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Spirituelle LehrerInnen Wahre Lehrer ⇔ Gefallene Lehrer
BW 460+ ⇔ Unter BW 200
Wahre Lehrer erkennt man daran, dass sie kein Interesse an Ruhm oder Schülern und Prestige haben und keine Fallen aufstellen. Ihre Messwerte liegen normalerweise von den 500ern aufwärts und ab und zu in den 700ern. Die Lehren und nicht der Lehrer sind das Wichtige. Insofern als die Lehren überhaupt nichts mit der Persönlichkeit des Lehrers zu tun haben, macht es auch keinen Sinn, diese Persönlichkeit zum Idol zu erheben und zu verehren. Die Information wird als Geschenk weitergegeben, weil sie als solche empfangen wurde.
Dr. David Hawkins, Das All-sehende Auge, S. 71, 2005
Es gibt nur wenige wahre Lehrer und Blender in Fülle. Bewegte sich die Masse der Menschen in die richtige Richtung, so wären Heilige und Erleuchtete an der Tagesordnung. Das ist nicht der Fall.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, Quelle unbekannt
Spirituelle Lehrer sind auf allen Ebenen tätig.
Hawkins empfiehlt, sich nicht nur auf einen einzigen Lehrer zu berufen, sondern sich – je nach dem vorhandenden Bewusst- seinswert – eine Reihe von spirituellen Lehren und Lehrern zu Rate zu ziehen.
 Lehrer und Schüler [mittelalterliche Darstellung]
Das Amt eines spirituellen Lehrers kann nur jemand ausfüllen, dessen BW größer als BW 460 (intellektuelle Exzellenz) ist. Hawkins präsentierte in Wort und Schrift eine Liste mit weit über hundert wahren Lehrern. 55% der heute aktiven spirituellen LehrerInnen weltweit erfüllen nach Hawkins kinesiologischer Muskeltest-Untersuchung die Voraussetzungen (i.d.R. ab BW 460+) für diese Berufung.
Wer sich unterhalb der Bewusstseinsebene von 600 bewegt, ist nach Hawkins in der Regel auf einen Erlöser (Heiler, Attraktor) angewiesen. Wer die 600er-Schwelle überschritten hat, wird unwillkürlich zum Heil wirkenden Erlöser für andere. Das Feld eines Erlösten überstrahlt weite Strecken von Negativität – meist im Stillen.
Es gibt aktuell nur ganz wenige Menschen, die Bewusstseinsebenen von BW 600 plus erreicht haben. Das Nervensystem fast aller Menschen ist laut Hawkins nicht auf das Schwingungsniveau weit über BW 700 aus- gelegt. Sinnbildlich gesprochen ist es für Schwachstrom, nicht für Stark- strom, vorgesehen.
Menschen mit Bewusstseinswerten von über BW 600 verhalten sich ge- wöhnlich still, sie agieren fernab von normalen Standards. Manche wer- den Jahr(zehnt)e später – vorzugsweise ab BW 700 – auf ihrem Weg vom Geist (Gott) berufen zu lehren.
Übertragung der gesteigerten Strahlkraft von spirituellen Lehrern
Zur Frage, ob Audio- oder Videomitschnitte die Anwesenheit eines spirituellen Lehrers ersetzen können, antwortete Hawkins möglicherweise zum ersten Mal öffentlich im Jahr 2004.
Hawkins hat mit Hilfe des kinesiologischen Muskeltests bestätigt, dass es für die spirituelle Entwicklung der Schüler eines großen wahren Lehrers von Nutzen ist
- dessen Werke in Wort und Schrift zu lesen
- dessen Bild (Foto) zu sehen
- dessen Stimme zu hören (auf Audioträger)
- dessen Auftritte zu sehen (auf Bildträger)
- sich in dessen Gegenwart aufzuhalten
- dessen körperliche Berührung zu erfahren.
Jemand hatte im Seminar gefragt, wie es mit Berührung aussehe. Am Ende der Veranstaltung ging Hawkins durch den Raum und stellte sicher, jeden der Anwesenden persönlich zu berühren.
- Geschriebene Lehre eines Lehrers (Ansprechrate 65%+ als Inspirationsquelle)
- Visuelle Abbildungen eines Lehrers
- Klang der Stimme eines Lehrers (Audioträger / gesprochene Lehre)
- Klang der Stimme / bewegliche Bilder eines Lehrers (Lehre via Filmträger)
- Körperliche Anwesenheit / Begegnung mit einem Lehrer
- Berührung durch einen Lehrer
- Kraft der Reliquien eines wahren spirituellen Lehrers
- Question: Meditating with a picture of a spiritual teacher is almost as good as being in the physical presence of a teacher. (Calibrated as true per muscle-test with Susan Hawkins).
- Question: Is Dr. Hawkins' aura transmitted to others through those people who have been physically touched by him? (Calibrated as true per muscle-test with Susan Hawkins).
Vorbereitung zum Amt des Lehrers
Ein ehrgeiziger Jünger bekundete seinen Wunsch, anderen die Wahrheit zu lehren und befragte den Meister, was er darüber dachte. Der Meister sagte: "Warte." Jedes Jahr wiederholte der Jünger dieselbe Bitte und jedes Mal gab der Meister ihm dieselbe Antwort: "Warte." Eines Tages fragte er den Meister: "Wann werde ich bereit sein zu lehren?" Der Meister antwortete: "Sobald dein überbordender Eifer zu lehren von dir gewichen ist."
Zitate zum Thema Wahre Lehrer, Mystiker, Heilige und Lehren / True teachers and true teachings
Zitate von D. Hawkins
- Die tatsächliche Lehre ist keineswegs der Inhalt; es ist das Feld, die Auraschwingung des Lehrers, die durch
dein Einverständnis die benötigte Information bereit stellt, die in der Frequenz encodiert ist. Quelle unbekannt
- Es gibt nur wenige wahre Lehrer und Blender in Fülle. Würde die Menge in die richtige Richtung steuern, wären Heilige und Erleuchtete an der Tagesordnung. Das ist nicht der Fall. Quelle unbekannt
Diese Aussage bezieht sich u.a. auf den radikalisierten Islam.
- Es ist sehr aufschlussreich, die Bewusstseinsebene großer Lehrer zu messen und danach die der institutionalisierten Lehren, die ihm zufolge im Lauf der Jahrhun-
derte überliefert wurden. Einige dieser Lehren überstanden die Zeit fast unbe-
schädigt, während andere massiv "zerstört" wurden und manche unter der kriti-
schen Ebene der Wahrheit liegen. [Übertragene Widergabe.]
Weitgehend orientiert an Das All-sehende Auge, S. 72, 2005
- Um die Ebene eines Lehrers oder einer spirituellen Richtung festzustellen, ist die erste und allerwichtigste Feststel-
lung, dass sie über 200 kalibrieren. Es gibt auf allen Ebenen wertvolle Lehrer und Lehren. Eine Lehre in den 300ern unterstützt Bereitschaft und den Gebrauch der persönlichen Kraft mit Begeisterung. Eine begeisterte und dem Pfad verpflichtete Gruppe kann zu gewissen Zeiten hilfreicher sein als die Lektüre weiter fortgeschrittener Texte. Wenn
eine zu große Diskrepanz zwischen der eigenen Ebene und derjenigen des Lehrers besteht, kann ein großer Teil nützlicher Informationen verloren gehen oder nicht aufgenommen werden.
Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 45, 2006
- Ein wirklich erleuchteter Lehrer stellt über seine Aura eine hochenergetische Umgebung zur Verfügung, die er-
leuchtet und das Wesen des Schülers aus seinem Mentalkörper in die höheren spirituellen Körper aufsteigen lässt.
Das Licht der Erleuchtung des Lehrers gibt die erforderliche Aktivierung durch die Kraft der Gnade. Sie erleichtert
die Transformation intellektueller Wissensinhalte in subjektive, persönliche Erfahrung. Die hochenergetische Fre-
quenz der Aura des Lehrers wirkt wie eine Trägerwelle, die diese Fähigkeit in die Aura des Schülers überträgt.
Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 78, 2006
- Frage: Wie findet man einen angemessenen Lehrer?
Antwort: Die klassische Empfehlung ist "Wenn der Schüler bereit ist, erscheint der Lehrer." Man braucht nicht die ganze Zeit einen Lehrer. Tatsächlich ist es nicht von Nutzen, in einem Frühstadium des geistigen Weges einen fort-
geschrittenen Lehrer zu haben. Es gibt langfristige Phasen der spirituellen Arbeit, die sich innerlich vollziehen. Ich empfehle den Aspiranten, Bücher von fortgeschrittenen Lehrern zu lesen. Während wir uns spirituell entwickeln, tauchen zu manchen Zeiten verschiedene Lehrer für uns auf. Man findet einen Lehrer und eine Lehre, bei denen
man sich wohlfühlt. Ist man dem entwachsen, wird man zu etwas anderem geführt.
Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Magazin Holistic Networker,
Gastgeberin Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005
- Die Verpflichtung (Verantwortung trägt) liegt auf Seiten des Lehrers gegenüber dem Schüler, nicht umgekehrt.
Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD-Set, 10. Januar 2007
Quotes by D. Hawkins
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God,
for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4, 1 (NT)
Personal avowals
- Question: Do these sensory states persist?
Answer: (referring to himself in the third person Hawkins stated): "The prior peak capacity of the nervous system was reached at the calibration level of 1,000." I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter "The Mystic", S. 149, 1st edition 2003
- Many people spiritually advance when they so called hit bottom. What that means is that you have followed the ego to its idiotic end. If you follow the ego with great intensity it will eventually bring you to great disaster. [Laughs] [...] You know, your life becomes the result of your own best thinking. So there you are in a state of catastrophe of one kind or another and it is at that point that some people get humility. They say, well, there must be a better way. Some people might even call on God at that point and say, 'God, I think I'm in trouble.' Well, in my own case, I gravitated to teachers like Ramana Maharshi.
Video interview dialogue with Korean nun Yun Kyung Huh, Advanced States of Consciousness. The Realization of the Presence of God, referring to the chapter "About the author" in Power vs. Force, Volume series III, DVD 1 of 2, presented by the Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research, recorded ~1996, published 2002
- A high spiritual teacher radiates a frequency from his aura and lifts you up. Because of your devotion to what he
stands for, you are lifted up. It is not hocus pocus, like a magician doing something to you. It is my joy and devotion
for the divinity in all of you. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 12. July 2006
- Within your aura is much that you have learned in this world. Within your aura is much of the non-verbal which you cannot share. You don't have enough time to sit down and describe to everybody everything you've ever known about life in a linear way. The total collectiveness of your entire life and all wisdom and experience of it exists as an energy field. […] The guru, the spiritual teacher transmits an energy field of enlightenment. So the aura of the teacher has within itself the collective wisdom throughtout all of time. There is no amount of world time in which this could all be laid out in a linear, lecture, intelligent class kind of format. You could extract some principles from it but they are only basic principles. So the way to enlightenment is instantaneous. From
the energy field of the teacher there radiates forth an energy field. That field has within it the total knowingness of all
thatyou need to become enlightened which is not really describable. It means becomingness of the Divinity within
and becoming one with that Divinity in all of its expressions.
Long Beach, California, Seminar Success, 3 DVD set, 3. October 2009
- "I've been to the lowest depths of Hell, to the highest state you can do in a body, and there were never any 'others' along the way."
Sedona Seminar Conviction, 3 DVD set, 16. July 2005
- Question: Who was your teacher […]?
Answer: There is no "who." There was the knowingness at the final door but I don't connect it with any "who." The person of the teacher I have no memory of. But the consciousness knows it from the consciousness. Should the moment arise for you, you won’t know where you got It from either. It’s like a stunning knowingness that stands alone, and something in you tells you that you have to trust it.
Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007
- Question: What do you do for fun?
Answer: I am doing it right now. My highest joy is to teach and be with the people I love and to see them as a cloud moving along. And it’s extremely exciting. If only one person reaches enlightenment, that is enough for me.
Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. January 2007
Student-teacher relationship, personally directed to D. Hawkins
- Question: How does one become a student of yours?
Answer: Be devoted to truth. Be willing to surrender everything as it arises. This has been a statistical rarity. My intention is that this should not be a rarity. We never had the tools and awareness to discern truth and the ego before. Most of what the great teachers taught is not known, because so much was in the inflections, the contextualization of what was taught. Some wasn’t written until long after the teacher lived, when all that can be passed on is what is verbally remembered. It’s amazing that as much truth as
we have survived we become united by commonality of intention. When we have the same intention, we are brothers already. Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004
- Question: How will our relationship to you, our teacher, change when you pass?
Answer: Leave it up to God. The energy and aura are still present. It is your job
to pass it on, spread it to others through your love for them.
Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 8. November 2006
- And if I make any mistakes, if any of the teachings that I've taught in these classes is in error, I promise you, I will speak for you before The Father. That it was my teaching, my error, my shortcoming. To own the source of the error is here. […] We don't ask the commitment of the student to the teacher, we ask the commitment of the teacher to the student. The classic is you're supposed to worship the teacher and bring him all kinds of things like this and stack it up around him. No. The true teacher doesn't need anything from you. Why would he need your money and your adulation and your worship and your flowers and fruits and all such things? Being complete and total within yourself the true teacher has no needs whatsoever. No. The obligation is
from the teacher to the student. From the teacher, to teach the truth to the highest level he is capable of teaching.
So the commitment is from the teacher to the student and not the other way around. And if it had been the other way
around, the number of people who would have become enlightened over the generations would have been greatly
increased, greatly increased. That way the teacher dedicates all that he has to the student. So, therefore, I commit
myself to you and to your spiritual evolution. And that's the moral responsibility of the teacher.
Prescott Seminar Freedom. Morality and Ethics, 3 DVD set, 8. November 2008
- All of the Great Teachers throughout the history of our species have merely taught one thing, over and over, in what-
ever language, at whatever time. All have said, simply: Give up weak attractors for strong attractors.
Source unknown
Money may be tied to worldly accomodation.
- A true Spiritual Teacher is literally a "Mind Healer." The healing that they offer has nothing to do with money. It is their intention to offer tools for enlightenment – the "gift" is extended whether money is present or not. A true teacher celebrates the process of enlightenment. The healing can happen simply from receiving the truth of his message. If someone wants to play with more tangible things like a like-minded group, the teacher's presence and a place to sit and listen, they are asking for things in the world (not the mind) to be present. Sometimes those "things" ask for money, but the mind "healing" does not. If a teacher says you cannot receive the mind healing without giving money, he is not a Spiritual teacher. Source unknown
- Of lesser significance, but still enormously powerful, are the "ordinary" enlightened teachers who have taught the path to the realization of the "Self." The Self has been described by the enlightened throughout time as infinite, formless, changeless, all-present, unmanifest-and-manifest. Here is the Oneness, The All-ness, and God-ness of all that exists, indistinguishable from the Creator, whose power in the human realm is a giant attractor field that allows and encom-
passes variation (free will) so that "all paths lead to Me."
Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 22, S. 261-262, Hay House, February 2002

Twisted tree
- The true teachers can be seen to have no interest in fame or in having followers, prestige, or trappings. If we calibrate them, they usually calibrate from the high 500s on up or, more rare-
ly, to the 700s. The teachings and not the teacher are what are important. Inasmuch as the teachings do not come from the per-
sonage of the teacher at all, it does not make sense to idolize or worship that personage. The information is transmitted as a gift because it was received as such. There is, therefore, nothing to sell, to enforce, to control, or to charge for inasmuch as the
information was free and a gift from God. A valid spiritual orga-
nization may make nominal charges to cover ordinary expenses in that everyone contributes for the common good.
The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, S. 66-67, 2001
- To be effective, a teacher has to be suitable for the audience that is being addressed. An avatar is the founder of a religion and therefore one who has the teaching capacity to be meaningful to large numbers of people over great expanses of time. There have been very evolved beings on the planet who did not verbally teach because that was
not their talent or destiny. To influence the consciousness level of mankind, it is not necessary to actually language one's realization. […]
[…] The great spiritual masters of the past were speaking to a human population that calibrated at only 100 or be-
low. The consciousness level of mankind has now made the critical, enormous leap to 207, which means that a
much different field of consciousness now prevails. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 369, 2003
- Question: Is it necessary to have a guru? Some spiritual traditions say it is.
Answer: Everyone already has a guru – the Self. The Presence of God is ever present. By Grace, the Holy
Spirit is that aspect of divine consciousness available to all. Because one's ego blocks off awareness of the Self
that is within, it is reconnected to Truth by contact with the spiritual master, the avatar, or spiritual teachings.
The spiritual sage has, by means of greater spiritual evolution,
closer contact and identification with the Self and so is able to speak, teach, and be of help and guidance. The
hearing of spiritual experience is inspirational to others. All spiritual growth is by consent of one's free
will. A true teacher does not impose their will on others but makes their understandings available to all. The en-
lightened teacher does not charge for information because that which was received as a gift is given out as a
gift. The teaching that is shared is of a higher calibration and has by itself the capacity to catalyze spiritual ad-
vancement. To merely hear a great teaching is itself the consequence of spiritual merit.
The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, S. 238, 2001; S. 312-313, 2001; chapter 16, S. 239, Veritas Publishing,
revised edition 2002
- Of all the spiritual teachers in the world, who are regarded as being "gurus", appro-
ximately fifty per cent are legitimate. Thus, in actual practice, the chances of finding
a true teacher, amongst the many are about fifty fifty.
The Eye of the I From Which Nothing Is Hidden, S. 317, 2001
- Teaching actually takes place simultaneously on two levels. The first and most important is silent and formless,
which occurs beyond the level of the mind and is nonverbal. This transpires as a consequence. […] It could be
likened to a carrier wave that accompanies the teacher's words and is a quality of the Presence as Self.
The inspiration and spiritual power of the truth of the mystic are accompanied by and are a product of Divinity,
the energy field of which becomes entrained (synchronized/aligned) in the student's field of consciousness. […]
A frequent problem of the relentless spiritual seeker is that they have not had the personal presence of a teacher
with a high enough level of consciousness. […] The high energy frequency of a teacher's aura acts like a
carrier wave that transmits capacity to the student's aura. I. Reality and Subjectivity, 2003
- The perfect teacher would have the patience to explain the truths of the various levels by contextualizing them in
such a way that they become self-evident. This capacity means that the teacher is familiar with all the conscious-
ness levels and the problems that arise in each. In addition, the teacher is supportive of the resolution of the in-
herent dualities and positionalities, with resultant pairs of opposites, that stands at the gate of each level.
I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 6-7, 2003
- Question: What is due to the teacher?
Answer: Nothing at all. The listener's interest is more than sufficient. The only obligation one should accept is the obligation to one's own self to institute the wisdoms that were learned and to practice them in order to transcend
the ego. Respect the teacher but save reverence only for God. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 18, 2003
- A frequent problem of the relentless spiritual seeker is that they have not had the personal presence of a teacher with a high enough level of consciousness, that is, one whose aura has the power to catalyze the transfor-
mation of information into subjective awareness/experience. A truly enlightened teacher provides, via the aura,
a high energy context that illuminates and activates the student's content from the mental body into the higher spiri-
tual bodies. The light of the teacher's illumination provides the necessary activation by the power of Grace to faci-
litate the transformation from intellectual data to subjective personal experience. The high energy frequency of a
teacher's aura acts like a carrier wave that transmits capacity to the student's aura.
I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 33, 2003
- Both the Buddha and Jesus also knew that the ego cannot be overcome without the power and spiritual help of a teacher, a savior, or intercession by the Holy Spirit. The need for a teacher was already a tradition accepted by
Eastern religions in which the sage played a crucial role as the source or fountain of spiritual power and teaching
of truth. Whether or not this is a requirement in an individual seeker's life can be discerned and clarified by the
use of kinesiologic questioning. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 102-103, 2003
- The facts that are to be unreservedly accepted are simple and very powerful. Surrendering to them brings enormous spiritual advancement. […]
12. The
grace of God is available to all.
Historically, the 'Grace of the Sage' is available to the committed spiritual seeker. The strength of the ego can be formidable, and
without the assistance of the power of higher spiritual beings,
the ego cannot of itself transcend itself. Fortunately, the power of the
consciousness of every great teacher or avatar who has ever lived still remains and
is available.
I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 109-110, 2003
- To focus on a teacher or their teachings by meditation makes the power of that teacher available to the seeker. It is the will of every truly enlightened sage that every spiritual seeker succeeds, and not just the members of some specific or exclusive group. Just as the individual seeker of spiritual advancement benefits all mankind, thus also does the enlightenment of the Teachers benefit the seeker. That power and energy is available to call upon. There are
no requirements or obligations. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 110, 2003
- Question: What is meant by the term "mystic"?
Answer: The mystic knows, experiences, and identifies with the Self as both context and content, that is, context
is content. The content of the ego is transitory and a product of perception and, like a movie, it has no independent
existence. The content of perception is an automatic byproduct of positionality and goes hand in hand with the crea-
tion of the illusions of perception. Science is the authority of the linear domain and the Newtonian paradigm; the
mystic is the authority of the nonlinear domain. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 132, 2003
- The desire to search for God or enlightenment is already evidence of having been spiritually inspired. As the ego vacates, the radiance of the Self uplifts and inspires. Henceforth, it is not possible to be alone. At the critical mo-
ment, spiritual commitment and dedication bring forth the unseen help of the great beings who are no longer in
physical bodies, yet their energy stands at the great doorway of the final moment when one is sustained by the
Holy Spirit and the wisdom of the Teachers of Truth. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 286-287, 2003
- Question: What about the effect of the Spiritual Teacher?
Answer: The consciousness level of the Teacher via silent transmission also facilitates transformation of information from the mental to the subjective experiential reality. The consciousness level and vibrational energy field of
the aura of the Teacher is a product of the evolution of consciousness and is not personal. It activates nas-
cent qualities in the student on a nonverbal level. It transmits as a high-frequency, high-energy field via the aura.
Its quality derives from certainty that is based on experiential Reality.
Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, 2005
- Characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers, and Teachings
9. […] No interest in the personal lives of aspirants […]
10. […] No brain-washing, adulation of leaders, training rituals, indoctrinations, or intrusions into private life. […]
11. […] No regulations, laws, edicts, contracts, or pledges.
12. […] No hierarchy […] voluntary fulfillment of practical necessities and duties.
17. […] Noninvolvement in world affairs.
21. […] No desire to change others or impose on society.
33. […] No rules or dictates to be followed.
34. […] Teachers are respected but reject personal adulation or specialness.
35. […] Provides information […] ensures availability.
36. Self-supporting […]
37. Freestanding: Complete […]
38. […] Devoid of induced, altered status of consciousness or manipulations of energies […]
39. […] Devoid of exploitation or gain.
Discovering the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, chapter 11 "Characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers, and Teachings", S. 179, 2007
- It is important to realize it is not just a literal wording of teachings but also the entire energy field of a teacher or organization that has a subtle, unseen field effect upon students. There is wisdom in the old dictum to ‘stay with holy company’ and avoid that which is nonintegrous. Just on the face of it, it would appear to be foolish to disregard the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Buddha, or Krishna, all of which calibrate at 1,000, and substitute for them the pseudodeification of the teachings of atheistic anarchists whose false teachings have brought on the death of literally hundreds of millions of people just in this lifetime. Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 10 "Experiential versus Conceptual", S. 193-194, 2008
- Through spiritual alignment, intention, and devotion aided by meditation, contemplation, authenticated instruction,
and truth, assisted by the energy field of an advanced teacher, great leaps of consciousness can occur unexpec-
tedly. Thus, it is important to know of them well in advance as confirmed by consciousness research.
Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, S. 299, 2008
- All the truth that is necessary to know has already been spoken by actual beings on this planet. All Great Teachers proclaim the same truth, for there is none other. The Radiance of the Self within beckons one on and provides spiritual inspiration and strength. The Presence of God within is the source of one's existence; therefore, to seek
one's source is in accord with God's Will. Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self. Contemplations from the Teachings of
David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., edited by Scott Jeffrey, S. 120-121, last quote, Hay House, August 2011
- I found that one teaching from Zen was extremely valuable, that is, to always walk straight forward, no matter what, right through anything and everything that arises. There were moments of hesitation when that teaching was of great value. Therefore, what the teacher himself has been through and shares with you can be critical at a given moment. There are times when you reach a mental and psychic exhaustion, and at that point you cannot stop. There is the
point where you cannot go one iota further, but you must go through that. Therefore, you break barriers.
Interview with David R. Hawkins, Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality, transcript on "Advanced States of Consciousness", part 2, S. 80-81, spiral-bound, Veritas Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1. January 1998
Removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer, mid 2013
- Question: How does one find an appropriate teacher?
Answer: The classic saying is "when the student is ready, the teacher appears." People don't need a teacher all the time. In fact, having an advanced teacher isn't really useful early in the game. There are great periods of spiritual work that is all internal. I would advise people to read books by advanced teachers. As we evolve spiritually, various teachers appear to us at various times. You find a teacher and a teaching that you’re comfortable with. If you outgrow it, then you’ll be attracted to something else. Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., presented by the US American magazine Holistic Networker, host Gina Mazza Hillier, Tony Cecala, 13. August 2005
- Where is the Teacher? The teacher is within oneself, that drive to know God is the God within oneself.
The Guru is the drive to know the Truth, to know Reality, to become one with all That Is again.
Video interview dialogue with Korean nun Yun Kyung Huh, Advanced States of Consciousness. The Realization of the Presence of God, referring to the chapter "About the author" in Power vs. Force, Volume series III, DVD 1 of 2, presented by the Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research, recorded ~1996, published 2002
- It's the truth that is your real teacher and not a person. […] it is not the person that teaches anyway. It's only a certain awareness that speaks for itself. It never is the physical teacher who serves primarily as an inspiration, a source of information. But you don't want to get caught up in the personality of the teacher.
Untittled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz
and Elena Young, minute 25:00+, 60 minutes duration, aired 9. December 2003
- Spiritual temptation and being tested is constant. […] Spiritual progress is resisted by the ego. […] The test for a spiritual teacher is egotism, vanity, sexual opportunities that are thrown on you, temptation of every kind, the fall for wealth and pomp […] [grandiosity, the wish to be paraded, worshiped, materiality, adulation, flattery, megalomania].
Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz
and Elena Young, minute 46:00+, 60 minutes duration, aired 13. July 2004
- The Perusha of the Teacher [the Self of the teacher] is the same Self in everyone.
Long Beach Seminar Live Your Life Like a Prayer, 3 DVD set, Southern California, 18. November 2006
- The obligation is of the teacher to the students. Spiritual teaching is an obligation on the part of the teacher to do
his job because he is responsible to teach to the students. […]
A teacher doesn't bind you to them. A teacher frees you from themself. […] You don't want a teacher who binds you.
Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 3 DVD set, 17. February 2007
- [Paraphrased] Lord Jesus Christ had not had any prior incarnations as a human being but both Buddha and Krishna had many lifetimes on Earth before reaching a LoC of 1000. It is not helpful to say that Lord Jesus is higher
or better in any way than Lord Buddha or Lord Krishna. It is the same energy field of 1000 that is present right
here right now. They live in each one of us as the Immortal Self. And all we have to do is to acknowledge their
presence within us and surrender to That.
Sedona Seminar A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation, 4 DVD set, closing blessing, 6. December 2008
- Question by Susan Hawkins: Can the radiance of the teacher be picked up by reading books he's written or by seeing him in pictures and videos?
Answer: Meditating on a picture of a teacher is almost as good as being in the physical presence of a teacher. (Calibrated as true.) Prescott Seminar What is the World?, Stream, 28. February 2009
Zitate von anderen Quellen
Und es begab sich, als Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte, dass sich das Volk entsetzte über seine Lehre;
denn er lehrte sie mit Vollmacht und nicht wie ihre Schriftgelehrten. Matthäus 7, 28-29 (NT)
Auch sollt ihr euch nicht Lehrer nennen lassen; denn einer ist euer Lehrer, Christus. Matthäus 23, 11 (NT)
St. Paulus von Tarsus [Saulus von Tarsus vor der Bekehrung] [BW 745] (5-67 n. Chr.)
Ich gestatte einer Frau
nicht zu lehren noch dass sie je beherrsche den Mann. Vielmehr möge sie still sein. 1. Timotheus 2, 11-12 (NT)
Jesus sprach: Ich werde euch auswählen, einen unter tausend und zwei unter zehntausend, und sie werden
dastehen, als wären sie ein einziger. Thomasevangelium [BW 660], Logion 23, Teil der Apokryphen, 50-140,
350 n. Chr., 1945, Übersetzung Wieland Willker, 2002
- Den Lehrer nicht zu prüfen, heißt Gift zu trinken.
Padmasambhava [Lotosgeborener] [BW 595] (8.-9. Jht. n. Chr.) tibetisch-buddhistischer tantrischer Meister, Begründer und Botschafter des Buddhismus in Tibet zur Zeit des Königs Thrisong Detsen in Tibet, zitiert in: Essay Einige heilsame Verse über Karma, Helfen, Liebe, Mitgefühl, Bodhichitta und Vertrauen, PDF, präsentiert von der Webseite info-buddhismus.de, undatiert
- Ich bin der Meinung, dass neunzig Prozent (!) der heutigen sogenannten Meister und Gottgleichen sind [...] okkulte Zauberer. [...] Da gewöhnliche Menschen weder Kenntnis über die Unterschiede zwischen dem Göttlichen und dem Okkulten haben, noch Bescheid wissen, wie sehr das Okkulte das Göttliche nachzuahmen vermag, noch sich vorstellen können, wie leicht es skrupellosen und ehrgeizigen Zeitgenossen fällt, geheimnisvolle Kräfte in und um sich anzuzapfen, zu entfalten und zu verstärken, missdeuten sie deren Fähigkeiten und ihre [eige-
nen erhebenden] Erlebnisse als untrügliche Zeichen der Gegenwart des Göttlichen und fahren fort – oft gegen besseres eigenes intuitives Erkennen – diese zweifel-
haften Leitfiguren als Gottwesen zu verehren, die in der Tat bewiesen haben, dass sie weder gut, freundlich, genügsam noch großzügig sind.
Interview with Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey, presented by the
US American media company Yoga Journal, Catherine Ingram, issue 123, S. 60, July/August 1995
- Gleiches wird nur durch Gleiches erkannt.
Empedokles (495-435 v. Chr.) vorsokratischer griechischer Philosoph, Naturforscher, Politiker, Redner, Dichter, zitiert in: Gleiches durch Gleiches, präsentiert von Zeno.org
- Wahre spirituelle Führer begrüßen es sichtlich, wenn Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Zweifel geäußert werden, wohl wissend, dass diese brauchbare Hinweise liefern können, um die geheimen Schlupfwinkel des falschen Selbst aufzuspüren.
Interview mit Andrew Harvey (*1952) indisch-britischer Religionswissenschaftler, Entdecker und ehemaliger Repräsentant von Mut-
ter Meera, "entgurufizierter" spiritueller Lehrer, Rumi-Übersetzer, Autor, Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift Yoga Journal, Catherine Ingram, Heft 123, S. 62-63, Juli-August 1995
- Frage: Soll ein Meister ein Mann sein, der über Selbstkontrolle verfügt und ein rechtschaffenes Leben führt?
Davon wirst du viele finden – und sie werden dir nichts nützen. Ein Guru kann dir den Weg zurück zu deinem wah-
ren Selbst zeigen. Was hat das mit dem Charakter oder dem Temperament dieses Menschen zu tun? Du kannst ihn
nur beurteilen, indem Du darauf achtest, ob in dir eine Veränderung stattfindet, wenn du dich in seiner Gegenwart befindest. [...] Wenn du dich selbst mit größerer Klarheit und Tiefe als gewöhnlich verstehst, so ist das ein Zeichen dafür, dass du den richtigen vor dir hast. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj [BW 720] (1897-1981) indischer Weiser, erleuchteter Heiliger der hinduistischen Advaita Vedanta-Tradition, zitiert in: Text (engl.) Perfection, Destiny of All – Nisargadatta Maharaj, präsentiert
von o-meditation.com, 21. October 2011
- Die Arbeit an der Loslösung vom "Ich" ist in der Tat so schwierig und feinstofflich, dass sie ohne die Hilfe anderer unmöglich zu bewältigen ist. Der Schüler muss sich bedingungslos strengstem Gehorsam und striktester Disziplin unterwerfen. Er muss ohne jedes Infragestellen und ohne Murren jede denkbare Schwierigkeit und Härte auf sich nehmen. Er muss Beleidigungen, Müdigkeit, Qualen und Schmähungen ertragen.
Thomas Merton [BW 515/520] (1915-1968) anglo-US-amerikanischer katholischer Trappistenmönch, Bürgeraktivist, Student der vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft, mystischer Dichter, Schriftsteller, Quelle unbekannt
- Lehren und nicht tun, das ist klein. Lehren und tun, das ist groß und ganz.
Paracelsus [Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Schweizer Arzt, Laientheologe, Philosoph, Mystiker, Alchemist, Astrologe, Schriftsteller, Lebendiges Erbe. Eine Auslese aus seinen sämtlichen Schriften, S. 70, Rascher Verlag, Zürich, Leipzig, 1942, Otto Reichl Verlag, 1. Januar 2000, 2002
- Ein wahrer Lehrer, in jeder Erscheinungsform, leitet uns an einen Ort, der sowohl unseren Verstand mit einschließt
als ihn auch überschreitet, wo wir uns bewegt und lebendig fühlen, wo wir das Gefühl haben, "Ja, danach habe ich
mich gesehnt!". Unser Lehrer erinnert uns daran, dass ein befriedigendes Leben zu führen weniger mit äußeren
Umständen zu tun hat als damit, uns auf die ungeschminkte Wahrheit dessen auszurichten, wer wir sind.
Chameli Gad Ardagh (*1971) norwegische Schauspielerin, Psychotherapeutin, Frauentrainerin, spirituelle Autorin, Komm dir
näher.... und l(i)ebe deine tiefste Sehnsucht, J.Kamphausen Verlag, 18. Februar 2008
Quotes by various other sources
When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at His teaching, because He taught as one
who had authority, and not as their scribes. Matthew 7, 28-29 (NT)
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing
psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or
deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3, 16-17 (NT)
Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul] [LoC 745] (5-67 AD):
A woman should learn in quietness and full
submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be.
1 Timothy 2, 11-12 (NT) New International Version (NIV)
Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus, Saint Paul] [LoC 745] (5-67 AD):
If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work.
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, temperate, soberminded, of good behavior, hospitable,
able to teach; not given to wine, not violent, not greedy for money, but gentle, not quarrelsome, not covetous […]
Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given much to wine, not greedy for money,
holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.
But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless. […]
Let deacons be the husbands of one wife. 1 Timothy 3, 1-12 (NT)
Personal avowals
- Never ever put any teacher on a pedestal – not only because you want to create intimacy rather than distance in
order that the gap between duality and unity can close – but also because guaranteed – the exalted one will inevi-
tably fall off. Alan Watts [LoC 485] (1915-1973) British religious philosopher, minister, Episcopal priest, Zen expert, speaker,
writer, orally given advice to a student in her teenage years, source unknown
- It is especially important for Westerners to understand that high lamas, Zen masters, and Hindu gurus in the disci-
pline of yoga are human beings, not supermen. We must not put them, as we have put Jesus Christ, on pedestals
of reverence so high that we automatically exclude ourselves from their states of consciousness. Alan Watts [LoC
485] (1915-1973) British religious philosopher, minister, Episcopal priest, Zen expert, speaker, writer, cited in: Alexandra David-Néel (1868-1969) Belgian-French explorer, spiritualist, Buddhist, anarchist, opera singer, writer, Michael Lally, co-author, The Secret
Oral Teachings in the Tibetan Buddhist Sects, Foreward, 1964, City Lights Publishers, revised edition 1. January 2001
Teacher David Hawkins would have failed Kramer's rigorous test.
- Question: How can I tell of my priest, my guru, my spirit guides is a good man [teacher]?
Answer: Look for embodiment of the [respective] teacher. Do they embody throughout the day – on camera, off camera, on stage, off stage, rowing with the wife, quietly sitting in the garden, driving through heavy traffic? Are they constantly embodying the work or not? If they are not then the work to them is a performance that they turn on for a certain time and turn off for
a certain time. For me that's inadequate for a teacher. I could not learn from someone who does it as a performance.
[…] Don't submit to the authority of somebody who cannot demonstrate actual total life integration from one
minute to the next, which means you'll have to spend time with them, study their material, think about it and meet
them, shake hands with them. […]
The real teacher does one thing above all which is he puts forth the idea that individualism is the primary pathway
to godliness, a passage to divinity. It cannot be done through an external doctrine, it cannot be done through a priest
class. There are no nominated men or women, that God has appointed as special anything. None.
Video interview with Neil Kramer (*1972) British spiritual philosopher, teacher specializing in the fields of consciousness, meta-
physics, and mysticism, The Power of Peace with Neil Kramer, Spiritual Philosopher, presented by host Regina Meredith,
YouTube film, minute 33:25, 50:49 minutes duration, posted 21. April 2018
- It is dangerous for a man to try teaching before he is trained in the good life. A man whose house is about to
fall down may invite travellers inside to refresh them, but instead they will be hurt in the collapse of the house. It is
the same with teachers who have not carefully trained themselves in the good life; they destroy their hearers as
well as themselves. Their mouth invites to salvation, their way of life leads to ruin.
Various contributors, Benedicta Ward, editor, translator, The Desert Fathers. Sayings of the Early Christian Monks, Penguin
Classics, revised edition 27. March 2003
- I think that the true spiritual guide admits that he or she is still in process, that they are always aware of their own shadow and of the limitations of their upbringing, their cultural conditioning, their cultural religious views. The true spiritual guide never claims to be unified with the divine. The human being can merge with God but can never become God. […]
I have come to believe, too, that real spiritual guides welcome disagreement and doubt, for two reasons.
- One is because those who are really awake know that they can learn from anyone, and
- the other is that doubt is part of the necessary finding out of the secret hiding places of the false self.
Interview with Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, Teachers and Seekers: An Interview with Andrew Harvey, presented by the
US American media company Yoga Journal, Catherine Ingram, issue 123, S. 62-63, July/August 1995
- A teacher is a student who teaches to continue his study. Minoru Mochizuki (1907-2003) Japanese martial artist, sensei,
10th dan in Aikido, 9th dan in jujutsu, founder of the dojo Yoseikan, cited in: comment by Patrick Augé Black Belt Essentials, presen-
ted by the Aikido Journal, 2. October 2020
- Question: How is the Guru found?
Answer: God, who is immanent, in His grace takes pity on the loving devotee and manifests himself according to the devotee's development. The devotee thinks that He is a man and expects a relationship as between two physical bo-
dies. But the Guru, who is God or the Self incarnate, works from within, helps the man to see the error of his ways and guides him in the right path until he realises the Self within.
Sri Ramana Maharshi [LoC 720] (1879-1950) Indian Hindu sage, saint, David Godman, editor, Be As You Are. The Teachings of
Sri Ramana Maharshi, Penguin, reissued edition 1. February 1989
- The Guru is both 'external' and 'internal'.
- From the 'exterior' he [she] gives a push to the mind to turn inward;
- from the 'interior' He pulls the mind towards the Self and helps in the quieting of the mind. That is guru's grace [kripa].
- Devotee: "How can one know whether a particular individual is competent to be a Guru?"
Ramana Maharshi: "By the peace of mind found in his presence and by the sense of respect you feel for him."
Sri Ramana Maharshi [LoC 720] (1879-1950) Indian Hindu sage, saint, David Godman, editor, Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi.
On Realizing Abiding Peace and Happiness, Talk 282, 16th November, 1936, Sri Ramanasramam Tiruvannamalai, India, 1955, 1962, Inner Directions, 2nd edition 1. August 2000, 2003
- Questioner: "How can I make out whom to follow and whom to mistrust?"
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj: "Mistrust all until you are convinced. The true guru will never humiliate you nor will he estrange you from yourself. He will constantly bring you back to the fact of your inherent perfection and encou-
rage you to seek within. He knows you need nothing, not even him, and is never tired of reminding you."
- How to find the right Guru?
Questioner: How will ich find a Guru whom I can trust?
Maharaj: Your own heart will tell you.
Questioner: Must I not examine the teacher before I put myself entirely into his hands?
Maharaj: By all means examine! But what can you find out? Only as he appears to you on your own level.
Questioner: I shall watch whether he is consistent, whether there is harmony between his life and his teaching.
Maharaj: You may find plenty of disharmony – so what? It proves nothing. Only motives matter. How will you
know his motives?
Questioner: I should at least expect him to be a man of self-control who lives a righteous life.
Maharaj: Such you will find many – and of no use to you. A Guru can show the way back home, to your real self.
What has this to do with the character, or temperament of the person he appears to be? Does he not clearly tell
you that he is not the person? The only way you can judge is by the change in yourself when you are in his com-
pany. If you feel more at peace and happy, if you understand yourself with more than usual clarity and depth, it
means you have met the right man (or woman).
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj [LoC 720] (1897-1981) Indian Hindu sage of the advaita vedānta tradition, I Am That. Talks with Sri Nisargadatta, chapter "58. Perfection, Destiny of All", Acorn Press, 1973, June 1990
- Your own self is your ultimate teacher. The outer teacher is merely a milestone. It is only your inner teacher
that will walk with you to the goal, for he is the goal.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj [LoC 720] (1897-1981) Indian Hindu sage of the advaita vedānta tradition, cited in: AZ Quotes
- Like can only be apprehended by Like.
Principle coined by Empedocles (495-435 BC) Greek pre-Socratic philosopher, naturalist, politician, orator, poet
- A teacher of God is anyone who chooses to be one. His qualifications consist solely in this; somehow, some-
- he has made a deliberate choice in which he did not see his interests as apart from someone else's.
- Once he has done that, his road is established and his direction is sure.
A light has entered the
darkness. It may be a single light, but that is enough. He has entered an agreement with God even if he does not yet believe in Him. He has become a bringer of
salvation. He has become a teacher of God.
⚡ A Course in Miracles [LoC 550/600] manual for teachers, S. 1, 1976, revised edition 1996
Emergence of a teaching-learning field – learners becoming teachers of God
- When pupil and teacher come together, a teaching-learning situation begins. For the teacher is not really the one who does the teaching. God's Teacher speaks to any two who join together for learning purposes. The relationship is holy becau-
se of that purpose, and God has promised to send His Spirit into any holy relationship. In the teaching-learning situation, each one learns that giving and receiving are the same. The demarcations they have drawn between their roles, their minds, their bodies, their needs, their interests, and all the differences they thought separated
them from one another, fade and grow dim and disappear. Those who would learn the same course share one
interest and one goal. And thus he who was the learner becomes a teacher of God himself, for he has made the one decision that gave his teacher to him. He has seen in another person the same interests as his own.
⚡ A Course in Miracles [LoC 550/600] manual for teachers, S. 6, 1976, revised edition 1996
- There are those who have reached God directly, retaining no trace of worldly limits and remembering their own Identity perfectly. These might be called the Teachers of teachers because, although they are no longe visible, their image can yet be called upon. And they will appear when and where it is helpful for them to do so. To those to whom such appearances would be frightening, they give their ideas. No one can call on them in vain.
⚡ A Course in Miracles [LoC 550/600] manual for teachers, S. 64, 1976, revised edition 1996
- One who loves God can never take pleasure in being a teacher. He knows that God is the only Guru. I feel as the
dust at your feet. This I say out of the realization of that mighty Spirit I behold in each one of you.
Paramahansa Yogananda [Mukunda Lal Ghosh] [LoC 540] (1893-1952) Bengalian Indian Hindu sage, yogi, philosopher, author,
Man's Eternal Quest. Collected Talks and Essays – Volume 1, Self-Realization Fellowship, 1. September 1982
- If any man claims to have attained the highest in spiritual development that claim of itself may be taken as con-
clusive proof that he has not attained so much.
- Real Masters never charge for their services, nor do they accept payment in any form or any sort of material
benefits for their instructions. This is a universal law among Masters, and yet it is an amazing fact that thousands
of eager seekers in America and elsewhere, go on paying large sums of money for "spiritual instruction.". Masters
are always self-sustaining. They are never supported by their students or by public charity.
- If I were looking for a Master, I would first of all make the most critical inspection of the man's life to determine if
he had any of the ordinary imperfections of character usually manifested by the average man. If I found him to be
a perfect man, when studied as man, I would then begin my study of him as a Guru. But if he failed to pass inspec-
tion as a man, I would at once give up the search of him as Guru, or Master.
Julian P. Johnson (1873-1939) US American surgeon, author on Eastern spirituality, The Path of the Masters. The Science of
Surat Shabd Yoga. The Yoga of the Audible Life Stream, France, 1939, United State, 1957, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, 1997
- The word guru is both an adjective and a noun. As an adjective, it has the following meanings:
1) heavy, weighty (also figuratively),
2) great, large, long, extended,
3) important, momentous, great,
4) arduous, difficult (to bear),
5) excessive, violent, intense,
6) venerable, respectable,
7) heavy, hard (of digestion),
8) best, excellent,
9) dear, beloved,
10) haughty, proud (as a speech),
11) (in prosody) long as a syllable, either in itself (a), or being short, followed by a conjunct consonant (a-ksara),
12) valuable, highly prized,
13) grievous.
As a noun it means:
1) a father,
2) forefather, ancestor,
3) any venerable or respectable person; an elderly person or relative,
4) a teacher, preceptor,
5) a lord, superintendent, ruler,
6) The Supreme Spirit.
Definition by Herbert Günther (1917-2006) German Buddhist philosopher, Sanskrit and Tibetan scholar, professor and head of the Department of Far Eastern Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, cited in: Article by Yasuhiko Genku Kimura (*1954) Japanese philosopher, ordained Zen Buddhist priest and scholar, teacher of esoteric spiritual philosophies, consultant, Self-Responsibility, Self-Integrity, and Freedom from the Guru, presented by the blogspot via-visioninaction.org, PDF, 6 pages, 2004
- The best teachers for adults are non authoritarian. They provide information and advise, they suggest. They know
that every individual is different and that in the end peole have to find their own way and form their own opinion. "Edu-
cate" stems from the Latin verb "educere" which means "developing a latent condition". This is exactly what educating
is. Furthermore, a good teacher keeps his integrity because he is more interested in his pupil than himself.
Anthony Storr (1920-2001) English psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, author, Feet of Clay. Saints, Sinners, and Madmen. Study of Gurus, HarperCollins, new paperback edition 7. April 1997
- The first people a dictator puts in jail after a coup are the writers, the teachers, the librarians — because these people are dangerous. They have enough vocabulary to recognize injustice and to speak out loudly about it. Let us have the courage to go on being dangerous people. Madeleine L'Engle (1918-2007) US American writer best known for young-adult fiction, cited in: article “Dare to Disturb the Universe: Madeleine L'Engle on Creativity, Censorship, Writing, and the Duty of Children's Books'', presented by the free weekly digest Brain Pickings, host Maria Popova (*1984) Bulgarian critic, blogger, writer, 2014
- The teacher opens the door. The student must enter. Ancient Chinese proverb
- Teachers open the door but you must enter by yourself. Zen proverb
Literary quotes
- So long as man remains free he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find someone to worship.
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky [Work LoC 465] (1821-1881) Russian writer of novels, short stories and essays, Constance Garnett, translator, The Brothers Karamazov, 1879-1880
- You will not find yourself by running from teacher to teacher, from book to book. You will not meet yourself through following any particular specialized method of medi-
tation. Only by looking quietly. Within the self that you know can your own reality be experienced, with those connections that exist between the present or immediate self and the inner identity that is mul-
There must be a willingness, an acquiescence, a desire. If you do not take the time to examine your own subjective sta-
tes, then you cannot complain if so many answers seem to elude you. You cannot throw the burden of proof upon an-
other, or expect a man or teacher to prove to you the validity of your own existence. Such a procedure is bound to lead
you into one subjective trap after another.
Jane Roberts (1929-1984) US American psychic, spirit medium, poet, author, Seth Speaks. The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Session 591, 11. August 1971, S. 511, Amber-Allen Publishing, 1972, New World Library, reprint edition 23. May 1994
Insightful dialogues
- To a visitor who asked to become his disciple the Master said,
"You may live with me, but don't become my follower."
"Whom, then, shall I follow?"
"No one. The day you follow someone you cease to follow Truth."
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, chapter "Discipleship", Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988
- "You are only a disciple because your eyes are closed. The day you open them you will see there is nothing
you can learn from me or anyone."
"What then is a Master for?"
"To make you see the uselessness of having one."
Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, chapter "Blindness"Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988
Englische Texte – English section on True spiritual teachers
The teacher's gift – transmission of essence
Growth rates and the possibility of transferring broadcast frequencies of a spiritual teacher
- Written by a teacher teaching (response rate 65%+) as a source of inspiration
- Visual images of a teacher
- Sound of the voice of a teacher (audio carriers / spoken teaching)
- Sound of the voice / animated pictures of a teacher (teaching) via filmed material
- Physical Presence / direct visual contact with a teacher
- Being touched by a teacher
- Power of the relics of a true spiritual teacher
Source: ► Series of transcribed questions asked to D. Hawkins, Sedona Satsang Q&A, Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, track 7, Wednesday, 10. May 2006 |
Acquiring patience
A zealous disciple expressed a desire to teach others the Truth and asked the Master what he thought about this. The Master said, "Wait." Each year the disciple would return with the same request and each time the Master would give him the same reply: "Wait." One day he said to the Master, "When will I be ready to teach?" Said the Master, "When your excessive eagerness to teach has left you."
Born to be a teacher
Chiang, the flight teacher, in parting from his student Jonathan:
Jonathan Seagull, some day you will know how long ago your flight began and how great a journey you have traveled. Now you are ready to begin the most difficult and the most powerful journey of all. You are ready to fly up and know the meaning of kindness and love. Jonathan, you're born to be a teacher, to give the truth to anyone struggling to break out of his limits. It is important to give what you have found as a gift to whomever will accept it. And Jonathan, keep working on love.
Index: Wahre Lehrer / True Teachers – Bücher von D. Hawkins
Englische Bücher
- Truth vs. Falsehood, chapter "Characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers, and Teachings", S. 379
- Devotional Nonduality, "Characteristics of Spiritual Truth, Integrous Teachers, and Teachings" [Kennzeichen von wahren spirituellen Lehrern], S. 179
Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins
- Video Sedona Seminar Perception and Positionality, 19. June 2004
- Video Sedona Seminar Vision, lecture 1, DVD 2 of 3, 25. February 2005
- Video Sedona Seminar God vs. Science. Limits of the Mind, 4 CD set, 17. February 2007
- Video Sedona Seminar Creation vs. Evolution, 20. October 2007 – The difference between talking about and knowing the Truth, YouTube film, 1:16 minutes duration, posted by the YouTube channel Veritaspub 11. December 2007
- Video Sedona Seminar A Unique Sedona Seminar including Korean Translation, 6. December 2008
- Untitled audio interview, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, minute 46:00+, 60 minutes duration, aired 13. July 2004
- Audio interview Valid Teachers and Teachings, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 8. November 2005
Englische Texte – English section on Spiritual teachers
Teacher ⇔ spiritual guide and mentor
Teacher ⇔ Guru
A teacher takes responsibility of your growth
A spiritual guide makes you responsible for your growth
A teacher gives you things you do not have and require
A spiritual guide takes away things you have and do not require
A teacher answers your questions
A spiritual guide questions your answers
A teacher helps you get out of the maze
A spiritual guide destroys the maze
A teacher requires obedience and discipline from the pupil
A spiritual guide requires trust and humility from the pupil
A teacher clothes you and prepares you for the outer journey
A spiritual guide strips you naked and prepares you for the inner journey
A teacher is a guide on the path
A spiritual guide is a pointer to the way
A teacher sends you on the road to success
A spiritual guide sends you on the road to freedom
A teacher explains the world and its nature to you
A spiritual guide explains yourself and your nature to you
A teacher makes you understand how to move about in the world
A spiritual guide shows you where you stand in relation to the world
A teacher gives you knowledge and boosts your ego
A spiritual guide takes away your knowledge and punctures your ego
A teacher instructs you
A spiritual guide constructs you
A teacher sharpens your mind
A spiritual guide opens your mind
A teacher shows you the way to prosperity
A spiritual guide shows the way to serenity
A teacher reaches your mind
A spiritual guide touches your soul
A teacher gives you knowledge
A spiritual guide makes you wise
A teacher gives you maturity
A spiritual guide returns you to innocence
A teacher instructs you on how to solve problems
A spiritual guide shows you how to resolve issues
A teacher is a systematic thinker
A spiritual guide is a lateral thinker
A teacher will punish you with a stick
A spiritual guide will punish you with compassion
A teacher is to pupil what a father is to son
A spiritual guide is to pupil what mother is to her child
One can always find a teacher
However, a spiritual guide has to find and accept you
A teacher leads you by the hand
A spiritual guide leads you by example
Author unknown
Links zum Thema Wahre Lehrer, Mystiker, Heilige und Lehren / Teachers and teachings
Literature (engl.)
Externe Weblinks
Linklose Artikel
- Artikel von Mariana Caplan, Ph.D., US-amerikanische Professorin für yogische und transpersonale Psychologie, Psychotherapeutin, Autorin des Buchs Do You need a Guru?, Die Zukunft der Schüler-Lehrer-Beziehung, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", keine bloße Rezension von Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext (2006-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 10, ~2002
- Interview mit Rinpoche Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, Wahre Gurus kümmert das nicht, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", ⚡ Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer
und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Heft 19, ~2005
Über das Dilemma eines östlichen Meisters in der postmodernen Welt
External web links (engl.)
- Article on Plotinus (205-270) ... the enlightened Egyptian philosopher, The Sensing Capabilities of the Spiritual Soul original inkwell philosophical analysis by A.O. Kime, presented by the website unexplainable.net, 5. June 2005, updated 2. June 2020
- Blog article by John Smith, US American blogger, Spiritual Marketing Techniques, presented by Reality Maps formerly known
as Energy Grid Magazine, Andrew Paterson, October 2002
- Blog article by John Smith, US American blogger, False Guru Test, presented by Reality Maps formerly known as Energy Grid Magazine, Andrew Paterson, April 2006
Keywords to delineate false gurus
Audio- und Videolinks
Audio and video links (engl.)
Excerpts of archived films / image sequences
Plotinus was the greatest philosopher of late antiquity and the founder of Neoplatonism.
- Audio lecture Simplicity Itself: Plotinus on the One and Intellect, podcast / MP3 No. 88, History of Philosophy, King's College London, written and narrated by Peter Adamson, 22:30 minutes duration, posted 8. July 2012
- Audio lecture On the Horizon: Plotinus on Soul, podcast / MP3 No. 89, History of Philosophy, King's College London, written and narrated by Peter Adamson, 2 minutes duration, posted 15. July 2012
- Audio lecture A Decorated Corpse: Plotinus on Matter and Evil, podcast/MP3 No. 90, History of Philosophy, King's College London, written and narrated by Peter Adamson, 23:01 minutes duration, posted 22. July 2012
Excerpts of archived films / image sequences
Interne Links
Englisch Hawkins