Wiki / Forgiving
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
My job here on Earth is twofold. My job is first |
The moment we wake up to the bigger perspective, we recognize that what we call my "stuff" is simply waves in a bigger ocean; it is not who we really are. To dedicate our whole life to personal processing will be to live in a very small box indeed. In contrast, to feel deep empathy with humanity and with all sentient beings can open us to a deeper fulfillment than that |
Report on a highly effective shamanic healing / prayer method
In the year 2003 Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet hypnotic marketeer on personal improvement and one of the experts in the popular movie The Secret, lecturer and author, heard from Mark Ryan about an unusual success story of the psychologist and therapist Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len from Hawaii. He was told that Dr. Hew Len had literally healed a whole ward of criminally insane inmates – without ever having seen anyone of them. The cure of these criminals was effected by simply studying their files, writing down their names, taking full responsi- bility for each one of them while exercising intense inner forgiveness work thereby rendering all his own judgments, beliefs, attitudes to the Divine petitioning it to erase the shared program with the other person. With each patient Len took a deeper look inside to address the very aspect within himself that had created the illness in the person in front of him. As he was "improving" himself, i.e. cleaning within himself, the state of the inmates and the staff did improve correspondingly.
When Vitale heard this story for the first time, he doubted it wondering:
These ideas seemed utterly illogical to him. So he dismissed the message as an urban legend and forgot about it.
To take total responsibility meant for Vitale that one is responsible for what one feels, thinks and does, not for that what others might feel, think, or do. Beyond that, he thought, one cannot take charge. His attitude was in sync with that what most people incorporate. This, however, does not coincide with the bigger reality.
A year later Vitale came across Len's story again. He was told that the psychologist had applied a Hawaiian healing method called Ho'oponopono. Unfamiliar with this kind of healing and unable to forget its effect a second time he decided to find out more about it. He dialed the Hawaiian therapist's phone number. And – following an impulse – Dr. Hew Len answered the call, which he rarely does. Their first phone call on the advanced perspectives of life lasted about an hour. It turned out that Vitale had met his teacher on taking full responsibility for what is.
Dr. Len told Vitale that he was employed at Hawaii State Hospital Kaneohe for four years. The psychologists in charge at the ward with the criminally insane inmates gave up and quit on a monthly basis. Afraid of being attacked by those dangerous patients they passed through the ward the staff walked with their backs against the wall. They called in sick oftentimes or simply left. The ward was a dire location.
The therapist Len did not meet any of the patients one on one. He had an office where he reviewed their charts and then worked on himself. The result of which was: the patients began to heal.
Len reported, After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely.
Listening to this Vitale was in awe. He burnt to ask the million dollar question: What were you doing within yourself that had those people change?
Len replied: I was simply healing the part of me that created them.
Vitale was perplexed and asked Len to explain what total responsibility for one's life means. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation. That is why everything which is in your life is your responsibility.
Being responsible for what everyone in his life says or does was a tough load to swallow for Vitale. Such a stance was far from his worldview.
Vitale felt this was hard to grasp, and harder to accept or to actually practice it. He found blaming others far easier than taking full responsibility.
How did Dr. Len manage to heal himself? What exactly did he do, while he studied the patients' files?
He replied: I just kept saying repeatedly
Loving oneself is the essential way to grow. |
Source: ► Derived from Joseph Vitale (*1953) US American Internet marketeer, lecturer, author, The World’s Most Unusual Therapist, presented by Joe Vitale's Blog, published 2004, now undated read by 5 million people worldwide within 3 years, also published as an excerpt in the book Zero Limits |
See also: ► Energy healing and ► Healing and ► Prayer and ► Responsibility |
Please note: Above stated quotes were removed on request of SITH. 2. August 2011
Fault register work – Taking 100% responsibility
Source: ► ⚡ David Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, DVD 1 of 3, minute 43:00 "Fault Register", Arizona, 17. April 2004 |
See also: ► Negativity |
Pray often
Siehe auch: ► Mitverantwortung |
Personal avowals
Siehe auch: ► Mitverantwortung |
Personal avowals
Song lyrics
Harlem Boys' Choir Let There Be Peace On Earth, YouTube film, 4:21 minutes duration, posted 1. September 2015
Literary quotes
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013
![]() Bluebell
On April 22nd, 1946 Niemöller claimed that if Germany's 14,000 pastors had stood together to shun
the Nazis in the beginning, they might all have been shot. However, their deaths might
have opened the eyes of the world and saved at least 35,000,000 lives.
* * *
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Poem First they came... by Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor,
imprisoned for eight and one-half years in a Nazi concentration camp,
speech to the representatives of the Confessing Church, Frankfurt, 6. January 1946
When Hitler attacked the Jews
I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned.
And when Hitler attacked the Catholics,
I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned.
And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists,
I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned.
Then Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church –
and there was nobody left to be concerned.
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor, address to the U.S. Congress,
Congressional Record, page 31636, 14. October 1968
Whoever wants peace must want to live together with their opponents.
We have to risk trusting each other. There stops the arms race.
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor
Source: ► Harold Marcuse, US American professor of German history, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), Martin Niemöller's famous quotation, 12. September 2000 |
See also: ► Poems and ► Mustering moral courage |
Links on Ho'oponopono and forgivingSITH Ho'oponopono seminars in Germany
Note: As a result of discord between Dr. Len/Mary Koehler and him the German organizer Uwe Hiltmann ended his business relationship with SITH. Announced here: Ho'oponopono-Seminare nach Morrnah Simeona (Lehrerin von Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len)
Ho'oponopono seminars in United States
Excerpts from Shamanic Wisdomkeepers availed by Pam Pappas, M.D., US American blogger, Ho'oponopono: A Chance to Un-do Our Collective Karmic Stew, 28. March 2009
Web links
Comment: "ACIM and Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono are based on the exact same source material."
Web links (German)
Audio links
Linkless media offerings
Video links
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len teaching Minutes 8:37-16:45
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len teaching Minutes 8:37-16:45
Audio and video links (German)
Englisch Wiki
Wiki level (German)
Hawkins Portal (mostly German)
1 Every cloud has a silver lining. Phineas T. Barnum (1810-1891) US American showman, businessman, entertainer, Struggles and Triumphs, 1869 ⇑
Publication Hint:
Above article was published in the monthly electronic newsletter of Intek World (mailed to 10.000 recipients), subsection Spiritual Corner, Forgiving – Forgiveness work, August 2008 Deleted in 2012