
Wiki / Statistik







Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)




     1% kontrollieren die Welt.
     4% sind kontrollierte Marionetten.
     90% schlafen.
5% wissen Bescheid und
     bemühen sich, die 90% aufzuwecken.
Die 1% benutzen ihre 4%, um die 5%
     daran zu hindern, die 90% aufzuwecken.






Liebeserklärungen – Statistik 2007

Liebesgeflüster, 1889
Bouguereau (1825-1905) französischer Maler

Die Erklärung Ich liebe dich geht 39% der deutschen Männer nur schwer über die Lippen. Das hat das Meinungsforschungsinstitut "Gewis" im Auftrag der deutschen Frauenzeitschrift Petra bei einer repräsentativen Umfrage an 1.051 Frauen und Männern im Alter von 25 bis 39 Jahren herausgefunden. [Stand Mai 2007]
58% der deutschen Frauen leiden unter der Unfähigkeit beziehungsweise Unwillig-
keit der Männer, ihr Inneres zu äußern.
Meldung der Deutschen Presseagentur (dpa), 19. April 2007


  • Die Gewalt fängt nicht an, wenn einer einen erwürgt. Sie fängt an, wenn einer sagt:
    Ich liebe dich: Du gehörst mir!
    Erich Fromm (1900-1980) deutsch-US-amerikanischer Sozialpsychologe, Psychoanalytiker, humanistischer Philosoph, Einleitung des Gedichts Die Gewalt


  • Ich liebe dich sollte nicht am Beginn der Beziehung und als Ausdruck der Erwartungen und Wünsche gesagt werden. Erst wenn man so miteinander umgegangen ist, dass
    man weiß, ob man einander das Leben sinnvoller macht, ob sich die Liebe als eine Produktion erweist und jeder weniger wäre ohne den anderen – dann sollte man
    sagen: Ich liebe dich.
    Heinz Kahlau (1931-2012) deutscher Lyriker, zitiert in: Gedichte


Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen

Frauen im Umgang mit Küssen und Beischlaf – Statistik 2008

Im Auftrag des Männermagazins Men's Health führte das Stuttgarter Institut für rationelle Psychologie eine repräsen-
tative Umfrage durch – mit annähernd 1.300 Frauen im Alter zwischen 18 und 60 Jahren. Das Ergebnis lautete:

  • 91 Prozent der Frauen möchten bereits beim ersten Rendevous vom Mann geküsst werden.
  • 6 Prozent lassen sich beim zweiten und dritten Rendezvous aufs Küssen ein.
  • 3 Prozent warten etwas länger damit.

  • Die wenigsten Frauen sind beim ersten Treffen mit einem Mann bereit zum Beischlaf.
  • 45 Prozent warten mit intimem Austausch bis zum vierten beziehungsweise fünften Rendezvous.
  • 40 Prozent lassen sich nach dem sechsten oder siebten Rendezvous auf Geschlechtsverkehr ein.


Quelle: ► Meldung von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal des Kölner Nachrichtensenders der RTL Group n-tv, 11. Februar 2008
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen und ► Beziehungstipps und ► Frauen

Bindungsfähigkeit und -beständigkeit – Statistik 2005

  • Jeder fünfte Deutsche lebt ohne Partner.
    Statistisches Bundesamt, Ergebnis des Mikrozensus 2005, "Leben in Deutschland", 2005
  • Jede sechste Beziehung ist eine Fernbeziehung, die von gleicher Dauer sind wie Nahbeziehungen.
  • Etwa 40% der Mann-Frau-Beziehungen brechen innerhalb der ersten fünf Jahren auseinander.
  • In Industrieländern wird auf dem Land jede dritte Ehe, in der Stadt jede zweite Ehe geschieden.


Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen

Single-Trend – Statistik 1988-2026

Die Statistik des Office of National Statistics weist aus, dass acht Prozent der weiblichen Bevölkerung im Alter zwischen
25 und 44 Jahren in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika allein leben [Stand 2008]. Das betrifft zahlenmäßig etwa 690.480 Frauen. Damit hat sich im Lauf von zwanzig Jahren der Anteil der Single-Frauen seit 1988 verdoppelt (auf etwa 345.000).


Der sich fortsetzende Trend zum Alleinleben unter Frauen entspricht der geringen Eheschließungsrate und dem Anstieg der Scheidungsrate. Bei Umfragen bestätigten etwa zwei Drittel der Single-Frauen, dass sie auch ohne Partner ein erfülltes, glückliches Leben führen können.


Der Anstieg der Single-Haushalte zählt zu den entscheidenden gesellschaftlichen Trends in den kommenden Jahrzehnten.
Wahrscheinlichkeit: Im Jahr 2026 werden 70% der neuen Haushalte Single-Haushalte sein.


Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen

Lebenserwartung von Verheirateten und Alleinstehenden – Statistik 2006


Laut den Forschungen des Office of National Statistics im Sommer 2006 haben 45-jäh-
rige alleinstehende Männer ein um 23% höheres Risiko eines frühen Todes im Vergleich
zu verheirateten Männern. Ein Bericht im Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health stellte fest, dass Single-Männer in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Vergleich zu verheirateten Männern eine 58% höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit haben vor Erreichen ihres
50. Lebensjahrs zu sterben.


Alleinstehend zu sein ist gefährlich, sagt der Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaft Andrew Oswald von der Warwick Universität in Großbritannien, der Glücksforschung betreibt mit dem Fokus auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Glück und Gesundheit.


Forscher der Universität Magdeburg haben Daten von 100'000 verstorbenen Schweizern gesammelt und nach Geschlecht, Alter und Familienstand ausgewertet. Ihre Studie von 2006 bestätigt, dass die Ehe für Männer lohnenswert ist. Verheiratete Frauen hingegen sterben 1,5 Jahre früher als alleinstehende Frauen.
Der Gesundheitsökonom Stefan Felder kommentiert:
Männer profitieren eindeutig von der Ehe. Sie werden verpflegt und umsorgt, ihre Lebenswerwartung steigt.
Frauen müssen viel Kraft aufwenden, um die "zerbrechlichen" Männer mitzuziehen

Resultat: Verheiratete Frauen sterben anderthalb Jahre früher als Single-Frauen.


Quelle: ► Artikel Single-Männer sterben früher, präsentiert von der kostenlosen Schweizer Pendlerzeitung 20 Minuten, 20. März 2006
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen

Tod in Deutschland – Zwei Drittel ⇔ Ein Drittel-Verhältnis

Gut zwei Drittel Deutsche fliehen den Tod.
Drei Fünftel der Deutschen glauben, dass es kein Weiterleben nach dem Tod gibt.
Der Pressemitteilung zur Studie "Spiritualität in Deutschland" der Identity Foundation in Düsseldorf, April 2007, ist zu ent-
nehmen, wie Deutsche mit dem Tod umgehen. Im März 2006 wurden 1.000 Interviewpartner auch zu ihrem Verhältnis
zum Tod befragt:

68,4% sagen: Über den Tod soll man nicht nachdenken.
60,7% glauben: Mit dem Tod ist alles aus.
31,1% denkenöfters über den Tod nach.
26,6% fühlen sich gestärkt durch ihren Glauben, der sie den Tod nicht fürchten lässt.


Laut einer Umfrage [in den Vereinigten Staaten] aus dem Jahre 2001 glauben zwei Drittel der "keine"[Konfession]-Anhänger an Gott, über ein Drittel betrachtet sich selbst als religiös und kauft eine Menge Bücher über Spiritualität. Wenn man die steigende Zahl der Menschen betrachtet, die spirituelle Erfahrungen haben, und den Rückgang derer, die sich einer der traditionellen Religionen zugehörig fühlen, dann ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass viele von denen,
die heutzutage mystische Erfahrungen haben, auf einem eigenen unorthodoxen Weg dahin finden.
Interview mit Roland Benedikter (*1965) Südtiroler Stiftungsprofessor für Soziologie, Politikwissenschaftler, Autor zu Themen der Kulturanalyse und Gesellschaftsentwicklung, Spirituell aber nicht religiös. Jenseits der postmodernen Spiritualität, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredak-
teurin des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Ausgabe 19, ~2005/2006


Quelle: ► Studie "Spiritualität in Deutschland" (2005-2007), präsentiert von Identity Foundation, Düsseldorf, April 2007
See also: ► Soziologie and ► Tod

Lebensalterdaten von Ehepaaren – Statistik

Langfristige Bindungen sind zu empfehlen hinsichtlich des Aspekts der Langlebigkeit.
༺༻Eheleben – MännerEheleben – Frauen
1. Für einen Mann ist die Ehe ein vorteilhaftes "Geschäft". Für eine Frau ist die Ehe ein nachteiliges "Geschäft".
2. Verheiratete Männer leben zwei Jahre länger als
alleinstehende Männer.

Die Partnerin / Ehefrau "bereichert" das "Leben" des Mannes.
Verheiratete Frauen leben eineinhalb Jahre kürzer
als alleinstehende Frauen.
3.Verheiratete leben im Schnitt bis zu sechs Jahre länger als Ledige, Geschiedene oder Verwitwete.
4.Wenn ein Ehepartner nach mehr als fünfzig Jahren Ehe stirbt, hat der hinterbliebene Ehepartner
eine Lebenserwartung von durchschnittlich weniger als einem Jahr.
Source: ► Dan Buettner (*1960) US-amerikanischer Langlebigkeitstrainer, Forscher, Journalist im Auftrag des
Magazins National Geographic, Aufklärer, Autor, Facebook-Kommentar, 26. September 2012
Siehe auch: ► Ehe
See also: ► Longevity rates of married couples – Statistics

Männerstatistik in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika

Statistischer Status der US-amerikanischen Männer
ThematikStatistische Daten über MännenQuelle (engl.)
Kriminalitätsrate – MännerMänner verüben über 76% der Gewaltverbrechen in den USA.
Die weltweite Statistik ist wahrscheinlich viel höher.
Kriminalitätsrate – JungenJungen begehen 95% der jugendlichen Gewaltverbrechen.1 / 2
OpferstatusMänner fallen den meisten Gewaltverbrechen zum Opfer. Aus Angst, schwach zu erschei-
nen, sind sie auch weitaus seltener bereit, die Täter anzuzeigen. Eine Umfrage zufolge sind 40% der Männer Opfer häuslicher Gewalt, die allerdings höchst selten, die Gewalttat zur Anzeige bringen. Hinzukommt noch, dass sie im Anzeigefall noch öfters von der Polizei nicht ernst genommen werden.
InhaftierungMänner sind zehnmal häufiger bereit, einen Mord zu begehen und landen neunmal häufiger im Gefängnis als Frauen.4
Sexuelle·GewaltMänner begehen 99% der zur Anzeige gebrachten Vergewaltigungen und sexuellen Übergriffe.5
Selbstmord – Männer⚑ Die Selbstmordrate bei Männern ist fünfmal so hoch wie bei Frauen.[^Chart Suicide, presented by the publication Our World In Data, Hannah Ritchie, Max Roser, Esteban Ortiz-Ospina, undated
Selbstmord – JungenHeranwachsende Jungen begehen neunmal häufiger Selbstmord als gleichaltrige Mädchen.6
Obdachlosigkeit⚑ Zwei Drittel der obdachlosen Bevölkerung sind Männer.7 / 8
Depression/ADHS⚑ Bei Jungen wird werden Depression und ADHS im Verhältnis von 4 zu 1 im Vergleich zu Frauen und Mädchen gleichen Alters diagnostiziert. 
Alkoholismus⚑ Im Vergleich zu Frauen neigen Männer mehr als doppelt so häufig zur Alkoholabhängigkeit und etwa dreimal so häufig zur Drogensucht.9
KrankheitMänner sind deutlich seltener als Frauen bereit, professionelle ärztliche oder anderweitige Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen, selbst wenn sie unter starken gesundheitlichen Beschwerden oder Depressionen leiden.10
ArbeitssituationMänner nehmen im Vergleich zu Frauen gefährlichere Tätigkeiten an und melden Verletzun-
gen am Arbeitsplatz seltener als Frauen. Männer arbeiten viel länger als Frauen. Sie nehmen weniger Urlaub, haben weniger Krankheitstage und leiden unter stärkerem chronischen Stress und Müdigkeit. Erstaunlich viele Männer sterben während der Arbeit. Die meisten Männer betrachten sich selbst wie ein Gehaltskonto auf zwei Beinen.
11 / 12
Gefühlsleben·EheMänner sind ohne Frauen emotional inkompetent. Sich für die Ehe zu entscheiden, ist buchstäblich das Gesündeste, was ein Mann in seinem Leben tun kann. ["Die Hauptursache, weshalb Männer früher als Frauen sterben, ist ihre emotionale Gehemmtheit."]13
LebenserwartungVerheiratete Männer leben länger und schneiden bei nahezu allen fraglichen Qualitäts-
merkmalen des Lebens wie auch Glück und Lebenserwartung höher ab. Für die gefühlsmä-
ßige Ausgeglichenheit von Männern ist die Ehe ist wichtig. Sie allein kann die Lebenserwar-
tung eines Mannes um fast ein Jahrzehnt erhöhen.
AlternÄltere Männer, die eine gute Ehe führen, leiden seltener an Herzerkrankungen, Krebs, Alzheimer, Depressionen und Stress als ältere alleinstehende Männer.15
Geschiedene MännerFrisch geschiedene Männer neigen eher als frisch geschiedene Frauen, in Depression, Alkoholismus, psychische Erkrankung oder Selbstmord abzugleiten.16
Geschiedene FrauenFrauen betreiben mehr als 70% der Scheidungen und Trennungen. Der von Frauen am häufigsten genannte Scheidungsgrund ist, von ihrem Gatten "emotional vernachlässigt"
worden zu sein.
Source: ► Article plus audio What’s the Problem with Men?, presented by markmanson.net,
Mark Manson (*1984) US American internet entrepreneur, blogger, author, 1. June 2017
See also: ► Men and ► Women and ► Relationship advice and ► Gender research and ► Marriage and ► Work and ► Ageing

Statistische Daten zur Internet-Pornographie

  • Sexsucht ist führend im Internet.
  • Es gibt 400 Millionen pornografische Webseiten, täglich kommen 300 weitere dazu.
  • 89% der pornografischen Webseiten stammen aus [Platz 1], 4% aus Deutschland [Platz 2].
  • Mit Online-Pornos wurden weltweit mehr als eine Milliarde US-Dollar verdient. [Stand 2009]
  • 43 Prozent aller Internet-User schauen sich online Pornos an.
  • 72% Männer und 28% Frauen (Tendenz steigend) rufen pro Sekunde etwa 30.000 Porno-Streams ab.
  • 35% des Internet-Datenverkehrs ist pornografischen Ursprungs.
  • Ein Viertel aller Google-Suchanfragen dreht sich um Pornografie.
  • Nur 3% der Sex-Seiten verlangen eine Altersangabe des Nutzers.
  • 'Sex' und 'Porn' zählen zu den fünf meistgefragtesten Suchbegriffen bei Kindern unter 18 Jahren.


Geschätzte Einnahmen der Pornoindustrie
  • 13 Milliarden jährlich in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
  • 97 Milliarden jährlich weltweit


  • Einfluss ist das Vermögen, nicht nur die Informationskanäle, sondern eben auch die Wahrnehmung
    anderer zu kontrollieren und zu verändern.
    Ian C. Macmillan, Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Quelle unbekannt


Quelle: ► Artikel Zehn Fakten über Web-Pornos, präsentiert von der deutschen Bild-Zeitung, 15. Januar 2010
► Artikel Verlust der Phantasie, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Barbara Hardinghaus und Dialika Krahe,
     Heft 21, 27. Mai 2010
► Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jakob Pastötter (*1965) deutscher Sexualwissenschaftler, Kulturanthropologe, Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft
     für sozialwissenschaftliche Sexualforschung, American Academy of Clinical Sexologists, Florida, Pornografie und Macht, Jugendmedien-
     schutztagung der NLM, Hannover, 14. April 2010
Counter initiative: ► Video presentation by Cindy Gallop (*1960) English advertising maven, Make love, not porn,
presented by TEDBlog, 4:29 minutes duration, posted 2. December 2009
Siehe auch: ► Internet

Hochaltrigkeit – Statistiken

Progression der durchschnittlichen Lebenserwartung weltweit

3000·v.·Chr.24 JahreDieser Trend hielt ungebrochen an bis um 1700, nahezu bis zum Anbruch der Industriellen Revolution, die um etwa 1750 begann.
185038 Jahre 
190950 Jahre 
195967 Jahre 
2007  Die Anzahl der Neugeborenen in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ist etwa gleich hoch mit der Anzahl der 104-Jährigen. Die Lebenserwartung wird sich aufgrund der zu erwartenden lebensverlängernden Medikamenten steigern.
200978 JahreDie Lebensspanne von Frauen in Industriestaaten übersteigt die der Männer um 5 bis 7 Jahre.
200985 JahreDas Durchschnittsalter der Japaner ist 85 Jahre. Weltrekord
205092 JahreVoraussichtliche Lebenserwartung von privilegierten Menschen
Statistiken / Prognosen:
► Statistik Vergleich der durchschnittlichen Lebenserwartung, präsentiert von Länderdaten.info, Stand 2016
► Statistik Lebenserwartung weltweit – Länder Rangliste mit der höchsten Lebenserwartung und Länder mit der niedrigsten
, präsentiert von Alternativ-Gesund-Leben, Marco Eitelmann, 21. März 2018
► Studie Hohes Alter, aber nicht für alle, präsentiert von Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung, Sabine Sütterlin, Juni 2017
Siehe auch: ► Altern

Anstieg der Weltbevölkerung

 Zeitraum / JahrWeltbevölkerung AnzahlAnteil der Alten Seelen (4%)
Steinzeit5 Millionen Menschen
Geburt Christi250 Millionen Menschen
1500Halbe Milliarde Menschen
18041 Milliarde Menschen
19996 Milliarden Menschen240 Millionen
20167,3 Milliarden Menschen292 Millionen
20217,8 Milliarden Menschen312 Millionen

Zitate zum Thema Statistik / Statistics

Zitate allgemein



  • Es besteht bei einem Individuum der Wunsch, im sozialen Umfeld nicht isoliert zu sein. Daraus ergibt sich ein Konformitätsverhalten in Gruppensituationen, d.h. man schließt sich aufgrund eines Gruppendrucks der Mehrheit an.
  • Menschen verfügen über ein "quasi-statistisches Wahrnehmungsorgan", das heißt sie haben die Fähigkeit, innerhalb ihrer Bezugsgruppe und der anonymen Öffentlichkeit(!) die Zu- oder Abnahme von Meinungsverteilungen wahrzunehmen.
  • Die eigene Meinung wird verschwiegen, wenn man denkt, dass die Mehrheit anderer Meinung sei. Auf der anderen Seite ist man redebereit, wenn man sich zu der Meinungsmehrheit zugehörig fühlt.
  • Auf diese Weise entsteht unter Einbeziehung des Zeitfaktors eine dynamische Entwicklung, das heißt die zunehmen-
    de Meinungsfraktion erscheint immer stärker und die abnehmende Fraktion immer schwächer, als sie eigentlich ist.
    Es entsteht die Schweigespirale.
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann (1916-2010) deutsche Professorin für Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Mainz, Gründerin des Instituts für Demoskopie Allensbach, zitiert in: Artikel (engl.) The Spiral of Silence. A Theory of Public Opinion, präsentiert von dem von Fachkollegen begutachteten Journal of Communication, Ausgabe 24, S. 43-51, 1974; Blogartikel Zur Theorie der "Schweige-
spirale": über das Entstehen totalitärer Strukturen
, präsentiert von dem Blogspot Zingel, 12. März 2003




  • Unmotivierte Mitarbeiter kosten die deutschen Unternehmen rund 124 Milliarden Euro. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Studie des Marktforschers Gallup, deren Ergebnisse der Wirtschaftswoche vorliegen. Demnach sind derzeit nur 15 Prozent der Mitarbeiter in ihrem Job sehr engagiert. 24 Prozent dagegen haben innerlich gekündigt. 2001 hatte sich erst
    15 Prozent innerlich von ihrem Arbeitgeber verabschiedet. Die große Mehrheit von 61 Prozent macht derzeit
    Dienst nach Vorschrift
    und müht sich, am Arbeitsplatz nicht aufzufallen.
Artikel Gallup: Unmotivierte Mitarbeiter kosten 124 Mrd. Euro, präsentiert von dem deutschen Wirtschaftsmagazin Wirtschafts-
, Claudia Tödtmann, 5. Oktober 2013


  • Mit 16 Prozent sind nur wenige aller Arbeitnehmer bereit, sich freiwillig für die Ziele ihrer Firma einzusetzen.
    67 Prozent der Deutschen machen nur "Dienst nach Vorschrift".
    Der Anteil der Arbeitnehmer, die "innerlich gekündigt" haben, liegt bei 17 Prozent. Artikel Frust im Job: Jeder sechste Arbeitnehmer hat keinen Bock, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, 31. März 2014



Anteil der Gottlosen / Atheisten – Statistische Daten

  • Die höchsten Anteile von "Gottlosen" (mit bis zu bzw. mehr als 50 Prozent-Antei-
    len) finden sich in Schweden, Vietnam, Dänemark, Norwegen, Japan, der Tschechischen Republik, Finnland, Frankreich und Süd-Korea. Die geringsten Anteile (mit unter 10 Prozent-Anteilen) wurden in der Mongolei, Portugal, den USA, Albanien, Argentinien, Kirgi-
    sistan, der Dominikanischen Republik, Kuba und Kroatien festgestellt. [Stand 2007]



Ost/West-Gender Pay Gap in Deutschland

  • Frauen und Männer verdienen in Deutschland unterschiedlich viel. Das ist keine Stimmungsmache, sondern ein Fakt. Auf 21 Prozent beziffern Fachleute die Lohnlücke zwischen den Geschlechtern, auf Englisch "Gender Pay Gap". […]
    Fachleute können diese Lücke noch um verschiedene Faktoren bereinigen, indem sie zum Beispiel herausrechnen, dass Männer häufig in besser bezahlten Berufen arbeiten und häufiger in Führungspositionen tätig sind. Diese be-
    reinigte Gender Pay Gap
    beträgt dann nur noch um die 6 Prozent – was aber weiterhin bedeutet, dass Frauen
    selbst bei vergleichbarer Qualifikation und Tätigkeit durchschnittlich 6 Prozent weniger als Männer verdienen.
Artikel Das Geschlecht steht auf dem Gehaltszettel, präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Tageszeitung Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), Bastian Benrath, Jens Giesel (Grafik), 23. November 2018



Zur Simulation von Infektionsketten mit komplizierten Computermodellen

  • Der berühmte britische Statistiker George Box (1919-2013) hat einmal gesagt: 'Ihrem Wesen nach sind alle Modelle falsch, aber einige sind nützlich.' Da steckt viel Wahrheit drin. Modellierungen können angesichts der fehlenden Daten nicht die Zukunft vorhersagen, gleichwohl können sie dabei helfen, Entscheidungen in einer unsicheren Lage zutreffen.
    Prof. Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit (*1979) deutscher Virologe, Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin, Universität Hamburg, zitiert
    in: Artikel "Was der Kollege geäußert hat, halte ich zum Teil für gefährlich", präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Tages-
    zeitung Die Welt, Birgit Herden, 16. März 2020


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Statistik

General quotes

  • At least 2.5 billion people have been affected by natural disasters over the past 10 years – an increase of 60% over
    the previous decade, the UN says.
    More than 478,000 people were killed by disasters such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes, from 1994 to 2003.
    Artikel 'Billions' affected by disasters, presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC News,
    17. January 2005


Colored Easter eggs in a basket


  • According to data from Emmanuel Saez of the University of California Berkely, from 1935-1980 the bottom 90% of America's families captured 70% of all the income growth. [...] The idea of "trickle-down economics" was popularized under President Ronald Reagan, in the 1980s. Yet, the data shows that beginning in the year Reagan took office, all income gains were concentrated at the very top. According to another data set from Saez and from Thomas Piketty, from 1980-2012 the bottom 90%
    of Americans captured ZERO income growth. All income growth in America went to the top 10% richest Americans.
    Blog article Poor Getting Poorer: 2008-2012, All Income Growth Went to Top, presented by Because Finance Is Boring, 11. March 2015




Statistics on terrorism

  • Statistics show that
    ➤ you are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist
    ➤ You are 11,000 times more likely to die from an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane.
    ➤ You are 1,048 times more likely to die from a car accident than a terrorist attack.
    ➤ You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack.
    ➤ You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocating in bed than from a terrorist attack.
    ➤ And you are 9 more times likely to choke to death in your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack.
    ➤ Indeed, those living in the American police state are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than
         by a terrorist.
    Thus, the government's endless jabbering about terrorism amounts to little more than propaganda – the propaganda
    of fear – a tactic used to terrorize, cower and control the population.
    Article Does Fear Lead to Fascism? A Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror, presented by The Rutherford Institute,
    John W. Whitehead, US American constitutional attorney, founder of the The Rutherford Institute, author, 7. December 2015



Statistics on rape in the United States

  • How do we as a society address the fact that there is a grave crime that continues to plague almost 25% of women that is not being resolved. (One in five women and 1 in 71 men are raped annually in the US. One in four girls and one in six boys are assaulted annually, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center reports.) […]
    If the public is the judge and does believe the female victim/s, then does that same public ever leave room for the perpetrator-if his record creates a consensus to deem him so-to come clean, to return to society? Does the all-po-
    werful public jury allow a perpetrator to return to society on a social level, to be accepted, to be forgiven? […]
    In the past, support for a sexual abuse victim who had no legal recourse was virtually non existent, today the public
    is often split between supporters and detractors of the alleged predator.
    Article What will it take for female victims of sexual abuse to be believed? Sexual abuse and the court of public opinion, presented
    by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Temima G. Shulman, 22. March 2016, updated 22. March


  • We need less research, better research, and research done for the right reasons.
    The majority of statistical analyses are performed by people with an inadequate understanding of statistical methods. They are then peer reviewed by people who are generally no more knowledgeable. Sadly, much research may benefit researchers rather more than patients, especially when it is carried out primarily as a ridiculous career necessity. […]
    The poor quality of much medical research is widely acknowledged, yet disturbingly the leaders of the medical pro-
    fession seem only minimally concerned about the problem and make no apparent efforts to find a solution. Manu-
    facturing industry has come to recognise, albeit gradually, that quality control needs to be built in from the start rather than the failures being discarded, and the same principles should inform medical research. The issue here is not one
    of statistics as such. Rather it is a more general failure to appreciate the basic principles underlying scientific research,
    coupled with the "publish or perish" climate.
    Scientific paper by Douglas Altman, Ph.D. (1948-2018) English professor of statistics in medicine, Oxford University, The scandal
    of poor medical research
    , presented by BMJ, published 29. January 1994



Statistis on work and leadership status


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Statistics


  • 1% control the world.
    4% are controlled henchmen.
    90% are asleep.
    5% are aware of it attempting to wake up the 90%.
    The 1% employ their 4% to impede the 5% engaged in awakening the 90%.


                  A Contribution to Statistics                  


Out of a hundred people
those who always know better– fifty-two
doubting every step– nearly all the rest,
glad to lend a hand if it doesn't take too long– as high as forty-nine,
always good because they can't be otherwise– four, well maybe five,
able to admire without envy– eighteen,
suffering illusions induced by fleeting youth– sixty, give or take a few,
not to be taken lightly– forty and four,
living in constant fear of someone or something– seventy-seven,
capable of happiness– twenty-something tops,
harmless singly, savage in crowds– half at least,
cruel when forced by circumstances– better not to know even ballpark figures,
wise after the fact– just a couple more than wise before it,
taking only things from life– thirty (I wish I were wrong),
hunched in pain, no flashlight in the dark– eighty-three sooner or later,
righteous– thirty-five, which is a lot,
righteous and understanding– three,
worthy of compassion– ninety-nine,
mortal– a hundred out of a hundred.
Thus far this figure still remains unchanged.
Wislawa Szymborska (1923-2012) Polish lyricist, Miracle Fair. Selected Poems of Wislawa Szymborska, S. 99, W. W. Norton, 2002;
S. Baranczak and C. Cavanagh, translators Poems New and Collected, Mariner Books, 1st edition 16. November 2000

Englische Texte – English section on Statistics

The world as a village – transposed statistics status 2006-2012

             Shrinking the earth's population to a village of 100 people              
with the existing human ratios remaining the same, this would be the result:


  • 50 Females18
  • 50 Males19
European wildcat, Wisentgehege Springe
  • 26 Children
  • 74 Adults, 8 of whom at age 65 and older


  • 60 Asians20
  • 11 Europeans21
  • 15 Africans22
  • 14 North and South Americas
  • 14 Mainly caucasians from Western hemisphere (north and south)


  • 89 Heterosexuals
  • 11 Homosexuals


  • 70 Nonwhites
  • 30 Whites


  • 33 Christians23
  • 22 Muslims
  • 14 Hindus
  • 7 Buddhists
  • 12 Practicing other religions
  • 12 Not aligned with a religion


War refugees from South Korea, 1950
  • 12 Chinese speaking
  • 6 Spanish speaking
  • 5 English speaking
  • 4 Hindi speaking
  • 3 Arabic speaking
  • 3 Bengali speaking
  • 3 Portuguese speaking
  • 2 Russian speaking
  • 2 Japanese speaking
  • 60 Speaking 6,500 other languages


  • 83 Able to read and write
  • 17 Analphabets


  • 7 College educated24


  • 44 Internet access – owning or sharing a computer
  • 56 No Internet access
  • 75 Mobile phone owners
  • 25 Without mobile phones


  • 77 Endowed with a place to shelter them
Spider web
  • 23 Homeless – without shelter


  • 87 Access to safe drinking water
  • 13 No access to clean, safe drinking water


  • 1 Dying of starvation
  • 15 Undernourished
  • 21 Overweight
  • 63 Healthy


  • 15 People earn less than 2$ per day.
  • 56 People earn 2-10$ per day.
  • 13 People earn 10-20$ per day.
  • 9 People earn 20-50$ per day.
  • 6 People earn 50-90$ per day.
  • 1 Person earns more than 90$ per day.


  • 6 People possess 59% of the entire world's wealth. – Status ~2010
  • 1 Person possesses 50% of the entire world's wealth. – Status ~2016


Written sources:
► Donella H. Meadows, US American Dartmouth professor, State of the Village Report, presented by the publication The Global Citizen, 31. May 1990,
     Hebei University 2001
► Returning Peace Corps Volunteers of Madison Wisconsin, Unheard Voices. Celebrating Cultures from the Developing World, 1992
► David Smith, If the World Were a Village. A Book about the World's People, 32 pages, Kids Can Press, 10. February 2002
► Dr. Phillip Harter, law professor Stanford University, Global Village Statistics, via email, 2003
► Fritz Erickson, provost and vice president for academic affairs, Ferris State University, John A. Vonk, professor emeritus,
     University of Northern Colorado, 100 People. A World Portrait, presented by the website loudmajor.com, undated
Video sources:
► Narrated video infographics If the World Were a Village of 100 People: A Story About the World's People, YouTube film,
     3:11 minutes duration, 17. May 2010
► Animated infographics If the world were 100 people, presented via Facebook by Magazin Good, data derived from The World
     Facebook, written and produced by Gabriel Reilich, animation by Jake Infusino, 2:24 minutes duration, posted 14. March 2016
See also: ► View points

Statistics on women

General data

  • 49.9% of the global population are women.
  • 70% of the world's women live in abject poverty.
  • 70% of the 130 million children in the world who miss school education are girls.
  • 22% of the world's general prisoners are women.
  • Less than 16% of all the world's terrorists are women.
  • 14% of the world's violent criminals are women.
  • 10% of the world's murderers are women.
  • Women do two thirds of all the work in the world.
  • Women get paid 10% of the salaries in the world.
  • Women worldwide own 1% of the property/wealth in the world.
  • 1% or less of the world's landowners are women.
  • Women initiate more than 70% of divorces and separations with the most common cause cited as "emotional neglect"
    from their husbands.25


  • Every day in the United States, 5 women are murdered with a gun.
    • US women are 11 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than women in other high-income countries.
  • 6,410 women were murdered in the United States by an intimate partner using a gun  (2001-2012)
    • The domestic murder rate of (more black than white) US women being killed exceeds the total number of U.S. troops
      killed in action during the entirety of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars combined.


197690% of American women have experienced sexual harrassment in the workplace.
201780% of American women have experienced sexual harrassment in the workplace.


Violence against women and girls – Status 2013

  1. 1 in 5 women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime.
  2. Women are more likely to be beaten, raped, or killed by a current or former partner than by any other person, with most studies estimating that 20-50% of women experience partner violence at some point in their lives.
  3. In the United States, a woman is abused, usually by her husband or partner, every 15 seconds and is raped every 90 seconds.
  4. 102 countries have no specific legal provisions against domestic violence, and in at least 53 countries, marital rape is not
    a prosecutable offense
  5. Between 500,000 and 2 million people – the majority of them women and children – are trafficked annually into situations
    including prostitution, forced labor, slavery, or servitude. Only 93 countries have some legislative provision prohibiting trafficking
    in human beings.
  6. The UN estimates that approximately 5,000 women are murdered each year as a result of honor killings, but many
    women's groups in the Middle East and Southwest Asia suspect the number is at least 4 times higher.


Sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls – Status 2013

  1. There are approximately 27 million slaves alive today – more than at any point in history and 56% are women.
  2. The average price of a trafficked human is at a historic low of $90, which means that it is sometimes more "cost-effective" for traffickers to allow their victims to die than to provide them with adequate conditions and health care.
  3. Slavery is an extremely profitable, international industry. It is estimated that trafficking in the United States yields $9 billion every year, and around the world, trafficking in women for commercial sex purposes nets $6 billion per year.
  4. Roughly 14,500 to 17,500 foreign nationals are trafficked into the United States each year. California is a major trafficking
    entry point, with 43% of California trafficking incidents occurring in the San Francisco Bay Area alone.
  5. In the United States 70% of all prostitution is handled by pimps, who keep most of the money, and it is estimated that 70% of prostitutes experience multiple rapes each year – some as frequently as once a week.
  6. The typical age of entry into prostitution is 13-14 and almost 33% of the women got started in prostitution through family
    members or friends.
  7. Some estimates claim there are at least 300,000 children in prostitution, while others believe the numbers may be as high as 500,000-1.2 million.
  8. Worldwide, an estimated 51 million girls have been married before the age of consent. In many parts of the world, parents
    encourage the marriage of their underage daughters in exchange for property and livestock or to benefit their social status.
  9. The sexual violation and torture of civilian women and girls during periods of armed conflict has been referred to as "one of
    history's great silences" and has generally been ignored despite the millions who have been injured and killed by the brutal
    practice. Trafficking of women and girls was reported in 85% of the world's conflict zones.


Education – Status 2013

  1. Of the 781 million illiterate adults in the developing world, two-thirds are women, and nearly 1 out of every 5 girls who enrolls
    in primary school does not complete her primary education.
  2. Nearly three-quarters of girls out of school are from excluded groups such as ethnic minorities, isolated clans, and very poor
    households, even though these groups represent only 20% of the world's population.
  3. Educated women have greater control over their financial resources and are more likely than men to invest their resources in
    their families' health, education, and nutrition.
  4. No country has ever achieved continuous and rapid economic growth without first having at least 40% of its adults able to
    read and write. An extra year of primary school boosts girls' eventual wages by 10-20% and an extra year of secondary school
    increases earnings by 15-25%.
  5. Educating women increases productivity in agrarian communities. According to a 2005 report by the United Nations (UN), if
    female farmers in Kenya were provided with the same education and resources as male farmers, crop yields could rise by 22%.
  6. One year of female schooling reduces fertility by 10% and a child born to a woman who can read is 50% more likely to survive
    past age 5. Women with formal education are much more likely to use reliable family planning methods, delay marriage and
    childbearing, and have fewer and healthier babies.
  7. Education fosters democracy and women's political participation. A study in Bangladesh found that educated women are
    3 times more likely to take part in political meetings than those without schooling.
  8. Girls' education ranks among the most powerful tools for reducing vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. A study in Zambia found that
    AIDS spreads twice as fast among uneducated girls than girls who have access to education. Young rural Ugandans with
    secondary education are 3 times less likely to contract HIV.


Written sources:
Article Missing women – missing men!? Are there more men or more women on earth?, presented by the publication Gender Debate, 29. February 2012
Article 23 Fast Facts about Women's Oppression Worldwide, presented by Amnesty International, St. Louis chapter, 17. June 2013
Media source:
Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary
     and political activist, journalist, writer, 2012 Polly Wheeler Guth '44 Leader in Residence, presented by the girl's school Chatham Hall,
     Virginia, 17. January 2012, YouTube film, minute 34:42, 1:21:48 duration, posted by Chatham Hall 19. April 2012
See also: ► Women

Statistics on men – United States of America

Status of men – in the United States of America
ThemeStatistical data on menSource
Crime rate – menMen perpetrate over 76% of the violent crime in the US.
Worldwide that statistic is likely much higher.
Crime rate – boysBoys perpetrate 95% of the violent crimes at the juvenile level.27 / 28
VictimizationMen are the victims of the majority of violent crime, but also far less likely to report it for fear
of appearing weak. One survey found that 40% of the victims of domestic violence are men, yet they were far less likely to report the violence and far less likely to be taken seriously by police.
ImprisonmentMen are 10 times more likely to commit murder and nine times more likely than women to end up in prison.30
Sexual·misconductMen commit 99% of the reported rapes and sexual assaults.31
Suicide – menMen commit suicide at a rate five times that of women.32
Suicide – boysTeenage boys commit suicide nine times more often than girls.33
HomelessnessMen make up two thirds of the homeless population.34 / 35
Depression/ADHDBoys are diagnosed with depression and ADHD at a rate of 4-to-1 to women/girls the same age. 
AlcoholismMen are more than twice as likely to become alcoholics and are approximately three times more likely to become drug addicts.36
IllnessMen are far less likely to ask for professional help, medical or otherwise, even when experiencing significant health problems or depression.37
Work statusMen take on more dangerous jobs and are less likely to report any injury suffered at work. Men work far longer hours, take fewer vacations and sick days, and suffer worse symptoms of chronic stress and fatigue. Men die on the job at a startling rate. Most men treat themselves as
a walking paycheck.
38 / 39
Emotions·MarriageMen are emotionally incompetent without women, getting married is literally the healthiest thing a man can do in his life. "Emotional restrictiveness is the leading cause to why men die earlier [than women.]"40
Life spanMarried men live longer and score higher on pretty much every quality-of-life metric there is, including happiness and life expectancy. Marriage is important for men's emotional stability. Simply being married can raise a man's life expectancy by almost a decade.41
AgeingElderly men who are in good marriages have lower rates of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, depression, and stress than elderly single men.42
Divorce – menRecently divorced men are more likely to suffer depression, alcoholism, mental illness and suicide than women are.43
Divorce – womenWomen initiate more than 70% of divorces and separations with the most common cause cited as "emotional neglect" from their husbands.44
Source: ► Blog article plus audio What’s the Problem with Men?, presented by the blogspot markmanson.net,
Mark Manson (*1984) US American internet entrepreneur, blogger, author, 1. June 2017
See also: ► Men and ► Women and ► Relationship advice and ► Gender research and ► Marriage and ► Work and ► Ageing
Siehe auch: ► Männerstatistiken – Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Men's health within the domination system

In a society in which men are expected to be strong, independent, aggressive, and impervious to emotional
stress, it is inevitable that men’s health will suffer.

  • Boys are nine times more likely than girls to suffer from hyperactivity.
  • Young men are five times more likely to commit suicide than young women.
  • Men have far higher rates of substance abuse and antisocial personality disorder than women.
Source: ► William S. Pollack, Ph.D., US American assistant clinical professor of psychology, department of psychiatry,
                   Harvard Medical School, director of the Centers for Men and Young Men, director of Continuing Education, McLean Hospital,
                   Ronald F. Levant, New Psychotherapy for Men, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 15. January 1998
Richard Saul, M.D., US American pediatric neurologist, author, ADHD Does Not Exist. The Truth About
     Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder
, HarperWave, 1st edition 13. March 2014, reprint edition 3. March 2015
HIGHLY overdiagnosed, Saul calls ADHD "neurochemical distractability/impulsivity".
See also:
Health and ► Men and ► Men's literature
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)



Early childhood experiences to the development of the brain:

ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
1. (General) poor impulse control,
2. Physical hyperactivity
3. Poor attention skills

  • The conditions in which children develop have been so corrupted and troubled [in post-industrial capitalism] over the last several decades that the template for normal childhood development is no longer present.
    Video interview with Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Stress-Disease Connection, Addiction and the Destruction of American Childhood, presented by the US American non-profit TV, radio and internet news program Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, author, minute 14:22, 59:05 minutes duration, (aired Feb 2010-Jun 2011), posted 25. December 2012

World population development trends


The number of babies born is stagnating, World population is still growing due to higher life expectancy.

  • In the last 30 years the proportion of the world population living in extreme poverty has decreased. Source: United Nations
  • In the year 2000 the total number of children (age 0-14) in the world reached
    2 billion.
    UN experts estimate there will be 2 billion by the year 2100. Source: United Nations
  • The average life expectancy in the world as a whole is 70 years. [Status 1/2014] Source: World Health Organization
  • 80% of adults in the world are literate i.e. can read and write. [Status 1/2014] Source: World Bank
  • Approximately 2% of total world energy generated comes from solar and wind power. Source: International Energy Agency


Overcrowded train in Bangladesh
  • Peak Child was reached in 1990.
  • The global percentage of children at age <5 was 15% in the 1960s, it was under 7% in 2012, and is further declining.
  • The total annual births peaked at ~138 million in the late 1980s and remained essentially constant since then. Total annual births were
    135 million in 2011, and will be declining.
  • The fraction of global population <18 was 27% in 2012 and will only go downward year after year.
  • Birth rates are dropping precipitously almost everywhere, whereas the average lifespans lenghten a bit every year.
  • In March 2011 the world population transcended the rate of 7 billion humans. It is projected to reach 8 billion by 2025.
  • In 2012 the United Nations prognosticated 9 billion by 2050, and 10 billion by 2100.


We have reached peak child. The number of children is not growing any longer in the world. We are still debating peak oil, but we have definitely reached peak child. And the world population will stop growing. The United Nations Population Division has said it will stop growing at 10 billion. Religion has very little to do with the number of babies per woman. All the religions in the world are fully capable to maintain their values and adapt to this new world. And we will be just 10 billion in this world, if the poorest people get out of poverty, their children survive, they get access to family planning. That is needed. But it's inevitable that we will be two to three billion more.
Hans Rosling, M.D., Ph.D. (1948-2017) Swedish professor of global health, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, public speaker, April 2012


"A total (world) population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Ted Turner (*1938) US American CNN founder, television producer, media billionaire entrepreneur, "philanthropist", cited in:
interview, presented by the Audubon magazine, 1996


Launching of the overpopulation myth – more than 200 years ago
Time frameHistorical event
1798 The overpopulation myth was first conceived by Thomas Malthus and Darwin's cousin Francis Galton.
1883 The term eugenics was coined by Francis Galton to name a new "science" through which human beings might
take charge of their own evolution and to veil the depopulation agenda.
Early 1900s The joint eugenicists Carnegie-Rockefeller-Harriman-Sanger felt justified to "cull" poor and racially inferior
"useless eaters".
1968 Paul Ehrlich's book The Population Bomb spread inaccurate predictions.
1974 China's one-child policy is based on the study of the Club of Rome, one of the many social engineering
institutions of the power elite.
22.·March·1980 Erection of the massive granite monument Georgia Guidestones located in northeastern Georgia, U.S., showing engravings written in twelve languages announcing massive depopulation plans – First inscription on the Georgia Guidestones: 1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. (i.e. culling of up to 90%
of the population)45
––– Removal of the six-sided stone, 25. September 2014
2000s Depopulation is carried out by pseudo-philanthropists Rockefeller-Turner-Gates-Buffet poisoning people via vaccination, GMO foods and chemtrails.
See also: ► Quotes by and on the interbred elitist families Darwin-Galton-Huxley-Wedgewood


Sources featuring Hans Rosling, M.D., Ph.D. (1948-2017) Swedish professor of global health, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, public speaker
Video presentation Religions and babies, transcript, presented by TEDxSummit 2012, Doha, Qatar, minute 10:14, 12:13 and 12:27,
     13:20 minutes duration, filmed April 2012, posted May 2012
Video presentation DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about population [The Overpopulation Myth], YouTube film, 58:50 minutes duration, posted 16. May 2014, reposted 15. December 2014
References: ► Narrated short video documentary series Stefan Verstappen (*1957) Canadian world traveler, martial artist, writer,
3 part series Paradise Stolen, YouTube videos
☛ Part 1 Don't Show Your Children, 5:37 minutes duration, posted 30. January 2015
Anti-War video showing another side to the cost of war
☛ Part 2 The Myth of Efficiency, 6:06 minutes duration, posted 21. February 2015
Arguments against the idea that small sustainable communities are impractical
☛ Part 3 The Myth of Overpopulation, 8:19 minutes duration, posted 17. March 2015
The myth of overpopulation is a cause of poverty.
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Human overpopulation
Reference: en.Wikiquote entry ► Quotes on the Overpopulation myth
See also:
Myths concerning money business and world hunger
Future trends: Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling
Transformation: Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling
Health: Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling
Siehe auch: ► ⚡ Kritische Zitate über Kampagnen-Journalismus

Statistics on happiness

Happiness ratio – genetical • intentional • circumstantial
༺༻Ratio %DomainStudy result on happiness
1.50% GENETICSThe human happiness level is genetically defined.
2.40% INTENTIONALThe human happiness level is open for influence.
(Intentional activities to boost happiness level).
3.10% CIRCUMSTANTIALThe human happiness level is defined by life circumstances. (Job, marital status)
"This leaves as much as 40% of the variance for intentional activity, supporting our proposal that volitional efforts offer a promising possible route to longitudinal increases in happiness. Changing one's intentional activities may provide a happiness-boosting potential that is at least as large as, and probably much larger than, changing one's circumstances."
Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya, Xavier University, India, Statistical Tools and Analysis in Human Resources Management,
S. 223, IGI Global, 2018
Sources and references featuring Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, University of California, Riverside, author
Article Coauthored by Kennon M. Sheldon, University of Missouri, Columbia, David Schkade, UCSD, Pursuing Happiness: The Architecture
     of Sustainable Change
, PDF, S. 6, presented by the quarterly scientific journal of the American Psychological Association Review of
     General Psychology
, volume 9, no. 2, S. 111-131, 2005
Book The How of Happiness. A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want, Penguin Press, 27. December 2007
Video presentation The Human Values Of Happiness – WGS 2018, sponsored by World Government Summit, Dubai, UAE,
     YouTube film, 17:50 minutes duration, posted 7. March 2018
See also: ► Happiness research

Divorce rates – Statistics

Canadian-American research professor of biological anthropology Helen Fisher, Ph.D. at Rutgers University researched divorce rates across fifty-eight diverse cultures and found that divorce rates peak at four years into the marriage on average. She concluded that human couples are molded to stay together for about four years.46

⚑ Half of all divorces will occur within the first 7 years of marriage.
⚑ People who stay married live 4 years longer.
⚑ Two thirds or more of the divorces are filed by women.
⚑ 80% of divorcees state that their marriage broke up because they gradually grew apart.
⚑ 20-27% blame the failure of marriage on extramarital affairs.
⚑ 70% of both men and women felt that the determining factor of divorce was whether they were satisfied in their friendship.
⚑ There is a 30-50% relapse rate with traditional marriage therapy.
⚑ There is a 20% relapse rate with John Mordechai Gottman's seven principles of enhancing marriage.
► Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri
Article Is your marriage making you sick?, presented by the US American website marriage.com, LaShanna Stephens, 19. April 2019
Reference: ► General divorce statistics, presented by Edivorcepapers.com
See also: ► Marriage


Divorce rates in the United States
1.First marriages 50% 41%
2.Second marriages 67% 60%
3.Third marriages 74% 73%

Longevity rates of married couples – Statistics

In respect of longevity longterm attachment as in marriage is
༺༻Marriage for menMarriage for women
1. Marriage is a fortunate deal for a man Marriage is an unfortunate deal for a woman.
2. Married men live 2 years longer than single men.
The female partner / wife "enhances" the husband's "life".
Married women do live 1.5 years shorter than single women.
3.Married people live up to 6 years longer than their single, divorced or widowed counterparts.
4.When one spouse dies after more than 50 years of marriage, the surviving spouse
has a life expectancy of less than a year on average.
Source: ► Dan Buettner (*1960) US American longevity coach, explorer, journalist for the
National Geographic, educator, author, Facebook comment, 26. September 2012
References ► 3-part article Relationships in Early Adulthood and ► Relationships in Middle Adulthood
and ► Relationships in Older Adulthood, presented by Cliffnotes, undated
See also: ► Marriage

Reducing poverty rates via welfare programs – Lane Kenworthy

The American professor of sociology and political science Lane Kenworthy, Ph.D., East Carolina University (currently University of Arizona) published the results of his international comparative study of cross-cultural poverty assess-
in Western nations in 1999.
Kenworthy's team compared fifteen affluent industrialized nations extending welfare benefits. Both absolute and relative measures of poverty rates were applied over the period 1960-1991.


CountryPoverty rates before social welfarePoverty rates after social welfare
United States21%11.7%
Note: The US welfare benefits are not as generous, which may explain the weaker success rate in US.


1.Dignity is more important to the human spirit than wealth.
2.Traditional charity and aid alone will not solve the problems of poverty.
3.Markets alone will also not solve the problems of poverty.


Article Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty. A Cross-National Assessment, presented by the quarterly peer-reviewed
     academic journal of social science Social Forces, volume 77, issue 3, pp. 1119-1139, 1. March 1999
See also:
Income and status gap in 23 of the rich developed countries worldwide – Wilkinson und Pickett
Dignity outweighs wealth, charity, and markets.

Sociological statistics – United States, Israel and the world

Beauty (alteration) – United States
⚑ 32,000 breast augmentation surgeries are happenig in the U.S. every month.


New "normal" childhood statistics in US America (~2016)
⚑ 50% (half) of all children have chronic illness or are overweight.
⚑ 1 in 3 children is overweight.
⚑ 1 in 6 has learning disabilities.
⚑ 1 in 9 has asthma.
⚑ 1 in 10 has ADHD.
⚑ 1 in 12 has food allergies.
⚑ 1 in 20 has seizures.
⚑ 1 in 54 boys has autism.
⚑ 1 in 88 children has autism.  Status March 201247


Drugs – United States
⚑ 70 millions US Americans are on mind-altering drugs [illegal and legal narcotics].
⚑ One in five US Americans take prescription psychiatric drugs.
⚑ 250 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were written in 2010.
⚑ Prescription drugs are the second most common substances to be abused.
⚑ 27,000 unintentional drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States.
⚑ 10% of high school pupils are prescribed drugs for ADHD.
⚑ Anti-depressants have been linked to a series of school shootings.
Source: ► 70 MILLION Americans are on mind-altering drugs: shock statistic which shows full extent of use of illegal and legal narcotics,
presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Mail Online, Tom Gardner, 10./12. February 2014


Imprisonment – United States
⚑ 300,000 US Americans were imprisoned.Status 2014
⚑ 2.3 million US Americans were imprisoned.Status 2014


War deaths ⇔ household deaths in the United States – 1776-2015
US death toll in warTime·periodUS death toll in householdsTime·period
⚑ 400,000 Americans died fighting in
World War II.
1941-1945⚑ 400,000 Americans died via household firearms.2001-2015
⚑ 3,400 Americans died via terrorism.2001-2015⚑ 3,200 Americans die via household firearms.Every 5 weeks in 2015
⚑ 1.4 million Americans died in all US wars fought.1776-2015⚑ 1.5 million Americans died via household guns.1968-2015
Source: ► Article More Americans killed by guns since 1968 than in all U.S. wars, columnist Nicholas Kristof writes, presented by PolitiFact,
Louis Jacobson, 27. August 2015


Mass shootings – United States
⚑ Ronald Reagan administration –– 11 mass shootings
⚑ George H. W. Bush Sr administration –– 12 mass shootings
⚑ Bill Clinton administration –– 23 mass shootings
⚑ George W. Bush Jr administration –– 16 mass shootings
⚑ Barack Obama administration –– 162 mass shootings [Status 12/2015]48


Changing ethnicity ratios – United States
2012 – 49% of the births in the United States were 'white'. 50+% were the 'other' American minorities.
2014 – Latinos surpassed whites as largest racial/ethnic group in California.
2015 – US Census shows Black women are the most educated group in the United States.


Rape ratio – United States
⚑ Almost 25% of the women in US have been raped.
⚑⚑ 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men are raped annually in the US.
⚑⚑ 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are assaulted annually.
Source: ► Statistisc provided by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center


Sexual assault of children – United States (1990-1998)
⚑ At least one in ten children are sexually abused.
⚑ 70% of all reported sexual assaults occur to children.
⚑ 70% of abusers of children are immediate family members.
⚑ 44% of rapes occur to children.
⚑ 15% of child victims are under 12.
⚑ 29% of child victims are under 17.
Source: ► Article by Barbara E. Bogorad, PsyD, ABPP, US American licensed psychologist, Yeshiva University, California, founder and former director, Sexual Abuse Recovery Program Unit, South Oaks Hospital, New York, Sexual Abuse. Surviving the Pain, presented by website of The American
Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, 1998


PTSD rates – Australia
5-12% (10%) of military personnel, police, ambulance personnel, firefighters and other rescue workers, have experienced PTSD.
40%-55% of sex workers, women fleeing domestic violence, survivors of childhood abuse and Indigenous Australians suffer from PTSD.
Source: ► Article A soldier and a sex worker walk into a therapist's office. Who's more likely to have PTSD?,
presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet The Conversation, 27. March 2017


Debts ⇔ costs – United States
⚑ 45 million US Americans are on food stamps. [2015]
Total cost: $77.5 billion
⚑⚑ The Federal Reserve is missing $9 trillion. [2001]49
⚑⚑ The Pentagon has "misplaced" $8.5 trillion. [2015]50
⚑⚑⚑ The Pentagon has "misplaced" $6.5 trillion. [2016]51
⚑⚑ Corporations are hiding $2.4 trillion in overseas tax havens. [2013]52
Total cost: $19.9 trillion
The 200 most politically active companies in the US spent 5.8$ billion influencing the US government. [2010-2015]. The 200 most politically active companies in the US got 4.4$ trillion in taxpayer support – earning a return of 750 times their investment. [2010-2015]
HUNGER – 2008
⚑ 1 billion people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition, roughly 100 times as many as those who actually die from starvation per year.
⚑ About 24,000 people die every day from starvation or hunger-related causes.
⚑ In 1997 35,000 people starved from hunger, in 1987 41,000 people. Three-fourths of the deaths are children under the age of five.
Famine and wars are due for 10% of hunger deaths, the rest by chronic malnutrition. In 1999 31 million (12 million of them children)
US Americans were food insecure.


Wealth ratio
⚑ The richest 85 people on earth own more wealth than the bottom half of humanity, some 3.5 billion people. [Status 2014]


Countries without [Rothshield controlled] Central Banks worldwide
⚑ Cuba
⚑ North Korea
⚑ Sudan
⚑ Libya [serially attacked by US/NATO]53
⚑ Iran [fiend of Israel]
⚑ Venezuela [2002 Rothschild vasal tried to putch Chavez in vain.]
⚑ Afghanistan [until 2001]54
⚑ Iraq [until 2003]55
⚑ In Israel 50% of the Israelis consider themselves 'irreligious', while ~37% of them are atheists, 17% of them are agnostic and 60% of them believe in a 'Separation Between Church and State'. Nevertheless, the atheistic, agnostic and irreligious citizenry of Israel seem to believe 'GOD' promised them 'The State of Palestine', which they call 'ISRAEL'. What kind of a god is it that promised Palestine to the Chosen People?


Long-lasting bloody Israeli-Palestian conflict [Status: 29. September 2000 – 25. April 2012]
⚑ 126 Israeli children killed by Palestinians⚑ 1,476 Palestinian children killed by IsraelisOct 2000-May 2012
⚑ 1,096 Israelis have been killed.⚑ At least 6,568 Palestinians have been killed.Oct 2000-May 2012
⚑ 10,792 Israelis have been injured.⚑ 59,575 Palestinians have been injured.Oct 2000-May 2012
⚑ United States provided Israel with at least
    $8.2 million per day in military aid.
⚑ United States provided $0 in military aid to the Palestinians.Fiscal year 2011
⚑ 0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians.⚑ 5,604 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.25. April 2012
⚑ The Israeli unemployment rate is 6.4%.⚑ The Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is
   16.5% and 40% in Gaza.
25. April 2012 
⚑ Israel had 236 Jewish-only settlements and
    'outposts' built on confiscated Palestinian land.
⚑ Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land.25. April 2012
Source: ► ifamericansknew.org
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine
Note: The United States gives 3 billion $ anually to Israel in military aid. [1973-2003]
           Israel has cost the United States 1.6 trillion $, more than twice the cost of the Vietnam war. Detroit is over 18 billion $ in debt. [Status 2016]

Decline of the United States of America empire

Continued decline of the United States compared to other nations
༺༻Societal sectorUnited States rankingCompared to other countries
1.Median wealth per adult27th (Last)27 high-income countries
2.Education and skills16th23 countries
3.Internet speed and access16th34 countries
4.Health33rd145 countries
5.People living below the poverty line36th162 countries, behind Morocco and Albania
6.Children in poverty34th35 countries surveyed
7.Income inequalityFourth highest inequalityWorldwide (223 countries)
8.Prison populationFirst224 countries
9.Life satisfaction17th36 countries
10.Corruption17th175 countries
11.Stability20th178 countries
12.Social progress index16th133 countries
Source: ► Article 12 signs America is on the decline, presented by the US American business magazine Fortune,
Jill Hamburg Coplan, 20. July 2015
Study by Hershey H. Friedman, department of business management, City University of New York (CUNY), Sarah Hertz, State University
     of New York (SUNY), Empire State College, Is the United States Still the Best Country in the World? Think Again, 24. June 2015
Chart Corruption is threatening economic growth for all, presented by Transparency International, published 2014
See also:
Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires
Income and status gap in 23 of the rich developed countries worldwide – Wilkinson und Pickett (2011)
Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation


[O]nly a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have
more need of masters.
Benjamin Franklin [The First American, Founding Father] (1706-1790) US American statesman, political theorist, occultist, polymath, diplomat, civic activist, author, letter to the Abbés Chalut and Arnaud, 17. April 1787


America's best days may be behind it.
Robert Gordon (*1940) US American professor of New Keynesian economics, cited in: Article America's Best Days May
Be Behind It
, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Eduardo Porter, 20. January 2016

Statistics on death causes and healthcare-system-induced deaths in United States

225,000 Americans per year have died as a result of their medical treatments. Status 2000
75% of medical students are on antidepressants or stimulants or both.56 Status 2017
More than 1 million Americans physicians commit suicide each year,
which covered up by hospitals, clinics, and medical schools.
57 Status 2016
America's healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death
in the United States of America, after heart disease and cancer.
Deaths per yearDue to healtcare errors
7,000Medication errors in hospitals
12,000Unnecessary surgery
20,000Other errors in hospitals
80,000Infections in hospitals
106,000Negative effects of drugs
Source: ► Deleted summarized article America's Healthcare System is the Third Leading Cause of Death, presented by the deleted publication "Health Care Refom", Kah Ying Choo, excerped from: Barbara Starfield, M.D., Is US health really the best in the world?,
presented by the peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), S. 483-485, No. 284(4),
26. July 2000
See also: ► Medicine and ► Disease


Leading causes of death in perspective, August 2016
Leading causes of death in perspective (2016)
  1. Heart and circulatory disorders
  2. Cancer
  3. Respiratory disorders
  4. Nervous system disorders
  5. Digestive disorders
  6. Kidney disorders
  7. Infections
  8. Non-transport accidents
  9. Musculoskeletal disorders
  10. Suicide
  11. Transport accidents
  12. Mental health disorders
  13. Undetermined events
  14. Murder
  15. Medical complications
  16. Pregnancy and birth
  17. War

World's largest arms exporters

2014 rank supplier arms exports
The units in this table are so-called trend indicator values expressed in millions of U.S. dollars at 1990s prices. These values do not represent real financial flows but are a crude instrument to estimate volumes of arms transfers, regardless of the contracted prices, which can be as low as zero in the case of military aid. Ordered by descending 2014 values. The information is from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
RankNationsAmount Million US $
1United States10,194
6United Kingdom1,083
It is estimated that yearly, over 1.5 trillion United States dollars are spent on military expenditures worldwide (2.7% of World GDP). This represents a decline from 1990 when military expenditures made up 4% of world GDP. Part of this goes to the procurement of military hardware and services from the military industry. The combined arms sales of the top 100 largest arms producing companies amounted to an estimated $395 billion in 2012 according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). In 2004 over $30 billion were spent in the international arms trade
(a figure that excludes domestic sales of arms).
According to SIPRI, the volume of international transfers of major weapons in 2010-2014 was 16% higher than in 2005-2009.
The five biggest exporters in 2010-2014 were the United States, Russia, China, Germany and France.
The five biggest importers were India, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan.
The arms trade has also been one of the sectors impacted by the credit crunch, with total deal value in the market halving
from US$32.9 billion to US$14.3 billion in 2008.
"Time was when weapons were manufactured in order to fight wars. Now wars are manufactured in order to sell weapons."
Sydney Peace Prize lecture by Arundhati Roy (*1961) Indian political activist, essayist, novelist, Seymour Theatre Centre, University
of Sydney, delivered 3. November 2004, 2004 Arundhati Roy – Sydney Peace Prize Lecture, presented by the Sydney Peace Foundation, 4. November 2004
Source: ► Compiled by Tony Sunil Verma, Facebook comment, 24. November 2015

Alarming rape record – South Africa and Congo

A study conducted by the South African Medical Research Council on 1,738 sampled South African men from different race and age backgrounds, from urban and rural areas, revealed the following results [status June 2009]:



Aftermath of childhood trauma and humiliation in a racist mysogynist culture

Rapists are men who have predominantly been traumatized in childhood by experiencing severe physical violence or sexual abuse, emotional and physical abuse and neglect. Patriarchy and apartheid created a mindset according to which (mostly black) men are NOBODIES, subhuman beings. Their anger and pain thereof is translated into violent behavior or violent tendencies.

  • 27.6% of the questioned men admitted to having raped a woman or girl in their lifetime.
    • 23.2% of the rapists had raped two to three women.
    • 8.4% of the rapists had raped four to five women.
    • 7.1% of the rapists had raped six to 10 women.
    • 7.7% of the rapists had raped more than 10 women or girls.
  • 9.8% of the rapists were under 10 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 16.4% of the rapists were 10-14 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 46.5% of the rapists were 15-19 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 18.6% of the rapists were 20-24 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 6.9% of the rapists were 25-29 years old when they committed their first sex crime.
  • 1.9% were 30 years old or older when they committed their first sex crime.


Biologists and anthropologists found out that young human males belong to the most dangerous species on Earth.
Young men at age 14-23 are the most violent and most dangerous among the human males.


Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country, presented by NationMaster
► Article SOUTH AFRICA: One in four men rape, presented by the publication IRIN humanitarian news and analysis, 18. June 2009
► Article Sexual Violence as Male Bonding, presented by the website The Grumpy Sociologist, 20. June 2009
► Article More than 1,100 rapes daily in DRCongo, study finds, presented by the US American broadcast network NBC News, 11. May 2011
► Deleted article South Africa Violence Against Women Rate Hightest In The World, presented by the US American liberal-oriented
     online newspaper Huffington Post, Michelle Faul, 8. March 2013
References: en.Wikipedia entriesSexual violence in South Africa and ► Rape statistics
See also: ► Violence and ► Taboo and ► Trauma and ► Taming violent young elephants

Worldwide economic inequality gap – Statistics 2014-2018

"Statistics on the growing tide of inequality" worldwide


20. January 2014: The Oxfam International report Working for the Few
  • Almost half of the world's wealth is now owned by just one percent of the population.
  • The wealth of the one percent richest people in the world amounts to $110 trillion.
    That’s 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the world’s population.
  • The bottom half of the world’s population owns the same as the richest 85 people in the world.
  • Seven out of ten people live in countries where economic inequality has increased in the last 30 years.
  • The richest one percent increased their share of income in 24 out of 26 countries
    for which data exist (timespan 1980-2012).
  • In the US, the wealthiest one percent captured 95 percent of post-financial crisis growth since 2009,
    while the bottom 90 percent became poorer.
18. January 2016: Oxfam International report Working for the Few
  • The richest 62 individuals are as wealthy as half of world's population.
  • 1% of the world's richest people own more wealth than the other 99% combined.
16. January 2017: Oxfam International report Working for the Few58
  • The superrichest 8 men[*] (worth 426 billion dollars) own the same wealth as the 3.6 billion people of
    the poorest half of humanity (worth 409 billion dollars).
  • 1% of the world's richest people own more wealth than the other 99% combined.
    • 1 in 10 people survive on less than $2 a day.
22. January 2018: Oxfam Report
  • Richest 1 percent bagged 82 percent of wealth created last year
  • Billionaire wealth has risen by an annual average of 13% since 2010 – six times faster than the wages of ordinary
    workers, which have risen by a yearly average of just 2%.
  • It takes just four days for a CEO from one of the top five global fashion brands to earn what a Bangladeshi garment
    worker will earn in her lifetime. In the US, it takes slightly over one working day for a CEO to earn what an ordinary
    worker makes in a year.
  • It would cost $2.2 billion a year to increase the wages of all 2.5 million Vietnamese garment workers to a living wage.
    This is about a third of the amount paid out to wealthy shareholders by the top 5 companies in the garment sector
    in 2016.


Status 2016[*]59/60

  1. Bill GatesMicrosoft – 75 billion dollars
  2. Amancio Ortega – Inditex – 67 billion dollars
  3. Warren Buffett – Berkshire Hathaway – 60,8 billion dollars
  4. Carlos Slim Helu – Grupo Carso – 50 billion dollars
  5. Jeff Bezos – Amazon – 45,2 billion dollars
  6. Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook – 44,6 billion dollars
  7. Larry Ellison – Oracle – 43,6 billion dollars
  8. Michael Bloomberg – Bloomberg LP – 40 billion dollars


The appropriate emotion is shame – shame at our own dependency, in this case, on the underpaid labor of others. When someone works for less pay than she can live on – when, for example, she goes hungry so
that you can eat more cheaply and conveniently – then she has made a great sacrifice for you, she has
made you a gift of some part of her abilities, her health, and her life. The "working poor," as they are appro-
vingly termed, are in fact the major philanthropists of our society. They neglect their own children so that
the children of others will be cared for; they live in substandard housing so that other homes will be shiny
and perfect; they endure privation so that inflation will be low and stock prices high. To be a member of
the working poor is to be an anonymous donor, a nameless benefactor, to everyone else.
Barbara Ehrenreich (*1941) US American journalist, political activist, myth busting author, Nickel and Dimed.
On (Not) Getting By in America
, chapter "Evaluation", Metropolitan Books, S. 221, 2001


Written sources:
► Article Working for the Few. Political capture and economic inequality, presented by Oxfam International, 20. January 2014
► Article Oxfam: 85 richest people as wealthy as poorest half of the world, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian,
     20. January 2014
► Article The 85 Richest People In The World Have As Much Wealth As The 3.5 Billion Poorest, presented by the US American
     business magazine Forbes, Laura Shin, 23. January 2014
► Article Richest 62 people as wealthy as half of world's population, says Oxfam, presented by the British daily newspaper
     The Guardian, Larry Elliott, economics editor, 18. January 2016
► Article Oxfam: 8 richest billionaires have as much wealth as the world’s poorest half, presented by the US American political
     journalism company Politico, Marion Solletty, 16. January 2017
Referenz: ► Quora-Beitrag Oxfam International Armutsberichte (2014-2018), Elfriede Ammann, 18. Januar 2019
See also:
Plutocracy (corporate feudalism) ⇔ Democracy and free-enterprise

Negative ⇔ positive emotions – Language statistics

  • Empirical studies show there are more words in the English language that represent negative than positive emotions.
  • 5 or 6 negative emotions (in the face) and only one positive emotion – the smile – had been studied.


See also: ► Language and ► Negativity

Nature and species statistics

52% of the world's mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and amphibians disappeared between 1970 and 2010.
Report by the World Wildlife Fund


Source: ► Article WWF: Half the world's wildlife gone over last 40 years, presented by the daily US American
newspaper Chicago Tribune, Tom Miles, 30. September 2014
See also: ► Animals and ► Nature

Scaling world evolutionary periods

The earth is 4.6 billion years old.

  • 46 years ago – Earth came into being.
  • 4 hours ago – Humans came into being.
  • 1 minute ago – Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
  • Within the last 1 minute – Man has destroyed more than half of the world's forests.


See also: ► Climate and ► Evolution


Links zum Thema Statistik / Statistics


Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

☛ Geschätzt 804.000 Menschen töteten sich im Jahr 2012 selbst. Dunkelziffer deutlich höher.
☛ Suizid ist die zweithäufigste Todesursache unter den 15 bis 29-Jährigen weltweit.
☛ Drei Viertel aller Selbsttötungen wurden in Ländern gezählt, in denen Menschen im Schnitt wenig bis sehr wenig Geld zur Verfügung haben.
☛ Deutlich mehr Männer als Frauen töten sich selbst. In reichen Staaten wie Deutschland oder den USA nehmen sich etwa dreimal so viele
    Männer wie Frauen das Leben.
☛ Die Suizidrate im Alter steigt weltweit. Unter Menschen ab 70 Jahren ist sie am höchsten, in einigen ärmeren Ländern unter
    jungen Menschen höher.
☛ Auf jeden Suizid eines Erwachsenen kommen mehr als zwanzig Menschen, die versuchen, sich das Leben zu nehmen.
    Werther-EffektTheorie des Modelllernens des Psychologen Albert Bandura: Menschen eignen sich Verhaltensweisen an, die sie zuvor
    bei anderen Menschen beobachtet haben – besonders, wenn sie sich mit der Person identifizieren können

Die Zahl der Verkehrstoten in der Europäischen Union betrug 54.000 Verkehrstote im Jahr 2001. Im Jahr 2014 sind in der EU insgesamt 25.700 Menschen durch Verkehrsunfälle ums Leben gekommen, 2015 waren es 26.000. 2015 gab es 135.000 Schwerverletzte auf Europas Straßen.

External web links (engl.)

"European marriage pattern in historical perspective", published Population in History: Essays in Historical Demography, 1965

55 countries rated from the viewpoint of more than 27 000 consumers of the general public in the G8. Switzerland #1, Canada #2, Sweden #3, Germany #10, United States of America #22.

A Gallup poll found that, out of 68 countries considered, the US was ranked the biggest threat to world peace [Status 2014]

The US accounts for 90% of their women killed by guns in high income countries.

⚡Zionist media control worldwide

1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations, 2,400 publishers owned by six corporations and 272 executives control 90% of what 277 million US Americans see, hear and read. [Status unknown]

In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies, in 2011, 90% of American media was owned by 6 companies [GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS].
Film productions companies in Hollywood: The chief executives of all the Big Media and Hollywood production companies are Jews:
News Corporation, CEO Peter Chernin (Jewish)
Paramount Pictures, chairman Brad Grey (Jewish)
Walt Disney Company, CEO Robert Iger (Jewish)
Sony Pictures, chairman Michael Lynton (Dutch Jew)
Warner Brothers, chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish)
MGM, chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish)
CBS Corporation, CEO Leslie Moonves (Jewish) His uncle was the first prime minister of Israel.
NBC Universal, CEO Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish)

Largest media conglomerat:
Walt Disney Company (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television),
chairman and CEO since 1984 Michael Eisner (Jew) –– (increased production of graphic sex and violence)
Largest media conglomerat:
Walt Disney Picture Group (Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures, producers of feature films), CEO Joe Roth (Jew)
Miramax Films, CEOs Weinstein brothers (Jews)
ESPN, ABC's cable subsidiary, president and CEO Steven Bornstein (Jew)
2nd largest media conglomerat:
Time Warner (HBO), chairman of the board and CEO Gerald Levin (Jew)
Warner Brothers Records, CEO Danny Goldberg (Jew)
Warnervision, Warner Music’s video production unit, early promoter of "gangsta rap", CEO Stuart Hersch (Jew)
3rd largest media conglomerat:
Viacom, CEO Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein) (Jew)
Paramount Pictures, CEO Sherry Lansing (Jew)
News Corporation (Fox Television, 20th Century Fox Films), owner Rupert Murdoch (Australian Gentile)
4th largest media conglomerat:
News Corporation, film studio, overseer Peter Chermin (Jew)
5th largest media conglomerat:
⚑ Japanese Sony Corporation
  ⚑ US subsidiary: Sony Corporation of America, CEO Michael Schulhof (Jew)
  ⚑ Sony Pictures division, CEO Alan Levine (Jew)
New World Entertainment, owner Ronald Perelman (Jew)

Five major media conglomerates: Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation (Rupert Murdochs), Bertelsmann (Germany), Viacom (formerly CBS)


See also: ► Internet

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

Every man, woman, and child in the whole world could have about 1 acre of land to themselves and all that would fit into a land mass the size of North America, with the rest of the world completely unoccupied.

Linkless media offerings


Interne Links




1 Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, Raising Cain. Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Ballantine, 2000

2 P. Orpinas, C. McNicholas, L. Nahapetyan, Gender differences in trajectories of relational aggression perpetration and victimization from middle to high school, presented by the journal Aggressive Behavior, issue 41(5), S. 401-412, 4. August 2015

3 Article More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Denis Campbell, 5. September 2010

4 Sex differences in crime / Frauenkriminalität

5 Report Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, presented by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Lawrence A. Greenfeld, US American statistician, 1997

6 Article Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope, 3. May 2013

7 Publication Who is Homeless?, PDF, presented by the publication of the National Coalition for the Homeless, August 2007

8 Article 6 Things I Want You to Understand About Being Homeless in America, presented by National Coalition for the Homeless, 8. July 2014

9 Report Differences in patterns of drug use between women and men, PDF, presented by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 20 pages, 2005

10 Michael E. Addis, James R. Mahalik, Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association American Psychologist, vol. 58, No. 1, S. 5-18, January 2003

11 Zitate von Warren Farrell (Amerikanische Männerbewegung)

12 Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Berkley Trade, 9. January 2001

13 2000 Study by Jeroen Jansz, Masculine identity and restrictive emotionality, cited in: Gender and Emotion. Social Psychological Perspectives, S. 167-186, Cambridge University Press, 9. March 2000

14 Article Marriage Linked to Better Survival in Middle Age; Study Highlights Importance of Social Ties During Midlife, presented by the US American news website for topical science articles Science Daily, 10 January, 2013

15 Study: Married Couples Live Longer, presented by CBS Local Cleveland, 14. November 2012

16 Blog article Men After Divorce: Ego, Self Esteem, and Recovery, presented by the international liberal-left commentary outlet HuffPost, Kyle Morrison, 1. May 2013, updated 1. July 2013

17 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017

18 52 Females status ~2010

19 48 Males status ~2010

20 57 Asians ~2010

21 21 Europeans ~2010

22 8 Africans ~2010

23 30 Christians ~2010

24 1 College educated, status 2006

25 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017

26 Men perpetrate over 76% of the violent crime in the US. Worldwide that statistic is likely much higher.

27 Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, Raising Cain. Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Ballantine, 2000

28 P. Orpinas, C. McNicholas, L. Nahapetyan, Gender differences in trajectories of relational aggression perpetration and victimization from middle to high school, presented by the journal Aggressive Behavior, issue 41(5), S. 401-412, 4. August 2015

29 Article More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Denis Campbell, 5. September 2010

30 Sex differences in crime

31 Report Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, presented by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Lawrence A. Greenfeld, US American statistician, 1997

32 Suicide Statistics, presented by the US American Suicide.org, status 1950-2013

33 Article Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope, 3. May 2013

34 Publication Whois Homeless?, PDF, presented by the National Coalition for the Homeless, August 2007

35 Article 6 Things I Want You to Understand About Being Homeless in America, presented by National Coalition for the Homeless, 8. July 2014

36 Report Differences in patterns of drug use between women and men, PDF, presented by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 20 pages, 2005

37 Removed study by Michael E. Addis, James R. Mahalik, Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association American Psychologist, vol. 58, No. 1, S. 5-18, January 2003

38 Quotes by Warren Farrell – Men's movement and gender transition

39 Warren Farrell Farrell.com (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Berkley Trade, 9. January 2001

40 2000 Study by Jeroen Jansz, Masculine identity and restrictive emotionality, cited in: Gender and Emotion. Social Psychological Perspectives, S. 167-186, Cambridge University Press, 9. March 2000

41 Article Marriage Linked to Better Survival in Middle Age; Study Highlights Importance of Social Ties During Midlife, presented by the US American news website for topical science articles Science Daily, 10 January, 2013

42 'Study: Married Couples Live Longer'', presented by CBS Local Cleveland, 14. November 2012

43 Blog article Men After Divorce: Ego, Self Esteem, and Recovery, presented by the international liberal-left commentary outlet HuffPost, Kyle Morrison, 1. May 2013, updated 1. July 2013

44 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017

45 Rule of Three: 100% = 7.700 million (now both sides : 7.700)
0,13% = 1 million (now both sides * 500)
6.5% = 500 million (Result: ~93.5 % of the world's population are to be "culled".)
Video tour by author Raymond Wiley, The Georgia Guidestones: America's Most Mysterious Monument, YouTube film, 13:50 minutes duration, posted 9. February 2011
Article Georgia Guidestones. Who is it that wants to kill off 90% of human population?, presented by the publication exposingsatanism, Leo Hohmann, Jon Watkins, 9. January 2017
Audio podcast interview with [[http://jayweidner.com/bio/|Jay Weidner
SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, Jay Weidner & Greg Carlwood Discuss the 2014 Cube Added to the Georgia Guidestones, presented by the interview-based podcast HighersideChats, host Greg Carlwood, YouTube film, 12:12 minutes duration, posted 11. October 2014

46 Anatomy of Love. A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray, Ballantine Books, 3. January 1994

47 Article CDC Revises Estimate of Autism Prevalence: 1 in 88, presented by Autism Speaks, March 2012

48 TruthStreamMedia.com, 2. December 2015

49 Video debate 9 Trillion or 9,000,000,000,000 Missing from FEDERAL RESERVE, YouTube film, 6:07 minutes duration, posted 21. September 2013

50 Article With $8.5 Trillion Unaccounted for, Why Should Congress Increase the Defense Budget?, presented by the digital news, news analysis and opinion publication The Fiscal Times (TFT), Jacqueline Leo, Brianna Ehley, 19. March 2015

51 Article Audit Reveals The Pentagon Doesn't Know Where $6.5 Trillion Dollars Has Gone, presented by the publication Activist Post, Jay Syrmopoulos, 8. August 2016

52 Article U.S. Companies Are Stashing $2.1 Trillion Overseas to Avoid Taxes, presented by the publication Bloomberg, Richard Rubin, posted 4. March 2015

53 Moammar Gaddafi (†2014) provided to Libyian citizens free healthcare, free electricity, did not charge interest on loans. Newly weds received $50k to find a home. Mothers receive $5,000 after the birth of each of their babies. Gaddafi was determined to rebuild Africa.

54 Article Central Banks are the Real Target for West’s Imperial Wars, presented by the publication Activist Post, Brandon Turbeville, 4. September 2012

55 Central Bank of Iraq

56 Report by Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, 4. September 2017

57 Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, Physician Suicide Letters Answered, Pamela Wible, M.D., 1st edition 11. January 2016

58 Article Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world, 16. January 2017

59 Die acht Reichsten der Welt kommen demnach auf Besitztümer im Gesamtwert von 426 Milliarden Dollar, während die ärmere Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung, 3,6 Milliarden Menschen, gemeinsam lediglich 409 Milliarden Dollar hat. Quelle: Artikel Acht Superreiche besitzen angeblich so viel wie die halbe Menschheit, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Nicolai Kwasniewski, 16. Januar 2017

60 Article These 8 Men Have As Much Money As Half The World, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Emily Peck,
15. January 2017, updated 16. January 2017


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