
Hawkins / GottergebeneNichtdualitaet

(umgeleitet von Hawkins.GottergebeneNichtdualität)





Gottergebene Nichtdualität Devotional Nonduality



Grand Canyon – Ausblick



Direkter Weg zur Erleuchtung

Gottergebene Nichtdualität ist ein direkter Weg zur Erleuchtung, der sich übersetzen lässt als "Hingabe an GOTT und seinen Willen" und an die nichtlineare Wahrheit. Der Pfad des Herzens und der des Nicht-Verstand/Gemüts bilden in der Lehre von Dr. Hawkins eine Einheit.


Die transformierende Kraft spiritueller Wahrheit entspricht laut Hawkins dem Grad der Hingabe an diese Wahrheit. Hingabe/Gottergebenheit (nicht zu verwechseln mit Hingabe/Übergabe), aktiviert den spirituellen Willen [BW 850] und ist daher unbeschreiblich machtvoll. Hingabe geht einher mit den essentiellen Eigenschaften von Göttlichkeit wie Mitgefühl, Liebe, Weisheit und Unparteilichkeit, welche die Absicht unterstützen, ein Diener GOTTES zu sein.


Der Weg der gottergebenen Nichtdualität vollzieht sich in folgenden Schritten:

  1. Die Natur des Egos verstehen und akzeptieren
    → Statt das Ego zu verteufeln und als sündhaft zu sehen, ist es hilfreicher, sich mit dem Ego anzufreunden und zu erkennen, dass es das tierhafte Wesen ist. Hawkins empfiehlt, das Ego als ein nicht stubenreines Haustier zu betrachten.
  2. Über die Identifikation mit dem Ego/Selbst hinauswachsen, statt zu versuchen, das Ego/Selbst zu bekämpfen. Dies geschieht durch
    • Liebe, Güte, Vergebung und Mitgefühl
      → durch die Entscheidung liebevoll und gütig, vergebend, sanftmütig und mitfühlend gegenüber allen Lebenwesen, einschließlich seiner selbst, zu sein.
    • Akzeptanz, Demut und Dankbarkeit
      → durch wachsendes Gewahrsein der Beschränkung des Egos, Demut zu entwickeln
      → indem man kein bestimmtes Wissen voraussetzt.
    • Wahrheit
      → die Wahrheit über die Natur des Bewusstseins zu hören, sich dieser Wahrheit zu widmen, setzt den Wandlungsprozess bereits in Gang. Wahrheit von Nicht-Wahrheit unterscheiden zu können, bedeutet Essenzielles von Nichtessenziellem (dem äußeren Schein) zu unterscheiden. Dies führt zu erweiterterem Gewahrsein und hilft dem spirituellen Aspiranten, Fallen zu umgehen.
  3. Die Intention, das Leben wie ein Gebet zu leben, ein Diener GOTTES zu sein, durch
    • Übergabe
      → Die Identifikation des Egos/Verstands/Gemüts mit Inhalten und Form – und die Konzentration darauf – hingebungsvoll fortwährend GOTT zu übergeben.
      Statt sich dem endlosen Strom von Gedanken und Gefühlen zu widmen, geht es in dem Prozess darum,
      sich mehr mit dem Kontext als mit dem Inhalt zu identifizieren.
      FU Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 82, 2006
    • Kontemplation
      → Durch fortwährende Kontemplation im gegenwärtigen Moment zu sein, ohne zu versuchen, ihn zu verändern. Eins-Gerichtetheit des Geist/Gemüts zu entwickeln, um sich mit Hingabe ausschließlich dem, was gerade dran ist, zu widmen (fokussierte Kontemplation) oder sich auf den Kontext auszurichten (nicht fokussierte Kontem-

Gottergebene Nicht-Dualität ⇔ institutionalisierte Religionen

Thematik Traditionelle Religionen Gottergebene Nicht-Dualität
Spirituelle Information Durch die Geschichte hindurch war es nicht möglich, Wahrheit von Unwahrheit zu unterscheiden. Durch Überlieferung und unterschiedliche Übersetzungen von Lehren entstanden Schriften von geringerem Bewusstseinsgehalt als die Ursprungslehre.
(Siehe Bewusstseinswerte des Christentums, Hinduismus, Buddhismus, Islams, Judentums)
Spirituelle Information ist durch Kinesiologie verifizierbar geworden. Muskeltests ermöglichen es, unterschiedliche Wahrheits- und Bewusstseinsgrade des Existierenden zu ermitteln.
Voraussetzungen Zur Einhaltung der Religion ist

⚑ Glaube erforderlich.

Um den geistigen Weg zu gehen, sind

Hingabe und
gottergebene / hingebungsvolle Widmung erforderlich.

Umgang mit Spiritualität Religion betont eher die Wichtigkeit des Glaubens anstelle der inneren Erkenntnis von Wahrheit. Die spirituelle Bestimmung des Gläubigen erfolgt nach dessen physischen Tod. Spirituelle Wahrheit zu verkörpern, ist ein innerer erfahrungsmäßiger subjektiver Bewusstwerdungs-
prozess in der Gegenwart.
Haltung des Gottsuchers Der religiöse Pfad beginnt mit der Vermutung Ich weiß, die sich auf biblische Ermächtigung, 'kirchliche Doktrin' und historische Beispiele stützt. Der spirituelle Pfad beginnt mit der wahrheitsorientierteren demuts-
volleren Haltung Aus mir heraus weiß ich nichts.
Verpflichtung Der Gläubige fühlt sich der Vergangenheit, Doktrinen, Dogmen, Persönlichkeiten und Glaubenssystemen verpflichtet. Der Aspirant ist weder der Vergangenheit noch Doktrinen, Dogmen, Persönlichkeiten und Glaubenssystemen verpflichtet.
Der Pfad beinhaltet die Beseitigung von Fallen und jener Dinge, die keine Essenz enthalten.
Ego Die Funktion des Egos wird durch moralistisch-religöse Denunzierung (sündhaft, böse, dämonisch) verdunkelt. Dies führt zu schuld- und angsterfülltem Widerstand und zur Unwilligkeit, sich dem 'eigenen' Inneren zuzuwenden. Die Struktur und Entstehung des Egos und seine evolutionären Mechanismen werden offengelegt. Statt die Neigungen des Egos als sündhaft zu verurteilen, werden diese als entwicklungsgemäße Säumnisse oder Hindernisse des Bewusstseins selbst gesehen.
Orientiert an: ► D. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 39-55, 2006

Zitate zum Thema Gottergebene Nichtdualität / Devotional nonduality

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


Kirchenfenster des Konvents der Hlg. Teresa von Ávila (1515-1582)
spanische katholische Heilige
  • Es könnte den Anschein haben, dass Informationen über Bewusstsein sowie über Struktur und Funktion von Gedan-
    und Wahrnehmung vor allem für solche spirituellen Su-
    chenden von Wert sind, die den Pfad der Nicht-Dualität/
    Advaita gewählt haben. Diese Themen sind jedoch für den
    Strebenden auf dem Weg der Hingabe des Herzens ebenso
    wertvoll. In der Praxis verbinden die meisten Suchenden denn auch diese Pfade, und es ist hauptsächlich eine Frage der Betonung oder der Art der Praxis.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 433, 2006


  • Aufgrund der Neigung des menschlichen Egos/Geists/Ge-
    müts, jeden schwerwiegenden Irrtum anzunehmen, empfahl Buddha, den Gebrauch des Begriffs "Gott" vollständig zu vermeiden. In der hingebungsvollen Nichtdualität umgeht man die Wahrscheinlichkeit des Irrtums, indem die Hingabe den wesentlichen nichtlinearen Eigenschaften der Göttlichkeit selbst zukommt, nämlich Mitgefühl, Einssein, Liebe, Wahrheit, Allwissenheit, Ewigkeit, Unendlichkeit, Allgegenwart und Allmacht, jenseits von Form, Ort, Zeit, menschlichen Instinkten und Emotionen. FU Hingabe an Gott. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität, S. 43-44, 2009


  • Frage: Ist der Pfad der Nicht-Dualität nicht mühsam?
    Antwort: Nicht der Pfad ist mühsam, sondern nur das Ausmaß des Widerstandes des Egos dagegen. Dieser Widerstand kann überwunden werden, indem man den Willen aufruft, was dann die spirituellen Fähigkeiten für Wid-
    mung, Bemühung und die Bereitschaft, Hindernisse zu übergeben, einleitet. Hingabe lädt die Macht der Liebe ein,
    die durch Demut die Vorstellungen und Standpunkte des Egos entfernt. Dies aktiviert auch die Benutzung von Infor-
    mation, welche zur Wandlung verhilft. Absicht energetisiert Bereitschaft, und diese bewirkt dann, dass Transformation geschieht, anstelle der Beschränkungen aufgrund des Widerstands.
    Hingabe an Gott. Der mystische Weg aus der Dualität, S. 47, 2009


Quotes by D. Hawkins


  • To Thee O Lord do I devote my life. There is nothing beyond that that you as a human can say. That is the ultimate that can be said. (Calibrated as true.) Source unknown
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • There is no this and that, there is no "out-there" or "in-here" (except that we perceive it). There is just is. (Nondualism; Neti, neti) Source unknown



Omniscience ❄
Omnipotence ❄



Perennial wisdom teachers and teachings fuse.

  • The discovery that we are all passengers on an evolutionary train recontextualizes life in that all that we suffer, endure and ultimately transcend serves our individual and collective ultimate goal.
    This understanding brings gratitude and peace to our life. The realization allows us to transcend any self pity and resentment and to dedicate our life to love and to God, thus sanctifying it. In doing so, we coalesce the ultimate goals of all religions. The spiritual love with which this commitment is made coalesces the commitments of life. We are then ready for the Pathway of Devotional Nonduality in which the teachings of the world's greatest avatars merge – Je-
    the Christ, Buddha the Enlightened, Krishna the Supreme, Allah the All Merciful, Brahma and all the other nomi-
    nal denotations of Divinity. Thus, we, the living, plus all those who have ever lived, are equally part of Creation,
    and in knowing this, we derive the peace of coexistence that arises out of compassion.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 10 "America", S. 179, 2005


  • In devotional nonduality, the likelihood of error is bypassed by devotion to the essential nonlinear qualities of Divinity itself, such as compassion, oneness, love, truth, omniscience, eternal, infinite, omnipresence, and omnipotence be-
    yond form, place, time, human instincts, or emotions.
    Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 1, S. 35, 2007


Shwedagon Pagode, Yangon, Myanmar





Fall into duality


  • Question: What is different about the pathway of Devotional Nonduality compared to traditional teachings?
    Answer: It is characterized by the elimination of all trappings and nonessentials, for time is short and narrow are the gates. It is therefore not pertinent to the past; that is, to doctrine, dogma, historical rituals, personages, events, or belief systems. Empowerment is from within by assent of the will. Truth stands forth of its own when the obstacles are removed. The call is from within rather than a response to exhortation from without. The Source is both the initiator as well as the destination. Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., edited by Scott Jeffrey, chapter 10 "Nonduality", S. 177, last quote, Hay House, August 2011



Adoration of the Magi, 1475
Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) Italian painter
  • Then people say: "How can I grow spiritually? Do I have to go somewhere? Do I have to find a guru? Do I have to join a meditation group? Do I have to recite mantras or what?"
    No, you have to do that not at all! It's so simple, that it's overlooked all the time: It's a decision to be loving and kind towards all of life including your own at all times, no matter what. To be forgiving, to be gentle, to be that which is supportive of life. So that becomes not what you do, but what you are. You become that which supports life, sup-
    ports all endeavors. It encourages those who need encou-
    ragement, and it becomes the energy of life itself. So it be-
    comes almost like the manifestation of the Divine Mother, as well as the Divine Father. So, it's the emerging of the two, you see. That which is nurturing, at the same time that which is demanding of excellence.
    Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, CD 2 of 6, track 8, "Dr. Hawkins Teaches Devotional Non-Duality", Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, January 2005


  • The intention of devotion to God means the willingness to surrender willfulness to God. So at all times we are always surrendering willfulness. As we said, the juice we get out of the ego is coming out of the willfulness to juice the ego. When you let go of that willfulness to pull all of that juice you can out of it, then it stops. When you don't get any satis-
    faction out of it. So we surrender the will. [...] The persistence of willfulness, then, is what precludes enlighten-
    That and that alone. One single thing. The insistence on what I want, what I desire, how I see it.
    Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, subtitle "Moving focus from the content of thinking to the Witness", 6 CD set, Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, January 2005


  • Devotional Nonduality means the love for God is enough that you are willing to surrender everything that
    stands in the way of the realization of the presence of divinity which turns out not to be an "other" but the Self. [...] It
    is the Source of one's existence. Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, CD 4 of 6, track 10, "The Willingness To Surrender Everything As It Arises", Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, January 2005



The willingness to surrender one’s willfulness to God

  • Devotional nonduality means the love of God is so intense that one is willing to surrender one's personal will. One comes face to face with it at the final mo-
    ment. Let's say through all these lifetimes and through spiritual techniques and evolution one begins to transcend the ego and it begins to loosen it's hold. The lessening of trying to dominate things with one's will and change them lessens and surrender comes up now as a style and a way of being. So as every-
    thing arises, it's surrendered to God to be what it is at the moment without any desire to change it.
    Audio series The Highest Level of Enlightenment, CD 6 of 6, track 5 "Surrendering One's Willfulness To God", Nightingale-Conant, United Kingdom, January 2005


  • Spiritual information itself can be limiting. But all the study in the world in itself doesn't allow growth. It's the dissatisfac-
    tion and the realization that the intellect itself won’t get you there. We follow content as far as it can go. The ego says
    to you, your survival is only because I’m up and running and without me, disaster awaits. The unenlightened person
    thinks the mind is the path to survival, but the mind only calibrates in the 400s; there's no way it can get to the 600s. epistemology, how you know what you know, takes the intellect as far as it can go. You can take the street car only
    to a certain point, then you have to transfer to the bus. It's bus time.
    Then you come to devotion, respect, reverence for the truth. Devotion carries you through the work that it takes to go the pathway of nonduality. Heart and mind are joined into one. The pathway of nonduality requires devotion. One becomes devoted not to the teacher but to the truth. The teacher is only a lighthouse. The value isn't the lighthouse,
    it's the light to guide you to the shore.
    Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, 3 DVD set, 14. December 2002


  • Radical Devotional Nonduality [...] what is really implied is that the commitment reaches such an intensity that it is non-stop. [...] There is a fixity of focus. People say "I've tried this method." No, they didn't try, they dabbled in it. Be-
    cause if you do it continuously with an absoluteness, a ferocity then you'll transcend whatever level that is you were at
    when you started. If you absolutely and totally surrender every thought, every feeling, attitude, positionality as it arises.
    [...] You see it arising out of nothingness, you see it cresting as a thought, idea, feeling. [...] The willingness to surrender
    that to God as it arises. First the wave comes up and it completes a whole story. [...] The willingness to let go all that
    sentimentality, all that mucking around in the past, the willingness to let it go. [...] So the story shortens. You start to
    think of poor old Ricky getting hit by the car, then start to think about poor old Ricky, then when you get more to the
    present before it is 'Ricky the good old retriever' it's just dog-ness starts coming up and then before it's even dog, you
    can feel it is an energy potential coming out of a source of thinkingness itself. Out of the void, out of the nothingness,
    out of the blankness, out of silence arises this like fountain of thinkingness which gradually takes its form as a thought,
    then animage 'good old dog', 'good old rover', then the whole sad story evolves out of it. When you ride the crest of
    the wave, it's pretty much like surfing: you stay on the crest of the wave, if you get behind the crest of the wave, you
    get drowned in the past. If you get ahead of the wave you get hit from the "but" [...]. When it's done intensely, it can
    be a formal meditation in which one perfects this technique. With the perfecting of the technique then one reaches
    what the Buddha called 'satori'. [...] In the beginning if you open your eyes the state disappears. [...] As you perfect
    this letting go-ness then this state maintains even though you open your eyes. There is an inner silence in which
    one is above the crest of the wave and it maintains even though one opens one's eyes. As it becomes more estab-
    lished, one can get up, uncross one's legs, open one's eyes and walk about the room and the state continues. [...]
    The condition becomes established then as a permanent way of being with the energy of life and eventually be-
    comes independent of any effort whatsoever. [...] So as you walk around in the world there is a letting go of the
    content. [...] And content is the product of the ego and as that is surrendered one becomes the context and realizes one always was the context. Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self: Final Moments, DVD 3 of 3, minute 44:57-51:39 (also 13:08-19:20), 14. December 2002


  • What we teach we've called "Devotional Nonduality". Why? Because: to reach enlightenment one has to transcend duality and to do that takes great devotion. Great Devotion to the Truth. Not devotion to some other being, but devotion to the essence of Truth itself, which is already within you. It means: under appropriate conditions then with great intention one can reach a very advanced state of conscioussness even with this world. Therefore, both salvation and enlightenment are possibilities – practical possibilities. Doable. Except, that you don't 'do' it. So, how to find the way? The most direct way is, in my studies, understanding and experiences, Devotional Nonduality.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, DVD 1 of 3, minute 20:38+, 28. June 2003


  • Devotional Nonduality means devotion to truth. Devotion to Divinity as it reveals itself. It means to witness the sacredness of all of life; to treat all of life with reverence and witness the sacredness of all of life. You will soon identify yourself as the field and not the content of the field.
    Sedona Seminar Enlightenment, lecture 4, Poco Diablo Resort, first sentence, 3 DVD set, August 2003


  • Devotional Nonduality means devotion to Truth. Devotion to Divinity as it reveals itself by Truth. It means to witness the sacredness of all of life. If you treat all of life with reverence and witness the sacredness of all of life, you will soon identify yourself as the Field and not the content of the Field. Formally, the project is to transcend the ego and ones identification with it.
    Sedona Seminar Enlightenment, lecture 4, Poco Diablo Resort, DVD 1 of 3, minute 9:00-9:42, August 2003


  • From the egos viewpoint, love is an attachment. And during the pathway of negation which is let go of attachments and aversions, you would then begin to see that love is an attachment and something, they would be saying, in the way of enlightenment. That's emotional attachment on a dualistic basis. Love is a quality of divinity. So if you negate the reality of love, you will end up in the void. The totality of divinity includes love. But not dualistic love – a love of a me for a love of a you [...]. I want you to pray for the love of GOD. The pathway of devotional Non-Duality without devotion can lead you into the pathway of negation and bring you to the void. But it's the devotion to it, that takes you into the divinity of that Presence. The Presence is also without form but it includes the quality of love which wipes you out. [...] And that state is love, the completeness of love. So the difference of the two is: The void will take you to the feeling of loss; the infinite state brings you to the state of completion. In the state of completion there is nothing you need [...]. Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, CD 3 of 4, minute 50:03, 28. February 2004


  • Devotional Nonduality means the straight way to God, bypassing the mind, the intellect, the ego. You either serve
    God or you serve the ego.
    Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004


  • Devotional Nonduality is coming from the heart. Instead of negating love, it is love that motivates the desire to become enlightened. Sedona Seminar Spiritual Traps, 3 DVD set, 15. October 2005


  • The Direct Pathway to Enlightenment is by transcending the ego/mind and renouncing the false identification with the linear obstacles to the radiance of God Immanent as Self. This is facilitated by understanding the basic characteristics of consciousness, the carrier wave that forms the substrate of awareness itself. By Grace, the unobstructed Illumination of the Divine Radiance shines forth effortlessly.
    Satsang Series 2007, advertisement placed by Sedona Creative Life Center, 2006   Link deleted


  • As you are devoted, you will be challenged. There will come a time when you actually realize you are being chal-
    lenged by the opposite of that which you are. When that comes up, refuse it. It's your karmic entitlement to refuse the negative. You are karmically entitled to say, "Get thee hence, Satan!"
    Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007

Zitate von anderen Quellen

  • If in thirst you drink water from a cup, you see God in it. Those who are not in love with God will see only their own faces in it. Jalal ad-Din Muḥammad Rumi [LoC 550] (1207-1273) Persian Muslim poet, Sufi mystic, jurist, theologian, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote

Index: Gottergebene Nichtdualität / Devotional Nonduality – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden
    • Einfachheit, S. 65
    • Kausalität, S. 110-113
    • Subjektivität = Realität, S. 175
    • Wahrheit und Irrtum, S. 265-268
    • Die Natur der Wahrnehmung, S. 275-278
  • I. Reality and Subjectivity
    • Nicht zu reduzierende mentale Motive: sich gut, sicher fühlen, S. 36
    • Dualität der Gegensätze, S. 46; 169-170
    • Das menschliche Leben ist hart. S. 110-112
    • Ego = Inhalt / Selbst = Kontext, S. 225-226
    • das endgültige Tor, S. 277-283
    • Gott ist im Bewusstsein zu finden. S. 294, 324
  • Discovery of the Presence of God insgesamt

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


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