Wiki / Poems
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Der Heilige Gral, ~1860 |
Australischer juveniler Prachtlaubfrosch |
![]() Korallenfinger-Laubfrosch |
'How could I love you?' said the owl to the rabbit. 'I am what you ARE.' |
Source: ► Wei Wu Wei [Terence James Stannus Gray] (1895-1986) Irish aristocrat, Taoist philosopher, writer, enlightened parable Unworldly Wise. As the Owl Remarked to the Rabbit, eighth and final book of the series, Sentient Publications, 1st edition 2. March 2004 |
See also: ► Individual and ► Human being and ► Animals |
Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: |
Source: ► William Woodsworth (1770-1850) English Romantic poet, Ode: Intimations of Immortality, completed in 1804, published in "Poems" in Two Volumes, 1807, Arthur Quiller-Couch, editor, 1919 |
See also: ► Death |
![]() Asymmetrical appearance of the oscillating variable star Mira, NASA HST image, Hubble space telescope, 6. August 1997
Source: ► Song The Impossible Dream, composed by Mitch Leigh, lyrics by Joe Darion, Broadway musical Man of La Mancha, 1964 |
Audio versions: ► Song The Impossible dream (with lyrics), interpreter Frank Sinatra, YouTube film, 2:32 minutes duration, posted 13. June 2011 ► Songs The Impossible Dream (1971), interpreter Elvis Presley YouTube film, 3:01 minutes duration, posted 22. October 2010 |
See also: ► Vision and ► Possibility and ► The impossible dreamer Don Quixote – Robert Fuller |
Fairy tales
enchantment |
Source: ► Judith Indira Ann Parsons, The Clear and Simple Way, published 24. November 2008 |
Source: ► Fairy tales |
The first fruition of the practice
is the attainment of froglessness.
When a frog is put
on the center of the plate,
she will jump out of the plate
after just a few seconds.
If you put the frog back again
on the center of the plate,
she will again jump out.
You have so many plans.
There is something you want to become.
Therefore you always want to make a leap,
a leap forward.
It is difficult
to keep the frog still
on the center of the plate.
You and I
both have Buddha Nature in us.
This is encouraging,
but you and I
both have Frog Nature in us.
That is why
the first attainment
of the practice –
froglessness is its name.
Source: ► Thich Nhat Hanh (1926-2022) Vietnamese France based Buddhist monk, peace activist, tea- cher, author, Call Me by My True Names. The Collected Poems, S. 180, Parallax Press, California, 1999 |
As every blossom fades |
Source: ► Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss poet, novelist, translated by Walter A. Aue, Words Between Worlds, philosophical poem Steps, written 4. May 1941, excerpted from Sämtliche Gedichte in einem Band, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1995 |
See also: ► Steps and ► Step models |
The first peace, which is the most important, |
Source: ► Black Elk ['Wičháša Wakȟáŋ; Hehaka Sapa'] (1863-1950) North American medicine elder and heyoka of the Oglala Lakota tribe (Sioux) of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux), Catholic katechist, Pine Ridge reservation, South Dakota, The Sacred Pipe. Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux, 1953 |
See also: ► Peace |
If there is to be peace in the world, |
Source: ► Tao Te Ching [The Book of the Way] 800-200 BC |
See also: ► Peace |
The road less traveled
I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.
Source: ► Robert Frost (1874-1963) US American poet, The Road Not Taken, published 1916 |
Video references: ► Video presentation |The Road Not Taken – America's Most Widely Misread Literary Sensation, presented by the US American magazine The Atlantic, YouTube film, 1:08 minutes duration, posted 19. March 2018 ► Video presentation by Kevin Murphy, US American professor of English, Ithaca College, Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken", YouTube film, 23:47 minutes duration, 29. June 2008 Examination of the discrepancy between Robert Frost's popularity during his lifetime and the darker implications of his poetry, as exemplified by one of his most cherished poems. |
See also: ► Decision |
The Law Of Life
What is this life if, full of care, |
Source: ► W. H. Davies (1871-1940) Welsh poet, writer, vagabond in the United States and United Kingdom, poem Leisure, 1911 |
See also: ► Beauty |
Don’t chase the big chariot
You’ll only choke on dust
Don’t’ think about the world’s pain
You’ll only make yourself miserable
Don’t chase the big chariot
You’ll be blinded with dust
Don’t think about the world’s pain
Or you will never escape from despair.
Source: ► Taoist poem |
See also: ► World |
My object in living is to unite |
Poem: ► Robert Frost (1874-1963) US American poet, Two Tramps in Mud Time, Spiral Press, New York, 1934 |
See also: ► Destiny |
Source: ► John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887) American poet, poem of the Indian parable The Blind Men and the Elephant, 19th century |
Siehe auch: ► Die Schaulustigen und der Elefant |
* * *
I want to love you ... without clutching.
I want to appreciate you ... without judging.
I want to invite you ... without demanding.
I want to ask you ... without pleading.
I want to leave you ... without guilt feelings.
I want to join you ... without invading.
I want to criticize you ... without blaming.
I want to help you ... without insulting.
If I can have the same from you,
we can meet and truly enrich each other.
Source: ► Virginia Satir [Mother of Family Therapy] (1916-1988) US American social worker, family constellations therapist, author, Making Contact, poem "Goals for Me", Celestial Arts, 1976 |
See also: ► Relational levels |
A lazy part of us is like a tumbleweed. |
Hiding in my room, safe within my womb,
I love the dark hours of my being
My mind deepens into them.
There I can find, as in old letters,
the days of my life, already lived,
and held like a legend, and understood.
Then the knowing comes: I can open
to another life that's wide and timeless.
Source: ► Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist, Rilke's Book of Hours. Love Poems to God, translated by Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy, April 1905, Riverhead Trade, 8th edition 1. April 1997 |
See also: ► Phoenix |
Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart. like locked rooms and like books written in a very foreign tongue. |
Source: ► Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist, Letters to a Young Poet (1903-1908), published in 1929 |
In our life – there is "if"
In our beliefs – there is "lie"
In our business – there is "sin"
And in our bodies – there is "die"
Source: ► Dave Mustaine (*1961) US American founder, main songwriter, guitarist, lead vocalist of the American heavy metal band Megadeth |
See also: ► Questions |
Source: ► Paul Simon (*1941) US American singer-songwriter, poet |
See also: ► Attractor |
To the Unknown God
Once more, before I wander on
On them glows, deeply inscribed, the words:
I want to know you, Unknown One, |
Source: ► Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, philosopher, critic of culture, writer, poem Dem unbekannten Gotte, 1864 |
See also: ► Loneliness and ► Dying |
Siehe auch: ► Bekenntnis an den unbekannten Gott – Friedrich Nietzsche |
The road to success is not straight.
There is a curve called Failure,
Author unknown |
See also: ► Success |
Source: ► Elisabeth-Anne "Bessie" Anderson Stanley (1879-1952) US American writer, poem "Success", 1904, winner of a contest by the "Brownbook Magazine", George Livingston Richards Company, Boston, Massachusetts Misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson or Robert Louis Stevenson |
See also: ► Success |
* * * |
Source: ► Olive Schreiner (1855-1920) South African author, anti-war campaigner, intellectual, Life's Gifts, 1892 |
See also: ► Love |
Love is our lord and master. |
Source: ► Khalil Gibran (1883-1931) Lebanese American painter, philosopher, poet, author The Earth Gods, '"The Earth Gods", Alfred A. Knopf, 18th edition 1. January 1971 |
See also: ► Love |
I sent my soul into the invisible
Some glimpse of that afterlife to spell.
And by and by my soul returned to me
And answered, "I myself am heaven and hell."
Source: ► Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) Persian mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, poet, Rubaiyat (Rubaiyat) devotional scripture |
See also: ► Statements |
Source: ► Wendell Berry (*1934) US American academic, cultural and economic critic, farmer, man of letters, Standing by Words. Essays, 1982 essay Poetry and Marriage. The Use of Old Forms, 1983, Counterpoint, paperback issue 12. July 2011 |
See also: ► Work |
Source: ► Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) German polymath, poet, playwright, dramatist, novelist, The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily, Hawthorn Press, 1999 cited in: Marjorie Spock, The Art of Goethean Conversation, 1983 |
See also: ► Dialogue |
Siehe auch: ► Die grüne Schlange und die weiße Lilie |
Imagine all the people living life in peace.
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one.
John Lennon (1940-1980) English musician, singer-songwriter, founding member of the music band The Beatles
I counted my years and found that I have less time to live than I've lived so far.
![]() I have no time to endure absurd people who have not grown regardless of their age.
I'm disturbed by the envious people trying to discredit the capable ones – to take their positions, talents and successes.
I want to live with people who are very human.
It's the essential that makes life worth living.
I want to surround myself with people
Yeah, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry to live with the intensity that can only give maturity.
We have two lives and the second begins when you realize you only have one. |
Source: ► Poem by Ricardo Gondim, Brasilian poet, Portugese original version Tempo que foge [The time that flees] |
See also: ► Soul and ► Maturity and ► Conscience |
Siehe auch: ► Meine Seele hat es eilig |
On April 22nd, 1946 Niemöller claimed that if Germany's 14,000 pastors had stood together to shun
the Nazis in the beginning, they might all have been shot. However, their deaths might
have opened the eyes of the world and saved at least 35,000,000 lives.
* * *
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
Poem First they came... by Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor,
imprisoned for eight and one-half years in a Nazi concentration camp,
speech to the representatives of the Confessing Church, Frankfurt am Main, 6. January 1946
When Hitler attacked the Jews
I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned.
And when Hitler attacked the Catholics,
I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned.
And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists,
I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned.
Then Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church –
and there was nobody left to be concerned.
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor, address to the U.S. Congress,
Congressional Record, page 31636, 14. October 1968
Whoever wants peace must want to live together with their opponents.
We have to risk trusting each other. There stops the arms race.
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) German pastor
* * *
Source: ► Harold Marcuse, US American professor of German history, University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), Martin Niemöller's famous quotation, 12. September 2000 |
See also: ► Forgiving and ► Mustering moral courage |
Without the pain
there'd be no learning,
without the hurting
we'd never change.
Source: ► Kate Bush (*1958) British singer, pianist, songwriter |
He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
Source: ► Aeschylus (525/524-455/456 BC) Ancient Greek tragedian, play Agamemnon |
Fools scatter about their many attributes, the wise keep such within. |
Source: ► Ancient Greek parable |
See also: ► Wisdom |
Tell me and I forget,
Teach me and I remember,
Engage me and I learn.
Source: ► Chinese Proverb |
Source: ► Portia Nelson (1920-2001) US American singer, songwriter, composer, lyricist, painter, photographer, actress, writer, excerpted from her autobiography There's a Hole in My Sidewalk. The Romance of Self-Discovery, Autobiography in five short chapters, Popular Library, 1977, Beyond Words Publishing, 35th anniversary edition 21. February 2012 |
See also: ► Learning and ► Four collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos and ► Addiction and ► Principle 3:1 |
Siehe auch: ► Fünf Lernstationen |
Footprints in the Sand
![]() One night a man had a dream.
When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
The Lord replied, |
Source: ► Margaret Fishback Powers (*1944) Canadian children's book author, Footprints, written 1964 |
Source: ► John Donne (1572-1631) English lawyer, priest, satirist, metaphysical poet, poem Meditation XVII, famous line No man is an island, 1623 |
See also: ► Interdependence |
Letting Go
To let go doesn't mean to stop caring; |
Source: ► Author Unknown |
See also: ► Letting go |
* * *
If I could only let it go
Drop what's in my hand, without a second thought.
But with layers, layers, layers of frustration, hold on with all I've got.
Take the anger. Grip it tighter. Grip it tighter yet.
This feeling of discomfort; closed as a fist can get.
I open up my sweaty palm and roll the object 'round.
Notice that it's not attached; that I'm not tied or bound.
I am it, or I have it.
Why struggle to hold on?
If I could only let it go, my hurting would be... G o n e.
Find my comfort. Focus Inward. Live with open hand.
I needn't grip things any longer, blown away like sand.
At core I'm silent, I'm at Peace.
Air in a bubble, finds r e l e a s e.
No more with pain or darkness, no longer hurt by lies.
No longer blinded by scales, which once covered my eyes.
This is what the wind feels like. Unhindered by confine.
Set free all my frustrations; they're here but they're not mine.
Rob Slanina, Canada
See also: ► Letting go |
If you love someone let them go.
If they stay away then they were never yours to begin with.
If they come back then they are yours to keep.
See also: ► Relational levels and ► Letting go |
Source: ► Adapted poem by ⚡ Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997) Albanian-born Indian Catholic nun, saint, missionary, humanitarian, founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, Nobel Prize for Peace laureate, cited in: Quotable Quote Goodreads 1979, adapted from the original poem The Paradoxical Commandments by Dr. Kent M. Keith, written in 1968, renewed 2001 |
See also: ► Letting go |
Siehe auch: ► DENNOCH – Haltung der Unerschütterlichkeit |
The Holy Longing
Source: ► Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) German polymath, playwright, poet, dramatist, novelist, West-Eastern Divan, collection of lyrical poems (1819-1827) |
See also: ► Longing |
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.'''
Source: ► Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi (1207-1273) Persian Muslim Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, poet, The Essential Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks and John Moyne, Harper, San Francisco, 1995, 7th edition 28. May 2004 |
Source: ► Testing |
Stillness is what creates love, |
Source: ► Choe Yeong (1316-1388) Korean general during the Goryeo period, Sugi master Sugi = fishing tackle made from fluorocarbon instead of plastic monofilament |
See also: ► Paradox |
I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore I am perfect.
Much madness
is divinest sense
To a discerning eye;
Much sense the starkest madness.
’T is the majority
In this, as all, prevails.
Assent, and you are sane;
Demur, – you’re straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain.
Source: ► Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) US American poet Complete Poems, Part One: Life XI, 1924 |
See also: ► Transformation and ► Irrational |
* * *
Alice: Am I crazy?
Dad: Yes, Alice, I think you are.
* * *
Alice: There is no use trying, said Alice; one can't believe impossible things.
Queen: I dare say you haven't had much practice, said the queen.
When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day why sometimes
I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.
Source: ► Lewis Carroll (1832-1898) English mathematician, logician, Anglican deacon, photographer, writer, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Macmillan, 26. November 1865 |
See also: ► Irrational |
When Death Comes
When it's over, I don't want to wonder
if I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don't want to find myself sighing and frightened
or full of argument.
When it's over, I want to say: When it's over, I want to say:
all my life I was a bride married to amazement.
I was a bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.
Source: ► Mary Oliver (1935-2019) US American poet, New and Selected Poems, Volume One, Beacon Press, reprint edition 15. April 2004 |
See also: ► Dying |
Do not stand at my grave and weep |
Source: ► Mary Elizabeth Frye (1905-2004) US American housewife, florist, Baltimore, Do not stand at my grave |
See also: ► Dying and ► Death |
There is pleasure in the pathless woods, |
Source: ► Lord Byron [George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th Baron Byron] (1788-1824) English Romantic poet, lengthy narrative poem in four parts Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, 1812-1818 |
See also: ► Nature |
This above all – to thine own self be true; |
Source: ► William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English actor, playwright, dramatist, lyricist, character Polonius in the tragedy Hamlet, act 1, scene iii, ~1602 |
This is the time to be slow, |
Source: ► John O'Donohue (1956-2008) Irish priest, Hegelian philosopher, storyteller, poet, author, To Bless the Space Between Us. A Book of Blessings, Convergent Books, 4. March 2008 |
Auguries of Innocence
To see a world in a grain of sand,
><)))°> * <°)))>< |
Source: ► William Blake (1757-1827) English poet, painter, engraver, illustrator, Auguries of Innocence, poem, ~1803 |
Source: ► Innocence |
Why Wine Is Forbidden
When the Prophet's ray of intelligence
struck the dim-witted man he was with,
the man got very happy, and talkative.
Soon he began unmannerly raving.
This is the problem with a selflessness
that comes quickly, as with wine.
If the wine drinker
has a deep gentleness in him,
he will show that, when drunk.
But if he has hidden anger and arrogance,
those appear,
and since most people do,
wine is forbidden to everyone.
Source: ► Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi (1207-1273) Persian Muslim Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, poet |
See also: ► Friendliness |
Life will break you. |
Source: ► Louise Erdrich (*1954) US American writer of novels, poetry, and children's books, novel The Painted Drum, Harper Perennial, 2005, reprint paperback editon 22. August 2006 |
See also: ► Life |
Longing for the Beloved, I circled round ‘n' round. |
Source: ► Poem by Gloria Karpinski, US American spiritual teacher, holistic counselor, author, website entry Messages from the Garden, July 2019 |
See also: ► Longing |
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