
Wiki / Astrologie





Astrologie Sternenkunde


Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)





The astrological signs of the zodiac.
Astrological clock at Venice, Italy


Die Sterne zwingen uns zu nichts, sie verleiten uns auch zu nichts. Wenn wir sagen, dass ein weiser Mann über die Sterne herrscht, meinen wir, dass er Herr ist über die Kräfte, die in seinem Geist tätig
sind und durch die sichtbaren Sterne am
Firmament symbolisiert werden.

Paracelsus (1493-1541)1


Astrologie, die Zyklen und die drei Weisen

AstrologieGeheime Naturlehre Lehre davon, wie sich der Mensch in die Gesamtheit des Kosmos einfügt
AlchemieGeheime Evolutionslehre Lehre von der Verwandlung aus dem nieder schwingenden Zustand in den erweiterten Zustand
AlchemieGeheime Ethik Lehre vom Gebrauch und der Lenkung der Kräfte, die die Entwicklung leiten


AstrologieAstron = SternLogos = Rede
HoroskopHoro = StundeSkopein = Betrachten


Sterngucker, Wandteppich aus Frankreich, ~15. Jht.

Astrologie ist eine Beobachtungswissenschaft, die das Analogie-
prinzip "Wie oben, so unten" nachzeichnet.

  1. ASTRON = Sterne/Planetenlaufbahnen
  2. LOGOS = Metalogik, Geist

Astrologie untersucht die Verbindung zwischen Makrokosmos und Mikrokosmos.


Die drei Weisen aus dem Morgenland, Kaspar, Melchior und Baltha-
sar, die der Legende nach an der Krippe vor dem neu geborenen
Jesuskind auftauchten, waren keine Könige im weltlichen Sinn, son-
dern Astrologen, die dem Stern folgten, der die Geburt eines Avatars [Weltenlehrers] anzeigte.


Das Platonische Weltenjahr ("Das Große Jahr" oder "Weltjahr")
Das sogenannte "große Jahr", das der griechische Philosoph Plato in seinen Schriften erwähnte, umfasst die Dauer von 25.920 Jahren. Es ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für die menschheitliche Entwicklung, da nur alle 25.920 Jahre (nur einmal im Weltenjahr) eine bestimmte galaktische Sternenkonstellation eintritt.


Als Folge der Präzessionsbewegung der Erdachse braucht die Sonne beinahe 26.000 Jahre, um rückläufig durch alle zwölf Zeichen des Tierkreises wieder zu ihrem Ausgangspunkt (Frühlingspunkt) zurückzugelangen. Den Weg durch alle zwölf Sternbilder bezeichnet man als das "Große Sonnen-Jahr". In jedem der zwölf Tierkreissektoren mit Millionen von Sternen verweilt die Sonne jeweils 2160 Jahre. Die Anzahl der Erdentage, die ein (kleines) Jahr ausmachen, beträgt 365,25 Tage. Es dauert 70-71 Erdenjahre, um die Sonne um 1° des Erdkreises rückwärts zu bewegen. 72 Jahre x 360 Grade des Erdkreises = 25.920 Jahre.

Wassermannzeitalter – Bewusstheit und Erfahrung

Flower of Jacaranda cuspidifolia

Kennzeichen des Wassermannzeitalters

  • Bewusstsein und Bewusstheit
  • Befreiung
  • Stärke – Erfolg: Toleranz – Schwäche: Unnahbarkeit/Rigidität
  • Stärke – Glück: Solidarität – Schwäche: Ausgrenzung/Tyrannei
  • Stärke – Frieden: Freiheit – Schwäche: Gleichgültigkeit/Unterdrückung
  • Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt
  • Erfahrungswissen
  • Offenheit für neue Ideen
  • Erfindergeist, Ingenieurwesen
  • Gleichberechtigung und Ausgewogenheit der Geschlechter
  • Utopische Gesellschaftsmodelle
  • Humanistische Werte, Idealismus, Altruismus (Uneigennützigkeit, Selbstlosigkeit, Denk- und Handlungsweisen, die andere würdigend miteinbezieht)
  • Nonkonformismus, Individualismus
  • Weltbürgertum
  • Weltweite Vernetzung
  • Glorie aka "Kraft und Herrlichkeit" [vorletzte Zeile des Vaterunsers]

Pluto im Zeichen Steinbock – Aufstieg und Niedergang von Weltreichen – Strukturelle Umwandlung

Die Überlagerung der Prinzipien von Pluto und Steinbock markieren jeweils eine gravierende Zeitperiode. Es finden weltweit einschneidende Umstrukturierungen statt.
  • Im Laufe eines Zyklus von 248 Jahres umkreist der Zwergstern Pluto die Sonne und den Tierkreis.
  • Vergleichsweise umkreist der Planet Saturn die Sonne, den Tierkreis, in einem viel kürzeren Zyklus von 28 Jahren
    (4 x 7 Jahre).
  • Der Zwergstern Pluto trägt den Namen des griechischen Gottes der Unterwelt. Er steht für das Reformprinzip,
    regiert Tod, Macht, Schulden und Steuern.
  • Das kardinale Tierkreiszeichen Steinbock steht als Strukturprinzip für kollektive Institutionen wie Regierungen, Autoritäten, Landesgrenzen, Bankwesen, Militär.
    Psychologisch symbolisiert es Ehrgeiz, Vorsicht, Widerstand, Verantwortung, klare Unterscheidung zwischen Richtig und Falsch oder Gut und Böse.


Pluto im Sternzeichen Steinbock – Geschichtsphasen (2.500 Jahre zurückliegend)
      Die Konstellation Pluto im Steinbock tritt zeitgleich mit der Errichtung einer reformierten Weltordnung auf.     
༺༻Zeiträume, in denen Pluto Steinbock durchstreift/ePeriode (kurz)
1.7. März 449 v. Chr. – 3. Dezember 428 v. Chr. 449-428 v. Chr.
2.29. März 204 v. Chr. – 27. Dezember 184 v. Chr. 204-184 v. Chr.
3.1. Januar 42 n. Chr. – 7. Dezember 61 n. Chr. 42-61 n. Chr.
4.16. Januar 287 – 24. November 306 287-306
5.21. Februar 532 – 22. November 551 532-551
6.2. Januar 778 – 1. Dezember 796 778-796
7.8. Januar 1024 – 20. Dezember 1041 1024-1041
8.31. Dezember 1269 – 1. November 1287 1269-1287
9.2. Januar 1516 – 21. Dezember 1532 1516-1532
10.7. Januar 1762 – 1. Dezember 1778 1762-1778
11. 26. Januar 2008 – 19. November 2024 2008-2024
See also: ► Who returned as who? Reincarnation matches – Walter Semkiw ∞ Kevin Ryerson


In den Vereinigten Staaten findet die erste Plutowiederkehr im Zeichen Steinbock im Haus des Geldes (Ressourcen) statt – im Zeitraum 2018-2022.
  • April 2018 – Konstellierung der "Boston Teaparty" vom 16. Dezember 1773
  • Februar 2022 – Konstellierung der "Unabhängigkeitserklärung" vom 4. Juli 1776
  • Eine Seelengruppe von amerikanischen Revolutionären ist erneut inkarniert, um eine zweite amerikanische-Internationen-Revolution anzuschwingen.


449·v.·Chr. Athen und Persien schlossen Friedensverträge, bekannt geworden als Kalliasfrieden. Das Ende der Perserkriege war besiegelt. Wirtschaftlich fand eine höhere Besteuerung statt mit der Folge von Klassenkämpfen, gewalttätigen Protesten und Aufständen gegen die Regierung bzw. den Machthabern. Teilweise wurden die Steuereinnahmen auch verwendet, um die Menschenrechte zu fördern und die benötigte Infrastruktur der Gemeinden aufzubauen.
42-61·n.·Chr. Jesus predigte die Frohbotschaft (Evangelium), als Pluto im Schützen war. Nach der Kreuzigung Jesu waren seine Nach-
folger dem Glauben und Erinnerungen überlassen.
Im Jahr 33 erlebte der hart gesottene Kopfgeldjäger, Skeptiker und Epileptiker Paulus von Tarsus († 64-65) eine Be-
kehrung in die jüdische Sekte der Zeloten/Zaddukäer in Damaskus. Deren Geheimlehren verbreitete er später als Chris-
tentum. Er wurde als 'Apostel der Heiden' bekannt. Als Pluto im Steinbock war, war Paulus' Missionstätigkeit in vollem
Schwange. Sie trug wesentlich zur Errichtung der frühchristlichen Kirche bei.
41·n.·Chr. Der römische Kaiser Claudius war der Nachfolger von Caligula (Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus). Im Jahr 42 n. Chr. fand die erste Revolte gegen seine Herrschaft statt. Die Rebellion wurde mit Leichtigkeit erstickt, ehe sie Fuß fassen konnte. Es wurde offenbar, dass die Anstifter der Aufstände Kontakte zu sehr einflussreichen Adligen in Rom unterhalten hatten.
Kaiser Claudius beschloss im Anschluss daran, die Aufmerksamkeit von der Infragestellung seiner Machtstellung abzuziehen, indem er eine Kampagne veranstaltete, um die Invasion und Übernahme Britanniens vorzubereiten. Er führte ebenfalls eine Rechtsreform durch, die insbesondere die rechtliche Stellung der Schwachen und Wehrlosen stärkte.
1516-1532 Der Weg zur Protestantischen Reformation wurde durch die theoretischen und philosophischen Werke von Denkern wie Erasmus von Rotterdam vorbereitet [als Pluto den Schützen durchlief]. Die Reformation war eine europäische Reformbe-
wegung, die 1517 begann, wiewohl ihre Wurzeln geschichtlich älter sind. Ihr Auftakt war, als Martin Luther am 31. Oktober
1517 im sächsischen Wittenberg 95 Thesen an die Tür der Stadtkirche heftete. Sie diente als Nachrichtensystem der örtlichen Universität. Sie thematisierten die Debatte um die römische Kirche und den Papst, insbesondere den Ablasshandel. Luther wurde mit dem Wormser Reichsbann belegt. Andere Reformatoren wie Ulrich Zwingli und Calvin folgten, deren Beitrag war
die Arbeitsethik zu fördern, die zur Einleitung der Industriellen Revolution erforderlich war.
1520 Das Osmanische Reich erlebte unter der Herrschaft von Sultan Süleyman I. ein Goldenes Zeitalter.
1762 Die rechtsstaatliche Vertragstheorie (Kontraktualismus) von Jean Jacques Rousseau drückt antimonarchistische Ansichten aus, die so großen Aufruhr auslösten, dass der verfolgte Rousseau in die Schweiz flüchtete.
"Der Mensch ist frei geboren, und liegt doch überall in Ketten." "Ebenso wie der menschliche Körper beginnt auch der politische schon von seiner Entstehung an zu sterben und trägt den Keim seines Unterganges in sich selbst."
1763 Die Briten zahlten höhere Steuern als die Europäer, weswegen sie ihre Kolonisten härter besteuerten, weswegen die britische Regierung sich sehr unbeliebt machte. Die Ära der Revolutionen begann 1763, als die militärische Bedrohung der Franzosen gegen die britischen Kolonien in Nordamerika endete. Die Besteuerung galt als rechtswidrig, da die Kolonien nicht im britischen Parlament vertreten waren. Als die Briten die Zuckersteuer auferlegten, folgte die Amerikanische Revolution.
1763 Der Bankier Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Sohn des umherziehenden Geldleiher Moses Amschel Rothschild, gründete mit
21 Jahren das ortsansässige Bankhaus Rothschild und somit das Bankenimperium der Rothschilds in Frankfurt am Main.
Zu Beginn handelte er mit Münzen und Antiquitäten.
1766 Als der Kapitän James Cook (1728-1779) in Neusüdwales landete, wurde der Kontinent Australien entdeckt.
1763-1776 Von 1763-1776 entwickelte James Watt die Dampfmaschine, die entscheidend zur Industriellen Revolution und zur Ent-
stehung des modernen Kapitalismus beitrug.
1768-1774 1768 endete mit den russisch-türkischen Kriegen das Osmanische Reich. Am 21. Juli 1774 unterzeichnete es den demütigen-
den Vertrag von Kuçuk Kainarji mit Russland.
2008-2024 Am Sonntag, 14. September 2008 wurde die Bankrotterklärung der US-amerikanischen Bank "Lehman Brothers" bekannt gegeben. Das war ein Symbol die danach einsetzende Weltfinanz- und Weltwirtschaftskrise, der eine weltweite institutionelle Neustrukturierung folgen wird. Wirtschaftsputsch von Regierungen der Welt, WHO, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, und Systempresse Covid-19 Plandemie im Jahr 2020


2012-2014 Pluto-Mars Konjunktion im Quadrat zu Uranus (eruptive Energie, Vulkanausbrüche)
2014 T-Quadrat zwischen Pluto im Steinbock, Uranus im Widder, Jupiter im Krebs (starke Spannungsaspekte)


► Gelöschter Artikel Eine neue Epoche – Pluto in Steinbock, präsentiert von der Zeitschrift Der Nordstern, Christina Pfingsten und
     Christa Wagner, Archiv, Januar / Februar 2008
Siehe auch:
Zivilisationenzyklus (Tytler-Zyklus) – Aufstieg und Niedergang historischer Reiche
System-Reset ausgelöst durch den weltweiten Shutdown anlässlich der Covid-19-Plandemie 2020
See also: ► Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation

Skizzierung des Wassermannzeitalters

Das Wassermannzeitalter
⚑   hat im Jahr 1776 mit der Entdeckung des Planeten Uranus begonnen,
⚑   dauert von 1776 (Empfängnis) über 2012 (Geburt) bis 4162 (Ende),
⚑   schleicht im Laufe einer 50-jährigen Kernübergangszeit – von 1987 [Weltharmonietage] bis 2037 – das Fischezeitalter aus2
      [Übergang vom Kali Yuga zum Satya Yuga (Zeitalter der Wahrheit)], 
⚑   trat seit 2010 immer stärker in Erscheinung,
⚑   überschritt 2012 die Halbzeit der Kernübergangszeit; dieser Wendepunkt setzte einen Quantensprung in die Wassermannzeit
      in Gang,
⚑   Knapp 17 Jahre (14. Jan 2008-19. Nov 2024) Pluto im Steinbock: Phase des Zusammenbrechens von überalterten
      Strukturen, der massiven Veränderung, des Umbaus und Wiederaufbaus und des unerwarteten neuen Aufblühens3
⚑   wurde ab 2021 immer deutlicher sichtbar,
⚑   wird 2027 allgemeiner Konsens [Geist der Einheit] geworden sein4,
⚑   wird gegen 2100 etabliert sein.

Das Wassermannzeitalter
⚑   wird bildlich dargestellt als Frau Weisheit, die Wasser (symbolisiert Gefühle) aus einer Amphore vom Himmel (Geist) auf die
      seelisch ausgedörrte Erde (Materie) gießt.
⚑   Die femininen Yin-Energien und Werte erhalten stärkeres Gewicht und den Yin-Energien in Männern, Frauen und der Gesell-
      schaft wird eine ausgewogene Präsenz verschafft.
⚑   Das jahrtausendealte Yang-dominante Gesellschaftsmodel, ein nicht nachhaltiges monopolisiertes hierarchisiertes Patriarchat,
      wird einer Neuordnung der Erdgemeinschaft mit ausgewogenen Anteilen von Yin und Yang weichen.5
⚑   Getragen von der kritischen Masse von 11,11% der Weltbevölkerung, wird sich im Wassermannzeitalter ein Feld- und
      Systemwechsel vollziehen.6
⚑   Ein neuer öffentlicher Konsens im Feld eines erweiterten Bewusstseins lässt alle Menschen gewinnen.
⚑   Die Erfolgsformel des Wassermannzeitalters lautet:
      1. Dem Wohl der Menschen dienen 2. Schutz von Mutter Erde [Gaia] und Umwelt 3. Profit steht an letzter Stelle.


        Astrotrends 2013       
Kosmische Kreuze
(Fünf Spitzen) (2010-2014)
1) 26. Juni 2010 • 2) 21. Juni 2012 • 3) 26.-27. Juli 2013 4) 23. April 2014
Venustransit (5./6. Juni 2012)Emergenz der kraftvollen Göttin in einem Zeitalter
der würdehaltigen Ausgewogenheit und Integrität
Sieben exakte Pluto/Uranus-Quadrate (2010-2016) 1) 24.-26. Juni 2012 (8°) ♦ 2) 19. September 2012 (6°) ♦ 3) 20.-21. Mai 2013 (11°)
♦ 4)
1. November 2013 (9°)
♦ 5) 21. April 2014 (13°) ♦ 6) 15. Dezember 2014 (12°) ♦ 7) 17. März 2015 (15°)
Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse
Mondfinsternis: 25. April (in Skorpion) ♦ 25. Mai (im Schützen) ♦ 18. Oktober (im Widder)
Sonnenfinsternis: 10. Mai (im Stier) ♦ 3. November (im Widder)
Saturn in Skorpion
(Oktober 2012-September 2015)
Verdichtung, Vertiefung, Angst und Besorgnis, plötzliche listige Veränderungen, Einschnitt-Operation, verantwortliches Handeln, mehr Authentizität, Enthüllung von okkulten Geheimnissen
Uranus im Widder (2011-2019) Öffentliche Proteste, Befreiung durch Gruppeninitiativen, auf zu neuen Ufern
11. März 2011-15. Mai 2018 / März 2019)
Plutonisierter Uranus im Widder (2010-2017)
Planeten im Widder 2013Mars, Merkur, Sonne, Venus, Uranus
Tabellen (engl.) : ► Tables of Solar and Lunar Eclipses und 2013 Planetary Transits, präsentiert von skyscript.co.uk, 2013
See also: ► Key dates and time track of the Aquarian Age • astrological trends in 2013

Zivilisationenzyklus (Tytler-Zyklus) – Aufstieg und Niedergang historischer Reiche

Historiker und Statistiker – wie beispielsweise Walter A. Shewhart und W. Edwards Deming – haben festgestellt:
  ➤ Seit dem Beginn der Geschichte hat das Durchschnittsalter der Weltzivilisationen ungefähr 200 Jahre dauert,
       gefolgt von 50 Jahren des Übergangs.
  ➤ Der Keimzyklus des Menschen dauert 260 Tage – 20 x 13 [Kernzahlen des Maya-Kalenders].
  ➤ Zivilisationen durchlaufen gewöhnlich einen Zyklus von ~250 JahrenSiehe Pluto Zyklus von 248 Jahren.
       Nach John Bagot Glubb dauert ein Reichszyklus etwa 250 Jahre = 10 Generationen.7
       Er beinhaltet sechs Phasen: 1. Pioniere 2. Eroberungen 3. Handel 4. Wohlstand 5. Intellekt 6. Dekadenz.
           Dekadenz (Brot und Spiele): zügelloser Militärapparat, massive Ungleichheit zwischen Arm und Reich, aufgeblähter Staat,
             Zurschaustellung von Reichtum, Verfall der Währung, Sexbesessenheit.


༺༻ReichJahresangaben: Aufstieg und VerfallLaufzeit
1.Assyrien859-612 v. Chr.247
2.Persien (Kyrus und dessen Nachfahren)538-330 v. Chr.208
3.Griechenland (Alexander der
Große und dessen Nachfahren)
331-100 v. Chr.231
4.Römische Republik260-27 v. Chr.233
5.Römisches Reich27 . Chr.-180 n. Chr.207
6.Arabisches Reich634-880246
8.Osmanisches Reich1320-1570250
9.Spanisches Kolonialreich1500-1750250
11.Britisches Reich1700-1950250
12.Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Pluto-Wiederkehr im Horoskop der Vereinigten Staaten
von Amerika ereignet sich in den Jahren 2018-2024.
13.Industriezeitalter1770-2020/2027250 [257]


  • "Große Nationen steigen auf und gehen unter. Das Volk schreitet
    • 1.   Von der Knechtschaft zur spirituellen Wahrheit (Glauben),
    • 2.   Von spiritueller Wahrheit / Glauben zu großem Mut,
    • 3.   Vom Mut zur Freiheit,
    • 4.   Von der Freiheit zum Überfluss,
    • 5.   Vom Überfluss zum Egoismus,
    • 6.   Vom Egoismus zur Selbstgefälligkeit,
    • 7.   Von der Selbstgefälligkeit zur Teilnahmslosigkeit,
    • 8.   Von der Teilnahmslosigkeit zur Abhängigkeit,
    • 9.   Von der Abhängigkeit erneut zur Unfreiheit."
Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813) schottischer Historiker, in einem Brief an
     einen US-amerikanischen Freund, 23. Mai 1857
     Urheberschaft auch zugeschrieben: Lord Thomas MacCauley und Henning Webb Prentis Jr. (1884-1959) Präsident der
     Armstrong Cork Company, 1943 und 1946,
     Zuerst erwähnt in Artikel Why Democracies Fail, präsentiert von der Zeitung "Daily Oklahoman", S. 12A, 9. Dezember 1951
► Hintergrundinformationen von Loren Collins The Truth About Tytler – The Truth About Tytler, undatiert
Siehe auch: ► System-Reset ausgelöst durch den weltweiten Shutdown anlässlich der Covid-19-Plandemie 2020
See also (engl.):
Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires
Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation (Pluto in Capricorn)


"Ebenso wie der menschliche Körper beginnt auch der politische schon von seiner Entstehung an zu sterben und trägt
den Keim seines Untergangs in sich selbst."
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) Schweiz-französischer Aufklärer, Weg-
bereiter der Französischen Revolution, Kulturphilosoph, Pädagoge, Naturforscher, Schriftsteller, Vom Gesellschaftsvertrag oder Prinzipien des Staatsrechtes, Kapitel 33 "Vom Tode des politischen Körpers", 1762

Einheit • Zweiheit • Dreieinigkeit (Ganzheit)

1. Urbild
Ur-sein in Einheit
2. Abbild
In sich gespiegeltes Sein
3. Dreiheit
Dreieinigkeit, Ganzheit
Kind (Sohn/Tochter)Identität (Rückbeziehung von 1 und 2)
Aussöhnendes Element zur Überbrückung des 1⇔2 Widerstreits,
Rückführung zur Ureinheit


1. Positiver Pol
Kraft ausstrahlend, Entäußerung
Aktives, positives Prinzip
Geheime Naturlehre, Lehre vom Menschen eingebettet in die Gesamtheit des Kosmos
Äußeres, mitteilbares Wissen, Verwirklichung, Manifestation
2. Negativer Pol
Kraft empfangend, Speicherung
Passives, negatives Prinzip
Geheime Evolutionslehre, Lehre von der Verwandlung des Niedrigen in das Höheren
Inneres, innere Versenkung, Kontemplation, Offenbarung, Vision
3. Neutraler Pol
Kraft verwendend zur ausgleichenden Integration
Ausgleichendes Prinzip (Schwingung)
Geheime Ethik (Überwindung der weltentrennden Kluft von "außen" und "innen"), Lehre von Lenkung und Gebrauch der evolutionären Kräfte
durch das "Ich" als Mittler (Medium) des Wissens, das aus dem All fließt


Siehe auch: ► Gesetz 3:1 und ► Das eigentümliche 11:11-Phänomen

Das Vaterunser gespiegelt im Tierkreis

       Kernphrasen des Vaterunsers        Sternzeichen Fokus
Vater unser,WidderSchöpfung
der Du bist im Himmel.StierSpiegelbild der Erde
Dein Name werde geheiligt.ZwillingInformation
Dein Reich komme.KrebsVersprechen
Dein Wille geschehe.LöweWillensakt
Gib uns unser tägliches Brot.JungfrauVersorgung / Ernährung
Vergib uns unsere Schuld wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern.WaageVergebung
Führe uns in der Versuchung.SkorpionVerführung
Erlöse uns von dem Übel/Bösen.SchützeBefreiung
[*] Denn Dein ist das Reich,SteinbockSehnsucht nach Vollkommenheit
[**] die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit!WassermannGlorie
[*] In Ewigkeit. Amen.FischeGanzheit
Referenz: de.Wikipedia-Eintrag Vaterunser
Reference: ► en:Wikipedia entry Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram (LBRP)
[*] Qabalistic Cross, sometimes repeated at the end of the LBRP. This is meant to construct an astral cross in the body of the magician, with points corresponding to Sephiroth on the Tree of Life. While constructing this cross, the magician vibrates Hebrew words from the last few lines of the Lord's Prayer (Thine is the kingdom, ...).

Zitate zum Thema Astrologie / Astrology

Zitate allgemein

Bileam, moabitischer Seher: Ich sehe ihn, aber nicht jetzt, ich erblicke ihn, aber nicht in der Nähe:
Ein Stern geht in Jakob auf, ein Zepter erhebt sich in Israel.
Buch Numeri, 4. Mose 24, 17 (AT)


Alles hat seine bestimmte Stunde, jedes Ding unter dem Himmel hat seine Zeit. [...]
Lieben hat seine Zeit, und Hassen hat seine Zeit.
Der Krieg hat seine Zeit, und der Friede hat seine Zeit.
Kohelet (Prediger Salomo) 3, 1-8 (AT)


Und du, Daniel, verschließe die Worte und versiegele das Buch bis zur Zeit des Endes. Viele werden es durchforschen,
und die Erkenntnis wird sich mehren. [Psalm 19, 1-4] Die Himmel erzählen die Herrlichkeit Gottes, und die Ausdehnung
verkündet seiner Hände Werk. Ein Tag berichtet es dem anderen, und eine Nacht meldet der anderen die Kunde davon.
Keine Rede und keine Worte, doch gehört wird ihre Stimme. Ihre Meßschnur geht aus über die ganze Erde, und bis an
das Ende des Erdkreises ihre Sprache; er hat der Sonne in ihnen ein Zelt gesetzt.
Daniel 12, 4 (OT)

Der englische Begriff für Tierkreis "Zodiak" kommt aus dem Hebräischen (Zodi oder Sodi). Er bedeutet "Pfad" oder "Weg".


Kannst du die Bilder des Tierkreises hervortreten lassen zu ihrer Zeit, und den großen Bären leiten samt seinen Kindern? Hiob 38, 32 (OT)


Er [Jesus] sprach zu ihnen: Siehe, wenn ihr hineinkommt in die Stadt, wird euch ein Mensch begegnen,
der trägt einen Wasserkrug; folget ihm nach in das Haus, da er hineingeht.
Lukas 22, 10 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse



Isaak Newtons entrüstete Antwort auf einen Berufskollegen, der sein astrologisches Engagement kritisierte.

  • Ich habe diese Dinge studiert – das hast du nicht.
    Original: Sir, I have studied it, you have not!
Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) englischer Physiker, Mathematiker, Astronom, Alchemist, Philosoph, Naturforscher, Verwaltungsbeamter, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Zitate berühmter Personen


  • Ich kann die Bahn der Himmelskörper auf Zentimeter und Sekunden genau berechnen, aber nicht wohin die verrückte Menge einen Börsenkurs treiben kann. Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) englischer Physiker, Mathematiker, Astronom, Alchemist, Philosoph, Naturforscher, Verwaltungsbeamter, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: Aphorismen.de


  • Ich glaube an die Astrologie der Transformation. [...] Meine Sicht orientiert sich an der Möglichkeit, in jeder Person das Streben nach Selbsttransformation zu entwickeln, die Befreiung aus soziologisch-kulturellen Mustern zu erlangen und aus Strukturen der Vergangenheit auszubrechen.
    Der Glaube daran, dass in jedem Mann und in jeder Frau die Kraft schlummert, größer sein zu können als sie es sind, kreativer und freier zu sein, und sich zutiefst für die Transformation der Welt einzusetzen, daran glaube ich. Ich hoffe das Göttliche, dass in jedem schlummert, zu erwecken. Jede Person ist ein himmlisches Wesen, wenn sie nur die Kraft und den Mut erlangt, die Wahrheit des eigenen Selbst zu erkennen und zur ihrer Bestimmung und ihrem Platz auf die-
    ser Erde steht, indem sie die himmlische Anleitung befolgt, die die Sterne ihr anzeigen.
    Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) französischer Komponist, humanistischer Astrologe, Pionier der transpersonalen Astrologie, Autor, My Stand on Astrology, S. 30-31, The Seed Center, Palo Alto, Kalifornien, 1972



  • Neque ridere, neque lugere, neque destari, sed intellegere.
    Humanas actiones non ridere, non lugere neque detestari, sed intellegere studui.
    Weder auslachen, noch bereuen, noch verachten, doch verstehen.
    Ich habe mich bemüht, die menschlichen Handlungen nicht zu belachen, nicht zu betrauern und nicht zu verabscheu-
    en, sondern zu verstehen. Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) niederländischer Philosoph, posthum veröffentlichtes politisches Traktat Tractatus politicus [Abhandlungen über Politik], Teil I, Kapitel 4, 1677, 1678 indiziert, B. Auerbach, 1874


  • Mit Würde auf der Welt zu sein, heißt, jeden Tag sein Horoskop zu korrigieren.
    Umberto Eco (1932-2016) italienischer Medienwissenschaftler, Semiotiker, Philosoph, Literaturkritiker, Kolumnist, mittelalterlich orientierter Romanschriftsteller, zitiert in: Gute Zitate



  • In der Mitte von allen (Planeten) aber hat die Sonne ihren Sitz.
    Nikolaus Kopernikus (1473-1543) deutscher Astronom, Mediziner, Sprachwissenschaftler, Domherr zu Frauenburg, führender Entwickler des heliozentrischen Weltbildes, welches das geozentrische ptolemäische Weltbild ablöste, Über die Umschwünge der himmlischen Kreise [De revolutionibus orbium coelestium], 1543; zitiert in: Aphorismen.de
  • Die wahre Astrologie ist ein Zeugnis von Gottes Werk und also ein heilig und gar nicht leichtfertig Ding.
    Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) deutscher Naturphilosoph, evangelischer Theologe, Mathematiker, Astronom, Astrologe, Autor, präsentiert von der deutschen evangelischen Vierteljahreszeitschrift Quatember, 4. Quartal 1982



Kepler meinte, sein Gesetz zur Errechnung der Planetenpositionen sei nicht so wichtig wie die Gesetze der astrologischen Harmonik.




  • Astrologen sehen die Astrologie
    • als ein psychologisches Werkzeug – 99%
    • als eine Form der Heilkunst – 92%
    • als Teil einer "metaphysischen Religion" – 61%
    • als Verbindung mit "anderen esoterischen Lehren" – 25%
Studienergebnisse von Shoshanah Feher, zitiert in: Vortrag von Liz Greene (*1946) US-amerikanische-britische Astrologin, Jung-
Psychoanalytikerin, tiefenpsychologisch orientierte Autorin, Ansichten der Astrologen. So wie wir das Leben sehen, lesen wir
das Horoskop
, präsentiert auf der Astrological Association Conference, September 2008


  • Woran Astrologen glauben
    • 78% der Astrologen glauben an die Reinkarnation.
    • 63.5% der Astrologen glauben an das Karmagesetz.
    • 52.2% der Astrologen glauben an ein Höheres Bewusstsein.
Studienergebnisse von Nick Campion, zitiert in: Vortrag von Liz Greene (*1946) US-amerikanische-britische Astrologin, Jung-
Psychoanalytikerin, tiefenpsychologisch orientierte Autorin, Ansichten der Astrologen. So wie wir das Leben sehen, lesen wir
das Horoskop
, präsentiert auf der Astrological Association Conference, September 2008


Physiognomie der Sternzeichen, Smislov
  • Astrologie ist weder Wissenschaft noch reli-
    giöses Glaubenssystem. Sie ist eine Kunst. Künstler vermitteln zwischen verschiedenen Dimensionen des Seins. Die Bilder, Klänge, Worte und Formen, die Künstler nutzen, sind Sprachen, die von den bedeutungsvollen Zusammenhängen der Wirklichkeit erzählen, die der rationale Verstand weder verstehen noch kommunizieren kann. Liz Greene (*1946) US-amerikanische-britische Astrologin, Jungsche Psychoanalytikerin, tiefenpsychologisch orientierte Autorin, 1946, zitiert in: Ausgesuchte Zitate von namenhaften Personen zum Thema Astrologie


  • Die Astrologie besteht aus symbolischen Konfigurationen, ebenso wie das kollektive Unbewusste, mit welchem sich die Psycho-
    befasst: Die Planeten sind die "Götter", Symbole der Mächte des Unbewussten (in erster Linie, neben anderem). Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Schweizer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Gründer einer neuen Denkschule der analytischen Tiefenpsy-
    chologie, Autor, 1946, zitiert in: Ausgesuchte Zitate von namenhaften Personen zum Thema Astrologie


  • So repräsentieren die Zeichen des Tierkreises eine Zwölfzahl von Menschentypen und Lebensformen, die sich als älteste Typologie durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch mit erstaunlicher Frische erhalten hat. Zusammen mit anderen astrologischen Bauelementen, den Planeten als Sinnbildern für die Grundkräfte des Wesens, den Aspekten als For-
    men ihrer Harmonie und Disharmonie, stellen sie eine ganze, an das Firmament projizierte Charakterlehre dar, von deren Tiefe die Dichter schon immer wussten und deren Verwurzelung oder Spiegelung in den Archetypen, den Leitbildern des Unbewussten, C. G. Jung überzeugend nachwies. Dr. Hans Bender (1907-1991) deutscher Arzt, Parapsychologe, zitiert in: Ausgesuchte Zitate von namenhaften Personen zum Thema Astrologie


  • Die ureigenste Aufgabe der Astrologie ist, eine Ordnung aufzuzeigen, wo der Mensch das Chaos zu erleben scheint; um diese Aufgabe zu erfüllen, muss sie die astrologischen Symbole auf verschiedene Weisen interpretieren, um der Tatsache Rechnung zu tragen, dass sich die menschliche Existenz auf verschiedenen Ebenen manifestieren kann.
    Es gibt nicht die Astrologie – nur unterschiedliche Wege, astrologische Symbole zu interpretieren, um sie den diffe-
    renzierten Bedürfnissen der heutigen Menschen anzupassen.
    Alexander Ruperti (1913-1998) deutscher in der Schweiz ansässiger Astrologe, Kosmische Zyklen. Planetarische Muster des Wachstums, Berlin, 1990, 1997, S. 11, Chiron, 1. Auflage 1. September 2005




Element-Physiognomik-Grafik, Archiv Vetter, Zeichnung von Boris Smislov
  • Astrologie ist eine Vorstellungskraft, die aus der Natur her-
    vorgeht und einen unmittelbaren Bezug zum Alltagsleben
    hat. Sie ist eine Art angewandter Poesie, eine Vision vom
    Leben auf der Erde, das durch die Himmelsbewegungen
    stimuliert wird, und sie kann uns in Tiefen der Selbstrefle-
    xion führen wie es kein anderes symbolisches oder bild-
    haftes System vermag. Sir Thomas Morus (1478-1535) englischer Lordkanzler unter Heinrich VIII., Heiliger und Märtyrer der anglikanischen Kirche und der römisch-katholischen Kirche, humanistischer Autor der Renaissance, zitiert in: Der Tanz der Zwölf: Entwicklungsachsen im Horoskop (2020)


  • Wenn wir die Wissenschaften wegen ihrer Errungenschaf-
    ten preisen, muss unser Lob für die alten Mythen noch viel
    größer sein, weil deren Fortschritte unvergleichlich größer
    waren: die Erfinder der Mythen führten die Kulturen ein,
    während die Wissenschaftler sie – und durchaus nicht
    immer zum Besten – veränderten.
    Prof. Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994) österreichischer Philosoph, Wissenschaftstheoretiker, Universität von Kalifornien, Berkeley (1958-1989), zitiert in: Ausgesuchte Zitate von namenhaften Personen zum Thema Astrologie, präsentiert von der Webseite Astrologieritter


  • Musik ist nicht sichtbar wie die Seele im Körper nicht sichtbar ist. Alles Erschaffene schwingt und klingt in unendlichen Kreisen ineinander und miteinander: der Tanz der Gestirne, der Tanz der Atome, der Tanz der Seele; alles singt das erhabene Lied der Schöpfung. In allem ist Musik verborgen, wie die Seele im Körper. Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927) indischer Gründer des Internationalen Sufi-Ordens und der Internationalen Sufi-Bewegung, zitiert in: Anandas Zitate



Transpersonale Astrologie

  • Die Astrologie ist bedeutsam, weil sie zeigen kann, dass das Leben für eine sinnvolle Interpretation offen ist. Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) französischer Komponist, humanistischer Astrologe, Pionier der transpersonalen Astrologie, Autor, 1971, zitiert in: Frank Bornhöft als Astrologe, präsentiert von der Webseite astrologie-coach.de


  • Das Atom ist ein Mikrokosmos des makrokosmischen Sonnensystems. Die gleiche Idee wurde von den englischen metaphysischen Dichtern das "Prinzip der Entsprechung" genannt. Der wichtigste Punkt bei diesem Ansatz ist, dass
    wir durch das Studium der Zyklen und Muster im größeren Ganzen (den Planeten) etwas über die Zyklen und Muster
    in uns selbst erfahren können. Stephen Arroyo (*1946) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Astrologe, Autor, Astrologie, Psycho-
    logie und die vier Elemente
    , S. 55, Hugendubel Verlag, München, 1983


Vier Quadranten
  • Ein Grund für die Verrufenheit der Astrologie in wissenschaftlichen und akademischen Kreisen während der letzten Jahrzehnte ist, dass sich große Teile der Astrologie (und so ziemlich die gesamte populäre Astrologie) immer noch mit der Vorhersage von bestimmten Ereignissen beschäftigt haben, statt mit der Psychologie des Individuums. Stephen Arroyo (*1946) US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Astrologe, Autor, 1946, zitiert in: Ausgesuchte Zitate von namenhaften Personen zum Thema Astrologie, präsentiert von der Webseite astrologie-coach.de


  • Astrologie ist die Lehre vom durchgängigen und unverbrüchlichen kosmischen Zusammen-
    hang aller Ereignisse und insbesondere des Menschenereignisse auf dieser Erde – nicht
    nur Menschenereignisse im allgemeinen, nicht nur des Menschendaseins im allgemeinen
    und seiner Entwicklungsgeschichte, sondern auch des Einzeldaseins jedes Menschen Indi-
    und seiner Geschichte mit allen äuße-
    ren Geschehnissen sowohl als auch demjeni-
    gen, was den Inhalt seines subjektiven Le-
    bens ausmacht – mit Leid und Lust, mit Furcht
    und Hoffnung, Liebe und Hass, Irrtum Erkennt-
    nis, mit Geburt, Krankheit und Tod oder – es
    mit einem Wort zu sagen – mit seinem Schick-
    . Oskar Adler (1875-1955) österreichischer Arzt, Musiker, Astrologe, Autor, Das Testament der Astrologie, 4 Bände, Hugen-
    dubel, 2000


  • Die Astrologie bewirkt nichts. Sie zeigt nur an. Wie der Mensch mit dem Angezeigten umgeht, liegt in seiner Verant-
    wortung, es ist nicht der Verantwortung der Astrologie. Die Sterne sind vollkommen unschuldig am Glück oder Miss-
    geschick eines Menschen. Johannes Vehlow (1890-1958) deutscher Astrologe, Autor, Die Weltanschauung der Astrologie,
    Band 1, Johannes Vehlow Gesellschaft, Berlin (West), Juni 1986



Verkürzte Version:

Die Astrologie ist, rein formal betrachtet, einer der großartigsten Versuche systematisch-konstruktiver Weltbetrachtung, die je vom menschlichen Geiste gewagt wurde.

  • Die Geschlossenheit des astrologischen Weltbildes, wo alles seine Ordnung hat und es keinen Zufall gibt, ist einer der größten Versuche, je von dem menschlichen Geist einst gewagt, eine systematische, konstruktive Weltbetrachtung zu entwik-
    keln. In allen Zeiten hat dieses Weltbild die Großen Dichter und Denker in ihren kreativen Leistungen beeinflusst. Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) deutscher Professor für Philosophie, Universität Hamburg, Autor, referenziert in: Aufsatz von Herbert W. Jardner (*1951) deutscher Ethnologe, Vingilot – Beiträge zur Anthropologie. Astrologie, Mythologie und Psychologie, ~Ende der 90iger Jahre


  • Das Jahr aber mit dem ersten Januar beginnen zu lassen, ist vollkommen naturwidrig, unorganisch und sinnlos! Es ist das beschämende Zeugnis unserer völligen Abgetrenntheit von der Natur, unserer fühllosen Natur-
    fremdheit. Denn zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist nichts Entscheidendes, weder am Himmel, noch auf Erden. Diese widerna-
    türliche und sinnlose Jahreseinteilung ist von Menschen gemacht, denen der Rhythmus des Lebens im Jahreslauf
    völlig entschwunden, zumindest nicht mehr heilig war. Diese Einteilung ist eine große Vermessenheit gegen die Son-
    ne und die Natur, und die Beibehaltung dieser sinnlosen Zeiteinteilung ist eine grenzenlose Trägheit, oder um es in
    seiner letzten Konsequenz zu sagen: – eine Versündigung gegen Gott, der die Sonne, die Gestirne und das Leben
    schuf. Hans Sterneder (1889-1981) österreichischer Schriftsteller, Tierkreisgeheimnis und Menschenleben, Bauer, Freiburg, Taschenbuchausgabe 1996


  • Denn das Empfinden ist immer da. Es wird vom Jüngsten Tag gespeist, und wenn Sie achtzig sind, und wenn Sie hundert sind, – es ist immer zugänglich.
    Aus der Informationslage der plausibilisierten Welt (von lat. plaudere = "applaudieren") mit einer übertragenen Fremd-
    bewusstheit herauszukommen um aus dem Empfinden selbst festzustellen, wo etwas stimmt und wo etwas nicht stimmt.
    Das Empfinden hat mit Ihrer Gefühlslage nichts zu tun. Es ist das Urteil, die Richtschnur, ob etwas stimmt oder nicht stimmt, ob es wahr oder unwahr ist, falsch oder richtig, und daraufhin erst reagiert Ihr Gefühl mit Unruhe oder mit
    Ruhe. Und aus der Unruhe heraus kommt das Bedürfnis zu klären, das, was nicht stimmt, wahrzunehmen, bis hin in
    die Bewusstheit der Wahrnehmung.
    Sie müssen dort, wo Ihr Empfinden sich regt und sagt 'es ist nicht in Ordnung, es stimmt was nicht, es ist nicht seinem Prinzip gemäß', da müssen Sie es in die Wahrnehmung der Bewusstheit bringen, aber nicht gegen das sein, was nicht dem Prinzip gemäß ist, denn das Falsche hat sein Recht, gegenwärtig zu sein.
    Wolfgang Döbereiner (1928-2014) deutscher Astrologe, Buchautor, Die verlorene Grenze. Münchner Rhythmenlehre – Seminare, Band 15 (1998), S. 99-100, Verlag W u. P Döbereiner, Taschenbuch, 1. August 2000; zitiert in: Blogartikel von Peter Boos, Das Symbol der Verneinung des Lebens, 29. April 2020


  • Die Sterne machen geneigt, doch sie zwingen nicht.
    Astra inclinant non necessitant.
Lateinische Weisheit


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Astrologie
Referenz: ► Astrologie Zitate, präsentiert von Gutzitiert, undatiert


  • Der Mensch ist manchmal seines Schicksals Meister. Nicht durch die Schuld der Sterne, lieber Brutus, durch eigne Schuld nur sind wir Schwächlinge. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) englischer Schauspieler, Dramatiker, Bühnendichter, Lyriker, Tragödie Julius Caesar, Kapitel 3, 2. Szene, 1599



  • Wie an dem Tag, der dich der Welt verliehen,
    Die Sonne stand zum Gruße der Planeten,
    Bist alsobald und fort und fort gediehen,
    Nach dem Gesetz, wonach du angetreten.
    So musst du sein, dir kannst du nicht entfliehen,
    So sagten schon Sibyllen, so Propheten;
    Und keine Zeit und keine Macht zerstückelt
    Geprägte Form, die lebend sich entwickelt.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) deutscher Universalgelehrter, Bühnendichter, Schriftsteller, Sammlung von fünf Stanzen Urworte. Orphisch, geschrieben 7.-8. Oktober 1817, veröffentlicht in Neue Hefte zur Morphologie, 1820, Leopoldina-Ausgabe, 1954

General quotes

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years.
Genesis 1, 14 (OT)


And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars,
even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the Lord
thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.
Deuteronomy 4, 19 (OT)


And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of
the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward
the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east; and they worshiped the sun toward the east.
Ezekiel 8, 16 (OT)


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they
pour forth speech;night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of
the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
Psalm 19, 1-4 (OT)



An astrological age lasts 2160 years.

Then a new "AGE" with a different sign of the zodiac is dawning and presiding.

What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the AGE? Matthew 24, 3 (NT)


Jesus Christ: There shall be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars. Luke 21, 25 (NT)


And He [Jesus] said to them, "When you have entered the city, a man will meet you carrying a pitcher
of water
; follow him into the house that he enters."
Luke 22, 10 (NT)


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and
a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down
and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and
a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a
time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time
to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesias 3, 1-8 (NT)


There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies
is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another. The sun has one kind of splendor, the
moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendor.
1 Corinthians 15, 40 (NT)


Personal avowals


Guercino: Personification of Astrology (c. 1650-55)
  • I'm a former professional astrologer, and I laugh at clueless clowns like Sam Harris (*1967) [a pompous, deluded pontificator] who put down astrology without having studied it. The great Isaac Newton was once asked how he could believe in astrology. His response, which Harris should take to heart, was, "I have studied it, you haven't."
    L. Ron Gardner, US American mystic-philosopher, astrologer, author, deleted Amazon review, 21. November 2014, Sam Harris on Waking Up, reissued 2019


Future prospect

  • During the passage of time, the consciousness of man tra-
    versed a very long period of obscurity. This phase which the Hindus call 'Kali Yuga', is on the verge of ending. We find ourselves today at the frontier between two epochs: that of Kali Yuga and that of the New Era that we are entering. A
    gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his en-
    trance to the New Life. That is what one understands by 'Ascension'.
    Prophecy about shifts in consciousness on Earth into the golden age by Peter Konstantinov Deunov (1886-1944) Bulgarian philosopher, astrologer, spiritual teacher, developer of a form of Esoteric Christianity, cited in: article 70 Year Old Prophecy: The Earth Will Soon Be Swept By Extraordinary Rapid Waves of Cosmic Electricity, presented by the website Juwelenschip, 2. July 2017



  • A wise man rules his stars. Astrological saying


Planetary ruling

  • Superstitious awe of astrology makes one an automaton, slavishly dependent on mechanical guidance. The wise man defeats his planets – which is to say, his past – by transferring his allegiance from the creation to the Creator. The more he realizes his unity with Spirit, the less he can be dominated by matter. The soul is ever-free; it is deathless because birthless. It cannot be regimented by stars.
    Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) Indian Hindu sage, yogi, philosopher, author, Autobiography of a Yogi, 1st page of chapter 16, S. 305, Self-Realization Fellowship, First Thus edition 12. December 1946



The sun of this solar system revolves around a dual sun – once in a Perfect Year.

  • [The sun] takes some star for its dual and revolves round it in about 24,000 years of our earth – a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. [...]
    The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnu-Naabhi which is the seat of the creative power Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates Dharma
    the mental virtues of the internal world. When the sun in its revolution round its dual come to the place nearest to this
    grand center the seat of Brahma (an event which takes place when the autumnal equinox comes to the first point of
    Aries) Dharma the mental virtue becomes so much developed that man can easily comprehend all, even the myste-
    ries of Spirit. Sri Yukteswar Giri [Priyanath Karar] (1855-1936) Indian Hindu guru of Swami Satyananda Giri and Paramahansa Yogananda, educator, astronomer, Vedic astrologer [Jyotisha], yogi, believer in the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible, The Holy Science, Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 1894, 1949


  • Perhaps there is a pattern set up in the heavens for one who desires to see it and seeing it, to found one in himself. But whether it exists anywhere or ever exists is no matter; for this is the only commonwealth in whose politics he can ever take part. Plato (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, Socratic dia-
    logue The Republic, ~380 BC


  • Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from the world to another.
    Plato (427-347 BC) Ancient Greek pre-Christian philosopher, founder of the occidental philosophy, dialogue Lysis; cited in:
    Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Know that the philosopher has power over the stars, and not the stars over him. Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, general occultist, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Three spirits, united in one, live and act in man; three worlds, united into one, throw their rays upon him; but all three are only the reflection, image, or echo of one primordial creation.
    1. The body comes from the elements,
    2. the soul from the stars,
    3. and the spirit from God.
All that the intellect can conceive of comes from the stars.
Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, general occultist, cited in: Franz Hartmann, M.D., The Life and the Doctrines of Paracelsus, chapter 8 "Alchemy and Astrology", S. 113, 1887, 1891, KSheeta Books, Theosophical Publishing House, John W. Lovell Company, New York, 3rd edition 1910, reprint 3. November 2016


  • The earth, the animal kingdom, and physical man are subject to the government of the stars; but the spiritual man rules over the stars and over the elements, and conquers the worlds without and the world within by the wisdom that comes from God. Paracelsus [Philippus von Hohenheim] (1493-1541) Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrolo-
    ger, general occultist, cited in: Franz Hartmann, M.D., The Life & the Doctrines of Paracelsus, S. 313, 1887, 1891, KSheeta Books, Theosophical Publishing House, John W. Lovell Company, New York, 3rd edition 1910, reprint 3. November 2016





  • Ordinary evil is not an entity to be analyzed under microscope or intellectual analysis. It is merely an ancient failure, a crystallized inertial structure, a haunting memory or remorse, a constantly re-aroused fear to be dissipated, to be healed. It can be healed only by using healing power and the solution presented by the "sky within" (the astrological symbol of
    the sky all around us) – not by more fears, more toxins, more "electric shocks" or any such modern means which tend
    to force the evil inward by merely checking its outward release.
    Dane Rudhyar (1895-1985) French modernist composer, humanistic astrologer pioneer of transpersonal astrology, author, cited in: The Harmonic Approach to Astrology by Dane Rudhyar, first presented by the "Horoscope Magazine", August 1948


  • The frustrating experiences which are connected with Saturn are obviously necessary as they are educational in a practical as well as a psychological sense. Whether we use psychological or esoteric terminology, the basic fact re-
    mains the same: human beings do not earn free will except through self-discovery, and they do not attempt self-discovery until things become so painful that they have no other choice. If the individual makes no effort to expand his consciousness so that he can understand the nature of his total unfoldment and can begin to cooperate with it, then it will seem that he is the pawn of fate and has no control over his life. He can only earn his freedom by learning about himself so that he can understand what value a particular experience has for the development of his whole self.
    Liz Greene (*1946) US American-British astrologer, depth psychologist, combining Jungian archetypes with astrology, author, Saturn. A New Look at an Old Devil, Weiser Books, 1. June 1976, reprint edition 1. August 2011


Squares and oppositions: difficult aspects

  • [Paraphrased?] Until we heal or integrate the tensions at both ends of a difficult aspect the tendency is to project one end or another on somebody else.
    Liz Greene (*1946) US American-British astrologer, depth psychologist, combining Jungian archetypes with astrology, author


Decline of communism – predicted by Western astrology

  • Now this conjunction transits across Russia's natal Venus and comes into opposition with the natal Pluto, and this occurs during the same period that transiting Pluto moves across Russia's Sun. Because Venus concerns partner-
    ship arrangements, which in terms of countries translates into allies and satellite nations, I would expect the Union
    of Soviet Socialist Republics to become something other than a union. [...]
    If an individual were challenged in this way, he might go through a very turbulent time, and perhaps have a break-
    down of some kind, so that the rigidity of the ego's viewpoint could alter and become more flexible and inclusive of
    new attitudes. [...]
    But the Russian government doesn't have the flexibility of an individual psyche. If Russia breaks down, a completely
    different form of rulership will become necessary. Liz Greene (*1946) US American-British astrologer, depth psychologist, combining Jungian archetypes with astrology, author, The Outer Planets and Their Cycles, S. 124, 1982


Ecstasy and addiction

  • Neptune opens the door to ecstatic experiences of dissolution. But it also makes us addicted to them, polarizing us against earthly life rather than allowing us to understand both dimensions of reality as part of the design of that same larger self which one has just encountered.
    Liz Greene (*1946) US American-British astrologer, depth psychologist, combining Jungian archetypes with astrology, author, The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption, S. 243, Hardcover April 1996, 1. December 2000


Implications of Hydra and Scorpio

Scorpio is a sign of intense desire; and the hydra's many heads can mean the many desires of the uncivilized human heart. Left to grow in the darkness, they can become poisonous, and begin to destroy others. But they cannot be dealt with by repression. They must be understood, held up to the light, respected as part of oneself. And although vanquished, it is a good idea to remember that one immortal head. For Scorpio, all human beings carry within them
the seeds of good and evil. Evil is not an abstract thing, or somebody else's fault; it is in everyone. Human bru-
tality cannot be blamed on society, but ultimately only on oneself. […] the deepest meaning of Scorpio's myth:
come to terms with the hydra in yourself, and you redeem the world.
Liz Greene (*1946) US American-British astrologer, depth psychologist, combining Jungian archetypes with astrology, author, Astrology for Lovers, section The Scorpio Myth, Weiser Books, September 1990, reprint February 2009


  • Alchemy gives us some very striking images of the process by which the wolf is transformed into the King. His paws are cut off, and he is placed in a sealed flask or alembic and then cooked.
    Yet he is not killed, for he is recognized as divine – the theriomorphic form of the alchemical gold. There is a strange paradox in this barbaric image which combines recognition of the highest value with the necessity for suffering and transformation.
    The wolf howls and makes a dreadful fuss, but the alembic remains sealed, for otherwise no King is born, and no
    gold formed. Liz Greene (*1946) US American-British astrologer, depth psychologist, combining Jungian archetypes with astro-
    logy, author, Howard Sasportas, The Inner Planets. Building Blocks of Personal Reality – Seminars in Psychological Astrology,
    book 4, S. 187, Samual Weiser, 1. January 1993


  • By etymology 'tragedy' means 'goat-song.' The goat was of course the zodiacal Capricorn, coming at the winter solstice, when the sun, typifying the soul in the dead 'winter' of its incarnation, was in the throes of 'death' as the scapegoat to carry the onus of man's redemption. For obviously man's only possible redeemer – from benigh-
    tedness, nescience, animal carnality – is his own soul. Alvin Boyd Kuhn (1880-1963) US American theosophist, lectu-
    rer, self-publishing author, Who Is This King of Glory? A Critical Study of the Christos-Messiah Tradition, S. 88, Book Tree, 2007



Transitioning between cycles: 2008-2012-2023

  • We can agree with the prophesy that something is ending, something big and vast. We can agree that something is ending. [...] We need to qualify our agreement with these prophecies. [...] If we look at all great arching historical cycles we'll see that endings are gradual. […] There are periods of transition. The longer the cycle the more gradual their tapering off tends to be. And this is a long [historical] cycle [of 26,000 years] that's ending. This inbetween phase is unsettling for the hu-
    man mind. That's what's happening right now. It began 2008 when Pluto went into Capricorn. The whole crisis period
    is from 2008 to 2023 when Pluto leaves Capricorn.8 Video interview with Jessica Murray (*1951) US American astrologer, psychologist, Jungian analyst, linguist, cultural commentor, writer, Freedom and Power: The Uranus-Pluto Years, sponsored by Coniunctio Astrology Club, non-profit institution of higher education California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), 13. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 4:31, 1:05:29 duration, posted 12. December 2012


Depiction of the Zodiac, mosaic in Beit Alpha,
Israel, 6th-century

Grand transists

1995-2008: Assimilating Pluto in Sagittarius
2004-2007: Assimilating Saturn opposite Neptune
2008-2024: Pluto in Capricorn – Progeny of the counter-culture
                   (Pluto-Uranus square)
2009-2014: Epochal transits: "As Above, So Below" (Uranus-Pluto squared)
2010-2014: Five grand crosses: Make or break – naming, confronting and
                   transforming – as a collective
2010-2017: Plutonized Uranus in Aries – Popular dissent, boldly pro-active
More Pluto than Neptune – Dark mysteries revolutionized (Oil and oil based money); Science forced to confront Nature and its laws
Jessica Murray (*1951) US American astrologer, psychologist, Jungian analyst, linguist, cultural commentor, writer, The Cardinal Cross Years: 2008-23. Astrology in Troubled Times, presented by the bi-monthly astrology magazine The Mountain Astrologer, June/July 2008


  • The Scorpio has the capacity to rise above things, using insight and perception to understand themselves and others. Scorpios can be great forces for change in the world, rooting out what is toxic and finding ways to heal what is broken. Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, gatekeeper to the Underworld. The evol-
    ved Scorpio has faced the darkness within, fears nothing, and works fearlessly to bring change and wholeness into the world. Article Scorpio: The Snake, The Scorpion and The Eagle, presented by the nonprofit online magazine Edge, Moonrabbit,
    1. November 2009


  • Not only in the structures by which it seeks to comprehend the universe, but also in the structures of the science it-
    self, astrology is remorselessly hierarchical.
    That well-known tenet of Hermetic doctrine, so carelessly bandied by so many who flee screaming from the very
    thought of cosmic hierarchies, 'As above, so below,' implies quite clearly that there is an above and there is a below.
    This understanding runs throughout astrology; there is no astrology without it: no matter how attached we may be to
    our egalitarian social beliefs, they will not work when applied to the cosmos.
    The traditional authorities laid down a strict hierarchy of 'subjects fit to be judged', matters into which astrologers might
    usefully pry. The subjects are as follows:
    States and great nations
    Dynasties and families
    Kings and potentates
    Individual nativities
    Horary questions.
    John Frawley (*1955), British astrologer, The Real Astrology, Apprentice Books, pocket book, 20. December 2000


  • Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do!
    J.P. Morgan (1837-1913) dominating US American corporate financier, banker, art collector, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Astrology

Literary quotes


King Lear mocking astrological beliefs

The better known line from Julius Caesar is, "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

  • This is the excellent foppery of the world, that, when we are sick in fortune – often the surfeits of our own behavior – we make guilty of our disasters the sun, the moon, and stars; as if we were villains by necessity, fools by heavenly compulsion, knaves, thievers, and treachers by spherical predominance, drunkards, liars, and adulterers by an enforced obedience of planetary influence. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English actor, dramatist, playwright, lyricist, tragedy King Lear, 1608



  • All that conformity to law, which impresses us so much in the movement of the stars and in chemical processes, coincides at bottom with those properties which we bring to things. Thus it is we who impress ourselves in this way. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) German classical scholar, critic of culture, philologist, philosopher of nihilism, writer,
    essay On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense [Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinn], 1873



Quotes on astrology – Carl Gustav Jung

Quotes by Carl Gustav Jung on Astrology: 20 Carl Jung Quotes On Astrology


  • It is indeed very difficult to explain the astrological phenomenon. I am not in the least disposed to an either-or ex-
    I always say that with a psychological explanation there is only the alternative: either and or! This seems
    to me to be the case with astrology, too.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author,
    letter to Hans Bender, 10. April 1958, cited in: Letters, Volume 2. 1951-1961, S. 428, Princeton University Press, 1. April 1976


  • While studying astrology I have applied it to concrete cases many times. The experiment is most suggestive to a versatile mind, unreliable in the hands of the unimaginative, and dangerous in the hands of a fool, as those intuitive methods always are. If intelligently used the experiment is useful in cases where it is a matter of an opaque structure.
    It often provides surprising insights. The most definite limit of the experiment is lack of intelligence and literal-minded-
    ness of the observer. Undoubtedly astrology today is flourishing as never before in the past, but it is still most unsatis-
    factorily explored despite very frequent use. It is an apt tool only when used intelligently. It is not at all foolproof and
    when used by a rationalistic and narrow mind it is a definite nuisance. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, letter to Hans Bender, 10. April 1958, cited in: Letters, Volume 2. 1951-1961, S. 463-464, letter to Robert L. Kroon, 15. November 1958, Princeton University Press, 1. April 1976



Anatomical Man, [L'Homme zodiacal] (1411-1416)
Musée Condé, Chantilly, Oise
  • Since you want to know my opinion about astrology I can tell you that I've been interested in this particular activity of the human mind since more than thirty years. As a psychologist I am chiefly interested in the particular light the horoscope sheds on certain complications in the character. In cases of difficult psychological diagnosis I usually get a horoscope in order to have a further point of view from an entirely different angle. I must say that I very often found that the astrological data elucidated certain points which
    I otherwise would have been unable to understand.
    Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, Letter from C.G. Jung addressed to B.V. Raman, world-renowned Hindu astrologer, late editor of the leading Vedic astrology magazine in India, "The Astrological Magazine", Küssnacht-Zürich, 6. September 1947


  • Astrology is knocking at the gates of our universities: A Tübingen professor has switched over to astrology and a course on astro-
    logy was given at Cardiff University last year. Astrology is not mere superstition but contains some psychological facts (like theosophy) which are of considerable importance. Astrology has actually nothing to do with the stars but is the 5000-year-old psychology of antiquity and the Middle Ages. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, letter to L. Oswald, 8. December 1928, cited in: Letters of C. G. Jung. Volume I, 1906-1950, newly edited by Gerhard Adler and Aniela Jaffé, Routledge, 17. May 1973


  • Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psycho-
    analyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • At the moment I am looking into astrology, which seems indispensable for a proper understanding of mythology. There are strange and wondrous things in these lands of darkness. Please, don't worry about my wanderings in these infinitudes. I shall return laden with rich booty for our knowledge of the human psyche. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961)
    Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, cited in: AZ Quotes




Myth as a projection of the collective unconscious.


  • The truth is that astrology flourishes as never before. There is a regular library of astrological books and magazines that sell for far better than the best scientific works. The Europeans and Americans who have horoscopes cast for them may be counted not by the hundred thousand but by the million. Astrology is a flourishing industry. [...] If such a large percentage of the population has an insatiable need for this counter pole to the scientific spirit, we can be sure that the collective psyche in every individual – be he never so scientific – has this psychological requirement in equally high degree. A certain kind of "scientific" skepticism and criticism in our time is nothing but a misplaced compensation of the powerful and deep-rooted superstitious impulses of the collective psyche. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of analytical depth psychology, author, R. F. C. Hull, translator, "Two Essays on Analytical Psychology" – Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 7, essay "The Relations between the Ego and the Unconscious", 1928, Princeton University Press, 1967, 2nd edition 1. April 1972, Routledge, London, 2nd edition 1992

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


Unnoticed return of Christ Consciousness:

Beginning of the reevaluations and restructuring of systems and disciplines, see: D. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 4, 2005

  • 16.-17. August 1987 Harmonic Convergence (line-up of 7 major planets)
    LoC of mankind lept from 190-204.
    • The level of consciousness as a whole remained at 190 for many centuries. and then suddenly jumped to its pre-
      sent level of 204 after the Harmonic Convergence of the late 1980s. Did the rise in consciousness bring about the Harmonic Convergence? Did the Harmonic Convergence bring about the increase in the level? Or, did the power-
      ful "implicate order" attractor field bring about both phenomena? Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, "Glossary", S. 304, ref. to chapter 5, footnote 1, Hay House, February 2002


  • In the late 1980's, that was the time of the Harmonic Convergence. That was the time when all the spiritual committed people in the world joined together at a certain hour of the morning, we all woke up at 4 o'clock or something, and prayed for peace. That was the time when monolithic atheistic communism collapsed. All of those things, and I suppose there was some kind of confluence astrologically, not because the astrologic formation causes things, but because that which brings peace brings simultaneously many things all at the same time that are in concordance with each other. So we're
    a part of that emergence, we're the leading edge of Homo spiritus, the evolution of a new being.

    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Karma and the Afterlife, DVD 1 of 3, minute 1:35:00, October 2002



November 8th, 2003:

Exactly on that date D. Hawkins held a public lecture. He calibrated the LoC of mankind in the morning (result: 205) and before the end of the lecture after a common prayer (result: 207).

  • 8.-9. November 2003 Harmonic Concordance (line up of planets)
    LoC of mankind lept from 205-207.
  • The database is the origin of all information obtained sub- or suprarationally – by intuition or premonition, by divination or dream, or simply by "lucky" guess.
Tierkreis von Dendera
It's the foundation of genius, the well of inspiration, and the source of "uncanny" psychic knowledge, including "foreknowledge". It is, of course the inventory drawn upon by kinesiological testing. Thin-
kers who are troubled by the notion of "paranormal" or nonrational knowledge usually balk at logical – or illogical – inconsistensies with Newtonian concepts [max. LoC 499] of silmultaneity, causa-
, or time and space. But it's a bigger universe than that.
Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 227-228, Hay House, February 2002


  • [It is] the very pattern – the "constellation" itself – that's projected on the sky by the eye of the beholder. Yet the zodiac is still "real", because we 'conceive' it, astrology still "exists", and for many people it's quite a useful tool in explaining themselves and their relationships. [...] The database of consciousness is after all an inifinite resource.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force. The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior, S. 228, Hay House, February 2002


  • LoC 605Kabbalah, esoteric teachings and school of thought explaining the relationship between an unchanging, eternal and mysterious Ein Sof (no end) and the mortal and finite universe (creation), mysticism of the numbers and
    the Tree of Life of Judaism, integral part of Christian and Occultist syncretic adaptions
  • LoC 210-405Astrology9
  • LoC 390Enneagram of Personality, typology of nine interconnected personality types10
  • LoC 210Numerology11
Video presentation/dialog by/with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Witnessing and Observing, DVD 3 of 3, 16. October 2004


  • Astrological belief systems are quite powerful until it dawns on you that they’re belief systems and limitations. And that you, as concerning What You Are in Truth, are not subject to the limitations of the Zodiac. This doesn’t mean that be-
    cause man has held these beliefs for thousands of years that they don't operate within the illusion. But, then you begin to see it’s a limitation. Recently, someone in my life was telling me because they’re a Leo, they’re stuck in pride – like forever. In other words, that’s their cop-out. "Well I’m a Leo, so you gotta put up with my pride!" Right? That's a self-imposed belief system.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Office Series – Farmingdale, New York, Seminar Giving Up Illness through A Course in Miracles, sponso-
    red by "The Bridgebuilders", host Saul Steinberg, first publisher of ACIM, host Dan McGrew, 3 CD set, 11. June 1983




Astrology and the leaps in the LoC of mankind are concomitant.

  • Question: I am involved in three areas of research and practice. Using the mind to look at brain waves. Using genograms for family constellation work. I am a Western and Vedic astrologer and I am looking to raising that.
    Answer: There are various levels of astrology. There is the astrology in the newspaper and that calibrates as pop astrology. Then there is astrology that is based on ancient wisdom which is really going beyond astrology and contextual understandings. It is not a linear causality [LoC 450/460]. When consciousness level went from 190 to 205 that was about at the time of the Harmonic Convergence [16.-17. August 1987], but not caused by it. Then again in 2003 [at the Harmonic Concordance, 8.-9. November 2003] it went from 205 to 207. I don't know if I am using the correct terminology. Aligned with that at the same time. If the universe is doing this then both are moving like this but not caused by that. The understanding and the astrological signs are appearing because they both swung like that. They are concomitant. Very often the ego confuses concomitant with causal.
    Question: Is it possible to present astrology in a new context with a higher calibration?
    Answer: I don't know. I think it would be significance and meaning. The limitation of astrology as I see it is causality. When you lost your job it is because the moon is going over your back yard. That is causality. That constellation is not causing anything here at all. If you move beyond causality, if astrology could work out as a concordance in which you pick up rhythms, which are a consequence of greater rhythms, which are a consequence of even greater rhythms. Eventually you reach the mind of God which will tell you to forget about astrology.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Sedona Seminar Transcending Obstacles, 3 DVD set, 3. September 2005




Leaning to the four sectors of David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness

Video sources (engl.):

Presenting the Four Kingdoms model by Michael Beckwith and the Calibrated Scale of Human Consciousness by Dr. David R. Hawkins


Raising our level of consciousness is the only reliable path to Happiness.

  • Deleted video Prosperity and The Law of Attraction: Mapping Human Consciousness, recorded at Universal Spirit Center, San Diego, California, 25. October 2009, 9:24 minutes duration, posted 26. December 2009

Exploring the combination of Rev. Michael Beckwith's model of the Four Kingdoms of Consciousness and Dr. David R. Hawkins' calibrated map of human consciousness


Michael Beckwith
Level of consciousness
David R. Hawkins
Driving source
D. Hawkins / M. Beckwith
Process – 1st person perspective
Michael Beckwith
First kingdom LoC below 200 Ego / Nonlinear Things are done TO ME.
Second kingdom LoC 200-499Linear mind Things are done BY ME.
Third kingdom LoC 500-599Spiritual reality Things are done THROUGH ME.
Fourth kingdom LoC 600+Enlightened states Things are done AS ME.
Source: ► Michael Beckwith

Quotes on astrology by Richard Tarnas

  • The Uranus-Pluto square [starting 2011] that will continue through 2020 could well represent something like a com-
    bination of the 1930s and the 1960s in a twenty-first-century context:
    • a sustained period of enormous historical change requiring humanity to radically expand the scope of its vi-
      and draw upon new resources and capacities in ways that could ultimately be deeply liberating.
Whatever form this coming era will take, I believe that the great global transformations and emancipatory movements that have coincided with the long sequence of axial alignments of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto surveyed in this book, as well as the deep human suffering and moral evolution that took place during the Saturn-Pluto, Saturn-Nep-
tune, and other such challenging alignments, have prepared the world to enter this critical threshold with a collective awareness that could make a significant difference in its outcome. Richard Tarnas, Ph.D. (*1950) US American professor
of philosophy and psychology, non-profit institution of higher education California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), cultural historian, astrologer, author, Cosmos and Psyche. Intimations of a New World View, 2006, Plume, reprint edition 24. April 2007



Saturn archetype

  • [A]longside the essential multidimensionality of archetypes is their equally essential multivalence. The Saturn archetype can express itself as
    • judgment but also as old age,
    • as tradition but also as oppression,
    • as time but also as mortality,
    • as depression but also as discipline,
    • as gravity in the sense of heaviness and weight but also as gravity in the sense of seriousness and dignity.
Richard Tarnas, Ph.D. (*1950) US American professor of philosophy and psychology, non-profit institution of higher education California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), cultural historian, astrologer, author, Cosmos and Psyche. Intimations of a New World View, S. 85, 2006, Plume, reprint edition 24. April 2007


Englische Texte – English section on Astrology

Planetary symbols

Planetary features
 Planet Discovery  Gnostic nameCharacteristics
SunVisible Adonaios Personal intention, integrity, vitality, self-expression
Moon☽︎Visible Horaios Instinctive response, emotional response, need for nurturing, vulnerability, intimacy
MercuryVisible Elaios Thought, communication, mental abilities
VenusVisible Astaphanos Attractiveness, self-worth, striving for harmony, appreciation, love
Mars1877 – Moons Sabaoth Initiative, action, assertiveness, anger, competition
Jupiter1610 Iao Expansion, enthusiasm, visionary, idealism, belief systems
Saturn1610 – Rings Yaldabaoth or Samael Security, self-protection, boundaries, fear, inhibition, defenses, stability
Uranus 13 March 1781 Freedom, independence, unpredictability, innovative, expressimental
Neptune 23 September 1846 Yearning for perfection, idealism, sensitivity, escapism, evasiveness, transcendence
Pluto 18 February 1930 Core experiences, control, domination, letting go, death-rebirth
Source: ► Deleted video Everything Is About To Change After Watching This...! (2018-2019), produced by Gaia TV,
presented by thirdphaseofmoon, YouTube film, minute ~24:00, 33:29 minutes duration, posted 18. November 2018


Basic constellations
NN North·Node Path of growth for fulfilling one's life's purpose
SNSouth·Node Habitual patterns resistant to new growth
ACAscendantSelf-awareness, mask presented to the outside world
DCDescendantApproach to relating to others
MCMidheavenOuter fulfillment through career or vocation
ICNadirInner integration and sense of individual foundation

Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation

The joining of the principles of Pluto and/in Capricorn mark a very serious time.
Significant global restructuring does take place.


Ultraviolet photography in astronomy – the rings of Saturn
  • Pluto orbits around the Sun, around the zodiac, in a 248-year cycle.
  • Saturn orbits around the Sun, around the zodiac, in a much shorter 28-year cycle (4 times 7 years).
  • The planet Pluto carries the name of the God of the underworld. It is the principle of reform, rules death, power, debt, and taxes.
  • The cardinal sun sign Capricorn, the principle of structure, stands for the realm of government,
    authority, boundaries of nations, banking
    , and military.
    Psychologically it represents ambition, caution, resistance, responsibility, clear distinction between right and wrong or good and evil.


History of Pluto in Capricorn dating back 2500 years
           Pluto in Capricorn regularly coincides with the establishment of a new order within the world.           
༺༻Pluto transiting through CapricornTime period
1.7. March 449 BC – 3. December 428 BC 449-428BC
2.29. March 204 BC – 27. December 184 BC 204-184BC
3.1. January 42 AD – 7. December 61 AD 42-61
4.16. January 287 – 24. November 306 287-306
5.21. February 532 – 22. November 551 532-551
6.2. January 778 – 1. December 796 778-796
7.8. January 1024 – 20. December 1041 1024-1041
8.31. December 1269 – 1. November 1287 1269-1287
9.2. January 1516 – 21. December 1532 1516-1532
10.7. January 1762 – 1. December 1778 1762-1778
11. 26. January 2008 – 19. November 2024 2008-2024


Note on the Pluto return cycle in the United States empire
The United States will have its first Pluto return during the period April 2018 to February 2022, in the house of money (resources). It will happen while Pluto is in Capricon.
Pluto in the U.S. chart resides in the house of money and resources.
April 2018 is correlated to Boston Tea Party, 16. December 1773.12
February 2022 is correlated to the issuing of the United States Declaration of Independence, 4. July 1776.
► A soulgroup consisting of the American revolutionaries has returned to incite a second American-Internation Revolution.
See also: ► Who returned as who? Reincarnation matches – Walter Semkiw ∞ Kevin Ryerson


449·BC Athens and Persia came to a peace settlement (known as The Peace of Callias). The years of Persian threat had ended. In eco-
, the themes are higher taxes resulting in class warfare, violent protests, and even revolutions against the government or those in power. But there are also many instances in which those taxes were used to advance human rights and construct im-
portant infrastructure needs for communities.
42-61·AD Jesus preached the gospel when Pluto was in Sagittarius. After Jesus' death his followers were left to faith and memories.
33 AD the hardened Turkish Greek Jewish bounty hunter, skeptic and pharisee Saul of Tarsus (5-67 AD) had and epileptic sei-
zure at Damascus followed by his conversion into the zealotrous Zadokite cult which he hijacked later to introduce their secret teachings as Christianity. Renamed as Paul the Apostle [Saint Paul] he became the most influential missionary in the early Christian communities across the Roman Empire. As a result of this he became the 'Apostle to the Gentiles'. When Pluto was
in Capricorn Paul's missionary work was full fledged. It turned out crucial in establishing the early Roman Christian church.
41·AD Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (10 BC- 54 AD) Roman Emperor (41-54 AD) succeeded his uncle, the insane despot Caligula as Roman emperor. In AD 42 the first revolt against his rule took place. The attempt of rebellion was easily put
down before it ever really got started. However it revealed that the instigators of the uprising had possessed connections with very
influential nobility in Rome.
Immediately after the failed rebellion of AD 42, Claudius decided to distract any attention from such challenges to his authority by organizing a campaign to invade and conquer Britain. He also instituted judicial reforms, creating in particular legal safeguards for the weak and defenseless.
1516-1532 The way to the Protestant Reformation was paved by the theoretical and philosophical work of writers like the Dutch Catholic Renaissance humanist philosopher and social critic Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466/1469-1536) when Pluto was in Sagittarius. The Protestant Reformation was a reform movement in Europe that began in 1517, though its roots lie further back in time. In earnest the Reformation began on 31 October 1517, in Wittenberg, Saxony (in present-day Germany). There, German Protes-
tant reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) nailed his "Ninety-Five Theses" to the door of the All Saints’ Church, which served as
a notice board for university-related announcements. These were points for debate that criticized the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope Leo X (1475-1521), the most controversial of which centered on the practice of selling indulgences and the Church's policy on purgatory. Luther's confrontation with the Roman Church and his refusal to retract all of his writings led to the "Diet of Worms" in 1521 which resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Emperor. Other reformers, such as Ulrich Zwingli, soon followed Luther's lead, envisioning a work ethic suitable for the emerging of the Industrial Revolution.
1520 The Ottoman Empire entered a golden age under Suleiman the Magnificent (1494-1566).
1762 Prepared and introduced by Thomas Hobbes in 1651 the Social Contract theory [Contrat Social] Jean Jacques Rous-
came up with expresses anti-monarchist views that aroused such passions that Rousseau took refuge in Switzerland to escape prosecution.
"Man is born free yet everywhere is in chains."   "The body politics, like the human body, begins to die from its birth and bears in itself the causes of its destruction."
1763 The British pay taxes at higher rates than any other Europeans and have received little tax support from their colonists. They begin to take a harder line with the colonists. The revolutionary era began in 1763, when the French military threat to British North American colonies ended. Adopting the policy that the colonies should pay an increased proportion of the costs associated with keeping them in the Empire, Britain imposed a series of taxes followed by other laws intended to demonstrate British au-
thority that proved extremely unpopular. Because the colonies lacked elected representation in the governing British Parliament
many colonists considered the laws to be illegitimate and a violation of their rights as Englishmen. The American Revolution followed the sugar tax imposed by Britain.
1763 The Rothschild family international banking dynasty had its beginnings in a coin and antique dealership opened at Frank-
furt am Main, Germany, by local entrepreneur and banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild [Founding father of international finance] (1744-1812), then 21, whose father, Amschel Moses Rothschild, was an itinerant money lender.
1766 Captain James Cook (1728-1779) landed in New South Wales. The continent of Australia was found.
1763-1776 James Watt started to develop the steam engine in 1763 and finalized it in 1776. It was a critical impetus to the Industrial Revolution and the formation of modern capitalism.
1776 The Scottish US American social and moral philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790) pioneered a Classical political econo-
mic theory
in his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. His radical claim was that morality comes from the social reciprocal nature of humans, not from God.
1768-1774 The Ottoman Empire ended from 1768 with the Russo-Turkish wars. On 21. July 1774 it signed the humiliating treaty of
Kuçuk Kainarji with Russia.
2008 On Sunday, 14. September 2008 the US American investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. This was a symbol
of the 2007-2012 global financial crisis, to be followed by worldwide economic restructuring.


2012-2014 Pluto Mars Conjunction squared to Uranus (eruptive energy, volcanos)
2014 T-square between Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer (strong tensions)


Sources and references:
Article by Michele Finey, 2008-2024 – Pluto in Capricorn. The end of the world as we know it?, presented in Wellspring Astrolog,
     written 2006, sold September 2007, edition 2008
Article Pluto in Capricorn: the good, the bad, even worse and redemption, presented by The Merriman Market Analyst,
     November 2007, reprint 31. January 2008
Video presentation by Simon Vorster, US American evolutionary astrologer, Astrology | Pluto in Capricorn – A Deeper Look,
     presented by Raising Vibrations, YouTube film, 26:32 minutes duration, posted 24. July 2016
See also:
Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires
Project 2050 – Remote Viewing Forecast experiment (1978)
Siehe auch: ► Pluto im Zeichen Steinbock – Aufstieg und Niedergang von Weltreichen – Strukturelle Umwandlung

Venus transits – the joining of love, beauty and power

The planet Venus represents the heart (heart chakra) and an alchemical Conjunction.
Venus stands for: Joining together through the power of love.

  • 1526 – The Venus Transit ushered in the Age of Renaissance.
  • 1882 – The Venus Transit ushered in the Age of Imperialism.


May 1518-1526Two major revolutions with far reaching implications

  1. European Invasion of the West BeginsHernán Cortés (1485-1547) invades Mexico and conquers the Aztec people in 1521. This was a major victory by European invaders over indigenous people on the North American continent. Later it spread as France and Britain (mainly) began colonizing North America and systematically annihilate its native cultures.
  2. The Protestant Reformation: 1517Martin Luther (1483-1546) challenged the Catholic church and its sale of indulgences (fees to remove sin). By the middle of 1518 his work The Ninety-Five Theses had been widely distributed in Europe, aided in large part by Johannes Guten-
    ’s (1398-1468) movable type printing press. This watershed event led to the reformation of the Catholic Church, and paved the way for secular communication to overturn the power structures of Europe. (Later the French Revolution and other such events would keep monarchies and power structures in check by the will of the people). Luther was excommunicated on June 15, 1520 when he refused to recant 41 assertions from the 95 theses.

December 1631-1639

  • Taj Mahal Built: 1631-1648 – This has become a universal symbol and monument of enduring beauty (Venus) and Power (Sun).
  • Church Being ChallengedGalileo Galilei (1564-1642) was tried after publishing Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, February 22, 1632, supporting Copernicus' theories of geocentrism. On June 21, 1633 Galileo Galilei was tortured and threatened by Inquisition to "abjure, curse and detest" his Copernican heliocentric views. On June 22, 1633 Galileo was again forced by the Pope to recant that the Earth orbits the Sun. On October 31, 1992, the Vatican admitted it was in error and apologized.
  • First College in America: September 8, 1636 – Harvard College, the first college in America, was founded as Cambridge College. Two years later it changed its name in honor of the Reverend John Harvard, who gave the institution three hundred books and a large sum of money for
    the day.
  • Birth of Dom Perignon (inventor of Champagne): 1638 – By introducing blending in the vineyard and cellaring practices the French monk Dom Pérignon (1638-1715) made champagne a better wine.
  • First Printing Press and Post Office in America – Operation began in September 25, 1639 and November 15, 1639.
  • Discourse on the Method, 1637 – published by René Descartes (1596-1650) containing his famous statement "I doubt; therefore I am.". The Father of Modern Philosophy invented analytic geometry in order to reduce the description of phenomena to a set of numbers. Catholic theologians placed the Discourse on the Index of forbidden books.

June 1761-1769

  • Coronation_of_King_George_III_of_England: Sep 21, 1761''' – George was German and had been Elector of Hanover.
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) played in Versailles, France: January 1st, 1764 – for the Royal Family. The young artist was
    8 years old then.
  • Taxation Without Representation Decried by US Settlers: 24. May 1764 – Bostonian lawyer James Otis denounced it and called for the colonies to unite in demonstrating their opposition to Britain’s new tax measures.
  • The Stamp Act Imposed on US Colonists: March 22, 1765 – Britain enacted the Stamp Act, the first direct British tax, to raise money from
    the American colonies.
  • California Settled: March 1769 – King Carlos III of Spain chose Don Jose Galvez to protect interests in Mexico. Galvez sent Gaspar de
    Portola and Father Junipero Serra with 62 Spanish soldiers out to establish a settlement at San Diego. In March 1769 Captain Portola set
    out with a group of soldiers, priests, Christian Native Americans and muleteers North. They were the first European land expedition to sight
    the San Francisco Bay from land.

December 1874-1882

  • French Impressionism: 1874 – First major exhibition of french impressionism painting and the main group of artists (Degas, Monet, Manet, Sisley) exhibiting together eight times between 1874 and 1886.
  • First Commercial Typewriter: 1874 – Philo Remington manufactured the first practical commercial typewriter containing only capital letters
    and placed on the market.
  • The American Theosophical Society founded on 17. November 1875 – by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) Russian-German occultist, spiritualist medium, author, and Colonel Henry Steele Olcott (1832-1907) US American military officer, lawyer, journalist, It was
    set up to study occult phenomena and literature. Early members included Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) and Gen. Abner Doubleday.
    Its three main principles were:
    "To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color; to encourage the comparative study of religion, science and philosophy; and to investigate the unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity."
  • Telephone Revolutionizes Communication: March 10, 1876 – by Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922) made the first telephone call.
    His assistant, in an adjoining room in Boston, heard Bell say over the experimental device:
    "Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you."
  • Modern Ballet Begins: April 22, 1876Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) completed his "Swan Lake" ballet.
  • Custer’s Last Stand at Little Big Horn: June 25, 1876 – In the Battle of the Little Bighorn in Montana, Gen. George A. Custer and some
    250 men in his 7th Cavalry were massacred by the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians.
  • Epic The Ring Revolutionizes Opera: August 13, 1876Richard Wagner’s (1813-1883) monumental epic, "The Ring of the Nibelung" premiered (with 4 operas on 4 consecutive nights) at the Festspielhaus in Bayreuth, Bavaria, Germany.
  • First Baseball Game: April 22, 1877 – The first National League baseball game was played.
  • Battle of the American Northwest: June 16, 1877 – The Nez Perce War began in the northwestern US. The First Squadron of the First Regiment, the oldest cavalry unit in the US, fought the Apaches and the Nez Perces.
  • Edison Phonograph Announced: November 21, 1877 – Inventor Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) announced the invention of his phonograph.
  • Edison Light Company: October 15, 1878Thomas Alva Edison incorporated Edison Electric Light Company and made electricity available for household usage on October 18, 1878.
  • Telephone Company Consolidation: March 13, 1879 – New England Telephone and Bell Telephone merged to become the National Bell Telephone Company
  • Woolworth Opened First Store: June 21, 1879 – Frank W. Woolworth opened his 1st store, which failed almost immediately. He added
    10-cent items to the Great 5-Cent Store in Lancaster, Pa., and created Woolworth’s five-and-ten. With emphasis on affordable, discounted
    items and chain stores Woolworth revolutionized the retail business.
  • The Era of Organized Labor Begins: November 17, 1881 – Under Samuel Gompers, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Union
    of the United States was formed, a precursor to the American Federation of Labor.

June 2004-2012 (era between Venus cycles)

  • Powerful financial cartels and corporations that control resources rise and fall.
  • Natural and man-made disasters conspire to unite mankind.
  • Global Economic Collapses: starting September 2008Interdependence among nations becomes poignant.
  • Mobile devices (iPhone) introduced – A new paradigm in personal communication, aesthetics and commerce.
  • Facebook / Social Media Renaissance – Uniting the world in real time on mobile devices.
  • Lack of Privacy – New technology defy secrecy and require transparency.
  • Social revolutions: Arab Spring Driven by Social Media Inspiring The Masses. – Oppression has nowhere to hide.
  • Occupy Movement Worldwide – sets out in response to the multinational oligarchic corpotocracies.
Source: ► Article Research into Venus Transits of the Past, presented by mydailyastrology.net, 3. June 2012
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Transit of Venus

Key dates and time track of the Aquarian Age

The Age of Aquarius
⚑   was conceived at the discovery of the planet Uranus in 1776,
⚑   had its gestation period in 1987,
⚑   has been appearing more and more since 2010,
⚑   has been birthed in the year 2012,
⚑   will become feasible in the year 2021,
⚑   the new Aquarian order will have become a general consensus in 2027 and
⚑   between 2012 and 2027, a core awakening fractal of humanity will lay the foundations of a new world,
⚑   will be established around 2100.
⚑   Central dates: 1776 (conception) ❄ 2012 (birth) ❄ 4162 (end).

The Age of Aquarius
⚑   is depicted as Lady Wisdom, who is pouring water (feelings) from an amphora of Heaven
      (spirit) onto the emotionally trite earth (matter).
⚑   empowers the feminine Yin energies and values.
⚑   will balance the feminine Yin energies in men, women and society.
      The millennia-old Yang dominant social model, an unsustainable monopolised hierarchised patriarchate,
      gives way to a new order of the earth community with balanced proportions of yin and yang.13
      Supported by a critical mass of 11.11% of the world population, a field and system change will take place.14
      A new public consensus in an overall field of expanded consciousness everyone is winning, no one has to loose.
      The formula for success of the Age of Aquarius is:
                       1. Serving humanity 2. Serving Gaia and the environment 3. Profit is the least priority.


  • The Age of Aquarius isn't part of astronomy. It's an astrological age, which occurs because of a real motion of Earth known as pre-
    cession. Precession is what causes the identity of the Pole Star to change over time. The cycle of precession lasts 25,800 years,
    and there are 12 constellations of the zodiac. So, roughly every 2,150 years, the sun’s location in front of the background stars —
    at the time of the March, or vernal, equinox — moves in front of a new zodiacal constellation.
    Article When will the Age of Aquarius begin?, presented by the publication Earthsky, Bruce McClure, Deborah Byrd, 8. January 2021


  • Aquarius detaches from its own issues and drama, to focus on serving the world. The resulting energy influences networking, community, and coming together for a cause. Aquarius is unique, unparalleled, and even a little weird, but this is what makes it so awesome. This energy is here to bring a splash of color to the world and to do something new. It is a pioneer and an early adopter. When it embraces the full-blown funkiness of its authentic self, the world becomes a more offbeat place. [...]
    The Age of Aquarius is what could occur if we learn to work together, the way a bee colony builds and sustains its hive. This is
    not exclusive to humanity working together. This has to do with each and every species, including the Earth itself, reconnecting
    once and for all. It’s about true collaboration and moving away from excessive extremes or personal gains of our (at times) dark
    and twisty past. […]
    The Age of Aquarius means we have to get back to the soil. It's time to leave our concrete world and remember the power of
    the Earth. By eating from the Earth, rather than a brightly colored cereal box, we rejoin the circle of life, one that genuinely moves
    us all. […]
    The energy of Aquarius is connected with innovation, invention, and solutions rooted in kindness and compassion. […]
    Shannon Hugman, US American astrologer, Analogies, Energies and Celestial Bodies, selfpublished issue 17. March 2020


See also: ► Moment of 'completed' (harmonized) paradigm shift
Siehe auch: ► Skizzierung des Wassermannzeitalters

Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires

Historian W. Edwards Deming and statistician Walter A. Shewhart along with other colleagues have noted that

► from the beginning of history
► the average duration of the world's civilizations has been about 200 years
► followed by a period of transitioning time of 50 years.

The gestation cycle of a human being takes 260 [20x13] days.


Note: A period of 20x13 days or years coincides with the cycles presented in the Mayan calendar.


Ancient Colosseum during heavy snowfalls, Rome, 4. February 2012

In his 1976 essay The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival15 British scholar commanding general during World War I
John Bagot Glubb (1897-1986) observed the life cycle of empires. They last for about 250 years covering the span of
rougly 10 generations. Empires develop during six consecutive phases:
1. Pioneers 2. Conquests 3. Commerce 4. Affluence 5. Intellect 6. Decadence16

Glubb concluced:

  1. We do not learn from history because our studies are brief and prejudiced.
  2. In a surprising manner, 250 years emerges as the average length of national greatness.
  3. This average has not varied for 3,000 years [lasting over ten generations].
  4. The stages of the rise and fall of great nations seem to be [these ages]:
    Pioneers (outburst) ⇔ ConquestsCommerceAffluenceIntellectDecadence.
  5. Decadence is marked by:
    Defensiveness · Pessimism · Materialism · Frivolity · Influx of foreigners · Welfare State · Weakening of religion.
  6. Decadence is due to:
    Too long a period of wealth and power · Selfishness · Love of money · The loss of a sense of duty.
  7. The life histories of great states are amazingly similar, and are due to internal factors.
  8. Their falls are diverse, because they are largely the result of external causes.
  9. History should be taught as the history of the human race, though of course with emphasis on the history of the student's own country.


NationDates of rise and fallDuration in years
1.Assyria859-612 BC247
2.Persia (Cyrus and his descendants)538-330 BC208
3.Greece (Alexander and his successors)331-100 BC231
4.Roman Republic260-27 BC233
5.Roman Empire27 BC-180 AD207
6.Arab Empire634-880246
7.Mameluke Empire1250-1517267
8.Ottoman Empire1320-1570250
10.Romanov Russia1682-1916234
12.United States of America1776-2024
The return of Pluto in the chart of United States of America
is enacted during the years 2018-2024.
13.Industrial age1770-2020250


Civilizations progress through sequential evolutionary cycles lasting roundabout 250 years.

Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Pluto (planet)
Written reference: Article The US has reached the last stage before collapse, presented by the German-owned
American business, celebrity and technology news website Business Insider, James Traub, 24. December 2017
See also: Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation within cycle of 248 years


Inherently weak democracies will last for 200-300 years on average.

Every few hundred years throughout Western history, a sharp transformation has occurred. In a matter of decades, society altogether re-
arranges itself – its world view, its basic values, its social and political structures, its arts, its key institutions. Fifty years later a new world
exists. And the people born into that world cannot even imagine the world in which their grandparents lived and into which their own pa-
rents were born.

Peter Drucker (1909-2005) US American management consultant, self-described "social ecologist", educator, writer, The New Society of Organizations, presented by the bimonthly management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), published by Harvard Business Publishing, September-October issue 1992

The American populace will have to decide whether to side with wisdom or sophomoric absurdity and fulfill Socrates' dire prediction that democracies eventually fall due to giving equal voice and votes to the nonintegrous and ignorant segment of the population (cal. 465). Historians point out that the average duration of a democracy is thus only usually two-to-three hundred years before the self-centered
voters deplete the country of its own resources and political erudition.

Dr. David R. Hawkins, Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, chapter 10 "America", S. 147, 2005

We now live in a nation where
doctors destroy health,
➤ lawyers destroy justice,
➤ universities destroy knowledge,
➤ governments destroy freedom,
➤ the press destroys information,
religion destroys morals, and
➤ our banks destroy the economy.

Chris Hedges (*1956) US American journalist, war correspondent, specializing in American and Middle Eastern politics and societies, author, Pulitzer Prize laureate, The World
as it is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress
, recited in: Video presentation "Calling All Rebels" – Chris Hedges Berkely CA talk in 2010 at KPFA fundraiser first 20min only, presented by the listener-funded Californian radio station KPFA, Pacifica Community Radio Lecture/Fundraiser, Berkeley, California 2010, YouTube film, minute 12:11,
31:10 minutes duration, posted 12. April 2012


"Great nations rise and fall. The people go
**   From bondage to spiritual truth (faith),
  From spiritual truth / faith to great courage,
  From courage to liberty,
  From liberty to abundance,
  From abundance to selfishness,
  From selfishness to complacency,
  From complacency to apathy,
  From apathy to dependence,
  From dependence back to bondage once more."
Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747-1813) Scottish historian
► Also attributed to Lord Thomas MacCauley, letter to an American friend, 23. May 1857
► Also attributed to Henning Webb Prentis, Jr., President of the Armstrong Cork Company, 1943 and 1946
First source: ► Article Why Democracies Fail, presented by the newspaper The Daily Oklahoman, S. 12A, 9. December 1951
Reference: ► Article by Loren Collins, The Truth About Tytler, undated
Further reference: ► Article When will the American Empire collapse?,
presented by the stories outlet Medium, mighty monk, 2. January 2019
Peter Turchin (*1957) Russian-American scientist, specializing in cultural evolution and cliodynamics, mathematical modeling and
     statistical analysis of the dynamics of historical societies, Historical Dynamics. Why States Rise and Fall – Secular Cycles and
, Princeton University Press, 29. September 2003
George Friedman (*1949) Hungarian-born US American geopolitical forecaster, and strategist on international affairs, founder and
      chairman of the online publication "Geopolitical Futures", author, The Storm Before the Calm. America's Discord, the Coming Crisis
      of the 2020s, and the Triumph Beyond
, Doubleday, 25. February 2020
See also:
Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation
Income and status gap in 23 of the rich developed countries worldwide – Wilkinson und Pickett (2011)
Five constitutions – Plato
Siehe auch: ► Zivilisationenzyklus (Tytler-Zyklus) – Aufstieg und Niedergang historischer Reiche

The fourth turning (American history) – Strauss, Howe, Weidner

Tipping point phenomenon ♦ The fourth turning
Completion of the Pluto cycle (~250 years) along with the 4 generational cycle (~320 years)
Historical eventPrevalent archetypesImpacting group
1.1776American Revolution against European monarchy / exploitationIdealistic prophetsMakers
2.1861American Civil War – Abolition of slaveryReactive·nomadsRebels
3.1939-1947World War II; 1913: Federal Reserve, Income tax, IRS code
16th Amendment. Centralized banking issued the Great Depression.
Civic heroesMediators
4.2008-2024Internet revolution – Shifting from mind to he-art, square to sPIral, push to pull – driven by 5-8% evolutionariesAdaptive artistsTransformers
Source: ► Video interview with Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic traditions, author, Jay Weidner on Season of the Apocalypse, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host
Regina Meredith, recorded 18. December 2012, minute 42:13, 59:38 minutes duration, posted December 2012  
Subject to fee
► Video interview with Neil Howe The Fourth Turning Explained – Boomers vs Millennials Generational Crisis, presented by the YouTube
     platform Real Vision Finance, host Grant Williams, YouTube film, 34:23 minutes duration, posted 30. October 2019
► Video presentation The Fourth Turning – How this crisis was predicted 30 years ago, presented by Roger James Hamilton's
     Enterpreneur TV, episode 01, YouTube film, 10:04 minutes duration, posted 7. June 2020


Book: ► Neil Howe (*1951) US American historian, sociologist, economist, demographer, William Strauss, US American
               statistician, author, The Fourth Turning, Broadway Books, reprint September 1997
Since the landing of the pilgrims major events in the North American history occur in 60-80-year cycles repeating every four generations. The fourth turning is occuring in the period 2008-2012-2024 (Pluto in Capricorn).
The gestation cycle of a human being takes 260 [20x13] days. A world civilization cycle takes 250-260 years.
Statisticians have noted that from the beginning of history the average duration of the world's civilizations has been about 200 years followed by a period of transitioning time of 50 years. The duration of 250 years coincides with the Pluto cycle takes 248 years.
See also:
Historic cycles – From the love of domination to the power of love – Anodea Judith
Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires
Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation
Four-stroke cycles of generations – Strauss and Howe
Current trend – Shifting from PUSH mode to PULL mode
Separative mindset ⇔ field consciousness – Four (3:1) developmental phases

Moment of 'completed' (harmonized) paradigm shift

On March 13th, 1781 the German born British astronomer William Herschel discovered Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is the planet in charge of the Age of Aquarius. After the discovery of the transsaturnian planet Uranus it takes around 400 years until the new era has grown in full swing. Midterm was December 21, 2012.
The hardest years of breakdown of the structure of the outgoing Piscean Age are 2016-2022.

June 12th, 2027 is supposedly the moment of "completion" of phasing in the culture of the Aquarian Age, the
moment when the return of unified [Christ] conciousness will become obvious and clear to the collective.
On June 12th, 2027 there will be a balanced harmony between of the three outermost transpersonal,
transformational planets Pluto, Uranus and Neptune.
Pluto will be in 7° of Aquarius trining Uranus in 7° of Gemini.
♦ Both Pluto and Uranus will be sextiling Neptune in 7° of Aries.
♦ Furthermore, the two outer planets Jupiter and Saturn will be trining each other in harmony as well.


Source: ► Steffan Vanel (1951-2021) US American astrologer
See also: ► The Age of Aquarius • astrological trends in 2013 and ► Paradigm shift and ► Principle 3:1
Siehe auch: ► System-Reset ausgelöst durch den weltweiten Shutdown anlässlich der Covid-19-Plandemie 2020

Presidential death cycle in the United States

The "Presidential Death Cycle" is the 20-year cycle that culminates in a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. Astrologers believe this conjunct Jupiter/Saturn constellation to partly trigger assassination,
or death while in office, of every U.S. president since William Harrison.


Overview – Presidential deaths in the United States
༺༻PresidentPartyElection yearCause of deathYear of
Degree of
Sun sign
1.William Henry HarrisonWhig1840Pneumonia1841Capricorn 8° Earth
2.Abraham LincolnWhig,
National Union
1860 Assassination1865Virgo 18º Earth
3.James GarfieldRepublican1880 Assassination1881Taurus 1º Earth
4.William McKinleyRepublican1900 Assassination1901Capricorn 14º Earth
5.Warren HardingRepublican1920Cardiac1923Virgo 27º Earth
6. Franklin D. RooseveltDemocratic1940Aneurysm1945Taurus 8º Earth
7.John F. KennedyDemocratic1960 Assassination1963Capricorn 25º Earth
8. Ronald ReaganRepublican1980 Assassination attempt
Libra 8º Air
9. George W. BushRepublican2000 Assassination attempt2001Taurus 22º Earth
10.Donald TrumpRepublican2020 End of the corporatist
(stolen) presidency
2021Aquarius 0º Air
Note : ► Tecumseh's Curse [ Curse of Tippecanoe ]
See also:
⚡ List of sex addicted US American presidents
Psychopathological rating (via PPIPCL-R) of US American presidents
List of US presidents and their religious affiliations


༺༻PresidentPartyElection year
Off Tecumseh's Curse
Cause of death Year of
1.Andrew JacksonDemocratic1828 Assassination attempt30. January 1835
2. Franklin D. RooseveltDemocratic1932 Assassination attempt15. February 1933
3.Gerald FordRepublican1974 1st assassination attempt
2nd assassination attempt
5. September 1975
22. September 1975
4.Donald Trump (on campaign)Republican2024 1st assassination attempt14. July 2024

Sun signs, archetypes and their shadow

Source: ► Deleted article Sun signs, archetypes and their shadow, presented by the publication Archetypestable, April 2011

Sun signs and corresponding inorganic cell-salts

The twelve signs of the Zodiac corresponding with inorganic cell-salts
The twelve tissue salts consist of the major substances left behind in the ashes of a burnt human body. Essential mineral salts are oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, lime, iron, potash, soda, silicea, magnesia. The signs of the Zodiac stand both for the twelve bodily functions and for the position of the Sun at birth. The corresponding cell-salt per sign and function is more rapidly consumed than other salts when the moon passes one's sun position. It is advised to consume an extra amount of corresponding Schuessler salt to supply the resulting mineral deficiency.
༺༻Sun sign
Day time
Body partCell-salt
1. Aries
Head, face, brain, eyesPotassium phosphate
Feeds nerves and brain. Deficiency of this salt may result in nervous headaches, dyspepsia, sleeplessness, depression, weariness, low vitality
and grumpiness.
2. Taurus
Throat, neck, thyroid gland, vocal tractSodium sulphate
Eliminating excess water, enhances the health of your liver, regulates the bile, emulsifies fatty acids in the gut, evacuates oil based toxins excreted from the liver.
3. Gemini
Arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, nervous system, brainPotassium chloride
Keeps the skin smooth, the blood flowing freely. Lack of potassium chloride may result in soft swelling in glands, thick white discharges of mucus, chronic rheumatic swelling, coughs, colds, sore throat, tonsillitis, and/or bronchitis.
4. Cancer
Chest, breasts, stomach, alimentary canalCalcium fluoride
Strengthens teeth and gives elasticity to muscular tissue and blood vessels. Lack of calcium fluoride results in sagging cheeks, varicose veins, piles, and snoring. Not to be confused with the cockroach poison sodium fluoride.
5. Leo
Heart, chest, spine, spinal column, upper backMagnesium phosphate
This cell-salt is anti-spasmodic, relaxing and calming. Needed as antidote to spasms, cramps, shooting, darting pains and headaches, twitching, hiccups, convulsive coughing, and sharp twinges.
6. Virgo
Digestive system, intestines, spleen, nervous systemPotassium sulphate
Heals mucous membranes and lower layers of the skin. This cell-salt is indicated for sinusitis, rhinitis, yellowish greenish tongue, mucus discharge, scaly skin, athlete's foot, brittle nails and lifeless hair.
7. Libra
Kidneys, skin, lumbar region, buttocksSodium phosphate
Neutralises acids, controls the absorption of water, present in nerves, brain cells, intercellular fluid, muscles, and blood, remedy for jaundice, sick headaches, colic, indigestion (due to intake of fatty foods), pain, stiffness, swelling of the joints.
8. Scorpio
Reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory systemCalcium sulphate
Cleanses, heals and purifies. Without it, dead cells and decaying matter clog up the blood, damaging and irritating healthy tissues. Signs of deficiency are catarrh, acne, gumboils, abscesses and ulcers. Lack of calcium sulphate results in general toxicity and floppiness and indisposition.
9. Sagittarius
Hips, thighs, liver,
sciatic nerve
Sharp crystals, aiding the progression of substances through the tissues
(hair, nails, blood, pus), strengthens teeth, bones and connective tissue.
10. Capricorn
Knees, joints, skeletal systemCalcium phosphate
Cement holding together and strengthening bones and teeth. Deficiency of calcium phosphate are weak organs, sluggish circulation, spasms, cramps, coldness, and numbness, possibly chilblains, enlarged tonsils, and polyps.
11. Aquarius
Ankles, calves, circulatory systemSodium chloride
Common salt regulates the level of moisture in organs and tissues. You might expect to be able to utilise salt in your system, but this is apparently not the case. It is indicated for watery eyes, dry mouth or skin, sneezing, painful nose and throat, hay fever and unrefreshing sleep.
12. Pisces
Feet, toes, lymphatic system, adipose tissueIron phosphate
Circulates oxygen, strengthens arteries and veins, renders vitality. It is a remedy for any disease, especially for simple anaemia, inflammation, high temperatures, racing pulse, sprains and strains.
Source: ► Article Heal Yourself With the Tissue Salts, presented by the publication EzineArticles.com, Elizabeth Hendry, 25. April 2009
Literature: ► George W. Carey (1845-1924) US American physician, author on the 'chemistry of life', Inez Eudora Perry,
Relation Of The Mineral Salts Of The Body To The Signs Of The Zodiac, republished by Health Research Books, 1966

Signs of the zodiac – Alchemical process

The alchemical process in the zodiac
༺༻Sun signAlchemical processDescription
1.Aries♈︎ Calcination – calcinatioOxidization
2.Taurus♉︎ Congelation – congelatioCrystallization
3.Gemini♊︎ Fixation – fixatioFixation
4.Cancer♋︎ Dissolution – solutioDissolution, melting
5.Leo♌︎ Digestion – digestioDismemberment
6.Virgo♍︎ Distillation – distillatioSeparation of the solid from the liquid
7.Libra♎︎ Sublimation – sublimatioRefinement through sublimation
8.Scorpio♏︎ Separation – separatioSeparation, division
9.Sagittarius♐︎ Ceration – ceratioFixing in a waxy state
10.Capricorn♑︎ Fermentation – fermentatioFermentation
11.Aquarius♒︎ Multiplication – multiplicatioMultiplication
12.Pisces♓︎ Projection – projectioScattering of lapis as dust on the base metals
Source: ► Carl Gustav Jung, Psychology and Alchemy – Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 12,
chapter "Quartering of the philosophy", S. 229, 1944, Routledge, London, 2nd edition 1968
See also: ► Alchemy and ► Philosophy


Calcination Dissolution Separation Conjunction Fermentation Distillation Coagulation
Source: ► Overview I. Correspondences of Chemical References, presented by the publication Alchemylab.com, undated

Chakras – Alchemical process

Alchemical transformational processes
༺༻ChakraColorProcessPlanetMetalGland Expression
1.Root chakra Red CalcinationSaturnLeadAdrenalsSurvival
2.Sacral chakra Orange DissolutionJupiterTinGonadsBlending
3.Solar plexus chakra Yellow SeparationMarsIronPancreasChoosing
4.Heart chakra Green ConjunctionVenusCopperThymusJoining together through love
5.Throat chakra Blue FermentationMercuryMercuryThyroidSpeaking/Silence
6.Third eye chakra Purple DistillationMoonSilverPinealIntrospective visioning
7.Crown chakra White CoagulationSunGoldPituitaryIlluminating
See also: ► Chakra system and ► Alchemy

Emotions – Alchemical process

Emotions are being transformed during the alchemical process.
StageAlchemical processMetalLevelEmotional expression
LoC acc D. Hawkins
1. CalcinationLeadLower sub-primal levels Shame [20], guilt [30], apathy [50], grief [75]1-99
2. DissolutionTinLower primal levels Fear [100], desire [125], anger [150]100-174
3. SeparationIronLower identity levels Pride [175]175-199
4. ConjunctionCopperHigher empowerment levels Courage [200], neutrality [250], willingness [310], acceptance [350]200-399
5. FermentationMercuryHigher understanding levels Reason [400]400-499
6. DistillationSilverHigher illumination levels Love [500], joy [540], peace [600]500-599
7. CoagulationGoldHighest enlightenment levels Enlightenment [700]600+
See also:
Map of Consciousness by Dr. David R. Hawkins
Signs of the zodiac – Alchemical process
Chakras – Alchemical process
Emotions and ► Hermes Trismegistos

Correspondences of astrology and numerology

Astrological and numerological correspondences
༺༻OperationPlanetDay of weekPlanetary influenceZodiacNumerologyOctave
1.Calcination SaturnSaturdayLimitation
Suppression of emotions
Aries, SagittariusMonadDo
2.Dissolution JupiterThursdayExpansion
Creation of sociality
3.Separation MarsTuesdayAssertiveness
Driving energy
4.Conjunction Venus
(Earth, Sun)
FridayPleasure, love
Feeing of emotions
5.Fermentation Mercury
WednesdayIncreased consciousness
Leo, CapricornPentadSo
6.Distillation Moon
MondayPurification of instincts
Virgo, LibraHexadLa
7.Coagulation Sun
True Individuality
Gemini, Pisces, AquariusHeptadSi
Source: ► Overview II. Correspondences of Astrology and Numerology, presented by the publication Alchemylab.com, undated
See also: ► Numerology and ► Hermes Trismegistos – Alchemy

Strengths and weaknesses of the signs of the zodiac

Virtues and vices of the zodiac signs
Zodiac sign Virtue

Excess action
Deficient action

Excess emotion
Deficient emotion

Excess thought
Deficient thought
1. AriesCourage Aggression
Determination Fanatism
Spontaneity Agitation
2. TaurusPatience Stubbornness
Practicality Boredom
Calmness Inflexibility
3. Gemini Curiosity Superficiality
Wittiness Irritation
Versatility Frivolity
4. Cancer Prudence Meanness
Caring Anxiety
Sensitivity Moodiness
5. LeoDignity Egocentrism
Confidence Arrogance
Generosity Carelessness
6. Virgo Discernment Denigration
Meticulousness Resentment
Orderliness Fastidiousness
7. Libra Tact Indecisiveness
Harmony Submissiveness
8. Scorpio PerceptivenessCynicism
Passion Obsessiveness
Awareness Deceitfulness
9. Sagittarius Optimism Recklessness
Positivity Delusion
Truthfulness Rashness
10. Capricorn Discipline Rigidity
Diligence Tyranny
Integrity Oppression
11. Aquarius Tolerance Aloofness
Solidarity Exclusion
Freedom Indifference
12. PiscesEmpathy Passivity
Kindness Permissiveness
Compassion Pity
Sources featuring Quora contributor Connor Duke, presented via the Californian question-and-answer website Quora
► Answer What is the analogy drawn between virtues and skills within Aristotelian ethics?, 24. November 2018
► Answer What are the contrasts and similarities between virtue and vice?, 4. November 2018
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry Astrology and the classical elements
See also: Four temperaments correlated with elements, qualities, beings and solids

Astrological evolution: Projection ⇒ shadow ⇒ dis/illusion ⇒ BEING

Personalized astrological cross
༺༻Focus ReferenceSignZodical crossCorrespondence
1. Projection MoonAquarius  In your childhood you HAD
your Moon sign.
One's world's image reflected upon oneself
2. ShadowMCLibra You PRETEND
you are your Midheaven.
One's appearance in,
way of presenting oneself to the world
3. Dis/illusionASCSagittarius You THINK
you are your Rising sign.
One's own selfimage
4. BeingSunCancer You ARE
your Sun sign.
One's own soul essence


The astrological cross of the United States of America
The day of birth of the United States of America is in Cancer on 4. July 1776.17
༺༻FocusZodical crossCorrespondence
1. Projection In her childhood the UNITED STATES HAD TO BE
an Aquarius nation.
Her Moon is in the 3rd house Aquarius.[*]
Exciting, unpredictable ideas, studying unusual topics
a Libra nation.
Her MC is in the 10th house Libra.
The presentation of the nation's work ethics to the world
3. Dis/illusion The UNITED STATES THINKS itself to be
a Sagittarius Rising (ASC) nation.
Self image of the UNITED STATES:
Honest, upright, morally strong, fanatic
a Cancer nation.
The essence of the United States of America
is nurturing.
She is known as the breadbasket of the world.[**]


[*] Many of the Founding Fathers of the United States had planets in Aquarius which had them
conceive the ubiquitous principle of human dignity and equality.
"All men are created equal."


[**] In 1903 following message was engraved on a bronze plaque inside the Statue of Liberty,
the representation of the nurturing Cancer sign.
These are the concluding lines of the poem The New Colossus, coined by Emma Lazarus in 1883.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Biblical astrotheology – Jordan Maxwell

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; he shall bruise
thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Genesis 3, 15 (~4000 BC) (OT)


And He [YHWH] took him [Abraham] outside and said, 'Now look toward the heavens, and count [declare]
the stars, if you are able to count ["caphar"] them.' And He said to him, "So shall your seed ("zera"; Zera, or
Spica in Latin, is also the name of the alpha star held by the woman in the constellation Bethulah, or Virgo
in Latin) be.
Genesis 15, 5 (~2081 BC) (OT)



Circumcision: 'covenant' with God Jahwe

God Jahwe said to Abraham: For your part you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after
you; circumcise yourselves, every male among you. You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, and it
shall be the sign of the covenant between us.
Genesis 17, 9-11 (AT)


Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion? Canst thou bring forth
Mazzaroth [zodiac] in his season?
Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? Canst thou set the
dominion thereof in the earth?
Job 38, 31-33 (~2000-1600 BC) (OT)


The heavens declare ("caphar") the glory of El (God); and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day
uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is
not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set
a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to
run a race. His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing
hid from the heat thereof. The law of YHWH is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of YHWH is sure, ma-
king wise the simple.
Psalm 19, 1-7 (10th century BC) (OT)


He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. Psalm 147, 4 (OT)


The Biblical lore is the "greatest story ever told". It is the story of the Zodiac disguised as theology. The Bible displays astrotheology, the worship of God's heaven, God's Sun (God's Son) in the heavens.18
Christianity and other religions are a derivative of three distinct God types of the Old Testament [2 Kings 23:3-5]:

  1. God of the stellar (Horus) cult19,
  2. God of the lunar (Moses-Hebrew) cult20,
  3. God of the solar cult21 derived from Egyptian Mystery Schools.




The three revelatory book religions worship Sun, Moon, Saturn and Venus.

  • [At winter solstice on December 25th the Christians] celebrate God's sun's birthday. And [90 days later, a square 90° angle further] as it passes over the Equator we celebrate the spring equinox we call it a passover, because the sun is passing the Equator coming back to the Northern hemisphere. [...] The Jews call it Passover [celebrating Easter]. [...] We Christians have an Easter sun rise service. Christianity is sun worship. […] Christianity is worshipping the sun [the risen sun aka Son of God], while Jews are worshipping Saturn and the Moon, while the Islamic world is worshipping Isis or worshipping Venus. And Venus [Morning and evening star] is called Lucifer.
    Audio interview with Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Jordan Maxwell: The Human Decep-
    , presented by the US American Truth Frequency Radio, hosts Chris and Sheree Geo, recorded 4. March 2010, YouTube film, minute
    1:55:11, 2:23:37 duration, posted 7. August 2014


The Zodiac contains the "ZOO" and "dia", meaning the "Animal Wheel". This wheel is DIVIDED and CUT (a-part) in twelve sections known as houses, namely the 12 houses within God's abode (universe). Each section or house comprises 30º degrees. Hence, there are two significant ages in Jesus' life: At age 12 he appeared in the temple, at age 30 he started his teaching mission.


Old Testament references – Hebrew Bible
1st book of OT
Genesis is the Hebrew interpretation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the book of the
coming forth by day, the book of Gen-Isis.
Genesis 1, 14 Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night,
and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.
Deutoronomy 6, 8Orthodox Jews wear a small box on the forehead containing the written law.
This customs is related to ancient Chinese dynasties.
Job 38, 31-32Ordonances in heaven, "sweet influences" of the Pleiades, lose the bands of Orion,
Mazzaroth [the twelve signs of the Zodiac]
2 Kings 23, 3-5Burning incense to the sun and moon,
to the constellations and to all the starry hosts.
Maleachi 4, 2 The Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings.
Reference to God's son Horus.
Jeremiah 18, 1-6God depicted as the Great Potter correlating with the Egyptian potter, God Ptah.
See also: ► Signs of the zodiac – Alchemical process


Symbols, practices, and figures of the Old Testament
Ram's hornWas used to usher in the Age of Aries held by central figure Moses.
Rite of male circumcisionIt dates back to the stone age and ancient Egyptian sex worship.
Circumcision is to make arousal quicker and easier.22/23
God worshipEl, the Semitic God, the Hebrew God Yahweh, the planet Saturn
Symbols of the rings of Saturn (Lord of the Rings) are marriage rings, the king's round crown,
the Pope's crown, the Jewish headgear Kippah, the Yamaka.
Star of David
[Seal of Solomon]
Representing the star of Saturn bearing the number 13,
symbolizing God's sun (son) and the 12
MosesHermes and Moses are correlated.
Hereditary priesthoodAncient Egypt and Hebrew priesthood were hereditary.
Egyptian and Hebrew ceremonies are similar / correlated.




Interesting to know is that Egypt before Israel had a scapegoat because there were two goats always sacrificed. One would be killed and one would be allowed to leave the town taking the sins of the town with him. So the one animal that left would be said to have escaped. And that's where we get the term 'scapegoat' [from].  Minute 49:55


New Testament references
Jesus"Fisherman" as ruler of the Piscean Age, feeding his people with two fish = Pisces
Age of our Lord = Piscean Age (2160 years duration)
Passover = the last day in the Piscean Age
Matthew 12, 32 The Holy Spirit will not be given either in this age or the age to come.
Matthew 13, 39 The harvest is the end of the age...
Matthew 24, 3Apostles asked: What will be the sign of your coming at the end of the [astrological] age%
Matthew 28, 20Mistranslation: I am with you always even to the "end of the world".
Correct translation:
And surely I am with you to the very "end of an age".
Mark 10, 29-30the age to come, the eternal life: Aquarian age
KJV Translation: "In my Father's house are many mansions."
Meaning: "In my Father's abode are many dwelling places (houses) = 12 houses of the Zodiac."
Luke 18, 30 The kingdom of God will fail […] in this age and the age to come... eternal life.
Luke 22, 10New kingdom = Age of Aquarius: A man bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he enters in.
1 Corinthians 3, 6Message of wisdom among the mature is not the wisdom of this age.
1 Corinthians 3, 8None of the rulers of this age understood the gospel.
1 Corinthians 10, 11The fulfilment of the ages has come.
Ephesisans 1, 21Present age but also in the one to come.
Hebrews 6, 5Coming age
Hebrews 9, 26End of the age
Revelation 12, 45Jesus as good shepherd ruling with a rod of iron correlates with
the Egyptian Pharao sheperding the nation and ruling it with a rod and staff.
Revelation 15, 3God Almighty is king of the ages
Source: ► Edward Moor (1771-1848) British soldier, Indologist, author, The Hindu Pantheon,
dating back 5500-6000 year, 4000 years BC, London, 1810



Hindu God Vishnu dying on the cross – 4000 year BC

When one looks through the Hindu pantheon we find that there were thousands of [...] Gods of India. [We focus on] the second person in the Indian Hindu trinity:
  1. Brahma being the father,
  2. Vishnu being the son and
  3. Siva being the Holy Spirit.
Vishnu, God's son, the second person in the Hindu trinity, is pictured [minute 41:23] here in the Hindu Pantheon as a man hanging
on nothing but the sun under him being God's son who dies on the cross. This is Hinduism four thousand years before Christ. It's
a very old story.
[~4,000 years BC]  Minute 40:50



Astrological / cyclical background of the concept of the Trinity

The story of the Trinity goes back to Egypt where God the Father was never seen, but God the Son […] named Horus. He comes up on the horizon (Horsus' rising) and, of course, he dies at sunset. And that was the name of the ancient God of darkness Set. And at mid-day of course, at the peak of the pyramid, at twelve o'clock, he was God the Most High because at that point the sun is the most high. That was the original trinity:
  1. God's son[sun] who has risen in the morning,
  2. God's son[sun], the Holy Spirit who dies at night and goes away only to come back another day to be resurrected.
  3. And […] at twelve noon he becomes the Most High.
That the original trinity. It's just that simple that the original human creatures on the earth understood that there were three points
in creation:
  1. the beginning when you're born,
  2. maturity at the mature age and
  3. then death from old age.
That was the original trinity. It's really not very difficult to understand at all unless of course you're trying to build a story around something that just isn't true. Then it becomes difficult to explain.  Minute 37:55



Trinity of the sun

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is nothing more than the triune God. The triune God is nothing more than the sun in the rising, the sun at 12 noon, and the sun in the evening, the newborn, the fullgrown, and the man that dies. It is still the sun, the sun in the morning, at noon and at night. The one God is a sun in its three points in his life.
Video presentation by and Q&A with Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Jordan Maxwell
The Inner World Of The Occult Full Length
, sponsored by The Republic Forum, recorded December 2002, YouTube film, minute 2:49:30,
2:53:40 duration, posted 14. September 2021


Correlations between the Joseph of Genesis and the Jesus of the New Testament  Minute 54:21
Joseph is said to have had twelve brothers.Jesus had twelve apostles.
Spices on camels were brought to Joseph.Spices from the Magi were brought to Jesus.
Joseph flees from Potiphas' wife with his clothes.The young disciple in Jesus story flees with his coat when Jesus is arrested.
Joseph was sold for twenty pieces of silver.Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver.
Brother Judas suggests the sale of Joseph.Jesus' apostle Judas suggests his sale.
The background for Joseph was Egypt in the bondage and the slaying of the firstborn.The background for Jesus was his flight to Egypt to avoid Pharaoh Herod's slaying of the firstborn.
Miriam is the sister of Moses whose story is sequel to that of Joseph.Miriam or Mary is Jesus' mother.
The correlations between the Ancient Egyptians and the Christian culture are continual.



Power plot between the Roman church and the Jews

We find that Christianity was in fact nothing more than a Roman story developed politically by some very intelligent minds in Rome that sought to undo the hold that the Jews had on the Middle East. The Jews were very strongly entrenched in the Middle East and Rome wanted control over the Middle East. So therefore Rome concocted a story which would have put the blame on Jews and thereby
nullify their hold in the Middle East.
  Minute 56:27


Source: ► Video presentation by Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author,
Gnosis – Ancient Belief Systems – Jordan Maxwell, presented by Lightworks Audio & Video, IRES International Research
and Educational Society, 1991, YouTube film, starting minute 11:15, 51:07 minutes duration, posted 19. June 2014
Biblical lore is based on astrotheology, the worship of Sun (God's Son) in the heavens. Christianity and other religions are a derivative
of 1) a stellar cult, 2) a lunar (Hebrew) cult, 3) a solar cult (derived from Egyptian Mystery Schools).
Cited literature:
Edward Moor (1771-1848) British soldier, Indologist, author, The Hindu Pantheon, dating back 5500-6000 year, 4000 years BC, London, 1810
► John L. Benson, The Book of Beginnings. A Study in GenIsis. Adult Student Bible Study Guide, Accent Publications, revised edition 1983
Abelard Reuchlin, US American essayist on the origin of Christianity, True Authorship of the New Testament (Arius Calpurnius Piso Pen Name
     Flavius Josephus)
, Abelard Reuchlin Foundation, 2nd printing edition 1986
► Neil Forsyth, The Old Enemy. Satan and the Combat Myth Google Books version, 1944, Princeton University Press, 1. December 1989
See also:
Cult of Saturn – pillar of patriarchy – Jordan Maxwell
Bible and ► Occult research and ► Symbolism and ► Religion and ► World religions

Astrological trends in 2013

Astrological trends in 2013
Planetary constellationDateLegend
Venus transit5/6 June 2012Marking the powerful return of the Goddess ushering in
the age of dignitarian balance and integrity
Cosmic crosses
(5 peaks)
2010-20141) Juni 26 2010 ♦ 2) Juni 21 2012 ♦ 3) April 23 2014
Seven exact squares of
Pluto and Uranus
2010-201524 1) June 24-26 2012 (8°) ♦ 2) September 19 2012 (6°) ♦ 3) May 20-21 2013 (11°) ♦ 4) November 1 2013 (9°) ♦ 5) April 21 2014 (13°) ♦ 6) December 15 2014 (12°) ♦ 7) March 15 2015 (15°)
Eclipses2013 Lunar eclipses: April 25 (in Scorpio) ♦ May 25 (in Sagitarius) ♦ October 18 (in Aries)
Solar eclipses: May 10 (in Taurus) ♦ November 3 (in Aries)
Planets transiting Aries2013
Mars, Mercury, Sun, Venus
Uranus in Aries – Popular dissent ( March 11 2011-May 15 2018)
Plutonized Uranus in Aries
Saturn in ScorpioOctober 2012-
Fear and anxiety, sudden excentric cunning transformation, surgery, revelation of occult secrets, disclosures of long hidden systemic child abuse
Grand Trine of Jupiter,
Saturn and Neptune
9-27 July 2013Transits of heart and soul
Increased awareness of interconnectedness
References: ► Tables of Solar and Lunar Eclipses and 2013 Planetary Transits


Links zum Thema Astrologie / Astrology


  • Liz Greene (*1946) US-amerikanische-britische Astrologin, Jungsche Psychoanalytikerin, tiefenpsychologisch orientierte Autorin

Jedes Tierkreiszeichen wird mit Mythen, Märchen und Legenden veranschaulicht.

Literature (engl.)

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Quote "Kepler's views on astrology were ambivalent."

Assimilating Pluto in Sagittarius – Assimilating Saturn Opposite Neptune Saturn/Neptune opposition (2004 -2007)
2009-2014: Epochal Transits; As Above, So Below – The Uranus-Pluto Square
Pluto in Capricorn – The Progeny of the Counter-Culture – Pluto-Uranus square
More Pluto than Neptune – The Dark Mysteries Revolutionized (Oil and oil based money)
2010-2017: Uranus Plutonized Uranus in Aries – Popular Dissent Uranus in Aries

Selfsabotaging stances of the star signs:
1. Aries: Winning the battles and losing the war
2. Taurus: Pursuing too much of a good thing
3. Gemini: Scattering their energy
4. Cancer: Keeping their wounds alive
5. Leo: Demanding love before giving love
6. Virgo: Being as mean to you as they are to themselves
7. Libra: Masking rage with diplomacy
8. Scorpio: Demanding trust but rarely trusting
9. Sagittarius: Dishing it but not taking it
10. Capricorn: Competing in spite of themselves
11. Aquarius: Being the center of their progressive politics
12. Pisces: Telling the spiritual truth and not the actual truth

Audio- und Videolinks

Diskutanten: Dr. Michael Schmidt-Salomon (Atheist, Philosoph) Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter (Ex-Astronaut, Physiker) Jürgen Fliege (Pfarrer) Hella von Sinnen (Entertainerin) Mauretania Gregor (Astrologin) Uwe Ochsenknecht (Schauspieler) Sylvie Kollin (Kartenlegerin)

3100 v. Chr. begann das Kali Yuga, das Zeitalter des Streits, das dia-bolische Zeitalter der Spaltung, in dem Seelen aus der Getrenntheit, inkarnier-
ten. Am 21. Dezember 2012 (dem Halbzeitpunkt eines 50-jährigen Übergangs) begann das Satya Yuga, das Zeitalter der Wahrheit beziehungs-
weise das ganzheitliche, sym-bolische Wassermannzeitalter.

Sturm und Drang-Zeit zu Beginn der Luft-Epoche in 2021. 2021-2024: Viele Institutionen der alten Erd-Epoche kollabieren. Das Luft-Element
drängt ungezähmt in den Zeitgeist.

Die Aussichten der zwölf Tierkreiszeichen in der Luftepoche von 2021-2150

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video presentation by Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Gnosis – Ancient Belief Systems – Jordan Maxwell, presented by Lightworks Audio & Video, IRES International Research and Educational Society, 1991, YouTube film, starting minute 11:15, 51:07 minutes duration, posted 19. June 2014

Biblical lore is based on astrotheology, the worship of Sun (God's Son) in the heavens. Christianity and other religions are a derivative of
1) a stellar cult, 2) a lunar (Hebrew) cult, 3) a solar cult the (Egyptian Mystery Schools).

On Obama and the Mayan Long Count, the magnetosphere time acceleration

December 21st 2020 is a Very Important Date Astrologically as it marks the end of a long era and the rebirth into a New Earth.

Audio and video links (engl.) – Santos Bonacci

Audio and video links (engl.) – Manly Palmer Hall

Audio and video links (engl.) – Jessica Murray

Audios and videos on astrology featuring Jessica Murray (*1951) US American astrologer, psychologist, Jungian analyst, linguist, cultural commentor, writer
TypeOfferingTitleSponsor ♦
Location ♦ P-Date
Minutes durationRelease date
AudioRadio interviewInnerviews with Jessica MurraySoulsign.com, host Adam Gainsburg, consulting astrologer, author60-90 minutes each Aired 2008, February 2009, March 2009,
May 2009
YouTube audioRadio interviewJessica Murray on A Fireside Chat Soul Sick NationUS American web radio program A Fireside Chat, host Lance White [Zany Mystic], aired 6. December 20081:06:5217. December 2011
9. February 2018
VideoInterviewJessica Murray on The Astrology of Nations
Jessica Murray on Facing Deniall [*]
Jessica Murray on the Astrology of 2012
[*] On the Cardinal T-Square around 2012
US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith   Subject to fee48:47
November 2008
February 2010
January 2012
AudioInterviewSaturn in Scorpio and Uranus/Pluto YearsUS American radio broadcast KOWS 107.3 FM, program Ask the Astrologer, host Matt Savinar, US American astrologer, North Bay Astrology, Occidental, California56:1322. October 2012
YouTube videoInterviewFreedom and Power: The Uranus-Pluto YearsUS American Coniunctio Astrology Club, California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), 13. November 20121:05:2912. December 2012
AudioRadio interviewJessica MurrayPsychic Access Talk Radio, host Stephen Lewis~60:007. February 2013
4. July 2013
19. December 2013
YouTube videoInterviewAstrology Summit Preview – Sacred Activism with Jessica MurrayAstrology University, host Tony Howard4:4518. October 2018
YouTube videoInterviewChaos into Clarity: The Aquarius Threshold in 2020 – Astrology Summit PreviewAstrology University, host Tony Howard5:4912. April 2019

Documentaries and movies

  • Video documentary / presentation by Jonathan Gray, controversial Australian – New Zealand based writer on Biblical archae-
    , The Truth Behind Star Signs, recorded ~2012, YouTube film, 1:14:11 duration, posted 13. April 2020
    "Ancient civilisations believed that a serpent – which represented the devil – took control of the world. They believed a virgin's baby would fight the serpent, defeat him and bring peace, life and happiness back to mankind. The pictures on the sky map were used to describe the story and NOT
    to tell people's fortunes through the stars. The NAMES of the stars, as well as the star sign PICTURES told that story."
  • Documentary short by Robert Sepehr, US American anthropologist specializing in linguistics, archeology, paleobiology (archeo-
    genetics), producer, author, Astro-theology and Great Cycles of Time, YouTube film, 6:49 minutes duration, posted 4. August


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1 Naturheilpraxis Riedel

2 Artikel Wendezeit – die Menschheit im Bewusstseinswandel, präsentiert von der Webseite Yoga Akademie Austria, undatiert / Videovortrag von Armin Risi armin-risi.ch (*1962) Schweizer Philosoph, Referent, Dichter, Sachbuchautor, Armin Risi: mein wichtigster Vortrag, vorgestellt auf der Friedenskonferenz Erding bei München, veranstaltet von Erich und Tina Hambach, Wintersonnenwende 2019, YouTube Film, 47:35 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. Dezember 2020

3 Ernst Ott (*1950) schweizerisch-deutscher Astrologe, Pluto im Steinbock 2008-2024. Neues Leben blüht aus den Ruinen, Astronova, 2. September 2008

4 Moment of 'completed' (harmonized) paradigm shift

5 Umorientierung aus dem Drückermodus in den Anziehungsmodus

6 Article Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator Phys.org, 25. July 2011

7 John Bagot Glubb (1897-1986) britischer General im 1. Weltkrieg, Gelehrter, Autor, Aufsatz The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival, Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1978

8 Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and Fall of Empires – Structural transformation

9 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005

10 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005

11 Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005

12 The reason for the revolutionary war in America was not the tax on tea. In 1750 Benjamin Franklin told the British how well the colonies were thriving because they were issuing their own currency. The British King shut down their public banks and ordered the American colonists to only use British currency. Within months the colonists suffered depression, hence the revolution was brewing. Source: Audio podcast interview The REAL Reason for the Revolutionary War – Bringing It Back Now, presented by The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, host Rob Kall, US American radio host, aired 25. July 2013

13 Current trend – Shifting from PUSH mode to PULL mode

14 Article Minority rules: Scientists discover tipping point for the spread of ideas, presented by the science, research and technology news aggregator Phys.org, 25. July 2011

15 Essay The Fate of Empires and Search for Survival, PDF, William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1976-1977

16 Features of decadence: bread and circus: undisciplined, overextended military
complex, conspicuous display of wealth, massive disparity between rich and poor, desire to live of a bloated state, debasement of currency, obsession with sex)

17 Chart The U.S. Scorpio Rising Horoscope

18 Jordan Maxwell, Matrix of Power: How the World Has Been Controlled by Powerful People without Your Knowledge, S. 50, The Book Tree, Escondido, California, 2000

19 Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice, Alan Snow, That Old-Time Religion, S. 25, 2000

20 Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice, Alan Snow, That Old-Time Religion, S. 31, 2000

21 Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice, Alan Snow, That Old-Time Religion, S. 35, 2000

22 "They [the Israelites] had the boys circumcised because they found out that a man would get aroused quicker, without the foreskin than he would with the foreskin. [...] The [ancient] Egyptians did the same thing, preparing boys for a little sex worship." Jordan Maxwell (1940-2022) US American esoteric scholar, radio host, lecturer, author, Matrix of Power. How the World Has Been Controlled by Powerful People, Book Tree, S. 50, 1. May 2000

23 Video by Eric Clopper, Sex & Circumcision: An American Love Story by Eric Clopper, performed at Sanders Theatre, Harvard University, 1. May 2018, YouTube film, 2:10:50 duration, posted 19. July 2018

24 Deleted article Revolution & Revelation. The Uranus-Pluto Square 2012-2015, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, 2012


Anhand der Skala des Bewusstseins (Gradeinteilung von 1-1000), erarbeitet von Dr. David R. Hawkins, hat Astrologie einen Bewusstseinswert (BW) von 210-405. Innerhalb von Hawkins' System rangiert das Astrologie im Bereich der gesellschaftsbildenden Integrität, Neutralität, Akzeptanz und Vernunft.
Quelle: Truth vs. Falsehood. How to Tell the Difference, S. 398, 2005


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