Wiki / Dignity
Dignity is an idea whose time has come.
Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D., US American dignity researcher
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. |
Human dignity is inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority. |
Article 11. The Republic shall be a democracy in which fundamental human rights and freedoms and respect for the dignity and worth of the human person shall be guaranteed […], and in which effective participation by the people through their elected representatives in administration at all levels shall be ensured. The Constitution Of The People's Republic of Bangladesh, 1975, 1991 |
[...] Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law. |
The Republic of South Africa is one sovereign democratic state founded on the following values:
Human dignity is inviolable. |
In 1486, the Italian humanist and Renaissance philoso-
"A great miracle, Asclepius, is man!" Hermes Trismegistus [Thrice-great Hermes] syncretic combination of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth, Asclepius. The Perfect Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus: A Secret Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus, Latin text of the edition Henricus Stephanus, Paris, France, 1505, Bloomsbury, 22. March 2007
5 «A great miracle....» see Asclepius VI, 1-2. The hermetic writings are ascribed to the Egyptian God Thot, in Greek Hermes Trismegistos, the inventor of writing, who was made to correspond to the Latin Mercurius. They are in Greek and in Latin, are dated between the 1st and the 3rd century AD and were highly appreciated during the Humanism and the Renaissance, thanks to Marsilio Ficino's translation of the most important among those writings, the Poimandres. Among those works there is the Asclepius (Asclepius, Lat. Esculapius, god of medicine and of prophecy).
"There is nothing to see more wonderful than man!" Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494) Italian humanist, Renaissance philosopher, Oration on the Dignity of Man, 1486
"I have never seen a greater monster or miracle in the world than myself." Michel Eyquem de Montaigne (1533-1592) influential French Renaissance philosopher, politician, writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote |
The Age of Enlightenment picked out as a central theme the topics Liberty – Equality – Fraternity. |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Liberty – Equality – Fraternity |
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Human Dignity ...
* is based on man's creation in the image of God and the Tat Tvam Asi [Thou are that]. |
References: en.Wikipedia entries ► Image of God and ► Tat Tvam Asi and ► Inalienable right and ► Cooperation |
See also: ► God ❄ Life ❄ Soul ❄ Essence ❄ Self ❄ SELF ❄ Health ► Power ❄ Force ❄ Principle 3:1 ❄ Principles ❄ Interdependence ❄ Emergence ► Truth ❄ Acceptance ❄ Choice ❄ Responsibility ❄ Recontextualization/Metanoia ► Respect ❄ Trust ❄ Vulnerability ❄ Victimhood ❄ Humility/Modesty ❄ Integrity ❄ Authenticity ► Simplicity ❄ Freedom ❄ Equality ❄ Holism ► Goodness ❄ Empathy ❄ Kindness ❄ Moral courage ❄ Relationship ❄ Listening ► Letting be ❄ Conscience ❄ Ethics ❄ Evolution ❄ Transformation ► Humiliation ❄ Pride ❄ Conflict ❄ Control ❄ Success ❄ Wealth ❄ Ego ❄ Negativity |
Siehe auch: ► Würde |
The Study about human resources policy 2009 showed that out of 80 questioned German companies every 12th had no idea about human dignity [human capital] as their motivation to act is solely based on pecuniary values.
Companies or joint practices that use, manipulate, exploit, and control staff members and customers as a means to the end of short-term profits will sooner or later ruin themselves whereas dignitarian companies that do not tolerate rankism [humiliating behavior towards those in lower ranks] do gain strength in the long range.
Siehe auch: ► Wertschätzung des Personals – Deutschsprachige Studie 2009 |
See also: ► Shame and ► Guilt and ► Grief and ► Anger and ► Pride |
According to the Map of Consciousness developed by ⚡ Dr. David Hawkins the frequency field of pride3 and volition vibrates at the level of consciousness (LoC) 175-199. Pride is an attitude supporting personal gain while damaging community and society.
The threshold from where on ethical [moral] behavior beneficial to the community becomes possible is at LoC 200. It marks a fundamental leap in consciousness, to transcend the line of demarcation between pride and dignitarian integrity.
The consciousness level of mankind collectively has crossed the borderline of integrity in 1987.
In August 2009 it has reached LoC 206.
See also: ► Pride and ► Integrity and ► Ethics |
In 2002 the average level of consciousness of the executive board members and CEOs of the 500 best companies worldwide listed by Fortune magazine showed the most pronounced expression of pride.
On average and predominantly the male chief executives of corporations world wide [97.5% in Germany] have a prideful attitude.
The mostly male chief executives who played an instrumental role in triggering the global financial meltdown in 2008 do not seem to have noted or internalized this message yet.
In 2008 the management consultancy McKinsey & Company confirmed:
Source: ► Cora Werwitzke, Weibliche Intuition in der Führungsetage. Studien belegen den Zusammenhang zwischen Frauenanteil im Vorstand und Unternehmenserfolg [Female Intuition in the management level], German TV station ZDF, 10. December 2009 |
Study references: ► Study Corruption and women in government, presented by the academic The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, volume 46, issue 4, S. 423-429, December 2001 Data favor the "fairer system" thesis. Women are more inclined toward honesty and the common good. Two recent influential studies found that increased participation of women in government reduced corruption. ► Study by Hung-En Sung, Fairer Sex or Fairer System? Gender and Corruption Revisited, presented by the quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal of social science Social Forces, volume 82, issue 2, S. 703-723, The University of North Carolina Press, December 2003[*] ► Article Susan Adams, Companies Do Better With Women Leaders (But Women Need More Confidence To Lead), Study Says, presented by the US American business magazine Forbes, Susan Adams, 5. August 2014 ► Article 40 Years of Research Proves Women Are Better Managers Than Men Because They Tend to Have This Crucial Skill, presented by the US American monthly business publication Inc. magazine, Michael Schneider, 19. April 2017 |
See also: ► Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – Dr. David Loye ► Evaluating male and female leadership qualities – Pew Survey 2008 |
Source: ► Video lecture by Watts Wacker (1953-2017) US American futurist, speaker, author, annual meeting Sodexho On futurism · Difference between futuring and visioning, Paris, 2006, 53:33 minutes duration, 6. June 2006 |
See also: ► Four stages of spiritual development – M. Scott Peck and ► Four correlations in ecosystems and economies ► Information Age ⇒ Conceptual Age ⇒ Changing expressions of creativity – Daniel Pink |
Siehe auch: ► Vier-Phasen-Entwicklung in Biologie, Ökologie, Geldwesen und Wirtschaft |
Cooperating cells corresponding are precedents [correlations] of global networking. Each one of our cells is a collective of ancient formerly living bacterial types. [...] In the world two billion years ago there were only bacteria. The shift from a very exploitative, destructive lifestyle to this lifestyle of cooperation among bacteria [nucleated cells] is a wonderful parallel to what is going on in the human world today. Interview Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pas- tist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former UN consultant, adapted from the public radio series "Insight & Outlook", presented in the Brazilian journal "Revista Thot", February 1999, republished in the article From Mechanics to Organics: An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris, Scott London, August 2007 Simple cells – selfprocreating (prokaryotes) – exist 4 billion years.
The Darwinian story only goes to the adolescent part. [...] Sustainability happens when species learn to feed each other instead of to fight each other. Selfinterest is good as long as it is contained by the selfinterest of a community. What we need now is glocalization. Together we can make it happen. Deleted YouTube video presentation by Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former UN consultant, After Darwin, part 1 of 3, 9:26 minutes duration, posted 30. August 2012
See also: ► Spiral Dynamics – Correlation and terminology according to Ken Wilber |
Source: ► Daniel Pink (*1964) US American motivational speaker, chief speech writer of US vice president Al Gore (1995-1997), visionary author, Information Age ⇒ Conceptual Age ⇒ Changing expressions of creativity – Daniel Pink |
Source: ► Anodea Judith (*1952) US American psychotherapist, historian, mythologist, lecturer on body/mind integration, author, The Global Heart Awakens. Humanity's Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love, Energy Psychology Press, 1. January 2010, Shift Books, 2nd edition 18. July 2013 |
Reference: ► [♥] ⚡ Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Eye of Spirit, 2001 |
Sources: ► [♦] Otto Scharmer (*1961) German American senior lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founding chair of the Presencing Institute, core faculty member of the United Nations leaders program, Presencing. Learning From the Future As It Emerges. On the Tacit Dimension of Leading Revolutionary Change, presented at the conference Knowledge and Innovation, Helsinki, Finland, 25.-26. May 2000 ► [☯] M. Scott Peck (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author, Four phases of team and community building |
Source: ► H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso (*1935) Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Peace Nobel Prize laureate, 1989, Vancouver Peace Summit 2009, presented by the Canadian broadcast television network CTV Television Network, last section of part 2 of 4, minute 14:53-17:59, Vancouver, Canada, Sunday 27. September 2009 |
Siehe auch: ► Vier geschichtliche Entwicklungsbögen auf dem Weg zur Würdekultur |
We are developing a new culture. Culture is what happens when you have the collision of ideology [a body of doctrine] and civilization. We have organized around political war [including the ideologies monarchy, fascism, communism, and liberal demo- cracy]. And liberal democracy has already won. Video presentation by Watts Wacker (1953-2017) US American futurist, speaker, author, Watts Wacker: Internationally Acclaimed Mind Reading Comedian, deleted YouTube film, minute 2:40, 6:24 minutes duration, posted 16. October 2009
Fascism should more properly be called corporativism because it is the merger of state and corporate power. Giovanni Gentile [Philosopher of Fascism] (1875-1944) Italian neo-Hegelian idealist philosopher, politician, peer of Benedetto Croce, ghostwroter of La Dottrina del Fascismo, written for Benito Mussolini ['Il Duce'] (1883-1945) Italian key figure in the creation of fascism, leader of the National Fascist Party, 40th prime minister of Italy (1922-1943), Enciclopedia Italiana, first published in 1932
One day a rich father took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night on the farm of a very poor family.
When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, "How was the trip?"
"Very good Dad!"
"Did you see how poor people can be?"
the father asked. "Yeah!"
"And what did you learn?"
The son answered, "I saw that ➤ we have a dog at home, and they have four. ➤ We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden, they have a creek that has no end. ➤ We have imported lamps in the garden, they have the stars. ➤ Our patio reaches to the front yard, they have a whole horizon." When the little boy was finishing, his father was speechless. "Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!"
Source: ► Poem by an unknown author Rich Or Poor – How Rich Are You?, presented by the blogspot |
References featuring Robert T. Kiyosaki (*1947) US American investor, businessman, motivational speaker, financial literacy activist, financial commentator, self-help author ► Book (German) Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Was die Reichen ihren Kindern über Geld beibringen, Arkana, 11. Dezember 2006 ► Video presentation Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki – How To Make Money, YouTube film, 10:03 minutes duration, posted 14. March 2010 |
See also: ► Recontextualization and ► Stories |
Rankism is an essential feature of the competitive domination system9 that thrives on exploiting and/or humiliating those with lower status or less perceived power. Rank is meant to serve, rankism is a self-serving perversion of service. Rankism is a collective name for power abuses in the context of rank difference. Indignities are the result of somebodies abusing their rank to overpower so called nobodies. List of a wide range of rank-based indignities and abuses: Predatory survival strategy ♦ Dominating pride/shame based behavior ♦ Classism ♦ Superiority (white male rich) ♦ Supremacy ♦ Excep- tionalism ♦ Caste system ♦ (Corporate) Corruption ♦ Obfuscation by elites ♦ Undue influence (mind control) ♦ Privately run debt and inte- rest based money system ♦ Nepotism ♦ Graft ♦ Predatory lending [loan to own] ♦ Wall Street lobbying ♦ Invisible poverty ♦ Exploitation ♦ Disappropriation ♦ Sexism ♦ Sexual harassment ♦ Sexual abuse ♦ Rape ♦ Trafficking ♦ Racism ♦ Racial segregation ♦ Mobbing ♦ Bully- ing (school, workplace, cyberspace) ♦ Machismo ♦ Ageism ♦ Elder abuse ♦ Anti-Semitism ♦ Tenure (i.e. unaccountablity of teachers, pro- fessors, judges, clerics) ♦ Life-time appointments ♦ Retention of rank ♦ Rank determined bonuses ♦ Homophobia ♦ Ableism ♦ Prisoner abuse ♦ Slavery ♦ Domestic violence ♦ Torture ♦ Hate crimes ♦ Childism ♦ Child abuse ♦ Paternalism ♦ Speciesism ♦ Xenophobia ♦ Human population control ♦ One-upmanship ♦ Lack of franchise ♦ Peddling ♦ Condescension ♦ Indignity ♦ Name-calling |
US American professor of physics and college president Robert Fuller, Ph.D. was a media darling in his 30s and a diplomat in his 40s and 50s. In 1995 when he left titles and positions behind for which he felt treated as a nobody. His periodic sojourns in "nobody-
land" led him to identify and investigate "rankism". One night he said to himself:
That sparked off his first book to lay the groundwork for the digni-
tarian movement.
Rankist societies are the largely unconscious (second nature) norm within male dominated societies [patriarchy]. All-perva-
sive superior rank-based abuse is discriminatory or exploitative behavior towards people of lower rank in a particular hierarchy. Rankism insults dignity; indignity is the result thereof.
After 12,000 years of ingrown and intertwined rankism on all levels of society, Fuller found, that things have changed. Ran-
kist organisations and companies are less successful than dignitarian organisations which do not tolerate abuse
of rank.10
Dignity and humiliation researcher Evelin Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. discovered that
From the concept of EQUAL DIGNITY humanity started to move into an era of equal caring eco-societies.
Source: ► Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, All Rise, YouTube film, 3:10 minutes duration, posted 20. February 2008 |
The politics of dignity
The three great traditions liberty, equality, and fraternity coined by the French Revolution work much more effective as soon as the forth sub-
suming pillar of dignity will be added.
It will result in liberty in dignity, equality in dignity, fraternity in dignity.
Unhealthy behaviors: undue fear, bullying, silencing of cautionary or creative voices, cliques, factionalizing, bootlicking, backbiting, gossiping, undermining, sabotage
Video interviews featuring Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, YouTube films ► Why Rankism?, presented by the TV station Voice of America (VOA), program "Talk To America", host Mary Tillotson, recorded April 2003, 2:15 minutes duration, posted 3. October 2017 ► What is Rankism?, presented by CITS TV Ontario, Canada, program "On the Line", host Christine Williams, recorded 18. September 2006, 5:35 minutes duration, posted 3. October 2017 ► Keynote speech Q&A Corporate Rankism, sponsored by Centerpoint Energy, Houston, Texas, 2007, 1:41 minutes duration, posted 3. October 2017 ► Rankism in religion, presented by In Shaykhs Clothing, 3:20 minutes duration, posted 28. June 2017 "If we want to get rid of rankism in spiritual communities we are going to have to make the holders of high rank accountable to the parishioners in some way." Minute 3:02 |
See also: ► Three historic periods of human development including two normative turning points – Evelin Lindner |
The Space Shuttle Columbia disaster on February 1, 2003 was the result of a dominating defective climate within NASA. The investigative commission concluded that no single NASA employee could be found as having "caused" the space accident.
Personal avowal
The Demise of an "Ism"
Call for action
Future outlook
Inequality of ranks ⇔ equality of dignity and equality before the law
Diligence of differentiating in case of military interventions
Key phrase: Nobodies of the world unite! We have nothing to lose but our shame.
'Dignity for all' principles
Article Be a dignitarian. We can overcome rankism and build a world that honors the dignity of every person, presented by the publication Unitarian Universalism, Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, Dr. Pamela Gerloff (*1955) US American rankism and dignity researcher, "Project on Civic Reflection", writer 11. January 2008
Cornerstones of a Dignitarian World
Blog article by Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dig- nity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, Dignity's Future, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, 7. March 2016, updated 6. December 2017 |
Universalizing dignity: a task for the Left and the Right parties and the left and right hemispheres
Outgrowing poverty by The Power of Dignity
US president Benjamin Franklin was the first one to create microlending in 1789.
Economist Prof. Muhammad Yunus at the Chittagong University in Bangladesh, Peace Nobel Prize Laureate (2006) purports the idea of the Social Business Company [see Caring Economics by Riane Eisler].
Concluding that the traditional banking system is keeping the imbalance of poverty in place within a male dominated Islamic Bangladesh Yunus works towards a selfless business. Whereas the lending institutions refuse to give loans to the poor the founder of the Grameen Bank invests in giving rather than taking. He subsequently invented micro fi-
At conception Yunus stipulated a 50:50 ratio of microcredits to be given to women and men alike. Surrounded by skeptics visionary Yunus reports, "My students did not believe the 50:50 ratio male:female was attainable."
The Grameen Bank
Source: ► Lecture by Muhammad Yunus, Ph.D. (*1940) Bangladeshi professor of economy, Chittagong University, founder of the Grameen Bank, microcredit institution, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2006, SFU Talk Yunus "Financial Services and Psychology" Part 1, sponsored by the Sigmund Freud Universität (SFU), Vienna, Austria, 28. May 2009, YouTube film, 9:42 minutes duration, posted 8. Juli 2009 |
Quelle / Source: ► Peter Spiegel (*1953) deutscher Unternehmensgründer, Sachbuchautor, German entrepreneur, founder and CEO of the WeQ Institute, author, Roger Richter, Herausgeber / editor Hans Reitz, The Power of Dignity – Die Macht der Würde. The Grameen Family, Vorwort von / preface by Muhammad Yunus, deutsch/englische Ausgabe, German/Englisch issue, J. Kamphausen Verlag, Bielefeld, Dezember 2008 |
Video sources: ► Excerpted from video presentation by Muhammad Yunus, Ph.D. (*1940) Bangladeshi professor of economy, Chittagong University, founder of the Grameen Bank, microcredit institution, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2006, Creating a World Without Poverty, sponsored by the non-profit educational organization Commonwealth Club of California, San Francisco, California, and Link TV, recorded by the event video production company, YouTube film, 5:33 minutes duration, 1. May 2008 Explaining the "social business" model – addressing social issues through entrepreneurship ► Video lecture by Muhammad Yunus, Ph.D. (*1940) Bangladeshi professor of economy, Chittagong University, founder of the Grameen Bank, microcredit institution, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2006, Creating a World Without Poverty, presented by the Committee on Global Thought (CGT), Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Human Rights, Center for the Humanities, recorded by UChannel, 27. January 2009, YouTube film, 1:11:00 duration, posted 19. February 2009 |
Book English/German: ► Muhammad Yunus, Ph.D. (*1940) Bangladeshi professor of economy, Chittagong University, founder of the Grameen Bank, microcredit institution, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 2006, Creating a World Without Poverty. Social Business and the Future of Capitalism, Perseus Books Group, 7. January 2008 |
See also: ► Crisis Response – 4 Dimensions of Systems Change – Otto Scharmer Matrix of Crisis Response ► Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – Dr. David Loye Adolescent self-interest-driven Reduced Darwinism (1859) ⇔ Darwinism rediscovered based on Mature Mutuality (2007) |
Similar providers: ► ► Article Small U.S. businesses thrive with Ethiopian woman's help, presented by the US American TV channel CNN, news outlet CNN edition, Heroes, aired 26. June 2009 ► Article The Women's Crusade, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Nicholas D. Kristof (*1959) US American journalist, The New York Times op-ed columnist, author, two-fold Pulitzer prize laureate, Sheryl WuDunn (*1959) US American business executive, philanthropy expert, lecturer, writer, Pulitzer Prize laureate, authors of Half the Sky. Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, 2009, 23. August 2009 Four responses in four dimensions of the paradigmal system change |
Big scary fish
The old
profit maximizing
corrupted system
is declining.
Big self-organizing fish
The new
holistic, regenerative
caring, social
equality based/dignitarian
inclusive system
is rising.
Learning to listen while on a mission to save the poor
Jacqueline Novogratz, an idealist young woman from Wall Street, went on 'a mission to save the third world'.
The poor women of The Ivory Coast sent her away saying:
This taught her the humility to start listening.
In Kenya she found a bakery run by a classic charity organization which occupied twenty prostitutes who in fact were
unwed mothers struggling to survive.
There Novogratz began to understand the power of language.
Her insight is: What we call people so often distances them from us and makes them little.
Source: ► Video presentation by Jacqueline Novogratz (*1961) US American social entrepreneur, founder and leader of the busi- nesslike nonprofit aid organisation Acumen, author, Tackling poverty with "patient capital", Patient Capitalism transcript, presented by TED Talks, starting at minute 3:38, 18:10 minutes duration, filmed June 2007, posted August 2007 |
References: ► Article The patient capitalist. Jacqueline Novogratz wants to transform the world's approach to development, presented by the English-language weekly newspaper The Economist, 21. May 2009 ► Article The Problem With Capitalist Philanthropy, published originally in the US American left-wing quarterly magazine Jacobin, T. Rivers, 6. February 2018 |
Video reference: ► Philanthropy Is A Scam. Capitalists are fooling the world with this hoax, presented by teleSUR English via Facebook, 2:11 minutes duration, posted 7. February 2018 |
See also: ► Ten interlinked ways to honor or violate human dignity – Donna Hicks ► Reducing poverty rates via welfare programs – Lane Kenworthy ► Listening and ► Humility and ► Language and ► Choice and ► Patience and ► Questions and ► Pride |
Siehe auch: ► Menschenwürde ist wichtiger als Reichtum, Wohlfahrt und Handel. |
![]() Hands at the Cuevas de las Manos upon Río Pinturas, near the town of Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, 12. August 2005
Source: ► Richard Wilkinson, Ph.D. (*1943) British professor emeritus of social epidemiology, University of Nottingham, economy historian, researcher of inequality data in health and social determinants, How economic inequality harms societies, presented by TED Talks, YouTube film, minute 2:58, 16:55 minutes duration, filmed July 2011, posted 24. October 2011 |
After 30 years of research British socioepidemiologists Wilkinson and Pickett found a unilateral pattern concerning (mainly) all social maladies in modern wealthy countries: The size of the income gap interrelated with psychosocial concordant dignity gradients. Correlation: the bigger a nation's income gap interrelated with its concordant dignity gradient is the bigger are its failures in regard to health, human capital, and social relations. |
Source: ► Richard Wilkinson, Ph.D. (*1943) British professor Emeritus of social epidemiology, University of Nottingham, researcher of inequality data in health and social determinants, How economic inequality harms societies, presented by TED Talks, YouTube film, 16:55 minutes duration, filmed July 2011, posted 24. October 2011 | |||
References featuring Richard Wilkinson, Ph.D. (*1943) British professor Emeritus of social epidemiology, University of Nottingham, researcher of inequality data in health and social determinants, author ► Book: Richard Wilkinson, Ph.D., Kate Pickett, Ph.D. (*1965) British professor of epidemiology, University of York, co-author, The Spirit Level. Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, Bloomsbury Press, 22. December 2009 ► Video presentation by Richard Wilkinson, Ph.D. (*1943) British professor Emeritus of social epidemiology, University of Nottingham, researcher of inequality data in health and social determinants, sponsored by Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, YouTube film, posted 11. March 2011 ♦ The Spirit Level, part 1 of 3, 12:30 minutes duration ♦ The Spirit Level, part 2 of 3, 13:46 minutes duration ♦ The Spirit Level, part 3 of 3, 11:07 minutes duration | |||
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► The Spirit Level: ... Why Equality is Better for Everyone, updated version, 2010 |
Source: ► Article High Wellbeing Eludes the Masses in Most Countries Worldwide. Majorities in 19 out of 124 countries "thriving," mostly in Europe and the Americas , presented by the publication Gallup, Julie Ray 19. April 2011 |
Quotations by Edward and Carter | Orientation – focus |
I'm not everyone! | Pride, Fear of humiliation |
Well, that's true – you're certainly not everyone, and everyone is everyone. | Dignified humility Valuation of the individual by appreciating all |
This was supposed to be fun. That's all it ever was. | Ego-centered Not connected to the whole |
Find the joy in your life, Edward. | Visionquest |
I'm deeply proud that this man found it worth his while to know me. | Gratefulness pervaded by pride |
He saved my life. And he knew it before I did. | Pride transcended by gratefulness and reverence |
Source: ► Excerpted from the US American movie The Bucket List, released 11. January 2008 YouTube clip The Bucket List – Ending, 4:38 minutes duration, posted 9. April 2009 Memorable quotes from The Bucket List, presented by, 2007 |
See also: ► Culture and ► Pride |
Siehe auch: ► Würdekultur ⇔ Stolzkultur (Filmbeispiel) |
How the hero Hercules and the multi-headed Hydra of Lerna solved their conflict
Before embarking on his mission to terminate the terrorizing nine-headed water snake Hydra, the Greek hero Hercules consulted with his mentor, the centaur Chiron. He had advised him:
Hercules' linear mindset was puzzled. Unfamiliar with such a counterintuitive paradoxical approach, he first dismissed this counsel at hand. The hero wears his characteristic lionskin and wields a club.
Hercules and the Hydra, ~1475
Antonio del Pollaiuolo (1429-1498) Italian painter
He invested into traditional war making by sending a flood of arrows into Hydra's cavern. This strategy had failed, since the sea-snake did
not emerge.
Next Hercules dipped his arrows in burning pitch, to rain them into the cavern of perpetual night, the entrance to the Underworld. The monster furiously appeared with nine angry heads breathing flame.
Whenever the hero, wearing a rag over his mouth to protect him from
the fuming breath – coming from above and from outside – cut off one
of its heads with his sword two new heads instantly grew from the blee-
ding stump.
Confronted by the known means of sheer violent force, willpower, or intellect, Hydra had grown stronger. It could not be terminated with
self-righteous supremacy or the mindset of 'We against Them'.
Only when Hercules started to faint from exhaustion, he was finally willing to change his approach following Chiron's advice.
He knelt right into the mud with Hydra. From a level headed position
he grasped one of Hydra's heads under the mud with his bare hands
and pulled it out above him. Suspended in mid-air and plain daylight
it withered away and dropped off by the wind. And so he continued
with exposing the other heads following the humble path. Made cons-
cious and owned by both sides the Hydra's heads were not dangerous any longer. His nephew Iolaus lit a torch and burned the stumps after
the heads were gone, which prevented them from growing back. Hy-
dra's destructive force was defeated, when the ninth head, still fiercely hissing, was severed.
References: en.Wikipedia entries ► Hercules and ► Hydra |
See also: ► Hercules and the Hydra |
Siehe auch: ► Herakles integriert seine innere Hydra. |
Conversation between an ordinary guy and a TV known nameless futurist
><)))°> <°(((><
I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us – don't tell!
They'd banish us, you know.
How dreary to be somebody!
How public like a frog
To tell one's name the livelong June
To an admiring bog!
Source: ► Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) US American poet, Poem 260 |
See also: ► Void |
Siehe auch: ► Ich bin ein Niemand |
God is nothingness that seeks to become everything. |
Out of fear of becoming nothing, consciousness denies |
The Gospel of Thomas, translated by Thomas O. Lambdin, 50-140 AD (1945)
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, issued 10. December 1948 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks. Article 12, Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
Personal avowals
Final statement at the historic visit at the forced labor camp memorial Gedenkstätte Buchenwald in Germany together with President Barack Obama (*1961) 44th US American President, and Angela Merkel (*1954) German chancellor
The Silver rule [reciprocity]
Pope Benedict called for a new world financial order ( "a profoundly new way of understanding business enterprise") respecting the dignity of workers and looks out for the common good by prioritizing ethics and social responsibility over dividend returns.
He denounced the outsourcing work to the cheapest bidder thereby endangering the rights of workers. He demanded that workers be allowed to organize in unions to protect their rights and guarantee steady, decent employment. Pope urges financial order guided by ethics, 7. July 2009
Fundamental culture: based on human dignity, equality, caring integrity
Secondary culture: status based, pride⇔shame based on error
Dignity resides in each of us, quietly waiting to unleash its transformative power upon the world.
Assessment The Definition of Dignity: Did Aristotle Have It Wrong?, 6. May 2011
Exemplified on the fall of public approval of Don Imus (*1940) US American radio host, humorist
All humans and societies are vulnerable and imperfect. In cruel societies missing out on human dignity vulnerability is seen as weakness, imperfection is seen as inadequacy. Many humans buy into the idea to be "less than", not worthy of belonging.
The Somebody : Nobody mystique is based on narcissism.
~23% of the 8 million Swiss residents are of non-Swiss origin.
Literary quotes
Personal avowal
⚡ David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D, 50:47 minutes duration, posted 9. December 2012
Personal avowals
The age of honor started to be replaced by the age of dignity around 1757.
Since 10,000 years sadistic draw-down entitled imperialist societies continually overpowered "good examples".
Dynamics of humiliation hinder reality testing. Cycles of humiliation create a deeply polarized world, caught in biases such as reactive devaluation (which makes vulnerable to "divide and rule"): This is black (even though it is white), and if you do not share this belief with me, you are my enemy, because our enemies believe it is white!
Shy and insecure in the early part of her life, Eleanor Roosevelt found her voice as the co-author of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Doing so, she became one of the most important women of the 20th century.
President Jiang did not approve of the second part of Robinson's reply.
Literary quotes
Personal avowal
True dignity abides with him alone |
Source: ► William Wordsworth (1770-1850) English Romantic poet, Lines Left Upon a Seat in a Yew Tree, written in 1795, first published in 1798 |
Sources featuring Donna Hicks, Ph.D., US American psychologist, facilitator during international conflicts, associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, public educator, author ► Short summary The Ten Essential Elements of Dignity, presented by the keda Center, 2011 ► Article How to Resolve Conflict with Dignity, presented by the publication Arts Fwd, John McCann, guest contributor, 12. December 2012 ► Book Dignity. Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict, Yale University Press, 6. September 2011, reprint edition 29. January 2013 ► Book Leading with Dignity. How to Create a Culture That Brings Out the Best in People, Yale University Press, 21. August 2018 |
Media sources on neuroscientific research on social pain [*] ► Study by Geoff MacDonald, Mark R. Leary, Why Does Social Exclusion Hurt? The Relationship Between Social and Physical Pain, PDF, presented by the bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal Psychological Bulletin, volume 131, issue 2, S. 202-223, 2005 ► Study by Naomi Eisenberger, Ph.D., US American social psychologist, psychobiologist, Why Rejection Hurts: What Social Neuroscience Has Revealed About the Brain’s Response to Social Rejection, presented by the Social and Affective Neuroscience Laboratory, University of Los Angeles, UCLA, chapter 39, PDF, 19. January 2011, PDF issued 31. May 2005 ► Article by Naomi Eisenberger, Ph.D., US American social psychologist, psychobiologist, Why Rejection Hurts, presented by the nonprofit online magazine Edge, 6. July 2011 ► Video/transcript featuring Naomi Eisenberger, Ph.D., US American social psychologist, psychobiologist, Social Pain. A Conversation With Naomi Eisenberger, presented by the nonprofit online magazine Edge, 10. September 2014 ► ► Edge video Social Pain, recorded by, YouTube film, 29:22 minutes duration, posted 11. September 2014 ► Video on Social Pain and Physical Pain, YouTube film, 4:38 minutes duration, posted 25. April 2010 Social rejection and physical pain on the human brain are found to be very similar. ► Video presentation by Matthew Lieberman, Ph.D., US American professor and social cognitive neuroscience lab director, department of psychology, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences, UCLA, The social brain and its superpowers, presented by TEDx St. Louis Talks, Missouri, recorded 19. September 2013, YouTube film, 17:58 minutes duration, posted 7. October 2013 The human kryptonite keeps ignoring the importance of inherent social superpowers and social intuition. |
See also: ► Respect and ► Trust and ► Vulnerability and ► Relationship and ► Listening and ► Humiliation and ► Conflict and ► Principle 3:1 ► Descriptions of dignity – dignitas and humanitas ► Dignity outweighs wealth, charity, and markets. ► Extending genuine apologies to reestablish trust ► Audio and video links – Donna Hicks |
Sources – Video presentations featuring Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author, sponsored by the Faculty of Social Sciences, PSYC3203 – Applied social psychology, University Oslo UiO, Oslo, Norway ► 2011 Lecture – Dignity or Humiliation: The World at a Crossroad, part 1 of 2, minute 28:50, 45:27 minutes, recorded 12. January 2011, posted 11. February 2011 ► HumanDHS lecture 2013: Dignity and Humiliation: Norway and the Concept of likeverd, 1:23:48 duration, recorded 8. February 2013 ► Book: William L. Ury, US American anthropologist, negotiation and mediation specialist, co-founder of "Program on Negotiation", Harvard University, director of the "Project on Preventing War", Harvard University, speaker, author, Getting to Peace, Viking Adult, 27. September 1999 |
References: ► Uncompleted video conversation/documentary featuring the present misunderstanding of neolithic people by Robert Lawlor (*1938) US American mythographer, symbologist, translator, metaphysical author, sponsored by Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, recorded by Sacred Mysteries TV in 1998, YouTube film ♦◊♦ Positive Primitive, part 1 of 3, 14:23 minutes duration, posted 23. February 2011 ♦◊♦ Positive Primitive, part 2 of 3, 12:53 minutes duration, posted 4. March 2012 ♦◊♦ Positive Primitive, part 2 of 3, 11:22 minutes duration, posted 4. March 2012 |
See also: ► Paradigm shift and ► History |
Sources featuring video presentations by Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), sponsored by Faculty of Social Sciences, PSYC3203 – Applied social psychology, University Oslo UiO, Oslo, Norway ► 2011 Lecture – Dignity or Humiliation: The World at a Crossroad, part 2 of 2, minute 0:00-4:05, 45:27 minutes, recorded 12. January 2011, posted 11. February 2011 ► Humiliation and Terrorism, part 1 of 2, sponsored by Faculty of Social Sciences, PSYC3203 – Applied social psychology, University Oslo UiO, Oslo, Norway, minute 35:04, 1:11:30 duration, recorded 15. February 2012 |
Source: ► Video presentation by Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author, Humiliation and Terrorism, part 1 of 2, sponsored by the Faculty of Social Sciences, PSYC3203 – Applied social psychology, University Oslo, UiO, Oslo, Norway, minute 40:28, 1:11:30 duration, recorded 15. February 2012 |
Image Presencing and the Art of Conversation, presented by Presencing Institute, undated
See also: ► Equality |
Source: ► Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author, The Most Important Thing People Learned in the 20th Century, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, 8. July 2013 |
Adapted from source: ► Article by Dennis R. Smith, Ph.D., British sociologist, Organisations and Humiliation. Looking Beyond Elias, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal Organization, issue 8, No. 3, S. 543, 2001 |
See also: ► Humiliation and ► Principle 3:1 and ► Trauma and ► Shame |
... |
Links on Human dignity and Human rights / MenschenwürdeLiterature
Almost every modern social problem – ill-health, violence, lack of community life, teen pregnancy, mental illness – is more likely to occur in a less-equal society. This is why US America, by most measures the richest country on earth, has per capita shorter average lifespan, more cases of
Literature – Robert W. FullerBooks by Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author
Literature – Evelin Gerda LindnerBooks by Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author
Literature (German)Englisch/German
External weblinks (engl.)
The Gini index measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income in a country.' The index is calculated from the Lorenz curve,
Reflecting the value of excellence and dignity
Audio and video links
Elliott conducted a widely known classroom experiment to exemplify Racism "Blu-eyed vs. brown-eyed", Iowa, 1968
Reflecting the origin of Human Rights
The death of the female student Neda Soltan (26) attending a protest march in Tehran after Iranian elections on the streets became a stand-out image worldwide. Dr. Arash Hejazi, studying in England, holding up human rights tried to rescue Neda's life. Giving his testimony as an eye-
Human trafficking: 27 million are in slavery in modern times. Ending slavery cast 10.8 billion dollars.
90-year-old entertainment legend Mickey Rooney shared in an emotional testimony that he "suffered silently" for years due to elder abuse and needed courage and help to speak up.
Explaining the "social business" model – addressing social issues through entrepreneurship
Effectively dealing with irksome or frustrating people
Dignified approach even toward the most violent prisoners: "None are good, but all are sacred."
Linkless media offering
Audio and video links – Robert W. FullerAudios and videos by Robert W. Fuller, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of physics, college president, dignity and rankism researcher, lecturer, author
Audio and video links – Donna HicksAudios and videos by Donna Hicks, Ph.D., US American psychologist, facilitator during international conflicts, associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, public educator, author
Audio and video links – Evelin LindnerAudios and videos by and with Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author
Audio and video links – Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett ♦ The Equality Trust 30 year long studies on social inequality, status insecurity and competition i.e. rankism, Nottingham, United Kingdom, published in The Spirit Level. Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better, termed the most important book of the year 2009
3 Things Economics Can't Solve (3:19) – Can an Unequal Society Become Sustainable? (5:47) –
Reference to Wilkinson / Pickett by Zeitgeist Movement
Tribute to the study results of Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett Minute 4:08
Tribute to the study results of Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
Tribute to the study results of Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett, the status quo sustaining role of the advertisement industry Minute 2:20
Right wing critics claim that Wilkinson's data are manufactured evidence as if there is nothing wrong with social inequality.
Linkless media offering
Audio- und Videolinks (German) – Menschenwürde [Human dignity]
Rückblick auf 70 Jahre des internationalen Bekenntnis Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte durch die Vereinten Nationen am Musical offeringsDignity
Wiki (German)
1 Positioning human dignity first order in the Constitution – as originally issued in the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' by the UN in 1948 – declares it to be one of the most important inviolabe human rights. Following the pattern set in the US 'Declaration of Independence' issued by Thomas Jefferson in 1776 and by the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' issued by the United Nations in 1948 the Constitutions of Germany (1949), Canada (1982), South Africa (1996), Europe (2004), Bangladesh, Finland, and Portugal mention human 'dignity', the 'Creator', the 'supremacy of God', the 'Almighty Allah' right in the beginning of their supreme written documents which were presented by members of ethics commission not by public votes or polls. ⇑
2 Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected.
See also: Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, section 10, 11. October 1996 ⇑
3 Map of Consciousness (overview) by D. Hawkins ⇑
4 Women Matter in top management and corporate performance, such is the result of four McKinsey & Company studies/reports consecutively published in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. Women Matter: Gender diversity, a corporate performance driver
"The 2010 Women Matter study provides a focused analysis on how to achieve gender diversity at top management level. Its findings are partly based on a survey we conducted in September 2010 of about 1,500 business leaders worldwide across all industries, from middle managers to CEOs. The survey concretely reveals that a majority of leaders, both men and women, now recognize gender diversity as a performance driver, while also showing that actual implementation of gender-diversity measures in corporations remains limited."
Grafik Wirtschaftsleistung von Unternehmen mit Frauenquote (McKinsey), präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Zeitung Die Tageszeitung (taz) ⇑
5 Deleted article Making Corporate Gender Inequality Illegal, presented by the US American web portal Big Think ⇑
6 List of elected or appointed female heads of government ⇑
7 Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye ⇑
8 Women are more sensitive to pain or suffering of others. […]
Therefore, [women of the Western world] please take a more active role. ⇑
9 Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye ⇑
10 "Firms of endearment" show greater efficiency and productivity from employees, greater loyalty from customers, stronger, more profitable relationships with vendors and quantifiable payback of SRM investments. Deleted Book Review: "Firms of Endearment", November 2012 ⇑
11 Nineteenth-century American spiritualists coined the word sexism long before its modern incarnation. – See Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique, published 1963. This book made known the term "sexism" known to the public debate and as a consequence issued laws to strenghten women's position in society ⇑
12 "The term 'anti-Semitism' is used by the Israel lobby in the United States to restrict criticism of Israel's violent and inhumane policies against the Palestinian people and Israel's domination over the US government." Images From Palestine, Facebook comment, 9. January 2016 ⇑
13 Dignity oriented businesses, organizations, and community groups are more productive, peaceful, and resilient than those that allow rankist behavior. ⇑
14 The Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." ⇑
15 Gesetz 3:1 ⇑
16 Journey of Mankind, interactive trail adapted from Out of Eden / The Real Eve, Stephen Oppenheimer, 2003, presented by, undated ⇑
17 Term coined by William L. Ury, US American anthropologist, negotiation and mediation specialist, co-founder of "Program on Negotiation", Harvard University, director of the "Project on Preventing War", Harvard University, speaker, author, Getting to Peace, Viking Adult, 27. September 1999 ⇑
18 During current transition ⇑
20 Facts, myths, and signs of bullying at school, at the workplace, in the cyberworld
Childhood bullying resulting in psychiatric illness in early adulthood
Bystander effect – withheld intervention due to diffusion of responsibility
Statistical data on school bullying – Canada ⇑
21 Dr. (Ms) Anupma Kaushik, Indian reader in political science, Banasthali University, Gandhi on Gender Violence and Gender Equality: An Overview. Introduction, presented by, undated ⇑
22 See: ⚡ Rape myths – a result of cultural denial ⇑
23 Video Quo Vadis: Nero unleashes the lions on the Christians, YouTube film, 3:27 minutes duration, posted 1. April 2018 ⇑
24 Four-stage evolutionary model of dialogue ⇑
25 Crisis response – four dimensions of Systems Change – Otto Scharmer ⇑
26 Otto Scharmer (*1961) German US American senior lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founding chair of the Presencing Institute, core faculty member of the United Nations leaders program, A Matrix of Crisis Response: 4 Levels of Response, 4 Dimensions of Systems Change; cited in Seven Acupuncture Points for Shifting Capitalism to Create a Regenerative Ecosystem Economy, 8.-9. June, 21. September 2009 ⇑
27 Current trend – Shifting from PUSH mode to PULL mode ⇑
28 Tacit knowledge is the most important knowledge in a rapidly changing world. That tacit knowledge is embedded in people. If you are not having unexpected encounters with people you are not going to have unexpected encounters with this tacit knowledge. That's the power of the social networks as they start to focus on connecting people. […] Because it's so hard hard to express tacit knowledge I'm typically going to hold back […] unless there is some kind of trust-based relationship there. John Hagel III, US American consultant, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, speaker and author on the intersection of business strategy and information technology, John Hagel – Real Time Web, part 2 of 3, presented by the O'Reilly radar, host Joshua-Michéle Ross, minute 4:26 5:18 minutes duration, 24. October 2009 ⇑
29 Four-stage evolutionary model of dialogue ⇑
30 See also Seven stages of interreligious and intercultural Deep Dialogue – Leonard Swidler ⇑
31 Lady Gaga's hit "Born That Way" sums it up. ⇑