Wiki / Beziehungstipps
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Wir irrten uns aneinander. |
Ich fürchte nichts – nichts – |
Güte in den Worten erzeugt Vertrauen, |
Persönliche Bekenntnisse
Literatur-, Film- und Dokumentationszitate
Personal avowal
Naming love too early
Song lyrics
Source: ► YouTube movie excerpt As Good as it Gets, Psychiatrist Scene, minute 1:32, 1:41 minutes duration, posted 27. May 2015 |
Source: ► Movie excerpt You Make Me Want to Be a Better Man – As Good as It Gets (7/8) Movie CLIP (1997), 2:30 minutes duration, posted 25. October 2012 |
Source: ► YouTube movie excerpt not available |
Source: ► YouTube movie excerpt As Good as It Gets ending.avi, 1997, 4:25 minutes duration, posted 12. October 2010 |
Source: ► American romantic comedy film As Good As It Gets, starring Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt, 1997 A single mother/waitress, a misanthropic OCD writer, and a gay artist form an unlikely friendship after the artist is assaulted in a robbery. |
See also: ► Nine types of the enneagram – exemplified ► Maturity and ► Madness and ► Vulnerability and ► Authenticity and ► Woman and ► Depression |
Basic human needs according to Abraham Maslow3 are blind to gender:
According to cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien (1940-2014), 95% of cultures around the world agree on four dynamic functions and four magnetic functions:
I-Thou relationships are grounded in equality and respect. The love that is expressed derives from the communion of two spirits who themselves are part of a larger Spirit named God, Goddess, The Great Mystery, Spirit-That-Moves-Through-All-Things. I-Thou reminds us that we are not alone. I-Thou sees everything and everyone as sacred, valuable, and precious. The "I" that becomes part of a "Thou" is forever transformed. |
I-It relationships are based on inequality and fear. Feelings are intense but not loving. I-It is a way to treat the natural world. |
"Love" addicts were emotionally or sexually abused as children. They want to go home, but move ever faster in the wrong direction. They continue to find partners who recreate the abusive atmosphere in which they grew up. Some pepole want to remember and some try to forget. Remembering what happened is the first step to healing the past and creating a healthier future. In order to survive growing up, many of us buried the painful memories. Retrieving them is a long difficult process. |
Anthropologist Angeles Arrien refers to four universal healing experiences [salves] to be practiced regularly: • Singing • Dancing • Storytelling • Silence. |
***************** From soul to character *****************
*************** From character to heart ***************
*************** From heart to mind ***************
************* From mind to voice *************
*********** From voice to body ***********
Each time you tell the truth in the face of the fear, your relationship deepens. |
Compromise is slow death to a relationship. |
Force leads to frustration, the feeling to be unaccepted and unloved. |
Gray suggests to angry partners to write an honest love letter to their significant other stepping down the above ladder to arrive at love/empathy:
Inspired by: ► Scribd document by Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, The Lazy Person's Guide To Relationships, selfpublished spiral-bound issue, 41 pages, 1. January 1993 |
Roberta Flack's song "killing me softy" conveys a chilling sense of the hidden dagger beneath "love's" cloak.
Inspired by: Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author ► Sex Addiction. Seven Surprising Secrets, posted 7. December 2010 ► Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places. Overcoming Romantic and Sexual Addictions, Avon Books, August 1989 |
Inspired by: ► Article by Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, excerpted and adapted from Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places. Overcoming Romantic and Sexual Addictions, Avon Books, August 1989 |
Further video reference: ► Video presentation by Jef Gazley, M.S., US American Internet therapist, Love Addiction: Is My Relationship Healthy?, YouTube film, 5:35 minutes duration, posted 20. February 2007 |
See also: ► Deleted article Being valued feeds the soul, presented by The Powerful Mind, undated 1. Infatuation is based on an illusion, but true love is based in reality. 2. Infatuation is an emotional rollercoaster, whereas true love is steadier. 3. Love involves deep but considered commitment, whereas infatuation promotes reckless sacrifice. 4. Infatuation is often accompanied by jealousy, whereas love entails trust. 5. Infatuation is based in the present, whereas love is a deep feeling that grows with time. 6. When you are infatuated, you may believe someone is in some way better than you. 7. Infatuation gets in the way of everyday life, whereas love helps you become the best version of yourself. |
Hardly known empirical data about gender differences – Jed Diamond
Source: ► Essay by Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, Red Hot Sex: 8 Little Known Secrets For A Lifetime of Passion and Love, undated |
Reference: ► [*] Article Sperm mystery solved. Scientists identify the channel by which progesterone activates sperm to swim toward an egg, presented by The Scientist, Megan Scudellari, 16. March 2011 |
Book recommendations featuring Dr. Sue Johnson (*1947) British research professor of clinical psychology, Alliant International University, San Diego, California, developer of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy, author ► Hold Me Tight. Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love, Little, Brown and Company, 1st edition 8. April 2008 ► Hold Me Tight. Your Guide to the Most Successful Approach to Building Loving Relationships, Piatkus, paperback, 3. February 2011 Stage 1: De-escalation of the couple's negative cycle Stage 2: Re-structuring the couple's emotional bond Stage 3: Consolidation |
Empirical data on gender-specific brain differences – Louann Brizendine
Source: ► Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsychiatrist, professor of neurobiology, UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, The Female Brain, Broadway, 1st reprint edition 7. August 2007 |
Further references: ► Interview with Sandra Witelson It's Partly in Your Head. On how male and female brains differ, presented by the international daily newspaper The Wall Street Journal, 11. April 2011 ► Video presentation Men vs. Women. The Differences?, presented by Philly Films, narrated by Tim Kelly, YouTube film, 7:46 minutes duration, posted 20. November 2008 ► Video interviews with little children, Children on Gender Roles, YouTube film, 4:27 minutes duration, posted 29. January 2016 |
See also: ► Gender research and ► Facts on male and female brains |
Source: ► Article by Randi Gunther, Ph.D., US American marriage counsellor, author, Who Are The "Keepers"? The Behaviors of Long-Term Successful Relationship Partners, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, 28. August 2011 |
Sources featuring Randi Gunther, Ph.D., US American marriage counsellor, author of Rediscovering Love ► Article: Hostile Venting – Mean Phrases that Scar Intimate Relationships. How Negative Words can Destroy Love, presented by the US American bimonthly magazine Psychology Today, published 31. July 2011 ► Video interviews: Relationship Saboteurs, part I, YouTube film, 8:53 minutes duration, posted 3. September 2010 Relationship Saboteurs, part II, YouTube film, 9:56 minutes duration, posted 3. September 2010 | |
See also: ► Gender research |
Inspired by: ► Rabbi Shmuley Boteach (*1966) US American Orthodox rabbi, marriage counsellor, radio and television host, author, Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments, Harmony, 1st edition 16. January 2001 |
See also: ► Relational levels and ► Friendship and ► Relationship |
Source: ► Stephen J. Johnson, Ph.D., MFT, US American psychotherapist, marriage and family consultant, educator, founder and director of Men's Center of Los Angeles, Why Men Fall for Dangerous Relationships, 17. July 2013 | |
See also: ► Sex addicted US American presidents |
Source: ► Audio radio interview with Michael Meade US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the men's movement, author, The Pathless Path, presented by the US American web radio station KBOO, Portland, program Radiozine, host Ralph Coulson, minute 14:39, 29:24 minutes duration, aired 13. May 2013 |
Source: ► Erich Fromm (1900-1980) German US American social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, author, The Art of Loving, Harper & Brothers, 1956 |
Source: ► Vimeo video presentation by Gloria Steinem (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, Perspectives on Equality and Community – Common Hour, sponsored by the Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 9. September 2010, minute 33:00, 53:54 minutes duration, posted 10. September 2010 |
Source: ► Marianne Williamson (*1952) US American spiritual teacher, political activist, visionary, lecturer, author, Illuminata. A Return to Prayer, Riverhead Trade, 1. November 1995 |
Source: ► Seth Adam Smith, US American editor-in-chief, Marriage Isn't For You, presented by Forward Walking, 2. November 2013 |
See also: ► Beziehung and ► Reife |
Sources featuring Wendy Walsh, Ph.D. (*1962) Canadian-American adjunct assistant professor of clinical psychology, California State University, Channel Islands, psychotherapist, actress, television commentator, journalist, author ► The 30-Day Love Detox. Cleanse Yourself of Bad Boys, Cheaters, and Men Who Won't Commit – And Find A Real Relationship, Rodale Books, 23. April 2013 ► Video presentation The 30-day Love Detox, sponsored by the platform Authors@Google, Los Angeles, California, 10. September 2013, YouTube film, minute 0:36:44, 1:00:09 duration, posted 12. September 2013 |
Source: ► Deleted blog article by Dave Pamah, Why Men Frighten Women, And Women Shame Men, 31. August 2013 |
See also: ► Shame and ► Fear and ► Pride |
Source: ► Study by James R. Mahalik, Ph.D., US American professor of counseling, developmental and educational psychology, Boston College, Boston, presented in Psychology of Men & Masculinity, Vol 4(1), pp. 3-25, January 2003 |
Critical assessment: ► Article Misandry in Psychological Research, presented by the publication A Voice For Men, 18. June 2013 |
See also: ► Shame and ► Pride and ► Gender norms within male dominated systems |
Source: ► Article What Every Woman Needs to Know About Men, presented by the US American men's initiative The Good Men Project, Jed Diamond, Ph.D. (*1943) US American psychotherapist, marriage and family counselor, author, 14. January 2017 |
Inspired by: ► Article The Integral Relationship, presented by the dissolved US American magazine WIE? / EnlightenNext, Elizabeth Debold, US American gender researcher, senior teacher of evolutionary enlightenment, cultural commentator, senior editor of the dissolved magazine WIE / EnlightenNext (2002-2011), author, 2010 |
See also: ► Women and ► Women and ► Relationship levels and ► Dignity and ► Evolution and ► True Self and ► Trust ► Interconnectedness and ► Leadership and ► Transparency and ► Humility and ► Authenticity and ► Victimhood |
References: ► Blog article 10 Reasons Most Men Can't Handle a Deep Woman, presented by Hack Spirit, 21. August 2017 ► Blog article Here are 10 signs you're a strong woman that intimidates most men, presented by Hack Spirit, 7. November 2017 ► Deleted blog article 8 Reasons Why Strong Women Find Themselves Alone Rather Than In Love, presented by the publication McGill Media, Rhiana George, 2. December 2018 |
See also: ► Too hard to control – Wangari Maathai |
Links zum Thema Beziehungstipps / Relationship adviceLiteratur
Literature (engl.)
Based on 1008 compiled studies and 20 years of experience
Stage 1: De-escalation of the couple's negative cycle ❄ Stage 2: Re-structuring the couple's emotional bond ❄ Stage 3: Consolidation
Externe Weblinks
Die zehn größten Alarmzeichen, die Frauen bei Männern, die sie gerade erst kennenlernen, als unannehmbare Eigenschaften betrachten – Weblinks zum Thema Beziehungstipps – QuoraBeiträge verfasst von Elfriede Ammann, präsentiert auf der kalifornischen Frage-und-Antwort Webseite Quora DE
External web links (engl.)
The 2015 "Power of Attraction" survey on 20,000 participants unveiled ten top qualities women dislike in a man.
"I'm sorry you feel that way."
Linkless article Audio- und Videolinks
Entnommen aus: Heinrich Dickerhoff (*1953) deutscher Theologe, Pädagoge, Märchenerzähler, Herausgeber, Autor, Keltische Märchen. Audio and video links (engl.)
Keys for lasting attraction/bondedness between husband and wife:
Repeated pornography exposure diminishes men and destroys love. It robs men and women from fulfilling sex exchange. Debunking Kinsey's fraudulent and toxic assertions on human sexuality
Linkless media offering
Englisch Wiki
1 Summary of Fritz Perls, founder of Gestalt Therapy:
I do my thing and you do your thing.
I am not in this world to live up to your expectations.
And you are not in this world to live up to mine.
You are you, and I am I,
and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful.
If not, it can’t be helped. ⇑
2 Patricia Love, Ed.D., Steven Stosny, Ph.D., How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It, Harmony, reprint edition 29. April 2008 ⇑
3 Pyramid of needs – Abraham Maslow ⇑
4 Audio interview with Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsychiatrist, professor of neurobiology, UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, Dissecting 'The Male Brain' , presented by the US American web radio station "Brainstormin", host Bill Frank, 18:32 minutes duration, aired 3. February 2011 ⇑
5 Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D. (*1952) US American neuropsychiatrist, professor of neurobiology, UC Berkeley, founder of the first US clinic to study and treat women's brain functions, lecturer, author, The Female Brain, S. 131, Broadway, 1st reprint edition 7. August 2007 ⇑
6 Louann Brizendine, M.D., Ph.D., Ning blog, 15. April 2011 ⇑
7 Study Gender Differences in Competition Emerge Early in Life, PDF, presented by the Institute for the Study of Labor, June 2010 ⇑
8 Verhalten von langfristig erfolgreichen Beziehungspartnern
Eigenschaften von Beziehungspflegern
Die Hüter der Beziehung
* sind eigenverantwortlich und rechenschaftspflichtig.
* können auch unter Stress ihren persönlichen Lebensrhythmus beibehalten.
* bevormunden nicht. Sie finden einen Weg, interessiert zu bleiben. Andernfalls ziehen sie sich anmutig zurück.
* wissen, wie man Humor als wertvollen Teil von Beziehungen einsetzt.
* wissen, wie sie ihren Gleichmut [Ausgeglichenheit] bewahren.
* erlauben es nicht, dass ihre Entscheidungen von Schuldgefühlen beeinflusst werden.
* bewahren die Erinnerung an die "guten Zeiten".
* sind authentisch.
* erkennen und anerkennen ihren Marktwert.
* erkennen und anerkennen den Wert und die Würde anderer.
* vermeiden unnötige Energieverluste.
* sind imstande, sich selbst zu beruhigen.
* streben danach, sich fortlaufend zu verwandeln.
* kümmern sich gut um sich selbst.
* schätzen den gegenwärtigen Augenblick. ⇑
9 Quotes on narcissim by Sam Vaknin ⇑
10 Tipps zur Vermeidung von "gefährlichen" Beziehungen
Erkenne dich selbst.
Erkenne die Warnsignale.
Bremse dich ein [entschleunige dich].
Halte deine Beziehung nur dann aufrecht, wenn beide Partner das Beste aus einander herausholen.
Halte deine Beziehung nicht geheim.
Konsultiere einen Mentor.
Kümmere dich in deinen eigenen vier Wänden um Beziehungsprobleme und sonstige Ärgernisse.
Durchdenke die anstehenden Angelegenheiten gründlich.
Lerne mit dem Älterwerden zurechtzukommen.
Stärke deine Integrität und bilde deinen Charakter aus.
Konzentriere dich auf intakte langfristige Ziele.
Nimm eine Kurskorrektur vor. ⇑
11 Was Männer wirklich wollen und Frauen wissen müssen
* Männer sind Frauen ähnlicher als sie sich von ihnen unterscheiden.
* Männer wollen, dass Frauen die vorhandenen Geschlechterunterschiede verstehen und respektieren.
* Männer brauchen den vertrauten Umgang mit anderen Männern.
* Männer verzehren sich nach Frauen und haben zugleich Angst vor ihnen.
* Männer leider immer öfter unter Depressionen und sind stärker selbstmordgefährdet.
* Männer wollen eine gleichberechtigte Partnerschaft [mit Frauen], die auf Liebe, gegenseitiger Unterstützung und Akzeptanz basiert.
Artikel What Every Woman Needs to Know About Men [Was Frauen über Männer wissen müssen], präsentiert von der US-amerikanischen Männerinitiative The Good Men Project, Dr. Jed Diamond, US-amerikanischer Psychotherapeut, Autor, 14. Januar 2017 ⇑