin Laden Recorded ~9. May 2011 | Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author | 1:08:45 | Recorded May 2011 17. May 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview | Archons the Parasitic Mind Flyers | Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author | 30:46 | 15. December 2013 |
YouTube audio | Excerpted interview | Enki's Luciferian Agenda | US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host, aired 24. November 2014 | 18:03 | 26.·November·2014 |
A rogue extraterrestrial, Lucifer usurped control of planet Earth from his brethren at the dawn of human civilization. This maneuver led to a civil war within Lucifer's race of ETs and shattered peace accords with other aliens living throughout the galaxy. Lucifer [Enki] and his minions created humans as a slave race and purposely kept them ignorant of their celestial origins by deactivating the ET genetic material found within them. |
YouTube audio | Interview | Monuments of the Archons – Robert Stanley | Freeman TV, host Freeman, film maker, TV producer, radio talk show host, lecturer, author | 1:11:04 | 25. October 2015 |
YouTube video | Interview | Google false ET Disclosure manipulating images on Google Earth-Moon-Mars? | Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author | 1:40:20 | 4. April 2016 |
Google-AI creating a false "Disclosure" by manipulating images on Google Earth, Google Moon and Google Mars as part of Secret Space Program. |
YouTube audio | Interview w/ Dr. J | 1st Interview w/Dr. J on Schizophrenics, Voices, Demonic Possessions, Archons | The Unicus Radio Network (dissolved) guest Dr. Jerry Marzinsky host Robert Stanley, August 2016 | 1:5742 | 5. August 2018 |
YouTube audio | Interview | AI AND THE ALIEN AGENDA | Project Camelot Portal, founder, CEO, host Kerry Cassidy, US American documentary filmmaker, investigative reporter | 1:53:51 | 18. August 2016 25 November 2021 |
Deeted YouTube video | Interview | Archons, Anunnaki & The Controller of Everything,False Light Soul Trap' | US American The Leak Project, host Rex Bear | 2:08:47 | 21. September 2016 |
YouTube video | Interview | Robert Stanley: Good ETs, Bad ETs, Luciferian Agenda, Antiquity, & More | Blogtalkradio, podcast Nature Of Reality Radio, host Andrew Fisher | 1:59:48 | 13. October 2016 |
YouTube video | Interview | Archon Parasites Infected Anunnaki – Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ra, Orion Dynasty | US American The Leak Project, host Rex Bear | 4:54:21 | 12. December 2017 |
Controlled by the soul parasites (Enki, Enlil, Marduk, Ra, Orion Dynasty, Isis Connection) |
YouTube audio | Radio interview | Luciferians, Sitchin, Possession, EOD 10 | US American Internet broadcast End of Days Radio, host Daniel Decon | 2:38:38 | 10. January 2017 |
YouTube video | Interview | Robert Stanley – The Man Who Met Enki & Lives to Tell About it!! | US American The Leak Project, host Rex Bear | 2:08:47 | 1. March 2017 |
YouTube video | Interview | Robert Stanley with Marc Gray Project Camelot TV 2017 | Project Camelot Portal, host Mark Gray | 2:20:32 | 1. April 2017 |
Energy control grid imprinted by the Archons and mental parasites created by Lucifer-Enki influencing human DNA and human minds since millennia, the antidote to Enki’s control scheme harvesting soul food. |
Deleted YouTube audio | Interview | Enki's Prison Planet |Zecharia Sitchin |A.I., EOD 50 | End Of Days Radio, founder, host Daniel Decon | 2:09:16 | 23. July 2017 |
Bitchute audio | Radio interview | The dark side is real | Robert Stanley KGRA | Jerry Marzinsky 05 11 18 | The Unicus Radio Network (dissolved), guest Jerry Marzinsky host Robert Stanley | 1:59:20 | 12. May 2018 |
YouTube video | Interview | Robert Stanley | Lucifers Matrix of Insanity, EODR 71 | US American Internet broadcast End of Days Radio, founder, host Daniel Decon | 3:23:34 | 7. June 2018 |
Stanley had a real life encounter with Lucifer Morningstar himself. He compares Enki from ancient Sumer and Lucifer. Lucifer is likely many different characters from history and mythology. |
YouTube video | Interview | Escaping our Simulation / Anunnaki are here | Forbidden Knowledge News, host Chris Matthew | 52:07 | 31. July 2018 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Michael Tsarion
Audios and videos with and by Michael Tsarion (*1968) Irish macrohistorian, symbolist, sidereal astrologer, mythologist, occultist, "conspiracy" researcher, public speaker, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Presentation | The Destruction of Atlantis The Destruction Of Atlantis | Bay Area UFO Expo 2001 | 1:59:56 2:01:47 | 17. September 2013 28. July 2017 |
YouTube video | Presentation | The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media | Conspiracy Conference 2003 | 1:42:16 | 11. November 2014 |
YouTube video | Presentation | The Origins of Evil | Conspiracy Conference, 2005 | 1:50:58 | 1. September 2018 |
YouTube video | Interview | Akhenaton, the Cult of Aton – Jews, Zionists, Monotheism, Egyptian Dynasties, part 1 part 2 | West Swedish web radio/TV station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 22. June 2006 | 9:59 10:00 | 2. August 2014 3. August 2014 |
Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten (18th dynasty) (†1336/1334 BC)) ruled for 17 years. Abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism, he introduced monotheistic or henotheistic Aten worship. Aten was likened to the sun as compared to stars. Official language avoided calling Aten a god, giving the solar deity a status above mere gods. |
YouTube TV video | Presentation | Freemasonary, Illuminati, Secret Societies | Dissolved Current Issues TV, host Hesham Tillawi, aired June 2006 | 55:48 | 4. August 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism, part 1, part 2 | Technology Trends, host Dr. Patrick Bailey, aired ~2007 | 11:33 14:34 | 13. April 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview | Symbol Literacy and the Age of Manipulation, part 1, part 2 | former Spectrum Radio Network, host James Haarp, aired 29. March 2011 | 52:07 53:16 | 17. April 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview | Symbolism & Control | The Higherside Chats host Greg Carlwood #11 | 1:57:54 | 27. April 2012 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Age of Manipulation, part 3 | Lexxtex 318 | 4:06:46 | 12. June 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | Disciples of the Mysterium | disciplesofthemysterium | 1:36:38 | 19. April 2015 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Michael Tsarion – Taroscopes Tour (Collection) | The MTSAR Forum | 1:19:30 | 22. September 2015 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Michael Tsarion – Architects of Control The Black Lodge, Update 2017 | | 3:28:57 | 24. March 2020 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Jay Weidner
- Audio interview with Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, Archons, Nazis,Tolkien, 911, Rennes-le-Chateau, presented via the broadcaster Blogtalkradio, podcast Shattering The Matrix, host Ari Kopel, 1:15:25 duration, YouTube version 1:54:13 duration, aired 17. August 2013
- Video interview with Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author and Troy McLachlan, US American author, Windows on the World – The Cult of Saturn,
presented by global internet TV & Radio The People's Voice TV (end 2013-mid 2014), host Mark Windows, YouTube film, 53:11 minutes duration, posted 20. June 2014
Documentaries and movies
- Controversial one-hour video TV special documentary The Mysterious Origins of Man, presented by the US American broadcast network NBC, basic cable and satellite television program The History Channel, first broadcasted 25. February 1996, narrated by Charlton Heston (1923-2008), referring to the research of Michael Cremo (*1948) US American Hindu creationist, archeologist, author
of Forbidden Archeology, YouTube film, 46:50 minutes duration, posted 25. May 2020
Confirmed by Courtney Brown, Ph.D. (*1952) US American mathematician, professor of social science, department of political science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, founder and director of nonprofit research and educational organization The Farsight Institute dedicated to the study of a phenomenon of nonlocal consciousness known as remote viewing
- Video documentary Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings 2 – Riddles in Stone – Secret Architecture of Washington,
DC, produced by Antiquities Research Films 2007, Millenium 2000, host and narrator Anthony J. Hilder, YouTube film, 2:55:31 duration, posted 18. April 2011
- Video documentary Symbols of an Alien Sky, presented by the Thunderbolts Project, featuring Electric Universe, representative Wal Thornhill, produced 2009, YouTube film, 1:18:26 duration, posted 4. December 2012
Celestial planetary dramas a few thousand years ago provoked spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears.
Linkless media offerings
- Video documentary MIRRORED: The Occult Agenda & Hollywood's War Against God, produced by Adullam Films, Joseph Schimmel, US American pastor of Good Fight Ministries, Crowley historian, documentarian, YouTube film, 2:45:09 duration,
posted 20. June 2018