
Hawkins / Widerstand







Sedona Vortex



Zitate zum Thema Widerstand / Resistance

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


  • Wenn einem etwas nicht gefällt, liegt das am Widerstand. Und wenn dieser Widerstand losgelassen wird, wird er
    durch Gefühle von Stärke, Zutrauen und Freude ersetzt. OU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 214, 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


The Great Wave off Kanagawa
Japanese Colored woodcut, ~1830
Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) Japanese painter
  • The ego puts up resistances and it struggles for survival. Therefore, when its proclivities arise, they should be viewed as a sign of suc-
    and not of failure. Instead of dismay, the surfacing of the ego's resistances should be taken as a sign of accomplishment. The inner search that characterizes the spiritual pathway is are capitulation of the evolution of the ego from prehistoric times up to the present, but this time there is the gift of freedom to choose differently.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 183-184, 2003




  • A great resistance of the ego is the wish to control and derive pleasure from the ego's payoffs. Therefore, the ego creates resistances in the form of fears, including expectations of discomfort, loss from change, or fear of failure.
    These, however, represent spiritual pride, which also needs to be surrendered. It is an egoistic vanity to presume
    that Divinity is either pleased, not pleased, or disappointed with human frailties and proclivities.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 21 "Transcending The Mind", S. 352, 2006



Truth and devotion

Alternative source: Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, S. 24, Reflection of February 12th, January 2011

  • Spiritual evolution is the automatic consequence of watching the mind from the general viewpoint of context rather then content. Instead of trying to force change, it is merely necessary to allow Divinity to do so by deeply surren-
    dering all control, resistance, and illusions of gain or loss.
    It is not necessary to attack illusions but to merely allow them to fall away. It is not necessary, nor fruitful to use force by such mechanisms as guilt, nor is it necessary to try to pursue or propel spiritual evolution because it automatically evolves of it's own accord when the obstacles and resistances
    of illusions are surrendered.
    Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 21 "Transcending The Mind", S. 354, 2006



  • One often avoids situations based on presumptions and their subsequent resistances. An instructive practice is to
    pretend either in imagination or in daily life to enjoy certain activities and people and then surprisingly discover that
    the capacity for enjoyment and pleasure stems from within (i.e. joie de vivre). Experimenting with other attitudes
    and personality styles results in surprising inner discoveries. This type of 'role playing' is utilized in the group tech-
    niques of psychodrama. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 5 "Clarifications", S. 103, 2007


  • Resistance subsides when there is a clear understanding that what is being surrendered is not of intrinsic value but
    is instead imagined to be of value solely because of the juice or payoff the ego extracts from that position. The prin-
    ciple of willingness needs only to be applied to the ego's payoff and not to the object or condition desired. One can
    ask oneself the question, Is this worth giving up for God?
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 6 "The "Experiencer"", S. 118, 2007


  • Instead of resisting life, we go with life and surrender it to God. This is the wisdom of the Tao, which teaches that
    the willow tree bends with the wind, but the oak tree, which resists it, breaks. Healing and Recovery, S. 309-310, 2009


  • The source of resistance to spiritual endeavor is the narcissistic core of the ego itself, which secretly claims sovereignty and authorship of one's existence, decisions, and actions. Thus, despite one's best efforts, willfulness
    and desire for gain or control have continued to erupt repetitiously.
    This pattern can be diminished simply by accepting that it is natural for the ego to be vain, greedy, hateful, prideful, resentful, envious, and more. These were learned accretions to the ego during its evolutionary development over
    eons of time. Therefore, it is not necessary to feel guilty because these primitive emotions merely need to be out-
    grown and discarded in the transition from self-interest to SELF-interest.
    Along the Path to Enlightenment. 365 Reflections from David R. Hawkins, edited by Scott Jeffrey, Reflection of October 7th,
    S. 149, January 2011


  • Question: A very interesting statement you made is that "all experience is due to resistance." If one goes on a long stroll through the forest and experiences the wonder of nature, is that due to the ego's resistance to reality? Can you clarify this further?
    Answer: Well, the person is seeing the woods from a specific locality called I or myself. When that disappears the experiencing is not from a specific locality but more like a generality, as though you are the woods, not different than the woods So, it's a very high state to go into, a state of peace, and the witnessing begins to happen automatically of its own. And eventually, what happens is the sense that 'there is a personal I witnessing' disappears, and the phenomena are occurring spontaneously of their own without any reference to a specific observer.
    Question: So is all experience due to resistance?
    Answer: One can witness without experiencing.
    Question: But what's the resistance?
    Answer: [...] In ordinary life negative feelings are due to resistance, with the relinquishing of that in ordinary life you disappear it as an experiential phenomenon. […] For example, let's say there's a baby crying in the back of the bus,
    and it's annoying you. As long as you resist it, the baby's gonna keep annoying you. When you suddenly relent to it,
    it just melds in with the rest of the noise in the bus and doesn't bother you any more.
    Question: Okay. So you're talking about surrendering to it?
    Answer: Letting go resisting it, you know, its most phenomenal use is, of course, letting go of negative things [...].
    Untitled audio interview, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and
    Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 14. September 2004

Zitate von anderen Quellen



  • Wenn du gezwungen werden sollst, an der Ungerechtigkeit gegen einen anderen mitzuwirken, dann brich das Gesetz! Lass dein Leben zum Reibungswiderstand gegen Ungerechtigkeit werden, der die Ma-
    schine zum Stehen bringt! Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) US-ame-
    rikanischer führender Transzendentalist, Historiker, Philosoph, Naturalist, Steuergegner, Dichter, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



  • Leisten Sie Widerstand! Schämen Sie sich nicht, über Dinge mitzu-
    reden, die Sie nicht ganz verstehen! Alles Wesentliche ist nicht verstanden! Peter Kafka (1933-2000) deutscher Physiker, Das Grund-
    gesetz vom Aufstieg. Vielfalt, Gemächlichkeit, Selbstorganisation. Wege zum wirklichen Fortschritt
    , zweitletzter Absatz "Mitreden!", Carl Hanser Verlag,
    2. Auflage 1. Januar 1989
  • Die Festigkeit besteht im Widerstand gegen das Unglück; nur Feiglinge entwürdigen sich unter dem Joche, schleppen geduldig ihre Ketten und ertragen ruhig die Unterdrückung. Friedrich II. [Friedrich der Große, der Alte Fritz] (1712-1786) preußischer König aus der Dynastie der Hohenzollern, Kurfürst des Heiligen Römischen Reiches; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Widerstand

Quotes by various other sources

Future outlook

  • If the genius of invention were to reveal tomorrow the secret of immortality, of eternal beauty and youth, for which all humanity is aching, the same inexorable agents which prevent a mass from changing suddenly its velocity would like-
    wise resist the force of the new knowledge until time gradually modifies human thought.
    Article by Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Serbian US American physicist, mechanical and electrical engineer, Mr. Tesla on the Wireless Transmission of Power, presented by the US American newspaper New York World (1860-1931), 19. May 1907

Requirements for social change

M. Gandhi integrated the teachings on nonviolence of Jainism, Henry David Thoreau's idea of civil disobedience, and the Bhagavad Gita's call to do your duty and fight for the just cause. The resulting fusion thereof changed the political arena of the twentieth century.


  • You are always seeking pleasure, avoiding pain, always after happiness and peace. Don’t you see that it is your very search for happiness that makes you feel miserable? Try the other way: indifferent to pain and pleasure, neither asking nor refusing, give all your attention to the level on which 'I am' is time-
    lessly present. Soon you will realize that peace and happiness are your very nature and it is only seeking them through some particular channels that disturb. Avoid the disturbance that is all. To seek there is no need; you would not seek what you already have. You yourself are God, the Supreme Reality. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj [LoC 720] (1897-1981) Indian Hindu sage of the advaita vedānta tradition, cited in: Instructions to a spiritual inquirer from Sri Nisargadatta, S. 240, undated


  • A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. Max Planck [LoC 475] (1848-1947) German theoretic physicist, founder of quantum theory, recipient of the Nobel Prize in physics, 1918, E. Gaynor, translator, A Scientific Autobiography and Other Papers, S. 33-34, New York, 1949, Philosophical Library, 9. December 2007


Spiral viaduct near Brusio, Switzerland
  • The resistance to any new idea is proportional to the square of its importance. Bertrand Russell [LoC 465] (1872-1970) British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, pacifist, member of the Royal Society, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear. Except a creature be part coward, it is not a compliment to say he is brave; it is merely a loose misapplication of the word. Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] [Work LoC 465] (1835-1910) US American humorist, author, Pudd'nhead Wilson, chapter XII, S. 60, 1894, Dover Publications, 1999


  • It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a person stands up
    for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope,
    and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can
    sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
    Robert Kennedy (1925-1968) US American justice minister, Democratic senator from New York, civil rights activist, younger brother
    of the 35th US president John F. Kennedy, Day of Affirmation Address to students at Day of Affirmation ceremonies at the University of Capetown, Capetown, South Africa, 6. June 1966, inscribed on R. F. Kennedy's gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery


  • Civil disobedience is not our problem. ... Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders […] and millions have been killed because of this obedience. […] Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves […] (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem. Howard Zinn, Ph.D. [LoC 200] (1922-2010) US American professor of political science, Boston University (1964-1988), progressive historian, social activist, playwright, author, Failure to Quit. Reflections of an Optimistic Historian, S. 45, South End Press, 1. September 2002



  • Resistance blooms naturally in the presence of change. You will encounter resistance in attempts at ascendance, physical or spiritual. […]
    Remember, though, that resistance is also a good omen. It means you’re close to something important, something
    vital for your soul’s work here, something worthy of you. […] The degree of resistance […] is probably proportionate
    to the amount of power waiting to be unleashed and the satisfaction to be experienced once the 'no' breaks through
    to 'yes' and the call is followed. Gregg Levoy, US American speaker, author, cited in: Joseph Campbell – The Hero's Journey, part 1 – The Call, Jim Lockard, 2. April 2019


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Resistance

Englische Texte – English section on Resistance

Ohm's law

Acronym URI

Ohm's law states: "The strength or intensity of an unvarying electric current is directly proportional to the electromotive force and inversely proportional to the resistance in a circuit."

  • V = voltage (electromotive force)
  • I = amperage (intensity of current)
  • R = ohms (units of resistance)


Ohm's law summarized in three formulas:
V = IR ♦ I = V/R ♦ R = V/I
Note: Any form of the Ohm's law equation can be derived from the other two via simple algebra.


Emptiness is about self-emptying, or self-nullification. This allows conscious-
ness-power (voltage) to transmute into a light-energy current (amperage).


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