
Hawkins / Buch2E




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Buch 2E
David R. Hawkins

The Eye of the I
From Which Nothing Is Hidden
– LoC 980


⚠ Caveat
See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


  • Veritas Publishing, Sedona/Arizona 2001, ISBN 0-9643261-9-1
    Erhältlich u.a. bei Amazon.de oder bei Veritas Publishing.



Quotes from the book The Eye of the I. From which nothing is hidden


Index: Buch 2E The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden

  • Index of The Eye of the I, presented by consciousnessproject.org [page.asp?PageID=21], Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, founder of the dissolved website Consciousnessproject.org (2005-2015), biographer, cult busting author   Entry removed after the release of Power vs. Truth, 2013
  • Weg der Vervollkommnung durch traditionelle Religionen im Kontrast zum direkten Weg des Bewusstseins. S. 273-274


Alphabetical index – Alphabetischer Index (engl.)

  • Abstraction S. 120, 291, 301
  • Acceptance S. 145
  • ACIM S. 315
  • Alcoholics anonymous S. 315
  • Altered States S. 49
  • Anger S. 282
  • Animal S. 237-238, (pets) S. 252
  • Astral planes S. 129
  • Attractor Fields S. 125
  • Aware Mind / Thinking Mind S. 206-208
  • Beauty S. 136
  • Beliefs S. 13, 211, 266
  • Bible S. 62
  • Bliss State S. 198
  • Book of Genesis S. 313
  • Boredom S. 131
  • Brain Waves (frequencies) S. 90, 199
  • Buddha / Jesus Christ S. 262-263
  • Buddha S. 116, 212-222, 239, 248
  • Causality S. 81, 110-113, 183, 279, 295
  • Choice S. 233-238
  • Christianity S. 54, 62
  • Consciousness (Pure) S. 262
  • Consciousness S. 57, 124-125
  • Consciousness and Spirituality S. 57, 217
  • Creation S. 8, 113, 119, 307-317
  • Critical Factor Analysis S. 215
  • Curiosity S. 132
  • Desire S. 189, 233, 242
  • Destiny S. 279
  • Duality S. 112, 182, 265
  • Education S. 180
  • Ego (self) S. 81-91, 109, 134, 137, 179, 184, 188, 222, 262, 283, 291
  • Ego vs. Spirit S. 290
  • Ego's impersonality S. 109
  • Emotional Love S. 41
  • Enemies S. 142
  • Enlightenment S. 36, 57, 60, 87, 177, 178, 220, 260, 268, 275, 289, 292, 304
  • Epistemology S. 219
  • Evolution S. 8, 113, 119, 307-317
  • Exceptional life S. 70-71
  • Existence S. 113
  • Existence vs. Nonexistence S. 266-267, 288
  • Eye of the I S. 30, 118
  • False Guru S. 146, 240-243, 257
  • Fear S. 106, 284
  • Financial Pressure S. 281
  • Forgiveness S. 124, 140
  • Form S. 129
  • Formlessness S. 129
  • Future of Science S. 303
  • Guilt S. 142-143
  • Guru S. 116, 239-243
  • Hawkins S. 201 (Function in the World), 333-345
  • Holy Spirit S. 89, 135, 293
  • Humility S. 89, 139, 143, 167, 179
  • I S. 177, 130
  • Identity S. 288
  • Ignorance S. 262
  • Illumination S. 30
  • Illusion S. 180, 266
  • Impatience S. 31
  • Inner child S. 140
  • Intellect (warning) S. 120
  • Intellect S. 208-210
  • Jesus Christ / Buddha S. 262-263
  • Jesus Christ S. 271
  • Joy S. 48
  • Judgment S. 66, 82, 181, 247
  • Karma S. 168-172, 233-238, 279
  • Karma vs. Predetermined Fate S. 172
  • Kinesiology S. 19-22, 238, 323-327 (Appendix C)
  • Knowledge S. 177, 179
  • Kundalini (burning sensation) S. 19, 231, 251
  • Language S. 191
  • Learning S. 25, 178
  • Levels of Consciousness S. 255
  • Linear vs. Nonlinear S. 295-300
  • Love (500s) S. 58, 142, 253, 278, 88
  • Meaning S. 219
  • Media S. 214-216
  • Meditation ("What for?") S. 165
  • Meditation S. 121-123, 135, 245
  • Mind S. 121-123, 259
  • Miracles S. 139, 316
  • Money / Work S. 252
  • Morality S. 167
  • Mudra S. 194
  • Mystical S. 217
  • No Mind S. 247-250
  • Nonattachment S. 145
  • Nonlinear Dynamics S. 78, 111
  • Nonlinear vs. Linear S. 295-300
  • Nonlocality S. 112
  • Oblivion S. 267
  • Opinions S. 66, 82, 90, 104-105, 181, 195-197, 222, 247, 292
  • Pathway of Devotion (heart/love) S. 225-228
  • Perception S. 275-281
  • Perspective S. 344
  • Philosophy S. 219
  • Physical Body S. 228-232, 252, 274
  • Physical Death S. 249, 302
  • Positionalities S. 90, 104-105, 195-197, 222
  • Possessions S. 286
  • Prayer S. 132, 138, 201
  • Private life S. 69
  • Problems S. 282
  • Radical Now S. 287
  • Reincarnation S. 268
  • Religiosity S. 39, 41, 55, 73-76, 211-219
  • Religious Error S. 258
  • Resentment S. 166
  • Rights S. 287
  • Sacrifice S. 66, 261, 372
  • Saint / Sage S. 273
  • Sainthood vs. Enlightenment S. 270
  • Saintliness S. 253
  • Samadhi S. 199
  • Satori S. 246
  • Savior S. 332
  • Science S. 295
  • Second Coming of Christ S. 46, 76
  • Seeking (who is) S. 131
  • Seeking S. 132
  • Self S. 42, 128, 130, 132, 267, 366, 372, 399, 419
  • Self-inquiry S. 194, 247
  • Selfishness S. 283
  • Simplicity S. 65, 224, 285
  • Sin S. 144
  • Social Saint vs. Private Life S. 69
  • Society (solution) S. 256
  • Soul S. 237
  • Spirit vs. Ego S. 290
  • Spiritual Ego (Spiritual Pride) S. 36, 110, 145, 221, 246
  • Spiritual Error S. 54, 265-268
  • Spiritual Life S. 67-69, 71
  • Spiritual Organizations S. 71-72
  • Spiritual Practice S. 36, 66, 100-105, 120, 131, 164, 177, 180, 194, 224, 228, 245, 246, 252, 257, 285, 292, 301
  • Spiritual Purification S. 225
  • Spiritual Quest S. 35, 113, 115, 117, 137, 218, 260
  • Spiritual Search (essence of) S. 257
  • Spiritual Will S. 132-135, 137
  • Spiritual Work S. 117, 123, 137, 193
  • Spirituality (Defined) S. 57
  • Spirituality and Consciousness S. 57, 217
  • Subjectivity S. 175, 296
  • Sudden Enlightenment S. 158, 269
  • Suffering S. 109, 268
  • Supreme S. 304
  • Surrender S. 31, 66, 283
  • Surrendering Desire S. 283
  • Synchronicity S. 316
  • Teacher S. 37
  • Thinking Mind / Aware Mind S. 206-208
  • Thought S. 103-105, 122
  • Time S. 157
  • Transcending the Opposites S. 186-188, 195-197, 265, 299
  • Truth S. 144, 289, 40
  • Unconditional Love S. 225
  • Understanding S. 120, 126
  • United States Constitution S. 39
  • Victim vs. Perpetrator S. 280
  • Void S. 266
  • Will S. 126, 132
  • Will power S. 202
  • Willingness S. 144
  • Witness / Observer S. 292, 301, 307
  • Work / Money S. 252
  • Zen S. 144


Source: ► Index of The Eye of the I, presented by consciousnessproject.org [page.asp?PageID=21], Scott Jeffrey, US American busi-
ness and marketing consultant, founder of the dissolved website Consciousnessproject.org (2005-2015), biographer, cult busting author  
Entry removed after the release of Power vs. Truth, 2013


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