
Wiki / Gesundheit








Die vier Eckpfeiler der Gesundheit – Salutogenese

Gesundheit ist kein definierbarer Zustand, sondern ein fließender Prozess, der von einem Kohärenzgefühl begleitet
wird und die Gesundheitspotenziale von Ereignissen [Stressoren] nutzvoll umwandelt.
In den 70-iger Jahren prägte der US-amerikanische Professor für Medizinsoziologie und Vater der Salutogenese Aaron Antonovsky (1923-1994) den Ausdruck Salutogenese, die Entstehung (Genese) von Gesundheit. Es handelt sich um
den Gegenbegriff zu Parthogenese (Entstehung von Krankheiten).


Drei Einflussfaktoren, die ein Kohärenzgefühl erzeugen
Forschung von Aaron Antonovsky

Die drei Grundvoraussetzungen für die Entstehung des gesund-
heitsförderlichen Kohärenzgefühls sind:

  1. Verstehbarkeit – die Fähigkeit, die Zusammenhänge des Lebens und der Umwelt zu verstehen
  2. Gestaltbarkeit – die Überzeugung, das eigene Leben und die Welt (mit)gestalten zu können
  3. Sinnhaftigkeit – der Glaube an den Sinn des Lebens


Die Essenz von Gesundheit betrifft drei Lebensbereiche:
Gesundheit ist die Folge von

  1. einer gelungenen Beziehung zu sich selbst
  2. einer gelungenen Beziehung zu den Mitwesen
  3. einer gelungenen Beziehung zu Gott / Urprinzip.


Während seiner Zeit am Applied Social Research Institute beschäftigte sich Aaron Antonovsky, mit Studien über Frauen, die in Mittel-
europa zwischen 1914 und 1923 geboren wurden. Einige von ihnen waren Überlebende aus Konzentrationslagern. Dabei fiel ihm auf,
dass 29% der ehemals internierten Frauen sich trotz der extremen Stressoren, denen sie während ihres Lebens ausgesetzt waren,
in einem guten mentalen Zustand sahen.  Wikipedia-Eintrag


Im Jahr 1970 wertete Aaron Antonovsky eine Erhebung über die Anpassungsfähigkeit von Frauen verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen an die Menopause aus. Eine Gruppe von Probandinnen war 1939 zwischen 16 und 25 Jahre alt gewesen und hatte
sich zu dieser Zeit in einem nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager befunden. Ihr psychischer und körperlicher Gesundheits-
zustand wurde mit der einer Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Der Anteil der in ihrer Gesundheit nicht beeinträchtigten Frauen betrug
in der Kontrollgruppe 51%, im Vergleich zu 29% der KZ-Überlebenden. Nicht der Unterschied an sich, sondern die Tatsache, dass
in der Gruppe der KZ-Überlebenden 29% der Frauen trotz der unvorstellbaren Qualen eines Lagerlebens mit anschließendem Flüchtlingsdasein als (körperlich und psychisch) 'gesund' beurteilt wurden, war für ihn ein unerwartetes Ergebnis.

Wikipedia-Eintrag zum Stichwort Salutogenese

Siehe auch: ► Vier Seinsebenen – Hartmann • Gebser • Heim und ► Krankheit und ► Vertrauen und ► Gesetz 3:1
See also: ► Pasteur's germ theory ⇔ Béchamp's microzymian theory


Das Kohärenzgefühl ist eine globale Orientierung, die ausdrückt, in welchem Ausmaß eine Person ein durch-
dringendes, dynamisches Gefühl des Vertrauens darauf hat, dass
  ➢ die Stimuli, die sich im Verlauf des Lebens aus der inneren und äußeren Umgebung ergeben, strukturiert,
       vorhersehbar und erklärbar sind;
  ➢ die Ressourcen zur Verfügung stehen, um den Anforderungen zu begegnen, die diese Stimuli stellen;
  ➢ diese Anforderungen Herausforderungen sind, die Anstrengung und Engagement lohnen.
Aaron Antonovsky (1923-1994) US-amerikanischer Professor für Medizinsoziologie, Vater der Salutogenese, Alexa Franke, Herausgeberin, Salutogenese. Zur Entmystifizierung der Gesundheit, S. 36, dgvt-Verlag, Erstauflage 1. Januar 1997

Zitate zum Thema Gesundheit / Health

Zitate allgemein

Neuseeländische Briefmarke, 1933
Werbung für öffentliche Gesundheitsfürsorge


  • Sei vorsichtig mit Gesundheitsbüchern. Du könntest wegen eines Druckfehlers sterben. Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (1835-1910) US-amerikanischer Humorist, Freimaurer, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



  • In der einen Hälfte des Lebens opfern wir unsere Gesundheit, um Geld zu erwerben.
    In der anderen Hälfte opfern wir Geld, um die Gesundheit wiederzuerlangen.
    Voltaire [François-Marie Arouet] (1694-1778) französischer Philosoph der europäischen Aufklärung, Historiker, Wegbereiter der Französischen Revolution, Kritiker der Feudal-
    herrschaft, Bürgerrechtler, Deist, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de



  • Was bringt den Doktor um sein Brot?
    (a) die Gesundheit und (b) der Tod.
    Drum hält der Arzt, auf dass er lebe,
    uns zwischen beidem in der Schwebe.
    Eugen Roth (1895-1976) deutscher Dichter, Lyriker, zitiert in: Zitat von Eugen Roth, präsentiert von Gute Zitate
  • Für keinen ist es zu früh oder zu spät, für die Gesundheit der Seele zu sorgen.
    Epikur (~341-~271 v. Chr.) griechischer Philosoph, Begründer des Epikureismus, Autor, Olof Gigon, Übersetzer, zitiert in:
    Epikur. Brief an Menoikeus, Kapitel "Von der Überwindung der Furcht. Katechismus, Lehrbriefe, Spruchsammlung, Fragmente",
    S. 100-105, Patmos Verlagsgruppe / Artemis & Winkler Verlag, München, 1991


  • Des Arztes höchster und einziger Beruf ist, kranke Menschen gesund zu machen, was man Heilen nennen.
    Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) deutscher Arzt, Begründer der auf dem Potenzierungsprinzip beruhenden alternativen Heil-
    methode Homöopathie, Übersetzer, medizinischer Schriftsteller, Grundlagenwerk der Homöopathie Organon der Heilkunst,
    § 1, Ersterscheinung 1833, Richard Haehl, Herausgeber, bearbeitet von Dr. med. Jugana Loder, 6. Auflage 1921, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, 1992


  • Das höchste Ideal der Heilung ist schnelle, sanfte und dauerhafte Wiederherstellung der Gesundheit, oder Hebung
    und Vernichtung der Krankheit in ihrem ganzen Umfange auf dem kürzesten, zuverlässigsten, unnachtheiligsten
    Wege, nach deutlich einzusehenden Gründen.
    Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) deutscher Arzt, Begründer der auf dem Potenzierungsprinzip beruhenden alternativen Heil-
    methode Homöopathie, Übersetzer, medizinischer Schriftsteller, Grundlagenwerk der Homöopathie Organon der Heilkunst,
    § 2, Ersterscheinung 1833, Richard Haehl, Herausgeber, bearbeitet von Dr. med. Jugana Loder, 6. Auflage 1921, Karl F. Haug Verlag, Heidelberg, 1992


  • Geistige Gesundheit setzt voraus, dass sich der menschliche Wille einer Instanz unterordnet, die größer ist als
    er selbst. Um in dieser Welt einigermaßen zurechtzukommen, müssen wir uns einem Prinzip unterordnen, das
    jederzeit Vorrang hat vor unseren subjektiven Wünschen.
    M. Scott Peck (1936-2005) US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Schriftsteller, Die Lügner. Eine Psychologie des
    Bösen und die Hoffnung auf Heilung
    , Kapitel 4, S. 179, Claudius Verlag, München, 1990


  • Gesundheit ist mehr als nur die Abwesenheit von Krankheit.
    Mentaltraining kann das Leben um bis zu 7,5 Jahre verlängern.
    Audiointerview mit Prof Dr. Sven Voelpel (*1973) deutscher Professor für Betriebswirtschaft, Jacobs University, Bremen, Gründungsdirektor des WISE Demographie Netzwerks, Altersforscher, Autor, Die Jungbrunnen-Formel – mit Prof. Sven Voelpel (#300), präsentiert von der Publikation MarathonFitness, Gastgeber Mark Maslow, gesendet Frühherbst 2020


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Gesundheit

General quotes

Personal avowals

  • I entered medical school in 1967 to use it as a vehicle for social change. I was a whole systems thinker. What I
    wanted to do was to create a hospital that addressed every single problem of health care delivery in one model.
Video presentation by Patch Adams, M.D. (*1945) US American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, author, Transform 2010, presented at the Mayo Clinic, Center for Innovation, sponsored by the "Transform 2010" Symposium, YouTube film, minute 00:35, 16:07 minutes duration, posted 14. September 2010



  • People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health,
    and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food.
Wendell Berry (*1934) US American academic, cultural and economic critic, farmer, man of letters, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



  • Old recognition: Death begins in the colon.
    New recognition: Dysfunction begins in the small intestines.
    Deleted video Introduction to Digestion Sessions, presented by the deleted platform superborganic.com, Sean Croxton's Digestion Sessions, host Sean Croxton, undated




Patch Adam's intimate communal eco village health care hospital

University of human culture

  • Health and health care are a human right for all people.  Minute 00:29
    We found that most people were lonely. The normal Americans that we saw didn't like themselves, didn't like their marriage, and didn't like their job.  Minute 5:35
    Nowhere are hospitals happy in the world. Medical students are hugely dissatified. […] All over the world physicians are rude. There is a hierarchy. All over the world there is a deep sadness that you don't have enough time for patients. […] At our hospital the cleaning person and
    the surgeon make the same salary: 300$ a month. Thousands of doctors and nurses apply every year to work
    for 300$ a month.  Minute 6:42
    We found out that no medical school in the world teaches compassion as an embedded course.  Minute 8:40
    We also found ways to make (our hospital project) so much cheaper through an economic system that is based on friendship and shared skills.  Minute 10:06
Video presentation by Patch Adams, M.D. (*1945) US American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, author, Transform 2010, presented at the Mayo Clinic, Center for Innovation, sponsored by the "Transform 2010" Symposium, YouTube film, 16:07 minutes duration, posted 14. September 2010



The concept of "developing world" is outdated.

  • Stop using the concept of "developing world".
    Development is a continuum.
    The world is CONVERGING (but not the lower billion).
    Video presentation by Hans Rosling, M.D. (*1948) Swedish professor of global health, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, public speaker, Let my dataset change your mindset, US State Department,
    presented by TED Talks, minute 7:26, 19:56 minutes duration, filmed June 2009, posted August 2009



A world in equity nearing

  • If these inequalities – climate and war – can be avoided, get ready for a world in a world in equity because that is what it seems to be happening – it will happen precisely on the July 27th, 2048. Hans Rosling, M.D. (*1948) Swedish professor of global health, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, public speaker, Asia's rise – how and when, presented by TED Talks, minute 14:44, 15:50 minutes duration, filmed and posted November 2009


  • To bring the entire population into growth and prosperity will create a domestic market, what will avoid social instability and what will make use of the entire capacity of the population. Social investments in health, education, infrastructure, and electricity is really needed in India and China. Hans Rosling, M.D. (*1948) Swedish professor of global health, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, public speaker, Asia's rise – how and when,
    presented by TED Talks, minute 15:46, 15:50 minutes duration, filmed and posted November 2009




Disease is psychosocially, economically, environmentally, and culturally induced.

  • [I]n Canada we have the First Nations population which a 100 years ago had no Diabetes and 150 years ago no rheumatoid arthritis. And now they have the world's highest rates of these diseases in some areas. That's not a genetic issue. That's not an individual issue. It's a question of what happened socially and economically and culturally and the abuse that they have undergone in their society and continue to. You can't explain disease again in isolation from the psychosocial environment. And beyond that there is the evidence now that it's not even controversial, but most physicians and most educators never even heard about it which is an extraordinary statement, an extraordinary reflection of how ideological medical practice is and how ideological everything is. [...] The propaganda system and the mind control system is far more effective here [in Western societies] than it is in those brutal dictatorships. [...] Ideologically the people are blinded. Video presentation by Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, What Promotes Positive Health? A New Social Design to Accomplish This?, sponsored by The Zeitgeist Vancouver, YouTube film, minute 25:04 and 32:33, 42:12 minutes duration, filmed 3. June 2012, posted 5. July 2012



The importance of social and cultural context

  • To understand in a satisfactory manner the brain that fabricates human mind and human behavior, it is necessary to take into account its social and cultural context. And that makes the endeavor truly daunting. Antonio R. Damasio, Ph.D. (*1944) Portugese US American Dornsife professor of neuroscience, University of Iowa, consciousness researcher, author, Descartes' Error. Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, 1994, S. 260, Penguin Books, 27. September 2005



Misleading mind brain/body split

  • It is not only the separation between the mind and brain that is mythical:
    the separation between mind and body is probably just as fictional.
    The mind is embodied, in the full sense of the term, not just embrained.
    Antonio R. Damasio, Ph.D. (*1944) Portugese US American Dornsife professor of neuroscience, University of Iowa, consciousness researcher, author, Descartes' Error. Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, 1994, S. 118, Penguin Books, 27. September 2005


  • True health is only possible when we understand the unity of our minds, emotions, spirits, and physical bodies and stop striving for perfection. Christiane Northrup, M.D. (*1949) US American obstetrician, advocate for women’s health, speaker, author, cited in: website About Dr. Northrup, undated

Study by Thomas P. Zwaka, M.D., Ph.D., Madison, Marion Dejosez, Hiroki Ura, Vicky L. Brandt, Safeguards for Cell Cooperation in Mouse Embryogenesis Shown by Genome-Wide Cheater Screen, presented by the US American science magazine Science,
12. September 2013


  • Mutant cells only misbehave when they are around normal cells. They become competitive, perhaps promoting an evolutionary advance. When all the cells are the same, either all mutated or all normal, they cooperate with each other.
    Cell cooperation, altruistic behavior, cheating, and other so-called social behaviors are wired into cells via the genome at the early primitive stage. Perhaps there is no coincidence that amoeba, insects, animals, the human culture and society, generally follow innate rules of cooperation. Darwin's explanation of evolution as a struggle for existence needs to be tempered with an acknowledgment of the importance of cooperation in the evolution of complexity. Thomas P. Zwaka, M.D., Ph.D., German associate professor of developmental and regenerative biology, University of Wisconsin, cited in: A radical new holistic view of health based on cooperation and disease based on competition, presented by Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence, 16. September 2013



Brain health tips

  • Avoid unhealthy conditions and habits hurting the brain
    1. Brain injuries
    2. Drugs and alcohol [Drink max. 2 cups of coffee per day.]
    3. Obesity
    4. Sleep apnea
    5. Smoking
    6. High blood pressure (major risk factor for Alzheimer's disease)
    7. Diabetes
    8. High sugar diet
    9. Toxic environments (i.e. handling paint)
    10. Chronic stress (kills cells in the memory centers and adds fat to the belly)
    11. Lack of physical exercise
    12. Too much pleasure (Dopamine overload via sugar, gambling, Internet pornography)
  • Engage in regular health and brain enhancing habits
    1. Social connections [share time in and be part of a community. Get 9-12 hugs a day.]
    2. Learning new skills
    3. Conscious diet [spinach, green leafy vegetables, avocado, walnuts, organic blueberries, fish oil [alt. flagseed oil], green tea, whole unprocessed food [skipping potatoes, pasta]
    4. Wise calories spending
    5. Omega 3 fatty acids
    6. Targeted supplements
    7. Green tea
    8. Physical exercise [Walk 30 minutes per day. Including 4 times 1 minute of fast running.]
    9. Deep breathing exercise twice a day [prevents panick attacks] followed by meditation
    10. Gratitude [Journal of 3-5 things you are grateful for every day.]
    11. Prayer
    12. Enough healthy sleep [Sleep 8-9 hours, naked, in a dark room.]
Video presentation by Daniel Amen, M.D. (*1954) US American physician, child and adult neuropsychiatrist, medical director of the Amen Clinic, self-help advisor, lecturer, author, Fit, Fun and Faith, sponsored by Saddleback Church, Daniel Plan series, event at the New Community Church, 31. July 2011, YouTube film, 42:47 minutes duration, posted by newcommunitychurchmv 13. August 2011


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Health

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013



Physical and mental health of an individual is implicit along the path of awakening.


  • Life is sustained by the Source of life itself which is ever present. The reason we take vitamins is because the quality and principle of the Self enhance the attraction of that which is life enhancing for so long as it is appropriate. When the prescribed duration of life ends then the Self sustains the existence of Spirit life instead of body life.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, "The Emotions", S. 201, 2003


Complex carbohydrates-grain, fruit, and vegetables
  • Clinically, [humor] is associated with improved health and even longevity. […]
    The effect of humor is therapeutic, and it also increases human bonding and compassion via mutual recognition. Humor reduces inner pain, shame, and guilt, thereby revealing more benign options. […]
    It serves as the example of therapeutic/spiritual techniques that lead to inner freedom, honesty, and liberation. It is an antidote to shame, fear, and guilt. It subtly reveals the capacity of inner strength that allows the recognition of
    one's innate, nascent bigness.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Transcending Levels of Consciousness.
    The Stairway to Enlightenment
    , S. 362-363, 2006


Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, chapter 2
"Assisting Healing", S. 52, 2009


  • Health means aliveness, which is an expression of an energy field. The body expresses and is subject to what is held in mind, and therefore, the greater the amount of negativity held in mind, the greater the effect of the negative energy field on the body's physical health. In contrast, the greater the positive energy that is being held in mind, the more powerfully positive is the energy field of life. This knowledge provides a tool to determine whether or not something supports health and the expression of life. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 108-109, 2009


  • Health results from transcending limitations and feelings of separation. Since we have the power of refusal, we can refuse things in our life that are negative.
    If our mind can become programmed in a negative direction, we can choose to program it in a positive direction as well. Health is an expression of self-esteem. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 110, 2009


  • It is necessary to look at the relationship between mind and body because of its great importance in the field of health and something that really is not clearly understood. A basic principle that is demonstrated clinically is that
    we are subject only to what we hold in mind. This is a principle of healing and health, with two sides to the coin – one side being illness and the other being health. They are the opposite sides of the coin of the same understanding that heals and brings about health – that we are subject to what we hold in mind.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 110, 2009


  • Health is the willingness to let go of buying into negativity. Why would a person buy into negativity in the first place? Why are some people so receptive to programming? There are people who become fearful every time they open a magazine that reports about a current illness, which relates to the amount of fear and guilt they already carry within them. The amount of fear is really consequent to the amount of unconscious guilt. It is as though the vulnerable person is attracted by fear, and when they hear of an illness, they become mentally programmed enough to make it happen in their lives. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 120, 2009


  • Cause is on the level of mind; effect is on the level of body, not the other way around. Merely reversing that understanding provides the whole key to health and healing. Health then comes out of a positive mental attitude, which we have heard many times, so much so that many people are annoyed by it because it implies that if they
    have a sickness, they do not have a positive mental attitude. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 121-122, 2009



Disease acts as an incessant gadfly nudging for spiritual growth.

  • For the person who is oriented in the direction of health, illness merely becomes something that is coming up in order to be healed; it is bringing up a lesson. The illness is saying, "Look at me. Please heal what I stand for and symbolize. Please heal the guiltiness, self-hatred, and limiting thought forms. Please move up to loving me so I can be healed." The illness is a demand to grow spiritually. It is an incessant gadfly that tells us that something is 'out' and needs to be looked at. Something needs to be held in a different way.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, chapter 4 "Health", S. 128-129, 2009



  • Introspection and spiritual movement are necessary to achieve
    • a state of well-being,
    • a feeling that one's life is significant,
    • and that we make a difference in the world.
We do not need the attention that illness brings to us because our sense of importance comes through the realization of the greatness of our real Self. General growth in the field of spiritual development brings about a condition of health and can do so quite rapidly if we change our position to let go of certain limited beliefs.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, Healing and Recovery, S. 133, 2009

Englische Texte – English section on Health

Five crossculturally embedded areas of health

Five significant portals for the creation of health
༺༻Health portalBody·areaKeywordsRemark
1.Safety⇔Danger Stomach
legs, feet
Fight or flight, can’t stomach itWhen one feels unsafe, blood goes to the feet for running or fighting if neccessary. Digestion temporarily stops leaving blood and energy for fighting or flighting.
2.Love⇔Hate Chest
base of neck
Broken heartPeople in all cultures point to the heart which holds both love and hate.
3.Expression⇔Suppression Face
throat to eyes
arms and hands
(Not) expressing thoughts, ideas, emotions
Thyroid problems are associated with an inhibited
4.Peace⇔Turmoil Eyebrow to
top of head
Culturally termed the third eye
Wisdom center
Area where both peace or turmoil are felt and solutions are found.
5.Spirituality⇔Existentiality Around and within
the body
UbiquityBalancing act between too much/litte spirituality and existentiality
Inspired by:
► Blog entry The Five Portals, presented by The Pendulist, 2. February 2013
Featuring Dr. Mario Martinez' Mind Body Code and the "Causes of health"

Keeping one's heart healthy

Five strategies for preventing heart disease
 ༺༻Health·strategyPractical applicationRemark
1.Reduce·inflammation.Eat fish and take Omega 3 supplements.Number one anti-inflammatory compound.
2.Exercise every day.Walk 30 minutes per day.Walking grows new brain cells.
3.Eat healthy food. Eat less calories, less sugar, less processed carbohydrates. Eat more vegetables, fruits, proteins, good fats. 
4.Reduce stress.[*] Stay in a close knit community, do deep breathing, keep a gratitude journal, do joyous things.Referring to the Rosetta Phenomenon study made in Pennsylvania (early part of the 20th century)
5.Take·essential·supplements. Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin D, Omega 3's 
► Video interview with Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., US American nutritionist, author, Big Think Interview With Jonny Bowden, presented
     by the US American web portal Big Think, transcript included, starting minute 18:29 (5:16), 28:10 minutes duration,
     aired 10. February 2010
► Alternative viewing source: 5 Strategies for Preventing Heart Disease, YouTube film, 5:17 minutes duration, posted 23. April 2012
Cutting cholesterol is not the best way to protect yourself from America's leading cause of death.
► Audio presentation by Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian addiction expert, Capitalism
     Makes Us Crazy: Dr. Gabor Maté on Illness and Addiction
, presented by zvents.com, recorded by the listener-funded Californian
      radio station KPFA Public Radio Exchange (PRX), Berkeley, California, minute 11:58, 29:00 minutes duration, aired
     19. November 2011



The parameters of stress

[*] Research shows that what is most stressful for people is:

  1. uncertainty,
  2. lack of information, (Secrecytransparency)
  3. loss of (self)control,
  4. and lack of opportunity to express oneself.

Men's health within the domination system

In a society in which men are expected to be strong, independent, aggressive, and impervious to emotional
stress, it is inevitable that men’s health will suffer.

  • Boys are nine times more likely than girls to suffer from hyperactivity.
  • Young men are five times more likely to commit suicide than young women.
  • Men have far higher rates of substance abuse and antisocial personality disorder than women.
William S. Pollack, Ph.D., US American assistant clinical professor of psychology, department of psychiatry, Harvard Medical
     School, director of the Centers for Men and Young Men, director of Continuing Education, McLean Hospital, Ronald F. Levant,
     New Psychotherapy for Men, John Wiley & Sons, 1st edition 15. January 1998
Richard Saul, M.D., US American pediatric neurologist, author, ADHD Does Not Exist. The Truth About Attention Deficit and
     Hyperactivity Disorder
, HarperWave, 1st edition 13. March 2014, reprint edition 3. March 2015
HIGHLY overdiagnosed, Saul calls ADHD "neurochemical distractability/impulsivity".
See also:
Men and ► Men's literature and ► Statistics
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)



Early childhood experiences to the development of the brain:

ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
1. (General) poor impulse control,
2. Physical hyperactivity
3. Poor attention skills

  • The conditions in which children develop have been so corrupted and troubled [in post-industrial capitalism] over the last several decades that the template for normal childhood development is no longer present.
    Video interview with Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Stress-Disease Connection, Addiction and the Destruction of American Childhood, presented by the US American non-profit TV, radio and internet news program Democracy Now!, host Amy Goodman (*1957) US American broadcast journalist, syndicated columnist, investigative reporter, author, minute 14:22, 59:05 minutes duration, (aired Feb 2010-Jun 2011),
    posted 25. December 2012


Links zum Thema Gesundheit / Health


Das deutsche Gesundheitssystem ist eines der teuersten in Europa. Es belohnt nicht Gesundheit oder Heilung, sondern vielmehr Krankheit und Übertherapie. Teils Therapiepläne berücksichtigen die bürokratische Zwänge des Arztes mehr als die Bedürfnisse des Patienten.

Literature (engl.)

Cultural portals (memes) shape human biology and the ageing process.

Externe Weblinks


  • Übersicht FingerStrömen, präsentiert von Elis Dream Catcher, undatiert

Gesundheitstipp Fingerhalten: Daumen – Selbstwert-Finger, Zeigefinger – Mut-Finger, Mittelfinger – Gelassenheits-Finger, Ringfinger – Gute Laune-Finger, Kleine Finger – Sonnenschein-Finger

Die Selbstversuche mit der Einnahme des Sonnenscheinhormons Vitamin D3 des Autors Jeff T. Bowles zeigten, dass eine ausreichende Einnahme von Vitamin D3 ein wichtiger Faktor zur Vorbeugung von Krankheiten wie Depression, Asthma oder Krebs ist.

Spontanheilungsforschung von Dr. Kelly Turner


1. Traubenkernextrakt auch OPC
2. Homöopathisches Mittel: Okoubaka (Potenz D3)
3. MSM
4. 19 probiotische Kräuter und 7 probiotische Kulturen: Vita Biosa
5. Schindele's Mineralienpulver


Austestung mit einem der bioelektrischen Verfahren (Elektroakupunktur, Vega Test, Kinesiologie o.ä.), um den Erreger (Bakterien, Parasiten, Pilze, andere Auslöser) auszumachen. Schulmedizinische Medikamente gegen Pilzbefall enthalten meistens den Wirkstoff "Nystatin", der nur in sehr wenigen Fällen wirklich hilft. Das Medikament "Nizoral" hilft eigentlich immer.  Ekzem in der Scheide

Weblinks zum Thema Gesundheit – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

Sugar is toxic to the body. Referencing the insights of Orthomolecular Medicine, Linus Pauling, Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. (1917-2009) Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist et al.

last update 10. May 2019
Health ranking of 190 countries [status 2019]

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine found that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist.


Garlic, 2 lemons, raw honey, 1 tsp baking soda

Health tips

1. Influenza vaccine (Flu shot)
2. Blood thinners
3. Chemotherapy
4. Rotavirus vaccine
5. Anxiety medications benzodiazepines
6. Seizure medications

1. Vitamin B12
2. Calcium
3. Vitamin D
4. Magnesium
5. Potassium
6. Omega-3s
7. Probiotics

Pain reduction

  • Blog article How Toning the Vagus Nerve Heals Pain, presented by the blogspot Uplift Connect, Edwina Shaw, 3. November 2017
    Vagal Toning Techniques to reduce inflammation:
    1. Humming breathing (Bhramari pranayama) – the easiest way to do this is simply to breathe in through your nostrils then hum as you exhale slowly.
    2. Ujjayi breathing – breathing with the glottis partially closed, as this also stimulates the vocal cords which are intrinsically related to the vagus nerve.
    3. Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)
    4. Chanting
    5. Singing
    6. Talking – anything that stimulates your vocal cords is going to help.
    7. Loving kindness-meditation
    8. Washing your face with icy water – cold water on your face stimulates the vagus nerve.

Cancer cures

Audio- und Videolinks

Themen der Zahnheilkunde: Fluorid, Prophylaxe, Karies und mehr

Woraus besteht die Wim-Hof-Methode?  Minute 16:59

Vorbeugung – Peacefood und Intervallfasten – 93% aller vom Menschen aufgenommenen Gifte werden über Tierproteine aufgenommen.
Der Mainstream und die Medien sind an der Pharmaindustrie, nicht an einer vollständigen Gesundung der Menschen interessiert.


Vier Säulen der Gesundheit: 1. Ernährung (süß im Mund), 2. Entgiftung (bitter im Magen), 3. Darmsanierung, 4. Spiritualität

Audio and video links (engl.)


  • Video documentary A Timeline of Vitamin Medicine, presented by the Vitamin Channel, founder Andrew W. Saul,
    YouTube film, 21:02 minutes duration, posted 12. January 2017

Audio and video links (engl.) – Health tips

Being true to oneself, vulnerable, transparent, stripping off the multiple masks, listening to the inner pilot radiate allows for core healing.

Health benefits of coconuts and coconut products

Recipe: Drink in the morning or in the evening: 1/2 table spoon of baking soda and 1/2 table spoon of pink Himalayan salt in half a glass of
purified water, stirred.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Gabor Maté

Linkless media offerings

  • Video presentation by Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, What Promotes Positive Health? A New Social Design to Accomplish This?, sponsored by The Zeitgeist Vancouver, recorded 3. June 2012, YouTube film, 42:12 minutes duration, posted 5. July 2012
  • Video interview / fire place talk on Attachment, Disease, Addiction with Gabor Maté, M.D. drgabormate.com (*1944) Hungarian-Canadian physician, addiction expert, speaker, author, Gábor Máté MD Attachment = Wholeness and Health or Disease, ADD, Addiction, Violence, presented by the video producer Touch the Future, host Michael Mendizza, recorded 2012, YouTube film, 1:19:57 duration, posted 10. January 2014
See also:
► Gabor Maté: Audio and video links (engl.) – Gabor Maté
► Neuro sciences: Audio and video links (engl.) – Gabor Maté

Audio and video links (engl.) – Mario Martinez

  • Video presentation by Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuro-
    immunologist, author, Does the Immune System Have Morals?, presented by Myss Free Media, 2004, YouTube film,
    4:04 minutes duration, posted 21. May 2013

Principles and decision-making of the immune system

  • Audio interview with Mario Martinez, PsyD, Uruguaian clinical neuropsychologist, contemplative psychologist, psycho-neuro-
    immunologist, author, Dr. Mario Martinez discusses The Mind Body Code, presented by the US American web radio station KPFT Pacifica Radio, host Ernesto Aguilar, Houston, Mid May 2013, YouTube film, 1:16:23 minutes duration, posted 28. May 2013
See also: ► Aging: Audio and video links (engl.) on longevity – Mario Martinez

Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling

Audios und Videos featuring Hans Rosling, M.D., Ph.D. (1948-2017) Swedish professor of global health, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, public speaker
TypeOfferingHeadingSponsor ♦
Minutes durationRelease date
YouTube videoPresentationNew insights on povertyTED Talks20:55Filmed March 2007
Posted 26. June 2007
YouTube videoPresentationLet my dataset change your mindset, US State DepartmentTED Talks19:56Filmed June 2009
Posted August 2009
"Stop using the concept of "developing world". Development is a continuum. The world is CONVERGING (but not the lower billion)."  Minute 7:26
YouTube videoPresentationAsia's rise – how and whenTED Talks15:50Filmed and posted
November 2009
YouTube videoPresentationThe good news of the decade?TEDX Talks15:36Filmed September 2010
Posted October 2010
See also: ► Transformation: Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans Rosling


Interne Links



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