
Hawkins / Tugend








Glaube, Liebe, Hoffnung
J. Carolsfeld (1794-1872) dt. Maler



Tugenden – Kurzfassung der Zustände über BW 200+

Tugenden sind ...
1.MutDas Gute angesichts von Widerständen anzustreben
2.NeutralitätSich von Vorurteilen zu lösen
3.BereitwilligkeitDas Gute angesichts des Unbekannten anzustreben
Umschwenken in die rechte Gehirnhälfte
4.AkzeptanzAuf der Grundlage dessen, 'was ist' die Queste nach dem, 'was sein kann', anzutreten
Ist-Zustand (Wahrscheinlichkeit) versus Möglichkeit
5.VernunftDie Fähigkeit, insgeheim den Verlauf von dem, 'was ist' zu dem, 'was sein kann' zu planen
Verständnis versus Vision
6.LiebeDie Fähigkeit, die Gegebenheiten mitfühlend einzuschätzen
7.Bedingungslose LiebeUmfassende Widerstandslosigkeit zu erleben
8.FreudeDas Glück des Daseins zu erleben
9.FriedenUnfassbare Wundersamkeit zu erleben

Zitate zum Thema Tugend / Virtues

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Compassion, forgiveness, understanding



Endorsing a pastor and his book:

Father Rick Warren (*1954) US American evangelical Christian minister, Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California, philanthropist, bestselling author, The Purpose Driven Life, Zondervan, 1st edition 1. October 2002

  • I like Rick Warren's approach. Rick Warren is a sturdy, solid guy. I've never cali-
    brated him, but obviously, he is in the level of enthusiasm, conviction, integrity, service, humanitarianism, benevolence, and just what he stands for. The Pur-
    pose Driven Life
    is the biggest selling book in America. [It] sold 47 million co-
    pies, I think. That was years ago. Every truck stop in America – you can look and there's things having to do with their particular brand of Christianity and evangelical message and it's actually benign humanitarian good personhood. It's really frankly just traditional, great American good personhood. To be honest, straightfor-
    ward, helpful, loving, forgiving. [...] Just to be the fulfillment of the virtues is very, very powerful. And now he is going to do humanitarian projects in foreign countries and all. But there's a man who I don't think came from a lot of money, or a lot of education, either one, but I think he came from integrity of conviction, and sincerity of purpose, and great success; and of course, he's not really in the headlines like the nightly news, but
    he is a profound influence. So when we calibrate the overall the level of consciousness of America, 47 million people focusing in that direction is having a profound effect on the overall level of consciousness of mankind. It's a lot harder
    to sell falsehood to a populace that is more aligned with truth, and verifiable truth, and personal integrity. [...] I think,
    he serves as a great leader without being called a leader. Somebody like that is transformative to a large percentage
    of the population and inspirational, inspirational [repeated]. Someone to identify with to counter balance its opposite, which we get drummed into us over television and blog sites. CD series The Discovery, CD 3 of 6, segment titled "Choo-
    sing Spiritual over Personal Will", minute 17:07+, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Tugend ist die Mitte zwischen den Fehlern und von beiden Extremen gleich weit entfernt.
    [Lateinische Original: Virtus est medium vitiorum et utrimque reductum.]
    Horaz (65-8 v. Chr.) römischer Dichter, Gerd Herrmann, Übersetzer, Satiren / Sermones. Briefe / Epistulae, 1, 18, 9,
    De Gruyter, 2011


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Tugend


Quotes by various other sources


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Virtue

Englische Texte – English section on Virtues

Index: Tugend / Virtues – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke


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