Wiki / 2012
Inhaltsverzeichnis: (verbergen)
Chichén Itzá, Pyramide des Kukulcán
Am 21. Dezember 2012 endet laut dem Kalender ein Zyklus der Maya-Zeit, das 13. Baktun. Die Maya |
36-Jahre-Fenster: 1987 ✣ 2012 ✣ 2023
Eine Version zu dem Übergangsjahr 2012 lautet:
![]() Die Sonne braucht insgesamt 36 Jahre, um das Galaktische Zentrum zu passieren. Das 36-Jahre-Fenster öffnete sich zum Zeitpunkt der Harmo-
Nach Auskunft der präkolumbianischen Maya wird ab 2012 die so genannte Vierte Welt enden. |
Stationen der Entstehung des neuen Zeitalters
Aussaat * Keimung * Sprossung * Wachstum * Knospung * Blüte * Fruchtbildung
Future prospects
Dolores Cannon
• 1st hope-fear period: 1994-2003
• 2nd hope-fear period: 2003-2012
• 3rd hope-fear period: 2012-2019
• 4th hope-fear period: 2021-2030
Tyrannical collectivism ./. Rugged individualism ⇔ Middle path of hope: Aquarian dignitarian community of self-determined individuals
CHEMTRAILS: The Biggest Coverup of All Time, presented by cosmicconvergence, 14. December 2013
A team led by physicist Mausumi Dikpata of NCAR has predicted that Sun cycle 24 (starting March 2008), peaking in October 2011 or 2012, will be intense.
Preparing for 2012
Unfoldment of 2012
A general agreement to live "in a way that allows all other people to live as well."
Unbridled consumption will lead to global destruction.
After 26,000 years the sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic – building a cosmic cross, an embodiment of The Tree of Life, honored in the spiritual traditions. The crossing of the solar meridian and the galactic equator and the Earth and the alignment with the center of the galaxy signifies the start of the World of the Fifth Sun, the birth of a new era. The fifth element of the Fifth Sun is ether ("space between space").
Weighing the essential versus the irrelevant
Visual: ► The Nine Cosmic levels (Underworlds), JPG photo of the 'Pyramid of the Jaguar' in Tikal taken by C. Callemann |
When Writing was invented on 16. June 3115 BC (6th National evolutionary level) the time cycles changed every 394.5 years.
When Industrialism emerged in 1755 (7th Planetary evolutionary level) the time cycles changed every 19.7 years.
When the IT revolution emerged on 5. January 1999 (8th Galactic evolutionary level) the time cycles lasted around 1 year each.
When Transformation will dawn on 11. February 2011 (9th Cosmic evolutionary level) the time cycles will be accelerated to 20 days each.
Some characteristics of the Nine Underworlds.
While the evolution of the Four lower levels of consciousness are all expressed as biological evolution the Five highest levels of consciousness carry the evolution of the cultural, technological and spiritual aspects of the human being. At the present time human beings are also beginning to develop a meta-consciousness, an awareness of the evolution of consciousness, that allows her to look upon creation from a higher perspective than the "frog perspective" of everyday human life. The Cos-
mic Consciousness of Universal Man as prophecied in many spiritual traditions is increasingly becoming a real possibility. Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, Mayan calendar and time researcher, author, The Nine Underworlds of the Cosmos and their corresponding levels of Consciousness
DVD source: ► 3 hour long DVD presentation by Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher, The Mayan Calendar Comes North, Whitehorse Yukon Territory, 22. June 2004, YouTube film, 3:00:12 duration, posted 4. May 2012 Based on Dr. Calleman's discoveries of the evolutionary structure of the Mayan Calendar as it relates to the Evolution of Consciousness |
Video lectures featuring Ian Xel Lungold (1949-2005) US American time researcher, presented by Celestiallight Recordings, Sedona, February 2005, YouTube film ► The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues Ian Xel Lungold full length 9th wave consciousness part 1 of 2, 1:00:11 duration, posted 30. March 2012 "Not time is speeding up, creation is speeding up. The Mayan calendar was never a calendar, it was always a meter." ► The Mayan Calendar The Evolution Continues Ian Xel Lungold full length 9th wave consciousness, part 2 of 2, 1:00:06 duration, posted 29. March 2012 |
Audio sources: ► Web radio interview with Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, presented by Break for News, host Fenton Donn, 20. February 2007 |
Written sources ► Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time. the Mayan Calendar, Garev Publishing International, 2000 ► Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, Mayan Calendar. The Pyramid of Consciousness, Bear & Company, 2004 ► Calendar Time Scale for Man's Evolution on Earth. The Mayan Calendar Comes North, Mayan Majix Learning Lab |
See also: ► Step models ► Paradigmal shift |
Source: ► Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, source unknown |
See also: ► Step models |
Sources featuring Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author ► Book: Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time. The Mayan Calendar, Garev Publishing International, 1st edition 21. December 2000 ► Visual: Galactic Wave Movement, Calleman, gif ► Video presentation / excerpted interview Carl Calleman The Mayan Calendar and Money, produed by the, YouTube film, 9:58 minutes duration, posted 2. August 2009 ► Article Growth stages of 13 Heavens / Numbers.graffle |
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, Development of the Judeo-Christian religion of humanity, ~2000 |
See also: ► Step models and ► Judaism |
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, History of writing, ~2000 |
See also: ► Step models and ► Speech and ► Internet and ► Communication |
Source: ► Article by Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D., Swedish biologist, time researcher, author, Seven stages of evolving telecommunications, ~2000 |
See also: ► Step models and ► Internet and ► Communication |
Source: ► Jay Weidner (*1953) US American film producer, scholar on hermetic and alchemical traditions, author, article The Alchemy of Time: Understanding the Great Year & the Cycles of Existence, originally presented by the magazine New Dawn, 2005, reissued 2012, republished by the US American online magazine Waking Times, 18. January 2014 |
Note on the Pluto return cycle in the United States empire The United States will have its first Pluto return during the period April 2018 to February 2022, in the house of money (resources). It will happen while Pluto is in Capricon. Pluto in the U.S. chart resides in the house of money and resources. ► April 2018 is correlated to Boston Tea Party, 16. December 1773.2 ► February 2022 is correlated to the issuing of the United States Declaration of Independence, 4. July 1776. ► A soulgroup consisting of the American revolutionaries has returned to incite a second American-Internation Revolution. |
See also: ► Who returned as who? Reincarnation matches – Walter Semkiw ∞ Kevin Ryerson |
Sources and references: ► Article 2008-2024 – Pluto in Capricorn. The end of the world as we know it?, presented in Wellspring Astrolog, Michele Finey, written 2006, sold September 2007, edition 2008 ► Article Pluto in Capricorn: the good, the bad, even worse and redemption, presented by The Merriman Market Analyst, November 2007, reprint 31. January 2008 ► Video presentation by Simon Vorster, US American evolutionary astrologer, Astrology | Pluto in Capricorn – A Deeper Look, presented by Raising Vibrations, YouTube film, 26:32 minutes duration, posted 24. July 2016 |
See also: ► Astrology ► Historical cycle of civilizations (Tytler cycle) – rise and decline of empires ► Project 2050 – Remote Viewing Forecast experiment (1978) |
Media reference: ► Removed video interview with Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author, Mysteries of Remote Viewing – Stephan Schwartz – 080619, presented by the podcast platform JV Johnson's Beyond Paranormal, host Jason Hawes, host JV Johnson, YouTube film, 1:07:45 duration, posted 6. August 2019 |
See also: ► Futurology and ► Quotes by Stephan A. Schwartz |
Sources: ► Undated list of intention and healing studies Therapeutic Intent/Healing – Bibliography of Research, PDF, compiled by ➤ Larry Dossey, M.D. (*1940) US American internist, pioneer of spiritualizing healthcare, public speaker, author on complementary medicine ➤ Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author |
See also: ► Futurology and ► Rosalyn Bruyere and ► Nonlocal awareness – Remote Viewing |
⚑ Transpersonal Nonlocal awareness states often get initiated as a result of existential crisis or traumatic life events i.e. near death experiences.
⚑⚑ Therapeutic intention and prayer healing studies tend to back up the effectiveness of nonlocal awareness states.
⚑⚑⚑ Whoever did well in RV was exceptionally successful in their business using their intuition for hunting and gathering.
Result of remote viewing study on CEOs promoted by parapsychology researcher Douglas Dean (1916-2001) and John Nicholas Newman, professor of naval architecture, Massachussetts Institute of Technology
Life affirming Interdependence
Life affirming Interdependence
Direct sources / Websites: ► and ► presenting trends effecting lives since 1997 |
Audio and video sources featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author ► Audio interview Interview with Remote Viewing Expert, Stephan Schwartz: Do You Know Your Place In The Future of the Human Race?, MP3, presented by Finer Minds, AmazonAWS, 37:41 minutes duration, aired 27. January 2011 ► Audio teleseminar "Nonlocality and Exceptional Experiences" with Stephan Schwartz, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), host Dean Radin, Ph.D. (*1952) US American senior scientist of Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), MP3, 1:41:34 duration, aired 18. May 2011 ► Audio interview MP3, presented by 21st Century Radio Show, hosts Dr. Zohara M. Hieronimus, DHL, 48:39 minutes duration, aired 29. April 2012, posted 22. September 2014 ► Video interview Finding Lost Treasures with Remote Viewing, YouTube film, 30:02 minutes duration, posted 2. December 2014 |
Written sources featuring Stephan A. Schwartz, Ph.D., US American futurologist, senior fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing, Samueli Institute, cognitive sciences research associate, Laboratories for Fundamental Research, author ► Interview Nonlocal Awareness and Visions of the Future, presented by Health World Online, Daniel Redwood D.C., page 8-16, 2005 ► Article Trends That Will Affect Your Future ... HOMO SUPERIORUS,, reprinted in EXPLORE, volume 2, no. 2, S. 107-108, March/April 2006 |
Further references – videos on future trends and remote viewing: ► YouTube video miniseries, presented by the British TV channel BBC Four, host Michio Kaku, Ph.D. (*1947) Japanese US American leading theoretical physicist, University of New York, futurist, co-founder of string field theory, popular "communicator" of science, futurist, originally aired 2007 Cutting edge science, combined powers of quantum theory, computer science, and biotechnology, historic transition from the 'Age of Discovery' to the 'Age of Mastery' ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Intelligence Revolution, part 1 of 3, 58:33 minutes duration, aired 5 November 2007 ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Biotech Revolution, part 2 of 3, 58:38 minutes duration, aired 12 November 2007 ☛ Documentary Visions Of The Future – The Quantum Revolution, part 3 of 3, 58:38 minutes duration, posted 19. November 2007 ► Video interview with Chet Snow, US American sociologist, researcher on past life regression and future life progression, Chet Snow on Mass Dreams of the Future, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 54:13 minutes duration, posted February 2008 Subject to fee ► Video TV series with Keith Harary, Ph.D., US American research director of the Institute for Advanced Psychology, parapsychologist, conductor of Successful Remote Viewing Experiment, presented by the national broadcaster BBC Wales Production in association with WXXI Rochester, New York, 1992, YouTube film, posted 23. May 2011 ☛ In Search of the Dead: Powers of the Mind, part 1 of 2, 37:37 minutes duration ☛ In Search of the Dead: Visions and Voices, part 2 of 2, 37:38 minutes duration |
Related literature: ► Russell Targ (*1934) US American physicist, ESP researcher, developer of Remote viewing, co-founder of the federally-funded program investigating psychic abilities in humans via the Stanford Research Institute, 1972, author, Miracles of Mind. Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and Spiritual Healing, New World Library, February 1998 |
See also: ► Futurology and ► Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and fall of empires – Structural transformation |
Most psychics come from abusive backgrounds and families. Abuse is a "sacred wound" in a child that shapes their subsequent life decisions. Psychic abilities are mobilized as a survival mechanism to avoid retribution or abuse.
Born 10. January 1946 into a psychically gifted family of alcoholics, Joseph W. McMoneagle an intelligence officer on classified counter-terrorism projects, engaged in the top secret US Army Stargate Project, the first psychic spy during the cold war, the first remote viewer in the military. This choice had ruined his military career.
The military turned out unable to handle their remote viewing unit elegantly. Walking the razor's edge between the rational and the 'irrational' (i.e. psychic) it fell apart into two camps:
After 24 years of operation the Stargate Project was closed down in 1995 – subsequently the end of McMoneagle's military career. He claims that the closing down was not due to the scientific evaluation of the AIR study, but due to FEAR.
McMoneagle had two near death experiences and many out-of-body experiences. Before that he was a pragmatic non-spiritual kind of person. For a non religious soldier "there really isn't room for that [or particularly spiritual stuff] when you're dealing with counter intelligence".
Near death experiences
During a visit in Braunau, Austria, Hitler's birth town, he fainted when leaving a restaurant. He died and left his body thereby seeing how the rain fell through his hand. McMoneagle saw how his friends took care of his dead body on the street and rushed him to the hospital in Passau (later to a rest-home in Munich).
He scared his room-mate in hospital when his "dead" body rose and he said to him:
His doctors were sure he was brain damaged and sedated him right after that. Picking up their thoughts he answered their unspoken questions directed to him ahead of time.
McMoneagle's concepts of the "normal state" and those of his medical caretakers were extremely different. That is why he soon decided he'd better act "normal" to get out of hospital.
As a result of his first near-death event Joe McMoneagle's life was changed completely.5
He had lost his fear of death and of a lot of other things too. So he was subsequently given to do projects others refused to
do. As a consequence he felt compelled to study the "refined reasons of why we are here." Still, people were afraid of wor-
king with him. That is why he did a lot by himself. He wore the "crazy" stamp.
Living in between domains, straddling worlds, what did he learn?
In 1983 McMoneagle met with Robert A. Monroe US American author of Journeys Out of the Body, in Faber, Virginia,
who became known for his research into altered consciousness. Later he became a staff member at the TMI and married
Monroe's stepdaughter.
Sources featuring Joseph W. McMoneagle (*1946) US American remote viewer for the U.S. Army Intelligence, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), first officer recruited for the top-secret Stargate Project ► Video DVD interview Remote Viewing – Joe McMoneagle interview, presented by the Soul of Travel Magazine, produced by Torbjorn Sassersson, YouTube film, 10:22 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2007 ► Video presentation Remote Viewing by Joseph McMoneagle, presented by 2011 International UFO Symposion, MUFON Mothership-Productions, YouTube film, 1:15:21 duration, posted 15. December 2012 ► Video interview series, presented by the US American New Thinking Allowed TV, host Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D. (*1946) US American clinical psychologist, director of the Intuition Network, radio and television interviewer, author, YouTube films ☛ Parapsychology and the Media with Joseph McMoneagle, 27:08 minutes duration, posted 25. July 2016 ☛ Guidelines for Future Remote Viewing with Joseph McMoneagle, 26:43 minutes duration, posted 28. July 2016 ☛ Practical Applications of Remote Viewing with Joe McMoneagle, 27:39 minutes duration, posted 12. September 2016 |
Quelle (German): ► German television show Geheime Botschaften: Der Code des Übersinnlichen [Secret Messages: Supernatural Codes], presented by the German television station ZDF, Sendung "Abenteuer Forschung", host Prof. Harald Lesch (*1960) German professor of physics, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU), professor of natural philosophy, astronomer, television presenter, author, 30 minutes duration, aired 14. July 2010 |
See also: ► Futurity |
Links zum Thema Zeitenwechsel um 2012 / Time transition around 2012Literatur
Literature (engl.)
According to tradition, time is cyclical. Guenon sees the materialist stage of modernity as the "reign of quantity", a reduction of reality to that
Research based on remote viewing exercises [clairvoyance under hypnosis] on 2,500 probands who envisioned the United States in the year 2030.
Major events in American history since the pilgrims landed show underlying 88-year cycles repeating every four generations in history.
The vibrations of phi (value of 1.6180339) expressed in so-called "Auric series" ripple through the "fabric" of time and space itself, due to
The culmination of a 25,920-year master cycle is known as "precession". Wilcock shows that this cycle can be seen in the long-term activity of the Sun as well as the rotation of the Earth’s axis. The 5,125 years duration of the Mayan Calendar cycle is exactly one-fifth of the precession.
2012-2015: times of an ecopolitical storm; 2015 onwards impossible to predict
Externe Weblinks
External web links (engl.)
Linkless articles
Audio- und Videolinks
Deutsche gedolmetschte Fassung von 2007 von Barbara Swoboda (, Übersetzung von Gabriele Rütter, Sprecher, Tonbearbeitung, Mastering, Coverdesign von Michael Springer
Linklose Medienangebote
Audio links (engl.)
2013. The End of Days or a New Beginning. Envisioning the World After the Events of 2012, New Page Books, 1. July 2008
On Obama and the Mayan Long Count, the magnetosphere time acceleration
The splitting of the worlds happened around 29. August 2011, in the 5th night of the 9th underworld. 60% of the world's population have chosen
Linkless media offerings
Video links (engl.)
The Native American prophecy of the white buffalo states that when it is born, the day of the Creator is at hand. In 1994 the white buffalo was Linkless media offerings
At 1 hour 14 minutes and 1 hour 22 minutes: Hancock refers to his Ayahuasca rituals with Amazonian Shamans.
Reflecting on Jung's prophetic vision of world crisis
Audio and video links (engl.) – David WilcockCollection of videos and audios and transcript with David Wilcock (*1973) US American consciousness researcher, mystic filmmaker, lecturer, author, presented by
Ranked as the Number One movie in the google ranking most viewed list, hit 1st December 2008
Topics discussed: 2012: bifurcation point; timeline in the Great Pyramid of Giza, Aquarian Age, Edgar Cayce reincarnated; Life emerges from nonliving material by Intelligent Design; Atlantis rediscovered.
Topics discussed: Power places, Ley lines, hyperdimensional Global Grid energy effects, Sanderson's 12 "Vile Vortices" around the Earth, 4,000 portals in space and time; development of crop circles
Topics discussed: Climate change throughout the entire solar system. Evolution occurs in sudden bursts repeating in 26 and 72 million year cycles. Life emerges from nonliving material by Intelligent Design. Human DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last 5000 years.
Topics discussed: Anti-gravity, free energy and time travel technology arise from a Source Field (comprised of Mind, Spirit and Consciousness).
Linkless media offerings
Englisch Wiki
1 Pluto in Capricorn – Rise and Fall of Empires – Structural transformation ⇑
2 The reason for the revolutionary war in America was not the tax on tea. In 1750 Benjamin Franklin told the British how well the colonies were thriving because they were issuing their own currency. The British King shut down their public banks and ordered the American colonists to only use British currency. Within months the colonists suffered depression, hence the revolution was brewing. Source: Audio podcast interview The REAL Reason for the Revolutionary War – Bringing It Back Now, presented by The Rob Kall Bottom Up Radio Show, host Rob Kall, US American radio host, aired 25. July 2013 ⇑
3 Article Super humans that are sexier, stronger and smarter will arrive by 2029 as brains begin to fuse with machines, Google expert claims, presented by the British conservative, middle-market daily tabloid newspaper Daily Mail, Phoebe Weston, 16. March 2017 ⇑
4 Video History in the making? DNA nanobots to target cancer cells in test patients, presented by the first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel Russia Today News, YouTube film, 2:11 minutes duration, posted 2. February 2015 ⇑
5 DVD interview documentary Remote Viewing – Joe McMoneagle interview, presented by the Soul of Travel Magazine, produced by Torbjorn Sassersson, YouTube film, 10:22 minutes duration, posted 28. December 2007 ⇑