
Wiki / 2012




2012 – Zeitenwechsel
Turning Point







Chichén Itzá, Pyramide des Kukulcán



Am 21. Dezember 2012 endet laut dem Kalender ein Zyklus der Maya-Zeit, das 13. Baktun. Die Maya
nahmen zwar an, dass es damit zu einer großen Flut kommen könnte, kein Maya hätte je mit dem Untergang der Welt gerechnet. Dieser Tag war eine Zäsur für sie – wie es für uns der Wechsel vom Jahr 1999 auf das
Jahr 2000 bedeutete.

Artikel Mythos Maya-Kalender, präsentiert
von dem deutschen Nachrichtenmagazin
Der Spiegel, 19. Dezember 2012



Ein Zyklus von 26.000 Jahren geht 2012 zu Ende.

Tempel der Inschriften, Palenque (Chiapas), Mexico


36-Jahre-Fenster:  1987  ✣  2012  ✣  2023


Eine Version zu dem Übergangsjahr 2012 lautet:
Nach Ablauf eines Zyklus von 26.000 Jahren wird sich die Sonne im Jahr 2012 auf das Galaktische Zentrum der Milchstraße ausrichten. Am 21. Dezember 2012 kommt die Sonne dem Großen Spalt, dem Herzen der Großen Mutter
des Galaktischen Zentrums, am nächsten.


Die Sonne braucht insgesamt 36 Jahre, um das Galaktische Zentrum zu passieren. Das 36-Jahre-Fenster öffnete sich zum Zeitpunkt der Harmo-
nikalischen Konvergenz
im August 1987.
2023 wird die Sonne ihre Ausrichtung auf das Galaktische Zentrum verlassen.


Nach Auskunft der präkolumbianischen Maya wird ab 2012 die so genannte Vierte Welt enden.
An ihre Stelle tritt dann die Fünfte Welt mit der Sechsten Menschenrasse. Sie begann 3113
v. Chr. und dauert exakt 5125 Jahre bis 2012
n. Chr..
Das Jahr 2012, und speziell der 21. Dezember 2012, wurde vielfach als eine außerordentliche Zeit innerhalb der Erdgeschichte angegeben. Sie gilt als der Geburtsmoment einer Welt der Einheit und des Mitgefühls.

Zitate zum Thema Zeitenwechsel um 2012 / Time transition around 2012

Zitate allgemein

Und siehe, ich bin bei euch alle Tage bis an der Welt Ende. Matthäus 28, 20 (NT)



  • Dies ist die schwerste Zeit des Lebens, aber es ist auch die größte Ehre, jetzt zu leben und diese Zeit erleben zu
    dürfen. Es gibt keine andere Zeit wie jetzt. Wir sollten dankbar sein, denn die Schöpfung hat keine schwachen Gei-
    ster geschaffen, um in dieser Zeit zu leben. Die Alten sagen: "Dies ist die Zeit, in der die stärksten Geister überle-
    ben werden und diejenigen, die leere Hüllen sind, die die Verbindung verloren haben, werden nicht überleben." Wir
    sind Meister des Überlebens geworden – wir werden überleben – es ist unsere Prophezeiung, dies zu tun.
    Die Menschheit muss vom Leben auf der Erde zum Leben mit ihr übergehen. Tiokasin Ghosthorse, Angehöriger der Cheyenne River Lakota (Sioux) Nation, Süd-Dakota, Radiosprecher der First Voices Indigenous Radio, Redner, zitiert in: Blog-
    artikel Jeder hat stets die Wahl, präsentiert von der Webseite N8waechter, 29. April 2021
  • Viele Länder werden erschüttert, Völker lehnen sich auf, und nur einem einzigen wird es gelingen zu sprechen, ge-
    rade rechtzeitig vor seinem Tod. Er wird die Namen der Mörder sagen, ihre geheimen Zeichen enthüllen. Und die
    ganze Welt wird aufstehen gegen das Spiel der Mächtigen, die geheime Bruderschaft der Mächtigen, die die Ver-
    sklavung der Völker anstiften wollte. Die wenigen ehrlichen Führer werden sich zu vereinen wissen, die Schuldigen
    werden gestürzt. Papst Johannes XXIII. [Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli] (1881-1963) 'Konzilspapst' (1958-1963), selig gespro-
    chen, 2000, Die Prophezeiungen von Papst Johannes XXIII. Die Geschichte der Menschheit von 1935 bis 2033, Touraco,
    Freiburg, 1. Januar 1982


Geschichte und Evolution der neun Unterwelten
Nach den Angaben der Zeitforscher Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. und Ian Xel Lungold entwickelt/e sich die Schöpfung stufenweise. Insgesamt neun Unterweltsebenen, die jeweils einer bestimmten Entwicklungsphase gewidmet sind,
erreichen im Oktober 2011 ihren Kulminationspunkt.
1. Chemisch
Aktion ↔ GegenaktionEntstehung der MaterieVor 16,4 Milliarden Jahren
2. Säugetierhaft Reiz ↔ ReaktionEntstehung von komplexen LebensformenVor 820 Millionen Jahren
3. Familiär Reiz ↔ Individuelle ReaktionEntstehung von Säugetieren (Affen)Vor 41 Millionen Jahren
4. Stammes-
Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede
VerstandEntscheidung treffen
Entstehung von MenschenVor 2 Millionen Jahren
5. KulturellGemeinschaftlich getragene BeweggründeEntstehung der SpracheVor 102 000 Jahren
6. National Gesetzgebung / Strafe
Konzept von Gut und Böse
äußere Sittenstruktur
Entstehung der Schrift / LandwirtschaftVor 8 000 Jahren
16. Juni 3115 v. Chr.
7. PlanetarischErzeugung und Festigung von DominationsmachtIndustrierevolution1755
Zyklus von 247 Jahren
8. GalaktischHerzzentrierte innere Ethik
Subjektive Integrität
Offenbarte Wahrheit
IT-Revolution5. Januar 1999
Zyklus von 12 Jahren
9. UniversalUnbegrenzte Fähigkeit der Bewussten Kokreation des eigenen Erlebens
Das Unbekannte
11. Februar 2011
Zyklus von 260 Tagen
28. Oktober 2011


  • Bill Ryan: In Bezug auf die Umstellung der Zeitlinie und die Wiederherstellung der Willensfreiheit und Selbstbe-
    stimmung der Erdenbürger wie weit sind wir insgesamt gesehen gediehen? Kannst du das ermessen? Entwickeln
    wir uns gut?
    Inelia Benz: Wir entwickeln uns außerordentlich gut. Wir übertreffen jegliche Erwartungen bei Weitem. Und außer-
    dem wurde gegenwärtig ein riesig weiter Möglichkeitsspielraum eröffnet. Es gibt keine Einschränkungen be-
    züglich dessen, was wir erreichen können. […] Oh, wir werden es schaffen. Es wird nicht so schlimm ausgehen
    wie es hätte sein können, aber wie schlimm es wirklich wird, hängt vom Kollektiv ab und von jedem Einzelnen, der
    sich entscheidet, sich seiner Angst zu stellen. Jeder Mensch, der sich entscheidet, nicht seiner Angst nachzugeben,
    erhöht die Schwingungsrate der Erde ein klein wenig und beeinflusst dadurch Hunderte von Mitmenschen. […]
    Hinsichtlich eines sanften Übergangs ohne Chaos und ohne dass Millionen im Zuge dessen ihr Leben einbüßen,
    sind 70 Prozent [der Voraussetzungen] erfüllt. [Stand Mai 2011, 9. Unterwelt]
    Videointerview mit Inelia Benz [Inelia del Pilar Ahumada Avila] (*1966) chilenisch-irische Katalysatorin, Flüchtling, Erstinkarnierte
    aus der 10. Dimension, gerufen zum irdischen Paradigmenwechsel, The full interview [Interview in voller Länge], präsentiert von
    der Plattform Project Avalon, Gastgeber Bill Ryan, YouTube Film, Minute 1:26:50 und Minute 1:30:50, 1:43:27 Gesamtdauer, aufgezeichnet 27. März 2011, eingestellt 20. Mai 2011



1987 – 2012 – 2027

Stationen der Entstehung des neuen Zeitalters
Aussaat * Keimung * Sprossung * Wachstum * Knospung * Blüte * Fruchtbildung

  • 1987 ist die Empfängnis- und Schwangerschaftsperiode,
    2012 die Geburt und
    2027 die Verwirklichung der Lebensordnung des neuen Zeitalters.
    Die wahre Bedeutung der Melodie liegt darin, ein Grundverständnis von Romantik zu entwickeln. Die Melodie ist der Aspekt der Musik, der den emotionalen Atem einfängt und die Menschen zum Träumen bringt.
    2012 kennzeichnet die Ausrichtung der Menschheit als einheitlicher Organismus durch den Atem und das wiedererwachte Bewusstsein des Solarplexus-Chakras. [...]
    [D]as Jahr 2027 lässt sich nur schwer in Worte fassen. Der kommende Bewusstseinswandel wird eine Implosion des äußerst hochfrequenten siddhischen Bewusstseins sein. Nach diesem Ereignis wird mit Sicherheit nichts
    mehr so sein, wie es einmal war.
    Ab dem Jahr 2027 wird unser Heimatplanet allmählich immer stiller werder und in einen Zustand der Verwunderung [staunende Ehrfurcht] geraten. Zwischen 2012 und 2027 wird ein Kernfraktal der erwachenden Menschheit die Grund-
    lagen für eine neue Welt legen, die diese Erde von innen heraus neu gestalten. Die alten Systeme werden auseinan-
    derfallen, während mitten unter uns und unversehrt die neue Ordnung des kommenden Zeitalters entsteht. Diese Zeit
    wird die Phase der Wiedererschaffung des Garten Edens sein, der nie von unserer Erde verschwunden ist, sondern
    als energetische Blaupause erhalten geblieben ist.
    Richard Rudd (*1967) englischer Mystiker, spiritueller Lehrer, Dichter, Autor, Gene Keys – Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA [Gen-Schlüssel – Die Entschlüsselung der in der DNS enthaltenen verborgenen höheren Bestimmung], PDF, S. 15, 2008; Watkins Publishing, Taschenbuchauflage 1. Mai 2013


  • Frage: Es geht die Rede, dass womöglich [2012] eine große Veränderung eintreten könnte. Haben Sie eine Vorstel-
    lung davon, dass innerhalb der nächsten drei Jahre etwas Bedeutsames geschehen könnte?
    Antwort: Wir haben dies innerhalb einer Frageserie per Muskeltest ermittelt. Unser Ergebnis lautet:
    Im Jahr 2012 wird nichts passieren. Es sind all die Menschen, welche die Verblendung von Nervenkitzel und Ge-
    fahr lieben [...] Im Jahr 2012 wird nichts passieren.  Minute 22:42 […]
    Das Bewusstseinsniveau der gesamten Menschheit steigt an. Optimistischerweise befindet sich die Menschheit kollektiv gesehen nun oberhalb des kritischen Schwellenwerts BW 200. Die Zukunft der Menschheit sieht sehr viel-
    versprechend aus verglichen mit dem Leid der Menschheit in den vergangenen Jahrhunderten mit endlosen Kriegen
    und Krankheiten [...]
    Somit sind die Zukunfsaussichten ab jetzt sehr optimistisch.  Minute 37:01
    Gelöschtes Audiointerview mit Dr. David R. Hawkins zum Thema Power vs. Force inkl. Muskeltesten, präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Radio Talkshow Coast to Coast AM, Sendung Speaking of Strange, Gastgeber Joshua P. Warren, 46:00 Minuten Dauer, gesendet 9. Januar 2010

General quotes

Jesus answered, "Knowledge about the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you.
But it has not been given to the crowd."
Matthew 13, 11 (NT)


And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28, 20 New International Bible version, 1984 (NT)


Jesus answered, "Knowledge about the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been given [directly] to you.
But it is given to others in stories. When they look, they don't see, and when they hear, they don't understand."
Luke 10, 8 (NT)


In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your
young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will
pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on
the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved.
Acts 2, 17-21 (NT)


Future prospects

  • 2012 is the date most people are focussed on, and many of them are thinking it's the end of the world, the end of
    everything, the doom and gloom scenarios. I don’t see it that way, because in my work, it is the culmination, the
    beginning of everything. The end of the world as we know it, but that's because there's going to be a new earth
    forming. It's the end of the old earth, the one that has all of the traumatic things happening. Because we're moving
    into a totally new earth.
    Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) British hypnotherapist, author, cited in: Cannon's website Awaken, undated


Dolores Cannon

The Rhine Falls near Neuhausen, 7. June 2004
  • I see us as being so different five years from now (in 2012), that I feel like we are going to proceed infinitely forward. [...]
    According to the Mayan calendar, 2008 is the most difficult year of all.
    Audio interview with Barbara Hand Clow (*1943) US American astrolo-
    ger, time researcher, lecturer, author, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, aired 19. December 2007



1987 – 2012 – 2027

  • 1987 was the gestation period,
    2012 is the birth and
    2027 is the coming to fruition
    of the new order.
    The real meaning of melody is rooted in the understanding of romance. Melody is that aspect of music that catches the emotional breath and causes human beings to dream.
    2012 marks the alignment of humanity as a single organism through the breath and the reawakened awareness of the solar plexus centre. […]
    [T]he year 2027 is a difficult year to put into words. The coming consciousness shift will be an implosion of extremely high frequency siddhic consciousness. Certainly after this date nothing will ever be the same again.
    Beginning in the year 2027, our planet will begin a gradual process of falling silent into a state of awe. Between 2012 and 2027, a core awakening fractal of humanity will lay the foundations of a new world that will reshape this planet from the inside out. Old systems will crumble as the new order arises unscathed within their midst. This time will mark the phase of recreating Eden, which never left this planet but remained as an energetic blueprint.
    Richard Rudd (*1967) English mystic, spiritual teacher, poet, author, Gene Keys – Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA, PDF, S. 15, 2008



Hope is the antidote to fear.

• 1st hope-fear period: 1994-2003
• 2nd hope-fear period: 2003-2012
• 3rd hope-fear period: 2012-2019
• 4th hope-fear period: 2021-2030


The DIVIDE and the needed decisions

Tyrannical collectivism ./. Rugged individualism ⇔ Middle path of hope: Aquarian dignitarian community of self-determined individuals

  • There are a number of communications – unconventional admittedly – from extra-
    terrestrial sources that tell you in great amount of detail what's been happening
    on [Earth] this part of the world.
    [Reference to Barbara Marciniak, The Plejedians]  Minute 1:59
    Our sun and our solar system are moving into a different area in space. The Voyager satellites back in the 70ties and the Plejadians say this in very explicit terms. [...] It's effecting your stars and your bodies. It's allowing this evolutionary push.  Minute 5:45
    For 36 years you have this high period of time, where you have this significant increase of energy. It is 18 years up and 18 years down, centered on December 21, 2012.  Minute 7:45
    We are systematically being driven into places that are forcing us to make deci-
    . This is the split. There is a path of hope through the middle of this split.  Minute 12:21
    Video interview with John L. Petersen (*1943) US American futurist, founder of the think tank The Arlington Institute, Virginia, au-
    thor, KLW Space-age Wheelbarger walkie-talkies for SHTF, presented by the Bitchute platform Robert Steele, host Robert David
    (1952-2021) US American activist, former Central Intelligence Agency clandestine services case officer, 20-year Marine
    Corps infantrist, promoter of open source intelligence (OSINT), Bitchute film, 18:15 minutes duration, posted 18. January 2021





  • We are dealing with a condition of breakthrough or breakdown. I believe that is 2012.
    Video interview with Bernard Lietaer, Ph.D. (1942-2019) Belgian economist, co-designer of the European € currency, Central Bank
    of Belgium, professor of International Finance, University, Louvain, Belgium, research fellow Center for Sustainable Resources, UCB, co-founder of ACCESS Foundation, author, The Future of Money, part 2 of 3, presented by the platform "2012 Time for Change", minute 5:25, 7:11 minutes duration, YouTube film, posted 17. December 2010


  • You see, money, banks, war, and taxes – all of that is history. And the meaning of 2012, in case you hadn't heard, is that it is the end of history. You don't need any better proof now than the current phrase, "world financial crisis." That's right, the end of history is the beginning of something better – a new time in tune with the natural cycles and rhythms of the universe. José Argüelles, Ph.D. [Valum Votan, Keeper of time] lawoftime.org (1939-2011) US American Mayan calendar, time researcher, artist, visionary, educator, speaker, author, Law of Time and the World Economic Crisis – The View from 2012, presented by "Galactic Research Institute for the Foundation of the Law of Time", date unknown

The sun of this solar system revolves around a dual sun – once in a Perfect Year.

  • [The sun] takes some star for its dual and revolves round it in about 24,000 years of our earth – a celestial phenomenon which causes the backward movement of the equinoctial points around the zodiac. [...]
    The sun also has another motion by which it revolves round a grand center called Vishnu-Naabhi which is the seat of the creative power Brahma, the universal magnetism. Brahma regulates Dharma
    the mental virtues of the internal world. When the sun in its revolution round its dual come to the place nearest to this
    grand center the seat of Brahma (an event which takes place when the autumnal equinox comes to the first point of
    Aries) Dharma the mental virtue becomes so much developed that man can easily comprehend all, even the myste-
    ries of Spirit. Sri Yukteswar Giri [Priyanath Karar] (1855-1936) Indian Hindu guru of Swami Satyananda Giri and Paramahansa Yogananda, educator, astronomer, Vedic astrologer [Jyotisha], yogi, believer in the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible, The Holy Science, Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 1894, 1949


  • Don't fear the end of time, it means we'll live in an eternal now.
    Don't fear a shift in the poles, it means a shift from head to heart.
    Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Twitter message, 26. July 2009


Silhouette of a dead tree against the evening sky
France, summer 2005
  • Nothing is going to happen (in 2012). [...]
    Absolutely nothing of that [fear concepts on the end of time] is going to happen to anyone.
    Deleted audio teleseminar with Hans Christian King, highly respected
    US American medium, Inspirations From My Mentors, presented by the
    US American web radio station KPFK, program The Aware Show,
    host Lisa Garr, minute 51:29, 1 hour duration, aired 3. March 2011


  • 2012 is definitely a sign post, certainly not the end of the world. It's a cosmological sign post, too as a complete circle around our galaxy. [...] It represents the ending of ancient pro-
    The last prophecy that there is that's legitimate is 2060. That also dealt with the end of the world. [...] There have been so many prophecies of the end of the world through history. [...]
    We will finally wake up and realize that the world is not going to be end any time soon. But these are sign posts of the end of the end times.
    Certainly there are cosmological cycles and karmic cycles that we go through. [...] So, really nothing to worry about.
    Audio interview with Mellen-Thomas Benedict (1949-2017) most resear-
    ched US American near-death experiencer, inventor, author, Messages From The Light, part 9 of 12, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950), aired 2. April
    2009, YouTube film, minute 5:44, 9:48 minutes duration, posted 17. November 2009


  • Bill Ryan: Overall in terms of changing the time line and restoring free will and self-determinism to the citizens of the planet how far on track are we? Can you measure this? Are we doing well?
    Inelia Benz: We are doing extremely well, way beyond any expectations. And also, it's wide open right now. There are no limits of how much can be accomplished. […] Oh, we are going to make it. It is not going to be as bad as it could have been, but how bad it gets really depends on the collective, on each individual choosing to process their fear.
    Each person that decides not to engage in their fear adds a little more higher vibration for the planet and affects it
    for hundreds of others. […]
    In respect to a smooth transition without chaos and without millions of lives being lost 70 percent are handled.
    [Status May 2011] Video interview with Inelia Benz [Inelia del Pilar Ahumada Avila] (*1966) Chilean Irish catalyst, refugee, 10th dimensional human catalyst, vibrational supporter during the paradigm shift, The full interview, presented by the platform Project Avalon, host Bill Ryan, YouTube film, minute 1:26:50 and 1:30:50, 1:43:27 duration, filmed 27. March 2011, posted 20. May 2011


  • 2012 is a symbol of the times we are passing through. It represents the temporal epi-center of a cultural earthquake, whose reverberations are getting stronger day by day.
    Peter Russell, M.A., D.C.S. (*1946) British physicist, eco-philosopher, awakened visionary futurist, producer of three films on consciousness, author, cited in: Audiobook The 2012 Mindshift, released 1. October 2008



See also:

CHEMTRAILS: The Biggest Coverup of All Time, presented by cosmicconvergence, 14. December 2013

  • Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth […] in the sky. Hopi prophecy


  • When birds fall from the sky and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow. Hopi prophecy



Sun cycle:

A team led by physicist Mausumi Dikpata of NCAR has predicted that Sun cycle 24 (starting March 2008), peaking in October 2011 or 2012, will be intense.

  • Sun cycle 24 will be strong. Cycle 25 will be weak.
    David Hathaway, US American NASA solar physicist at Marshall Space Flight Center


  • What we are expecting, after 2012, is a one hundred more times, more harmonious, Utopian world, where things
    like, time travel, levitation, instant telepathy, instant healing, telekinesis are as common and as everyday, as breath-
    ing. And I look forward to that time [...] I see a very, very positive future coming.
    Video presentation by David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, spon-
    sored by the "Conscious Life Expo", "The 2012 Enigma", Los Angeles, 2008


  • You are going to enjoy a consciousness evolution which appears to be leading up to an event known as ascension. This event [2012] includes the formation of a light body, in which things like levitation, telekinesis, instant healing, fast forwarding and rewinding linear time like a video tape, manifesting objects out of thin air, will
    be as common and as everyday as breathing. That's where I believe we are heading.
    Video presentation by David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, The Science of 2012. Dud, Disaster or Divine?, DVD, sponsored by the "Secrets Conference", November 2008


Preparing for 2012

  • The most important thing is really, really simple: the Earth is a school, the school is to teach love. If you are barely more loving towards other people than manipulative and controlling towards them, you are good to go, to stay with
    the Earth, to go to the Golden Age, to be part of this whole thing.
    Nobody is asking you to be perfect. You could be 49% evil but if you are 51% good, you are fine, you got your boarding passes, everything's cool. So all we are really here for is to learn love.
    If you can just be loving enough to be more interested in helping people than hurting them, then you are going to
    be participating in this mass awakening which will lead to the Earth being transformed into this Utopian paradise.
    Audio interview with David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, ETs, Whistleblowers, & 2012, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950)
    US American radio talk show host, aired 4. January 2009


Unfoldment of 2012

  • I really do feel, 2012 is a positive event. That there is an intelligent design to the whole galaxy and we're being pushed into a mass evolutionary event which does appear to be a dimensional shift.
    And I do feel, that it ultimately will lead to a transition in which there is a level of the Earth that will go through a pole shift and all those nasty things, but the level which we're on, won't have that happen, because our bodies will be
    multi-dimensional. Everybody on the planet is going to pop into this other realm, in which it is like going through
    a stargate, and it's a like a light activation event. So you aren't going to have to experience anything fearful or ne-
    gative. Audio interview with David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, Spontaneous Human Combustion, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, host George Noory (*1950) US American radio talk show host, aired 3. March 2009


  • Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last 5000 years due to a natural galactic process, which
    is also creating climate change throughout our entire solar system. If the prophecies are correct, psychic abilities
    and powers such as telekinesis, levitation, spiritual healing and telepathy may soon become as common as breathing.
    Video presentation by David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, Event Horizon 2012, presented by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, 54:45 minutes duration, posted 3. May 2010


  • World peace, an end to poverty, an end to environmental destruction and the release of new technologies will follow shortly after the announcement of a new financial system. A long predicted golden age is about to begin.
    Audio message by David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, presented
    by the blogspot Divine Cosmos, aired 11. May, posted 13. May 2011



Transitioning between cycles: 2008-2012-2023

  • We can agree with the prophesy that something is ending, something big and vast. We can agree that something is ending. [...] We need to qualify our agreement with these prophecies. [...] If we look at all great arching historical cycles we'll see that endings are gradual. […] There are periods of transition. The longer the cycle the more gradual their tapering off tends to be. And this is a long [historical] cycle [of 26,000 years] that's ending. This inbetween phase is unsettling for the hu-
    man mind. That's what's happening right now. It began 2008 when Pluto went into Capricorn. The whole crisis period
    is from 2008 to 2023 when Pluto leaves Capricorn.1
    Video interview with Jessica Murray (*1951) US American astrologer, cultural commentator, writer, Freedom and Power: The Ura-
    nus-Pluto Years
    , sponsored by the "Coniunctio Astrology Club", non-profit institution of higher education California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), 13. November 2012, YouTube film, minute 4:31, 1:05:29 duration, posted 12. December 2012



A general agreement to live "in a way that allows all other people to live as well."
Unbridled consumption will lead to global destruction.

  • 2012-2015: times of an ecopolitical storm
    2015 onwards: It's impossible to predict.
Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D. (*1932) Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, Cultural Creative, ontologist, author, Chaos Point the World at the Crossroads, Hampton Roads Publishing, 3. May 2006


  • Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will
    be transformed.
    Carlos Barrios, Guatemalan Mayan elder of the Eagle Clan, ceremonial priest [Ajq'ij], spiritual guide, historian, anthropologist, expert in the Sacred Maya Calendar, What the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012, presented by the publication newsvoice.se, 24. February 2011


  • The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way. Carlos Barrios, Guatemalan Mayan elder of the Eagle Clan, ceremonial priest [Ajq'ij], spiritual guide, historian, anthropologist, expert in the Sacred Maya Calendar, What the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012, presented by the publication newsvoice.se, 24. February 2011



Mayan Day-keepers view on sunrise on December 21, 2012:

After 26,000 years the sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic – building a cosmic cross, an embodiment of The Tree of Life, honored in the spiritual traditions. The crossing of the solar meridian and the galactic equator and the Earth and the alignment with the center of the galaxy signifies the start of the World of the Fifth Sun, the birth of a new era. The fifth element of the Fifth Sun is ether ("space between space").

  • Humanity will continue, but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action. Carlos Barrios, Guatemalan Mayan elder of the Eagle Clan, ceremonial priest [Ajq'ij], spiritual guide, historian, anthropologist, expert
    in the Sacred Maya Calendar, What the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012, presented by the publication newsvoice.se,
    24. February 2011


  • From what the indigenous people (are saying), from all over the world are in agreement. [...] we have entered into a unique and a special time in the history of the world. It is a time where we are about to move from one way of being
    into a completely different way of being.
    It is a time of great hope we are entering into. Video presentation by Drunvalo Melchizedek (*1941) US American shamanic researcher, spiritual teacher, lecturer, author, on 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2008


  • When humanity becomes conscious of itself as a single organism and unites to activate the noosphere, we will find
    the collective resolve and will to reconstruct the biosphere and divert the energy of the human race from a path of de-
    struction based on a mechanized abstraction from nature to a new harmonic order of super-organic reality based on
    an entirely different state of consciousness than has yet existed on Earth.
    Such is the fundamental premise that underlies Manifesto for the Noosphere. My feelings about the Noosphere run
    deep. While I believe it is inevitable, I also believe that its activation requires a collective conscious effort on the part
    of at least a critical portion of humanity. I further believe that its advent as a conscious planetary phenomenon appro-
    ximates the prophetic date 2012, and provides the deeper evolutionary significance for the mass-mind focus on that
    date. José Argüelles, Ph.D. [Valum Votan, Keeper of time] lawoftime.org (1939-2011) US American Mayan calendar, time researcher, artist, visionary, educator, speaker, author, Manifesto for the Noosphere, Evolver Editions/North Atlantic Books, 2011


  • The Mayan Calendar is not predicting the end of the world in 2012, but the start of a new era.
    Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, Mayan calendar and time researcher, author, source unknown


  • The expansion of human consciousness is what will bring the socio-economic transformation at a time when the hard-
    ships of the old systems may be expected to be painfully felt also by nations that currently may been considered as wealthy. As the Ninth level is finally activated our identities will come to be defined in a much expanded spiritual frame-
    work. Carl Johan Calleman, Swedish biologist, Mayan calendar and time reseacher, author, 9.9.9. and the Mayan Calendar,
    6. September 2009


  • If the shadows appear to be growing darker, it's because the light that casts them is getting brighter. We are heading
    towards perhaps an apocalypse, and perhaps, something else. Daniel Pinchbeck (*1966) US American editorial director
    of New Age philosophy, editor of the US American online magazine Reality Sandwich, author, 2012. The Return of Quetzalcoatl,
    S. 237, TarcherPerigee, 4. May 2006, paperback issue 6. September 2007



  • What's going to be going on in 2012? Astrology definitely shows an incredibly enlightened development of conscious-
    ness during 2012.
    We are going to complete the time acceleration of our evolution and make that next critical leap, which means going
    beyond war and beginning to enter the (galactic) universe. A then in 2012, it looks like it's a year of really amazing
    experiences with that reality. It's a year of integration, as far as I can see.
    (The book,) "The Mayan Code" predicted the economic collapse would be occurring during the end of 2008. And
    then what the book says is, once the economic collapse occurs, then it will be possible to end war [...] from an evo-
    lutionary point of view, this is the final exhaustion, because the planet can't take it anymore. And then, according to
    exopolitics, once we end our violence and go to another level in the way we treat each other, our quarantine is going
    to lift, which I fully expect will be occurring during 2011.
    Audio interview with Barbara Hand Clow (*1943) US American astrologer, time researcher, lecturer, author, presented by the Exopolitics Radio/TV, host Alfred Lambremont Webre (*1942) US American lawyer, futurist, peace activist, environmental activist, space activist, author, aired 17. January 2009


  • The Mayans accurately predicted the time frame we now found ourselves in, which is known as the "apocalyptic age"
    or the "time of revealing." This is a 25-year period between the Harmonic Convergence of August 1987, until December
    21, 2012. This 25-year period falls between what the Mayans called the "fifth world," and the emergence of the "sixth
    world." To the Mayans, a period of time, or an age, was referred to as a world, and they believed in a total of six worlds.
    Thus, their prophecy that time as we have come to know it, will end on December 21, 2012.
    Article 2012 The Evolution of Consciousness, Spirit and Planet Earth, presented by the blogspot Miracles and Inspiration, Scott Mowry, US American writer, editor, researcher, ~2011


  • This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.
T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) US American British literary critic, poet, playwright, Nobel laureate in literature, 1948,
poem The Hollow Men, 1925

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013


  • The prediction is that Christ Consciousness will prevail upon the Earth. It could be that, inasmuch as the cons-
    ciousness of mankind prevailed for many centuries at 190 and only very recently jumped to 207, this signals the be-
    ginning appearance of the dominion of Christ Consciousness on Earth. (Calibrated as true.)
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, I. Reality and Subjectivity, S. 283, 2003




Differentiation of the forest from the trees

Weighing the essential versus the irrelevant

  • A problem with using the mind to discover truth is that it often cannot tell the forest from the trees and instead focuses on problematic irrelevancies and extraneous diversions, such as,
    Did the Buddha 'really' sit under a bodhi tree? Or,
    Where did Jesus spend his lost years?
    Did the Red Sea actually part?
    Is the crucial, eternal truth that what would save mankind lost somewhere in cave?
    Will the world end in 2068?
    Are the 'end times' here?
    Are UFO messengers here to save us?
The ego loves to fiddle with hypothetical conundrums and thus extends its attraction via fallacious pursuits. If they
were of great value, they would have been mentioned by Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, or the great sages over the many centuries. Dr. David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God, subheading "Disassembly of the Ego/Self", S. 214-215, 2007


  • The planet is part of the physical universe and thereby subject to its transitions and evolutionary phenomena. Volca-
    nic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, forest fires, and floods have been recurring over the eons of time, including the
    impact of giant meteors that filled the sky with dust and smothered all life. It is therefore naive to assume that pheno-
    mena are consequent to mankind's follies, frailties, failures, or religious belief systems. So-called 'end times' phe-
    nomena are redundant
    , both before and subsequent to the emergence of Homo sapiens. Numerous are the pro-
    phets and prophesies that have come and gone.
    Dr. David R. Hawkins, Discovery of the Presence of God. Devotional Nonduality, S. 158-159, 2007


Sunset near Gulf of Paria, Trinidad and Tobago
  • Question: There is a sense that there may be a great change occur-
    ring. Do you have any feelings that something significant is going to
    happen in the next three years?
    Answer: We have tested it out in a series of questions. And we get
    that nothing is going to happen at 2012. To all the people who love
    the glamor of excitement and danger. [...] At 2012 nothing is going to happen.  Minute 22:42 […]
    The consciousness level of all of mankind collectively is advan-
    Optimistically it is now over LoC 200 [integrity level] for all of mankind collectively. The future of mankind looks very bright as compared to the misery of mankind over the past centuries with the endless wars and plagues [...] So the prognosis looks very optimistic for mankind henceforth from here on.  Minute 37:01
    Audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, Power vs. Force, muscle testing, presented by the US American talk radio show Coast to Coast AM, program Speaking of Strange, host Joshua P. Warren, 46:00 minutes duration, aired 9. January 2010


  • Question: How to respond to the overall shift in consciousness, the focus on 2012?
    Answer: [Paraphrased] Highly evolved people are counterbalancing millions of people on a negative level.
Audio interview with Dr. David R. Hawkins, What IS Consciousness Anyway?, teleseminar 148, part 2 of 2 (Q&A), presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Shift in Action, host James O'Dea, Irish US American president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), faculty member of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, co-director of The Social Healing Project, educator, activist, speaker, author, minute 56:18 minutes duration, 11. June 2008

Englische Texte – English section on Time transition around 2012

Paradigmal shifts via nine underworlds – Carl Johan Calleman

Nine cosmic underworlds
Corresponding levels of consciousness

Culmination date
28. October 2011
Pyramidal Steps
Creation Theme
DurationAcceleration /
Mathemathics of intensification
Change rate
cycle (13)
9. Level – Cosmic Transformation11 February 2011
- 28/10 2011
13 x 20 kin = 260 days7 tenth of a year 20 days
8. Level – GalacticIT revolution5 January 1999
- 28/10 2011
13 x 360 kin = 4,680 days12.8 years ~1 year
7. Level – PlanetaryIndustrialism1755
- 28/10 2011
13 x 7,200 kin = 93,600 days256 years 19.7 years
6. Level – NationalWriting16 June 3115 BC
- 28/10 2011
13 x 144,000 kin = 1,872,000 days
5,128 years
394.5 years
5. Level – CulturalSpoken Language100500 BC
- 28/10 2011
13 x 2,880,000 kin = 37,440,000 days
102,575 years
7,890 years
4. Level – TribalHuman Beings2048000 BC
- 28/10 2011
13 x 57,600,000 kin = 748,800,000 days 
3. Level – FamilyMonkeys40998000 BC
- 28/10 2011
13 x 1,152,000,000 kin = 14,976,000,000 days 
2. Level – IndividualComplex life819,998,000 BC
- 28/10 2011
13 x 23,040,000,000 kin = 299,520,000,000 days 
1. Level – CellularMatter16,4 Billions BC
- 28/10 2011
13 x 460,800,000,000 kin =
5,990,400,000,000 days
Visual: ► The Nine Cosmic levels (Underworlds), JPG photo of the 'Pyramid of the Jaguar' in Tikal taken by C. Callemann


13 Stages of the National Underworld
13 Stages of the Galactic Underworld


When Writing was invented on 16. June 3115 BC (6th National evolutionary level) the time cycles changed every 394.5 years.
When Industrialism emerged in 1755 (7th Planetary evolutionary level) the time cycles changed every 19.7 years.
When the IT revolution emerged on 5. January 1999 (8th Galactic evolutionary level) the time cycles lasted around 1 year each.
When Transformation will dawn on 11. February 2011 (9th Cosmic evolutionary level) the time cycles will be accelerated to 20 days each.


Some characteristics of the Nine Underworlds.
While the evolution of the Four lower levels of consciousness are all expressed as biological evolution the Five highest levels of consciousness carry the evolution of the cultural, technological and spiritual aspects of the human being. At the present time human beings are also beginning to develop a meta-consciousness, an awareness of the evolution of consciousness, that allows her to look upon creation from a higher perspective than the "frog perspective" of everyday human life. The Cos-
mic Consciousness of Universal Man as prophecied in many spiritual traditions is increasingly becoming a real possibility.
Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, Mayan calendar and time researcher, author, The Nine Underworlds of the Cosmos and their corresponding levels of Consciousness

Succession of ages: nine paradigmal shifts – Ian Xel Lungold and Carl Johan Calleman

Time concept of Evolution
Stages according to the Mayan long count calendar
StageCycle / LevelConsciousness features
Development of
Age of
on Brain part
First year
of time frame
1. Chemical / Cellular Action ⇔
Developed all physical laws, chemical compounds,
star fields, solar systems, and planets
Big Bang?16.4 billion years ago
2. Mammalian Stimulus ⇔
Complex life
Individual cells from the Cellular cycle began to
develop a survival mechanism with increased consciousness toward stimuli and responses
Left Brain Half820 million years ago
3. Familial Stimulus ⇔
Recognition of individuals and establishment of the family relationship as opposed to herd, school, or flock mentalities
Parietal Lobes41 million years ago
819 998 000 BC
4. Tribal Similarites and Differences Human Beings
Development of "the decision making mind" to
detect similarities and differences in
our experience
Right Brain Half2 million years ago
40 998 000 BC
5. CulturalShared Reasons Spoken language
Search for reasons for everything, as a basis
of all cultural understanding
Frontal Lobes102,000 years ago
2 048 000 BC
6. National Law / Punishment Agriculture, Writing
Concept of right and wrong, good and evil, externalized morals
Left Brain Half8,000 years ago
16 June 3115 BC
7. PlanetaryProduction and consolidation of
Force driven
Industrial revolution
Understanding and derivation of power
from natural laws
Parietal Lobes1755 AD
247 year cycle
The 4th world therein began in 1947:
⚑ Roswell incident,
⚑ Formation of the state of Israel
8. GalacticHeart centered innate Ethics IT revolution
Understanding of ethical matters
Subjective Integrity, truth revealed
Right Brain Half5 January 1999
12 year cycle
9. UniversalConscious Co-creation
The Unknown
Unity consciousness

Unlimited ability to create from one's experiences
Achievement of godlike status of all-knowing consciousness
Frontal Lobes11 February 2011
activated 8 March 2011
260 days cycle
Ending 28 October 2011
DVD source:
► 3 hour long DVD presentation by Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher, The Mayan Calendar Comes North,
     Whitehorse Yukon Territory, 22. June 2004, YouTube film, 3:00:12 duration, posted 4. May 2012
Based on Dr. Calleman's discoveries of the evolutionary structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness
Video lectures featuring Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher, presented by Celestiallight Recordings, Sedona, February 2005, YouTube film
The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues Ian Xel Lungold full length 9th wave consciousness part 1 of 2, 1:00:11 duration,
     posted 30. March 2012
"Not time is speeding up, creation is speeding up. The Mayan calendar was never a calendar, it was always a meter."
The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues Ian Xel Lungold full length 9th wave consciousness, part 2 of 2, 1:00:06 duration,
     posted 29. March 2012
Audio sources:
► Web radio interview with Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, presented by Break for News,
     host Fenton Donn, 20. February 2007
Written sources
Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time. the Mayan
, Garev Publishing International, 2000
Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, Mayan Calendar. The Pyramid of Consciousness,
     Bear & Company, 2004
Calendar Time Scale for Man's Evolution on Earth. The Mayan Calendar Comes North, Mayan Majix Learning Lab
See also: ► Step modelsParadigmal shift

Crucial tipping points of the ages of evolution – Carl Johan Calleman

Fifth Day – Successions: Solar System ⇒ Transition to land ⇒ Color Vision ⇒ Fire ⇒ Culture / Art ⇒
Christianity's rise ⇒ Automation ⇒ ?
Fifth Night – Successions:
Meteor Bombardment ⇒ Perm-Triassic extinction ⇒ ? ⇒ Ice Age ⇒ Extinction of Neanderthals ⇒ Dark Ages ⇒ World War II ⇒ Worldwide Financial Meltdown and Recession 2008 ⇒
Splitting of the Worlds


Turnaround at the Fifth Day / Fifth Night of the Cycle
Nine longterm evolutionary cycles run each through 13 stages /
Wave movements comprising 7 'days' (Emerging) and 6 'nights' (Implementing) of the nine Underworlds.
Each of the succeeding cycles gets condensed by 20 times
less the amount of evolutionary time compared to the prior level.
The change of tendency in an age happens at the Fifth Day followed by the debris of the Fifth Night.
StepCycle / Level Fifth Day Occurence
Beg Midpoint
Fifth Night Occurence
End Midpoint
Time Frame
1. Chemical / Cellular Solar System Meteor BombardmentBeginning
16.4 billion years ago
2. Mammalian Transition to land Perm-Triassic extinctionBeginning
820 million years ago
3. Familial Color Vision ?Beginning
41 million years ago
819 998 000 B.C.
4. Tribal Fire Ice AgeBeginning 2 million years ago
40 998 000 B.C.
5. Cultural Culture / Art Extinction of NeanderthalsBeginning
102,000 years ago
2 048 000 B.C.
6. National Christianity's rise Dark AgesBeginning
8,000 years ago
16 June 3115 B.C
7. Planetary Automation World War IIBeginning in the
year 1755 A.D.
247 year cycle
8. Galactic ?
Financial Meltdown
Worldwide Recession 2008
5 January 1999
12 year cycle
9. Universal n/a n/aBeginning
10 February 2011
260 days cycle
Ending 28 October 2011
Source: ► Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, source unknown
See also: ► Step models

Thirteen evolutionary forces – Carl Johan Calleman

The 13 Divine forces of evolution (Maya / Aztek)

Levels (Underworlds) of Evolution of Consciousness of the Mayan Calendar System

Acceleration of cycles – Speeding up
Creation – time as it were – is speeding up. Every Underworld is twenty times shorter than the one it is built upon. It took 15 billion years
for the first cells to come into existence, whereas the internet came about in a very short time.
According to ancient Mayan teachings there are Nine Underworlds in the Cosmos. This fundamental step model is visibly expressed
by the Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent in Chichen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple of the Inscriptions
in Palenque, which were all built with Nine different stories.
Day / Night
God / GoddessGrowth

Time Frame
Galactic Level
Universal Level
Level of Consciousness
of Mankind

as calibrated by
David Hawkins
1. 1. DayThe god of Fire and Time Conception to birth
5. Jan 1999-30. Dec 1999LoC 205
2.1. NightThe god of Earth Birth to infant31. Dec 1999-24. Dec 2000LoC 205
3. 2. DayThe goddess of Water Infant to toddler
25. Dec 2000-19. Dec 2001LoC 205
4.2. NightThe god of the Sun and the Warriors Toddler to child20. Dec 2001-14. Dec 2002LoC 207
June 2002
5. 3. DayThe goddess of Love and Childbirth Child
15. Dec 2002-9. Dec 2003LoC 205
end 2002 / 2003
LoC 207
8./9. Nov. 2003
(Harmonic Concordance)
6.3. NightThe god of Death Child to adolescent10. Dec 2003-3. Dec 2004LoC 207
7. 4. DayThe god of Flowers Adolescent to
young adult
4. Dec 2004-28. Nov 2005LoC 207
8.4. NightThe god of Rain and War Young adult29. Nov 2005-23. Nov 2006LoC 205
Februar 2006
LoC 203
September 2006
LoC 204
Nov 2006
9. 5. DayThe Lord of the Light Adult (building)
24. Nov 2006-18. Nov 2007 LoC 204
October 2007
10.5. NightThe Lord of Darkness Adult (destruction)19. Nov 2007-12. Nov 2008
Problematic Period!
LoC 204
July 2008
11. 6. DayThe goddess of Birth Mature adult
13. Nov 2008-7. Nov 2009 LoC 204
February 2009
LoC 206
August 2009
12.6. NightThe god Before Dawn Seer8. Nov 2009-2. Nov 2010LoC 206-205
13. 7. DayThe dual Creator god Sage
3. Nov 2010-28. Oct 2011
End Galatic Level
Complete Universal Level

Duration less than a year
~LoC 206
Sources featuring Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author
Book: Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time. The Mayan Calendar, Garev Publishing International, 1st edition 21. December 2000
Visual: Galactic Wave Movement, Calleman, gif
Video presentation / excerpted interview Carl Calleman The Mayan Calendar and Money, produed by the Calleman.com, YouTube film,
     9:58 minutes duration, posted 2. August 2009
Article Growth stages of 13 Heavens / Numbers.graffle


The thirteen Heavens (time periods/Gods) consist of 7 days and 6 nights:
The Days enhance economic prosperity.
During the Nights the economy slows down, falters, goes into depression.

Evolutionary cycles in the Judeo-Christian history – Carl Johan Calleman

Development of the Judeo-Christian religion of humanity
DayProgressionDurationBaktun / Aztek Deity / StageInitiatory eventHistorical date
1 Sowing3115-2721 BC1. Stage – The god of Fire and TimeWorship of Anu (Sumeria) 
2 Germination2326-1932·BC3. Stage – The goddess of WaterAbraham's move from Ur to Israel~ 2300 BC
3 Sprouting1538-1144 BC5. Stage – The goddess of Love and ChildbirthMoses – 18th Dynasty~ 1400 BC
4 Proliferation749-355 BC7. Stage – The god of FlowersIsaiah748 BC
5 Budding40-434 AD9. Stage – The lord of the LightJesus / Saul/Paul of Tarsus
/ Constantine
30-50 AD
6 Flowering829-1223 AD11. Stage – The goddess of BirthExpansion of Christianity, Crusades 
7 Fruition1617-2011 AD13. Stage – The dual Creator godEstablishment of Protestantism
The Pilgrims
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author,
Development of the Judeo-Christian religion of humanity, ~2000
See also: ► Step models and ► Judaism

Evolutionary cycles in the history of writing – Carl Johan Calleman

The History of writing
DayProgressionDurationBaktun / Aztek Deity / StageInitiatory eventHistorical date
1 Sowing3115-2721 BC1. Stage – The god of Fire and TimeFirst writing 
2 Germination2326-1932 BC3. Stage – The goddess of WaterCuneiform writing 
3 Sprouting1538-1144 BC5. Stage – The goddess of Love
                  and Childbirth
Consonant writing~ 1600 BC
4 Proliferation749-355 BC7. Stage – The god of FlowersAlphabetic writing750 BC
5 Budding40-434 AD9. Stage – The lord of the LightCodices, paper50,100 AD
6 Flowering829-1223 AD11. Stage – The goddess of BirthFirst book printing868 AD
7 Fruition1617-2011 AD13. Stage – The dual Creator godDaily newspapers,
Mail service
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, History of writing, ~2000
See also: ► Step models and ► Speech and ► Internet and ► Communication

Seven evolutionary cycles in the history of telecommunications – Carl Johan Calleman

Seven stages of evolving telecommunications
DayProgressionDurationBaktun / Aztek Deity / StageInitiatory eventHistorical date
1 Sowing1755-17751. Stage – The god of Fire and TimeTheory of telegraph1753
2 Germination1794-18143. Stage – The goddess of WaterOptical telegraph1794
3 Sprouting1834-18535. Stage – The goddess of Love and ChildbirthElectrical telegraph1835
4 Proliferation1873-18937. Stage – The god of FlowersTelephone1876
5 Budding1913-19329. Stage – The lord of the LightRadio broadcasts1910
6 Flowering1952-197211. Stage – The goddess of BirthTelevision1952
7 Fruition1992-201113. Stage – The dual Creator godInternet1992
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author,
Seven stages of evolving telecommunications, ~2000
See also: ► Step models and ► Internet and ► Communication

Yuga cycles – Hindu mythological time frame

Four Yuga cycles
AgeName / Quality
of Age
Keyword DescriptionDurationComment
First Golden Age
Satya Yuga
Age of divinityPeace – no wars, no famines, no strife, or evil1,728,000 yearsMost Light
Second Silver Age
Treta Yuga
Age of ritual Beginning of corruption, entropy, evil1,296,000 yearsLight
Third Bronze Age
Dvapara Age
Age of doubt Beginning of the 'fall' of humanity864,000 yearsDense
Fourth Iron Age
Kali Yuga
Age of chaos Evil, corruption, greed, wars,
   famine and disease
432,000 yearsMost Dense
./.               Time of transition               2011-2017Dissolution
Source: ► Jay Weidner SacredMysteries.com (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions,
author, article The Alchemy of Time: Understanding the Great Year & the Cycles of Existence, originally presented by the magazine
New Dawn, 2005, reissued 2012, republished by the US American online magazine Waking Times, 18. January 2014


The age of iron has no other seal than that of Death.
Its hieroglyph is the skeleton, bearing the attributes of Saturn: the empty hourglass,
symbol of time run out.
Fulcanelli [Pseudonym] (*1877) French alchemist, esoteric author





Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation

The joining of the principles of Pluto and/in Capricorn mark a very serious time.
Significant global restructuring does take place.


Ultraviolet photography in astronomy – the rings of Saturn
  • Pluto orbits around the Sun, around the zodiac, in a 248-year cycle.
  • Saturn orbits around the Sun, around the zodiac, in a much shorter 28-year cycle (4 times 7 years).
  • The planet Pluto carries the name of the God of the underworld. It is the principle of reform, rules death, power, debt, and taxes.
  • The cardinal sun sign Capricorn, the principle of structure, stands for the realm of government,
    authority, boundaries of nations, banking
    , and military.
    Psychologically it represents ambition, caution, resistance, responsibility, clear distinction between right and wrong or good and evil.


History of Pluto in Capricorn dating back 2500 years
           Pluto in Capricorn regularly coincides with the establishment of a new order within the world.           
༺༻Pluto transiting through CapricornTime period
1.7. March 449 BC – 3. December 428 BC 449-428BC
2.29. March 204 BC – 27. December 184 BC 204-184BC
3.1. January 42 AD – 7. December 61 AD 42-61
4.16. January 287 – 24. November 306 287-306
5.21. February 532 – 22. November 551 532-551
6.2. January 778 – 1. December 796 778-796
7.8. January 1024 – 20. December 1041 1024-1041
8.31. December 1269 – 1. November 1287 1269-1287
9.2. January 1516 – 21. December 1532 1516-1532
10.7. January 1762 – 1. December 1778 1762-1778
11. 26. January 2008 – 19. November 2024 2008-2024


Note on the Pluto return cycle in the United States empire
The United States will have its first Pluto return during the period April 2018 to February 2022, in the house of money (resources). It will happen while Pluto is in Capricon.
Pluto in the U.S. chart resides in the house of money and resources.
April 2018 is correlated to Boston Tea Party, 16. December 1773.2
February 2022 is correlated to the issuing of the United States Declaration of Independence, 4. July 1776.
► A soulgroup consisting of the American revolutionaries has returned to incite a second American-Internation Revolution.
See also: ► Who returned as who? Reincarnation matches – Walter Semkiw ∞ Kevin Ryerson


449·BC Athens and Persia came to a peace settlement (known as The Peace of Callias). The years of Persian threat had ended. In eco-
, the themes are higher taxes resulting in class warfare, violent protests, and even revolutions against the government or those in power. But there are also many instances in which those taxes were used to advance human rights and construct important infrastructure needs for communities.
42-61·AD Jesus preached the gospel when Pluto was in Sagittarius. After Jesus' death his followers were left to faith and memories.
33 AD the hardened Turkish Greek Jewish bounty hunter, skeptic and pharisee Saul of Tarsus (5-67 AD) had and epileptic sei-
zure at Damascus followed by his conversion into the zealotrous Zadokite cult which he hijacked later to introduce their secret teachings as Christianity. Renamed as Paul the Apostle [Saint Paul] he became the most influential missionary in the early Christian communities across the Roman Empire. As a result of this he became the 'Apostle to the Gentiles'. When Pluto was
in Capricorn Paul's missionary work was full fledged. It turned out crucial in establishing the early Roman Christian church.
41·AD Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (10 BC- 54 AD) Roman Emperor (41-54 AD) succeeded his uncle, the insane despot Caligula as Roman emperor. In AD 42 the first revolt against his rule took place. The attempt of rebellion was easily put
down before it ever really got started. However it revealed that the instigators of the uprising had possessed connections with very
influential nobility in Rome.
Immediately after the failed rebellion of AD 42, Claudius decided to distract any attention from such challenges to his authority by organizing a campaign to invade and conquer Britain. He also instituted judicial reforms, creating in particular legal safeguards for the weak and defenseless.
1516-1532 The way to the Protestant Reformation was paved by the theoretical and philosophical work of writers like the Dutch Catholic Renaissance humanist philosopher and social critic Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466/1469-1536) when Pluto was in Sagittarius. The Protestant Reformation was a reform movement in Europe that began in 1517, though its roots lie further back in time. In earnest the Reformation began on 31 October 1517, in Wittenberg, Saxony (in present-day Germany). There, German Protes-
tant reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) nailed his "Ninety-Five Theses" to the door of the All Saints’ Church, which served as
a notice board for university-related announcements. These were points for debate that criticized the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope Leo X (1475-1521), the most controversial of which centered on the practice of selling indulgences and the Church's policy on purgatory. Luther's confrontation with the Roman Church and his refusal to retract all of his writings led to the "Diet of Worms" in 1521 which resulted in his excommunication by the pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Emperor. Other reformers, such as Ulrich Zwingli, soon followed Luther's lead, envisioning a work ethic suitable for the emerging of the Industrial Revolution.
1520 The Ottoman Empire entered a golden age under Suleiman the Magnificent (1494-1566).
1762 Prepared and introduced by Thomas Hobbes in 1651 the Social Contract theory [Contrat Social] Jean Jacques Rous-
came up with expresses anti-monarchist views that aroused such passions that Rousseau took refuge in Switzerland to escape prosecution.
"Man is born free yet everywhere is in chains."   "The body politics, like the human body, begins to die from its birth and bears in itself the causes of its destruction."
1763 The British pay taxes at higher rates than any other Europeans and have received little tax support from their colonists. They begin to take a harder line with the colonists. The revolutionary era began in 1763, when the French military threat to British North American colonies ended. Adopting the policy that the colonies should pay an increased proportion of the costs associated with keeping them in the Empire, Britain imposed a series of taxes followed by other laws intended to demonstrate British au-
thority that proved extremely unpopular. Because the colonies lacked elected representation in the governing British Parliament many colonists considered the laws to be illegitimate and a violation of their rights as Englishmen. The American Revolution followed the sugar tax imposed by Britain.
1763 The Rothschild family international banking dynasty had its beginnings in a coin and antique dealership opened at Frank-
furt am Main, Germany, by local entrepreneur and banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild [Founding father of international finance] (1744-1812), then 21, whose father, Amschel Moses Rothschild, was an itinerant money lender.
1766 Captain James Cook (1728-1779) landed in New South Wales. The continent of Australia was found.
1763-1776 James Watt started to develop the steam engine in 1763 and finalized it in 1776. It was a critical impetus to the Industrial Revolution and the formation of modern capitalism.
1776 The Scottish US American social and moral philosopher Adam Smith (1723-1790) pioneered a Classical political econo-
mic theory
in his book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. His radical claim was that morality comes from the social reciprocal nature of humans, not from God.
1768-1774 The Ottoman Empire ended from 1768 with the Russo-Turkish wars. On 21. July 1774 it signed the humiliating treaty of
Kuçuk Kainarji with Russia.
2008 On Sunday, 14. September 2008 the US American investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy. This was a symbol
of the 2007-2012 global financial crisis, to be followed by worldwide economic restructuring.


2012-2014 Pluto Mars Conjunction squared to Uranus (eruptive energy, volcanos)
2014 T-square between Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer (strong tensions)


Sources and references:
Article 2008-2024 – Pluto in Capricorn. The end of the world as we know it?, presented in Wellspring Astrolog, Michele Finey,
     written 2006, sold September 2007, edition 2008
Article Pluto in Capricorn: the good, the bad, even worse and redemption, presented by The Merriman Market Analyst,
     November 2007, reprint 31. January 2008
Video presentation by Simon Vorster, US American evolutionary astrologer, Astrology | Pluto in Capricorn – A Deeper Look,
     presented by Raising Vibrations, YouTube film, 26:32 minutes duration, posted 24. July 2016
See also:
Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires
Project 2050 – Remote Viewing Forecast experiment (1978)

Nonlocal awareness – Remote Viewing

Author and trend analyst Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D. holds a degree in futurology. Furthermore, he is an expert in Remote viewing (RV), which has been beneficial in order to locate sunken ships, buried buildings, and murdered children.


Remote viewing is a tool [...]. The purpose of [...] tools is to allow you to focus your intention so that you can open to
that part of yourself that exists outside of space-time
, what I will call the energetic-information domain, what
many are now calling the nonlocal domain – nonlocal because it is information that is not local to you and your
brain. This is what the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung called the Collective Unconscious. This is what
Hindu Sages called the Akashic records.
Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain,
Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author,
Answers on Remote Viewing Questions, presented by Finer Minds, host Neil Walter, 2008


[…] to summarize where we stand data-wise, Dr. Wayne D. Jonas, who is the former director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, recently did a review and came up with 2,200 papers and citations in this field of remote healing. Over two hundred of these studies were controlled clinical trials and laboratory studies. The quality of the studies is quite good. Using what are called CONSORT criteria, he was able to assign either an "A" or a "B" level of excellence to these studies in remote healing. Eighteen of these studies are major controlled studies in humans, eleven of which show statistically significant results. The laboratory studies look at the effects of people's intentions on nonhumans – rabbits, mice, rats, plants, even bacteria growing in test tubes, fungi, yeast, and so on.
Interview with Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complemen-
tary medicine, Mavericks of Medicine. Conversations on the Frontiers of Medical Research, Smart Publications, David Jay Brown (*1961) US American parapsychologist, consciousness researcher, interviewer, writer, January 2006


Media reference: ► Removed video interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain,
Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author,
Mysteries of Remote Viewing – Stephan Schwartz – 080619, presented by the podcast platform JV Johnson's Beyond Paranormal,
host Jason Hawes, host JV Johnson, YouTube film, 1:07:45 duration, posted 6. August 2019
See also: ► Futurology and ► Quotes by Stephan A. Schwartz

Three types of contact with nonlocal awareness

Three types of contact with nonlocal awareness
Three different forms of nonlocal contacts have been found.
They correspond with one's level of consciousness / intention / orientation.
StageType of PersonsExpectation
Type of
Degree of
1. Regular
Remote viewers
Want to describe ordinary circumstances Peak extrasensory contact Not disorienting
2. ScientistsSeek insight to fundamental principles
want to know how the world works
Aha experience
Slightly disorienting
3. Religious ecstaticsSeek to see God Epiphany Strongly disorienting
Sources: ► Undated list of intention and healing studies Therapeutic Intent/Healing – Bibliography of Research, PDF, compiled by
   ➤ Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine
   ➤ Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences
       research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author
See also: ► Futurology and ► Rosalyn Bruyere and ► Nonlocal awareness – Remote Viewing


Transpersonal Nonlocal awareness states often get initiated as a result of existential crisis or traumatic life events i.e. near death experiences.
⚑⚑ Therapeutic intention and prayer healing studies tend to back up the effectiveness of nonlocal awareness states.
⚑⚑⚑ Whoever did well in RV was exceptionally successful in their business using their intuition for hunting and gathering.
Result of remote viewing study on CEOs promoted by parapsychology researcher Douglas Dean (1916-2001) and John Nicholas Newman, professor of naval architecture, Massachussetts Institute of Technology


Life affirming Interdependence

  • The research I and others in many different fields have been doing, to me, suggests we are rapidly approaching a world where we recognize a measure of interdependence that was never acknowledged before. That you have
    the power not only to change your life but to change the world.
    Conclusion of an audio interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and
    Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, Applied Para-
    , PDF, presented by the Wisdom Network Radio, program Virtual U, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US Ame-
    rican clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, issued 24. May 1999


  • We are all linked in a vast network of life, from the smallest cell to the highest and most powerful person. We are all
    not only linked but interdependent. That the well being of the one affects the well being of the many, and that as we
    seek to that which is life affirming, we evoke the best that is within us.
    Interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Labo-ratories for Fundamental Research, author, Nonlocal Awareness and Visions of the Future, presented by Health World Online, Daniel Redwood D.C., S. 16 of 16, 2005

Project 2050 – Remote Viewing forecast experiment (1978)

In 1978 US American trend researcher Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D. started to conduct a large remote viewing research (RV) experiment – under stringently controlled laboratory conditions. While in a state of nonlocal aware-
[*] over 4,000 "ordinary" volunteers were asked to go forward in time to the year 2050 and to describe what they saw. The bulk of their forecasts progressing seven decades (72 years ahead) of current time were collected, screened, and correlated.
RV Forecast studies involving a large number of subjects have resulted in an accuracy rate of 70-85, in other cases in an 75-90% accuracy rate.
Following are the fairly reliable results of the 2050 group forecast. In part it has already come true historically, in part the prospected earth changes have been announced by BBC host and futuristic physicist Michio Kaku, Ph.D. accordingly.

The quantum physics principle of [*]Nonlocality postulates that barriers of time and space are illusions of the materialistic brain and that there are no limits of distance, time, or barriers in the transmission of "L" energy, as illustrated by prayer, remote viewing and other so-called psychic occurrences.


Results of Forecast Project 2050 – Stephan A. Schwartz
partially from other sources
History Account༺༻
GeneralThe world will still exist in 2050.  Open1.
Attitudinal Consciousness Change The current coercive paradigm [status 2008-13] will be replaced by a new life affirming paradigm. The period of choice making [2008-2012]
is crucial and viable.
Human Affairs Race equality will exist.  Open3.
Human Affairs Gender equality will exist.  Open4.
Human Affairs Assimilation of minorities
will occur.
Human Affairs National identity chips
will be implanted.
[Mandatory?] Identity registration Open6.
Global Wars – Conflicts No nuclear war / holocaust
will occur.
Danger of terroristic / fundamentalist attacks will remain.
"Weltuntergangsuhr" eine Minute zurückgestellt, Der Standard,
15. Januar 2010
Gefahr für Atomkrieg verringert sich; "Bulletin of Atomic Scientists", NYC,
14. Januar 2010
Conflicts "Naturals" may rise up against "gen-engineered" people. Genetic engineering
Dr. Michio Kaku, "The Biotech Revolution'' Minute 47:55-55:25
PandemicsBlood disease will be transferred by primates coming from Africa. AIDS Fulfilled9.
Global Population
Multiple pandemics
[so-called "bugs"] will result in
millions of deaths.
Possibly killing up to a quarter
of the human species in less than six months.
Global Population Overpopulation will not occur. There will be underpopulation in certain areas due to low birth rates. Open
Weather patterns Climate change will render
some areas uninhabitable.
Huge droughts will empty the Southwest of the United States / Phoenix area.
Some new communities will be domed – for weather control purposes.
Climate change
Upcoming huge droughtsGlobal warming / climate change – from fringe belief to common knowledge Fulfilled
Power Supply Energy revolution / Green transition will decentralize the power production. Cold fusion?
Solar power
Green solutions
Power Supply / Money More wealth than ever before
will be generated thereof.
Due to sufficient energy supply / transmission – in a box. Open15.
Virtual Information Supply1st Virtual Revolution Internet – First wave Fulfilled16.
Virtual Information Supply 2nd Information Revolution
will occur.
Wireless communication enhanced.
See Michio Kaku, Quantum Revolution
⚡ Ray Kurzweil's prognosis 2029, Computational intelligence WolframAlpha, Convergence of Everything
Integral Physics by Christoph Karl La Due
Virtual Reality Electronic devices will be hooked up with the human nervous system to project one's consciousness into a virtual location.Beyond conventional teleconferencing
See Michio Kaku, Ph.D., The Intelligence Revolution, Telimmersion 9:49-12:25 min.
Ray Kurzweil's Technological Singularity i.e.  
Hybrid transhumanism3
Virtual Reality Virtual reality conferencing will
mostly replace business travel.
Michio Kaku, Ph.D., The Intelligence Revolution, Telimmersion 9:49-12:25 min.
Michio Kaku's, Vision of chipped future super car/roads/traffic
Genetic Creation Genetic engineering
will increase.
This will enhance
affluent countries.
In process20.
Genetic Creation Rise of a Homo Superioris
An "engineered" human species
will be created.
Market-place-driven eugenics

SchwartzReport / EXPLORE Vol.2, No.2,
March/April 2006
Genetic Creation Rise of a Homo Superioris
Resulting possibly in "Naturals"
rising up against "Gen-engineered" people.
Michio Kaku, Ph.D., The Biotech Revolution, 47:55-55:25 min.
gen.eng. super mice, Case Institute, 42:18-44:52 min.
Medicine Medical Revolution:
Most chronic genetic diseases

will be eliminated.
End of Diseases
Michio Kaku, Ph.D., The Biotech Revolution4
Medicine Highly evolved emergency care
and trauma medicine
will be serviced.
Pharmaceutical medicine will
almost be non-existing.
Small, peaceful, organic
hospitals will emerge.
Money Money will almost
have disappeared.
Exchange will be handled
by [thumb print?] electronic transactions.
PoliticsNonviolent Decline of the Soviet Union End of communism Fulfilled26.
Terrorism / Fundamentalism
Ongoing territorial conflicts
will "tear the world apart".
Issued by non-state organizations appearing after the decline of USSR. Fulfilled
In process
PoliticsWhereabouts of Saddam Hussein's "Capture" by US soldiers 13. December 2003RV forecast, dated 3. Nov 2003: 47 subjects described location / circumstances accurately as confirmed 13. Dec 2003.
Audio interview with SAS Tributaries Radio, 9. August 2009
United States
Political schism in the United StatesBlue states contra Red states /
fierce partisanship
United States
USA will be reversed to
a loose federation.

No more central government.
Partition into four localized power structures.
The former United States will consist of small communities.
Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S., The Wall Street Journal, 29. December 2008
Russian former KGB analyst Prof. Igor Panarin predicting the partition of U.S. into four parts by 2010.
Politics China and India will become
powerful nations.
The importance of France will lessen. Fulfilled
Infrastructure / Social structure Exodus from cities
will take place.
Small colonies / communities will form around cultural affiliations (i.e. hippie or militaristic style). Open32.
Infrastructure / Social structure Re-tribalization will occur.
Resulting in an enhanced social order / community spirit.
Keyword: Glocalization
The world is both globalizing and tribalizing.
Explore Vol. 3 No. 6 p. 559 11-12/2007
Self-organized collectives
Social structure / Commerce Guilding will happen.On a global scale. Open34.
Infrastructure Strictly energy conserving housing will emerge.   Open35.
Infrastructure Enhanced sanitation systems
will emerge.
Sewage will be purified by plants. Open36.


  • The 2050s [Project 2050] are a better predictor [for the future] than any other source that I know. Audio interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, Interview with Remote Viewing Expert, Stephan Schwartz: Do You Know Your Place In The Future of the Human Race?, MP3, presented by Finer Minds, AmazonAWS, minute 19:42, 37:41 minutes duration, aired 27. January 2011


  • The remote viewers in the 2050 Project said, 'No, overpopulation is not the problem, underpopulation is a problem – in certain areas.' Audio interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, Interview with Remote Viewing Expert, Stephan Schwartz: Do You Know Your Place In The Future of the Human Race?, MP3, presented by Finer Minds, AmazonAWS, minute 17:49, 37:41 minutes duration, aired 27. January 2011


Life affirming Interdependence

  • The research I and others in many different fields have been doing, to me, suggests we are rapidly approaching a world where we recognize a measure of interdependence that was never acknowledged before. That you have
    the power not only to change your life but to change the world.
    Conclusion of an audio interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Hea-
    ling, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, Applied Parapsycho-
    , PDF, presented by Wisdom Network Radio, program Virtual U, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, issued 24. May 1999


  • We are all linked in a vast network of life, from the smallest cell to the highest and most powerful person. We are
    all not only linked but interdependent. That the well being of the one affects the well being of the many, and that as
    we seek to that which is life affirming, we evoke the best that is within us.
    Interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, Nonlocal Awareness and Visions of the
    , presented by the outlet Health World Online, Daniel Redwood D.C., S. 16 of 16, 2005


Direct sources / Websites: ► StephanASchwartz.com and ► SchwartzReport.net presenting trends effecting lives since 1997
Audio and video sources featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author
Audio interview Interview with Remote Viewing Expert, Stephan Schwartz: Do You Know Your Place In The Future of the Human Race?,
     MP3, presented by Finer Minds, AmazonAWS, 37:41 minutes duration, aired 27. January 2011
Audio teleseminar "Nonlocality and Exceptional Experiences" with Stephan Schwartz, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences
, host Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952) US American senior scientist of Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), MP3, 1:41:34 duration,
     aired 18. May 2011
Audio interview MP3, presented by 21st Century Radio Show, hosts Dr. Zohara M. Hieronimus, DHL, 48:39 minutes duration, aired
     29. April 2012, posted 22. September 2014
Video interview Finding Lost Treasures with Remote Viewing, YouTube film, 30:02 minutes duration, posted 2. December 2014
Written sources featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author
Interview Nonlocal Awareness and Visions of the Future, presented by Health World Online, Daniel Redwood D.C., page 8-16, 2005
Article Trends That Will Affect Your Future ... HOMO SUPERIORUS, SchwartzReport.net, reprinted in EXPLORE, volume 2, no. 2,
     S. 107-108, March/April 2006


Further references – videos on future trends and remote viewing:
► YouTube video miniseries, presented by the British TV channel BBC Four, host Michio Kaku, Ph.D. (*1947) Japanese US American
     leading theoretical physicist, University of New York, futurist, co-founder of string field theory, popular "communicator" of science, futurist,
     originally aired 2007
Cutting edge science, combined powers of quantum theory, computer science, and biotechnology, historic transition from the 'Age of Discovery' to the 'Age of Mastery'
     ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Intelligence Revolution, part 1 of 3, 58:33 minutes duration, aired 5 November 2007
     ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Biotech Revolution, part 2 of 3, 58:38 minutes duration, aired 12 November 2007
     ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Quantum Revolution, part 3 of 3, 58:38 minutes duration, posted 19. November 2007
► Video interview with Chet Snow, US American sociologist, researcher on past life regression and future life progression, Chet Snow
     on Mass Dreams of the Future
, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith,
     54:13 minutes duration, posted February 2008  
Subject to fee
► Video TV series with Keith Harary, Ph.D., US American research director of the Institute for Advanced Psychology, parapsychologist,
     conductor of Successful Remote Viewing Experiment, presented by the national broadcaster BBC Wales Production in association
     with WXXI Rochester, New York, 1992, YouTube film, posted 23. May 2011
     ☛ In Search of the Dead: Powers of the Mind, part 1 of 2, 37:37 minutes duration
     ☛ In Search of the Dead: Visions and Voices, part 2 of 2, 37:38 minutes duration
Related literature:
Russell Targ (*1934) US American physicist, ESP researcher, developer of Remote viewing, co-founder of the federally-funded
     program investigating psychic abilities in humans via the Stanford Research Institute, 1972, author, Miracles of Mind. Exploring
     Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing
, New World Library, February 1998


See also: ► Futurology and ► Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation

Biography of precognitive remote viewer Joseph W. McMoneagle

Most psychics come from abusive backgrounds and families. Abuse is a "sacred wound" in a child that shapes their subsequent life decisions. Psychic abilities are mobilized as a survival mechanism to avoid retribution or abuse.


Joseph W. McMoneagle

Born 10. January 1946 into a psychically gifted family of alcoholics, Joseph W. McMoneagle an intelligence officer on classified counter-terrorism projects, engaged in the top secret US Army Stargate Project, the first psychic spy during the cold war, the first remote viewer in the military. This choice had ruined his military career.


The military turned out unable to handle their remote viewing unit elegantly. Walking the razor's edge between the rational and the 'irrational' (i.e. psychic) it fell apart into two camps:


After 24 years of operation the Stargate Project was closed down in 1995 – subsequently the end of McMoneagle's military career. He claims that the closing down was not due to the scientific evaluation of the AIR study, but due to FEAR.


McMoneagle had two near death experiences and many out-of-body experiences. Before that he was a pragmatic non-spiritual kind of person. For a non religious soldier "there really isn't room for that [or particularly spiritual stuff] when you're dealing with counter intelligence".


Near death experiences
During a visit in Braunau, Austria, Hitler's birth town, he fainted when leaving a restaurant. He died and left his body thereby seeing how the rain fell through his hand. McMoneagle saw how his friends took care of his dead body on the street and rushed him to the hospital in Passau (later to a rest-home in Munich).
He scared his room-mate in hospital when his "dead" body rose and he said to him:

"God is light, you can't die!"

His doctors were sure he was brain damaged and sedated him right after that. Picking up their thoughts he answered their unspoken questions directed to him ahead of time.
McMoneagle's concepts of the "normal state" and those of his medical caretakers were extremely different. That is why he soon decided he'd better act "normal" to get out of hospital.


  • I had a major heart attack at the ripe old age of 39, and once again I encountered the White Light. [...] thinking back to my original near-death experience and the experience I had during my open heart surgery and some other things, I've since concluded that what the white light probably is, is what we would call the totality of self, or what we probably are when we're not physical. Joseph W. McMoneagle (*1946) US American remote viewer for the U.S. Army Intelligence, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), first officer recruited for the top-secret Stargate Project, cited in: removed
    article Remote Viewing, presented by the Magical Blend Magazine, Jerry Snyder, issue #52, past 1993


As a result of his first near-death event Joe McMoneagle's life was changed completely.5


He had lost his fear of death and of a lot of other things too. So he was subsequently given to do projects others refused to
do. As a consequence he felt compelled to study the "refined reasons of why we are here." Still, people were afraid of wor-
king with him. That is why he did a lot by himself. He wore the "crazy" stamp.


Living in between domains, straddling worlds, what did he learn?

  • "It's change we live for. It is not the static or the fixed that we live for. We are built for change."
  • "We are all in the same boat and it is a lot better to communicate than not. [...] It was easier to be a gentler kind of person than not."


In 1983 McMoneagle met with Robert A. Monroe US American author of Journeys Out of the Body, in Faber, Virginia,
who became known for his research into altered consciousness. Later he became a staff member at the TMI and married
Monroe's stepdaughter.


  • McMoneagle claimed that he could find Osama bin Laden via remote viewing by 80% chance.
  • 1991 McMoneagle had predicted the 2nd Golf War as "the longer war".
    (Accurate) forecasts are iffy as the future is volatile – and things are getting disrupted more than ever.


Sources featuring Joseph W. McMoneagle (*1946) US American remote viewer for the U.S. Army Intelligence, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), first officer recruited for the top-secret Stargate Project
Video DVD interview Remote Viewing – Joe McMoneagle interview, presented by the Soul of Travel Magazine, produced by
     Torbjorn Sassersson, YouTube film, 10:22 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2007
Video presentation Remote Viewing by Joseph McMoneagle, presented by 2011 International UFO Symposion,
    MUFON Mothership-Productions, YouTube film, 1:15:21 duration, posted 15. December 2012
Video interview series, presented by the US American New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946)
     US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube films
       ☛ Parapsychology and the Media with Joseph McMoneagle, 27:08 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2016
       ☛ Guidelines for Future Remote Viewing with Joseph McMoneagle, 26:43 minutes duration, posted 28. July 2016
       ☛ Practical Applications of Remote Viewing with Joe McMoneagle, 27:39 minutes duration, posted 12. September 2016
Quelle (German):
► German television show Geheime Botschaften: Der Code des Übersinnlichen [Secret Messages: Supernatural Codes], presented by
     the German television station ZDF, Sendung "Abenteuer Forschung", host Prof. Harald Lesch (*1960) German professor of physics,
     Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), professor of natural philosophy, astronomer, television presenter, author, 30 minutes
     duration, aired 14. July 2010
See also: ► Futurity


Links zum Thema Zeitenwechsel um 2012 / Time transition around 2012


Literature (engl.)

  • Rene Guenon [Shaykh 'Abd al-Wahid Yahya] (1886-1951) French intellectual, author of metaphysics, "sacred science", symbolism and initiation, Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, Éditions Gallimard, original edition 1945, Sophia Perennis, 4th revised edition 9. June 2004

According to tradition, time is cyclical. Guenon sees the materialist stage of modernity as the "reign of quantity", a reduction of reality to that
which can be measured by the senses. It signifies the end of the "Kali-Yuga" or "time of troubles."

  • Chet Snow, US American sociologist, researcher on past life regression and future life progression and Helen Wambach,
    Mass Dreams of the Future, Mcgraw-Hill, October 1989

Research based on remote viewing exercises [clairvoyance under hypnosis] on 2,500 probands who envisioned the United States in the year 2030.
85% reported unanimously: In 2030 the United States has no central government, it's politically divided into four quadrants, people living in small communities (some cooperative, some very defensive gun carrying people)

Major events in American history since the pilgrims landed show underlying 88-year cycles repeating every four generations in history.
The current cycle will end around 2012 and a new one will start.
Generations consist of four different archetypes: Idealistic Prophet (maker), Reactive Nomad (rebel), Civic Heros (mediator / consumer),
Adaptive Artist (transformer)

The vibrations of phi (value of 1.6180339) expressed in so-called "Auric series" ripple through the "fabric" of time and space itself, due to
its innate harmonic characteristics. Smelyakov calls the 11.07 years of a sunspot cycle the "fifth phi-harmonic" of the Earth's orbit of 1 year.
The phi cycles i.e. the "Auric series" F converge around the date 21. December 2012.
In December 2000 Smelyakov correctly pinpointed in the magazine The Mountain Astrologer, September 11th (within a ten-day window surrounding September 16th) as an "extremely dangerous" time for humanity.


The culmination of a 25,920-year master cycle is known as "precession". Wilcock shows that this cycle can be seen in the long-term activity of the Sun as well as the rotation of the Earth’s axis. The 5,125 years duration of the Mayan Calendar cycle is exactly one-fifth of the precession.

2012-2015: times of an ecopolitical storm; 2015 onwards impossible to predict

Externe Weblinks

External web links (engl.)

Linkless articles

  • Interview with John L. Petersen (*1943) US American futurist, founder of the think tank The Arlington Institute, Virginia, author, The End of the World as We Know It?, presented by the dissolved magazine "Enligthennext", issue 37, July-September 2007

Audio- und Videolinks

Deutsche gedolmetschte Fassung von 2007 von Barbara Swoboda (indalosia.de), Übersetzung von Gabriele Rütter, Sprecher, Tonbearbeitung, Mastering, Coverdesign von Michael Springer

  • Audiointerview mit Dr. Dieter Broers (*1951) deutscher Biophysiker, interdisziplinärer Forscher, 2012 – Kommt der Bewusst-
    , Teil 1 von 8, EP #14, präsentiert von dem Podcast-Anbieter ExoNews, Gastgeber Carsten Dreesbach und Robert Fleischer, YouTube Film, 9:46 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 10. März 2009
  • Video Fernsehinterview mit Dagmar Neubronner (*1959) deutsche Diplombiologin, Bindungsforschungsassistentin, Verlegerin, Übersetzerin, Fernsehmoderatorin, 2012 – und nun?, präsentiert von dem deutschen Fernsehbildungskanal Bewusst.TV, Programm "Freigeister", Gastgeber Jo Conrad (*1958) deutscher Fernsehmoderator, Netzaktivist, esoterischer Autor, aufge-
    nommen 2. Juni 2012, DailyMotion Film, 36:33 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 17. Juli 2017

Linklose Medienangebote

  • Videovortrag von Erich von Däniken, YouTube Film, eingestellt 28. Januar 2009
    • Der Maya Kalender 2012, Die Wiederkunft der Götter Teil 1, 9:23 Minuten Dauer, Teil 2, 6:59 Minuten Dauer
  • Videovortrag von Erich von Däniken, Maya Kalender – 2012, YouTube Film, 10:54 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 20. Februar 2009
  • Filmtrailer von Dr. Dieter Broers (*1951) deutscher Biophysiker, interdisziplinärer Forscher, Das Erwachen des menschlichen Bewusstseins – [R]EVOLUTION 20|12, präsentiert von der Publikation "New Trinity Media", 10:38 Minuten Dauer, Filmstart in Leipzig, Oktober 2009
  • Video Dokumentation zum prophezeiten Wendejahr 2012 von und mit Daniel Pinchbeck (*1966) US-amerikanischer Verfechter von psychedelischen Substanzen, Herausgeber des Webblogs Reality Sandwich, 2012 – Zeit für Veränderung, YouTube Film, 1:20:18 Dauer, eingestellt 27. Januar 2012

Audio links (engl.)

2013. The End of Days or a New Beginning. Envisioning the World After the Events of 2012, New Page Books, 1. July 2008

On Obama and the Mayan Long Count, the magnetosphere time acceleration

The splitting of the worlds happened around 29. August 2011, in the 5th night of the 9th underworld. 60% of the world's population have chosen
to stay in the old world, 40% chose to ascend.

Linkless media offerings

  • Audio interview with Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author of Solving the Greatest Mystery
    of our Time. The Mayan Calendar
    and The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, Mayan Calendar and Transforming Consciousness, presented by the US American web radio station podcast Theatre of the Mind, host Kelly
    , aired 1. February 2008
  • Audio interview with Christine Page, M.D., British mystical physician, "wisdom keeper", president of the "International Society
    for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine", speaker, author, 2012 and the Galactic Center, MP3, presented by the
    US American web radio station "880 The Revolution", program Virato Live!, host Virato, 6. December 2008
  • Audio interview with Elizabeth Graham, archeologist, Tom Perotta, novelist, David Spangler (*1945) US American visionary
    of the early New Age movement, leading member of the Findhorn Foundation (1970-1973) public speaker, author, Garvia Bailey, Apocalypse Soon, presented by the Canadian web radio station CBC Radio Tapestry, host Mary Hynes, Canadian journalist, 54:00 minutes duration, aired 8. January 2012

Video links (engl.)

The Native American prophecy of the white buffalo states that when it is born, the day of the Creator is at hand. In 1994 the white buffalo was
born. Since then other white animals have started to appear. Noteworthy is: These white animals are not albinos.

Linkless media offerings

At 1 hour 14 minutes and 1 hour 22 minutes: Hancock refers to his Ayahuasca rituals with Amazonian Shamans.

  • TV documentation by 2012, YouTube film, Trailer #2, 2:52 minutes duration of 2:53:00 duration, posted 4. August 2010
  • Audio/video interview with John Jay Harper, former US American clinical mental health counselor, Department of Defense, futurist, near death researcher, metaphysician, radio show host, writer, American Delphi Academy, John Jay Harper Author of "The Tranceformers", presented by The Spiritual But Not Religious Show, host George Lewis, SBN TV, YouTube film,
    1:01:22 minutes duration, posted 27. January 2011
  • Video interview with Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz (1915-1998) Swiss Jungian psychologist, Jungian scholar, author, Take Back the Opposites, YouTube film, 4:32 minutes duration, posted 1. March 2011
    "Take back the opposites within themselves."

Reflecting on Jung's prophetic vision of world crisis

Audio and video links (engl.) – David Wilcock

Collection of videos and audios and transcript with David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, presented by ProjectCamelot.org

Ranked as the Number One movie in the google ranking most viewed list, hit 1st December 2008

Topics discussed: 2012: bifurcation point; timeline in the Great Pyramid of Giza, Aquarian Age, Edgar Cayce reincarnated; Life emerges from nonliving material by Intelligent Design; Atlantis rediscovered.

Topics discussed: Power places, Ley lines, hyperdimensional Global Grid energy effects, Sanderson's 12 "Vile Vortices" around the Earth, 4,000 portals in space and time; development of crop circles

Topics discussed: Climate change throughout the entire solar system. Evolution occurs in sudden bursts repeating in 26 and 72 million year cycles. Life emerges from nonliving material by Intelligent Design. Human DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last 5000 years.

Topics discussed: Anti-gravity, free energy and time travel technology arise from a Source Field (comprised of Mind, Spirit and Consciousness).

Linkless media offerings


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and Fall of Empires – Structural transformation

2 The reason for the revolutionary war in America was not the tax on tea. In 1750 Benjamin Franklin told the British how well the colonies were thriving because they were issuing their own currency. The British King shut down their public banks and ordered the American colonists to only use British currency. Within months the colonists suffered depression, hence the revolution was brewing. Source: Audio podcast interview The REAL Reason for the Revolutionary War – Bringing It Back Now, presented by The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, host Rob Kall, US American radio host, aired 25. July 2013

3 Article Super humans that are sexier, stronger and smarter will arrive by 2029 as brains begin to fuse with machines, Google expert claims, presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Daily Mail, Phoebe Weston, 16. March 2017

4 Video History in the making? DNA nanobots to target cancer cells in test patients, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News, YouTube film, 2:11 minutes duration, posted 2. February 2015

5 DVD interview documentary Remote Viewing – Joe McMoneagle interview, presented by the Soul of Travel Magazine, produced by Torbjorn Sassersson, YouTube film, 10:22 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2007

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