Links zum Thema Nahtodforschung und Sterben / Neardeath experience and dying
Netzwerke, Vereine, Foren
- Netzwerk Nahtoderfahrung, German Friends of IANDS, gegründet 2004 Link gelöscht
- Karl May, Gesammelte Werke, Band 25, Am Jenseits, Karl-May-Verlag, veränderte Auflage 1951
- Michael Sabom (*1954) US-amerikanischer Kardiologe, christlicher Nahtodforscher, Erinnerung an den Tod. Eine medizinische Untersuchung, 1982, Goldmann, München, Neuauflage September 1989
- Prof. Dr. med. Raymond A. Moody (*1944) US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Parapsychologe, Philosoph, Nahtodforscher, Erfolgs-
autor, Leben nach dem Tod. Die Erforschung einer unerklärlichen Erfahrung, Rowohlt Taschenbuch, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1989, 1993, 12. erweiterte Neuauflage 1. November 2001
- Dr. med. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004) Schweizer US-amerikanische Psychiaterin, Ärztin, Sterbe- und Nahtodforscherin, Autorin, Über den Tod und das Leben danach, Silberschnur, 10. Auflage 1989, Güllesheim, 2002
- Calvert Roszell Ph.D., Erlebnisse an der Todesschwelle, Freies Geistesleben, Stuttgart, 1993
- Ian Currie (1936-1992) kanadischer Soziologe, Niemand stirbt für alle Zeit, München, 1993; Orbis, 2000
- Prof. Dr. med. Raymond A. Moody (*1944) US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Parapsychologe, Philosoph, Nahtodforscher, Erfolgs-
autor, Das Licht von drüben. Neue Fragen und Antworten, rororo, Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1994, 6. Auflage 1. Dezember 2004
- Melvin Morse, Autor, Paul Perry, Mitautor, Zum Licht. Was wir von Kindern lernen können, die dem Tod nahe waren, Wilhelm Goldmann Verlag, München, 1994
- Evelyn Elsässer (*1954) Schweizer Sterbeforscherin, Autorin, Erfahrungen an der Schwelle des Todes. Wissenschaftler äußern sich zur Nahtodeserfahrung, Ariston Verlag, Genf, 1995, 2. Auflage Dezember 1998
- Dr. Kenneth Ring (*1936) US-amerikanischer Professor emeritus für Psychologie, Universität von Connecticut, Sterbe- und Nahtodforscher, Mitgründer von International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Evelyn Elsässer (*1954) Schweizer Sterbeforscherin, Autorin, Im Angesicht des Lichts, Ariston-Verlag, Kreuzlingen / München, 1999
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Günter Ewald (1929-2015) deutscher Mathematiker, Philosoph, An der Schwelle zum Jenseits, Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag, Mainz, 2001
- Dr. med. Michael Schröter-Kunhardt (*1956) deutscher Facharzt für Psychiatrie, Leiter der deutschen Sektion der "International Association for Near-Death Studies" (IANDS), Nahtodforschung DeutschlandReligiöse Erfahrungen und die Psycho(patho)logie der Religionen, Zusammenfassung von
NTE-Studien, Universität Heidelberg, LIT Verlag, Münster, 2002
- Prof. Walter van Laack (*1957) deutscher Facharzt für Orthopädie, Nahtoderfahrungsforscher, Wer stirbt, ist nicht tot!, Van Laack, Erstauflage April 2003
- Dr. Barbara Rommer, US-amerikanische Innere Medizinerin, Der verkleidete Segen. Erschreckende Nah-Todeserfahrungen und ihre Verwandlung, Santiago Verlag, 2004
- Franjo Terhart (1954-2020) deutscher Philosoph, Journalist, Schriftsteller, Jenseitswelten. Leben nach dem Tod, Parragon Books, 2006
- Markolf H. Niemz, deutscher Professor für Biophysik, Romanautor, Lucy mit c, Mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit ins Jenseits. Leben nach dem Tod. Neue wissenschaftliche Indizien, Books on Demand, 3. aktualisierte Neuauflage 2006
- Bill Guggenheim, US-amerikanischer Trauerberater, Workshopleiter, Judy Guggenheim (Exehefrau), Trost aus dem Jenseits. Unerwartete Begegnungen mit Verstorbenen, Scherz Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 17. Auflage Juni 2006
- Dr. Pim van Lommel (*1943) niederländischer Arzt, Kardiologe, Nahtodforscher, Leiter einer prospektiven Nahtodstudie, Refe-
rent, Autor, Endloses Bewusstsein. Neue medizinische Fakten zur Nahtoderfahrung, Patmos Verlag, 15. September 2009, 6. Auflage, 22. Februar 2011
- George Ritchie (1923-2007) US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Autor, Elizabeth Sherrill, Mitautorin, Rückkehr von morgen, Francke-Buch, 39. Auflage 1. Januar 2010
- Dr. med. Jeffrey Long, US-amerikanischer Arzt, Nahtodforscher, Autor, Paul Perry, Mitautor, Beweise für ein Leben nach dem Tod. Die umfassende Dokumentation von Nahtoderfahrungen aus der ganzen Welt, Goldmann Taschenbuch, 14. Juni 2010
- Stefan von Jankovich (1920-2002) ungarisch-schweizerischer Architekt, Künstler, Autor, Ich war klinisch tot. Der Tod – mein schönstes Erlebnis, Drei Eichen Verlag, 9. veränderte Auflage 1. Januar 2011
- Dr. med. Eben Alexander III (*1953) US-amerikanischer Neurochirurg, Nahtodüberlebender, Dozent, Autor, Blick in die Ewigkeit. Die faszinierende Nahtoderfahrung eines Neurochirurgen, Ansata, München, 21. Auflage 4. März 2013
- Prof. Dr. Sam Parnia, britischer Kardiologe, Nahtodforscher, Autor, Der Tod muss nicht das Ende sein. Was wir wirklich über Sterben, Nahtoderlebnis und die Rückkehr ins Leben wissen, Heyne Verlag, Taschenbuchauflage 9. März 2015
- Anita Moorjani (*1959) indisch-singapurische Nahtoderlebende, spontan von Krebs im Endstadium geheilt, Rednerin, Autorin, Heilung im Licht. Wie ich durch eine Nahtoderfahrung den Krebs besiegte und neu geboren wurde, Goldmann Verlag, München, 20. Juli 2015
- Josef Johann Atzmüller, Gott ist die Liebe. Ich habe es erfahren, Media Maria, 15. September 2015
- Wolfgang Hermann Moissl, Jenseits und Bewusstsein. Welche Antworten geben uns Religion, Philosophie und Nahtoderfahrung?, Basilides-Verlag, 1. Auflage 26. Oktober 2015
- Dr. med Rajiv Parti (*1957) US-amerikanischer Chefarzt der Anästhesist, Bakersfield Heart Hospital, Kalifornien, Autor, Paul Perry, Mitautor, Erwachen im Licht. Die lebensverändernde Nahtoderfahrung eines Arztes, Ansata, Kindle E-Buch, 27. Juni 2016
- Dr. med Eben Alexander III (*1953) US-amerkanischer Neurochirurg, Nahtodüberlebender, Dozent, Autor, Ptolemy Tompkins, Mitautor, Vermessung der Ewigkeit. 7 fundamentale Erkenntnisse über das Leben nach dem Tod, Heyne Verlag, Taschenbuch, 10. April 2017
- Dr. Joachim Nicolay (*1947) deutscher Psychologe, Philosoph, Theologe, Vorstandsmitglied des deutschen "Netzwerks Nahtoderfahrung", Ein Gehen ins Licht. Nahtoderfahrungen, Butzon & Bercker, 1. Auflage 1. September 2017
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Schmalzried, deutscher Wirtschaftsinformatiker, spezialisiert auf E-Business, Autor, An der Pforte zum Himmel. Was Nahtod-Berichte und die Bibel über die Ewigkeit sagen, Books on Demand (BoD), 9. Oktober 2017
- Dr. med. Jeffrey Long, US-amerikanischer Arzt, Nahtodforscher, Autor, Paul Perry, Mitautor, Neue Beweise für ein Leben nach dem Tod, Goldmann Verlag, München, 18. Dezember 2017
- Anke Evertz, Neun Tage Unendlichkeit. Was mir im Jenseits über das Bewusstsein, die körperliche Existenz und den Sinn des Lebens gezeigt wurde. Eine außergewöhnliche Nahtoderfahrung, Ansata, Erstauflage 1. April 2019
- Astrid Dauster, Walter Meili, Opferkind, Ich habe die Hölle erlebt, weil ich an den Himmel glaubte, SCM Hänssler, 1. Auflage
17. Januar 2020
- Dr. Joachim Nicolay (*1947) deutscher Psychologe, Philosoph, Theologe, Vorstandsmitglied des deutschen "Netzwerks Nahtoderfahrung", hier Herausgeber, Wilfried Kuhn, Herausgeber, Nahtod-Erfahrungen – Neue Wege zu einem tieferen Verständnis, Crotona, 25. November 2020
- Alba Monn, Beweis der Ewigkeit. Wie mein Kind mir das Jenseits zeigte und mein Leben rettete. Eine sehr außergewöhnliche Nahtoderfahrung, Taschenbuch, myMorawa von Dataform Media, 4. August 2021
- Dr. med. Wolfgang Knüll, deutscher Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin i. R., Autor, Nahtoderfahrungen – Blick in eine andere Welt. Aktuelle Antworten der Wissenschaft, Patmos Verlag, 1. Auflage 6. Februar 2023
Das Tibetische Totenbuch
- Monika Hauf (*1959) deutsche Sachbuchautorin, Das Tibetanische Totenbuch. Neu übersetzt und kommentiert von Monika Hauf, Piper, München, 11. Taschenbuchauflage, 1. November 2003
- Stephan Schuhmacher, Übersetzer, Das tibetanische Totenbuch, Arkana, deutsche Erstausgabe 29. September 2008
- Thomas Geist, Übersetzer, Karin Behrendt, Übersetzer, Das tibetische Buch vom Leben und vom Sterben. Ein Schlüssel zum tieferen Verständnis von Leben und Tod, Knaur MensSana, 13. Taschenbuchauflage 10. September 2010
- Dr. Sabine A. Werner, Herausgeberin, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Autor, Der Geist überwindet den Tod. Das tibetische Totenbuch für unsere Zeit, Theseus Verlag, 1. März 2011
Literature (engl.)
- David Wheeler, British author, Journey to the Other Side. Life After Death, Ace Trade, New York, 1. April 1977
- Betty Eadie (*1942) US American author on near-death experiences (NDEs), Curtis Taylor
- Melvin L. Morse, M.D. (*1953) US American pediatrition, Transformed By the Light, Ivy Books, reprint, 29. Dezember 1993
- Dannion Brinkley (*1949) US American quadruple near death experiencer, author, Saved by the Light, HarperTorch, March 1995
- Bill Guggenheim, US American voluntary bereavement councellor, keynote speaker, Judy Guggenheim (former wife), Hello from Heaven. A New Field of Research-After-Death Communication Confirms That Life and Love Are Eternal,, Bantam, 3. March 1997
- Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of medicine and parapsychology, University Tucson, Arizona, biofield researcher, author, Deepak Chopra, M.D. (*1946) Indian US American physician, endocrinologist, Harvard lecturer, public speaker, self-help writer on mind-body medicine, The Afterlife Experiments. Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death, Atria Books, paperback reprint 18. May 2003
- Stephen W. Redding (1947-2019) US American author, [[ |Something More, iUniverse, 20. July 2005
- Sam Parnia, M.D., British associate professor of medicine, Langone Medical Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, director of research into cardiopulmonary resuscitation, leader of the AWARE Study of near-death experiences, author, What Happens When We Die? A Groundbreaking Study into the Nature of Life and Death, Hay House, 30. January 2006
Parnia's studies raise a dilemma regarding the existing scientific view on the relationship between the human consciousness and the brain function.
Parnia and other NDE researchers conclude significantly that "the occurrence of lucid well structured thought processes together with reasoning and memory formation when the brain ceases functioning and the clinical criteria of death are met, suggest that the human mind and consciousness may continue to function at the end of life...!"
- Edward Francis Kelly, Ph.D., US American research professor, department of psychiatric medicine, University of Virginia, Emily Williams Kelly, Ph.D., Adam Crabtree, Ph.D., Alan Gauld (*1932) British psychologist, parapsychologist, author, Michael Grosso, Ph.D. (*1937) US American parapsychologist, psychic, pseudoscience promoter, Bruce Greyson, Ph.D., M.D. (*1946) US American professor of psychiatric medicine, Carlson professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, NDE researcher, University of Virginia, Irreducible Mind. Toward a Psychology for the 21st Century, plus CD with F. W. H. Myers, Human Perso-
nality, classic 2-volume, 1903 and selected contemporary reviews, 800 pages, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1st edition 28. November 2006
Wikipedia entry: Irreducible Mind, 2007
- David L. Oakford, US American neardeather, author, Journey Through The World of Spirit. God, Gaia, and Guardian Angels, Reality Press, 6. July 2007
- Sam Parnia, M.D., British associate professor of medicine, Langone Medical Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, director of research into cardiopulmonary resuscitation, leader of the AWARE Study of near-death experiences, author, What Happens When We Die. A Ground-breaking Study into the Nature of Life and Death, Hay House Publishing, 1st edition
31. January 2008
- Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American neardeather, inventor, author, Journey Through the Light and Back, Gazelle Distribution Trade, September 2009
- Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American neardeather, inventor, author, Hitchhikers Guide To The Other Side. Or What To Do If You Wake Up Dead, Purple Haze Press, 1. September 2009
- Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Paul Perry, journalist, on the largest study on
1.300 NDEs, Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), Evidence of the Afterlife. The Science of Near-Death Experiences, HarperOne, 1st edition 19. January 2010
This book is a New York Times bestseller offering 9 lines of evidence for the afterlife.
- Pim van Lommel, M.D. (*1943) Dutch physician, cardiologist, NDE researcher, educator, author, The Science of the Near-Death Experience. Consciousness Beyond Life, HarperOne, 8. June 2010
- Mary C. Neal, M.D., US American orthopaedic surgeon, neardeather, author, To Heaven and Back. A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again. A True Story, WaterBrook Press, 1st edition 29. May 2012
- Dr. Penny Sartori (*1971) British former ICU nurse, medical researcher in the field of near-death studies, The Wisdom Of Near-Death Experiences. How Understanding NDEs Can Help Us Live More Fully, Watkins Publishing, 18. February 2014
- Titus Rivas, author, Anny Dirven, author, Rudolf H. Smit, author, Robert G. Mays, editor, Janice Miner Holden, editor, The Self Does Not Die. Verified Paranormal Phenomena from Near-Death Experiences, International Association for Near-Death
Studies, 1st edition 6. July 2016
Externe Weblinks
- Wikipedia-Einträge Nahtoderfahrung, Nahtod-Studien
Persönlichkeiten Bruce Greyson (*1946), Bernard Jakoby (*1957) deutscher Sterbeforscher, Nahtodexperte, Literaturwissenschaftler, Autor, Raymond R. Moody, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Dr. Pim van Lommel, Mario Mantese (*1951) Schweizer Nahtodüberlebender; (von Ärzten als "lebendes Wunder" bezeichnet), Kenneth Ring, George G. Ritchie
- Interview mit Dr. Pim van Lommel (*1943) niederländischer Arzt, Kardiologe, Nahtodforscher, Leiter einer prospektiven Nahtodstudie, Referent, Autor, Eine empirisch-medizinische Studie zur Nahtodesforschung fordert zum Umdenken auf – »Eine physiologische Ursache muss ausgeschlossen werden«, präsentiert von der deutschen anthroposophischen Zeitschrift info3, Judith Krischik, 2002
- Interview mit Mario Mantese (*1951) Schweizer Nahtodüberlebender, philosophisch-spiritueller Autor, Meister M – Licht der reinen Liebe, PDF, 13. Dezember 2004, präsentiert von der deutschen Zeitschrift Lichtfokus, München, Heft 9, 14. Februar 2005
- Artikel [Induced After-Death Communication (IADC/EMDR)] Induzierte-Nach-Tod-Kommunikation (INTK) mit Verstorbenen, seit 1995 angewandte grenzüberschreitende Trauer-Therapie des US-amerikanischen klinischen Psychologen Allan Botkin, präsen-
tiert von der deutschen grenzwissenschaftlichen Zeitschrift NEXUS Magazin, Michael E. Tymn, Heft 8, Dezember 2006/Januar 2007
- Übersicht von Kersti Nebelsiek (*1969) deutsche Heilpraktikerin, Bloggerin, Wissenschaftliche Forschungsergebnisse zu Nahtodeserfahrungen, Erstversion Dezember 2007, überarbeitet
Januar 2010
- Büchlein von Christian von Kamp, Nahtoderfahrungen oder Todesnähe-Erlebnisse, Sind Nahtoderfahrungen nichts als Hallu-
zinationen? und Nahtoderfahrungen und Liebe, kostenloses eBooklet "Nahtod-Texte" (PDF), Juli 2009, aktualisiert Januar 2010
- Retrospektive Betrachtung von Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) US-amerikanischer Nahtodüberlebender, Erfinder, Autor, Edith Zeile, Übersetzerin, Durch das Licht, präsentiert von der Webseite Klarer Blick, 16. April 2011
- Artikel Nahtoderfahrungen: "Du hast einen Riss in der Schüssel", präsentiert von der deutschen Tageszeitung Süddeutsche Zeitung, Anton Rainer, 1. November 2018
Linklose Artikel
- Interview mit Dr. med. Michael Schröter-Kunhardt (*1956) deutscher Facharzt für Psychiatrie, Leiter der deutschen Sektion der "International Association for Near-Death Studies" (IANDS), Auf wissenschaftlicher Spurensuche nach dem Jenseits, präsentiert von dem deutschen Onlinemagazin Telepolis des Heise Zeitschriften Verlags, Harald Zaun, 3. September 2003
- Artikel Zum Tod der Sterbeforscherin Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, präsentiert von der Zeitschrift "Wegbegleiter", T. Frey, Nr. 3, 2005
Links zum Thema Nahtod – Quora
Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
External web links (engl.)
- Excerpted main text from the website of Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near-death experiencer, inventor, author, Mellen-Thomas Benedict's Near-Death Experience. Journey Through the Light and Back, PDF, undated
- Article by the Craig R. Lundahl, Ph.D., Western New Mexico University, Prophetic Revelations in Near-Death Experiences,
PDF, presented by the Journal of Near-Death Studies, volume 19, issue 4, summer 2001
- Study by Pim van Lommel, M.D. (*1943) Dutch physician, cardiologist, NDE researcher, author et al., NDE study, presented
by the United Kingdom-based medical magazine The Lancet, 2001
- Article Study into near-death experiences, presented by the British news outlet BBC News, Jane Dreaper, health corres-
pondent, 18. September 2008
- Interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near-death experiencer, inventor, author, Interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict, presented by the web edition of US American Wisdom Magazine, host Edie Weinstein, US American interfaith minister and social worker, 2009
- Articles by J. Isamu Yamamoto, presented by the Christian Research Institute (CRI), 10. June 2009
- Article Near death, explained. New science is shedding light on what really happens during out-of-body experiences – with shocking results, presented by the US American news and opinion website Salon, Mario Beauregard, 21. April 2012
- Article The seven ways to have a near-death experience. Seeing a light and a tunnel may be the popular perception of death,
but as Rachel Nuwer discovers, reports are emerging of many other strange experiences., presented by the news outlet of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC Future, Rachel Nuwer, 3. March 2015
Seven flavors of dying: 1. Fear 2. Seeing animals or plants 3. Bright light 4. Violence and persecution 5. Deja-vu 6. Seeing family 7. Recalling events post-cardiac arrest
Linkless article
- IANDS report Statistical Summary of Near-Death Experience Reports, presented by the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Vince Migliore, May 2007
- Article Docs Change the Way They Think About Death, presented by the US American weekly news magazine Newsweek,
Jerry Adler, 7. May 2007
New scientific results change the mind model of physicians on heart attacks and death as such. [Neue wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse verändern die Denkweise der Ärzte über Herzinfarkte – und den Tod an sich.]
Web links on the topic neardeath research – Quora
Q&A contributions issued by Elfriede Ammann, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora EN
Audio- und Videolinks – Sterben und Nahtoderfahrungen
Fünf Nahtodler berichten über ihre außerkörperlichen Erfahrungen in Todesnähe sowie NTE-Experten, darunter auch der (damals) junge Neurowissenschafter Prof. Dr. Bruce Greyson, der mittlerweile zu den renommiertesten Nahtod-Forschern zählt.
- Sechsteilige paranormale deutsche Fernsehdokumentarfilmserie Dimension PSI, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD, Regisseur Manuel Mitternacht, Erstausstrahlung erfolgte am 17. November 2003, Daily-
motion Filme, zu den Themen Telekinese, Telepathie, Nahtoderfahrungen, Reinkarnation, Exorzismus / Teufelsaustreibungsexzesse und Geister
- Dimension PSI - 2003 – 1v6 – Rätselhafte Kräfte, 42:30 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. März 2014
- Dimension PSI - 2003 – 2v6 – Teufelsaustreibung, 42:19 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 23 Juli 2018
- Dimension PSI - 2003 – 3v6 – Gedankenübertragung, 42:13 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. August 2018
- Dimension PSI - 2003 – 4v6 – Todeserfahrung, 42:36 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 19. August 2018
- Dimension PSI - 2003 – 5v6 – Wiedergeburt, 43:02 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 18. Juli 2017
- Dimension PSI - 2003 – 6v6 – Geister, 42:49 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 27. Februar 2018
- Video Bekenntnis von Dannion Brinkley (*1949) US-amerikanischer Nahtodüberlebender, Hospizbetreuer, Autor, Dannion Brinkley – Nahtoderfahrung, produziert ~2007, YouTube Film, 2:14 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 14. April 2008
- Fernsehdokumentationsserie, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender HR, ausgestrahlt 2006/
2007, YouTube Film
- Fernsehdokumentation und Interview mit Michael von Brück, Religionswissenschaftler, und Paul W. Schönle, Arzt, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender 3Sat, Sendung delta, Gastgeber Gert Scobel (*1959) deutscher Philosoph, Fernsehmoderator, Journalist, Autor, YouTube Film Jenseits des Lebens – Unser Umgang mit dem Tod (3sat delta), YouTube Film, 42:21 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 25. Oktober 2007, eingestellt 22. September 2011
- Fernsehdokumentation und Interview mit Winfried Aicher, Wirtschaftsingenieur, Nahtoderfahrender, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender 3Sat, Sendung delta, Gastgeber Gert Scobel (*1959) deutscher Philosoph, Fernsehmoderator, Journalist, Autor, Sendetermin 25. Oktober 2007, YouTube Film Nahtoderfahrung von Winfried Aicher (3Sat), 4:53 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 24. September 2011
- Exklusiv Fernsehdokumentation, präsentiert von der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk- und Fernsehanstalt des Vereinigten Königreichs British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), YouTube Film, eingestellt 12. September 2008
- Fernsehdokumentationserie, präsentiert von dem deutschen Privatfernsehsender ProSieben, Sendung Galileo Mystery, produziert 2007, letzte Ausstrahlung 26. Oktober 2012
- Fernsehdokumentation, präsentiert von dem deutschsprachigen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender 3Sat, YouTube Film, eingestellt 13. September 2008
- Ein Fuß im Jenseits - Teil 1/6, 8:50 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. September 2009
- Ein Fuß im Jenseits – Teil 2/6, 9:35 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. September 2008
- Ein Fuß im Jenseits – Teil 3/6, 7:44 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. September 2008
- Ein Fuß im Jenseits – Teil 4/6, 9:10 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. September 2008
- Ein Fuß im Jenseits – Teil 5/6, 6:26 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. September 2008
- Ein Fuß im Jenseits – Teil 6/6, 8:26 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. September 2008
- Fernsehdokumentation Nahtoderfahrung von Evert Ter Beek, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD, Das Erste, produziert ~2008, YouTube Film, 6:37 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 23. September 2011
- Video Interview mit Bernard Jakoby (*1957) deutscher Sterbeforscher, Nahtodexperte, Literaturwissenschaftler, Autor, Sterbeforscher Bernard Jakoby beschreibt den Sterbeprozess des Menschen, präsentiert von dem deutschen Internet-Fernsehkanal des Kopp Verlags, Gastgeberin Eva Herman (*1958) deutsche Fernsehmoderatorin, Autorin, YouTube Film,
6:57 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 27. Januar 2011
Stufen des Sterbeprozesses
- Videointerview mit Willem (Pim) van Lommel (*1943) niederländischer Arzt, Kardiologe, Wissenschaftler, Nahtodforscher,
Leiter einer prospektiven Nahtodstudie, Referent, Autor, Nahtod-Forschung eines Kardiologen [The Science of the Near-Death Experience], präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Fernsehsender KMVT15, Sendung Present!, Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills und Cupertino, Gastgeber und Produzent Mel Van Dusen, YouTube Film, 45:07 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 21. Mai 2012
- Videovortrag von Prof. Dr. Godehard Brüntrup (*1957) deutscher Professor für Metaphysik, Philosophie der Sprache und
des Geistes, Jesuit, Hochschule für Philosophie, München (*2003), Philosophisches zur Nahtoderfahrung, veranstaltet von dem Tagungszentrum Hohenheim, Tagung Nahtoderfahrung zwischen Banalisierung und Mystifizierung, PDF, 22.-23. Novem- ber 2014, YouTube Film, 52:26 Minuten Dauer, 25. November 2014
- Videointerview mit Rudolf Passian (1924-2018) Schweizer Parapsychologe, Schriftsteller, Parapsychologie und das Leben nach dem Tod | Rudolf Passian im Gespräch, präsentiert von der deutschen online Plattform Thanatos.TV, Gastgeber Werner Huemer, österreichischer Talkshowmoderator, YouTube Film, 32:04 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 1. Juni 2017
- Videogespräch mit Barbara Hauter, deutsche Koma- und Nahtodüberlebende, Journalistin, Erlebnisse im Koma: "Der Tod hat mir das Leben geschenkt!", präsentiert von der deutschen online Plattform Thanatos.TV, Gastgeber Werner Huemer, österreichischer Journalist, Filmemacher, Talkshowmoderator, Autor, YouTube Film, 26:41 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 5. Dezem-
ber 2018
- Videointerview mit Prof. Dr. Godehard Brüntrup (*1957) deutscher Professor für Metaphysik, Philosophie der Sprache und
des Geistes, Jesuit, Hochschule für Philosophie, München (*2003), Godehard Brüntrup im Gespräch: "Alle bisherigen Erklä- rungsversuche sind spektakulär gescheitert", präsentiert von der deutschen online Plattform Thanatos.TV, Gastgeber Werner Huemer, österreichischer Talkshowmoderator, Autor, YouTube Film, 36:26 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 9. Januar 2019
- Video Fernsehbericht Nahtoderfahrungen, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD WDR, Fernsehmagazin "Quarks", Sendetermin 28. Mai 2019
- Videogespräch mit Peter Fenwick (1935-2024) britischer Neurologe, Neuropsychiater, Pionier in der Epilepsie- und Sterbefor-
schung, Autor, Was beim Sterben wirklich geschieht, präsentiert von der deutschen online Plattform Thanatos.TV, Gastgeber Jens Rohrbeck, YouTube Film, 59:33 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 7. März 2019
- Video Dokumentation Jenseits der fünf Sinne | Erlebnisse, Kontakte und neue Theorien, produziert von dem Mediaservice Werner Huemer, österreichischer Journalist, Filmemacher, Talkshowmoderator, Autor, präsentiert von den online Plattformen Thanatos.TV, YouTube Film, 50:00 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 8. Januar 2020
- Video Reportage und Interview über die Nahtoderfahrung der Amerikanerin Jayne Smith, Nahtoderfahrung und die absolute Liebe, aus der wir Menschen stammen, YouTube Film, 22:54 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 26. November 2022
Während ihrer NTE erlebte Jayne Smith Zustände der absoluten Geborgenheit und Glückseligkeit, das berühmte »Licht«, eine wunderschöne Landschaft, die von innen her leuchtete, spirituelle Wesen, mit denen sie kommunizierte. Sie bekam auch Einblicke in das innerste Wesen des Menschen, in die menschliche Seele.
- Videointerview mit Dr. med. Wolfgang Knüll, deutscher Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin i. R., Autor, Warum Nahtoderfahrungen nicht im Gehirn entstehen, präsentiert von der YouTube-Plattform Einblicke ins Jenseits, Gastgeber Andreas Herejk, YouTube Film, 30:01 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 6. Mai 2023
- Videointerview mit Dr. Pim van Lommel (*1943) niederländischer Arzt, Kardiologe, Nahtodforscher, Leiter einer prospektiven Nahtodstudie, Referent, Autor, "Der Tod ist nur das Ende unseres Körpers, nicht unseres Bewusstseins", präsentiert von der deutschen online Plattform Thanatos.TV, Werner Huemer, österreichischer Talkshowmoderator, Autor, 35:26 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. April 2024
Linklose Medienangebote
- Fernsehdokumentation über Tony Cicoria, Wie ein Blitzschlag einen Menschen verwandelte, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ARD, Das Erste, Programm W wie Wissen, 1. März 2009, YouTube Film, 6:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 2. März 2009
1994 wurde Tony Cicoria vom Blitz getroffen. Der Unfall verwandelte ihn zu einem komponierenden Pianisten.
- Hörfunkpräsentation (Podcast) Von Sterbenden lernen. Sterbebegleitung heute – 40 Jahre nach Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, prä-
sentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender HR, Sendung hr2 Camino, 25:02 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 25. Oktober 2009
- Video Fernsehdokumentationsbericht und Interview mit Prof. Walter van Laack (*1957) deutscher Facharzt für Orthopädie, Nahtoderfahrungsforscher, Aachen, Der Tod ist nicht das Ende, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender ZDF, Sendung "Mittagsmagazin", Andrea Butke, 7:25 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 26. Februar 2010
- Fernsehdokumentation Die Story: Nahtoderfahrung, präsentiert von dem deutschen öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender MDR / ARD, Sendung "exakt", 30:02 Minten Dauer, 23. November 2010
West- und Ostdeutsche erleben den Nahtod unterschiedlich.
Audio links (engl.)
- Audio IONS' Conversation at the Edge lecture series with Michael Murphy (*1930) US American co-founder of the Esalen Institute, California, fellow of the Integral Institute, key figure of the Human Potential Movement, author, Charles T. Tart, Ph.D. (*1937) US American professor of psychology, parapsychologist, consciousness researcher, co-founder of transpersonal psycho-
logy, president of ISSSEEM, author, Life After Death: Assessing the Evidence, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, filmed 14. October 2005, 1:19:08 duration, uploaded 27. August 2008
- Audio interview with Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and al-
chemical traditions, author, Life After Death, presented by the US web radio station Just Energy Radio, host Dr. Rita Louise, US American soul healer, YouTube film, 1:55:05 duration, recorded 11. December 2009, posted 25. January 2012
Video links (engl.)
- BBC Bristol Neardeath Experience and Consciousness documentary, producer Kate Broome, produced 2002, The Day I Died – NDE – Consciousness Documentary, Dailymotion film, 54:35 minutes duration, posted 2013
- Video presentation Near Death Experience – God’s Presence, YouTube film, report of a near-deather, 7:24 minutes duration, IANDS, posted 7. April 2005
- Video presentation Near Death Experience – Meets God, report of a neardeather, YouTube film, 8:59 minutes duration, IANDS, posted 7. April 2005
- Video testimony by George G. Ritchie, Dr George Ritchie NDE – Death Testimony, YouTube film, 6:46 minutes duration,
first posted in 2006, reposted 13. May 2011
At age 20 Ritchie died in an army hospital and returned nine minutes later.
- Audio presentation by Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) Czech US American psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, Scott Eberle, M.D., US American hospice physisian, Death Experiences: Stan Grof and Scott Eberle, sponsored by the Book Passage, Corte Madera, California, recorded by the event video production company, reissued by the educational podcast service Learn out Loud, 1:06:24 duration, recorded 20. May 2007
- Audio interview with Mickey Robinson, author of Falling to Heaven, Falling To Heaven, presented by the podcaster XPMedia Network, host Patricia King, 28:31 minutes duration, aired June 2007, posted 2014
He had a near death experience wherein he experienced heaven and hell.
- Video TV interview with Dr. Patrick Swift, US American psychologist, author of One Mountain, Many Paths, Teachings about life after death from several major religions, presented by the US American TV station Fox, program The O'Reilly Factor, television host Bill O'Reilly (*1949) US American syndicated columnist, political commentator, author, YouTube film, 4:28 minu-
tes duration, posted 28. February 2008
- Video Testimony by Near Death Experiencers Dr. Cheryl and Rev. Edward Salisbury, sponsored by the, YouTube film, posted 5. January 2009
- Video testimonies, sponsored by the Near Death Studies conference, Durham, North Carolina, 3. October 2008, presented by the International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) Afterlife Heaven, YouTube films, posted 7. January 2009
- 3 part video series offering a testimony by Ian McCormack, New Zealand neardeather, A Glimpse of Eternity, presented by the Revelation TV, program "World in Foucs", produced 2008, YouTube film, posted 31. December 2008
A former atheist's near death experience (NDE) followed by a conversion
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 1 of 10, 10:01 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 2 of 10, 10:01 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 3 of 10, 8:56 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 4 of 10, 9:00 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 5 of 10, 9:00 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 6 of 10, 9:00 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 7 of 10, 1:51 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 8 of 10, 10:01 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 9 of 10, 10:01 minutes duration
- NDE. Encounter with God, part 10 of 10, 9:57 minutes duration
- Video presentation by Neel Burton, Ph.D. (*1978) British psychiatrist, philosopher, educator, writer, The anatomy of melancholy – Can depression be good for you?, sponsored by TEDxMaribor, Slovenija, 25. January 2011, YouTube film,
17:47 minutes duration, posted 2. March 2012
The concept of depression as a mental disorder has been unhelpfully overextended to include all manner of human suffering.
- Video interview with Lawrence Poole, US American multiple neardeather, OBE experiencer, multimedia conference teacher, Lessons from 4 Near Death Experiences NDE & Out of Body Experiences OBE, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, 41:50 minutes duration, posted 15. August 2011
- Video interview with Anita Moorjani (*1959) Indian-Singaporian neardeather, spontaneously healed from terminal cancer, speaker, author, Near Death Experience clears in 4 days, grade 4B lymphoma cancer, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film,
46:40 minutes duration, posted 16. August 2011
- Video TV presentation / interviews by Jan Holden, Ph.D., US American associate professor of counseling and higher education, University of North Texas, licensed certified mental health professional, Near Death Experiences, presented by EpicTV, YouTube film, posted by EPICVOYAGERS 4. March 2012
- IANDS meeting, location Community Room, Public Library, Needham Boston, Maine, 9. June 2012
- Video interview with Hamish Miller, US American dowser, metal sculptor, broadcaster, NDE Hamish Miller: Near Death Experience, YouTube film, 6:12 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2012
- Video presentation by Anita Moorjani (*1959) Indian-Singaporian neardeather, spontaneously healed from terminal cancer, speaker, author, Anita Moorjani in Sedona, sponsored by the NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE) and The Mustard Seed Venture, Sedona Creative Life Center, Sedona, Arizona, 23. March 2013, filmed by Sedona Videos, Bruce Fraser, YouTube film,
1:35:37 duration, posted 1. April 2013
- Video presentation by Gary Habermas, American evangelical Christian apologist, philosopher, theologian, and other experts, panel discussion, Dr. Gary Habermas – Near Death Experiences, sponsored by Tactical Faith, Southeastern Bible College, YouTube film, 57:53 minutes duration, posted 3. February 2016
- Video interview with Lisa Smartt, US American linguist, researcher, author, Words at the Threshold of Life with Lisa Smartt, Author, presented by Regina Meredith, YouTube film, 48:15 minutes duration, posted 21. April 2018
- Video offering A collection of near death experience accounts NDE, presented by the YouTube channel Brian Garrett,
YouTube film, 53:40 minutes duration, posted 22. July 2021
Linkless media offering
- Video panel discussion with Drs. Sartori, Pim van Lommel, Raymond A. Moody (*1944) US American psychiatrist, para-
psychologist, philosopher, neardeath researcher, bestselling author, Brian L. Weiss, M.D. (*1944) US American psychiatrist, reincarnation researcher, author, Final Passages: Research on Near Death and the Experience of Dying, presented at the conference "2012 Bioethics Forum", sponsored by the BTC Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, host Steve Paulson, 1:00:43 duration, filmed and aired 26. April 2012
Audio and video links (engl.) – After-death communication (ADC)
About 50-100 million Americans (20-40% of the population of the United States) have had one or more ADC experiences. That is why after-death communications provide convincing evidence for life after death.
Within seven years of ADC research he and his former wife interviewed 2,000 people with ages ranging from 8-92 and collected more than 3,300 first-hand ADC accounts.
Audio and video links (engl.) – Eben Alexander
- Video interview with Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, Neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander’s Near-Death Experience Defies Medical Model of Consciousness, episode #154, presented by the US American web radio station Skeptiko Science at the tipping point, founder and host Alex Tsakiris,
52:00 minutes duration, posted 22. November 2011
- Audio interview with Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, We are more than the physical body, part of The Monroe Institute Series, MP3, presented by the US American web
radio station Empower Radio, program Conscious Living, host Wendy Garrett, 60 minutes duration, aired 30. May 2012
- Video presentation Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, You Can Get There ... From Here, presented at the 23rd Professional Seminar 2012, sponsored by The Monroe Institute, 45:12 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2012
- Audio interview with Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, 190. Dr. Eben Alexander on the Medical Mystery of Near-Death Experience, episode #190, transcript and MP3, presented by the US American web radio station Skeptiko Science at the tipping point, founder and host Alex Tsakiris,
56:28 minutes duration, posted 23. October 2012
- Audio interview with Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, MP3, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), host Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D. (*1957) US American medical anthropologist, senior research scientist, Research Institute of California Pacific Medical Center, co-founder of the Integral Health Network, president and CEO of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) (2009-2012), writer on consciousness, healing, and consciousness-based healthcare, ~30 minutes duration, December 2012
Linkless media offering
- Video interview with Eben Alexander III, M.D. (*1953) US American neuroscientist, neurosurgeon, near death experiencer, author, Final Passages: Research on Near Death and the Experience of Dying, sponsored by the conference 2012 Bioethics Forum, BTC Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, presented by the US American radio station Wisconsin Public Radio, host and executive producer Steve Paulson, 49:37 minutes duration, filmed and aired 26. April 2012
Audio and video links (engl.) – P.M.H. Atwater and Dannion Brinkley
- Audio Interviews with P. M. H. Atwater (*1937) US American researcher on life and death issues, New Thought spirituality, writer, 15. November 2003 and Dannion Brinkley (*1949) US American quadruple near death experiencer, teacher, caretaker of the non profit volunteer hospice organisation The Twilight Brigade, author, 28. Juni 2003, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, archived audio interviews, MP3 Realplayer, minutes 20:00, 32:00, 42:00, 2003
- Video interview with Dannion Brinkley (*1949) US American quadruple near death experiencer, teacher, caretaker of the non profit volunteer hospice organisation The Twilight Brigade, author, Dannion Brinkley on The Afterlife – Lightning actually does strike twice, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 39:02 minutes duration, posted August 2005 Subject to fee
- TV interview with P. M. H. Atwater (*1937) US American researcher on life and death issues, New Thought spirituality, writer, Near-Death Experiences of Children, presented by the US American TV station KMVT15, Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Cupertino, California, program Present!, host and producer Mel Van Dusen, YouTube film, 27:50 minutes duration, posted 14. January 2007
- Video interview with Dannion Brinkley (*1949) US American quadruple near death experiencer, teacher, caretaker of the non profit volunteer hospice organisation The Twilight Brigade, author, Dannion Brinkley on the Making the Transition, location "Science and Conciousness Conference", 2007, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 35:09 minutes duration, posted May 2008 Subject to fee
Future prospects as seen during Brinkley's NDEs
Audio and video links (engl.) – Mellen-Thomas Benedict
- Audio interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near-death experiencer, Mellen-Thomas Benedict, presented by BBS Radio Otherware,, host Liz Millar, 2. June 2007
- Audio interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near-death experiencer, inventor, author, Near deather Mellen-Thomas Benedict, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, aired 10. August 2007
F.o.C. registering necessary for listeners!; downloadable on Realplayer
- Audio interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near death experiencer, Messages From The Light, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host, aired 2. April 2009, YouTube film, posted 17. November 2009
- Messages From The Light, part 1 of 12, 10:02 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 2 of 12, 9:48 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 3 of 12, 10:01 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 4 of 12, 8:51 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 5 of 12, 10:00 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 6 of 12, 10:00 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 7 of 12, 9:52 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 8 of 12, 10:01 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 9 of 12, 9:48 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 10 of 12, 10:00 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 11 of 12, 9:55 minutes duration
- Messages From The Light, part 12 of 12, 7:30 minutes duration
- Audio interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near-death experiencer, inventor, author, Mellen Thomas Benedict Interview (2010 audio), presented by the US American The Joyce Keller Show, WGBB AM 1240, Long Island, New York, host Joyce Keller, US American television and radio host, psychic medium, author, YouTube film, 40:39 minutes duration, aired 2010, posted 8. April 2017
Linkless media offerings
- Audio interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near death experiencer, Near Death Experience, presented by the radio station "I Dare You", host Angela Treat Lyon, sponsored by the Coach Institute, Terri Levine, 15:28 minutes duration, aired 24. January 2008
- Audio interview (LNL Show) with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near death experiencer, Life Beyond Death, presented by the podcast show "Loven Life Tools", host Helena Shama, 62:10 minutes duration, aired 19. June 2010
- Audio interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most researched US American near death experiencer, Journey Through the Light and Back, presented by the US American "The Art Of Living Well Radio", hosts Charlotte McGinnis and Lindsay Babich, 58:38 minutes duration, aired 9. July 2010
Audio and video links (engl.) – Betty Eadie
- TV video interview with Betty Eadie (*1942) US American author on near-death experiences (NDEs), presented by the
US American broadcast network NBC News, series The Other Side, YouTube film, posted 16. February 2010
Linkless media offerings
- Audio interview with Betty Eadie (*1942) US American author on near-death experiences (NDEs), near-death experiencer
after an operation at age 31, Embraced By The Light, presented by the US American radio show "Women Speak Out", host Ljuba Halevi, aired 16. August 2000
Audio and video links (engl.) – Bruce Greyson
- Video panel discussion (excerpt) by Bruce Greyson, Ph.D., M.D. (*1946) US American professor of psychiatric medicine, Carlson professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, NDE researcher, University of Virginia, Consciousness Without Brain Activity: Near Death Experiences, sponsored by The United Nations conference "Beyond the Mind-Body Problem: New Paradigms in the Science of Consciousness", New York City, 11. September 2008, presented by The Nour Foundation, 2011, YouTube film, 15:45 minutes duration, posted 26. June 2011
Linkless offerings
- Video keynote presentation by Bruce Greyson, Ph.D., M.D. (*1946) US American professor of psychiatric medicine, Carlson professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, NDE researcher, University of Virginia, Near Death Experience, sponsored by the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Durham Conference, Durham, North Carolina, 3.-4. October 2008, 1:01:40 duration, posted via Google 6. October 2008
Background information of NDE research
"Near death experiences, we know, change people."
- Video teleseminar interview with Bruce Greyson, Ph.D., M.D. (*1946) US American professor of psychiatric medicine, Carlson professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences, NDE researcher, University of Virginia, Near Death Experience, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), "Essentials of Noetic Sciences" Teleseminar Series, host Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952) US American researcher of parapsychology, 42:31 minutes duration, posted 13. October 2010
Audio and video links (engl.) – Pim van Lommel
- Video interview with Pim van Lommel, M.D. (*1943) Dutch physician, cardiologist, NDE researcher, educator, author, The Science of the Near-Death Experience, presented by the US American TV station KMVT15, Mountain View, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, and Cupertino, California, program Present!, host and producer Mel Van Dusen, YouTube film, posted 28. October 2010
At age 20 Ritchie died in an army hospital and returned nine minutes later.Research into the near-death experience and it's implications for a radically new paradigm for living in the 21st century
- Video interview with Pim van Lommel, M.D. (*1943) Dutch physician, cardiologist, NDE researcher, educator, author, Pim Van Lommel 'Consciousness and The Near Death Experience, presented by the British Conscious.TV, host Iain McNay, YouTube film, 55:03 minutes duration, posted 23. May 2013'
Audio and video links (engl.) – Jeffrey Long
- Audio interview with Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), After the Healing – NDE phenomenon, presented by the Canadian web radio station News for the Soul, Vancouver, host Nicole Whitney, aired
17. May 2008
- Audio interview with Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Near Death Experience Researcher, presented by the US American "Law of Attraction Talk Radio", host Jewels Johnson, YouTube film, 10:59 minutes duration, posted 28. July 2008
- Video interview with Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Afterlife Preview, presented by Paul Perry Productions, host and co-author Paul Perry, 14. October 2009, YouTube film, 4:18 minutes duration, posted 24. January 2010
Largest long-term study on 1.300 (1.600) NDEs
- Television interview with Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Bill O Reilly interviews Dr Jeffrey Long on the Afterlife, presented by the US American basic cable and satellite news television channel
⚡ Fox News, host Bill O'Reilly, produced ~February 2010, YouTube film, 5:09 minutes duration, posted 22. August 2011
- Audio debate with Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), 99. Dr. Jeffrey Long Takes On Critics of, Evidence of the Afterlife, presented by the US American web radio station Skeptiko Science at the tipping point, founder and host Alex Tsakiris, 43:03 minutes duration, aired 25. March 2010
See the 10-year-long NDE research and book Evidence of the Afterlife. The Science of Near-Death Experiences, HarperOne, 1st edition 19. January 2010
- Audio presentation by Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Evidence of the Afterlife: Jeffrey Long, produced ~2010, YouTube film, 43:18 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2022
- Video interview with Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Evidence of the afterlife?, presented by the webTV Juicy Living Tour, founder and host Lilou Macé (*1977) French-American video blogger (*2005), speaker, author, YouTube film, 30:14 minutes duration, posted 15. September 2012
Audio and video links (engl.) – Raymond Moody and Kenneth Ring
- Video interview with Kenneth Ring, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor emeritus of psychology, University of Connecticut, near-death and dying researcher, co-founder of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Jeffrey Mishlove Interviews NDE Researcher Kenneth Ring, presented by the weekly public television series Thinking Allowed (PBS) (1988-2002), host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, recorded ~early 1990ies, YouTube film, 43:00 minutes duration, posted 5. November 2016, YouTube film, 43:00 minutes duration, posted 5. November 2016
- Video presentation by Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D. (*1944) US American psychiatrist, parapsychologist, philosopher, neardeath researcher, bestselling author, On Matters of Life and Death, part 1 of 4, YouTube film, 9:01 minutes duration, posted 28. October 2009
- Video interviews with Kenneth_Ring, Ph.D. (*1936) US American professor emeritus of psychology, University of Connecticut, near-death and dying researcher, co-founder of the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), presented by KCBS Radio in San Francisco, producer Joan Margalith, YouTube film, posted 14. November 2013
- Video presentation by Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D. (*1944) US American psychiatrist, parapsychologist, philosopher, neardeath researcher, bestselling author, I'm Convinced Consciousness Survives, YouTube film, 1:14:14 duration, posted by
Lisa Smartt 1. November 2018
Introduction to The University of Heaven; overview of why after 50 years of skeptical inquiry, Moody is convinced that consciousness survives.
Linkless media offering
- Audio interview and Q&A with Jeffrey Long, M.D., US American radiation oncologist, director of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF), board member of International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), Near Death Experiences and the Afterlife, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host, aired December 2008
- Video presentation by Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D. (*1944) US American psychiatrist, parapsychologist, philosopher, neardeath researcher, bestselling author, Shared Death Experiences: An Analysis of the Characteristics and Implications, pre-
sented at the conference "2012 Bioethics Forum", sponsored by the BTC Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, host Steve Paulson, 1:09:06 minutes duration, filmed and aired 26. April 2012
Audio and video links (engl.) – Sam Parnia
- Audio interview with Sam Parnia, M.D., British associate professor of medicine, Langone Medical Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, director of research into cardiopulmonary resuscitation, leader of the AWARE Study of near-death experiences, author of What Happens When We Die. A Groundbreaking Study into the Nature of Life and Death, 2006, What happens to us when we die?, presented by the British radio station owned and operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) BBC Radio 4, program "Today", 4:25 minutes duration, 18. September 2008
- Video keynote lecture by Sam Parnia, M.D., British associate professor of medicine, Langone Medical Center, State University
of New York, Stony Brook, director of research into cardiopulmonary resuscitation, leader of the AWARE Study of near-death experiences, author, Unraveling the Mystery of the Self: From Descartes to The Human Consciousness Project, presented at the United Nations and Nour Foundation symposium "Beyond the Mind-Body Problem: New Paradigms in the Science of Cons- ciousness", 11. September 2008, YouTube film, 5:02 minutes duration, posted 13. December 2008
- Video TV interview with Sam Parnia, M.D., British associate professor of medicine, Langone Medical Center, State University
of New York, Stony Brook, director of research into cardiopulmonary resuscitation, leader of the AWARE Study of near-death experiences, author, Sam Parnia on MSNBC, presented by the US American commercial broadcast television network NBC, YouTube film, 5:38 minutes duration, posted 28. September 2009
Audio and video links (engl.) – Gary Schwartz
- Video interview with Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of medicine and parapsychology, University of Tucson, Arizona, biofield researcher, author of The AfterLife Experiments (2002), Gary Schwartz on The After Life, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 42:40 minutes duration, posted October
2005 Subject to fee
- TV documentary and interview with Gary E. Schwartz, Ph.D. (*1944) US American professor of medicine and parapsychology, University of Tucson, Arizona, biofield researcher, author, One Step Beyond. Life After Death, presented by the US American multinational pay television network Discovery Channel, YouTube film, 2:48 minutes duration, posted by Discovery Networks
29. October 2008