
Hawkins / EvolutionDesBewusstseins





Evolution des Bewusstseins


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)










Es gibt weder einen inneren "Denkenden" hinter
den Gedanken noch einen "Tuenden" hinter den Handlungen, noch einen "Suchenden" nach Erleuchtung. Wenn die Zeit reif dafür ist, stellt
sich das Suchen von selbst ein, und erweist
sich als konzentrierte Aufmerksamkeit.

D. Hawkins, FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 197, 2005






Bewusstseinsstufen von Dorothys Reisegefährten

Dorothy begegnet dem feigen Löwen



Die drei Reisegefährten der Heldin Dorothy in dem Entwicklungsroman
Der Zauberer von Oz [BW 220] wünschten sich integere Qualitäten:


  1. Der Löwe sehnte sich nach MUTEbene 200.
  2. Die Vogelscheuche strebte nach einem Gehirn / VerstandEbene 400.
  3. Der Blechmann wünschte sich ein HerzEbene 500.


Inhalte ⇔ Kontext – Zwang ⇔ Wirkmacht

aus dem
Zwangzur Wirkmacht
Ebene (BW)
Domäne Orientierung
Unter 200 ZwangOrientiert an Inhalten
200-499 Wirkmacht/KraftOrientiert an
Inhalten plus Kontext
500-600 Wirkmacht / Kraft / LiebeOrientiert am
Kontext plus Inhalten
600 plus Wirkmacht/Kraft / Liebe / FriedenOrientiert am Kontext
Quelle: ► Inspiriert durch D. Hawkins, Erleuchtung ist möglich. Wie man die Ebenen des Bewusstseins durchschreitet, 2007
Siehe auch: ► Kontext und ► Wirkmacht und ► Zwang
See alsoContext ⇔ content – Divine power ⇔ force

Bewusstseinssprünge der Menschheit

Stationen von 46 Jahren Erdzeit
1.GeburtDie Erde existiert seit etwa 4,6 Milliarden Jahren.
2.AnfangHistoriker wissen nichts über Gaias Jugendjahre.
3.BlüteIm Alter von 42 Jahren fing die Erde an zu erblühen.
4.UrreptilienAls die Erde 44 Jahre alt war, wurde sie von Dinosauriere bevölkert.
5.SäugetiereVor 45 Jahren und 4 Monaten (vor knapp acht Monaten) erschienen die ersten Säugetiere.
6.UrmenschenVor einer Woche tauchten die Hominiden auf.
7.MenschenSeit vier Stunden gibt es den modernen Menschen.
8.AckerbauVor sechzig Minuten erlernten die Menschen den Ackerbau.
9.IndustrieVor einer Minute begann die Industrielle Revolution.
10.ErfindungenSeit sechzig Sekunden entstehen neue Technologien.


Das allgemeine Bewusstsein verharrte mehrere Jahrhunderte unverändert auf der BW-Ebene 185, von wo es (ab etwa 1930)
auf BW 190 stieg, um 1987 auf einen Wert oberhalb der 200er-Schwelle zu springen.
Hawkins betont nachdrücklich, dass dieser Ruck im Menschheitsgefüge, der im Massenbewusstsein weder registriert noch aktuell kommentiert wurde, ein außergewöhnlicher Sprung war/ist und bezeichnet ihn als das

umfassendste und bedeutendste Ereignis der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte.
D. Hawkins, Das All-sehende Auge, S. 123, 130, 2005


Diesen Bewusstseinssprung aus der Sippenebene heraus in die selbstverantwortliche Handlungsebene setzt Hawkins
außerdem mit der Ankunft des Christusgeistes gleich. Da er von der Menschheit nicht bemerkt wurde, trifft hierbei die neutestamentarische Metapher vom unbemerkten "Dieb in der Nacht" an.


Bei mehreren Gelegenheiten sagte Hawkins einen weiteren Anstieg des allgemeinen Bewusstseinsniveaus innerhalb der
ersten Dekade des dritten Jahrtausends und um 2012 voraus.1

Bewusstseinswerte nach D. Hawkins

BW-Werte des sich wandelnden Menschheitsbewusstseins

Entwicklung des Bewusstseinsniveaus der Menschheit
BW•Ebene Stand des Bewusstseins allgemein
90Zur Zeit von Buddha um 563 v. Chr.
100Zur Zeit von Jesus von Nazareth um die Zeitenwende Jahr 0
185Von ~1400 bis nach 1930
1901980; von 1930 bis 1986
19520./21. April 1986 bis etwa ~16./17. August 1987
199Seit April 2007 – das Bewusstseinsniveau der westlichen Zivilisation (gefallen seit den 50ern)2
205In den 50er Jahren – das Bewusstseinsniveau der westlichen Zivilisation3
205Ab 16./17. August 1987 (Harmonikalische Konvergenz)
Nichtwörtliche Anmerkung von Hawkins: Der größte Bewusstseinssprung der Menschheit im Jahr 1987 ist zeitgleich mit der Harmonikalischen Konvergenz geschehen, wurde jedoch nicht von diesem planeta-
rischen Ereignis verursacht.
Kriegstreiberei, Profitstreben und Verstöße gegen die Menschenrechte gelten seither nicht mehr als normales Standardverhalten. Da die Menschheit über dem Bewusstseinsniveau 200 schwingt, ist Integrität zum allgemeinen Handlungsstandard geworden. So genannte Kavaliersdelikte, die bei dem Bewusstseinslevel 190 als normal angesehen wurden und ungeahndet blieben, werden unter den Bedingungen der Integrität immer deutlicher verpönt.

At approximately the time of the Harmonic Convergence in the late 1980's, the consciousness level of mankind suddenly jumped from the limited level of 190, which had dominated mankind for centuries, to 205, which is above the critical level of truth and integrity at 200.4
207Juni 2002
"207 ist sehr tiefgreifend und der Dreh- und Angelpunkt, auf dem alles Übrige beruht."
["207 is very profound and is the fulcrum on which everything else rests."]5
205Etwa ab Ende 2002 / 2003 (gefallen von 207)
207Exakt ab 8./9. Nov. 2003 (Harmonic Concordance)
Of critical importance is that in November 2003, at the time of (but not "caused by") the Harmonic Concordance, the consciousness level of mankind, after being stable for nearly two decades, rose again to the present level of 207.6
Der Sprung von 205 auf 207 wurde gemessen bei Seminar in Kalifornien, 8. November 2003.
Hielt bis Februar 2006 an.
205Ab Februar 2006
Als entscheidenden "Grund" für den Fall nennt Hawkins den Ethos der "fairen und balancierten Neutralität", die in der Praxis
zu absichtlichen Falschmeldungen und -darstellungen in den Medien führt.
Die Medien sind eine Art Elternersatz für das Kind in uns geworden, das Irrtum nicht von Wahrheit unterscheiden kann. – Diese Aussage testet wahr.7
203Ab September 2006
Hawkins Kommentar dazu: Nun, immerhin ist das Bewusstseinsniveau der Menschheit noch über BW 200.8
204Ab November 20069
204Fortgesetzt Oktober 200710
204Fortgesetzt Februar 200911
204Fortgesetzt Juli 200812
206Seit August 200913
205Seit April 201014 / November 201015
20?Seit ? 2011
Inspiriert durch: ► D. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 282, Hay House, February 2002
► D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 397-398, 2005
► D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques,
     DVD 2 von 3, Minute 36:05, Juni 2002
► D. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife,
     DVD 1 von 3, Minute 55:30+, Oktober 2002



The presence of only 1000 individuals worldwide

effected the leap of the overall level of consciousness into the realm of integrity.

  • "While the overall consciousness level of mankind is at 204 (November 2007), if the top one thousand individuals in the world were removed, the level would be at only 198. Compassion for the less evolved motivates society's endless efforts at correction and providing supplementary assistance to the evolutionarily less fortunate." Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 269, 2008



Anstieg des Bewusstseinsniveaus der Menschheit:

Die moderne weltweit vernetzte elektronische Kommunikation trägt entscheidend zum kontinuierlichen Anstieg des Weltbewusstseins. Sowohl das Internet als auch das Weltbewusstsein schwingen auf dem Bewusstseinswert 205. [Stand Ende 2010)

  • Der Bewusstseinswert der Menschheit [BW 205] steigt gegenwärtig an. Das liegt auch am Internet [BW 205] und die hocheffektiven Kommunikationsmittel. Wir verfügen über außerordentliche Mittel der Wissensvermittlung. […] Nun drücken wir auf einen Knopf und Millionen von Menschen weltweit wissen unmittelbar da-
    rüber Bescheid.
    In der heutigen Welt ist es schwer, dumm zu sein. Gewiss, man muss sich heftig darum bemühen. […] Das Leben heutzutage ist wunderbar. Wenn man etwas nicht weiß, befragt man einfach den Computer, der die Information mitteilt. Sehr eindrucksvoll.
    Vortrag Map of Consciousness, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, veranstaltet
    von der "Celebrate Your Life" Konferenz, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010


Ungeachtet des BW-Einbruchs des Menschheitsbewusstseins im Jahr 2003 ist ein weiterer Anstieg
des allgemeinen Bewusstseinsniveaus absehbar und insgesamt nicht mehr aufzuhalten.
BW 290 Antikes Atlantis (historische Zivilisation) Höchster Wert eines untergegangenen politischen Systems
               Quelle: Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 263, 2005
BW 270 Westliche Zivilisation       Quelle: Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Kapitel 6, S. 131, 2008
BW 210 Prärieindianer (Antike historische Zivilisation)       Quelle: Truth vs Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 263, 2005
See also: ► Evolution of overall consciousness

BW-Werte von diversen Evolutionstheorien – D. Hawkins

Bewusstseinsgrade diverser Evolutionslehren und Evolutionstheorien
BW•WertEvolutionstheorie und Evolutionstheoretiker
150Anti-Kreationismus, Abweisung des Schöpfungsglaubens
200Kreationismus, buchstäbliches Verständnis der Schöpfungsgeschichte in der Bibel (AT) und Koran
...Scopes-Prozess, auch bekannt als Affenprozess, 1925 in Tennessee, Vereinigte Staaten, um den
US-amerikanischen Lehrer und späteren Geologen John Thomas Scopes
450Charles Darwin [BW 450/460] (1809-1882) englischer Naturforscher, Entwickler der biologischen Evolutionstheorie
455-460Evolutionstheorie nach Charles Darwin
480Schöpfungswissenschaft und -forschung als Schöpfungstheorie und Kritik an der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie. Die Intelligent Design Theorie (engl.) wird von der Intelligent-Design-Bewegung mitgetragen.
Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. xxviii, 2005
Hinweis: ► In seinem Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, erschienen 2008, geht Hawkins auf die Thematik der Schöpfungsforschungen.


Schöpfung und Evolution sind in Wirklichkeit ein und derselbe Prozess.

Steigerung der Bewusstseinswerte der Vorläufer des Homo sapiens

BW 80Homo erectus (Java-Mensch)~1,85 bis 0,3 Millionen Jahren vor der Jetztzeit
BW 80Homo sapiens idaltu (Äthiopien)Entstehung vor 600.000 Jahren (lt. Hawkins)
BW ?Früher archaischer Homo sapiens~500.000-200.000 Jahre
BW 80-85Homo heidelbergensis~600.000 bis 100.000 Jahre vor der Jetztzeit
BW ?Homo erectus (modern)~280.000 Jahre
BW 75Neandertaler (Homo neanderthalensis)~130.000 v. Chr. bis ~30.000 v. Chr.
BW 85Homo floresiensis100.000 bis 12.000 Jahren vor der Jetztzeit
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Homo sapiens
Siehe auch: ► Bewusstseinswerte

Unterscheidung von Homo sapiens ⇔ Homo spiritus – D. Hawkins

wert [BW]
Unter BW 200Homo sapiensIst dem Sippenbewusstsein unterworfen, überlebensorientiert, Feindbild orientiert, nicht liebesfähig, ohne persönliches Karma, entzieht der Umgebungswelt mehr Energie als er zurückgeben kann, mentiert, statt eigenständig zu denken bzw. eigenverant-
wortlich zu handeln
Vor August 1987 n. Chr.
Über BW 200Homo spiritusEigenverantwortliches Bewusstsein, Kundalinifluss vom Steiß zum Scheitel setzt ein, Kraftzufluss der göttlichen Wirkmacht wird spürbar, Beginn der Ausbildung eines ätherischen Gehirns (Individuation)16Nach August 1987 n. Chr.
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Homo sapiens
Siehe auch: ► Homo spiritus und ► Homo sapiens

Bewusstseinswerte des Tierreichs – D. Hawkins

             Liste von Bewusstseinswerten – Tiere             


  • BW 405 – Weiblicher Gorilla namens Koko, trainiert im Primatenzentrum
  • BW 401 – Trainierter sprachbegabter männlicher Afrikanischer Graupapagei (New York)
  • BW 305 – Schimpanse
  • BW 245 – Rennpferd, Hauskatze, Hund
  • BW 250 – Familienschwein, Zebra, Giraffe, Reh, Haushund17
  • BW 240 – (Wild-)Pferd, (Wild-)Katze
  • BW 210 – Schaf, Rind (auf offenem Weideland), Elefant
  • BW 205 – Hausschwein, Hirsch, Reh, Bison
  • BW 200Scheidestelle zwischen fleischfressenden Tieren (< BW 200) und pflanzenfressenden Tieren (> BW 200)
  • BW 200 – Zebra, Giraffe
  • BW 190 – Wolf
  • BW 160 – Eisbär
  • BW 125 – Singvogel
  • BW 105 – Zugvogel, Raubvogel
  • BW 95Delfin
  • BW 90Würfelqualle18
  • BW 70Puma / Berglöwe19
  • BW 40/70Komodowaran20 / 21
  • BW 85Wal
  • BW 60 – Dinosaurier
  • BW 40 – Reptil, Löwe, Tiger
  • BW 40 – Krake, Komodowaran22
  • BW 20 – Fisch
  • BW 6 – Insekt
  • BW 1 – Bakterium



  • 500 – Vogelgezwitscher, Schwanzwedeln eines Hundes, Schnurren einer Katze23


Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, Kapitel 4, S. 32, 34, 2005
► D. Hawkins, Prescott Seminar Love, 17. September 2011
Siehe auch: ► Tiere

Bewusstseinswerte auf der geologischen Zeitskala


BW 205Erde / Menschlicher Körper

Känozoikum (Erdneuzeit)

BW·212Neogen (vor 23 Ma bis heute) – Säugetiere, Hominide (Menschen)
BW 112Paläogen (vor 65 Ma bis vor 23 Ma) – Entwicklung von Vögeln;
Säugetiere differenzieren sich und werden zu den beherrschenden Landtieren

Mesozoikum (Erdmittelalter)

BW 84Kreide (vor 145-65,5 Ma) – Reptilien, Saurier, Säugetiere
BW 68Jura (vor 200-145 Ma) – Blütezeit der Dinosaurier
BW 62Trias (vor 251-200 Ma) – Entwicklung von Vögeln, Krokodile, Saurier

Paläozoikum (Erdaltertum)

BW 45Perm (vor 299-251 Ma) – Erste Amnioten, Reptilien, erste Fluginsekten
BW·33-35Karbon (vor 359 - 299 Ma) – Insekten, Haie
BW 27Devon (vor 416-359 Ma) – erste Insekten, erste Haie, erste Landwirbeltiere
BW 17Silur (vor 444-416 Ma) – Fische
BW 12Ordovizium (vor 488-444 Ma) – Trilobiten, Brachiopoden, Korallen, Moostierchen, Schwämme, Muscheln, Schnecken, erste Fische
BW 8Kambrium (vor 542-488 Ma) – Quallen, Schalentiere, Gliederfüßer, Stachelhäuter, erste Wirbeltiere, erste Abdrücke an Land

Proterozoikum (Äon der Einzeller, vor 2500-542 Ma)

BW 2Einzeller (Erste komplexe Einzeller mit Organellen vor ~2500 Ma)

Archaikum (Äon der "Erd-Antike", vor 3800-2500 Ma)

BW 1Flechten, Algen, Bakterien (Erste Bakterien vor ~3500 Ma)


Nach radiometrischen Zeitmessungen von Meteoriten gilt folgender Zeitverlauf der Evolution:
♦ Alter des Universums: ~13,73 Milliarden Jahre (120 Millionen Jahre Unsicherheit)
♦ Alter der Erde: ~4,56 Milliarden Jahre
♦ Älteste bekannte Steine: ~4,4 Milliarden Jahre (auf Grönland gefunden)
Angabe der Erdzeitalter nach ICS-Standard 2004Ma = Millionen Jahre


Quelle: ► D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, Kapitel 4, S. 38, 2005
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Geologische Zeitskala
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Timeline of evolution

Zitate zum Thema Bewusstseinsentwicklung / Human evolution of consciousness

Zitate von D. Hawkins – Bewusstseinsentwicklung der Menschheit

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

  • Der Fall des monolithischen, atheistischen Kommunismus gab den Anstoß zu einer Verschiebung der Bewusst-
    seinsebene [der Menschheit] von BW 190 auf BW 207 für die ganze Menschheit, was deren Zerstörung verhinderte.
    D. Hawkins, FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 428, 2005


  • Frage: Es geht die Rede, dass womöglich (2012) eine große Veränderung eintreten könnte. Haben Sie eine Vorstellung davon, ob innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahre etwas Bedeutsames geschehen könnte?
    Antwort: Wir haben dies innerhalb einer Frageserie per Muskeltest ermittelt. Unser Ergebnis lautet:
    Im Jahr 2012 wird nichts passieren. Es sind all die Menschen, welche die Verblendung von Nervenkitzel und Gefahr lieben [...] Im Jahr 2012 wird nichts passieren.  Minute 22:42 […]
    Das Bewusstseinsniveau der gesamten Menschheit steigt an. Optimistischerweise befindet sich die Menschheit kollektiv gesehen nun oberhalb des kritischen Schwellenwerts BW 200. Die Zukunft der Menschheit sieht sehr viel-
    versprechend aus verglichen mit dem Leid der Menschheit in den vergangenen Jahrhunderten mit endlosen Kriegen
    und Krankheiten [...]
    Die Zukunfsaussichten von jetzt ab sind somit sehr optimistisch.  Minute 37:01
    Gelöschtes Audiointerview mit D. Hawkins zum Thema Power vs. Force inkl. Muskeltesten, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen
    Radio Talkshow Coast to Coast AM, Sendung Speaking of Strange, Gastgeber Joshua P. Warren, 46:00 Minuten Dauer, gesendet
    9. Januar 2010


Hinweis: Der Ansturm des populär gewordenen unlauteren Verhaltens wird von 55% der US-amerikanischen Bevölkerung,
die unterhalb des Bewusstseinsniveaus 200 schwingen, beabsichtigt und unterstützt.
Das schwankende Bewusstseinsniveau der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika24 insgesamt lag bei seinem Höchststand im Jahr 2003 auf BW 431. Seit Ende 2006 fiel und stieg es. Sein gegenwärtiger Tiefststand wurde Oktober 2009 mit BW 406 erreicht.
Das sehr hohe Maß innewohnender göttlicher Wirkmacht verkörpert von relativ wenigen Angehörigen der Bevölkerung hält die allgemeine Überlebensfähigkeit aufrecht und bewirkt mehr als nur den Ausgleich der Auswirkungen allgemeiner Negativität.


  • Entfernte man beispielsweise die am höchsten schwingenden hundert Personen der US-amerikanischen Bevölkerung, fiele das durchschnittliche Bewusstseinsniveau [der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika] auf BW 320.
  • Entfernte man die am höchsten schwingenden tausend Personen, fiele das durchschnittliche Bewusstseinsniveau [der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika] von BW 421 auf BW 220.
    Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, S. 267, 2008

Zitate von D. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013


1987: Wendepunkt in der Menschheitsgeschichte



Simplified scheme of human evolution
José-Manuel Benitos, 29. December 2009
  • Es gibt Stufen während der spirituellen Entwicklung, auf denen sowohl Geist/Gemüt als auch der Körper
    für eine gewisse Zeit jeweils ein "Das" zu sein scheint. Der Körper geht seinen Tätigkeiten nach, als ob er diese eingeübt hätte, und der Geist/das Gemüt spricht in Unterhaltungen zu anderen, ohne ein inneres, per-
    sönliches Selbst, welches ihn leitet. Es gibt weder einen inneren "Denkenden" hinter den Gedanken noch einen "Tuenden" hinter den Handlungen und auch keinen "Suchenden" nach Erleuchtung. Suchen tritt von selbst auf, wenn die Zeit dafür reif
    ist, und es zeigt sich als ein Fokus für Aufmerksam-
    . Alle Aspekte und Eigenschaften des Bewusst-
    seins lösen sich selbst aus und energetisieren ein-
    ander unter der allgemeinen Anleitung des Willens. FU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 197, 2005


  • Frage: Geschieht spiritueller Fortschritt plötzlich oder schrittweise?
    Antwort: In dieser Frage liegt eigentlich kein Gegensatz im Sinne des Entweder/Oder-Zustandes der Dualität.
    Beide Bedingungen bestehen gleichzeitig nebeneinander. Scheinbar ereignen sich kleine Schritte in der spirituellen Entwicklung oft nahezu unbemerkt, aber es sind die kleinen Schübe, die außerhalb der Sichtmöglichkeit unterhalb eines Schneebergs vor sich gehen, die eine Lawine lostreten. Plötzliche Bewusstseinssprünge können ganz
    ohne Vorwarnung auftreten.
    Daher ist es am besten, für solch eine Möglichkeit vorbereitet zu sein.
    Das All-sehende Auge, S. 242-243, 2005


  • Alle Möglichkeiten sind in der Entwicklung von Bewusstsein eingeschlossen. Sobald Bewusstsein aufhört, sich
    mit Form zu identifizieren, übersteigt es auch Karma. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 247, 2005


  • Jedes Sich-Entfalten und Zusammenspiel im Zuge der Evolution von allem in diesem Universum ist voll-
    ständig karmisch.
    Das menschliche Leben macht keine Ausnahme. Ebenso werden alle Möglichkeiten vom ge-
    samten Aufbau des Universums und von allem darin Befindlichen bestimmt. Eine Katze wird nicht plötzlich zu
    einem Hund. Es ist "Karma", das zur Auswahl der Gene und Chromosomen bei unserer Geburt führt und ebenso
    werden der Ort, die Umgebung und deren Bedingungen davon bestimmt. Ein potentielles Energiefeld einer Katze
    wird nicht dazu hingezogen, in den Körper eines Hundes einzugehen. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 249, 2005


  • Frage: Wie begann das Leben selbst, wie wir es kennen?
    Antwort: Es ist offensichtlich, dass Leben aus dem unendlichen Potenzial des Nicht-Manifesten hervorgeht, das
    allein genügend Kraft besitzt, um Leben zu erschaffen. Die materielle Welt der Form ist eine Folge ohne inne-
    wohnende Eigen-Kraft, insbesondere Schöpferkraft. Kraft geht von der allerhöchsten Realität aus, die formlos,
    doch in aller Form anwesend ist. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 424, 2005


  • Form entsteht durch die Erscheinung von Substanz/Materie als "dies" und "das". Das Leben ist jedoch nicht zwei-
    fältig, sondern dreifältig, da zwischen einem "dies" und einem "das" für Wachstum und Handlung ein Handelnder
    notwendig ist. Dieser dritte Aspekt tritt als ein Attraktor-Muster im Bewusstsein auf und manifestiert sich als
    Ur-Protoplasma. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 424, 2005


  • Die Attraktor-Muster der Schöpfung sind drei-einig, insofern als die Gegenwart GOTTES die Potenziale dort akti-
    viert, wo auch immer günstige Bedingungen vorhanden sind. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 425, 2005


  • Anfangs gab es nur unendliche Energie und Potenzial, und diese Energie manifestierte sich dann als Materie und Substanz. Die Aktivierung der grundlegenden Doppelstruktur der Materie wurde durch das Hinzutreten einer Wirk-
    kraft ermöglicht, die sie belebte, so dass [das] Leben sich entfalten konnte. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 425, 2005



  • Evolution ist […] GOTTES Gnade, die als fortlaufende Schöpfung sichtbar und durch die Intelligenz von Bewusst-
    sein selbst strukturiert wird. OU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 426, 2005


  • Schöpfung bricht aus der nichtlinearen unendlichen Schöpferquelle hervor als ein andauernder Prozess von Zeit
    und Raum. In dieser Entfaltung wird das unmanifest "Transzendente" zum manifest "Immanenten". Das Immanente
    feuert dann die Transformation auf dem Wege der Evolution an. […] OU Das All-sehende Auge, S. 429, 2005


  • In der linearen Newton'schen Dimension mit ihren Beschränkungen durch Glauben an lineare Kausalität wird die "Ursache" des Universum in Ort und Zeit gesucht. Das geht natürlich von einer falschen Voraussetzung aus und
    ist in Wirklichkeit ein unlösbares Rätsel, insofern es zu der endlosen Wiederholung der Frage führt, was die Ur-
    der Ursache der ersten Ursache wäre. Das All-sehende Auge, S. 429, 2005



  • Archäologisch gesehen, verharrte das Erdbewusstsein 70% der gesamten (Entstehungs)zeit auf dem Bewusstseins-
    niveau von BW 1.
    In nur 2% dieses Zeitraums, entwickelte sich das Leben von einem BW 84 auf einen BW von 112. Die Evolution
    des Bewusstseins
    beschleunigt sich, nachdem sie sich die Zeit lange sehr langsam bewegt hat.
    Stellt euch auf Katastrophen ein, während sie sich beschleunigt.
    Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD-Set, 17. April 2004



Anstieg des Bewusstseinsniveaus der Menschheit:

Die moderne weltweit vernetzte elektronische Kommunikation trägt entscheidend zum kontinuierlichen Anstieg des Weltbewusstseins. Sowohl die Menschheit als auch das Internet schwingen auf dem Bewusstseinswert 205. [Stand Ende 2010]

  • Der Bewusstseinswert der Menschheit [BW 205] steigt gegenwärtig an. Das liegt auch am Internet [BW 205] und den hocheffektiven Kommunikationsmitteln. Wir verfügen über außerordentliche Mittel der Wissensvermittlung. […] Nun drük-
    ken wir auf einen Knopf und Millionen von Menschen weltweit wissen unmittelbar darüber Bescheid.
    In der heutigen Welt ist es schwer, dumm zu sein. Gewiss, man muss sich heftig darum bemühen. […] Das Leben heutzutage ist wunderbar. Wenn man etwas nicht weiß, fragt man einfach den Computer, der einem die Information mitteilt. Sehr eindrucksvoll. Vortrag Map of Consciousness, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, veranstaltet von der "Celebrate Your Life" Konferenz, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010

Quotes by D. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Mankind coming of age will greatly transform the human culture.


  • Spiritual evolution occurs as the result of removing obstacles and not actually acquiring anything new. Devotion en-
    ables surrender of the mind's vanities and cherished illusions so that it progressively becomes more free and
    more open to the light of Truth. The Eye of the I From Which Nothing is Hidden, 2001


  • The technique of kinesiology testing [i.e. muscle testing] proved to be of great value in that
    1. it allowed the differentiation of truth from falsehood,
    2. it allowed for the calibration of the levels of human consciousness, and
    3. it enabled investigation of any and every subject anywhere in time or space.
What developed as a result was a means of contextualizing the evolution of human consciousness throughout time
and on into its destiny, even beyond an individual physical lifetime. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. xxxi, 2003



Evolutionary stages of moral development

  1. At the lowest levels of the evolution of consciousness, right versus wrong is equated primarily at the animal level of gain versus loss.
  2. At another level, the motive becomes fear of negative consequences, including guilt.
  3. As consciousness progresses, the motives for behavior include social approval, self-acceptance, and self-esteem.
  4. This then merges into the level at 200 of integrity and moral responsibility [LoC 200+-275-290-475].
As this occurs, we speak of character formation and self-respect. I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 208, 2003




The Harmonic Convergence happened on 16.-17. August 1987, coinciding with the dissolution of USSR communism. Subsequently, the fall of the Berlin Wall is dated to 9. November 1989.


  • Of critical importance is that in November 2003, at the time of (but not "caused by") the Harmonic Concordance, the consciousness level of mankind, after being stable for nearly two decades, rose again to the present level of 207. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 5, 2005


  • Planet Earth apparently arose as a spin-off of condensed energy of galactic origin, the mechanics of which are still under study by advanced theoretical physics as well as astronomy. The irreducible substrate of all physicality is that
    of the primordial energy of consciousness itself, with its innate potentiality of infinite possibilities and expressions discernible as form. Out of energy arose visible mass as well as unseen "dark" energy and matter that constitute
    the greater part of the detectible universe.
    Only four percent of the universe is visible matter, twenty-three percent is invisible "dark" matter, and seventy-
    three percent is invisble "dark energy". Thus, the invisible domain is analogous to potentiality, and the visible represents manifestation of confirmable actuality. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 28-29, 2005



Pitfalls of the unbalanced personality: political causes and victimhood

  • In severe cases, people internalize social issues and become emotionally im-
    balanced over external events to the point of extreme behaviors or self-destruction. The seduction of "causes" and victimhood are the pitfall of the unbalanced per-
    sonality. To be "passionate for a principle" is a sought for and prideful label to which many become addicted. As can be observed from history, today's causes can become tomorrow's catastrophe, despite the noble labels applied to such endeavors. Externals are attractive because they represent projections
    of the internal.
    These lead to the discovery that unbalanced positionalities tend to trigger reactive counterforce, re-
    sulting in unforeseen consequences. The differentiation between revolution and evolution is a matter of wis-
    rather than a seemingly conflicting duality.

    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 8 "Fact Versus Fiction: Reality and Illusion", S. 75, 2005


  • Research reveals the astonishing fact (which calibrates at consciousness level 998) that the circumstances of our birth and life are precisely karmically perfect. All that we face and endure – the obstacles, the challenges – serves the evolution of consciousness in which we simultaneously undo the negative consequences of the past and derive advancement for spiritually positive choices. Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 161, 2005



  • By intention, man symbolically sanctifies and commits both self and others, as well as places of worship. Because of intention, all styles of blessing and prayer calibrate over 500, and their collective effort can immeasurably impact the overall level of collective human consciousness. This is suggested by the observation that the last two major jumps in the overall level of human consciousness occurred successively after the Harmonic Convergence in the late 1980s [16.-17. August 1987], when the collective consciousness level went up from 190 to 205, and then again at the time of the Harmonic Concordance in November 2003, when it jumped from 205 to 207. At both times, spiritually committed people all over the world prayed simultaneously. The witnessing of the transition from 205 to 207 happened fortuitous-
    ly at the end of a lecture in San Francisco (which was videotaped) when a spiritually committed group of four hundred
    people simultaneously prayed and sounded "Om", followed by meditation on the chanting of the Lotus Sutra in Sans-
    krit. This occurred between the hours of 5:15 and 5:25 PM California Time. In front of the audience at 5:15 PM, the
    consciousness level of mankind was calibrated at 205. It was then recalibrated at 5:30 PM, following the prayer, and
    the level had concurrently increased to the present level of 207.
    Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 397-398, 2005




Few counterbalance the negativity in the United States.

Without its top 100 highly calibrating inhabitants the overall consciousness level in the United States of America would drop to 320, without the top 1000 highly calibrating inhabitants it would drop around 200 points [around 220].

  • Importantly, the onslaughts of popularized nonintegrity are aimed at and supported by the fifty-five percent of the population in the Uni-
    ted States that calibrates below consciousness level 200. However, the level of consciousness of the American population overall still calibrates currently at the level of 421. (It was at 426 but decreased in the Fall of 2006.) The reason for this apparent disparity is that the levels below 200, as can be seen by exponential comparison, are deficient in the power represented by the high calibration levels of those who are integrous. Therefore, the very
    high level of intrinsic power of only a relatively few members of the population maintains the overall capacity for survi-
    val and more than counterbalances the effects of the negative. (For example, if the top one hundred people were re-
    moved from the U.S. population, the overall average level of consciousness drops to 320. If the top one thousand
    are removed, the overall consciousness level drops from 421 to 220.)
    Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, S. 267, 2008



Only 1000 individuals worldwide raise the overall level of consciousness into the realm of integrity.

  • While the overall consciousness level of mankind is at 204 (November 2007), if the top one thousand individuals in the world were removed, the level would be at only 198. Compassion for the less evolved motivates society's endless efforts at cor-
    rection and providing supplementary assistance to the evolutionarily less fortunate. Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, S. 269, 2008




  • Spiritual evolution is the willingness to give up games and seeming wins for a greater goal which is the evolution of your own consciousness. […] The universe responds to the willingness to surrender that. […] It's like an electrostatic field. You start praying to God for spiritual guidance and all and your life begins to change. It unfolds automatically.
    […] The only requirement is to do whatever you do to the best of your capacity and leave the rest up to God.
    Untitled audio interview, presented by the suspended US American web radio station "Beyond the Ordinary", hosts Nancy Lorenz
    and Elena Young, 60 minutes duration, aired 10. February 2004


  • Life evolves from a self-centeredness into survival and then it evolves into higher forms. […] With the evolution of mammalian life you see the first appearance of love. Love arises through the maternal, through the feminine which begins to express concern, caringness. […] There is no point in feeling guilt about the ego evolution. […] It is just an animal. Removed audio lecture and Q&A by D. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 1 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 23:59, 44:43 mi-
    nutes duration, posted 27. March 2011


  • At 70 people are not a threat to anybody. When they get up to 190 however, they're starting to get dangerous. They come out of apathy, get into anger, get into paranoia, grandiosity, and pridefulness. Removed audio lecture and Q&A by David R. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 5 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sci-
    ences (IONS)
    , Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 10:16, 46:00 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011


  • We look at child labour now as exploitive. […] [A]lways the more advanced tend to exploit the less advanced. Today's exploited is tomorrow's exploiter, I tell you that. […] The poor man of today is the rich man of to-
    morrow. So we all take our turns in exploitive roles.
    […] I envision the world has been the victim of testoste-
    rone for many a century. Removed audio lecture and Q&A by David R. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood
    About Anything
    , part 6 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube
    film, minutes 0:07, 00:29, 2:01, and 17:52, 40:33 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011



16./17. August 1987: Second Coming of Christ to earth

  • Question: What occasioned the jump over the 200s?
    Answer: Well, we said the most incredible thing that ever happened – I think – other than the great gurus and the great avatars, was in the late 80's when consciousness level [of mankind] went from 190 to 207. As I've said before, it was at the time of the Harmonic Con-
    , it was at the time of World Peace Day or something. […] [W]e woke up at 4 o'clock and we all prayed
    for peace – all those things occurred about the same time. And about the same time monolithic communism fell
    over, and many other events. But the destiny of mankind, then, has become quite different.
    The destiny of mankind at 207 is considerably different than at 190.
    190 means endless hell, and 207 means only localized hell. [Laughter]
    Means sort of mankind is going to progress.
I'm just telling you things that are in the book I'm finishing now. […] In the book we announced
the evolution of mankind is progressing and partly its nervous system is changing.
(Resist) (Calibrated
as strong.)
In order to be able to handle higher energies mankind up to now could only handle an energy of up to 1000.
(Resist) (Calibrated as strong.)
Now, very rarely, but on occasion, it can go over 1000. (Resist) (Calibrated as strong.)
That's the first time in history. (Resist) (Calibrated as strong.)
And it presages the evolution – the appearance of a new um – of Homo spiritus. The evolution of Homo spiritus, see, the homo sapiens came off there. But to handle higher energies, you really need a different nervous system. This nervous system is horrendous if you're going to go over 600. It's not made to go over 600. You really need a different nervous system. And, so, in a way it pre-saged to me the prophesied return of Christ to earth. To me, the return of Christ to earth is not a physicality. […] [I]t means that consciousness will dominate mankind.
Sedona Seminar Devotion: The Way to God Through the Heart, 3 DVD set, 27. September 2002


  • 70% of all of time, archeologically speaking, was spent at level 1. In only 2% of this time, life went from 84 to 112.
    The evolution of consciousness is speeding up, after moving very slowly for a long time.
    Be prepared for cataclysms as it speeds up. Sedona Seminar Emotions and Sensations, 3 DVD set, 17. April 2004



Drop in overall consciousness:

In 2006 the level of consciousness of mankind fell from 207 to 204.

  • Question by Susan Hawkins: If the consciousness level has dropped, could it be that someone of a high calibration has left the planet and no-one has replaced them at this time?
    Answer: Yes that's a possibility.
Long Beach, California, Seminar The Clear Pathway to Enlightenment, CD 3 of 4,
minute 4:42, 8. March 2008



Rise in overall consciousness:

Modern interconnected electronic communication contributes to the inherent rise in overall consciousness.
Note: Both the Internet and mankind calibrate at LoC 205. [Status end 2010]

  • The consciousness level of mankind [LoC 205] is currently progressing, increasing. It is also because of the Internet [LoC 205] and the highly effective communication. We've such extraordinary means of sharing knowledge. […] Now you touch a switch and millions of people worldwide instantly are aware of it.
    It's hard to be stupid in today's world. Really, you've to work hard at it. […] It's a wonderful life now. Anything you don't know you just ask the computer, and the computer tells you. Very impressive.
    Presentation Map of Consciousness, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, "Celebrate Your Life" conference, sponsored by Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 6. November 2010

Zitate von anderen Quellen

Aus ihm und durch ihn und auf ihn hin ist die ganze Schöpfung. Römer 11, 36 (NT)
  • Je weiter die spirituelle Evolution des Bewusstseins fortschreitet, desto sicherer scheint mir, dass der Weg zu wahrer Religion nicht in der Angst vor dem Leben, in der Angst vor dem Tod oder in blindem Vertrauen liegt, sondern im Streben nach rationalem Wissen. Albert Einstein [BW 499] (1879-1955) deutschstämmiger US-amerikanischer theoretischer Physiker, Entwickler der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Physik-Nobelpreisträger, 1921, zitiert in: 1000 Zitate


Laut Fossilienaufzeichnung tauchten Farne vor
etwa 360 Millionen Jahren im späten Devon auf.
  • Der Prozess des Wachsens und Entstehens zieht sich durch die ganze Sequenz – so wie wir (vom körperbe-
    zogenen Bewusstsein) zum Ego gelangt sind, gelangen wir auch vom Ego zu Gott.
    Ken Wilber [BW 490] (*1949) US-amerikanischer mysti-
    scher Philosoph, Vordenker des 3. Jahrtausends, transper-
    sonaler Bewusstseinsforscher, Entwickler der Integralen Theorie, Autor, Das Atman-Projekt. Der Mensch in trans-
    personaler Sicht
    , 1991, Junfermann, Paderborn, 2001



  • Die moderne Physik verwandelte das Bild vom Universum als einer Maschine in die Vision eines unteilbaren dynami-
    schen Ganzen, dessen Teile grundsätzlich in Wechselbeziehungen zueinander stehen und nur als Muster eines kos-
    mischen Prozesses verstanden werden können [...].
    Es herrscht Bewegung, doch gibt es letztlich keine sich bewegenden Objekte; es gibt Aktivität, jedoch keine Handeln-
    den; es gibt keine Tänzer, sondern nur den Tanz. Fritjof Capra (*1939) österreichischstämmiger US-amerikanischer Physiker, Systemtheoretiker, Philosoph, Autor, Wendezeit, S. 97, Scherz Verlag, Bern, München, Wien, 1985


  • Die Evolution der Menschheit wird durch Gewalt charakterisiert, etwas das Erich Fromm "bösartige Aggression" nannte. Es ist grundsätzlich anders als die Art von Aggression, die man in der Natur sieht: Überleben, Beschaffung
    von Nahrung oder sexueller Wettbewerb. […] Diese bösartige Aggression bedeutet nach Fromms Verständnis auch eine Art unstillbare Gier, die Tendenz, immer mehr haben zu wollen, mehr Macht, mehr Geld, mehr Besitz, mehr Territorium. Das ist charakteristisch für die menschliche Geschichte.
    Interview mit Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D. (*1931) tschechisch-US-amerikanischer Psychiater, Psychotherapeut, Medizinphilosoph, Mitbegründer der transpersonalen Psychologie, Autor, Die Welt ist perfekt, präsentiert von der aufgelösten Zeitschrift "Transperso-
    nale Perspektiven", Kareem van Gennip, Ausgabe 4/98, Logos-Verlag-Berlin, Juli 1998

Quotes by various other sources

  • Only here, in life on earth, where the opposites clash together, can the general level of consciousness be raised.
    Carl Gustav Jung [LoC 520/540] (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections, S. 343, Fontana Press, 1961, reissued edition 6. March 1995



Scarcity model:

Newton [LoC 499] and Descartes [LoC 490] offered the first scientific mechanical creation story.
Chief economist Thomas Malthus [LoC 204] coined the idea 'We are doomed to an endless struggle in scarcity', a rationale for the East India Company to steal from the world.
The original theory of evolution goes back to Darwin's grandfather Erasmus Darwin. Darwin had observed competition and cooperation in nature. Having had adopted the Malthusian model of scarcity, he had to subvert the cooperation part in his evolutionary theory as it didn't fit the scarcity theory.

  • The universal struggle for life must be thoroughly ingrained in the mind or the whole economy of nature with every fact in it will be dimly seen or misunderstood. It is the doctrine of Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and vege-
    table kingdom.
    Charles Darwin [LoC 460] (1809-1882) English naturalist, author of the biological theory of evolution, author, The Origin of Species, 1859, cited in: Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D. sahtouris.com (*1950) Greek-American post-Darwinian creationist evolutionary biologist, pastist/futurist, promoter of anthropomorphism over mechanomorphism, business consultant, former UN consultant, Learning from Nature to Create Global Family, World Wisdom Council, Theme Creating a New Civilization, sponsored by Goi Peace Foundation, Tokyo, 12. November 2005



Earth is maximally 22,500 times older than humans.

  • Irrespective of how we act on this planet 25 species that were here today will be gone tomorrow. […]
    There is nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine, the people are fucked. […]
    Earth is around since 4,500,000,000 years, people since 100,000 to 200,000 years. […]
    The planet will heal itself and it will cleanse itself. […] It is a self-correcting system.
    Video presentation by George Carlin (1937-2008) controversial US American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, author, On The Environment, Jammin in New York, 24. April 1992, YouTube film, minute 1:07, 2:30, 5:07, 7:39 minutes duration, posted 22. April 2009

Englische Texte – English section on Evolution of consciousness

Ten turning points in cosmic evolution made human life possible

Human evolution – resulting from cosmic hazards
The New Scientist found 10 "turning points" during the cosmic evolution that secure human existence.
 Time lineEmerging·eventLegend
༺༻At any time25 Certainty of chance [emergence] Tiny changes at the beginning make big differences in the end. That's why human existence is perilously perched on
a great pyramid of trivia.
1.13.75·billion·years·ago Avoiding the void Human life wouldn't exist if Earth's cosmic neighborhood had been just a bit less dense than average during the tumultuous moments after the supposed big bang.26
2.13.75 billion years ago Tipping the antimatter balance The cosmos is not a sea of bland radiation. The triumph
of matter suggests that the laws of physics are biased.
3.4.6 billion years ago Sparking up planet Earth What does it take to make a solar system? Hydrogen, helium, interstellar dust – and a spark to set it on fire.
4.4.5 billion years ago Mars attacks Without the colossal interplanetary collision human evolution might have turned out very differently.
5.3.9 billion years ago Blasting the Earth into life The solar system's "late heavy bombardment" blasted planet Earth. It might also have delivered a water supply, and created nurseries for life.
6.2 billion years ago One giant leap for a single cell A freak event created the ancestor of all multicellular life
on Earth. Without this unconventional genesis, potential humans might never have become more than bacteria.
7.635 million years ago The age of heroic lichen Early life had to ride an oxygen roller coaster – until humble symbioses of algae and fungus put an end to boom and bust.
8.65 million years ago Killer·asteroid·with·a·silver·lining A 10-kilometer-wide rock ended the era of dinosaurs, and opened a window of opportunity for little animals called mammals.
9.6 million years ago Brains or brawn? When the going got tough in prehistoric East Africa, some of humanity's closest relatives went for bigger jaws, rather than bigger brains. Big mistake.
10.70,000 years ago Inventing·language,·the·easy·way Fresh pastures meant a cosier life for early humans – they granted to learn to speak.
Source: ► Article Cosmic accidents: 10 lucky breaks for humanity, presented by the UK-based weekly
English-language international science magazine New Scientist, issue 2779, 25. September 2010
See also: ► Evolution and ► Emergence and ► Language
Siehe auch: ► Vom Weltbeginn bis nach Mitteldeutschland – Chronologie

Incomplete timetable of paradigmal shifts

Timetable of paradigmal shifts
Time frameStageTheme – [LoC]Representative personality / Event – [LoC]
N/A SurvivalAnimism (Pantheism)Native culture, Aboriginal culture
N/A SurvivalPolytheismAncient Egyptian, Semitic, Greek and Roman cultures
N/A SurvivalMonotheism
Religious imperialism [200]
Judeo-Christian culture
17th century SuccessRationalism [475]
Cogito ergo sum [400]
René Descartes [490] Baruch Spinoza [480] Gottfried Leibniz
1651 Survival
Social contract theory
Materialism, realism, empiricism, ethical egoism
Thomas Hobbes [465]
1687 SuccessNewtonian Paradigm [450-499]
Classical mechanics
Universal gravitation
Isaac Newton [499]
1770s SuccessScientific Materialism [400s] Enlightenment [400s]Isaac Newton [499] Baruch Spinoza [480] John Locke [470] Jean Jacques Rousseau [465] Voltaire [340]
1759-1776 Survival
Classical political economics [440]
The Wealth of Nations [440], 1776
Adam Smith [455]27
1775-1783 Survival
American RevolutionFounding Fathers of the United States [LoC 550], Thomas Paine
1789-1799 Survival
French RevolutionList of people granted honorary French citizenship
during the French Revolution
1859 SurvivalPolitical Economy
Reduced Darwinism i.e. Social Darwinism
Self-interest; adolescent
Thomas Robert Malthus [204]
1860s Survival
Conventional medicine [400]
Linear Era I medicine
Robert Koch, Rudolf Virchow, Ferdinand Sauerbruch,
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
1900s Survival
Freudian Psychoanalysis [460]Sigmund Freud [499]
1900s SupportQuantum physics [460]Albert Einstein [499] Werner Heisenberg [485] Max Planck [475] John von Neumann [460] Niels Bohr [450] James Clerk Maxwell, Arthur Compton, Louis de Broglie, Clinton Davisson, Lester Germer, Erwin Schrödinger, Wolfgang Pauli, Max Born, Paul Dirac, Eugene Wigner
See also: Timeline of quantum mechanics
1919 SupportJungian depth psychology [460]Carl Gustav Jung [520/540]
1927 SupportUncertainty principle [460]Werner Heisenberg [485]
1935 SupportQuantum Entanglement True/FalseAlbert Einstein [499] Boris Podolsky, Nathan Rosen
Complementary medicine [440]
Mind-body interventions
Linear Era |I medicine
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross [485] O. Carl Simonton, M.D.
1943 Survival
Hierarchy of needs modelAbraham Maslow [475]
1953 Survival
Genetic determinismFrancis Crick
End 1960s Support
Transpersonal Psychology [460]Carl Gustav Jung [520/540] Ken Wilber [490] Abraham Maslow [475] Viktor Frankl, Karlfried Graf Dürckheim, Stanislav Grof, Anthony Sutich, Frances Vaughan, Roger Walsh, Ronald D. Laing, Charles Tart, Roberto Assagioli
End 1970s
Positive Psychology
Happiness research
Martin Seligman, Dacher Keltner, Michael Argyle,
Alfred Bellebaum, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,
Ed Diener, David G. Myers
Wonder medicine [500]
Nonlocal nonlinear Era |II medicine-'
Larry Dossey
1980s Support
New Biology
Consciousness research
Bruce H. Lipton, Elisabet Sahtouris
1987 Support
Paradigmal shift in mankind's consciousness level
LoC 190 - LoC 204
Harmonic Convergence 16.-17. August 1987
1990s Support
New Physics
Consciousness research
Hans-Peter Dürr, Henry P. Stapp, Amit Goswami
1995 Survival
Map of Consciousness [840]
Truth research via muscle testing [605]
David R. Hawkins
1999 Success
Rise of the Internet [205]
IT Revolution
Online communication
End 1990s – Access boom28 Google 1998
Beg 2000s – Social Media Networks boom Wikipedia 2001, LinkedIn 2003, Xing 2003, Facebook 2004, YouTube 2006, Twitter 2006
Beg 2010s – Social movement waves
2000s Support
Integral PoliticsKen Wilber [490] Barbara Marx Hubbard
2003 Support
Dignity for all
Culture of mutual respect
Robert W. Fuller
2004-2005 Support
Empathy Altruism research [345-435]Paul Zak, Frans de Waal
2006s Support
Social BankingAristotle [498] Immanuel Kant [460] John Stuart Mill [450] Muhammad Yunus
2006s Support
Caring Economics / Conscious Capitalism
The Real Wealth of Nations. Creating a Caring Economics, 2007
Riane Eisler, Richard Barrett
2007 Support
Darwinism rediscovered [450]
Mature mutuality
Charles Darwin [LoC 450/460]
David Loye
2009 Support
New Sociology
Social Equity rediscovered [550]
Richard Wilkinson, Kate Pickett
Daniel Kahneman, Hans Rosling
John Stacey Adams, 1963
2010 Support
Happiness Economics
Happy society movement
Socrates [540] Daniel Kahneman, Richard Layard
Angus Deaton, Richard Easterlin, Bruno Frey, Andrew Oswald,
Benjamin Radcliff, Bernard M.S. van Praag, Ruut Veenhoven
See also: ► Transformation and ► Consciousness-Tables and ► Paradigm shift

Macrohistoric timetable of evolution: Goddess ⇔ Alphabet ♦ Images ⇔ Writing ♦ Right ⇔ left brain hemispheres

Time•frame           Matrifocal history – Legend           
Unrecorded history

3,000,000 - 2,900,000
years ago
Hominids differentiated away from other primates by becoming meat-eaters instead of vegetarians.
Extended childhoods of hominid babies required prolonged attention from hominid mothers.
Males of the species predominately engaged in hunting and killing.
Females primarily engaged in nurturing and gathering.

Hominids became the first species of social predators in which the females do not participate in hunting and killing.
200,000 - 90,000
years ago
Language developed.
Homo Sapiens differentiated away from hominids.
Language required the complete rewiring of human brains.
Over 90% of the language modules were placed in the left hemisphere of right handed humans who comprised
92% of the population.
The Split Brain phenomenon became highly exaggerated only in humans.
Most hunting and killing strategies are placed in left hemisphere.
Most nurturing and gathering strategies are placed in the right hemisphere.
45,000 3,000
years ago
The Alphabet was invented: Extremely easy to use. Near universal literacy possible.
Semites (Canaanites, Phoenicians, and Israelites) were the first peoples to become substantially literate.
The first alphabetic book is the Hebrew bible (Tanakh, OT) dating back ~1400 BC.
The goddess was harshly rejected from the Israelite belief system.
God lost His image. To know Him, a worshipper had to read what He wrote.
Images of any kind were proscribed in the first culture to worship written words.
40,000 - 10,000
years ago
Homo sapiens organized into highly effective hunter/gatherer societies.
Division of labor between sexes diverged more than in any other species.
Males hunt and females nurture.
Each sex developed predominate modes of perception and survival strategies to deal with the exigencies of life.
the left hemispheric specialization led to an increased appreciation of time.
Humans became the first animals to realize that they will personally die.
Awareness of death led to the formation of supernatural beliefs.
Societies in which hunting was a more reliable source of protein than gathering elevated hunting gods over vegetative goddesses.
Societies in which gathering was a more reliable source of protein than hunting elevated vegetative goddesses over hunting gods.
In general, hunter/gatherer tribes worshipped a mixture of both spirits.
10,000 - 5,000
years ago
Agriculture and the domestication of animals was discovered.
Crops needed to be tended, flocks needed to be nurtured.
The female survival strategy of gathering-and-nurturing superseded the male strategy of hunting-and-killing.
All early agrarian peoples began to pray to an Earth Goddess responsible for the bountifulness of the land and
the fertility of the herds.
She awakened the land in springtime and metaphorically resurrected Her weaker, smaller and dead son/lover.29
Time•frame           HISTORY of PATRIARCHY – Legend           

5,000 - 3,000
years ago
Writing was invented.
The left hemispheric modes of perception, the hunting/killing side, were reinforced.
Literacy depended on linear, sequential, abstract and reductionist ways of thinking, identical with hunting and killing.
Early forms of cuneiform and hieroglyphics were difficult to master. So less than 2% were literate.
Scribes became priests and new religions emerged in which the god began to supercede the goddess.30
3,000 - 2,500
years ago
Greeks became the second literate culture.
While not rejecting images they suppressed women's rights.
Athens and Sparta were two societies that shared the same language, gods, and culture and were in close proximity.
Women had few rights in Athens. ⇔ Women in Sparta wielded considerable power.
Athenians glorified the written word. ⇔ Spartans cared little about literacy.
Socrates, who held egalitarian views, disdained writing and wrote nothing down.
Plato wrote extensively of what Socrates said. He was not as generous toward women as Socrates.
Aristotle represented the Greek passage from an oral society to a literate one. He taught that women were an inferior subspecies of man.
2,500 years agoBuddha became enlightened in India.
Buddha, though literate, wrote nothing down. He taught love, equality, kindness, and compassion.
His words were canonized in an alphabetic book 500 years after his death.
Book purported to show the Buddha had negative opinions about women, sexuality, and birth.
Taoism and Confucianism arose in China.
Taoism embodies feminine values: It does not attempt to control others, promoted Mother Nature as a guide.
Confucianism touted masculine values: It structured a patriarchal society, touted a 'Father Culture'.
Two systems of belief coexisted in relative equilibrium until the Chinese invented the printing press in 923 AD
Literacy rates soared.
Soon after, Taoism declined and Confucianism became China's dominant belief system.
'Women's foot binding began in 970 AD and became a common practice.
Taoism transmuted into a hierarchy with sacred texts and temple priests.
Taoist priests were expected to be celibate. Women's rights plummeted.
In nearby Asian cultures that did not embrace literacy, women's rights remained high.
2,000 - 1,500
years ago
The Roman Empire achieved near universal alphabetic literacy rates due to the stability of Pax Romana, tutors from Greece, papyrus from Egypt and an easy to use Greek and Latin alphabet.
New religion emerged based on the sayings of a gentle prophet named Jesus.
His oral teachings embody feminine values of free will, love, compassion, non-violence, and equality.
Jesus wrote nothing down.
Women played a prominent role in the rising Christian religion.
Paul the Apostle [Saul of Tarsus] commited to writing what he interpreted to be the meaning of the Christ event.
Subsequent Gospel writers detailed Christ's crucifixion, death and resurrection.
The creed that evolved increasingly emphasized masculine values of obedience, suffering, pain, death, and hierarchy.
The alphabetic text (NT) became canonized in 367 AD.
Women were banned from baptizing or conducting sacraments.
They were ordered to the back of the church and ejected from the choir.
Christians destroyed Roman images.
1,500 - 1,000
years ago
Rome fell to barbarian invasions.
Literacy got lost in the secular society.
The Dark Ages began.
When the stage of history re-illuminated in the 10th century, women enjoyed high status.
Age suffused with love of Mother Mary.
People knew her through her image not any written words by her.
Women were mystics revered.
Women Cathars and Waldensians baptized.
Abbesses led major monasteries.
The chivalric code instructed men to honor and protect women.
Courtly love became all the fashion.
Cathedrals were dedicated to Notre Dame.
Religious art flourished.
Few outside the Church could read and write.
1000 - 1453The High Middle Ages were characterized by a renewed interest in literacy.
Commerce demanded literate clerks. Literacy rates climbed.
Masculine values began to reassert dominance over feminine ones.
The Renaissance began.
The cult of the individual encouraged male artists, male thinkers, and macho themes in art.
1454 -1820Gutenberg's printing press availed alphabet literacy to the masses.
Books become affordable.
Literacy rates soared in those countries affected by the printing press.
Tremendous surge in science, art, philosophy, logic, and imperialism.
Women's rights suffered decline.
Women mystics were now called witches.
1465 - 1820After the Bible, the next best selling book is the Hammer of Witches; a how-to book for the rooting out, torture,
and burning of witches. Witch craze broke out only in those countries impacted by the printing press.
Germany, Switzerland, France, and England had severe witch-hunts. All boasted steadily rising literacy rates.
Russia, Norway, Iceland, and the Islamic countries bordering Europe did not experience witch-hunts.
The printing press had a negligible impact on these societies.
Estimates range that between 100,000 women to the millions were murdered during the witch-hunts.
There is no parallel in any other culture in the world in which the men of the culture suffered a psychosis so extreme that they believed that their wise women were so dangerous that they had to be eliminated.
1517 - 1820The Protestant Reformation broke out fueled by many who could now read scripture.
Protestants demanded the repudiation of the veneration of Mary, the destruction of images.
The Protestant movement became very patriarchal.
Ferocious religious wars broke out fought over minor doctrinal disputes.
Torture and burning at the stake became commonplace.
Hunter/killer values were in steep ascendance only in those countries impacted by rapidly rising alphabetic literacy rates.
1820 - 1900Invention of photography and the discovery of the electromagnetic field combined to bring about the return of the image.
Photography did for images what the printing press had accomplished for written words: it made reproduction of images inexpensive, easy, and ubiquitous.
The right hemisphere was engaged to decipher images more than the left.
Egalitarianism became a motif in philosophy.
Protestantism softened its stance toward women.
Mary was declared born of Immaculate Conception by the Catholic Church, thus elevating her status.
The suffragette movement coalesced in 1848.
In 1882 Friedrich Nietzsche declared "God is dead."
1900 - 1950Photography and electromagnetism combined to introduce many new technologies of information transfer.
Telegraph, radio, film, and telephone reconfigured the world.
Communists demanded the redistribution of wealth.
Capitalists demanded less government interference.
Natives restless, servants surly; everywhere paternalism was in retreat.
Women in the U.S. received the vote in 1920, women in England in 1936.
Russia, an oral society, became literate in the 19th century followed by a great burst of male creativity.
Outbreak of religious intolerance against the Jews.
Russian Communism repeated all the madness of Europe's first brush with alphabet literacy.
Adolf Hitler, armed with a microphone and radio, hypnotized Germany and Austria, one of the most literate
countries of the world.
Mother Russia, an oral society, was bedeviled by literacy.
Germany, the Fatherland, became susceptible to madness by oral technology.
1950 - 2000Popularity of television exploded after the end of WWII.
Television requires a different mode of perception than reading.
Iconic information began to supersede text information.
Images of the atomic bomb blast and earth beamed back from space changed the consciousness of the world more than any written books.
Society begins to elevate feminine values of childcare, welfare, healthcare, and concern for the environment.
The feminist movement of the 60s occured in the first television generation.
World wars were abated among the literate countries affected by television image.
The invention of the personal computer greatly changed the way people interact.
Graphic icons increasingly replaced text commands.
The Internet and the WorldWideWeb are based on feminine images of nets and webs.
In the late 90ties the Iconic Revolution began.
In 2012 the amount of photos and videos exchanged via cell phones is rising rapidly.32
Source: ► Leonard Shlain, M.D. sextimeandpower.com (1937-2009) US American researcher, chairman of laparoscopic surgery,
                   associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, author of The Alphabet Versus the Goddess, Timeline – The Alphabet
                   versus the Goddess
, 2006
Reference: ► Edutainment movie Journey of Mankind, interactive trail adapted from Out of Eden / The Real Eve, produced
                        by Stephen Oppenheimer, presented by the Bradshaw Foundation, 2003
See also:
History and ► Goddess
Three historic periods of human development including two normative turning points – Evelin Lindner
Shifting paradigms from domination to partnership – Evelin Lindner
Domination system ⇔ partnership system – Riane Eisler
Personality types, parenting styles, historical-cultural-political manifestations – Lloyd deMause
Correlating the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere – Iain McGilchrist
Enhancing collective intelligence by social perceptiveness (EI) and equal participation
Four response categories of women – Ellie Drake
Cult of Saturn – pillar of patriarchy – Jordan Maxwell
Development of social media – Peter Kruse


     Note: ► Everywhere where alphabets came into usage religions based on sacred alphabetic scriptures
    emerged all of which share these characteristics:
       ♦ Goddesses were declared abominations.
       ♦ Women were banned from conducting religious ceremonies.
       ♦ Representative art in the form of images was declared "idolatry."

Four great turnings during human history – Eileen Workman

Turning points in human history
Time periodDateGreat turningCultural iterationTransformation from to
200,000 years ago Emergence of menFirstHominidsHunting/gathering
Homo sapiens
7,000 years ago5000 BCFirst turningSecondHunting/gathering culturesAgrarian cultures
500-600·years·ago1400-1500Second turningThirdAgrarian culturesIndustrial societies
~100 years agoOngoingThird turningFourthIndustrial societiesHigh-technology /
2008-2012-2024Brandnew Fourth turningFifthHigh-tech information cultureWisdom culture
Dignitarian culture
Inspired by: ► Deleted blog article The Fourth Turning, presented by Eileen Workman, US American political scientist, economist, biologist,
                          stockbroker and financial advisor at Wall Street (1991-2007), co-founder of the Universe Project, author, 3. April 2014
See also:
Three historic periods of human development including two normative turning points – Evelin Lindner
Information Age ⇒ Conceptual Age ⇒ Changing expressions of creativity – Daniel Pink
Brain lateralization resulting in 2,500 years of split Western culture – Iain McGilchrist 
History andCulture and ► Transformation and ► Emergence and ► 2012 and ► Dignity

Individual, human, organisational, and societal stages of development – Richard Barrett

Corresponding evolutionary stages of human development
1. Surviving SurvivalFinancial stability
Control, corruption, greed, caution, short-term focus
2. Conforming SafetyBelonging
Manipulation, blame, internal competition, empire building
3. Differentiating Power (domination)High performance
Bureaucracy, complacency, silo-mentality, hierarchy
4. Individuating RighteousnessContinuous renewal and learning Nations
5. Selfactualizing Economic growthBuilding corporate community Cohesive nations
6. Integrating DemocracyStrategic alliances and partnerships Regional groupings
7. Serving Human wellbeingService to humanity and the planet Global grouping
Sources featuring Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of
leadership and human values in business and society
► Video presentation The Evoluotion of Consciousness: Next Steps, 2012 BVC International Conference, part 1 of 2, presented by
     the "Barrett Values Centre", YouTube film, minute 5:29, 20:21 and 28:23 and 36:13 minutes duration, posted 17. December 2012
► Video presentation A Compass for Navigating Cultural Transformations, sponsored by the "Building Capacity for Sustainable
     Transformations" conference, sponsored by the Italian company Asterys, Rome, 7. June 2012, YouTube film, minute 31:41,
     48:33 minutes duration, posted 29. October
See also: ► Richard Barrett and ► Politics

Stages of psychological development – Richard Barrett

Maturing along the seven stages of life – 10 years each
1. Surviving SatisfactionStaying alive and healthy in the best possible conditions 0-10
2. Conforming SatisfactionKeeping safe and secure by staying loyal to one's
family, kin and culture
3. Differentiating SuccessDistinguishing oneself from the crowd by honing one's
skills and talents
4. Individuating TransformationLetting go of the aspects of one's parental and cultural conditioning
that no longer serve oneself
5. Selfactualizing MeaningBecoming more fully who one is by leading a values-
and purpose-driven life
6. Integrating MeaningAligning with others who share the same values and purpose to create a better world 50-60
7. Serving MeaningFulfilling one's destiny by caring for the well-being of humanity and/or the planet 60-70
Source: ► Video dialogue with Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of
leadership and human values in business and society, Evolutionary Coaching, the Power of Trust, and High Trust Cultures,
presented by the "Barrett Values Centre", host Michelle Clarke, US American social entrepreneur, executive coach,
YouTube film, 48:26 minutes duration, posted 15. April 2014
See also: ► Richard Barrett and ► Maturity

Stages of psychosocial development – Erik Erickson

Eight stages of psychosocial human development – Crises resulting in virtues
From birth to death – Freud's model of psychosexual development (expanded)
Each stage is signified by a conflict between two opposing phenomenons.
Once the struggle is resolved, a person acquires a particular virtue.
If a person does not fully resolve the conflict within a stage, that virtue becomes an
ongoing issue that persists throughout subsequent stages or until it gets resolved.
Significant relationshipResulting
Main Question
1.InfancyAge 0-1Basic trust ⇔ mistrustMotherHope Feeding, abandonment
2.ToddlerAge 2-3Autonomy ⇔
shame and doubt
ParentsWill "Can I do things myself or must I always rely on others?"
Toilet training, clothing themselves
3.Childhood preschoolAge 4-6Initiative ⇔ guiltFamilyPurpose "Am I good or am I bad?"
Exploring, using tools or making art
4.Early adolescenceAge 7-11Industry ⇔ inferiorityNeighbors, schoolCompetence "How can I be good?"
School, sports
5.Late adolescenceAge 12-19Individual Identity
role confusion
Peers, role modelFidelity "Who am I and where am I going?"
Social relationships
6.Early adulthoodAge 20-45Intimacy ⇔ isolationFriends, partnersLove "Am I loved and wanted?"
"Shall I share my life with
someone or live alone?"
Romantic relationships
7.Middle adulthoodAge 45-65Generativity ⇔ stagnationHousehold, workmatesCare "Will I produce something of real value?"
Work, parenthood
8.Late adulthood
Old age
Age 65-deathEgo Integrity ⇔ despairMankind, my kindWisdom "Have I lived a full life?"
Reflection on life
Study subject: Erik Erikson (1902-1994) Danish-German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst,
     Eight stages of psychosocial human development, 90ties
Book: Alexandra Robbins (*1976) US American lecturer, journalist, author, Conquering Your Quarterlife Crisis: Advice from
     Twentysomethings Who Have Been There and Survived
, TarcherPerigee, 5. October 2004
See also: ► Step models and ► Psychology

Analogous animal and human evolution – Bruce Lipton

Spiking the evolutionary lineage
Evolution repeats itself in self-similar fractal patterns.
Humanity is analogous to an animal or an organism. Each human acts like a cell within this organism.
StageAnimal evolutionElementEvolutionary stadium
Human reflection
Human evolutionLegendAge
1. Fish Water
Vertebrate level Fishing Living near, on and off the water Maricultural
2. Amphibians Earth
Gilled stadium Farming Irrigation, watering the land Agricultural
3. Reptiles Earth
Big body mass, small brain,
mechanical "killing machines"
in an extremely stable environment
Mechanization Huge mechanized corporations Industrial
4. Birds Air
Wilbur and Orville Wright (1903)
Landing on the moon (1969)
Earth images (context, overview)
⇒ Change of perspective
Aviation Instant communication
5. Mammals Fire
Greens, environmentalists, cultural creatives Nurturing and appreciation of life The meek shall inherit the earth.
Caring dignitarian economics
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D. (*1944) US American developmental new cellular biologist, former associate professor, University of Wisconsin
     School of Medicine, presaged the field of epigenetics [mechanism by which nurture controls nature], lecturer, author, Steve Bhaerman,
     co-author, Spontaneous Evolution. Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here), Hay House, 28. September 2009
See also:
Evolution and ► Animals
Information Age ⇒ Conceptual Age ⇒ Changing expressions of creativity – Daniel Pink

BW-Werte: Evolution des Bewusstseins / Evolution of consciousness



Prozentsatz der Unlauterkeit derWeltbevölkerung

  • 78% "Während im Jahre 1985 noch 85% der Weltbevölkerung einen Messwert von unter 200, der Ebene der Integrität, aufwies, ist dieser Prozentsatz jetzt deutlich auf 78% gefallen." Das All-sehende Auge, S. 11, Vorwort der amerikanischen Ausgabe 2005

  • 19962,4%78% – Nur 2,4% der "bösen" Menschen mit einem extrem niedrigen BW-Niveau sind für 78% der Destruktivität der gesamten Menschheit verantwortlich.
  • 200785%92% –  "Im Jahr 2007 befanden sich 85% der Menschheit unter der Bewusstseinsschwelle. Sie bilden zahlenmäßig 92% Prozent der Menschheitsprobleme insgesamt." Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, Kapitel 2, S. 55, 2008
  • 20102,6%72% – Nur 2,6% der "bösen"34 Menschen mit einem extrem niedrigen BW-Niveau sind für 72% der Destruktivität der gesamten Menschheit verantwortlich.


Ratio of nonintegrity of world's population

  • 85% (1985) – See also: The Eye of the I, Foreword, 2001
  • 85% (1996) – "85% of the world's population falls below the level of integrity. They are counterbalanced by the 15% that calibrate above the critical level of 200." Power vs. Force, Veritas issue, S. 234, 1995
    "85% of the human race calibrates below the critical level of 200, while the overall level of human consciousness today is approximately 207." Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 95 / 304, Hay House, February 2002
  • 78% (Beg 2000-2001) – "Während im Jahre 1985 noch 85% der Weltbevölkerung einen Messwert von unter 200, der Ebene der Integrität, aufwies, ist dieser Prozentsatz jetzt deutlich auf 78% gefallen." The Eye of the I, Foreword, 2001
  • 78% (2004-2005) – "The distribution in the world shows that approximately seventy-eight percent of the world’s population calibrates below 200." Truth vs. Falsehood, S. 89, 2005
  • 85% (2007-2008) – "Worldwide, percentage of the population below 200 is eighty-five percent." Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 2, S. 55 / chapter 7, 2008
    "This collectively constitutes 92% of human problems overall." Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man, chapter 2, S. 55, 2008

Index: Evolution des Bewusstseins / Consciousness evolution – Bücher von D. Hawkins

Englische Werke

Index: Audio- und Videomedien (engl.) von und mit D. Hawkins


Links zum Thema Bewusstseinsentwicklung / Evolution of human consciousness

Bildliche Darstellung von Weltraum- und Interspezies-Kommunikation

Menschenpaar (Raumfahrt-Plakette)


Literature (engl.)

Featuring and promoting the concepts of Intelligent Design

Externe Weblinks

Zwölf Bewusstseinsstufen und ihr Zusammenhang mit Raum/Zeit und Holongrenzen; zwölf-dimensional erweiterte einheitliche Quantenfeldtheorie von Burkhard Heim

Einteiliges integrales Modell (3-dimensionale Darstellung) über den direkten Zusammenhang von Stufen, Zuständen, Linien, Quadranten und Enneagrammtypen

Einteiliges integrales Modell (2-dimensionale Darstellung) über den direkten Zusammenhang von Stufen, Zuständen, Linien, Quadranten und Enneagrammtypen

Vereinheitlichte integrale Bewusstseins-Modelle IPP und IPT anhand des fünfteiligen AQAL-Modells von Ken Wilber

Linklose Artikel

  • Artikel Über Darwin, Evolution, und den vollkommenen Menschen, Swami Vivekananda (LoC 610) (1863-1902) indischer Heiliger, Mönch und Gelehrter, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Heft 7, ~2001
  • Artikel Die Evolution nach Darwin, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Einführung von Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin von WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 9, ~2001
  • Interview mit Robert Wright über Geschichte und Richtung der Evolution, Hinweise auf einen tieferen Sinn, präsentiert von
    dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Elizabeth Debold, US-amerikanische Genderforscherin, Lehrerin, Chefredakteurin von WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), Kulturkommentatorin, Autorin, Heft 9, ~2001
  • Artikel Das höhere WIR, präsentiert von dem deutschen Magazin "Was ist Erleuchtung? (WIE)", Andrew Cohen (*1955) abgedankter US-amerikanischer Guru (1986-2013), Musiker, Gründer und Herausgeber des aufgelösten Magazins What is Enlightenment? / EnlightenNext, Autor, Heft 14, 2004
  • Artikel US-Bürger zweifeln Evolutionstheorie an, präsentiert von der aufgelösten deutschen Nachrichten-Website Netzeitung, Rubrik Wissenschaft, 11. August 2006

External web links (engl.)

Twelve levels of consciousness and their relation to space/time, holon borders including the twelve dimensional expanded unified quantum field theory by Burkhard Heim

Unified integral model (3-dimensional presentation) representing the direct relation of levels, states, lines, quadrants and enneagram types

Unified integral model (2-dimensional presentation) representing the direct relation of levels, states, lines, quadrants and enneagram types

Unified integral consciousness models IPP and IPT according to the five-parted AQAL model by Ken Wilber

Audio- und Videolinks

  • Videodokumentation mit Hartmut Warm, deutscher Programmierer, Bauingenieur, Dozent, Autor, Signatur der Sphären, YouTube Film, 1:02:46 Dauer, eingestellt 21. Juni 2018

Forschungen zu Johannes Keplers Weltharmonik / Sphärenharmonie
Seit der Antike fragt man sich, ob sich die Bewegungen der Planeten im Sonnensystem auf eine fundamentale Ordnung zurückführen lassen. Die Idee der Sphärenharmonie geht davon aus, dass die Bahnen und Umlaufzeiten der Planeten nicht willkürlich sind, sondern auf Zahlenverhältnissen beruhen, wie sie auch in musikalischen Intervallen zu finden sind. H. Warm untersucht mit modernen astronomischen Verfahren die auf Pythagoras zurückgehende und von Johannes Kepler in seiner 1619 in Linz geschriebenen "Weltharmonik" vertretene Vorstellung von einer Harmonie der Sphären und konnte dabei verblüffende harmonisch-musikalische Ordnungsstrukturen und hochästhetische geometrische Figuren in den langfris-
tigen Bewegungsbeziehungen der Planeten des Sonnensystems nachweisen. Projektionen der Bewegungsabläufe lassen das Spiel der Kräfte zwischen den Planeten verständlich und zu einem eindrucksvollen Erlebnis werden.

Audio and video links (engl.)

Illustrated wide-angle look at the complexity, complete history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the Internet

Evolution of Individual Consciousness: 1. Surviving ♦ 2. Conforming ♦ 3. Differentiating ♦ 4. Individuating ♦ 5. Self Actualizing ♦ 6. Integrating ♦
7. Serving  Minute 20:21

Evolution of Societal Consciousness: 1. Bands ♦ 2. Tribes ♦ 3. States ♦ 4. Nations ♦ 5. Cohesive Nations ♦ 6. Regional Groupings ♦ 7. Global Grouping  Minute 28:23
Evolution of Human Consciousness: 1. Survival ♦ 2. Safety ♦ 3. Power (Domination) ♦ 4. Righteousness ♦ 5. Economic Growth ♦ 6. Democracy ♦ 7. Human Well Being  Minute 5:29

"America is a deeply disturbed country. It is not a democracy. It's been hijacked by the powerful elites."  Minute 8:33


Interne Links

Englisch Hawkins


Englisch Wiki



1 Quellen: Das All-sehende Auge, 2005; Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, 2005; Seminarmitschnitte, Radiointerviews

2 Sedona Seminar Relativism vs. Reality, 14. April 2007

3 Sedona Seminar Relativism vs. Reality, 14. April 2007

4 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 4, 2005

5 Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, October 2002

6 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 5, 2005

7 Sedona Seminar Experiential Reality, 18. Februar 2006

8 Sedona Satsang Q&A, Sedona Creative Life Center, 13. September 2006

9 Long Beach Seminar Live Your Life Like a Prayer, 3 DVD set, Southern California, 18. November 2006

10 Sedona Seminar Creation vs. Evolution, 20. Oktober 2007

11 Prescott Seminar What is the World?, 28. Februar 2008

12 Sedona Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 9. July 2008

13 Prescott Seminar Peace, 8. August 2009

14 Cottonwood Seminar Handling Spiritual Challenges, 24. April 2010]]

15 Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010

16 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, Kapitel 4, S. 36-39, 2005

17 Prescott Seminar Love, 17. September 2011

18 Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010

19 Presentation by Dr. David R. Hawkins, The Quest for Spiritual Truth, sponsored by "Celebrate Your Life" conference, Mishka Productions, Phoenix, Arizona, 7. November 2010

20 Removed audio lecture and Q&A by David R. Hawkins, How to Instantly Tell Truth from Falsehood About Anything, part 1 of 6, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, 17. September 2003, YouTube film, minute 22:44, 44:43 minutes duration, posted 27. March 2011

21 Prescott Seminar Love, 17. September 2011

22 Prescott Seminar Love, 17. September 2011

23 Prescott Seminar Love, 17. September 2011

24 Bewusstseinswerte von Ländern weltweit nach D. Hawkins

25 Article Cosmic accidents: The certainty of chance, presented by the UK-based weekly English-language international science magazine New Scientist, Stephen Battersby, 22. September 2010

26 Article No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator Phys.org, Lisa Zyg, 9. February 2015

27 Entry on Adam Smith, presented by the scholarly online encyclopedia Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), undated

28 Development of Social Media – Peter Kruse

29 See also Cult of Saturn – pillar of patriarchy – Jordan Maxwell

30 Correlating the right hemisphere with the left hemisphere – Iain McGilchrist

31 Development of Social Media – Peter Kruse

32 The CTIA (trade association for the wireless industry) report released in 2013 stated 2.19 trillion text messages were sent and received in 2012, about 5 percent less than in 2011. In comparison, MMS (multimedia messages) that include photos and videos, grew by 41% to 74.5 billion in 2012; cited in: archived article Disruptions: Social Media Images Form a New Language Online, presented by the US American daily newspaper The New York Times, Nick Bilton, 30. June 2013

33 David R. Hawkins, Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man, Kapitel 5, S. 90, 2008

34 "Evil is whatever you define it as." D. Hawkins, Cottonwood Satsang Q&A, 2 CD set, 10. February 2010

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