
Wiki / Transparenz








Ich klage an!

J’accuse! – Ich klage an!
ist seit dem 13. Januar 1898 die klassische Eröffnung eines offenen Briefes. Emile Zola erreichte mit seinem offenen Anklagebrief an den französischen Präsidenten die Wiederaufnahme eines Verfahrens gegen einen ungerechtfertigt Verurteilten.


"Meine Pflicht ist es zu sprechen; ich will nicht Komplize sein. Meine Nächte würden heim-
gesucht werden vom Geist des unschuldig Verurteilten, der dort drüben die schlimmsten Folterqualen erleidet für ein Verbrechen, das er nicht begangen hat."
Émile Zola (1840-1902) französischer Maler, Journalist, Schriftsteller, J’accuse…!, offener Brief an Félix Faure, damaliger Präsidenten der Französischen Republik, veröffentlicht in der Tageszeitung L'Aurore, 13. Januar 1898


Siehe auch: ► Whistleblower

Zitate zum Thema Transparenz / Transparency

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Persönliche Bekenntnisse


Einsicht und Geständnis eines Multimilliardärs:

Von 1980 bis 2000 waren die Steuern für Superreiche in den Vereinigten Staaten weit höher, und es wurden 40 Millionen Jobs geschaffen.
Warrens Steuertransparenz: Er führte 2010 nur 6,9 Millionen Euro, 17,4% seines zu versteuernden Einkommens, an Steuern ab, während seine Angestellten durchschnittlich 36% Steuern zahlten.

  • Meine Freunde und ich sind lange genug vom Kongress ver-
    hätschelt worden. Während die Armen und die Mittelklasse
    für uns in Afghanistan kämpfen und viele Amerikaner sich
    mühen, um über die Runden zu kommen, bekommen wir
    Superreichen [in den Vereinigten Staaten] weiter unsere
Sie wissen, was danach geschah: niedrigere Steuersätze und weit weniger neue Arbeitsplätze.
Warren Buffett (*1930) US-amerikanischer Großinvestor, Wall Street-Investor, Unternehmer, drittreichster Multimilliardär der Welt, Philanthrop, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Tageszeitung New York Times, 15. August 2011



  • Wir müssen die Heiligkeit des einzelnen 'Ichs' bewahren und eine Gemeinschaft bilden, in der sich die individuellen 'Ichs' radikal verändern können und den Durchbruch schaffen zu einer kritischen und zeitgenössischen Spiritualität. Interview mit Roland Benedikter (*1965) Südtiroler europäischer Stiftungsprofessor für Soziologie, Politikwissenschaftler, Autor zu Themen der Kulturanalyse und Gesellschaftsentwicklung, Spirituell aber nicht religiös. Jenseits der postmodernen Spiritualität, prä-
    sentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin des aufgelösten Magazins WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 19, ~2005/2006


  • In einem sehr realen Sinne ist alles Leben verbunden. Alle Menschen gehören unvermeidlich einem Netzwerk an, dessen Elemente allesamt zueinander in einer Wechselbeziehung stehen und in einem einzigen Gewand des Schicksals verknüpft sind. Was auch immer einen bestimmten Menschen direkt betrifft, betrifft alle seine Mitmenschen indirekt. Ich kann niemals das sein, was ich sein sollte, bis du das bist, was du sein solltest, und du kannst niemals das sein, was du sein solltest, bis ich bin, was ich sein sollte. Das
    ist das Charakteristikum der Realität. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US-amerikanischer Baptistenpastor, Bürgerrechtler der 60er Jahre, zitiert in: Artikel Grundlegendes. Einblicke zu dem Film "Jonathan", präsentiert von der deutschen Wochenzeitung der Freitag, 5. Oktober 2016


  • Es gibt nichts, was durchgängig bewiesen werden kann, sondern alles mündet am Ende in unmittelbare Erfahrung, die ich durch Identifizierung schlicht außerhalb allem Dualismus als wahr erlebe. Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr (1929-2014) deutscher Quantenphysiker für Elementarteilchenphysik und Gravitation, Universität München, "passionierter Grenzgänger", ehema-
    liger Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, alternativer Nobelpreisträger, Autor, veran-
    staltet von dem 2. Wiener Kulturkongress "Auf der Suche nach dem verlorenen Gott – Zukunft von Religion und Glauben in einer
    säkularisierten Welt. Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnis und Wirklichkeitserfahrung", Wien, 28.-30. November 1996



Abstraktes Informationsgeld überführt das Verknappungssystem in ein Konsens- und Kooperationssystem.

  • Konjunkturzyklen sind […] Rückkoppelungseffekte, welche durch die Verkettung des Produktions- und des Verteilungsproblems entstehen. Wären Produktion und Verteilung streng voneinander getrennt, würden also nach ganz verschiede-
    nen Regeln erfolgen, wären Konjunkturzyklen gar nicht mehr möglich.
    Es entspringt aber einem primitiven Gerechtigkeitsdenken der einfachen Bevölke-
    rung, zu fordern, "wer nicht arbeitet soll auch nicht essen" – auf diese archaische Sichtweise ist dieser Fehler zurückzuführen.
    [E]in zweites Problem ist die Konkurrenz zwischen den Unternehmen. Systemisch ist sie nur darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Banken in der Geldschöpfung eben kein Geld für Zinsen erzeugen, d.h. die Unternehmer der Realwirtschaft müssen ihren Geschäftspartnern (Kunden, Lieferanten, Mitarbeitern, Investoren etc.) immer Geld abknöpfen, das sie
    für die Bezahlung ihrer Bankzinsen verwenden können. Dieses entnehmen sie dem Geldkreislauf und damit wieder dem Kreditgeld ihrer Geschäftspartner. Durch diese künstliche Geldverknappung werden also alle Wirtschaftstrei-
    benden zu Konkurrenten und unfähig zur Kooperation. Man weiß aber schon lange, dass Konkurrenz zu Doppel-
    und Mehrfachgleisigkeiten, mangelnder Qualität (wegen Preiskonkurrenz) sowie Ressourcenverschwendung durch
    Überproduktion führt. Besser wäre globale Kooperation durch transparente Echtzeit-Kommunikation.
    Interview mit Dr. Franz Hörmann franzhoermann.com (*1960) österreichischer visionärer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, außeror-
    dentlicher suspendierter Professor für Unternehmensrechnung, Institut für Revisions-, Treuhand- und Rechnungswesen, Wirt-
    schaftsuniversität Wien, Absurdes Geldsystem, präsentiert von der Publikation Spreerauschen.net, 26. Oktober 2011


  • Radikale Veränderungen treten rund um den Globus auf und treiben uns in eine Zeit, die man die Zweite Achsenzeit nennen könnte. Bruder Wayne Teasdale (1945-2004) US-amerikanischer katholischer Mönch, interspiritueller Lehrer, interre-
    ligiöser Autor, Quelle unbekannt




  • Alle Menschen träumen, aber nicht alle gleich. Die in der Nacht in den staubigen Winkeln ihres Gehirns träumen, wachen am Tag auf und wissen, dass es nur Schäume waren; aber die Tagträumer sind gefährliche Menschen,
    denn sie können ihre Träume mit offenen Augen leben, um sie in die Tat umzusetzen. Thomas Edward Lawrence
    [Laurenz von Arabien] (1888-1935) britischer Archäologe, Sprachforscher, Geheimagent, involviert im Araber-Aufstand gegen das Osmanische Reich (1916-1918), Schriftsteller, Die sieben Säulen der Weisheit [Seven Pillars of Wisdom], 1926; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


Vanda hybride orchidee, Costa Rica
  • Die Motive bestimmen nicht den Charakter des Menschen, sondern nur die Erscheinung dieses Charakters, also die Thaten; die äußere Gestalt seines Lebenslaufs, nicht dessen innere Bedeutung und Gehalt: diese gehn hervor aus dem Charakter, der die unmittelbare Erscheinung des Willens, also grundlos ist. Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) deutscher Philosoph, Hochschullehrer, Autor, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstel-
    , S. 304, Bibliographisches Institut F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1819; siehe: Digitale Bibliothek Band 2, Philosophie, S. 63353 (vgl. Schopenhauer-ZA Band 1, S. 187-188)


  • Manche wenden sich ab von dir, weil du dich nicht nach dem "Man sollte" und "Jeder tut das" bewegst. Du bist dir treu und verlierst dadurch die, die dich nur so lange annahmen, wie du ihnen angenehm und passend warst. Sie wollen nicht die Herausforderung deiner inneren Stärke, nicht die Verun-
    sicherung, die mit deiner Offenheit und Direktheit einhergeht. Sie wollen dich profillos. Sie wollen dich grau und berechenbar. Sie wollen Ruhe über alles und darum müssen sie dich links liegen lassen, um sich selbst in ihre Dumpfheit zu retten. Ulrich Schaffer (*1942) deutscher Fotograf, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Meine Lieblingsgedichte von Ulrich Schaffer, zitiert in: Blogspot hexchen02


  • Die Menge glaubt dass alles schwer Begreifbare tiefsinnig sei. Das ist unrichtig. Schwer begreifbar ist nur das Unreife, Unklare und oft Falsche. Die höchste Weisheit ist einfach und geht durch den Schädel direkt ins Herz! Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) österreichischer Förster, Naturforscher, Parawissenschaftler, zitiert in: Sprüche, Zitate und Weisheiten, präsentiert von der Webseite Goldseiten


  • Die vielgerühmte weibliche Intuition ist nichts anderes als die große Durchsichtigkeit der Männer.
    George Jean Nathan (1882-1958) US-amerikanischer Theaterkritiker, Redakteur, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Gutzitiert


  • Man darf einen Stern nicht direkt ansehen, sondern muss ein wenig neben ihn schauen.
    Roger Shattuck (1923-2005) US-amerikanischer Autor, Literaturwissenschaftler, Quelle unbekannt


  • Nach Tausenden von Jahren haben wir den Punkt erreicht, wo wir unsere Fenster und Türen verriegeln und die Alarmanlage anschalten, während die Dschungelbewohner in offenen Hütten schlafen. Morris Mandel (1911-2009)
    US-amerikanischer jüdischer Pädagoge, Journalist, zitiert in: ZITATE, präsentiert von der Webseite ibe-gieleroth.de


  • Wenn man ein öffentliches Amt annimmt, muss man Transparenz akzeptieren, vor allem eine totale Transparenz
    der eigenen materiellen Lage. Folglich können die Journalisten darüber sprechen und zutreffende Fakten veröffent-
    lichen. Pierre Mauroy (1928-2013) französischer Politiker der Parti socialiste (PS), Bürgermeister von Lille (1973-2001), Premierminister von Frankreich (1981-1984), zitiert in: gutzitiert


  • Mehr Transparenz über Geheimdiensttätigkeiten für echte Spionagearbeit zu fordern, ist so sinnvoll wie die Heilig-
    sprechung des Teufels für die Kirche. Christa Schyboll (*1952) deutsche Autorin, »Taktvoll aus dem Takt«. Ein aphoristischer Gedankentango, Alojado Publishing, Ilog, 2015, zitiert in: gutzitiert


  • Die einzige Regel, auf die sich jedermann in einem totalitär beherrschten Lande verlassen kann, ist, dass ein Apparat desto weniger Macht hat, je öffentlicher und bekannter er ist. Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) jüdisch-deutsch-amerikanische politische Theoretikerin, Philosophin des Totalitarianismus, Publizistin, Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft [1951], Pieper, München, 1955, S. 840, 1986, 1. Dezember 1991; zitiert in: Zitate und Sprüche Hannah Arendt

Zitate von David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Die Essenz aller Wahrheit offenbart sich als sich selbst erklärend und offenkundig. Die Vollständigkeit und Ganzheit dieser Wissendheit überschreitet die Grenzen der Zeit und ist daher immer gegenwärtig. Eine Widerspiegelung ihrer Gegenwart ist die Fähigkeit, Unbegreifliches durch die Selbstoffenbarung seiner Essenz zu begreifen. Somit ist alles offenbar geworden. Das Unmanifeste und das Manifeste sind ein und dasselbe.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Das All-sehende Auge, 2005


  • Spirituelle Entwicklung vollzieht sich als Ergebnis der Beseitigung von Hindernissen und nicht durch Aneignung von etwas Neuem. Hingabe ermöglicht die Aufgabe von Eitelkeiten des Geistes/Gemütes und lieb gewonnenen Illusionen, so dass der Geist/das Gemüt nach und nach immer freier und offener für das Licht der Wahrheit wird.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Das All-sehende Auge, 2005


  • Realität ist radikal und schmeichelt nicht solchen Verhaltensweisen, die als Nett-Sein beschrieben werden. Das Zen der Wahrheit ist direkt und konfrontiert betrügerische Falschheit auf eine sehr präzise Weise. […] Die Straße
    zur Erleuchtung ist nicht für blökende Schafe geeignet. Wenn man sich verletzt fühlt, zeigt das, dass man sich ver-
    teidigt, was selbst wiederum das Festhalten an Unwahrheiten offenbart.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Licht des Alls. Die Wirklichkeit des Göttlichen, S. 431, 2006



  • 85 Prozent der Erdbewohner leben unterhalb der Bewusstseinsschwelle 200. Jetzt, wo das durchschnittliche Be-
    wusstseinsniveau [der Menschheit] oberhalb der Integritätsschwelle [bei 207] liegt, hat sich das Denkmodell geändert. Das neue Paradigma ist nicht mehr "Erfolg", sondern stattdessen Integrität. Für das, wofür man früher mit einem Zwinkern bedacht wurde, werden wir mittlerweile zur Rechenschaft gezogen.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) US-amerikanischer Arzt, Psychiater, Bewusstseinsforscher, spiritueller Lehrer, Autor, Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, 11. Oktober 2003

General quotes

Our knowledge is incomplete and our ability to speak what God has revealed is incomplete, but when the perfect comes,
the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child. But, when
I became a man, I put away the things of a child. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face
to face
. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now there remain faith, hope, and
charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.
1 Corinthians 13, 9-13 (NT)


Personal avowals


Definition of a cult:

Pyramid structured, authoritarian, unduly influenced group or relationship resulting in a new identity (dissociative dysfunction) of followers who become obedient and dependent to the authority figure

  • I define a cult as a pyramid structured, authoritarian group or relationship where the people at the top have power, and deception is used to recruit and mind control techniques [hypnosis, thought-stopping, and phobia indoctrination] are used to create a new identity which is dependent and obedient to the leadership/ideology. […] What I call the BITE model, control of Behavior, Information, Thought and Emotion, is intended to create a new identity which is obedient and dependent to the authority figure. […]
    [C]ults aren't just religious in nature. They can be
➤ large group awareness training,
➤ psychotherapy/transformation
➤ or even just a controlling individual.
The more intensive and totalist the group is, the greater the need for transparency.
Interview with Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American ex-Moonie, cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author, Twilight Moon: The Intertwined Lives of a Poet and a Messiah, presented by the publication Talk To Action, Frederick Clarkson, 30. October 2012





Ethics of radical transparency

  • For here there is no place that does not see you. You must change your life. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) Bohemian-Austrian poet, novelist, Stephen Mitchell, translator, Ahead of All Parting. Selected Poetry and Prose of Rainer Maria Rilke, Modern Library, 1995



  • All recovering people learn that there are no secrets. In recovery, we learn that transparency reduces anxiety
    and releases our talents.
    Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. C.A.S. drpatrickcarnes.com (*1944) leading US American sex addiction therapist, Minneapolis, creator of the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals (ITAAP), author, cited in: article
    Sex addiction more than just an ethical dilemma, presented by the US American newspaper New York Daily News, 6. June 2008
  • The Mind is transparent, having no shape or form. Giving rise to thought and discrimination is grasping and runs coun-
    ter to the natural Dharma. Since time without beginning, there never has been a grasping Buddha. The practice of the six paramitas and various other disciplines is known as the gradual method of becoming a Buddha. This gradual me-
    thod, however, is a secondary idea, and it does not represent the complete path to Perfect Awakening. If one does
    not understand that one's mind is Buddha, no Dharma can ever be attained.

    Huang Po [Huangbo Xiyun] (770-~850 AD) Chinese Chan master of Zen Buddhism, cited in: Essay by Dharma Master Lok To, The Dharma of Mind Transmission. Zen Teachings of Huang-po, PDF, presented by the publicatiohn DharmaFlower.net, undated


  • Ordinary people seem not to realize that those who really apply themselves in the right way to philosophy are directly and of their own accord preparing themselves for dying and death. Socrates (469-399 BC) Ancient Greek philosopher, cited in: Plato (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian founder of the occidental philosophy, writer, dialogue Phaedo [On the Soul], section 62, 385-378 BC


  • The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work.
    Oprah Winfrey (*1954) US American actress, talk show host, billionaire entrepreneur, visionary philanthropist, presented by the
    US American monthly magazine O, The Oprah Magazine, issueing date unknown, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Through our scientific genius we have made of the world a neighborhood; now through our moral and spiritual genius we must make of it brotherhood. We are all involved in the single process. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. We are all links in the great chain of humanity. We have before us the glorious opportunity to inject a
    new dimension of love into the veins of our civilization. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1964, cited in: Wolfgang Mieder, "Making
    a Way Out of No Way": Martin Luther King's Sermonic Proverbial Rhetoric
    , S. 224, Peter Lang Publishing, New York, 2010



At age 89 Hoffer, former CIA MKUltra agent, called for a system's change:

Holding doctors accountable for doing a lousy job and informing the public

  • The main message has to be that we have to change the [medical] system. The system is sick and corrupt. Eventually, we have to make the medical profession accountable. [...] We have to ask them: Why is the medical profession not held accountable? We need an independent commission headed by a judge to examine why doctors don't do a better job. Big Pharma controls medicine today. […] And they control [and advertising and] the journals. [...] We are in a terrible situation. The system is really sick. And you can quote me literally. I think, the system is absolutely sick [dysfuntional]. And it has to be changed. […] We have to let the public exactly know what's happening, because right now they don't know. Video interview with Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, bio-
    chemist, agricultural chemist, Natural Cure for Depression, Bipolar, ADHD, Schizophrenia, YouTube film, sponsored by "Healthy
    Mind Body Planet Tour" 2006, minute 6:27 and 8:21, 9:26 minutes duration, posted 21. January 2008


  • There are no internal affairs left on our crowded Earth! And mankind's sole salvation lies in everyone making eve-
    rything his business
    ; in the people of the East being vitally concerned with what is thought in the West, the people of the West vitally concerned with what goes on in the East. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) Soviet and Russian historian, imprisoned in the Soviet gulag, dramatist, novelist, Nobel laureate in literature, 1970, Banquet speech for the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature, Oslo, Norway, 10. December 1970


  • Only puny secrets need protection. Big secrets are protected by public incredulity. You can actually dissipate a situa-
    tion by giving it maximal coverage. As to alarming people, that's done by rumours, not by coverage.
    Herbert 'Marshall' McLuhan (1911-1980) Canadian professor of English literature, literary critic, scholar, educator, philosopher, communication theorist, rhetorician, Take Today. The Executive as Dropout, S. 92, 1972


  • Translucent people […] have access to their deepest nature as peaceful, limitless, free, unchanging, and at the same time they remain fully involved in the events of their personal lives. […] They play vigorously in their relationships with others, their work, their creativity, and their political and environmental causes, but they play to play more than to win. […] They generally don't follow one particular teacher, teaching, or group, although many have in their past. […] They generally don't identify themselves as "enlightened" or as having attained anything, and they are also not trying to become enlightened. […] The word translucent refers to the degree of embodiment of a realization, not to what has been realized. Hence it is a relative term, like interesting, inspiring, boring, or idiotic.
    Interview with Arjuna Ardagh (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, Getting Clear About Enlightenment. Not Just
    a Book Review of Arjuna Ardagh's. The Translucent Revolution
    , presented by the dissolved US American magazine "What is Enlightenment?", Tom Huston, issue 31, 2005


  • As recently as the 1980s, the awakening shifts […] were quite rare. Today such experiences of 'poking through' the fabric of our normal trance state of desire, fear, and self-preoccupation are becoming increasingly common, especially during the last decade of the twentieth century. Arjuna Ardagh (*1957) British US American spiritual teacher, author, The Translucent Revolution, S. 40, New World Library, 15. June 2005


  • [A new arising spirituality] is radically inclusive and accessible spirituality free from the dogma and ideology
    and blind belief of the past
    , a spirituality in which nothing and nobody – including the teachers themselves – can
    ➤ the loving light of ruthless inquiry
    ➤ and blinding transparency,
    in which nobody can claim any kind of absolute truth or privileged knowledge.
    Jeff Foster |ifewithoutacentre (*1980) English astrophysicist, depressive, spiritual teacher, sponsored by the first Science And Nonduality (SAND) conference, titled "The Nature of the Self", Zonheuvel Conference Centre, Doorn, The Netherlands, 29. May-
    3. June 2012



Fear of public speaking

  • People often refrain from making public statements because they fear the outrage and ridicule of others. David van Mill, Ph.D., British associate professor of political science, theory and philosophy, Western Australia University, Freedom of Speech, Stanford University, first published, 29. November 2002, revised 17. April 2008



700 executives were polled as to why their companies engaged in social or citizenship initiatives.

  • ➤ 84% replied: motivation to improve society, company traditions, their personal values
    ➤ 12% replied: business strategy
    ➤ 3% replied: customer attraction and retention
    ➤ 1% replied: public expectations



Whistle-blowing banker fearing for his life, possibly under armed protection

  • Gotti Tedeschi says he was ousted because he] "got too close to the truth about the bank's alleged shady dealings."
    Gotti Tedeschi says he found the bank's record much worse than he could have imagined, and that he spent the last two years struggling endlessly against the Vatican's powerful forces, who he says blocked his every attempt at transparency. He stormed out of his final meeting of the board of the IOR even before they cast their no-confidence vote against him. The bank says it dismis-
    sed him due to lack of management skills and "progressively erratic personal behavior."
    Article The Vatican Bank and Money Laundering, presented by the group blog and internet forum focused on liberal American politics Daily Kos, 18. February 2013



Pope Benedict XIV's was pressurized to resign by the Roman Curia.

The Pope's dollop of transparency into the workings of the Vatican bank was unsuccessful.


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Transparency

Quotes by David Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

Personal avowal


Note: Hawkins method of truth evaluation per muscle testing is a closed system to back-up a cultic teaching.

  • I've recommended a new form of international diplomacy that is based on calibrated truth, rather than just rhetoric. It's in the forthcoming book: Truth vs. Falsehood. The main sentence would be: 'There are no secrets anymore.'
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, presented by the US American journal "Super Human Abilities", host and editor Robert Anthony Carr, 8. June 2007



Paradigm shock: no more secrecy

  • The realization that everything is knowable about anything or anyone, any-
    where, at any point in time, creates at first a paradigm shock.
    This reaction arises, generally, from realization of the non-locality, impersonality and univer-
    sality of consciousness itself
    ; and, specifically, from the realization of the observability of one's own thoughts and motivations, their transparency across time. That one's every thought and action leave an indelible trace forever
    in the universe can be an unsettling thought.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927-2012) US American physician, psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, author, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, "Preface", S. 10, Veritas Publishing, 1st edition 1995



Alternative source:

Untitled audio interview, presented by suspended US American web radio station Beyond the Ordinary, hosts Nancy Lorenz and Elena Young, minute 10, 60 minutes duration, aired 10. June 2003

  • Reality is radical in that it does not cater to positionalities which are described as niceness. The Zen of Truth is direct and precisely confrontational to delu-
    sional fallacy.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, chapter 18, S. 328, 2003



The end of secrecy

  • The reported calibrations are the result of research and not the author's opinion. Thus there is no point in writing querulous letters that usually follow the format of "how come you rated walruses higher than seals," etc. Like a calculator, the described methodology results in numbers, not subjective bias or opinion.
    This work is devoted to clarifying what is real and how it can be identified.
    To preclude undue emotional upset the publication of the book was delayed [...]
    [T]here are no longer any secrets, and truth can be discovered by any integrous researcher.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood, "Caveat: A Note to the Reader", S. xi-xii, 2005


  • Every word, deed, and intention creates a permanent record; every thought is known and recorded forever. There are no secrets, nothing is hidden, nor can it be. Everyone lives in the public domain. Our spirits stand naked in time for all to see. Everyone's life finally is accountable to the universe. (Calibrated at LoC 1000.)
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 13 "Truth: The Pathway To Freedom", S. 259, 2005





Reorganization of the current money system based on values

For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6, 10 New Living Translation, 2007 (NT)

  • Anytime there's a shift of consciousness from one level to another, there’s a disruption. […] What's happening with our economy is a reorganization based on values other than just making money. The economy is really based
    on greed
    : every product is an effort to make money. And making money doesn’t infer anything having to do with responsibility. […] As citizens, we're asking, "Should these companies reveal what they know?" So there's disorga-
    nization based on a current lack of clarity about values. […]
    […] Integrity is the current headline – people testifying about the integrity of a company, its executives and whether their compensation is within expectations of financial integrity – and the fact that some are well outside the expected norms is causing a great upset in the media: excessive compensation for executives who not only didn't do a good job but did a bad job. […]
    We have instant reporting […] So as an executive is testifying in Washington, the country is listening. We're far more involved in world affairs that once were abstract. And the fact that [some corruption] involves taxpayer money and people’s personal investments, as in the case of Bernie Madoff, that makes it very personal. Accountability and personal responsibility are becoming quite primary. Interview with David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., presented by the
    US American magazine Holistic Networker, Gina Mazza Hillier, 17. June 2009



God has no secrets.

  • Secrets is the other sign [for controlling cults]. Truth has no secrets. That which claims a secret, avoid! God has no secrets. […] All is revealed! The only reason for a secret is to have control over you. I'll get something out of you in return for the secret, which makes you special. The attraction is one of specialness. […] All these things are OK on the way. The only trouble is their power of seduction is quite intense. […] Don't underrate the expertise of that which would mislead you. […] It sounds like the convincingly real. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Realization of the Self.
    Final Moments
    , DVD 1 of 3, minute 1:39, Arizona, December 2002

Notes on transparent leadership

Excerpts from article:
Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American scholar, professor of business administration, organizational consultant, pioneer of contemporary leadership studies, author, Daniel Goleman (*1946) US American psychologist, science journalist, author, James O'Toole, US American journalist, Patricia Ward Biederman, US American writer, Creating a Transparent Culture, presented by the publication Leader To Leader,
No. 50, 4. September 2008



  • In a rational universe, organizations and individuals would embrace transparency on both ethical and practical grounds, as the state in which it is easiest to accomplish one's goals. But that is rarely the case. Even as global for-
    ces tug us toward greater openness, powerful countervailing forces tend to stymie candor and transparency.


  • In most organizations, hidden ground rules govern what can be said and what cannot. Such cultural rules
    run deep, and they typically resist change.
    At NASA, for example, the cultural ground rules that contributed to
    the Challenger explosion sixteen years before were still operating in 2003, leading to the Columbia shuttle disaster. The panel that investigated the Columbia tragedy went beyond the technical cause – a chunk of flyaway foam that damaged a wing – to blame an organizational culture where engineers were afraid to raise safety concerns with managers more worried about meeting flight schedules than about averting risks. Head of NASA Sean O'Keefe said
    in the aftermath of the Columbia tragedy that no employee who speaks up about safety concerns, even to outsiders, would be reprimanded in any way. But since 2003, NASA has become even less transparent as a result of pressure put on political appointees to the agency to keep employees, including a NASA scientist concerned about global warming, from publicly expressing views not in keeping with current administration policies.


  • One key question that every leader should ask to encourage candor: Is it safe to bring bad news to those at the
    top? The first time a top executive blows up or punishes someone delivering bad news, a norm is established.


  • For any institution, the flow of information is akin to the activity of a central nervous system: the organization's ef-
    fectiveness depends on it. An organization's capacity to compete, solve problems, innovate, meet challenges, and
    achieve goals – its intelligence, if you will – varies to the degree that the flow of information remains healthy. That
    is particularly true when the information in question consists of crucial but hard-to-take facts, the information
    that leaders may bristle at hearing
    – and that subordinates too often, and understandably, play down, disguise,
    or ignore. For information to flow freely within an institution, followers must feel free to speak openly, and lea-
    ders must welcome such openness.


  • One obvious value of transparency is that it helps keep organizations honest by making more members aware of organizational activities. That is no small virtue. But an equally compelling reason for organizational candor is that it maximizes the probability of success. We are not even talking here about the reality, still not fully absorbed by many leaders, that any organizational failing is more likely to be exposed these days by digital technology. Rather
    we are talking about the enormous value of internal transparency. There may have been a time when an impe-
    rial leader could know everything an organization needed to know to be successful. But if such a time ever existed,
    it is long gone. Today, the information an organization needs may be located anywhere, including outside.


  • No matter the official line, true transparency is rare. Many organizations pay lip service to values of openness and candor, even writing their commitment into mission statements. Too often these are hollow, if not Orwellian, docu-
    ments that fail to describe the organization's real mission and inspire frustration, even cynicism, in followers all
    too aware of a very different organizational reality.


  • While we believe leaders must set the example for their organizations by demanding candor and transparency, cur-
    rent leaders have less and less choice in the matter. In today's world, where information travels globally with the
    click of a mouse, transparency is no longer simply desirable, it is becoming unavoidable.


  • Many leaders continue to act as if they can hold awkward or damaging truths so close that the outside world will
    not learn of them. Those days are over. The rise of the blog has transformed the very idea of transparency.


  • Leaders who will thrive and whose organizations will flourish in this era of ubiquitous electronic tattletales are the
    ones who strive to make their organizations as transparent as possible. Despite legitimate moral and legal limits on
    disclosure, leaders should at least aspire to a policy of "no secrets." The first beneficiaries of such a policy are the
    members of the organization itself, who are in a position to act on maximum rather than restricted information.


  • Transparency is one measure of an organization's moral health. We have come to think that governments, or-
    ganizations, and other institutions have a kind of DNA. Healthy institutions, including democracy, are more open
    than unhealthy ones, such as slavery, which fight to keep their ugly secrets. For businesses, openness is not just
    a virtuous policy that makes the organization feel good about itself, like generous parental leave.
    Openness (and what it says about the nature of the organization) becomes a competitive advantage – in creating
    consumer loyalty as well as in recruiting and keeping the best people.


Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American scholar, professor of business administration, organizational consultant, pioneer of
   contemporary leadership studies, author, Daniel Goleman (*1946) US American psychologist, science journalist, author, James
, US American journalist, contributor Patricia Ward Biederman, US American journalist, Transparency, Jossey-Bass,
   J-B Warren Bennis Series, 1st paperback edition 9. June 2008
See also: ► Leadership

Englische Texte – English section on Transparency

Models of leadership, value creation and democracy – Richard Barrett

Seven states of consciousness to create a high-trust liberal/electorial democracy
From freedom to trust, from I to We – Evolutionary stages of 20 mapped democratic nations
The sequence of values that determine the quality of democracy are as follows:
FocusLegendThemeLegendSpiral Dynamics
Color level
Stage 1
Below 200
Personal Mastery
Internal stabilityFreedomFreedom from survival needs
Freedom of expression and fear
Basic needs

Beige meme
Stage 1
Below 200
Personal Mastery
External equilibriumEqualityGender, racial, and income equality are the key to building trust. Family/Tribe
Ingroup think

Purple meme
Stage 1
Below 200
Personal Mastery
Balancing outer power AccountabilityPractice of "responsible freedom"
Personal responsibility of leaders is eminent. Two party politics is a stifling blame game.
Power / Red meme
Authority / Blue meme
Status / Orange meme
Stage 2
200 threshold
echoed in
500 threshold
Internal cohesion
Turning point
☛ Common good
Moral integrity
Basis of justice and positive value consciousness
Reduction of elitism
Moral integrity of leaders is the new platform for justice.
Relativistic personalistic pluralistic multiplistic-complex communitarian egalitarian
Green meme
Stage 2
Above 200
Internal cohesion
Field flow
External stabilityOpenness
Full spectrum leadership
Shared vision and shared values.
Leaders disclose themselves and their motivations to the public, encouraging a participatory multilog among all stakeholders.
Integral sensing
Teal meme
Stage 3
Above 200

External cohesion
Making a difference
Field flow
Internal equilibrium TransparencyDocumented operation availed to public scrutiny Integral sensing
Teal meme
Stage 3
Above 200

External cohesion
Field flow
Expressing ubiquitous powerTRUSTExtended to a trustworthy leadership team Coherence / Holonic mode
Turquoise meme


Ladder of Democracy ⇒ 1. Independence/Freedom ⇒ 2. Equality ⇒ 3. Accountability
⇒ 4. Fairness/Moral integrity
⇒ 5. Openness ⇒ 6. Transparency ⇒ 7. TRUST


Chakra level
Smaller octaveBody – Linear world Wider octaveSoul – Nonlinear realm
1. ∞ 7.Independence/FreedomIndividuationTrustInterdependence
2. ∞ 6.EqualityTransparency
3. ∞ 5.AccountabilityOpenness
4.∞4.FairnessMoral integrity


Video sources featuring with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership
and human values in business and society
► [*]Removed audio interview with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership
     and human values in business and society, Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations – The Future of Western Civilisation, No. 23, MP3, pre-
     sented by Dr. Nicholoas Beecroft, British consultant psychiatrist, YouTube film, 1:27:17 duration, posted 11. April 2012
► Vimeo video interview Measuring Conscious Cultures and Conscious Leadership, presented by 4th Annual International Conference on
      Conscious Capitalism; Conscious Capitalism: Building a Flourishing Business on Love and Care
, Bentley University, Waltham,
      Massachusetts, 22.-23. May 2012, 31:55 minutes duration, posted 22. June 2012
♦◊♦ Ken Wilber's AQAL model: Leaders need to walk the talk, live authentically. When the values of the leaders change their behavior changes
       alike which restructures the value system of the organisation and subsequently the behaviors of the whole organisation. Minute 25:21
♦◊♦ High cultural entropy in organisations/nations (41+%) ensues in very low engagement. When they are bigger than 51% fallouts of
       organisations/governments are imminent. (See Iceland, France, United States)
♦◊♦ 6. September 2008Iceland had 54% entropy due to issues of leadership (government). 2 weeks later the banks in Iceland went bankrupt.
      Re-elections voted out the existing government. Former Icelandic prime minister Geir Haarde was put on trial of charges of negligence
      over the 2008 financial crisis in March 2012. Minute 21:29
♦◊♦ November 2009Latvia had cultural entropy of 52%. A few months later government changed.1 Minute 29:33
♦◊♦ 1. May 2012France had the highest percentage of cultural entropy of all 15 assessed nations. President Sarkozy lost the elections
       on May 15, 2012. People are leaving France. Minute 30:00
♦◊♦ Staggering rates of cultural entropy were found in the United States year after year: 52% (2009), 54% (2010), 56% (2011).
      The most severe issue of conflict is the growing social inequality gap.2 Minute 31:34
► Video presentation Barrett Seven Levels and CTT Intro, presented by valuescentre, YouTube film,
     7:06 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2019
Literature by Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and human values in business and society
Love, Fear and the Destiny of Nations. The Impact of the Evolution of Human Consciousness on World Affairs, Fulfilling Books, 4. May 2012
     Based on the Barrett Model, developed from Abraham Maslow's (1908-1970) Hierarchy of needs model, 1998
Liberating the Corporate Soul. Building a Visionary Organization, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1st edition 5. November 1998
Note: Three mantras displayed
See also:
Richard Barrett and ► Politics
Spiral Dynamics Consciousness model  – according to Ken Wilber's terminology / color scheme


  • We've got an old leadership paradigm in place which comes from self-esteem consciousness. It's all about self-interest (ego/status)
    of the individual. We want people operating out of higher level of consciousness. We need openness, we don't need this hiding
    behind closed doors.
    Minute 32:25[*]



Shift from I to we

  • We need a new leadership paradigm – it is a shift from I to we, from being best in the world to being best for the world. We need higher thinking people [leaders]. Minute 34:56[*]


  • The leaders you get represent the average level of consciousness of the nation. You get the leaders you deserve, basically. […]
    What we can do is eliviate poverty, minimize inequality, so the masses can individuate and self-actualize. That's really about the
    evolution of human consciousness. And if we do that in a nation we will gradually get better and better leaders.
    People always elect those people [i.e. leaders] who represent their average level of consciousness. What we need to do is to lift the
    average level of consciousness in the nation.
    We do that by minimizing inequality, by helping people grow and develop and getting to being able to meet their deficiency needs.
    That's what we see in the [relatively homogeneous] Scandinavian or Nordic countries. Guess what, they've have got coalition
    governments. People make informed decisions now.
    Minute 36:20[*]



Leadership requirements in the new era of Integrity:

  • It's OK [for elected leaders] to have a shadow past. It's not OK to have a shadow present. […] Our leaders need to be more accountable for their own growth.
    If in the now you are living these indiscretions and you've have been elected by people that's not OK (with me).
    Minute 43:36[*]



Authentic leadership induces cultural change.

  • If I'm committing as a leader I need to commit to my own leadership improvement. […] Cultural transformation begins with the personal transformation of the leaders because the culture of the organisation is a reflection of their leadership consciousness. […] Our leaders need to be more accountable for their own personal growth and development. Minute 46:15[*]



Four pillars of conscious capitalism

  • [Paraphrased] Four pillars of Conscious Capitalism
    1. Higher purpose of making money
    2. Equal consideration to all stake holders (employees, customers, shareholders, local community, society)
    3. Conscious leadership
    4. Conscious culture
Rajendra S. Sisodia, Ph.D., Indian US American professor of marketing, Bentley University, co-founder and chairman of the Conscious Capitalism Institute, founding member of the Conscious Capitalism movement, Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D. (*1938) Burmese-US American Charles H. Kellstadt professor of marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, David B. Wolfe, US American customer behavior expert, author, Firms of Endearment. How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, Pearson Prentice Hall, 1st edition 10. February 2007


Links zum Thema Transparenz / Transparency


Der erwachende Engländer Arjuna Ardagh hat 170 Experten aus der Transformations-Szene befragt und ihre Antworten ausgewertet. Er
beschreibt das Phänomen des Erwachens von transluzenten (lichtdurchlässigen) Menschen.

Literature (engl.)

Change Management – simply explained; Key question: "What would you do if you would not be afraid?"

  • Don Tapscott (*1947) Canadian entrepreneur, business executive in the digital age, consultant, speaker, specialized in business strategy, organizational transformation, chairman of business strategy think tank New Paradigm (now nGenera Insight), founded 1993, author, Anthony D. Williams, Canadian senior fellow, Lisbon Council, strategic adviser to governments, international institutions, and Fortune 500 firms, consultant, researcher, author, Wikinomics. How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, December 2006
  • Warren Bennis (1925-2014) US American scholar, professor of business administration, organizational consultant, pioneer of contemporary leadership studies, author, Daniel Goleman (*1946) US American psychologist, science journalist, James O'Toole, US American journalist, Patricia Ward Biederman, Transparency. How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor, Jossey-Bass,
    30. May 2008
  • Don Tapscott (*1947) Canadian entrepreneur, business executive in the digital age, consultant, speaker, specialized in business strategy, organizational transformation, chairman of business strategy think tank "New Paradigm" [now nGenera Insight], founded 1993, author, Anthony D. Williams, Canadian senior fellow, Lisbon Council, strategic adviser to governments, international institutions, and Fortune 500 firms, consultant, researcher, author, Macrowikinomics. Rebooting Business and the World, Portfolio Hardcover, 28. September 2010

Critical importance of transparency, participation and collaboration among business, government and citizens in addressing global challenges like corruption

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

  • Wikipedia entries Public Relations, Transparency
  • Organisation Transparency International, non-governmental organization that monitors and publicizes corporate and political corruption in international development, publishing an annual Corruption Perceptions Index, a comparative listing of corruption worldwide, operating through more than 70 national chapters, founded in Berlin, 1993, current managing director, Nancy Zucker Boswell

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

Collecting and posting highly classified documents

On his quest to make a completely sponsored film about sponsorship; refers to the hidden influential world of brand marketing


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Deleted video interview with Phil Clothier, British CEO of Barrett Values Centre, National Assessments and Banking and Latvia, YouTube film, 5:31 minutes duration, posted by BarrettValuesCentre 7. January 2010
Process and results of the Latvian National Values Assessment resulting in a Latvia 2030 development plan

2 Video presentation US National Values Assessment 2010, deleted YouTube film, 7:47 minutes duration, posted by BarrettValuesCentre 28. June 2010


Anhand der Skala des Bewusstseins (Gradeinteilung von 1-1000), erarbeitet von Dr. David R. Hawkins, hat Transparenz einen Bewusstseinswert (BW) von 425. Innerhalb von Hawkins' System rangiert das Thema Transparenz im Bereich der gesellschaftsbildenden vernunftorientierten linearen Schöpfungsebene.
Quelle: Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 116, 2008
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