
Wiki / Vision








Amaryllis belladonna, Wagga Wagga,
New South Wales

Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare.

Japanese Proverb



Blick von der Sunniggrätli Hütte im Kanton Uri, Schweiz

Es ist wichtig, für seine Träume ein paar Kämpfe durchzu-
stehen – nicht als Opfer, sondern als Abenteurer.

Paulo Coelho (*1947) brasilianischer esoterischer Erfolgsautor, Handbuch des Kriegers des Lichts, Umschlagtext, Diogenes Verlag, Zürich, 11. Auflage März 2001


Das Auge gibt dir Licht. Wenn deine Augen klar sehen, wirst du dich überall sicher bewegen können. Wenn du nun schlecht siehst, tappst du unsicher herum. Hast du aber Gott aus den Augen verloren, wie schrecklich wird dann deine Finsternis sein!
Matthäus 6, 22-23 (NT)

Lass dir deinen Traum nicht von Traumdieben stehlen

Ich habe einen Freund namens Monty Roberts, dem eine Pferderanch in San Ysidro gehört. Er ließ mich sein Haus benutzen, um Veranstaltungen zur Finanzierung von Programmen für gefährdete Jugendliche abhalten zu können.
Das letzte Mal, als ich dort war, stellte er mich mit den Worten vor:

Der Pferdeflüsterer Monty Roberts
"Ich möchte erzählen, weshalb ich Jack mein Haus benutzen lasse. Es geht alles auf eine Geschichte über einen jungen Mann zurück, den Sohn eines umherwandernden Pferdedresseurs, der von Stall zu Stall zog, von Pferderennbahn zu Pferderennbahn, von Farm zu Farm und von Ranch zu Ranch, um Pferde zu dressieren. So wurde die High-School-Ausbildung des Jungen ständig unterbrochen. In der Oberstufe wurde er gebeten, einen Aufsatz darüber zu schreiben, was er werden und tun wolle, wenn er älter wäre.
Am selben Abend schrieb er einen sieben Seiten langen Aufsatz, die sein Ziel beschrieb, eines Tages eine Ranch zu besitzen. Er schrieb sehr ausführlich über seinen Traum und zeichnete sogar einen Plan ei-
ner zweihundert Morgen großen Pferderanch, der die Standorte der Gebäude, der Ställe und der Rennbahn zeigte."


Dann zeichnete er einen genauen Grundriss für ein vierhundert Quadratmeter großes Haus, das auf der Traumranch
stehen sollte. Er hängte sein Herz an das Projekt, und am nächsten Tag gab er die Arbeit bei seinem Lehrer ab.
Zwei Tage später erhielt er sie zurück. Auf der Vorderseite stand ein großes rotes F mit einer Notiz, die lautete:

"Komm nach der Stunde zu mir."

Der Junge mit dem Traum ging nach der Stunde zu dem Lehrer und fragte ihn:

"Warum habe ich ein F bekommen?"

Der Lehrer sagte:

"Dies ist ein unrealistischer Traum für einen Jungen wie dich. Du hast kein Geld. Du stammst aus einer Wanderar-
beiterfamilie. Du hast keine Rücklagen. Der Besitz und Unterhalt einer Ranch kostet viel Geld. Du musst das Land kaufen. Du musst den anfänglichen Zuchtstamm bezahlen, und später musst du hohe Zuchtgebühren bezahlen.
Es ist unmöglich, dass du das jemals schaffen könntest."

Dann fügte der Lehrer hinzu:

"Wenn du diese Arbeit mit einem realistischeren Ziel neu beschreibst, werde ich die Note noch einmal überdenken."


Der Junge ging nach Hause und dachte lange und angestrengt darüber nach. Er fragte seinen Vater, was er tun solle.
Sein Vater sagte:

"Sieh mal, Sohn, du musst das selbst entscheiden. Ich glaube allerdings, es ist eine sehr wichtige Entscheidung
für dich."


Nachdem er eine Woche lang überlegt hatte, überreichte der Junge dem Lehrer schließlich denselben Aufsatz, ohne
auch nur ein Wort daran geändert zu haben. Er erklärte:

"Sie können das F stehen lassen, und ich kann meinen Traum behalten."


Monty wandte sich dann an die versammelte Gruppe und sagte:

"Ich erzähle euch diese Geschichte, weil ihr in meinem Vierhundertquadratmeterhaus mitten in meiner Zweihundertmorgenranch sitzen. Diesen Aufsatz habe ich immer noch gerahmt über meinem Kamin hängen."

Er fügte hinzu:

"Der beste Teil der Geschichte ist, dass derselbe Lehrer im Sommer vor zwei Jahren dreißig Schulkinder auf meine Ranch brachte, um dort eine Woche lang zu zelten. Beim Abschied sagte mein ehemaliger Lehrer zu mir:
'Schau, Monty, ich sage dir jetzt etwas. Als ich dein Lehrer war, war ich so etwas wie ein Traumdieb. Damals habe
ich vielen Kindern ihren Traum gestohlen. Glücklicherweise hattest du genug Grips, deinen Traum nicht aufzugeben.'


Erlaube niemandem, deinen Traum stehlen. Folge deinem Herzen, was auch immer geschieht.

Quelle: ► Jack Canfield (*1944) US-amerikanischer Motivationstrainer, Autor, Mark Victor Hansen (*1948) US-amerikanischer
Motivationssprecher, Trainer, Autor, Hühnersuppe für die Seele. Geschichten, die das Herz erwärmen,
Goldmann Verlag, 1993, Taschenbuchauflage 1. November 1996
Siehe auch: ► Geschichtensammlung und ► Effektive Nutzung von Emotionen – Pferdeweisheit und die Macht der Herde
See also: ► Don't hand over your dream to the dream stealers


Mein Ziel ist es, eine bessere Welt für Pferde und auch für Menschen
zu hinterlassen, als ich die, die ich seinerzeit vorgefunden habe.

Monty Roberts (*1935) US-amerikanischer Pferdetrainer, Rodeoreiter, Autor,
Mission Statement [Firmenphilosophie], 5. Dezember 2010

Zitate zum Thema Vision

Zitate allgemein

Das Auge ist des Leibes Licht. Wenn nun dein Auge einfältig ist, so ist dein ganzer Leib licht;
so aber dein Auge ein Schalk ist, so ist auch dein Leib finster.
Lukas 11, 34 (NT)


Und alsobald fiel es von seinen Augen wie Schuppen, und er ward wieder sehend.
Apostelgeschichte 9, 18 (NT)


Persönliche Bekenntnisse – Hellsichtigkeit

  • Von meiner Kindheit an erfreute ich mich der Gabe dieser Schau in meiner Seele bis zur gegenwärtigen Stunde, da ich schon mehr als 70 Jahre alt bin. Und meine Seele steigt, wie Gott will, in dieser Schau bis in die Höhe des Firmamentes und die verschiedenen Sphären empor und hält sich bei verschiedenen Völkern auf, obgleich sie in fernen Gegenden und Orten weit von mir entfernt sind.
    Und da ich dies auf solche Weise in meiner Seele schaue, erblicke ich auch den Wechsel der Wolken und anderer Geschöpfe. Ich sehe dies aber nicht mit den offenen Augen und höre es nicht mit den äußeren Ohren; auch nehme ich es nicht mit den Gedanken meines Herzens wahr noch durch irgendeine Vermittlung meiner fünf Sinne, vielmehr einzig in meiner Seele, mit offenen Augen, so dass ich niemals die Bewusstlosigkeit einer Ekstase erleide, sondern wachend schaue ich dies bei Tag und Nacht. Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) deutsche Äbtissin des Benediktiner-Ordens, katholische Heilige, Mystikerin, Kirchenlehrerin, Gelehrte, Heilkundige, Komponistin, Schriftstellerin, zitiert in: Dr. theol. phil. Ingrid Riedel (*1935) deutsche Psychotherapeutin, Lehranalytikerin, Dozentin, Autorin, Mystik des Herzens. Meisterinnen innerer Freiheit, S. 28, Kreuz Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 4. August 2010




Nach einer Erscheinung und Begegnung mit einem spirituellen Wesen

  • In den Jahren seit meiner Begegnung mit dem spirituellen Wesen habe ich begonnen, mich am Rand der Kultur, wo meine Arbeit einen Platz gefunden hat, wohl zu fühlen. Ich reise weniger und halte weniger Vorträge, um mehr Zeit mit meinen Lieben zu verbringen, und um mich mit den Quellen des Wissens in der Natur, in der Stille und in innigen Beziehungen zu verbinden. Dr. Charles Eisenstein (*1967) US-amerikanischer Kulturphilosoph, Gelehrter der östlichen spirituellen Traditionen, Penn State University, chinesischer Übersetzer, freier Dozent, Vortragsredner, visionärer Autor, zitiert in: Interview Der Preis oder die innerste Loyalität, präsentiert von NewsLichter, 7. Juni 2019




Die universelle Abschlussprüfung der Menschheit und das Tauziehen zwischen der Utopie oder der Auslöschung

  • Wir Menschen haben die Mittel und das Fachwissen, um jeden Erdenbewohner zu ernähren und zu kleiden und jedem eine Entwicklungschance zu bieten. Was wir früher nie hätten wissen können, wissen wir nun, dass wir nämlich im Verlauf der jetzigen Phase als Menschheit weltweit die Möglichkeit haben, allen eine erfolg-
    versprechende Lebensgrundlage zu schaffen. Ob uns Utopia gelingen oder wir im Chaos versinken werden, wird bis zum letzten Moment ein Entscheidungskampf auf Herz und Nieren sein. [...] Die Menschheit befindet sich in ihrer 'ultimativen Prüfung', deren Ausgang entscheidet, ob sie sich für den Fortbestand im Universum qualifiziert oder nicht. R. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US-amerikanischer Systemtheoretiker, Architekt, Ingenieur, Konstrukteur, Designer, Erfinder, Zukunftsforscher, Philosoph, Autor, Critical Path [Der entscheidende Weg], St. Martin's Press, 1981



  • Das wiederkehrende Muster in der Klassik, im Mittelalter, in der Renaissance und in der Neuzeit ist: Zuerst sieht der visionäre Künstler die Welt mit neuen Augen, woraufhin eine [entsprechende] neue paradigmatische Entdeckung eines revolutionären Physikers folgt. […]
    Unabhängig von den aktuellen Entdeckungen reflektiert der Wandel in der Wissenschaft die mentale Anordnung der Denk- und Herangehensweisen von Männern und Frauen in der Wissenschaft. Er fördert den Wert des Weiblichen und stellt ihn über den Wert des Männlichen. Dieser Trend wird sich fortsetzen – natürlich ändert sich nichts über Nacht. Wir leben immer noch in einer reichlich patriarchalischen und frauenfeindlichen Welt, die sich dennoch verändert. Die Män-
    ner nehmen an der Ökologiebewegung teil und sind heutzutage bessere Ehemänner und Väter als vor hundert Jahren. Videopräsentation (engl.) von Dr. Leonard Shlain (1937-2009) US-amerikanischer außerordentlicher Professor für Chirurgie, Forscher, Autor, Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time & Light [Kunst und Physik: Parallele Visionen in Raum, Zeit und Licht], präsen-
    tiert von dem Tiffany Shlain & Let It Ripple Film Studio, YouTube Film, Minute 52:39, 54:04 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 1. November 2012
  • Deine Sicht wird klar, wenn du in dein eigenes Herz sehen kannst. Wer nach außen schaut, träumt, wer nach innen schaut, erwacht. Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Schweizer Psychiater, Psychoanalytiker, Gründer einer neuen Denkschule der Tie-
    fenpsychologie, Autor, zitiert in: Bubo Quote


  • Die echte Vision oder Audition ist ein teures persönliches Erlebnis, das nicht ohne weiteres auf den Markt gebracht wird. Sie ist in vielen Fällen einmalig und die Erinnerung daran ist heilig [...]. Sie kommt als Antwort auf einen langwierigen – oder einen ausnahmsweise kurzen, aber persönlich sehr erschütternden – geistigen Kampf. Sie kommt dann als Überraschung, plötzlich und erschütternd [...]. Visionen bekommt man nicht aus Hysterie. Wir trafen nur ge-
    sunde Frauen und Männer. Dies ist grundlegend und sollte sich stark ins allgemeine Bewusstsein einprägen [...]. Der Wert einer Vision oder Audition liegt in dem greifbaren Erlebnis einer Kunde, die einen klaren religiösen, bisweilen auch deutlich ethischen Charakter hat [...]. Ohne eine Konstellation des Bewusstseins, welches die Deutung Christus ergibt, kann es kein Christuserlebnis geben. Aber die Psychologen können niemals leugnen, dass der Faktor, der den Verlauf veranlasst, von einer uns unbekannten Natur ist, z.B. wirklich von Christus.
Abschließende Beurteilung der Autoren Hillerdal, Gustafsson und Prof. Tullander u.a. aller aufgeführten Visionen von Christus; zitiert
in: Gunnar Hillerdal, Berndt Gustafsson, Sie erlebten Christus. Berichte aus einer Untersuchung des Religionssoziologischen Instituts Stockholm, Verlag Die Pforte, Basel, Schweiz, 3. Auflage 1980, 4. Auflage 1. Januar 2002


  • Das Denken ist die Arbeit des Geistes, die Träumerei seine Lust.
    Victor Hugo (1802-1885) französischer Staatsmann, Menschenrechtsaktivist, literarischer und politischer Publizist der Romantik und des Realismus in Frankreich, Dichter, Schriftsteller, zitiert in: 54 Zitate von Victor Hugo, präsentiert von Aphorismen.de


Zwei Pferde vor dem Sonnenuntergang
  • Wenn wir zum Mars fliegen – und das werden wir gewiss
    zu gegebener Zeit tun – wäre es dumm, auf die Erde hin-
    unterzublicken, und zu sagen: Ich kam aus den Vereinig-
    ten Staaten von Amerika, Deutschland, Frankreich, Eng-
    land oder Israel. Nein! Wir kommen von der Erde! Wir
    sind noch nicht reif dafür, um das sagen zu können.
    Videointerview mit Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016) ehemaliger US-amerikanischer Apollo-14-Astronaut, sechster menschlicher Mond-
    besucher, Gründer von IONS, Legends & Legacies [Sagenhafte Zeiten], April 2006, präsentiert von dem US-amerikanischen ABC-nahen Fernsehsender WPBF, Gastgeberin Lisa Hayward, You
    Tube Film, Minute 3:22, 4:14 Minuten Dauer, eingestellt 10. Dezember 2007


  • Wenn wir als eine Stimme und eine Menschheit auf diesem Planeten mit der Absicht zusammenfinden, eine positive Änderung zu vollbringen, gerade stehen für eine bessere Welt für alle mit Gottes Hilfe, dann können und werden wir enorme Fortschritte erzielen, hin zu einer Welt ohne Krieg, Gewalt, Ungerechtigkeit, Hunger, Seuchen und letztlich ohne alle Krankheiten dieser Welt.
    Joachim Hagopian (*1950) US-amerikanischer Absolvent der US-Militärakademie West Point, ehemaliger US Army-Offizier, Psychologe, investigativer Autor, Don't Let The Bastards Getcha Down, präsentiert von der Publikation RedRedSea, 2013


  • Wer Visionen hat, muss zum Arzt. Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015) deutscher sozialdemokratischer Politiker, fünfter Bundes-
    kanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1974-1982), auf Anfrage brieflich bestätigt an die Fachschaft Sozialwissenschaften
    St.-Ursula-Gymnasium in Attendorn, 26. Februar 2009, zitiert in: Wikiquote


Referenz: de.Wikiquote-Eintrag Vision


  • Wir sind aus solchem Stoff wie Träume sind, und unser kleines Leben ist von einem Schlaf umringt.
    William Shakespeare (1564-1616) englischer Schauspieler, Dramatiker, Bühnenschriftsteller, Lyriker, Der Sturm, 4. Akt,
    1. Szene, Figur Prospero, 1623


Fernseh- und Filmzitate

Zitate von David R. Hawkins

⚠ Achtung Siehe Power vs. Truth (engl.) Januar 2013

General quotes


Reference to:

the Third Eye

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light.
But it your eye be evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness.
If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness!
Matthew 6, 22-23 (NT)


The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light;
but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.
Luke 11, 34 (NT)


The people living in darkness have seen a great light, and for those living in the land and shadow
of death, a light has risen.
Matthew 4, 16 (NT) International Standard Version, 2008


Without a vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29, 18 (OT)


Personal avowals


Guided on faith by the "inner voice"

  • I do not know what you call a vision and what you will call prophetic. When I announced my fast of 21 days in jail, I had not reasoned it. On retiring to bed the previous night, I had no notion that I was going to announce a fast for 21 days.
    But in the middle of the night, a voice woke me up and said,
    "Go through a fast."
    "How many?", I asked.
    "21 days", was the answer.
Now let me tell you that my mind was unprepared for it, disinclined for it. But the thing came to me clearly as anything could be. Whatever striking things I have done in life, I have not done prompted by reason but prompted by instinct, I would say God. Take the Dandi Salt March of 1930 (the single most important event that set the Indian freedom move-
ment onwards to victory). I had not the ghost of a suspicion how the breach of the salt law would work itself out. Pandit (who later became the first Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru) and other friends were fretting and did not know what I would do; and I could tell them nothing, as I myself knew nothing about it. But like a flash it came, and as you know, it was enough to shake the country from one end to the other.
Mohandas Karamchand Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) Indian Hindu sage, spiritual activist leader, humanitarian, lawyer, nonviolent freedom fighter, Prayer, India, 1977, Berkeley Hills Books, reprint edition July 2000


  • I slept and dreamed that life was happiness.
    I awoke and saw that life was service.
    I served and I saw that service was happiness.
    Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) Indian Bengali philosopher, musician, painter, playwright, poet, novelist, Nobel laureate in lite-
    rature, 1913, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



Upholding ⇔ abandoning ideals

  • It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart. I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery, and death.
    Anne Frank (1929-1945) Jewish German girl, dying from typhus in the Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen, age 15, B. M. Mooyaart, translator, autobiography The Diary of a Young Girl, entry on 15. July 1944, Contact Publishing, 25. June 1947, 1952


Miniatur aus dem Hildegardis-Codex Liber Scivias, Rupertsberg
Hildegard von Bingen empfängt eine göttliche Inspiration.
  • I represent a party which does not yet exist: the party Revolution-Civilization. This party will make the twentieth century. There will issue from it
    1. first the United States of Europe,
    2. then the United States of the World.
Victor Hugo (1802-1885) French statesman, human rights activist, exponent of the Romantic movement in France, visual artist, playwright, poet, essayist, novelist, Oeuvres complètes. Océan. Tas de Pierres,
A. Michel, Paris, 1942


  • I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
    Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) US American historian, philosopher, leading transcendentalist, naturalist, abolitionist, surveyor, tax resister, development critic, poet, author, Walden, Or, Life in the Woods, A-1, "Economy", Ticknor and Fields, Boston, 1854


  • Some men see things as they are and say why.
    I dream things that never were and say why not.
Edward M. Kennedy (1932-2009) US American Democratic politician, senior United States Senator from Massachusetts, St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, 8. June 1968


  • My thing is I want everybody to become mindful, because then we will all start becoming more honorable, more self-controlled and in doing that we will all start to build this amazing future […] in which this freedom that we think we have will become a reality, in which this harmony that we want will become a reality. […] I have to change.
    Audio interview with Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller offering the project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Interview With Author Annette Jahnel, pre-
    sented by the US American radio station Voice of Vashon, Vashon Island, Washington, program on Prose, Poetry & Purpose, host March Twisdale, minute 29:54, 1:02:20 duration, recorded summer 2014, posted 5. October 2014


Robert Fulghum (*1937) US American Unitarian minister, short essays All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten,
Ivy Books, 1988, reissued edition 30. October 1989


  • When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
    Audre Lorde (1934-1992) Caribbean-American activist, poet, writer, The Cancer Journals, Aunt Lute Books, 1980, 1997



  • Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke
    the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream. Lao Tzu (604-531 BC) Chinese sage, philosopher, founder of Daoism, author of Tao Te Ching [The Book of the Way], cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • There is always an enormous temptation in all of life to diddle around making itsy-bitsy friends and meals and journeys for itsy-bitsy years on end. It is so self-conscious, so apparently moral, simply to step aside from the gaps where the creeks and winds pour down, saying, I never merited this grace, quite rightly, and then to sulk along the rest of your days on the edge of rage. I won't have it. The world is wilder than that in all directions, more dangerous and bitter,
    more extravagant and bright. We are making hay when we should be making whoopee; we are raising tomatoes
    when we should be raising Cain or Lazarus.
    Thomas Merton (1915-1968) Anglo-American Catholic Trappist monk, mystic student of comparative religion, social activist, poet, writer, cited in: Annie Dillard (*1945) US American author, nonfiction narrative book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek, 1974, Deckle Edge,
    12. June 2007, Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 10. September 2013


  • If our vision or medicine told us to move again we would do that, because we cannot be arrogant. We must accept what our vision tells. Sun Bear (1929-1992) American teacher of Ojibwe descent, New Age author, source unknown


  • If you take the first step in faith, the others come easier. We walk by faith and not by sight. Faithfulness to follow today will prepare you for tomorrow. George Sweeting, president of the Moody Bible Institute, collection of essays, The City. A Matter
    of Conscience, and Other Messages
    , chapter "When the Christian Speaks Up", S. 46, Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1972


  • You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down. Toni Morrison (1931-2019) US American professor of humanities, editor, poet, novelist, Nobel laureate in literature, 1993, Pulitzer Prize laureate, Song of Solomon, Alfred Knopf, 1977



  • You see things; and you say, ‘Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?' George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish politician, pacifist, satirist, dramatist, Nobel laureate in literature, 1925, Back to Methuselah, part 1, act 1, 1921




Restoring the spirit of medicine




  • If we come together as one voice and one people on this one planet for the same purpose of creating positive change, standing up for the greater good of all of us, with God’s help, we can and will make enormous progress toward stopping all war, violence, injustice, hunger, disease, in fact all maladies on this earth.
    Joachim Hagopian (*1950) US American graduate and former Army officer, former US Army officer, psychologist, licensed therapist, investigative author, Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down, epilogue, RedRedSea, 2013


  • We are explorers and the most compelling frontier of our time is human consciousness. Our quest is the integration of science and spirituality, a vision that reminds us of our connectedness to the inner self, to each other, and to the Earth. Edgar Mitchell Sc.D. (1930-2016) US American Apollo 14 astronaut, 6th man walking the moon, founder of IONS, cited in: Regina Rosenthal, PT, MA, The Heart of Healing. Discovering the Secrets of Self-Care, S. 10, Dimensions of Wellness Press, 2013


Future prospects


  • A day will come when there will be no battlefields, but markets opening to commerce and minds opening to ideas. A day will come when the bullets and bombs are replaced by votes, by universal suffrage, by the venerable arbitration of a great supreme senate which will be to Europe what Parliament is to England, the Diet1 to Germany, and the Legislative Assembly to France.
    A day will come when a cannon will be a museum-piece, as instruments of torture are today. And we will be amazed
    to think that these things once existed!
    A day will come when we shall see those two immense groups, the United States of America and the United States
    of Europe, facing one another, stretching out their hands across the sea, exchanging their products, their arts, their works of genius, clearing up the globe, making deserts fruitful, ameliorating creation under the eyes of the Creator, and joining together, to reap the well-being of all, these two infinite forces,
    1. the fraternity of men
    2. and the power of God.
Victor Hugo (1802-1885) French statesman, human rights activist, exponent of the Romantic movement in France, visual artist, playwright, poet, essayist, novelist, opening address, Peace Congress, Paris, 21 August 1849; cited in: Actes et paroles. Avant l'exil, 1875


  • We will go to Mars in due course. I have no doubt about that. When we go to Mars and look back at this tiny little planet we call Earth it'll sounds kind of foolish to say, I came from the United States, Canada, France, Germany,
    Russia, Israel. No, I came from Earth. And we're not ready to do that yet. We don't have our act together yet.
    Edgar Mitchell Sc.D. (1930-2016) US American Apollo 14 astronaut, 6th man walking the moon, founder of IONs; cited in TV interview Legends and Legacies, presented by the US American ABC-affiliated television station WPBF, host Lisa Hayward, YouTube film, minute 3:21, 4:14 minutes duration, aired 2006 or earlier, posted 10. December 2007



  • Because energy is wealth, the integrating world industrial networks promise ultimate access of all humanity every-
    where to the total operative commonwealth of earth. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author, cited in: Jamie Snyder, editor, Utopia or Oblivion. The Prospects for Humanity, Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller, 1969, Lars Müller Publishers, 2nd edition 20. June 2008



Graduating showdown between utopia or oblivion

  • We have the wherewithal, the know-it-all to feed everybody, clothe everybody, and give every human on Earth a chance. We know now what we could never have known before – that we now have the option for all humanity to make it success-
    fully on this planet in this lifetime. Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right
    up to the final moment.
    [...] Humanity is in 'final exam' as to whether or not it qualifies for continuance in Universe. Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983) US American engineer, systems theorist, architect, constructor, designer, inventor, futurist, philosopher, author, Critical Path, St Martin's Press, 1981


  • The final barrier to the vision of God is your God concept. You miss God because you think you know. The highest knowledge of God is to know God as unknowable. All revelations, however divine, are never any more than a finger pointing at the moon. As we say in the East, 'When the sage points to the moon, all the idiot sees is the finger'. Anthony de Mello SJ (1931-1987) Indian Catholic Jesuit priest, psychotherapist, spiritual leader, author, One Minute Wisdom, transcript, chapter "Incompetence", Image, 1985, Penguin Random House, reprint edition 1. February 1988


  • The recurring pattern of the classical era, medieval era, Renaissance and modern times is:
    First the visionary artist sees the world in a new way followed by a new paradigmal discovery of a revolutionary physicist. […]
    The shift in science which has nothing to do with the discoveries that they're making but has to do with the mental configuration of the way men and women have to think about science is promoting and elevating the value of the feminine over the value of the masculine. And this trend will continue. Of course this isn't going to occur over night. We're still living in a world that is fairly patriarchal and misogynist but it's changing. Men are embracing the ecology movement, and men are better husbands and fathers today than they were a hundred years ago. Video presentation by Leonard Shlain, M.D. sextimeandpower.com (1937-2009) US American chairman of laparoscopic surgery, associate professor of surgery, UC San Francisco, researcher, writer, Art and Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time & Light, presented by the Tiffany Shlain & Let It Ripple Film Studio, YouTube film, minute 52:39, 54:04 minutes duration, posted 1. November 2012




  • Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
    Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Gerhard Adler, editor, Aniela Jaffe, editor, Letters of C. G. Jung. Volume I, 1906-1950, Routledge, 17. May 1973


  • Strategic planning is worthless – unless there is first a strategic vision. John Naisbitt (1929-2021) US American futurologist, China expert living in Europe and China, author of Megatrends, 1982, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • It's very few of us that get to see the Burning Bush. Audio interview with Annette Jahnel (*1962) South African photographer, artist, world traveller offering the project "Searching for Galileo", public speaker, author, Interview With Author Annette Jahnel, presented by the US American radio station Voice of Vashon, Vashon Island, Washington, program on Prose, Poetry & Purpose, host March Twisdale, minute 6:43, 1:02:20 duration, recorded summer 2014, posted 5. October 2014


  • When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and your discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. Patanjali (150-2nd c. BC) Indian Hindu sage, erudite compiler of the Yoga Sūtras, collection of aphorisms on Yoga practice Mahābhāṣya, 2nd century BC


  • Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.
    Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) Swiss psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, founder of a new school of depth psychology, author, Gerhard Adler, editor, Aniela Jaffe, editor, Letters of C. G. Jung. Volume I, 1906-1950, Routledge, 17. May 1973


  • The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream. The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird sleeps in the egg; and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. Dreams are the seedlings of realities. James Allen (1864-1912) English genius, pioneer of the self-help movement, inspirational poet, author, Dorothy Hulst, editor, Justin Yule, editor,
    As a Woman Thinketh, DeVorss & Company, 1982, paperback edition 7. July 2013, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • If the vision was true and mighty, as I know, it is true and mighty yet; for such things are of the spirit, and it is in the darkness of their eyes that men get lost. Black Elk [Wičháša Wakȟáŋ; Hehaka Sapa] (1863-1950) North American medicine elder and heyoka of the Oglala Lakota tribe (Sioux) of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux), Catholic katechist, Pine Ridge reservation, South Dakota, Black Elk Speaks, 1932, reported by John Neihardt, 1961






Dealing with visions and appearances

  • If Jesus came to you in a vision and told you what to do, would you do it? Some of you are saying 'yes.' I can tell you from experience the answer is 'no.' Some of you would call a friend, some of you would call a psychiatrist, some of you would wait to be told a second time and a third time and a fourth time, because it doesn't make sense the way we understand the world. Religious people think that they're going to have an experience and then they'll behave as though they had the experience but it's not true. What the goddess says is: "Have the [mystical] experience, wait and see what hap-
    Video presentation by Rev. Rosalyn L. Bruyere (*1946) US American energy healer, aura reader, spiritual teacher, white honorary medicine woman, founder of "The Healing Light Center Church", Sierra Madre, California, Das heilige Weibliche [The Sacred Feminine], part 1 of 4, sponsored by Wolfgang Gillessen Seminarorganisation, YouTube film, minute 9:06, minutes duration, Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany, Saturday, 2. March 2013, posted 9. April 2013


  • The process that creates an image or an imaginative vision is one thing, and the process that tags it, frames it, and puts it into a context is quite another. We all are mad together in the first and visionary process, and Kekulé can dream of the serpent biting its tail, Poincaré can step onto a tram and have a theorem's solution he has slept on flash into his mind […]. "The lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of imagination all compact," as the good Bard of Avon wrote. They who are truly mad are those who have difficulties in providing the appropriate social and cultural context
    for their visions and voices. It was Joan of Arc's good fortune that her voices and visions came at the time of the
    Hundred Years' War when they could be put to good use in rallying the French to repel the English invasion. When
    the Maid of Orleans' visions were no longer of use to the Church, she was burnt at the stake – as countless heretics
    before her had been, or after her, like Giordano Bruno at the time of the birth of modern science in 1600.
    William Irwin Thompson (1938-2020) US American cultural historian, social philosopher, cultural critic, mythologist, poet, writer, On
    False Memories and the Art of Writing Fiction
    , summer 2013


Dante and the Divine Comedy, Fresco, 1465
Dome of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy
Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491) Italian painter
  • Dante was standing near the Ponte Vecchio, a bridge that crosses the Arno River in Florence. It was just before 1300. […] Dante saw Beatrice standing on the bridge. He was a young man, she even younger, and that vision contained the whole of eternity for him.
    Dante did not speak to her and saw her very little. And then Beatrice died, carried off by plague. Dante was stricken with the loss of his vision. She was the connection between his soul and Heaven itself, and from it the Divine Comedy was born.
    Six hundred fifty years later, during World War II, the Americans were chasing the German army up the Italian peninsula. The Germans were blowing up everything of aid to the progression of the American army, including the bridges across the Arno River. But no one wanted to blow up the Ponte Vecchio, because Bea-
    trice had stood on it and Dante had written about her. So the German commandant made radio contact with the Americans and, in plain language, said they would leave the Ponte Vecchio intact if the Americans would promise not to use it. The promise was held. The bridge was not blown up, and not one American soldier or piece of equipment went across it. We're such hard bitten people that we need hard bitten proof of things, and this is the most hard bitten fact I know to present to you. The bridge was spared, in a modern, ruthless war, because Beatrice had stood upon it. Robert A. Johnson (1921-2018) US American Jungian analyst, lecturer, author, Inner Gold. Understanding Psychological Projection, Koa Books, 15. August 2008



  • The reconnection of society, economy and ethics is a project we cannot postpone. […]
    Every age, after all, must have its own aisling and dream of a better, kinder, happier, shared world.
    Michael D. Higgins (*1941) Irish Labour party politician, ninth president of Ireland (*November 2011), professor of sociology,
    human rights activist, broadcaster, poet, author, When Ideas Matter, S. 14, Head of Zeus, 2016; cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Every specific political decision needs to be made within the context of whether it advances or impedes this urgent survival necessity. Removed blog article by Michael Lerner (*1943) US American rabbi, visionary political activist, editor, author, The Case against War: It's Not Good for the World, presented by the progressive Jewish interfaith magazine Tikkun, November/December 2002


  • A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
    Originally written by Yoko Ono (*1933) Japanese peace activist, multimedia artist, singer, many years before requoted by her husband John Lennon (1940-1980) English musician, singer-songwriter, founding member of the British music band The Beatles, December 1980, cited in: All We Are Saying. The Last Major Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, host David Sheff, S. 16, 2000


  • We are pushed by pain until we are pulled by vision.
    Michael Beckwith, conversed US American preacher, ordained minister in Religious Science in 1985, founder of the New Thought church Agape International Spiritual Center, Culver City, California, author, Life Visioning. A Transformative Process for Activating Your Unique Gifts and Highest Potential, S. 21, Sounds True, 2012; cited in: AZ Quotes


  • Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. Gloria Steinem gloriasteinem.com (*1934) leading US American feminist of the new women's movement, visionary
    and political activist, founder and editor of the feminist magazine Ms., journalist, writer, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote


  • Those that are most asleep think they are most awake, being under the power of very vivid and fixed dream visions, so that those who are most ignorant think they know most.
    Theodotus of Byzantium (late 2nd century) early Christian writer from Byzantium, accused of heresy, cited in: Rev. Alexander Roberts, Sir James Donaldson, Arthur Cleveland Coxe, editors,
    The Ante-Nicene Fathers. Fathers of the Third and Fourth Century, volume VIII, S. 47, 1886, Cosimo Classics, New York, 2007






Healing tragedy with the power of imagination

  • History must be made in the depths of the human soul. The secret hope of this world is the kind of imagination that arises from the underlying spirit of life and the hidden resiliency of the human heart. When all hope is lost and all seems headed for disaster, it is genuine imagination that is missing and needs to be found again. The deepest level of hope is based in creative imagination which tends to appear when people are willing to stay in the tension of opposing issues long enough that a surprising vision dawns and a way forward appears.
    Article by Michael Meade, US American storyteller, scholar of mythology, psychology, anthropology, ritualist, spokesman in the
    men's movement, author, Three Kinds of People, presented by Mosaicvoices.org, ~November 2016



  • Vision is the art of seeing things invisible. Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Anglo-Irish cleric, dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral,
    Dublin, political pamphleteer, satirist, poet, essayist, cited in: Goodreads Quotable Quote



Synthesizing overview:

  • The great synthesizer who alters the outlook of a generation, who suddenly produces a kaleidoscopic change in our vision of the world, is apt to be the most envied, feared, and hated man among his contemporaries. Almost by instinct they feel in him the seed of a new order; they sense, even as they anathematize him, the passing away of the sane, substantial world they have long inhabited. Such a man is a kind of lens or gathering point through which thought gathers, is reorganized, and radiates outward again in new forms.
    Loren Eiseley (1907-1977) US American anthropologist, ecologist, poet, science writer, The Night Country, S. 107, Scribner,
    New York, 1971, University of Nebraska Press, paperback issue 1. June 1997


  • A man who has once looked with the archaeological eye will never see quite normally. He will be wounded by what other men call trifles. It is possible to refine the sense of time until an old shoe in the bunch grass or a pile of nine-
    teenth century beer bottles in an abandoned mining town tolls in one’s head like a hall clock.
    Loren Eiseley (1907-1977) US American anthropologist, ecologist, poet, science writer, The Night Country, S. 81, Scribner,
    New York, 1971, University of Nebraska Press, paperback issue 1. June 1997



  • Most everything wortwhile is born of some dreamer's dream.
    Herbert Austin (1st Baron Austin of Longbridge KBE) (1866-1941) English Australian engineer, automobile designer, founder of
    the Austin Motor Company, motto hung on his office wall Longbridge Public Art Project Summary, published 4. March 2014


  • Almost all successful alpha personalities display a single-minded determination to impose their vision on the world,
    an irrational belief in unreasonable goals, bordering at times on lunacy. Richard Conniff (*1951) US American author
    The Natural History of the Rich. A Field Guide, W. W. Norton & Company, 1st paperback edition 17. October 2003


  • You can always tell who the pioneers are because they have arrows in their back and are lying face down in the dirt. Anonymous, cited in: all author


Reference: en.Wikiquote entry Vision

Literary quotes

  • We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.
    William Shakespeare (1564-1616) English dramatist, playwright, lyricist, actor, The Tempest, 4th act, 1st scene, 1610-1611


  • I follow the course of my dreams, making them images into steps toward other images; folding casual metaphors like fans into grand pictures of interior vision; I untie life from myself, and I toss it aside as if it were a too-tight suit. Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) Portuguese author, Richard Zenith, editor, translator, The Book of Disquiet, Penguin Classics, 1982, new edited edition 31. December 2002


Movie lines

  • Andre Gregory: This boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form
    of brainwashing, created by a world totalitarian government based on money, and that all of this is much more dange-
    rous than one thinks. And it's not just a question of individual survival, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say no. […]
    Findhorn people […] are feeling that there'll be these pockets of light springing up in different parts of the world. And that these will be, in a way, invisible planets on this planet, and that as we, or the world, grow colder we can take in-
    visible space journeys to these different planets refuel for what it is we need to do on the planet itself and come back. And it's their feeling that there have to be centers now where people can come and reconstruct a new future for the world. […] [A]ctually these centers are growing up everywhere now […], these things can't be given names, but in a way, these are all attempts at creating a new kind of school or a new kind of monastery.
    [There is] the concept of reserves – islands of safety where history can be remembered and the human being can continue to function in order to maintain the species through a dark age. [W]e're talking about an underground which
    did exist in a different way during the Dark Ages among the mystical orders of the church. And the purpose of this underground is to find out how to preserve the light, life, a culture how to keep things living.
    I keep thinking that what we need is a new language – a language of the heart, a language, as in the Polish forest, where language wasn't needed. Some kind of language between people that is a new kind of poetry. That's the poetry of the dancing bee that tells us where the honey is. And I think that in order to create that language you're going to
    have to learn how you can go through a looking glass into another kind of perception where you have that sense of being united to all things and suddenly you understand everything.
    Lines excerpted from US American comedy-drama film My Dinner With André, My Dinner with André Quotes, cited in: US Ame-
    rican movie My dinner with Andre – We are bored, transcript, produced by Janus Films, directed by Louis Malle, 1981, YouTube film, minute 1:19:34-1:19:56, minute 1:22:38-1:24:35, 1:51:47 duration, posted 10. January 2014

Quotes by David R. Hawkins

⚠ Caveat See Power vs. Truth, January 2013

  • A useful technique to bypass mentalization is that of creative visualization in which the desired goal is envisioned and held in mind periodically. Potentiality tends to manifest when conditions are favorable, and intention (plus karmic propensities) is a contextual influence. In ordinary mentation, logic and sequence are seen as causal and also need-
    ful of effort. Envisioning is influential on outcome by entirely different (and easier) mechanisms.
    Dr. David Hawkins, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness. The Stairway to Enlightenment, chapter 13 "Reason", S. 234-235, 2006


Englische Texte – English section on Vision

Great reconciliation – Macrovision by Peter Gold

"Having begun my own journey of unfolding into the best version of myself in the company of like-minded people, I conti-
nue to travel and publish extensively on how the wisdom ways of ancient and indigenous cultural traditions are the pivotal models for taking us through the transition into a new beholding self and cosmos: a deep gnosis of universal wholeness and a daily praxis of awakened or spiritual civility.
I have called this fundamental shift into the next macrovision of reality, the Great Reconciliation because it fully builds upon four formative human wisdom visions, which still subtly inform our individual and collective lives through symbols, expressive arts and vestiges of tradition, but to which we are currently collectively oblivious. These range from
➢ the life-affirming world visions of the Stone Ages;
➢ to the gnosis visions of Hermetic Egypt
➢ and the European Renaissance – in parallel with the triumphs of Tantric Buddhism;
➢ to the Indigenous Vision underlying the life and thought of contemporary Native Peoples;
➢ to the Quantum Vision now fueling the recalibration of our deepest thoughts,
as we stand on the brink of this great macroshift into a "Fifth Wisdom Vision of Sacred Wholeness and Awakened Civility."
Sources featuring Peter Gold, US American professor of anthropology, non-profit institution of higher education California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), research associate at the "Laboratory of Anthropology", Museum of New Mexico, director of the "Ancient Ways Project", tibetologist, practitioner of Tibet's Buddhist philosophy and musical traditions, author of four books on Tibetan culture
► Cited in: "The Great Reconciliation of Tibetan-Navajo mysteries at The Great Rethinking Palm Springs", presented by the
     dissolved yahoo group thc-ministry.net, 17. November 2003
► Blogspot A Once and Future Vision, presented by Humane Being, 15. February 2007
► Blogspot The Two Theisms, presented by Humane Being, 22. June 2008


༺༻World wisdom visionAge ❄ Culture ❄ Expression
1st wisdom visionLife-affirming visionOld Stone Age (Paleolithic), New Stone Age (Neolithic)
2nd wisdom visionHermetic visionHermetic Egypt
3rd wisdom visionGnostic visionEuropean hermeticism (Renaissance), Tantric Buddhism
4th wisdom visionIndigenous visionContemporary native peoples
5th wisdom visionQuantum visionAwakened civility and sacred wholeness (holistic paradigm)
See also:
Three historic periods of human development including two normative turning points – Evelin Lindner
Shifting paradigms from domination to partnership – Evelin Lindner
Two opposed American dreams – Charles Moore


Western viewRestern view
Amnesiac sleepwalkingHolding fast cultural treasures for grandchildren
Worshipping uncertain futures, demonizing old waysLiving in the eternal moment, timelessness at
the foundation of time
Mired deeply in matter, seeking realness in fictional thingsHeart of the matter, font of mind and life yet unrevealed
Sensing one's own separate natures, living solely in
substance and time
Awoken to reality's vastness spread out inside
Source: ► Blog article by Peter Gold, US American professor of anthropology, California Institute of Integral Studies, research associate,
Laboratory of Anthropology, Museum of New Mexico, director of the Ancient Ways Project, tibetologist, practitioner of Tibet's
Buddhist philosophy and musical traditions, author of four books on Tibetan culture, The West & the Rest, 23. April 2007

Against all odds and out on a limb

Pioneering visionaries – social change of perspective trailing behind
༺༻PioneerFirst considered asDateLater acknowledged asDate
1.William Lloyd GarrisonNaive idealist1850Social visionary ahead of his time~1865
2.Frederick DouglassTraitor in the eyes of the slaveholders1860A former slave turned into
an American hero
3.John MuirHinderer to economic progress1890Savior of wildernessMid-20th century
4.Jane Goodall "Crazy woman who is living in the jungle with gorillas"1960sInspiring expert of large primate studies3 "The woman who redefined man"
[Her biographer]
Millennium change



See also: ► Skepticism and ► Interdependence

Company's vision and mission

Vision and mission of UK Barrett Values Centre (Diagram)
༺༻Vision and missionFocus of operationDeclaration
1. Internal visionGlobeTo be a global resource for the evolution of consciousness
2. External visionSocietyTo create a values-driven society
3. Internal missionNetwork of agentsBuild a worldwide network of
change agents committed to cultural transformation
4. External missionLeadersSupport leaders in building values-driven organisations
References by Richard Barrett, FRSA (*1945) British social commentator, speaker, author on the evolution of leadership and
human values in business and society
Culture & Vision, presented by Barrett Values Centre
Building a Values-Driven Organisation. A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation, S. 121-125,
     Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, Routledge, 15. March 2006


Five elements of managing an organisation
༺༻Elements Description
1.VisionOne's destination
2.MissionOne's proposition to get to one's destination
3.StrategyOne's plan of action for the journey
4.TacticsOne's allocation of one's resources to tasks
5.GoalsOutcomes from management of one's tasks
References:Culture & Vision, presented by Barrett Values Centre, undated
See also: ► Richard Barrett

Don't hand over your dream to the dream stealers

I have a friend named Monty Roberts who owns a horse ranch in San Ysidro. He has let me use his house to put on
fundraising events to raise money for youth at risk programs.
The last time I was there he introduced me by saying,

"I want to tell you why I let Jack use my house. It all goes back to a story about a young man who was the son of an itinerant horse trainer who would go from stable to stable, race track to race track, farm to farm and ranch to ranch, training horses.
As a result, the boy's high school career was continually interrupted. When he was a senior, he was asked to write
a paper about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up.
That night he wrote a seven-page paper describing his goal of someday owning a horse ranch. He wrote about his dream in great detail and he even drew a diagram of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables and the track."


A horse at sunset, 10. March 2009

Then he drew a detailed floor plan for a 4,000-square foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch. He put a great deal of his heart into the pro-
ject and the next day he handed it in to his teacher.
Two days later he received his paper back. On the front page was a large red F with a note that read,

'See me after class.'

The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked,

"Why did I receive an F?"

The teacher said,

'This is an unrealistic dream for a young boy like you. You have no money. You come from a traveling family. You have no resources. Owning a horse ranch requires a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to pay for the original breeding stock and later you’ll have to pay large stud fees. There’s no way you could ever do it.'

Then the teacher added,

'If you will rewrite this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsi-
der your grade.'


The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. He asked his father what he should do. His father said,

'Look, son, you have to make up your own mind on this. However,
I think it is a very important decision for you.'


Finally, after sitting with it for a week, the boy turned in the same paper, making no changes at all, he stated,

"You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream."


Monty then turned to the assembled group and said,

"I tell you this story because you are sitting in my 4,000-square-foot house in the middle of my 200-acre horse ranch.
I still have that school paper framed over the fireplace."

He added,

"The best part of the story is that two summers ago that same schoolteacher brought thirty kids to camp out on my ranch for a week."

When the teacher was leaving, he said,

"Look, Monty, I can tell you this now. When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream stealer. During those years I stole a lot of kids' dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption not to give up on yours."
Source: ► Jack Canfield (*1944) US American motivational speaker, author, Mark Victor Hansen,
Chicken Soup for the Soul, Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, 1993
See also: ► Stories and ► Innate horse wisdom – Four stages of effective usage of emotions
Siehe auch: ► Lass dir deinen Traum nicht von Traumdieben stehlen


My goal is to leave the world a better place than I found it, for horses and for people, too.
Monty Roberts (*1935) US American horse trainer, rodeo rider, author, Mission Statement, December 2010

The impossible dream

To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
Asymmetrical appearance of the
oscillating variable star Mira, NASA HST image,
Hubble space telescope, 6. August 1997
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest, to follow that star
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far
To fight for the right, without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause


And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,

To reach the unreachable star
Source: ► Song The Impossible Dream, composed by Mitch Leigh, lyrics by Joe Darion, Broadway musical Man of La Mancha, 1964
Audio versions:
► Video song The Impossible dream (with lyrics), interpreter Frank Sinatra, YouTube film, 2:32 minutes duration, posted 13. June 2011
► Video songs The Impossible Dream (1971), interpreter Elvis Presley YouTube film, 3:01 minutes duration, posted 22. October 2010
See also: ► Poems and ► Possibility and ► The impossible dreamer Don Quixote – Robert Fuller


Links zum Thema Vision


Literature (engl.)

Powerful critique of modern psychiatry, offering an alternative vision of how the natural healing process can be encouraged with compassionate therapy instead of being suppressed with coercive "treatment"
Were Jesus admitted to a modern psychiatric hospital, he'd be diagnosed as "mentally imbalanced" and injected with anti-psychotic medication.
If his delusional symptoms continued for more than a few days, the drug dosage would be increased. Eventually the patient's condition would be stabilized, allowing a transfer from the locked ward to a halfway house, thence to a board-and-care home, with biweekly visits to an outpatient clinic. No longer a threat to himself and others, Jesus would begin his career as a permanent client of the US American mental health system.

See also essay From Opinion to Belief to Knowing, 8. December 2005

Externe Weblinks

Visionäre Anbieter

External web links (engl.)

Theory 1: Women are equally visionary but in a different way.
Theory 2: Women hesitate to go out on a limb.
Theory 3: Women don’t put much stock in vision.

Audio- und Videolinks

Audio and video links (engl.)

  • Video interview with Jim Hamilton, US American supporter of the innate human potential of being an "everyday visionary", author, Jim Hamilton on When Visionaries Thrive, location BookSurge Publishing, presented by the US American Conscious Media Network via Gaia TV, host Regina Meredith, 34:03 minutes duration, posted September 2006   Subject to fee
    "Exopolitics is the study of politics, government and law in an intelligent universe."
  • Video TV infotainment featuring Akiane Kramarik, US American child-prodigy, artist, poet, writer, Heavenly Inspirations – Drawing Heaven, Interview with Akiane, featured on CNN, YouTube film, 3:22 minutes duration, posted 14. October 2007
  • Video interview with Nicanor Perlas III (*1950) Filipino visionary activist, Right Livelihood Award laureate, 2003, co-founder
    and chief facilitator of The Center for Alternative Development Initiatives (*2004), president of the LifeBank supporting about 200.000 farmers in the Philippines with microcredits, consultant of the UN, Visions, YouTube film, 6:48 minutes duration, posted 29. August 2008
  • Video presentation by Ray Seggern, US American broadcaster, Beyond Placebo. How Expectation Guides Experience in Life, sponsored by TEDx SanAntonio 2012, San Antonio, Texas, 3. November 2012, YouTube film, 8:36 minutes duration, posted
    26. January 2013
  • Video conversation between Anne Baring (1931-2020) British historian, Jungian psychoanalyst, feminist author with host Andrew Harvey (*1952) Indian-British religious scholar, Rumi translator and explicator, teacher of mystic traditions, architect of Sacred Activism, poet, novelist, author, "A New Vision of Reality", performed by the University of Denver Lamont Chorale, YouTube film, 1:09:31 duration, posted 18. December 2013


Interne Links

Englisch Wiki




1 Federal Convention (German Confederation)
Bundestag [German: Deutscher Bundestag, federal parliament of Germany since 1949

2 Swords to ploughshares, cited in: Isaiah 2:3-5, Joel 3:10, Micah 4:3 (OT)

3 Video presentation by Jane Goodall (*1934) British primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, UN Messenger of Peace, Helping humans and animals live together, presented by TED Talks, 25:12 minutes duration, filmed June 2007''', posted September 2008, posted on YouTube 8. September 2008

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