
Hawkins / Erlebender








Sonnenuntergang mit Blitzeinschlag






Erleben – Von konkreten Inhalten und Formen zum abstrakten Kontext / Sein

Linear (an die Form gebunden)
Ego / Ich
Gedanke   →
Registrieren   →
Erkennen  →
Betrachten  →
Erlebender   →
Gewahrender   →
Nichtlinear (Feld)
Selbst / SELBST
Beobachter   →
Zeuge   →
Licht des Bewusstseins   →
Das Manifeste als Allheit – SELBST   →
Das Unmanifeste (Gottheit)
Quellen (engl.): ► David Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Identification and Illusion, 3 DVD-Set, 14. August 2004
I. Reality and Subjectivity, heading "The Progressive Fields of Realization", S. 292-294, 2003
Siehe auch: ► Kontext

Wesentliche Elemente der spirituellen Arbeit – D. Hawkins

Die wesentlichen Elemente aufrichtig engagierter spiritueller Arbeit bestehen aus:

1. Sich diszipliniert zu konzentrieren ohne sich ablenken zu lassen
2. Bereitwillig alle Wünsche und Ängste GOTT zu übergeben
3. Bereitwillig zeitweilig zu leiden, bis das Beschwerende überschritten wurde
4. Beständigkeit und Achtsamkeit
5. Das Eigeninteresse als Beteiligter/ Erlebender auf den Zeugen/ Beobachter übertragen
6. Bereitwillig die Urteilssucht und das Anhaften an Meinungen über das Wahrgenommene preiszugeben
7. Sich stärker mit dem Feld als mit den Inhalten des Feldes zu identifizieren
8. Zuversichtlich wissend und akzeptierend weitergehen, dass Erleuchtung weder Ziel noch Wunsch oder Hoffnung ist, sondern die eigene Bestimmung ; die Ansicht zurückweisen, dass Erleuchtung ein Verdienst ist; begreifen, dass Erleuchtung ein Zustand ist, der durch Entscheidung, Intention, hingebungsvolle Widmung aufgrund von Karma und göttlicher Gnade erfolgt.
9. Es vermeiden, das eigene Bemühen oder dessen Ziel zu verherrlichen und stattdessen auf die Gottergebenheit zu vertrauen
Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, FU Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 122, 2007
Siehe auch: ► Spirituelle Arbeit

Zitate zum Thema Erlebender / Experiencer

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Die Erkenntnis, dass Verstand/Gemüt nicht dasselbe ist wie "Ich", zerbricht die Identifikation des Selbstes mit dem mentalen Geist.
    Diese Erkenntnis dehnt sich auch auf den Körper aus, sobald man erkennt, dass man nur Zeuge, Erfahrender und Beobachter von Empfindungen ist. Man erfährt dabei nicht wirklich den Körper, sondern lediglich die Sinne.
    FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 157, 2005
    • Ein Mensch erfährt lediglich Sinneswahrnehmungen, wenn er Zeuge, Erlebender, Beobachter von körperlichen Empfindungen ist. Zusammenfassung einer Seite auf Das All-sehende Auge, S. 157, 2005

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • In overview, we can see that from time immemorial, man has tried to make sense of the enormous complexity and fre-
    quent unpredictability of human behavior. A multitude of systems have been constructed to try to make sense of that
    which is incomprehensible comprehensible. To 'make sense' has ordinarily meant to be able to be definable in terms
    that are linear: logical and rational. But the process, and therefore the experience, of life itself is organic – that is
    to say, nonlinear by definition.
    This is the source of man's inescapable intellectual frustration.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 37, Veritas Publishing, 1st edition 1995


  • Question: How can one simultaneously participate and yet not get attached or involved? Does that not lead to avoidance?
    Answer: It is the motive that determines the effects of participation. Activities are merely what one 'does', but not
    what one 'is'. All seeming events present learning opportunities. One can participate and at the same time experi-
    phenomena from the level of the witness/observer and watch what arises from the psyche. It is important to differentiate detachment from nonattachment. Detachment can result in avoidance or withdrawal, whereas nonattachment allows for participation without taking a stake in the outcome.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 5 "Clarifications", S. 102-103, 2007


  • As with other attractions, it is the 'experiencer' aspect of the ego that leads to involvement with distractions
    and naive errors of judgment, mistaken decisions, or conclusions.
    The avoidance of diversions and attrac-
    tions is not based on judgmentalism but instead on respecting the value of the validation of truth. There are nume-
    rous integrous teachers and teachings; thus, it is not necessary to seek for novel byways. The great traditional pathways have sufficed for thousands of years, and their essential truths have been confirmed by experience.
    They are now even more adequately understood and confirmable.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 12, S. 203, 2007



  • Question: What is the experiencer?
    Answer: The mind acts as a processor of data simultaneously from both within and without. It categorizes, sorts, prioritizes, contextualizes, and interprets simultaneously […] This complex integrated processing system amazing-
    ly operates within approximately 1/10,000th of a second, during which it simultaneously selects and processes
    thoughts, ideas and images that are invested with emotion and categorized estimates of importance. The mind
    is therefore like an infinitely complex processing unit of both internal and external data.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 109, 2007


  • The experiencer screen is energized by desire and identification with it. This desire is like an appetite of curiosity, wantingness, and craving, and is an addiction to the experience of experiencing itself […] The basic essential core program of the primitive ego was to sample, explore, forage, seek and "get" […] its core identification and function remained essentially the same […]. The interface of the processor/experiencer is the core of separation and duality
    […]. The core of spiritual work is to undo this ancient programming.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 110-111, 2007


  • The ego is focused on one point, the experiencer which is programmed to seek pleasure and survival through gain.
    […] [T]he experiencer is programmed to "get". The experiencer’s function is to get pleasure and possess it. […] It
    has only one addiction, which is to subjective pleasure / gain […] The "what" that is desired is actually irrelevant.
    The relinquishment of this single, solitary goal unveils the Reality of the Self.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 119-120, 2007


  • Experiential Validation: Spiritual alignment and intention plus dedication are inherently transformative and
    bring about a progressive change in the quality of life experience.
    This occurs automatically as a result of
    the field effect and is therefore not ‘caused’ by the personal will. The incorporation of spiritual values should be
    for its own sake rather than for some imaginary gain or control that paradoxically counters and obstructs the pri-
    mary intention. Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 10 "Experiential versus Conceptual", S. 194, 2008


  • That which you are is the witness, the observer and also the experiencer. This is happening automatically happening as a consequence of the field of consciousness. The realization that the ego will always take credit for spontaneous occurances is essential.
    D. Hawkins, CD Series Discovery, CD 5 of 6 "Advanced Practices for the Committed Mystic", subheading "The nine central
    elements of seriously committed inner spiritual work", Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, May 2007


  • Question: A very interesting statement you made is that "all experience is due to resistence." If one goes on a long stroll through the forest and experiences the wonder of nature, is that due to the ego's resistence to reality? Can you clarify this further?
    Answer: Well, the person is seeing the woods from a specific locality called I or myself. When that disappears the experiencing is not from a specific locality but more like a generality, as though you are the woods, not different than the woods So, it's a very high state to go into, a state of peace, and the witnessing begins to happen automatically of its own. And eventually, what happens is the sense that 'there is a personal I witnessing' disappears, and the phenomena are occurring spontaneously of their own without any reference to a specific observer.
    Question: So is all experience due to resistance?
    Answer: One can witness without experiencing.
    Question: But what's the resistance?
    Answer: [...] In ordinary life negative feelings are due to resistance, with the relinquishing of that in ordinary life you disappear it as an experiental phenomenon. […] For example, let's say there's a baby crying in the back of the bus,
    and it's annoying you. As long as you resist it, the baby's gonna keep annoying you. When you suddenly relent to it,
    it just melds in with the rest of the noise in the bus and doesn't bother you any more.
    Question: Okay. So you're talking about surrendering to it?
    Answer: Letting go resisting it, you know, it's most phenomenal use is, of course, letting go of negative things [...].
    Untitled audio interview with D. Hawkins, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary",
    hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 14. September 2004


  • Experiencing is a phenomenon occurring in consciousness. Experiencing is a verb. Actually there is no experiencer, only experiencing. It creates the illusion that if there's experiencing then there's an experiencer – that's the basis of
    the illusion. Spontaneous Satsang at the occasion of Dr. Hawkins' birthday party, 7. June 2009


  • Question: How do you transcend the experiencer?
    Answer: It's by meditation. [...] You don't transcend it psychologically [...] just experientially.
    Spontaneous Satsang at the occasion of Dr. Hawkins' birthday party, 7. June 2009

Zitate von anderen Quellen


  • Wenn Sie sich ehrlich auf unangenehme Erfahrungen freuen können, gibt es nichts mehr im Leben zu fürchten.
    Byron Katie (*1942) US-amerikanische spirituelle Lehrerin, Gründerin der Methode "The Work", Autorin, Anleitung für The Work,
    PDF, präsentiert von Byron Katie Incorporated, 2002


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Erfahrung

Quotes by various other sources

  • The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. Robertson Davies (1913-1995) Canadian professor, critic, playwright, journalist, novelist, cited in: George Potter, The White Bedouin‎, S. 241, 2007


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Experience

Englische Texte – English section on Experiencer



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