
Hawkins / Ebene600




< Ebene 700-1000 – Erleuchtung | Skala des Bewusstseins | Ebene 540 – Freude >


Bewusstseinsebene 600

Frieden BW 600


  • Ebene: Frieden, Ruhe
  • Emotion: Glückseligkeit, Ekstase
  • Prozess: Illumination, Erleuchtung, Durchlichtung, Leuchten
  • Selbstbild/Lebensauffassung: Makellos, perfekt, vollkommen, ideal
  • Gottesbild: All-Sein, allumfassend



Isländischer Geysir Strokkur kurz vor dem Ausbruch



Die Nahtstelle zwischen Geist und Mensch

Friedensgöttin Eirene mit dem Kind Pluto
Statue von Kephisodot 370 v. Chr.
Jüngster Standort: Glyptothek München

Die BW-Ebene 600 ist die Nahtstelle zwischen Geist und Mensch. Die Aktualität (das Sosein) und die Wahrnehmung sind nicht mehr getrennt, sie münden beide in eine 'Vision'. Die BW-Ebene 600 kennzeichnet den Erleuchtungszustand. Sie wird im Konzept von Shambhala 1 bzw. von Shangri-La, eingeführt von dem Schriftsteller James Hilton beschrieben. Nur 50 Pro-
zent der Menschen, die die Schwelle zur Erleuchtung überschrit-
ten haben, "wählen" nach diesem durchschlagenden, egoauf-
Ereignis, weiterhin auf der Erde zu verweilen. Der Seinszustand des göttlichen Friedens, der auch bedeutet, dass persönliches Karma aufgelöst ist, wird heutzutage aufgrund der vorherrschenden allgemeinen Negativität nur sehr selten dauer-
haft von Menschen erreicht, auch wenn viele zeitweise in dieser Ebene verweilen zum Beispiel, wenn sie ein Musikstück hören, das in diesem Bereich schwingt. Ab diesem Bereich wird es sehr schwierig, angemessene Worte für die Erfahrung dieser Ebene zu finden. Es ist der Übergang zur Nichtdualität. Die Trennung in «ich» und «Welt» wird als Illusion erkannt, alles ist eins und Aus-
druck des Einen Göttlichen Bewusstseins. Das direkte Erleben des Göttlichen löst den Vollzug von formalen Religionen endgül-
tig ab; ab hier beginnt die Ebene der Mystiker und Weisen. Es ist kein «ich», kein Ego mehr vorhanden, das handelt, sondern ein göttliches «Es», dessen Kanal ein Mensch ist, durch den ES sich in der irdischen Welt ausdrückt.


Wer sich unter der BW-Ebene von 600 bewegt, bedarf eines Er-
; wer sich auf der Ebene über 600 bewegt, ist erlöst und wirkt unwillkürlich als ErlöserIn.


  • Another interesting example, in contrast to Devil’s Island [French penal colony for political prisoners], is exemplified by the famous movie, Lost Horizon (1937 film). If you remember, in that movie Ronald Colman and the other passengers of a plane made an emergency landing in the Himalayas. They went through a pass and came upon Shangri-La, which represents an almost heavenly condition. Its energy field (540-600) is very high and is a place of unconditional love and unending peace. Although the cha-
    racter played by Coleman was ready for the experience, benefiting greatly and expanding his own consciousness, the other passengers reacted to it differently. It was interesting to watch six different people with six different reac-
    tions. A couple of them were not quite ready for the experience and reacted to it as a stress due to its newness and strangeness. Others felt stress for a while but then adjusted to it and accepted the sort of heavenly condition in their lives. In contrast, others were acutely disturbed by it.
    D. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, chapter 3 "Stress", S. 83, Kindle locations 1111-1117, 2009

Zitate zum Thema Frieden und Erleuchtung (BW 600) / Peace and enlightenment

Zitate von D. Hawkins – Ebene 600

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


Stolperstein auf dem Pfad:

  • "Nachdem du [...] erkennst, dass alles Karma nur auf Illusion beruhte und es kei-
    nen furchteinflößenden, urteilenden Gott oder irgendwelche "andere Wesen" zu bestehen gibt, und wo du jetzt außerdem jenseits von Form und deshalb jenseits von Karma und vollständig frei bist, ist deine Macht unbegrenzt. Nimm' diese Macht als deine eigene an."
    Das Angebot besteht darin, sich mit Macht um ihrer selbst willen zu vereinigen und im luziferischen Bereich zu herrschen. Der Verführungsversuch richtet sich an das spirituelle Ego, mit dem Ansinnen Gottes Macht zu besitzen, jedoch Gottes Liebe zurückzuweisen.
    Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, Kapitel 15 "Karma", S. 352-353, 2006

Quotes by D. Hawkins – Ebene 600

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Perceiving in slow motion, suspended in time and space

  • 600+Perception at the level of 600 and above is sometimes reported as occur-
    ring in slow motion, suspended in time and space – nothing is stationary, and all is alive and radiant. Although this world is the same as the one seen by others, it has become continuously flowing, evolving in an exquisitely coordinated evolutionary dance in which significance and source are overwhelming. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 4 "Levels of Human Cons-
    ciousness", S. 92, Hay House, February 2002



Enlightened ones removes themselves from the world. They prefer reclusion.

  • Peace: This energy field is associated with the experience designated by such terms as transcendence, self-realization, and God-consciousness. It's extremely rare, attained by only 1 in 10 million people. [...] Not uncommonly, individuals at this level remove themselves from the world, as the state of bliss that ensues precludes ordinary activity. Some become spiritual teachers; others work anonymously for the betterment of mankind. A few become great geniuses in their respective fields and make major contributions to society. These people are saintly
    and may eventually be officially designated as such, although at this level, formal religion is commonly transcended,
    to be replaced by the pure spirituality out of which all religion originates. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 4 "Levels of Human Consciousness", S. 92-93, Hay House, February 2002



The witness and the witnessed are of the same identity.

  • This awesome revelation takes place non-rationally, so that there is an infinite silence in the mind, which has stopped conceptualizing. That which is wit-
    nessing and that which is witnessed take on the same identity
    ; the observer dissolves into the landscape and becomes equally the observed. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Hu-
    man Behavior
    , chapter 4 "Levels of Human Consciousness", S. 92, Hay House, February 2002





LoC 600 is the threshold between duality and nonduality.





  • At about [...] 600, bliss intervenes and worldly activity stops, sometimes permanently. If the person is destined to
    remain in the world, the state is said to "ripen" and there is a slow return of the capacity to function.
    The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 254, 2001


  • [Paraphrased] 600 – Enlightenment / Bliss are replaced by peace, stillness and silence.
    I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 151, 152 and S. 367, 368, 2003


  • [Paraphrased] 600 – Beyond 600 previous incarnations and physical deaths are easily remembered as well as the circumstances and significance of each life. Aussage von I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 230, 2003




Surrendering spiritual ecstasy

  • The transcendence of spiritual ecstasy and joy depends on the willingness to surrender all to God, no matter what, including even the exquisite state of ecstasy, which is of a dimension beyond description. The state itself is now a temptation and can delay the evolution to the state of Enlightenment. At first, there is a reluctance and dismay to surrendering
    such a glorious condition to God, and yet, there is a knowingness that even this wonderment, too, must be released. The anguish and hesitancy of having to take this step reveals that an attachment to the condition and its wonderment has already unwittingly taken place. Then, because of commitment and intention, there is conviction that yes, this,
    too, must be surrendered "to Thee, O Lord," and with its surrender, an infinite Peace prevails that is beyond all under-
    standing or description at level 600]]. The condition reveals itself to be the actuality of the Peace of God.
    Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, S. 267, 2006





  • At level 600, there occurs an infinite, silent stillness and peace, and progression from there is up to the Will of God, karma, and the potentialized Knowingness nascent within the spiritual aura.
    Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, S. 299, 2008




self dissolves into the Self:

  • When the self dissolves into the Self, it is experienced as a great expansion
    ► from limited, transitory, and vulnerable to
    ► immortal infinite Allness that transcends all worlds and universes.
As such,
► the Self is not subject to death or birth, as it exists beyond temporality. The obscurity of the Self was the result of
     merely misidentifying perception as representing all Reality.
Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., edited by Scott Jeffrey, S. 134, 2nd quote, Hay House, August 2011



At LoC 600 no emotion is left.

  • Question: What about bliss? Is it an emotion?
    Answer: No, it's not an emotion. You're thinking of something different. Bliss is a state of consciousness, not an emotion. It doesn't come up from the solar plexus. It's a prevailing condition, a state of awareness. It's not of the self but it's held within the self. It's beyond the self. It's a prevailing condition, and it's not an emotion. No emotion proceeds the level of LoC 600. The emotions
    of the high 500s are quite emotional.
    You go into deep joy, ecstasy. You go into very high ecstasy. You can dance
    for hours tirelessly. You don't have to eat, sleep. You go into a tireless ecstasy. That too has to be surrendered, it suddenly dawned on me. And you think it is impossible, this ultimate joy, this ecstasy could not be surrendered. But then you get "This too must be surrendered to Thee Oh God" and you lay down the joy [Hawkins' voice breaks] and then comes about the Peace beyond all understanding, beyond all emotion, as an experiential reality. No emotion
    is left. That is why it is the Infinite Peace of God. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 of 2, 10. January 2007

LoC calibrations (engl.): Level 600

  • LoC 600+ – The Self dissolves in SELF2
  • LoC 600+ – Final "state" or "condition"3
  • LoC 600+ – The Self dissolves in SELF4

Index: Frieden (Erleuchtung, Egotod) / Peace – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

  • Buch 1E, Hay House, S. 68 (Skala)
  • Buch 4E, S. 412 (Skala)
  • Buch 5E, Kapitel 16 "Peace, Bliss, and Illumination", S. 275ff


Interne Links




1 Mystisches Königreich irgendwo in Zentralasien

2 Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality: The Mystic, 3 DVD set, 8. December 2007

3 Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality: The Mystic, 3 DVD set, 8. December 2007

4 Experiential Reality: The Mystic, 3 DVD set, 8. December 2007

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