
Hawkins / Christentum-BW





(Bewusstseinswerte der Skala des Bewusstseins)



Symbole des Christentums:
Kreuz und Fisch

Das Christliche ist letztlich keine Wahrheitslehre oder Deutung des Lebens. Es ist auch das; aber darin besteht nicht sein Wesenskern. Den bildet Jesus von Nazareth, dessen konkretes Dasein,
Werk und Schicksal – das heißt also
eine geschichtliche Person.

Romano Guardini (1885-1968) italienischer
katholischer Religionsphilosoph, Theologe, Autor,
Das Wesen des Christentums, S. 10,
Würzburg, 4. Auflage 1953



BW-Werte des Christentums – kalibriert von D. Hawkins

Bewusstseinswerte des Christentums (Übersicht)
BW-WertChristlich relevante Themen
UnendlichGott Vater, der Schöpfer, der Allmächtige, Allwissende und Allgegenwärtige1
UnendlichGott Sohn2
UnendlichGott Heiliger Geist3
50.000+ bis 500.000+Erzengel4
1000Jesus von Nazareth genannt der Gesalbte, Christus
1000Jesu Lehre
1000Christusbewusstsein Buddhanatur
905-990Bewusstseinsniveau der Apostel Jesu
980Urchristentum im 1. Jahrhundert nach Christus
945Konzept der Dreifaltigkeit
930Christentum zzt. der Entstehung im 2. Jahrhundert
840Christentum vor dem Konzil von Nizäa
650Ich Bin
Christliche Mystik allgemein
600Christliche Mystik nach dem Schrifttum von Meister Eckhart
570Papsttum als Amt; zugleich das erforderliche Bewusstseinsniveau zur Leitung einer der Weltreligionen
550+Hochintegere Katholiken, Lutheraner, Protestanten, Anglikaner, Quäker und Gläubige anderer
christlicher Konfessionen5
540Unity Church6
540Durchschnittlicher Bewusstseinswert des Christentums im 6. Jahrhundert
510-515Gnostisches Christentum
510Episkopalische Kirche
505Unitarier Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft
500+Unverzerrte religiöse Ausdrucksformen beispielsweise im Buddhismus, Zen-Katholizismus Beschreibung (engl.), Hinduismus u. a.
498Durchschnittlicher Bewusstseinswert des modernen Christentums seit den Kreuzzügen im
11. Jhdt. (Stand 1995)
490Kardinalskollegium der römisch-katholischen Kirche
490Römisch katholischer Klerus
490Orthodoxes Christentum (Ostkirchen)
485Christentum unmittelbar nach dem Konzil von Nizäa im Jahr 325 n. Chr.
475Koptisches Christentum altorientalische Kirche Ägyptens
460Römisch-Katholische Kirche als Institution (Stand um 1900)
450Durchschnittsbewusstsein der römisch-katholischen Gläubigen (weltweit)
440Moderner Katholizismus7
440Jesuiten Römisch-Katholischer Orden (theologische Akademia)
410Christliche Wissenschaft Organisation / Glaubensgemeinschaft
405Neugeist-Bewegung christliche Glaubensgemeinschaften
405 Mormonen Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage8
405 (375)Heilsarmee christliche karitativ tätige Freikirche
385Evangelikale theologische Richtung innerhalb des Protestantismus
375Amische verwandt mit der Täuferbewegung und den Mennoniten, christliche Glaubensgemeinschaft
in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, eher mittelalterliche Glaubensform, Angehörige sprechen eine Art deutsch
350Wiedergeborene Christen
325Christliche Fundamentalisten Kirchen / Glaubensgemeinschaften9
310Pfingstgemeinden Pfingstbewegung
305Römisch-katholische Kirche als Institution (Stand um 2004)
290Gnostizismus10 Sh. Gnostisches Christentum BW 510-515
210Puritaner u. a. eine Form des rigorosen Protestantismus
Unter 200Psychopathologische Gottesbilder des Alten Testaments
195Zeugen Jehovas
190Lässliche Sünde
180Theologische Theorie über und die Haltung der römisch-katholischen Kirche zur Empfängnisverhütung [BW 205]
130Religiöser Fundamentalismus allgemein (auch militanter islamischer Fundamentalismus)
125Haltung der römisch-katholischen Kirche gegenüber Pädophilie [BW 135] von katholischen Geistlichen
110Christian Identity-Bewegung Sammelbegriff fundamentalistischer, rassistischer und antisemitischer Gruppierungen, u.a. Ku Klux Clan
95Rechtsgerichteter christlicher Fundamentalismus (Ideologie) TvsF S. 359
35Historische Inquisition der römisch-katholischen Kirche
30Idee der Erbsünde
Diverse Quellen: ► Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 28. Juni 2003 und
Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, January 2002

Spirituelle Praktiken des Christentums – D. Hawkins

Bewusstseinswerte christlicher Praktiken
BW-WertSakramente, Gebete und Gesänge, liturgische Zeiten
880-895Christliches Glaubensbekenntnis von Nizäa
700Kommunion, christliches Sakrament11
675Christliches Weihnachtsfest (Idee/Kontext von Frieden auf Erden, Wohlwollen für die ganze Menschheit)12
650Vaterunser christliches Grundgebet
595Gregorianischer Choral einstimmiger liturgischer Gesang
575Stille Nacht bekanntes Weihnachtslied
540Kniebeugen, kniendes Beten
540/580Friedensgebet, das dem hl. Franz von Assisi (1181-1226) zugeschrieben wird
"Herr, mache mich zum Werkzeug deines Friedens!"
535Römisch-katholisches Glaubensbekenntnis
535Römisch-katholische Liturgie
535Christliches Fest Weihnachten (Ausdruck der eingebrachten Herzenergie)13
525Jesusgebet hauptsächlich in den Ostkirchen verbreitete meditative Gebetspraxis
500Christliche Sakramente Taufe, Konfirmation, Firmung, Krankensalbung (Letzte Ölung)
310Gebet von Jabez aus 1. Buch der Chronik 4,10:    "Möchtest du mich segnen und mein Gebiet erweitern."
"Möchte deine Hand mit mir sein, dass du mich freimachst von Unheil und ich ohne Beschwerden bleibe."
305Friedensvigilien (nächtliches Gebet um Frieden)
190Fastenzeit, vorösterliche Bußzeit
Siehe auch: ► Das Vaterunser gespiegelt im Tierkreis

Heilige, Mystiker, Kirchenväter, Theologen – D. Hawkins

BW-Werte von christlichen Heiligen
und bedeutenden Theologen
BW-WertNamen von Heiligen und Theologen
905-990Die zwölf Apostel14
930Johannes der Täufer Vorläufer von Jesus und Künder von der Ankunft des Messias
910+/-Johannes der Geliebte Lieblingsapostel, BW gegen Ende seines Lebens
910Gebeine (Reliquien) von St. Simon Petrus, aufbewahrt im Petersdom im Vatikan [BW 570], Rom, Italien15
910Moses, Stammvater des Judentums, Alten Testaments
910Abraham, Stammvater der abrahamitischen Religionen
750Reliquien von christlichen Heiligen (Durchschnittlicher Bewusstseinswert), aufbewahrt in verschiedenen Kirchen und Klöstern weltweit16
745Paulus von Tarsus, ehemals Saulus genannt, nachjesuanischer Apostel
715Teresa von Ávila spanische katholische Heilige, Kirchenlehrerin
710Mutter Teresa albanische Ordensgründerin, Nobelpreisträgerin, Seligsprechung 2003, Heiligsprechung 2016
705Meister Eckhart von Hochheim, deutscher Mystiker, dominikanischer Theologe, Philosoph
640Mechthild von Magdeburg, deutsche katholische Mystikerin
640Johannes Tauler (~1300-1361) deutscher katholischer Theologe, neuplatonischer Dominikaner-Mönch, Rheinland-Mystiker, Volksprediger
605Johannes vom Kreuz (1542-1591) spanischer katholischer Dichter, Mystiker Kirchenlehrer
Sein Buch Die Dunkle Nacht beschrieb den Kampf der Egoumwandlung.
590St. Patrick christlicher Heiliger und Kirchengründer aus Irland
585Pater Pio italienischer Heiliger mit Wundmalen
580Franz von Assisi [Hlg. Franziskus] italienischer Heiliger
580Martin Luther (1483-1546) deutscher Professor für Theologie, protestantischer Reformator
580Johannes Calvin, Schweizer Reformator
575Lorenz von der Auferstehung [Bruder Lorenz] (1614-1691) französischer christlicher Karmelitermönch, Wiki.Mystiker
570Papst Benedikt XVI., amtierendes Oberhaupt der Römisch-Katholischen Kirche (2005-2013)
570Papst Johannes Paul II., † ehemaliges Oberhaupt der Römisch-Katholischen Kirche, Seligsprechung 2011
555 / 558Jakob Böhme (1575-1624) deutscher Mystiker, Philosoph, Theologe
550St. Augustinus [BW 550] (354-430) algerischer Bischof von Hippo Regius, katholischer Kirchenlehrer, Philosoph
515Origenes, griechischer katholischer Kirchenvater
515Thomas Feverel Merton (1915-1968) französischer christlicher Mystiker
515Charles Fillmore [BW 515] (1854-1948) US-amerikanischer Mitgründer der Unity Church of Christianity und der "School of Christianity", 1889
510 Joseph Smith, US-amerikanischer Gründer der Kirche der Mormonen, Kultführer
500Pierre Teilhard de Chardin französischer Theologe, Philosoph
490Pseudo-Dionysius Aeropagita [Pseudodionysius] (6. Jht.) Theologe, Athener Bischof, christlicher Autor
480Paul Johannes Tillich (1886-1965) deutschstämmiger US-amerikanischer protestantischer Theologe (Dogmatiker), Religionsphilosoph
480Joel S. Goldsmith (1892-1972) US-amerikanischer christlicher Mystiker
475Leo der Große [Papst Leo I.] (~400-461) italienischer Bischof von Rom (440-461), bedeutendes Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche, Kirchenlehrer, Verteidiger der Lehre der römischen Reichskirche17
475Gregor der Große [Gregorius, Papst Gregor I.] [BW 475] (540-604) bedeutendes Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche, jüngster der vier großen lateinischen Kirchenlehrer der Spätantike, Schriftsteller18
Thomas von Aquin, katholischer Kirchenlehrer
70Johannes von Patmos, Verfasser der neutestamentarischen apokalyptischen Offenbarung
Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 376-377, 2005
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Liste von Mystikern
Siehe auch: ► Mystik

Christliches Schrifttum – D. Hawkins

Die Bibel und andere christliche heilige Schriften
1000Jesu Aussage: Jedes Haar auf eurem Kopf ist gezählt. Matthäus 10, 30 und Lukas 12, 7 (NT)
955Bergpredigt Matthäusevangelium, Kapitel 5-7 (NT)19
910Moses, Stifter der mosaischen Religion, Zentralfigur und Verfasser der fünf Bücher Moses
880Bibel abzüglich Offenbarung (NT) und Altes Testament, aber inklusive Genesis, Psalmen, Buch der Sprichwörter (Salomo), Übersetzung aus dem Aramäischen von George Lamsa (engl.)
790Neues Testament abzüglich der Offenbarung des Johannes (NT); King James-Übersetzung (Urfassung) (engl.)
750Neues Testament Übersetzung von George Lamsa (engl.)
705Die Wolke des Nichtwissens mystische engl. Schrift aus dem 14. Jh., Name des Autors unbekannt
699Lukasevangelium nach dem Evangelisten Lukas (NT)
660Thomasevangelium, außerkanonisches (nicht im NT enthaltenes), sogar als häretisch eingestuftes Evangelium nach dem Apostel Thomas20
660Genesis Schöpfungsbericht im AT (Übersetzung von George Lamsa)
650+/-Buch der Psalmen im AT
640Neues Testament King James Übersetzung aus dem Griechischen (engl.)
600+/-Genesis [1. Buch Moses] Schöpfungsbericht im AT (diverse Übersetzungsversionen)
600Schriften von Meister Eckhart von Hochheim, → der kurz vor seinem natürlichen Ableben durch die Römische Inquisition getötet werden sollte
600Ein Kurs in Wundern – Übungsbuch, von Helen Schucman empfangen, 1976
570Book of Kells Evangeliar mit mittelalterlicher Buchmalerei aus Iona, Schottland → Irland
550Ein Kurs in Wundern, Lese- und Grundlagenbuch, von Helen Schucman empfangen
500Vatikanische Bibliothek
495Bibel, Übersetzung aus dem Aramäischen von George Lamsa (engl.)
475Bibel, King James Übersetzung aus dem Griechischen (engl.)
405 Das Buch Mormon, heilige Schrift der Mormonen
400Apokryphen, geheime, verworfene Evangelien, teils gnostische Evangelien
370Imprimatur, Buchdruckgenehmigung durch einen Bischof und Indizierung von Büchern, die den Gläubigen spirituell schaden können der römisch-katholischen Kirche für kirchliche Werke, gültig bis zum Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil; Zugrundeliegende Intention ist integer.21
350Buch der Sprichwörter, die Sprüche Salomos im AT
260Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer, 1947 in Qumran entdeckt22
190Altes Testament insgesamt
125Altes Testament (ausgenommen die Bücher Genesis, Sprichwörter und Psalmen)
70Offenbarung des Johannes (NT), Schreckensvisionen aus dem Astralreich bezogen
60Geschichte vom Sündenfall von Adam und Eva in der Genesis (AT); Sie induziert Schuld und Sünde.
30Konzept "In die Erbsünde geboren werden" (beladen Schuld und Sünde)23
Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 366, 2005

Sakrale Bauten und Kraftorte des Christentums

BW-Werte von christlichen Sakralbauten / Wallfahrtsorten
BW-WertNamen von sakralen Orten und Bauwerken
790Westminsterabtei in London, England
790Kathedrale Notre-Dame-de-Chartres in Chartres, Frankreich
735Sainte-Chapelle, katholische Kapelle in Paris, Frankreich
715Straßburger Münster in Straßbuch, Frankreich
710Petersdom [Basilika St. Peter] in Rom, Italien
590Pietà Maria mit dem Leichnam Jesu, Skulptur von Bildhauer Michelangelo, im Petersdom in Rom, Italien
585Chapel of Holy Cross in Sedona, Arizona, Vereinigte Staaten
570Römische Kurie, bekannt als Vatikan in Rom, Italien24
565Katholische Kapellen allgemein (Durchschnittlicher Bewusstseinswert)
530St. Patricks Kathedrale in New York City, New York, Vereinigte Staaten
530Saint John the Divine Kathedrale in New York City, New York, Vereinigte Staaten
530Washington National Kathedrale, Vereinigte Staaten
510Lourdes, katholischer Wallfahrtsort in Frankreich
500Vatikanische Bibliothek
450Geburtskirche in Bethlehem, Israel
415Betlehem zur Zeit Jesu
410Chrystal Cathedral, Freikirchliche Community Church von Robert Schuller [LoC 405] in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, Vereinigte Staaten
190Heiliges Land (2004)
175Betlehem heute
Diverse Quellen: ► Unter anderem Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005
Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 28. Juni 2003

Christliche Thesen/Lehren – Ergebnisse des Muskeltests

Wahrheitsgehalt von christlich relevanten Thesen
WahrDie 33 Wunder Jesu, die in der Bibel aufgezeichnet sind
WahrJesus speiste Tausende auf wundersame Weise.
WahrWunder der christlichen Apostel
WahrJohannes der Täufer wurde für die Enthüllung der Wahrheit getötet.
WahrJesus wurde für die Enthüllung der Wahrheit getötet.
WahrPfingstfeuer (Herabkunft des Heiligen Geistes in Form von Feuerzungen)
WahrZungenrede – Glossolalie
UnwahrSündenfall, verstanden in wortwörtlicher Auslegung
UnwahrErbsünde als Konzept
UnwahrEchtheit des Turiner Grabtuchs25 / 26 / 27 
UnwahrProphezeite Endzeiten
UnwahrEndzeitrede im Matthäusevangelium (Kapitel 24 und 25)
UnwahrOffenbarung des Johannes (NT), bezogen aus dem Astralreich
UnwahrJesus und Maria Magdalena waren verheiratet und hatten gemeinsame Kinder.
UnwahrTempelritter bewahrten Geheimnisse über Jesus und Maria.
UnwahrJesu Nachkommen waren französische Herrscher.
UnwahrVersteckter Bibelcode, These von Autor Michael Drosnin
UnwahrLeonardo da Vincis Gemälde Das letzte Abendmahl enthält einen geheimen Code.
Diverse Quellen: ► D. Hawkins, vorwiegend Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, 2005

Mutter Maria

Während eines Satsangs im Jahr 2009 wurde Dr. Hawkins nach der Bewusstseinsebene von Mutter Maria gefragt. Er antwortete
[im übertragenen Sinn]:
"Lord Jesus Christus und Mutter Maria waren ein Bewusstsein in zwei Körpern. Somit kalibriert Mutter Maria auf einer ähnlichen Schwingungsebene wie Jesus Christus."

Zitate zu BW-Werten des Christentums / LoC calibrations of Christianity

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Das Jüngste Gericht findet täglich statt, es ist beständig und endlos. Quelle unbekannt


Betrachtungen zum Sündenfall – D. Hawkins


  • Der Wahrheitsgehalt des Alten Testaments schwingt nicht integer u. a. aufgrund der anthropomorphen Gottesvor-
    und darstellung als einem fehlbaren und mit Emotionen wie Rache, Hass, Zorn und Stolz behaftetem Schöpfer.
    Orientiert an Das All-sehende Auge, Kapitel 4, S. 95, 2005


Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Christianity The level of truth originally expounded by Jesus Christ calibrates at 1000, the highest attained on this plane. By the second century, though, the level of truth of the practice of his teachings had dropped to 930, and by the sixth century, to 540. By the time of the crusades, at the beginning of the eleventh century, it had fallen to its current 498. A major decline in the year 325 A.D. was apparently due to the spread of misinterpretations of the teachings ori-
    ginating from the Council of Nicaea. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 23 "The Search
    for Truth", S. 272, Hay House, February 2002


  • Just as there is a wide range in the level of truth of various translations, so there is a wide variation between different Christian practices. Most major persuasions, Roman Catholicism, Anglicanism, Christian Science, and many small denominations, such as the Quakers, calibrate in the high 500's. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 23 "The Search for Truth", S. 272-273, Hay House, February 2002


  • Question: What about Judgment Day?
    Answer: Man extrapolates the ego’s qualities to God and then fears God. Judgment Day is every day; it is already
    here and a constant and unending. (The calibrated level of this statement is 999.) I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 268, 2003


  • The prediction is that Christ Consciousness will prevail upon the Earth. It could be that, inasmuch as the cons-
    ciousness of mankind prevailed for many centuries at 190 and only very recently jumped to 207, this signals the beginning appearance of the dominion of Christ Consciousness on Earth. (Calibrated as true.)
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 283, 2003



  • Notable in the calibrations is the very major drop in the level of Christianity from the First Century, where it was in the 800s and 900s, to 485 after the [First] Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. This was the consequence of the inclusion of
    the Old Testament (cal. 190) and Revelation (cal. 70) in the official Bible. While the fall of man is allegorical (the sto-
    ry calibrates at 60), the downside was the naive belief and consequent emphasis on guilt and sin. With research, the 'fall of man' is the emergence of dualistic thinking (i.e. the tree of good and evil) which was the trap man fell into out
    of a seduction of curiosity. (This explanation calibrates at 995.)
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005


  • Joseph Smith calibrates over 400 and the LDS Church itself at 405 (consistently verified). Extremist polygamist sects, however, calibrate at 135-140, and polygamy has been outlawed by the Mormon Church since the late 1800s. Despite whatever errors may be involved historically or theologically, the calibration at 405 reflects that Mormons ac-
    cept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, which in itself raises the overall level.28
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 339, 2005



Seized by the savior complex, Hawkins confirmed the critical traditional concept of original sin.

Contradicting his own savior claims, Hawkins calibrated the concept of Original Sin inducing guilt at LoC 30 [i.e. 'not true'].29

  • While it is commonly believed that Christianity does not teach karma, that is not true. It does indeed, but it merely does not use the specific term. Christianity tea-
    ches that sin and virtue have very different consequences for the soul after death. These include the karmic alternatives of not only heaven or hell, but also purgatory. In addition, a traditional teaching is that man was 'born in sin' due to the fall of Adam and Eve and is thus karmically affected by succumbing to temptation and refusing obedience to God. Subsequently, God's mercy is represented by the presentation of a savior born for the sake of man's redemption. As Jesus said, "None get to heaven but by Me."30
    D. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 10, S. 160, 2007



Original source:



Christmas spirit

LoC ‎675 – Christmas, Christian holiday → Peace on Earth, Good Will for mankind
LoC 550 – Christmas carols

  • To hold Christmas in your heart at all times is just a way of being in the world and it's an easy one to remember because there's no verbalization and no process you have to do. It's just a decision that you make. If Scrooge can do it, certainly you can do it. Hold Christmas in you heart at all times. […]
    So Christmas is transformative. Its a way of being in the world and of course we celebrate it symbolically once a year and the historical antecedent of it of course is Jesus Christ [which] means unconditional love and unconditional forgiveness. So it, therefore is, a Christ-like attitude
    in which we avoid the comparison between ourselves and Jesus because that would make us feel guilt or else pride-
    ful. No, it's a way of being in the world that is very significant and very powerful, very powerful. It calibrates extremely
    high. Christmas calibrates around 550 or something.
    Invoke Christmas within yourself. Now, this is not a thing you need to memorize or anything. It's an attitude. Every morning you get up, and if you forget, you put it on your mirror, 'I will keep Christmas in my heart this day' – that sets
    the tone for the day, sets the tone and a way of being which brings self respect and respect for others.
    Audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, aired at unknown date



Mind set of cruxifixion vs. context of resurrection

  • For those of you who are Christians, we have to give up worshiping the god of the Crucifixion, the Christ of the Crucifixion and move onto the Christ of the Resurrection. The message was not of death and sin and suffering. People who identify themselves as a body, the strict materialists looked at the Christ on the cross as a body and came out with
    pain, sin, guilt and suffering.
    Was that the message? Is that what Christ died for? To teach everybody that we are a body? Or was his message
    the direct opposite?
    His message was the direct opposite – that we are not limited. That we are not THAT. And so we have to substitute our confused ideas and begin to look, move toward lovingness, to a higher state of consciousness to get what
    the message was – the Christ of the Resurrection.
    Archival Office Visit Series Pain and Suffering, A-8, end 1970s/early 1980s


  • A lot of these groups [like the Seven Day Adventists] get caught up in the Book of Revelations. Remember the Book
    of Revelations calibrates at 70 in contrast to the New Testament. [...] It is easy to get caught up in the Book of Reve-
    lations because it is so dramatic. Drama tends to suck people right in.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 3 DVD set, 28. June 2003


  • Question': Did Christ rise [from the dead] on the third day?
    Answer: What the Apostles saw was Christ's etheric body leave after the third day […] not the physical body. They
    were all over 900 and had the ability to see that. Sedona Satsang #3 Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. May 2006


Garden of Eden story (Genesis) – D. Hawkins


Der Sündenfall, 1616
Hendrik Goltzius, deutscher Maler
  • Question: What is the truth inherent in Genesis?
    Answer: Interestingly, Genesis is one of the three books of the Old Testament that test strong with muscle testing (the others are Psalms [LoC 650]32 and Proverbs). It states that Creation arose out of the darkness, the formless void of the unmanifest as light and form by the agency of the Godhead, the spirit of God. The light created matter or form and then spawned life in the progressive forms of ve-
    getation, fish, then birds, and other animals.
    The source of the power of Creation was reiterated as 'light'. Each animal appearance is stated to be an expression in form of its es-
    sence 'according to its kind'. Lastly, man was created to have greater power than all the rest of living creatures and, therefore, dominion. Then came the fateful admonition to avoid duality and the nonreality of good and evil, which are linked with perception and create belief in the unreal. This admonition was necessary because man was a limited creature, and unlike an enlightened deity, was unable to differentiate between truth and falsehood.
    Man came into existence in form (he named all the animals of the earth). Man, however, had sufficient power of cons-
    ciousness to create belief. After falling into the pit of duality, the human mind gave reality to falsity and then believed the fallacious had an independent existence. By creating belief in the pseudoreality of that which is false, man became sub-
    ject to suffering in the forms of shame, guilt, pride, fratricide, and the dread of punishment and fear. This condition
    brought forth from the heavens the appearance of Avatars and the Buddhas of enlightenment who revealed that only
    by transcending duality (in this case, good and evil) could the realization of innate innocence be retrieved.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 402, 2001


  • Question: What does it mean to be a "Christian" or a "Buddhist"?
    Answer: Simply one who follows the original teachings of the founding master. Truth is always the same throughout history. No group has an exclusive or inside track. By analogy, who has an inside track with the sun or the sky? A Chris-
    tian follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, which are revealed in the New Testament. (Jesus did not create the Book of
    Revelation.) There is no conflict among the world’s highest teachers, only among their latter-day exploiters over the centuries, such as the current cult-like usurpers of the label "Christian." Throughout history, there have been
    all kinds of prophets with strange and unlikely messages that attract the gullible. There has been and still is a multitude
    of messiahs and prophets; however, they just do not stand up to a simple test that reveals the error. Baptism is of the
    spirit; the water is just symbolic. Of what use are claims to exclusivity? There is not a single organization that has an
    exclusive possession of the truth.
    Much reveals itself to those who have spiritual dedication and are committed to following the road to the highest truth. Discernment is often learned through sometimes painful lessons. In classical spiritual language, this is referred to
    as the opening of the 'third eye'. It could be said that the gray hairs of wisdom have been earned.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 1, ~ S. 11-12, Kindle location 708-711, 2003





Story of the Garden of Eden

  • What happens is the man and woman, in a state of innocence, (i.e. their Creation; as they were created by God) eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They buy into a world of duality. In the world of love, there is no duality. […] In eating of the tree of right and wrong, however, then what happened is, they saw themselves as bodies, and came down into guilt.
    So from a high state of joy, infinite being with life which is beyond right and wrong, they fell into a field in which they
    were looking at the body as a body (out of which arises morality as a reaction to that negativity) […]
    Whether it is historically true and an event or not is immaterial. Psychologically it is an event that has happened to mankind. Archival Office Visit Series Sexuality, A-4, end 1970s/early 1980s


  • When you think about it, it's ridiculous. God created the earth in five days or something. But a day is a rotation of the
    earth. If the earth hadn't existed yet, there would be no earth to rotate to give you 5 days. […] In essence, Genesis is
    It calibrates over 600. What it is really saying is out of the unmanifest emerged the manifest as light, which is
    the energy of divinity, which when it implodes upon matter takes the form of life. All that what is manifest arises out of
    that which is unmanifest. Therefore it calibrates true. Reality has no beginning or end, beyond time and dimension.
    Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, seminar snippets, CD 4 of 6, track 10, Nightingale-Conant, January 2003

Quotes from the sermon on the mount

  • No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and like the other; or he will honor one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.
    For this reason, I say to you, do not worry for your life, what you will eat, and what you will drink, nor for your body, what you will wear. Behold, is not life much more important than food, and the body than clothing?
    Watch the birds of the sky, for they do not sow, neither do they harvest, nor gather into barns, and yet your Father in heaven feeds them. Are you not much more important than they? Who is among you who by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? Why do you worry about clothing? Observe the wild flowers, how they grow; they do not get tired out, nor do they spin.
    But I say to you, that not even Solomon with all of his glory was covered like one of them.
    Now if God clothes in such fashion the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow falls into the fireplace, is he not much more
    to you, 'O you of little faith?'
    Therefore do not worry or say, what will we eat, or what will we drink, or with what will we be clothed?
    For worldly people seek after all these things. Your Father in heaven knows that all of these things are also necessary for you.
    But you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these things shall be added to you.
    Therefore do not worry for tomorrow; for tomorrow will look after its own. Sufficient for each day, is its own trouble.
    Sermon on the mount [LoC 955] Matthew 6, 24-34 (NT) Lamsa Bible

Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • Ihr Christen habt in eurer Obhut ein Dokument mit genug Dynamit in sich, die gesamte Zivilisation in Stücke zu blasen,
    die Welt auf den Kopf zu stellen, dieser kriegszerrissenen Welt Frieden zu bringen. Aber ihr geht damit so um, als ob
    es bloß ein Stück guter Literatur wäre, sonst weiter nichts. Mahatma Gandhi [BW 760] (1869-1948) indischer hinduistischer Weiser, Menschenrechtsanwalt, Freiheitskämpfer, zitiert in: Gute Zitate



  • Wenn das Christentum verschwindet, dann verschwindet mit ihm unsere ganze Kultur und sogar unser Antlitz.
    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) US-amerikanisch-britischer Literaturkritiker, Vertreter der literarischen Moderne, Lyriker, Dramatiker, Bühnenschriftsteller, Literaturnobelpreisträger, 1948, Christianity and Culture. The Idea of a Christian Society and Notes Towards the Definition of Culture, Harcourt, Brace, 1949, zitiert in: Goodreads Quotable Quotes
    I do not believe that culture of Europe could survive the complete disappearance of the Christian faith. And I am convinced of that,
    not merely because I am a Christian myself, but as a student of social biology. If Christianity goes, the whole culture goes.


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Christentum

Quotes by various other sources

I am God's child. John 1, 12
I am Christ's friend. John 15, 15
I am united with the Lord. 1 Cor. 6, 17
I am bought with a price. 1 Cor. 6, 19-20
I am a saint (set apart for God). Eph. 1, 1
I am a personal witness of Christ. Acts 1, 8
I am the salt and light of the earth. Matt. 5, 13-14
I am a member of the body of Christ. 1 Cor. 12, 27
I am free forever from condemnation. Rom. 8, 1-2
I have been redeemed and forgiven. Col. 1, 14
I cannot be separated from the love of God. Rom 8, 35-39
I am free from any charge against me. Rom. 8, 31-34
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit. Eph. 2, 18
I am a minister of reconciliation for God. 2 Cor. 5, 17-21
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms. Eph. 2, 6
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant. Phil. 3, 20
I am established, anointed, sealed by God. 2 Cor 1, 21-22
I am assured all things work together for good. Rom. 8, 28
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit. John 15, 16
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4, 13
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life. John 15, 1-5
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected. Phil. 1, 5
I may approach God with freedom and confidence. Eph. 3, 12
I am God's temple. 1 Cor. 3, 16
I have been justified. Romans 5, 1
I am complete in Christ. Col. 2, 10
I am God's workmanship. Eph. 2, 10
I am hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3, 3
I am God's co-worker. 1 Cor. 3, 9; 2 Cor. 6, 1
I have been adopted as God's child. Eph. 1, 5



⚠ Obedience / submission / slavery to governing authorities

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judg-
ment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do
you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.
Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul] [LoC 745] (5-67 AD) most influential Turkish Greek Jewish pharisee, missio-
nary in the early Christian communities across the Roman Empire, Romans 13, 1-3 New International Version (NIV) (NT)


  • "Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face."33 This vision is reserved as the reward of our faith; and of
    it the Apostle John also says, "When He shall appear, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."34 By "the
    face" of God we are to understand His manifestation, and not a part of the body similar to that which in our bodies we call by that name. St. Augustine of Hippo [LoC 550] (354-430) Algerian bishop of Hippo Regius, church father, philosopher, City of God, [De Civitate Dei], chapter 22, section 29 "Of the Beatific Vision", early 5th century AD



Insight on the destiny of Christianity published at age 86

  • If Christianity can't recover its mystical tradition and teach it, it should just fold up and go out of business. It has nothing to offer. Bede Griffiths (1906-
    1993) British-born Catholic Benedictine monk, mystic, ashramite in India for 50 years, cited
    in: Jonathan White, Talking on the Water, Random House, 1993, 10. May 1994


  • Present-day Christendom really lives as if the situation were as follows: Christ is the great hero and benefactor who
    has once and for all secured salvation for us; now we must merely be happy and delighted with the innocent goods of earthly life and leave the rest to Him. But Christ is essentially the exemplar, that is we are to resemble Him, not mere profit from Him. Søren Kierkegaard [LoC 410] (1813-1855) Danish philosopher, theologian, writer, Alexander Dru, translator, Journals of Kierkegaard, written 1850, Harper Torchbooks, paperback edition 1959



Interrelatedness between religions:

Gnosticism and Buddhism


Elaine Pagels maintains that similar spiritual traditions may emerge parallel in different cultures without a direct influence.

  • [I]f the names were changed, the living Buddha appropriately could say what the Gospel of Thomas attributes to the living Jesus. Elaine Pagels, Ph.D. (*1943) US American professor of religion, Biblical scholar of gnosticism, author, The Gnostic Gospels, S. xx-xxi, Random House, New York, 1979, reprinted 1989, Phoenix, new edition 6. April 2006



Tertullian's trinity formulation was considered heresy by the Church during his lifetime. At the council of Nicea the concept of trinity was accepted as doctrine.

  • [Referring to Christianity.] It is true because it is absurd. I believe because it is impossible.
    Credo quia absurdum Latin phrase, falsely attributed to Tertullian [Father of Latin Christianity, Founder of Western theology] (160-225 AD) Tunesian-Roman early Christian author, Christian apologist and a polemicist



Historic record on the existence of Jesus, persecution of the early Christians under emperor Nero

  • [The insane Roman emperor Nero (54-68 AD)] substituted as culprits and pu-
    nished with the utmost refinements of cruelty, a class of persons hated for their vices, whom the crowd called Christians. Christus, the founder of the name, had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius (42 BC-37 AD), by sentence of the procurator Pilate, and the pernicious superstition was checked for a mo-
    ment, only to break out once more, not only in Judea, the home of the disease, but in the capital itself, where everything horrible or shameful in the world gathers and becomes fashionable. Publius Cornelius Tacitus [Loc 420] (~55-115 AD) influential aristocratic Roman historian, senator, who knew virtually nothing about Jesus; cited in: Elaine Pagels, Ph.D. (*1943) US American professor of religion, Biblical scholar of gnosticism, author, The Defeat of the Gnostics, 6. December 1979, presented by the US American semi-monthly magazine The New York Review of Books, date unknown



Caveat: Beware of fundamentalism

  • In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness.
    And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid.
    And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith:
    he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought. ...
    For this reason Jesus said to them: 'You have taken away the key of knowledge.' The knowledge of Jesus is trans-
    formed into an ideological and also moralistic knowledge, because these close the door with many requirements. […]
    The faith becomes ideology and ideology frightens, ideology chases away the people, distances, distances the people
    and distances of the Church of the people. But it is a serious illness, this of ideological Christians. It is an illness, but
    it is not new, eh?
    Pope Francis [Jorge Mario Bergoglio] (*1936) Argentian Jesuit priest, 266th head of the Roman Catholic Church, sovereign of
    Vatican City State (*2013), Pope Francis at Mass calls for greater openness, presented by Radio Vaticana, 17. October 2013



Catholic pedophile priests acting as "tools of Satan"

On February 23, 2019, German Cardinal Reinhard Marx admitted that numerous church "pedophile records" had been destroyed over time.

  • At the closing speech to the Vatican’s four-day anti-child and sex abuse conference Pope Francis confirmed that if there should emerge even a single case of abuse in the Catholic church – which already in itself represents an atrocity – that case will be tackled with the utmost seriousness. He called those priests who prey on children "tools of Satan". Furthermore, the head of the Catholic church said:
    "No abuse must ever be covered up, as was usual in the past, or over-
    looked, as covering up abuses favours the spread of evil and adds a further layer of scandal. […]
    Our work has made us realise once again that the gravity of the scourge of the sexual abuse of minors is, and historically has been, a widespread phenomenon in all cultures and societies. I am reminded of the cruel reli-
    gious practice
    , once widespread in certain cultures, of sacrificing human beings – frequently children –
    in pagan rites
    . […]
    The echo of the silent cry of the little ones who, instead of finding in them fathers and spiritual guides encoun-
    tered tormentors, will shake hearts dulled by hypocrisy and by power.
    For it is utterly incompatible with [the Catholic Church's] moral authority and ethical credibility."


  • The claim that Mary [Magdalene] was a sex worker comes from Pope Gregory I, who declared her to be a penitent prostitute in the year 591.
    It is a notion that has been perpetuated for centuries – partly thanks to Andrew Lloyd Webber, who had Mary sing about the "many men" she's "had" in Jesus Christ Superstar.
    Yet there is no reference of Mary [Magdalene] being a prostitute or a sinner in any of the New Testament gospels. Indeed, the only suggestions of ill repute come in Mark and Luke, which refer to demons being cast out of her.
    Put all the evidence together and it is easy to conclude that Mary has been the victim of 1,400 years' worth of cha-
    racter assassination. The Catholic Church "cleared" Mary's name in 1969, while Pope Francis formally identified
    her as the "apostle of the apostles" in 2016. Article Think you know Mary Magdalene? Think again, presented by the
    news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC News, Neil Smith, 13. March 2018



Christian fanatics wiped out the wisdom of the mystery schools.

  • The rise of Christianity began actually with the Zadokites cult [Zealots] in Pales-
    tine around 150 BC before [the appearance of] the supposed historical Jesus. So there is a period of ~150 BC up until ~450 AD, more than five hundred years, when Christianity had to gradually take over. There was an enormous resistance in the pagan world at that time. A number of the pagan intellectuals who were the teachers and highly respected figures
    at that time totally rejected Christianity as a pestilence. They called it a virus and the plague. They said it was a
    despicable faith. Why? Mainly for one reason. Christianity glorifies the redemptive value of suffering. And that
    is totally contrary to pagan beliefs. A pagan is a person who does not believe that human suffering has a divine pur-
    pose. That is a very perverted idea from a pagan point of view. So there was a great resistance to this belief system
    of Christianity and to the supernaturalism of the messiah. There's no messiah in any pagan religions.
    There's no equivalent to the messiah. […]
    The [early] Christian monks were so fanatical they were like stormtroopers. They went into the ancient sanctuaries
    of mystery knowledge in Egypt, the temples of Luxor, the temples of Dendera which is close to Nag Hammadi, and
    the temples of Memphis around Cairo and they fanatically destroyed and burned all these books. They didn't need
    the military to do it. The religious converts did it themselves. The history of the rise of Christianity is a history of a
    cultural genocide of an enormous magnitude. One of the reasons why we have lost our way in this world and why
    we have become a species that can be manipulated and controlled by a small psychotic group of our own members
    is because the mysteries and the wisdom in the mysteries was destroyed and we lost the foundation of our species
    vision. Audio interview with John Lash (*1945) US American self-educated scholar of comparative mythology, metahistoric re-
    searcher, mystic, author, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism, the Occult & the Globalist Elite, part 1, presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 7. January 2010, Mystery Religions, Gnosticism and The Antichrist, altcensored film, minute 26:29 and minute 20:59, 1:11:59 minutes duration, posted 20. December 2011



Judeo-Christian entrancement



⚠ St. Paul's call for enslavement to governing authorities

  • Christianity may be considered a religion, but it was actually developed and used as a system of mind control to produce slaves that believe God de-
    creed their slavery.
    From their position as the "Pontiff Maximus" – the official title for Caesar's position as head of the pagan college of Roman priests – the Pontiffs of the Roman Catholic church oversaw the feudal system wherein Christianized serfs gave their work product to the authorities without complaint. Their docility was caused by the fact that they were Christians and therefore believed
    the Apostle Paul when he wrote:
    Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them.
    Titus 2, 9 New International Version (NIV) (NT)
Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author of Caesar's Messiah. The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus,
blog article How Christianity Was Used to Enslave Europe, originally presented by Joseph Atwill's Blog, 24. October 2012, re-
issued by the publication Bharata Bharati, 21. October 2013



Gender equality is based in God.

  • The equality of men and women begins at the highest possible level: G-d. In Judaism, unlike traditional Christianity, G-d has never been viewed as exclusively male or masculine. Judaism has always maintained that G-d has both mascu-
    line and feminine qualities.
    As one Chassidic rabbi explained it to me, G-d has no body, no genitalia, therefore
    the very idea that G-d is male or female is patently absurd.
    We refer to G-d using masculine terms simply for
    convenience's sake, because Hebrew has no neutral gender; G-d is no more male than a table is.
    Both man and woman were created in the image of G-d. According to most Jewish scholars, "man" was crea-
    ted in Genesis 1, 27 (OT) with dual gender, and was later separated into male and female.
    Article The Role of Women, presented by the publication JewFAQ.org, Tracey R. Rich, 1995-2020


  • The often cruel behavior of Christians toward unbelievers and even toward dissenters among themselves is sho-
    cking evidence of the function of that image in relation to values and behavior.
    Carol Patrice Christ (*1945) US American feminist historian, thealogian, foremother of the Goddess movement, author, cited in: Carol P. Christ Quotes, presented by citatis



Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Christianity

Englische Texte – English section on LoCs of Christianity

Major branches within Christianity (graph)


Major branches of Christianity

Nicene Creed

  • "We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe
    in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our salvation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen."


Source: ► en.Wikipedia entry Nicene Creed [LoC 895]

Comparing two book religions – Frequency of occurrence of keywords

Listing of charged termsWord count in the Qur'anWord count in the Bible
Burn, Fire, Hell, Punish, Torture6211261
Fear, Terror, Horrify, Terrify1831156
Anger, Despise, Detest, Hate, Contempt, Scorn, Slave, Wrath742120
Attack, Battle, Fight, Force, War, Invade, Oppress, Raid, Violence853445
Destroy, Kill, Murder, Slay1852025
Total of hard terms114810.007
Forgive, Hope, Mercy, Reward1843696
See also: ► Islam-BW (LoC)

Symbology of Christian sacraments

Meaning of the seven Christian sacraments mirroring the chakras
༺༻Sacrament ChakraSymbolic meaning
1.Baptism 1st chakra To receive or bestow an expression of grace, representing gratitude for one's life
in the physical world
2.Communion 2nd·chakra To receive or bestow an expression of grace – in the form of a "host" – that represents
the holy union with God and with the people in one's life
3.Confirmation 3rd chakra To receive or bestow an expression of grace, representing that enhances
one's individuality and self-esteem
4.Marriage 4th chakra To receive or bestow a blessing, making a sacred union with oneself, symbolic of recognizing and
honoring the essential need to love and care for oneself in order that one can fully love another
5.Confession 5th chakra To receive or bestow the grace to cleanse one's spirit of negative acts of will
6.Ordination 6th chakra To receive or bestow the grace to make sacred one's path of service
7.Extreme unction 7th chakra To receive or bestow the grace to finish one's unfinished business not just before death,
but as a daily part of one's life, thus allowing a person to love in "present time."
Source: ► Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic,
medical intuitive, bestselling author, Facebook comment, 24. October 2016
References: en.Wikipedia entries Sacrament and ► Chakra
See also: ► Symbology and ► Caroline Myss and ► Meaning and ► Chakra system


The "template of seven" is the universal structure of the soul. It's what I saw when I wrote Anatomy of the Spirit, that there are seven chakras, seven Sacraments, seven levels to the Tree of Life. We are constructed on a map of seven levels of power. Interview with Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Entering the Castle of the Soul, presented by host Randy Peyser, 2007

BW-Werte: Christentum / Christianity

  • BW 600 – Erstes Buch Moses (Genesis) / Schöpfungsbericht
  • BW 480 – Intelligent Design
  • BW 450 – Darwinsche Evolutionstheorie
  • BW 245 – Kreationismus [Buchstäbliche Auslegung der biblischen Schöpfungslehre]
Quelle: ► Buch7E, Kapitel 5, S. 90

Levels of consciousness (LoC): related to Christianity

  • InfinityGod the Father, the Creator, the Almighty, all-knowing, all-loving, omnipresent
  • InfinitySon of God
  • InfinityGod the Holy Spirit
  • 50,000+35/36 to 500.000+ – Archangels37
  • 1000Jesus of Nazareth called the anointed Christ
  • 1000 – Jesus' teachings

The conscious awareness of the Self as Divinity manifests as Christ Consciousness.

I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 283-284, 2003

  • 1000 – Christ Consciousness (as well as Buddha Nature)
  • 1000 – Creation and Evolution are the same process.

Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

  • 1000 – Concept: "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered."

The 10 commandments calibrate at 1,000.

Prescott Seminar Spiritual Survival: Realization of Reality, 3 DVD set, 10. November 2007

  • 1000 – Ten commandments
  • 1000 – Ten unnamed verses of the Old Testament
  • 995-975 – Statement: The fall of man is the emergence of dualistic thinking (i.e. tree of good and evil), which was the trap man fell into out of a seduction of curiosity.38
  • 905-990 – Awareness level of Jesus Christ's Apostles
  • 985 – Statement: No religion has an exclusive on truth, and the claim itself is a limiting fallacy. (This statement calibrates at 985.)39
  • 980 – Christianity in the 1st century after Christ
  • 995-975 – Statement: The fall of man is the emergence of dualistic thinking (i.e. tree of good and evil), which was the trap man fell into out of a seduction of curiosity.

You can reach the top by following the Sermon on the Mount.

Sedona Seminar The Human Dilemma, 18. August 2007


Including Genesis, Psalms, and Proverbs except the Old Testament and Book of Revelation

  • TRUE – Jesus' Thirtythree Miracles
  • TRUE – Jesus fed the multitudes.
  • TRUE – Apostles' miracles
  • TRUE – Speaking in tongues
  • TRUE – Pentecostal flame
  • TRUE – Jesus was killed for revealing the truth.
  • TRUE – Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
  • TRUE – Statement: After Jesus was born, the physicality of Jesus on the Earth plane raised the LoC 40 points.69
  • TRUE – Statement: The spread of Christ teachings and Christianity through the Roman empire raised the LoC of humanity another 40 point.70
  • TRUE – John the Baptist was killed for revealing the truth.
  • TRUE – Group prayers are stronger than individual prayers.
  • TRUE – It is beneficial to pray for the dying.
  • TRUE – Stigmata are real phenomenons.71
  • TRUE – Statement: One is able to move up the levels of consciousness only with the help of the Holy Spirit.72
  • TRUE – Statement: Human beings have Guardian Angels at their side.73
  • TRUE – There are angels in anthropomorphic bodies.74
  • TRUE – Wait three days before burial/cremation.

  • IMPORTANT – Calling on the Lord: "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."
    Acts 2, 21 (NT), Romans 10, 13 (NT)
  • IMPORTANT – Ask the Holy Spirit for a miracle (to enhance your faith and deepen your path).
  • Below 200 – Anthropomorphic / pathological images of the God of the Old Testament
  • Below 200Bible Code and "coded" books claiming that truth can be found in some kind of coded information in form[Sedona Seminar Spiritual Traps, 15. October 2005^]
  • 195Jehovah's Witnesses
  • 195 – Christian Identity movement75
  • 195 – "Left Behind" (Apocalyptic Ideology)76
  • 190 – The Luciferic
  • 190 – Venial sin
  • 190Lent
  • 190Seventh-day Adventist Church
  • 190 – Theory promoted by author Dan Brown: Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and had children (with her).77
  • 190Old Testament
  • 190Prayer Healing Study, conducted by Harvard University, 2006
  • 180 – Mortal sin
  • 180 – Theological theory and attitude of the Roman Catholic Church on contraception [LoC 205]
  • 175 – Bethlehem (modern)78
  • 165Secularism79
  • 160Heaven's Gate Cult80
  • ~155Gospel of Judas81
  • 155 – Solar Temple (ideology)82
  • 135 – Polygamous sects83
  • 90/125 – Roman Catholic Church's position on the pedophilia [LoC 135] by Catholic priests
  • 125 – Old Testament, minus Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs
  • 110Christian Identity Movement
  • 100 – Image of the God portrayed in the Old Testament
  • 100 – Level of consciousness of mankind at around the birth of Jesus (year 7 BC)
  • 95 – Right wing fundamentalism (ideology)84
  • 90 – Right wing fundamentalist TV evangelists
  • 70The Book of Revelation (NT)
  • 70 – Allegory of 'Adam and Eve' – Fall of Man; inflicting guilt and shame
  • 65 – Worshipping at the golden calf85
  • 50-160Cults86
  • 45 – Cursing (calling out the Lord's name in vain)
  • 45Satanism
  • 35 – Historical Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church
  • 30Guilt
  • 30 – Concept of Original Sin inducing Guilt87
  • 15 – Damning people to hell
  • NOT TRUE – Prophesied End Times (understood as end of the world)
  • NOT TRUE – Prophesied End Times (John of Patmos)
  • NOT TRUE – St. Mathew's prophesied End Times / End of the World
  • NOT TRUE – Concept: Original sin
  • NOT TRUEThe Shroud of Turin as an authentic relic of Jesus88
  • NOT TRUE – Concept: God need human beings as Co-creators.
  • NOT TRUE – Theory: The Knights Templars kept secrets about Jesus and Mary Magdalene.89
  • NOT TRUEThe Bible Code, published in 1997 by Michael Drosnin
  • NOT TRUEThe Da Vinci Code, published in 2003 by Dan Brown90

Christian sacraments:
The seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church are: Baptism, Confirmation [Chrismation], Penance, Eucharist, Matrimony, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders

Apostles and precursor of Jesus Christ

Roman Catholic Church

  • LoC 490Clergy (formal religious leadership) of the Roman Catholic Church (modern age)
  • Works LoC 485Galileo Galilei [LoC 455] (1564-1642) Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher

Delayed apology:

On 31 October 1992, Pope John Paul II expressed regret that his church ordered Galileo Galileo to lifelong house detention in 1633. A study on Galilei's scientific position conducted by the Pontifical Council for Culture resulted in a declaration acknowledging the errors committed by the Catholic Church tribunal in 1632 and 1633.

  • LoC 460 – Roman Catholic Church as an institution (status ~1900)
  • LoC 450 – Average level of the Roman Catholic believers worldwide (modern age)
  • LoC 440 – Modern Catholicism93
  • LoC 440 – Roman Catholic Jesuit Order (theological academia)
  • LoC 305 – Roman Catholic Church as an institution (in 2004)
  • LoC 180 – Theological theory and attitude of the Roman Catholic Church on contraception [LoC 205]
  • LoC 125 – Roman Catholic Church's position on the pedophilia [LoC 135] by Catholic priests
  • LoC 35 – Historical Inquisition of the Roman Catholic Church

Index: Christentum / Christianity – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke


Links zu BW-Werten – Christentum / Christianity


Das Christentum ist das Resultat einer Verschwörung des römischen Kaiserhauses der Flavier Vespasian und seinen zwei Söhnen Titus und Domitian. Der jüdische Historiker Flavius Josephus, Mitglied des Kaiserhauses, erschuf die Evangelien als Propaganda-Lüge und das Christentum als staatskonforme Religion, um militant-messianische Juden zu befrieden. Textvergleiche zeigen, dass viele der Geschichten um Jesus auf Ereignisse aus den römisch-judäischen Krieg (66-73 AD) anspielen.

Literature (engl.)

The book was written nine years after Allegro's forced resignation from academia. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Essenes and the early Christianity
proposes the non-existence of the historical Jesus Christ.

Free reading: The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, presented on the Scribd website

Philanthropist Henry Parsons Crowell (1855-1944), the founder of the "pure" branded product Quaker Oats, was one of the key players within the
Moody Bible Institute (MBI). Using modern marketing he also sold "pure" fundamentalist Christianity.

Externe Weblinks

  • Artikel Christentum, präsentiert von der Publikation Integrale Perspektive, 2011, überarbeitet 2016

Trinität Gottes aus der Sicht der 1., 2. und 3. Person Gottes und deren entsprechende Bewusstseinsstufen

External web links (engl.)

  • Article Christianity, presented by the German publication "Integrale Perspektive", 2011, updated 2016

Trinity view of God from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person and their respective developmental levels of consciousness

The Catholic Church was first infiltrated into the Jesuits by Marranos, and then the Sabbatean Frankists

Philanthropist Henry Parsons Crowell (1855-1944), the founder of the "pure" branded product Quaker Oats, was one of the key players within the Moody Bible Institute (MBI). Using modern marketing he also sold "pure" fundamentalist Christianity.

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Konferenzbeiträge (Auszüge) "Symposium über das Thomas-Evangelium", Veranstaltung der Stiftung Rosenkreuz, Birnbach,
    24. Juli 2007, Einleitung von Dr. Gunter Friedrich, YouTube Film, eingestellt 21. Januar 2008
  • Video Fernsehinterview zum Thomas-Evangelium (Carlo Carrà über das Geheimnis des St. Thomas), präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen Privatsender der RTL Group mit Sitz in Köln VOX, YouTube Film, eingestellt 27. Juni 2009
  • Videovortrag von Bernhard Schaub, Schweizer Holocaust-Revisionist, Heidentum & Christentum EA Bernhard Schaub Ursula Haverbeck, YouTube Film, 1:31:26 Dauer, eingestellt 28. November 2012
  • Video Fernsehdokumentationsfilm von Dr. Andrea Taschl-Erber, österreichische Bibelwissenschaftlerin, Jacqueline Straub, katholische Theologiestudentin, Jesus und die verschwundenen Frauen, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehsender ZDF, Sendetermin 1. April 2013, YouTube Film, 43:31 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. April 2014

Die vier "ignorierten" Frauen Maria Magdalena, Lydia, Junia und Phöbe sind die ignorierten Säulen des Christentums.

Audio and video links (engl.)

Audio and video links (engl.) – Joseph Atwill, Richard Carrier

War between the Romans and the Jews; Christianity was invented as a post war propoganda to overwrite the history of the militaristic messianic Jewish movement of Judea by the Roman Flavian Caesars.

Roots of antisemitism; the New Testament was deliberately constructed by the Flavians (Roman emperors Vespasian 9-79 AD, Titus, 39-81 AD, Domitian, 51-96 AD); the archetypal figure Jesus is reflected in Titus; the Gospels are good news of military victory in the Jewish War [destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE, devastating the Mediterranean economy]. Anxious to prevent another militaristic messianic outbreak, the Romans offered the Jews alternative stories to distract them from the messianic Torah messages.

Linkless media offerings

  • Audio interview with Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author, Pulling Back The Curtain – with Joseph Atwill, sponsored by the weekly radio show "Pulling Back the Curtain", co-hosts Fritz Heede, Nijole Sparkis, YouTube film, 1:52:19 duration, aired 2. July 2012, posted 3. July 2012

Audio and video links (engl.) – ⚡ Religious deception – Jordan Maxwell


Interne Links




1 Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego’s Foundation, January 2002

2 Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego’s Foundation, January 2002

3 Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego’s Foundation, January 2002

4 Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego’s Foundation, January 2002

5 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

6 Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 28. Juni 2003

7 Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 28. Juni 2003

8 Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American ex-Moonie, cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author, An Expert Responds to the Cult Controversy re: Mormonism, 9. April 2016

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

10 Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 28. Juni 2003

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 386, 2005

12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 386, 2005

13 Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 7, S. 129, Hay House, February 2002

14 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 334, 2005

15 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

16 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

17 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

18 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 264, 2005

19 Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Kapitel 12, S. 251, 2008

20 Die 1945 in Nag Hammadi in Ägypten gefundenen Schriften von enthalten vier gnostische Evangelien. Das Thomasevangelium enthält 114 aphoristische Aussagen von Jesus. Weitere außerkanonische Evangelien aus der Nag Hammadi-Kollektion sind das Evangelium der Wahrheit, das Evangelium der Ägypter und das Philippus-Evangelium (Mysterium der Brautkammer).

21 Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Kapitel 11, S. 212, 2008

22 Im Frühjahr 1947 entdeckten zwei Beduinenjungen, die auf der Suche nach einer jungen Ziege waren, iin den Bergen von Ras-Feshah einen schmalen Spalt im Felsen. Er führte zu einem gewundenen Gang (~8 Meter Länge, 2 Meter Breite, 2,5 bis 3 Meter Höhe). Inmitten von Scherben und Abfällen fanden sie acht fest verschlossene Tonkrüge. Sieben waren leer, im achten befanden sich drei in Leintuch eingewickelte und beschriftete Lederrollen. Der Qumran-Fund umfasst tausende Fragmente von an die 900 Schriftrollen aus dem antiken Judentum, darunter an die 200 Abschriften alttestamentarischer Bücher, die bislang ältesten bekannten Bibelhandschriften. Die Schriftrollen von Qumran bestätigen die Genauigkeit von alttestamentlichen Manuskripten späteren Ursprungs.

23 Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 71, 2006

24 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 362, 2005

25 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

26 ORF III-Dokumentation Turiner Grabtuch, März 2016, YouTube Film, 52:23 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 27. December 2017; Drei unabhängige Forschungsinstitute erbrachten mithilfe des Radionkarbontests den Beweis, dass das Turiner Grabtuch eine Fälschung aus dem Mittelalter in der Zeit zwischen 1260 und 1390 ist.

27 Gelöschtes Videointerview mit https://www.kornkreiskunst.at/index.php?route=product/manufacturer/info&manufacturer_id=8, österreichischer Phänomene-Forscher, parapsychologischer Autor, Die Wahrheit über das Jesus-Foto. Das Turiner Grabtuch entschlüsselt, präsentiert von dem Online Fernsehsender Quer-Denken TV, Gastgeber Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations, Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement, Publizist, YouTube Film, 48:29 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 21. Januar 2017

28 Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American ex-Moonie, cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author, An Expert Responds to the Cult Controversy re: Mormonism, 9. April 2016

29 Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 71, 2006

30 John 14, 6 (NT)

31 Blog article What Do You Really Know About the Mystery of the Stigmata?, presented by The Mystical Humanity of Christ Publishing, Charles Kaupke, 15. November 2016

32 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 367, 2005

33 Paul of Tarsus, 1. Corinthians 13, 12 (NT)

34 1. John 3, 2 (NT)

35 I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 369, 2003

36 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 383, 2005

37 Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego’s Foundation, January 2002

38 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

39 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 332, 2005

40 Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author of Caesar's Messiah. The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, 2005

41 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 386, 2005

42 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 386, 2005

43 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 367, 2005

44 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 386, 2005

45 Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 7, S. 129, Hay House, February 2002

46 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

47 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

48 Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 28. June 2003

49 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

50 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

51 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

52 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

53 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

54 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

55 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

56 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

57 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005

58 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

59 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

60 Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 367, 2005

61 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

62 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

63 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

64 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 366, 2005

65 Audio interview with Robert Eisenman, Ph.D., US American biblical scholar, California State University Long Beach, theoretical writer, historian, archaeologist, "road" poet, The real story behind the Dead Sea Scrolls, presented by LA Talk Radio, program NightVision Radio, host Rene Barnett, 51:49 minutes duration, aired 18. January 2012

66 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

67 Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, June 2003

68 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005

69 Sedona Seminar Radical Subjectivity: The "I" of "Self", February 2002

70 Sedona Seminar Radical Subjectivity: The "I" of "Self", February 2002

71 Sedona Satsang Q&A, 9. September 2009

72 Video presentation demonstrating muscle testing Power vs. Force, Volume Series I, 2 DVD set, 1996

73 They [guardian angels] are infinitely powerful and infinitely gentle. DH, Sedona Seminar Spiritual Truth vs. Spiritual Fantasy, 17. June 2006

74 Prescott Seminar Happiness, 25. April 2009

75 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

76 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

77 Sedona Seminar Perception vs. Essence, 22. April 2006

78 That is what mankind has done to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. David Hawkins, source unknown

79 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

80 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

81 Sedona Seminar Perception vs. Essence, 22. April 2006

82 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

83 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

84 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

85 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 361, 2005

86 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 359, 2005

87 Transcending Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 71, 2006

88 It's a concept somebody invented. Only as manifestation of His creation. (Calibrated as true.) Choose the Light instead of the darkness. That's all. Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, January 2002

89 Sedona Seminar Perception vs. Essence, 22. April 2006

90 Sedona Seminar Perception vs. Essence, 22. April 2006

91 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 17 Spiritual Experiences chart, S. 386, 2005

92 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 335, 2005

93 Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 28. June 2003

94 Article How a Pioneer of Branding Invented Christian Fundamentalism, presented by the publication Religion Dispatches, Daniel Silliman, 6. May 2015

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