
Hawkins / Hypothesen







We don't answer hypothetical questions
because they are not real.

Dr. David Hawkins, source unknown




Zitate zum Thema Hypothese / Hypothesis

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Ask anything but the hypothetical. We don't answer hypothetical questions because they are not real.
    Source unknown




  • The most important element in facilitating an upward movement in consciousness is an attitude of willingness, which opens up the mind through new means of appraisal to the possible validity of new hypotheses.
    Power vs Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 96, Hay House, February 2002



What ifs

  • Another habit of the mind that creates temporary obstacles is the frequent use of the hypothetical as a source for argument and doubt. It is always possible for the intellect to construct an imaginary set of concepts in such a way to refute anything. The unconscious purpose of the hypothetical position is always the vanity of being 'right' and refuting some other point of view. The hypothetical has no validity and no existence in reality. The 'what if' never has to be addressed in spiritual work inasmuch as it is a spurious product of imagination and languaging whose motive is self-justification of a positio-
    nality. Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 108, Hay House, February 2002


  • If we avoid the hypothetical positionality that people ‘could’ be different than they are, we see that, in actuality, people cannot really help being other than they are. If they could be different, they would be. Limitations define possibilities; the hypothetical does not exist; it is not a reality but an imagination. It is irrational to condemn human behavior by comparing it with the hypothetical ideal. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, S. 102-103, 2001



The Hypothetical

  • Thus, we can see that the hypothetical 'cause' of anything that can be perceived or is invisible is the entirety of the whole universe in its collective totality throughout all time. It thus proceeds out of the totality of all Creation which continues to expand in infinite dimensions more rapidly than the speed of light. I. Reality and Subjectivity, 2003




Differentiation of the forest from the trees

Weighing the essential versus the irrelevant

  • A problem with using the mind to discover truth is that it often cannot tell the forest from the trees and instead focuses on problematic irrelevancies and extraneous diversions, such as,
    Did the Buddha 'really' sit under a bodhi tree? Or,
    Where did Jesus spend his lost years?
    Did the Red Sea actually part?
    Is the crucial, eternal truth that what would save mankind lost somewhere in cave?
    Will the world end in 2068?
    Are the 'end times' here?
    Are UFO messengers here to save us?
The ego loves to fiddle with hypothetical conundrums and thus extends its attraction via fallacious pursuits. If they
were of great value, they would have been mentioned by Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or the great sages over the many centuries. Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, heading "Disassembly of the Ego/Self", S. 214-215, 2007


Blühende Petunien, Fotograf Robert Paprstein
  • Therefore, rejection of the intelligent-design hypothesis could well be attributed to the proclivity and vanity of the human ego, which is more interested in being 'right' and proving others 'wrong' than it is in arriving at truth.
    Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, "Foreword", 2008



  • The only reality that can be confirmed is a subjective state called "I" – the presence of God within oneself, the Self (with a Capital S) which illuminates itself into your awareness as the feelingness that there is an "I" and that "I" exist. That’s the only reality you actually know. Beyond that is all imagination. Other than that you exist, there is no confirmable knowledge that you can possibly hold. Everything else, then, is a hypothetical possibility. Every piece of data the mind holds is a hypothetical abstraction. The only verification of reality, then, is the state of subjectivity. The only radically objective truth, then, is subjectivity itself. Without the subjective no objective could be said to exist. Because what would say that it exists? Only the subjective sense of self says an objective reality is out there. All conclusions, all mentations, then, are distilled down to a radical sense of subjectivity which is the only reality that can exist. The presence of God within shines forth as Self, that which I am. And that’s the only thing you know:
    that you exist. All the rest is software put on top of your hardware. Other than the fact that you exist, nothing else
    is really knowable.
    Sedona Seminar Advaita. The Way to God through Mind, DVD 3 of 3, track 9, minute 0:51, August 2002


  • Question: If the top end of the consciousness scale goes to infinity, is the same true of the lower levels?
    Answer: That’s a hypothetical question. Don’t worry about it. Sedona Seminar Alignment, 4 CD set, 16. April 2005


  • The hypothetical is always wrong! If you could have, you would have! "I should have done this or that!"
    Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005


  • People cannot be any different than they are at the time. If they could be, they would be. The hypothetical is a fallacy. People cannot be any different than they are!
    Sedona Seminar Is the Miraculous Real?, 3 DVD set, 9. December 2006

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Hypothese

Quotes by various other sources

Personal avowals


Newton held that metaphysical "hypotheses" were unnecessary and extraneous and had no place in scientific theorizing.

Newton's method became the model for physics: Discover Nature's laws, express them mathematically, and derive consequences and predictions.


  • I do not make hypotheses.
    Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist", member of the Royal Society, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell. Volume 29 Détente or Destruction 1955-1957, S. 222, Routledge, 2005



  • A theory that explains everything, explains nothing. Philosophical slogan misattributed to Karl Raimund Popper [LoC 185] (1902-1994) Austrian British professor of Western philosophy, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Hypothesis


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