
Wiki / Forgiving





ForgivingHooponopono Forgiveness work


My job here on Earth is twofold. My job is first
of all to awaken people who might be asleep.
Almost everyone is asleep. The only way I can
awaken them is to work on myself.

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH),
Zero Limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth,
Health, Peace, and More
, Epilogue, John Wiley & Sons,
3. August 2007


The moment we wake up to the bigger perspective, we recognize that what we call my "stuff" is simply waves in a bigger ocean; it is not who we really are. To dedicate our whole life to personal processing will be to live in a very small box indeed. In contrast, to feel deep empathy with humanity and with all sentient beings can open us to a deeper fulfillment than that
gained by having all our "stuff" sorted out.

Chameli Gad Ardagh (*1971) Norwegian psychotherapist, women educator, Come Closer. Spiritual awakening
for the feminine heart
, chapter 9, S. 147,
Lighting Source Press, 2006


Releasing method HO'OPONOPONO

Report on a highly effective shamanic healing / prayer method


In the year 2003 Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet hypnotic marketeer on personal improvement and one of the experts in the popular movie The Secret, lecturer and author, heard from Mark Ryan about an unusual success story of the psychologist and therapist Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len from Hawaii. He was told that

Dr. Hew Len had literally healed a whole ward of criminally insane inmates – without ever having seen anyone of them. The cure of these criminals was effected by simply studying their files, writing down their names, taking full responsi-
for each one of them while exercising intense inner forgiveness work thereby rendering all his own judgments, beliefs, attitudes to the Divine petitioning it to erase the shared program with the other person. With each patient Len took a deeper look inside to address the very aspect within himself that had created the illness in the person in front of him.
As he was "improving" himself, i.e. cleaning within himself, the state of the inmates and the staff did improve correspondingly.


When Vitale heard this story for the first time, he doubted it wondering:

  • How can a human being heal another one by healing themselves?
  • How does the best self-improved master heal criminally insane?

These ideas seemed utterly illogical to him. So he dismissed the message as an urban legend and forgot about it.


To take total responsibility meant for Vitale that one is responsible for what one feels, thinks and does, not for that what others might feel, think, or do. Beyond that, he thought, one cannot take charge. His attitude was in sync with that what most people incorporate. This, however, does not coincide with the bigger reality.


A year later Vitale came across Len's story again. He was told that the psychologist had applied a Hawaiian healing method called Ho'oponopono. Unfamiliar with this kind of healing and unable to forget its effect a second time he decided to find out more about it. He dialed the Hawaiian therapist's phone number. And – following an impulse – Dr. Hew Len answered the call, which he rarely does. Their first phone call on the advanced perspectives of life lasted about an hour. It turned out that Vitale had met his teacher on taking full responsibility for what is.


Dr. Len told Vitale that he was employed at Hawaii State Hospital Kaneohe for four years. The psychologists in charge at the ward with the criminally insane inmates gave up and quit on a monthly basis. Afraid of being attacked by those dangerous patients they passed through the ward the staff walked with their backs against the wall. They called in sick oftentimes or simply left. The ward was a dire location.



The therapist Len did not meet any of the patients one on one. He had an office where he reviewed their charts and then worked on himself. The result of which was: the patients began to heal.


Len reported, After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely.
Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medi-
cations. And those who had no chance of ever being released were
being freed
, he went on. The staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed.


Listening to this Vitale was in awe. He burnt to ask the million dollar question: What were you doing within yourself that had those people change?


Len replied: I was simply healing the part of me that created them.


Vitale was perplexed and asked Len to explain what total responsibility for one's life means. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation. That is why everything which is in your life is your responsibility.


Being responsible for what everyone in his life says or does was a tough load to swallow for Vitale. Such a stance was far from his worldview.
Yet, taking complete responsibility for one's life, concerns everything that one perceives and takes in, including terrorism, the government, the economy. All the unliked topics are in fact projections from inside oneself and therefore one's responsibility to heal. The "outside" problems are indeed "inside". To change them means to change internally.


Vitale felt this was hard to grasp, and harder to accept or to actually practice it. He found blaming others far easier than taking full responsibility.
Dr. Len explained to him that in Ho'oponopono healing means loving oneself. Improving your life means to cleanse and heal your life. Curing an ill person, a criminal even, means to heal yourself.


How did Dr. Len manage to heal himself? What exactly did he do, while he studied the patients' files?


He replied: I just kept saying repeatedly

  1. I'm sorry for that – within me.
  2. I forgive you – within me.
  3. I love you – within me.


Loving oneself is the essential way to grow.
Improving one's inner self is improving one's world.

Source: ► Derived from Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author,
The World’s Most Unusual Therapist, presented by Joe Vitale's Blog, published 2004, now undated
read by 5 million people worldwide within 3 years, also published as an excerpt in the book Zero Limits
See also: ► Energy healing and ► Healing and ► Prayer and ► Responsibility
Caveat: Joe Vitale's blog is an incomplete representation of the Ho'oponopono forgiveness
and healing work as taught by a tradition of a master teacher and licenced teachers.


Extensively experienced as an educator in working with the developmentally disabled and the criminally mentally ill and their families, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len from Hawaii was the master teacher of the healing method Self-I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono (SITH) since 1982. He has been conducting SITH classes around the world for thirty years.
In his own words Dr. Len shares about the healing miracle at the Hawaii State Hospital Kaneohe via the applied SITH method. While on
hold, the turn around time for the release of the mentally ill patients back into the community took from several months to several years.
Source: ► Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, part 1,
minute 6:47-13:38, 57:02 minutes duration, aired 3. May 2006

Steps of forgiveness and release work – Ho'oponopono

Please note: Above stated quotes were removed on request of SITH.  2. August 2011

Fault register method by David R. Hawkins

Fault register work – Taking 100% responsibility


Bottle Palm
Write down all your faults.
Write down all the faults others think you have, even if you think they’re liars.
Even if they see you that way and you are not that way you take responsibility. [...]
You take responsibility for it all.
If you own it all, nobody has any way to attack you.
If others attack you, it's because you're not owning something.
People intuit where you have got a chink; and that's what they go for.
If you are being abused by people in various ways it's because you are
attracting it by something that you are not owning something about yourself. [...]
Besides, there's nothing wrong with being stupid and ugly. (Laughing)
So we admit our faults, and we stop labeling them faults.
We have to get over narcissistic sensitivity. [...]
All negative reactions are not caused from outside; it's how we choose. [...]
The way to become bulletproof is to own any negativity that you can
even imagine might apply to yourself.
  Minute 46:07
When you are going to accept that you run into the ego
the way to overcome the ego's reaction to that is to say,
I'm stupid and ugly!? It doesn’t matter; God loves me anyway.


Source: ► David Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, DVD 1 of 3,
minute 43:00 "Fault Register", Arizona, 17. April 2004
See also: ► Negativity

Three evolutionary stages of conscious development – Joe Vitale

Three stages that emerged during the life's journey of Internet hypnotic marketeer and lecturer Joseph Vitale
1. Victimhood Ten years of homelessness and poverty Feeling subjected to life's whims Vitale blamed and felt helpless. He felt a grudge, resentment, and anger.
2. Creating one's own reality Goal setting (the illusion of total control) as a hypnotic success coach and expert of the movie The Secret Power of internal intention Vitale reacted outwardly with methods of influencing the situation.
3. Spirit of trust Trusting the Divine Will through Inspiration, following the flow, no more personal goals. Cleansing the Shared Program with all and everything, accepting and surrendering to the Divine Will/Intention Vitale takes full responsibility and cleanses inwardly with Ho'oponopono.


Dr. Hew Len: "You have choice, but you don't have control."
Joe Vitale: "At "zero limits" you don't even have choice. Even choice is a sign that more cleansing is to be done."

Quotes on Ho'oponopono, forgiving and shared responsibility

Quotes by Morrnah Simeona

  • We can appeal to Divinity who knows our personal blueprint, for healing of all thoughts and memories that are holding us back at this time. It is a matter of going beyond traditional means of accessing knowledge about ourselves.
    Interview with Morrnah Simeona (1913-1992) Hawaiian Kahuna healer and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono, presented by the newspaper "The New Times", Seattle, Washington, Deborah King, April 1989


Rainbow colors
  • We are the sum total of our experiences, which is to say that we are burdened by our pasts. When we experience stress or fear in our lives, if we would look
    carefully, we would find that the cause is actually a memory. It is the emotions which are tied to these memories which affect us now. The subconscious asso-
    ciates an action or person in the present with something that happened in the past. When this occurs, emotions are activated and stress is produced.
    Interview with Morrnah Simeona (1913-1992) Hawaiian Kahuna healer and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono, presented by the newspaper "The New Times", Seattle, Washington, Deborah King, April 1989


  • The main purpose of this process is to discover the Divinity within oneself. Ho'oponopono is a profound gift which allows one to develop a working relationship with the Divinity within and learn to ask that in each moment, our errors in thought, word, deed or action be cleansed. The process is essentially about freedom, complete freedom from the past. Interview with Morrnah Simeona (1913-1992) Hawaiian recognized kahuna lapa'au (healer) hoʻoponopono teacher, Living Treasures of Hawai'i, and Dr. Stan Hew Len, Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono, presented by the newspaper "The New Times'', Seattle, Washington, Deborah King, April 1989


  • Western people have great difficulty in putting the intellect behind. It is difficult for the Western mind to get a grasp of a Higher Being because in traditional Western churches, the Higher Beings are not made evident. Western man has gone to the extremes with his intellectualism it divides and keeps people separate. Man then becomes a destroyer because he manages and copes rather than letting the perpetuating force of the Divinity flow through him for right action.
    Interview with Morrnah Simeona (1913-1992) Hawaiian recognized kahuna lapaʻau (healer) hoʻoponopono teacher, Living Treasu-
    res of Hawai'i
    , and Dr. Stan Hew Len, Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono, presented by the newspaper "The New Times'', Seattle, Washington, Deborah King, April 1989



Liturgy of Ho’oponopono

Pray often

  • Divine creator, father, mother, child as one [...] If I, my family, relatives and ances-
    tors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words,
    deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your
    forgiveness [...] Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light. [...] And it is done.
    Interview with Morrnah Simeona (1913-1992) Hawaiian recognized kahuna lapa'au (healer) ho'oponopono teacher, Living Treasures of Hawai'i, Could a kahuna’s liturgy have wrought these changes?, presented by the morning daily newspaper The Philadelphia Inquirer, Darrell Sifford, 2. December 1980; Goodreads Quotable Quote, excerpted from: Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Zero Limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 3. August 2007

Written quotes by Ihaleakala Hew Len

  • The purpose of life is to be restored back to Love, moment to moment. To fulfill this purpose, the individual must acknowledge that he is 100 percent responsible for creating his life the way it is. He must come to see that it is his thoughts that create his life the way it is moment to moment. The problems are not people, places, and situations
    but rather the thoughts of them. He must come to appreciate that there is no such thing as "out there".
    Dr. Hew Len, cited in: Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Zero Limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, Excerpt of Zero Limits, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 3. August 2007


Siehe auch: ► Mitverantwortung

Quotes by Ihaleakala Hew Len

Personal avowals

  • I am not here to fix other people. They are perfect already. They are created in the exact likeness of the Divine. What
    is imperfect in me is the data that says, that they are not divine.
    Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-
    2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, minute 12:36, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


Dew drops
  • I am not cleaning you. [...] I am cleaning the [subconscious] data of
    my perception about you. Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Van-
    couver, host Nicole Whitney, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • Visitor to Dr. Len: Wow, you work in a psychiatric unit?
    Dr. Len: No, I work in a psychiatric world.
    Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, minute 44:36, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • Visitor to Dr. Len: Are you a Shaman?
    Dr. Len: No, I am just a garbage collector.
    Am I a healer?
    No, Divinity can do that. Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • I like nasty responses, because the nastiness tells me | should look at myself. minute 43:03
    • [Reference to] I like nasty stuff because it tells me that when I am willing to let that go behind that there is a silver lining1 [called inspiration]. Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, minute 45:03, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007
  • You came into this life perfect, only the data or the information is imperfect. Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • You have choice, but you don't have control. Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • Outcomes are the job of the intellect. It's called expectations. That's what kills people. And expectations are just memories replaying.
    Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, minute 30:14, 58:39 minutes duration, aired 14. June 2006


  • When you say ALOHA to someone really in the deepest part of your being which is Zero you're saying I am in the presence of GOD. To say that you are going to fix God is utterly ridiculous. Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, minute 12:50, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • Our perception is: other people are stuck. That's our problem. [...] As long as we don't get to that we are stuck. [...] We are in fact preventing other people from experiencing who they are: God. Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'opo-
    nopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, minute 13:52, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • It is very important to know that we ourselves don't make decisions. […] when something inside us moves us we want to be clear that it is an inspiration from the Divine, not from data plane from the past.
    Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


  • The problem always originates within the self and never outside.
    Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2./3. August 2007


Siehe auch: ► Mitverantwortung

Quotes by Joe Vitale – Ho'oponopono (Zero Limits)

  • Sliding attitudes
    1. You're a victim.
    2. You're in control.
    3. You're awakening.
Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Zero Limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, S. 192, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 3. August 2007


Gingko biloba
  • Zero Limits Basic Principles
    1. You don't have a clue what is going on.   pg. 199
    2. You don't have control over everything.   pg. 199
    3. You can heal whatever comes your way.   pg. 200
    4. You are 100 percent responsible for all you experience.   pg. 200
    5. Your ticket to zero limits is saying the phrase "I love you".   pg. 200
    6. Inspiration is more important than intention.   pg. 200
Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Zero Limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, S. 199, John Wiley & Sons,
1st edition 3. August 2007


  • Problems are memories replaying in the subconscious. Problems have nothing to do with anyone or anyplace or any situation. When you experience memories re-
    playing problems, you have choice. You can stay engaged to them or you can petition Divinity to free them up through transmutation, thus restoring your mind to its original state of zero, of void […] of being memory free.
    When you are me-
    mory free, you are your Divine Self as Divinity created you in its exact likeness. Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Zero Limits. The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 3. August 2007


  • Hearing from the Oprah people who want me to go on Oprah [TV Talkshow] to talk about [the movie] The Secret. [...] I went to the pre-interview and everything. And part of my mind was thinking, "I am way beyond The Secret." [...] When I
    got the call saying that, "We are passing on you on the Oprah show this time around," I was relieved. (CD 1 of 6)
    I'm no longer playing the intention game. I’m no longer playing The Secret game, which is so ironic. And it is probably meaningful that I didn't go on Oprah to go talk about The Secret. Because I would have been the one guy out of alignment from the rest of the group [of The Secret experts]. [...] And then the one guy that said, "You know what. The Secret that's kind of bull. It works for a certain stage but you can go past that." And Jack Canfield would be looking at me, and Oprah would be looking at me, and James Ray would be looking at me. So it is probably very relevant that I just kept cleaning [applying Ho'oponopono] and I won't go on for that reason. But I may go on for this reason. So that's my answer to the 'Law of Attraction'. Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, Zero Limits seminar, sponsored and led
    by Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), CD 5
    of 6, winter 2007

General quotes on forgiving (responsibility)

Personal avowals

  • I have never encountered a difficulty that was not truly the difficulty of myself.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, unsourced quote


  • A house divided against itself cannot stand. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) assassinated 16th US President (1861-1865), statehouse for the Republican State Convention, Springfield, Illinois, 16. June 1858


  • Taking responsibility is not taking the blame, or assuming I am wrong. It is a willingness to respond, to be answerable
    to the current memory that is running. Deleted article by Mary Koehler, US American international Ho'oponono coordinator, Self Identity through Hooponopono, presented by the Network Ireland, April-July 2004


  • Ho'oponopono is the extraordinary healing system of accepting 100% responsibility for everything that is your life and asking the Divine for the power to heal and erase problems from your life and experience. Ho'oponopono is a process of forgiveness, repentance and transformation. Mabel Katz, Argentinian Ho'oponopono teacher, The Easiest Way, Your Business, November 2004


Compass rose of time, Quilt
  • Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is also in him-
    self, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow, he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved problems of our day.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder
    of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, R. F. C. Hull, translator, Psychology and Religion. West and East – Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 11, paragraph 140, 1938, Princeton University Press, 2nd edition January 1975


  • Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of
    the world. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) German philosopher, faculty member, author, Thomas Bailey Saunders, translator, Studies in Pessimism. The Essays, first published 1851, George Allen & Company, 1913, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 15. December 2015




Conscious Mind ⇔ Subconscious

  • The unconscious appearance of an intention to act could not be controlled consciously. Only it's final consummation in a motor act could be consciously controlled. Benjamin Libet (1916-2007) US American physiologist, pioneering human consciousness researcher, University of California (UCSF), San Francisco, Mind time. The temporal factor in consciousness, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 28. October 2005


  • Our subjective inner life is what really matters to us as human beings. Yet we know and understand relatively little of how it arises and how it functions in our conscious will to act. Benjamin Libet (1916-2007) US American physiologist, pioneering human consciousness researcher, University of California (UCSF), San Francisco, Mind time. The temporal factor in consciousness,
    S. 86-87, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 28. October 2005


  • The transformation from neuronal patterns to a subjective representation would appear to develop in a mental sphere that has emerged from that neuronal pattern. [...] My view of mental subjective function is that it is an emergent property of appropriate brain functions. The conscious mental cannot exist without the brain processes that give rise to it. However, having emerged from brain activities as a unique 'property' of that physical system, the mental can exhibit phenomena not evident in the neural brain that produced it.
    Benjamin Libet (1916-2007) US American physiologist, pioneering human consciousness researcher, University of California (UCSF), San Francisco, Mind time. The temporal factor in consciousness,
    S. 86-87, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 28. October 2005


  • The conscious mind, if it focuses on any part of the body or any function, can control it. But the conscious mind, being a small (40 bit/sec) processor, doesn't have the capability of controlling as many things at the same time as the subconscious mind can, operating at
    40 million bits/sec. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (*1944) US American developmental new cellular biologist, former associate professor, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, presaged the field of epigenetics [mechanism by which nurture controls nature], lecturer, author, The Power of the Mind, originally published on Liptons's website, 1. September 2007

Song lyrics


Listen to video presentation:

Harlem Boys' Choir Let There Be Peace On Earth, YouTube film, 4:21 minutes duration, posted 1. September 2015

  • Let there be peace on earth. And let it begin with me. Gill Vince (*1957) US American country singer, songwriter, song, lyrics, cited in: Cowboy Lyrics


Literary quotes


  • When in these sessions of gratifying silent thought
    I think of the past,
    I lament my failure to achieve all that I wanted,
    And I sorrowfully remember that I wasted the best years of my life:
    Then I can cry, although I am not used to crying,
    For dear friends now hid in death's unending night,
    And cry again over woes that were long since healed,
    And lament the loss of many things that I have seen and loved:
    Then can I grieve over past griefs again,
    And sadly repeat (to myself) my woes
    The sorrowful account of griefs already grieved for [fore-bemoaned moan],
    Which (the account) I repay as if I had not paid before.
    But if I think of you while I am in this state of sadness, dear friend,
    All my losses are compensated for and my sorrow ends.
    William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English dramatist, playwright, lyricist, actor, Sonnet 30, Amanda Mabillard, editor of "Shakespeare Online", 12. November 2008


Light switch
  • Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth,
    These rebel powers that thee array;
    Why dost thou pine within and suffer dearth,
    Painting thy outward walls so costly gay?
    [...] So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men,
    And, Death once dead, there's no more dying then.
    William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English dramatist, playwright, lyricist, actor, Sonnet 146 Poor soul, the centre of my sinful earth, presented by the website Poetry Foundation


  • Nor stony tower, nor walls of beaten brass,
    Nor airless dungeon, nor strong links of iron,
    Can be retentive to the strength of spirit.
    William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English dramatist, playwright, lyricist, actor, tragedy Julius Caesar, Cassius at I, iii, ~1599


  • Woe holds at last the place of our gladness.
    Hear, now, this counsel for your certainness:
    Upon your most glad day, bear then in mind
    The unknown harm and woe [memories replaying] that come behind.
    Geoffrey Chaucer [Father of English literature] (1343-1400) English poet of the Middle Ages, The Canterbury Tales, "The Squire's Tale", 1387-1400



References: en.Wikiquote entries Forgiveness and ► Responsibility

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013





  • All life ebbs and flows. Everyone is born, suffers afflictions, and dies. There are happi-
    ness and sadness, catastrophe and success, increase and decrease. The stock mar-
    ket rises and falls. Diseases and accidents come and go. The karmic dance of life unfolds in the karmic theatre of the universe.
    All reactions to life are subjective. There is nothing happening that is awful, exci-
    ting, sad, good, or bad.
    It is pointless to hold a position that catastrophes shouldn't 'happen' or that the innocent 'didn't deserve it', or 'isn't it awful', or 'it must be somebo-
    dy's fault'. With a broad view, one can remain unperturbed by either the content or the context of life. That requires giving up judgments, expectations, or 'sensiti-
    vities'. Dr. David R. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 179, 2003




  • I want to make that clear so that you can't complain that spiritual work has not worked for you, because it is a pro-
    found commitment
    . If you are doing the Course in Miracles let us say, it means you got to forgive all the time continuously, no matter what. Doesn’t mean you can make an exception here or an exception there. It means continuously, because the one or two things you hide behind is usually a stack, that is why you are hanging on to it.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, DVD 2 of 3, minute 0:34:00-0:45:00,
    27. September 2002


Zitate zum Thema Vergebung und Mitverantwortung

  • Ich bin erstens voll verantwortlich für alles,
    zweitens bin ich dennoch ganz abhängig vom anderen.
    Beide Einsichten zusammen möchte man am liebsten abtun: als Widerspruch in sich. Unerträglich scheint vielen die Gleichzeitigkeit von ungeschmälerter Verantwortlichkeit, auch für Handlungen, die ihre Partner gegen sie richten, und gänzlicher Abhängigkeit selbst da, wo sie sich privatissime fühlen: in ihren Träumen, ihren Gedanken, ihren Entschei-
    dungen. [...] Das bedeutet, Unbewusstes bewusst werden zu lassen, genauer: das Verflochtensein durch unser unbe-
    wusstes Handeln anzunehmen. Michael Lukas Moeller (1937-2002) deutscher Professor für Seelische Gesundheit (1973-1983), Psychoanalytiker, Paartherapeut, Autor, Die Wahrheit beginnt zu zweit. Das Paar im Gespräch, S. 178-179, Rowohlt Sachbuch, 1988, 26. Auflage Januar 1997, 31. Auflage 2010






Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Vergebung und ► Verantwortung


Siehe auch:
Verzeihensforschung und ► Vergebung und Vergebungsmythen
Verlorenes Vertrauen durch aufrichtige Aussöhnung zurückgewinnen
Vier Stufen der Vergebung und ► Vier Schritte zur Vergebung – Tipping-Methode

First they came...

On April 22nd, 1946 Niemöller claimed that if Germany's 14,000 pastors had stood together to shun
the Nazis in the beginning, they might all have been shot. However, their deaths might
have opened the eyes of the world and saved at least 35,000,000 lives.


* * *

First they came
for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

Poem First they came... by Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor,
imprisoned for eight and one-half years in a Nazi concentration camp,
speech to the representatives of the Confessing Church, Frankfurt, 6. January 1946


Animated unity ring


When Hitler attacked the Jews
I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned.
And when Hitler attacked the Catholics,
I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned.
And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists,
I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned.
Then Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church –
and there was nobody left to be concerned.

Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor, address to the U.S. Congress,
Congressional Record, page 31636, 14. October 1968


Whoever wants peace must want to live together with their opponents.
We have to risk trusting each other. There stops the arms race.

Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor


Source: ► Harold Marcuse, US American professor of German history, University of California,
Santa Barbara (UCSB), Martin Niemöller's famous quotation, 12. September 2000
See also: ► Poems and ► Mustering moral courage


Links on Ho'oponopono and forgiving

SITH Ho'oponopono seminars in Germany

  1. Ho'oponopono seminar, held by master teacher Dr. Hew Len and Mary Koehler (international coordinator), Cologne, October 2007
  2. Ho'oponopono training, held by master teacher Dr. Hew Len and Mary Koehler (international coordinator), sponsored by Uwe Hiltmann, Frankfurt a. M., 20./21. September 2008
  3. Ho'oponopono training, held by master teacher Dr. Hew Len and Mary Koehler (international coordinator), sponsored by Uwe Hiltmann, Grassau at lake Chiemsee (Bavaria), 17./18. October 2009
  4. Ho'oponopono training, held by Wai'ale'a Craven and Mary Koehler, sponsored by Uwe Hiltmann, Oberstdorf (Kleinwalsertal), 25./26. September 2010
  5. Ho'oponopono Training, held by Willem Vreeswijk, Mary Koehler, sponsored by Uwe Hiltmann,  Reit im Winkl (Bavaria),  
    7./8. Mai 2011
  6. Ho'oponopono training, held by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), sponsored by Uwe Hiltmann, Grassau (Bavaria), 3./4. September 2011

Note: As a result of discord between Dr. Len/Mary Koehler and him the German organizer Uwe Hiltmann ended his business relationship with SITH. Announced here: Ho'oponopono-Seminare nach Morrnah Simeona (Lehrerin von Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len)

Ho'oponopono seminars in United States

  • Third (and final) Ho'oponopono seminar with Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale "Zero Limits" Austin, Texas, 17.-19. April 2009


Excerpts from Shamanic Wisdomkeepers availed by Pam Pappas, M.D., US American blogger, Ho'oponopono: A Chance to Un-do Our Collective Karmic Stew, 28. March 2009

Web links

  • Website: Hooponopono IZI, originally represented by the retired US American master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono (SITH)"
  • Personality: Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, copresenter with Dr. Hew Len

 Interview with Morrnah Simeona (1913-1992) Hawaiian Kahuna healer and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono, presented by the newspaper "The New Times", Seattle, Washington, Deborah King, April 1989

  • Nana I Ke Kumu, Ho'oponopono blogspot.com, entry by Renata González, 15. October 2008

Comment: "ACIM and Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono are based on the exact same source material."

Web links (German)

Audio links

  • Audio by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, part 1, 57:02 minutes duration, part 2, minutes duration, part 3, minutes duration,
    aired 3. May 2006
  • Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, minute 30:14, 58:39 minutes duration, aired 14. June 2006
  • Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, 50:34 minutes duration,
    aired 12. August 2006
  • Audio interview / teleconference with Joe Vitale, US American Internet hypnotic marketeer, lecturer, author, presented by the show "Magnificent Attraction", hosts Linda Miller and Joanie Chappel, 7. November 2006
  • Audio interview with Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, co-author Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
    in Zero Limits (published 30. June 2007) and expert in the media success movie The Secret, Beyond THE SECRET Series, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, esp. minute 7+ and 33+,
    aired Monday, 30. April 2007
  • Audio interview / teleconference with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, presented by the show "Magnificent Attraction", hosts Linda Miller and Joanie Chappel, aired 26. June 2007
  • Audio interview with Joe Vitale, US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, presented by SuccessClinic.com, host
    Noah St. John, aired 5. July 2007
  • Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Dr. Len, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, 57:16 minutes duration, aired 2.-3. August 2007
  • Audio interview with special guest Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), No Out There, presented via the broadcaster Blogtalkradio, program "Ho'oponopono Show", host Mabel Katz, Argentinian Ho'opopono teacher, 90 minutes duration, aired 18. December 2008
  • Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Mabel Katz, Argentinian Ho'opopono teacher, Ho'oponopono, presented via the broadcaster Blogtalkradio, show Karma Caffe Show, 60 minutes duration, aired 24. December 2008
  • Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), The Ho'oponopono Process, MP3, presented by the US American web radio station Empower Radio, program "the farkas files", host David Franklin Farkas, M.S.Ed, intuitive consultant, 1 hour duration, posted 24. November 2011

Linkless media offerings

  • Audio presentation by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, retired Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), Zero Limits Living Through Ho'oponopono * A Dinner with the Divine, presented by Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, part 1 and part 2, Austin, Texas, 25. February 2006
  • Audio interview with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len (1939-2022) Hawaiian master teacher of "Self Identity through Ho'oponopono" (SITH), presented by the US American web radio station "Energy Talk Radio", program "Life Without Limitation", host Markandeya, aired 6. June 2009

Video links

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len teaching Minutes 8:37-16:45

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len teaching Minutes 8:37-16:45

Audio and video links (German)


Internal links

Englisch Wiki

Wiki level (German)

Hawkins Portal (mostly German)



1 Every cloud has a silver lining. Phineas T. Barnum (1810-1891) US American showman, businessman, entertainer, Struggles and Triumphs, 1869


Publication Hint:
Above article was published in the monthly electronic newsletter of Intek World (mailed to 10.000 recipients), subsection Spiritual Corner, Forgiving – Forgiveness work, August 2008 Deleted in 2012


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