Wiki / Geschichte
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Die Geschichte der Menschheit, |
Geschichte ist die Lüge, |
Reference: ► en.Wikipedia entry Timeline of evolution |
Reference: ► Edutainment movie Journey of Mankind, interactive trail adapted from Out of Eden / The Real Eve, presented by the Bradshaw Foundation in association with Stephen Oppenheimer, 2003 | |
See also: ► Macrohistoric timetable of evolution: Goddess ⇔ Alphabet ♦ Images ⇔ Writing ♦ Right ⇔ left brain hemispheres ► Ten turning points in cosmic evolution made human life possible |
Im Übergang von dem statisch-Männlichen zum dynamisch-Weiblichen Wir nähern uns tatsächlich dem Ende der statischen Maskulinität ["erzogen worden zu sein von einem alleinerzie- henden Vater, ohne eine Mutter kennengelernt zu haben"]. In den vergangenen zweitausend oder zweitausendfünf- hundert Jahren befanden wir uns in dieser geschichtlichen Phase. […] Wir müssen uns hüten, das [emergierende dynamische Weibliche] System zu verurteilen, indem wir sagen, es funktioniere nicht, nur weil es jung ist […]. Wer müssen erst das Chaos [die Periode der fluktuierenden Homöostase] durchlaufen und ein neues organisierendes Prinzip finden. Audiointerview mit Anodea Judith (*1952) US-amerikanische Psychotherapeutin, Historikerin, Mythologin, Semi- narleiterin, Autorin, Humanity Moving From Adolescence To Maturity, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Webradiosender New Dimensions, Gastgeberin Justine Willis-Toms, 57:00 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 25. Dezember 2013 |
Referenzen: ► Artikel Das Ende der Religion?, präsentiert von dem deutschen online Wissenschaftsportal Spektrum, 12. Mai 2006 ► Artikel über John Horgan Das Ende der Wissenschaft, präsentiert von der Schweizer Tageszeitung Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), 19. Juni 2011 ► Artikel (engl.) The end of everything [Das Ende von Allem], präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Tageszeitung The Washington Post, Carlos Lozada, 5. April 2013 ► Gelöschter Artikel Das Ende der Anwälte? Richard Susskind prophezeit digitale Disruption für den Anwaltsstand, präsentiert von der Schweizer Tageszeitung Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ), Peter Kurer, 2013 Die Informationstechnologie wird den Anwaltsberuf umkrempeln. ► Artikel Das Ende der Medien?, präsentiert von der Publikation Adzine, Pierre Chappaz, 10. September 2015 ► Artikel Priesterausbilder: System der Kirche am Ende, präsentiert von dem Internetportal der römisch-katholischen Kirche in Deutschland, 13. April 2016 ► Artikel Das Ende des weißen Amerika naht, präsentiert von der überregionalen bürgerlich-liberalen österreichischen Tageszeitung Die Presse, Johannes Kunz, 9. April 2018 Bis 2042 werden nicht-weiße Gruppen die Mehrheit der US-Bevölkerung ausmachen. ► Artikel Viele Niedergänge und Neuanfänge, präsentiert von der Plattform für Schreibende Publikum, Elfriede Ammann, 4. März 2021 |
Medienangeborte: ► Videointerview mit Prof. Niall Ferguson (*1964) schottischer Harvard und Oxford Historiker, Autor, Niall Ferguson ist überzeugt: Der Westen steht vor dem Untergang, präsentiert von dem Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen SRF, wöchentliche Diskussionsrunde Sternstunde Philosophie, Gastgeber Stephan Klapproth, YouTube Film, 54:10 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. Februar 2016 |
Siehe auch: ► Franz Hörmann und ► Paradigmenwechsel |
See also: ► Endings of history, physics, science, economics, work, money, law, gender relations, demographics |
Die Ankunft auf der bis dahin in Europa unbekannten Insel Barbados von Christoph Kolumbus (1451-1506) am 12. Oktober 1492 wird in den Vereinigten Staaten jährlich als Kolumbus-Tag gefeiert. Als offizieller Feiertag wurde er zuerst 1892 von Präsident Benjamin Harrison ausgerufen. Seit 1934 ist er ein nationaler Feiertag. Seit den 60iger Jahren gibt es eine Bewegung, diesen fragwürdigen Nationalfeiertag zu Ehren eines rufgeschädigten Barbaren auf Indigenous Peoples Day umzubenennen.
Der Eroberer, Kolonisator und Versklaver Kolumbus nannte die Urein-
wohner beider Amerikas "Indianer", da er irrtümlich teilweise glaubte,
über den Westweg Indien (in Asien) entdeckt zu haben.
Kolumbus löste eines der größten Massensterben der Menschheit in der "Neuen Welt" aus. Zusammen mit anderen Ursachen, vor allem einge-
schleppte Krankheiten und Seuchen, führte die von Kolumbus begonnene Kolonisation der Karibischen Inseln zu einer demografischen Katastrophe. Bereits 1494, nur zwei Jahre nach seiner Ankunft, waren 125,000 Men-
schen, die Hälfte der Ureinwohnerbevölkerung der Insel Barbados, tot. Kolumbus überwachte den dortigen Verkauf von nativen Mädchen, bevor-
zugt im Alter von 9-10 Jahren, in die Sexsklaverei. Im Jahr 1500 war die Sklaverei so unerträglich für die waffenlosen sanften Inselbewohner ge-
worden, dass 100 von ihnen Massenselbstmord begingen.
Vor 1492 wohnten etwa 3 Millionen auf der Insel Hispaniola. 20 Jahre nach Ankunft der spanischen Eroberer, war ihre Zahl auf 60,000 ge-
schrumpft. 50 Jahre später waren alle Ureinwohner Hispaniolas ausge-
rottet.1 1492 betrug die Bevölkerungszahl von Mexiko etwa 20 Millionen,
im Jahr 1618 nur noch 1,6 Millionen.
Im 15. Jahrhundert lebten schätzungsweise 60 Millionen Ureinwohner in Nord- und Südamerika. Dezimiert um 90 Prozent, lebten Anfang 1600
noch 6 Millionen im gesamten Kontinent Amerika.
Ähnliche Statistiken gibt es für Australien und den Pazifischen Raum. Überall, wo die Europäer auftauchten, brachten sie den Tod, die Seuchen der Alten Welt, mit sich.
Referenz: ► Christoph Kolumbus (1451-1506) italienischer Seefahrer in spanischen Diensten, Entdecker Amerikas, 1492, Kolonisator, Frauenfeind, Rassist, Das Bordbuch. Leben und Fahrten des Entdeckers der Neuen Welt 1492, Diederichs, 13. Februar 2006, Edition Erdmann, 2013 |
Referenzen: de.Wikipedia-Einträge ► Kolonisation und ► Bordbuch des Christoph Kolumbus |
Reference: ► Article The first European settlement in the New World, presented by the British website of BBC News Online, Allan Lynch, 3. July 2017 |
Siehe auch: ► Würfel-Kosmologie ⇔ Kugel-Kosmologie und ► Negativität |
See also: ► Wetiko – symptons of the Me-disease – Paul Levy and ► Quotes by M. Scott Peck – My Lai Massacre (case study) |
Geschichtsfälschung im deutschen Schulunterricht
BRD-Höchstgericht bestätigt NJ: EZB-Politik ist kriminell, präsentiert von Ganzheitliches Forum, undatiert
Das hochkriminelle verzinste Geldsystem der privaten Notenbankent trägt die Hauptschuld am Leid der Menschen.
Die Wall Street ist für die über die Deutschen verhängten Lügen verantwortlich.
Siehe auch: Der Sprung vom Nationalstaat zur Weltregierung (2. Tier), Ken Wilber über Weltentwicklung bis 2030
Personal avowals
See also: Video presentation by Chris Hedges, Chris Hedges Best Speech In 2017, sponsored by a KBOO Community Radio Benefit, host Becky Meiers, Portland, Oregon, YouTube film, 1:09:26 duration, reposted 5. November 2018
Future prospects
Sociological imagination = "quality of mind" which allows one to grasp "history and biography and the relations between the two within society"
On reaching the tipping point of 10% of the population
Feminist/masculinist movements are liberating democracy from patriarchy.
20 ancient civilizations planted pyramids around the globe starting some 50,000 years ago.
Koran: "We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another."
Talmud: "The whole of the Torah is for the purpose of promoting peace."
Bible: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Obama suggested to take the high road, the road less traveled.
When the financial system collapses money will be reinvented. Different currencies will be used for different levels.
Psychohistory ∞ context ⇔ history ∞ content
Emotionally crippled psychohistorians and psychoanalysts
Since 10,000 years sadistic draw-down entitled imperialist societies continually overrun "good examples".
Literary quotes
Song lyrics
Source: ► Article The end of everything, presented by the American daily newspaper The Washington Post, Carlos Lozada, 5. April 2013 |
References: ► Quote collection Oswald Spengler > Quotes, presented by Goodreads, undated ► Article The End of Church, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper Huffington Post, Diana Butler Bass, US American historian on the history of Christianity, leading voice in progressive Christianity, 18. February 2012, updated 19. April 2012 ► Article The end of capitalism has begun, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Paul Mason, 17. July 2015 ► Q&A contribution Are you aware that we live in an era of multiple endings?, presented on the Californian question-and-answer website Quora, Elfriede Ammann, 54 views, 4. July 2019 | |||
See also: ► Franz Hörmann and ► Paradigmal shift | |||
Siehe auch: ► Beendigungen der Geschichte, Physik, Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Geld, Recht, Beziehungen, Demographie |
Source: ► Anodea Judith (*1952) US American psychotherapist, historian, mythologist, lecturer on body/mind integration, author, The Global Heart Awakens. Humanity's Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love, Elite Books, 30. Juni 2006, Energy Psychology Press, 1. Januar 2010, Shift Books, 2nd edition 18. July 2013 |
References: ► [♥] ⚡ Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Eye of Spirit, 2001 ► [♦] Archive for Jordan Maxwell Symbols, Part 6: The Solar Cross, presented by The Darkness Files, ~September 2010 |
Transitioning from the static masculine to the dynamic feminine We're actually coming toward the end of the static masculine [being "raised by a single father with no knowledge of the mother"] and we've been in that for the last two thousand or twenty five hundred years. […] We need to be careful not to judge it as a system [dynamic feminine] that doesn't work just because it's young […] we have to move through the chaos [period of fluctuating homeostasis] and find a new organizing principle. Audio interview with Anodea Judith (*1952) US American psychotherapist, historian, mythologist, lecturer on body/mind integration, author, Humanity Moving From Adolescence To Maturity, presented by the US American web radio station New Dimensions, host Justine Willis-Toms, 57:00 minutes duration, posted 25. December 2013
Crucial error of the romantic view The Romantic view is that the infant starts out in a state of unconscious Heaven. [...] [T]he infant self is actually one with the dynamic Ground of Being – but in an unconscious (or "un-self-conscious") fashion. Thus, unconscious Heaven – blissful, wonderful, mystical, the paradisiacal state out of which ist will soon fall, and to which it will always long to return. [...] [S]ometime in the first few years of life, the self differentiates from the environment, the union with the dynamic Ground is lost, subject and object are separated, and the self moves from unconscious Heaven into conscious Hell – the world of egoic alienation, repression, terror, tragedy. But, the happy account continues, the self can make a type of U-turn in development, sweep back to the prior infantile, union state, re-unite with the great Ground of Being, only now in a fully conscious and self-actualized way, and thus find conscious Heaven. ⚡ Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, The Eye of Spirit. An Integral Vision for a World Gone Slightly Mad, chapter "The Romantic View", S. 95, Shambhala Publications, 1998 |
Source: ► Leonard Shlain, M.D. (1937-2009) US American researcher, chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, author of The Alphabet Versus the Goddess, Timeline – The Alphabet versus the Goddess, 2006 |
Reference: ► Edutainment movie Journey of Mankind, interactive trail adapted from Out of Eden / The Real Eve, produced by Stephen Oppenheimer, presented by the Bradshaw Foundation, 2003 |
Chaldea and early Egypt used perfect numbers of the sacred mysteries Sirius cycle. Proponents of the idea that terrestrial events repeat themselves in a cyclical fashion structured in perfect numbers were Thales of Miletus (624-~546 BC) and Pythagoras of Samos (~570-495 BC).
Plato (427-347 BC) advocated the complete precessional cycle. The Platonic Year comprises the golden number at 25920 years containing all other subnumbers.
The French astrologer Michel Helmer who had discovered the number Phi (~1.616) was the first to locate successfully the peak times within each cycle according to the ancient theory. [Cahiers Astrologiques, 1960]
Written source: ► Book excerpt from Francois Masson, David Michael Steinberg, translator, The End of Our Century by 1979-1980, 1981, chapter 6 Cyclology – The Mathematics Of History, edited and published by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 2001 |
Audio sources featuring David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author ► Radio interview David Wilcock – Synchronicity & Enlightenment, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950), aired 19. August 2013, YouTube film, 1:53:57 duration, posted 4. August 2017 |
Further reference: ► Article The Precession of the Equinoxes, presented by the publication ancient-wisdom, undated |
See also: ► Circles |
Source: ► Rajendra S. Sisodia, Ph.D., Indian US American professor of marketing, Bentley University, co-founder and chairman of the Conscious Capitalism Institute, founding member of the Conscious Capitalism movement, Jagdish N. Sheth, Ph.D. (*1938) Burmese-US American Charles H. Kellstadt professor of marketing, Goizueta Business School, Emory University, David B. Wolfe, US American customer behavior expert, author, Firms of Endearment. How World-Class Companies Profit from Passion and Purpose, Prologue A Whole New World, Pearson Prentice Hall, 1st edition 10. February 2007 |
See also: ► Creativity and ► Paradigm shift, namely ► Current trend – Shifting from PUSH mode to PULL mode ► Information Age ⇒ Conceptual Age ⇒ Changing expressions of creativity – Daniel Pink |
The "separation of church and state" is a strategem to enshrine Lucifer as the god of the modern world. While pushing pro-
ducts, drugs, sex, arms, and violence to enslave body and soul of humanity, the top players of the Satanic conspiracy are carrying out the script of setting up a New World Order. Their plan, contesting the human soul along with the creative right
brain hemisphere, keeps unfolding since people cannot believe that such a monstrous reality actually exists.
References featuring David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, ► Book: The Dying God. The Hidden History of Western Civilization, 2000, iUniverse, 14. June 2002 ► Deleted audio interview: 3000 Year History of Ancient Bloodlines ~ David Livingstone, presented by the West Swedish web radio/TV station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded 23. November 2008, YouTube film, 2:38:43 duration, posted 1. April 2017 |
See also: ► Systemic dumbing-drugging down of modern Western society and ► Culture |
Global domination by the Jesuits
There is a covertly operating group of shadow controllers which has been "known" under different names during history.
Like the phoenix, it keeps "dying" out of waning empires and being "reborn" into those that are newly emerging.
The Spanish knight, hermit, theologian, priest since 1537 Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556) was the crypto-Jewish co-founder
of the Society of Jesus (SJ) in 1540. In 1541 he became the first Superior General [The Black Pope] of the Jesuits. The Jesuits are dominating religions, economics worldwide, and the military worldwide since more than 470 years, crushing the middle class, emphasizing a two-party system, and widening the inequality gap.
References: ► Blog article by William Dean A. Garner, US American biophysicist, US Army Ranger, corporate mercenary, parapolitical researcher, author, The Reptilian-Jesuits’ Five-Step Program For Destroying A Country, presented by the website, 23. Dezember 2012 ► Documentary THE NEW WORLD ORDER – A 6000 Year History, presented by UFOTV, Cutting Edge Films and UFO Video Company, ©2013, YouTube film, 1:42:07 duration, posted 11. February 2014 Secret societies, ancient beliefs and the matrix of control infiltrated the political, military, economic, scientific, cultural, religious organisation to string the rope of the New World Order. ► Audio Interview with Karen Hudes, US American lawyer, economist, US Export Import Bank (1980-1985), senior counsel for the legal department of the World Bank (1986-2007), whistleblower, Solution suggestions from Karen Hudes – World Bank Whistleblower 10-25-13, presented by host Kimberley Jaeger, YouTube film, 1:05:47 duration, posted 8. November 2013 |
See also: ► Correlating the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere – Iain McGilchrist ► Two opposed American dreams – Charles Moore and ► Systemic acts of evil ► Mind control and ► Conspiracy |
Source: ► Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, Mayan calendar and time researcher, author, The Sixth Wave of Creation, presented by The Yugas, Understanding History Through Knowledge of Man's Cycles, deleted Facebook comment, 23. January 2017 |
Links zum Thema Geschichte / HistoryLiteratur
Aufdeckung von Geschichtslügen der letzten 3.000 Jahre
Nicht nur die Rote Armee im Osten stillte ihren Hass an den Deutschen, sondern ebenso Amerikaner, Briten und Franzosen im Westen. Vor
Verbesserung des homo sapiens zum homo deus mittels Dataismus, Biotechnologie, Genmanipulation, KI im 21. Jahrhundert
1 Desillusionierung: Das Ende der Geschichte wurde vertagt
Der Faschismus wurde nach dem 2. Weltkrieg beendet. Literature (engl.)
Comprehensive historical interpretation of the Nazi era, positing that German history logically proceeded from Martin Luther to Adolf Hitler, that Hitler’s ascension to power was an expression of German national character, not of totalitarianism as an ideology that was internationally fashionable in the 1930s.
Three books on the history of revolutions ranging from early 19th century to mid 20th century
Both academic history and Church history are fradulent and inaccurate.
Alternative history of Western Civilization – asserting that the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition is based on a mistake
Book review, presented by the magazine "Intersections. Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific", issue 22, October 2009
Evidence suggests that these outsiders shaped our religions, genes, technology, and cultures.
♦ Sphinx dates back much further than 2500 BCE ♦ Scientific evidence of advanced civilization predating ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and Greece ♦ 12,000-year-old megalithic complex of Göbekli Tepe ♦ Cataclysm nearly 12,000 years ago ♦ Last ice age ended abruptly in 9700 BCE due to
Upgrading homo sapiens into homo deus via dataism, biotechnology, GMO, AI in the 21st century
Externe Weblinks
1. Das Schliemannsche Gold 2. Die Große Mauer von China 3. Das Grabmal des Tutanchamun
Linklose Artikel
Weblinks zum Thema Geschichte mit historischen Fotos – QuoraBeiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
Historische Bilder
External web links (engl.)
Linkless article
Investigation of the outrageous theory on world history of the Russian mathematician Anatoly Fomenko
Audio- und Videolinks
Der Faschismus wurde nach dem 2. Weltkrieg beendet.
Dokumentarfilme / Reportagen
Audio- und Videolinks – Daniele GanserAudios und Videos von und mit Dr. phil. Daniele Ganser (*1972) Schweizer Historiker, Universität St. Gallen, NATO-Kenner, Experte für verdeckte geostrategische Kriegsführung, Energie- und Friedensforscher, Gründer und Leiter
des Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011)
Audio- und Videolinks – Raik GarveAudios und Videos von und mit Raik Garve, deutscher Arzt, Gesundheitslehrer, Dozent
Audio and video links (engl.)
On the roots of creativity, differences between male and female perspectives, conclusions on the future
Illustrated wide-angle look at the complexity, complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet
Creation of the U.S. National Security State during WW2, the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, the real reasons behind the Cold War, the side-lining of 'the man who would be president', Henry A. Wallace (1888-1965) 33rd US American vice president (1941-1945), secretary of agriculture (1933-1940), secretary of commerce (1945-1946)
20 ancient civilizations planted pyramids around the globe starting some 50,000 years ago.
Audio and video links (engl.) – Daniele GanserAudios and videos featuring Daniele Ganser, Ph.D. (*1972) Swiss historian, University of St. Gallen, researcher on energy, geostrategic secret warfare, and peace, founder and director of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER) (*2011)
Media offerings archive: Video interviews with Dr. Daniele Ganser on the topics peace, energy, media, terror and war
Audio and video links (engl.) – Alison WeirAudios and videos on archeo-astronomy featuring Alison Weir, US American human rights activist and speaker, former editor and journalist, free lance reporter, author
Deleted audios as a result of YouTube content censoring
Audio and video links (engl.) – Graham HancockAudios and videos on archeo-astronomy featuring Graham Hancock (*1950) British archeo-astro-
nomist, shamanic seeker, journalist, author of novel Entangled
Audio and video links (engl.) – Tony KilvertAudios and videos on hidden pyramid technology featuring Tony Kilvert, British researcher of hidden knowledge
Audio and video links (engl.) – Semir OsmanagichAudios and videos featuring Semir Osmanagić, Ph.D. [Sam Osmanagich] (*1960) Bosnian archeologist, principal investigator, founder and director of the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun Foundation, owner of a metalworking company in Houston, Texas
The Bosnian Valley of Pyramids near the town of Visoko, Visocica Hill, is the first European pyramid site to be discovered in the heart of Bosnia.
Documentaries and movies
Englisch Wiki
1 Die Bevölkerungszahl Hispaniolas sank von geschätzten 400.000 bis 1 Million zur Zeit der ersten Entdeckungsfahrt auf zirka 100.000 im Jahr 1504. Bis 1514 sank ihre Zahl auf 22.000, und 1542 waren es laut Las Casas "kaum noch 200", die am Leben waren. Robert H. Fuson, deutscher Herausgeber, Das Logbuch des Christoph Kolumbus. Die authentischen Aufzeichnungen des großen Entdeckers, Gustav Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach, 1989 ⇑
2 Suggesting vice president Dick Cheney, US government, and Wall Street were aware and colluded with the 9/11 perpetrators ⇑
3 See also Cult of Saturn – pillar of patriarchy – Jordan Maxwell ⇑
4 Correlating the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere – Iain McGilchrist ⇑
5 The development of Social Media – Peter Kruse ⇑
6 The CTIA (trade association for the wireless industry) report released in 2013 stated 2.19 trillion text messages were sent and received in 2012, about 5 percent less than in 2011. In comparison, MMS (multimedia messages) that include photos and videos, grew by 41% to 74.5 billion in 2012; cited in: archived article Disruptions: Social Media Images Form a New Language Online, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Nick Bilton, 30. June 2013 ⇑
7 Robertino Solàrion, An Introduction To Galactic Mathematics ⇑
8 Article History of Joan of Arc, presented by, undated ⇑
9 Plato authored The Republic in 360 BC. It is a blueprint for tyrannical systemic philosophical control. 'The Big Lie' (which differs at each level: the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) is a hypnotic propaganda technique, rooted in Plato's 'Noble Lie,' a myth knowingly told by the elite to maintain social control. ⇑
10 Isaac Newton's occult studies ⇑
13 Initial List of 33rd Degree Masons ⇑
14 Printed as the Great Seal of the United States (effective since 1782) on the US Dollar bill ⇑
15 ~Age of Bosnian pyramids dating back 28,000 years as confirmed via carbon testing performed in 2013 ⇑