
Wiki / 11September2001





11. September 2001




Explosion im Südturm
11. September 2001, New York City


Zitate zum Thema 11. September 2001

Zitate allgemein

  • Wie [seinerzeit] in der Sowjetunion nutzten jüdische Verbrecher in Amerika den "Holocaust" und die verleumderische Anklage des Antisemitismus als Schutzschild, um ihr kriminelles Netzwerk und ihre Erpressungsgeschäfte zu schützen, indem sie die Menschen einschüchterten und zum Schweigen brachten, die es wagten, die ungeheuren Verbrechen aufzudecken, an denen sie beteiligt waren. Eine geheime "Kombination" oder ein zionistisches Netzwerk war eindeutig am Werk und zog die Fäden auf der höchsten Ebene hinter den Kulissen.
    Christopher Bollyn, US-amerikanischer unabhängiger investigativer Journalist, 9/11-Forscher, Autor, Solving 9-11. The Deception That Changed the World, Kapitel VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11" [Die Architektur des Terrors: Aufdeckung der Drahtzieher von 9/11], PDF, 265 Seiten, 12. April 2012


  • Im 9/11 Commission Report fehlt das Gebäude WTC7. Den Bericht können Sie schreddern. Und jetzt haben wir noch die zusätzliche Kritik am Bericht, dass es ein Bericht ist, der auf der Basis von Folter aufgearbeitet, zusammen-
    gestellt wurde. Wenn Sie alle Quellen rausstreichen, weil es Folter ist, dann haben Sie keine Evidenz mehr. Das heißt,
    die Evidenz vom 9/11 Commission-Report basiert auf Folter. Und der [US-amerikanische] Senat hat [bei Offenlegung
    des "CIA-Folterberichts"] […] [am 9. Dezember 2014] gesagt, 'Alles was aus Folter rauskommt, ist irgendetwas, ist nicht Wahrheit, ist nicht Evidenz. Das können Sie nicht gebrauchen.'
    Videointerview mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser danieleganser.ch (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), [KenFM im Gespräch] Dr. Daniele Ganser Dezember 2014, präsentiert von der deutschen Online-Plattform für investigativen Journalismus KenFM, Gastgeber Ken Jebsen (*1966) deutsch-iranischer Fernseh- und Radio-
    moderator, freischaffender Reporter (*2011), Tübingen, Deutschland, YouTube Film, Minute 37:33, 1:31:21 Dauer, gefilmt 15. Dezem-
    ber 2014, wieder eingestellt 2. August 2021


  • Der Begriff "Verschwörungstheoretiker" ist ein Kampfbegriff. Er taugt nicht, um den Einsturz von WTC7-Gebäu-
    des zu erklären. Er wird von jenen verwendet, die nicht wollen, dass 9/11 neu untersucht wird, trotz der vielen offenen Fragen. Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser danieleganser.ch (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), zitiert in: Fernsehdokumentarfilm Die Anatomie von Verschwörungstheorien, präsentiert von dem ersten Fernsehprogramm des Schweizer Radio und Fernsehens (SRF) SRF 1, Sendungformat "Einstein", 40:42 Minuten Dauer, 26. Januar 2017


  • Bei einer Umfrage im Jahre 2006 erklärten 85 Prozent der US-Soldaten im Irak, dass ihre »Hauptmission« darin be-
    stehe, »Saddam für seine Rolle bei den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September zu bestrafen«. Das Verrückte ist: Saddam hatte nichts mit 9/11 zu tun! Aber die Kriegspropaganda hat das in die Köpfe der Soldaten eingetrichtert, indem es immer wieder und zudem von verschiedenen Medien gesagt wurde. Tatsächlich muss man eine Lüge nur dauernd und in verschiedenen Fernsehsendungen und Zeitungen wiederholen, dann wird sie oftmals geglaubt. Die Wiederholung ist das Entscheidende. Interview mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser danieleganser.ch (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), Autor, Vorsicht, Verschwörungstheorie!, präsentiert von dem alternativen online Magazin Manova, Gastgeber Jens Wernicke (*1977) deutscher Diplom-Kulturwissenschaftler (Medien), Autor, 4. September 2017


  • Mutwilliges Töten unschuldiger Zivilisten ist Terrorismus und kein Krieg gegen den Terrorismus.
    Noam Chomsky (*1928) US-amerikanischer Professor für Linguistik, Kognitionswissenschaftler, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
    (MIT), sozialer Aktivist, Autor, Aufsätze und Interviews mit 9-11 (engl.), S. 76, Seven Stories Press, 2001


Am 11. September 2001 war Max Ruppert 28 Jahre alt. 2000 hatte er als Ingenieurwissenschaftler promoviert und war anschließend am Lehrstuhl für Baustatik in Ingolstadt tätig. Als Sprengstoffexperte (schon von Kindesbeinen an) konstatierte Ruppert damals wie heute, dass es zwei Jahre minutiöse und anstrengende Vorbereitungsarbeit von erfahrenen Sprengstofffachleuten gebraucht hatte, um die zwei WTC-Türme, nein, es waren mit WTC7 drei Gebäude, im Zuge des 9/11-Attentats zu sprengen.

  • Als Ingenieurwissenschaftler sage ich mir: »Wissenschaft ist auf Empirik basierend.« Ich brauche also Zahlen, Daten, Fakten und sammle diese fleißig. Schaut man mal den altgriechischen Wortstamm empiria an, so ist damit der verin-
    nerlichte Erfahrungsschatz gemeint. So ist es definiert. […] Es gibt Hunderte von dokumentierten evidenzbasierten [Foto/Film] Beispielen von Gebäuden, die zum Einsturz gebracht wurden. [Um diese Bilder einzuordnen] und zu bestä-
    tigen [dass es sich bei 9/11 um Sprengungen handelt], braucht es nicht mich als Baustatiker.  Minute 16:39
  • Wann sprechen wir vom Ende der Wissenschaft wie ich sie jetzt verstanden habe oder wie ich sie definiere? Wenn ich die Be-obachtung, die ich selbst mache und mir Zeit lasse, um selbige zu verinnerlichen – das ist empiria – verlasse und komplett durch die Erzählungen anderer ersetze, dann ist für mich die Wissenschaft am Ende. Zumindest an dem Tag, am 11. September 2001, hat diese Erzählung mit meiner Beobachtung und der Beobachtung aller Kollegen nicht mehr, und zwar nicht im Geringsten, übereingestimmt. Als dann meine Kollegen angefangen haben zu sagen: »Ja, es könnte doch so sein«, da bin ich ausgestiegen. Und die anderen, die das nicht mitgemacht haben, haben den Lehrstuhl auch verlassen und sind in die Industrie abgewandert und haben Kohle gemacht. Sie haben das Thema nie wieder an-
    gesprochen.  Minute 18:39
    Videointerview mit Prof. Dr. Max Ruppert (*1973) deutscher Ingenieurwissenschaftler, Sprengstoffexperte, Gründer und Leiter der Akademie der Denker, 9/11 – Der Anfang vom Ende der [evidenzbasierten] Wissenschaft?, Congress der klaren Worte, Veran-
    stalter und Gastgeber Markus Langemann, München, 4. November 2023, YouTube Film, 21:23 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 5. Novem-
    ber 2023

General quotes

Personal testimonials

  • I'm increasingly uncomfortable with the fact that in this culture asking questions about 9/11 is a kind of untouchable area. It's bad to have an untouchable area ( 9/11 questions ) in a democracy.
    Video presentation (Q&A) by Naomi Wolf (*1962) US American political activist, social critic, former informal political consultant to Bill Clinton and Al Gore, leading spokesperson of the third wave of the feminist movement, author, Naomi Wolf – The End of America: It Started After 9/11, sponsored by Outside the Box Publishing, Imagine Atrium, Jersey City, YouTube film, minute 0:52,
    4:03 minutes duration, posted 8. December 2008


  • It started with an innocent question about 9/11. And that lead to more innocent questions. And after a while, I com-
    pletely changed my opinion of the official story of that day. That was a very hard time in my life. It felt like my world
    was turned upside down. I couldn't stop researching. I was unemployed. And I was running out of savings. I tried
    talking about it, but felt like no one was listening. At the time, my wife didn't even believe me […] nor did my friends
    and family. No matter what I tried, nothing worked.
    So, to preserve my sanity and save my marriage, I began putting this film together. I had no idea any of this would
    ever happen because I simply made it for my wife, my sister and a couple of dear friends. I made it to speak to them
    directly, to get them to open their eyes. And it worked, because just all my friends and family that have seen it have
    changed their opinion about 9/11, maybe all by the time you read this!
    As time went on, I realized there are millions of people, like me, who've had a hard time talking about the truth of
    9/11 with people in our lives. As I further understood that and continued getting requests to see the film, it began
    to evolve into a bridge for all us, no matter where we stand on 9/11.
    Testimonial by David Hooper, US American businessman-turned-filmmaker, researcher, writer and narrator of documentary-thriller 9/11 – Anatomy of a Great Deception – Complete Version, filmed by AGD Movie, supported by Architects and Engineers 911 Truth, YouTube film, 1:31:58 duration, posted 16. September 2014
  • There is a much larger group behind these [9/11 attacks] which is the international banking cartel which controls tril-
    lions of dollars and which has an interest in controlling countries in the Middle East which are not under their control.
    Audio interview with Steven E. Jones, Ph.D. (*1949) US American physicist, presented by US radio station KUER, NPR affiliate,
    Salt Lake City, Utah, 5. September 2006




Staged NATO-related "legal" terror attacks in Europe and 9/11

  • Europe's population has repeatedly been plagued by terrorist attacks. To the most serious attacks belong:
    • the Piazza Fontana attack in Milan 1969 (17 dead),
    • the attack in the Italian Pateano in 1972 (13 dead),
    • the Olympia attack in Munich 1972 (17 dead),
    • the attack at the Bologna train station 1980 (85 dead),
    • the Oktoberfest attack in Munich 1980 (13 dead),
    • the Pan-Am attack over the Scottish Lockerbie in 1988 (270 dead),
    • the train attack in Madrid in 2004 (191 dead) and
    • the 7/7 attacks in London in 2005 (56 dead).
The largest and, with almost 3,000 casualties, most severe attack in the history of terrorism occurred in the US on
11 September 2001, short 9/11.
Peace studies investigate 9/11 closely as it triggered the attack on Afghanistan and provided the casus foederis for NATO and also served as the justification for the establishment of the Guantanamo Camp. It was also connected to
the war in Iraq in 2003.
What really happened on that day is unclear. Three contradictory scenarios are possible:
  • SURPRISE: Bin Laden and 19 Muslim terrorists carried out 9/11 and the Bush administration was completely taken by surprise.
  • LIHOP (Let it Happen on Purpose): Bin Laden attacked, but criminal elements in the Bush Administration
    saw the attack coming and consciously let it happen and sacrificed 3,000 lives, to limit civil rights, increase mili-
    tary spending and lead resource wars as a consequence.
  • MIHOP (Make it Happen on Purpose): Criminal elements in the Bush Adminisration planned and carried out 9/11.
Daniele Ganser, Ph.D. danieleganser.ch (*1972) Swiss historian, University of St. Gallen, researcher on energy, geostrategic se-
cret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011)



Terrorism is "Divide and conquer" deception in an ongoing classwar.

  • 9/11 was in reality just another CIA special effects movie production. It really has become the Kennedy assassination's long lost twin because witnesses who know the truth of what really happened are all being murdered. [...]
All terrorism is fake. It is military deception practiced by the rich upon the poor in an ongoing classwar. And the most important weapon at their disposal in this classwar are television presenters. The BBC has actually become the Ministry of Truth from Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984). Everyone working for the BBC today is a whore of the ruling class and a traitor to the our way of life because it is very hard to believe that they are all unwitting accomplices in this class war. Deleted British 4-hour documentary on secret history including a 9/11 analysis (starting 3:24:56), 2015 Unfortunate Truth JFK, 9 11, and Beyond The World We Live in 2]], YouTube film, minute 3:00:23
and minute 3:01:23, 4:37:51 duration, posted 25. February 2017 –– Shortened alternative video 2015 Unfortunate Truth JFK, 9 11, and Beyond The World We Live, 1:12:51 duration, posted 28. December 2018


Terroranschläge des 11. September 2001
  • [Political] Zionism has played a role in our post-9/11 march toward empire, and its influence has encouraged extreme interference in the Middle East. […]
    We also know that the PATRIOT Act was written a long time before 9/11, when the conditions were not ripe for its passage. Nine-eleven took care of that. The bill quickly passed in the U.S. House and Senate with minimal debate and understanding. Bush signed the bill into law on Oct. 26, 2001, a mere 45 days after the attack. Making use of a crisis is established policy. Ron Paul (*1935) US American medical doctor, Republican Congressman, book Swords into Plowshares. A Life in Wartime and a Future of Peace and Prosperity, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, 15. July 2015, cited in: article Ron Paul. Zionism To Blame For Post 9/11 Imperialism, presented by the controversial online outlet NewsPunch, Sean Adl-Tabatabai, 25. July 2015


  • Fires have never caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise before or since 9/11. Did we witness an unprecedented event three separatetimes on September 11, 2001? The NIST reports, which at-
    tempted to support that unlikely conclusion, fail to persuade a growing number of architects, engineers, and scientists. Instead, the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition. Given the far-reaching implica-
    tions, it is morally imperative that this hypothesis be the subject of a truly scientific and impartial investigation by responsible authorities.
    Assessment article by Steven Jones, Robert Koro, Anthony Szamboti, Ted Walter, 15 Years Later: On The Physics of High-Rise Building Collapses, presented by EuroPhysicsNews (EPN), volume 47, number 4, S. 21-26, July-August 2016


  • Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism.
    Noam Chomsky (*1928) US American professor emeritus of linguistics, philosopher, cognitive scientist, social activist, author, collection of essays by and interviews with 9-11, S. 76, Seven Stories Press, 2001


References: en.Wikiquote entries Help Copyright CleanupSeptember 11 attacks and ► War on Terror

⚡ Quotes on 9-11 political Zionism – Christopher Bollyn

Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author,
Solving 9-11. The Deception That Changed the World, PDF, 265 pages, 12. April 2012



9/11 attacks linked to Zionism

Christopher Bollyn's thesis

9-11 is a false-flag terror crime committed by Israelis and high-level Zionist
    agents in the United States and Britain.
⚑ Senior officers from Israeli military intelligence agencies were the chief architects of 9/11.
⚑ The terror plot to destroy the World Trade Center had been planned for more than 20 years and was being discus-
    sed by senior Israeli intelligence figures in 1980.
⚑ The false flag terror plan for 9/11 required having high-level Zionist agents connected to the Mossad occupying
    positions from which they could directly control the cover up.
⚑ Agents of Israeli military intelligence or people devoted to the Zionist cause occupied every key position in the
    9/11 cover-up.1
⚑ The Twin Towers were demolished with a extremely powerful explosive called super-thermite.


Personal background

  • I had also studied the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and seen how the U.S. government and military had covered
    up the truth of the Israeli military attack on the unarmed Navy vessel off the coast of Egypt in 1967. With this back-
    ground I approached the events of 9-11. Well aware of the history of false-flag terror, the overwhelming Zionist influ-
    ence in government and media, and dishonest official investigations into recent mass disasters, I was a natural skep-
    tic from the start. Chapter I "9-11 Through the Eyes of an American Skeptic"



"War on terror" strategy

  • I cannot abide mass murder, occupation, and genocidal wars of aggression. Nor can I accept the corruption of our values and destruction of our basic American rights to suit an artificially imposed War on Terror. With the passage of time, it has become quite clear that 9-11 was carried out in order to kick-start the perverse Zionist Zeitgeist known as the glo-
    bal "War on Terror" with its pre-planned wars of aggression, conquest, and occupation. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


Future outlook


9/11 attacks linked to Zionism

  • 9-11 will never be solved by the federal government, politically appointed investi-
    gators, law enforcement agencies, or the corrupt courts. These controlled agen-
    cies, like the Zionist-controlled media, are only interested in controlling the infor-
    mation and preventing the real truth from being revealed. This crime will only be solved by concerned and dedicated independent researchers. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"



Distorted discourse on Zionist violent nationalism

Insider knowledge that comes with a price

  • After spending several years in Europe, Israel, and the Middle East, I returned to the United States in the late 1970s
    and found the discourse in the media about Zionism to be extremely one-sided and distorted. Zionism, a racist ideo-
    logy if ever there was one, was grossly misrepresented in the U.S. mass media as being a progressive and democratic
    movement of national liberation, while the state of Israel was depicted as being a kosher slice of America in the Middle
    East. It was very clear that the people providing the distorted view of the Middle East were themselves Jews devoted
    to a very un-American political and racial agenda called Zionism, the violent and chauvinistic nationalism of Eastern
    European Jews who have occupied Palestine since 1948.2
    Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"


  • As an independent journalist and researcher of 9/11, I have seen how Zionist-controlled media outlets are actively engaged in covering up the evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag attacks of 9/11 and the Zionist-planned
    "War on Terror."
    I have personally been subjected to slander and defamation from a host of Zionist-controlled news outlets, including CNN and FOX News, simply because I have investigated and written about the evidence of
    Israeli involvement in 9/11. Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"



Harrassment and silencing attempts by ADL

  • I have paid a very high price for investigating and writing about the evidence that contradicts the government's version of what happened on 9/11. The first attack came from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) in November 2001. The ADL, an organization of Jewish Freemasonry dedicated to supporting Zionist and Israeli interests, first smeared
    the American Free Press, the newspaper I wrote for, as a "conspiratorial and anti-Semitic weekly newspaper," which
    it said had "repeatedly turned to the subject of the 9/11 attacks as grist for its mill."
    The ADL then singled me out for my article, "Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded Inside WTC" in which, the ADL said, "Bollyn suggests that the 'mainstream media' is ignoring eyewitness accounts of bombs that exploded inside
    the World Trade Center before the collapse of the Twin Towers." Chapter VIII "The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up"



9-11 Journalism: Complicity or career suicide

  • Having spent several years in Israel and the Middle East and having studied the history of Zionism (i.e. Jewish nationalism), I know something about the many crimes committed by Zionists during the past century. From this perspective I approach the evidence of Israeli and Zionist involvement in the major crimes of our time, such as 9/11. My investi-
    gations have uncovered a great deal of evidence of Israeli involvement in the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and
    other crimes.
    For journalists working in the controlled media, pursuing such investigations would be "career suicide," as many lear-
    ned after 9/11. I have paid a very high price for my research and writing. I learned that Jewish Zionists control even
    small so-called nationalist newspapers. Most journalists, lawyers, and politicians are primarily interested in advan-
    cing their own careers and learn early on to accept the yoke of their Zionist masters – or sacrifice their careers.
    Chapter IX "Who Really Controls Our Political Parties?"



Concerted cover-up by corporate Zionist mass media

  • The so-called "mainstream media," outlets such as the The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, CNN, and FOX News, however, will never investigate the connections of the Zionist corporate network with 9/11 or the financial crisis because they are part of the same network. This is how the Zionist-controlled media works: they shield Zionist crooks by blaming others. This is also why CNN and FOX sought to smear me as an anti-Semite rather than discuss the evidence of 9/11.
    The situation with the Zionist bankers and corrupt Israeli banks like Israel Discount Bank of New York is exactly like
    that depicted in The International, the [2009] film about a corrupt bank which profits from Middle East weapons
    deals and war debt. As the Italian weapons dealer turned politician said: "It's not about the profits from the weapon
    deals; it's about control." Debt is the banker's instrument of control.
    It is a fairly daunting undertaking for an independent journalist to investigate the sprawling criminal network behind
    such huge crimes. Apart from the very real dangers it presents, it requires a great deal of research. I have paid a
    very high price for my 9/11 research and activism
    and seen the lives and careers of fellow truth seekers destro-
    yed because they dared to challenge the audacious lies imposed on the public mind.
    Chapter XII "The Nexus Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis"

Building a monument to a falsehood

  • The plan to build a mosque at Ground Zero is a sophisticated propaganda ploy by the Rothschild/Zionist-controlled U.S. government and media, designed to underline and cement in the public mind the blatant falsehood that Muslims were responsible for the terror attacks of 9-11. This project is founded on the false premise of Muslim guilt and is meant to create a permanent monument to the falsehood that 9-11 was carried out by Islamic terrorists. The people behind this project are the high-level Rothschild agents involved in the Zionist false-flag terrorism and cover-up of 9-11, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, whose sprawling media empire has pushed the
    lies about 9-11and the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author, 4. September 2010


Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author,
Solving 9-11. The Deception That Changed the World, PDF, 265 pages, 12. April 2012


  • 9-11 was a very sophisticated operation [...] which required the "fixed frame" of a state intelligence organization. It was carefully planned years in advance and carried out for one strategic purpose: to kick-start the Zionist-planned "War on Terror."
    The rabid Zionist Neo-Cons who dominated the Bush administration pushed the "War on Terror" with its criminal wars
    of aggression, occupation, and Balkanization in the Middle East as the strategic response to 9-11. Likewise, the Zionist
    media moguls, who dominate the U.S. mass media, promoted the "War on Terror" as the suitable and proper response
    to the terror atrocity, a crime of mass murder which they refused to investigate.
    An Israeli official named Oded Yinon revealed the Zionist strategy to Balkanize the entire Middle East into ethnic mini-
    states in the early 1980s. The plan for a global "War on Terror" to accomplish this goal has been articulated since the
    mid-1980s ad nauseam by Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister of the extreme right-wing Likud party. The
    Israeli military's plans to realize these strategic goals had evidently been in the works for at least three decades be-
    fore 9/11. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


New York City fire fighter looking up at what remained of the
World Trade Center after its collapse during the September 11
terrorist attack, 13. September 2001
  • The FBI [...] under the command of the Israeli dual-national Michael Chertoff, is responsible for the confiscation of the crucial evidence from 9-11, evidence which has been withheld to this day. This evidence includes video tapes of the Pentagon at-
    tack and physical pieces from the different aircraft involved. This evidence is critical to prove what happened and which aircraft were involved in the attacks – but the FBI has refused to release this evidence. Neither President George W. Bush nor the U.S. Congress demanded that they do so. Under President Barack Obama the 9/11 cover up and the war in Afghanistan continued. The destruction and suppression of crucial evidence from 9-11 and the lack of a real investigation indicate that a culture of corruption and lack of transparency exist at all levels of govern-
    Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


  • Dedicated Zionists will either deny or defend these acts of Israeli false flag terrorism as the "pragmatic" thing to do – and attack those who disagree as anti-Semitic. Chapter II "The Planes of 9-11"


  • The highest Israeli intelligence official at the time of the Lavon Affair, Isser Harel, was evidently aware of the long-term plan-
    ning of 9-11 – more than twenty years before it happened. In 1980, twenty-one years before September 11, 2001, Isser Harel, the former director of Haganah intelligence, the Shin Bet (internal) and the Mossad (foreign) intelligence services, predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 9-11 to Michael D. Evans, an American supporter of Zionist extremists of the Jabotinsky sort.3 Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"


  • The extent of Zionist control over the U.S. mass media, including the Internet, is astounding. The mass media has ef-
    fectively prevented most Americans from understanding who is really behind the false flag terror attacks of 9-11, and,
    by extension, the illegal and genocidal wars in Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq. The controlled media has also left Americans with an extremely distorted view of the Middle East, Zionism, and the history of the Zionist state, Israel. Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"



Zionists involved in 9-11 attacks

  • While the evidence indicates that the Israelis had prior knowledge of 9-11, commonly-held misconceptions about Israel and a general lack of understanding of Zionism's brutal history of terrorism prevent most people from comprehending the Israeli connection. An ignorance of Zionist history, cultivated by the controlled media, prevents people from understan-
    ding reality in the Middle East. It is essential to have a grasp of the history of previous Israeli attacks on the United States to understand 9/11. Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"


Tribute in two beams of light representing the former
Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, 2004 memorial
  • Netanyahu is the son of Ben Zion Netanyahu (born Mileikowsky in Warsaw, Poland). Ben Zion was the former senior aide of Vladi-
    mir "Ze'ev" Jabotinsky, the militant extremist founder of Revisio-
    nist Zionism and the Irgun. His son, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is also a leading advocate of the teachings of Jabotinsky. On July 8, 2007, Netanyahu was the keynote speaker at an event at the Jabotinsky Institute to mark the 67th anniversary of the death of the founder of the Irgun.
    The Irgun, a Zionist terrorist organization dedicated to creating Greater Israel, is the political parent of Israel's extreme right-wing Likud party, which Benjamin Netanyahu currently heads. The Irgun was the "armed expression" of Revisionist Zionism, which was expressed by Jabotinsky as follows, according to Howard M. Sachar (1928-2018), author of A History of Israel. From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time:
    1. Every Jew has the right to enter Palestine;
    2. Only active retaliation [i.e. terrorism] would deter the Arabs and the British;
    3. Only Jewish armed force would ensure the Jewish state.
Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"


  • Zionists and Israelis have long employed terrorism as a tool and a tactic. Senior officials of the Israeli government, the Mossad, and AMAN (Israeli military intelligence) have long histories of using terror as a tool. Zionist immigrants from Poland and Russia used terrorism to drive the native Palestinians from their land, homes, and villages during the war
    of 1947-1948. Some 400 Palestinian villages and towns were obliterated and their populations killed or sent into exile
    as refugees. Many of the Palestinian houses and villages were taken over by Jewish immigrants; others were razed
    to the ground. Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"



Planned "war OF terror"

  • The ultimate goal of creating U.S. animosity toward the Arab world is the Zionist mega-fraud known as the "War on Terror." With its U.S.-led invasions and occu-
    pations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the "War on Terror" is the realization of an impor-
    tant strategic goal for Israeli military planners.
    To have the armies of the U.S. and European nations occupying Iraq, the most powerful and advanced Arab nation,
    has always been the dream of Zionist strategic planners. Benjamin Netanyahu, for example, has explicitly called for
    such a global "War on Terror" since the early 1980s.
    Chapter III "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism"



Historic illiteracy of US citizens

  • So many Americans know so little about the Middle East. The most obvious symp-
    tom of this television-induced ignorance is that most Americans know nothing
    about the real history of Zionism and the State of Israel. They are completely un-
    aware, for example, of the long history of Zionist terrorism against Palestinians, Americans, Jews, and even Israelis.
    Raised on Hollywood television and movies, many Americans don't have the slightest clue about the real nature of
    Zionism. Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City
View of the World Trade Center and the Statue of Liberty
  • Apart from [the 1983 spy novel] The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carré (1931-2020), I have never seen a film in which Israelis were anything but heroes or victims, usually both. The Little Drummer Girl, which is a film worth watching, shows how false-flag terror attacks are frequently committed by Israeli intel-
    ligence agents to be blamed on their enemies. Such false-flag Zionist terror attacks were carried out against synagogues in Europe in the movie, and in Baghdad in real life during the late 1940s.
    In the usual Hollywood films about terrorists, such as the Die Hard films and others produced by Zionist media moguls, the bad guys are always Arabs, Germans, or corrupt members of the U.S. mili-
    tary. For many decades the Zionists who control Hollywood have defined who the "bad guys" are for most Americans.
    Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


  • The B'nai B'rith is a secretive, but extremely powerful and influential order of Freemasonry. It is, for example, the parent organization of the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (ADL), which has a great deal of influence with legislators and law enforcement agencies across America. It is also the parent of Hillel, an organization for Jewish students found on virtually every college campus in the United States. The New York Times can be called a B'nai B'rith newspaper due to its ownership by the Sulzberger family, one of the leading families of B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 1
    in New York City. Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


  • More than 4,500 American men and women have died during the occupation stage of the nearly two-decade-long war against Iraq. The U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, an illegal war of aggression, is clearly a Zionist-planned war in which Americans and other mercenaries actually do the fighting – and dying. Chapter VI "Who Controls Our Elections?"


  • If Olmert's visit to New York City [on September 10, 2001] was innocent and only involved the transfer of an Israeli soccer club, why has it been kept so secret? Why did Rudy Giuliani and the New York Police Department conspire
    to keep it secret? It is impossible that the authorities in New York did not know that Ehud Olmert, Israel's deputy
    prime minister at the time, was in their city. Mayor Olmert's visit was certainly no secret to the city or federal authorities
    – or high-level Zionists of New York City.
    Why has the controlled media kept it secret? Olmert, who was raised in the Betar militia in a founding family of the Irgun
    (the Zionist terror group of the 1930s and 40s which later became the Likud party), became the prime minister of Israel
    after Ariel Sharon fell (or was thrown) into a coma. Chapter VI A "The Florida Connection"


  • As in the Soviet Union, Jewish criminals in America used the "holocaust" and the slanderous charge of anti-Semitism as a shield to protect their criminal network and extortion rackets by intimidating and silencing those who would dare to expose the monstrous crimes they were involved in. A secret "combination" or Zionist network was clearly at work pul-
    ling the strings at the highest level behind the scenes.
    Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"



9/11: a sophisticated false flag operation

  • Andreas von Bülow (*1937), the former head of the parliamentary commission that oversaw the German intelligence agencies, told me that a sophisticated false-flag operation like 9/11 has an organizational structure with three basic levels: architectural, operational, and working. Atta and the nineteen Arabs blamed as the "hijackers" of 9/11 were part of the working level, von Bülow said, and were simply part of the deception. That is, after all, how false-flag terror works. Von Bülow said that he believed that the Mossad, Israel's foreign intelligence service, was behind the terror attacks of 9/11. These attacks, he said, were designed to turn public opinion against the Arabs, and to boost military and security spending. Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"


  • There is evidence of an Israeli military intelligence matrix connecting every key player and entity behind 9/11.
    At the most crucial position in U.S. law enforcement, for example, where executive decisions were made concerning
    the federal non-investigation, sat Michael Chertoff, an Israeli whose mother was one of the
    first agents of Israeli intelligence. Having the devoted Zionist Michael Chertoff in the key position as Assistant Attorney
    General controlling the criminal division of the Department of Justice gave the Israelis the operational security to carry
    out this massive crime without fear of exposure or prosecution. It should be noted that Chertoff also played a key role
    in the prosecution of the 1993 false-flag terror bombing at the World Trade Center.
    Likewise, two federal judges, Alvin K. Hellerstein and Michael B. Mukasey, both dedicated Zionists, have overseen
    virtually all the litigation from the massive death and destruction of 9/11 as well as the 1993 false-flag incident at the
    WTC. Small wonder there has yet to be a single trial for any of the ninety-six families who chose to seek justice through
    the courts rather than accept the government pay-out for the loss of their loved ones.
    Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"


  • My discovery in 2005 that the Ptech software company from Quincy, Massachusetts, was actually a disguised Is-
    raeli intelligence operation is key to understanding the role of Israeli military intelligence in the crimes of 9/11. This
    is a discovery that has helped reveal other key people in the Israeli network behind the crime. Michael Goff was
    the key person at Ptech when it was founded in 1994. Goff, a young Zionist lawyer from Worcester, Massachusetts,
    subsequently worked for Guardium, an Israeli software company tied to military intelligence. This is the crucial con-
    nection that has helped expose the larger Israeli military intelligence network working behind the 9/11 scene. […]
    Goff [...] was Ptech's original marketing director, and that he was the person responsible for "procuring" software for Ptech should have demolished the Arab myth. My revelation that Goff was working for Guardium, a software com-
    pany run by Israeli military intelligence officers, was ignored by the "whistle blowers" who had pushed the Arab
    myth, as well as by supposedly non-partisan investigators of 9/11. The Ptech-Guardium connection through Michael
    Goff, however, is a key link to the terror structure behind 9/11. Ptech enterprise software, which has spy, surveillan-
    ce, and intervention capabilities, […] was running on nearly all of U.S. government computer networks at the time
    of 9/11.
    Goff, who had procured all software for the "Arab-owned" Ptech and who had been responsible for marketing Ptech's
    enterprise software, went on to work for Guardium, a company that is a branch of the research and development de-
    partment of the Israeli Air Force. Chapter VII "The Architecture of Terror: Mapping the Network Behind 9/11"



Three fundamental Zionist deceptions related to 9/11

  • Many Americans willingly accept the extremely one-sided and abusive relationship with Israel because they have internalized three fundamental Zionist deceptions, which have been forced into their brains by the controlled mass media.
    1. The first deception is the religious hoax [successfully foisted onto millions of extremely naïve and gullible Christians, often referred to as Christian Zionists] that equates the modern state of Israel with the Israel of the Bible. This religious fraud elevates modern-day Israelis, regardless of their actual ethnicity, to being the rightful heirs of the Promised Land.
    2. The second fundamental Zionist deception [only shared by those who believe in Jewish racism and supre-
      macism – the central pillar of the Zionist world] is that Israel is a "sister democracy" of the United States and
      that Israelis and Americans share the same "democratic" values.
    3. The third Zionist deception is that nineteen Arab Muslims under the leadership of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Osama Bin Laden were behind the 9/11 attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This decep-
      tion has been used to usher in the Zionist-planned "War on Terror," which has brought U.S. and European
      troops into an extensive long-term Middle Eastern war. […]
The first deception, the religious hoax of the Zionist state's connection to the biblical Israel, is doctrine to television evangelists like Pat Robertson and his Christian Coalition, while the second and third have become "conventional wisdom" for the U.S. news and entertainment media. Because millions of Americans have accepted and internalized these Zionist-created falsehoods, they are unable to understand the actual realities of the Middle East or the massive fraud of the "War on Terror." Chapter VIII "The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up"


  • If the [US] government had real evidence that would conclusively prove its case for waging war, why has it not pre-
    sented the evidence in a federal court after 10 years? The only logical explanation for this failure is that the govern-
    ment does not have any solid evidence to support its allegations. Vice President Dick Cheney admitted as much
    in an interview with Tony Snow on 29 March 2006: "We've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming." It has been argued that Cheney made a slip of the tongue, but it is a fact that not a single piece of evidence linking Osama bin Laden to 9/11 has ever been presented. […]
    Although there were clearly a number of serious problems with the explanation that Al Qaida was behind the attacks, such as the unexplained explosive demolitions of the three towers at the World Trade Center, these issues were ne-
    ver discussed in the mainstream media. By ignoring the many unanswered questions about 9/11 the masters of the
    controlled media sought to marginalize those who pointed out the glaring problems with the "politically correct" ex-
    planation that blamed Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida. Chapter XV "The Destruction of the Evidence"


  • The discovery of fragments of unexploded super thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center by Dr. Steven E. Jones […] explains both the pulverization of the concrete floors and the abundance of molten iron droplets in the dust. Conventional thermite cutter charges were apparently also used to slice the massive core columns that held up the towers. Numerous eyewitnesses, including a reporter from the BBC, reported powerful explosions at the base of
    the towers long before the collapses occurred. None of this evidence of explosions, even from reporters on the scene,
    has been taken into account by the government or the controlled media. Chapter XV "The Destruction of the Evidence"


Reference: ► Video presentation by Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author, "Solving 9-11 Ends the War", sponsored by Richard Gage, AIA of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Northwest Grassroots,
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 7. March 2016, YouTube film, 1:45:42 duration, posted 29. March 2016
See also: ► Judaism


Links zum Thema 11. September 2001


Literature (engl.)

Suggesting that vice president Dick Cheney, the US government, and Wall Street had a well-developed awareness of and colluded with the perpetrators of 9/11

First published as complimentary PDF Spring 2010 and 12. April 2012

Externe Weblinks

Drei bekannte US-Journalisten von CBS, NBC und der New York Times sind innerhalb von 24 Stunden unter bisher nicht geklärten Umständen gestorben. Sie sollen gemeinsam an einem investigativen Dokumentarfilm zu möglichen Verwicklungen der US-Regierung bei den Anschlägen von 9/11 gearbeitet haben. Der New York Times Journalist starb direkt nach einem Interview mit NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden.

Die drei Hochhäuser (Zwillingstürme und das WTC7-Gebäude) in New York City, die am 11. September 2001 angeblich durch Flugzeugeinschläge beziehungsweise eine ungenannte Einwirkung einstürzten, sind in Wahrheit kontrolliert gesprengt worden. Referenz: EuroPhysicsNews (EPN), Band 47, Ausgabe 4, July-August 2016

External web links (engl.)

Statements by more than 400 professors worldwide that contradict or criticize the 9/11 Commission Report.
Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed.
The fires did not destroy the WTC buildings, explosives did. Their collapse was caused by explosive devices planted well in advance.

A European scientific study has concluded that on September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers and WTC7 were brought down by a controlled demolition.
Reference: EuroPhysicsNews (EPN), volume 47, Number 4, July-
August 2016

Linkless articles

  • Article Donald Trump Implies 9/11 Was A Controlled Demolition, presented by the online publication Collective Evolution, Arjun Walia, 11. September 2018

Audio- und Videolinks

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videovortrag von Gerhard Wisnewski (*1959) deutscher Filmemacher, investigativer Enthüllungsjournalist, Schriftsteller, Ger-
    hard Wisnewski Geheimakte 9 11
    , Veranstaltungsort: Holzen, 10. September 2006, YouTube Film, 1:09:39 Dauer, eingestellt
    31. August 2012
  • Videopräsentation mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser danieleganser.ch (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-
    Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter des Swiss
    Institutes for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011), 15 Jahre nach 9/11: Medien, Terror, Syrien, Ukraine, Russland, USA, präsentiert von der Gruppe 42, Gastgeber Stephan Bartunek, 24. September 2016, Wien, Österreich, YouTube Film, 2:29:43 Dauer, eingestellt 1. Dezember 2016

Der "Krieg gegen den Terror" – 15 Jahre nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001 – ist ein Vorwand zur Erbeutung von Erdöl und Erdgas.

9/11 Dokumentarfilme
MediumAngebotAnbieterTitel ♦ OrtDauerErscheinungs-
YouTube VideoDokumentarfilmDeutscher öffentlich-rechtlicher Fernsehsender WDR / ARDAktenzeichen 11.9. ungelöst. Lügen und Wahrheiten zum 11. September 200143:472003
24. September 2018
Die am 20. Juni 2003 ausgestrahlte WDR-Dokumentation zum 9/11-Anschlag wurde nur einmal gesendet. Die Filmemacher Gerhard Wisnewski und sein Cameraman Willy Brunner wurden vom WDR entlassen und verloren ihre Lizenz für deutsche öffentlich-rechtliche Fernsehsender.
YouTube VideoDokumentarfilmZweites Fernsehprogramm ORF 2 des sterreichischen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsenders ORFORF-Doku: 9/11 was steckt wirklich dahinter? (1:43mins) [2009] Beschreibung1:42:542009
24. Juli 2011
YouTube VideoDokumentarfilmRichard Gage, Vorstand von Architekten und Ingenieure 911 Wahrheit, Originalaufnahme 11. Mai 20089/11 Blueprint for Truth – deutsch synchronisiert – volle Länge1:59:3325. März 2011
YouTube VideoDokumentarfilmOriginal von James Corbett – deutsche synchronisierte Fassung von Youtubbel 20169/11 erklärt unter 5 Minuten4:5312. November 2016

Audio and video links (engl.)

Audios and videos with various guest speakers familiar with the 9/11 issue
TypeOfferingPresenterTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
YouTube videoPresentationMichael Ruppert 1951-2014) US American speaker, investigative journalist, authorThe Truth and Lies of 9-11 sponsored by Portland State University, 28. November 20012:24:2919. November 2012
YouTube videoPresentationIrvingand Lawson9/11: The Towers of Dust2:45 minutes8. January 2008
Dailymotion videoCIA-9/11 documentarySusan Lindauer (*1963) US American journalist, antiwar activist, former Congressional staffer, U.S. Intelligence assetCIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!23:3915. Feb 2013
25. Jan 2021
YouTube videoPresentationDaniele Ganser, Ph.D. danieleganser.ch (*1972) Swiss historian, University of St. Gallen, researcher on energy, geostrategic secret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011)9/11 Investigation – Daniele Ganser – 10 Years after the Terror Attacks of 9/11/20011:29:461. March 2013
Deleted YouTube videoInterview collectionPsychological experts interviewed on 9/11 Cognitive dissonanceWhy Can't They See The Truth? Psychologists Help 9 11 Truth Deniers15:0711. August 2013
Despite overwhelming proof the governments official story of what happened on September 11, 2001 is wrong, many people continue to believe the government's official version.
YouTube videoInterviewAlbert N. Stubblebine III (1930-2017) US American Major General in the US Army (1979-1984), commanding general of INSCOM (1981-1984)Major General Albert Stubblebine zu 9/11 Pentagon13:3018. August 2013
Deleted YouTube videoLecture "Solving 9/11 Ends the War"Christopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author9 11 Criminal Elite are Zionist Mafia, sponsored by Charles Ewing Smith, 1. March 20151:04:56Recorded 1. March 2015
1. May 2016
TERRORIST STATE Israel is a nation which was founded by terrorists, ruthless men with histories of committing genocidal crimes and false flag operations.
YouTube videoInterviewChristopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, authorSean Stone and Christopher Bollyn on 9 11, Israel the Mossad, presented by The Lip TV, program "Buzzsaw", host Sean Stone (*1984)34:4413. March 2015
7. October 2015
9/11 attacks linked to Israel and Mossad, involvement of Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu, accusation of anti-semitism levelled against those that explore the connection to the Israeli government and intelligence, 'useful idiots' involvement of the Saudis and British demystified, long prepared crime within crimes within crimes, immediate disposal of evidence, promotion of a scripted story
YouTube videoPresentationChristopher Bollyn, US American independent investigative journalist, 9-11 researcher, author"Solving 9-11 Ends the War", sponsored by Richard Gage, AIA of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Northwest Grassroots, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 7. March 20161:45:4229. March 2016
YouTube videoDocumentaryContributions and interviews compiled by Richard Gage, executive producer AIA of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth9/11: Explosive Evidence. Experts Speak Out
Architects and Engineers for 9 11 Truth Experts Speak Out
, 2016
2:19:023. September 2016
5. September 2020
Deleted YouTube videoAudio interviewJames Perloff, US American alternative researcher, speaker, journalist, authorJames Perloff on JFK, Israeli Nukes and 9/11, presented by Our Interesting Times1:41:4522. December 2016
History and intrigues of Israel's nuclear weapons program, its relation to the JFK assassination, evidence indicating the 9/11 attacks as being a nuclear event with the Zionist state as the key player
YouTube videoInterviewAlbert N. Stubblebine III (1930-2017) US American Major General in the US Army (1979-1984), commanding general of INSCOM (1981-1984)Major General Albert Stubblebine's views on 9/11
Gary Alvarado
19:397. April 2017
Initially Stubblebine believed the official 9/11 story. After investigation he found controlled demolition (WT7 building) and missile attack (Pentagon).

Documentaries and movies on 9/11

9/11 related documentaries and movies
TypeOfferingPresenterTitle ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
Bitchute videoDocumentaryProduced by author Sofia ShafquatMirror: 9/11 Mysteries … Full Length1:30:422006
16. March 2021
YouTube videoDocumentarySimon Shack, 20082008 – Simon Shack – September Clues, produced 2008, archived by archive.org1:31:4130. June 2010
YouTube videoDocumentaryRichard Gage, AIA of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction1:51:54Recorded 11. May 2008
22. December 2010
Deleted YouTube videoDocumentaryOffered by the families who fought to create The 9/11 ComissionMovie full 9/11 Press for truth1:24:2311. September 2011
YouTube video5 hour documentary
Directed by Massimo Mazzucco, issued September 2013September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)4:53:41September 2013
11. January 2014
YouTube videoFull documentaryProduced by Zuberi Productions, directed, photographed and narrated by Adnan Zuberi9/11 in the Academic Community1:14:51Released 8. October 2013
Posted 19. July 2019
YouTube videoDocumentary thrillerProduced by Architects and Engineers 911 Truth, AGD Movie, researched, written and narrated by David Hooper, US American businessman-turned-filmmaker9/11 – Anatomy of a Great Deception – Complete Version1:31:5816. September 2014
YouTube video3.5 hour documentaryWritten and presented by Francis Richard ConollyJFK to 911 – Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick3:27:5519. November 2014
26. January 2021
Vimeo videoIndependent documentaryPresented by SIKH Coalition, directed and produced by Sharat Raju, written by Valarie Kaur, New Moon ProductionsDivided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath1:38:0117. August 2016

Audio and video links (engl.) – Judy Wood

9/11 research and researchers

Unexplainable phenomena of the WTC attacks/dustification on 11. September 2011 pointed out by Dr. Judy Wood:
The Twin Towers were destroyed from the top down, not bottom up.
♦ The Twin Towers were destroyed faster than physics can explain by a free fall speed "collapse."
♦ The buildings WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 underwent mid-air pulverization (dustification) i.e. were turned to dust before they hit the ground.
♦ The upper 80%, approximately, of each tower was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
♦ The upper 90%, approximately, of the inside of WTC7 was turned into fine dust and did not crash to the earth.
♦ One file cabinet with folder dividers survived. No toilets survived or even recognizable portions of one.
♦ The seismic impact was minimal, far too small based on a comparison with the Seattle King Dome controlled demolition.
♦ Windows of nearby buildings had circular and other odd-shaped holes in them.
♦ Molecular dissociation and transmutation was demonstrated by the near-instant rusting of affected steel.
♦ No evidence of burned bodies of ~3,000 people in the WT towers.
♦ Weird fires appeared, however without evidence of heating.
♦ Witnesses reported lack of high heat and that the initial dust cloud felt cooler than ambient temperatures.
♦ Unburned office paper was densely spread throughout lower Manhattan.
♦ During the destruction of the Twin Towers approximately 1,400 motor vehicles appeared to be burning. The were toasted in strange ways.

See article: ► 9-11 "Terrorists" Used Secret Technology, Henry Makow, 15. January 2012
Further references:
► Archived article The World Trade Center: A Timeline, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, 2004
► Article 9-11 Commission Report, presented by the 9-11commission.gov, 21. August 2004


In 2007 Dr. Judy Wood ws the only 9/11 researcher to submit evidence to the courts in pursuit of the truth. She filed several federal legal Qui Tam cases – for science fraud against the contractors (professor of physics Steven Jones, Ph.D. and_other_members_of_the_9/11_Truth_community) of the US government who contributed to the official National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report about the destruction of the World Trade Center towers. She claimed Requests For Corrections (RFC) based on the Data Quality Act. All her whistleblower court cases on DIRECTED ENERGY AND USED AS A WEAPON against the WTC complex including building #7 were dismissed, however found "not frivolous".4 The same case was filed in the US Supreme Court in December 2009 and left unanswered.

Judy Wood: "My intellectual integrity prevents me from calling this a collapse. [concerning WTC buildings #1, #2, #7] This is why I have chosen
to stand up. My conscience leaves me no other choice."

Judy Wood: "The biggest attack that happened that day [11. September 2001] was the attack on human consciousness."


Audios and videos by and with Judy Wood, Ph.D., wheredidthetowersgo.com, US American former professor of mechanical engineering, Virginia Tech
TypeOfferingTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ Co-presenterDurationRelease date
AudioRadio interviewDr. Judy Wood and John Lash. The quintessential talk on 911, presented by the BlogTalkRadio Grok The Talk, host Thomas Malone, Japan
2nd guest: John Lash (*1945) US American comparative mythologist, metahistoric researcher, author
2:11:08 Aired 6. September 2011
Posted 18. September 2011
YouTube audioRadio interviewWhere Did The Towers Go?, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith
Subject to fee
1:16:0010. September 2011
AudioRadio interview9/11 Ten Years Later, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren1 hour11. September 2011
YouTube videoTV interviewREAL 9/11 Truth – Directed Energy Technology, presented by the British TV station Controversial TV, show One Step Beyond, in association with magazine Nexus, host Theo Chalmers, Milton Keynes, UK1:37:45 Aired 24. October 2011
Posted 5. November 2011
Deleted videoPresentationDr Judy Wood by Anne Hess, host Anne Hess, Norway, Centres for Peaceful CoExistence
Judy Wood "The biggest attack that happened that day [11. September 2001] was the attack on human consciousness."  Minute 19:47
34:41 minutes28. November 2012
The official narrative on 9/11 purported by politicians and the media manipulated the people worldwide into believing that winged planes were able to cut through feet thick steel.
Vimeo video
Vimeo video
PresentationEvidence of Breakthrough Energy Technology on 9/11. The Dawn Of A New Age, sponsored by the "Global Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference", Hilversum, Holland, 9.-11. November 2012
Dr Judy Wood | 9/11 direct energy weapon
1. February 2013
31. August 20135
5. October 2015
YouTube videoPresentationDr. Judy Wood – Toasted Cars, sponsored by Breakthrough Energy Conference15:3310. May 2013
YouTube videoDocumentary seriesDr. Judy Wood IRREFUTABLE (HD Full Length)48:3424. December 2015
21. April 2016
YouTube videoPresentationDr. Judy Wood How Directed Free Energy Destroyed Twin Towers on 9/11, recorded at the United Kingdom lecture tour, 20171:16:0629. March 2018

Fleischmann-Pons claims of nuclear fusion

Cold fusion gained attention after reports in 1989 by Stanley Pons (*1943) US American-French electrochemist and Martin Fleischmann, FRS (1927-2012) British chemist versed in electrochemistry, that their apparatus at the University of Utah had produced anomalous heat ("excess heat") at
room temperature of a magnitude in terms of nuclear processes.
See also: Eugene Mallove (1947-2004) was
murdered, possibly as a result of actively supporting Fleischmann-Pons claims and work.
Audios and videos – The New Investigation, 2010
TypeOfferingPresenterTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
YouTube videosVarious
Judy Wood, Ph.D., US American professor of mechanical engineeringChapter 17 – THE TESLA-HUTCHISON EFFECT./.Various
YouTube videoDocumentary Did Dr. Steven Jones help cover up Cold Fusion and now 9/11?, presented by Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez, medical student9:25 minutes17. March 2010
YouTube videoDocumentary Why does Dr. Steven Jones Laugh about Dr. Judy Wood Losing her Job after 9/11?, presented by Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez, medical student
Link no longer availed to German viewers
10:00 minutes25. December 2010

Audio and video links (engl.) – Terrorist attacks (as 9/11) in the bigger scheme

Audios and videos
TypeOfferingPresenterTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
YouTube videoCIA-9/11 PresentationSusan Lindauer (*1963) US American journalist, antiwar activist, former Congressional staffer, U.S. Intelligence assetCIA WhistleBlower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything! "Extreme Prejudice"1:36:1223. September 2011
Deleted YouTube videoDocumentaryFrank Höfer, contributor Frieder Wagner (*1942) German film producer, Grimme-Preis laureateWar promises – Terror management in the 21st century, produced by German online TV station NuoViso.TV1:15:437. October 2011
Millions of people believe that evidence proves that Western intelligence services organised the hideous attacks on New York and Washington on
11. September 2001.
Mainstream media have stopped defending the official narrative on 9/11 and now prefer to ignore the issue altogether. Distrust in Western governments grows as the wars of aggression waged by the USA and NATO continue to be justified with these false flag operations.
AudioRadio interviewKevin Barrett, Ph.D. (*1959) US American former university lecturer, Arabist-Islamologist scholar, Muslim convert, critic of the War on Terror, editorTruth Jihad: 911, World Government and Multiculturalism, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren1:09:017. April 2013
Article  Evidence of use of "special weapons" has been found at the scenes of more than one terror attack, Oklahoma City, the World Trade Center (9/11), Bali.Was Syria 'nuked'?, presented by Gordon Duff, US American Marine Vietnam veteran, combat infantryman, senior editor at Veterans Today./.11. May 2013
YouTube video9/11 TV interviewSusan Lindauer (*1963) US American journalist, antiwar activist, former Congressional staffer, U.S. Intelligence assetCIA 9-11 Whistleblower Susan Lindauer Interview, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), 1. July 20139:522. July 2013
YouTube videoDocumentaryMassimo Mazzucco luogocomune.net (*1954) Italian film producer, 2013 September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor, part 1 of 3
September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor, part 2 of 3
September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor, part 3 of 3
7./6./7. September 2013
YouTube video9/11 analysisMarkus AllenFLIGHT 175 (RARE VIDEO) 9/11 US1:46 minutes3. November 2013

Boston Bombings April 2013

Audios and videos
TypeOfferingPresenterTitle ♦ Sponsor ♦ LocationDurationRelease date
AudioRadio interviewPatrick Henningsen, US American independent journalist based in London, managing editor of 21st Century WireBoston Bombings and Third Way Control Mechanism, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren1:10:2528. April 2013
Audio RadioInterviewJoseph P. Farrell (*1957) US American philosopher, adjunct professor of patristic theology and apologetics, California Graduate School of Theology, author on alternative history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physicsFake Terrorism, Covert Wars and ET Threat Assessment, presented by the West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren53:25 minutes2. May 2013


Interne Links





1 "It's very good."  Benjamin Netanyahu, on 9/11 when asked what the bombings meant for U.S.-Israeli relations; New York Times, 12. September 2001
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the TwinTowers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq."  '-Benjamin Netanyahu, as quoted in Ma'ariv, 16. April 2008

2 "I want to tell you something very clear.
Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America and the Americans know it."
Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon to foreign minister Shimon Peres (1923-2015), October 2001

3 Interview with Michael D. Evans, Is America in Bible Prophecy?, hosted by Deborah Caldwell, presented by the English speaking lifestyle website Beliefnet, first featured in August 2004

4 Article DR. JUDY WOOD on behalf of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Plaintiff/Relator, vs. Defendants

5 Dr. Judy Wood at the Breakthrough Energy Movement


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