Wiki / Zukunftsforschung
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Blaue Glockenblume |
Wer an die Zukunft denkt, |
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![]() Woher kommen wir? Wer sind wir? Wohin gehen wir?, 1897 Paul Gauguin (1848-1903) französischer Maler Zukunftsforschung |
Quellen von und bezogen auf Thomas Ritter, deutscher Reiseveranstalter, Autor ► Buch: Die Palmblattbibliotheken. Und ihre Prophezeiungen zur Zukunft Europas, Kopp Verlag, 1. Februar 2006 ► Artikel: Prophezeiungen für 2013, 2014 und 2015 aus Palmblättern, undatiert ► Gelöschter Artikel: Prophezeiungen 2015: Die Palmblattbibliotheken, präsentiert von 2012 Spirit, Alex Miller, 26. November 2014 |
Direkte Quellen von und mit Dr. Stephan A. Schwartz, US-amerikanischer Kognitionswissenschaftler, Trend- und Zukunftsforscher, Samueli Institute, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Autor ► Audiointerview Interview with Remote Viewing Expert, Stephan Schwartz: Do You Know Your Place In The Future of the Human Race? MP3, präsentiert von Finer Minds, AmazonAWS, undatiert ► Interview Nonlocal Awareness and Visions of the Future, [Nichtlokakes Gewahrsein und Zukunftsvisionen], präsentiert von Health World Online, Daniel Redwood D.C., S. 8-16, 2005 |
Webseiten: ► und ► Leben der Allgemeinheit beeinflussende Trends, gegründet 1997 |
Literatur: ► Dr. Stephan A. Schwartz, US-amerikanischer Kognitionswissenschaftler, Trend- und Zukunftsforscher, Samueli Institute, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, Autor, Opening to the Infinite [Sich dem Unendlichen öffnen], Nemoseen Media, 1. Januar 2007 |
Medienreferenz ► Grenzwissenschaftliche TV-Miniserie zum Thema Zukunftsvisionen – Die Intelligenzrevolution, präsentiert von dem britischen Fernsehsender BBC Four, Gastgeber Dr. Michio Kaku (*1947) japanisch-amerikanischer führender theoretischer Physiker, Stringtheoretiker, Universität von New York, Zukunftsforscher, ausgestrahlt 2007 Themen: die Kombination von Quantentheorie, Computerwissenschaft und Biotechnologie während des historischen Übergangs des 'Zeitalters der Entdeckung' zum 'Zeitalter der Meisterschaft'. |
Medienreferenz ► 3-teilige Fernsehdokumentationsserie Visions Of The Future, präsentiert von dem britischen TV-Sender BBC Four, 2007 ► Visions of the Future – The Intelligence Revolution, Teil 1 von 3, 51:54 minutes duration, posted 11. December 2007 ► Visions Of The Future – The Biotech Revolution, Teil 2 von 3, 58:37 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 9. Dezember 2007 ► Visions Of The Future – The Quantum Revolution, Teil 3 von 3, 58:36 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 12. Dezember 2007 |
Referenz: ► Artikel Wie wird die Welt im Jahr 2050 aussehen?, präsentiert von der Plattform für Schreibende Pubikum, Elfriede Ammann, 6. März 2021 |
Siehe auch: ► 2012 |
See also: ► Project 2050 – Remote Viewing forecast experiment (1978) ► Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation |
Siehe dazu: Artikel Prophezeiungen für das Jahr 2020: Sagte Alois Irlmaier den Dritten Weltkrieg voraus?, präsentiert von der bayerischen Abonnement-Zeitung Münchner Merkur, Franz Rohleder, 7. Januar 2020
Sinngemäß die zwei wichtigsten Prophezeiungen der Dritten Botschaft von Fatima
Der deutsche Prophetieforscher und Autor Stephan Berndt beschäftigt sich seit drei Jahrzehnten mit Prophezeiungen von Hellsehern hinsichtlich dessen, was die Zukunft (bestenfalls übereinstimmend) bringen wird. Er unterscheidet zwischen Hellsehern/Sehern und Propheten. Berndt weist auf die Wichtigkeit hin, an eine gute Zukunft zu glauben und Mut statt Angst
zu haben. Seher, Propheten, Prophetien und Glauben habe man in den letzten 100 Jahren auf Betreiben der Dunkelmächte
in Verruf gebracht. Damit werde die Seelenbatterie beraubt.
Drohendes über 30 Jahre währendes Lastenausgleichsgesetz
Fehlender Glaube und Vision
William Toel empfiehlt den noch ziemlich schwachen und ängstlichen Deutschen, körperlich, emotional und spirituell zu erstarken. Er bestätigt zudem, dass KEINER – weder Putin, Trump noch die EU – den Deutschen helfen wird, sie sich selbst helfen müssen, wodurch sie an Stärke zulegen. Laut Toel werden sie diese Prüfung zu 92% bestehen [Stand Anfang Februar 2022]. Toel wies mehrfach auf die Wichtigkeit des Glaubens hin, dass sich die Vision von Deutschlands Zukunft [Aufstieg] nach der Regierungsauflösung.
William Toel nennt 2022 als Jahr der Entscheidung – besonders für die Deutschen.
Die Friedenszeit nach der 3-tägigen Finsternis dauert 3-5 Generationen – wohl als Vorbereitung auf das Auftauchen
des Antichristen. Erst nach dessen Niederschlagung wird das Tausendjährige Friedensreich anbrechen.
Desinteresse an der Wahrheit macht die breite Masse angreifbar.
Herrschaft des Antichrist-Weltstaates – Zeit der finalem Lüge
G. Hoffmann interviewt von Stephan Berndt, 2010
Anmerkung von Stephan Berndt
Europäische Vorhersagen zum dritten Weltkrieg – Aggressor NATO kreist Russland ein.
Zum Phänomen der Präkognition:
Lorber ✣ Der Lothringer/Rill ✣ Mühlhiasl
Referenzartikel: ► Artikel (Kollektion) Vergleichbare Offenbarungen, präsentiert von der Schweizer Webseite Katholische Zeugen der Wahrheit ZDW, undatiert |
Seher-Liste: ► Hl. Bernadette Soubirous • Maria Graf • Alois Irlmaier • Marie Julie Jahenny • Katharina aus d. Ötztal • Veronika Lueken • Erna Stieglitz • Josef Stockert • Anna Taigi • R. White • Franz Kugelbeer • Berta Zängeler • Anna Katharina Emmerick • Bauer vom Waldviertel • Lucia von Fatima • Hl. Don Bosco • Zwei Feldpostbriefe • Helena Aiello • La Salette • Garabandal • Eine schreibende Hand am Himmel • Turzovka • Mühlhiasl • Johannes von Jerusalem • Mutter Gemma • Pater Pio • Papstweissagung des hl. Franziskus • Leonie v. d. Dyck • Hepidanus • Elisabeth Canori-Mora • Vision von Papst Leo XIII. • Elena Leonardi • Prophezeiungen des hl. Nilus |
| ||
Siehe auch: ► Erfüllte Prophezeiungen von William Toel (1988-2022) |
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Zukunftsaussichten eines Trendforschers
Siehe auch: ► Audio- und Videolinks – Matthias Horx |
In dem Zeitraum 1980-1982 erschienen der Seherin Penny Kelly die "Little Men in Brown Robes" [Kleine Männer in braunen Gewändern, die Robes], die ihr die Zukunft der Menschheit enthüllten. Sie betonten die Wichtigkeit eines weltweiten Bewusstseinsanstiegs.
☛ Die Geschichte wurde gefälscht, um das Bewusstsein der Menschheit zu schwächen.
Die Menschheit trägt ein Vermächtnis der Gewalt.
☛ Machtgebaren und Kontrollmaßnahmen haben die Menschen in Angst versetzt.
☛ Die Phase des Übergangschaos findet im Zeitraum 2012-2030 statt.
☛ Die schwierigsten Jahre sind 2015-2019 [2020].
☛ Der Übergang vom Fischezeitalter zum Wassermannzeitalter wird bis 2080 abgeschlossen sein.
☛ Zu erledigen sind: ❄ Aufräumarbeiten ❄ Auf- und Ausbau neuer Infrastrukturen ❄ einer neuen Medizin
❄ eines neuen Bildungswesens und ❄ neuen Handelssystemen.
☛ Die Regierungen werden künftig immer weniger effektiv sein. Schon bald wird sich der "Weltrat für Ethik" bilden,
dessen Aufgabe sein wird, Streitigkeiten zu überwachen.
☛ Die Bevölkerung wird sich in Zukunft kleiner und bewusster werden und der nationalstaatlichen Mentalität entwachsen.
☛ Die Menschen der Zukunft werden sich vorerst bewusstseinsmäßig entwickeln und erst dann ihre Elternschaft erwägen.
☛ Durch den Aufbau von Gemeinschaften (Stämme), die untereinander teilen, wird die Selbstversorgung gewährt.
Ab 2025 wird die EU zerfallen.
Die Realität ist nicht fix. Wir gestalten sie mit.
See also: ► Quotes on future prospects by Penny Kelly and ► Audio and video links – Penny Kelly |
Hybridisierung des Menschen
Future prospects
in history via reading the collective mind by web bot technology using a system of spiders to crawl the Internet in search for computer-listed keywords, collecting linguistic patterns from internet discussions worldwide.
Prophecies by Edgar Cayce [Sleeping Prophet] Association for Research and Enlightenment
US American trance medium, mystic healer, visionary, Edgar Cayce (1877-1945),
cited in: article Edgar Cayce Prophecies: Past, Present and Future,
presented by the publication Near-Death, Kevin Williams, 24. September 2019
Psychic reading # 3976-15, New York City, 19. January 1934
☛ History was fabricated to degenerate consciousness. Humanity comes from a legacy of violence.
☛ The power and control phenomena had people in fear.
☛ Transition chaos will last until around 2012-2030.
☛ The toughest years are between 2015-2019 [2020]
☛ The transition will be finalized by 2080.
☛ To-do list: clean-ups, building of new infrastructures, new medicine, new education, new commerce.
☛ Government will become less and less effective in the future.
☛ The "World Council of Ethics" will form soon to oversee disputes.
☛ The populations in the future will get smaller and more aware, shifting from the nation-state mentality.
☛ People will first grow in consciousness, and then think about having children.
☛ People will practice self-sufficiency by building community (tribes) of sharing.
In the time period 1980-1982 the Little Men in Brown Robes appeared to seer Penny Kelly. They were adamant about the importance of a conscious evolution within humanity.
[*] New Chronology – Book series by Anatoly Fomenko, Ph.D. (*1945) Russian professor of mathematics, Moscow State University, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, topologist, supporter of revising historical chronology, History. Fiction
or Science? New Chronology I, Delamere Resources, 2nd paperback edition 19. March 2007
Book recommendations on future prospects by Penny Kelly ► J. Edwin Carter, author, Dr. Karl Osis, author, novel Living Is Forever, Hampton Roads Publishing, 1. January 1991 ► Landi Mellis, David Caywood, coauthor, The Other Sky. Reclaiming Who We Are and Why We Came Here, Book World, paperback issue 1. August 2003 ► Novel trilogy by James BeauSeigneur (*1953) US American novelist, FaithWords, reprint issue ►► In His Image. Book One of the Christ Clone Trilogy, 1. June 2003 ►► Birth of an Age. Book Two of the Christ Clone Trilogy, 1. February 2004 ►► Acts of God. Book Three of the Christ Clone Trilogy, 1. October 2004 ► Paul Amadeus Dienach, Swiss language teacher, author, Chronicles From The Future. The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach, This Way Out Productions; 1st paperback edition 21. March 201612 |
See also: ► Audio and video links – Penny Kelly |
Siehe auch: ► Zitate über Zukunftsaussichten – Penny Kelly |
Missed practically all new technologies
fall of communism
The illness profit system in the United States offers the 37th best health care worldwide according to the rating of the World Health Organisation. Anxiety is a symptomatic sign.
See also: ► Audio and video links – Stephan A. Schwartz |
Author and trend analyst Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D. holds a degree in futurology. Furthermore, he is an expert in Re-
mote viewing (RV). The RV technique has been beneficial in order to locate sunken ships, buried buildings, and murdered children.
Media reference: ► Removed video interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, Mysteries of Remote Viewing – Stephan Schwartz – 080619, presented by the podcast platform JV Johnson's Beyond Paranormal, host Jason Hawes, host JV Johnson, YouTube film, 1:07:45 duration, posted 6. August 2019 |
See also: ► 2012 and ► Quotes by Stephan A. Schwartz |
Sources: ► Undated list of intention and healing studies Therapeutic Intent/Healing – Bibliography of Research, PDF, compiled by ➤ Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine ➤ Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author |
See also: ► 2012 and ► Rosalyn Bruyere and ► Nonlocal awareness – Remote Viewing |
⚑ Transpersonal Nonlocal awareness states often get initiated as a result of existential crisis or traumatic life events i.e. near death experiences.
⚑⚑ Therapeutic intention and prayer healing studies tend to back up the effectiveness of nonlocal awareness states.
⚑⚑⚑ Whoever did well in RV was exceptionally successful in their business using their intuition for hunting and gathering.
Result of remote viewing study on CEOs promoted by parapsychology researcher E. Douglas Dean (1916-2001) and John Nicholas Newman, professor of naval architecture, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
Life affirming Interdependence
Life affirming Interdependence
Direct sources / Websites: ► and ► presenting trends effecting lives since 1997 |
Audio and video sources featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author ► Audio interview Interview with Remote Viewing Expert, Stephan Schwartz: Do You Know Your Place In The Future of the Human Race?, MP3, presented by Finer Minds, AmazonAWS, 37:41 minutes duration, aired 27. January 2011 ► Audio teleseminar "Nonlocality and Exceptional Experiences" with Stephan Schwartz, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), host Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952) US American senior scientist of Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), MP3, 1:41:34 duration, aired 18. May 2011 ► Audio interview MP3, presented by 21st Century Radio Show, hosts Dr. Zohara M. Hieronimus, DHL, 48:39 minutes duration, aired 29. April 2012, posted 22. September 2014 ► Video interview Finding Lost Treasures with Remote Viewing, YouTube film, 30:02 minutes duration, posted 2. December 2014 |
Written sources featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author ► Interview Nonlocal Awareness and Visions of the Future, presented by Health World Online, Daniel Redwood D.C., page 8-16, 2005 ► Article Trends That Will Affect Your Future ... HOMO SUPERIORUS,, reprinted in EXPLORE, Vol. 2, No. 2, S. 107-108, March/April 2006 |
Further references – videos on future trends and remote viewing: ► YouTube video miniseries, presented by the British TV channel BBC Four, host Michio Kaku, Ph.D. (*1947) Japanese US American leading theoretical physicist, University of New York, futurist, co-founder of string field theory, popular "communicator" of science, futurist, originally aired 2007 Cutting edge science, combined powers of quantum theory, computer science, and biotechnology, historic transition from the 'Age of Discovery' to the 'Age of Mastery' ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Intelligence Revolution, part 1 of 3, 58:33 minutes duration, aired 5 November 2007 ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Biotech Revolution, part 2 of 3, 58:38 minutes duration, aired 12 November 2007 ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Quantum Revolution, part 3 of 3, 58:38 minutes duration, posted 19. November 2007 ► Video interview with Chet Snow, US American sociologist, researcher on past life regression and future life progression, Chet Snow on Mass Dreams of the Future, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 54:13 minutes duration, posted February 2008 Subject to fee ► Video TV series with Keith Harary, Ph.D., US American research director of the Institute for Advanced Psychology, parapsychologist, conductor of Successful Remote Viewing Experiment, presented by the national broadcaster BBC Wales Production in association with WXXI Rochester, New York, 1992, YouTube film, posted 23. May 2011 ☛ In Search of the Dead: Powers of the Mind, part 1 of 2, 37:37 minutes duration ☛ In Search of the Dead: Visions and Voices, part 2 of 2, 37:38 minutes duration |
Related literature: ► Russell Targ (*1934) US American physicist, ESP researcher, developer of Remote viewing, co-founder of the federally-funded program investigating psychic abilities in humans via the Stanford Research Institute, 1972, author, Miracles of Mind. Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing, New World Library, February 1998 |
See also: ► 2012 and ► Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation |
Siehe auch: ► Project 2050 – Remote Viewing Experiment – Zukunftsvorausschau 1978-2050 |
At the brink of the third millennium the Age of Aquarius takes charge.
♦ from survival mode to resilience and thriving |
Sources featuring John Hagel III, US American consultant, co-chairman of the Deloitte Center for the Edge, speaker and author on the intersection of business strategy and information technology ► Article John Seely Brown, coauthor, Six Fundamental Shifts in the Way We Work, presented by the bimonthly management magazine Harvard Business Review (HBR), published by Harvard Business Publishing, 17. August 2010 ► Article John Seely Brown, Lang Davison, The Power of Pull. How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion, Basic Books, April 2010, 2nd Trade Paper edition 4. December 2012 ► Video presentation Power of Pull, presented by TEDxBayArea, YouTube film, 23:05 minutes duration, posted 19. August 2010 |
References: ► Book Adam Hartung (*1957) US American entrepreneur, executive in three Fortune 100 companies, business consultant, speaker, columnist, author, Create Marketplace Disruption. How to Stay Ahead of the Competition, FT Press, 1st edition 7. August 2008 ► Book Valerie M. Hudson, Ph.D., US American professor of political science, The Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University, since January 2012, Bonnie Ballif-Spanvill, Mary Caprioli, Chad F. Emmett, Sex and World Peace, Columbia University Press, 17. April 2012 ► Article Push to Pull, presented by THNK, Karim Benammar, Menno van Dijk, Bas Verhart, 2. September 2016 |
Siehe auch: ► Umorientierung aus dem Drückermodus in den Anziehungsmodus |
Most psychics come from abusive backgrounds and families. Abuse is a "sacred wound" in a child that shapes their
subsequent life decisions. Psychic abilities are mobilized as a survival mechanism to avoid retribution or abuse.
Born 10. January 1946 into a psychically gifted family of alcoholics, Joseph W. McMoneagle an intelligence officer on classified counter-terrorism projects, engaged in the top secret US Army Stargate Project, the first psychic spy during the cold war, the first remote viewer in the military.
This choice had ruined his military career.
The military turned out unable to handle their remote viewing unit elegantly. Walking the razor's edge between the rational and the 'irrational' (i.e. psychic) it fell apart into two camps:
After 24 years of operation the Stargate Project was closed down in 1995 – subsequently the end of McMoneagle's military career. He claims that the closing down was not due to the scientific evaluation of the AIR study, but due to FEAR.
McMoneagle had two near death experiences and many out-of-body experiences. Before that he was a pragmatic non-spiritual kind of person. For a non religious soldier "there really isn't room for that [or particularly spiritual stuff] when you're dealing with counter intelligence".
Near death experiences
During a visit in Braunau, Austria, Hitler's birth town, he fainted when leaving a restaurant. He died and left his body there-
by seeing how the rain fell through his hand. McMoneagle saw how his friends took care of his dead body on the street and rushed him to the hospital in Passau (later to a rest-home in Munich).
He scared his room-mate in hospital when his "dead" body rose and he said to him:
His doctors were sure he was brain damaged and sedated him right after that. Picking up their thoughts he answered their unspoken questions directed to him ahead of time.
McMoneagle's concepts of the "normal state" and those of his medical caretakers were extremely different. That is why he soon decided he'd better act "normal" to get out of hospital.
As a result of his first near-death event Joe McMoneagle's life was changed completely.16
He had lost his fear of death and of a lot of other things too. So he was subsequently given to do projects others refused
to do. As a consequence he felt compelled to study the "refined reasons of why we are here." Still, people were afraid
of working with him. That is why he did a lot by himself. He wore the "crazy" stamp.
Living in between domains, straddling worlds, what did he learn?
In 1983 McMoneagle met with Robert A. Monroe US American author of Journeys Out of the Body, in Faber, Virginia,
who became known for his research into altered consciousness. Later he became a staff member at the TMI and married Monroe's stepdaughter.
Sources featuring Joseph W. McMoneagle (*1946) US American remote viewer for the U.S. Army Intelligence, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), first officer recruited for the top-secret Stargate Project ► Video DVD interview Remote Viewing – Joe McMoneagle interview, presented by the Soul of Travel Magazine, produced by Torbjorn Sassersson, YouTube film, 10:22 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2007 ► Deleted audio interview (9 parts series) presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host, YouTube film, posted 1. November 2006 ► Video presentation Remote Viewing by Joseph McMoneagle, presented by 2011 International UFO Symposion, MUFON Mothership-Productions, YouTube film, 1:15:21 duration, posted 15. December 2012 ► Video interview series, presented by the US American New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube films ☛ Parapsychology and the Media with Joseph McMoneagle, 27:08 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2016 ☛ Guidelines for Future Remote Viewing with Joseph McMoneagle, 26:43 minutes duration, posted 28. July 2016 ☛ Practical Applications of Remote Viewing with Joe McMoneagle, 27:39 minutes duration, posted 12. September 2016 |
Quelle (German): ► German television show Geheime Botschaften: Der Code des Übersinnlichen [Secret Messages: Supernatural Codes], presented by the German television station ZDF, Sendung "Abenteuer Forschung", host Prof. Harald Lesch (*1960) German professor of physics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), professor of natural philosophy, astronomer, television presenter, author, 30 minutes duration, aired 14. July 2010 |
See also: ► 2012 |
Source (German): ► Video presentation by Matthias Horx (*1955) German sociologist, futurologist, publisher, 4th European Futurists Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2008 |
People want to hear about fear, sex, and money. |
Source: ► John Naisbitt (1929-2021) US American futurologist, China expert living in Europe and China, author, Megatrends. Ten New Directions Transforming Our Lives, 1982, Grand Central Publishing, 16. August 1988 |
Sources featuring John Naisbitt (1929-2021) US American futurologist, author, living in Europe and China, ► Book: China's Megatrends. The Eight Pillars of a New Society, HarperBusiness, 5. January 2010 ► Video presentation by John Naisbitt (1929-2021) US American futurologist, China expert living in Europe and China, author, Doris Naisbitt, Naisbitts on Vertical Democracy., YouTube film, minute 3:05 (vertical democracy model), minute 5:08 (2 successful bottom-up initiatives in China) 8:03 minutes duration, 5. April 2010 ► Data collection featuring John Naisbitt et al., Economic Tension: From Economic Backwater to the World’s Fastest Growing Economy, presented by Culture and Civilization Matters, 5. April 2010 |
Source: ► Patricia Aburdene, leading US American trend forecaster, management speaker, author, Megatrends 2010. The Rise of Conscious Capitalism, Hampton Roads Publishing, 2005, 2nd edition 17. April 2007 |
Source: ► Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D. (*1932) Hungarian Cultural Creative, philosopher of science, ontologist, systems theorist, integral theorist, Chaos Point the World at the Crossroads, Hampton Roads Publishing, May 2006 |
Media offerings: ► Video interview with Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic traditions, author, Jay Weidner on Season of the Apocalypse, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, recorded 18. December 2012, minute 42:13, 59:38 minutes duration, posted December 2012 Subject to fee ► Video interview with Neil Howe The Fourth Turning Explained – Boomers vs Millennials Generational Crisis, presented by the YouTube platform Real Vision Finance, host Grant Williams, YouTube film, 34:23 minutes duration, posted 30. October 2019 ► Video presentation The Fourth Turning – How this crisis was predicted 30 years ago, presented by Roger James Hamilton's Enterpreneur TV, episode 01, YouTube film, 10:04 minutes duration, posted 7. June 2020 |
Book: ► Neil Howe (*1951) US American historian, sociologist, economist, demographer, William Strauss, US American statistician, author, The Fourth Turning. An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny, Broadway Books, reprint September 1997 Since the landing of the pilgrims major events in the North American history occur in 60-80-year cycles repeating every four generations. The fourth turning is occuring in the period 2008-2012-2024 (Pluto in Capricorn). The gestation cycle of a human being takes 260 [20x13] days. A world civilization cycle takes 250-260 years. Statisticians have noted that from the beginning of history the average duration of the world's civilizations has been about 200 years followed by a period of transitioning time of 50 years. The duration of 250 years coincides with the Pluto cycle takes 248 years. |
Reference: en.Wikipedia entry ► Strauss–Howe generational theory |
Source: ► Video presentation by Michio Kaku, Ph.D. (*1947) Japanese US American leading theoretical physicist, University of New York, co-founder of string field theory, popular "communicator" of science, futurist, Contact: Learning from Outer Space, presented at GCF Conference 2011, City University of New York, New York, 23.-25. January 2011, YouTube film, 10:37 minutes duration, posted by GCFChannel 6. March 2011 |
See also: ► Principle 3:1 and ► Time |
Links zum Thema Zukunftsforschung / FuturologyLiteratur
Beatrice und Sidney Webb, Georg Bernard Shaw und H.G. Wells gründeten 1884 die Gesellschaft der Fabier, welche die weltweite Einführung des Sozialismus zum Ziel hat. Georg Orwell war innerstes Mitglied und beschrieb die Umsetzung der Pläne der Fabier in seinem Buch 1984.
Positive Erwähnung von Adolf Hitlers Rolle im Weltenspiel auf Seite 105
Literature (engl.)
History is run by four generations – in four-stroke cycles.
Major events in American history since the pilgrims landed show underlying 88-year cycles repeating every four generations in history.
Shifting to the "Age of Possibility" – from the reason-based thinking to chaos-based logic
Coming break-up of nations ♦ the human evolution past democracy ♦ the temporary rise of business to power ♦ examination of human institutions, technology ♦ raising children ♦ sexuality ♦ healing ♦ family and culture ♦ emerging human potential embedded in the body/mind system ♦ building
2012-2015 are times of an ecopolitical storm. From 2015 onwards events are impossible to predict.
Identifying 85 different wild card events in a time of extraordinary changes
Externe Weblinks
Prophetie in Schriftform
Hl. Bernadette Soubirous • Maria Graf • Alois Irlmaier • Marie Julie Jahenny • Katharina aus dem Ötztal • Veronika Lueken • Erna Stieglitz • Josef Stockert • Anna Taigis • R. White • Franz Kugelbeer • Berta Zängeler • Anna Katharina Emmerich • Bauer vom Waldviertel • Lucia von Fatima • Hl. Don Bosco • Zwei Feldpostbriefe • Helena Aiello • La Salette • Garabandal • Eine schreibende Hand am Himmel • Turzovka • Mühlhiasl • Johannes von Jerusalem • Mutter Gemma • Pater Pio • Papstweissagung des hl. Franziskus • Leonie v. d. Dyck • Hepidanus • Elisabeth Canori-Mora • Vision von Papst Leo XIII. • Elena Leonardi • Prophezeiungen des hl. Nilus
Um 1850 fand man am Weg zum Staffelberg beim oberfränkischen Bad Staffelstein im Stamm einer wohl über 1000 Jahre alten Linde ein prophetisches Lied. Spätestens seit den zwanziger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ist es dokumentiert.
Linklose Artikel
Sieben Friedensnobelpreisträger sprechen über ihre Hoffnungen für den nächsten Schritt der Menschheit.
Weblinks zum Thema Zukunftsaussichten – QuoraBeiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
External web links (engl.)
Google's director of engineering, Ray Kurzweil, has made 147 predictions since the 1990s and has an 86% success rate.
Seer Edgar Cayce predicted that Russian President Vladimir Putin would be a "force of light" in preventing World War III from occurring amid the global turmoil we see today.
Audio- und Videolinks
Digitale Zukunfttrends
Siehe dazu: Webseite von Gerd Gutemann, Prophezeiungen der Hopi Indianer
Linklose Medienangebote
Audio- und Videolinks – Matthias Horx
Filme und Dokumentationen
In einer alles-entscheidenden Zeit sprechen Wissenschaftler von einem Zeitfenster von nur 10 Jahren, um die gängige Lebensweise zu ändern,
Audio and video links (engl.)
Reflecting on Jung's prophetic vision of world crisis
The structure of TimeWave displayed extremely novel events unfolding in cycles of 6 x 64 x 64 = 24,576 days (67.29 years). 64 is a critical number
Data from remote viewing sessions in relation to 2012 and huge planetary change
Jones' general work in nanotechnology, his book and blog on the topic, technological progress, Ray Kurzweil’s transhumanism and technological determinism, Platonism and Frank J. Tipler's claim that "the singularity is inevitable", strange ideological routes of transhumanism; Eric Drexler's vision of nanotechnology as reducing the material world to software, ver-representation of physicists on both sides of the transhumanism and AI debate, mind uploading, importance of molecules as the most fundamental unit of biological processing, quest for indefinite life extension, work of Aubrey de Grey, importance of politics and ethics in technology
Linkless media offerings
The sealing of thousands of important documents may be opened in 2019 leading to a major disclosure event.
Audio and video links – Patricia Aburdene
Minute 0:01: Milton Friedman]'s article [[|The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits, PDF, presented by the US American weekly The New York Times Magazine, 13. September 1970
Audio and video links – Michio Kaku
On cutting edge science, the combined powers of quantum theory, computer science, and biotechnology, on the historic transition from the 'Age of Discovery' to the 'Age of Mastery'
Linkless media offering
Audio and video links – Penny KellyAudios und Videos on the future as shown by "The Robes" featuring Penny Kelly, US American engineer, kundalini awakened psychic, science translator, teacher, lecturer, spiritual consultant, naturopathic physician, author
Audio and video links – ⚡ Ray Kurzweil (Ken Wilber)
Audio and video links – John NaisbittAudios und Videos featuring John Naisbitt (1929-2021) US American futurologist, China expert, author, Doris Naisbitt
Linkless media sources
Audio and video links – Simon Parkes
Minute 15:15-25:00 – Referencing Hillary Clinton [Joe Biden], Donald Trump, Angela Merkel
Audio and video links – John L. PetersenLinkless media offerings
Large scale global changes relating to the 2012 horizon
Identifying 85 different wild card events in a period of extraordinary change
Audio and video links (engl.) – Hans RoslingAudios und Videos featuring Hans Rosling, M.D., Ph.D. (1948-2017) Swedish professor of global health, medical doctor, statistician, data visionary, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, public speaker
Audio and video links – Stephan A. SchwartzAudios und Videos featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, remote viewing future researcher, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author
Video TV interviews featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, presented by the US American New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube films 2017-2018 / 2022
Linkless media offerings
Movies and documentaries
Visions of the future
Report on the envisioned future (via a visit in the future of the year 3906 AD while in a coma) by Swiss teacher Paul Amadeus Dienach that took place in 1921. |
1 Videointerview mit Willi Meinders (*1946) deutscher Kaufmann, Blogger, Sachbuchautor, LENR – schneller Weg aus der Energie- und Umweltkrise, präsentiert von dem online Fernsehsender Michael Vogt.TV, Gastgeber Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt (*1953) deutscher Historiker, ehemals Honorarprofessor für Public Relations, Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement, Publizist, YouTube Film, 30:28 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 28. Februar 2022
LENR ist die Abkürzung von "Low Energy Nuclear Reaction", auch bekannt unter den Arbeitsbegriffen "Kalte Fusion" oder "Kalte Kernreaktion". ⇑
2 Video History in the making? DNA nanobots to target cancer cells in test patients, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), YouTube film, 2:11 minutes duration, posted 2. February 2015 ⇑
3 Offenbarung 13, 17 (NT) ⇑
4 New York City, der Inbegriff weltlich-westlicher Dominanz ⇑
5 Monika Littau, Biografieroman Vom Sehen und Sagen. Die Buchela, Brockmeyer, 2. April 2012 ⇑
6 Artikel Polizei zählt 471. Verhaftete Vierte Nacht der Unruhen – "In Paris brennt die Luft", präsentiert von NTV, 1. Juli 2023 ⇑
7 Videointerview mit Manfred Haferburg (*1948) deutscher Kernenergetiker, Publizist, Paris brennt und stinkt | Im Gespräch mit Manfred Haferburg, präsentiert von der YouTube-Plattform PI Politik Spezial - Stimme der Vernunft!, Gastgeber Helmut Reinhardt, freier Journalist, YouTube Film, 15:08 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 1. April 2023 ⇑
8 Videobericht Die zweite Revolution: Frankreich gegen den Rothschild-Präsidenten, präsentiert von Lion Media, Bitchute Film, 11:47 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 31. März 2023 ⇑
9 "Es wird zu einer Inflation kommen, dass man für das Geld nicht mehr viel kaufen kann. [Sie nicht so schlimm wie die in den 30er Jahren, aber dennoch.] Das bedeutet aber nicht, dass die Regierenden in Deutschland das Geld ruiniert haben. Vom Ausland her wird es kaputt gemacht werden. Teils durch die Unfähigkeit der anderen, teils aus Böswilligkeit, um die Deutschen zu demütigen, weil sie ihnen nach dem verlorenen Krieg zu mächtig geworden sind. Auch wenn sie euch gegenüber freundlich tun, haben sie nie verziehen oder nur vergessen. Sie werden euch in den Abgrund ihrer Unfähigkeit hinab ziehen." Madame Buchela ⇑
10 Als Folge des perfekten Sturms werden sich 2023 eine oder zwei NWO-hörigen deutschen Regierungen auflösen. Die Scholz-Regierung tritt als erste ab, die X-Regierung als zweite. William Toel, September 2021 ⇑
11 Der außerbiblischen Überlieferung nach waren Jannes und Jambres, ein Brüderpaar, ägyptische Zauberer, die ihre Zauberkünste gegen Mose und Aaron ausspielten. ⇑
12 Videoreportage über Paul Dinaschs Zukunftsvision im Koma, Schweizer Sprachlehrer und Zeitreisender, Dieser Mann lebte im Jahr 3906 und schrieb ein geheimes Tagebuch!, YouTube Film, 12:28 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt von TopWelt 13. November 2018 ⇑
13 Article Super humans that are sexier, stronger and smarter will arrive by 2029 as brains begin to fuse with machines, Google expert claims, presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Mail Online, Phoebe Weston, 16. March 2017 ⇑
14 Video History in the making? DNA nanobots to target cancer cells in test patients, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News (RT), YouTube film, 2:11 minutes duration, posted 2. February 2015 ⇑
15 Domination system ⇔ partnership system – Riane Eisler ⇑
16 Video interview documentary Remote Viewing – Joe McMoneagle interview, presented by the Soul of Travel Magazine, produced by Torbjorn Sassersson, YouTube film, 10:22 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2007 ⇑
17 ⚡ Megalomaniac George Soros ⇑
18 Video documentary Project Deep Quest. Archeological Phase, presented by NemoseenMedia, YouTube film, 16:10 minutes duration, posted 9. January 2014 ⇑