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Developmental step models


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)



Stairway of the Opéra Garnier, Paris





Pulpit staircase,
Jesuit Church, Heidelberg, Germany



Evolutionary models of integral thought leaders – Maturing the ego

Evoulutionary stages – characteristics of a mature ego
༺༻ResearcherTime frameResearch area
Status of the mature ego
1.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel1770-1831Dialectic of consciousness "The common source of the ego and of nature does not transcend reality."1
2.Henri Bergson1859-1941Intuition
Unmediated knowledge
"[F]or a conscious being, to exist is to change, to change
is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself end-
3.James Mark Baldwin1861-1934Developmental psychology and genetic logic Ego – Alter – Ideal: "The concrete ego and alter thoughts fall together on one side, over against the thought of an ideal personality on the other side."3
4.Alfred North Whitehead1861-1947Philosophy mediating between science and religion The world transcends god as much as god transcends the world.
5.Carl Gustav Jung1875-1961Individuation "Individuation is the transformational process of integrating the conscious with the personal and collective uncons-
"Individuation generally has a profound healing effect on
the person."5
6.Pierre Teilhard de Chardin1881-1955Evolutionary thresholds: physiosphere, biosphere, noosphere "Matter is spirit moving slowly enough to be seen."
7.Jean Piaget1896-1980Developmental stages of
human cognition
As the brain matures a child is capable of increasing complex mental transformations (understanding).
8.Erik Erikson1902-1994Stages of psychosocial development Centauric stage: mature mind-and-body integration
'Human mind' and 'animal body' are harmoniously one.
Achieve mature, civic and social responsibility
9.Jean Gebser1905-1973Coined the term "integral consciousness" A mature integral consciousness imbues clarity.
10.Abraham Maslow1908-1970Hierarchy of needs of the human self The mature ego is driven by internal inspiration instead of external motivations.
11.Clare W. Graves1914-1986Evolution of human values
Bio-psycho-social developmental stages
"Man is both geist and body, and in fact they are one."6
"Man's psychological development is an infinite process."7
Progressive subordination of lower-order behavior systems to higher-order ones8
The personality does not seek absolute freedom.
12.Jane Loevinger1918-2008Stages of ego development The mature ego is highly integrated.9
13.Lawrence Kohlberg1927-1987Stages of
moral development in men
The mature ego seeks the universal rights in men.
14.David R. Hawkins1927-2012 Map of Consciousness
Cult building left-brained consciousness research
The ego is blind, vain, proud, or narcissistic.
15.Jürgen Habermas*1929Founder of integral philosophy The mature, autonomous ego is open to the "other".
16.Carol Gilligan*1936Stages of moral development in women The mature ego in women seeks universal care.
17.Don Beck
Chris Cowan
Spiral Dynamics10 – model of human evolution The mature ego can hold multiple perspectives simultaneously.
18.James W. Fowler1940-2015Developmental stages of faith The executive ego takes responsibility for one's choices.
19.Melvin E. Miller*1946Evolutionary tiers of
human worldviews
The mature ego can hold an integrated worldview
based on dialogue with others.
20.Robert Kegan*1946Psychological development
six "equilibrium stages"
The inter-individual ego is interpenetrable of self-systems.
21. Ken Wilber*1949Framing integral philosophy
"big picture"
"A mature, rational, and responsible ego is capable of freely participating in the open exchange of mutual self-esteem."11
22.Susanne R. Cook-Greuter*~1953Stages of
ego development
The mature ego can handle ambiguity without the need to resolve seeming paradoxes.
23.Steve McIntosh*1960Distinguishing, not blending, science, philosophy, spirituality
Evolution of culture
"The stages of consciousness and culture are like octaves of the beautiful, the true, and the good."12
24.Scott Jeffrey~1975 Deconstructing Hawkins'
Map of Consciousness

Cult busting research
The mature ego is not proud or narcissistic.13
Reference – Maps:Overview AQAL Integral Map – All Quadrants, Levels/Stages, States, Lines, Types, presented by kosmosaicbooks.com
Reference – Literature:
Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning, Harvard
     University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, The Evolving Self. Problem and Process in Human Development,
     Harvard University Press, 1982, reprint edition 1. July 1983
See also: ► Power vs. Truth and ► Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Maturing of the ego

Human moral development – Lawrence Kohlberg

Step model of human moral development
1 Pre-conventional1Age 0-9
Some youngsters
Some teen/adult criminals
Obedience and
How can I avoid punishment? 
1 Pre-conventional2Age 0-9
Some youngsters
Some teen/adult criminals
Self-interest What's in it for me?Paying for a benefit
Moral relativism
2 Conventional3Most of the teenagers
Most of the adults
Conformity and interpersonal accord Social normsGood boy/girl attitude
2 Conventional4Most of the teenagers
Most of the adults
Maintaining authority
and social-order
Law and order
2+ Transition4 1/2Age 18-20 Arbitrariness of nature
of law and order
Setback stage 
3 Post•conventional5Past age 20
25% of the adult population
Human rights and
Social contract
3 Post-conventional6Past age 20
25% of the adult population
Universal human
ethical principles
Principled conscience 
Originator: ► Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) US American professor of psychology best known
for his theory of stages of moral development, University of Chicago
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Stages of Moral Development
See also:
Evolutionary models of integral thought leaders – Maturing the ego
Pyramid of needs – Abraham Maslow
Ethics and ► Conscience and ► Relativism

Moral development with women and men – Carol Gilligan

The US American professor of gender studies Carol Gilligan (*1936) is a former student of the psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, best known for his theory of stages of moral development. She discovered that people faced with an emergency situation will be approached gender-specifically:
       ⚑  Women focus more on the framework of relationships, interactions and responsibilities.
       ⚑  Men focus more on abstract rights and duties.
Basically, the masculine ethics of justice and the feminine ethics of care are structurally equal.


Both women and men develop hierarchically.
Women by nature do not think hierarchically, however they develop in hierarchical ways.
      ⚑   Women engage in a connectional and binding manner.
      ⚑   Men tend to think autonomously, are action oriented and prefer ranked order.


Four moral developmental stages
Feminine ethics of care      ⇔       Masculine ethics of justice
༺༻LevelStage Ethics of care
Phoenix process
Ethics of justice
Sense of duty
Key phrase
1. Egocentric Pre-conventionalSelfish
I love myself.
2. Ethnocentric Pre-conventionalTribal
I love you.
3. Worldcentric ConventionalUniversal
I love you more than me.
4. Cosmocentric-integral Post-conventionalIntegrated
I love myself and you.
Video references:
► Video interview with Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, Women and
     Moral Development
, presented by the US American web portal Big Think, transcript included, 6:29 minutes duration, posted
     27. February 2009
► Educative video Gilligan – Theory of Women's Moral Development, presented by The College Student, Emily Abrams and Julia
     Smith, issued 20. October 2014, YouTube film, 5:54 minutes duration, posted 13. October 2014
► Educative video Carol Gilligan's Theory of Moral Development, presented by the Study, narrated by Melissa Hurst, Ph.D.,
     YouTube film, 7:00 minutes duration, posted 18. July 2016
Carol Gilligan, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor of gender studies, psychologist, feminist, ethicist concerned with
     issues of community and relationship, writer, In a Different Voice. Psychological Theory and Women's Development, 1982,
     Harvard University Press, revised edition 1. July 1993    
Recension: "...the little book that started a revolution"
Reference: ► Notes on In a Different Voice by Carol Gilligan, presented by Allen Cypher, undated
See also: ► Ethics and ► Women / Women and ► Men and ► Justice and ► Wholeness and ► Phoenix

Pyramid of needs – Abraham Maslow

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs comprising 6 stages Bedürfnispyramide


In 1954 Abraham Maslow introduced his theory of the Hierarchy of Needs in his book Motivation and Personality and later he commented on it in Toward A Psychology Of Being (1968).
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs comprises three levels:
   1. Deficiency needs
   2. Aesthetical needs
   3. Growth needs.


Similar to Lawrence Kohlberg's late insight did Maslow insert a 6th stage to his step model shortly before his death in 1970. The 6th (Kohlberg's 8th) stage is self transcendence i.e. search for meaning, God, a higher being (supposedly located outside), and service.
At a convention where Maslow met the Nazi concentration camp survivor and founder of logotherapy Viktor E. Frankl,
his 5-step-model was being challenged by the finder of meaning.14
Frankl contrasted self-transcendence with Maslow's term self-actualization. Self-actualization, including happiness, are side-effects of the discovery of meaning and self-transcendence.15 / 16 and selfless service.17


Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (1954-1970)
adapted to eight stages in 1990s
StageNeed modeName of need
1. Deficiency Biology
Air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep
2. Deficiency SafetyProtection from elements, security, order, law, limits, stability, routines, stable income, insurances, health, (denominational) religion
3. Deficiency Belongingness
Socializing in groups, colleagues at work, circle of friends, intimate relationships, family bonds, communication, love, affection, caring, charity
4. Aesthetics EsteemSelf-esteem, achievement, mastery, independence, status, status symbols, dominance, prestige, awards, success, wealth, managerial responsibility, career, individuality
5. Aesthetics CognitionAcquiring knowledge, training the intellect, debate, reading, solving puzzles, meaning, purpose, insights
6. Aesthetics BeautyAppreciation and search for beauty, balance, form, art, philosophy
7. Growth Self-actualizationRealising talents and personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth, altruism, goodness, faith, peak experiences, world explanation, ethics of guide lines
8. Growth Self transcendenceSearch for God or a higher being (suspected outside of the system),
deeper meaning, serving others to achieve self actualization

Pioneering the Science of Happiness through the Hierarchy of Needs'']], presented by the website Pursuit of Happiness, undated ||

See also: ► Human moral development – Lawrence Kohlberg
Siehe auch:
Bedürfnispyramide – Abraham Maslow
Stufenmodelle und Tiers – K. Wilber, A. Maslow, J. Gebser, R. Graves, D. Hawkins


For self-actualizers to feel happy following Being needs (B-needs) have to be met:
   ✣ Truth, rather than dishonesty.
   ✣ Goodness, rather than evil.
   ✣ Beauty, not ugliness or vulgarity.
   ✣ Unity, wholeness, and transcendence of opposites, not arbitrariness or forced choices.
   ✣ Aliveness, not deadness or the mechanization of life.
   ✣ Uniqueness, not bland uniformity.
   ✣ Perfection and necessity, not sloppiness, inconsistency, or accident.
   ✣ Completion, rather than incompleteness.
   ✣ Justice and order, not injustice and lawlessness.
   ✣ Simplicity, not unnecessary complexity.
   ✣ Richness, not environmental impoverishment.
   ✣ Effortlessness, not strain.
   ✣ Playfulness, not grim, humorless drudgery.
   ✣ Self-sufficiency, not dependency.
   ✣ Meaningfulness, rather than senselessness.
Source: ► Article by Dr. C. George Boeree, Abraham Maslow 1908-1970,
paragraph "Metaneeds and metapathologies", 1998, 2006, retrieved 12. April 2010


"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
What a man can be, he must be. This need we may call self-actualization. This term, first coined by Kurt Goldstein, is being used in this paper in a much more specific and limited fashion. It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. This tendency might be phrased as the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming."  Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) US American transpersonal psychologist, happiness researcher, author, Motivation and Personality, S. 93, Harper & Brothers, 1954


Basic Human Needs Continuum by Clayton Alderfer (1940-2015) US American psychologist


Four key takeaways based on Maslow's need theory:
   1. We are all more alike than we are different. We truly are part of a human family.
   2. Most of us are feeling more insecure, unloved, and unworthy than we admit to ourselves or others.
       And these unmet needs fuel our unconscious behavior.
   3. True positive mental health, or mature adulthood, is reached when we resolve these hidden tensions within ourselves.
       Only then can we access our innate potential as mature adults.
   4. Focus on your overall life direction. Are you moving in the direction of growth (and feeling greater satisfaction)?
       Or are you regressing in an attempt to meet your basic needs and feeling frustration?
Blog article by Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, The Ultimate Guide to Maslow's Hierarchy
of Needs for Understanding Motivation
, presented by the blogspot "CEO Sage", issued 19. January 2020


The Blackfoot Nation Tipi juxtaposed/inverse to Maslow's hierarchy of needs Bild

Source: ► Article Maslow Got It Wrong, presented by the stories outlet Medium, Teju Ravilochan, 4. April 2021

Pyramid of needs applied at the work place – Chip Conley

Stages of needs at the work place
1.Basic need levelSurvival Job
2.Middle need levelSuccess Career
2.Peak need levelTransformation Calling
Source: ► Video presentation by Chip Conley, US American hotelier, founder and CEO of
Joie de Vivre Hospitality, speaker, author, Transforming the Workplace, One Minute Shift production,
presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), 1:11 minutes duration, posted January 2009
See also: ► Work

Stages of psychosocial development – Erik Erickson

Eight stages of psychosocial human development – Crises resulting in virtues
From birth to death – Freud's model of psychosexual development (expanded)
Each stage is signified by a conflict between two opposing phenomenons.
Once the struggle is resolved, a person acquires a particular virtue.
If a person does not fully resolve the conflict within a stage, that virtue becomes an
ongoing issue that persists throughout subsequent stages or until it gets resolved.
Significant relationshipResulting
Main Question
1.InfancyAge 0-1Basic trust ⇔ mistrustMotherHope Feeding, abandonment
2.ToddlerAge 2-3Autonomy ⇔
shame and doubt
ParentsWill "Can I do things myself or must I always rely on others?"
Toilet training, clothing themselves
3.Childhood preschoolAge 4-6Initiative ⇔ guiltFamilyPurpose "Am I good or am I bad?"
Exploring, using tools or making art
4.Early adolescenceAge 7-11Industry ⇔ inferiorityNeighbors, schoolCompetence "How can I be good?"
School, sports
5.Late adolescenceAge 12-19Individual Identity
role confusion
Peers, role modelFidelity "Who am I and where am I going?"
Social relationships
6.Early adulthoodAge 20-45Intimacy ⇔ isolationFriends, partnersLove "Am I loved and wanted?"
"Shall I share my life with
someone or live alone?"
Romantic relationships
7.Middle adulthoodAge 45-65Generativity ⇔ stagnationHousehold, workmatesCare "Will I produce something of real value?"
Work, parenthood
8.Late adulthood
Old age
Age 65-deathEgo Integrity ⇔ despairMankind, my kindWisdom "Have I lived a full life?"
Reflection on life
Study subject: Erik Erikson (1902-1994) Danish-German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst,
     Eight stages of psychosocial human development, 90ties
Book: Alexandra Robbins (*1976) US American lecturer, journalist, author, Conquering Your Quarterlife Crisis: Advice from
     Twentysomethings Who Have Been There and Survived
, TarcherPerigee, 5. October 2004
Article Understanding The Quarter-life Crisis, presented by the publication of the Bradley University, undated
See also: ► Evolution of consciousness and ► Psychology

Seven evolutionary stages of leadership: Expediency ⇒ alchemical service

Evolutionary stages – Alchemical transformation by service in leadership
Vertical action-logic
Soul age
Time awareness%PerspectiveOrder of consciousnessExpression of powerEnergetic flow
1.OpportunistWeeks to monthsUnaware of time 5% 1st person Dependent
Socialised mind
Might makes right.
Power motivated by personal needs
2.DiplomatMonths to 1 yearAware of time 12% 2nd person Dependent
Socialised mind
DiplomaticSocial norms ruling personal needs
3.Expert1-2 yearsDurational time 38% 3rd person Dependent
Socialised mind
System is right.
Craft-logic ruling social norms
4.Achiever2-5 yearsOne-dimensional
Linear time
30% Expanded
3rd person
Self-authoring mind
Systematic-productiveSystem effectiveness ruling craft-logic
5.Individualist5-10 yearsPresent time
Here and now
10% 4th person Independent
Self-authoring mind
VisionaryRelativism ruling systematic effectiveness of any single system
6.Strategist10-20 yearsTwo-dimensional
Nonlinear time
4% Expanded
4th person
Self-transforming mind
PraxisMost valuable principles ruling relativism
7.AlchemistUp to100 years, multigenerationalThree-dimensional
Nonlinear time
<1% 5th to nth person Interdependent
Self-transforming mind
Mutually transformingDeep processes and inter-systemic evolution ruling principles


Insight "We’ve found that leaders who undertake a voyage of personal understanding and development can transform
not only their own capabilities, but also those of their companies.
Article by David Rooke, William R. Torbert, Ph.D., US American professor, Boston College's Carroll School of Management, Massachusetts, Seven Transformations of Leadership, presented by the bimonthly management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), published by Harvard Business Publishing, S. 1-9, April 2005
Statistics 55% of the leaders operate preconventionally, perform below the level of integrity.
30% of the leaders operate conventionally, perform above the level of integrity.
14% of the leaders have attained a post-conventional level.
Less than 1% of the leaders operate at transpersonal stages.


Source: ► Article Transformation in Leadership, Part 1: A Developmental Study of Warren Buffett,
                   presented by the Integral Leadership Review, Edward J. Kelly, ~2012
Based on:
Seven vertical action-logic stages of development (of mental complexity) – originator William R. Torbert, Ph.D., US American teacher,
     consultant, artist, author, 2004
Three orders of consciousness: Adult Levels of Development: Socialized ◊ Self-authoring ◊ Self-transforming – originator
     Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning,
     Harvard University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, 1994
Robert Kegan, Ph.D. (*1946) US American developmental psychologist, professor of leadership studies and adult learning, Harvard
     University, co-director for the Change Leadership Group, author, The Evolving Self. Problem and Process in Human Development,
     Harvard University Press, 1982, reprint edition 1. July 1983
See also: ► Leadership and ► Ken Wilber and ► Hermes Trismegistos
Chakra system and ► Chakras – Alchemical process

Nine stages of ego development – Jane Loevinger

Nine stages of ego development – Jane Loevinger
1. Presocial Earliest infancyFocus only on gratifying immediate needs, thinking is autistic or delusional
2. Impulsive Young ChildViewing the world in ego-centric terms, preoccupied with bodily impulses
3. Self-protective ChildFirst step towards self-control of impulses, notion of blame externalized onto other people or to circumstances, opportunistic, deceptive, preoccupied with control
4. Conformist School child
Conforming to socially approved codes or norms, behaviour is judged externally, content-based
5. Self-aware
Transitional 'conscientious-conformist'
Young Adulthood
~Age 25
Development of 'rudimentary self-awareness and self-criticism'
6. ConscientiousAdult Spontaneously psychological development, internalisation of rules is completed, exceptions and contingencies are recognised, new sense of responsibility, guilt triggered by hurting an-
other, rather than by breaking rules, viewing things in a broader social context, standards are self-chosen, people are seen by their motives, not just their actions
7. Individualistic AdultRespect for individuality and interpersonal ties, broad-minded tolerance, respect for the autonomy of self and others, moralism subsides, awareness of inner conflict, concern for psychological causality and development and interpersonal interaction
8. Autonomous AdultFreeing from oppressive demands of conscience, "synthesizing", conceptually integrating ideas, deepening self-acceptance
9. Integrated Older adultWisdom, broad empathy towards oneself and other, capacity to reconcile inner conflicts
References: en.Wikipedia entries
Jane Loevinger (1918-2008) US American developmental psychologist, developer of a theory of personality and maturing conscience
Loevinger's stages of ego development
See also: ► Ego
Siehe auch: ► Neun Stufen der Ich-Entwicklung – Jane Loevinger

Ladder of 'personal' development – Joseph Dillard

Developmental stages: From prepersonal to non-dual
StageFocus onChakraRelevant questionsSelf-sense statements
PREPERSONAL developmental stages – Belief
Early PrepersonalBody 1st chakra How do I get my physical needs met? "I am my sensations."
Mid PrepersonalEmotions 2nd chakra How can I feel alive, spontaneous,
and passionate?
"I am my preferences (likes/dislikes)."
Late PrepersonalEgo 3rd chakra How can I assert myself in the world? "I am my ego."
Powerful, narcissistic, heroic
PERSONAL developmental stages – Belief and reason
Early PersonalName, race, family, school,
team, country, religion
What are the rules and roles
I need to succeed in life?
"I am my memberships."
Mid PersonalRationality, capabilities, responsibilities, status What makes sense and how do I use
it to make a difference with my life?
"I am my competencies."
Late personalWorld, world culture,
How do I respect and protect the rights of everyone? "I am my inclusiveness."
Late Personal /
Early Transpersonal
points of view
4th chakra How do I respect and balance all levels of development? "I am multi-perspectival."
TRANSPERSONAL developmental stages – Experience transcending and including both belief and reason
Early·TranspersonalEnergy and nature 5th chakra How do I experience oneness with energy and nature? "I am energy and nature."
Mid TranspersonalDivinity, wisdom 6th chakra How do I become one with God? "I am love and spirit."
Late TranspersonalFormless wellsprings
of creativity
7th chakra How do I become one with the formless? "I am no self."
NON-DUAL developmental stages
Non-DualLife 8-9th chakras How do I live life in non-dual awareness? "I am all and none of
"my" selves."
Sources featuring Joseph Dillard, Ph.D. (*1949) US American psychotherapist, developer of dreamwork method Integral Deep Listening (IDL), author
Blog article A Brief Walk Through the Ladder of Development, presented by Integral Deep Listening, 27. November 2016
Blog article What is your next level of growth? Understanding Wilber’s Developmental Stages, 13. November 2014
Book to be published in 2017 Transformational Dreamwork, chapter 4 What makes a type of dreamwork prepersonal, personal,
     or transpersonal?
, Amazon Publishing, CreateSpace.com, January 2017
References: ► Based on Ken Wilber's Integral AQAL philosophy


Basic principles applying to all developmental levels

⚑ Each of the 11 levels includes the previous one.
⚑ Each the 11 levels transcends the previous one.
⚑ Understanding or possessing characteristics of a stage does not mean to incorporate them.
⚑ The lagging or weakest developmental line is closer to one's overall level of development than the strongest, leading line.
⚑ One's level of development is not the determining factor.
One has to understand and balance the behavioral, cultural, consciousness and social quadrants of one's life. Furthermore, it is essential
❄ to process a number of lines of development, including cognitive, self, ethical and interpersonal.
❄ to be able to differentiate between temporary state access and permanent stage acquisition.
The prevailing family, work, religious and political cultures in which one is embedded largely determine
one's own level of development. The largely invisible impact of culture is chronically underestimated.


"It is normal for those who have had a near death or mystical experience to be convinced that they have attained the transpersonal due to overwhelming experiences of vast timelessness, spacelessness, selflessness, and unconditional love. […] As stunningly expansive and transformational as these experiences are, if a person claims to have been propelled into a state of permanent enlightenment, they are almost certainly self-deluded. They are confusing the accessing of transpersonal states, which anyone, including children, can do, and being stable in one's development at some transpersonal level, which almost nobody does." Joseph Dillard, Ph.D. (*1949) US American psychotherapist, developer of dreamwork method Integral Deep Listening (IDL), author, Transformational Dreamwork, Amazon Publishing, CreateSpace.com, January 2017
See also: ► Quotes by S. Jeffrey – List of discrepancies in Hawkins' calibrations


See also:
► Various step models presented on page Ken Wilber
Quotes on Socrates – Joseph Dillard
Comparison of Deep Psychology ⇔ Deep Listening – Joseph Dillard
Seven primary affective systems – Jaak Panksepp
Healing individual trauma and transforming culture and society – Peter Levine
Three mating drives Helen Fisher ∞ Three Daoist types of integration of Yin and Yang
Passage from force driven controlling ego → self → power dwelling SELF
Interpretations of the fairy tale The Golden Bird
Needs, fixations and crises: From prepersonal to non-dual
Early Prepersonal Physical security:
Food, water, shelter
"I am crazy." Schizophrenia,
withdrawal from consensual reality
Psychosis induced by drugs, meditation,
genetic disorders
Mid Prepersonal Emotional satisfaction "There is no problem." Most primitive defenses: repression, denial, regression Physical health crises, serious relationship disturbances regression, repression, denial
Late Prepersonal Control "It’s YOUR problem." Higher order defenses: Projection, blaming, guilt, absence of regret or remorse Accidents, fighting brought on by over-confi-
dence, projection, blaming, guilt, absence of
regret or remorse
Early Personal Belongingness "We are the champions." Exceptionalism, indispensability, elitism, absolutes (Truth, Reality), absence of empathy Rejection, scapegoating, ostracism
Mid Personal Competence "I know, follow and enforce the Real, True and Right." Rigid adherence to law (dharma) and reason, crisis of social identity "Affluenza": Personal competencies and social status
do not bring happiness/fulfillment.
Late personal Inclusion "I love you unconditionally – unless you don't believe in unconditional love." Exclusion of the exclusionary, the non-real/delusional Inclusiveness does not bring happiness/fulfillment.
Vision-Logic Adaptability in shifting perspectives, identities "Imaginary voices have nothing to tell me worth listening to." Non-identification with the non-real/delusional Realization that knowing the map does not give access to the territory; multiple state access does not provide stable stage development
Early Transpersonal Oneness with the power and beauty of nature "Why grow further?"
Self as free, unlimited, powerful
Realization that self one with freedom, nature
and power is not selfless
Mid Transpersonal Oneness with the sacred "I have arrived!" Self as sacred Realization that self one with the sacred is not selfless (Psychological heliocentrism)
Late Transpersonal Completely in flow with life/normalcy "I prefer no-self to self." No self as real Realization that selflessness is not the answer.
Non-Dual Allowing life to generate priorities and following them "The non-dual is better." This (or any) context is superior to all others. Believing that there are no broader contexts
Affect, sexuality and religion/spirituality: From prepersonal to non-dual
Early Prepersonal Sensory nurturance/deprivation, protofeelings Sensory gratification Animistic
Nature is alive and powerful.
Mid Prepersonal Fear, anger, satisfaction, tension Impulsive, emotional gratification Shamanism, voodoo, spirits, blessings, curses, spells, signs and symbols
Late Prepersonal Second-degree emotions:
Anxiety, anger, wishing, liking, safety, rejection, "neurotic" depression, loneliness, shame
Self-validation and attaining security through controlling others to fulfill one's own needs without regard to theirs Deification of powerful authorities, appeasing power gods with blood sacrifice, tithing, penance
Early Personal Third degree emotions:
Love, joy, belongingness, depression, hate, guilt, embarrassment
Assuaging loneliness, generating a sense of "We are a couple." belongingness, cast out loneliness and separation Sacred covenant,
shared sacred story,
good ⇔ evil
Mid Personal Fourth degree emotions: Universal
affect, global justice, pragmatic caring
Expression of self as status Social justice, synchronicities,
analogies, metaphors
Late personal Love-peace, love-consensus, love-empathy, love-non-violence, love--reconciliation Listening to and fulfilling the needs of the other, emphasizing holding and shared closeness over orgasm Cultural communion Deeply shared global values
Vision-Logic Dignity/respect, higher-order empathy, compassion, world-centric altruism Dignity/respect is more important than sex or sexual preferences Dignity/respect extended to the rejected and unreal
Early Transpersonal Awe, abundance Sex as sacred power
Note potential abuses
Oneness with nature
Mid Transpersonal Devotion Sex as sacred communion
Note potential abuses
Oneness with the sacred
Late Transpersonal Cosmic humor,
Sex as transcending selves, sacred sex
Note potential abuses
Oneness with the formless
Non-Dual Serenity, inner peace,
acceptance, witnessing
Sex happens
Note potential abuses
Intimate, authentic living
Strength, culture and worldview: From prepersonal to non-dual
Early Prepersonal Authentic anchoring in experience Sensory gratification "My clan, my family vs. the world."
Mid Prepersonal Emotional engagement with life Heaven above, Hell below "My tribe, kinship, lineage vs. the world."
Late Prepersonal Confidence although naive Dominance, love the good, kill the bad, psychological geocentrism "My interests ⇔ the world."
Early Personal Mutual support "United we stand, divided we fall." Need for stable roles and rules "Our interests vs. the world."
Social hierarchies, appropriate roles
Mid Personal Questioning, challenging, doubt, pattern recognition Law, justice, reason, meritocracy, competency "I stand for law and justice vs. the unlawful and injust." Transnational interests
Late personal Inclusiveness Worldcentric pluralistic relativism, inclusion, egalitarian, anti-hierarchy "The world’s interests are my interests." Diversity, multiculturalism, relativism: collective communities
Vision-Logic Higher-order empathy Respect, systems within systems "Multiple and changing perspectives dicate my beliefs, actions and identity."
Early Transpersonal Transcendence of temporal-spacial limits Freedom through oneness with nature "Honoring the natural order is my priority."
Mid Transpersonal Transcendence of separation Salvation through oneness with the sacred "Honoring the sacred is my priority."
Late Transpersonal Transcendence of distinctions Clarity through oneness with the wellsprings of life "Honoring the formless wellsprings of creativity and life is my priority."
Non-Dual Integration Honoring all of the above "Respecting and using the above is the priority."

Stages of faith – James W. Fowler

Stages of faith and finding meaning
The US American developmental psychologist and theologist James W. Fowler researched the stages of faith development. His respective book is titled Stages of Faith. The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest
for Meaning
. It was first published in 1981 by HarperOne. A new edition was published on September 15, 1995.
Stage / LoC Expression of faith Age frame Age Description
Below 200
Earliest months
of life

(Basic trust)
~2-7 yearsStatements of faith
Fantasy-filled, imitative phase
Below 200
Childhood~8-11 yearsPictorial narration of faith
Example: God is above, the evil is below.
God is an old man with a beard.
Many adultsBetween
12-21 years
Individual faith identity
Dependent on feedback from attachment figures /
social environment
Above 200
Adult22-~45 yearsMoving away from conventions
Developing and asserting oneself despite one's environment
Above 400
Few adults
(Midlife crisis)
Mature adult age
46+ yearsExpanded faith
Acknowledging the multilayered structure of various faiths,
relativity of one's own faith
Above 460
Very few people
Mahatma Gandhi,
Mother Teresa,
Martin Luther, Jesus
At any ageRadical, ready to die realization of one's faith
The Christian 'Kingdom of God' is being lived as reality.
Written sources:
Book James W. Fowler (1940-2015) US American professor of theology and human developmental psychology, Emory University,
    political and social scientist, Methodist minister, author, Stages of Faith. The Psychology of Human Development and the Quest for
, 1981, HarperOne, new edition 15. September 1995
James W. Fowler, Stages of Faith, cited in: Joann Wolski Conn, editor, Women's Spirituality: Resources for Christian Development,
    S. 226-232, Paulist Press International, 1. November 1996
Article Fully Human, Fully Divine: James Fowler's Stages of Faith, presented by the publication Integral Life, Corey W. deVos,
    US American webmaster and senior editor of KenWilber.com, writer, 18. June 2011, reissued by Integral Options, 21. June 2011
Media offering:
Audio presentation Stairways to Heaven: Honoring Dr. James Fowler, presented by Integral Life, contributors:
    Roland Stanich and Ken Wilber, contributor, aired 9. April 2009
References: en.Wikipedia entries Fowler's stages of faith development and ► Developmental approaches to religion
See also: ► Faith
Siehe auch: ► Stufen des Glaubens – James W. Fowler

Cultivating wholeness and community in a fragmented world – Bill Plotkin

Eight organic cycles of eco-soulcentric human development – Bill Plotkin
༺༻PhaseArchetypeExpression – LocationImpression
1. stageEarly childhood InnocentIn the NestLuminous presence
2. stageMiddle childhood ExplorerIn the GardenWonder
3. stageEarly adolescence ThespianAt the OasisFire
4. stageLate adolescence WandererIn the CocoonMystery and darkness
5. stageEarly adulthood ApprenticeAt the WellspringVisionary action and inspiration
6. stageLate adulthood ArtisanIn the Wild OrchardSeeds of cultural renaissance
7. stageEarly elderhood MasterIn the Grove of EldersWholeness
8. stageLate elderhood SageIn the Mountain CaveGrace
Book Bill Plotkin, Ph.D., US American depth psychologist, wilderness guide, ecotherapist, agent of cultural evolution, author, Nature
     and the Human Soul. Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World
, New World Library, 28. December 2007
Article Understanding The Quarter-life Crisis, presented by the Bradley University, undated
See also: ► Community and ► Evolutionary models of integral thought leaders – Maturing the ego


The evolution of our species does not force species to mature psychospiritually, and individual maturation, in general, does not cause our species to evolve. But, in our time, if we do not mature as individuals (and consequently as societies), the entire arc of human evolution might soon come to an end. We are in danger of extinction
– along with the extinction we have already wrought upon thousands of other species.
The continuation of our human arc depends on which circle – egocentric or soul centric – we embrace.
Bill Plotkin, Ph.D., US American depth psychologist, wilderness guide, ecotherapist, agent of cultural evolution, author,
Nature and the Human Soul. Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World, New World Library, 28. December 2007

Four stages of community building – M. Scott Peck

US psychiatrist M. Scott Peck started the Foundation for Community Encouragement (FCE) to promote the formation of communities, which, he argues, are laying the foundation towards uniting humanity and saving it from self destruction.
He says that community has three essential ingredients:

  1. Inclusivity
  2. Commitment
  3. Consensus


Stages of community building
According to M. Scott Peck Community building goes through the four stages:
1. Pseudocommunity ⇒ 2. Chaos ⇒ 3. Emptiness ⇒ 4. True community.
༺༻Community stageLegend
1. Pseudocommunity Members pretend to have a bon homie with one another, and cover up their differences, by acting as if
the differences do not exist. Pseudocommunity can never directly lead to community. The person guiding the community building process has the job to shorten this period as much as possible.
2. Chaos When pseudocommunity fails to work, the members start falling upon each other, giving vent to their mutual disagreements and differences. This is a period of chaos. It is a time when the people in the community realize that differences cannot simply be ignored. Chaos looks counterproductive AND it is the first genuine step towards community building.
3. Emptiness

Shadow work
People learn to empty themselves of those ego related factors that are preventing their entry into commu-
nity. Emptiness is a tough step because it involves the death of a part of the individual. It paves the way for the birth of a new creature, the Community.
4. True community Having worked through emptiness, the people in community are in empathy with one another and tacit understanding. People are able to relate to each other's feelings. Discussions, even when heated, never
get sour, and motives are not questioned.
See also:
Community and ► From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof and ► Five stages of marriage – Jed Diamond
Siehe auch: ► Vier Phasen der Teamentwicklung – M. Scott Peck


Community formation juxtaposed to the five stages of team development
The four stages of community formation are somewhat corresponding to a
model in organization theory depicting five stages of team development,
namely: 1. Forming ⇒ 2. Storming ⇒ 3. Norming ⇒ 4. Performing ⇒ 5. Transforming.
༺༻Formation stageLegendRemark
1. Forming Team members have some initial discomfort with each other but nothing comes out in the open. They are insecure about their role and position with respect to the team. This corresponds to the initial stage of pseudo-community.
2. Storming Team members start arguing heatedly and differences and insecurities come out in the open. This corresponds to the second stage given by Scott Peck, namely chaos.
3. Norming Team members lay out rules and guidelines for interaction that help define the roles and responsibilities of each person. This corresponds to emptiness, where the community members think within and empty themselves of their obsessions to be able to accept and listen to others.
4. Performing Team members finally start working as a cohesive whole, and effectively achieve the tasks set of themselves. In this stage individuals are aided by the group as a whole where necessary, in order to move further collectively than they could achieve as a group of separated individuals. 
5. Transforming Celebration is at hand. When individuals leave there is a genuine feeling of grief, and a desire to meet again. Traditionally this stage was often called "Mourning". This stage corresponds to the stage of true community.


It is in this third stage that Peck's community-building methods differ in principle from team development. While teams in business organizations need to develop explicit rules, guidelines and protocols during the norming stage,
the emptiness stage of community building is characterized, not by laying down the rules explicitly,
but by shedding the resistance within the minds of the individuals.

Features of true community

Characteristics of a genuine community
M. Scott Peck describes the characteristics of a true community as follows:
Inclusivity, commitment and consensusMembers accept and embrace each other, celebrating their individuality and transcending
their differences. They commit themselves to the effort and the people involved.
They make decisions and reconcile their differences through consensus.
Realism Members bring together multiple perspectives to better understand the whole context of the situation.
Decisions are more well-rounded and humble, rather than one-sided and arrogant.
Contemplation Members examine themselves.
They are individually and collectively self-aware of the world outside themselves, the world inside themselves, and the relationship between the two.
A safe placeMembers allow others to share their vulnerability, heal themselves,
and express who they truly are.
A laboratory for personal disarmament Members experientially discover the rules for peacemaking and embrace its virtues.
They feel and express compassion and respect for each other as fellow human beings.
A group that can fight gracefully Members resolve conflicts with wisdom and grace. They listen and understand, respect each others' gifts, accept each others' limitations, celebrate their differences, bind each others’ wounds, and commit to a struggle together rather than against each other.
A group of all leaders Members harness the "flow of leadership" to make decisions and set a course of action.
It is the spirit of community itself that leads and not any single individual.
A spirit The true spirit of community is the spirit of peace, love, wisdom and power.
Members may view the source of this spirit as an outgrowth of the collective self
or as the manifestation of a Higher Will.


References featuring M. Scott Peck (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author
Book: The Different Drum. Community Making and Peace, pages 187-203, Simon & Schuster, June 1987, Touchstone, 2nd edition
     2. January 1998
Article: The Stages of Spiritual Growth, excerpted from the book "The Different Drum", abridged version compiled by Richard Schwartz,
, US American professor of marriage and family therapy, author, presented by the online archive outlet whale.to, undated
Video presentation by Dan Littauer, M. Scott Peck's Stage Theory, Vimeo video, 5:57 minutes duration, posted 6. January 2009
Video presentation M. Scott Peck – The Four Stages of Community-Making, YouTube film, 36:34 minutes duration, posted 29. January 2013
See also:
Democratic group decision-making in herd animals
Funneling the complexity of modernity in view of the Internet – Peter Kruse

Constructive developmental framework – Robert Kegan

The evolution of one's sense of self
An individual evolves in a series of stages through their lifetime. Human evolution is defined, driven and "controlled" alternately by two conflicting main motivations: 1. being autonomous and 2. belonging to a group.
༺༻Self-concept – one's sense of selfDevelopmental time frame
  Stage·1 Purely impulse or reflex-driven Infancy and early childhood
Stage 2 Ruled by one's needs and wishes. Needs and wishes of others are relevant only to the extent
that they support those of the person. Effectively the person and others inhabit two "separate worlds".
Childhood to adolescence
Stage 3 One's sense of self is socially determined, based on the real or
imagined expectations of others
Stage 4 One's sense of self is determined by a set of values, authored for oneself Only in adulthood
Rarely achieved
Stage 5 One's sense of self is no longer bound to any particular aspect of oneself or
one's history. One is free to allow oneself to focus on the flow of one's life.
Robert Keagan's Constructive developmental framework (CDF) holds that people are rarely precisely at a single stage but more accurately are distributed over a range where they are subject to the conflicting influences of a higher and a lower stage. During the "social-emotional" stage 3 an individual makes meaning of their experience in the social world.
Robert Keagan's book The Evolving Self is the theoretical integration of three very different intellectual traditions:
  1. Humanistic and existential-phenomenological tradition19,
  2. Neo-psychoanalytic tradition 20,
  3. Constructive-developmental tradition21
Originator: ► Robert Kegan (*1946) US American professor of developmental psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education, author
The Evolving Self. Problem and Process in Human Development, Harvard University Press, 1982, reprint edition 1. July 1983,
     reprint edition 30. June 2009
In Over Our Heads. The Mental Demands of Modern Life, Harvard University Press, 1994, paperback reprint edition
     5. September 1995
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Constructive developmental framework (CDF)
Theoretical framework for epistemological and psychological assessment of adults
See also: ► Consciousness-Tables

Four stages of spiritual development – M. Scott Peck

Four stages of development of spirit and soul
US psychiatrist M. Scott Peck offers an evolutionary step model comprising four stages:
༺༻ FocusChakraExpressionGroupCommentSoul growth
P. Hawker
Base chakra
Chaotic, disordered, reckless
Tendency to defy and disobey, unwillingness to accept a will greater than their own
Very young childrenMany criminals have never grown out of Stage I.Blank
II.Emotions2. Sacral chakra Blind faith; obedient children, humility and willingness to obey and serveReligious people with blind faith in GodMost good law-abiding citizens don't move out of Stage II.Fundamentalistic
III.Reason3. Spleen chakra Scientific skepticism and inquisitivity; Only accepting the logic of things, no trust in faithPeople working in scientific and technological researchStage III. is populated with intellectuals.Secular humanistic
Heart chakra
Realizing and enjoying the mystery and beauty of nature, recognizing grand patterns in life events, while retaining skepticismReligiousness and spirituality are the result of genuine experience, not blind faith (as in stage II).Stage IV people are labeled as mystics.Comfortable with mystery
Sources by M. Scott Peck' (1936-2005) US American psychiatrist, psychotherapist, author
The Road Less Traveled, 1st edition 1978, Random House United Kingdom, 15. March 1990, Touchstone,
     25th anniversary edition 4. February 2003
The Different Drum. Community Making and Peace, Simon & Schuster, June 1987
Further Along the Road Less Traveled. The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth, Simon & Schuster, October 1993
► Paul Hawker, New Zealand US American TV series producer, author,
Secret Affairs of the Soul'', Northstone Publishing,
     1. November 2000          
Four maturing stages of ensouling spirituality
See also:Cultural Creatives and ► Brain lateralization resulting in 2,500 years of split Western culture – Iain McGilchrist


Peck noted following conspicuous features :
Left brain approachTransitions from Stage I to Stage II happen abruptly.
Right brain approachTransitions from Stage III to Stage IV tend to evolve gradually.

Four essential historical ages – Daniel Pink

Four essential historical ages – Daniel Pink
The book A Whole New Mind describes four essential historical ages and it explains
the holistic new thinking model and their different expressions of creativity.
༺༻Historical ageHuman producersServices and productionLocationOrientation
1.Agricultural Farmers Produce / food Nature Cultivating the land
2.Industrial Factory workers Products / goods Cities Overcrowded areas
3.Information Knowledge workers Facts-Programming-Ideas
Logical, linear, goal/success oriented
Left brain dominance Pride culture
4.Conceptual Creators and empathizers Context / Flow / Inspiration
Paradoxical, nonlinear, inventive, heartfelt
Right brain integration Dignity culture
Source: ► Daniel Pink danpink.com (*1964) US American motivational speaker, chief speech writer of US vice president
Al Gore (1995-1997), visionary author, A Whole New Mind. Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future,
Riverhead Trade, updated reprint edition March 2006
See also:
Cultural Creatives: Results of long-term value study – Paul Ray
Four stages of spiritual development – M. Scott Peck
Five types of clusterings in companies and society – David Logan
Five levels of leadership – Charisma meter
Levels of Transformation – Five brain frames – From survival → service
Analogous animal and human evolution – Bruce Lipton
Shifting the cultural zeitgeist in Western societies
Creativity and ► Pride and ► Dignity and ► Wholeness and ► Context and ► Success
Siehe auch: ► Informationszeitalter ⇒ Konzeptuelles Zeitalter – Daniel Pink


"There is a seismic – though as yet undetected – shift now underway in much of the advanced world. We are moving from an economy and a society built on the logical, linear, computer-like capabilities of the Information Age to an economy and a society built on the inventive, empathic, big-picture capabilities of what's rising in its place, the Conceptual Age.
The last few decades have belonged to a certain kind of person with a certain kind of mind – computer programmers who could crank code, lawyers who could craft contracts, MBAs who could crunch numbers. But the keys to the kingdom are changing hands.
The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind – creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers and meaning-makers. These people – artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, bigpicture thinkers – will now reap society's richest rewards and share its greatest joys."
  Daniel Pink danpink.com (*1964) US American motivational speaker, chief speech writer of US vice president Al Gore (1995-1997), visionary author, A Whole New Mind. Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age, Riverhead/Penguin, 2005, Riverhead Trade, updated reprint edition March 2006

Model of hierarchical complexity

16 stages of the model of hierarchical complexity (MHC)
༺༻StageEvolutionary stage / ageHuman distribution in percent
1.Calculatory stageNumbers, molecules
2.Automatic stageCells
3.Sensory or motor stageAmoeba
4.Circular sensory-motor stageInsects, fish, newborn humans
5.Sensory-motor stageRat, small babies
6.Nominal stagePigeons, 1 year old toddlers
7.Sentential stage2-3 years old
8.Pre-operational stage3-5 year olds
9.Primary stage5-7 years old
10.Concrete stage7-11 years old
11.Abstract stage11-14 years old ~30% of the adult population
12.Formal stage14-18 years old, if at all ~40% of the adult population
13.Systematic stage18 years old and above, if at all ~20% of the adult population
14.Metasystematic stageEarly twenties and above, if at all ~1.5-2% of the adult population
15.Paradigmatic stageMid-twenties and above, if at all ~3 million people in the wor­ld
1/1000th of the functional adults above 25
16.Crossparadigmatic stageLate twenties and above, if at all
Source: ► Blog article by Hanzi Freinacht, Danish political philosopher, historian, sociologist, author, What Is The Model of Hierarchical Complexity?, presented by the Danish independent publishing company and think-tank Metamoderna, 8. September 2017
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Model of hierarchical complexity (MHC); subheading ► Stages of hierarchical complexity
See also: ► Hierarchy
Siehe auch: ► Stufenmodelle

Seven levels of personal consciousness – Richard Barrett

Seven chakras – seven levels of consciousness
Healthy motivation Underlying anxiety
Location of process
1. Self‐interest
Defiency mode
Survival Having EgoFeeling secure and safe in the world Feeling not being safe or secure and not having enough
2. Self‐interest
Defiency mode
Relationship Doing EgoFeeling a sense of love and belonging Feeling not being accepted and not being loved
3. Self‐interest
Defiency mode
Self‐esteem Being EgoFeeling a sense of personal self‐worth Feeling not being respected and not being enough
4. Personal authority
Transformation Becoming Ego
Becoming and uncovering one's authentic self by aligning ego with soul Internal
5. Meaning and purpose
Growth mode
Internal cohesion Having SoulFinding meaning in one's life by aligning with one's passion or purpose, creating a vision for one's future Internal
6. Meaning and purpose
Growth mode
Making a difference Doing SoulActualizing one's sense of purpose by cooperating with others for mutual benefit and fulfillment External
7. Meaning and purpose
Growth mode
Service Being SoulDevoting one's life to self‐less service in pursuit of one's passion or purpose and vision External
Source: ► Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in
business and society, The Seven Levelsof Personal Consciousness, PDF, first presented by "Business & Economics", S. 248-252, 2006
See also: ► Richard Barrett

Journey from freedom to trust – Richard Barrett

Seven values to create a high-trust liberal democracy
A sequence of values that determine the quality of democracy are
the basis of the evolutionary stages of 20 mapped democratic nations.
༺༻༺♦◊♦༻ModeFocusFocus 2ThemeLegend
1. Stage·1 DeficiencySurvival
Personal mastery
Internal stabilityFreedom 
2. Stage·1 DeficiencyRelationship
Personal mastery
External equilibriumEquality 
3. Stage·1 DeficiencySelf-esteem
Personal mastery
Power aspectAccountabilityPractice of "responsible freedom"
Personal responsibility of leaders
4.Stage·2CongruencyTurning point
Common good
Internal cohesionFairness
Moral integrity of leaders
5. Stage·2 GrowthCommon good Internal cohesionOpennessTo a participatory multilog of stakeholders
6. Stage·3 GrowthCommon good External cohesionTransparencyDocumentation availed to public scrutiny
7. Stage·3 GrowthCommon good External cohesionTRUSTInto a trustworthy leadership team
Source: ► Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of
leadership and human values in business and society, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations. The Impact
of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on World Affairs
, Fulfilling Books, 4. May 2012
           Based on the Barrett Model, developed from Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, 1998
See also: ► Richard Barrett

Four response categories of women – Ellie Drake

Effects of adrenaline and oxytocin on the human feminine physiology
Rather than competing women are natural givers in life and business, who naturally cooperate and collaborate with others.
Success is networking, developing relationships and taking action.
The bonding hormone oxytocin instills the 'tend and befriend' behavior. It can be secreted on demand
by activating the parasympathetic system by trusting the process, exhaling and relaxing the chest area.
Nervous system
1. Survival

Adrenaline / Testosterone

Expressly male
nervous system
Surviving in a competitive
     corporate environment

✓ Seen as rather aggressive

Adrenaline is incongruent to a
     female body, leads to biochemical
2. Resentment
Male   ✓ Come across super-sensitive
✓ Consumed in the
     manifestation struggle
✓ Still learning to discern their
to those of others
3. Flow mode Female  Following their instincts
✓ Tapped into their courage
✓ Resulting in some positive and
    synchronistic incidents

Lack of congruence, consis-
    tency, magnetism, inner
    power, authentic behavior
4. Full potential

Oxytocin / Estrogen

Expressly female
nervous system
Tapped consistently
     into oxytocin

Congruence, consistency,
    magnetism, inner power,
    authentic behavior

✓ Seen as rather even-tempered,

Oxytocin is congruent to the
    female body, leads to biochemical
Source: ► Deleted article by Dr. Ellie Drake, Iranian success speaker, Women Empowerment –
Are You Tapping Into Your Prosperity Hormone?
, presented by articlesnatch.com, 8. October 2010
See also:
Parasympathetic · sympathetic · social nervous systems – Bradford, Taylor, Porges, Keltner, Maté
Three mating drives Helen Fisher ∞ Three Daoist types of integration of Yin and Yang


DatePhysiological responseFirst described byLegend
1915Fight-or-freeze-or-flight response Walter Bradford CannonTestosterone-Adrenaline based physiological reaction via the sympathetic
nervous system to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival
2000 Tend-and-befriend response Shelley Elizabeth·Taylor24Oxytocin-estrogene based behavior exhibited by some animals and humans, when under threat, secreted on demand by activating the parasympathetic system
March 2009Social perceptionTheodoridou, Rowea, Penton-Voaka, RogersScientific paper Oxytocin and social perception. Oxytocin increases perceived facial trustworthiness and attractiveness, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, archived by the free MEDLINE database PubMed, accepted 23. March 2009, June 2009
See also: ► Jen science on humanity – Dacher Keltner


It's this interesting shift in modern science. We've learned a lot about 'flight and fight' physiology. And now we are starting to see that there is this 'care and share' physiology. There is this really new emphasis of how we think about the human nervous system.  Video interview with Dacher Keltner, Ph.D. (*1962) US American professor of psychology, University of California, Berkeley, director of the Greater Good Science Center, author, Bringing Out the Good, presented by The Center for Spirituality & Healing, YouTube film, minute 3:35, 10:41 minutes duration, posted 9. June 2015   The ancient Confucian concept of "jen" is soft-wired into the human nervous system.

7-step model for conflict resolution – Stewart Levine

Resolving conflict – Stewart Levine's model
1.Have·the·attitude·of·resolution. Get in the frame of mind to be willing to resolve conflict. Focus on what the conflict is costing everyone and what everyone can gain from a resolution. Stop thinking of conflict as a win/lose proposition. Arguing over who's right often does not lead to a resolution
that anyone wants.
Open up and be truthful. Commit to and invest yourself in the process.
2.Tell your story and listen to
the story of the other side.
Resolution arises from sharing information, while conflict arises from withholding it.
3.Listen for a preliminary
vision of resolution.
As you get more information, check to make sure that your vision meets the concerns
of all the parties involved.
4.Get current and complete information on the issues. You must be up-to-date in order to move forward with a resolution.
5.Reach an agreement in principle. Come to a broad understanding of what the resolution will be.
6.Craft the new agreement. Create a template for agreement including the following elements: Intent, specific vision, roles, commitments to action, timeline, measurements of satisfaction, concerns and
fears, renegotiation, dissolution, consequences, dispute resolution, and management
of the process.
7.Celebrate the resolution. 
Source:Stewart Levine, US American creative problem solver, practicing lawyer, author, Getting to Resolution.
Turning Conflict Into Collaboration
, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1st edition 1998, 2nd edition 1. November 2009
See also:Conflict and ► Solution

Stages of transformation – Richard Strozzi-Heckler

Spiritual transformational events according to Richard Strozzi-Heckler
Spiritual transformation, unexpected events with life changing effects, comprise
six stages with characteristic psychological behavior.
༺༻TransformationUmwandlung (German)
1. Stage Slumber Schlummer
2. StageCallRuf
3. StageIncubationInkubationphase
4. StageSearch for Meaning/MagnificationSuche nach Bedeutung, Sinnfindung, Verehrung
5. StageLeapSprung
6. StageIntegrationIntegration


There exist levels of information and guidance that lay beneath consensual reality.
Richard Strozzi-Heckler, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of clinical psychology, coach, leadership consultant,
author, Crossings. Everyday People, Unexpected Events, and Life-Affirming Change, June 1998

Chart of emotions – Lester Levenson

Chart of emotions designed by Lester Levenson – AGFLAP PAC
༺༻LetterEmotion, levelQuality
1. AApathy Problematic
2. GGrief Problematic
3. FFear Problematic
4. LLust Problematic
5. AAnger Problematic
6. FPride Problematic
7. CCourageousness Beneficial
8. AAcceptance Beneficial
9. PPeace Beneficial
Lester Levinson: "PACman eats up the AGFLAP."
Sources featuring Lester Levenson (1910-1994) US American physicist, enterpreneur, founder of the
Release Technique "Sedona Method", cult leader
Video presentation: PACman ♦ Sedona Method ♦ Chart Of Emotions & Lester Levenson, YouTube film, 9:51 minutes duration,
     posted 6. February 2009
Book: No Attachments, No Aversions. The Autobiography of a Master, Lawrence Crane Enterprises, January 2003
See also: ► Letting Go. The Pathway to Surrender and ► Quotes by S. Jeffrey – Map of Consciousness and ► Emotions

Succession of ages: nine paradigmal shifts – Ian Xel Lungold and Carl Johan Calleman

Time concept of Evolution
Stages according to the Mayan long count calendar
StageCycle / LevelConsciousness features
Development of
Age of
on Brain part
First year
of time frame
1. Chemical / Cellular Action ⇔
Developed all physical laws, chemical compounds,
star fields, solar systems, and planets
Big Bang?16.4 billion years ago
2. Mammalian Stimulus ⇔
Complex life
Individual cells from the Cellular cycle began to
develop a survival mechanism with increased consciousness toward stimuli and responses
Left Brain Half820 million years ago
3. Familial Stimulus ⇔
Recognition of individuals and establishment of the family relationship as opposed to herd, school, or flock mentalities
Parietal Lobes41 million years ago
819 998 000 BC
4. Tribal Similarites and Differences Human Beings
Development of "the decision making mind" to
detect similarities and differences in
our experience
Right Brain Half2 million years ago
40 998 000 BC
5. CulturalShared Reasons Spoken language
Search for reasons for everything, as a basis
of all cultural understanding
Frontal Lobes102,000 years ago
2 048 000 BC
6. National Law / Punishment Agriculture, Writing
Concept of right and wrong, good and evil, externalized morals
Left Brain Half8,000 years ago
16 June 3115 BC
7. PlanetaryProduction and consolidation of
Force driven
Industrial revolution
Understanding and derivation of power
from natural laws
Parietal Lobes1755 AD
247 year cycle
The 4th world therein began in 1947:
⚑ Roswell incident,
⚑ Formation of the state of Israel
8. GalacticHeart centered innate Ethics IT revolution
Understanding of ethical matters
Subjective Integrity, truth revealed
Right Brain Half5 January 1999
12 year cycle
9. UniversalConscious Co-creation
The Unknown
Unity consciousness

Unlimited ability to create from one's experiences
Achievement of godlike status of all-knowing consciousness
Frontal Lobes11 February 2011
activated 8 March 2011
260 days cycle
Ending 28 October 2011
DVD source:
► 3 hour long DVD presentation by Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher, The Mayan Calendar Comes North,
     Whitehorse Yukon Territory, 22. June 2004, YouTube film, 3:00:12 duration, posted 4. May 2012
Based on Dr. Calleman's discoveries of the evolutionary structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness
Video lectures featuring Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher, presented by Celestiallight Recordings, Sedona, February 2005, YouTube film
The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues Ian Xel Lungold full length 9th wave consciousness part 1 of 2, 1:00:11 duration,
     posted 30. March 2012
"Not time is speeding up, creation is speeding up. The Mayan calendar was never a calendar, it was always a meter."
The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues Ian Xel Lungold full length 9th wave consciousness, part 2 of 2,
     1:00:06 duration, posted 29. March 2012
Audio sources:
► Web radio interview with Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, presented by Break for News,
     host Fenton Donn, 20. February 2007
Written sources
Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time. the Mayan
, Garev Publishing International, 2000
Mayan Time Scale For Man's Evolution On Earth, Scribd, Mayan Majix Learning Lab
See also: ► 2012Paradigmal shift

Crucial tipping points of the ages of evolution – Carl Johan Calleman

Fifth Day – Successions: Solar System ⇒ Transition to land ⇒ Color Vision ⇒ Fire ⇒ Culture / Art ⇒
Christianity's rise ⇒ Automation ⇒ ?
Fifth Night – Successions:
Meteor Bombardment ⇒ Perm-Triassic extinction ⇒ ? ⇒ Ice Age ⇒ Extinction of Neanderthals ⇒ Dark Ages ⇒ World War II ⇒ Worldwide Financial Meltdown and Recession 2008 ⇒
Splitting of the Worlds


Turnaround at the Fifth Day / Fifth Night of the Cycle
Nine longterm evolutionary cycles run each through 13 stages /
Wave movements comprising 7 'days' (Emerging) and 6 'nights' (Implementing) of the nine Underworlds.
Each of the succeeding cycles gets condensed by 20 times
less the amount of evolutionary time compared to the prior level.
The change of tendency in an age happens at the Fifth Day followed by the debris of the Fifth Night.
StepCycle / Level Fifth Day Occurence
Beg Midpoint
Fifth Night Occurence
End Midpoint
Time Frame
1. Chemical / Cellular Solar System Meteor BombardmentBeginning
16.4 billion years ago
2. Mammalian Transition to land Perm-Triassic extinctionBeginning
820 million years ago
3. Familial Color Vision ?Beginning
41 million years ago
819 998 000 B.C.
4. Tribal Fire Ice AgeBeginning 2 million years ago
40 998 000 B.C.
5. Cultural Culture / Art Extinction of NeanderthalsBeginning
102,000 years ago
2 048 000 B.C.
6. National Christianity's rise Dark AgesBeginning
8,000 years ago
16 June 3115 B.C
7. Planetary Automation World War IIBeginning in the
year 1755 A.D.
247 year cycle
8. Galactic ?
Financial Meltdown
Worldwide Recession 2008
5 January 1999
12 year cycle
9. Universal n/a n/aBeginning
10 February 2011
260 days cycle
Ending 28 October 2011
Source: ► Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, source unknown
See also: ► 2012

Nine cosmic underworlds ♦ Corresponding levels of consciousness – Carl Johan Calleman

Nine Cosmic Underworlds ♦ Corresponding levels of Consciousness
researched by Carl Johan Calleman
Culmination date: 28 October 2011
Pyramidal Steps
Creation Theme
DurationAcceleration /
Mathemathics of intensification
Change rate
13 cycles
9. Level – Cosmic Transformation11 February 2011
– 28/10 2011
13 x 20 kin = 260 days7 tenth of a year 20 days
8. Level – GalacticIT revolution5 January 1999
– 28/10 2011
13 x 360 kin = 4,680 days 12.8 years ~1 year
7. Level – PlanetaryIndustrialism1755
– 28/10 2011
13 x 7,200 kin = 93,600 days256 years 19.7 years
6. Level – NationalWriting16 June 3115
– 28/10 2011
13 x 144,000 kin = 1,872,000 days
5,128 years
394.5 years
5. Level – CulturalSpoken Language100500 BC
– 28/10 2011
13 x 2,880,000 kin = 37,440,000 days
102,575 years
7,890 years
4. Level – TribalHuman Beings2048000 BC
- 28/10 2011
13 x 57,600,000 kin = 748,800,000 days 
3. Level – FamilyMonkeys40998000 BC
– 28/10 2011
13 x 1,152,000,000 kin = 14,976,000,000 days 
2.·Level·–·IndividualComplex life819,998,000 BC
– 28/10 2011
13 x 23,040,000,000 kin = 299,520,000,000 days 
1. Level – CellularMatter16,4 Billions BC
– 28/10 2011
13 x 460,800,000,000 kin =
5,990,400,000,000 days


13 Stages of the National Underworld
13 Stages of the Galactic Underworld

Thirteen divine forces of evolution – Maya / Aztek mythology

Thirteen divine forces of evolution according to the Maya and Aztek
Carl Johan Calleman
Acceleration of cycles – Speeding up
Creation – time as it were – is speeding up. Every Underworld is twenty times shorter than the one it is built upon. It took 15 billion years for the first cells to come into existence, whereas the internet came about in a very short time.
According to ancient Mayan teachings there are Nine Underworlds in the Cosmos. This fundamental step model is visibly expressed by the Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent in Chichen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, which were all built with Nine different stories.
StageDay / NightGod / GoddessTime Frame
1. 1. DayThe god of fire and time 
2.1. NightThe god of earth 
3. 2. DayThe goddess of water 
4.2. NightThe god of the sun and the warriors 
5. 3. DayThe goddess of love and childbirth 
6.3. NightThe god of death 
7. 4. DayThe god of lowers 
8.4. NightThe god of rain and war 
9. 5. DayThe lord of the light 
10.5. NightThe lord of darkness 
11. 6. DayThe goddess of birth 
12.6. NightThe god before dawn 
13. 7. DayThe dual Creator god 
Source: ► Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author,
slideshow Levels (Underworlds) of Evolution of Consciousness of the Mayan Calendar System

Evolutionary cycles in the Judeo-Christian history – Carl Johan Calleman

Development of the Judeo-Christian religion of humanity
DayProgressionDurationBaktun / Aztek Deity / StageInitiatory eventHistorical date
1 Sowing3115-2721 BC1. Stage – The god of Fire and TimeWorship of Anu (Sumeria) 
2 Germination2326-1932·BC3. Stage – The goddess of WaterAbraham's move from Ur to Israel~ 2300 BC
3 Sprouting1538-1144 BC5. Stage – The goddess of Love
                  and Childbirth
Moses – 18th Dynasty~ 1400 BC
4 Proliferation749-355 BC7. Stage – The god of FlowersIsaiah748 BC
5 Budding40-434 AD9. Stage – The lord of the LightJesus / Saul/Paul of Tarsus
/ Constantine
30-50 AD
6 Flowering829-1223 AD11. Stage – The goddess of BirthExpansion of Christianity, Crusades 
7 Fruition1617-2011 AD13. Stage – The dual Creator godEstablishment of Protestantism
The Pilgrims
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author,
Development of the Judeo-Christian religion of humanity, ~2000
See also: ► 2012 and ► Judaism

Evolutionary cycles in the history of writing – Carl Johan Calleman

The History of writing
DayProgressionDurationBaktun / Aztek Deity / StageInitiatory eventHistorical date
1 Sowing3115-2721 BC1. Stage – The god of Fire and TimeFirst writing 
2 Germination2326-1932 BC3. Stage – The goddess of WaterCuneiform writing 
3 Sprouting1538-1144 BC5. Stage – The goddess of Love
and Childbirth
Consonant writing~ 1600 BC
4 Proliferation749-355 BC7. Stage – The god of FlowersAlphabetic writing750 BC
5 Budding40-434 AD9. Stage – The lord of the LightCodices, paper50,100 AD
6 Flowering829-1223 AD11. Stage – The goddess of BirthFirst book printing868 AD
7 Fruition1617-2011 AD13. Stage – The dual Creator godDaily newspapers,
Mail service
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, History of writing, ~2000
See also: ► 2012 and ► Speech and ► Internet and ► Communication

Seven evolutionary cycles in the history of telecommunications – Carl Johan Calleman

Seven stages of evolving telecommunications
DayProgressionDurationBaktun / Aztek Deity / StageInitiatory eventHistorical date
1 Sowing1755-17751. Stage – The god of Fire and TimeTheory of telegraph1753
2 Germination1794-18143. Stage – The goddess of WaterOptical telegraph1794
3 Sprouting1834-18535. Stage – The goddess of Love and ChildbirthElectrical telegraph1835
4 Proliferation1873-18937. Stage – The god of FlowersTelephone1876
5 Budding1913-19329. Stage – The lord of the LightRadio broadcasts1910
6 Flowering1952-197211. Stage – The goddess of BirthTelevision1952
7 Fruition1992-201113. Stage – The dual Creator godInternet1992
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author,
Seven stages of evolving telecommunications, ~2000
See also: ► 2012 and ► Internet and ► Communication

Creation cycle / formula – Ian Xel Lungold

Nine cycles of creation by Ian Xel Lungold
1. PhaseBeing createdReaction ↔ Matter (Beginning)
2. PhaseHypnotismStimulus ↔ Response
3. PhaseAutomatic Repetition of PatternsStimulus ↔ Individual Response
4. PhaseRepetition of PatternsSimilarites and Differences
5. PhaseRecognition of PatternsShared Reasons
6. PhaseCertaintyLaw / Punishment (Good and Evil)
7. PhaseCenterednessForce driven Domination
8. PhasePeace of MindInnate Ethics
9. Phase CREATION Conscious co-creation, the Unknown


      Triangle: BE – DO – HAVE       


Manifesting steps – States of being
Pay ATTENTION.Align INTENTION.Keep up personal INTEGRITY (sustainability).Listen to INSPIRATION.
Source: ► Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher

Emotional tone scale – Ian Xel Lungold

Charting emotional states by Ian Xel Lungold
15. Ecstasy Most choices 
14. Enthusiasm 
13. Interest 
12. Conservatism 
11. Boredom Neutrality
10. Antagonism 
9. Pain / Hurt 
8. Anger 
7. Covert hostility (sarcasm) 
6. Fear 
5. Symphathy / Pitifulness 
4. Grief 
3. Propitiation 
2. Apathy 
1. Death Least choices
Source: ► Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher
See also: ► Emotions


Change of emotional states comes by choice.

Chakra system

Seven chakras (energy wheels) in humans from crotch to crown
Sanskrit nameEnglish name Auric layer Endocrine
Muladhara Base chakra Subtle body Adrenals Foundation of physicality
primal power, survival

Flight fight reflexes
Svadhishthana Sacral chakra Emotional body Ovaries, testes First feeling
(I, personal)

Emotional reactivity
Manipura Solar plexus chakra Mental body Pancreas Mind reason, self-will
representational mind
Serene perceiving
Anahata Heart chakra
Astral body Thymus Second·comprehensive·feeling
(WE, ancestor grid)

rule role mind
Intuitive response
Vishuddha Throat chakra Etheric template Thyroid, parathyroids Foundation of spirituality
voice, impacting
Creative response
Ajna Third Eye Celestial body Pituitary Third spacious feeling
(US, in-sight,
inner vision, wisdom)

Visionary response
Sahasrara Crown chakra Ketheric template Pineal Letting go
dissolution, surrender

Sacred response
Reference: ► de.Wikipedia entry Chakra
See also: ► Chakras – Alchemical process and ► Four response categories of women – Ellie Drake and ► Emotions and ► Letting go
Siehe auch: ► Chakrasystem


Model by Ken Wilber, Brian van der Horst, Integralworld, January 2020

Ten spiritual realms in Buddhism

The ten worlds of Buddhism
         The six lower worlds                  Externally determined         
༺༻Consciousness stageLegend
1. Hell Suffering and despair, no freedom of action perceived, impulse to destroy oneself and everything around
2. Hungry ghosts Driven mercilessly by inherent insatiable desire for money, status, power, and more unable to control one's cravings
3. Animality Law of the jungle ruled by instinct, neither reason nor moral sense nor the ability to make long-range judgments. Taking advantage of the weaker creatures, fawn the stronger ones
4. Anger Awareness of selfish, greedy, distorted ego, feeling threatened, determined to best others, feeling superior, holding others in contempt
5. Humanity
Generally behaving in a humane fashion, highly vulnerable to strong external influences, flat, nice, passive state of life
6. Heaven
Intense short-lived joy, fulfillment of some desire, sense of physical well-being, inner contentment, vulnerable to external influences
         The four noble worlds                  Internally guided – Deliberate effort         
Two vehicles (7./8.) – Highest human potential (9./10)         
༺༻EffortConsciousness stageLegend
7.Vehicle Learning Seeking the truth through the teachings or experience of others
8.Vehicle Realization Seeking the truth not through others' teachings but through our own direct experience of the world, embodying realization
9.Highest potential Bodhisattva
Completion of the nine worlds from hell to Bodhisattva
Altruistic behavior, concious of interconnectedness, serving for the good of all, devoted to alleviating suffering, aspiring enlightenment, determined to enable
other beings to do the same
10.Highest potential Buddhahood
Consummate SELF
Enlightened to the ultimate truth of life, infinite compassion, boundless wisdom, dynamic state of freedom from karmic bonds, resolving harmoniously seemingly insoluble contradictions
Source: ► Article An Introduction to the Ten Worlds, presented by the website of the Myosetsuji Temple, undated
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Ten spiritual realms of Buddhism
See also: ► Buddhism

Sephirot in the Jewish Kaballah

Ten Sefirot arranged in three columns,
with 22 paths of connection of three types

Ten Sefirot as process of Creation


The medieval Lurianic cosmology of Jewish mysticism of the 16th century presents the ten sefirot as principles, emanating like cascades from the Creator into the Four Worlds. The purpose of these ways to reveal the Divine will is to create the universe. Transforma-
tion as in evolution is not directly issued by God but by the ability/grace of man to become aware of God.


The ten Sephirot and the indwelling Shechinah Presence are related to the energy of the Divine Male and Female, represented in the union of Jewish marriage.
The metaphor for Divine interrelationships on High represented by 10 Sephirot (expressed as 11 principles) and the 22 connective channels resulting in "32 Paths of Wisdom" is im-
printed in man's soul. The task of Adam-Man is to eventually embody all harmonised forces which is to perform Yichud-"Union" of Male and Female Divinity on High and to redeem exiled Sparks of Holiness of the Shechinah from material Kelipot.


1.Keter including Daat(*)Supernatural crown,
representing above-conscious will
Conscious and unconscious dimensions of ONE principle
2.ChochmahHighest potential of thought 
3.BinahUnderstanding of the potential 
4.Daat(*)Intellect of knowledgeUnconscious dimension of the ONE principle
5.ChesedLoving-kindnessAlso known as Gedolah-greatness
6.GevurahSeverity/strengthAlso known as Din-justice or Pachad-fear
7.RachamimMercyAlso known as Tiphereth
References: ► en.Wikipedia entries Sephirot and ► Jewish Kaballah
See also: ► Judaism

Introduction to the sacred Hawaiian count (arithmetica) and creation

Twelve cycles of life
1.I amthe soul's expression.
2.I wantresources at any level.
3.I relateto my surroundings, gathering information, communicating, and socializing.
4.I feelemotions in general, security needs, and satisfying needs.
5.I projectexpressing myself before others, showing creativity for validation and praise.
6.I becomeby refining myself and using my mana [power of thought].
7.I interactby getting involved with others, relationships, partners, agreements,
and diverse ways of combining energies.
8.I caregathering the power that emerges from exchanging with others and learning
the need for give and take both within oneself and relationships.
9.I realizethe illumination by searching what is really true, the basic principles in life, values and beliefs.
10.I perfectthe perfect form by dealing with the truth confronting limitations and dealing with authority,
others and oneself.
11.I expandthe unification to surpass limitations and reach for freedom for oneself and all.
12.I mergeachieving fulfillment, transcending and dissolving back into the whole.
Source: ► Deleted YouTube video presentation by Dr. Apela Colorado [Hale Makua], Hawaiian Kupuna, Sacred Numbers and Creation
by Hale Makua
, presented and produced by World Wild Indigenous Science Network, recorded June 1998, 4:51 minutes duration,
posted 8. December 2009 and by Hank Wesselman, Ph.D. (1941-2021) [Vessel Man] US American anthropologist,
carrier of the knowledge of a Polynesian line of Kahunas, author


See also: ► Numerology

Cycle of life experiences

Units of experiences
3.Leaving home – Facing fear 9 out of 10 times fear holds one back.
4.Making the connection between heaven and earth Compassion allows one to enter this most important stage.
5.Becoming a senior citizen Looking into one's life path and completing what has been left.
6.Preparing for death and dying25 
7.Leaving the earth plane 
Source: ► As explained by Hale Makua, Hawaiian Kupuna

Rounds of the medicine wheel

Spiraling evolutionary rounds through the nine lodges of the medicine wheel
3 years' duration
Focus 1st round
Age 0-27
2nd round
Age 27-54
3rd round
Age 54-81
4th round
Age 81-108
1. Central fire
Being a child again
Middle Transition
0-3 27-30 54-57 81-84
2. Questions – Outside
NO – Why? – Karma
East Masculinity 3-6 30-33 57-60 84-87
3. Peace-buildingSoutheast Balance 6-9 33-36 60-63 87-90
4. Defence of
South Body 9-12 36-39 63-66 90-93
5. Past and futureSouthwest Time 12-15 39-42 66-69 93-96
6. Answers – InsideWest Femininity 15-18 42-45 69-72 96-99
7. Council board
YES – Dharma
Northwest Insight 18-21 45-48 72-75 99-102
8. Working for spiritNorth Spirit 21-24 48-51 75-78 102-105
9. Maintenance on behalf of future generationsNortheast Future 24-27 51-54 78-81 105-108
Reference: ► en.Wikipedia entry Medicine Wheel
See also: ► Summarizing the four levels of relationship
Siehe auch: ► Runden des Medizinrads

Four-stage composition of ancient Egyptian temples – Model of mystery schools

Four initiatory stages within the tradition of mystery schools
༺༻PotencyLevelPlacementTemple areaDescriptionAspirant
1. I
OUTSIDEIn front of the church
In front of the temple
Viewing the illustrated pillars of the temple
Uneducated layman
Picture book learner
2. I0
INSIDEEntrance area Nave
Versed in reading and writing skills
Symbolically versed
3. I00
INSIDEElevated ceremonial area
Behind the barrier
Location of consecration
Ceremonial practice
Consecrated priest
Servers at the altar
4. I000
INSIDEInside the Tabernacle Sanctum
Scene of transformation
Insight, revelation
Encounter with Source
See also (related charts):
From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof
Healing corresponding 'sacred wounds' on four (3:1) levels
Cubic cosmology as opposed to spheric cosmology – Wallace Black Elk
Three archetypal wounds in trust and love – Mario Martinez
Downward evolution from dignity ⇒ empathy ⇒ love ⇒ truth – Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell
Yuga cycles – Hindu mythological time frame
Four basic tasks of each of the four Human Design System types
Wisdom of Greek mystery schools
Key features of patriarchy ⇔ matrilinear societies
Principle 3:1
Siehe auch (assoziierte Tabellen):
Vierstufiger Aufbau der altägyptischen Tempel – Modell der Mysterienschulen
Bewusstseinsentwicklung in vier Schritten
Vier Stufen der interdisziplinären Entwicklung
Vier konzentrische Wachstumsringe
Vierer-Schritte in der Entwicklung
Vier Stufen der Wiedergutmachung und Auflösung
Vier Stationen der Geburt – Stanislav Grof
Vier Entwicklungsebenen der LSD-Erfahrung – Stanislav Grof
Lernphasen – Aufnehmen ♦ Aufspalten ♦ Verdauen ♦ Ausscheiden
Würfel-Kosmologie ⇔ Kugel-Kosmologie
Gesetz 3:1


Four stages of healing

1. Healing is the MINOR goal in the beginning.  ..............................................  1 Healing
2. Recovery is the path to achieve it.  ............................................................  10 Recovery

3. The MAJOR goal is however wholesomeness.  ......................................  100 The whole
4. It will afford the insight of the sacredness of all things.  .........................  1000 The sacred


Source: ► Rüdiger Dahlke M.D. (*1951) German psychotherapist, Facebook entry, 5. January 2017

Fourfold nature of the psyche and various fourfold constellations

Metaphors – 3:1 principle ❄ Four stages of mystery schools and fairy tales


Mystery school stages · ✰ ·
· ✰✰ ·
· ✰✰✰ ·
· ✰✰✰✰ ·
Human Design System types Generators70%
Projectors21% Manifestors9% Reflectors1%
Pastoral metaphor White·sheep. Workers
White powered sheep
Black sheep
Spies, future guides
Surveyors, former kings
Mistaken for the wolf
Mystery man
Wheel metaphor Focused on
the hub
Focused on
the spokes
the wheel
Car metaphor Sitting motor
Starting the motor
House metaphor My own house
Yet someone else
in my house

Not my house
Only ONE house which is everyone's home.
Church metaphor Stairway
3 steps – Outside
Inside the building
Location of consecration
Inside the gated realm
Scene of transformation
Inside the Sanctum
Authority metaphor Believer
in Santa Claus
of Santa Claus
of Santa Claus
of Santa Claus
Perspectives Things are done
Things are done
Things are done
Things are done
Pregnancy stages Womb
from paradise
Birth channel
Life/death struggle
Cutting the cord
Free, new beginning
Four basic brains Reptilian brain
Delta – Unconscious
Limbic system
Theta – Subconscious
Beta – Conscious
Prefrontal cortex
Alpha – Superconscious
Evolution Wake up
Grow up
Clean up
Shadow work
Show Up
Astrological evolution Projection
Medium Coeli
Sun sign
Pillars of
dignity politics
French Revolution
French Revolution
French Revolution
Dignity consciousness
Four steps of reconciliation
and release
Individual – Women
5th chakra
Relationship – Men
4th and 6th chakra
Conscious collective – Grandmother spirit
Shifting society by embracing new
healthy myths
Unconscious collective – Grandfather spirit
Reawakening the Sacred Feminine in the soul realm, cocreating with Sophia
Christopher's quest
Saint Christopher
Wise elder
Rüdiger Dahlke
Minor goal
Major goal
of all things

Four worlds
William Irwin Thompson
World of

World of
images and symbols

World of
cosmic sound

World of

Mystical absorption
Levels of speech
Martin Buber
Life with nature
Threshold of speech
Life with men
Human speech
Life with intelligible forms Speechless
yet speech begetting
Life as such
Telepathic transmission
Robert Sternberg
Analytical intelligence
3rd mental chakra
Creative intelligence
2nd emotional chakra
Practical intelligence
1st sensing chakra
Sucessful heart intelligence
4th heart chakra
Gaining wisdom
By reflection
By imitation
By experience
Srimad Bhagavatam
For their highest good
For their highest good
For their highest good
Tao Te Ching
The Tao
gave birth to
The One
gave birth to
The Two
gave birth to
The Three gave birth
all of creation.
Hermes Trismegistos
I am One who
I am Two who
I am Four who
I am the One
after that.
Natures of mind
Hermes Trismegistos
Carrier of the Will
of the
Great One
Arbitrator of
cause and effect in life
Formed to the
threefold being
Directed transpiringly by the power of four
God 3:1
Walter Russell
God – Imaginer/effect
Three – moving lights
Rest and action
God – Imaginer/effect
Three – moving lights
Space and matter
God – Imaginer/effect
Three – moving lights
Equilibrium and motion
God – Knower/cause
One – still light
Marty Leeds
One point
infinitely large and small
Two points
creating a line
Three sides forming a
3-dimensional pyramid
Hebrew theology
Manly Palmer Hall
Tora – Folk of Israel
Soul of the law
Mishna – Rabbi/teachers
Soul of the soul
of the law

Qabalah – Initiates
Eco-soulcentric cycles
Bill Plotkin
Luminous presenceWonder
Innocent Explorer
Fire ◊ Mystery/darkness
Thespian Wanderer
WellspringWild Orchard Visionary
action/inspirationCultural renaissance
Apprentice Artisan
Grove of EldersMountain Cave
Master Sage
Change of mind

Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol
1st visitation of Ebenezer Scrooge
Ghost of Jacob Marley
2nd visitation of E.S.
Ghost of
Christmas Past
3rd visitation of E.S.
Ghost of
Christmas Present
4th visitation of E.S.
Ghost of
Christmas Yet to Come
Character building
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Youthful intoxicated success
Feeling infallible, cruel
Surfeit of power
Murderous, oppressing
Most evil moments
Convinced of doing good, supplied with systematic arguments
Lying on prison straw
Sensing the first stirrings of good
Analytical psychotherapy
Dictionary of Psychology
1. Confession
2. Elucidation
3. Education
Adaptation to social demands
4. Transformation
Facing extreme hardship
Sociological tripartition formula

Bruno Bettelheim
Ordinary people feel incapable without bread. 1st third – Survival
Cannot – Giving up
Ordinary people are unwilling without games.
2nd third – Play
Won't – Drying up
With hardly any bread and games tough people endure hardship.
3rd third – Endurance
Keeping it up trustingly
When the Tipping Point is reached, shift happens.
Grace emerging
Healing trauma
Peter A. Levine
1. Tertiary emotions: Youngest·brain
2. Secondary emotions:
Middle brain

3. Primary emotions: Oldest brain
4. Primary emotions: WHOLE brain
Core Self
of man

Rosicrucian Fundamentals
Deep, trance-like consciousness
Mineral stage
Dreamless sleep consciousness
Vegetable stage
Dream sleep consciousness
Animal stage
Full waking consciousness
Human stage
Classes of humanity
Benjamin Franklin
Immovables Movables Those that move Slow movements of human history and grace
Lever long enough Fulcrum
to place it on
I shall move... the world.
Three perspectives
Leonardo da Vinci, Codex Atlanticus
Size of objects diminishes according to distance.
Size: 1st perspective
Colors change the farther away they are from the eye.
Colors: 2nd perspective
The farther away objects are the less carefully they need to be finished.
Distance: 3rd perspective
Holistic view
Unified perspective
Something CAN be
true (and only true).
Something CAN be
false (and only false).
Something CAN be
both true nor false.
Something CAN be
neither true nor false.
Three in One28
The body comes
from the elements.
The soul comes from the stars.29 The spirit comes from God.
Four pillars of medicine30
Philosophical knowledge of
earth and water

Full understanding of that which is of fiery and airy nature
Explaining the whole cosmos (four elements); learning the art of their transformations
Lifelong virtues to support and complete the three other pillars
Four pillars of salutogenesis31 Comprehensibility Manageability Meaningfulness Sense of coherence
Living wine Mechthild of Magdeburg White wine of
sublime consolation

Red wine of suffering
Drinking both
white and red wine

Given with
divine love
Breaking Taboos
Mahatma Gandhi
1. First they
ignore you.
2. Then they
laugh at you.
3. Then they
fight you.
4. Then
you succeed.
Matthew 18, 20 (NT)
For where two... or three... are gathered
in my name
I am there
among them.
Introducing new concepts
George Bernard Shaw
1. Jokes and fancies2. Blasphemies
and treason
3. Questions
open to discussion
Established truths
Chaos patterning
Katya Walter
Order in the midst of apparent disorder Cycling that repeats with continual slight variation Scaling that fits one level into another like nesting boxes Universal applicability
See also:
Principle 3:1 and ► Human Design System
Various four quadrant typologies – Outlining the Human Design System
General quotes – Principle 3:1
Four levels of consciousness – Michael Beckwith
Four-step prayer insights – Richard Rohr
Levels of relationships and speech – ratio 3:1
Four perspectives of the wheel – 8-fold expression
Four stages of life – exemplified on Santa Claus
Four cyclical stages – 8-fold expression of the Santa Claus myth
Differentiating sheep from sheepdogs and wolves
From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof
Four steps of reconciliation and release
Three mating drives Helen Fisher ∞ Three Daoist types of integration of Yin and Yang
Cultivating wholeness and community in a fragmented world – Bill Plotkin
Rankism, humiliation and indignity ⇔ 'Dignity for all, always' – Robert W. Fuller
Four basic brains and their role in breaking taboos
Journey of transformation – Healed from stuttering
Friendliness and the willingness to help are cascading 1:3.
Four collective denial patterns – Breaking taboos
Transformation of a cynical old miser after a series of visitations
Healing individual trauma and transforming culture and society – Peter Levine
Resilience ratio: Two thirds unconscious ⇔ one third awakening
Four-stage composition of ancient Egyptian temples – Model of mystery schools
There's a hole in my sidewalk
Siehe auch: ► Vier Arten der Intelligenz – Robert Sternberg

Conscious competence learning model

The four stages of acquiring competence
1. Unconscious incompetence The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit. They may deny the usefulness of the skill. The individual must recognize their own incompetence, and the value of the new skill, before moving on to the next stage. The length of time an individual spends in this stage depends on the strength of the stimulus to learn.
2. Conscious incompetence Though the individual does not understand or know how to do something, he or she does recognize the deficit, as well as the value of a new skill in addressing the deficit. The making of mistakes can be integral to the learning process at this stage.
3. Conscious competence The individual understands or knows how to do something. However, demonstrating the skill or knowledge requires concentration. It may be broken down into steps, and there is heavy conscious involvement in executing the new skill.
4. Unconscious competence The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.
Source: ► Article featuring GTI employee Noel Burch, Learning a New Skill is Easier Said Than Done,
presented by the Gordon Training International, 1970s, Linda Adams, president of GTI, 2000s
References: en.Wikipedia entries Four stages of competence and ► 10,000-Hour Rule and ► Dunning-Kruger effect
See also:
From conception to birth – Stanislav Grof
Four pillars of learning – James E. Zull
Learning and ► Error and ► Maturity and ► Education and ► Transpersonal psychology and ► Gesetz 3:1


Dunning–Kruger effect = Self-awareness deficit of incompetents = Lack of "knowing thyself"


[Paraphrased summary] Incompetent ignorant Westerners (not Easterners or Resteners) cannot know they're incompetent or deny their lack of skill, experience and knowledge (incompetence).
Much incorrect self-assessment of competence of Americans is due to the ignorance of the standards of performance of an activity (such as reading comprehension, motor-vehicle operation, playing chess or tennis, practice of medicine).
Justin Kruger and David Dunning's research on patterns of overestimation of competence
at Cornell University (1999) indicated that incompetent Westerners will:
➤ fail to recognize their own lack of skill,
➤ fail to recognize the extent of their inadequacy,
➤ fail to accurately gauge skill in others,
➤ recognize and acknowledge their lack of skill only after being exposed to formal training in that skill.
➤ The skills needed to produce a solution coincide with the skills needed to recognize what a right answer is.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. […]
Distrustful sense with modest caution speaks;
It still looks home, and short excursions makes;
But ratling nonsense in full follies breaks;

Alexander Pope (1688-1744) English translator, poet, neoclassic writer,
first major poem An Essay on Criticism, lines 626-628, 1711
References: en.Wikipedia entries Dunning-Kruger effectCognitive dissonanceCurse of knowledge
Four stages of competenceGrandiose delusionsHanlon's razorHubrisOptimism bias
Overconfidence effectSelf-deceptionSelf-serving biasSuperiority complexUltracrepidarianism
See also: ► Knowledge and ► Solution finding and ► Psychology and ► Cognitive dissonance
See also: ► Der Dunning-Kruger-Effekt

List of various kundalini phenomenons

Overview: Various kundalini related experiences – LoC included
༺༻LoCKundalini phenomenonLoCExpert, teacher, religious
Scientific-medical reference
1.850+Nirvana / Void490-960Buddhism
2.835Resistance versus nonexistence32
Error triggers an agonizingly painful state in the aura.
~1000 David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Samadhi Buddhist Yoga practice – State of complete control
(samadhana) over the functions and distractions of consciousness
Nirbija Samadhi33
4.600+Enlightenment34 ~1000 David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
6.540-600+Spontaneous remission400-440
Modern medicine
Spiritual teachers
7.500+Vision of God550-580+(Christian) saints, mystics
8.500+Awakening460-500+Various spiritual teachers
9.500+Peak experience475Abraham Maslow
10.200+Kundalini rising545Gopi Krishna
11.200+Kundalini phenomenon505Lee Sannella, M.D.,
Kundalini expert, author
12.VariedSpiritual Emergency490-500+
Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.
Bonnie L. Greenwell, Ph.D.
13.VariedNature mysticism490 Ken Wilber
14.VariedManic bipolar crisis440Modern psychiatry
15.VariedAcute schizophrenic episode440Modern psychiatry
16.VariedBrain damage400-440
Modern medicine
Modern psychiatry
17.VariedAmentia (MR), derangement440Modern psychiatry
(non-existent imagined kundalini experience)
440Modern psychiatry
Reference: ► Video documentary Samadhi, presented by the US American Golden Screen Enterprises,
director Andre Vaillancourt, presented by Culture Unplugged, 51:10 minutes duration, produced in 2006
See also: ► Kundalini and ► Phenomenons and ► Three types of contact with nonlocal awareness
Siehe auch: ► Bezeichnungen für Phänomene der aufsteigenden Kundalinikraft

Samadhi is a widely known practice among yogis in the Himalayas.
It is a state of suspended animation [a virtual death] where all bodily functions are suspended.

It was repeatedly demonstrated by Hindu mystic Pilot Baba.

Four stages of life – exemplified on Santa Claus

The four stages of life


1. You believe in Santa Claus.  .............................  Believer
2. You don't believe in Santa Claus.  ....................  Disbeliever

3. You are Santa Claus.  .......................................  Impersonator
4. You look like Santa Claus.  ...............................  Lookalike
See also: ► Four cyclical stages – 8-fold expression of the Santa Claus myth

Steps – Poem by Hermann Hesse



Ladder to heaven

As every blossom fades
and all youth sinks into old age,
so every life's design, each flower of wisdom,
attains its prime and cannot last forever.
The heart must submit itself courageously
to life's call without a hint of grief,
A magic dwells in each beginning,
protecting us, telling us how to live.

High purposed we shall traverse realm on realm,
cleaving to none as to a home,
the world of spirit wishes not to fetter us
but raise us higher, step by step.
Scarce in some safe accustomed sphere of life
have we establish a house, then we grow lax;
only he who is ready to journey forth
can throw old habits off.

Maybe death's hour too will send us out new-born
towards undreamed-lands,
maybe life's call to us will never find an end
Courage my heart, take leave and fare thee well.

Source: ► Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) German-born Swiss poet, novelist, translated by
Walter A. Aue, Words Between Worlds, philosophical poem Steps, written 4. May 1941,
excerpted from Sämtliche Gedichte in einem Band, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1995
See also: ► Steps and ► Poems

Seven transformational shifts in life – Gloria Karpinski

Seven evolutionary phases marked by seven year cycles
༺༻Year of life
7 year cycle
Evolutionary phaseBody development
1st stage1 / 1-7FormPhysical bodySun
2nd stage2 / 7-14ChallengeEtheric bodyMoon
3rd stage3 / 14-21 ResistanceSentient bodyMercury
4th stage4 / 21-28AwakeningSentient soulVenus
5th stage5 / 28-35EngagementMind soulMars
6th stage6 / 35-42 PurificationConsciousness soulJupiter
7th stage7 / 42-49SurrenderSpirit selfSaturn
Source: ► Gloria Karpinski, US American spiritual teacher, holistic counselor, author,
Where Two Worlds Touch. Spiritual Rites of Passage, Ballantine Books, 1st edition 4. August 1990
Reference: ► Article (German) Siebenjahresperioden, presented by anthrowiki.at, undated
Siehe auch: ► Die sieben Stufen der Wandlung – Gloria Karpinski und ► Transformation

Quotes on the topic Step models

General quotes

Personal avowals


Links to the topic Step models


External web links

15 stages of the Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC)
1. Automatic stage (cells)
2. Sensory or motor stage (amoeba)
3. Circular sensory-motor stage (insect, fish, newborn human)
4. Sensory-motor stage (rat, small baby)
5. Nominal stage (pigeon, one-year-old toddlers)
6. Sentential stage (two/three years old)
7. Pre-operational stage (three to five year olds)
8. Primary stage (five to seven years old)
9. Concrete stage (seven to eleven)
10. Abstract stage (ages eleven to fourteen) adult pop­­ulation – ~30% of the adult population
11. Formal stage (ages fourteen to eighteen, if at all) – ~40% of the adult population
12. Systematic stage (eighteen and above, if at all) – ~20% of the adult population
13. Metasystematic stage (early twenties and above, if at all) – ~1.5-2% of the adult population
14. Paradigmatic stage (mid-twenties and above, if at all) – ~3 million people in the wor­ld (one thou­sandth of the functional adults above 25)
15. Crossparadigmatic stage (late twenties and above, if at all)

Audio and video links (engl.)


Internal links

Englisch Wiki




1 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) German philosopher of the German idealism, author, 1805-1806, John B.S. Haldane (1892-1964) British evolutionary biologist, geneticist, developer of Haldane's Law as an extension of Murphy's Law, translator, 1892-1896, collection Lectures on the History of Philosophy, presented by Carl Mickelsen utilising resources of the University of Idaho, Department of Philosophy, Alfred Weber, undated

2 Henri Bergson (1859-1941) influential French philosopher, Nobel laureate in literature, 1927, Creative Evolution ['L'Évolution créatrice', French edition 1907], Arthur Mitchell, translator, chapter I "The Evolution of Life – Mechanism and Teleology", Henry Holt and Company, New York, English edition 1911

3 Study Social and Ethical Interpretations in Mental Development. A Study in Social Psychology, chapter 7 "His Intelligence", Macmillan Company, New York, 1899

4 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, R.F.C. Hull (translator), Symbols of Transformation. An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia, Volume 2, Pantheon, Bollingen, 1st American edition 1956, S. 301, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962

5 Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, R.F.C. Hull (translator), Symbols of Transformation. An Analysis of the Prelude to a Case of Schizophrenia, Volume 2, Pantheon, Bollingen, 1st American edition 1956, S. 433, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1962

6 Conceptions of the Mature Personality from Dr. Graves' Research. Nodal (Example # 2)

7 Audio clip by Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, MP3, 1:02 minutes duation, undated

8 The psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order systems as man's existential problems change. Clare W. Graves, Ph.D. (1914-1986) US American professor of psychology, originator of a theory of adult human development, author, Introductory quote on the clarewgraves.com homepage

9 Integrated stage (E9)

10 English Wikipedia deleted entry.

11 Ken Wilber, Up From Eden. A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, 1981, Quest BooksWheaton, 16. May 2007

12 Video presentation Steve McIntosh presents his book Evolution's Purpose, sponsored by Caritas Center, Boulder, Colorado, 16. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 25:40, 1:140:00 duration, posted 17. December 2012
Steve McIntosh stevemcintosh.com (*1960) US American lawyer, entrepreneur, founder and president of Now & Zen, activist, author of integral thought, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution. How the Integral Worldview Is Transforming Politics, Culture, and Spirituality, Continuum International Publishing Group, September 2007

13 Power vs. Truth, chapter 5 "The Ego and Human Development", S. 89, 2013

14 Article The Hierarchy of Human Needs: Maslow's Model of Motivation, presented by Personality & spirituality.net, date unknown

15 "Genuine religiousness must unfold in its own time. Never can anyone be forced to it."  Viktor E. Frankl, Austrian psychotherapist, Nazi death camp survivor, founder of logotherapy, meaning researcher, The Unconscious God. Psychotherapy and Theology [German original, Der unbewusste Gott, 1948, Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning], S. 72, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1975, republished 1997

16 "(H)uman existence – at least as long as it has not been neurotically distorted – is always directed to something, or someone, other than itself – be it a meaning to fulfill or another human being to encounter lovingly."  Viktor E. Frankl, Austrian psychotherapist, Nazi death camp survivor, founder of logotherapy, meaning researcher, The Unconscious God. Psychotherapy and Theology [German original, Der unbewusste Gott, 1948, Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning], S. 78, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1975, republished 1997

17 "The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve."  Albert Schweitzer, cited in: Viktor E. Frankl, The Unconscious God. Psychotherapy and Theology, S. 85, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1975

18 Fixation means stopping one's development regardless of higher competencies

19 Martin Buber, Prescott Lecky, Abraham Maslow, Rollo May, Ludwig Binswanger, Andras Angyal, Carl Rogers

20 Anna Freud, Erik Erikson, Ronald Fairbairn, Donald Winnicott, Margaret Mahler, Harry Guntrip, John Bowlby, Heinz Kohut

21 James Mark Baldwin, John Dewey, George Herbert Mead, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, William G. Perry, and Jane Loevinger, Carol Gilligan

22 Deleted article by Margaret Heffernan, Women stereotypes at work, [Pretty geisha, Working invisible woman, Respected bitch, Successful guy], BNETvideo, 2. August 2010

23 First studied and published by Shelley Elizabeth Taylor, Ph.D. (*1946) US American professor of psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2000
Recent study by researchers: Angeliki Theodoridou, Angela C. Rowea, Ian S. Penton-Voaka, Peter J. Rogers, Oxytocin and social perception. Oxytocin increases perceived facial trustworthiness and attractiveness, department of experimental psychology, University of Bristol, United Kingdom, archived by the free MEDLINE database PubMed, accepted 23. March 2009, June 2009

24 Presented by the Psychological Review

25 Archival Office Visit Series Death and Dying, B-6, end 1970s/early 1980s

26 Communion: Red wine (Physique/female), White consecrated wafer (Surrender/male)

27 Law of excluded middle of Mahāyāna Buddhism

28 Franz Hartmann, M.D. (1838-1912) German physician, esoteric author, The Life & the Doctrines of Paracelsus, chapter 8 "Alchemy and Astrology", S. 135, 1887, 1891, KSheeta Books, Theosophical Publishing House, John W. Lovell Company, New York, 3rd edition 1910, reprint 3. November 2016

29 All that the intellect can conceive of comes from the stars.

30 Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, general occultist, author, Paracelsus. Selected Writings, Princeton University Press, 18. September 1995

31 Die vier Eckpfeiler der Gesundheit – Salutogenese

32 Sedona Seminar Causality: The Ego's Foundation, DVD 1 of 3, minute 18:03, January 2002

33 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chart Spiritual Experiences, S. 386, 2005

34 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chart Spiritual Experiences, S. 386, 2005

35 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chart Spiritual Experiences, S. 386, 2005


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