
Wiki / Paradigmenwechsel





ParadigmenwechselWandel eines Weltbilds




Doppelsinnige Ente-Hase-Zeichnung
Optische Illusion nach dem Historiker Thomas Kuhn




Zeittafel der Paradigmenwechsel [unvollständig]

Wechselnde Weltanschauungen
N/AAnimismus (Pantheismus)Ureinwohnerkultur, Aboriginee-Kultur 
N/APolytheismusAltgriechische Kultur, altrömische Kultur 
N/AMonotheismusJudäo-christliche Kultur 
~1770Wissenschaftlicher Materialismus
Charles Darwin 
1859 Reduzierter Darwinismus1 Thomas Robert Malthus Eigennützig,
~1900QuantenphysikJames Clerk Maxwell, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Arthur Compton, Davisson, German, Broglia, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Dirac, von Neumann, Wigner, Max BornSiehe auch: Timeline of quantum mechanics (engl.)
1935QuantenverschränkungEinstein, Podolsky, Rosen 
1953Genetischer DeterminismusFrancis CrickFrancis Crick, Wilkins, Watson; Nobelpreis für Medizin für das räumliche Modell der DNS, 1962
~1980Neue Biologie, BewusstseinsforschungBruce H. Lipton, Elisabet Sahtouris 
1983Soziales Bankwesen
Gründung der Grameen-Bank
Muhammad Yunus 
August 1987Menschheit überschreitet die Schwelle der Integrität Neue Ethik beginnt...
~1990Neue Physik, BewusstseinsforschungHans-Peter Dürr, Amit Goswami 
~2000Integrale Politik Ken Wilber 
Würde für alle-Bewegung
Robert W. Fuller 
~2006Fürsorgliche Wirtschaft
(Caring Economics)
Riane Eisler, Muhammad Yunus,
Charles Eisenstein
~2007 Neu entdeckter Darwinismus2David Loye Gegenseitigkeit, Reife, Interdependenz
~2010Systemische Medizin./. 
Siehe auch: ► Bewusstsein-Tabellen

Umorientierung aus dem Drückermodus in den Anziehungsmodus

Zu Beginn des dritten Jahrtausends übernimmt das Wassermannzeitalter die Führung.
Die Welt und die menschlichen Paradigmen verändern sich rasant.
Aus dem Überlebensmodus und Erfolgstreben➤➤➤···➤ Widerstandsfähigkeit und Gedeihensfähigkeit
Vom vorherrschenden männlichen Archetyp➤➤➤···➤ Aufstieg des weiblichen Archetyps
Hervortreten von Bigender-Regeln
Aus dem Dominanzsystem➤➤➤···➤ Partizipatorisches Partnerschaftssystem3
Aus der Hierarchie➤➤➤···➤ Heterarchische Gleichwertigkeit
Aus dem Rankismus [Rangstellungsmissbrauch]➤➤➤···➤ Verlinkung [Linking]
Aus den Ranglistenpyramiden➤➤➤···➤ Gleichberechtigte Kreise
Aus der Befehlskette➤➤➤···➤ Netz von Verbindungen
Aus der Vermessenheit⇔Scham-Kultur➤➤➤···➤ Kultur der Würde, des Mitgefühls und der Verletzlichkeit
Aus der Scham- und Schuldzuweisung➤➤➤···➤ Benennen – Bekennen – Befrieden [Radikal Freilieben]
Aus dem Kerngebiet➤➤➤···➤ Randgebiet, aus dem ein erneuerter Kern auftaucht
Aus dem wissenschaftlichen Reduktionismus➤➤➤···➤ Emergenz
Aus der bisherigen objektbasierten Wissenschaft➤➤➤···➤ Komplementäre beobachterbasierte Wissenschaften
Aus der dominanten linken Gehirnhälfte➤➤➤···➤ Rechte Gehirnhälfte und Beidhirnigkeit
Aus dem propagierten Drückermodus➤➤➤···➤ Wertbasierter Anziehungsmodus
Aus dem abhängigen⇔unabhängigen Überlebensmodus➤➤➤···➤ Interdependente Beziehungsnetze
Von effizienten Transaktionen und materieller Rentabilität➤➤➤···➤ Vielgestaltige menschzentrierte Kreativität
Aus der Masse➤➤➤···➤ Klasse
Aus der Menge➤➤➤···➤ Qualität
Aus dem pubertären Rivalitätsdenken➤➤➤···➤ Ausgewogene Kooperation mit gesundem Wettbewerb
Aus dem geheimniskrämerischen Eigeninteresse➤➤➤···➤ Transparentes Teilen
Aus der Korruption in Unternehmen➤➤➤···➤ Verantwortlich handelnde Führungskräfte und transparente Transaktionen
Aus der Bestandsaufnahme➤➤➤···➤ Zirkulierender Wissensdatenstrom
Von der Weitergabe expliziter Wissenseinheiten➤➤➤···➤ Offenlegung des stillschweigenden Wissens
Aus der westlichen Vorherrschaft➤➤➤···➤ Aufstieg der (nichtwestlichen) Restlichen
Von der Raubtierökonomie➤➤➤···➤ Hege- und Pflegeökonomie
Aus dem maskulinisierten Reichtum ⇔ feminisierten Armut➤➤➤···➤ Nachhaltigkeit und Ökoweisheit
Von einem undurchschaubaren auf Glauben basierenden privat geführten, zinsbasierten Schuldschein-Geldsystem➤➤➤···➤ Gemeinschaftlich geführtes transparentes Verteilungssystem, das individualisierte elektronisch deponierte Ausgabenkapazitäten vorhält
Aus der ICH-Sucht➤➤➤···➤ Auf Vertrauen gegründetes WIR
Aus getriebener Multisucht➤➤➤···➤ Ernüchternde Achtsamkeit
Aus der obligatorischen lehrerzentrierten Schulbildung nach Lehrplan➤➤➤···➤ Individualisiertes themenzentriertes coach- und computergestütztes Freistil-Lernen
Aus dem verallgemeinerten Konsum-Kollektivismus➤➤➤···➤ Einzigartige Talente, die in die Gemeinschaft eingegliedert und bekannt sind
Aus der Arbeitsverpflichtung und der Dienst nach Vorschrift-Mentalität➤➤➤···➤ Grundauskommen, Leidenschaft für Arbeit und soziales Engagement
Von dem vereinzelten "Do-it-yourself"-Leistungsträger➤➤➤···➤ "Gemeinsam-sind-wir-stark"-Gewinnerteams
Aus der automatisierten Struktur➤➤➤···➤ Partizipatorische Unsicherheit
Von der hochtechnologischen Waffenproduktion➤➤➤···➤ Hochtechnologische Alltagsbewältigungshilfen
Aus dem "Sex und Kriminalitäts"-Modus➤➤➤···➤ Kommunikativer Austausch in einer friedlicheren Welt
Von endlichen spannungsgeladenen auf Gefahr basierenden Geschichten➤➤➤···➤ Chancenreiche Erzählungen mit offenem Ausgang
Referenz: ► Artikel Paradigmenwechsel – vom Drückermodus in den Attraktionsmodus,
präsentiert von der Plattform für Schreibende Publikum, Elfriede Ammann, 17. Oktober 2020
See also: ► Current trend – Shifting from PUSH mode to PULL mode

Paradigmale Bewusstseinsfelder

Von der Dualität zum Allbewusstsein
EbenePotenzBewusstseinsausrichtungAusdruckParadigmales Feld
1.1 Entweder-oderDenkrahmen 3. Dimension Linearität / Dualität
2.10 Sowohl-als-auchDenkrahmen 4. Dimension Nichtlinearität / Polarität
3.100 Weder-nochGewahrseinsfeld 5. Dimension Nichtdualität
4.1000 Alles-in-allemGewahrseinsfeld Allbewusstsein
See also: ► Stufenmodelle und ► Tao und westlicher Dualismus


Wir leben noch immer in einer 'Entweder-oder'-Kultur, nicht in einer 'Sowohl-als-auch'-Kultur. Wir achten noch immer auf den Rang-
[Rankismus], statt uns zu vernetzen. Statt eine zirkuläre Weltsicht zu vertreten, betrachten wir das Leben noch immer aus hierarchischer Sicht. Tatsächlich haben wir im Lauf der menschlichen Geschichte größtenteils anders gelebt. Es ging um Verbunden-
, nicht um Rangordnungen. Der Kreis war das Paradigma der Gesellschaft.
Video Fernsehinterview mit Gloria Steinem (*1934) US-amerikanische Feministin der neuen Frauenbewegung, Frauenrechtlerin, visionäre politische Aktivistin, Gründerin und Herausge-
berin des feministischen US-Magazins Ms., Journalistin, Autorin, @katiecouric: A Woman's World?, präsentiert von dem US-ame-
rikanischen Fernsehsender CBS News, Gastgeberin Katie Couric (*1957) US-amerikanische Fernsehjournalistin, Talkshowmode-
ratorin, Autorin, YouTube film, Minute 37:29, eingestellt 22. Juni 2010

Integrale Politik – ⚡ Ken Wilber

Der anstehende Paradigmenwechsel auf politischer Ebene ist ein Sprung vom Nationalstaat zur Weltregierung.

Globale Bewusstseinsschichten
Stufe Gesellschaft Bewusstseinsstruktur Pathologie
"Wir" gegen "Sie"
%-Verteilung 1. Tier
1.Jäger und Sammler Archaisch (grau) 0% Getrennt
2.Stammeskultur Magisch (lila) Gute Geister ⇔
böse Geister
3% Getrennt
3.Feudalistischer Nationalstaat Mythisch (rot)
Mythisch (blau)
Raubtiere ⇔ Beutetiere
Heilige ⇔ Sünder
55% Getrennt
4.Nationalstaat National (orange)
National (grün)
Sieger vs. Verlierer
"Sensitive" ⇔ "Insensitive"
20-25% in den
Vereinigten Staaten
von Amerika
Stufe Gesellschaft Bewusstseinsstruktur Pathologie%-Verteilung 2. Tier
5.Weltregierung Integral (gelb) 1% (Weltweit)
2% (im Westen)
8% (2030)
6. ? Übersinnlich (türkis) N/a Integriert
7.?Feinstofflich N/a Integriert
8.?Kausal N/a Integriert
9.?Nichtdual N/a Integriert
Quelle (engl.): ► Interview mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends,
transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, präsentiert von Shambhala.com, Teil III, ohne Datumsangabe
Siehe auch: ► Ken Wilber und ► Politik
See also: ► Passage from force driven controlling ego self power dwelling Self


Nach Wilber können 25% der Bevölkerung (Grünes Mem) die Integrale Politik verstehen,
jedoch nur 2% (Gelb/Türkises Mem) können sie vertreten und betreiben.
"Cognitively about 25% of the population will understand [integral politics] and often feel attracted to it."
Hinweis: Es genügten 50.000 Menschen, um die beginnende Neuzeit, die Europäische Renaissance,
im 15. (Quattrocento) und 16. Jahrhundert (Cinquecento) voranzubringen.
Quelle (engl.): ► Videopodiumsdiskussion mit Ken Wilber (*1949) US-amerikanischer mystischer Philosoph,
Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transpersonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor,
Interpreting the Singularity, YouTube Film, Minute 10:49, 12:29 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 13. Februar 2008

Zitate zum Thema Paradigmenwechsel / Paradigm shift

Zitate allgemein

Man füllt auch nicht neuen Wein in alte Schläuche; sonst zerreißen die Schläuche und der Wein wird verschüttet und
die Schläuche verderben. Sondern man füllt neuen Wein in neue Schläuche, so bleiben beide miteinander erhalten.
Matthäus 9, 17; Markus 2, 22; Lukas 5, 37-38 (NT)


Apostel Petrus: Ihr sollt vor allem wissen, dass in den letzten Tagen Spötter kommen werden, die ihren Spott treiben,
ihren eigenen Begierden nachgehen und sagen: Wo bleibt die Verheißung seines Kommens? […] Eins aber sei euch
nicht verborgen, ihr Lieben, dass ein Tag vor dem Herrn wie tausend Jahre ist und tausend Jahre wie ein Tag. Der Herr
verzögert nicht die Verheißung, wie es einige für eine Verzögerung halten; sondern er hat Geduld mit euch und will
nicht, dass jemand verloren werde, sondern dass jedermann zur Buße finde.
2. Petrus 3, 3 und 8-9 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse

  • Ich halte eine globale Energiewende und eine flächendeckende Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien für unabdingbar. Ich möchte die Prognose wagen, dass dadurch auch die Welt demokratischer, gerechter und friedlicher werden könnte.
    Mohssen Massarrat (*1942) iranisch-deutscher emeritierter Professor für Politik und Wirtschaft, Forschungsschwerpunkte Mittlerer und Naher Osten, Energie, Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften, Universität Osnabrück, zitiert in:
    Artikel "Welt finanziert die US-Kriege mit", präsentiert von der überregionalen deutschen Abonnement-Tageszeitung Frankfurter Rundschau (FR), 7. Oktober 2014



  • Wir sind für diese Zeiten erschaffen worden. Ich habe von vielen Menschen gehört, die zutiefst und zu Recht bestürzt sind. Sie sind besorgt über den derzeitiigen Zustand unserer Welt. Wir leben in einer Zeit, die uns fast täglich befrem-
    det und rechtschaffen zornig werden lässt angesichts der jüngsten Entwertungen dessen, was zivilisierten, visionären
    Mitbürgern am Herzen liegt.
    In beschwerten Zeiten besteht die Versuchung, sich ohnmächtig zu fühlen angesichts der unrechtmäßigen Beschaffen-
    heit oder der unhaltbaren Umstände in der Welt. Lasse dich nicht davon überwältigen. Manche neigen dazu, sich zu schwächen, indem sie sich mit Dingen beschäftigen, die außerhalb Ihrer Reichweite liegen und noch keinen Bestand hat. Bemühe dich nicht um Dinge, die außerhalb deiner Einflussmöglichkeit liegen. Das hieße, den Wind wehen zu lassen, ohne die Segel gehisst zu haben.
    Wir werden gebraucht. Soviel können wir wissen. Auch wenn wir auf Widerstand stoßen, werden wir umso mehr bedeutenden Seelen begegnen, die uns freudig empfangen und uns lieben und leiten. Und wir werden sie erkennen, sobald sie auftauchen.
    Es ist nicht unsere Aufgabe, die ganze Welt auf einmal in Ordnung zu bringen, sondern uns auszudehnen, um den Ausschnitt der Welt zu heilen, der in unserer Hand liegt. Jede unscheinbare, stille Handlung, die eine Seele tun kann, um einer anderen Seele beizustehen, um einem Bruchstück dieser armen, leidenden Welt zu helfen, stellt eine im-
    mense Hilfe dar. Wir können nicht erfassen, welche Aktionen oder welche Akteure die kritische Masse in eine Rich-
    tung beeinflussen, die ermöglicht, das Gute dauerhaft zu etablieren.
    Um einen dramatischen Wandel herbeizuführen, ist eine Vielzahl von Taten nötig, zu denen unablässig immer weitere gute Taten hinzukommen. Wir wissen, dass nicht alle Erdbewohner benötigt werden, um Gerechtigkeit und Frieden zu bringen, sondern nur eine kleine, entschlossene Gruppe, die nicht bereits beim ersten, zweiten oder hundertsten Sturm aufgibt. Aufruf von Clarissa Pinkola Estes (*1945) US-amerikanische Jungsche Psychoanalytikerin, Posttraumaspezialistin, Dich-
    terin, Schriftstellerin, Letter to a Young Activist in Troubled Times [Brief an einen jungen Aktivisten in schwierigen Zeiten. Verlier nicht den Mut, denn wir wurden für diese Zeit geboren], erstmals veröffentlicht 2001


Öffentlicher Appell

  • Gesellschaftlicher Wandel wird sich erst einstellen, wenn die Menschen über Wirkmacht verfügen. Er erfordert einen neuen Ausdruck von Macht, eine friedsame Form von Macht. Nicht nur mangelnde Empathie lässt Konflikte und Leiden weiterhin bestehen, sondern auch die fehlende Wirkmacht, insbesondere die friedliche [nicht-raubtierhafte] Macht und Zivilcourage. Wir brauchen nicht nur Empathie, um die Welt zu verändern, sondern auch empathische, mitfühlende Menschen mit Heldenmut, die Situationen, wo gelitten wird, thematisie-
    ren und obendrein eine Form von Macht anwenden, die Ver-
    änderung auslöst, indem sie Menschen zur Rechenschaft zieht, ohne selbst missbräuchlich zu agieren. Wir brauchen mehr als nur Empathie, und mehr denn je brauchen wir empfindungsstarke, mitfühlende Einzelne, die Wirkmacht und Zivilcourage entwickeln, um solchen Konfliktherden zu Leibe zu rücken. Andernfalls nehmen lediglich Tyrannen und Soziopathen Machtstellungen ein.
    Audiointerview mit Linda Kohanov (*1950) US-amerikanische Reitlehrerin, Pferdetrainerin, Dozentin, Autorin, A New Interview with Linda, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen Webradioanbieter Attunement, Gastgeber Anthony Write, Minute 50:56, 52:50 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt von Eponaquest, multidisziplinäre Bildungsorganisation, ~3. Mai 2013



  • Wir befinden uns in einem freien Fall in die Zukunft. Wir wissen nicht, wohin wir gehen. Die Dinge ändern sich zu schnell. Und wie immer, wenn man durch einen langen Tunnel geht, macht sich Angst breit. Alles was Sie zu tun ha-
    ben, um Ihre Hölle in ein Paradies zu verwandeln, ist, Ihr Fallen in einen Willensakt zu verwandeln.
    Ich meine, dabei handelt es sich um einen sehr interessanten Perspektivenwechsel, und das ist schon alles. Freudvolle Teilnahme an den Sorgen [der Welt], und alles ändert sich. Dr. Joseph Campbell (1904-1987) US-amerikanischer Mythologe, vergleichen-
    der Religionswissenschaftler, Autor, Sukhavati. Place of Bliss. A Mythic Journey with Joseph Campbell, Video, 9. April 2002


Voraussetzungen für den Fortbestand der Menschheit

  • Ich bin überzeugt, dass die weitere Existenz des Menschen nunmehr gänzlich von folgenden Faktoren abhängt:
    1. Der intuitiven Weisheit jedes Einzelnen.
    2. Der umfassenden Informiertheit jedes Einzelnen.
    3. Der Integrität des Einzelnen, nur aus eigener, innerlich erahnter und äußerlich begründeter Initiative zu sprechen und zu handeln.
    4. Der 'gemeinsamen Zusammenarbeit des Einzelnen mit anderen, die lediglich durch die individuell bedachten Folgewirkungen angeregt wurde.
    5. Der strikten Weigerung des Einzelnen, sich auf gemeinsamen Aktivität mit anderen einzulassen, die allein durch eine von der Menschenmenge ausgehende Gefühlsduselei, dem bezwingenden Druck der Menge oder
      der Angst geschuldet sind, den von seiner eigenen intellektuellen Überzeugung vorgegebenen Kurs nicht hal-
      ten zu können.
R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US-amerikanischer Systemtheoretiker, Architekt, Ingenieur, Konstrukteur, Designer, Erfinder, Futurologe, Philosoph, Autor, Critical Path [Entscheidender Pfad], S. 58 und S. 10-11, St. Martin's Press, 1981



  • Wenn sich die Welt zerstört, so fängt es an:
    Die Menschen werden zuerst treulos gegen die Heimat, treulos gegen die Vorfahren, treulos gegen das Vaterland.
    Sie werden treulos gegen die guten alten Sitten, gegen den Nächsten, gegen das Weib und gegen das Kind.
    Peter Rosegger (1843-1918) österreichischer Wanderschneider, Autodidakt, Erzähler, Volksschriftsteller, Jakob der Letzte. Eine Waldbauerngeschichte aus unseren Tagen, S. 82-83, Verlag Staackmann, Leipzig 1942, 1994; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de

Deutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung

  • Zuerst kommt ein Wohlstand wie noch nie.
    Dann folgt ein Glaubensabfall wie nie zuvor.
    Darauf eine noch nie da gewesene Sittenverderbnis.
    Alsdann kommt eine große Zahl fremder Leute ins Land.
    Es herrscht eine hohe Inflation. Das Geld verliert mehr und mehr an Wert.
    Bald darauf folgt die Revolution [in Deutschland].
Alois Irlmaier (1894-1959) bayerischer Brunnenbauer, Rutengänger, Hellseher, zitiert in: Dr. C. Adlmaier, Blick in die Zukunft.
Die Geschichte des Mühlhiasl und die Voraussagungen des Alois Irlmaier
, selbstverlag Traunstein, 1. Januar 1950


  • Statt das Alte zu bekämpfen, das Neue aufbauen. Die meisten Menschen – 80% – sind, ohne es zu wissen, Men-
    schen, die Opportunisten sind, weil es ungefährlicher ist. Und die werden dann denen folgen, die ihnen ein besseres
    Angebot liefern. Es ist immer so gewesen. Videogespräch mit Kayvan Soufi-Siavash [Ken Jebsen] (*1966) deutscher politi-
    scher Aktivist, Webvideoproduzent, Journalist, Angstfrei durch den Supergau – Im Gespräch mit Kayvan Soufi-Siavash, präsentiert von dem deutschen alternativen online Fernsehsender Nuoflix, Gastgeberin Julia Szarvasy (*1957) deutsche Friedensaktivistin, YouTube Film, Minute 1:18:13, 2:02:32 Dauer, eingestellt 27. März 2022



  • Es ist schwer zu begreifen, wie Zusammenbruch und Erneuerung gleichzeitig geschehen; dennoch trägt der Archetyp der Schöpfung das unerschütterliche Gespür, dass Neuschöpfung und Erneuerung ein grundlegendes und universelles Muster des irdischen Lebens sind.
    Artikel von Michael Meade (*1944) US-amerikanischer Geschichtenerzähler, Mythologe, Ritualist, Männerbeweger, Autor, A Time
    of Transformation on Earth
    [Die Zeit der Übergangs auf Erden], präsentiert von der Webseite Mosaic Voices, 27. Februar 2021


  • In der heutigen Zeit zu leben, bedeutet, in der großen Entflechtung zu stecken, die uns mit allen losen Fäden des Schöpfungsgeschehen verquickt. Doch es bedeutet auch, der Offenbarung des neuen Schöpfungsplans und des kommenden Paradigmas nahezustehen. Michael Meade (*1944) US-amerikanischer Geschichtenerzähler, Mythologe, Ritu-
    alist, Männerbeweger, Autor, Why the World Doesn't End. Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss, Greenfire Press, 30. Oktober 2012


  • Immer mehr Frauen und Männer werden zu Aussteigern, die traditionellen Erfolg gegen Lebensqualität eintauschen. Faith Popcorn (*1947) US-amerikanische Trendforscherin, Autorin von The Popcorn-Reports, zitiert in: Gutzitiert



  • Erst wenn die Wahrheit, dass Erneuerung der Kultur nur aus der Erneuerung der Weltanschauung kommen kann, in
    die allgemeine Überzeugung eingeht und ein neues Sehnen nach Weltanschauung einsetzt, kommen wir auf den
    rechten Weg. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965) deutsch-elsässischer Arzt, evangelischer Theologe, medizinischer Missionar, Kulturphilosoph, Humanist, Organist, Friedensnobelpreisträger, 1952, Autor, Die Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben, S. 68, Verlag
    C.H. Beck, München, 1991, 10. Auflage 9. Oktober 2013


  • Wir erleben gegenwärtig einen Paradigmenwechsel in den Naturwissenschaften – vielleicht den größten Wandel dieser Art aller Zeiten. Es ist das erste Mal, dass wir auf ein umfassendes Modell für mystische Erfahrungen gestoßen sind, das noch den zusätzlichen Vorteil besitzt, aus den fortgeschrittensten Ideen zeitgenössischer Physik abgeleitet zu sein. Lawrence Beynam, US-amerikanischer Physiker, 1978, zitiert in: esse2018.jimdofree.com, Zitate.Physiker


  • Wir leben in einer Zwischenzeit, der Spanne zwischen zwei Zeitaltern [...] und wir sind weder in dem einen, noch schon in dem anderen.
    John Naisbitt (1929-2021) US-amerikanischer Trendforscher in Europa und China, Autor, zitiert in: Gute Zitate

Bevorstehender Paradigmenwechsel in der Wissenschaft

  • Die Naturwissenschaft steht nicht mehr als Beschauer vor der Natur, sondern erkennt sich selbst als Teil dieses Wechselspiels zwischen Mensch und Natur. Die wissenschaftliche Methode des Aussonderns, Erklärens und Ordnens wird sich der Grenzen bewusst, die ihr dadurch gesetzt sind, dass der Zugriff der Methode ihren Gegenstand verändert und umgestaltet, dass sich die Methode also nicht mehr vom Gegenstand distanzieren kann. Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) deutscher theoretischer Physiker, Entwickler der Heisenbergschen Unschärferelation, 1927, Physiknobelpreisträger, 1932, Autor, Das Naturbild der heutigen Physik, S. 125, Rowohlt, rororo, 1955, Taschenbuchausgage
    1956, 18. Auflage. Hamburg 1979



Mythos der Hopi-Indianer:

Überliefert von Carl Gustav Jung zum Thema Paradigmenwechsel

  • Die Hopi behaupten, dass sie am Anfang tief unter der Erde, die viele Schichten aufwies, gelebt hätten. Jedesmal, wenn eine solche Schicht übervölkert war, machten die Frauen die Lage durch ihr Benehmen so unerträglich, dass die Männer gezwungen waren, einen Weg in die nächste Schicht hinauf zu finden; die Frauen taten also selbst nichts, aber durch ihr widriges Verhalten zwangen sie die Hopi, in die Welt des Bewusstseins hinaufzusteigen. Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Schweizer Philologin, Jungsche Gelehrte, Autorin, Das Weibliche im Märchen. Psychologisch gesehen, Nr. 32, S. 81, Bonz Adolf, 1977, 12. Auflage Januar 1999


  • Folge der Entdeckung der Quantenmechanik war eine drastische Änderung des physikalischen Weltbildes – vielleicht der größten, die je stattfand. Diese Veränderung hängt damit zusammen dass wir weitgehend unsere determi-
    nistischen Vorstellungen aufgeben
    mussten, die wir immer für erwiesen gehalten hatten. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac (1902-1984) britischer Physiker, Mitbegründer der Quantenphysik, Nobelpreisträger, 1933, Quelle unbekannt



Kapitalismus im Übergang – die Grenzen des kapitalistischen Systems

Siehe Politik

  • Alle Systeme haben eine begrenzte Lebensdauer. [...] Wenn man nun das kapi-
    talistische System als ein besonderes historisches soziales System betrachtet, dann kann man ersehen, dass es gewisse Ereignisse gegeben hat, die es zu einem Punkt gebracht haben, an dem es nun weit vom Gleichgewicht entfernt ist. Der Kapitalismus ist ein System, das die endlose Anhäufung von Kapital anstrebt. [...] Im Bestreben, Kapital zu akkumulieren, müssen Firmen gegründet werden, die Profit erzielen und damit Kapital anhäufen. Betrachtet man die Kosten des Kapitalisten, dann gibt es drei wesentliche Kostenfaktoren:
    1. die Personalkosten [...],
    2. die Kosten für den Input an Material / Ressourcen und Energie, usw. [...]
    3. die Besteuerung in all ihren Formen – eine Erscheinung, die im gesamten System die Norm ist.
Wenn man nun die Geschichte dieser drei Faktoren: Personal, Input und Steuer historisch betrachtet, dann zeigt sich, dass die Kosten dafür in den letzten 500 Jahren beständig anstiegen. Gleichzeitig bemerkt man, dass es eine Grenze dafür gibt, wie stark die Preise steigen können. Diese Grenze ist die Bereitwilligkeit der Menschen, Güter zu kaufen.
Es gibt also in den letzten 500 Jahren ein Ansteigen der Kosten bis zum Erreichen von [...] Asymptoten.
Kommt das System an die Spitze, beginnt das System zu 'schwingen' und es entstehen enorme Verschiebungen. Dies ist eine 'chaotische' Situation und dort befinden wir uns gerade. Videointerview mit Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019)
US-amerikanischer Sozialwissenschaftler, Sozialhistoriker, Yale University, Mitbegründer der Weltsystem-Theorie, Präsident der In-
ternational Sociological Association
(1994-1998), Autor, Die Grenzen des Kapitalismus sind erreicht, präsentiert von Kontext TV, Weltsozialforum in Dakar, YouTube Film, 8:03 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 3. Juli 2011


  • Kein Land der Welt ist vorbereitet auf das, was kommt. Nichts wird so bleiben, wie es war. In den meisten europä-
    ischen Ländern werden circa 50  Prozent der heutigen Arbeitsplätze verloren gehen.
    Diversität schlägt die beste Lösung. [Die Summe der Ideen vieler ist besser als der klügste Mensch, selbst wenn die-
    ser Supercomputer nutzt.] Wir müssen [über die neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien] möglichst
    viele gute Ideen mit an Bord nehmen, damit wir klügere Entscheidungen treffen können.
    Das Internet der Dinge und die damit verknüpften Echtzeitinformationen ermöglichen es jetzt, das Prinzip der Selbstor-
    ganisation auch in der Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft nutzbringend einzusetzen, trotz aller Komplexität. Denn aus mathe-
    matischer Sicht sind die Probleme vergleichbar. Europa befand sich bisher im digitalen Dornröschenschlaf. Wir stehen heute an einem Scheideweg. Wenn uns das gelingt, schreiten wir in ein lichtes, ein besseres Zeitalter, in dem wir einige der Probleme lösen können, die unsere Gesellschaft heute noch plagen. Zeitungsinterview mit Prof. Dirk Helbing (*1965)
    deutscher Professor für Soziologie, Komplexitätsforscher, ETH Zürich, Menschheit steht vor dem grössten Umbruch seit der indus-
    triellen Revolution
    , präsentiert von der Schweizer Wochenzeitung SonntagsZeitung, 4. Januar 2015


Referenzen: de.Wikiquote-Einträge Wandel und ► Verwandlung


Rosenspalier, Niedernhall, Deutschland, Fotograf LepoRello
Auflösung des verkehrten Wesens
Wenn nicht mehr Zahlen und Figuren
Sind Schlüssel aller Kreaturen
Wenn die, so singen oder küssen,
Mehr als die Tiefgelehrten wissen,
Wenn sich die Welt ins freye Leben
Und in die Welt wird zurück begeben,
Wenn dann sich wieder Licht und Schatten
Zu ächter Klarheit werden gatten,
Und man in Mährchen und Gedichten
Erkennt die wahren Weltgeschichten,
Dann fliegt vor einem geheimen Wort
Das ganze verkehrte Wesen fort.


Quelle: ► Gedicht von Novalis [Georg Philipp Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg] (1772-1801) deutscher Philosoph der frühen
deutschen Romantik, Dichter, Schriftsteller, 1802, Paul Kluckhohn, Herausgeber, Richard H. Samuel, Herausgeber, Schriften (Historisch-kritische Ausgabe), Band 1: "Das dichterische Werk", S. 344, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 2. erweiterte und verbesserte Auflage 1960
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Wenn nicht mehr Zahlen und Figuren
Siehe auch: ► Gedichte und ► Nummerologie und ► Freiheit und ► Spiel und ► Geheimnis und ► Kosmologie

General quotes

Neither do men put new wine into old bottles; else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out,
and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles and both are preserved.
Matthew 9, 17; Mark 2, 22; Luke 5, 37-38 (NT)


Personal avowals

  • I only have one job and that is to raise the vibrational level of the planet – including the human collective which is
    part of the planet – to a critical point that will allow a transitioning to the new paradigm, the new level of awareness
    for everything, for the planet and every being in it, for every rock, for every insect, for every person.
    Video interview with Inelia Benz [Inelia del Pilar Ahumada Avila] (*1966) Chilean Irish catalyst, refugee, 10th dimensional human catalyst, vibrational supporter during the paradigm shift, The full interview, presented by the podcast platform Project Avalon,
    host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, minute 0:34:28, 1:43:27 duration, filmed 27. March 2011, posted 20. May 2011



Galileo Galilei launched the scientific revolution.

  • I believe that today we are standing at the very edge of a similar shift in thinking [as triggered by Galileo Galilei], a shift that may launch us in unimaginable ways, which is what profound shifts in thinking always do. [...] In that moment in which
    my mind dropped its defenses I recognized that, just as in the time of Galileo, we today have reached a unique
    moment in time in which our curiosity, growing awareness, willingness to change, and techno-logy, is once again
    converging [...] to fundamentally change the way we think. Removed video by Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller touring with project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Searching for Galileo clip, presented in the United States, 2013, YouTube film, minute 0:27, 2:29 minutes duration, posted 2. January 2014



Educating the public and using open source everything engineering

  • I believe that the future of peace and prosperity rests on educating the public and using open source everything engineering to bring the public up to a position of wealth at 10% of the cost of the Western paradigm.
    Video interview with Robert David Steele (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), author, Robert David Steele on Zionism, the Middle East and Central Banks, presented by PanOrient News TV, host YouTube film, minutes 28:18, 28:47 minutes duration, posted 7. April 2018


Conclusive encouragement

  • Since the publications of Confessions in 2004 I've been on an almost constant global speaking tour. All over the world I find that people are waking up to the fact that the corporatocracy has created a global economic failure. One important statistic: 5% of the world's population lives in the United States and consumes nearly 30% of the world's resources while half the world lives in poverty. That's not a model. It can't be repeated by China, India, Brazil, or anywhere else
    no matter how hard they try. And all over the planet we are coming to this realization. This is the greatest revolution in history, a Consciousness Revolution. For the first time in human history we have the technologies to communicate with each other instantaneously and people in all these heterogeneous cultures are reaching the understanding that we have to change, we have to move from a Death to a Life Economy – from one based on militarization and ravaging the earth to one based on cleaning up pollution, helping starving people feed themselves, and creating new technologies for energy, transportation, communications, banking, and just about every other system that reflects the old ways.
    When all these heterogeneous cultures understand that (and they are well on their way) we will have the empathy
    that you ask about. I encourage you and all your friends to keep spreading the word.
    John Perkins [Economic hitman] johnperkins.org (*1945) US American Peace Corps volunteer in Ecuador (1968-1970), globa-
    lization critic, political activist, controversial author, I am John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman, ask me anything!, Reddit comment, 18. February 2015



  • We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people.
    In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the world. Do not focus on that. There is a tendency, too, to fall into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails.
    We are needed, that is all we can know. And though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great souls who will hail us, love us and guide us, and we will know them when they appear.
    Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.
    What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take everyone on Earth to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale.
    Call by Clarissa Pinkola Estés (*1945) US American Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, poet, writer, Letter to a Young Activist in Troubled Times, Do Not Lose Heart, We Were Made For These Times, first published 2001



Creative genius and madness will "make it" for humanity when "break it" is an option.

Myss' insight after having returned home from a trip to the south of Germany and Austria

  • As I listened to several people share their version of that archetypal "death and rebirth" journey, I realized that this is our time to contribute to the story of humanity. And we can either fear this time or become participants in the power and creative vibrancy of this moment in history. When I look at people in my workshops, I think,
    ♦ You need to realize – to believe – that you were born for this moment.
    You are built for the emotional, psychological, spiritual and psychic obstacle courses that we are facing now. Every inner challenge you have confronted has been in preparation for facing, enduring, and outwitting the outrageous challenges of your life.
    ♦ You need to trust not just your creative genius but your creative madness.
    ♦ You need to be creatively bold, not quiet; spiritually fierce, not shy.
    ♦ And you need to learn to pray like you are crazy, as if Divine intervention was as ordinary as birdsong in the morning.
    ♦ Wrap yourself up in a prayer full of grace. Breathe it in. And just let grace work its wonders.
Caroline Myss (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Newsletter, 12. June 2017


  • These times require people who are: Helping, generous, caring, nourishing, healing, cobbling-things-together,
    learning, humble, intelligent, strong, improvisational, vulnerable, savvy, systems oriented, understanding, friendly,
    curious [...] and pissed off at anyone's willingness to put their havingness above other people's survival.
    Nora Bateson, US American filmmaker, facilitator, educator, writer, Small Arcs of Larger Circles. Framing Through
    Other Patterns
    , Triarchy Press, paperback, 23. October 2016




See also:

Arundhati Roy (*1961) Indian political activist, essayist, novelist, War Talk, South End Press, 1st edition 1. April 2003

  • Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To de-
    prive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we're being brain-
    washed to believe.
    The corporate revolution [system] will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling – their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability.
    Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them.
    Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. And on a quiet day, if you listen very carefully you can hear her breathing. Video presentation by Arundhati Roy (*1961) Indian political activist, novelist, essayist, author, recipient of Sydney Peace Prize, 2004, ending of speech entitled How to confront the empire, sponsored by World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 28. January 2003, YouTube film, minute 19:42, 21:40 minutes duration, posted 8. March 2012


  • All it takes to exit the Matrix is to allow your awareness to expand to universal proportions, clearly state your intent "The Earth and her peoples feel it is time to dismantle the Matrix in order to take back the planet. We ask that this be accomplished", and open your heart in unconditional love in order to pacify any panic that arises in the body.
    Blog article by Lucia René, US American mystic, ordained Buddhist monk, spiritual teacher, woman's activist, author, Are You Ready to Take Back the Planet?, 29. April 2016


Requirements for human continuance

  • I am convinced that human continuance now depends entirely upon:
    1. The intuitive wisdom of each and every individual.
    2. The individual's comprehensive informedness.
    3. The individual's integrity of speaking and acting only on the individual's own within-self-intuited and reasoned initiative.
    4. The individual's joining action with others, as motivated only by the individually conceived consequences of
      so doing.
    5. The individual's never-joining action with others, as motivated only by crowd-engendered emotionalism, or
      by a sense of the crowd's power to overwhelm, or in fear of holding to the course indicated by
      one's own intellectual convictions.
Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author, Critical Path, S. 58 and S. 10-11, St. Martin's Press, 1981



  • For the first time in human history the involutional disease of a single civilization, that of the West, shows signs of
    becoming the disease of all contemporary societies.
    Article by Loren Eiseley (1907-1977) US American anthropologist, ecologist, poet, science writer, Man. The lethal factor,
    presented by the academic journal Pastoral Psychology, issue 16, S. 15-22, February 1965


  • Every transformation demands as its precondition "the ending of a world" – the collapse of an old philosophy
    of life. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author,
    Man And His Symbols, 1964, Dell, 15. August 1968


  • To be alive at this time means to be caught in the great unraveling that strands us near all the loose threads of
    creation; but it also means to be close to the revelation of the new design and the next paradigm. Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, Why the World Doesn't End. Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss, Greenfire Press, 30. October 2012


Future prospects

  • The world of the common man is about to unravel, like never before. I seek the attention of those that are strong
    and getting stronger. It is only through the power of these 'individuals' that the spirituality of the world will survive
    the hurricanes of change. There is little time.
    Stuart Wilde stuartwilde.com (1946-2013) British music producer, humorist, lecturer, scriptwriter, essayist, lyricist, writer on metaphysics and consciousness, The Quickening, MP3, Hay House, 1988


  • Over the last 15, perhaps 20 years we've been on a much more positive timeline. [There’ve three big changes (railroad jumps).] We are now on a very positive timeline which we can't be taken off from.
    The negative forces are saying, 'how can we make the best of it from our perspective.'
    We’ve got another 2.5 years of very difficult times. We’ve another 2.5 years of terrorist attacks, 2.5 years of countries suffering huge ecoconimc issues.
    And then at the end of the years there will be a substantial change in the way that people think, in the way they value and in the way they question.
    If you go onto your broad walk you’ll find everyone's disillusioned with their governments. But that's as far as it goes, nobody wants to push it any further.
    I don't want armed battles. I want people to actually realize that they’ve been tricked. Nearly every step of the way they’ve been given false information.
    In 2.5 years' time a veil will be lifted. It’s very hard to describe. It's not a physical thing, but people will just know the truth and they will start rejecting what’s on off there. [United non-violent protests to known injustices] is the power people have, and the system does not want the viewers, the listeners to realize the power they really have. As long as the people still just keep paying the bills, doing what they do, why would the system change. I would say 2.5 years – and we will see some very interesting changes.
Video interview with Simon Parkes simonparkes.org (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, How ETs Created And Influenced The Human Race, presented by Awakened and Empowered TV (AAEtv), host Ethann Fox, recorded 8. August 2015, YouTube film, minute 1:19:14-1:22:09, 2:04:08 duration, posted 11. August 2015


  • I honestly think that [Donald] Trump has a very good chance of winning the presidency. And I predict, if he does, within 3 months there will be a number of states in America who will get close to wanting to leave the Union. And I predict this will be California and Texas.
Video interview with Simon Parkes simonparkes.org (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, Repcon 2016 Report with Simon Parkes, Repcon 2016 conference, Fusiliers Museum, Bury, north Manchester, England, 29. May 2016, presented by the British Bases Project, host Miles Johnston, YouTube film, minute 25:32, 29:25 minutes duration, posted 16. June 2016


  • I actually think of Donald Trump as a Mr. Ronald Reagan on steroids. He will do things, enact into law that no other president would dream of doing. On the timeline I'm looking, as it stands in the moment, Mr. Trump will be your next president. It depends on the FBI [...] to decide whether they are going to arrest Hillary Clinton. [...] Nevermind justice, this is all about deals behind doors. I can honestly tell you and the listeners that the dossier [of HRC] is on the desk of the head of the FBI [Comey] and that keeps being put into the 3rd drawer down on the right of this person’s desk. And it comes out again, sits on the top, the person thumbs the pages and thinks "Oh goodness, what am I gonna do with this", and it goes back down again. But the time is ticking and a decision has to be made. If Mr. Trump wins the election in November you will have three states within six weeks of his election to leave the union: California, Texas, and possibly Ohio. Audio interview with Simon Parkes simonparkes.org (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, Skype interview with Simon Parkes, presented by the US American listener supported radio-podcast station Out of This World, host Ted Mahr, Bellevue, Washington, minute 46:19, 54:25 minutes duration, recorded 24. June 2016


  • If you do the research you will find that Hillary Clinton's #1 bodyguard who was a Navy Seal died. And the official news is that he died in his training camp. He didn't. He was shot dead by other bodyguards because he trying to shoot Hillary Clinton. This goes back 2 or 3 years ago when Hillary Clinton was on a special mission to Iran to meet the president of Iran. And the head of the Seal bodyguard had seen Hillary change [shapeshift] into something which he didn't like and decided that this was something not of this planet and shot her. It was reported in the news that she had an accident, either in the Senate or the Congress. She fell on her head, and she was off. It was actually a gun shot from a Heckler and Koch 9mm or 7.2 mm weapon. He had seen the overlay [in HRC] change. [...]. The group of Reptilians under the Vatican are the same group that are under [the deal of] the White House.
    Audio interview with Simon Parkes simonparkes.org (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor, Skype interview with Simon Parkes, presented by the US American listener supported radio-podcast station Out of This World, host Ted Mahr, Bellevue, Washington, minute 50:22, 54:25 minutes duration, recorded 24. June 2016



Transitioning business models are picking up the trend of shared learning.

  • Over time there will be a transition but it's going to take time. I think the next decade is largely one of a painful process of questioning basic assumptions and moving to a very different practices and learning together because none of us have the answers today in terms of how to use the internet to its full potential. We're all still learning. Video presentation by John Hagel III, US American consultant, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, speaker and author on the intersection of business strategy and information technology, John Hagel on the modern workforce,
    part 3 of 3, presented by GigaOM Startup, YouTube film, minute 6:02, 6:25 minutes duration, posted 7. May 2013


  • I consider a global energy transition and a comprehensive use of renewable energies as indispensable. I dare to make the prediction, that by doing so, the world could also be more democratic, just and peaceful. Mohssen Massarrat (*1942) Iranian German professor emeritus of political science, department of social sciences, Osnabrück University, cited in: article "Welt finanziert die US-Kriege mit", presented by the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau (FR), 7. October 2014



  • We dance to survive, and the beat offers a yellow brick road to make it through the chaos that is the tempo of our times. We dance to shed skins, tear off masks, crack molds, and experience the breakdown – the shattering of borders between body, heart and mind, between genders and generations, between nations and nomads. We are the transitional generation. Blog article by Gabrielle Roth (1941-2012) US American dancer, musician, developer of the 5Rhythms approach, The Spiritual Power Of Dance, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost, 15. May 2011, 26. October 2012

Re-volution: impossible ⇔ inevitable



Paradigm shift

  • What we have now is a world that's built on the illusion that we are reasonable. What we've reached is the end of the age of reason. What we have now is a world where our crisis cannot be reasoned with. There is not one thing [in this world] that can be solved with reason. We do not have problems, we have predicaments. Problems have solutions, predicaments don't.
Portrait of Galileo Galilei, 1636
Justus Sustermans (1597–1681) Flemish painter
We are in a field of predicaments that will take us to a different level of response. They cause us to respond to them. […] What we will discover through these predicaments is the folly of our arrogance, the [arrogance of the] belief that money can solve problems. And so the financial system is collapsing.
We will discover that all the problems that are going into the predicaments that are bringing us to our knees cannot be resolved by any of the old systems. Why? Because we are coming to end of the finite world, the fossil era, the end of that finite form of consciousness that says everything can be controlled and reasoned with. […] There is a quantum world that has moved the solar world, that world of mystical consciousness that is emerging simultaneously as if to replace it at the same time. Caroline Myss Myss.com (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, mystic, medical intuitive, bestselling author, Review, by Integral Options Cafe, William Harryman, 20. December 2009


  • The new paradigm no longer has "followers". Only audiences. A member of an audience is, and must remain, FREE to leave whenever he or she wants. Video interview with Inelia Benz [Inelia del Pilar Ahumada Avila] (*1966) Chilean Irish catalyst, refugee, 10th dimensional human catalyst, vibrational supporter during the paradigm shift, Debt – A Link in the Chain of Enslavement, 15. July 2010




Emergence of the Ultrahuman

  • Everywhere on Earth, at this moment, in the 'new' spiritual atmosphere created by evolution, there float, in a state of extreme sensitivity, love of God and faith in the world: the two essential components of the Ultrahuman. These two components are everywhere in the air. Sooner or later there will be a chain-reaction. The New human-type will be found scattered more or less over the thinking face of the globe. Some apparent attraction draws these scattered elements together and causes them to unite among themselves. [...] They will gravitate instinctively towards one another. They will know one another. No racial, social or religious barrier seems to be effective against this force of attraction.
    Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955) French philosopher, Jesuit priest, trained paleontologist, trained geologist, cited in: Peter Russell, M.A., D.C.S. (*1946) British physicist, eco-philosopher, awakened visionary futurist, producer of three films on consciousness, author, The Awakening Earth. The Global Brain, S. 162, Ark, 1982


  • Every few hundred years throughout Western history, a sharp transformation has occurred. In a matter of decades, society altogether rearranges itself – its worldview, its basic values, its social and political structures, its arts, its key institutions. Fifty years later a new world exists. And the people born into that world cannot even imagine the world in which their grandparents lived and into which their own parents were born. Our age is such a period of transformation. Essay by Peter Drucker (1909-2005) US American management consultant, self-described "social ecologist", educator, writer, presented by the bimonthly management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), 1992; cited in: article What Peter Drucker Knew About 2020, presented by the bimonthly management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), published by Harvard Business Publishing, Rick Wartzman, 16. October 2014


Pasture landscape
  • A baby will die if it stays in the womb when it is time for it to be born. It is outgrowing the womb. Space scientist Krafft Ehricke told the story of the fetal scientist in the womb in the seventh month. The scientist is predicting that
    • by the eigth month there will be over crowding,
    • by the ninth month there will be deadly pollution,
    • and by the tenth month, the organism will be dead.
Of course the fetal scientist does not know about birth. He has never seen it before.
Audio dialog/interview with Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author and Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Giving Birth to a Better Future, presented by the Integral Spiritual Experience, part 1, Emergence, Emergencies, and Evolutionary Synthesis, 50 minutes duration, part 2 Conscious Evolution and the Creative Advance, minute 20:35, 40 minutes duration, part 3, A New Vision of Humanity: Homo-Universalis, 22 minutes duration, posted 21. November 2011


  • We haven't been through a crisis of this global order consciously ever before. And there are no experts who can say how you do it. The people at the top of the pyramid structures like president of the US or head of organized religion are actually structurally impotent to do it. Who are we looking to? It turns out to be the innovators and creators and people motivated toward this emergence within themselves and the world. I created a word for this type of person. It is 'agent of conscious evolution.' Those are the ones and they are everywhere and in every culture.
    Audio dialog/interview with Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the "Foundation for Conscious Evolution", 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author, Giving Birth to a Better Future, presented by Integral Spiritual Experience, part 1, Emergence, Emergencies, and Evolutionary Synthesis, minute 9:44, 50 minutes duration, part 2 Conscious Evolution and the Creative Advance, 40 minutes duration, part 3, A New Vision of Humanity: Homo-Universalis, 22 minutes duration, posted 21. November 2011


Outcrops of transition: Violent repression of shame ⇔ self-disparaging shame, angry projections

  • Times of transitions are particularly difficult times. Paradigm shifts are painful. It is painful, for example, to overcome loss aversion or leave behind just world thinking. It is very hard for people who believe themselves to be good people (and that includes just about everybody) to accept that they have harmed themselves and others, even unintentionally. Both shame and humiliation are thorny issues; many choose self-justification instead of admitting to change.34 Cognitive dissonance is one of the causes for discomfort when there is discrepancy between what we know or believe and new information or interpretations. Traditional elites who feel entitled to supremacy resent being labeled oppressors, violently repressing shame when they lose superiority, while underlings are caught between self-disparaging shame and angry projections. Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author, Gender, Humiliation, and Global Security. Dignifying Relationships from Love, Sex, and Parenthood to World Affairs, chapter 5 Humiliation Addiction: How Dangerous It Is, S. 70, Praeger, 26. February 2010


  • Interdependence connects two entities, ❍ and ❍, in a nondualistic way, ∞. Dualism, in contrast, means merging them into one entity, ❂, or separating them into two isolated entities, ❍|❍. Dualism means either separation or merging; either agreement or disagreement; either one or two. Nondualism means separation and connection; agreement and disagreement; one and two. For successful pendulation, the right kind of distance is critical, for individuals as much as for society at large. For example, having a wide network of relatively weak social connections provides more individual autonomy than being embedded into one single tightly knit social context that allows only for minimal dissent. Evelin Gerda Lindner, M.D., Ph.D. (*1954) German physician, psychologist, transdisciplinary scholar in social sciences and humanities, human dignity researcher, founding president of Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies (HumanDHS), author, Gender, Humiliation, and Global Security. Dignifying Relationships from Love, Sex, and Parenthood to World Affairs, chapter 6 "The Humiliation Antidote: How About the Audacity of Love", S. 76, Praeger, 26. February 2010


  • Social change is not going to occur until people have power. And it has to be a new form of power, a non-predatory form of power. It's not just a lack of empathy that causes conflicts and suffering to continue it is also a lack of power, particularly non-predatory power and emotional heroism. Not only do we need empathy to change the world, but we need empathetic, compassionate people with emotional heroism to walk into situations where suffering occurs and also show a form of power that effects change and holds people accountable without also becoming abusive. We need more than empathy and more than ever we need sensitive, compassionate individuals to develop the power and emotional heroism to step into these conflicts. Otherwise we just get bullies and sociopaths in power. Audio interview with Linda Kohanov (*1950) US American riding instructor, horse trainer, speaker, author, A New Interview with Linda, presented by Eponaquest, multi-disciplinary educational organization, host Anthony Write, minute 50:56, 52:50 minutes duration, aired ~3. May 2013


Light at the end of a tunnel
  • Social change occurs through collective action; and collective action occurs when people engage in consciousness raising, skill development, and spiritual transformation. Collective action enables individuals to act together in groups rather than individually. Collective action is needed to change the organizations of power by state institutions, such as mental health services, but collective action depends on individuals participating. Conversely, participation in individual action that transforms experiences of power and the ability to exert power develops the foundation for collective action. Elizabeth Townsend, Ph.D., Canadian occupational scientist, author, Good Intentions Overruled. A Critique of Empowerment in the Routine Organization of Mental Health Services, S. 48, University of Toronto Press, 2nd edited edition 7. February 1998, new edition 3. December 2009


  • How much of the ugly does it take to substitute for a lack of the beautiful?
    How many adventure films does it take to compensate for a lack of adventure?
    How many superhero movies must one watch, to compensate for the atrophied expression of one's greatness?
    How much pornography to meet the need for intimacy?
    How much entertainment to substitute for missing play?
    It takes an infinite amount. That's good news for economic growth, but bad news for the planet. Fortunately, our planet isn't allowing much more of it, nor is our ravaged social fabric.
    Charles Eisenstein, Ph.D. (*1967) US American graduate in mathematics and philosophy, scholar on Eastern spiritual traditions, Chinese translator, associate professor, Penn State University, speaker, author, cited in: Blog article The More Beautiful World Our Heart Knows Is Possible, presented by sustainableman.org, 11. December 2013


  • We are currently undergoing a paradigm shift in science – perhaps the greatest shift of its kind to date. It is for the first
    time that we have stumbled upon a comprehensive model for mystical experiences, which has the additional advantage
    of deriving from the fore-front of contemporary physics.
    Lawrence Beynam, US American physicist, 1978, cited in: Ken Wilber (*1949) US American transpersonal philosopher, consciousness researcher, thought leader of the 3rd millennium, developer of Integral Theory, author, Eye to Eye. The Quest for the New Paradigm, 1983, Shambhala Publications, S. 112, 1983, Boulder, Colorado, 3rd revised edition 30. January 2001


  • Typically we would classify male as Yang and female as Yin. In her 1993 book Uniting Sex, Self and Spirit, Genia Haddon claims that this association is a product of our cultural gender biases, and not intrinsic masculine or feminine physiology or psychology. […]
    The testicles, lying quiet underneath the penis, represent the masculine Yin. […] The testicles' function of producing, storing and conserving harks to male Yin qualities like patience, steadfastness, supportiveness, solidity, stability, reliability, and resourcefulness. […]
    The feminine Yang is embodied in that other important function of the womb: to give birth. Birth (and menstruation) show us feminine qualities that our culture denigrates or ignores, which Haddon groups under the descriptor "exertive" – literally, "pushing out". These include pushing forward, transformation, bringing forth the new, urging forward, propelling, dissolving the old (as in menstruation), forceful, bearing down, demanding, assertive, active in emergency, acting in concert with natural forces, harnessing the energies of the moment. […]
    We are on the cusp of a civilizational transition greater than the fall of one civilization and the rise of the next, but to a whole different kind of civilization. One way of understanding this shift is that we are moving toward an age in which the masculine Yin and the feminine Yang will be in ascendancy. […]
    The Tower [of Babel], obviously a phallic image, embodies the ambitions and limitations of the phallic program to attain heaven [portraying] the hubris and absurdity of the builders' ambitions. Their project is obviously doomed, no more plausible than the aroused male desire to have sex forever. He can only reach a certain height and then a period of regeneration is needed – you might call it a testicular age. […]
    We are rapidly entering a state of emergency. It is here that the feminine Yang takes over, bearing down and pushing
    us forward according to a spontaneous and irresistible rhythm into a new world. […]
    Just as the feminine Yin has complemented the male Yang for the last few millennia, when the female Yang qualities come to the fore in coming centuries, it will be the masculine Yin that supports and sustains them. Already we begin to perceive the necessity of these testicular qualities of conservation, regeneration, patience, forbearance, and steadfastness. As the collective Female of humanity and the planet bear down in this emergency to birth us into the future, the collective Male will be at hand, calm, steadfast, solid and reassuring. These will be the traits that come to define masculinity, while the phallic traits will retreat for a while to a lesser role. Article by Charles Eisenstein, Ph.D. (*1967) US American graduate in mathematics and philosophy, scholar on Eastern spiritual traditions, Chinese translator, associate professor, Penn State University, speaker, author, The Testicular Age, presented by the website charleseisenstein.org, 2. July 2007


  • The population undergoing drastic change is a population of misfits, and misfits live and breathe in an atmosphere of passion and imbalance, explosive and hungry for action. Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) US American longshoreman philosopher, social writer, The Ordeal of Change, 1963, Hopewell Publications, 6. June 2006



Minorities dare to peek behind the scenes.

  • Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.
    Plato (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • The Millionth Circle depends upon a simple hypothesis, whose mechanism has already been proposed and observed, and is one that can be intuitively and immediately grasped: when a critical number of people change how they think and behave, the culture will also, and a new era begins. Once the principles are understood, the significance of women's circles can be appreciated as a revolutionary-evolutionary movement that is hidden in plain sight.
    Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. jeanbolen.com (*1936) US American Jungian analyst, proactive women researcher and supporter,
    crone, spiritual teacher, author, The Millionth Circle. How to Change Ourselves and The World, "Preface", Conari Press, 1st edition
    1. September 1999



Civilizations at crossroads

  • There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We appeal as human beings, to human beings: remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise: if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal death. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist", member of the Royal Society, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, Russell-Einstein Manifesto, 9. July 1955



Social commons

Three internet pillars: communication, energy, and transportation

  • There's an institution in our life that we all rely on every day that provides all sorts of goods and services that have nothing to do with profit or government entitlement and without it we couldn’t live and that's the social commons. There's millions of organisations that provide healthcare, education, ministering to the poor, culture, arts, sports, recreation, and it goes on and on.
    This isn't considered by economists because it creates social capital which is essential to all three of the internets [the three pillars of communication, energy, and transportation], but doesn't create market capital. But as a revenue producer, it's huge and what's interesting is it's growing faster than the GDP in the private market system. Jeremy Rifkin (*1945) US American economist, political advisor and activist, founder and president of the Foundation On Economic Trends, public speaker, author, cited in: Article Radical new economic system will emerge from collapse of capitalism, presented by the British daily newspaper The Guardian, Jo Cofino, 7. November 2014


Transitioning eras

  • Today, many things indicate that we are going through a transitional period, when it seems that something is on the way out and something else is painfully being born. It is as if something were crumbling, decaying and exhausting itself, while something else, still indistinct, were arising from the rubble. Speech by Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) Czech dissident, first postcommunist President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003) and during the Velvet Revolution (1989-1992), poet, playwright, essayist, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, United States of America, 4. July 1994



See also Havel's book:

  • Without a global revolution in the sphere of human consciousness, nothing will change for the better in the sphere of our Being as humans, and the catastrophe toward which this world is headed, whether it be ecological, social, demographic or a general breakdown of civilization, will be unavoidable. If we are no longer threatened by world war or by the danger that the absurd mountains of accumulated nuclear weapons might blow up the world, this does not mean that we have definitively won. We are in fact far from definite victory. Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) Czech dissident, first postcommunist President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003) and during the Velvet Revolution (1989-1992), poet, playwright, essayist, A Joint Session of the U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C., United States of America, 21. February 1990


  • The world cannot just be explained, it must be grasped and understood as well. It is not enough to impose one's own words on it, but one must also listen to the polyphony of often contradictory messages the world sends out and try to penetrate their meaning. It is not enough to describe, in scientific terms, the mechanics of things and events; their spirit must be personally perceived and experienced. [One] cannot merely follow the timetable we have set for our influence upon the world; we must also honor and respect the infinitely more complex timetable the world has set for itself. That timetable is the sum of the thousands of independent timetables of an infinite number of natural, historical and human actions. Vaclav Havel (1936-2011) Czech dissident, first postcommunist President of the Czech Republic (1993-2003) and during the Velvet Revolution (1989-1992), poet, playwright, essayist, Toward a Civil Society. Selected Speeches and Writings 1990-1994, Lidove Noviny, 1st edition 1995, 2nd source: The Art of the Impossible. Politics as Morality in Practice, Alfred A. Knopf, 1st edition 20. May 1997, S. 107, Fromm International, New York, 1998



Universal peace may emerge suddenly – like crystals.

  • Universal Peace, assuming it to be in the fullest sense realizable, might not require eons for its accomplishment, however probable this may appear, judging from the imperceptibly slow growth of all great reformatory ideas of the past. [...] Our accepted estimates of the duration of natural metamorphoses, or changes in general, have been thrown in doubt of late. The very foundations of science have been shaken.
    A state of human life vaguely defined by the term "Universal Peace," while a result of cumulative effort through centuries past, might come into existence quickly, not unlike a crystal suddenly forms in a solution which has been slowly prepared. […] There are abundant signs of this progress everywhere. The race enmities and prejudices are decidedly waning.
    We begin to think cosmically. Our sympathetic feelers reach out into the dim distance. The bacteria of the "Weltschmerz," are upon us.
    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) Serbian US American physicist, mechanical and electrical engineer, inventor, The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires as a Means for Furthering Peace, presented by "Electrical World and Engineer", S. 21-24,
    7. January 1905


Liquid crystal's focal-conical smectic c-phase
  • At the mythic level ends and beginnings are essentially connected and one keeps leading to the other as the eternal drama of life continues to unfold. When the end seems near and everything spins faster and faster, some-
    thing old and lasting, something deep and meaningful is trying to catch up to us. Something subtle and enduring about the world is trying to be remembered and be redis-
    covered; and, it seems to take some big trouble to awaken to it. The overwhelming problems and massive threats are real enough, but they also function as a cosmic wake-up call intended to awaken us from the sleep of so-called "reality".
    Michael Meade Mosaicvoices.org US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, Why the World Doesn't End. Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss, Greenfire Press, 30. October 2012


  • The term paradigm shift was first proposed by the philosopher and physicist Thomas Kuhn in 1962. Kuhn used the term to describe how progress occurs during a period of crisis that is resolved by a revolutionary change during which an old paradigm or pattern becomes replaced by a newer, better one. This new theory shifted the philosophy of
    science and changed the way scientists think about their work. […]
    What is difficult is to see is how collapse and renewal happen simultaneously; yet the archetype of creation carries the undaunted sense that re-creation and renewal is a fundamental and universal pattern of life on earth. Article by Michael Meade (*1944) US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, A Time of Transformation on Earth, presented by the website Mosaic Voices,
    27. February 2021


  • In the course of history, there comes a time when humanity is called to shift to a new level of consciousness, to reach
    a higher moral ground. A time when we have to shed our fear and give hope to each other. That time is now.
    Wangari Maathai (1940-2011) Kenyan environmental and political activist, first female African Nobel Peace Prize laureate, acceptance speech, Oslo, Norway, 2004



  • To live in an evolutionary spirit means to engage with full ambition and without any reserve in the structure of the present, and yet to let go and flow into a new structure when the right time has come. Such an attitude is meant by the Buddhist virtue of "non-attachment" which is so frequently confused with non-engagement. Once we open our mind and fully respond to environmental changes, the profound plasticity of our human systems begins to work. Erich Jantsch (1929-1980) Austrian-born American astrophysicist, engineer, systems theorist, educator, consultant, futurist, author, Self-Organizing Universe. Scientific and Human Implications of the Emerging Paradigm of Evolution, S. 255-256, Butterworth-Heinemann, April 1980


  • Dissipative self-organization is cognitive; that is to say, it organizes information into knowledge.
    Erich Jantsch (1929-1980) Austrian-born American astrophysicist, engineer, systems theorist, educator, consultant, futurist, author, Autopoiesis. A Central Aspect of Dissipative Self-Organisation, cited in: M. Zeleny, editor Autopoiesis. A Theory of Living Organisation, North Holland Publisher, New York, 1981


  • Breaking through self-reference by embracing a destabilizing fluctuation or an error leading to a new structure, is already an act of self-transcendence in ontogeny. The system not only restructures it's internal processes but also creates a new web of relations with the world, usually involving new and unknown – even unknowable – aspects of this world. Erich Jantsch (1929-1980) Austrian-born American astrophysicist, engineer, systems theorist, educator, consultant, futurist, author, editor, The Evolutionary Vision. Toward A Unifying Paradigm Of Physical, Biological, and Sociocultural Evolution, S. 91, Routledge, 2019


  • The historian of science may be tempted to exclaim that when paradigms change, the world itself changes with them. Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) US American physicist, historian, philosopher of science, introduced the notion of "paradigm shift" to describe scientific revolutions, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1962, University of Chicago, 2nd edition 1970, 4th edition 2012


  • Probably the single most prevalent claim advanced by the proponents of a new paradigm is that they can solve the problems that have led the old one to a crisis. Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996) US American physicist, historian, philosopher of science, introduced the notion of "paradigm shift" to describe scientific revolutions, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, 1962, University of Chicago, 2nd edition 1970, 4th edition 2012


  • The implications of this new understanding of cooperation are profound. Previously, there were only
    two basic principles of evolution – mutation and selection –
    where the former generates genetic diversity and the latter picks the individuals that are best suited to a given environment.
For us to understand the creative aspects of evolution, we now must accept that
cooperation is the third principle.
For selection you need mutation and, in the same way, for cooperation you need both selection and mutation.
From cooperation can emerge the constructive side of evolution, from genes to organisms to language and complex social behaviors. Cooperation is the master architect of evolution. Dr. Martin Nowak (*1965) Austrian professor of biology and mathematics, director of the program for evolutionary dynamics, Harvard University, SuperCooperators. Altruism, Evolution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed, S. xviii, Free Press, reprint, 27. March 2012



Travelling memes: 10% of the committed opinion holders change the tide. When 10% of the population holds an unshakable belief, it will always be adopted by the majority of the society.

See also: Article Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities, presented by the US American peer-reviewed scientific journal Physical Review, 22. July 2011

  • The percentage of committed opinion holders required to influence a society remains at approximately 10 percent regardless of how or where that opinion starts and spreads in the society.
    • "When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority. Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame." Boleslaw Szymansk, Ph.D. (1950) Polish professor of computer science, founder of the Center for Pervasive Computing and Networking, director of SCNARC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
    • "In general, people do not like to have an unpopular opinion and are always seeking to try locally to come to consensus. The percentage of committed opinion holders required to influence a society remains at approximately 10 percent, regardless of how or where that opinion starts and spreads in the society.
Once the minority opinion reached 10% of the population,
the minority opinion takes over the original majority opinion
(shown in green).
Image credit: SCNARC/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
As agents of change start to convince more and more people, the situation begins to change. People begin to question their own views at first and then completely adopt the new view to spread it even further. If the true believers just influenced their neighbors, that wouldn't change anything within the larger system, as we saw with percentages less than 10." Sameet Sreenivasan, research associate at Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, study author,
Article on RPI study4 Article Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas, presented by the publication Rensselaer News, 25. July 2011 reissued by Science Daily, 26. July 2011;
Alternative source: Article Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas, presented by the
science, research and technology news aggregator Phys.org, 25. July 2011


  • Change is not a constant. Change is actually exponentially. The paradigm shift rate is doubling every decade. Evolution is a spiritual process. Audio interview with Ray Kurzweil (*1948) US American inventor, futurist, author on transhumanism, technological singularity,The Evolution of Science, presented by The Evolutionary Worldview, sponsored by the dissolved magazine EnlightenNext, 15. May 2010



Four stages of a system's growth and decline:

  • Such growth [since 2008] is [...] a "debt fueled mirage". It [the Geological Survey of Finland study on the 2008 financial crash] warns that within the next five to ten years these dynamics would come to a head, generating a new energy-linked financial crash. [...] [The] global industrial civilization is in the last stage of its systemic life cycle, as defined by ecologist C. S. Holling's four stages of a system’s growth and decline.
    1. The first stage was growth, which took place rapidly over perhaps 200 years or so from the nineteenth century until the late twentieth century.
    2. It then went through the second stage of conservation which appeared to stabilize between 1970 and the early 2000s.
    3. The third stage, the release phase, appears to have begun around then and escalated to this day.
      This is a period of uncertainty and chaos as the system begins to decline. During this stage, the uncertainty opens up new possibilities for change, where small perturbations in the system can have deep impacts in a way they could not do during the first and second phases.
    4. This is the crucial global "phase shift" point where our actions can determine the fourth stage of reorganization. In this stage, the foundations of new system can be forged, paving the way for the emergence of a new life cycle.
Blog article by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed (*1978) British investigative academic, editor, journalist, author, Coronavirus, synchronous failure and the global phase-shift. A systems analysis uncovering the light at the end of the tunnel, presented by the stories outlet Medium, 3. March 2020


Four stages of growth and decline of the Industrial Age (1770-2030)
༺༻InitialPhaseTrigger eventTime periodDuration
1.rGrowth • Exploiting resources Industrial Revolution1770-1970200 years
2.KConservation • Conserving resources Saturation1970-200737 years
3.ΩCollapse • Releasing resources Financial crisis of 2007–082008-202012 years
4.αReorganization • Reorganizing of resources''' Covid-19 pademic2020-20305-10 years
► Blog article by Dr. Nafeez Ahmed (*1978) British investigative academic, editor, journalist, author, Coronavirus,
     synchronous failure and the global phase-shift. A systems analysis uncovering the light at the end of the tunnel
     presented by the stories outlet Medium, 3. March 2020
Reference to The Geological Survey of Finland study on the 2008 financial crash
► Article Government Agency Warns Global Oil Industry Is on the Brink of a Meltdown, presented by the Canadian-
     American print magazine Vice, Dr. Nafeez Ahmed (*1978) British investigative academic, editor, journalist, author,
     4. February 2020


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Paradigm shift

Literary quotes

  • The future is disorder. A door like this has opened up only five or six times since we got up on our hind legs. It's the
    best possible time to be alive, when almost everything you thought you knew is wrong.
    Tom Stoppard, OM, CBE, FRSL (*1937) Czech British playwright, character Valentine in play Arcadia, 1993


  • ... humanity learns true lessons only in cataclysm. Daniel H. Wilson (*1978) US American bestselling author, science fiction novel Robopocalypse, Doubleday, 7. June 2011, S. 251, Simon and Schuster, 9. June 2011; cited in: AZ Quotes

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • Eighty-five percent of people on the planet live below a location of consciousness of 200. Now that the average
    [LoC of mankind] is 207, above the level of integrity, the paradigm has changed. The new paradigm is no longer "success", but instead is integrity. Things that were formerly winked at, we are now held accountable for.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Houston, Texas, Seminar The Realization of the Presence of God, Unity Church, 11. October 2003



Rocky transition times while moving into a new paradigm

  • The advance of truth doesn't necessarily bring tranquil waters. In fact, it can disturb things for a while. You now have a new paradigm, and inherent in it is the downfall of the old.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, 3 DVD set, 16. October 2004

Englische Texte – English section on Paradigm shift

Current trend – Shifting from PUSH mode to PULL mode

At the brink of the third millennium the Age of Aquarius takes charge.
The world and human paradigms are rapidly shifting:
From survival mode➤➤➤···➤ Resilience and thriving
From the predominant male archetype➤➤➤···➤ The rise of the female archetype
merging into bi-gender rule
From the domination system➤➤➤···➤ The participatory partnership system6
From hierarchy➤➤➤···➤ Equal- dignity heterarchy
From ranking➤➤➤···➤ Linking
From rankist pyramids➤➤➤···➤ Equal circles
From the chain of command➤➤➤···➤ The web of connection
From pride-shame culture➤➤➤···➤ Dignity- compassion- vulnerability culture
From shaming-blaming➤➤➤···➤ Naming-claiming-taming
From the core➤➤➤···➤ The edge emerging as the renewed core
From scientific reductionism➤➤➤···➤ Emergence
From current object-based science science➤➤➤···➤ Complementary observer-based science
From the left brain hemisphere➤➤➤···➤ The right-left brain hemisphere
From the forecasted PUSH mode➤➤➤···➤ The value-based PULL mode7
From efficient transactions and material profitability➤➤➤···➤ Diverse human-centered creativity
From quantity➤➤➤···➤ Quality
From mass➤➤➤···➤ Class
From juvenile competition➤➤➤···➤ Cooperation balanced with healthy competition
From secretive self-interest➤➤➤···➤ Transparent sharing
From corporate corruption➤➤➤···➤ Leaders held accountable and transparent transactions
From taking knowledge stock➤➤➤···➤ Circulating knowledge data flow
From transfering explicit knowledge➤➤➤···➤ Revealing tacit knowledge
From Western predominance➤➤➤···➤ The rise of the Resterners8
From predatory economics➤➤➤···➤ Caring economics
From masculinized wealth ⇔ feminized poverty➤➤➤···➤ Sustainable eco- Wisdom
From a secretive privately run interest-based debt-fiat-money system based on belief➤➤➤···➤ A transparent system of community held individualized electronically deposited spending capacity
From dependent⇔independent survival mode➤➤➤···➤ Interdependent relationships
From craving ME9➤➤➤···➤ Trust-based WE10
From driven multi-addiction➤➤➤···➤ Sobering mindfulness
From "Do-it-yourself" single achievers➤➤➤···➤ "Do-it-with-others" winning teams
From mandatory top-down teacher-centric curriculum-based schooling➤➤➤···➤ Individualized free-style topic-centered
From generalized consumer-collectivism➤➤➤···➤ Unique talents specified within community
From work-to-rule or obsessive compulsion➤➤➤···➤ Passion for work
From an automated structure➤➤➤···➤ Participatory uncertainty
From "sex and crime" mode➤➤➤···➤ Communicative exchange to a peaceful world
From finite threat-based stories➤➤➤···➤ Open-ended opportunity-based narratives
Sources featuring John Hagel III, US American consultant, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, speaker and author on the intersection of business strategy and information technology
Article John Seely Brown, coauthor, Six Fundamental Shifts in the Way We Work, presented by the bimonthly management magazine
     Harvard Business Review (HBR), published by Harvard Business Publishing, 17. August 2010
Article John Seely Brown, Lang Davison, The Power of Pull. How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion,
     Basic Books, April 2010, 2nd Trade Paper edition 4. December 2012
Video presentation Power of Pull, presented by TEDxBayArea, YouTube film, 23:05 minutes duration, posted 19. August 2010
Book Adam Hartung (*1957) US American entrepreneur, executive in three Fortune 100 companies, business consultant, speaker,
     columnist, author, Create Marketplace Disruption. How to Stay Ahead of the Competition, FT Press, 1st edition 7. August 2008
Book Valerie M. Hudson, Ph.D., US American professor of political science, The Bush School of Government and Public Service,
     Texas A&M University, since January 2012, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, Chad F. Emmett, Sex and World Peace,
     Columbia University Press, 17. April 2012
Article Push to Pull, presented by THNK, Karim Benammar, Menno van Dijk, Bas Verhart, 2. September 2016


See also:
Future research and ► Dignity
Correlating the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere
Taking wings – from caterpillarness to butterflyness
Two versions of Darwin's Evolutionary Theory – David Loye
Models of leadership, value creation and democracy – Richard Barrett
Conventional Banking (Me) ⇔ Social Banking (No-me / We / Other)
The Great Re-convergence – Balancing Westerners and Resterners
Mustering moral courage
Siehe auch: ► Umorientierung aus dem Drückermodus in den Anziehungsmodus


There's a new paradigm in town and it's called pull.
John Hagel III, US American consultant, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, speaker and author on the intersection of business strategy and information technology, John Seely Brown, Lang Davison, The Power of Pull. How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, Basic Books, April 2010, 2nd Trade Paper edition 4. December 2012


In this second wave, the sources of economic value move from stocks of knowledge to flows of new knowledge. Tacit knowledge becomes more valuable than explicit knowledge as the edge transforms the core.
John Hagel III, US American consultant, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, speaker and author on the intersection of business strategy and information technology, John Seely Brown, Lang Davison, The Power of Pull. How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, Basic Books, April 2010, 2nd Trade Paper edition 4. December 2012



Book review on The Power of Pull:

We are shifting from a world where the key source of strategic advantage was in protecting and extracting value from a given set of knowledge stocks – the sum total of what we know at any point in time, which is now depreciating at an accelerating pace – into a world in which the focus of value creation is effective participation in knowledge flows, which are constantly being renewed.
Thomas Friedman (*1953) US American journalist, columnist for The New York Times, 3-fold Pulitzer Prize recipient, author, cited in: article The Cloud & Enterprises, presented by the publication Enterprise Irregulars, Sadagopan, 29. December 2010

Alternative sources:

Keynote adress University of Idaho Women's Center 40th Anniversary Celebration – Gloria Steinem Keynote Adress, sponsored by the University of Idaho Women's Center 40th Anniversary Celebration, Moscow, Idaho, 4. October 2012, YouTube film, minute 14:16, 1:32:13 duration, posted 5. October 2012
Woman on Campus: Gloria Steinem's Day on Campus, Simmons College, 22. March 2013, YouTube film, minute 1:58, 3:44 minutes duration, posted 5. April 2013


Hierarchy is based on patriarchy. Patriarchy doesn't work anywhere anymore. Video commencement speech by Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Gloria Steinem – The F Word: Feminism Today, sponsored by Simmons College, Boston, Massachusetts, 22. March 2013, YouTube film, minute 18:14, 1:42:12 duration, posted 22. April 2013


Hate generalizes, love specifies. Robin Morgan (*1941) US American child actor, political theorist, activist, feminist, lecturer, journalist, poet, author, Anatomy of Freedom. Feminism, Physics, and Global Politics, W. W. Norton & Company, 2nd edition 1. January 1990


      Visionary trend researcher of the economy and paradigms John Hagel III presented six provocative findings:

    1. Western management practices in institutions (education, military, church, government, businesses) are
        fundamentally broken.
        US companies are running faster and faster and are falling farther and farther behind. (See Red Queen effect.)
          Longterm The Shift Index. Uncovering the Emerging Logic of Deep Change: In the time period 1965-2010 the return on assets (ROA) with ALL US companies has declined by 75%.
          The constant trend is sustained erosion in profitability.

    2. Competition has doubled (1965-2010). It accounts only partially for the failure of Western management.
        Knowledge stocks (protecting what one knows) are becoming less and less relevant whereas diverse
        inter-firm knowledge flows are rising in relevance.
    3. The solution is (right-brained) innovation.
        The international center of innovation is shifting away from the United States to Asia (India and China).
    4. The collaboration curve is supplanting the experience curve (measuring profitability).
    5. Companies chasing and acquiring gifted staff members and let them go waste. [See "Dilbert Paradox" and talent war]
        Talented people need to be developed and supported within the workplace arena.
    6. Unpredictable passion for one's work (vocation) prevents burnout from mounting pressure and holds
        the key to longterm success.

Essential historical paradigm shifters

Chain of leaps in the collective consciousness
DisciplineNationalityProponent Time frameLegend
COSMOLOGYGreekAristarchus of Samos310-230 BC Presenting the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe with the Earth revolving around it
COSMOLOGYGreekHeraclitus of Ephesus
475/460 BC
570-495 BC
Upholding the idea that the earth revolves around the cosmic fire, which is the center of the universe.
COSMOLOGYGermanNicholas Copernicus
See: Claudius Ptolemy
~100-~175 AD
Displacing the Ptolemaic system with the Copernican system, displacing Mother Earth from the center of the universe to replace her with Father Sun.
ASTRONOMYItalianGalileo Galilei1564-1642 Supporting Copernicus' geocentrism, he challenged the Catholic Church by publishing Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, on February 22, 1632. A year later, in June 1633, Galileo was tortured and threatened by the Inquisition to "abjure, curse and detest" his heliocentric views. 359 years later on October 31, 1992, the Vatican admitted its error and apologized.
BritishCharles Darwin 1809-1882 Replacing creationism with the theory of evolution, replacing men's divine nature with the animal nature of apes.
PSYCHOLOGYAustrian Sigmund Freud1856-1939 Offending mankind by decoding the unconscious as much more dominant than men's daytime consciousness.
PHYSICSGerman-American·Robert·Oppenheimer1904-1967 Shattered the existing Newtonian paradigm by splitting the archetypal atom whereby all atoms were split simultaneously – in 1944. In that splitsecond all life – not just science or math – slipped into the quantum dimension. Since the end of World War II energy i.e. consciousness came before matter.
METAPHYSICS / ENERGETICSUniversalHealers   The biggest aura(s) does succeed when an era ends and a new one begins.
See also: ► Incomplete timetable of paradigmal shifts and ► Evolution and ► History


Paradoxically, Galileo, a sincere believer, showed himself to be more perceptive in this regard than the theologians who opposed him. "If Scripture cannot err", he wrote to Benedetto Castelli, "certain of its interpreters and commentators can and do so in many ways". Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) Polish theologian, 264th head of the Catholic Church (1978-2005), beatification
in 2011, Allocution of the Holy Father John Paul II, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Vatican City, Rome, Italy, 31. October 1992

Tipping point – Malcolm Gladwell

The Canadian historian and sociologist Malcolm Gladwell points out that very small changes in any or several of the context
can tip over reality. When the impact, the quality ('stickiness') of an idea sparks a very small group of key people
it can trigger a dramatic epidemic of change in society.


Offering Interrogative Three required change factors
 1.MessengerWHO?Law of the few multiplicating key people
Connectors ◊ mavens ◊ salespeople
 2.MessageWHAT?Stickyness/impact factor
 3.MessageabilityHOW?Power of context/preparedness
Disappointment ◊ enthusiasm ◊ disillusionment ◊ recommendation
Three categories ofGifted people: multiplicators1. Connectors, 2. Mavens, 3. Salespeople
Four phasesBuilding up to the tipping point1. Disappointment 2. Enthusiasm
3. Disillusionment 4. Recommendation


Excerpts from Malcolm Gladwell, CM (*1963) Canadian historian, sociologist, civil engineering professor emeritus, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, business consultant, speaker, journalist, staff writer at The New Yorker magazine since 1996, author, The Tipping Point. How Little Things Make a Big Difference, Back Bay Books, 7. January 2000


  • In a given process or system some people matter more than others. S. 19


  • The success of any kind of social epidemic is heavily dependent on the involvement of people with a particular and rare set of social gifts. S. 33


  • Sprinkled among every walk of life [...] are a handful of people with a truly extraordinary knack of making friends and acquaintances. They are Connectors. S. 41
  • I always keep up with people. (quoting a "Connector"). S. 44
  • In the case of Connectors, their ability to span many different worlds is a function of something intrinsic to their personality, some combination of curiosity, self-confidence, sociability, and energy.
    S. 49
  • The point about Connectors is that by having a foot in so many different worlds they have the effect of bringing them all together. S. 51


  • The word Maven comes from the Yiddish, and it means one who accumulates knowledge. S. 60
  • The fact that Mavens want to help, for no other reason than because they like to help, turns out to be an awfully effective way of getting someone's attention. S. 67
  • The one thing that a Maven is not is a persuader. To be a Maven is to be a teacher. But it is also, even more emphatically to be a student. S. 69


  • There is also a select group of people – Salesmen – with the skills to persuade us when we are unconvinced of what we are hearing. S. 70
  • [Tom Gau, a Salesman] seems to have some indefinable trait, something powerful and contagious and irresistible that goes beyond what comes out of his mouth, that makes people who meet him want to agree with him. It's energy. It's enthusiasm. It's charm. It's likability. It's all those things and yet something more. S. 73


Gathering empirical quality ('sticky') data about ideas (theory or assumption can be debunked)

  • Kids don't watch when they are stimulated and look away when they are bored. They watch when they understand and look away when they are confused. S. 102
  • Children actually don't like commercials as much as we thought they did. S. 118
  • The driving force for a preschooler is not a search for novelty, like it is with older kids, it's a search for understanding and predictability. S. 126

The Hutterites, Amish or Mennonites have a rule that when a colony approaches 150, they split into two and start a new one.
The Military generally split companies at size 150-200.
The company Gore (Goretex) obeys a staff rule: ~150 employees per plant.

  • At a bigger size you have to impose complicated hierarchies and rules and regulations and formal measures to try to command loyalty and cohesion. But below 150 [...] it is possible to achieve the same goals informally. S. 180
  • When things get larger than that, people become strangers to one another. S. 181
  • Crossing the 150 line is a small change that can make a big difference. S. 183

Predictability ⇔ novelty
The rule of 15011 – the ability to handle the complexities of social groups.


Source: ► Full audiobook narrated by the originator Malcolm Gladwell, CM (*1963) Canadian historian, sociologist, civil engineering professor emeritus, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, business consultant, speaker, journalist, staff writer at The New Yorker magazine since 1996, author, Malcolm Gladwell – The Tipping Point Audiobook, YouTube film, 3:04:32 duration, posted 22. September 2018
Gladwell defines a tipping point as the moment of critical mass, the threshold, explaining three rules (agents of change) of epidemics
in the tipping points of epidemics:
1. Messenger – WHOLaw of the few multiplicating key people (connectors ◊ mavens ◊ salespeople) ❄
2. Message – WHAT – Stickyness/impact factor
3. Messageability – HOW – Power of context/preparedness (disappointment ◊ enthusiasm ◊ disillusionment ◊ recommendation)

List of social reformers on the spiritual path

Social activists (†) – Calibrated by David R. Hawkins (cult leader)
LoC PersonalityTime frameLegend
1000Jesus Christ2-7 BC-30/31 AD Galilean Hebrew avatar, teacher of salvation, central figure of Christianity
760Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi1869-1948 Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter
650Chief Pontiac
[Chief Detroit or Obwandiyag]
1720-1769 Native American leader of the Ottawa tribe, known for Pontiac's Rebellion (1763-1766) against the British military occupation of the Great Lakes region
640Mechthild of Magdeburg1207-1282 German medieval mystic, member of the Béguines, visionary, writer
550Founding Fathers  US American citizens designing, writing and signing the US Constitution
590Confucius551-479 BC Chinese sage, social philosopher, sponsor of Confucianism, the Chinese state religion
580St Francis of Assisi1181/82-1226 Italian Catholic friar, preacher, founder of the Franciscan Order, social reformer
580Martin Luther1483-1546 German monk, priest, professor of theology, iconic figure of the Protestant Reformation
580John Calvin1509-1564 French Swiss pastor during the Protestant Reformation
570H.H. 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso*1935 Tibetan monk, leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" branch of Tibetan Buddhism, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1989, feminist in exile
545Gopi Krishna1903-1984 Indian mystic, yogi, teacher, social reformer, writer
530Annie Besant1847-1933 Prominent British Theosophist, second president of The Theosophical Society (1907-1933), women's rights activist, Fabian socialist, supporter of Irish and Indian self rule, philanthropist, orator, writer
515/520Thomas Merton1915-1968 Anglo-American Catholic Trappist monk, mystic student of comparative religion, social activist, poet, writer
510/520 Joseph Smith, Jr.121805-1844 US American religious leader, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement aka Mormonism
505Richard Maurice Bucke eugenicist1837-1902 Canadian progressive psychiatrist, adventurer in his youth
500Erasmus of Rotterdam
[Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus]
1466/1469-1536 Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher, teacher, social critic
Eleanor Roosevelt1884-1962 US American First Lady (1933-1945), advocate for civil rights, enhancer of the status of working women, chairwoman of the United Nations committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
485Emma Curtis Hopkins1849-1925 US American feminist, ordaining women at the Christian Science Theological Seminary, Chicago
480Emanuel Swedenborg1688-1772 Swedish scientist, inventor, philosopher, Christian mystic, theologian, visionary writer to reform Christianity
Work 475
Ralph Waldo Emerson1803-1882 US American philosopher, Unitarian, lecturer, poet, essayist
Work 425
Aldous Huxley1894-1963 English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism
Benjamin Franklin
[The First American', US 'Founding Father]
1706-1790 US American statesman, political theorist, occultist, polymath, diplomat, civic activist, author
475Rudolf Steiner1861-1925 Croation-born Austrian cultural philosopher, architect, literary critic, social reformer, mystic esotericist, founder of Anthroposophy
465 Bertrand Russell1872-1970 British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist", member of the Royal Society, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950
Work 460Walt Whitman1819-1892 US American Quaker, journalist, poet, essayist
Work 455Victor Hugo1802-1885 French statesman, human rights activist, exponent of the Romantic movement in France, visual artist, playwright, poet, essayist, novelist
Work 455
Leo Tolstoy1828-1910 Russian writer, novelist, essayist, playwright


Social activists (*) Calibrated by David R. Hawkins
500Oprah Winfrey*1954 US American talk show host, actress, visionary, billionaire, philanthropist
460Thich Nhat Hanh1926-2022 Vietnamese France based Buddhist monk, peace activist, teacher, poet, author


Social activists (†) – Colleagues and coauthors of David R. Hawkins''' (cult leader)
LoCPersonalityTime frameLegend
Nelson Mandela1918-2013 Leading South African anti-apartheid activist, prisoner for 27 years13 during apartheid, first black president of South Africa (1994-1999)
450Linus Pauling1901-1994 US American chemist, biochemist, peace activist, double Nobel laureate (chemistry, 1954) (Peace Nobel Prize, 1962), educator, author
./.Abram Hoffer1917-2009 Canadian psychiatrist, biochemist, agricultural chemist, medical activist


Social activists (†) – Not calibrated by David R. Hawkins
PersonalityTime frameLegend
Saint Hildegard of Bingen [Sybil of the Rhine]1098-1179 German Christian mystic, Benedictine abbess, visionary, philosopher, polymath, composer, writer
Pope Leo XIII1810-1903 Italian theologian, 256th Pope of the Roman Catholic Church (1878-1903), intellectual, developer
of social teachings (encyclical Rerum Novarum)
Henry David Thoreau1817-1862 US American historian, philosopher, leading transcendentalist, naturalist, abolitionist, surveyor, tax resister, development critic, poet, author
Karl Barth [Church father of the 20th century]1886-1968 Swiss Reformed theologian, influential Christian thinker of the 20th century, committed to the German and Swiss Religious Socialist movement
Adolph Kolping1813-1865 German Catholic beatified priest, leader in providing social support for young workers in the cities of industrial Germany, and worldwide
Dietrich Bonhoeffer1906-1945 German Lutheran pastor, theologian, anti-Nazi resistant, martyr of the Nazi regime, founding member of the Confessing Church
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.1929-1968 US American Baptist minister, activist, leader of the African American civil rights movement, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1964


Social activists (*) Not calibrated by David R. Hawkins
PersonalityTime frameLegend
Barbara Marx Hubbard1929-2019 US American futurist, champion and agent of conscious evolution, running Democratic candidate for US vice presidency, 1984, co-founder and president of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, 1990, spiritual teacher, public speaker, visionary author
Hans Küng1928-2021 Swiss Catholic priest, professor emeritus of ecumenical theology, University of Tübingen, president of the Foundation for a Global Ethic [Stiftung Weltethos)], since 1995, social reformer, author
Desmond Tutu1931-2021 South African anti-apartheid activist, first black Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1984, feminist
Bill Cosby*1937 US American comedian, actor, activist, educator, television producer, author
Patch Adams*1945 US American physician, social activist, citizen diplomat, author
Marianne Williamson
[Sister Giant]
*1952 US American spiritual-political activist, visionary, ACIM teacher, lecturer, author

Transitioning the self splits in three divides: ecological, social, and spiritual

Three divides in society [status 2014]
Self⇔Nature ♦ Self⇔Other ♦ Self⇔Emerging Self
Societies around the planet are dealing with three divides: ecological, social, and spiritual.
༺༻DivideSplit betweenFeatureLegend
1. Ecological·divideSelf and nature Number 1.5 We use resources at 1.5 times the rate the earth can regenerate them.
2. Social divideSelf and the Other Number:
1 billion
Roughly 1 billion people live in extreme poverty.
3. Spiritual divide Current self and future possible self
(emerging self)
Current status ⇔ potential
Increasing rates of burnout, depression, and suicide. In developed societies, higher GDP does not translate into greater well-being (more happiness). Although humans are busier than ever producing and consuming stuff, humanity's rate of happiness and well-being is declining. [Status 2015]
Source: ► Article Davos: Mindfulness, Hotspots, and Sleepwalkers, presented by the US American liberal-oriented online newspaper HuffPost, Otto Scharmer ottoscharmer.com (*1961) German American senior lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founding chair of the Presencing Institute, core faculty member of the U.N. leaders program, 26. January 2014, updated 28. March 2014

Ecological and social divides

Struggling with the problematic notion of "commodities"


  • If everything is a commodity, then I can take it, sell it, use it, dump it, and buy another one. And this is exactly what happens. The ecological divide (overshoot), the social divide (depression) emerge directly from the model of economic thought that frames the earth, human beings, and money as commodities. But the earth is not a commoditiy, and human beings aren't either.
    Otto Scharmer ottoscharmer.com (*1961) German American senior lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), founding chair of the Presencing Institute, core faculty member of the United Nations leaders program

The twelve aspects of a paradigm – Penny Kelly

'"Reality systems are seeded, they rise to a peak, and then they fall.
Corrupt individuals find a way to game the system.
We are faced with the monumental task of rebuilding.
The arrival of a new paradigm is always messy."
Core ideas of a new paradigm
༺༻Essential sphere of influenceSymbolizing human features
1.Humanity • SocietyHuman symbolize the current reality system, the core of who we are
2.EducationHuman willingness to expand (consciousness, thinking, perception, worldview)
3.Food • AgricultureHuman alignment with the Universal Law
4.MedicineHuman inclination for self-correction, change and healing
5.Business • TradeHuman level of development (Currently humans are not very evolved.)
6.Money • FinancesValues that humans bestow upon themselves and each other
7.GovernanceHuman inner authority and self-responsibility
8.TechnologyHumanity's built-in capacities (clairvoyance, clairaudience, teleportation)
9.ReligionHuman belief systems, world views
10.ScienceHuman multi-dimensional abiliities
11.ArtsHuman ability to extend, project out
12.Planet • Solar System •
Galaxy • Cosmos
Human relationship with All That Is
Source: ► Video presentation by Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author, New Earth#19: A New Paradigm? The 12 Spheres of Influence,
presented by the YouTube platform Penny Kelly, YouTube film, 31:39 minutes duration, posted 20. March 2021

The old woman in the cave and the black dog unraveling the woven garment

A woman in the process of knitting

               A Native American tale              


In a hidden cave an old woman is weaving a garment up to the trim. Bitten and chewed on porcupine quills are to hold the hem. She removes into the back of the cave to the ever burning fire to stir the seeds of life in the cauldron above the fire.


Meanwhile the black dog in the cave unravels the entire garment which was the result of the work of eons.
Upon her return the old woman finds the chaos. She stands there for a mo-
ment and picks up the weaving of the garment again. [...]
Be thankful for the black dog. If something (i.e. the world) would be perfec-
it is dead. The world would be over once it is perfected.


The beautiful new design had become necessary because the black dog
had unraveled both nature and culture.
The old woman knew enough to begin weaving culture and nature, to com-
bine imagination and hard work again so that both are less opposing and
less destructive.


We are living in the black dog times,[*] in the times of unraveling – and we can choose to weave the loose threads again – back into the world. We are invited to reweave ourselves and the world – by the wise one in us.

Source: ► Audio interview with Michael Meade, US American storyteller, mythologist, author of the book The world behind the world. Living at the ends of time, Mythic storytelling and the ends of time, presented by the US American web radio station
New Dimensions, program #3243, host Michael Toms, minute 28:35-32:55, aired 25. February 2008
See also:
[*] Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation
Current trend – Shifting from PUSH mode to PULL mode

Obituary of the late Common Sense

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:

⚑ Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
⚑ Why the early bird gets the worm;
⚑ Life isn't always fair;
⚑ And maybe it was my fault.


  • Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
    His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old
    boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened
    his condition.
  • Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
    It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
  • Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
  • Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
  • Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She
    spilled a little in her lap, launched a lawsuit and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.


Common Sense was preceded in death,

⚑ by his parents, Truth and Trust,
⚑ by his wife, Discretion,
⚑ by his daughter, Responsibility,
⚑ and by his son, Reason.


He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers:

⚑ I Know My Rights,
⚑ I Want It Now,
⚑ Someone Else Is To Blame,
⚑ I'm A Victim,
⚑ Pay me for Doing Nothing.


Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.

Source: ► Gloss An Obituary printed in the London Times, presented by the portal clubrunner.ca, 10. August 2008


Common sense is seeing things as they are; and doing things as they ought to be.
Anonymous, also attributed to Josh Billings, Thomas Chandler Haliburton, Calvin Ellis Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896)

Life prayer

           Life Prayer           

We look with uncertainty
Beyond the old choices for
Clear-cut answers
To softer, more permeable aliveness
Which is every moment
At the brink of death;
Something new is being born in us
If we but let it.
We stand in a new doorway,
Awaiting that which comes…
Daring to be human creatures.
Vulnerable to the beauty of existence.
Learning to love.
Source: ► Anne Hillman, US American organizational development
consultant, musician, inspirational author, Life Prayer, 2014-2015
See also: ► Prayers


Links zum Thema Paradigmenwechsel / Paradigm shift


Der Prozess, bis der Tipping Point (die kritische Masse) erreicht wird, umfasst vier Phasen:
1. Enttäuschung
2. Begeisterung – Multiplikatoren (Vermittler, Verkäufer, Kenner)
3. Ernüchterung
4. Weiterempfehlung

Literature (engl.)

Expanding the traditional view of yin and yang to a four-dimensional model. Haddon offers a yin feminine and a yang feminine and
a yin masculine and a yang masculine, which each can be associated with the parts of sexual anatomy and their function.
Yin feminine – gestating womb, receiving function of the vagina
Yang feminine – exertive womb with its pushing and birthing function
Yin masculine – testicles as a self-generating source and place of ripening
Yang masculine – penis with expanding and penetrating function

Within the societal structure of the power/dominator system there were five stages of human consciousness correlating with
Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs model: 1) Magical thinking – Physiological
2) Imperial thinking – Safety
3) Social consciousness – Belongingness and Love
4) Cultural consciousness – Esteem
5) Spiritual consciousness – Self-Actualization
6) Self-Transcendence

Externe Weblinks

Rifkin verkündet den Niedergang des Kapitalismus und den Beginn einer sozialen Gemeinschaft.

1. Trauma und Freier Wille
2. Das Ego und seine Projektionen auf die Welt
3. Moral und Todsünde
4. Säkularisierung und Rationalismus
5. Geldspiele
6. Machtspiele
7. Fehlernährung und Transhumanismus

Weblinks zum Thema Paradigmenwechsel – Quora

Beiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE

External web links (engl.)

Linkless article

  • Article New Study Predicts Impending Collapse of Industrial Civilization, presented by inhabitat.com, Morgana Matus,
    22. March 2014

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Videopräsentation von Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck (*1951) deutscher Professor für Mathematik, Dozent, weltanschaulich-philo-
    sophischer Sachbuchautor, Wertvorstellungen – Welche nehmen wir?, veranstaltet von Homöopathische Bibliothek, Macht
    Geld Sinn, Global Change Now, Köthen, 10. März 2013, YouTube Film, 1:11:17 Dauer, eingestellt 16. März 2014

Veranschaulichung der Bewusstseins- und Entwicklungsstufen von Spiral Dynamics

Weltuntergang, Apokalypse, Armageddon: Eine philosophische Betrachtung der Endzeit – und Endzeitvorstellungen

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videovortrag von Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr, deutscher Quantenphysiker für Elementarteilchenphysik und Gravitation, Universität München, "passionierter Grenzgänger", Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut), München, alternativer Nobelpreisträger, Exzerpt Vortrag vor Psychoanalytikern, 2001, Alte und neue Weltanschauung', YouTube Film, 20:55 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 4. Februar 2011

Von den isolierten Teilchen der klassischen Physik, über den Wellencharakter der Atome bis zur Vorstellung eines Feldes

Audio and video links (engl.)

New paradigm for civilization, philosophy, politics resting on the four pillars of 1. decentralisation, 2. democratisation, 3. education, and 4. sustainability

The great challenge of our time is to build and nurture sustainable communities, designed in such a manner that their ways of life, physical structures, and technologies do not interfere with nature's inherent ability to sustain life.

Audio and video links (engl.) – John Hagel


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Siehe: Die zwei Versionen der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie – David Loye

2 Siehe: Die zwei Versionen der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie – David Loye

3 Domination system ⇔ partnership system – Riane Eisler

4 Boleslaw K. Szymanski, J. Xie, S. Sreenivasan, G. Korniss, W. Zhang, C. Lim, Social consensus through the influence of committed minorities, presented by Physical Review, E84, 22. July 2011

5 Article Government Agency Warns Global Oil Industry Is on the Brink of a Meltdown, presented by the Canadian-American print magazine Vice, Dr. Nafeez Ahmed (*1978) British investigative academic, editor, journalist, author, 4. February 2020

6 Domination system ⇔ partnership system – Riane Eisler

7 "Push" mode: Reliance on elite decision makers, decisions and processes tend to follow linear, hierarchical top-down/bottom-up schema
"Pull" mode: defused, decentralized basis for decisions and organizational involvement, decisions and processes result from spontaneous self-organization and social action learning conducted by individuals who proactively participate in learning communities, ability to draw out people and resources as needed to address opportunities and challenges

8 The Great Re-convergence – Balancing Westerners and Resterners

9 Mustering moral courage

10 Catch phrase of the ethic humanist philosophy Ubuntu [Bantu word]: "I am what I am because of who we all are." This definition was offered by Liberian peace activist Leymah Gbowee.

11 Dunbar's number

12 Joseph Smith was a deceiver, polygamist, and cult leader.

13 Note: Mandela has been a terrorist jailed for murder.

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