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David R. Hawkins

Zitate aus Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality (Buch 6)


⚠ Achtung
Siehe Power vs. Truth, Januar 2013


Original quotes by D. Hawkins – Discovery of the Presence of God

Quotes from D. Hawkins' sixth book Discovery of the Presence of God, November 2007

  • A central element of serious inner spiritual work is:
    'Willingness to endure transitory anguish until the difficulty is transcended'. Page unknown


  • The Direct Pathway to Enlightenment is by transcending the ego/mind and renouncing the false identification with
    the linear obstacles to the radiance of God Immanent as Self. This is facilitated by understanding the basic characte-
    ristics of consciousness, the carrier wave that forms the substrate of awareness itself. By Grace, the unobstructed
    Illumination of the Divine Radiance shines forth effortlessly. Page unknown


  • Characteristically, devotees tend to be introspective, thoughtful, reflective, curious, responsable, and attentive. There
    is usually an aversion to violence, cruelty, nonintegrity, and the fanfare and drama of glamour and vulgarity. There is
    an attraction to learning for its own sake and the pleasure of discovery of basic premises. Page unknown


  • The purpose of the work here presented is to share the subjective unfoldment of Inner Realization in such a manner that it potentiates the process in the student and provides the essential information that facilitates the major evolution
    of the Subjectivity of Reality as Awareness. The intention is to potentiate the spiritual aspirant's inner search for the
    ultimate source of Existence as the Radiant Divinity that is simultaneously 'within' and 'without', and simultaneously
    neither, yet both. Introduction, S. xiv


  • To 'Know', it is necessary to drop the limiting impairment of the illusion of knowing 'about'. S. 38


  • Illusions of the unreal become replaced by the Real "not by acquiring even more information or knowledge about God but instead by surrendering all suppositions. The core of devotion is humility and the willingness to surrender all belief systems and illusions of "I know". S. 38


  • Divine Will aligns with intention and empowers devotion to overcome all obstacles. S. 46


  • Another limitation of the personal will is that it has no knowledge of karmic propensities or propitious timing, nor does
    it have the wisdom (omnipotence) to comprehend beneficial sequence. The Self orchestrates with an inner knowing-
    ness of capacity. For instance, to try to face a certain conflict prematurely may be unsuccessful, whereas it could
    have been successful after a few other layers of the conflict had been resolved. S. 66


  • Spirituality is often confused with passivity [LoC 145]. Moral obligation to respect and honor life includes one's
    own as well.
    Full acceptance [...] does not mean becoming an apologist for grossly negative, destructive behavior. A bully may
    misperceive a bystander as a potential enemy, but that does not mean that one thereby allows oneself to be need-
    lessly gored. S. 69


  • Question: Does the inner path require erudition?
    Answer: No. Merely simple attitudes and the necessary motivation are required. To strive to know God is in itself
    pristine and the ultimate aspiration. S. 72


  • Question: What about the classical spiritual teaching of "the space between two thoughts"?
    Answer: It is a misunderstanding for there is no detectable space 'between' two thoughts through which one can glimpse
    the Infinite. The supposed 'space' is not between the thoughts but prior to the thoughts.
    Perception moves at the same rate as does mentalization; therefore, to expect that perception will discern a space between
    two thoughts is impossible because perception would have to then move faster than 1/10,000th of a se-
    cond, that is, the perceptive faculty of the mind moves at the same rate as the content of the mind. Thus, to try to
    witness the space between two thoughts is like a dog's trying to chase its own tail. This is why many serious and
    committed meditators do not reach Enlightenment, even after many years of devoted meditation. They are simp-
    ly looking in the wrong place (calibrates as true). S. 80-81


  • Effective spiritual endeavor is a consequence of constancy and persistence rather than fits and starts of enthusiasm.
    Each state of spiritual evolution is self-rewarding, gratifying, and complete unto itself. The moments of prior anguish
    are found to have been worth the effort. […] The pace of spiritual evolution is not under personal control and may
    take sudden leaps. […] It is important to realize that the destiny of those who choose Enlightenment is Enlightenment
    – who else would be on such a quest? There is no point in wondering, How am I doing? For the compass has already
    been set by dedication and devotion to the highest truth. While the pace may seem slow or even arduous at times, it
    is best to be prepared for sudden, unexpected leaps. It is wise to avoid pessimism, even after a seemingly long,
    dry period of frustration, for such periods are due to overcoming major obstacles and attachments that often prestage
    major changes. Chapter 5 "Constancy", S. 100


  • Question: What is the most useful information to know? Is there a major key understanding?
    Answer: Resistance subsides when there is a clear understanding that what is being surrendered is not of intrinsic value but is instead imagined to be of value solely because of the juice or payoff the ego extracts from the position.
    The principle of willingness needs only to be applied to the ego's payoff and not to the object or condition desired.
    Chapter 6 "The "Experiencer", S. 118


  • The term concentration results in efforting as an ego focus on content. S. 125


  • Question: The description of one-pointedness of the mind clarifies that it is not really a special process, procedure,
    or demanding practice but more of a way of orientation to the transitional phenomena of experiencing.
    Answer: [unknown]  S. 128


  • The ego, by projection of presumptive value, sees beauty only selectively and bases it on the linearity subserved by
    expectations of aesthetics. S. 130


  • Sometimes personal ego limitations are transcended but the ego is very clever and seeks to survive by incorporating
    spiritual concepts that thereby create what is known as the 'spiritual ego'. It may display itself as feeling superior to
    others, or more pure, or that it calibrates higher. Sometimes the ego's vanity is the wish to be considered 'spiritual'.
    Chapter 8 "Spiritual Evolution and the Problem with Specialness", S. 140


  • It is a mistake to set up the ego as one's enemy to be conquered. It is more profitable to merely adopt it as a pet and
    melt it with compassion. Whatever the ego did in the past was because, like a puppy, it just did not know better.
    Chapter 8 "Spiritual Evolution and the Problem with Specialness", S. 141



Urge to reach God:

'Fire in the belly'

  • It is necessary that you develop respect for spiritual endeavor. "Straight and narrow is the path, waste no time effort." Precision is discipline that is innate to serious commitment. Some students may yet be in a period of exploration, but once one gets the 'fire in the belly', the urge to reach God becomes a drivenness or relentless drive, or even, in the eyes of the world, a 'madness'. From that point on, there is no patience for amuse-
    ment or diversion. It depends on decision, will and the level of consciousness, and karmic propensities. As it gets
    more intense, the love for God and of God allows no delay. Chapter 9 "Spiritual Economy", S. 153


  • Contexualizing earthly phenomena as evidence of the 'Wrath of God', is primitive, naive, and an anthropomorphic
    distortion of the Reality of Divinity. God is not emotionally imbalanced, or needful of psychological help, spiri-
    tual counseling, or anger management classes. Chapter 10


  • Although the personal will and motivation, plus the mind and intellect', are strong tools, in and of themselves
    they do not have the strength to dissemble the ego because they are part and parcel of it. S. 155


  • Question: What is the most serviceable presumptive view of the world for a spiritual student/devotee/seeker?
    Answer: Presume that the world's actual 'purpose' is perfect and fully known only to God. [...] It is a school for en-
    lightenment and the revelation of Divinity whereby consciousness / awareness reawakens to its Source. S. 168


  • How best to 'serve the highest good' is concordant with the prevailing level of consciousness of the observer.
    There is no single answer for everyone. S. 169


  • It will be discovered that all experiences and phenomena have an intrinsic value to spiritual evolution and disco-
    very. Eventually, it becomes necessary to simply subordinate the personal will to the process itself, which tends to
    become progressively stronger. The unfolding of the life of the serious spiritual devotee becomes increasingly or-
    chestrated by the Self rather than the ego/self. Former presumptions become meaningless, and Divine Intelligen-
    ce and awareness reinterpret meanings that were once considered beyond comprehension. Thereby does the
    world continuously become 'newly born' each instant, as by the radiance of the Self, the clouds of illusion fade
    away and Essence replaces appearance. S. 192


  • The 'lure' of the world is not innate to the world but is instead a projection of desire by the ego that ascribes inflated value to that which is linear and transitory. Chapter 12 "The Devotee", S. 206


  • A problem with using the mind to discover Truth is that it often cannot tell the forest from the trees and instead focuses on problematic irrelevancies and extraneous diversions such as, 'Did the Buddha really sit under a Bodi Tree' or 'Where did Jesus spend his lost years?' 'Did the red sea actually part?' 'Is this crucial, eternal truth that would save mankind lost somewhere in a cave?' 'Will the world end in 2068?' 'Are the 'end times' here?' 'Are UFO messengers
    here to save us?' The ego loves to fiddle with the hypothetical conundrums and thus extends its atractions via falla-
    cious pursuits. If they were of great value, they would have been mentioned by Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or the great
    sages over the many centuries. Chapter "Disassembly of the Ego/Self", S. 214-215


  • Temptation, seduction, desirability, and allure are all projections having to do with appearance and presumptions.
    These are associated with programmed fantasies of gain. Satisfaction of projected values constitutes the world of illusion. Happiness itself is directly correlated with the overall level of consciousness rather than with any external factors. S. 223


  • Question: What statement would summarize a whole life of spiritual experience and dedication?
    Answer: "Gloria in Excelsis Deo!" Die letzte Antwort auf die letzte Frage, S. 255


  • To be benign, affectionate, supportive, polite, and, considerate and helpful does not raise the flag of a cause or of
    being superior. Morality is thus a humble way of being in the world for its own sake rather than for gain or ego
    inflation. Section "True Morality", S. 334


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