Links zum Thema Bewusstseinskontrolle / Mind control
- Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) britisch-US-amerikanischer Kulturkritiker, Humanist, Pazifist, Visionär, parapsychologisch-philoso-
phischer Schriftsteller, dystopischer Roman Schöne neue Welt [Brave New World], Insel Verlag, 1932, Steinberg, Zürich, 1946
Huxleys bedeutendstes Werk, das zu den einflussreichsten Romanen des 20. Jahrhunderts zählt
Mittels physischer Manipulationen der Embryonen und Föten sowie der anschließenden mentalen Indoktrinierung der Kleinkinder werden die Menschen gemäß der jeweiligen gesellschaftlichen Kasten geprägt, denen sie angehören sollen. Sie reichen von Alpha-Plus (Führungspositionen) bis zu Epsilon-Minus (einfachste Tätigkeiten).
- George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) englischer Journalist, Essayist, Schriftsteller, Roman 1984, geschrieben (1946-1948), Secker & Warburg, London, Erstausgabe 8. Juni 1949
- Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) britisch-US-amerikanischer Kulturkritiker, Humanist, Pazifist, Visionär, parapsychologisch-philoso-
phischer Schriftsteller, Wiedersehen mit der schönen neuen Welt, 1958, Piper, München, 1987
- William Sargant (1907-1988) umstrittener britischer Psychiater, Der Kampf um die Seele, Piper, München, 1. Januar 1958
- Caspar von Schrenck-Notzing (1927-2009) deutscher führender Vertreter der Neuen Rechten, Verleger, Schriftsteller, Charak-
terwäsche. Die Re-education der Deutschen und ihre bleibenden Auswirkungen, Verlag Seewald, Stuttgart, 1965, Ares Verlag, Graz, 2004, 5. Auflage 1. August 2015
- Dr. Antony C. Sutton (1925-2002) britischer Ökonomie-Professor, California State University Los Angeles, angefeindeter For-
schungsstipendiat der ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), Historiker, Schriftsteller, Der leise Selbstmord. Amerikas Militärhilfe an Moskau, SOI 1. Januar 1976
- Robin de Ruiter (*1951) niederländischer katholischer Fundamentalist, investigativer Autor, Die 13 satanischen Blutlinien.
Die Ursache allen Elends und Übels, A. Schmid, 1. März 1999
- Hans Jürgen Krysmanski (1935-2016) deutscher emeritierter Professor für Soziologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, marxistischer Dialektiker, Autor, Hirten & Wölfe. Wie Geld- und Machteliten sich die Welt aneignen, Westfälisches Dampfboot, 2004, 4. Auflage 2. Dezember 2010, 8. Auflage 2018
Offizieller Verlagstext "Das Interesse an den Reichen und Mächtigen dieser Welt wächst, je mehr Globalisierung und Privatisierung Hand in Hand gehen. Dennoch sind die Oberschichten – längst die wichtigsten Geldgeber und 'Kunden' – von den Sozialwissenschaften immer noch weitgehend unerforscht. Andererseits gibt es in den USA seit dem 19. Jahrhundert eine Tradition der kritischen Beobachtung der Machenschaften 'derer da oben'. Im Zu- sammenhang mit den Aktivitäten der Bush-Administration und den Diskussionen um ein amerikanisches Imperium nimmt diese Form der Herr- schaftsstrukturforschung einen neuen Aufschwung und regt WissenschaftlerInnen und JournalistInnen in vielen Ländern zu eigenen Recherchen an. Fast schon ist es eine intellektuelle Graswurzelbewegung. Das Buch breitet Ergebnisse dieser Forschungen des Power Structure Research aus. Es ist zugleich Werkstattbericht, Ressource und Aufforderung, sich selbst an dieser Bewegung zu beteiligen."
- Heiner Gehring (1963-2004) deutscher Diplompsychologe, aufklärender Autor, Versklavte Gehirne. Bewusstseinskontrolle und Verhaltensbeeinflussung, Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg, 1. Auflage 1. Oktober 2004
- Dr. Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) US-amerikanischer Professor für Geschichte, Zivilisationstheoretiker, Georgetown University, Erforscher von Geheimgesellschaften, Autor, Katastrophe und Hoffnung. Eine Geschichte der Welt in unserer Zeit [1966], Per-
seus Verlag, 1. Auflage 15. November 2006, Kopp Verlag e.K., 1. Auflage Tragödie und Hoffnung [vollständige Übersetzung], 1. März 2016
- F. William Engdahl (*1944) deutsch-US-amerikanischer geopolitischer Analyst, Historiker, Wirtschaftsjournalist, Dozent, Publi-
zist, Die Saat der Zerstörung. Die Geopolitik des Genozids, Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg, 2007, 4. Auflage April 2015
- Daniel Estulin (*1966) litauischer investigativer Journalist, spezialisiert auf Bilderberg-Konferenzen, Dozent, Autor, Die wahre Geschichte der Bilderberger, Kopp Verlag, Rottenburg, 1. Auflage 25. Juli 2007
- Sascha Adamek (*1968) deutscher (ARD) Filmemacher, investigativer Journalist, Autor, Kim Otto, Der gekaufte Staat. Wie Konzernvertreter in deutschen Ministerien sich ihre Gesetze selbst schreiben, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 3. Auflage 19. Februar
- Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US-amerikanisches "Präsidenten-Modell" des Weißen Hauses, bewusstseinskontrollierte Sklavin
(MK Ultra Project Monarch), Mark Phillips, US-amerikanischer ehemaliger CIA-Angestellter eines Zulieferunternehmens für Bewusstseinskontrolle-Forschung, Mind control Experte, Deprogrammierer, Die Tranceformation Amerikas. Die wahre Lebensgeschichte einer CIA-Sklavin unter Mindcontrol, Mosquito Verlag Thomas Kirschner Übersetzer/Verleger, Books on Demand, 4. Auflage 8. Juli 2008
Auf dem weißen Stein der Mauern des US-amerikanischen CIA-Hauptquartiers in Langley, Virginia ist folgender Vers aus dem Johannes-Evan- gelium (NT) eingraviert: "... und die Wahrheit wird euch frei machen." Am 3. August 1977 eröffnete der 95. US-Kongress die Anhörungen über dokumentierte Missbrauchsfälle im Rahmen des "streng geheimen" Untersuchungsprogramms der CIA namens MKUltra. Am 8. Februar 1988 wurde eines der Opfer, Cathy O'Brien, durch den Geheimdienst-Insider Mark Phillips heimlich aus ihrer Versklavung durch Bewusstseinskontrolle befreit. Sieben Jahre lang versuchten das Paar, ihren Fall vor Gericht zu bringen, was aus Gründen der nationalen Sicherheit scheiterte. Die Tranceformation Amerikas enthüllt die kriminellen Auswüchse der Anwendung des National Security Act vom 26. Juli 1947.
Rezension von Rainer Monnet, präsentiert von der Publikation, September 2009
- Robin de Ruiter (*1951) niederländischer katholischer Fundamentalist, investigativer Autor, Die kommende Transition – Der globale Zusammenbruch des gegenwärtigen Weltsystems steht unmittelbar bevor, Mayra Publications, 15. Oktober 2009
- Dr. John Coleman (*1935) ehemaliger britisch-amerikanischer Spion des Geheimdienstes MI6, Erforscher der Neuen-Welt-Ordnung und der systemischen Massenbewusstseinskontrolle, Autor, Das Tavistock Institut. Auftrag: Manipulation, J.K. Fi-
scher Verlag, Gelnhausen-Roth, 16. Januar 2011, Taschenbuchauflage 6. Oktober 2015
- Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor, Unwirkliche Wirklichkeiten. Zur Wissenssoziologie von Verschwörungstheorien, Logos Berlin, 28. Februar 2011
- Karlheinz Krass, deutscher Autor, Sklaven ohne Ketten. Die Bürger als Gefangene, die alle vier Jahre ihre Wärter wählen, Kindle Edition, November 2011
- Vandana Shiva (*1952) promovierte indische Physikerin, Aktivistin für Umwelt, biologische Vielfalt, Nachhaltigkeit, Frauen-
techte, Autorin, Geraubte Ernte. Biodiversität und Ernährungspolitik, Rotpunktverlag, Zürich, 2. Auflage 22. November 2011
- Dr. John Coleman (*1935) ehemaliger britisch-amerikanischer Spion des Geheimdienstes MI6, Erforscher der Neuen-Welt-Ordnung und der systemischen Massenbewusstseinskontrolle, Autor, Das Komitee der 300. Die Hierarchie der Verschwörer,
J.K. Fischer Verlag, Gelnhausen-Roth, 3. überarbeitete Auflage 15. September 2013, 4. Taschenbuchauflage 15. März 2018
- Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor, Michael Schetsche, Herausgeber, Michael K. Walter, Herausgeber, Konspiration. Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens, Springer VS,
30. November 2013
- Dr. John Coleman (*1935) ehemaliger britisch-amerikanischer Spion des Geheimdienstes MI6, Erforscher der systemischen Massenbewusstseinskontrolle, Autor, Der "Club Of Rome". Die größte Denkfabrik der Neuen Weltordnung, engl. Leseprobe, J.K. Fischer Verlag, Gelnhausen-Roth, 16. Februar 2014, Taschenbuchausgabe 4. Juni 2018
Zusammenfassung: Der Club of Rome besteht aus den ältesten Mitgliedern der sogenannten Black Nobility, des Schwarzen Europäischen Hochadels, alles Nachkommen alter Familien, die im 12. Jahrhundert in Genua und Venedig herrschten. Sie werden Black Nobility genannt, da sie mithilfe schmutziger Tricks, von Mord, Terrorismus, unethischem Verhalten und Satans-Verehrung agieren. Sie zögerten nie, Gewalt gegen jeden anzuwenden, der es wagte, sich ihnen in den Weg zu stellen; heute ebenso wie vom 13. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert.
- Dr. Hans Ulrich Gresch, deutscher Diplom-Psychologe, investigativer Mindcontrol-Forscher, Autor, Hypnose Bewusstseins-
kontrolle Manipulation. Bewusstseinskontrolle durch Persönlichkeitsspaltung, Independently published, 14. April 2014
- Gabriele Schuster-Haslinger, deutsche Architektin, Geomantin, Autorin, Jan Udo Holey, Herausgeber, verraten – verkauft – verloren? Der Krieg gegen die eigene Bevölkerung, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Amadeus Verlag, Fichtenau, 17. Dezember 2015
- Dr. Manfred Biegler, deutscher Wirtschaftsforensiker, Unternehmensberater, Der perfekte Finanzbetrug. Geschäftsmodelle
unter dem Motto "Catch me if you can", Morawa Lesezirkel, Taschenbuch, 1. März 2016
- David Talbot (*1951) US-amerikanischer Medienunternehmer, progressiver Journalist, Autor, Das Schachbrett des Teufels.
Die CIA, Allen Dulles und der Aufstieg Amerikas heimlicher Regierung, Westend Verlag, 1. September 2016
Nur wenige Menschen haben den Verlauf der Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert nachhaltiger beeinflusst als der Wallstreet-Anwalt und CIA-Chef Allen Dulles. Buchrezension/Blog von Klaus Schreiner Innsbruck, Tirol, Österreich, 5. September 2016
- Dr. Julia Shaw (*1987) deutsch-kanadische Rechtspsychologin, Autorin, Das trügerische Gedächtnis: Wie unser Gehirn Erinnerungen fälscht, Heyne Verlag, Taschenbuch 9. Januar 2018
- Prof. Norman M. Naimark (*1944) US-amerikanischer Historiker, Politikwissenschaftler, Autor, Genozid. Völkermord in der Geschichte, Konrad Theiss Verlag, Stuttgart, 26. März 2018
- André Blank, Schweizer Gesundheitsberater, Blogger, Autor, Die Macht der Manipulation. Von Rhetorik bis MK-Ultra, Vivoterra AG, 28. Februar 2019
- Dr. iur. Marcel Polte (*1974) deutscher Jurist, psychotherapeutischer Heilpraktiker, Hypnosecoach, Sachbuchautor, Dunkle Neue Weltordnung Teil 1. MKULTRA Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda, Selbstverlag, Taschenbuchauflage 29. August 2019
- Dr. iur. Marcel Polte (*1974) deutscher Jurist, psychotherapeutischer Heilpraktiker, Hypnosecoach, Sachbuchautor, veröffentlicht im Selbstverlag
- Sandra Rasch, deutsche rituell Missbrauchte, psychotherapeutische Heilpraktikerin, Energetikerin, Autorin, Bevor Du aufgibst. Heilung von rituellem Missbrauch und anderen schweren Traumatisierungen, Genius, 1. Auflage 5. November 2019
- Philipp Drescher (*1986) deutscher sozialpsychiatrischer Pfleger, Herausgeber, Autor, Was der Drachen von Psychiater mir nicht erzählt… Bewusstseinskrieg, Angriffe im Zwischenraum und wie man sich wehrt, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Eigenverlag, 26. Juli 2024
Literature (engl.)
- ⚡ Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist", member of the Royal Society, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, The Scientific Outlook, 1931, Routledge, new edition 18. July 2001
- Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) English US American visionary humanist, pacifist, counterculture hero, poet, essayist, writer on parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, dystopian novel Brave New World, Chatto & Windus, 1932
Satiric account of an inhumane hedonistic utopian society controlled by technology, in which art and religion have been abolished and human beings reproduce by artificial fertilization
- ⚡ H.G. Wells (1866-1946) English pacifist socialist, head of British foreign intelligence during World War I, Tavistock NWO pro-
pagandist, eugenicist, racist, science fiction writer, novelist, non-fiction book, The New World Order, Secker & Warburg, London, January 1940, Filiquarian Publishing, 25. May 2007
Wikipedia entry The New World Order
- George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) English journalist, essayist, writer, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Secker and Warburg, London, 8. June 1949
- Charles Galton Darwin (1887-1962) English physicist (Manhattan Project), grandson of Charles Darwin, director of the Na-
tional Physical Laboratory (NPL) during World War II, top eugenicist, The Next Million Years, 1952, Praeger, 20. August 1973
- William Guy Carr (1895-1959) Canadian naval officer, investigative researcher, author, Pawns in the Game, 1955, Noontide Press, June 1978
- William Sargant (1907-1988) controversial British psychiatrist, life-long depressive, drug-tester, promoter of psychosurgery, deep sleep treatment, electroconvulsive therapy and insulin shock therapy, consultant of British Secret Service MI5, Battle for the Mind. A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing. How Evangelists, Psychiatrists, Politicians, and Medicine Men Can Change Your Beliefs and Behavior, Heinemann, London, 1957, Malor Books, Cambridge, Massachusetts, reprint 1. October 1997
- G. Edward Griffin (*1931) US American film producer, certified financial planner, political activist, lecturer, founder of Freedom Force International, author, Fearful Master. A Second Look at the United Nations, Western Island, June 1964
- Carroll Quigley, Ph.D. (1910-1977) US American professor of history, theorist of the evolution of civilizations, Georgetown University, researcher on secret societies, author, Tragedy and Hope, S. 950, The Macmillan Company, 1966
- Alvin Toffler (1928-2016) US American futurist, focused on digital revolution, communication revolution, corporate revolution
and technological singularity, writer, Future Shock, Random House Publication, 1970
- L. Fletcher Prouty (1917-2001) US American chief of special operations for the joint chiefs of staff under US president John F. Kennedy, bank executive, author, The Secret Team. The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World, Sky-
horse Publishing, 1970, 2nd edition 1. April 2011
- Jonas Salk (1914-1995) US American physician, medical researcher, virologist, epidemiologist, ⚡ eugenicist, The Survival of the Wisest, Harper & Row, 1st edition 1973
Paraphrasing the Darwinian notion of "the survival of the fittest"
- Antony C. Sutton, Ph.D. (1925-2002) British-US American professor of economics, California State University Los Angeles, opposed research fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), historian, writer, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution. The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists, 1974, Clairview Books, 1. January 2012
First published in 1974 and part of a key trilogy
- Antony C. Sutton, Ph.D. (1925-2002) British-US American professor of economics, California State University Los Angeles, opposed research fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), historian, writer, Wall Street and the
Rise of Hitler, first published 1976, Clairview Books, reprint edition 1. January 2011
- Walter Bowart (1939-2007) US American leader in the counterculture movement of the 1960s, founder and editor of the first underground newspaper The East Village Other, author, Operations Mind Control, Fontana, 1978
- Walter Bowart (1939-2007) US American leader in the counterculture movement of the 1960s, founder and editor of the underground newspaper East Village Other, independent researcher of mind control, author, Operation Mind Control, Dell Publishing, paperback, January 1978
- Carroll Quigley, Ph.D. (1910-1977) US American professor of history, theorist of the evolution of civilizations, Georgetown University, researcher on secret societies, author, The Anglo-American Establishment, GSG and Associates, 1. June 1981
- Antony C. Sutton, Ph.D. (1925-2002) British-US American professor of economics, California State University Los Angeles, opposed research fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), historian, writer, America's Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones, 1983, Trine Day, Paperback, 1. April 2004
- Constance Cumbey (*1944) US American lawyer, activist Christian author, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. The New
Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism, Huntington House, revised edition July 1983
- Neil Postman (1931-2003) US American media theorist, cultural critic, author, Amusing Ourselves to Death. Public Discourse
in the Age of Slow Business, Penguin, New York, 1985
- Martin A. Lee, US American philosopher, activist, author, Bruce Shlain, Acid Dreams. The Complete Social History of LSD.
The CIA, the Sixties, and Beyond, Grove Press, Grove Weidenfeld, 1986, revised May 1992
- Jim Keith (1949-1999) US American author, Black Helicopters Over America. Strikeforce for the New World Order, Illuminet Press, 1st edition 1. January 1995
- Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) US American historian, biographer, investigative political writer, The World Order. Our Secret Rulers. A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism, Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992, Omnia Veritas, paperback issue
20. January 2016
- Antony C. Sutton, Ph.D. (1925-2002) British-US American professor of economics, California State University Los Angeles, opposed research fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), historian, writer, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, CPA Book Publisher, 1st edition 1. June 1995
- Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control sex slave (MK Ultra Project Monarch),
drug runner, information courrier, Mark Phillips, US American former CIA employee of a DoD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research, mind control expert, deprogrammer, TranceFormation of America, first published September 1995, Reality Marketing, 9th revised edition 8. August 2005 Wikispooks free PDF, Conspirazzi free PDF
Cathy O'Brien quotes (81), presented by GoodReads Public figures involved in occult pedophilia abuse and CIA mind control named in Cathy O’Brien’s book "TranceFormation of America", 1995 Alex Houston – Ventriloquist and stage hypnotist in the country music industry. CIA mind control handler for Cathy O'Brien. Followed Senator Byrd’s orders to ensure that Kelly and Cathy O’Brien were at specific places at certain times to carry out the criminal operations that they were forced to participate in and to fulfill the perversions of those controlling the United States. Ronald Reagan – President – Had sex with Cathy O’Brien many times when she was a child. Did cocaine with Robert Byrd who was Cathy O’Brien’s "owner". Bohemian Grove (See picture available on Google Images). George H Bush – Chief of CIA, President, worked with Dick Cheney on the New World Order plan. Had sex with Kelly O’Brien as a child. Used a hologram in front of Cathy O’Brien to pretend he was a lizard alien. Dick Cheney – Vice President under Bush. Had sex with Cathy O’Brien repeatedly. Hunted her and other children down in a game called they called "The Most Dangerous Game". [See Video testimonial by C. O’Brien Hillary Clinton Rape Victim, Cathy O Brien – The Most Dangerous Game (Graphic), published on YouTube channel 22. April 2012] George W. Romney – Govenor of Michigan Romney was also interested in an early version of the Global Education 2000 Program (Outcome- Based Education) that’s infiltrated the US school system. It was designed to increase children's learning capacity while decreasing their ability to critically analyze. As a result, the Michigan education system ranked first in U.S. for many years but the devastation to the children was horrible. Gerald Ford – President, Member of Bilderberger group, member of Boheman Grove, CFR member – had sex with Cathy O’Brien as a child many times – the first time with Guy Vander Jagt at the state capital in Lansing, Michigan Bill Bennett – Secretary of Education, Drug Czar, Mind control programmer – Bohemian Grove. He sexually assaulted Kelly O’Brien, had sex with Cathy O’Brien. Bob Bennett – Bohemian Grove – Bill Cinton’s legal counsel, sexually assaulted Kelly O’Brien Madeleine Albright – was introduced to Cathy O’Brien as mother of all mind control slaves. Bush said she rose in the UN to implement the New World Order Brian Mulroney – Prime minister of Canada – new world order pig. Used mind controlled sex slaves repeatedly Bill Casey – CIA director under Reagan – used mind control slaves, new world order pig, programmed mind control slaves Patrick Leahy – Senator of Vermont – Programmer of mind control slaves, had sex with sex slaves Allen Simpson – Senator – worked with Dick Cheney, was aware of MKUltra sex slave program. Robert Byrd – Senator – Cathy O’Brien was prostituted to him as a child. As her "owner" he tortured her (largely described in the book TranceFormation of America) Arlen Specter – Senator, whose home at Conneaut Lake was used to film pornography for the sex slaves. He owned mind control sex slaves. Israeli US dual citizen. Inventor of the "single bullet" fraud concerning JFK assassination. Patrick Leahy – Senator of Vermont – had sex with sex slaves. Programmed mind control slaves. Cathy said he was very intelligent and one of the masterminds of the new world order. Dick Thornburgh – Governor of Pennsylvania, US Attorney General, Secretary for UN – visited the Charm School in Youngstown, Ohio, where the Monarch Mind Control sex slaves were programmed, had sex with the mind control sex slaves Jim Traficant – US Congressman, Ohio, had sex with the sex slaves the Charm School in Youngstown Ohio, died in a very suspicious farm equipment "accident" Gary Ackerman – US Congressman (D NY), head of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians – ran the elaborate Long Island docks drug network – had sex with Cathy O’Brien Lamar Alexander – Bush Secretary of Education – Cathy O'Brien met him at a satanic ritual that used sex slaves Bennett Johnston – Senator of Los Angeles – had sex with Cathy O'Brien. Did drug operations with Bill Clinton James Blanchard – Governor of Michigan – sex slaves went to his mansion at Macinac Island Pierre Trudeau – Prime minister of Canada – worked for the Vatican – communist, New World Order actor, used Cathy O'Brien as a sex slave. Since November 2015 his son Justin Trudeau is the Canadian prime minister. Guy Vander Jagt – Michigan State Senator – US House of Representatives. Used Cathy O'Brien as a sex slave many times when she was a child. Worked for the Vatican, helped to install George Bush as President Colonel Michael Acquino – NeoNazi, founder of the Himmler inspired satanic Temple of Set. Helped do more mind control programming on Cathy O’Brien. Charged with child ritual and sexual abuse at the Presideo Day Care in San Francisco Boxcar Willie – Involved in CIA operations. Entire basis of his popularity was due to an ad campaign of high tech hypnotically persuasive produced television commercials. Routinely abused Cathy O'Brien’s daughter Kelly. Kris Kristofferson – Musician, actor. Project Monarch Mind Control slave runner, worked with Aquino. Jimmy Buffett – Singer, CIA operative – worked with Cathy O'Brien on drug operations. Loretta Lynn – CIA mind control victim Tommy LaSorda – Dodgers manager – many players on his team were mind controlled to win or lose according to their owners’ bets and favors. Many sports team stars are under mind control. Jack Greene – Entertainer – CIA operative Charlie Pride – CIA Operative
- Fritz Springmeier, US American investigative researcher, religious right wing author, The Illuminati Formula to Create a Mind Control Slave, Springmeier & Wheeler, 1996
- Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma
and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, Dissociative Identity Disorder. Diagnosis, Clinical Features, and Treat- ment of Multiple Personality, Wiley, 2nd edition 30. October 1996
- Jim Keith (1949-1999) US American author, Mind Control, World Control, Adventures Unlimited Press, Paperback, February 1998
- Brice Taylor [Susan Ford] (*1951) US American CIA of Project MKULTRA trauma-based mind controlled sex slave, presidential model, recoverer, speaker, author, Thanks For The Memories. The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave, Brice Taylor Trust, 15. March 1999
Free PDF version Public figures involved in occult pedophilia abuse and CIA mind control named in Brice Taylor's book "Thanks For The Memories. The Truth Has Set Me Free! The Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's Mind-Controlled Slave", 1999 Henry Kissinger, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Bob Hope, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Charles, Princess Di, The Rat Pack, UCLA mind control programming
- Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political, Omni Publications, 1999
- Jim Keith (1949-1999) US American author, Mass Control. Engineering Human Consciousness, Adventures Unlimited Press, 1999, August 2003
- David McGowan (1960-2015) US American investigative researcher, author, writing The Pedophocracy, 2001
- Eric Jon Phelps (*1953) US American protagonist in the Truth Seeker movement, author, Vatican assassins. "Wounded in the house of my friends", Halycon Unified Services, 2001
- Barbara Hand Clow (*1943) US American astrologer, time researcher, lecturer, author, Catastrophobia. The Truth Behind Earth Changes in the Coming Age of Light, Bear & Company, 1. May 2001
- Carol Rutz, US American MKUltra mind control victim, speaker author, A Nation Betrayed. Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on our Children and Other Innocent People, Fidelity Publishing, 1st edition 1. August 2001
- G. Edward Griffin (*1931) US American film producer, certified financial planner, political activist, lecturer, founder of Freedom Force International, author, The Creature from Jekyll Island. A Second Look at the Federal Reserve, Bertrams, 4th edition
1. June 2002, CD edition 2009
- David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, The Dying God. The Hidden History of Western Civilization, iUniverse, 14. June 2002
Summary: Hidden history of western civilization
- Jim Keith (1949-1999) US American author, Kenn Thomas (*1958) US American archivist, editor and publisher of the para-
political magazine Steamshovel Press conspiracy writer, The Octopus. Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, Feral House, revised edition 1. November 2003
- Kathleen A. Sullivan, MSW (*1955) US American MKUltra mind control survivor, author, Unshackled. A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, Dandelion Books, Tempe, Arizona, 1. December 2003
- Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MK Ultra Project Monarch), Mark Phillips, US American former CIA employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research, mind control expert, deprogrammer, Access Denied. For Reasons of National Security, Reality Marketing, 2nd edition 1. August 2004
- Article by Marian Van Court, Swedish independent scholar on eugenics, founder of the Future Generations website, The Case for Eugenics in a Nutshell, presented by the US American magazine The Occidental Quarterly, winter 2004
- Kathleen Taylor, British neurologist, research scientist, department of physiology, anatomy and genetics, University of Oxford, Brainwashing. The Science of Thought Control, University of Oxford, 16. December 2004, Oxford University Press, NYC,
United States, 1st edition 24. August 2006
See also en.Wikipedia: Brainwashing. The Science of Thought Control, University of Oxford, 16. December 2004
- Randy J. Nelson, US American editor at Ohio State University, Biology of Aggression, Oxford University Press, NYC, United States, 1st edition 25. August 2005
- Fritz Springmeier, US American investigative researcher, religious right wing author, Bloodlines of the Illuminati, Pentracks Publications/TGS Printing Distributing, 3rd edition 1. November 2005
- David Emerald Womeldorff (*1954) US American consultant, facilitator, executive coach, speaker, author, The Power of TED, Polaris Publishing Group, 2006, 2nd edition 15. January 2009
- Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma
and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, The CIA Doctors. Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, February 2006
- Christopher Bryson, US American award-winning investigative journalist, author, The Fluoride Deception, Seven Stories Press, 1st edition 7. March 2006
- Robert M. Stanley (*1959) US American corporate journalist for HONDA research and development, researcher of UFOs and
ETs, radio host of the dissolved Unicus Radio Network, author, Close Encounters on Capitol Hill, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, revised edition 12. October 2006
Over 200 eye-witness accounts of UFO incursions in DC from 1850 to 2007
- Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma
and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, The Trauma Model, Manitou Communications, 1st edition 20. De- cember 2006
Results of 21 years of work in medicine and psychiatry
- Tim Weiner (*1956) US American journalist, author, Legacy of Ashes. The Story of the CIA, Doubleday, 2007
- Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma
and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, The Great Psychiatry Scam. One Shrink's Personal Journey, Manitou Communications, 16. June 2008
- Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult, Politics and the Occult. The Left, the Right, and the Radically Unseen, Quest Books, 1st Quest edition 1. November 2008
- Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma
and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author, Military Mind Control. A Story of Trauma and Recovery, Manitou Communications, 9. January 2009
Autobiographical detailed criticism of the profession of psychiatry. Fixing psychiatry requires two initial steps: acknowledging the state of the field, and devoting serious money and resources to mental health.
Some organizations discussed are: Central Bankers, Bankers, Jewish Bankers, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Council, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Tax-Exempt Foundations, Hierarchy, Illuminati, Jesuits, Masons, Skulls and Bones, Theosophical Society.
- Fritz Springmeier, US American investigative researcher, religious right wing author, Cisco Wheeler, Deeper Insight Into The Illuminati Formula, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1. January 2010
- Robert M. Stanley (*1959) US American corporate journalist for HONDA research and development, researcher of UFOs and
ETs, radio host of the dissolved Unicus Radio Network, author, Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C., CreateSpace Indepen- dent Publishing Platform, 1st edition 18. April 2011
- David Shurter, US American MK Ultra mind control survivor, whistleblower, author, Rabbit Hole. A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survi-
vor's Story, Consider It Creative, 4. April 2012
- William Dean A. Garner, US American biophysicist, US Army Ranger, corporate mercenary, literary agent, editor, independent researcher, author, Who Really Owns Your Gold? The Intended Global Meltdown of 2012-2014, Adagio Press, 24. April 2012
- Gary Lachman (*1955) US American cultural pundit, musician, writer on mysticism and the occult, Mysterious Universe. Mada-
me Helena Blavatsky, Tarcher, 25. October 2012
- William Horton, Kevin Hogan, Elsom Eldridge, Mind Control Secrets, Amazon Digital Services, Kindle Ebook, 28. April 2013
- David Livingstone (*1966) US American independent scholar and investigator of the occult influence in history, author, Black Terror · White Soldiers. Islam, Fascism and the New Age, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 16. June 2013
Blavatsky's cosmology is borrowed from 1) early "theosophists" (i.e. Jacob Boehme), 2) Vedic tradition, 3) Kabbalistic mysticism.
- Robert Kirkconnell, retired US American air force chief master sergeant, researcher, author, American Heart of Darkness. The Transformation of the American Republic into a Pathocracy, Volume 1, self-publishing Xlibris, 23. July 2013
- John A. Rush, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, Sierra College, Rocklin, California, medical hypnotherapist, author, Entheogens and the Development of Culture. The Anthropology and Neurobiology of Ecstatic Experience, North Atlantic Books, 1st edition 30. July 2013
- Annie Jacobsen, US American investigative journalist, author, Pulitzer Prize finalist in history, 2016, Operation Paperclip. The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America, Little, Brown and Company, new edition 11. February 2014
- David Talbot (*1951) US American media entrepreneur, progressive journalist, author, The Devil's Chessboard. Allen Dulles,
the CIA, and the Rise of America's Secret Government, Harper, 13. October 2015
- Julia Shaw, Ph.D. (*1987) German-Canadian legal psychologist, popular science writer, The Memory Illusion. Remembering, Forgetting, and the Science of False Memory, Random House, 1st edition 20. April 2017
Externe Weblinks
- Wikipedia-Einträge Bewusstseinskontrolle, Bidermans Diagramm des Zwangs, Brutkastenlüge, Dissoziative Identi-
tätsstörung [MPS/DIS], ⚡ Erinnerungsverfälschung, Geopolitik, Gräuelpropaganda, Hypnose, ⚡ MKULTRA CIA Mindcontrol-Programm, Propaganda, Psychologische Kriegsführung (Psy ops), Stockholm-Syndrom, Wahrheitskommission
- Persönlichkeiten Donald Ewen Cameron, José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado (1915-2011) spanischer Physiologe, Ted Gunderson (1928-2011), Andrija Puharich (1918-1995), R. Gordon Wasson (1898-1986), Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830)
- Neu aufgelegter Artikel Mind Control – die globale Bewusstseinskontrolle, präsentiert von der Schweizer Webseite Zeugen der Wahrheit, undatiert
- Artikel von Dr. med. Colin Ross (*1950) kanadischer Psychiater, Gründer des Colin Ross Instituts für psychologisches Trauma, Referent, Autor, Ein äußerst gefährliches Spiel. Interview mit Dr. Colin Ross zum Thema Mind-Control. Interview Dr Colin Ross; Military and CIA Mind Control Research), Gastgeber Stephen Marshall, 7 Seiten, präsentiert von Mosquito Verlag, undatiert
- Blogartikel von Dr. Henry Makov, H.G. Wells: Prophet der Neuen Weltordnung, präsentiert von dem Blogspot "Ano News Vienna", 17. September 2013
- Artikel Die ungeheuerlichen Geheimnisse der Mächtigen von Westminster Haben hohe Politiker in London jahrzehntelang Kinder missbraucht – und sich in einem Pädophilen-Ring Pornografie und Minderjährige zugeschoben? Das glauben drei Viertel aller Briten., präsentiert von der überregionalen Schweizer Tageszeitung Tages-Anzeiger, Zürich, 7. August 2014
External web links (engl.)
- Wikipedia entries Atrocity propaganda, Biderman's Chart of Coercion, Big Brother, Bohemian Club, Donald Ewen Cameron Main psychiatrist of CIA's MKULTRA mind control program, president of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations, the American Psychopathological Association and the Society of Biological Psychiatry during the 1950s, Cremation of Care (empathy, woes of life), Dissociative identity disorder [Multiple personality disorder (MPD)], ⚡ Doublethink, Eugenics manifesto, False memory syndrome (FMS), Mind control, New World Order (conspiracy theory), ⚡ Project MKUltra Manipulation of people's mental states/brain functions via chemicals/drugs (especially LSD), hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and torture, Nayirah (testimony), Philanthropy in the United States, Propaganda, Psychological warfare (Psywar /Psy ops), Psychic driving Repetition, Perception management, List of conspiracy theories, Rockefeller Foundation, List of Skull and Bones members, Social dreaming, Stockholm syndrome, Tavistock Clinic, psychiatric clinic in London, 1920, Tavistock Institute, 1946, Thoughtcrime, Truth and reconciliation commission, Woodstock Festival, 1969
- Personalities Category: Mind Control Theorists: George Estabrooks (1885-1973), Henry A. Murray (1893-1988), Donald Ewen Cameron (1901-1967), William Sargant (1907-1988), James Vicary (1915-1977), Robert Galbraith Heath (1915-1999), José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado, Ph.D. (1915-2011), Sidney Gottlieb (1918-1999), Harry Richard Bailey (1922-1985), Louis Jolyon West, Ph.D. (1924-1999), Walter Bowart (1939-2007); cult sellers: Herbert 'Marshall' McLuhan (1911-1980), Wilson Bryan Key, Ph.D. (1925-2008): cult exposers: Margaret Singer (1921-2003), Robert Jay Lifton, M.D. (*1926), Edgar Schein (1928-2023), Philip G. Zimbardo, Ph.D. (*1933), Benjamin Zablocki (1941-2020), Steven Hassan (*1954), Michael Lardon (*1960),
Ted Gunderson (1928-2011), McGill University, Huxley family, Andrija Puharich (1918-1995), R. Gordon Wasson (1898-1986), Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) Wilder Penfield [Greatest living Canadian] (1891-1976) US American-Canadian pioneering neurosurgeon, mapping the functions of various re- gions of the brain (cortical homunculus), founder and first director of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
Carol Rutz describes Penfield's brain-mapping experiments on her and other children; "the fate of the Western World depends on your silence"
Former bureau chief Victor Marchetti has stated in numerous interviews CIA's MKULTRA experiments didn’t stop, they simply erased its tracks and continued under a different cover.
24. October 1968: Possession of LSD is banned federally in the U.S. after the passage of the Staggers-Dodd Bill (Public Law 90-639) which amended the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
O'Brien heard Ronald Reagan say to then prime minister of Canada Brian Mulrooney (involved in the NWO effort) that he believed the only way to world peace is through mind control of the masses.
- Article CIA's Behavior Caper, PDF, presented by the US American American Psychological Association (APA) Monitor, S. 1, 10-11, Patricia Greenfield, Volume 8, No. 12, December 1977
- Feature article Satan's helpers: Nazi doctors! in America, PDF, presented by the weekly newsmagazine Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) founded the American political activist Lyndon LaRouche, Carol White and Brian Lantz volume 16,
no. 40, 6. October 1989
- Article featuring Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) US American nurse, sex educator, birth control activist, eugenicist, racist, foun-
der of the American Birth Control League, The Truth About MARGRET SANGER. Planned Parenthood Duped America, origi- nally presented by the US American magazin Citizen, 20. January 1992
- Article by Mike Richmond, Margaret Sanger, Sterilization, and the Swastika, presented by the publication The Ethical Spectacle, unknown date, republished, July 1997
- Article The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics, presented by the George Mason University History News Network (HNN), September 2003
- Abstract The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960, presented by the Historical Studies in Education, Brian J. Low, spring issue 2004
- Article by Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author, The Committee of 300. The Conspirator's Hierarchy, World in Review, 2006
- Article Eugenics Moves to the Twenty-First Century, presented by Old-thinker News, Daniel Taylor, 27. August 2007
From the elimination of undesirables from the human race; mass culling in the name of saving the earth; to altering the genetic code of humanity with advanced technology; eugenics has moved into a new era. cp. transhumanism
- Blog article by Robert S. Court, The Bush Family's Link to Nazi Eugenics and Mind Control, presented by the blogspot, 23. June 2008
- Blog article by Robert S. Court, 911. The Real Matrix: Absolute Mind Control is not Irreversible, presented by the blogspot, 23. June 2008
- Article Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation, presented by the British national "quality" Sunday newspaper The Sunday Times, John Harlow, 24. May 2009
- Timeline blog article Tavistock Timeline of Culture, presented by Iona Miller's Weblog, Iona Miller, 19. October 2009
- Blog article 50 years of MK (Mind Kontrolle) Ultra BETA Programmed Sex Slave Kittens (VIDEO), 24. May 2010
- Blog article Mind Control and Deliberate Dissociation, presented by, Carmen Holiday, 5. September 2010
- Article Roseanne Barr (*1952) US American actress, comedienne, television producer, director, 2012 presidential nominee of
the California-based Peace and Freedom Party, writer, MK Ultra Rules In Hollywood, originally presented by the online publica- tion Collective Evolution, Arjun Walia, reissued by the publication Issuu, 21. August 2013
Hollywood and the entertainment industry is dominated by CIA created Project MKUltra.
- Article The Rothschilds Own Israel – and Direct its Genocidal Policy, presented by the independent news publication The Freedom Articles, Makia Freeman, 22. August 2012
- Article MK-ULTRAViolence. Or, how McGill pioneered psychological torture, presented by The McGill Daily, 6. September 2012
- Article How Darwin, Huxley, and the Esalen Institute launched the 2012 and psychedelic revolutions – and began one of the largest mind control operations in history. Some brief notes, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author,
28. August 2012, updated 30. March 2013
- Article featuring David Icke (*1952) controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO) manipulating the earth's currencies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author, The Zionist Elephant In The Room ... BUT SEE IT AND YOU'RE 'RACIST, The David Icke Newsletter, presented by the US American news outlet Rense, ~2012/2013
- Article One of the Most Shocking CIA Programs of All Time: Project MKUltra, presented by the online publication Today I Found Out, Melissa, 23. September 2013
The CIA launched the MKUltra mind control program on April 13, 1953. 'According to the hearing report, "eighty-six universities or institutions were involved," and "185 non-government researchers and assistants" worked on these projects. "Physicians, toxicologists, and other specialists in mental [and] narcotics" were lured into MKUltra through the provision of grants that were “made under ostensible research foundation auspices, thereby concealing the CIA's interest from the specialist’s institution."' 'Perhaps most disturbing of all was the fact that the extent of experimentation on human subjects was unknown. The records of all these activities were destroyed in 1973, at the instruction of then CIA Director Richard Helms.'
- Transcript of interview with David Icke (*1952) controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO) manipulating the earth's currencies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author, David Icke On Rothschild Zionism, transcript, presented by the US American radio show Rense Radio Network, host Jeff Rense, US American independent investigative researcher
and journalist, 24. September 2013
- Commentary Transforming America's Schools into Authoritarian Instruments of Compliance, presented by The Rutherford Institute, John W. Whitehead, US American attorney, founder of the The Rutherford Institute, author, 7. October 2013
- Article 10 Real Victims Of The CIA's MKULTRA Program, presented by, J. Francis Wolfe, 28. May 2015
- Article Declassified: Mind Control at McGill, presented by the independent Canadian campus newspaper McGill Tribune,
Julie Vanderperre, spring 2016
- Article The Real Story of JACOB'S LADDER: Government Drug Tests and "the Ladder", presented by The 13th Floor,
David Ian McKendry, 8. August 2016
- Blogspot by Charles Hugh Smith Political Correctness Serves the Ruling Elite, 1. February 2018
- Article The World Economic Forum Talks About “Mind Control Using Sound Waves”, presented by the publication The Vigilant Citizen, 13. November 2018
- Article Undue Influence, presented by the publication Investopedia, Will Kenton, updated 13. January 2020
- Article Important Dates in the Life of Sigmund Freud, presented by the publication Very Well, Kendra Cherry, updated 9. April 2020
Audio- und Videolinks
- Enthüllende Video Dokumentation Bilderberger – Das geheime Zentrum der Macht, präsentiert von dem deutschen Internet-Fernsehkanal des Kopp Verlags, Drehbuchautor und Moderator Andreas von Rétyi (*1963) deutscher Bilderberg-Kritiker, Publizist, Autor populär- und parawissenschaftlicher Bücher zu NWO und Ufologie, produziert 2009, YouTube Film, 1:18:22 Dauer, eingestellt von koppverlag 25. Mai 2012
Einführung einer totalitären Weltregierung (Neue Weltordnung [NWO]) kontrolliert von einer Elite; Interviews mit Andreas von Bülow, deutscher Jurist, ehemaliger Teilnehmer einer Bilderberg-Konferenz, Autor und Enthüllungsjournalisten Daniel Estulin und Geoff Matthews
- Deutsch synchronisiertes Videointerview mit Michael Tsarion, irischer Makrohistoriker, Symbolkenner, siderischer Astrologe, Mythologe, Okkultist, investigativer 'Verschwörungs'forscher, Dozent, Autor, präsentiert von dem westschwedischen Internet-Radio Red Ice Radio, Gastgeber Henrik Palmgren, YouTube Film, eingestellt 29. August 2010
- Video Fernsehdokumentation Schwarze Kassen der CDU/CSU – Dokumentation der Machtkonstruktion [Le Système Octogon], präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, produziert von ARTE Frankreich, Fabrizio Calvi, Frank Garbely und Jean-Michel Meurice, 2008, Erstsendetermin 1. Juni 2011, YouTube Film, 1:11:04 Dauer, eingestellt 6. Juni 2011
- Videointerview mit Dr. Henning Witte, deutsch-schwedisch-estländischer Rechtsanwalt, Aktivist, Fernsehmoderator, Mindcon-
trol mit Dr. Henning Witte, Jan 2012, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Gastgeber Jo Con- rad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Netzaktivist, esoterischer Autor, YouTube Film, 42:15 Minuten Dauer, aufgezeichnet Januar 2012, eingestellt 15. Februar 2012
RFID-Chips 0,05mm ("smart dust")
- Videovortrag von Heiner Gehring (1963-2004) deutscher Diplompsychologe, aufklärender Autor, Mind Control – Vortrag von Heiner Gehring (Diplompsychologe), Versklavte Gehirne, YouTube Film, aufgezeichnet ~November 2012, 1:49:30 Dauer, eingestellt 20. Januar 2017
- Video des ZDF Dokumentationsfilms Projekt MK-ULTRA – Satanische Gehirnwäsche Techniken der CIA – Amerika zum Faschismus, Dailymotion Film, 28:23 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 2014
- Videopräsentation von David Icke (*1952) britischer Pressesprecher der englischen Grünen, Redner, investigativer Journalist, Publizist, Autor, David Icke spricht über die Schattenregierung, Übersetzung Dr. Ingo Hagel, umkreis-institut, YouTube Film, 32:02 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 30. January 2014
- Audiointerview mit Andreas Anton (*1983) deutscher Soziologe, Kultur- und Sozialforscher der IGPP, GfA, Autor, Soziologie des Verschwörungsdenkens, präsentiert von dem österreichischen Webradiosender CropFM, Gastgeber
Tarek Al-Ubaidi, ~90 Minuten Dauer, Sendetermin 7. Februar 2014
Orthodoxe (offiziell herausgegebene und anerkannte) und heterodoxe (allgemein verworfene) Verschwörungstheorien (am Beispiel der Anschläge des 11. September 2001), Überzeugungssystemen und den Prozess der gesellschaftlichen Konstruktion von Wirklichkeit in modernen Gesellschaften
- Videovortrag von Gabriele Schuster-Haslinger, deutsche Architektin, Geomantin, Autorin, Eine sehr mutige Frau Verraten, verkauft, verloren Vortrag zum Buch Teil 1, präsentiert von Regentreff Alternativ.TV, Regen, YouTube Film, 53:03 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 16. April 2017
- Videovortrag von Gastgeber Frank Engelmayer, Evolutionstheorie, Eugenik & Transhumanismus, präsentiert von dem deutschen online Fernsehsender NuoViso.TV, Sendung STONER frank&frei, YouTube Film, 1:29:18 Dauer, 15. July 2017
Ursprünge moderner Umerziehungsprogramme und Social Engineering. Die Verbindung zum tiefen Staat der Huxley-Brüder Julian und Aldous führen zu einer erstaunlichen Familiengeschichte, dem Darwin-Galton-Wedgewood-Clan. Über mehrere Generationen kontrollierte dieser Clan die Dogmen der Wissenschaft und später das ideologische Fundament von Sozialismus und Faschismus bildeten. Im 18. Jahrhundert gründete Erasmus Darwin die Lunar Society, die den Bogen zur UNESCO schlägt. Darwinismus, Eugenik und Transhumanismus stehen in einer Tradition. Die Oligarchie und ihre akademischen Handlanger steuern mit einem Netz aus privaten Clubs, Medien, Auszeichnungen den sogenannten Fortschritt (die Evolution) der Menschheit.
- Videopräsentation von Thomas Kasunic (*1975) deutscher Dozent in Medienberatung und -design, Medienevangelist, präsen-
tiert von dem Missionswerk Ewiges Evangelium, YouTube Film, eingestellt 19. April 2017
- Audiointerview mit eingeblendeten Frage zum Thema Dunkle Neue Weltordnung. MKULTRA, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda mit Dr. iur. Marcel Polte (*1974) deutscher Jurist, psychotherapeutischer Heilpraktiker, Hypnosecoach, Sachbuchau-
tor, präsentiert von der YouTube Plattform A U F G E W A C H T, eingestellt 29. September 2019
- Videointerview mit Dr. iur. Marcel Polte (*1974) deutscher Jurist, psychotherapeutischer Heilpraktiker, Hypnosecoach, Sachbuchau-
tor, Dunkle neue Weltordnung: MK-Ultra Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt & eine globale Agenda, präsentiert von der virtuellen Plattform, Gastgeberin Anna Maria August, 1:44:42 Dauer, eingestellt 18. Oktober 2019
- 3-teilliger Videovortragsserie über "📍 Das Tavistock-Institute" von Raik Garve, deutscher Arzt, Gesundheitslehrer, Dozent, Bitchute Filme, eingestellt 23. April 2022
Das Tavistock-Institute wurde von den Rothschilds und der englischen Krone gegründet und finanziert.
- Videofachvortrag von Prof. Dr. med. Paul Cullen (*1960) irischer Laboratoriumsmediziner, Molekularbiologe, Laborleiter an der Universität Münster, Die Geschichte des Transhumanismus, BVL-Fachtagung "Fortschritt" ohne Grenzen. Wohin führt die Opti-
mierung des Menschen?, Leipzig, 30. April 2022, YouTube Film, 49:48 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 21. Juni 2022
LInklose Medienangebote
- Dokumentarfilm Die Pharaonen Show – Geheimsymbole der SchweizerInnen und Eidgenossenschaft Schweiz in 9 Teilen, produziert von Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross (*1952) südafrikanischer Forscher der Pharaonenherrschaft und Neuen Weltordnung, Fil-
mer, aufgenommen ab August 2011 Archived English version GIUREH COMPLETE The Pharaoh show
Die letzte galiläische Bastion der Templer Akkon fiel im letzten der Kreuzzüge am 18. Mai 1291. Am 1. August 1291, nur 2,5 Monate später (Zeitdauer, um zu Pferd zurückzukehren), wurde die Schweiz gegründet und zum Versteck des Templerschatzes. Templer = Militär, Freimaurer = Politik Schweizer Banken = zur Finanzierung aller Kriege seither. "Die Pharaonen und ihr Heer verschwanden im Meer" (der Völker und im Seerecht) durch Vermischung. Mit Hauptsitz in der Schweiz nehmen die Templer (Pharaonen=PER-A=Großes Haus der pharaonischen Könige=Aristokratie) Schlüsselpositionen ein. Die Schweizer Flagge zeigt ein vereinfachtes Templerkreuz in denselben Farben.
- Eingedeutschte Fernsehdokumentation Mind Control: MKUltra "Gedankenkontrolle" HEUTE wie GESTERN wie MORGEN, YouTube Film, 15:13 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 6. Januar 2012
- Aufklärungsvideo Bewusstseinskontrolle – MK Ultra für das Volk, präsentiert von dem deutschen Zentrum der Gesundheit, Text von Dr. Richard Sauder, US-amerikanischer Soziologe, Politikwissenschaftler, Autor, YouTube Film, 25:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 5. August 2015
- Fernsehdokumentation TOP-DOKU! Edward Bernays und die Wissenschaft der Meinungsmache – Arte-Doku über Propaganda, präsentiert von dem französisch-deutschen Fernsehsender Arte, [La fabrique du consentement], Regisseur Jimmy Leipold, produziert 2017, YouTube Film, 53:08 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. Juli 2023
"Wenn wir den Mechanismus und die Motive des Gruppendenkens verstehen, wird es möglich sein, die Massen, ohne deren Wissen, nach unserem Willen zu kontrollieren und zu steuern." Edward Bernays, Propaganda Die Frage, wie man die Massen in demokratischen Systemen steuern kann, stellte sich ab dem Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. 1917 wurde sie akut, als die USA für einen Kriegseintritt die Zustimmung der Öffentlichkeit brauchten. Eine Handvoll Theoretiker der Massenpsychologie arbeiteten an einer Methodik der Meinungsbeeinflussung, die in weniger als 50 Jahren zu einem der wichtigsten Geschäftsfelder der aktuellen Zeit wurde: Public Relations.
Audio and video links – Harald Kautz
- Videovortrag von Harald Kautz (*1966) deutscher Physiker, Geologe, unabhängiger investigativer Forscher, Referent, Übersetzer, Publizist, Autor, Zugriff auf die Seele Bewusstseinskontrolle, YouTube Film, 47:07 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 1. August 2015
Audio and video links (engl.)
- Video TV interview with ⚡ Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) British philosopher, social critic, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformist, "pacifist", member of the Royal Society, Nobel laureate in literature, 1950, Bertrand Russell – Interview 1959, presented by Face To Face, BBC television series, 1959, YouTube film, 28:51 minutes duration, posted 9. March 2013
- Video presentation by Stewart Swerdlow, US American linguist, hyperspace intuitive, "recruited" for specific government mind-control experiments, including 13 years at the Montauk Project, lecturer, author, Stewart Swerdlow – The History Of Mind Control, presented by, recorded in 2003, YouTube film, 2:25:20 duration, posted 21. December 2010
- Television docudrama George Orwell – A Life in Pictures A Final Warning from George Orwell, presented by the British
TV channel BBC Four, 2003, YouTube film, 2:01 minutes duration, posted 5. June 2011
- Video dialog between Dr. Stephen Karpman, US American psychologist in transactional analysis and David Emerald Womeldorff (*1954) US American consultant, facilitator, executive coach, speaker, author, Steve Karpman Interview by
David Emerald, recorded 22. April 2009, YouTube film, 8:46 minutes duration, posted 16. December 2011
- Video interview with Eric Jon Phelps (*1953) US American protagonist in the Truth Seeker movement, author, All Roads
Lead to Rome, YouTube film, 1:26:42 duration, posted 14. November 2011
Freemasonry and Scottish Rite Freemasonry (created and written by the Jesuits) ♦ American Revolution ♦ Freedom ♦ New Age & Dark Ages ♦ Averting the Race War ♦ Racial Manipulation ♦ Biblical Racism vs Political Correctness ♦ Fear, Drugs & Gun Control
- Video presentation by Rev. Kevin D. Annett (*1956) Canadian anthropologist, political scientist, defrocked minister, whistle-
blower, secretary of International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), filmproducer, author, Genocide: Global and Local, interspersed with testimonials by 1st Nation Canadian Natives, Lazarus Productions, ©2010, YouTube film, 53:01 minutes duration, posted 2. February 2012
- Video interview with Joseph Atwill (*1950) US American independent scholar, author of, Caesar's Messiah, Christianity and Mind Control with Joe Atwill, episode #26 HD, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, ~2012, YouTube film, 1:33:33 duration, posted 3. October 2013
- DELETED Video presentation by Fritz Springmeier, US American investigative researcher, religious right wing author, Fritz Springmeier – The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines, sponsored by The Prophecy Club, 4:40:43 duration, first posted ~2013, reposted 19. January 2017
Thirteen family dynasties: Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn
- Video interview Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, founder of host of Logos Media, blogger, lecturer, author, On the Huxleys, Gordon Wasson, Terence McKenna, Esalen, Psychedelics, 2012 & Mind Control, podcast #151, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, host Sarah, recorded in Santa Barbara, Cali-
fornia, 21. September 2012, YouTube film, 1:09:50 duration, posted 21. September 2012
- Video presentation and Q&A by Steven Alan Hassan (*1954) US American Moonie (1974-1976), cult exit educator, mental health consultant, author, Steve Hassan at ISH, Bremen Germany on his new book, FOM and SIA, sponsored by the International Society of Hypnosis, congress offered to mental health professionals, Bremen, Germany, 20. October 2012,
Vimeo video, 2:51:01 duration, posted 8. January 2013
Working with people who have been subjected to undue influence
On Jonas Salk (1914-1995) US American physician, medical researcher, virologist, epidemiologist, ⚡ radical eugenicist, director of the American Eugenics Society (AES), father of mass inocculations, sponsored by Carnegie-Mellon, mass vaccinations, disgenics, analysis of Salk's book The Survival of the Wisest, 1972 – The wisest = elite = scientific class
- Video interview with Anneke Lucas (*1963) Belgian survivor of European elite child sex trafficking, founder of Liberation Prison Yoga (*2014), corrector of injustice, speaker, author, "Trained As A Spy At 10” – Sex Trafficking Survivor Anneke Lucas NAMES Her Billionaire Abusers, presented by PBD Podcast, host Patrick Bet-David, YouTube film, 1:56:27 duration, posted 25. Novem-
ber 2024
06:59 Die Geschichte von Anneke Lucas – 21:39 Treffen mit Bilderberg/Boeynants/Rothschild/Rockefeller – 35:11 David Rockefeller und sein Gefolge – 51:22 Beziehung zu Justin Trudeau's Vater – 53:19 Gedankenkontrolltraining 01:01:16 Globales elitäres Netzwerk – 01:12:47 Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell – 01:32:30 Sexualisierung und Kontrolle
Linkless media offerings
- Video interview with John A. Rush, Ph.D., US American professor of anthropology, Sierra College, Rocklin, California, medical hypnotherapist, author, Entheogens and the Development of Cutlture, podcast #171, presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host Jan Irvin, US American ethnomycologist, independent researcher, political analyst, blogger, lecturer, author, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, 9. August 2013, YouTube film, 1:17:26 duration, posted
16. August 2013
- Audio radio interview with Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, US American therapist, researcher, activist for SRA survivors, mental health supervisor, founder and leader of Trauma Research Center, author, Judy Byington Exposes Government Torture of Children, presented by an unnamed British radio station, aired 16. November 2013, YouTube film, 43:55 minutes duration, posted 21. Novem-
ber 2013
- Video dialogue between Ann Diamond (*1951) Canadian MKUltra mindcontrol survivor out of Montreal Quebec, intimate friend of Leonard Cohen, novelist, and Ellen Atkin, Canadian MKUltra mind control survivor, Ellen Atkin & Ann Diamond, recorded March 2014, YouTube film, 59:51 minutes duration, posted 6. November 2015
- Video presentation by Fritz Springmeier, US American investigative researcher, religious right wing author, Fritz Springmeier
On How MKULTRA Trauma Mind Control Is Now Being Used On Entire Populations!, presented by the British podcast The Richie Allen Show, host Richie Allen, YouTube film, 48:38 minutes duration, posted 14. January 2016
Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ For mature listeners only
Audios and videos featuring recovering mind control slaves Warning: Extremely sensitive testimonials – recommended for mature listeners only.
Type | Offering | Presenter | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Presentation | Brice Taylor [Susan Ford] (*1951) US American CIA of Project MKULTRA trauma-based mind controlled sex slave, presidential model, recoverer, speaker, author | Sue Ford (aka Brice Taylor) – MK-Ultra Mind Control | Anni Basseal, owner of Cath lab, Pasadena, California, late 90ties | 1:14:34 | 1. January 2016 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | Anonymous woman, US American CIA trauma-based mind control healing survivor of Project MKULTRA | MKULTRA survivor speaks | Advocacy Committee for Human Experiment Survivors Mind Control (Aches-MC), produced 1998 | 13:27 | 30. November 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview | Brice Taylor [Susan Ford] (*1951) US American CIA of Project MKULTRA trauma-based mind controlled sex slave, presidential model, recoverer, speaker, author | 1998 Interview with Brice Taylor, Ted Gunderson, Gene Chip Tatum and Barbara Hartwell on MKULTRA | Global Science Convention, 1998 Gospel Truth | 46:54 | Recorded 1998 27. March 2018 |
YouTube video | Interview | Brice Taylor [Susan Ford] (*1951) US American CIA of Project MKULTRA trauma-based mind controlled sex slave, presidential model, recoverer, speaker, author | Mind Control MKUltra Brice Taylor Names Names | | 7:46 | 25. April 2009 |
YouTube video Playlist | Presentation | Arizona Wilder, US American CIA trauma-based mind control healing survivor of Project MKULTRA | Bizarre Experiences of a Mind Control Slave part 1 of 6, part 2 of 6, part 3 of 6, part 4 of 6, part 5 of 6, part 6 of 6 | Global Sciences Congress, Denver, 2001 | 10:01 10:01 9:55 9:56 9:29 7:30 | 13. May 2010 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | Cathy O'Brien – Speech in California on MK Ultra in 2001 | Santa Clara, California, 2001 | 55:44 | 29. October 2021 |
YouTube video | Interview | Mark Phillips (†2017) US American former CIA employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien – Mind Control | Alabama, August 2002, male unnamed host | 40:42 | 27. August 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | Sholmo Shoham, Israelian youngest ever judge in Israel's history, raised in strict Jewish traditions, leader of the Commission for Future Generations in the Knesset, Zen practitioner, peace lover | Shlomo Shoham on Peace for Future Generations | US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith Subject to fee | 47:59 | February 2006 |
YouTube DVD video | Interview | Mark Phillips (†2017) US American former CIA employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | Mind Control & MKULTRA, Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips | Sponsored by, Edmonton, Canada, filmed 21. July 2006 | 1:44:18 | 2. November 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | Mark Phillips (†2017) US American former CIA employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | Mark Phillips on Trance Formation of America, part 1 of 2 Cathy O’Brien on the Trance Formation of America, part 2 of 2 | US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith Subject to fee | 55:03 48:09 | October 2007 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | Cathy O'Brien Our Media is Controlled by Criminals in our Government | Conference, April 2009 | 1:12:02 | 23. July 2017 |
On May 7, 1966 a 9 year old child named Cathy O'Brien was subjected to an occult ritual named "The Rite to Remain Silent" that involves the Catholic Church as well. This is her own very shocking and eye-opening life story about her experience as a CIA MK-Ultra Whitehouse Pentagon level trauma-based Mind Control slave. She speaks out to expose those who abused, who go right up to presidents and congressmen and women and to give voice to the many mind control victims out there who can't think to speak out. |
YouTube video | Presentation | Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave | Roseanne Barr opens for Cathy O'Brien on MKULTRA Mind Control | | 1:19:58 | 15. May 2012 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Carolyn Hamlett, US American former multi-generational mind control slave | Interview with a Former Illumined One Pt 7 Carolyn Hamlet | US American web radio station The Edge Broadcasting, host Daniel Ott | 2:11:28 | Aired 25. August 2012 Posted 10. September 2012 Reposted 10. April 2018 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | Trance Formation of America | Location, sponsor, and date unknown | 10:25:05 | 16. April 2013 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Jay Parker, US American Project Monarch victim subjected to trauma-based satanic ritual abuse (age 0-7), whistleblower | True Reality vs. Delusion | Free Your Mind Conference 2013 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26. April 2013 | 1:45:05 57:47 | 18. February 2014 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | Cathy O'Brien – Free Your Mind 2 Conference 2013 | Free Your Mind Conference 2013 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26. April 2013 | 1:12:02 | 14. March 2014 |
YouTube video | Interview | Jay Parker, US American Project Monarch victim subjected to trauma-based satanic ritual abuse (age 0-7), whistleblower | Satanic Illuminati Family Abuse & The Mind Control Case Of John Du Pont | Host Alex Ansary | 43:50 | 12. May 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | Mark Phillips (†2017) US American former CIA employee of a DOD subcontractor with exposure to mind-control research Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | The Uncut Interview from Salve TV in Germany CIA Mind Control Cathy O’Brien and Mark Phillips | German Salve.TV, Weimar, host Marion Schneider (*1956) German co-owner and CEO of spa hotel Toskanaworld | 1:16:02 | 29. Nov 2013 24. May 2015 |
Mark Phillips: "Working to expose evil is sometimes very difficult because some people don't wan't to hear it. Since it's not a part of anything they've experienced the first thing they think is, 'This is horrible. I don't need to hear this. This is impossible because it’s never happened to me.' Actually it has – in some form – it has happened to them, because information control, of course, is a form of mind control and it does change your behavior as well. You're modifying people's behavior, you're modifying their beliefs, you're modifying actually everything that they think by simply omitting information." Minute 18:38 |
YouTube video | Interview | Kathy Collins, recovering US American survivor of satanic ritual abuse and Project Monarch MK-Ultra programming | From Trauma to Transformation: Kathy Collins' Story | Platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan | 1:16:46 duration | 9. August 2015 |
Kathy Collins was subjected to the Project Monarch mind control ('MK-ULTRA') program which was designed to create 'sex slaves'. |
Deleted YouTube audio | Interview | Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | MKUltra & Project Monarch Whistle- blower Cathy O'Brien On Her Groundbreaking New Book | British podcast The Richie Allen Show, host Richie Allen | 1:18:30 | 14. November 2016 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Cathy O'Brien (*1957) US American White House "presidential model", mind-control slave (MKUltra Project Monarch), liberated by mind control expert and deprogrammer Mark Phillips, author | CATHY O'BRIEN ON HEALING PTSD, CHILD ABUSE AND TRAUMA | Truth With Trishaly, host Trishaly | 59:26 | 5. November 2016 26. June 2017 |
➤ In May 2015 Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips received a Whistleblower award in Weimar, Germany. Minute 16:00 ➤ Extensive crimes against humanity and perversion activities of Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and their mentor Senator Robert Byrd\\ "Hillary disgraces femininity, she disgraces women." Minute 18:26 |
YouTube video | Deleted documentary Interview clips | Brice Taylor [Susan Ford] (*1951) US American CIA of Project MKULTRA trauma-based mind controlled sex slave, presidential model, recoverer, speaker, author | #Pizzagate Victim Speaks Out! Exposes Hollywood Pedophiles! | Pizzagate News | 9:51 | 21. August 2017 |
Elite pedophiles, who abused CIA sex slave Brice Taylor: Elizabeth II, Queen of England, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, [Hillary Clinton], George Bush Sr., Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Sammy Davis Jr. |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Peter Breggin
Audio and video links (engl.) – ⚡ John Coleman
Audios and videos on mind control via Tavistock (1913+) featuring Dr. John Coleman (*1935) British-American former spy of MI6, researcher of systemic mass mind control, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube audio | Deleted radio interview | Committee of 300, Mass Mind Control]] | Radio Freeman, host Freeman, film maker, TV producer, radio talk show host, lecturer, author, recorded 3. February 2011 | 1:27:38 | 25. May 2013 |
YouTube video | Presentation | The Club of Rome, Chatham House And The Committee of 300 | Wake Up America | 1:43:30 | 29. September 2011 |
YouTube audio | Deleted radio interview | The Committee of 300 & New World Order | One Radio Network, host Patrick Timpone, recorded 31. January 2012 | 53:39 | 2. February 2012 |
YouTube audio | Radio interview | The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. The World's Lies and Propaganda Machine MP3 | Veritas Radio Show, host Mel Fabregas, Puerto Rican executive producer, parapolitical researcher | 1:09:54 | 20. April 2012 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – William Dean Garner
Audios and videos on Jesuits world government+) featuring William Dean A. Garner, US American biophysicist, US Army Ranger, corporate mercenary, literary agent, editor, independent researcher, author
Audio and video links (engl.) – ⚡ Ted Gunderson
Audios and videos on mind control via CIA Project MK Ultra (1954-1963) by Ted Gunderson (1928-2011) US American special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Los Angeles, California, expert on Satanism, private investigator to reveal systemic abuse performed by the CIA including ~4 million practicing Satanists in US (1.5% of all US Americans), systemic ritual-abuse, 50,000-60,000 human sacrifices per year, drug trafficking, international trafficking in children Whistleblower and 'conspiracy realist' Gunderson died of bladder cancer resulting from exposure to Arsenic poisoning via anonymous years before.
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview with Gene "Chip" Tatum, former CIA Black Ops Assassin | 'Presidential Secrets' Former CIA Black Op Speaks Out with ex FBI Ted Gunderson | Tatum Chronicles Ted Gunderson TV Show ~1997-1998 | 1:22:40 | 7. July 2015 |
YouTube video | Presentation | SATANISM & THE CIA, part 1 of 3 SATANISM & THE CIA, part 3 of 3 "The CIA is the most evil organisation in the history of the world." Minute 17:52 SATANISM & THE CIA, part 2 of 3 11 people were involved in the Oklahoma bombing, T. McVeigh was a mind-controlled slave. Minute 39:19 In 1915 JP Morgan bought up 25 of America's leading independent newspapers and inserted their own editors. Minute 40:50 | The Festival of the Ages, Salmon Arm, BC, Canada, August 2000 | 57:49 20:10 57:41 | 1. January 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview with Bob Fischer, US researcher of secret societies | Hidden Timelines of Secret Societies – Cracking the "9/11 Itinerary" Code. Masons, Skull and Bones, part 1 of 2 Hidden Timelines of Secret Societies – Cracking the "9/11 Itinerary" Code. Masons, Skull and Bones, part 2 of 2 | Ted Gunderson TV Show Recorded 9. February 2006 | 2:26:25 2:07:35 | 24./25.12.2012 new 14. April 2015 |
YouTube video | Interview | The Bleeping Truth Rare Interview with Ted Gunderson "[US] government brought in ninehundred-plus German scientists who are involved in mind control programs. The CIA began operation of this program called MKUltra." Minute 14:24 – "I believe Sirhan Sirhan was a mind-controlled victim." Minute 14:15 – "In 1773 the Rothschild family in England ordered a defrocked Catholic priest Adam Weishaupt to come up with the 25 goals to take over the world. They were announced in 17. May 1776." Minute 42:45 | The Bleeping Truth TV Show, 2006 | 58:45 | 19. June 2013 |
YouTube video | Presentation | WhistleBlower Head of FBI tells all from NWO Ted Gunderson – The Great Conspiracy Exposed | ~2007-2008 | 1:03:35 1:03:28 | 8. May 2013 3. October 2012 |
YouTube video | Statement | Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped | 12. January 2011 | 2:17 | 13. January 2011 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | CIA Mind Control – Former FBI Chief: Ted Gunderson "Timothy McVeigh was the Lee Harvey Oswald of Oklahoma City, a patsy. He was mind-controlled. ... He was visited in jail by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, one of the originators and organizers of the CIA mind control program MKUltra." Minute 7:14 | Topic: Oklahoma City bombing, 1995 | 9:14 | 18. March 2013 |
Video links (engl.) – Sean Hross
Series of videos on Pharaonic infiltration in Switzerland produced by Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross (*1952) South African researcher of the Pharaonic reign and the New World Order, filmer, YouTube films
- Dr. Sdf. Sean Hross, The Pharaoh Show; Alien Predators in Human Appearance - Swiss Secret Symbols in Switzerland, produced by Out Of Switzerland, ~2011,
YouTube video, 1:32:06 duration, posted 19. February 2012 The last stronghold of the Templars in the last Crusade fell on 18. May 1291. Only 2.5 months later Switzerland (home of the Templars, Les Seurs d'Isis) was founded on 1. August 1291. The Templar's treasure was the foundation of the Swiss banks. Swiss KKK = Konsens ♦ Konkordanz ♦ Kompromiss
- Proofs: Pharaohs in Europe for at least 4.000 years; Same Technique on Mt Ste Odile Pagan Wall, YouTube film,
8:03 minutes duration, posted 5. August 2012
In Ancient Egypt (especially in Amarna) the same construction techniques of attaching stones were used as here in eastern France; the enemy within has been mixing with the Europeans for at least 4.000 years. They disappeared in the sea "of peoples", and all European nobles are of pure pharaonic PER-A descent. 'Aristocracy' = Descendants from the pregnant sun
Video links (engl.) – David Icke
Audios and videos on New World Order takeover strategies+) featuring David Icke controversial British researcher on elite families (NWO) manipulating the earth's currencies, politics and natural resources, international lecturer, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview | David Icke on Hacking the Matrix | US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, filmed at Red Rock, Sedona Subject to fee | 58:46 | April 2009 |
YouTube video | Interview | Satanism, Paedophilia Hybrid Royalty Put In Control Of Earth · 27 May 2010 | Television channel broadcast in the UK and Ireland, On The Edge, host Theo Chalmers | 1:39:28 | Aired 27 May 2010 Posted 18. March 2014 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | David Icke Dot-Connector, episode 1 | British The People's Voice TV, host Richie Allen | 48:55 | Aired 29. November 2013 Posted 10. December 2013 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | David Icke Dot-Connector, episode 2 Archons possession, Wetiko, elite bloodlines; See: Soulsickness, Wetiko – symptons of the Me-disease – Paul Levy | British The People's Voice TV, host Richie Allen | 56:39 | Aired 6. December 2013 Posted 9. December 2013 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | David Icke Dot-Connector, episode 3 | British The People's Voice TV, host Richie Allen | 55:32 | Aired 13. December 2013 Posted 20. December 2013 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | David Icke Dot-Connector, episode 4 1969 predictions on NWO plans revealed by Richard L. Day, Ph.D. (1905-1989) US American professor of pediatrics, insider of the Rockefeller dynasty | British The People's Voice TV, host Richie Allen | 57:17 | Aired and posted 20. December 2013 |
Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ Rauni Kilde
Audios and videos on mind control issued by the elite class by Rauni Kilde, M.D. (1939-2015) Finnish physician, lecturer on parapsychology, ufology and mind control since 1982, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
Dailymotion video | Presentation | Bases 5 Mind Control with Rauni Kilde, Part 1 4. AZK – Dr.Rauni Kilde – MindControl | AZK, Widnau Switzerland, 27. June 2009 | 1:15:46 | Recorded/posted 2009 |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | Dr. Rauni Kilde: Frequencies, EMF, climate, NWO, enemy of the State, Illuminati, part 6 of 13, #382 | Bevolution, The Human Project, host Julius, Denmark | 8:51 | 5. August 2009 |
YouTube video | Interview | Anne Hess & Rauni Kilde Oslo 2011 | Miles Johnston, Underground Video, United Kingdom, host Anne Hess, produced in Son, Norway | 1:07:36 | 11. October 2011 31. July 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | ''Dr. RAUNI KILDE ~ "The Grande Dame Of Consciousness" | Age Of Truth*TV, host Lucas Alexander | 1:44:40 | 30. March 2013 |
YouTube video | Audio interview | Dr. Rauni Leena Luukanen-Kilde on Mind Control | Veritas Radio Show, host Mel Fabregas, Puerto Rican executive producer, parapolitical researcher | 1:00:11 | 2. May 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | Rauni Kilde MD: There is no death; We are not alone in the universe; God is Love | Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author, Vancouver BC | 1:02:01 | 1. October 2013 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Rima Laibow
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video/DVD | Interview/presentation | Dr Rima Laibow Exposes Genocidal Plot | | 1:21:19 | 10. December 2012 3. March 2013 |
YouTube video/audio | Skype interview | Huxley's Brave New World | Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, episode #175 HD, host Jan Irvin, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, 6. September 2013 Membership required | 1:37:19 | 10. September 2013 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Eustace Mullins
Audios and videos – mind control, liberation and responsibility featuring Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) US American historian, biographer, investigative political writer
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Presentation | Hospitals are Temples of the Occult – Eustace Mullins | Global Sciences Congress, Denver, Colorado, August 1993 | 6:55 | Uploaded 24. August 2011 Published 10. July 2017 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Money and the Conspiracy of Evil | Conspiracy Conference 2002, Santa Clara, California, 26. May 2002 | 2:02:47 | 25. November 2011 |
YouTube audio | Radio interview | Eustace Mullins: The Crimes of Israel | French Connection radio, host Daryl Bradford Smith | 1:12:29 | Recorded 8. December 2005 Posted 8. April 2018 |
"Americans do not understand that Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Zionism, and Reformed Judaism are all the same thing. There is actually no difference between the so-called ideologists." Minute 43:48 – "Freemasonry is an extension of the Jewish religion." Minute 45:35 |
Altcensored audio | Radio interview | Why The Rothschilds Invented Nazism Eustace Mullins | French Connection radio, host Daryl Bradford Smith | 32:01 | Recorded 25. January 2006 Posted 7. July 2017 |
"The Rothshields invented Zionism, Fascism, Nazism and Communism – all in the 1830s in Germany. And there is not a dime's worth of difference between any of them." Minute 29:44 |
AltCensored audio | Radio interview | The Hegemony of Parasitism | US American Truth Quest Radio, host Melodee Hallett, Eric Karlstrom, Ph.D. (*1958) US American professor of geography, California State University, cohost | 2:43:25 | Recorded 11. March 2008 Posted 31. March 2017 |
Book: Eustace Mullins (1923-2010) US American historian, biographer, investigative political writer, The World Order. Our Secret Rulers. A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism, Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992, Omnia Veritas, paperback 20. January 2016
Audio and video links (engl.) – Simon Parkes
Audios and videos – mind control, liberation and responsibility featuring Simon Parkes (*1960) British councillor, Illuminati insider, mind control experiencer, activist, counselor
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview | The Hidden World of The Illuminati | Quantum Leap TV, program "The Truth Hour", host Johnny Guzman, film | 49:14 | 29. January 2013 |
Audio | Presentation | The Alien Agenda – What THEY don't want you to know... Transcript | New Horizons, Saint Annes, Great Britain, 2014 | 2:04:31 | 10. February 2014 |
Vimeo video | Interview | Simon Parkes reveals mind control secrets | Swedish TV station White TV via Twitter, host Dr. Henning Witte, German Swedish Estonian lawyer, social activist, TV host, Sneaton Castle, Whitby, Great Britain | 48:25 | Recorded 25. April 2015 Posted 29. April 2015 |
YouTube video | Interview | How ETs Created And Influenced The Human Race | Awakened and Empowered TV (AAEtv), host Ethann Fox | 2:04:08 | Recorded 8. August 2015 Posted 11. August 2015 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Simon Parkes – The Coming Crisis 2016-2017 | The Multidimensional Show, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 17. September 2016 | 1:09:47 | 1. October 2016 |
Audio | Interview | 2016-11-06 Simon Parkes Q&A I – Connecting Consciousness, PDF transcript | Dissolved Scottish media network Wolf Spirit Radio, program "Connecting Consciousness", host Jay Pee | 1:54:55 | 6. November 2016 |
"We have a situation where it’s finally balanced [between the good guys and the bad guys in United States]. No one side has supremacy over the other. It is not a done deal. The bad guys could still pull this off. But now the fight is out in the open. I absolutely believe that they will try and let the election go ahead. They will attempt to fake it and rig it so that they say that Hillary has won the election by a very small number of votes. If that happens I think that just within a few weeks she will be declared sick and that she will stand down. […] If they fake the election and Hillary Clinton is declared the winner there will be civil war in some states in America, because many states will not accept that, because they know the truth. […] These people who are deciding what they are going to do with Hillary Clinton, because she is just a puppet, and how they are going to play her, need to realize that they could put their country into a terrible state. The [good guys in the] military now are referring to America [...] as the "Republic" […], because they want the United States to return to a Republic." Minute 19:00 |
Audio and video links (engl.) – Mark Passio
Audios and videos – mind control, liberation and responsibility featuring Mark Passio, US American freedom activist, independent researcher, former awakened priest in the church of Satan, conference organizer, radio talk show host, public speaker
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Presentation | What On Earth Is Happening, part 1 of 4 Consciousness, polarity and the brain What On Earth Is Happening, part 2 of 4 Occult influence, mind control techniques, astro-theology What On Earth Is Happening, part 3 of 4 Subversive use of symbolism, the Hegelian Dialectic, the globalist agenda What On Earth Is Happening, part 4 of 4 | WOEIH, recorded by Top Girl Productions, Karen DeBiasse and David Simmons, December 2008 | 1:54:08 2:59:40 2:53:49 1:48:57 | 24. September 2012 and March 2014 |
YouTube audio Podcast | Presentation | Mark Passio speaks to the New Age, the Naive, the Misinformed and the Trolls | WhatonEarthisHappening, aired 2. February 2013 | 1:37:26 | 15. April 2013 |
YouTube video | Removed presentation | New Age Bullshit – Mark Passio | "Free Your Mind 2" conference 2013, host Freeman Fly, Philadelphia, 27. April 2013 | 1:23:51 | 27. June 2014 |
Extended YouTube podcast Video animation | Presentation | New Age Bullshit And The Suppression Of The Sacred Masculine 10 "New" Age deceptions promoting slave think; inhibiting the understanding of Natural Law | Free Your Mind 2 Conference, Philadelphia, 27. April 2013 | 7:03:33 | 11. August 2013 21. September 2020 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Cosmic Abandonment – An Explanatory Synthesis Regarding Human Origins, Psychopathy, Slavery And The Current Psychological And Social Conditions Of Humanity | Philadelphia UFO Meetup Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12. December 2013 | 2:17:04 | 14. January 2014 |
Mankind was genetically engineered by non-human entities as a hybrid slave race. Mankind's extraterrestrial "parents" inadvertently engineered genetic anomalies in the human species, including primary psychopathy. The extraterrestrial forbearers provided the systems of government, money, and religion. The sudden disappearance of the "cosmic parents" damaged the collective human psyche with abandonment issues. How to rectify humanity's deeply-seated troubled origins and psychological trauma? |
Deleted YouTube video | Interview | Former Satanist Exposes Occult Secrets, partial transcript | The Alex Jones Channel (Info Wars), host Lee Ann McAdoo | 34:29 | 21. January 2015 |
YouTube video TV | Interview | Satanism, Ritual & Relative Morality with Mark Passio | US American The Lip TV, program "Buzzsaw", host Sean Stone (*1984) US American actor, film director, producer, cinematographer, TV show host, screenwriter, author | 46:16 | 8. March 2015 |
Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ Colin Ross
Audios and videos on mind control via CIA Project MKUltra (1954-1963) featuring Colin Ross, M.D. (*1950) Canadian psychiatrist, trauma expert, president of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (1993-1994), researcher, lecturer, author
Applied MIND CONTROL measurements are: ✣ sleep deprivation ✣ humiliation ✣ drugs ✣ hypnosis ✣ pain via electroshocks ✣ implanted com- mands ✣ amnesia ✣ faulty memory. CIA-mind control projects include the Human Ecology Fund, Project MKUltra, and Project Monarch. They established and experimented with mind-control programming centers at various military bases. They established and experimented with Satanic cults. The Rockefellers worked hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves. Part II. The Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires, the Freemasons, and the Birth of the Illuminati, presented by Eric Karlstrom, Ph.D. (*1958) US American retired professor of geography, California State University, January 2012
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview | Mike Hagan Interviews Dr. Colin Ross About Mind Control, part 9 of 10 American psychological horror film Jacob's Ladder, 1990 and the political thriller novel The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, 1959, Dr. George Estabrooks (1885-1973) Canadian-American psychologist, hypnoprogrammer of U.S. government agents during World War II "The Manchurian Candidate is absolutely factual. It has been used operationally going back at least as far as the Second World War. All the documentation stops basically early 70s." Minute 8:49 | Mike Hagan, 19. September 2004 | 10:15 | April 2011 |
YouTube video | Interview | CIA Mind Control Secrets MK Ultra & Brainwashing Interview 1947: Formation of the CIA; 1950: Project Artichoke; 1954-1963: MK Ultra; 1963-1972: MK Search; 1973: Richard Helms, director of the CIA ordered the destruction of all mind control documents. Seven boxes of documents survived an archive and were discovered later and availed to the public domain. Since then documents concerning CIA mind control programs are still classified. Minute 0:28 | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 13:30 | 10. July 2012 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | What is Brainwashing? Mind Control by Force? Is Total Recall Real? MK Ultra Various terms: Brainwashing, mind control, thought reform, coercive persuasion "There has to be mind control brainwashing brought to play to create 9/11 pilots, suicide bombers. And so we've got to be up to speed on this, at least defensively." Minute 10:50 | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 15:28 | 20. July 2012 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | Midnight Climax. LSD, CIA Mind Control, MK Ultra | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 13:41 | 3. August 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | CIA Mind Control Secrets: Interrogation Techniques & Torture Weapons | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 16:06 | 30. August 2012 24. Dec 2016 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | Satanic Ritual Abuse, Is it Real? Psychology & Trauma | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 13:29 | 14. October 2012 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | Real, Fake or Lie: Mind Control, Aliens, Satanic Abuse | False Memories | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 15:05 | 2. November 2012 |
YouTube video | Presentation | The CIA & Military Mind Control | Conspiracy Culture, Toronto, Canada, 10. November 2012 | 2:16:37 | 19. November 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | Dr Colin Ross – Satanic Ritual Abuse & False Memory Syndrome | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 15:04 | 9. Decem- ber 2012 25. Septem- ber 2014 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | How Conspiracy Theory Becomes Truth: CIA Mind Control, Psych, 9/11, NWO, Lie | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 21:58 | 22. March 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | Mind Control Facts: CIA Experiments on Military & Civilians presented by Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel CIA/government related mind control experiments were done by major universities like Johns Hopkins Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Tulane, UCLA. And the experimenters were leading figures in psychiatry seriously violating the code of ethics of their profession. Minute 2:04 "There has never been a formal apology for mind control experimentation from the White House, from the military, from the CIA." Minute 14:43 "The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has never published an editorial on this saying 'We need to take ownership for what we've done.' It's all well-documented, many psychiatrists participated, the APA looked the other way. It was published in the psychiatry journals. 'We apologize. We are not going to do that anymore.'" Minute 15:30 | 23:21 | 5. April 2013 |
YouTube video | Removed 3-part interview | ♦ MKULTRA – What Is Mind Control?, episode #161, part 1 of 2 ♦ MKULTRA – What Is Mind Control?, episode #162, part 2 of 3 ♦ 'Conclusion on MKULTRA & Mind Control'', episode #163, part 3 of 3 presented by the platform Logos Media, formerly Gnostic Media, founder and host, Jan Irvin, recorded in Santa Barbara, California, 4., 9. and 16. April 2013 | 1:27:28 1:43:24 1:31:23 | 4. May 2013 15. April 2013 22. April 2013 |
YouTube video | Interview | Mind Control Experiments: The CIA Doctors, LSD, Brainwashing Psychology Report "The American Psychiatric Association recently released an ethical guideline that psychiatrists should not participate in torture. ... On the subject that psychiatrists have participated for decades and decades and decades in enhanced interrogations, CIA military mind control programs, running these kind of people operationally – total silence." Minute 18:40 | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 21:10 | 2. May 2013 |
Audio | Radio interview | CIA Doctors and the Psychiatry Scam | SOTT Talk Radio, show #16, hosts Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley | 2:35:48 | 13. May 2013 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | Celebrities & Multiple Personality Disorder – Lady Gaga, Britney Spears & Mel Gibson Alter Ego | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 9:03 | 8. December 2013 |
YouTube audio/video | Interview | CIA LSD Experiments, MKUltra & The JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theory & Connection | Psychetruth, host Corrina Rachel | 12:35 | 16. Jan 2014 |
YouTube audio/video | Removed interview | Media Lies & Cover Ups, CIA Mind Control Secrets, 9/11, Militarized Dolphins | Psychetruth, The Truth Talks, host Corrina Rachel | 13:31 | 29. Jan 2014 |
YouTube audio/video | Interview | Daniel Ott interviews Colin Ross | The Edge News Television Broadcast, Cosmic Cowboy host Daniel Ott | 1:38:18 | 1. February 2014 |
AltCensored audio | Interview | Psychological Trauma & Mind Control in the Intelligence Services – Hour 1'']] | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren | 1:00:19 | Aired 25. May 2015 Posted 5. June 2015 |
YouTube video | Presentation | Colin Ross, M.D. "Extreme Skeptics About DID: Why They Are Wrong" | Trauma and Dissociation Conference, hosted by Ivory Garden, Seattle, Washington | 1:20:38 | Recored 2015 21. June 2016 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | Monarch, Mind Control & Nazis | Host Sean Stone (*1984) US American actor, film director, producer, cinematographer, TV show host, screenwriter, author | 51:54 | 5. April 2021 |
Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ Neil Sanders
Audios and videos on Mind control featuring Neil Sanders, British psychologist, expert on media productions, mind control researcher, qualified hypnotherapist, author
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Interview | Mind Control Overview | British web TV station Richplanet TV, host Richard D. Hall, British electrical and electronic engineer, North London | 2:48:43 | 24. January 2012 28. Septem- ber 2012 |
YouTube video | 3-part removed interview | Popular music, who is controlling it and why? | British web TV station Richplanet TV, host Richard D. Hall, British electrical and electronic engineer, North London | 18:46 14:11 18:08 | 19. April 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | Neil Sanders talks about Jimmy Saville. Was Saville part of an MI5 child sex entrapment operation?, Part 1 of 3, Part 2 of 3, Part 3 of 3 | British web TV station Richplanet TV, host Richard D. Hall, British electrical and electronic engineer, North London | 16:11 14:02 17:23 | 21. December 2012 |
YouTube video | Removed 2-part interview | Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Origins, objectives and architects of mind control. Mind Control on unsuspecting victims is a documented fact since 1920's. | Not on the Six O'Clock News, organizer and host Andrew Johnson, Derby, host 108morris108, 30. September 2012 | 1:51:18 | 10. January 2013 22. January 2013 |
YouTube video | Removed interview | Mind Control of Celebrities | British web TV station Richplanet TV, host Richard D. Hall, British electrical and electronic engineer, North London | 1:03:16 | 2. June 2013 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own – LSD & MK Ultra | British radio station DialectRadio BCfm Radio, Bristol, host Tony Gosling | 25:30 | 27/29. August 2013 |
Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ Anthony Sutton
Audios and videos on Mind control featuring Antony C. Sutton, Ph.D. (1925-2002) British-US American professor of economics, California State University Los Angeles, opposed research fellow of the ⚡ Hoover Institution, Stanford University (1968-1973), historian, writer
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube video | Presentation | Antony Sutton – 1976 Lecture (Full Length) | Sponsor and location unknown, 1976 | 44:38 | 1. July 2011 23. March 2021 |
YouTube video | Interview | Antony Sutton über Skull and Bones – 1/4 Antony Sutton über Skull and Bones – 2/4 Antony Sutton über Skull and Bones – 3/4 Antony Sutton über Skull and Bones – 4/4 Ford, Rockefellers, DuPont funded the build-up of Nazi Germany. General Electric, Ford, Standard Oil/Rockefellers, Royal Dutch Shell, Fiat, JP Morgan/Guaranty Trust Company funded the Soviet Union's military power and totalitarian communism. | | 7:53 9:29 5:34 9:56 | 12. April 2012 |
YouTube video | Interview | The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death] | Unnamed female host, unknown date of production | 31:57 | 22. June 2012 26. March 2016 |
YouTube video | Interview | Antony Sutton The Best Enemies Money Can Buy (1980) Hitler's Nazi Germany and communism alike were financed by the invisible government (globalists). | Radio Liberty, host Stanley Monteith (1929-2014) US American retired orthopedic surgeon, author, summer 1980 | 1:18:28 | 9. August 2018 |
YouTube video | Interview | Antony Sutton – Psychotronic Weapons and Behavior Modification | Unnamed female host, unknown date of production | 17:09 | 27. October 2012 14. March 2022 |
Audio and video links (engl.) –⚡ Alan Watt
Audios and videos on mass-controlled NWO global agenda featuring Alan Watt (1965-2021) Scottish researcher, radio show host, alternative media publicist, author, Cutting Throught the Matrix on the Republic Broadcasting Network
Type | Offering | Heading | Sponsor ♦ Location ♦ P-Date | Minutes duration | Release date |
YouTube audio | Interview | Modern Sophisticated Slavery, 5 Steps of Awakening to NWO | Radio show Sweet Liberty, recorded 25. May 2005 | 27:06 | 25. April 2012 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Outside the Box Interview | US American Outside the Box TV, host Alex Ansary, recorded on 20. April 2006 | 44:59 | 9. August 2011 |
YouTube audio | Interview | The Science of Society and Cultural Trance | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded 22. October 2006 | 54:21 | 27. March 2012 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Money, Magic & Words | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded 26. November 2006 | 56:24 | 1. September 2011 |
Audio | Interview | The Microchip & Technocracy | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded 31. December 2006 | 57:16 | 26. October 2011 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Communism and Revolutionary Movements | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded 28. January 2007 | 57:52 | 19. March 2012 |
YouTube audio | Interview | Virginia Tech Shooting | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded 29. April 2007 | 55:06 | 25. June 2012 |
YouTube audio | Interview | The Third Way | The John Stokes Show, host John Stokes, recorded 12. July 2007 | 1:24:38 | 29. April 2012 |
Archived audio | Interview | ECFR, Cain, Cannibalism | West Swedish web radio station Red Ice Radio, host Henrik Palmgren, recorded October 2007 | 55:10 | 14. October 2007 |
YouTube audio | Narrative | From Slime to Divine. Darwin's Repackaged Religion and The New Age, Written transcript, aired 6. March 2008 | Radio show Cutting Through the Matrix | 1:06:17 | 31. October 2012 |
YouTube audio | Narrative | Alan Watt – Predictive Programming Theory and Practice 1of2, part 1 of 6 | Radio show Cutting Through the Matrix | 9:58 | 3. February 2009 |
Archived audio | Narrative | Black Uniforms Dictate So You'll Go Straight | Cutting Through the Matrix | 46:48 | 17. July 2009 |
YouTube audio | Interview Narrative | Julian Huxley & World Propaganda | | 9:50 | 25. September 2009 |
YouTube audio | Narrative | Psychopaths And Sociopaths Run Your World | Radio show Cutting Through the Matrix, broadcasted 2. June 2010 | 43:02 | 20. September 2011 |
YouTube audio | Interview Narrative | A Globalist Agenda For a Dumbed Down Domesticated Society Global domestication agenda of the elite by a series of contrived crises and cultural, political, sexual or musical "revolutions" | Prison Planet TV, host Alex Jones | 1:59:55 | 16. April 2012 |
YouTube audio | Narrative | Alan Watt – Channeling | Radio show Cutting Through the Matrix EndOfSpells | 13:38 | 28. October 2011 |
YouTube audio | Narrative | Breakdown of the Family by Design – Alan Watt | Cutting Through the Matrix | 14:51 | 1. February 2012 |
Archived audio | Narrative | Depopulation by Promiscuous Childless Procreation | Radio show Cutting Through the Matrix recorded 2. November 2011 | 46:43 | 4. November 2011 |
Documentaries (engl.)
The Freud dynasty – largely associated with the Tavistock Institute in London – influenced the way corporations and governments have analyzed, dealt with, and controlled people: Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis; Anna Freud, Freud's devoted mind-massaged daughter, Edward Bernays, inventor of public relations; Matthew Freud, present-day PR guru and Sigmund's great grandson
- Award winning British television documentary film The Century of the Self, researched and written by Adam Curtis (*1955) British BAFTA winning documentarian, television producer, director, narrator, writer, produced by British TV channel BBC Four, 2002, 240 minutes duration, posted in 2006
1. Happiness Machines, 17. March 2002 2. The Engineering of Consent, 24. March 2002 3. There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed, 31. March 2002 4. Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering, 7. April 2002
Adam Curtis: "This series is about how those in power have used Freud's theories to try and control the dangerous crowd in an age of mass democracy."
- Video television documentary Mission Mind Control (ABC News Documentary, 1979), presented by the US American broad-
casting corporation ABC, moderator Paul Altmeyer, first aired 1979, YouTube film, 48:32 minutes duration, posted 29. May 2011
- Abbreviated disclosure DVD documentary by Kevin P. Miller, US American award winning film producer and director, writer, Generation Rx Documentary 2008, issued 11. November 2008, YouTube film, 31:26 minutes duration [complete version 1:21:03 duration], posted 4. November 2013
Collusion between Big Pharma drug companies and regulatory FDA watchdogs; millions of children forced onto pharmaceutical drugs for commercial rather than scientific reasons
- Video documentary Edward Bernays and the Art of Public Manipulation, YouTube film, 8:56 minutes duration, posted
22. August 2009
- Video documentary by Nick Begich, US American independent researcher in the sciences and politics, political activist,
speaker, author, Excellent Mind Control Documentary, YouTube film, 1:50:46 duration, posted 20. June 2011
Academic, military and intelligence history on mind control and mind control devices available for psychological and physiological health
- Video documentary The Rothschild Family – Puppet Masters – World's Only Trillionaires, possibly produced by FreeTV, production date ~September 2011, YouTube film, 32:04 minutes duration, posted 20. December 2021
- Video TV documentation CIA Mind Control Techniques MK-ULTRA Program Brainwashing, presented by the US American broadcasting corporation ABC, narrator Paul Altmayer, aired at an unknown date, YouTube film, 47:02 minutes duration, posted
9. September 2011
- Video documentary New World Order – The Facts, YouTube film, 49:40 minutes duration, posted 19. July 2012
The same people (Rockefellers, Rothschilds) who funded the Nazis, also funded the European Union. See history section minute 25:00
- Video documentary / interview with Bill Hughes, US American Bill independent pastor, author, The Vatican's Role In The New World Order!, produced by, YouTube film, 1:00:04 duration, posted 23. March 2013
- Video documentary NWO ORIGINS OF ILLUMINATI. History of Secret Societies and Bible Prophecy, produced by the, host Alex Jones (*1974) US American radio host on New World Order topics, documentary filmmaker, author, 2013, YouTube film, 2:25:11 duration, posted by Info Wars Boot Camp 30. April 2013
- Video documentary Ultimate TV Mind Control Documentary, produced by ODD TV, YouTube film, 1:08:20 duration,
posted 13. August 2016
Movies (engl.)
Wikipedia entry: US American Cold War suspense thriller The Manchurian candidate, 1:26:32 duration, released 24. October 1962
Wikipedia entry: US American thriller The Manchurian candidate, released 30. July 2004
- Movie The Mind-Benders: LSD and the Hallucinogens, presented by Food and Drug Administration United States, Department of Health, PublicResourceOrg, produced 1963, YouTube film, 24:02 minutes duration, posted 23. December 2009
Wikipedia entry: British thriller film The Mind Benders, 1963
- Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' , originally presented by BBC Television Production, 1980, YouTube film, 3:04:16 duration, posted 17. February 2011
- TV movie Control Factor, issued 2003, presented by, Vimeo film, 1:24:18 duration, posted 31. May 2017
Control Factor: An average man discovers he's the unwitting target of an ultra secret domestic black-op centering on mind control.
Linkless media offerings
- Movie The Three Faces of Eve, produced by 20th Century Fox, 23. September 1957, 1:28:43 duration
The Three Faces of Eve is the American film adaptation of a case study by Corbett H. Thigpen and Hervey M. Cleckley. It is based on the true story of Chris Costner Sizemore [Eve White] who suffered Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) formerly known as multiple personality disorder. Her identity was revealed to the public in 1975.
Documentaries by Alex Jones
Documentaries on mass-controlled NWO global agenda featuring Alex Jones (*1974) US American radio host on New World Order topics, documentary filmmaker, author, hosting the The Alex Jones Show