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Die Erklärung Ich liebe dich geht 39% der deutschen Männer nur schwer über die Lippen. Das hat das Meinungsforschungsinstitut "Gewis" im Auftrag der deutschen Frauenzeitschrift Petra bei einer repräsentativen Umfrage an 1.051 Frauen und Männern im Alter von 25 bis 39 Jahren herausgefunden. [Stand Mai 2007]
58% der deutschen Frauen leiden unter der Unfähigkeit beziehungsweise Unwillig-
keit der Männer, ihr Inneres zu äußern.
Meldung der Deutschen Presseagentur (dpa), 19. April 2007
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen |
Im Auftrag des Männermagazins Men's Health führte das Stuttgarter Institut für rationelle Psychologie eine repräsen-
tative Umfrage durch – mit annähernd 1.300 Frauen im Alter zwischen 18 und 60 Jahren. Das Ergebnis lautete:
Quelle: ► Meldung von dem deutschen Nachrichtenportal des Kölner Nachrichtensenders der RTL Group n-tv, 11. Februar 2008 |
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen und ► Beziehungstipps und ► Frauen |
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen |
Die Statistik des Office of National Statistics weist aus, dass acht Prozent der weiblichen Bevölkerung im Alter zwischen
25 und 44 Jahren in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika allein leben [Stand 2008]. Das betrifft zahlenmäßig etwa 690.480 Frauen. Damit hat sich im Lauf von zwanzig Jahren der Anteil der Single-Frauen seit 1988 verdoppelt (auf etwa 345.000).
Der sich fortsetzende Trend zum Alleinleben unter Frauen entspricht der geringen Eheschließungsrate und dem Anstieg der Scheidungsrate. Bei Umfragen bestätigten etwa zwei Drittel der Single-Frauen, dass sie auch ohne Partner ein erfülltes, glückliches Leben führen können.
Der Anstieg der Single-Haushalte zählt zu den entscheidenden gesellschaftlichen Trends in den kommenden Jahrzehnten.
Wahrscheinlichkeit: Im Jahr 2026 werden 70% der neuen Haushalte Single-Haushalte sein.
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen |
Laut den Forschungen des Office of National Statistics im Sommer 2006 haben 45-jäh-
rige alleinstehende Männer ein um 23% höheres Risiko eines frühen Todes im Vergleich
zu verheirateten Männern. Ein Bericht im Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health stellte fest, dass Single-Männer in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika im Vergleich zu verheirateten Männern eine 58% höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit haben vor Erreichen ihres
50. Lebensjahrs zu sterben.
Alleinstehend zu sein ist gefährlich, sagt der Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaft Andrew Oswald von der Warwick Universität in Großbritannien, der Glücksforschung betreibt mit dem Fokus auf den Zusammenhang zwischen Glück und Gesundheit.
Forscher der Universität Magdeburg haben Daten von 100'000 verstorbenen Schweizern gesammelt und nach Geschlecht, Alter und Familienstand ausgewertet. Ihre Studie von 2006 bestätigt, dass die Ehe für Männer lohnenswert ist. Verheiratete Frauen hingegen sterben 1,5 Jahre früher als alleinstehende Frauen.
Der Gesundheitsökonom Stefan Felder kommentiert:
Männer profitieren eindeutig von der Ehe. Sie werden verpflegt und umsorgt, ihre Lebenswerwartung steigt.
Frauen müssen viel Kraft aufwenden, um die "zerbrechlichen" Männer mitzuziehen.
Resultat: Verheiratete Frauen sterben anderthalb Jahre früher als Single-Frauen.
Quelle: ► Artikel Single-Männer sterben früher, präsentiert von der kostenlosen Schweizer Pendlerzeitung 20 Minuten, 20. März 2006 |
Siehe auch: ► Beziehungsebenen |
Gut zwei Drittel Deutsche fliehen den Tod.
Drei Fünftel der Deutschen glauben, dass es kein Weiterleben nach dem Tod gibt.
Der Pressemitteilung zur Studie "Spiritualität in Deutschland" der Identity Foundation in Düsseldorf, April 2007, ist zu ent-
nehmen, wie Deutsche mit dem Tod umgehen. Im März 2006 wurden 1.000 Interviewpartner auch zu ihrem Verhältnis
zum Tod befragt:
Quelle: ► Studie "Spiritualität in Deutschland" (2005-2007), präsentiert von Identity Foundation, Düsseldorf, April 2007 |
See also: ► Soziologie and ► Tod |
Source: ► Dan Buettner (*1960) US-amerikanischer Langlebigkeitstrainer, Forscher, Journalist im Auftrag des Magazins National Geographic, Aufklärer, Autor, Facebook-Kommentar, 26. September 2012 |
Siehe auch: ► Ehe |
See also: ► Longevity rates of married couples – Statistics |
Source: ► Article plus audio What’s the Problem with Men?, presented by, Mark Manson (*1984) US American internet entrepreneur, blogger, author, 1. June 2017 |
See also: ► Men and ► Women and ► Relationship advice and ► Gender research and ► Marriage and ► Work and ► Ageing |
Quelle: ► Artikel Zehn Fakten über Web-Pornos, präsentiert von der deutschen Bild-Zeitung, 15. Januar 2010 |
Referenzen: ► Artikel Verlust der Phantasie, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Barbara Hardinghaus und Dialika Krahe, Heft 21, 27. Mai 2010 ► Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Jakob Pastötter (*1965) deutscher Sexualwissenschaftler, Kulturanthropologe, Präsident der Deutschen Gesellschaft für sozialwissenschaftliche Sexualforschung, American Academy of Clinical Sexologists, Florida, Pornografie und Macht, Jugendmedien- schutztagung der NLM, Hannover, 14. April 2010 |
Counter initiative: ► Video presentation by Cindy Gallop (*1960) English advertising maven, Make love, not porn, presented by TEDBlog, 4:29 minutes duration, posted 2. December 2009 |
Siehe auch: ► Internet |
Statistiken / Prognosen: ► Statistik Vergleich der durchschnittlichen Lebenserwartung, präsentiert von Lä, Stand 2016 ► Statistik Lebenserwartung weltweit – Länder Rangliste mit der höchsten Lebenserwartung und Länder mit der niedrigsten Lebenserwartung, präsentiert von Alternativ-Gesund-Leben, Marco Eitelmann, 21. März 2018 ► Studie Hohes Alter, aber nicht für alle, präsentiert von Berlin-Institut für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung, Sabine Sütterlin, Juni 2017 |
Siehe auch: ► Altern |
Out of a hundred people | |
those who always know better | – fifty-two |
doubting every step | – nearly all the rest, |
glad to lend a hand if it doesn't take too long | – as high as forty-nine, |
always good because they can't be otherwise | – four, well maybe five, |
able to admire without envy | – eighteen, |
suffering illusions induced by fleeting youth | – sixty, give or take a few, |
not to be taken lightly | – forty and four, |
living in constant fear of someone or something | – seventy-seven, |
capable of happiness | – twenty-something tops, |
harmless singly, savage in crowds | – half at least, |
cruel when forced by circumstances | – better not to know even ballpark figures, |
wise after the fact | – just a couple more than wise before it, |
taking only things from life | – thirty (I wish I were wrong), |
hunched in pain, no flashlight in the dark | – eighty-three sooner or later, |
righteous | – thirty-five, which is a lot, |
righteous and understanding | – three, |
worthy of compassion | – ninety-nine, |
mortal | – a hundred out of a hundred. Thus far this figure still remains unchanged. |
Wislawa Szymborska (1923-2012) Polish lyricist, Miracle Fair. Selected Poems of Wislawa Szymborska, S. 99, W. W. Norton, 2002; S. Baranczak and C. Cavanagh, translators Poems New and Collected, Mariner Books, 1st edition 16. November 2000 |
Shrinking the earth's population to a village of 100 people
with the existing human ratios remaining the same, this would be the result:
Written sources: ► Donella H. Meadows, US American Dartmouth professor, State of the Village Report, presented by the publication The Global Citizen, 31. May 1990, Hebei University 2001 ► Returning Peace Corps Volunteers of Madison Wisconsin, Unheard Voices. Celebrating Cultures from the Developing World, 1992 ► David Smith, If the World Were a Village. A Book about the World's People, 32 pages, Kids Can Press, 10. February 2002 ► Dr. Phillip Harter, law professor Stanford University, Global Village Statistics, via email, 2003 ► Fritz Erickson, provost and vice president for academic affairs, Ferris State University, John A. Vonk, professor emeritus, University of Northern Colorado, 100 People. A World Portrait, presented by the website, undated |
Video sources: ► Narrated video infographics If the World Were a Village of 100 People: A Story About the World's People, YouTube film, 3:11 minutes duration, 17. May 2010 ► Animated infographics If the world were 100 people, presented via Facebook by Magazin Good, data derived from The World Facebook, written and produced by Gabriel Reilich, animation by Jake Infusino, 2:24 minutes duration, posted 14. March 2016 |
See also: ► View points |
General data
1976 – 90% of American women have experienced sexual harrassment in the workplace.
2017 – 80% of American women have experienced sexual harrassment in the workplace.
Violence against women and girls – Status 2013
Sexual exploitation and trafficking of women and girls – Status 2013
Education – Status 2013
Written sources: ► Article Missing women – missing men!? Are there more men or more women on earth?, presented by the publication Gender Debate, 29. February 2012 ► Article 23 Fast Facts about Women's Oppression Worldwide, presented by Amnesty International, St. Louis chapter, 17. June 2013 |
Media source: ► Video keynote address by Gloria Steinem (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, journalist, writer, 2012 Polly Wheeler Guth '44 Leader in Residence, presented by the girl's school Chatham Hall, Virginia, 17. January 2012, YouTube film, minute 34:42, 1:21:48 duration, posted by Chatham Hall 19. April 2012 |
See also: ► Women |
Source: ► Blog article plus audio What’s the Problem with Men?, presented by the blogspot, Mark Manson (*1984) US American internet entrepreneur, blogger, author, 1. June 2017 |
See also: ► Men and ► Women and ► Relationship advice and ► Gender research and ► Marriage and ► Work and ► Ageing |
Siehe auch: ► Männerstatistiken – Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika |
In a society in which men are expected to be strong, independent, aggressive, and impervious to emotional
Source: ► William S. Pollack, Ph.D., US American assistant clinical professor of psychology, department of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, director of the Centers for Men and Young Men, director of Continuing Education, McLean Hospital, Ronald F. Levant, New Psychotherapy for Men, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 15. January 1998 |
Literature: ► Richard Saul, M.D., US American pediatric neurologist, author, ADHD Does Not Exist. The Truth About Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, HarperWave, 1st edition 13. March 2014, reprint edition 3. March 2015 HIGHLY overdiagnosed, Saul calls ADHD "neurochemical distractability/impulsivity". |
See also: ► Health and ► Men and ► Men's literature ► Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) |
ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
1. (General) poor impulse control,
2. Physical hyperactivity
3. Poor attention skills
The number of babies born is stagnating, World population is still growing due to higher life expectancy.
Sources featuring Hans Rosling, M.D., Ph.D. (1948-2017) Swedish professor of global health, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, public speaker ► Video presentation Religions and babies, transcript, presented by TEDxSummit 2012, Doha, Qatar, minute 10:14, 12:13 and 12:27, 13:20 minutes duration, filmed April 2012, posted May 2012 ► Video presentation DON'T PANIC — Hans Rosling showing the facts about population [The Overpopulation Myth], YouTube film, 58:50 minutes duration, posted 16. May 2014, reposted 15. December 2014 |
References: ► Narrated short video documentary series Stefan Verstappen (*1957) Canadian world traveler, martial artist, writer, 3 part series Paradise Stolen, YouTube videos ☛ Part 1 Don't Show Your Children, 5:37 minutes duration, posted 30. January 2015 Anti-War video showing another side to the cost of war ☛ Part 2 The Myth of Efficiency, 6:06 minutes duration, posted 21. February 2015 Arguments against the idea that small sustainable communities are impractical ☛ Part 3 The Myth of Overpopulation, 8:19 minutes duration, posted 17. March 2015 The myth of overpopulation is a cause of poverty. |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Human overpopulation |
Reference: en.Wikiquote entry ► Quotes on the Overpopulation myth |
See also: ► Myths concerning money business and world hunger ► Future trends: Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling ► Transformation: Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling ► Health: Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling |
Siehe auch: ► ⚡ Kritische Zitate über Kampagnen-Journalismus |
Sources and references featuring Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., US American professor of psychology, University of California, Riverside, author ► Article Coauthored by Kennon M. Sheldon, University of Missouri, Columbia, David Schkade, UCSD, Pursuing Happiness: The Architecture of Sustainable Change, PDF, S. 6, presented by the quarterly scientific journal of the American Psychological Association Review of General Psychology, volume 9, no. 2, S. 111-131, 2005 ► Book The How of Happiness. A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want, Penguin Press, 27. December 2007 ► Video presentation The Human Values Of Happiness – WGS 2018, sponsored by World Government Summit, Dubai, UAE, YouTube film, 17:50 minutes duration, posted 7. March 2018 |
See also: ► Happiness research |
Sources: ► ► Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri ► Article Is your marriage making you sick?, presented by the US American website, LaShanna Stephens, 19. April 2019 |
Reference: ► General divorce statistics, presented by |
See also: ► Marriage |
Source: ► Dan Buettner (*1960) US American longevity coach, explorer, journalist for the National Geographic, educator, author, Facebook comment, 26. September 2012 |
References ► 3-part article Relationships in Early Adulthood and ► Relationships in Middle Adulthood and ► Relationships in Older Adulthood, presented by Cliffnotes, undated |
See also: ► Marriage |
The American professor of sociology and political science Lane Kenworthy, Ph.D., East Carolina University (currently University of Arizona) published the results of his international comparative study of cross-cultural poverty assess-
ment in Western nations in 1999.
Kenworthy's team compared fifteen affluent industrialized nations extending welfare benefits. Both absolute and relative measures of poverty rates were applied over the period 1960-1991.
Source: ► Article Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty. A Cross-National Assessment, presented by the quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal of social science Social Forces, volume 77, issue 3, pp. 1119-1139, 1. March 1999 |
See also: ► Sociology ► Income and status gap in 23 of the rich developed countries worldwide – Wilkinson und Pickett ► Dignity outweighs wealth, charity, and markets. |
Beauty (alteration) – United States |
⚑ 32,000 breast augmentation surgeries are happenig in the U.S. every month. |
New "normal" childhood statistics in US America (~2016) |
⚑ 50% (half) of all children have chronic illness or are overweight. |
⚑ 1 in 3 children is overweight. |
⚑ 1 in 6 has learning disabilities. |
⚑ 1 in 9 has asthma. |
⚑ 1 in 10 has ADHD. |
⚑ 1 in 12 has food allergies. |
⚑ 1 in 20 has seizures. |
⚑ 1 in 54 boys has autism. |
⚑ 1 in 88 children has autism. Status March 201247 |
Drugs – United States |
⚑ 70 millions US Americans are on mind-altering drugs [illegal and legal narcotics]. |
⚑ One in five US Americans take prescription psychiatric drugs. |
⚑ 250 million prescriptions for anti-depressants were written in 2010. |
⚑ Prescription drugs are the second most common substances to be abused. |
⚑ 27,000 unintentional drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. |
⚑ 10% of high school pupils are prescribed drugs for ADHD. |
⚑ Anti-depressants have been linked to a series of school shootings. |
Source: ► 70 MILLION Americans are on mind-altering drugs: shock statistic which shows full extent of use of illegal and legal narcotics, presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Mail Online, Tom Gardner, 10./12. February 2014 |
Imprisonment – United States |
⚑ 300,000 US Americans were imprisoned. | Status 2014 |
⚑ 2.3 million US Americans were imprisoned. | Status 2014 |
War deaths ⇔ household deaths in the United States – 1776-2015 |
US death toll in war | Time·period | US death toll in households | Time·period |
⚑ 400,000 Americans died fighting in World War II. | 1941-1945 | ⚑ 400,000 Americans died via household firearms. | 2001-2015 |
⚑ 3,400 Americans died via terrorism. | 2001-2015 | ⚑ 3,200 Americans die via household firearms. | Every 5 weeks in 2015 |
⚑ 1.4 million Americans died in all US wars fought. | 1776-2015 | ⚑ 1.5 million Americans died via household guns. | 1968-2015 |
Source: ► Article More Americans killed by guns since 1968 than in all U.S. wars, columnist Nicholas Kristof writes, presented by PolitiFact, Louis Jacobson, 27. August 2015 |
Mass shootings – United States |
⚑ Ronald Reagan administration –– 11 mass shootings |
⚑ George H. W. Bush Sr administration –– 12 mass shootings |
⚑ Bill Clinton administration –– 23 mass shootings |
⚑ George W. Bush Jr administration –– 16 mass shootings |
⚑ Barack Obama administration –– 162 mass shootings [Status 12/2015]48 |
Changing ethnicity ratios – United States |
⚑ 2012 – 49% of the births in the United States were 'white'. 50+% were the 'other' American minorities. |
⚑ 2014 – Latinos surpassed whites as largest racial/ethnic group in California. |
⚑ 2015 – US Census shows Black women are the most educated group in the United States. |
Rape ratio – United States |
⚑ Almost 25% of the women in US have been raped. |
⚑⚑ 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men are raped annually in the US. |
⚑⚑ 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are assaulted annually. |
Source: ► Statistisc provided by the National Sexual Violence Resource Center |
Sexual assault of children – United States (1990-1998) |
⚑ At least one in ten children are sexually abused. |
⚑ 70% of all reported sexual assaults occur to children. |
⚑ 70% of abusers of children are immediate family members. |
⚑ 44% of rapes occur to children. |
⚑ 15% of child victims are under 12. |
⚑ 29% of child victims are under 17. |
Source: ► Article by Barbara E. Bogorad, PsyD, ABPP, US American licensed psychologist, Yeshiva University, California, founder and former director, Sexual Abuse Recovery Program Unit, South Oaks Hospital, New York, Sexual Abuse. Surviving the Pain, presented by website of The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, 1998 |
PTSD rates – Australia |
⚑ 5-12% (10%) of military personnel, police, ambulance personnel, firefighters and other rescue workers, have experienced PTSD. |
⚑ 40%-55% of sex workers, women fleeing domestic violence, survivors of childhood abuse and Indigenous Australians suffer from PTSD. |
Source: ► Article A soldier and a sex worker walk into a therapist's office. Who's more likely to have PTSD?, presented by the independent, non-profit, academic Australian media outlet The Conversation, 27. March 2017 |
Debts ⇔ costs – United States |
⚑ 45 million US Americans are on food stamps. [2015] Total cost: $77.5 billion |
⚑⚑ The Federal Reserve is missing $9 trillion. [2001]49 |
⚑⚑ The Pentagon has "misplaced" $8.5 trillion. [2015]50 |
⚑⚑⚑ The Pentagon has "misplaced" $6.5 trillion. [2016]51 |
⚑⚑ Corporations are hiding $2.4 trillion in overseas tax havens. [2013]52 Total cost: $19.9 trillion The 200 most politically active companies in the US spent 5.8$ billion influencing the US government. [2010-2015]. The 200 most politically active companies in the US got 4.4$ trillion in taxpayer support – earning a return of 750 times their investment. [2010-2015] |
HUNGER – 2008 |
⚑ 1 billion people in the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition, roughly 100 times as many as those who actually die from starvation per year. |
⚑ About 24,000 people die every day from starvation or hunger-related causes. |
⚑ In 1997 35,000 people starved from hunger, in 1987 41,000 people. Three-fourths of the deaths are children under the age of five. Famine and wars are due for 10% of hunger deaths, the rest by chronic malnutrition. In 1999 31 million (12 million of them children) US Americans were food insecure. |
Wealth ratio |
⚑ The richest 85 people on earth own more wealth than the bottom half of humanity, some 3.5 billion people. [Status 2014] |
Countries without [Rothshield controlled] Central Banks worldwide |
⚑ Cuba |
⚑ North Korea |
⚑ Sudan |
⚑ Libya [serially attacked by US/NATO]53 |
⚑ Iran [fiend of Israel] |
⚑ Venezuela [2002 Rothschild vasal tried to putch Chavez in vain.] |
⚑ Afghanistan [until 2001]54 |
⚑ Iraq [until 2003]55 |
Israel |
⚑ In Israel 50% of the Israelis consider themselves 'irreligious', while ~37% of them are atheists, 17% of them are agnostic and 60% of them believe in a 'Separation Between Church and State'. Nevertheless, the atheistic, agnostic and irreligious citizenry of Israel seem to believe 'GOD' promised them 'The State of Palestine', which they call 'ISRAEL'. What kind of a god is it that promised Palestine to the Chosen People? |
Long-lasting bloody Israeli-Palestian conflict [Status: 29. September 2000 – 25. April 2012] |
Israel | Palestine | ·······Time·period······· |
⚑ 126 Israeli children killed by Palestinians | ⚑ 1,476 Palestinian children killed by Israelis | Oct 2000-May 2012 |
⚑ 1,096 Israelis have been killed. | ⚑ At least 6,568 Palestinians have been killed. | Oct 2000-May 2012 |
⚑ 10,792 Israelis have been injured. | ⚑ 59,575 Palestinians have been injured. | Oct 2000-May 2012 |
⚑ United States provided Israel with at least $8.2 million per day in military aid. | ⚑ United States provided $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. | Fiscal year 2011 |
⚑ 0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians. | ⚑ 5,604 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. | 25. April 2012 |
⚑ The Israeli unemployment rate is 6.4%. | ⚑ The Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 16.5% and 40% in Gaza. | 25. April 2012 |
⚑ Israel had 236 Jewish-only settlements and 'outposts' built on confiscated Palestinian land. | ⚑ Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. | 25. April 2012 |
Source: ► | ||
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine | ||
Note: The United States gives 3 billion $ anually to Israel in military aid. [1973-2003] Israel has cost the United States 1.6 trillion $, more than twice the cost of the Vietnam war. Detroit is over 18 billion $ in debt. [Status 2016] |
Source: ► Article 12 signs America is on the decline, presented by the US American business magazine Fortune, Jill Hamburg Coplan, 20. July 2015 |
References: ► Study by Hershey H. Friedman, department of business management, City University of New York (CUNY), Sarah Hertz, State University of New York (SUNY), Empire State College, Is the United States Still the Best Country in the World? Think Again, 24. June 2015 ► Chart Corruption is threatening economic growth for all, presented by Transparency International, published 2014 |
See also: ► Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires ► Income and status gap in 23 of the rich developed countries worldwide – Wilkinson und Pickett (2011) ► Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation |
225,000 Americans per year have died as a result of their medical treatments. Status 2000 |
75% of medical students are on antidepressants or stimulants or both.56 Status 2017 |
More than 1 million Americans physicians commit suicide each year, which covered up by hospitals, clinics, and medical schools.57 Status 2016 |
America's healthcare-system-induced deaths are the third leading cause of the death in the United States of America, after heart disease and cancer. |
Deaths per year | Due to healtcare errors |
7,000 | Medication errors in hospitals |
12,000 | Unnecessary surgery |
20,000 | Other errors in hospitals |
80,000 | Infections in hospitals |
106,000 | Negative effects of drugs |
Source: ► Deleted summarized article America's Healthcare System is the Third Leading Cause of Death, presented by the deleted publication "Health Care Refom", Kah Ying Choo, excerped from: Barbara Starfield, M.D., Is US health really the best in the world?, presented by the peer-reviewed medical journal The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), S. 483-485, No. 284(4), 26. July 2000 |
See also: ► Medicine and ► Disease |
![]() Leading causes of death in perspective, August 2016 Leading causes of death in perspective (2016)
2014 rank supplier arms exports |
The units in this table are so-called trend indicator values expressed in millions of U.S. dollars at 1990s prices. These values do not represent real financial flows but are a crude instrument to estimate volumes of arms transfers, regardless of the contracted prices, which can be as low as zero in the case of military aid. Ordered by descending 2014 values. The information is from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. |
Rank | Nations | Amount Million US $ |
1 | United States | 10,194 |
2 | Russia | 5,971 |
3 | China | 1,978 |
4 | France | 1,200 |
5 | Germany | 1,110 |
6 | United Kingdom | 1,083 |
7 | Israel | 1,074 |
8 | Spain | 824 |
9 | Italy | 786 |
10 | Ukraine | 664 |
11 | Netherlands | 561 |
12 | Sweden | 394 |
13 | Switzerland | 350 |
14 | Turkey | 274 |
15 | Canada | 234 |
It is estimated that yearly, over 1.5 trillion United States dollars are spent on military expenditures worldwide (2.7% of World GDP). This represents a decline from 1990 when military expenditures made up 4% of world GDP. Part of this goes to the procurement of military hardware and services from the military industry. The combined arms sales of the top 100 largest arms producing companies amounted to an estimated $395 billion in 2012 according to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). In 2004 over $30 billion were spent in the international arms trade (a figure that excludes domestic sales of arms). According to SIPRI, the volume of international transfers of major weapons in 2010-2014 was 16% higher than in 2005-2009. The five biggest exporters in 2010-2014 were the United States, Russia, China, Germany and France. The five biggest importers were India, Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Pakistan. The arms trade has also been one of the sectors impacted by the credit crunch, with total deal value in the market halving from US$32.9 billion to US$14.3 billion in 2008. |
"Time was when weapons were manufactured in order to fight wars. Now wars are manufactured in order to sell weapons." Sydney Peace Prize lecture by Arundhati Roy (*1961) Indian political activist, essayist, novelist, Seymour Theatre Centre, University of Sydney, delivered 3. November 2004, 2004 Arundhati Roy – Sydney Peace Prize Lecture, presented by the Sydney Peace Foundation, 4. November 2004 |
Source: ► Compiled by Tony Sunil Verma, Facebook comment, 24. November 2015 |
A study conducted by the South African Medical Research Council on 1,738 sampled South African men from different race and age backgrounds, from urban and rural areas, revealed the following results [status June 2009]:
Rapists are men who have predominantly been traumatized in childhood by experiencing severe physical violence or sexual abuse, emotional and physical abuse and neglect. Patriarchy and apartheid created a mindset according to which (mostly black) men are NOBODIES, subhuman beings. Their anger and pain thereof is translated into violent behavior or violent tendencies.
Sources: ► Crime Statistics > Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country, presented by NationMaster ► Article SOUTH AFRICA: One in four men rape, presented by the publication IRIN humanitarian news and analysis, 18. June 2009 ► Article Sexual Violence as Male Bonding, presented by the website The Grumpy Sociologist, 20. June 2009 ► Article More than 1,100 rapes daily in DRCongo, study finds, presented by the US American broadcast network NBC News, 11. May 2011 ► Deleted article South Africa Violence Against Women Rate Hightest In The World, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Michelle Faul, 8. March 2013 |
References: en.Wikipedia entries ► Sexual violence in South Africa and ► Rape statistics |
See also: ► Violence and ► Taboo and ► Trauma and ► Taming violent young elephants |
"Statistics on the growing tide of inequality" worldwide
See also: ► Language and ► Negativity |
Source: ► Article WWF: Half the world's wildlife gone over last 40 years, presented by the daily US American newspaper Chicago Tribune, Tom Miles, 30. September 2014 |
See also: ► Animals and ► Nature |
The earth is 4.6 billion years old.
See also: ► Climate and ► Evolution |
Links zum Thema Statistik / StatisticsLiteraturLiterature (engl.)Externe Weblinks
☛ Geschätzt 804.000 Menschen töteten sich im Jahr 2012 selbst. Dunkelziffer deutlich höher.
Die Zahl der Verkehrstoten in der Europäischen Union betrug 54.000 Verkehrstote im Jahr 2001. Im Jahr 2014 sind in der EU insgesamt 25.700 Menschen durch Verkehrsunfälle ums Leben gekommen, 2015 waren es 26.000. 2015 gab es 135.000 Schwerverletzte auf Europas Straßen.
External web links (engl.)
"European marriage pattern in historical perspective", published Population in History: Essays in Historical Demography, 1965
55 countries rated from the viewpoint of more than 27 000 consumers of the general public in the G8. Switzerland #1, Canada #2, Sweden #3, Germany #10, United States of America #22. A Gallup poll found that, out of 68 countries considered, the US was ranked the biggest threat to world peace [Status 2014]
The US accounts for 90% of their women killed by guns in high income countries.
⚡Zionist media control worldwide1,500 newspapers, 1,100 magazines, 9,000 radio stations, 1,500 TV stations, 2,400 publishers owned by six corporations and 272 executives control 90% of what 277 million US Americans see, hear and read. [Status unknown]
In 1983, 90% of American media was owned by 50 companies, in 2011, 90% of American media was owned by 6 companies [GE, News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, CBS].
Largest media conglomerat:
Five major media conglomerates: Time Warner, Disney, News Corporation (Rupert Murdochs), Bertelsmann (Germany), Viacom (formerly CBS)
Audio- und VideolinksAudio and video links (engl.)
Every man, woman, and child in the whole world could have about 1 acre of land to themselves and all that would fit into a land mass the size of North America, with the rest of the world completely unoccupied.
Linkless media offerings |
1 Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, Raising Cain. Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Ballantine, 2000 ⇑
2 P. Orpinas, C. McNicholas, L. Nahapetyan, Gender differences in trajectories of relational aggression perpetration and victimization from middle to high school, presented by the journal Aggressive Behavior, issue 41(5), S. 401-412, 4. August 2015 ⇑
3 Article More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Denis Campbell, 5. September 2010 ⇑
4 Sex differences in crime / Frauenkriminalität ⇑
5 Report Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, presented by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Lawrence A. Greenfeld, US American statistician, 1997 ⇑
6 Article Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope, 3. May 2013 ⇑
7 Publication Who is Homeless?, PDF, presented by the publication of the National Coalition for the Homeless, August 2007 ⇑
8 Article 6 Things I Want You to Understand About Being Homeless in America, presented by National Coalition for the Homeless, 8. July 2014 ⇑
9 Report Differences in patterns of drug use between women and men, PDF, presented by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 20 pages, 2005 ⇑
10 Michael E. Addis, James R. Mahalik, Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association American Psychologist, vol. 58, No. 1, S. 5-18, January 2003 ⇑
11 Zitate von Warren Farrell (Amerikanische Männerbewegung) ⇑
12 Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Berkley Trade, 9. January 2001 ⇑
13 2000 Study by Jeroen Jansz, Masculine identity and restrictive emotionality, cited in: Gender and Emotion. Social Psychological Perspectives, S. 167-186, Cambridge University Press, 9. March 2000 ⇑
14 Article Marriage Linked to Better Survival in Middle Age; Study Highlights Importance of Social Ties During Midlife, presented by the US American news website for topical science articles Science Daily, 10 January, 2013 ⇑
15 Study: Married Couples Live Longer, presented by CBS Local Cleveland, 14. November 2012 ⇑
16 Blog article Men After Divorce: Ego, Self Esteem, and Recovery, presented by the international liberal-left commentary outlet HuffPost, Kyle Morrison, 1. May 2013, updated 1. July 2013 ⇑
17 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017 ⇑
18 52 Females status ~2010 ⇑
19 48 Males status ~2010 ⇑
20 57 Asians ~2010 ⇑
21 21 Europeans ~2010 ⇑
22 8 Africans ~2010 ⇑
23 30 Christians ~2010 ⇑
24 1 College educated, status 2006 ⇑
25 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017 ⇑
26 Men perpetrate over 76% of the violent crime in the US. Worldwide that statistic is likely much higher. ⇑
27 Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson, Raising Cain. Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, Ballantine, 2000 ⇑
28 P. Orpinas, C. McNicholas, L. Nahapetyan, Gender differences in trajectories of relational aggression perpetration and victimization from middle to high school, presented by the journal Aggressive Behavior, issue 41(5), S. 401-412, 4. August 2015 ⇑
29 Article More than 40% of domestic violence victims are male, report reveals, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Denis Campbell, 5. September 2010 ⇑
31 Report Sex Offenses and Offenders: An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault, presented by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Lawrence A. Greenfeld, US American statistician, 1997 ⇑
32 Suicide Statistics, presented by the US American, status 1950-2013 ⇑
33 Article Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope, 3. May 2013 ⇑
34 Publication Whois Homeless?, PDF, presented by the National Coalition for the Homeless, August 2007 ⇑
35 Article 6 Things I Want You to Understand About Being Homeless in America, presented by National Coalition for the Homeless, 8. July 2014 ⇑
36 Report Differences in patterns of drug use between women and men, PDF, presented by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 20 pages, 2005 ⇑
37 Removed study by Michael E. Addis, James R. Mahalik, Men, masculinity, and the contexts of help seeking, presented by the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Psychological Association American Psychologist, vol. 58, No. 1, S. 5-18, January 2003 ⇑
38 Quotes by Warren Farrell – Men's movement and gender transition ⇑
39 Warren Farrell (*1943) US American political scientist, author, spokesman of men's liberation, men's rights activist, former director of the National Organisation for Women, speaker, author, The Myth of Male Power, Berkley Trade, 9. January 2001 ⇑
40 2000 Study by Jeroen Jansz, Masculine identity and restrictive emotionality, cited in: Gender and Emotion. Social Psychological Perspectives, S. 167-186, Cambridge University Press, 9. March 2000 ⇑
41 Article Marriage Linked to Better Survival in Middle Age; Study Highlights Importance of Social Ties During Midlife, presented by the US American news website for topical science articles Science Daily, 10 January, 2013 ⇑
42 'Study: Married Couples Live Longer'', presented by CBS Local Cleveland, 14. November 2012 ⇑
43 Blog article Men After Divorce: Ego, Self Esteem, and Recovery, presented by the international liberal-left commentary outlet HuffPost, Kyle Morrison, 1. May 2013, updated 1. July 2013 ⇑
44 Article Why Most Divorces Are Initiated By Women, presented by the publication liveabout, Cathy Meyer, 11. May 2016, updated 14. July 2017 ⇑
45 Rule of Three: 100% = 7.700 million (now both sides : 7.700)
0,13% = 1 million (now both sides * 500)
6.5% = 500 million (Result: ~93.5 % of the world's population are to be "culled".)
Video tour by author Raymond Wiley, The Georgia Guidestones: America's Most Mysterious Monument, YouTube film, 13:50 minutes duration, posted 9. February 2011
Article Georgia Guidestones. Who is it that wants to kill off 90% of human population?, presented by the publication exposingsatanism, Leo Hohmann, Jon Watkins, 9. January 2017
Audio podcast interview with [[|Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, Jay Weidner & Greg Carlwood Discuss the 2014 Cube Added to the Georgia Guidestones, presented by the interview-based podcast HighersideChats, host Greg Carlwood, YouTube film, 12:12 minutes duration, posted 11. October 2014 ⇑
46 Anatomy of Love. A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray, Ballantine Books, 3. January 1994 ⇑
47 Article CDC Revises Estimate of Autism Prevalence: 1 in 88, presented by Autism Speaks, March 2012 ⇑
48, 2. December 2015 ⇑
49 Video debate 9 Trillion or 9,000,000,000,000 Missing from FEDERAL RESERVE, YouTube film, 6:07 minutes duration, posted 21. September 2013 ⇑
50 Article With $8.5 Trillion Unaccounted for, Why Should Congress Increase the Defense Budget?, presented by the digital news, news analysis and opinion publication The Fiscal Times (TFT), Jacqueline Leo, Brianna Ehley, 19. March 2015 ⇑
51 Article Audit Reveals The Pentagon Doesn't Know Where $6.5 Trillion Dollars Has Gone, presented by the publication Activist Post, Jay Syrmopoulos, 8. August 2016 ⇑
52 Article U.S. Companies Are Stashing $2.1 Trillion Overseas to Avoid Taxes, presented by the publication Bloomberg, Richard Rubin, posted 4. March 2015 ⇑
53 Moammar Gaddafi (†2014) provided to Libyian citizens free healthcare, free electricity, did not charge interest on loans. Newly weds received $50k to find a home. Mothers receive $5,000 after the birth of each of their babies. Gaddafi was determined to rebuild Africa. ⇑
54 Article Central Banks are the Real Target for West’s Imperial Wars, presented by the publication Activist Post, Brandon Turbeville, 4. September 2012 ⇑
56 Report by Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, 4. September 2017 ⇑
57 Pamela Wible, M.D., US American family physician, Physician Suicide Letters Answered, Pamela Wible, M.D., 1st edition 11. January 2016 ⇑
58 Article Just 8 men own same wealth as half the world, 16. January 2017 ⇑
59 Die acht Reichsten der Welt kommen demnach auf Besitztümer im Gesamtwert von 426 Milliarden Dollar, während die ärmere Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung, 3,6 Milliarden Menschen, gemeinsam lediglich 409 Milliarden Dollar hat. Quelle: Artikel Acht Superreiche besitzen angeblich so viel wie die halbe Menschheit, präsentiert von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin Der Spiegel, Nicolai Kwasniewski, 16. Januar 2017 ⇑
60 Article These 8 Men Have As Much Money As Half The World, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Emily Peck,
15. January 2017, updated 16. January 2017 ⇑