
Hawkins / Jesus





   Jesus von Nazareth BW 1000
(2-7 v. Chr.-30/31 n. Chr.) galiläisch-jüdischer Avatar, Lehrer der Erlösung






Christus zeigt dem ungläubigen
Thomas seine Wundmale
, 1634

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669)
niederländischer Maler


Bibelreferenz: Johannes 20, 24-29 (NT)






Avatare – Muskeltestforschung

Die Bergpredigt, ~1890,
Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890) dänischer Maler


Hawkins' Lehre zu Avataren wie Jesus besagt:


Jesus Lehre beruht auf Glauben und Erlösung.
Buddhas Lehre beruht auf Handeln und Erleuchtung.
Die religiöse Lehre beider Avatare tritt ein für die Verwirklichung von Liebe, Wahrheit, Wissen, Verständnis und Weisheit.


Zum Zeitpunkt der Geburt Jesu vor rund 2000 Jahren stand das Bewusstseins-
niveau der Menschheit auf BW-Ebene 100, dem Äquivalent der Notstands-Emotion Angst.
Neben Krishna, Zoroaster, Buddha erreichte Jesus den höchsten irdisch mögli-
chen Bewusstseinsgrad BW 1000.



Muskeltestforschung zu Jesu Lebensdaten
Anhand der kinesiologischen Muskeltestmessung beantwortet Hawkins einige Thesen von Bibelforschern und Historikern folgendermaßen:

  • Jesus von Nazareth war eine historische Persönlichkeit.
  • Im Gegensatz zu Buddha hatte er keine vorherige Inkarnation wie andere Avatare. Er kam direkt von Gott mit dem Auftrag, Erlösung zu bringen.
  • Jesus war Gott und Mensch zugleich. Er ist das höchste Wesen und der höchste Avatar, der je die Erde betreten hat.
  • Er war nicht mit Maria Magdalena verheiratet und hatte auch keine Kinder mit ihr (wie in dem internationalen Erfolgsroman Sakrileg von Dan Brown kolportiert wird).1
  • Das Turiner Leichentuch, das angeblich seine Gesichtszüge wiedergeben soll, hat keinen Bezug zu Jesus.2/3/4

Gleichnisse von Jesus (Übersicht)

Biblische Gleichnisse und Parabeln von Jesus
Gleichnis  / ParabelMatthäus (NT)Markus (NT)Lukas (NT)
Arbeiter im Weinberg20, 1-16  
Barmherziger Samariter  10, 30-37
Bittender Freund 11, 5-13 
Drei Gleichnisse zur Wachsamkeit [Wachsame Knechte] 24, 43-5113, 33-3712, 35-48
Ehrenplätze bei der Hochzeit  14, 7-14
Feigenbaum als Sommerbote24, 32-3313, 28-2921, 29-32
Feigenbaum ohne Früchte13, 6-9  
Fischnetz13, 47-48  
Gast ohne Hochzeitskleid22, 11-13  
Gläubiger und die zwei Schuldner  7, 41-43
Großes Abendmahl22, 2-10 14, 16-24
Haus auf Felsen und auf Sand gebaut7, 24-27 6, 47-49
Herr und Knecht   17,  7-10
Königliche Hochzeit22, 2-14  
Kluge und törichte Jungfrauen25, 1-13  
Kostbare Perle13, 45-46  
Licht unter dem Scheffel5, 14-154, 21-228, 16; 11, 33
Neuer Flicken auf altem Kleid9, 162, 215, 36
Kamel und das Nadelöhr19, 23ff10, 24ff18, 24ff
Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen9, 172, 225, 37-38
Pharisäer und der Zöllner  18, 10-14
Reicher Kornbauer  12, 16-21
Reicher Mann und Lazarus  16, 19-31
Sauerteig13, 33 13, 20-21
Schalksknecht (Unbarmherzigen Gläubiger)18, 23-34  
Schatz im Acker13, 44  
Selbstwachsende Saat 4, 26-29 
Senfkorn13, 31-324, 30-3213, 18-19 
Talente (Mt.), Pfunde (Lk.)25, 14-30 19, 12-27
Treuer Haushalter  12, 42-48
Treulose Weingärtner21, 33-4112, 1-920, 9-16
Turmbau und Kriegführen  14, 28-33
Ungerechter Haushalter  16, 1-8
Unkraut unter dem Weizen 13, 24-30  
Verlorener Groschen  15, 8-10
Verlorener Sohn  15, 11-32
Verlorenes Schaf18, 12-13 15, 4-6
Vierfaches Ackerfeld13, 3-84, 3-88, 5-8
Weltgericht25, 31-36  
Witwe und der ungerechte Richter  18, 2-5
Zwei ungleiche Söhne21, 28-31  
Quellen: ► Gleichnisse Jesu – Übersicht und ► Wikipedia.de Eintrag: Liste der Gleichnisse Jesu


Zitate zum Thema Jesus von Nazareth (und Avataren)

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Christus, Deisis Mosaik,
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, 1280


  • Wir müssen aufhören, den Gott des Leidens zu verehren. Christen müssen aufhören, nur den Gott der Kreuzigung zu verehren, den Christus der Kreu-
    zigung, und zum Christus der Auferstehung weitergehen. Die Botschaft war nicht die von Tod, Sünde und Leiden. Menschen, die sich selbst als Körper definieren – die reinen Materialisten – schauen auf Christus am Kreuz und gehen daraus mit Schmerz, Sünde, Schuld und Leiden hervor. War das die Botschaft? Ist es das, wofür Christus gestorben ist, um uns zu lehren, dass
    wir ein irdischer Leib sind? Oder widerspricht seine Botschaft genau dieser Vorstellung? Seine Botschaft war, dass wir unbegrenzt sind. Wir müssen un-
    sere verdrehten Ideen ersetzen und beginnen zu betrachten, dass wir uns einem Zustand des Liebens und des höheren Bewusstseins annähern, um
    zu begreifen, dass die Botschaft der Christus der Auferstehung war.
    FU Healing and Recovery, S. 318-219, 2009


  • Wenn du dich bewusstseinsmäßig weiter entwickelst, verbreitest du nicht notwendigerweise eine friedliche Atmosphäre. Jesus Christus sagte, Ich bin nicht gekommen, um Frieden zu bringen, sondern das Schwert [der Wahrheitsunterscheidung]. Dieses Schwert kann ziemlich herausfordernd sein. Es kostet Mut, sich spirituell zu engagieren. FU Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Magazin Holistic Networker, Gastgeberin Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005



Siehe auch:

  • Meines Erachtens ist die Wiederkunft Christi der Anstieg des Bewusstheits-
    niveaus der Menschheit über BW 200
    , was der Welt verborgen geblieben ist. Wäre es bemerkt worden, so hätte man sich ihr widersetzt.
    Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD-Set, 11. Dezember 2004

Quotes by D. Hawkins

Personal avowals

  • Question: I am wondering, that Jesus seemed to have to go through the temptation.
    Answer: Because he was experiencing the suffering of all of mankind, and owning it experientially.
    Source unknown



Denial of God triggers human agony.

  • The suffering of mankind, I remember that’s what blew me out, you know I was a very strict religionist, one day I was walking through the woods, and out of nowhere came the knowingness and the presentation of the totality of the suffering of mankind throughout all of time. The whole dimension of the agony of the human condition through all of time. How could I believe in a God who would allow that or created that? Because as a naive religionist I thought God was the cause of everything, I didn't realize that what I was looking at was the totality of suffering of the human ego. It was
    the denial of God that was bringing about all this agony.
    I saw it but did not re-experience it.
    Jesus Christ re-experienced it [suffering of the human ego] and by that earned the right for the salvation of
    all of mankind.
    Thank you, oh Lord, thank you Jesus Christ for doing that.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007



Jesus anger towards the money changers in the temple

Note: [Paraphrased] Righteous anger and indignation are moralistic inflations of positionalities and expectations of others. I, Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 12, S. 197, 2003

  • You remember when Jesus chased the money changers out of the temple. […] I wondered what that meant […] you mean he was angry and had a fit or some-
    thing. […] It didn't sound like Jesus to me would have a fit about things. […] No […] but he came in out of his spiritual warrior and said this is not integrous and it's a desecration of what the temple stands for. […] So he was like defending the Truth. […] that explained it. So that was the first time I really understood what he really was about there. […] He was sort of indignant about the desecration.
    Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, CD 2 of 4, 21:15 minutes, 17. September 2002
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Explanation of Christ's statement:

"Noone shall reach heaven except through me."

  • Jesus Christ is just a nominalization; Christ was referring to the Christ Body, which is the body right above the Buddhic body, and below the Athmic body [...] which is 'God Himself'. [...] So in order to reach the 'level of God' we do indeed have to pass through the Christ body. Source unknown


  • The Christ is an infinite Consciousness that made itself known through a personage. But the power is not the per-
    sonage. The Power is the Consciousness field that's released into the collective. It is an Infinite, powerful field that
    holds up the whole consciousness of mankind. Whether you ascribe to it or not the collective consciousness of man-
    arises as a consequence, because the vibrational frequencies of the great Avatars – the Christ, contextualizes
    life down through the centuries. The paradigm of reality represented by Jesus Christ started out, and now you see
    how it's growing. And eventually it PREVAILS. It is the difference between power and force. Source unknown


  • If the Second Coming of Christ is to be revealed by a sign, then that sign has already and only very recently appea-
    red. Unmistakable in its implication and promise for all mankind is that profound shift from falsehoods distorting the consciousness of mankind to that of truth. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 46, 2001


  • Like springtime, the promise of a new era in man's understanding of God is emerging. Now the level of consciousness of mankind is high enough to be able to recognize the truth of a God of Love instead of worshipping the god of guilt
    and hate.
    Mankind now stands at the great threshold of real awakening, which may be the actual nature of the Second Coming
    of Christ as foretold in scripture. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 76, 2001



Bible reference:

Luke 17, 21 (NT)




  • Jesus was aware that salvation depends on the voluntary letting go of the negative aspects of the ego (sin) and the striving for unconditional love and spiritual virtue. If the ego is the focus of spiritual endeavour, then its dissolution signals the end of the karma that was involved in its formation. He did teach that the fate (karma) of the soul was adversely affected by
    sin and, therefore, its destiny (karma) was either heaven or hell. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 102, 2003


  • As revealed by kinesiologic spiritual research, Jesus had never had previous human lifetimes, but instead had actually descended from Heaven. His purpose was to reveal the truth of the Reality of God and Heaven, and his mission was the salvation of mankind. […] According to the same research methodology, a savior is necessary for all who calibrate below level 600. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 103, 2003



The Second Coming of Christ – Physical reincarnation of a Christ

  • Question: What seems to be the meaning of "The Second Coming of Christ"?
    Answer: Because the unenlightened person believes that they are a separate physical body, the expectation, therefore, is of a physical reincarnation of a Christ with historical connection to that appearance of Jesus two thousand years ago. The term "Christ," however, generically refers to the ultimately possible level of consciousness on this plane.
    The conscious awareness of the Self as Divinity manifests as Christ Consciousness, which calibrates at 1,000.
    The prediction is that Christ Consciousness will prevail upon the earth. It could be that, inasmuch as the consci-
    ousness of mankind prevailed for many centuries at 190 and only very recently jumped to 207, this signals
    the beginning appearance of the dominion of Christ Consciousness on Earth. (Calibrated as true.)
    or not a physicality is necessary to confirm that reality may be seen as relevant or irrelevant. The need of the ma-
    jority of humans for a real human personage could be a "necessity" capable of being granted.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 283-284, 2003



The importance of discerning the spirits

  • Jesus Christ said do not oppose that which is negative but merely avoid it. Research as well as extensive clinical experience demonstrate that one cannot really just "play" with the fire of nonintegrity; therefore, the spiritually aware learn to discern that which is a lure. Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 252, 2005



Jesus, the intercessor



Christ/Messiah consciousness – ⚠ Trinity

  • The term "Christ" generically denotes the state of incarnation of Divinity or Christed consciousness. Thus, Jesus, the Christ, is the incarnation of Divinity as man through which Christianity recognizes the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. (Calibrated at LoC 945.)5
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005



Divinity of God Immanent


  • From level 700 on up, resistances that reside in the collective consciousness of mankind have to be transcended with-
    in the teacher. This is physically subjectively comfortable until it reaches the consciousness level of approximately 800,
    at which time painful physical symptoms arise and the nervous system feels like it is carrying too much electricity, resul-
    ting in a burning feeling. Each time something comes up from the collective consciousness, it has to be processed. (Je-
    sus Christ sweat blood, and the Buddha remarked that his bones felt like that were being broken. Numerous symptoms have been prorated in these previous writings and by various mystics throughout history.)
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness, S. 291, 2006


  • Thus, throughout time, the Divine Teacher (Avatar) is accepted and worshipped as one's eventual advocate or inter-
    cessor as Savior
    by whatever name, such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Muhammad, or the Hindu pantheon as
    expressions of Divinity. [...]
    All of the above are inclusive of faith in Divine Mercy, Grace, Compassion, and ultimate deliverance from the inhe-
    rent limitations of being human.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 188, 2007



Psychic attacks


  • Jesus said, "Resist not evil." The way to handle evil is to ignore it, to walk away from it, to look away from it. Instead
    of fighting the negative, you embrace the positive; so the way you handle the negative in the world is not by opposing
    the negative, because then you get locked into a positionality with it, and you can't get beyond the negative. Instead,
    you just emphasize the positive. Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript
    on "Advanced States of Consciousness", part 2, S. 16-17, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998
    Removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer, mid 2013


  • The highest level of consciousness that ever existed on the planet is that of the great Avatars – Buddha, Christ, Krish-
    na, Zoroaster all calibrate at 1000. So the top level that man is capable of in this domain is 1000, and everything else
    is relatively true as compared to that. Gelöschtes Interview with D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood, presented by the US Ame-
    rican magazine New Connexion (1999-2007), Miriam Knight, September 2004




Political implications of the Sermon on the Mount

Tod Lindberg, US American political analyst, research fellow of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, editor of the conservative prestigious Policy Review, The_Political_Teachings_of_Jesus, HarperOne, 1st edition 12. June 2007

And the Sermon on the Mount pretty much covers it for everyone, including Buddhists and anybody else who is spiritual. It was Christ that said it:
  • To love your fellow man as yourself, to become the greatest that you can become, to serve your fellow
    man and God is all that anyone can do.
Audible audio book In The World But Not Of It. Living spirituality in the Modern World, CD 3 of 6, track 5, issued by Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, October 2008


  • Buddha was enlightened. Jesus Christ was the Savior. Enlightenment means transcend the ego to the realization of the source of existence within oneself. That has nothing to do with salvation which means you in and of yourself
    are unable to transcend the downside of the human ego and it is only by surrendering to a great teacher that
    the teacher becomes your advocate so that when you leave the body and you approach the Celestial realm,
    if you have claimed the Christ as your Savior, he will speak for you. Salvation is a reachable goal.
    We know
    that especially unconditional love [LoC 540] is a reachable goal in this lifetime. Therefore, even though you are not
    enlightened, in Lotus Land Buddhism there is an aspect of the Buddha that is Christ-like and Lotus Land Buddhism
    is similar to a heaven, and from there you can move on to enlightenment. Negativity is so intense that the likeli-
    hood of reaching enlightenment here is slim, so you go to a celestial realm where it is more possible to
    move on to enlightenment.
    The field of gravity on earth is so intense that it is not possible for the average person.
    Q&A audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, ACIM talk – November 10th 2005, presented by the US American ACIM web
    radio station Miracles Center, Sedona, Arizona, Pal Talk #1, host Ellen Sutherland, aired 10. November 2005, YouTube film, 54:46
    minutes duration, posted 28. March 2011



Mind set of cruxifixion vs. context of resurrection

  • For those of you who are Christians, we have to give up worshiping the god of the Crucifixion, the Christ of the Crucifixion and move onto the Christ of the Resurrection. The message was not of death and sin and suffering. People who identify themselves as a body, the strict materialists looked at the Christ on the cross as a body and came out with
    pain, sin, guilt and suffering.
    Was that the message? Is that what Christ died for? To teach everybody that we are a body? Or was his message
    the direct opposite?
    His message was the direct opposite – that we are not limited. That we are not THAT. And so we have to substitute our confused ideas and begin to look, move toward lovingness, to a higher state of consciousness to get what
    the message was – the Christ of the Resurrection.
    Archival Office Visit Series Pain and Suffering, A-8, end 1970s/early 1980s


  • People like to separate the way of the head and the way of the heart, but it’s only because of the heart that you’re willing to die for Jesus or die for Truth or surrender your mind for Truth. It’s really only coming from the heart.
    Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, 3 DVD set, January 2002


  • Jesus Christ had no previous human lifetimes. He came as a Savior. Buddha had many previous lives and taught transcendence of the ego, i.e., ENLIGHTENMENT. Jesus taught that people needed to get to the 500’s to go to hea-
    ven. Buddha taught how to go further.
    Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, 11. October 2003


  • The way we dissolve the ego is through love, compassion – not because Buddha or Jesus said so – but because we recognize it for what it is. Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004



Native American spirituality calibrates very high.

  • That which gives up its life for a higher life earns the karmic merit to become that higher life. The Native Americans who took an animal life understood this. They could see the attractor field of the animal, killed it for the sake of a higher life, and sanctified it. By virtue of its sacrifice, it earns the merit to become the higher life. As we sacrifice our personal lives for the sake of the world, we sanctify the life of the world. This is personified in the life of Jesus Christ. As
    we support that energy, we are serving life.
    "That’s a fact, oh Lord." (Calibrated as true.) Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • The Second Coming of Christ to me is the rise of human consciousness over LoC 200, unnoticed by the world.
    If it had been noticed, it would have been resisted.
    Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD set, 11. December 2004


  • Jesus was both God and man simultaneously. Jesus said, "I am the Son of God and I am the son of man." No one else says that. Jesus Christ was an incarnation. [....] The Buddha didn't claim to be an Incarnation. Jesus came for salvation, not for enlightenment. Christ came to teach the salvation of man. The likelihood of getting to Heaven without the help of an enlightened one is slim. Sedona Seminar Spiritual Traps, 3 DVD set, 15. October 2005


  • You could remove the name of Jesus Christ, and it is just an energy field that you go through. A person doesn't have
    to believe in Jesus Christ. Sedona Seminar God, Religion and Spirituality, 3 DVD set, 10. December 2005


  • Christ took the sins of the world on his shoulders. When you reach a very high level of consciousness you pick up negative karma from the collective human karma. This is what Christ did. He held all of the suffering of man in mind ("please forgive them for they know not what they do"). Jesus could die for all of us because he could feel our collec-
    tive suffering. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 15. March 2006




  • Question: How to deal with questionable entities or demonic spirits?
    Answer: You can ask the entities, "Would you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your savior, yes or no?” That which is demonic will not acknowledge Jesus Christ as its savior. You can order them to leave you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I order you to leave! Call upon the Christ to banish them. That is your right if Jesus Christ is your savior.
    Sedona Seminar Perception vs. Essence, 3 DVD set, 22. April 2006



Resurrection of Christ

  • Question: Did Christ rise on the third day?
    Answer: It is my understanding that the disciples (who calibrated in the 900s at the time) saw Jesus' etheric body. (Calibrated as true.)
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 10. May 2006




  • Demons hate the name of Jesus [...] You can order them to begone. You have the power of Jesus Christ to cast out demons. 'I cast thee out in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Get thee hence.' [...] and order them out, they cannot refuse [...] Jesus Christ stands for truth, the demons stand for falsehood. So you have permission to order them hence.
    Prescott Seminar Spirituality: Reason and Faith, DVD ? of 3, minute 2:53:00-2:55:00, 26. January 2008



  • Question by a woman: What are the calibrations of Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene?
    Answer: They are almost the same as Jesus. [Asking permission for calibrating did not conclude in further muscle-testing.] I look at them [Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene] as one consciousness in three bodies.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD 2 of 2, track 3, 13. May 2009

Zitate von Jesus Christus (NT)

Da sprach Jesus zu seinen Jüngern: Will mir jemand nachfolgen, der verleugne sich selbst und nehme sein
Kreuz auf sich und folge mir. 'Denn wer sein Leben erhalten will, der wird's verlieren; wer aber sein Leben
verliert um meinetwillen, der wird's finden. Was hülfe es dem Menschen, wenn er die ganze Welt gewönne
und nähme doch Schaden an seiner Seele?
Matthäus 16, 24-26 (NT)


Und er ward verklärt vor ihnen, und sein Angesicht leuchtete wie die Sonne, und seine Kleider wurden weiß wie ein
Licht. Und siehe, da erschienen ihnen Mose und Elia; die redeten mit ihm.6
Matthäus, 17, 2-3 (NT)


Nehmt euch in Acht vor denen, die in Gottes Namen auftreten und falsche Lehren verbreiten! Sie kommen zu euch,
getarnt als Schafe, aber in Wirklichkeit sind sie reißende Wölfe.
Matthäus 7, 15 (NT)


Jünger an Jesus: Sag uns, was ist das Zeichen für deine Ankunft und das Ende der Welt?
Jesus erwiderte: Gebt Acht, dass euch niemand irreführt! Denn viele werden unter meinem Namen auftreten und
sagen: Ich bin der Messias!, und sie werden viele irreführen.
Ihr werdet von Kriegen hören und Nachrichten über Kriege werden euch beunruhigen. Und an vielen Orten wird es Hungersnöte und Erdbeben geben. Doch das alles ist erst der Anfang der Wehen.
Matthäus 24, 3­8 (NT)


Jesus spricht: Die Boten werden zu euch kommen und die Propheten, und sie werden euch das geben, was euch
gehört. Und ihr eurerseits gebt ihnen das, was in eurer Hand ist (und) sagt zu euch: 'Wann werden sie kommen
(und) das Ihre nehmen?'
Thomasevangelium, Logion 88, 1-2, Teil der Apokryphen, 50-140, 350 n. Chr., wiederentdeckt 1945


Ich bin ganz sicher, dass Gott sein gutes Werk, das er bei euch begonnen hat, zu Ende führen wird, bis zu dem Tag,
an dem Jesus Christus kommt.
Paulus, Brief an die Philipper 1, 6 (NT)


'''Wer mein Wort hört und glaubt dem, der mich gesandt hat, der hat das ewige Leben, […] er ist vom Tode zum Leben durchgedrungen. Johannes 5, 24 (NT)


Er sagte zu ihnen: Ihr stammt von unten, ich stamme von oben;
ihr seid aus dieser Welt, ich bin nicht aus dieser Welt.
Johannes 8, 23 (NT)


Da sprach nun Jesus zu den Juden, die an ihn glaubten: Wenn ihr bleiben werdet an meinem Wort, so seid ihr wahr-
haftig meine Jünger 32 und werdet die Wahrheit erkennen, und die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen.
Johannes 8, 31-32


Da antworteten ihm die Juden: Sagen wir nicht mit Recht: Du bist ein Samariter und von einem Dämon besessen?
Jesus erwiderte: Ich bin von keinem Dämon besessen, sondern ich ehre meinen Vater; ihr aber schmäht mich.
Johannes 8, 48 (NT)


Noch eine kleine Weile, und die Welt sieht mich nicht mehr; ihr aber seht mich:
Weil ich lebe, werdet auch ihr leben.
Johannes 14, 19 (NT)


Aber es muss das Wort erfüllt werden, das in ihrem Gesetz geschrieben steht: »Sie hassen mich ohne Grund«.7 Johannes 15, 25 (NT)


Wer nun bekennt, dass Jesus der Sohn Gottes ist, in dem bleibt Gott und er in Gott. 1. Johannes 4, 15 (NT)


Das ist die Haltung, die euren Umgang miteinander bestimmen soll; es ist die Haltung, die Jesus Christus uns vorgelebt hat. Philipper 2, 5 (NT)
  • Ich und der Vater sind eins. Johannes 10, 30 (NT)


  • Wer mich sieht, der sieht den Vater. Johannes 14, 9 (NT)


  • Ihr seid meine Freunde, wenn ihr tut, was ich euch gebiete. Ich nenne euch Freunde und nicht mehr Diener.
    Denn ein Diener weiß nicht, was sein Herr tut; ich aber habe euch alles mitgeteilt, was ich von meinem Vater
    gehört habe. Nicht ihr habt mich erwählt, sondern ich habe euch erwählt: Ich habe euch dazu bestimmt, zu
    gehen und Frucht zu tragen – Frucht, die Bestand hat. Johannes 15, 14-16 (NT)


  • Der Hass der Welt auf die Jünger Jesu
    Wenn die Welt euch hasst, dann denkt daran, dass sie mich schon vor euch gehasst hat. Sie würde euch lieben,
    wenn ihr zu ihr gehören würdet, denn die Welt liebt ihresgleichen. Doch ihr gehört nicht zur Welt; ich habe euch
    aus der Welt heraus erwählt. Das ist der Grund, warum sie euch hasst. Denkt an das, was ich euch gesagt habe:
    ›Ein Diener ist nicht größer als sein Herr.‹ Wenn sie mich verfolgt haben, werden sie auch euch verfolgen. Wenn
    sie sich nach meinem Wort gerichtet haben, werden sie sich auch nach eurem Wort richten. Doch alles, was sie
    gegen euch unternehmen, ist gegen meinen Namen gerichtet; denn sie kennen den nicht, der mich gesandt hat.
    Wenn ich nicht gekommen wäre und zu ihnen gesprochen hätte, hätten sie keine Schuld. So aber haben sie kei-
    ne Entschuldigung für ihre Sünde. Wer mich hasst, hasst auch meinen Vater. Wenn ich nicht Dinge unter ihnen
    getan hätte, die kein anderer je getan hat, hätten sie keine Schuld. Johannes 15, 18-24 (NT)


  • Das Licht des Leibes ist das Auge. Wenn nun dein Auge einfältig ist, wird dein ganzer Leib hell sein. Wenn aber
    dein Auge böse ist, wird dein ganzer Leib verfinstert sein. Wenn nun das Licht, das in dir ist, Finsternis ist, wie
    groß (ist dann) die Finsternis! Matthäus 6, 22-23 (NT)


  • Richtet nicht, damit ihr nicht gerichtet werdet!
    Denn wie ihr richtet, so werdet ihr gerichtet werden, und nach dem Maß, mit dem ihr messt und zuteilt, wird euch zugeteilt werden.
    Warum siehst du den Splitter im Auge deines Bruders, aber den Balken in deinem Auge bemerkst du nicht?
    Matthäus 7, 1–3 (NT)


  • Er erwiderte: Wer ist meine Mutter und wer sind meine Brüder?
    Und er blickte auf die Menschen, die im Kreis um ihn herumsaßen, und sagte: Das hier sind meine Mutter und mei-
    ne Brüder. Wer den Willen Gottes erfüllt, der ist für mich Bruder und Schwester und Mutter. Markus 3, 33–35 (NT)


  • Frage: Bist Du der Messias, der Sohn des Hochgelobten?
    Ich bin es; und ihr werdet sehen den Menschensohn sitzend zur Rechten der Kraft und mit den Himmelswolken kommen. Markus 14, 61-62 (NT)


  • Warum nennt ihr mich dauernd "Herr!", wenn ihr doch nicht tut, was ich euch sage? Lukas 6, 46 (NT)



Gleichnis vom Weingärtner, dem Weinstock und den Reben

  • Ich bin der wahre Weinstock, und mein Vater der Weingärtner. Eine jede Rebe an mir, die keine Frucht bringt, wird er wegnehmen; und eine jede, die Frucht bringt, wird er reinigen, dass sie mehr Frucht bringe. Ihr seid schon rein um des Wortes willen, das ich zu euch geredet habe. Bleibt in mir und ich in euch. Wie die Rebe keine Frucht bringen kann aus sich selbst, wenn sie nicht am Weinstock bleibt, so auch ihr nicht, wenn ihr nicht in mir bleibt. Ich bin der Weinstock, ihr seid die Reben. Wer in mir bleibt und ich in ihm, der bringt viel Frucht; denn ohne mich könnt ihr nichts tun. Wer nicht in mir bleibt, der wird weggeworfen wie eine Rebe und verdorrt, und man sammelt sie und wirft sie ins Feuer, und sie müssen brennen. Wenn ihr in mir bleibt und meine Worte in euch bleiben, werdet ihr bitten, was ihr wollt, und es wird euch widerfahren. Darin wird mein Vater verherrlicht, dass ihr viel Frucht bringt und werdet meine Jünger. Johannes 15, 1-7 (NT)

Jesu Aufgaben – Bibelzitate

Als die Pharisäer das sahen, sagten sie zu seinen Jüngern: Warum isst euer Meister mit den Zöllnern und Sündern?
Er aber hörte es und sagte: Nicht die Starken bedürfen des Arztes, sondern die Kranken. Gehet aber und lernt, was das heißt: "Barmherzigkeit will ich und nicht Opfer." Denn ich bin nicht gekommen, Gerechte zu berufen, son-
dern Sünder.
Matthäus 9, 11-13 (NT)


Meinet nicht, dass ich gekommen sei, Frieden auf die Erde zu bringen. Ich bin nicht gekommen, Frieden zu bringen, sondern das Schwert. Matthäus 10, 34 (NT)


Als Jesus aus dem Boot stieg und die vielen Menschen sah, hatte er Mitleid mit ihnen und heilte die Kranken.
Matthäus 14, 14 (NT)


Denn auch der Menschensohn ist nicht gekommen, um sich dienen zu lassen, sondern um zu dienen und sein
Leben hinzugeben als Lösegeld für viele.
Matthäus 20, 28 und Markus 10, 45 (NT)


Denn der Menschensohn ist gekommen, um zu suchen und zu retten, was verloren ist. Lukas 19, 10 (NT)


Denn so hat Gott die Welt geliebt, dass er seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, damit jeder, der an ihn glaubt, nicht
verloren geht, sondern ewiges Leben hat. Denn Gott hat seinen Sohn nicht in die Welt gesandt, damit er die Welt
richte, sondern damit die Welt durch ihn gerettet werde.
Johannes 3, 16-17 (NT)


Ich bin als ein Licht in die Welt gekommen, damit jeder, der an mich glaubt, nicht in der Finsternis bleibt.
Johannes 12, 46 (NT)


Ich bin dazu geboren und dazu in die Welt gekommen, dass ich für die Wahrheit Zeugnis ablege.
Johannes 18, 37 (NT)

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Ist er [Jesus] nicht eines Zimmermann's Sohn? Heißt nicht seine Mutter Maria? und seine Brüder
Jakob und Josef und Simon und Judas? Und seine Schwestern, sind sie nicht alle bei uns?
Matthäus 13, 55-56 (NT)


Die Gräber öffneten sich und die Leiber vieler Heiligen, die entschlafen waren, wurden auferweckt.
Nach der Auferstehung Jesu verließen sie ihre Gräber, kamen in die Heilige Stadt und erschienen
Matthäus 27, 52-53 (NT)


Da er noch also zu dem Volk redete, siehe, da standen seine Mutter und seine Brüder draußen,
die wollten mit ihm reden.
Matthäus 12, 46


Ist er nicht der Zimmermann, Marias Sohn, und der Bruder des Jakobus und Josef und Judas
und Simon? Sind nicht auch seine Schwestern allhier bei uns?
Markus 6, 3 (NT)


Als Jesus am frühen Morgen des ersten Wochentages auferstanden war, erschien er zuerst
Maria aus Magdala, aus der er sieben Dämonen ausgetrieben hatte.
Markus 16, 9 (NT)


Noch eine kleine Weile, und die Welt sieht mich nicht mehr; ihr aber seht mich: Weil ich lebe,
werdet auch ihr leben.
Johannes 14, 19 (NT)


Persönliches Bekenntnis

  • Ich persönlich hege, seit ich den tieferen Sinn der Weltgeschichte und der Menschheitsgeschichte anerkenne, nicht
    den geringsten Zweifel an der Auferstehung Christi, und alle Einwendungen dagegen bekräftigen durch ihre Haltlosig-
    keit meinen Glauben daran. Wladimir Sergejewitsch Solowjow (1853-1900)  russischer Religionsphilosoph, Dichter, zitiert in: Gute Zitate
  • Herrscht ein ganz Großer, so weiß das Volk kaum, dass er da ist. [*]
    Mindere werden geliebt oder gelobt,
    noch Mindere werden gefürchtet,
    noch mindere werden verachtet.
Liber Divinorum Operum.
St. Hildegard of Bingen, Das Buch vom Wirken Gottes, 1165
Wie überlegt muss man sein in seinen Worten! Die Werke sind vollbracht, die Geschäfte gehen ihren Lauf, und die Leute denken alle: Wir sind frei.
Laotse [BW 610] (604-531 v. Chr.) chinesischer Weiser, Philosoph, Begründer des Taoismus, Dr. H. Klaus, Übersetzer, Sammlung von Spruchkapiteln Tao Te King, [BW 610] Der Mystische Weg'', Abschnitt 29, 800-200 v. Chr.


  • Wird Christus tausendmal zu Bethlehem geboren und nicht in dir, du bleibst noch ewiglich verloren. Angelus Silesius [Johannes Scheffler] (1624-1677) deutscher Arzt, katholischer Theologe, mystischer Lyriker, Cherubinischer Wandersmann, 1675, Reclam, Ditzingen, 1. Januar 1984; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Ein ermordeter CHRISTUS hat keine Bedeutung. Ein auferstandener CHRISTUS aber wird zum Symbol der Vergebung des GOTTES-
    SOHNES sich selbst gegenüber, zum Zeichen dafür, dass er sich
    als geheilt und ganz betrachtet.
    Ein Kurs in Wundern [EKiW] [BW 550] Textbuch Kapitel 21, I-1, 1994


  • Der Gottessohn nämlich trat, wie schon gesagt, auf einem fremdarti-
    gen Weg hervor, schön vor allen anderen, als Spross einer jungfräu-
    lichen Natur, da ja die erste Jungfrau durch den Rat der Schlange verdorben wurde. Die Jungfrau Maria aber war ganz heilig. Sie em-
    pfing vom Heiligen Geist den Sohn, als Jungfrau hat sie ihn geboren
    und ist Jungfrau geblieben. Diese Geburt war durch den uralten Rat-
    schluss vorausbestimmt. Sie war in ihrer geistigen Art tief in der Gottheit verborgen und ging nicht in das Bewusstsein der Menschen über, weil sie nicht vielfältig, sondern einmalig in der Gottheit war, als der Sohn Gottes vor dem Ursprung der Tage aus dem Vater geboren wurde. Denn der Vater trug immer in Seinem Willen, dass er Mensch werde. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) deutsche Äbtissin des Benediktiner-Ordens, Gelehrte, Heilkundige, Mystikerin, Komponistin, Schriftstellerin, Mechthild Heieck, Übersetzerin, Das Buch vom Wirken Gottes. Liber divinorum operum, 1165, Beuroner Kunstverlag, Mai 2012



Gottes Plan:

Faires und gerechtes Teilen von und auf Gottes Erde

  • Gerechtigkeit und Rechtschaffenheit ist eine Art Wahlspruch der Bibel, das den Charakter und Geist des Schöpfergottes und zugleich die Bestimmung und Zukunft der von Gott geschaffenen Erde knapp zusammenfasst. Er verweist auf die Vertei-
    lungsgerechtigkeit als die radikale biblische Vision Gottes. "Wehe denen, die Haus an Haus reihen und Feld an Feld fügen", trauert der Prophet Jesaja, "bis kein Platz mehr da ist und ihr allein die Bewohner seid inmitten des Landes." (Jesaja 5, 8) Dieser Landraub ist jedoch gegen den Traum von Gott und die Hoffnung Israels. Der Bund mit einem Gott der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit, der die Erde besitzt, beinhaltet notwendigerweise, wie die Propheten betonen, die Ausübung der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit in der
    Welt Gottes und auf der Erde Gottes. Das ganze Volk Gottes muss einen angemessenen Anteil von Gottes Erde er-
    halten. FU Dr. John Dominic Crossan (*1934) irischstämmiger US-amerikanischer Professor der Religionswissenschaft, ehe-
    mals katholischer Priester, Mitgründer der Jesus-Seminars, Experte in biblischer Archäologie und Anthropologie, Kenner des
    Neuen Testaments, Erforscher des historischen Jesus, Autor, The Greatest Prayer. A Revolutionary Manifesto and Hymn
    of Hope
    , HarperOne, 7. September 2010



Gleichnisse, Parabeln

  • Jesu Gleichnisse fordern zur Aufgabe des Verdienst- und Anspruchdenkens [von Pseudoversicherten] auf.
    [Das Gleichnis von den "betrogenen" Früharbeitern im Weinberg des Herrn (Matthäus 20, 1-16) weist scharf formuliert darauf hin,] dass Glauben und Religion kein Rechtshandel sein dürfen.
    […] Dies ist vergleichbar mit einem Patienten in Therapie. Er stößt plötzlich darauf, dass er vielleicht ein Leben lang
    in einer Projektionswelt gelebt hat […] Diesem unerhörten Schock wiedersetzt man sich, widersetzt sich Jesu Umwelt,
    widersetzt sich die Tradition, psychologisch gesehen, verständlicherweise.
    Hanna Wolff (1923-2010) deutsche Tiefenpsychologin, Schriftstellerin, Jesus, der Mann. Die Gestalt Jesu in tiefenpsychologischer Sicht, Radius Verlag, Stuttgart, 1984, 11. Auflage 1. Juni 2002


  • [*] Wenn du keine Wirkmacht erkennst, ist es von Wirkmacht erfüllt. Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US-amerikanische mystische Bewusstseinslehrerin, Energiemedizinerin, intuitive Diagnostikerin, Erfolgsautorin, Quelle unbekannt



Jesus Christus der tätigen Liebe; Budda der ausstrahlenden Liebe

  • Das worauf sich Jesus unbedingt verlassen kann, wo alle Angst schwindet, nennt er Väterchen oder Papa. Wenn wir diese Anrede an Gott im Kontext seiner Zeit betrachten, erscheint sie unglaublich intim. Jesus war zwar nicht der erste, der so sprach, aber er tat es mit einer besonderen Glaubwürdigkeit und Wirkungskraft. Das heißt, er appelliert gleichsam an eine kindhafte Einheit jedes einzelnen Menschen mit dem Ursprung und der Ganzheit des Universums. Diese Art von gläubigem Vertrauen kennen wir übrigens auch im Buddhismus. Durch eine solche Einheit, durch die entsprechende psychische und mentale Haltung, entsteht psychische Integration, aus der dann die tätige Liebe wachsen kann. Diese tätige Liebe ist dann der Heilungsprozess selbst. Das ist die verhaltens-
    therapeutische Übung, die Jesus empfiehlt. Beim Buddha geht es um Liebe als geistige Ausstrahlung, bei Jesus
    geht es um Liebe als Tat, jetzt und hier, bis zur Selbsthingabe am Kreuz.
    Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966) japa-
    nischer Zen-Philosoph, Der Buddha der Liebe. Herzensgüte im Zen- Buddhismus und christlicher Glaube, Herder, Freiburg, 1997


  • Die echte Vision oder Audition ist ein teures persönliches Erlebnis, das nicht ohne weiteres auf den Markt ge-
    bracht wird.
    Sie ist in vielen Fällen einmalig und die Erinnerung daran ist heilig [...]. Sie kommt als Antwort auf einen langwierigen – oder einen ausnahmsweise kurzen, aber persönlich sehr erschütternden – geistigen Kampf. Sie kommt dann als Überraschung, plötzlich und erschütternd [...]. Visionen bekommt man nicht aus Hysterie. Wir trafen nur ge-
    sunde Frauen und Männer. Dies ist grundlegend und sollte sich stark ins allgemeine Bewusstsein einprägen [...]. Der Wert einer Vision oder Audition liegt in dem greifbaren Erlebnis einer Kunde, die einen klaren religiösen, bisweilen auch deutlich ethischen Charakter hat [...]. Ohne eine Konstellation des Bewusstseins, welches die Deutung Christus ergibt, kann es kein Christuserlebnis geben. Aber die Psychologen können niemals leugnen, dass der Faktor, der den Verlauf veranlasst, von einer uns unbekannten Natur ist, z.B. wirklich von Christus.
Abschließende Beurteilung der Autoren Hillerdal, Gustafsson und Prof. Tullander u.a. aller aufgeführten Visionen von Christus; zitiert
in: Gunnar Hillerdal, Berndt Gustafsson, Sie erlebten Christus. Berichte aus einer Untersuchung des Religionssoziologischen Instituts Stockholm, Verlag Die Pforte, Basel, Schweiz, 3. Auflage 1980, 4. Auflage 1. Januar 2002



  • Was wissen wir über Giordano Bruno? Häufig nur, dass er Opfer eines brutalen Justizmordes durch die katholischen Kirche geworden ist․ Aber wodurch hatte er sich den Unmut der Kirche zugezogen? Tatsächlich ging es nicht darum, dass Bruno den Glaubenshütern zu wissenschaftlich-rational argumentiert hätte — vielmehr haben wir es mit einem Konflikt zweier nur schwer miteinander vereinbarer spiritueller Konzepte zu tun․ Giordano Bruno ging von einem durch-
    weg belebten, mit Bewusstsein erfüllten Universum und der Existenz von unzähligen bewohnten Planeten aus․
    Dieses Panorama würde das für die Kirche zentrale Erlösungswerk des Jesus von Nazareth in seiner Bedeutung sehr stark relativieren․ Zudem übte Bruno eine sehr scharfe Kritik an Jesus, was in seinem Jahrhundert skandalös wirken muss-
    te․ Wir Heutigen spüren aber vor allem, wie die Vorstellung eines toten Komos mit der Erde als einziger Lebensoase
    zur Grundlage wurde für eine verhängnisvolle Entwicklung des Zeitgeists — gipfelnd in einem schroffen Materialismus,
    der zugleich ein Angriff auf die Würde des Menschen als einem beseelten, gottgewollten Wesen darstellt․ Die Besin-
    nung auf die Ideen Brunos kann also gerade auch für Menschen der Gegenwart eine geistige "Immunstimulanz" mit
    Blick auf transhumanische Angriffe bieten․ Artikel von Jochen Kirchhoff (*1944) deutscher Philosoph, Kosmologe, Schrift-
    steller, Das bewusste Universum, präsentiert von dem alternativen online Magazin Manova, 1. September 2022


  • Jesus war eine historische Person. Allerdings ist der Nachweis ziemlich schwierig, denn wir haben beschlossen, dass wir nicht nur die Evangelien als Quellen betrachten können, [...] wir brauchen dazu auch ganz unabhängig die römischen Schriftsteller und alle beiden zusammen können nur als unabhängige Quellen dienen und dann Jesus als historische Person bezeichnen. Prof. Dieter Vieweger (*1958) deutscher Archäologe, evangelisch-lutherischer Theologe (Alttestamentler), zitiert in: Geschichtsdokumentation Gab es Jesus wirklich? | Terra X, präsentiert von der Dokumentationsreihe Terra X vom Zweiten Deutschen Fernsehen, YouTube Film, Minute 15:08, 16:01 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 25. März 2021


  • Um diese Zeit lebte Jesus, ein Mensch voller Weisheit, (wenn man ihn überhaupt einen Menschen nennen darf). Er tat nämlich ganz unglaubliche Dinge und war der Lehrer derjenigen Menschen, welche gerne die Wahrheit aufnahmen, so zog er viele Juden (und viele aus dem Heidentum) an sich. […] Noch bis jetzt hat das Volk der Christen, die sich nach ihm nennen, nicht aufgehört. Flavius Josephus (37-100 n. Chr.) jüdisch-hellenistischer Historiker, Antiquitates Judaicae, ~93.n Chr., zitiert in: Artikel Belegt: Jesus hat wirklich gelebt. Diese Beweise gibt es für die Existenz Jesu, präsentiert von der Publikation PAX, Jan-Niklas Kleinschmidt, 14. August 2020


  • Es sind nicht die Gottlosen, es sind die Frommen seiner Zeit gewesen, die Christus ans Kreuz schlugen.
    Gertrud von Le Fort (1876-1971) deutsche Dichterin, zum Katholizismus konvertierte Romanschriftstellerin, zitiert in: Gute Zitate


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Jesus von Nazareth

Quotes by and on Jesus – New Testament

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God's. Mark 12:13-17 (NT) King James Version


The light of the body is the eye: If therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light. But it your eye be evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness! Matthew 6, 22-23 (NT)


But these things have been written that you might have Faith that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that having Faith you may have Life in the Name of him. John 20, 31 (NT)


Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14, 6 (NT)


Jesus: "I tell you," he replied, "if they **the disciples** keep quiet, the stones will cry out." Luke 19, 40 (NT)


To him that overcomes {intends} will I grant to sit with me in my throne even, as I am overcome and set down with
my Father in his throne.
Revelation 3, 21 (NT)


28. Jesus said, "I took my stand in the midst of the world, and in flesh I appeared to them. I found them all drunk,
and I did not find any of them thirsty. My soul ached for the children of humanity, because they are blind in their
hearts and do not see, for they came into the world empty, and they also seek to depart from the world empty.
But meanwhile they are drunk. When they shake off their wine, then they will change their ways."
Gospel of Thomas [LoC 660], verse 28, part of the Biblical apocrypha, 50-140, 350 AD, rediscovered 1945


"Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied.
Acts 9, 5 (NT) NIV, 2011 – See also: 1 Corinthians 15


The Resurrection Body But someone will ask, "How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?" How foolish! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed, perhaps of wheat or of something else. But God gives it a body as he has determined, and to each kind of seed he gives its own body. Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds an-
other and fish another. There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. The sun has one kind of splendor, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.
So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown
in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiri-
tual body.
If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. So it is written: "The first man Adam became a living being"; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven. And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man.
I declare to you, brothers and sisters, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
1 Corinthians 15, 35-50 (NT) NIV, 2011


I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out
of the body I do not know – God knows.
2 Corinthians 12, 2 (NT) NIV, 2011


When I returned to Jerusalem and was praying at the temple, I fell into a trance and saw the Lord speaking to me. 'Quick!' he said. ‘Leave Jerusalem immediately, because the people here will not accept your testimony about me.'
Acts 22:17-18 (NT) NIV, 2011


He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.
Acts 10, 10 (NT) NIV, 2011


I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision. I saw something like a large sheet being let down
from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to where I was.
Acts 11, 5 (NT) NIV, 2011

Seven I AM statements by Jesus – Gospel of John

  • I am the bread of life. John 6, 35-48 (NT)
  • I am the light of the world. John 8, 12 John 9, 5 (NT)
  • I am the gate. John 10, 7 (NT)
  • I am the good shepherd. John 10, 11-14 (NT)
  • I am the resurrection and the life. John 11, 25 (NT)
  • I am the way, the truth and the life. John 14, 6 (NT)
  • I am the true vine. John 15, 1-5 (NT)

Quotes by various other sources

Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and
those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory
of God the Father.
Philippians 2, 9-11 (NT)


I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches.
I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.
Revelation 22, 16 (NT)


Devotional quotes

  • My Jesus, fill my heart with so much love that one day it will break just to be with you. My Jesus, you know I have placed you as a seal on my heart. Remain there always. Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879) French Catholic saint, miller's daughter,
    who had 18 reported apparitions of Mother Mary in Lourdes in 1858


Married Jesus with a female disciple


The first and only known antique Greek papyrus text from the 2nd century that depicts a married Jesus.

  • Jesus said to them, "My wife […] She will be able to be my disciple. […] I dwell with her." New coptic gospel fragment Gospel of Jesus' Wife, original in Greek language,
    2nd century AD, discovered by Karen Leigh King, Ph.D. (*1954) US American professor of ecclesiastical history, Hollis Chair of Divinity, Harvard Divinity School, reseacher of early Christianity and gnosticism, published 2012
Raising of Lazarus of Bethany, Bible Card, 1905
  • [Jesus] A man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was
    a perfect act. Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi [LoC 760] (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, Gandhi on
    , S. 47, New Directions Publishing, 2007; cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Who is Jesus to me?
    Jesus is the Word made Flesh.
    Jesus is the Bread of Life.
    Jesus is the Victim offered for our sins on the cross.
    Jesus is the sacrifice offered at holy Mass for the sins of the world and for mine.
    Jesus is the Word – to be spoken.
    Jesus is the Truth – to be told.
    Jesus is the Way – to be walked.
    Jesus is the Light – to be lit.
    Jesus is the Life – to be lived.
    Jesus is the Love – to be loved.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta [LoC 710] (1910-1997) Albanian-born Indian Catholic nun, saint, missionary, humanitarian, founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, Nobel Prize for Peace laureate, 1979, cited in: Mother Teresa's Description of Jesus, presented by the publication Catholic News Agency (CNA), undated


  • But we find that the best and the greatest men that have been born in the world have worked with a high impersonal idea. It is the man who said, "I and my Father are one," whose power has descended unto millions. For two thousand years he has worked for good. And we know that the same man, because he was a non-dualist, was merciful to others. To the masses, who could not conceive of anything higher than a Personal God, he said, "Pray to your Father in heaven." To others, who could grasp a higher idea, he said, "I am the vine and ye are the branches." But to his disciples, to whom he revealed himself more fully, he proclaimed the highest truth, "I and my Father are one."
    Swami Vivekananda [LoC 610] (1863-1902) Indian saint, monk, scholar, Swami Nikhilananda, editor, Vivekananda. The Yogas and Other Works, S. 251, Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, revised edition June 1953


  • Love is a gracious host to his guests though to the unbidden his house is a mirage and a mockery. Now you would
    have me explain the miracles of Jesus. We are all the miraculous gesture of the moment; our Lord and Master was
    the centre of that moment. Yet it was not in His desire that His gestures be known.
    Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese US American painter, philosopher, writer, poet, Jesus, The Son of Man, chapter 59 "John
    At Patmos. Jesus The Gracious"
    , 1928, White Crow Books, January 2010


  • Your Christ is all light and no darkness, while the Self manifests in two colours, white and black. He cannot be identi-
    fied with the whole Self, only with its light side. Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoana-
    lyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, letter to Morton Kelsey, 27. December 1958, cited in: Morton Kelsey (1917-2001) US American Episcopal priest, Jungian therapist, counselor, religious writer, Myth, History & Faith. The Mysteries of Christian Myth and Imagination, chapter VIII, 1974, Element 1. January 1991


  • Jesus was the first socialist, the first to seek a better life for mankind.
    Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev [Political influence LoC 500] (1931-2022) Russian general secretary of the Communist Party of
    the Soviet Union (1985-1991), last head of state of the USSR due to Glasnost policy Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1990, cited
    in: article, presented by the English daily newspaper The Daily Telegraph, 16. June 1992


  • Nor does it matter from the standpoint of a comparative study of symbolic forms whether Christ or the Buddha ever actually lived and performed the miracles associated with their teachings.
    Joseph Campbell, Ph.D. [LoC 410] (1904-1987) US American mythologist, expert in comparative mythology and comparative
    religion, author, Myths to Live By, collection of essays (1958-1971), essay The Emergence of Mankind, 1966, Arkana, 1993



Pilate, Jesus' worldly judge

Famous words: Ecce homo! [Behold the man!]


See also:

Elaine Pagels, Ph.D., The Defeat of the Gnostics, 6. December 1979, presented by the US American semi-monthly magazine
The New York Review of Books, date unknown



Historic record on the existence of Jesus, persecution of the early Christians under emperor Nero

  • [The insane Roman emperor Nero (54-68 AD)] substituted as culprits and punished with the utmost refinements of cruelty, a class of persons hated for their vices, whom the crowd called Christians. Christus, the founder of the name, had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD), by sentence of the procurator Pilate, and the pernicious superstition was checked for a mo-
    ment, only to break out once more, not only in Judea, the home of the disease, but in the capital itself, where everything horrible or shameful in the world gathers and becomes fashionable. Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Loc 420] (~55-115 AD) influential aristocratic Roman historian, senator, who knew virtually nothing about Jesus; cited in: Elaine Pagels, Ph.D. (*1943) US American religious historian, Biblical scholar of gnosticism, author, The Defeat of the Gnostics, 6. December 1979, presented by the US American semi-monthly magazine The New York Review of Books, date unknown


  • It is especially difficult to determine whether we are in fact dealing with the story of a particular man's life, [in other words] a biography illustrating values we hold because of him. We may [instead] be dealing with a narrative figure, whose function is to illustrate universal or eternal values. Thomas L. Thompson (*1939) US American-Danish biblical
    scholar, professor of theology associated with the Copenhagen School, University of Copenhagen (1993-2009), The Messiah Myth. The Near Eastern Roots of Jesus and David, S. 136, Jonathan Cape, 22. August 2006


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Jesus

Literary quotes

  • I was dead.
    I was a woman who had divorced her soul.
    I was living apart from this self which you now see.
    I belonged to all men, and to none.
    They called me harlot, and a woman possessed of seven devils.
    I was cursed, and I was envied.
    But when His dawn-eyes looked into my eyes all the stars of my night faded away,
    and I became Miriam, only Miriam, a woman lost to the earth she had known, and finding herself in new places.
    Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese US American painter, philosopher, poet, writer, Jesus, The Son of Man, chapter "Mary
    Magdalen: On Meeting Jesus For The First Time", 1928, White Crow Books, January 2010

Quotes by John Dominic Crossan

John Dominic Crossan, Ph.D. (*1934) Irish US American religious scholar, former Catholic priest, co-founder of Jesus Seminar, expert on biblical archaeology, anthropology, the New Testament, researcher into the historical Jesus of Nazareth, author
Publications (1991-2015)
   1The Historical Jesus. The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant [1976], HarperOne, 1991, Joanna Cotler
         Books, 1. January 1992, HarperOne, 26. February 1993
   2Jesus. A Revolutionary Biography, Harper, San Francisco, 1. January 1994, 13. October 2009
   3Who is Jesus? Answers to Your Questions about the Historical Jesus, Westminster Press, 1996, October 1999
   4The Birth of Christianity. Discovering What Happened In the Years Immediately After the Execution of Jesus,
         HarperOne, 1998, 3. March 1999, 6. July 2010
   5The Greatest Prayer. A Revolutionary Manifesto and Hymn of Hope, HarperOne, 7. September 2010
   6The Power of Parable. How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction about Jesus, HarperOne, 22. January 2012,
         reprint issue 5. February 2013
   7The John Dominic Crossan Essential Set, HarperCollins, e-books Kindle issue 15. April 2014
   8How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian. Is God Violent? An Exploration from Genesis to Revelation,
         HarperOne, 3. March 2015, SPCK Publishing, 20. August 2015, HarperOne, reprint edition 26. July 2016



Rankist record keepers: elite wealthy powerful literate males of patriarchy

  • The past is recorded almost exclusively in the voices of elites and males, in the viewpoints of the wealthy and the powerful, in the visions of the literate and the educated. 1


  • The ecstatic vision and social program sought to rebuild a society upward from its grass roots but on principles of reli-
    gious and economic egalitarianism, with free healing brought directly to the peasant homes and free sharing of what-
    ever they had in return. The deliberate conjunction of magic and meal, miracle and table, free compassion and open commensality, was a challenge launched not just at Judaism's strictest purity regulations, or even at the Mediterra-
    nean's patriarchal combination of honor and shame, patronage and clientage, but at civilization's eternal inclination
    to draw lines, invoke boundaries, establish hierarchies, and maintain discriminations. 1



Research on the historical Jesus

  • It is impossible to avoid the suspicion that historical Jesus research is a very safe place to do theology and call it history, to do autobiography and call it biography. 1


  • There were always historians who said [historical Jesus research] can not be done because of historical problems.
    There were always theologians who said it should not be done because of theological objections. And there were al-
    ways scholars who said the former when they meant the latter. 1



Modern research on Jesus

  • [C]ontemporary Jesus research is still involved in textual looting, in attacks on the mound of Jesus tradition that do not begin from any overall stratigraphy, do not explain why this or that item was chosen for emphasis over some other one, and give the distinct impression that the researcher knew the result before beginning the search. 1


  • The divine origins of Jesus are, to be sure, just as fictional or mythological as those of Octavius. But to claim them for Octavius surprised nobody in that first century. What was incredible was that anyone at all claimed them for Jesus. 2


  • The rebel general Calgacus describes the Roman Empire just before his fatal encounter with its military might in northeastern Scotland: Robbers of the world, now that earth fails their all-devastating hands, they probe even the sea:
    if their enemy have wealth, they have greed; if he be poor, they are ambitious; East nor West has glutted them; alone of
    mankind they covet with the same passion want [poor lands] as much as wealth [rich lands]. To plunder, butcher, steal, these things they misname empire: they make a desolation and they call it peace. 2


  • Still, as one ponders that progress from open commensality with Jesus to episcopal banquet with Constantine, is it unfair to regret a progress that happened so fast and moved so swiftly, that was accepted so readily and criticized so lightly? 2


  • Now, what on earth does that mean, especially if one does not spiritualize it away, as Matthew immediately did, into "poor [or destitute] in spirit" – that is, the spiritually humble or religiously obedient? Did Jesus really think that bums and beggars were actually blessed by God, as if all the destitute were nice people and all the aristocrats correspondingly evil? Is this some sort of naive or romantic delusion about the charms of destitution? If, however, we think not just of personal or indi-
    vidual evil but of social, structural, or systemic injustice – that is, of precisely the imperial situation in which Jesus and his fellow peasants found themselves – then the saying becomes literally, terribly, and permanently true. In any situation of oppression, especially in those oblique, indirect, and systemic ones where injustice wears a mask of normalcy or even
    of necessity, the only ones who are innocent or blessed are those squeezed out deliberately as human junk from the system's own evil operations. A contemporary equivalent: only the homeless are innocent. That is a terrifying aphorism against society because, like the aphorisms against the family, it focuses not just on personal or individual abuse of po-
    wer but on such abuse in its systemic or structural possibilities – and there, in contrast to the former level, none of our
    hands are innocent or our consciences particularly clear. 2


  • My point, once again, is not that those ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally. 3


  • And how does one know that God is just? Because God stood against the Egyptian Empire to save some doomed slaves. God does not simply prefer Jews to Egyptians. God does not simply prefer slaves to masters. The only true God prefers justice to injustice, righteousness to unrighteousness, and is therefore God the Liberator. That very ancient Jewish tradi-
    tion was destined to clash profoundly and fiercely with Roman commercialization, urbanization, and monetization in the
    first-century Jewish homeland. 4



Christianity ⇔ Rabbinic Judaism

  • It is not even accurate to say that Christianity eventually broke away from Judaism. It is more accurate to say that, out of that matrix of Biblical Judaism and that maelstrom of late Second-Temple Judaism, two great traditions eventually emerged: early Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Each claimed exclusive continuity with the past, but in truth each was as great a leap and as valid a development from that common ancestry as was the other. They are not child and parent; they are two children of the same mother. So, of course, were Cain and Abel. 4



Eschatology ⇔ world-negation

  • Eschatology is one of the great and fundamental options of the human spirit. It is a profoundly explicit no to the profoundly implicit yes by which we usually accept life's normalcies, culture's presuppositions, and civilization's discontents. It is a basic and unusual world-negation or rejection as opposed to an equally basic but more usual world-affirmation or acceptance. For myself, left to myself, I would prefer to bury the term eschatological and use instead a term such as world-negation. But
    I presume that eschatological is here to stay, so I continue to use it. 4



God's plan: fair sharing of God's earth

  • "Justice and righteousness" is how the Bible, as if in a slogan, summarizes the character and spirit of God the Creator and, therefore, the destiny and future of God's created earth. It points to distributive justice as the Bible's radical vision of God. "Ah, you who join house to house, who add field to field," mourns the prophet Isaiah, "until there is room for no one but you,
    and you are left to live alone in the midst of the land" (Isaiah 5, 8). But that landgrab is against the dream of God and the hope of Israel. Covenant with a God of distributive justice who owns the earth necessarily involves, the prophets insist,
    the exercise of distributive justice in God’s world and on God’s earth. All God's people must receive a fair share of
    God's earth
    . 5



Fair and equitable sharing of God's land

  • Firmly grounded in the divine dream of Israel's Torah, the Bible's prophetic vision insists that God demands the fair and equitable sharing of God's world among all of God's people. In Israel's Torah, God says, "The land is mine; with me you are but aliens and tenants." (Leviticus 25, 23). We are all tenant farmers and resident aliens in a land and on an earth not our own. 5




[+Satan = violent injustice ⇔ God =


  • To obtain and possess the kingdoms of the world, with their power and glory, by [[Wiki.Gewalt

violent injustice]] is to worship Satan. To obtain and possess the kingdom, the power, and the glory by nonviolent justice is to worship God. 5


  • Christ is the norm, the criterion, the purpose, and the meaning of the book. The book points to Christ; Christ does
    not point to the book. We are not the People of the Book; we are the People with the Book. The Gospel of John does
    not say, "God so loved the world that he gave us" a book (John 3, 16). The Revelation of John does not say that we
    are saved "by the ink of the Lamb" (Revelation 12, 11). For over a hundred years Christians have asked WWJD?
    (What Would Jesus Do?) and not WWBS? (What Would the Bible Say?). If Christ is the norm of the gospel, then he
    is also the norm of the New Testament, and of the entire Christian Bible. That, of course, is why we are called Christ-
    ians and not Bible-ians. 5


  • The prophets speak in continuity with that radical vision of the earth’s divine ownership. They repeatedly proclaim it with two words in poetic parallelism. "The Lord is exalted," proclaims Isaiah. "He dwells on high; he filled Zion with justice and righteousness" (Isaiah 33, 5). "I am the Lord," announces Jeremiah in the name of God. "I act with steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight" (Jeremiah 9, 24). And those qualities must flow from God to
    us, from heaven to earth. "Thus says the Lord," continues Jeremiah. "Act with justice and righteousness, and deliver from
    the hand of the oppressor anyone who has been robbed. And do no wrong or violence to the alien, the orphan, and the
    widow, or shed innocent blood in this place"
    (Jeremiah 22, 3). 5


  • On the one hand, the seventeenth – and eighteenth – century European Enlightenment (that's a metaphor, by the way) correctly "enlightened" us on the necessity of observation and experimentation in the physical sciences and the value of reason and debate, proof and repetition in science and technology. In that process, the dead hand of inquisitional power and the cold gaze of ecclesiastical control were removed from spheres about which they knew too little and claimed too much. That was a magnificent achievement and must always be appreciated as such.
    On the other hand, the Enlightenment also dramatically "endarkened" us on metaphor and symbol, myth and parable, espe-
    cially in religion and theology. We judge, for example, that the ancients took their religious stories literally, but that we
    are now sophisticated enough to recognize their delusions. What, however, if those ancients intended and accepted
    their stories as metaphors or parables, and we are the mistaken ones? What if those pre-Enlightenment minds were
    quite capable of hearing a metaphor, grasping its meaning immediately and its content correctly, and never worrying
    about the question: Is this literal or metaphorical? Or, better, what if they knew how to take their foundational meta-
    phors and stories programmatically, functionally, and seriously without asking too closely about literal and metapho-
    rical distinctions?
    We have, in other words, great post-Enlightenment gain, but also great post-Enlightenment loss. 5


  • If an audience kept complete silence during a challenge parable from Jesus and if an audience filed past him afterward saying, 'Lovely parable, this morning, Rabbi,' Jesus would have failed utterly. 6


  • When a metaphor gets big, it is called "tradition"; when it gets bigger, it is called "reality". 6


  • This is my working definition of history: History is the past reconstructed interactively by the present through argued evidence in public discourse. There are times we can get only alternative perspectives on the same event. (There are always alternative perspectives, even when we do not hear them.) But history as argued public reconstruction is ne-
    cessary to reconstruct our past in order to project our future. 7


  • Sadly, the book of Job was but a speed bump on the Deuteronomic superhighway. The delusion of divine punishments still prevails inside and outside religion over the clear evidence of human consequences, random accidents, and natural disasters. This does not simply distort theology; it defames the very character of God. 8


  • We humans are not getting more evil or sinful but are simply getting more competent and efficient at whatever we want
    to do – including sin as willed violence. And so, we have become, as Genesis 4 warned us inaugurally, steadily or even exponentially better and better at violence. And now, at last, that capacity threatens not just the family or the tribe, but
    the world and the Earth. 8


(:note God's justice ⇔ retributive justice |

  • The heart of God's justice is to make sure that the "weak and the orphan" have received their share of God’s resources for them to live and thrive. Retributive justice comes in only when that ideal is violated. 8


  • Throughout the biblical story, from Genesis to Revelation, every radical challenge from the biblical God is both asserted and then subverted by its receiving communities – be they earliest Israelites or latest Christians. That pattern of assertion-and-subversion, that rhythm of expansion-and-contraction, is like the systole-and-diastole cycle of the human heart. In
    other words, the heartbeat of the Christian Bible is a recurrent cardiac cycle in which the asserted radicality of God's nonviolent distributive justice is subverted by the normalcy of civilization's violent retributive justice. And, of course,
    the most profound annulment is that both assertion and subversion are attributed to the same God or the same Christ.
    Think of this example. In the Bible, prophets are those who speak for God. On one hand, the prophets Isaiah and Micah agree on this as God's vision: "they shall beat their swords into plowshares, / and their spears into pruning hooks; /
    nation shall not lift up sword against nation, / neither shall they learn war any more"
    (Isaiah 2, 4 = Micah 4, 3). On the
    other hand, the prophet Joel suggests the opposite vision: "Beat your plowshares into swords, / and your pruning hooks into spears; / let the weakling say, 'I am a warrior'" (Joel 3, 10). Is this simply an example of assertion-and-subversion between prophets, or between God's radicality and civilization's normalcy [normopathy]?
    That proposal might also answer how […] Jesus the Christ of the Sermon on the Mount preferred loving enemies and praying for persecutors while Jesus the Christ of the book of Revelation preferred killing enemies and slaughtering persecutors. It is not that Jesus the Christ changed his mind, but that in standard biblical assertion-and-subversion strategy, Christianity changed its Jesus. 8



Biblical violent God ⇔ Biblical nonviolent God

  • The first and fundamental question of this book is this: How do we Christians know which is our true God— our Bible's violent God, or our Bible's nonviolent God? The answer is actually obvious. The norm and criterion of the Christian Bible is the biblical Christ. Christ is the standard by which we measure everything else in the Bible. Since Christianity claims Christ as the image and revelation of God, then God is violent if Christ is violent, and God is nonviolent if Christ is nonviolent. This
    is even given in what we are called. We are called Christ-ians not Bible-ians, so our very name asserts the ascendancy
    of Christ over the Bible. 8



Israel's war crimes

  • Imagine the upside-down triangle formed by the Anatolian plateau in the west, the Mesopotamian plain in the east, and the Egyptian valley in the south. Squeeze the sides of that triangle between the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian desert, and there in the Levantine narrows is tiny Israel. It was the hinge of the three then-known continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It was the corridor, cockpit, and cauldron of imperial competition. With warring superpowers first to the north and south, then to the west and east, invasion for Israel was inescapable and defeat inevitable – despite Deuteronomy 28. If Israel had spent all of its life on its knees praying, the only change in its history would have been to have died – on its knees praying. It is a crime against both humanity and divinity to tell a people so located that a military defeat is a punish-
    ment from God. This holds also, but for different reasons, on disease and drought, famine and even earthquake. No won-
    der, therefore, that Israel's Psalter is filled with cries for forgiveness and pleas for mercy. External invasions, internal fa-
    mines, and any other disasters were not divine punishments for how the people of Israel lived its covenantal life with
    God, but human consequences of where the nation of Israel lived it. 8


Source: ► John Dominic Crossan > Quotes, presented by the US American "social cataloging" website Goodreads, undated

⚡ Critical quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals

  • I wouldn’t call myself a Christian because I do not believe that Jesus is God, nor do I believe that he ever thought that he was God, or that he ever said that he was God. Audio interview with Reza Aslan (*1972) Iranian-American scholar of religions, associate professor of creative writing, University of California, Riverside, writer, source and issuing date unknown


  • There were dozens of people who walked through the Holy Land claiming to be the Messiah, curing the sick, exorcising demons, challenging Rome, gathering followers. In a way, there's nothing unique about what Jesus did. In fact, many of these so-called false Messiahs we know by name. Some of them were even more famous in their own lifetimes than Je-
    sus was. They had more followers than Jesus did. What I'm fascinated by is that out of that dozen or so so-called Mes-
    siahs in first-century Palestine, only one of them is still called 'Messiah.'

    Audio interview with Reza Aslan (*1972) Iranian-American scholar of religions, associate professor of creative writing, University of California, Riverside, writer, Christ In Context: 'Zealot' Explores The Life Of Jesus, presented by the non-commercial US American
    media organization National Public Radio (NPR) NPR books, 44:22 minutes duration, aired 15. July 2013
  • Paul [Saint Paul of Tarsus] [LoC 745] (5-67 AD) hardly ever allows the real Jesus of Nazareth to get a word in.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, presented by the monthly news magazine U.S. News & World Report, S. 55, 22. April 1991


  • If you're asking if whether Jesus expected to be seen as God made flesh, as the living embodi-
    ment, the incarnation of God, then the answer to that is absolutely no. Such a thing did not exist in Judaism. In the 5,000-year history of Jewish thought, the notion of a God-man is completely anathema to everything Judaism stands for. The idea that Jesus could've conceived of himself – or that even his followers could've conceived of him – as divine, contradicts everything that has ever been said about Judaism as a religion. Audio interview with Reza Aslan (*1972) Iranian-American scholar of religions, associate professor of creative writing, University of California, Riverside, writer, Christ In Context: 'Zealot' Explores The Life Of Jesus, presented by the non-commercial US Ame-
    rican media organization National Public Radio (NPR) NPR books, 44:22 minutes duration, aired 15. July 2013


  • Almost every word ever written about Jesus was written by people who didn't actually know Jesus when he was alive. These were not people who walked with Jesus or talked with Jesus. These were not people who ate with him or prayed with him.
    Audio interview with Reza Aslan (*1972) Iranian-American scholar of religions, associate professor of creative writing, University of California, Riverside, writer, Christ In Context: 'Zealot' Explores The Life Of Jesus, presented by the non-commercial US American media organization National Public Radio (NPR) NPR books, 44:22 minutes duration, aired 15. July 2013


  • [The Apostles] were farmers and fisherman. These were illiterates; they could neither read nor write, so they couldn't really espouse Christology, high-minded theology about who Jesus was. They certainly couldn't write anything down. Instead the task of spreading the Gospel message outside of Jerusalem, of really creating what we now know as Christianity, fell to a group of urbanized, Hellenized, educated Jews in the Diaspora; [and] for [the Romans], having grown up immersed in this Hellenized, Romanized world, the concept of a God-man was something quite familiar. Caesar Augustus was a God-man. What we really see in these 20 years after Jesus' death is this process whereby
    this Jewish religion based on a Jewish revolutionary becomes transformed into a Roman religion, where Jesus is transformed from a Jewish conception of a Messiah to a kind of Roman demigod.
    Audio interview with Reza Aslan (*1972) Iranian-American scholar of religions, associate professor of creative writing, University of California, Riverside, writer, Christ In Context: 'Zealot' Explores The Life Of Jesus, presented by the non-commercial US American media organization National Public Radio (NPR) NPR books, 44:22 minutes duration, aired 15. July 2013


  • What sorts of things do pagan authors from the time of Jesus have to say about him? Nothing. As odd as it may seem, there is no mention of Jesus at all by any of his pagan contemporaries. There are no birth records, no trial transcripts, no death certificates; there are no expressions of interest, no heated slanders, no passing references – nothing. In fact, if we broaden our field of concern to the years after his death – even if we include the entire first century of the Com-
    mon Era – there is not so much as a solitary reference to Jesus in any non-Christian, non-Jewish source of any kind.
    I should stress that we do have a large number of documents from the time – the writings of poets, philosophers, his-
    torians, scientists, and government officials, for example, not to mention the large collection of surviving inscriptions
    on stone and private letters and legal documents on papyrus. In none of this vast array of surviving writings is Jesus'
    name ever so much as mentioned.
    Bart D. Ehrman, Ph.D. (*1955) US American professor of religious studies, New Testament scholar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, historian, author, Jesus. Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, S. 56-57, Oxford University Press, May 2001


  1. No first century secular evidence whatsoever exists to support the actuality of Yeshua ben Yosef.
  2. The earliest New Testament writers seem ignorant of the details of Jesus’ life, which become more crystalized
    in later texts.
  3. The New Testament stories don’t claim to be first-hand accounts.
  4. The gospels, the only accounts of a historical Jesus, contradict each other.
  5. Modern scholars who claim to have uncovered the real historical Jesus depict wildly different persons.
Article 5 Reasons to Suspect Jesus Never Existed. A growing number of scholars are openly questioning or actively arguing against whether Jesus lived., presented by the US American news and opinion website Salon, Valerie Tarico, 1. September 2014


Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born,
But not within thyself, thy soul will be forlorn;
The cross on Golgotha thou lookest to in vain,
Unless within thyself it be set up again.

Angelus Silesius (1624-1677) German physician,
Catholic theologian, mystic poet, Cherubinic Wanderer, 1675

Englische Texte – English section on Jesus Christ

Thirty-three miracles of Jesus

List of 33 miracles performed by Jesus Christ
༺༻EventReported in Gospel, New TestamentType of miracle
1.Man with leprosyMatthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45,
Luke 5:12-14
2.Roman Centurion’s servantMatthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10 Healing
3.Peter’s mother-in-lawMatthew 8:14-15, Mark 1:30-31,
Luke 4:38-39
4.Man with palsyMatthew 9:2-7, Luke 5:18-26,
Mark 2:3-12
5.Woman with bleedingMatthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34,
Luke 8:43-48
6.Two blind menMatthew 9:27-31 Healing
7.Dumb, demon possessed manMatthew 9:32-33 Healing
8.Man with the withered handMatthew 12:10-13, Mark 3:1-5,
Luke 6:6-11
9.Canaanite woman’s daughterMatthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30 Healing
10.Two blind men including BartimaeusMatthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46-52,
Luke 18:35-43
11.Blind man in BethesdaMark 1:21-28, Luke 4:31-37 Healing
12.Crippled womanLuke 13:10-17 Healing
13.Man with dropsyLuke 14:1-4 Healing
14.Ten men with leprosyLuke 17:11-19 Healing
15.Cut off ear of high priest’s servantLuke 22:50-51 Healing
16.Sick man at the pool of BethesdaJohn 5:1-15 Healing
17.Man born blindJohn 9:1-41 Healing
18.Nobleman’s son in CapernaumJohn 4:46-54 Healing
Raising from
the dead
19.Jairus’ dead daughterMatthew 9:18-26, Mark 5:21-43,
Luke 8:40-56
Raising from
the dead
20.Widow’s son in NainLuke 7:11-17Raising from
the dead
21.Lazarus of BethanyJohn 11:1-44Raising from
the dead
22.Mary Magdalene (possessed by 7 demons), Joanna and SusannaLuke 8:2 Casting out demons
23.Two demon-possessed menMatthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-15,
Luke 8:27-39
Casting out demons
24.Blind, dumb demon possessed manMatthew 12:22-23, Luke 11:14 Casting out demons
25.Demon posessed boyMatthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:17-29,
Luke 9:38-43
Casting out demons
26.Devil posessed man in the synagogueMark 1:21-28, Luke 4:31-37 Casting out demons
27.Coin in the mouth of a fishMatthew 17:24-27Money making
28.Feeding of 5000 peopleMatthew 14:14-21, Mark 6:30-44,
Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-14
Food making
29.Feeding of 4000 peopleMatthew 15:32-39, Mark 8:1-9 Food making
30.Water into wine at Cana weddingJohn 2:1-11 Food making
31.153 fish caught at once, fish net unbroken
preciptation of fire and food
Luke 5:4-11, John 21:1-11 Food making
Bending natural law
32.Cursing a fig tree to witherMatthew 21:18-22, Mark 11:12-14, 20-25 Bending time
Bending natural law
33.Walking on waterMatthew 14:22-32, Mark 6:47-52 Levitation
Reversing gravitation
34.Calming the stormMatthew 8:23-27, Luke 8:22-25 Weather making
Note: D. Hawkins muscle tested that the 33 miracles of Jesus as reported in the New Testament are TRUE.
"The following spiritual concepts calibrate as true: […] 7. Jesus' thirty-three miracles."
D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 387, 2005
Inspired by: ► Blog article What Miracles Did Jesus Perform?, presented by the publication christianity.com, 7. June 2010
See also: ► Miracles

Seven 'I Am' sayings of Jesus – Gospel of John

I AM ... Bread, Light, Gate, Shepherd, Life, Way, Vine
1.Bread "I AM the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger."John 6, 35
2.Light "I AM the light of the world; he who fallows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life."John 8, 12
3.Gate "I AM the gate; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture."John 10, 9
4.Good Shepherd "I AM the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for His sheep."John 10, 11
5.Resurrection and Life "I AM the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies."John 11, 25
6.Way, Truth, Life "I AM the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."John 14, 6
7.True vine "I AM the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser."John 15, 1


But Jesus remained silent and gave no answer. Again the high priest asked him, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?"I am," said Jesus. "And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One
and coming on the clouds of heaven." The high priest tore his clothes. "Why do we need any more witnesses?"
he asked. "You have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?"
Mark 14, 61-64 (NT)


But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest said to him, "I demand in the name of the living God – tell us if you are the Messiah, the Son of God." Jesus replied, "You have said it. And in the future you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven." Matthew 26, 63-64 (NT)


"If you are the Messiah," they said, "tell us." Jesus answered, "If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I asked
you, you would not answer. But from now on, the Son of Man will be seated at the right hand of the mighty God."
Luke 22, 67-69 (NT)


They all asked, "Are you then the Son of God?" He replied, "You say that I am." Then they said, "Why do we need any more testimony? We have heard it from his own lips." Luke 22, 70-71 (NT)


At that point the priestly judges of the Sanhedrin trial of Jesus decided to hand the 'Son of God' committing blasphemy over to Pontius Pilate, the fifth Prefect under Emperor Tiberius of the Roman province of Judaea
(26-36 AD), who authorized the crucifixion of Jesus.

Typological parallels between Moses ♦ Jesus ♦ Roman emperor Titus – Joseph Atwill

Parallels between the typologies of Moses (Old Testament) ⇔ Jesus (New Testament)
༺༻Genesis, ExodusMoses: Old TestamentGospel of MatthewJesus: New Testament
1.Genesis 45-50Joseph goes to Egypt.Matthew 2, 13Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus
flee to Egypt.
2.Exodus 1Pharaoh massacres boys.Matthew 2, 16Herod massacres boys.
3.Exodus 4 "All the men are dead
which sought thy life."
Matthew 2, 20 "They are dead which sought
the young child's life."
4.Exodus 12From Egypt to IsraelMatthew 2, 21From Egypt to Israel
5.Exodus 14
2 Kings 2, 7‐8
Malachi 4, 1-2
Passing through water (baptism)
Elijah at river Jordan
Matthew 3, 13Baptism (passing through water)
Figure/location: Weirdly dressed
John the Baptist at river Jordan
6.Exodus 16In the wilderness
"tempted by bread"
Matthew 4, 4 "In the wilderness"
"tempted by bread"'
7.Exodus 17 "Do not tempt God."Matthew 4, 7 "Do not tempt God."
8.Exodus 32 "Worship only God."Matthew 4, 10 "Worship only God."
Sources featuring Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author
Book Caesar's Messiah. The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, Ulysses Press, 15. April 2005
Blog entry The obvious intro to the Jesus/Titus typology, presented by caesarsmessiah.com Blog, 23. May 2011


Christianity was a deliberately engineered product of the Imperial Cult.11
Blog entry by Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author, Hadrian wrote that Serapis and Christ were the same god, presented by caesarsmessiah.com, 4. November 2011

I believe that the literary device12 was designed to eventually be discovered and bring Christianity to an end.
Blog entry by Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author, The obvious intro to the Jesus/Titus typology, presented
by caesarsmessiah.com, 23. May 2011

"An old superstition spread over all the East that out of Judaea would come the ruler of the world. This prediction, as it later proved, referred to two Roman emperors Vespasian and his son Titus."
Suetonius (69-122 AD) Roman historian of the equestrian order during the early Imperial era of the Roman Empire, The Lives of the Caesars , chapter The Life of Vespasian 4.5, Loeb Classical Library, 1914

Suetonius was clear as to the identity of the Christ; he knew that "God the Father" was Vespasian and the "Son of Man" Jesus predicted was Titus. Blog entry by Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author, Hadrian wrote that Serapis and Christ were the same god, presented by caesarsmessiah.com, 4. November 2011


Juxtaposing fictitious Jesus (2-7 BC-30/31AD) ⇔ Roman emperor Titus Flavius (39-81 AD)
New TestamentWar of the Jews by Flavius Josephus (37-100 AD)
༺༻EventGospel of Luke (NT)JesusThe Wars of the Jews, or The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem13Titus Flavius
1. Journey from Galilee to Jerusalem, Messengers sent aheadLuke 9, 51 Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem, and sent messengers before His face."
At the beginning of his ministry Jesus came to the Sea of Galilee and told his disciples that if they followed him they would become fishers of men.
WotJ, 5, 1, 40 "Titus, when he had gotten together part of his forces about him, and had ordered the rest to meet him at Jerusalem, marched out of Cesarea."
Titus’ began his campaign by leading his men to the Sea of Galilee where they fished for men.
"Those that were drowning were either killed by the spears or caught by the vessels." [*] Titus Flavius Josephus [Joseph ben Matityahu] (37-100 AD) 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian, hagiographer of priestly and royal ancestry, The Wars of the Jews Or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem, translated by William Whiston, 3, 10, 9, written in 75 AD, EBook, 10. January 2009
2. Dividing the group 3 for 2
"Five sons of Maccabee" fighting in war
Luke 12, 51-53 "Do [you] suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, and two against three."WotJ, 5, 3, 104-105 "These followers of John also did now seize upon this inner temple, and upon all the warlike engines therein, and then ventured to oppose Simon.
And thus that sedition, which had been divided into three factions, was now reduced to two."
3. Cutting down the fruit treeLuke 13, 6-9 "And if it bears fruit, [well]. But if not, after that you can cut it down."WotJ, 5, 3, 106-107 "So they threw down all the hedges and walls which the inhabitants had made about their gardens and groves of trees, and cut down all the fruit trees that lay between them."
4. Triumphal entrance into Jerusalem; stones crying out, stones comingLuke 19, 35-42

Matthew 3, 9
Jesus: "Blessed [is] the King who comes in the name of the LORD! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!"
Pharisees: ‘Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.’
Jesus: "I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stones would immediately cry out."
Jesus weeping over Jerusalem: "If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things [that make] for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes."

Jesus: "Do not think to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as [our] father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up sons to Abraham from these stones."14
WotJ, 5, 6, 269-273 "As for the Jews, they at first watched the coming of the stone, for it was of a white color, and could therefore not only be perceived by the great noise it made, but could be seen also before it came by its brightness; accordingly the watchmen that sat upon the towers gave them notice when the engine was let go, and the stone came from it, and cried out aloud, in their own country language, ‘THE SON COMETH’15 so those that were in its way stood off, and threw themselves down upon the ground; by which means, and by their thus guarding themselves, the stone fell down and did them no harm.
But the Romans contrived how to prevent that by blacking the stone, who then could aim at them with success, when the stone was not discerned beforehand."16
5. Jerusalem encircled with a wallLuke 19, 43-44 Jesus: "For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side."WotJ, 5, 12, 499-501 "[T]hey must build a wall round about the whole city; which was, he thought, the only way to prevent the Jews from coming out any way."
6. Driving out the thieves from the area in front of the templeLuke 19, 45-47 "Then He went into the temple area and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it, saying to them, 'It is written, "My house is a house of prayer," but you have made it a "den of thieves."' … the chief priests, the scribes, and the leaders of the people sought to destroy Him."17WotJ, 5, 7, 301-302 "Then the Romans mounted the breach […] and all the Jews left the guarding that wall, and retreated to the second wall; so those that had gotten over that wall opened the gates, and received all the army within it.
And thus did the Romans get possession of this first wall on the fifteenth day of the siege."18
7. The Abomination of DesolationLuke 21, 10-20

Matthew 24, 7-15

Mark 13:3-30

Daniel 12:11 (OT)
Jesus: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom."

Jesus: "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom […] Therefore when you see the "abomination of desolation," spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand)."

Jesus: "Not [one] stone shall be left upon another, that shall not be thrown down." 4 ‘Tell us, when will these things be?’ 5 And Jesus, answering them, began to say: 14 'So when you see the "abomination of desolation," spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not' (let the reader understand)..." 26 "Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory." 30 "Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place."

"From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days."
WotJ, 6, 2, 93-94, 109-110

Tacitus, Histories
"[O]n that very day, which was the seventeenth day of Panemus, [Tamuz,] the sacrifice called ‘the Daily Sacrifice’ had failed, and had not been offered to God, for want of men to offer it, and that the people were grievously troubled at it) […]
[…] And who is there that does not know what the writings of the ancient prophets contain in them, – and particularly that oracle which is just now going to be fulfilled upon this miserable city?"19

"The majority [of the Jews] were convinced that the ancient scriptures of their priests alluded to the present as the very time when the Orient would triumph and from Judaea would go forth men destined to rule the world. This mysterious prophecy really referred to Vespasian and Titus, but the common people, true to the selfish ambitions of mankind, thought that this exalted destiny was reserved for them, and not even their calamities opened their eyes to the truth." Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Gaius] (56-~120 AD) senator of the Roman Empire, historian, Histories (Year of Four Emperors: downfall of Nero, rise of Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, rule of the Flavian Dynasty [69-96 AD]), 5, 13, 100-110 AD
Sources featuring Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author
Book Caesar's Messiah. The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, Ulysses Press, 15. April 2005
Video presentation/DVD documentary Flavian Signature Presentation, YouTube film, 35:55 minutes duration, posted 25. March 2013
Audio interview Caesar's Messiah, Christianity and Mind Control with Joe Atwill, presented by the platform Gnostic Warrior, episode #26,
     YouTube film, 1:33:33 duration, recorded and posted 3. October 2013
Blog entry Flavian Signature overview, presented by the blog caesarsmessiah.com, 18. June 2011
[*] Literature: ► Titus Flavius Josephus [Joseph ben Matityahu] (37-100 AD) 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian, hagiographer of priestly and royal ancestry, translated by William Whiston, written in 75 AD, Gutenberg EBook, 10. January 2009, PDF, documentacatholicaomnia.eu
Narrated audio resource: ► Audio narration on The Wars of the Jews – Audiobook by Flavius Josephus - Book 1, 2, 3, presented by LibriVox Audiobooks, red by Graham Redman and various narrators, YouTube film, 12:17:13 duration, posted 22. December 2017

C. S. Lewis' Jesus trilemma

The Irish British literary scholar and novelist C. S. Lewis [LoC 390, work LoC 455] (1898-1963) stated a trilemma concerning Jesus.
Jesus can only be considered to be one of three things:

  1. Lunatic – Mad
  2. Liar – Bad
  3. Lord – God

BW-Werte: Jesus Christus

  • BW Unendlich – Christus[*]
  • BW Unendlich – Christusbewusstsein[*]
  • BW Unendlich – Christus als fleischgewordener Gott[*]
  • BW 1000 – Christus auf Erden Long Beach Seminar, November 2007
  • BW 1000 – Bereits bei Jesus' Geburt vorhanden (Dieser Umstand ist einzigartig unter den Menschen.)
  • BW hohe 900 – Die christliche Lebenspraxis unmittelbar nach Christus' Kreuzigung schwang höher als bei anderen spirituellen Lebensweisen.
  • BW 700+ – 14 Menschen: Jesus, Johannes der Täufer, Paulus und die überlebenden Apostel nach Pfingsten [Stand: Jahr 0 n. Chr.]

  • WAHR – Christus verkörpert die inkarnierte Gottheit.
  • WAHR – "Christus sitzt zur Rechten Gottes, des Vaters." Long Beach Seminar, November 2007


[*] Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 383, 2005

LoC calibrations (engl.): Jesus

  • LoC Infinity – The Christ
  • LoC Infinity – Christ Consciousness
  • LoC Infinity – Christ as God Incarnate
  • LoC 650 – I AM
  • LoC 240 – Great Sanhedrin, supreme court of ancient Israel made of 71 Jewish elders

  • TRUE – Jesus' thirty-three miracles
  • TRUE – Jesus fed the multitudes
  • TRUE – Jesus was killed for revealing the truth.
  • TRUE – John the Baptist [LoC 930] was killed for revealing the truth.
  • TRUE – Speaking in tongues
  • TRUE – Pentacostal flame
  • TRUE – Apostles' miracles

  • NOT TRUE – Mary Magdalene and Jesus were a married couple.[*]
  • NOT TRUE – The Knights Templar are the keepers of secret data on the couple Mary Magdalene and Jesus.[*]
  • NOT TRUE – Jesus descendants were members of the French royalty.[*]
  • NOT TRUELeonardo da Vinci's painting Last Supper contains secret codes.[*]


[*] Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 383 and 389, 2005

Index: Jesus und Christusbewusstsein – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Jesus von Nazareth


Auszug aus dem zwölfbändigen "Buch des wahren Lebens" gefüllt mit Offenbarungen der spiritualistischen Bewegung Mexikos von 1940 bis 1950. Die Botschaften bezeugen, dass die Wiederkunft Christi nicht mehr in menschlicher Gestalt geschehen wird, sondern als Durchdringung und Erfüllung mit dem Heiligen Geist.

Erlebnisberichte Begegnungen mit Christus, präsentiert von dem Blogspot was-ist-seele.de, Wolfgang Mueller, undatiert

Eine der zentralen Fragen in Crossans Buch lautet: "Warum hat man Jesus umgebracht?" Crossan sieht in Jesus einen radikalen Sozialreformer, einen Lehrer der Gleichberechtigung aller Menschen, der die religiösen und politischen Mächte seiner Zeit dadurch herausgefordert hat, da er predigte, jeder habe in seinem alltäglichen Leben Zugang zum Göttlichen.
Mit Bezug auf das Thomas-Evangelium sieht Crossan Jesus weniger als endzeitlichen Prediger, sondern als jüdischen Weisheitslehrer.

Carottas These bezieht sich auf den Kult des vergöttlichten Divus Iulius.

Literature (engl.)

The book was written nine years after Allegro's forced resignation from academia. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Essenes and the early Christianity proposes the non-existence of the historical Jesus Christ.

Thesis: Jesus is a purely mythical construct. The Christ figure shows similarities to the Pagan mysteries Osiris-Dionysus/Orpheus, Horus, Attis,
and Mithras.
List of parallels:
► Osiris-Dionysus is God made flesh, the savior and "Son of God."
► His father is God and his mother is a mortal virgin (7 month pregnancy).
► He is born in a cave or humble cowshed on December 25 before three shepherds.
► He offers his followers the chance to be born again through the rites of baptism.
► He miraculously turns water into wine at a marriage ceremony. [correlation to Isis]
► He rides triumphantly into town on a donkey while people wave palm leaves to honor him.
► He dies at Eastertime as a sacrifice for the sins of the world [human sacrifice to an angry God].
► After his death he descends to hell, then on the third day he rises from the dead and ascends to heaven in glory [correlation to Winter solstice].
► His followers await his return as the judge during the Last Days [turn of a new astrological age].
► His death and resurrection are celebrated by a ritual meal of bread and wine, which symbolize his body and blood.

After his assassination Roman commander and high-priest Gaius Julius Caesar was elevated to the gods becoming the highest God of the
Empire: Divus Iulius.

Recommended by D. Hawkins

Externe Weblinks

Trinität die 1., 2. und 3. Person Gottes und ihre Stufenentwicklung

Neuübersetzung von Historiker Roelof van den Broek, Universität Utrecht, des Referenz-Manuskripts: Pseudo-Cyril of Jerusalem on the Life
and the Passion of Christi
, Morgan Universität, The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City

Weblinks zum Thema Jesus – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

Audio- und Videolinks

Zusammenhang zwischen Weihnachtsmann, Fliegenpilz, Osterhase, Jesus, Mithra, Manna, König Artus, Stein der Weisen, fliegenden Rentieren
und psychoaktiven Pilzen

Dokumentationen, Filme

  • Video Fernseh-Dokumentarfilm von Dr. Andrea Taschl-Erber, österreichische Bibelwissenschaftlerin, Jacqueline Straub, katho-
    lische Theologiestudentin, Jesus und die verschwundenen Frauen, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF, Sendetermin 1. April 2013, YouTube Film, 43:31 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. April 2014

Die vier "ignorierten" Frauen Maria Magdalena, Lydia, Junia und Phöbe sind die ignorierten Säulen des Christentums. Sie sind aus der von Männern dominierten Kirche verschwunden und in Vergessenheit geraten.

Audio and video links (engl.)

Was Jesus the last of the Pharoahs?

Duke University and the chief oncologist from Richmond, Viriginia, denied the possibility of spontaneous remission of Russel's lung cancer.
His response to them: "Jesus Christ has touched me and healed me." Minute 4:13

Featuring the etymology of Jesus Christ = Ea / Enki [Lucifer, Neptune] / Zeus / Horus / Sobek / Saturn

Audio and video links (engl.) – Joseph Atwill

  • Video TV interview with Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author, The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, presented by the YouTube platform Rodeph Emet TV, host Bracha Bat Yosef, YouTube film, 5:04 minutes duration, posted 18. July 2007
    War between the Romans and the Jews; Christianity was invented as a post war propoganda to overwrite the history of the militaristic messianic Jewish movement of Judea by the Roman Flavian Caesars.
  • Video/DVD documentary presentation by Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, Flavian Signature Presen-
    , YouTube film, 35:55 minutes duration, posted 25. March 2013
    The Gospels were authored by Flavius Josephus and the Flavian court. The Jesus story parallels the military campaign of the Roman Caesar Titus Flavius.

  • Audio interview with Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author, Pulling Back The Curtain – with Joseph Atwill, sponsored by the weekly radio show "Pulling Back the Curtain", co-hosts Fritz Heede, Nijole Sparkis, YouTube film,
    1:52:19 duration, aired 2. July 2012, posted 3. July 2012
  • Audio interview with Acharya S [Dorothy Milne Murdock] (1961-2015) US American independent mythological researcher, sup-
    porter of the Christ myth theory, writer, The Moses Myth, Yahweh Supremacy & Cultural Genocide, presented by the West Swedish web radio/TV station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, altcensored film, 1:04:01 duration, originally posted
    30. May 2014, posted 2. December 2018

Documentaries / movies


Interne Links




1 Die Vorstellung, dass Jesus verheiratet war und Kinder hatte schwingt auf BW 190; kalibriert von D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD-Set,
14. August 2004

2 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

3 ORF III-Dokumentation Turiner Grabtuch, März 2016, YouTube Film, 52:23 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 27. December 2017; Drei unabhängige Forschungsinstitute erbrachten mithilfe des Radionkarbontests den Beweis, dass das Turiner Grabtuch eine Fälschung aus dem Mittelalter in der Zeit zwischen 1260 und 1390 ist.

4 Gelöschtes Videointerview mit Jay Goldner, österreichischer Phänomene-Forscher, parapsychologischer Autor, Die Wahrheit über das Jesus-Foto. Das Turiner Grabtuch entschlüsselt, präsentiert von dem Online Fernsehsender Quer-Denken TV, Gastgeber Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations, Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement, Publizist, YouTube Film, 48:29 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 21. Januar 2017

5 Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author of Caesar's Messiah. The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, 2005

6 Artikel Prophetie, falsche, präsentiert von der Publikation wibilex Bibellexikon, Anja Klein, Februar 2015

7 Referenz: Psalm 35, 19 (AT)

8 Note: This is the only miracle of Jesus recorded in all four gospels.

9 See also: Article on St Joseph of Cupertino, The flying saint, presented by the publication Messenger of Saint Anthony, Renzo Allegri, 8. May 2003

10 The actual ‘baptism’ of Jesus was invented to mirror the ‘passing through water’ by the Israelites that led to their laws being given by God from a mountain top. The passing through water by Jesus leads to the new law giving from a mountain top – the sermon on the mount.
The dialogue between John and Jesus is based upon Malachai. John’s 'firery’ declarations of Matthew 3, 7-13 repeat the theme of Malachi 4, 1-2. In Matthew 3, 13-15 John states that Jesus should baptize him, yet Jesus replies that John must do the baptizing "to fulfill all righteousness".

11 The Imperial cult of ancient Rome identified emperors and some members of their families with the divinely sanctioned authority of the Roman State. The framework for the Imperial cult was formulated during the early Principate of Augustus, and was rapidly established throughout the Empire and its provinces, with marked local variations in its reception and expression.

12 over 50 connections of the Flavian Signature

13 Titus Flavius Josephus [Joseph ben Matityahu] (37-100 AD) 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian, hagiographer of priestly and royal ancestry, translated by William Whiston, written in 75 AD, EBook, 10. January 2009

14 The Greek word "tekton” in the Gospels be translated correctly as "stonemason" and not, as is usually the case, "carpenter". This translation is necessary to see the "stone/son" theme in the Gospels and Josephus, which is a mockery of the masonic imagery found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

15 Josephus famous "mistake" is to write the "Son Cometh" rather than the "Stone Cometh". His pun on son and stone refers to the Hebrew words "ben" and "eben". Simply placing the passage in its correct place in the Jesus/Titus typological sequence makes the meaning of Josephus’ "error" crystal clear.

16 Josephus first described "the coming of the stone”, then a stone that "cries out," and finally he recorded that the "son/stone" was "hidden from your (the Jews’) eyes". Whiston's translation correctly captures the real meaning of Josephus’ wordplay concerning "stones crying out" with his phrase – "and the stone came from it, and cried out aloud." The Greek statement can be read logically in two ways: one way is just as Jesus predicted – the stone actually cried out. Notice also, that what the stones would "cry out" in the Gospels, was the true identity of the son of God. This is exactly what Josephus recorded the "stone" did.

17 Josephus and the Gospels each used the word "lestes" to describe the "robbers".

18 Following the "triumphal entrance" and the encircling of the city with a wall in Josephus, Titus conquered the area in front of the Temple. In other words, the robbers were driven out by the "son of man".

19 Whiston noted the "miraculous" date of the Abomination of Desolation in a footnote: "This was a remarkable day indeed, the seventeenth of Panemus, [Tamuz,] A.D. 70, when, according to Daniel’s prediction, six hundred and six years before, the Romans ‘in half a week caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease,’ Daniel 9, 27. For from the month of February, A.D. 66, about which time Vespasian entered on this war, to this very time, was just three years and a half." Whiston’s point is that Daniel predicted that the "Abomination of Desolation" would occur in the middle of a "week" or seven years.


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