
Hawkins / Essen





Essen, Trinken und Substanzen
BW 205 / BW 250




Obst und Gemüse, ARS USDA


Let food be thy medicine
and medicine be thy food.

Hippocrates of Cos [LoC 485] (~460-~370 BC)
ancient Greek physician, outstanding figure
in the history of medicine, healer, aphorism


The medicine of the future will no longer be remedial, it will be preventive; not based on drugs but on the best diet for health.
Linus Pauling, Ph.D. [LoC 450] (1901-1994)
US American chemist, biochemist, educator




Wieder aufgewärmt


Eben geht mit einem Teller
Witwe Bolte in den Keller,
Dass sie von dem Sauerkohle
Eine Portion sich hole,
Wofür sie besonders schwärmt,
Wenn er wieder aufgewärmt.

Wilhelm Busch (1832-1908) einflussreicher deutscher humoristischer Dichter, Zeichner, Max und Moritz. Eine Bubengeschichte in sieben Streichen, 1865

Lernphasen – Aufnehmen ♦ Aufspalten ♦ Verdauen ♦ Ausscheiden

E n t w i c k l u n g s s t u f e n
Anhand von Nahrungs- und Verdauungsmetaphern
art, -dauer
"Im Munde süß"Mund
Eingelöffelt bekommen
2.Halbbewusst "Im Magen bitter"Magen
Körpermitte oben
Mischkost Normal-
Selbständig essen

"Scheidung der Geister"Darm
Körpermitte unten
Fleischnahrung Schwer-
Zähne – BissInnerliches Verarbeiten
"Vertreibung aus dem Paradies"
"Nicht vom Brot allein"
Wort Gottes
Aura, Prana
Eigener FleischkörperSich hingeben
Sich umwandeln (verdauen)
Siehe auch: ► Lernen und ► Bewusstsein
Vier Stufen der interdisziplinären Entwicklung und ► Spaltdenken ⇔ Feldbewusstsein – Vier = 3:1 Entwicklungsphasen
Geschichtliche Zyklen – Von der Gewaltherrschaft zur Macht der Liebe
Loslassen und ► Bewusstsein und ► Unbewusst und ► Transformation und ► Integration
See also:
Learning phases – Intake ♦ Breaking ♦ Digestion ♦ Elimination
Historic cycles – From the love of domination to the power of love – Anodea Judith


Und die ihr solltet längst Meister sein, bedürft wiederum, dass man euch die ersten Buchstaben der göttlichen
Worte lehre und dass man euch Milch gebe und nicht starke Speise.
  Hebräer 5, 13 (NT)

Milch habe ich euch zu trinken gegeben, und nicht Speise; denn ihr konntet noch nicht.
Auch könnt ihr jetzt noch nicht, dieweil ihr noch fleischlich seid.
  1. Korinther 3, 2-3 (NT)

Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein, sondern von einem jeglichen Wort, das durch den Mund Gottes geht.
Matthäus 4, 4 (NT)

Funktionelle Hypoglykämie

Hypoglykämie bezeichnet einen zu niedrigen Blutzuckerspiegel, einen zu geringen Glukoseanteil im Blut (Unterzucker).
Oft geht das mit Symptomen verminderter Hirnleistung, Krampfanfällen oder verstärkter Adrenalinausschüttung einher. Bei einer Unterzuckerung sinkt der Zuckergehalt im Zwischenzellwasser so weit, dass die Zellen deshalb nicht korrekt funktio-
nieren. de.Wikipedia-Eintrag


Der amerikanische Psychiater Dr. David Hawkins hat im Lauf seines Berufslebens Tausende von Patienten, die unter Depressionen und Angststörungen litten, behandelt. Er selbst hatte Angststörungen, bei denen Antidepressiva nicht an-


Das 1996 im Verlag Zweitausendeins, Frankfurt am Main erschienene Buch Zucker Blues. Suchtstoff Zucker von William Dufty, gab ihm den entscheidenden Hinweis auf den oft übersehenen Auslöser von 95% der Depressionerkrankungen: Funktionelle Hypoglyklämie.
Zuckerunverträglichkeit von Glukose und Saccharose wirkt sich schädlich auf das Gehirn eines Depressiven aus. Der Ver-
zicht auf Industriezucker ist angezeigt. Fruchtzucker (Fruktose) ist möglicherweise ein geeigneter Ersatz. Wenn diese Vor-
aussetzung erfüllt ist, haben Antidepressiva überhaupt erst die Chance, zu wirken. Laut Hawkins, der sich damit auf die
überholte Chemische-Ungleichgewicht-Theorie berief, sind sie hilfreich, um die Gehirnchemie eines Depressiven ins Gleich-
gewicht zu bringen.


Quelle: ► Audiointerview mit D. Hawkins, Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. – Internationally renowned psychiatrist,
physician, researcher
, präsentiert über den US-amerikanischen Blogtalkradio-Sender, Programm, Sendung Awakenings,
Gastgeberin Michele Meiche, Minute 49:52, 55:18, 90:00 Minuten Dauer, Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009
Siehe auch: ► Depression

Zitate zum Thema Essen (Überleben) / Food (survival)

Zitate von D. Hawkins

Deshalb sage ich euch: Sorgt euch nicht um Essen und Trinken zum Leben und um die Kleidung für den Körper.
Das Leben ist doch wichtiger als die Nahrung und der Körper wichtiger als die Kleidung.
Matthäus 6, 25 (NT)


⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons.
Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron. They forbid people
to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who
believe and who know the truth.
1. Timothy 4, 1-3, New International Version (NIV) (NT)


Personal avowals

  • Couldn't eat poppy seeds, couldn't eat starch, couldn't eat rolls, couldn't eat sugared foods, couldn't eat meats couldn't eat bread. Because of the gout all those things were trouble, and with the elevated cholesterol, forget butter and seaso-
    nings. I eliminated one class of foodstuffs after another and then with the allergies that were left which cancelled things like milk and all, I really ate very little and so I was quite thin at the time (laughter). No caffeine of course and I didn't drink coffee for fifteen years. And then I started The Course in Miracles.
    Office Series – Farmingdale, New York, Seminar Giving Up Illness through A Course in Miracles, sponsored by "The Bridgebuilders", host Saul Steinberg, first publisher of ACIM, host Dan McGrew, 3 CD set, 11. June 1983

Hawkins' addictiveness

  • Hawkins was always a truth seeker: through ancient philosophy, atheism, agnosticism, psychoanalysis, and various religions (both Eastern and Western). And all the while, he was manipulating his brain chemistry: with alcohol, tran-
    quilizers, caffeine, and more. Andrew Weil, M.D. (*1942), a founder of the field of integrative medicine, makes a com-
    pelling case that all humans have an innate drive to alter their state of consciousness and that we express this by using
    caffeine, sugar, chocolate, alcohol, nicotine, and other substances. (As the biography iterates, Hawkins alters his brain chemistry with nicotine as a heavy chain smoker and with caffeine as an addicted espresso and Diet Pepsi drinker.)
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Power vs. Truth. Peering Behind the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, chapter 9 subheading "The Ultimate Trip: A Psychedelic Experience", S. 160, Creative Crayon Publishers, 14. January 2013



Hawkins stated that he was born addicted to nicotine.

He was also addicted to Diet Pepsi (replacing alcohol) and espresso coffee.

  • David has smoked an average of three packs [of cigarettes] daily for over five deca-
    des, starting when he was sixteen. For many years, David grew his own tabacco, rolling his own handmade cigarettes and giving the organic tabacco as a gift to close friends. David tried to stop smoking several times in his life, even completing Jacque-
    lyn Roger's eight-week Smokenders program. David believes that smoking somehow anchors him to the physical world, a consequence of the recurring sensory movement, without which he just "drifts off" due to his state of consciousness.2 1
    Scott Jeffrey, US American business and marketing consultant, author, Doctor of Truth. The Life of David R. Hawkins, chapter 19
    "A Closer Look at David R. Hawkins", S. 300, Creative Crayon Publishers, 1. October 2012
⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Heaven is not restricted to vegetarians. It is better to eat meat and be enlightened than to piously avoid it as 'not spiritual'. The human body is meat. Any lion knows that. Source unknown


  • It would be foolish to claim that the only impacts on our health are those originating internally. Impersonal elements of the physical world can also increase or decrease our strength. Here, too, kinesiological testing is valuable. It will clearly show that synthetics, plastics, artificial coloring, preservatives, insecticides, and artificial sweeteners, to mention a few, make the body go weak, whereas substances which are pure, organic or made by human hands tend to make us go strong. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 17 "Physical Health and Power. The Power of Nutrition", S. 212, Hay House, February 2002




  • The medical profession has simply been uninterested in nutrition, and organized medicine has traditionally been less than kind to innovators. It is helpful to remember that it is a foible of human nature to stoutly defend an establi-
    shed position despite overwhelming evidence against it
    ; the only healthy way to deal with such lack of recogni-
    tion is acceptance.
    Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, chapter 17 "Physical Health and Power. The Power of Nutrition", S. 212, Hay House, February 2002


  • I then found that diet was also a belief system. That is the downside of holistic health – the belief system that all these things are injurious to us. They are injurious to us because we are holding in mind that they are. No such thing exists
    in the world of the 'real'. Healing and Recovery, S. 69, 2009


  • The first thing to do is to begin to cancel some beliefs about diets and food that have contributed to our problem. To begin with, we have beliefs and thoughts, such as,
    • "Well, being overweight runs in our family – it's in the genes."
    • Or, "It's due to my thyroid,"
    • or, "It's due to the fact that as an infant, I was overweight, and that caused too many fat cells."
These are all popular medical theories, and if holding those in mind works for you, then that is very good. However,
we have found experiencially that this really is not so. As an example, two people can eat an identcal diet, and one
will gain weight and the other will lose it. How can that be explained inasmuch as the activity levels and everything
else are about the same? This brings about the questioning of some of the basic medical hypotheses, a few of
which are very simple to understand. Healing and Recovery, chapter 11 "Losing Weight", S. 331, 2009


  • I may eat a 1, 000 calorie piece of pie and absorb only 500 calories, with the other 500 running right on through.
    There are other factors, such as the rate of movement in the gastrointestinal tract. We know that the faster things
    move through the tract, the less it absorbs. There are factors other than calories to consider, and in doing so, we
    will arrive at a way of handling this problem without counting calories.
    Healing and Recovery, chapter 11 "Losing Weight", S. 332, 2009




  • Diet has a great deal to do with how we feel and behave. Ms. Chaney2 has made an important clinical discovery corroborated by my 45 years of clinical and research experience. Perhaps in twenty or thirty years, academics will 'discover' her fin-
    dings. D. Hawkins, US American director of The Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research, founder of the largest mental health
    clinic in New York, co-author with Linus Pauling of Orthomolecular Psychiatry. Treatment of Schizophrenia, W. H. Freeman and Company, illustrated edition June 1973



Testing the effect of manufactured cigarettes and home-grown tabacco leaves

  • A group of 23 adult spiritual students was gathered at a member's home for a weekly discussion group. All had strong beliefs about health and nutrition; speci-
    fically, all members of the group believed that "tobacco causes lung cancer," and that they would go weak in response to tobacco. As expected, all 23 members went kinesiologically weak in response to holding a pack of commercial cigarettes over the solar plexus. They were
    all very surprised, however, when they all went strong while holding organically home-grown tobacco over the solar plexus. By questioning, it was found through kinesiologic response that "tobacco did not cause lung cancer be-
    fore 1957,"
    and that "the pathologic effect is due to a chemical introduced into its manufacture in that year
    and since."
    In this group, the response to testing was completely opposite to a strongly held, societally reinforced
    belief system. Doctoral thesis Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness, S. 88, Veritas Publishing, 1995 Removed from Veritas Publishing's sale offer, mid 2013



Obesity rising due to advertising


  • Sex, money, eating and other expressions neccessary for physical survival calibrate at LoC 200-205. They're ba-
    sically neutral with little, if any, power. The intentions behind them can have major consequences.
    Video presentation demonstrating muscle testing Power vs. Force, Volume Series I, 2 DVD set, 11. November 1995


  • The way to God is not colonic irrigations and strained peas.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Community, 3 DVD set, 28. June 2003


  • Highest calibrated food is homemade (as opposed to machine made) food that has been blessed.
    Sedona Seminar Thought and Ideation, 3 DVD set, 28. February 2004


Stilleben mit Früchten und Hummer
Jan Davidsz de Heem (1606-1684) niederländischer Maler
  • For life to survive, it has to get it from somewhere; it doesn’t have it within itself. Life must first have appropriate conditions, then potentiality becomes actuality. So one of the conditions is that life has to get life from somewhere; it has a gettingness, a wanting-
    ness to survive. In increasingly sophisticated life, gettingness becomes more refined – you have to get. Squirrels are the first capitalists; they have to get nuts, food, to survive.
    Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004


  • Food calibrates at LoC 204. When you bless it, it calibrates around LoC 208. Machine-made food calibrates below LoC 200.
    If you eat it, bless it.
    Sedona Seminar Perception and Positionality, 3 DVD set, 19. June 2004


  • Physical substances such as food don’t impede spiritual energy (kundalini); there's no causality in physicality.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004




the ability to cease eating

  • You can stop eating anytime you want. There is only one genuine such person today, a person in Germany. To stop eating is easy. Try stop breathing.
    Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004


  • Vegetarianism calibrates at 205, so it’s in integrity. So long as you believe you’re killing something when you eat
    meat, then you shouldn’t eat meat. Each life, each thing serves the life above it.
    Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD set, 11. December 2004


  • If vegetarianism is an act of devotion to God, it calibrates differently than otherwise.
    Sedona Seminar The Ego and The Self, 3 DVD set, 11. December 2004


  • Question: Do I have bad karma from hunting animals when I was young?
    Answer: It depends on the context and intention, i.e. did you hunt for food or sport? We are all responsible for life. However, do not feel guilty for who you were then.
    Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 10. May 2006



  • Blessing over your meal raises the energy field of your food. The spirit in which a thing is done or given is what sanctifies it. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 10. May 2006


  • Put a sign on your refrigerator: "Adults Only!" – if you want to lose weight. To resolve to lose weight is adult. Then
    the child comes up and you eat. Then the parent comes up and scolds you for eating.
    Sedona Seminar Spiritual Practice and Daily Life, 3 DVD set, 21. October 2006


  • Sensual attachments are very common and hard to overcome. Try to be without and you will find that you don't need
    it. Be with the cravingness. For example you can go without food for days. Live it (the attachments) out. They will burn
    out. You are really addicted to sensory pleasure. Letting go of it will teach you that there are no sensory needs. These
    are animal instincts. You can be happy living in a box with only an apple to eat. What you needed karmicly will be pro-
    vided. Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 2 CD set, 8. November 2006


  • People beat themselves up over the personal animal will. Its too weak. It doesn't really count that much. But the spiritual will is very profound. So when we surrender our own personal will to God we are invoking a very powerful. [...] We said the spiritual will calibrates at LoC 850. The personal will, like I‘m going to give up eating chocolate calibrates at probably 190 (laughter). It lasts until the next Hershey bar shows up. But surrender of one's will to God, opens the space to Di-
    vinity and Divinity seems to know when you're serious, and then anything can happen to you because now the spiritual will at 850. People who have incurable addictions, slowly and agonizingly dying, losing everything in life and can't stop. The personal will has been used over and over again and it fails every time. Its only when the person surrenders at great depth, the words are great depth, Oh Lord, I of myself am unable to handle this. Then you surrender whatever that aspect of yourself is. That's done with very deep surrender. Sedona Satsang Q&A, CD 2 of 2, 10. January 2007


  • For a lot of people, food is another aspect of their compulsion to manage deep anxiety and its easy to see why – it's pleasurable. The first thing is to figure out which foods are causing this kind of effect in you. Refined sugars are the culprit for a lot of people and so is refined carbs or saturated fats. It might take a while to disassemble these habits as well if you find these foods cause you problems, but treat it like you are with other ways of managing anxiety. A good general strategy for diet is trying to take in more fresh vegetables and whole grains and less of the garbage and pro-
    cessed foods.
    Add Omega 3's to your diet as they have been seriously studied to help with the neuroplasticity in our brains. Actually, decreasing saturated fats and increasing the Omegas along with limited sugar and lots of exercise increased learning and retention in mice remarkably. It is a matter of readjusting our habits to how we evolved in nature. Sugar and satu-
    rated fats were scarce and exercise was a part of life. It's a simple formula and the hard part is deprogramming a lifetime of poor habits. Sedona Seminar What is Real?, 3 DVD set, 16. June 2007



Critical sugar consumption:

20% of the audience were calibrated (i.e. diagnosed) with Functional Hypoclycemia.

  • Quit eating sugar and sweets and see what happens.
    Presentation Map of Consciousness, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, "Celebrate Your Life" conference, sponsored by Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 6. November 2010

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Was zum Munde eingeht, das verunreinigt den Menschen nicht; sondern was zum Munde ausgeht, das verunreinigt
den Menschen.
Matthäus 15, 11 (NT)


Der Geist sagt ausdrücklich: In späteren Zeiten werden manche vom Glauben abfallen; sie werden sich betrügerischen
Geistern und den Lehren von Dämonen zuwenden, getäuscht von heuchlerischen Lügnern, deren Gewissen gebrand-
markt ist. Sie verbieten die Heirat und fordern den Verzicht auf bestimmte Speisen, die Gott doch dazu geschaffen
hat, dass die, die zum Glauben und zur Erkenntnis der Wahrheit gelangt sind, sie mit Danksagung zu sich nehmen.
Denn alles, was Gott geschaffen hat, ist gut und nichts ist verwerflich, wenn es mit Dank genossen wird, es wird
geheiligt durch Gottes Wort und durch das Gebet.
1. Timotheus 4, 1-4 (NT)


Persönliches Bekenntnis
Margarete Wegener leitete eine Abteilung mit 27-50 Mitarbeitern für Nahrungsmittelspekulation über elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr bei der Deutschen Bank in Frankfurt. Als sie an einer Konferenz zum Thema Freiverkehr-OTC-Swaps und Währungsterminge-
schäfte in Toronto, Kanada, teilnahm, wurde die Hauptspekulantin mit Nahrungsmitteln Margarete Wegener innerlich gepeinigt mit Bildern von Hungernden. Sie folgte ihrem Gewissen und verließ ihren kriminellen lukrativen Posten und Beruf, um eine öffentliche Beichte abzulegen und eine moralische Umkehr zu vollziehen.


Siehe auch:

Bericht Das Geschäft mit dem Hunger, Deutschlandfunk, Verena Kemna, 8. November 2012

  • Mein Geschäftsgebiet war der Hunger. Ich weiß nicht, wieviele es sind […] aber ganz sicher habe ich mehr Menschenleben auf dem Gewissen als all die Ge-
    neräle und Politiker, die man wegen Kriegsverbrechen vor Tribunale gestellt hat.
    Der Unterschied ist nur, mich wird man nie vor Gericht stellen. […]
    Wir haben im letzten Jahr [2010] 40 Millionen Menschen unselbstständig gemacht. Das ging fast von selber […] alles, was wir gemacht haben, hat sich als Punktlinie auf einem Bildschirm abgespielt.
    Der Preis für die Grundnahrungsmittel steigt und steigt und steigt.
    Warum hat diese Gesellschaft kein Interesse daran, Menschen wie mich zu verfolgen und zur Rechenschaft
    zu ziehen?

    Desto besser Sie sind, desto schneller kommen diese Bilder in den Medien von den Hungerkrisen. Am Anfang wol-
    len Sie das nicht wissen. Sie arbeiten hart. […] Sie nehmen auch in Kauf, dass Ihr ganzes Privateleben vor die Hun-
    de geht, wie bei mir. [...] Die Arbeit ist eine Droge, der Erfolg macht süchtig. […] Auf einmal schießen Ihnen all diese
    Bilder in den Kopf, über Ägypten, Äthiopien, Kenia, Somalia. Und auf einmal begreifen Sie schlagartig die ganzen Zusammenhänge. […] Sie können den Fernseher ausmachen, keine Zeitung mehr lesen, aber dieses Gewissen,
    das bleibt an. […]
    Mikropsychia, Kleingesinntheit. Selbstbezogenheit ist eine Krankheit, die verhindert, dass wir die Armen sehen.
    Sie steckt tief im Körper und vergiftet alles. [...]
    Das Öffentliche von heute wird uns im Jahre 2035 moralisch kränken.
    Margarete Wegener, ehemalige deutsche Fondschefin der Abteilung mit 27-50 Mitarbeitern für Nahrungsmittelspekulation über elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, zitiert in: Filmdokumentation über Gier, Wetten und Geldsystem von Dirk Müller [Mister Dax] (*1968) deutscher Börsenmakler, Fondsmanager, Buchautor, Schuld. Die Barbarei Europas, produziert
    von dem Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, YouTube Film, Minute 0:00, 5:45, 12:28, 14:55 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 9. Dezember 2011



  • Deine Nahrung soll deine Medizin sein und deine Medizin soll deine Nahrung sein.
    Zugeschrieben Hippokrates von Kos [BW 485] (~460-~370 v. Chr.) berühmter altgriechischer Arzt im Zeitalter von Perikles,
    Begründer der wissenschaftlichen Medizin, herausragende Figur der Medizingeschichte, Heiler, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de




Abhelfende Medizin weicht der künftigen präventiven Medizin.

  • Die Medizin der Zukunft wird nicht mehr abhelfend, sondern präventiv sein. Sie wird nicht mehr auf Medikamenten beruhen, sondern auf einer Ernährung, die der Gesundheit am meisten dient. Zugeschrieben Dr. Linus Pauling [BW 450] (1901-1994) US-amerikanischer Chemiker, Biochemiker, Ausbilder, Friedensaktivist, Autor, zitiert in: Essay (engl.) von Peter Shepherd, Nutrition: The Medicine of the Future, PDF, präsentiert von Library.net, undatiert
  • Das Brot allein ernährt uns nicht. Was uns im Brote speist, ist Gottes ewiges Wort, ist Leben und ist Geist!
    Angelus Silesius (1624-1677) deutscher mystischer Lyriker, katholischer Theologe, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Deutschland ist die lebendigste Demokratie Europas.
    ➤ Die Wähler könnten Schäuble dazu zwingen, beim IWF für die Totalentschuldung der ärmsten Länder zu stim-
    Angela Merkel müsste dafür sorgen, dass Agrartreibstoffe mit hohen Zöllen belegt werden, weil sie Millionen Tonnen an Nahrung vernichten.
    ➤ Und der Bundestag könnte das Börsengesetz so ändern, dass Nahrungsmittelspekulationen in Deutschland unmöglich werden.
    Interview mit Prof. Jean Ziegler (*1934) Schweizer Professor für Soziologe, sozialdemokratischer Politiker, UN-Sonderbericht-
    erstatter für das Recht auf Nahrung (2000-2008), Berater des Menschenrechtsrats, Beirat der Bürger- und Menschenrechtsorga-
    nisation Business Crime Control, Sachbuch- und Romanautor, Finanzkritiker Jean Ziegler: "Die Schweiz ist die Hehlerzentrale
    der Welt"
    , präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Spiegel Online, David Böcking, 25. April 2013


  • Der Hunger tötet weltweit ungefähr 100.000 Menschen täglich. Kaum jemand spricht über diesen Völkermord,
    von Abhilfe ganz zu schweigen. Vor diesem Hintergrund und angesichts des zügellosen Neoliberalismus der Fi-
    nanzmärkte entlarvt sich das Reden der Mächtigen von christlichen Werten, von Solidarität und Gerechtigkeit als
    pure Heuchelei. Es kommt nicht darauf an, den Menschen der Dritten Welt mehr zu geben, sondern ihnen weniger zu stehlen. Prof. Jean Ziegler (*1934) Schweizer Professor für Soziologe, sozialdemokratischer Politiker, UN-Sonderberichterstatter für das Recht auf Nahrung (2000-2008), Berater des Menschenrechtsrats, Beirat der Bürger- und Men-
    schenrechtsorganisation Business Crime Control, Sachbuch- und Romanautor, Ändere die Welt!. Warum wir die kannibalische Weltordnung stürzen müssen, C. Bertelsmann Verlag, 16. März 2015




  • Ohne Gewalt, ohne das Töten gibt es kein Fleisch. Karnismus ist also logischer-
    weise eine gewalttätige Ideologie. Sie ist komplett auf Gewalt aufgebaut. Alles dreht sich darum, dass eine Gruppe von Individuen eine andere Gruppe von Individuen zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil benutzt. Dahinter steckt eine Geisteshaltung, die der Idee einer gerechten Gesell-
    schaft von Gleichen, für die wir uns ja eigentlich einsetzen, völlig entgegensteht.
    Interview mit Dr. Melanie Joy, US-amerikanische Professorin der Psychologie und Soziologie, Harvard Universität, vegane Aktivistin, Publizistin, Karnismus-Forscherin Joy. "Bio-Fleisch ist ein Mythos", ursprünglich präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Spiegel Online, neu aufgelegt von deutschen unabhängigen Wirtschaftsmagazin enorm, Gastgeber Felix Brumm, 24. August 2013



  • Fluoride sind hochgiftig und gefährlich. Eine unbedenkliche Dosis gibt es nicht. Bereits eine vermeintlich geringe,
    aber stete Aufnahme von Fluoriden beschleunigt die Alterung, lässt Zellen sterben, fördert den gesundheitlichen
    Verfall des Nervensystems und fördert vielfältige, meist unheilbaren Erkrankungen.
    Archivierter Artikel Verschwörungstheorie ade! Studie stuft Fluorid offiziell als Neurotoxin ein., präsentiert von dem US-amerika-
    nischen Informationsangebot NPR News, Werner Nosko, 8. September 2018


  • Alle zehn Jahre wird die Menge an Mononatriumglutamat in den Lebensmitteln verdoppelt. Und dies schließt noch nicht einmal Aspartam mit ein. Durch all diese Gifte entwickeln wir eine Gesellschaft, die nicht nur mehr Menschen mit einem geringeren IQ hervorbringt, sondern auch weniger Menschen mit einem höheren IQ. Dr. med. Russel Blaylock (*1945) US-amerikanischer Neurochirurg, Der Mensch isst sich dumm, Bitchute Film, 6:16 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 21. Januar 2022


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Essen

Quotes by various other sources


Do not worry


See also:

Matthew 6, 31-33 (NT) – Luke 12, 22-34 (NT)

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6, 25-27 New International Version]] (NT)


Take no thought saying, What shall we eat? or; What shall we drink? or, Weherewithal shall we be clothed? ... for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom
of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Matthew 6, 31-33 (NT)


It is not what enters into the mouth that defiles the man, but what proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles
the man.
Matthew 15, 11 (NT)


Whether therefore you eat or drink, or whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10, 31 (NT)


Future prospective


Remedial and preventive medizine of the future

  • Follow a simple diet, exercise the body, and meditate daily – no matter what happens, rain or shine. If you are unable
    to exercise and meditate in the morning, do it at night. Pray to Him every day, 'Lord, even if I die, or if the whole world crumbles away, I am going to find time daily to be with Thee.'
    Paramahansa Yogananda [LoC 540] (1893-1952) Indian Hindu sage, yogi, philosopher, author, Man's Eternal Quest. Collected Talks and Essays – Volume 1, Self-Realization Fellowship, 1. September 1982



Estimation of fat women or thin women – depending on culture

  • Rich [affluent] patriarchal cultures value thin women.
    Poor patriarchal cultures value fat women.
    Both are signs of privilege, of wealth and so on on the part of the men the women belong to.
    All patriarchal cultures value weak women. [...]
    Strong women are being made ashamed of being strong and to want to imitate the upper class women who are weak. To be strong and to be proud of it is a huge, huge change. Video keynote speech by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem's Top Ten Fearbusters, presented at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, 2011, YouTube film, minute 22:33, 33:06 minutes duration, posted 6. March 2012



Addiction to cigarettes and tabacco



Tabacco is highly addictive.



Obesity is a mental health issue.

  • Obesity is primarily a mental health issue – an eating disorder. People can fix this problem by greatly reducing or eliminating hurry and worry from their lives – while simultaneously re-establishing mental calmness and self-trust.
    Op-Ed The Political Roots of American Obesity, presented by the US American nonprofit, progressive daily online newsletter Truthout, E. Douglas Kihn, US American doctor of oriental medicine, licensed acupuncturist, 4. May 2013



Statistics – 20 September 2012

  • The noncommunicable disease obesity (resulting in diabetes) eats the whole health care budget.
    Soda-fructose induced obesity is a global pandemic.
Then, somewhere in the 1700s we started putting fat and carbohydrates on the same plate, and we became gourmets.
And then, in the 1930s or 1940s we started putting them in the same food, and we became gourmands.  Minute 30:26
  • 165 million American will be obese (half of the US population) in 2030.
Currently there are 30% more obese than malnourished people in the world.  WHO
  • There are 366 million diabetics in 2011 (5% of the world's population).  International Diabetes Federation  Minute 3:12
  • 100 million of Americans (a third of the US population) will be diabetic in 2050.  Minute ~3:50
  • Experts predict 165 million Americans will be obese by 2030.  Lancet (4 part obesity series) 26. August 2011
  • 100 million Americans will have diabetes by 2050. CDC Division of Diabetes Translation, 2011  Minute 4:16
  • 50% increase in health care insurance premiums.
In the old days we ate one [fat] or the other [carbonhydrates]. And our liver could handle either one.
"We could balance the budget of the United States if we could fix the obesity epidemic. Period."  Minute 53:38
"All food is inherently good until you process it."  Minute 59:07
  • Out of 240 million US adults 30% are obese.
  • 80% = 57 million of the obese population have metabolic dysfunction.
  • 40% = 67 million of normal weight adults also have metabolic dysfunction.
  • Total target = 124 million (>50% of adult US population)  Minute 1:04:43
Strategies that don't work: Government guidelines public information campaigns warning labels on product packaging school-based education programs menue labeling.  Minute 1:06:14
Cold turkey of dopamine takes 3 weeks. To outgrow the sugar craving it takes five years.
Eat real food which is not processed, low sugar, high fibre.
The message "change the environment" is valid. A paradigm shift in obesity science and policy, away from personal responsibility and toward public health.
Video presentation by Robert H. Lustig, M.D., US American professor of clinical pediatrics, neuroendocrinologist, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), The Sugar Epidemic: Policy versus Politics, sponsored by Harvard Food and Law Society,
Harvard College, 20. October 2011, YouTube film, 1:39:50 duration, posted by 1. November 2011



Plenty of food for 12 billion people on Earth – a lack of distribution and care allows starvation

  • Every five seconds a child under ten dies from hunger, 57 000 people every day, a billion are severely malnourished, and this is happening on a planet that is over-
    flowing with wealth and that could actually feed twelve billion people.
    Interview with Jean Ziegler (*1934) Swiss professor of sociology, social democratic politician, United Nations special rapporteur on the right to food (2000-2008), advisor to the UN Human Rights Council and the NPO Business Crime Control, author, Jean Ziegler: We Let the Third World Starve – the Disaster Can Be Stopped, presented by the German daily newspaper Der Tagesspiegel / Axis of Logic, World Food & Water, translated by
    Siv O'Neall, 25. March 2013


  • People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food. Wendell Berry (*1934) US American academic, cultural and economic critic, farmer, man of letters,
    cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Our typical Western diet is full of inflammatory fats – saturated fats, trans fats, too many omega-6, inflammatory, processed vegetable oils like soy and corn oils. These increase IGF-1 and stimulate pimple follicles.
    Mark Hyman, M.D. (*1959) US American family physician, founder and medical director of the UltraWellness Center, advocate
    of functional medicine, educative speaker, author, cited in: Meaningin


  • Coffee is a lot more than just a drink; it’s something happening. Not as in hip, but like an event, a place to be, but
    not like a location, but like somewhere within yourself. It gives you time, but not actual hours or minutes, but a
    chance to be, like be yourself, and have a second cup. Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) US American art collector, play-
    wright, poet, novelist, Selected Writings by Gertrude Stein, Random House, 1946


  • Food for us comes from our relatives, whether they have wings or fins or roots. That is how we consider food.
    Food has a culture. It has a history. It has a story. It has relationships.
    Video presentation by Winona LaDuke (*1959) US American environmentalist, economist, industrial hemp grower, writer,
    Seeds of Our Ancestors, Seeds of Life, presented by TEDx, 2012, cited in: Stranger's Guide


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Food

Quotes by Rima Laibow


"Chemical imbalance" hoax

  • We know of no "chemical imbalance" which accounts for mental and emotional illness. We know that genes are disrupted and then function is distorted by a host of causes among which are heavy metals like Mercury and industrial poisons like Formaldehyde and Fluoride and foreign DNA and proteins and viruses which call forth an autoimmune response by
    the body on its own nervous system. This is a type of expression of what I have called Genome Disruption Syn-
    or GDS. It is not genetic drift which is causing the change in human health and behavior. It is the toxicity
    which we are allowing, inducing and requiring which is causing the change in the human genome function and in therefore its expression in illness and behavioral distortion. It is this genomic disruption which is linked to increasing cancer rates, increasing rates of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, other degenerative diseases and psychiatric
    illness. It is this genome disruption which was virtually unknown in the lives of our grandparents and in the child-
    hoods of our parents which is killing us. Human genes are the same but the genomic disruption is by no means
    the same. Video presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D. (*1943) US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director
    of Natural Solutions Foundation, I am Adam Lanza's Doctor, YouTube film, minute 9:32, 18:18 minutes duration, posted 21. De-
    cember 2012


Dr. Rima Laibow
  • And the fact is despite the beautiful ads and the seminars and the free pizza and salad lunches in windowless conference rooms in the hospital or the clinic – these drugs and these vaccines kill. They are not safe and they are not effictive. […]
    More than half the people who kill themselves are on psychiatric drugs when they do so. Virtually every public massacre in the last two decades has involved people on psychiatric drugs or people just coming off psychiatric drugs.
    NO to psychiatric drugs and NO to vaccines. There is no reason, no rhyme, no science to vaccinating people.
    Virtually every outbreak and epidemic of a communicable disease has occurred in the fully vaccinated in the last decades. Vaccines create disease and they cause a weakening of the immune system with horrifying results.
    NO to GMOs and NO to industrial food. Psychiatric drugs kill those who take them and those around them. They are inexcusable and unnecessary. Video presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D. (*1943) US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, I am Adam Lanza's Doctor, YouTube film, minute 13:26, 14:23 and 15:05, 18:18 minutes duration, posted 21. December 2012


  • Who funds the World Health Organization (WHO)? The same people that declared a level six – highest level pan-
    demic – in the swine flu debacle and wanted to vaccinate everybody against the genetically-engineered swine flu
    with vaccines that would cause permanent infertility. […] 70% of their funds come directly from the pharmaceutical industry. There might be a connection between what they say, what they push, and who funds them. There certainly
    is in most other cases. WHO and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have been the overseeing bodies
    that allow world's food to become degraded, devitalized and incapable of supporting life and healthy biological pro-
    cesses. Contaminated food, degraded and devitalized food – [are] the inputs that we are receiving – through the
    agency of Codex Alimentarius, the United Nations' Commission run jointly by the World Health Organization and
    the Food and Agriculture Organization which like the Federal Reserve of the United States are private corporations
    and they serve their funding masters. Video interview/presentation by Rima E. Laibow, M.D. (*1943) US American physician, psychiatrist, activist, medical director of Natural Solutions Foundation, Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot, YouTube film, minute 19:14, minute 19:44, 1:21:18 duration, posted 3. March 2013


Source: ► Removed article CFR: Unvaccinated are Healthier than Vaccinated Populations,
presented by the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice (OMJ), 30. March 2014
The CFR map published in March 2014 shows that the highest disease outbreaks within the most-vaccinated populations.

Englische Texte – English section on Food

Myths concerning money business and world hunger

Twelve myths on hunger
MythFalse BeliefFact
1. There is not enough food to go around. Many people are too poor to buy readily available food.
2. Nature is to blame for famine. Starvation during hard times hits only the poorest. The culprits are an economy that fails to offer everyone opportunities, and a society that places economic efficiency over compassion.
3. Hunger is due to overpopulation. Birth rates are falling rapidly worldwide as remaining regions of the Third World begin the demographic transition. Poverty, rapid population growth and hunger result from underlying inequities that deprive people, especially poor women, of economic opportunity and security.
4. Environment beats food production. Large profiteering corporations are mainly responsible for deforestation. A trade-off between our environ-
ment and the world's need for food is not inevitable.
5. The Green Revolution is the answer. The Green Revolution (in ­India, Mexico, and the Philippines) has advanced production. However, increasing production cannot alleviate hunger because it fails to alter the tightly concentrated distribution of economic power that determines who can buy the additional food. A ‘New Green Revolution' based on biotechnology threatens to further accentuate inequality.
6. Large farms are the solution. Small farmers typically achieve at least four to five times greater output per acre than injust farming systems run by inefficient producers. Comprehensive land reform has markedly increased production (in Japan, Zimbabwe, and Taiwan). Redistributing farmland into smaller holdings (as studied in northeast Brazil) would raise output 80 percent.
7. The free market can end hunger. Every economy combines the market and government in allocating resources and distributing goods. Privatization and de-regulation are do not work. The dogmatic misleading "market-is-good, government-is-bad" formula does not address the source of hunger and works only for the good of all when purchasing power is widely dispersed. Promote buyers/people, not the market/money.
8. Free trade is the answer. The trade promotion formula has proven an abject failure at alleviating hunger. In most Third World countries exports have boomed while hunger has continued unabated or actually worsened. Since NAFTA there was a net loss of over a million jobs in the United States. Mexico has lost 1.3 million in the agricultural sector alone and hunger is on the rise in both countries.
9. The hungry are too weak to fight for their rights. Mere survival requires tremendous effort. People will feed themselves when the obstacles in their paths
set by large corporations and U.S. government, World Bank and IMF policies are removed.
10. More U.S. and First World Aid will help the hungry Foreign aid used to impose free trade and free market policies, to promote exports at the expense of food production, and to provide the arms reinforces the status quo. Unconditional debt relief would allow Third World countries to take care of basic health, education and anti-poverty programs.
11. Rich nations benefit from poverty. The enforced poverty in the Third World and the continued deprivation of the hungry issued by corporations seek cheaper labor abroad jeopardizes jobs, wages and working conditions in First World countries. Clearing the way for the poor to free themselves from economic oppression will free the First World.
12. Freedom will be curtailed to end hunger. There is no theoretical or practical reason why civil liberties should be incompatible with ending hunger. The entitlement to unlimited accumulation of wealth-producing property and to use it however one sees fit ­is in fundamental conflict with ending hunger.
► Article Hunger: Myths & Realities, 12 Myths About Hunger by Holly Poole-Kavana, Summer 2006, published 21. October 2011
► Institute for Food and Development Policy Backgrounder, volume 12, issue 2, Summer 2006
Literature: ► Frances Moore Lappé, Joseph Collins, Peter Rosset, Luis Esparza,
World Hunger. Twelve Myths, Grove Press, 2nd sub edition 24. September 1998

Eight principles of food and health

Wikipedia entry on the book The China Study, based on the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, a 20-year study in 1983,
conducted by the China CDC (formally known as Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, [CAPM]), Cornell University,
and University of Oxford, coined as "the Grand Prix of epidemiology" by The New York Times


          Insights derived by the The China Study, 1983          
 ༺༻      Nutritional realizations      
1.Nutrition represents the combined activities of countless food substances. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
2.Vitamin supplements are not a panacea for good health.
3.There are virtually no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not better provided by plants.
4.Genes do not determine disease on their own. Genes function only by being activated, or expressed, and nutrition
plays a critical role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed.
5.Nutrition can substantially control the adverse effects of noxious chemicals.
6.The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages can also halt or reverse it in its later stages.
7.Nutrition that is truly beneficial for one chronic disease will support health across the board.
8.Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected.
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Eight principles of food and health
► Article by T. Colin Campbell, US American nutritional biochemist, Jacob Gould Schurman professor emeritus, Cornell University, Thomas M.
     Campbell II., The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and
     Long-Term Health
, Benbella Books, 1. Januar 2005
See also: ► Health

Diets respective to the four blood types – Peter D'Adamo

Blood type diets – Peter D'Adamo
One cannot change one's blood type, but learn to apply blood type diet as explained by Peter D'Adamo.
༺༻ Blood type% Eating behavior Weight gain from
Immune system
Prone to Sports
1. O45% Animal proteins
Best to Forego: Dairy products, grains, potatoes, gluten in wheat products (lentils, corn, kidney beans, and cabbage)
"Environmentally intolerant" Arthritis (inflammatory reactions in joints), asthma, hay fever, various allergies Intense physical exercise like aerobics, martial arts, contact sports, running
2. A40% Naturally suited to a vegetarian diet, fresh, pure, and organic foods Sensitive immune system Diabetes, predisposed to heart disease, cancer, poorer survival odds Calming, centering physical exercise like yoga, tai chi
3. B11% Strong immune system, resisting many of the severe chronic degenerative illnesses Tolerant digestive system, high allergy threshold Diabetes, autoimmune disorders (chronic fatigue, lupus, multiple sclerosis) Moderate physical exercise requiring mental balance like hiking, cycling, tennis, swimming
4. AB4% Most biologically complex, most recent evolutionary blood type: combining types A and B Heart disease, cancer, anemia
Least prone to: allergies; poorer survival odds
Combination of the exercises for types A and B
Source: ► Peter D'Adamo, M.D., US American naturopathic physician, author and Catherine Whitney, co-author,
Eat Right 4 Your Type. The Individualized Diet Solution to Staying Healthy, Living Longer & Achieving Your Ideal Weight,
Putnam Adult, 1st edition 6. January 1997

Top ten list of unhealthy foods

Foods containing most dangerous toxins and poisons
༺༻ Toxic foodRemark
1.High fat meats Bacon, hot dogs containing sodium nitrates
2.Aspartame Artificial sweetener used in diet drinks and other products
3.Margarine Products containing trans fat
Use organic butter instead
4.Shellfish Generally contains high degree of contamination
5.Junk foods (Twinkies) Products containing high fructose corn syrup
6.Soy products Tend to increase estrogen levels
7.Fluoridated and chlorinated water[*] Act as endocrine disruptors
8.High fat dairy products, non-organic dairy Contain bovine growth hormones
9.Coffee Elevates harmful cortisol levels
10.Alcohol Habitual or daily use causes problems
► Article 10 Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat, presented by the publication Treehugger, Melissa Breyer, updated 8. February 2021
[*] Study by Dr. Philippe Grandjean, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Neurobehavioural effects of developmental toxicity, presented by
     the United Kingdom-based medical magazine The Lancet, published 14. February 2014, Review volume 13, issue 3 1. March 2014

Blacklisted food companies of US American origin

Avoid GMO food, toxic additives and packaged foods altogether.
Food companySubfirms
1.#5 Campbell's Soup CompanyHealthy Request, Wolfgang Puck Soups, Pace Foods, Pepperidge Farms, V-8
2. CargillTruvia Natural Sweetener, Shady Brooks Farms, Diamond Crystal Salt, Liza, Nature Fresh, Peter's Chocolate, Wilbur Chocolate, Honeysuckle White, Rumba Meats, Good Nature
3.#6 Coca ColaVitamin Water, Smart Water, Dasani, Nestea, Minute Maid, Honest Tea, Odwalla, Vitaminenergy
4.#1 Conagra BrandsHunt's Organic, Healthy Choice, Marie Callender's, Orville Redenbacher's Organic, Slim Jim,
Reddi-wip, Egg Beaters, Hebrew National, P. F. Chang's, Bertolli, Lightlife, Alexia
5. Dean FoodsHorizon, Silk, White Wave
6.#2 General MillsNature Valley, Fiber One, Cheerios, Cascadian Farm, Muir Glen, Lärabar, Gold Medal Organic,
Food Should Taste Good
7.#4 HeinzABC, Bagel Bites, Complan, Daddies, Delimex, Farex, Greenseas, HP Sauce, Heinz, Lea & Perrins, Ore-Ida, Smart Ones, Tater Tots, TGI Friday's, Wattie's, Weight Watchers, Wylers
8. Hain-Celestial
Primary investors:
Phillip Morris ❄ Monsanto
Citigroup (Vatican)
Exxon-Mobil ❄ Wal-Mart
Lockheed Martin4
Earth's Best, Spectrum Organics, Garden of Eatin', Casbah, Rice Dream, Soy Dream, WestSoy, TofuTown, MaraNatha, Mountain Sun, Walnut Acres, Fruiti di Bosco, Health Valley, Bearitos, Bread Shop, Celestial Seasonings
9.#8 Kellogg'sKashi, Muslix, Nutrigrain, Bear Naked, Morningstar Farms, Gardenburger
10.#3 Kraft FoodsSnapple, ReaLemon, Triscuit, SnackWell's, South Beach, Boca, Back to Nature, Nabisco
11.#7 NestléPure Life, Pelligrino, Perrier, Poland Spring, Gerber, California Pizza Kitchen, Tribe Mediterranean, Sweet Leaf Tea
12.#9 PepsiCoMiss Vickie's, Sun Chips, Aquafina, SoBe, Harvest Crunch, Dole, Ocean Spray, Tropicana, Miranda, Tazo, Quaker, Naked Juice, Mother's
13. UnileverSalada, Knorr, Ben & Jerry's5
14.#10 Hershey·Company 
Sources and references:
Book: Jeffrey M. Smith (*1958) US American politician, consumer activist, film maker, self-published author, Seeds of Deception.
                Exposing Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You're Eating
                Yes! Books, 3rd printing edition 1. September 2003
Article 1: Grocery Store Blacklist: 12 Food Companies to Avoid & 95 Sneaky Aliases, presented by the website realfoodforlife,
     6. October 2013
Article 2: Monsanto's Dirty Dozen: The 12 Most Awful Products Made By Monsanto, presented by the online publication
     Collective Evolution, Mark DeNicola, 7. October 2014
1. Saccarin ◊ 2. PCBs ◊ 3. Polystyrene ◊ 4. Nuclear Weapons ◊ 5. DDT ◊ 6. Dioxin ◊ 7. Agent Orange ◊ 8. Petroleum-Based
Fertilizers ◊ 9. Roundup ◊ 10. Aspartame ◊ 11. Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) ◊ 12. GMOs
Article 3: 10 Worst Food Companies that are Poisoning You Daily and Lying About It, presented by the publication Activist Post,
     Jake Anderson, 10. June 2015
#1: ConAgra Foods ❄ #2: General Mills ❄ #3: Kraft Foods ❄ #4: Heinz ❄ #5: Campbell's Soup Company
#6: Coca-Cola ❄ #7: Nestlé ❄ #8: Kellogg's ❄ #9: PepsiCo ❄ #10: Hershey's
Article 4: Monsanto's Dark History: 1901-2011, presented by Scribd, 25. June 2013
Article 5: French court finds Monsanto guilty of poisoning farmer, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian
    11. April 2019
"David can win against Goliath. … And a giant like Monsanto is not above the law."
Article 6: Herbicide Health Dangers. Monsanto Faces Blowback Over Cancer Cover-Up. A release of internal emails has
     revealed that U.S. agrochemical giant Monsanto manipulated studies of the company's herbicide, Roundup. Experts believe the
     product causes cancer – and the consequences for the company could be dire.
, presented by the German weekly news magazine
     Der Spiegel, Philip Bethge, 24. October 2017
Around 2,000 plaintiffs demanded compensation from Monsanto in class-action suits, claiming that Roundup has caused
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of lymph node cancer, in them or members of their family.
► Übersichten Liste der deutschen Firmen, die Produkte von Monsanto verwenden, Technische Universität Berlin, präsentiert von der
     Webseite pagan-forum.de, 19. März 2014
► Artikel US-Giftmischer Monsanto: Produkte, die auf dieser Liste stehen, solltest du auf keinen Fall kaufen!, präsentiert von Der Wächter,
     24. April 2016
References: en.Wikipedia entries List of Nestlé brandsCampbell Soup Company brandsList of Coca-Cola brands
General Mills brandsKraft FoodsKraft Heinz CompanyKellogg CompanyList of Kraft brandsDean Foods brands
List of Kraft brandsPepsiCo brandsList of Unilever brandsList of products manufactured by The Hershey Company
Referenzen: de.Wikipedia-Einträge Liste von Nestlé-MarkenGetränkemarken der Coca-Cola CompanyLangnese (Eismarke)

Autism and the Amish anomaly

The disorder Autism has been shrouded in misunderstanding for long. Unknown in the 19th century, it grew explosively in numbers as a result of vaccination, environmental toxins resulting the spread of Western lifestyle diseases starting in the last quarter of the 20th century.


YearResearcher – investigatorContribution – Literature
1943 The Austrian-American psychiatrist and physician Leo Kanner (1894-1981) published a landmark paper on the autism syndrome describing 11 children who were highly intelligent but displayed "a powerful desire for aloneness" and "an obsessive insistence on persistent sameness."Scientific paperAutistic Disturbances of Affective Contact.PDF
1944 The Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger (1906-1980) published a pioneering paper on autism. He died before his identification of this pattern of behaviour became widely recognised.Scientific paper
in German
Die "Autistischen Psychopathen" im Kindesalter [Autistic psychopaths in childhood], presented by the "Archiv für Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten", volume 117, issue 1, S. 76-136, June 1944
1981 The English psychiatrist Lorna Wing (1928-2014) introduced Asperger's findings in Great Britain and was involved in founding the National Autistic Society (NAS) in the United Kingdom.OrbituaryLorna Wing, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, 22. June 2014
1991 Uta Frith made an authoritative translation into English of Asperger’s work.BookUta Frith, Autism and Asperger syndrome, Cambridge University Press, NewYork, 1st edition January 1992
2010 Investigative reporter Dan Olmsted and coauthor Mark Blaxill pointed out that the onslaught of autism resulted from injecting ethylmercury (including the mercury-based additive Thiomersal) to children.BookThe Age of Autism. Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic, Thomas Dunne Books, 2010


YearStatistical data on the autism spectrumRemark / Source
1931 Vivian Murdock, born in Baltimore, Maryland, was
the first American child diagnosed with autism.
In her year of birth mercury laden toxoid diphteria vaccines
were first being administered in her home town.
1975 1 in 5,000 children was estimated to have autism. 
2012 1 in 88 children (1 in 54 boys and
1 in 34 girls) had autism.
► Article CDC Revises Estimate of Autism Prevalence: 1 in 88,
     presented by the science blog Autism Speaks, March 2012
2016 1 in 68 children [14.7 per 1,000 eight-year-olds]
were on the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
► Article CDC estimates 1 in 68 school-aged children have autism; no change
     from previous estimate
, 31. March 2016
► Article Over $57 Million Paid by U.S. Government for Vaccine In-
     juries in 2020 as Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Fast Tracked
     presented by the publication Vaccine Impact, 17. April 2020
►► Reference
Omnibus Autism Proceeding''
Note 1: ASD is almost five times more common among boys than girls: 1 in 42 boys versus 1 in 189 girls. Note 2: See [⚑] Article


Who needs vaccinations, who needs mercury in the veins in the children? The demons, nobody else. […]
The glyphosate connected to GMO is 99.9% correlated to the appearance of autism. The mechanism is that it is destroying the bacteria in the lower intestines. Given such a destroyed bacterial environment you cannot uptake mineral supply for the body anymore, which is switching off your liver at a certain point, which is giving way to heavy metal intoxification of the body. The liver is stopping to detoxify. This is what is giving you the symptoms of autism. And an autist basically is somebody who is so much [nerve] pain within the body that the soul doesn’t really incarnate. If you are in pain basically from birth on or from 0.5-1 year of age, your soul doesn't even enter the body. If you are a demonic program, an artificial binary "soul" [entity] that is trying to get hold [possession] of a human body, it is really helpful if there is no soul around this body. And I have seen autistic children with full demonic signatures in their faces. And I have seen adults that were like half-autists during their childhood … There are these devices to measure the frequency sets within the biological system of a person. And if you measure them [adult half-autists], they have two signatures in one body, one is human, one is demonic. And they switch. Make them angry, and they completely shift [psychologically], not biologically, but from the expression of their faces, the potential of aggression they carry within them. They completely switch to a different type of being. And this is what had been planned for this planet: chuck us [humans] out, get them in. It is hard to say if we would have made it without external help.

Video interview with Harald Kautz (*1966) German physicist, geologist, independent investigative researcher, educator, speaker, publisher, translator, author, Higherside Chats Harald Kautz Vella Explains Black Goo, presented by the interview-based podcast HighersideChats, host Greg Carlwood, YouTube film, minute 21:26, 22:11-24:35, 1:15:59 duration, posted 8. April 2017


If you vaccinate – In the first six years of life your child receives the following:
• 17,500 mcg 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)
• 5,700 mcg aluminum (neurotoxin)
• Unknown amounts of fetal bovine serum (aborted cow blood)
• 801.6 mcg formaldehyde (carcinogen, embalming agent)
• 23,250 mcg gelatin (ground up animal cadavers)
• 500 mcg human albumin (human blood)
• 760 mcg of monosodium L-glutamate (causes obesity and diabetes)
• Unknown amounts of MRC-5 cells (aborted human babies)
• Over 10 mcg neomycin (antibiotic)
• Over 0.075 mcg polymyxin B (antibiotic)
• Over 560 mcg polysorbate 80 (carcinogen)
• 116 mcg potassium chloride (used in a lethal injection)
• 188 mcg potassium phosphate (liquid fertilizer agent)
• 260 mcg sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
• 70 mcg sodium borate (Borax, used for cockroach control)
• 54,100 mcg of sodium chloride (table salt)
• Unknown amounts of sodium citrate (food additive)
• Unknown amounts of sodium hydroxide (Danger! Corrosive)
• 2,800 mcg sodium phosphate (toxic to any organism)
• Unknown amounts of sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate (toxic to any organism)
• 32,000 mcg sorbitol (Not to be injected)
• 0.6 mcg streptomycin (antibiotic)
• Over 40,000 mcg sucrose (cane sugar)
• 35,000 mcg yeast protein (fungus)
• 5,000 mcg urea (metabolic waste from human urine)
• Other chemical residuals
Book: ► Dr. Todd M. Elsner, What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About Vaccines, National Health Publications, 1st edition 2009
Text: ► IF YOU VACCINATE, presented by the social media news and discussion forum Siasat, 2. August 2018



The Amish refrain from modern, chemically-engineered medicines, enhanced (chemically-engineered) foods, and GMO foods. Generally, they don't accept vaccinations. Hence the Amish very rarely have cases of autism.
(Only 3 cases of autism are reported, two of which were vaccinated.) In Amish villages hardly any cases of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are found.
Here are some of the reasons why the Amish are exceptionally healthy:

  1. The Amish don't get vaccinated.
  2. The Amish eat organic, locally grown food.
  3. The Amish eat plenty of healthy fats.
  4. The Amish people are physically active.
  5. The Amish live stress free lives.

Note: The Hutterites, Amish or Mennonites have a rule that when a colony approaches 150 members, they split into two and start a new one.
See also: ► Dunbar's number 150


Video interview "The Age of Autism" – Meet authors Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, presented by the autismhangout, YouTube film,
    14:59 minutes duration, posted 4. December 2010
Video presentation Mark Blaxill and D. Olmstead: Age of Autism Book Tour (2010), YouTube film, 42:02 minutes duration,
    posted 1. March 2012
Article Why the Amish Rarely Get Sick: Things You Can Learn From Them, presented by LA Healthy Living, Anya Vien,
     15. December 2013
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Health among the Amish
Further written references:
Study results Hands that Heal. Researchers at Kennedy Krieger investigate whether energy therapy can benefit children with
     developmental disabilities
, presented by the Kennedy Krieger Children's hospital, Courtney McGrath, autumn 2003
Transcript: Statement by Dr. Andrew Wakefield (*1957) British former surgeon and medical researcher, filmmaker,
     Statement from Andrew Wakefield, presented by the publication Ageofautism, 17. April 2013
Article Researchers at Harvard Reveal 10 Toxins that are Causing ADHD, Autism, PDF, presented by Mass Report, Hilda Gadea,
     11. December 2014
Neurotoxins: #1 Lead, #2 Methylmercury, #3 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), #4 Arsenic, #5 Toluene, #6 Manganese, #7 Fluoride,
#8 Chlorpyrifos and DDT (pesticides), #9 Tetrachloroethylene, #10 Polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs)
► [⚑] Article The women who don't know they're autistic, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet
     The Conversation, Fabienne Cazalis, Adeline Lacroix, 19. July 2017
Further Refinement of Discovery #1: Immune Activation from the Cytokine Interleukin-6
Discovery #2: Aluminum Adjuvant causes immune activation and is far more neurotoxic than previously thought
Discovery #3: Aluminum can increase IL-6 in the brain
Discovery #4: Hepatitis B vaccine induces IL-6 in postnatal rats
Discovery #5: High levels of aluminum in autism brains

Article 30 solid scientific studies that prove vaccines are linked with autism, presented by the US American investigative news outlet
     Natural News, 27. September 2016
Article CDC Admits In Federal Court They Have No Evidence "Vaccines Don't Cause Autism" , presented by the online publication
     steemit.com, 2019
Further media references:
Video presentation by Temple Grandin (*1947) US American professor of animal science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, consultant
     to the livestock industry on animal behavior, autism spokesperson, author, The world needs all kinds of minds, presented by TED Talks,
     19:30 minutes duration, 27. February 2010
Video presentation by Temple Grandin (*1947) US American professor of animal science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, consultant
     to the livestock industry on animal behavior, autism spokesperson, author, Temple Grandin: "The Autistic Brain", YouTube film,
     1:03:36 duration, posted 19. November 2013 Chicago Humanities Festival, November 2013
Referencing the 2010 American biographical drama film directed by Mick Jackson Temple Grandin
Video presentation by Steve Silberman, US American contributing editor of the magazine Wired, writer, The forgotten history of autism,
     transcript, presented by TED Talks, TED Global 2015 "Truth and Dare", Vancouver, Canada, 16-20 March 2015, 13:49 minutes
     duration, filmed March 2015, posted 17. June 2015
TV documentary Is Asperger's syndrome the next stage of human evolution?, presented by the news service of the Australian
     Broadcasting Corporation ABC News, program "Australian Story", 26:18 minutes duration, posted 25. September 2017
Professor Tony Attwood believes the "out of the box" thinkers on the autism spectrum will solve the world's big problems.
He is the first clinical psychologist to present Asperger's syndrome as a gift, evidenced in many of the great inventors and artists throughout history.

► Educational partially animated video presentation / interview Zach Bush, M.D., US Amerian physician, environmental activist, Chemical
     Farming and The Loss of Human Health
, produced by the YouTube channel After Skool, YouTube film, 24:55 minutes duration,
     posted 27. April 2021
See also:
Medicine and ► Statistics
Quotes by Rima Laibow ♦ Russell Blaylock ♦ Boyd Haley ♦ Andrew Moulden
Four out of five autists are male.

Practical tools to start a healthy relation with food – Mario Martinez

Ten recommendations to learn to eat consciously
1.Any time you feel a need to eat, decide if the signal is coming from inside or outside. Body sensations, thoughts, and emotions are some of the internal signals. Seeing or hearing commercials, conversations about food and weight are some of the external signals.
2.Did you have an internal or external signal? Look for patterns.
3. Before assuming the signal is hunger, determine if it’s a distraction. If it is, identify how it feels in your body and breathe deeply from
the stomach to defuse the strength of the signal. Then respond to the false signal with the appropriate solution: if it’s anxiety, take a
few minutes to relax; if boredom, reconnect with your creativity; if fear, identify the culprit and take action, and so on.
4.If you’re not successful at your first attempt, celebrate that you are approximating success, and wait for the next distraction as if you were preparing to catch a thief.
5.Focus on the distractions rather than on weight loss. The weight loss will be indirect rather than planned.
6.Any time you successfully identify and correct a distraction, celebrate your self-caring action. The celebration could be as simple as a smile or going for a contemplative walk. The celebration could include adding a healthy ritual to your life.
7.Anytime you identify an authentic hunger signal, enjoy what you will eat, slowly and mindfully. You will notice when you pay attention to what you’re eating, you will eat less junk food and less quantity. When this happens you have started your healthy love affair with food.
8.Do not diet. Diet drinks and diet foods increase your appetite, can cause inflammation, and leave you with a false sense of accomplishment. Instead, learn to eat healthy, delicious food. Be creative – learn how to cook.
9.Practise healthy rituals to replace unhealthy routines.
10.Celebrate who you are independent of your weight. You are much more than the extra weight you carry to distract you from celebrating your excellence.
► Article by Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuroimmunologist, author,
    Obesity: When food becomes a dysfunctional distraction, presented by the Australian publication Living Now, beginning May 2016

BW-Werte: Essen / Food

Themenkreis Essen
BW 520-540Plätzchenbacken für die Familie
BW 208-215Selbst gekochte Gerichte mit Segensgebet verstärkt
BW 204-209+Selbst gekochte Gerichte
BW 202Kaffee6
Quellen: ► Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 92, 94, 95, 2005, und andere

LoC calibrations (engl.): Food


  • LoC 570 – Inedia [Living without consuming food], Siddhi, spiritual grace state
  • LoC 520 – Mother making Christmas fudge and cookies
  • LoC 520 – Homemade cookies for the family[*]
  • LoC 515 – Thanksgiving Day
  • LoC 350 – Necessary level of consciousness to start healing food addiction
  • LoC 345/350 – Fortune cookie message7
  • LoC 250 – Family pig8
  • LoC 215 – Blessed, homemade food[*]
  • LoC 210 – Sheep, range cattle9
  • LoC 209+ – Homemade food[*]
  • LoC 207 – Blessed, commercial machine-made food[*]
  • LoC 205 – Vegetarianism[*]
  • LoC 205 – Domestic pig, deer, bison10
  • LoC 205 – Human body
  • LoC 200 – Food[*]

  • LoC Below 200 – Artificial sweeteners (Aspartam)
  • LoC 192-202 – Commercial cat food[*]
  • LoC 188-200 – Commercial machine-made food[*]
  • LoC 80-100 – Vegetables, alcohol, drugs
  • LoC 20 – Fish (living animals, not as food)11

Food outlets

  • LoC 400 – Sidewalk cafes in Paris, France
  • LoC 380 – Family farms
  • LoC 355 – Roadside farm stands[*]
  • LoC 300 – Vintners industry in the United States [Status 2004]12
  • LoC 250 – Coffee shops (on average)13
  • LoC 245 – Wendy's, US restaurant chain (operating nationally)
  • LoC 235 – Medical marijuana
  • LoC 220 – Supermarkets (on average)
  • LoC 210 – Commercial farms
  • LoC 205 – Sidewalk vendors[*] (on average)
  • LoC 205 – McDonald's, US restaurant chain (operating internationally)
  • LoC 200 – Fast food outlets
  • LoC 165 – Liquor industry in the United States [Status 2004]14

Products containing GM ingredients A List of GMO Companies And Products

  • LoC 350 – Aunt Jemima's Flour (product)[*]15
  • LoC 345 – Vick's cough medicine (product)[*]
  • LoC 325 – Campbell's Soup (product)[*]
  • LoC 320 – Arm & Hammer Baking Soda (product)[*]
  • LoC 315 – Uncle Ben's Rice (product)[*]
  • LoC 305 – Quaker Oats (product)[*]16/17


  • LoC 305 – Coca-Cola (beverage)[*]
  • LoC 305 – Pepsi (beverage)[*]
  • LoC 300 – Green tea (beverage)[*]
  • LoC 202 – Coffee (beverage)18


Sources: ► Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 32, 92, 94-95[*], 2005, and other sources

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins

  • Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, 3 DVD set, 27. September 2002
    Letting things go, willingness to surrender all to God
  • Vegetarianism: Audio interviews, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary",
                              hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 10. June 2003 and 9. November 2004


Links zum Thema Essen (Überleben) / Food (Survival)


Bestätigt: Unmittelbarer Zusammenhang zwischen Ernährung und der Entstehung chronischer Erkrankungen

Literature (engl.)

Wikipedia entry on the book The China Study based on the China-Cornell-Oxford Project, a 20-year study conducted by the China CDC
(formally known as Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, [CAPM]), Cornell University and University of Oxford, coined as "the Grand Prix
of epidemiology" by The New York Times

Externe Weblinks

Spekulation mit Lebensmitteln, Film Die Hungermacher – Wie Banken und Fonds mit Lebensmittel spekulieren, präsentiert von Kontext-TV,
Schuld – Ein Kurzfilm über die Auswirkungen von Spekulationen auf Grundnahrungsmitteln, 2011

Inclusive Video Dokumentarfilm mit der Beichte der ehemaligen Fondsmanagerin bei der Deutschen Bank Margarete Wegener, die die gesetzlich erlaubte Nahrungsmittelspekulation nicht mehr mit ihrem Gewissen vereinbaren konnte, da sie zur Vernichtung der Existenzgrund-
lage und zum Hungertod von Millionen führt.

External web links (engl.)

The French study found that rats fed NK603 GM pestizide laden maize (corn), a product of biotech company Monsanto, developed higher
levels of cancers, had larger cancerous tumors and died earlier than controls.

The fatter children are the less they are subject to bouts of sadness, anger and depression. Brain scans on seven overweight people made by the study led by Gene-Jack Wang, M.D. found that satiety of food light up in the same regions of the brain as with drug addicts after a fix similar
to the infusion of euphoria-producing drugs.

  • Article The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat, presented by mercola.com, Dr. Joseph Mercola, 10. June 2013
    1. Canned tomatoes
    2. Processed meats
    3. Margarine
    4. Vegetable oils (healthy alternative coconut oil)
    5. Microwave popcorn
    6. Non-organic potatoes / fresh produce highly pesticide contaminated
    7. Table salt
    8. Soy protein isolate / unfermented soy products
    9. Artificial sweeteners

~90% of the money Americans spend on food is spent on processed foods.

Food and beverage industry worldwide: 10. Kellogg's ❄ 9. Associated British Foods ❄ 8. General Mills ❄ 7. Danone ❄ 6. Mondelez ❄
5. Mars ❄ 4. Coca-Cola ❄ 3. Unilever ❄ 2. PepsiCo ❄ 1. Nestlé

Dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, fish, soybeans, avocado, bananas, dark chocolate, low-fat yoghurt

  • Article American Foods That Are Banned Abroad—and How They Can Impact Your Health, presented by eatthis.com, 29. April 2023
    1. Farm-Raised Salmon – Banned in: Australia, New Zealand
    2. Genetically Engineered Papaya – Banned in: European Union
    3. Ractopamine-Tainted Meat – Banned in: 160 countries across Europe, Russia, mainland China, Republic of China (Taiwan)
    4. Flame Retardant Drinks / Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) – Banned in: Europe, Japan
    5. Processed Foods Containing Artificial Food Colors and Dyes – Banned in: Norway, Austria

In 2009, the British government advised companies to stop using food dyes. The European Union requires a warning notice on most
foods containing dyes.

  1. Arsenic-Laced Chicken – Banned in: European Union
  2. Bread with Potassium Bromate – Banned in: European Union, Canada, China
  3. Olestra/Olean – Banned in: United Kingdom, Canada
  4. Preservatives BHA and BHT – Banned in: Japan, parts of the European Union, UK (BHA forbidden in infant foods)
  5. Milk and Dairy Products Laced with rBGH – Banned in: European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Israel
  • Article 11 Intelligence Killing Foods You Need To Avoid, presented y the website Fitnea, undated
    1. Sugary products
    2. Alcohol
    3. Junk food
    4. Fried foods
    5. Processed or pre-cooked foods
    6. Very salty foods
    7. Grains, except 100% whole grain
    8. Processed proteins
    9. Avoid trans fats at all costs
    10. Artificial sweeteners
    11. Nicotine
  • Article 7 Really Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid: Fried Chicken, Potato Chips & More, presented by the publication Medical Daily, Kristine Belonio, 13. February 2023
    1. Chicken nuggets
    2. Soda pop (high fructose corn syrup, HFCS)
    3. Hotdogs and other processed meats
    4. Store bought cookies, cake, muffins, and crackers (hydrogenated trans fats)
    5. Many popular breakfast cereals
    6. Granola bars
    7. Pre-made condiments and salad dressings

Linkless articles

  • Article Confirmed: DNA From Genetically Modified Crops Are Transferred Into Humans Who Eat Them, presented by "GMO, Scientific Research", Steven Peters, reprinted in "Natural Revolution", 11. February 2014

Study published in the peer reviewed Public Library of Science (PLOS) showed evidence that meal-derived DNA fragments carry complete
genes that can enter into the human circulation system through an unknown mechanism.

  • Blog entry Conventional Sodium Advice WRONG, Large Study Confirms, originally presented by GreenMedInfo, 6. January 2015, Case Adams, US American naturopath, reprinted by the website Abundant Hope, 8. January 2015

Modern salt often contains numerous chemical additives such as tricalcium phosphate, silica dioxide, sodium ferrocyanide, ferric ammonium
citrate and/or sodium silico-aluminate.

Audio- und Videolinks

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Video Fernsehinterview mit Daniel Ebner, Schweizer Sohn und Nachfolger von Urzeit-Code-Entdecker Guido Ebner und Heinz Schürch, Forscher der Firma Novartis, Urzeit-Code statt Gentechnik, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Web-Fernsehsender Alpenparlament.TV, Gastgeber Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations, Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement, YouTube Film, 54:08 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 14. Mai 2009
  • Video ARD-Dokumentation Diabetes heilen – einfach und natürlich, Ausschnitt von dem Fernsehbeitrag "Weg mit den Kohlenhy-
    draten – Essen für Diabetiker", gesendet 19. Oktober 2011, YouTube Film, 7:51 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 1. August 2012
  • Video Fernsehinterview mit Dr. Hans-Ulrich Grimm (*1955) deutscher Journalist, Spiegel-Redakteur (1989-1996), Autor, Lebensmittelkritiker Hans-Ulrich Grimm im Gespräch – Vom Verzehr wird abgeraten, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), Programm Abendschau, 28. Februar 2012, YouTube Film, 8:56 Minu-
    ten Dauer, eingestellt 25. Juli 2012
  • Ausschnitt der Fernsehsendung Gen-Mais 1507 – in Brasilien eine Katastrophe, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffent-
    lich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender 3Sat, Sendung Nano, Sendetermin 20. Februar 2014, YouTube Film, 7:06 Minuten Dauer, ein-
    gestellt 20. Februar 2014

Dokumentarfilme Links

  • Dokumentarfilm Unser täglich Gift – Wenn Essen krank macht, präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, Regisseurin Marie Monique Robin, Mai 2011, YouTube Film, 1:54:25 Dauer, eingestellt von DieAndereWahrheit 21. No-
    vember 2013
  • Video Fernsehdokumentation Überholte Ernährungsempfehlungen, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender NDR (ARD), YouTube Film, 5:07 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 10. Mai 2016, eingestellt 30. Mai 2016

Die Ernährungsempfehlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung sind veraltet und nicht unbedingt richtig.

Audio and video links (engl.)

Losing 100 pounds of overweight and regaining health by juicing and only eating rainbow colored fruits and vegetables

Five brain types of obese people:
1. Compulsive overeater [Help: Boost serotonine, physical exercise, 5-HTP, St. John's Wort, no nighttime eating after dinner]
2. Impulsive overeater, ADD [Help: Boost serotonine, strenghten the prefrontal cortex]
3. Compulsive-impulsive overeater [Help: Boost serotonine and dopamine, physical exercise, 5-HTP and green tea]
4. Sad overeater [Help: Boost vitamine D, physical exercise, fish oil, supplement SAMe]
5. Anxious overeater, high basal ganglia activity

Nestlé is bloating the price of water, while pursuing the privatization of this common resource.
Peter Brabeck, Swiss chairman and former CEO of Nestlé: "Access to water should not be a public right."

Audio and video links (engl.) – Robert Lustig (Sugar epidemic, processed food, obesity)

Poisonous fructose; Slides by slideshare.net

  • Video presentation by Robert H. Lustig, M.D., US American professor of clinical pediatrics, neuroendocrinologist, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), The Sugar Epidemic: Policy versus Politics, sponsored by Harvard Food and Law Society, Harvard College, 20. October 2011, YouTube film, 1:39:50 duration, posted by 1. November 2011

Paradigm shift in obesity, science and policy, away from personal responsibility and toward public health

  • Video interview with Robert H. Lustig, M.D., US American professor of clinical pediatrics, neuroendocrinologist, University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), The Cause of Obesity, YouTube film, 15:56 minutes duration, posted 3. November 2011

Linkless media offerings

  • Deleted audio radio interview with F. William Engdahl williamengdahl.com (*1944) US American German geopolitical analyst, historian, economic researcher, lecturer, freelance journalist, author, Doomsday Food & The Business of Eugenics [Dysgenics], presented by West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, aired 9. September 2013, YouTube
    film, 42:24 minutes duration, posted 18. October 2013

Documentary / Movie links

  • Documentary film "Food", Food, Inc.'', presented by Magnolia Pictures and River Road Entertainment, directed by Robert Kenner, produced in United States of America, 1:33:44 duration, produced 2008

Featuring the ugly truth about the US American / multinational food production industry

Detrimental effects of genetically modified foods (GMO) in the United States


Interne Links


Englisch Wiki



1 Audio interview Alignment, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 19. April 2005

2 Video by Margaret K. Chaney, Red World Green World by Margaret K. Chaney, YouTube film, 16:22 minutes duration, produced ~2005, posted 26. November 2017

3 [S]ince I feel pretty much around friends and fringies here [laughter], it doesn’t trouble me to confess that my book, Food of the Gods, I really conceived of as an intellectual Trojan horse. It’s written as though it were a scientific study. Footnotes, bibliography, citations of impossible to obtain books and so forth and so on (crowd really laughs now). But this is simply to assuage and "calm" the academic anthropologists. The idea is to leave this thing on their doorstep. Rather like an abandoned baby or a Trojan horse. Terence McKenna (1946-2000) US American ethnobotanist, philosopher, psychonaut, multidisciplinary researcher, lecturer, author, deleted YouTube film, minute 1:12, title and issuing date unknown

4 All these companies are extremely dubious companies regarding their attitued regarding public health. Source: Farmwars and Home for Health

5 Ben & Jerry's corporate parent, Unilever, spent $467,000 against GMO labeling in California, presented by vtdigger.org, Nat Rudarakanchana, 8. January 2013

6 Cottonwood Seminar Handling Spiritual Challenges, 3 DVD set, 24. April 2010

7 Sedona Seminar Dialogue, Questions, and Answers, 3 DVD set, December 2003

8 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, section 'Animal Kingdom', S. 32, 2005

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, section 'Animal Kingdom', S. 32, 2005

10 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, section 'Animal Kingdom', S. 32, 2005

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, section 'Animal Kingdom', S. 32, 2005

12 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 12, 2005

13 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 92, 2005

14 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 126, 2005


16 Originally branded as "pure" it contains GM ingredients.

17 Article How a Pioneer of Branding Invented Christian Fundamentalism, presented by the publication Religion Dispatches, Daniel Silliman, 6. May 2015
Philanthropist Henry Parsons Crowell (1855-1944), the founder of the "pure" branded product Quaker Oats, was one of the key players within the Moody Bible Institute (MBI). Using modern marketing he also sold "pure" fundamentalist Christianity.

18 Cottonwood Seminar Handling Spiritual Challenges, 3 DVD set, 24. April 2010


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