
Wiki / Maenner





Männer – Maskulinität


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)



Akademische Studie eines männlichen Torsos, 1801
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780-1867)
französischer Maler



Gott will den Mann als Mann
und die Frau als Frau und will,
dass jeder von ihnen Mensch sei.

Paracelsus, "Mensch und Schöpfung",
Rascher Verlag, Zürich, Leipzig, 1942



Männerstatistik in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika

Statistischer Status der US-amerikanischen Männer
ThematikStatistische Daten über MännenQuelle (engl.)
Kriminalitätsrate – MännerMänner verüben über 76% der Gewaltverbrechen in den USA.
Die weltweite Statistik ist wahrscheinlich viel höher.
Kriminalitätsrate – JungenJungen begehen 95% der jugendlichen Gewaltverbrechen.1 / 2
OpferstatusMänner fallen den meisten Gewaltverbrechen zum Opfer. Aus Angst, schwach zu erschei-
nen, sind sie auch weitaus seltener bereit, die Täter anzuzeigen. Eine Umfrage zufolge sind 40% der Männer Opfer häuslicher Gewalt, die allerdings höchst selten, die Gewalttat zur Anzeige bringen. Hinzukommt noch, dass sie im Anzeigefall noch öfters von der Polizei nicht ernst genommen werden.
InhaftierungMänner sind zehnmal häufiger bereit, einen Mord zu begehen und landen neunmal häufiger im Gefängnis als Frauen.4
Sexuelle·GewaltMänner begehen 99% der zur Anzeige gebrachten Vergewaltigungen und sexuellen Übergriffe.5
Selbstmord – Männer⚑ Die Selbstmordrate bei Männern ist fünfmal so hoch wie bei Frauen.6
Selbstmord – JungenHeranwachsende Jungen begehen neunmal häufiger Selbstmord als gleichaltrige Mädchen.7
Obdachlosigkeit⚑ Zwei Drittel der obdachlosen Bevölkerung sind Männer.8 / 9
Depression/ADHS⚑ Bei Jungen wird werden Depression und ADHS im Verhältnis von 4 zu 1 im Vergleich zu Frauen und Mädchen gleichen Alters diagnostiziert. 
Alkoholismus⚑ Im Vergleich zu Frauen neigen Männer mehr als doppelt so häufig zur Alkoholabhängigkeit und etwa dreimal so häufig zur Drogensucht.10
KrankheitMänner sind deutlich seltener als Frauen bereit, professionelle ärztliche oder anderweitige Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen, selbst wenn sie unter starken gesundheitlichen Beschwerden oder Depressionen leiden.11
ArbeitssituationMänner nehmen im Vergleich zu Frauen gefährlichere Tätigkeiten an und melden Verletzun-
gen am Arbeitsplatz seltener als Frauen. Männer arbeiten viel länger als Frauen. Sie nehmen weniger Urlaub, haben weniger Krankheitstage und leiden unter stärkerem chronischen Stress und Müdigkeit. Erstaunlich viele Männer sterben während der Arbeit. Die meisten Männer betrachten sich selbst wie ein Gehaltskonto auf zwei Beinen.
12 / 13
Gefühlsleben·EheMänner sind ohne Frauen emotional inkompetent. Sich für die Ehe zu entscheiden, ist buchstäblich das Gesündeste, was ein Mann in seinem Leben tun kann. ["Die Hauptursache, weshalb Männer früher als Frauen sterben, ist ihre emotionale Gehemmtheit."]14
LebenserwartungVerheiratete Männer leben länger und schneiden bei nahezu allen fraglichen Qualitäts-
merkmalen des Lebens wie auch Glück und Lebenserwartung höher ab. Für die gefühlsmä-
ßige Ausgeglichenheit von Männern ist die Ehe ist wichtig. Sie allein kann die Lebenserwar-
tung eines Mannes um fast ein Jahrzehnt erhöhen.
AlternÄltere Männer, die eine gute Ehe führen, leiden seltener an Herzerkrankungen, Krebs, Alzheimer, Depressionen und Stress als ältere alleinstehende Männer.16
Geschiedene MännerFrisch geschiedene Männer neigen eher als frisch geschiedene Frauen, in Depression, Alkoholismus, psychische Erkrankung oder Selbstmord abzugleiten.17
Geschiedene FrauenFrauen betreiben mehr als 70% der Scheidungen und Trennungen. Der von Frauen am häufigsten genannte Scheidungsgrund ist, von ihrem Gatten "emotional vernachlässigt"
worden zu sein.
Quelle (engl.): ► (Vorgelesener) Blogartikel What’s the Problem with Men? [Was ist so problematisch an Männern?], präsentiert von
dem Blogspot markmanson.net, Mark Manson (*1984) US-amerikanischer Internet-Unternehmer, Blogger, Autor, 1. Juni 2017
Siehe auch: ► Statistik und ► Frauen und ► Beziehungstipps und ► Genderforschung und ► Ehe und ► Arbeit und ► Altern
See also: ► Statistics on men – United States of America

Die Wirkungsweise von Hormonen im männlichen Gehirn

Archetypisch wirkende Neurohormone im Gehirn eines Mannes
König der männlichen Hormone
Beherrschend, aggressiv, allmächtig, konzentriert, zielgerichtet. Bestrebt, andere Männer rangmäßig auszustechen. Regt männliche Schweißdrüsen an, den Männlich-
keitsgeruchssstoffs Androstendion zu erzeugen. Aktiviert die Schaltkreise für Sex und Aggression, stellt unbeirrbar der gewünschten Partnerin nach. Der Mann wird wegen seines Selbstvertrauens und Mutes geschätzt und als überzeugender Verführer. Wenn man ihn reizt, wird er wütend.
VasopressinWeißer Ritter Hormon fürs Werben und Monogamie. Schützt aggressiv sein Revier, seine Partnerin und Kinder. Zusammen mit Testosteron verstärkt es die männlichen Gehirnschaltkreise und die Männlichkeit.
Anti-Müller-Hormon (AMH)Herkules
Stark, zäh und furchtlos, entfernt erbarmungslos alles Weibliche aus dem Mann. Weckt den Forscherdrang, unterdrückt weibliche Verhaltensweisen. Zerstört während der Embryonalentwicklung die weiblichen Fortpflanzungsorgane, fördert die Bildung der männlichen Fortpflanzungsorgane und Gehirnschaltkreise.
»Ruhig, Brauner«-Hormon
Geborgenheitsgefühle, Kuscheln und Streicheln. Zähmt wilde Bestien, steigert das Einfühlungsvermögen, die romantische Liebe, Bindungsfähigkeit und Vertrauensbil-
dung, verringert Stresshormone, senkt den Blutdruck, stärkt die Bindung zwischen
Vater und Säugling, Agens der männlichen »postkoitalen Narkolepsie«.
ProlactinMr. Mama Bewirkt bei werdenden Vätern die »Schwangerschaft aus Mitgefühl« (Couvade-Syndrom), verstärkt die Fähigkeit, das Baby weinen zu hören, lässt Schaltkreise für Vaterverhalten entstehen, vermindert den Sexualtrieb.
CortisolGladiator Wird bei Bedrohung wütend und aufgeregt, fördert die Bereitschaft, bis zum letzten Blutstropfen zu kämpfen.
Wird von der Haut als Pheromon freigesetzt, das den Sexappeal steigert.
Berauschendes Wohlfühlhormon, sorgt für Spaß und Genuss, steigert die orgasmische Ekstase. Ist aufgeregt, höchst motiviert, strebt nach Siegen. Suchtgefahr: Belohnungen machen süchtig, besonders junge Männer und sexaktive Männer.
ÖstrogenKönigin Gelegentlich die Triebkraft hinter dem Thron, die weniger mächtig wie Zeus hat. Hält
die meisten männlichen Gehirnschaltkreise in Gang. Regt die Oxytocinproduktion an,
steigert das Bedürfnis nach Zärtlichkeit und Beziehungswilligkeit.
Dr. Louann Brizendine (*1952) US-amerikanische Neuropsychiaterin, Professorin für Neurobiologie, UCB, Referentin, Erfolgsautorin,
     Das männliche Gehirn. Warum Männer anders sind als Frauen, Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, 14. Mai 2010,
     PDF Leseprobe, Einleitung S. 22-23, Goldmann, München, Taschenbuchausgabe August 2011

Zitate zum Thema Männer und Männerliteratur / Men and men's literature


Zitate allgemein


  • Es ist ein Zeichen der kolossalen Vorliebe unserer Kultur für das männliche Prinzip [Yang], dass wir meinen, wir können jedes ernsthafte Stück Literatur entkräften, indem wir es mit Argumenten widerlegen. George Spencer-Brown (1923-
    2016) britischer Mathematiker, Psychologe, Songwriter, Dichter, zitiert in: de.Wikipedia, George Spencer-Brown, Status 2017


  • Männliches Verhalten schwindet – gerade unter Männern. Wir sind Feiglinge, die allenfalls noch mit den Augen rollen.
    Prof. Norbert Bolz (*1953) deutscher Philosoph, Medien- und Kommunikationstheoretiker, Autor, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Zeitung Die Tageszeitung (taz) Nr. 8525, S. 3, 8. März 2008; zitiert in: Gute Zitate
  • Die fünf wesentlichen gravierenden Wahrheiten der männlichen Initiation (im Westen) sind:
    1. Das Leben ist hart.
    2. Du bist nicht wichtig.
    3. Dein Leben dreht sich nicht um dich.
    4. Du hast keine Kontrolle.
    5. Du wirst sterben.
Richard Rohr (*1943) US-amerikanischer Franziskanerpater, Prediger, Enneagrammlehrer, Autor, Adams Wiederkehr. Initiation und Männerspiritualität, engl. Original erschienen 2004, Überschriften von fünf Kapiteln (Inhaltsverzeichnis), Claudius Verlag, 1. Auflage 1. Juli 2013


Josef von Nazaret, 1640
Guido Reni (*1575) italienischer Maler


  • Die meisten modernen Männer haben niemals die Freuden des Alleinseins kennengelernt. Wir haben es nicht geschafft, unsere Identität, unsere Ziele, den Sinn unseres Lebens unabhängig von unserer Beziehung zu der FRAU zu definieren. […]
    Das größte unterentwickelte Land der Welt liegt in der Psyche erfolgreicher Männer. Wenn Männer, die ihre entscheidenden Jahre mit lauter nach außen gerichteten Aktivitäten verbracht haben, zum erstenmal den Blick in ihr Inneres lenken, in das Unbekannte ihrer Seele, dann stoßen sie sehr bald auf eine
    große Leere – ein ödes, weites Nichts.
    Prof. Sam Keen (*1931) US-amerikanischer Professor für Religions-
    geschichte und Philosophie, Harvard Universität, Princeton Universität, Autor, Feuer im Bauch. Über das Mann-Sein, Kabel Verlag, Hamburg, 1992, Bastei-Lübbe, 1. Januar 1999, 3. Auflage September 2004


  • Das Wichtigste [was Jungs brauchen, sind] ein richtig guter Vater und noch ein paar andere Männer im Verwandten- und Freundeskreis, die selbst gern Männer sind, die mit diesem Jungen was unternehmen und ihn so mögen, wie
    er ist. Liebe heißt ja nicht, dass man den ganzen Tag schmust. Man muss den Kindern eine Chance geben, ihre Potentiale zu entfalten. [...] Probleme haben wir bei den vielen Jungs, die ohne gute männliche Vorbilder heranwachsen.
    Interview mit Prof. DDr. Gerald Hüther gerald-huether.de (*1951) deutscher Neurobiologe, Professor für neurobiologische Grundlagen- und Präventionsforschung, Universität Göttingen, wissenschaftlicher und populärwissenschaftlicher Referent, Autor, Hirnforscher Hüther über Jungs "Das Wichtigste wäre ein richtig guter Vater", präsentiert von der deutschen Frankfurter Allge-
    meine Sonntagszeitung
    , Julia Schaaf, 15. Juni 2015


  • In einer Gesellschaft, in der man von Männern erwartet, dass sie stark, unabhängig, aggressiv und gefühlsmäßig unempfindlich sind, ist Stress unvermeidlich, worunter die Gesundheit der Männer leidet.
    Jungen haben eine neunmal höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit als Mädchen, an Hyperaktivität zu leiden. Junge Männer begehen fünfmal häufiger Selbstmord als junge Frauen. Drogenmissbrauch und antisoziale Persönlichkeitsstörun-
    gen bei Männern kommen in weitaus höherem Maß als bei Frauen vor.
    Dr. William S. Pollack, Herausgeber, Ronald F. Levant, Herausgeber, New Psychotherapy for Men [Neue Psychotherapie für Männer], John Wiley & Sons, Erstauflage 15. Januar 1998



Scham und Verletzlichkeit sind die größten Hürden für Männer.

  • Nach jahrelanger Forschung fand Dr. Brené Brown heraus: Scham ist die Hauptursache für toxische Männlichkeit. Frauen empfinden Scham, wenn sie unrealistische, widerstreitende Erwartungen nicht erfüllen, während sich Männer schämen, weil sie Anzeichen von Schwäche zeigen. Da Verletzlichkeit leider immer noch als Schwachpunkt und nicht als eine Stärke wahrgenommen wird, vermeiden es Männer des öfteren, Konfliktbewältigungsgespräche zu führen, weil dabei auch ihre Brüchigkeit offenbar wird. Aus diesem Grund müssen Männer, die einer Männerselbsthilfegruppe beitreten wollen, genau diese Absicht erklären, um dort nicht nur Freunde finden, sondern auch positive Ergebnisse erzielen zu können.
    Statistische Daten: Nur fünf Prozent der Männer suchen ambulante psychiatrische Einrichtungen auf, obwohl sie sich einsamer als jemals zuvor fühlen. (In einer aktuellen britischen Studie gaben 2,5 Millionen Männer zu, keine engen Freunde zu haben.) Und nicht zuletzt verbergen Männer Schmerzen und Krankheiten viel häufiger als Frauen und
    sind dreimal so häufig selbstmordgefährdet wie Frauen. Schwarzhäutige Männer haben noch mehr Herausforde-
    rungen zu bewältigen – systematische Diskriminierung, rassische Vorurteile und die kulturelle Stigmatisierung von
    psychischen Erkrankungen.
    Eine Therapie, die sie verpflichtet, lang gehegte männliche Ideale in Frage zu stellen, kann ein sinnerfüllter und trans-
    formativer Prozess sein, selbst für Dr. Angela Beards widerwilligste Patienten.
    Die bei Veterans Affairs in Dallas, Texas, beschäftigte klinische Psychologin Beards meint dazu: "Männer haben nie gelernt, wie sie ihre emotionalen Bedürfnisse, Gedanken und Gefühle einschätzen können, oder andere zu bitten, ihnen bei der Erfüllung ihrer Bedürfnisse behilflich zu sein. Niemand, einschließlich sie selbst, hat sie jemals gefragt, was Männlichkeit für sie bedeutet. Aus dem therapeutischen Prozess können sie eine Menge Erkenntnisse ziehen." Artikel Men Have No Friends and Women Bear the Burden [Männer haben keine Freunde, und Frauen tragen ihre Bürde], präsen-
    tiert von dem international erscheinenden Modemagazin Haarper's Bazaar, Melanie Hamlett, 2. Mai 2019



  • Ihr Name war Afrika. Sein Name war Frankreich. Er kolonisierte sie, beutete sie aus, brachte sie zum Schweigen,
    und noch Jahrzehnte nachdem das angeblich vorbei war, griff er willkürlich in ihre Angelegenheiten ein, an Orten
    wie der Elfenbeinküste, die ihren Namen nicht ihrer Identität, sondern ihren Exportgütern zu verdanken hat.
    Ihr Name war Asien. Seiner war Europa. Ihr Name war Schweigen. Seiner war Macht. Ihr Name war Armut. Sei-
    ner war Reichtum. Ihr Name war SIE, aber was gehörte ihr? Sein Name war ER, und er ging davon aus, dass alles
    ihm gehörte und er sie nehmen konnte, ohne zu fragen und ohne Konsequenzen befürchten zu müssen.
    Rebecca Solnit (*1961) US-amerikanische Kulturhistorikerin, Journalistin, Essayistin, Autorin, Wenn Männer mir die Welt erklären. Essays, Hoffmann und Campe Verlag, 5. August 2015


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Männer und ► Männlichkeit
und ► Frauen über Männer und ► Männer über Männer

Zitate von Warren Farrell (Amerikanische Männerbewegung)

Von der Dominanzgesellschaft zur partnerschaftlichen Paradigma
Überlebensbedingte Abhängigkeit
Entwicklungsstufe 1
Gleichgewicht zwischen Überleben und
Erfüllung durch gegenseitige Fürsorge

Entwicklungsstufe 2
✰ ✰
Mann und Frau waren Rollen-Partner.Mann und Frau werden Seelen-Partner sein.
Paare aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten
Empathischer netzwerkender redegewandter Mann
Paare aus mittleren und gehobenen Gesellschaftsschichten
Getrenntes Lieben
Arbeitsteilung – Spaltung der Interessen
Frauen betreuten die Kinder. Männer beschafften das Geld.
Vereintes Lieben
Gemeinsame Interessen und Werte – Würde für alle


50.000 Jahre
Seit den 50er Jahren
In der Vergangenheit führte die Entscheidung für einen Killer-Mann zur Idee des 'Überleben des Stärkeren'.19Angesichts der nuklearen Technologie kann die Entscheidung für den Zerstörer-Mann die mögliche Vernichtung der Menschheit in der Zukunft herbeiführen. Somit wurde das, was ehemals funktioniert hat, dysfunktional.
[Die Zukunft ist offen für die Idee der gegenseitigen Fürsorge.]
In der Vergangenheit mussten sich die Männer von ihren Gefühlen abschneiden, ansonsten wären sie nicht dazu zu bewegen gewesen zu sterben, um ihre Familie und Gemeinschaft zu beschützen.
Deshalb mussten sich Frauen in Männer verlieben, die ihrem Wesen nach zur Liebe unfähig waren.
In Zukunft können Frauen es sich leisten, sich immer seltener in den Killer-Beschützer und immer öfter in den Anteilnehmenden-Vermittler zu verlieben.
In der Vergangenheit waren sowohl das Überleben, die Ehe als auch die Familie auf den Killer-Mann angewiesen.In Zukunft werden sowohl das Überleben, die Ehe als auch die Familie auf den gesprächsfreudigen Mann angewiesen sein.


Quelle: ► Audiointerview mit Dr. Warren Farrell (*1943) US-amerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler, Sprecher der Männerbefreiungsbewe-
     gung, Männerrechtler, ehemals Direktor der National Organisation for Women, Referent, Autor, The Myth of Male Power, Teil 6 von 19,
     präsentiert von der Podcast-Plattform Simon & Schuster Audio, Gastgeber Tom Howard, Minute 8:38, 10:00 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt
     10. Juli 2008
Siehe auch:
Deutsche empirische Studie zur Rollenbildverschiebung von Männern und Frauen (2009)
Männerliteratur und ► Sex • Leidenschaft • Hingabe ↔ Integration Abhängigkeit • Unabhängigkeit • Interdependenz

Zitate – Krieger, Liebhaber, Magier, König

Klassiker der Männer-Literatur, der die Jungschen Archetypen einbezieht
Dr. Robert Moore (1942-2016) US-amerikanischer Jungscher Psychoanalytiker, Professor für Psychologie,
Berater, Autor, Douglas Gilette, Mitautor, König, Krieger, Magier, Liebhaber. Die Stärken des Mannes,
Kösel Verlag, München, 1992


  • In der gegenwärtigen Krise der Männlichkeit brauchen wir nicht, wie manche Feministinnen behaupten, weniger maskuline Stärke. Wir brauchen mehr davon. Aber wir brauchen mehr gereifte Männlichkeit. Wir brauchen mehr Mann-Bewusstsein. […]
    Wir müssen lernen, authentische maskuline Kraft und Potenz zu zelebrieren, nicht nur um unser Wohlergehen als Männer und unserer Beziehung zu anderen willen, sondern weil sich die Krise der gereiften Männlichkeit mit der globalen Überlebenskrise vereint, in der wir als Gattung stecken.
    Teil 1 "Vom Jungen-Bewusstsein zum Mann-Bewusstsein", S. 15-16


  • An der Spitze der dreieckigen Archetypen-Struktur erfahren wir das Göttliche Kind, das uns erneuert und 'im Herzen jung' hält.
    Teil 1 "Vom Jungen-Bewusstsein zum Mann-Bewusstsein", S. 40


  • Alle unreifen männlichen Energien sind, in der einen und anderen Form, allzusehr mit der Mutter verknüpft, und es mangelt ihnen an der Erfahrung nährender und reifer Männlichkeit.
    Teil 1 "Vom Jungen-Bewusstsein zum Mann-Bewusstsein", S. 54


  • Wie die anderen unreifen männlichen Archetypen lässt der Held eine überstarke Mutterbindung erkennen. Doch der Held verspürt den starken Drang, sie zu überwinden. Er ist in einen Kampf auf Leben und Tod mit dem Weiblichen verstrickt, will es besiegen und seine Männlichkeit beweisen.
    Teil 1 "Vom Jungen-Bewusstsein zum Mann-Bewusstsein", S. 61


  • Der 'Tod' des Helden ist der 'Tod' des Jugendalters, des Jungen-Bewusstseins. Gleichzeitig steht er für die Geburt der Männlichkeit, des Mann-Bewusstseins. Der 'Tod' des Helden im Leben eines Jungen (oder Mannes) bedeutet in Wirk-
    lichkeit, dass er schließlich an seine Grenzen gestoßen ist. Er ist dem Feind begegnet, und der Feind ist er selbst.
    Er ist seiner dunklen Seite begegnet, seiner sehr unheroischen Seite. Er kämpfte mit dem Drachen und verbrannte
    sich; er focht in der Revolution und trank vom Bodensatz seiner eigenen Unmenschlichkeit. Er hat die Mutter besiegt
    und dann seine Unfähigkeit eingesehen, die Prinzessin zu lieben. Der 'Tod' des Helden signalisiert die Begegnung
    eines Jungen oder Mannes mit wahrer Demut. Es ist das Ende seines heroischen Bewusstseins.
    Teil 2 "Die Entschlüsselung der männlichen Psyche – die vier Archetypen gereifter Männlichkeit", S. 64


  • Der vollendete Archetyp des Königs besitzt die Eigenschaften der Geordnetheit, des besonnenen und rationalen
    Gestaltgebens, der Integration und Integrität in der männlichen Psyche. Er glättet chaotische Gefühle, bremst unmäßiges Verhalten. Er bringt Festigkeit, Zentrierung und Gelassenheit. […]
    Der König sorgt sich um sein ganzes Reich, er ist der oberste Verwalter von Natur und menschlicher Gesellschaft.
    Es ist die Energie, manifestiert in alten Mythen, des 'Hirten seines Volkes', des 'Gärtners', des Schutzherrn der Pflan-
    zen und Tiere im Königreich. Es ist die Stimme, die klar, gelassen und mit Autorität, als Fürsprecher der Menschen-
    rechte für alle auftritt. Es ist die Energie, die geringste Strafen und höchstes Lob ausspricht. Es ist die Stimme, die
    aus unserer Mitte, vom archatischen Berg in jedem Menschen erschallt.
    Teil 2 "Die Entschlüsselung der männlichen Psyche – die vier Archetypen gereifter Männlichkeit", S. 91

General quotes

Personal avowals

  • It was slow in dawning on me that women had an overwhelming influence on my life and on the lives of all the men I knew. Sam Keen, Ph.D. samkeen.com (*1931) US American professor of history of religions and philosophy, Harvard University, Princeton University, author, Fire in the Belly. On Being a Man, S. 194, Bantam, April 1991, reissued paperback 1. March 1992

The image of WOMAN in men's heads is more threatening to them than the women in the beds or boardrooms.

  • One of the major tasks of manhood is to explore the unconscious feelings that surround our various images of WOMAN, to dispel false mystification, to dissolve the vague sense of threat and fear, and finally to learn to respect and love the strangeness of womankind. […]
    It may be useful to think about sexual-spiritual maturation – the journey to manhood – as a process of changing WOMAN into women, into Jane (or one certain woman), of learning to see members
    of the opposite sex not as archetypes or members of a class but as individuals. […]
    And these archetypical creatures – goddesses, bitches, angels, Madonnas, castrators, witches, Gypsy maidens,
    earth mothers – must be exorcised from our minds and hearts before we can learn to love women.
    Sam Keen, Ph.D. samkeen.com (*1931) US American professor of history of religions and philosophy, Harvard University,
    Princeton University, author, Fire in the Belly. On Being a Man, Bantam, April 1991, reissued paperback 1. March 1992



From boyhood to manhood

  • Patriarchy is the expression of the immature masculine. It is the expression of Boy psychology, and, in part, the shadow – or crazy – side of masculinity. It expresses the stunted masculine, fixated at immature levels.
    Patriarchy, in our view, is an attack on masculinity in its fullness as well as femininity in its fullness. Those caught
    up in the structures and dynamics of patriarchy seek to dominate not only women but men as well. Patriarchy is
    based on fear – the boy's fear, the immature masculine's fear – of women, to be sure, but also fear of men. Boys
    fear women. They also fear real men.
    What is missing is not, for the most part, what many depth psychologists assume is missing; that is, adequate connection with the inner feminine. In many cases, these men seeking help had been, and were continuing to be, overwhelmed by the feminine. What they were missing was an adequate connection to the deep and instinctual masculine energies, the potentials of mature masculinity. They were being blocked from connection to these po-
    tentials by patriarchy itself, and by the feminist critique upon what little masculinity they could still hold onto for
    themselves. Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant,
    theorist, author, Douglas Gilette, US American author, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. Rediscovering the Archetypes of the
    Mature Masculine
    , HarperOne, reprint 16. August 1991


  • After years of research, depth psychologists and others argue that each sex carries both the psychological and
    physical traits of the other. No man is purely masculine, just as there is no purely feminine woman. Jungian
    psychologists call the feminine characteristics of the male psyche the Anima; the female psyche's masculine
    characteristics they the Animus.
    Both the Animus and Anima develop in complex fashion as the personality grows to maturity. Neither men nor
    women can reach psychological maturity without integrating their respective contrasexual other. A man's fem-
    ale elements enhance his manhood, just as a woman's male aspects enhance her womanhood.
    Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant, theorist, author,
    Douglas Gilette, US American author, The Warrior Within. Accessing the Knight in the Male Psyche, William Morrow &
    Company, 1st edition August 1992



Liberating impact of feminism:

Feminist/masculinist movements are liberating democracy from patriarchy.



Fathering resolves the cult of masculinity.

  • As long as there is male dominance some sex will be violent, violence will be sexualized, and children will be victimized. […] If you [men] can't get the proper dominance from grown-ups you [they] turn to [sexual abuse of] children. […] We need to understand the whole cult of masculinity. […] The way out of this cult of masculinity is men raising children
    as it causes them to become whole human beings. […] The fathering revolution is partly here.
    [Paraphrased] The task ahead is to humanize the traditional gender roles rooted in the deepest source of violence required by masulinity and supported by femininity.
    Video presentation by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, The Future of Feminism, pre-
    sented at "The Power of Women's Voices" Conference for the 65th Anniversary of the Sophia Smith Collection Women's History Archive, sponsored by Smith College, Northampton, Massachusetts, minute 43:47, 54:32 minutes duration, 28. September 2007


  • [Man] will only be able to see the wound that secretly troubles him when he puts it into someone else. Then, he’ll feel strangely better for a moment. The old ideas of initi-
    ation tried to shape a wound through which each boy could come to know his own wounds and know the ways in which the world wounds everyone.
    Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, co-editor of Crossroads. the Quest for Contemporary Rites of Passage, author, The Water of Life. Initiation and The Tempering of the Soul, GreenFire Press, 2nd edition 1. October 2006



Father wound

  • In the heart of every man is a hunger for his father. It's one of those inevitable things. It happens in both boys and girls actually, but the essence of this hunger is vitally different. There is something about the connection between the child and the same-sex parent that, when unmet, creates a gaping hole in their souls.
    Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, enneagram teacher, author, cited in: article Hungry Man:
    Father Hunger
    , presented by the Restoration Project, 18. February 2018



Definition of patriarchy

  • Bit by bit, over a period of years, I came to understand.
    • That patriarchy is organized around principles that explain the patterns that result, just as the rules and principles of football makes sense of all that running around and knocking people down.
    • That patriarchy is male-dominated and organized around a masculine obsession with control.
    • That it is male-identified and male-centered. […]
We are taught to expect that […] real men are always in control, especially in relation to women, except for their mothers, with which no woman is to be confused […].
And the key to it all is that violence is a means of control, and to be in control of something is to be unaccountable to it, whether it's a pencil or a person. […]
The obsession with control turns everything into an object with no room for empathy, for imagining another point
of view, a subjectivity the equal of a man's. […]
Most men do not rape and never would, but in their silent complicity in the myth of manhood there lies a pro-
found ambivalence toward women and themselves that affirms and grants permission to the men who do and will.
Blog by Allan G. Johnson, Ph.D., US American sociologist, public speaker, novelist, writer on social inequality, Why Men
, part 2, 17. October 2013


  • Men are rewarded or punished not for what they do but for how their acts are defined. That is why men are more interested in better justifying themselves than in better behaving themselves. Thomas S. Szasz (1920-2012) Hungarian US-American professor emeritus of psychiatry, State University of New York Health Science Center, Syracuse, New York, social critic of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry and scientism, The Unnamed Tongue. A Dissenting Dictionary, Open Court Publishing, 1st edition 1. March 1990



Shame and vulnerability are men's biggest obstacles.

  • In her years of research Brené Brown found: Shame is the single biggest cause of toxic masculinity. Whereas women experience shame when they fail to meet unrealistic, conflicting expectations, men become consumed with shame for showing signs of weakness. Since vulnerability is, unfortunately, still perceived as a weakness instead of a strength, having hard conversations that involve vulnerability is something men often try to avoid. It's for this reason that to
    yield positive results from men's support groups, men must enter such groups with that very intention – not just
    to find buddies.
    Statistics: Only five percent of men seek outpatient mental health services, despite feeling lonelier than ever before
    (in a recent British study, 2.5 million men admitted to having no close friends). What's more, men conceal pain and illness at much higher rates than women, and are three times more likely than women to commit suicide. Black men face an added set of barriers, including systemic discrimination, racial stereotypes, and cultural stigma against men-
    tal illness.
    Forced to question long-held masculine ideals, therapy can be a meaningful and transformative process, even for
    her most reluctant patients.
    Dr. Angela Beard, clinical psychologist at the Veterans Affairs in Dallas, Texas: "Men have never been taught how
    to identify what their emotional needs are, their thoughts and feelings, or to express how someone can help them ful-
    fill these. No one has ever asked them what masculinity means to them, and they've never asked themselves. They
    can get a lot of insight from this process."
    Article Men Have No Friends and Women Bear the Burden, presented by the
    US American women's fashion magazine Haarper's Bazaar, Melanie Hamlett, 2. May 2019


References: en.Wikiquote entries Men and ► Boys

Literary quotes

  • "Men," said the fox, "they have guns, and they hunt. It is very disturbing. They also raise chickens. These are their
    only interests." [...]
    "My life is very monotonous," the fox said. "I hunt chickens; men hunt me. All the chickens are just alike, and all the
    men are just alike. And, in consequence, I am a little bored." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944) French aviator, writer,
    The Little Prince, chapter 21 "The Little Prince and the Fox", Reynal & Hitchcock, September 1943

Quotes by women

Personal avowals

  • Part of me loves and respects men so desperately, and part of me thinks they are so embarrassingly incompetent at
    life and in love. You have to teach them the very basics of emotional literacy. You have to teach them how to be
    there for you, and part of me feels tender toward them and gentle, and part of me is so afraid of them, afraid of any
    more violation. Anne Lamott (*1954) US American recovering conversed alcoholic, bestselling author, Operating Instructions.
    A Journal of My Son's First Year
    , Anchor, 1. May 1993, 2nd edition 8. March 2005


  • Men all around the world at heart are beauty kings. They all want world peace and love and tolerance and respect.
    […] I think men have put themselves into a box through wanting to control everything, rule everything, that they've had to pretend that they are much harder than they really are. I think that most men at heart are terribly sensual, very soft,
    very loving. […] We need to liberate men [from this coat of armor], not women.
    Audio interview with Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller offering the project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Interview With Author Annette Jahnel, presented by the US American radio station Voice of Vashon, Vashon Island, Washington, program on Prose, Poetry & Purpose, host March Twisdale, minute 15:01 and 18:37, 1:02:20 duration, recorded summer 2014, posted 5. October 2014

Psychology of male world leaders
Likely aware that Angela Merkel had been bitten by a dog in 1995 and might still be frightened by the experience,
Vladimir Putin allowed his black Labrador to run up on her at a public meeting end 2014.

  • [T]he male wounding is VERY, VERY DEEP. [...] To be a man and to be asked to reclaim the energy of the heart is brutally difficult. It's easier for women to buck their conditioning and stand in their power than it is for men to reclaim
    the energy of the heart. Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author
    of Unplugging the Patriarchy, excerpted from the teleseminar "Women on the Edge of Evolution", host Paula Dowd, spring 2010




Dignity is not right or left, white or black, male or female, superior or inferior, conservative or progressive. It's nonpartisan. The more accurate term for "egalitarian society" is dignitarian society.

  • Women are now on the frontlines of consciousness. Until women reclaim their power, throw off their conditioning of being second class citizens, and really move out on the frontlines men won't have a chance to react to that and to open up the emotional body and to process their reaction to the second class citizen. Now we are coming into equality. [...]
    The oppressed must throw off the yoke and say 'No more! I am going to stand!' [...] If I simply stand and I meet your energy with exactly the right amount of energy that you are projecting at me to counter it... It is very gandhiesque what I am proposing that women simply stand and allow men to react, allow men to process what they need to process in order to reclaim their heart and come into a more humble state of mind where they are ready, willing, and able to come to the table and accept wo-
    men as equals and to co-create an egalitarian society.
    [...] Everyone is needed. There's no right and wrong here. We have all bought into this out of balance system. But really, it is women who must make the first move and be
    strong enough to allow men to then react against that. Video interview with Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Unplugging the Patriarchy, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, minute 0:41:25, 1:24:22 duration, posted 27. March 2011


  • You can retrain brain circuits to do a variety of things [...] and all of our lives we can be gender trained to be more one way or the other.
    When they put electrodes on males and show them a grue-
    some photograph that is supposed to make you cringe and emotional their facial expressions versus the females' ac-
    tually show more emotional response in the time before it becomes conscious. And right after the one second level when it becomes conscious they start to freeze down their facial muscles for frowning or smiling. Females' facial mus-
    cles actually amplify and the males' go down. The hypothe-
    sis of scientists is that males have been trained to sup-
    press their emotional feelings.

    Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsy-
    chiatrist, professor of neurobiology, UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, Gender Identity. Is Nature vs. Nurture Dead?, recorded by the event video production company Fora.tv, 31. March 2010, YouTube, minute 2:28, 3:45 minutes duration, posted 3. May 2010


  • The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead patriarchy demands
    of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill off the emotional parts of themselves. If an
    individual is not successful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on patriarchal men to enact rituals of power
    that will assault his self-esteem. bell hooks [Gloria Jean Watkins] (*1952) US American feminist, social activist, author, The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love, S. 66, Washington Square Press, 21. December 2004; cited in: Wikiquote


  • Men are run ragged by female sexuality all their lives. From the beginning of his life to the end, no man ever fully commands any woman. It's an illusion. Men are pussy-whipped. And they know it. That's what the strip clubs are about; not woman as victim, not woman as slave, but woman as goddess. Camille Paglia, Ph.D. (*1947) US American professor of arts, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (*1984), social critic, dissident feminist, author, cited in:
    Christine L. Williams, editor, Arlene Stein, editor, Sexuality and Gender, Wiley-Blackwell, 1st edition 21. January 2002



  • Yes, men and boys receive privilege and status from patriarchy, but it is a poisoned privilege for which they pay a
    heavy price. If traditional, patriarchal socialization takes aim at girls' voices, it takes aim at boys' hearts –
    makes them lose the deepest, most sensitive and empathic parts of themselves.
    Men aren't even allowed
    to be depressed, which is why they engage so often in various forms of self-numbing, from sex to alcohol and
    drugs to gambling and workaholism. Patriarchy strikes a Faustian bargain with men.
    Jane Fonda (*1937) Academy Award-winning US American actress, political activist, philanthropist, writer, Jane Fonda's
    Speech at the National Women's Leadership Summit
    , Washington, D.C., 12. June 2003



Women are the guardian of connection, men are connectable by instruction.

  • Men, when they are upset, don't like to talk. Women like to talk when they are upset. You're the guardian of connection, and he is connectable by instruction. So stay positive. And remember, men do not know how they feel or they would tell us. Bonnie Eaker Weil, Ph.D., US American family and relationship therapist, author, How can I get my husband to tell me what's wrong so I don't have to ask him? Disconnected, deleted YouTube film, minute 0:56, 2:01 minutes duration, posted 13. February 2012




Unhealed masculine and unhealed feminine

Quotes by men

Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. Colossians 4, 1 (NT)


Personal awovals


  • I came to realize that we don't raise boys to be men, we raise them not to be women. Don McPherson (*1965) US Ame-
    rican quarterback active in the National Football League and the Canadian Football League, cited in: quotefancy


  • I grew up to have my father's looks – my father's speech patterns – my father's posture – my father's walk – my father's opinions and my mother's contempt for my father.
    Jules Feiffer (*1929) US American syndicated cartoonist, satirist, author, Pulitzer Prize recipient, 1986, cited in: BrainyQuote




Seducibility of holy men

  • Is there any man who has ever gone through a whole lifetime without dressing himself up, in his fancy, in the habit of a monk and enclosing himself in a cell where he sits magnificent in heroic austerity and solitude, while all the young ladies who hitherto were cool to his affections in the world come and beat on the gates of the monastery crying, "Come out, come out!" Thomas Merton (1915-1968) Anglo-American Catholic Trappist monk, mystic student of comparative religion, social activist, poet,
    writer, autobiography The Seven Storey Mountain, Harcourt Brace, 11. October 1948




"Are to be treated as subordinate members of the species, akin to animals who are dependent."  Nancy MacLean: Democracy in Chains – The Deep History of The Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America. New York    



North American culture's narrow definition of masculinity is harming boys, men and society at large.

  • Men do not hate women; men need women. Men hate needing.
    Jules Feiffer (*1929) US American syndicated cartoonist, satirist, author, Pulitzer Prize recipient, 1986, cited in: article Feiffer's
    , presented by the publication Chicago Reader, Albert Williams, 21. April 1988


Masculine split-mindedness

  • Despite all attempts at denial and obfuscation there is an unconscious factor, a black sun, which is responsible for the surprisingly common phenomenon of masculine split-mindedness, when the right hand mustn't know what the left is doing.
    This split in the masculine psyche and the regular darkening of the moon in woman together explain the remarkable fact that the woman is accused of all the darkness in a man, while he himself basks in the thought that he is a veritable fount of vitality and illumination for the females in his environment.
    Actually he would be better advised to shroud the brilliance of his mind in the profoundest doubt. It is not difficult for this type of mind (which besides other things is a great trickster like Mercurius) to admit a host of sins in the most convincing way, and even to combine it with a spurious feeling of ethical superiority without in the least approximating to a genuine insight.
    This can never be achieved without the participation of feeling; but the intellect admits feeling only when it is conve-
    nient. The novilunium of woman is a source of countless disappointments for man which easily turns to bitterness, though they could equally well be a source of wisdom if they were understood.
    Naturally this is possible only if he is prepared to acknowledge his black sun, that is, his Shadow.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, John Beebe (*1939) US American Jungian analyst, editor, Aspects of the Masculine, S. 138, Princeton University Press, 1st Princeton/Bol-
    lingen edited paperback edition 1. May 1989



Testosterone – FIKI

  • Testosterone basically has two, and only two, major drives: fuck it or kill it. And males are saddled with this biological nightmare almost from day one, a nightmare women can barely imagine (except when they are given testosterone injections for medical purposes, which drives them nuts. As one woman put it, "I can't stop thinking about sex. Please, can't you make it stop?")
    Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, A Brief History of Everything, S. 5-6, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 1996,
    2nd edition 6. February 2001



True love is the true authority of a man over a woman.

  • To be a fully integrated male, a man has to assimilate in his body the divine female energies that woman can only release to him through right physical lovemaking. But the man has to be man enough. He has to be able to love her enough; that is, love her selflessly during the actual act of lovemaking. He has to be able to absorb and express sufficient love in his body to reach the highest part of her, and love enough to extract the divine energies
    from her deepest center.
    To be able to love in this way is his only true authority over woman.
    Barry Long (1926-2003) Australian spiritual teacher, tantra teacher, press secretary, editor, writer, Making Love. Sexual Love the Divine Way, Barry Long Books, paperback issue 1. April 1999


Double rainbow, Medicine Lake, Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada
  • [The possibility of the 'wildman' is] the possibility that the deep, nourishing and spirituality radiant energy in the male lies not in the feminine side, but in the deep masculine. [...] Now that so many men are getting in touch with their feminine side, we're ready to start seeing the wildman and to put his powerful, dark energy to use.
    Robert Bly (1926-2021) US American activist, leader Mythopoetic
    men's movement
    , poet, author, cited in: James B. Nelson, The Intimate Connection. Male Sexuality, Masculine Spirituality, S. 11, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1988


  • To be wild is not to be crazy or psychotic. True wildness is
    • a love of nature,
    • a delight in silence,
    • a voice free to say spontaneous things, and
    • an exuberant curiosity in the face of the unknown.
Robert Bly (1926-2021) US American leader of the Mythopoetic men's movement, activist, poet, author, cited in: Quotes About Psychotic Love, presented by the website morefamousquotes.com


  • Generally, a mood will run its course in an inteligent man; if a woman doesn't puncture it prematurely, the man will puncture it himself. He will regain his senses somewhere along the way; he will say, "Now wait, we had better think about this." That is, if his wife hasn't said five minutes before, "Now, dear, don't you think we had better think about this?" Because then he won't, of course.
    If a woman is needling, it is doubly hard for a man to come out of a mood. That intensifies it. A man is really in
    a kind of travail when he is in a mood. He needs help, not needling, but feminine help. He probably won't thank
    you for it, but inside he will be awfully grateful.
    When a woman has to deal with a man in a mood, she generally does the wrong thing. She generally gets her animus out, that nasty thing, and says, "Now, look, this is utter nonsense, stop it. We don't need any more fishline leader."
    That is just throwing gasoline on the fire. There will be an anima-animus exchange, and all will be lost. The two are in the right hand and in the left hand of the goddess Maya, and you might as well give up for the afternoon.
    There is, however, a point of genius that a woman can bring forth if she is capable of it and willing to do it. If she will
    become more feminine than the mood attacking the man, she can dispel it for him. But this is a very, very difficult
    thing for a woman to do. Her automatic response is to let out the sword of the animus and start hacking away. But
    if a woman can be patient with a man and not critical, but represent for him a true feminine quality, then, as soon as his sanity is sufficiently back for him to comprehend such subtleties, he will likely come out of his mood.

    A wife can help a great deal if she will function from her feminine side in this way. She has to have a mature feminity
    to do this, a femininity that is strong enough to stand in the face of this spurious femininity the man is producing.
    Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, He. Understanding Masculine Psychology,
    Harper Collins, 1974, March 1987, Harper Perennial, revised 6. October 1989


  • A man will treat a woman almost exactly the way he treats his own interior feminine. In fact, he hasn't the ability to see a woman, objecti-
    vely speaking, until he has made some kind of peace with his interior woman. The same is true for a woman and her interior masculine. Jung's concept of the animus within women and the anima within men is the most important single thing in this whole subject. Interview with Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, Beginning Within. Maintaining personal balance in a shifting culture, presented by Context Institute, host Lila Forest, spring 1987, reissued 1997


  • Most men get their deepest conviction of self-worth from a woman, wife, mother, or if they are highly conscious, from their own anima. The woman sees and shows the man his value by lighting the lamp. Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, She. Understanding Feminine Psychology, 1976, Harper Perennial, revised edition 1. November 1989


  • A man depends largely on woman for the light in the family as he is not well equipped at finding meaning for himself. Life is often dry and barren for him unless someone bestows meaning on life for him. With a few words, a woman can give meaning to a whole day's struggle and a man will be so grateful. A man knows and wants this; he will edge up to it, initiate little occasions so that a woman can shed some light for him. When he comes home and recounts the events of the day, he is asking her to bestow meaning on them. This is the light-bea-
    ring quality of a woman
    Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, She. Understanding Feminine Psychology,
    1976, Harper Perennial, revised edition 1. November 1989


  • Eight secrets men carry within
    1. Men's lives are as much governed by restrictive role expectations as are the lives of women.
    2. Men's lives are essentially governed by fear.
    3. The power of the feminine is immense in the psychic economy of men.
    4. Men collude in a conspiracy of silence whose aim is to suppress their emotional truth.
    5. Because men must leave Mother, and transcend the mother complex, wounding is necessary.
    6. Men's lives are violent because their souls have been violated.
    7. Every man carries a deep longing for his father and for his tribal Fathers.
    8. If men are to heal, they must activate within what they did not receive from without.
    James Hollis, Ph.D. (*1940) US American licensed Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of Jungian Studies, Saybrook University, author, Under Saturn's Shadow. The Wounding and Healing of Men, Inner City Books, paperback, 1. April 1994



Autumn in Wales, United Kingdom
  • Today, of course, I know that "they", the tribal elders of our time, did not know what it means to be a man either. They similarly were uninitiated and could hardly pass on the mys-
    teries and liberating knowledge they themselves lacked.
    S. 16
  • In any relationship a man is largely at the mercy of what he does not know about himself. And the extent to which he is in the dark is the degree to which his own inner woman is projected onto another person. Since projection is by defini-
    tion a dynamic whereby unconscious contents are experien-
    ced as outer, a man is always falling in love with or fearing his own unconscious material.  S. 42
  • The man who denies that the mother-child relationship is fundamental, that it influences everything he feels about himself, about life and about others, lives in profound igno-
    rance. And, of course, that of which he is ignorant will be projected onto others.  S. 50
  • What the modern man most suffers from, is the wounding without transformation. He suffers the Saturnian burden of role definition that confines rather than liberates. He suffers the skewers in the soul without the godly vision. He is asked to be a man when no none can define it except in the most trivial terms. He is asked to move from boyhood to manhood without any rites of passage, with no wise elders to receive and instruct him, and no positive sense of what such a manhood might feel like. His wounds are not transformative; they do not bring deepened consciousness: they
    do not lead him to a richer life. They senselessly, repeatedly, stun him into a numbing of the soul before the body has
    had the good sense to die.  S. 75-76
  • Yes, it is necessary that men be wounded to help them break free from the Mother. But it is also that those wounds further growth. Today's man suffers his wounds in isolation, but his reaction troubles and damages those around him. He must begin by acknowledging the wounds he carries, wounds that leak daily into his life, if ever he is to heal him-
    self or help his world.  S. 82
  • Sons need to have their father tell them what they need to know to live "out there", and how to live with integrity. Sons need to see father living his life, struggling, being emotional, failing and falling, getting up again, being human. When
    a son does not see his father honestly living his personal journey, then the son will have to find his paradigms else-
    where, or, worse, unconsciously live out the father's untaken journey. This is in accordance with Jung's observation
    that the greatest burden the child must bear is the unlived life of the parents.  S. 90
James Hollis, Ph.D. (*1940) US American licensed Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of Jungian Studies, Saybrook University, author, Under Saturn's Shadow. The Wounding and Healing of Men, Inner City Books, paperback, 1. April 1994


  • Men have been programmed by society not to be intimate.
    What do men want from women? – Sex.
    What do women want from men? – Security and Money.
    What kind of relationship does that make? – Prostitution.
    We [men] lie a lot. [...] We are gonna fake it. [...] Truthfully what we [men] want is the same that you [women] want. Men are women turned inside out. We are. Audio interview with Stan Dale (1929-2007) US American sex, love and inti-
    macy expert, transactional analyst, founder of the Human Awareness Institute, 1968, recipient of the Mahatma Gandhi peace medal-
    lion, radio broadcaster, teacher, author, Intimacy [i.e. "into me you see"], May 1993



Hephaistos ♦ Zeus ♦ Athena myth

  • Here we have a famous alchemical symbol. The alchemist is chopping the head open of an old man – right where the pineal gland is [located]. And then Athena, or this woman, this Goddess, comes out. What it is saying is when you free your pineal gland your inner power is revealed. And it's strange because the inner power is not masculine. It's feminine, because men actually can't create anything. It's women who create everything. Men create culture for women, but
    it's women who told me to create culture. […]
    When we understand the secret of the pineal gland then we're going to be liberated. We're going to first understand what a terrible predicament we're in. And then we're going to have an extended life span which is going to stop the freaky kind of life that we're living now where we're trying to get everything done at once, because they're so afraid we're going to die. When we're liberated from this idea of death no one can control us.
    Video presentation by Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemi-
    cal traditions, author, sponsored by The New Beginning Conference, Washington DC, March 2009, Hyperdimensional Alchemy,
    part 7 of 13, filmed by Sacred Mysteries TV, YouTube film, minute 11:15, 14:49 minutes duration, posted 4. March 2012



Iconic red bridge, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • Women read 90% of all the relationship books that are published and initiate about 70% of divorces and breakups. On the other side men suffer much more when they are left financially and emotionally and if they are in a relationship benefit from being in the relationship more, but frequently care less about what makes love work. So I figured it helps both sexes the most if men get more educated about relationships because it takes two people to cocre-
    ate a relationship but only one person to end it. Video dialogue featuring Martin Ucik, German general manager, entrepreneur, integral relationship evolutionary, author, Allan Combs and Martin Ucik talk about Martin's book, "Integral Relationships, a Manual for Men", YouTube film, minute 1:30, 4:47 minutes duration, posted 15. August 2011


  • Men throughout the world have unconscious wishes to return to infancy, longings to suckle at the breast, to return to
    the womb, the powerful temptation to surrender one's masculine autonomy to the omnipotent mother of childhood fan-
    tasy. David Gilmore, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, author, Misogyny.
    The Male Malady
    , University of Pennsylvania Press, 11. May 2001


  • [M]any, if not most, of men's feelings about women are a hodgepodge of strongly contrasting impulses, starkly contra-
    dictory affects and fantasies. […] [U]nlike some who have studied misogyny, I believe this tension-ridden state, not
    simple hatred or a wish to dominate, accounts for men's denigration of women.
    David Gilmore, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, author, Misogyny. The Male Malady, University of Pennsylvania Press, 11. May 2001


  • [M]en must get more comfortable with their ambiguous sexuality, their subterranean dependency needs for women's nurturing, their 'corrupt' feminine side, and their 'poisonous' bisexual self.
    David Gilmore, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, State University of New York, Stony Brook, author, Misogyny. The Male Malady, University of Pennsylvania Press, 11. May 2001




Tragedy underlying bullying, lying, misogynistic men



Paraphrased results of 75 year-long study on over 200 men (1938-2012)

  • Memories of a happy childhood are a lifelong source of strength.
  • Recovery from a lousy childhood is possible.
  • Alcohol abuse is by far the greatest disruptor of health and happiness.
  • Marriage brings much more contentment to men after age 70.
  • Men who do well in old age did not necessarily do so well in midlife, and vice versa.
  • Men who had ‘warm’ childhood relationships with their mothers – not their fathers – earned $87,000 more per year than men whose mothers did not bond well with them.
  • A warm childhood relationship with their mothers had no significant bearing on men's life satisfaction at age 75.
  • Men who had poor childhood relationships with their mothers were much more likely to develop dementia in old age.
  • Men who had a warm childhood relations with fathers had lower rates of adult anxiety, greater enjoyment on vaca-
    tions, and increased ‘life satisfaction’ at age 75.
  • Physical aging with grace and vitality of men after 80 is determined less by heredity habits than by healthy habits formed prior to age 50.
Synopsis and results offered by George Vaillant, Ph.D. (*1934) US American professor of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Triumphs of Experience. The Men of the Harvard Grant Study, Belknap Press, 1st edition 29. November 2012


  • Males are basically a breeding experiment run by females.
    Males are the safest, most consistent way to contribute variation to the system.
    Irven DeVore, Ph.D. (1934-2014) US American professor of anthropology, evolutionary biologist, curator of primatology, speech on
    the origin of human behavior, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 5. April 1978, cited in: article Devore Discusses the Evolution of Human
    Social Organization
    , presented by the Harvard College daily student newspaper The Harvard Crimson, 6. April 1978


Autumn foliage
  • Emotional armor is not easy to shed, nor should it be. It has formed for a reason – as a requirement for certain responsibilities, as a conditioned respon-
    se to real circumstances, as a defense against un-
    bearable feelings. It has served an essential pur-
    pose. It has saved lives. Yet it can be softened over
    time. It can melt into the tendernest at its core. It can reveal the light at its source. But never rush it, never push up against it, never demand it to drop its guard before its time. Because it knows something you don't. In a still frightening world, armor is no less valid than vulnerability. Let it shed at its own unique pace.
    Jeff Brown, M.A., Canadian lawyer, psychologist, body-centered psychotherapist, author, Facebook entry,
    10. December 2014


  • Men need to learn to be "women". They need to learn to surrender. Take eternity as your lover and allow eternity to do with you as it will. Audio lecture by Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, Women / Men and Self Realization, The Lakshmi Series, 1 of 30 talks, presented by the Rama Meditation Society, YouTube film, 54:30 minutes duration, recorded 1982-1983, posted 26. August 2012


  • Men are afraid to be women. Men make the wars and have interest in hate and killing. They have unstable energy. Men must accept their female side and then there will be balance.
    Frederick Philip Lenz, III, Ph.D. [Rama] (1950-1998) US American Buddhist spiritual teacher, source unknown


  • Softness in a man is also very commonly equated with sexual failure, an inability to get it up or keep it up – a hard-not-
    to-notice failure to stay hard. More than a few men refer to their genitals as their manhood; not being able to sustain
    an erection – that is, being soft – easily gets associated with a loss of manhood.
    Men nonetheless need to soften, and also to strip "softening" of its negative connotations. Yes, a man can be overly
    soft, marooned from power and the capacity for rock-solid firmness, but softness itself makes possible vulnerability,
    empathy, compassion, emotional literacy, and genuinely deep connections with others.
    Softening can be a profoundly healing undertaking, helping to make more room for pain and difficulty, enriching a
    man's capacity for deep relationship, rendering him more flexible and permeable, more heartful – especially when
    that softening coexists with steadfastness and firmness. An example of such coexistence can be seen in fierce
    compassion, wherein we’re both forceful and soft, both angered and caring.
    Robert Augustus Masters, Ph.D. robertmasters.com (*1947) Canadian psychologist, psychotherapist, former community cult leader, author, To Be A Man. A Guide to True Masculine Power, "Introduction", Sounds True, 1. January 2015


  • Minimal or no father involvement, whether due to divorce, death, or imprisonment, is common to Adam Lanza,
    Elliott Rodgers, Dylan Roof and Stephen Paddock.
    In the case of 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, he was adopted at birth. His adoptive dad died when Nikolas was much younger, and doubtless the challenges of this fatherlessness was compounded by the death of his adoptive mom
    three and a half months ago.
    The rate of mass shootings has tripled since 2011. We blame guns, violence in the media, violence in video games,
    and poor family values. Each is a plausible player. But our daughters live in the same homes, with the same access
    to the same guns, video games, and media, and are raised with the same family values. Our daughters are not kil-
    ling. Our sons are.
    But boys with significant father involvement are not doing these shootings. Without dads as role models, boys' testo-
    sterone is not well channeled. The boy experiences a sense of purposelessness, a lack of boundary enforcement,
    rudderlessness, and often withdraws into video games and video porn. At worst, when boys' testosterone is not
    well-channeled by an involved dad, boys become among the world's most destructive forces.
    boys' testosterone is well channeled by an involved dad, boys become among the world's most constructive forces.

    Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, John Gray (*1951) US American relationship counselor, lecturer, author, The Boy Crisis. Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It, Benbella Books, 29. March 2018


  • If there is any chance of decreasing the number of instances of sexual misconduct committed by males towards
    females in our society, it is imperative that men first begin to widely accept the facts that "No" ALWAYS means "No"
    and that if a male proceeds sexually in any way, after he hears the word, his behavior risks being considered se-
    xual coercion and/or sexual assault or rape. Article Men and Sexual Misconduct: There is Always a Choice, presented
    by the publication Feminine Collective, John Michael Antonio, 2. February 2018


  • Male rage is rooted in the collective self-alienation and isolation that is part and parcel of our culture of man-
    In her book When Boys Become Boys, Dr. Judy Y. Chu of Stanford University documents how our sons
    are taught to hide their early capacity for being emotionally perceptive, articulate, and responsive. Starting in pre-
    school, our young boys learn to align their behaviors with "the emotionally disconnected stereotype our culture
    projects onto them."
    "Boys are taught to hide vulnerable emotions like sadness, fear, and pain, which imply weakness and are stereoty-
    pically associated with femininity," Chu writes. They are alienating what would be natural parts of themselves.
    Our culture tells our sons "don’t be a sissy" or "be a man", but the message is clear: Don't be a woman, women are less. As early as age four, boys are already being taught to reject the feminine, constructing a version of themselves that integrates women’s second-class status into their masculine identities. This drumbeat condemnation of the fe-
    minine is the perfect trap, cementing in place the interlocking double bind of misogyny and self-alienation that is the
    man box.

    The deep irony of all of this is that the men don't feel empowered by male privilege. What they feel is trapped in
    silos of social and emotional isolation, under siege, as millions of women and other men rebel against an antiquated
    social contract that systematically cuts us off from deeper, more authentic human connection.
  • Niobe Way, author of Deep Secrets, documents how we shame and bully our adolescent sons into giving up their loving friendships in order to prove a destructive and isolating set of negatives. In Way's words, "rather than focu-
    sing on who they are, they become obsessed with who they are not, they are not girls, little boys nor, in the case of
    heterosexual boys, are they gay. In response to a cultural context that links intimacy in male friendships with an age,
    a sex (female), and a sexuality (gay), these boys mature into men who are autonomous, emotionally stoic, and iso-
    lated." Blog article by Mark Greene, US American senior editor at Good Men Project, blogger, author, Anger and the Brutal Contradictions of Masculinity. Why American men are in crisis, and what we can do about it, presented by the stories outlet
    Medium, 12. July 2018


  • Men are in a chronic state of shame, dogged by the background thrum of anxiety and shame. [...] Men are constant-
    ly at threat of being found out of their vulnerability, of merely being the vulnerable human beings that we all are.
    Video interview with Terry Real LICSW, US American family therapist, speaker, author, Male Narcissism, Male Shame, pre-
    sented by the US American multimedia publishing company Sounds True, "Understanding Narcissism Summit", host Dr. Jeffrey Rutstein, US American clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, expert in the treatment of trauma, minute 21:20, 1:12:38 duration,
    aired 7. November 2019


  • Yes, men are being cheated, but
       ➤ it's not by women gaining political and economic power.
       ➤ It's not LGBTQ, or any other initials out there.
       ➤ It's not fake news or #MeToo.
       ➤ We are being cheated by our own culture of manhood.
The isolating impact of the man box is at the heart of our culture's epidemic levels of male isolation, addiction, depression, violence and suicide. So, even as man box culture condemns those closest to us, our own mothers, wives and daughters, to second class status, it is also cheating us out of living fully authentic, connected lives. And
until we wake up and understand that this is quite literally killing us, it will continue to kill us every damn day.
Blog article by Mark Greene, US American senior editor at Good Men Project, blogger, author, Yes, Men Have Been Cheated.
Why do so many men struggle to process the simple message of #MeToo?
, presented by the stories outlet Medium,
23. September 2018



Research results regarding the emergence of IMS on 30.000 growing up to 60.000 men worldwide

  • I define Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS) as a state of hypersensitivity, anxiety, frustratrion and anger that occurs in males and is associated with biochemical changes, hormonal fluctuations, stress, and a loss of male identity.
    The four key causes of IMS are:
    1. Hormonal fluctuations
    2. Changes in brain chemistry
    3. Increasing stress
    4. Loss of male identity and increasing role confusion.
    What the women have told me that one of the characterictics of IMS is generally denial.
Audio interview with Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, Irritable Male Syndrome. A psychology, presented by the US American web radio station Shrink Rap Radio, psychology podcast #165,
host David Van Nuys, Ph.D., US American professor emeritus of psychology Sonoma State University, California, miniute 7:52,
minute 37:56, 58:39 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2008


See also: ► Men's literature

Literary quotes

  • The most spiritual men, as the strongest, find their happiness where others would find their destruction: in the labyrinth, in hardness against themselves and others, in experiments. Their joy is self-conquest: asceticism becomes in them nature, need, and instinct. Difficult tasks are a privilege to them; to play with burdens that crush others, a recreation. Knowledge – a form of asceticism. They are the most venerable kind of man: that does not preclude their being the most cheerful and the kindliest. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism, writer, The Antichrist, Alfred Kröner Verlag, Leipzig, 1895



  • All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.
    H. L. Mencken (1880-1956) US American journalist, essayist, magazine editor, satirist, critic of American life and culture, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

Quotes by Richard Rohr – Male spirituality and initiation

Two brothers from Haiti
  • The males of most cultures will ordinarily define themselves by external performance, self created ordeals, and ego affir-
    ming tasks – unless they are offered a very real inner world and larger outer world that is even more alive and challen-
    […] Older cultures seemed to assume that unless the male is led on deliberate journeys of powerlessness, he will nor-
    mally seek and abuse power. The only external power that you can trust is in men who have also found their real inner power. Power it seems is the key fascination in the male soul and in every male archetype.
    It does not go away by churchy preaching or cultural poverty. It just takes disguised and different forms and finally comes back to defeat most worthwhile projects or worse, keeps them from ever getting started. If the male does not experience his power and his possibilities, if he does not let others educate it and tame it, power needs/ego needs tend to control his whole agenda. It does not go away. Primal cultures understood this to an amazing degree, and they took steps to insure that it would not keep happening and subverting their community.
    Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, author, cited in: deleted article Made not Born: Men and Power, presented by the former publication malespirituality.org, July 2003


Article by Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, enneagram teacher, author, Masculine Spirituality, originally published in "Praying – Spirituality for Everyday Living",
September-October 1988, reissued by the Men's Fellowship, undated


  • Masculine spirituality is not just for men, although it is men who are most likely going to have to rediscover and exemplify it. Strangely, it is an approach that many women are more in touch with today than men. Women have
    been encouraged and even forced to work on their inner life more than men in our culture.


  • In the Chinese view of the universe, it is the yang, or active masculine principle, that is always the necessary complement to yin, the passive feminine principle. For the Judaeo-Christian tradition it is half of the image of God:
    "God created humanity as a self-image, male and female God created them." (Genesis 1, 27).


  • Conversion to what? Conversion to what we might call the no-me.
    By that I mean conversion to the other, the alien, the would-be enemy that we must learn to love.
    In other words, men must be converted to the feminine, women to the masculine.
    Maybe that is why God made sexual attraction so compelling.
    If we are converted to this non-self, everything changes.


  • A masculine spirituality would emphasize action over theory, service to the human community over religious dis-
    cussions, speaking the truth over social graces, and doing justice over looking nice. Without a complementary mas-
    culine, spirituality becomes overly feminine (which is really a false feminine!) and characterized by too much inward-
    ness, preoccupation with relationships, a morass of unclarified feeling, and endless self-protectiveness.


  • Such a man has life for others and knows it. He does not need to push, intimidate, or play the power games com-
    mon to other men because he possesses his power with surety and calm self-confidence. He is not opinionated or
    arrogant, but he knows. He is not needy or bothered by status symbols because he is […] his identity is settled and
    secure – and within. He possesses his soul and does not give it lightly to corporations, armies, nation-states, or the
    acceptable collective thinking.


  • Saints are people who are whole.
    They trust their masculine soul because they have met the Father. He (sic!) taught them about anger, passion, power and clarity. He told them to go all the way through and pay the price for it. He shared with them his own creative seed, his own decisive Word, his own illuminating Spirit. They are comfortable knowing and they are comfortable not know-
    ing. They can care and not care without guilt. They can act without success because they have named their fear
    of failure. They do not need to affirm or deny, judge or ignore. But they are free to do all of them with impunity.
    The saints are invincible. They are men!


  • The feminine is more comfortable with the interior, the soul;
    the masculine is more comfortable with the exterior world.

The entire process of initiation allows a man to experience five essential tough insights on male initiation.

  1. Life is hard.
  2. You are not that important.
  3. Your life is not about you.
  4. You are not in control.
  5. You are going to die.
Sources featuring Father Richard Rohr O.F.M. (*1943) US American Franciscan friar, author
Adam's Return. The Five Promises of Male Initiation, Crossroad, 1. October 2004
An Interview With Fr. Richard Rohr. Eight Times Blessed, presented by Reid Baer, 2005
See also: ► Men's literature

Quotes by Warren Farrell – Men's movement and gender transition

From the dominance society to the partnership paradigm
Survival based dependency

Stage 1 – Role mates   ✰
Balanced survival and self-fulfillment by mutual caring

Stage 2 – Soul mates   ✰ ✰
Men and women were Role mates.Men and women will be Soul mates.
Man as killer-destroyer-protector20
Couples from any class
Man as communicative nurturer-connector
Couples of the middle/upper class
Segregated Loving
Division of labor – Division of interest
Women raised the children. Men raised the money.
Women were valued for their fertility, men for their disposability.
Transition to United Loving
Common interest and common values – Dignity for all
Women and men share raising a family and earning a living.
This is really the first time in human history that the qualities it takes to survive
as a species are compatible with the qualities it takes to love.

Audio interview with Warren Farrell, Ph.D., Farrell.com, US American spokesman of men's liberation
P A S T   50,000 years F U T U R E   Since the 50ties
In the past choosing the killer male led to the 'survival of the fittest'.21In the future – with nuclear technology – choosing the killer
(destroyer) male
leads to the potential destruction of everyone.
So what was functional has become dysfunctional.
[The future is open for the idea of mutual caring.]
In the past men had to be cut off from their feelings or they would not have been led to die to protect the family and community.
So women had to fall in love with people who were inherently incapable of loving.
In the future women can afford to fall in love less and less with the killer-protector and more and more with the nurturer-connector.
In the past survival, marriage, and the family all required the killer male.In the future survival, marriage, and the family will all require the communicative male.
Source: ► Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power,
presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008
See also: ► Men's literature and ► Three stages of intimate relationships between men and women


  • Women have already begun to move from stage 1 to stage 2 en masse, beginning with the women's liberation move-
    ments of the 50's and 60's, while men have largely remained "stuck" in much the same condition women were in before the rise of feminism. And this cultural "stuckness" not only reinforces many of the same unhealthy dynamics feminism was originally conceived to address, but also makes it much more difficult for women to fully grow from stage 1
    to stage 2 in a complete and authentic way.
    Dialogue between Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author and Ken Wilber (*1949) US American trans-
    personal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? Beyond Feminism and Masculism. Redefining the Relationships Between Men and Women, part 2 of 2, presented by integralinstitute.org, 1997

Personal avowals

  • Ultimately I am really not in favor of either a men's movement or a women's movement. I am in favor of a gender transition movement. However, I oppose skipping past a men's movement until men have equally articulated our perspective. I think then and only then we'll be able for a synthesis.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



When Farrell he retracted from false feminist conclusions around 1992 Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan alienated him, unwilling to listen to his arguments.

  • I had to redefine what a friend was, because among my friends were Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and people who were significant players in the feminist movement. I didn't realize that if a person breaks from you because you differ in their ideology, is that a friend? Or is a friend somebody who respects your integrity and listens to you very well and requires you to listen to him or her and to represent them well as well, or is that what a friend is. The most important characteristic for me of a friend is integrity and also the ability to put down other priorities and go out of their way to involve with me
    at points in time when I need them and expect the same with me.
    Video interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, Warren Farrell interviewed by Libertarian Matt Kibbe: from N.O.W. to Now, presented by crtv, host Matt Kibbe, US American president and chief commu-
    nity organizer of Free the People, YouTube film, minute 6:39, 37:27 minutes duration, aired and posted 8. February 2018



Definition of power



  • We as men have not spoken up. We can't expect the world to hear what men have not said. We haven't spoken up in part because training to be a man is training to cut ourselves off from feelings so we don't get in touch with what we want to speak about.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Sexuality and dating patterns:

Resocialising women to initiate sexually and risk rejection as well and to take responsibility for saying what they do want, not only what they don't want.
Resocialising men to accept a woman's NO for a no.

  • We need to be resocialising both sexes simultaneously, not just blaming men. We need to encourage both sexes to take different types of sexual responsibilities than we've trained in the past. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008


Future outlook


Future male gender role

  • In the future survival, marriage, and the family will all require the communicative male. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008




Evolution – gender transition

  • I discovered that, when women earn about $100,000 per year, they say, "I have enough money; I need time – for my family, friends, myself, to travel, and for exercise." Men need to learn this from women. Psychologically, men are about where women were in the 1950s. We need to help our sons question the traditional male definition of power – feeling obligated to earn money someone else spends while he dies sooner. That's powerlessness.
    Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, Is Feminism Favoritism? Q&A, presented by the daily US American newspaper The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC), Maureen Downey, 21. October 2007, reissued 13. June 2013




Mutuality – interdependence

  • When one sex loses, both sexes lose. When just one sex appears to win, both sexes lose.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Errors of feminism



Inability to take criticism well


History of gender relationships

  • This is really the first time in human history that the qualities it takes to survive as a species are compatible with the qualities it takes to love. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Stages of male role models

  • Traditional women went from father to husband to God, the Father.
    And men competed to be their fathers in the form of either priests or ministers or rabbis.
    New Age women went from father to husband to guru.
    And men competed to be their guru.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008


Oil paintingOriental man with pipe, 1874
Nikolaos Gyzis (1842-1901) Greek painter
  • Both sexes made themselves slaves to the other sex in different ways.
    For thousands of years most marriages were in stage 1. They were survival focused marriages.
    After World War II marriages increasingly flirted with stage 2, a
    self-fulfillment focus.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008


  • The biology of women in a survival-focused world was the child raising and that left the social role of men to raising the money to support the biological role of women. And it's not been until industrialized societies had enough income to help society progress from what I call a
    • Stage 1, which is survival-focused to
    • Stage 2, which is focused on the balance between survival and self-fulfillment,
that we could produce people who were able to focus on what rights and opportunities they had.
Interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, An Interview with Warren Farrell, presen-
ted by the website MenWeb, J. Steven Svoboda, 1997, reissued 12. June 2008
Dialogue between Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation,
men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author and Ken Wilber, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? Beyond Feminism and Masculism. Redefining the Relationships Between Men and Women, part 2 of 2, originally presented by an online men's magazine, reissued by the IntegralInstitute.org, 1997


  • At first, the rigid gender roles of men and women were born from necessity, and reflected a conscious choice on behalf of both genders to separate the world into public and private spheres, with men tending to the public, and wo-
    men tending to the private. These roles became increasingly reinforced throughout history, as biological necessity de-
    termined that women would be valued for their fertility, and men for their disposability.
    Dialogue between Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation,
    men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author and Ken Wilber, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? Beyond Feminism and Masculism. Redefining the Relationships Between Men and Women, part 2 of 2, originally presented by an online men's magazine, reissued by IntegralInstitute.org, 1997




  • Historically, women as victim attracts men. Men as victim repulses women.
    Historically, women dropped hankerchiefs (as if they played victims) as a way of discovering where the saviors are located.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008


  • The weakness of men is the facade of strength: the strength of women is the facade of weakness.
    Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Simon & Schuster, 1st edition 1993, Berkely, 2nd edition 2000, January 2001


  • Women's strength is their facade of weakness,
    men's weakness is their facade of strength.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008


  • Men's weakness is their façade of strength; women's strength can be their façade of weakness – or their courage to acknowledge their weakness. In this way also our sons are behind our daughters.
    Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, 15 Intriguing Thoughts About Men, Women and Relationships, presented at Midland Park High School's 50th Reunion. 10. September 2011



Nature's survival trick

  • Both sexes are biologically programmed to fall in love with the members of the opposite sex who are the least capable of loving.
➤ Men fall in love with women who are young and therefore less mature in their relationship skills, and beautiful, which usually means men compete to take care of them;
➤ women fall in love with men who are successful without realizing that many of the qualities it takes to be success-
ful at work are inversely related to what it takes to be successful in love.
Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, 15 Intriguing Thoughts About Men, Women and Relationships, presented at Midland Park High School's 50th Reunion. 10. September 2011



Falling in love and sustaining love

  • Falling in love is biologically natural; sustaining love is biologically un-natural. Sustaining love requires a learned discipline. The discipline of love. The discipline of understanding our partner.
    Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, 15 Intriguing Thoughts About Men, Women and Relationships, presented at Midland Park High School's 50th Reunion. 10. September 2011



Critisizing is a call for more intimacy.

  • The best intent of a criticizer is to make the relationship better – to increase intimacy. But almost everyone who hears any request for any change in attitude or behavior wants to "kill" the criticizer. Which doesn't increase intimacy.
    Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, 15 Intriguing Thoughts About Men, Women and Relationships, presented at Midland Park High School's 50th Reunion, 10. September 2011



Practicing black love – receiving personal criticism

  • The Achilles' Heel of humans is our inability to handle personal criticism – especially when given by a loved one – especially when given badly. (Of course, all criticism feels like it is given badly.) The discipline of love starts with the discipline of knowing how to emotionally associate being criticized with being loved; that's the best way to make our partner
    feel safe sharing her or his feelings. The discipline continues with the art and discipline of appreciating each other.
    Talk by Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, 15 Intriguing Thoughts About Men, Women and Relationships, presented at Midland Park High School's 50th Reunion, 10. September 2011



Lost innocence

  • When a man falls in love with an innocent woman, he "falls in love" because her "innocence" allows him to get a reunion within himself with the part in himself that got lost in the process of protecting her innocence.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008




  • Violence is almost always the outgrowth of powerlessness not power. People become criminals when they experience powerlessness not power.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Boy abuse:

Tax payers and spectators pacify themselves by calling it education.
Violence against men is seen as entertainment. Violence against women is seen as a crime.

  • Junior High School American football is cash payer subsidized boy abuse. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008


  • Girls are encouraged to cheer for violence against men. Our team winning really meant our society protected.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008


  • The disconnection from feelings that it required to be willing to be shot on the battle field or to be hurt on the football field does not a loving man make.
    The athletes for whom women cheer are also the athletes who are involved in one third of the campus' sexual assaults. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008




Male gods were primary when protection was the primary need.
They were not primary when protection was not the primary need.

  • Men quickly become non-violent when three conditions are met.
    When there was plenty of food and water and no threat of attack men did have to be (off) killing so they could be part of a partnership at home.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008




87% of the US men and three quarters of the US women voted for entering Gulf War II.

  • War is caused by our primal fear of not surviving. That is a two sex fear. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Dirty jokes

  • We're often told that dirty jokes are the male method of intimidating women.
    In fact, men tell dirty jokes to peers to bond to peers not to intimidate peers.
    When a boss tells a dirty joke it's often his unconscious way of getting to say not to take him so seriously and therefore not being intimidated.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008




  • Men always tested men [by hazing them] before they trusted men.
    We must realize that male hazing was not an outcome of men being powerful but it is an outcome of men making themselves part of the machine, part of the team (like in the military). And not taking things personally [and disconnecting them from their feelings] was a part of that.
    Historically, the defenses that men created to be able to handle hazing was their armor, but it was armor to other
    people not to wear armor.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Male disposability – selfesteem issue

  • The wound that unifies all men is really the wound of our disposability. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Communicating – understanding




  • [Women] were falling in love with men who appeared to be invulnerable.
    The ability to kill always requires the vulnerability of being exposed to being killed.
    The irony of male allegeability is that it is created by vulnerability that is masked as invulnerability. And to this day this is the male tragedy.
    Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Men's the two F’s: fathers and feelings

  • When a man is able to connect with his feelings, he is able to care more. When he is able to connect with the father that was missing, he’s able to both care more and recognize the importance of being a good father. When you care about being a good father, you start caring more about your own children and the type of father you are.
    Interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, ''An Interview with Warren Farrell,
    presented by the website MenWeb, J. Steven Svoboda, 1997, reissued 12. June 2008



"Civilising" women

  • By taking care of the killing for women it can be said that men civilized women. Removed audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, deleted YouTube film, posted 10. July 2008



Serving heroes

  • If you were willing to sacrifice yourself, you would be called a hero. The Greek word for hero was "serow," from which we get our words servant, slave, and protector. All come etymologically out of the word hero. This tells in one word the entire story of masculinity. Interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, ''An Interview with Warren Farrell, presented by the website MenWeb, J. Steven Svoboda, 1997, reissued 12. June 2008



Oppression – Survival

  • Men don’t oppress women any more than women oppress men. The whole concept of men and women oppressing each other is ridiculous. That's a fabrication of the feminist movement. What is true is that both sexes have roles that can legitimately be considered oppressive, but those roles are not roles designed by men or women, they were designed by biological necessity and the necessity of survival. Survival was the oppressor. And in order
    to survive, you didn’t teach people to focus on rights, you taught them to focus on responsibilities, you taught them
    to focus on obligations. Interview with Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, ''An Interview with Warren Farrell, presented by the website MenWeb, J. Steven Svoboda, 1997, reissued 12. June 2008



Father and son
  • So frequently today I see our daughters, who are inte-
    rested [...] humanistic issues, go off to school and take Women's Studies courses, and then they come out angry at men – and these are oftentimes the brightest, the most intelligent, and the most potentially loving women, coming out of their university classes with an extension of marxist feminism that says that the males are oppressing women. And that's just a misunderstanding of the gender develop-
    ment over the millennia.
    Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author of the international bestsellers Why Men Are the Way They Are and The Myth of Male Power, the only man in the US elected three times to the Board of Directors of the National Organization for Women, New York City, served on the boards of
    three national men's organizations, source unknown


  • However, the moral, ethical, and technological advancements commonly associated with modernity have begun to change the rules entirely, accelerated by both men's and women's destinies being liberated from their biology – especially as muscle-power began to be increasingly replaced by mechanical and microchip-driven power, and as
    birth control offered women much more control over pregnancy. These evolutionary developments have enabled
    a considerable amount of women to migrate from the private sphere into the public, for the first time in hi-
    How can men make a similar transition from the "brute power" of the public sphere to the "invisible powers" of compassion, connection, introspection, and sexuality traditionally associated with the private sphere?
    Dialogue between Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation,
    men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author and Ken Wilber, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? Beyond Feminism and Masculism. Redefining the Relationships Between Men and Women, part 2 of 2, originally presented by an online men's magazine, reissued by IntegralInstitute.org, 1997


  • Society is something like a boat, with gender roles rigidly assigned so that men row predominantly on one side of the boat, and women row on the other, more or less assuring that the boat keeps moving forward.
    However, since the rise of the enormously beneficial women's liberation movement, women have begun to learn how
    to row on both sides of the boat – exploring many of the roles traditionally associated with men – who, unfortunately,
    have not experienced a similar sort of "men's liberation" movement, and are thus still rowing on the same side they al-
    ways have. What happens, of course, is that rather than continuing to move the boat forward, the boat begins to move
    in a circle, seriously compromising any sort of meaningful progress for humanity as a whole. We are very much in this
    boat together, and must therefore learn how to consciously transform both genders, culturally and individually.
    Dialogue between Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author and Ken Wilber, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? Beyond Feminism and Masculism. Redefining the Relationships Between Men and Women, part 2 of 2, originally presented by an online men's magazine, reissued by IntegralInstitute.org, 1997


  • So what can we do to help men learn how to row on the other side of the boat? Unfortunately, there exist virtually no role models for men to guide this sort of transition, no rites of passage or cultural road signs to help remind men that there are indeed higher and deeper levels of masculine maturity yet to be explored and developed.
    Dialogue between Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation,
    men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author and Ken Wilber, Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men? Beyond Feminism and Masculism. Redefining the Relationships Between Men and Women, part 2 of 2, originally presented by an online men's magazine, reissued by IntegralInstitute.org, 1997




The life expectancy of males rose from 1 year less to 5 years less than.

  • Life expectancy has gone from one year less for males than females in 1920, to five years less for males today, yet federal offices of boys and men’s health are non-existent.
    Video presentation by Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, "The Evolution of Love: from Role Mate to Soul Mate", Dr. Warren Farrell at the Integral Spiritual Experience, sponsored by Integral Spiritual Experience, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, 31. December 2010, YouTube film, 51:43 minutes duration, posted by drwarrenfarrell 6. January 2012


  • Prior to age nine, boys and girls commit suicide at equal rates.
    From ages 10 to 14, boys' rate is twice as high.
    From 15 to 19, four times as high
    and from 20 to 24, more than five times as high.
    Video presentation by Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, "The Evolution of Love: from Role Mate to Soul Mate", Dr. Warren Farrell at the Integral Spiritual Experience, sponsored by Integral Spiritual Experi-
    ence, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, 31. December 2010, YouTube film, 51:43 minutes duration, posted by drwarrenfarrell 6. January 2012


  • [M]arried men "with child" earn more, so we say they have the power. They earn more because, once children arrive, they feel the obligation to earn more. Some evidence? Women who have never been married and never had children earn 117% of what men earn who have never been married and never had children. Video presentation by Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, Dr. Warren Farrell at the Integral Spiritual Experience, featuring the topic "The Evolution of Love: from Role Mate to Soul Mate", sponsored by Integral Spiritual Experience, Asilomar, Pacific Grove, California, 31. December 2010, YouTube film, 51:43 minutes duration, posted by drwarrenfarrell 6. January 2012


Englische Texte – English section on men's issues and men's literature

Three different types of men and nine forms of manhood

In the current time of transition outlived definitions of masculinity have collapsed.
Awake men heed the call to evolve into a genuine co-creative man centered in their spiritual core.
Evolving from animal man ⇒ social man ⇒ genuine cocreative man
༺༻Type of manSubstageSubtype of man Features Characteristics
1. Animal man
Reptilian brain
Toxic man
Striving man
Responsible man
Traditional: Driven by effort and survival, defined by a sense of resistance, will to succeed, desire for victory Aggressive, competitive
2. Social man
Mammalian brain
Retreating man
Confused man
Equal man
Modern: Attracted by ease and belonging, characterized by a sense of flow, need for acceptance, will toward harmony Receptive, cooperative
3. Cocreative·man
Neo-cortical brain
Genuine man developing
his divine genius
Despairing man
Searching man
Postmodern: Constituted by elevation and thriving, evoked by a sense of interaction, will to give, and commitment to transformation Interactive, collaborative
Literature: ► Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D. askdrzeus.com US American philosopher of education, learning transformation
consultant, professional developer, futurist, analyst, author, The Spiritually Confident Man. Pioneering a New Frontier of
Co-Creative Masculinity
, Phoenix Transformation Media, Kindle edition 19. June 2018
See also:
Established sexual predation at the workplace Alfred Hitchcock (60ties) • Clarence Thomas (90ties) • Roger Ailes (2016) • Harvey Weinstein (2017)
Entrainment of unconscious men via the 'Man Box' and ► Video links (engl.) – Zeus Yiamouyiannis
Women andGender research andEquality and ► Paradigm shift


"Men's old ways no longer hold up in the light of the future even as these old ways attempt to extend and preserve themselves through inertia. He is no longer on his own, no longer solely calling the shots. He is the radically generous
co-creative provider of the feast, not the controlling ruler on the throne."
Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., US American philosopher of education, learning transformation consultant, professional developer,
futurist, analyst, author, The Spiritually Confident Man. Pioneering a New Frontier of Co-Creative Masculinity, chapter 1 "Exploring a
New Frontier", S. 7, Phoenix Transformation Media, Kindle edition 19. June 2018


"Men are so accustomed to seeing the worth of their identity in terms of "doer" or "master" that many men fail to recognize the absolute spiritual necessity of being mastered by a larger intelligence. […] The only helpful "mastery" for
a man is mastery of himself, including mastery of his impulses to enlarge himself or mistake the pretensions of his ego
for "vision." Chapter 1 "Exploring a New Frontier", S. 13/14


"The Animal Man (the traditional version of manhood) and the Social Man (the modern version of manhood) have lar-
gely played themselves out. There is still a need for men to draw from their energies and wisdom, but these models of manhood can no longer serve as guiding metaphors for male growth and contribution."
Chapter 2 "Examining The Seeds – The Animal Man, The Social Man, And The Co-Creative Man", S. 21


"Many of the problems of men and male identity today can be traced to the men's tendencies to compartmentalize and rank their different modes of being as oppositional to each other."
Chapter 2 "Examining The Seeds – The Animal Man, The Social Man, And The Co-Creative Man", S. 25


"A spiritually confident man

  • does not confine his masculinity to heroic images and stories.
  • trusts the heart of his spiritual character.
  • recognizes that strict independence is an illusion.
  • knows he is ultimately connected. His existence is always interdependent.
  • acknowledges that masculinity is not primarily about "consciousness" but the active cultivation of spiritual energy and human elevation.
  • aims to thoroughly embrace the flow of spirit.
  • is a master only of himself. In all other interactions, he is a beginner.
  • embraces life.
  • is epitomized by gratitude.
  • is ecstatic to be living and breathing and shows it by daring to live life to its fullest."

Chapter 1 "Exploring a New Frontier", S. 10ff


"Spiritual confidence

  • is the courage to be seen for what and who you are.
  • has the advantage of unifying a man amid his fragments.
  • encourages emotional range and intellectual vitality.
  • embraces the healthy, constructive, and creative tension between maleness and femaleness, without ladening it with stereotypical opposition and "battle of the sexes" rhetoric or tailing away toward to a
    generic androgyny.
  • realizes that there is always something greater and deeper than himself.
  • aspires to full vitality, which he knows is identical with full virility."

Chapter 3 "Tending the Garden", S. 82/84/88/97


"The spiritually confident man welcomes reciprocity, that is, he accepts the desirability of a woman initiating and asserting her own needs, but then engages in a conversational banter, an enthralling dance of support and challenge
that engages and mixes his talents and initiative with hers."
Chapter 3 "Tending the Garden", S. 86


"Integrity is what a noble man aspires to, and isolation is what he feels."
Chapter 4 "Cultivating The Fruit – The Emerging Man", S. 111


"You say to reach out and tell our story and be vulnerable, but do you see those books you just signed for my wife and daughters? [...] They'd rather me die on top of my white horse than watch me fall down. When we (men) reach out and be vulnerable, we get the shit beat out of us, and don't tell me it's from the guys and the coaches and the dads, because the women in my life are harder on me than anyone else." Comment by a man to Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW (*1965) US American shame, vulnerability, empathy researcher, Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston, public speaker, author, Listening to shame, presented by TED Talks, YouTube film, 20:38 minutes duration, posted 16. March 2012
Above is the plight of a man who confronted Brown in person about the fact that she had only interviewed women on the topic of shame. He began to relate to her the pressures he felt from his wife and daughters to perform in a heroic way, and the shame produced when he did not.

"I just didn't know any better, this is just how we did things in the old days. People are there for me. I'll take what I can force. If you don't like it, it's up to you to force it in another direction or say "no." ("Of course, I might fire you if you do,
but, hey, those are the perks of power; take it or leave it.")"
Harvey Weinstein (*1951), cited in the cover-story titled "Producer. Predator. Pariah.'', presented by the US American weekly news magazine TIME, 23. October 2017
Toxic man Harvey Weinstein allegedly sexually harassed hundreds of women in his multi-decade tour de force.
Above comment shows animal arrogance and boyish willful ignorance.

Entrainment of unconscious men via the Man Box

The Man Box is a mentality drummed into virtually all boys and men while being socialized into a male dominated culture.
Locked into unconscious brain circuits it led many men to disrespect, mistreat and abuse women and each other.
Breaking free from the commands of the Man Box
Creating a gentle world for both men and women
Be a protector.◊  Don't cry openly or openly express emotions – with the exception of anger.
Show outer strength.◊  Do not show weakness or fear.
Show outer courage.◊  Do not ever ask for help.
Show aggression (anger).◊  Do not be like a woman (sissy).
Act tough.◊  Do not be like a gay man.
Be athletic.◊  "Never regret, never explain, never apologize.
    Get it over with and let them howl."
Make decisions on your own. 
Exercise control over ... 
Demonstrate dominance – especially over women. 
View women as property. 
Treat women as objects. 
Be heterosexual. 
Source: ► Video interview with Tony Porter, US American educator, activist to end violence against women, A call to men,
presented by TED Talks, 11:14 minutes duration, filmed and posted December 2010, YouTube film, posted 10. December 2010
Written reference: ► Blog article by Mark Greene, US American senior editor at Good Men Project, blogger, author,
Yes, Men Have Been Cheated, presented by the stories outlet Medium, 23. September 2018
See also: ► Unconscious and ► Men's literature


US American educator and activist to end violence against women Tony Porter shares
  ➤ how he was socialized into the Man Box,
  ➤ how he had suffered in it,
  ➤ how he had pressed it onto his 5-year-old son,
  ➤ how he had succumbed to the man box call pretending to sexually abuse a 16 year old mentally ill girl
      to be accepted as a "real" man in the gang,
  ➤ how ashamed he was about not being able to speak the truth and to act honorably, to act as a gentle man.
After having grasped the tragedy of a world in violence and abuse – he is turned to
promoting a gentle world for both men and women.


        Don't "act like a man." Break free of the "man box."        Tony Porter's call to all men

Statistics on men – United States of America

Status of men – in the United States of America
ThemeStatistical data on menSource
Crime rate – menMen perpetrate over 76% of the violent crime in the US.
Worldwide that statistic is likely much higher.
Crime rate – boysBoys perpetrate 95% of the violent crimes at the juvenile level.24 / 25
VictimizationMen are the victims of the majority of violent crime, but also far less likely to report it for fear
of appearing weak. One survey found that 40% of the victims of domestic violence are men, yet they were far less likely to report the violence and far less likely to be taken seriously by police.
ImprisonmentMen are 10 times more likely to commit murder and nine times more likely than women to end up in prison.27
Sexual·misconductMen commit 99% of the reported rapes and sexual assaults.28
Suicide – menMen commit suicide at a rate five times that of women.29
Suicide – boysTeenage boys commit suicide nine times more often than girls.30
HomelessnessMen make up two thirds of the homeless population.31 / 32
Depression/ADHDBoys are diagnosed with depression and ADHD at a rate of 4-to-1 to women/girls the same age. 
AlcoholismMen are more than twice as likely to become alcoholics and are approximately three times more likely to become drug addicts.33
IllnessMen are far less likely to ask for professional help, medical or otherwise, even when experiencing significant health problems or depression.34
Work statusMen take on more dangerous jobs and are less likely to report any injury suffered at work. Men work far longer hours, take fewer vacations and sick days, and suffer worse symptoms of chronic stress and fatigue. Men die on the job at a startling rate. Most men treat themselves as
a walking paycheck.
35 / 36
Emotions·MarriageMen are emotionally incompetent without women, getting married is literally the healthiest thing a man can do in his life. "Emotional restrictiveness is the leading cause to why men die earlier [than women.]"37
Life spanMarried men live longer and score higher on pretty much every quality-of-life metric there is, including happiness and life expectancy. Marriage is important for men's emotional stability. Simply being married can raise a man's life expectancy by almost a decade.38
AgeingElderly men who are in good marriages have lower rates of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, depression, and stress than elderly single men.39
Divorce – menRecently divorced men are more likely to suffer depression, alcoholism, mental illness and suicide than women are.40
Divorce – womenWomen initiate more than 70% of divorces and separations with the most common cause cited as "emotional neglect" from their husbands.41
Source: ► Blog article plus audio What’s the Problem with Men?, presented by the blogspot markmanson.net,
Mark Manson (*1984) US American internet entrepreneur, blogger, author, 1. June 2017
See also: ► Statistics and ► Women and ► Relationship advice and ► Gender research and ► Marriage and ► Work and ► Ageing
Siehe auch: ► Männerstatistiken – Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Men's health within the domination system

In a society in which men are expected to be strong, independent, aggressive, and impervious to emotional
stress, it is inevitable that men’s health will suffer.

  • Boys are nine times more likely than girls to suffer from hyperactivity.
  • Young men are five times more likely to commit suicide than young women.
  • Men have far higher rates of substance abuse and antisocial personality disorder than women.
Source: ► William S. Pollack, Ph.D., US American assistant clinical professor of psychology, department of psychiatry,
                   Harvard Medical School, director of the Centers for Men and Young Men, director of Continuing Education, McLean Hospital,
                   Ronald F. Levant, New Psychotherapy for Men, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 15. January 1998
Richard Saul, M.D., US American pediatric neurologist, author, ADHD Does Not Exist. The Truth About
     Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
, HarperWave, 1st edition 13. March 2014, reprint edition 3. March 2015
HIGHLY overdiagnosed, Saul calls ADHD "neurochemical distractability/impulsivity".
See also:
Health and ► Statistics and ► Men's literature
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)



Early childhood experiences to the development of the brain:

ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
1. (General) poor impulse control,
2. Physical hyperactivity
3. Poor attention skills

  • The conditions in which children develop have been so corrupted and troubled [in post-industrial capitalism] over the last several decades that the template for normal childhood development is no longer present.
    Video interview with Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Stress-Disease Connection, Addiction and the Destruction of American Childhood, presented by the US American non-profit TV, radio and internet news program Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, author, minute 14:22, 59:05 minutes duration, (aired Feb 2010-Jun 2011), posted 25. December 2012

Four male archetypes – Moore and Gilette

Shadow expressions of the four male archetypes
༺༻ArchetypeActive shadow archetypePassive shadow archetype
2.LoverAddicted loverImpotent lover
4.MagicianDetached manipulatorDenying "innocent" one
Archetypal reference: ► Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant,
theorist, author, Douglas Gilette, US American author, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover. Rediscovering the Archetypes
of the Mature Masculine
, HarperOne, reprint 16. August 1991
See also: ► Archetypes andShadow
Wheel of archetypes
Siehe auch: ► Zitate – Krieger, Liebhaber, Magier, König


Links zum Thema Männer und Männerliteratur / Men and men's literature


Männerthemen Literaturliste

Mitscherlichs Klassiker der Sozialpsychologie wurde an der Schwelle der Umbrüche geschrieben, die später als die 68er Revolution bezeichnet worden sind – Umbrüche politischer, sexueller, gesellschaftlicher und kultureller Natur. Siehe Vaterlosigkeit

Bonellis Modell des Narzissmus beruft sich auf die neurobiologischen und genetischen Forschungen des US-amerikanischen Psychiaters und Genetikers C. Robert Cloninger (*1944), insbesondere die "drei Dimensionen des Charakters" (Self-Directedness, Cooperativeness, Self-Transcendence). Narzissmus ist der Dreischritt
1. Selbstidealisierung – überhöhtes Selbstwertgefühl und überzogene Selbsteinschätzung
2. Fremdabwertung – Verachtung und aktive Herabsetzung von Mitmenschen
3. Selbstimmanenz – im Gegensatz zur Selbsttranszendenz vertreten von Victor Frankl und Robert Cloninger.

Men's literature (engl.)

Young pornography consuming men are suffering from a new form of "arousal addiction" – countermeasures for getting them back on track

Book review: What really happened to boys?, presented by the publication American Thinker, April 2013

See also: ⚑ Three different types of men

Men's literature – Robert Jensen

Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, author

Externe Weblinks

Linklose Artikel

  • Interview mit Martin Hubert "Männer-Hirne" und "Frauen-Hirne" Ein Neuro-Mythos wird widerlegt, präsentiert von dem zweiten Hörfunk-Kulturprogramm des Südwestfunks SWR2 Campus, Gastgeberin Anja Braun, 4. Dezember 2015
  • Artikel Wenn Männer nicht klar denken können, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenangebot SWR Aktuell, 23. Mai 2017

Größte Studie zur Wirkung von Testosteron bei der Lösung von Denksportaufgaben 234 männlichen Probanden – Leitung Professor Colin Camerer, California Institute of Technology

Weblinks zum Thema Männer (und Frauen) – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

Compelling evidence that male sex hormone reduces male lifespan

"There's No Gay Gene, Says Scientists."

1. Women are the victims of domestic violence.
2. Women are the victims of rape.
3. Women earn less than men.
4. Men are child abusers.
5. Female accuser = victim

1. There is One Thing That Men Want More Than Sex – Feeling Safe.
2. Roughly 20,500 Male Genes Want Sex More Than Anything.
3. Sperm Are From Men, Eggs Are From Women.
4. Males Are Dependent on Females and Are Conflicted About Our Dependency.
5. Men are Mammals and Most Mammals Are Not Monogamous.42
6. Alpha Males Have More Sex, But Few of Us Become Alphas.

Linkless articles

  • Interview with Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, author, Pornography undermines our humanity, presented by the publication "True Feminism", 27. August 2010

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

1. Guys are insecure.
2. Guys want to stay away from the emotional bond.
3. Guys want to be monogamous – with the right (self-confident receiving) woman.
4. Guys move very slow when it comes to commitment.
5. Guys do highly (secretly) appreciate girl's advice.

Exploration of American masculinity

Linkless media offerings

  • Video presentation by Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsychiatrist, professor of neurobiology,
    UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, The Male Brain, sponsored
    by the Dominican University of California, recorded by the event video production company Fora.tv, 58:08 minutes duration,
    aired 31. March 2010

Video links (engl.) – Status of modern men

Tough Guise is the first educational video geared toward college and high school students to systematically examine the relationship
between pop-cultural imagery and the social construction of masculine identities in the U.S. at the dawn of the 21st century.

Dr. Phil's TV show promotes stereotypes like 'Men can't talk to women like women expect them to do. Hence, men are unable to improve their standards.'  Minute 1:16:16

"Empowering women does not come at men's expense. […] The anti-feminine message is the most toxic message that
young boys get. The world of the future is the world where men and women are doing the same things."
  Minute 1:25:05
  • Video presentation by Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933) US American professor emeritus in social psychology, Stanford University, author, Why boys are failing?, presented by the TEDx program, TEDx Rawa River Salon, Katowice, Poland, recorded
    18. May 2015, YouTube film, 24:25 minutes duration, posted 30. July 2015
    Zimbardo: "Gaming and porning are now part of living online." PIED = porn-induced erectile disfunction.  Minute 10:07

Video links (engl.) – Healing of men

Audio and video links (engl.) – Warren Farrell

Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author

See also: Four gender transition steps to the future of love.

Deleted media offerings

  • Audio interview The Myth of Male Power, presented by the podcast platform Simon & Schuster Audio, host Tom Howard, total duration 3 hours 17 minutes, posted 10. July 2008

Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Jensen

  • Video interview with Robert Jensen, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of journalism, University of Austin, Texas, radical feminist, pornography critic, author, sponsored by the leftist blog and news website Media Mouse, YouTube film, posted
    9. October 2007

Referring to his book Getting Off. Pornography and the End of Masculinity, South End Press, 1st edition 1. September 2007

"Pornography tells lies about women, but it tells the truth about men." Andrea Dworkin

Audio and video links (engl.) – Katherine Young

  • Video interview with Katherine K. Young, Canadian professor emerita of religious studies, McGill University, misandry activist, author, Katherine Young: A History of Men. From Hunter to Urbanite, presented by the Canadian TV station TVO, program
    "The Agenda", host Piya Chattopadhyay, Ontario, YouTube film, 27:28 minutes duration, posted 12. August 2015
  • Video interview with Katherine K. Young, Canadian professor emerita of religious studies, McGill University, misandry activist, author, Katherine Young: The Trouble with Men, presented by the Canadian TV station TVO, program "The Agenda", host
    Piya Chattopadhyay, Ontario, YouTube film, 25:53 minutes duration, posted 17. August 2015

Audio and video links (engl.) – Jackson Katz

Audios and videos on healing masculinity featuring Jackson Katz, Ph.D. (*1960) US American educator, filmmaker, advocate for the prevention of anti-domestic and gender violence, leading anti-sexist male activist, creator and co-founder of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP), social theorist, author
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoDocumentary trailer
Tough Guise. Violence, Media and the Crisis in MasculinityMediaed.org, recorded 2000, excerpt
full movie
4. October 2006
25. March 2020
Tough Guise is the first educational video geared toward college and high school students to systematically examine the relationship between pop-cultural imagery and the social construction of masculine identities in the U.S. at the dawn of the 21st century.
YouTube videoPresentationWrestling With Manhood:
Boys, Bullying and Battering
Mediaed.org, recorded 20024:554. October 2006
YouTube videoTV interviewPenn State Sexual Abuse AnalysisDavid Pakman Show, host David Pakman (*1984) US American television and radio host, political commentator12:2223. November 2011
YouTube videoPresentation"Manhood" in PoliticsExploded View MEF2:3916. August 2012
YouTube videoPresentationGender Gap in PoliticsExploded View MEF3:4216. August 2012
YouTube videoPresentationDr Jackson Katz presentation at 'Be the Hero' premiere eventAustralian The Victorian Women's Trust, BE THE HERO conference, Storming Against Violence Week of Action Premier Event Melbourne Town Hall, 16. February 201231:4629. March 2012
YouTube videoFour part interview seriesSexual Violence is a Man's Issue, part 1 of 4
Sexism, Racism and Homophobia, part 2 of 4
The Language of Sexual Assault, part 3 of 4
A Leadership Role for Police in Ending Sexual Violence, part 4 of 4
Office on Violence Against Women, US Department of Justice, ACASAFayetteville7:36
20. December 2012
YouTube videoPresentationViolence and SilenceTEDxFiDiWomen19:0711. February 2013
YouTube videoConversationReshaping Masculinity
Crying, pornography, Miley Cyrus, gender needs

StyleLikeU ||6:58 ||29. November 2013 ||

See also: ► Violence: Audio and video links (engl.) – Jackson Katz

Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Moore

Audios and videos on Jungian wisdom, initiation, shadow, dragon, grandiosity, and masculinity featuring Robert Moore, Ph.D. (1942-2016) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, professor of psychology, consultant, theorist, author, presented by Minnesota Men's Conference (MMC), founded by Robert Bly in 1984
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube audioPresentationRobert Moore Lecture: The Shadow Brother InsideMMC 199324:2819. March 2014
YouTube audioPresentationRobert Moore Lecture: The Golden WellMMC 199324:2821. August 2014
YouTube audioPresentationRobert Moore: Mythic ImaginationMMC 199317:298. October 2014
YouTube audioPresentationDr. Robert Moore: Our Preoccupation with Apocalyptic Fantasies19931:25:077. July 2016
YouTube audioPresentationRobert Moore Lecture: A Cup of FireMMC 199736:4513. May 2015
YouTube audioPresentationRobert Moore Lecture: Waiting for Your Second BirthMMC 199758:3727. May 2015
YouTube audioPresentationRobert Moore: Seven Elements of Spiritual TransformationMMC 200357:493. December 2015
"What terrifies me the most is that the Id claims to be treated with respect."  Introductory comment by host
Seven key elements of spiritual transformation
  1. Vision of what is possible.  Minute 6:50
  2. Diagnosis of what's wrong for why you're not moving towards it.  Minute 8:00
  3. Courage to face what might be possible for you.  Minute 9:10
  4. Energy through faith to pull you together and stand into your life.  Minute 10:10
  5. Identifying what is mediating your faith (including fantasy).  Minute 14:30
  6. Sacrifice is always a part, conscious or unconscious.  Minute 19:50
  7. Communion with the great primal other.  Minute 22:45
YouTube audioPresentationRobert Moore: The Dragon of GrandiosityMMC 200321:4623. January 2016
"You know you are grandiose, when you don't have a plan B."  Robert Moore

Video links (engl.) – Zeus Yiamouyiannis

Audios and videos on the evolution of the spiritually confident man featuring Zeus Yiamouyiannis, Ph.D., US American philosopher of education, learning transformation consultant, professional developer, futurist, analyst, author
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
Deleted YouTube videoInterviewProgressive Values? Zeus Yiamouyiannis – Innovation, CaringProgressiveSpirit.com, The Documentary Project, host Edwin Rutsch, US American founder of Culture Of Empathy3:3821. July 2007
YouTube videoInterviewWhat Will Replace Patriarchy?, with Zeus YiamouyiannisFree video streaming site ReginaMeredith.com, host Regina Meredith52:0421. April 2018
YouTube audioInterviewThe Spiritually Confident Man with Dr. Zeus YiamouyianisOMTimes Radio, radio show What Is Going OM, host Sandie Sedgbeer56:4221. June 2018
YouTube videoInterviewWhat Is a Spiritually Confident Man with Zeus YiamouyiannisFree video streaming site ReginaMeredith.com, host Regina Meredith1:07:025. July 2018

Audio and video links (engl.) – Black HUMOR

George Carlin (1937-2008) controversial US American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, author

  • Video presentation The Male Disease, excerpt from "When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?", YouTube film, 6:31 minutes duration, posted 17. November 2009
    "All the problems in the world, repeat, all the problems in the world, can be traced to what fathers do to their sons."  Minute 1:22
  • Video presentation Testosterone, excerpt from "When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops?", YouTube film, 3:23 minutes duration, posted 1. September 2009
  • Video presentation Women, YouTube film, 4:28 minutes duration, posted 3. September 2009


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, Raising Cain. Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Ballantine, 2000

2 P. Orpinas, C. McNicholas, L. Nahapetyan, Gender differences in trajectories of relational aggression perpetration and victimization from middle to high school, presented by the journal Aggressive Behavior, issue 41(5), S. 401-412, 4. August 2015

3 Article More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Denis Campbell, 5. September 2010

4 Sex differences in crime / Frauenkriminalität

5 Report Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, presented by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Lawrence A. Greenfeld, US American statistician, 1997

6 Removed Suicide Statistics, presented by the US American Suicide.org, status 1950-2013

7 Article Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope, 3. May 2013

8 Publication Who is Homeless?, PDF, presented by the National Coalition for the Homeless, August 2007

9 Article 6 Things I Want You to Understand About Being Homeless in America, presented by National Coalition for the Homeless, 8. July 2014

10 Report Differences in patternsof drug use between women and men, PDF, presented by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 20 pages, 2005

11 Study by Michael E. Addis, James R. Mahalik, Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association American Psychologist, vol. 58, No. 1, S. 5-18, January 2003

12 Zitate von Warren Farrell (Amerikanische Männerbewegung)

13 Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Berkley Trade, 9. January 2001

14 2000 Study by Jeroen Jansz, Masculine identity and restrictive emotionality, cited in: Gender and Emotion. Social Psychological Perspectives, S. 167-186, Cambridge University Press, 9. March 2000

15 Article Marriage Linked to Better Survival in Middle Age; Study Highlights Importance of Social Ties During Midlife, presented by the US American news website for topical science articles Science Daily, 10 January, 2013

16 Study: Married Couples Live Longer, presented by CBS Local Cleveland, 14. November 2012

17 Blog article Men After Divorce: Ego, Self Esteem, and Recovery, presented by the international liberal-left commentary outlet HuffPost, Kyle Morrison, 1. May 2013, updated 1. July 2013

18 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017

19 Die zwei Versionen der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie nach Dr. David Loye

20 The content of the Man Box of unconscious men

21 Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – Dr. David Loye

22 Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893), cited in: Brewer's Famous Quotations, S. 174, referencing an article, presented by the Oxford Chronicle, 7. October 1893

23 Men perpetrate over 76% of the violent crime in the US. Worldwide that statistic is likely much higher.

24 Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, Raising Cain. Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Ballantine, 2000

25 P. Orpinas, C. McNicholas, L. Nahapetyan, Gender differences in trajectories of relational aggression perpetration and victimization from middle to high school, presented by the journal Aggressive Behavior, issue 41(5), S. 401-412, 4. August 2015

26 Article More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Denis Campbell, 5. September 2010

27 Sex differences in crime

28 Report Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, presented by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Lawrence A. Greenfeld, US American statistician, 1997

29 Removed Suicide Statistics, presented by the US American Suicide.org, status 1950-2013

30 Article Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope, 3. May 2013

31 Publication Whois Homeless?, presented by the National Coalition for the Homeless, August 2007

32 Article 6 Things I Want You to Understand About Being Homeless in America, presented by National Coalition for the Homeless, 8. July 2014

33 Report Differences in patterns of drug use between women and men, PDF, presented by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 20 pages, 2005

34 Michael E. Addis, James R. Mahalik, Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association American Psychologist, vol. 58, No. 1, S. 5-18, January 2003

35 Quotes by Warren Farrell – Men's movement and gender transition

36 Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Berkley Trade, 9. January 2001

37 2000 Study by Jeroen Jansz, Masculine identity and restrictive emotionality, cited in: Gender and Emotion. Social Psychological Perspectives, S. 167-186, Cambridge University Press, 9. March 2000

38 Article Marriage Linked to Better Survival in Middle Age; Study Highlights Importance of Social Ties During Midlife, presented by the US American news website for topical science articles Science Daily, 10 January, 2013

39 'Study: Married Couples Live Longer'', presented by CBS Local Cleveland, 14. November 2012

40 Blog article Men After Divorce: Ego, Self Esteem, and Recovery, presented by the international liberal-left commentary outlet HuffPost, Kyle Morrison, 1. May 2013, updated 1. July 2013

41 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017

42 Of the roughly 5,000 species of mammals, only 3 to 5 percent (beavers, otters, wolves, bats and foxes, hoofed animals) are known to form lifelong pair bonds. Men are more likely than women to cheat: 20% of men and 13% of women reported that they’ve had sex with someone other than their spouse while married, according to data from the recent General Social Survey (GSS). In the 18-29 age group, 11% of women cheat and 10% of men do. In the 70 to 79 year age-group, 26% of men cheat and 13% of women cheat.


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