Links zum Thema Männer und Männerliteratur / Men and men's literature
Männerthemen Literaturliste
Mitscherlichs Klassiker der Sozialpsychologie wurde an der Schwelle der Umbrüche geschrieben, die später als die 68er Revolution bezeichnet worden sind – Umbrüche politischer, sexueller, gesellschaftlicher und kultureller Natur. Siehe Vaterlosigkeit
- Prof. Walter Hollstein (*1939) deutscher Soziologe, Autor, Nicht Herrscher, aber kräftig. Die Zukunft der Männer, Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, 1988
- Richard Rohr (*1943) US-amerikanischer Franziskanerpater, Prediger, Enneagrammlehrer, Autor, Der wilde Mann. Geistliche Reden zur Männerbefreiung, Claudius Verlag, München, 7. Auflage 1988, 20. Auflage 2000
- Wilfried Wieck (1938-2000) deutscher Psychologe, Schriftsteller, Männer lassen lieben. Die Sucht nach der Frau, Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1988, 12. Taschenbuchauflage 1. Dezember 2003
- Wilfried Wieck (1938-2000) deutscher Psychologe, Schriftsteller, Wenn Männer lieben lernen, Kreuz, 2. Taschenbuchauflage Stuttgart, 1990
- Dr. Robert Moore (1942-2016) US-amerikanischer Jungscher Psychoanalytiker, Professor für Psychologie, Berater, Autor, Douglas Gilette, Mitautor, König, Krieger, Magier, Liebhaber. Die Stärken des Mannes, Kösel Verlag, München, 1992
- Robert Bly (1926-2021) US-amerikanischer Aktivist, Führer des Mythopoetic men's movement, Dichter, Schriftsteller,
Eisenhans. Ein Buch über Männer, Kindler Verlag München, 1993, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, Neuauflage 2005
- Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen (*1936) US-amerikanische Jungsche Analytikerin, Frauenforscherin, weise Frau, spirituelle Lehrerin, Autorin, Götter in jedem Mann. Besser verstehen, wie Männer leben und lieben [1991] Sphinx Verlag, Basel, 1994, Heyne,
- Dr. Robert Moore (1942-2016) US-amerikanischer Jungscher Psychoanalytiker, Professor für Psychologie, Berater, Autor, Douglas Gilette, Mitautor, Der Magier im Mann. Wege zum inneren Schamanen, Walter-Verlag, Solothurn, Düsseldorf, 1995
- Ton van der Kroon, niederländischer Autor, Die Rückkehr des Löwen. Von Liebe, Lust und Herzenspower. Ein Buch für Männer, Hermann Bauer Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1. Auflage 1998, 2000
- Dr. Jed Diamond (*1943) US-amerikanischer Pychotherapeut, Ehe- und Familienberater, Autor, Der Feuerzeichen-Mann.
Wenn Männer in die Wechseljahre kommen, C.H. Beck, München, 1. Auflage 24. Februar 1999, 2. Taschenbuchauflage 15. September 2009
- Prof. Walter Hollstein (*1939) deutscher Soziologe, Autor, Männerdämmerung. Von Tätern, Opfern, Schurken und Helden, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1. April 1999
- Dietrich Schwanitz (*1940) deutscher Anglist, Literaturwissenschaftler, Buchautor, Männer. Eine Spezies wird besichtigt, Eichborn Verlag, April 2001
- Kent Nerburn (*1946) US-amerikanischer nicht-einheimischer Autor, Briefe an meinen Sohn. Über das Mannsein, die Liebe
und das Leben, Beust Verlag, München, August 2001
- Steve Biddulph (*1953) britisch-australischer Familienpsychologe- und therapeut, Männerforscher und -aktivist, Männer auf
der Suche. Sieben Schritte zur Befreiung, Heyne Verlag, 9. Auflage 1. September 2003
- ⚡ David Deida (*1958) US-amerikanischer Sexualpsychologe, unabhängiger Forscher, Lehrer, Autor zu Mann/Frau-Beziehungsthemen, Der Weg des wahren Mannes. Ein Leitfaden für Meisterschaft in Beziehungen, Beruf und Sexualität,
J. Kamphausen Verlag, 12. Auflage 14. September 2006
- John Eldredge (*1960) US-amerikanischer Dozent im Bereich Christentum, Berater, Autor, Der ungezähmte Mann. Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Männlichkeit, Brunnen-Verlag, Gießen, 11. Auflage August 2009
- Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther (*1951) deutscher Neurobiologe, Professor für neurobiologische Grundlagen-
und Präventionsforschung, Universität Göttingen, wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Referent, Autor, Männer. Das schwache Geschlecht und sein Gehirn, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Taschenbuch, 1. Auflage 16. September 2009
- Ralf Bönt (*1963) deutscher Schriftsteller, Das entehrte Geschlecht. Ein notwendiges Manifest für den Mann, Pantheon
Verlag, 1. Auflage 27. Februar 2012
- Prof. Walter Hollstein (*1939) deutscher Soziologe, Autor, Was vom Manne übrig blieb. Das missachtete Geschlecht, opus magnum, 2. Auflage 1. Oktober 2012
- Rebecca Solnit (*1961) US-amerikanische Kulturhistorikerin, Journalistin, Essayistin, Autorin, Wenn Männer mir die Welt erklären. Essays, Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, 5. August 2015
- Dr. Dr. Raphael M. Bonelli (*1968) österreichischer Neurowissenschaftler, Dozent an der Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität
Wien, Psychiater, systemischer Psychotherapeut, Autor, Männlicher Narzissmus. Das Drama der Liebe die um sich selbst kreist, Kösel, München, 3. Auflage 29. August 2016
Bonellis Modell des Narzissmus beruft sich auf die neurobiologischen und genetischen Forschungen des US-amerikanischen Psychiaters und Genetikers C. Robert Cloninger (*1944), insbesondere die "drei Dimensionen des Charakters" (Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness, Self-Transcendence). Narzissmus ist der Dreischritt 1. Selbstidealisierung – überhöhtes Selbstwertgefühl und überzogene Selbsteinschätzung 2. Fremdabwertung – Verachtung und aktive Herabsetzung von Mitmenschen 3. Selbstimmanenz – im Gegensatz zur Selbsttranszendenz vertreten von Victor Frankl und Robert Cloninger.
Men's literature (engl.)
- Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, scholar, author, The Golden Ass of Apuleius. The Liberation of the Feminine in Man [1970], Shambhala Publications, London and Boston, 4. February 1992, revised edition
1. May 2001
- Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, He. Understanding Masculine Psychology, Harper Collins, 1974, March 1987, Harper Perennial, revised 6. October 1989
- Herb Goldberg, Ph.D. (*1937) US American professor emeritus of psychology, California State University, Los Angeles, The Hazards of Being Male. Surviving the Myth of Masculine Privilege, Signet, original issue 1975, 10th anniversary edition
1. October 1987
- Gerda Lerner (1920-2013) Austrian US American professor emeritus of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, pioneer
of women's history, teacher, author, The Creation of Patriarchy, Oxford University Press, 1st paperback edition 22. October 1987
- Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, Why Men Are the Way They Are, Berkley,
1. September 1988, reissued 29. January 2002
- Robert Bly (1926-2021) US American activist, leader Mythopoetic men's movement, poet, author, Iron John. A Book About
Men, Vintage Books, New York, October 1990, Rider, new edition 2. August 2001
- Robert Lawlor (*1938) British mythographer, symbologist, translator, metaphysical author, Earth Honoring. The New Male Sexuality, Park Street Press, 1. March 1991
- Guy Corneau (1951-2017) Canadian Jungian psychoanylyst, writer, Absent Fathers, Lost Sons. The Search for Masculine Identity, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 27. March 1991
- Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant, theorist, author, Douglas Gilette, US American author, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine, HarperOne, reprint 16. August 1991
- Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant, theorist, author, Douglas Gilette, US American author, The Warrior Within. Accessing the Knight in the Male Psyche, William Morrow & Company, 1st edition August 1992
- Patrick M. Arnold, US American Biblical scholar, author, Wildmen, Warriors, and Kings. Masculine Spirituality and the Bible, Crossroad, 1. September 1992
- Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Simon & Schuster,
1st edition 1993, Berkely, 2nd edition 2000, Berkley Trade, 9. January 2001
- Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. (*1936) US American Jungian analyst, proactive women researcher and supporter, crone, spiritual teacher, author, Gods in Everyman. Archetypes That Shape Mens Lives, Harper Paperbacks, Perennial Library edition, 9. April 1993
- James Hollis, Ph.D. (*1940) US American licensed Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of Jungian Studies, Saybrook University, author, Under Saturn's Shadow. The Wounding and Healing of Men, Inner City Books, paperback, 1. April 1994
- Ronald F. Levant, US American professor of psychology, Harvard University, editor, Gary R. Brooks, editor, Men and Sex. New Psychological Perspectives, Wiley, 1st edition October 1997
- William S. Pollack, Ronald F. Levant, New Psychotherapy for Men, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 15. January 1998
- John Eldredge (*1960) US American lecturer on Christianity, councelor, author, Letters to My Son. A Father's Wisdom on Manhood, Life, and Love, New World Library, 2nd edition 19. January 1999
- Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say. Destroying Myths, Creating Love, Tarcher, 4. October 1999
- David Gilmore, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, author, Misogyny. The Male Malady, University of Pennsylvania Press, 11. May 2001
- Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, Adam's Return. The Five Promises of Male Initiation, Crossroad, 1. October 2004
- bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love, S. 66, Washington Square Press, 21. December 2004
- Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American educator, filmmaker, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender vio-
lence, leading anti-sexist male activist, author, The Macho Paradox. Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help, Sourcebooks, 16. April 2006
- Christopher Kilmartin, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, gender researcher, Mary Washington College, Virginia,
Julie Allison, Men's Violence Against Women. Theory, Research, and Activism, Psychology Press, 1st edition 30. March 2007
- Herb Goldberg, Ph.D. (*1937) US American professor emeritus of psychology, California State University, Los Angeles, What Men Still Don't Know About Women, Relationships, and Love, Barricade Books, 1st edition 25. June 2007
- Dagonet Dewr, US American managing editor of New Witch Magazine, author, Sacred Paths for Modern Men. A Wake Up Call from Your 12 Archetypes, Llewellyn Publications, 8. December 2007
- Shmuley Boteach (*1966) US American Orthodox rabbi, marriage counsellor, radio and television host, author, The Broken American Male. And How to Fix Him, St. Martin's Press, 1st edition 22. January 2008
- Kathleen Parker (*1951) US American syndicated columnist, Save the Males. Why Men Matter Why Women Should Care, Random House, 1st edition 10. June 2008
- Matthew Fox (*1940) US American Episcopalian (formerly Roman Catholic) priest, author, The Hidden Spirituality of Men.
Ten Metaphors for Awakening the Sacred Masculine, New World Library, 1. October 2008, 19. May 2009
- Joseph Gelfer, Ph.D. (*1974) British religious scholar, researcher on masculinities, author, Numen, Old Men. Contemporary Masculine Spiritualities and the Problem of Patriarchy, Equinox Publishers, 2009, Routledge, series Gender, Theology and Spirituality, 1st edition 10. August 2014
- Christopher Kilmartin, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, gender researcher, Mary Washington College, Virginia,
The Masculine Self, Sloan Publishing, 4th edition 1. December 2009
- Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy. A Mystical Journey into the Heart of a New Age, Crown Chakra Publishing, 1st edition 21. December 2009
- Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsychiatrist, professor of neurobiology, UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, The Male Brain, Broadway, 1st edition 23. March 2010
- Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, Mr. Mean. Saving Your Relationship from the Irritable Male Syndrome, Vox Novus, 15. April 2010
- Martin Ucik, German general manager, entrepreneur, integral relationship evolutionary, Integral Relationships. A Manual for Men, Publishing, 1st edition 30. July 2010
- Tom Matlack, James Houghton, Larry Bean, US American cofounder and creators of The Good Men Project, Good Men Project. Real Stories from the Front Lines of Modern Manhood, Good Men Foundation, 1. August 2010
- Hanna Rosin (*1970) US American journalist, contributing editor, author, The End of Men. And the Rise of Women, Riverhead Hardcover, 1st edition 11. September 2012
- Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D., MFT, US American psychotherapist, marriage and family consultant, educator, founder and director
of Men's Center of Los Angeles, The Sacred Path. The Way of the Spiritual Warrior. Journey of Mindful Manhood, Sacred Path Press, 1. October 2012
- Niobe Way, Ph.D., US American professor applied psychology, author, Deep Secrets. Boys' Friendships and the Crisis of Connection, Harvard University Press, paperback 6. May 2013
- Rob A. Okun, US American publisher and editor of the Voice Male Magazine, executive director of the Men's Resource Center for Change, activist and chronicler of the profeminist men's movement, Voice Male. The Untold Story of the Pro-Feminist Men's Movement, Interlink Publishing Group, 3. February 2014
- Rebecca Solnit (*1961) US American culture historian, journalist, writer, Men Explain Things To Me, Haymarket Books,
20. May 2014, reprint paperback issue 1. September 2015
- Dr. Judy Y. Chu, Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist (community, relationships), writer, When Boys Become Boys. Development, Relationships, and Masculinity, NYU Press, paperback issue 6. June 2014
- Katherine K. Young, Canadian professor emerita of religious studies, McGill University, misandry activist, author, Paul Nathanson, Canadian religious studies academic, Replacing Misandry. A Revolutionary History of Men, McGill Queens University Press, 16. October 2015
- Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus of social psychology, Stanford University, author, Nikita Coulombe, Man, Interrupted. Why Young Men are Struggling & What We Can Do About It, Conari Press, 1. April 2016
Young pornography consuming men are suffering from a new form of "arousal addiction" – countermeasures for getting them back on track
Book review: What really happened to boys?, presented by the publication American Thinker, April 2013
- Lewis Howes (*1983) entrepreneur, former professional Arena League football player, author, The Mask of Masculinity. How Men Can Embrace Vulnerability, Create Strong Relationships, and Live Their Fullest Lives, Rodale Press, 31. October 2017
- Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights ac-
tivist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, John Gray (*1951) US American relationship counselor, lecturer, author, The Boy Crisis. Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It, Benbella Books, 29. March 2018
- Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., US American philosopher of education, learning transformation consultant, professional deve-
loper, futurist, analyst, author, The Spiritually Confident Man. Pioneering a New Frontier of Co-Creative Masculinity, Phoenix Transformation Media, 19. June 2018
See also: ⚑ Three different types of men
Men's literature – Robert Jensen
Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, author
Externe Weblinks
- Artikel Abschied von der Frau, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Walter Hollstein, 16. März 1992
- Diplomarbeit von Lars Gossing, Über das Mannwerden: Irrwege, Umwege, Auswege, Fachhochschule Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen Deutschland, Soziologie – Gender Studies / Geschlechterforschung, 128 Seiten, Note 1,0, Diplomarbeiten Agentur, Taschenbuchauflage 1. Januar 2001
- Artikelserie von Ralf Hartmann (*1960), ursprünglich präsentiert von Aruna-Tantra, 3. Juni 2004, neu präsentiert von der Publikation Männerportal
- Was ist männlich Sechs ZEIT-Autoren beantworten die Frage?, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Wochenzeitung Zeit Online, Josef Joffe, Herausgeber der ZEIT, 13. Juni 2006
- Artikel echt männlich...? Von alten Rollenbildern zum "Neuen Mann", PDF, präsentiert von der Schweizer Zeitschrift "Wege", Christa Spannbauer, deutsche Journalistin, Autorin, S. 16-18, Ausgabe 2 2011
- Artikel Ein Geschlecht in der Krise Männer haben keine Zukunft. Männlichkeit ist offenbar eine Idee von gestern. Das hat Folgen für die Gesellschaft. Inzwischen raten selbst Feministinnen zur Aufwertung männlicher Tugenden., präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Tageszeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), Prof. Walter Hollstein (*1939) deutscher Soziologe, Autor, 29. März 2017
- Interview mit Kazım Erdoğan (*1953) türkischer Psychologe, Soziologe, Berlin-Neukölln, führender Experte für die Integration
von Zugewanderten in Deutschland, Bundesverdienstkreuzträger, "Eine vaterlose Gesellschaft", präsentiert von der überregio- nalen deutschen Zeitung Die Tageszeitung (taz), 4. August 2019
Linklose Artikel
- Interview mit Martin Hubert "Männer-Hirne" und "Frauen-Hirne" Ein Neuro-Mythos wird widerlegt, präsentiert von dem zweiten Hörfunk-Kulturprogramm des Südwestfunks SWR2 Campus, Gastgeberin Anja Braun, 4. Dezember 2015
- Artikel Wenn Männer nicht klar denken können, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenangebot SWR Aktuell, 23. Mai 2017
Größte Studie zur Wirkung von Testosteron bei der Lösung von Denksportaufgaben 234 männlichen Probanden – Leitung Professor Colin Camerer, California Institute of Technology
Weblinks zum Thema Männer (und Frauen) – Quora
Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
- Beitrag Was sollte jeder Mann über Frauen wissen?, Referenz zu Deborah Tannen, 1,7k Aufrufe · 16 Likes, 12. Dezember 2018
- Beitrag Sind Männer aggressiver als Frauen?, Referenz zu Louann Brizendines Forschung, 2,5k Aufrufe · 23 Likes, 9. Februar 2019
- Beitrag Warum starrt die Mehrheit der Männer die Brust der Frau an? Wie gehen Frauen damit um?, Referenz zu Bikinis,
6.3k Aufrufe · 18 Likes, 17. Februar 2019
- Beitrag Gibt es große Unterschiede zwischen den Gehirnen von Männern und Frauen?, Referenz zu Mark Gungor, 1,7k Aufrufe · 26 Likes, 24. Februar 2019
- Beitrag Warum bevorzugen Männer blonde Frauen?, 1.8k Aufrufe · 24 Likes, 24. Februar 2019
- Beitrag Warum beleidigen betrunkene Männer ihre Frauen? Ist das, was sie sagen auch das, was sie wirklich im nüchternen Zustand denken?, 166 Aufrufe · 5 Likes, 28. Februar 2019
- Beitrag Wer ist mehr betroffen Frauen oder Männer bei einer Rechts-Links-Schwäche?, 472 Aufrufe · 2 Likes, 2. März 2019
- Beitrag Warum leben Männer kürzer als Frauen?, 224 Aufrufe · 4 Likes, 5. April 2019
- Beitrag Was brauchen junge Männer am dringendsten von der Gesellschaft?, 2,5k Aufrufe · 28 Likes, 8. April 2019
- Beitrag Stimmt es, dass Männer ganz schlecht darin sind, nonverbale Zeichen von Frauen zu lesen?, 517 Aufrufe · 1 Like,
21. April 2019
- Beitrag Welche Verhaltensänderung bei Männern könnte gesellschaftsfähig werden?, 122 Aufrufe, 27. Mai 2019
- Beitrag Seit wann und weshalb gibt es die Beschneidung von Knaben? In welchen Kulturen entstand sie? Wo wird sie auch heute noch praktiziert?, 581 Aufrufe · 20 Likes, 2. Juni 2019
- Beitrag Sind Männer unkomplizierter als Frauen?, 106 Aufrufe, 19. Juni 2019
- Beitrag Warum hat die Natur Homosexualität erschaffen?, 206 Aufrufe · 3 Likes, 8. Juli 2019
- Beitrag Welche Bücher der Männerliteratur kannst Du empfehlen?, 110 Aufrufe · 5 Likes, 1. November 2019
- Beitrag Was sind deine 10 Regeln der Männlichkeit?, 364 Aufrufe · 16 Likes, 24. Dezember 2019
- Beitrag Was ist das Genervte-Männer-Syndrom (Männliches Reizbarkeitssyndrom, SMR)? , 69 Aufrufe · 4 Likes, 11. Januar 2020
External web links (engl.)
- Article by Diederik F. Janssen, Male Initiation: Imagining Ritual Necessity, PDF, presented by the publication "The Intimate Connection", JMMS, volume 1, number 3, November 2007
- Interview and dialog between Warren Farrell and ⚡ Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, The Need for Men's Liberation, presented by Integral Life,
24. February 2010
- Article Hanna Rosin (*1970) US American journalist, contributing editor, author, The End of Men, presented by the
US American magazine The Atlantic, July-August 2010
- Article Eunuchs reveal clues to why women live longer than men, presented by the British BBC News Health, James Gallagher, Britih science reporter, 25. September 2012
Compelling evidence that male sex hormone reduces male lifespan
- Article A Cultural History of Mansplaining, presented by the US American magazine The Atlantic, Lily Rothman,
1. November 2012
- Article by Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D., MFT, US American psychotherapist, marriage and family consultant, educator, founder and director of Men's Center of Los Angeles, The Sacred Path. The Way of the Spiritual Warrior. Journey of Mindful Manhood, Sacred Path Press, 1. October 2012
- Blog article Apologies to the Sacred Masculine, presented by blog, Jeff Brown, M.A., Canadian lawyer, psychologist, body-centered psychotherapist, author, 5. May 2013
- Blog article by Gachi Yellow, FACT: There is no Gay gene, but there ARE chemicals that turn people gay, presented by the
blogspot Gachi Yellow, 11. January 2014
"There's No Gay Gene, Says Scientists."
- Article White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard to Talk to White People About Racism, presented by the US American men's initiative The Good Men Project, Dr. Robin DiAngelo, April 2015
- Article and audio by Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, enneagram teacher, author, Growing Up Men, presented by the US American radio program and podcast On Being, host Krista Tippett (*1960) US American entrepreneur, founder and host of the American Public Media, journalist, author, 13. April 2017, updated 13. June 2019
- Article Male Menopause is No One-Man Band, presented by the Hoffman Centre, Dr. Bruce Hoffman, medical director of The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine, 1. May 2017
- Blog article by Bethany Webster, US American psychologist, blogger, What's Going on With Men? The Mother Wound as the Missing Link in Understanding Misogyny, 30. December 2017, reissued by the publication 7. February 2018
- Article Five Feminist Lies We Take For Granted, presented by the online publication, Pierre Lescaudron, 21. January 2018
1. Women are the victims of domestic violence. 2. Women are the victims of rape. 3. Women earn less than men. 4. Men are child abusers. 5. Female accuser = victim
1. There is One Thing That Men Want More Than Sex – Feeling Safe. 2. Roughly 20,500 Male Genes Want Sex More Than Anything. 3. Sperm Are From Men, Eggs Are From Women. 4. Males Are Dependent on Females and Are Conflicted About Our Dependency. 5. Men are Mammals and Most Mammals Are Not Monogamous. 6. Alpha Males Have More Sex, But Few of Us Become Alphas.
- Blog article by Mark Greene, US American senior editor at Good Men Project, blogger, author, Yes, Men Have Been Cheated. Why do so many men struggle to process the simple message of #MeToo?, presented by the stories outlet Medium,
23. September 2018
- Opinion article The fear that lies behind aggressive masculinity , presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, George Monbiot (*1963) English environmental and political activist, writer, 16. January 2019
- Article Men Have No Friends and Women Bear the Burden, presented by the US American women's fashion magazine Haarper's Bazaar, Melanie Hamlett, 2. May 2019
- Article Why Some Men Still Fear a Wife Who Earns More. Men, traumatized in our bullying man box culture, are "equality illiterate.", presented by the stories outlet Medium, Mark Greene, 6. October 2019
Linkless articles
- Interview with Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, author, Pornography undermines our humanity, presented by the publication "True Feminism", 27. August 2010
Audio- und Videolinks
- Audiointerview mit Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther (*1951) deutscher Neurobiologe, Professor für neurobiologi-
sche Grundlagenforschung, Universität Göttingen, wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Referent, Autor, Männer, das schwache Geschlecht, präsentiert von dem öffentlich-rechtlichen Hörfunkprogramm von Radio Bremen Nordwestradio, 14:29 Minuten Dauer, Sendeformat Gesprächszeit, Sendedatum 1. Februar 2010, eingestellt 30. Dezember 2010
- Videovortrag von Colin Stokes, US-amerikanischer Kommunikationsleiter der Non-profit Citizen Schools, Was Filme über Männlichkeit lehren [How movies teach manhood], präsentiert von TEDx Beacon Street Talks, 12:56 Minuten Dauer, gefilmt November 2012, eingestellt Januar 2013
- Videovortrag von Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther (*1951) deutscher Neurobiologe, Professor für neurobiologi-
sche Grundlagen- und Präventionsforschung, Universität Göttingen, wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Referent, Autor, Als Mann ein Liebender werden – MANN SEIN 2018, veranstaltet von der Mann Sein Konferenz, Berlin, 2018, YouTube Film, 1:21:55 Dauer, eingestellt von MALEvolution 23. September 2019
- Videointerview mit Dr. Hans-Joachim Maaz (*1943) deutscher Psychiater, ärztlicher Psychoanalytiker, Autor, Krieg, "toxische Männlichkeit" und das Meckern, präsentiert von dem YouTube-Kanal Jasmin Kosubek, Gastgeberin Jasmin Kosubek (*1987) deutsche Nachrichtensprecherin, RT-Moderatorin, YouTube Film, 1:08:16 Dauer, eingestellt 13. November 2022
- Videovortrag von Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther (*1951) deutscher Neurobiologe, Professor für neurobiologi-
sche Grundlagen- und Präventionsforschung, Universität Göttingen, wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Referent, Autor, Gerald Hüther – Frieden im Hirn, YouTube Film, 1:08:39 Dauer, eingestellt 22. Dezember 2022
- Radio-Audiobeitrag von Gerald Ehegartner, österreichischer Lehrer, Wildnis- und Theaterpädagoge, Autor, Wo sind die star-
ken Männer in der Krise?, präsentiert von dem privaten bayerischen Radiosender Radio München, Vorleser Ulrich Allroggen, YouTube Film, 21:23 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. April 2023
- Videoerklärung von Dr. Dr. Raphael M. Bonelli (*1968) österreichischer Neurowissenschaftler, Dozent an der Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien, Psychiater, systemischer Psychotherapeut, Autor, Alpha, Beta, Sigma – Männlichkeitstypen erklärt (Raphael Bonelli), YouTube Film, 9:34 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 22. März 2025
Audio and video links (engl.)
- Video presentation Dr. Malidoma Patrice Somé (1956-2021) West African Burkina Faso born, American based psychologist, medicine man, author, Malidoma Somé: The Blessing of Betrayal (1993), sponsored by the Minnesota Men's Conference, YouTube film, 49:23 minutes duration, recorded 1993, posted 8. May 2014
- Video presentation (DVD preview / excerpt) by Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, enneagram teacher, author, Masculine Spirituality. Why Males Need Initiation, Beloved Son Series, 2004, uploaded by, 37:34 minutes duration, posted by Illuman – Male Spirituality 7. November 2017
- Video interview with Matt Titus, US American relationship expert, 5 Secrets About Men, presented by the TV channel Better TV, program The Better Show, host Audra Lowe, YouTube film, 2:54 minutes duration, posted 30. April 2008
1. Guys are insecure. 2. Guys want to stay away from the emotional bond. 3. Guys want to be monogamous – with the right (self-confident receiving) woman. 4. Guys move very slow when it comes to commitment. 5. Guys do highly (secretly) appreciate girl's advice.
- Video interview with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (*1966) US American Orthodox rabbi, marriage counsellor, radio and television host, author of The Broken American Male. And How to Fix Him [1/2008], location "Museum of Jewish Heritage", New York,
18. June 2008, YouTube film, posted 2. Juli 2008
- The Broken American Male, part 1 of 8, 9:51 minutes duration
- The Broken American Male, part 2 of 8, 9:56 minutes duration
- The Broken American Male, part 3 of 8, 9:58 minutes duration
- The Broken American Male, part 4 of 8, 9:58 minutes duration
- The Broken American Male, part 5 of 8, 10:01 minutes duration
- The Broken American Male, part 6 of 8, 10:01 minutes duration
- The Broken American Male, part 7 of 8, 9:37 minutes duration
- The Broken American Male, part 8 of 8, 9:10 minutes duration
- Video interview with Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, author, Fr. Richard Rohr – Male Spirituality, presented by The Catholic Corner, Diocese of Trenton, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, host Msgr. Walter Nolan, pastor, St. Paul's Church, Princeton, New Jersey, YouTube film, 29:01 minutes duration, posted 4. February 2011
- Video presentation by Colin Stokes, US American director of communications of non-profit Citizen Schools, How movies teach manhood, presented by TEDx Beacon Street Talks, 12:56 minutes duration, filmed November 2012, posted January 2013
- Documentary trailer The Mask You Live In, written, directed, and produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, released at the Sun-
dance Film Festival, 5. January 2015; cited in: The One Thing All Men Feel, But Never Admit, presented by the publication MIC, Elizabeth Plank, 5. July 2013
Exploration of American masculinity
- Video discussion series with contributors: Justin Baldoni, Prince Ea, Derek Hough, Javier Munoz, Bassem Youssef, and Matt McGorry, Man Enough Episode 1 – Why (traditional) Don't Men Talk, Facebook film version We Are Man Enough, presented
by Wayfarer Entertainment, #MeToo, #ManEnough, YouTube film, 27:43 minutes duration, posted 12. July 2018
Linkless media offerings
- Video presentation by Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsychiatrist, professor of neurobiology,
UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, The Male Brain, sponsored by the Dominican University of California, recorded by the event video production company, 58:08 minutes duration, aired 31. March 2010
Video links (engl.) – Status of modern men
- Video documentary trailer by Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American social theorist, educator, filmmaker, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, author, Tough Guise. Violence, Media and the Crisis in Masculinity, presented by, produced 2000, YouTube film, 25. March 2020 minutes duration, full movie 53:53 minutes duration, posted 25. March 2020
Tough Guise is the first educational video geared toward college and high school students to systematically examine the relationship between pop-cultural imagery and the social construction of masculine identities in the U.S. at the dawn of the 21st century.
Dr. Phil's TV show promotes stereotypes like 'Men can't talk to women like women expect them to do. Hence, men are unable to improve their standards.' Minute 1:16:16
"Empowering women does not come at men's expense. […] The anti-feminine message is the most toxic message that young boys get. The world of the future is the world where men and women are doing the same things." Minute 1:25:05
Video links (engl.) – Healing of men
Audio and video links (engl.) – Warren Farrell
Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author
- Video interview, presented by the Canadian television show "Bynon", host Arlene Bynon, October-November 1999, YouTube film, posted 13. December 2011
- Audio interview What is self-esteem? In honor of Nathaniel Branden, MP3, aired 11. October 2010
- Video interview sponsored by "International Men's Day November 19th 2010", conducted by Greg Andresen, YouTube film, posted 29. October 2010
- International Men's Day, part 1 of 5, 11:27 minutes duration
- International Men's Day, part 2 of 5, 9:20 minutes duration
- International Men's Day, part 3 of 5, 5:30 minutes duration
- International Men's Day, part 4 of 5, 9:50 minutes duration
- International Men's Day, part 5 of 5, 9:26 minutes duration
- Video presentation "The Evolution of Love: from Role Mate to Soul Mate", Dr. Warren Farrell at the Integral Spiritual Experience, sponsored by Integral Spiritual Experience, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, 31. December 2010, YouTube film, 51:43 minutes duration, posted by drwarrenfarrell 6. January 2012
See also: Four gender transition steps to the future of love.
- 3-part video presentation YouTube films, posted 5. October 2012
- Video interview Primal Desire Versus Rational Love – Dr. Warren Farrell Interviewed on Freedomain Radio, presented by the US American Freedomain Podcasts, A Voice for Men, founder and host Stefan Molyneux (*1966) Irish-born Canadian blogger/vlogger, podcaster on anarcho-capitalism, politics,
secular ethics, atheism, right-libertarianism, cryptocurrencies, self-published author, recorded ~2013, YouTube film, 58:46 minutes duration, posted 9. February 2013
- Video presentation The Boy Crisis: A Sobering look at the State of our Boys, presented by the TEDx program, TEDx Marin, San Rafael, California, YouTube film, 12:50 minutes duration, posted 19. October 2015
Deleted media offerings
- Audio interview The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, total duration 3 hours 17 minutes, posted 10. July 2008
Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Jensen
- Video interview with Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, pornography critic, author, sponsored by the leftist blog and news website Media Mouse, YouTube film, posted
9. October 2007
Referring to his book Getting Off. Pornography and the End of Masculinity, South End Press, 1st edition 1. September 2007
"Pornography tells lies about women, but it tells the truth about men." Andrea Dworkin
- Video presentation Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, pornography critic, author, Beyond Multiculturalism, sponsored by the "Pedagogy of Privilege Conference. Taking
Power and Privilege Seriously in Teaching Diversity", Denver, 2. June 2009, YouTube film, 1 hour 7:55 minutes duration, posted 14. January 2010
- Video presentation Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, pornography critic, author, Feminism and Masculinity, presented by the "Minnesota Men's Action Network",
2. October 2009, YouTube film, 1:01:35 duration, posted 14. January 2010
- Video presentation Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, pornography critic, author, The End of Patriarchy: Radical Feminism for Men, sponsored by the Lone Star College-Kingwood, Houston, Texas, United States, YouTube film, 1:15:42 duration, posted 7. March 2017
- Video TV interview with Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, pornography critic, author, The End Of Patriarchy. Radical Feminism for Men, presented by the US American online
TV station Rising Up With Sonali, host Sonali Kolhatkar, YouTube film, 22:50 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2017
Audio and video links (engl.) – Katherine Young
- Video interview with Katherine K. Young, Canadian professor emerita of religious studies, McGill University, misandry activist, author, Katherine Young: A History of Men. From Hunter to Urbanite, presented by the Canadian TV station TVO, program
"The Agenda", host Piya Chattopadhyay, Ontario, YouTube film, 27:28 minutes duration, posted 12. August 2015
- Video interview with Katherine K. Young, Canadian professor emerita of religious studies, McGill University, misandry activist, author, Katherine Young: The Trouble with Men, presented by the Canadian TV station TVO, program "The Agenda", host
Piya Chattopadhyay, Ontario, YouTube film, 25:53 minutes duration, posted 17. August 2015
Audio and video links (engl.) – Jackson Katz
Audios and videos on healing masculinity featuring Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American educator, filmmaker, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, creator and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), social theorist, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Documentary trailer presentation | Tough Guise. Violence, Media and the Crisis in Masculinity |, recorded 2000, excerpt full movie | 6:48 53:53 | 4. October 2006 25. March 2020 |
Tough Guise is the first educational video geared toward college and high school students to systematically examine the relationship between pop-cultural imagery and the social construction of masculine identities in the U.S. at the dawn of the 21st century. |
YouTube video | Presentation | Wrestling With Manhood: Boys, Bullying and Battering |, recorded 2002 | 4:55 | 4. October 2006 |
YouTube video | TV interview | Penn State Sexual Abuse Analysis | David Pakman Show, host David Pakman (*1984) US American television and radio host, political commentator | 12:22 | 23. November 2011 |
YouTube video | Presentation | "Manhood" in Politics | Exploded View MEF | 2:39 | 16. August 2012 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Gender Gap in Politics | Exploded View MEF | 3:42 | 16. August 2012 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Dr Jackson Katz presentation at 'Be the Hero' premiere event | Australian The Victorian Women's Trust, BE THE HERO conference, Storming Against Violence Week of Action Premier Event Melbourne Town Hall, 16. February 2012 | 31:46 | 29. March 2012 |
YouTube video | Four part interview series | Sexual Violence is a Man's Issue, part 1 of 4 Sexism, Racism and Homophobia, part 2 of 4 The Language of Sexual Assault, part 3 of 4 A Leadership Role for Police in Ending Sexual Violence, part 4 of 4 | Office on Violence Against Women, US Department of Justice, ACASAFayetteville | 7:36 8:15 6:39 6:43 | 20. December 2012 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Violence and Silence | TEDxFiDiWomen | 19:07 | 11. February 2013 |
YouTube video | Conversation | Reshaping Masculinity Crying, pornography, Miley Cyrus, gender needs |
StyleLikeU ||6:58 ||29. November 2013 ||
Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Moore
Audios and videos on Jungian wisdom, initiation, shadow, dragon, grandiosity, and masculinity featuring Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant, theorist, author, presented by Minnesota Men's Conference (MMC), founded by Robert Bly in 1984
Video links (engl.) – Zeus Yiamouyiannis
Audio and video links (engl.) – Black HUMOR
George Carlin (1937-2008) controversial US American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, author
- Video presentation The Male Disease, excerpt from "When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?", YouTube film, 6:31 minutes duration, posted 17. November 2009
"All the problems in the world, repeat, all the problems in the world, can be traced to what fathers do to their sons." Minute 1:22
- Video presentation Testosterone, excerpt from "When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?", YouTube film, 3:23 minutes duration, posted 1. September 2009
- Video presentation Women, YouTube film, 4:28 minutes duration, posted 3. September 2009